Primal Game Script By Babigurl94 Table of Contents A- Introduction B- Legal Stuff C- Scene Listings D- Game Script E- Extra dialogue F- Cast ********************************************************* Introduction ********************************************************* Welcome to my first and probably last FAQ. I love the game Primal. It has some of the best graphics and is by far one of the more interesting video games available. Seeing as how I've been bored lately, I decided to write the script of the game. ********************************************************* Legal Stuff ********************************************************* I'll spare everyone the talk about plagiarism and so on. The fact is, this is nothing more than a copy of the original game script, so I wouldn't even be able to tell if someone copied it or not. Just give credit where it is due if you find some need to copy or reproduce this script in anyway (in other words, give me thanks for typing it up.) ***************************************************** Scene Listings ***************************************************** Scene 1- Lewis is taken Scene 2- The Hospital Scene 3- Jen sees Chronos Scene 4- Entering Solum Scene 5- Herne Ambush Scene 6- Finding Jared's Horn Scene 7- Encounter with Devena Scene 8- Interrupting Herne's Ritual Scene 9- Talk with the Shaman Scene 10- Jared Found Scene 11- Encounter at the Coliseum Scene 12- Fight in the Barracks Scene 13- Devena Ambush Scene 14- Return to the Necropolis Scene 15- Devena's Body Found Scene 16- Shape-shifter Destroyed Scene 17- Jen Meets Arella Scene 18- Entering Aquis Scene 19- Screen Meets Aino Scene 20- Scree gives Jen a Gift Scene 21- Aino Rescued Scene 22- Pollution Found Scene 23- Priming Station Activated Scene 24- Adaro Seen Scene 25- Adaro Confrontation Scene 26- Aquis Restored Scene 27- Arella Weakening Scene 28- Entering Aetha Scene 29- The Village Offering Scene 30- The Trapdoor in the Cellar Scene 31- The Ghost Scene 32- The Incident with the Ear Scene 33- A Plan is Hatched Scene 34- The Fake Offering Scene 35- Bones Laid to Rest Scene 36- The Torture Room Scene 37- Jen is Captured Scene 38- Scree Overhears a Tantrum Scene 39- Jen is Found Scene 40- Fancy Dress Scene 41- The Wraith Ball Scene 42- Vambrace Retrieved Scene 43- How to get into the Maze? Scene 44- The Blood Machine Scene 45- Confronting Raum and Empusa Scene 46- Chronos Killed Scene 47- Entering Volca Scene 48- Iblis Awakens Scene 49- Jen takes a turn for the Worse Scene 50- Scree Meets Malikel Scene 51- Jen vs. Scree Scene 52- Jen Meets Malikel Scene 53- Entering the Hall of the Gods Scene 54- Meet Goliath Scene 55- Scree takes a tumble Scene 56- Final Square-off Scene 57- Jen's Victory Scene 58- Credits ***************************************************** Script ***************************************************** Ok, on to the good stuff. If you are at any point confused about any characters, realms, or any events in general, then just consult another FAQ or go to That is the official site by SCEE Cambridge. I would also like to point out that this script really only covers the dialogue of the main cutscenes. There are some minor cutscenes that you get throughout some levels, but it's hard enough to just get the main dialogue down. If the other cutscenes were right after a main one, I included them, but there aren't that many. Also, they aren't really important since they mostly just tell you what puzzle you have to solve or something. On a final note, you may notice some parts of the dialogue sound like gibberish. They aren't! That's the demon language that is spoken in that realm. And one more thing. Scree, the character that Jen travels with, is a stone gargoyle. A lot of the script involves her making fun of him for this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 1- Lewis is taken Lewis and his band are playing at a club when he becomes unnerved by a strange figure in the crowd. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Lewis and his band are playing on stage when Lewis spots a strange figure in the crowd. After they finish playing, Lewis retreats backstage were he splashes water on his face and stares at himself in the mirror* Voice- Say mister, are you one of them badass rock stars? Lewis- Oh Jen! You scared the crap outta me! Jen- Sorry babe! Hey, hey, hey Lewis what's up? Lewis- There was this huge freak in the crowd staring at me... like some whacked out psycho. Jen- Well, maybe you never checked out your audience before but you guys don't exactly share the same fan base as Kenny G. Lewis- Huh. This was different. He was seriously creepy. Jen- Oh! That reminds me. Grab your money and let's split. We gotta go visit the landlord. Drunk guy outside the club- Hey great set man! Jen- Come on! If we don't pay him tonight, we're gonna be living in a box! Lewis- Ah, Jen. You never used to complain. I think we're growing apart. Jen- I'm 21 now, Lewis, too old to be living like a bum. Plus, I'm gonna need study space once I start college. *The strange figure from the club appears behind Jen and Lewis and grabs Lewis's wrist. Jen hits his hand away* Jen- No autographs! Creep. Guards- Goodnight guys. See you tomorrow. Lewis- Goodnight, buddy. *The same figure crashes through the door after Jen and Lewis* Guard- H-he-hey... d-don't make me have to hurt you! *The person kills the guard, then morphs into a hideous monster* Lewis- Jen, run! *They take off down the ally. Jen trips over a homeless man. Lewis goes back for her, but they are tackled by the monster. The monster grabs Lewis and jumps into the sky as Jen collapses in a pool of her own blood* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 2- The Hospital Jen is taken to the hospital where she will meet someone who will change her life ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Doctor #1- Is this your Jane Doe? Doctor #2- Yeah. Came in two nights ago. Hasn't come round yet. She's a fighter, though. I've lost plenty with injuries less than hers. Doctor #1- Huh... broken ribs, lung punctured in two places, ruptured spleen... what did she do, get hit by a truck? Doctor #2- Uhh, she left some nightclub with her boyfriend. Looks like a gang jumped them. Left her lying outside the club. They found him several blocks away. He's in the room three doors down. Doctor #1- So, what do you think? Doctor #2- 50-50... Doctor #1- Come on, doctor. There's a coffee and donut downstairs that needs your attention. *They exit the hospital room. A strange figures comes and transports Jen's spirit from her body and she sits up in the bed* Jen- That was one freaky dream. This a... hospital? What the hell happened? *Jen then looks down on her body and jumps back in shock* Jen- Oh my God! I'm dead?! No, no, no! I don't wanna be dead! Things were just starting to work out. Lewis and I were just... Oh, my God. Lewis! What happened to us? *Jen sees the strange figure in the corner* Jen- Huh? What the hell are you?! Bit short for the grim reaper, aren't ya? Strange figure- You're not dead yet, Jennifer. But if you don't be quiet and listen to me you soon will be. My name is... well, let's just say you can call me Scree. I've been sent to find you, to show you some very important things, and to enlist your assistance. Jen- Right. Well, Scree, glad I'm not dead, but first you better explain how come I'm looking down on myself! She is creeping me out! Scree- Your corporeal form, the one still lying there, is very weak, close to death perhaps. But not yet lost. That is only part of you. The other part, your spirit, that's you. I set it free from your body so we could talk. In fact, now that it's free, you'll find you can travel to places you never even imagined! Jen- Right. So I'm like an astral projection or something. Scree- Essentially yes. Jen- So what does that make you? Scree- I am but a humble servant to my Lady, and to you I'm a friend. Someone you need to trust. Now quickly, you must come with me. We're both vulnerable here. Jen- Ok. But only cause I'm intrigued. I've never been and astral projection before. Scree- Ok Jennifer. Jen- What the hell...? My God. What just happened? Where are we? Scree- Questions, questions! We're no longer in Mortalis. We've stepped through a rift gate into the Nexus. Jen- Still, huh? Scree- As I said earlier, your spirit is no longer constrained by flesh. You have left the physical, mortal realm and now stand in the Nexus, a convergence point for energies drawn from the four realms of Oblivion. Jen- Sounds like one of Lewis's fantasy novels. Scree- This is real Jennifer. I know you mortals think that you are at the heart of everything, but believe me you're not. Now please try to absorb all of this quickly, there really is no time to waste. Jen- Ok, I'm trying. Just one thing, though. No matter where we are, you gotta stop calling me "Jennifer." You sound like my step dad. It's Jen. *Scree points to two metal objects floating in a bowl of fire* Scree- I am to give you these. They are devices that are to help you learn your true self. If my Lady is correct, they may afford us some protection. Jen- What am I supposed to do with these? Scree- It's a vambrace. They fasten around your wrists. Please it's important that you trust me and just put them on. Jen- I just jumped outta my skin, left my body in some hospital, been dragged through a riff gate- Scree- RIFT gate. Jen- And I'm in Oblivion. Vambrace? Not a problem. Scree- Precisely. Jen- Ooohhh, shiny. And pretty comfy for a pair of metal doodads. Coulda been made for me. Scree- They were. Jen- So, ahh... how do I get them off? *She begins struggling to un-strap the vambrace and Scree shakes his head* Scree- You don't. *She struggles harder, then gives up* Jen- And this guy wants me to trust him. This Lady you keep mentioning, who is she? Scree- I serve Arella. She is all that is good and pure. She is strength and virtue. She is righteousness, she is nobility. Jen- She's a person, right? Scree- She is NOT a person! She's not mere flesh and bone, emotion and desire. She is one of two Primal forces that govern the universe. She is Order. Jen- And the other would be... Scree- The other would be Abbadon, embodiment of Chaos, Lord of corruption and decay. He is my Lady's eternal foe and the reason for my being. Jen- Right. Uhh, you know you're gonna have to introduce me to this Arella. Scree- Oh, I shall, and she will be most relieved to see you. But first I must show you more of Oblivion. Please follow me. Jen- Scree? Will all this start making sense anytime soon? Is there nothing you can say that won't leave my head spinning? Scree- I think that perhaps... your Lewis may have been brought here. Jen- Lewis? Lewis here? You've got to help me find him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 3- Jen Meets Chronos Jen meets the one person who can maintain the balance between Order and Chaos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Scree approach a giant machine with different color lights coming from it* Scree- With the might of Chaos and Order eternally battling, a balance between them must also be fought for. Here, at the heart of the Nexus, is where that happens- drawing in the two primal forces, governing, generating a safe parallel energy... that is the awesome responsibility of Chronos. Jen- And awesome is the word for this gadget... *The middle of the machine rotates towards them, revealing someone sitting in the center* Jen- Ugh... there's someone in the middle of all that! Scree- As I said Jen... Chronos. Jen- Jeez... he's looking at me! Scree- Perhaps he can hear you, too. Jen- Ah, well... I'm sure he's doing a great job... in there... on there... oh my God Scree, he's plugged into the damned thing! Scree- It is an ancient machine with Chronos living at its heart. There are four realms in Oblivion Jen, two aligned with Order, and two with Chaos. Each realm has its own natural balance, eternally generating the right levels of primal energy which is drawn into the Nexus and fed through Chronos to Arella and Abaddon. Chronos has eternally governed with wisdom and impartiality, channeling balanced strength to both. Without him, the Nexus, Oblivion, and your Mortalis wouldn't exist at all, simple as that. Jen- You know, if I was as wise as this Chronos, I'd find a cushier job... pull out the jacks and swing in a hammock for awhile... Scree- For all our sakes, I trust your own sense of responsibility matches your... distinctive... sense of humor. Jen- 'Distinctive' good or 'dist-' Scree- Distinctive inappropriate. Jen- Jeez, I'm being heckled by a troll! *Jen notices Chronos struggling in the machine* Jen- Is he okay? That doesn't look too healthy... Scree- No... the force of Chaos is overpowering him. Abaddon is putting his ancient plan into practice- a break with eternity! He is secretly corrupting the Kingdoms of Order, strengthening the realms of Chaos- foolishly rocking the Nexus like a boat about to capsize! Just look at our guardian suffering to keep control... he may not last very long. Come on Jen, we have no time to waste! Jen- Okay, okay. Just don't leave me behind here. *Jen and Scree approach a door. She notices the symbol that is on the door and stops* Jen- It's no good... I'm gonna have to ask... Scree? Scree- Questions, questions again! And if there is something I'd want you to ask, you never do! What, please? Jen- These symbols... Scree- Ah... Jen- I presume you have noticed this? *She turns around and points to the tattoo she has on her back. It is the exact same thing as the symbol* Scree- Indeed. There... is... a... remarkable similarity. Jen- They are identical, you lunk! Lewis drew the design for me just after we met. How come the symbol's all over the place here? Scree- I simply can't tell you. Jen- Can't? Or won't? Scree- It's branded on you Jen, not me. I don't know everything. Jen- It's NOT branded! It's a tattoo, goddamn it! Lewis told me it was a 'ancient rune of protection'. I just thought it looked cool. Scree- Where did Lewis see this symbol? It's very important. Jen- He wouldn't tell me... forget it! Everything else going on, that ain't gonna freak me out. Come on, little guy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 4- Entering Solum Scree takes Jen into the first realm of their journey ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scree- We have entered the kingdom of Solum. Time stands still in the four realms connected to the Nexus. In this realm it is eternal night. Jen- And let me guess... eternal winter? Scree- By nature, Solum is bleak of climate, but nothing too harsh for its people. The Ferai are strong and resourceful hunters. Jen- You say "hunters"? Scree- The worlds of Oblivion are each inhabited by a different race, and yes, the Ferai are fierce, sometimes brutal, but they are fundamentally good... you're going to meet a lot worse, I assure you. Jen- Splendid. Scree- Solum and it's people have always been aligned with Order, providing my Lady Arella with power. Jen- But now things have gotten screwed up, right? Scree- Er... yes... thanks to Abaddon's villainy! His interference in the realms is drawing all the primal energy to his side and starving my Lady of her very existence. In truth, neither side can survive without the other, and soon everything will be destroyed. Jen- So this guy's trashing the status quo... creating chaos... guess he's doing his job... Scree- And we must do ours, so just listen! Jen- Oops... Scree- I'm sorry. You must forgive me for that Jen. So much more will become clear to you child, but we've so little time. Jen- Hey, look, don't sweat it. I'm fine. So, what's to be done here? Let's get on with it. Scree- Thank you, Jen. Right. Now, what we've got to do here Jen... is... I haven't the faintest idea. But I do know Solum has been tainted by Chaos somehow, and we have to restore the natural Order. I told you the Ferai are violent, but they live as a basically peaceful clan, with rituals... *Jen begins to observe the huge pillars of stone that surround the rift gate. They have drawings on them* Scree- And art, for example. A structured society. The one crucial thing for the race is their king. In Solum the King has huge authority, awesome strength, but he must, without fail, sacrifice himself at the height of his power and pass the throne to his heir. *Jen looks at the pillar showing the method of sacrifice used for the King* Jen- Gruesome... Scree- Ah, yes, the Burning Crown. The traditional method of royal sacrifice. Failure of the King to abdicate his power would devastate the land and lead its people to ruin. *They look at the rubble around them* Jen- Ruin as in... Scree- Precisely. The king here is Herne... strong, deadly even, but always a good leader for his people I believe. A Ferai king like any other through eternity. But some time ago he was due to relinquish power... Jen- And he's running for another term. Scree- He's senselessly refusing to give up his rule, and is so leading the Ferai to disaster. Jen- So we check it out. Cool. Scree- Yes. A sound plan of action. Mmm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you try to go through a gate house further down the road, some Ferai archers will stop you. *Note- This is the first cut scene in which the Ferai speak their own language. It is NOT gibberish or typos* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ferai Archer- Gar! Keeka-si can! Jen- That did not sound too friendly... lets find another way round. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 5- Herne Ambush Jen and Scree are about to be attacked when they are rescued buy the King ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Scree are surrounded by Malkai (dangerous creatures)* Jen- Uh-oh... Scree- Don't panic. They can smell fear, you know. Jen- You're not on the menu here. I'll smell how I want. *Jen ducks and covers her eyes as a Malkai lunges at her. The Malkai screams. Jen raises her head to see a large Ferai towering over her* Jen- Awww shit... *The Ferai kills the remaining Malkai* Ferai- Quan alidee, quip ali dee neapp err gilli?! Scree- It's Herne. Don't worry. I can speak the demon tongue... deos Safinta, duend em Jen, ebb em ota jimen dee Arella. Ebb chiven ke Ferai, ekda san setem rekba. Herne- Hmm... this runt would have me believe you're an envoy of the Goddess Arella. You look more like a sniveling half-breed to me! Jen- Scree, I vote we're big enough to swallow the odd insult here... Herne- Strangers... in these treacherous times... should I drive you from my kingdom or leave you to the Malkai? Scree- Trust me, Lord Herne, we're here to help you. Herne- Help me? I suppose you must know the whereabouts of my son then? *Herne helps Jen stand* Jen- Well, no... Herne- Then you are of no use! It was a night like this when Jared went missing. Jen- But listen, I do know what it's like to lose someone. My friend Lewis was taken from me. Couldn't we at least help you look for him? Herne- You seem ill-equipped to be helping anyone. *Herne hands Jen a dagger* Herne- Take this... and you may just survive the night. Jen- Er... thanks. Herne- I have no more time for strangers! I must return to the Great Temple. Perhaps tonight my prayers will be answered. Jen- I guess we know what he prayers for. Scree- The safe return of his son. Jen- Come on, Scree, we can do it. We have to find this Jared! Scree- Fine, fine, as you wish. I'll add him to the list. Jen- Hey, why'd he call me a half-breed? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 6- Finding Jared's Horn Jen and Scree find a piece of Jared's horn among some rubble ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Scree picks something up off the ground* Scree- Now this isn't a good sign. Jen- What is it? Scree- It's a piece of a Ferai's horn. It has an engraved tip. The symbol is similar to the one used by Herne's family. Jen- I guess we should show it to him then. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 7- Encounter with Devena Jen and Scree witness a horrible act committed by the Queen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Scree are walking across the bridge when the hear someone coming. They duck behind some rubble.* Jen- Get down! Someone's coming! *A Ferai stumbles through the gate. He is followed by two more Ferai. They pick him up and drag him forward* Scree- What is going on here? *The two Ferai throw the man down again. A woman emerges riding a horse like creature* Jen- Who is she? Scree- Ah, it's Lady Devena! *Scree starts to walk out but Jen pulls him back* Jen- Wait Scree! I don't know who she is, but this does not look like a welcoming committee. Devena- Kasus dee ci san cludi vit deos jaluenori... Prisoner- Dea jot tup eni, par ali errigiden dur san jet mup vedeem bot Herne. Deos nijon hup ka veeb err! Devena- Tup id! Dulasus san penn otti san apa. *The guards kill the prisoner and toss his body over the bridge* Scree- No! I don't understand! Devena is known as a noble and just Queen... why would she have someone murdered like that? Jen- Guess she ain't the gal she used to be. Scree- The prisoner was no criminal! He was a shaman, a Ferai holy man. *Devena and the guards go back through the gate* Scree- He spoke of uncovering Devena's secret and that there were others still loyal to Herne. We must find out what he meant... Jen- Wonder if Herne knows about his wife's mean streak. Scree- I doubt it... and I don't relish the task of telling him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 8- Interrupting Herne's ritual Jen and Scree interrupt Herne's prayers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Herne- Ab pinagg san binan huvnilack. Trasus eni eno nak. Ab pinagg dee. Ab pinagg dee. Trasus eni eno nak. Ab pinagg dee. Ab pinagg dee. Trasus eni eno nak. Ab pinagg dee. Ab pinagg dee. Ab pinagg san binan huvnilack. Trasus eni eno nak... Jen- Scree, why don't you show him what we found. *Herne continues chanting* Scree- Very well... he's not going to like being interrupted. Lord Herne? *Herne ignores him and keeps chanting* Scree- We, ah, found this. *Scree throws the horn onto the floor in front of Herne. Herne whirls around* Herne- Quip san binan! You! Why do you interrupt my ritual?! What is this? What have you found? This is Jared's! Where did you find it?! Jen- It was lying in an old ruin. There was blood and signs of battle... and corpses. Herne- My... son? Scree- No! Three huntsmen had fallen in combat, but this was the only sign of Jared. Herne- I must discover my son's fate... and find those who have wronged him. Scree- Uhh, Lord Herne... how is Lady Devena coping with you son's disappearance? Herne- My wife keeps her own consul these days. Jen- The last time we saw her... *Jen steps into a circle that has been engraved on the ground and green flames start to shoot up from it* Jen- What the...? Herne- Have the gods answered my pleas or do they mock me? Jen- Scree... what just happened? What's he talking about? Herne- Show my your arms, half-breed! Jen- 'Half-breed!' There he goes again! *Herne grabs Jen's wrists and pulls her towards him* Herne- Can you truly be Arella's champion? Jen- Get your paws off me! Scree! Herne- It is true... you don't yet hold the power but I believe you are Arella's chosen... *He pulls off his necklace and holds it back. Green energy shoots from it towards Jen. The ground starts to shake* Scree- I haven't prepared her for this yet! Herne- Then I suggest you do so quickly! *Jen flies backwards, surrounded by the green energy. She hits the floor and starts to writhe around in pain* Jen- Scree?! What's happening?! These damn vambrace are burning me! Scree- Be calm. They're merely channeling powers that exist within you. You are part demon Jen. You were brought into Oblivion as a baby, your soul tainted by the touch of chaos... Herne has awakened the Ferai within you. The vambrace are merely catalysts for change. Jen- Scree! It HURTS!! Scree- Your body will be able to adopt each of the demon aspects of Oblivion. The first time a form is awakened, the transformation may be painful, but trust me, you will adjust! Jen- *In a growling voice* What have you done to me? Scree- Stay calm... you're in control of this... you may change for when you desire. There's nothing to be afraid of. Your humanity is not lost. However you will find that the Ferai aspect has many advantages! Agility, strength, stamina and if I daresay it you're far more pleasing on the eye! Sadly, as you may have noted with Herne, the Ferai aren't renowned for their good nature... *Jen looks up at Scree and growls* Scree- My point precisely... *Jen stands up, fully transformed into a Ferai* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 9- Talk with the Shaman They stumbled upon a crazy Shaman's campsite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shaman- Ut duem em gasus eos akjuana binan shedi vit od bol vot pa kumid, henda vit san sepp hu shakri par velimin bauni eos carg, otnaka pijahdi eos peab gilli en velimid vapapp otti nurgen! Hahahahaha... *Other Ferai get up and start growling* Shaman- Von od liraik bol eos hani. Linreli eos vab bol galsetus, linreli eos. Tapp bol linp, linreli eos binan bol cidi. Linreli eos vab bol galsetus, linreli eos. Tapp bol linp, linreli eos binan bol cidi... *Jen and Scree approach from behind* Shaman- Two are come... Jen- Sorry to interrupt you there... Scree- Velbpft eos orilliacon- Shaman- No further! Do they know they approach the sacred grounds? *There is a long pause, and the Shaman nods to himself* Shaman- Doubtless you are right... *Jen and Scree look at each other in confusion and shrug* Scree- We saw your fire, that's all. Jen- We're kinda asking everyone... have you seen Prince Jared? We're trying to find him. *The Shaman shakes a little, then lunges towards Jen* Shaman- Spirit! A spirit... walking with... well, why don't you ask him? Ha! Jen- Ah, guess you haven't seen him then, huh? Shaman- Nobody approaches the sacred Necropolis. Even Princes. Be warned. Keep away. Scree- We must travel no further. The Necropolis is sacred to the Ferai. *Jen hits Scree on the head* Jen- Scree?! Duh!! Jared's vanished! Of course he'd never be seen in a place where nobody ever goes! We've got to check it out! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you walk towards the Ferai that are sitting around the campfire... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scree- Balrappin bikvisat. *A Ferai offers his bowl to them* Ferai #1- Ah... balrappin. Trali nawa veag hurg od. *Jen sniffs the bowl and recoils* Jen- Ah, Scree, tell him it's ok. We... we've just eaten. Scree- But we haven't. Jen- Just say I'm a vegetarian then. Scree- Eno jescakoon... uh, I don't think they have a word for that Jen. *One of the Ferai starts sniffing Jen. When she notices, she shoves him away* Jen- Hey! What's with Fido?! Ferai #2- Duemn em ot vena purg dee ramul hurg verme sot. *The Ferai and Scree start to laugh* Jen- What'd he say? Scree- Um... um... he was, uh, complementing you on you odor. Jen- You mean my perfume? Scree- Ah, yes, that's it. Jen- Well, it's been fun guys, but c'mon Scree, let's bail. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 10- Jared Found Jen and Scree find a prisoner deep within the sacred Necropolis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen approaches a shackled prisoner* Jen- Hey there. Prisoner- Nispen! Ka beka! Visa eni dur cidi... Scree- Jared, is that you? Jen- What have they done to him? Scree- Your father has been wild with despair. Jared- My father? Jen- Take it easy. Come on, let me get these chains off you. Scree- What happened to you? Jared- On a hunt, some moons ago, I was attacked by that fiend who sits at my father's right hand. Jen- What do you mean? Jared- Captured... tortured... chained here ever since. Forced to listen as she came back and told me of each new act of wickedness she'd inflict upon my people, each trick she'd played to enflame my father's misery. Jen- What? Wait up. Devena did this to you? Your own mother? Jared- No! Not my mother! That thing that calls itself Devena, that lies down with my father, set on choking out my bloodline, bringing this realm to it's knees. That... thing is an imposter, a shape-shifter, not born of this land! Scree- Highness, how can you be so sure when even your father, the King, suspects nothing? Jared- She couldn't resist telling me! Smiled, and said my mother laid in a chamber nearby. This imposter often goes there. I've heard chanting... terrible noises. Jen- Well, lets go and see if we can get in there then. Jared- She's no fool. It'll be locked! Jen- Ah, fine, well I was only- Scree- And the key highness? Jared- If it's anywhere, the key may be in her rooms above my father's fortress. Yes, she suddenly took to keeping her rooms heavily guarded just before I was abducted. Now if we... you must help me. This imposter must be revealed. If only I had strength... we... we have to... *Jared starts stumbling and leans on a wall for support* Scree- Save your strength, Highness. It is best that no one knows that we have discovered you here. Rest now while we find this key. Jen- Yeah, and make them think I haven't untied you. Jared- My friend, I am truly grateful for your help. I can sense your strength, even if you do not have the look of a warrior. Scree- Ha! You wouldn't say that if you had seen her earlier. Jen- Um... er... okay then, er, Scree. Let's, uh, head for the fortress. Jared- Please, take this talisman. It will prove your worth to my countrymen. Scree- We will return... looks like you've found an admirer. Jen- Button it Scree. We've got a fortress to raid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 11- Encounter at the Coliseum The same monster that attacked Lewis and Jen returns for a second round ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Scree enter the ruins of the old Coliseum* Jen- Wow! Scree- It is rather grand, isn't it? The old kings would stage hunts here for the public, rituals as cruel as they were spectacular. Devena had always been opposed to the practice and it was no surprise when it was outlawed after Herne became High King. *Jen notices a large statue* Jen- Ooh. Spooky. That statue reminds me of you somehow... Scree- Ah, well, That's Abdizur... it's interesting that you mention it because- Jen- Except he looks like a fearsome, impressive creature and you... well, I mean you... well, you're you. *Scree walks away, hanging his head sadly* Scree- Yes, well, as you say... *Suddenly, some smoke coming from a pile of burning rubble turns into a face* Voice- You should not have come here... Scree- Abaddon! Abaddon- The runes are cast. Abdizur is lost. Why fight me, daughter? *The face disappears as the monster jumps into the stadium* Jen- You! What have you done with Lewis?! Scree- Run! You've seen Belahzur's strength. Quickly Jen, hide! *Jen runs across the Coliseum and Belahzur chases her. She slips into a crack just in time to escape* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you defeat Belahzur... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen slowly emerges from her hiding place. Suddenly, Belahzur's eyes open and he stands up. He jumps out of the Coliseum* Jen- Nice work Scree! Scree- Ahh, now that took me back... Jen- That was the thing that jumped me and Lewis at the club! What was it? Scree- That's Belahzur, a demon of chaos, Abaddon's most lethal killer. Where he travels, pain and suffering will surely follow. Jen- You seemed to handle him quite well. Scree- The mighty form of Abdizur was thankfully at hand. Abdizur and Belahzur have fought many titanic battles. Jen- Yeah, well you and the big man made a great team. Don't you think so, Rocky Boy? Scree- Belahzur is far from destroyed. I merely bought us some time. Jen- That face in the smoke... it was talking to me wasn't it? Scree- You saw a shade of Abaddon. Jen- He called me daughter... Scree- And then he sent a monster to kill you! Abaddon is Chaos Jen! Don't let him wreak havoc in your mind! Jen- I want Lewis, Scree. I need Lewis to be here. Scree- Right. We are both thinking too much, and both feeling sorry for ourselves. All we need to think about, my girl, is a way out of this arena. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 12- Fight in the Barrack Devena's guards attack Jen as she makes her way to the Fortress ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This isn't a really a cutscene, just a battle between you and some guards. No dialogue takes place. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 13- Devena Ambush Devena launches an attack as you try to leave her room with the keys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *As Jen and Scree are leaving, Devena enters with several bodyguards* Devena- Now, what brings outsiders to the Ferai court? If you're looking for the King, I think he has other things on his mind... Jen- Like trying to figure out what you've done wi- Scree- Well hang on now, Jen, let's not set off on the wrong foo- Devena- Bakin! Jar ubek neras! *The guards attack while Devena leaves* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 14- Return to the Necropolis Jen and Scree unite with Jared to find his mother ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Again, there is no dialogue, so this isn't really a cutscene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 15- Devena's body found The locked chamber is opened and a dark secret is uncovered ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen, Scree, and Jared approach a large door* Jared- Do you have the key? Scree- Yes. It was in the Queens chambers, just as you said. Jared- Thank you. *He unlocks the door* Scree- Permit me to go first, Highness. Who knows what we may find? Jared- My mother is in there. I have nothing to fear. *The trio enters room. They see Devena Lying on a stone altar. Jared runs to her side. After a few moments, he collapses. He then screams and knocks down the bowls of fire next to her body* Jen- I'm sorry, Jared. Jared- Don't be. My friends, I don't need your pity. I need your help. I must destroy the thing that has so defiled my mother! Jen- Of course, we'll do anything. Scree- First, we must unmask the imposter. Do you know anyway to break the enchantment? Jared- I don't know. The creature has retained my mother's form while these remains have stayed free from corruption. There is some dark necromancy at work here. Those chants I heard came from this chamber. Scree- Fire! Jen- What? Scree- The spell must be broken. With your permission Highness, we should cremate the body. Jared- Let it be done. *Jared goes for a torch and lights it. He sets his mother's body on fire* Jared- Mother... how did this befall us? Scree- It is done. Jen- What now? Jared- Now?! I will have my revenge! *The false Devena appears. She is beginning to burn as well* Shape-shifter- Aagh... the hex is broken... but you are too late to save your kingdom! Jared- Not too late to tear your head off! Shape-shifter- That too... boy! My final act as Devena was to order her most loyal guards to this chamber, expressly to kill you, their fallen Prince, along with this feeble mortal and her scuttling stone! *The first wave of guards appears* Shape-shifter- Death! Right on time... Scree- No! You have been deceived! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 16- Shape-shifter Destroyed After defeating the guards, Herne shows up to put an end to the madness ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Herne- Stop! All of you! Jared- My Lord... Herne- Silence! My beloved boy... silence. Guards, take up your arms! Serve your King and see that this dissembling hag does not move! Jared alive! My prayers are answered. Jared- I let you down father. If I had not been captured, none of this terrible... Herne- You were in chains, Jared, but I have been but blind. A sovereign fool! Now you must be forever vigilant. Fight with your mind as well as your sword. And know that your mother and I are always with you. Jared- I have much to tell you. We had no choice but to cremate my mother. Herne- Enough! The ritual of succession has been delayed all too long. Now that you are safe, our kingdom can be strong once more. Only one task remains... *Herne drops his staff and whirls around. He runs towards the shape-shifter and grabs her by the neck. He holds her over a ledge, then turns and nods at his son. Jared runs towards him, but Herne throws himself over the ledge with the shape-shifter.* Scree- Are you ready to lead, King Jared? *Jared takes the staff from Scree* Jared- I am ready. My people have much to thank you for. I will not forget you... *As Jen and Scree leave the Necropolis, they see Belahzur leaving through a rift gate with someone else* Jen- Who was that with Belahzur? Scree- I was too far away to see clearly... it could have been anyone. Jen- You recognized Belahzur, right? Scree- Of course I did but you mortals all look the same to me. Jen- Mortal? What, it was a human? Scree- Not exactly. The reach of Chaos is long and its demons take many forms. It must have been another one of Abaddon's servants. Come on. We must return to the Nexus. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 17- Jen meets Arella Jen finally gets to meet the Goddess Scree keeps yapping about ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jen- You're holding out on me. Scree- There's no time for this. Abaddon's forces are in motion! Jen- Abaddon, Arella- big deal! None of this has anything to do with me, Scree! I just wanna find my boyfriend and go home! *A group of butterflies come out of the bushes and form a face* Voice- Scree is not your enemy, Jennifer. I sent him to guide and protect you. Jen- You're Arella? Butterflies? That's not what I was expecting. Arella- I am in all things and I appear in many forms. I understand your frustration, but you must realize that our goals are one and the same. Jen- I doubt that. Arella- It's true. I wish to see you safely returned to your home, but- Jen- Why am I being roped into some turf war you're having with Abaddon then? The way I see it, this is a personal problem. Yours. Arella- Jennifer, if Abaddon gets his way, there will be no Mortalis for you to return to, at least not one you would recognize. For eternity we have existed here in the Nexus, he and I, the one balancing the other so that all can flourish. Without him, there would be no change, no decay. Life in the realms would stagnate. But without my presence, all would descend into the mindless frenzy of Chaos. Both sides are needed for harmony, darkness and light, chaos and order, a balanced unity. But Abaddon has become obsessed with power. He would see me destroyed, my influence lost, no matter the consequences. What happened in Solum was just the beginning. He will not rest until he has corrupted all the realms, yours included, and become the sole primal force. Jen- This is all making me dizzy! I'm just a coffee shop waitress! Don't you need some kind of super hero helping you out there? Arella- Come now. You have seen the power within yourself. Now unlocked, this will continue to grow. Your part in these events were sealed when you were but a baby. Journey to Aquis and you will see more of the damage wrought by Abaddon's madness. Jen- Okay, okay... I'll go. Arella- Continue to guide her, loyal Abdizur. She will need your strength when her full self is revealed. Scree/ Abdizur- She is a wild creature, but I believe her heart is good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 18- Entering Aquis Jen and Scree journey to the next realm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Scree emerge from the rift gate on a beach* Jen- Hey... now THIS is more like it! It's beautiful, Scree. Scree- Rather more to you taste that Solum, eh? Jen- You said it! Just caught the sunset too. Wow! Scree- The skies are always golden here. Jen- Okay, okay. We'll write the brochure later. We're on business. Scree- Precisely. Come on then, let's head for the water. Jen- As in us, in the water? Scree- Naturally. Jen- Uh-huh. Um... one thing you should know. Scree... the girl can't swim. Scree- You can't swim? Jen- Oh? And you can, I suppose. A great hunk of rock? Scree- I don't need to swim. Why go through all that trouble? I just sink to the bottom and walk. Jen- This I must see... Scree- Aquis is a water filled realm, Jen. I-I was rather hoping... we-... I thought you mortals were... Jen- Yeah, well, the city I come from isn't a 'water filled realm' okay? 'Course, most parents took the trouble to take their kids swimming... some even went horse-riding, too! Girl scouts... tap classes... with me you get none of that extra-curricular crap, okay? Scree- Fine... sorry. *Jen walks away and sits down in the sand. They hear a strange noise.* Jen- What is that sound? Scree- I'm not sure, but I believe it's coming from the middle of the lagoon, wouldn't you say? Jen- Guess so. Scree- You know, the Undine are a very cultured race. Aquatic creatures, intelligent... great allies to Arella. Jen- Like you say- intelligent! Scree- And I gather they are extremely resourceful. Aquis isn't naturally the easiest place for them to survive... Mmm... you may have guessed. I'm not a total expert on this realm. So, maybe I should do a little exploring and uh, report back. Jen- Sure. I'll just settle down here and take in some rays... good luck, Rocky. *Scree jumps into the water* Jen- Huh... 'sink and walk'... wait till they get that in the Olympics! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 19- Scree meets Aino Scree meets the Queen of Aquis only to learn of her horrible fate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Scree approaches a large glass dome full of water with a strange creature swimming around inside* Scree- Hello?! Hello?! Can you hear me? I said hello! Hey! Can you hear me?! Eno kawa em Scree. Stranger- Hello Scree. I am Aino. Scree- Aino? Oh! So you share a name with the Queen of this realm. That's right, isn't it? You Undine have a queen Aino... oh, stupid! What a fool! Please, please forgive my rudeness, Highness! I did not think a Queen would be... here. Highness I- what the lad is this contraption? Aino- There is no way in Scree. Scree- How do you get out then? Aino- It is my prison cell, Scree. I am to remain in here until the time of my sacrifice. Scree- You are to be killed? But why? Aino- A malady has fallen upon our people, a terrible plague of the body and mind. Almost all of my people have succumbed. But not I... it was decided that I be placed in this machine to appease the Leviathan's, the Gods of the Sea. Scree- That's terrible. Aino- It is an honor! What greater way to serve my people? Scree- This way your choice? Aino- It was King Adaro's decree. My husband was one of the first to fall to the plague. I am prepared for my fate, Scree. Scree- Forgive my impertinence, but it is superstitious nonsense to suppose that you death could remedy a disease. Surely your realm would be better served by discovering the source... is there some contagion? Something in the water, perhaps? Aino- Unlikely. The waters in our lagoon is filtered through vast machines. Scree- I can't let you die like this. Let me try to free you. Please let my companion and I try to get to the bottom of all this. Ah! One thing, your Majesty... my companion is ill- equipped for life in your world. I had to leave her on the surface... Aino- One of the dry ones? Scree- Yes, a mortal. You know how fussy they are about breathing. Aino- Put your hand to the glass, Scree. *Scree presses his hand on the glass and Aino gives him a ball of blue light* Aino- Pass this gift on to your friend. Warn her to seek out water before adopting our form! Scree- Thank you, Aino. I will return. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 20- Scree gives Jen a Gift Scree must give Jen the Undine aspect, but he fears that after the incident in Solum, she would refuse it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Scree approaches Jen with his hand behind his back, hiding the Undine aspect* Scree- Jen? Jen- Oh, you're back! I'd throw you a towel but... so, how'd it go, Rockster? Scree- I think I know what's going on here... and there' someone I want you yo meet. Jen- What's with the arm? Scree- Oh, yes. Well, uh, before you meet her I've, er, brought you back a gift. Jen- A present? Scree- Yes! Yes... it's a... surprise! Jen- You're damn right it is! So, what is it? Show me. Scree- Er... no, no. I say we do this properly. Jen, a gift is a gift, after all. Jen- Are you all right Scree? You sure you've not got that deep-sea whatchacallit ringing-in-the-ears stuff? Scree- No, I'm fine. So, close your eyes, hold out your hands. Jen- You ARE kidding. Scree- No don't spoil the fun... come on! Jen- Unbelievable... you're a grown up rock now, remember! Go on! *Jen holds out her hands and Scree transfers the Undine aspect to her. She starts to shake and stumbles backward, gasping* Scree- Jen, sorry, I really... there was no other way! I-I didn't think you'd want to after the last time! And I mean, you've always wanted to swim, yes? *Jen fully changes into an Undine. She grabs her throat and starts choking* Scree- Ah, I'm so stupid! What's wrong with me today? Jen! Dive into the water! You're supposed to be in the water before you transform! Quickly! *Jen stumbles forward and collapses in the water. She shakes her and begins to swim off* Jen- *thinking to herself* Scree, you really are the most pathetic, stupid, selfish lump of granite I've ever... UGHH!! Scree- I heard that. The Undine communicate through telepathy... breathing's no problem either. And I don't know if you've noticed, but you're swimming. Jen- I don't know if you've noticed, but you are in the doghouse!! *The glass dome that Aino was trapped in raises to the surface* Scree- Hate me later. Right now I think we may have a problem! *The dome opens, leaving Aino out of the water. She begins to suffocate* Scree- Queen Aino! She's dying! Aino- Help me! Help me!! Jen- We have to get that contraption down somehow. Scree... Scree- The cage must be operated by a separate mechanism... there was nothing in the tower itself! I pray we're not too late. Jen- It's not to late as long as she's alive! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 21- Aino Rescued Jen and Scree save the Undine Queen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *The platform with Aino on it lowers into the water. Jen swims over to meet Aino* Jen- You okay? Aino- I am... alive. Jen- Well... that falls into the 'okay' category. Your Majesty... I've never seen anyone as strong as you. You just wouldn't give up! Aino- I knew suddenly... it wasn't right to be dying in that way. Jen- I've got to say your Majesty- Aino- Aino. Jen- Thanks. No... I-I've got to tell you... I have never seen my little friend ever get like that. I mean when you were in trouble there he was going crazy! You must have made quite an impression! Scree- I'm listening Jen. Be careful what you say. Jen- Ah, this telepathy can really suck. Scree- Queen Aino... it is true that I am... more than content to know you are safe again. Jen- You see? For him, that's positively gushing! Aino- I will never be able to thank you adequately for what you have done. Your resourcefulness, simply your... goodness. I shan't forget. Now I am Queen of this realm and have been deprived of seeing my beloved Aquis for far too long! Will you swim with me, Jen? Jen- You try and stop me! This swimming... it could catch on! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 22- Pollution Found The one thing that the Undine have always feared has come to pass ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Aino are swimming when Aino suddenly stops and gets a look of horror on her face* Jen- Aino? Okay? Aino- I feel... I sense danger, Jen. This is what we Undine have always dreaded. Jen- What is it? Aino- I must go no further. The waters ahead are tainted. I can sense it. As your friend wisely surmised, there is a contagion. Jen- It's... polluted through there? Aino- The Undine have worked miracles to survive through time. The waters of Aquis are naturally poisonous to our race. But, our lagoons and bays are protected- purified by our filtering machines. Without that system, the Undine are doomed. The plague that has befallen us... I didn't think it was possible... could be due to the systems failure. And if we listen... the machines are silent. Jen- Aino, return to the other side of the lagoon. We need you in the very safest water. Arella warned us that there was something terrible going on, that's why we're here. I'll get those purifying machines switched on. Aino- That will be no easy task, I assure you. You must take care, Jen, but the Undine are in now in no position to refuse your help. You have our thanks. Begin at the priming station. That would be the first stage to re-starting our system... and for that, we must get you in the bay. *Aino swims to the gate that blocks off the bay* Aino- Two of my kind are required to open this door. *Jen and Aino push the buttons at the same time* Aino- Good-bye Jen... and be careful. Adaro will be through there. My husband was the first to succumb to the madness that the plague has brought upon our people. Jen- Okay. And you stay safe too. I'll kick start that motor of yours before you know it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 23- Priming Station Activated Jen restores the main power and the substations are ready to be activated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This cutscene just shows the machinery starting up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 24- Adaro Seen Jen and Scree witness the effects that the plague has had upon King Adaro ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Scree approach a gate. They see a large Undine attacking something. When it's finished, it swims off* Jen- You thinking what I'm thinking? Scree- We've just met King Adaro? Jen- Right... Lewis's drummer gets like that after his fifth shot of Jack... Scree- The poor Undine Adaro was attacking must have been dead for days! Jen- Well if he does that to him, just think what he'd be like with us! Scree- I suggest we hurry up and get there waters purified... but I doubt we've seen the last of King Adaro... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 25- Adaro confrontation Jen and Scree finally reach the purification tower, but a surprise awaits them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scree- Nearly there now, Jen. The main controls will be at the top of the tower. Jen- Cool. Scree- Doubtless such an important switch will require some sort of key... well, we'll soon find out... Jen- You say 'key'? You realize, Rocky, we've just got ourselves locked in here? Scree- Ugh! Never mind that for now. Our first priority is to get the machinery going. *Adaro suddenly comes swimming out in the open* Jen- And straight to the top! A brand new number one priority! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you defeat Adaro... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scree- Well done, Jen! I must say, you really did... Jen- Beat the crap out of him? Scree- ... fight with great distinction! Jen- Uh-huh... *Scree walks over to Adaro's body and kicks his claw. A star-shaped key falls to the ground* Scree- Ah, yes, Here! Jen- Guess I just killed the sheriff. Scree- It's the Undine key. This will get the machinery started! Jen- And get us out of here, I hope. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 26- Aquis Restored Jen and Scree activate the purification tower ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jen- That's it, Rocky boy! We've done it! Scree- Oh, yes! The motors working will be music to Aino's ears! Jen- Don't think we Undine have ears... Scree- Soon the waters will be pure again and Undine life will return to normal. Jen- For the survivors it will... but we haven't seen too many of them. Aino- Jen, Scree... the are more survivors that you imagine. You can hear a signal to my people telling them it is safe to return to the lagoon. Many had fled to secret waters, which are full of different perils. Not all have survived those dangers, but most will return safely. Jen- That's great, Aino, really great. I'm only sorry your husband had to... that he had to die for all this to come right. I'm sorry. Aino- He died long ago, when the affliction first came on. It wasn't my Adaro you killed. All you should feel now is pride. We have everything to thank you for. Scree- It has been an honor. Aino- I hope you may return to our kingdom one day. Jen- I'd like that. Good-bye, Queen Aino. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 27- Arella Weakening Jen is about to give up on Arella, but a secret about Scree is soon revealed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *As Jen and Scree are walking along the bridge that leads away Aquis, Arella takes form in floating balls of light* Arella- Jennifer, Scree. You have done much to commend yourselves. Jen- Hey, no problem. Scree- Thank you. Arella- Do you believe me now, Jennifer, that Abaddon is a danger to these realms and that he and his agents must be stopped? Jen- Oh, he's bad news Arella, I see that. But it's cool. He tried to mess up Solum and Aquis and me the big guy here just cruised on in and made things right. You know, end of problem. Arella- I wish it were that easy, Jennifer, but there are more far reaching repercussions of these disturbances. Each of these imbalances allow the armies of Chaos to grow and spread. Jen- Aww, here we go... Arella- You are far from the end of your journey Jennifer. Jen- No! No, no, no! I can't keep bailing you guys out, okay?! I got my own priorities. I need to find Lewis and get back home! Look, I've helped you plenty now Arella, and I don't mind 'cause... 'cause I like you, but for me this is the end of the line. Scree- Jen, I'm sure that- Jen- Hold on mister, 'cause I'm talking to you too. And I mean, back there! Yeah okay, I know you did the right thing in the end but without me you were gonna put that guy through the blender! Victory at all costs! And then shouting at me for not being ready to make sacrifices! Well, I'm telling you, I've made enough! *Note: In this line, Jen is referring to a mission you had to do in Aquis. there was an engineer trapped in a machine that you had to turn on. If you turned on the machine, then the engineer would die because of the sharp blades inside. Scree wanted to pull the switch anyway, but Jen eventually convinced him to help her free the engineer* Scree- No, Jen, no that's not what I was saying... it wasn't about you! Jen- And while I'm at it, Arella... don't you think that as the so-called 'leader' of the forces of Order that you've been just a little bit negligent? Or was it part of your plan that the fate of the world would end up in the hands of an overgrown garden gnome and a goddamn waitress?! *Scree turns and starts walking away slowly* Arella- Jennifer, Scree deserves better that to be talked to like that! Jen- Whatever. I've had it. Arella- What do you know about your parents Jennifer? Jen- What? Arella- You never knew them, did you? Jen- How do you know that? Arella- You are a hybrid, Jennifer; half mortal, half demon. On of only two in all existence, and to me that makes you more important than an army of demons. Did you think it was just those trinkets on you arms that allowed you to change form? You have powers that even Abaddon does not fully comprehend. You can go anywhere, do things that Belahzur could not if he had a millennium. The laws od the Nexus are yours to break. And Lewis is the same. Jen- Your lying! Arella- I had and army once, Jennifer. Just after you were born I lost it all in a battle to wrest two infants away from Abaddon. Only my General, bravest and strongest of my warriors, escaped the slaughter, and he fled the battle field to hide you and Lewis in Mortalis. He was captured on his return and Abaddon gave him to his warlord Belahzur so that they might learn of your location. He endured monstrous torments at their hands, but he never spoke a word as to your whereabouts. Eventually, after many years of torture he was able to disguise himself and make his escape. To this day, he is believed by our enemies to be dead. Through shear force of will he had projected his spirit into the nearby form of a small stone effigy... *Jen turns to face Scree, but he has his back to her* Jen- Scree... why didn't he say something? Arella- It is not his way. Do you see why you must go on? Jen- I'm scared Arella. Arella- You must not be. This is your destiny, Jennifer. Are you willing to continue? Jen- I guess so. Arella- Scree? Scree- Ladyship? Arella- Loyal Abdizur, guide Jennifer into the realm of Aetha. Abaddon has bestowed a dark gift upon its people. Jen- But uh... only if you're not sick of the sight of me... Scree- It would be an honor. Arella- This makes me glad. But hurry. I may not have a presence in the Nexus by the time you return. Go now. *Her image crumbles and the balls of light fall back to their places* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 28- Entering Aetha Jen and Scree journey to Aetha. Unlike the other realms, Aetha is aligned with Chaos, making it a much more dangerous place and the people far less friendly... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *As Jen and Scree exit the rift gate, they find themselves in a dark, rainy courtyard* Jen- Nope. Don't like it. Let's go back tot he beach. Scree- This is Aetha, Jen. A realm of treacherous mountains and even more treacherous people- the Wraith. Jen- And it's aligned with Chaos, right? Scree- In Solum and Aquis, Abaddon was trying to overturn the natural balance. But Chaos was already drawing power from here. Doubtless Abaddon's plan for Aetha has simply been to tighten his evil grip. Jen- Just a wild stab in the dark, but I'm presuming these... Wraith? Uh... aren't exactly going to be our bosom buddies? Scree- We will have to be extremely careful here, Jen... but the are two casts in Aetha. Up there live the Wraith aristocracy. We must really beware of them. They are decadent and dangerous... true enemies of my Lady Arella. However, the Helot living in the village over there are rather different. They live in squalor, oppressed by their rulers. I think they are too down-trodden to pose us any threat. At least that's how things have always been, but as we've seen, none of the realms are as they were. Jen- Ah, don't sweat it Rocky. We're on a roll! So, where to? Scree- We should make or way out of here and round to the village. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 29- The Village Offering Jen and Scree stumble upon the unusually quiet village square where a bound man is awaiting his sacrifice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Scree enter the village square. Scree begins to slow down* Jen- Those dinky little legs finally giving up on you Scree? I mean, that's a lot of granite to be hauling! Scree- I shall rise above the personal insults and s- Jen- Nice to have something you do rise above, Rocky my boy. Scree- And simply caution you to slow down! I don't like the sound of this place. Jen- Okay, sorry. I don't hear anything. Scree- Exactly. This village, this square, should be bustling right now. Aetha's a tough world to live in. The Wraith peasantry usually pack this place, scraping some way to survive. Why is it deserted? Jen- It's not... *Jen points to a guillotine in the center of the square where a man is tied up* Scree- I don't like this at all. Jen- Now, when you're sounding scared, I know this is bad. Why can't we- just once! Stumble upon a fair ground or a birthday party- just once! Scree- Get back! Hide now Jen, someone's coming! *They run behind some pillars* Jen- Uh-oh. We got company. Scree- Keep well hidden Jen. This isn't going to be pleasant. Jen- Or a circus... an ice rink... a picnic in the park... just once! *A soldier runs into the courtyard brandishing her sword. She turns and nods to someone behind her. An eerie couple emerges, floating in the air and holding hands* Man- But my dearest beauty, can't you simply smell their presence? Cowering, pathetic, filthy... Woman- Awaiting a glimpse of their masters. To drool as we take up their sacrifice... the vermin! My Lord, I have such pleasures awaiting you when we are clear of this nauseous place. Man- The pleasure will be all yours, Empusa, my deadly flower. So, let us to the business at hand. *the two of them land on the ground and walk over to the prisoner. They observe him* Prisoner- Ooooaghh... Ne quip dee gasa jawe bol ne. Ab da gili dur naluvudi vit eno cieme. Man- Fools! *The man shifts quickly from the platform to and area very close to Jen and Scree* Man- Unuruen! Trur jemillot parrakin! Ungrateful, ignorant race of rats! You think THAT is worthy of us?! *Empusa spits on the prisoner* Empusa- His blood could not energize a worm! Man- We demand one... and to make it simple for your peasant skulls: one is the number that comes before two... one meager sacrifice from this village. But, as... you... KNOW! A strong, worthy offering. A young, powerful man or an athletic woman, full of vigor... and WHAT do we GET? The RUNT of your pathetic LITTER! Empusa- Aaagh! Man- Now, before this infested pit causes my divine Empusa to vomit, we shall leave you to select your village's true sacrifice. Captain Valeera will return shortly to collect the replacement... and never make this mistake again. Empusa- My Lord, come and see the look of sheer relief on this weary old man's face now that he has been spared. What a joy! Man- Ah, so thankful and pathetic. It's his lucky day! *The man kneels down and grabs the prisoner by the chin* Man- Are you sure, my love, that you don't want me to pluck out an eyeball? A toy for our little Elizabeth? Empusa- No, no, my beloved. Leave him his eyeballs... just cut his throat. *The man slits the prisoner's throat. Jen and Scree put their hands up to their mouths in shock. The couple floats away leaving the soldier, Captain Valeera in the courtyard* Captain Valeera- Lis eas san jedi ut verd ot nijana evilapp! Abp-ka pad! *She leaves and Jen and Scree emerge from their hiding place* Jen- Scree... that was awful! Scree- I'm sorry you had to see that, my child. Aetha always was a perilous place. Now, it's Chaos at its worst! Jen- You know that pair? Scree- The Count and Countess: Raum and Empusa. The Wraith aristocracy have always been evil, living in decadence while the Helot starve. But this is all new... blood sacrifices? Jen- You see the way he moved? Scree- Time shifting... Wraith specialty. Jen- Along with good looks and charm! I can't watch and let them get away with that. Scree- First, we need to know exactly what is going on. *Jen sees a Wraith peasant watching them from underneath a bridge. He runs away when they move towards him* Jen- There's someone who might know. Shall we follow him? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 30- Trapdoor in the Cellar After following the peasant, the villagers' hideout is exposed and their problems revealed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *After Jen pulls a certain lever, a trapdoor opens, revealing peasants that are hidden under the floor* Scree- It's okay! You're perfectly safe! We're not here to hurt you, we- Peasant- Get away from there! Follow me, did you? Scree- We saw exactly what you saw in the square! We're here to help! Peasant- Then close that trapdoor now, fool! Or you'll help these people to be slaughtered! Scree- Sorry for... but we're going to help you out of this... Peasant- Duili en kihn. Ab hup lilark. *He closes the door* Jen- Look, we're sorry, Scree here was just trying to- Peasant- What right have you to talk to me?! I will not speak with a... corruption! Now, what are you doing here? Jen- And this is their good guy? Scree- You will talk to me, sir, and you will talk to my friend! You're in no position to turn away allies, believe me! Peasant- You expect me to welcome strangers?! Her kind brought this upon us... Scree- Listen, I need you to tell me what these sacrifices are all about. Peasant- Blood. Count Raum has been gifted with a dark science. He draws blood from my kinsmen to boost his own vitality. When the bell tolls, they take a sacrifice from our village... and they drink his blood. Jen- Vampires! Peasant- And so we live in hiding, plagued by beasts unleashed on the village, haunted by the loss of our people, by the approaching toll of the bell... hmph... even haunted by the one aristocrat who tried to help us. Scree- I don't understand. Peasant- A duke, opposed to the Count's godless ways plotted secretly to help us. But he was finally unmasked and hanged, his bones forbidden our burial rights. The Count has turned his enemy into a phantom. Now, I must prepare for Valeera's return. But I will never again ask one of my brethren to step forward... the next blood shed will be mine. Scree- If we can help it, the last sacrifice has already happened. We'll leave you to talk to your people in peace. I think we need to go to the heart of all this- the Count's mansion. You must do nothing until we return. *The peasant turns and walks away. Jen and Scree leave as well* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 31- The Ghost Jen and Scree meet the ghost of the Duke who tried to help the peasants ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jen- You ever get the feeling you're being watched? Voice- Help me... help me... *Jen and Scree look for the source of the noise* Jen- You warned me about this place, Scree, I'll give you that, but ghosts? Vampires?! Scree You see up there, Jen? *They look on top of a hill and see a white misty swirling around. It shoots of the hill towards them. Jen stumbles out of the way. It starts spinning faster, kicking up dirt* Scree- It says 'Lay me to rest.' What do you think? Jen- We... keep going? Scree- That's my girl. *They both walk away, leaving the phantom behind* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 32- The Incident with the Ear Jen and Scree learn that they must return the Duke's bones to his grave. During the process, an accident proves costly to Scree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen tiptoes onto the beam that the cage with the Duke's bones is hanging from. Scree begins yelling orders to her from below* Scree- I'm ready, Jen! Lower it down gently! Jen- I can't hear! Stand clear, I'm gonna cut it down now! Scree- What?! Don't come down now! Just lower it gently after three! One- *Because Jen can't hear Scree, she cuts the rope for the cage instead of lowering it. The cage plummets to the ground and hits Scree in the head* Jen- Scree! Sorry! *Jen gets back on the ground and goes to Scree* Jen- Sorry, sorry. Scree- I said lower it gently after three. Jen- And I said stand clear. Anyway no harm d- *Jen's eyes widen as she notices Scree's ear laying on the ground* Scree- You've chipped my ear off... I can't believe it- you've chipped my left ear off! Jen- Oh dear... Scree- I've been vandalized!!! *Jen starts to laugh a little* Scree- It's not funny! It's an ear! Jen- I know... can... can you still hear okay? *Scree ignores her and Jen thinks he couldn't hear her* Jen- Oh dear, I SAID CAN- Scree- Yes, I HEARD you! Jen- Sorry. *Scree growls at her* Jen- I SAID SORRY! *Jen picks up the ear* Scree- It's a whole ear!! Jen- It was an accident! *She tries to stick the ear back on, but it just falls off again* Jen- I'll keep hold of this. We may be able to stick it back on. Scree- I look ridiculous. There isn't much of me to begin with... a whole ear! *He turns away and picks up the Duke's bones* Scree- I'm lop-sided! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you put the Duke's bones in the grave... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jen- We just drop him in, do ya think? Scree- No, I'm going to lower him in GENTLY... One- two- three... Jen- Fine! So now all we need is his sword to go in there too. Scree- We do, but Wraith burials also require blessed water. Jen- Okay, perhaps Old Pug Face can help us with that? Scree- Old Pug-? Ah yes, the gentlemen in the cellar. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 33- A Plan is Hatched It is now obvious what must be done to lay the ghost to rest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Scree return to the cellar* Scree- Hello! It's only us! *The peasant emerges from behind the barrels* Scree- We need your help. Peasant- I have to do my duty now... offer myself for sacrifice. Jen- Hey, good plan! Scree- Jen! Jen- No we won't let them guzzle you blood. See if you're there as bait for Raum's Captain we'll be hiding, taking her by surprise. We need to get the phantom's sword back. It's the only way I'll be able to defeat Raum and have a chance of saving your people. Scree- But first, we've got to give the Duke a proper burial. I believe we'll need blessed water for that. Peasant- I see. As we've no other hope, I shall cooperate. I'll sanctify the water and then place myself for sacrifice. Follow me to the well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get to the well... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *The peasant unlocks the gate covering the well and blesses the water* Peasant- Cenid ut calari bol eos akjuana nahald, vit beag it vit imuv von san churlur di duidi haridad apuni, ota otmur judon. *He picks up the bucket* Peasant- We'll draw no water with this, it's completely broken. *He pulls a bottle from his pocket* Peasant- If someone we able to climb down there... this is all we would need filled. Someone small... Scree- Alright, alright, I'm going, I'm going. How far down is the water? Peasant- Oh it's a long way down... a LONG way down. Scree- Naturally... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 34- The Fake Offering Valeera is tricked and lead into a trap so Jen can steal her sword ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Scree begins to tie the peasant to the guillotine* Scree- Not too tight, I hope. Peasant- With what I am to face, this is... insignificant. Jen- I told you, you're not going anywhere. You're just luring them in for our attack. Don't worry. Trust us. Peasant- Huh. You had better withdraw. *Jen and Scree run to hide* Peasant- Von san pip rep. *The bell begins to toll. Valeera soon arrives* Valeera- Mut vap deos evilapp. Atus vekbid ut ab heep gasa vejott neras imino neit! San yee'ang di ap deos shuvlast sumid gasa haminott Jeep Raum. Jen- Hold it Xena! *Valeera time shifts-towards Jen. She growls at her* Jen- Man, don't you people have dentists?! Now that's a sword I'd kill for! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you defeat Valeera... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Valeera lays dead on the ground with the sword lying next to her. Jen picks it up* Jen- Shoulda just given this to me, honey... woulda saved you a lot of trouble. *Two guards are seen dragging the peasant away. They float off into the sky with him* Jen- Oh great! And I promised the miserable creep I wouldn't let them hurt him. Scree- You fought well Jen. I should've been more alert. Anyway, it's happened. So I suggest we get on with the burial now that we have the sword. You need the Wraith aspect, and we may even defeat Raum before our friend is sacrificed. Jen- Try and save him, eh? Guess that's the least a 'corruption' like me can do... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 35- Bones Laid to Rest Jen and Scree properly bury the Duke and Jen gets the Wraith aspect ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen tosses the sword in the grave. Scree then pours out the blessed water. They wait a few seconds but nothing happens* Jen- This should be cool. *Scree shakes the bottle so that the last drops of the blessed water comes out. Suddenly purple energy flies up from the grave and goes towards Jen. She absorbs the power much better than the previous two times* Jen- Oh yes! *She time-shifts to another grave and punches through the head stone. By the way, the headstone reads "RIP Laura Cruft 2003"* Scree- Jennifer! A little respect, please... Jen- Hey Rocky- time me from a standing start! Scree- Come on! We haven't got time for this! Only use the Wraith form in emergencies. It really doesn't bring out the best in you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 36- The Torture Room Jen and Scree run into an interesting situation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Scree are in the flooded dungeons. They approach a door* Jen- What's in there Scree? Scree- That's the torture chamber, I'd say. Last place we'd want to find ourselves. *Voices are heard talking inside the torture chamber, then laughing* Jen- I don't know... sounds like the place to be. Let's check it out! *They enter the room to find several Wraith heads on poles floating above a purple flame* Jen- Ewww, nasty. But it's weird... there's nobody here. Head #1- Ooh, listen to her. You lose your head and you're nobody all of a sudden. Head #2- You ARE nobody, you skewered head fop! Head #3- Oh! Better a fop than to be born in a sewer! Head #4- Ah! We're all equal now though, aren't we your Ladyship? Head #3- You reek, hussy, you reek! Head #4- If your lot hadn't ripped my arms off, I'd fill that big mouth of yours with a fist! Head #5- Quiet everyone, quiet! Why are you here? *Another head that had seemed to be sleeping wakes up all of a sudden* Head #6- Guards! Guards! Intruders! We have intruders in here! Head #7- You bastard... Head #5- Now they'll end up like us, you idiot! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 37- Jen is Captured A careless Jen is caught by Raum and his guards. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Scree are walking up from the dungeon area underneath the mansion when Scree stops her* Scree- Jen, Jen, Jen, how many more times- take care! We'll be no help to anyone if we're captured! Jen- You're just losing your nerve, Rocky Boy... get a grip! *Jen runs out into the open area of the main room* Voice- Niem edd! *Jen is shown struggling while two guards hold her* Raum- Well, well, well! Having a nice look around the château are we, my pretty? Jen- Get these bitches off me! *They twist her arms hard* Jen- Arggh!! Raum- Oh, good, a low pain threshold. How refreshing. Now, perhaps I can show you the more... private parts of my home. *The guards time-shift away with Jen as Scree emerges from his hiding place* Scree- Oh Jen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 38- Scree Overhears a Tantrum Scree witness an argument between Empusa and her daughter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *As Scree makes his way to the balcony surrounding the ballroom, he hears someone singing. He spots a little girl dancing around on the floor below. This is Elizabeth. Raum mentioned her in Scene 29 when he asks Empusa if he should take the man's eyeballs as toys for Elizabeth* Elizabeth- Why sir... I'd love to. Empusa- WHAT are you doing?! *Elizabeth stops dancing and at Empusa* Elizabeth- I was dancing, mother. Empusa- You were not dancing, helot face! You were spinning around like a fat little PIG! Why?! Elizabeth- I like to dance! Empusa- And I like to thrash and bite you, but I don't do it in the ballroom! Elizabeth- You did last week... Empusa- Don't answer back! Go to your room before I tell your father. Elizabeth- No, don't tell him! Please don't tell him! Empusa- Stop sniveling, you're not a Helot. Elizabeth- I hate you! Empusa- Well, you're a good little Wraith then, at least. Elizabeth- I wish you were dead! Empusa- Of course you do... that's my little girl... we brought you up properly. Now get to your room! Elizabeth- Please, mother, PLEASE can I come to the ball tonight? Please?? Empusa- No. Elizabeth- Why not? Empusa- Because you are unsightly, everybody hates you, you cannot dance, and I wish you had never been born. Elizabeth- I can dance! I can dance!! I hate you! I hate everything! *Elizabeth runs out of the room crying and Empusa shakes her head* Empusa- Honestly, children... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 39- Jen is Found Scree rescues Jen from Raum's tower, but not before something valuable is taken from her ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Scree approaches a chamber that is in the middle of a large, demonic looking statue. Jen is locked in the chamber* Scree- Jen? Jen! Is that you? Jen- Hey Rocky. Am I glad to see you. Scree- Are you okay? Jen- You ever flown coach? Scree- But... he hasn't... harmed you? Jen- Apart from locking me in a box full of spikes and blades where the slightest movement draws blood, no, he's been the perfect host! Scree- Right, okay, try to keep still. Jen- Hey, thanks Scree, I hadn't thought of that! *Scree pulls the box open* Scree- Sorry. Did he... I mean, he brought you straight up here, did he? He hasn't... Jen- He hasn't touch me Scree... I think he was saving me for later, but thanks for the concern. No, he suddenly got carried away about my vambrace. He took them away, locked me up in there. Okay, now I'm gonna get those vambrace and kick the crap out of him! Scree- Slowly now, Jen. Jen- See if he's still smooth talking with one of those spikes stuck up his- Scree- Aetha is a bad place, Jen. You'll have your revenge. *Jen stares at her vambrace as they float around in a purple fire. They are locked in a cabinet* Scree- He may be a vampire, sadist, and mass murderer but he's also quite a scientist by the look of things. Jen- Oh, well, let's just shake him by the hand and swap journals, shall we? Scree- I'm just saying... *Scree tries to open the case but he can't* Scree- Locked. Jen- Yeah, I saw him lock it. Scree- We must get this open. But if Raum still has the key on him, we're in trouble. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 40- Fancy Dress Count Raum is still holding the key to Jen's vambrace. If only she could find a way to get it back... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *After making their way to the Count and Countesses room, Jen and Scree head to the closet* Jen- The boy's a real fashion victim. Hey, I bet one of those severed heads was a tailor that gave him the wrong shade of black! Scree- Mmm. *Scree starts examining the Countesses dress* Jen- The key's not gonna be in her dresses, Rock-Head! Scree- No... I fear he still has it on him... but I think I may have a plan. Tonight Raum and Empusa are hosting a ball. *Scree picks up a mask and places it over his face* Scree- A masked ball. Jen- Yeah? Whoopee! Scree- If only we could find a way to get one of us close to him, distract him a little, steal the key. You know, the kind of distraction and close contact one would find with uh... say... dancing? Just to pluck an example from thin air... Jen- You can stop plucking! I'm not doing it! Scree- Doing what? Jen- Putting that dress on, disguising myself as a Wraith, dancing with the Count and stealing the key! Scree- Now there's a plan. Jen- I said no! If it's such a good plan, why don't you wear the dress and try it. Scree- Naturally, if you're not capable of carrying off the role of a fine Wraith lady, the plan isn't worth pursuing. So, do you have a better suggestion? *Jen snatches the mask from Scree's hand* Jen- Give me that! *She walks behind the divider to change clothes* Jen- I'll show you who's a fine Wraith lady... Scree- It should be quite a night. I heard one, er, heheh, young lady desperately trying to be invited. Jen- Exclusive guest list, huh? I'll say I'm with the band. MAN is this tight! *Scree looks behind the divider* Jen- Ugh! Scree- Um, I believe that item is worn the other way up. Jen- Just couldn't resist a peek, huh? Scree- Of course there is a certain arcane etiquette at these affairs, a medium of decorum, naturally, and established codes of behavior that- *Jen emerges from behind the divider wearing a gown, pale makeup, and a gold mask. She walks towards Scree with a slouched, un-lady like poster* Jen- What? You don't think I can act like a lady? Well alrighty. *She walks towards the door in a more graceful manor. She turns around and looks at Scree* Jen- Don't wait up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 41- The Wraith Ball Jen seduces the Count in an effort to retrieve the key ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen stops in front of the doors to the ballroom* Jen- Okay, I'm just the same as them. I'm JUST the same as them. No one will turn a hair. I'm just another guest. *The doors open to reveal several Wraith couples dancing in the ballroom. The musicians suddenly stop playing and everyone stops dancing. They stare at Jen for a while, but then the musicians start up again. As the dancing resumes, a man come up to Jen and tries to get a dance with her. She hisses at him and he backs away* Raum- Lady, forgive me for intruding, may I have the pleasure? *Raum bows and shakes her hand. She bows a little then stumbles onto the floor with him. They begin to dance* Raum- Rarely have I seen someone dance with such poise and grace. Jen- Why, thank you, Count Raum. You're quite a mover yourself. Raum- Thank you. But you appear to have me at a disadvantage... might I inquire as to your name? Jen- Why, surely a lady should be allowed a certain mystique? Raum- Hmm. Since I am well acquainted with my other guests, I assume you must be the Duchess Natalia from the Eastern Province. Jen- Oh, how clever of you to guess that. Because that is my name, Duchess Natalie. Raum- Na-tar-lia. Jen- Na-tar-lia... Raum- You know Duchess, it is strange, but I had heard rumors that you were the size of a prize bull! *He starts laughing and Jen joins him but quickly cuts her laughter short* Jen- I was ill. Curiously enough, I er... uh, heard YOU were the size of a prize bull, too. *She grabs an area on his belt very near to his crotch. He moves around in surprise and then puts his fingers to the sides of his head in the shape of horns* Raum- Mooooo! My dear, nimble Duchess... *Jen pulls her hand away, holding the key behind her back* Jen- Well, I wouldn't want you to neglect your wife. I'm a great admirer of the Countess and I uh... must go now... to... powder my nose. Have I stolen the key to your heart, I wonder? Raum- I am a heartless Nobleman, have you not heard? Perhaps we can enjoy a rather more... intimate dance later. *He holds Jen's chin and leans towards her as if to kiss her. She pulls back* Jen- I must go now... *She walks away mumbling under her breath* Jen- Before I blow my lunch on your tuxedo... *She spots Scree in his hiding place behind the pillars. She also sees Elizabeth* Jen- Come on Scree, I've got it! *Raum watches her leave* Empusa- Who were you talking to, Rauma? Raum- Oh, just another tiresome guest, my poisonous orchid. Oh, these events are full of parasites and bores. Empusa- Ohhh, must we wait until the end of the evening to drink the Helot blood? Raum- There is nothing we must do Empusa my beloved. We answer to no one. Empusa- No. We can wait. Let us... enjoy the anticipation. A pleasure to savor when the guests are gone. Raum- Shall we dance? *They walk hand in hand to the dance floor and joining the other couples* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 42- Vambrace Retrieved Scree and Jen can finally unlock the vambrace cabinet now that they have the key ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen returns to the closet where Scree is waiting for her. She walks back behind the divider with her hands held over her head* Jen- Yuck. I think I need a shower now. What happened to you? Scree- I had to get out quickly. Someone was after my hiding place. Jen- A kid? She seemed really upset. Scree- You were dancing with daddy. Jen- 'Dancing with daddy.' Scree- So you got the key? *Jen holds out her hand and dangles the key in the air* Jen- Watch your wallet while I'm around! Scree- Excellent! *Jen emerges dressed as her normal self and the leave. They appear again in the Count's laboratory. Scree opens the cabinet and Jen takes out the vambrace* Scree- Raum must have been especially intrigued by the vambrace... testing the potential of an unfamiliar application. A curiosity as to hybrid capacity for potency is natural enough and a controlled experiment would- Jen- Professor Screeovski? How about experimenting with silence? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 43- How to get into the Maze? The Count and Countess' daughter holds the key to getting in the Dark Maze ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jena and Scree walk towards the same girl Scree overheard arguing with Empusa. She is lying on her bed in her room playing with something* Scree- Elizabeth? Hello Elizabeth. Jen- Hello Elizabeth. How are you? *Jen sits down on the bed and Elizabeth jumps up* Scree- Hey, that's a lovely little pet you've got there. Does he have a name? Elizabeth- Yes. Claude. Jen- Well, you've certainly got him nice and tame. Claude keeps very still. Elizabeth- Of course it's very still. It's dead. Scree- Well, you mustn't be too sad. I'm sure you were a very kind- Elizabeth- WHY would I be sad? I killed it. Jen- Think of the savings on pet food, huh Lizzie? Elizabeth- Elizabeth! Jen- Elizabeth, that's right. Well, I'm Jen and this is Scree. Elizabeth- I saw you dancing with my father. Jen- I know. I saw you seeing me, see? Scree- And Elizabeth, I saw you dancing in the ballroom earlier. I thought you were wonderful! Elizabeth- I can't dance! I'm useless! I hate dancing! Scree- Well, you know, I don't think any of that's true, young lady. You love dancing and you were great. Elizabeth- Are you going to kill my father? *Jen and Scree look at Elizabeth in shock* Scree- Elizabeth, what we really need... what we'd like to ask... you've got a key to the Maze, Haven't you? Can we borrow it? Elizabeth- Ugh. Stupid maze. I hate it. It's boring. Scree- Can we have the key? Elizabeth- Only if you're going to kill my father. You are, aren't you? Jen- I may be... having a fight with him, yes. Elizabeth- Kill him then! Please kill him! I bet you can't... Jen- Oh, we'll see. Elizabeth- And my mother? Jen- Er... we'll see, hunny. Elizabeth- No! You can only have it if Scream dances with me. *Jen and Scree look at each other with confusion which agitates Elizabeth* Elizabeth- I want to dance with Scream! Scree- Oh, I see... no, it's Scree. But uh, no, yes, of course! Excellent! It will be my pleasure. Elizabeth- Come on then! And ask properly, or no key. Scree- Excuse me miss. May I have the pleasure of this dance? Elizabeth- You may. *Scree bows and Elizabeth curtsies. They dance for a while, then bow again. Elizabeth pulls a key from her dress and gives it to Scree* Scree- Thank you, Miss Elizabeth. Elizabeth- I've... never been allowed to dance before... when you've killed my mother and father, can I keep Mr.Scree as a pet? Uh, I wouldn't kill him, I promise. Jen- Well, you see, I sort of need him... sorry Elizabeth. Elizabeth- I want him! I hate you! You're so selfish! Scree- But later I'm going to insist on another dance Elizabeth... and you'd better not say no! *Jen and Scree leave while Elizabeth walks back to her bed, still holding the dead rat* Elizabeth- Alright... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 44- The Blood Machine The machine that Raum and Empusa use to drain the Helot blood is discovered ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Scree observe a giant machine filled with blood* Jen- Guess the old 'fangs in the neck' trick went out of fashion. So, we're looking to do a bit of industrial sabotage here... but I'm pretty light on Semtex right now. So, uh, what's the plan? Scree- Um... just give me a moment... no how does this contraption work? Voice- I know how it works. *Jen and Scree see the same peasant who was kidnapped before* Scree- You see Jen? Our friend there is still alive. Jen- Expect they thought he was too nice a guy to go into the blender. Scree- I'm so glad we got to you in time. *He un-straps the neck piece holding the peasant* Scree- There. *The peasant gets up and walks away* Jen- You're welcome... Scree- Sir, did they put you in the device? Peasant- No. The Count forced me to watch as he drained the life blood from my brethren. Scree- Well there will be no more sacrifices. We're here to destroy the machine. Peasant- No... forget the machine and consider those chalices. They are already filled with the Count and Countess's draft for this evening. Later, a guard will collect them. Contaminate the contents and that godless pair would no longer be invincible. Scree- Some sort of poison, do you think? Peasant- They are immune to such trifling notions! You are dealing with Wraith, imbecile! Jen- So what do you suggest?! Peasant- I suggest you, Corruption, I suggest you. Hybrid blood will contain the mortal taint. That, mixed with the Wraith element already drawn here would prove highly dangerous to them. YOU must enter the machine. Scree- Sounds like a... reasonable plan. Jen- What?! Okay, time out here. The 'corruption' would like a tiny word in coach's ear! Scree- What Jen? I only said it sounded reasonable, that's all. Jen- Stop! Okay, you expect me to strap myself into a machine built with only one purpose- to kill! And to leave that fruitcake at the controls?! Scree- I merely expressed an opinion. Jen- You trust him with my life? Scree- No. But if you do it Jen, I won't let him harm you. So, do you trust me? *Jen gets strapped to a table in the machine. The table begins to move back* Scree- Okay now. Gently does it. *The peasant starts pressing buttons and gets the machine going. Jen starts squirming around in pain* Scree- Fine. I think we've got enough. You can stop it now. *The peasant ignores him and keeps pressing buttons* Scree- I said stop it! *The peasant still ignores him. Jen starts to squirm around desperately* Scree- Are you mad?!! You're killing her! *Scree grabs the peasants hand* Scree- Give- me- that! *the peasant tosses him aside* Peasant- Ugh! There is nothing you can do to stop this RUNT! *Jen's eyes close and she stops moving. Scree grabs a club and hits the peasant on his head. When the peasant falls, Scree grabs the lever and shuts off the machine. A few moments later, a guard comes and collects the cups. When she leaves, Jen and Scree emerge from behind a pillar* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 45- Confronting Raum and Empusa Jen has a showdown with the deadly Wraith aristocrats ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Raum and Empusa are seen drinking the tainted blood. Jen- Aww, you two lovebirds enjoying a cozy little nightcap? The party's over guys. Raum- Why didn't I simply disembowel you straight away, Hybrid? You see what happens when one ignores one's instincts? Jen- But then you would have missed drooling over that 'prized bull' Natalia. Maybe now we can have that other little tango you promised. Raum- Hmm, you don't imagine I was being serious? Of course I recognized you. Jen- Yeah, right... Empusa- Leave this rancid deformity to me, Raum. I'm just in the mood for an easy kill. Jen- Yo, Countess, somehow hoped you'd be first. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you defeat Empusa... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raum- You've... killed her. Jen- Not such a fan of slaughter when it's you're own little bunnikins, huh? Raum- But... she should be... we... she'd only just drunk from... Jen- Oh yeah, that's right! You thought your cool isotonic cocktail would've protected her. Hmph... big mistake. Raum- But it works! We... we experimented... Jen- Now I'm confused. Are you weeping as a husband or a scientist? Raum- Wraith noblemen do not weep. Swift vengeance is far more our style. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you defeat Raum... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jen- Can't hear you, Raum. You trying to say how sorry you are? Wanna donate your body to science? Raum- I'm dying... Jen- Yeah, that's right baby. I made my own little deposite into your blood bank. Raum- I'm dying quickly... Damn you hybrid! I was hoping I'd really suffer at the end... Jen- He'll be sadly missed. *Scree spots Elizabeth watching them from the balcony* Scree- Elizabeth? Elizabeth! *She calmly walks away from them. Jen stumbles to Scree's side* Scree- Come on, Jen. This battle is over. At least the Helot can come out of that cellar now and not fear for their lives. It's time for us to leave Aetha. Jen- I won't be rushing back. Scree- I'm proud of you, Jen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 46- Chronos Killed Jen is reunited with Lewis under some terrible circumstances ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Scree are back in the Aetha courtyard in the Nexus, but white swirls and gushing winds are everywhere* Jen- Whoa! Where are we? Scree- We're back in the Nexus, Jen. My Lady Arella has gone, it seems. Abaddon holds sway here! Come on, we have to get to Chronos. He must be protected. *They are surrounded by a red fog* Jen- Scree? Scree! Where are you? Scree- I'm right here. Keep going! Jen- Scree! Scree- Jen! Keep going! *Jen stumbles around and gets lost in the fog* Jen- Scree?!! *Jen appears in the Nexus hub near Chronos. Two eyes appear in front of her* Voice- To meet a loved one you must be alone. *The room gets light again, revealing Abaddon. Jen starts running towards Chronos where she sees a human man standing in front of him* Jen- Hey you! Turn around! I said turn around! Oh Lewis... why? *Lewis rips out Chronos's heart and turns to face Jen* Jen- Why Lewis! Every second since I got to this god-forsaken place I've been praying I'd see you soon! And now I can't bring myself to look at you... What's happened to you? *She grabs his arm but he throws her off* Jen- Lewis! Lewis SPEAK TO ME GODDAMIT! *He stops walking and faces her again* Jen- Lewis, you can hear me. Can't you? *He throws his head back and red bugs fly out of his mouth. They form Abaddon and Lewis walks away* Abaddon- A love lost. How careless. And you are lost. Hybrids belong nowhere. Jen- What have you done to Lewis? Abaddon- Do you know who I am? Jen- You're Abaddon, Lord of Chaos. And a complete jerk! I mean believe me I've never been, like, 'Little Miss Establishment' but what you are isn't Chaos- it's greed! It's evil! You're just destroying everything! Abaddon- Arella's lies are killing you! You have failed. *Jen tries to punch him but he flies right through her* Abaddon- Why defy the one that made you? Lost... Jennniiiffferrr... but never lost to me. Arella? Arella? Arella? Arella? Arella? Where is your guardian now? *Jen stumbles around looking scared and almost trips over Scree* Scree- It's okay... come on Jen. Jen- I was too late Scree. It was Lewis. He tore the heart out of Chronos... killed him. It was awful, I could... I don't know what's happened! He isn't Lewis anymore. Scree- Okay... shh... Jen- It's all over, Scree, it's all over. Abaddon's won. Scree- Now, my girl, stop that. Right, the best thing to do when things get as bad as this is to look at the facts. Agreed? Good. Fact number one- and top fact on the list- I'm still alive. Agreed? Good. Fact number two... you're still here to take care of me! Thank goodness for facts. Jen- It was horrible. Abaddon's everywhere! Scree- But he hasn't won yet Jen, believe me- we have one last hope. Now you're not going to let him get away with all this, are you? What's he done to Lewis? Jen- No. I'm gonna kick his ass... Scree- That's the spirit! Jen- So! What's this last hope Rocky? Scree- The last hope... the last slim hope... the last- Jen- Alright! A long shot! I got it! Scree- Lies in the realm of Volca. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 47- Entering Volca Jen and Scree enter the perilous realm of Volca to begin the last stage of their journey ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Scree step out of the rift gate and emerge underneath a giant figure of a bird and long stairs leading downwards* Jen- You okay big fella? Bit slow with the tourist guide this time... Scree- You've been a brave companion Jen. I'd say we've muddled our way out of some pretty tight corners, haven't we? Quite a team... Jen- Er... Scree... we've only just arrived... shouldn't we save our post-match analysis 'till we're outta here? Scree- Of course. I think I'm simply trying to... prepare you... Jen- Not a big fan of this place, are you Rocky? Scree- None of my Lady's followers would ever choose to be in Volca. But when I was last here I was bounded, hooded, rarely conscious, and tortured relentlessly. Jen- Yeah, we got cubs like that back home... *Scree gives her an angry look* Jen- Sorry... Scree- So... nice to be back. Jen- What are we doing here then? Scree- I think it's our last chance. It is a formidable realm, the very essence of Chaos. Abaddon won't have need to lift a finger in Volca. And yet supreme strength lies here as well. The rulers of its cruel race, the Djinn, have terrible god-like powers. Secrets which could be critical now that Chronos is lost to us. Jen- You know, this is some mountain. Scree- It's a volcano. Jen- Good! Scree- And we're going in. Jen- Better still. Scree- The Djinn are a ferocious race Jen, and they live in tune with the volcano. While it's dormant, they're at their weakest, but their power builds up as the volcano heads towards eruption. And when this thing goes up... we'd better be long gone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 48- Iblis Awakens Jen and Scree meet the Djinn king, but he keeps his identity hidden ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Scree enter a dark chamber* Jen- I can't see a thing! Whoa, listen to that echo! Scree- Yes, the chamber is of considerable size. The royal court resides here during the years of dormancy, awaiting the shift of the geothermal cycle that heralds the next- Jen- HELLLOOO VOLCA! Scree- What are you doing? Jen- Checking out the echo. Scree- The Djinn are a volatile, captious people. They have almost limitless power and they answer to no one. Can we TRY not to upset them? Jen- You said they were dormant until the shift in the geothermal doohickey! Scree- The geothermal cycle may be influenced by the simplest actions on our part or even just our very presence here. We have to be extremely cautious. Jen- Okaaay! Why is it so dark in here? Scree- Well they don't need light Jen. Not during the dormancy. Jen- Oww! Yeah, well I do! Give me that! *She grabs the torch from Scree and walks over to a lamp* Jen- Don't worry, one little lamp's not gonna- *Jen lights the lamp and flames shoot everywhere, lighting several other lamps. It floods the whole room with light* Jen- Make... much... difference... *The light reveals a man sitting in a throne* Man- Quim em duend! Who has dared disturb us while the mountain sleeps?! *Jen shoves the torch back to Scree* Man- I only hope you have not woken the mighty king Iblis himself! Who are you? Scree- Apologies, my Lord! *Scree turns to Jen* Scree- Keep quiet. If they learn that we are on the side of Order we're as good as dead! *Scree turns back to the man* Scree- I am a servant of Abaddon, Lord of Chaos, and I am here on my masters behalf. Man- Hahaha... is that so? Scree- My Lord Abaddon considers King Iblis to be an invaluable ally. He holds your King in the highest esteem. Man- The King has no love for any of those from the Nexus, including your Lord of Chaos... I believe. But the, the King is not necessarily all together wise... is he? Scree- Ah... I... er... Man- A stranger, for example, arriving with... harmful intentions towards the King... might be welcomed by some. The stranger would only have to let it be known, and he might find friends in the Court... a way of reaching the ear of the Queen even... a more deserving sovereign, some would say... well? But I see you have a hybrid, a rare jewel indeed! I am told they have many unique powers. Scree- Oh yes! Oh yes! Jen- Scree?! Man- I should like a hybrid of my own. You will sell me this one, eh? Scree- Uh, I... I would, uh, be doing you a disservice, sir. That hybrid is uh... very lazy, and none too bright. Man- No? It looks acceptable. Scree- Ohhh, I know my hybrids. I could bring you a better one another time, but this one is lame, a burden to be seen with... aren't you? *Jen gives him a blank look* Scree- You see? Feeble minded... Man- If I were you, I would beat some sense into it. Scree- Oh, I-I uh... shall... later... Man- Not for sale. As you wish. But she will be of little use to you here, not in her current form. A small gift to help you on your way. *The man holds out his hand with the Djinn essence in it. He gives it to Jen and she falls to the floor as she absorbs the powers* Jen- Can't any of you folks just say it with flowers? Man- I trust your stay in our kingdom will be... illuminating. *The man leaves* Scree- That was close. Are you alright? Jen- Sure, 'cept I'm a burden to be with, apparently. Scree- Haha, well, of course not... I had to say something... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 49- Jen takes a turn for the Worse Scree learns the hard way that the Djinn essence he gave Jen is tainted ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *After Jen has killed several lava monsters...* Man- Enough! You have proved yourself a savage and brutal fighter, hybrid. I am glad you are fighting for me rather than against, as was this fool's intention. Scree- What's that supposed to mean? Man- Silence! The hybrid is mine now. *Jen begins to change to her Djinn form. The show that one of the lava monsters she was fighting is still alive* Man- This one's still living, hybrid. Cast him into the pit. Scree- Which just shows how little you know her. *Jen walks over to the lava monster* Scree- Jen? *She grabs it by the neck and starts dragging it to the ledge* Scree- What are you doing? Jen- Out of the way. Scree- Jen. Look at me! What have you done to her? Man- The gift I bestowed binds her to me. She no longer knows you. *Jen throws the lava monster over the edge of the pit* Scree- No! The king will hear of this! And he'll hear your scheming, the way you tried to enlist us in some plot to overthrow him! Man- The king?! You fool! I AM Iblis! *Jen raises her foot and rests it on Scree's shoulder. She looks at Iblis and he nods. She turns back to Scree and kicks him over the edge* Scree- No! *He falls to the bottom while Jen looks on* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 50- Scree meets Malikel Scree meets the Djinn king and enlists her help ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Scree walks into a room and fire shoots into various bowls and lights them. He sees a woman sitting on a throne* Woman- Only the innocent, the brave, and the lunatic would dare to rouse Queen Malikel from rest. Which have I hear? Who are you?! Scree- Your pardon, Lady. I am but a humble envoy of Lord Abaddon. I seek you Majesty's guidance in a very delicate matter. I must firstly plea for your intervention. King Iblis has subjugated a companion of mine, a hybrid much prized by my master... a transgression which could prove dangerous to all of us. It is also my grave duty, I feel, to speak boldly... to warn you that your husband suspects your Majesty of treachery towards him. Malikel- You are lying. Scree- Majesty, it's true! He was in disguise, keen to test our loyalties, said he could reach the ear of the Queen if we- Malikel- Oh, that! No, of course he suspects me. He is right to. Leaving his impregnable Hall of Gods to hunt for plotters... it's his favorite pastime. Scree- Well it is also true that he has recklessly captured a hybrid. Malikel- Doubtless he has. Advice now: while in Volca you should aspire to emulate the strength of the Djinn, and not our talent for deceit. Why do you lie? Scree- Your Majesty? Malikel- You are no envoy of Abaddon. We have played host to Abaddon's henchmen and thugs countless times. YOU are not one of them. Scree- He's uh, trying a new type of, uh, henchmen these days. Malikel- I have the gift of reading people... their inner thoughts. Be aware of that... who do you serve? Scree- Abaddon. Malikel- You are stubborn at least. Courageous even, and there is something deeper within you that I confess I cannot read... but I shall in time. As for the simpler matter, you serve Arella. If you have come to seek my help you'd be wise not to anger me, and to be plain. What is it you want? Scree- I need to rescue J-, ahh, this hybrid girl from your husband. Malikel- That is what you want now. Why did you come to Volca? Scree- I have come from the Nexus with a last hope of saving us all. Our Guardian, Chronos, has been murdered. Malikel- The Time Keeper is dead?! Scree- His heart cut out, the work of a hybrid, the orders of Abaddon. The Nexus has fallen to Chaos already. It is only a matter of time before all the realms topple, Volca included. Malikel- For years I warned Iblis that Abaddon could not be trusted. But he has always been blinded by the dark one's gift of immortality and a pledge of influence beyond this realm. Now his greed may cost us everything. He may have been warned of your coming by Abaddon, intercepted this hybrid for fear of her threat to him. Iblis always likes to strike first. Scree- If you can help us your Majesty, you must... Malikel- If our dynasty is teetering on a precipice allow me to decide what I must do! Where is your hybrid now? Scree- Still with the King, I imagine. His Djinn essence has melded her will to his own. Malikel- Hold out your hand. *A ball of glowing energy forms in her hand* Malikel- Unlike the essence from Iblis, mine will not consume her mind. If you elect not to trust me, that is your choice. *Scree takes the essence from Malikel* Malikel- Now, rescue your hybrid from Iblis's power and return to me. With her we will stand a chance. If you fail.... then we may as well all join the ancient kings and the legendary corpse of Abdizur in the Labyrinth beneath Volca. Oblivion would soon be no more. Scree- Thank you Majesty. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 51- Jen vs. Scree It's time for Scree to knock some sense into Jen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen is shown killing another Lava monster. Scree walks up behind her* Scree- Jen? Jen- You. Hey, I'm glad you're still alive. This way I get to kill you myself. Scree- Wait! It- It's me, Scree! We're allies! We're friends even! Remember? Jen- I don't think so. Scree- You must remember me, we came here together. Jen- Why in hell would I come here with you? Scree- You're not well Jen. The Djinn essence passed to you by Iblis has placed you in his thrall. Jen- Well, I have felt kind of trippy lately... Scree- See? You're not yourself at the moment. Let me help, please. You don't really want to hurt... ME! *Jen swings he sword at Scree but he dodges and she hits a wall* Jen- You'd help a lot more if you'd STAY STILL! Scree- Jen, you're making a mistake! *Scree tries to run for a door, but it closes* Jen- Nice try, short stack. Scree- Please... please don't call me that. Jen- Oh! You don't like short stack, huh? What's the problem, half-pint? *She swings at him again but he ducks* Jen- Oh, suddenly you're some kind of Bonsai badass, huh? Come on then, pee-wee, step up. Scree- Right, young lady. You leave me no option! Jen- Yeah! Bring it on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you defeat Jen... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen is lying unconscious on the floor. Scree walks over to her* Scree- Strong as an ox. Let's break Iblis's hold over you. *He gives Jen the real Djinn essence. She sits up and rubs her eyes* Scree- Jen? How are you feeling? Jen- Ugh... like I just stepped out of the mosh pit. Scree- I'll assume that's not good. Jen- What happened back there? Man, I was having some weird dreams! Scree- The essence Iblis passed to you made you his pawn. Jen- I lost control? Did I do anything bad? Scree- Well yes, but no more than I'd expect under the circumstances. Jen- What was I doing? Freaking out, talking in tongues, channeling Elvis? Scree- It doesn't matter, Jen. You're back now and that's all that counts. Jen- Come on Scree. I won't be embarrassed. Was I like some drooling wreck slumped in the corner? Cause I have done that a few times on a night out... Oh.. oh my God! I'm remembering... I hit you! Scree- Well, we hit each other. It was six of one, half a dozen of the other. Jen- I called you names! Scree, I am so sorry! Scree- It's in the past now, Jen. Jen- No! Really Scree your size is simply... it... it's not an issue for me! Scree- Just drop it, will you?! Jen- OKAY... Scree- Gasus san vad ne ab car achurg! *Jen mimics him* Scree- Look, you better shift into the Djinn aspect to check if Malikel's essence is pure. Jen- Well, let's see... *She changes, then sticks out her hands in front of her and starts walking like a zombie* Jen- Must... kill... shortie! Scree- Oh, very funny. Jen- Scree, wait up! I was teasing! You know you're a giant in my eyes! Oh, don't be so sensitive! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 52- Jen meets Malikel Jen meets the Djinn queen and learns how to save Chronos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scree- You need to meet Malikel, the Queen. Jen- Can we really trust her? Scree- Probably not. But no matter why she's helping us, I'm afraid we do need her. *They approach Malikel in her throne* Scree- Your Majesty, I've returned. Malikel- That much I can see. Now, this must be your hybrid. Jen- Hi. Occasionally people call me JEN. Malikel- Do they... Jen- I hear you might have a solution to our problem. Malikel- I think you may be the solution. Long ago, Abaddon needed to guarantee and ally on Volca's throne, so he bestowed immortality on my husband. The gift he gave him was a heart stone that beats eternally in his chest. According to legend, the stone stays the ravages of time and sickness and protects from the hand of both demon and mortal... but no that of a hybrid. Jen- So it's the same type of stone Lewis pulled out of Chronos. Malikel- Exactly. With that stone the Time Keep may be revived. You must kill the King and take his heart! Jen- You want us to kill your husband. Malikel- And take his heart. That is correct. *Jen gives her a weird look* Scree- So that's your sovereign's secret power. And we can revive Chronos! Malikel- And stabilize the Nexus... and the realms would survive, yes. And here... I will take the throne. Scree- What do you think, Jen? It's you who's got to do it. Jen- Hell, since everyone else wants him iced, who am I to argue? Malikel- It won't be easy. The Djinn are children of fire. Iblis's powers are strongest when the magma rises, and the volcano is already awakening. Now that you are lost to him, he will have retreated to his Hall of Gods. He will be expecting you. Scree- Thank you, your Majesty. Ready Jen? *Jen shakes her head. Malikel points to a door and it opens for them* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 53- Entering the Hall of Gods Jen and Scree find the vast Hall of Gods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scree- This must be the Djinn Hall of Gods! Jen- That would be a good guess... these statues are HUGE! *A large statue held up by ropes is shown, as well as the rest of the room* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 54- Meet Goliath Jen must fight Iblis's statue that is powered by light ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Scree walk out onto a ledge that surrounds a circular pit. In the middle of the pit is a large statue. Iblis stands in the palms of the statue laughing* Jen- You gonna share the joke, your Majesty? Maybe we can all split our loincloths at the same time. You know, you really should get out more. Iblis- Haha! I hoped you would be so audacious, but the sight of you actually daring to enter the Hall of Gods is truly ridiculous. Jen- Okay, get ready for the punch line... and try not to wet yourself, keep a little dignity. I'm here to kill you. Iblis- I could swat the pair of you into this pit of fire with one trifling exertion. But why should a glorious King lift his finger at all? *The statue begins to come to life* Iblis- How DARE you pursue me to these chambers?! Jen- The bigger they come, the harder they fall. Don't you have that phrase around here? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you defeat Goliath... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *As the statue begins to fall, Iblis jumps to the ledge that runs around the pit. As he is hanging off the side, Jen and Scree approach him* Jen- Not much of a grip you've got there, friend. I think you're about to fall... Iblis- Pull me out of here, please! Jen- Hmm... my head says 'no'... my heart... says 'no' too. Bad luck. *Jen bends down and pulls the heart off of his chain. Malikel appears behind them* Iblis- Malikel, my Queen... are you going to allow this pair of treacherous outsiders to murder your husband?! Malikel- Yes. Jen- O... kay, wait up a moment! I'm not under anyone's spell anymore. Why does he have to take this tumble at all? We've got what we need. Can't we just take the heart and race straight back to Chronos? Malikel- Such compassion is rare indeed here in Volca! And you know... it is quite contagious... *Malikel reaches down and takes her husbands hand to help him climb up. Instead she throws him off the ledge* Iblis- Aaaargh! Malikel- But not that contagious. Iblis reigned through tyranny and corruption. He deserves no pity! Now, give me the heart. Scree- What do you mean? Malikel- It is quite simple. Give me the heart. Jen- What? Why should I? Malikel- Do you see any way out of this chamber? I will show you the way... and you WILL leave with the means to revive Chronos. Jen- Scree? Yeah, well don't drop it like you dropped your husband, huh? *Jen gives Malikel the heart. Malikel drops it to the floor and it breaks into 2 pieces* Jen- Jeez! Will you get Madame Butterfingers here!! *Malikel takes the larger piece of the heart* Malikel- An immortal Queen in Volca at last. With this heart, I shall keep the most treacherous Djinn in some sort of... order. Arella would appreciate that. Scree- Your Majesty! *Jen picks up the small piece of the heart left on the floor* Malikel- That is all you require, believe me. An this is your way out of the Hall of Gods. *She shows them a door and leaves* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 55- Scree takes a Tumble As they are about to leave Volca, Scree undergoes a surprising transformation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen looks over a ledge to see a long drop below* Scree- Aagh. Jen- Like she could be trusted. A way outta her my ass! Scree- At the foot of that precipice there is a Rift Gate... Jen- How do you know? You been here before? *Scree jumps on a wall and begins to climb up* Jen- Er... Scree! We gotta go down, now up. Scree- There is something I must do if we are to have a chance of surviving that decent. Jen- Scree! Scree- I must, Jen! This may be the last you see of me... Jen- Scree, if it's that dangerous, don't go! What are you doing?! Scree! Scree!! Scree!! *Scree climbs onto a ledge where several other stone gargoyles that look like him are. There is a large figure in the shadows* Scree- Well, here goes... Jen- Guess who needs bailing out again... *She turns and starts walking away when Scree falls to the ground behind her. She turns around and runs to him* Jen- Oh my God! Scree!! *Scree has broken into several pieces. She kneels next to his remains and looks at his smiling face* Jen- Scree! What did you have to smile about, you great lunk? I won't leave you lop-sided, Rocky Boy. *She pulls the out his ear that had broken off and adds it to the pile* Jen- I know... you'd hate me wasting time blubbering here. We're on a mission, right? Good-bye, Scree. Voice- I suppose he meant a great deal to you. *Jen turns around to see a large demon standing behind a pillar* Jen- More than you could possibly know! So now you wanna kill me too, huh? Well that's just fine Spikey , cause I'm ready to- Demon- That's no way to greet and old friend! One minute you're crying like a baby because you think I've had a fall, next- Jen- Scree!! *She runs to the demon and hugs his leg* Scree- Of course it's me. And I would prefer Abdizur, if you're capable of such a momentous adjustment. Jen- Okay, don't push it, cause those tears weren't just for you! I mean, it has been an emotional couple of days, you remember that! Ha! General Abdizur! Wow... *Abdizur puts his arm around Jen* Abdizur- Hold on tight to that Djinn heart. It's a long way down Jen! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 56- Final Square Off Jen must fight Abaddon's pawn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen and Scree enter the Nexus. Belahzur jumps down in front of them* Jen- Some welcoming committee! Guess the Mayor was busy. Abdizur- This is it, Jen. Now stand completely still until I step forward, and then you must run. Get to Chronos and push in that heart. Run and don't look back. Jen- The running I can do. The standing still isn't quite so easy. Abdizur- Ready now... *He starts running* Abdizur- Belhazur!! *He tackles him and the fall into a pit beneath Chronos's machine. Abaddon forms in front of Jen* Abaddon- My pride. You disappoint me. Hahahaha... you think you can hide a broken heart? Life is behind you, yet you stare ahead. *Lewis comes up behind Jen and grabs the heart* Jen- Lewis! I need that thing Lewis. *She tries to grab it but he moves away* Lewis- Lewis... is... dead. *He morphs into a demon* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 57- Jen's Victory Jen saves the realms, but at a heavy price Note- This is the cutscene that comes right after you defeat Lewis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Jen walks towards Lewis's body and touches his arm. He moves around and begins to turn back into a human* Lewis- Jen... Jen- Lewis! Lewis- We pay that leech of a landlord some of what we owe... but then, we carry on the party... Jen- Yes. Lewis- That's okay? Jen- Said so, didn't I? Lewis- No arguments? No... are you feeling okay? Jen- I'm just fine. You're back. Lewis- Jen'll watch my back... man, tonight, there was some weird... some weird... *Lewis dies in Jen's arm* Jen- Lewis? Lewis! Abdizur- Jen! Jen! Hurry Jen! You must take the heart to Chronos! It may be too late! *Jen lets Lewis goes and stands up. She runs towards the center of the Nexus. Before she reaches Chronos, Abaddon's face appears in front of her* Abaddon- Your fight is at an end. You may not pass. *Jen screams and runs through him. He yells and disappears. Jen slides the heart into Chronos. He comes back to life and the machine starts up again. Abdizur appears carrying Lewis's body* Jen- He was Lewis again. Abdizur- He's gone now Jen. There is just a chance. Nobody knows where the well of the Nexus leads... not even Chronos. Arella- But it is said to lead on a path towards life. Abdizur- There is no other hope. Do I have your blessing? Jen- Okay. You got it. Me and that boy are planning on a party... *Abdizur drops Lewis's body down the well* Arella- Now Jennifer, it is time for you to return to Mortalis. Abdizur- My lady Arella is right. Any longer away and it would be harmful to you. Jen- But what about Abaddon? Arella- Indeed. We will have to remain on our guard. But the balance between Chaos and Order will be somewhat easier to maintain now that my Captain at Arms is restored. Thank you Jennifer. We are all in your debt. *Jen begins to fade* Jen- Abdizur? Scree? *They reach for each other's hand* Abdizur- Good-bye, Jen. Jen- I will never forget you. Abdizur- Do you think you could endeavor never to forget me only in my current form? Jen- Not a chance. Rocky. Not a chance... *She disappears and her vambrace clatter to the floor* THE END... ROLL CREDITS! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 58- Credits These are... well, the credits. At the end, a short cutscene shows Lewis lying in a hospital bed while Jen reads to him. There is also a short clip about SCEE Cambridge's next game, Ghosthunter. That's all folks! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ********************************************************* Extra Dialogue ********************************************************* While playing the game, if you press the triangle button Jen will ask Scree what they should do next and he will give her some advice. However, after you complete a realm and return to the Nexus, Jen and Scree exchange some funny dialogue if you press the triangle button. These are the only things they seem to say. Again, keep in mind that Scree is a stone gargoyle. Jen will make fun of this... repeatedly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jen- So how come you don't ever fly? You got wings for it. Scree- Hmmm. Stupid things just get in the way. They're too small to actually lift me. Jen- Perhaps you should lose a few pounds? Scree- Grrrrr... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jen- What's next, Rocky Boy? Scree- You know, Jen, that's a fine question. Jen- And a fine answer would be...? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jen- What's up Scree? A little quiet, ain't cha? Scree- When I have something to say Jen... you'll be the first to know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jen- Know any jokes, Rocky Boy? Keep our spirits up? Scree- No! No jokes if you don't mind. Jen- Okay. Suppose a sing-song's out of the question...? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jen- You okay, Rocky? Scree- *sarcastically* Of course. How could I POSSIBLY be happier?! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jen- What now, Scree? Scree- Erm... ahem... Jen- Okay. A stony silence... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jen- Eww. What's that smell? Scree- Yes... well... uh... that's one of the hazards of turning to stone with creatures like Malkai around. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jen- Hey, Scree. What do ya think we should be doing now? Scree- Don't ask me. I'm just as lost as you are. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jen- Scree... Scree?? Scree- What? What? What?! Jen- Oh, pardon me for breathing! Jeez, I just hope there isn't some poor Mrs. Scree back home, has to put up with you temper... Scree- Mrs. Scree?! What are you talking about? Jen- Oh yeah, that marriage would soon be on the ROCKS... she'd leave you for a BOULDER man... Scree- GRRRRRRR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jen- Hey Scree, why the STONY face? Scree- What? Oh yes I see... very droll... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ********************************************************* Cast ********************************************************* Hudson Leick- Jennifer "Jen" Tate [main character] Andreas Katsulas- Scree a.k.a Abdizur [Jen's companion] Sean Pertwee- Jared [Ferai Prince] Paul Darrow- Ferai Shaman, The Watcher Stephane Cornicard- Raum [The Count of Aetha] Rob Brown- Herne [Ferai King] Niki Felstead- Arella [Goddess of Order], Elizabeth [Raum and Empusa's child] Nicola Goodchild- Aino [Undine Queen], Empusa [Countess of Aetha] Colin McFarlane- Abaddon [Lord of Chaos], Iblis [Djinn King] Eric Loren- Lewis [Jen's boyfriend, Abaddon's pawn] Melissa Lloyd- Malikel [Djinn Queen] Eve Karpf- Devena [Ferai Queen/Shape-shifter], Valeera [Wraith soldier] Tony Morley- Ferai huntsmen James Busby- Wraith Ally Extra voices provided be Andy Tudor and JBB. That's it. Enjoy!