Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal Online Guide By Thomas Hartley AKA Smithy Jones Version 2.7 Navagation: 1. Version History 2. Info 3. Online Play 3.1 Geting Online 3.2 creating a Profile 3.3 Online Play Menu Basics 4. Creating a Game 4.1 Different Game Modes 4.1.1 Seige 4.1.2 CTF 4.1.3 DM 5 Base Defenses 6 Nodes 7 Weapons 8 Vehicals 8.1 Turbo Slider 8.2 Hovership 9 Misc. NPCs 10 Battle Tactics 11 FAQs 12 Credits NEWS: 10-7-06 Stats have been back up for a while now and that game is still going strong 4-15-06 Online Stats have have been taken down due to Excessive Stat cheating thanx to the user known as Komoto V2 aka Woot Woot. He basically made games that were 1 on 1 CTFs and he just sat there and spawn camped with a turbo controller all night long while him and a friend of his slept, who was also doing the same. Dont expect to see the stats up anytime soon. You can still view your stats it is just that you can compare to the rest of the UYA OC or the top 10 1. Version Histroy 1.0 Created a Online FAQ with my knowledge about the game 1.5 I added more to the FAQs section plus I fixed most of my typos 2.0 News has been added Will try and keep it semi updated 2.5 Vehical info and NPCs have been added 2.7 Partial update, added a couple things 2. Info This FAQ will pertain to the Online aspect of Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal. For those of you that bought Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal just for the Online mode this FAQ should help enlighten you. This is the first Online game as well as the first game to have a Multiplayer mode in the Ratchet and Clank video game series. JUST SO YOU KNOW THE ONLINE PLAY CAN ONLY BE DONE WITH DSL/BROADBAND If you use dial up sadly you will not be able to play online. It is highly suggested that you watch the Multiplayer Tutorial but in my opinion it helps you with the basics but it seems to be more of a Q-Force Reqruitment vid than anything else 3. Online Play Online play is very fun due to the fact you can play aginst people across either North American or with people in Europe and Australia depending on where you live. Playing against other people is very fun and is a good learning experiance. While online you will develop relationship with your fellow players. Myself I know alot of the vets I like most of them and dislike a handful. 3.1 Geting Online Getting online should be easy, if it is your first time going online with you PS2 I suggest using the Online setup that is provided through Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal instead of the Network Adapter Startup disk. But if you already have a Network settings from the Start up disk, then you dont need to use the online setup that is provided through the game. When going through the Setup procedure through the Ratchet and Clank: Up YOr Arsenal game disk, it is pretty easy to follow. After setup is complete now you can play but first you must make a profile 3.2 Creating a Profile Creating a Profile can be done either before or after you go through the Online Setup. When making a Profile you will have to choose a name, the name can be anything from your real name to that of a nickname or a made up name that you think sounds cool. If you are going to be playing online then you will have to make a password. if not, disregard the password section of your profile. Now you will have to choose a Character Skin. the Character skins are made up of various Ratchet and Clank Characters. The Character are Ratchet Snowman Constructobot Bruiser Ninja Gray Thug Blarg Robo Rooster Evil Clown Beach Bunny Robo Skrunch Tyrranoid Buginoid Galdiola Hotbot Trooper Brainious There are 2 Hidden Skins, The Dan SKin and Nefarious Skin. The Only way to unlock these skins is to go to Insomniacgames.com and register. When registering it is best to make sure you name on Insomniacgames.com make sure your name is spelled the same way as your profile or will not get the correct code. After you have registered you will be given the code and instuctions on how to enter it. You press and Hold L2 then enter you code for example my code is Dan Skin: UP RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT DOWN RIGHT DOWN UP Nefarious Skin: RIGHT LEFT RIGHT DOWN UP RIGHT LEFT UP These codes will Only work for the Username: Smithy Jones 3.3 Online Play Menu basics As soon as you log in you are presented with a menu. Quick Play Create Game Find Game Cities Buddies Clan Stats. Quick Play will put you into a game of your skill level. It is good for those that dont like to wait for games. Create Game is Where you go to create a game. Find Game is where you would go to look for a game you have different search peramiters when looking for a game. then range from Skill to what map will be used to the game type to how many players in each game. Cities are for a lack of a better term different In-Game Servers. There are 5 in all Aquatos Aridia Novalis Tyrranosis Veldin Most of the time game can be found on Aquatos durring the day when the game dies down but in the after noon, the out sities will have games as the number of active players increases. In each city there is a chat board, much like a Chat room on the Internet. some people like to use it while others just PM one another. Buddies are well Buddies. You can basically put anyone you want on your buddylist even if the buddy on your buddy list does not like you. You can have up to a maximum of 65 people inculding yourself, if you dont want to put yourself on you buddylist then there is a max of 64. I myself have my name on my buddylist for quick access to my overal stats like Kills, deaths, wins, loses, Nodes and your overall ranking. Clan is where you go to check on your clan, if you dont have a clan then you can either make one of what till you get and invite from another clan. If you want an invite from a really good clan then you will have to improve on your skills and battle tactics. Now Stats is what it is Stats. You can check on anyones stats in the game, you just have to find them. In stats there are 7 different catagories. Overall Clan Seige CTF Deathmatch Weapons Squats Overall is a more indepth version of you buddy profile, it will have not only your wins, Loses, kills, and Death but it will also have Win/Lose raito, Kill/Death Raito, Node per game, total base damage, Suicides and Overall Rank. Ever since March 2005 the overall rank has been screwed up. every now and then the ranking system seem to be working fine but a day or 2 later it is on the fritz again so if you think you have a good rank dont let it go to you head because it could become alot worse. As for the other stats they are fine its just the overall rank that doesnt work. Stats for Seige CTF and Deathmatch are more specific for each game mode. As for Weapon stats, it will tell you how many kills you have gotten as well as how many times you have been killed by a certain weapon. Squat rank in for how many time you have either squated and how many time you have been squated. Now at first you will not beable to access the Squat stats but all you have to do is press Up down Left right square in the Stats menu then squats will be selectable. If you dont get it in the first try, it again slowly 4. Create a Game When you create a Game you have a few options. You have the choice of what map, How many players, What weapons will be on and what settings like weither or not there will be Charge boots, Base Defences, Spawn with Weapons, nodes, player names, Vehicals, Unlimited ammo. 4.1 Different Game Modes Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal comes with 3 different modes of Play Seige, CTF and DM 4.1.1 Seige Seige or as it is know in others game Conquest or Assault, is where you have to protect your base from being destroyed while you destroy your opponents base at the same time. There are 2 different ways to play seige, Attrition and Normal. In Attrition Seige, the base defenses can either get stronger or weaker depending on how many nodes you controll. The more Nodes you have the stronger your base becomes and the weaker you opponents base becomes. the Same is true if the situation is reversed. Best way to sum up Attrition is that Nodes are Everything. Normal Seige is different than Attrition in the fact that it has a set strength limit so it will not get a boost from any nodes you capture. Nodes are not as important in Normal as Attrition due to the fact you dont get a base power boost but there are still important. Node can either help or hinder you. 4.1.2 CTF CTF or Capture the Flag, there isnt an online shooter than doesnt have CTF. There are 2 ways to play CTF like with Seige, There is Normal then there is Chaos. In normal CTF you have to grab your opp-onents flag and get it back to you base to cap it but if your opponent manages to grab your flag before you can return your base to cap their flag, you will be unable to cap seeing as you need to be in possesion of both flag in order to score. Now Chaos CTF, is a little different that Normal, you can cap a flag even if your opponent manages to take you flag, you only need top be in possesion of you opponents flag in order to score. Wait that is not all, there is an interesting twist with Chaos CTF, much like Attrition Seige you base and Nodes get stronger with each Node you currently have possesion of. If you have all the nodes in Chaos CTF on most maps you will not really need someone on defense because the base defenses will stop them before your opponent can get away. That is if your opponent didnt already destory both Gatlin Defense Turrets. 4.1.3 DM DM or Deathmatch as it is better known is know for straight up killing. You can either do Normal, which is a free for all or Team deathmatch which can have from 1 to 8 teams. You could do 1 team on deathmatch but that wouldnt be anygood seeing as nobody can get kills that way. Deathmatch is won by either being the first to reatch the kill limit or having the most kills before time runs out. 5. Base Defenses There are quite a few base defenses. There is an option to turn off base defense but that only takes the Galltin Turrets out of that game. You will have 2 Troopers and 2 Vulcan turrets. The troopers are not that good on normal or if you dont have that many nodes. The same goes for Vulcan Turrets. The Vulcan turrets are those small automated guns the pop out of the ground. Now the Gatlin Turrets are those big balls that are on the 2 front corners of the bases. they can do a decent ammount of damage if they hit you. If either on Chaos or Attrition the accuracy of the Gatlin Turrets is increased or decrease depending on how many node you possess. It is very hard to dodge a Gatlin turret if your opponent has 3-4 nodes, if not all the nodes. 6 Nodes What are nodes? Well nodes are used for a few things, main thing is Spawn points and well as base power boost, addtional weapons and even vechials, if there are allowed. Nodes are important seeing as they tend to give you a tactical advantage when the node is deep in enemy territory. Depending on the map there are different types on nodes, these are unofficial name but these are want the online players call them. There are 3 specialty Nodes, Base Nodes, Vechical nodes, and Anti-Vechical Nodes. These nodes give good tactical advantages if in your possession. Base nodes are right near the base so you can easy acess to your opponents base. The Vehical node will spawn 1 vehical, either a Turboslider or Hovership. Now Anti-Vehical nodes have a Rocket Platform that will fire rockets at your vehical if you get within it's target area. Nodes usually from anywhere from 2 - 4 Vulcan Turrets and 0 - 3 trooper depending on what map and where the node is located 7 Weapons In Multiplayer there are 10 weapons and 1 Gaget from the Ratchet and Clank series that are used. If you manage to get 3 kills on 1 weapon without dying, you will get a much deadlier V2. BTW RPS stands for Rounds/Shots per second in the rate of fire. N60 Ammo: 500 Damage: 13.5 Rate of Fire: 4 rps V2 N60 Ammo: 500 Damage: 20 Rate of Fire: 8 rps The N60 is probably the most underated weapon in the game mainly due to the fact not many people try to make an upgrade with it. V2 N60 is one of the best weapons to use, it is the best thing to use when taking out Gatlin turrets Little Easter Egg for you Ratchet and Clank Fans that have been playing Since the beginng of the Series, The Icon used on the N60 Ammo is not that of the N60 but that of the Hologuise from the First Ratchet and Clank Gravity Bomb Ammo: 8 Damage: 60 Rate of Fire: 1 rps V2 Gravity Bomb Ammo: 16 Damage: 94 Rate of Fire: 2 rps My personal favorite, the grav bomb is quite useful as it can be used as either a close ranged weapon or a somewhat long distance weapon. It is possible to Snipe with the Grav bombs and some opponent dont even suspect that you can. What make the Grav bomb useful is its splash damage it is very noticable when you have a V2 Grav bomb which has the best Splash damage in the game Mini Rocket Tube Ammo: 15 Damage: 54 Rate of Fire: 1.25rps V2 Mini Rocket Tube Ammo: 15 Damage: 66 Rate of Fire: 2 rps Mini Rockets are fine to use but are overly abused when used in a game. Rockets are not the best weapon to use but it can give newbies an edge if used correctly. Rockets have a lock on feature that is kind useful but rockets are easy to dodge seeing as they are kinda slow. Now with V2 Rockets they take some skill to dodge but if you cant, they kill every time. Lava Gun Ammo: 250 Damage:47 Rate of Fire: 6 rps V2 Lava Gun Ammo: 300 Damage: 66 Rate of Fire: 6 rps The Lava gun is a some what strange weapon to use. It spews molten lava to damage your opponents. It is a cross between a watering can and flamethrower. Aimming side to side will fling the lava back and forth making it hard for your opponents to dodge Blitz Gun Ammo: 40 Damage: 7 - 54 Rate of Fire: 3 rps V2 Blitz Ammo: 40 Damage: 14 - 100 Rate of Fire: 3 rps it is the Ratchet and Clank version of of the Shotgun. The Blitz gun is probably the best close range weapon you can use. It is use in every game and you very rarely find a game where the Blitz gun is not used. What make the Blitz gun different is the Variable Damage it can do. At the very edge of the Blitz gun's range it will either do 7 or 14 damage depending on wiether it is V1 or V2 Mines Ammo: 6 Damage: 40 Rate of Fire: 2 rps V2 Mines Ammo: 8 Damage: 74 Rate of Fire: 2.5 rps Mine are very useful for setting traps. Placeing mines in out of site places in well traveled areas used by your opponents is a very smart Idea. You can place a max of 8 mines before they will disappear. if you place a 9th mine, the 1st mine you place will disspear. Flux Rifle Ammo: 8 Damage: 87 Rate of Fire: 1.25 V2 Flux Rifle Ammo: 12 Damage: 100 Rate of Fire: 1.25 The Flux Rifle can either be used as a Sniper Rifle which is its primary use or a Muskett through Hip Sniping. Hip Sniping is done in Lock Straif mode very useful for killing your opponents Morph O Ray Ammo: Unlimited Damage: N/A Rate of Morph: 1 morph every 2 seconds V2 Morph O Ray Ammo: Unlimted Damage: N/A rate of Morph: 1 morph every 1 second The Morph O Ray will turn your opponent into either a Sheep or Duck. Even though your opponment might have 100 health they can be killed by 1 shot from any of the other weapons except the Holoshields, Hell even charge boots can kill a morphed opponent. The Beatifulk thing about a Morph O ray is that when you morph they lose their pack and you can take it from them while they are a helpless barnyard animal. If you manage to morph everyone in a 8 man Deathmatch, well you are now the proud owner of a Petting Zoo Holo Shield Glove Ammo: 8 Damage: N/A Rate of Fire: 1.5 rps The Holo Shield Glove is the only Defensive weapon in the game. you can have out 4 holo shields at a time and unlike in Stroy mode they can take an unlimited ammount of damage but they only last 45 seconds. Holo Shields can protect you from almost everything except for Mine, Splash Damage from Gravity Bombs and Mini Rockets, and the Wrench. Wrench Swing: 20 Damage Wrench Throw: 20 - 40 Damage Comet-Strike: 60 Damage The Wrench is a weapon of last resort when you run out of ammo. The wrench is useful but it can only be used in close range combat. if you do use the wrench Throw you will do 20 damage but the Wrench is used like a boomerang and will come back doing another 20 damage if it connects Hyper Shot The Hypershot is an electromagnetic grapling hook that allows you to use the green swingshot points. Most of the time, the hypershot will auto-equip when you jump towards the Green Swingshot point then you press the fire button to make the hypershot active. this will prevent you from becoming a sitting target for the Veteran players that would pick you off will a Flux Rifle 8 Vehicals There are 2 types of Vehicals for use in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal There are the Turboslider and the Hovership. Both present a very useful tactical advantage. Each vehical has a capacity to hold to players of the same team at once 8.1 Turbo Slider HP: 100 Driver: 6.5 Damage Driver Rof: 4 Gunner: 40 Damage Gunner Rof: 4 The Turbo slider is a ground based vehical that resembles a car. It is a rear wheel drive vehical is has to ski-like supports in the front. It has front guns and a turret on the back with 360 degrees of rotation allowing to attack or defend from any direction. 8.2 Hovership HP: 125 Pilot: 66 Damage Pilot Rof: 4 Bomber: 80 Damage Bomber Rof: 2.5 The Hovership has the ablitiy to fly giving it a major advantage over the turboslider. Not only that it is also more powerful then the turboslider. It is able to attack from high in the sky or right along the ground. Most people manily use it for aerial attacks and manuvers, but that is only using half of the hovership's potential. it can sneek along the ground as well as along the water in Bakisi Ilse and below the platforms on Metropolis. 9 Misc. NPCs There are a few NPCs in Online mode NPCs are there to aide you when needed when it is to attack the enemy or to help defende of base and/or node. The Stats of NPCs can be effected by the game mode If it is either Attrition or Chaos then NPCs can either be weak or strong the current stats that are shown as followed is for the Normal mode of gameplay NPCs are: Trooper HP: 100 Damage: 20 Rof: 3 round burst The Trooper are the only NPCs that use a 3 round burst to attack the an enemy that comes with in their range. They only have the standard Issue Glactic Ranger Weapon. Can sometimes be an annoyance but are most of the time easily dispatched Vulcan Turrets HP: 125 Damage: 20 Rof: 1 Vulcan Turrets are used both as Node and Base defenses. Sometimes called Mini Turrets you can always find 2 of This along with 2 Troopers around any base Shock Droids HP: Coming Soon Damage: 20 rof: 1 Shock droids are best described as Angry bees seeing as they tend to swarm around you and try to sting you Shock Droid Maker HP: Coming Soon the Shock Droid Maker make Shock droids to protect your base. Roller Bombs HP: Coming Soon Damage: Coming Soon Roller Bombs attack by colliding with you and exploding on contact. Roller Bomb Maker HP: Coming Soon Roller Bombs come from the Roller Bomb maker. A base has 2 Roller Bomb makers, allowing for 2 Roller Bombs on the feild at a time Anti Vehcial Turret HP: Coming Soon Damage: Coming Soon An Anti Vehical Turret will attack any enemy vehical that comes into its range. They can be found at either 1 of 2 places, an AV(Anti Vehical) Node or at the base. 2 will be found on the top of any base that can be approched by Hovership seeing as the ones on top of the base will only attack Hoverships. While the AV Turrets found at nodes will attack any vehical that comes into its range Droids HP: 5 Damage: Coming Soon ROF: 1 a Group of 4 can be found on the Droid Pad, which can be found in different locations on the various levels. Each of the 4 droids will attack in unison. Interesting fact about the Droids is that they are miniture versions of the Droids you used the Hypnomatic on in Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando 10 Battle Tactic 1. How to Get Nodes effectively In Attrition Seige and Chaos CTF Nodes are extremely important seeing as a team base's strength depend on how many nodes they have. well what you you should do it put you map up right when the game starts and have your team go for different nodes that way your team can get 4 nodes at once. 2. Hide with the Flag In CTF you should hide with the flag when the other team has your flag. Hide someplace that is good but realitively close to your base that way if your teams flag is returned to the base you cap it right away before the other team can take it again. 3. Keep your Power Core Safe The Best way to protect your Base Power Core is to make sure the other team can never make it inside your base because if they cant get in they are unable to do any damage. From experience I have come across newbie that would hide inside their base and shoot at the warp pad inside. BIG MISTAKE!!! People can still get inside and still do damage even if it is only 1 hit. If it happens enough, the base power core will still be destroyed for if you want to win Just defend from the outside anbd dont be afraid to ask for help defending. 4. Node Stripping The best way to take node from your opponents is node stripping. It is where you go and destroy all the defenses at a node and you dont turn it, leave it for later. Go and strip a few, if not all you opponents nodes. After all their nodes are stripped, you and 1 other teammate agressive go after the defenseless nodes. IIRC it take 3 second to turn a node without interuptions from the other team. 5. 5 Things to Remember you need to remember these 5 things when playing, they will majorly help you If you can remember these 5 simply things for each level then you will be one step above the cannon fodder and noobs 1. Nanotech (Health Boxes) - you need to remember where all the Nano is located. Nano give you life and can keep you live in the hardest of times 2. Charge Boots - these are must, not all games will allow you to spawn with Charge boots so you must find these if you want the added mobility 3. You favorite weapon - There are times when Spawn with weapons is off so it would be in your best interests to know where you favorite weapon is located 4. Ammo - what good is a weapon without ammo, it is always a good idea to know where you weapon's ammo is located because that are quite a few games that dont have Unlimited ammo 5. Vehicals - it is a good idea to know where vehicals spawn because they tend to give a tactic advantage to those who use them 11 FAQs Q: Why is my Respawn time longer? A: Your Respawn time is longer because both of the Gatlin Defense Turrets at you base have been destroyed. To add salt to your wounds, as the game goes on, the spawn time will slowly increase making it possible for a 10 second spawn Q: How do I get Dan and Nefarious? A: Register at the Insomniac Games website, here is the link so you can just copy and paste it into your web browser. http://www.insomniacgames.com/signup.php Q: How do you get 4 Bolts? A: Getting 4 bolts is not a big thing, if you are just starting out it will take some time. I believe you have to have a positive Kill/Death raito and Positive Win/Lose Raito. Q: How long does it take for Weapons/Ammo/Nanotech to reappear? A: 45 Seconds 12 Credits Thanx to GameFAQs for the Forums and hosting FAQs Thanx to Insomniac Games for making a Great Game Series I would like to thank the UYA Online Community for giving me an unique experience thanx to Nuerotoxic2213 AKA Matt for helping with Battle Tactics I created this FAQ to Help educate Newbies and Noobs alike and enlighten my Fellow Online Players. I dont mind if this FAQ shows up on another website Just please give me the credit