=====================Ratchet and Clank Walkthrough====== ====Written by Aklite====== -This guide contains no spoilers (Not that there's much to spoil anyway). ======================================================================= Table of Contents ======================================================================= I. Introduction (RACI) a. Intro b. Version History II. Weapons and gadgets (RACGW) a. Weapons b. Gadgets III. Walkthrough (RACWX0) -Basic gameplay information a. Planet Veldin (RACW1) b. Planet Novalis (RACW2) c. Planet Kerwan (RACW3) d. Planet Aridia (RACW4) e. Planet Eudora (RACW5) f. Nebula G34 (RACW6) g. Planet Rilgar (RACW7) h. Planet Umbris (RACW8) i. Planet Batalia (RACW9) j. Planet Orxon (RACWA0) k. Planet Gaspar (RACWA1) l. Planet Pokitaru (RACWA2) m. Planet Hoven (RACWA3) n. Gemlik Base (RACWA4) o. Planet Oltanis (RACWA5) p. Planet Quartu (RACWA6) q. Planet Kalebo III (RACWA7) r. Drek's Fleet (RACWA8) s. Planet Veldin (RACWA9) Legal ======================================================================= I. Introduction (RACI) ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- a. Intro ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ratchet and Clank is a real fun game which doesn't seem to be too popular, but is really fun nonetheless. The gameplay is different than that of many games, but it is for the better. The later Ratchet and Clanks are fun too, but I personally like the first Ratchet and Clank as my favorite. PLEASE READ FIRST: In this guide I will cover the locations of most gold bolts, but not skill points. Most gold bolts are simply hidden and easily obtained, whereas skill points require more in-depth coverage, which I won't go into here. I will cover a couple skill points which are a result of a tactic which works best in a situation anyway. Also, I do not give solutions for trespasser locks, except for a fairly difficult one in Gemlik base, because if you are anything like me these are fun to try and figure out, and I really missed having them in the other ratchet games. So if you need trespasser solutions, you can get them from an in-depth FAQ. You can quick-jump to a section of the guide by hitting ctrl+F, typing in the letters or numbers in parentheses (refer to table of contents), and hitting enter twice. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or additional information, you can e-mail me at Aklite1@comcast.net. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- b. Version History ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 (06/15/13): Added contact information and quick-find. 2.0 (06/07/07): Walkthrough complete. 1.4 (06/06/07): Continued the guide up to Drek's base. 1.3 (06/02/07): Continued the guide up to Gemlik Base. 1.2 (05/30/07): After at eternity, finally started working on the guide again up to Planet Orxon. 1.1 (03/25/06): Continued the walkthrough on different occasions up to Planet Batalia. 1.0 (02/13/06): First version of the FAQ. Added all sections and begun the walkthrough. ======================================================================= II. Weapons and Gadgets (RACGW) ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- a. Weapons ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ratchet: Your ratchet is a melee weapons with no ammo limit. It is easy to use and has some fun moves. When in first person view or crouching down, you are able to throw the wrench forward to get far away enemies or attract bolts which are out of reach. Bomb glove: This is a weapon you get at the beginning of the game. Even though it is only a starting weapons, it is actually pretty powerful, especially for large groups of small enemies. Blaster: You buy this weapon from a vendor. It is pretty nice for getting single enemies far away, and has an auto targeting feature which is nice. Pyrocitor: A short range flamethrower which is extremely useful for high numbers of enemies at close range. It is especially effective on small, weak enemies. Suck Cannon: A sweet weapon, and the absolute best way to kill small enemies. This sucks small enemies (up to 5) into your cannon, and fires them as missiles. Actually I don't use missiles nearly as much as I just like to suck them up. Glove of Doom: Glove of doom sends a bunch of little kamikaze bots to attack your enemies. Devastator: The devastator is a rocket launcher, only really useful towards heavy enemies unless you have the golden version. Tesla claw: This weapon is SO SWEET! When a ton of weak enemies are ahead of you, just activate and fire the telsa claw, and they won't last long. The golden version is possibly the best weapon in the game, besides the RYNO of course. Decoy glove: The decoy glove drops a decoy of yourself for enemies to attack. I personally never cared about this weapon, because it is more trouble than I am willing to go to just to kill some enemies. I just whip out my pyrocitor and wipe out everyone. RYNO: The RYNO is an awesome weapon which is also extremely expensive (150,000 bolts). However, you could have a whole horde of enemies in front of you, one shot from the RYNO, and poof. They are all dead. One shot fires 8 missiles, splash damage, and there are 50 shots you have. The only downside is that you cannot pick up ammo for the RYNO, it can only be bought. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- b. Gadgets ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Swingshot: You get this gadget real early on, and it is very necessary for most of the game. There are a few skillpoints which involve skill with the swingshot. ======================================================================= III. Walkthrough (RACWX0) ======================================================================= -Basic overview In Ratchet and Clank, every enemy drops bolts. Bolts are used to buy weapons and ammo from vendors, and also sometimes you need to pay some bolts to advance through the game, get infobots, or pass through different areas. Bolts are also used to upgrade your weapons later on in the game. -For the walkthrough, I have provided instructions for getting Gold Bolts you can get during your first playthrough. I will mention all bolts, but will simply state the ones you need to wait to get. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- a. Planet Veldin (RACW1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you begin the game, you will see a couple enemies ahead of you. Just walk up to them and hit them with your wrench, then break open the bolt boxes here. After this, continue forward, up the step and onto the next ledge with more enemies. Just defeat them with your wrench also, hop onto the ledge and break open more boxes, and then head back and to the left, over the bridge. Once on the other side, you will see 2 more frogs. The easiest way to get these is throw your wrench if you can get them in a line. Crouch with R1, and then hit square. You will throw your wrench at them. If you threw it right you should have gotten both frogs with one throw. Now continue forward, grab the couple bolt boxes, and head up the ledges to the left. At the top, kill the frog and jump across. Ahead of you, you should see 2 more frogs. Without jumping over there, throw your wrench at them to kill them, then jump over and grab the boxes here. Grab all the boxes and the nanotech if you need it, then hop up and kill the frog. You now have 2 different ways to go. Head to the right, defeat the 4 frogs by any means, and then break all the boxes here. Now, head back and take the left path here. These enemies have an electric bolt that they fire, so just be careful with them. If they are firing it, it is pretty hard to run up to them to hit them, so wait till they stop firing it and then run up and hit them or throw your wrench at them. Break the boxes here, and then continue on. Defeat a couple more electricity guys, and grab the bolt and ammo boxes here. Head forward, now there will be about 5 electricity guys. They are not too hard to just take your wrench too if you just keep jumping and are good at dodging, but if you want you can just use your bomb glove to make it a bit easier. Once all the enemies are dead grab all the boxes from around here and continue on to the ship to finish the level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- b. Planet Novalis (RACW2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -You will need 500 bolts to buy an info-bot on this planet. The first thing you will want to do is head into the room behind you. Now the tunnel with the water and platforms, head down the path to the right of it. The Pyrocitor is at the vendor, but you do not have enough bolts for it yet. Anyway, head down that path to the right, break the couple boxes there, and cross the lake to the other side. Break the ammo and bolt boxes here, and then head up to the giant bolt there, and hold square while facing it to grab onto it. Now, turn your joystick counter-clockwise until the door is opened all the way and you let go of the bolt. Head inside, break the boxes, and head up the steps. There are 3 guys here with pretty short range weapons which can be easily killed by tossing your wrench at them. Now, head into the big lake ahead and dive down into it. Head through the tunnel in front of you, follow it around to the right, then come back up to the surface. Now jump down to the bottom of the pools to the bottom, defeat the enemies by any means, and break the boxes here. Next, turn to the left. See the cracked wall there? Use your bomb glove on it to reveal a gold bolt and a ton of bolt boxes. After that, turn the giant bolt in the middle like you did before. Head through here, break all the boxes along the way and back into the start. Now, head into that tunnel right next to the vendor. Head up the ledges here to the top. Once on top, defeat the 2 enemies here, break all the boxes, and then look to the left. You can bounce back and froth on the walls here to the top for another gold bolt. Just stand right next to the left wall, and repeatedly hit X till you are on top. Now just head forward and to the right for the bolt. Jump back down and now climb the ledges here to continue on. Defeat another enemy, then jump across the water down there. Defeat another enemy here, then break all the boxes. Then, head to the right and jump onto the rising platform, ride it to the top and head through the door. Head to the right and grab the boxes, then head into the water along the right wall and climb the steps to the next portion. After this, head all the way right and then jump into the water and head up the steps here again to the end. Head to the right and break the boxes, then head back left and jump up the ascending platforms to the top, break the boxes, then continue right. Continue to the end for a short cut-scene. Now, you need to pay 500 bolts for the info bot. After that, break the boxes here, then head down the sewer tube to the right back to the start. You should be able to buy the pyrocitor now, so go ahead and get it. Now, take the moving platform to the left of the vendor down. Just kill all the enemies with your pyrocitor, then break all the boxes here. Next, head up the steps ahead to the left, defeat the enemies and break the boxes, then head across the bridge. A short cut-scene of a bomber bombing the bridge will occur, then just head across the bridge and defeat the enemies along the way. Head down the steps, head to the left and grab the boxes, then head forward and defeat 3 more cannon enemies. After that, get out your pyrocitor to defeat a bunch of small enemies, break the rest of the boxes, then head forward for another cut-scene and 3 final enemies. Defeat them for the last cut- scene and an info bot. After the scene, break the remaining boxes and you are done with this level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- c. Planet Kerwan (RACW3) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -You will need 1,000 bolts to buy Clank's heli-pack upgrade on this planet. -You will need 1,000 bolts to buy the Swingshot. Though you will have access to both this planet and Aridia at once, it is best to do this one first because you can get Clank's copter pack, as well as the swingshot which is necessary to finish Aradia. Start by heading down to the platform to the vendor, grab ammo if you may need it. Now, this is a bit tough, but doable without Clanks copter. Look down straight ahead of you, over the edge with no path, and you will see vehicles heading through a tunnel down there. Jump off the edge carefully, and hug the platform, and you should land on a ledge. Now, using the R3 stick, look below you and you will see a tunnel. Jump, and move just a little bit outward, and quickly push joystick back up to head into the tunnel after you pass the ledge. You should now be in a tunnel with a bunch of crates and a gold bolt. Grab it all, and take the taxi at the opposite side, which will take you back to the start. Head to the vendor as you did before and this time, grab the crates under the bride you crossed to get to the vendor platform and take a right. Defeat these enemies by any means, then grab all the crates in this area. Head through the opening on the left to defeat a couple more enemies. I suggest the bomb glove for area of effect on the small enemies, or you can use the pyrocitor and simply spin around. You can smash the lights around the area for some extra bolts, then continue to the bridge ahead. If you have the blaster, use it on the helicopter, but if you do not, you will need to run past it. Run forward while jumping left and right to avoid the fire, and be ready to defeat a few more enemies at the end of the bridge. Grab the crates then take the escalator on the right down, and once again use the bomb glove or the pyrocitor to defeat the small enemies. Head right down the path and just use pyrocitor to demolish any enemies in your path. Head into the building and watch the cut-scene. Afterward you need to have 1.000 bolts for the heli-pack. After you buy it, head through the newly opened door. Grab the couple ammo boxes ahead of you, then follow the directions for the entire session here, what to do is self-explanatory. After heading up the elevator and being required to glide to the platform below, there will be some baddies down there. Just have your bomb glove ready to take them out when you land. Afterward take the elevator in front of you, and once at top be ready to kill some more enemies. Be sure to take out the spawner ahead of you after you kill the ones already in the area to prevent more. Now, watch out for the red mines and head across the bridge and defeat the enemy there. Watch out for additional mines if you need to chase him. At the other end grab the boxes and head up the escalator. Defeat the enemies up top here and head left. Before heading on the train to the right, head left again behind the boxes, grab the ammo crates. Now, here is a fun part; breaking this wall. The best way to do it is shoot a bomb glove right in the middle of it, but you can just use your wrench. Now, after this, head back to the top of the escalator, and to your right when facing the train you will see a lower box stack. Use your crouch-heli-pack move, and get to the top of it. You will see a gold bolt on top of some crates at the other end of this area. Fly to the crate stack in front of you, then fly up to the next one on your top right. Continue to the next stack in front of you, then to the one after that. Hop up, head forward, and jump to the final stack to get the gold bolt. Now, hop down and defeat the enemies with the pyrocitor, and then head back out the way you came in, move forward and take the train. During the short scene you will see an info bot in the front of the train. Hop across the platforms to the front, defeating the enemies along the way. The ride will not end till you are up front. Once you get up front the train will arrive at the station. Start by blowing the crates to your upper-right and getting the crates in that area, then head back out and down and head left into the opening at the other end to grab the info bot. After watching it, take the elevator to the bottom, head back to the vendor and buy any ammo you might need, and if you have not yet, the blaster, and then head forward to the qwark robot for a cut-scene. After the scene, you need to complete the fitness course. Start by heading up the platforms in front of you to the top, and in front of you is a spot in the wall with straight sides. Simply jump to the left and when you hit the wall, move your stick to the left and jump,and then when you hop off and hit the right wall, move joystick to the right and jump once more to make it to the top. Grab the crates on the right side, then blow the 2 exploding boxes on the left side and continue on. Do this wall the same way you did the last one, hop up the platforms and head into the green area at the top, now, just jump to slide down using your wrench. Continue across the platforms, and now you will see some platforms ejecting from the wall. Use careful timing here, continue to the next set, and keep working your way up. Use timing when bouncing off the walls to the top, and continue working your way upward. Once up top, slide down the next rail to the bottom, and talk to the fat lady here and buy the swingshot for 1,000 bolts. Now, use the swingshot on the 2 targets then slide back to the beginning of the obstacle course. Now, before you go back to your ship, do the obstacle course again all the way back to the platform just before you slide down to buy the swingshot (The big black one). This time, before sliding down, diagonally from the green circle is an area with no railing. Look down and you will see an opening and some boxes also that are somewhat difficult to see. Jump forward and glide down there, break all the boxes and grab the gold bolt here. Now take the cab back to your ship, and you are done with this planet. Now, head to planet Aridia. You will need the trespasser from here to complete the logging planet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- d. Planet Aridia (RACW4) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you arrive here, instead of heading forward, head left around your ships platform and to the right to find Skid McMarx. Watch the cut- scene, then head across the platform to the left and the stats will appear for defeating all the sand sharks. First of all, head just straight ahead and to the right a bit. I strongly recommend the pyrocitor for this part. Defeat all sand sharks and the spawner. You should now have 49 sand sharks and 6 spawners left. Head across the platforms and up to the right, run by the spawner, spin around 1 or 1 and a half times with your pyrocitor to do this area quick. You should now have 43 sand sharks and 5 spawners left. Before heading out, in the upper right of this area is a chunk of rocks. Use your bomb glove on it to reveal an area with some crates and a gold bolt. Now head back and this time head down the right path. Grab the boxes and the nanotech, then continue on, defeating the sand sharks. There are 2 waves of them, one on the path right behind the crates, and another a bit further by the spawner. After all are defeat here, you should have 21 sand sharks and 4 spawners left. Head across the bridge to the right and defeat the sand sharks and the 2 spawners once more. At this point you should have 2 sand sharks and 2 spawners left. Head back across the bridge and straight, and shortly you will see a stairway on your right. Head up this and defeat the 2 spawners, and then the 2 burrowed sand sharks in the center green area, and upon finishing you will enter a cut-scene and be back at the crashed pod. Head back to your ship by heading across the bridge and right, then across another bridge and right. Now for the other half of the level. Head down the path you were facing when you first entered the level, defeat the sand sharks with your pyrocitor, and break open the crates here. Continue forward, defeat the sand sharks the then the flame thrower guy. Head right to defeat 2 more flame throwers, grab the nanotech if need be, then continue forward and kill the remaining flame thrower. Head forward and take the elevator. There are 2 more tasks to be done this level. First is find Skid's agent, and the other is to grab the trespasser. For now, take the right path. Defeat the flame thrower here, and be careful not to fall off the edge, even though you respawn literally right there, so if you really want to get yourself killed go ahead. I really feel pretty stupid for dying here 3 times while I wrote this. Anyway, after you defeat him, head forward and defeat the one on the next platform as well, suggestibly with the blaster. Continue across the moving belts and defeat another flamethrower, then the one on your left, and then head up and move up the belts. Blast the baddie at the end, smash the crates, then take the elevator down, or jump for a quicker journey, and head right. Hop the mod, defeat the sand sharks, then break the crates and if you want, head left and up and defeat all the baddies and TNT boxes for some extra bolts. If not, then jump up the wall with the hands right in front of you. Ascend the couple of these, then pick a pipe and continue forward. Head right and forward to another wall you can grab, then strafe to the right and hop up. Grab the crates here then continue right and head up the wall. Break the boxes and jump up to your left, hop the mod, and head for the pod for a cut-scene. After the scene, head to the left. You will notice a couple slanted vents or whatnot heading upward. There is a gold bolt up here, but you will need to come back with the magnetic boots when you get them later on. Before you teleport back, head back to the platform where you landed after you jumped up to here. To your left, you will see a small metal square platform. Reach this by flying as much as you can, and when you land in the mud, continue jumping out and reach this. Now, jump onto the land in front of you. Head all the way left to the dump truck and grab the gold bolt in the back. Now, head into the teleporter on the right of the pod with Skid's agent to go back to your ship. Take the path you did to the elevator, and this time head down the path on your left. Whip out your swingshot and swing onto the platform in front of you. Break the boxes, and do so again. Head left and keep moving forward and shooting the targets as they appear. When you get to the platform with 5 TNT boxes dotted around it, just shoot one and swing on up. Now, head forward once again and turn left. Swing twice to reach the first platform, grab the boxes, then swing right, right again, then right twice to reach the final platform with some boxes. Head forward to grab the trespasser. I personally find trespasser locks to be one of the funnest things in the game. Many people hate them and find them ridiculously frustrating, but I really like them. Anyway, look off the edge on any side. When you see something that looks like a platform rotating around, jump down onto it and run toward the center for a gold bolt. Use the swingshot to get back up. Head forward, complete the tough trespasser lock, then head through the door. Jump down (ignore the elevator, its just too slow) and then ascend the steps on your right. Keep heading forward and ease left, continuing straight and jump down in front of you. Head back to your ship and you are now done with this planet. Head to Planet Eudora. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- e. Planet Eudora (RACW5) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Get more ammo from the vendor if need be, then head up the steps to your right to an area with a couple crates. Now jump down to your left to get a couple more crates, and then defeat the enemy to your left. Now head back to your right and defeat the little saw guys and continue down that path. When you hit the little mud area before the couple steps, look to your upper right to see a gold bolt. To get it, jump onto the first ledge, and at the very edge on the right, do the crouch- copter move (R1+X)and right after you jump off the ground head in the direction of the platform up there and you should grab the egde. Now just jump up and grab it. Head back down and head to the lower area to the right as you are heading out, defeat the enemy by the big bolt, and then grab it and turn it to activate the bridge. Cross the bridge, defeat the couple enemies here, and then open the crate. Continue forward behind the tree to see a wall-bouncer. Head to the top, defeat the saw, and turn the bolt to lower some crates and a nanotech. Now jump back down and head left, use your pyrocitor on a couple more saw- guys, then jump up, defeat the enemy here, and turn the bolt to raise another bridge. Cross it, break open all the crates, and how up the ledge. Defeat some more enemies best with the blaster, then break the crates and head up the steps to your left. Defeat many more enemies. Best weapon of choice here is the blaster due to their range. After clearing this area out, head left, defeat another blaster enemy, break the crates and cross yet another bridge. In this area it is best to defeat the enemies first, and then if you want head up on the platforms to grab all the crates here. There is an area also ahead of the trees with more enemies and crates. After done here head down the left path, defeat a couple more enemies (Blaster recommended again), and turn the bolt. Now head up the ledge, grab the nanotech if you need it, then jump on the platform for it to raise. Now fly down, and best idea is to shoot enemy with blaster while you are in the air. Defeat the saw guys, then head up the wall to the left for more crates and a nanotech, and now head back down and into the building. Defeat the huge guy, break the crates, and continue forward. Fly down to your top right, and get your blaster ready again. After defeating the enemies and getting the crates, head into the building here. Defeat the final 3 enemies, and grab the awesome suck cannon. This weapon is sweet, it sucks smaller enemies in and fires them as missiles. Head out the building and down the right, defeating the saw guys along the way. Using the suck cannon is the easiest way. If you did not before, you will now have enough money to buy the Glove of Doom. This weapon sends tons of little kamikaze bots at your enemies. Now head to the area behind your ship with the trespasser lock. Complete yet another touch trespasser lock and continue forward. There is a lot of swingshoting to do in this area. First head forward and fly down to the platform in front of you. Now head left and turn the bolt for some swingshot targets. Swing across, turn another bolt, and jump across the platforms here. Turn yet another bolt for a swingshot target and once uptop, you have another trespasser lock. This one you will need the outermost circle pointing at 9:00 and 11:00, the middle circle pointing at 6:00, and the inner circle pointing at 8:00. Head in and confront the general. After the cut-scene, smash the crates and head out to be back to your ship. You are now done with this planet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- f. Nebula G34 (RACW6) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -Buy the taunter if you have enough bolts (2,500). I find it pretty useless against enemies, except that its fun to use it for enemies behind barriers and watch their stupid asses run into it, but its awesome to use to break boxes. Nothing is better then heading into a room with 30 boxes and just hitting the taunter. Grab ammo from the vendor if you need it, then head left. Head down the steps and use your trespasser on the door to your right. Have each circle centered on the bottom, so the outer circle hits the outer 2 targets and 10 and 2 o clock, the middle one hits the next ones in at 11 and 1 o clock, and the inner circle hits the middle target on the very top at 12. Head in and hit triangle to send Clank in. Head forward and jump on the button to activate the elevator. Head left and out, then continue forward and navigate the ramp up. Ease to your right through the doorway, and defeat a frog here. Clanks only attack is a punch with the same button as Ratchet's wrench, but he does charge forward a bit when you use it so you can use it from a bit further away. Break the boxes in front of you, then stop right then. Do not break the box on your left. Jump on top of it, break the crates up here, then hop back down and break it now. This time head right, follow the directions gives to glide down to the platform below you. Head forward and break the crates, then head left, and break some more crates on the other side of this wall. Next, continue on down the path here. Defeat the frogs with constant attacks of Clank's punched, then smash the crates in front of you. Head up on your left, break the crates here, then head back to the other side. Be careful here. Jump up and carefully navigate down this long path starting on your right. It gets a bit hard because it is difficult to see where you are going. Once at the other end, jump up and then jump and grab the ledge. Strafe right, hop up, then hop up onto the platform on your right. Don't worry about that gold bolt on your right, you can't get it yet. Head through the doorway, then head forward and around to the back of these pipes, break the crate and the nanotech, and you will now see small glass cases with little robots here. Break the cases and read the directions on how to use them. The commands should hopefully be pretty self explanatory, just enter is to let them enter a doorway to open a doorway for yourself. Head back and get somewhat near the enemy in front of you. Select attack and let them attack it, then break the crates on your left. If you lost any bots, head back and retrieve them where they have respawned. Tell them to follow you and continue forward. You can probably just kill the frogs yourself to save time from having to get any bots again. Break the crates here then tell the bots to enter the doorway. Head through and you now have a new gadget, the hydrodisplacer. Head down the newly formed bridge on your right, and then head back left, up the elevator, and head forward to become Ratchet again. Head back past your ship and head through the doorway on the right. Take the shuttle to the warship. Once there, head through the right door, defeat the baddie, and break the crates. Now, head through the left doorway. This is a good opportunity to use the suck cannon. Whip it out and start sucking up the frogs. Once the barrel is full, launch them all as best as you can at the other frogs, and if you missed any just suck them up again. Continue forward and defeat 2 more enemies. Best to jump a lot here to avoid the flame waves. Break the crates at the end and head through the door behind them. Don't jump down here, cause its hard to beat them head on. Instead, equip your blaster, go into first person mode and just shoot them this way with your blaster. Now, grab all the crates around here, then press the big red shiny button. You now got 45 seconds to get out of here. It really is not that hard, just head forward, use pyrocitor on the 2 big enemies here, then when you come to the frogs, do the same. Continue forward, jump the gas vents shooting the baddie here along the way to stall him, then head out and you are off the ship (If you actually spent all that time without pausing reading this, you're probably screwed, so for next time, just run). Head forward and grab the info-bot. Now, continue forward. I don't know what the hell these things are called, so I will just call them things. Head forward and shoot the "thing" to the left of the door to open it and continue forward. Avoid the gas vents, and then whip out your suck cannon. I count 15 frogs here, so actually pyrocitor if probably better, but suck cannon works fine, and besides that, it so much more hella funner. Just suck up 5, run back while shooting them out, then suck up 5 more and repeat. Now head forward and defeat the enemy here with your blaster, then if you have your taunter, whip it out and use it, and just sit back and watch the stupid ass run into the barrier (You'll have good fun with the taunter :)). Now break the things and continue forward. Be ready to kill 6 more frogs, just use suck cannon and use a missile on the last one. A great opportunity to use your taunter is coming up. Continue forward, and before heading left use your trespasser here. Its pretty easy: The outer circle needs to be hitting the targets at 6 and 11 o clock, the middle circle is just blockers, have them at 9, 2, and 4 o clock, and the inner circle needs to be hitting targets at 8 and 1 o clock. Before you break one damn box, head right into the middle, defeat the frogs from the 3 boxes here, then whip out your taunter and use it. It is just so awesome hearing all the boxes breaking one by one here. Head back and to your left, and onto the platform here. Head right past the gas vents if you want the crates. I really don't have a good strategy for getting past here without getting hit, just jump like mad and pray for luck. After you get those crates head down the left path. Use timing when jumping up these platforms to avoid the gas vents. Its best to grab the ledge and then jump up right before the vent goes off. Once at top break the crates for bolts, ammo, and 2 nanotech which you probably need. Turn right, hit the swingshot target, then defeat the baddie here. Break the crates (beware of frogs) and then continue through the door. After you break each thing, be ready to fit one of those giant annoying enemies in the glass case. Just stay away from them and use the blaster, because melee combat is kind of hard. Now continue forward and defeat some more frogs. Watch out for the ones that come down from the ceiling. Continue through here to the end, jump up, and use your blaster on another enemy. Continue forward, get more ammo if you need it from the vendor, and then use your suck cannon on the frogs, and fire the missiles at the huge guys. Grab all the crates from the little pockets in here. On your right side, top level, second from the left is a pocket that leads to a room with a gold bolt. Defeat the frogs and smash the crates here, grab it, and then head back out. Jump down, and before breaking the things, use your taunter in front of the barrier. Now hit the things, head through and defeat the remaining enemy in here, and head to your left, defeat the frogs, and use your taunter again. Head back and break the thing in the middle by throwing your wrench at it (crouch and attack) and then jump to the platform on your left. Use your taunter once again and then break this barrier and continue on. Yet again, use your taunter and release the barrier. Grab the nanotech and head through the doorway on your left. Boss time. Boss: Nebula Queen Difficulty: 3/10 This boss is pretty easy. Play evasively and use your blaster. Use your blaster as she charges as you, and when she backs up to attack, head right. Use your blaster once more, and when she turns and backs to attack, move right again. Repeat this process till she releases some frogs. Suck them up with the suck cannon and shoot the missiles at her. If you do this right you should get the second wave of enemies, 2 of those giant annoying ones, before the frogs are defeated. At this point, continue sucking up frogs and then focus missiles on these things. If you run out before they are defeated just whip out your blaster again and finish them off. Now, finish off the queen with the same tactic, and she should die in no time. Note: I got a suggested strategy from someone saying it is easiest to use 2-3 gloves of doom right off the bat, use the pyrocitor on the small frogs, then use more gloves of doom. Then for the last 2 enemies use glove of doom like mad. Haven't tried this myself, but it sounds like a good tactic. Thanks to Alex Johannes for this strategy, and also for alerting me I said the guide would be updated tomorrow 7 months ago(I will get around to it eventually, need to finish this as well as my Kingdom Hearts 2 guide). After the battle, break all the boxes here, and then head through the open doorway. After talking to the guy here, you need to pay 2,000 bolts for the boots, which you should have no problem. Jump onto the grindrail to head back to your ship, and you are now done with this planet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- g. Planet Rilgar (RACW7) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -You will need 4,000 bolts to bribe a guard for an infobot. Upon arrival here, you are be able to purchase the mine glove from the vendor for 7,500 bolts, but probably do not have enough bolts yet. Even if you do, it is best not to buy it yet, you will need 4,000 to bribe the guard at the end of the first challenge. Best to get the annoying part over with first before you move on to the hoverboard race. However, in this whole section you have no enemies besides a few amoebas on the rather annoying challenge your about to do. Jump onto the platform to your left with the taxi flag on it, then onto the floating platform in the water and use the 2 swingshot targets to reach the other side. If you fall into the water, get out quick before you get eaten by the shark. Once on the other side, hop into the entryway and take the elevator down. Get out your hydrodisplacer. Start by draining the first pool, then hop down and up the platforms in the upper left corner. Head forward and use the hydrodisplacer once again to reach the tunnel. Smash the grates with your wrench and continue forward. For this one, start by draining the pool, then hop onto the tunnel down on your right and smash the grates here. Next, head back up and fill the pool again, then swim back through the tunnel. Swim up, jump onto the platform and smash all the crates, then head down the water tunnel around this circle. Once at the bottom. Press the button and get ready to bolt. A tip for this next part. Whenever you have a chance, use the R1+X to use your pack and jet you forward to buy some time. You can do this before the ramp after the 4 platforms in the beginning, then on the top once (Be careful not to run off the ledge), then after jumping the platforms in the water, use it as much as you can in this series of ramps. Then again, after swimming to the other side, use it after you get to the top of the platform by climbing the ledge, This is all about speed. Run forward, and then jump onto the first platform using the double jump (Be sure not to use the helipack for it will slow you down) and then jump to each additional platform using only single jumps to gain time. Run up the ramp on the left at the top, and once again use single jumps to hop up the 2 steps in front of you. Simply jump over the amoebas and avoid fighting them, and for the final one double jump to make it to the platform in the water. Continue to the next platform, and then keep running. If the water is up to you and slowing you down, keep jumping and moving forward to try to get out of it. Now for this next part, you need to get into the water (By the way, if the water is already at the top of the ramp while you are, you are probably screwed). Jump forward before diving in and then dive in and swim down, around the corner, and head up quickly before the water reaches the top. Jump up the ledges, head forward past the amoeba, and use the helipack R1+X combo to reach this first platform, then just hop down to the second platform. Use the R1+X combo again to reach the end, and then run forward as far as you can then dive into the water. For this last part you need to dive underwater once more, then swim quickly to the other side and ascend the final tunnel to the top. Head forward and take the elevator. Once at the top, head forward to talk to the guard. After paying him 4,000 bolts which you should have as long as you didn't buy the mine glove, you get the infobot for Umbris. Take the taxi back to your ship. Now, take the right path. Jump onto the floating platform and jump up and press the button. Grab the ammo crates, then whip out your blaster. Defeat the first enemy however, then use your blaster at range to take out the tank. Head in and break the crates in the corner, then head left and jump onto the floating platform. Continue forward and press the button. Defeat the 4 enemies however, but the blaster works pretty well here. For the amoebas however, the pyrocitor is always the best choice. Hit the big one first to make 2 smaller onces. Do a quick semi circle while shooting to break each of them down, then repeat. This works best with rooms full of lots of big amoebas, but if you get surrounded just do a whole circle. Head forward and activate the bridge. Use your blaster on these enemies here, then head right and take the elevator. Defeat the amoeba and push the button here to open the gate to the taxi which lets you continue the level. Do you notice how damn many buttons this level has? Anyway, you will need to defeat a few enemies before taking the taxi. Once off the taxi, use your blaster to defeat some more enemies and a tank. You can jump on top of the sewer lids to reach platforms with some bolt crates. Before moving on head to the left of the area and talk to the guy here to learn about the R.Y.N.O. which is a pretty sweet weapon, but I'll let you find out all about it when you buy it, cause if you're like me you'd rather be surprised when you get it instead of finding out right away, which is the same for like rewards at the end of a game. After you are done getting the crates here head to the upper left and press the button to activate the elevator, defeat the couple enemies then take the elevator. Start by circling around this room grabbing all the boxes, then jump down in the middle, use the pyrocitor on the amoebas, then hit yet another button. Keep your pyrocitor out and defeat the 9 enemies than come at you. Head through the door to the left of the ladder for another elevator into an area with lotza lazers. Look to your left and see the gold bolt. By the way, there is no way to deactivate those lasers, and no way past them, but you can still get that bolt during this runthrough; I'll tell you in a second. Hit the button to deactivate the lasers, to your right, then hit the next one to deactivate the ones leading to the enemies in the corner. Grab the boxes and hit the button to deactivate the next lasers, then hit the next one to fight the amoebas. By this time, I'm getting too damn tired of saying hit the button every time for the lasers, so from now on im just gonna say HTB. After defeating the amoebas HTB to deactivate the L's to your left, then HTB to deactivate the L's to your right, then HTB to get out. Jump onto that sewer lid and kill the tank, then turn around and look back toward the L field. When it rises up, jump to that little blue corner piece platform there. Simply hop across them to reach the opposite corner, then hop down for the Gold bolt. Actually, you can just run across, which is probably easier, but whatever. You can also hit that button at the end to defeat the rest of the enemies, but unless you need bolts I see it to be nothing more than a waste of time. Now, jump back onto that sewer lid and onto the platform, defeat the tank, break the boxes, then continue and take the E. Once at top, talk to the lady in the middle and after the cut-scene you can do the hoverboard race. Challenge: Hoverboard race Difficulty: 6/10 Since writing a full walkthrough would be a waste of my time and yours, since this is all about experience, ill just say hit every turbo pad, and cut the corners. Oh, and be sure not to hit TNT boxes. Heres a few tips. -Take the first turbo pad, swerve left, take the ramp but DO NOT JUMP. Unless you are without turbo, in which case if you don't jump your screwed. Just ride it out, jump at the end for turbo. -On the third corner, be sure to be on the upper platforms, and when you hit the turbo, swerve right and aim straight for that turbo ring. -After that, be sure to land on the right ramp for the turbo ring, then swerve down and hit the ramp through the boxes. -After getting the turbo ring or pad or both, cut the corner with the amoebas. Once you learn the course pretty well, you should have turbo almost the entire time. That's all I can do to help, good luck! Once you win the race, you get a zoomerator 3000, which gives you turbo for stunts in your next hover board race. That's right, your next hoverboard race! That one REALLY sucks. Take the cab back to your ship and you are done with this level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- h. Planet Umbris (RACW8) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Buy the mine glove if you haven't already if you want it, break the crates around your ship, then head forward and use the 2 swingshot targets. After landing, smash the crates, but be sure to stay clear of the spread bomb shooter. Use your blaster on it then continue across the bridge on your right. Defeat another one of these, then break the crates off to the right of this area. Be careful before heading forward of the ground machine gun; you cannot destroy it. Shooting it makes it turn off for about 5 seconds before it starts again, and you will be in its firing range before you can shoot with your blaster. Just strafe left and right while jumping to avoid it, then shoot it with your blaster when in range and run past quickly. Ascend the ledges and watch out for the spike ball around the corner. Continue around, smash the crates, and be ready to kill all the spike balls coming through the bridge. The easiest way is to use the blaster and just shoot when the first one starts heading down the bridge. Keep shooting small bursts till they are all dead, then continue to the end of the bridge, and from here defeat both the bomb launchers. Head of the stairs and be ready for the 2 spike balls at the top. After defeating them head down the bridge on the right. The spike balls here do not follow down the bridge, so just shoot them with the blaster while off the bridge to avoid drawing them open. Hit the 3 buttons in front of the door to open it. This is pretty much just a sample of the 3 button system which you will also encounter ahead a few times. If you are running out of blaster ammo, switch to your bomb glove. Hit the 3 targets here and head through the door near the top. Get across this bridge quickly because it collapses, and watch the gap before the last platform, be sure to jump it. Get the boxes here then head left, once again run quick and watch out for the gaps. There is one a bit after midway and before the end. Head left around the barbed wire and smash the crates, then head right but watch out for the machine gun. You are safe from it if you are on the very right ledge here. Break the crates then head forward and left, and then continue forward and right to the tnt and bolt crates on the right side. Smash them, then run left, behind the machine gun, then use the first swingshot target, be sure to land or you will not shoot the other swingshot before you sink into the water, then shoot the other one. There is a gold bolt in the building to your right. To get it, head toward the building, and look right. You should see a ledge with a button. Jump to it, hit the button, run around to the second button, then jump onto the last platform for the third button and some crates. Head back, and into the building for the gold bolt and a bunch of bolt and ammo crates. Head out and forward this time. This next area you need to hit 3 buttons in the midst of the machine gunning. Follow these directions: Head left and watch out for the machine gun, take the right fork, hit the machine gun then hit the first button. Continue right, and just before you reach the bolt crates look left for the second button (Watch out for the machine gun of course), hit it, then run past the crates and take a right for the final button. Head back and break any crates if you want to, then destroy the spike balls here however, and head all the way back where you came in to the little door that opened in the corner. Ascend the stairs and defeat all the spike balls here. I just did it by busting in with the pyrocitor, which is easy and quick, but if you want to play it safe use the blaster. Smash the rest of the crates, then touch the 3 buttons to open the left door. Don't worry about the right door, you will get to it soon enough. Head through the door, climb the long ladder, and there will now be some hydrodisplacer targets. Drain the first pool, nail the fish, and then head through the tunnel on the right and take care of the next 2. Head up the steps to the right, and head all the way right. Looking over the edge at the right angle you will see a gold bolt. Hop down and get it, then hit the 3 buttons to open the door. You be where you defeat all the spike balls, so head back up the ladder through the left door and back to where you jumped off. For the next pool on your right, jump down and kill the fishes, then jump back up and fill the pool. Swim across, jump up and drain this pool. There is a nanotech on the opposite ledge if you need it. Head down and kill all 4 fish, then head back up and fill the pool again, dive in and head left, and jump onto the ledge to your left. Drain the pool up here, then use the swingshots to the other side. Break the crates, continue forward and before filling the pool, hop down and defeat the 5 fish. Fill the pool and hit the 3 buttons on the middle platform, then head back and drain the pool once more, then head back forward and jump up and through the doorway. Grab all ammo and bolts through this hall, and to the end with the platform with qwark. Watch the cut-scene. Boss: Blargian Snagglebeast Difficulty: 7/10 This guy ain't too hard once you get the hang of him. You will be using your blaster for this battle. You may be near out, so grab the ammo crates. He has 3 main attacks. He will stomp each foot and send out waves of fire (jump to dodge, do not move), he will shoot a laser at you which usually don't hit you, but move or the fire from the hitspot will, and when you get real close he will shoot loads of fireballs from his hands. As you damage him, you will notice him raise a shield. At this point, run backwards till you reach the bridge and cross it. He will fall into the lava and become more damages. Now resume your attacks. He will raise a shield once again, use the same tactic, and continue till he raises his shield the 3rd and final time, and lead him across the last bridge and he will die. During the sequence of the battle, be sure to pick up the ammo and nanotech crates as you need them. If you run out of blaster ammo, use your bomb glove. After the battle, head to the open door in the corner to find a new ship and a cut-scene and the info-bot for Planet Batalia. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- i. Planet Batalia (RACW9) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have 12,000 bolts, buy the devastator (it's only 10,000, but you need 2,000 for an info-bot in this stage). Head down the ramp and to the right and break the bolt crates. The first area I'll cover is the grind rail. Head up the ramp to the right and hop onto the rail. Immediately after turning the corner, flip onto the left rail. Then after doing a u-turn, hop the loop, and be ready to hop a gap (it can come up as a surprise because of the camera angles). After heading through the tunnel, hop 2 more loops and a mine, and then flip onto the right rail when it appears and jump over the mine there. Shortly after flip onto the rail on the left side, and descend the spiral hoping over the various mine and the gap near the end. After heading through the tunnel and getting the bolts here, flip onto the right rail which appears shortly after. You can flip onto the loop on the left side and grab the bolts around here if you'd like, but it does not lead anywhere. Continue ascending and flip onto the left rail, and then quickly back onto the right. Continue hoping the mines, then once you head down the slope and off the end you're done. After watching the cut-scene, and then pay the 2,000 bolts to get the info-bot to planet. Now take the teleporter back to the platform you started on, and head down, break the boxes in the room on the right if you haven't already, and then whip out your suck cannon or blaster and take care of the enemies at the bottom of the ramp. If you used the suck cannon, use the projectiles to clear the enemies out of the area to the right of them. Afterward, you can hop up the wall on the right for some bolt crates, and then jump back down and head to the building opposite of this one and break the trespasser lock. Once inside, just stand in the middle of the room and use your taunter in all directions (not necessary of course, but always fun). Now head out and wall dump up to the roof of this building in the area where the trespasser lock was, and grab the gold bolt up here. Now head back down and proceed across the bridge to get on with the level. Head across the narrow pathway on the left area of the bridge, and then take care of the enemies on the other side by any means. After taking care of these enemies, smash the boxes on the right, and smash the ammo and bolt boxes in the area revealed. Next, head back out and down the ramp on the left. Blaster works best down here to take care of the enemies. After they are taken care of, use the bolt crank, and then head back up the ramp. Use the blaster or devastator on the tank rolling across the newely-extended bridge, then continue forward into the room with the nano and bolt crates. Now, head up the steps on the right of here. Once on top, face right and helipack over to this platform to grab onto the ledge. Destroy the bolt crates, and leap around the platforms to a large platform with a gold bolt. Once you are finished, head back around the way you came and jump into the river. Once at the bottom use your blaster on the 2 enemies here, then use your blaster or devastator on the tank at the bottom. Turn the 2 bolt crates once all baddies are taken care of, and then head up the steps a bit further up. Cross the bridge for a cut-scene and info-bot to Planet Orxon. There is only one mission left on the planet, but you need Magneboots to do it. These are on Orxon, so once you get them you can come back to the planet and refer to the guide below. Once you return to the planet, head down and to the left to take the cab to the ventilation shaft. Be sure to JUMP onto the shaft; if you walk you will fall. Also, make sure you feel well because this can be extremely nauseating (just a suggestion). Walk along the shaft, being careful not to fall off. Use your R3 stick to adjust camera angles so your Left stick actually moves you in the direction you want to move. You will come across 4 enemies shortly after starting. Whack them once with your wrench, and then continue on. Now, before heading up the shaft on the left be careful because your camera view can screw you over and run you right off the ledge. Continue along the shaft until you reach the hole in the wall. Now, whip out your suck cannon and suck up as many small enemies as you can, and then fire the projectiles on the larger enemy here. Next, blow up the spawning thing at the back of here. Afterward, you can head up the ramp on the right and extend the bridge if you want. There are also some boxes along the ledge to the left. Next, Jump up on the left platform afterward. Defeat the 2 tanks that appear with the devastator or blaster, defeat all the small enemies, and then use your wrench on the bolt crank to open the door. Head across for a cut- scene. Afterward, break the crates around this area, and then enter the turret. Once inside the turret, mind your health in the lower left, and blast the 4 ships (orange dots on the radar). Beware of the incoming missiles (white/red dots on the radar); always shoot those down when you see them coming (when they turn to blinking red on the radar). This is pretty simply up till the last ship, when you get freaking barraged with missiles. Keep in mind it only takes 4 missiles to destroy the turret, but they are very easy to shoot down. If you fire a shot while a missile is in your crosshairs, it always gets shot down. The problem is when the missiles are able to "sneak up" on you. Always be looking at your radar since they can sometimes blend in and be hard to see, and they can also come from the sides or top and bottom. Once all the ships are destroyed, you get a metal detector (sweet!) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- j. Planet Orxon (RACWA0) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I put Orxon first since it has the magneboots, but you can do either Gasper or Orxon after Batalia. On your first visit to Orxon, you will be playing as Clank only since an O2 mask is needed for Ratchet. Break all the crates on the starting platform, and then head into the tunnel. Ignore the enemy you see to the left, and continue heading forward, break the crated, and then jump down and defeat the enemy. Break the 2 cases for the bots, and tell them to ENTER to send them to the top platform where you just came from. Next jump down into the area below, defeat the 2 badies here, and free the last bot and tell him to enter this port and then the next one. Once on top, bring the bots with you and tell them to ATTACK the baddie that you passed earlier. If you lost any bots during the attack, go get them from their spawn point and bring them back up here. Tell them to ENTER the doorway. Defeat the baddie in here and then break the crates. Continue on, break the crates along the way and then free the 2 bots here. You can use them to attack the 2 baddies in front of you. Continue on to the left defeating enemies and breaking crates. Once you reach the bot port, send your bots in and them send them into the doorway at the top. However, you still need 4 bots. Jump down to the right and free the 2 bots on the left side of this area. Then head right and free the remaining 2. After breaking the crates, ascend the stairs to the right of the 2 bots you just freed and have them follow you all the way back up and around to the bot port, enter them and then send them into the doorway to open the door. Free the 2 bots here, and then jump onto the ledge on the right. Break the crates up here (careful of the TNT), and then jump down on the other side. Blow the TNT here, stand on the button in front of the door and then tell your bots to FOLLOW you. Now for the next door, tell your bots to WAIT on the button, run through to the other side and stand on the button here, and then bring your bots to you. Break the boxes and TNT on the right ledge, and then break the crates on the right side of the room. Free the bot on the left, and defeat the baddie in front of you. Send your bots into the port, and then break the 4 crates on the left of you. Head up to the top through the port or ledge, and then break the crates and free the remaining bot on the left. Now, jump onto the platform on the right side of this room, and then head forward to the other side of the door. Jump onto the TNT on the left, and then break the boxes around the room. Free the final bot, and then head up top and activate the TNT on the left. Afterward go back down to the button and bring your bots through the open door, tell them to enter the port, and finally send them into the doorway. Break all the crates in this room, and then head through the door to receive the Magneboots. After the short cut-scene, break the remaining crates here, and then jump off the right side to continue on with the level. Start by freeing the bot right here, then head forward and right to free 2 more bots and break some crates. Watch out for the bombs here (they turn red over time, and then explode). After freeing the bot here, head back and forward, and then right. Blow up the TNT and then free another bot. Just to the left of here are 2 more bots to free. Wait your bots and then explode the 2 TNT boxes and free the bots. Head out this area and to the right, blow up the TNT, and head into the room. Before starting, make sure you have SIX bots. Some may have died by the bombs. It helps to do periodic checks to make sure you don't leave any bots behind. Once inside, stay on the level you are on, wait till the light thing passes on the right, and then head right. Bring your bots up the ramp to the next level, wait for the electric thing to pass again, and then take your bots around this corner and ascend the ramp on the right to the next level. Next, you need to head forward, staying on this level. If you want, tell your bots to wait and break the crates on the left. Once the electric thing passes, quickly bring your bots forward and head up the ramp to the next level. Once the electric ball passes, bring your bots right and then head straight. Head through the doorway on the right, walk across this platform all the way to the door at the other end, and enter your bots. In this next area, free the bot at the start, and then head right. Free 2 more bots, then order the 3 to attack the snapper in the middle. Free 2 more bots, then head back and tell them to attack the snapper that you saw when you entered. Kill the rest of the enemies, free the 3 additional bots, and then continue progressing. Kill the next snapper, free 2 more bots on the left, and then attack the final snapper. Break the crates on the right side, and then bring your grand army of bots to the doorway and tell them to enter. After the cannon cut-scene, collect the bolts around here and break the crates on the left side. Head forward for the info-bot. Finally, head down to the left and jump off the right side of the bridge or take the platform down back to your ship. The info-bot is to Planet Pokitaru. You need an O2 mask to do the remaining mission of this level, which is on Pokitaru. Once you have it, refer to the guide below. As Ratchet (Do after Pokitaru): Once out of your ship, restock on any ammo if need be, and then head over to the platform with the box stack. From here, glide down to the platform below. These sleeping guys are best defeated at range, since when you attack them melee or short range, they will attack you each time you attack them. After attacking him, attack the rotating thingy to the left to bring down the force field, and head through. Break the crates and attack the 2 birds with your pryocitor, and cross the 2 platforms. Immediately after crossing, take out the floating guy to keep him from warning all the sleeping baddies here. Once you take care of him, eliminate the enemies around here one at a time, then break the force field on the right. On the other side is a gadgetron vendor, and 2 different paths. The right one leads to an infobot, and the left one leads to a nanotech vendor. I will cover the left path first, since additional nanotech helps on the right path. However, you buy them in 2 incriments. The first give +1, and the second gives +3. The +1 only costs 4,000 bolts, whereas the +3 costs 30,000. You can however teleport back here at any time to buy the extra 3. Start down the left path, and get our your devastator. Once the ship appears, shift back out of range of its missiles, and use the devastator on it in first-person view (L1). Break the crates around here, and then head forward and jump up the ledge on the right. Take care of the shooter in here by any means, then blast the crates. Head into the right room, smash the crates, and then head left and take care of the baddie in here. Bust the remaining crates, and bring down the force field. Use your blaster on the enemies here (the birds only take one blaster shot). Afterward start heading across the platforms till a ship appears, and then immediately head back and use your devastator on it. Break the boxes on the right platform if you want, and then follow the platforms across to the other side. Stay on the last platform and blaster the chomper on the other side, break the crates and then blaster the remaining chomper on the left. Use your metal detector here if you want, break the crates, then jump across the platform on the left, then to the next one. Remain here and take care of all the baddies on this platform with any ranged weapon. Take out the force field, and use a ranged weapon on the 2 clippers on the other side. Hop across the platforms and smash the box on the other side. Take out the flamer on this platform (one blaster shot should knock him off) and then proceed. Take out the other flamer and then head across to the grassy area to break the crates and continue right. Take the platform up, whip out your taunter to take care of all the crates in here. Now, for the nanotech dispenser. The +1 costs 4,000 bolts. I laugh at you if you can't afford it since you get close to 4,000 just from the run. The larger amount is 30,000 bolts, which unless you farm bolts freely you definitely won't have. But smile, you now have an extra health! Probably best to save up for the nanotech before you buy more weapons though, since it's a grand asset in the coming levels. Hop down to the left, and then head right out of the tunnel. Take the new platform out here back down to the area you followed previously, and head back to the vendor. Replenish your ammo if the need arose, and then head right. Start by killing the enemy right in front of you, and then defeat the enemies in the hole with your blaster from the ledge above. If you look ahead, you can see the infobot. Defeat the enemies on the opposing ledge from afar, and head over and grab the infobot to finish the level. Once you head over to the infobot, he will actually run. Sorry to get your hopes up, but you have a long, painful path ahead of you. Start by heading up the metal shaft till you get to the flaming things. In the hands of a skilled player, ratchet can be maneuvered around these, but since your using my walkthrough, just wait till they turn off. Once past here, maneuver forward and take care of the birds with your wrench. If a bird is heading toward you just keep constantly attacking, since its somewhat difficult to hit them right on the mark. Before coming off the metal shaft, there is a glitch here. Sometimes when you run off the shaft to the right instead of taking it all the way down, you will wind up on a small piece of land with the rest of the level just greenness. The only way out of here, unfortunately, is to die. It's an odd glitch but it will punish the impatient. Once off the shaft, jump down into the small pit, whip out your taunter and let the idiots run into the force field. You also get a skill point, but this is generally just the best method to kill these guys instead of swing-shoting over into a painful, close range battle. With the infobot taunting you again, swingshot across and take care of the 3 bids, best with the pyrocitor but pretty simple with the blaster as well. Continue onward across to the next platform, take care of the force field switch, and then hop up and carefully take care of the 2 clippers up here. Head right, bring down the force field, and use your blaster on the remaining enemies. Head forward and watch the info bot run some more. Once he does, back up and whip out your devastator. Take out the newly spawned ship, and then take care of the enemies in front of you at range. Continue around the corner, attacking the baddies and smashing crates and you will see the infobot alas trapped in a room with nowhere to run.but your STILL not done. In fact, the hardest part is yet to come. Run up the right side to grab the infobot. Now that you are finished with that unholy area, jump down the hole and head right. Use your suck cannon or pyrocitor on the baddies here, and just follow the path you went on before as clank back to your ship to complete the stage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- k. Planet Gaspar (RACWA1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You are now able to buy the Walloper for 7,500 bolts if you want. Its an unlimited ammo weapon which when used, you will charge at an enemy, delivering a powerful punch. Head forward and take the platform down. Use the suck cannon on these enemies and then fire the projectiles at the spawn point and at the other enemy forward a bit. In front of you is a turret. Use that to blast the wall to your right, and also blast the few baddies on the other side. Head through the newly opened door, smash the crates on the right side, and pick up the bolts from the enemies you killed. Be careful with the detonating balls here. The easiest way to deal with them is to start shooting them before they even charge at you, and destroy them before they reach you. Do NOT try running from these, because it is extremely hard to avoid being hit. If they do get to you, use your ratchet. It only takes 3 hits, so if you want to save ammo you can just pull them all to you and go nuts. Anyway, continue around the corner on the left and take care of the baddie that pops out. Use your suck cannon on the small enemies from across the lava, and then shoot the projectiles at the bigger enemy and the spawn point. Head right, and then use your blaster or walloper on the 3 other exploding balls here. Use an explosive on the 4 crates on the right here, and then shoot the other exploding ball on the other side of the lava. Head up the slope, destroy the enemy at the top, jump across the 3 platforms on the right, and use the turret to blow open the door on the other side. Heli-pack down and head through the newely opened door. Head up the elevator and use your suck cannon or wrench on the 4 baddies here. The detonating balls here are best defended against by using your wrench. Head up the ramp on the right, smash the boxes, and use your blaster or devastator on these enemies. Glove of doom also works well. They will occasionally shoot themselves as well, which will help you out. Continue on down the ramp and use your blaster on the enemies here. There are 2 basically simple ways to take care of these enemies. Either stand to one side until the enemies start firing, and when they do you move to the other side and take one out, or the easiest way is to just hop in the turret and take care of them all this way. Once all enemies are subdued, blast the door to the left out using the turret. Head through it and take out the 2 baddies here, but do not get too close to them. There are some detonating balls near them and if you activate them while you still have the 2 shooters, it becomes much harder. Use your blaster or devastator once again here, and then take care of the detonating balls however. Smash the crates on the right for some bolts and nanotech. Head right of the enemies which you just killed to get the pilots helmet. After the short cut-scene, break all the bolt crates. -The rest of the level is optional, but it gives you 2 gold bolts. If you want the gold bolts, start by heading into the hollow hill at the upper right of this platform. If not, take the platform on the left down, head left and then right, head up and back to your ship. Skip ahead to the next stage. Straight upon descent, you will have an enemy firing on you. Take him out by any means, and then take care of the smaller enemies. Now, whip out your suck cannon and use it to take care of the cluster of small baddies and the 2 spawn points just ahead. Once again, careful of the detonating balls here. Once these are all taken care of, use your blaster on the other baddie ahead. Head forward a bit more to come across 2 more shooters. They are relatively simple since you only need to fight one at a time. After these are taken care of head left and take out 2 more shooters with a ranged weapon. After these, continue forward and there will now be about 3 shooters in front of you, with another 2 or 3 behind. Simply run up and close-range them. Doing so will allow fire from the shooters behind to friendly fire the ones you are engaged with. Afterward take care of the remaining shooters behind with your blaster. The next room contains shooters everywhere around it. Easiest method here is to just jump around dodging their fire, and taking them out one at a time with your wrench slam move (jump, then square). It only takes one of these to take out a shooter. Once these enemies are subdued, you can user your metal detector to suck up bolts around here. Upon coming out, head left and break the boxes and pick up the gold bolt. Jump down to your ship. For the next portion of the level, head over to the 3 bolt crates to the left of you if you are facing your ship. If you broke them already, just look around off the left ledge for a platform below. Helipack down to this platform. Break the bolt crates ahead of you, and then get your swingshot ready. Jump onto the floating platform ahead of you, and then quickly jump and hit the 2 swingshot targets and land on the platform in the lava. Afterward, helipack down to the next platform. Get your suck cannon and take care of the 3 small enemies here. Afterward, destroy the mechanism behind them to sink the docked ship and reveal a swingshot path. Take the swingshot across. Take care of the enemies on the other side and then helipack on the platform on the other side. Take the 5-swingshot path to the other side. If you sway a lot, you'll need to land on the floating platform, but if you went pretty straight you can reach the main platform. After defeating the enemies, head up the steps to the right that lead around the hill. Destroy the ship on the platform in front of you to reveal a swingshot. Use this to reach the opposing ledge. Use your metal detector if you want, then head around the hill, taking care of the small baddies along the way. Take the platform down, grab the loose bolts on the ledge to your right if you want, then head left and destroy the ship. Use the 3-target swingshot, and be careful to stay on course as not to miss the floating platform. Once you land, quickly head across to the left. Head up and right on this platform and jump across the platforms to a platform with a gold bolt. Now head back to your ship and you are done with this level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- l. Planet Pokitaru (RACWA2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Start by heading down the steps next to the gadgetron vendor for a cut- scene. After the scene, get our your suck cannon, and head down the steps to the left. Take care of the small baddies, and then use the projectiles on the bigger creature. Once you're done here, hop onto the raft in the upper right and get out your pyrocitor. Take care of any small baddies which jump onto here. Once on land again, use your suck cannon or pryocitor to clear the enemies out of the lake area, and then smash the crates around here. After done here, head forward and left, take care of more small baddies, and use your metal detector if you want. Continue forward, take out more small sea creatures, and then smash all the crates around here. When finished, hop onto the raft in the upper right. Once again, use your pryocitor. Once on the other side, hop onto the platform, smash the crates and head forward. Once up the steps, head across the newly-extended bridge. Once on the other side, take care of more small baddies, and continue clearing them till you get to the area with the stack of TNT. Best weapon here is pyrocitor since there are so many small guys. Once the area is clear, activate the switch on the right of this area to extend a bridge. Take care of the remaining baddies around here, and smash any crates along the way. Once the creatures are taken care of, a cut-scene will commence. Afterward, head to the roboshack on the left and buy a thruster pack. You should have no problem with the cost (2,000 bolts which are easily obtained on the run-thru). This thing is neat basically just cause its rockets instead of a helipack, it can hover and slam, and can crouch- jump a little faster. Afterward, head back to the lock and power slam it (Jump, R2). Head in and get into the jet. This objective is relatively simple. You need to destroy the big snake-like ships. Do this by destroying the big ball things on them. Shoot your missiles whenever they lock. When enemy ships attack you, destroy them to get health or additional missiles. Just keep your machine gun button held down for the whole fight. Once you eliminate the 4 ships, you get the O2 mask. Head into the teleporter on the right of the platform to head back to your ship. Refill on ammo if you need it, and then head to the other platform connected to your ship's platform (the one with the teleporter to the sewers). This next part is not necessary to do now, but it's nice to get it done. If you don't want to do it till you have raritanium, then refer back once you have it. Smash the crates on your left and right, then head down into the water. Head through the doorway on the right, head forward and surface to see our favorite enemy, the amoeba. Use your pryocitor on the amoeba, drain the water, and head back through the way you came. Turn right and use your trespasser on the door. Now that the door is open, you need to head back, raise the water again, and swim back through the newly opened door. Now, get out your pryocitor and take care of all the amoebas on the platform here. Use your metal detector if you want, and then ascend the platform ascension which starts in the lower left of this room. The red platforms are solid, and the yellows teeter. Just move quickly and you will be fine. Once on top, destroy the crates and trespasser the lock on the right of the door. Once in, dive into the water and blow the TNT boxes along the way if you want. Follow the tunnel all the way to the end and surface. Use your pyrocitor on the amoeba here as well, then hop onto the platform, smash the crates, and use your trespasser to open the door. Once done, watch the cut-scene. Afterward, you discover you need some raritanium. Once you have it, you can come back and teleport to this guy. Teleport back to your ship to finish the level. Now that you have the 02 mask, you can explore Orxon as Ratchet, which contains the next info bot. Refer to the Orxon guide above. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- m. Planet Hoven (RACWA3) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Replenish your ammo, and then head forward and suck cannon the small bots here. Use the projectiles on the crates, and then head forward. Take out the shooters, and then head to the area behind the trees. Use your pyrocitor on the sea of small baddies here (they take 2 shots, so keep that in mind), and yes, they DO stop coming after a bit. By killing all of them, you also get a skill point. Use the floating platform to wall-jump your way to the top for a gold bolt, and better yet, some nanotech and ammo. Now, head back to the path you came from, take out any shooters you missed previously, and continue down the path. Use your blaster or pyrocitor on the shooters which emerge from the crates ahead of you, then break the crates to your right. Take the platform on the right, and use your pyrocitor on the shooters which come at you in here, while jumping to dodge them. Break the crates, and jump down the hole into some water. Yup, this is a hydrodisplacer objective! Nothings more fun that these! Whip it out and use it on the middle outlet. Next, head around and use it on the outlet on the other side to raise the water level. Now, head over to the patch of land above water, jump up onto it and enter the tunnel. Next, head out and to the platform opposite of this one and use the displacer on the outlet here. Jump onto the floating platform again, and use your displacer on the outlet in the tunnel up here. Now, head across the water to the ledge on the other side and use the displacer here to raise the water level again. You are now able to reach the top platform. Get the bolts on the middle if you want, then head through the doorway next to it. Use your metal detector here if you want, then head down and to the left after emerging from the tunnel. Smash the boxes on the first conveyor belt, clear the room it leads to, and then head forward back on the left path. Defeat some enemies, then destroy the boxes on the second platform. Head forward again and destroy the boxes on the third conveyor and in the room it leads to, and finally destroy the boxes on the last conveyor and room, then head into the room at the end of this area. Buy the hydropack (2,000 bolts). This is a great upgrade for the impatient (myself included) who hate taking an eternity to go anywhere underwater. Take the teleport back to the cave entrance. If you died, start by destroying the empty boxes in the area below, then the respawned shooters. Take the floating platform across, and use your pyrocitor on the mines till they stop spawning. Head right and take out the helicoptor with your devastator to activate the platform down to here. Take it up to the conveyor and use your devastator on the shooters up here. Use your devastator on the copter, destroy crates around here, then wall jump up. Take the conveyor across and use your pyrocitor on the mines which spawn. Wall jump up again, pyrocitor the enemies in the tunnel, then once on the other side jump onto the floating platform and jump backwards to a ledge with some boxes. Now, continue across the platforms. Use your pyrocitor on the mine spawner on the left here, and on the shooters in front of you. Afterward, head into the room with many shooters. Use your blaster here, and switch to your pyrocitor when they come close. Once the enemies are cleared, head out of the room on the opposite side and head left, using your pyrocitor on the mines spawning. Break the boxes, then head back and continue across for a cut-scene. Once its over, head across, use your devastator on the copter, and head left into the turret. This can be somewhat difficult due to the copters endlessly attacking you and the turrets on the ship doing the same. Basically what you need to do is take out the copters whenever they appear, and then attack the ship otherwise. Be sure to attack the choppers IMMEDIATELY when you see them, do not wait for them to attack you. The trick is just to not make this a race. Attack the ship when there are no copters, but immediately divert to attack any copters which appear. Do not worry about the ships turrets, which do an extremely small amount of damage. After the ship is down, an infobot appears for Gemlik Moonbase. Afterward, jump off the platform down to your ship. Now, head into the area behind your ship. Destroy the shooters which charge at you, then break the crates and head outside. Ah, more of these time beacons (or whatever). Hit the first one, then charge at the second one to the right. Nextly, activate hover by taping R1 twice (yes, it actually DOES have a use other than just being cool) and head up the icy hill. Once to the top, switch off hover and jetpack onto the platform for the final beacon. Now, head down and into the newly opened door on the right. Wall jump up, tagging the beacons on your way. This is relatively simple. Once on top, break the crates and then head outside. Head right, activating hover if you are unable to navigate and smash the crates on the other side of the river. Careful not to fall it, because it will KILL you, not hurt. Head back left and into the doorway, time your swingshot to the other side till the beams are moving away from the center. Jump to the icy platform in the water and keep moving, don't stop. Jump once on the other side, take out the small baddies by any means, then time the swingshot. Shoot when the beams are just starting to move down. Smash the crates on the other side, jump to the icy platform, and crouch jump to the next one. Now, you need to hop across 2 more to a larger platform. As before, keep moving. Once on the other side, IMMEDIATELY get out your pyrocitor and take out the baddies. Stay as close to center as you can, because if you get attacked you will get knocked around. Activate hover if you want. Once they are taken care of, break the crates and head right. You need to activate 3 beacons here. The easiest method is to jump and glide as much as possible. Gliding is an easy way to travel since it is unaffected by the ice. Everything else is. Once on the other side, head into the room and break any crates and a cut-scene and you get raritanium. Excuse my grammar. However, now that you have raritanium, head back to pokitaru and get the persuader for a gadgetron discount. Jump out of here down to your ship to finish the level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- n. Gemlik Base (RACWA4) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah, my favorite level! It is just a great level in so many different ways. Good level layout, good music, and also lets you buy some gold weapons on your first run-through. These are in that tower in front of the large sun in front of you, which I'll explain later. Also, if you have the visibomb gun, get it out for a second. Look at the top of the building in front of you (it has 3 glass windows near the top). Just to the upper right of these windows is an opening. Shoot your visibomb gun and navigate the missile down this vent and destroy the generator at the bottom. This opens up a doorway, which leads to a gold bolt later on. Now, on with the level. Before you start proceeding, get out your devastator. See the generator in front of you? Shoot that, then turn right, and shoot the next one. This will make for simpler, quicker passage once you start clearing. Now, on with the stage. Start by gliding down to the platform below. Once you approach the flying birds, they will land. Use your suck cannon or pyrocitor on them, and then continue to smash the crates to the left of the steps, and then head up the steps. Take care of the 2 birds you approach here, then continue forward and smash the crates. Take out the remaining birds, while watching out for the flame waver. Take him out with the projectiles or pyrocitor if used, then open any remaining crates and proceed down to the next platform. Smash the crates on the right, and then jump on the raised platform here and proceed around to behind the small gun bunker. A simple wrench slam will take care of this guy. Break the trespasser lock on the door here, and then proceed through, and immediately up the right steps. Take out the birds up here, then take care of the gunner. Smash the crates, then trespasser the door here and proceed. There will be a raised ledge and a gunner in back. Once you jump up, IMMEDIATELY head left and down into the ditch, and once in the ditch, IMMEDIATELY focus on the 2 flame wavers here to dodge their attacks. Once taken care of, take out the gunner. Continue forward, take out the small birds with suck cannon or pyrocitor, and then use your devastator on the generator. Once the field is down, use your devastator on the ship right away. Head in, smash all the boxes, and then head forward, use your devastator on the 2 ships, and continue. Use your blaster on the enemy on the right, then clear the crates from this area. Once finished, head into the room in the upper left of this area and take the elevator down. Once in this room, there are 4 birds on the other side of the rising acid. 2 will charge at you and you can suck them from across, but you need to cross for the other 2. Once taken care of, smash the crates and then proceed to head down the right tube. You have plenty of time here, so nothing fancy; just wait till the acid rises below the first platform, and cross. Look to your left once on the safe platform. If you took out the generator from before, head through for the gold bolt. If you don't have the visibomb gun, just come back when you have it. Cross the remaining platforms in the same manner as before. For this next acid pool, once it peaks at top, wait 1 second starting when it starts moving back down, then cross. Once on the other side, IMMEDIATELY use your pyrocitor on these baddies. Next, we need to traverse the magnetic shaft. Fairly simple, just follow the fire pool down both times to easily clear this area. Once on the other side, blaster the enemy, break the crates behind him, and turn right. As you can see when the pool depleted, you need to reach the small stack of barrels before the main platform. Start your glide immediately when it shifts and starts moving down. Once on the platform, break the crates on the left and take the elevator in front of you. Once at the floor, you are greeted by a couple small birds. Take care of them, then head up the steps to the right, head right, take care of the birds, and head up another set of steps on the right to a vendor. Replenish your ammo, and then turn back to where you came. Shoot your devastator through the hole here to bring down the force field in front. Downing the ship here is easy, just stay on the step just below the platform and shoot your devastator at it. Head forward, take care of the birds, and head right. Use your metal detector if need be, and then use your trespasser on the door. This one is somewhat difficult, so I'll just give you the solution (if you don't want it, just skip this part: Outer circle: lasers need to be at 5 and 6 o clock, hitting the 12 o clock. Mid circle: Lasers need to be at 4 and 1 o clock, hitting the 7 and 10 o clock. Inner circle: Laser needs to be at 3 o clock, hitting the 9 o clock.) Once inside, a few blaster shots will take care of the barrels and kill the gunners. Now, head back out and down the path the gunners were guarding. This next area is barrels of fun. Take out everything you can with the blaster first, because once you head down, the back door opens and 2 ships start blasting you. Once the ships appear, IMMEDIATELY run back onto the platform you were on previously and devastate the ships (with your devastator, obviously). Once the ships are done, hop back down and clear the rest out. Once this zone is clear, see the 3 holes on the right side? Use your blaster in first-person view and shoot the guys through these holes. Once done, head forward and jump onto the platform on the right. Continue forward and hop up to the right, take out the crates, and proceed around to the right. Once you pass the gun bunkers, head left into an awkward elevator. Walk off the elevator to fall into a room with many, many enemies. Pyrocitor is the golden weapon here. What you want to do first is run around the perimeter of the room, taking out all the spawn points for the small enemies. Start by heading left, underneath the hanging ship. Use the R2+X combo on your pack for quick bursts of speed to stay away from the small baddies. Take out the spawn point in the corner, then turn right and take out the next spawn point. Before the third, a flamer may be near it, so take him out as well. Ease right and take out for forth and final one. Now, head to that opening in this room behind the hanging ship quickly, and take out any remaining small baddies which follow you here. Once they are taken care of, use your blaster on the flamers. Once the zone is clear, take care of the boxes and sweep up all the bolts from fallen foes. Head into the newly opened elevator. Ascend the steps and through the tunnel, up to the flight strip for a cut-scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Qwark- Difficulty: 7/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle is pretty lengthy, but not too hard. First part he shoots missiles at you. Shoot these out with your machine guns, or sway to avoid them. My advice here is to save your missiles, and use your machine guns for the first phase of the fight. Anyway, simply shoot at any engine. Once one is down, he will release mines. The best way to dodge these is to go in one large circle (fly down and left, then up, then right, then down again, more like a box but in a circular manner). However, you can shoot these out as well, so as with the missiles, dodge them if they home in on you at the last moment, shoot them if they are coming right at you. Once 2 engines are out, he will turn at you and launch missiles from altering sides. Simply sway back and forth to take these out simply. Afterward shoot him a bit more, and then he will shield and run. He will then release small enemy ships at you. Nothing special here, just machine gun them down. Once they are taken care of, if you saved your missiles and have about half health, just unleash hell. His first maneuver is to turn at you and shoot missiles. Just barrage him with missiles and he will quickly divert, and then when he starts running again, continue launching missiles to kill him quickly. After the battle, you obtain an infobot for planet Oltanis. Break the crates here and use your metal detector if you want. Now, for the gold weapons! Head to the other side of the landing strip to a tower with a narrow passageway. Head in just enough to wall-jump up to the top. Once on top, take the elevator to the top of the tower to see some available gold weapons. My most suggested weapon is the golden pyrocitor, which is absolutely insane. However, it is 30,000 bolts, and I would still recommend getting the final nanotech increase first, but it is entirely up to you. On your second run-through, you can get the gold version of EVERY weapon, and you also get much more bolts from foes and crates as well. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o. Planet Oltanis (RACWA5) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The telsa claw is now available to buy. This weapon RULES. Just head in, activate it, and it electrocutes nearby enemies. The golden version is insane: it will have an additional electricity beam bouncing from the enemy you currently target, but that's not available till second play-through. Anyway, if you have it, its great on any enemy in this level. If you don't just refer to the weapons I suggested below. The first portion of this level you will be doing without clank. This means no gliding, charging, hovering, or anything else which makes the game more bearable. Start by smashing the crates on the platform, and then take the floating platform down. Once down by the gear statue, head left and take the metal shaft up to an escort platform. This objective can be a major pain, so its best to get it done with. Head up the crate stairway into the icy area, and just keep moving forward. You will get blown to the right, but will wind up right through the open area. Now, another shaft. The mines rotating around this can be destroyed, which makes things much simpler. Just traverse the shaft, crouch-tossing your wrench at any and all mines till you reach the other end. Once on the other end, hop onto the ice and KEEP MOVING. Once you jump the first hole, 2 beams, and right after the final hole slam on the brakes (Joystick backwards, close enough). Take the shaft across to the opposing platform. This part is a bit trickier due to the curve. Not too much worse though, just keep the stick in the upper left to navigate simply across. Don't worry too much about taking a hit from the beams, but don't fall down the holes. Once on the other side, hop up and take another shaft. Toss your wrench at the crates on the side, then proceed. STAY OFF THE ICE! Heading left will blow you back to the shaft, but heading right could mean gg. Head down and toss your wrench at the 2 mines. The third one you need to go into first person to hit. Continue around the shaft, take a look at the gold bolt, and then take the shaft back out. Immediately take out your devastator and nail the ship on the opposing side. Beware the zapper that pops out, and stay away from the edge, because he can knock you off. Once he comes out of the hole to the left of the ship, blaster him. You can use your metal detector here too. Have fun. Nextly, head left of the hole where the zapper popped out of, and grab onto the wall here. Shimmy right, all the way PAST the path you can jump up onto. You will reach another platform with a gold bolt. If you don't want to risk the die, don't bother, but its little risk for a gold bolt. Now, getting back onto the ledge is, for lack of a better word, a bitch. Damn near impossible, but hey maybe you'll get lucky. Best advice I can offer is to jump just barely out and then quickly about- face and head back toward the ledge. Nonetheless, whether dead or not, I'm going to pick back up on that path you crossed to get to the bolt. The wind will blow you here, and be careful, because the platform you need to reach is shifted off to the right. Start heading right after hopping 2 beams, and double jump onto the platform on the right once in range. Head forward for a cut-scene, and then buy the PDA for 1,000 bolts. Smash the crates, then take the shaft in the corner back to the starting platform. Once off, head left. Hop down and use your suck cannon, then head forward and take out the bots that appear with projectiles or the blaster. Jump to avoid their beams. Destroy the crates behind them, hop up, and devastate the ship with 3 rockets. Continue forward, suck the 5 small baddies, and use the projectiles on the bots which appear once again. Head left and up the platform. This next battle will be one of hit and run. Don't worry about the ship just yet. First, we need to take out those beamers. Hop up, and shoot them as much as you can, but when they start shooting, immediately hop back down. They will reset in their hole. Repeat till they are destroyed, then take out the ship. Once this area is cleared, take out the crates here, then hop onto the grind rail. Once on the other side, get ready for fight. Right when you hop off, get your wrench and immediately wrench slam the spawn point on the right side. If done right, you should be able to take out 3 enemies in one shot. After, head left and wrench slam the remaining guys. Cross the bridge and look up to your right. Use the swingshot to reach an area with a gold bolt. Head back out and right. Hop up, clear out the ship, and continue across this platform. Ascend the platforms on the other end, take care of the beamers here by any means, then head right onto the bridge. Jump to avoid the gun turret, and pass by it. Continue right and suck cannon the small bots here. You now get to enjoy a multi-grind rail grind. Right when you hop on, enemies will hop out and chase you. This part requires you to alter from one rail to the other in order to dodge the beams. I am not sure if these are random or not, but it is not to difficult to avoid. In a short time, you will come upon a force field in the middle rail, so stay away from that. Then hit the left rail, dodge the mine, then after this field hit the right rail and once again, dodge the mine. Now just ride the rail out and hop off for a cut-scene. Buy the infobot for 2,000 bolts. Afterward, smash the crates around this area, then hit the button and jump down. Head back to your ship and replenish ammo if need be. Now, head across the platform to the taxi, and take it to the upper city. Head forward, and just run under this security bot when he is near the end of the path. Head forward and take out the enemies and guns, then jump up onto the ledge. If you have the telsa claw, this is a great place to use it. If now, just use the suck cannon. Now, for this swingshot up ahead on the far platform, best thing to do is wait till the guns are cross-firing. Once they start moving back outward, swingshot up. Run up and just wrench the enemies and guns. Once done here, head up the ladder on the right. Stay on one side here and just time the drones right to run past them. Once these 3 are passed, take out the 3 small robot enemies, then stay on the right or left side, whichever is clear, to avoid the next drone. Once on the end of the platform, use your swingshot whenever to hit the floating platform. Follow it around till you see the opening with the swingshot in it, and shoot into there. For this next room, you can either follow it around counter-clockwise, or time it through the middle. Do whatever you feel more comfortable with. Once on the other side, cross the platforms quickly and be careful of the gun turret. Now, once on this platform, swingshot to the first floating platform, then to the second. Once on the third, just follow it around and blast EVERYTHING. Once everything is annihilated, jump down and climb the ladder to get the morph-o-ray (awesome!) Take the grind rail back down to your ship and watch a ship destroy the statue in the middle, revealing a button. Go hit it to reveal a swingshot path. This path results in a gold bolt. This is actually kinda fun, but kinda difficult, but still kinda fun. Start by taking the LONG first swing to a stable platform. From here, look off the left. You will see lone swingshot targets floating around out there. Look at the yellow swingshot target, and then wait for the green one to go a fair distance away. Use your swingshot and you should come close to it, but remember it's a green target. It will pull you in, not swing you across. Once you hit it, immediately swing the 2 yellow targets, and finally the green one. Now comes a tricky part. This part is vice-versa. You need to swing on a yellow, then pull into a green one, then swing onto a yellow again and finally reach the next platform. Wait till the green drone heads away from you for about 1 second, then start your swing. You should hit the green one, and with enough momentum to reach the final yellow one. If you cut it short, however, you can stay with the green target by simply holding O every time you release from it. This should keep you shooting at it. Anyway, on the final platform, turn left. You need to hit a drone, then hit a yellow target, then another one, and then hope that there's a green target there when you are at the second yellow. If not, just "hang" here for a few seconds till the green one wanders by, and stay clung to it by the tactic mentioned earlier till you are in range of the green target for the final platform with the gold bolt. This really is not that hard to do, you just need to know how to handle your swingshot. Take the taxi back to your ship to complete the stage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- p. Planet Quartu (RACWA6) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Replenish your ammo if need be, then start by breaking the crates then heading up the ladder to your left. Jump into the pool. For the first portion, simply swim through the 3 rings. This will, however, get a bit more complicated (of course). Once the door is opened, head through, avoid the beams (remember to use your hydropack with R1), and then once at the other side surface. Hop to the middle to allow you 1 minute to do what needs to be done. Jump down and head through the tunnel that is in the direction you are heading. Once on the other side, head right through the rings, and head through the newly opened door. Watch out for the first couple beams: they move awkwardly. They will do halfway, stop, and then about face. They are quite simple. The first 2 are awkward, the second 2 are normal, and the last is awkward. If it is moving counterclockwise, move left. If clockwise, move right. Head through the next room, straight ahead, watching out for the few beams here. Head through the tunnel on the opposite end, and watch out for the beams that are here (they are all awkward, but you need to pass below or above them, because they stop horizontally. Once in the next room, head left, watch out for the beams here, and hit the 3 rings as you move around the room. Once through the newly opened door, surface immediately. Break all the boxes here and grab the bolt grabber. You should still be good on ammo, so hop down back to your ship and head right. Use your metal detector here if you want, then use the suck cannon on the smaller enemies and shoot the projectiles at the larger one. Break the boxes all around here, then head across the bridge. Blaster or telsa the enemies here, then use your swingshot. Once on the other side, suck the enemies, then projectile them at the larger electrocuting enemies. Head forward, and suck more enemies. Continue on a bit more and you'll see 5 bots come out of a hole. Head through this area, blastering them along the way (some will be hiding behind the walls here). Continue on, eliminating the rest of the enemies. There is a door in back of this area, but you cannot open it yet. Head into the room on the right, eliminate more small baddies, and then smash the boxes. Head right for a cut-scene. Afterward, head into the circle and transform into giant clank. For the first part, simply head around the circle on the left, killing any enemies along the way. The only thing that can damage you are the copters. Once inside the circle, the best attack is simply your punches. They are much more powerful than missiles. Simply punch your way around the arena and you shouldn't have too hard of a time clearing this area. For the rest of this level, you need the hologuise. It is at Gadgetron Headquarters. Once you have it, refer to the guide below. The factory is the door in the starting area with the small bots and the larger one. Activate your hologuise and wave to the first bot. Once on the other side, take him out, jump up to the left and take out the next bot. Jump up to the next ledge and use your devastator or blaster on the bot a bit ahead. Head forward and through the door on the right. Head left a bit and use your devastator on the bots on the platform and ledge. Head down there, head up the ladder, and shimmy left. Avoid the falling acid and jump up once on the other side. Re- activate your hologuise and wave to the bots here. You now need to take care of these bots. Go over to the button and get out your pyrocitor. Take care of them from here. Jump up the ladder once they are eliminated and forward through the door. Before heading to the ledge, wait till the bots head left into the area. Glide down and head into here and take them out once they head in. Smash all the boxes in here then head back out. Head left, get out your devastator, and cross the conveyor. Once the door opens, use your devastator on the bot in here. Jump up to the right and use your devastator on the next bots you see. Head down to where they were and head right. Use your devastator on the bots on the ledge outside. Swingshot up for another pressure lock (yes, there is more than one!) Hit it with jump+R1, then before opening the door here, put on your hologuise. Wave and then take out the bot and boxes in this area. Head left for a cut-scene. After the cut-scene, look above the computer to see a swingshot. Take it and head through the tunnel into a room with a gold bolt. Take the slide down out of this area back down to your ship to complete the level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- q. Planet Kalebo III (RACWA7) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Replenish ammo is you need it, then break the boxes here and head down the path. Use your blaster on the elite troops here, then use your wrench on the detonating mines when they come at you. Head across the belt to the left next, and use your devastator on the ship once it appears. Destroy it quickly to get rid of some troops right away. Head forward to another gadgetron vendor. Start by heading right and using your suck cannon on the small baddies. If an elite is here, use the projectiles on him. Head left into the room with the prototypes. Use your pyrocitor on them, and once they are all taken care of, head through the newly opened door on the left. Take the elevator up, and once on top, use the bolt crates for cover and blaster or telsa the elites up here. Once they are taken care of, break the crates, turn right and shoot the button to break the force field. Quickly glide across and then take care of the mines in here with your wrench or pyrocitor. Head right, break the crate in the corner, and then head into the prototype room. Once again, use your pyrocitor on these guys. Once the area is clear, head out the door. For these elites, I suggest the devastator. They are quite far out of range, and getting close will hurt. After they are taken care of, take care of the small baddies here. Next, jump onto the ledge to your left. Blaster the exploding mines ahead of you, and then break the crates. Replenish your ammo, then jump/glide to the platform a bit off to the right. Break the crates, then hop down to your left and suck the enemies. Shoot the switch up on the wall here, and then swingshot in. Head into the prototype room and use your pyrocitor once again. Head out and suck the enemies, and then use your blaster or projectiles on the exploding mines. Now, use your devastator on the elites a bit furthur up, and then use it on the ship behind them. Beware, once you hit the elites, they will start shooting you. However, it takes a while for the rocket to reach, so you can probably take out about 3 or 4 and then hide behind the steel crates. Break the crates you hid behind, then head forward and blast the remaining mines and break all the remaining crates in this area. Once on the final platform, head left, and watch the bots come out and fight each other. Once they are done clearing each other, or if you are impatient, once you are done taking care of them, head through the doorway at the opposite end. Smash the crates in here, then head right for a cut-scene. Now, you have a hoverboard race. Challenge: Hoverboard Race Difficulty: 7/10 This one is a bit more difficult than the last one. As before, I will give you a few tips. -Once you hit the first 2 turbo pads, DON'T JUMP! Stay on the ground for the third. -There is a shortcut just a bit past this part, but you need to have a lot of turbo saved up to hit it, or else you will run out and be unable to make it. You also need to still have enough turbo to make the final jump into the tunnel. This is impossible on the first lap. To get enough turbo on the first lap to make it the second time, after you make the jump past the tnt barrier, take the upper path. Hit the 4 turbo pads here. Once these are hit, drop down and hit the remaining pad under this path, stay on the right side of this tnt area, and then just follow the course, hitting the turbo pads and the turbo ring on the jump ahead. Once you near the end, you can go through 3 beacons, which if you don't look closely you probably won't know what they do. There is a shortcut just to the right of the finish line. Strafe right and hit the 2 turbos here. Now, for your second lap, you should be able to make the shortcut if you cut every corner and hit every turbo, but it is still kind of close. -Obviously, shoot your opponents with the missiles you pick up, but your main priority should still be turbo. Once you get first, watch the cut-scene and now you have the hologuise. Head back and through the doorway on the right back to the vendor. Careful; if you died elite troops will be shooting at you. Anyway, head left and up the elevator to a grind rail. Hop on, jump the first barrier, and wrench or jump over the mines that get laid in the way. You can also use weapons on here, so your pyrocitor works well to take care of mines. Continue up till you get to the rail on the left. Shift over to it to dodge the car, then shift back. Next, when the cars start coming again, shift left, then back to center. Shift around to dodge the cars, then get to the right rail quickly. Hit the switch then flip back onto the center rail. Shift onto the right rail when it appears, and ascend this rail, blowing or jumping the mines. Be on the lookout for a switch on the left here, and hit it when you come across it. Continue taking care of mines till you get to the weaving part of the rail. Once it ends, hit another switch, then continue forward and jump the barricade. Shift back onto the left rail after the barricade. Hop another barricade and then make a long jump to the next rail. For these cars, shift left, then right, then right again when the right-most car passes. Next, shift left when the next car passes, then left again, then back to center. Take care of the mine and hop the barricade. Now, shift to the right track when it appears. Hop the barricade, take care of all the mine droppers on this rail, and grab the gold bolt at the end. Shift back onto the main rail (the switches you hit before deactivated the force field here if you haven't figured that out). Continue up, jump again, and once to the other side, jump the barricade and immediately shift left, then back to center. Continue to the end of the rail for a cut-scene. You now have the map-o-matic, which reveals secret areas on your map. Use your metal detector here if you want, then take the taxi outside back to the vendor. Take the path back up to your ship and you are now finished with this stage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- r. Drek's Fleet (RACWA8) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Restock your ammo if you need to and then head to the teleporter past the gadgetron vendor. Break the crates here and then head through the door. Take out the robot inside with any weapon. Put your hologuise on and then head through the next door. Wave to the bot and then take it out. Proceed into the next room and telsa or suck these dog bots. Once cleared, head through the last door, break the boxes, and take the teleported to the last ship. Break the boxes here, then get out your devastator. Head through the door and take care of these 3 bots quickly. If the alarm does get triggered, quickly retreat back to the room you came from. Continue on to the next room, telsa or suck the dogs, and then take out the robots with the devastator. Once again, if the alarm is triggered, retreat back to the room you came from. Now, put your hologuise back on and head through the next door. Wave to the bot, then take it out and teleport to the next ship. Smash the boxes, and then use the swingshot. Once on the other side, get out your telsa claw or pyrocitor quickly and take care of the dogs. Take the nanotech if you need it, then head into the next room and use your blaster or telsa claw here. Try to take out the robot in back first, but if the alarm is triggered just walk back into the previous room. Once this room is cleared, re-activate your hologuise and head into the next room. Wave and then blaster the robot. If you took out all these bots you will have gotten a skill point. Break the boxes in here and then take the teleporter to the flag ship. Use your metal detector here if you want, and then head right and take the elevator. Head forward and then left to another elevator. Enter the ship once in. Once again, this is not too difficult. Just make sure not to crash. Simple circle around and about, firing on turrets whenever you can. If the smaller ships start firing at you, simply take them out before resuming on the turrets. Once the objective is complete, take the elevator back up and to the left and then right. Take the elevator back down. Take the metal shaft across, watching out for the lasers. Once on the other side, take the elevator back down. Note: This next part is optional, but results in a gold bolt. If you do not want it, skip the next paragraph. Now, head back through the door to pass through the room you just came in on the other side. Pass through the lasers again, then get out your devastator. Open the door, and IMMEDIATELY take out the 3 robots inside. If the alarm gets triggered, you're screwed (nowhere to run). The hologuise might prove useful here. Simply walk in, let the dogs run at you and kill themselves. Then, quickly take care of the other robots. Nevertheless, just be ready to wipe out everything in this room. Next, head left and then through the next door. Use your devastator on the robot at the other side, then jump into the middle when it's open and then onto the other side. Finally, head right, jump the lasers here, and then take the gold bolt. Break the forcefield, and then follow the path you previously did to return to the area where you passed the lasers and dogs on the ceiling. Head through the final door for an info-bot. Afterward, break the boxes around here and take the teleporter back to your ship. Restock whatever ammo you need, and then dive into the water. Activate the 3 rings down here, swim through the door, and surface. Step on the button up here and dive in quickly. Swim through the first few nuclear shaped fans, and then get into the lower left section of the tube to avoid the lasers. Continue heading through 3 more fans, and watch out for the mines before the forth. Stay left, and then clear the fan and stay low and then stay left to dodge the upcoming lasers. Continue through the fans and lasers to the end (not too difficult, I got hit 3 times and still had 15 seconds left). Before the end, if you look on your map you will see a secret area which contains a gold bold. Grab it if you want. Anyway, once on the other side, smash the crates here and pick up the thing, which turns out to be a codebot. Use your metal detector here if you want, and then head through the door into a shuttle. Take this back to your ship to complete the stage. Note: Now that you have a codebot, you can unlock the door mentioned back on Quartu for a gold bolt and a storm of bolts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- s. Planet Veldin (RACWA9) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The final stage of the game brings us back to Ratchet's home planet. By this stage you should be able to afford the Ultra nanotech if you have not gotten it already, especially after the 15,000 bolts you get from the codebot door. Replenish your ammo and then break all the boxes around here. Head forward and suck or telsa the small enemies. Take out the elite with a ranged weapon, and then break the crates here. Turn left and take out another elite at range, and then head forward and suck the small enemies. After, devastate the 2 elites to your right, and then head up the steps on the left and follow the path right. Continue on and take care of the 2 small frogs, and then shoot the elite at range. As you head forward a bit more a ship will appear. Send 4 rockets at it to take it out. Next, send 2 rockets at the tank on the other side, and then head around the path to the left, taking care of the frogs along the way. Use a ranged weapon to take out the 4 elites ahead of you, and then take out the tank. Continue forward and suck the frogs here, and then take out the ship ahead of you. If you run out of devastator rockets, run underneath the ship, dodge the occasional shut, and blaster it. Go activate the trespasser lock to the left of the door. Once the lock is cracked, head through and take care of the frogs. Next, take the shaft to the right and follow it up to a hydrodisplacer outlet. Head right to the vendor and restock your ammo, and then activate the displacer outlet. Jump in and activate the pressure switch, and then head forward and climb the ladder. You will be using the blaster, telsa claw, and devastator a LOT here, so if you aren't too stingy about spending some extra bolts, you may want to use your PDA to restock ammo (the devastator is really the only weapon which is truly worth it: telsa claw and blaster are 10x the price, whereas devastator is only 2). Generally for this area, elites are best taken out at close range with the telsa claw, mid-range with blaster, and long range with the devastator. Suck the enemies and use whatever projectiles you can on the elites, and then use the blaster to finish them off. If you are getting hit too much, then back off and use your devastator, but it is best to conserve ammo for tanks and ships. Once they are taken care of, take out the tank with your devastator, and then proceed across the platforms. Take out the frogs on the other side, and then shoot one elite with your blaster and immediately take cover behind one of the things on the side. Use your blaster or claw and circle around slowly, and take the elites out one at a time. Once the close rangers are dead, use your devastators on the ship to the left and the other elites at range. Continue forward, take out the frogs and break the crates. Hop the platforms on the left and hide behind the thing again. Take out the 2 elites here, and then head forward and hop the ledge. Head right and take out the elites here with range, and then take out the ship that's off on the left with 4 devastator rockets. Jump across and up, and suck the frogs here. Head forward, take out more frogs, and then break the ammo crates. Activate the trespasser lock here. For a lock this late, it seems exceedingly simple. Once the door is down, head through, take out the frogs, and head forward through the water and left. Use your metal detector if you want, then take out the elites on the left with range. Once they are dealt with, take out the ship in the back, and then take out the remaining elites here. Use your blaster first, then if you run out restock or use your devastator. Watch out for the hole in the middle here! Once cleared, take the swingshot across and climb the ladder. Head out onto a platform to see a fairly promising fight. Ignore it for the moment (unless you are so confident in your abilities to take on about 10 elites and 3 ships with this much space to move) and head left. Dive into the water, through the hole and surface on the other side. Activate your suck cannon and jump down, take care of the frogs, and head into the pad to transform into giant clank. Bust down the wall, and just missile everything in sight. Once clear, bust the wall in back, and then ascend the ramp to the top for a cut- scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Drek- Difficulty: 9/10 With R.Y.N.O- 2/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A huge factor in this fight if whether you purchased the Ultra Nanotech. If you did not, you will likely have a much harder time on this fight. It is 30,000 bolts, so if you don't have it you may want to buy it if it proves too difficult. You can teleport right back here at any time. After the first 2 phases, be sure to break any remaining ammo crates. Drek's first phase is exceedingly simple. Just go all out on the melee with clank. After a bit of fight he will shrink clank and retreat. Restock ammo from the gadgetron vendor here, then quickly head through the platforms and swingshot targets. Once on the other side, get out your devastator and shoot him any chance you get. This form consists on 2 main attacks. He will release bombs which result in fire waves: jump to avoid. His other attack is a barrage of missiles: simply stay outside of the circles. After some damage he will retreat again. Take the next swingshot/platform path, and get out your devastator again. If you run out of rockets, use your blaster or restock via PDA. This form consists of an additional attack. He will spin out a bunch of mines at yous. Mines are easy to avoid and can be shot, and the spinning balls attack just stay away from him. After a bit more damage he will retreat YET AGAIN. Head across the chunks of land and head across another path. Be advised, at the end of this path, the last platform will fall before you reach it. Make sure your last swingshot reaches the platform. Before resuming the fight, head into the center and slam the button. He now has another attack which can be slightly beneficial to you. He releases lots of small bot-like guys. Suck these up and use them on Drek. He will also charge at you occasionally. Hop onto the grind rail on the side to avoid this. Once you fill your suck cannon, your morph-o-ray works very well on the remaining guys. Once they are taken care of, use the projectiles. After some fight, he will reactivate the button. Body-slam the center once again and then resume the fight. Continue fighting and be sure to pick up ammo from the middle and slam the button. When he gets low on health, he will launch large blue balls of energy at you. Charge with the path left or right to avoid them. Besides the tactics for dodging, the best advice I can offer for this fight is be conserving with your ammo. Use your claw, devastator, and blaster on drek, and use your pyrocitor on the mines. There are also better times to use certain weapons. Use your telsa claw when he is releasing mines. Use your devastator when he is shooting missiles or bombs. After a long and likely painful third phase, Drek's health will finally reach zero. However, the most difficult part of the game is yet to come. With R.Y.N.O: If you actually went to the ridiculous trouble to get the R.Y.N.O. on your first run through, you had better have enough game experience to wipe Drek out in one clean shot, especially since this weapon will annihilate him. After Drek is defeated, a greater, most painful, insanely difficult part still waits. After a cut-scene, you need to press a button. First, restock your ammo from all the ammo crates, and then go body slam the button. After Drek's defeat, and your mastery and conquering of the aggravating task that follows his defeat, you have beaten the game! Congragulations! You can now go back to before you defeat Drek (which you have absolutely no reason to), or restart the game in challenge move. Challenge mode makes the replay value very high. In challenge mode, the enemies are a bit more difficult, and you also get more bolts from enemies and the ability to purchase the gold version of all weapons. Enjoy playing through here, as well as cleaning up the remaining bolts and obtaining all skill points! ======================================================================= Legal ======================================================================= Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Daniel Halverson This guide may not be used for any other reason than your own personal and private use. It may not be used or reproduced on other websites, magazines, or publicly distributed in any way.