Primal for PS2 FAQ/walkthrough Written by siren_noda Copyright 2003 siren_noda(Winter Quisgard) April 2, 2003 Version 0.50 So far, this walkthrough only contains general information, a walkthrough of Solum, and the locations of the first Tarot cards. More is on its way. If you have any questions or comments, please email me: I haven't written it all down yet because I'm a stickler for details and such, but I remember nearly everything from all of the worlds (I'm on my third play through the thing). Legalities- This may not be reproduced under any circumstances axcept for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise distributed publicly without written permission from the author. Use of this guide on any other web site, or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Current sites authorized to display this walkthrough are: Timeline/drafts and updates- April 16, 2003 This is my first walkthrough, and the first version thereof. More will be coming as I have time to replay and write it all out. My hope is to write an accurate, detailed faq so that others don't spend four hours wandering around Raum's place the way I did. April 20, 2003 I've gotten good responses from people, which is very encouraging. The main body of Aquis has been added, more details to follow. May 12, 2003 Finals are now over, and I can get back to work on this. Table of Contents 1. Basic Storyline 1.1 What's going on? 1.2 Characters 1.3 Worlds 2. Getting Started 2.1 Basic Controls 2.2 Fighting System 2.3 Items 2.4 Abilities 3. Walkthrough Mortalis Nexus Solum Aquis Aetha Volca Nexus 4. Bonus Stuff 4.1 Tarot Card Locations ---------------------------Section 1--------------------------- 1.1 What's going on? 1.2 Characters Jen- Jennifer Tate grew up as an orphan on Mortalis. She is a half-breed, part demon, though she does not yet know it. She's tough and vocal, though oddly ready to believe the unbelievable. She gets roped into saving the world after she and her boyfriend are attacked by a demon. Scree- Jen's gargoyle companion and greatest ally. Scree is a dignified fellow who serves the Goddess Arella, and has done so for quite some time. He is your basic gargoyle type: short, pointy in places, made of stone, and immensely patient. Scree is unarmed and shouldn't fight. Lewis- Jen's musician boyfriend. Like Jen, Lewis was an orphan and grew up feeling like he didn't belong. He reads fantasy novels and likes to party. Arella- The Goddess of Order, and Jen's new boss. Abdizur- Arella's General, he has been missing for many years and is believed to be dead. Chronos- The apparently immortal keeper of the balance, controlling the flow of power to both of the gods. Abaddon- The God of Chaos, Jen's new enemy. Belahzur- Abaddon's General, and one nasty demon. 1.3 Worlds Primal has five basic worlds, though you only get to play in four of them, and the Nexus. Mortalis- This is the world of mortal species, essentially the world of humans. It's basically Earth. The Nexus- The hub from which the four playable worlds can be reached. The Nexus is the home of Arella, and the site of the machine Chronos uses to distribute power. Solum- Cold, dark home of the Ferai. In Solum it is eternal night and eternally cold, but not barren. Fierce creatures are hunted by the Ferai, a strong, agile, high-jumping race of warriors. The current King is Herne. Aquis- Perpetual sunset and calm waters make Aquis seem like a tropical resort. The waters are peopled with the aquatic Undine, who rely on massive filtration systems to make the water habitable. Aetha- The dismal, rainy home of the Wraiths. Possibly the most settled of the worlds, the people of Aetha are split into two distinct social classes: the cruel aristocrats, and the abused peasantry. Volca- A world of fire and rock, populated by the Djinn. Volca is a volcanic world, and its people draw their power from the molten rock. As the volcano gets hotter, the Djinn grow stronger. --------------------------Section 2--------------------------- 2.1 Basic controls The controls for Primal are simple once you learn what they are. I was at a disadvantage when starting since I had no manual. Left analog stick- Controls directional movement through the worlds. Up goes away from the camera, down goes towards, etc. Right analog stick- Controls the camera. Pressing down on the stick brings the camera behind the current character. D-pad- Tap a direction to turn into a demon, hold in a direction to draw demon energy from Scree. Left- Ferai aspect. Up- Undine aspect (use this only around water since, like fish, Undine "drown" on dry land). Right- Wraith aspect. Down- Djinn aspect. X button- Confirm button, also activates "context actions" such as opening doors, picking up items, and (Scree only) lowering a rope. O button- I'm not sure if this button does anything as Jen, but as Scree it allows you to turn into stone, making you immune to attack. In Wraith form, pressing O lets Jen time-shift, allowing her to run really, REALLY fast. Square button- In battle, this button allows Jen to unlock from her current enemy. Triangle button- Standard undo selection button. Start- Brings up the menu which has all of your save/options stuff, as well as maps. Select- Switch between Jen and Scree. L1 trigger- In combat this button makes Jen do a spinning attack that can scatter enemies, or break through a defensive posture. L2 trigger- Left-handed attack. R1 trigger- Guard. R2 trigger- Right-handed attack. 2.2 Fighting System In combat, Jen auto-locks on her first target, even when other enemies swarm around you. You can switch between targets with the X button, taunt with triangle, and disengage with square. The triggers are your friends here, and the left analog stick can refine the attack somewhat. I'm not sure what the combos are yet, but try basic fighting game moves such as semi-circles and such. If Jen gets blocked, sometimes she'll groan and stagger slightly. At that point, I found it best to block, take a step back, and try something else. Pressing L2 and R2 at the same time executes a "finishing blow" that comes in very handy against higher life forms. Each demon aspect has a different fighting style based on its weapon. Ferai aspect- This is a fast-moving, close range fighter. Her weapons are twin claws. Undine aspect- Somewhat slow-moving, this form has greater range than Ferai. Her weapons are tentacles of energy. Wraith aspect- Average speed, this form has the greatest reach of the land- based forms. Her weapons are a whip on the right, dagger on the left. Djinn aspect- Probably the most powerful form, with mid-sized range. She can switch between twin fire swords and one huge sword by pressing O. 2.3 Items Vandalism is encouraged in this game. Many items are hidden in barrels and chests, so smash everything you can. Herne's dagger- A basic dagger given to Jen by Herne, King of the Ferai. Lodestones- Amber-colored, ovoid rocks that glow when Scree draws near. These stones let Scree possess other statues at a cost of 5 stones per statue. Tarot cards- Bonus items found throughout the worlds. There seem to be 8 to a world, and the cards you have obtained are viewable through the bonus features menu. Locations of each card to follow... Energy crystals- These restore Jen's demon energy when her life meter reaches empty. Yellow rocks- Restores some of Scree's energy, found throughout the worlds. These are one-use items. Energy Fountains- These restore more of Scree's energy, and refill over time. It is smart to remember the locations of these crystals to refill both Scree and Jen to full energy. Keys- Most of the keys you get in Primal are given to you directly, and used automatically when you need it. If you need to find a key on a body, look for a star-shaped thing, or a glowing spot. Rope- Scree gets a rope which he can lower and anchor, allowing Jen to climb up or down to points too high or too low to reach otherwise. Tarot Cards- These cards are viewable through the bonus materials menu. They are hidden throughout the realms, often in out of the way places. The locations of the individual cards are given at the end of this walkthrough. Plot items- There really aren't many of these. As the plot calls for them, I'll indicate their locations in that section of the walkthrough. 2.4 Abilities These are not so much abilities as what you can do in certain forms. Human- In human form, Jen can fight at close range with the dagger Herne gave her, which is better than nothing. The only really good thing about human form is that life grows back quickly when Jen is injured. Ferai- In ferai form, Jen can make bigger jumps than she normally is able to. If you come to a location where Jen says "Too high for me," switch into Ferai form and make the jump that way. Undine- The only real ability in Undine form is the ability to swim. Wraith- Wraith form gives Jen the ability to time shift. She can race past enemies and other obstacles at an incredible speed at the cost of demon energy. This ability obviously doesn't work against other Wraiths since they can do it too. Djinn- The primary advantage of Djinn form is tha ability to change your weapon and, as a result, your fighting style. --------------------------Walkthrough------------------------------- Mortalis- The Nexus- The game starts in a club called The Nexus, where Jen's boyfriend is ambushed by a very large, rather lumpy demon. In the struggle, Jen is knocked to the ground and injured. The Hospital- After the attack on the street outside the club, Jen is taken to the hospital. She is hooked up to machines and looks like she's either unconscious or in a coma. The doctor gives her a 50/50 chance at best. In the dimly lit hospital room, Jen's spirit separates from her body and she first meets Scree, who convinces her to follow him to Oblivion. The Nexus- Once through the Rift Gate, Scree gives Jen the Vambrace and explains the current situation within the Nexus. Follow Scree up the stairs to the central hub which contains a huge machine. The four worlds contained within Oblivion are out of whack. Chaos is taking over, disrupting the balance of power flowing out of each world and into the Nexus. Chronos is being overwhelmed by the effort of trying to control the incoming primal energy, and Jen has been summoned to set things right. Jen reluctantly agrees to go along with Scree for the time being. Follow Scree to the next Rift Gate and prepare to enter Solum. Solum- The Circle of Kings- After Scree explains Solum's climate and inhabitants, head out along the main path to the southeast. Scree will explain some of the basic controls to you until you run into a cut-scene. The Cave of the Malkai- Control switches to Scree for this section, since he doesn't seem to be edible. Follow the tunnel (there's really only one way through), and come out the other side. Head south into a narrow corridor that leads to a mine-like opening. This is the Fire Cave. Dash inside, grab a torch from the campfire in the middle of the cave, and head back to the Cave of the Malkai. In the center of the main room, between the half-eaten bodies, you'll find a dark brazier. Light it by pressing X, and go get Jen. Swap active characters if you like and head back through the Cave of the Malkai. Scree will let you know how to ask him for advice. The area beyond the Cave of the Malkai is a bit more open, but there are really only two places you can go. Since you've already gotten the torch from the cave of fire, head southwest. You don't have to worry about being attacked yet since Jen is unarmed. The bridge across the stream is out, so the first matter of business is to find a way for Jen to cross. For now, stay on this side of the stream and go to the north a little. North of the bridge is a staircase, but the door is locked. Have Scree climb the wall (he tells you so himself) and unlock the door for Jen, then head up the stairs to a kind of courtyard, or garden almost. Scree's torch goes out and you meet Herne for the first time. He explains that his son is missing and gives Jen a knife. From now on you'll run into critters trying to kill/eat you. Scree takes over on another of his scouting missions. Head toward the odd glowing light to the north. This is your first lodestone. Grab it and head down the well/chimney thing and follow the tunnel down there to the other side of the stream. South of the tunnel is the Mill. The Mill- In the mill you can hear a creaking sound and Scree will comment on a tree about to fall. Knock down the tree to make a makeshift bridge. Swap control to Jen and take out the three Malkai that come after you. Meet up with Scree and have him collect the first of the tarot cards by going around the side of the mill and climbing the wall of the broken stairs. Now head northwest to a broad staircase and go up. The gate is locked, broken or otherwise unopenable, but there is a tower just off the side of the stairs. Have Jen go around the side of the tower to a gap in the wall, slip through and unlock the door for Scree. Get the second Tarot card, which is on the upper level here, then go down the stairs into the Ferai Burrows. Ferai Burrows- Grab a torch and follow the tunnel down until you run into a group of three Ferai sitting by a fire. They tell you that Jared vanished after a fight of some kind while he was out hunting. Go out through the exit to the northwest to the waterfall. Go up, and eventually you'll come to a dead end. You have to break down the wall with the missing brick by having Scree carry the millstone in the adjacent room up to the top of the rut and send it rolling on down. Go up the first set of stairs beyond the broken wall and collect the lodestone from the barrel on the left. Continue up the stairs to Jared's Lodge. Jared's Lodge- There is a Rift gate almost immediately to the west once you get outside. Head to the north to reach the lodge. Take out the Malkai by the entrance and go inside to find signs of a minor battle. In the far northern corner, near a fallen crest of some kind, is a piece of Jared's horn. If you recall, Herne said he was going to pray, as he's done every day since Jared's disappearance, so you sort of know where to find him. Go through the gap in the wall and keep going north. Lift the gate blocking further progress and go into the tunnel. Jen can sidle along the wall to the left, while Scree can climb down, across and back up the remains of a bridge. Leave here and head to the City Bridge. City Bridge- You can go directly to the bridge, or you can continue straight ahead, through another tunnel and through two archers (yes, with bows and arrows) to collect the third Tarot card. Head across the bridge and meet the Ferai Queen for the first time. Scree suspects something's wrong with Devena, though he doesn't know what. Once the coast is clear you can head to the left, sticking to the left side of the path. At one point along here, Jen will have to sidle across a gap that Scree will have to climb over. At the break in the wall, go into the city. The Poor Quarter- Welcome to the city of the Ferai. Your welcoming party is a group of Malkai. Take them out and head into the next district. Near the entrance into this area is a "stepped" building with a green door, some barrels, rubble and a Tarot card on top. Have Scree climb the door-side wall to get on top of the lower part of the building and collect the card. Head down the alleyway until you reach a stairway on the right. Go up the stairs and into a little courtyard with a monument of some kind in the center. To the right of the stairs is an open door into one of the houses. Climb the rubble, jump through the broken wall, run downstairs, through a gap in the wall, up another set of stairs, drop through another gap in a wall, under a low gap, and outside. To the left, if you take Scree along the wall and over the crack in the wall, you can collect another lodestone. To the right a pair of Ferai will jump up, into a gap in the wall. Remember this gap for later. For now, stick to the ravine side of the path until you come to yet another bridge. This one leads you to the Temple. The Temple- Scree gets to impress Jen with his statue-possessing ability, but only after collecting at least five lodestones. Run to the left and get one lodestone in the open. Further around the temple (the second corner you come to) has some barrels, one of which hides a lodestone. Continue around to get a third stone in the open, and possess away. Turn the statue's head around and up so that the light shines on the mark on the door, unpossess the statue, and go inside to meet up with Herne. Herne's chanting away, so Jen pushes Scree ahead to tell him what they found. This is when Jen gets her first demon form. Exit the temple, take out the Malkai, and head to the closed gate around back. Have Jen jump onto and over to flip the lever on the other side. From now on, Scree can collect energy from fallen enemies, energy fountains, and charged rocks around the worlds which Jen can then draw on when she gets hurt. Continue north-ish to reach the Hunting Grounds. Hunting Grounds- Head into the archway and walk into the light! Well, not really, but move toward the fire in the center and meet the Ferai Shaman. Beyond this camp is the Necropolis, sacred land to the Ferai which no one is supposed to trespass on. Needless to say, this is where you're going next. Before you do that, there are some things you should pick up in this area. Near the entrance to the tent is a group of Malkai. Take them out and go around the fallen column near the entrance. Climb the wall and get on top of the archway to find your first energy crystal. Climb back down and head to the southeast. Midway across the valley bowl is a ruin of some kind with an energy fountain in the middle. Fill Scree's energy meter, take out some more Malkai, and keep going southeast to a wall with some steps leading to a door and possibly a Malkai jumping off the roof. Take out any Malkai in the area and climb the wall here to get yet another Tarot card. Now you can go to the Burial Grounds. Burial Grounds- This place is full of Ferai stamping around with their dirty feet. You'll find three Ferai guards hiding out under an archway, two with some sort of two-bladed daggers and the third with one of the daggers and a small shield. Yeah, I know this seems like extraneous info, but if you're like me, it does make something of a difference in how you go after them. Take these guys out and plow onward to a broad staircase. Hop over the left side of it to pick up another lodestone, then continue up to the main part of the burial grounds. There's an archer on the platform between the stairs at the far end of the area, as well as one Ferai with a pair of daggers, a second with claws, and a third with heavy armor. I suggest taking out the archer first since he's rather secluded but a tremendous nuisance if you let him be. Then go after the more mobile guys at the bottom of the stairs, and last take on the armored guard. If you choose to go after the guys on the ground first, remember that enemies can hit eachother, and put your opponent between yourself and the archer. After clearing out the guards, there's another statue to possess at the top of the steps. You should be short a lodestone or two. There's one among the grave markers, and another one by the working Rift Gate to one side of the area, and another one by the ruined gate on the other side. Right now there is something missing from the door so you can't do much with the statue, but if you want to aim it now, by all means do so. In any case, head back to the Hunt Camp and let the Shaman know what you saw. You'll get a cute pantomime from Jen of the guards "stamping with their dirty feet," as well as a relic to open the door in the Burial Grounds. Backtrack to the door, place the relic, adjust the statue if you haven't done so already, and go down some stairs into the Necropolis proper. Necropolis- On the stairs you'll encounter one double-bladed guard and one double-clawed guard. Take them out and get working on the two armored guards in front of each of the two doors. The door on the right is locked from the other side, so there's nothing you can do about it now. Lift the gate on the left and kill the double-bladed guard who comes from the second room on the right, then get the armored guy in front of yet another gate. Collect the goodies from the second room (there should be an energy crystal and a yellow stone). Lift the gate in the hall to meet up with Jared. After the cinema, do as Scree says and head back to the Rift Gate just outside the Necropolis. Head to any destination from which you can find your way back to section of wall where you saw the Ferai jump through earlier. Follow their example, hop down the rubble on the other side of the wall and go up the short flight of stairs to let Scree in. Now go through the houses to reach the Plaza. Plaza- This area has four Ferai creeping around, two with the double-bladed daggers and two with claws. There is an energy fountain for Scree in the northwest, and an energy crystal for Jen in an alley to the southeast. There is a large, rectangular building with some fallen columns by its side. Climb up the half-wall and you'll find yourself in the Forum. Go down into the lower parts of the building and talk with the doorman. He'll recognize the thingie Jared gave you and let you down into the Ferai City Burrows. Ferai City Burrows- nobody down here talks to you, so you may as well just run through to the other end. Before raising the gate, grab the lodestone from a barrel on the right (down in a little side room), then go on to the sewer-like area. Kill the two Malkai that come to greet you, go on to the intersection and climb the intact ladder to pick up another lodestone. Have Jen sidle along the wall to the west, and Scree climb along the wall to the east, to reach the upper tunnel on the other side. Go up another ladder into the Jail. The Jail- There are three Malkai on the ground level of the Jail and another energy crystal to theright of the ladder entrance area, hidden in a barrel. Climb up through the cell with the broken ceiling and head to the southern part of the jail (directly above a room with a Rift Gate), collect the lode- stone and head out past the debris. Prepare for your first boss fight. Coliseum- If you've picked up all the stones I pointed out, you should be set from the get go. If not, run around and grab some, then possess the statue of Abdizur. Belahzur has two basic methods of attack: physical and ranged. When he's in the ring and on your level, just go after him like you would with Jen. After a few hits he'll jump to the bleachers and fire some things at you. Strafe or just run from side to side to dodge these. After the third shot misses (or hits depending on how you dodge), he'll jump back into the ring. Finish him off and Jen will come out of hiding. Collect any lodestones you may have left behind and possess the state again to raise the gate to the east. After you leave the fighting area of the Coliseum, head to the east to a small cave. To get there, go to the square with the statue in the center and go through the open house to the north. You'll wind up on a cliff with an energy fountain on the right and a cave on the left. In the cave you'll find an energy crystal and a Tarot card. Go back to the square and head to the northwest, taking out a pair of Ferai (one with a small shield and the other with two claws) along the way. Go over the rubble and down the alley to get to the Barracks. The Barracks- There are archers here. one of them to be precise, in the distant part of the area, and four close-range fighters (one claws, one daggered, one dagger and shield, and one heavy armor). The three lesser guys rush you first, so handle them where you are, then go after the archer on the steps and then the heavy at the top. I haven't found much of value here, so have Jen slip into the crack in the wall by the door at the top of the stairs. Move the boards blocking the door, let Scree in and flip the lever to open another gate. Two more guards (a claw and a dagger) will come at you. Finish them off and go through the gate leading to the fortress Gate House. Again, this door is locked from the inside, so head around the west side, take out the heavy armored guard and make your way along the wall by having Jen sidle along the up and Scree climb along the bottom. There's an archer on the overhang, a dagger guard and a claw guard on your level. Take out the two guys you can and lift the gate. You'll get the archer later. Two more guards are on the other side of the gate, one with a small shield and one with two daggers. Take them out, go down the stairs. Guard Rooms- As the name implies, there are guards down here. At the bottom of the stairs, the room on the left has an energy fountain and the one on the right has a Rift Gate. The stairs to the left will bring you to an energy crystal and that pesky archer from before. The third direction will take you to the Kitchen and other service areas of the fortress. Grab the lodestone from the rafter and go onward, expecting company as the female Ferai said. Deal with the three Ferai guards, 2 claws and one small shield, grab a torch, and proceed to the nect area. Along the curved, tiered path you'll come across your first summoning stone. You can use these to pull Scree to you from anywhere he may be. A trio of Malkai will jump you just befor you get to the Herne Statue. Herne Statue- It can seem like there's nowhere to go from here, but have Scree climb the tower to the north. Midway up, just before you reach the plaster line, turn right through the molding, and up into the body of the tower. He'll order Jen to wait while he goes to find a way to get her up. Go down stairs and through tunnels until you come to a room filled with urns and statues, labelled "Pantry" on the map. Collect the three portable urns in this room in the north corner and the floor will give way. Collect the rope at the bottom of the ladder and go back for Jen. Scree will drop the rope for Jen to climb. When she's up, switch back to Scree and press X to have him bring up the rope. Now follow the bloodstains down the halls, lighting things as you go. There are Malkai down here, and the light does a good job of keeping them away. There is a Tarot card hidden in the first big room you come to down here, hidden in a chest behind a big rock to the east. Welcome back to civilization. The end of the tunnel seems to land you in a living room. As you round the first corner into the hallway, note the door. This door leads to Jared's apartments and is difficult to find later, especially since the lettering on the map is right over the gap in the wall. Further down the hall you'll run into a guard, followed by three more in the following room (one of each kind except for archers). The stairs behind the small gate take you across Devena's courtyard and up to a Rift Gate. There's one guard (claws) on the ground and two archers on the wall above. The archers will have to wait. The larger gate takes you down to the formal dining room and a sealed door. As you try to leave, the room will shake and the doors fall in, giving you an easy route to the Throne Room. Throne Room- Collect the goodies and draw energy from Scree if you're hurt because there's a big fight ahead. Grab the keys off the throne and the lodestone from the chest beside it and try to leave. Devena will send six Ferai after you: two heavies, two double daggers and two dagger and shields. Take them out however you like and go back up the stairs to the room with the tall statue. Two more guards (daggers) will jump you here. Finish them off and go west over the rubble, then north. Between two torches in this room is a chest with the final tarot card for this world. Two more guards (one dagger, one claw) jump you in the hall. Go through the big doors at the end of the hall to get back into the main part of the fortress, but you don't need to go that way. That's for later if you want it. Backtrack to Jared's door (over the rubble, through the Banquet Hall, etc). Along the way you'll run into an archer, a heavy, and a dagger and shield guard. Jared's Rooms- The long corridor directly behind Jared's rooms has a total of four guards: one heavy, one daggers, one small shield and one claw and dagger. Deal with them, then go up the passage they came out of and get the heavy there. Go out onto the parapets and get the three archers there, then Devena's rooms are pretty easy to navigate. On the way up you'll run into two guards. After dealing with them, go up and fight another one in her bed chamber. On the very highest level, on the wall between two tables, you'll find her keys. Go back down, taking out the reenforcements that are in the room where you just got the other two guards, then head to the most readily available Rift Gate, which is the one across Devena's courtyard. Warp back to the Burial Grounds and meet up with Jared at the Necropolis. With Jared's help, take out the guards in the main room. Watch out for Jared 'cause he can hurt you by accident. The door on the right is still locked from the other side, so you have to find another way in. Have Scree climb the south wall of the first room of the corridor where you first met Jared and have him unlock the door. Swap control back to Jen and lead Jared to the chamber where his mother is. This is where you have your final battle in Solum, and it can be overwhelming. Devena summons guards in two waves. Take them all out and Herne will show up. Whatch the pretty movie, then return to the Nexus. Back in the Nexus- Jen finally meets Arella, in the form of a flock of butterflies. After she vanishes, follow Scree to the next world. Aquis- Welcome to Aquis, the world of perpetual sunset and the aquatic Undine. Shame that Jen can't swim. So, while she sunbathes, Scree explores the waters ahead. Temple Lagoon- There's a structure in the center of the Temple Lagoon, as well as a lot of lodestones. A small grotto to the east has one lodestone in the bottom, there's another one just to the east of the central ridge along with a Summoning Stone. Get into the tower by climbing up the ladder- like sections of wall at the very bottom. In the center of the tower is a generated current. As it is set now, it won't take you anywhere useful. Climb up onto the next level up and work your way to the valve. Turn the wheel to change the current's direction, grab the lodestone in this room, and ride the current up to the next level. There are two ladders on this level, one takes you to a lodestone, and the other takes you onto a broad walkway with another ladder leading up to your goal. Get the lodestone first to avoid having to come back here later, then go meet Queen Aino. She'll explain the problem on this world and give Scree a present for Jen. Go back to the grotto and climb back to the beach. After Scree gives Jen her present, the immediate task is to save Aino. Go north (follow the central ridge) and make your way through a twisting, vegetation-filled passage into the Dam Lagoon. Dam Lagoon- Soon after you come into this area, you'll see the glow of a Summoning Stone near the surface to the left. Swim to it and pull Scree through. Swap active characters and head towards the fish-head statue in the wall. Grab the lodestone on the right of the head then possess it. Rotate the left stick to get the mouth to open all the way, then let the statue go. You can use either character to go into the room beyond and turn the valve, saving Queen Aino. After the cutscene, follow Aino and she will open a door into the next area. Bay- Your first job in the bay is to activate the Priming Station. Before you can do that, you need to get some power to the staion. Head south, to a passage liked with huge barnacle things that try to grab you. You can avoid them entirely by sticking to the bottom left corner of the passage. In the room beyond is a sealed gate, similar to the one Aino opened with you, as well as an opening in the ceiling. Swim up into the Engineer's Room. Push the button over the monitor and go out of this area. Head to the southwest and into the now active Priming Station. Priming Station- The valve you need to turn is sealed, and you need to set the cogs against the central gear to unseal it. Sequence doesn't matter here, so pick a side and get onto one of the platforms (one is in the front, right quarter, the other in the rear, left quarter). Go through the door and down the ladder, then back into the water. On the floor in the middle of the room is the valve that controls the water level in this room as well as the height of the cog in the middle room. Turn the valve until it stops, then get out and do the same thing on the other side. After you've set the cogs, turn the valve in the central room and leave the Priming Station. Bay- Two Undine are waiting for you as you leave the Priming Station. Take them out and go back to the door under the Engineer's Room to let Scree into the Bay. Now you can focus on the Sub-stations that are scattered around Aquis. The first two can be done in any order. Dam Sub-station- This tower is located in the eastern section of the Dam Lagoon. Go east and head for the surface. Climb up onto the Beach and into the cave at the back. Swim through the tunnel to the left (the right is a very quick dead end), and into the large cavern with the first turbine. On the front of the turbine is the valve to activate it. Turn the valve and go back out the way you came in. Temple Sub-station- This tower is in the western section of the Temple Lagoon. Along the west wall is a plant-filled tunnel, slightly below and to the right of a more visible opening in the wall. Go into the plant-filled tunnel and follow it to the Temple Sub-station. Again, just turn the valve on the front of the turbine. After turning on the first two Sub-stations, head back to the Bay Caverns. The next area to explore is beyond the current to the north (it passes through an algae-covered fish skeleton, mostly ribs). Send Scree through the current and hunt down its source. Once you find it, push the nearby boulder into the stream to block it, allowing Jen to swim to the next area. The Tunnels- Following the tunnel will eventually bring you to a gate and a cutscene in which you meet Adaro. He's busy attacking a long-dead Undine and doesn't seem overly concerned about Jen or Scree. Once he leaves, push the gate in and head to the left. Near the end of this tunnel the current will push Jen into an Undine nest. Have Scree block the far left opening with another oh-so-convenient boulder, then continue on to the next Sub- station. Skeleton Sub-station- This Sub-station has an added complication. An Undine engineer is trapped in the turbine and turning it on will puree the poor guy (I don't know if it's actually possible to do so, but that's what they say). To free Arturo you have to open the dome behind the Sub-station, but this one is missing a piece. Have Jen swim to the top of the column in front of the tower and push the button, which opens the right-hand door back where you met Adarro. Head back there with Scree and through the door that just opened to the Nest Sub-station. Nest Sub-station- The area is covered in eggs, so it's hard to find much on ground level. For now, head to the back of the chamber. There's a room on the back wall and a valve to the right of it. Turn the valve to lower some ramps and go on in. Turn the valve in the middle of the room to get this turbine going and grab the peg to the left of the wheel before you go. As you leave this area, hunt around for a lever in the back-right quarter. This lever opens a dome in the back-left of the room, which has a Tarot card inside. Swap back to Jen. Skeleton Sub-station- Pull Scree through the Summoning Stone back to the Skeleton Sub-station and have him place the peg in the dome behind the tower. Pull the lever and Arturo swims free. Now you can turn the turbine on and head back to where you met Adaro. Fight the pair of Undine that are waiting for you. Now that the Sub-stations in this area are running, you can open the next door. Follow this tunnel through until you see an open iris door. A sudden current will push you through the door, as well as blocking off your exit this way. There's a pair of Undine here too. Take them out and go to the closed door to the east. This door leads to the Spike Pit. Spike Pit- There's a pair of Undine in here. Take them out and go straight up. On the beach right by the water is a big crab. If he's too close for comfort, you can lead it to one side, then swim elsewhere and climb up. If you want to kill the crab, go ahead. It is possible to lead him to the rocks on the right, and keep him stuck there while you take him out. An alternative (useful if you are running low on energy crystals, or just don't want to bother) is to just run past him since he isn't particularly fast. On the opposite side of the pool, hidden behind a rock is a Tarot card. Head out of this area via the path behind the crab. Apostles Mountains- This section involves a lot of climbing and some diving. There's a large, round hole in the ground right in the middle of this cavern. Switch to Undine form and dive into the sludgy water below. To the north-west is a tunnel, occupied by a lone blue crab. Kill it or run past, depending on how you feel, then work your way down along the left wall to water level. Grab Scree through the Summoning Stone. Send Scree up the north wall and flip the lever up here to open a door. The tunnel beyond is occupied by two more blue crabs, but they don't bother Scree. Undine Statue Cave- There is yet another pair of crabs here. Along the south side of the central pit, you'll get the message that it is too shallow for Jen to dive in here. Send Scree down the southern wall (at the foot of the largest Undine statue), pick up the lodestone, and possess the fish head statue. Opening its mouth will fill the pit with water, giving Jen the depth she needs to dive in. Swap back to Jen, who should still be in the... Apostles Mountains- Put Jen into Ferai form and make your way up the cliffs starting from the ground by the Summoning Stone. Some of the jumps are too big for her to make in human form. The path keeps turning back onto itself, and there is one point where you have to sidle along the wall. You'll come to the top at about the same point Scree did. Go through the door and the tunnel beyond to meet up with Scree. Undine Statue Cave- Get to the edge on the drop, switch into Undine form and dive again. Get onto dry land and you'll meet the second large crab in Aquis. Do what you want with it, then make your way back into the water to the next Sub-Station. Rib Cage Sub-Station- There are two Undine and yet another large crab here, waiting for you. Take out the Undine first, but watch out for the crab, it spits. If you can't find the crab, it is just at the foot of the stairs (why Undine need stairs is beyond me) leading up to the turbine valve. Now that the turbines are all working, you just need to go to the Purification Tower. Don't backtrack to the Bay, even though that's where you saw the main body of the Tower. All you have to do is follow the back of the turbine up. You can see a hole in the ceiling rimmed in lights. Go though and fight the Undine waiting for you (there may be as many as three. Sometimes they will wander down to the turbine, so you may wind up fighting fewer or more depending). Check your map. To the northwest is a Rift Gate as well as an Energy Fountain. Get to the gate and patch up Jen and Scree if they need it. Now go to the iris door that you passed to get here and go through to get to the Purification Tower. Purification Tower- Go up, and up some more, until you reach Adaro. This fight could go on and on unless you listen to Scree and turn all of the valves around on the wall. This will purify the water in the tower and keep Adaro from being able to regenerate. Fortunately, Adaro isn't the best shot in the world, so it isn't too difficult. After the fight, head upwards again and climb to the top of the tower. There is one final valve to turn, one that only Scree can reach, but before you do that, grab the final Tarot Card in Aquis. It's around the back of the tower, opposite the valve. Turn the valve and you're done here. Back to the Nexus- Things aren't looking so good in the Nexus. It seems as though Arella is hanging on, but just barely. Head on to the next door. ---------------------------------Optional Stuff------------------------- 4.1 Tarot Card Locations You can find tarot cards throughout the game, and I suspect seven to eight cards in each world. The tarot card viewer is located in the bonus features menu. Solum- The Fool- This card is located in the mill, on the second level. The inside walls are broken up by the wooden beams, so you have to get this card from the outside. Go to the side furthest from the river and swap characters to Scree if you aren't using him already. There's a broken stairwell back here, as well as walls Scree can climb. Climb up the side of the stairs, onto the second level, through the doorway, and grab the card on the right. King of Pentacles- You can find this card on the upper level of the tower entrance to the Ferai Burrows. After having Jen unlock the door, switch over to Scree and climb the wall to the left of the door. Go through both gaps in the wall decoration and circle around to the right to get onto the upper level and pick up the card that's there. Strength- Before stepping out onto the bridge there's a narrow path into the mountain. Follow this path around, through a low doorway, and eventually up to meet a pair of Ferai archers. Take out the archers and follow the walkway around to the right, past the lever, and to the right again. This card is sitting in the chest at the end of the walkway. The Empress- Near the southeastern entrance to the Poor Quarter, there's a low building with a greenish, sealed door, with some barrels and debris on the roof. To get this one, send Scree up the southernmost wall (there's a small window set into the wall that can be hard to see from some angles) and get onto the roof of the lower building. Grab the card and head back down to Jen. Queen of Pentacles- This card is located near the Hunt Camp, on the roof of the Malkai den to the southeast. Have Scree climb the wall after Jen has taken out all of the Malkai in the area. The card is in the open. Ace of Pentacles- After leaving the arena of the Coliseum, go to the right and follow the path to a cliff. On the left side of the cliff is a small cave containing a yellow stone, an energy crystal, and this card, all in plain view. The Hermit- As you go running down the bloody path in the Ferai Fortress, you pass through a Malkai den. To the east in the den is a rather large alcove with some rocks. Go behind the rocks and kick open the chest to retrieve this card. Knight of Pentacles- The last card in Solum, find this card after the fight in the throne room. To the west of thethrone room is a nearly empty room with some torches on the wall. Between two of the torches, on the floor, you'll find the chest containing this card. Aquis- Ace of Cups- This card is on the beach in the Bay area. Several eggs are scattered on the beach, including some behind a tree to the left as you climb up. Smash the egg and grab the card. Knight of Cups- This card can be found in the Nest Sub-station. Hidden in the eggs to one side of the turbine is a lever. Pull the lever, then go to the other side of the nest to find the dome that opened. This card is at the bottom of the dome. Queen of Cups- In the Dam Lagoon, near the beach, there is a small island with enough of a ledge around it to climb up onto. If you can't see it, go to the beach and look from there. This card is almost in the middle of the ledge. King of Cups- Straight up from the Spike Pit you'll come across a large, red crab. On the far opposite side of the beach (go around the pool you just climbed out of), hidden behind a rock, is where you find this card. The Lovers- This card is at the top of the purification tower, right before you climb the final, single ladder. Go all the way to the back of the room, around the black, reflective cylinder, and the card is right on the floor. Aetha- Ace of Swords- King of Swords- Queen of Swords- Knight of Swords- Volca- Ace of Wands- King of Wands- Queen of Wands- Knight of Wands-