------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ratchet and Clank Hoverboard F.A.Q. By David Bramwell and Adam Sayers contact: h.bramwell@ntlworld.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Legal Stuff ----------- This FAQ is for personal use only. It is illegal to take any part of this FAQ and claim it to be your own. It also can't be altered or placed on another website without our permission. If you do wish to put this FAQ on your website then ask by emailing us at the above email address, we will probably give permission. Anybody disobeying these rules will be delt with severly. Ratchet and Clank is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Inc. Created and Developed by Insomniac Games (C)2002 SCEA. This FAQ Copyright (C) 2003 by David Bramwell and Adam Sayers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Contents -------- If you are using a PC, then press Control+F then type in the section code that you wish to go to, and the computer will take you straight there. Code Section What it includes 1A- History of the FAQ When and what the changes have been to the FAQ 1B- Introduction Who we are and why we decided to make this FAQ 1C- What is Hoverboarding A brief guide to Hoverboarding 1D- Controls Which button does what 1E- How to get Hoverboard Techniques of how to beat the sand sharks 1F- The Tricks Which buttons to push to get the most points 1G- "Speedy" How to do the "Speedy" skill point 1H- "Magician" How to do the "Magician" skill point 1I- Glitch How to get loads of bolts on the Rilgar Track 1J- Shortcuts How to activate the shortcuts 1K- Thankyou's Us giving praise to the people who helped ----------- 1A- History ----------- 17.01.03 - We started writing this FAQ. 19.01.03 - We got down all the Tricks. 21.01.03 - Version 0.5 was submitted. ---------------- 1B- Introduction ---------------- Hi! Our names are David Bramwell and Adam Sayers. We are writing this FAQ together as we think it will save time if we share the work between us. Also this is our first FAQ, so bear with us. We originally decided to write this FAQ when we had completed the game once, and were playing it again, getting all of the gold weapons and skill points. Three of the skill points were based on the hoverboard races, one of which is earned by doing a Twisty Mc'Marx on the hoverboard race in Blackwater city. We had each done a Twisty Mc'Marx while doing the race at the Gadgetron site, however we did not know how we had done it. We looked on the "Gold bolts and Skill Points FAQ" by Tihy Arnaud (Heldwin), which is fantastic, and really helped with the other skill points, but not this one. We also looked at other FAQs, and they all had a different way of doing a Twisty Mc'Marx, and none of them worked. So we worked out how to do it, along with how to do all of the other moves. ------------------------- 1C- What is Hoverboarding ------------------------- Hoverboarding is a well recognised sport in the universe of Ratchet and Clank. The first thing you need, before you can go hoverboarding is, obviously, a hoverboard. There are two hoverboard races in the game, the first is in Black Water City, on the planet of Rilgar. The second is in the Gadgetron Site, on Kalebo III. When the race starts, you will notice that the hoverboard goes quite slow, however it speeds up for a short time after going over a bar on the floor with three arrows on it, by going over a jump and traveling through a ring in the air, or by hitting a green sludge monster. The races consist of three laps, and have various boxes that contain bolts, and explosive and solid boxes to make your race harder. ------------ 1D- Controls ------------ Left Analog stick-Turn/Do a flip (when in the air and doing a trick) D Pad-Turn/Do a flip (When in the air and doing a trick) X-Jump []-Boost ()-Fire Missile (Only on Gadgetron Race) R1-Do a trick L1-Do a trick R2-Do a trick L2-Do a trick Start-Pause Race ----------------------------- 1E- How to get the Hoverboard ----------------------------- The hoverboard is located on Planet Aridia. To recieve the hoverboard you have to find Skid McMarx. Turn to face your ship, then go down past the left hand side of the ship and follow the path round. During the cut scene Skid McMarx will tell you that he needs to get to his ship to leave the planet, however, his path is blocked by 50 sand sharks and nine of those pods that shoot out extra bad guys when you kill the first ones. To get the hoverboard you have to go ahead of Skid, in order to kill the sand sharks and make his path safe. We find that the pyrociter is the best weapon to use, rather than the wrench, bomb glove or blaster because the pyrociter has a wide fire, which makes it useful for taking out large groups of enemies. -------------- 1F- The Tricks -------------- While on the hoverboard there are four basic poses, these are done by pressing R1, R2, L1, and L2. When you go over a jump, if you press one of these buttons and push the left analog stick or D pad in any direction to do a flip. For each flip that you do, you will get 10 points. For example, if you do a trick and do 2 flips, you will get 20 points. By pushing two of these buttons, not at the same time, while doing flips, you get 20 points for each flip that you do in the same jump that you do 2 tricks in. Below are listed the names for every trick in the game. The buttons that are needed to do the tricks can be pushed in any order. Buttons Name Points R1 Scratcher 10 points per flip R2 Crunchy 10 points per flip L1 Gonzo 10 points per flip L2 Tip Tweak 10 points per flip The next tricks are done by only doing 1 flip, the points shown are for the 1st time you do the trick, the 2nd time, the 3rd time and the 4th time. Buttons Name Points R1+L1+R2 Plumbers Crack 215, 107, 71, 53 R1+R2+L2 Blarg Air 235, 117, 78, 58 R1+L1+L2 Call Me Sally 200, 100, 66, 50 L1+R2+L2 Sand Shark 225, 112, 75, 56 R1+L1+R2+L2 The Commando 300, 150, 100, 75 The next tricks are done by only doing 2 or 3 flips: Buttons Name Points R1+L1+R2 Snagglebeast 350, 175, 116, 87 R1+R2+L2 Do The Robot 400, 200, 133, 100 R1+L1+L2 Double Darla 325, 162, 108, 81 L1+R2+L2 Cracker Jak 375, 187, 125, 93 R1+L1+R2+L2 Revolverator 500, 250, 166, 125 The next tricks are done by doing 4 or more flips: Buttons Name Points R1+L1+R2 Big Al 550, 275, 183, 137 R1+R2+L2 Quarktastic 600, 300, 200, 150 R1+L1+L2 Chomper 525, 262, 175, 131 L1+R2+L2 Drek's Revenge 575, 287, 191, 143 R1+L1+R2+L2 Twisty McMarx 650, 325, 216, 162 If you do a three or four button trick for the first time in a race, then you will get full points. If you then do it again, straight after, then you will get half points, if you do it 3 times in a row you will get 1/3 of the points, and if you do it 4 times in a row, then you will get 1/4 of the points. We do not yet fully know how the points system works, for example, we don't know how you get the points to increases again. If anyone has any suggestions please email them to us. ------------ 1G- "Speedy" ------------ Many people think that this skill point is one of the most difficult and time consuming skill points in the game. It is located in Blackwater city, on planet Rilgar. To acheive the skill point, you must complete the hoverboard race in under 1:36 mins in the European version, and 1:35 mins in the American version. This is a very difficult time to beat, as to do so, you have to cut the corners of the race quite dramatically. Below we have created a map (to the best of our ability). On the map it shows jumps and boosts that are on the ground, however it does not show the ring boosts in the air. ______ _____________ / # | \ / #______|_________ \ / > \ | > ____>_____2_>_#___ # v\ | # | \ \ #\ | ^ | \ A\ \ | 1 | \__\ \ |______| \ __\ ___________________ \ \ \ |>, <, ^, v = Boost | \3 v\ \ |# = Jump | \ \ \ |___________________| _____________\ \__\ / ___________ __/ / / __ /_/ /__/ ________|__|_/ |__ | |__|Bv | | ## | | | | v| | 4 #| _______________ | ___ | | < \ |v|___|| | C \ | | |_________#_ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ ^ \________/ / \ < / \ / \________________/ To get the skill point, you must first have the zoomerator, you get this by winning the race. It isn't hard at all. The zoomerator turns your tricks into boost, which you can then use by pressing []. The numbers of each section are on the map at the place of the start of each section. 1.When the race starts, hit the first 2 boosts, then go over the second jump and pull off a three pose, 2 or 3 flip trick and land in the part of the track next to you, not the floating bit in front. Your boost bar should now be full. From now on keep the boost button pushed. 2.Hit the last boost, just before the jump, then go over the jump, cut the corner while in the air, and land on the floating path around the corner, (the floating path is marked as A on the map) 3.At the end of the floating path, jump down to normal level, rather than the next floating path. Jump and cut the next corner. Keep going, until you get to the big jump, (Marked B). Go over the boost in front of it and jump and go over the floating platform. If your boost is running out, use this jump to refill it. 4.When you land, immediately jump, and cut the next corner. Keep going, and before you get to the corner of the next jump, (Marked C), jump to cut out the corner. Then go over the jump, and hit the last boost. You need to do this exactly the same for three laps. It shouldn't take much practise. -------------- 1H- "Magician" -------------- During this race you can earn a skill point called Magician. At first this skill point seems tough but with a bit of practice you will soon be able to do it. _____________ / \_______ ___________ / < \______ / ________ \ / ______ < \_____/ / \ \ | / \_______ < / /_____ \ \ | | \______ / / \ \ \ \ \___ \_____/ / # \ \ \ \ # \____ / / \ \ /^/ \__>_# \____ \ \ \ ^ \ /_/ \_____ \____ \ \ | | \____ \____ | | / B# # # / _____________\____ \___| |/ / / # \____ > | |__ / / > \____ \____/ / > A#_____ ______________\____ > \ / / | | \__C# # #\ / / | | \ \ I I | | \ \ \ \ | | | | \ \___ | | | v | \ # \ | | / / \___^ \ | | /# / \______\ | | / / \ \| | / / \ \ |____________________/ / \ < / \ < / \_________________________<___/ There are two ways that you can do this skill point, the easy, cheating way, or the hard, non-cheating way. The cheating way - Follow the track until you get to point C. Instead of taking the jump to the right part of the track, try to land on the track below from earlier in the race. You will get the points for the trick, then a sign will flash up saying "Wrong Way" and you will be put back on the track just before point C. Keep jumping onto the track below varying your tricks to get the best points. do this for a short while and you should complete the skill point with ease. The proper (Manly) way: 1. At the first jump pull off a three pose, 2 or 3 flip trick. 2. Next take the jump labled A and try to pull off a four pose trick, either a Revolverator or (preferably) a Twisty McMarx. 3. At point B pull off a three pose, 2 or 3 flip trick to boost your points. 4. At the next jump don't aim to land on the higher track, then try to do a four posetrick (Not the same one as in point 2). 5. From now on do 2 or 3 flip tricks until you finish the lap, as it is too difficult to do more than 3 flips. 6. Then do exactly the same again for the next 2 laps. Another method, emailed to me by Kay Neill, is just as good as the ones posted above, if not, it is better. Here it is: Every time you hit one of the robots with a missile, you get 250 points, so if you go round really slow, collecting the missiles, then when one passes you, you can shoot it and get 250 points. This makes it a lot easier to reach the 4500 point target, as you can go through doing tricks when you feel comfortable, and then get the rest of the points easily by shooting the robots. Thanks to Kay Neill for that method. ---------- 1I- Glitch ---------- When you have come first in the Gadgetron Race, the guy there will give you the hologuise. The hologuise is used to make Ratchet look like a Robot, so that he can get into areas that are secured by sentry bots. However, there is another use for it. If you equip the hologuise, and then enter the race in Rilgar, you will be able to walk around the race track on foot. This may seem pointless. Howvever, if you walk to the biggest jump, where there are loads of boxes on a floating platform, there is a very easy way to get loads of bolts. Stand just under the platform, then equip the taunter and push circle while facing forwards. An endless stream of bolts will keep coming to you. Now put a coin on the circle button, and then cellotape it down, turn the T.V off and go away and do something else. When you come back you will have loads of bolts. If you have done the race a few times before, then you may have already destroyed all of the boxes on the platform. Don't worry, as long as you have some boxes left in the race, then you can do it with them. As long as you keep the boxes out of sight. Otherwise the bolts stop coming. ------------- 1J- Shortcuts ------------- On the Gadgetron site race there are two shortcuts. These are shown on the map and can be very useful. _____________ / \_______ ___________ / < \______ / ________ \ / ______ < \_____/ / \ \ | / \_______ < / /_____ \ \ | | \______ / / \ \ \ \ \___ \_____/ / # \ \ \ \ # \____ / / \ \ /^/ \__>_# \____ \ \ \ ^ \ /A/ \_____ \____ \ \ | | \____ \____ | | / #1#1# / _____________\____ \___| |/ / / # \____ > | |__ / / > \____ \____/ / > _#_____ ______________\____ > \ / / | | \___# # #\ / / | | \ \ I I | | \ \ \ \ | | | | \ \___ | | | v | \ # \ | | / / \___^ \ | | /# / \______\ | | / / \ \|B| / / \ \ |____________________/ / \ < / \ < / \_________________________<___/ Although it is not necessary to do this race in a certain time, it is fun seeing how fast you can do it, these shortcuts are also helpful in winning the race so that you get the hologuise, they make it incredible easy. When the race starts,the first shortcut you come to is marked A on the map. To get to it you have to pull off a 3 or 4 pose trick so that you can use your boost after going over the jump, (marked 1). This will allow you to land on the shortcut. When you are on the shortcut, the first thing that you will notice is that it is very very narrow. While you follow the shortcut round, you will go through three rings which will make a beep noise. Then you have to jump over the track and go through the hole in the wall on the other side. This is the best shortcut and easily puts you out in front. The second shortcut is marked B, just before the turning for B, you will see three rings, similar to the ones for the last shortcut. You have to go through all of these to open this shortcut. It is hard to go through the rings while boosting, but it can be done. This shortcut doesn't cut as much time off, but there are loads of boxes filled with bolts, so it is worth doing. -------------- 1K- Thankyou's -------------- First of all, thanks to INSOMNIAC for making this fantastic, superb, excelent, extrordinary, magnificent, incredible game. Thankyou also to Martin Moran, who first noticed shortcut A on the Gadgetron Race. Thankyou to Avi Warner who comfirmed for us that the time neede to get the "Speedy" skill point in the American Version is 1:35. Thanks to Kay Neill for emailing me with the great strategy for the "Magician" Skill Point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thankyou For Reading Our First FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------