Onimusha 2 (鬼武者2) Walkthrough Version 1.00 (5.3.02) Written by 無二 忍 Muni Shinobu (muni_shinobu@yahoo.com) & 無二 正次 Muni Masatsuki (muni_masatsuki@yahoo.com) "鬼武者" = "Onimusha" = "Ogre Samurai" "鬼" = "Oni" = "Ogre" "幻魔" = "Genma" = "Illusion Demon" ------------------------------------ 攻略 (WALKTHROUGH) This walkthrough was written as spoiler-free as possible. Boss strategies will be added in the future if I replay the game and gathered those information. Opening. ↓ [ 柳生の庄 ] ↓ There's a 破魔鏡 Save Point to the right. Go downwards on the only path and an event will start. After the event, fight the first 3 enemies of the game. ↓ Advance into the bamboo forest. ↓ Advance some more until you reach a pond. After the event, enter the cave through the newly appeared stone stairs. ↓ Advance some more and you'll meet the mysterious lady 高女. She'll give you the 仁の玉 and the 鬼武者の書 and tell you to go to the 竜の祠 Dragon Shrine. ↓ Backtrack and head to the Yagyuu House (optional). You will go there later with the story, but if you ignore the 舞雷刀 for now, you can go to Jyuubei's house before you leave 柳生の庄 . ↓ Exit the cave and proceed to the Dragon Shrine. Obtain the 舞雷刀 after inspecting the Dragon Shrine. ↓ EQUIPMENT/ITEM 柳生の庄の地図(treasure chest along the path) 薬草(treasure chest in the cave) カエル(catch the カエル (frog) jumping around the pond) ↓ [ 今庄の町 ] ↓ Oyuu event. ↓ Head to the North of the town, onto the mountain road. ↓ Talk to the man guarding the entrance of 金山. ↓ Return to the town, to the 酒屋 Wine House. ↓ Meet Magoichi and Ekei. ↓ After the event, receive 道具受け渡しの書. ↓ Buy the 入山許可証 Mountain Entrance Permit for 100 gold from the man at the deep end of the Wine House. ↓ After talking to the two men in front of the Ironsmith Shop, meet Kotarou at the second floor of the Wine House. ↓ Go to the man guarding the entrance of 金山 again. Show him the 入山許可証 Mountain Entrance Permit. ↓ EQUIPMENT/ITEM 天狗の面(treasure chest in front of 厩舎) 今庄の町の地図(treasure chest in front of the Ironsmith Shop) 布(treasure chest in the Ironsmith Shop, first floor) 扇子(treasure chest in 酒屋 Wine House, second floor) キセル(treasure chest to the side of 閻魔堂) 毛皮(man in the Wine House second floor, after meeting Kotarou) 日本史記 第九巻(man in the Wine House veranda, after meeting Kotarou) 弓, 定角の矢10本(treasure chest in the Ironsmith Shop, second floor) ↓ [ 金山 ] ↓ After the event, proceed to the left. ↓ Solve the puzzle at the alter. Right bottom, bottom left. Get 舞雷刀 秘伝之巻. ↓ Return and proceed to the right. ↓ Proceed to the right at the end. ↓ Ekei and Magoichi to your aid event. ↓ Clear all the enemies and advance until you reach the Dragon Shrine. ↓ Get 氷刃鎗. ↓ Return to the branch of the road and go left. ↓ Ally event. ↓ Break the seal with the 氷刃鎗. ↓ Put the 仁の玉 into the hole on the left of the wall at the deep end. ↓ Battle ギンガムファッツ with the help of your allies. (If you haven't done any Item Exchange at this point, Ekei will come to your aid as default.) ↓ Before talking to the injured man, solve the puzzle. Bottom right, right top, bottom left, right bottom. Get 氷刀槍 秘伝の巻. Or you can come to this puzzle treasure chest later if you miss it this time. ↓ Talk to the injured man to advance with the story. ↓ [ 今庄の町 ] ↓ Receive the 赤い輪 from the injured man to head off again. ↓ Store Boy Event (optional) Talk to the boy in the store to be given the mission to change 白墨 White Ink intoメロン Melon. Give 白墨 to Ekei → Receive 平家物語 →Give 平家物語 to Magoichi → Receive エンブレム Emblem → Give エンブレム to Kotarou → Receive メロン → Give メ ロン to the boy in the store. ↓ Pickpocket Woman Event (optional) Hear the tale about the woman from Ekei. Meet the woman at the right side of the Stable → Talk to the woman at the veranda on the second floor of the Wine House → Talk to the woman at the Ironsmith Shop → Talk to the woman at the right side of the Stable again → Receive 鳴らない鈴 Bell Which Doesn't Ring → Give the 鳴らない鈴 to Ekei → Receive 舞雷刀奥義 地の巻. ↓ [ 金山 ] ↓ Advance to help your allies. ↓ Advance to fight even more enemies. ↓ Advance some more and use the 赤い輪 on the lid. ↓ Enter the cave. ↓ Defeat the two enemies that appear. ↓ Enter the door the seal of which is broken. ↓ [ 岐阜城 ] ↓ Go up the stairs to the ground in front of the castle. ↓ Ally event in front of the door. ↓ Go to the room at the top right of the Hall area. Solve the Puzzle Chest of 15 by arranging the numbers in a way that the sums are all 15 when added vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Top left = 6, top right = 8, bottom left = 2, bottom right = 4. Get 青銅の面(右). ↓ Return to the Hall area. ↓ Advance through the center door to help your allies. ↓ Advance through the door to the Inner Hall. Solve the Puzzle Treasure Chest. Right bottom, top right, left top. Get 力石. ↓ Advance through the left door into the Inner Hallway. ↓ Advance through the door at the end into the Staircase Hallway. ↓ Advance through the door at the bottom of the stairs into the Well Room. ↓ Event. ↓ Get the 幻魔の歴史書 from the shelf in the back. ↓ Return to the Staircase Hallway. ↓ Go up the stairs to the second floor Connection Hallway. ↓ Ally event. ↓ Advance into the stone room. Get 澄心の御守 from the shelf. ↓ Return to the Well Room on the first floor. ↓ Use the 澄心の御守. Get 青銅の面(左). ↓ Go to the Inner Hallway. Use 青銅の面(右) and 青銅の面(左) on the sealed door. ↓ Enter the door and an event will start. ↓ Battle the two enemies after the event. ↓ Advance through the door and battle ゴーガンダンテス futilely. ↓ Event. ↓ Advance through the narrow passageway and up the ladders. ↓ Talk to Oyuu to start an event. Get 聖の玉. ↓ Use the 聖の玉 on the hole to start an event. ↓ Ride. ↓ [ 今庄の町 ] ↓ Return to the Market Place and an event will start. ↓ Kotarou Event (optional) Talk to Kotarou beside the Stable. If you haven't met Kotarou yet before, you can meet him here. ↓ If you finished the Store Boy Event, talk to the man in the store to receive 橙の首飾. ↓ If you have purchased all the merchandise in the store, talk to the store keeper to receive 白い首飾. ↓ After hearing about the 櫛 from Oyuu, go to the blue store at the left end of the Market Place and talk to the store keeper several times to receive the 櫛. ↓ Talk to Oyuu on the second floor of the Wine House. ↓ Go to the Market Place. ↓ Talk to the woman holding an umbrella. (You won't be able to return to 今庄の町 after you talk to her, so make sure you are ready to leave before you talk to her.) ↓ ジュジュド−マ event. ↓ [ 柳生の庄 ] ↓ Head for the pond. Enemies will appear along the way, but allies will aid you. ↓ Advance into the cave and an event will start. Get 高女の指輪. ↓ Exit the cave. ↓ Magoichi Event If your Degree of Friendliness with Magoichi is high, after you exit the cave, talk to Magoichi to get 雑賀発破 Saiga Bomb. Use the 雑賀発破 on the breakable rocks to the side of the Dragon Shrine to get the 緑の首飾. ↓ Go to the Yagyuu House. ↓ Cut the scroll painting on the wall to get 四神図(右). ↓ Solve the puzzle treasure chest to the left. Top right, right bottom. Get 力石. ↓ Go out the garden, in the room out in the garden is the 四神図(左). ↓ Advance into the house to the room with the dresser. ↓ Oyuu event. ↓ Use 高女の指輪 on the dresser. ↓ Solve the dresser puzzle with hints from the 四神図. Top = 玄武 Black Turtle Bottom = 朱雀 Red Sparrow Left = 白虎 White Tiger Right = 青龍 Green Dragon ↓ Go down the ladder. ↓ Advance across the hole. ↓ Cut the rope in the passageway and a boulder will head your way. Run back to the hole you passed and hide until the boulder passes. ↓ Advance down the passageway to exit. ↓ [ 霧隠の谷 ] ↓ Advance on the path to do some battles with the aid of your allies. ↓ Go down the steps and into the temple with the Dragon Shrine. ↓ Get the 旋風丸. ↓ Backtrack to the green seal. Use 旋風丸 Rotating Wind Maru to break the seal and get the 知略の信長像. ↓ Advance on the path until you reach the branch in the road. ↓ [ Scenario Branch ] ↓ *** Kotarou High Degree of Friendliness Route *** ↓ After getting lost in the forest 3 times, you will switch control to Kotarou. ↓ Pick up the 青吸魂の数珠 Blue Soul Absorbing Rosary from beside the Save Point. ↓ Go up the ladder and pick up the 赤幻夢クサビ Red Illusion Dream Wedge from the treasure chest there. ↓ Use the 赤幻夢クサビ Red Illusion Dream Wedge in the area of red light beside the bridge to enter the Red Illusion Dream Dimension. If you reach the deepest floor, you will receive the 赤の石柱 Red Stone Pillar, the 狼牙苦無, and the 青幻夢クサビ Blue Illusion Wedge. ↓ Cross the bridge and climb the cliff to the right of the stone tablet beside the Dragon Shrine. ↓ Advance past the swamps and through the door you reach. ↓ Use the 青幻夢クサビ Blue Illusion Wedge in the area of blue light to enter the Blue Illusion Dream Dimension. If you reach the deepest floor, you will receive the 青の石柱 Blue Stone Pillar. ↓ Use the 赤の石柱 Red Stone Pillar and the 青の石柱 Blue Stone Pillar on the totem beside the Save Point. ↓ Enter the forest and you will switch control back to Jyuubei. ↓ *** Normal Route *** ↓ Defeat the yellowy creature floating in the air to reveal the real path. Do this 3 times to exit the forest. ↓ [ Scenario Branch End ] ↓ Battle ギンガムファッツ. Allies will come to your aid if you lose a certain amount of HP. ↓ Receive 統率の信長像 Leadership Nobunaga Statue after you defeat ギンガムファッ ツ. ↓ Advance to trigger an ally event. ↓ Advance past the swamp, up the stairs, and reach a passage seal. Use the 舞 雷刀 Dancing Thunder Knife to break the seal and obtain the 威厳の信長像 Stern Nobunaga Statue. ↓ Return to the swamp and an event with Magoichi will start. ↓ Cross the swamp and go past the doors. ↓ Solve the Puzzle Treasure Chest to the side of the stone fence. Botton left, right center. Get 旋風丸 秘伝之巻. ↓ Pull the lever beside the monitor on the wall to reveal an image of the 3 Nobunaga Statues standing in a pattern. The pattern is randomly arranged at the time you pulled the lever, so remember the order the Nobunaga Statues are standing from left to right, then place your 3 Nobunaga Statues the same way the screen showed and a new passage will appear. If you fail to place the Nobunaga Statues in accordance to the screen, the walls of thorn on both sides will close in a little bit. ↓ Go down the passage and enter the red door you reach. ↓ Battle some enemies then enter the door at the deep end. ↓ Battle ジュジュド−マ. Allies will come to your aid if you lose a certain amount of HP. ↓ Defeat ジュジュド−マ and you will receive the 和の玉 Jade of Peace. ↓ Activate the device on the wall and the wall will open up into a new passage. ↓ After the passage re-closes, the area you're in will be filled with poison gas, so run as fast as you can to the end of the passage, to the sea. ↓ Event. ↓ Use the 和の玉 on the small fish-shaped boat. Enjoy the smooth ride toward 鬼ヶ島 Onigashima Ogre island. ↓ [ 鬼ヶ島 ] ↓ ゴーガンダンテス Gorgan Dantes will arrive behind you. Battle him futilely until Oyuu appears and interrupts the duel. ↓ Switch control to Oyuu. ↓ Receive 赤吸魂の数珠 Red Soul Absorbing Rosary from Takajyo. ↓ Save Point at the corner of the room. ↓ Go down the tunnel/ramp to the connecting room with many huge statues. At the end of that passage, pick up the 封印板 Seal Board from the treasure chest. ↓ Return to the previous room. ↓ Use the 封印板 Seal Board on the door of the fenced structure in the center of the room to unlock the 2 doors. ↓ Go through the door that isn't beside the Save Point. ↓ In the glass floored room, kill an enemy fish to unseal the way out. ↓ Advance and go down the ladders. ↓ Advance and defeat the many-tentacled enemy to reveal the doorway of white light. ↓ Go through the doorway of white light to the 謎の空間 Mysterious Dimension. ↓ Advance until the very end of this path, after you go past the Save Point, you will face the bull boss. After defeating him, you will receive the 破魔の笛 Break Demon Flute. ↓ Return to where you left Jyuubei. ↓ Switch control back to Jyuubei. ↓ Fron the Dragon Shrine in the fenced area in the room, retrieve 土荒槌 Soil Barren Hammer. ↓ Go through the door you went through before as Oyuu. At the end of the path, break the passage seal with the 土荒槌 Soil Barren Hammer and pick up the 鉄 の丸鍵 Iron Key on the floor. ↓ Go up the ladder and return to the starting hall with the Dragon Shrine. ↓ Go through the door beside the Save Point. ↓ At the deep end of the U shaped room, under the big ceiling fan, equip the 旋風丸 Rotating Wind Maru and activate its special attack by pressing the Triangle button. ↓ After the ceiling fan motor is activated, use the elevator to the side to go down. ↓ If your Degree of Friendliness with Ekei is high, he will appear and fight together with you, and afterwards he will open a treasure chest for you and retrieve for you the 黄の首飾 Yellow Necklace. ↓ Solve the Puzzle Treasure Chest in front of the ladder. Left top, top center, right bottom. Get 種子島改 Improved Gun. ↓ Go up the ladder and advance inward until you reach the Puzzle of 34. Solve the Puzzle Chest of 34 by arranging the numbers in a way that the sums are all 34 when added vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. 1 15 14 4 12 6 7 9 8 10 11 5 13 3 2 16 Get 金文字の鍵 Golden Inscription Key. In the pipe-like thing to the left of the Puzzle Chest of 34 is a 珍しいキノ コ Rare Mushroom, break it to retrieve the item. Be careful of the explosion. ↓ Backtrack a little bit, to the room where you rode the elevator down to. Go up the ladder onto the wall with the golden inscribed keyhole and use the 金文字の鍵 Golden Inscription Key to stop the moving crates. ↓ Cross the gap by jumping on the crates. ↓ Use the 鉄の丸鍵 Iron Key on the door. ↓ Solve the puzzle under the statue to reveal the pillar of green light. 12345 4→2→1→3→5→4→2→3. ↓ Enter the green light to teleport to another area. ↓ [ 岐阜城 ] ↓ Go down the ladders. ↓ Solve the Puzzle Treasure Chest. Top right, right bottom, bottom left, left top, top left, left bottom. Get 身代わりの木札 Wood That Dies in Your Place. ↓ Go down the spiral path to the ground level. Get 緑幻夢クサビ Green Illusion Wedge from the treasure chest beside the Save Point. ↓ Try to exit the door. ↓ Switch control to Ekei. You need to find the 蛇の鍵 Snake Key to unlock the door and free Jyuubei. ↓ In the corridor of art, get the 黄吸魂の数珠 Yellow Soul Absorbing Rosary from the sealed treasure chest. ↓ Exit through the door into the pond area. Get the 桜の鍵 Sakura Key from the treasure chest at the South end. ↓ Exit through the Southern door. ↓ Advance and use the 桜の鍵 Sakura Key and enter the waiting room. Get the 仁王肩当 from the sealed treasure chest, and equip it. Also you can solve the Puzzle Treasure Chest there. Left center, top left, right top. Get 鬼石 Oni Stone. ↓ Advance and get the 三日月の鍵 New Moon Key from the treasure chest. ↓ Return to the pond area and use the 三日月の鍵 New Moon Key on the Northern door. ↓ Advance on the one way path, fighting enemies along the way. ↓ At the waterfall area, behind the fall, get the ハルベルト Halbert and equip it. ↓ Go through the door to the left, there's a Save Point in there. ↓ Go down the stairs and ride the boat across the water. ↓ Inside the building, you will meet a bull boss, defeat him and you will get the 蛇の鍵 Snake Key. ↓ Return to where you left Jyuubei. Use the 蛇の鍵 Snake Key to unlock the door and let him out. ↓ Switch control back to Jyuubei. ↓ Go to the sealed door at the right to challenge the Green Illusion Dream Dimension (optional). Break the door seal with the 舞雷刀 Dancing Thunder Knife. Use the 緑幻夢クサビ Green Illusion Dream Wedge to enter the Green Illusion Dream Dimension. There is a total of 10 floors here, and if you reach the very bottom you will be rewarded with the 紫の首飾 Purple Necklace. ↓ Advance through the left after being let out by Ekei and you will reach a sealed door breakable with the 氷刃槍 Ice Blade Spear. Inside this statue room, at the end of the passage behind the statue, is a pillar of light. Enter the pillar of light and you will be teleported out of this area into the next. ↓ Before you enter the pillar of light in the statue room, you can take a sidetrack trip to 天守閣 (optional). In the stair area behind the sealed door breakable with the 土荒鎚 Soil Barren Hammer, there are a couple of items you can get if you want to get them. In the treasure chest there is a 丸薬 Pill Medicine. Solve the Puzzle Treasure Chest. Right bottom, bottom right, bottom left, right center, bottom center, right top. Get 土荒鎚 秘伝之巻. ↓ [ 幻魔洞 ] ↓ Advance on the one way path inside the cave. ↓ Activate the device beside the draw bridge to lower the bridge so you can pass. ↓ There is a Save Point midway through the cave. ↓ When you meet the passage seal, break it with the 旋風丸 Rotating Wind Maru. ↓ After defeating the bull boss you meet, you will get the 解れ粉竹筒 Antidote Powder Bamboo Canister. Use the 解れ粉竹筒 Antidote Powder Bamboo Canister on the men turned into stone to revive them. They give you items to show their gratitude for saving them, so save all the men turned into stone in the cave to get more items. ↓ Return to the entrance of the cave and enter the pillar of like to teleport back to the 岐阜城 Gifu Castle. ↓ [ 岐阜城 ] ↓ Retrace Ekei's steps. ↓ Along the way, beside the lake, there's an event with Magoichi after you kill all of the enemies in that area. ↓ Make your way to where Ekei fought the bull boss. ↓ Enter the other door in that room, inside are 2 men turned into stone. Use the 解れ粉竹筒 Antidote Powder Bamboo Canister to revive them. Speak to them to receive a 秘薬 Secret Medicine. Then enter the room they were were blocking when they were stone. ↓ Solve the puzzle at the alter to reveal a new pillar of light. ↓ Enter the pillar of light to teleport to the next area. ↓ [ 鬼ヶ島 血ノ池 ] ↓ If you have 3 化石骨 Fossil Stones, you will be able to open the door of bones. Inside is a Puzzle Treasure Chest. Top right, right bottom, bottom left, left center. Get 黒の首飾 Black Necklace. ↓ At the end of one of the paths of the maze is a Puzzle Treasure Chest. Right top, right bottom, top left, left bottom. Get 鬼石 Ogre Stone. ↓ Advance through the maze and you will reach the elevator. Use the special tornado attack (△) of the 旋風丸 Rotating Wind Maru to activate the ceiling fan motor as before. ↓ After riding the elevator, pick up the 紅玉の鍵 Red Jade Key on the floor. ↓ Advance, in the room with the operating table, use the 紅玉の鍵 Red Jade Key to unlock the door with the magic barrier. ↓ Advance and an event with Oyuu and Kinoshita Toukichirou will start. ↓ Advance along the path. Behind the door at the end is another battle with ゴーガンダンテス Gorgan Dantes. ↓ Once the battle with ゴーガンダンテス Gorgan Dantes starts, use the 破魔の笛 Break Demon Flute o to eliminate his defensive aura. With his defensive aura eliminated, you can finally inflict damage on him. His skills, strength, and speed are still the same as before, so you must still fight carefully. ↓ Receive the 礼の玉 Jade of Courtesy after you defeat ゴーガンダンテス Gorgan Dantes. ↓ Advance into the pipe room. Solve the Puzzle Treasure Chest beside the ladder. Right bottom, bottom right, top left, left top, top center. Get 力石 Strength Stone. ↓ Advance through the pipe room and up the ladders into the room with many huge statues where Oyuu obtained the 封印板 Seal Board. ↓ At the statue of Takajyo, use the 礼の玉 Jade of Courtesy. ↓ Long event. ↓ After you gain control again, inspect the small plane to start opening the shutters. Rotate your right and left analog stick simultaneously as quickly as you can before the time runs out on the timer at the top left of the screen. Rotate the right analog stick counter-clockwise, and the left analog stick clockwise. ↓ The small plane will take you to where you need to go. ↓ [ 鬼玄武 ] ↓ You start off in the power room of the giant airship. Solve the Puzzle Treasure Chest. Right center, top center, bottom center, left center, top right. Get 鬼石 Ogre Stone. ↓ Exit the power room into the armory. ↓ Exit the power room into the corridor leading to the control room. ↓ Enter the control room and an event will start. ↓ After the event, inspect the flashing area on the control panel and Oyuu will fly the airship to your next destination. ↓ [ 岐阜城 ] ↓ Advance through the next room and up the stairs to the balcony. ↓ Enter the room and retrieve the 紫幻夢クサビ Purple Illusion Dream Wedge from the treasure chest there. ↓ Go deeper into the room and up the ladder to go out onto the roof. ↓ Battle the creature in the air above the roof. Kill it to receive the 金のウロコ Gold Fish Scale. Use the 金のウロコ Gold Fish Scale on the gold fish roof decoration on the right side of the roof. ↓ The sealed path on the balcony leading to the Genma Tower is now open. ↓ Purple Illusion Dream Dimension (optional). From the balcony, go into the storage room at the far left to find the pillar of light entrance to the Purple Illusion Dream Dimension. Use the 紫 幻夢クサビ Purple Illusion Dream Wedge to enter. There is a total of 20 floors here, and if you reach the very bottom you will be rewarded with the 烈火剣 Blazing Fire Sword. Inspect the crack on the floor where you pulled out the sword from to reveal the entrance to yet another level underneath. In that extra level are no enemies, but a treasure box containing the レザーウェア Leather Wear. ↓ [ 幻魔塔 ] ↓ Event after going up the ladder. ↓ Battle ギンガムファッツ. ↓ Defeat ギンガムファッツ and receive the 勇の玉 Jade of Valour. ↓ Go down the ladder back to the first floor. Use the 勇の玉 on the elevator door at the center of the tower. ↓ Event. ↓ Battle 信長 Nobunaga. ↓ Battle 黄金魔神像 Gold Demon God Statue. ↓ Game Clear! Congratulations! ------------------------------------ * Thanks to Mao2 for pointing out the "鬼" = "Ogre" mistake. This Info Walkthrough is written based on the Japanese version of the game "Onimusha 2" (鬼武者2). Onimusha 2 official website: http://www.oni-musha.com/ This FAQ/Walkthrough can also be found at Muni Shinobu's FAQ Page: http://www.geocities.com/muni_shinobu/faq/index.html This Document Copyright 2002 無二 忍 "Muni Shinobu" & 無二 正次 "Muni Masatsuki"