Onimusha 2 (鬼武者2) Info FAQ Version 1.00 (8.8.02) Written by 無二 忍 Muni Shinobu (muni_shinobu@yahoo.com) "鬼武者" = "Onimusha" = "Ogre Samurai" "鬼" = "Oni" = "Ogre" "幻魔" = "Genma" = "Illusion Demon" ------------------------------------ 登場人物 (CHARACTERS) 柳生 十兵衛 (Yagyuu Jyuubei) The hero of this sequel. A man of justice, Jyuubei is an expert swordsman with the ability to absorb Genma souls. Guided by a mysterious woman, Jyuubei sets out on the journey to seek revenge for the massacre of all the residents of his home village. His target is Oda Nobunaga, who is now no longer a living human being, but a Genma instead. 織田 信長 (Oda Nobunaga) Even though killed on the battlefield by an arrow through the neck, Nobunaga is still in this world because of an unholy contract with the Genma. With world domination as his ultimate goal, Nobunaga is right now based atop the Inaba Mountain, attacking the Odani Castle. 木下 藤吉郎 (Kinoshita Toukichirou) The right hand man of Nobunaga at the time of this story, this monkey-like man would eventually end up becoming Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豊臣 秀吉), the man who would unite all of Japan. 小谷のお邑 (Oyuu of Odani) Clothed in foreign attire and equipped with foreign weapons, the origin of Oyuu is truly mysterious. All that's known about her was that she's from the Odani Castle that's being attacked by Nobunaga at the moment. The grace and elegance of this beauty sometimes inadvertently give away the secret of her mysterious true identity. 風魔 小太郎 (Fuuma Kotarou) A young ninja. Learned in several different shinobi styles, when face to face with an enemy, he is quick to turn the situation around with his speed and agility. 雑賀 孫市 (Saiga Magoichi) The leader of the Kii Region Gun Army, this man is a combination of courage and clear of mind. Even though his weapon of preference is the gun, he is also an expert in the way of the sword. 安国寺 恵瓊 (Ankokuji Ekei) Expert of the Houzouinryuu spear technique, this monk never turns down sake wine and women. 高女 (Takajyo) Mysterious woman who tells Jyuubei of the existence of Genmas, points him at the direction of defeating Nobunaga, and guides him on the path of that journey. Both her real purpose and her real identity are unknown. ------------------------------------ 武器 (WEAPONS) 三池典太 (Sword) Jyuubei's beloved sword, crafted by the famous swordsmith 三池典太光世. Equipped initially. 弓 (Bow) Light-weighted bow, very easy to use and control. Acquired at 今庄の町, in the treasure chest on the second floor of the Ironsmith Shop. 定角の矢 (Arrow) Arrows with sharp arrowheads. Single shots which cause small damage. Acquired in treasure chests. 長根の火矢 (Fire Arrow) Arrows with oil added. Burns the enemy after they've been hit with the arrow. Acquired from enemies. 種子島改 (Improved Gun) Improved version of the long gun which originated from 南蛮 (Nanban). More accurate than regular guns of the time. Acquired at 鬼ケ島, in the puzzle treasure chest in the underground level. 弾丸 (Bullet) Lead bullets. Used together with the Improved Gun. Acquire from allies. ------------------------------------ 防具 (ARMORS) 柳生の陣羽織 Yagyuu Armor - Initial Equipment The armor suit made according to the secret armor making skills passed down by the ancestors of the Yagyuu family. Is lighter than it seems and has extraordinary defense abilities which increase even more with upgrading. Lv1 - Initial Level Lv2 - 9 full red soul gages Lv3 - 17 full red soul gages 柳生の足甲 Yagyuu Foot Armor - Initial Equipment The foot armor that protects from the knee down to the feet, made with the same secret skills passed down by the Yagyuu ancestors. Light and very mobile. With upgrading, kick strength with increase. Lv1 - Initial Level Lv2 - 6 full red soul gages Lv3 - 11 full red soul gages 柳生の手甲 Yagyuu Hand Armor - Initial Equipment Wrist armor of the Yagyuu family. Made with light-weight in mind for easy handling of swords. With upgrading, the time it takes to gather strength will be shortened. Lv1 - Initial Level Lv2 - 5 full red soul gages Lv3 - 11 full red soul gages ------------------------------------ 首飾 (NECKLACE ACCESSORIES) 紫の首飾 Purple Necklace Only use 2/3 the normal Oni Gage Strength when activating Oni Attacks. [Clear Green Dream Illusion Dimension] 緑の首飾 Green Necklace Ability to see treasure chests that are normally unseen. [High Degree of Friendliness with Magoichi, after receiving 爆弾 bomb from him, blow up the rock area beside where you acquired the 舞雷刀 Dancing Thunder Knife] 橙の首飾 Orange Necklace Ability to see and absorb floating souls normally unseen and non-absorbable. [今庄の町, 3rd time, reward if you finished the Store Boy Event] 白の首飾 White Necklace Regains HP slowly when resting. [今庄の町, 3rd time, buy everything from the shop then talk to the shopkeeper] 赤の首飾 Red Necklace Red Souls increase effect. [鬼ヶ島, high Degree of Friendliness with Oyuu, after receiving the 鉄の鍵 Iron Key, enter the room that's otherwise unaccessible] 青の首飾 Blue Necklace Absorb souls faster. [幻魔洞, high Degree of Friendliness with Kotarou, ally event] 黄の首飾 Yellow Necklace Ability to absorb yellow souls from living enemies. [鬼ヶ島, second Ekei event] 黒の首飾 Black Necklace Always issen attacks, but decreases HP each time. [鬼ヶ島, secret door accessible with 3 化石骨 Fossil Bone] ------------------------------------ 鬼の武器 (ONI WEAPONS) 舞雷刀 (Dancing Thunder Knife) Lv1 - Initial Level Lv2 - 7 full red soul gages Lv3 - 14 full red soul gages 氷刃槍 (Ice Blade Spear) Lv1 - Initial Level Lv2 - 7 full red soul gages Lv3 - 14 full red soul gages 旋風丸 (Rotating Wind Maru) Lv1 - Initial Level Lv2 - 7 full red soul gages Lv3 - 14 full red soul gages 土荒槌 (Soil Barren Hammer) Lv1 - Initial Level Lv2 - 9 full red soul gages Lv3 - 18 full red soul gages 烈火剣 (Blazing Fire Sword) - Obtained at the 20th floor of the Purple Dream Illusion Dimension within 岐阜城 Gifu Castle 天守閣 Sky Guard Building ------------------------------------ 魂 (SOULS) Red Soul - used to strengthen your weapons and armors - these will appear whenever you kill an enemy - the amount of red souls releases is dependent on the strong-ness of the enemy Yellow Soul - fills Life (体力) Gage when you absorb them - these will appear randomly when you kill an enemy - the chances of these appearing increases as your Life Gage decreases - these will always appear with issen kills Blue Soul - fills Oni Strength (鬼力) Gage - these will appear randomly when you kill an enemy - the chances of these appearing increases as you Oni Gage decreases - these will fill not only the Oni Gage of the currently equipped weapon, but non-equipped weapons as well Purple Soul - absorb 5 to transform into an Onimusha - though only slightly, the chances of these appearing is higher when you have less of them in stock * Souls will disappear around 10 seconds after left idly floating in the air * Absorb more than one soul during one absorbing motion gives you bonus experience points ------------------------------------ 道具 (EQUIPMENTS) 薬草 (Herb Grass) Fragrant grass growing in the wild. Drink the water cooked together with its leaves. Life recovery small. 丸薬 (Pill Medicine) Pills made from herb grass. Concentrated to minimize the size and maximize the strength. Life recovery medium. 秘薬 (Secret Medicine) Made from numerous types of herb grasses according to a secret method and recipe originated from China. Life recovery big. 鬼薬 (Oni Medicine) Liquid with a purple glow, kept in a small bottle. Oni Strength recovery small. 大鬼薬 (Big Oni Medicine) Liquid with a purple glow, kept in a bottle. Oni Strength recovery medium. 超鬼薬 (Super Oni Medicine) Liquid with a purple glow, kept in a pot. Oni Strength recovery big. 劇薬 (Intense Medicine) An IIllusive medicine from an unknown region. Life and Oni Strength complete recovery. 力石 (Strength Stone) Yellow colored jade formed from unimaginable forces. Increases the maximum of the Life Gage. 鬼石 (Oni Stone) Blue colored jade formed from unimaginable forces. Increases the maximum of the Oni Strength Gage. 身代わりの木札 (Wood Which Dies In Your Place) A wood plate formed from unimaginable forces. At the gates of death, it can pass in your place and save your life once. 化石骨 (Fossil Bone) Man made stone formed into the shape of a rib. Collecting 3 will allow you to open an otherwise unaccessible Bone Door in the 鬼ヶ島 Onigashima underground near the end of the game, which leads to a Puzzle Treasure Chest that contains the 黒の首飾 Black Necklace. 雑賀発破 (Saiga Bomb) Bomb given to you by Magoichi. Can easily blow away small rocks with its extraordinary explosive power. Acquired your second time in 柳生の庄, during the Magoichi event. ------------------------------------ 文書 (BOOKS) 鬼武者の書 (Book of Onimusha) Instructions on the controls of the game. 道具受渡の書 (Book of Equipment Exchanging) Instructions on how to exchange items with other characters. 幻魔壁の巻物 (Scroll of Genma Wall) Tells about the relationship between Genma Organisms and Elemental Weapons. 五宝玉の巻物 (Scroll of Five Treasure Jade) Tells about the existence of the five jades of the Oni Tribe. ジュジュド−マの日記 (Jyujyudooma's Diary) Writes about Jyujyudooma's love towards Nobunaga. 鬼ケ島の書 (Book of Onigashima) Tells about the existence of the island secretly inhabited by the Oni Tribe. 幻魔の歴史書 (Book of Genma History) Tells about the birth of the Genma Tribe, its prosperity, and its battle with the Oni Tribe. 鬼玄武の書 (Book of Onigenbu) Tells about the secret weapon of the Oni Tribe. 昇降台の書 (Book of Elevator) Instructions on how to activate the elevator. ギルデンスタンの書 (Book of Gildenstein) Gildenstein's letters to Nobunaga. Has the designs of the Golden Demon God Statue. 黄金魔神像の書 (Book of Golden Demon God Statue) Tells about the existence of the Golden Demon God Statue and its meaning and significance. 幻魔王の書 (Book of Genma King) Tells about the death of Fortinbras and the rise of Nobunaga. 開眼の巻物 (Scroll of Eye Opening) Writes about the method to break Gorgan Dantes' aura. 人間狩予定表 (Schedule of Hunting Human Beings) Writes about Nobunaga's future conquering schedule. 人間調理の書 (Book of Cooking Human Beings) Writes about the history of human beings as food. 藤吉郎覚書・壱 (Toukichirou's Note Book 1) Writes about the need for a power source in order to activate the elevator. 藤吉郎覚書・弐 (Toukichirou's Note Book 2) Writes about the effects of 石化銃 and 解れ粉竹筒. 藤吉郎覚書・参 (Toukichirou's Note Book 3) Writes about the connection between 光の壁 and シャチホコ. 藤吉郎の日記 (Toukichirou's Diary) Writes about the rise of Nobunaga. ------------------------------------ 絵画 (PAINTINGS) 美人画集 (Artbook of Beauties) Artbook to keep the collection of paintings of beauties. Each page could hold 9 paintings. 硝石の絵図 (Saltpeter Stone Picture) Map of the 今庄金山 Gold Mountain, with locations of 硝石 saltpeter stones marked on the map. 四神の図 (Pictures of the Four Gods) Pictures of Turtle, Dragon, Bird, and Tiger. ------------------------------------ 日本史紀 (Japanese History Records) 日本史記第一巻 (First Volume) 岐阜城, under the staircase leading to the 2nd floor. 日本史記第二巻 (Second Volume) After acquiring 赤い輪, in 今庄, near the 町馬小屋, talk to the lady in the yellow kimono 3 times. 日本史記第三巻 (Third Volume) Acquire through item exchange with Oyuu. 日本史記第四巻 (Fourth Volume) The entrance of 金山. 日本史記第五巻 (Fifth Volume) Purchase from 眞鳴堂. 日本史記第六巻 (Sixth Volume) Acquire through item exchange with Ekei. 日本史記第七巻 (Seventh Volume) Acquire through item exchange with Kotarou. 日本史記第八巻 (Eighth Volume) After escaping from 岐阜城, purchase from 眞鳴堂. 日本史記第九巻 (Ninth Volume) Before going to 金山, meet with Kotarou, then talk to the man sleeping on the veranda. 日本史記第十巻 (Tenth Volume) After acquiring 赤い輪, purchase from 眞鳴堂. 日本史記全集 (Complete Volume) Magoichi, 身代わりの木札 ------------------------------------ 美人画 (Paintings of Beauties) 美人画 関屋 Purchase from 眞鳴堂. 美人画 絵合 After acquiring 赤い輪, purchase from 眞鳴堂. 美人画 松風 After escaping from 岐阜城, purchase from 眞鳴堂. 美人画 花宴 Acquire through item exchange with Ekei (bad reaction). 美人画 葵 Acquire through item exchange with Ekei (bad reaction). 美人画 末摘花 Acquire through item exchange with Magoichi (bad reaction). 美人画 若紫 Acquire through item exchange with Magoichi (bad reaction). 美人画 空蝉 Acquire through item exchange with Kotarou (bad reaction). 美人画 夕顔 Acquire through item exchange with Kotarou (bad reaction). 美人画 帯木 Acquire through item exchange with Oyuu (bad reaction). 美人画 桐壷 Acquire through item exchange with Oyuu (bad reaction). 美人画 賢木 柳生の庄, on the cupboard of the Jyuubei House. * obtainable before retreiving 舞雷刀 美人画 花散里 岐阜城 Gifu Castle, 東天 East Sky, around the entrance of the Green Illusion Dream Dimension (緑の幻夢空間). 美人画 紅葉賀 Acquire through item exchange with Ekei (bad reaction). 美人画 須磨 岐阜城 Gifu Castle, 天守 Sky Guard, in the room you entered using the Sakura Key (桜の鍵). 美人画 明石 岐阜城 Gifu Castle, 東天 East Sky, after you crossed with a boat, inside the building, in the closest room right by where you entered. 美人画 蓮生 岐阜城, 天守閣, 本丸 (top floor). 美人画 澪標 Second time in 鬼ヶ島, near the Red Jade Key (紅玉の鍵). ------------------------------------ TO OBTAIN 化石骨 From Magoichi Give Him : 焼き魚,植物学辞典,そろばん,硝石,カエル,烏龍茶,書道の道具, ニワトリ,ヒヨコ,望遠鏡,髪油,卑猥小説,笛,王冠,論語,珍しいきのこ,胡弓, 鏡,フォーク Receive : 南蛮の帽子,長根の火矢,薬草,カステラ,化石骨 From Ekei Give Him : カエル,地球儀,時計,漬け物 Receive : 化石骨 and others From Kotarou Give Him : 烏龍茶,ニワトリ,布,古銭,扇子,カステラ,王冠,大黒天,鏡,サ イコロ,書道の道具,水晶玉,レモン,色紙 Receive : 化石骨,団子,髪油,長根の火矢,薬草 (Somewhat random, so save first, and if he doesn't give you what you want, reload and try again.) ------------------------------------ 称号 RANK Rank is determined by the following elements: Play Time - within 4:59 = 10 points - between 5:00 and 6:59 = 7 points - between 7:00 and 8:59 = 5 points - over 9:00 = 3 points Soul Absorbed - over 120,000 = 10 points - between 80,000 and 119,999 = 7 points - between 40,000 and 79,999 = 5 points - under 39,999 = 3 points Enemies Killed - over 900 = 10 points - between 600 and 899 = 7 points - between 300 and 599 = 5 points - under 299 = 3 points Issen Attacks Executed - over 450 times = 10 points - between 300 and 449 times = 7 points - between 150 and 299 times = 5 points - under 149 times = 3 points Illusion Dream Dimension Floors Cleared - 41 floors = 10 points - between 30 and 40 floors = 7 points - between 20 and 29 floors = 5 points - under 19 floors = 3 points Scenario Percentage of This Playthrough - over 65% = 10 points - between 60% and 64% = 7 points - between 55% and 59% = 5 points - under 54% = 3 points Rank Names by Total Points " 鬼武者 " = over 54 points " 荒武者 " = 45 ‾ 53 points " 若武者 " = 35 ‾ 44 points " 端武者 " = 20 ‾ 34 points " 落武者 " = under 19 points Additional Rank Names " 一気 " will be added if you finish the game without saving " 光速 " will be added if you finish the game in under 4 hours " 一閃 " will be added if 39.5% of your enemy kills are issen kills " 仲良 " will be added if you have high Degrees of Friendliness and switch with all four sub-characters * You can not achieve 鬼武者 Onimusha Rank in 易しい Easy Mode. * The best rank is 光速一閃仲良一気鬼武者, which I had never personally gotten, but know my buddy 無二正次 had. ------------------------------------ 小ネタ (OTHER INFO) After Game Clear - Scenario Route - Man in Black Suit (mini game) - Oni Organization "鬼組" (mini game) - Puzzle Illusion Dream Dimension "パズル幻夢空間" (mini game) - Hard Mode "難しい" (added after game clear with Normal Mode) - Strongest Equipment Mode "最強装備" (added after game clear with Hard Mode) - Issen One Flash Mode "一閃" (clear Oni Organization mini game) Puzzle Illusion Dream Dimension "パズル幻夢空間" Unlocked by clearing the game with all the paintings of beauties collected. Issen One Flash Mode "一閃モード" Extremely difficult mode, the most difficult mode of the game, for enemies will only be killed if you hit them with Issen One Flash attacks. Easy Mode "易しい" Get killed and continue 3 times and "Easy Mode" will be added the next time you Game Over. Strongest Equipment Mode "最強装備モード" You start new game with 烈火剣, money x 20,000, 劇薬 x 30, 身代わりの木札 x 10, all armors Lv3, bullets unlimited, arrows unlimited, and skill gage won't decrease レザースーツ (Leather Suit) Extra costume for Jyuubei, comes complete with a pair of sunglasses. Clear game with 鬼武者 (Onimusha) rank to use the Leather Suit. It is in a treasure chest at the 21st floor of the Purple Illusion Dream Dimension, just inspect the spot where you pulled out the 烈火剣 from. Oyuu Costume Change Accomplish 100% Scenario to unlock an extra costume for Oyuu. Turn into Onimusha After absorbing 5 Purple Souls, Jyuubei will transform into an Onimusha. When as an Onimusha, Jyuubei is invincible, and can perform strong attacks. When as an Onimusha, press the Triangle button to shoot energy blasts. Jyuubei will return to normal when the Onimusha gage reaches 0. Degree of Friendliness There is a hidden Degree of Friendliness meter in the game between Jyuubei and the sub-characters. The Degree of Friendliness with a sub-character determines whether he will appear when Jyuubei is in trouble to fight by Jyuubei's side. The Degree of Friendliness is altered by Jyuubei giving out items and sometimes receiving items in return. Pay attention to your conversations with the sub-characters. Give a sub-character the items he said he liked or was searching for to raise the Degree of Friendliness with him. Be careful not to give a sub-character an item he does not want, for doing so will cause the Degree of Friendliness with that sub-character to drop. Also of note, there seems to be an opposing relation between Jyuubei's Degree of Friendliness with one sub-character against another. If Jyuubei's Degree of Friendliness with Oyuu increases, his Degree of Friendliness with Kotarou decreases. And vice versa. If Jyuubei's Degree of Friendliness with Ekei increases, his Degree of Friendliness with Magoichi decreases. And vice versa. 忘れ花 (Forget Flower) If you think you gave a sub-character something wrong and caused your degree of friendliness with that sub-character to drop, give that sub-character a Forget Flower and he/she will forget the previous thing you did. 珍しいキノコ (Rare Mushroom) Give a sub-character a Rare Mushroom and that sub-character will hallucinate and see illusions, then he/she will give you an item. Using the Rare Mushroom does not effect your degree of friendliness with that sub-character. (not completely sure) Pause Game Press the Select button during the game to pause the in-game clock. When trying for a low game complete time, pause the game with the Select button. HP Tip When your character's Life Gage drops to 1/8 of the maximum, the Life Gage will start to blink. When in this condition, the character will only receive 1/2 the usual damage when hit by enemies. ------------------------------------ * Thanks to 陰陽師 (Onmyouji) for providing the locations of some of the Paintings of Beauties. * Thanks to Mao2 for pointing out the "鬼" = "Ogre" mistake. This Info Walkthrough is written based on the Japanese version of the game "Onimusha 2" (鬼武者2). Onimusha 2 official website: http://www.oni-musha.com/ This FAQ/Walkthrough can also be found at Muni Shinobu's FAQ Page: http://www.geocities.com/muni_shinobu/faq/index.html This Document Copyright 2002 無二 忍 "Muni Shinobu"