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Merchant Goods 05. Troll Molars V. Alchemy Recipes 01. Mix A (Antidote) 02. Mix B (Blizzard) 03. Mix C (Cooler) 04. Mix D (Drain) 05. Mix E (Elixir) 06. Mix F (Fire Spirits) 07. Mix G (Gold) 08. Mix H (Healing Tonic) 09. Mix I (Ice Spirits) 10. Mix J (Juggler) 11. Mix K (Killer Cloud) 12. Mix L (Lucky Mix) 13. Mix M (Metamorphosis) 14. Mix N (Napalm) 15. Mix O (Ooze) 16. Mix P (Painkiller) 17. Mix Q (Quickgrow) 18. Mix R (Regeneration) 19. Mix S (Shine) 20. Mix T (Toxin) 21. Mix U (Unlimited Power) 22. Mix V (Variance) 23. Mix W (Warmer) 24. Mix X (Xtra Phozons) 25. Mix Y (Yogurt) 26. Mix Z (Zero) VI. Kitchen Recipes 01. Grilled Lamb 02. Egg on Toast 03. Seafood Salad 04. Fish & Fruit Salad 05. Carpaccio 06. Salad 07. Mandra Salad 08. Chips Salad 09. Salmon Escabeche 10. Muggle Escabeche 11. Steamed Salmon 12. French Onion Soup 13. Cold Cheese Soup 14. Vishyssoise 15. Consomme 16. Pot-au-feu 17. Cream Stew 18. Turny Cream Stew 19. Yogurt Stew 20. Shrimp Peperoncino 21. Gnocchi 22. Tricolor Gnocchi 23. Shrimp Doria 24. Quiche Lorraine 25. Omelete 26. Cheese Omelete 27. Herb-Roasted Shrimp 28. Chicken Au Gratin 29. Smothered Chicken 30. Spicy Chicken 31. Steak Tartare 32. Roasted Lamb 33. Stuffed Chicken 34. Lamb Steak VII. Cafe Recipes 01. Praline Chocolate 02. Nut Cookie 03. Mulberry Tart 04. Brownie 05. Crepe 06. Marmelade Crepe 07. Churro 08. Chocolate Churro 09. Napple Pie 10. Millie-feuille 11. Strudel 12. Cheesecake 13. Yogurt Cheesecake 14. Pancake 15. Chocolate Fondant 16. Muggle Confit 17. Napple Sorbert 18. Turny Mousse 19. Ice Cream & Coulis 20. Cremet d' Anjou 21. Yogurt Cremet d' Anjou 22. Yogurt Mousse 23. Yogurt Fruit Mousse 24. Floating Island 25. Blancemange 26. Yogurt Gelato VIII. Outtro ======================================================================= I. Legal JUNK ======================================================================= This guide is a collection of data taken straight from the game; I compiled it myself and would appreciate it if this guide isn't copied, stolen, sold, so on and so fourth. This guide is currently only permitted to be shown on: www.gamefaqs.com. www.teamclouds.com www.gamerhelp.com www.ign.com www.supercheats.com If you would like to ask any questions or contribute to this Guide, feel free to email me: triad@teamclouds.com ======================================================================= II. Updates ======================================================================= 06/12/2007: Added a few fixes as per email suggestions. Fixes include adding a reminder about "result bubbles" in the Alchemy section. Alternative recipe for Healing Tonic, and tips for using Quick Grow. 06/05/2007: The guide was finally posted, Yay! And with this update the guide is now officially "finished". I went through and corrected spelling mistakes as well as tweaked some of the comments and details. I don't know if this is the "final" version though, as I may add some additional content in the future. For now however, have at it. 06/04/2007: The guide is pretty much done. I added all the Secret recipes, added a section for Troll Molars, and filled in the location of all of the recipes acquired in Gwendolyn's chapters. 05/31/2007: Did a major overhaul of the entire guide. Added detailed instructions on gathering items and alchemy, as well as giving more depth to the Table of Contents. Still missing a couple recipes, but almost done with the game so those should be done soon. Sadly, the FAQ still hasn't been accepted so here's hoping... 05/29/2007: Almost filled in all the recipes now. Need to fill in some remaining details for a few of them, but the guide is coming along well. 05/25/2007: Recipes started the guide. Right now it's really only a convenient reference for the recipes laid out nicely here for you. Hopefully I'll have more entries and detailed data soon. ======================================================================= III. Introduction ======================================================================= This is a reference list of the various different recipes found in Odin Sphere. If you've spent anytime playing the game at all, you'll quickly realize that cooking and alchemy are very important parts of the game. Since there are so many different recipes I decided to compile a list of them, complete with the ingredients, location, and effects of each one. Not much else to it really, most of the information here is copied straight from the game itself, and they are numbered in the order they appear in-game. While the location of the secret recipes were obtained on the GameFAQs message boards. I've also included where to find most of the ingredients, as well as tips on cooking and alchemy. ======================================================================= IV. On The Art of Gathering ======================================================================= First of all, to make anything in this game, you're going to need a few supplies obviously. I'll try and break down the various ingredients into four different categories for you: 01. Mandragoras There are five of these in total - Onionne, Carrotteer, Cubsbane, Turny, and Habaneristo. These little guys are found buried in the ground throughout the various stages. The only way you can tell where they are buried is by listening closely for a squeaky sound as you walk around the map. Once you hear this sound, jump on that spot and the Mandragora will pop out. Afterwards attack it once and it will turn into an item you can pick up. Unfortunately, this sound can be hard to hear sometimes due to the BGM or other SFX. Now here's some tips on how to find certain Mandragors, keep in mind it's not unheard of to find any of these in any area, but for convenience sake, I'll list the more common areas for each one: Onionne: Elrit Forest, Ringford Forest, Capital of Valentine Carrotter: Nebulapolis, Ringford Forest, Capital of Valentine Cubsbane: Netherworld Endelphia Turny: Winterhorn Ridge Habaneristo: Volkenon Lava Pit *Note: All the Mandragoras can restore 10HP if consume. I wouldn't advise wasting them though. 02. Seeds There are 7 different seeds in the game, and I'm going to cover six of them in this section, the remaining one "Baromett" will be covered in the "Livestock" section. Anyway, most of these seeds can be found in just about every level, you can also buy most of them from various vendors as well. Most of these seeds produce a fruit which you can eat to recover some HP, gain some EXP, and most importantly - use in cooking. To use seeds, plant them in the ground on any map by pressing "X" on the seed while in the inventory menu. Now you can make them grow via two ways. The most common way is for the seedling to absorb phozons from the area, which are produced a number of ways. Most commonly, killing enemies. Another way is by planting a Rosemile seed which grows a plant that releases 12 phozons over a period of time. Another method is the skill "Phozon Release" that each of the playable characters learn at some point. The final way is to make a potion via alchemy, depending on the number of the material, you'll get more or less phozons from the mix. Higher for more, lower for less. Once the plant grows to its fullest, and bears fruit, you will have a limited amount of time to cut the fruit down before it overrippens, in which case the fruit isn't nearly as effective. So make sure to watch your plants closely, lest you want to waste good fruit. Though in some Cases, overripe fruit can be used to make specific dishes in the Cafe. Since these seeds can be found in so many places, I'll just cover the effects of each seed. Mulberry Seed: Grows Two Mulberries. Takes 5 Phozons to fully grow. Mulberries heal for 20HP, and give 70EXP. Muggle Seed: Grows a Muggle Fruit. Takes 8 Phozons to fully grow. Muggles heal for 30HP, and give 120EXP. Muggles can be eaten twice and leave a seed behind. Rotten Muggles heal 15HP, and gave 120EXP Grape Seed: Grows Grapes. Takes 12 Phozons. Grapes heal for 45HP, and give 250EXP. Grapes can be eaten twice, and leave a stem behind. Bad Grapes heal for 20HP, and give 250EXP Napple Seed: Grows Two Napples. Takes 18 Phozons. Napples heal for 60HP, and give 250EXP. Napples can be eaten three times, and leave a core behind. Withered Napples heal for 30 HP, gives 250EXP Ruewort Seed: Grows a Ruewort Herb. Takes 30 Phozons. Rueworts are used in some high-end recipes. Rosemile: Produces 12 Phozons. Requires no Phozons to grow. 03. Livestock There are only two actual animals in this game for you to "Raise" and then kill afterwards. Harsh, but hey, they make some great recipes! Anyway, they are Sheep and Chickens. Both of them are produced in different ways. Sheep: Sheep grow from a Baromett seed (Weird, I know, but bear with me) Baromett seeds take 12 Phozons to fully grow. Once fully grown two sheep will pop off the plant and start walking around the map. You need to attack them several times until they turn into a Lamb Chop. Lamb Chop: Can be eaten twice, and leaves a bone behind. Lamb Chop heals for 100 HP, and gives 50 EXP. Chickens: Chickens are grown through an entirely different method than Sheep. Instead of growing chickens, you actually have to "Use" an Egg on a map and wait for the Chick to hatch. Note that the Chick will only hatch on battle maps, not in towns or anything. Then you must feed it three seeds (of any kind) Simply by pressing UP/DOWN + X in the inventory menu to drop seeds. Once the Chick has eaten all three seeds, wait for it to transform into an Adult and start walking around before attacking it the same way you did with the Sheep. It will then produce Chicken for you to pick up. Chicken: Can be eaten twice, and leaves a bone behind. Chicken heals for 15 HP, and gives 200 EXP. 04. Merchant Goods Everything other item in the game besides Potions can be bought from Merchants. This includes all equipable accessories and other ingredients you normally can't get elsewhere. Considering the nature of this guide, I'll only be listing the items used in cooking, and not accessories. Also note that these are items that the Pooka merchant in the Pooka Village offers, and at the prices he offers them. I'm aware that his list changes sometimes, rarely though. I'll try pinpointing When a certain item is unavailable, but if you notice something missing that's on this list - please, feel free to contact me. Baromett Seed - 15G - 12 Phozons to Grow, Produces 2 Sheep. Egg - 15G - Use to hatch, and then drop three seeds for it to grow. Hot Cross Bun - 5G - Heals 50HP, 5EXP Cheese - 7G - Heals 80HP, 15EXP Milk - 10G - Heals 150HP, 25EXP Pure Cacao - 15G - Heals 250HP, 50EXP Fish Fillet - 10G - Used for Cooking Shrimp - 10G - Used for Cooking *Note: During Velvet's Chapter the shop is missing quite a few items at certain points. These items include: Baromett Seed, Egg, Cheese, Milk, Pure Cacao. 05. Troll Molars I decided to give this its own little section for a couple of reasons. One, it doesn't really fit anywhere else. Two, Many people, have no idea where the hell to get these. With that said... The only way to get Troll Molars is to go to Winterhorn Ridge and fight the Yeti creatures there, they're actually called Trolls - according to the Official Artbook at least. I would suggest you bring a Lucky Stone and/or Potion with you. Then use your DOWN + SQUARE attack on them until they drop an item. Hopefully you get some Molars. ======================================================================= V. Alchemy Recipes ======================================================================= So you want to make some potions, huh? Well it's a pretty good idea, since a lot of them will help you out quite a bit throughout the course of the game. There are a few things you should keep in mind while mixing away though. First of all, even though I've included this nice little list of recipes for you, you'll still need the actual recipe in your game before you can make any of these. Now it gets a little more confusing when you're trying to decide what Material to use. The first thing to keep in mind is that the first digit of the material is the only thing that effects what is being made. So for example: 6 + Cubsbane = Antidote 16 + Cubsbane = Antidote 96 + Cubsbane = Antidote As you can see, as long as the second digit is a 6, and you're using a Cubsbane, you'll always get an Antidote. Now for the first digit, this effects how many phozons you will get. The higher the number, the more phozons are released once the mix is completed. With this in mind, you may be wondering: "How do I get large number materials?". Again, this is a little confusing so bare with me here: Every item that you combine with a material that WON'T complete a recipe will increase the value of the material. Each of the different types of items in the game increase the value by a certain amount. That amount is as follows: Seeds: +1 Fruits: +5 Bone: +3 Potions: x2 Material + Material: You multiply them for the value they will make. Example of Material + Material: Material 10 + Material 9. 10x9 = 90. For the most part you'll want to make materials in the 90s to get the most phozons. An easy way to do this is to take a 0 and add two mulberries. Then take another 0 and add a mulberry, a bone, and any seed. It should be noted that when mixing in the inventory menu a little bubble will pop-up showing you the results of your mixture. That is to say, if you were to mix a material and a fruit together you'd see something along the lines of the numbers 5 and 5. 5 is the result you'll get, meaning once you mix these items you'll end up with a material 5. The 1 represents how much the material's value is being increased by, in this case 5. The letters A-Z represent each of the 26 mixtures in the game. So if you were to mix a material 0 and an Onionne you'd see the number 1 and the letter A. A meaning you'd get an Antidote out of the mix. It's a little confusing to explain, but if you mess around with it a bit you'll see what I mean. ~Thanks to Bryan Richards for reminding me about the result bubble. ======================================================================= 01. Mix A (Antidote) Ingredients: 0 + Onionne OR 6 + Cubsbane Effects: Cures Poison. Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 2 Comment: Always keep a few around. Lots of things poison. 02. Mix B (Blizzard) Ingredients: 8 + Cubsbane Effects: Freezes all enemies on screen for duration of the item. Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 6 Comment: This can be useful for 5 star areas and some bosses. 03. Mix C (Cooler) Ingredients: 0 + Habaneristo Effects: Prevents environmental damage in the Volcano. Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 5 Comment: Keep a few around for 5 Star Areas, and Bosses in the Volcano. 04. Mix D (Drain) Ingredients: 4 + Onionne Effects: Drains Phozons from all enemies on screen. Found: Mercedes, Chapter 1 Comment: This one can have its uses, if used in a five star area. However I still don't make a habit of stocking up on them. 05. Mix E (Elixir) Ingredients: 8 + Carrotteer Effects: Restores 1000 HP Found: Oswald, Chapter 3 Comment: Pretty sweet upgrade for Tonics. 06. Mix F (Fire Spirits) Ingredients: 6 + Turny Effects: Prevents you from taking damage for three hits. Found: Cornelius, Chapter 4 Comment: Slightly useful, not really worth the inventory space. 07. Mix G (Gold) Ingredients: 8 + Troll Molar Effects: Spawns 5 Titania Gold (as far as I know) Found: Oswald, Chapter 5 Comment: This is kind of useful when you need cash to buy ingredients... but not for much else. 08. Mix H (Healing Tonic) Ingredients: 0 + Carroteer, 4 + Rotten Fruit Effects: Heals you for 200 HP. Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 4 Comment: Useful for Boss Battles when you can't stop to eat. ~Thanks to Bryan Richards, and Samara for pointing out the Rotten Fruit mix. 09. Mix I (Ice Spirits) Ingredients: 6 + Habaneristo Effects: Prevents you from taking damage for three hits. Found: Mercedes, Chapter 6 Comment: Exactly the same as Fire Spirits as far as I can see. 10. Mix J (Juggler) Ingredients: 2 + Troll Molar Effects: Changes all items on the ground into a random item. Found: Cornelius, Chapter 4 Comment: This is fun to mess around with, but I haven't gotten anything real useful from it. 11. Mix K (Killer Cloud) Ingredients: 4 + Turny Effects: Curses enemies in front of you. Found: Cornelius, Epilogue Chapter Comment: Curse is a deadly status effect that kills anyone inflicted with it after a few seconds. I doubt that it works on Bosses though. 12. Mix L (Lucky Mix) Ingredients: 4 + Cubsbane OR 6 + Onionne Effects: Raises the chance enemies will drop items. Found: Mercedes, Chapter 5 Comment: The best use I found for this is when trying to farm for Troll Molars. 13. Mix M (Metamorphosis) Ingredients: 4 + Habaneristo Effects: Turns you into a Frog, or Vice Versa. Found: Cornelius, Chapter 6 Comment: Use to cure Frog status effect. Though that rarely happens. 14. Mix N (Napalm) Ingredients: 2 + Onionne Effects: Fire damage spreads out in a line in front of you. Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 2 Comment: Does good damage, nice for bosses and tough encounters. 15. Mix O (Ooze) Ingredients: 2 + Turny Effects: Summons an Ooze that binds a target and hurts it over time. Found: Mercedes, Chapter 3 Comment: Funny, but not all that useful. 16. Mix P (Painkiller) Ingredients: 2 + Cubsbane OR 2 + Carrotter Effects: Halves damage taken for a short while. Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 2 Comment: Can be useful for some boss encounters. 17. Mix Q (Quick-Grow) Ingredients: 6 + Troll Molar Effects: Causes all seeds in the area of effect to fully grow. Found: Mercedes, Chapter 3 Comment: This can be really nice for mass farming, note that you can plant seeds ontop of each other, thus stacking up to 8 (the max number of seeds that can be planted at a time on a map) seeds at once, utilzing Quick-Grow to its fullest! ~Thanks to Bryan Richards and Ringando Blue for telling me about stacking seeds. 18. Mix R (Regeneration) Ingredients: 8 + Turny Effects: Restores HP over time for a short while. Found: Cornelius, Chapter 4 Comment: Better than what I thought, with enough MAX HP this thing is better than Healing Tonics. 19. Mix S (Shine) Ingredients: 0 + Cubsbane Effects: Lights up the dark areas in the Netherworld. Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 7 Comment: Keep a few on you when you're in the Netherworld. 20. Mix T (Toxin) Ingredients: 6 + Carroteer Effects: Poison moves forward in a line in front of you, poisoning anything in its path. Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 4 Comment: It's like Napalm but can cause poison. Pretty nice. 21. Mix U (Unlimited Power) Ingredients: 4 + Carrotter OR 2 + Habaneristo Effects: Unlimited POW/AMMO for a short duration. Found: Cornelius, Chapter 2 Comment: Extremely Useful, use for the big bosses. 22. Mix V (Variance) Ingredients: 8 + Onionne Effects: Reduces HP to 1 to greatly increase attack power. Found: Cornelius, Chapter 5 Comment: Seems too risky to me, but it could be deadly. 23. Mix W (Warmer) Ingredients: 0 + Turny Effects: Prevents environmental damage from the Snow Mountain area. Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 3 Comment: As always, keep a few on you when in the area. 24. Mix X (Xtra Phozons) Ingredients: 8 + Habaneristo Effects: Produces Phozons. Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 5 Comment: Useful when you don't want to waste a premature seedling. 25. Mix Y (Yogurt) Ingredients: Even Numbers + Milk Effects: Increases the experience gained from hitting food. Found: Cornelius, Chapter 3 Comment: Very nice for those take out meals. Also used in a lot of recipes. 26. Mix Z (Zero) Ingredients: 0 + Troll Molar Effects: Resets the stage timer to 0. Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 3 Comment: Useful for getting S Rank. ======================================================================= VI. Kitchen Recipes ======================================================================= IMPORTANT: This applies to the Kitchen Recipes as well as the Cafe ones. There are a few "secret" recipes that can only be obtained by making a certain recipe a number of times. I have listed the requirement for all of the secret recipes below, and will have complete data on them soon enough. An important thing to keep in mind when trying to unlock these recipes. When you go into the Kitchen/Cafe, only try to unlock one of these at a time. Then exit the Kitchen/Cafe and reenter to find the new recipe unlocked. If you try to unlock two recipes at once, it might not work. Credit for information on getting the secret recipes goes to TWChaos23 from the GameFAQs board! ======================================================================= 01. Grilled Lamb Ingredients: Lamb Chop Coin: Ariel Effects: 1500 HP, 300 EXP Found: Oswald, Chapter 2 Comment: A simple Take Out recipe. Two bites and leaves a bone. Special: Take Out 02. Egg on Toast Ingredients: Egg, Hot Cross Bun Coin: Ariel Effects: 1200 EXP Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 5 Comment: One of the first Take Out recipes restores a lot of HP, multiple bites and a good bit of EXP too. Special: Take Out 03. Seafood Salad Ingredients: Shrimp, Onionne Coin: Ariel Effects: 1200 EXP, MAX HP+7 Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 5 Comment: Easy enough to make, good for early on. 04. Fish & Fruit Salad Ingredients: Shrimp, Onionne, Mulberry Coin: Ariel Effects: 1900EXP, MAX HP+15 Found: Make 03. Seafood Salad 4 Times Comment: Only slightly different then what you need to make Seafood Salad. But far more efficient. Recommended cheap and easy dish. 05. Carpaccio Ingredients: Fish Fillet, Onionne Coin: Ariel Effects: 1200 EXP, MAX HP+7 Found: Velvet, Chapter 2 Comment: Useful for Velvet, as she can buy the Fish for 8g, and her options are limited early on. 06. Salad Ingredients: Onionee, Carroteer, Turny Coin: Ariel Effects: 1900 EXP, MAX HP+12 Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 6 Comment: Getting the mandragoras for this can be a pain. There are easier recipes. 07. Mandra Salad Ingredients: Onionne, Carroteer, Turny, Cubsbane, Habaneristo Coin: Commemorative Effects: 8000 EXP, MAX HP+33 Found: Make 06. Salad 4 Times Comment: Another uber recipe, but not as potent as some other Commemorative recipes. 08. Chips Salad Ingredients: Shrimp, Carroteer, Rosemile Coin: Ariel Coin Effects: 2100 EXP, MAX HP+15 Found: Cornelius, Chapter 5 Comment: This is a pretty decent recipe early in the chapters when you don't have access to Napples and such yet. 09. Salmon Escabeche Ingredients: Fish Fillet, Onionne, Milk, Habaneristo Coin: Valentinian Effects: 4200 EXP, MAX HP+25 Found: Mercedes, Chapter 6 Comment: Only slightly better than Steam Salmon, but still great. 10. Muggle Escabeche Ingredients: Fish Fillet, Milk, Muggle, Onionne, Habaneristo Coin: Commemorative Effects: 7500 EXP, MAX HP+35 Found: Make 09. Salmon Escabeche 3 Times Comment: Blah, not worth the Commemorative, compared to others. Special: *Original Data suggested 2 times, I counted 3. 11. Steamed Salmon Ingredients: Fish Fillet, Napple, Mulberry, Onionee Coin: Valentinian Effects: 4500 EXP, MAX HP+24 Found: Cornelius, Chapter 5 Comment: This thing is awesome, though a bit expensive. Fish Fillet is sold right outside. 12. French Onion Soup Ingredients: Cheese, Onionne, Hot Cross Bun Coin: Ariel Effects: 1400 EXP, MAX HP+10 Found: Oswald, Chapter 3 Comment: Cheap and easy recipe. There are a lot of better options by the time you get it though. 13. Cold Cheese Soup Ingredients: Yogurt, Cheese, Milk Coin: Ariel Effects: 2600 EXP, MAX HP+18 Found: Velvet, Chapter 5 Comment: Yogurt AND Milk? That's a bit much considering both are used in quite a few recipes by themselves. Pass. 14. Vishyssoise Ingredients: Ruewort, Onionne, Milk Coin: Valentinian Effects: 4650 EXP, MAX HP+28 Found: Cornelius, Chapter 6 Comment: This one is pretty good for when you don't have the Commemorative coin for Consomme. 15. Consomme Ingredients: Chicken, Ruewort, Onionne, Carroteer Coin: Commemorative Effects: 8300 EXP, MAX HP+35 Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 6 Comment: Expensive in items, and a rarer coin to boot, but one of the best recipes. 16. Pot-au-feu Ingredients: Chicken, Carroteer, Turny Coin: Ariel Effects: 2800 EXP, MAX HP+15 Found: Mercedes, Chapter 2 Comment: Alright I guess I hate getting Chicken and Carrotter. 17. Cream Stew Ingredients: Fish Fillet, Milk Coin: Ariel Effects: 1300 EXP, MAX HP+6 Found: Oswald, Chapter 5 Comment: Another easy one, and as per usual, not that great. 18. Turny Cream Stew Ingredients: Fish Fillet, Milk, Turny Coin: Ariel Effects: 2300 EXP, MAX HP+13 Found: Make 17. Cream Stew 5 Times Comment: Another big improvement over the original recipe. Special: *Original Data suggested 4 times, I counted 5. 19. Yogurt Stew Ingredients: Chicken, Carroteer, Yogurt Coin: Ariel Effects: 3850 EXP, MAX HP+22 Found: Mercedes, Chapter 3 Comment: This is pretty good, but I hate getting all of these items. 20. Shrimp Peperoncino Ingredients: Shrimp, Habaneristo Coin: Ariel Effects: 1100 EXP, MAX HP+9 Found: Cornelius, Chapter 6 Comment: Easy enough to make, but I don't stockpile Habaneristos. 21. Gnocchi Ingredients: Milk Coin: Ariel Effects: 500 EXP, MAX HP+2 Found: Oswald, Chapter 1 Comment: As usual, you can buy milk outside. But not worth it. 22. Tricolor Gnocchi Ingredients: Milk, Egg, Carroteer, Habaneristo Coin: Valentinian Effects: 5000 EXP, MAX HP+25 Found: Make 21. 7 Times Comment: Wow, huge improvement over the original. Quite a bit more costly, but well worth it! Special: *Original Data suggested 6 times, I counted 7. 23. Shrimp Doria Ingredients: Shrimp, Cheese, Milk Coin: Ariel Effects: 1750 EXP, MAX HP+13 Found: Mercedes, Chapter 4 Comment: You can buy everything outside, so decent I guess? 24. Quiche Lorraine Ingredients: Egg, Onionne, Cheese Coin: Valentinian Effects: 1900 EXP, MAX HP+13 Found: Oswald, Chapter 3 Comment: Easy, but too expensive for what its worth. 25. Omelete Ingredients: Egg Coin: Ariel Effects: 450 EXP, MAX HP+2 Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 4 Comment: Not that great. You can buy eggs right outside though... 26. Cheese Omelete Ingredients: Egg, Cheese Coin: Ariel Effects: 1300 EXP, MAX HP+8 Found: Make 25. Omelete 4 Times Comment: An Improvement, but still not worth much. 27. Herb-Roasted Shrimp Ingredients: Shrimp, Ruewort Coin: Ariel Effects: 3000 EXP, MAX HP+17 Found: Velvet, Chapter 4 Comment: This one is good. It takes a Ruwort... but it's easy. 28. Chicken Au Gratin Ingredients: Chicken, Cheese Coin: Ariel Effects: 1500 EXP, MAX HP+8 Found: Mercedes, Chapter 3 Comment: For Chicken? I'd pass. 29. Smothered Chicken Ingredients: Chicken, Onionne, Cheese Coin: Ariel Effects: 3000 EXP, MAX HP+16 Found: Make 28. Chicken Au Gratin 5 Times Comment: Yet another improvement. However I still don't like raising chickens. 30. Spicy Chicken Ingredients: Chicken, Habaneristo Coin: Ariel Effects: 1900 EXP, MAX HP+10 Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 5 Comment: There are better things to use Chicken for. 31. Steak Tartare Ingredients: Lamb Chop, Egg Coin: Ariel Effects: 1300 EXP, MAX HP+11 Found: Velvet, Chapter 3 Comment: This is alright, I suppose. Lamb is easy enough. 32. Roasted Lamb Ingredients: Lamb Chop, Napple, Mulberry, Onionne Coin: Valentnian Effects: 4100 EXP, MAX HP+26 Found: Velvet, Chapter 4 Comment: A potent recipe that’s fairly easy to make. 33. Stuffed Chicken Ingredients: Chicken, Milk, Onionne, Turny Coin: Valentinian Effects: 4800 EXP, MAX HP+27 Found: Oswald, Chapter 5 Comment: It's good! Chicken and Valentinian are a little annoying. 34. Lamb Steak Ingredients: Ruewort, Lamb Chop, Turny, Onionne, Carroteer Coin: Commemorative Effects: 9999EXP, MAX HP+40 Found: Oswald, Chapter 6 Comment: The Omega. This thing is so awesome, too bad it takes a Commemorative coin. Save up for these though! ======================================================================= VII. Cafe Recipes ======================================================================= 01. Praline Chocolate Ingredients: Pure Cacao, Ruewort Seed Coin: Ariel Effects: 1400 EXP, 500HP Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 6 Comment: For a Ruewort seed this isn't that great. But its a decent Take Out item. Special: Take Out, You get a Praline and Ginger Cookie 02. Nut Cookie Ingredients: Egg, Ruewort Seed Coin: Ariel Effects: 1200 EXP Found: Velvet, Chapter 3 Comment: Again for a Ruewort, this isn't that great. Special: Take Out 03. Mulberry Tart Ingredients: Egg, Mulberry, Overripe Mulberry Coin: Ariel Effects: 1600 EXP, 700HP Found: Mercedes, Chapter 2 Comment: This one is decent, Mulberries are cheap and easy. Special: Take Out, You get a Mulberry Tart and Ginger Cookie 04. Brownie Ingredients: Egg, Ruewort Seed, Withered Napple, Pure Cacao Coin: Valentinian Effects: 4000 EXP Found: Mercedes, Chapter 6 Comment: Perhaps the best Take Out dish, 2000HP and EXP per bite. Special: Take Out, You get a Brownie and a Ginger Cookie 05. Crepe Ingredients: Milk Coin: Ariel Effects: 500 EXP, MAX HP+2 Found: Cornelius, Chapter 6 Comment: Simple... but not very good sadly. 06. Marmelade Crepe Ingredients: Milk, Muggle, Mulberry, Napple Coin: Commemorative Effects: 5500 EXP, MAX HP+30 Found: Make 05. Crepe 10 Times Comment: Quite the improvement over the little Crepe, eh? Still, I wouldn't waste a Commemorative coin on this. 07. Churro Ingredients: Egg Coin: Ariel Effects: 500 EXP, MAX HP+2 Found: Velvet, Chapter 1 Comment: Same as Crepe, just with an Egg instead of Milk. 08. Chocolate Churro Ingredients: Egg, Pure Cacao Coin: Ariel Effects: 1800 EXP, MAX HP+11 Found: Make 07. Churro 5 Times Comment: Certainly an upgrade, it's okay I guess. Special: *Original Data suggested 4 times, I counted 5. 09. Napple Pie Ingredients: Napple, Ruewort Coin: Ariel Effects: 4300 EXP, MAX HP+19 Found: Oswald, Chapter 6 Comment: This is actually pretty good despite the Ruewort. 10. Millie-feuille Ingredients: Egg, Mulberry, Milk Coin: Ariel Effects: 1850 EXP, MAX HP+13 Found: Oswald, Chapter 3 Comment: This one is alright, not too great, but easy. 11. Strudel Ingredients: Ruewort Seed, Napple, Withered Napple, Egg Coin: Valentinian Effects: 5900 MAX HP+26 Found: Cornelius, Chapter 6 Comment: This is a great one, though a bit expensive. 12. Cheesecake Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Cheese Coin: Ariel Effects: 1950EXP, MAX HP+12 Found: Oswald, Chapter 5 Comment: Pretty similar to the Chocolate Fondant. Up to you. 13. Yogurt Cheesecake Ingredients: Cheese, Milk, Egg, Yogurt Coin: Valentinian Effects: 4300 EXP, MAX HP+26 Found: Make 12. Cheesecake 3 Times Comment: This one is pretty good, Yogurt still annoying. 14. Pancake Ingredients: Egg, Milk Coin: Ariel Effects: 1200 EXP, MAX HP+7 Found: Mercedes, Chapter 4 Comment: Not really worth it imo. You can buy the ingredients outside though, usually. 15. Chocolate Fondant Ingredients: Egg, Pure Cacao, Milk Coin: Ariel Effects: 1900 EXP, MAX HP+13 Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 6 Comment: You can buy all the items right outside. So pretty sweet. 16. Muggle Confit Ingredients: Muggle Coin: Ariel Effects: 500 EXP, MAX HP+2 Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 4 Comment: I guess it's okay for early in the game. 17. Napple Sorbert Ingredients: Milk, Napple Coin: Ariel Effects: 2200 EXP, MAX HP+8 Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 5 Comment: This is a pretty easy recipe. As long as you have some Napples, you can buy the Milk right outside. 18. Turny Mousse Ingredients: Milk, Turny Coin: Ariel Effects: 1400 EXP, MAX HP+9 Found: Mercedes, Chapter 3 Comment: Decent enough if you have spare Turny. 19. Ice Cream & Coulis Ingredients: Egg, Mulberry, Muggle Coin: Valentinian Effects: 2150 EXP, MAX HP+14 Found: Gwendolyn, Chapter 5 Comment: About the same as Napple Sorbert, but a little less EXP, and more HP. More expensive though too. Up to you. 20. Cremet d' Anjou Ingredients: Egg, Muggle, Cheese Coin: Ariel Effects: 2100 EXP, MAX HP+14 Found: Velvet, Chapter 2 Comment: Another varation of Yogurt Mousse and the like. 21. Yogurt Cremet d' Anjou Ingredients: Cheese, Muggle, Egg, Yogurt Coin: Valentinian Effects: 4900 EXP, MAX HP+28 Found: Make 20. Cremet d' Anjou 3 Times Comment: Another Yogurt enchaned recipe. Quite good. 22. Yogurt Mousse Ingredients: Yogurt, Egg Coin: Ariel Effects: 2200 EXP, MAX HP+14 Found: Cornelius, Chapter 4 Comment: Better than Napple Sorbert, and Ice Cream & Coulis. Less expensive too, though Yogurt is kind of annoying. 23. Yogurt Fruit Mousse Ingredients: Yogurt, Mulberry, Egg Coin: Ariel Effects: 3300 EXP, MAX HP+24 Found: Make 22. Yogurt Mousse 6 Times Comment: A great Cafe Recipes. Highly Recommended! 24. Floating Island Ingredients: Egg, Ruewort Seed, Napple, Mulberry Coin: Valentinian Effects: 4500 EXP, MAX HP+22 Found: Velvet, Chapter 4 Comment: This is another great one, condiering the effects the ingredients are fair by far. 25. Blancemange Ingredients: Milk, Rosemile, Napple, Mulberry Coin: Valentinian Effects: 4100 EXP, MAX HP+24 Found: Mercedes, Chapter 6 Comment: Another great Cafe Recipe, little more expensive than The Fruit Mousse though. 26. Yogurt Gelato Ingredients: Yogurt, Napple, Milk, Muggle Coin: Commemorative Effects: 7000 EXP, MAX HP+33 Found: Velvet, Chapter 5 Comment: The Cafe's version of "The Omega". Not as potent, but almost. Totally worth it. ======================================================================= VIII. Outtro ======================================================================= Thanks - Ayu: For being farther than me in the game, and helping to collect data. You: For reading this, hopefully it helped you. GameFAQS: For hosting this, let's get some more Odin Sphere guides up in this! Team Clouds: For all those words of encouragement... and ridicule MeS: They didn't really do anything either, but they my peeps. Atlus: Thank you so very much for brining this game to the states. Vanillaware: For making the game. Penny Arcade: For praising it, hopefully it inspired some people to check it out. Written by Joel Acree - Triad - triad@teamclouds.com PS: It's ALL about Velvet <3 ~FIN