------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****** * * ***** * * * * ****** * * ****** ***** * * ** * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ****** ****** ****** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ****** * * ***** * * ****** ****** * * * * ***** :SAMURAI'S DESTINY: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TITLE: Gift Item Giving In-Depth FAQ ARTHUR: Kazykd16 (Joe Carpenter) CREATED: September 2, 2002 EMAIL: Kazykd18@aol.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Introduction II. Version History III. Things you should know 1.) Degree Of Friendship 2.) Special Items You Get From Gifts IV. Gifts and Descriptions V. Reactions And Responses From Magoichi VI. Reactions And Responses From Kotaro VII. Reactions And Responses From Ekei VIII. Reactions And Responses From Oyu IX. Questions And Answears X. Closing Statement 1.) Contact 2.) Thanks ======================================================================== I. INTRODUCTION ======================================================================== To put it simply this FAQ was made to finally see how the different characters in this game react to all the gifts that you collect throughout the game. Now the way that I am going about this is by collecting all the items in the game, the item gift screen automatically list them alphabetically so that is the order in which I am giving them. ENJOY!!! ======================================================================== II. VERSION HISTORY ======================================================================== Version 1.0 - This is the start of the FAQ and will most likely be updated while I try new things. September 1, 2002. Version 1.1 - Well this is taking a lot longer then I thought and so far I been working on this for two nights and should be done tonight. September 2, 2002 Version 1.2 - Ok well im am not done yet but I have to through this up on Gamefaqs before some else does and spoilers all my of this hard work. Its basically done except a few minor things that I will get done in no time. Thanks, 9/3/02 Version 1.3 - Well hello again. I have to apologize for the updates but my PS2 stopped reading DVD format disks, which means I can no longer play Onimusha 2, here is the details, I am going to buy a new PS2 on September 27th. After that I will finish all of the FAQ and have it posted the next day. Now with all that said the updates I have made were fixing a lot of the spelling, and added all of the gifts. Also I Completed The Special Items You get From Gifts. I also added in a Questions and Answears section Enjoy, and thanks for everyone's patience, 9/20/02 Version 1.4 - Future Revisions. version 1.5 - Future Revisions. ======================================================================== III. THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ======================================================================== I was wondering if I should put this section in, and obviously I did cause I think it will be very helpful. All you have to do is read. 1.) Degree Of Friendship The Degree Of Friendship (DOF) for short is easy to figure out, every sub-character in the game can have a higher DOF with Jubei if he or she is given gifts that they like, giving sub-character gifts basically lets you become better friends with that character. This fluctuation in friendship also changes the scenarios in the game that you might get, take for example you get into a fight were the exits are closed off till its over, if you happen to have a higher friendship with Ekei that say Oyu or the the other then Ekei will arrive to help you in battle, and vice versa. 2.) Special Items You Get From Gifts. This section is probably I think the most useful. When you give the sub-characters certain gifts they always respond by either rejecting the gift or giving you another gift in return, most of the time these gifts you receive are random, but I figured out that when you give certain gifts to a particular character they (always) return the favor with a particular gift or a weapon tech. book. Now below I listed what gifts will always get you another particular gift. Also be aware that getting gifts can also be handed out randomly, the ones below do not get handed out randomly and can only be received through a specific trade. A.) Gifts, And Items From Magoichi. 1.) Strategy Book -- Hard Boots (OYU ONLY) 2.) Goraishinki -- Tech Book 3.) Western Boots -- Tech Book B.) Gifts, And Items From Kotaro. 1.) Music Box -- Ashura Garment (EKEI ONLY) 2.) Rotten Fish -- Raw Fish 3.) Cameo -- Stategy Book 4.) Gabishi -- Tech Book 5.) Hien Kyahan -- Tech Book 6.) Keimyo Hachimaki -- Tech Book C.) Gifts, And Items From Ekei. 1.) Naughty Novel -- Hien kyahan (KOTARO ONLY) 2.) Calligraphy Kit -- Fancy Paper 3.) Fudo Leg Guard -- Tech Book 4.) Ashura Garment -- Tech Book 5.) Houtengeki -- Tech Book D.) Gifts, And Items From Oyu. 1.) Rouge -- Pirtae Costume (MAGOICHI ONLY) 2.) Phirangi -- Tech Book 3.) Hard Boots -- Tech Book ======================================================================== IV. GIFTS AND DESCRIPTIONS ======================================================================== This Section list all the Gifts and there Descriptions that you get Throughout the game from either chests, the village trade store, or by getting another gift from a friend, and again these are listed alphabetically as they are in the Item Gift screen. 1.) Abacus ---------------- A manual computing device. 2.) Ancient Coin ---------- An ancient coin circulated in Nara Period. It looks shabby but is valued high among collectors. 3.) Ancient Document ------ 4.) Ashura Garment -------- Garment made of silk that is very comfortable. (EKEI ONLY). 5.) Beetle ---------------- 6.) Black Beer ------------ Cold Liquor made from barley. It was Introduced from England. 7.) Black Pill ------------ A medicine made from poppy that is sold in special places. It is said that it has various different effects. 8.) Blue Parrot ----------- It seems that this bird can speak some words. 9.) Boquet ---------------- 10.) Bread ---------------- Made from French flour. It's well browned outside and is soft inside. 11.) Broken Bell ---------- It is crushed and looks useless but... 12.) Brown Chick ---------- A chick hatched from a brown egg. This is docile and does not make too much noise. 13.) Brown Chicken -------- The brown chick has grown into a brown chicken. It looks very shabby. 14.) Brown Egg ------------ Just an ordinary egg from a chicken. 15.) Calligraphy Kit ------ A set of brushes, ink-stone and paper. These are needed for a calligrapher. 16.) Cameo ---------------- A Greek decorative brooch that is made from a finely engraved shell with a gold binding. 17.) Chalk ---------------- Pieces of limestone that can be found anywhere. You can write on boards or stones with these. 18.) Chick ---------------- A newly born chicken. It is cute but noisy. 19.) Chicken -------------- An adult hen. It looks very healthy 20.) Chinese Fiddle ------- A rare Chinese string instrument. A beautiful tune will touch you. 21.) Cloth ---------------- White plain cloth that is useful for mending. 22.) Comb ----------------- 23.) Conch Shell ---------- A flute made of shell. you can tell its quality and price just by looking at it. 24.) Copper Coin ---------- A copper coin that is practically worthless. 25.) Crown ---------------- A present from a king as a sign of his good will. It has great value. 26.) Crystal Ball --------- A ball with mystic aura. it is said that the future can be seen on its surface 27.) Dead flowers --------- 28.) Deer Horn ------------ A good item for a distinguished collector. 29.) Dice ----------------- A set of three dices made from ivory. These are used for gambling and look brand-new. 30.) Dumpling Cake -------- Skewered dumpling cakes. These are not very sweet but you may feel thirsty when you eat them. 31.) Emblem --------------- A badge of Spanish Navy. It is made of silver and was given by a royal family. 32.) European Hat --------- A rare hat from Portugal that has the decoration of a feather. 33.) Fairy Tale Book ------ A collection of short fairy tales for children. This contains lots of famous tales. 34.) Fancy Paper ---------- Sententious lines drawn by Ekei. 35.) Folding Fan ---------- This was created by a famous craft worker. 36.) Fish Rice ------------ It's delicious but smells very sour. A specialty food in Odani province. 37.) Fork ----------------- An import from France that is made of iron. 38.) Frog ----------------- 39.) Fudo Leg Guard ------- These protectors are made from Iron. (EKEI ONLY) 40.) Gabishi -------------- Iron stilettos with rings for fingers to handle. (KOTARO ONLY) 41.) Glass ---------------- A rare French vessel that has a beautiful ornament on it. 42.) Globe ---------------- A Spanish ornament that shows the oceans and the lands of the world..) 43.) Gold Coin ------------ An oval gold coin. Ordinary people seldom see this highly valuable coin. 44.) Golden Chick --------- 45.) Golden Chicken ------- 46.) Golden Egg ----------- 47.) Goraishinki ---------- You can shoot five needle bullets at a time with this powerful weapon. (MAGOICHI ONLY) 48.) Gourd ---------------- A container made from gourd. it is useful to carry water in. 49.) Green Parrot --------- It seems that this bird can speak some words. 50.) Grilled Fish --------- A browned fish. It stimulates you appetite. 51.) Hair Oil ------------- This bottle contains oil obtained from plants. The oil is useful to fix your hair. 52.) Hair Ornament -------- An ornament that is made from turtle shell. This is a very rare item. 53.) Hard Boots ----------- 54.) Hien Kyahan ---------- Leg protectors for ninjas that have iron parts to inflict great damage on your opponent. (KOTARO ONLY) 55.) History Book Vol. 1 -- One of ten novels of Japanese history. This volume applauds the beauty of a beautiful queen. 56.) History Book Vol. 2 -- One of ten novels of Japanese history. 57.) History Book Vol. 3 -- One of ten novels of Japanese history. This volume depicts construction of the great Buddha. 58.) History Book Vol. 4 -- One of ten novels of Japanese history. This volume features the frequent capital movements. 59.) History Book Vol. 5 -- One of ten novels of Japanese history. This volume features the gorgeous life of excellent poets. 60.) History Book Vol. 6 -- One of ten novels of Japanese history. This novel features the destiny of a tragic warrior 61.) History Book Vol. 7 -- One of ten novels of Japanese history. 62.) History Book Vol. 8 -- One of ten novels of Japanese history. This volume features a valiant warrior. 63.) History Book Vol. 9 -- One of ten novels of Japanese history. 64.) History Book Vol. 10 - One of ten novels of Japanese history. This volume features the saga of the war generals. 65.) History Books (All) -- A set of novels on ancient Japanese history. this set contains all ten volumes. 66.) Houtengeki ----------- This spear has two crescent-shaped blades at its head (EKEI ONLY) 67.) Incense -------------- An expensive and fancy Chinese pot that that diffuses fragrance. 68.) Kaleidoscope --------- A tube-shaped optical instrument. You can enjoy beautiful designs by looking inside. 69.) Keimyo Hachimaki ----- A headband and a scarf with an iron plate for protection (KOTARO ONLY) 70.) Lemon ----------------- A fruit imported from Italy. It's very sour. 71.) Loaded Dice ----------- 72.) Love Potion ----------- A glass bottle that contains thick liquid. It allows you to force someone in love with you. 73.) Magnetic Compass ------ A unique Spanish plate. It indicates the correct direction. 74.) Melon ----------------- Green fruit from Spain that taste juicy and sweet. 75.) Mirror ---------------- A copper mirror. It is well polished and reflects objects as clearly as the water does. 76.) Music Box ------------- A rare Dutch music box that plays beautiful tunes when opened. 77.) Naughty Novel --------- A novel depicting men and women relationships. It reveals the bare facts. 78.) Oolong Tea ------------ Chinese Tea that makes you feel refreshed. 79.) Pair Ring ------------- A pair of rings. It is said that two persons who have these rings will be united by strong ties. 80.) Pandora's Box --------- Nobody knows what's in this mysterious object. 81.) Persian Carpet -------- A carpet that has been bought from Persia. It's a high grade article with a fancy design. 82.) Phirangi -------------- A long western sword that looks heavy but is actually very light. (OYU ONLY) 83.) Pick ------------------ 84.) Pickled Plum ---------- Plums that have been pickled and dried for a month. 85.) Pickled Vegetables ---- 86.) Pipe ------------------ A long pipe of Portuguese origins. The curl of smoke may relax you. 87.) Pirates Costume ------- This battle dress is designed to work like an armor. 88.) Plant Book ------------ An Encyclopedia that shows every kind of rare plant. This is the only copy left. 89.) Playing Cards --------- Popular playing cards in Japan, which have been introduced from Portugal. 90.) Pocket Watch ---------- A rare device of English manufacture. An essential item for a gentleman. 91.) Potassium Nitrate ----- This stone is used to produce bullets. 92.) Raw Fish -------------- It will go rotten if left for a long time. 93.) Recorder -------------- A recorder made from bamboo. It sad tune goes straight to you heart. 94.) Red Parrot ------------ It seems that this bird can speak some words. 95.) River Fish ------------ 96.) Rotten Fish ----------- A rotten fish. It gives out a foul smell. 97.) Rouge ----------------- A red cosmetic in a shell container. it is made from pasted rouge taken from safflower. 98.) Sake From Kaga -------- Super high grade sake made from rice. The taste is mild and excellent with fish and seafood. 99.) Salt ------------------ Salts that have been handled with care and crystallized from seawater. 100.) Scarf ----------------- A soft silk that retains heat well. 101.) Silver Armor --------- An Armor made of silver. This is extremely durable. 102.) Silver Coin ---------- Not in circulation anymore, it looks old but it becomes shiny when you polish it. 103.) Sponge Cake ---------- Sponge Cake from Holland that is soft and sweet. 104.) Stamina Drink -------- Its odor comes from contents like strange insects and stickly black liquid. 105.) Strategy Book ------- An old Chinese Strategy book, this shows principles, and tactics of war written by Lan Tzo. 106.) Taiheiki ------------- A book on a fierce war in the 14th century. This contains various different stories. 107.) Taizo Mandala -------- 108.) Tale of The Heike ---- A story depicting Taira-Minamoto war and the fall of the Taira family which is told by Biwa Minstrol 109.) Tea ------------------ English tea whose aroma calms you down. 110.) Tengu Mask ----------- An old mask that has been used at the Noh stages. it is designed after a long-nosed Tengu. 111.) Textile Fabrics ------ An expensive cloth weaved from a famous shop. This is essential to make a fine Kimoto. 112.) The Analects --------- It contains Confucius' sayings and dialogues. It briefly shows the proper ways to live. 113.) Tube For Pigeon Leg -- 114.) Unique Mushroom ------ A plant grown in the mountains. It's shape is unique and it's edibility unknown. 115.) Vodka ---------------- Russian liquor that warms you body, mind and soul. 116.) Wasabi --------------- A plant that can be picked in a clear stream of a mountain. Its grated root is used as flavor. 117.) Watermelon ----------- A mature fruit that is full of fresh juice. 118.) Western Boots -------- These boots are made of metal and the front parts are enhanced by iron. (MAGOICHI ONLY) 119.) Wind Bell ------------ An Ornament that hangs a glass ball loosely so that it tinkles pleasantly when blown. 120.) Wine ----------------- Italian liquor that is made from grapes. 121.) Wonder Flower -------- An amazing Flower if you pass this to someone he/she will black out. ======================================================================== IV. REACTIONS, AND RESPONSES FROM MAGOICHI ======================================================================== Well Here is where the hard work begins, being that there are 4 people and there is over 100 gifts, its gonna take time. But I need this as much as everyone else. So here it goes these are all the reactions, and responses that Magoichi has with each gift, now I have done practice gift giving and almost everything is random, yea they all have different responses and reactions to gifts, but each responses always stay the same. So here it is. Item: Abacus Response: Exquisite. This is extremely well crafted. Reaction: Likes Item: Ancient Coin Response: You don't see one of those everyday. Reaction: Likes Item: Black Beer Response: You don't see one of those everyday. Reaction: Likes Item: Black Pill Response: Not bad, not great. But not bad Reaction: Confused Item: Blue Parrot Response: (You are a neat guy) Thanks I needed that. Reaction: Likes Item: Bread Response: Not bad, not great. But not bad Reaction: dislikes Item: Broken Bell Response: What the hell is this for? Reaction: Rejected Item: Brown Chick Response: This is so disgusting. Reaction: Dislikes Item Brown Chicken Response: Hey. We can always use it for soup. Reaction: Likes Item: Calligraphy Kit Response: Thanks ill practice it. Reaction: Likes Item: Cameo Response: What? It's not good enough for you? Reaction: Rejected Item: Chalk Response: I don't want this. Reaction: dislikes Item: Chick Response: It looks fairly cute. Reaction: Likes Item: Chicken Response: Um... This will do well for a meal. Reaction: likes Item: Chinese Fiddle Response: Thank you. I'll see if I can play it. Reaction: Likes Item: Cloth Response: I suppose it could come in handy. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Conch Shell Response: This will be of great use to me. Reaction: Likes Item: Copper Coin Response: What? It's not good enough for you? Reaction: Rejected Item: Crown Response: Such intricate craftsmanship. The jewels are beautiful Reaction: Likes Item: Crystal Ball Response: This is completely useless. Reaction: Rejected Item: Dice Response: I'm feeling lucky. Reaction: Likes Item: Dumpling Cake Response: Awesome, not. Reaction: Rejected Item: Emblem Response: What? It's not good enough for you? Reaction: Rejected Item: European Hat Response: What? It's not good enough for you? Reaction: Rejected Item: Fairy Tale book Response: This book is for sissies. Reaction: Rejected Item: Fancy Paper Response: This will be of great use to me reaction: Likes Item: Fish Rice Response: What the hell is this for? Reaction: Rejected Item: Folding Fan Response: Fine if it makes you happy I'll take it. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Fork Response: Hm. Must be a Western chopstick. Reaction: Likes Item: Fudo Leg Guard (EKEI ONLY) Response: The design is not to my taste. Reaction: Rejected Item: Gabishi (KOTARO ONLY) Response: I told you that's too up close and personal for me. Reaction: Rejected Item: Glass Response: So What? Reaction: Dislikes Item: Globe Response: I don't need this, but thanks I quests. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Gold Coin Response: Hey, hey, hey, I'm not into that. Reaction: Rejected Item: Goraishinki (MAGOICHI ONLY) Response: Another magnificent piece to add to my collection. Reaction: Likes Item: Green Parrot Response: (You are stupid) Polly wanna bullet. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Grilled fish Response: looks' delicious. Reaction: Likes Item: Hair Oil Response: Personal grooming is very important. Reaction: Likes Item: Hair Ornament Response: Fine if it makes you happy I'll take it. Reaction: Confused Item: History Book vol.1 Response: It would be better to read them all at once. Reaction: Likes Item: History Book vol.2 Response: It would be better to read them all at once. Reaction: Likes Item: History Book vol.3 Response: It would be better to read them all at once. Reaction: Likes Item: History Book vol.4 Response: It would be better to read them all at once. Reaction: Likes Item: History Book vol.5 Response: It would be better to read them all at once. Reaction: Likes Item: History Book vol.6 Response: It would be better to read them all at once. Reaction: Likes Item: History Book vol.7 Response: It would be better to read them all at once. Reaction: Likes Item: History Book vol.8 Response: It would be better to read them all at once. Reaction: Likes Item: History Book vol.9 Response: It would be better to read them all at once. Reaction: Likes Item: History Book vol.10 Response: It would be better to read them all at once. Reaction: Likes Item: History Books (All) Response: It's finally complete. I can't wait to start reading it. Reaction: Likes Item: Houtengeki (EKEI ONLY) Response: Quit wasting my time. Reaction: Rejected Item: Incense Response: This works for me. Reaction: Likes Item: Kaleidoscope Response: It'll be good for killing time. Reaction: Likes Item: Keimyo Hachimaki (KOTARO ONLY) Response: The design is not to my taste. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Lemon Response: This must be an orange from the West. I prefer one from Gifu province. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Love potion Response: What the hell is this for. Reaction: Rejected Item: Magnetic Compass Response: I don't need this but, thanks I guess Reaction: Confused Item: Melon Response: This will be of great use to me. Reaction: Likes Item: Mirror Response: Personal grooming is very important. Reaction: Likes Item: Music Box Response: Amazing. I gatta figure out how it works. Reaction: likes Item: Naughty Novel Response: A man must sharpen his mind as well as his blade. Reaction: Likes Item: Oolong Tea Response: Looks delicious. Reaction: Likes Item: Pair Ring Response: Thank you. Now we are brothers. Reaction: Likes Item: Pandora's Box Response: Whoa what a piece of junk. Reaction: Confused Item: Phirangi (OYU ONLY) Response: Do I look like I need this. Reaction: Rejected Item: Pickled plum Response: What? It's not good enough for you? Reaction: Rejected Item: Pipe Response: I know I should quit. But I really enjoy the flavor Reaction: Likes Item: Plant Book Response: Reaction: Likes 3rd Time To Town Response: Fine if it makes you happy I'll take it. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Playing Cards Response: It'll be good for killing time. Reaction: Likes Item: Pocket Watch Response: Amazing. I gatta figure out how it works. Reaction: Likes Item: Pirates Costume (MAGOICHI ONLY) Response: This will be of great use to me. reaction: Likes Item: Potassium Nitrate Response: This is useful, Thank you. Gold Mine Response: Thanks, I can make powerful bullets with this. Reaction: Likes Item: Raw Fish Response: Looks delicious. Reaction: Likes Item: Recorder Response: Hm. I'll practice it. Reaction: Likes Item: Red Parrot Response: (you are a fool) Alright your asking for it bird. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Rouge Response: What? It's not good enough for you? Reaction: Rejected Item: Sake from Kaga Response: I can tell just by looking at it that this is top quality. Reaction: Likes Item: Salt Response: I suppose it could come in handy. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Silver Armor (OYU ONLY) Response: You got to be kidding me. Reaction: Rejected Item: Silver Coin Response: Thanks, but I need a lot more then this. Reaction: Likes Item: Sponge Cake Response: What? It's not good enough for you? Reaction: Rejected Item: Stamina Drink Response: I'll try this later. Reaction: Confused Item: Strategy Book Response: This is extremely rare. Are you sure I can drink it. Reaction: Likes Item: Taiheiki Response: This is so invigorating. Reaction: Likes Item: Tea Response: I'll try this later. Reaction: Confused Item: Tengu Mask Response: I don't want this. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Textile Fabrics Response: The design is not to my taste. Reaction: Rejected Item: The Analects Response: Thank you, I never read it. I'll try this later. Reaction: Likes Item: Vodka Response: I like trying new spirits. Reaction: Likes Item: Wasabi Response: I don't want this. Reaction: Rejected Item: Watermelon Response: Not bad. Not great, but not bad. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Western Boots (MAGOICHI ONLY) Response: My feet thanks you. Reaction: Likes Item: Wind Bell Response: What? It's not good enough for you? Reaction: Rejected Item: Wine Response: What? It's not good enough for you? Reaction: Rejected Item: Wonder Flower Response: I can't remember anything. Reaction: Blacks out. ======================================================================== V. REACTIONS, AND RESPONSES FROM KOTARO ======================================================================== A one person down and three to go. This part is all about Kotaro and is basically what the topic is and just like Magoichi, but exactly as the others Kotaro's responses always stay the same, ENJOY!!! Item: Abacus Response: This is nice... Reaction: Likes Item: Ancient Coin Response: Wow, this is very rare. Reaction: Likes Item: Black Beer Response: I don't want it but I'll take it. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Black Pill Response: This is nice... Reaction: Likes Item: Blue Parrot Response: (You brat) What, do you think I'm a child Reaction: Dislikes Item: Bread Response: I'm not hungry right now. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Broken Bell Response: Give me something more useful. Reaction: Rejected Item: Brown Chick Response: It's really rare. Thank you, Jubei. Reaction: Likes Item Brown Chicken Response: Reaction: Item: Calligraphy Kit Response: It's just what I've wanted Reaction: likes Item: Cameo Response: Reaction: Item: Chalk Response: I don't want it but I'll take it. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Chick Response: Reaction: Item: Chicken Response: Its smell reminds me of home Reaction: Likes Item: Chinese Fiddle Response: A ninja prefers silence. Reaction: Rejected Item: Cloth Response: this is nice... Reaction: Likes Item: Conch Shell Response: I don't want it but I'll take it. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Copper Coin Response: I don't want something boring like that. Reaction: Rejected Item: Crown Response: This is the first time I've ever seen one of these. Reaction: Likes Item: Crystal Ball Response: It's rare, thank you. Reaction: Likes Item: Dice Response: Care to test your luck. Reaction: Likes Item: Dumpling Cake Response: This is the one I gave you, are you trying to trick me? Reaction: Rejected Item: Emblem Response: Wow, I finally get to see one of these. Reaction: Likes Item: European Hat Response: This is stylish. Reaction: Likes Item: Fairy Tale book Response: I can get into this. Reaction: Likes Item: Fancy Paper Response: reaction: Item: Folding Fan Response: this is nice... Reaction: Likes Item: Fork Response: Is this some kind of dagger? Reaction: Likes Item: Fudo Leg Guard (EKEI ONLY) Response: That junk's for old folks. Reaction: Rejected Item: Gabishi (KOTARO ONLY) Response: Can I test this on you? Just kidding. Reaction: Likes Item: Glass Response: This really doesn't mean much to a ninja. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Globe Response: I always thought that the world was flat. Reaction: Likes Item: Gold Coin Response: It's nothing special but, thanks. Reaction: Confused Item: Goraishinki (MAGOICHI ONLY) Response: Maybe. If I needed it, but I don't. Reaction: Rejected Item: Green Parrot Response: (You are beautiful) I am a man you featured scum. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Grilled fish Response: I'm not hungry right now. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Hair Oil Response: This is the one I gave you. Are you trying to trick me? Reaction: rejected Item: Hair Ornament Response: Ew! this is for a girl. Reaction: Rejected Item: History Book vol.1 Response: I don't want it but I'll take it. Reaction: Dislikes Item: History Book vol.2 Response: Reaction: Item: History Book vol.3 Response: Reaction: Item: History Book vol.4 Response: Give me something more useful. Reaction: Rejected Item: History Book vol.5 Response: This really doesn't do much for me but, whatever. Reaction: Dislikes Item: History Book vol.6 Response: Reaction: Item: History Book vol.7 Response: This is the one I gave you. Are you trying to trick me? Reaction: Rejected Item: History Book vol.8 Response: I can get into this. Reaction: Likes Item: History Book vol.9 Response: Reaction: Item: History Book vol.10 Response: I'm not in the mood. Reaction: Rejected Item: History Books (All) Response: This really doesn't mean much to a ninja. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Houtengeki (EKEI ONLY) Response: This will only slow me down. Reaction: Rejected Item: Incense Response: This is rare. My friends will be jealous. Reaction: Likes Item: Kaleidoscope Response: Cool? This will be fun. Reaction: Likes Item: Keimyo Hachimaki (KOTARO ONLY) Response: This is rare. My friends will be jealous. Reaction: Likes Item: Lemon Response: This is the first time I've ever seen one of these. Reaction: Likes Item: Love potion Response: This won't do anything for me Reaction: Rejected Item: Magnetic Compass Response: Wow, I finally get to see one of these. Reaction: Likes Item: Melon Response: This is the one I gave you. Are you trying to trick me? Reaction: Rejected Item: Mirror Response: This is nice... Reaction: Likes Item: Music Box Response: A Music Box. It's even better than I imagined. Reaction: Likes Item: Naughty Novel Response: I don't want this. Well maybe. Reaction: Likes Item: Oolong Tea Response: It's rare, thank you. Reaction: Likes Item: Pair Ring Response: Come on now. your embarrassing me. Reaction: Likes Item: Pandora's Box Response: Awesome. Reaction: Likes Item: Phirangi (OYU ONLY) Response: This will only slow me down. Reaction: Rejected Item: Pickled plum Response: It's just what I wanted. Reaction: Likes Item: Pipe Response: A ninja wouldn't do that. Reaction: Rejected Item: Plant Book Response: I don't need it, but I'll take it. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Playing Cards Response: Reaction: Item: Pocket Watch Response: Wow, is this what they call a pocket watch. Reaction: Likes Item: Pirates Costume (MAGOICHI ONLY) Response: This will only slow me down. reaction: Rejected Item: Potassium Nitrate Response: It's nothing special, but thanks. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Recorder Response: It's just what I've been looking for, thank you. Reaction: Likes Item: Red Parrot Response: (You are cute) Stop that I'm not a baby. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Rotten Fish Response: You let it go to waste. Fine I'll give you a fresh one. Reaction: Confused Item: Rouge Response: Reaction: Item: Sake from Kaga Response: Reaction: Item: Salt Response: Reaction: Item: Silver Armor (OYU ONLY) Response: Reaction: Item: Silver Coin Response: Reaction: Item: Sponge Cake Response: Reaction: Item: Stamina Drink Response: Reaction: Item: Strategy Book Response: Reaction: Item: Taiheiki Response: Reaction: Item: Tea Response: Reaction: Item: Tengu Mask Response: Reaction: Item: Textile Fabrics Response: Reaction: Item: The Analects Response: Reaction: Item: Vodka Response: Reaction: Item: Wasabi Response: Reaction: Item: Western Boots (MAGOICHI ONLY) Response: Reaction: Item: Wind Bell Response: Reaction: Item: Wine Response: Reaction: Item: Wonder Flower Response: Reaction: Blacks out. ======================================================================== VI. REACTIONS, AND RESPONSES FROM EKEI ======================================================================== Again you know the drill, but for the people who just skipped here to see what his responses, and reactions to items are, Ekei has yup all his very own reactions and responses to the gifts, so here Item: Abacus Response: Well. better than nothing. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Ancient Coin Response: I don't need this. Reaction: Rejected Item: Ashura Garment Response: Let's have some fun Reaction: Likes Item: Black Beer Response: Might as well give me water. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Black Pill Response: What is this? Goat droppings or something? Reaction: Rejected Item: Blue Parrot Response: (you are cool) You think so? Reaction: Likes Item: Bread Response: Not exactly a meal. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Broken Bell Response: Jubei, how can I ever repay you, anything just let me know. Reaction: Likes Item: Brown Chick Response: Get it away from me. Reaction: Rejected Item Brown Chicken Response: Reaction: Item: Calligraphy Kit Response: This line works great with the ladies. Reaction: likes Item: Cameo Response: Reaction: Item: Chalk Response: Why are you giving me this? Reaction: Dislikes Item: Chick Response: Well... better than nothing. Reaction: confused Item: Chicken Response: I'm sorry but I don't eat birds of any kind. Reaction: Rejected Item: Chinese Fiddle Response: One day, I will enchant you with my famous dance! Reaction: Likes Item: Cloth Response: I'll stick with what I got. Reaction: Rejected Item: Conch Shell Response: I guess I could sell it. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Copper Coin Response: Well. better than nothing Reaction: Confused Item: Crown Response: I bet I could get alot for this. Reaction: Likes Item: Crystal Ball Response: I bet I could get alot for this. Reaction: Likes Item: Deer Horn Response: Why you giving this back to me. reaction: Rejected Item: Dice Response: Let's have some fun. Reaction: Likes Item: Dumpling Cake Response: Good food is one of my weaknesses. Reaction: Likes Item: Emblem Response: I'll take it if you insist. Reaction: Confused Item: European Hat Response: After all this time. This is it. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Fairy Tale book Response: Books are a waste of time. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Fancy Paper Response: Why you giving this back to me. reaction: Rejected Item: Folding Fan Response: One day, I will enchant you with my famous dance! Reaction: Likes Item: Fork Response: Isn't it a little short to scratch your back? Reaction: Dislikes Item: Fudo Leg Guard (EKEI ONLY) Response: this is all mine. Reaction: Likes Item: Gabishi (KOTARO ONLY) Response: Are you calling me a sissy? Reaction: Rejected Item: Glass Response: Well... better than nothing. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Globe Response: It's always good to have a hobby. Reaction: Likes Item: Gold Coin Response: You know me so well. Reaction: Likes Item: Goraishinki (MAGOICHI ONLY) Response: I prefer the thrusting motion of a spear. give it to Magoichi. Reaction: Rejected Item: Green Parrot Response: (You're shiny) Shiny, eh! I'll show you shiny. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Grilled fish Response: This is all mine. Reaction: Likes Item: Hair Oil Response: Reaction: Item: Hair Ornament Response: Is this some kind of joke? Reaction: Rejected Item: History Book vol.1 Response: takes more than this to satisfy me. Reaction: Confused Item: History Book vol.2 Response: Reaction: Item: History Book vol.3 Response: Reaction: Item: History Book vol.4 Response: I'll take it if you insist. Reaction: Dislikes Item: History Book vol.5 Response: Well... better than nothing. Reaction: Dislikes Item: History Book vol.6 Response: Why are you giving this back to me? Reaction: Rejected Item: History Book vol.7 Response: Reaction: Item: History Book vol.8 Response: I don't need this. Reaction: Rejected Item: History Book vol.9 Response: Reaction: Item: History Book vol.10 Response: I've always wanted one of these. Reaction: Likes Item: History Books (All) Response: I guess I could sell it. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Houtengeki (EKEI ONLY) Response: This will suit me very well. Reaction: Likes Item: Incense Response: I will use it as a repellant. Reaction: Confused Item: Kaleidoscope Response: I won't give it back to you. Reaction: Likes Item: Keimyo Hachimaki (KOTARO ONLY) Response: Don't waste my time with such useless things. Reaction: Rejected Item: Lemon Response: Is this a foreign orange of something. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Love potion Response: Jubeeei. I loveee you. Reaction: Likes Item: Magnetic Compass Response: I guess I could sell it. Reaction: Confused Item: Melon Response: This is all mine. Reaction: Likes Item: Mirror Response: What am I not pretty enough for you? Reaction: Dislikes Item: Music Box Response: Why are you giving this back to me? Reaction: Rejected Item: Naughty Novel Response: Ahh... I'll make good use of this. Reaction: Likes Item: Oolong Tea Response: This will help, a little. Reaction: Likes Item: Pair Ring Response: You mean we share the same fate. Reaction: Likes Item: Pandora's Box Response: Creepy thi-ga-ma-gig Reaction: Dislikes Item: Persian Carpet Response: Why are you giving this back to me? Reaction: Rejected Item: Phirangi (OYU ONLY) Response: I'll stick with what I got. Reaction: Rejected Item: Pickled plum Response: This is strong. Reaction: Likes Item: Pipe Response: After all this time. This is it. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Plant Book Response: I don't need this. Reaction: Rejected Item: Playing Cards Response: It's always good to have a hobby. Reaction: Item: Pocket Watch Response: I won't give it back to you Reaction: Likes Item: Pirates Costume (MAGOICHI ONLY) Response: Reaction: Rejected Item: Potassium Nitrate Response: I'll take it if you insist. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Recorder Response: It's always good to have a hobby. Reaction: Likes Item: Red Parrot Response: (Red headed monster) Stop speaking like Magoichi. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Rouge Response: What? Am I not pretty enough for you. Reaction: Dislike Item: Sake from Kaga Response: Are you sure that I could keep this. Reaction: Likes Item: Salt Response: Not exactly a meal. Reaction: Dislikes item: Scarf Response: Why you giving this back to me? Reaction: Rejected Item: Silver Armor (OYU ONLY) Response: What were you thinking? Reaction: Rejected Item: Silver Coin Response: I won't give it back to you. Reaction: Likes Item: Sponge Cake Response: Good food is one of my weaknesses. Reaction: Likes Item: Stamina Drink Response: This is strong! Reaction: Likes Item: Taiheiki Response: It's always good to have a hobby. Reaction: Likes Item: Tea Response: Takes more than this to satisfy me. Reaction: Confused Item: Tengu Mask Response: One day, I will enchant you with my famous dance. Reaction: Likes Item: Textile Fabrics Response: Why you giving this back to me. Reaction: Rejected Item: The Analects Response: Why you giving this back to me? Reaction: Rejected Item: Vodka Response: Let's have some fun. Reaction: Likes Item: Wasabi Response: This is quite something. Reaction: Likes Item: Watermelon Response: Why you giving this back to me? Reaction: Rejected Item: Western Boots (MAGOICHI ONLY) Response: I don't need this. Reaction: Rejected Item: Wind Bell Response: Reaction: Item: Wine Response: I love good drinks. Reaction: Likes Item: Wonder Flower Response: huh? Whoa... I'm dizzy... Reaction: Blacks out. ======================================================================== VII. REACTIONS, AND RESPONSES FROM OYU ======================================================================== Last but not the ugliest Oyu, Well I did here last cause she has the smallest name, anyways I like doing her cause I rather see the cleavage then the guys after every trade, even if there fake. To the point this is the section that deals with Oyu's reactions, and responses and the end of hard work. Item: Abacus Response: Thanks, you never know. Reaction: Likes Item: Ancient Coin Response: I gave this to you, don't you like it? Reaction: Rejected Item: Black Beer Response: I'll treasure it always. Reaction: Likes Item: Black Pill Response: Gee. Thanks Reaction: Likes Item: Blue Parrot Response: (You are stupid) Stop that. Reaction: Confused Item: Bread Response: I gave this to you, don't you like it? Reaction: Rejected Item: Broken Bell Response: Are you kidding me. Reaction: Rejected Item: Brown Chick Response: I don't need this now Reaction: Rejected Item: Brown Chicken Response: What is it? Reaction: Dislikes Item: Calligraphy Kit Response: What do you want me to do with it? Reaction: Rejected Item: Cameo Response: It looks nice I hope I can use it Reaction: Likes Item: Chalk Response: Thanks, you never know. Reaction: Likes Item: Chick Response: What a cute chick... Babies are so cute. Reaction: Likes Item: Chicken Response: Reaction: Item: Chinese Fiddle Response: I gave this to you, don't you like it? Reaction: Rejected Item: Cloth Response: Thanks, you never know. Reaction: confused Item: Conch Shell Response: No thank you, It's too big for me. Reaction: Rejected Item: Copper Coin Response: I would take anything you give me. Reaction: Likes Item: Crown Response: I gave this to you, don't you like it? Reaction: Rejected Item: Crystal Ball Response: It's fascinating Reaction: Likes Item: Dice Response: I'll treasure it always. Reaction: Confused Item: Dumpling Cake Response: I don't want it, but I'll except it. Thanks you. Reaction: Confused Item: Emblem Response: No thank you, It's too big for me. Reaction: Rejected Item: European Hat Response: Actually that's not my taste. Reaction: Rejected Item: Fairy Tale book Response: I've already read this, but thanks anyway. Reaction: Confused Item: Folding Fan Response: Thanks, you never know Reaction: Likes Item: Fork Response: How nice. It fits my hand perfectly. Reaction: Likes Item: Fudo Leg Guard (EKEI ONLY) Response: Maybe, if there were a smaller size. Reaction: Rejected Item: Gabishi (KOTARO ONLY) Response: Perhaps you should give this to someone else. Reaction: Rejected Item: Glass Response: It's unique design captivates me. Reaction: Likes Item: Globe Response: It's beautiful but I can't except it. Reaction: Rejected Item: Gold Coin Response: What kind of girl do you think I am. Reaction: Rejected Item: Goraishinki (MAGOICHI ONLY) Response: I don't like guns. Reaction: Rejected Item: Green Parrot Response: (you look ugly) Why are you so mean. Reaction: Confused Item: Grilled fish Response: Hunger is the best sauce. Reaction: confused Item: Hair Ornament Response: I'm very glad that you found this for me. Reaction: Likes Item: History Book vol.1 Response: Well... it was the thought that matters. Reaction: Rejected Item: History Book vol.2 Response: Reaction: Item: History Book vol.3 Response: I gave this to you don't you like it? Reaction: Rejected Item: History Book vol.4 Response: Actually that's not my taste Reaction: Rejected Item: History Book vol.5 Response: I guess its the thought that counts,\. Reaction: Likes Item: History Book vol.6 Response: Reaction: Item: History Book vol.7 Response: Reaction: Item: History Book vol.8 Response: I'm really not interested in this kind of thing Reaction: Confused Item: History Book vol.9 Response: Reaction: Item: History Book vol.10 Response: Do you enjoy reading manuals. Reaction: Confused Item: History Books (All) Response: No thank you, Its too big for me Reaction: Rejected Item: Houtengeki (EKEI ONLY) Response: This is too big for me. Reaction: Rejected Item: Incense Response: Are you sure I can keep this? Reaction: Likes Item: Kaleidoscope Response: This is very popular. Reaction: Likes Item: Keimyo Hachimaki (KOTARO ONLY) Response: Actually that's not my taste. Reaction: Rejected Item: Lemon Response: I'll have it with a cup of tea. Reaction: Confused Item: Love potion Response: Oh, no... I feel strange. What is happening. Reaction: Likes Item: Magnetic Compass Response: Oh, that's thoughtful but I have no room for it. Reaction: Rejected Item: Melon Response: Are you sure I can keep this? Reaction: Likes Item: Mirror Response: It's beautiful I can feel its energy. Reaction: Likes Item: Music Box Response: This sound cleans my soul and warms my heart. Reaction: Likes Item: Naughty Novel Response: What kind of girl do you think I am. Reaction: Rejected Item: Oolong Tea Response: This is very popular. Reaction: Likes Item: Pair Ring Response: This ring well make me feel were together, always. Reaction: Likes Item: Pandora's Box Response: What is it? Reaction: Dislikes Item: Phirangi (OYU ONLY) Response: This sword will do nicely. Reaction: Likes Item: Pickled plum Response: This is very rare indeed. Reaction: Likes Item: Pipe Response: Actually, that's not my taste. Reaction: Rejected Item: Plant Book Response: Are you sure I can keep this? Reaction: Likes Item: Playing Cards Response: I gave this to you, don't you like it? Reaction: Rejected Item: Pocket Watch Response: Are you sure I can keep this? Reaction: Likes Item: Pirates Costume (MAGOICHI ONLY) Response: I gave this to you, don't you like it? Reaction: Rejected Item: Potassium Nitrate Response: No thank you, its too big for me. Reaction: Rejected Item: Recorder Response: I gave this to you, don't you like it? Reaction: Rejected Item: Red Parrot Response: (You are cute) Oh, he's speaking to me, good boy. Reaction: Likes Item: Rouge Response: I'm very glad that you found this for me. Reaction: Likes Item: Sake from Kaga Response: I gave this to you, don't you like it? Reaction: Rejected Item: Salt Response: Thanks, you never know Reaction: Likes Item: Scarf Response: It's smooth and pretty. Reaction: Likes Item: Silver Armor (OYU ONLY) Response: This fits great. Reaction: Likes Item: Silver Coin Response: I'm very glad that you found this for me. Reaction: Likes Item: Sponge Cake Response: I'll have it with a cup of tea. Reaction: Likes Item: Stamina Drink Response: I'm not in the mood I'm sorry. Reaction: Rejected Item: Taiheiki Response: I gave this to you don't you like it? Reaction: Rejected Item: Tea Response: I enjoy the soothing smell of tea. Reaction: Likes Item: Tengu Mask Response: Reaction: Item: Textile Fabrics Response: It looks nice I hope I can use it. Reaction: Likes Item: The Analects Response: I've already read this, but thanks anyway. Reaction: Confused Item: Vodka Response: I'm really not interested in this kind of thing. Reaction: Dislikes Item: Wasabi Response: Wow, that went right to my nose. Reaction: Likes Item: Western Boots (MAGOICHI ONLY) Response: Maybe, if they were a smaller size. Reaction: Rejected Item: Wind Bell Response: This sound cleans my soul and warms my heart. Reaction: Likes Item: Wine Response: This taste is new to me, but I like it Reaction: Likes Item: Wonder Flower Response: Uhh... What just happened? Reaction: Blacks out. ======================================================================== IX. QUESTIONS AND ANSWEARS ======================================================================== Everyone should know the reason why I made this section, and if not then I'll explain. Well I get loads of emails which is some help which I greatly appreciate, but most of the time its questions I will list some questions and answears, and will post other that I get in the mail as I cannot remember them all. Just remember to please check the FAQ before emailing me with any questions that you might have. Thanks and Enjoy!! Q.) How do I get Fossilized Bones? A.) These are random, you may get them off the first trade you may not get them at all. Giving gifts they like is the only way to get them. Q.) How do you get the Gold Coin? A.) This is kinda weird, when you get to the town for the 3rd time, go to the Gold Mine entrance before you go see the pig lady in the market, there you will see a dog wondering around, go over to him and while dirctly in front of him try talking to him and also by doing the soul absorbing technique, he will respond. Now do that three times then the dog will walk to a certain spot and begin to bark, go over there and hit the action button and you will get it. Q.) How do you get the Golden Egg? A.) All you have to do to get this is wait for the Brown Chicken to lay it. Afterwards it will hatch into a Golden Chick and then a Chicken. Q.) A.) Q.) A.) Q.) A.) Q.) A.) ======================================================================== X. CLOSING STATEMENT ======================================================================== Well that's it, three days of alot of work finished, but hey it was fun getting to hear and see all of the responses, and reactions. I really hope this helps everybody else as it does for me so I don't have to waste time gift giving and see what does what for hours on end. 1.) Contact If you happen to see any mistakes in this FAQ or any gifts I may have missed, or if you would like anything to be added just send a message to my email at Kazykd18@aol.com. I will be more then happy to update. 2.) Thanks I would like to thanks the following for the motivation and of course most importantly the help in making this FAQ and for putting this up. www.GameFAQs.com -- CjayC GameFAQs Onimusha 2 Message Board CAPCOM for making this really great sequel ========================================================================