******************************************************************************* Ratchet & Clank 3, Up Your Arsenal FAQ For the PS2 02/01/05 ******************************************************************************* =============================================================================== Contents - Short =============================================================================== 1) Introduction 2) Version History 3) Information 4) Controls 5) Walkthrough 6) Weapons 7) Gadgets 8) Titanium Bolts 9) Trophys 10) Cheats 11) Credits 12) Legal Disclaimer 13) The End =============================================================================== Contents - Long =============================================================================== ______________________________________________________________________________ |As this FAQ/Walkthrough is quite long i recommend using the search feature | |which is Control + F and then type in the beginning of the section of the | |part of the guide you are looking for so for example 2) for the version | |history of this FAQ/Walkthrough. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ******************************************************************************* 1) Introduction ******************************************************************************* Hello and welcome to my 3rd FAQ/Walkthrough on Ratchet & Clak 3 Up Your Arsenal. So i am not starting to get used to making Walkthroughs but still i would like to hear suggestions and improvements. So if you do feel free to email me at jason_da_skater@hotmail.com or PM me on neoseeker, my identity on neoseeker is JJBdude 48. If you have a good resonable question then i will put it in the FAQS section of this guide but if i get spam i will just ignore it. ******************************************************************************* 2) Version History ******************************************************************************* 1.0 - 02/01/05 - I started writing this FAQ / Walkthrough 1.1 - o3/01/04 - I uploaded the guide to the internet. ******************************************************************************* 3) Information ******************************************************************************* Ratchet & Clank 3 Up Your Arsenal is the 3rd installment of the Ratchet & Clank games. First there was Ratchet & Clank and then there was Ratchet & Clank 2 Going Commando but now there is Ratchet & Clank 3 Up Your Arsenal. You are a ferret called Ratchet and you have a small robot called Clank to help you out on your journeys. As you progress through the universe trying to stop Doctor Nevarious and his evil ways you will come across weapons and upgrades. Expect the unexpected as there are a few twists along the way and remember to destroy anything you see moving !!! ******************************************************************************* 4) Controls ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* 5) Walkthrough ******************************************************************************* This is the main part of my FAQ/Walkthrough which will take you through the game bit by bit. Where there is a enemy to defeat i will say so here in this section of the guide. After watching Agent Clank fight his way out of a casino you will see a reporter reporting from Veldin. You get your first climpse of the Doctor Nevarious and his Tyhrranoids destroying Veldin. =============================================================================== 5.1) Veldin =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1A) Save Veldin! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stay back as Galactic Rangers on your side (goodies) defeat some big robot Tyrranoids (badies). After a few seconds they will be destroyed and they will start climbing up the rocks. Pick up the gold little bolts on the floor (you will need these in the future) and follow the Galactic Rangers up the rocks. When you get close to them there will be a cutscene where a Galactic Ranger gives you their Shock Blaster. This is your first gun and is a very basic weapon. Hold down triangle and a pop up should appear. This is your quick select option which lets you change from weapon to weapon with ease. You should see the Shock Blaster at the top of the circle. Click on it to activate it. A Tyhrranoid should appear from around the corner. Make sure you have equipped the Shock Blaster and then shock it by pressing circle. After 3 hits it should explode. Collect the bolts off of the floor and go around the corner. There is a gap which you will need to jump over by pressing X. Once onto the otherside kill the 3 Tyrranoids by either using your Shock Blaster or your wrench (sqaure). Once they are dead open up the boxes to your right with your wrench to get back some Shock Blaster ammo, some bolts and a blue box which will replenish your health. Jump up the rocks and defeat the Tyrranoid with your Shock Blaster and continue up slope to the Galactic Rangers for your next cutscene. You are told by the Rangers that someone needs to stop that vehicle. So suprise suprise it has to be you. So with your new Nitro Launcher which you just got, you should throw a grenade at the vehcile. One direct hit is enough to destroy it. Once destroyed pick up the lose bolts and smash the crates. Go down the hole and into the pathway below. Shoot down the tiny Tyrranoids and proceed down the tunnel untill you see some big Tyrranoids attacking the Galactic Rangers. You will need to hold down L1 to get precise aim on your enemies. So make sure you have the Shock Blaster out and press and hold L1. Now look up and aim at the Tyrranoid in the platform in the middle and fire. 5 hits and it will be destroyed and the Rangers had been saved. Smash open some crates to replenish health and regain ammo and then run up the steps to find a Tyrranoid. Destroy it and then destroy and then destroy the vehicle in front of you by using the Nitro Launcher. Smash open the crates pn your right and defeat the 2 Tyrranoids firing at you and then another one will apear which you wll need to gun down. Some small Tyrranoids should come and attack you but that shouldn't be much of a threat. Take care of them and then move on to the bigger Tyrranoid firing at you. Brake the crates behind him and then go across the narrow bridge killing the little Tyrranoids on the way. At around this point your nanotech level should increse. Your nanotech is your health and you start off with 10 of them. Now you should be on 11. Help the Galactic Rangers out by defeating the big Tyrranoid and head on down and then up the rocks to what seems like a broken building (just before you walk into it you might want to brake the crates on the left). Go through the ruins of the building and up and into the ship where the Galactic Rangers are waving to complete your first mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1B) Eliminate the Enemy Forces ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the Rangers out of the plane and begin to free fall. On your way down simply avvoid getting hit by the missles which is rather simple. When you land you should be bombared by Tyrranoids. They come from every direction so get out your Shock Blaster and shoot everything you se move (apart from the Galactic Rangers of course). Once you have destroyed the Tyrranoids another bunch of them will come out through the door which opens. Kill them and then you should just explore the area you are in looking for crates and health crates. Go through the door and brake the crates in the little ditch infront of you. Next you will need to jump up the rocks and destory the vehcile by using the Nitro Launcher. Once that is destroyed a bridge will be made and you need to go over it and into the ship on the otherside to get your first glance of the president. He wants you to go and find the monkey Captain Quark !!! =============================================================================== 5.2) Florana =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2A) Find the mysterious man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you start go forward and approach the yellow box which has a sign swivelling around saying GADGETRON. When you go near it a pop up will appear saying "Triangle Activate Vendor". Pres triangle and you will enter a shop. Here you will find guns and you will also be able to buy ammo for your guns. If you have 15,000 bolts then i recommend you buy the N60 Storm as thats a great gun to have but i guess you don't have that much bolts yet so if not just wait and get it later. Dont bother buying the Plasma Whip, it's one of the worst weapons in the game as it really does suck. but anyway, stock up on ammo if you need to and then get out of the shop and jump onto the float on the water. Kill the flys hovering around and keep jumping on the floats untill you get onto a big platform. Ignore the pop up which tells you about controls and walk on out onto the platform. You should see some enemies which could be monkeys slide down on a green rope and come and attack you. Defeat them and turn around and go the opposite direction heading for a cave. Go in and you should see a green box. When you brake this you will get double the normal ammount of bolts in a short period of time. So brake all the crates/boxes you can see as quick as possible to get around 5,000 bolts. Now go back to where the monkeys were and jump onto the platform. Some more monkeys should come and also a big sea creature should pop his head up. Defeat the monkeys and then start blasting away at the sea creature with your Shock Blaster. Now jump on to the next platform and smash open the crates. Then go through the door and kill the monkeys (unless you already killed them outside). Jump up the ledges and get the health crate. Now go right when you get near to the top instead of left because left is a dead end. Jump up the ledge and then double jump and get out your helipad so you can make it over to the next ledge. Around 10 monkeys will now come out and attack you. Defeat them all and hopefully your gun should upgrade if it hasn't already. Now your Shock Blaster is a Shock Blaster V2 and is stronger and can hold 5 more ammo. Also you can hold down circle after firing to get a even stronger attack. Now, look for a yellow ladder which is actually just alot of poles, climb up it by pressing X when next to the ladder. Keep pressing X to proceed higher. When at the top get out your Shock Blaster and destroy the 3 monkeys which are talking in a huddle and then collect their bolts. Go into the GADGETRON if you need more ammo or if you now have enough to buy the N60 Storm. Hopefully you should have enough bolts now so get it !!! Now go out onto the platform and your game should automatically save. You will need to jump off and use the helipad to make your way over to where the monkey is. When you land kill it and the sea creature should appear again. Shoot it with your new N60 Storm (or Shock Blaster if you don't have it yet) and it should fall easily. There will be two monkeys on another platform chucking some sort of poisionous boomerang at you. So with your new N60 Storm lock onto them and start firing. You will know if you have locked on because you will see a green circle displayed on the enemy. Thats where your gun will fire. Use L2 and R2 to move left and right whilst still locking onto the enimies. This will be tremendoulsy handy in the future so if you can get good at it now then you will be alot better. Jump over to the platform and brake open the red and yellow crate. This will turn ratchet very deadly and everything he hits will die in 1 hit. So get it and run into the room where you should be attacked by more monkeys. This is only for a small period of time though so make the most of it. Once the monkeys are dead a bridge will lower and you will need to kill a few more monkeys. Then go to where the monkeys just came from when you lowered the bridge. You will need to jump from one wall to the enxt as you make your way to the top of the wall. There is now two ways to go, on your left will be some crates you can open for bolts and a health pack whilst on the right is the way you need to go to proceed. So do what you need to do but eventually go right and up the yellow ladder. Defeat the two enimies and head out onto the platform. Next, get underneath the zipline and jump. Ratchet will use his Wrench t slide him down to more monsters. When you land they will be everywhere so get out your Wrench and start slashing at the flys. Well it might be easier to destroy the two sea creatures first but i don't know do what ever is best for you. Once defeated you should walk across the bridge and kill some more monkeys. Get their bolts and the bolts from the crates and a drawbridge should lower for you. Climb up the yellow ladder and slash away at the flys and get the health crate if needed. Finally jump below the wire and you will meet the mysterious man. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2B) Walk the PATH OF DEATH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is hardly a path of death, its easy but ill guide you through it anyway. Stock up on ammo if needed from the GADGETRON and then head forward and jump from platform to platform quickly before they collapse. Get to the end and defeat the two monkeys, now on your right will be boulders falling down a slope in your direction. Run up the slope whilst dodging the boulders and defeat the two monkeys which greet you at the top. Smash open the crates and then jump on the platform and onto the ledge quickly without falling. Next you will need to jump onto the platforms at the right tiem or else you will be burnt. Fortunatly these platforms don't fall but you still need to go quick as of the flames. Jump across the platforms and soon you will see a bunch of flys. Defeat them and smash open the crates on your left. You should then see some monkeys running at you but hopefully they will be getting squashed by the slabs of rock or getting burtn by the flames. Well make sure they are dead and then head through the passageway minding the flams and minding the slabs of rocks. Once at the end of the passageway kill the flys and the monkeys and then make your way across the pit of fire by dodging the flames. Once you get to the end look to your right and you should see more boulder heading towards you coming down a slope. Make your way up the slope like before but this time also dodging the flames. Restock on ammo if you need to and then go across the bridge to confront the mysterious man. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2C) Defeat Captain Quark ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey its Quark, he is still in the game. The friendship between Ratchet and Quark seizes to amaze me. But anyway, on with the game. Quark is your first boss and he isn't too hard if you attack him at the right time. Get out the N60 Storm and start firing. If he comes running up to you then simply carry on shooting but moving (do this my strafing by pressing L2 or R2). When he throws his boomerang at you just simply jump over it to stop yourself getting hurt. At some point he should run off and a bunch of monkeys will come down (im so sick of them). Defeat the monkeys and Quark will return to the scene. Then later on he will do this again but he will be attacking you aswell as the monkeys and there will also be some flys. Keep shooting at him and the battle should be over after a couple of minutes. You find out that Quark thinks he is a monkey so head on over to the Starship Phoenix and they will see what they can do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2D) Take Quark to his cage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you land in the Starship Phoenix start heading towards his cave. Press R3 (right analouge stick pushed inwards) to look at the map to help you. You need to head for the "Play Vid-Comic" room and then a cutscene starts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2E) Meet Sasha on the bridge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now Quark is safely in his own little home you need to get back to buissness. To start head for the bridge using the R3 button to look at the map to help you (its right at the top). Upon arrivel a cutscene starts and it seems to President is in trouble. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2F) Fly to Marcadia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to go to Marcadia so head back to your ship collecting ammo on your way from the GADGETRON if you need to and getting a new suit of armour for 7,500 bolts if needed (which i highly suggest you do from the Armor Vendor section of the Phoenix) and get into the ship. =============================================================================== 5.3) Starship Phoenix =============================================================================== There isn't really anything to do here apart from rest and chill out. There is some Captain Quark games though which you will play later on in the game and there is a trainging facility but thats about it. Just go explore all the rooms like the Trophy Room to see all the trophys you have found during the game. All the missions that go on in the game WON@T be found here. They will be found in the previous level. So lets say you have to take Quark to his cage. The guide of that mission will be on the level before the Phoenix. If you don't get it email me and ill ty to explain better. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3A) Play Vid-Comic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ............................................................................... 5.3A Vid-Comic 1) Pirate Booty ............................................................................... When you have gotten the Vid-Comic from Al head here in the Phoenix and go to the lounging area where quark is aping around and go up to the big widescreen T.V for a cutscene. Once its finished you will relise you are in a 2D game and you are controlling Quark. You need to get to the end of the level in the fastest time you can. Im not gonna describe how to complete these Vid-Comic missions as they are really quite easy. So keep going forward collecting blue and red tokens on the way (gives you bolts at the end) and you should pass this no problem. At the end you will have to defeat a boss, to do this simply fire at him using your blaster and dodge his attacks. Simple. Once you have finished watching the cutscenes head to the Anihalation Nation level and search 5.5) when pressing Control and F to get to the next part of the guide. ............................................................................... 5.3A Vid-Comic 2) Arriba Amoeba! ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3B) VR Deck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here you can either train yourself up by doing simple missions and earning bolts or you can test out new weapons that have become avaliavle in the GADGETRON which you have not brought. On the challenges, i have wrote them whilst i was at the beggning of the game, meaning i had few weapons so in the challenges you might see me say "Get out your Shock Blaster". If you have completed the game and just comming back to get 100% then choose what ever gun you wish, this section of the walkthrough probably won't be much use to you. ............................................................................... 5.3B Challenege 1) WARM UP ............................................................................... Prize: 300 Bolts Info: Fight Gadgetron test dummies in a simulated battle arena! There is 5 rounds of test dummies comming at you. For 5 rounds they will keep comming for you being transported from somewhere to the arena. Just simply get out your Shock Blaster and kick the dummies ass. ............................................................................... 5.3B Challenege 2) DON'T LOOK DOWN ............................................................................... Prize: 500 Bolts Info: Watch out for disappearing floor panels while fighting the test dummies! This time there is 6 waves of test dummies coming for you. Also, the floor will be moving around so becareful making sure you don't get sucked down into another dimension. Just like the previous challenege get out your Shock Blaster and bang bang bang. Also, the dummies can hover over the gaps so trying to knock them into the holes made by the floor is useless. ............................................................................... 5.3B Challenege 3) THE SHOCKER ............................................................................... Prize: 500 Bolts Info: Destroy all the test dummies using only the Shock Blaster! For this challenge you must only use your Shock Blaster. No other weapons or Wrench just your Shock Blaster. This is pretty much what you were doing before but easier because there is only 3 rounds of the dummies. Just go bang bang bang but making sure you stay away from the moving panels on the floor. ............................................................................... 5.3B Challenege 4) SPEED ROUND ............................................................................... Prize: 400 Bolts Info: Destroy all the test dummies before time runs out! You have 1:00 to destroy all the test dummies. There is only 2 rounds so you can afford to take your time. Just get out your Shock Blaster and try to hit them when they just get transported into the arena. This way there is a few of them togetehr killing them all in with using only 1 ammo. ............................................................................... 5.3B Challenege 5) WRENCH BEATDOWN ............................................................................... Prize: 600 Bolts Info: Destroy all the test dummies using only the Omniwrench! This is just like the "THE SHOCKER" challenge but this time you may only use your Wrench instead of the Shock Blaster. I found holding down R1 and throwing the Wrench at the enemy the easiest as you could hit them from a distance so their blue flame won't reach you. Finally, the panels move on the second and third rounds. ............................................................................... 5.3B Challenege 6) HOT STEPPER ............................................................................... Prize: 700 Bolts Info: The floor panels will leave and return as you fight test dummies! This is the biggest challenge so far. Endurance is the key as there is 8 rounds of test dummies comming at you. The panels will dissapear and then reapear so keep your eyes open. Use your Shock Blaster to demolish the dummies going to the Gadgetron crates everynow and then to pick up ammo. ............................................................................... 5.3B Challenege 7) 90 SECOND SLAYER ............................................................................... Prize: 1000 Bolts Info: Destroy even more dummies before time runs out! You have 90 seconds (1:30) to destroy 3 rounds of test dummies. Use the same tactics as the "SPEED ROUND" challenge and you should pass. Remember that the panels will move and finally remember to go quick. ............................................................................... 5.3B Challenege 8) NERVES OF TITANIUM ............................................................................... Prize: 2000 Bolts & Titanium Bolt Info: Fight through the final VR battle and win a Titanium Bolt! This is the final chanllenge in the VR Deck. Your prize is a Titanium Bolt so it's really worth having a go at this. There is 12 rounds of test dummies so this is going to be quite hard. The panels will appear and reapear throughout the rounds. Just try and get it over and done quickly. When a new round starts go up to the dummies and take them out quick before they get a chance to spread. Good Luck. =============================================================================== 5.4) Marcadia =============================================================================== When you arrive some Galactic Rangers tell you what you need to do in a cutscene. keep your head down and take out the enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4A) Get to the Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you start go to the GADGETRON infront of you to restock on ammo or buy a new weapon which you might want and then head forward towards the Galactic Ranger. Follow them into a bunch of small Tyrranoids and let them do the shouting while you pick up the bolts. Turn right around the corner and you will meet a couple of bigger Tyrranoids. Luckily the Rangers will defeat them for you so you can smash open some crates and get bolts and some health if you need it. But they wont last long and after i while they will probably be destroyed but the Tyrranoids would have been weakened alot so just finish them off with your Wrench. Go up the winding steps and you shall meet some more Tyrranoids. Smash open the green box to get a X2 multiplyer so all the bolts you get in a short period of time will be double and then defeat the Tyrranoids using your Shock Blaster. Go up the steps and through the passageway to be greeted by more Tyrranoids. Shoot them down and the proceed along to find even more Tyrranoids. Defeat them and then look for gadgetron crates as you will probably be out of ammo for your Shock Blaster. Once ready double jump over the broken bridge, brake open the red crate and turn fiery. Now as quickly as possible go up to the Tyrranoids and slash them with your Wrench. Once all dead help out the Galactic Ranger and watch a short cutscene. After that you are back into action and you need to jump over the ledge and take out the final lot of Tyrranoids. Once they are all dead smash open some crates for bolts and ammunition and then head into the ship to complete the mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4B) BATTLE MISSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throughout the game there will be a mission where the Galactic Rangers need your help. Do the missions and gain bolts. Also, at the end of every mission your health will be restored ............................................................................... 5.4B Battle Mission 1) Secure the Area ............................................................................... Prize: 3000 Bolts Info: Drive the Tyrranoids out of the compound then defend the area against a series of brutal attacks. When you step out ignore the Galactic Rangers plea for help and get straight into buisness by taking out the Tyrranoids. There will be a few of them on the left which you should take out with little problems. Just make sure you get out your weapon (N60 Storm in my opinion) and take them out before they take you out. After a while you will hear a Galactic Ranger say that the Tyrranoids are bringing in reinforcements. So when you see ships coming and landed then you know more enemies have been released. Just keep plonking away and it should be over quite quickly. This is quite hard for a new beginner but keep trying as its not too hard if you hold dow L2 or R2 to strafe and dodge enemy attacks. ............................................................................... 5.4B Battle Mission 2) Air Assault ............................................................................... Prize: 4500 Bolts Info: The Rangers cant hold out much longer. They need backup, now! Save as many Rangers as you can. Your aim for this mission is to make sure that at least 1 Galactic Ranger survives. So you CANT take your eye of them for one second. Basically do what you did in the previous mission and you should be fine. At first Tyrranoids will come from the right and then they will start coming from the left so make sure you keep turning. And finally at the end they will come from both sides, at this point you should just go all out and destroy quickly. Really this is quite a easy mission. ............................................................................... 5.4B Battle Mission 3) Turrent Command ............................................................................... Prize: 6000 Bolts Info: Get to the plasma turret and blast those 'noid dropships out of the sky! In this battle mission you control a turret. You need to take out the dropships which come in from the sky to drop off Tyrranoids. They will come from all differant arears so make sure you have you swivel around quite a bit looking for the ships. This took me a few times to complete on my first run through of the game so i know it can be a pain but if you keep shooting continuesly at the ships and the Tyrranoids then you should pass. ............................................................................... 5.4B Battle Mission 4) Under the Gun ............................................................................... Prize: 7500 Bolts Info: Provide covering fire for the repai crew untill they can get the turret operational again. Now the turrent is broken and the Galactic Rangers must fix it. Your job is to provide backup for them and protect them at all costs. Do the same as you did on mission 2 and you should be fine, the only difference is that there is more Tyrranoids this time round. If you ever get close to losing all your health then look for the health crate behind where the turret was. Protect the Rangers for 2:00 and the mission will be complete. ............................................................................... 5.4B Battle Mission 5) Hit n' Run ............................................................................... Prize: 9000 Bolts Info: Use the bolt cranks to activate the automated turrets in sequence. I think this is quite a easy mission. All you need to do is tighten up some weird machinery with your wrench. When you start go forward and go to the first machine which has a bolt of electricity flowing to it. Go to the bolt and press sqaure. Now walk round and round untill the bolt is tight. This is simply what you have to do 4 more times. You will now need to look for the next machine which has blue electricity flowing into it and tighten the bolt there. But its not that simple, there will be Tyrranoids trying to stop you all the time. So when you get to the next machine i suggest you have a look around and kill Tyrranoids which look like a threat to you. Good Luck. When all five battle missions are finished the president comes and has a chat to you about your next job in a cutscene. You will need to put up a new laser shield back up for the president. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4C) Go to Laser Defence Facillity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you arrive go forward and pick up the Refractor gadget. You will need this because without it when you go through the red laser beams you will burn. This gadget prevents you from burning as it creates a shield around you. So get the Refractor and smash open some crates if you want to get ammo and bolts. Once finished go through into the room ahead of you and take out the Tyrranoids. Now on your left you will see a red laser beam, equip your Refractor and stand in the middle of the beam. You will notice that you can redeirect the beam. You might see a small little hole with some sort of wheel spinning around with a purple center. What you need to do is hold down L1 and aim the beam at the purple spot spinning around. This will cause a door to open and you will be welcomed by some baby Tyrranoids. Kill them and then go and screw in the screw in the middle of the room using your Wrench which will cause one of the purple spots to move. Now go back to the otherside of the room and put the Refractor back on. Stand in the beam and aim at the spot which you just moved. Now the door should open and more little Tyrranoids will come after you. Take out the Tyrranoid and then shine the beam at the purple spot, next go pass the beam and screw in the screw using your Wrench to move one of the purple spots. Finally shine the beam at the last purple spot and progress through the door. Take out the Tyrranoid and crates and shine the beam at the purple spot in the middle of the next room. Brake open the crates for bolts and ammo and then tighten the screw which will cause the purple spot to move. Jump up onto the ledge and take out the two little Tyrranoids and aim the beam at the next purple spot which will cause a bridge made out of the beam to be made. Cross to the otherside quickly nefore the bridge collapses and take out the Tyrranoid robot on the left. Progres into the next small room and kill the small Tyrranoids. Once they are dead jump up onto the platform with your Refractor gadget on and aim the beam to the right of the room. You will notice that the spider will follow the beam, so slowly move the beam into the picture of a spider on the wall. Once this is done the door to the next room is open and a bunch of baby Tyrranoids will approach you. Take care of them and enter into the next room. Screw in the screw and then jump up onto the platform with your Refractor on and reflect the beam into the purple spot to open the next door. Go through and another bunch of baby Tyrranoids will come after you but hopefully they should perish in the beam hehe. Brake open the crates if needed and then tighten the screw, next go over to the purple spot which you just move (with refractor gadget on) and reflect the beam into the two purple spots eitherside of the door (to do this make sure you go to the end of the beam light so you can see the purple spot). Go through the door and get rid of the baby Tyrranoid and go through to Al the guy in the white cloak to finally complete this long and boring mission. At least you get to watch a enjoyable cutscene. When the cutscene is over you will need to get on top of the green portal and press triangle. This will transport you back to the dropship (didnt for me, i went back throgh all the rooms to get back to the ship >_<) and you will need to fly back to the Starship Phoneix to play the Vid Comic you just got from Al. Because the Starship Phoenix is the level before Marcadia you will beed to scroll up this walkthrough to see the next part. Press control and F to bring up a search engine. Now type in "5.3A" (whats inside the ") and you shall be at the next part of the guide. =============================================================================== 5.5) Anihilation Nation =============================================================================== After you have completed Vid-Comic Episode 1 you need to head to the Anihilation Nation level to pick up some sort of device which lets you speak to small Tyrranoids. So get in your ship and head to the new level to see what you have just let yourself into. There is alot of small mini missions which you can do here which envlove different deathcourses. So this part of the guide might be a bit messy but i hope you understand it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.5A) DEATHCOURSE CHALLENGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prize: 5000 Bolts Info: Be the first contestant to survive the Deathcourse Challenge and win Qwark vid-comic 2 and the Tyhrra-Guise! When you start you will need to go and jump onto the platform infront of you when it is not on fire. Jump onto the platforms in the middle and then jump onto the final set of platforms and then jump into the building. Defeat the pests which attack you and then step on the switch on the floor to open the door on your left. Go through the door and down the stairs untill you get to a sequence of platforms. Run along the platforms dodging the attacks at the same time and get yourself up onto a ledge where two Gladiator enemies will attack you. Destroy them with one of your guns if you wish but i suggest you just ignore them and jump up the ledges on your right. When the fire is off run across the square platforms jumping when the flame fires up and defeat the Gladiator at the end firing the blue beam with your Wrench. Go into the room ahead of you and take out the flying flys which are in the room. Stock up on health and bolts if you wish and then press the switch on the floor to open the door on your righ. Take out the flys and the Gladiator and progress into the next room where you shall defeat another Gladiator. Hit the switch and go through the door on your left and onto the platforms with blocks moving in and out. Wait for the blocks to go in and then run over the platforms and jump over to the next set of platforms so you dont meet a fiery death. Take out the flys and progress past the moving blocks to a Gladiator which you shall ignore as you run on into the next room to complete the Challenge to collect your next Vid-Comic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.5B) CRISPY CRITTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prize: 2000 Bolts Info: Navigate a lethal obstacle course featuring fire traps, break away floors, push blocks, and killer robots. Same idea as the other challenege except slightly different. Jump onto the platforms avoding the flames and the platforms which fall and make your way onto the switch ahead in the room. Go right and jump from one falling platform to the next as you get across to the other side where the Razor camaras are. Jump up the ledges avoding the fire and throw your Wrench at the Blue Beamed Gladiator to take him out. Turn left and run thought the middle avoding fire from the Blue Beamed Gladiators above you and the Gladiators with clubs. Step on the switch and get health if needed and then go left into the next and run into the next room where you need to step on the switch and go through the door on the right. For the final bit you need to run through the battlefield avoding fire and jumping at all times to stop yourself getting hit by projectiles from the ninjas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.5C) PYRO PLAYGROUND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prize: 3000 Bolts Info: Navigate a lethal obstacle course featuring fire traps, break away floors, push blocks, and killer robots. When you start jump onto the platforms at the precise time to stop yourself getting burnt and make your way onto the switch in the middle of the next room. Destroy the razor cameras amd go left through the door and jump from one platform to the next untill you get to the ledges. Defeat the enemies on the ledge and make your way other to the push blocks where you will need to jump from to get to the next ledge. Take out the Beamed Gladiator and stand on the switch to open the door on the left, just like the previous challenge you need to run past the enemies and get into the next room to get the bolts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.5D) SUICIDE RUN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prize: 4000 Bolts Info: Navigate a lethal obstacle course featuring fire traps, break away floors, push blocks, and killer robots. When you start go across the platforms jumping over the flames and hitting the switch in the next room to open the door on your right. Go through it an make your way across the firey platforms to find some ledges which you jump up to release a load of razor cameras. Then turn left and run to the next room avoding the fire from the Beamed Gladiator and then defeat the ninjas which attack you as you into the next room. Hit the switch and go through the door to find some push blocks, simply jump over them avoding them pushing you off the edge and the bolts will be yours. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.5E) GRAND PRIZE BOUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prize: 2000 Bolts Info: Fight all the gladiators and win a Tyhrra-Guise! This time instead of going through a deathcourse you need to defeat enemies in 10 rounds. First round you get Warriors, 2nd round you get Beamed Gladiators, 3rd round you get a ton of Razor Cameras, 4th round is a mix of Warriors and Beam Gladiators and the 5th round is more Razor Cameras. For the 6th wave you will get some crates full of ammo and a destructive crate to power up Ratchet and you also get Beamed Gladiators and Warriors. In the 7th round you get Razor Cameras and Beamed Gladiators and in the 8th round you get Razor Cameras and Warriors and finally in the 9th and 10th rounds you get Razor Cameras, Beamed Gladiators and WEarriors attacking you. I suggest you whip out your N60 Storm again the Gladiators and Warriors but when there is just Razor Cameras you should save your ammo and you your Wrench. When all are dead Britney Gears comes out in a cutscene to give you the Tyhrra-Guise. Quark has been put in charge of the Starship Phoenix team so you need to go back to the Phoenix to see whats actually happening. When you arrive you are entered into a cutscene with Captain Quark and you are told what your next mission is. When its over you get co-ordinates for the planet Aquatos where you must go for your next mission. ******************************************************************************* 6) Weapons ******************************************************************************* =============================================================================== 6.1) Shock Blaster =============================================================================== Name: Shock Blaster Ammo: 30 Power: 40 Price: N/A Info: Fires a wide spread of hard-hitting shots that knocks enemies back with awesome force Name: Shock Blaster V2 Ammo: 35 Power: 50 Price: N/A Info: V2 comes with a new charge-up attack feature! Hold down the fire button to generate a powerful charge, then release the button to unleash a mega blast. Name: Shock Blaster V3 Ammo: 40 Power: 60 Price: N/A Info: V3 can now lock on to targeted enemies. See the moves menu for how to lock on to the enemies. =============================================================================== 6.2) Nitro Launcher =============================================================================== Name: Nitro Launcher Ammo: 8 Power: 200 Price: N/A Info: Lobs high-explosive charges. The Nitro Launcher has a short range, but a wide blast radius. The destructive power of the charges make this weapon an excellent choice against vehicles. =============================================================================== 6.3 N60 Storm =============================================================================== Name: N60 Storm Ammo: 150 Power: 150 Price: 7,500 Bolts Info: An excellent all-purpose weapon for a variety of situations. Name: N60 Storm V2 Ammo: 175 Power: 175 Price: N/A Info: V2 can hit targets at increased range. Shots that hit walls will ricochet with deadly force. Name: N60 Storm V3 Ammo: 200 Power: 200 Price: N/A Info: V3 can lock on to enemies. See the move menu for how to lock onto enemies. =============================================================================== 6.4) Plasma Whip =============================================================================== Name: Plasma Whip Ammo: 25 Power: 40 Price: 7,500 Bolts Info: A devastating melee weapon with a long reach. The whip can be used to strike multiple enemies simultaneously. =============================================================================== 6.7) Spitting Hydra =============================================================================== Name: Spitting Hydra Ammo: 15 Power: 2000 Price: 40,000 Bolts Info: Electrocute multiple enemies with one shot! Hold the fire button, select a group of targets, then release the button to unleash a storm of lighting. ******************************************************************************* 7) Gadgets ******************************************************************************* =============================================================================== 7.1) Refractor =============================================================================== Price: N/A Found: Marcadia Info: The Refractor is a gadget that can be used for both combat and traversal challenges. When equipped, the Refractor generates a reflective field around Ratchet. This field will redorect all laser beams, including enemy beam attacks. Continuous beams can be directed towards reflecters causing the beam to "ionize" and stay bent. =============================================================================== 7.3) Tyhrra-Guise =============================================================================== Price: N/A Found: Anihilation Nation Info: This gadget disguises Ratchet as a Tyhrranoid and allows him to speak Tyhrranese. The art of Tyhrranoid conversation is a dangerous game requiring precisely timed button presses. One mistake can be interpreted as a major insult and result in a violent response. =============================================================================== 7.8) Thruster-Pack =============================================================================== Price: N/A Found: N/A Info: The Thruster-Pack upgrade has Boost Jump, Stretch Jump and Glide features just like the Heli-Pack =============================================================================== 7.9) Heli-Pack =============================================================================== Price: N/A Found: N/A Info: The Heli-Pack allows you to peform a Boost Jump by jumping from a crounched posistion. To peform a Stretch Jump run ad croutch then immediatly jump. To glide, simply press and hold the jump button while in the air. ******************************************************************************* 8) Items ******************************************************************************* =============================================================================== 8.1) Alpha Combat Suit =============================================================================== Price: N/A Found: Starship Phoenix Info: A standard issue combat pilot suit that Ratchet picked up in the Bogon galaxy. The Alpha suit is comfortable and durable but it won't stop a laser blast. Ratchet is going to need something stronger. =============================================================================== 8.2) Magnaplate Armor =============================================================================== Price: 10,000 Bolts Found: Starship Phoenix Info: A full-body personal armor system reinforced with an energy-absorbing alloy called Magnaplate. Gadgetron guarantees their new Magnaplate armor system will reduce damage from enemy fire by a full 33%. =============================================================================== 8.6) Issue 1: Pirate Booty! =============================================================================== Price: N/A Found: Marcadia Info: Qwarks first mission aboard a haunted space pirate ship. =============================================================================== 8.7) Issue 2: Arriba Ameoba! =============================================================================== Price: N/A Found: Anihilation Nation Info: Qwark battles to save Blackwater City from rampaging Amoeboids. ******************************************************************************* 9) Titanium Bolts ******************************************************************************* =============================================================================== 9.2) Florana =============================================================================== 1. When you are in the PATH OF DEATH go up the first slope where the boulders come down and go aroudn the corner. Jump onto the platform and then quickly jump onto the ledge. Now look to your right and you should see the bolt a few meters away. Jump over to it and you have the bolt. =============================================================================== 9.3) Starship Phoenix =============================================================================== 1. Complete all 8 challenges in the VR Deck. 2. Get during Vid-Comic Episode 1 Pirate Booty =============================================================================== 9.5) Anihilation Nation =============================================================================== 1. In the first Deathcourse jump up onto a ledge after you have crossed some platforms with green beams being fired at you. ******************************************************************************* 10) Trophys ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* 11) Skill Points ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* 12) Extras ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* 13) Cheats ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* 14) Credits ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* 15) Legal Disclaimer ******************************************************************************* This document is copyright of Jason Emery who is JJBdude 48 at neoseeker and this FAQ / Walkthrough may not be reproduced in any way and violation of this rule can come to serious consequences so i suggest you stick to the rule. This FAQ / Walkthrough may only be shown at http://www.neoseeker.com and http://www.ultimate-gamerz.com and is very exclusive to these two sites. Do not bother asking to use this FAQ / Walkthrough on your site or any site as you will always get the answer NO. ******************************************************************************* 16) The End ******************************************************************************* I hope you have enjoyed reading my FAQ/Walkthrough, if you have anything that you think will be useful to add to this FAQ like you know a gag or you have a description for a mission on the game then you can email me at jason_da_skater@hotmail.com please do tell me if you have some information. Thank You Jason Emery 2004