RESIDENT EVIL 4 (BIOHAZARD 4) FAQ/Walkthrough Version 2.0 By Outbreak For Nintendo GameCube "Don't Pee Your Pants!" Shinji Mikami Unpublished work copyright 2003-2005 Outbreak (Xfactor) This FAQ can only be found on the following web-site: If you see this FAQ appearing on any other web site (especially, please inform the author. If you wishes to host this document, please ask for permission by contacting the author first. (but if you're from, don't bother. You are not allow to take it). Also, I forbid the every publishers/publications from using this FAQ, namely: Ziff-Davis Video Game Group Future Publishing, Ltd IDG Media Game 13th Magazine Prima Games The Resident Evil game series is (c) Capcom Ltd. The characters and events depicted in this game are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This FAQ is protected under the laws of the Raccoon Police Department. Unauthorized duplication, distribution or exhibition may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution by an appropriate S.T.A.R.S member. and then some. ================================================================================ --------------------- (01)TABLE OF CONTENT |-------------------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 --------------------- ================================================================================ (01)TABLE OF CONTENT (02)INTRODUCTION/UPDATE (03)AUTHOR & GAME INFO (04)GAME BASIC (05)CHARACTERS (06)ENEMIES (07)WALKTHROUGH GUIDE (08)SPEED RUN (09)FILES TRANSCRIPT (10)SECRET MATTERS (11)MERCHANT TRADING (12)ITEMS GUIDE (13)MINI-GAMES - BLUE MEDALLIONS (14)MINI-GAMES - SHOOTING GALLERY (15)MINI-GAMES - ASSIGNMENT ADA (16)MINI-GAMES - THE MERCENARIES (17)RESIDENT EVIL CHRONICLE (18)TRANSLATION (19)FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (20)CREDITS & LEGAL TERMS ================================================================================ ----------------------- (02)INTRODUCTION/UPDATE|-----------------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 ----------------------- ================================================================================ ---------------------- 02.1 - Version Update |--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Version 1.6 - April 8th ~ 11th Entire Walkthrough Remake (Part 1) Version 1.7 - April 13th Entire Walkthrough Remake (Part 2) Version 1.8 - April 24th ~ 26th Entire Walkthrough Remake (Part 3) Version 1.9 - April 27th ~ 30th Entire Walkthrough Remake (Part 4) ----------------- 02.2 - The Story |-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Six years have passed since the destruction of Raccoon City. US Agent Leon Kennedy has been assigned to locate the President's kidnapped daughter. His investigation has led him to a rural part of Europe. Hoping to find more information he makes a stop at a village. But what he found was more than out of the ordinary. Upon entering the village, Leon is suddenly attacked. He has no choice but to return fire in self-defense. But that wasn't enough to stop "them." It reminded Leon of the horrors that occurred at Raccoon City. "I thought the nightmares were over..." Flesh that knows no pain. Strength beyond any human. It all seemed very familiar - too familiar, but something was different. Something about their eyes...In spite of all the madness there was still something human in them. "No. They're different. They aren't zombies..." "Then what are they?" "What happened here?" ================================================================================ ----------------------- (03)AUTHOR & GAME INFO |-----------------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 ----------------------- ================================================================================ ----------------------------- 03.1 - Author's Introduction |-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- I am xfactor, author of this FAQ. My contributor name is "Outbreak" on GameFAQs, and I will be making a brief introduction about myself here. I am quite a big fan of the Resident Evil series, and my first FAQ career is for the game "Resident Evil : Outbreak" for the PS2. Later on, I goes on to FAQ another Capcom title, a fighter move list FAQ (Ken Master) for "SNK vs Capcom", again, for the PS2. After that, I also spend my time writing FAQs for more Resident Evil games. Specifically, the Monsters FAQ for "Resident Evil 0" (GC), "Resident Evil" (GC), "Resident Evil 2" (GC) and "Resident Evil Dead Aim". My latest FAQ works are for the Japanese version of the game "Resident Evil Outbreak: File #2" (Biohazard Outbreak: File 2). I started my passion for the RE series since RE in 1996, and have since made my way throughout the series. I joined "Umbrella Network" by the id 'roadogg', and I am also the news poster at "Resident Evil Network", hosted by Umbrella Network. Currently, I am also a forum goer at GameFAQs, Gaming-Age, Resident Evil Community and the-magicbox, all by my current id. "xfactor". Throughout the long journey, I have encountered a lot of other Resident Evil fans like me. Many of them have helped and have contributed to my passion in a lot of ways. Thanks to them for influencing me, although I do not have private conversations with most of them. This FAQ is my latest and first FAQ for the year 2005. I am happy that I can document a game whom many view as the "Best Resident Evil" game and also the "Best Gamecube" game. Without further delay, lets hope on the cart and let me and Capcom brings you on a journey that will redefine the term "horror" in your dictionary. ------------------------- 03.2 - Game Introduction |------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- "1998.... I'll never forget it. It was the year when these grisly murders occured in the Arklay Mountains. Soon after, the news was out to the whole world revealing that it was the fault of a secret viral experiment conducted by the international pharmaceutical enterprise, Umbrella. The virus broke out in a near by mountain community, Raccoon City. And hit the peaceful little town with a devastating blow crippling its very foundation. Not taking any chances, the President of the United States ordered a contingency plan - to sterilize Raccoon City. With the whole affair gone public, the United States government issued an indefinite suspension of business decree to Umbrella. Soon its stock prices crashed and for all intents and purposes Umbrella was finished. Six years later..." ------------------------ 03.3 - Game Information |------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ NTSC/NA Title: Resident Evil 4 NTSC/J Title: Biohazard 4 PAL Title: Resident Evil 4 Developer: Capcom Japan Production Studio 4 Publisher: Capcom Game Developer: Hiroyuki Kobayashi Game Director: Shinji Mikami Story Writer: Shinji Mikami Platform: Nintendo Gamecube (2005) Sony Playstation 2 (2005) ================================================================================ --------------- (04)GAME BASIC |-------------------------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 --------------- ================================================================================ -------------------- 04.1 - Game Control |----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ----------- - IN GAME - ----------- Analog - Move - Turn - Select D-Pad - Move - Turn - Select A - Action B - Run (Hold with D-pad) - Cancel (When prompt a question) X - Command for Ashley Y - Inventory Screen Z - Map R - Aim (weapon equipped) L - Aim with Knife Start - Option Menu C-stick - Look/Zoom scope ------------- - INVENTORY - ------------- Analog - Select D-Pad - Select A - Confirm selection B - Cancel (When prompt a question) X - Take/Confirm position for Item Y - Return to game Z R - Rotate Item clockwise (After you press X to take Item) L - Rotate Item anticlockwise (After you press X to take Item) Start C-stick ----------------------- 04.2 - Game Navigation |-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- *This section is written assuming you are using the default control scheme. ------------------- - STARTING A GAME - ------------------- Using the analog stick, highlight your selection on the main menu and press the (A) button to select. START - Press START/PAUSE on the controller to start a new game LOAD - Load your saved data and continue from where you have saved previously. OPTION - Change the game settings. -------------- - DIFFICULTY - -------------- When you choose START, you might be able to select the difficult. EASY - Accessible right away (Jpn vers only) NORMAL - Accessible right away PROFESSIONAL - Accessible after clearing a game once ------------------------- 04.3 - Gameplay Features |------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ---------- - MOVING - ---------- Moving the character is the most basic feature one has to learn. To move forward or backward, simply hold up or down on the D-pad. Holding left or right will pivot-turn the character to the side. You can run forward by just holding the B button while moving forward. ------------------- - COMBAT *UPDATE* - ------------------- To attack, equip a weapon in the inventory. Then, hold the R button to aim, then press the A button to attack. Each weapons have their own features for use in certain , and different enemies have different weak spot, so it is best to learn their characteristics fast. YOu can also attack with a knife. To do so, hold the L button to aim, then press the A button to attack. It is a near range attack though. When enemies throw projectile at you, you can fire at it to deflect it away. Also, firing the dynamite at the dynamite-carrying enemies will cause it to explode in his hand, blowing him (and any other enemies near him) up! To reload, hold the R button, then press the B button. Be sure to reload only when there is no enemy around, and reload everytime you gets to a new room. Also you will reload if you tries to fire an empty gun. Sometime, Leon can execute physical attacks on enemy too! However, they are defensive measure, so don't rely on them too much. (A)KICK - Appear only when you are near a Ganado and they are stumbling back from a Handgun-type weapon shot. Leon will execute a kick to the head. - Appear when you are in aiming position while the Novistador are closeby too. Leon will make a roundhouse kick to the monster. (A)SUPLEX - Appear only when you fire a Ganado until he falls 1 knee to the ground. Leon will suplex the Ganado. Higher chance of decapitation when suplex if weaken before Suplex. -------------------- - HEALING *UPDATE* - -------------------- Resident Evil veterans will find the healing system familiar, but they are also not totally the same. Leon's vitality is represented by the circular vitality guage at the corner of the screen (and Ashley's too if she is with Leon). It decreases as Leon sustain damage. At then, the character's movement might slow down. If the vitality runs out, the character simply die and the game is over. Some of the healing items come in the form of herbs. Herbs can be combined to increase their potential or effect. Here are the herbs, their effect when used and the possible combination. o-----------------------+-------------------------------o | Herb | Health Restore | o-----------------------+-------------------------------o | Green | 25% | | Red | - | | Yellow | - | | Green + Green | 50% | | Green + Green + Green | 10 | | Green + Red | 100% | | Green + Yellow | 25% + Expand vitality gauge | | Green + Red + Yellow | 10 + Expand vitality gauge | o-----------------------+-------------------------------o Here are the rest of the healing items. o-----------------------+--------------+-----------o----------o----------------o | Item Name | Get From | Purchase | Kill | Health Restore | o-----------------------+--------------+-----------o----------o----------------o | First Aid Spray | Merchant | 10000 pts | Ganado | 10 | | Black Bass | - | - | Fish | 2.5 | | Black Bass (L) | - | - | Fish (L) | 10 | | Chicken Egg | Chicken | - | Snake | 1.8 | | Brown Chicken Egg | Chicken | - | Snake | 2.5 | | Gold Chicken Egg | Chicken | - | Snake | 10 | o-----------------------+--------------+-----------o----------o----------------o Here's a tips when it comes to using healing items. If you wants to use a healing item, choose to use the Black Bass type first, as they occupies the largest space (and thus, clearing up more spaces so you can obtain more items). Try to save up the eggs as they only occupy a 1X1 dimension space. EGGS The chickens will lay eggs for you to pick them up. They will be highlighted by a column of green light just like any other healing item. BLACK BASSES You can hunt for fishes by firing at them in the water, then goes to take them. -------------------- - ACTIONS *UPDATE* - -------------------- Using the action button, you can perform more actions than before! Most are done by tapping the A button in the correct position, but there are several exceptions. In some cases, you will have to tap the A button, or the B button (depending on what is shown) to make Leon run. Also, in some situations, you will have to wriggle the analog stick (to struggle), or even a combination buttons of A+B or L+R. Failure in pressing them immediately results in damage sustain, or even game over. Here're some uses of the context sensitive (A) button: -- Climb Up (Ladder) -- Look (with an binocular) -- Jump In (through the window) -- Jump Over (fence) -- Knock Down (ladder) -- Hide (Ashley in container) -- Climb (onto El Gigante) -- Jump (onto chandelier) Here're some other uses of the L+R/A+B button combinations and the tapping of (A) and (B) button. -- Swim (To boat during Del Lago fight) -- Dodge (Bitores Mendez) -- Dodge (El Gigante) -- Cut (Parasite on El Gigante) -- Sprint (from Boulder) -- Dodge (from Boulder) -- Dodge (from Verdugo's attack) In some situation you have to rotate the analog-stick: -- Shake Off (El Gigante) -- Shake Off (Colmillo) ------------------ - ITEMS *UPDATE* - ------------------ Items are vital in clearing the game. You need them to attack enemies, solve puzzles, heal, just to name a few. If an item can be taken, a (A)TAKE will appear. Then, press the A button to take it. Sometime, items are found in barrels and crates. You can break them by attacking them (use knife or gun), then obtain the items within. Do take note that not all of them contain items! Items can also appear when enemies are defeated. If so, you have to take them before they disappear. The spot of the item is indicated by a column of light beam. Different colour light beams represent different type of items. Here are the representation: Green - Healing item Red - Ammo Blue - Pesetas (Money) ------------ - 180 TURN - ------------ Leon can make a quick-turn-behind and run if the enemy is getting too close. This technique is useful during the heat of battle, and sometime for speed game. You can perform this action by tapping down on the analog stick and the B button on the controller at the same time. --------------------- - MOVING THE CAMERA - --------------------- To move the camera, use the right analog stick. Note that there is a limitation on how much you can move. ------------------- - VIEWING THE MAP - ------------------- Example Pic: To view a map, press the Z button during the game. Your current location is represented by the green arrow, and the destination is represented by the red dot. There are some other representatives too: DOOR Green - Open Red - Locked Blue - Have Key ------------------ - INVENTORY MENU - ------------------ You can perform many tasks in the inventory menu. Access it using the Y button. You can toggle between various tabs above. KEY & TREASURES Example Pic: Example Pic: The top row list the Key Items you have obtained. The bottom row list the treasures you have obtained. From here, you can select an item to combine with another item, use or examine it. WEAPONS & RECOVERY Example Pic: You store your weapons & Recovery items in this 'grid system' attache case. You have to arrange them so they fit in the grid. You can expand the grid space by buying the attache cases from the merchant. From here, you can select a herb to combine with another herb, or attach an item to a weapon, use healing item or equip a weapon. You can rotate and move the spot to put the item by the X button. Putting a herb on top of another will 'combine' them (if they can be combined). MAP Example Pic: This shows the map. Use L or R to zoom. FILES Example Pic: Example Pic: This list the documents you have found in the game. EXIT Exit to the game. ------------- - COMBINING - ------------- You can combine certain stuffs together. Combining plays a big role in the game. Here are the purpose of combining items: 1)If you combine some treasures together, their value will increase. 2)If you combine some herbs together, you can enhance their potential. 3)If you combine some key items together, you can use it to proceed the game. ------------------------ - GAME OVER & CONTINUE - ------------------------ Once you failed your mission or died, the game will be over. From there, you can choose "Continue" to continue the game. ---------------------------------- - NEW ACTION BUTTON SYSTEM *NEW* - ---------------------------------- With one press of the Action Button, Leon's capable of various actions. Putting up ladders, using binoculars, and jumping out of windows. These are just a few of the actions that the player now has at his disposal. --------------- - TRAPS *NEW* - --------------- Lord Saddler and his hideous army have laid numerous traps for Leon. There are many forms of traps, but most can be disarmed. Different type of traps have different way of disarming them or avoiding them. Here are the various traps in the game: - Bear Trap..................................................................... The first trap you will see in the game, also the most basic trap. Bear Trap basically clip Leon or Ashley's ankle when they cross over them. In the beginning area, a wolf is trapped by such trap. You can release Ashley or the wolf from the trap simply by getting to it and press (A) when it is shown. Bear Trap is hidden mostly in ground that has the same color as it. To disarm them, simply fire your weapon at it. - Laser Wire.................................................................... Example Pic Laser wire triggers off an explosion when you touch it. They are equipped between 2 trees or walls. Similarly, if an enemy gets too close to it you can set off thet explosion to inflict damage on the enemy. Of cause, the enemy will sustain damage too if they themselves touches it. Later on in the game, you will encounter laser wires which moves, and some can only be avoided by tapping the dodge buttons. - Boulder....................................................................... Example Pic The enemy rolls a gigantic boulder at your character. There is no way around it except to sprint with the (A) button, then tap the dodge buttons when it appear. This will happen only in some parts of the game. - Swinging Pendulum Blade....................................................... In a certain room within Salazar's majestic palace, you will see a massive swinging blades. They will cut you if you are not careful, so you should cross when the pendulum blades swing to the side. - Stomping Stones............................................................... In some parts of the game, giant stones will stomp from the ceiling. Like the pendulum blade, there is no way around it except to cross when the stomping stones rises up to the ceiling. However, there is one point where you can pull a lever to stop 1 stone from crushing down. - Rolling Barrel................................................................ In a certain part within the castle, enemies will roll barrels towards you while you ascend a spiral staircase upward. Some of them will be on fire, and you sustain damage if you touch them. You can fire to blast them away when they are close. - Spikes Ceiling................................................................ Example Pic In some parts in the game, Salazar use the classic 'spikes ceiling' traps. Needless to say, you have to do something quick to stop this trap. The way to stop it is to simply fire at the jewels at the 4 corners of the spikes ceiling. ----------------- - TRADING *NEW* - ----------------- In this game, you can do trading using the "Peseta" currency. It can be found in crates or barrels, or even defeating enemies. In some area, you will encounter a scarf wearing black hood man who don't attack you. They are the merchants, who are there to trade items and/or upgrade items for you for a price. You can sell your items, and purchase exclusive weapons, or upgrade weapons like increasing its ammo capacity, or you can also expand your inventory size to hold more item. In some spots, the merchant also provide a mini-game whereby you can participate in to earn more pesetas. The game is simply a shooting gallery, which is outline in this FAQ on Section 13.2 . Lastly, you should refer to the entire Section 11 of this FAQ to learn more about the items trading with this merchant, like the selling price and buying price of the item and weapon upgrades. They will only trade with you when the surrounding is clear of danger. Also, do not accidentally kill them or they will die! (However they do not die if you fire at them in the Shooting Gallery) If a merchant dies, he will not appear in that spot any more, but there will still be merchants in other places. 1)Find a merchant... 2)Select the actions you want to take... 3a)Sell an item, stranger? 3b)Or a trade, stranger? 3c)We offer weapon upgrade too! ---------------------------- - ASHLEY PARTNERSHIP *NEW* - ---------------------------- Once you found Ashley, your task is to bring her to safety. However, like Leon, she will die if she gets attacked by you or the enemy. Her vitality is indicated by a vitality gauge similar to Leon. Also, her status is indicated by the icons that appear in the gauge. ()() | | | | | | |||| FOLLOW: Ashley is following behind Leon () | | | | || IDLE: Ashley waits for Leon and stay stationary ()()/ | | /| | |/ | |/|| / UNAVAILABLE: Ashley is attacked _ | | | | | | \_/ O WARNING: Ashley is captured by an enemy! She can also hide in certain containers. This is a good way to prevent her from being kidnapped by the enemies in certain areas. Press X when you stand in front of a container and when Ashley is following you to get her to hide. Press X to get her out. In certain areas, Leon can provide piggyback to Ashley, just like he did for Ada in Resident Evil 2. To give piggy back, stand in front of a tall door or a ledge and press "A" when "(A) PIGGYBACK" appear. --------------------------------------- - SEMI FIRST-PERSON PERSPECTIVE *NEW* - --------------------------------------- This new camera angle creates a better feeling of presence and puts the player right in the action. Controls are very similar to previous Resident Evil games. ---------------------------------------- - TARGET AND SHOOT KEY HIT-ZONES *NEW* - ---------------------------------------- Now you can shoot anywhere you want on the enemy. Depending on where you shoot, you'll get different results. This new system gives more freedom to the gamer creating a better sense of "YOU" actually shooting. Also, if an enemy throws a weapon at you, you can fire it out of your way if you are fast enough. Certain ganados carry flame torch and blows the flame at you. In that case, you can fire at the flame torch or the hand to burn the ganado instead. --------------------------------------------- - BACKGROUND OBJECT INTERACTIVITY *UPDATED* - --------------------------------------------- A feature first introduced in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, you can fire or use certain background objects. For example, the most basic is that you can fire at red explosive barrel to make it explode, inflicting damage at the enemies near it. Here are just some of the items you can interact with: - Glass Found mostly on cabinets, and as windows, you can smash the glass away simply by attacking it with a Knife or any other weapon. For glass window, you can also make Leon to jump through it by getting next to it and press (A). The enemies will also tries to break through the glass window by banging on it repeatedly. - Door Certain doors are destructable. They are wooden, and can also be broken down by the enemies. When you fire at it, a hole will be tore, allowing to fire through the hole at the enemies at the other side. The entire door can be shattered. - Bookcase Bookcase can be shove aside to reveal hidden doorways, or against wooden door and glass window as a barricade. When placed in front of the entrances, the ganados will take a longer time tearing down the entrances. Only certain bookcases can be shoved. They can also be shattered if you attack it. - Red Barrel These red barrels are explosive, and when you fire at it, the impact will take out any nearby targets, so aim at it from afar, and shoot it when an enemy is standing next to it. - Dynamite Wagon These wagons are found in some places. When fired at, the wagon will flame, and then roll down, ramming and killing any enemies in the way. - Red Lantern Red lanterns can be found on the ceiling in some places. When fired at, it will drops, and create a small fire on the ground, which disappear after a while. You can fire at it and drop it onto any enemy that stands under it. Sometime, the red lantern might reveal items. - Fire Torch These torches can be found in several places. They are there to light up the dark areas, and when fired, the fire disappear. Some fire torches will drop treasures when fired at. - Fire Extinguisher These fire extinguisher will explode upon contact with a bullet, and the impact will take out any nearby targets, just like the red barrel. Aim at it from afar, and shoot it when an enemy is standing next to it. - Liquid Nitrogen Tank Found only in the underground sewage area. You can only use it when Verdugo appears. Get near it, and press (A) to topple it over. The liquid nitrogen will be spreaded in the room, and freeze Verdugo if he is around. - Wooden Pole On some wells, you can find treasures hanging onto it. If you tries to fire the treasures, it will drop, and gets dirtied by the water. If you fire the wooden pole that supports the lid, the lid will close, and prevent the treasure from getting dirtied when you fires to drop it. Also, in the second fight with El Gigante, you can fire the wooden pole that supports the boulder. If your timing is right, the boulder will drops onto El Gigante. ------------------- - SAVING THE GAME - ------------------- To save a game, you need to find a typewriter in the game, and goes to examine it. Then, you can select which slot to save in your memory card (of cause, you need to have a memory car in the memory card slot of the Gamecube). ================================================================================ --------------- (05)CHARACTERS |-------------------------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 --------------- ================================================================================ -------------------------- 05.1 - Leon Scott Kennedy |----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- Appearances: Character Screenshot: Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil 4 The game's protagonist. This former rookie police officer of the Raccoon Police Department is responsible for the destruction of the Umbrella Facility that appeared in Resident Evil 2 and has now become one of the best elite top-secret agents that the United States has to offer. During Resident Evil 2, he was to report for his first day of job in the R.P.D (Raccoon Police Department), but that was also the day the Raccoon City Incident strikes. This time, he must go solo on a mission to Europe to discover the whereabouts of the President's missing daughter and rescue her. --------------------- 05.2 - Ashley Graham |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Appearances: Character Screenshot: Resident Evil 4 Age: 20 She's the President's missing daughter. The reason for the kidnapping is still yet unknown. Apparently she has been witnessed somewhere in Europe. She was kidnapped by a mysterious group on the way home from her college in Massachusetts. Allegedly she has been spotted in a village in Europe, but there has been no sign of her since! ----------------------- 05.3 - Ingrid Hunnigan |-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Appearances: Character Screenshot: Resident Evil 4 Ingrid is responsible for Leon's communication with the United State president. She will make use of a communication device to keep track of Leon, not to mention offer tips and hints for him. ----------------- 05.4 - Luis Sera |-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Appearances: Character Screenshot: Resident Evil 4 A mysterious drifter Leon encounters during his hellish assignment. According to this local, he was formerly a cop. Although this fellow doesn't seem like a man of many words, Leon needs all the information he can get. He must know something about this eerie village. --------------------- 05.5 - Village Chief |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Appearances: Character Screenshot: Resident Evil 4 Leon's search for Ashley leads him to a mysterious village. This intimidating one-eyed individual is the chief of the village and a priest who teaches an obscure religion to his macabre desciples. He say that Leon has the same blood as them. What does he mean by that...? --------------------------- 05.6 - Lord Osmund Saddler |---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Appearances: Character Screenshot: Resident Evil 4 Lord Saddler is the leader of the "Los Illuminados". He have been planning to revive the "Las Plagas", a type of a parasites which was fossilized and sealed in the ground of a village in Europe. With Ramon and the chief of the village under his control, he derives a plan to take over America using the Las Plagas to turn them into his followers. To do so, he intend to kidnap Ashley just so to implant the Las Plagas into her, then send her back to America. --------------------- 05.7 - Ramon Salazar |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Appearances: Character Screenshot: Resident Evil 4 Ramon Salazar works under Lord Saddler. His ancestor sealed a type of parasites known as the "Las Plagas" underground. The Las Plagas is a very dangerous living thing, and after Ramon falls under the belief of Lord Saddler, he will cooperate with Lord Saddler to unearth those ancient beings. Ramon have the Las Plagas in his body too, and have control over the Ganados. He assisted Lord Saddler to recapture Ashley from Leon. ---------------- 05.8 - Ada Wong |--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Appearances: Character Screenshot: Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil 4 6 years ago during the Raccoon City Incident, Leon encountered this young fine lady in the midst of chaos. She works for an unknown organisation, and was send to retrieve the "G-virus" sample from Umbrella elite scientist "William Birkin" in the underground laboratory of Raccoon City. Leon couldn't believe so, and he insist in protecting her, but failed. Her death has been hidden deep in Leon's memory since them. Little did Leon know, that there are things far beyond his comprehension. -------------------- 05.9 - Jack Krauser |----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Appearances: Character Screenshot: Resident Evil 4 Jack is an operative whom Leon assumed dead several years ago in a helicopter incident during his training tours in the various agencies. Leon is apparently wrong, as Jack appears to be alive and is living far better than Leon himself. This guy is aiding the 'Los Illuminados', but he is not brain-control by Lord Saddler unlike the ganados. The years of military trainings and experiences have made this man more than a match for Leon. It is unknown why he assist the wrong side and who he is truly working for. ------------- 05.10 - Hunk |------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- Appearances: Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil 4 A hidden character in the "The Mercenaries" game, Hunk is the character from a mini-game in Resident Evil 2 (Hunk the 4th Survivor). He is the only survivor from Birkin-G assault, and succeeded in bringing the G-virus to Umbrella. This Umbrella operative returns in Resident Evil 4 as a secret character again. ---------------------- 05.11 - Albert Wesker |--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Appearances: Resident Evil 0 Resident Evil Resident Evil Code: Veronica Resident Evil 4 Wesker betrayed the STARS team during the mansion incident by revealing that he was working for Umbrella all along. However, after his death, he reappeared in front of Chris Redfield, one of the other mansion incident survivors, and he reveal the real truth: He was actually making use of Umbrella themselves all along! Wesker works in the same organisation with Ada, and he betrayed Umbrella by handing over the company data over to the organisation he is working for now. This time, he is a secret playable character in "The Mercenaries". ================================================================================ ------------ (06)ENEMIES |----------------------------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 ------------ ================================================================================ In an isolated island, Leon must face stark madness. But little did he know they would become the least of his worries... ------------------- 06.1 - Los Ganados |------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Enemy Picture: Ganado (Chainsaw) Ganado (Heretic) Ganado (Heretic R) Ganado (Shield) Ganado Ganado (Armor) Ganado (Gatling) Ganado (Soldier) Ganado (Masked) These spanish-speaking humans are the "Los Ganados". They will attack Leon without any reason given, and they strike with all types of weapons. They have colored eyes, and besides their over aggressiveness, they behave like other ordinary human. They have been implanted by the Las Plagas by Lord Saddler, and they worship the Los Illuminados cult. Los Ganados will try every mean to kill Leon, which includes using weapons like dynamites, forks and even guns. Sometime, Las Plagas will appear to replace the head of the Los Ganados when they die or decapitated. There are a nearly uncountable version of Los Ganados. Some wear armors, some uses shield. Some are just the combination of 2 versions. o----------------------+------------------+---------+---------o | | Villager | M | F | Heretic | Soldier | o----------------------+------------------+---------+---------o | Dynamite | | O | O | O | O | | Fork | | O | O | X | X | | Knife | | X | O | X | X | | Axe | | O | O | X | O | | Sickle | | O | O | X | X | | Fire Torch | | O | O | X | X | | Shield | | X | X | O | O | | Big Scythe | | X | X | O | X | | Flail | | X | X | O | O | | Crossbow | | X | X | O | O | | Gatling Gun Turrent | | X | X | O | O | | Rocket Launcher | | X | X | O | O | | Catapult | | X | X | O | O | | Stun Rod | | X | X | X | O | | Plaga | | O | O | O | O | | Chainsaw | | O | O | X | X | | Gatling Gun | | X | X | O | O | | Helmet | | X | X | O | X | | Mask | | X | X | X | O | o----------------------o----------o---o---o---------o---------o ---------------------------- 06.2 - Chief Bitores Mendez |--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Enemy Picture: Leon's search for Ashley leads him to a mysterious village. This intimidating one-eyed individual is the chief of the village and a priest who teaches an obscure religion to his macabre desciples. Chief Bitores has been injected by the Las Plagas, but he have control over the villagers. Like his leaders, he regain consciousness despite the parasite in his body. When there is a need, he can mutate into a monster at his free will. ------------------------------ 06.3 - El Gigante (The Giant) |------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Enemy Picture: The gigantic troll was originally sealed somewhere in the village, and he have incredible strength enough to bring chaos to everywhere. Upon the order from the villager chief, he was released to exterminate Leon, despite the risk of harming even the ganados themselves. --------------------------- 06.4 - Del Lago (The Lake) |---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- The villagers have been feeding humans to a certain creature in the lake. It is definitely not something that can be seen everyday. Where does this monster came from? Why is the villagers feeding it? You will soon learn that this monster has been unleashed when the leader of the "Los Illuminados" cult group revived it. ------------------------------- 06.5 - Las Plagas (The Plague) |------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- Enemy Picture: Las Plagas is a form of parasites which Lord Saddler uses to control the villagers. It is sensitive to light, and thus you will only encounter them in the body of the villagers at night. They emerge when their host gets decapitated, and then you have to exterminate the parasite to remove the threat totally. The Plagas have been sealed underground by Salazar's ancestors when they took it away from the original Los Illuminados cult. Las Plagas was excavated under order of Lord Saddler with Salazar's assistance. When they emerged, the damages to the host are reduced, as the parasite becomes the only weak point. There are 3 types of Las Plagas parasite. The first type of the parasite have many tentacles, which its uses to attack. The second type looks more like a spider. It is able to detach itself from the host if the host dies from sustaining too much damage. It attacks mainly by an acid pour when near, but it can also mash Leon's face when near. It will die after a certain period of time after it leaves its host. The third type is slightly larger than the first. Its only attack is to bite off the head of Leon, which is an instant-death move. ----------------------------- 06.6 - Colmillos (Eye Teeth) |-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Enemy Picture: Colmillos were kept as pets by the villagers, and they too have been implanted with the Las Plagas. They are fast, and lethal. Their basic attack consist of pouncing onto you, and then tries to tear a chunk out from your neck. Some of them were kept by Salazar himself, and they were freed to roam in his garden. -------------------------------- 06.7 - El Garrador (The Clawer) |----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Enemy Picture: Bodies that has been sealed and imprisoned somewhere deep inside the castle. Humanes whose eyes were blinded and sewed shut. They have two claws equipped on their hands. When sensed someone, Garrador will break out from his seals, and attack the survivor. As he is blind, he can only rely on his extraordinary sense of hearing to detect the location of the survivor. The weak point of this enemy is the exposed Las Plagas on its back. You will encounter more than one such gladiator in the game. ------------------ 06.8 - Novistador |------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Enemy Picture: Novistador were released by Salazar in the sewer of the castle and the caverns. They are mutated insects with an unknown origin, and they doesn't seens to be created from the Las Plagas. They can turn invinsible, but they can give away their location by the thin cold breath and the drool in the air. Also, the air will be a little distorted. If you have the Infrared equipped Rifle, you can use that to spot the monster too, but that is only possible in Replay Game. Their glowing eyes is another thing that can give away their location. Blast them with the Shotgun fast and exterminate them to take the treasures from their corpses. ------------------------ 06.9 - Armadura (Armor) |------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Enemy Picture: Armadura Las Plagas Vers The Las Plagas have reside inside the decorative armor in Salazar's castle. The Armadura attack using their sword, and strikes fierce. In Ashley's case, she can dodge them with the A+B or L+R button combination, or she will die easily. Leon can defeat them using strong weapons, but you will have to strike at the helmet to get them to expose the Las Plagas. Once the Las Plagas come out, use a Flash Grenade to kill them with ease. Grenades are useful to make it expose the Las Plagas too, but a blast to the helmet with a Shotgun is always the best way. Due to the heavy armor, Armaduras move slow, but they strike strong. ---------------- 06.10 - Verdugo |--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Enemy Picture: Verdugo is the bodyguard of Saddler. His origin is unknown, but it is a known fact that he is not a creation of the Las Plagas. The monster holds Salazar's Crown Jewel, and he attack with his tails. When you fight him, you can push the liquid nitrogen tank to freeze him and slow him down. -------------------- 06.11 - Regenerator |----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Enemy Picture: Lord Saddler's troops have experiment the Las Plagas for the revival of the Los Illuminados project, and Regenerators are monsters that were created using the Las Plagas. They have superior metabolism that allows them to regenerate their lost body parts at an incredible speeds. Their limbs and head can be blown off, but a new one will grown one to replace the missing head or limbs, hence the name "Regenerator". This ability was given by the Las Plagas which live in the body of this monster. They can also become invisible if needed. To exterminate them, you have to kill the Las Plagas in the body of them. Use a Rifle equipped with the infrared scope to view the leech-like monsters in the body, and then fire at them. Once all of the Las Plagas in the body are killed, the monster will die. The Las Plagas in the body cannot be seen with the naked eyes. They are slow, but deadly. If you knock them to the ground, you should either continue eliminating the parasites on its body, or run away. Do not get close to the ground Regenerator, or it will leap up and bite at your neck upon its desperation. -------------------- 06.12 - Iron Maiden |----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Iron Maiden is a slight variation of the Regenerator. Iron Maiden is a far more deadly foe. It is capable of producing spikes from its skin. Similar to the Regenerator, Las Plagas have attached in the body of this monster. After you have destroy the parasites in its body, they will not die yet, until you have inflict further damage to the body. The monster is capable to stretch its arm and pull your character towards itself, then impale them with the spikes on its body. If this occur, your character will sustain major damage. ----------- 06.13 - U3 |-------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Enemy Picture: U3 is referred to "it" by Lord Saddler. Its origin is unknown, but it serves as a loyal servant to Lord Saddler. U3 strikes soon when you reach the cargo container hanging in the air. It will attack by the tentacle. At then, you have to press the dodge buttons to dodge the attack. Sometime, it will tries to wrap its tentacle around Leon's neck and drag him up to kill him. If that is the case, try to shake off the tentacle before Leon gets drags to the ceiling! It will mutate once in the game. The weak point of U3 is the new head that will be grown after mutation. U3 is able to cut open cell using its pincer. You will have to rely on a powerful weapon like the Magnum-type gun to destroy this creature. Sometime, it will burrow underground to strike, so keep running. ------------------------------------ 06.14 - Chainsaw Villager (Berserk) |------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Enemy Picture: This enemy is found only in the "The Mercenaries" mode only, a mode which you will unlock upon clearing a game. Unlike the ordinary one in the main game, this chainsaw villager is much stronger. Aside from the bloodier body, this Chainsaw Villager have much higher resistance. He will not be blasted away by a mere Shotgun or a Hand Grenade. Powerful weapon like Wesker's Killer7, repeated shot from the Rifle from afar, or Krauser's mutated arm attack are recommended. He carries a dual-blade chainsaw, and have only one form of attack, in which he will swing his chainsaw at you wildly. If you gets too close, you will die even with the slightest touch! Chainsaw villager is much faster too. In fact, he will jump onto the upper deck instead of climbing the ladder! ================================================================================ ---------------------- (07)WALKTHROUGH GUIDE |------------------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 ---------------------- ================================================================================ *These walkthrough only list the confirmed items. Random items will not be included.* -------------- Chapter 1 - 1 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item--------------+-Location----------o /-----------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Resident House 2F | | Forest Narrow Path | | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shack 1 | \-----------------------------------/ | Pesetas (1000) | Shack 1 | Leon starts with these items: | Green Herb | Shack 1 | Handgun (10) | Red Herb | Booby Trap Zone | Handgun Ammo (10) | Pesetas (1000) | Shack 2 | First Aid Spray | Green Herb | Shack 2 | Playing Manual | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shack 3 | Info On Ashley o-------------------+-------------------o --------- - TRAIL - --------- After you alight from the car, Ingrid Hunnigan, your contact over at the United States, will introduces herself, and goes over the mission briefing with you. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | If you plays on Easy Mode, you will start with the additional items of the | | Shotgun and Shotgun Shells. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o You should start by reading that files that you begin with. Go to the inventory menu, and press up on the left analog until you highlight "Files". Press (A) to access the documents, and press (A) again after you have highlighted the title of the file you wish to read. Press left or right on the left analog to flip the pages. Press (B) to cancel to the main game after reading them. Now, familiar yourself with the game control. However, do not move too far yet, or you will scare the crows in front away. Take out the Handgun by holding the (R) button, and aim at the crow from as far as possible. Try to kill them, for they drop items when killed. Dropped items are indicated by a column of lights. Defeating enemies will make them drop items too, sometimes. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Talk to your accompanions, or head back towards the bridge for some random | | musing. Trying to fire your weapon at them will cause them to make a witty | | remark, too. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o The path beyond is blocked by a truck. As the scene hints, you should take the left house. However, do smash the box just on the wagon left of the house before you enter. Try to smash it with a Knife to conserve ammo at the moment. The box might hold an item. From now on, you should try to smash any boxes, vases or wooden barrels you come across for items, even if they are not listed in this document, for they might hold random items (some of them contain snakes though, so beware). Now, you should go into the house. ----------------- - OLD MAN HOUSE - ----------------- After the conversation, the villager will starts to attack you! Take out your Handgun by holding the R shoulder button, and press (A) to fire. Align the laser sight at the villager before firing. If you miss, you are just wasting valuable ammunition. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Aim at the head to inflict major damage to the villager. If you did not | | decapitate him, you should have make him stumble back with that shot to the | | head. If he stumble back, run up to him, and you should see a prompt (A) | | and the action "KICK". Press (A) to kick him. If he is not dead after the | | kick, continue to fire until he dies, or run up to him and attack him with | | a Knife. If you did not proceed to kick him, then continue firing until he | | dies. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o After he dies, a scene will occurs, where the truck outside will crush into the police car that brings you here. The truck will push the car off the cliff, and the truck itself will pummel down too. Also, the bridge will be broken. After the scene, Leon will contact Hunnigan and tells her what happened. Now, goes to examine the villager. As Leon says, he is "not a zombie".... This villager is also known as the "Ganado". There is nothing of interest around here in the first level, but if you run up the stairs behind him, you can find a pack of Handgun Ammo (10). Several Ganados have arrived and barricaded you by blocking the door, so you will have to get out by another method. The method is to jump out of the window using the (A) prompt, which appears when you near one. There are two windows, one on the 1F, and another on the 2F. Jump out by either one of the windows. --------- - TRAIL - --------- 3 Ganados will comes to attack you. You can kill them, which is recommended for them might drop some items, or you can evade them by running up the trail. Unless you know where you are running, it is not recommended. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | If you runs to the cliff where the black smoke is rising up to check on the | | policemen that have accompanied you, a hidden scene will occur, whereby | | Leon leans over and saw two wrecked vehicle at the bottom of the cliff, on | | a stream. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a shack on the right. Go in, and obtain the items inside. You can find Pesetas (1000), Green Herb and Handgun Ammo (10). You will also come across your first typewriter. Typewriters can be found in many areas, and examining them allows you to save your game progress onto your Nintendo Gamecube memory card. Also, you can combine the Green Herb with other type of herbs to increase their effect(s). o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | To obtain the items within the box, equip a knife or any other weapon, and | | attack it to smash it. Once the box is smashed and the item revealed, take | | it. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Continue down the trail, and attack the crows on the signpost, and then take their item. Examine the signpost. This signpost is a sign put up by the ganados to serve as a reminder and a warning for the forgetful villagers that they have laid boobytraps ahead. You will see such signpost in the near future. If you see them, proceed forward with cautious. ------------------- - BOOBY TRAP ZONE - ------------------- Beyond the signpost, there is a white dog on the right trapped by a bear trap. Release it from the trap as it will come in useful in the future. Note that you can disarm this type of trap by just firing at it. If you were to walk over them without disarming them, the bear trap will clamp Leon's leg, and he will sustain damage. Search around this zone before proceeding. There is a Red Herb near the fence. Continue down, and just past the 2nd Pueblo guidepost are 4 trees. A laser sight trap is put up on the 2 pairs of trees. Fire at the laser emitter on the tree (fire from afar) to set them off. A villager is just up ahead. If you want, you can lure him to the laser trap, then fire at the emitter when he's close to it to kill him. From here onwards, you can make use of that laser trap (and much more in the future) to kill them. ---------- - BRIDGE - ---------- There is a second shack beyond the trail. Go in for a pesetas (1000) and a Green Herb. As you see, there is a lady pitchforked onto the wall by her head. This gory sight is surely a sign that something weird is going on in this place so be mentally prepared or you will suffer the same consequences as this lady. Just a little head of this shack are two villagers. Exterminate them, and take their items. After that, cross the bridge. You should see a 3rd shack on the left. However, a villager lies hidden inside and is ready to ambush you if you run in recklessly. Fire him from the doorway, and enter the shack for a Handgun Ammo (10), and maybe some other random items. Continue up the trail, and you should see a special door, which seems to lead to a new area. Goes to use it... o-Item---------------+-Location------------o /--------------------------------\ | Playing Manual 2 | N/A | | Pueblo | | Shotgun | Shotgun House 2F | \--------------------------------/ | Hand Grenade | Shotgun House 2F | As soon as you arrives here, your | Shotgun Shells (5) | Shotgun House 2F | assistant Hunnigan will gives you | Pesetas (1000) | Shotgun House 2F | a document called the "Playing | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shotgun House Roof | Manual 2". Read it, for it gives | Spinel | Shotgun House Roof | you instructions on some of the | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shotgun House 1F | games basic controls. After you | Red Herb | North Edge | have read them, run forward and a | Handgun Ammo (10) | North Middle House | prompt "(A)Look" will appear. If | Green Herb | Behind Sealed Barn | you press (A) when this prompt | Flash Grenade | Southwest Shack | appears, Leon will take out his | Yellow Herb | Behind Cow Barn | binoculars for a closer look at | Red Herb | South Wagon | this village, which seems nothing | Pesetas (1000) | House w/Bed | out of ordinary, except for the | Shotgun Shells (5) | House w/Bed | impaled policeman, who was one of | Green Herb | Besides House w/Bed | the two people who send you here. | Shotgun Shells (5) | Tower Top | You can use the right analog to | Handgun Ammo (10) | Besides Symbol Room | zoom while using the binocular, | Handgun Ammo (10) | Northeast Shack (L) | and (B) to return to the game. | Alert Order | Northeast Shack (L) | | Ruby | Chainsaw Villager | | Pesetas (10000) | Chainsaw Villager | o--------------------o---------------------o From here, your task is to kill a minimum of 14 villagers in this village. However, some actions you take will only increase the requirement. After you have killed the required amount of the villagers, the next scene will triggers. Initially, only few villagers will attack. For every 5th villagers killed, 5 more will appear. You should see several houses around here. To open door, press the (A) button while standing in front of the door. Tapping (A) twice will cause Leon to kick the door open instead. This method might alert any enemies at the opposite side of the door, but is faster. For now, as all of the houses are empty, you should kick the door when you enter them. If you run to the trail on the northeast trail, you will trigger the appearance of 2 villagers and the infamous "Chainsaw Villager". As you do not have enough firepower to defeat him, unless you are skillful enough to kill him with a Knife, you should never run to that trail to trigger his appearance. However, he will drop the Ruby item if you defeats him. When you enter a house, you can block and barricade the door by pushing cabinet or bookcases until they are in front of the door. To push them, run up to the side of the item which you wishes to push, and hold the (A) button. Doing so will delay the time where the villagers burst through the door. Similary, you can also blast down the door with your weapon, and fire at the villager(s) at the other side using the hole. You should see animals in the Pueblo. The chicken(s) will lay eggs which you can use to heal yourself, so do not kill them. Also, the cow will retaliate by head butting if you attack it with a knife near its knife. ----------------- - SHOTGUN HOUSE - ----------------- o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Another Chainsaw Villager and an additional of 11 villagers will appear if | | you enters the Shotgun House (before they goes away), the only house with 2 | | storey. This Chainsaw Villager will drop 10000 pesetas if he dies. However, | | triggering the appearance of this villager will cause the other Chainsaw | | Villager to disappear. Therefore, if you have enough firepower and you wish | | to take on the 2 chainsaw villagers for their items, then you should goes | | to defeat the one by the trail, then enter the Shotgun House to fight the | | second Chainsaw Villager. | | | | Furthermore, Leon will also barricade the door during the scene where the | | villagers appear. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Handgun Ammo (10) can be found under the stairs. Use the stairs to climb to the 2 floor, and you can pick the Shotgun off the wall. Smash the glasses on the cabinet next to the Shotgun for the Hand Grenade. You can also find Shotgun Shells (5) and Pesetas (1000) around here. However, the Ganados will stand the ladder on the window to climb and go after you. If that is so, you can push off the ladder by pressing (A) when the prompt comes up when you are standing against the window with the ladder. Jumping through the window near the glass cabinet leads Leon to the rooftop. Opposite of the window-way is a Handgun Ammo (10). The rooftop potion behind the broken window-way is a Spinel, one of the many treasures you can find in the game. The villagers will stand more ladders if you get onto the roof, and likewise, you can push them off, or you can jump off the rooftop pressing the (A) prompt when you get near the edge of the roof. When you are on the ground, you can rise the fallen ladder yourself by pressing the (A) prompt while standing near them. You can use the standing ladder to climb you yourself too. --------- - TOWER - --------- o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | If you climb up the ladder in the tower on the right side of the red symbol | | building, you can find Shotgun shells (10). However, the villagers will | | start to toss molotov cocktails at you to burn you should you get here | | before they are gone. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o --------------- - HOUSE W/BED - --------------- You can push the cabinet to barricade and block the wooden door in this house. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | The door in this house is locked by a padlock. You can remove it by firing | | at it or by repeated kicking by press just the (A) button by the door, but | | kicking it open is slower. You will see more doors locked by padlock or | | chains. Use the same method to unlock them. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o A Shotgun Shells (5) and a 1000 pesetas in the bedroom. ---------- - PUEBLO - ---------- Use the trail at the top right corner of the map once they are gone. o-Item---------------+-Location------------o /--------------------------------\ | Pearl Pendant | Well | | Farm | | Incendiary Grenade | Behind Shack 2 | \--------------------------------/ | Handgun Ammo (10) | 2F Hay Barn | In this new area, you can get to | About The Blue- | Tree | participate in a mini-game. First, | Medallions | | take the document on the tree to | Pesetas (1000) | 1F Hay Barn | learn more about this game. Now, | Pesetas (1000) | 1F Hay Barn | you can shoot down the 1st blue | Spinel | 1F Hay Barn | medallion on the same tree. More | Spinel | Shack Inside Fence | can be found in this area. However | Beerstein | Besides 1F Hay Barn | do be careful with the villagers o--------------------o---------------------o when you shoot those items. There are a total number of 7 blue medallions in this area, and 8 more in another area. Try to fire at all of them here, and use the map as a guide to view their location. The shack in front of the tree with the "About The Blue Medallions" document holds a typewriter. Besides this shack, you will see a shiny jewellery on top of a well. If you fire at it, the jewellery will drop into the well, and become 'dirty'. If it becomes the "Dirty Pearl Pendant", its value will drop. To avoid the item from getting stained by the dirty water in the well, you should close the lid of the well by firing at the support that is holding the lid. Then, you should fire at the jewellery to make it land onto the lid. Now, take it. If you choose to go examine after closing the lid before firing at the item, you will be asked if you want to open the lid or not. If you open it, you can't close it so do remember not to close the lid before dropping the item. In the future you might see such similar stuffs too. The second shack (Shack 2) is found just on the right of the wall, past the fence and at the back of the wall. Behind this Shack 2 is a hidden Incendiary Grenade. Items, some random, can be found in the blue drawer. Check to open them, and take the items from within. There are 2 Pesetas (1000) in each of the blue drawers in the 2 Storey Hay Barn. --------------------- - 2 Storey Hay Barn - --------------------- A ganado is doing the hay on the 2F. Defeat him, and check the drawer for a pack of Handgun Ammo (10). Jump through the window, and then head forward, and jump down as right as the balcony is. You should drop into a small fenced area with a "Beerstein" in front. It can be combined with other jewelleries, and in turn, increases its value. Push the bookcase aside to get out. Return your way to the roof of this 2 storey hay barn. There are 2 major areas seperated by a fence. Jump off to the left area and take any random item in the boxes, and search here for a Spinel. The big door here cannot be used now. Again, make your way to the roof, this time, take the right area. Jump down, and goes to use the door. o-Item---------------+-Location------------o /--------------------------------\ | Spinel | Tunnel | | Homestead Ruins | | Spinel | Tunnel | \--------------------------------/ | Spinel | Shack 1 | Run forward, and you should spot a | Hand Grenade | Shack 2 | booby trap sign. As you run down | Red Catseye | Tree Outside House | the trail, several ganados will | Handgun Ammo (10) | Save Room | push a gigantic boulder, which | Pesetas (1000) | Save Room | rolls toward you! Keep tapping the | Pesetas (1000) | Fire Place | (A) button as fast as possible to | Green Herb | Fire Place | sprint, and then the button at the o--------------------o---------------------o bottom of the screen with change to either (A)+(B) or (L)+(R). It is an indicator for you to press the 2 buttons together to dodge to the side. If you press too slow, or if you tapped too slow during the sprint, Leon will crash to death. ---------- - Tunnel - ---------- Fire at the Spinels at the ceiling of the tunnel. Take them, and then run to the end. ------------------ - Boobytrap Zone - ------------------ Another death signpost indicates more traps. A ganado stands in the middle of the ruins. He will run away when he sees you, but refrain from chasing after him. These ganados have laid bear traps on the ground, and they now toss dynamites to attack you. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | One effective way to counter these dynamite-throwing villagers is to shoot | | at the dynamite on their hand after they have ignite it. Shooting the | | dynamite will cause it to explode, killing the ganado, and those are near, | | instantly. Do not get too close when you fire at the dynamite. Also, the | | dynamite will goes off when the ganado who is holding it dies. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Disarm the bear traps. A shack is on the left, and it contains a Spinel. But, it is barred with a laser trap and a bear trap. Furthermore, the villager is constantly tossing dynamite into the shack at you. Hence, it is recommended to go take the item from the box after you have killed the ganado, and disarmed those traps. Nearby is another shack, which holds just a Hand Grenade. ------------------ - Dynamite House - ------------------ Get behind the big building where the other villagers are tossing the dynamites out from. You should see a window. Fire at the ganados from outside of the window, then jump in. An impact from any dynamites fired will kills any active ganados in the building. Take the items inside, and go out. Behind this house is a fence of a big house, but the nest of a tree holds a Red Catseye. Take the Red Catseye. Now, go to the inventory, and highlight the "Keys Treasure" tab. Goes in, and select the Red Catseye. Choose "Combine" and then select Beerstein. There are several other treasures that can be combine together too, and it will increase their price, so think twice before selling any treasure. If you are unsure if the treasures can be combined, examine it and read the description. Go fire at the lock on the door of this abandoned house, then go through. ---------------------- - Luis Captive House - ---------------------- There is a typewriter here, Handgun Ammo (10) and pesetas (1000). Go through the back doorway, but not too fast. Fire at the laser sight to disarm them. Now go through the second doorway. You should see another laser sight. Stand from far and fire, then take the Green Herb and the Pesetas (1000) which was blocked by the laser. After taking all the items, shove the bookcase to aside. If you have forgotten how, just hold the left analog stick while having your character stands in front of the item they wishes to push. Go in, and check the wardrode to see the scene whereby Leon first encounter a human survivor. -------------- Chapter 1 - 2 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Red Herb | Captive House Back | | Valley | | Handgun Ammo (10) | Captive House | \-------------------------------/ | Rifle Ammo (5) | Captive House | Watch the scene, and then tap the | Green Herb | Outside Captive House| button shown to dodge the attack | Shotgun Shells (5) | Outside Valley Hut | from the villager[tap (A) and (B) | Flash Grenade | Valley Hut | or L and R together]. After that, | Handgun Ammo (10) | Valley Hut | search the room here for a box of | Emblem (Right Half)| Valley Hut Roof | Handgun Ammo (10). Now, make your | Rifle Ammo (5) | Sacks w/Barrel | way out of the doorway, and a guy | Emblem (Left Half) | Sacks w/Barrel | wearing a black hood and scarf | Pesetas (1000) | Tower 1F | will tell you to go to the back | Yellow Herb | Tower 1F | of the house outside to meet him. | Shotgun Shells (5) | Tower 3F | Before going out, take the Rifle o--------------------o----------------------o Ammo (5) near the typewriter. Go out, and turn right. Curve and search the barrel on the left of the door for a Green Herb. Now go to the opposite side to find the guy. He is the "Merchant" of the village, and he is here to sell you items. You can find him in various places through out the game. He will also offer a mini-game call the "Target Practice" where you can win prizes and pesetas. However, for now, the game is not available yet. Before or after buying, run past the merchant, and smash the barrels. 1 of the barrels hold a Red Herb. To sell items to the merchant, select "Sell" to sell. To Buy item, select "Buy". To "Tune Up" your current weapon, select "Tune Up". Here is a list showing what the merchant is selling here. (Price in Pesetas): o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case M | 30000 | You can't buy any weapons that you have | Treasure Map (Village) | 10000 | now. At the moment, the merchant will | Handgun | 8000 | only sell these few items, but as the | Shotgun | 20000 | game progress, the merchant will offer | Rifle | 12000 | more items for sale. You might want to | TMP | 15000 | save your game using the typewriter at | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | the captive house before buying an item. | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | The amount of pesetas you have have is | First Aid Spray | 10000 | shown at the top right corner. At the o-------------------------o----------o moment, the merchant will only upgrade 3 o==============o=========o=========o=======o types of weapons: Handgun, Shotgun | Tune Up | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle | and Rifle. Also, like he said, he o==============o=========o=========o=======o will offer a price if you do the | Firepower | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | 'Blue Medallions' minigame. | Firing Speed | Lv 2 | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Note that the merchant will not show up on that spot any more if you kill | | him! He will die upon 1 bullet from any weapon. | | | | Before buying, you should sell the treasures first. However, not all | | treasures are to be sold. As mentioned, some can be combined with other | | treasures to increase their price. For now, you should sell the: Spinel, | | and the Pearl Pendant. | | | | After you have sell off those treasures, its time to buy. For now, the most | | crucial item you need is the "Attache Case M". With this, you can expand | | your inventory space and in turns, allow you to carry and obtain more items | | compare to now. With more items, you can sell more stuffs and earn pesetas | | for more better items. Though its a bit costly, it is advisable to upgrade | | your attache case now. | | | | Feel free to buy anything you want, but I will not really recommend you to | | buy them now. Rifle is a good buy though, but it is taking up too many | | spaces. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o After you have purchased or upgrade your stuffs, go use the rusty door. A scene will be triggered, showing an overview of what's on the other side. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | If you purchased the Rifle, you can use it at the crack to 'snipe' at the | | villagers before going through the rusty door. You can't kill all of them, | | but you will have reduce the threat. The down side is that you might not be | | able to take the items they drop. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o ---------- - VALLEY - ---------- The 1st villager you will see is on the right. Kill him. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Just behind the 1st villager is a small slope down, before curving right. | | You can lure the ganados with dynamites there and make them toss the weapon | | on their hand. The dynamites that the ganado toss will roll down backward | | due to the slope, and kill himself (and other nearby ganados) instead! | | Also, firing at the leg of the ganado who is standing near the edge might | | cause them to topple over and fall down too! This should save you some ammo | | but you will not be able to obtain any item that they might have drop. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Fight your way through, and curve left to the hut in the middle of the water. Instead of going in, head to the right, and kill the ambushing ganado just besides the house. Now, run forward and climb the ladder. Knock off the ganado on the rooftop, then knock off the ladder. Now, wait for the ganados to gather at the bottom of the ladder (kick down the ladder and don't let them climb up), then fire at the red barrel to kill them. After that, turn right and check the chest for the "Emblem (Right half)". Smash the barrel near the ladder where you climb up to see if there is any item inside. Jump down, and head into the hut itself now. Take the Shotgun Shells (5) off the shelf. Go use the back door. Obtain the Handgun Ammo (10) and the Flash Grenade (in locker). Jump out by the back window, and smash the barrel for item if there is any. Turn right, and up the slope, then run across the bridge. After crossing the bridge, keep heading up. You should eventually see a red barrel, a ganado and a chest. Kill the ganado, and take the Emblem (Left Half) from the chest. Face the red barrel, and position Leon from far. Wait for the chasing ganados to arrive, and fire at the red barrel to make it explode, which should in turn, take out more ganados in this area. Now, defeat the remaining ganados. From here, turn right and jump down. You should see a steel door on the right. Before using it, you should kill the dynamite ganado on the roof of this building with the ladder. Go into the room under this dynamite ganado for items like the Pesetas (1000) and Yellow Herb. Climb up this building to where the dynamite ganado stood, then turn right. Climb the next set of ladder to the tower, and kill the ganado. Smash the crate here for the Shotgun Shells (5). Jump down to the ground, and head for the metal door. Combine the Emblem (Left half and the Emblem (Right half) to form the Hexagonal Emblem. Now use the item and you should be able to go through... o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Spinel | Left Oven | | Defensive Stronghold | | Handgun Ammo (10) | Right Oven | \-------------------------------/ | Elegant Mask | Boarded Up Room | Take the linear path, and before | Green Herb | Slippery Area | entering the stronghold, search | Pesetas (1000) | Pool | left and smash the barrels for | Handgun Ammo (10) | Pool | any possible random item. In the | Flash Grenade | Pool | stronghold, defeat the first few | Handgun Ammo (10) | Stronghold Entrance | ganados. As usual, you will face o--------------------o----------------------o the normal villagers here. You will eventually see two windows. One is on the front, but it is boarded up. However, you should see a boarded up window in front, and another window on The right window is the only window you can use here. Jump through the window. Several ganados at the other side of the room will toss dynamites at you. You can dodge the dynamites by positioning Leon behind the sack and press (A) when the prompt (A)Dodge appear. Get up with the (A) button after the explosive, and tries to fire at the ganado before they toss the next dynamites. After the dynamite ganados are dead, kill any other ganados. Now proceed with care, as they have set up various bear traps near the sacks area they were tossing the dynamites from. Disarm them. Now, search the oven doors on the right. You will be able to obtain the Handgun Ammo (10) and the Spinel. Go through the door, and then exterminate any ganados inside. Now, break the planks on the window, then jump over into the small room to obtain the shiny "Elegant Mask"! Jump back out and search this wet area for a Green Herb. Use the next door, and you will be in somewhere like a tunnel. You will see the last villager in this area here, so kill him. After he died, jump down the ladder to the pool. You can pick up a Pesetas (1000), Handgun Ammo (10) and a Flash Grenade. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Fishes exist in this pool! There are 4 fishes in total, and if you kill | | them, you can obtain them as item, and then use them from the inventory to | | heal your character! They are similar to the herbs, but they occupy bigger | | spaces, and cannot be combined. You will be able to find more fishes in the | | future too. For now, there are 3 Black Bass and 1 Black Bass (L) here. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o When you are done, ascend the ladder, and go use the next ladder which leads to the surface. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Brass Pocket Watch | Well | | Trail ~ Chief's House | | Pesetas (1000) | Chief's House 2F | \-------------------------------/ | Insignia Key | Chief's House 2F | Fire at the support of the lid on | Handgun Ammo (10) | Chief's House 2F | the well, and then fire at the | Chief's Note | Chief's House 2F | item hanging over the well, which | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shack 1 | is the Brass Pocket Watch. o--------------------o----------------------o Just few steps ahead is a danger signpost. It is there for the warning of the bear traps and the trapwire bomb. There are several crows near the traps area too. If you have a lot of Flash Grenade, toss one to kill those crows, then go disarm the traps, and claim the items from the dead crows. If not, tries to fire and kill all the crows before disarming the trap. A shack is just nearby. Go in and smash the box for a Handgun Ammo (10). Proceed to the end of the trail and you should see a house. It is actually the house of the Chief. However, you do have to solve a puzzle to enter the house. You will see a green crystal, a symbol in the crystal and 2 other symbols just at the bottom diagonal to the crystal. Simply flip the symbol in the crystal until it is the same as the symbols diagonal to the crystal. The solution to this puzzle is: Flip the crystal to "Up", then flip it to left or right once. ----------------- - Chief's House - ----------------- Now go through the door. Search the bed room for the items. You should be able to find the Handgun Ammo (10), Chief's Note, Insignia Key and Pesetas (1000). The Handgun Ammo (10) is in the drawer by the window. As you see, the Chief is able to understand English, judging by the English books on his shelf. After you are done, go use the back door to trigger the scene which will end the sub-chapter. -------------- Chapter 1 - 3 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Green Herb | Cabinet | | Chief's House ~ Underground | | Pesetas (1000) | Chief's House 1F | \-------------------------------/ | Incendiary Grenade | Chief's House 1F | Turn behind and check the cabinet | Brown Chicken Egg | Chief's House 1F Oven| under the hood man painting for a | Red Herb | Shack 1 | Green Herb. Navigate down stairs. | TMP Ammo (50) | Bird Nest | You should see a door under the o Spinel | Bird Nest 2 | the stairs. Do not use it. It is o--------------------o----------------------o the toilet, which contain nothing save for a ganado. Run to the back of the 1F, and you can find another cabinet. It contains the Pesetas (1000). Smash the glass on the other cabinet for an Incendiary Grenade. Before you exit the house, turn left and check the kitchen. A Brown Chicken Egg can be taken in the oven. Now, reload all of your weapons, and exit. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | If you return to the Chief's Bed Room, you can trigger a scene showing a | | woman firing at the chief's back, who ambushed you. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o A chainsaw villager and 2 male villagers will charge at you! One of the male villager will toss sickle at you. Kill them with a combination of the Handgun and the Shotgun. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | You can start by firing the head of the chainsaw villager with the Rifle | | without alerting them first. After that, run back inside the chief's house | | and to get to the middle of the stairs. They will now be able to come after | | you one by one due to the narrow space, and have no chance to attack you | | from the sides or behind. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Now, run down the path. Aim up and find a nest on a tree. Fire at it to drop the Spinel. This should attract the attention of the 2 villagers near the shack ahead. Kill them. Now enter the shack and search for a Red Herb. Get out of the shack. You should see a second bird nest on a tree just a little ahead. Firing at it attracts the next batch of the villagers. Kill them and take the items from their body, and also the item which dropped from the bird nest, which is the TMP Ammo (50). Run down the trail, and remove the wooden bar on the blue door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Pueblo | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ We have returned to Pueblo. Except for the new batch of villagers, nothing have changed. If you miss out any items early in the game, you can now go and take them. Some villagers are situated on the roof. Also, search around to see if the chickens have lay any eggs here. After you have done exploring, go to the building with the red symbol besides the tower. Use the Insignia Key onto that door and go through. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Blue Shelf | | Underground Tunnel | | TMP Ammo (50) | Beyond Back Door | \-------------------------------/ | Spinel | Red Lamp | There is a Handgun Ammo (10) on | Elegant Headdress | Underground Ceiling | the shelf, and a typewriter on | Spinel | Underground Ceiling | the table. Save your game if you | Spinel | Underground Ceiling | want. Get beyond the back door, o--------------------o----------------------o and fire at the table. Save your game if you want. Get beyond the back door, and fire at the barrel for a TMP Ammo (50). Now, stand back and fire at the red lamp on the ceiling. A Spinel should drop from it. Go open the lid at the end, and jump down. Run forward and eventually you will reach the spot where another red lamp is on the ceiling. Fire at the red lamp drops nothing, but the treasures at the ceiling will starts to shine. Shoot them to drop them down, then pick them up. They are the Elegant Headdress, and 2 Spinels. Run down the tunnel, and you will encounter the merchant again. His inventory has been updated. Here are the things that you can buy. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case M | 30000 | The only new item available for sale | Treasure Map (Village) | 10000 | here is the Stock (TMP). In the next | Handgun | 8000 | area, you will be in the graveyard. In | Shotgun | 20000 | there, you can find the rest of the blue | Punisher | 0 | medallions. After gunning more than 10 | Rifle | 12000 | of them down, you can come here for the | TMP | 15000 | Punisher handgun. It is free, and if you | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | get it, you might want to consider to | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | sell to old Handgun. Also, the upgrade | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | for the TMP is now available. | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o Sell the following treasures: Elegant o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o Headdress, Brass | Tune Up | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle | TMP | Punisher | Pocket Watch, o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o Spinels, Ruby, | Firepower | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | - | | Firing Speed | Lv 2 | - | - | - | Lv 2 | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o After you have done your purchase, go through the door near the merchant, and climb the ladder. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Hand Grenade | Bird Nest | | Graveyard ~ Hanging Bridge | | Rifle Ammo (5) | Bird Nest 2 | \-------------------------------/ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shack 1 | Walk forward, and search for a | Incendiary Grenade | Bird Nest 3 | tree with a nest. Fire at the | Green Catseye | Church Puzzle | nest for a Hand Grenade. Walk | Closure Of The | Shack 2 | onward and you will find a 2nd | Church | | nest on another tree. Fire at it o--------------------o----------------------o too for the Rifle Ammo (5). ------------- - Graveyard - ------------- Run forward and you will get an overview of the graveyard overlooking a church. Several crows are perching on the tombstones. Get a little nearer, and then toss a Flash Grenade to kill the crows. Several villagers will be alerted, one male and one female to be precise. Kill them, then pick up the items from the dead crows and villagers. Now, enter the shack on the right to obtain the Handgun Ammo (10). Now check the twin tombstones on the graveyard. You will see several unique patterns on the twin tombstones. There are 3 different type of patterns, and it is a key to the solution to a puzzle. ---------- - Church - ---------- Run up to the church by the right trail and attack the ganados. One of them will be tossing dynamite. Take their item, and check the door of the church. The door is locked, and Leon will contact Hunnigan about it. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | If you take the right trail bridge before checking the church door, you | | will gets an extra scene whereby Hunnigan remind Leon's priority, which is | | to go check the church door. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Run behind the church and kill the 2 other villagers. Run beyond them and then stand at the podium to solve a puzzle. The solution is to light the symbols which you see on the graveyard tombstones earlier on. To solve this puzzle, turn the dial in this order: 3,4,3,3,3,4,4 Take the Green Catseye from within. You can combine it with the Beerstein. Now, run down the trail on the right of the church to the bridge area. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | If you fire at the bell of the church, you might drop an Incendiary Grenade | | but if you continue firing at it, several ganado villagers will thought | | that its prayer time, and they will arrive here... | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o --------- - Trail - --------- Run down the bridge, and attack the villagers on the bridge. As again, firing at their leg might cause them to pummel down to the lake. Continue the bridge, and jump over the ledges. Fire at the remaining Blue Medallions here and then backtrack to the merchant to get your free Punisher. There is a shack along the way. Enter it and smash the stuffs for items. There might be a snake hidden in one of the box. You can also find the Closure Of The Church documen here. Get to the end of the bridge, and use the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Spinel | Mining Cart | | Mining Ground | | Spinel | Shack 1 | \-------------------------------/ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shack 1 | Run forward, and you should see a | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shack 3 | large ground with an even larger | Handgun Ammo (10) | Mechant's Store | amount of crows. Now, at and toss | Flash Grenade | Crow | a Flash Grenade at the crows to o--------------------o----------------------o kill all of them instantly. They will drop various amount of pesetas, but the middle crow will always drop a Flash Grenade. If not, throw a Hand Grenade or Rifle to kill them. Now, search the mining cart on the left edge for a Spinel. Check the shacks here for items too. The first shack holds a Spinel and Handgun Ammo (10). The third shack have the Handgun Ammo (10). Run to the opposite side and you will see 2 paths. Take the right path to the bottom blue door. You will be in the merchant's store. ------------------ - Merchant Store - ------------------ Run forward, and search the area for the Handgun Ammo (10). There is a merchant and a typewriter here. You can find him to upgrade your guns. A barrel behind the store might contains an item. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case M | 30000 | The merchant here doesn't offer any new | Treasure Map (Village) | 10000 | upgrades nor weapons. However, you can | Handgun | 8000 | obtain the free Punisher from here if | Shotgun | 20000 | you have completed the mini-game and | Punisher | 0 | have obtained more than 10 Medallions. | Rifle | 12000 | You can also upgrade the Punisher at the | TMP | 15000 | shop here too. | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o | Tune Up | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle | TMP | Punisher | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o | Firepower | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | - | | Firing Speed | Lv 2 | - | - | - | Lv 2 | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o Go back to the Mining Ground and use the other door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Spinel | Cliff | | Swamp | | Hand Grenade | Swamp Bank | \-------------------------------/ | Shotgun Shells (5) | Swamp Shack | Run into the shack to search for | TMP Ammo (50) | Swamp Shack | items. You should find a Handgun | TMP Ammo (50) | Swamp Shack | Ammo (10) inside. Continue down | Incendiary Grenade | Bridge Bench | the trail and the villagers will | Antique Pipe | Bird Nest | now push the boulder off the | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shore Shack 1 | cliff again. As before, tap the | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shore Shack 2 | (A) button to run, then tap the o--------------------o----------------------o buttons indicated in the middle of the sprint to dodge. You will have to tap either (A)+(B) or L+R. After dodging the boulder, turn around and fire at the sparkle on the cliff to drop the Spinel. Continue down the trail. --------- - SWAMP - --------- Run forward a little and you should see a villager and the wiretrap bomb. You can fire at the wiretrap to explode it, and kill the villager near it. Now, run into the shack and search for the Shotgun Shells and 2 boxes of TMP Ammo (50). Expect to see a snake hidden in one of the boxes. Now, jump down the ledge into the swamp and kill more enemies. You can find a Hand Grenade in the right bank near the boulder trail. Continue down the path, and kill more villagers. Try to use the wiretrap bombs to save your ammo. The bridge in the middle is broken into 2 parts, and you should try to get onto the second section. Search for a tree and fire at the nest on the tree. You should be able to find an Incendiary Grenade on the bench near the tree. The content in the nest will drop into the swamp, so go find it. It is the Antique Pipe. Get to the opposite side of the shore, and kill the remaining ganados. Go in the shack on the left for a Handgun Ammo (10). The other crate will contain a snake. After you are done, go use the next door. o-Item----------------+-Location-------------o /------------------------------\ | Gold Bangle w/Pearls| Bird Nest | | Lake | | Red Herb | Cliff Edge | \------------------------------/ | Yellow Herb | Shack | Run along the left path up the | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shack | trail to the cliff edge, which | Green Herb | Typewriter Shack | will trigger a scene. watch it o---------------------o----------------------o to get a preview of what is to come. This scene is optional, but it is better if you trigger it. After that, search for a Red Herb near this cliff edge area. Now, run down the path, and search the trees. One of them will have a bird nest. Fire at the bird nest for the precious Gold Bangle w/Pearls. Continue down, and enter the right shack for more items. Take the Yellow Herb and the Handgun Ammo (10). Now, proceed onward down the trail and enter the shack near the boarding area. It contains a typewriter, and a Green Herb besides it. Mix the appropriate herb mixture, and cure if needed. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | It is highly recommended to save your game here, for you will be fighting | | a very powerful monster that you saw earlier, very soon. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Now, run to the boarding area and get onto the boat. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Although it is very tempting, do not kill the fishes in the water by the | | boarding area yet. If you fire too many shots into the water, the monster | | that swallow your police mate will comes up and swallow you whole! | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Navigate the boat by the left analog stick. You can take the harpoon on the boat using the R button, and throw it by using the (A) button while holding the R button. Practice around, and then steer the boat to the opposite side of the lake. A scene will be triggered, as the giant sea monster will hook itself onto the boat that Leon is! This giant monster is call "Del Lago", which means "The Lake" in Spanish. o=====================o o====================o /------------------------------\ | Move List | | Recommended Weapon | | Del Lago | o=====================o o====================o \------------------------------/ | Swallow | | (Boat Harpoon) | | Drag To Debris | o--------------------o | Boat Ram | | Drag Into Sea | o---------------------o /-----------\ || Profile || \-----------/ Del Lago is a gigante water monster that the villagers have been feeding. It has been summoned to protect the lake and prevent any people from crossing the lake. /-------------\ || Attacking || \-------------/ Aim with the R shoulder button, and the left analog stick. With the crosshair on the monster, tap (A) to throw the harpoon. This is the only weapon that you can use to attack him. There is an infinite amount of harpoons so do not worry. It will take about 10 harpoons to kill him. /-------------------------\ || Attack Characteristic || \-------------------------/ Del Lago will hook onto your boat, and starts to drag you around. You can't slow the boat down, but you can try to steer left to right to control the boat a little. There several debris on the water surface, and Del Lago will attempt to drag you and ram you into them. You should try to hold left or right on the left analog stick to avoid them. If you got rammed into the debris or rammed by the monster, quickly tap (A) button to swim back to the boat or else Del Lago will catch up and swallow you. When Del Lago dragged you to the cliff, he will swim into the water. Now, you should try to steer to the extreme left or right to avoid the monster when he resurface. He will tries to bite/ram you. Sometime, he will hide under the water, and Leon will take the harpoon himself. At then, look out for the red arrow which will appear on the sides. Turn to the direction of the red arrow and focus your direction. Del Lago will charge at you from that direction. Keep throwing the harpoon at the monster. If you did not hit him at all when he charge at you, he will successfully ram your boat. Once Del Lago died, it will submerge, but the rope will tighten around Leon's leg! Try to chop off the rope by tapping the A or B button (as indicated in the game). -------------- Chapter 2 - 1 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item----------------+-Location-------------o /------------------------------\ | Anonymous Letter | Bed | | Lake | | Flash Grenade | Shelf | \------------------------------/ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Table | Go search around for items. You | Handgun Ammo (10) | Typewriter Shack | can find the Anonymous Letter on o---------------------o----------------------o the bed. There is a Handgun Ammo (10) on the table besides the typewriter, and a Flash Grenade on the shelf. Now, you can go outside and hunt the fishes in the lake. Get on the boat, and then use the harpoon to hunt the fishes, then steer to the body and take the Black Bass as per normal. Now you can go use the door on the left side of the shack which you woke up. However, additionally, you can backtrack to the swamp area for some new items, and also the merchant's shop by the cliff that can only be accessed by the boat. If you are not interested, then skip the section below to the "Lake" section again. If you return to the opposite side of the lake, you can find a Handgun Ammo (10) in the shack near the boarding area. If you gets further, you will see a new type of monster. This monster is known as the "Colmillos". You can kill them easily with an Incendiary Grenade or a Shotgun. For those who prefers to save ammo can return to the boat and throw the harpoon at them. The Colmillos cannot attack you when you are in the boat. Some items can be found back in the swamp area. Backtrack further for them. o-Item----------------+-Location-------------o /------------------------------\ | TMP Ammo (50) | Swamp Shack | | Swamp | | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shack 2 | \------------------------------/ o---------------------o----------------------o The new items are listed on the left. Beware of the snake in the Swamp Shack. o-Item----------------+-Location-------------o /------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Right of Shop | | Merchant Shop | | Green Gem | Shop Roof | \------------------------------/ | Rifle Ammo (10) | Behind Counter | You can push the crate on the o---------------------o----------------------o left of the shop. Shove it, and smash the barrels on the way. Get beyond, and climb up the ladder to the roof of the shop. Continue pushing the crates and smashing the barrels. One of them contains a Green Gem, which can be combined with the Elegant Mask. Get to the end and jump down into the inside of the shop. Take the Rifle Ammo (10). Now, go trade with the merchant. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case M | 30000 | The merchant doesn't offer any new item | Treasure Map (Village) | 10000 | for sale, but you can upgrade some of | Handgun | 8000 | the weapons further now. He will now | Shotgun | 20000 | upgrade the firepower and the capacity | Punisher | 0 | to level 3 for the Handgun, Shotgun and | Rifle | 12000 | the Rifle. | TMP | 15000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | Before purchasing or upgrade, you might | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | want to sell the treasures. The Spinels | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | Gold Bangle w/Pearls, and the Antique | First Aid Spray | 10000 | Pipe can be sold here. o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o | Tune Up | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle | TMP | Punisher | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o | Firepower | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | - | | Firing Speed | Lv 2 | - | - | - | Lv 2 | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o Return to the Lake after you have finish trading. o-Item----------------+-Location-------------o /------------------------------\ | - | - | | Lake | o---------------------o----------------------o \------------------------------/ Now that you have finished everything, return to the area where Leon wakes up. There should be a metal door here which you can use. o-Item----------------+-Location-------------o /------------------------------\ | Hand Grenade | Waterfall Top Barrel | | Waterfall | | Spinel | Cliff w/Rope | \------------------------------/ | Amber Ring | Waterfall Beam | Run forward a little, and you | Spinel | Bat Cave Fire Torch | will trigger a scene, the "Las o---------------------o----------------------o Plagas" debut. It is a parasite that might appear from the villagers. The rate of their appearance is higher when the villager is decapitated. There are 3 type of Las Plagas, and this type is still as dangerous. It will hack at you. When attacking it, tries to fire at Las Plaga instead of the body host. You can also instantly kill it by tossing a Flash Grenade on the ground. Get forward, and jump over the ledges. After jumping past the first set of ledges, run to the end to find a barrel for a Hand Grenade. Now, jump over the second set of the ledges. Now, you should see a rope at the edge which you can use to climb down the cliff. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | If you have the Rifle, you can aim down and kill the villager on the tower | | at the bottom of the cliff, before descending. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o ------------- - Waterfall - ------------- Once you descend, turn around and face the cliff. Find a sparkle and fire it to drop the Spinel. The tower with the villager has the Handgun Ammo (10) and a barrel which might contain a random item. Fire at the large box on the water to make a makeshift bridge. Get across to the middle section. Run to the waterfall. There is a sparkle at the beam just in front of the waterfall. Fire it to drop the Amber Ring. The left tower have a barrel. Get down to the land, and fire at the 2 other large boxes on the other side of the water. Get across the second makeshift bridge. Go operate and pull the lever at the top of the tower structure here, and return to the front of the waterfall. However, a bunch of ganados will appear. Toss a Hand Grenade or use the Shotgun to blast them. 2 will come from the back so beware. Toss a Flash Grenade if any Las Plagas appear. Go inside the passage that was blocked by the waterfall. Obtain the Round Insignia off the wall. The wall will slide, and Leon will contact Hunnigan. Now go use the door beyond the hidden wall. ------------ - Bat Cave - ------------ Fire at the fire torch near the door you emerge. A Spinel will drop so take it. Get on the boat. o-Item----------------+-Location-------------o /------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Mining Ground Barrel | | Mining Ground | | Pesetas (15000) | El Gigante | \------------------------------/ | Red Herb | Wooden Logs | You will emerge at the merchant | Handgun Ammo (10) | Wooden Logs | store. His doesn't offer any | Yellow Herb | Mining Cart | new upgrade here, but do save | Spinel | Shack 1 | your game here as you will be | Green Herb | Shack 1 | fighting a very powerful monster | TMP Ammo (50) | Shack 1 | soon. Go and upgrade if you have | Pesetas (1000) | Shack 2 | the money. After that, exit. | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shack 2 | | Spinel | Shack 3 | Go smash the barrel for Handgun | Shotgun Shells (5) | Shack 3 | Ammo (10). Turn left and get to | Pesetas (1000) | Shack 3 | the mining ground. A scene will o---------------------o----------------------o be triggered. o=====================o o====================o /------------------------------\ | Move List | | Recommended Weapon | | El Gigante | o=====================o o====================o \------------------------------/ | Palm Sweep | | Flash Grenade | | Fist To Ground | | TMP | | Tree Swing | | Shotgun | | Squeeze | o--------------------o | Boulder Roll | | Punch | | Kick | | Stomp | | Shoulder Ram | | Toss To Ground | o---------------------o /-----------\ || Profile || \-----------/ A by-product of the diabolical and inhumane experiments conducted on the specimens that were once human using the Plaga. El Gigante, Spanish for "The Giant", have grow bigger and is very ferocious. It takes several Ganados to suppress this giant. /-------------\ || Attacking || \-------------/ The weak point of El Gigante is its head. Firing at the head inflicts 50% more damage than the body. Firing at its leg will inflict lesser damage. Try not to get too close to the feet. You can run between his legs, but it is quite risky. It is best that you toss a Flash Grenade to blind this monster, then blast the TMP or the Shotgun at its face. After inflicting a certain amount of damage, Las Plaga on its back will comes out. It is its weakest point. Try to fire it, or you can conserve ammunition by getting near it and then press the (A) button to climb onto its back and then hack at the parasite. The "(A)Climb" prompt will appear as soon as you get near the monster when it is kneeling down. To hack, tap either the (B) or (A) button rapidly, depending on which button it shows. If you tap the wrong button, this giant will toss you to the ground. If you have released the wolf from the bear trap in Chapter 1-1, he will return to assist you. The wolf will run around to distract El Gigante. You should use this opportunity to attack El Gigante while he goes after the wolf. However, do look out though. He'll still switch focus to you. /-------------------------\ || Attack Characteristic || \-------------------------/ If you stood to close to his feet, he will either fist you to the ground, kick or stomp you. If you are a little further, he will punch you then. From far, he will pull out the tree to swing at you. When you see him holding a tree, be sure to have your fingers on the L and R button to dodge. When he chuck a piece of rock out, quickly run around to dodge the boulder. It cannot be dodge with the L+R button. When you see him bend his shoulder down, be ready to tap the L and R button too to dodge it. El Gigante will also grab you and squeeze you. If so, rotate the left analog stick rapidly to make him release you or he will toss you to the ground. After you are done, take the award and the items, and use the door to return to the graveyard. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | TMP Ammo (30) | Symbol House | | Graveyard ~ Hanging Bridge | | Spinel | Trail Bird Nest | \-------------------------------/ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shack 1 | Get over the wooden bridge. When | Hand Grenade | Trail Bird Nest | you are approaching the church, | Flash Grenade | Church 1F | take out an Incendiary Grenade or | Pesetas (3000) | Church 1F Altar | a Flash Grenade, and slowly walk | Handgun Ammo (10) | Confinement Room | to the church. Few "Colmillos" | Handgun Ammo (10) | Confinement Room | will appear to bite you. These | Incendiary Grenade | Church 3F | dogs can be defeated easily with | Green Herb | Confinement Room | an Incendiary Grenade. Although o--------------------o----------------------o Flash Grenade cannot defeat them, it can knock the Colmillos down, allowing you to attack them. Blast them with the Shotgun. Go use the Round Insignia onto the church door, and enter. ---------- - Church - ---------- In this church, run to the right side and smash the barrel for a Flash Grenade. Search the altar for Pesetas (3000). Run to the left side of the church and then ascend the ladder. There is a gate blocking your path. Get to the opening of the balcony facing the chandelier. Jump onto the chandelier, then jump off when the chandelier swings to the opposite side. At the opposite side, search and smash the barrels for items. You will see a panel with 3 different color switch. Goes to operate it. You have to rotate the patterns until it matches the one in the middle. To solve this puzzle, rotate the red len twice, green three times, and the blue once. Combine and the bars will rise. Now use the 2F door (red carpet). Enter the door. -------------------- - Confinement Room - -------------------- You will discover Ashley here! After reading the Play Manual 3, smash the stuffs around for items. From here, Ashley will be by your side. Tap X to get her to stay and wait, or follow. Note that if she is alone, any incoming ganados will carry her away so you will have to kill the ganados before she is carried out. Kill the daughter of the president result in game over too. In some human-size container, you can get her to hide in it by going to it and press (X) when it appear. ---------- - Church - ---------- Get her out of the church. Descend the ladder, and then catch her with the (A) button at the bottom of the ladder. A cutscene will be triggered. -------------- Chapter 2 - 2 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Church ~ Graveyard | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ After rescuing Ashley and getting into the side room of the Church, smash the barrels around to find the items. Now head out. ------------- - Graveyard - ------------- Several ganados have arrived at the graveyard. As Ashley suggest, fire at the wagon. It will be on fire and roll towards the ganados, killing most of them. Use the Handgun to kill the remaining villagers. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Some of them will be holding fire torch. When they open their mouth to blow | | the fire at you, fire your handgun, and they will be burnt instead. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Run down to the shack and collect the Hand Grenade. Then, make your way down the slope. Fire at the nests on the trees for items. Jump into the hole, and you will return to the underground tunnel. ---------------------- - Underground Tunnel - ---------------------- Now, speak with the merchant, because his inventory has been updated. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case M | 30000 | The new additions here is the Red9 and | Treasure Map (Village) | 10000 | its stock. Additionally, tune-up for | Handgun | 8000 | some weapons like Red9 and Punisher are | Red9 | 14000 | available now. | Shotgun | 20000 | | Punisher | 0 | | Rifle | 12000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Tune Up | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle | TMP | Punisher | Red9 | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Firepower | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | | Firing Speed | Lv 2 | - | - | - | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o After you are done, go back to Pueblo. (refer to map) o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Pesetas (1000) | House w/Bed | | Pueblo | | Pesetas (1000) | Southwest Shack | \-------------------------------/ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shotgun House 1F | Several ganados villagers will | TMP Ammo (50) | Shotgun House 2F | be here. Some of them are Las | Spinel | Tower Top | Plagas infected. First, them. o--------------------o----------------------o Throw a Flash Grenade if Las Plagas appear. The trail to the farm is littered with bear traps. Shoot them, because if Ashley is caught by the trap, she will sustain damage. Free her the same way you do to free the wolf in the early part of the game. Get close to her and press the (A) when the prompt appear. After all the ganados are dead, search the house w/bed to find Pesetas (1000). You can also find the money in the Southwest shack. Handgun Ammo (10) can be found in the Shotgun House 1F, and TMP Ammo (50) in the 2F. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Sera and the 3rd | Typewriter Shack | | Farm | | Party | | \-------------------------------/ | Handgun Ammo (10) | 1F Hay Barn | Search the nearest shack for the | Green Herb | 1F Hay Barn | "Sera and the 3rd Party". Now go | Handgun Ammo (10) | 2F Hay Barn | save with the typewriter, as the | Pesetas (1000) | In Front Metal Door | next area is very difficult. Now o--------------------o----------------------o you may go kill the ganados. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | It is best that you hide Ashley in the container before you go find them. | | The container is just located near the typewriter shack and the tree with | | the "About The Blue Medallions" file. Go near it and press (X) to hide her. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o The villagers can be found on the balcony roof of the 2F. Get in front of the barn and you should see them. Use the Shotgun to kill them, and then use the Handgun for the remaining enemies. -------------------------- - Double Storey Hay Barn - -------------------------- Several bear traps have been laid at the bottom of the ladder in the double storey hay barn. Disarm them so Ashley will not be caught by them. Search here for Green Herb and Handgun Ammo (10). Climb up the ladder and search for a box of Handgun Ammo (10). Whistle for Ashley if you hide her in the container. Jump over the window, and turn left. Run to the end, and you might hear a shout from a villager. He is just at the bottom. Aim down to kill him. There are several bear traps near him too, so disarm them. Jump down and catch Ashley. Search the shack here for Pesetas (1000). Now, with Ashley's help you can unlock this metal door. Piggybear her to the other side of the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Red Herb | Isolated House 1F | | Isolated House | | Incendiary Grenade | Isolated House 1F | \-------------------------------/ | Yellow Herb | Isolated House 1F | You will see the merchant here at | Shotgun Shells (5) | Isolated House 1F | the bridge. He offers nothing new | Hand Grenade | Isolated House 2F | but you should try to upgrade the | Flash Grenade | Isolated House 2F | weapons. | Green Herb | Isolated Houes 2F | o--------------------o----------------------o o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | You should upgrade your TMP and the Shotgun weapons by the merchant. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Cross the bridge, and Leon will gets a transmission from Hunnigan. Bad news for him! Anyway, the ganados will now arrive at the other side of the bridge! Leon and Ashley will goes to hide in an isolated house...with Luis inside it! ------------------ - Isolated Houes - ------------------ Your objective is to kill 40 villagers! (Note: You just need to kill only 30 villagers in the Jpn version). They will keep coming in from the windows. Luis will provide assistance. He will toss you items occasionally. Quick obtain the items here, then shove the bookcase to block the windows. You can take more items on the 2F. Go to the 1F and starts to kill the ganados until they run away! o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Simple. Use the Shotgun for crowd control, and toss Hand Grenade or the | | Incendiary Grenade when things get nasty. Toss a Flash Grenade when Las | | Plagas appear. Eventually, Luis will go upstairs. Follow him and push the | | ladders that the ganados will use to get to the 2F. Do remember not to shoot| | Luis. He will kill you if you hit him too many times. | | Do position yourself at the stairs and fire them from above. They cannot | | attack you from behind (until the 2nd half of the battle). | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o -------------- Chapter 2 - 3 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Outside House | | Isolated House | | TMP Ammo (50) | Outside House | \-------------------------------/ | Two Routes | Merchant Shack | Take the items in the isolated o--------------------o----------------------o house. Now go outside, and take the ammunition. The shack behind the Merchant holds a typewriter and the "Two Routes" document. The merchant has updated his inventory. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case M | 30000 | The addition to the inventory is the | Treasure Map (Village) | 10000 | "Punisher". Of cause, you will have | Handgun | 8000 | taken it already if you did the mini- | Red9 | 14000 | quest (Blue Medallions). Those gamers | Shotgun | 20000 | who did not do the quest can purchase | Punisher | 0 | the gun now with the price of 200000. | Punisher | 20000 | As for the tune-up, there is no new | Rifle | 12000 | addition. | TMP | 15000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Tune Up | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle | TMP | Punisher | Red9 | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Firepower | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | | Firing Speed | Lv 2 | - | - | - | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o Now, you have two paths to take. The main enemies on the left paths are some some villagers and two chainsaw villagers. The right path contains a single El Gigante. It doesn't matter which path you choose as both will eventually leads to the same place. You can take one path, then return here, and take the other path if you want. Go to Route #1 if you use the left route. Go to Route #2 if you use the right route. Go to Route #3 once you emerge from route 1 or 2. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Bottom Of Ladder 1 | | Route 1: Camp | | Green Herb | Top Of Ladder 2 | \-------------------------------/ | Shotgun Shells (10)| Bottom Of Ladder 2 | Now kill the villagers here! Get | Red Herb | Bottom Of Ladder 2 | Ashley to hide in the container, | Handgun Ammo (10) | Gathering Ground | and when the opportunity comes, | Camp Key | Chainsaw Villager 1 | fire at the explosive cart on | Ruby | Chainsaw Villager 2 | the left corner. It should take | Handgun Ammo (10) | Storage Bottom | out most of the villagers. Now, | Hand Grenade | Storage Bottom | Go kill the remaining villagers. | Red Gem | Storage Hidden Area | Go deeper and you see a ladder. | Flash Grenade | Storage Hidden Area | Smash the barrel at the bottom | Handgun Ammo (10) | Beyond Guard Towers | of the ladder for Handgun Ammo o--------------------o----------------------o (10). There is a villager above. You can decapitate him with a Rifle, or you can fire at him from here. Ascend the ladder. Kill the remaining villagers that have come for you. Run forward and you should see a container and two split paths. Take the right path and head forward. Run along the right edge and jump down. Smash the barrel by the mining cart for Shotgun Shells (5) and the mining cart for Red Herb. Now, go back up and reload your weapon. Go kick one of the ladder leading to the gather ground, and run around and descend it. Several chainsaw villagers will arrive. Ascend by the ladder, and then run off to the narrow passage to ladder 1. From there, kill all of them. Beware of the chainsaw villagers as they can decapitate you! After they dies, obtain go take the Camp Key and the Ruby. Whistle for Ashley, and then descend to the gather ground. Use the Camp Key onto the door here and go through. -------------------- - Barricading Area - -------------------- Smash the crate for item. Then, go into the storage building. Drop into the hole at the corner, and take the items: Handgun Ammo (10), Hand Grenade. Go back up and find a boarded up window here. Smash the planks away and jump through. Run to the end, and smash the barrels for the Flash Grenade and Red Gem. Go back outside, and run past the barrier sacks. Get Ashley to hide in the next container, and then turn left quickly to attack the incoming enemies. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | This is a very good chance to use your grenades! Aim slightly higher and | | toss the Hand Grenade in the air. Then, wait for more villagers to drop down| | from the towers, then toss another Hand Grenade or Incendiary Grenade. Keep | | doing so, and then use the Handgun for the remaining villagers. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o After you are done, call Ashley out. The barrels by the towers contain some items like the Handgun Ammo (10). After you are done, go check the door and remove the wooden planks on it. Go through. Now go to ROUTE #3. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Pesetas (15000) | El Gigante | | Route 2: Storage Ground | | Pesetas (1000) | Shack 1 | \-------------------------------/ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shack 1 | Run to the opposite side, and El | Spinel | Shack 1 | Gigante will jump down! You can | Incendiary Grenade | Shack 1 | avoid him by gunning down the | TMP Ammo (50) | Shack 1 | chains at the door, but doing so | Old Key | Shack 2 | expose you and Ashley to great | Spinel | Shack 2 | danger. It is highly recommended | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shack 2 | to exterminate this beast. | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shack 2 | | Pesetas (1000) | Shack 2 | | Spinel | Shack 2 | | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shack 2 | | Pesetas (1000) | Shack 2 | | Handgun Ammo (10) | Wooden Sack Bench | | Purple Gem | Bucket | o--------------------o----------------------o o=====================o o====================o /------------------------------\ | Move List | | Recommended Weapon | | El Gigante | o=====================o o====================o \------------------------------/ | Palm Sweep | | Flash Grenade | | Fist To Ground | | TMP | | Tree Swing | | Shotgun | | Squeeze | o--------------------o | Boulder Roll | | Punch | | Kick | | Stomp | | Shoulder Ram | | Toss To Ground | | Body Fall | o---------------------o /-----------\ || Profile || \-----------/ A by-product of the diabolical and inhumane experiments conducted on the specimens that were once human using the Plaga. El Gigante, Spanish for "The Giant", have grow bigger and is very ferocious. It takes several Ganados to suppress this giant. /-------------\ || Attacking || \-------------/ As Ashley points out, you can fire at the support of the boulder at the left top area to drop the boulder onto El Gigante. It will stop the monster for a while, so you can use the opportunity to fire at the monster. The weak point of El Gigante is its head. Firing at the head inflicts 50% more damage than the body. Firing at its leg will inflict lesser damage. Try not to get too close to the feet. You can run between his legs, but it is quite risky. It is best that you toss a Flash Grenade to blind this monster, then blast the TMP or the Shotgun at its face. After inflicting a certain amount of damage, Las Plaga on its back will comes out. It is its weakest point. Try to fire it, or you can conserve ammunition by getting near it and then press the (A) button to climb onto its back and then hack at the parasite. The "(A)Climb" prompt will appear as soon as you get near the monster when it is kneeling down. To hack, tap either the (B) or (A) button rapidly, depending on which button it shows. If you tap the wrong button, this giant will toss you to the ground. If you have released the wolf from the bear trap in Chapter 1-1, he will return to assist you. The wolf will run around to distract El Gigante. You should use this opportunity to attack El Gigante while he goes after the wolf. However, do look out though. He'll still switch focus to you. /-------------------------\ || Attack Characteristic || \-------------------------/ If you stood to close to his feet, he will either fist you to the ground, kick or stomp you. If you are a little further, he will punch you then. From far, he will pull out the tree to swing at you. When you see him holding a tree, be sure to have your fingers on the L and R button to dodge. When he chuck a piece of rock out, quickly run around to dodge the boulder. It cannot be dodge with the L+R button. When you see him bend his shoulder down, be ready to tap the L and R button too to dodge it. El Gigante will also grab you and squeeze you. If so, rotate the left analog stick rapidly to make him release you or he will toss you to the ground. El Gigante will also attack Ashley, so keep an eye on her. Attack the monster when he is squeezing Ashley to make him release Ashley. When he dies, do prepare to press the emergency buttons combination to dodge his falling body. Take the 15000 pesetas from his corpse. Go cut away the chains on the wooden door. Go through... ---------- - Shacks - ---------- There are several shacks here, containing many items. In the first shack, You can find Pesetas (1000), TMP Ammo (50), Handgun Ammo (10), Incendiary Grenade and Spinel. In the second shack, take the Old Key. Expect to find 2 Spinels, 2 Handgun Ammo (10) and 2 set of Pesetas (1000) here too. Go out, and take the Handgun Ammo (10) on the left wooden sack bench. from here aim up to find a bucket with a shiny object. Fire at it to drop the Purple Gem. Combine it with the Elegant Mask. Cut the chains off the next door, and then go through. Use the Old Key on the green door. Now go to ROUTE #3. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Bin Besides House | | Route 3: Village Exit | | Village Last | House Fallen Locker | \-------------------------------/ | Defense | | Before doing anything, run to the | Rifle Ammo (10) | House Locker | house opposite the merchant to | Handgun Ammo (10) | Gondola Station | save your game here. Now, go take | Flash Grenade | Gondola Station | the items in the house (lockers) | Shotgun Shells (10)| Merchant 2 Blue Torch| and besides for the Handgun Ammo | TMP Ammo (50) | Merchant 2 Blue Torch| (10). o--------------------o----------------------o Run up to the merchant. There is a barrel in front of the merchant, so take it first. The merchant doesn't offer any new upgrade here. If you took both routes you should have taken the Purple Gem and the Red Gem. Combine them with the Elegant Mask. The Elegant Mask should have all 3 gems now, so you can sell it. Sell him the Ruby that you obtained from the fallen chainsaw lady, if you took the left path. Run up the slope, and you should see a metal door. You can't use it now, so you should ignore it and run past it. Continue up until you reach the gondola boarding station. Go and board the gondola. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | When you board the gondola, several ganados will attack you. You can lesser | | some of the burdens by killing them now. Aim towards the other station, but | | slightly to the left. Kill the 2 ganados that are perched at the edge. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o ----------- - Gondola - ----------- Your task is to survive the gondola ride. There will be villagers riding the gondola which comes in your direction on the right side, and villagers on the left will jump onto your gondola and cut your gondola! The villagers which ride the gondola will throw axes at you. It is easier if you have the Rifle, as you can snipe them while they are from far. There will be 2 villagers on the left, but they will not be there if you killed them before boarding the gondola. After you alight, run to the gondola station nearby. ------------------- - Gondola Station - ------------------- Take the Handgun Ammo (10) and the Flash Grenade from the lockers at the back of the station. Get Ashley to wait at the top of the stairs here, and run down alone. Continue forward into the cave. There will be 2 villagers waiting for you! Quickly kill them. One will throw axe, and the other throws dynamite. Jump over the sack, then climb the opposite ladder. Kill the lone villager above, then run to the end to check the chest for the Yellow Catseye. Combine it with the Beerstein so you can get the full product. Run back out of the cave for Ashley. Now, continue the path and you should see the merchant. There is a box of Shotgun Shells (10), TMP Ammo (50) on his right blue flame torch. The merchant here doesn't offer any new upgrade nor items. Run down the trail and use the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | TMP Ammo (50) | Torture Shed 1F | | Torture Shed | | Shotgun Shells (5) | Torture Shed 1F | \-------------------------------/ | Incendiary Grenade | Torture Shed 1F | Run to the building at the far | Green Herb | Torture Shed 1F | end and a scene will be triggered | Shotgun Shells (5) | Torture Shed 1F | when you get near it. During the | Spinel | Torture Shed 1F | scene, have your fingers ready to | Handgun Ammo (10) | Torture Shed 1F | press the emergency dodge buttons | Red Herb | Torture Shed 2F | as the village chief will punch | Red Herb | Torture Shed 2F | you. After the scene, the battle | Hand Grenade | Torture Shed 2F | starts. | Handgun Ammo (10) | Torture Shed 2F | | Green Herb | Torture Shed 2F | | Yellow Herb | Torture Shed 2F | | False Eyes | Village Chief | | Pesetas (30000) | Village Chief | o--------------------o----------------------o o=====================o o====================o /------------------------------\ | Move List | | Recommended Weapon | | Chief Bitores Mendez | o=====================o o====================o \------------------------------/ | Claw Attack | | TMP Ammo | | Ceiling Attack | | Shotgun | | Uppercut | | Red9 | | Tentacle Impale | o--------------------o | Strangle | | Toss To Ground | o---------------------o Form 2 o---------------------o o--------------------o | Right Fist | | TMP Ammo | | Tentacle Attack | | Shotgun | o---------------------o o--------------------o /-----------\ || Profile || \-----------/ The village chief who commands the Ganado villagers, Chief Bitores Mendez receive his orders directly from both Ramon Salazar and Saddler themselves. He let Leon go when h e realises that he have been injected with Las Plagas, but after Leon have caused more damage to the village, Bitores Mendez have no choice but to mutate himself with the power from the Plaga that was injected into him, and fight against Leon. This intimidating one-eyed individual also a priest who teaches the obscure religion to his macabre desciples. /-------------\ || Attacking || \-------------/ The weak point of Chief Bitores is the spine, which links his upper and lower torso together. Spray the TMP at the spine, and run when he get too close. If you gets to near when you run past him, he will claw you. There is a red barrel which you can used to inflict damage on him. Lure Chief Bitores to the red barrel and fire at the red barrel to explode it. When he gets to his second form, get onto the 2F by the ladder, and fire from there. Run around to dodge his attacks. /-------------------------\ || Attack Characteristic || \-------------------------/ The Chief uses various type of attacks. Most if not all of his attacks are very deadly. He will tries to advance towards you to execute either a Claw Attack or an Uppercut. In medium range, he will sprout his tentacle at you. This move is an instant death move, but you can dodge it by pressing the emergency dodge button combinations. If you attempt to fire him from the top level, he will sprout his tentacle, and tries to knock you down. When he mutates, he will start to swing around using the tentacles on the beams. He will swing to your face and execute a tentacle claw attack. Once defeated, take the False Eye and the pesetas. Now, look for the exit and roll out from that hole to rejoice Ashley. Run back to the previous area. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Village Exit | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Now, run past the merchant and goes to board the gondola lift to return to the village exit. The gondola journey is free of danger, so don't worry. With the False Eye, goes to use it onto the blue door. The door will be unlock by the False Eye, and now you can go through the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | False Eye Door Box | | Passage To Castle | | Velvet Blue | Slope Top Barrel | \-------------------------------/ o--------------------o----------------------o You can find a box of Handgun Ammo (10) among the boxes near the door. Several ganados are in front. You can snipe them with your Rifle, or you can move forward to trigger the truck scene. A villager will ride the truck at the top of the slope towards you! Any ganados in front of the truck will be knock down. As he is in range, use the Rifle to decapitate the truck driver! You can also use other weapons, or even the Flash Grenade to blind the driver. Fire at the engine part makes the truck skid. Run past the truck, and several ganados will come out of the truck behind and go after you. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | If you do not wish to make the ganados come out from the truck, simply walk | | backward up the slope with you facing the truck. They will not appear as | | long as you didn't turn to run. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o At the top of the slope, turn left and smash the barrels for item. You will find a Velvet Blue in one of the barrels. Continue down the path to the castle entrance to trigger the scene, which ends the sub chapter. -------------- Chapter 3 - 1 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Spinel | Stairs Bottom Barrel | | Castle Outside | | Velvet Blue | Slope Top Barrel | \-------------------------------/ | Pesetas (2500) | Left Box Behind Tree | Run forward, and smash the boxes | Pesetas (5000) | Behind Merchant Shop | around for items. Pesetas (5000) | Green Herb | Merchant Shop | can be found in a chest behind o--------------------o----------------------o the merchant shop. The right box behind the tree holds a snake, so aim with your gun to kill it for an egg. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | From this chapter onwards, you can use the "Suplex" move. By firing at the | | ankle area of the ganados, move close to them. Instead of the "Kick" prompt | | you will see the "Suplex" prompt. Press (A) to suplex them. This move has a | | higher rate of decapitation on ganado. Also, note that if the ganado was | | hit in the face, or stun by a Flash Grenade instead, the "Kick" prompt will | | appear. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o The merchant offers the following: o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case L | 40000 | The merchant have several new items for | Attache Case M | 30000 | sales. Sell the Spinel, Velvet Blue to | Treasure Map (Castle) | 10000 | him. | Handgun | 8000 | | Red9 | 14000 | I will recommend you to buy the Attache | Punisher | 0 | Case L. Purchase the Rifle (semi-auto) | Punisher | 20000 | as you will be needing a far-range | Blacktail | 24000 | weapon very often in the castle area. | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | The Rifle (semi-auto) allows you to | Shotgun | 20000 | fire the next shot without needing to | Riot Gun | 12000 | pause. | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | I also suggest trading in the Shotgun | TMP | 15000 | for the Riot Gun. Blacktail is a good | Mine Thrower | 28000 | weapon too, but its up to yourself to | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | decide whether you want to get this gun | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | to replace your handgun or not. | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Tune Up | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle | TMP | Punisher | Red9 | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Firepower | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail | B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi) | Riot Gun | M.Thrower | o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | - | | Firing Speed | Lv 2 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | - | Lv 2 | - | - | | Capacity | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | - | Lv 2 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o Once you are done, go use the door at the top of the stairs. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Rifle Ammo (5) | | | Castle Wall | | Velvet Blue | Cannon Tower | \-------------------------------/ | Incendiary Grenade | Cannon Tower | Run forward and you will get an | Yellow Herb | Shack | overview of the area. Obtain the | Velvet Blue | Shack | Rifle Ammo (5) on the box. From | Pesetas (2500) | Shack | there, aim with your Rifle in | Gold Bangle | Besides Shack | front and snipe at the 2 people | Spinel | Fire Torch | on the tower. Run up the stairs. | Spinel | Small Shack | Now, the cultists will operate o--------------------o----------------------o the catapults to toss at you! You will have to rush forward without allowing the boulder to hit you or Ashley! o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | You can kill the catapult operator to stop them from firing the catapult. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o There is a Spinel on the right small shack near the top of the stairs but is not recommended to take it as it is too dangerous. It is better if you equip a Handgun and run to the left path instead of going straight (to where they were just now). Get into the small tower and you will see barrels and an old cannon in the middle. Smash the barrels for Velvet Blue and Incendiary Grenade. Now run back up, and turn left into the castle doorway. Aim up at the red barrel and kill the cultists operating the catapult. Run up until you reach the top (you should see a big brown door on the left). From here, aim with the Rifle to the far right side to explode the barrel so you will kill another catapult operator. From the same spot, aim a little lower and to the right into a small shack. You will see a helmet wearing cultist inside. As he is wearing helmet, you cannot decapitate him. Thus, aim at his body instead of his head. Run into the shack he was in, and tell Ashley to wait. Ignore the items here at the moment. Now get out, and face left. Kill the catapult operator by firing at the red barrel with your Rifle. He is above the big brown door. Run across the middle passage to the other side. (Dodge the boulder from the catapult!) You should see a giant circle hole. Stand to the spot on the circle area nearest to the catapult and fire at the cultist who is using the catapult. There are 2 other cultists here, but you are free from the catapult assault now.When you are safe, go operate the turn lever by the circle hole. Keep tapping (A) to raise the cannon up. Now, fire the cannon to break the castle gate. Summon Ashley to follow you. Run past the gate way to find the merchant! Before trading, fire at the torch on his left near the next door. Here's his inventory: o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case L | 40000 | The only new addition here is that you | Attache Case M | 30000 | can now upgrade the firepower of your | Treasure Map (Castle) | 10000 | Riot Gun to Lv 3. | Handgun | 8000 | | Red9 | 14000 | Sell your Spinel, Velvet Blue and Gold | Punisher | 0 | Bangle. | Punisher | 20000 | | Blacktail | 24000 | | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | | Shotgun | 20000 | | Riot Gun | 12000 | | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Tune Up | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle | TMP | Punisher | Red9 | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Firepower | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail | B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi) | Riot Gun | M.Thrower | o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | - | | Firing Speed | Lv 2 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | - | Lv 2 | - | - | | Capacity | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | - | Lv 2 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o Go through the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Pesetas (2000) | 1F Cabinet | | Troops Room | | Handgun Ammo (10) | 1F Table | \-------------------------------/ | Platinum Sword | 1F Gold Plate | Go take the Handgun Ammo (10) on | Pesetas (1800) | 2F Table | the table, and also the Pesetas | Spinel | 2F Shelf | (2000) from the cabinet at the | Pesetas (4500) | Red Cultist | corner. Check the gold plate and o--------------------o----------------------o extract the Platinum Sword. Now, run up the stairs. Kill the cultists upstairs. There might be an intermission whereby a red cultist ordering the black rode cultists to go after you. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | The red cultist have 50% more vitality than the black cultist. | | | | The cultists here attack with flails, and the damage is bigger than the | | weapons that the villagers use in the initial chapters. Las Plagas will now | | appear at a more frequent basis. However, they doesn't differ much from the | | ganado villagers. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o You will encounter a new type of Las Plagas here. They are capable of biting your head off so beware. Take the Pesetas (1800) on the table, and check the platinum plate. Now take the Golden Sword off it, and replace it with the Platinum Sword. Check the cabinet for a Red Herb. Smash the crates by the bed. One of them contain a Spinel. Return down. A red cultist will be waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Las Plaga parasite type 2 will always spawn from him no matter you decapitate him or not. When he along with the Plaga dies, take the 4500 pesetas off his body. Use the Platinum Sword on the platinum plate. Now return up stairs, and then use the door which was formerly the gold plate. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Pesetas (2500) | Shack | | Castle Front | | Handgun Ammo (10) | Shack | \-------------------------------/ | Velvet Blue | Weapon Shack | Run forward, and a scene will be | Castle Gate Key | Weapon Shack | triggered. There are two doors | Green Herb | Weapon Shack | here. You should use the left o--------------------o----------------------o door. Push the door slowly by tapping (A) once instead of kicking it open. You should see a cultist in front. He will not notice you if you push the door with gentle. Now aim with your Rifle and decapitate him. If not, he will go into the shack after a bullet from you to inform his partners. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Feeling playful? Fire the cultist with a Mine Thrower. When he goes into the| | shack to seek reinforcement, the explosion from the mines will keep the | | cultist and his cultists in the shack! | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Kill the remaining ganados. You can make use of the red barrel on the right of the shack near the back doorway to assist the killing. Go inside the shack they were in to take items. The cabinet holds Pesetas (2500) and the table has a Handgun Ammo (10). From the inside, aim out from the window hole next to the door. You should see a cultist above with a crossbow in his hand. Snipe him with a Rifle or any other weapon. Now leave Ashley inside this shack. Equip a Shotgun, and run to the passage opposite the shack. Two shield ganados will come out! Kill them. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Those ganados carrying shield will not be affected by the Flash Grenade. | | You can shatter their shield by firing at it repeatedly. The best weapon to | | shatter the shield is the Shotgun at close range or the Hand Grenade. | | Alternatively, you can decapitate them by firing at the Rifle at the top of | | shield around the head region (unless they are wearing helmet), or throw an | | Incendiary Grenade to burn them. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Go through the door which they emerge. Take the Green Herb on the right shelf, and smash the barrel near the chest on the opposite shelf for the Velvet Blue. The chest holds the Castle Gate Key. Once you take it, several ganados will appear to ambush you. Blast the Red Barrel to kill the cultists, and then use the Handgun to kill the remaining ganados. Call for Ashley to follow you as you run out to the gate of the castle. The gate of the castle is the right door which you see after the cutscene earlier on. Use the Castle Gate Key to go through. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Velvet Blue | Left Vase | | Castle Hall | | Green Gem | Ceiling | \-------------------------------/ | Handgun Ammo (15) | Corner Vase | Run forward and a scene will be | Pesetas (5000) | Saddler Painting | triggered. After the scene chase | Incendiary Grenade | Prison Door Barrel | Salazar, but a wall will appear | Shotgun Shells (5) | Prison Celling Beam | to stop you. From here, turn 180 | Green Herb | Prison Ground | backward to face the castle gate | Capture Luis Sera | Passage Corner Turn | door, and aim up to the ceiling. | Prison Key | Painting Near Horses | Shoot at the sparkle for the | Pesetas (15000) | Garrador | Green Gem. Next smash the vases. | Handgun Ammo (20) | 2 Red Pillars | 1 of the holds the Velvet Blue. o--------------------o----------------------o You can save with the typewriter here. Run forward and a scene will be triggered. After the scene, Run Salazar, but a wall will appear to stop you. From here, turn 180 backward to face the castle gate door, and aim up to the ceiling. Fire at the sparkle for the Green Gem. Next, smash the vases. One of the holds the Velvet Blue. You can save with the typewriter here. Go through the right door. ------------ - Internal - ------------ Turn left upon entering, and smash the barrels near the blue prison door. The left barrel should contain an Incendiary Grenade. Run forward, and then right. Check the painting of Lord Saddler for Pesetas (5000). Smash the vase opposite of the painting for item. Now, aim your Rifle at the prison in front. You should see a sparkle. Fire at it to drop the Shotgun Shells (5), which you can take later. Run forward to take the Capture Luis Sera. Smash the barrels nearby for Yellow Herb. Turn around to see two horse statues blowing flame towards each other, forming a barrier. Search for a painting on the right wall. Check it to take the Prison Key. Run back to the blue prison door. Use the Prison Key onto the door, and tell Ashley to wait at the top of the stairs here. Proceed down alone. ---------- - Prison - ---------- Obtain the Shotgun Shells (5). The area near the left bell holds a Green Herb. As you get close to the gate of the prison cell, a scene will trigger, showing you the trapped 'prisoner' inside. He is call the "Garrador". The weak point to him is the Plaga parasite on his back. You have to fire at the Plaga about 3 times to kill him. You have to pull the lever on his right, and if you go in the Garrador will be activated. In other words, you have no choice, but to fight him. If you tries to return up before killing him, a wall will slide to block you. Kick the gate down, then do a 180 to run out. The Garrador will be activated. Walk instead of run, as he is blind and can't see you. If you fire at the bell on either side, he will do a claw charge attack and run towards that bell. Now fire at the Plaga on his back while he got his claw stucked in the wall. If he is still alive after the 2 bells are gone, then run around to make him execute the claw charge attack. When he start up the attack, stop moving. Run when he is getting near to make him stuck his claw into the wall. Now fire at the Plaga on his back. A Rifle is good for aiming at the Plaga. Alternatively, you can fire at the Plaga while he is wondering around. Run away after firing a shot. Once he dies, take the Pesetas (15000) from his corpse. Now, go operate the level inside the cell. Summon for Ashley and run back up. ------------ - Internal - ------------ Turn left and you should see the cultists appearing. Fire at the fire lamp on the ceiling to drop it on the cultists to burn them, then kill the remaining cultists with a Handgun. Get forward and turn the corner. Several cultists are beyond the once-flame breathing horse statues. One of them throws dynamite, so if you fire at the dynamite on his hand you will kill all of them instantly. Two of them will use crossbows, so beware. Before going through the doorway beyond the horse statues, call Ashley to wait outside the doorway. Go in, and turn left to kill the cultist. Make sure it is safe before calling Ashley to follow you. Take the Handgun Ammo (20) between the two red pillars here. Now reload all of your weapon, and equip a Hand Grenade. Go through. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Velvet Blue | Right Vase | | Water Hall | | Pesetas (2000) | Right Wall Table | \-------------------------------/ | Incendiary Grenade | Right Upper Pool | Aim up and slightly to the left | Shotgun Shells (5) | Floor Panel Room | and throw your Hand Grenade when | Hand Grenade | Back Wall Vase | the cultists goes into their own | Green Herb | Floor Panel Room | position. Now aim and blast the | First Aid Spray | New Passage Vase 1 | Shotgun. Some might attack from | Rifle Ammo (10) | Left Fountain Vase | so turn around and check after | Shotgun Shells (10)| Right Fountain Vase | every shot. During he battle, a o--------------------o----------------------o scene will occur, as more of the cultists, some of them carrying shields appear. The shields are best destroyed with a Shotgun blast at close range. The red cultist might spawn a Plaga. Take their dropped items. Now, check the areas for item. There is one Velvet Blue in the right of the door(perspective as when you first emerge into this hall). A Pesetas (2000) is on the table by the right wall. An Incendiary Grenade is found in the vase near the right upper water pool. Go smash the remaining vases for possible random items. Run forward to the back wall and go down the short stairs.Kill the cultists. 1 of them is hidden by the middle portion of the back wall, so beware. After you kill them, smash the vases here. The one near the back wall door holds a Hand Grenade. --------------------------- - Yellow Floor Panel Room - --------------------------- Position Ashley on one of the yellow floor panels, and tell her to wait while you goes to step onto the other floor panel. Now, take the Shotgun Shells (10) on the right chair, and the Green Herb on the table. Slowly push the door open and walk out. Turn left and you should see a shield ganado approaching. Retreat into the yellow floor panel room to create some space and then blast him with the Shotgun. Slowly open the door again, and lure the remaining cultists into the yellow panel room. Although it is tempting, you should not go out and fight them as you leave Ashley in the room, as the cultists will also appear inside the room itself. Exterminate all the ganados, and then go out with Ashley. ---- Hall ---- Run to the hall and operate the mechanism (Ashley). After that, run up the new stairs with Ashley. At the top of the stairs, turn right and run to the right wall. Run to the end past the door, and smash the vase for a First Aid Spray. Check the vase at the other side for a possible random item. Run to the door at the opposite side and Ashley will point out the crank on sides. Run to one of the paintings on the side of the fountain structure, and you should see a (A)PIGGYBACK prompt. Before sending her up, smash the vases above the fountain for Rifle Ammo (10) and Shotgun Shells (10). Now piggyback Ashley up, and she will tell you to watch out for her. You have to kill the cultists who will carry her away above, and the incoming cultists who will attack you directly from below. There are 2 cranks that she have to operate. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | The Rifle comes in handy here. Kill the cultists above, then switch to the | | Shotgun periodically to kill the incoming cultists. Switch back to the Rifle| | and kill the cultists that have appear above. Keep switching the tasks back | | and forth until Ashley have finished turning the cranks. If the cultist | | have gotten hold of her, fire at the cultist before he carries her to one | | of the door. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o After she is done, goes to catch her, then jump over the platforms to get to the door. Now go use the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Spinel | Upside Down Statue 1 | | Upside Down Statues Altar | | Spinel | Right Cabinet | \-------------------------------/ | Hand Grenade | Right Chest | There are two inverted statues. | Handgun Ammo (20) | Left Cabinet | Check the back of the 1st statue | Green Herb | Vase Near Merchant | to see a sparkle, which you can o--------------------o----------------------o fire at to drop a Spinel. The cabinet on the right wall holds a Spinel. Run along the right wall and smash the glasses to take the Hand Grenade within the chest. On the left wall, you can find a Handgun Ammo (20) on the cabinet, and a Green Herb in the vase nearest to the blue door besides the merchant. Do not trade with the merchant yet. Instead, run down the passage to end the chapter. -------------- Chapter 3 - 2 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Upside Down Statues Altar | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Make a 180 turn. You will see a brown door, but ignore it at the moment and talk with the merchant. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case L | 40000 | There's no new item, but now you can go | Attache Case M | 30000 | upgrade your weapons further. | Treasure Map (Castle) | 10000 | | Handgun | 8000 | Sell the Spinels and the Velvet Blues. | Red9 | 14000 | | Punisher | 0 | You might want to purchase a Rocket | Punisher | 20000 | Launcher here if you have the money. It | Blacktail | 24000 | will comes in handy in earning lots of | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | money later, more so than the money you | Shotgun | 20000 | spend on the weapon. | Riot Gun | 12000 | | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Tune Up | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle | TMP | Punisher | Red9 | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Firepower | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail | B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi) | Riot Gun | M.Thrower | o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | - | | Firing Speed | Lv 2 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | - | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | - | | Capacity | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o The door besides the merchant with the gun inscribed on it leads to a mini- game call the "shooting range". It is optional for play, but when you are finished with what you wish to do, go use the door near where Ashley was kidnapped to progress. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Flash Grenade | Entrance Barrel | |Sewer ~ Underground Prison | | Handgun Ammo (15) | Sewer Pool 1 | \-------------------------------/ | TMP Ammo (50) | Sewer Pool 1 | Smash the barrels. One of them | Velvet Blue | Sewer Pool 1 | contains a Flash Grenade. Jump | Incendiary Grenade | Left Cell 2 | down the hole of the ladder and | Shotgun Shells (10)| Left Cell 1 | run forward of the sewer. You | Luis Memo | Left Cell 1 | might hear something bursting | Handgun Ammo (20) | Right Cell 2 | out from a cage and running | Yellow Herb | Right Cell 2 | towards you, but do not fear. | Shotgun Shells (15)| Drainage Room | Just get to the first corner, | Green Herb | Drainage Room | and zoom to the right with your | Butterfly Lamp | Drainage Room | Rifle (and if this is your 2nd | Spinel | Blade Room | playthrough, equip the Infrared o--------------------o----------------------o Scope). Slightly to the left seems to be something distorbed and is drooling. This is the monster that Salazar was talking about, and its name is call the "Novistador". Apparently it can turn invisible. Fire at the figure and if hitted, you should see yellow pus blood coming out. You can detect them by the water movement, and the glowing eyes they have. They will turn visible a brief moment after they take a hit. Most of the time they will drops 'eye' treasures like Green Eye and Red Eye when they die. Exterminate this Novistador. Take a few steps forward, and turn right to run into the sewer. Run to the end and smash the box for item. Now run to where the Novistador was. Keep running until you see a sewer pool on the side. 2 invisible Novistadors on in the sewer pool so kill them before jumping down. Go take the Handgun Ammo (15), Velvet Blue and TMP Ammo (50) in the sewer pool. Climb up the opposite ladder and go through the brown door. The door besides the merchant with the gun inscribed on it leads to a mini-game call the "Shooting Range". It is optional for play. More details are covered in section 13.2 of this FAQ. After you are done, use the door in the passage. ---------------------- - Underground Prison - ---------------------- Go through and turn right. A Novistador will emerge from the hole on the ceiling. Blast it until it dies. Another will come out from the left prison cell. Check the cells for item. The one which the Novistador appear contains an Incendiary Grenade, while the cell next to it contains a Shotgun Shells (10). Check the right cell 2 for Handgun Ammo (20). Check the opposite cell for Handgun Ammo (20) and Yellow Herb. Run down the passage besides the left cells. Get to the end and use the brown door. Turn the drainage valve to drain the water. Next, smash the boxes for Shotgun Shells (15) and the Green Herb. Open the chest and take the Butterfly Lamp. This treasure can be combined with the 'eyes' treasures that you took from the defeated Novistador. It can be fitted with 3 different types of the 'eyes' treasures for form the complete set: Green Eye, Red Eye, Blue Eye. Run out. Along the way, more Novistadors will appear. It doesn't matter if you wants to defeat them or not. Either way, run to the hole between the two rows of cells and jump down as the water has been drained. Kick down the door and run through. Before running up the stairs, check the corner under the barrels for a Velvet Blue. Smash the barrels for random items, and use the door. ----------------------- - Swinging Blade Room - ----------------------- You have to dodge those swinging blades! When the blades swing to the side, run past (use the black line on the ground as judgement) it. Jump over the ledge, and run past the other 2 blades. Check the barrels on the right for a Spinel. Use the door, and climb up the ladder. Now use the final door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Spinel | Altar Cultist | | Upside Down Statues Altar | | Spinel | Altar Cultist | \-------------------------------/ | Spinel | Altar Cultist | A scene will be showing some | Spinel | Altar Cultist | cultists are praying. Each of | Spinel | Altar Cultist | them drops a Spinel when they | Spinel | Altar Cultist | die, and the red cultist drops | Spinel | Altar Cultist | the "Illuminados Pendant" when | Spinel | Altar Cultist | defeated. If you purchased the | Spinel | Altar Cultist | Rocket Launcher, take it out and | Spinel | Altar Cultist | fire at the red cultist in the | Illuminados Pendant| Altar Red Cultist | middle for a special scene where | Elegant Mask | Right Balcony | all of them dies. If not, try to o--------------------o----------------------o kill as many as you can from the top (Hand Grenade etc). Remember, focus on killing the cultist as he holds the most expensive treasure. They will run if they detect you. Jump down by the broken section of the balcony, and pick up the treasures. Return up to where you kill the cultists and jump onto the chandelier to the opposite side. Smash the vases on the left. One of them contains a Velvet Blue. If you have not noticed the merchant have just changed his location to the other side of the gate here on the 2F. Run towards him and turn right. Jump onto the other chandelier, and get to the opposite side. Now, turn left and run to the end. Smash the glasses so you can take the item in the chest. The item in the chest is the Elegant Mask. Jump down to 2F hall, and save with the typewriter. Now, go trade with the merchant. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case L | 40000 | There's no new item, but now you can go | Attache Case M | 30000 | upgrade your weapons further. | Treasure Map (Castle) | 10000 | | Handgun | 8000 | Sell the Spinels, Illominados Pendant | Red9 | 14000 | and the Velvet Blue. If you have the | Punisher | 0 | complete set of the Butterfly Lamp, you | Punisher | 20000 | should sell it too. | Blacktail | 24000 | | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | The upgrades are the same as the last | Shotgun | 20000 | one. Unless you didn't have enough | Riot Gun | 12000 | money to upgrade further just now, then | Rifle | 12000 | upgrade now. | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Tune Up | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle | TMP | Punisher | Red9 | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Firepower | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail | B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi) | Riot Gun | M.Thrower | o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | - | | Firing Speed | Lv 2 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | - | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | - | | Capacity | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o Now, enter the door nearest to the merchant. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Red Herb | Table | | Gatling Gun Room | | Castellan Memo | Round Table | \-------------------------------/ | Handgun Ammo (20) | Chair | Claim the Red Herb on the table | Rifle Ammo (5) | 2F Catwalk | in front. Further down, you will | Shotgun Shells (10)| Northwest Table | see a round table. Take the | Pesetas (1000) | Northwest Shelf | Castellan Memo on the round | Pesetas (1000) | Northwest Shelf | table, and the Handgun Ammo (20) | Pesetas (1000) | Northwest Shelf | on the chair by the left. Now, | Pesetas (1000) | Northwest Shelf | equip a Rifle, and then slowly | Gallery Key | Red Cultist | open the door, aim immediately | Velvet Blue | Deer's Head | and fire red barrel behind the | Yellow Herb | Battle Room Stairs | cultist on the left, then the | Spinel | Battle Room North | cultist on the right. After the | Green Herb | Battle Room South | crossbow cultists are killed, | Goat Ornament | Battle Room Podium | head inside. You should see a o--------------------o----------------------o fenced-up structure in the middle. There are 2 cultists behind it. Lure them to the red barrel on the left side of the room (near a window), and then fire at the red barrel to kill them. Now, smash the vases here for items. The first vase on the right contains a Velvet Blue. The left vase facing the door you emerged contains a Green Herb. Combine the Green Herb and the Red Herb you obtained moment ago. Go through the door on the left side of the room. In this small room, smash the vases for items. Turn around to see a stairs leading up. A lone cultist is above, so aim and kill him at the bottom of the stairs. Run past to where he was stationed, and use the door. You'll be on the 2F catwalk. Turn left, and run towards to the front of the room. urn around to see the Rifle Ammo (5). Take out the Rifle, and fire at the cultists. Try to aim at the red cultist. However, these cultists are wearing helmet, so you cannot fire at their head for decapitation. Eitherway, the red cultist will run away. It doesn't matter if you didn't manage to kill him before he runs. Run to the right side of the catwalk. You should see a door, and a gap on the balcony which allows you to jump down to where the cultists were initially. The problem is, when you jump down, the door will open, and the cultists will run to the door adjacent here. However, that is the only path you can take, so jump down. Run right through the doorway, and obtain the Shotgun Shells (10) by the corner table. Just opposite the table is a shelf, containing 4 sets of Pesetas (1000). Run up the right stairs and tries to kill the red cultist at the far end before he runs away again by the southeast door. If so, equip a Shotgun, and run after him. Slowly open the southeast door to return to the 1F, as a shield ganado will be at the other side of the door, ready to hit you with his flail if you run too fast. Run down to 1F, and when you open the door, the red cultist will rise a gatling gun turrent in the middle of the room. He will starts to spray the bullets in a sweep-motion, and all you have to do is to run behind him, and fire. He can sustain many shots before he is killed. Take the Gallery Key that he drops upon defeat. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Should you have difficulty here, you can try returning to the previous area | | and return here again. You will see that the ganados that were killed here | | will be revived and back in their starting position. You have to retrace | | what you have done, but this time, the red cultist cannot get onto the | | machine gun turrent! He will be 'stuck' outside the fenced area. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Make your way to the 2F catwalk and then to the area where the cultists were standing originally. Use the Gallery Key onto the door and go through. Fire at the sparkling eyes of the deer's head on the left wall to drop the Velvet Blue. Claim the treasure. Now, smash the pots on the opposite wall for random items. Now, you will have to solve a simple puzzle. There are 4 paintings, each of them showing different amount of people being executed. Stand on the podium to get more clues. "The sacrifice of six lives shall make way the true path." You will have to flip the paintings until the total amount of people being executed is six. Here are the switches and their function: Switch 1 | Turn left 2 portraits Switch 2 | Turn left 3 portraits Switch 3 | Turn right 3 portraits Switch 4 | Turn right 2 portraits Here are the two sides of the portraits: +-----------------+---------------+ | Portrait Number | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | +-----------------+---------------+ | Front | 1 | 3 | 2 | 2 | | Back | 2 | 2 | 1 | 3 | +-----------------+---------------+ | Answer | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | +-----------------+---------------+ It doesn't matter which order you press it. Just press all four different switches once to solve the puzzle. A door will be revealed on the right side. Go through the hidden door. ---------------- - Gallery Room - ---------------- A scene will be shown, as Salazar sends more troops to go after you. Once the scene ends, turn right and run through the door. Run up, and take the Yellow Herb by the corner at the top of the stairs. Now, aim at the door to kill the cultists that comes in. Beware of those holding the giant scythes. They can toss it at you to attack you. You can shoot the giant scythe away. One bald cultist might comes in front the upper door. After a while, a scene will be triggered, as the reinforcement arrives. Those crossbow-firing cultists will be on the 2F catwalk. From here onwards, at some interval, the painting at the back wall will rise, revealing 2 cultists. They will fire a one-shot Rocket Launcher, before the painting slides down to cover them again. Go through the door at the top of the stairs to get to the 2F catwalk. Now go kill those cultists. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Keeping the 'use new tricks to kill enemies' spirit alive, you can fire at | | the red lamps at the corners to drop them onto the cultists should they | | stands under it to burn them. | | | | Also, the weakness of these ganados are that they uses crossbow, which is | | good for long range, but if you were to run and get close to them, they will| | NOT be able to attack you directly! They will run away when you get close, | | so if you want, you can even run up to them, and then knife them. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o After the area has been cleared, run down by the stairs to 1F and smash the pots for random items. The right chair on the north wall has a Spinel. Get to the south wall and take the Green Herb on the right side of the door. Run to the west wall where the rocket launcher cultists appear from. You will be able to find a red switch besides a door with shutters. The red button is used for deactivating the security system of this room. Press it. At then, a big podium with a blue chest appears in the middle of the room, as the two rocket launcher cultists will resurface to fire a missile from their rocket launchers. Go into the door on the south wall (near where you take the Green Herb). Run to the end and smash the giant pot. Press the switch beneath this pot to make a passage linking to the central podium appear. As you open the door which leads outside, you will see the 2 rocket launcher cultists by the podium firing the missiles at you! You can walk backward into the room and have the door closed to block you, and then go out after they have fired the missiles. Open the door again, and decapitate them with your Rifle. Go outside and run over to take the Goat Ornament in the blue chest. The shutter on the door near the west wall will rise. Now, go use that door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Spinel | Crows Hallway | | External Wall | | Velvet Blue | Crows Fountain | \-------------------------------/ | Spinel | Crows Fountain | You should go save using the | Velvet Blue | Crows Fountain | typewriter here. Walk down this | Incendiary Grenade | Balcony Barrel | hallway to the other side where o--------------------o----------------------o you will see 2 doors. The one up front is locked by the other side, so you should walk through the left door. You will see a sparkle in front above, as crows fly by. You can kill the crows if you want for pesetas, but as they are harder to hit when flying, it is not recommended. Eitherway, fire at the sparkle and take it (Spinel). Go use the other door to the external wall balcony. You will eventually see a fountain on the left with crows. You can kill the crows on the fountain (along with any other crows that flies by) with a Flash Grenade. If not, you can kill them with Rifle too. Obtain the dropped pesetas, and the 3 treasures on the fountain. have fired the missiles. Open the door again, and decapitate them with your The door near the fountain is locked. Hence, take the passage on the left along the balcony. Smash the barrels in the way. One of the barrels contain an Incendiary Grenade. Run beyond the barrels and open the next door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Shotgun Shells (10)| Garden Maze | | Garden Hedge Maze | | Red Gem | Garden Maze | \-------------------------------/ | Yellow Herb | Garden Maze | Run down the balcony, and then | Green Herb | Garden Maze | Salazar will contain you by the | First Aid Spray | Garden Maze | radio. He will warn you of the | TMP Ammo (50) | Garden Maze | things that he have released in | Spinel | Garden Maze | the garden maze. The only way | Moonstone (Left) | Garden Maze | out is by this door locked by 2 | Moonstone (Right) | Garden Maze | Moonstone pieces, that can only | Handgun Ammo (10) | Garden Maze | be found in the garden maze. As o--------------------o----------------------o the maze is harder to put in words, it is best that you use the follow diagram for navigation. ------------------------------------------------------------- | | | 5| | | | | | | | |---------| |-------| | | ----- | |---| | | | | | | | | 8 | | | 1 | | | | | | | | |-------| | | | ----| | | | | (A) | | | | | | | | | | | ~~~~~| | | ---------| |XXXX|---------------|~~~~~| | | | | |~~~~~| | | 2 | | |~~~~~| | | | | |~~~~~| | |------------| | |~~~~~|--------------| | ~~~~~~~~~~############## ~~~~~ X | | ~~~~~~~~~~##############(B) ~~~9~ X | | ~~~~~~~~~~#########6#### ~~~~~ X | | ---------- | |~~~~~|---------| | | | |~~~~~| | | | | |~~~~~| | | | ----| |----------- |~~~~~| | | | ------ | | | | | | | | | 7 | | | | | | | | | | | ----- | |XXXX------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4 | | | | | | 3 | | |----| |----| | | | |---- |----| | | | | | | | |-----------------------| 0 | |----------------------| | --| | | | |---|---| ~ - Stairs X - Gate (A) - Moonstone (Left Half) (B) - Moonstone (Right Half) *above stairs* 0 - Start Point 1 - TMP Ammo (50) 2 - First Aid Spray 3 - Red Gem 4 - Shotgun Shells (10) 5 - Spinel 6 - Green Herb 7 - Yellow Herb 8 - Handgun Ammo (10) Be careful during the navigation, as the Colmillos will petrol the area. Some are locked in their pen when found, so you can kill them before they comes out from their pen. They can be defeated easily when an Incendiary Grenade, but if you do not have any, then use the Shotgun to kill them. Your targets are the 2 Moonstone pieces. The rest are optional, so after you are done, get back to the balcony area. Once up, combine the two pieces of Moonstones and then use the final object onto the door. Go through it. Leon will encounter...Ada Wong. -------------- Chapter 3 - 3 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Incendiary Grenade | Doorway Pot | | Bed Room | | Spinel | Internal Doorway Pot | \-------------------------------/ | Handgun Ammo (20) | Bed Pot | Go smash the pot near the door | Female Intruder | Round Table | way you just went through for | Mirror w/Pearls & | Left Cabinet | Incendiary Grenade, and the pot | Rubies | | on the right side of the bed for o--------------------o----------------------o a Spinel. The dresser near the internal doorway holds a Handgun Ammo (20). Beyond the internal hallway is the merchant's area. Before trading with him, take the Female Intruder on the table, and the Mirror w/Pearls & Rubies on the cabinet at the left side of the merchant. Go save using the typewriter outside, and trade with the merchant. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case L | 40000 | There's no new item, but now you can go | Attache Case M | 30000 | upgrade your weapons further. | Treasure Map (Castle) | 10000 | | Handgun | 8000 | Sell the Spinels, Velvet Blues and the | Red9 | 14000 | Mirror w/Pearls & Rubies. Combine the | Punisher | 0 | Red Gem with the Elegant Mask but don't | Punisher | 20000 | sell it unless you have the complete | Blacktail | 24000 | set. | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | | Shotgun | 20000 | You can tune up these weapons further: | Riot Gun | 12000 | Blacktail, Broken Butterfly, Riot Gun, | Rifle | 12000 | Mine Thrower. | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Tune Up | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle | TMP | Punisher | Red9 | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Firepower | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail | B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi) | Riot Gun | M.Thrower | o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 2 | | Firing Speed | Lv 2 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | - | | Capacity | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Green Herb | Dining Table | | Dining Room | | Handgun Ammo (20) | Dining Table 2 | \-------------------------------/ | Shotgun Shells (10)| Pot | Smash the pot for Shotgun Shells | Flash Grenade | Cabinet | (10) and the dining tables for | Magnum Ammo (3) | Behind Counter | Handgun Ammo(20) and Green Herb. | Hourglass w/gold | Cage | Now, check around the walls and | decor | | examine the green pictures. You | Pesetas (15000) | Garrador | will see a clue from each of the o--------------------o----------------------o paintings. Here is a transcript of all of them: - A dessert to cherish our remaining years. - Bread begins the meal of life. - Meat to savor the time at hand. - Our last drink and the bottle breaks returning us to the dust from whence we came. Run forward and right. Turn up to see a counter. Ring the bell at the counter and the picture at the far end will flip over. Fire at the wind bottle on the picture. The door in front of the dining tables will open. Now go through that doorway. ------------- - Cage Room - ------------- As you gets deeper, a cage will drop onto you, followed by several enemies! A Garrador and a couple of cultists will drop into the cage, and also several of the crossbow cultists outside the cage. The gate of the cage is locked, and requires a lot of bullets to break open. Fighting them is optional, but you can get a huge amount of pesetas. The door by the northeast corner is your destination. For items, the chest in the cage is the Hourglass w/gold decor. The doorway at the right wall leads to the back of the counter. You can find your first pack of Magnum Ammo (3) here. The wooden cabinet at the corner have a Flash Grenade within the glass. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | To approach this fight, the best tactic is to toss a Hand Grenade as soon as| | the cage drop, to break the lock on the gate in front as well as to scatter | | the cultists near it. While everything is in a mess, quickly head out and | | kill the crossbow cultists. Most of the time, the enemies inside the cage | | will remains trapped. After the crossbow cultists, kill the enemies inside | | the cage. Defeat the Garrador to make him drop the Pesetas. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Rifle Ammo (5) | 2F Pot | | Weapons Storage | | Pesetas (1800) | Table | \-------------------------------/ | Velvet Blue | Back Wall Pot | Run forward, then turn left. | Handgun Ammo (10) | Weapon Glass Cabinet | Smash the pot here for a pack of | Shotgun Shells (5) | Weapon Glass Cabinet | Rifle Ammo (5). Take out your | Rifle Ammo (5) | Weapon Glass Cabinet | Rifle, and then aim down at the | Incendiary Grenade | Weapon Glass Cabinet | cultists. Kill all of them. One | Flash Grenade | Weapon Glass Cabinet | of them will spawn a detactable | Rocket Launcher | Weapon Glass Cabinet | version of the Plaga. Fire at it o--------------------o----------------------o until it detacts from its host. At then, it will die around a minute after detacted. Kill the shield ganados behind the metal shutter too. Run forward, then turn left. Smash the pot here for a pack of Rifle Ammo (5). Take out your Rifle, and then aim down at the cultists. Kill all of them. At least one of them spawn a detactable version of the Plaga. Fire at it until it detacts from its host. At then, it will die around a minute after detacted. Kill the shield ganados behind the metal shutter too. Jump down to the 1F and go flip the lever. Now, use the ladder and go back up. Turn right instead of left, and two cultists will appear. Kill these two Plaga-spawning cultists. Walk the bridge. Several cultists, led by the shield carrying cultists, will appear. Fire at the red lamp at the ceiling when they are under it to burn them. Cross the bridge and turn left to get to the other side of the room. Get forward and take the pesetas (1800) on the table. Kill the cultist at the other side with your Rifle. Jump down the ledge and turn right. Smash the pot by the corner of the painting for Velvet Blue. Now, smash the glasses off the weapon storage and obtain the stuffs within. You can find these: Handgun Ammo (10) Shotgun Shells (5) Rifle Ammo (5) Incendiary Grenade Flash Grenade Rocket Launcher Run up the stairs and remove the lock on the door to go back out. Cross the bridge once more, and then use the door which the cultists appear from. -------------------- - Merchant Passage - -------------------- The pot in the middle of this passage contains a Spinel. Take it. Get to the other side of the passage. Now save, and then trade with the merchant. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | Besides the Attache Case XL, there is | Attache Case L | 40000 | no new addition. Purchase the Attache | Attache Case M | 30000 | Case XL so you can carry more items. | Treasure Map (Castle) | 10000 | | Handgun | 8000 | Sell the treasures: Spinel, Velvet Blue | Red9 | 14000 | and Hourglass w/ gold decor. | Punisher | 0 | | Punisher | 20000 | | Blacktail | 24000 | | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | | Shotgun | 20000 | | Riot Gun | 12000 | | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Tune Up | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle | TMP | Punisher | Red9 | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Firepower | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail | B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi) | Riot Gun | M.Thrower | o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 2 | | Firing Speed | Lv 2 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | - | | Capacity | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o Go to the door opposite of the merchant to end the sub-chapter. -------------- Chapter 3 - 4 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Rifle Ammo (5) | North Passage Pot | | Ashley's Captive Area | | Rifle Ammo (5) | East Wall Pot | \-------------------------------/ | Flash Grenade | East Wall Pot | As you gets near the west wall | Spinel | Saddler Painting Pot | a scene will shows Ashley Graham | Pesetas (5000) | Saddler Painting | at the bottom. Before saving her | Handgun Ammo (20) | West Wall Cabinet | obtain all the items. A Rifle o--------------------o----------------------o Ammo(5) on the right pot of the north passage. Smash the pots on the east wall for Rifle Ammo (5) and Flash Grenade. Next, smash the pots near Saddler's painting. The right pot holds a Spinel. Saddler's painting itself contains a Pesetas (5000). Lastly, check the cabinet near Luis for the Handgun Ammo (20). Get to the north wall. You should see a section leading to the middle section of the room. Stand on the platform, and fire at the bars that are holding Ashley. Be careful not to accidentally shoot at the president's daughter! Next, protects Ashley from the incoming cultists. This time, there are no enemies that will attack you directly. There are two batches. The first batch consist of cultists who will simply runs to her to carry her away. The second batch consist of a red cultist, and several crossbow cultists who will attack you, while the ordinary cultists go to kidnap Ashley. Kill the cultists who uses the crossbows, then the cultists who are near Ashley. Finally, kill the red cultist, who carries the key which Ashley can use to escape. She will only goes to take the key when all of the cultists die. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Needless to say, you should take out your Rifle for this job. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Now you will take control of Ashley. The control is the same as Leon, but she have no weapon. She can attack the enemies by throwing the various lamps in the areas. To throw, get near to the lamp and then press (A) when the prompt appears. It will take several burns to kill one cultist. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Spinel | Starting Cabinet | | Zealots Private Room | | Yellow Herb | North Pillar | \-------------------------------/ | Green Herb | Long Table | Start by taking the Spinel on | Spinel | Cabinet | the left, and the Yellow Herb | Pesetas (2500) | South Wall | in the north pillar. There is a | Red Herb | Corner Cabinet | typewriter here which you can | Spinel | Northeast Corner | use to save your game. Now go | Velvet Blue | Drawer | beyond the doorway, and dodge | Handgun Ammo (15) | North Drawer | the zealot and run to take the | Butler's Memo | South Table | Green Herb from the long table. o--------------------o----------------------o There is a crank which Ashley have to turn to open the shutter that leads to the next area. The problem is, the zealot will attack Ashley. You can flame him with the fire lamp, or dodge by crawling under the table. Keep doing so until the shutter rises. Get beyond the second doorway and you will see another cultists. Toss the fire lamps around to kill them (though you might not have enough). Not try to take the items in this room. The Spinel in the cabinet, and the Pesetas (2500) in the south wall. Rotate the 2 cranks here to open up the last area. Run in, and take the Red Herb on the right. Turn left and use the door. ------------- - Dial Room - ------------- Take the items here. You can find the Velvet Blue in the drawer nearest to the door. There is also a Handgun Ammo (15) in the north drawer, and the Bulter's Memo by the south table. Take note of this dial pedestral. Now head back out. Run to the opposite side where you took the Red Herb and use the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Green Herb | Southeast Corner | | Storage | | Stone Tablet | Fireplace | \-------------------------------/ | Pesetas (1800) | Closet | Run forward and obtain the Green | Velvet Blue | Drawer Near Door | Herb. Now crawl under the table | Spinel | Dungeon Chair | next to the door. Run forward to | Spinel | Secret Room Cupboard | the end and press the red switch | Gold Bangle | Secret Room Chest | Go beyond the shutter and claim | Salazar Family | Secret Room Statue | the Stone Table from the fire- | Insignia | | place. Now, press the red switch | Serpent Ornament | Secret Room Statue | in this enclosed area near the o--------------------o----------------------o other gate. Go back out and push the bookcase you see here aside. Press the red switch inside to rise the last shutter. Now go beyond the last shutter.Check the closet opposite this shutter for a Pesetas(1800). Obtain the Velvet Blue by the corner, and use the wooden door. Run deep. ------------------- - Dungeon Passage - ------------------- Check the chairs for a Spinel. Continue further. You should see several armor statues along the wall. Eventually, you will be in a room full of armors and a pedestral in the middle. Now you have to solve a sliding puzzle. You should attempt to solve puzzle yourself, but if you are still stucked, or lazy to think, (or both) here are the sequences (slide the piece on the number 1 first, 2 second and so forth): [ ][03][02] [05][04][01] [06][07][08] [12][11][ ] [13][10][09] [14][15][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][16][17] [ ][ ][18] Now, use the Stone Tablet. Enter the area beyond. Check the chest for a Gold Bangle, and the cupboard for a Spinel. Now, go take the Salazar Family Insignia from the statue. The statue will turn, and the the door will slide down. Obtain the Serpent Ornament from the blue chest to open the door. However, the armors outside will come to life! As Ashley have no weapon, you have to dodge them. Run out of the small room here, and down the passage. You will have to sprint out of this dungeon. Along the way, some idle statues will hack at you. At then, press the buttons to dodge their attack! (Either A+B or L+R). There are 3 in all. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Pesetas (1500) | Ladder Top | | Zealots Private Room | | Pesetas (1800) | Ladder Top | \-------------------------------/ o--------------------o----------------------o Run forward to use the door. ------------- - Dial Room - ------------- Go use the Salazar Family Insignia onto the dial. Now Ashley can turn it. After turning, a ladder will be revealed. Get to the top. Turn right and take the Pesetas (1500) and Pesetas (1800). Run down the opposite passage to the end and open the brown door. -------------- Chapter 4 - 1 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Ashley's Captive Area | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ From here, with Ashley assistance, you can return to the previous areas to take some valuable treasures and a powerful weapon. If you are not interested, you might want to skip the following few sections. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Weapons Storage | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ There is no new items you can obtain with Ashley. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Dining Room | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ As soon as you reach here, eliminate the monsters here. They have respawn in this area after your Ashley's rescue. After they died, go into the narrow passage near the counter with the bell. Use the door here. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Pesetas (5000) | Near Door | | South Mess Hall | | Red Herb | Middle East Wall | \-------------------------------/ | Shotgun Shells (5) | South East Wall | Kill the Novistador before you | Green Herb | Table | starts to obtain the item here. | Red Gem (Easy) | North Wall | Obtain the Pesetas (5000) from | Spinel | South West Wall | near the door, then obtain the o--------------------o----------------------o Red Herb just nearby. Search the south east corner of the room for Shotgun Shells (5). You can find a Red Gem in easy mode in North wall, but be careful when you smash the next box. It contains a snake. Lastly, search the barrel near the other door for a Spinel. Knock off the lock on the other door to go through. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Doors Area | | External Wall | | Spinel | Crows Hallway | \-------------------------------/ | Velvet Blue | Fountain | Take the Handgun Ammo (10), and | Velvet Blue | Fountain | use the right door to the crows | Spinel | Fountain | hallway. Fire at the Spinel and | Pesetas (5000) | Treasure Room | take it. Now, get to the water | Red Herb | Treasure Room | fountain and obtain the Spinel | Elegant Perfume | Treasure Room | and 2 Velvet Blues. Get Ashley | Bottle | | into the treasure room near the | Broken Butterfly | Treasure Room | fountain by piggybacking her up | Incendiary Grenade | Barrel Near Fountain | the window. When you are inside o--------------------o----------------------o take the Pesetas (5000), Broken Butterfly, Elegant Perfume Bottle and Red Herb. You can find an Incendiary Grenade within one of the barrels near the fountain. Once you are done, run back to where Luis died. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | East Wall | | Rail Car Boarding Room | | Velvet Blue | Near Typewriter | \-------------------------------/ o--------------------o----------------------o There is a typewriter nearby to save your game. Search the east wall for Handgun Ammo (10) and a Velvet Blue near the typewriter. Instead of heading to the rail car boarding area, Leon should go board the giant wheel device to the north door. Leon will proceed alone. Ashley is safe here, so don't worry. Once you ride across, use the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Pesetas (5000) | Dragon Pilot 1 | | Fire Breathing Dragon Room | | Illuminados Pendant| Dragon Pilot 2 | \-------------------------------/ | Lion Ornament | Dragon Pilot 4 | In this room, you have to fight o--------------------o----------------------o the fire breathing dragon pilot by the cultist. There are 4 dragon machines in total, and all you have to do is to kill the cultist that are standing behind the dragon's head. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Needless to say, you should take out your Rifle for this job. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o The characteristic is that the dragon will spray flame at intervals. It will spray fire at a short radius, but the radius will be following Leon. Hence, it means that if Leon is at the left side, the dragon will breath fire at a short radius towards the left. You have to kill the cultist from the side where the dragon head is not in the way. To do so, the standard trick is to lure the dragon to turn its head to flame one side, and then quickly run to the other end to kill the cultist. Kill the 2 initial cultists. The first cultist you kill rise the chest which contains the Pesetas (5000), and the second cultist you kill rise the chest containing an Illuminados Pendant on the other section of the area. After obtaining the Pesetas (5000) from the chest, jump onto the circular platform with the rotating cage barrier. You have to wait until the doorway on the rotating cage is in front of you to jump in and out of the platform. Jump onto the platform, and head opposite. Kill the cultists at the opposite side before jumping across. As you head deeper in the other section, a dragon flame device will appear from the front, and several cultists will appear. You should go obtain the Illuminados Pendant from the chest now. Go position under the tower facing the chest, and kill the incoming cultists from above. When all of them die, you can now focus on the last flame breathing dragon. with 2 section of walls by the side. Wait for the right opportunity, and then run to 1 of the end, and when the dragon turns to your direction and breath the flame, quickly head to the other side and kill the cultist. After his defeat, go take the Lion Ornament from the chest at the north end. Now go back out. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Rail Car Boarding Room A1 | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Ride the giant wheel mechanism to the other side to regroup with Ashley. Save if you want, then head into the narrow passage and board the rail car. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Shotgun Shells (5) | Pot | | Rail Car Boarding Room A2 | | Spinel | Pot | \-------------------------------/ o--------------------o----------------------o Smash the pots here for items. You can find a Shotgun Shells (5) and Spinel. Now, go use the door here to return to the Castle Front. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Pesetas (5000) | 2F Saddler Painting | | Castle Front | | Hand Grenade | 2F Vase | \-------------------------------/ o--------------------o----------------------o Go to the middle of the north wall, and then use the Lion Ornament, Serpent Ornament and the Goat Ornament onto the mural here. Now the wall will slides, and you will be able to chase after Salazar. ------------ - Internal - ------------ Turn right and walk up the stairs to the balcony where Salazar taunted you. You can find Pesetas (5000) from Saddler's painting, and Hand Grenade from the vase here. Now go back down, and then continue north. Use the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Spinel | Right Vase | | Rail Car Boarding Room B1 | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Jump over the balcony on the right and smash the vase for a Spinel. The vase at the left wall might contain an item too. After you are done, board the rail car here. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Pesetas (5000) | Saddler's Painting | | Rail Car Boarding Room B2 | | Velvet Blue | Vase | \-------------------------------/ o--------------------o----------------------o Obtain the Pesetas (5000) from Saddler's Painting, and the Velvet Blue by smashing the vase. Now, go use the door here. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Flash Grenade | Chairs | | Main Corridor | | Spinel | Left Wall Statue | \-------------------------------/ | Spinel | Left Wall Statue | You are in the main corridor of | Velvet Blue | Left Wall Statue | the castle. From here, head in | Purple Gem | Left Wall Statue | front and then obtain the Flash | Handgun Ammo (10) | Merchant Break Room | Grenade from the chairs. Now go | Spinel | Room to Armor Room | take the 2 Spinels, Velvet Blue | Yellow Herb | Room to Armor Room | and the Purple Gem on the left | Sample Retrieved | Room to Armor Room | row of statues. Fire at them to o--------------------o----------------------o make them drop. Now, go back to the intersection, and head to the left side all the way to the end (past the door)and check the table for Yellow Herb and the Sample Retrieved. Obtain the Spinel from the corner cabinet. Now return to the intersection instead of the door here. You should see a blue door by the side. Go through it. ----------------------- - Merchant Break Room - ----------------------- You should see the merchant and the typewriter here. Smash the vase on the table for a possible random item. The cabinet in the corner holds a Handgun Ammo (20). Before trading, combine the Purple Gem to the Elegant Mask. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | There is no new item in his inventory. | Attache Case L | 40000 | | Attache Case M | 30000 | Sell the Elegant Perfume Bottle, the | Treasure Map (Castle) | 10000 | Spinels, the Velvet Blues, Illuminados | Handgun | 8000 | Pendant, and the Elegant Mask (if you | Red9 | 14000 | have the 3 gems in it). | Punisher | 0 | | Punisher | 20000 | You can now further upgrade some of | Blacktail | 24000 | the weapons. The Shotgun, TMP and the | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | Rifle (semi-auto) are the weapons that | Shotgun | 20000 | you can upgrade. | Riot Gun | 12000 | | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Tune Up | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle | TMP | Punisher | Red9 | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Firepower | Lv 5 | Lv 5 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 5 | Lv 5 | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail | B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi) | Riot Gun | M.Thrower | o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 2 | | Firing Speed | Lv 2 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | - | | Capacity | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 4 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o The door near the merchant leads to the shooting gallery. Now, the B game is available. ----------------- - Main Corridor - ----------------- Return to the main corridor, and turn right to the area with the long table where you obtain the "Sample Retrieved". Go through the door here. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (20) | Lion Statue | | Armor Room | | Green Herb | Armor Room | \-------------------------------/ | Shotgun Shells (10)| Armor Room | Run foward and take the Handgun | King's Grail | Armor Room | Ammo (20) from the lion statue. | Pesetas (6500) | Armadura | Turn left, and run down this | Pesetas (6500) | Armadura | armor hallway. Note that two of | Pesetas (6500) | Armadura | the armor suits will ambush by o--------------------o----------------------o hacking at you, just like they did when you play as Ashley. Dodge the armors until you reach the other end. Tell Ashley to wait at the lion statue here, and then go into the doorway. Before taking the item in the middle of the room, take the Green Herb and the Shotgun Shells (10). Examine the middle pedestral for the description: "May wrath of evil befall the one who disturbs this holy grail". Ignore the warning and check it again to take the King's Grail. As you take it, the Armaduras will appear! There are 2 batches of them, and there are 3 Armaduras per batch. The second batch will drop Pesetas (6500) each after the defeat. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | To defeat the Armaduras with ease, fire at the helmet portion with a Shotgun| | or toss a Hand Grenade. Run around and dodge while attacking them until the | | Plaga appears on all of them at the same time. Now toss a Flash Grenade to | | exterminate all 3 Plagas at once. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o After killing them, the gate will open. Go back out and reunit with Ashley. Return to the Main Corridor. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Main Corridor | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Run to the opposite end, and use the yellow door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | North East Corner | | Queen's Grail Area | | Queen's Grail | Chest | \-------------------------------/ | Rifle Ammo (3) | Barrel | There are four floor panels, and | Spinel | South Wall | as before, you will have to get | Elegant Chessboard | South East Corner | all of them depressed. Push the | Handgun Ammo (10) | Box | 2 knight statues onto 2 of the | Velvet Blue | Box | panels on the floor, and guide o--------------------o----------------------o Asley to stand onto the one. Now have Leon stand on the 4th and last floor panel to reveal a door. Get Ashley to follow Leon, and go through the doorway. -------------------- - Spiked Trap Room - -------------------- Salazar will activate a trap here. To deactivate this spiked trap, fire at the jewels that are located on the ceiling traps itself. Use the Handgun to burst the jewels and the trap will stop. Before chasing Salazar, obtain the Handgun Ammo (10) in the corner which the doorway here is facing. Run down the passage. As you gets beyond the doorway, Ashley will be trapped! ---------------- - Storage Room - ---------------- A wrecking machine will be driven by 2 cultists. Simply fire at the cultists with your gun, and then stand back for Ashley to get into the room. You will have to gun down the cultists before the gate will raise up. After gunning the cultists down. If you didn't move back after killing them, there will be not enough space for the gate to rise and Ashley to move. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Zoom in and fire with the Rifle for higher accuracy. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Check the surrounding for items. YOu can find the Rifle Ammo (3), Velvet Blue, Elegant Chessboard, Spinel, Handgun Ammo (10) and the Queen's Grail. Break the padlock on the door here and return out to the room with the floor panels. Return back to the main corridor. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Main Corridor | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Now, head down the passage on the north area. Run down the passage, and you will reach a hallway with a row of statues on the left, and a group of ganados in the far end. Gun them down, and proceed to use the door behind them. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | You might want to use the Hand Grenade for better effect. First, zoom in | | with a Rifle and decapitate one of the shield ganados. Then, when they close| | in, toss a Hand Grenade to shatter the shield and disorientate them. Gun | | the ganados with a Riot Gun or Handgun-type weapon. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Use the Queen's Grail and the King's Grail on the two statues. Go through the middle double door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Velvet Blue | Right Pot 2 | | Ball Room | | Pesetas (1800) | Corridor Cabinet 1 | \-------------------------------/ | Pesetas (2800) | Corridor Cabinet 2 | There are pots on either side. | Red Herb | Window Balcony | Smash the pots on the left, and | Shotgun Shells (5) | Door To Ballroom | claim the items from within. As | Butterfly Lamp | Window Balcony 2F | for the right pots, a snake is | Green Gem | Novistador Hive | planted in the left pot so fire | Green Gem | Novistador Hive | at it instead of knifing it. | Green Gem | Novistador Hive | The right pot 2 holds a Velvet | Green Gem | Novistador Hive | Blue. Run down the passage, and | Red Gem | Novistador Hive | check the cabinets on the left. | Red Gem | Novistador Hive | Both cabinets contain pesetas. | Red Gem | Novistador Hive | | Blue Gem | Novistador Hive | Get to the end, and take the o--------------------o----------------------o Shotgun Shells (5) on the right of the door. Instead of going through the door, jump through the window to the balcony outside instead. Run back down the balcony to take the Red Herb, then climb up the ladder. Get to the end of the balcony for the Butterfly Lamp. Now, jump down the edge of the ledge on the left to the ball room. Remember to catch Ashley when she jump down. Arm Leon with a Shotgun as he will be fighting against a horde of Novistadors soon. ------------- - Ball Room - ------------- Ashley will be kidnapped. Now, exterminate the Novistadors. These flying type will not turn invisible, but are harder to hit since they are in the air. Notice the Novistador hive? Go fire at it. Keep attacking it, and it will falls eventually, dropping several gems too! With all the gems, fit all of the gems into the Butterfly Lamp for a full set. Get to the lever, and operate it. However, the drawbridge is only lowered halfway. Fire at the chains above the door to break the chain. Now go across the bridge and use the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Chair Near Merchant | | Ball Room | | Spinel | Fire Torch | \-------------------------------/ | Velvet Blue | Barrel | There is a merchant and a type- | Red Herb | Left of Bridge End | writer here. Obtain the Handgun | Rifle Ammo (5) | Barrel At Bridge End | Ammo (10) on the chair near the o--------------------o----------------------o merchant. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | Starts by selling the treasures to the | Attache Case L | 40000 | merchant. You should sell the Spinels, | Attache Case M | 30000 | Butterfly Lamp w/ (R,G,B), Velvet Blue | Treasure Map (Castle) | 10000 | and the Elegant Chessboard. | Handgun | 8000 | | Red9 | 14000 | There are no new items for sales, but | Punisher | 0 | further tune-up for some of the weapons | Punisher | 20000 | are available. | Blacktail | 24000 | | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | | Shotgun | 20000 | | Riot Gun | 12000 | | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Tune Up | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle | TMP | Punisher | Red9 | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail | B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi) | Riot Gun | M.Thrower | o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 2 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 4 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 2 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o ----------------------- - Outside Clock Tower - ----------------------- Once you are done, head through the door. Smash the barrels and then go take the Velvet Blue. Hit the fire torch here to drop a Spinel. Prior crossing the bridge, take out your Rifle and snipe the purple cultist at the upper level. Your objective now is to shift the bridge so that it leads to the building on the left, which Salazar just went through. To do so, you have to pull a lever inside the clock tower. As you near the bridge, a cutscene will occur. You should see them getting into the building on the right. Now get to the other end of the bridge. 4 cultists will be operating catapults from the far north end. Before you do anything, run up the west stairs. Defeat the ganados here, and take the items from their bodies. Get to the north end of the clock tower, and kill the two cultists operating the catapult. Again, use the Rifle for higher accuracy. After they are defeated, run to the south end and obtain the Rifle Ammo (5) and the pesetas. Enter the clock tower by the east door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Hand Grenade | 1F Clock Tower | | Clock Tower | | Rifle Ammo (2) | 1F Clock Tower | \-------------------------------/ | Handgun Ammo (10) | 3F Clock Tower | Run to the feet of the ladder, | Magnum Ammo (3) | 3F Clock Tower | and aim up. Shoot at the brown | Green Herb | 4F Clock Tower | 2 boxes among the gears. You | Ritual Preparations| 4F Clock Tower | have to blast one more box that | Pesetas (15000) | Garrador | are stucked between the gears | Pesetas (15000) | Garrador | before using the lever.Climb the o--------------------o----------------------o ladder and keep going up and you will reach the end. At here take the Green Herb and Ritual Preparations on the corner table. Gets to the lever, and fire at the 3rd box near the lever, then go pull the lever. With the lever pulled, the bridge will be shifted. At then 3 crossbow ganados will appear inside the clock tower. The highes level where you operates the lever is the 4F. Descend a ladder, and you should be on the 3F, the same level as a crossbow cultist. You can find 2 boxes at the corner. The right box holds the Handgun Ammo (10). Don't forget to take the Magnum AMmo (3) too. Descend 2 more ladders to the 1F. As you touch the ground at the bottom of the ladder, several more ganados will appear. Return up to the 2F by the ladder at your back, and kill the cultist who is armed with the flail, and the dynamite- tossing cultist. Climb back down, and kill the rest of the cultists. Get to the bottom, and now smash the boxes at the 1F lever for Hand Grenade and Rifle Ammo (2). Exit by the only door here. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Gold Bangle | Red Cultist | | Bridge To Alternate Castle | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Kill the 3 shield monks that are advancing via the bridge. It is recommended to use a Rifle or a Hand Grenade. Once they are exterminated, head down the bridge. At then, the reinforcement of the cultists will arrive from both direction! The strongest cultist among this batch of cultists is the one with a goat helmet, wearing a necklance. He will attack by firing the Rocket Launcher. Exterminate the ganados. The red cultist who fires the rocket launcher will drops a Gold Bangle when he is defeated. Once the battle is over, use the door at the opposite side. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | This is one of the trickest battles in the game, so don't feel bad if you | | sustain damage here. When the battle starts, equip the Shotgun or the Riot | | Gun and run forward towards the cultists crowd, or else you will get hitted | | by the zealots from behind. Blast any nearby ganados and clear your path to | | either the right or left side. Clear the ganados at the corner, and claim | | the spot. Now keep firing, remember to dodge the ganados. When things get | | nasty, toss an Incendiary Grenade. Hand Grenade is not recommended for it | | have slow execution time, and you might get hitted yourself in this narrow | | area. However, if it is all you have, then use it. When Las Plagas appear | | from their heads or when thing gets nasty, throw a Flash Grenade to kills | | off the Plagas and stun the rest. As tempting as it is, you are NOT advised | | to use the Rocket Launcher here yet. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Green Herb | Beneath Stairs Right | | Alternate Castle | | Shotgun Shells (10)| Near door | \-------------------------------/ | Incendiary Grenade | Near bell | The enemies are at the far end. o--------------------o----------------------o As you see, there are several zealots, with two Garradors. There are two bells on the right wall which can provide helps in distracting the Garradors. From here, there are a lot of strategies to defeat them, but all of them are hard with the dual existance of the Garradors and the zealots. Eitherway, after defeating them, take the Green Herb near the bottom of the stairs on the right, the Incendiary Grenade on the bell and the Shotgun Shells (10) near the door. Don't forget the money dropped by the defeated Garradors too. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | As you are not to kill the Garradors from the front, you might as well kill | | one of the zealots. Kills one with a Rifle, then switch to another weapon, | | for the Garradors will charge with the claw charging moves after you fire a | | shot. Run out of the way, and while they are confused at the bottom of the | | stairs or have their claws stucked, go kill the monks. When the Garradors | | pull out their claws from the wall, or have finished the confusion, fire at | | the bell to distract them, and then continue killing the monks. When all of | | the monks died, use the same old method and kill the Garradors. Fire at the | | Plaga on their back to defeat them. | | | | If you have a lot of troubles and nothing works, consider using the Rocket | | Launcher. Aim between the Garradors, but slightly to the right and fire. at | | the door. The impact from the missile should kill at least one of the | | Garradors. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Go through the door once you are done. Run forward, until you reach the stairs area. Obtain the Spinels on the 2 statue busts by the side. Now, go through the door at the opposite end. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Salazar Throne Room | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Salazar, the 2 executers and Ashley awaits you here. However, it is a trap. When Salazar pulls the trap door, Leon will drops down. At here, quickly tap the button shown (A+B or L+R) to prevent Leon from getting impaled. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Crown | Dead Cultist | | Pit Bottom | | Velvet Blue | Impaled Cultist | \-------------------------------/ | Yellow Herb | Left of Merchant | There is a merchant and a type- o--------------------o----------------------o writer here. Before you goes to save or trade, search around the pit bottom for treasures. The impaled cultist holds a Velvet Blue, and one of the dead cultists hold a Crown. Search to the left of the merchant for a Yellow Herb. Save, and then trade with the merchant to get a new weapon. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | Sell the Gold Bangle and the Velvet | Attache Case L | 40000 | Blue to the merchant. | Attache Case M | 30000 | | Treasure Map (Castle) | 10000 | At here, you can purchase the Striker. | Handgun | 8000 | It is a good replacement for the Riot | Red9 | 14000 | Gun and the Shotgun, so you should sell | Punisher | 0 | the Riot Gun/Shotgun to the merchant, | Punisher | 20000 | and purchase the Striker. At the moment | Blacktail | 24000 | there is no upgrade available for the | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | Striker. | Shotgun | 20000 | | Riot Gun | 12000 | If you do not have a Rocket Launcher, | Striker | 43000 | consider purchasing one here. You will | Rifle | 12000 | be fighting Salazar's right-hand man | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | soon, so the Rocket Launcher will comes | TMP | 15000 | in extremely handy later. | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Tune Up | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle | TMP | Punisher | Red9 | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail | B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi) | Riot Gun | M.Thrower | o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 2 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 4 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 2 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o Once you are done, goes up the ladder. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Velvet Blue | Water Drainage Pipe | | Sewer Management Tunnel | | Red Herb | Near Shutter Gate | \-------------------------------/ | Spinel | Water Drainage Pipe 2| Run forward. Stick to the left o--------------------o----------------------o wall, as one of the water pipes on the left holds a Velvet Blue. You will see a small shiny spot on the when you reach the appropriate pipe, and a prompt to obtain the item when you gets near. Take the Velvet Blue, and the Red Herb just a couple of steps in front. A Spinel is hidden in a waer pipe further down the road. A short scene will occur as you run down. Apparently, Salazar's personal right hand man is spying on you from somewhere. Go thrugh the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (15) | Elevator Room | | Sewer Management Passage | | First Aid Spray | Elevator Room | \-------------------------------/ | TMP Ammo (50) | Empty Room | Run down the passage, and turn | Green Herb | Power Room | right. Use the door and you will | Shotgun Shells (15)| Power Room | find yourself in the elevator | Crown Jewel | Verdugo | room. Claim the First Aid Spray o--------------------o----------------------o and the Handgun Ammo (15) from the table. Notice that there is a liquid nitrogen tank in the corner near the door. This tank plays a vital part in the up coming boss fight. There are some more tanks nearby. The elevator can't be used at the moment, so head back out to the passage. ----------- - Passage - ----------- As you head down the passage, beware, as the boss will starts to ambush you. Press the emergency button combinations to escape from the attacks. Run down the passage and then turn left at the intersection to an empty room which contains a TMP Ammo (50). Return to the passage outside. Dodge the attacks as you run to the end against the direction of the arrows on the walls. Use the last door. -------------- - Power Room - -------------- Run deeper, and obtain the Shotgun Shells (15) on the control panel. Turn left and run to the corner for the Green Herb. Now, get to the north-east corner to pull the lever. The shutter will close. Now, run to the shutter to attempt to open it. However it will take a while for the shutter to open. At this moment, the executor of Salazar will appear! o=====================o o====================o /------------------------------\ | Move List | | Recommended Weapon | | Verdugo | o=====================o o====================o \------------------------------/ | Ceiling/Ground Tail*| | Rocket Launcher | | Straight Claw *| | Striker | | Jumping Claw | | Killer 7 | | Flash Claw | | Broken Butterfly | | Tail Attack *| | Riot Gun | | Wall, Ceiling Claw *| o--------------------o | Freeze Straight Claw| | Ceiling Attack | o---------------------o /-----------\ || Profile || \-----------/ The "right-hand man" of Salazar, Verdugo is one of the two hood monsters that accompanies Salazar to everywhere, and both of the Verdugo act as the personal bodyguards. Verdugo's origin is unknown, and he was send by Salazar to finish offs Leon. In Spanish, Verdugo means "The Executer". /-------------\ || Attacking || \-------------/ Killing Verdugo is optional, but you can obtain a rare treasure from him if you do so. Your objective is to last 4 minutes with the Verdugo, as the lift to the next area will take 4 minutes to reach. You will obtain the Crown Jewel by defeating him. There are several liquid nitrogen tanks in these area for a reason. Lure the Verdugo to one of them, and then push the liquid nitrogen tank. It will freeze the Verdugo temporarily, slowing him down. At then, you can attack him, as he will sustain damage the most when he is frozen. If you have a Rocket Launcher, use it when he is frozen. It is an instant kill to the monster. The damage to him is tripled when he is attacked during frozen. If you are using other weapons, after inflicting a certain amount of damage, the shutter will rise, and now you can run out. Use the remaining liquid nitrogen tanks to attack him until he dies. When he is frozen, if you run up to him, a button prompt (A)Kick will appear. You can kick him, just like you kick the ganado. When his eye flashes, if you hit him in the face, he will stumble back. /-------------------------\ || Attack Characteristic || \-------------------------/ Verdugo will tries to ambush you using various tails attack. All of them can be dodged by pressing the emergency dodging buttons combination. When you see water gushing up from the ground, or small pieces of debris dropping from the ceiling, be prepare to press the dodge buttons. When he make his formal appearance, he will still use some of the ambush-type moves, but he will also claw you when close. He is very agile, and fast, so it is best that you keep running to avoid his attacks. Verdugo will also tries to whip you with its tail. Both the straight claw and the tail whip can also be dodged. When you see his eyes flashes, it is a sign that he will execute his straight claw or the tail whip. Eitherway, the straight claw can only be dodged at medium distance range. Be prepare to tap the dodge buttons when his eyes flashes. Lastly, if you run away from Verdugo, he will run after you, and when he catch up with you, he will execute a straight claw attack, which fortunately, can be dodged with the dodging buttons. When he is defeated, take the Crown Jewel from his corpse, and combine it with the Crown. Follow the arrows to the elevator room, and use the elevator. Enter the right room for the TMP Ammo, and then to the lift room. -------------- Chapter 4 - 2 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Green Herb | Feet Of Elevator | | Merchant's Cave | | Handgun Ammo (20) | Typewriter | \-------------------------------/ | Rifle Ammo (5) | Barrel Near Merchant | Once you reach the bottom, take | Hand Grenade | Barrel Near Merchant | the Green Herb just in front. Go | Spinel | Barrel Near Merchant | down the stairs, and turn right. | Luis' Memo 2 | Sack Besides Door | You will see the merchant, the o--------------------o----------------------o typewriter, and several items shining nearby to indicate their presence. Smash the barrels near the merchant for Spinel, Hand Grenade and Rifle Ammo (5). Now, go to the typewriter, and take the Luis' Memo 2 and the Handgun Ammo (20). Save your game, and go trade with the merchant. Also note that there is also a door, which leads to the shooting range. The "C" game is available here. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | Sell the Spinels, Velvet Blues and Gold | Attache Case L | 40000 | Bangle to the merchant. | Attache Case M | 30000 | | Treasure Map (Castle) | 10000 | At this moment, you should not sell the | Handgun | 8000 | Crown Jewel and the Crown. These 2 can | Red9 | 14000 | be combined together to increase their | Punisher | 0 | value, but to form the full set, you | Punisher | 20000 | will need the third item, which can be | Blacktail | 24000 | found a moment later. | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | | Shotgun | 20000 | The merchant also offers new upgrade: | Riot Gun | 12000 | Mine Thrower and the Riot Gun. | Striker | 43000 | | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Tune Up | Handgun | Shotgun | Rifle | TMP | Punisher | Red9 | Striker | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o---------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail | B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi) | Riot Gun | M.Thrower*| o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 4 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 3 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o Go through the door nearest to the typewriter. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Green Herb | Feet Of Elevator | | Mining Tunnel | | Handgun Ammo (20) | Typewriter | \-------------------------------/ | Pesetas (2800) | Mining Ground | Proceed with care. You will see | Pesetas (5000) | Circuit Breaker Lever| two villagers standing near the | Shotgun Shells (10)| Mining Ground | mine carts. You can kill these 2 | Velvet Blue | Mine Cart Near Lever | people in any way you like, but | Magnum Ammo (5) | Barrel Near Furnace | the white-hair ganado will spawn | Hand Grenade | Barrel Near Furnace | a Plaga when he died. Both of | Dynamite | Mining Cart | these villagers are armed with | Pesetas (10000) | Chainsaw Villager | flame torch, capable of blowing o--------------------o----------------------o fire at you, so be cautious. After they died, go and smash the barrels near the mine cart for item. Check the mine cart for a Spinel. Run further door, and you will see a yellow signboard. Goes to examine it for the follow description: "CAUTION: Overloading Dynamite On Trolley Will Trip Circuit Breaker!" If you tilt the C-stick upward, you should see a trolley above. Run down the mining track until you reaches the mining ground. Instead of getting down, you can equip the Rifle and kill them from above. ----------------- - Mining Ground - ----------------- Descend the ladder. Run towards the north door. As you see, a boulder is in the way. There is a lever nearby, which can be used to move the trolley near the signboard above. Pull it, and the trolley will move to the end. However, the journey is stopped abruptedly as the power is down. Obtain the Velvet Blue from the mine cart besides the track. Run to the other side of the mining area by the south-west route. Move along the right wall and take the Shotgun Shells (10) and Pesetas (2800). Run up the slope to the end. You should see the circuit breaker device here, and the Gold Bars shining behind. Obtain the Pesetas (5000) behind the circuit breaker, and turn the power of the circuit breaker back on. Jump down by the cliff here and attempt to turn the lever again. However, as you runs there, you will trigger the appearance of several more miners and a chainsaw villager. The chainsaw villager will appear from the cliff above the lever, while the miners will emerge from the track above the ladder. Run to the narrow passage in front of the ladder. Face the ladder, and starts to attack the chainsaw villager and the ganados. Claim the rewards from their bodies. Go and flip the lever again to lower the trolley. Obviously, you just have to go take the Dynamite from the trolley, and use it onto the boulder next to the lever for the trolley. Remember to stay a couple of s teps away so that the blast will not harm you. After the boulder is out of the way, run to the door. Before going it, smash the barrels on the left for Magnum Ammo (5) and Hand Grenade. Reload your weapons, and go through the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | First Aid Spray | South Wall | | Furnace | | Flash Grenade | South Wall | \-------------------------------/ | Shotgun Shells (15)| Near Lever | Run along the right wall, and | Incendiary Grenade | Near Northeast Door | take the Flash Grenade and First | Shotgun Shells (15)| Near Northeast Door | Grenade. Now, make your way to | Pesetas (15000) | Gigante | the west wall near a lever, and | Pesetas (15000) | Gigante | take the Shotgun Shells (15).The o--------------------o----------------------o lever is used for opening the trap door in the middle of this area. However, it is useless at the moment. Run towards the northeast door to trigger the scene, where 2 Giants come out to confront you. o=====================o o====================o /------------------------------\ | Move List | | Recommended Weapon | | Los Dos Gigante | o=====================o o====================o \------------------------------/ | Palm Sweep | | Flash Grenade | | Fist To Ground | | TMP | | Tree Swing | | Shotgun | | Squeeze | o--------------------o | Boulder Roll | | Punch | | Kick | | Stomp | | Shoulder Ram | | Toss To Ground | | Body Fall | | Pull Into Lava | o---------------------o /-----------\ || Profile || \-----------/ A by-product of the diabolical and inhumane experiments conducted on the specimens that were once human using the Plaga. El Gigante, Spanish for "The Giant", have grow bigger and is very ferocious. It takes several Ganados to suppress this giant. /-------------\ || Attacking || \-------------/ What's different is that you will be fighting two Gigantes instead of one! There is a structure which you can climb to avoid the attacks. However, one of the Gigante will comes to shake the scaffold to make you fall. You can use the zip line to make your way across to the lever which opens the lava door in the middle. Pull it when one of Los Dos Gigantes stands over it. When he drops down do not get too close, or he will pull you in when he struggles to get out. When you want to use the lever, tap (A) to make Leon look behind, and tap (A) again to open the lava door. The weak point of El Gigante is its head. Firing at the head inflicts 50% more damage than the body. Firing at its leg will inflict lesser damage. Try not to get too close to the feet. You can run between his legs, but it is quite risky. It is best that you toss a Flash Grenade to blind this monster, then blast the TMP or the Shotgun at its face. After inflicting a certain amount of damage, Las Plaga on its back will comes out. It is its weakest point. Try to fire it, or you can conserve ammunition by getting near it and then press the (A) button to climb onto its back and then hack at the parasite. The "(A)Climb" prompt will appear as soon as you get near the monster when it is kneeling down. To hack, tap either the (B) or (A) button rapidly, depending on which button it shows. If you tap the wrong button, this giant will toss you to the ground. /-------------------------\ || Attack Characteristic || \-------------------------/ If you stood to close to his feet, he will either fist you to the ground, kick or stomp you. If you are a little further, he will punch you then. From far, he will pull out the tree to swing at you. When you see him holding a tree, be sure to have your fingers on the L and R button to dodge. When he chuck a piece of rock out, quickly run around to dodge the boulder. It cannot be dodge with the L+R button. When you see him bend his shoulder down, be ready to tap the L and R button too to dodge it. El Gigante will also grab you and squeeze you. If so, rotate the left analog stick rapidly to make him release you or he will toss you to the ground. When he dies, do prepare to press the emergency buttons combination to dodge his falling body. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | One of the giants will not drop his reward if you were to use the trap door | | to melt him. However, if you re-enter this area, his award will appear! | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Claim the rewards, then run beyond the doorway. Smash the barrels for Shotgun Shells (15) and Incendiary Grenade. Go through the door to the next area. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Green Herb | Left of Pedestral | | Novistador Cave | | Flash Grenade | South Wall | \-------------------------------/ | Green Herb | Light Switch Cave 1 | Run out of the cave tunnel and | Shotgun Shells (15)| Slope Intersection | check the pedestral, which reads | Red Herb | Near Symbol Door | the examine the pedestral, which | Handgun Ammo (10) | Outside Cave 2 | reads the following: "The two | TMP Ammo (50) | Left of Cave 2 | lights shall shine light on a new | Green Herb | Light Switch Cave 2 | path". Take the Green Herb on the o--------------------o----------------------o left. Kill the Novistadors while they haven't notice you yet. Obtain the items they dropped, and run along the passage. Along the way, take the Flash Grenade, and the Shotgun Shells (15) at the intersection. Look for a cave hole somewhere, and run in. Claim the Green Herb and press the light switch on the mural.When the switch is pressed, quickly turn around, and run to the exit. Stop here, and kill all the Novistadors that emerge. Take the awards from them, and run out. Run up the slope at the intersection, and eventually you will see a door with the Los Illuminados symbol at the top. If you check it, you will get the same description as you read earlier on the pedestral. Take the Red Herb just in front of the door. Now, run across the middle path, and kill the Novistadors that are in the way. As you approaches the cave hole at the opposite end, several of those bug monsters will emerge from the hole itself. Before going in the hole, claim the Handgun Ammo (10), and run down the path on the left of the cave. You should be able to find the TMP Ammo (50). Enter the second cave. Claim the Green Herb, and again, press the switch. Similar to before, there will be another rush of those bug monsters. When the coast is clear, take their items, and run to the other side of the path. Press the switch on the gate, and run past it. In this cave passage, there will be several gigantic, stomping stone-bells. If Leon was under them when they drops down, needless to say, Leon will die. When the stone stomp the ground, starts to run against the stone. As it rise up, run underneath it. After running underneath the first stone, climb over the ledge. Do the same for the second stone, but this time, you have to climb down the ledge when you run beneath it. Now, there are 3 stomping stones in front, neatly packed together. If you tries to run straight, you will get stomped by the second or the third stone. However if you pull the lever on the left wall, you will deactivate the second stone. The spot where the second stone was is indicated by a pool of light. Run under the first stone, and stand on the pool of light and wait. When the 3rd stone is up, run underneath it. At the end of the path, a pedestral with the Royal Insignia awaits you. This valuable treasure can be combined with the Crown and Crown Jewel to form a very expensive item, the "Salazar Family Crown". Use the sarcophagus to return to the surface. -------------- Chapter 4 - 3 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Green Herb | Barrel Outside Shack | | Old Ruins | | Handgun Ammo (10) | Barrel Outside Shack | \-------------------------------/ | Letter from Ada | Shack Doorway | Turn around, and you should see | Spinel | Tree Prior Ruin | the familiar blue flame torch in | Spinel | Ruin (South East) | the shack. Prior checking it, go | Pesetas (2200) | Ruin (West) | smash the barrels outside. You | Pesetas (1800) | Ruins Near Well | can find a Handgun Ammo (10) and | Velvet Blue | Well | Green Herb. Take the Letter from | Flash Grenade | North-East Corner | Ada by the doorway of the shack, o--------------------o----------------------o and goes to talk to the merchant in the shack. You will be able to find a typewriter besides him. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | Trade the Velvet Blue and the Salazar | Attache Case L | 40000 | Family Crown to the merchant. | Attache Case M | 30000 | | Treasure Map (Castle) | 10000 | No new item is added to his inventory. | Handgun | 8000 | | Red9 | 14000 | The Merchant offers new upgrade to all | Punisher | 0 | of the weapons here (except Riot Gun & | Punisher | 20000 | Mine Thrower). | Blacktail | 24000 | | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | You can also upgrade the 'exclusive' of | Shotgun | 20000 | some weapons here too. | Riot Gun | 12000 | | Striker | 43000 | Those that can be fully upgraded with | Rifle | 12000 | the 'exclusive' will be marked with a | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | asterisk besides their name. | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Tune Up | Handgun*| Shotgun | Rifle*| TMP | Punisher | Red9 | Striker | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o---------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail | B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi) | Riot Gun | M.Thrower | o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 5 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 5 | Lv 3 | Lv 5 | Lv 5 | Lv 2 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o Run down the passage on the right side of the merchant's shack. As you heads deeper, a scene will change to show you the view ahead. Apparently, the path in front leads to a demonic looking castle and a tower. Maybe this is where the ritual for Ashley is held? Only one way to find out. Make your way down the path until you reach the 4 pillars, where the area will enlarge. See the tree in front? Stand under it, and take out the Rifle. Take out the 2 villagers among the ruins. They are holding flame torches, so it is not very hard to locate them. Now, aim up and fire at the nest on the tree. A Spinel will drop, so collect the treasure. Head forward. Run to the west wall for a Pesetas (2200). Head to the southeast direction, and claim the Spinel on the table. Smash the barrel at the north- west corner for a random item. Now, walk past the ruin north wall besides the barrel instead of run. You should see a bonfire ahead with several villagers on the left, beyond a structure with a ladder. Now, you should go and kill the villagers. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | If you have a Hand Grenade and if they haven't spot you, you can use it to | | take out the villagers. Quietly walk to the ladder, and climb it. At the | | top, toss the Hand Grenade at the bonfire. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Claim their items. There is a door on the left with a lion decoration on it, but it is locked. Head into the ruins on the right of the bonfire. Search among the ruins here for a Pesetas (1800). On the right, examine the well below the ladder for a Velvet Blue. Climb this ladder, and smash the barrel for a random item. Drop down to the ground after you are done. Head up to the north-east corner of the area, and smash the barrel for a Flash Grenade. Run towards the left direction along the north wall, and jump into the window of the wooden cabin. Smash the box within the cabin for a random item. If you turn right, you will see an akward looking circle on the ground, and a crank beyond. Operate the crank, and tap (A) to open the hole. When the hole is opened, jump down. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Velvet Blue | Path | | Underground Ruin Maze | | Staff Of Royalty | Area Between Stairs | \-------------------------------/ | Velvet Blue | Maze (South Edge) | Check the inscription on the | Velvet Blue | Bottom Of Left Stairs| monolith, which says: "Up ahead | Yellow Herb | Tower 2F Left Barrel | rests the offering to the lion." | Key To The Mine | Tower 2F Podium | | Red Herb | Left of Exit Door | Head down the path, and look out | Hand Grenade | Tower 1F Box | for a box along the left wall. | Pesetas (10000) | Chainsaw Villager | Smash it for the Velvet Blue. | Pesetas (10000) | Chainsaw Villager | When you reach the end of the | Pesetas (1800) | Ceiling Trap Room | tunnel, take out the Rifle and | Pesetas (2000) | Ceiling Trap Room | survey the area. You will see | Pesetas (1500) | Ceiling Trap Room | villagers and some bear traps in | Handgun Ammo (10) | Ceiling Trap Room | the maze. There is also one | Velvet Blue | Mining Area | chainsaw villager on the upper o--------------------o----------------------o level of the left tower. Begin sniping the villagers from here.If you can you might want to kill the chainsaw villager from here too. Fortunately, he can't climb down the ladder to reach you! Switch to a Handgun, and shoot the villagers that have approaches near. When they dies, ruin down the maze. Refrain from taking the items in the maze first, and get to the tower where the chainsaw villager was. As you navigate, be careful of the bear traps. Disarm them with the Handgun. Climb the ladder, and take the Pesetas (10000) from the chainsaw villager's body. You can find a Yellow Herb inside the barrel on the left corner. Obtain the shiny item on the podium for a Key to the Mine. Before taking them, you are advised to push the ladder down so that the ganados will not come after you. There is another chainsaw villager at the lower level. Equip a Shotgun-type weapon and head down. Take the second set of the Pesetas (10000) from his body and then equip the Handgun. Kill the enemies that have comes in from the door or the stairs from above. Most of them spawn Plaga when dies, so prepare to toss a Flash Grenade. Once the coast is clear, start to smash the box and barrels for items. You can find a Hand Grenade from the box, and maybe random items in the barrels. Head out by the wooden door, and turn right. Exterminate the ganado with the fire torch. Before you exit this area by the door on the east wall, you might want to check around the maze for some valuable items. You can find a Velvet Blue on the south edge. Another Velvet Blue can be found at the bottom of the stairs where you emerged in the beginning, near the tower. There is a path leading beneath between the 2 stairs on the west side, besides this Velvet Blue. You will see a villager who awaits you at the bottom with a flame torch. Blast him, and check the sarcophagus for a Staff Of Royalty! Navigate this mini-maze back to the east wall to the door. Check the left side of the door for a Red Herb, then use the Key to the Mine on the door, and then go through. Along the path, look out for a box on the left. Smash it for a random item. Head through the opposite door. --------------------- - Ceiling Trap Room - --------------------- As you reaches half way through this room, the spiked trap will be activates. The shutter will lock the gate, and this time, several detached Plagas will appear, hoping that they will poise a little more threat. Toss a Flash Grenade to kill the Plagas instantly, then burst the 4 jewels on the spiked ceiling to stop the trap. If you do not have any Flash Grenade, you should focus on stopping the trap first. Run around so that the Plagas can't touch you, while you tries to break the 4 red jewels. Then, exterminate the parasites. Obtain any items they drop after you are totally safe. Open the coffin here for money! You can find Pesetas (1800), Pesetas (2000), Pesetas (1500). Search among the rubbles on the left side of the doorway for a hidden box of Handgun Ammo (10). Head through the doorway, and down the left stairs slope. Smash the barrels to take the items within. Expect to see a Velvet Blue, and maybe a Pesetas in the other barrel. Open the red door to get to the next area. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Shotgun Shells(10) | Right Barrel | | Mine Cart Track | | Handgun Ammo (20) | Station | \-------------------------------/ | Shotgun Shells(10) | Station | Head forward, and turn right. Go | Green Herb | Ground Besides Cart | destroy the barrels for Shotgun | Pesetas (10000) | Chainsaw Villager | Shells (10) and a money. | Pesetas (10000) | Chainsaw Villager | Run to the left, and claim the | Stone of Sacrifice | Track Destination | Green Herb on the ground next o--------------------o----------------------o to the mine cart. Climb into the mine cart. Note that there are 3 sections to this cart. Now, you will be riding this mine cart. However, villagers will jump onto the cart, and tries to attack you during the entire journey. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | If you have the Rifle, before moving the cart, get to the first section and | | arm the weapon. Snipe the three villagers who are holding the flame torches | | on the left. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Get to the middle section, and fire at the lever on the left with any weapon to start the ride. During the ride, use either the Handgun series or Shotgun series weapon to kill the villagers that drop into the cart. Get to the last section of the mine cart if you can. Always try to face in front, as sometime, there might be wooden planks, which will hit you if you didn't destroy it or dodge in time. You will not be able to see the wooden planks if you face backward, but you can dodge it. To blast the wooden planks, simply fire at it. The wooden planks will only starts to appear at the later part of the ride. Before the wooden planks appear, the cart will drive past a station without stopping, as the villagers pour down from the structures on both sides. After pasting the first station, the first wooden plank will appear. After the first wooden plank, the cart will stop at the second station. From the last section, starts killing the ganados that jump onto the cart. There will also be one Chainsaw maniac here. He will also drop a Pesetas (10000) upon defeat. There is a pack of Handgun Ammo (20) on the right of the last section of the cart, and a Shotgun Shells (10) on the left side of the first section. Obtain the ammunitions after the coast is clear, and reload all the weapons. Now, go shoot at the lever in front of the cart to start the ride again. Return back to the last section of the cart. The ganados trio will jump down from the left side when the journey starts again. Moment after the mining cart past the structure they leap down from, a wooden plank will appear. The wooden plank will hit the head of the ganado if the ganado is standing between you and the plank. When the tunnel converge into a bigger area, more villagers will drop down from the left. Among them is the chainsaw villager, and just like any other chainsaw maniac, he drops a Pesetas (10000) when defeated. Just up ahead is the final batch of ganados. Kill them, then when the slope runs downward, be prepare to press the emergency dodging combination buttons. Leon will jumps when y ou press the buttons and catch on to the edge of the ledge. Quickly tap (A) button to convince Leon to climb up. Run forward, and open the sliding door. Search to the south-east corner of the room here to obtain some hidden pesetas. The amount depend on how many villagers you killed before they land onto the mine cart, during the ride. Take the Stone of Sacrifice in the middle of the room. Run beyond the tunnel at the back wall, and ascend the ladder at the end. Now, navigate to the door with the lion decoration near the bonfire. Now use the Stone of Sacrifice onto the door to unlock and open it. Head inside, and operates the elevator. -------------- Chapter 4 - 4 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (15) | Near Typewriter | | Gigantic Statue Castle | | Handgun Ammo (10) | Near Typewriter | \-------------------------------/ | Spinel | 3F Right Floor Pot | Obtain the two packet of Handgun | Velvet Blue | 2F Left Floor Pot | Ammo besides the typewriter. | Shotgun Shells | 2F Left Floor Pot | | Pesetas (5000) | Red Cultist | Head further down the passage, o--------------------o----------------------o and turn right when you reaches the end of the passage. Beging smashing the pots besides the ladder. The left pot contains a Velvet Blue, while the other pot might contains a random item. Instead of heading up with this ladder, continue the direction up front, and a short scene will be triggered, as the camera pans to show a gigantic statue of Ramon Salazar. Turn left when you reach the bottom of the stairs and tries to run in the direction where the statue is facing. At then, another scene will be triggered, as a cultist appear to pull a lever, which submerge a section of the passage. At the same time, the arms of Salazar statue will starts to move, and several cultists appear. Your objective here is to find and pull the two levers in this area (including the one which the cultist just operated) to make the passage re-emerge again. There are 3 floors on the side of the statue. The lever which the cultist uses is on the 1F left side (perspective is facing the statue). However, there is a gate blocking the route, so you will have to run to the right of the statue. Defeat the cultist with a flail that is stationed on the right side 1st floor. After killing him, climb up the ladder. ------------------- - 2nd Floor Right - ------------------- Smash the pot when you reach the top of the ladder for a possible random item inside. Kill the cultist at the opposite corner, and turn to face the side of the statue. Only one palm of Salazar's statue is moving, and it move from top to bottom to top again, stopping briefly at each floor. You can jump onto the palm to move to the different floor. However, the cultists scattered here will also try to get to you by this moving palm. Fire at the cultists you see from here. If they are on the moving palm or at the edge of the ledge, fire at their leg area. If you are lucky, they will falls down to the ground and sustain further damage. As you attack, do turn back once in a while and kill any cultist that might tries to ambush you from the back. After the coast is clear, jump onto the right palm of Salazar. If however, the left palm (further) is moving instead of the right palm, then aim and fire at the lever situated in front of the small ledge between the palms. To jump onto the palm, simply wait until the palm stopped briefly on the floor you are on, then press (A) to jump onto it. If you tries to jump when the palm is not on the floor you are on, you will jump down to the ground instead. Using the right palm, make your way to the ledge with the lever. Pull the lever to the left. Now, the right palm will stop moving, while the left palm will starts moving in the same pattern of what the right palm was moving. ------------------ - 2nd Floor Left - ------------------ Make your way across to the opposite side, 2nd floor. Turn right, and destroy the two pots here. One of them should contains a Velvet Blue. Obtain the item, and approach the hole here with the ladder. Before jumping down, aim and kill the red cultist below the hole. He was the culprit who submerged the passage. ------------------ - 1st Floor Left - ------------------ The red cultist have significant higher vitality than the rest of the ganados. After he dies, drop down and take the Pesetas (5000) from his body. Smash the pot and obtain the Shotgun Shells (10). Reload your weapons, and pull the lever opposite the gate here. When you pulls the lever, several things will occur instantly. The second half of the passage will emerge, the gate leading out to the Salazar statue from here will opens, and lastly, the ganados troop will drop into the floor you are currently on. These purple zealots are slightly stronger than the black cultist, but weaker than the red zealot leader. Get to the corner where the lever is, and fire the Handgun-type weapon here. Switch to the Shotgun-type weapon and fire when they are getting closer. Return to the upper floor by the ladder. ------------------ - 2nd Floor Left - ------------------ From here, face the statue, and take out the Rifle. Snipe the crossbow cultist at the opposite side, and the several purple flail ganados, which are either on the 3rd floor, or on Salazar's right palm. After these purple zealots died, jump back onto Salazar's left palm. Get onto the 3rd floor on the left side. ------------------ - 3rd Floor Left - ------------------ Smash the pot by the corner for a possible random item. Turn around to see the Salazar statue. If you haven't notice, there is a small passage passing behind the head of the statue. There is a pot at the end, and a lever hidden behind the statue. Smash the pot for a possible random item, and flip the lever. When the lever is flipped, the pattern movement of the palms will change! This time, the two palms will move, but when they reach the 3rd floor level, they will close in together to allow you to switch to the other palm instead of crossing by the middle ledge. After they close in, they will seperate to the level they were on, and descend again. Kills the ganados that are on the opposite side of the 3rd floor level here. Using the palms, get across to the 3rd floor right. ------------------- - 3rd Floor Right - ------------------- Turn left, and smash the pots for a Spinel. Now, go flip the lever here to emerge the second and final section of the passage. With the passage completed, jump onto the ground, and arm yourself with a fast weapon, such as the TMP. Now, starts to run across the passage where the statue is facing. -------------------------- - Salazar Statue Passage - -------------------------- When you gets a little deep into the passage, the statue of Salazar will starts to move! Tap (A) to sprint. During the sprint, the pillars will drop, and you will have to press the buttons to dodge them. When you see the left pillar drops, dodge with the (L) button when the prompt appears. The next to drop is from the right. Dodge with the (R) when the prompt appears again. Continue sprint, and then this time, pillars will drop from both side. Simply tap both L and R buttons when the prompt appear to escape the falling pillars. When you reach the other end, quickly run to the door, and fire the lock off the door, and tap (A) twice to kick it open. The threat has not ended! Continue sprinting by tapping the (A) button. When the statue is falling, prepare to tap both L and R buttons to make Leon jump. While Leon is hanging on the edge of the ledge, tap (A) to convince Leon to climb up. Use the double door here. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (20) | Tower 1F | | Tower | | Yellow Herb | Tower 1F | \-------------------------------/ | Incendiary Grenade | Tower 3F | When you arrives here, watch the | Green Herb | Tower 3F | scene. Leon will pierce the palm | Shotgun Shells (5) | Tower 3F | of Salazar with a knife. However | TMP Ammo (50) | Tower 4F | his bodyguard will pull it out, | Handgun Ammo (15) | Tower 4F | and throw towards Leon. Dodge it | Shotgun Shells (10)| Tower 4F | with the buttons when the prompt | Red Herb | Tower 4F | appear. After the scene ends, go | Gold Bangle | Tower 4F | check the surrounding for items o--------------------o----------------------o before chasing him. Run along the wall in clockwise manner to obtain the items. Take the Handgun Ammo (20), then turn left into a hidden passage. At the end is a chest which contains a Yellow Herb. Run up the stairs slope on the other side of the door. ------------ - Tower 2F - ------------ When you reach the 2F, a scene will appear. A cultist will operates a lever. Each time the lever is pulled, a gigantic barrel will roll down towards you! Fire at the barrel with a Shotgun-type weapon to break it before it touches you, or you will sustain damage. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | It is not a bad idea to take out your Rifle and snipe the cultist from here | | to end the threat. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Run up, and turn left when an intersection appears. Navigate the wooden walk- way, and smash the barrel for a random item. Climb the ladder to reach the cultist who operates the lever. When you reach here, another scene will occur as more ganados appear. If you haven't, kill the cultist. You can operate the lever yourself here to drop the barrel, and smash any ganados that are charging upwards from the bottom of the slope. When you operate the lever, do remember to turn around, and kill any zealots that climbs the ladder behind you. When you are done, take out the Rifle and kill the cultist at the top floor, who have been tossing the dynamite. ------------ - Tower 3F - ------------ After all the ganados died, continue up the slope, and take the Green Herb at the end. Return to the barrel lever. ------------ - Tower 2F - ------------ Run into the passage besides the lever towards the cargo lift. Before you board it, take the Incendiary Grenade shining nearby, and the Shotgun Shells (10) planted in the barrel besides it. Get onto the lift, and get to the crates. Press and hold (A) to shove the two crates away. After the two crates are off the lift, reload all your weapons, and press the switch on the yellow panel at the corner. -------- - Lift - -------- During the ride, ganados will drop onto the lift and attack you. Furthermore, some of them will fire crossbow from afar. If too many ganados drop onto the lift, the lift will stop rising due to overloading. Use a mix of the grenades and the weapons to fend off the assault from them. Some of these red cultists will spawn Plaga, so don't be shy to throw Flash Grenade too. ------------ - Tower 4F - ------------ When the tower reaches the top, run out to the balcony area. Smash the first barrel you see for a TMP Ammo (50). Continue down the passage, smashing as many barrels as you see for more items. There is a Red Herb hidden at the corner of the other side of the wall with the two barrels. There is a fire torch nearby. Runs to it, and jump down the ledge besides the fire torch. Obtain the Gold Bangle from the chest. When you are done, board the small lift here outside the balcony to get to the top. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Magnum Ammo (5) | Near Merchant | | Tower Apex (Outside) | | TMP Ammo (50) | Near Merchant | \-------------------------------/ | Rifle Ammo (5) | Near Merchant | Run up the slope, and despite the | First Aid Spray | Near Merchant | missing blue flame torch, the guy o--------------------o----------------------o in the black hood is the merchant so don't accidentally mistake him as cultist and kill him! Obtain the ammunitions on the typewriter near the merchant. Expect to see the Magnum Ammo (5), TMP Ammo (50), RIfle Ammo (5) and First Aid Spray. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | The merchant offers nothing new, except | Attache Case L | 40000 | an upgrade for the Red9. You can now | Attache Case M | 30000 | upgrade the capacity of the Red9 from | Treasure Map (Castle) | 10000 | Level 5 to Level 6. | Handgun | 8000 | | Red9 | 14000 | Sell the Staff of Royalty, Velvet Blues | Punisher | 0 | Spinel and Gold Bangle to him. | Punisher | 20000 | | Blacktail | 24000 | In the next room, you will be having a | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | boss fight, so consider purchasing a | Shotgun | 20000 | Rocket Launcher from him if you do not | Riot Gun | 12000 | have one. | Striker | 43000 | | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Tune Up | Handgun*| Shotgun*| Rifle*| TMP* | Punisher*| Red9 | Striker | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o---------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail | B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi) | Riot Gun | M.Thrower | o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 5 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 5 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 5 | Lv 3 | Lv 5 | Lv 5 | Lv 2 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Shotgun Shells (15)| Upper Level Right End| | Tower Apex | | Green Herb | Upper Level Left End | \-------------------------------/ | Green Herb | Lower Level Barrel | As you reaches here, the fight | TMP Ammo (100) | Lower Level Barrel | against Lord Ramon Salazar will | Flash Grenade | Lower Level Barrel | starts! | Shotgun Shells (10)| Lower Level Barrel | | Handgun Ammo (20) | Lower Level Barrel | | First Aid Spray | Lower Level Barrel | | Incendiary Grenade | Lower Level Barrel | | Rifle Ammo (10) | Lower Level Barrel | | Pesetas (50000) | Salazar | o--------------------o----------------------o o=====================o o====================o /------------------------------\ | Move List | | Recommended Weapon | | Ramon Salazar | o=====================o o====================o \------------------------------/ | Tentacle Whip Attack| | Rocket Launcher | | Whip To Ground | | Striker | | Mouth Whip Attack | | TMP | | Mouth Swallow | | Rifle (Semi-Auto) | o---------------------o o--------------------o /-----------\ || Profile || \-----------/ Ramon Salazar is the 8th castellan of the castle. Long ago, his ancestor have disbanded the Los Illuminados cult and sealed the Las Plagas. Lord Saddler has manipulated Salazar into helping him reviving the religion and unearth the sealed parasite to repay the sin that his ancestors have made. He too, is now a part of the cult, and have the Plaga within his body. Unlike the Ganados, he is able to control his conscious and mutation, and is one of the highest ranking members in the cult. /-------------\ || Attacking || \-------------/ Attack one of the two tentacles by the side until it retract into the wall. Now you may run to the side and attack the middle head with the large eyeball. It is best that you spray the TMP at the eyeball. Soon, the shells that covers Ramon Salazar will be opened. Now, aim at Salazar with the Rocket Launcher to kill him instantly. Alternatively, fire at Salazar with a Striker or the Rifle until the shells close again. Then, continue firing at the tentacle by the side or the head until Salazar is revealed. Repeat until he dies. Sometime he will deceive you by opening the core to make you stop and fire,but he will rush in to bite you. Bob nnnnnnn : Pull out shotgun for a "spray" bullet effect and blast at the eyeball as soon as the battle starts (because it moves a lot so it raises your chances of hitting it.). After one of two shots Ramon popped out and I rocket launchered him. /-------------------------\ || Attack Characteristic || \-------------------------/ Lord Salazar attack with the tentacles if you run to the side. He will also make the eyeball head to bite you if you stands in the middle. If so, you will die immediately. When he is going to make the bite, the core shell will reveal Salazar to trick you into shooting it, but the head will dash in to bite you. The tentacle might whip you to the ground. You can dodge the whip by the dodge buttons combination. If you got whipped to the ground, toss a Flash Grenade to kill the Plagas on the lower bottom. Then, climb up and continue attacking him again. There are items that you can take on the lower bottow. If he starts to smash the ground with his small eyeball head, then jump down to the lower level to dodge the small eyeball. After the battle, collect the items at both end of the level, and drop down to the ground. Smash all the barrels here for ammunitions, and climb the middle ladder to take the Pesetas (50000) from where Ramon Salazar was. After taking the reward, head through the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Green Herb | Barrel | | Tower Balcony | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Run forward, and smash the barrels on the left for items. You should be able to find a Green Herb. Descend by climbing down the rope. When you reach the bottom, use the gun to break the right barrel, for a snake is planted in it. Take whatever is in the other barrel, and board the elevator down. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Shotgun Shells (10)| Merchant Front | | Jet-Ski Boarding Area | | Rifle Ammo (5) | Merchant Front | \-------------------------------/ | Handgun Ammo (15) | Merchant Front | Restock your resources here with | Spinel | Box | the various ammunitions planted | Flash Grenade | Merchant Front Right | here. Smash the barrels and box o--------------------o----------------------o for Spinel and some other random items. There is a typewriter here to let you save the game, and a merchant who is here to trade with you. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | Sell the Spinel to the merchant. | Attache Case L | 40000 | | Attache Case M | 30000 | No new items for sale, but several tune | Treasure Map (Castle) | 10000 | up for the weapons are available now. | Handgun | 8000 | | Red9 | 14000 | The weapons you can upgrade further are | Punisher | 0 | the Shotgun, TMP, Punisher, Red9, Black | Punisher | 20000 | Tail, Riot Gun, Striker and the Mine | Blacktail | 24000 | Thrower. | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | | Shotgun | 20000 | Exclusives for more weapons are also | Riot Gun | 12000 | available here too. | Striker | 43000 | | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Tune Up | Handgun*| Shotgun*| Rifle*| TMP* | Punisher*| Red9*| Striker | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o---------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail*| B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi) | Riot Gun*| M.Thrower | o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o After you are done, head through the steel door on the merchant's left. Goes in deeper, and a scene occur, where Ada will provide you a ride to the island. -------------- Chapter 5 - 1 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Emerald | Cave Box | | Pier | | Rifle Ammo (5) | Merchant Front | \-------------------------------/ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Under Spot Light | Run forward down the path and | Pesetas (15000) | Gatling Gun Soldier | you'll see a structure far away. | Green Herb | West Building | Jump down the ledge, and leap | TMP Ammo (50) | Northwest Building | over the gap. Gets deeper, and | Magnum Ammo (3) | Spot Light Building | eventually you will arrive at an | Shotgun Shells (5) | Northeast Building | intersection. The wooden small | Green Herb | Barrel In Cave Way | bridge leads to the right. For | Shotgun Shells (5) | End of Cave Way | now, take the left path. Climb o--------------------o----------------------o up the cliff, and smash the boxes. You will find an Emerald. Cross the bridge. You should hear a constant and faint cry of Ashley calling for help. Head forward until you see the entire area, with the spot light shiny area to detect the intruders. At then,a short scene will be triggered, as Ashley is being carried into the building on the far right corner. When you jump over the gap the spot light will shine onto you, as the ganados, the soldier type, appears to confront you! Now defeat these soldiers and clear the coast. One of them is a more muscular type who is armed with a gatling gun for attacking the intruder. He is as resistance to firearm as the chainsaw villager, and he can't be knocked down. However, under repeated assault to the head, he will stumble back a step or two. This particular type of ganado will sweep the gatling gun in front, like the zealot on the machine gun turrent in the previous chapters. After defeating him, take the Pesetas (15000) from him. Most of the ganados wear helmet and carries shield, and the rate of the Plaga appearance is higher compare to the cultist and villager. Unlike the villager and the cultist, however they carries the stun rod, which they uses to hit you at close range. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | If you fire at the spot light before crossing the gap, they will not notice | | you immediately. | | | | If the ganados chase after you, cross back to the gap, and fire at their | | knee region when they are at the edge of the gap to make them fall into the | | sea. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Claim the Handgun Ammo (10) on the box underneath the spot light. Run slightly to the left, towards the sack barricade. Enter the small building on the left, and take the Green Herb on the crates. Run into the building just behind it, on the northwest corner. Obtain the TMP Ammo (50) on the crates. Run up to the northeast building structure where they carried Ashley into. The door is locked. Check the orange circle on the left of the door, and a red light sight will be emitted, which travels to the mirror reflect on the rooftop of the northwest corner building. Run back to the northwest corner building (which contains the TMP Ammo) and climb up to the rooftop, using the ladder located on the west side of this building. Goes to rotate the reflector, using the left analog stick. Turn until the red light meets the reflector on the other building (the light will bounce off to the right when it meets the opposite reflector). Press (B) to cancel, and then jump or climb down this building. Head to the building remains (with the spot light), and climb up by the ladder within. At the top, take the Magnum Ammo (3). Operates the reflector here, and turn it to the right until it touches the orange mirror on the right side of the door at the northeast corner. The locked door will open upon the contact. Jump down to the ground, and make your way to that building past the doorway. Jump over the barricade just beyond the doorway, and turn left to take the Shotgun Shells (5). Turn right and run deeper into the area. When you near the cave, some soldiers will push the boulder onto you from the top. Hence you will have to get ready to press the emergency dodge buttons (L and R or A and B) to avoid the crush. Get into the cave way, and turn right. Smash the barrels, and obtain the Green Herb within them. Continue down the path. When the path curves right, get ready to fight. Two soldiers, one firing the crossbow behind the sack barricade, will attack you. The other ganado is bare-handed, but he might spawn a Plaga. Before using the right ladder, get to the end of the cave way, and obtain the Shotgun Shells (5). Turn back, and climb the ladder. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | TMP Ammo (25) | Pier Top Ladder Left | | Pier Top ~ Passage | | Red Herb | Cave Near Pier Top | \-------------------------------/ | Rifle Ammo (5) | Cave Near Pier Top | Run forward, and turn left. You | Golden Lynx | Cave Near Pier Top | will see a soldier. Kill him and | Handgun Ammo (10) | Bottom of Slope | obtain the TMP Ammo (25) behind | Shotgun Shells (5) | Slope Upper Level | him. Turn back to where the sack | Green Herb | Slope Upper Level | is facing, and jump over the | Shotgun Shells (5) | Middle of Slope | cliff gap. Turn right, and jump o--------------------o----------------------o over the window. Take the Rifle Ammo (5) on the green table near the door, and head down the right path. Shortly, you will comes to another intersection. There are three masked ganados on the left, and Flash Grenade is ineffective against them. One of them will spawn a Plaga when defeated. There is an explosive red barrel on the right path, but it is quite hard to lure them to it, so you might want to attack directly. These ganados are guarding the Red Herb. Blast the red barrel with a gun, even if there are no enemies. The impact will cause the rocks behind to be blasted away, revealing a secret area. Get into this secret area, and climb up to the red chest here. The precious Golden Lynx is contained inside the chest, so take it. Navigate back to the cave entrance. Head out of the cave by the opened door, and face the heavily guarded area in front. There is another spo t light here, but it is useless. Before going up the slope, get to the left, and take out your Rifle. Snipe at the soldier who is firing the crossbow at you. Luckily the Rifle penetrates the helmet, so decapitate him. ----------- - Passage - ----------- Get to the bottom of the slope (below where the spot light shines), and take the Handgun Ammo (10). Turn left to face the slope, and use the Rifle to kill the soldiers. Try not to fire at the red barrel and instead kill the soldier directly on the upper level. Ignore everything, and run up the slope. At the top, you should see a wagon and a door. Fire at the wagon, which will roll down, and kills the soldiers in the way. Run back to the bottom of the slope after the damage is done, and turn right. Run up this narrow cave slope to the upper area. Halfway up the slope, take out a Shotgun series weapon, and blast the soldiers just up front. After they falls, run past them, and get past the red barrel (while the remaining of the troops chase after you). Fire and kill and masked ganado beyond the red barrel at the other side, and head to the end to claim the items. You will find the Shotgun Shells (5) and Green Herb. Wait for the ganado crowd to gather near the red barrel, and fire at the red barrel. The impact should kill most of them. Switch to a Handgun- type gun and gun down the remaining soldiers. When no more ganados come from the other side of the cave, stand on the bridge which support the red barrel, and aim down. Gun the ganados at the bottom level from here. Until the music stops, the threat is not over. Get down, and take the Shotgun Shells (5) on the boxes in the middle of the slope. Return to the top of the slope where you fire the wagon. Goes to the door and check the red switch besides it to open the door. Gets beyond the doorway, and you will see the merchant and the typewriter on the left. Before saving or trading, it is a good idea to clear the soldiers up front. Just a little beyond the typewriter, take out the Rifle and fire at the soldier perched on the upper level of the right building at the end of the passage. Your shot will alert the rest of the ganados nearby. Use the gun to snipe them before they gets to you. once the coast is clear, save your game and trade with the merchant. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | The merchant have updated both his buy | Attache Case L | 40000 | list and the tune-up list to get you | Attache Case M | 30000 | started on this chapter. | Treasure Map (Island) | 10000 | | Handgun | 8000 | Sell the Emerald to the merchant. You | Red9 | 14000 | can combine the Golden Lynx with some | Punisher | 0 | other treasures to increase their value | Punisher | 20000 | so do not sell the Golden Lynx here yet | Blacktail | 24000 | to the merchant. | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | | Killer7 | 77700 | What's new is the Treasure Map (Island) | Shotgun | 20000 | and the Killer7 gun. You are advised to | Riot Gun | 12000 | sell the Broken Butterfly and purchase | Striker | 43000 | the Killer7. | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | Further tune-up for the Striker, Broken | TMP | 15000 | Butterfly, Mine Thrower and Rifle (semi | Mine Thrower | 28000 | -auto) are available. | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Tune Up | Handgun*| Shotgun*| Rifle*| TMP* | Punisher*| Red9*| Striker | o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 5 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 5 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o---------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail*| B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi)*| Riot Gun*| M.Thrower*| o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o After trading, head down the path beyond the typewriter. Get to the end, and go through the door on the left. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Pesetas (2000) | Starting Area Locker | | Kitchen Area | | Incendiary Grenade | Dumpster | \-------------------------------/ | Green Herb | Jars Shelf in Kitchen| Turn left, and goes to open the | Shotgun Shells (10)| Duralumin Case | locker for the Pesetas (2000) in | Hand Grenade | Left edge of Sink | it. Continue down the passage. o--------------------o----------------------o The left door is locked, so run past it. Turn right, and open the dumpster for an Incendiary Grenade. Equip a Shotgun-type gun, and open the door. Turn left, and kill the masked ganado who spawns a Plaga when defeated. Head beyond the area he comes from, and take the Green Herb on the shelf with the jars and nonperishables. Gets to the end, and open the white duralumin case for a Shotgun Shells (10). Continue the journey, until you reach an area with the hanging meats. At here, prepare yourself for an ambush. When you turns left beyond the meats, a burning ganado will burst out from the oven. He will attempt to strangle you before he dies himself. Fire at him with a Shotgun-type weapon anyway to avoid the ambush. On the left side, there is a long stretch of sink. Check the left edge for a Hand Grenade. Head down further the area and use the door to end this area. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Monitor Room | | Monitor Room | | Pesetas (5000) | Monitor Room | \-------------------------------/ | Red Stone of Faith | Food Storage | You'll hear Ashley here. Take a | Yellow Herb | Food Storage | few steps forward, and equip a o--------------------o----------------------o Rifle. Aim left, and attempt to locate a big-size ganado. As he is wearing armor, his only weak point is his head. The best way to kill him is to decapitate him so fire at the head using the rifle for an instant kill. From here, aim to the left and down. You will briefly see the other armored ganado at the bottom. Decapitate him too. Head to the door on the right to where he was, and turn left (opposite of the door). Aim down, and decapitate the ganado who fires the crossbow. Now, use the right door to enters the monitor room. ---------------- - Monitor Room - ---------------- Obtain the Handgun Ammo (10). Turn right, and check the locker at the corner for a Pesetas (5000). Heads to the direction of the locker for a scene. The hostage has been located! Before you heads for her, return to where the big armored ganado was stationed. ---------------- - Food Storage - ---------------- Turn right, and run down the stairs to the bottom area. At the bottom, kills the remaining troops that have comes down from the stairs you just used. The shield ganado will spawn a Plaga 3 when he dies. Check the duralumin case by the corner of the stairs for a Red Stone of Faith treasure. Combine it with the Golden Lynx to increase the value. You still need one more treasure to form the full set though. Navigate to the back wall, and turn to the side. Smash the barrels for items like the Yellow Herb and a random item. Return to the monitor room. ---------------- - Monitor Room - ---------------- Get beyond the surveillance monitors, and use the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Shotgun Shells (5) | Filing Cabinet | | Armory | | Emerald | Filing Cabinet | \-------------------------------/ | Shotgun Shells (5) | Barrel Face Merchant | Turn left and run down the path. | Rifle Ammo (5) | Glass Cabinet | Check the filing cabinets on the | Red Herb | Beyond Shutter | left for Shotgun Shells (5). | TMP Ammo (50) | Beyond Shutter | o--------------------o----------------------o There is a doorway on the right, but don't go in yet. Instead, head forward to the turn up front leading to the right. Ganados will toss dynamites from the right, when the metal shutter is not up. Check the file cabinets among here for an Emerald. The metal shutter opens when Leon is at the back (south) wall. Find a section of the wall with the smashed window, and snipe at the head of one of the ganados when the shutter opens. If you manage to decapitate him before he toss the dynamite, when the shutter closes the dynamite should explode and kill his partners. After the dynamite soldiers, 3 crossbow soldiers will replace them. Take them out with the Rifle, and the shutter will remains open now. Before you goes through the shutter, it is advised to go through the doorway opposite of the file drawers at the back wall. Turn left, and claim the Shotgun Shells (5). On the opposite side is the guy in the black hood. Before trading, smash the glasses on the cabinet between him and you on the left for a Rifle Ammo (5). Goes to speak with the merchant. Beyond the shutter, kill the lone ganado and check around for items. A Red Herb is on the left of the shutter, and a TMP Ammo in the red box. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | First of all, sell the Emerald. | Attache Case L | 40000 | | Attache Case M | 30000 | The merchant now sells the Tactical Vest | Tactical Vest | 60000 | which reduces the damage by 30%. However | Treasure Map (Island) | 10000 | it cost 60000. If you have the money you | Handgun | 8000 | might want to consider getting it. | Red9 | 14000 | | Punisher | 0 | Exclusive for the Striker, and tune-up | Punisher | 20000 | for the Killer7 are available. Striker's | Blacktail | 24000 | exclusive is the 100 Shells capacity, so | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | if you upgrade it, you will not have to | Killer7 | 77700 | worry about the reloading for this gun. | Shotgun | 20000 | | Riot Gun | 12000 | The door next to the merchant leads to | Striker | 43000 | the final Shooting Gallery. At there, | Rifle | 12000 | "D" type game is available. | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Tune Up | Handgun*| Shotgun*| Rifle*| TMP* | Punisher*| Red9*| Striker*| o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o---------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail*| B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi)*| Riot Gun*| M.Thrower*| o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o o==============o=========o | Tune Up | Killer7 | o==============o=========o | Firepower | Lv 2 | | Firing Speed | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 2 | o--------------o---------o Head beyond the shutter. Check the red box on the wall for TMP Ammo (50). On the back of the wall besides the shutter is a Red Herb. Use the double door once you are done. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Green Herb | Outside 1F Doorway | | Lab Corridor | | Brass Pocket Watch | Box Near Typewriter | \-------------------------------/ | Incendiary Grenade | Red Box 2 | | Rifle Ammo (5) | Red Box 2 | | Emerald | Duralumin Case | o--------------------o----------------------o Take the Green Herb just in front. Head into the doorway near the Green Herb. You will see a typewriter. Smash the box besides the typwriter for a Brass Pocket Watch. Return to the door you emerged from, and head to the locked door on the side. Unlock the door, but don't go through. This door leads back to the kitchen area. Run up the slope to the upper floor. Turn left at the intersection, and open the red box for the Incendiary Grenade. Go against the arrows on the wall and go through the right path past the gate door. You should see another red box on the other end. There is a white double door here on the side, but do not bother it yet. Check the red box for a Rifle Ammo (5). The left end of the red box is a white case, with an Emerald within it. Follow the arrows on the wall to head to the Operating Room. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Luis' Memo 3 | Operating Room | | Operating Room | | TMP Ammo (50) | Operating Room | \-------------------------------/ | Freezer Card Key | Corpse | Head deeper into the room, and | Regenerator | Pesetas (5000) | you will trigger a scene, which o--------------------o----------------------o shows the body. on the operating table. Head to the door on the right, and check the panel to starts operating it. From here, you have to solve a puzzle. Your goal is to arrange the puzzle until the colored arrows point from the top left corner to the bottom right corner. Here is the solution (the number of times you have to press for the color): Blue - 1 Green - 2 Red - 3 Go beyond the door, and claim the Luis' Memo 3 on the small bed just a little beyond the door. On the opposite side is the TMP Ammo (50). Run to the back of the room, and check the corpse for a Freezer Card Key. At then, the body at the opposite operating room will be awaken. This body is a new monster known as the "Regenerator"! It has the ability to regenerate its blasted-off limbs, and you are not suggested to combat it now. Instead, avoid it and head back outside of this area. If however, you kill him now, you will earn P esetas (5000) but it is suggested to kill him later for you will be able to obtain something which allows you to kill him with ease. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | By equipping the eggs or the grenades, you can run faster than when you are | | equipped with a weapon. However, even if you are equipped with a weapon, it | | is already fast enough to get out before the Regenerator gets to you. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Regenerator | Pesetas (5000) | | Lab Corridor | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Don't run too fast though. A Regenerator is now wondering beyond the second turn of this corridor. Run past this monster too, and head opposite past the metal gate doors. TUrn right, and use the Freezer Card Key to unlock it. Go through it. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Rifle Ammo (5) | Left of Door | | Freezer Room | | Green Herb | Left Glass Cabinet | \-------------------------------/ | Waste Disposal Card| Card Key Rewriter | Turn left for the Rifle Ammo (5) | Key | | and head towards the back wall. | Infrared Scope | Northeast Corner | Smash the glass off the left o--------------------o----------------------o cabinet for a Green Herb. As you see, there are bodies with the Plagas in them. Head to the small room on the other side of the entrance door. Use the Freezer Card Key onto the card key rewriter for the Waste Disposal Card Key. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | The follow tasks are optional, but you will receive an item necessary for | | defeating the Regenerator with ease. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Turn right, and operates the cryogenic device with the red button. Return to the northeast corner room. Open the freezer with the valve. Now you can claim the Infrared Scope. Upon claiming this item, the entrance door will be locked, and a Regenerator will drop. From here, you can use the Infrared Scope and the Rifle to kill the Regenerator with ease. Equip the scope onto the Rifle (any rifle), and aim. You will see that the view is now infrared. With the thermal vision, you should be able to see the Plaga parasites on the Regenerator. Snipe all of them on his body, and the Regenerator will die. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Sometime, a Plaga might be on the back of the Regenerator. At then, you can | | just knock the monster down by firing at its leg. While it is on the ground | | it will only jump forward and bite you, but its back is totally exposed. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Take the Pesetas (5000) when he dies, and go out of this room after the door is unlocked. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Regenerator | Pesetas (5000) | | Lab Corridor | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ There are two other Regenerators here. Kill them with the Rifle equipped with the Infrared Scope again. For the first, you just have to run straight to the white case on the right once you come out of the freezer room. Turn around and snipe him. For the second, it is the one you skipped earlier on. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | You can fire at the fire extinguisher just outside the freezer room when he | | is near it to inflict damage on him too. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o For every defeated Regenerator, an Pesetas (5000) appear. You can even return to the Operating Room to defeat the Regenerator there for the money too. Get to the door with the flammable liquid danger sign, and use the Waste Disposal Card Key to unlock it. Now go through. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | TMP Ammo (25) | Control Room Entrance| | Dumping Area ~ Security Room | | Hand Grenade | Control Room | \-------------------------------/ | Green Herb | Garbage Area | Run to the end, and obtain the | Emerald | Garbage Area Dumpster| TMP Ammo (25). Enter the Control | TMP Ammo (25) | Passage | Room by the right door. Take the | Shotgun Shells (10)| Security Room Table | Hand Grenade and goes to operate | Yellow Herb | Security Room PC | the crane. Shift the crane with | Flash Grenade | Security Room Locker | the left analog stick until its o--------------------o----------------------o shadow hovers above a ganado and press (A) to lower it and grab the ganado. After the first operation of it the remaining 3 ganados will goes into positions and crouch. Initially, there will be 2 ganados on the right standing together. It is possible to lift and throw both of them at the same time. After the third tries, they will activate the safety shutdown switch to stop you from further operation, then climb up the ladder to the control room by the other door. Shock them by using the other door and confront them head on. Blast them down back to the dumping ground. Descend the ladder, and raid the area for a Green Herb, and an Emerald on the dumpster nearest to the other door. Use the other door, and check the boxes for a TMP Ammo (25). Head down the passage to enter the security room. ----------------- - Security Room - ----------------- A box of Shotgun Shells (10) is on the table, and a Yellow Herb near the PC. Check the lockers to find a Flash Grenade. Use the door opposite the locker. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Red Box | | Storage Room Corridor | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Run forward, and claim the Handgun Ammo (10) in the red box on the wall. As you goes in, a scene will shows Ashley behind held inside a room, guarded by two armored soldiers. One of them will runs toward you and tries to hammer you. He is strong, and try not to accidentally kills Ashley. Defeat them, and run up to Ashley to silent her. At this moment, its not possible to get her out, so use the door opposite her confinement room. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | You can avoid the fight against the armored soldiers by running straight to | | the door opposite the Confinement Room. | | | | These soldiers wear armor, and the best way to defeat them is by firing at | | their head. Throw a Flash Grenade, and fire the Shotgun-type weapon at the | | head region for decapitation. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Rifle Ammo (5) | Locker | | X-Ray Area | | Flash Grenade | Opposite monitors | \-------------------------------/ | Magnum Ammo (5) | Stairs Bottom | Run down the passage and claim | Green Herb | Typewriter Room | the ammunition. Open the door o--------------------o----------------------o here and turn right immediately. Some ganados are hidden by the camera angle, so blast the Shotgun-type weapon at them. You might want to throw a Flash Grenade immediately after you open the door to stun them, and then turn until all of them can be seem before attacking. Check the locker opposite the entrance door for a Rifle Ammo (5), the table on the opposite side of the monitors (other side of board) for Flash Grenade. Get to the bottom of the stairs and check the right side for a Magnum Ammo (5) for your Killer7/Broken Butterfly. Go through the door on the right side of the stairs. ----------- - Passage - ----------- Continue to the opposite end. There are two doors. Head to the door in front, and you will see a Green Herb besides the typewriter. Use the side door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Storage Room Card | Iron Maiden | | Laboratory | | Key | | \-------------------------------/ | Rifle Ammo (5) | Near Middle Door | Now equip the Rifle, with the | TMP Ammo (25) | Near Middle Door | Infrared Scope equipped. You're | Rifle Ammo (5) | White Case | going to combat a new monster, | Green Herb | Lab East Wall | which is a modified Regenerator. | Red Herb | Lab East Wall | | Shotgun Shells (5) | Lab West Wall | Unlike the Regenerator, it can | Rifle Ammo (5) | Lab West Wall (Valve)| impale you with spikes on its | Emerald | Cyrotubes | body rather than biting you. o--------------------o----------------------o This monster is call the Iron Maiden. Head through the door, and the scene will trigger, showing the debut of this monster. Kill him with the same method as you kill the Regenerator, and then claim the Storage Room Card Key. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | If you do not have the Infrared Scope, quickly run past the doorway, and | | turn right. Run to the end to the white case, and turn back to face the | | Iron Maiden. Fire at the fire extinguisher when he is near. The impact will | | inflict major damage. Next, repeatedly fire at him to kill him. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o On the area where you triggered its appearance take the Rifle Ammo (5) and the TMP Ammo (25), located in the glass cabinet at the corner. Head through the right doorway, and turn right. Make your way past the fire extinguisher, and check the white case for Rifle Ammo (5). Get into the lab itself. Smash the glass on the east wall for a Green Herb and Red Herb. The opposite wall holds the Shotgun Shells (5). On the left, turn the red valve for the Rifle Ammo (5). The small rows of cyrotubes contain an Emerald. Smash it to grab the treasure. Go through the south-east door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Flash Grenade | Crow | | Communicating Tower Bridge | | Handgun Ammo (10) | Crow | \-------------------------------/ | Pesetas (5000) | Crow | Toss a Flash Grenade as soon as | Incendiary Grenade | Barrel | you emerge here to kill the | Green Herb | Barrel | crows for items. Expect to see | Shotgun Shells (5) | Communicating Tower | Flash Grenade, Handgun Ammo (10) o--------------------o----------------------o and Pesetas (5000) among the items they drop. Break the barrels beside the merchant for the Incendiary Grenade and Green Herb. Board the elevator. When you are on the upper level, enter the communicating tower. ----------------------- - Communicating Tower - ----------------------- When you get near the control panels, a scene will be triggered. After it, take the Shotgun Shells (5) on the table near the door, and head out. Board the elevator to the bottom level. ------------------------------ - Communicating Tower Bridge - ------------------------------ Go trade with the merchant. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | The merchant's inventory is exactly | Attache Case L | 40000 | same as his previous appearance. | Attache Case M | 30000 | | Tactical Vest | 60000 | Sell the Emeralds to the merchant. | Treasure Map (Island) | 10000 | | Handgun | 8000 | Upgrade the weapons which you have. | Red9 | 14000 | | Punisher | 0 | | Punisher | 20000 | | Blacktail | 24000 | | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | | Killer7 | 77700 | | Shotgun | 20000 | | Riot Gun | 12000 | | Striker | 43000 | | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Tune Up | Handgun*| Shotgun*| Rifle*| TMP* | Punisher*| Red9*| Striker*| o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o---------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail*| B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi)*| Riot Gun*| M.Thrower*| o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o o==============o=========o | Tune Up | Killer7 | o==============o=========o | Firepower | Lv 2 | | Firing Speed | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 2 | o--------------o---------o Head back to the door leading to the lab. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Laboratory | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Use the map, and navigate back to where Ashley was kept in. Turn right, and go past the sliding door. Head to the end. Return to where Ashley was confined. Navigate with the map. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | X-Ray Area | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Equip a strong weapon. Head down the passage. When you open the door leading to the x-ray room, be careful. Several new ganados make their appearance here. They will fire crossbow from the top level. If you want, you can also throw a Flash Grenade before killing them. After they died, take the items they drop, and return to the passage where the hostage is. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Storage Room Corridor | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ If the 2 armored ganados are still here, try to avoid them, and go use the Storage Room Card Key to enter the room where Ashley is. Run into the room for Ashley and to end the sub-chapter. -------------- Chapter 5 - 2 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Shotgun Shells (10)| Storage Room Table | | Storage Room Corridor | | Paper Airplane | Storage Room | \-------------------------------/ o--------------------o----------------------o Collect the Shotgun SHells (10) in the holding room on the table, and starts to lead the girl out. At then, a Paper Airplane will flies in. Obtain the file. Now, command Ashley to wait in the room, and go out alone yourself. Kill the ganados outside with one Hand Grenade, and call for Ashley. Continue down the passage and use the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Dumping Area ~ Security Room | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Turn right, and kill the soldiers. It is recommended to equip yourself with a Rifle and snipe the crossbow ganado before gunning down the other two with a Handgun-type weapon. The nearest soldier will spawn a Plaga when he dies. When you gets deeper, a soldier will throw the security switch. He spawns the parasite too, when he dies. After he is gone, use the security switch. At then soldiers will pour in from the doors. Throw a Flash Grenade, and stand in a corner. Fire with a Shotgun-type weapons until they died. Take the items they drop, and head to the dumping area. Get to the opposite edge and both of the characters will jump down. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Pesetas (20000) | Iron Maiden | | Waste Processing Plant | | Pesetas (20000) | Iron Maiden | \-------------------------------/ | Rifle Ammo (5) | Near Dumpster 1 | Leon and Ashley ends up in the | Rifle Ammo (5) | Behind Dumpster 2 | waste processing plant. Ashley | Green Herb | Besides Dumpster 2 | will notice an inactive Iron o--------------------o----------------------o Maiden at the bottom. It will starts to move when you throw the lever for the gate. Get beyond the first gate, and throw the lever at the opposite side to close it. Command Ashley to hide in the dumpster, while you kills the Iron Maiden behind the bars, using the Rifle equipped with the Infrared Scope. There is 1 parasite on his back, so you will have to attack his leg region until he falls and snipe that parasite. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | There is an explosive barrel, just in case you do not have the Rifle, the | | Infrared Scope, or the ammo. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Once the parasites are removed, and the monster dies, claim the Rifle Ammo (5) near the dumpster, and the Pesetas (20000) from where the Iron Maiden died. Flip the lever for the other gate. Call for Ashley, and with her cooperation, push the big red container together into the water to form a passage. To push the container with Ashley, stand against it until the prompt appear, and hold the (A) button until Leon and Ashley goes into the pushing animation. When the container drops into the muck, cross the sewage. Run straight, and approach the dumpster. Command Ashley to hide in that again, as another Iron Maiden lurks here. Before you confront him, take the Rifle Ammo (5) behind the dumpster. The Iron Maiden will appear. Kill him from behind the dumpster. Take the money upon his defeat. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | There is an explosive barrel, just in case you do not have the Rifle, the | | Infrared Scope, or the ammo. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Claim the Green Herb on the side of the dumpster, and whistle for Ashley. Get to the end, and push the red container aside with Ashley again. When it is out of the way, go through the doorway, and use the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Control Room | | Incinerator Ground | | Shotgun Shells (10)| Passage Barrel | \-------------------------------/ | Red Herb | Control Room | Turn right, and run. After a few | Green Herb | Passage End | steps, you will see the armored o--------------------o----------------------o ganado, and several soldiers. Decapitate the armored ganado, and kill the rest of the troops. Consider using a Hand Grenade here. One of the soldier will spawn a Plaga when died. Smash the barrels for Shotgun Shells (10). Run to the end, and claim the Green Herb. Kick the door open, and head beyond. Jump down to the bottom of the ledge. The ganado troops will pour in. Stun them with a Flash Grenade, and run into the small control room on the corner. Blast the soldiers that comes in from both side. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | If the enemies are standing near the lava pool in the middle of the room, | | firing at the leg region might cause them to topple into the pool. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o You will encounter at least 6 Plaga soldiers. Throw a Flash Grenade to kill them instantly. When the coast is clear, claim the items in the control room. Tell Ashley to control the control panel for the wrecking ball. The ball will ram against the wall. You can only operate it when the ball return to its position. Operate it three times to smash the wall completely. Go through the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Rifle Ammo (10) | Dog Meat Room Freezer| | Basement Corridor | | Incendiary Grenade | Dog Meat Room | \-------------------------------/ | Yellow Herb | Near Elevator | Run forward, and enters the room | Green Herb | Auxilliary Switch Rm | on the right. Search the freezer | Pesetas (5000) | Iron Maiden | by the corner for Rifle Ammo(10) | Pesetas (5000) | Iron Maiden | and the shelf by the side for | Shotgun Shells (10)| Auxilliary Switch Rm | Incendiary Grenade. o--------------------o----------------------o Get Ashley to wait at the entrance door, and go flip the lever to raise the shutter. While it rises, turn backward, and run towards Ashley. Face the lever and fire the Iron Maiden, who appears beyond the shutter. Claim the award from the monster, and goes beyond. Kill the other Iron Maiden with your Rifle again and take the Pesetas (5000). Enters the left room, and search around for a Green Herb. Press the switch and goes back outside. Get to the half-shut shutter, and get Ashley to crawl underneath it. She will flip the lever at the other side to rise the shutter. Gets beyond, and obtain the Yellow Herb. There is an elevator on the left, but you should use the door on the right first. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Red Herb | Locker | | Merchant's Room | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Open the locker, and claim the Red Herb. Now, save with the typewriter, and go trade with the merchant. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | The merchant's inventory is exactly | Attache Case L | 40000 | same as his previous appearance. | Attache Case M | 30000 | | Tactical Vest | 60000 | However, with the added cash, you can | Treasure Map (Island) | 10000 | now further upgrade the weapons or the | Handgun | 8000 | new items. | Red9 | 14000 | | Punisher | 0 | | Punisher | 20000 | | Blacktail | 24000 | | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | | Killer7 | 77700 | | Shotgun | 20000 | | Riot Gun | 12000 | | Striker | 43000 | | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Tune Up | Handgun*| Shotgun*| Rifle*| TMP* | Punisher*| Red9*| Striker*| o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o---------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail*| B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi)*| Riot Gun*| M.Thrower*| o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o o==============o=========o | Tune Up | Killer7 | o==============o=========o | Firepower | Lv 2 | | Firing Speed | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 2 | o--------------o---------o o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Basement Corridor | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Run forward, and command Ashley to wait by the left lever. Control Leon to the right lever, and operates it. Now wait. The lights on the top of the elevator will start to light up from the sides to the middle. When the central bulb is lighted up, press (A). Go use the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Shotgun Shells (5) | Start Point | | Bulldozer Road | | Shotgun Shells (5) | Start Point (Box) | \-------------------------------/ | Shotgun Shells (10)| Bulldozer Room | Go left, and take the Shotgun | First Aid Spray | Start Point | Shells (5) and Rifle Ammo (5). | Rifle Ammo (5) | Start Point | Smash the box here for a First | TMP Ammo (25) | Bulldozer Room | Aid Spray. Obtain the Shotgun | TMP Ammo (50) | Bulldozer Room | Shells (5) on the other side of | Green Herb | Bulldozer Room | the boxes. o--------------------o----------------------o Get onto the bulldozer. Ashley will drives the bulldozer, and the soldiers will try to take over the control of the vehicle. Your tasks are to clear the soldiers away by blasting them away. Subducing them when they are on the bulldozer is risky, but you can obtain the items they drop. Firing at the ganados when they are standing on the edge of the bulldozer will knock them over. Eventually, a horn will sound, and a truck will start its way to ram into your bulldozer. If that happens, you should know what happens. Fire at the engine of the truck to burst the engine into flames. After it stop more soldiers will chase your bulldozer. Eliminate them, and the flamed truck will give chase again. Fire at it repeatedly to stop the truck for the second and last time. ------------------ - Bulldozer Room - ------------------ The bulldozer will end up in a room. One of the levers is off, and you needs to go up and flip it to move the bulldozer. The problem is, when you goes up there, the soldiers will appear, and those from the other side will tries to get onto the bulldozer to attack Ashley. Ashley will cry for help when one of them successfully get onto the vehicle. If that's so, quickly aim down at the vehicle, and kill him. Starts by climbing up by either side of the ladder, and quickly kill those ganados on top. Shift aim to the bulldozer and the opposite side for any other ganados. Alternatively you can return to the bulldozer itself, and fend off the incoming soldiers. At the second floor in front of the levers, before you flips the middle lever, smash the crates by the doorway for ammunitions. Lastly, check the top of the left ladder for a Green Herb. Now flip the lever, and return down to the ground. Get onto the bulldozer. Start by killing the ganados on the top platform. Now turn behind, and kill the soldiers from behind. When you hear the deadly sound again, face forward, and fire at the grill of the truck. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Ruins | | Bulldozer Road | | Pesetas (5000) | Left Cabinet | \-------------------------------/ | Shotgun Shells (10)| Chair | In this room, obtain the Handgun | Hand Grenade | Right Cabinet | Ammo (10). Go through the door. | Rifle Ammo (3) | Left of typewriter | | Green Stone of | Duralumin Case | | Judgement | | o--------------------o----------------------o ------------- - Mess Hall - ------------- Pesetas (5000) can be found on the left cabinet. Check the chairs for Shotgun Shells (10). The opposite cabinet holds a Hand Grenade. There is a Rifle Ammo (3) on the left of the typewriter. Check the white duralumin case for a Green Stone of Judgement. Combine this treasure with the Golden Lynx too. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | The merchant's inventory is exactly | Attache Case L | 40000 | same as his previous appearance. | Attache Case M | 30000 | | Tactical Vest | 60000 | However, with the added cash, you can | Treasure Map (Island) | 10000 | now further upgrade the weapons or the | Handgun | 8000 | new items. | Red9 | 14000 | | Punisher | 0 | | Punisher | 20000 | | Blacktail | 24000 | | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | | Killer7 | 77700 | | Shotgun | 20000 | | Riot Gun | 12000 | | Striker | 43000 | | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Tune Up | Handgun*| Shotgun*| Rifle*| TMP* | Punisher*| Red9*| Striker*| o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o---------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail*| B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi)*| Riot Gun*| M.Thrower*| o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o o==============o=========o | Tune Up | Killer7 | o==============o=========o | Firepower | Lv 2 | | Firing Speed | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 2 | o--------------o---------o Use the door and a scene will be triggered, followed by the end of the sub- chapter. -------------- Chapter 5 - 3 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Pesetas (5000) | Left of Stairs | | Worship Hall ~ Janitor Room | | Our Plan | Altar | \-------------------------------/ | Emerald | Skylight (Machine Rm)| Get to the left of the stairs, | Green Herb | Bottom of stairs 1 | and obtain the Pesetas (5000). | Shotgun Shells (5) | Supervisor Room | There is an "Our Plan" document | Flash Grenade | Corner Room | on the altar. | Pesetas (3000) | Corner Room | | Pesetas (1300) | Supervisor ROom | Get to the door for a scene. Run o--------------------o----------------------o forward, and claim the Shotgun Shells (5) at the end. Some soldiers might spot you. Turn around and aim down. Take out the Rifle, and snipe at the heads of the soldiers you see below. Kill those with the crossbows. When they dies, run to the stairs, and aim up at the skylights. One of them have something sparkling on it (the one on the 3rd left and down). Fire at it to drop a treasure Emerald. Run to the bottom and claim the Green Herb near the bottom door. Use the door. Kill the monsters in this room. There is a crossbow soldier and a shield-type soldier in the supervisor room by the corner with the stairs leading to its doorway. The shield type will spawn a Plaga. Obtain the Shotgun Shells (5) in the supervisor room after they dies. Check the locker for item. Head to the bottom of the stairs, and turn right. Navigate to the door on the corner. In this small room, you can pick up a Flash Grenade and Pesetas (3000) at the end. Now use the door at the bottom of the stairs of the supervisor room. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Shotgun Shells (10)| Bottom of Lift | | Machinery Room | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Run to the end and go through the door. Take the Shotgun Shells (10) at the far end, and board the elevator. ---------------------- - Machinery Room Top - ---------------------- At the top, run forward to the opened area. A scene will be triggered here. At here, Leon's former comrade, Krauser will make his appearance. During the scene, he will tries to attack Leon several times. These attacks are done during the scene, and can only be avoided by the emergency dodging buttons. Be alert, and press the buttons when the prompts come up. If you die, you will have to start all over again, but a 'check point' is when Leon says "and you got her involved just for that?" The first comes in slightly after you catch a brief glimpse of Krauser. Press the buttons to dodge him. After the check point, Leon will make a cut on Krauser's chest. At this moment Krauser will kick Leon to the ground. Be prepare to tap either the (A) or the (B) button. However, the button will switch to the other one after you tap the button for a second or two. Survival the assaults, and Ada will come to Leon's rescue. After the scene, jump down to the ground level and use the door. Run forward, and drop down by the ladder. Go right and use the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Emerald | Throne | | Lasers Passage ~ Throne Room | | Elegant Reddress | Above Throne Rm Door | \-------------------------------/ o--------------------o----------------------o Run forward beyond the door, and go down the passage. At then, moving lasers will block you. To get to the other side of the passage, you will have to dodge several batches of the laser traps. To dodge the first batch, simply run past then the lasers are by the side and the horizontal laser is at the top. The second batch is a little complicated. There are 4 lasers here. Observes the pattern, and you will notice that there will be an instance where the lasers are totally out of the way. The lasers will be in a position where 1 laser is by the left wall, and the 2 other lasers forms a horizontal like a doorway. At this instance, run past. The third is by dodging it with the L and R buttons. As the laser gets near you, the prompt will appear. Proceed down until a few laser emitters appear. When you gets between them the lasers will appear. Press L and R buttons to dodge it. After the first dodge, be prepare to dodge again when they slide towards him(with the L and R buttons again) when the prompt appear, and Leon will dodge them in a way which will even make Snake from the Metal Gear Solid series ashame. Run to the end, and press the switch on the door. At then, the fifth and final batch of lasers should appear. They are slow initially, but they pick up speed as they gets forward, attaining a speed which is impossible to dodge when they reaches near the end. Take a few steps forward so you have time to react to the dodge buttons and while they are not moving that fast. Go through the unlocked door once you are done. --------------- - Throne Room - --------------- Run to the throne, and turn around to face the door you emerged. Fire at the sparkle on the beam above the door to drop the Elegant Headdress. Check the throne for the Emerald. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | If you press the (A) button when the ? prompt appear, Leon will sit and pose| | on the throne. Its nothing more than just there for amusement. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Get behind the throne and use the elevator behind the sliding door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Green Herb | Below Stairs | | Merchant's Cavern | | Emerald | Below Stairs | \-------------------------------/ | Luis' Memo 4 | Besides Merchant | Run forward and down the stairs. | Magnum Ammo (5) | Fenced Room | Get around, and check below the | Red Herb | Fenced Room | stairs for Green Herb and an o--------------------o----------------------o Emerald. Run down the cavern and turn right. Take the Luis' Memo 4 besides the merchant, and use the fence door between the merchant and the typewriter to access the back wall. Go in for the Magnum Ammo (5) and Red Herb. Trade with the merchant. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | The inventory of the merchant has been | Attache Case L | 40000 | completed so don't expect any new | Attache Case M | 30000 | addition from now on. | Tactical Vest | 60000 | | Treasure Map (Island) | 10000 | Sell the Elegant Headdress and the | Handgun | 8000 | Emeralds to him. | Red9 | 14000 | | Punisher | 0 | You can tune up the Firepower of the | Punisher | 20000 | Broken BUtterfly to Level 6, and fully | Blacktail | 24000 | upgrade the Killer7. | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | | Killer7 | 77700 | | Shotgun | 20000 | | Riot Gun | 12000 | | Striker | 43000 | | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Tune Up | Handgun*| Shotgun*| Rifle*| TMP* | Punisher*| Red9*| Striker*| o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o---------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail*| B.Butterfly | Rifle (semi)*| Riot Gun*| M.Thrower*| o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o o==============o=========o | Tune Up | Killer7 | o==============o=========o | Firepower | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 3 | o--------------o---------o Save with the typewriteronce you are done, for a boss fight is coming up soon. Use the door to exit. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Yellow Herb | Broken Fence | | Cargo Rig Area | | TMP Ammo (50) | Burning Barrel | \-------------------------------/ | Green Herb | 1st Container | Run forward, and into the tore | Green Herb | U-3 Cavern | fence prior the bridge for a | Green Herb | Bottom of Stairs | Yellow Herb. A TMP Ammo (50) can | Green Herb | Lift Boarding Area 1 | be found at the burning barrel. | Shotgun Shells (10)| 1st Container | | Incendiary Grenade | 2nd Container | Continue forward, and you will | Shotgun Shells (10)| U-3 Cavern | get an overhead view of the | Handgun Ammo (10) | U-3 Cavern | hanging cargos. | Hand Grenade | 2nd Container | | Pesetas (50000) | U-3 | o--------------------o----------------------o Head forward, and another scene will occuring, introducing the "it" Saddler was mentioning, or rather, "U-3". Your objective is not to kill this monster. However, you have to get from this cargo case to the next by pressing the red buttons. These buttons are barred by a shutter, and to release the shutter, you have to fire at a green button. Once all the buttons are pressed, a short countdown will be initialised. Try to get to the next cargo case before the countdown ends or you will die. To make things more difficult, U3 will be stalking you around! You have to press the dodge buttons to dodge this monster many time while finding the switches and buttons. Each cargo is quite a maze, so refer to these maps for navigation. The monster have 3 attacks: Whip (can be dodged) Strangle (can struggle) Strangle from Ceiling (can struggle) He will not sustain the damage you inflict, but he will be fended off after repeated assault. Fire at him if he is in the way. ----------------- - 1st container - ----------------- --------------- | 3|O | | XXX XXX | | XXX 1 XXX | | XXX XXX || | XXX XXX | |RXXX XXX | |O|2 R | --------------- X - Container O - Switch R - Red Switch 1 - Starting Spot 2 - Green Herb 3 - Shotgun Shells (10) The first container should be easy, as the green switches are located besides the shutter. Run backward and left and take the Green Herb. Run beyond the monster and turn turn left for the Shotgun Shells (10). Continue forward and fire at the green switch to release the shutter and press the red button beyond. Head to the opposite end, and fire at the other red switch. Run past the door and press the green switch for the second release. Use the door as the 30 seconds countdown starts. ----------------- - 2nd container - ----------------- --------------- |O 2| |XXXXX RXXX | |XXXXX XXX | | XXX || | XXX XXX-| | XXX XXXO| |1 |R | --------------- X - Container O - Switch R - Red Switch 1 - Incendiary Grenade 2 - Hand Grenade The second container is a little tricker. The green switches for the shutter are above the shutter itself. You have to aim up to see it. Start by turning run and take the Incendiary Grenade. Run back, and get to the intersection. Run beyond the monster, and right. Fire at the green switch at the top facing the shutter, and run beyond the shutter for the second switch. Run to the other end of the insection, and fire at the green switch on top of the shutter. Get beyond, and turn left for the switch. Make a 180 turn, and run straight. Claim the Hand Grenade in the way and use the door. ----------------- - 3rd container - ----------------- --------------- | R |1 | | XXX O XXX | | XXXXXXXXX | | X || | XXXXXX X | | XXXX X | | OXXX | --------------- X - Container O - Switch R - Red Switch 1 - Spot Start by running to the right and press the red switch. At then, the U-3 will return. Worse, he'll mutate now. To fend off him, fire at his head. Run pass the U-3, and go into the passage in the cargo structure. Inside the short tunnel, the monster will attack by piercing the ceiling with its pincers but you can dodge it by the buttons. At the end, fire at the red switch beyond the bars. Return to the starting point of this cargo container by the tunnel and get to the other side. Use the other switch, and go through the cargo tunnel for the last time to the door. The U3 will now mutate, as the only weak point is the new head now. Head right to use the red switch. Now, go through the container and head to spot 1 on the map above, and fire at the switch through the gate. Now go press the other button. Get to the exit. A hook will appear when you run past the final shutter. Watch as the monster drops down along with the container. -------------- - U-3 Cavern - -------------- Run forward for the boss fight. o=====================o o====================o /------------------------------\ | Move List | | Recommended Weapon | | U3 | o=====================o o====================o \------------------------------/ | Whip Attack | | Killer7 | | Strangle | | Striker | | Ceiling Strangle | | Riot Gun | o---------------------o | TMP | Form 2 | Flash Grenade | o---------------------o | Broken Butterfly | | Clamp Attack | o--------------------o | Pincer Attack | | Pincer Poke Ceiling | | Neck Snap | o---------------------o Form 3 o---------------------o | Multi-Pincer Attack | | Underground Ambush | | Drag & Impale | o---------------------o /-----------\ || Profile || \-----------/ U-3 is a monster send by Lord Saddler to eliminate Leon. He can mutate himself 3 times, hence the name "U-3". U-3 is of unknown origin, but this assasin have always succeeded in claiming the life of its victims. It attack using its giant pincers. /-------------\ || Attacking || \-------------/ You will only have to fight the 2nd and 3rd form of U-3. He will mutate in the middle of the battle. In the battle ground, you can find some levers, which operates the gates. You can lower the gate while the U-3 is behind to block it temporarily. While it tries to tear down the gate, use the opportunity to attack it. Fire at the head to inflict major damage. If it is in its 3rd form, fire at the new small head instead. There are also some red barrels. You can lure the U-3 to get close to it, and then fire at the red barrel to inflict the damage. When attacking, fire at the head of the monster using the most powerful weapon you have. In the third form, you can dodge its underground ambush using the emergency button combinations. Press the buttons at the right moment and it will dodge the attacks. /-------------------------\ || Attack Characteristic || \-------------------------/ The U-3 mainly attacks when he is in close range. He will use his two pincers to tear down the gate if you shut him with the gate. U-3 will also attempts to clamp you using the pincer. When he mutates, he will execute a more powerful version of the pincer attacks. However, as before, it can be dodged by running far away. When he burrows under the ground, he will ambush you several times before resurfacing. Once the battle ends, take the 50000 pesetas reward, Shotgun Shells (10) and the Green Herb here. There is a pack of Handgun Ammo (10) near the barrel in the gate tunnel with the levers. Now use the only door here. Run to the end, and take the Green Herb on the right of the stairs. Operate the vertical lift at the top of the stairs back to the other side of the area for a Green Herb. Board the vertical lift again. Climb the ladder. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Shotgun Shells (10)| Table | | Commando Camp | | Hand Grenade | Drawer | \-------------------------------/ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Barrel Near Fence | Climb up the other ladder. Check | Handgun Ammo (10) | Merchant's Tunnel | the table for Shotgun Shells | Shotgun Shells (10)| Tent | (10), and the drawer for the | TMP Ammo (50) | Barrel Feet of Ladder| Hand Grenade. Go outside, and | TMP Ammo (50) | Opposite Tent | smash the barrel for Handgun | Yellow Herb | Northeast Ground | Ammo (10). | Emerald | Merchant's Tunnel | | Krauser's Note | Merchant's Tunnel | Get to the edge of the ledge, | Blue Stone of | Merchant's Tunnel | and aim down. Fire at any red | Treason | | barrel to eliminate the soldiers | Pesetas (5000) | Merchant's Tunnel | at the bottom. There is one more | Rifle Ammo (5) | Top of Last Ladder | at the feet of the ladder, so o--------------------o----------------------o kill him. Smash the barrels at the feet of the ladder for TMP Ammo (50). Opposite the tent is another TMP Ammo (50). A Yellow Herb is on the northeast ground. Smash the boxes in the tent for Shotgun Shells (10). Drop down the hole. --------------------- - Merchant's Tunnel - --------------------- Aim up, and fire at the sparkle to drop an Emerald. Run along the right wall, and go into the path for a Blue Stone of Treason. Now run along the opposite wall, and smash the box at the end of the left path for Pesetas (5000). Run to the end and you will see the merchant. Smash the barrel at the bottom of the ladder for Handgun Ammo (10), and run to the merchant. There is a type- writer on the right, and the left door leads to the shooting gallery. Speak with the merchant. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | The Exclusive for the Broken Butterfly | Attache Case L | 40000 | is now available. Other than that, no | Attache Case M | 30000 | difference as before. | Tactical Vest | 60000 | | Treasure Map (Island) | 10000 | Combine the Blue Stone of Treason with | Handgun | 8000 | the Golden Lynx. When the Golden Lynx | Red9 | 14000 | have all 3 pieces in it, sell it to | Punisher | 0 | the merchant. | Punisher | 20000 | | Blacktail | 24000 | Sell the Golden Lynx and the Emerald | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | to the merchant. | Killer7 | 77700 | | Shotgun | 20000 | | Riot Gun | 12000 | | Striker | 43000 | | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Tune Up | Handgun*| Shotgun*| Rifle*| TMP* | Punisher*| Red9*| Striker*| o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o---------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail*| B.Butterfly*| Rifle (semi)*| Riot Gun*| M.Thrower*| o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o o==============o=========o | Tune Up | Killer7 | o==============o=========o | Firepower | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 3 | o--------------o---------o Climb up the stairs, and make a 180 turn. Smash the barrel for Rifle Ammo (5) and use the door. There is a Yellow Herb just on the upper right path. Jump down the hole in the tent. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Green Herb | Barrel on Path | | Fortress | | Magnum Ammo (5) | Room 1 Box | \-------------------------------/ | Green Herb | Room 1 Ladder bottom | Run forward, and claim the Green | Flash Grenade | Room 1 Top | Herb in the barrel on the left. | TMP Ammo (50) | Room 1 Top Barrel | When you jump down the cliff and | Handgun Ammo (10) | Near Exit Door | proceed onward Jack Krauser will | Shotgun Shells (10)| Room 2 Corner | strike. | First Aid Spray | Room 2 Corner | | TMP Ammo (50) | Room 2 Top | Turn slightly left, and run up | Green Herb | Rubbers Behind Room 2| the stairs, through the door | Piece of the Holy | Tower 1 Top | into the building. Proceed to | Beast, Panther | | operate the gate door on the | Handgun Ammo (20) | Tower 1 Corner | right with the timer lock. It | TMP Ammo (50) | Bottom of Ladder 2 | will take a while before the | Green Herb | Bottom of Ladder 2 | timer goes off, so you will have | Yellow Herb | Tower 2 Bottom | to tries to protect yourself | Piece of the Holy | Tower 2 Top | against Krauser at this moment. | Beast, Eagle | | | Piece of the Holy | Jack Krauser | Turn slightly left, and run up | Beast, Serpent | | the stairs, through the door | Green Herb | Tower 2 Top | into the building. Operate the | Magnum Ammo (3) | Tower 2 Top | gate door on the right with the o--------------------o----------------------o timer lock. It will take a while before the timer goes off so tries to protect yourself against Krauser at this moment. Collect the Green Herb and the Magnum Ammo (5) from the box, and eventually, Krauser will comes into this room. Climb up the stairs and fight Krauser until he gets away. After he is defeated, take the Flash Grenade and the TMP Ammo (50) inside the barrel at the rooftop. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | The actual battle against Krauser haven't starts yet. However, you will have| | to fend him off while finding those items. Fire the TMP or any weapons at | | him until he throws a Flash Grenade and escape. Note that Krauser is highly | | agile, unlike the previous monsters you encounter. He can attack you by | | his knife combos, which you can dodge by the emergency dodging buttons. | | | | He is exceptional weak against Knife. You can climb on top, and hack at him | | then jump down by the ladder hole when he turns to face you. When he jump | | down too, climb back up, and ready yourself and hack at him when he jumps | | up too. It is a better yet dangerous method. If he caught you from the back | | rotate the left analog stick, and tap L and R buttons to throw him off. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o After Krauser is driven off, the timer lock should goes off. Get beyond the gate, and walk instead of run, as Krauser is lurking around behind one of the broken wall sections. Attack him and drives him away. Check the middle of the left broken walls for a Shotgun Shells (10). Proceed on and turn right. You will see a door in front. Goes to that door, and search around here for a pack of Handgun Ammo (10). This door is the door you will use to escape later. Run back to the intersection, and get across the bridge. Beware of Krauser who will fire explosive arrows (which detonate after a while) or sub machine gun at you at the top of the building. As you gets to the other end, he will jump down. Fend him off again, and jump into the building he was on. Search for a Shotgun Shells (10) and a First Aid Spray by the corner. Climb up the ladder to where Krauser was on, and take the TMP Ammo (50). Look for an exposed wall here and jump back down to the ground. Turn left and run forward. Search the rubbers on the right for a Green Herb. Now run up the stairs slope. At the top you will receive the Piece of the Holy Beast, Panther item. ----------- - Tower 1 - ----------- Now you will battle Krauser for the first time. Run forward for the Red Herb as the commando leaps to the rooftop. o=====================o o====================o /------------------------------\ | Move List | | Recommended Weapon | | Jack Krauser | o=====================o o====================o \------------------------------/ | Sub Machine Gun | | TMP | | Explosive Arrow | | Striker | | Knife | | Knife | | Knife 2 | | Killer7 | | Hand Grenade | | Broken Butterfly | o---------------------o o--------------------o /-----------\ || Profile || \-----------/ Jack Krauser is the former comrade of Leon, who was assumed dead during a crash 2 years ago. Leon encounters him during his training under the President. Jack Krauser have received far more extensive training, and have more experience than Leon. After he was assumed dead, he kidnapped Ashley, and send her to Lord Saddler. However, Saddler wasn't ready to trust him, for he know that Krauser is planning something else, such as stealing the Plaga sample to revive the fallen Umbrella. He have been send by Saddler to kill Leon. /-------------\ || Attacking || \-------------/ Run forward and hide under the balcony which Krauser is on. Get to the other end to the corner for Handgun Ammo (20). Fire at him with your weapons and run around, pressing the buttons to dodge his attacks. In the midst of the battle, Krauser might initiate a conversation which you can respond with the (A) button. /-------------------------\ || Attack Characteristic || \-------------------------/ For most of the battle, Krauser will toss grenades from above. The grandes can be dodged by the L and R buttons. When you see the grenade drops down, prepare to dodge. At the intervals, Krauser will drop down to the ground himself, and tries to attack you with a knife at close range. It is a 'rush-type' attack, which you have to dodge several times to fully avoid the attack. After he escape, a statue appear. Push it beyond the corner, and push it south onto the floor pad. The bars blocking the lever for the gate will open. Flip the lever to open the gate. Run back to the second building. Beware, as Krauser is waiting for you at the opposite corner of the building. Fend him off, and use the switch near the entrance of building 2 to open the 2nd gate. ------------------- - Path to Tower 2 - ------------------- Jump down, and turn left. Attack and destroy the two robots here. If they saw Leon, they will dash towards him and beep at the same time. When the beep stop they will explode and inflict damage to Leon if they are near to him. The red version of these robots will fire machinegun instead. These robots are called "Seeker". Resident Evil veterans should recognise them to be the robots that Wesker uses during his involvement in Resident Evil Code: Veronica. Run forward for the Green Herb and TMP Ammo (50). Now navigate to the other side of the ruins, but more robots are hidden on the way, ready to ambush you. 2 more are in the tunnel. Fire at them to kill them. Gets to the end of the tunnel and Krauser will initiate another conversation. Again, respond with the (A) button if you want. After the conversation, quickly eliminate the incoming seekers. then pick up the Yellow Herb. Enter the doorway with the spiral stairs. Proceed and climb the ladder. ----------- - Tower 2 - ----------- Turn left and run to the far end for the Green Herb and Magnum Ammo (3). Take the 2nd piece, the Piece of the Holy Beast, Eagle. Now, the real fight against Jack Krauser starts here. Press L+R to dodge his first attack, which initiate the fight and a 3 minutes countdown. You have to kill him within the three minutes. o=====================o o====================o /------------------------------\ | Move List | | Recommended Weapon | | Jack Krauser | o=====================o o====================o \------------------------------/ | Left Arm Attack | | TMP | | Left Arm Far Attack | | Striker | | Double Roundhouse | | Knife | | Leg Sweep | | Killer7 | | -> Spinning Impale | | Broken Butterfly | | Spinning Impale | o--------------------o o---------------------o /-----------\ || Profile || \-----------/ Jack Krauser is the former comrade of Leon, who was assumed dead during a crash 2 years ago. Leon encounters him during his training under the President. Jack Krauser have received far more extensive training, and have more experience than Leon. After he was assumed dead, he kidnapped Ashley, and send her to Lord Saddler. However, Saddler wasn't ready to trust him, for he know that Krauser is planning something else, such as stealing the Plaga sample to revive the fallen Umbrella. He have been send by Saddler to kill Leon. /-------------\ || Attacking || \-------------/ As this is timed battle, you will have to use fast weapon. You will have to fire at the areas where he is not shielded with his mutated arm. Spray at the exposed body portion with the TMP, and when he knees down, he will expose his head and body. Switch to a high power weapon like the Killer7 and blast at his head. Switch back to the TMP when he regain his stance. Keep doing this and he will be defeated fairly soon. Knife is highly effective against him too. However, it is hard to hit him with a knife. Try to trap him in a corner and hack away. It is advised to arm with a grenade as Leon runs faster with a grenade. /-------------------------\ || Attack Characteristic || \-------------------------/ Krauser have the most attack moves among all enemies. He can execute a lethal double roundhouse kick, or a leg sweep at close range. If he executes a leg sweep then you should prepare to press the dodge buttons, as he will usually follow up with a jumping impale move, which kills Leon instantly. Pressing the dodge buttons in time allow Leon to escape this deadly move. He will also execute the impale move manually. It is best that you stay as far as possible. At medium range, Krauser will attack with a full turn smack with his wing-like mutated arm, an upward slash move, or even a forward-thrust poke. The forward- thrust can be dodged by the dodge button, likewise for the jumping downward smash (which looks like the follow-up for the leg sweep). Take the 3rd piece, the Piece of the Holy Beast, Serpent. Drop down back to the ladder, and use the opened door here. Drop down the edge, and use the pieces onto the wall relief. Go through before the time limit is up. -------------- Chapter 5 - 4 |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Green Herb | Near Typewriter | | Soldier Base | | Handgun Ammo | Central Turrent | \-------------------------------/ | Shotgun Shells (10)| Tent | Run forward, and claim the Green | Shotgun Shells (10)| In Front Of Exit 1 | Herb near the typewriter here. | Shotgun Shells (10)| Tower Behind Turrent3| | Rifle Ammo (5) | Barrel Under Slope 1 | Run down the trail until a scene | TMP Ammo (50) | Tent Ground Barrel | with Saddler triggers. | TMP Ammo (50) | Turrents Ground | | Magnum Ammo (5) | Barrel 2 Nearest Tent| Continue to the base, and run to | Hand Grenade | Zip Liner End | the tent. A soldier will starts | Hand Grenade | Central Turrent | to fire with the gatling gun | Flash Grenade | Turent 2 Bottom Left | turrent. | Magnum Ammo (5) | Left Turrent User | | Green Herb | Barrel Nearest Tent | Run into the tent to avoid the | Green Herb | Upper Path Tower | bullets, and obtain the Shotgun | Green Herb | Tent Ground | Shells (10) in the tent. | Red Herb | Tent Ground Left | | Green Herb | | When the bullets stop spray, run | Yellow Herb | Barrel Beyond Gate | out and dash towards the left | First Aid Spray | Ground Turrent User | wall. | Green Herb | Exit 2 Left Structure| | Pesetas (15000) | Gatling Gunner | Smash the barrel near the tent | Pesetas (5000) | Tent Ground Right | for a Green Herb. o--------------------o----------------------o The barrel at the end next to the crates hold a Magnum Ammo (5). Mike will attempt to wipe out the gatling gun turrent for you while you try to force your way through the soldiers. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | When Mike tells you to get away, that means you are too close to the gatling| | gun turrent that he is trying to destroy next. Get away fast, or he will | | disregard you and destruct the turrent anyway. If that is so, you will | | sustain the damage from the explosion. | | | | If you want to take risk, try luring the ganados and run near the turrent. | | The bullets from the turrent will kill the ganados that are in the way. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Run forward, and now there are two paths to take to get to the other side of the area. -------------- - Upper Path - -------------- Turn left, and jump over the broken section of the wall and obtain the Hand Grenade. Climb back to the left, and charge towards the tower. Ganados will pour in. Some of them will toss dynamites. Regardless, kill all of them, and climb the tower they were on. Turn left for a Green Herb. Get to the end, and jump down to the middle bridge. The ganado will operates the turrent on top of the tower. Be careful! Run to the end, and fire at the pad lock until the gate can be opened. Now use the gate. (Now refer to "Central Turrent" section.) -------------- - Lower Path - -------------- Get down the slope. The soldier troops will pour in from the left. Run forward and smash the barrel for a pack of Rifle Ammo (5). From here, kill the troops with your weapons. Run out, and climb up the left ladder. Climb the Hand Grenade on the tower. Climb back down. Approach the gate with the giant metal lock pad, and the ganados will appear from the left top tower. Blast at the lock pad with a Shotgun-type weapon. Go beyond the fence, and another ganado will appear to operate a gatling gun turrent. Smash the barrel on the left corner for a Yellow Herb. Nagivate the right tunnel. When you reach the end, be careful of the shield ganados lurking just on the right. Kill them and any ganados that are in the way and climb the ladder. At the top, if the ganado who operates the turrent above is still alive, then climb this ladder up to kill him. Get to the left end for a Flash Grenade. Turns right and use the right doorway. (Now refer to "Central Turrent" section.) ------------------- - Central Turrent - ------------------- Obtain the Handgun Ammo (10), Green Herb in this yellow structure. Operate and open the door with the red switch. Go past the doorway. The gatling gunner will appear. Run down the slope, and run along the right wall. Kill the ganado, and obtain the Shotgun Shells (10). Run back up to the central yellow turrent tower, and run up the slope. Get to the top end, and use the zip line to transport Leon across, kicking the big man in the process. Fire at his face until he dies for Pesetas (15000). Take the Hand Grenade near him. Get down the first ledge, and turn left. Use the red lever, and jump down to the ground. Before you goes through the shutter, turn right, and jump down to the tent ground. Search around the ground for items. Green Herb, TMP Ammo (50) in a barrel are found at the bottom of the ladder. Check the left tent for Red Herb, and the right tent for Pesetas (5000). Ascend the ladder back to the ground, and go beyond the gigantic shutter. --------------- - Base Part 2 - --------------- As you reach here, the shutter close, and more soldiers will operate the gatling gun turrents. Turn left as soon as they starts. Smash the barrel at the bottom of the ladder for item, and climb the ladder. Wait for the right moment, then run forward. Take out the Rifle and aim left at the head of the ganado who operates the left turrent. Run along the right path, killing any soldiers in the way. Eventually you be by the side of a turrent. Kill the operator, and take the TMP Ammo (50) on the turrent. Get behind the tower near the turrent for a barrel which holds the Shotgun Shells (10). Head towards the gate beyond, but everything will be deactivated. When that is so, continue and kick the gate down and proceed forward. Operate the red lever. Jump down to the ground for various items. You can find TMP Ammo (50) in the middle of the ground, First Aid Spray after you killed the ground turrent operator, Green Herb under the left structure of the ground turrent. Use the ladder on the left of this structure to get to the upper floor. Check the body of the dead operator of the turrent here for a Magnum Ammo (5). Run to the left end, to the red lever. use it to open the shutter. Go down to the ground and use the door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Emerald | Pillar Top of Stairs | | Temple Ruins | | First Aid Spray | Barrel in Temple | \-------------------------------/ | Emerald | Pillar Left of Tenple| Slowly walk up the slope, and o--------------------o----------------------o look up. You will see a sparkle. Fire it for the Emerald. Pick it after the scene. Run to the central ground for items that those dead ganados might drop. Run around the rubbers, and turn left past the doorways with 2 fire torch. Get to the end, and smash the barrel for First Aid Spray. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | Get to the cliff edge with the smoke and press (A) when the prompt appear | | for an optional scene. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o There is an Emerald on top of the pillar on the right of the temple ruins. Now use the other door. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Handgun Ammo (10) | Beyond Doorway | | Pearl Pendant Cavern | | Pearl Pendant | Behind Ladder | \-------------------------------/ o--------------------o----------------------o Run forward, and jump down the ladder hole. Turn behind, and claim the Pearl Pendant. Run past the doorway. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Flash Grenade | Wooden Chairs | | Penitentiary | | Magnum Ammo (3) | Drawer | \-------------------------------/ | Shotgun Shells (10)| Green Box on wall | The wooden confinement chairs | Yellow Herb | End of Doorway | beside the entrance door holds a | Rifle Ammo (5) | 1st Right Cell | Flash Grenade. There is a Magnum | Pesetas (5000) | Regenerator | Ammo (3) in the drawer against | Red Herb | End of Passage | the back wall, behind the o--------------------o----------------------o typewriter. The green box on the side wall contains a Shotgun Shells (10). The passage besides this box leads to a Yellow Herb. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | If you open the red bin here, you will find a sack of flesh in it. You can | | kill it by firing at it. It serves no purpose though. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Head past the gateway. Kick down the door of the right cell, and get into it to obtain the Rifle Ammo (5). Head deeper down this passage, but be careful. A Regenerator lurks in the cell on the left further down. He has the stamina of an Iron Maiden though. Use the Infrared Scope with the Rifle, and kill him. Grab the Pesetas (5000) after he died. Run to the end of the passage, and take the Red Herb on the ground. Run to the left, and climb up by the ledge. THen, use the dor. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Green Herb | Bottom of Stairs | | Defense Yard | | Pesetas (1800) | Bottom of Stairs | \-------------------------------/ | Pesetas (15000) | Gatling Gunner | Get to the lower level, and take | Handgun Ammo (10) | Middle Ground | the Green Herb and the Pesetas | Yellow Herb | Middle Ground | (1800). Run forward along the | Red Herb | Northeast Corner 1F | left wall, but stop a nd walk | Incendiary Grenade | Southwest Corner 1F | when you see a section of stairs | Shotgun Shells (10)| Southwest Corner 1F | on the right. Take out the Rifle | Green Herb. | Southwest Corner 1F | and decapitate the soldier that | Emergency Lock Card| Soldier | is behind the sack barricades | Key | | beyond. | TMP Ammo (50) | 3F Building 1 Locker | | Rifle Ammo (3) | 3F Building 1 Box | Move forward to get two more | Pesetas (1000) | 3F Building 2 Barrel | soldiers into the view. Behead | Rifle Ammo (3) | 3F Building 2 Shelf | them too, and the rest of the | Pesetas (5000) | 3F Building Suitcase | soldiers will comes to attack. | Handgun Ammo (10) | 2F Building 2 Locker | | Shotgun Shells (10)| Cage Near Middle Door| Eventually, the Gatling Gunner o--------------------o----------------------o will appear. Defeat him, and he will drops the Pesetas (15000). Search for the 3 barrels that are placed side by side. These barrels contain a Handgun Ammo (10) and Yellow Herb. Head into the gate at the north-east corner to find a Red Herb and a ladder. Do not use the ladder yet, but take the item. Get back out to the middle ground, and dash for the opposite corner. You will see more barrels and a red explosive barrel. Smash the wooden barrels for Incendiary Grenade, Shotgun Shells (10) and a Green Herb. Kill the remaining ganados from here. When the coast is clear go climb the ladder here (southwest corner with a red barrel under it). ------ - 2F - ------ Attempt to operate the panel with the green light, and the ganado will then deactivate from the other side, as more soldiers appear. There is a Flash Grenade on the table so take it. From here, kill the new batch of ganados. One of them will drop the Emergency Lock Card Key. Get out of the doorway, and get to the bridge. Climb up by the ladder on the left. ------ - 3F - ------ Run forward into this small building, and raid the area. You will find a TMP Ammo (50) in the locker and Rifle Ammo (3) in the box. Return out to the 3F catwalk, and kill the lurking ganado in the further building. Smash the barrels at the corner for Pesetas (1000), and Rifle Ammo (3) on the shelf. The white case contains a Pesetas (5000). Check the card reader for the emergency locks on the wall(with the red switch) and use the Emergency Lock Card Key. Return to the metal catwalk, and drop to 2F. ------ - 2F - ------ Head into the building nearest to the ladder. Check the locker for a Handgun Ammo (10), and operate the green light panel. Run to the building 1 of the 2F, and operate the green light panel there. Jump down to the middle ground now. ------ - 1F - ------ Head to the northwest corner of the ground, until you reach the exit. Use the door, and turn left. Throw a Hand Grenade to kill the 2 shield ganados. Check the metal cage on the right of the entrance door for Shotgun Shells(10). Get to the end, and use the shutter to the next area. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Pesetas (5000) | Merchant Area | | Capsule Room ~ Merchant's Area| | Pesetas (5000) | Merchant Area | \-------------------------------/ | TMP Ammo (50) | Opposite Merchant | Use the only door here to the | Green Herb | Opposite Merchant | merchant's area. Turn right and | Luis' Memo 5 | Rock Wall | smash the barrels for 2 Pesetas o--------------------o----------------------o (5000). Opposite the merchant, take the TMP Ammo (50) and Green Herb. Check the rock wall for Luis' Memo 5. Speak with the merchant. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | Its been a while since we last seem the | Attache Case L | 40000 | merchant. He offers nothing new but you | Attache Case M | 30000 | should use this chance to sell the many | Tactical Vest | 60000 | extra items you have picked up. | Treasure Map (Island) | 10000 | | Handgun | 8000 | Also, upgrade the weapons that you have | Red9 | 14000 | at the moment. Sell the Pearl Pendant | Punisher | 0 | and the Emeralds. | Punisher | 20000 | | Blacktail | 24000 | | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | | Killer7 | 77700 | | Shotgun | 20000 | | Riot Gun | 12000 | | Striker | 43000 | | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Tune Up | Handgun*| Shotgun*| Rifle*| TMP* | Punisher*| Red9*| Striker*| o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o---------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail*| B.Butterfly*| Rifle (semi)*| Riot Gun*| M.Thrower*| o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o o==============o=========o | Tune Up | Killer7 | o==============o=========o | Firepower | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 3 | o--------------o---------o Use the door once you are done. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Passage | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Call Ashley to wait, and proceed forward yourself. Turn right, and starts to battle the ganados. There are 4 ganados here, 2 of them armored. Once they are done, summon Ashley. Take the right path. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Shotgun Shells (10)| Northeast Corner PC | | Capsule Room | | Magnum Ammo (5) | Control Room | \-------------------------------/ | Red Herb | Control Room | This was where Ashley was held o--------------------o----------------------o moment ago, but Saddler is not here. Use this moment to raid the area. Check the PC opposite for Shotgun Shells (10). RUn to the northwest corner, and use the slope to get to the 2F. Head to the end of the catwalk into the control room, and take the Magnum Ammo (5) and Red Herb. Back return to the 1F, and backtrack to the door you used to get here. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Passage | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Turn left, and run forward. At the intersection, turn right and use the door. -------------- Final Chapter |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Surgical Room | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Head beyond the doorway, and run up the stairs. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Yellow Herb | Table Near Door 1 | | Passage To Construction Site | | Shotgun Shells (5) | Table Near Door 1 | \-------------------------------/ | Our Mission | Table Near Door 1 | Take the various items that are | Green Herb | Near Stairs | located on the table near this | Incendiary Grenade | Near Typewriter | door. Go through the door, and | TMP Ammo (50) | Near Typewriter | then take the Green Herb, TMP o--------------------o----------------------o Ammo (50) and the Incendiary Save with the typewriter, and goes to trade with the merchant. o-Item--------------------+-Price----o | Attache Case XL | 73000 | This is the last chance you will have | Attache Case L | 40000 | to trade before you confront the Lord | Attache Case M | 30000 | Saddler. | Tactical Vest | 60000 | | Treasure Map (Island) | 10000 | Your decision here depends on whether | Handgun | 8000 | if you are going to play the game for | Red9 | 14000 | Round 2 (everything will be carried | Punisher | 0 | over to the new game). | Punisher | 20000 | | Blacktail | 24000 | If not, starts to sell everything to | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | the merchant. | Killer7 | 77700 | | Shotgun | 20000 | Sell all the treasures, and the scopes | Riot Gun | 12000 | and stocks. Tune up the weapons, and | Striker | 43000 | if you have extra cash, buy the Rocket | Rifle | 12000 | Launcher. | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 10000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | o-------------------------o----------o o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Tune Up | Handgun*| Shotgun*| Rifle*| TMP* | Punisher*| Red9*| Striker*| o==============o=========o=========o=======o======o==========o======o=========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | o--------------o---------o---------o-------o------o----------o------o---------o o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Tune Up | Blacktail*| B.Butterfly*| Rifle (semi)*| Riot Gun*| M.Thrower*| o==============o===========o=============o==============o==========o===========o | Firepower | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | Lv 3 | - | - | - | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | | Capacity | Lv 6 | Lv 4 | Lv 6 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | o--------------o-----------o-------------o--------------o----------o-----------o o==============o=========o | Tune Up | Killer7 | o==============o=========o | Firepower | Lv 3 | | Firing Speed | - | | Reload Speed | Lv 3 | | Capacity | Lv 3 | o--------------o---------o After you are done, run down the slope. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Green Herb | Lever 1 | | Construction Site | | Jet-ski Key | Defeat Saddler | \-------------------------------/ | Rocket Launcher | From Ada | As you reach here, a scene will | Hand Grenade | NE Corner Left | be triggered. Now you will have | Shotgun Shells (10)| Near Red Barrel 1 | to fight the mastermind of the o--------------------o----------------------o entire mess: Lord Saddler. o=====================o o====================o /------------------------------\ | Move List | | Recommended Weapon | | Lord Osmund Saddler | o=====================o o====================o \------------------------------/ | Tentacle Whip | | Rocket Launcher | | Jumping Stab | | TMP | | Eye Grab & Throw | | Striker | | Eye Slash | o--------------------o | Girder Toss | | Kick | | Single Foot Stab | o---------------------o /-----------\ || Profile || \-----------/ The leader of Los Illuminados, he leads a troops of soldiers to the village and take over the place by spreading the religions among the people. He will manipulate Ramon Salazar to help him excavate the Plaga, which was sealed by Salazar's ancestors. Lord Saddler intend to use the religion and Plaga to take over control of the United States. /-------------\ || Attacking || \-------------/ When you inflict a certain amount of damage, he will reveal his weak point, which is the new head with a giant eyeball. There are several methods to make him reveal the head. You can fire at the small eyeball on his leg tentacles. There are 4 leg tentacles, but each eye can only be fired twice. You can also fire at the explosive barrels after you lure him to it too. Alternatively, you can stand at 1 of the 2 levers, and then operate it when the monster is near you to throw the steel girders at it When he reveals the eye, fire at it, or you can get close, and climb onto him with the (A) button. This will make Leon climb onto him and then stab with a knife. After several damages, Ada will toss the Rocket Launcher. Run over to the other side to take the weapon, and fire at Saddler to kill him. If you miss, then switch to other weapons and attack him. You can run over across the elevator to dodge him. However, the bridge will only be lowered when the traffic light is green. When it is flashing, it is a sign that the bridge is going to be up so run fast. If you were over half of the bridge when the bridge is up, tap L+R to jump to the edge of the other side. If you wasn't halfway across the bridge, Leon will falls and die. /-------------------------\ || Attack Characteristic || \-------------------------/ Lord Saddler attacks by simply kicking or stabbing you with its tentacles. Generally you can avoid most of his attacks by running far away. He will also grab and toss steel girders at you if you are at the other side of the site. After the battle, Ada toss you the Jet-ski Key. Obtain the pesetas off Lord Saddler's body during the 20 secs countdown, and ride the elevator. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | - | - | | Jet-Ski Tunnel | o--------------------o----------------------o \-------------------------------/ Run forward and jump down. Catch Ashley down from the top too. Keep running forward, and then use the Jet-Ski Key onto the jet-ski. Now, you will have to pilot the vehicle to the end of the tunnel. Hold the analog stick up to accelerate, and tilt to the side to move the jet- ski. You will have to dodge the various debris and the gates. Speed down the tunnel to the end to complete the game. o-Tips/Trick------------------------------------------------------------------o | When the jet-ski runs up the slope, hold (L) and (R) buttons to make Leon | | spin his jet-ski. Leon will spin the jet-ski vertically, and for the | | remaining slopes, he will spin it horizontally. | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o In the first half, steer the jet-ski to the right gateway, then the left. The first end ends with a giant slope to the lower area. Keep holding forward on the left-analog stick to accelerate. And oh yah, congratulation. You have just completed Resident Evil 4! ================================================================================ -------------- (08)SPEED RUN |--------------------------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 -------------- ================================================================================ ---------------- 08.1 - Briefing |--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ================================================================================ --------------------- (09)FILES TRANSCRIPT |-------------------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 --------------------- ================================================================================ --------------------- 09.1 - Village Files |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------------------- - Playing Manual 1 - -------------------- 1/5 Playing Manual 1 2/5 1. Shooting - Hold down the R Button then use the Control Stick to aim the laser sight. 3/5 2. Combat Knife - Press and hold the L Button to ready your knife then press the A Button to swing the weapon. 4/5 3. Action Button - You'll be able to perform various actions by pressing the appropriate buttons that appear on the screen. 5/5 4. Camera - You can change the camera angle by moving the C-Stick. ------------------ - Info on Ashley - ------------------ 1/7 Info on Ashley 2/7 Name: Ashley Graham Age: 20 Daughter of the United States President She was kidnapped by an unidentified group while on her way home from her university. 3/7 The kidnapper's motives are still unknown. Although there's reliable information that the perpetrator is an insider. 4/7 Only a handful of people know about this kidnapping. It's been kept under wraps mostly due to the fact that we can't determine who the traitor is. 5/7 The guy in intelligence say they have reliable information that Ashley's been sighted somewhere in Europe. But until we find out who the insider is, I don't know what to believe. It could be a ploy. 6/7 We have very few leads as to the whereabouts of Ashley. But memberes of the Secret Service and anyone else related to Ashley are being questioned by an investigative team. 7/7 Every active agents are being investigated for any information. It's jus ta matter of time before the kidnapper is exposed. -------------------- - Playing Manual 2 - -------------------- 1/4 Playing Manual 2 2/4 1. Reloading - Press the B Button while holding down th R Button to reload your firearm. 2. Kicks - Approaching enemies that are either stunned or on their knees will allow Leon to perform kicks as prompted by the action button. 3. Changing Inventory Screens - Use the L and R Buttons to switch back and forth between the Weapons/Recovery and the Keys/Treasure screens. --------------- - Alert Order - --------------- 1/5 Alert Order 2/5 Recently there has been information that a United States government agent is here investigating the village. Do not let this American agent get in contact with the prisoner. 3/5 For those of you not yet informed, the prisoner is being held in an old house beyond the farm. We will transfer the prisoner to a more secure location in the valley when we are ready. The prisoner is to stay there until further notice. Meanwhile, do not let the American agent near the prisoner. We do not know how the American government found out about our village. But we are investigating. 4/5 However, I feel that this intrusion at this particular time is not just a coincidence. 5/5 I sense a third party other than the United States government involved here. My fellow men, stay alert! - Chief. Bitores Mendez ----------------------------- - About the Blue Medallions - ----------------------------- 1/2 About the Blue Medallions 2/2 15 blue medallions... 7 in the farm... 8 in the cemetary... For those of you who destroy more than 10 medallions you will be awarded... (The rest is illegible.) ---------------- - Chief's Note - ---------------- 1/5 Chief's Note 2/5 As instructed by Lord Saddler, I have the agent in confinement, alive. Why keep him alive? I do not fully understand what the Lord's intentions are. I would, however, think he'd keep them separate; not confine them together as has been ordered. 3/5 I don't expect Luis would trust a stranger but if by chance they did cooperate, the situation could get a bit more complicated. If for some reason, an unknown third party is involved, I don't think they's let a chance like this slip by. 4/5 But maybe it's all Lord Saddler's ploy-leaving us vulnerable so that this third party will surface, if they even exist that is... It's an unlikely possibility, but if a prowler is already amongst us, then our plans voule be ruined. 5/5 I guess the Lord thinks it's worth the risk. If we're able to stop whatever conspiracy is at work. At any rate, it's the Lord's call. We will trust his judgement as always. ------------------------- - Closure of the Church - ------------------------- 1/6 Closure of the Church 2/6 Regarding the two fugitives, the apprehension of Luis is our top priority; the American agent a distant second. What Luis stole from us is far more important than the girl. 3/6 Unless we get it back, the girl will become useless to us. We must get it back to execute our plan to the end. If it gets in the wrong hands, the world would become a totally different place than what Lord Saddler has envisioned. 4/6 At all costs, we mustn't let that happen. Nevertheless, we're not letting go of the girl. TO ensure that te agent does not get to her, I have locked the church door where the girl is being held. 5/6 Anyone who needs access to the church must first get approval by Lord Saddler. There is a key beyond the lake but it should be safe now that the "Del Lago" has been awakened by our Lord. No one will get across the lake alive. 6/6 Plus, our same blood courses through the agent's veins. It'll be just a matter of time before he joins us. Once he does, there will be nobody else left that will come looking for the girl -------------------- - Anonymous Letter - -------------------- 1/4 Anonymous Letter 2/4 There's an important item hidden in the falls. If you are able to get it. you might be able to get Ashley out of the church. 3/4 But I'll warn you, the route to the church isn't a walk in the park by any means. They've deployed what's called an "El Gigante", so God bless. 4/4 About what's been going on your body... If I could help you. I would. But unfortunately it's beyond my power. -------------------- - Playing Manual 3 - -------------------- 1/5 Playing Manual 3 2/5 1. Commands - Leon an give commands to Ashley to either "WAIT" or "FOLLOW" by pressing the X Button. 3/5 2. Ashley and the Action Button - Depending on the situation, Leon and Ashley can cooperate to get past various obstacles. 4/5 3. Ashley's Health - You can use recovery items not only on Leon but on Ashley as well. 5/5 4. Ashley and Game Over - Leon has failed his mission if Ashley is either killed or carried away by the enemy. -------------------------- - Sera and the 3rd Party - -------------------------- 1/7 Sera and the 3rd Party 2/7 The whereabouts of Sera are still unknown. Most likely he's using an old secret passage taught to him by his grandfather who used to hunt in this region long ago. 3/7 I'm pretty certain that he's hiding our property somewhere in the forest. If his grandfather was still alive, I would have used him to find Sera... 4/7 But how did he find out about the egg injected into his body? -And thd fact that he was able to remove it before it hatched is concerning 5/7 Another factor that concerns me is that Sera escaped with our property just before the American agent arrived. I don't believe that was just a coincidence. There has to be another player involved in this. 6/7 In order to settle this whole situation, we have to capture Sera and wait for the effects of the drug to wear off before we inject him with another egg. 7/7 Once this is done, whoever is behind all of this will surface. Nobody shall interfere with our plans. Those who do shall suffer severe consequences. -------------- - Two Routes - -------------- 1/5 Two Routes 2/5 Just a while ago, I was informed by Lord Saddler that our men had shot down a United States military helicopter. There shouldn't be any more outside interference for a while now. 3/5 Unless the United States goverment determines who the traitor is, they can only initiate very small covert operations. We must use this time to our advantage and recapture the girl. 4/5 The two Americans can only get out of our territory by using one of two routes. This is where we will stop them. We shall make use of our forces to the greatest degree. 5/5 We will deploy a large number of Ganados in one of the routes to ensure that they do not slip by us. For the other route we shall leave the task to El Gigante. Whichever route they take, the agent will never leave here alive. Not with the girl at least. -------------------------- - Village's Last Defense - -------------------------- 1/4 Village's Last Defense 2/4 I clearly underestimated the American agent's capability. He's still alive. I thought that we could wait until the egg hatched. but at this rate, he coule destroy the whole village before it does. We must take care of this nuisance. 3/4 We shall change our priorities-for the time being, we will cease our hunt for Luis and ambush the two Americans. There is a building used to enlighten betrayers just beyond the point where you get off the lift. 4/4 It's a perfect place for ambushing them. If all else fails, they still would need to face me in order to get past the last gate that leads out of the vilage. For only before my sight will the gate open. -------------------- 09.2 - Castle Files |----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------- - Capture Luis Sera - --------------------- 1/4 Capture Luis Sera 2/4 I have confirmation that Sera has entered the castle. Why he would return during his escape leaves me to question his motives. But we must seize this moment and capture him. 3/4 We will get the other two Americans after we apprehend Sera. It appears he took some vaccines when he stole our "sample". The vaccines we can do without but we must retrieve the "sample" for it is our life blood. 4/4 I feel there is somebody else or some other group involved in this whole affair. If the "sample" were to get into the hands of that other entity, the world which we seek to create will not come. We must apprehend Sera as quickly as possible. ------------------- - Target Practice - ------------------- 1/7 Target Practice 2/7 - Game Rules - 1. Receive prizes by scoring above 3000 points. 2. Bonus points will be awarded for headshots. 3/7 - Game Rules - (cont'd) 3. A high-scoring Salazar target will appear with 5 consecutive hits. 4. Shooting an Ashley target will deduct points. 4/7 - Prizes - 1. Normally 1 bottle cap will be awarded as a prize. 2. Special bottle caps will be awarded by either shooting all the wooden targets except Ashley or scoring above 4,000 points. 5/7 - Prizes - (cont'd) 3. There are 24 bottle caps in all. Each time you enter a new Shooting Range, 6 new bottle caps will become available. 6/7 - Special Bonuses - 1. Each time you complete a row on the collector's base, you'll earn bonus points! 2. There are a total of 4 rows. You have 4 bonus chances! 7/7 Note: Bottle cap collections can be viewed in the Key/Treasures screen. -------------- - Luis' Memo - -------------- 1/10 Luis' Memo 2/10 There are some parasites that have the ability to control their hosts. It's basic knowledge among biologists but not much is known as to how the parasites do it. 3/10 Studying these parasites specifically might reveal some clues to as to how the power of the Las Plagas work. And perhaps provide more insight on the victims of the Las Plagas, the Los Ganados. 4/10 Here is a list of some parasites that have the ability to manipulate the behavioral patterns of their host. 5/10 Dicrocoelium Once the larvae of this parasite migrates to the ant's esophagus, it alters the behavior of the ant. When the temperature drops in the evening the infected ant climbs to the top of a plant and clamps onto a leaf using its mandible. 6/10 It stays there immobile until the next morning, placing the ant where it's most vulnerable to be eaten by a browsing herbivore such as sheep. One could conclude that the parasite is manipulating the host's behavior to make its way into the body of its definitive host. 7/10 Galactosomum The larvae of this parasite makes its home inside the brain of a fish such as the yellowtail and the parrot bass. Once infected, the fish make their way up to the water's surface where they'll swim until eaten by seabirds. 8/10 Once again, this perculiar behavior can only be explained by the parasites desire to get into the bodies of the seabirds. 9/10 Leucochloridium This parasites sporocysts develop in the snails tentacles. The sporocysts are vivid in color and pulsate continually somewhat like a worm. 10/10 Surprisingly the infected snail makes its way to the top of a plant where it is more visible to the eyes of birds, therefore more likely to be eaten. Once eaten by a bird, the parasite will complete its metamorphosis into an adult. ------------------- - Famale Intruder - ------------------- 1/5 Female Intruder 2/5 There seems to be a female intruder among us. We believe she's connected with Sera. 3/5 We also believe that she was the one who removed the egg injected into Sera before it hatched. She may have him retrieve the "sample" before the American agent's arrival. 4/5 It's obvious that her objective is the "sample". We must get to her before she is able to reestablish contact with Sera. There's also reason to believe that she's working for somebody. We need her alive for interrogation. 5/5 The female should be able to answer all our questions. After we have capture her, Sera will no longer be of any concern. As long as we retrieve the "sample", you may dispose of him as yu see fit. ------------------ - Castellan Memo - ------------------ 1/8 Castellan Memo 2/8 For many years the Salazar family have served as the castellans of this castle. however, not everything is bright, for my ancestry has a dark past. 3/8 Long ago there once was a religious group that had deep roots in this region called the Los Illuminados. Unjustly however, the first castellan of the castle took away their rights and powers. 4/8 As a follower of this religion and as the 8th Castellan, I felt that it was my duty as well as my responsibility to atone for that sin. I knew the best way to atone for the sin was to give power back to those who we once took it away from. the Los Illuminados. 5/8 As expected it took a little time, but we were able to rejuvenate the once sealed Las Plagas. With this success I was one step closer to the revival of the Los Illuminados. 6/8 The reason why I release the Las Plagas from deep under this castle and gave them to Lord Saddler was not only to repay for the sins of my ancestors but I felt certain that the Lord would make better use of this power to help save the world. 7/8 To save those that have sinned with the power of the Las Plagas and to cleanse their souls creating a world without sinners. The way it was meant to be. Once cleansed, they would become one of the many Ganados where they will find their reason to live. 8/8 And after the Lord has succeeded in creating the world in which he has envisioned, then the sins of my Salazar family will be atoned for. ----------------- - Butler's Memo - ----------------- 1/6 Butler's Memo 2/6 Knowing that Sr. Ramon Salazar had no family, Lord Saddler must have used his strong faith in the Los Illuminados to his advantage to talk Sr. Salazar into undoing the seal of the Las Plagas once done by his ancestor. 3/6 Sr. Salazar would never do such a thing unless he was in some way being used unknowingly. I should have sensed the Lord's dirty scheme sooner. I feel I'm partly responsible for all of this. 4/6 I have no idea as to what the Lord is planning, but Sr. Salazar was just being used. It is too late now however. Sr. Salazar has already taken the Plaga into his body. 5/6 There is no turning back once the Plaga has turned into an adult in the body. The Plaga parasite will not die unless the host dies. There's no cure. Perhaps, Sr. Salazar may have been vaguely aware of the Lord's plan all along. But it's hard to tell. 6/6 Nevertheless, there's nothing I can do about it now. I have served the Salazar family for generations. I am prepared to continue my services until the very end. -------------------- - Sample Retrieved - -------------------- 1/4 Sample Retrieved 2/4 As you may have heard, Luis Sera has been disposed of by Lord Saddler. The "sample" is back where it belongs. I had hoped that the whole matter could be resolved without troubling the Lord. However, as long as the "sample" is safe we can all rejoice, for our time is nearly at hand. 3/4 Now that the "sample" is back in our safe hands, it'll be a bit more difficult for that troublesome woman to get it. In light of all this, it's unfortunate that Sera had to go. Like us, he would have had a bright future if only he had shown more faith in our beliefs. 4/4 As for the other two Americans, the Lord has left the matter in our hands. We must not disappoint the Lord. We shall capture Ashley and take her to the Lord and dispose of the American agent. ---------------------- - Ritual Preparation - ---------------------- 1/5 Ritual Preparation 2/5 Thanks to the efforts of the "Novistadors", we have been able to recapture Ashley. We shall prepare for the sacred ritual as quickly as possible and make Ashley an official member of the Los Illuminados. 3/5 While we prepare for the ritual, those of you who feel inclined can attend to our American friend. 4/5 We should be able to hold off our friend for at least a little while by jamming the gears in the clock tower with something. I think if we jam the gears in 3 places, it should give us enough time to prepare everything for the ritual. 5/5 Now go and entertain our American tourist. ---------------- - Luis' Memo 2 - ---------------- 1/8 Luis' Memo 2 2/8 The first castellan buried the Las Plagas deep underground below the castle to hide their very existence. But when Salazar released the Las Plagas, no one thought he could bring them back to life. Because when Salazar found them they were all just fossilized remains. 3/8 Everyone knew that the parasitic organisms could not survive without hosts. That they couldn't sustain life on their own. But when Salazar and his men excavated the remains, it almost appeared as if the Las Plagas were just waiting to be discovered so that they could resurrect. 4/8 Several years later, unexplanable convulsions started occuring among the villagers who helped with the excavation of the Las Plagas. Then one day, all of a sudden, these villagers turned into violent savages. 5/8 They later found out it was caused by the Las Plagas. Although they appeared fosilized, they were able to survive the long years by lying in a dormant state at the cellular level remaining in a spore-like form. 6/8 Apparently, during the excavation, the villagers inhaled the spores and within their bodies the parasites became active again. This is how the Las Plagas were resurrected. Even as I'm writing, the excavation of the Las Plagas continues. 7/8 God only knows how many of these Plagas have been resurrected. Not to mention the countless number of Ganados that have been created. 8/8 Their inhumane activity must be put to an end. If they are not stopped, people around the world could turn into victims of this crazy cult organization. ------------------- - Letter from Ada - ------------------- 1/4 Letter from Ada 2/4 Once a Plaga egg hatches, it's nearly impossible to remove it from the body.But if it's before it hatches, then it can be neutralized by medication. 3/4 If it does hatch you might be able to get it out by surgery before it turns into an adult. But it won't be easy. There's a high chance you won't survive the operation. 4/4 As far as I know the girl was injected with the egg before you. Her time is ticking. You should prepare yourself for the worst case scenario. ------------------- 09.3 - Island File |------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- ---------------- - Luis' Memo 3 - ---------------- 1/7 Luis' Memo 3 2/7 The hideous creatures such as the El Gigante and the Novistadors are merely by-products of the diabolical and inhumane experiments conducted on the specimens that were once human. 3/7 But there's one type of creature that clearly distinguishes itself from the rest. These creatures are called Regenerators. Regenerators have a superior metabolism that allows them to regenerate their lost body parts at an incredible speeds. 4/7 I've never seen anything like it... it is this characteristic that makes them almost invincible to conventional weapons. 5/7 But like any living creature, there's a way to kill it. Apparently there are Plagas that live in its body, somewhat like leeches. To stop its regeneration process, these leech-like Plagas must be located and then destroyed. 6/7 But they can't be seeen with the naked eye. They can only be located through thermal imaging. 7/7 As far as I know, most of the Regenerators host a number of these leech-like Plagas. To kill the Regenerators, each one of these leech-like Plagas must be killed. ------------------ - Paper Airplane - ------------------ 1/2 Paper Airplane 2/2 Perhaps you have it figured out already, but you might be able to get out of here by using the waste disposal vent. ------------ - Our Plan - ------------ 1/4 Our Plan 2/4 Because of that agent we lost Chief Mendez and Ramon. Nevertheless, everything will proceed according to plan. I must admit however, the loss of my loyal men is a bit disheartening. But I will deal with it. 3/4 Replacing the loss will not come easy. I must choose wisely; for the Plaga reflects the conscience of their hosts. If chosen poorly, they could betray me. I need men who will swear their allegiance to me. 4/4 I've learned my lesson when Sera betrayed me. I will not make the same mistake again. In this important hour, I cannot and will not have anyone stand in my way. ---------------- - Luis' Memo 4 - ---------------- 1/7 Luis' Memo 4 2/7 I'll report my findings about the Plagas here. The Plagas have 3 distinct characteristics. 1. As mentioned previously, the Plagas have the ability to manipulate the behavioral patterns of their hosts. 3/7 2. The Plagas are social organisms. By this I mean that instead of living individually, they live in perfect social harmony. It is believed that they have a collective intelligence. 4/7 This type of behavior can be seen among insects such as bees and ants. However this kind of social behavior is rarely seen among parasitic organisms. Perhaps it was a learned behavior by the Plagas. I'm finding out if this has any relationship with their first characteristic. 5/7 The Plagas have exceptional adaptation skills. They are able to live off many kinds of organisms by creating a symbiotic environment quickly. This ability, when combined with their social behaviors, allows them to interact intelligently between hosts regardless of the host organism. 6/7 I am shamed to admit that my pure fasination with the Plagas, in hindsight, has blinded me to the true objectives of the Los Illuminados. 7/7 Even with the knowledge that Saddler was going to abuse the results of these experiments, I could not pull myself away from my research. As a result, I am just as responsible for this whole mess as he is. I see now that I was wrong, but can I stop their evil plans alone...? ------------------ - Krauser's Note - ------------------ 1/4 Krauser's Note 2/4 It turns out that old man Saddler wasn't buying me from the start. Even though I succeeded in kidnapping Ashley, I sort of sensed this when Saddler didn't completely let me in the loop. 3/4 Under the circumstances, I had no other alternative but to call for her assistance. Perhaps she knew this was the way it was going to turn out all along... 4/4 My guess is that her ultimate goal might be differnet from Wesker's and mine. This is just the perfect opportunity to find out. And after I get rid of Leon and retrieve the sample, I'll put her in a bodybag along with Leon and send them both to Wesker. ---------------- - Luis' Memo 5 - ---------------- 1/6 Luis' Memo 5 2/6 From the initial stages of the research, we have been searching for a safe and practical removal procedure of the Plaga. 3/6 Ironically, it turns out that the real objective of this research was not to find a way to remove the Plagas from the infected persons, but to find a way so that the Plaga could not be removed from the body easily. 4/6 In the end, we were able to find out that the Plagas could be removed only by exposing them to a special radiation. 5/6 The only drawback with this method is that it is a very painful procedure. Since the Plaga attaches itself to the nerves, there is a possibility that it may impair the consciousness of the host. 6/6 Another fact that must be mentioned is that once the Plaga grows into an adult, the removal procedure could kill the host. But perhaps death isn't so bad when you think about the alternative. --------------- - Our Mission - --------------- 1/6 Our Mission 2/6 The real power of the United States lies in three areas. The Justice Department, the Administrative bodies, and the Military. In order to take control of these areas, we must influence the minds of the people who advise the President. 3/6 After this is done, the rest of the departments will quickly fall under our sway. If by chance the United States were to figure out our plan, the damage caused should be minimal. 4/6 We will still be able to conquer the country as planned using our backup plan. Once we control the country, we will use their international influence to our advantage. The rest of the world will fall swiftly. 5/6 As already stated, if our first plan doesn't go as smoothly as expected, we'll proceed with our secondary plan. By sending in our "special" force we will infiltrate the country from within. Fear and chaos will spread through the nation like a virus. 6/6 It'll only be a matter of time before the country loses its stability. At that time, when they're most vulnerable, we will strike. Rejoice my brethren; the world shall soon be cleansed. ================================================================================ ------------------- (10)SECRET MATTERS |---------------------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 ------------------- ================================================================================ --------------------------- 10.1 - Weapons Information |---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ----------- - Handgun - ----------- Dimension Capacity: 2x3 Obtain Method: Value: 8000 1)Initial Weapon (Leon, Wesker) Ammo Type: Handgun Ammo 2)Buy from Merchant (1-2) o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Upgrade | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Power | Effect | 1.0 | 1.2 | 1.4 | 1.6 | 1.8 | 2.0 | | | Cost | - | 7000 | 10000 | 15000 | 18000 | 20000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Fire Speed | Effect | 0.47 | 0.40 | 0.33 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 5000 | 12000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Reload Speed | Effect | 1.73 | 1.47 | 0.87 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 4000 | 10000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Capacity | Effect | 10 | 13 | 16 | 19 | 22 | 25 | | | Cost | - | 4000 | 6000 | 8000 | 10000 | 12000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Exclusive | Cost | (Effect) | | | 57000 | Critical rate increased by 4 (5 in NTSC/J) | o-----------------------o----------------------------------------------o A starting weapon of Leon. This gun has a good rate of firing speed, and is a great weapon for killing the enemies in the initial chapters of the game. It have a significally high rate of decapitation when used on the ganados. -------- - Red9 - -------- Dimension Capacity: 2x4 Obtain Method: Value: 14000 1)Buy from Merchant (2-2) Ammo Type: Handgun Ammo o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Upgrade | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Power | Effect | 1.4 | 1.7 | 2.0 | 2.4 | 2.8 | 3.5 | | | *Effect| 1.4 | 1.8 | 2.1 | 2.5 | 3.0 | 3.7 | | | Cost | - | 15000 | 20000 | 24000 | 28000 | 45000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Fire Speed | Effect | 0.53 | 0.47 | 0.40 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 10000 | 15000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Reload Speed | Effect | 2.37 | 2.20 | 1.67 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 6000 | 10000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Capacity | Effect | 8 | 10 | 12 | 15 | 18 | 22 | | | Cost | - | 6000 | 8000 | 12000 | 16000 | 22000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Exclusive | Cost | (Effect) | | | 80000 | Power increased to 5 (6.5 in NTSC/J) | o-----------------------o----------------------------------------------o A weapon with high power when upgraded. However, the down sides to the are the slow firing and reloading speed. It have a slightly lesser ammo storage too. Great for players who are precious in shooting. You can fit the Stock (Red9) to this weapon for better handling. Suitable in fights against the stronger type of ganados. This gun is Luis' favorite type of handgun. ------------ - Punisher - ------------ Dimension Capacity: 2x3 Obtain Method: Value: 0 / 20000 1)Complete Blue Medallions Quest Ammo Type: Handgun Ammo 2)Buy from Merchant (2-3) 3)Initial Weapon (Ada) o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Upgrade | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Power | Effect | 0.9 | 1.1 | 1.3 | 1.5 | 1.7 | 1.9 | | | Cost | - | 10000 | 15000 | 20000 | 25000 | 35000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Fire Speed | Effect | 0.47 | 0.40 | 0.33 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 10000 | 20000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Reload Speed | Effect | 1.70 | 1.47 | 0.83 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 8000 | 18000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Capacity | Effect | 10 | 13 | 16 | 20 | 24 | 28 | | | Cost | - | 8000 | 10000 | 15000 | 18000 | 24000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Exclusive | Cost | (Effect) | | | 57000 | Bullets now penetrate a maximum of 5 ganados | o-----------------------o----------------------------------------------o A weapon which allows penetration. Great for crowd control and can be used to save a lot of ammo. However, in exchange, this gun have quite a lower power compared to the rest of the handguns. You can obtain it for free if you completes the Blue Medallions sub quest. If you shoot more than 10 Blue Medallions, you get this weapons. If you shoot all of the Blue Medallions, you will be able to get this weapon with the starting power level 2. ------------- - Blacktail - ------------- Dimension Capacity: 2x3 Obtain Method: Value: 24000 1)Buy from Merchant (3-1) Ammo Type: Handgun Ammo 2)Initial Weapon (Leon, The Mercenaries) o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Upgrade | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Power | Effect | 1.6 | 1.8 | 2.0 | 2.3 | 2.7 | 3.0* | 3.2 | | Cost | - | 15000 | 18000 | 24000 | 30000 | 40000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Fire Speed | Effect | 0.47 | 0.40 | 0.27 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 10000 | 20000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Reload Speed | Effect | 1.70 | 1.47 | 0.83 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 8000 | 15000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Capacity | Effect | 15 | 18 | 21 | 25 | 30 | 35 | | | Cost | - | 8000 | 10000 | 15000 | 20000 | 25000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Exclusive | Cost | (Effect) | | | 80000 | Power increased to 3.4 (4.5 in NTSC/J) | o-----------------------o----------------------------------------------o Blacktail is a weapon with a good overall stats. It provides superior handling for its user. When fully upgraded, this gun is one of the best handguns in the game, but the down side is that it cost more to upgrade this gun. Blacktail has the largest ammo capacity among all handguns. A standard gun which Ada uses for her missions. ----------- - Matilda - ----------- Dimension Capacity: 2x5 Obtain Method: Value: 70000 1)Buy from Merchant (Round 2) Ammo Type: Handgun Ammo o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Upgrade | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Power | Effect | 1.0 | 1.2 | 1.4 | 1.6 | 1.8 | 2.0 | | | Effect*| 1.0 | 1.7 | 1.9 | 2.1 | 2.3 | 2.5 | | | Cost | - | 15000 | 17000 | 20000 | 25000 | 35000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Fire Speed | Effect | 0.47 | - | - | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | - | - | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Reload Speed | Effect | 1.73 | 1.47 | 0.87 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 6000 | 15000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Capacity | Effect | 15 | 18 | 21 | 24 | 27 | 30 | | | Cost | - | 7000 | 10000 | 12000 | 16000 | 20000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Exclusive | Cost | (Effect) | | | 35000 | Ammo capacity increased to 100 | o-----------------------o----------------------------------------------o Matilda was designed and modelled after the Custom Handgun which Leon used during the Raccoon City Incident. It allows 3 round burst fire, so it is the fastest firing handgun in the game. Unfortunately, with that feature, it is easy to accidentally fire more than usual, wasting ammo. Matilda starts out with a good ammo capacity, but when fully upgraded, it holds slightly less ammo than the Blacktail. You will obtain this gun after clearing a game once. ----------- - Shotgun - ----------- Dimension Capacity: 2x8 Obtain Method: Value: 20000 1)Shotgun House (Pueblo), (1-1) Ammo Type: Shotgun Shells 2)Buy from Merchant (1-2) o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Upgrade | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Power | Effect | 4.0 | 4.5 | 5.0 | 6.0 | 7.0 | 8.0 | | Power (Far) | Effect | 1.4 | 1.6 | 1.8 | 2.2 | 2.5 | 3.0 | | | Cost | - | 15000 | 20000 | 25000 | 30000 | 45000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Fire Speed | Effect | 1.53 | - | - | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | - | - | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Reload Speed | Effect | 3.03 | 2.43 | 1.50* | - | - | - |*1.67 | | Cost | - | 7000 | 15000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Capacity | Effect | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 15 | 18 | | | Cost | - | 8000 | 10000 | 12000 | 15000 | 20000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Exclusive | Cost | (Effect) |*40000 | | 90000* | Power (far) increased to 6 | o-----------------------o----------------------------------------------o Shotgun is a powerful weapon, which is useful for most situation. This gun has the useful 'spreading' damage radius, allowing you to attack a group of monsters packed closely together. You can decapitate ganados by aiming their head region with a shotgun, and fire. Shotgun is also great for sub-bosses fight, like the encounter against the chainsaw ganados. However, this gun is the weakest among the Shotgun series guns in the game. You will find it in a house at the Pueblo. ------------ - Riot Gun - ------------ Dimension Capacity: 2x8 Obtain Method: Value: 32000 1)Buy from Merchant (3-1) Ammo Type: Shotgun Shells 2)Initial Weapon (Leon, The Mercenaries) o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Upgrade | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Power | Effect | 5.0 | 5.5 | 6.0 | 6.5 | 7.0 | 8.0 | | Power (Far) | Effect | 2.0 | 2.3 | 2.5 | 3.0 | 3.5 | 4.0 | | | Cost | - | 20000 | 24000 | 28000 | 32000 | 50000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Fire Speed | Effect | 1.53 | - | - | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | - | - | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Reload Speed | Effect | 3.03 | 2.43 | 1.50* | - | - | - |*1.67 | | Cost | - | 7000 | 20000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Capacity | Effect | 7 | 9 | 11 | 13 | 15 | 17 | | | Cost | - | 10000 | 12000 | 15000 | 20000 | 25000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Exclusive | Cost | (Effect) | | | 120000 | Power increased to 10 (far)/8 (near) | o-----------------------o----------------------------------------------o Riot Gun is a shotgun type weapon. It functions similarly to the Shotgun but it have a slightly higher ammo capacity. Riot Gun can inflicts more damage than the Shotgun from far, and is the better replacement for the Shotgun. ----------- - Striker - ----------- Dimension Capacity: 2x5 Obtain Method: Value: 43000 1)Buy from Merchant (4-1) Ammo Type: Shotgun Shells o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Upgrade | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Power | Effect | 6.0 | 7.0 | 8.0 | 9.0 | 10.0 | 12.0 | | Power (Far) | Effect | 2.0 | 2.4 | 2.7 | 2.9 | 3.4 | 4.0 | | | Cost | - | 25000 | 28000 | 32000 | 40000 | 60000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Fire Speed | Effect | 1.10 | - | - | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | - | - | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Reload Speed | Effect | 3.0 | 2.4 | 1.5* | - | - | - |*1.67 | | Cost | - | 8000 | 15000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Capacity | Effect | 12 | 14 | 16 | 20 | 24 | 28 | | | Cost | - | 10000 | 12000 | 16000 | 18000 | 25000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Exclusive | Cost | (Effect) | | | 60000 | Ammo capacity increased to 100 | o-----------------------o----------------------------------------------o Striker is the best Shotgun type weapon that you can purchase from the merchant in the game. It is better than both Riot Gun and Shotgun in all ways, and when fully upgraded, holds 100 Shotgun shells. Unfortunately, you can only get this weapon halfway into the game. -------------------- - Broken Butterfly - -------------------- Dimension Capacity: 2x4 Obtain Method: Value: 38000 1)Buy from Merchant (3-1) Ammo Type: Magnum Ammo 2)External Wall (4-1) o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Upgrade | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Power | Effect | 13 | 15 | 17 | 20 | 24 | 28 | | | Cost | - | 25000 | 30000 | 35000 | 50000 | 70000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Fire Speed | Effect | 0.7 | - | - | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | - | - | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Reload Speed | Effect | 3.67 | 3.00 | 2.33* | - | - | - |*2.23 | | Cost | - | 15000 | 20000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Capacity | Effect | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | - | - | | | Cost | - | 15000 | 20000 | 25000 | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Exclusive | Cost | (Effect) | | | 150000 | Power increased to 50 | o-----------------------o----------------------------------------------o Broken Butterfly is a magnum-type weapon. It have exceptionally high power, but the ammunition for it is hard to come by. Broken Butterfly can be found near the fountain area in the castle, but you will require the help of Ashley. Broken Butterfly is best used on the stronger type of monsters, like Saddler, U-3 or Verdugo. However, it have slow reload speed, and have slightly limited ammo capacity. ------------ - Killer 7 - ------------ Dimension Capacity: 2x4 Obtain Method: Value: 777000 1)Buy from Merchant (5-1) Ammo Type: Magnum Ammo 2)Initial weapon (Wesker) o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Upgrade | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Power | Effect | 25 | 30 | 35 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 62000 | 78000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Fire Speed | Effect | 0.70 | - | - | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | - | - | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Reload Speed | Effect | 1.83 | 1.53 | 0.93 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 20000 | 30000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Capacity | Effect | 7 | 10 | 14 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 30000 | 40000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Exclusive | Cost | (Effect) | | | - | - | o-----------------------o----------------------------------------------o Killer 7 is a magnum-type weapon. It functions similarly to the Broken Butterfly, and have better reloading speed and power. However, you can't upgrade it further than the Broken Butterfly, but despite that, the full upgraded Killer 7 is still superior than the full upgraded Broken Butterfly. You should save it for the fight against Saddler. --------- - Rifle - --------- Dimension Capacity: 1x8 Obtain Method: Value: 12000 1)Buy from Merchant (1-2) Ammo Type: Rifle Ammo o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Upgrade | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Power | Effect | 4.0 | 5.0 | 6.0 | 8.0 | 10.0 | 12.0 | | | Cost | - | 10000 | 12000 | 20000 | 25000 | 35000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Fire Speed | Effect | 2.73 | - | - | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | - | - | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Reload Speed | Effect | 4.00 | 3.23 | 2.33 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 8000 | 18000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Capacity | Effect | 5 | 7 | 9 | 12 | 15 | 18 | | | Cost | - | 6000 | 8000 | 12000 | 18000 | 25000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Exclusive | Cost | (Effect) | | | 80000 | Power increased to 18 (30 in NTSC/J) | o-----------------------o----------------------------------------------o This rifle is best used for far-distance combat. When you aim with this weapon, you can zoom in and aim. While aiming, use the C-stick to change the aiming direction. You can decapitate ganado by firing at the head of them with the crosshair, but this gun have low starting stats. Also, you will have to stop and wait for Leon to refill the ammo after every shot. You can equip the Scope (Rifle) to this weapon to zoom further. --------------------- - Rifle (Semi-auto) - --------------------- Dimension Capacity: 2x7 Obtain Method: Value: 35000 1)Buy from Merchant (3-1) Ammo Type: Rifle Ammo 2)Initial Weapon (Wesker, Ada) o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Upgrade | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Power | Effect | 7.0 | 8.0 | 9.0 | 11.0 | 13.0 | 15.0 | | | Cost | - | 15000 | 18000 | 24000 | 30000 | 40000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Fire Speed | Effect | 1.43 | - | - | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | - | - | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Reload Speed | Effect | 2.33 | 1.90 | 1.33 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 9000 | 18000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Capacity | Effect | 10 | 12 | 14 | 17 | 20 | 24 | | | Cost | - | 10000 | 12000 | 15000 | 20000 | 25000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Exclusive | Cost | (Effect) | | | 80000 | Firing Speed increased to 0.8 | o-----------------------o----------------------------------------------o Similar to the Rifle, but this gun is better overall. As this is a semi- auto Rifle, you can fire the next round without stopping after the first shot. You can purchase the Scope (semi-auto rifle) to this weapon if you wants to zoom to aim further. With the Scope (Infrared), you can detect the 'Plagas' on the body of 'Regenerator' and 'Iron Maiden', and also detect the invisible 'Novistadors'. This gun allows penetration through the ganados. ------- - TMP - ------- Dimension Capacity: 2x3 Obtain Method: Value: 15000 1)Buy from Merchant (1-2) Ammo Type: TMP Ammo 2)Initial Weapon (Ada) o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Upgrade | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Power | Effect | 0.4 | 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.2 | | | Cost | - | 7000 | 14000 | 18000 | 24000 | 35000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Fire Speed | Effect | 0.10 | - | - | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | - | - | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Reload Speed | Effect | 2.37 | 1.93 | 1.17 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 5000 | 15000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Capacity | Effect | 30 | 50 | 100 | 150 | 200 | 250 | | | Cost | - | 7000 | 15000 | 20000 | 25000 | 35000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Exclusive | Cost | (Effect) | | | 100000 | Power increased to 1.8 | o-----------------------o----------------------------------------------o The TMP is a rapid-firing weapon. You can hold the action button to fire as much as you want, until the ammo is depleted. As such, this gun have the most higher ammo capacity than the rest of the arsenals. In return, the down side is that the gun have low damage power. You can equip the Stock (TMP) to improve the handling so that you will not spray more ammo than needed. ---------------- - Mine Thrower - ---------------- Dimension Capacity: 2x5 Obtain Method: Value: 28000 1)Buy from Merchant (3-1) Ammo Type: M. Thrower Ammo o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Upgrade | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Power | Effect | 2 m | 4 m | 6 m | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 25000 | 45000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Fire Speed | Effect | 1.33 | - | - | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | - | - | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Reload Speed | Effect | 3.43 | 2.57 | - | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 18000 | - | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Capacity | Effect | 5 | 7 | 10 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 25000 | 40000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Exclusive | Cost | (Effect) | | | 30000 | Power increased to 6, Reload increased to 77 | | | | Mine fired will home in to target when fired | o-----------------------o----------------------------------------------o Mine Thrower is a special gun, developed by Umbrella Corp. When fired, the mine from the gun will stick onto the enemy, then explode after a very short while. The impact from the small explosion will also inflict damage to whoever is nearby, so do make sure not to get too close after a mine sticked onto the enemy. When fully upgraded, the mine will auto- matically home in to the target. Unfortunately, ammo for this weapon is quite hard to find. -------------- - Handcannon - -------------- Dimension Capacity: 2x4 Obtain Method: Value: 0 1)In The Mercenaries obtain 5* for all Ammo Type: Handcannon Ammo characters & stages, then buy in Round 2 o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Upgrade | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | Lv 5 | Lv 6 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Power | Effect | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50 | 60 | | | Cost | - | 4000 | 5000 | 7000 | 9000 | 12000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Fire Speed | Effect | 1.17 | - | - | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | - | - | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Reload Speed | Effect | 3.67 | 2.87 | 1.83 | - | - | - | | | Cost | - | 25000 | 50000 | - | - | - | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Capacity | Effect | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7* | 10 |*8 | | Cost | - | 15000 | 20000 | 25000 | 35000 | 50000 | o-----------------------o------o-------o-------o-------o-------o-------o | Exclusive | Cost | (Effect) | | | 200000 | Infinite power & capacity | o-----------------------o----------------------------------------------o This secret weapon is unlocked after obtaining 6* rankings on all stages with all characters in "The Mercenaries" mini-game. This gun have low ammo capacity, and its ammo are hard to find. It is capable of killing most monsters with 1 bullet, but it have quite a slow firing speed. This gun, when fully upgraded, have infinite power and ammo. ---------------------- - Chicago Typewriter - ---------------------- Dimension Capacity: 2x7 Obtain Method: Value: 1000000 1)Complete "Assignment Ada" Ammo Type: - This secret weapon is unlocked after clearing a game once. It kills all monsters with just 1 bullet, and you can spray it like the TMP. With it, you are nearly invicible to everything. ------------------- - Rocket Launcher - ------------------- Dimension Capacity: 2x3 Obtain Method: Value: 8000 1)Buy from Merchant (1-2) Ammo Type: - This weapon is packed with super high power, but unfortunately, you can only fire 1 shot before you discard it. The good side is that you can purchase this from the merchant after you use it. When aim with the R button, you will view through a crosshair just like when you are armed with a Rifle. The impact from the weapon upon contact will inflict the damages to anyone nearby too. This gun have nearly the same power as the Handcannon. You can find this weapon for free in the castle. --------------------- - Infinite Launcher - --------------------- Dimension Capacity: 2x8 Obtain Method: Value: 10000000 1)Buy from Merchant (Round 2) Ammo Type: - This weapon functions no different from the Rocket Launcher, but there is an infinite amount of missile, so you will not discard it after you fire it. ----------------------------- - Rocket Launcher (Special) - ----------------------------- Dimension Capacity: 2x8 Obtain method: Value: - 1)Drop by Ada in Saddler's fight (Final) Ammo Type: - This weapon functions no different from the Rocket Launcher. However, it have a higher selling price, and you can take it from Ada during at the last chapter. --------- - Knife - --------- Dimension Capacity: - Obtain Method: Value: - 1)Initial Weapon (Leon, Krauser) Ammo Type: - The Knife is Leon's personal self-defense weapon. It is the only melee weapon in the game. Unlike the rest of the weapons, it does not occupy a space in the inventory, and you can pull out this weapon by holding the L button instead of the R button. It is only suitable for close combat, and inflicts small amount of damage. As this weapon doesn't requires any ammo to operate, it is a great ammo-saver. FOr example, you can knock a ganado down with any gun, then slash downward repeatedly until he dies. When you come across anything that contain items, for example, the pots, barrels or boxes, you can use the Knife to hack at them for the contents instead of breaking them with a bullet from a gun. Also, Knife inflicts more damage than usual when used against Krauser. In "The Mercenaries" mini-game, you can also take out and use the knife as Krauser. -------------- - Custom TMP - -------------- Dimension Capacity: 2x3 Obtain Method: Value: - 1)Initial Weapon (Hunk) Ammo Type: TMP Ammo The Custom TMP is available exclusively for "Hunk" in "The Mercenaries" mini-game only. It is the modified version of the TMP that Leon uses in the game. ----------------- - Krauser's Bow - ----------------- Dimension Capacity: 3x7 Obtain Method: Value: - 1)Initial Weapon (Krauser) Ammo Type: Arrows This weapon is only available for "Krauser" in "The Mercenaries" mini- game. It have slightly high drawing speed, but the damage inflicted is quite big. It usually take only 1~3 arrows to kill a ganado. ---------------- - Hand Grenade - ---------------- Dimension Capacity: 1x2 Obtain Method: 1)Various 2)Initial weapon (Hunk, Wesker) A grenade-base weapon. Leon toss this grenade in an arc-like angle. When touches the ground, the Hand Grenade will explode after half a second. Great for use when there is a large group of ganados. Also, it can be used to scatter the shield of the ganados easily. Unfortunately, it is not effective for use against most of the other type of monsters. If you wants to stun a ganado, especially one that is holding a rocket launcher where the Shotgun doesn't have much effect, then you should toss a Hand Grenade to blast the rocket launcher ganado. ---------------------- - Incendiary Grenade - ---------------------- Dimension Capacity: 1x2 Obtain Method: 1)Various 2)Initial weapon (Wesker, Ada) A grenade-base weapon. Leon toss this grenade in an arc-like angle. When touches the ground, a flame will appears to burn whoever is near. It is not as damaging as the Hand Grenade, but it is great for use when near, when you needs to inflict damage to the ganados immediately. It can burn shield ganados too, and unlike the Hand Grenade, the ganados will not be 'scattered' after the impact. It can be used on other type of monsters too, and one Incendiary Grenade is all it takes to kill Colmillos. ----------------- - Flash Grenade - ----------------- Dimension Capacity: 1x2 Obtain Method: 1)Various 2)Initial weapon (Krauser, Wesker) A grenade-base weapon. Leon toss this grenade in an arc-like angle. When touches the ground, it blinds the ganados temporarily, allowing you to run or follow up with close combat. The Flash Grenade can also be used to stun the chainsaw villagers and El Gigante, but have no effect when it is used on other monsters or google-wearing ganados. Flash Grenade is also capable of killing any Plagas or crows in sight, regardless or where you toss it. As such, it is advised to toss a Flash Grenade if two or more Plagas appear at the same time. --------------- 10.2 - Enemies |---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ---------- - GANADO - ---------- o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Throw Weapon | Axe, chopper in hand only | | Hack with Weapon | Axe, chopper in hand only | | Throw Dynamite | Dynamite in hand only. Explosive | | Stab with Fork | Fork in hand only | | Strangle | Dynamite in hand only/Bare hand. Can struggle| | -> Toss To Ground | - | | Hack with Knife | Knife in hand only (female) | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o - Decapitation kills them instantly, but might cause Las Plagas to spawn. If Las Plaga spawns, toss a Flash Grenade to kill them instantly. - Fire at the weapon on the hand cause them to drop the weapon. - Fire at the dynamite on the hand cause the dynamite to explode and kill him and any nearby ganados instantly. - Fire at the knee cause them to kneel down on one. At this moment, close range for (A)Kick prompt. - Fire at the knee when they are running cause them to fall down. - Fire at the face cause decapitation, or stumble backward. At this moment, close range for (A)Suplex Prompt. - Throw a Flash Grenade to blind them. - Throw an Incendiary Grenade to burn them. - Throw a Hand Grenade to blast them. - They can't be decapitated when they wear helmet. - They can't be blinded when they wear mask. -------------------- - GANADO (HERETIC) - -------------------- o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Throw Weapon | Scythe in hand only | | Hack with Weapon | Scythe in hand only | | Swing Flail | Flail in hand only | | Throw Dynamite | Dynamite in hand only. Explosive | | Strangle | Dynamite in hand only/Bare hand. Can struggle| | -> Toss To Ground | - | | Shield Bash | With Shield only | | Fire Gatling Gun from Turrent | Operates Gatling Gun Turrent | | Fire arrow | Crossbow in hand only. 2 arrows per attack | | Fire rocket missile | R. Launcher in hand only. Can only fire once | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Ganado (Heretic): - Decapitation kills them instantly, but might cause Las Plagas to spawn. If Las Plaga spawns, toss a Flash Grenade to kill them instantly. - Fire at the weapon on the hand cause them to drop the weapon. - Fire at the dynamite on the hand cause the dynamite to explode and kill him and any nearby ganados instantly. - Fire at the knee cause them to kneel down on one. At this moment, close range for (A)Kick prompt. - Fire at the knee when they are running cause them to fall down. - Fire at the face cause decapitation, or stumble backward. At this moment, close range for (A)Suplex Prompt. - Throw a Flash Grenade to blind them. - Throw an Incendiary Grenade to burn them. - Throw a Hand Grenade to blast them. - They can't be decapitated when they wear helmet. - There are 3 type of Heretic Ganados. The different color of robes they wear represents the different amount of vitality they have. Black:Purple:Red 1:1.3:1.5 -------------------- - GANADO (SOLDIER) - -------------------- o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Throw Weapon | Axe in hand only | | Hack with weapon | Axe in hand only | | Swing Flail | Flail in hand only | | Throw Dynamite | Dynamite in hand only. Explosive | | Strangle | Dynamite in hand only/Bare hand. Can struggle| | -> Toss To Ground | - | | Shield Bash | With Shield only | | Fire Gatling Gun from Turrent | Operates Gatling Gun Turrent | | Fire arrow | Crossbow in hand only. 2 arrows per attack | | Fire rocket missile | R. Launcher in hand only. Can only fire once | | Stun Rod Bash | Stun Rod in hand only | | Hammer Bash | Armored Soldier | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Ganado (Soldier): - Decapitation kills them instantly, but might cause Las Plagas to spawn. If Las Plaga spawns, toss a Flash Grenade to kill them instantly. - Fire at the weapon on the hand cause them to drop the weapon. - Fire at the dynamite on the hand cause the dynamite to explode and kill him and any nearby ganados instantly. - Fire at the knee cause them to kneel down on one. At this moment, close range for (A)Kick prompt. - Fire at the knee when they are running cause them to fall down. - Fire at the face cause decapitation, or stumble backward. At this moment, close range for (A)Suplex Prompt. - Throw a Flash Grenade to blind them. - Throw an Incendiary Grenade to burn them. - Throw a Hand Grenade to blast them. - They can't be blinded when they wear mask. --------------------- - GANADO (CHAINSAW) - --------------------- o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Bash with Chainsaw | - | | Decapitation | Instant Death | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Ganado (Chainsaw): - Throw a Flash Grenade to blind him temporarily. - Throw an Incendiary Grenade to burn him. - Throw a Hand Grenade to blast him. - Shot to head inflict more damage. - Shotgun blast or more powerful weapon cause him to fall back to the ground. -------------------- - GANADO (GATLING) - -------------------- o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Bash with Gatling Gun | - | | Fire with Gatling Gun | Sweep Gatling Gun in forward for 180 degree | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Ganado (Gatling): - Throw a Flash Grenade to blind him temporarily. - Throw an Incendiary Grenade to burn him. - Throw a Hand Grenade to blast him. - Shot to head inflict more damage. - Repeated shot from Shotgun or more powerful weapon cause him to stumble back. --------- - PLAGA - --------- o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Vertical Hack | Plaga Type 1 | | Diagonal Hack | Plaga Type 1 | | Horizontal Hack | Plaga Type 1 | | Head Bite | Plaga Type 2 | | Pour Acid | Plaga Type 3 | | Claw | Plaga Type 3 | | Face Mash | Plaga Type 3 (Detached). Can struggle | | Jumping Claw | Plaga Type 3 (Detached). Can struggle | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Plaga: - Throw a Flash Grenade to kill them instantly. - While on host, Plaga sustain more damage when hit directly than the host - Detached Plaga dies after a while. (Type 3) ------------ - COLMILLO - ------------ o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Whip with Tentacle | After tentacle have burst out from body | | Bite | Can struggle | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Colmillo: - Throw a Flash Grenade to knock them to the ground. - Throw an Incendiary Grenade at them to kill them instantly. ------------ - DEL LAGO - ------------ o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Drag to Debris | Drop into lake | | -> Swallow | If didn't swim to boat in time. Instant Death| | Body Brush | - | | Swallow | Rush in from far. Attack him to stop attack | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Del Lago: - -------------- - EL GIGANTE - -------------- o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Punch | - | | Kick | - | | Stomp | - | | Shoulder Charge | Can dodge | | Squeeze | Can struggle | | -> Throw to ground | - | | Boulder Bowl | - | | Tree Swing | Can dodge | | Shake Structure | When on structure in Furnace fight | | Body Fall | After killing Gigante. Instant Death | | Stuggle & Drag into Lava | When he struggle in lava in Furnace Fight | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o El Gigante: - Throw a Flash Grenade to blind him temporarily. - Shot to head inflict 50% damage. - When it knees down on one, get close for (A)Climb prompt. Then, tap the button shown (A) or (B) to hack at the Plaga. Each hack inflicts 70 points of damage. You can do up to 8 hacks per climb. - El Gigante's vitality is 2000. After sustaining 2000 point of damage from you, the parasite will appear. The parasite have 1000 point of vitality. There are several conditions where the parasite will disappear: 1)6.5 sec after El Gigante knees down 2)After the Plaga sustain 400 points of damage and above (not counting when the El Gigante's knee touches the ground) 3)After the knife hacking combos finish After the Plaga goes back in, El Gigante will regain his vitality, but not the Plaga's vitality + Immune to Incendiary Grenade + El Gigante at Furnace have 4X the defense ------------------ - BITORES MENDEZ - ------------------ o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | FORM 1 | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Claw Attack | - | | Upper cut | - | | Ceiling Attack | - | | Tentacle Claw Spawn | Can dodge | | Strangle | Can struggle | | -> Throw to ground | - | | Impale Attack | Instant Death | | 2 Storey Attack | If get to ceiling | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | FORM 2 | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Punch | - | | Tentacle Attack | - | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Bitores Mendez: - Shot to spine inflict more damage & transform to Form 2 ------------ - GARRADOR - ------------ o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Wild Claw | - | | Straight Claw | Claw might stuck to wall | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Garrador: - Blind. Can avoid detection by walking. - Shot to Plaga on back inflict more damage. -------------- - NOVISTADOR - -------------- o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Claw Attack | - | | Acid Spit | Instant Death | | Acid Pour | Can struggle | | Strong Kick | - | | Kick | - | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Novistador: - Use Rifle w/Infrared Scope to detect them when invisible. - (A)Kick prompt appear when close. + Immune to Flash Grenade ------------ - ARMADURA - ------------ o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Strong Sword Hack | - | | Weak Sword Hack | - | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Armadura: - Fire at helmet cause Plaga to appear faster - When Plaga appear, toss a Flash Grenade to kill them instantly. ----------- - VERDUGO - ----------- o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Ceiling/Ground Tail | Can dodge | | Straight Claw | Can dodge | | Jumping Claw | Can dodge | | Flash Claw | - | | Tail Attack | Can dodge | | Wall, Ceiling Claw | - | | Freeze Straight Claw | - | | Ceiling Attack | Can dodge | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Verdugo: - Push nitrogen tank when he is near to freeze Verdugo - Verdugo's speed is slower & sustain triple the damage when frozen ----------------- - RAMON SALAZAR - ----------------- o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Tentacle Smack | Can dodge | | Tentacle Smack To Ground | Can dodge | | Head Bite | Instant Death | | Head Smack | Smack the upper level in a sweep manner | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Ramon Salazar: - Shoot tentacle to make them retract to wall - Shots to small eyeball head cause the shells to open & reveal Salazar - Shot to Salazar inflict more damage. + Immune to all grenades --------------- - REGENERATOR - --------------- o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Pull & Bite | Can struggle | | Jumping Bite | Can struggle. Only execute if legs are gone | | Punch | - | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Regenerator: - Use Rifle w/Infrared Scope to detect Las Plagas on their body. - Shots to all Plagas on their body kills it - Shot to legs cause it to lose its legs and topple over, but regenerate after a while - Shot to stomach cause a big hole to appear, but regenerate after a while - Shot to head cause it to be headless, but regenerate after a while - Dies after repeatedly assault - Bend backward temporarily when grenades are used (all types) --------------- - IRON MAIDEN - --------------- o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Pull & Impale | - | | Jumping Bite | Can struggle. Only execute if legs are gone | | Punch | - | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Iron Maiden: - Use Rifle w/Infrared Scope to detect Las Plagas on their body. - Shots to all Plagas on their body to weaken it - Shot to legs cause it to lose its legs and topple over, but regenerate after a while - Shot to stomach cause a big hole to appear, but regenerate after a while - Shot to head cause it to be headless, but regenerate after a while - Bend backward temporarily when grenades are used (all types) ------- - U-3 - ------- o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | FORM 1 | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Whip Attack | Can dodge | | Strangle | Can struggle. (Death if fail to struggle off)| | Neck Strangle | Can struggle. (Death if fail to struggle off)| o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | FORM 2 | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Tentacle Attack | Can dodge | | Clamp Attack | - | | Pincer Poke From Ceiling | When inside cargo container | | Neck Snap | Instant Death | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | FORM 3 | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Combo Attack | - | | Underground Burrow Attack | Can dodge | | Drag & Impale | Can struggle. (Death if fail to struggle off)| o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o U-3: - Shot to small head inflict more damage. - Use lever to lower gate to block U-3. - Lure U-3 to explosive objects and then fire at them to explode. + U-3 have 50% more resistance towards explosive objects ---------------- - JACK KRAUSER - ---------------- o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | FORM 1 | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Fire Machine Gun | Sweep machine gun in front 180 degree | | Throw Grenade | Explosive | | Dash Knife | Can dodge | | -> Knife 2 | Can dodge | | -> Knife 3 | Can dodge | | Hold From Behind | Can struggle | | Explosive Arrows | - | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | FORM 2 | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Leg Sweep | - | | -> Impale | Instant Death | | Step On Hand | Can Struggle (Death if fail to struggle) | | Wing Dash | - | | Wing Dash Jump | - | | Close Uppercut | - | | Double Roundhouse Kick | - | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Jack Krauser: - Knife inflict 400 points of damage. - [Last form]Shot to legs cause Krauser to kneel down on one, exposing the head - Shot to head inflict 2x damage. ---------- - SEEKER - ---------- o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Fire Machine Gun | Hover Type Seeker | | Detonate | Ground Type Seeker. Detonate when close | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Seeker: - When one is hitted, it will explode and take out surrounding targets + immune to all grenades ------------------ - OSMUND SADDLER - ------------------ o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Attack Moves | Note | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o | Tentacle Whip | - | | Jumping Stab | - | | Eye Grab & Throw To Ground | - | | Eye Slash | - | | Girder Toss | At the other side of the Construction Site | | Kick | - | | Single Foot Stab | - | o-------------------------------o----------------------------------------------o Osmund Saddler: - Shot to eyeball on legs cause small head to reveal eyeball - Operate lever to throw steel leads at Saddler to reveal eyeball - Shot to red barrel to explode it when Saddler is near to reveal eyeball - Shot to eyeball on small head inflict more damage. - When eyeball is exposed, get close for (A)Climb prompt to climb & inflict more damage. - Rocket Launcher is instant kill. + immune to all grenades ------------------- 10.3 - Unlockables |------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- ------------------------------- - NEW BACKGROUND TITLE SCREEN - ------------------------------- After you have clear a game, you will unlock new background on the title screen. You can move left or right to scroll the background, or hold the shoulder button to zoom. --------------------- - PROFESSIONAL MODE - --------------------- Just a fanciful name for Hard Mode, this will be unlocked after you have clear a game. The enemies now have higher vitality, but the rest are the same. ------------- - ROUND TWO - ------------- After clearing a game, save the cleared game data onto the memory card. In the "Round Two", you can purchase items from the merchant before the game starts. Not only that, all items that were available for sale at the end of the last game are available too, including upgrades and all weapons like Killer 7 for the remaining merchant encounter. All the pesetas, weapons, items, treasures, vitality gauge are carried over from the last game too! -------------------- - SPECIAL COSTUMES - -------------------- After you have clear a game you will unlock special costumes for the main characters. Choose a new game or a Round Two game, and a new option will appear. Select it. Here are the costumes they will wear: Leon - "Resident Evil 2" R.P.D Costume Ashley - Pop Sensation Costume Ada - "Assignment Ada" Costume -------------------- - "ASSIGNMENT" ADA - -------------------- *"Assignment" Ada is known as "Ada The Spy" in the NTSC/J vers (Biohazard 4) After you have clear a game you will unlock this mode. You will play as Ada Wong in this extra-game, and your objective is to recover 5 Las Plagas Samples. For more, refer to the mini-game section of the FAQ. -------------------------------------- - SECRET WEAPON (CHICAGO TYPEWRITER) - -------------------------------------- After clearing Assignment Ada, you will be allow to buy this weapon for use in a "Round Two" game. --------------------------- - SECRET WEAPON (MATILDA) - --------------------------- After clearing a game, save the cleared game data onto the memory card. In the "Round Two", you can purchase Matilda from the merchant before the game starts. ------------------- - THE MERCENARIES - ------------------- After you have clear a game you will unlock this mode. It is a mode where you have to kill as many enemies as possible before the time runs out. For more, refer to the mini-game section of the FAQ. --------------------------------------- - SECRET CHARACTERS (THE MERCENARIES) - --------------------------------------- You can unlock various characters for use in the Mercenary mode by scoring a 4 * rankings in a map. - The Village - Ada Wong - The Castle - Jack Krauser - The Island - Hunk - The Soldier Base - Albert Wesker ------------------------------ - SECRET WEAPON (HANDCANNON) - ------------------------------ Once you obtain 5 * ratings with all characters on all stages in "The Mercenaries", you can unlock this weapon for buying in "Round Two". You will get a message: "Now you can get a "Handcannon" from the Merchant! Yes, it's free!" ------------------------- - ASSIGNMENT ADA CREDIT - ------------------------- *"Assignment" Ada is known as "Ada The Spy" in the NTSC/J vers (Biohazard 4) Upon clearing "Assignment" Ada game, you will be treated to an alternate ending credit. This one features its own music, credit types and its background videos consist of the mix of various cutscenes from the main games that involves Ada, but she wears her "Resident Evil 2" costume (and Leon too) in them! You can replay the ending movie after it ended. ------------------------------------- 10.4 - Radio Conversation Transcript |------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- ------------------------------ - CONVERSATION WITH HUNNIGAN - ------------------------------ H - Hunnigan L - Leon H: Leon. I hope you can hear me. I am Ingrid Hunnigan. I'll be your support on this mission. L: Loud and clear. Somehow I thought you'd be a little older. So the subject's name's Ashley Graham right? H: That's right. She's the daughter of the President. So try to behave yourself okay? L: Whoever this group is, they sure picked the wrong girl to kidnap. H: I'll try to find more informaiton on them on my end as well. L:L Good. Talk to you later. Leon out. H: Is everything okay? L: There was a hostile local. I had no chance but to neutralize him. There are still others surrounding the area. H: Get out of there and head toward the village. Take whatever measures necessary to save the subject. L: Understood. H: Leon. How ya holding up? L: Bad question Hunnigan. H: Sorry to hear that... I'm sending you a Playing Manual. Hope you find it useful. L: I'll take a look at it. Thanks. L: Hunnigan, I have some bad news. I've confirmed the body of an officer. Something's happened to the people here. H: Leon, you need to get out there. Look for a tower. Follow the trail near it. L: Got it. L: It's Leon Sorry I couldn't get in touch sooner but I was a bit tied up. H: You're okay right? L: I'm fine. There was a male civilian held captive. According to him Ashley's in a church somewhere. H: What happened to him? L: He managed to escape. H: Do you have a fix on the location of that church? L: No, but apparently there's a secret passage in the village that leads there. I'm heading back to the village. H: Leon. I've been able to get some new info that might help you. L: Fill me in. H: Apparently, there's a religious cult group involved. They're called the Los Illuminados. L: Los Illuminados? That's a mouthful. Anyway I had an unexpected run-in with the big cheese of this village. H: But you're okay right? L: Yeah... But he could have kill me but he let me live... And he mentioned something about me carrying the same blood as them. Whatever that means. H: "Carry the same blood..." Hmm... Interesting... L: Anyway, there're are more important things than solving riddles right now. H: You're right. Hurry and find that church Leon. L: Hunnigan it's Leon. The door's locked. I can't get in. H: Didn't they teach you how to pick locks at the academy? L: There's some sort of indentation like something might fit inside. H: Well there's no use standing around. Leon you have to find some way or something to get inside. H: Leon. Have you reached the church yet? L: Ah...well yeah. Sort of... H: Leon, did I mention not to take the scenic route? At any rate, Ashley's probably inside that structure. Rescue her. Hurry! H: Leon. It's been 6 hours since our last transmission. I was starting get worried. L: Don't you mean lonely? L: Anyway, I started to feel dizzy. Then I guess I must have lost consciousness. H: Lost consciousness? Myabe that has some connection to what the village chief was talking about...? L: Can't say. But I'm all right now. I'm gonna continue my mission. L: I've obtained an object that resembles the cult group's insignia. H: Wonderful, Leon. Head back to the church. Ashley's safety is our immediate priority. L: It's Leon. I've succeeded in extricating my subject. H: Good work Leon. I'll send a chopper over right away. L: Where's the extraction point? H: There's another trail that you can take to get out of the village. The chopper will pick you up beyond there. L: Got it. I'm on my way. H: Leon I have some bad news. L: I'd rather not hear it. H: Well I'm afraid I have to tell you anyway. We've lost contact with the chopper. Someone must have shot it down, though we can't determine who. L: Great... H: We're prepping anothing chopper for you. Meanwhile, I want you to head towards the extraction point. L: Got it. H: Leon. Where's you current location? L: We decided to lay low in a castle but it looks like it was a bad move. H: Meaning? L: Well it appears that this castle's also connected with the Los Illuminados. They must not get many visitors here cuz they're giving me one hell of a welcome. H: Sounds bad. I have an idea Leon. I need you to L: What? Repeat Hunnigan. Great just my luck. ----------------------------- - CONVERSATION WITH SALAZAR - ----------------------------- S - Salazar L - Leon L: Hunnigan what happened? The transmisson got cut off. Salazar! How's you? S: We've jacked the line. We didn't want you telling everyone any unnecesary information. L: Where's Ashley?! S: Aw...So she fell onto one of our wonderful traps. S: We'll make sure we find her. Don't you worry about her. Oh yes. I let our miserable insects out for some exercise down in the sewer. L: Thanks. That should keep me company. Cuz boredom kills me. S: I look forward to our next encounter... In another life. S: Mr. Kennedy. Still alive I see. So, do you like my garden? L: I see you've managed to work in a little of your twisted taste here too. S: Segacious as I am, even I get lost here sometimes. Even if it takes your whole life, you'll never get out. Do you know that no one dies without a cause? You will satisfy the stomachs of my cute pets. S: Now if you'll excuse me, I have to tie up a few loose ends. Like chasing down a couple of rats. L: Two rats...? If one's Luis... Who's the other? There an intruder besides me? S: Aw... what a touching moment we have here. L: All spoiled thanks to your interruption. Why don't you do us all a favor and leave before the audience gets pissed off? S: You're nothing but an extra in my script so don't get too carried away. Your biggest scene is over. L: I don't ever remember being a part of your crappy script. S: Well then, why don't you show me what a first-class script is like; through your own actions. S: I wonder if you can see me, Mr. Kennedy? L: If you even scratch her, I'll break your bones. S: First, we shall see if you can make it this far. I'll be waiting. S: So maybe you have nine lives. But it's doesn't matter now Mr. Kennedy! I've sent my right hand to dispose of you. L: You're right hand comes off? S: Say whatever you please. Die you worm!!!! ----------------------------- - CONVERSATION WITH SADDLER - ----------------------------- S - Saddler L - Leon L: I hate to break it out to you but Salazar's dead. S: Yes, it seems that way. L: Saddler why don't you give up and let Ashley go home? S: Perhaps you are disillusioned with overconfidence just because you killed my small-time subordinate? L: Saddler you're small-time. S: Writhe in my cage of torment my friend. S: Enjoy the reunion with your old friend? L: As a matter of fact, I did. S: Wonderful. S: I wouldn't want my special guests on the island feeling unattended. L: Guess I'm supposed to thank you right? S: Ah... I have an idea. Since you're here why don't I introduce you to "it". It should keep you busy. L: Can't remember the name? A senior moment perhaps. S: Enjoy the fun. S: So it seems you killed Krauser too. How should I return my appreciation? L: Wha? What are you talking about? I thought he was with you. S: What are you talking about? Did you really think I'd trust an American? To tell you the truth, I was contemplating how to get rid of him. But thanks to you, that's no longer necessary. L: You were just using him right from the start. S: I must hand it to you... You've demostrated quite a bit of promise by killing Krauser. When your assimilation with Las Plagas is complete, I'll have you serve as my guard. L: Unfortunately I'm going to have to decline your generous offer. I have prior engagements. S: Enjoy your smart mouthing while you can. S: I'm sorry Leon. L: Saddler you... S: It's nothing to get all upset about. Don't tell me you've never swatted a bothersome fly. In essence it's the same thing. L: What did you say?! Insects' life doesn't compare to human lives! S: When you've acquired this power, you too will understand. L: Guess it's another good reason to get the parasite out of my body. S: I wish you luck. ------------------------------ - CONVERSATION WITH HUNNIGAN - ------------------------------ H - Hunnigan L - Leon L: Hunnigan is that you? H: Finally... The line's jack free. L: Hey Hunnigan, no glasses... H: Forget the glasses. What's the status of the mission? L: I've rescued the subject. We're returning home. H: You did it Leon! L: Thanks. You know you're kinda cute without those glasses. Gimme your number when I get back. H: May I remind you that you're still on duty? L: Story of my life... ------------------------- 10.5 - Items Combination |------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- -------------- - KEY ITEMS - -------------- Moonstone (Left) + Moonstone (Right) = Blue Moonstone Emblem (Left half) + Emblem (Right half) = Hexagonal Emblem --------- - HERBS - --------- Green Herb + Green Herb = Green Herb (x2) Green Herb (x2) + Green Herb = Green Herb (x3) Green Herb + Yellow Herb = Mixed Herbs (G+Y) Green Herb + Red Herb = Mixed Herbs (G+R) Yellow Herb + Red Herb = Mixed Herbs (R+Y) Mixed Herbs (G+Y) + Red Herb = Mixed Herbs (G+R+Y) Mixed Herbs (G+R) + Yellow Herb = Mixed Herbs (G+R+Y) Mixed Herbs (R+Y) + Green Herb = Mixed Herbs (G+R+Y) ------------- - TREASURES - ------------- Beerstein + Green Cateyes = Beerstein w/G Beerstein + Red Cateyes = Beerstein w/R Beerstein + Yellow Cateyes = Beerstein w/Y Beerstein w/G + Red Cateyes = Beerstein w/G & R Beerstein w/G + Yellow Cateyes = Beerstein w/Y & G Beerstein w/R + Green Cateyes = Beerstein w/G & R Beerstein w/R + Yellow Cateyes = Beerstein w/R & Y Beerstein w/Y + Red Cateyes = Beerstein w/R & Y Beerstein w/Y + Green Cateyes = Beerstein w/Y & G Beerstein w/G & R + Yellow Cateyes = Beerstein w/G, R & Y Beerstein w/R & Y + Green Cateyes = Beerstein w/G, R & Y Beerstein w/Y & G + Red Cateyes = Beerstein w/G, R & Y Butterfly Lamp + Green Eye = Butterfly Lamp w/G Butterfly Lamp + Red Eye = Butterfly Lamp w/R Butterfly Lamp + Blue Eye = Butterfly Lamp w/B Butterfly Lamp w/G + Red Eye = Butterfly Lamp w/G & R Butterfly Lamp w/G + Blue Eye = Butterfly Lamp w/G & B Butterfly Lamp w/R + Green Eye = Butterfly Lamp w/G & R Butterfly Lamp w/R + Blue Eye = Butterfly Lamp w/R & B Butterfly Lamp w/B + Red Eye = Butterfly Lamp w/R & B Butterfly Lamp w/B + Green Eye = Butterfly Lamp w/G & B Butterfly Lamp w/G & R + Blue Eye = Butterfly Lamp w/G, R & B Butterfly Lamp w/G & B + Red Eye = Butterfly Lamp w/G, R & B Butterfly Lamp w/R & B + Green Eye = Butterfly Lamp w/G, R & B Crown + Crown Jewel = Crown w/Jewel Crown + Royal Insignia = Crown w/Insignia Crown w/Jewel + Royal Insignia = Salazar Family Crown Crown w/Insignia + Crown Jewel = Salazar Family Crown Elegant Mask + Red Gem = Elegant Mask w/R Elegant Mask + Green Gem = Elegant Mask w/G Elegant Mask + Purple Gem = Elegant Mask w/P Elegant Mask w/R + Green Gem = Elegant Mask w/G & R Elegant Mask w/R + Purple Gem = Elegant Mask w/R & P Elegant Mask w/G + Red Gem = Elegant Mask w/G & R Elegant Mask w/G + Purple Gem = Elegant Mask w/G & P Elegant Mask w/P + Green Gem = Elegant Mask w/G & P Elegant Mask w/P + Red Gem = Elegant Mask w/R & P Elegant Mask w/G & R + Purple Gem = Elegant Mask w/R, G & P Elegant Mask w/G & P + Red Gem = Elegant Mask w/R, G & P Elegant Mask w/R & P + Green Gem = Elegant Mask w/R, G & P Golden Lynx + Green Stone Of Judgement = Golden Lynx w/G Golden Lynx + Red Stone Of Faith = Golden Lynx w/R Golden Lynx + Blue Stone Of Treason = Golden Lynx w/B Golden Lynx w/G + Red Stone Of Faith = Golden Lynx w/G & R Golden Lynx w/G + Blue Stone Of Treason = Golden Lynx w/G & B Golden Lynx w/R + Green Stone Of Judgement = Golden Lynx w/G & R Golden Lynx w/R + Blue Stone Of Treason = Golden Lynx w/R & B Golden Lynx w/B + Green Stone Of Judgement = Golden Lynx w/G & B Golden Lynx w/B + Red Stone Of Faith = Golden Lynx w/R & B Golden Lynx w/G & R + Blue Stone Of Treason = Golden Lynx w/G, R & B Golden Lynx w/G & B + Red Stone Of Faith = Golden Lynx w/G, R & B Golden Lynx w/R & B + Green Stone Of Judgement = Golden Lynx w/G, R & B -------------------- 10.6 - Extra Scenes |----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- These weren't really my stuffs, as they were organised by the people in the RE4 board. Specifically, credit to Deku Tree for starting the topic. I apologize as there are simply too many people to be credited with, and I don't know who first discover those stuffs, so I can't really credit the appropriate people. Moreover I discovered some of them myself, so... --------------- - CHAPTER 1-1 - --------------- At the Trail, if you aim your weapon at the police officers that drives you here, they will say something about you to hurry up and don't fool around. At the Trail, if you tries to go in the opposite direction to the bridge, the police officer will stop you. At the Trail, if you goes to the broken edge, you will get a scene where Leon will look over the cliff to see the overturned vehicle with the police officers nowhere in sight. At Pueblo, if you enter the Shotgun Room, you will get a scene where Leon slam the door shut then barricade the door with the drawer. Then, Leon will see outside that the villagers are discussing about how to get Leon out from the house. Also, Chainsaw Man will appear. --------------- - CHAPTER 1-3 - --------------- If you return to the Chief Bitores' bed room immediately when the chapter starts, you will get a scene where a red lady save Leon from Chief Bitores. If you goes to the right path first instead of checking the church door, Hunnigan will contact Leon and reprimand him about not to take the scenic path. If you fire at the fishes at the dock, El Lago will swallow you whole. --------------- - CHAPTER 2-1 - --------------- A cutscene showing the debut of Colmillos if you go back across the lake and head up the hill. --------------- - CHAPTER 2-2 - --------------- If you fire at Luis purposely during the assault part, he will fire his gun at you. Yes, that's a "You're Dead". --------------- - CHAPTER 3-2 - --------------- If you return to the Altar where the zealots and the leader is praying, fire a rocket launcher at them for a spectacular death. In the Gatling Gun Hall, if you didn't manage to kill the monk leader in red before he reaches the Gatling Gun Hall 1F while you chase him, he will appear with the Gatling Gun turrent when you reach Gatling Gun Hall 1. --------------- - CHAPTER 4-1 - --------------- In the Novistador Nest (where Ashley got caught), fire at the nest repeated and a scene will eventually shows the nest dropping down. During the fight with Verdugo, fire it with rocket launcher for a spectacular death. --------------- - CHAPTER 5-1 - --------------- Get into the control room and Leon will try to use the console to call for backup. Unfortunately the console isn't responding... --------------- - CHAPTER 5-3 - --------------- Who could have miss this one? In Saddler's Throne Room, you can make Leon sit on his throne and pose if you press (A) in front of the throne. ----------------------- 10.7 - Merchant Quotes |-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- I love the merchant, and you better do. He's your life savior. I mean, setting up stores around (even in the bottom of pit!) to sell you high-power weapons and upgrades which enhance your weaponary. Sure he sell things expensive, but every- thing has a price! I guess its his British accent. In this section, you will see the many quotes that he says throughout the game! (Initial encounter) - Over here stranger! - Got something that might interest ya. - Got some rare things on sale stranger! + So stranger, any luck with the blue medallions? + Remember, shoot more than 10 to get your specialized gun! (Before you trade) - Got a selection of good things on sale stranger! (Second encounter) - Got some rare things on sale stranger! + So stranger, any luck with the blue medallions? + Remember, shoot more than 10 to get your specialized gun! (When you trade) - What are you selling? - What are you buying? (After shooting more than 10 medallions) + Well done stranger. I see you've shot more than 10 medallions. + Like I promised, go claim your specialized gun in the Buy screen. Don't worry about money. This one's on the house. (After you select an item to buy/sell) - Is that all stranger? (When you want to sell any item with more than 10000 pesetas worth of value) - Ah... I'll buy it at a high price. (When you buy a weapon...) Red9 - Ahh...A choice of an avid gun collector. It's a nice gun stranger Punisher - A wise choice mate. It's ammo will penetrate just about anything. Broken Butterfly - I see you have an eye for things. Gun's not just about shooting. It's about reloadin'. You'll know what I'm talking about. Matilda - An awesome choice stranger. It's got a 3 round rapid-fire capability. Although it uses up ammo rather quickly. Handcannon - Stranger. What you need that for? Going huntin' an elephant? Mine Thrower - Not only will you need cash but you'll need guts to buy that weapon. (When you have no money...) - Not enough cash. Stranger. (After trade) - Come back any time! - Hehehe. Thank you! ---------------------- 10.8 - Files Location |--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ----------------- - Village Files - ----------------- File Name - Chapter - Area - Location -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing Manual 1 - N/A - Info on Ashley - N/A - Playing Manual 2 - 1-1 - Pueblo - From Ingrid Hunnigan Alert Order - 1-1 - Pueblo - Upper Right Shack About the Blue Medallions - 1-1 - Farm - Tree Chief's Note - 1-2 - Chief's House - Bed Closure of the Church - 1-3 - Graveyard - Shed Prior Bridge Anonymous Letter - 2-1 - Lakeside Shack - Bed Playing Manual 3 - 2-1 - Church - Rescue Ashley Sera and the 3rd Party - 2-2 - Farm - Shed Two Routes - 2-3 - Outside Cabin - Merchant Shack Village's Last Defense - 2-3 - Gondola Station - Small House ---------------- - Castle Files - ---------------- File Name - Chapter - Area - Location -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capture Luis Sera - 3-1 - Flame Hall - Wall Target Practice - - Shooting Gallery - Besides Merchant Luis' Memo - 3-2 - Novistador Cell - Left Cell Famale Intruder - 3-3 - Salazar's Bedroom - Table Castellan Memo - 3-2 - Gatling Gun Hall - Central Table Butler's Memo - 3-3 - Pedestral Room - Left of Pedestral Sample Retrieved - 4-1 - Royalty Corridor - Table Luis' Memo 2 - 4-2 - Merchant Hut - On Sack Letter from Ada - 4-3 - Merchant Shack - Doorway ---------------- - Island Files - ---------------- File Name - Chapter - Area - Location -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luis' Memo 3 - 5-1 - Operating Room - Corner Paper Airplane - 5-2 - Ashley Storage Room - Floor Our Plan - 5-3 - Mission Statement Room - Altar Table Luis' Memo 4 - 5-3 - Merchant Cavern - Krauser's Note - 5-3 - Tunnel To Fortress - Luis' Memo 5 - 5-4 - Merchant Rock Passage - Rock Our Mission - 6-1 - Surgical Extraction Passage - ------------------------- 10.9 - Characters Detail |------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ----------------- - Running Speed - ----------------- *100% is the speed where Leon is armed with eggs, grenade series weapons, bare hand or with the Rocket Launcher, in Fine (Green) condition. o----------------o-------------------------------------------------------------o | Character Name | Condition | | o-------------------------------------------------------------o | | (Green) | (Yellow/Red) | Others | o================o=============================================================o | Leon | 100% | 83% | W/weapons (include I.Launcher) 96% | | Ashley | 95% | 74% | - | | Ada | 111% | 83% | w/Rifle 97% | | Krauser | 112% | 80% | - | | Hunk | 100% | 83% | W/weapons 96% | | Wesker | 100% | 83% | W/weapons 96% | | (walking) | 39% | - | - | o================o=============================================================o -------------------- 10.10)Miscellaneous |----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------- - EASTER EGGS - --------------- From: Gerard Tummers The pesetas currency used in the game is outdated. In Europe, the currency that they have been using since few years back is the "Euro". ----------- - ANIMALS - ----------- Monsters and the characters are not the only living things in the game. There are several animals in the game: Fishes Cow --------------------------- - LOS ILLUMINADOS RANKING - --------------------------- o==========================o | Name | o==========================o | Lord Osmund Saddler | | Ramon Salazar | | Bitores Mendez | | Ganado (Heretic, Red) | | Ganado (Heretic, Purple) | | Ganado (Heretic, Black) | | Ganado (Soldier) | | Ganado (Villager) | o--------------------------o ----------------------------- - ENEMIES/ANIMALS ITEM DROP - ----------------------------- This list shows the items that the animals/enemies will drop. Except Ganados, the rest of the enemies drop items when they die. o-----------------------o----------------------------------o | Enemy | Item | o-----------------------o----------------------------------o | VILLAGERS | ============================================================ | Villager | Handgun Ammo (10) | | | Pesetas | | | Green Herb | | | Handcannon Ammo (2) | | | Rifle Ammo (3) | | Villager (Las Plagas) | TMP Ammo (30) | | | Pesetas (5000) |Initial | Chainsaw Villager (F) | Ruby |Pueblo | | Camp Key | | Chainsaw Villager (M) | 10000 Pesetas | | | First Aid Spray |The Mercenaries | | Ruby | ============================================================ | ZEALOT/MONK | ============================================================ | Zealot | Handgun Ammo (10) | | | Pesetas | | | Green Herb | | | Handcannon Ammo (2) | | | Rifle Ammo (3) | | | Spinel |Worshippers | | 5000 Pesetas |Flame Dragon | | Illuminados Pendant |Flame Dragon | Zealot (Las Plagas) | Handgun Ammo (10) | | | Pesetas | | | Green Herb | | Masked Zealot | Gold Bangle |Clock Tower | Red Zealot Leader | Illuminados Pendant | | | Gallery Key |Gatling Gun Hall | | Pesetas (5000) | ============================================================ | SOLDIER | ============================================================ | Armored Soldier | Pesetas | | Soldier | Handgun Ammo (10) | | | Pesetas | | | Green Herb | | | Handcannon Ammo (2) | | | Rifle Ammo (3) | | | Emergency Lock Card Key (1) |Guard Area | Gatling Gunner | 15000 Pesetas | | | First Aid Spray |The Mercenaries | | First Aid Spray |Assignment Ada ============================================================ | ANIMALS | ============================================================ | Crow | Pesetas | | | First Aid Spray | | | Hand Grenade | | | Spinel | | | Handgun Ammo (10) | | Fish | Black Bass | | | Black Bass (L) | | | Pesetas | | | Flash Grenade | | Snake | Chicken Egg | | | Brown Chicken Egg | | | Gold Chicken Egg | | Chicken | Chicken Egg | Lay egg | | Brown Chicken Egg | Lay egg | | Gold Chicken Egg | Lay egg ============================================================ | OTHERS | ============================================================ | Colmillos | Handgun Ammo (10) | | | Pesetas | | | Green Herb | | Novistador | Green Eye | | | Red Eye | | | Blue Eye | | | Handgun Ammo (10) | | | Handgun Ammo (20) | | | Green Herb | | | Rifle Ammo (3) | | | Shotgun Shells (3) | | Armarduras | 6500 Pesetas |King's Grail Room | Garrador | 15000 Pesetas | | | First Aid Spray |The Mercenaries | Regenerator | 5000 Pesetas | ============================================================ | BOSSES | ============================================================ | Verdugo | Crown Jewel | | El Gigante | 15000 Pesetas | | Ramon Salazar | 50000 Pesetas | | U3 | 50000 Pesetas | | Jack Krauser | Piece Of The Holy Beast, Serpent | | Lord Saddler | 10000 Pesetas | o-----------------------o----------------------------------o ------------------- - ATTACKING NOTES - ------------------- Explosive items damage value is 2500. Head shot inflicts 1.2 the damage of the normal damage (to other body parts) Head shot with Rifle inflicts 5x the damage of the normal damage, with a 10x the chance of critical occuring. ---------------- - CHARACTER HP - ---------------- Leon (initial) - 1200 Leon (Maximum) - 2400 ---------------- - DAMAGE MOVES - ---------------- Note: The game might adjust the damage from the range of 80% to 180%, depending on your progress. Note 2: When Leon sustains instant death moves, there is a 25% chance of the vitality draining to only 1 (not counting explosive moves). (Miscellaneous) - Incendiary Grenade - 3 (flame. Instant death to Ashley) Ganados - Axe - 380 - Scythe - 380 - Butcher Knife - 380 - Fire Torch - 380 - Rocket Launcher - 1200 - Scythe Toss - 700 - Hammer (armored) - 912 - Flail - 480 - Shield Bash - 480 - Stun Rod - 768 - Fire Torch (Flame) - 10*50 - Crossbow - 400 - Gatling Gun Turrent - 600 - Gatling Gun - 900 - Dynamite - 1200 - Catapult - 1200 Garrador - Claws Dance - 640, 320, 160 - Claw Dash - 1400 El Gigante - (all except Kick) - 800 U-3 - (all except throws) - 1100 Jack Krauser - Hand Grenade - 1000 - Machine GUn - 800 - Knife -> Knife 2 - 800, 1150 - Arrow - 150, 1200 - Double Kick - 500, 500 - Wing Dash Jump - 1500 - Wing Dash Attacks - 1000 - Leg Sweep - 500, Instant Death ------------ RANDOM ITEMS ------------ Some pots, barrels and boxes have no fixed items. However, there is a random chance of an items appearing in it. Also, some ganados might drop random items when defeated. Below shows the chance of the random items appearance: o-------------o---------------------o | Probability | Item | o-------------o---------------------o | 3/9 | Pesetas * | | 4/9 | (Nothing) | | 2/9 | Ammo/Healing Item** | o-------------o---------------------o *1.5% of chance that you will get Pesetas (9900) from villagers, (19800) from other ganados. 98.4% that you will get Pesetas (3300) **The ammo type will not appear after a certain amount. Handgun Ammo - 70 Shotgun Shells - 25 TMP Ammo - 200 Mine Rounds - 10 The gems type dropping probability from Novistador is as follow: Green Eye - 50% Red Eye - 37.5% Blue Eye - 12.5% ----------------- - AMMO PER PACK - ----------------- #Ammo In Attache Case Maximum amount of ammo you can store as a pack in the Attache Case #Ammo Per Pack Ammo amount you will pick as a pack in the game. o-----------------o----------------------o---------------o | Ammunition Name | Ammo In Attache Case | Ammo Per Pack | o-----------------o----------------------o---------------o | Magnum Ammo | 10 | 3, 5 | | Handgun Ammo | 50 | 10, 15, 20 | | Shotgun Shells | 15 | 5, 10, 15 | | Handcannon Ammo | 10 | 2, 4, 10 | | TMP Ammo | 100 | 25, 50 | | Rifle Ammo | 10 | 3, 5 | | M. Thrower Ammo | ? | ? | o-----------------o----------------------o---------------o ------------------------ - WEAPON DRAWING SPEED - ------------------------ Rifle - 1.03 sec Rocket Launcher - 1.17 sec Krauser's Bow - 0.7 sec (Others) - 0.2~0.4 sec ================================================================================ --------------------- (11)MERCHANT TRADING |-------------------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 --------------------- ================================================================================ One of the many new features is that you are able to use the pts collected in the game to trade with the merchants found in various points of the game. Here, you will be able to find all the details on tuning up the accessaries, purchase/sell value of every items. ------------------ 11.1 - Sell Price |------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ The selling prices for the weapons vary. To check the cost of the weapons sell price, refer to this formula: (A+B) / 2 + (C x Ammo Sell Price) A = Buy Price of Weapon B = Cost of Total Upgrade C = Number of Bullet in Weapon when sold +-----------------------------+--------------------+ | Item Name | Ptas Selling Price | +-----------------------------+--------------------+ ********************** Others ********************** | Tactical Vest | 30000 | | Stock (Red9) | 2000 | | Stock (TMP) | 2000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 3500 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 5000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 4000 | | Infrared Scope | 10000 | ******************** Ammunition ******************** | Handgun Ammo | 50 | | Shotgun Shells | 120 | | Magnum Ammo | 500 | | Rifle Ammo | 120 | | Handcannon Ammo | 600 | | TMP Ammo | 20 | | Flash Grenade | 500 | | Incendiary Grenade | 1000 | | Hand Grenade | 2000 | ******************* Healing Item ******************* | Green Herb | 500 | | Red Herb | 1000 | | Yellow Herb | 3000 | | Mixed Herb (G+R) | 2000 | | Mixed Herb (G+Y) | 4500 | | Mixed Herb (G+Y+R) | 10000 | | First Aid Spray | 5000 | | Chicken Egg | 300 | | Brown Chicken Egg | 600 | | Golden Chicken Egg | 3000 | | Black Bass | 750 | | Black Bass (L) | 2300 | ******************** Treasure ********************** | Amber Ring | 10000 | | Antique Pipe | 10000 | | Beerstein | 3000 | | Beerstein w/G | 10000 | | Beerstein w/R | 10000 | | Beerstein w/Y | 10000 | | Beerstein w/G & R | 15000 | | Beerstein w/R & Y | 15000 | | Beerstein w/Y & G | 15000 | | Beerstein w/G, R & Y | 20000 | | Butterfly Lamp | 4500 | | Butterfly Lamp w/G | 6500 | | Butterfly Lamp w/R | 7000 | | Butterfly Lamp w/B | 8500 | | Butterfly Lamp w/G & R | 11000 | | Butterfly Lamp w/G & B | 13000 | | Butterfly Lamp w/R & B | 15000 | | Butterfly Lamp w/G, R & B | 32000 | | Blue Eye | 3000 | | Blue Stone Of Treason | 3500 | | Brass Pocket Watch | 10000 | | Crown Jewel | 11000 | | Crown | 9000 | | Dirty Brass Pocket Watch | 1000 | | Dirty Pearl Pendant | 1000 | | Elegant Chessboard | 13000 | | Elegant Headdress | 10000 | | Elegant Mask | 3000 | | Elegant Perfume Bottle | 10000 | | Emerald | 3000 | | Gold Bangle | 8500 | | Gold Bangle With Pearls | 10000 | | Golden Lynx | 15000 | | Green Catseye | 3000 | | Green Eye | 1000 | | Green Gem | 3000 | | Green Stone Of Judgement | 3500 | | Hourglass With Gold Decor | 12000 | | Illuminados Pendant | 12000 | | Mirror With Pearls & Rubies | 12000 | | Pearl Pendant | 10000 | | Purple Gem | 3000 | | Red Catseye | 3000 | | Red Eye | 1500 | | Red Gem | 3000 | | Red Stone Of Faith | 3500 | | Royal Insignia | 13000 | | Ruby | 10000 | | Spinel | 2000 | | Staff Of Royalty | 20000 | | Velvet Blue | 2500 | | Yellow Catseye | 3000 | +-----------------------------+--------------------+ ----------------- 11.2 - Buy Price |-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- +-----------------------------+--------------------+ | Item Name | Ptas Buying Price | +-----------------------------+--------------------+ ******************** Weapons *********************** | Handgun | 8000 | | Red 9 | 14000 | | Punisher | 0 | *Blue Medallions mini-game | Punisher | 20000 | | Blacktail | 24000 | | Matilda | 70000 | | Shotgun | 20000 | | Riot Gun | 32000 | | Striker | 43000 | | Broken Butterfly | 38000 | | Killer 7 | 77700 | | Rifle | 12000 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 35000 | | TMP | 15000 | | Mine Thrower | 28000 | | Chicago Typewriter | 1000000 | | Handcannon | 0 | | Rocket Launcher | 30000 | | Infinite Launcher | 10000000 | ******************** Upgrades ********************** | Stock (Red 9) | 4000 | | Stock (TMP) | 4000 | | Scope (Rifle) | 7000 | | Scope (Semi-Auto Rifle) | 10000 | | Infrared Scope | 4000 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 8000 | ********************** Others ********************** | Attach Case M | 30000 | | Attach Case L | 40000 | | Attach Case XL | 73000 | | Treasure Map | 10000 | | Tactical Vest | 60000 | | First Aid Spray | 10000 | +-----------------------------+--------------------+ -------------------- 11.3 - Tune Up Cost |----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ----------- - HANDGUN - ----------- o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Weapon Cost | Cost | Upgrade Location | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Power | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 7000 | 1-2 Outside Prisoner Holding House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 10000 | 2-1 Merchant's Hut Next to Lake | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 15000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 18000 | 3-1 Upside Down Altar | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 20000 | 4-1 West of Novistador Hive | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Fire Spd | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 5000 | 1-2 Outside Prisoner Holding House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 12000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Reload | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 4000 | 1-2 Outside Prisoner Holding House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 10000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Capacity | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 4000 | 1-2 Outside Prisoner Holding House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 6000 | 2-1 Merchant's Hut Next to Lake | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 8000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 10000 | 3-1 Upside Down Altar | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 12000 | 4-1 West of Novistador Hive | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Exclusive | 57000 | 4-3 Merchant Shack | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o -------- - RED9 - -------- o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Weapon Cost | Cost | Upgrade Location | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Power | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 15000 | 2-2 Underground Tunnel of Insignia House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 20000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 24000 | 3-1 Upside Down Altar | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 28000 | 4-1 West of Novistador Hive | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 45000 | 4-3 Merchant Shack | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Fire Spd | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 10000 | 2-2 Underground Tunnel of Insignia House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 15000 | 3-1 Upside Down Altar | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Reload | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 6000 | 2-2 Underground Tunnel of Insignia House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 10000 | 3-1 Upside Down Altar | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Capacity | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 6000 | 2-2 Underground Tunnel of Insignia House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 8000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 12000 | 3-1 Upside Down Altar | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 16000 | 4-1 West of Novistador Hive | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 22000 | 4-4 Tower Apex (Outside) | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Exclusive | 80000 | 4-4 Jet-Ski Boarding Area | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o ------------ - PUNISHER - ------------ o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Weapon Cost | Cost | Upgrade Location | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Power | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 10000 | 2-2 Underground Tunnel of Insignia House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 15000 | 2-2 Underground Tunnel of Insignia House | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 20000 | 3-1 Upside Down Altar | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 25000 | 4-1 West of Novistador Hive | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 35000 | 4-3 Merchant Shack | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Fire Spd | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 10000 | 2-2 Underground Tunnel of Insignia House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 20000 | 3-1 Upside Down Altar | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Reload | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 8000 | 2-2 Underground Tunnel of Insignia House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 18000 | 3-1 Upside Down Altar | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Capacity | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 8000 | 2-2 Underground Tunnel of Insignia House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 10000 | 2-2 Underground Tunnel of Insignia House | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 15000 | 3-1 Upside Down Altar | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 18000 | 4-2 Merchant's Cave | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 24000 | 4-2 Merchant's Cave | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Exclusive | 40000 | 4-4 Jet-Ski Boarding Area | o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o ------------- - BLACKTAIL - ------------- o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Weapon Cost | Cost | Upgrade Location | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Power | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 15000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 18000 | 3-3 Salazar's Bedroom | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 24000 | 4-1 West of Novistador Hive | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 30000 | 4-3 Merchant's Shack | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 40000 | 4-4 Jet-Ski Boarding Area | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Fire Spd | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 10000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 20000 | 4-1 West of Novistador Hive | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Reload | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 8000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 15000 | 4-1 West of Novistador Hive | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Capacity | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 8000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 10000 | 3-3 Salazar's Bedroom | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 15000 | 4-1 West of Novistador Hive | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 20000 | 4-3 Merchant's Shack | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 25000 | 4-4 Jet-Ski Boarding Area | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Exclusive | 80000 | 4-4 Jet-Ski Boarding Area | o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o ----------- - MATILDA - ----------- o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Weapon Cost | Cost | Upgrade Location | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Power | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 15000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 17000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 20000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 25000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 35000 | Start of "Clear Game" | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Reload | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 6000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 15000 | Start of "Clear Game" | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Capacity | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 7000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 10000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 12000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 16000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 20000 | Start of "Clear Game" | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Exclusive | 35000 | Start of "Clear Game" | o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- 11.4 - Tune Up - Shotgun Series |----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------- - SHOTGUN - ----------- o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Weapon Cost | Cost | Upgrade Location | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Power | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 15000 | 1-2 Outside Prisoner Holding House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 20000 | 2-1 Merchant's Hut Next to Lake | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 25000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 30000 | 4-2 Merchant's Cave | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 45000 | 4-3 Merchant Shack | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Reload | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 7000 | 1-2 Outside Prisoner Holding House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 15000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Capacity | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 8000 | 1-2 Outside Prisoner Holding House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 10000 | 2-1 Merchant's Hut Next to Lake | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 12000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 15000 | 4-2 Merchant's Cave | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 20000 | 4-3 Merchant Shack | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Exclusive | 40000 | 4-4 Jet-Ski Boarding Area | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o ------------ - RIOT GUN - ------------ o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Weapon Cost | Cost | Upgrade Location | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Power | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 20000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 24000 | 3-2 Upside Down Statues Altar | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 28000 | 3-3 Salazar's Bedroom | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 32000 | 4-1 West of Novistador Hive | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 50000 | 4-4 Jet-Ski Boarding Area | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Reload | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 7000 | 3-2 Upside Down Statues Altar | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 20000 | 4-4 Jet-Ski Boarding Area | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Capacity | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 10000 | 3-2 Upside Down Statues Altar | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 12000 | 3-3 Salazar's Bedroom | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 15000 | 4-1 West of Novistador Hive | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 20000 | 4-2 Merchant's Cave | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 25000 | 4-4 Jet-Ski Boarding Area | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Exclusive | 120000 | 4-4 Jet-Ski Boarding Area | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o ----------- - STRIKER - ----------- o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Weapon Cost | Cost | Upgrade Location | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Power | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 25000 | 4-2 Merchant's Cave | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 28000 | 4-2 Merchant's Cave | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 32000 | 4-4 Jet-Ski Boarding Area | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 40000 | 5-1 Outside Lab Facility | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 60000 | 5-1 Shutter Area with Shooting Gallery | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Reload | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 8000 | 4-2 Merchant's Cave | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 15000 | 4-4 Jet-Ski Boarding Area | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Capacity | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 10000 | 4-2 Merchant's Cave | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 12000 | 4-2 Merchant's Cave | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 16000 | 4-4 Jet-Ski Boarding Area | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 18000 | 5-1 Outside Lab Facility | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 25000 | 5-1 Shutter Area with Shooting Gallery | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Exclusive | 60000 | 5-1 Shutter Area with Shooting Gallery | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o ------------------------------- 11.5 - Tune Up - Magnum Series |------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- -------------------- - BROKEN BUTTERFLY - -------------------- o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Weapon Cost | Cost | Upgrade Location | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Power | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 25000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 30000 | 3-3 Salazar's Bedroom | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 35000 | 4-1 West of Novistador Hive | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 50000 | 4-3 Merchant's Shack | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 70000 | 5-3 Merchant's Cavern | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Reload | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 15000 | 3-3 Salazar's Bedroom | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 20000 | 4-2 Merchant's Cave | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Capacity | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 15000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 20000 | 4-1 West of Novistador Hive | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 25000 | 5-1 Outside Lab Facility | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Exclusive | 50000 | 5-3 Merchant's Tunnel | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o ----------- - KILLER7 - ----------- o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Weapon Cost | Cost | Upgrade Location | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Power | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 62000 | 5-1 Shutter Area with Shooting Gallery | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 78000 | 5-3 Prior U-3 Fight | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Reload | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 20000 | 5-1 Shutter Area with Shooting Gallery | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 30000 | 5-3 Prior U-3 Fight | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Capacity | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 30000 | 5-1 Shutter Area with Shooting Gallery | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 40000 | 5-3 Prior U-3 Fight | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o ------------------------------ 11.6 - Tune Up - Rifle Series |------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------- - RIFLE - --------- o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Weapon Cost | Cost | Upgrade Location | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Power | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 10000 | 1-2 Outside Prisoner Holding House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 12000 | 2-1 Merchant's Hut Next to Lake | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 20000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 25000 | 3-1 Upside Down Altar | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 35000 | 4-1 West of Novistador Hive | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Reload | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 8000 | 1-2 Outside Prisoner Holding House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 18000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Capacity | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 6000 | 1-2 Outside Prisoner Holding House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 8000 | 2-1 Merchant's Hut Next to Lake | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 12000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 18000 | 3-1 Upside Down Altar | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 25000 | 4-1 West of Novistador Hive | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Exclusive | 80000 | 4-3 Merchant Shack | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o --------------------- - RIFLE (SEMI-AUTO) - --------------------- o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Weapon Cost | Cost | Upgrade Location | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Power | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 15000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 18000 | 3-2 Upside Down Statues Altar | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 24000 | 4-1 Main Corridor | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 30000 | 4-3 Merchant's Shack | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 40000 | 5-1 Outside Lab Facility | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Reload | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 9000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 18000 | 3-2 Upside Down Statues Altar | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Capacity | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 10000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 12000 | 3-2 Upside Down Statues Altar | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 15000 | 4-1 Main Corridor | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 20000 | 4-3 Merchant's Shack | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 25000 | 5-1 Outside Lab Facility | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Exclusive | 80000 | 5-1 Outside Lab Facility | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o ------------------------- 11.7 - Tune Up - Special |------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------- - TMP - ------- o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Weapon Cost | Cost | Upgrade Location | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Power | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 7000 | 1-3 Underground Tunnel of Insignia House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 14000 | 2-2 Underground Tunnel of Insignia House | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 18000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 24000 | 3-1 Upside Down Altar | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 35000 | 4-1 Main Corridor | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Reload | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 5000 | 1-3 Underground Tunnel of Insignia House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 15000 | 3-1 Upside Down Altar | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Capacity | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 7000 | 1-3 Underground Tunnel of Insignia House | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 15000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 20000 | 4-1 Main Corridor | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 25000 | 4-3 Merchant Shack | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 35000 | 4-4 Jet-Ski Boarding Area | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Exclusive | 100000 | 4-4 Jet-Ski Boarding Area | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o ---------------- - MINE THROWER - ---------------- o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Weapon Cost | Cost | Upgrade Location | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Power | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 25000 | 3-3 Salazar's Bedroom | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 45000 | 4-2 Merchant's Cave | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Reload | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 18000 | 4-1 West of Novistador Hive | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Capacity | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 25000 | 3-1 Merchant's Hut Near Castle Bridge | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 40000 | 4-4 Jet-Ski Boarding Area | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Exclusive | 30000 | 5-1 Outside Lab Facility | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o -------------- - HANDCANNON - -------------- o-------------------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Weapon Cost | Cost | Upgrade Location | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Power | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 4000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 5000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 7000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 9000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 12000 | Start of "Clear Game" | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Reload | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 25000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 50000 | Start of "Clear Game" | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Capacity | Lv1 -> Lv 2 | 15000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv2 -> Lv 3 | 20000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv3 -> Lv 4 | 25000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv4 -> Lv 5 | 35000 | Start of "Clear Game" | | | Lv5 -> Lv 6 | 50000 | Start of "Clear Game" | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o | Exclusive | 200000 | Start of "Clear Game" | o-----------o-------------o---------o------------------------------------------o ================================================================================ ---------------- (12)ITEMS GUIDE |------------------------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 ---------------- ================================================================================ ------------------------- 12.1 - Items Description |------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ----------- - WEAPONS - ----------- - Combat Knife - Description: When you run out of ammo, this double-edged weapon is your last resort. - Handgun - Description: This 9mm is Leon's preferred choice of handguns. - Red 9 - Description: A powerful 9mm handgun. - Punisher - Description: This 9mm handgun will blast a hole through two enemies! - Blacktail - Description: A 9mm handgun with superior handling. - Matilda - Description: A 9mm handgun with Burst-Fire capability. - Shotgun - Description: A 12-gauge pump-action shotgun. Don't leave home without it. - Riot Gun - Description: A light-weight pump-action shotgun. Its superior handling enables quicker aiming. - Striker - Description: Equipped with the advantages of wide-shot. it enables faster firing than the standard shotgun. - Rifle - Description: A .233 caliber bolt action rifle. - Rifle (semi-auto) - Description: A .233 caliber rifle capable of firing faster than the standard rifle. - TMP - Description: A full-automatic machine pistol. Fires custom 9mm's. - Mine Thrower - Description: This weapon fires custom "mines" that attach to objects and detonate after a period of time. - Broken Butterfly - Description: A very powerful .45 magnum revolver. This will make anyone's day. - Handcannon - Description: This is a .50 magnum. Need we say more? Description: This .50 magnum now fires infinite bullets! Gotta love it! - Rocket Launcher - Description: Do one major damage to any target. (Single fire) - Infinite Launcher - Description: The ultimate rocket launcher! Fire away! - Rifle (semi-auto) w/ Infrared scope - Description: A semi-auto 223 caliber rifle equipped with an infrared scope. - TMP w/ Stock - Description: A fully-automatic machine pistol equipped with a stock. - Krauser's Bow - Description: A bow that Krauser enjoys using in combat. - Custom TMP - Description: A compact tactical machine pistol that fires 9mm rounds. - Handgun w/ Silencer - Description: A silenced version of the standard 9mm handgun. - Red9 w/Stock - Description: A powerful 9mm handgun with stock. - Rifle+Scope - Description: A .223 caliber bolt action rifle equipped with an all-steel, heavy duty high performance scope. - Rocket Launcher (Special) - Description: A rocket launcher that fires a special rocket. A perfect weapon to exterminate the boss. - Chicago Typewriter - Description: A powerful .45 caliber machinegun that fires infinite bullets! Fire away Chicago-style. ------------ - GRENADES - ------------ - Incendiary Grenade - Description: A powerful explosive that blasts attackers with flames. - Hand Grenade - Description: A handy explosive that will detonate several seconds after throwing it. - Flash Grenade - Description: Use it to blind offenders momentarily. --------------- - AMMUNITIONS - --------------- - Handgun Ammo - Description: A box of 9mm rounds. - Shotgun Shells - Description: 12-gauge shells. Use them with any shotgun - Rifle Ammo - Description: Ammo to be used with any 223 caliber rifle. - TMP Ammo - Description: Custom 9mm ammunition. - Magnum Ammo - Description: Ammo to be used with any .45 caliber Magnum. - Arrows - Description: Arrows to be used with Krauser's bow. - Handcannon Ammo - Description: Custom made .50 caliber ammo. ------------ - UPGRADES - ------------ - Stock (Red9) - Description: A stock for the 9mm Red9 handgun. Absorbs and spreads out 80% of the recoil forces for increased shooting stability and comfort. - Stock (TMP) - Description: A stock for the 9mm fully-auto TMP. Absorbs and spreads out 80% of the recoil forces for increased shooting stability and comfort. - Scope (Rifle) - Description: A custom scope for the bolt action 223 caliber rifle. Mount it to see your enemies closer. A must for long-range shooting. - Scope (semi-auto rifle) - Description: A custom scope for the semi-auto .223 caliber rifle. Mount it to see your enemies closer. A must for long-range shooting. - Scope (Mine Thrower) - Description: A custom scope for the Mine Thrower. - Infrared scope - Description: Mounts on to any .223 caliber rifle. Enables you to see the hidden parasite in the enemy's body. - Silencer (Handgun) - Description: A silencer compatible with the 9mm handgun. ----------------- - HEALING ITEMS - ----------------- - Yellow Herb - Description: Mixing it with a Green Herb will increase your maximum health. - Red Herb - Description: Mixing it with a Green Herb will completely restore health. - Green Herb - Description: Herb that restores partial health. - Chicken Egg - Description: Restores health by a small degree. - Brown Chicken Egg - Description: Restores partial health. - Gold Chicken Egg - Description: Completely restores health. - Black Bass (L) - Description: Restore health completely. - Black Bass - Description: Restore health partially. - Mixed Herbs (G+R+Y) - Description: A mixture of 3 different herbs. It increases your maximum health and restores health completely. - Mixed Herbs (G+Y) - Description: A mixture of 2 different herbs. It increases your maximum health and restore health by a small degree. - Mixed Herbs (G+R) - Description: A mixture of 2 different herbs. Completely restores health. - Mixed Herbs (R+Y) - Description: A mixture of two different herbs. Further mixing with a Green Herb will increase your maximum health as well as restoring health completely. - Green Herb (x2) - Description: A mixture of 2 Green Herbs. Restores health significantly. - Green Herb (x3) - Description: A mixture of 3 Green Herbs. Completely restores health. ------------- - KEY ITEMS - ------------- - Blue Moonstone - Description: A blue stone with a cresent engraving. - Camp Key - Description: It opens the door at the center of the camp. - Castle Gate Key - Description: A key designed with a goat motif. This key opens the main gate into the castle. - Dynamite - Description: A very destructive explosive used in mining. - Emblem (Right half) - Description: The right half of an emblem with an engraving. - Emblem (Left half) - Description: The left half of an emblem with an engraving. - False Eye - Description: There is a code-like pattern etched inside the iris. It opens the gate to get out of the village. - Freezer Card Key - Description: A card key with a red logo of the Los Illuminados. Use it to open the door of the freezer. - Gallery Key - Description: A key with an insignia of the Salazar family. This key opens the door to the gallery room. - Goat Ornament - Description: An ornament piece for the wall relief in the grand hall. - Golden Sword - Description: A decorative sword made from gold. - Hexagonal Emblem - Description: A hexagonal object with a unique insignia engraved in it. It opens the gate in the valley. - Insignia Key - Description: A key with a unique symbol on the end. It opens the door of the house in the village. - Jet-Ski Key - Description: A jet-ski key. I guess you could call it a "present" from Ada. Well, sorta... - Key To The Mine - Description: A key that opens the locked door in the underground ruins. - King's Grail - Description: A grail with a decoration of a king. - Lion Ornament - Description: An ornament piece for the wall relief in the grand hall. - Moonstone (Left Half) - Description: Only the left half of a stone object. - Moonstone (Right Half) - Description: Only the right half of a stone object. - Old Key - Description: It opens the gate at the end of the back route from the cabin. - Piece Of The Holy Beast, Eagle - - Piece Of The Holy Beast, Panther - - Piece Of The Holy Beast, Serpent - Description: A piece of the object to be used at the wall relief. - Platinum Sword - Description: A decorative sword made from platinum. - Emergency Lock Card Key - Description: A card key with a white logo of the Los Illuminados. Insert it in the card reader of the emergency locking device. - Prison Key - Description: A key that opens the door to the underground prison. - Queen's Grail - Description: A grail with a decoration of a queen. - Round Insignia - Description: A round object with a strange symbol. It fits inside the door of the church. - Salazar Family Insignia - Description: A family heirloom that has been passed down for generations in the Salazar family. - Serpent Ornament - Description: An ornament piece for the wall relief in the grand hall. - Stone Of Sacrifice - Description: A stone object with an engraving of an animal for sacrifice. - Stone Tablet - Description: A tablet with part of a picture etched upon its surface. - Storage Room Card Key - Description: A card key with an orange logo of the Los Illuminados. Use it to open the door where Ashley is trapped. - Waste Disposal Card Key - Description: A card key with a yellow logo of the Los Illuminados. Use it to open the door to the Waste Disposal Area. ------------- - VALUABLES - ------------- - Amber Ring - Description: An old ring. I can almost feel the history behind this jewelry. I just hope that there's some value to it. - Antique Pipe - Description: There's a detailed engraving on its pipe. Let's hope it's worth something. - Beerstein - Description: There are 3 recessions on the side. I wonder what they're for? - Beerstein w/ (G) - - Beerstein w/ (R) - - Beerstein w/ (B) - Description: 1 gemstone has been set in the side. - Beerstein w/ (G,R) - - Beerstein w/ (G,B) - - Beerstein w/ (R,B) - Description: 2 gemstones have been set in the side. - Beerstein w/ (G,R,Y) - Description: 3 gemstones have been set in the side. - Bottle Caps - Description: N/A - Butterfly Lamp - Description: An exquisite lamp designed with butterfly motifs. There are 3 indentations like something might fit inside. - Butterfly Lamp w/ (G) - - Butterfly Lamp w/ (R) - - Butterfly Lamp w/ (B) - Description: A lamp set with 1 eye. - Butterfly Lamp w/ (G,R) - - Butterfly Lamp w/ (G,B) - - Butterfly Lamp w/ (R,B) - Description: A lamp set with 2 eyes. - Butterfly Lamp w/ (R,G,B) - Description: A lamp with all the eyes set in its indentations. - Blue Eye - Description: The markings on the sides of the stone indicate that it was once set in something. - Blue Stone Of Treason - Description: The markings on the sides of the stone indicate that it was once set in something. - Brass Pocket Watch - Description: There are signs of use, but this brass watch may still be worth something. - Crown Jewel - Description: The markings on the backside of this piece indicate that it was once set in something. - Crown - Description: A crown with 2 divots like something might fit inside. - Crown with an insignia - Description: A crown with the royal insignia set in it. - Crown with Jewels - Description: A crown with 2 jewels set in it. - Dirty Brass Pocket Watch - Description: A very dirty timepiece. It doesn't seem to have much value. - Dirty Pearl Pendant - Description: A very dirty accessory. It doesn't seem to have much value. - Elegant Chessboard - Description: - Elegant Headdress - Description: The rare stone set in this headdress has made it a one of a kind. - Elegant Mask - Description: A mask with 3 divots like something might fit inside. - Elegant Perfume Bottle - Description: A luxurious looking perfume bottle with an intricate decoration. - Emerald - Description: Although small in size, a precious gem. - Gold Bangle - Description: A handcrafted gold bangle with a beautiful decoration carved around it. - Gold Bangle w/Pearls - Description: The fantastic workmanship of this accessory makes this a valuable item. - Golden Lynx - Description: A golden statue with 3 holes. - Golden Lynx w/(G) - - Golden Lynx w/(R) - - Golden Lynx w/(B) - Description: A statue with 1 stone fitted in it. - Golden Lynx w/(G,R) - - Golden Lynx w/(R,B) - - Golden Lynx w/(G,B) - Description: A statue with 2 stones fitted in it. - Green Catseye - Description: The marking on the stone indicates that it once was set in something, but what? Nevertheless, a rare gem. - Green Eye - Description: The markings on the sides of the stone indicate that it was once set in something. - Green Gem - Description: The markings on the piece indicate that it was once set in something. - Green Stone Of Judgement - Description: The markings on the sides of the stone indicate that it was once set in something. - Hourglass With Gold Decor - Description: A marvelously crafted hourglass. - Illuminados Pendant - Description: A pendant designed with the Los Illuminados motif. - Mirror With Pearls & Rubies - Description: A gorgeous mirror with many pearls and rubies. - Pearl Pendant - Description: It's in pretty good condition. Looks valuable. - Purple Gem - Description: The markings on the sides of the stone indicate that it was once set in something. - Red Catseye - Description: The marking on the stone indicates that it once was set in something, but what? Nevertheless, a rare gem. - Red Eye - Description: The markings on the sides of the stone indicate that it was once set in something. - Red Gem - Description: The markings on the sides of the stone indicate that it was once set in something. - Red Stone Of Faith - Description: The markings on the side of the stone indicate that it was once set in something. - Royal Insignia - Description: The markings on the backside of this piece indicate that it was once set in something. - Ruby - Description: A large precious stone. - Salazar Family Crown - Description: A complete crown with all the jewels and insignia set in it. - Spinel - Description: Although small in size, it appears to have some value - Staff Of Royalty - Description: A staff with a beautiul decoration. It seems to have substantial value. - Velvet Blue - Description: Although small in size, it appears to have some value. - Yellow Catseye - Description: The marking on the stone indicates that it once was set in something, but what? Nevertheless, a rare gem. ----------------- - MISCELLANEOUS - ----------------- - Treasure Map (Village) - Dscription: A map that shows the locations of valuable treasures in the village area. - Treasure Map (Castle) - Dscription: A map that shows the locations of valuable treasures in the castle area. - Attache Case XL - Description: The largest case available. 8 X 15 (120 boxes) - Attache Case L - Description: A large size case. 8 X 12 (96 boxes) - Attache Case M - Description: A medium size case. 7 X 11 (77 boxes) - Tactical Vest - Description: Feel safer with this armored vest. Reduces damage taken by 30%. - Plaga Sample - Description: A powerful parasitic specimen, powerful enough to change the fate of the world. ----------------------- 12.2 - Items Locations |-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ----------- - WEAPONS - ----------- - Combat Knife - Starting Item - Handgun - Starting Item - Buy from Merchant - Red9 - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 2-2) - Punisher - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 2-3) - Complete Blue Medallions Sidequest - Blacktail - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 3-1) - Matilda - Buy from Merchant (Replay Game) - Shotgun - Shotgun House in Peublo - Buy from Merchant - Riot Gun - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 3-1) - Striker - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 4-1) - Rifle - Buy from Merchant - Rifle (semi-auto) - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 3-1) - TMP - Buy from Merchant - Mine Thrower - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 3-1) - Broken Butterfly - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 3-1) - Handcannon - Get 5* ranking on all stages with all characters in The Mercenaries, then buy from Merchant (Replay Game) - Rocket Launcher - Buy from Merchant - Infinite Launcher - Buy from Merchant (Replay Game) - Rifle (semi-auto) w/ Infrared scope - Rifle (semi-auto) + Infrared Scope - TMP w/ Stock - Combine Stock (TMP) + TMP - Krauser's Bow - The Mercenaries (Krauser) - Custom TMP - The Mercenaries (Hunk) - Handgun w/ Silencer - Silencer (Handgun) + Handgun in The Mercenaries (Wesker) - Red9 w/Stock - Stock (Red9) + Red9 - Rifle+Scope - Rifle + Scope (Rifle) - Rocket Launcher (Special) - From Ada in Saddler fight(Final Chapter) - Chicago Typewriter - Complete Assignment Ada mini-game, then buy from Merchant (Replay Game) ------------ - GRENADES - ------------ - Incendiary Grenade - Drop by Ganados, Found in crates/barrels, various - Hand Grenade - Drop by Ganados, Found in crates/barrels, various - Flash Grenade - Drop by Ganados, Found in crates/barrels, various -------------- - AMMUNITION - -------------- - Handgun Ammo - Drop by Ganados, Found in crates/barrels, various - Shotgun Shells - Drop by Ganados, Found in crates/barrels, various - Rifle Ammo - Drop by Ganados, Found in crates/barrels, various - TMP Ammo - Drop by Ganados, Found in crates/barrels, various - Magnum Ammo - Drop by Ganados, Found in crates/barrels, various - Arrows - Drop by Ganados, Found in crates/barrels, various - (Krauser in The Mercenaries mini-game only) - Silencer (Handgun) - Wesker's "Weapons & Recovery" Menu - (The Mercenaries mini-game only) - Handcannon Ammo - Drop by Ganados, Found in crates/barrels, various (After unlocking Handcannon) ------------ - UPGRADES - ------------ - Stock (Red9) - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 2-3 onwards) - Stock (TMP) - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 1-3 onwards) - Scope (Rifle) - Buy from Merchant - Scope (semi-auto rifle) - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 3-1 onwards) - Scope (Mine Thrower) - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 3-1 onwards) - Infrared scope - Chapter 5-1 - Freezer ----------------- - HEALING ITEMS - ----------------- - Yellow Herb - Drop by Ganados, Found in crates/barrels, various - Red Herb - Drop by Ganados, Found in crates/barrels, various - Green Herb - Drop by Ganados, Found in crates/barrels, various - Chicken Egg - Drop from Chicken/Kill Snake - Brown Chicken Egg - Drop from Chicken/Kill Snake/Chief Villager House - Gold Chicken Egg - Drop from Chicken/Kill Snake - Black Bass (L) - Kill Fish - Black Bass - Kill Fish - Mixed Herbs (G+R+Y) - Combine herbs (Green + Red + Yellow) - Mixed Herbs (G+Y) - Combine herbs (Green + Yellow) - Mixed Herbs (G+R) - Combine herbs (Green + Red) - Mixed Herbs (R+Y) - Combine herbs (Red + Yellow) - Green Herb (x2) - Combine herbs (Green + Green) - Green Herb (x3) - Combine herbs (Green + Green + Green) - First Aid Spray - Drop by Ganados, Found in crates/barrels, various - Defeat sub boss in the area (The Mercenaries) ------------- - KEY ITEMS - ------------- - Blue Moonstone - Moonstone (Left) + Moonstone (Right) - Camp Key - Chapter 2-3 - Defeat Female Chainsaw Villager (left route) - Castle Gate Key - Chapter 3-1 - Storage - Dynamite - Chapter 4-2 - Coal Mine Ground - Emblem (Right half) - Chapter 1-2 - Valley, Tool Shed - Emblem (Left half) - Chapter 1-2 - Valley - False Eye - Chapter 1-3 - Defeat Chief Bitores - Freezer Card Key - Chapter 5-1 - Operating Room - Gallery Key - Chapter 3-2 - 2F Balcony - Goat Ornament - Chapter 3-2 - Battle Room - Golden Sword - Chapter 3-1 - Salazar Castle, Castle 1F - Hexagonal Emblem - Emblem (Left half) + Emblem (Right half) - Insignia Key - Chapter 1-2 - Chief Bitores Bed Room - Jet-Ski Key - Final Chapter - Defeat Saddler - Key To The Mine - Chapter 4-3 - Ruined Maze Building - King's Grail - Chapter 4-1 - King's Grail Room - Lion Ornament - Chapter 4-1 - Lava Room - Moonstone (Left Half) - Chapter 3-2 - Garden Maze - Moonstone (Right Half) - Chapter 3-2 - Garden Maze - Old Key - Chapter 2-3 - El Gigante Passage (Right route) - Piece Of The Holy Beast, Eagle - Chapter 5-3 - Fortress Tower Apex - Piece Of The Holy Beast, Panther - Chapter 5-3 - Stairs To Fortress - Piece Of The Holy Beast, Serpent - Chapter 5-3 - Defeat Mutated Krauser - Platinum Sword - Chapter 3-1 - Salazar Castle, Castle 1F - Emergency Lock Card Key - Chapter 5-4 - Emergency Guard Area - Prison Key - Chapter 3-1 - Flame Hall (Painting) - Queen's Grail - Chapter 4-1 - Wrecking Machine Corridor - Round Insignia - Chapter 2-1 - Cave - Salazar Family Insignia - Chapter 3-4 - Armarduras Hidden Room - Serpent Ornament - Chapter 3-4 - Armarduras Hidden Room (Take Salazar Family Insignia first) - Stone Of Sacrifice - Chapter 4-3 - Mine Cart Level Area - Stone Tablet - Chapter 3-4 - Gates Area - Storage Room Card Key - Chapter 5-1 - Laboratory (Defeat Iron Maiden) - Waste Disposal Card Key - Chapter 5-1 - Freezer ------------- - VALUABLES - ------------- - Amber Ring - Chapter 2-1 - Waterfall - Antique Pipe - Chapter 1-3 - Swamp Route - Beerstein - Chapter 1-1 - Double Storey Barn (Farm) - Bottle Caps - N/A - Win from "Target Practice" game - Butterfly Lamp - Chapter 3-2 - Sewer Water Control Room - Chapter 4-1 - Corridor To Ballroom - Blue Eye - N/A - Kill Novistador - Blue Stone Of Treason - Chapter 5-3 - Tunnel To Fortress - Brass Pocket Watch - Chapter 5-1 - Split Path 2 - Crown Jewel - Chapter 4-1 - Defeat Verdugo - Crown - Chapter 4-1 - Pit Bottom - Dirty Brass Pocket Watch - Chapter 1-2 - Path To Village Chief House - Chapter 5-1 - Split Path 2 (Drop in open well) - Dirty Pearl Pendant - - Elegant Chessboard - - Elegant Headdress - Chapter 1-3 - Underground Merchant Tunnel - Elegant Mask - Chapter 1-2 - Stronghold - Elegant Perfume Bottle - - Emerald - Chapter 5-1 - Armory - - Split Path 2 - Gold Bangle - Chapter 1-3 - Lake Shore - Chapter 3-1 - Catapult Guard Post Ground Level - Chapter 3-4 - Armaduras Hidden Room - Gold Bangle w/Pearls - - Golden Lynx - Chapter 5-1 - Island Guard Buildings - Green Catseye - Chapter 1-3 - Graveyard (Solve puzzle) - Green Eye - N/A - Kill Novistador - Green Gem - Chapter 3-1 - Grand Hall - Green Stone Of Judgement - Chapter 5-2 - Merchant Room Prior Boiler Room - Hourglass With Gold Decor - Chapter 3-3 - Cage Trap Room - Illuminados Pendant - Chapter 3-2 - Altar (Defeat Zealot Leader) - Mirror With Pearls & Rubies - Chapter 3-3 - Salazar Bed Room - Pearl Pendant - Chapter 5-4 - Pearl Pendant Cavern - Purple Gem - Chapter 2-3 - Camp - Red Catseye - Chapter 1-1 - Tunnel Exit/ Homestead Ruins - Red Eye - N/A - Kill Novistador - Red Gem - Chapter 3-2 - Garden Maze Balcony - Red Stone Of Faith - Chapter 5-1 - Kitchen To Cell Path - Royal Insignia - Chapter 4-2 - Stone Crushing Path - Ruby - Chapter 2-3 - Camp - Spinel - Chapter 1-1 - Trail (Crow) - - Tunnel - Chapter 1-3 - Save Room - - Boulder Trail - Chapter 3-1 - Altar - Chapter 3-2 - Pendulums Room - - Altar (Defeat Monk) - - Safe Hall - - Garden Maze - Chapter 3-4 - Statue Save Room - - Cultist Library - - Armaduras Passage - - Armaduras Hidden Door - - Pedestral Room - Chapter 4-1 - Royalty Corridor - - Garradors Room - - Tunnel - Chapter 4-2 - Merchant Hut - - Coal Mine Tunnel - Chapter 4-3 - Ruined Building - Staff Of Royalty - Chapter 4-3 - Underground Ruin Maze - Velvet Blue - Chapter 3-2 - Underground Dungeon Sewer - Yellow Catseye - Chapter 2-3 - Cave ----------------- - MISCELLANEOUS - ----------------- - Treasure Map (Village) - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 1 & 2 only) - Treasure Map (Castle) - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 3 & 4 only) - Treasure Map (Island) - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 5 only) - Attache Case XL - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 3-3 onwards) - Attache Case L - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 3-1 onwards) - Attache Case M - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 1-2 onwards) - Tactical Vest - Buy from Merchant (Chapter 5-1, Armory) -------------------------------------- 12.3 - Items Dimension (Attache Case) |----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- (As Key Items and Treasures are not store in the Attache Case, they will not be listed. Same goes to some other miscellaneous stuffs like the treasure maps, the attache cases itself, and the tactical vest.) o---------------------------o-----------o | Items Name | Dimension | o---------------------------o-----------o | Handgun | 2 X 3 | | Red9 | 2 X 4 | | Punisher | 2 X 3 | | Blacktail | 2 X 3 | | Matilda | 2 X 5 | | Shotgun | 2 X 8 | | Riot Gun | 2 X 8 | | Striker | 2 X 5 | | Rifle | 1 X 8 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 2 X 7 | | TMP | 2 X 3 | | Mine Thrower | 2 X 5 | | Broken Butterfly | 2 X 4 | | Handcannon | 2 X 4 | | Rocket Launcher | 2 X 8 | | Infinite Launcher | 2 X 8 | | Krauser's Bow | 3 X 7 | | Custom TMP | 2 X 4 | | Killer 7 | 2 X 4 | | Rocket Launcher (Special) | 2 X 8 | | Chicago Typewriter | 2 X 7 | | Incendiary Grenade | 1 X 2 | | Hand Grenade | 1 X 2 | | Flash Grenade | 1 X 2 | | Handgun Ammo | 1 X 2 | | Shotgun Shells | 1 X 2 | | Rifle Ammo | 1 X 2 | | TMP Ammo | 1 X 2 | | Magnum Ammo | 1 X 2 | | Arrows | 1 X 4 | | Silencer (Handgun) | 1 X 2 | | Handcannon Ammo | 1 X 2 | | Stock (Red9) | 1 X 3 | | Stock (TMP) | 2 X 2 | | Scope (Rifle) | 1 X 3 | | Scope (semi auto rifle) | 1 X 3 | | Scope (Mine Thrower) | 2 X 2 | | Infrared scope | 1 X 3 | | Yellow Herb | 1 X 2 | | Red Herb | 1 X 2 | | Green Herb | 1 X 2 | | Chicken Egg | 1 X 1 | | Brown Chicken Egg | 1 X 1 | | Gold Chicken Egg | 1 X 1 | | Black Bass (L) | 2 X 6 | | Black Bass | 1 X 3 | | Mixed Herbs (G+R+Y) | 1 X 2 | | Mixed Herbs (G+Y) | 1 X 2 | | Mixed Herbs (G+R) | 1 X 2 | | Mixed Herbs (R+Y) | 1 X 2 | | Green Herb (x2) | 1 X 2 | | Green Herb (x3) | 1 X 2 | | First Aid Spray | 1 X 2 | o---------------------------o-----------o ================================================================================ --------------------------------- (13)MINI-GAMES - BLUE MEDALLIONS |-------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 --------------------------------- ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1. Objectives -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the early part of the game, Chapter 1-1 and Chapter 1-3 to be exact, you have the option to find and locate some items call the "Blue Medallions". There are 15 Blue Medallions in all, and they are found in only 2 location: Chapter 1-1 - Farm - 7 Blue Medallions Chapter 1-3 - Graveyard - 8 Blue Medallions Blue Medallions are the tiny shiny blue object. You can locate their spot using the map. There are 15 Blue Medallions in all to collect. To 'collect' a Blue Medallion, simply fire at it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2. Rewards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So what is the purpose to collect them? Well, if you can collect 10 or more Blue Medallions, the Merchant will give you the "Punisher" handgun, free of charge! Furthermore, if you can collect a total of 15 (all) Blue Medallions, the "Punisher" that the Merchant gives you will have a starting firing level of level 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3. Blue Medallions Location -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the locations for all the Blue Medallions: (FARM) (1)Farm - On the tree just near the starting area, besides the "About the Blue Medallions" file (2)Double Storey Barn - On the 2F, face the ladder direction and aim up. (3)Outside Double Storey Barn - On the left of the balcony, check the windmill. (4)Outside Double Storey Barn - On the corner of the balcony, face the direction of the wooden door on the ground level, face up. (5)Besides shack - At the back area of the farm where there is a bunch of cows, check the tree besides the shack. (6)Cow Barn - Facing the cow barn, aim up (7)Behind Double Storey Barn - Face the back door of the double storey barn from the outside and aim up (GRAVEYARD) (8)Graveyard Area - Foot of Graveyard. On the tree near the shack. (9)Graveyard Area - Tree on the right portion of the graveyard (10)Graveyard Area - Tree on the left portion of the graveyard (11)Church - Tree on the left of church entrance (12)Church - Back wall of the church. Right corner roof, face up (13)Wooden Bridge - Look out of the 1st shack, aim below the hole on the right path (14)Wooden Bridge - Look out of the 1st shack, aim up the hole on the left path (15)Wooden Bridge - At the 2nd gap, turn slightly right and aim down ================================================================================ ---------------------------------- (14)MINI-GAMES - SHOOTING GALLERY |------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 ---------------------------------- ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1. How To Play -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No unlocking is required for this mini-game. However, only some merchants will offer you this game. Somewhere near the merchant, there should be a blue door with a gun engraving on it. Enter that door, and you will see the merchant in the next room behind a counter on the right, and a door next to him. Besides the counter, there will be a file call the "Target Practice". There are 2 sets of weapon you can choose for the game: - Rapid Fire - Sniping After you have selected your set, go through the next door to the shooting gallery area, then press the bell to start the game. After the 5th target destroyed, the back door will appear, and the Salazar target will appear and move across. Try to fire at the Salazar as he worths more point that the normal villager target. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2. Objectives -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this game, your objective is to get a high score by firing at the target boards behind a counter. Some of the target boards move, and depending on where and what target you hit, your score will be affected. Similiarly, firing at the various parts of the background will trigger effects too. There are 4 modes to choose from: A, B, C and D. Initially, you can only plays the "A" game. The "Target Practice" later in the game allows you to play other modes like B, C and D. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3. Reward -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you obtain a score of more than 3000, you will receive a Bottle Cap. "Rare" type bottle Cap are rewarded if you can perform certain feats. There are 4 shooting ranges, and you can win 6 bottle caps from each shooting range. There is a total of 4 shooting rages, so you can get up to 24 Bottle Caps in total. Shooting Ranges are classified as Game Type A to D. You can view the Bottle caps by choosing "Examine" in the Key Items/Treasures menu. Also, when you select a Bottle Cap, you can cause it to make a sound. If you complete the collection of Bottle Caps for a row, you will receive pesetas. Game Type A is the bottom row, Type B for the second row and so on. Here are the amount of pesetas you will earn: o-----------+---------o | Game Type | Pesetas | o-----------+---------o | A | 15000 | | B | 25000 | | C | 35000 | | D | 50000 | o-----------+---------o -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4. Bottle Caps -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the name of the Bottle Caps that you can win in order, and the type: o--------+------------------------+-------------------o | NUMBER | GAME TYPE | o--------+------------------------+-------------------o | | A | C | o--------+------------------------+-------------------o | 1 | Leon w/Handgun | Merchant | | 2 | Leon w/Shotgun | Zealot Leader | | 3 | Ashley | Zealot w/Bowgun | | 4 | Luis | Zealot w/Shield | | 5 | Leon w/Rocket Launcher | Zealot w/Bowgun | | 6 | Ada | Don Pedro | o--------+------------------------+-------------------o | | B | D | o--------+------------------------+-------------------o | 1 | Merchant | Soldier w/Bat | | 2 | Don Esteban | Soldier w/Stunrod | | 3 | Don Manuel | Soldier w/Hammer | | 4 | Don Diego | Isabel | | 5 | Dr. Selvador | Maria | | 6 | Belle Sisters | J.J | o--------+------------------------+-------------------o -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5. Ashley Target -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you win the Bottle Cap of Ashley, the targets will change, in that the Ashley target will appear in the middle. You will have to fire at the other targets by running to the side. Sometime, the pattern where the targets appear will change. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.6. Target Practice Locations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here're the initial locations where you can play the Target Practice for each game type: o===========o============o=========o=====================o | Game Type | Difficulty | Chapter | Location | o===========o============o=========o=====================o | A | Easy | 3-1 | Altar | | B | Normal | 4-1 | Merchant Break Room | | C | Normal | 4-3 | Mining Area | | D | Hard | 5-1 | Laboratory | o-----------o------------o---------o---------------------o There're some other locations where you can play the target practice too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7. Background Interactive -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By firing parts of the background, you can trigger some effects too. --------------- Cabin (Village) --------------- Trees - White birds feather appears Window - Ashley target will appear in the window. Do not shoot it! Chimney - Smokes will fill the house Nest - Worm appears ------ Castle ------ Moon - Moon will change Stars - Rocks will fall Castle - The castle will glow, then an explosion, taking out the targets. Be careful not to accidentally let the explosion to take out the Ashley's target! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.8. Weapons Set -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the weapons in the set: -------------- - Rapid-Fire - -------------- Shotgun (12) TMP Ammo (50) Hand Grenade TMP Ammo (100) Shotgun Shells (15) Shotgun Shells (5) ----------- - Sniping - ----------- Handgun (16) Hand Grenade Handgun Ammo (50) Rifle Ammo (10) Rifle Ammo (10) Rifle Ammo (10) Rifle (18) ================================================================================ -------------------------------- (15)MINI-GAMES - ASSIGNMENT ADA |--------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 -------------------------------- ================================================================================ *"Assignment" Ada is known as "Ada The Spy" in the NTSC/J vers (Biohazard 4) -------------------- 15.1. How To Unlock |----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- To unlock this game, you just simply have to clear the main game once. After that, save the game onto the memory card, and you should have unlock "Assignment Ada" (or Ada The Spy in NTSC/J) and "The Mercenaries" mini-game. ----------------- 15.2. Objectives |-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Ada has been tasked to retrieve 5 Las Plaga Samples. To do so, she has to infiltrate the Island soldier base and recover them. Ada starts with her set of items, and on her way to obtain the samples, she will have to face the ganados along the way, but she will be able to find items as well of cause, or this mission will be too hard for this mercenary. You start from the island cliff, and then collect all the samples and get to the control room at the end. However, Krauser will appear to battle you and he holds the 5th and last sample. Like the main game, if you die, you can restart from the last check point. You cannot save in the game. --------------------------- 15.3. Unlocking The Stuffs |---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Once you have successfully completed the game, you will get the 'special ending' which took place after the evacuation. Also, the ending credit background will be of the mixed scenes from the main game where Ada is involved. However, Ada will be wearing her "Resident Evil 2" costume in them! You can rewatch the end movie after it ends. Furthermore, you will also gets to unlock a secret weapon "Chicago Typewriter", a powerful infinite-ammo machinegun for buying from the merchant. --------------------- 15.4. Playing As Ada |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Ada plays very similar like Leon. She will be wearing her black "Mercenary" costume in this mini game. As Ada doesn't have a knife, she will have to fire at the boxes or the glasses to obtain the item within them. She will run and move faster than Leon, but she seems to sustain a little more damage too. Ada starts with a 2/3 vitality gauge and she can increase the gauge throughout the mini-game as Yellow Herbs are scattered throughout the area. Here are the items that is in Ada's inventory at the start: Punisher (20) TMP (100) Scope (semi-auto rifle) Handgun Ammo (30) TMP Ammo (50) Rifle Ammo (5) Hand Grenade Rifle (semi-auto) First Aid Spray Here're the details of Ada: Name: Ada Wong o----------------o--------------o---------------o | Move | Attack Value | Vitality: 6.5 | o----------------o--------------o---------------o | Fan Kick | 400 | | Back Kick | 400 | o----------------o--------------o Ada have two form of attacks. The first is the Fan Kick, which she can execute at close range to an enemy that is 'stunned' from a Flash Grenade or a hit in the face. The other is the "Back Kick", which she can execute at close range to an enemy that have kneel down on one knee after sustaining a hit in the leg. ------------------ 15.5. Walkthrough |------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Yellow Herb | End of Cave Path | | Pier | | Hand Grenade | End of Cave Path | \-------------------------------/ | TMP Ammo (25) | Left Building | Run forward and when you see the | TMP Ammo (25) | Barricade Area | structure of the buildings(prior | Green Herb | Barricade Front | jumping down the ledge), aim | Yellow Herb | Beyond Door | with the Rifle and eliminate the | Red Herb | Near Ladder To Up | helmet ganado. Switch the weapon | First Aid Spray | Spotlight Building | to the Handgun. | Handgun Ammo (10) | Spotlight Building | | Green Herb | NE Building Stairs | Now, continue forward, and jump | Handgun Ammo (10) | North West Building | down the ledge. Run forward, and o--------------------o----------------------o kill the two soldiers. 1 of them is wearing a helmet. To save your ammo fire at the head of the one without the helmet, and while he stumble forward from the shot, execute Ada's near range move (get near and press A when prompt while the ganado stumble), a "Fan Kick" to knock both ganados down. Now, kill both of them. Continue forward, and take the left path. Fire at the knee of this ganado, then perform a Back Kick. Now, proceed to kill him. Get beyond him to the edge of the cliff, and climbs up the ledge. Destroy the 2 boxes for the Yellow Herb and the Hand Grenade. Get down the first ledge, and try to make your way past the ganado that have come after Ada here. Do not waste your time on him, for he spawns the Plaga parasite when die. Make your way to the junction, cross the wooden bridge, and knock down the other ganado here. Jump across the gap. --------------- - Main Island - --------------- Run forward, and obtain the Handgun Ammo (10). Equip the Rifle (semi-auto) and aim through the window towards the left. You should see a ganado, so kill him. 2 more is hidden by the camera angle, but they should emerge after you kill the first soldier. When they dies, reload your weapon, and jump through this window. Run forward and curve right, then climb the ladder to the top. Obtain the First Aid Spray (the building with the rotator on top in the main game). At this instance, the soldiers and the gatling gunner will emerge from the north- east door! If not, aim the rifle at the north-east door and snipe at the two soldiers besides that door. With the rifle, aim at the head of the gatling gunner and tries to fire as many shot as you can at him as he runs out. If not then nevermind. He will soon arrive to in front of you! Aim at his head with the Rifle, and fire. When he recovers, aim and fire again. Keep firing until he falls. If you sense some other soldier, switch to a TMP, spray the ganado with bullets, then quickly spray at the head of the gatling gunner when he tries to recover and reaim his heavy weapon. When he dies, fire the Handgun at the incoming soldiers at the foot of the ladder here. Kill all the ganados until they dies (when the tense music stops, it means they are dead). Now jump down and take the items they dropped. Its time to search the area for items now that the threat is clear. Enter the small building on the left for a TMP Ammo (25). At the structure in the middle of the buildings ruin (in front of the north-east corner stairs) is a TMP Ammo (25). The south wall of this structure (facing the side island) holds a Green Herb. Search the northwest building for a Handgun Ammo (10). Climb the ladder behind this building structure to the top for Rifle Ammo (5). Reload all of your weapons now. Jump down, and head to the north-east door. At the left bottom of the stairs, obtain the Green Herb. Combine 1 of the Green Herbs together with the Yellow Herb that you will find beyond the doorway. Run forward, and 3 ganados will charge towards you. one of them is carrying a shield. Simply equip a Rifle, and aim at the head portion to decapitate the shield ganado. However, you should kill the crossbow soldier first as he is a bigger threat. Run to the end of this tunnel for a Red Herb. Now, climb the ladder. o-Item---------------+-Location-------------o /-------------------------------\ | Green Herb | Start Area Left | | Island Top | | Handgun Ammo (10) | Cave Table | \-------------------------------/ | Hand Grenade | Chest in Cave | Run forward, and turn left. Fire | Red Herb | Slope 2F End | at the barrels, as one of them | TMP Ammo (25) | Slope (Middle) | contains a Green Herb. | Green Herb | Passage To Lab | | Rifle Ammo (5) | Passage To Lab | Now, run to the gap and jump o--------------------o----------------------o across. When the ganados pour in jump back over and fire at their leg region while they are by the edge of the cliff to make them fall down. ---------- - Cavern - ---------- After jumping across the cliffs, turn right, and jump through the window into the cave. Check the table for a Handgun Ammo (10). Run down the left path for a Yellow Herb, then return to the intersection. Take the left path until you see the red barrel at the end. Use the Red Barrel to take out the nearby soldiers. After blasting the barrel, run beyond the destroyed wall, and climb up the ledge. Check the chest for a Hand Grenade. Run out of the cavern, and kill any incoming ganados you come across. --------------- - Cliff Slope - --------------- Take out the Rifle, and starts to fire from the bottom of the slope. Kill the 2 soldiers patrolling the path. Run up the slope, and turn left to get into the cavern path. At the top, fire at the ganado who tries to attack with a dynamite. Kill him, and get onto the bridge he stood on. Turn left, and fire at the ganados on the ground level at the left side. Get to the other side of the bridge, and head past the red barrel to the end for a Red Herb. Face the red barrel, and aim at it with a Handgun. Fire at it when one of the commandos gets too near it. Kill the incoming threats. When the coast is clear, jump down to the slope and check the crates in the middle of the slope for a TMP Ammo (25). Head past the north doorway, and run along the left wall, so that you can find the Green Herb in this passage a lot more easier. Just a few steps ahead is a crate. On top of it, obtain the Rifle Ammo (5), which you can use to clear the soldiers ahead. After them are finished, head up. Climb the ladder, and search for a hole. Reload the weapons, and infiltrate the lab with that hole. BUILDING CORRIDOR<------------------------------------------------------------ Access your map. You will see 4 white stars. They are the Las Plagas samplesf that Ada is looking for. Turn left, and run down. Kill the lone ganado, and proceed past him. Run into the small room on the right, and take the Green Herb within the box. Run back up to where Ada landed moment ago. You will see a split path, with the Green Herb at the junction. Take the Green Herb. Take the left path, and seach the red box on the wall for Handgun Ammo (10). Now, continue down, turn right, and past the glass cabinet. Fire at the ganado just at the next turn. Access the blue door. OPERATING ROOM<--------------------------------------------------------------- Run past the first sliding door. Take the TMP Ammo (25) among the consoles on the left. Aim at the head of the ganado w/stun rod inside the operating room here and fire. There are 2 of them, so aim for the one on the right, then the left as the right runs out. When both runs out, quickly kill them. Enter the operating room they were in for Yellow Herb. Stand at the next sliding door, but don't go in. Kill the ganado just in front near the bed. Now run in, and search the left operating bed for the Handgun Ammo (10). Reload your Handgun, and run to the end of the room where the ganado was. Search the body for the 1st Plagas sample. 3 ganados will appear behind, so make a 180. Kill them, then take the items they drop. Now run back out of this room. BUILDING CORRIDOR<------------------------------------------------------------ Now, run forward to the other path (just run straight). Kick open the gate. Run up and then turn left, and kill the crossbow ganado. Search the suitcase behind him for the TMP Ammo (25). Make a 180, and kill the other ganado. Search the red box here for a Red Herb. Enter the white door. FREEZER ROOM<------------------------------------------------------------------ Here's where you take the Infrared Scope in the main game. In the small room at the corner near the entrance, take the TMP Ammo. Now, search the main room for items. A Green Herb on the left wall, and a Hand Grenade on the north wall (just simply smash the glass to take it). Now, the spot where you took the Infrared Scope in the main game holds the Plaga Sample. Head out. BUILDING CORRIDOR<------------------------------------------------------------- Now, new batch of Ganados have appear. They are the tougher type, especially the armored Ganados. Hence, aim Ada with a Hand Grenade, then toss it on the right path. Quickly run past them to the door with the "Flammable liquid" symbol on it. DUMPING AREA<------------------------------------------------------------------ Head forward, and take the Handgun Ammo. Reload, then slowly open the door. Defeat the 2 ganados inside the dumping area control room. At the edge of the control room is the Rifle Ammo. Now, as you can see, many Ganados, including a gatling gunner, is at the dumping area. You can attack them from here, but the gatling gunner will start to spray bullet wildly, and the rest of the crossbow ganados will assist in attacking you. Personally, I will fire at the head of the gatling gunner, then run to the right door to dodge the bullets. Then, I will come out when the spraying is stop to attack him again. He might run out to the control room to confront you. If that's so, kill him by aiming at his head. Once all of them dies, head down to the dumping ground and search the spot beneath the control room for a Red Herb. Some dynamite ganados will appear when you get near the next door. Make your way beyond them to the next door. Pick up the Green Herb along the new corridor, and head into the monitor room. SECURITY CONSOLE ROOM<---------------------------------------------------------- Fire at the ganado in the middle of this room. Head in, and a ganado will go flip the lever switch on the console. Kill him, and be careful. He is a Las Plagas ganado. Now, take the all the items in the room, arm Ada with the TMP. (reload all weapons) You have to flip the lever to unlock the next door, but immediately after you flip it, many ganados will pour in from the previous door. Thus, its simple. Dash straight to the next door as soon as you flip the lever as the ganados will split into 2 and tries to corner you! PATH TO CONFINEMENT ROOM<------------------------------------------------------- Run forward and examine the red box for a Hand Grenade. The right corner has a Yellow Herb. Now run beyond the red box. You will see a door, but curve right instead to where Ashley is confined in the main game. Reload all weapons, and aim at the ganado through the small window on the door with the Rifle. Fire, then get ready to attack the remaining ganados in that room. Aim through the window, and fire at the ganados behind that door of the confinement room. As the hole is of head lever, tries to aim at the head. Once they die, goes in. Take the Handgun Ammo and the TMP Ammo inside. Search the duralumin case for the 3rd Plagas Sample. Now head out of this confinement room. Use the next door. CONSOLE ROOM<------------------------------------------------------------------- Run forward, and slowly open the door. Walk through the door, and aim right. Kill the ganado from behind! There is another ganado on the other side of the white board here. Now, check the back wall for a TMP Ammo. Kill the 3rd ganado. Run on the left side of the white board, and check the computers on the left wall for a Green Herb. Run forward, and stand on top of the stairs leading down. There are 2 ganados just below. Try to lure them to appear, and kill them. Now, search the corner for the Red Herb. Search on the right side last window below the stairs for Handgun Ammo. Now equip a Hand Grenade. Try to use the next door, but it will be locked, and more ganados will appear, at the computer areas behind! Make a 180, run to below the stairs, and equip the TMP. Kill the incoming troops. Toss a Hand Grenade, and don't be afraid to use healing item(s) if needed. The gatling gunner drops a First Aid Spray when he dies. Then, 2 soldiers, 1 carrying stun rod will enter. The 1 without the weapon will turn into Las Plagas soldier. Use the door, and turn left. Don't run too fast, for there is a shield ganado lying in ambush. Kill him, then run beyond. Run forward, and 2 ganados will appear from the front door, lighting the dynamites on their hand. Quickly fire at the dynamite at 1 of their hand, and the impact should kill both of them. Use the door they emerge from. Take the TMP Ammo (25) and the Yellow Herb. Now, use the door. LABORATORY<--------------------------------------------------------------------- Run forward, and slowly push the 1st door. Kill the ganado whose back is facing you. Run inside, and take the Green Herb on the green bed. Turn to face the right doorway, and snipe at the ganado just inside the other lab room. Run to him, and kill the other ganado inside. Jump in this lab container room. Now, smash the glass cabinets on the left wall for many items! - Rifle Ammo X 2 - TMP Ammo X 2 - Handgun Ammo X 2 Now, check the opposite wall for the herbs - Red Herb - Yellow Herb - Green Herb The Plaga Sample is on the structure in the middle of this room, but don't take it yet. Instead, head for the sliding door at the corner. Take the left turn, and take the TMP Ammo (25) from the boxes. Run through the other sliding door, and turn left. Run past the fire extinguisher, and check the duralumin case here for Handgun Ammo. The console adjacent to this duralumin case (a CHECK prompt will appear when you near it) is the security control panel. The reason why I tell you this is simple. Later when you take the Plaga Sample, many ganados will pour in, and the next door will be locked. You should run to here, and use the security control panel. However, if your way is blocked by the ganados, attack them. Fire at the fire extinguisher to make it explode when they are close to the fire extinguisher. When you get near the sliding door, several shield ganados, including an armored ganado will appear. Toss a Hand Grenade, then run past them and use the door before they recover. BRIDGE TO COMMUNICATING TOWER<-------------------------------------------------- Here is the last area. Reload all weapon, and heal if needed. Run forward, and mutated Krauser will appear! The last Plaga Sample is on his body, so you have to kill him for the item! Killing him as Ada is a little hard as she have to rely on the TMP, Handgun, Hand Grenades and the Rifle only. As again, aim at the leg of Krauser, and when he knees down and reveal his body, fire at the upper torso. Be ready to tap the dodge button as his attack moves are very fast! Heal if needed, and keep trying. He will fall eventually. You can fine resources from the barrels (like the First Aid Spray, Handgun Ammo and TMP Ammo). He will toss a flash grenade and escape, but leaves the Plaga Sample behind upon defeat. At then, the elevator will lower down. Take the Plaga Sample, and board the elevator. Make a 180 turn, and get off the elevator. Turn right, and run forward into the console room and operate the console to call for the evac chopper. ================================================================================ --------------------------------- (16)MINI-GAMES - THE MERCENARIES |-------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 --------------------------------- ================================================================================ -------------------- 16.1. How To Unlock |----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- To unlock this game, you just simply have to clear the main game once. After that, save the game onto the memory card, and you should have unlock "Assignment Ada" (or Ada The Spy in NTSC/J) and "The Mercenaries" mini-game. ----------------- 16.2. Objectives |-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- In this mode, you play as a character and your objective is to kill as many ganados as possible before the time runs out. After that, the game will rank you by the point you get. The more ganados you kill, the more points you are rewarded. --------------------------- 16.3. Unlocking The Stuffs |---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- The main reason why you should play this mode is because you gets to unlock more characters for play for the mini-game, as well as a new weapon to be used in the main game. You will be ranked at the end of the game, unless you died. There are 4 areas in total. Initially you can only play as Leon. Clearing an area with 4 * rank (by obtaining a point of 30000+) and above earns you a new character for use in the Mercenaries mode. Here are the areas, and the characters you can play as upon clearing the area. - The Village - Ada Wong - The Castle - Jack Krauser - The Island - Hunk - The Soldier Base - Albert Wesker By obtaining a 5* ranking (60000+ points) on all maps with all characters, you will unlock the "Handcannon" for use in the main game. ------------------ 16.4. Combo Score |------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ In this game, you can create 'combo' kill, which is done by killing another ganado within the 10 seconds after killing a ganado. The point you gets for killing a ganado within the 10 seconds is greater than the point you gets for killing a ganado after the 10 seconds. Try to spread out the killing so you can chain up the combos as long as possible. Here is a chart showing the score you gets per kill from the combos: o--------o--------o----------o----------o-------------o | Number | Ganado | Chainsaw | Garrador | Gatling Gun | o--------o--------o----------o----------o-------------o | 1 | 300 | 5000 | 7000 | 10000 | | 2 | 320 | 5500 | 7500 | 10500 | | 3 | 350 | 6000 | 8000 | 11000 | | 4 | 400 | 6500 | 8500 | 11500 | | 5 | 500 | 7000 | 9000 | 12000 | | 6 | 550 | 7500 | 9500 | 12500 | | 7 | 600 | 8000 | 10000 | 13000 | | 8 | 650 | 8500 | 10500 | 13500 | | 9 | 700 | 9000 | 11000 | 14000 | | 10 | 1000 | 9500 | 11500 | 14500 | o--------o--------o----------o----------o-------------o ---------------- 16.5. Time Vial |--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- You can obtain 2 type of vials in the game: Time Vial and Bonus Time Vial. The Time Vial are the yellow hourglasses. Picking them up extend your time limit. The amount of time you can extend from the time vial depends on the time vial you pick up. Each stages have their own certain amount of time vials. You can view the location of the Time Vials by opening up the map. The white stars are the spot. A white "X" represents the time vial you have taken. The Bonus Time Vial are the blue hourglasses that you can find in the chest. After taking them, within the next 30 seconds, you will obtain 1000 points for every ganado killed. ------------------------------------ 16.6. Background Interactive Object |------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ One feature that returns from the past Resident Evil is the 'background interactive object'. In "The Mercenaries", you can find explosive red barrel. Firing them cause an explosion, inflicting damage to nearby ganados, and even you too. Hence, remember to fire from far. Lure the ganados to the red barrel, then fire the barrel. -------------- 16.7. Ranking |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- You will be graded by stars (*) upon completion of killing mission. Here are the points needed for each (*) rating: 0~9999..... ~10000.....* ~20000.....** ~25000.....*** ~35000.....**** ~60000.....***** ------------ 16.8. Items |------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Like the main game, you can obtain items in the level. You might need to break open crates or boxes to obtain them. Except for the eggs that is laid randomly by the chicken in the Pueblo (The Village) level, all of the items location can be found listed in the later section of the FAQ. ----------------- 16.9. Total Time |-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Here is a chart showing the maximum amount of time you can spend in each stages (including the time vial) The Village (Pueblo) o==================o=======o | Initial | 2:00 | o==================o=======o | 90 sec Vial (3) | 4:30 | | 30 sec Vial (2) | 1:00 | o------------------o-------o | Total | 7:30 | o------------------o-------o The Castle o==================o=======o | Initial | 2:00 | o==================o=======o | 90 sec Vial (3) | 4:30 | | 50 sec Vial (3) | 2:30 | o------------------o-------o | Total | 9:00 | o------------------o-------o Island o==================o=======o | Initial | 2:00 | o==================o=======o | 30 sec Vial (12) | 6:00 | o------------------o-------o | Total | 8:30 | o------------------o-------o Soldier's Base o==================o=======o | Initial | 2:00 | o==================o=======o | 90 sec Vial (3) | 4:30 | | 30 sec Vial (9) | 4:30 | o------------------o-------o | Total | 11:00 | o------------------o-------o ------------------ 16.10. Characters |------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Here are the various information for the characters: ------------------ - Leon S Kennedy - ------------------ Leon starts with the Riot Gun and the Blacktail, both very basic weapon. The Shotgun is useful for dispatching multiple ganados. When in a safe distance, use the Handgun. However, due to a lack of grenades, he might have difficulty tackling some areas. Unlike the rest of the character, Leon is equipped with the Knife, allowing him to break the barrels and crates without needing any ammo. o----------------o--------------o---------------o | Move | Attack Value | Vitality: 8 | o----------------o--------------o---------------o | Kick | 200 | | Suplex | 300 | *50% decapitation | Kick 2 | 100 | *The kick that you execute when struggle | Liner Swing | 2500 | *Swing down from the liner o----------------o--------------o o-------------------------o------o-------o------------o------------o----------o | Item | Ammo | Power | Firing Spd | Reload Spd | Capacity | o-------------------------o------o-------o------------o------------o----------o | Riot Gun | 30 | Lv 5 | Lv 1 | Lv 3 | Lv 4 | | Blacktail | 21 | Lv 5 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | | Handgun Ammo | 30 | - | - | - | - | | Shotgun Shells | 10 | - | - | - | - | | First Aid Spray | 1 | - | - | - | - | o-------------------------o------o-------o------------o------------o----------o ------------ - Ada Wong - ------------ Ada starts with the Rifle and the TMP. The Rifle can penetrate the ganados, making it useful for Ada to rack up point. When a Las Plagas ganado appear, switch to the TMP and gun the parasite from the head. The Rifle is able to kill the Garrador in 1 shot, provided you aim at the parasite at its back. In fact, the Rifle is advisable for use against the 'sub-boss' of the area, which means the female chainsaw villager, gatling gunner and berserk Chainsaw villager. Name: Ada Wong o----------------o--------------o---------------o | Move | Attack Value | Vitality: 6.5 | o----------------o--------------o---------------o | Fan Kick | 400 | | Back Kick | 400 | o----------------o--------------o o-------------------------o------o-------o------------o------------o----------o | Item | Ammo | Power | Firing Spd | Reload Spd | Capacity | o-------------------------o------o-------o------------o------------o----------o | Punisher | 20 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | Lv 2 | Lv 4 | | TMP | 100 | Lv 5 | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 3 | | Scope (semi-auto rifle) | 1 | - | - | - | - | | Handgun Ammo | 30 | - | - | - | - | | TMP Ammo | 100 | - | - | - | - | | TMP Ammo | 100 | - | - | - | - | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 12 | Lv 6 | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Incendiary Grenade | 3 | - | - | - | - | | First Aid Spray | 1 | - | - | - | - | o-------------------------o------o-------o------------o------------o----------o #Rifle Ammo (5) instead of TMP Ammo (100) in Biohazard 4. ---------------- - Jack Krauser - ---------------- Krauser uses his own type of Arrow and Bow, which have little reloading time. It is powerful, able to take out the ordinary ganados with just 1 arrow most of the time. Aim for the upper torso for a better rate of 1-hit kill. He also have the special thurst punch. When his mutated arm glows red, you can press (X) to mutate his arm. Then, you can press (A) to make Krauser execute the powerful thrust punch, able to kill (even the area-boss) anything that is in front of him (around 6 m). You can also press (B) to change back his arm, and turn Krauser left or right by the analog stick (he can't move). Use this when a lot of ganados have gathered in front of you. Also, note that after using the special move, it will take 45 sec for Krauser to charge his arm to glow red again. Krauser is also the only character besides Leon to have a knife. To execute a Knife slash, hold L and press (A) to attack just like the way you attack with Leon in the main game. Krauser's knife slash attack has a better horizontal range than Leon, therefore he has a slightly easier time attacking enemies, and smash 2 barrels at the same time by standing between them. Krauser's Knee inflicts 9999 damage to ganados, but a maximum of 1000 to those chainsaw enemies. Name: Jack Krauser o----------------o--------------o---------------o | Move | Attack Value | Vitality: 10 | o----------------o--------------o---------------o | Kick | 400, 2000 | | Knee | 9999 | o----------------o--------------o o-------------------------o------o-------o------------o------------o----------o | Item | Ammo | Power | Firing Spd | Reload Spd | Capacity | o-------------------------o------o-------o------------o------------o----------o | Krauser's Bow | 1 | - | - | - | - | | Arrows | 20 | - | - | - | - | | Arrows | 10 | - | - | - | - | | Flash Grenade | 3 | - | - | - | - | | First Aid Spray | 1 | - | - | - | - | o-------------------------o------o-------o------------o------------o----------o -------- - Hunk - -------- Hunk starts with the TMP and 3 Hand Grenades. As such, he should use the TMP most of the time. Aim at the head level when fire, and when they starts to close in, use the Hand Grenades. His combat move, which you can use in the same way as Leon's kick, is a neck-snapping move. This is an instant-kill move (except the berserked Chainsaw villager, Garrador and J.J). Name: Hunk o----------------o--------------o---------------o | Move | Attack Value | Vitality: 7 | o----------------o--------------o---------------o | Neck Breaker | Max | *Cannot be used on stage bosses | Kick | 1200 | o----------------o--------------o o-------------------------o------o-------o------------o------------o----------o | Item | Ammo | Power | Firing Spd | Reload Spd | Capacity | o-------------------------o------o-------o------------o------------o----------o | Custom TMP | 100 | Lv 5 | Lv 1 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | | TMP Ammo | 75 | - | - | - | - | | Hand Grenade | 3 | - | - | - | - | | First Aid Spray | 1 | - | - | - | - | o-------------------------o------o-------o------------o------------o----------o #TMP Ammo (50) instead of (75) in Biohazard 4. ----------------- - Albert Wesker - ----------------- Wesker starts with the Handgun (Silencer), Rifle and the Killer 7. The Handgun firing rate is fast, allowing him to kill the ganados easily. Reserve the Killer 7 for the area's 'boss', and the Rifle for killing ganados from a safe distance. Name: Albert Wesker o----------------o--------------o---------------o | Move | Attack Value | Vitality: 8 | o----------------o--------------o---------------o | Thrust Punch | 1000 * | Extra damage when fall. | Chikyo Chaki | 2400 | o----------------o--------------o o-------------------------o------o-------o------------o------------o----------o | Item | Ammo | Power | Firing Spd | Reload Spd | Capacity | o-------------------------o------o-------o------------o------------o----------o | Handgun | 25 | Lv 6 | Lv 3 | Lv 3 | Lv 6 | | Killer7 | 10 | Lv 2 | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 2 | | Rifle (semi-auto) | 24 | Lv 6 | Lv 1 | Lv 2 | Lv 6 | | Flash Grenade | 3 | - | - | - | - | | Hand Grenade | 4 | - | - | - | - | | Incendiary Grenade | 1 | - | - | - | - | | First Aid Spray | 1 | - | - | - | - | o-------------------------o------o-------o------------o------------o----------o -------------------- 16.11 Stage Enemies |----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- #Number in bracket besides Time Vial is the number in sec For example, there are 3 90 secs time vial & 2 30 secs time vial in Village. Stage Name: The Village o-------------------------o o---------------------o------------o------------o | Enemy Type | | Time Vial |(90)|(30)| Point Vial | Red Barrel | o-------------------------o o---------------------o------------o------------o | Villager | | 5 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 3 | | Villager w/Axe | o---------------------o------------o------------o | Villager w/Flame Torch | | Villager w/Dynamite | | Villager w/Fork | | Villager w/Sickle | | Female Villager | | Las Plagas Villager | | Belle Sisters | o-------------------------o Stage Name: The Castle o-------------------------o o---------------------o------------o------------o | Enemy Type | | Time Vial |(50)|(90)| Point Vial | Red Barrel | o-------------------------o o---------------------o------------o------------o | Zealot | | 6 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | | Zealot w/Scythe | o---------------------o------------o------------o | Zealot w/Crossbow | | Zealot w/Shield | | Zealot w/Flail | | Zealot w/Dynamite | | Las Plagas Zealot | | El Garrador | o-------------------------o Stage Name: The Island o-------------------------o o----------------o------------o------------o | Enemy Type | | Time Vial |(30)| Point Vial | Red Barrel | o-------------------------o o----------------------------o-------------o | Soldier | | 12 | 12 | 3 | 6 | | Soldier w/Dynamite | o----------------o------------o------------o | Soldier w/Flail | | Soldier w/Crossbow | | Soldier w/Shield | | Soldier w/R Launcher | | Las Plagas Soldier | | Gatling Gun Soldier | o-------------------------o Stage Name: Soldier's Base o-----------------------o o--------------------------o------------o------------o | Enemy Type | | Time Vial |(90)|(30)|(60)| Point Vial | Red Barrel | o-----------------------o o--------------------------o------------o------------o | Soldier | | 12 | 1 | 9 | 2 | 3 | 4 | | Soldier w/Dynamite | o--------------------------o------------o------------o | Soldier w/Flail | | Soldier w/Crossbow | | Soldier w/Shield | | Soldier w/R Launcher | | Las Plagas Soldier | | Chainsaw Villager | o-----------------------o ------------------ 16.12. Items List |------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Weapon Set: In some areas, you can pick up ammo which are different for all characters. Please refer to the 'ammo set' chart here to see what ammo you will get: Ammo (Set 1): - Shotgun Shells (15) ......Leon - TMP Ammo (100) ......Ada - Arrows (20) ......Krauser - Hand Grenade (1) ......Hunk/Wesker Ammo (Set 2): - Handgun Ammo (20) ......Leon/Ada/Wesker - Flash Grenade ......Krauser - TMP Ammo (25)......Hunk Ammo (Set 3): - Shotgun Shells (10) ......Leon - Rifle Ammo (10) ......Ada - Arrows (10) ......Krauser - TMP Ammo (50) ......Hunk - Magnum Ammo (5) ......Wesker --------------- - The Village - --------------- Double Storey Barn 2F - 30 sec Time Vial Shotgun House Rooftop - Ammo (Set 1) Shotgun House 2F - Green Herb - Incendiary Grenade Tower Top - Hand Grenade - Green Herb Southwest Shack - Red Herb Southwest Fence - Ammo (Set 2) Cow Barn - Ammo (Set 3) House w/Bed Room - Ammo (Set 3) Behind House w/Bed Room - 30 sec Time Vial Middle North House - Ammo (Set 3) - Green Herb - Ammo (Set 2) Behind Middle North House - 30 sec Time Vial Shotgun House - Ammo (Set 2) - Flash Grenade Behind Shotgun House - Red Herb House w/Bed Room (Bed Room) - 90 sec Time Vial - 30 sec Bonus Vial - Green Herb Chicken Barn - 30 sec Time Vial - Red Herb Behind Tower - 90 sec Time Vial Behind Chicken Barn - Incendiary Grenade ---------- The Castle ---------- Starting Area - Ammo (Set 2) - Green Herb 1F Area - 50 sec Time Vial - Flash Grenade - Ammo (Set 3) 2F Rooftop (North) - Green Herb - Ammo (Set 3) - 90 sec Time Vial - Incendiary Grenade 2F Rooftop (Internal) - Green Herb - Ammo (Set 3) 2F Rooftop (South, circular) - 90 sec Time Vial - 30 sec Bonus Vial 3F (Internal) - Ammo (Set 3) - 30 sec Bonus Vial - 50 sec Time Vial - Green Herb 3F Path to Sniping Area - Red Herb - 50 sec Time Vial - Ammo (Set 3) 3F Sniping Area - Green Herb - Flash Grenade 3F El Garradors Arena - Green Herb - 90 sec Time Vial - 30 sec Bonus Vial - Ammo (Set 3) - First Aid Spray (Left wall, after Garrador appear) - Ammo (Set 3) (Right wall, after 2nd Garrador appear) -------------- - The Island - -------------- Structure Top - 30 sec Time Vial - Green Herb - 30 sec Bonus Vial 2F Structure - First Aid Spray - 30 sec Time Vial - 30 sec Time Vial 2F North Area - 30 sec Time Vial 1F Structure - Red Herb - Ammo (Set 2) - 30 sec Time Vial Path Besides 1F Structure - 30 sec Time Vial - First Aid Spray Path Besides 1F Structure (Alternate) - 30 sec Bonus Vial - 30 sec Time Vial Long Shelter (B Starting Point) - Hand Grenade - Ammo (Set 2) In Front Of Structure Foot - Ammo (Set 3) Corner Of Structure Foot - 30 sec Bonus Vial Besides Structure Foot - Green Herb - Red Herb Structure Foot - Green Herb -30 sec Time Vial Path Above Structure Foot - Green Herb Northeast Path Of Structure Foot - 30 sec Time Vial - Ammo (Set 1) East Path of Structure Foot - 30 sec Bonus Vial - Ammo (Set 1) - Green Herb - 30 sec Time Vial Southeast Corner - Hand Grenade East Path - First Aid Spray Fork Path - Green Herb - Ammo (Set 3) - 30 sec Time Vial Fork Path (Above) - Red Herb ------------------ - Soldier's Base - ------------------ Structure Top - Hand Grenade - 60 sec Time Vial East Building Roof - First Aid Spray - 60 sec Time Vial - Green Herb - Ammo (Set 3) West Building Roof - Ammo (Set 3) - Red Herb - First Aid Spray - 30 sec Bonus Vial - 60 sec Bonus Vial 2F Structure - 30 sec Time Vial East Building Platform - 30 sec Time Vial East Building Internal - Green Herb - Ammo (Set 3) - Ammo (Set 2) - Green Herb - Hand Grenade - 30 sec Time Vial - 30 sec Time Vial - 30 sec Bonus Vial - Ammo (Set 1) - Red Herb West Building Internal - Green Herb - Ammo (Set 2) - Red Herb Outside West Building North - Green Herb - 30 sec Time Vial Outside West Building South - Ammo (Set 1) - 30 sec Time Vial Under Structure - Green Herb - Ammo (Set 3) - Ammo (Set 3) - 30 sec Bonus Vial Outside - 30 sec Time Vial - First Aid Spray ---------------- 16.13. Strategy |--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- - The Village - --------------- In this village, there are 3 starting locations. One if at the rooftop, another is on a pathway, and another, on the lower right pathway. Getting the time vial and knowing where the locations for the barrels and time bonus hourglass are vital. Start out by collecting all of the time vials. There are 5 in total. Take the one on the lower right corner in the chicken shack first. Pick up any chicken eggs along the way. Make sure you kill the female villager near the chicken shack first. Now, jump across into the bedroom just directly across the chicken shack. Take the 2nd time vial, and head out by the door. Search around here for the 3rd time vial, then search the chest at the lower left corner to start the countdown. Run past the chest, turn right and jump into the window. Now, stand in a corner and fire away. When things get nasty, throw a grenade to clear the ground, head out of this building, make a 180 turn, and fire at the red barrel, killing any villagers who are inside. Now, run directly across the lower right building into the upper left building to the barn. Take the time vial, then climb the ladder. Kick the ladder. When more villagers have come in, take the time bonus item nearby, and blast the red barrel. Now that you have took all the time vial, you just have to stay here and keep attacking until the time runs out. Kick the ladder so they can't get out. Watch out for the axe throwing villager, kill them first. Throw a grenades down when more crowds have gathered. Keep doing this. When you are out of ammo or low on health, throw a grenade down, jump down and quickly take the healing items (indicated by the green beam of light on the ground) and the ammo. If you are using Krauser, throw a Flash Grenade down, jump down, walk backward, then do the arm thrust at the villagers to get rid of them! After taking the supplies, climb back up the ladder and repeat the strategy. However, when no more villagers appear, its time for you to head out to the outside to find them, but by now you should have already surpass the 30000 mark. -------------- - The Castle - -------------- This castle stage only have 1 starting point, but depending on who you are using the strategy is a little different. When you start, make a 180 and fire at the barrels for a Green Herb and ammo. Now, run a little nearer to the doorway and wait. The zealots will start to come. Gun them while they are at the doorway. This should rack up the kills easily. However, if any decapitated zealot managed to break through the doorway, that means that zealot is the Las Plagas zealot. When you hear the sound of Las Plagas coming out, throw a Flash Grenade, and then continue on killing them. If you are using Hunk, you can even try going beyond the doorway right from the start, and try to gun them down from the bottom of the stairs. At around 30 seconds mark, run to the top of the stairs, and turn right for the time vial. Make a 180, and continue firing them. Try not to use the red barrel and the grenades if possible. At around 40 sec marks, throw a grenade, and run past the red barrel. Run up the stairsway on the right, and continue up until you reach the time vial. Now, gun down the zealots that had gathered on the stairs. Move around or the arrows from the zealots elsewhere will hit you. The Garrador should appear at this point. Simple. Use a grenades on him and the various monks near him. Then, go fire the weapon at the parasite on its back. When they recover, grenade them again. Repeat until the Garrador dies. It is advised to take him on at the top of the stairs so the arrows will not bother you while you concentrate on killing the Garrador. Krauser can easily kill the Garrador using his power arm. At around 30 seconds mark, run to beyond the door, and up the stairs. Kill the zealots in the building, heal if needed, and run across the bridge to the circular portion where 2 crossbow zealots will be waiting. Make your way past the zealot, and go get the time vial in the small area between. Remember the time bonus item from there too. Now, from the inside, kill the crossbow zealots then head back to the bridge. Continue killing, then return to the other building. Take the Green Herb and up the left stairs. Take the time vial, then stand in a corner, and gun them. When around 40 seconds are left, use the right door, and continue running. Beware of the 2 shield zealots. Just clear 1 of them away, then run past them. Take the Time vial nearby. Continue running, and use the red barrel just ahead to thin the crowd. Here are where the sniping zealots were. If you have the Flash Grenades, throw them, then gun them for healing items. Alternatively, just throw a Hand Grenade/Incendiary Grenade at them. Now, attack them, using the red barrel at the back wall. After that, go through the double main door (where the monks appeared) and take the bonus item thing from the chest. Sometime, Garrador might drop down into that area. If you do not intend to fight him, then do not enter the double door. Krauser player should go take a try. With the mutated arm power, he should be able to kill Garrador with ease. Likewise goes to Ada. She can kill the Garrador with just 1 shot from the Rifle to the parasite on the back, but if the situation is tight (eg zealots kept pouring out and distract you), then you can quickly fire at the other parts of the Garrador with the Rifle. It just take less than 5 shots from the Rifle to kill the Garrador. -------------- - The Island - -------------- Unlike the previous 2 maps, the Island is a rather large area, and there is no fixed style to complete this. There are 3 starting locations. If you are on the upper level, quickly aim right and fire at the nearest soldier. Try to take the time vial and the time bonus item then get down or the soldiers will surround you in no time. When you see the gatling gun soldier, try to use grenade. If you are Krauser, take him out along with the rest of the soldiers with the mutated arm. Hunk and Ada player should focus spraying the TMP onto the face, while Leon should fire the Shotgun up close. Needless to say, Albert Wesker's user should use the Killer 7. There are several barrels around, which you can make full use of to kill the soldiers easily. Be careful of the shield soldiers. You are advised to use the barrels to kill mainly the shield soldiers and the gatling gunner, for they are a bigger threat. Try to aim for headshot. If possible, try to stay in a tunnel so they will only come in a row rather than as a crowd. In that way, if your weapon can fire penetrating ammo, then you should rack up the kills fast. But, you have to turn around once a while to check for enemies behind. To defeat the gatling gunner with ease with Hunk and Ada, simply spray the TMP at the head of the gatling gunner. He should fall surprisingly easily. He will drop a First Aid Spray when he dies. Alternative, use the Rifle on the boss. It not only stun him, but it will kill him easily. Aim for the head! Try not to get hit by the spraying bullets from the machine gunner's gatling gun or the health is reduced to around 10%! Do remember to run around and take the time vial. It is impossible to get past the 4* rankings if you miss out just 1 time vial. ------------------ - Soldier's Base - ------------------ In this original map, you will encounter enemies similar to the Island. However, they are more dynamites and crossbow soldiers this time. This map is exceptionally harder than the rest of the map. There are a lot of time vial and barrels. That sounds good, but the real threat is not killing the enemies, but rather, surviving them. There are a lot of red explosive barrels and ladder, but some ladders are long, and you will waste some valuable time if you climb them. However, you should climb ladder when there are too many enemies to handle. Also, if too many of them follow you up, you can always drop down to the ground by the edge. This map consist of 2 buildings. There is this hanger thing which you can use get from one building to the other. However, as I said, the real threat are the enemies, not the time. Not only there are more dynamites throwing and crossbow soldiers, but they will make use of the red barrels to blast you too. Try to fire the dynamites soldiers so that the dynamite on his hand will drop and kills off the other soldiers. There is also one original enemy, which is actually a modified male chainsaw villager. In terms of appearance, he looks no different from the one you see in the main game. However, he is more of a 'berserk' version. Not only there are more bloodstain on himself, but he now uses a double-bladed chainsaw. Unlike the ordinary chainsaw villager, he have only one attack move, in which he will swing the chainsaw like a madman. At this point, lets say you are better be far from the madman. A slight touch to the chainsaw, and your head roll. Nothing more. Here are the recommended weapons to defeat the berserk Chainsaw Villager: Krauser - mutated arm Wesker - Killer7 Ada - Rifle Leon - Hand Grenade + Shotgun Hunk - Hand Grenade + Custom TMP Repeated shot from the Rifle will defeat this freak easily. However, the rest of the enemies have the tendency to crowd around you to 'hold' you to let the Chainsaw man kill you. When you hear the chainsaw roar and the men are crowding in, spray the 'henchmen' with bullets to clear them (or even grenade them) so you have space to kill the chainsaw villager. Leon user should toss grenades from afar. If he gets too close, try to run away or jump down the edge of the building. There are 2 chainsaw villagers. 1 of them appears near a door in the left building, and he will appear only later in the mini-game. As Krauser, you should use the mutated arm and charge at him to kill him instantly. He is the biggest threat, so you should focus killing him first. If you start on the platform with a ladder just on the left, quickly eliminate the villagers around and climb the ladder. A chainsaw villager is just nearby. ================================================================================ ---------------------------- (17)RESIDENT EVIL CHRONICLE |------------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 ---------------------------- ================================================================================ --------------------------- 17.1 - Chapter 0 (Prelude) |---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- It all started with the founding of Umbrella by co-founders Lord Oswell Spencer and Alexander Ashford. The inspiration for the foundation was due to the discovery of the Mother virus by both of them and Dr. James Marcus, who later on became the first director of the Umbrella Training center in the Raccoon City. Spencer also employed George Trevor to build a mansion in the Raccoon forest. After the building has been constructed, Spencer decided to exterminate him. He have his men kidnapped the family when he invited them over, and used them for experimentation subject, but both George and his wife died soon after, save for Lisa. The Progenitor virus was somehow developed from the Mother virus, and while Dr. James Marcus was thinking of ways to develop a new virus from it, Spencer have already planned to remove him from the power. He planted two spies among Marcus' students, Albert Wesker and William Birkin, who were fortunate enough to work personally under him. Not long later, after Marcus successfully developed the T-virus and the T-virus-filled leeches by combining leeches with the Progenitor virus, he was assasinated by the duo in the year 1989. With the duo taking over his research, the Umbrella training center was closed. At then, the Ashford family's influence in the company slowly fades away. While Birkin was using the T-virus to develop the G-virus due to the competition instinct with Alexia Ashford, a female 10 year old genius of the Ashford generation, Wesker started to form the "STARS" team in the Raccoon City Police department. Soon, Alexia was reported dead during her experimentation with the T-veronica virus while Alfred was put in charge of the Rockfort Island, Spencer took full control over Umbrella. Soon, the Nemesis parasite was invented and put to test on Lisa Trevor, daughter of George Trevor. ----------------- 17.2 - Chapter 1 |-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- July 1998. Bizarre murder cases have occurred near the Arklay region. STARS Bravo team, consist of leader Enrico, and teammates Rebecca, Forest, Richard, Kenneth, Kevin and Edward, were send in by Wesker into the Raccoon wood to investigate. They found a overturned vehicle, and it is actually a transport to send a military convict, Billy Coen to the execution site. However, the people who were in the vehicle died, save for Billy, who was missing in sight. Order to find this murderer brings Rebecca to an abandoned train. As she investigate, she encountered zombies and various monsters, after a short warning from Edward, who died in front of her shortly. Before she can get down the train, it started moving at a high speed. This was when she encountered Billy, who together, stop the train. The unlikely team found their way into the Umbrella training center of Marcus. At then, Wesker and Birkin was spying on the building all along as they have ordered a team to get there to obtain more information regarding the progenitor virus. However, a mystery man appeared in front of them, and claim to be the person who spread the T-virus on the train, the training center and the Spencer Mansion. Apparently he also know about the Marcus conspiracy too. He take it that both Billy and Rebecca have trespassed his territory, and wanted to toy them before killing them. The duo later made their way to the church, then to the laboratory underground, where they learn more about Marcus and the mystery man. Meanwhile, Wesker have decided to send in the STARS Alpha team while Birkin will decide to blow up the whole place to cover up the Marcus conspiracy. Then, Billy related his story of how he was falsely accused of murdery, when it was his team's fault for massarcing the village when they realised that they have got the wrong information of the opposition's location during their mission to interfere the civil war. The duo made their way to the underground factory, where the mystery man finally show up in front of them. He then reveal himself as Marcus. Apparently, his leech have resurrected him. At then, he mutate into a giant leech. After Billy and Rebecca successfully subdued the monster, they escaped moment before the building self-detonated thanks to Birkin. Rebecca let Billy go after they escaped... ------------------------------------ 17.3 - Chapter 2 (Mansion Incident) |------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Wesker dispatched the STARS Alpha team to seek the missing Bravo team. The team consist of himself, Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Barry, Joseph and Brad. Joseph's sudden ambushed by monster dog alarmed the team. After Joseph's horrifying death, Brad ditched the team and flew off, leaving the rest to run to the mansion nearby for shelter. The building was surrounded by zombie dogs. They have to find another way to escape. Exploration in the mansion leads them to even more traps and monsters. Wesker and Barry disappeared shortly, leaving Jill and Chris to fight their way around themselves. They realised that it was actually Spencer's mansion, the mansion of one of Umbrella co-founders. They learnt about the whole affair, and also the Bravo team members who have now died and turn into monsters themselves, except for Rebecca. The exploration leads them to the courtyard, where they encounter a massive plant monster. There, they bumped into the missing Albert Wesker, who say he is too seeking for an escape route. He instructed Jill and Chris to explore the remaining rooms in the mansion. Deeper exploration causes the appearance of Lisa Trevor, who now roam in a small building, an altar she built in tribute to her beloved mum. She is now a hideous freak chained up on hands and feets. However, the numerous virus in her body made her a dangerous foe. It wasn't until Jill/Chris discovered her mother's coffin by accident, that she decides to commit suicide, thinking that she have done what she should have done. The survivors made their way to the laboratory, where the missing Barry not only turned up, but showed his real face. He was in fact, working with the STARS traitor Albert Wesker by luring them away from the lab and make them kill monsters, just so Wesker could obtain the combat data of the BOWs they fought easily. Despite possible harm to his family under Wesker, Barry soon turned his back on Wesker, and assisted them in attacking the STARS traitor. The remaining survivors got to the rooftop, where they send an air signal into the air for Brad to go there to pick them up, not before they defeat Umbrella's ultimate bio-logical weapon, the Tyrant, and blowing the whole area up. ----------------- 17.4 - Chapter 3 |-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- The survivors try to expose Umbrella, but Umbrella's influence, the bribing in the RPD and the lack of evidence makes the chief of RPD, Chief Brian Iron to close the matter and suspend the STARS. As Chris left for Europe in frustration and to investigate on Umbrella alone, the rest stayed back to keep an eye on the Umbrella influence. Little did they know, that the virus is slowly seeping its way into the city. Not long after, Birkin developed the G-virus, but was assasinated by the USSI unit, lead by Hunk. Birkin injected himself with the G-virus, turning into a monster and wiped out the USSI unit (except for Hunk) in the underground sewer of RPD. Meanwhile, the virus started to get into the city. Besides the leak from the Spencer Mansion, the leak of the virus by rats, which Birkin have released by accident when he step on them after the USSI members' death and the numerous corpses' influence in the dead factory, a storage room for Umbrella to store their dead test subjects from the labs in the Raccoon City. The T-virus outbreak soon began. It all started in the J's bar, where the civilians were chilling out at. As more people gets infected, the RPD officers tried their best to keep the civilians safe, building barricades and fending off the monsters. In the RPD itself, Ben, a reporter, locked himself in the holding cell, as the remaining RPD officers there, derived an escape plan to seek help to get the people to somewhere safe as the RPD is slowly getting dangerous itself. The plan was lead by Marvin, RPD senior officer. In the end, the plan worked, by Marvin was bitten and injured, and he decided to sacrifice himself by staying in the RPD and not becoming a burden to the rest. Meanwhile, Umbrella dispatched its own military group, the "UBCS" (Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service) to help contain the situation. Elsewhere, Jill escaped from her apartment, and bump into Brad, her former colleague. However, he was killed by Umbrella's latest creation, the "Nemesis", a humanoid programmed to exterminate the surviving STARS members. Her escape leads her to the RPD, then to the uptown area, where she encounter the surviving and remaining UBCS members. Reluctantly, she cooperate with them. They got to the clock tower, and Mikhail, one of the UBCS died as he sacrifice in trying to kill the Nemesis, but failed. Jill was infected by the Nemesis. With Nicholai, another UBCS member, gone missing, the 3rd and the only other UBCS member, Carlos, decided to make his way to the Raccoon Hospital to find a vaccine. ----------------------------------------- 17.5 - Chapter 4 (Raccoon City Incident) |-------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- RPD rookie Leon Scott Kennedy and the sister of Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield made their way into the quiet and dead city, unknowningly about the viral outbreak until their initial encounter with a zombie there. As they escape, they bump into each other, and decided to head to the RPD together where they think they are safe. There, they found the injured Marvin, who assisted them in unlocking the doors, but later turned into a zombie himself. In the RPD, Claire encounters Sherry Birkin, daughter of William Birkin (creator of G-virus) who was told to get to the RPD as her house was getting too dangerous. Also, she met the Chief of RPD, Chief Brian Iron, who is a little screwed-up. This guy had received bribes from Umbrella to keep the mansion incident down, and he himself have committed crime like rapes and even loves to hunt down and kill people himself, and is responsible for making the RPD officers disorganised during the attempt to fend off the zombies, like scattering of the weapons around. Meanwhile, Leon encounter Ada Wong, who was there to seek for Ben, whom she claim know where her boyfriend "John" is. Ben's refusal to acknowledge everything causes her to give up asking any further, and with the accompany of Leon, they made their way to the undergound sewage, the death ground of the USSI troops. Claire and Sherry was blocked by the chief, whom he thought is send by Umbrella. He blames the organisation for killing his town, and before he do anything, he was killed by monster Birkin! Claire defeated the monster, and like Leon/Ada, she and Sherry made their way to the sewage area. Meanwhile, Umbrella had also dispatch a Tyrant into the RPD in an attempt to kill them off and to retrieve the G-virus from Sherry. The survivors encounter Annette Birkin, the wife of William Birkin there. She started to get aggressive, thinking that they are there to steal the work of the G-virus too, and is seeking her daughter. The struggle with Ada Wong causes her to fall below the catwalk into nowhere. Meanwhile, Claire and Sherry got seperated, and William the monster implanted a parasite into Sherry, the same way he killed Ben in the cell. The reason for that is that if he implant the virus into someone with the same DNA, the person will turns into a monster too. As Ben isn't related to William Birkin in anyway, his body rejected the parasite and died. The parasite turned into a monster itself, but was quickly defeated by the survivors. They made their way to the lab of William Birkin, where they learn more about Birkin and his G-virus. Annette reappeared and confronted Leon, but was knocked out unconscious. Leon took the G-virus from her, and before he gets away long, he gets into the face of Ada, who demanded the virus. It turned out that she was actually working for an unnamed agency all along. Ada lets her feeling with Leon gets into her way, and got shot at by the dying Annette. She falls over the catwalk, while Leon fails to pull her up. Enraged, Leon threw away the G-virus. As Leon make his way to the train alone, Claire found a vaccine to Sherry. After administered the "Devil" vaccine, they made the same path as Leon where Sherry saw her dead mother. She can't let her mother's death affect their decision to escape, so the survivors got to the train. There, the Tyrant of Umbrella mutated, and after defeated it, William Birkin returned, this time mutated into a large blob. After the defeat of the monster, the survivors made their way out of the town successfully. ----------------- 17.6 - Chapter 5 |-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Chris managed to get to the hospital, and obtain the vaccine. However, he will discover that Nicholai is actually a traitor, in that the real reason for sending in the UBCS is to act as targets for the BOWs so Nicholai and some of the selected few will be able to obtain the BOW combat data (Umbrella see it as a perfect chance to release some of their monsters for testing). Umbrella didn't plan an escape route in the beginning for them. He saved Jill, but Carlos left, saying he wants to confirm something. Jill got to the park, then to the dead factory of Umbrella. At the park, she was informed that the US government will be sending in missiles to sterilize the city, and she is left with just few hours to escape. At the dead factory, she encountered Nicholai, who said that he going to kill Jill too, as Jill's death can fetch him a good amount of money from Umbrella. Due to Nemesis' interferance, Nicholai escaped, and Jill was forced to combat Nemesis. Jill defeated the Nemesis, but unfortunately Nicholai have escaped by the helicopter, which Jill was originally planned to escape with. At the moment, she received a message to get to the back area of the dead factory as someone will be there to fetch them. She got there with Carlos, and after defeating the mutated Nemesis for the last time, the duo escaped by the chopper. It turned out that the pilot was Barry Burton, her former colleague. Then, the missiles arrived, and destroy the Raccoon City... ----------------- 17.7 - Chapter 6 |-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Sherry was put to care under the government, while Leon left Claire. An US agent will contact Leon, and offer him a chance to join in the secret anti-Umbrella organisation. Meanwhile, Ada was still alived, and is safe elsewhere. Also, Hunk successfully brought the G-virus to Umbrella...In Chris' apartment, Jill found nothing. Together with Barry, the former STARS members go to Europe for Chris. At the same time, Claire will continue her journey to find Chris, which leads to her infiltrating the Umbrella laboratory in Europe. She was arrested though, and imprison on the Rockfort Island. However, an mysterious airstrike by an unnamed company prompt the prison warden, also the person who capture Claire, Rodrigo, to free Claire. Claire make her way out, and then realised that everyone have mutated into zombies, just like during the mansion incident. She made her way deeper, and bump into survivor, Steve Burnside, who is also a prisoner. They make their way to the mansion building, where Claire encounters Alfred Ashford, the owner of the Rockfort Island. Alfred Ashford take her as an enemy, but let her go, deciding to toy with her for a while. Claire emailed Leon using a pc so he can get Chris to rescue them, but this action left Steve leaving fuming. It was later revealed that Steve was arrested because his father have been caught selling information to Umbrella's rival company. Claire eventually bump into Wesker at one point, shockingly. Before she can do anything, Wesker left. As Claire and Steve explore further, they learn more about the history of Umbrella, and the fall of the Ashford family. Eventually, they found all the parts to ride the aircraft, but at that time, they accidentally exposed Alfred's secret: he have been crossdressing himself as his 'imaginary sister' Alexia Ashford! Alfred went berserk, and release the Tyrant. After the defeat of the Tyrant, Claire and Steve got onto the aircraft, but was striked down by Alfred's aircraft. They ended up on Umbrella's base in Antartica. There, Alfred tries to attack them again, but falls down into an endless pit instead, leaving his sniper rifle behind. Claire obtain it, and then they ride the driller to the outside, where they thought they were free, but was interrupted by "Nosferatu". He is actually the father of Alfred, who mutated after he was injected with the T-veronica virus by Alfred and "Alexia". After using the sniper rifle to defeat Nosferatu, they tried to escape again, but once again, failed. A mystery tentacle grabbed them before they can go long. At then, Chris arrived at the Rockfort Island. He encountered Rodrigo there, who informed him that Claire have left, then he died. After exploring the area, Chris met Albert Wesker. Chris was shock that he is still alive, and tries to attack him. Wesker's new power denied the assault, but left again when he saw a lady and the dead Alfred on the monitor. It turned out that she was "Alexia", and there was an Alexia all along! Chris made his way to Antartica, and found the kidnapped Claire in the Spencer mansion replica there. However, Steve was nowhere in sight. Claire goes to find Steve, while Chris was forced to remain in the Spencer mansion replica. Claire found Steve trapped, who then mutate into a monster and attack her! Claire runs, only to get captured by the tentacle again. Before Steve can hack her, he regain a little of his human conscious, and chop off the tentacle instead. Freeing Claire, he turns back into a human, and died. Meanwhile, Alexia and Wesker appeared in the hall where Chris was. They began their confrontation, as Wesker demand the T-veronica virus in her body. After witnessing Alexia's T-veronica power (She mutated), Wesker deducted that his new power isn't enough to match her. At then, he discovered the hiding Chris. Leaving Alexia to Chris, he escaped. After Chris defeated Alexia, he obtain the item from Alexia, and Nosferatu elsewhere. He then found Alfred's corpse, and take the 3rd and last key item, which unlock the way to the area where Claire and Steve were. Chris goes to unlock all the door and turn on the power, but Alexia resurfaced. Chris told Claire to wait at the aircraft while he battle Alexia. After killing Alexia, Chris goes to find Claire, as the building is near explosion. He bump into Wesker, who have Claire as hostage. Wesker blame him for the failure of his mission, but luckily Steve's body still have the virus. Freeing Claire, he and Chris fought, but was forced to a draw. Chris and Claire then escape Rockfort Island ... ----------------- 17.8 - Chapter 7 |-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- #This Section Contains Spoiler For The Game Of This FAQ Document "Resident Evil 4" (Biohazard 4)# "1998.... I'll never forget it. It was the year when these grisly murders occured in the Arklay Mountains. Soon after, the news was out to the whole world revealing that it was the fault of a secret viral experiment conducted by the international pharmaceutical enterprise, Umbrella. The virus broke out in a near by mountain community, Raccoon City. And hit the peaceful little town with a devastating blow crippling its very foundation. Not taking any chances, the President of the United States ordered a contingency plan - to sterilize Raccoon City. With the whole affair gone public, the United States government issued an indefinite suspension of business decree to Umbrella. Soon its stock prices crashed and for all intents and purposes Umbrella was finished. Six years later..." Leon has taken up training under the United State President, and have become one of the top agents the country has to offer. Somehow one day, the President's daughter, Ashley Graham, got kidnapped by a mysterious group of people on her way home in Massachusetts. Then, reports of sighting of her in Europe was made, and not wanting to make this a big matter, Leon was send in alone to investigate and locate Ashley. Leon travels to the destination, a villager located somewhere in a rural part in Europe. Accompanied by 2 drivers, they arrived at the place after crossing the bridge. Leon drops off alone to ask around while the two wait in the car. Getting the call from his contact with the White House, Ingrid Hunnigan introduces herself and rebrief Leon's mission. He enters the first house and ask the first villager with the photo of Ashley, but he was rudely scolded to get lost. Leon apologise, but as he turns to leave, the villager picked up his axe and threw it at Leon! Fortunately, he managed to dodge it, and point his gun at the aggressive man. The villager refuses to stop and continue to advance towards him, and Leon have no chance, but to kill the man, who seems to be a little 'weird'. At then, the vehicle he uses to get to the village, with the 2 drivers in it, rolls towards the bridge direction and drop into the water! It all seems weird, and upon closer examination of the fallen villager he killed, he reconfirmed that he is not a villager. Not only that, but it seems like some more villagers have arrived, and is blocking the house he is in. Leon jumped out of the window, and kills the villagers that were blocking his exit. However, some of the dissolves upon death! Leon goes to check the edge, and he sees that the vehicle has dropped into the water, and the bridge broken. There is no way back. Leon have no choice but to goes in deeper into the "Pueblo", where more villagers reside. They seems ordinary at first sight, except for the bonfire in the middle of the Pueblo: One of the drivers was impaled by a sharp hook and he was hanged there! When they spotted Leon, they too, turns aggressive and goes after Leon. Having no choice, Leon have to resort to self-defense by attacking them. They seems to have higher resistance towards weapons unlike ordinary human. Heck, even one of them wears a sack and uses a chainsaw to attack Leon! Unlike zombies, they act like humans, but there is something weird about them. After several killings, the church bell chimed, where the villagers, in Spanish, said themselves that it is time to pray. When all of them goes into the door with a weird symbol, Leon continues deeper into the area, until he come across a building with a banging noise. He opened it, and out rolls a tied-up man who seems to be unlike them. He released him, and confirms that he is too, like Leon, not crazed. At then, a giant man in green trenchcoat, who is also the village chief, arrives, and knock both of them out cold. While they were unconscious, Leon had a dream where someone injected something into him... When they awakes, they have a short initial conversation, interrupted by a crazed villager. They managed to let free of themselves and kill him, and then Luis ran away. Thanks to their conversation moment ago, Leon managed to learn that the President's daughter is in the church. He goes out, and then someone in a black trenchcoat appeared. He seems to be normal too, but he was there to just sell Leon weapons. After making purchases from the mysterious man, Leon proceeds to explore more, and ended up in the house of the Village Chief. There, he found an item which allows him access to the building with a weird symbol back in the Pueblo area. At this moment, the Village Chief appeared and was going to kill Leon, but when he sees the color of Leon's eyes, he released him, saying that he carries the same blood as them, and leave. When Leon goes after him, he choked Leon again, but suddenly someone fired at the back of the giant man. He was distracted, and decided to go after the assasinator, who disappear as fast as he/she appear. When they are gone, Leon continues his way to Pueblo, clearing more of those weird villagers along the way. Using the new item, he gets underground, and arrived at the church where Ashley was supposingly held in. Unfortunately the door is locked, so Leon explored more to find a way to get in. He got to the swamp, then to the lake. By the lake, he faced a gigantic huge sea monster, but managed to get to the cabin at the other side of the shore. However, he fainted due to an internal pain... When he wakes up, it was night time. He goes out, only to encounter more villagers. However, it was also the time where the 'parasites' emerge from the villagers body! This confirmed that those villagers are inhuman! Morever, he also encounters wolfs with parasites as well. Regardless, he found the item in a cave, and made his way to the church for Ashley. Along the way, he combat a huge troll released by the villagers, called the "El Gigante". After freeing Ashley, they tries to leave the church, where someone appear. He was the person who injected Leon with the parasite in Leon's dream. Or rather, not a dream anymore! He introduces himself as "Lord Saddler", the mastermind of the whole kidnapping plan. It was also revealed that they have shot the parasite into Ashley! The parasite, termed "Las Plagas" was the same parasites that emerged from those villagers. It also seems that Lord Saddler has control over those villagers and monsters too. The duo escaped from Lord Saddler, but the chase forced Leon and Ashley to hide in cabin where Luis is in too. While Ashley goes into hiding, Leon and Luis cooperated to fend off the incoming villagers. When the villagers gave up, Luis leaves again. Leon proceeded on, and took one of the splits route to the gondola station. One of the routes was protected by a El Gigante, while the other, guarded by a massive amount of those villagers, including two females who uses a chainsaw. Using the gondola, the duo got to the torture shed, where Leon combated the Villager Chief, who have now mutated into a monster. After defeating him, Leon obtain the false eye of the chief, an item needed to get past the door at the gondola station. After getting past the door, the duo arrived at the castle. At this point, the line with Ingrid Hunnigan was jacked. In the castle, the duos encountered more dazed people...however, they are not villagers. Rather, they are wearing black rodes, zealots. Shortly after their arrival in the castle, they was introduced to the castellan, a short guy with 2 bodyguards. It seems like he (Ramon Salazar) have control over the zealots in the castle. When he succeeded in getting Ashley from Leon, he activated more traps and enemies to attack Leon. During the journey to find and release Ashley, Luis returned, saying that he had found the sample and the cure to the parasite. However, Lord Saddler assasinated Luis shortly after Luis' declaration. Saddler took the sample back, while Luis died. Leon vowed to get revenge for Luis. Leon arrived at the garden of Salazar, and enters Salazar bed room, and had a brief encounter with the mysterious person who rescued Leon from the village chief's choke earlier on. It was...Ada Wong. Ada made a haste exit before Leon can confront her about where she have been for the past years. Along the way, Leon obtained more clues. It seems that everyone of them: Saddler, Salazar and those crazed people are actually following the religion of the "Los Illuminados" cult. Saddler was the cult leader, and he had influenced the owner of the castle, Salazar, to unearth the Las Plagas parasite which Salazar's ancestor had sealed. He manipulated Salazar, as it was also Salazar's ancestor who banished the Los Illuminados in the beginning. Using the Las Plagas, Saddler aims to revive the Los Illuminados, and then use the Las Plagas to control Ashley, and then uses her to get the US president to give more power to the Los Illuminados. He had hoped to use the cult group to gain control of the world. After freeing Ashley, the duo reunited, and tries to find an escape route in the castle. They made their way to the hive of a certain breed of Salazar's monster, whereby Ashley got kidnapped again! Leon made his way to the clock tower to go after Salazar, and encounter more hardship, including fighting 1 of Salazar's bodyguards, the "Verdugo", but when he founds Salazar, they have already finished the ritual, and Ashley has been send away to an island. Then, Salazar mutated into a monster to fight Leon, but failed. With a ride from Ada, they got to the island, but Ada, again, made a haste escape before Leon can ask her anything. On the island, Leon encounters more of those Las Plagas carrier, this time, the soldiers type, and they now uses weapons like gatling guns. Leon's determination got him to where Ashley was confined in, and rescued her. At this point, Saddler send someone to go kill Leon, a soldier who seems uninfected and quite a tough match. His name is "Jack Krauser". Meanwhile, Leon obtained files, and learnt that Luis was actually working for Saddler to experiment on the Las Plagas. As Leon got to the mission statement room of Saddler, Saddler again, robbed Ashley away from Leon. When Leon starts to give chase, at the same time, Krauser was talking to Ada, about how he doesn't trust her or Wesker to help him to get the Las Plagas sample. It doesn't matter to Ada either it seems, and she left. Leon then encounters Krauser himself. It seems that they have past history, as Krauser is the former comrade of Leon, and he was said to die 2 years ago in a helicopter accident. However, Krauser had betrayed the US government and was responsible in directly kidnapping Ashley in the first place for Lord Saddler! It seems that Krauser have been trying to get close to Lord Saddler so he can get the sample for himself as he desirese to rebuild Umbrella. However, Ada helped fend off Krauser for Leon, and she disappear yet again after Krauser ran off. Leon continues his journey, and after barely surviving and defeating a monster assasinator (u3) send in by Lord Saddler, Leon encounters Krauser again. Leon foughtwith Krauser, but it seems Krauser have gained new power when his arm mutated. After killing Krauser, Leon got to the heavily guarded security area, but with the help of Mike, the pilot of the helicopter send in by the US government, they together destroyed the base. Unfortunately, Saddler and his soldier shot down the helicopter and Leon was left a lone ranger again. Leon forced his way through the remaining soldiers-guarded areas, and finally reached the lab where Ashley was stored. With the assistance of Ada, he managed to free Ashley out from the tube and escaped while leaving Ada to fight Saddler alone. Leon brought Ashley to the surgical parasite removal room to remove the parasites in their body. Then, the duo made their way back to the surface, and to the construction site, where Lord Saddler awaits and Ada captured. After freeing Ada, Lord Saddler turned into a monster too, and the battle between Leon and Saddler starts! With a narrow victory over the monster, Leon picked up the sample, but at the gun point from Ada, he have no choice but to hand her the Las Plagas sample. Ada boarded the helicopter, and tells Leon to escape fast as she is going to blow the whole island up. With the key from Ada, he and Ashley made the hasty escape from the island using the jet-ski... ================================================================================ ---------------- (18)TRANSLATION |------------------------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 ---------------- ================================================================================ This is a Spanish-Japanese-English translation guide. --------------------- 18.1 - Miscellaneous |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------- 18.2 - Items |------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- ----------- - WEAPONS - ----------- - Handgun - ハンドガン - Red9 - レッド9 - Punisher - バニッシャー - Blacktail - ブラックテイル - Matilda - マチルダ - Shotgun - ショットガン - Riot Gun - ライオットガン - Striker - ショットガン・セミオート - Rifle - ライフル - Rifle (semi-auto) - ライフル・セミオート - TMP - マシンピストル - Mine Thrower - マインスロアー - Broken Butterfly - マグナム - Killer7 - キラー7 - Handcannon - ハンドキャノン - Rocket Launcher - ロケットランチャー - Infinite Launcher - 無限ロケットランチャー - Rifle (semi-auto) w/ Infrared scope - - TMP w/ Stock - - Krauser's Bow - クラウザー用アーチェリー - Custom TMP - - Handgun w/ Silencer - - Red9 w/Stock - - Rifle+Scope - - Rocket Launcher (Special) - ロケットランチャー - Chicago Typewriter - ------------ - GRENADES - ------------ - Incendiary Grenade - 焼夷手榴弾 - Hand Grenade - 手榴弾 - Flash Grenade - 閃光手榴弾 -------------- - AMMUNITION - -------------- - Handgun Ammo - ハンドガンの弾 - Shotgun Shells - ショットガンの弾 - Rifle Ammo - ライフルの弾 - TMP Ammo - マシンピストルの弾 - Minethrower Ammo - マインスロアーの弾 - Magnum Ammo - マグナムの弾 - Arrows - アーチェリーの矢 - Silencer (Handgun) - サイレンサー ------------ - UPGRADES - ------------ - Stock (Red9) - ストック・レッド9 - Stock (TMP) - ストック・マシンピストル - Stock (Rifle) - スコープ・ライフル - Scope (semi-auto rifle) - スコープ・セミオート - Scope (Mine Thrower) - スコープ・マインスロアー - Infrared scope - サーモスコープ ----------------- - HEALING ITEMS - ----------------- - Yellow Herb - ハーブ・黄 - Red Herb - ハーブ・赤 - Green Herb - ハーブ・緑 - Chicken Egg - 卵・白 - Brown Chicken Egg - 卵・茶 - Gold Chicken Egg - 卵・金 - Black Bass (L) - ランカーバス - Black Bass - ブラックバス - Mixed Herbs (G+R+Y) - ハーブ・緑赤黄 - Mixed Herbs (G+Y) - ハーブ・緑黄 - Mixed Herbs (G+R) - ハーブ・緑赤 - Mixed Herbs (R+Y) - ハーブ・赤黄 - Green Herb (x2) - ハーブ・緑緑 - Green Herb (x3) - ハーブ・緑緑緑 - First Aid Spray - 救急スプレー ------------- - KEY ITEMS - ------------- - Blue Moonstone - ブルームーンストーン - Camp Key - 関所のカギ - Castle Gate Key - 正城門のカギ - Dynamite - 発破用のダイナマイト - Emblem (Right half) - 割れた紋章・右 - Emblem (Left half) - 割れた紋章・左 - False Eye - 村長の義眼 - Freezer Card Key - 冷凍室のカードキー - Gallery Key - 城内サロンのカギ - Goat Ornament - 山羊のオブジェ - Golden Sword - 黄金の宝剣 - Hexagonal Emblem - 六角形の紋章 - Insignia Key - 紋章のカギ - Jet-Ski Key - ジェットスキーのカギ - Key To The Mine - 封印のカギ - King's Grail - 王の聖杯 - Lion Ornament - 獅子のオブジェ - Moonstone (Left Half) - 月のかけら・左 - Moonstone (Right Half) - 月のかけら・右 - Old Key - 古びたカギ - Piece Of The Holy Beast, Eagle - 聖獣のレリーフ(鷲) - Piece Of The Holy Beast, Panther - 聖獣のレリーフ(黒豹) - Piece Of The Holy Beast, Serpent - 聖獣のレリーフ(ヘビ) - Platinum Sword - 白銀の宝剣 - Emergency Lock Card Key - 電源装置のカードキー - Prison Key - 地下牢のカギ - Queen's Grail - 后の聖杯 - Round Insignia - 丸い紋章 - Salazar Family Insignia - サラザール家の紋章 - Serpent Ornament - 蛇のオブジェ - Stone Of Sacrifice - 生け贄のモニュメント - Stone Tablet - 四角い石板 - Storage Room Card Key - 監禁部屋のカードキー - Waste Disposal Card Key - ゴミ処理場のカードキー - Las Plagas Sample - 寄生体のサンプル ------------- - VALUABLES - ------------- - Amber Ring - 琥珀の指輪 - Antique Pipe - アンティークパイプ - Beerstein - ステイン - Bottle Caps - - Butterfly Lamp - 蝶のランプ - Blue Eye - ブルーアイ - Blue Stone Of Treason - 背信の光(青) - Brass Pocket Watch - 黄銅の懐中時計 - Crown Jewel - 王冠の宝石 - Crown - - Dirty Brass Pocket Watch - 黄銅の懐中時計・臭 - Dirty Pearl Pendant - 真珠のペンダント・臭 - Elegant Chessboard - 豪華な装飾のチェス盤 - Elegant Headdress - 蛍石の髪飾り - Elegant Mask - 仮面 - Elegant Perfume Bottle - - Emerald - エメラルド - Gold Bangle - 金の腕輪 - Gold Bangle w/Pearls - - Golden Lynx - 金の聖猫像 - Green Catseye - - Green Eye - グリーンアイ - Green Gem - 仮面の宝石(緑) - Green Stone Of Judgement - 審判の光(緑) - Hourglass With Gold Decor - 宝飾のある砂時計 - Illuminados Pendant - 邪悪なる宝玉 - Mirror With Pearls & Rubies - 真珠とルビーの鏡 - Pearl Pendant - 真珠のペンダント - Purple Gem - 仮面の宝石(紫) - Red Catseye - - Red Eye - レッドアイ - Red Gem - 仮面の宝石(橙) - Red Stone Of Faith - 信義の光(赤) - Royal Insignia - - Ruby - ルビー - Salazar Family Crown - サラザール家の王冠 - Spinel - スピネル - Staff Of Royalty - 至高のロッド - Velvet Blue - ヴェルベット・ブルー - Yellow Catseye - ----------------- - MISCELLANEOUS - ----------------- - Treasure Map (Village) - 宝の地図・村 - Treasure Map (Castle) - 宝の地図・古城 - Treasure Map (Island) - 宝の地図・孤島 - Attache Case XL - アタッシュケースLL - Attache Case L - アタッシュケースL - Attache Case M - アタッシュケースM - Tactical Vest - アーマー(防弾服) ------------- 18.3 - Names |------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- [Japanese]オン・S(スコット)・ケネディ [English] Leon S(Scott). Kennedy [Japanese]アシュリー・グラハム [English] Ashley Graham [Japanese]ルイス・セラー [English] Luis Sera [Japanese]エイダ・ウォン [English] Ada Wong [Japanese]ピトレス・メンデス(村長) [English] Bitores Mendez(Village Chief) [Japanese]村人 [English] Villager [Japanese]邪教徒 [English] Cult Member [Japanese]エルヒガンテ [English] Garrador [Japanese]ラモン・サラザール [English] Ramon Salazar [Japanese]オズムンド・サドラー [English] Osmund Saddler [Japanese]ジャック・クラウザー [English] Jack Krauser [Japanese]マイク [English] Mike [Japanese]ハンク [English] Hunk [Japanese]アルバート・ウェスカー [English] Albert Wesker [Japanese]武器商人 [English]Weapon Merchant [Japanese]エルヒガンテ(巨人) [English]El Gigante (Giant Troll) [Japanese]デルラゴ(オオサンショウウオ) [English]Del Lago [Japanese]ヴェルデューゴ [English]Verdugo [Japanese]ノビスタドール [English]Novistador [Japanese]コルミロス(犬) [English]Colmillo ----------------- 18.4 - Documents |-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- File Name - File Name (Jpn) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing Manual 1 - プレイングマニュアル1 Info on Ashley - アシュリー捜査のメモ Playing Manual 2 - プレイングマニュアル2 Alert Order - 村での警戒命令 About the Blue Medallions - “青コイン”を撃て Chief's Note - 村長のメモ Closure of the Church - 教会の封鎖 Anonymous Letter - 何者かからの手紙 Playing Manual 3 - プレイングマニュアル3 Sera and the 3rd Party - ルイスと第3の組織 Two Routes - 左右のルートへの配置 Village's Last Defense - 村の最終防衛 Capture Luis Sera - ルイス捜索命令 Target Practice - 射的について Luis' Memo - ルイスのメモ1 Famale Intruder - 第3組織の女 Castellan Memo - 8代目城主のメモ Butler's Memo - 執事の日記 Sample Retrieved - 「サンプル」奪回完了 Luis' Memo 2 - ルイスのメモ2 Letter from Ada - エイダからの手紙 Luis' Memo 3 - ルイスのメモ3 Paper Airplane - エイダの紙ひこうき Our Plan - 教団の計画について Luis' Memo 4 - ルイスのメモ4 Krauser's Note - クラウザーの仲間へのメモ Luis' Memo 5 - ルイスのメモ5 Our Mission - 教団の最終目的 ================================================================================ ------------------------------- (19)FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS |---------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 ------------------------------- ================================================================================ Q: Is this game exclusive to Nintendo Gamecube? A: It is a Nintendo Gamecube game, and will be ported over to the Sony Playstation 2 in late 2005. Q: Are there still typewriter save in the game? A: You have to find typewriter to save, but you do not need to find the Ink Ribbon anymore. Q: Is the Umbrella Corp in the game? A: No. The Umbrella Corp has been shut down by the government and it did not appear in the game. Q: Are there zombies in the game? A: There is no zombie in the game. ================================================================================ -------------------------- (20)CREDITS & LEGAL TERMS |--------------------------------------RESIDENT EVIL 4 -------------------------- ================================================================================ --------------- 20.1 - Contact |---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- To contact the author of this FAQ, please send email to this address: Note that flaming mails, virus mails, blank mails, information covered in the FAQ will be ignored. Suggestions, tips and information are welcome, and will be credited when due. However, before you press the 'Send' button, please make sure that you have done the following: 1)Search through the FAQ thoroughly and make sure that I have not answered your question yet. I don't like to repeat myself when you can find the answer in the FAQ. 2)Please only send email in English, Japanese or Chinese. These are the only languages that I understand. I doubt so, but if you are having difficulty in English, please at least use a babelfish or any other online translator. 3)Though I believe most of my audiences are of good readers, I've noticed some exceptions, who were probably jealous of my FAQ. Please, idiots. Just because you can't write a better FAQ doesn't give you a reason to send hate mails. 4)Please write the word "Resident Evil 4 FAQ" or anything similar on your email, so I won't delete them without reading them. I've been getting virus mails. If you don't want your mail to be mistaken as one, then write the heading of your mail. 5)Speaking of virus mails, please, use a virus scanner to scan through your computer/laptop. s -------------- 20.2 - Credit |----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Brady Games CJayC & GameFAQs Capcom Jpn (Production Studio 4) Resident Evil Network Resident Evil Community The people in GameFAQs RE4 board Sean Turk Thanks for giving me the tips to defeat Iron Maiden easier ^^ JuexVideo The numerous screenshots were taken from so all credit goes to them. I am just hosting them. Again, those screenshots are property of Juexvideo and NOT me, and I am only hosting the pictures. Peter Ochoa Credit goes to Peter for notifying me about the missing "R" in the diagrams for the rig container for U3 fight. Alexander delgado For the Village Chief tips Andrew Mathews For the missing optional scene ------------------- 20.3 - Legal Terms |------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Update: 25 Feb Note that before you can host this FAQ on your site, do make sure that you have the following requirements: 1)You are not using this FAQ for profit-purpose 2)After I gave my permission This FAQ is for private and personal use. No permission is granted to reprint this FAQ in a magazine or publication without my prior consent. Translating this walkthrough to another language does not automatically make this walkthrough yours. Do not rip off anything from this FAQ either. Extracts are alright as long as you had obtained my permission, and give credit when due. Please do NOT use this FAQ on your walkthrough, magazine, website or anything. Nor is it granted for this document to be used as any type of "source material" for-profit magazines to use in any way, be it basing their own articles from, reading prior to get ideas, or outright copying. I also forbid this or any of my walkthroughs to be used as, or turned into issues, mailings for RPG or other newsletters, be they free or for profit. In no way do I wish this FAQ to be cut up into sections or altered in any way. Capcom and Resident Evil are registered trademarks of Capcom Co.LTD. Resident Evil is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., LTD. "Playstation" and the "PS" are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Online plays requires internet connection and network adaptor for Playstation 2(sold separately). (c)CAPCOM CO.LTD 2003 ALL RIGHT RESERVED. (c)CAPCOM USA.INC.2003 ALL RIGHT RESERVED.