-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough for Oni Spirits mini-game in Onimusha: Warlords from CAPCOM by Jozsef Vamosi -------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1 Oni Spirits Walkthrough Copyright 2003 Jozsef Vamosi (jvamosi_gfqs at mail.dk) Ominusha Copyright 2001 Capcom Co., Ltd. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- General tips ============ - Don't bother collecting the red souls - they make no difference or enhancement to your weapons since there is no Magic Mirror on any of the twelve levels. - Keep an eye on the blue souls - the only type of soul you can carry with you to the next level. - Ignore the small portions of health souls, just keep breaking pots. It doesn't matter whether you clear out the level or not. You will probably need to retry Oni Spirits 100+ times - a considerable amount of time - clearing out levels each time will just make it longer. - Thunder Orb (blue): Use this sword to attack multiple enemies. This is a powerful but quick weapon, Samanosuke quickly recovers from one swing to quickly face another enemy. The magic attack is very powerful but you have to get close to your opponent. - Wind Orb (green): Use this sword to break pots faster, especially those that "hang" in midair, or pots that appear in one big block. Use it on slow and single enemies when your magic attacks are depleted. Use its' magic attack to break big sections of pots or against multiple monsters in close range. - Fire Orb (red): Use this sword to break pots that scattered around the level. This sword have a wider horizontal range that makes it ideal for this. The fire magic is powerful and an excellent ranged attack ! - And at last: Plan, plan, plan. And take it easy ! It's just a game :) It can be a very frustrating experience because of the time pressure. Running around and attacking randomly is a quick way to failure. If the situation gets hot, just visualize the situation on the level, pause the game, and plan out your remaining actions. Tried and proven attack-plans: ============================== These strategies are tried and work if you follow ALL of them. They probably aren't the only way to complete the mini-game, but after retrying 100+ times they seem the most efficient to me. Just pause the game before each level and read the level tip carefully. Good luck! Level 1 ======= You shouldn't have too much difficulty with this level. Just keep rushing forward with the R1 button held down, until you eliminate the Soldier Demon. Collect the herb from the treasure box, and break enough pots to proceed to the next level. Level 2 ======= Still relatively easy, just make sure you don't spend too much time killing the Soldier Demons else they will take out too many pots. Turn left slightly after the level starts. Run forward until you reach the left Soldier Demon. Kill it using the R1 and attack, then quickly pick up and wield the Thunder Orb. Kill both Soldier Demon using the R1 and attack, then pick up the bullets from the right treasure box. Keep breaking pots until you reach the level count. Level 3 ======= Rush forward breaking pots until you reach the treasure box on the middle. Pick up the Matchlock and run around the Treasure box from the left - keep breaking pots. When you reach the Long Arm demon launch a magic attack with the Thunder Orb. Run in for an instant kill while the Long Arm demon is still down. Absorb the blue souls. (If the Gyaran still on the level at this point, then it will steal the blue souls. Since you need all those souls for any chance to complete the mini-game, you MUST kill it with the Matchlock - otherwise you have to restart Oni Spirits) Keep breaking pots until you complete the level. Level 4 ======= Fairly easy level. Hold down the R1 button and keep attacking until you kill both Three-eyes. Turn left and break your way trough the upper left corner, and pick up the bullets. Break pots until you reach the bottom right corner and pick up the fire orb. Wield the Fire Orb and break more pots if you haven't reached the count. Level 5 ======= This is the toughest level by my opinion. It's all about timing and some luck. You have very limited time for the actions you have to perform. - Hit and hold the R1 button immediately after the level starts. - Strafe right until you face the Long Arm Demon and the double-row of pots on the right side. - Launch a magic attack with the Fire Orb and instantly run in for a kill while the Long Arm Demon is stunned. - Keep holding down the R1 while you kill the first Long Arm Demon and right after turning around, move ONE quick step forward and launch a second magic attack with the Fire Orb. This should take out both the Gyaran and the second Long Arm Demon. - Run up for an instant kill while the second Long Arm demon is down. - Absorb the souls until you collect the blue souls and some health. - Pick up the herb from the Treasure box. - Turn around and take out the blue pot on the top right corner to gain some more health. - Keep breaking pots until you finish the level. Use a herb if you run out of health. Sometimes the Gyaran will attack you while dealing with the first Long Arm Demon. If this happens, you have to restart Oni Spirits since you WILL run out of time. Movement map: --------------| | | | |---<---| | | | | | | | L-->--| | | | \ | | | \ | | | \ | | | \L | | | | | | | ->-| | | | -------------- Level 6 ======= At this level it's very important to take out both Soldier Demons as soon as possible. Make sure you wield the Fire Orb since this sword has a wide range. Run forward immediately after the level starts. When you reach the middle, slash once - if you are lucky this will take out four pots. Quickly change to the Thunder Orb and kill the Soldier Demons as fast as possible. Pick up the Herb and break the remaining pots. Change back to the Fire Orb. Level 7 ======= Hold down the R1 button right after the level starts, and launch a magic attack with the Fire Orb on the first Long Arm Demon. Do the same immediately with the second Long Arm Demon. Change to the Matchlock with Burst Bullets and shoot twice to kill both. Run up to the treasure box and pick up the Wind Orb. Equip the Wind Orb and run behind the Treasure Box. Launch a magic attack with the Wind Orb. This should take out the Gyaran and enough pots to proceed to the next level. Absorb the blue souls. Break few more pots if you haven't reached the count yet. Level 8 ======= You need plenty of luck on this level. The Bazuu are unpredictable and it takes time to kill them. Be aware for multiple rolling attacks - they consume your health very quickly - block if necessary. Don't worry too much for the pots in the back. The Bazuu attack YOU first and not the pots unlike the Long Arm Demon that goes for the pots first. Make sure you've got equipped with the wind orb. Run forward and take out as many pots on the middle as you can to clear out some space for fighting. Equip the Thunder Orb and kill the Bazuu. You can take your time since each Bazuu will release big health souls - big enough to keep fighting. Use a herb if needed. After you finish the Bazuu, equip with the Wind Orb and break enough pots in the back to pick up the Holly Armor from the treasure box in the top right corner. Equip with the Holly Armor. Break more pots till you reach the count. Pick up the Burst Bullets if you have some time left. Level 9 ======= Equip with the Wind Orb and break pots on the middle until you reach the Barbazuu in the back. Change to the Thunder Orb and launch a magic attack. Run in for an instant kill while the Barbazuu is down. Absorb the blue souls. Equip with the Wind Orb and take out enough pots to reach the count. Level 10 ======== You need LOTS of luck on this level. The Three-eyes are very random moving creatures - don't waste time with them or you will fail the level. Equip with the Fire Orb and launch a magic attack forward on the Long Arm Demon. This should take out the two pots on the middle as well. Change to the Thunder Orb and take out the pots in the bottom right and bottom left corner while the Long Arm Demon is down. Equip with the Fire Orb and launch a second magic attack on the Long Arm Demon. Run for the pots in the two top corners to reach the count. Level 11 ======== The break count on this level is quite low, so you are relatively safe. Go for the Long Arm Demon first with a magic attack, and then use the Wind Orb to quickly break enough pots. Don't waste too much time with the Three-eyes - they move very randomly and break relatively few pots. Keep breaking pots until you reach the count. Level 12 ======== The Barbazuu is fairly slow so you shouldn't have too many problems. Equip with the Wind Orb and quickly break pots to move up to the Barbazuu. Launch a magic attack to clear out a big section of pots around the Brabazuu. Use your remaining magic attacks to kill all three monsters, and then break enough pots to reach the count. Use your remaining herbs if necessary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2003 Jozsef Vamosi (jvamosi_gfqs at mail.dk) This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use via the website "Gamefaqs.com". It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission from the author. Use of this guide on any other web site, or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. --------------------------------------------------------------------------