~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon FAQ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 1.03 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright 2008. Nick E. aka best at games ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of Contents: 1. Intro to The Guide..................................[I00000] 2. Version History.....................................[VH0000] 3. Weapons.............................................[W00000] a. Lancerator.......................................[W00001] b. Acid Bomb Glove..................................[W00002] c. Concussion Gun...................................[W00003] d. Agents of Doom...................................[W00004] e. Scorcher.........................................[W00005] f. Suck Cannon......................................[W00006] g. Bee Mine Glove...................................[W00007] h. Sniper Mine......................................[W00008] i. Shock Rocket.....................................[W00009] j. Mootator.........................................[W00010] k. Static Barrier...................................[W00011] l. Laser Tracer.....................................[W00012] 4. Challenge Mode Weapons..............................[CMW000] a. RYNO (Rip Ya a New One)..........................[CMW001] b. Titan Dual Lancerators...........................[CMW002] c. Titan Concussion Cannon..........................[CMW003] d. Titan Acid Detonator.............................[CMW004] e. Titan Agents of Dread............................[CMW005] f. Titan Killer Bee Mine............................[CMW006] g. Titan Electro Rocket.............................[CMW007] h. Titan Deadeye Mine...............................[CMW008] i. Titan Incinerator................................[CMW009] j. Titan Vortex Cannon..............................[CMW010] k. Titan Armoogeddon................................[CMW011] l. Titan Repulser Field.............................[CMW012] m. Titan Optical Maser Array........................[CMW013] 5. Gadgets.............................................[G00000] a. Hypershot........................................[G00001] b. Sprout-O-Matic...................................[G00002] c. Polarizer........................................[G00003] d. PDA..............................................[G00004] e. Shrink Ray.......................................[G00005] f. Bolt Grabber.....................................[G00006] g. Box Breaker......................................[G00007] h. Map-O-Matic......................................[G00008] 6. FAQ.................................................[FAQ000] 7. Future Updates......................................[FUTURE] 8. Credits/Copyright/Contact...........................[3C0000] Note: To skip what you don't want to read or see, please press and hold Ctrl and then hit the "F" key on your keyboard. Then copy whichever code you want to use, with the []'s around them. You will be taken to that section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Intro [I00000] This here is my first FAQ. I decided to write this out of boredom, and just because I want to contibute to GameFAQs in some way. I was looking through the games that I have and I noticed that there was no Weapon FAQ here. What kind of Ratchet and Clank game doesn't get its own weapon FAQ? I mean, it's ALL about the weapons. So, I hope you enjoy this FAQ and I hope it helps you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Version History [VH0000] ~ Version 1.00 Date: 3/2/08 - 3/13/08 -Finished first complete guide. ~ Version 1.01 Date: 3/22/08 -Minor spelling errors fixed. -Added questions in the FAQ section. ~ Version 1.02 Date: 6/18/08 -Added a new site that this guide is allowed to be hosted on. -Fixed minor things. ~ Version 1.03 Date: 8/03/08 -Added a new site that this guide is allowed to be hosted on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Weapons [W00000] Here is a big part of the guide. You level up the weapons so that way they gain more power and do more damage, because you will need more powerful weapons in the game. Just kind of logical, ya know? The only problems you may have here is the fact that you may not be able to afford all the weapons as you get to them. There are also mods for most weapons, but that will be included in a future update. Explaination of how to use this guide: ~[Name of Weapon]~ [Code of weapon from the Contents section] -Available Since: This tells you when you can get the weapon or buy it. -Price: How much it costs. -Upgradeable: Tells you if it's upgradeable or not. -Upgrades to: The name of the upgraded weapon. -Max Ammo: tells you how much ammo it can be used at each level. -Comments: My comments on the weapon. -Level of Difficulty to Upgrade: Tells you how hard it MAY be to upgrade. This is all a matter of opinion, though. Also, it goes by your own style of playing. Some weapons are meant for close range while others are meant for long range. ----- a. ~Lancerator~ [W00001] -Available Since: Beginning of The Game -Price: Free -Upgradeable: Yes -Upgrades to: Dual Lacerators -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 60/60 -Lv2: 70/70 -Lv3: 80/80 -Upgraded: 120/120 -Comments: Standard Type of Gun. Fires Super-heated Plasma Slugs at enemies. Not the best gun, but in one-on-one situations, you can use this very well. -Level of Difficulty to Upgrade: Very Easy This is because at the start of the game, this is your prime weapon, besides the Acid Bomb Glove. You will use it a lot, because the ammo will die quickly from your Acid Bomb Glove. ------- b. ~Acid Bomb Glove~ [W00002] -Available Since: Beginning of The Game -Price: Free -Upgradeable: Yes -Upgrades to: Acid Detonator -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 5/5 -Lv2: 7/7 -Lv3: 9/9 -Upgraded: 10/10 -Comments: Standard Bomb. Explodes on contact, spraying acid all around the area. Use this against a group of enemies, not just one target. You don't have the ammo for doing that sort of thing. -Level of Difficulty to Upgrade: Very Easy You will tend to use this a lot, it does more damage then most weapons early in the game, and it will hit more eniemies. ------- c. ~Concussion Gun~ [W00003] -Available Since: Beginning of The Game -Price: 10,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: Yes -Upgrades to: Concussion Cannon -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 25/25 -Lv2: 25/25 -Lv3: 30/30 -Upgraded: 30/30 -Comments: Every game with guns needs a shotgun, right? Well, here you go. Works better when you are close. Still fun to use. -Level of Difficulty to Upgrade: Easy-Hard It depends on if you like to be close and attack without caring much. If you stay back, this one can be hard to upgrade, because you can't really kill anything. ------- d. ~Agents of Doom~ [W00004] -Available Since: Ryllus -Price: 25,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: Yes -Upgrades to: Agents of Dread -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 6/6 -Lv2: 8/8 -Lv3: 10/10 -Upgraded: 10/10 -Comments: These little guys run/fly around you and fire at any enemies you fire at, plus the ones that get too close to you. Very easy to use and are very very helpful. At level 1, these guys just run on the ground toward the oppenent and attack them, just like Clank's bots do when they are set to attack. At level 2, they still run, but now they have cannons for arms, which they use to fire at people. At level 3, it's basically the same as level 2, just with more damage. When upgraded, They now fly next to Ratchet and fire off shots from there. -Level of Difficulty to Upgrade: Easy Using these to take care of bosses and taking care of enemies when you don't want to fire a gun yourself. These are very helpful when you need to take on a lot of enemies and you can't cover yourself on all sides. ------- e. ~Scorcher~ [W00005] -Available Since: Kalidon -Price: 20,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: Yes -Upgrades to: Incinerator -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 60/60 -Lv2: 90/90 -Lv3: 90/90 -Upgraded: 90/90 -Comments: This is one of my favorites. Burning everything in sight. That's what you need. Problem with the weapon is getting close and not taking a hit from your enemy. -Level of Difficulty to Upgrade: Medium-Hard Just from my own experence, it's harder to use, due to the small range, and that you have to face the right type of enemy to do real damage and not get killed. ------- f. ~Suck Cannon~ [W00006] -Available Since: Dreamtime -Price: 30,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: Yes -Upgrades to: Vortex Cannon -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 0/8 -Lv2: 0/10 -Lv3: 0/12 -Upgraded: 0/16 -Comments: You don't buy ammo for this thing, you suck up your enemies for ammo! Very handy if there are a LOT of small enemies around. Just suck them all up and then fie them at the enemies left. Very fun. -Level of Difficulty to Upgrade: Easy-Medium You really don't need much skill to use this thing, it's a lot of fun too, especially with the Bouncer Mod. Just finding some enemies that can get sucked in may be hard, if you are quick to kill. ------- g. ~Bee Mine Glove~ [W00007] -Available Since: Surgical Facility, Medical Outpost Omega -Price: 50,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: Yes -Upgrades to: Killer Bee Mine -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 8/8 -Lv2: 8/8 -Lv3: 8/8 -Upgraded: 8/8 -Comments: These guys are very useful. It's like you just throew them out, they do all the work, and you sit there and watch everything get blown to bits. -Level of Difficulty to Upgrade: Easy-Medium Upgrading these guys shouldn't take too long. You don't need to do much with them, so it helps. ------ h. ~Sniper Mine~ [W00008] -Available Since: Chillax -Price: 50,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: Yes -Upgrades to: Deadeye Mine -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 8/8 -Lv2: 8/8 -Lv3: 10/10 -Upgraded: 10/10 -Comments: This is a fun gun to use for distances, and if you can do well without scoping in, it is very good for bosses. It does more damage than most guns from my experence. -Level of Difficulty to Upgrade: Easy-Hard How this gun upgrades depends on how you use it. If you use it often and snipe from distances, this will upgrade fairly quickly. ------ i. ~Shock Rocket~ [W00009] -Available Since: Dayni Moon -Price: 55,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: Yes -Upgrades to: Electro Rocket -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 20/20 -Lv2: 20/20 -Lv3: 22/22 -Upgraded: 22/22 -Comments: Very useful against bosses. It's your rocket launcher. It's fun. -Level of Difficulty to Upgrade: Medium-Hard This weapon takes a lot of killing to upgrade. It is very useful, but it just takes a lot to upgrade. ------ j. ~Mootator~ [W00010] -Available Since: Danyi Moon -Price: Can't be bought. -To Obtain: Beat all the Clank Challenges On Dayni Moon. -Upgradeable: Yes -Upgrades to: Armoogeddon -Max Ammo: -All levels: N/A -Comments: It's not that special. But... you turn your enemies into cows. MOO! -Level of Difficulty to Upgrade: Medium-Very Hard This is dependant on how many small enimes you can kill with this when you get it. You will probably have to upgrade this one in challenge mode. ------ k. ~Static Barrier~ [W00011] -Available Since: Inside Clank -Price: 65,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: Yes -Upgrades to: Repulser Field -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 5/5 -Lv2: 5/5 -Lv3: 5/5 -Upgraded: 5/5 -Comments: One of the most useful weapons in the entire game. This will be a very great defense, and if you give it time to recover after being hit, it will last even longer. -Level of Difficulty to Upgrade: Medium-Very Hard This weapon is very useful, and if you use it all the time after you get it, you should be close to having it fully upgraded, but upgrading this one before getting to challenge mode is hard. ------ l. ~Laser Tracer~ [W00012] -Available Since: Quadrona -Price: 85,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: Yes -Upgrades to: Optical Maser Array -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 200/200 -Lv2: 200/200 -Lv3: 300/300 -Upgraded: 300/300 -Comments: This happens to be a very good gun. When you fire it, part of the lazer will protect you from enemy fire from in front. As it upgrades farther, this protection width with increase. -Level of Difficulty to Upgrade: Hard This is probably the hardest gun to upgrade in the entire game. You will have to go to challenge mode to upgrade this one, because it is gotten so late in the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Challenge Mode weapons [CMW000] Here is the challenge mode. Stronger enemies. Tougher times ahead. This calls FOR STRONGER WEAPONS! So here they are: ------ New Weapons: a. RYNO (Rip Ya a New One) [CMW001] -Available Since: Beginning of Challenge Mode -Price: 9,999,000 Bolts. (Yes, I am serious. No joke.) -Upgradeable: Yes -Upgrades to: Rynocerator -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 30/30 -Lv2: 30/30 -Lv3: 40/40 -Upgraded: 50/50 -Comments: Supposed best gun in the game. Worth the most, too. It isn't even that cool of an effect... it's just like 4 or 5 missle shots at once. Now, the fully upgraded version of this bad boy can eliminate everything, including the final boss, in like 10 shots. -Level of Difficulty to Upgrade: Hard Takes a lot of experence to upgrade this thing. It is worth it, though. ------ Titan Weapons: b. Titan Dual Lancerators [CMW002] -Available Since: Anytime in challenge mode, as long as you have the V4 of the weapon that you could buy in the first playthrough. -Price: 250,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: No. Levels, though. -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 120/120 -Lv2: 120/120 -Lv3: 120/120 -Lv4: 120/120 ------ c. Titan Concussion Cannon [CMW003] -Available Since: Anytime in challenge mode, as long as you have the V4 of the weapon that you could buy in the first playthrough. -Price: 250,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: No. Levels, though. -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 25/25 -Lv2: 25/25 -Lv3: 25/25 -Lv4: 25/25 ------ d. Titan Acid Detonator [CMW004] -Available Since: Anytime in challenge mode, as long as you have the V4 of the weapon that you could buy in the first playthrough. -Price: 250,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: No. Levels, though. -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 8/8 -Lv2: 8/8 -Lv3: 8/8 -Lv4: 8/8 ------ e. Titan Agents of Dread [CMW005] -Available Since: Anytime in challenge mode, as long as you have the V4 of the weapon that you could buy in the first playthrough. -Price: 250,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: No. Levels, though. -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 10/10 -Lv2: 10/10 -Lv3: 10/10 -Lv4: 10/10 ------ f. Titan Killer Bee Mine [CMW006] -Available Since: Anytime in challenge mode, as long as you have the V4 of the weapon that you could buy in the first playthrough. -Price: 250,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: No. Levels, though. -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 8/8 -Lv2: 8/8 -Lv3: 10/10 -Lv4: 12/12 ------ g. Titan Electro Rocket [CMW007] -Available Since: Anytime in challenge mode, as long as you have the V4 of the weapon that you could buy in the first playthrough. -Price: 1,250,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: No. Levels, though. -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 18/18 -Lv2: 20/20 -Lv3: 22/22 -Lv4: 24/24 ------ h. Titan Deadeye Mine [CMW008] -Available Since: Anytime in challenge mode, as long as you have the V4 of the weapon that you could buy in the first playthrough. -Price: 500,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: No. Levels, though. -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 8/8 -Lv2: 8/8 -Lv3: 8/8 -Lv4: 8/8 ------ i. Titan Incinerator [CMW009] -Available Since: Anytime in challenge mode, as long as you have the V4 of the weapon that you could buy in the first playthrough. -Price: 250,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: No. Levels, though. -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 90/90 -Lv2: 90/90 -Lv3: 90/90 -Lv4: 90/90 ------ j. Titan Vortex Cannon [CMW010] -Available Since: Anytime in challenge mode, as long as you have the V4 of the weapon that you could buy in the first playthrough. -Price: 300,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: No. Levels, though. -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 0/10 -Lv2: 0/12 -Lv3: 0/14 -Lv4: 0/16 ------ k. Titan Armoogeddon [CMW011] -Available Since: Anytime in challenge mode, as long as you have the V4 of the weapon that you could buy in the first playthrough. -Price: 1,500,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: No. Levels, though. -Max Ammo: N/A For all. ------ l. Titan Repulser Field [CMW012] -Available Since: Anytime in challenge mode, as long as you have the V4 of the weapon that you could buy in the first playthrough. -Price: 2,500,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: No. Levels, though. -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 5/5 -Lv2: 5/5 -Lv3: 5/5 -Lv4: 5/5 ------ m. Titan Optical Maser Array [CMW013] -Available Since: Anytime in challenge mode, as long as you have the V4 of the weapon that you could buy in the first playthrough. -Price: 3,000,000 Bolts -Upgradeable: No. Levels, though. -Max Ammo: -Lv1: 300/300 -Lv2: 300/300 -Lv3: 300/300 -Lv4: 300/300 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Gadgets [G00000] Gadgets are a huge part of this game, as you can't complete the game without some of these things. Explaination: -Available Since: Where you get this gadget. -Price: How much it will cost you. -Event: The event you must complete in order to gain this gadget. Comments: My comments. ------ a. Hypershot [G00001] -Available Since: Beginning of the game. -Price: N/A -Event: Start the game? >_> Really. That's all. Comments: There is no point in having this on your quick select. When you need it, just hit the circle button while jumping towards it and it will automatically happen. ------ b. Sprout-O-Matic [G00002] -Available Since: Ryilus -Price: N/A -Event: Play through Ryilus, you cannot finish this world without it, and it WILL be given in a cutscene, so don't worry. Comments: This will probably stay on your Quick select list for the whole game, except for bosses. This is one of those gadgets that you will use very often. Use it to water plants, and then water the dirt patches. This shouldn't really need any explaination, since it is explained in the game. ------ c. Polarizer [G00003] -Available Since: Where you can re-enter Dreamtime. The medical Outpost that gets blown up. -Price: N/A -Event: Win skyboard/hoverboard race. Namely "Interior Decorating". Comments: This is a lesser used gadget, but you should probably still have it on your Quick Select anyway. ------ d. PDA [G00004] -Available Since: Chillax -Price: 50,000 Bolts -Event: Just play through the game. Nothing special to unlock it to buy it. Comments: I find this gadget to be completely useless. I don't use it for Ammo, since everything is way overpriced. Bottom line, don't waste your money on buying it in the first place. ------ e. Shrink Ray [G00005] -Available Since: Kaildon -Price: N/A -Event: Win a single Hoverboard/skyboard race. Namely "Learner's Permit" Comments: You don't choose when to use this, it is used only when Ratchet needs it. It's a pretty fun item, though. Too bad you can't control it. ------ f. Bolt Grabber [G00006] -Available Since: Surgical Facility, Medical Outpost Omega -Price: 5,000 -Event: Just play through the game. Nothing special to unlock it to buy it. Comments: This isn't a selectable item, but it does make grabbing bolts a lot easier. Works well with the Box Breaker. ------ g. Box Breaker [G00007] -Available Since: Surgical Facility, Medical Outpost Omega -Price: 20,000 Bolts -Event: Just play through the game. Nothing special to unlock it to buy it. Comments: This isn't a selectable item, but it is a great buy. You smash your wrench into the ground and then all the boxes around you break. Works very well with the Bolt Grabber, and makes your life quite a bit easier. ------ h. Map-O-Matic [G00008] -Available Since: Dayni Moon -Price: 50,000 Bolts -Event: Just play through the game. Nothing special to unlock it to buy it. Comments: Show all areas, including secret areas... useless. You will find these "secret" areas on your own if you like exploring just a bit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. FAQ [FAQ000] This will be short. There may be more questions in future updates. Q: How come my weapon won't gain any more experence, when just like before, it was gaining so much? A: If you are dying and redoing same points over and over in the game, your weapons tend to stop gaining experence, and stop you from upgrading them. This isn't confirmed(as far as I know), but that is from my own personal experence. Q: How many times did you have to play through the game to finish this FAQ? A: I had beaten this game a few times. Just because I am a huge fan. To be exact, I have beaten it 5 or 6 times. To collect all my info and everything. Q: Why can't I find [insert something]? A: Ctrl + F. Or I haven't added it yet. Or you can e-mail me to tell me to add it and I will give you proper credit. If it makes sense, that is. Q: What is your favorite weapon? A: Personally, I love the Suck Cannon. It's so much fun. Q: What is the strongest weapon? A: Most likely the RYNO. It's worth all that time and money. Q: Why aren't there a lot of questions here? A: You guys haven't asked any questions. Silly. --- Questions recived in E-mails --- Q: What is the Maximum Health(Nanotec) you can have? A: Before the challenge mode: 50. In the challenge mode: 75. Q: Why is the above question here? A: Because someone asked me it in an e-mail, and I don't want to see the question again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Future Updates [FUTURE] For the Future, I have some things I'd like to update. The first thing that will be included in the next major update will be the prices for ammo. The next thing is to add the Mods for each weapon, the prices for each of those mods, and so on. After that, I may expand on this more and add the armor. Other than that, I don't see much left to add on. But, if you have any ideas on what should be added to this FAQ, please contact me. Look for that in the contacts section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. Credits/Copyright/Contact [3C0000] Copyright: Please do not copy this and post this on other sites without my permission or say that it is your writing. If you would like to print out this FAQ, you may. If you post this FAQ anyplace, like on your own site or anything, you should ask me for that permission first. Whatever you do, don't post this anyplace else without my permission. Simple as that. The sites allowed to host this are: www.GameFAQs.com www.pwnGuide.com www.freewebs.com/ratchet-and-clank-online-clan-aj/index.htm ~~~ Copyright 2008 Nick E. aka. best at games ~~~ If you see this anyplace else(than what is listed), please contact me and tell me, as it shouldn't be there. --- Contact: Now, you may contact me for many reasons. To make a suggestion, to show me an error I made, or anything of the like. Do NOT contact me with anything that is stupid or is spam. I will just delete it. Do NOT add attachments to the e-mail, because I will ignore them and delete them then. Now, if you have something to say that isn't a total waste of my time, you may do it in two different ways. -First way: Email. Simple. If you choose this method, please place this isn't the subject line of the e-mail: "Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters Weapon FAQ" If the subject line doesn't have that, or something similar, I will ignore it and delete it. My other request for this: TALK IN FREAKING WORDS. Do not be like "ur so lam3. i am 1337" or something crap like that. Please type out your damn words, or I will ignore the e-mail. Now, that you have read that, here is the e-mail: bestatgamesv2@hotmail.com -Second way: Use that same e-mail I just gave, and add me on MSN and talk to me there. Same rule applies; Talk to me in complete sentences(and full words), or you will be blocked. --- Credits: -Me. For this FAQ. -High Impact Games, for this great game. -GameFAQs/pwnGuide for hosting this. -The gaming gods, for creating games. =O That's all. I hope you enjoyed this FAQ and found it helpful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------~ Copyright 2008 Nick E. aka best at games ~----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------