Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal Weapons FAQ By: Dark Cloud 237 E-mail: darkcloud237@bellsouth.net Got any questions? Comments? Did I miss or forget something (I probably did, I am the poster child of forgetfulness)? If you answered yes to any of these questions, feel free to drop me a line. But, if you are just looking to just cuss me out, do not bother e-mailing me. I will take criticism, but if you are going to criticize me, at least try to sound reasonable about your complaint. <> Version 1.4 Table of Contents 1. Version History [DC1] 2. What This Mass of Text Is For [DC2] 3. How to Use This Guide [DC3] 4. The Weaponry 4a. Normal Mode Weapons [DC4] 4b. Challenge Mode Weapons [DC4B] 5. Getting Your Priorities Straight [DC5] 6. Weapon Leveling Tips [DC6] 7. Credits [DC7] 8. The Legal Jargon [DC8] 1. Version History [DC1] 12/09/04- Version 1.4: I added a couple of tips like I always do, but the big change is something that is bothering me with the way its being interpreted. On any of the weapons back from GC, it used to say: Where First Available: Slim Cognito, after landing on [whatever]. This has been interpreted as Meaning Slim has a station on the planet mentioned. NOOOOOOOO!!! It means after you land there, you can go back to Aquatos to buy it!! To stop the masses of people confused by this, I have changed it to say Slim Cognito on Aquatos, after... Please tell me this will end the confusion... 12/01/04- Version 1.3: Added more tips, as you may or may not have expected. The other thing I implemented is skipping to certain sections, explained above the Table of Contents. 11/24/04- Version 1.2: Fixed yet more errors concerning the line spacing (when they run together it just bothers me...), and re-did some weapon descriptions to try and get across their functionality better. 11/23/04- Version 1.1: Corrected some spacing errors with the lines, made other minor corrections, added the RY3NO discount price, added the ammo consumption of the special attack on the Shock Cannon, and added more tips. 11/22/04- Version 1.0: The initial version of this FAQ, it has all the basics- all the data for each weapon, and a few leveling tips. 2. What This Mass of Text Is For [DC2] This FAQ (my first! Whee!) will tell you everything you wanted to know about each of the 20 weapons in Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal. When you are the most heavily armed furry creature in the galaxy, knowing stuff about your weapons can really help out. Or, if you happen to be curious as to what new abilities and such your weapons gain when they upgrade, this FAQ will tell you that to. So, uh, moving on... 3. How to Use This Guide [DC3] This small section will give you a quick rundown of the things that will be shown for each weapon, and what each piece of data means. [Weapon Name] (pretty self-explanatory) --------------- -Description: My description of what this implement of destruction does. -Where Gotten/First Available: After you see it in the vendor on the planet mentioned here, it will be for sale on any vendor. So, just know where to look first. -Cost: How much the weapons will cost. -Ammo per crate: How much ammo for this weapon will come out of an ammo crate. -Ammo cost: How much 1 ammo for this weapon costs at vendors. V1 (which version of the weapon the data below is for. If the name of the weapon changes, it will shown next to the version number.) -- Power: The higher this number is, the more posterior this version of this weapon can kick. Ammo: The max ammo this version of the weapon can hold. Add-ons: If the weapon gains any new mods or other enhancements, they will be listed here. Also, please note: VERSIONS 6-8 ARE CHALLENGE MODE ONLY. You must purchase the Mega weapons (V6). Allrighty! Now for the meat of the FAQ- the actual weapons! 4. The Weapons 4a. Normal Mode Weapons [DC4] Shock Blaster ============= - Description: Your first weapon, it is basically a shotgun. Does more damage if you are closer to the target. If you are farther away, it can still do damage, but again, the closer you are the better. It serves well enough early on, but it quickly becomes outclassed by later weapons. - Where Obtained: Kyzil Plateau, Veldin. From the Galactic Rangers. - Cost: N/A - Ammo per crate: 4 - Ammo cost: 5 bolts V1 -- Power: 40 Ammo: 30 V2 -- Power: 50 Ammo: 35 Add-ons: Hold fire button to charge a super attack V3 -- Power: 60 Ammo: 40 Add-ons: Lock-on Mod V4 -- Power: 80 Ammo: 40 Add-ons: Shock Mod V5- Shock Cannon ---------------- Power: 100 Ammo: 50 Add-ons: Hold fire button to charge a beam of death! (consumes 10 ammo) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Nitro Launcher ============== - Description: Launches a bomb packed with explosive charges, which explodes to do area damage. Works best against groups of enemies. Be wary of the fact that bombs seem to like having long hang times before touching down and exploding. - Where Gotten: Kyzil Plateau, Veldin. From the Galactic Rangers. - Cost: N/A - Ammo per crate: 1 - Ammo cost: 50 bolts V1 -- Power: 200 Ammo: 8 V2 -- Power: 240 Ammo: 8 Add-ons: Acid Mod V3 -- Power: 300 Ammo: 10 Add-ons: Lock-on Mod V4 -- Power: 400 Ammo: 10 Add-ons: Larger blast radius V5- Nitro Eruptor ----------------- Power: 800 Ammo: 12 Add-ons: Releases energy missiles upon detonation, Wider blast radius ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> N60 Storm ========= - Description: A great all-purpose weapon. Fairly strong, rapid fire rate. Gets a bit outclassed late in the game, but manages to remain a good weapon to fall back on. Best way to use it is to just get the green reticule on the enemy, then you simply hold circle, dodge enemy shots, and wait for them to die. Gets even easier after you get the Lock-on Mod. - Where First Available: Nabla Forest, Florana. - Cost: 15,000 bolts - Ammo per crate: 15 - Ammo cost: 2 bolts V1 -- Power: 150 Ammo: 150 V2 -- Power: 175 Ammo: 175 Add-ons: Increased range, shots ricochet (that means they bounce off walls) V3 -- Power: 200 Ammo: 200 Add-ons: Lock-on Mod V4 -- Power: 250 Ammo: 225 Add-ons: Shock Mod V5- N90 Hurricane ----------------- Power: 350 Ammo: 300 Add-ons: Improved rate of fire ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Plasma Whip =========== - Description: A melee weapon, it operates just like your trusty Omniwrench. Just walk up to the enemy, and start mashing circle to swing the whip a lot. I recommend doing rapid swings, because each hit will stun the enemy (except for really large enemies- they will not be fazed much), hopefully preventing them from hitting you. What bothers me with this weapon is, why does a melee weapon have ammunition? Plus, it is pretty weak. - Where First Available: Nabla Forest, Florana. - Cost: 7,500 bolts - Ammo per crate: 3 - Ammo cost: 3 bolts V1 -- Power: 40 Ammo: 25 V2 -- Power: 50 Ammo: 30 Add-ons: None V3 -- Power: 70 Ammo: 35 Add-ons: None V4 -- Power: 100 Ammo: 40 Add-ons: Use jump attack to create shockwaves V5- Quantum Whip ---------------- Power: 140 Ammo: 50 Add-ons: Use combos to emit sonic waves ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Infector ======== - Description: This weapon gives enemies a virus that causes them to attack other baddies. The infection does not last all that long, though. You can extend the infection time with more shots (although in my experience more shots tend to just kill the enemy). This can be a good tactical tool- you could potentially wipe out a roomful of enemies with just a few Infector shots instead of using a ton of ammo from other weapons. - Where First Available: Starship Phoenix, Outer Space - Cost: 18,000 bolts - Ammo per crate: 2 - Ammo cost: 20 bolts V1 -- Power: 180 Ammo: 15 V2 -- Power: 240 Ammo: 15 Add-ons: Will also infect weakened enemies next to the target V3 -- Power: 320 Ammo: 18 Add-ons: Splash damage V4 -- Power: 400 Ammo: 18 Add-ons: Infects enemies faster V5- Infecto-Bomb ---------------- Power: 600 Ammo: 20 Add-ons: All enemies within blast radius are infected ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Suck Cannon =========== - Description: Returning from the original Ratchet & Clank, the Suck Cannon can be used to suck up small enemies, then fire them back out as ammo. Crates can serve as ammo, as well. Hold circle to suck things up. Warning- if you start sucking, get something that serves as ammo, and stop sucking, you will not be able to suck anything back up unless you swing your wrench (thereby unequiping the Suck Cannon), then hold circle again to resume. - Where First Available: Starship Phoenix, Outer Space - Cost: 8,000 bolts (7,200 bolts with the Gadgetron Discount) - Ammo per crate: N/A - Ammo cost: N/A V1 -- Power: 200 Ammo: N/A V2 -- Power: 260 Ammo: N/A Add-ons: Double the range, shots ricochet V3 -- Power: 320 Ammo: N/A Add-ons: Increased capacity, anything shot out is set on fire V4 -- Power: 440 Ammo: N/A Add-ons: None V5- Vortex Cannon ----------------- Power: 600 Ammo: N/A Add-ons: Shoots flaming comets ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Spitting Hydra ============== - Description: The Spitting Hydra has the ability to lock on to multiple enemies, 3 when you first get it. I guess the idea was for you to conserve ammo by being able to hit lots of enemies, but the Spitting Hydra has really low ammunition- not good when coupled with the fact that it is weak, forcing you to use multiple shots to kill some baddies. - Where First Available: Capital City, Marcadia - Cost: 40,000 bolts - Ammo per crate: 2 - Ammo cost: 5 bolts V1 -- Power: 200 Ammo: 15 V2 -- Power: 240 Ammo: 15 Add-ons: Can target 4 enemies V3 -- Power: 280 Ammo: 15 Add-ons: Can target 5 enemies V4 -- Power: 320 Ammo: 15 Add-ons: Can target 6 enemies V5- Tempest ----------- Power: 400 Ammo: 15 Add-ons: Can target 7 enemies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Agents of Doom ============== - Description: Also returning from R&C 1, the Agents of Doom glove thingie launches an egg (do not worry, it hatches instantly) that releases 4 Agents, who will do kamikaze attacks on nearby enemies. After they get their laser cannons, they will shoot enemies until they have no ammo left, then do their usual kamikaze attack. 8 Agents can be deployed at once (that is 2 ammo). - Where First Available: Annihilation Nation, Station Q9 - Cost: 60,000 bolts (54,000 bolts with Gadgetron Discount) - Ammo per crate: 0 (crates do not seem to give Agents of Doom ammo) - Ammo cost: 75 bolts V1 -- Power: 240 Ammo: 6 V2 -- Power: 400 Ammo: 6 Add-ons: Agents have laser cannons V3 -- Power: 660 Ammo: 8 Add-ons: Cannons gain rapid-fire ability V4 -- Power: 2,000 Ammo: 8 Add-ons: Agents have jet-packs V5- Agents of Dread ------------------- Power: 6,000 Ammo: 8 Add-ons: Agents fire heat-seeking missiles, nuclear explosions upon death ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Flux Rifle ========== - Description: The all-important sniper rifle. Pull it out, hold L1 to use the scope. Hold R1 to zoom in, and R2 to zoom out. Then, line up the reticule with the target, and watch the unsuspecting enemy die. This is a pretty powerful weapon- it actually serves well if you take it out, do not zoom in, and just shoot people with it like you would any other weapon. - Where First Available: Deep Sea Hideout, Aquatos - Cost: 75,000 bolts - Ammo per crate: 0 - Ammo cost: 50 bolts V1 -- Power: 300 Ammo: 10 V2 -- Power: 400 Ammo: 12 Add-ons: Shots pierce enemies V3 -- Power: 500 Ammo: 12 Add-ons: Shots pierce multiple enemies V4 -- Power: 1,600 Ammo: 12 Add-ons: Explosive rounds (enemies near the target will suffer damage, too) V5- Splitter Rifle ------------------ Power: 2,800 Ammo: 15 Add-ons: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Annihilator =========== - Description: This useful weapon unleashes a missile at the target. Pretty basic stuff. As it upgrades, it will release bomblets (like the Bouncer) upon impact, then it will eventually replace the bomblets with mini-missiles. - Where First Available: Korgon Base, Tyhrranosis - Cost: 150,000 bolts - Ammo per crate: 2 - Ammo cost: 20 bolts V1 -- Power: 500 Ammo: 20 V2 -- Power: 600 Ammo: 20 Add-ons: Scatters explosive mines upon impact (like the Bouncer) V3 -- Power: 800 Ammo: 22 Add-ons: Mines gain homing capabilities V4 -- Power: 1,100 Ammo: 22 Add-ons: Lock-on Mod, better missile and mine homing capabilities V5- Decimator ------------- Power: 1,400 Ammo: 25 Add-ons: Each shot releases a dozen (12) mini-missiles upon impact ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Holoshield Glove ================ - Description: Throws out Holoshields, little oval-shaped shields that will block foes and take damage for you. They can only take so much punishment before they disintegrate. Up to 4 Holoshields can be deployed at once. Frankly, these are not that useful. They really do not last a good long time, And the HP Drain and shock abilities rarely work. Turn to the Shield Charger if you want protection. - Where First Available: Tyhrranosis (the dropship vendor) - Cost: 30,000 bolts - Ammo per crate: 1 - Ammo cost: 20 bolts V1 -- Power: 200 Ammo: 8 V2 -- Power: 300 Ammo: 8 Add-ons: Drains HP from nearby enemies. Only heals if Ratchet is already hurt. V3 -- Power: 400 Ammo: 10 Add-ons: Absorbs projectiles, then shocks nearby enemies V4 -- Power: 500 Ammo: 10 Add-ons: Increased size, HP Drain enhanced V5- Ultrashield Launcher ------------------------ Power: 600 Ammo: 12 Add-ons: For each hit it takes, it gives 3 shocks to nearby enemies. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Disc Blade Gun ============== - Description: Replaces the Chopper from Going Commando. Fires little shurikens at the target. Kinda weak at first, but as it levels, it will split into multiple discs when it ricochets, doing lots of damage. This weapon works extremely well in enclosed spaces- the discs will have more chances to quickly ricochet that way, producing more discs, and thus more pain. - Where First Available: Obani Gemini, The Zygan System - Cost: 175,000 bolts - Ammo per crate: 2 - Ammo cost: 10 bolts V1 -- Power: 500 Ammo: 25 V2 -- Power: 600 Ammo: 25 Add-ons: Shots will ricochet off walls V3 -- Power: 1,400 Ammo: 25 Add-ons: Shots ricochet off enemies V4 -- Power: 2,400 Ammo: 25 Add-ons: Increased range, better homing capabilities V5- Multi-Disc Gun ------------------ Power: 3,600 Ammo: 25 Add-ons: Each ricochet creates a new disc (up to 16) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Rift Inducer ============ - Description: This weapon is amazing. It tears open a black hole that sucks up enemies. The hole will only stick around for a limited time. As it upgrades, you can combine multiple black holes to suck up larger baddies. It will eventually be able to shock enemies that are kinda close to it, which strikes me as pointless, because when they are close enough to be shocked, they are close enough to be sucked up. Also, note that even if an enemy is right next to the hole, it may take a moment for the hole to grab the enemy. - Where First Available: Lot 42, Holostar Studios - Cost: 180,000 bolts - Ammo per crate: 1 - Ammo cost: 100 bolts V1 -- Power: 1,000 Ammo: 8 V2 -- Power: 1,300 Ammo: 8 Add-ons: Can combine black holes (get 2 or more near each other) V3 -- Power: 1,500 Ammo: 10 Add-ons: Lock-on Mod V4 -- Power: 1,700 Ammo: 10 Add-ons: Holes can suck up enemies from further away V5- Rift Ripper --------------- Power: 2,000 Ammo: 12 Add-ons: Holes will shock nearby enemies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Qwack-O-Ray =========== - Description: Like the Morph-O-Ray and Sheepinator, this baby turns foes into ducks (actually, the aforementioned weapons turn enemies into chickens and sheep, respectively) if you shine the beam on them long enough. Luckily, long enough is usually about one second (unless you are using it on a jumbo enemy). - Where First Available: Outpost X12, Aridia - Cost: 200,000 bolts - Ammo per crate: N/A - Ammo Cost: N/A V1 -- Power: 1,000 Ammo: N/A V2 -- Power: 1,500 Ammo: N/A Add-ons: Ducks lay explosive eggs V3 -- Power: 2,000 Ammo: N/A Add-ons: Eggs will seek out enemies V4 -- Power: 2,500 Ammo: N/A Add-ons: Ducks will attack enemies and act as decoys to draw enemy fire V5- Qwack-O-Blitzer ------------------- Power: 3,000 Ammo: N/A Add-ons: Creates flaming ducks that will follow you and fly into enemies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Miniturret Glove ================ - Description: Returning from Going Commando, this glove sends out little turrets that will fire upon your enemies. A great weapon to have- its Omega (V8) version is the strongest weapon in the game! - Where First Available: Slim Cognito (on Aquatos) - Cost: 25,000 bolts (FREE if you have this weapon on a Going Commando save) - Ammo per crate: 1 - Ammo cost: 30 bolts V1 -- Power: 600 Ammo: 10 V2 -- Power: 800 Ammo: 10 Add-ons: None V3 -- Power: 1,000 Ammo: 12 Add-ons: The turrets now shoot ice blasts V4 -- Power: 1,200 Ammo: 12 Add-ons: Turrets will seek targets faster V5- Megaturret Glove -------------------- Power: 2,080 Ammo: 12 Add-ons: Turrets fire mini-missiles, can teleport if needed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Lava Gun ======== -Description: This incredible weapon is back from Going Commando, and this time, it is not shafted by an upgrade that wrecks everything good about it. Hold the fire button to spew a constant stream of lava. Turn the analog stick in a circle at the same time, and any baddies nearby will be toasted. -Where First Available: Slim Cognito (on Aquatos) -Cost: 40,000 bolts (FREE if you have it on a Going Commando save) -Ammo per crate: 15 -Ammo cost: 3 bolts V1 -- Power: 160 Ammo: 150 V2 -- Power: 240 Ammo: 150 Add-ons: Acid Mod V3 -- Power: 360 Ammo: 175 Add-ons: Lock-on Mod V4 -- Power: 500 Ammo: 175 Add-ons: None V5- Liquid Nitrogen Gun ----------------------- Power: 700 Ammo: 200 Add-ons: Stream freezes enemies- they shatter into pieces a second later ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Shield Charger ============== - Description: Also back from Going Commando, this baby generates a shield all around Ratchet. It protects you far better than those lame Holoshields, and if you run into enemies while the shield is up, you will inflict damage on them. This is not really a problem, but the constant loud hum the shield makes annoys me. I had to get that off my chest. - Where First Available: Slim Cognito (on Aquatos), after landing on Command Center, Mylon - Cost: 250,000 bolts (FREE if you have this weapon on a Going Commando save) - Ammo per crate: 0 - Ammo cost: 500 bolts V1 -- Power: 60 Ammo: 3 V2 -- Power: 100 Ammo: 3 Add-ons: None V3 -- Power: 140 Ammo: 3 Add-ons: None V4 -- Power: 180 Ammo: 4 Add-ons: None V5- Tesla Barrier ----------------- Power: 240 Ammo: 4 Add-ons: Zaps nearby enemies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Bouncer ======= - Description: Yet another weapon back from Going Commando, this sweet weapon launches a big ball that explodes and releases a lot of tiny bomblets that bounce around (hence the name!) and explode with tremendous force. This weapon will clear out packs of enemies in a heartbeat. - Where First Available: Slim Cognito (on Aquatos), after landing on Qwarks Hideout, Thran Asteroid Belt - Cost: 150,000 bolts (FREE if you have this weapon on a Going Commando save) - Ammo per crate: 1 - Ammo cost: 50 bolts V1 -- Power: 1,200 Ammo: 10 V2 -- Power: 1,400 Ammo: 10 Add-ons: Acid Mod V3 -- Power: 1,400 Ammo: 12 Add-ons: Lock-on Mod V4 -- Power: 1,800 Ammo: 12 Add-ons: None V5- Heavy Bouncer ----------------- Power: 2,000 Ammo: 12 Add-ons: Releases more bomblets that each explode way harder ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Plasma Coil =========== - Description: The last weapon returning from Going Commando, this weapon fires a ball of plasma. When it hits an enemy, electricity will arch out and hit other enemies. This is a very powerful weapon, so it is a very, very good idea to have it in your arsenal. - Where First Available: Slim Cognito (on Aquatos), after landing on Nefarious BFG, Koros - Cost: 250,000 bolts (FREE if you have this weapon on a Going Commando save) - Ammo per crate: 1 - Ammo cost: 50 bolts V1 -- Power: 2,400 Ammo: 15 V2 -- Power: 3,000 Ammo: 15 Add-ons: Acid Mod V3 -- Power: 3,600 Ammo: 18 Add-ons: Lock-on Mod V4 -- Power: 4,200 Ammo: 18 Add-ons: None V5- Plasma Storm ---------------- Power: 6,000 Ammo: 20 Add-ons: Ball will zap foes while traveling towards target ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> 4b. Challenge Mode Weapons [DC4B] Okay, to get any of these versions of your weapons, you must complete the game once and continue on that same file and play in Challenge Mode. Then, buy the Mega version of the weapon you want, and go from there. All Mega weapons become available at any vendor in the galaxy after you get its Normal Mode form to V5. Also, while the Gadgetron Discount will also work for Mega weapons, you cannot get the Mega versions of the Going Commando weapons free. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\> RY3NO ===== -Description: The third product in the RYNO (Rip Ya a New One) line, which has become a staple of the series, this puppy launches a salvo of 8 mini- missiles that will each track a separate enemy. Be cautious of the fact that it will target both enemies and crates. Also, if it targets and enemy, but you swing the camera and that enemy is no longer on-screen, you may not hit that enemy. This is also the biggest gripe with the RYNOCIRATOR. If the enemy is not on-screen when the blast occurs, it will not even take any damage. This becomes annoying if and enemy slips behind you and gets off-screen. -Where First Available: Nabla Forest, Florana -Cost: 3,000,000 bolts (2,700,000 bolts with Gadgetron Discount) -Ammo per crate: 0 -Ammo cost: 1,000 bolts V1 -- Power: 6,000 Ammo: 25 V2 -- Power: 7,000 Ammo: 30 Add-ons: 12 shots per round, disintegrates enemies V3 -- Power: 8,000 Ammo: 35 Add-ons: 14 shots per round V4 -- Power: 9,000 Ammo: 40 Add-ons: 16 shots per round V5- RYNOCIRATOR --------------- Power: 10,000 Ammo: 50 Add-ons: Obliterates all on-screen enemies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Shock Cannon ============ V6- Mega Shock Cannon --------------------- Cost: 420,000 bolts Power: 1,100 Ammo: 50 V7- Giga Shock Cannon --------------------- Power: 1,400 Ammo: 55 V8- Omega Shock Cannon ---------------------- Power: 2,100 Ammo: 60 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Nitro Eruptor ============= V6- Mega Nitro Eruptor ---------------------- Cost: 380,000 bolts Power: 4,200 Ammo: 12 V7- Giga Nitro Eruptor ---------------------- Power: 5,000 Ammo: 14 V8- Omega Nitro Eruptor ----------------------- Power: 6,000 Ammo: 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> N90 Hurricane ============= V6- Mega N90 Hurricane ---------------------- Cost: 460,000 bolts Power: 3,500 Ammo: 300 V7- Giga N90 Hurricane ---------------------- Power: 5,000 Ammo: 350 V8- Omega N90 Hurricane ----------------------- Power: 6,000 Ammo: 400 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Quantum Whip ============ V6- Mega Quantum Whip --------------------- Cost: 180,000 bolts Power: 1,400 Ammo: 50 V7- Giga Quantum Whip --------------------- Power: 1,800 Ammo: 55 V8- Omega Quantum Whip ---------------------- Power: 2,400 Ammo: 60 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Infecto-Bomb ============ V6- Mega Infecto-Bomb --------------------- Cost: 220,000 bolts Power: 4,000 Ammo: 20 V7- Giga Infecto-Bomb --------------------- Power: 5,000 Ammo: 25 V8- Omega Infecto-Bomb ---------------------- Power: 6,000 Ammo: 30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Vortex Cannon ============= V6- Mega Vortex Cannon ---------------------- Cost: 100,000 bolts (90,000 bolts with Gadgetron Discount) Power: 4,200 Ammo: N/A V7- Giga Vortex Cannon ---------------------- Power: 5,000 Ammo: N/A V8- Omega Vortex Cannon ----------------------- Power: 6,000 Ammo: N/A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Tempest ======= V6- Mega Tempest ---------------- Cost: 540,000 bolts Power: 3,200 Ammo: 15 V7- Giga Tempest ---------------- Power: 5,400 Ammo: 18 V8- Omega Tempest ----------------- Power: 6,000 Ammo: 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Agents of Dread =============== V6- Mega Agents of Dread ------------------------ Cost: 660,000 bolts (594,000 bolts with Gadgetron Discount) Power: 8,000 Ammo: 8 V7- Giga Agents of Dread ------------------------ Power: 10,000 Ammo: 10 V8- Omega Agents of Dread ------------------------- Power: 12,000 Ammo: 12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Splitter Rifle ============== V6- Mega Splitter Rifle ----------------------- Cost: 340,000 bolts Power: 5,200 Ammo: 15 V7- Giga Splitter Rifle ----------------------- Power: 7,000 Ammo: 18 V8- Omega Splitter Rifle ------------------------ Power: 8,400 Ammo: 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Decimator ========= V6- Mega Decimator ------------------ Cost: 580,000 bolts Power: 3,000 Ammo: 25 V7- Giga Decimator ------------------ Power: 4,000 Ammo: 28 V8- Omega Decimator ------------------- Power: 5,000 Ammo: 30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Ultrashield Launcher ==================== V6- Mega Ultrashield Launcher ----------------------------- Cost: 140,000 bolts Power: 1,000 Ammo: 12 V7- Giga Ultrashield Launcher ----------------------------- Power: 1,500 Ammo: 12 V8- Omega Ultrashield Launcher ------------------------------ Power: 2,000 Ammo: 14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Multi-Disc Gun ============== V6- Mega Multi-Disc Gun ----------------------- Cost: 500,000 bolts Power: 4,400 Ammo: 25 V7- Giga Multi-Disc Gun ----------------------- Power: 5,600 Ammo: 28 V8- Omega Multi-Disc Gun ------------------------ Power: 8,400 Ammo: 30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Rift Ripper =========== V6- Mega Rift Ripper -------------------- Cost: 780,000 bolts Power: 4,000 Ammo: 12 V7- Giga Rift Ripper -------------------- Power: 5,000 Ammo: 14 V8- Omega Rift Ripper --------------------- Power: 6,000 Ammo: 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Qwack-O-Blitzer =============== V6- Mega Qwack-O-Blitzer ------------------------ Cost: 300,000 Power: 4,000 Ammo: N/A V7- Giga Qwack-O-Blitzer ------------------------ Power: 5,000 Ammo: N/A V8- Omega Qwack-O-Blitzer ------------------------- Power: 6,000 Ammo: N/A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Megaturret Glove ================ V6- Mega Megaturret Glove ------------------------- Cost: 620,000 bolts Power: 10,400 Ammo: 12 V7- Giga Megaturret Glove ------------------------- Power: 13,000 Ammo: 14 V8- Omega Megaturret Glove -------------------------- Power: 15,600 Ammo: 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Liquid Nitrogen Gun =================== V6- Mega Liquid Nitrogen Gun ---------------------------- Cost: 260,000 bolts Power: 2,600 Ammo: 200 V7- Giga Liquid Nitrogen Gun ---------------------------- Power: 3,000 Ammo: 250 V8- Omega Liquid Nitrogen Gun ----------------------------- Power: 3,600 Ammo: 300 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Tesla Barrier ============= V6- Mega Tesla Barrier ---------------------- Cost: 700,000 bolts Power: 300 Ammo: 4 V7- Giga Tesla Barrier ---------------------- Power: 400 Ammo: 5 V8- Omega Tesla Barrier ----------------------- Power: 500 Ammo: 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Heavy Bouncer ============= V6- Mega Heavy Bouncer ---------------------- Cost: 740,000 bolts Power: 3,000 Ammo: 12 V7- Giga Heavy Bouncer ---------------------- Power: 3,600 Ammo: 14 V8- Omega Heavy Bouncer ----------------------- Power: 4,400 Ammo: 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\> Plasma Storm ============ V6- Mega Plasma Storm --------------------- Cost: 820,000 bolts Power: 6,800 Ammo: 20 V7- Giga Plasma Storm --------------------- Power: 7,600 Ammo: 22 V8- Omega Plasma Storm ---------------------- Power: 8,400 Ammo: 25 5. Getting Your Priorities Straight [DC5] Each and every weapon in R&C 3 is great. But... some are still a tad more useful than others. So, if you have to make a choice between some weapons that are available, but you cannot decide which to get first, this list should help you out. The top weapon is the most useful/powerful, then going down, the weapons get less and less useful. So, here you are: 1. Plasma Coil 2. Rift Inducer 3. Lava Gun 4. Annihilator 5. Bouncer 6. Shield Charger 7. Miniturret Glove 8. Qwack-O-Ray 9. Flux Rifle 10. Infector 11. Disc Blade Gun 12. N60 Storm 13. Spitting Hydra 14. Suck Cannon 15. Agents of Doom 16. Plasma Whip 17. Holoshield Glove NOTE: The Shock Blaster and Nitro Launcher are not on this list because you get them at the beginning- no option of what order to buy them. The RY3NO is not included either because in Challenge Mode it is obviously your top priority weapon. 6. Weapon Leveling Tips [DC6] If you are having difficulty upgrading a weapon, look no further. This section is dedicated to tips that offer great ways to level up your weapons. (Contributors will be listed in the Credits section. So be sure to look there and see all the people who gave these tips!) - Shield Charger: Go to Annihilation Nation. Enter any Gauntlet course. Turn on your Shield Charger, then stand on the fire platforms. You should gain experience quickly. When you run out of ammo, just kill yourself, then rinse and repeat. - Any weapon: If upgrading a weapon is too hard for you, wait until you get to Challenge Mode to upgrade it. The early enemies you should still be able to kill, and the weapons will gain insane amounts of experience, resulting in unbelievably fast levels. - Suck Cannon: Go to planet Tyhrranosis, hop in the dropship, and choose The Final Battle. There should be plenty of small Tyhrranoids in this mission. - Infector: Try going to Metropolis, and go to the area where the Biobliterator turned all the Tyhrranoids into robots. Use the Infector on the tank in that area, it should level fast. - Any weapon: Just go to Nefarious BFG, Koros. Then, pull out the weapon you wish to upgrade and obliterate everything. This is an excellent method for leveling weapons- in fact, without this, it would have taken me another week to write this FAQ! - Rift Inducer: Head to the Sewers on Aquatos. Use the Rift Inducer there- all the small Amoeboids there should give this weapon plenty of fast experience. - Holoshield Glove: Go to Planet Daxx. Head along the Charge Boots path (in other words, do not take those Hypershot targets at the start), kill all the red bugs on the first plateau thingy, then when the giant robot flies down, throw out your shields. He will keep pumping lead into them, leveling them extremely quickly. - Shield Charger: You need the Gravity Boots for this one (do all the Blackwater City, Riglar battle missions). Fly to Holostar Studios. Now, look around the landing area for a surface the Gravity Boots can attach to. Go on up, and then from there the path is fairly logical. When you reach a tall column covered with Gravity Boot surfaces, activate your Shield Charger/Tesla Barrier and start running up. Tyhrranoids will free fall down at you. Just let Them hit your shield for easy EXP. - Flux Rifle: Go to planet Mylon. Take out your Flux Rifle, and snipe the first two enemies. Now kill yourself, then rinse and repeat. This strategy works for almost any weapon. - Suck Cannon: This one is a little tricky. Go to Mylon, go through the level, and kill the Biobliterator. Now, CHOOSE TO WARP BACK IN TIME. You will go back to before you defeated the Biobliterator. Now, go to Mylon again. This time through the level, there will lots of small drones for you to suck up and blast people with. - Holoshield Glove/Shield Charger: Go to Tyhrranosis, Rilgar (Blackwater City), or Aridia (Aridia is preferred) and enter the last Ranger mission, where you attack the Tyhrranoid base. Walk up to the base, and when the Gatling guns open fire on you, throw up your Holoshield or Shield Charger and just let the turrets pump lead into them. - Infector: Go to any planet (preferably Koros or Mylon) and infect everyone. The nifty thing about this weapon is you get EXP for infecting as well as killing. - Any Weapon: Level your Flux Rifle to V5 or V8 (depending on if you are in Challenge Mode or not) to make this easier to do. Once your Flux/Splitter Rifle is ready, go to Annihilation Nation and enter The Terrible Two. Use your trusty rifle to take large chunks out of their health meters. Once they are almost dead to death, switch to the weapon you want to level up, and use it to finish Gary and Helen for good EXP. - Any Weapon: Almost the same as the above tip, but instead you can try the Scorpio match. <> 7. Credits/Thanks [DC7] - Thanks to whoever invented the Internet! - Thanks to Insomniac Games for making the wonderful Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal, and coming up with all of those crazy weapons I love so much. - Kleptokillo for telling me at which version the N60 Storm gets the Shock Mod and for telling me the discounted price of the Suck Cannon - soroush123 for telling me the discounted price of the Agents of Doom - kittycat123 for telling me the non-discounted prices of the Shield Charger, Bouncer, and Plasma Coil - Lackern for reminding me that the RY3NO can be discounted - Dandude776 for reminding me that the special on the Shock Cannon consumes extra ammunition - ShaGGy for telling me that you can in fact keep sucking with the Suck Cannon after getting ammo - I would like to thank all of the following people for contributing to the Tips section: BobTheHobo777, luckylink17, soroush123, FishSticks582, Pierre Go, Lackern, Phoenix, spinningwheels, and arkan_choz - Thanks to everybody at GameFAQs UYA message boards that supported me. 8. The Boring Legal Jargon [DC8] This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site other than GameFAQs.com or Neoseeker.com or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Copyright 2004 Dean Konenkamp (Dark Cloud 237) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\>