Ratchet & Clank: Going Commmando Walkthrough Version 1.40 By Matt Fero (aka Dennis Riley) You can email me at mfero@comcast.net Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Controls 4. Weapons 5. Walkthrough 6. Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm writing this FAQ because there aren't any yet and people are posting a lot of "Help, I'm stuck" topics. So, I figured since I beat the game I would make a simple walkthrough of the basic game flow. This IS my first FAQ/Walkthrough so it's not going to be perfect, so bear with me. If you have any suggestions or comments you can email me at mfero@comcast.net. Also, my AIM Screen name is suprmonky73. Also, if you want to find a certain part just press Crtl+F and you can use it to find words. This FAQ/Walkthrough is only for use at Gamefaqs.com and Cheat Code Central (www.cheatcc.com). If you want to use this on your site, email me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.30 -Nov. 20, 2003 - Finished the Walkthrough Version 1.20 - Nov. 19, 2003 - Finished walkthrough up through part of Damosel - I will no longer try to post all of the skill points, platinum bolts, or other secrets unless i find them myself, since Aturian now has a few guides for those. As for skill points, Kasplat has a thread about that and most of the locations are there. Dan Bradley also has a link to a site where he has posted his FAQ on those. Version 1.10 - Nov 17, 2003 - Finished walkthrough up through Todano Version 1.00 - Nov 16, 2003 - Done the walkthrough up through Siberius ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -If your too lazy to look at the handbook that came with the game here are the controls: X- Jump (note: pressing X again in the air will double jump; holding X on the second press will cause you to glide) Square- Wrench attack, attach to screws in the ground Triangle- Bring up Quick Select Menu Circle- Fire selcted weapon or gadget R1- Crouch (note:during crouch you can do a high jump by pressing X) R2- Strafe L1- bring up first person view L2- Strafe Start- Bring up Pause menu Select/R3- Bring up map For controls for the Star Explorer and Giant Clank, the game will show you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the beginning of the game you start with two weapons, the Lancer and Gravity Bomb. Usually there is a new weapon available upon arrival at a new planet. Lancer Cost: 0 bolts First Available: Aranos Upgrades to: Heavy Lancer Ammo Capacity: 200 Upgrade Capacity: 300 Gravity Bomb Cost: 0 bolts First Available: Aranos Upgrades to: Mini-Nuke Ammo Capacity: 8 Upgrade Capacity: 8 Chopper Cost: 5,000 bolts First Available: Oozla Upgrades to: Multi-Star Ammo Capacity: 35 Upgrade Capacity: 35 Blitz Gun Cost: 15,000 bolts First Available: Oozla Upgrades to: Blitz Cannon Ammo Capacity: 40 Upgrade Capacity: 40 Pulse Rifle Cost: 20,000 bolts First Available: Megopolis Upgrades to: Vaporizer Ammo Capacity: 8 Upgrade Capacity: 8 Miniturret Glove Cost: 25,000 bolts First Available: Megopolis Upgrades to: Megaturret Glove Ammo Capacity: 20 Upgrade Capacity: 20 Seeker Gun Cost: 5,000 bolts First Available: Barlow Upgrades to: HK22 Ammo Capacity: 25 Upgrade Capacity: 25 Tesla Claw * Cost: 8,000 bolts First Available: Barlow Ammo Capacity: 300 Bomb Glove * Cost: 1,000 bolts First Available: Barlow Ammo Capacity: 40 Decoy Glove * Cost: 10,000 First Available: Barlow Ammo Capacity: 20 Walloper * Cost: 8,000 First Available: Barlow Ammo Capacity: Infinite Visibomb Gun * Cost: 15,000 bolts First Available: Barlow Ammo Capacity: 20 Synthenoid Cost: 65,000 bolts First Available: Notak Upgrades to: Kilonoid Ammo Capacity: 12 Upgrade Capacity: 12 Lava Gun Cost: 25,000 bolts First Available: Tabora Upgrades to: Meteor Gun Ammo Capacity: 200 Upgrade Capacity: 200 Bouncer Cost: 100,000 bolts First Available: Tabora Upgrades to: Heavy Bouncer Ammo Capacity: 25 Upgrade Capacity : 25 Minirocket Tube Cost: 50,000 bolts First Available: Dobbo Upgrades to: Megarocket Tube Ammo Capacity: 25 Upgrade Capacity: 25 Plasma Coil Cost: 150,000 First Available: Joba Upgrades to: Plasma Storm Ammo Capacity: 15 Upgrade Capacity: 15 Spiderbot Glove Cost: 15,000 First Available: Joba Upgrades to: Tankbot gun Ammo Capacity: 8 Upgrade Capacity: 8 Hoverbomb Gun Cost: 120,000 bolts First Available: Todano Upgrades to: Tetrabomb Gun Ammo Capacity: 10 Upgrade Capacity: 10 Sheepinator Cost: You find it First Available: Todano Upgrades to: Black Sheep Ammo Capacity: Infinite Upgrade Capacity: Infinite Shield Charger Cost: 100,000 First Available: Aranos, second time Upgrades to: Tesla Barrier Ammo Capacity: 5 Upgrade Capacity: 5 Zodiac * Cost: 1,500,000 First Available: Aranos, second time Ammo Capacity: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aranos ====== Objectives: -Infiltrate the flying base You first start on the prison station on Aranos. Walk forward and step on the flashing blue button. This will activate the elevator. Go through the door and smash the crates on the sides before moving forward. These Chainsaw baddies are pretty easy. Just use the Lancer and hold R2 to strafe. Its an easy way to aim that will be useful throughout the game. Hop up the ladder and smash some more crates. Head through the door and shoot all the guys that drop down. In the next room we meet the Flamethrower enemies. They are basically the same as the Chainsaws, but you need to keep a bit more distance. Smash the crates and grab the Nanotech health if you need it. Move toward the bridge and we meet some Bomb guys. They are easy to kill but can be annoying at times. Take out the guy on the elevator and then hop on the blue button. Just pick off the guys by the door from the elevator and smash the crates for some bolts when your done. After the movie, take out the Flamethrower and Chainsaw bots. Then jump the tube. At the other end there will a bunch of Flamethrower bots. just stand back and use the Lancer or the Gravity Bomb, since there is a cluster. After beating them, jump through the open window to trigge a cut scene. Grab the nanotech and head forward to take on some more bots. The gravity bomb works nicely here. Then head down the elevator and through the door to fight some more bots. At the end of the hall there is a small room with a bunch of bots. If you get in a jam use the Gravity bomb. Head into the next room to find more bots, then head through the door on the left. Good job, you beat the first mission. From now on I won't give such a detailed walkthrough. You should know the ropes good enough now. Oozla ===== Objectives: - Explore the swamp ruins - Purchase the Tractor Beam - Find the store entrance - Investigate the Megacorps store Since you probably don't have full ammo, stock up. If you have enough you can opt to get the Chopper. But, your best bet is to save up for the Blitz Gun. After you visit the vendor you can either go to the Megacorps store or visit the Swamp ruins. I chose the ruins first so lets go there. Down the path you'll meet some blobs. They only take a couple shots from the lancer. If you turn left here you will see a dragon. Jump on his back and he will take you to a cave where you can get a Platinum Bolt (thanks to Paul du Bois). The crabs on the other hand take more. When you come to the sea dragons, jump on their backand make your way to the other side. Jump up on the ledge for a bunch of bolts, then head into the tunnel. The fireflys are easy to kill. To get up to the top you have to jump into the plants mouth. Just jump on and jump right off. Next are a bunch more sea dragons. There are some side islands if you want to go there. When you reach the ledge with teh crab, kill him and head through the door to meet a bunch of crabs. Follow the path to the sea dragon. The next part is a bit tricky but practice makes perfect. After sliding down the tube, you will get the Tractor Beam for a small price. Use it to line up the barrels to make a stairway to get up to the ledge. Before you do so, line up the barrels so you can get on the area across from the ledge. Up here you will get your first Platinum bolt, which you can use later to upgrade your weapons. Now, make your way up to the ledge with the nanotech. Climb up and head toward the gate. Now,your back at the starting area. Now that you have a little more experience, head down the other path towards the store. After you see some fireflies, look to the left. If you shoot the 4 pterodactyls you can get a skill point. Keep heading down the path killing the baddies. If you think your lost, use the map, its pretty self explanatory. Eventually you will reach the boss. Swamp Boss ---------- This boss is pretty easy. Just strafe around the falling tentacles and shoot him. It doesn't really matter if you hit the eye or tentacles just keep shooting andstafing. Eventually he'll die. After he dies some lily pads will appear. Break the boxes for some ammo and bolts,then jump across and head towards the building. Here you will find the Dynamo. You can use it to activate the green ball things to start platforms and such. Use it to make the elevator appear. Head through the door and use the Dynamo again. You can get a skill point by breaking everything in the store. This includes the bottles on the wall and the glass cases. Follow the path until you get to the tan floor.Use the Dynamo to open the door. This causes some blocks to obstruct your path. Just jump over them tomake it through the door in time. After you make it through you will get coordinates to a new world. Wupash Nebula ============= Before you go to the Maktar Resort, you have to do some space fighting first. The controls are: X fires main weapon, Circle fires missile, square boosts, L1 and R1 barrel roll left and right. There are two waves that are pretty tough. Use the barrel roll to dodge the enemy fire. There are purple fighters that take more to kill. To kill them keep the reticle near them until it turns red, then use circle to fire a missile. After you beat the two waves you will head to Maktar. Maktar Resort ============= Objectives: - Find a way to the Thugs-4-Less-Less Jamming Array - Destroy the signal transponders - Win the Battle Arena - Repair the energy bridges Head down the ramp and to the left. You can get a skill point for smashing and breaking almost all of the stuff around the resort. We will go to the Arena first to get somemore bolts. Keep heading forward until you reach the limosine. Hop in and it will take you to a ledge. Grab the ledge and move over to the ladder. At the top,there are a load of Thugs. Use the Lancer and keep strafing. If you run out of ammo, run in close with the Gravity Bomb. When you get Clank later in the game, come back to this area and jump up on the wall on the right for a Platinum Bolt.Head up the elevator and into the casino room. Keep heading through until you reach the dropship. Use the same strategy as before. Keep going until you reach the arena. Your first match is for the Electrolyzer gadget that opens doors. The match is six rounds and is pretty easy. Just watch out for the fans and flames on the ground. When you win, you will have the option to fight more matches in the arena. This is a good way to get bolts for some good weapons that cost a lot. Two noteworthy matches are the Chainblade and B2 Brawler boss matches. For Chainblade, the Blitz Gun is a big help. You can get a skill point for beating Chainblade with only your wrench (you can wait until you get a wrench upgrade later if you want). For the B2 Brawler a gun you get later really helps you out (Miniturret gun), so you can hold off on that match if you want. You can get a skill point if you beat him without getting hit (get the Miniturret gun first, it will be easier). When you leave the Arena, use the Elecrtolyzer to make a bridge. After the first bridge you get coordinates to a new world. Use the electrolyzer again to get back to the beginning. Now, from the beginning take the right path. Use the Tractor Beam to open the door. Use it again to drag the droid to open the door. Then go to the right and clear it out. Now drag the bomb to the door to blow it up. Grab the droid again and put it in the slingshot. Shoot it up to the legde to open the door. Make your way to another door, turn left and go get the bomb across the platforms. Bring it back and blow the door. Outside, use the bomb and slingshot to shoot the four flying saucers. After the door disappears, hop in the limo to go the Jamming Array. Jamming Array ------------- The goal here is to expose the cores of the green light towers and blow them up. At the screw push square and turn it counter clockwise to expose the core. There are six in all. if you can't find one, push R3 and it will bring up a useful map. The only other tip I can give is to use the jump pads to reach the cores in the air. After you blow all six you will get coordinates to a new world. Endako ========= Objectives: - Rescue Clank from the thief - Repair Clank - Free Ratchet - Visit Clank's Apartment - Shoot down the Thugs-4-Less ship Here you can get the Miniturret Glove and the Pulse Rifle. The Miniturret Glove is the better and more useful of the two. You can get skill point for smashing almost all of the stuff around Endako. For now, head right. To get through the doors, hit the trash cans. Follow the path until you see the Thug leader in a helicopter. Keep going all the way to the end. When it looks like you'll fall, drop down to find a Platinum Bolt. Climb back up the ladder and take the immediate left. Drop down and hit the trash can. Go through the tunnel and turn left to go up the elevator. Ignore the Thug leader again and take out the sweeper bots. At the top, again knock over the trash cans and kill the bots. Head through the door on the right and grab the ammo. Its boss time! Thug Leader ----------- This battle is pretty straight forward. Make sure you strafe as always. Just empty all your ammo into him. It doesnt matter which gun you use. Just shoot and dodge. If you use the Blitz Gun, make sure your in close. After he dies, use the translocator. Now you get the Swingshot and Grindboots from Clanks apartment. Use the Swingshot to get to the the blue ball. Use the Swingshot on it and a bridge will form. Then use the translocator. Now from your ship take the left path and use the Electrolyzer. Make your way to the control room to use the Electrolyzer again. Now, you can use the crane to move the crate over to the ledge. You can get a skill point by killing 10 robots with the crane. Use the ones with lasers to shoot the other bots (thanks to Paul again). Keep heading down the path and turn left. Use the Electrolyzer again to gain access to the crane. Get the orange crate from the next room and bring it back and drop it in front of the door to the control room. Use the shadow to line up the crate. Bring the Green-striped crate from the third room to the second room. Leave the control room and look for the door that is high up in the second room. Put the green-striped box under the door. Then put the orange box on top to reaveal a Platinum bolt. Now, use the crane to put the green-striped box under the ledge in the third room to move on.Ride the elevator up. Use the Electrolyzer to free Clank. Damn, i wanted to know the final digit of pi. Anyway, you now have control of Clank. Use his helipack to glide down. Don't cross the bridge yet. Keep going around the curve to find little bots. Break them free. Use Triangle to give them commands. Inside, break free the bridge bot and tell him to make a bridge. Retract the bridge and find the lift bot. Tell him to lift the block in the doorway. Keep going until you see a dog house with the number 2 on it. Tell the little bots to enter, which opens the door. Finally, step on the button. Use the crouch-jump to climb up and cross the gap. Glide to the circular platform and use the portal. Now, from the beginning area, take the right path. Instead of taking the elevator, use the Swingshot to land on the rails. At the end you can use your Platinum Bolts to upgrade your weapons. After you're done, use the portal to return to your ship. Time to go racing! Barlow ====== Objectives: - Find the desert Riders - Repair the broken hoverbike - Win the hoverbike race - Free figure in ice - Purchase the Thermanator - Scout the ruined machinery - Battle the native tribesmen Here you can buy the sweet Seeker Gun for only 5000 bolts. Head into the cave near the vendor. Keep going down the path and up the incline to the bridge. A bunch of desert riders will attack so be ready. Keep goin past the fire to the cage fence. When you defeat all the enemies it will lower. Inside, you will be forced to fight a bunch of tribesmen, which will create a bridge when you defeat them all. Try the Gravity Bomb to keep them from swarming you. Across the bridge you will be able to get a few guns from the first game. If earned any of the weapons available here in the first game, you will get them free. After your done, jump the gap to the Desert Rider. After solving the Electrolyzer puzzle, you can start racing! For the first race, all you have to do is get almost all of the boosts. Just know where they are. If you get a time of 2:10:00 on any race on Barlow, you will get a skill point. There are other races available to earn more bolts. When you're done, head down the elevator back to the starting area. Now, head up the grass incline to the Swingshot ball, and make your way across. Use the Swingshot to pull the platforms to you. Swim through the underwater tunnel to get to the next section. Jump across the moving platforms and use the Swingshot to get to another water tunnel. Use the Swingshot again and land on the moving platform. Pull the other platform to you so you can get on the land. Take out the dogs and keep moving until you find a guy frozen solid. Hit the block of ice and buy the Thermanator from him for 1,000 bolts. You can use this to freeze and thaw water. Thaw the water in the room and head through the tunnel. Hop onto the ledge with the crates and freeze the water to jump to the other side. Go to the right to lower the elevator for future use. Then head left. Head down the elevator and back to your ship. Now that you're done here, head to the Thug Rendezvous. Thug Rendezvous =============== This is another space fighter level. There will be a wave of 20 fighters and a wave of 25 fighters. Just use the same strategy as last time. Try not to be in the middle of it all. Then they will all fire on you and you won't last very long. After you win, there will be a few optional missions you can do for some more bolts. When your done, lets move on to the next planet. Notak ===== Objectives: - Search Canal Cirt for thief - Search the Promenade - Purchase Transmission - Investigate the wharf area Here you can purchase the helpful Synthenoid for the hefty price of 65,000 bolts. For now move to the left toward the mousers. Head through the tunnel and kill the thugs. You can get a skill point here by blowing up the globe with the rings. Shoot the rings first. Take out all of the enemies and continue up the elevator. Kill all of the thugs in the windows. On the left side of the canal in this section, at the end there is a yellow and blue billboard. Smash it to reaveal a Platinum Bolt. Keep going until you reach the top, where a Nanotech upgrade awaits. Grab it, then use the transporter. From the start area, go straight over he bridge. Kill the thugs and turn left at the yellow doorway. Inside, use he Thermanator. Head outside and take out all of the thugs. Then use the Dynamo and quickly run to the top. Run into the open door past the thugs to get a Platinum Bolt. Kill anyone else that is left and ride the elevator on the right when you come out of the room with the Platinum Bolt. Take out the ship and get the coordinates to Slim Cognito's. After the cut scene, glide down and head to the factory. Crank up the door and head inside for a bunch of Thermanator puzzles. Jump down and freeze the water. Slide over to the ledge and jump up to another screw. This raises a bridge to the next section. Thaw the water and jump in. Through the water tunnel, jump down to find another screw which creates more platforms. To get there you have to thaw the ice. Swim out and jump onto the ledge. Freeze the water and jump up the wall. Now head across the platforms you made earlier. Now there is a moving pool of water with a shark in it. Time it so the water freezes and you can jump up to the ledge. Now, the next pool you have to time it so you can walk through the tunnel but jump up to the ledge on the other side. When you get to the other side, thaw the pool, then re-freeze it so you can cross it. The next pool you have to time so there is just enough space to walk through, so you can jump up on the other side. Finally we're done with the Thermanator. Now, buy the transmission from the robot for 6,000 bolts. Now, its time to go to the next planet. But first... Slim Cognito's ============== Here you can spend money on ship mods. You can also buy a new paint job for your ship. The mods you should look at are the Advanced Shields, the Fusion lasers and Triple Boost engine. They will come in handy when some of the later Space ship missions will reward you handsomely. Siberius ======== Objectives: - Find and confront the thief Just move forward killing all the enemies. Behind the shack where the door blows open at the beginning, there is a snowman. Smash it to get a skill point. Where you fight all of the Chainsaw and Flamethrower bots, there will be a ledge with icicles. Break all of the icicles. Hop the gap on the right and turn around. Do a crouch jump to grab the platform. Jump across and over to the little cave. Inside there is a Platinum Bolt. If you cant seem to reach it, bring the magnetic barrel at the bottom of the elevaor up. Continue forward and go down the elevator. Kill all of the enemies and make your way to the truck, re-supply your weapons and jump in the back. Thief ----- This fight is pretty straightforward like the other boss fights. Kill all of the enemies on the truck then jump to the next truck with the Swingshot. When the thief appears, unleash your best weapons on it. When she falls back, proceed to the next truck. Walk up the ramp on the left side on the third car and turn around. Let loose on the thief and the truck will crash. Head up to the vendor and stock up. Head out to the center circle. Quickly fire upon the thief. When she summons bots, use the Gravity Bomb. If you upgraded it, you should wipe them all out in one shot. A good gun to use is the Seeker, since it's a homing weapon and you can fire while running. After you defeat the thief, its on to the next world. Tabora ====== Objectives: - Meet with Mr. Fizzwidget - Find a way out of the underground tunnels - Find a ship - Return crystals to mystic - Explore the area From where you start, there is a vendor on the left. Just make your way down the path and jump across the platforms until you reach an alcove. Now, you get a new, more powerful wrench. Stock up on ammo, and press on. Use the Swingshot to get past the lava pit. Use the Swingshot again and at the height of the swing use the heli or jet pack to glide to the bottom. Here you will meet Angela, and get coordinates for a new planet. After the cut scene head up the elevator. Go and talk to the mystic who can fix your ship. Head over the black bridge to the desert. Here, you need 10 pink crystals to fix your ship. After you get them, take them back to the mystic and he will fix the ship. If you want more bolts you can go back out and find more crystals. Each one you find is worth 1,000 bolts and you also get experience and more bolts for killing all of the enemies that are out there. Besides getting crystals from the pink holders, there are piles of debris that are really enemies that give a crystal for killing them. You can get a skill point for getting all of the crystals to the mystic. Also, right outside the main area with the huts, there is a little stand where you can use yourPlatinum bolts to ugrade your weapons. When you're ready to move on, go intothe hut next to the black bridge. Follow the path to the pool of water. Use the Thermanator to reach the ledge on the right. At the next pool, stand on the first block to raise the others and then use the Thermanator while the blocks are raised so you can reach the ledge. Freeze the waterfalls to create two walls you can jump between to reach the top. At the top, glide down and you will come to the glider. Press X while on the red arrows to start gliding. The glider uses aiplane controls where pressing the Left Analog stick up makes the glider go down and pressing the stick down makes it go up. On top of the blue pole past the bridge is a Nanotech upgrade. If you go up to high, the glider will fall to the lava. Keep going forward until you reach a Platinum Bolt, then use the transporter to return to the town. When your done in the desert, it's time to move on to Dobbo. Dobbo ===== Objectives: - Explore the testing facility - Here you can purchase the awesome Minirocket Tube. There is also an armor vendor that sells the first armor upgrade, the Tetrafiber Armor for 25,000 bolts. You can get a skill point here for killing all of the enemies with the weapons you can only buy on Barlow from the lady (the R&C1 weapons). There are two ways to go from the starting point. You can go through the portal to the factory, or you can go outside to the island. Lets go to the island first. Go to the platform with the 4 enemies on it and turn left. Use the Dynamo to cross here. Keep going and destroy the ship and use the Swingshot to cross. Kill all of the guys and climb the ladder. Use the Swingshot again to cross. Below the walkway are a lot of red mousers. they give a lot of bolts. Keep going and take out the ship. When you kill the ship, a Swingshot ball will appear for you to use. Use it, then kill all of the enemies. Climb the ladder, turn around and use the Swingshot. Use the Dynamo, then the Swingshot to make it to the island. Talk to the Mathematician to enter a Boss Battle. When you win you will be given access to the Megacorps Games. Thug Mech ---------------- This battle is pretty tough. You can get two skill points here, smashing all of the buildings and beating the Thug Mech with only punches. If you just want to get this over with, you can always come back to fight him later. The main thing you have to watch here are the little helicopters. If they crowd you they can do a lot of damage. So, turning around and smashing them is a good idea since you get health when you kill them with a melee attack. Also, pushing Triangle uses the blue electric bombs. This causes the Thug Mech to stop briefly, where you can get a few good hits on him. Another thing to watch out for are his melee attacks which do a good amount of damage. Try to time your punches so you hit him while he winds up. He has a bomb attack as well, but you can easily dodge it. When you finally beat him, you get coordinates to Joba, where the second arena is, as well as the second hoverbike race. Hop on the Taxi to go back to the beginning. This time take the prtal into the factory. Quickly take out the flying bots, then jump over the moving electric beams. Jump down and evade more electric beams. Make your way across the bridge and up the elvator. Take out the ship to make a Swingshot ball appear. Cross the gap and use the Dynamo to make it to the floating pad. At the top move toward the TV. After the cutscene, use the Glider to follow the bot. When you make it to the other side, use the Electrolyzer to activate the TV. Take the teleported back to the TV. Now you have to pay 10,000 bolts to watch the video for new coordinates. Return to the starting point. Before we go meet Fizzwidget, let go to the arena on Joba first. Joba ---- Objectives: - Enter the Megacorps Games - Purchase Levitator - Win the Infiltrator - Win the Megacorps Hoverbike Race Joba gives you access to the great Plasma Coil gun, which is awesome, especially if you upgrade it. But the Spiderbot gun for later use. You can get skill point here for killing all of the tribesmen and their dinos with only the wrench. You can get another one for killing 12 of the pink birds. For now, head forward and take out the tribesmen. Take a right rather than go into the tunnel. Ignore the Dynamo thing for now. Use the Swingshot to reach the end, where you can enter the Hoverbike races. For winning you get the awesome Charge Boots. You can get a skill point if you beat 2:27:00 on any track here. Double tap R1 and you can go really fast. Head back to the starting point. Use the Dynamo on the ball outside the door, and quickly run through to tunnel. Use the Dynamo again to open the gate and create a floor. Run across and on the right there is a Nanotech Upgrade. Climb the ladder and take out the enemies. Watch out for the fixed gun. Step on the floor pad to open the door and head up the ladder. Take out everyone in this area. Now, go back to where you came up the ladder. On the left, use the Swingshot to find an area with a Platinum Bolt. Now, head back to the Dynamo ball. Jump on the platform and make your way to the top. Take out all of the enemies and climb up the ladder. Go outside and use the rope to slide to the bottom. But the Levitator from the RYNO guy for 20,000 bolts. Use the Levitator pad to get up to where the taxi is. You finally made it to the arena. For winning the 8 round match, you get the Gravity Boots. Two places you can use them are on Oozla and Todano, in the desert. In the Megacorps store on Oozla, there is a secret boss. If you win you get the Box Breaker. Now, stock up on ammo and enter the Infiltrator match to win another Key Gadget. For this match, jump on the center platform to go into the Cage. Here it's a normal match, just make sure you watch out for the rocks. You can get a skill point for beating the last match, the 60 rouund "Impossible Match". For beating it you also unlock a snowman suit. After you're done in the arena, head outside and use the Infiltrator. To use it you have to pick the right path to lead back to the first blue point. Now, head bak to the ship. Hrugis Cloud ============ Objectives: - Meet Fizzwidget at Deep Space Disposal Facility - Disable the Disposal Facilities defenses This is another space ship mission. Go around and shoot them all until they are smoking blue. Then make a final pass and destroy them all quickly. If you don't a repair bot will show up. You can kill them easily but its an extra thing to worry about. If you're having a tough time, do some of the previous space ship missions and get Raritanium to upgrade your ship at Slim Cognito's. A good upgrade to get are the Fusion Lazer Cannons (thanks to Lance Larsen) You can do more missions after you win if you want. Todano ====== Objectives: - Explore the Weapons Facility - Bring Quark Collectible to Armory Employee - Search the rocket silo - Investigate the facility interior At the vendor you can now buy the Hoverbomb gun for 120,000 bolts. Buy the Spiderbot gun if you haven't already. You can get a skill point here if you hit all 4 rockets until they fall. Before you go up the elevator at the end of the area, wait for the Fizzwidget bot to finish the tour. A door will open for him to go in, follow him and get a Platinum Bolt. Then use the Electrolyzer to bring down the elevator. After you visit the vendor at the top, go to the right through the pillars. Now, for a bunch of Tractor Beam puzzles. Grab the magnetic barrel and position it under the rainbow door so you can pass. In the next room, put the tall barrel under first, then the small one. Bring the security bot to the door to open it. Now, go to the door you just opened and turn around. Look up in first person mode. Position the barrels so you can jump up them to the reach a side path. At the end is a Platinum Bolt. You will also meet the Quark fan. Remember him for now. Return and take the elevator down. Move the barrel along the path over to the door. In the next large room, clear out all of the enemies. Position the barrel near the right wall and jump up to the moving floor. If you have the Spiderbot, use it to go through the little hole. Walk over the floor button. Take Ratchet up there to get a Platinum Bolt. Now, use the barrel at the rainbow door and the bot to open the door. At the top move the big missile on the left over to the space on the left. Move the smaller rocket into the slot on the left. Move the large missile to the slot on the right. In the next room, put the barrel on the conbeyor belt and use it as a shield as you walk down next to it. For this next puzzle, Push the small missile in the middle toward the wall. Pull the large missile to the right. Put the small missile in its slot on the left. Now, pull the large missile to the left so you can put the medium missile in the middle slot. Then put the large missile in the slot on the right. Now, put the missile on the conveyor belt and jump on top of it before it starts moving. Proceed forward to get the Sheepinator. You can get a skill point if you turn 16 squirrels into sheep. Jump on the translocator. Now, head toward the electric gate and use the Infiltrator. Head through the minefield to the elevator. Hop on. Move around the bend and past the doorway. Smash the boxes to find an Infiltrator puzzle. Solve it and go up the elevator to get a Keep heading up the path to another Infiltrator puzzle. Keep going and take the elevator up. Now, we can go to the new planet. Boldan ====== Objectives: - Find Mr. Fizzwidget - Open the Main Entrance - Explore Silver City - Ride the power lines The Minirocket Tube is a great weapon to have for this level. At the start point, jump on the taxi. Take the elevator down, and use the Levitator. Make it to the other side and take the elevator up. Step on the Floor button. Take a right and climb up the ladder. Ride the power lines to the end. You can get a skill point here for making it to the other side without taking any damage. After the power lines you can upgrade your weapons using the speaker thing. Go into the building and use the transporter to return to the ship. Now, head forward up the stairs and use the floor button to open the door. Take the left staircase and kill everyone. To the right of the door use a Spiderbot to press the button. Now, take the right staircase and go to the left. Now you can access the Platinum bolt. To the left of the elecator here is a fountain with a Nanotech on top. Then take the elevator up. Clear out the enemies and take the elevator on the left to the bottom. Move down the hall and take the elevator up. At the top is a vendor and an armor vendor with the new Duraplate armor. If you're having trouble on these harder levels, try and get teh new armor. Walk to the ledge to the right of the taxi. Walk down the side of the wall and kill all of the guys that appear. Walk into the last door that opens so you are on the ceiling of the room. Walk on the curvy track and turn right. Take out the enemies across the room and on the floor from above; it is a lot easier this way. Walk up the magnetic path to the other side and take the elevator up. Take out the thugs here before using the Swingshot. Before walking aroung the looping track, wait for the thugs to come. Take them out as they walk on the track, then walk across. Take the elevator to the top and take out the thugs that are behind the barrier. Go toward the door and walk down onto the wall. Take out the thugs that pop out and go into the door at the bottom on the left. Move forward to talk to Fizzwidget. When you can come back here to this room, up on the left is a Swingshot ball that you can use to get a Platinum Bolt. But that's after... Aranos ====== Objectives: - Free Ratchet from prison cell - Meet up in hangar bay - Turn off the forcefield - Explore the rest of the flying base. - Purchase Quark action figure In this area you play as Clank. Wait for the lava to go down before you cross. Free the Hammer bot then use the elevator. Use him to clear the door, then the path. Jump on the larger platform of the level. Use the hammer bot to hammer the other end. At the top free the little bots and proceed down the air duct. Bring them with you down the elevator and open the round door. Now use the hammer bot on the lever, when the little bots are on with you. Have them enter so you can open the door. Ignore the Chainsaw bots and go up the elevator on the left. Use the little bots up here to kill the Chainsaw bots. Then have all four enter to open the door. Step on teh button and now you take control of Ratchet. Head forward to the vendor and kill all of the Chainsaws. Head to the platform and step on. Kill the flying bots and get on the next platform. Jump up the wall. Jump on the block in the corner and quickly jump across the platforms to the other side. Get on the elevator and now you're in control of Clank again. Head up the duct and glide down to the square platform. Cross the lava and get the bridge bot, then use him to cross the next gap. Retract the bridge and use the elevator. Build a bridge and glide down. Use the bridge bot here to make a bridge and cross with the little bots. Attack the chainsaw bots and free the hammer bot and another little bot. You should now have a hammer bot, bridge bot and three little bots. Head through the doorway, get a fourth little bot, hammer the box and create a bridge. Use the little bots to open the door on the other side. Now you take control of Ratchet again. Here you find another wrench upgrade. Kick off the wall and cross the dissapearing platforms. Go outside and walk on the side of the ship. Kill the bots and enter the door on the other side of the U shaped magnetic path. Again, use the block to reach the floating platforms. Inside the hangar you meet up with Clank. Now, take the middle door and climb the ladder. Use the Levitator to reach the other side. Buy the statue for 20,00 bolts. You can take him to the Fan on Todano to get the Armor Magnetizer, which attracts bolts from farther away. Combining this with the Box Breaker, you can get a lot of easy bolts by smashing breakable objects such as lights. Go back to the hangar and climb the ladder to the Infiltrator door. Keep using the Levitator to reach the end of this section. It's tricky but practice makes perfect. At the end you get new coordinates and step on the button to remove the force field. Gorn ==== Objectives: - Defeat the Thugs-4-Less Fleet Yet another ship level. Just focus in on the big ships and pound them. If you haven't done any upgrading for your ship yet, you might have a problem. If you have then you have a better chance. When you finish the first mission, there are optional ones that pay a lot of bolts. Snivelak ======== Objectives: - Rescue Angela From the beginning, use the Swingshot balls and make your way to the blue ball. Use the Swingshot to create a grind rail. Grind to the bottom and walk up the magnetic track. Use the Dynamo and walk to the top of the tower. Go over thr bridge and use the jump pad. There is a weapon vendor and an armor vendor here with some new armor. If you look to the right you will see a Dynamo target. Glide down to the ledge and make your way to the top where you can get a Platinum Bolt. Now, jump back down to where the vendors are and head across the bridge. Keep moving down the streets until you reach the Thug leader. Thug Mech II ------------ This boss is pretty tough. He takes a lot to kill. Use the green jump pads to reach the gun turrets on top of the buildings. Just shoot him until he fires back. Wait until the bombs get close before you shoot them because its hard to kill them from farther away. Keep shooting with the gun turret until he destroys it. Then just move to the next turret. A fast way to do it is to jump out of the turret when he first starts shooting bombs. Then, after they explode, get back in and start shooting. Another tactic is to keep shooting him and then jump out and stand back a little bit before the first bomb blows up. Once you finally defeat him, you get new coordinates. Smolg ===== Objectives: - Search the distriubtion facility - Traverse the warehouse - Explore the docking ships First use the jump pad and make your way through the crate warehouse. Use the Dynamo to reach a dead end part way through. At the end, use the Electrolyzer to activate the elevator. Jump up on the boxes and follow the floating platforms around until you reach a building. Once outside you will get one of three parts of the Hypnomatic. Take the floating platform back to your shipa and this time go to the floating platforms on the left. Use the Swingshot and make your way to the elevator. At the bottom, use the Levitator to reach the ship. Use it again to go the the floating platform then to another ship. Use the Levitator once more and go through the roof to the next section. Use the Levitator pad to fly over the large stack of boxes, and then to the next platform. Talk to the guy here who charges an exhorbitant(40,000) amount of money for some coordinates. Damosel ======= Objectives: - Save the overrun planet - Bring the Hypnomatic parts to the Hypnotist - Ride the train rails - Explore the moon - Defeat the mothership From the start point, move into the room, the junction point. Go right and grind the rails. If you make it to the end without getting hit you get a skill point. Use the Synthenoids and Shield Charger. At the end you get the second part of the Hypnomatic. Now, return to the ship and take middle door. Kill all of the protopets and thugs. Keep going and at the end, take the taxi to the bank. At the spouting fountain, freeze the water and grind down the ice to recieve a Platinum Bolt. Head through the bank until you reach a locked door. Kill all of the enemies inluding the ones on top of the door to open it. In the next room, kill all of the Robots to open the door. Go up the elevator, then freeze the water to cross. Here you will meet the Hypnotist who will make you the Hypnomatic if you give him all three parts. Since you should only have two, hop on the taxi. Back at the main room, take the third door and use the portal. Yep, another boss fight Mothership ---------- This fight can be much harder and trickier than the last one if you dont know what you're doing. Instead of helicopters there are little alien ships that take more to kill. A good way to kill a group of them is to jump on them. This can kill a group of them in one hit as well as keeping you from getting hit. The Mothership can only be hurt while it is on the ground. You can tell when you can or can't hit it when the blue shield is up. Because of this shield it takes less hits thatn the Thug Mech to kill. Once you do enough damage it will create a shockwave at the top of the planet. Just stand and strafe on the indestructible stands and blast the Mothership with missiles. The strafing will keep you safe from the green lasers the ship will shoot. Your prize for beating this tough boss is the Mapper which shows you secret locations on the map. Now you should be done with the missions here except getting the Hypnomatic, which is on the next planet. Grelbin ======= Objectives: - Find Angela - Traverse the ice field - Bring moonstones to the Mystic - Trade moonstones for Hypnomatic part - Explore the caves Here, head down the ramp and to the left to the blue rock blocking the door. You need to get 9 moonstones to open the door. Head out to the ice field to get them. The mosters here are pretty tough so if you haven't upgraded a lot of weapons, now might be a good time. After you move the rock, you can get the third part of the Hypnomatic for 16 more moonstones. For now, use the teleporter in the room you just unblocked. Use the glider to reach the end of this section. Use the Infiltrator to open the door and then step on the floor button to open the next one. Kill all of the bots and use another floor button to gain access to another transporter. Here is an armor vendor with the last armor, the Carbonox armor for 1,000,000 bolts. Use the Infiltrator to gain access to the outer ice field where you can get more moonstones. If you get more tahn the Mystic asks for, you can sell the rest for 3,000 bolts each. Now that you have the third Hynomatic part, head back to Damosel. Damosel ======= The only thing you need to do here is return to the Hypnotist and get the Hypnomatic. It costs 10,000 for the Hypnomatic. To exit the area, you have to use the Hypnomatic (i will call this the Hypno from now on) to get the taxi back. Use it on the bot on the other side of the gate. You can shoot with square and jump with X. Reach the hill and use the floor button. Take the taxi back to your ship and back to Grelbin. Grelbin ======= Now you have the Hypnomatic, you can explore the factory here. Use the Hypno on the bot across the gap. To take over other bots, press circle when they are in range. Keep using the Hypno until the bot reaches a floor button. Step on it and create some floating platforms. Jump across and use the Hypno again. Use the bot to step on the floor button, which floods the rooms and now you can swim through to the teleported which takes you to the surface. Head to the right to Angela's house and get the last set of coordinates. Yeedil ====== Objectives: - Break into Megacorps Headquarters At the platform with the vendor use the Hypno on the bot across the chasm. Keep changing bots and opening doors until you reach the floor button that opens activates the Swinshot targets. Make your way toward the big factory in the background. Kill all of the guards and tanks to open the last door on the right. Use the Hypno on the bot across the gap and kill all of the enemies. If you are about to run out of time, take control of another one. When everyone is dead step on the floor button. Now, as Ratchet turn around and head back to reach the teleporter you just activated. This section of the level is very difficult. If you need stronger weapons, upgrade them because you will need them for the boss. Some of the weapons you should have upgraded are the Megarocket Tube, Heavy Lancer, Mini-Nuke, Multi-Star, HK22, Megaturret Gun, Kilonoid, Plasma Storm, and at least have the Shield Charger (though it will be much easier with the Tesla Barrier). In the room after the Nuclear Power Plant- looking thing, just run past, you don't need to kill these gaurds as more will keep appearing and you will waste ammo. Use the Dynamo to cross, and in the next room you will have to clear everyone out so you can have a chance to use the Infiltrator to open the door. Through the door, ignore the protopets and hop across the platforms. Before using the Swingshot here, take out the Tanks from afar to activate a Swinshot ball. Re-supply at the vendor, and use the Electrolyzer on the wall. In the room with all of the red gaurds there is a barrel on the right wall that you can use the Tractor Beam on. Use the grindrail to reach a Platinum Bolt. Bring down the bridge with the Swingshot and move forward to start a cut-scene. "What the **** is going on!?!" Mutated Protopet ---------------- A really easy way to beat this boss in around a minute is to have the Meteor Gun with the Lock On (for range) and Acid upgrades (for extra damage). For the first part, just lock on and fire away. When he smashes through the floor, throw down some Megaturret guns then, whip the Meteor Gun back out and keep shooting. When you run out of ammo, switch to the Megarocket Tube and fire a few charged shots and he should fall. After you win, you have a choice to go back in time to fight Quark again, which I'm not sure what the point of it is. Your other choice is to start a new game in Challenge Mode. In this you can get a multiplyer for bolts and upgrade your weapons further. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have emailed me with some info, or if I got something off the message boards i will give you credit here. If not email me. Thanks to: Paul du Bois Benjamin Kabaker Lance Larsen (lancepl34) Kevin England Jacob Garg Eric Cloutier Ryan Hathaway big thanks to Dan Bradley for some of the skill points! Also to kasplat for his helpful messages on the boards!