_ _ _ _ | | |\ | | |\/| | | |_ |_| /_\ _| . D E M O N |_| | \| | | | |_| _| | | | | _| . S E I G E ( J P N ) ONIMUSHA 3: DEMON SEIGE (Japan Version) --------------------------------------- Developer: Capcom System: PS2 --------------------------------------- FAQ by ataboy Version 1.3 LEGAL NOTICE: The only sites that can post this document are GameFAQs and GameSpot. Any site or entity other than gamefaqs.com or gamespot.com that posts this document is taking an illegal action. - Table of Contents - 01. Characters a. samanosuke b. jaku c. ako d. misheru e. andi f. nobunaga 02. Basics a. fighting b. souls c. upgrading d. controls 03. Walkthrough (Main Game) 04. Secrets a. weapons b. archery b. walkthrough (Heihachi's Game) 05. FAQ 06. Version History 07. Conclusion - - =============================================================================== 01. C H A R A C T E R S =============================================================================== a. Samonosuke The samurai who defeated Nobunaga Oda in the first Onimusha game. He gets sent to modern day France. b. Jaku A French policeman who gets sent to feudal Japan. c. Ako A cute little fairy with black wings that follows the heroes around. She's similar to Navi from OoT except Ako actually helps you. d. Misheru I'm guessing in the US version her name will be Michelle. She is a police woman who uses guns. She is the third playable character. e. Andi Jaku's kid. He somehow has a sixth sense or something and can tell what's going on in the demon world. Maybe he is a demon in disguise? f. Nobunaga It took him two Onimusha games to come to his senses but he finally realizes the potential of time travel. =============================================================================== 02. B A S I C S =============================================================================== a. Fighting and Absorbing Square button is used to fight. Samanosuke can use a bow by pressing R1 and then circle. After you kill things you should absorb their souls. The hard part about fighting in Onimusha is that you have to absorb the souls in a short amount of time after killing something but you have to protect yourself so that the other demons in there can't hurt you while you're absorbing. If there are other demons in there, run away and absorb from a distance or when you get better you can turn the fight to your advantage and make the enemies unable to attack for a moment and then absorb. You learn with practice. There are such things as instant kills. If you attack just before an enemy attacks you a flash of light will go off and you will kill the enemy with one hit and they always leave yellow souls. There are also quick kills. When you knock an enemy to the ground, step over them and press square. Samanosuke will stab them down and kill them and Jaku will step on them, take out his gun, and shoot them three times to kill them. Now for weapons. Samanosuke - His three weapons are double swords, a long sword, and an axe. He can fire arrows by pressing R1 and then O. The axe is so slow it is a hinderance. Use the double swords during the beginning of the game and the long sword towards the end. Jaku - His three weapons are a chain sword, spear, and a chain ball. The spear is the best and should be used at all times. b. Souls Each enemy you kill gives off souls. These souls have different purposes and come in different forms. * red - These are the most common. They give EXP that you can use to upgrade weapons and armor. * yellow - These refill your life bar but are somewhat rare. * blue - These refill your magic bar and are also rare. * purple - If you get five of these, you can enter demon form which makes you temporarily invincible and elevates the damage of your attacks. They are very rare and are also quite dense making them slow to absorb. You should always try to get these if you can. Unlike 1 and 2, Capcom fixed the system so that you don't have to waste the souls if you get five of them. You can save them and use them when you want to by pressing R3. Also, if you die and have five of them, you won't die and you will enter demon form. e. Upgrading The red souls you get give you EXP which you can use to upgrade weapons and armor. Some doors require weapons to be a certain level so you can't really run through without killing things. You upgrade at save points. Select the second option to upgrade. f. controls Left Analog - Moves character [] - Attack X - Absorb souls O - Confirm/Examine/Use bow/Use bugs /\ - Use magic R1 - Enter battle stance/Use bow L1 - Block R3 - Enter demon form =============================================================================== 03. W A L K T H R O U G H =============================================================================== *FRANCE* Jaku is on his motorcycle talking to his son. Then demons show up and start killing everybody. Jaku drives off to help. *JAPAN* A human army is getting ready to attack the demons. Samanosuke shows up and is given some new armor. OUTSIDE CASTLE You gain control at this point. You have all your weapons maxed out so you can probably guess that you're about to lose all that soon. This means you should take full advantage of this. Also, don't be afraid to use your magic because a magic replenish source is real near. Join in the battle and help your comrades kill the demons. Kill the two bowsmen with your bow (hold R1 and hit circle). Once at the exterior of the castle, kill the two big chain demons with your magic and then replenish it on the right. There are two HERBS around here in chests. One is to the left of the stairs, the other is under them. The save point is on the right. The first option saves. The second is for powering up. The third takes you to hack fests and the fourth is the exit. CASTLE Here Samanosuke meets Nobunaga and Annoying Man. After the scene you have to fight Annoying Man. BOSS FIGHT: ANNOYING MAN difficulty - easy Get into battle stance by pressing R1. Wait for him to attack (he always yells in kendo style before he attacks) and then back away while still in battle stance to rush backwards. Then attack him when he's vulnerable. Use your magic during these instances. He'll die after about three to four minutes if you fight him in this safe manner. *FRANCE* Samanosuke is teleported here in some alley. ALLEY This is very Resident Evil 2ish, isn't it? Destory the crate and get the MEDICINE. NOTE: If you beat the game already and earned that SWORD from the original then it will be sitting in the middle of the alley. Proceed forward and onto the streets. STREETS Jaku and Samanosuke meet here and then Jaku teleports to Japan. Kill the demons and make your way to the subway. SUBWAY There is a crate that can be smashed which leads you to the next area. Go down the hallway and then up the stairs. OUTSIDE ARCH DE TRIUMPH Use the bow on the flying demons. There are two chests around here. They contain a MEDICINE (on on the left of the arch), BOWS (close one), and a book. Go up to the torches and a path is revealed. Go down to get the DOUBLE swords (his best weapon) and the one you should use the rest of the game. The other two are more powerful but are much slower and leave you vulnerable much too often if you are not very good with them. Go back up. You meet some blonde woman. She gets beat around and then Samanosuke comes to help. ARCH TOWER Kill the two demons. OUTSIDE ARCH You're back outside. Go back inside. ARCH TOWER Kill the demons and get the KEY on the floor. Go up the stairs and use the key on the door. ARCH SHOW ROOM There's a book on the counter. There is a puzzle box in the top right (Again, for puzzles, there is a good puzzle guide on GameFAQs). Get the MEDICINE in the chest on the left near the door. Before exiting, go to the glowing pink miniature tower and absorb all the souls out of it. Oh, and the glowing item near the entrance behind the ropes is not accesible at this time. ARCH ROOF You meet Gilderstern here and then fight a big robot. BOSS FIGHT: BIG ROBOT difficulty - easy Use all your magic on him and then it's best to slash and run (especially when he does his missile attack which follow you). His best attack is a spinning one where he comes towards you with great speed, twirling around. If you don't run behind him immediately after he starts this, you're going to get hit. You can't outrun this. Stay close to him and slash away. When he starts firing missiles, run around him. When he starts twirling, run behind him. When he extends his arms to do the stretch attack, run behind him. *JAPAN* Jaku finds himself in past Japan. FOREST PATH Save if you want and then run forward. You will see Jaku's kid and then be given the soul absorbing gauntlet and a weapon. Kill the demon by staying at a distance and using the weapon's far reaching ability. Jaku's weapons are sort of cheap becuase they all can reach distances that the enemies can't reach so you can stay back and avoid lots of damage. Jaku is also good at combos. Hold R1 long enough for it to charge and then attack with square. Jaku will grab the enemy and then you can either attack again, kick, hit circle, etc. Mix it up, really. If you grab them, you can also throw them by pressing in the opposite direction and pressing square. You'll meet a fairy here with black wings. She follows you around and helps you. Remember that item in the arch showroom that was behind the ropes that you couldn't reach? When Samanosuke is back there, you can get this now since the fairy can reach items like this for you. When it starts talking near an item, hit circle. Kill the easy demons and proceed forward. Ignore the plants since you can't kill them yet. FOREST SHRINE You'll meet Samanosuke here. Kill the demons. You can throw rocks by holding R1 and pressing circle. After they shake hands, look around for chests. Right near the path where you start, there are breakable boxes which are hiding a GEM and a chest with a HERB. The fairy will pick up the gem for you. Hit circle when it talks to you to get it from her. There is a SCROLL and a chest with a GARMENT to the right. Go behind the shrine to the right and the fairy can get a HERB for you. Go up the stairs and kill the demons. Proceed. WEAPON AREA Jaku can get a weapon here but he needs something first. Go to the right. WATERFALL AREA Open the chest for a BUG. These bugs help you swing around. Hold R1 and hit circle when it's glowing to swing. Destroy the crate for another BUG and keep swinging to the waterfall. There are two SCROLLS near the buddha statue. Don't ask me what they say. Go down the ladder. Get the metal circle in the chest. Use the fairy to get the DRINK. Destroy the crate for a BUG and swing back. Leave. WEAPON AREA Use the metal circle on the big thing in here and get your new weapon. A sword that stretches real far. You can kill plants with this but ignore the ones near you for now and head back to that first area you found them in. SHRINE Proceed. FOREST PATH Kill the rolling demons and then the plants. A chain demon falls so use this instance to test your magic with this weapon and then finish him off by staying at a distance. Get the KEY that is there. Now go back to the weapon area. SHRINE Kill the enemies. One enemy has a BUG. Use it and get the MAGIC CHARM. WEAPON AREA Kill the plants and head through. PLANT PATH Kill all the plants along the way. OUTSIDE STRUCTURE Samanosuke will help you kill these. Use the key and head in. STRUCTURE PATH Kill everything. Power up your weapon and save. Head through door. STRUCTURE Annoying Man is here. They talk. An enemy shows up. BOSS FIGHT: GRINNING DEMON difficulty - medium For some reason I have trouble with this boss more than almost any other. Stay at a distance and swing on the bug a lot. Keep swinging around and you'll eventually hit him. He will at one point send out many souls for no reason. Do not try to absorb them because this is a trick to get you unguarded. Once you start absorbing, he will fly across the screen and hit you hard. Wait for him to end this attack and then try to absorb if you can. The souls are not worth the damage you will get. Enter demon mode by pressing R3 if you have enough purple souls. *FRANCE* Samanosuke talks with the blonde woman and then you control him. OUTSIDE ARCH Head back into the arch. ARCH TOWER Head up. ARCH SHOWROOM Get that hard to reach item now that you got the fairy. They are FIRE BOWS. ARCH ROOF There are 2 chain demons and a very hard charging demon up here if you want to fight them for some souls. You can fight the two chain demons without fighting the charging demon if you want to for some souls and items they have. ARCH SHOWROOM Two fast demons here. ARCH TOWER Descend and proceed. OUTSIDE ARCH Get back to subway. SUBWAY Enter the red door by using the KEY in the guard's hand. SEWER 1 Kill the slug demons. They leave small slugs that you can step on (similar to spiders in RE). SEWER POWER ROOM Go to the red blinking thing and activate the power. Save if you want. I was able to power the double sword to lv. 2 so maybe you can too. SEWER 1 Activate the bridge and cross it. Kill the slug. There is a scroll in the chest. Kill the other slug and go through the door. SEWER ROOM There is a chest in the top right hall of here after you kill everything. Go open it. I don't know what the hell that thing is but when you hit it, it gives you yellow souls. It looks like a little dutch girl or some kind of gnome or something. Anyway, when it runs away it leaves you a health item. There is a connecting hallway to the right with a GARMENT and GEM. Go over to the red door with the lock. The combo is 3-1-4. Before leaving through the door to the left of this red door, head to the side of this room where the hallway is. Look up and hold R1. The fairy will fly up to something on the ceiling. Shoot it with a arrow and you get a HERB. SEWER 2 Head to the bottom of the screen once you get in the water. The fairy can get a HEALTH PACK here. Head up the ladder on the right and get the WHEEL. Head back. SEWER ROOM Head up the ladder in here and use the wheel on that thing. Head down the ladder and activate that thing. Head through the door right across from there. SEWER 3 Activate the bridge. Kill the slugs. Once your double swords are on lv. 2 you should start powering up your armor. Save. Head right and get LIGHTNING ARROWS in the chest. Head up the ladder and cut the chain that is holding a big ball. Go down the ladder and then into the water. You have to push the ball while fighting the demons at the same time. Sometimes Mischeru goes temorarily stupid and stops pushing the ball to stare at you fight demons. Once Misheru stops pushing the ball and heads up the ladder, keep pushing it for a HEALTH ITEM. Go up the ladder. There is a GEM to the right on the ceiling. Kill the demon and then head up the hall. The guard gives you a KEY. Ladder. *JAPAN* VILLAGE Jaku is a village. Run forward and go in some double doors. Don't talk to the man yet. Go through the back door and get the GARMENT. There is a SCROLL in the store. Slash the pots for a GEM. Now talk to the man. Something about a watch is exchanged and Jaku is told to leave. The guy locked the door so you can't go back in for awhile. There is a pot to the right of the save point with a BUG in it. Head up the ladder to the right and there is a chest. Use the bug to reach the beach where a puzzle is. Talk to the kid looking in the barrel. Go to the alley close by and talk to the guy near the watermelons. He will give you one. Give this to the kid and he'll leave. Examinine the barrel for a BUG. Use it to get up and enter. Get the KEY and then use the bug to get down. The fairy can get a MAGIC ITEM near the counter. Exit. Kill everything and then go into the alley. Progress through here and you'll see a swinging demon. This thing usually swings five times in a row and then stops leaving a time for you to attack then wait for it to swing again. Kill everything and use the key on the door. WEAPON ROOM There is a DRINK the fairy can get near the entrance. Get the new weapon. It has the speed of the last one but more strength. Exit. VILLAGE Kill everything and then save on the main path. Head through the gate. DOCK Kill everything and get to the door with the blue circle. STORAGE SHED There's lots of modern things in here like washer machines and CDs. Get the book in here and then go into the back to get the SCROLL in the chest. Leave after the scene. DOCK A chain demon clears your path. Kill him and then go up the new stairs. You meet a guy named Hiehachi here. BOSS FIGHT: Heihachi difficulty - very easy Fight him like any other enemy. His only attack that you may have to worry about is when he starts spinning his weapon. Stay away and slash from a distance. He should go down easily. DECK Kill everything and go through the door. BOAT Go down the stairs. Destroy the painting. Inside the chest is another one of those gnome things but this one's a male. I don't know if this was boss fight or what but this thing fought me for like five minutes before vanishing. He gives you a KEY which you should use on the door in this room. Oh, and he has an axe that he hits you with. It doesn't take off much though. ENGINE ROOM? Get the BOOK in here and exit. The boat will go under water. *FRANCE* OUTSIDE ND Hopefully your swords is on lv. 2 so go through but not before getting the GEM in the trashcan on the right. ND Kill everything. There is a LITTLE GIRL to smack around for heath in the chest in the top left. There is a GEM in some pots to the left of the chest. There is a soul releasing thing in here in the top right so aborb lots of souls. Go to the right of the thing in the front and hit the switch to find anew door. Go through. BENEATH ND There are two things to shoot down in here (GEM AND HERB). KNIFE ROOM 1 Ther are swinging knives here. Make your way around here counter clockwise two doors and hit the thing to make them stop. Go through the new door. SKULL ROOM There is a HERB on the cieling. Kill the demons and get scome PENDANT thing on the gold skull mount. Go to the right of that and get the SCROLL out of the chest. There is a thing on the ceiling (GEM). To the left of the skull thing is a chest with a SCROLL or something. KNIFE ROOM 1 Go back to the door in here and exit. BENEATH ND Go up. ND The statues in here have four lightable things in here. Each of them have one through four lit up. In numerical order, go through and absorb the evil out of them. The dragon statue will light up and you can get your NEW WEAPON. Go back down. BENEATH ND Pass. KNIFE ROOM 1 Go to the open doorway. SKULL ROOM Go to the door at the end glowing blue. Go through with new weapon equipped. KNIFE ROOM 2 Wait for the two knives to pass by and move counter-clockwise around the room. Kill the plants at the stop points and continue. There is a chest with a ROPE. Get it and exit the room. SKULL ROOM There is a fall in here that you can use the rope on. Get down and get the SKULL. Go back to the door you just came through. KNIFE ROOM 2 Make your way around to the door with the skulls on it and use the SKULL. TELEPORT ROOM You will fight two spinning sword demons here that are very hard. Use your magic on them and kill them quickly. Then leave and replenish magic at the entrance to this room near the save point and then go back in. There are some reading materials around here. Use the teleport. *???* NOTE: You're about 1/3 through the game now. TEMPLE Go on the boat and up the stairs. There is an (ITEM) here. Go to the left of the boat and you'll see a door with two blue flames on either side so go through. CIRCLE ROOM There is a yellow door, blue door, and red door in here with corresponding things sticking up in the center circle. The only door that you can go through is the yellow door because the yellow circle is in place. You can go through if you want but the place is flooded and Samanosuke can't proceed so go up and get the YELLOW CIRCLE in the thing sticking up. Now get the SCROLL in the chest near the save point. Near the save point is a teleporter which allows Samanosuke and Jaku to teleport items to eachother and let you switch between them. Use the teleporter. The first slot is the items you can transfer. Select the YELLOW CIRCLE. Now the option under the items is the player switching. With the yellow circle on the right side of the screen switch to Jaku. BOAT ROOM Kill everything. There are lots of enemies. Let the stupid swinging demons kill the other demons by mistake to lessen the foes. Go through door. CIRCLE ROOM Replenish magic. Use the yellow circle on the sticking up thing and then go through the yellow door. YELLOW AREA 1 Use the bug to go up. Kill the two and go through. YELLOW AREA 2 Get the SCROLL in the top left. Then get the two BOOKS in the chest. Jaku will now see Annoying Man again. Enemies appear. Kill them and use the elevator in here. LIBRARY Kill some things and then run over and use the book where the other books are. Put them in this order: 5-4-3-2-1. It opens up. Go in and to the right. Get the BUG and then run out and use it near the entrance to the room. Get up and run over and kill the bowsmen if they are there. Get the book around here. The fairy can get a DRINK to the left of the bowsmen. Get the TELESCOPE thing in the chest. Go back down. Go through the door in here and to the left to talk to a crazy hanging man from the original. He is also the memory card image in this game too (His popularity stepping up!). The left choice will make you go in a hack fest. The right is to exit. Choose either twice to make decision. Exit through elevator. YELLOW AREA 2 An enemy is here. He is easier than he looks. Exit. Oh, and kill him. YELLOW AREA 1 Use bug. Kill the enemy and exit. CIRCLE ROOM NOTE: You should send all the bows to Samanosuke. Switch to Samanosuke. Go through yellow door. YELLOW AREA 1 Get the thing in the CHEST under the stairs. Go up and through the door. YELLOW AREA 2 Go to the top right and get the BLUE CIRCLE. Gildenstern shows up with Annoying Man in a demon version of himself. His technique is still the same so **** his **** up and then leave. YELLOW AREA 1 Kill the glowing demon for a DRINK. Then leave. CIRCLE ROOM Use the blue circle and go through the door. BLUE AREA 1 Run forward and the glass breaks. Run as fast as you can to the next door. BLUE AREA 2 Go up the stairs and through door. BLUE AREA 3 Smash the crates to reveal spinning sword demon and a TELESCOPE thing or is it a horn I guess. Kill everything and get the thing and then leave. BLUE AREA 2 Use the TELESCOPE/HORN thing on the thing to the right and the shutters come down in area 1. Go back into area 1. BLUE AREA 1 Kill some water demons. One has a DRINK. Leave. CIRCLE ROOM Get the blue circle and switch Jaku. Use the blue circle and go through the blue door. BLUE AREA 1 Go down hall and door. BLUE AREA 2 Head up stairs and through the door. BLUE AREA 3 Kill some glowing demons and keep swinging on bugs until you coem up to your new weapon. Then head back to the door you just came through and exit. BLUE AREA 2 Open the door with the purple circle on it with your new weapon equipped. BLUE AREA 4 Your bug is dead. Exit. BLUE AREA 2 Use some magic to kill this chain demon. Run forward to kill those bowsmen and another chain demon falls down. You may want to kill the bowsmen first and then him. Once done, go back to circle room. CIRCLE ROOM Switch to Samanosuke. Go into blue door. BLUE AREA 1 Run forward to door. BLUE AREA 2 Go into door with purple circle. BLUE AREA 4 Get the BUG WINGS and exit. BLUE AREA 2 Go through door you came in here in a second ago. BLUE AREA 1 Kill the glowing demons (one gives an HERB). CIRCLE ROOM Send Jaku the bug wings and switch to him. The blue door is blocked by an evil force similar to the one blocking the statues in ND. Go through the door close to the save point back to the boat. BOAT ROOM Kill everything and then use the bug in the middle of the ship. BLUE AREA 3 You're back here? Keep swinging to the door. BLUE AREA 2 Go into the door with the purple circle. BLUE AREA 4 Use the bug wings on the bug and it is flying now. Swing over. Activate this thing and get the BLUE THING. Leave. BLUE AREA 2 Kill everything. --OPTIONAL-- Head to the door to the left of the door you just came out of. BLUE AREA 1 Turn right around and head back in. BLUE AREA 2 There are lots of easy enemies to defeat that give you very good items like herbs and stuff plus lots of souls. You can do this some more if you want. --END OPTIONAL-- Head up the stairs and through the door. BLUE AREA 3 Swing across to the boat. BOAT ROOM There is a charging demon in here that is hard. Use magic on him. Head back to the cirlce room. CIRCLE ROOM Send Samanosuke the blue thing you just got and switch to him. Absorb the evil from the blue door and go in. BLUE AREA 1 Kill the glowing demons and go through the door. BLUE AREA 2 Go into the door with the purple circle. BLUE AREA 4 Use the blue thing on the thing Jaku got it from. The room powers up. Time your running and get out. BLUE AREA 2 GO into the elevator in here. BLUE AREA 5 Smash the boxes to get your new weapon, the axe. Kill the enemies and ride the elevator back up. BLUE AREA 2 Head to the door to the right. BLUE AREA 1 Run down the hall. CIRLCE ROOM Go into the yellow door. YELLOW AREA 1 Go up to the door and enter. YELLOW AREA 2 Use the elevator. LIBRARY Enter the door with the red circle with the axe equipped. LIGHT ROOM There is a GARMENT in the chest. Get the RED CIRCLE in the thing and then exit. LIBRARY Exit. YELLOW AREA 2 Exit. YELLOW AREA 1 Exit. CIRCLE ROOM Send the red circle to Jaku and switch to him. Use the red circle and go in the door. Save though first. RED AREA 1 Swing across and go through the door. RED AREA 2 BOSS FIGHT: TWO HEADED BEAST (FIRST ENCOUNTER) difficulty - easy This is a very easy boss. It charges back and forth basically and does a ice attack which freezes you and also a lightning attack as well which it throws at you and also a fire attack sometimes as well. Maybe the yellow, blue, and red areas are linked to these elements? Stay on the other side of it. Once it starts charging, dash to the side and then attack. Use up all your magic on him and even switch to demon form if possible. He'll die after about five minutes. CIRCLE ROOM Go into the red door. RED AREA 1 Walk across the newly provided boxes and go in. RED AREA 2 Scene plays where Samanosuke gets thrown somewhere. *FRANCE* The little brat starts spazin' out and misheru runs off. OUTSIDE ND You're now playing as Misheru. Run up and demons will break the fence. Don't fight anything yet and run over and get the RING in the chest. It gives you the ability to absorb souls. Now kill everything. Go back down into the sewer but save first if you want. Oh, you start out with a SPS15+S which is a shotgun essentially. You are about to get a grenade launcher and will most likely never touch this weak thing again. SEWER 3 Make your way through the long hall. Eventually you'll get to the ladder on the left so climb it. Kill all the slugs and then head right. Go up the ladder and get the SPS15+G which is the grenade launcher. Switch to this and then head back down the stairs and cross the bridge and go in the room. SEWER ROOM Go through the last door to your left. SEWER 1 Run all the way left and go up the stairs. SUBWAY Go to the hallway and back to the arch de triumph. OUTSIDE ARCH Kill everything and then go into the arch. ARCH TOWER Ascend all the way and go in the door. ARCH ROOF Kill the big robot from earlier. Leave. ARCH TOWER Descend. OUTSIDE ARCH Get back to subway. SUWAY Get back to sewer. SEWER 1 Go all the way right and into sewer room. SEWER ROOM To through the last door on the top. SEWER 3 Get across bride and then down into water. Go all the way down the long tunnel and then up the ladder. Then climb the ladder on the right to get back to ND. OUTSIDE ND Go inside. ND Go down stairs. BENEATH ND Kill the two fast demons that jump down and then go through the door. KNIFE ROOM 1 Go into the open doorway. SKULL ROOM Go down the hall and enter the door. KNIFE ROOM 2 Go into the room with the save point next to it. TELEPORT ROOM Go forward and two spinning sword demons show up. Point and shoot. Then go into the new room and get the BOOK. Ako shows up and then Samanosuke and Andi are shown in a cell. Misheru then shows what a bad driver she is. PARK ENTRANCE Run forward and kill everything. Those big ape things are no trouble with the grenade launcher but wait until you have to fight them with Samanosuke. There is a PIECE OF PAPER on the floor next to the sign that says "BATEAU". There is something in the chest to the left of the stairs on the left. Go up the stairs. PARK 1 Kill everything and go through the door at the end. PARK OFFICE Two of those monkey demons are in here. Go through the door at the end. PARK 2 Kill the rolling demons. Get behind the panda to see Misheru and Ako in a comical fashion. Make your way around the circular structure and go in. AQUARIUM Go around clockwise and get the book by the door. Then go down into the aquarium. There is a switch mechanism that lowers capsules with things in them. The first one lowers a monkey demon. The second lowers a key. The third lowers another monkey demon. The fourth one lowers a SPS15+R which is a sniper rifle. This is only useful later in the castle part so keep the grenade launcher equipped. Go up the ladder and go around counter-clockwise. Use the first door you come across to go back to park 1. PARK 1 Go to the bottom and back to park entrance. PARK ENTRANCE Go to the right and into the Bateau area. Go down the stairs and enter the boat. Use the key you just got on the boat. Misheru and Ako talk for awhile here about what, I don't know. It seems to have some significance. Then the engine stops and demons show up. Kill the two demons (fast + water) and then absorb the souls. Ako gets excited when the boat starts and then you're parked in a new area. BOAT LANDING Go up the stairs. OUTSIDE BUILDING Go inside. BUILDING Remember not to get items and leave them for Samanosuke. Kill the plant and a path is revealed so go down. CELLS Run forward and a scene will play where you see Samanosuke and Andi locked up. The monkey demons burst through and you have to kill them. Now go the red flashing thing on the wall and unlock the cells. Prepare to laugh. This next scene is one of the funniest things I've seen in a game. You then control Samanosuke again. Playing as Misheru softened me up and I forgot how to actually fight for awhile so make sure you don't forget that you can't shoot things from across the screen anymore. Go get the things in the chest that you hopefully left for Samanosuke (someone that can actually use them). Also get that RING thing on the floor, no I don't know what it does but you probably need it. Go up the stairs. BUILDING Kill everything and then get the two GEMS hanging from the ceiling. There is a chest in here also. Exit the building. OUTSIDE BUILDING Use Ako to get the item to the right of the stairs. Start powering up your long sword. Go down into the boat. BOAT LANDING Get in and start it. Demons come so kill them. PARK ENTRANCE Go up and kill the rolling demons. Go to the very entrance and go up to the Souvenirs store and get the MED PACK in the chest. PARK 1 Kill the monkey demons and get the GEM in the trash can on the top next to the door and then enter it but not before having Ako get the item to the right of the stairs leading back to the park entrance. PARK OFFICE Kill the two glowing demons and then ignore the door with the two blue circles. Go to the last door but not before breaking the glass in one of the squares and having Ako get a MED PACK. PARK 2 Get the MED PACK in the chest to the left of the door. Go back to the office. PARK OFFICE GO to the other door and exit but if you already have the blue sword on lv. 2 then go in the door. PARK 1 Head back to the entrance area. PARK ENTRANCE First kill all the rolling and flying demons and then power up your sword. If you still need red souls then leave and enter this area over and over again. PARK 1 Go back to the office. PARK OFFICE Enter the door with the two blue circles and enter. BATHROOM Get the KEY and leave. PARK OFFICE Go back to the door you just came in here from. PARK 1 Go across and leave. PARK ENTRANCE Go over to the boat and use it. BOAT LANDING Head up stairs. OUTSIDE BUILDING Go in. BUILDING Use the key on the door that looks like an elevator. LAB 1 Make your way to the room in here. Get the BOOK and the SCROLL and then go over and save. Enter the door. LAB 2 I don't know what he's doing to them but it's probably bad seeing how Andi is yelling "Yarete! Yarete!!" BOSS FIGHT: Gildernstern difficulty - medium Gildernstern floats around shooting things at you and creating glowing demons that fight you. At first there is only him. Shoot him when he glows pink. He does this when he is about to do something. Later he creates one glowing demon. Fight the demon but shoot Gilderstern whenever he glows pink. You can hit his projectile back at him if you are skilled at timing. When two glowing demons are fighting it gets more difficult. Kill one of them but don't try to kill the second because the first one will come back soon so when there is only one just run around waiting for Gilderstern to turn pink and then shoot him with the arrow. At the end, he will try to go back to the past at the beginning of the battle and you will have to fight this all over again so don't get caught in the black circle on the ground he makes. Towards the end (you'll get a general idea of when the end is) start keeping a good distance from him and just fire arrows when he glows pink. Don't try to fight the glowing demons when you think it's almost over. Samanosuke, Misheru, and Andi all take the car now to an old castle. NOTE: You are about 2/3 through the game now. CASTLE ENTRANCE There is a save point close by that you should use and also a teleporter but wait to touch that. Get the BOOK on the floor. Kill everthing and then switch to Jaku. TRAIN SIDE Jaku gets off the train and sees Heihachi. He's the same as the first time and just as easy. Stay away and slash at him from a distance. It's safe to not go for multiple hits because he will resist them and attack you in the middle of a combo so hit him twice and then back away and hit again. The key is to keep a distance or he will hurt you. Kill all the flying demons in here including the one holding the BUG. Destroy the crate to the left of the train for a GEM. Use the bug and then go in the door. GARDEN Get the BOOK in the chest and then proceed into the center of the garden. Get out the chain sword and light the four torches with it. It's smart to light one of the two closest ones to the moving thing in order to run in there quickly after lighting them. Get in and get the KEY and then light the torch in there at the right time for it to stop itself and let you out. Go to the other side of this area and go in the door. CASTLE ROOF Use the bug and then get over to the roof. Kill everything and then talk to the guy here for a HERB. Use the purple teleporter to send Samanosuke the key and then switch to him. CASTLE ENTRANCE Use the key on the gate to the top of the screen. CASTLE ENTRANCE 2 Kill everything and then get the BOOK in the chest. Go through the door. CASTLE PATH Kill the plant and get the GOLDEN CIRCLE in the chest behind it. Go back. CASTLE ENTRANCE 2 There are two chain demon shere to kill. Exit. CASTLE ENTRANCE Use the golden circle on the gate to the left of the screen near the save point and go in. There is a chain demon to kill. Get the RED THING in the chest and then use the fairy to get something near the edge of the walkway. Absorb souls out of the pink temple thing. Go back to the teleporter and send Jaku the red thing and switch to him. CASTLE ROOF Go into the door to the left. CASTLE STAIRS Use the red thing. The tiles need to be stepped on in the right order. You can only walk from left to right and up to down (no diaganol walking). So the first time should be in this order. Star -> Sun -> Moon The only place you can start is the bottom left. Make your way around in the right order. There isn't ever a time when you have to choose between two stars or two moons or two suns so just keep moving. The second time is in this order. Ah. This time you have to make a decision at one point. Oh, it's Sun -> Moon -> Star This last time you have to make a decision as well but just as long as you step on the right symbol, the thing won't come down and hit you. Even if it does it doesn't do any damage except a little. Moon -> Star -> Sun Stairs are released so go down. There is a door to the left which leads to an area where the hanging man is. He can take you to a hack fest if you want. On the stairs, kill some enemies and then destroy the crate on the bottom for some bugs. Run back and use the bug to swing up. There is a demon here to kill. Swing across and then kill the demon here. Go down and kill the plant. Then open the gate. CASTLE ENTRANCE 2 Kill everything and look for something to release a bug. Fly up to get a GARMENT and then go back down. Exit this area. CASTLE STAIRS Go back up to the roof. CASTLE ROOF Switch characters. CASTLE ENTRACE Run across to the gate and go in. CASTLE STAIRS Run up to the gate on the left and go in. TELEPORT ROOM Kill the demons and then teleport in teh circle. ALTERNATE PARIS (What is this? Silent Hill?) Go up into the arch after killing the plant. ARCH TOWER There are slugs in here. Go up. ARCH ROOF There are some hard enemies here. Kill them and get the KEY in the chest. A teleportation cirlce appears so go in. TELEPORT ROOM Leave. STAIRS Go down to the bottom and to the entrance. CASTLE ENTRANCE Send the key to Jacque and switch. CASTLE ROOF Go into the door. CASTLE STAIRS Run down to the gate on the bottom and go in. Use the key on the locked door here. GEAR ROOM Kill the two demons and get to the top left to get the DRINK in the chest. Exit. STAIRS Heihachi gives you a KEY here. Kill the demons and then talk to the guy here for a HERB. Go up the stairs and to the roof. CASTLE ROOF Use the bug on the edge to get to a door after saving the guy and talking to him. GARDEN Make your way to the door. You'll have to fight some glowing demons. TRAIN AREA Float down and the key on the door here. CELL ROOM Run forward and Jaku saves them. Get the ROOT on the floor and exit. TRAIN AREA Put the root in the square closest to the tree here. Use the bug to go up and through the door. GARDEN Make your way around. CASTLE ROOF Switch to Samansouke. CASTLE ROOF CLimb down the tree. TRAIN AREA There is a GEM in the trashcan around here and also a MED PACK behind the gate on the left that Ako can get. Also a anothe GEM in another trashcan. Go in the door. CELL ROOM Smash the boxes and get the GEAR. Also, there are two GEMS in here in boxes. TRAIN AREA Climb the plant. CASTLE ROOF Send the gear to Jaku and switch to him. Use the gear on the left and then pull the thing. Go in the new door. CHURCH Kill the plant to get access to the chest which has a HEALTH and then get the book on the floor and then go through the door. Go down and... OUTSIDE CASTLE Andi uses his sixth sense to sense his "pa pa" is in trouble. You're playing as Misheru again. As I'm typing this she's running her hand through her hair. What kind of sane person worries about their hair when demons are running around? Run forward and to the left to get that mysterious RING again. Go through the door. CASTLE ENTRANCE Kill things (the sniper rifle works good here) and then go to the door where the glowing demon is shooting things at you from. STAIRS Run up and go to the door at the top. I kept hitting the button for awhile and it kept showing symbols and I was like, "Well, I guess there's some key or something", so I went around looking for it and then after no success came back and it let me in. So, keep skipping past the symbols and it'll let you in. CASTLE ROOF You're now Samansouke. Get the RING on the ground or just leave the stupid thing there and get in the door you start by. CHURCH Kill the spinning sword demon and then go in the door. Save here. Go down. Andi hits these buttons and you have to copy him. It progresses, like it starts with up down triangle and then ads more. I couldn't get the cut off points but you don't need them. Just keep doing this below. up, down, /\, X, O, down, up, [], left, X, X, right CASTLE ENTRANCE Defeat the demons and save. Exit this area. OUTSIDE CASTLE Hmm... I wonder if a huge demon is going to burst out of that suspicious rock... BOSS FIGHT: Two Headed Demon (Second Encounter) difficulty - easy It's the same boss except it has about four times as much health. This is probably the longest battle in the game. Just keep dodging it's charges by going left or right and then attacking and then running to the other side. The hardest part about this thing is when it knocks you down. It's so cheap that it will continue knocking you down over and over and there is nothing you can do until it either stops or you manage to dodge it which is very hard at such a close range. They escape in the car. Silly gaijin are overly emotional as usual, right Samaosuke? CASTLE POISON ROOM Jaku now. Go into the door here. CASTLE BACK ROOM Kill everything and there is a BOOK to get. Use the bug and destroy the crate for a GEM. Go into the door. What was he trying to do? Well, he gets attached to the flying thing with the cannon. What is that, the Junon cannon? SNOW AREA Who the **** is this Heihachi guy? One minute he's giving you keys, the next minute he's trying to kill you. Now he's sitting by fires with you. Heihachi then wanders off, probably to attack other friends of his. Save and the destroy the crate for a BUG. This area is pretty big. You keep getting on icebergs and using the bugs to pull over. At one point you come up on an area where you can choose between two paths to two different icebergs but they both end up in the same area in the end. Always look for crates to smash which have bugs in them. At the end, you'll be in front of a house and Samanosuke will away from you a bit. You should save and then go in. You'll be locked in. For some reason I got the idea that Samanouske was behind this... Why was he hanging back there waiting for you to go in? HOUSE MAZE There are lots of respawning swinging demons here but Jaku is so powerful now you don't even really have to fight them (just grab them by holding R1 until it powers up two colors and then grab them and press in the opposite direction and press [] to throw them. Then run over and do the quick kill). First run all the way to the last room by using the red bug to open the door. There is a blue bug in here. There are two blue doors it opens. Ignore the blue door close to this bug and run all the way back as far as you can. Activate the red bug and then go in the first room you came in. Quickly run in the blue door in here. In the chest is a BUG. Kill the swinging demon here and then get the HEALTH in the chest in the back and use the soul absorbing thing. You have to destroy the purple paper to get back here. Activate the blue bug and leave. Activate the red bug and go into the next room. There is a GEM to the left in here. This area was unaccessible before you got that bug in the other room. Swing across and activate the yellow bug. Now swing back across and run all the way up. In the last room is a blue bug to use. Go in the room next to it and run to the left into the yellow door. Save and jump down. UNDER MAZE Kill the two charging demons and then use the bug that comes out to get up. SAVE HERE. Before you proceed make sure you have an hour or so to spare. BATTLE GROUND This part is just awesome. You really should not leave until you are on level 20 with your red souls. This is basically free souls, red, blue, and yellow. There are so many enemies and they are all the easy ones that have very long attack stances that you can actually get chain instant kills. I've gotten up to a five chain instant kill. Since instant kills always leave yellow souls you are basically always replenished. Your health should never go below half way because of all the potential instant kills and yellow souls. Make your way to the right while killing. Okay, you should get to a gate so go in. BATTLE AREA THere's more of the battle in here. Make your way over and use the bug. Then there should be another gate. ANOTHER BATTLE AREA Small little area with battle. Use the bug to get up. Use the bug on the right to get a DRINK. Go through the gate. GOLDEN TEMPLE You'll see Heihachi here and Annoying Man. Save here. Then go up the elevator. GOLDEN ROOM THere are some demons to fight. Get the SCROLL, I guess, in the chest and then go through the window. ABOVE GOLDEN TEMPLE There is a puzzle to the right if you care. Use the bug to go up. The Grinning demon from earlier jumps down. He is just the same. Stay at a distance and use the weapons long reach to your advantage. The fairy can get a DRINK to the left. Go in the window. GOLDEN ROOM 2 Go to the left for that chest that was visible in room 1. Then save and go up the stairs. BOSS FIGHT: Demon Woman difficulty - very easy (if you know what you're doing) medium/hard (if you don't) She is extremely fast and dodges any attack you throw at her unless she is attacking also. Wait for her to attack and then slash her twice (any more and she'll dodge and hit you). If she jumps up on the railings, run behind her and she can't attack you. If she jumps on the wall, run away so she can't attack. Just wait for her to do ground attacks and then counter. That's the easiest and most sure way of beating her. If she doubles herself, she can do great damage if you let them team up on you. Go up the ladder. After the scenes are done, you're Samanosuke at the Eiffel Tower. TOWER ENTRACE There is a puzzle box to the left. Look around for a chest with a MED PACK. Go into the door after saving. You have to press the red switch to the left of it. Then press the red switch inside. Kill the fast demons that burst in and then press the red switch next to the ladder. Go up the ladder. ABOVE ELEVATOR Kill and then go up ladder. STAIRS You have to make your way up the stairs while avoiding the teleportation circles that randomly form on the levels between stairs. The rolling demons are what makes it difficult because they knock you back into them. What you should do is stay on the stairs, and kill the demons before running quickly to the next stairs. Try to stay at the top of the stairs because if you're on the bottom they will knock you into teleportation circles. At the top there is a spinning sword demon and a circle which forms around him. Try to lure him away from that area, back towards the stairs you just came from. Up stairs. BALCONY BOSS FIGHT: Big Robot Same techinique. He has more health though I think. Once he's done, look for a machine that glows light blue. It has a shutter that closes every now and then. Attack it when it's open and break it. A path is now open to the right of a chest in here. MORE STAIRS Same strategy as before. You'll get to a point where you run on a blue wire. At one point it goes left and right. Go right and then to the stairs. Go up and do the same as before. You'll get to the top and there is a charging demon and one of those demons that throws those rings around you. Kill them and go up the stairs. BALCONY 2 There is a LITTLE DUTCH GIRL in a chest to the right and HEALTH in the chest to the left. Go up the stairs. To the bottom right are FIRE ARROWS that Ako can get for you. There is a BOOK to the right. Hit the red switch next to the elevator to activate it. A spinning sword demon comes down. I found a quick way to kill them just now. Hit him with a lightning arrow and it stuns him. Then run over and attack him and he'll fall down. Then do a quick kill. Go in the elevator. BALCONY 3 Use the soul absorb thing in here and then save. BOSS FIGHT: Annoying Man He's the same as before. You'd think at this point in the game button mashing wouldn't be enough to win but it is with this boss. Just go crazy on him when souls start coming out and he tries to absorb them. You can keep attacking him and he'll keep trying to get the same souls. *JAPAN* Back at the beginning but with Jaku. Make your way to the building. Jaku beats up Annoying Man. There is the weird hanging man who can take you to hack fests by the save point. Save and go inside. BUILDING BOSS FIGHT: Nobunaga difficulty - medium This battle is easier than you'd think. Just use magic on him. Go through all your weapons and use it all. Then start swinging and you'll hit him eventually. This is it for Jaku so use all your stuff. *FRANCE* Watch the scene where Samanosuke teleports. Then another scene. *JAPAN* Payback time. Save and then go inside. This next part isn't really a fight. YOu can't get hurt and you deal super damage. Hit triangle to kill him quickly. It's like the fight with Sephiroth at the end of FFVII. *???* BOSS FIGHT: Demon Nobunaga difficulty - easy You are in demon form. Keep hitting triangle until he drops his sword. At that point, absorb the evil from his sword. Now you are using his sword. Keep hitting triangle on him over and over. He does some attacks you can't avoid even if you run away. So stay as close as possible and keep hitting triangle. It's pretty easy if you have some health. THE END =============================================================================== 04. S E C R E T S =============================================================================== Weapons: You can get the original sword by beating the game and saving. It is in the alley in France where you start as Samansouke and is on the ground. Mini Games: The bottom selection on the menu takes you to the secret games. ARCHERY There is an archery type game here. You can play as Samanosuke or Jaku. You shoot the things that move across. Ranks are S, A, B, C, and D. If you get D you die. * green - normal * blue - fast * red - explosive * purple - put you in demon form HIHACHI SUB GAME Walkthrough: DOCK You start here. Kill everything and head into town. There is a new room here that was not in the main game but there's nothing in there but you can check it out if you want. VILLAGE Samanosuke is here to help. Kill everything and then go onto the side path. Continue to the back path. BACK PATH There are bowmen here and a swinging demon. Kill them and head into the shrine thing. SHRINE Talk to the guy in here and he'll give you a BOOK and a SQUARE THING. I went over to the fire in here and used it. I thought it was some kind of weapon material or something. It opened a portal. I don't know if you have to use this at the fire or not. Enter the portal. TEMPLE AREA Exit. Make your way to the circle room. Find the door that takes you to the long undersea hallway. Fight the two headed beast. I Don't know if this is some kind of time attack or what but a timer started a little after this and I died. More on this later. =============================================================================== 05. F A Q =============================================================================== Q: How do I get the sword from the first game? A: Beat the game and then save. It will be in the alley in France where you start as Samansouke. It's glowing on the ground. Q: What is that slip of paper that looks like a Japanese charm that was in my inventory the whole game? I got it under Notre Dame. A: I don't know. Someone asked this on the message board on GameFAQs and no one answered them. I want to know too! Answer them! UNDER CONSTRUCTION =============================================================================== 06. V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y =============================================================================== Version 1.3 03.11.04 * Finished walkthrough, secrets, and conclusion. Version 0.2 03.10.04 * Progressed in walkthrough. Version 0.1 03.09.04 * Started document, story, characters, basics, and walkthrough. * Completed story, characters, and basics. =============================================================================== 07. C O N C L U S I O N =============================================================================== * THANKS: Thanks to Mike (*looks on Mike's screen* "Oh, that's where you are...") * LEGAL NOTICE: The only sites that can host this document are http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.gamespot.com -- This document is an FAQ by ataboy for the game... _ _ _ _ | | |\ | | |\/| | | |_ |_| /_\ _| . D E M O N |_| | \| | | | |_| _| | | | | _| . S E I G E ( J P N ) by Capcom for the Sony PS2 THIS DOCUMENT IS COPYRIGHT 2004 by ataboy