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Credits/Thanks =================== 1.) Introduction =================== Howdy and welcome to my Boss FAQ for Odin Sphere. As the file name states, this guide will simply list all of the bosses and how to fight them. The bosses are actually pretty unique and some can be difficult to fight so hopefully I can ease it up for you a bit. =================== 2.) Legal Stuff =================== The latest version of this guide will always be posted at GameFAQs first. This FAQ is copyrighted by me, and may be used for personal use. This FAQ may NOT be used for any kind of profit, or be put in any kind of magazine. I write these on my spare time for free, and you shouldn't be able to get money from ripping this, claiming it as your own, and selling it off. You may NOT use this on your website. You may NOT copy and paste part of any part of my work, as that is still plagiarising. I am no longer allowing any more sites to use any of my present or future FAQs any longer. The only sites that are allowed to use my present and future FAQs are the sites listed below. ALLOWED SITES TO USE THIS FAQ AND FUTURE FAQS: http://www.neoseeker.com http://faqs.ign.com http://www.supercheats.com http://www.gamerhelp.com http://www.honestgamers.com =================== 3.) Bosses =================== ========= Gwendolyn ========= (GWB) ========= Chapter 1 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -Holy crap, will you just look at the beauty of that dragon? Belial here will be your first real boss here, and if you haven't gotten to the basic controls or feel of a battle yet, you may be in a bit of trouble. While Belial won't move very far himself, he'll often make debris fall from the air. You can either try to dodge the debris, block them with your shield, or hit them out of the air. After the debris falls, Belial will start sucking in the debris and anything else in its path. During the battle, fairies will aid Belial, but a simple dive attack will take them out. For Belial himself, the key is to get behind him. If debris starts to fall, try to glide over him and once he starts sucking in the debris start attacking him until he turns around. Once he does, retreat and take out any fairies that are around. Just keep trying to get behind him as the debris falls and attack him that way. It'll take awhile, but you'll win eventually. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 2 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll be fighting Velvet this time and boy is she tough if you have no clue what you're doing. Velvet will start off on the ground and she'll usually throw a bunch of alchemy potions at you, trying to either damage your directly or block your path when you're trying to run. Your best bet would be gliding over all the potions on the ground and dive attack Velvet herself. She'll start attacking with her chain if she gets too close. Once you hit her enough times, she'll jump into a tree and start using more alchemy moves. She'll stand in the tree and release chains that go into the ground and bring up cyclones, explosions, or sometimes ice blades. You want to try to get behind Velvet this time. Once you're able to see her on your radar, jump into the air and glide until she comes into view. Once she does, dive attack her and keep running to get back behind her. Repeat this until she falls out of the tree. Repeat the same process of gliding over her potions and then dive attacking her while keeping your distance to avoid her chains and keep getting behind her and dive attack her when she's in a tree. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 3 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll be fighting Brigan this time. I don't know about you, but I'm glad that I have the chance to take this jackass down. The key to this fight is endurance and patience, not brute strength. You'll want to keep dive bombing yourself at Brigan while getting on the other side of him once you land. What makes this battle even more annoying is the fact that Snowflakes will come and aid Brigan. Whenever they appear, take the time out to take care of them as you'll want to avoid being frozen. For Brigan himself, here's his attack list: -He'll simply try to hit you with his hammer. -He'll drink some of his drink and breath fire at you shortly or start walking forward while breathing fire. -He'll jump back once and then charge across the screen. Jump over this. -He'll take a swig of his drink and then start jumping across the screen. If he does this, simply glide away from him and you should be able to outrun him. If he's near you when he does this, glide anyways as he won't be able to damage you at all. -He'll throw some kind of boomerang at you and it'll return to him. -He'll throw multiple blades at you. -He'll grab you and force his drink down your throat, damaging you badly. After Brigan jumps around for a bit, another Valkyrie will come to aid him for a short time. Make sure to take breaks inbetween to suck up any lingering Phozons or Butterflies flying around. If you have any spare Psypher points to use, use Phozon Burst if you've learned it already (which I'm hoping you did) and then back off as he'll probably start attacking. If you don't want to use Phozon Burst, just keep gliding towards him and then at a certain angle (usually when you're close to being above him), dive bomb him and try to land behind him. Run away once you land and wait to see what attack he does. After you do enough damage, the Snowflakes will no longer help, but he'll summon for Valkyries. The Valkyries usually won't chase after you, so don't bother with them if you can help it. Just keep repeating the process of dive bombing it and waiting to see his attack so you can take the correct measure in dodging it. This fight will take awhile to complete. UPDATE: Apparently when Brigan's plates fall off, he'll summon Valkyries to replace them, so if you can, take out any stray Valkyries that come down to keep those plates off of him. Many thanks to the many people that e-mailed me this. Too many of you to name. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 4 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll be fighting Demon Lord Odin this time, but it's actually Brigan that you're fighting technically. There are a few things you'll want to take your time to notice first. First off, unlike Brigan, there are no protective plates on Odin, so you don't need to worry about knocking anything off to get more damage in. A Valkyrie will often come in to aid him, but she can be dealt with easily. Now for his attacks: -He'll use a sway of punches as he steps forward. Avoid this at all costs. -He'll pull out a morning star with a blue spike at the end. He'll often make the spike start bouncing across the room. Avoid this by running away. -He'll do a small charge across the screen. Jump over this. -He'll shoot some red beams in two different directions. They can be destroyed by hitting them with your spear, but running away is more effective and safe. -He'll jump up and try to land on you. Back off if you see him jump. Most of his attacks take a few seconds to charge up, giving you time to prepare yourself for it, meaning take that chance to get behind him and start attacking him until he turns around. Dive attacking doesn't seem as effective here since it's hard to angle yourself to hit Odin a lot of times and still land behind him safely. Your best bet for this fight is to wait before he attacks and either run away or try to jump and get behind him. Dive attacking to get behind him is easy, but he'll often turn around too fast for you to do anything effective. Like with the Brigan fight, this one is about patience, so don't rush into any fighting until you're able to get behind him. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 5 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -Leventhan is an easy enemy to figure out and because of that, this fight is probably the easiest one you've had so far. Leventhan will fly around for a bit and then it'll start shooting either a thin laser out of its mouth or a large laser that takes up almost half of the screen. The best way to deal with this little monster is to try to stay close to him but not too close. If you see him getting ready to open his mouth, quickly get behind him and start attacking as he shoots out his laser. He'll also often land on the ground and do a small charge towards you. Make sure to follow him as he does this since once he stops, he'll sit there momentarily leaving him open to attack him, so use that opportunity well. If you hit him enough times, his crown will fall off which makes him waste a few more seconds getting it back on his head which leaves him vulnerable to attacks. Though his attacks are very easy to predict, one screw up with the lasers is all that you need to lose this fight as Leventhan does a lot of damage for a new born dragon. Overall though, this is the easiest fight so far in the game. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 6 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll fight Mercedes this time. The thing that makes this fight an annoyance are the reinforcements which consists of soldiers AND fairies. Needless to say that a 4v1 fight is a pretty unfair advantage, so once they come into play, take out one soldier. For Mercedes herself, she's not all that hard. She'll usually fly around, sit for a second and then fire some red beams at you which can be easily dodged. From time to time, she'll fire multiple red beams and then let loose with a huge red beam. While she's shooting, take that time to get behind her and get a couple of hits in and then back off. Mercedes has the ability to heal herself by sucking up any Phozons near her and if you attack her while she does this, she'll quickly retaliate by shooting at you. If you're getting desperate, you can always use Phozon Burst. It takes off a chunk of her health and it'll probably take out some of the reinforcements as well. However, there is a good chance she'll suck up the Phozons before you to heal herself, so use it wisely. Basically, whenever she shoots her red beams, get behind her and get a few hits in and back off before the soldiers or fairy reach you to minimize the damage. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ======== Epilogue ======== ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll be fighting Odette this time around. You better brace yourself for the biggest slowdown in the game so far. Odette will summon a bunch of small skeletons and will often make tentacles come out of the ground to stop you from running. She'll summon so many skeletons that there will be massive slowdown no matter where you run off to. Odette herself doesn't exactly have a massive attack arsenal to use, but here's what she's capable to do, or at least what she did to me: -Summons skeletons and tentacles. If they become a problem, use a Shine to get rid of their blue auras. -Throws a red double edge scythe. Run away from this. -Pull out two long spider like legs and heal herself for large amounts. Because of that last attack, Odette can be pretty cheap and it's not a safe bet to stray too far from her. Because of all the skeletons floating around, you'll want to be patient in finding an opportunity to dive attack her and then attack her some more as she's summoning more skeletons to do her dirty work. If you see her getting ready to use her double edge scythe, run away to avoid it. Once she gets low on health, she'll pull out those spider legs to heal. What I did was use a four hit combo followed by a Phozon Burst to outdamage her healing. After the Phozon Burst, go back to attacking but keep an eye on your POW Meter. Do another four hit combo while she's low on health and then follow that up with another Phozon Burst to damage her some more. Hopefully the second Phozon Burst will take care of her. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Cornelius ========= (COB) ========= Chapter 1 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -Hey! Remember her? You should. You just fought her with Gwendolyn. Since you're not fighting her with Gwendolyn and since you were stripped down to the bone when you started Cornelius, this fight is both a bit harder and a bit dumbed down. Odette will summon her ghosts as usual to do her fighting and since this is pretty much the first real fight for Cornelius, she doesn't do that much damage to begin with. You'll want to keep attacking her, hoping that she staggers. If you want a fun little method, you can always spin attack her over and over again. If you do that, though, there's a good chance you'll lose a chunk of your health. The only use Cyclone has in this fight is to take out the annoying ghosts and tentacles that aid her in this fight. After you bring her down to nearly a quarter of her health left, she'll pull out those spider legs and start healing again. The healing amount isn't as big this time around, but there's really no way to knock her out of it, so just keep attacking and when she's getting low, mix a Cyclone in there. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 2 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -It's round two with Brigan. Thankfully for you, he's not all that different from the last time you fought him with Gwendolyn. Infact, he still has the same exact moves. If you don't remember what they are, here are his moves: -He'll simply try to hit you with his hammer. -He'll drink some of his drink and breath fire at you shortly or start walking forward while breathing fire. -He'll jump back once and then charge across the screen. Jump over this. -He'll take a swig of his drink and then start jumping across the screen. If he does this, simply jump away from him and you should be able to outrun him. If he's near you when he does this, jump anyways as he won't be able to damage you at all. -He'll throw some kind of boomerang at you and it'll return to him. -He'll throw multiple blades at you. -He'll grab you and force his drink down your throat, damaging you badly. With the same moves as last time, Brigan shouldn't be that difficult. Sadly, the endurance portion of the fight also remains the same, but like with the last battle, you're able to knock off his chest plates to lower his defense. Remember to take out the Valkyries that try to put them back on. Just keep avoiding his attacks with the proper procedures and attack him when you get the opening and you should have no problems whatsoever. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 3 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll be fighting Velvet (sorta) again this time around. Just like when you fought her with Gwendolyn, Velvet still uses the same attacks: throwing alchemy potions, whipping you with her chain, and hanging in the tree, throwing all sorts of crap at you. Start off by getting behind her and get a few hits in and then back off. After you hit her enough times, she'll jump into a tree. Run away as she throws all sorts of things at you. Once you get close to her again by running behind her (she'll be facing you, though), jump up and attack her four times and run away again and repeat this until she falls back out of the tree. Go back to getting behind her and attacking her until she goes back into the tree. Repeat the whole process until you defeat her. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 4 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -This is your second fight against a dragon. You'll be fighting against Wagner (sound familiar?) this time and he's much different than Belial since Wagner attacks while being airborn. This fight is actually really simple once you figure out the one thing you need to do. You may not notice it right away, but you need to jump on Wagner's head as he flies around and then attack his body from there. However, getting on the head can be a bit tricky with Wagner will use three different attacks to kick your ass. -He'll dive bomb and slide across the ground. This hurts very much and if you're on his head when he's about to do this, jump off immediately. -He'll fly across the screen breathing fire out of his mouth. If you get hit with this, you'll be engulfed in a Level 3 Flame. -He'll summon fireballs to fall from the sky and there will be several whirlwinds in the area to prevent you from running. The best time to jump on his head is when he's doing nothing at all. Jumping on his head while he's sliding on the ground is suicidal, and jumping on his head while he's breathing fire is both hard and dangerous as you can either overjump him or underjump, getting caught in the flames. Wait until he sits there for a couple of seconds before jumping on and attacking. Keep an eye on your POW Meter as you attack and once it becomes low or he's about to dive attack, jump off. Repeat this entire process until he falls. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 5 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll fight Mercedes this time around. Just with the Gwendolyn fight, she's still as easy to predict as ever, but it seems she's a bit easier as Cornelius but I can't really figure out why. You'll want to take your swipes at her while she's flying around the area. While she's moving, jump up and use a 4 hit combo on her and keep doing this until she stops moving. Once she stops, she'll shoot those red beams back out again and then might follow that up with a red large beam. Run away when she does this and continue attacking her as she flies through the air. Remember that she has the ability to suck in any lingering Phozons to heal herself, so make sure to suck them in first if there are any. Take advantage if there's a Butterfly around the area. If you want a quick and easy kill, hit her four times and then use a Phozon Burst and keep attacking her. Just make sure to keep an eye on your POW Meter if you do that. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 6 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll be fighting Leventhan for a second time, and like with the previous bosses you've faced for a second time, Leventhan uses the same attacks, so you know this fight will pretty much be an easy one for you. Like before, Leventhan will fly around for a bit. Once he opens his mouth, get behind him and start wailing on him as he shoots out those beams of his. Remember to keep an eye on your POW Meter as you attack him. Sometimes he'll charge across the floor. If he does that, get behind him and start attacking him once he's done charging. Like I said, it's pretty much the same tactics that you used when you fought him with Gwendolyn minus the dive attacking part. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ======== Epilogue ======== ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll fight Belial this time around. Unlike the Gwendolyn, this fight against Belial is much more difficult this time around mainly because there will be a Wizard that will most likely summon Floating Eyes to help attack you. Because of this, there will be a lot of projectiles coming your way so you can't sit in one place for too long. As for Belial, he still has the same attacks as last time which include dropping crap from the sky, sucking in that stuff, and eating you if you get too close. You may need to resort to using a Painkiller for this fight as you'll want every bit of protection you can get. If you have some Napalms left over, using a couple of those will help you out quite a bit in this fight. Don't hesitate to use any healing items when the time comes. Just keep moving and get behind Belial to attack him until he turns around. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Mercedes ========= (MEB) ========= Chapter 1 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -The game already decides to throw you a curveball by pitting you against Belial already. Belial is still a huge pain mainly because of his ability to drop all sorts of crap from the ceiling. Also, since you probably don't have that many HP levels yet, you're pretty vulnerable to dying in this fight, so make sure not to rush into this. Make sure to only attack Belial when he's doing nothing. If he's getting ready to charge or if crap is falling down, don't attack him. Charge shots are pretty useful, but you should have Piercing Shot by now. Use that to get some pretty good damage in. This fight, like always, is about dodging Belial and the crap from the sky. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 2 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll be fighting Oswald this time. This fight is pretty challenging because Oswald is both agile and strong and he can hit you multiple times, so you'll want to keep your distance from him and shoot only a couple of shots at a time. Soon, Oswald will turn into his Shadow Form which makes him even faster and stronger. You'll want to try to outrun/fly him, but you can't, so you'll need to keep an eye on his attack patterns. If you're flying through the air, he'll usually double jump to attack you. If he does this, quickly land on the ground and run the other away. If you're running on the ground, he'll swing his sword multiple times. If he does this, jump up and fly away. Even running away is difficult because of the two Fairies that accompany him. After Oswald is finished using his Shadow Form, he'll sit there for several seconds. Take that time to start pummeling him with your Crossbow. If you're getting desperate, use Piercing Shot as it'll take off a huge amount of his health. The Fairies also tend to heal him when he gets low on health. If that becomes a problem, use a Blizzard to freeze the Fairies momentarily. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 3 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll be fighting Wagner for the second time. However, unlike when you fought him with Cornelius, this fight is much easier because of one thing: You're able to fly. Like before, you're supposed to jump on Wagner's head, but he has the same arsenal of attacks. If you don't remember what they are: -He'll dive bomb and slide across the ground. This hurts very much and if you're on his head when he's about to do this, jump off immediately. -He'll fly across the screen breathing fire out of his mouth. If you get hit with this, you'll be engulfed in a Level 3 Flame. -He'll summon fireballs to fall from the sky and there will be several whirlwinds in the area to prevent you from running. If you see him flying across the screen while breathing fire, jump up into the twice so that you're flying, and hold up. Once Wagner comes near you, you should be able to land on his head safely. Start pummeling him then and jump off to reload just incase he decides to dive to the ground. Just repeat that until he goes down. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 4 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -This will probably be the most and annoying fight you've had in either a long while or so far in the game. This fight will test your fighting skills. Beldor comes with two Axe Knights, and while taking them out eases the difficulty slightly, it still becomes a pain when the other enemies emerge to help him. Like with the other wizards, you'll need to hit Beldors swords back at him to stun him momentarily and then start rapidly shooting at him to take off as much health as possible. If your POW Meter runs out, find an open area to reload. Beldor is nasty and will often summon poison clouds underneath you and a green mist underneath you to turn you into a Frog. Flying through the air will help you avoid these. Beldor will usually summon four swords to surround you if you stray too far and he'll often shoot out a bunch of fireballs at you. Once you see four swords spinning around near him, run in and knock them into him and start attacking him. Repeat this whole process until he goes down. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 5 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -Oh joy. You're fighting Odette yet again. I'm sure you're pretty much sick of her by now, but let's get this out of the way as fast as possible. She'll stick to the same usual tricks, such as summoning flying skeletons to do her work for her and she'll whip out those spider legs of hers once she gets low on health to heal yourself. Lucky for you, you're using Mercedes this time, meaning you can keep your distance a bit while you pummel away. If you have the Overload Psypher skill, this would be a good time to use it. Keep shooting her and run away when you need to either reload or back off when it gets too crowded with the flying skeletons. Once you bring her down to about half of her health or have taken off 3/4's of her health, let loose with a Piercing Shot or two to take her out quickly and avoid healing herself to drag this battle out even more. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 6 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll be fighting Leventhan again. Like with the previous two fights against him, this is an easy fight and if you still lose to this guy, then I don't know what to say to you. What makes Leventhan an easier battle than before is that since you're controlling Mercedes, you can hover behind him and pelt him with your Crossbow as he shoots out a huge beam. To make this fight go even quickly, use Overload (though it's not a must in this fight) and wait until he either shoots that beam out of his mouth and get behind him or wait until he charges across the ground and get behind him and start shooting at him. You should be able to take him out fairly quickly this way. Easy easy fight though. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ======== Epilogue ======== ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll be fighting Odin this time around. Just like the first time you fought him with Gwendolyn, this fight is pretty predictable and pretty simple once you grasp his moves and their radius. However, what makes this battle much more easier is that you're able to fly and shoot at him from a safer distance. Odin still has the same arsenal of attacks from last time which include: -Moves forward while throwing punches. -Charges a short distance. -Jumps up and lands near you. -Pulls out his Psypher and lets it bounce across the area. -Jumps up and does a small dive attack to the ground. -Shoots out a bunch of red beams. He takes a couple of seconds to wind up for his attacks, giving you time to back away from him. After he's done attacking, get near him and shoot a few rounds at him before backing off to avoid his next attack. You shouldn't need to worry about the reinforcements for this fight, so just repeat the process of shooting a few rounds and backing off to dodge his attacks until he falls. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Oswald ========= (OSB) ========= Chapter 1 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -Oh goodie. You're fighting Brigan yet again. Lucky for you he uses the same tactics as last time. He still those four breastplates that need to be knocked off to deal some more damage and if you've learned Phozon Burst already, then that task should be a simple one. Just make sure to keep the Valkyrie away that tries to replace it. If you don't remember what his movelist contains, here are his moves: -He'll do a small charge forward. -He'll jump up and land near you. -He'll take a swig of his drink and breath fire either standing still or walking forward. -He'll take a swig of his drink and start jumping around. -He'll throw out a few blades. -He'll throw a boomerang type of weapon. -He'll crush you with his hammer. As long as you wait for him to finish his attack and then start attacking him, you should be fine as long as you remember to jump away while he's jumping around and jump over him he tries charging at you. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 2 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll be fighting two Halja's at once. These guys pretty much have the same attack patterns as the Wraiths do (they're pretty much one in the same, though) so it shouldn't be too difficult unless you get pincered between them. The one thing you'll want to do here is attack and keep running. Staying in one place can be deadly. To give you the edge in this battle, use one of those Unlimited POW potions I advised you to make at the beginning of the Chapter and use Shadow Form with Oswald. Start hacking away while keeping an eye on your POW Meter. Once it gets too low, revert back and give yourself some distance while your POW Meter regenerates. Once it's full, revert back to Shadow Form and start attacking again. By the time the Unlimited POW Potion wears off, one of the Haljas should be dead or near death. Finish it off and fight the last one the same way you'd fight a Wraith. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 3 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll fight Belial this time around yet again. I hope you're used to him by now. If you have a decent HP level (maybe around near the teens), this fight shouldn't be as difficult as it was for Mercedes and Cornelius, but it's still quite possible to get your ass handed to you. Like with the previous fight against the Haljas, use an Unlimited POW Potion and turn into Shadow Form to get this fight started. As the crap is falling from the sky, try to jump behind Belial and start wailing on him until your POW Meter is almost gone. Once it is, revert and let it regenerate before reverting back. Make sure to step away if you see Belial in a crouching position and/or backing up and jump over his charge and avoid him when his head is straight up in the air. Other than that, keep getting behind him and keep wailing on him in Shadow Form. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 4 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll fight Odin here. He has the same arsenal of attacks this time around but since you're playing as Oswald and not as Mercedes, you can't keep yourself at a safe distance while hitting him. The first thing you'll want to do is use an Unlimited POW Potion and turn into Shadow Form. Get near Odin so that he's ready to wind up into an attack and then jump behind him once he does and start hacking away at him. Once your POW Meter becomes low, revert back and give yourself some distance to let your POW Meter regenerate. Once it does, turn back into Shadow Form and get back behind him as he winds up for an attack and keep attacking him. Once your Unlimited POW Potion wears off, he should have more than half his health taken off, so take off the rest of his health in Oswalds regular form. You already know his attack pattern by now, so dodge them as they come. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 5 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -Wagner will be your opponent this time around. This fight is pretty much the same as your previous fights with Wagner, meaning that he has the same attacks as before and summons Snowflakes and Fireballs to help him out. Because of this, it shouldn't be too difficult to take him down. Don't bother using Shadow Form for this fight as you'll want to be alert at all times and not be a sitting duck if your POW Meter runs out. Once Wagner gets close, jump on his head and only hit Wagner THREE times each time. If you use Oswald's fourth attack, he'll jump into the air and fly off Wagner which can be dangerous if you're on him while he's breathing fire, so avoid using a normal four hit combo and stick with a three hit combo. It's more effective than flying off him and trying to get back on constantly. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 6 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll take on Skuldi in this fight. Skuldi is pretty much the exact same type of boss that Beldor was, except instead of Axe Knights, Skuldi has a few Revenants to help him out. However, the Revenants only appear if you wander too far off, so if you want to try to keep this fight between you and Skuldi, try to avoid moving around too much if you can help it. The way to damage Skuldi is to knock his swords back at him and start attacking him then until he disappears. After he reappears, he'll throw a few rounds of fireballs at you and then some more swords will appear, so simply hit the swords back at him and keep attacking him. Repeat this process until he falls. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ======== Epilogue ======== ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -Well, Onyx sure does look a lot bigger up close. I blame steroids. Anywho, Onyx is a tough fight and you'll want to be prepared out the ass for this one. Onyx has only a few attacks, but all of them are just as deadly. He'll do one of the following: -He'll shake a little bit and whip out some flame whips and wail them around. Simply keep your distance to avoid these. -He'll shoot out numerous fireballs from his back that'll stick around once they land on the ground. You can take them out with a hit of your Belderiver though. -A fire arc will come across the screen. Learn its movement and position yourself to dodge this. -He'll engulf himself in fire and charge across the screen and jump across the screen. He usually does this two or three consecutive times. The last one is his most used and most deadly attack as it'll do a lot of damage, no matter what HP Level you're at. The best way to avoid this is to try to jump over him as he's nearing you and just hope he doesn't decide to jump at the same time you do. A Painkiller is a must in this fight and use an Unlimited POW Potion while you're at it. Using Shadow Form is up to you, but having to revert back will leave you defenseless for a few seconds and that's all it takes for Onyx to pound you into the ground. You can also use the Psypher skill Invincible to dodge his charging attack, but again, that's up to you. This fight is surely a hard and long one, but once you learn his attack pattern and movements, you should be able to dodge the majority of his attacks without sustaining near death damage. Alternatively, you can simply use an Ooze on him. Since he's so damn big and an Ooze is so small and moves back and forth slowly, Onyx won't be able to do a damn thing except watch his HP go down as you start wailing on him. Use this tactic if you're getting your ass handed to you over and over again. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Velvet ========= (VEB) ========= Chapter 1 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll fight Odette this time again. Since she's the first boss for Velvet, she's not entirely too powerful, but unfortunately for you, you're not either. Odette still has the same attacks which include summoning a bunch of those annoying small, flying skeletons and Tentacles. She'll also whip out those sexy bony spider legs of hers to heal herself up once her health gets past the halfway mark. This is where the annoying part comes in. Since Velvet is the weakest character out of all the playable characters, she can't keep up with the healing of Odette unless you were grinding out Phozons for several hours. Your best bet for this fight would be to get her down to as much health as you can and then start spamming Cyclone on her and hope that it can either out damage her heal or that it takes her out quickly enough to prevent her from healing. If she still manages to live, your only option is going all out on Odette. Good luck with this one. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 2 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll fight Mercedes. Like with the previous fights, Mercedes isn't exactly hard since she just has two main attacks and she leaves herself open to your attacks all the time. The healing fairies will still make this battle an annoyance, so make sure to take her out as quickly as possible. Get behind her and start attacking her. Once she gets down to about half her health, the fairies will start healing her, so take this time to use a Phozon Burst to take out the fairies if they're near you and continue attacking her from behind until she falls. Not too tough. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 3 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll fight Brigan this time. Like with the previous fights, he's still predictable as ever, and his attacks are easy to avoid but since those armor plates of his still exist, he still has a lot of defense until you knock him out of it. Whenever you see him guzzle down his drink or is about ready to smash you with something, quickly get behind him and either jump in the air and hit the attack button to wail Velvet's chain around, or stay on the ground and use a forward attack. Remember to take out the Valkyries that come to aid him by putting his breastplates back on and you'll do fine. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 4 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll fight Wagner this time around. He's pretty much the same as the previous fights, but this time, you don't have to worry about flying off him as you attack since Velvet doesn't jump into the air like Oswald did. He'll still use the same arsenal of attacks which include dive attacking, flying at you while breathing fire, and summoning whirlwinds to keep you from running. Once you get a chance to jump on his head, get up there and start attacking him. Once your POW Meter runs low, jump off to regenerate it and repeat the whole process again until he goes down. You shouldn't have too much trouble since you fought him three times before already. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 5 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll take on Odin again. Like before, he gives you plenty of time to dodge his attacks as he takes a few seconds to wind up. While he's winding up his attacks, jump behind him and either attack while you're in the air to flail your chain around, or attack on the ground. Just make sure to watch out for his Psypher and run away when he pulls it out. Once you outrun it, go back to attacking him. You should know what attacks to expect since you fought him with almost every character so far (minus Cornelius). Once his life gets down past half, follow up your combos with a Phozon Burst to end it quickly. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 6 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll be fighting both Belial and Beldor at the same time. This fight may seem intimidating at first, but as long as you focus your attention on one at a time and if you have a decent HP level (probably somewhere in the 20s), then you should be able to manage. Belial still has the ability to let crap rain from the sky and he can still charge and eat you, so I would suggest taking him out first. The best way to fight this battle is to equip a Jupiter Bangle if you have one and use Overload and jump behind Belial. Jump in the air and then start attacking so that your chains start flailing around to damage him some more. Repeat this while getting behind him as he turns around and avoid the falling objects and he'll fall in a matter of minutes. As for Beldor, thankfully no enemy reinforcements will help him, so it's a 1v1 fight unless he summons a slime or two. Either way, wait until the swords appear near him and hit them back to stun him. Follow it up with a normal combo or use Phozon Burst. You can also disperse his fireballs with one swing of your chain. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ======== Epilogue ======== ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll be fighting Ingway while he's in his Darkova form this time. First, if you can't realize the beauty of how well drawn this creature is, you need to get your eyes checked. Fortunately, while Darkova might be big, he's not as tough as Onyx was mainly because Darkova is rarely mobile, and if he does move, he doesn't go very far. The only time he'll attack you himself is when you get close and he'll swipe at you. He has three heads, and each one breaths fire. The fireballs differ. One will linger on the ground and explode into a line of fire. Another one is a Chakram type of fire that'll fly across the screen, homing in your position. The best way to deal with this fight is to keep swinging when you're not attacking. Since Velvet is invincible while she's swinging, it'll save you the trouble of healing. You don't need to take out all three heads to win this fight, so don't be picky when it comes to attacking and try to hit as hard as you can. The best way to attack is to jump up and attack his heads that way and then swing away to safetly to let your POW Meter recharge. Repeat this procedure until he falls. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========== Armageddon ========== (AGB) NOTE: The following bosses were fought with specific characters to get the best ending. If you wish to get the best ending, use the characters in this order: Cornelius Oswald Mercedes Velvet Gwendolyn ========= Chapter 1 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll fight Ingway in his Darkova form for a second time. Unlike the first battle with Darkova, he has a few more nasty attacks, and each head is pretty much designed to a certain element. One head will spew fire, another head will shoot ice, and the last one will cover the screen in a poison mist. Thankfully though that you can still dodge most of these with ease as long as you can see when they're coming. Once the battle starts, use a Painkiller and an Unlimited POW Potion and start attacking him. This time, you need to defeat all three heads instead of just focusing on a single one, so focus on one at a time until it goes down. Sometimes a pillar will come from the ground. Use this to get above the fire line on the ground and jump towards Darkova and start attacking him. Use an Elixir if you get low on health and use a Painkiller and an Unlimited POW Potion when they run out and repeat this whole process until he falls. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 2 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -You'll fight King Gallon in all his beauty. First off, you may notice that the floor will shake and the walls will crumble. This will NOT affect how the battle goes, so don't worry about those. As for Gallon himself, just like with Darkova, he has multiple heads that need to be taken down. Try to keep your distance once the battle starts and use a Painkiller and an Unlimited POW Potion. Once you do, get close to him and use Shadow Form and start attacking the heads. Revert once your POW Meter gets low and continue whacking the heads. King Gallon will lash out his tongues at you once you get close and he'll often burrow his heads underground and move them around. If this happens, avoid touching his neck while it's moving or else you'll be damaged. If you're caught between his neck, stand in the open space until his heads go back into place. Once you take out his heads, his chest will open, revealing his heart. You need to attack this and get its health to zero to win this fight. Repeat this whole process until he falls. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 3 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -This time, it's round two with Onyx, except that you're fighting him with Mercedes this time instead of Oswald. Onyx still retains the same arsenal of attacks which include whipping out some short rangle flame whips, spewing fireballs from his back, and charging across the screen. Since Mercedes can't really double jump since she flies if you push X twice, it'll be a bit hard to dodge his charge if he decides to jump. Use a Painkiller to start this fight and if you can, use Overload to make her weapon even more damaging. Just wait until he finishes his charges to get an opening and attack him. It's a simple procedue, but the fight itself is a pain, so hopefully you have a few Elixirs on hand. Of course, you can juse use an Ooze like last time as well. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 4 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -For Velvet, it's a one on one fight against the Cauldron this time. Like with the fight with Onyx, it's a simple procedure and you'll know what to do once you get to the top. The Cauldron will start off on its side, so jump up and take out the arms up there before they start attacking out and then start attacking the eye. Once you do enough damage, some legs and arms will come out of it. Keep attacking the eye until the Cauldron falls down. I shouldn't have to tell you to use a Painkiller and Unlimited POW Potion, but once you need to use them again, jump to the ground and drink some. To get back up, jump on the blue arms and legs to get back to the top. Sometimes during the battle, a message will appear telling you to get away from the Cauldron. Do so. If you're still near the Cauldron once the message disappears, it's an automatic death for you. Once you climb back up, sometimes little sparks will fly off and if they hit you, you'll catch on fire. Some steam will also come out to stop you from climbing up, so take your time. Since Velvet is the physically weakest character, this fight might take awhile depending on your Psypher Level. Just repeat the whole process until it finally falls. ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- ========= Chapter 5 ========= ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- -This is it. This is the final battle of the game and it's against Leventhan. I can see what you're thinking. Leventhan is much different this time since he turned into the dragon from Dragonball Z. The key of this fight is getting to the top of Leventhan and attacking the tiny little crown on his head all while avoiding lightning strikes and little sparks that fly towards your way. To reach the top, you'll need to climb on his back not by running across the screen, but by jumping on his back. Sometimes you'll notice another part of his body behind you. Jump on that and continue doing so until you reach the top. When you get near the top, Leventhan will show his head and his scales will start spinning around. Avoid those scales and keep jumping around to avoid Leventhan as he'll try to eat you and spit you back down a few levels. Once his scales stop moving, jump up and run to the very top and start attacking his crown. You'll get knocked back down to the base of his body after enough hits as you'll get struck by lightning, so climb your way back up and repeat this whole process until Leventhan goes down for good. Damn thing should've granted me a wish for having to climb all the way up there. *mumbles* ----------------------------------BOSS----------------------------------------- =================== 4.) Credits/Thanks =================== GameFAQs and the other hosting sites: For hosting this guide. Vanillaware: For making this magnificent game. Atlus: For localizing this game as well as the Digital Devil Saga games. http://www.rootsecure.net/?p=ascii_generator: For the ASCII. And a huge thanks to you, the readers. Without you guys I wouldn't be making these guides.