=============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough for RESIDENT EVIL 4 =============================================================================== GUIDE INFORMATION ----------------- Author: Tom Hayes E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com System: PlayStation 2 Updated: 18th June, 2008 Version: 1.1 CONTENTS -------- 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 2.1. Chapter 1-1 2.2. Chapter 1-2 2.3. Chapter 1-3 2.4. Chapter 2-1 2.5. Chapter 2-2 2.6. Chapter 2-3 2.7. Chapter 3-1 2.8. Chapter 3-2 2.9. Chapter 3-3 2.10. Chapter 3-4 2.11. Chapter 4-1 2.12. Chapter 4-2 2.13. Chapter 4-3 2.14. Chapter 4-4 2.15. Chapter 5-1 2.16. Chapter 5-2 2.17. Chapter 5-3 2.18. Chapter 5-4 2.19. Final Chapter 3. Separate Ways 3.1. Chapter 1 3.2. Chapter 2 3.3. Chapter 3 3.4. Chapter 4 3.5. Chapter 5 4. Assignment Ada 5. The Mercenaries 5.1. Village 5.2. Castle 5.3. Base 5.4. Island 6. Key Item List 7. Weapon List 8. Enemy List 9. File List 9.1. Village 9.2. Castle 9.3. Island 10. Copyright Information VERSION HISTORY --------------- 1.1: 18th June, 2008 (Format update) 1.0: 12th Dec, 2005 (First version) =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== Originally released on the GameCube, Resident Evil 4 introduced a new style for the series, with far more emphasis on action rather than on scares as in the previous games. While initially a GameCube-exclusive title, Resident Evil 4 was ported to the PlayStation 2 later on due to its immense popularity on the GameCube. The game includes new features, with an extra mini-game for Ada in addition to her Assignment Ada scenario. Named Separate Ways, this mini-game explores Ada's involvement in a quest that was occuring at the same time as Leon's main adventure. Capcom has exceeded expectations with the quality of the graphics, and the new additions make this a great game. =============================================================================== 2. Walkthrough =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1. Chapter 1-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATH TO VILLAGE --------------- Leon is dropped off in the woods. You can try running back across the bridge or talking to the men in the car, but in the end Leon's only choice is to head on to the creepy looking house in the distance. Run down the left path and enter the house. Run around the corner to meet a ganado, who takes a dislike to Leon and attacks him with an axe. Hold R1 to aim and press X to shoot the ganado. When he stumbles, press X to kick him. A cutscene plays where more of the ganados arrive outside. Run up the steps and check the table behind Leon for some handgun bullets (10). Run to the window and jump out to exit the house. Leon will land in an area full of ganados. You can either shoot them, or run from them. Shooting them gives ammunition or money which can be used to buy or upgrade weapons from the weapons merchant throughout the game. Running from them saves ammunition but reduces money. In open areas like this, I prefer to run from them and save ammunition for interior areas. Before anything else though, press triangle and check out the map. The village is a massive area, but we're aiming for that bright red dot, which lists our current destination. So exit the map by pressing triangle and run through the gate. Enter the first hut on the right to find a typewriter and various other items. If you decided to run from the ganados, keep an eye on the doorway to make sure they don't decide to pay you a visit. In the hut then, move toward the two boxes on the shelf and break them with the knife by holding L1 and pressing X. Grab the 1000 Ptas from the right box, and then break the box on the desk for a green herb. Save your game by using the typewriter on the desk and then exit the hut. Quarter turn right after exiting the hut and run down the path to find a wolf caught in a trap. Press X to release the poor creature from the trap, and then continue down the path after the signpost to arrive in an area with wires on the trees. Run through the gap between the trees and avoid the ganado. Enter the next hut at the left side of the path and destroy the boxes for Ptas. Grab the green herb on the shelf and then exit the hut. Quarter turn left and shoot the ganados at the start of the bridge. Run across to the other side of the bridge and head down the slope. Walk to the hut on the left and shoot the ganado that is lurking inside. To save on ammunition, always kick a ganado when they stagger by pressing the X button. Grab the handgun ammo (10) and crate items and then exit the hut. Quarter turn left and open the door at the end of the path to enter the receive a call from Hunnigan. VILLAGE ------- Read through the playing manual and then exit to add it to the village files. You can return to the files menu at any time by accessing the start screen and moving to files at the top. Run up the path in this new area and select look from behind the tree to see the ganados at work in their village. Exit the view and run straight into the village, where the ganados immediately start to attack Leon. Check out the map by pressing triangle and run to the house with two floors near the top-right corner of the town, just left of the tower. After the cutscene, run up the steps and get the shotgun from the frame. Shoot the boards in front of Leon and jump out the window. Dodge the ganados and then kill the ganado with the chainsaw to receive 10,000 ptas. as a reward. Don't worry about exploring the various huts yet, as the ganados will get in the way. Just run from one side of the village to the other until the ganados all start walking in one group toward Leon. When they are close, shoot with the shotgun. Continue to shoot groups from one side of the village to the other, and eventually a bell will ring. In a mysterious cutscene, all of the ganados will head through a previously locked door when the bell has finished ringing, leaving Leon alone to explore the village. Enter the top-left hut for an incendiary grenade and random items. Jump out the window and hit the crate for a red herb. Break the door at the left side of the tower for handgun ammo (10) and money from downstairs and random items from upstairs. Jump out the window near the table and run around to the other side of the house to get the Spinel on the roof. Run back around to the other side of the house and get the handgun ammo (10) from the chimney on the red roof. Jump down from the house. Enter the tower and climb up the ladder to get the shotgun shells (5) on the desk at the top. Climb back down the ladder and exit the tower. Run up the path near the bottom-left corner of the village and enter the hut on the right for a flash grenade. The door outside the hut won't open, so run back down the path toward the village. Run through the cow shed and open the crate on the other side for a yellow herb. Run just left of here to find a red herb on a cart. Run back through the cow shed, quarter turn right and break the first door on the right. Enter the house to find money and shotgun shells (5). Exit the house, quarter turn right and search the old shed at the side of the house for a green herb. Look at the shack at the right side near the right side of the tower for handgun ammo. Before heading up the path at the top-right corner of the village, check the house at the left side of the path to find a random item in a crate. Exit the house and run up the path, stopping to check in the first house on the right for handgun ammo (10) and the alert order file. Run to the end of the path and open the door to exit the village area. FARM ---- Enter the first hut on the left to destroy the barrel for a random item and to save at the typewriter. Exit the hut and jump over the fence in front to get the blue medallion file from the tree. Shoot the blue medallion (1/15) on the tree branch. This will alert the ganados to Leon's presence, so start by shooting the one that exits the nearby barn. Watch out for more ganados that may jump over the fence if you stand around. Run to the other side of the first hut and shoot the stick to close the well. Shoot the pearl pendant hanging over the big pot, then grab it and run into the barn for a barrel item. Look to the window at the top of the barn and shoot the blue medallion (2/15). Leave the barn through the other exit and shoot the blue medallion (3/15) on the tree branch. Destroy the barrel behind the hut for an incendiary grenade. Run back toward the barn and turn left to go through the gap in the fence. Look toward the house on the right and shoot the blue medallion (4/15) in the window. Enter the house and destroy the crates and barrels, then open both cabinets for money and a spinel. Run through the back exit, half turn and shoot the blue medallion (5/15) below the roof. Enter the house and climb the ladder to shoot the ganado that may be near the pile of hay. Open the cabinet and take the handgun ammo (10), then jump out the window to land on the walkway. Run along to the end of the walkway and turn right at the end to shoot the blue medallion (6/15) on the windmill. Jump down from the walkway to hit the crate and shoot the blue medallion (7/15) above the left side of the big door. Enter the small hut that the ladder is leaning on and hit the crate for a spinel and the barrel for money. Exit the hut, climb up the ladder and run back along the walkway. Jump off the top-left corner of the walkway and hit the crate to find the beerstein. Run through the doorway and push the cupboard out of the way, then run through the next doorway and jump over the fence on the right. Run forward to the bottom-right corner of the farm and open the doors. PATH OUTSIDE FARM ----------------- Run down the path and the ganados will push a boulder toward Leon. Repeatedly tap X to sprint, then enter the required buttons when the command is displayed to jump out of the way. Shoot the two spinels on the tunnel roof and continue through the tunnel to the other side. Be careful in this area, as the ganados carry dynamite that they throw at Leon. Shoot the first ganado that runs toward Leon, then look toward the first hut on the left. Shoot the explosive device and the trap, then run through the hut and shoot the ganado. Collect the spinel from the crate and exit the hut by the front entrance. Quarter turn left and run to the back of the house in front. Jump through the window and shoot the three ganados inside the house. Get the hand grenade from the table and then jump out the window to exit the house. Turn slightly left after landing and shoot the bird's nest in the tree for a red catseye. Hit the crate at the side of the house. Run around to the front of the house and kick the door twice to open it. Get the handgun ammo (10) on the table and save the game at the typewriter. Run through to the hall and shoot the explosive device. Continue forward into the next room and shoot the device. Open the cabinet for a green herb and get the money on the table. Push the shelf out of the way and run down the new hall to open the closet at the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2. Chapter 1-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTSIDE CAMP ------------ Leon wakes up handcuffed to the man he met at the end of the previous chapter. A ganado with an axe enters the house with a massive axe. Quickly press L1 + R1 or square + X when the command appears to escape from the handcuffs and the ganado. Get the handgun ammo from the shelf and then run down the hall to see the merchant pass by outside. He's not an enemy, so don't worry. Continue down the hall and get the rifle ammo (5) from the desk on the right. Save at the typewriter and then exit the house. Break the barrel on the right for a green herb. Run around the side of the house to talk to the merchant. Sell the pearl pendant and spinels to the merchant, and buy the attache case M. Tune up the handgun and the shotgun and then exit the shop. Continue forward to the end of the path and break both barrels for a red herb and a random item. Run back around to the front of the house and open the doors to enter the camp. CAMP ---- Quarter turn right after entering the camp and shoot the enemies that walk up the path toward Leon. Wait after the first set of enemies have gone, as another set will rush up the path soon after. Run down the steps after both groups have been defeated and ignore the first house on the left. As usual, it's best to clear the area of enemies first of all before exploring for items. Shoot the enemy on the bridge but don't cross it yet. Instead, run up the slope near the bridge and shoot the dynamite ganado in the hideout at the top. Look down to the left and shoot the ganado on the roof, then look down the slope that Leon recently ran up to see a group of ganados. Wait until they get near the top of the slope before shooting the red barrel. Defeat any other ganados that are visible and then open the chest for the left half of the emblem. Destroy both barrels to get the rifle ammo and a random item. Run down the slope toward the first house that we passed on the way to the bridge and get the shotgun shells (5) on the shelf. Enter the next room to get the handgun ammo (10) and flash grenade from the locker. Climb up the ladder to the roof. Shoot the ganado and open the chest to get the right half of the emblem. Climb back down the ladder and jump out the window near the locker. Break the barrel for a random item, then quarter turn right and run forward to the hut in the distance. Break both barrels outside. Enter the hut and open the left locker for money and the right locker for a yellow herb. Exit the hut and climb up the ladder on the left. Climb up the ladder on the right and break the barrel for shotgun shells (5). Jump down both ladders and look at the door on the left to open the inventory. Combine the left emblem piece with the right emblem piece and use the hexagaonal emblem on the slot. Open the door. WAREHOUSE --------- Run down the path and hit the barrel in the structure on the left for a random item. Continue right and break the barrel. Run back to the path and break the barrel in front. Open the doors to enter the warehouse. Hit the barrel at the corner and then open the next door. Shoot the ganados in this hall and run to the end to break the barrel. Smash the right glass window, and jump through to crouch behind the red dumpster. Keep crouching, and the two dynamite ganados will kill the two normal ganados in the room. Stand up after they have thrown the dynamite to shoot them. With all of the ganados gone from this room, open the cabinet at the right side of the room for handgun ammo (10). Knife the trap down on the left and open the next cabinet on the right for a spinel. Break the two barrels as well for random items. Avoid the traps and open the blue door at the side of the room. Break the boards in front and jump through to get the elegant mask on the left. Jump back through the window. Hit the barrel at the corner of the room for a green herb and the barrel between the pipes for a random item. Open the red door and look down the steps on the right to see a ganado staring up at Leon. Run down the steps and shoot the ganado, then continue down the path and shoot the next ganado. Jump down into the water and get the handgun ammo (10), flash grenade and money. You can shoot the fish here for a normal black bass which restores partial health and a large black bass that fully restores health. Climb back up the ladder and then the ladder on the left. After exiting the well, look left and shoot the stick to close the well. Shoot the brass pocket watch above the well and collect it. Enter the first hut on the left and break the crate and barrel. Exit the hut and shoot the traps on the floor and the device on the tree. Continue forward and run up the steps at the end of the path. Follow the hall along to see a crystal ball on the door. Check the ball and turn it right twice and down twice to open the door. Enter the house and get the note from the bed, money from the wardrobe and insignia key on the cabinet. Open the drawer for handgun ammo (10). Open the next door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3. Chapter 1-3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSE ----- Open the cabinet on the left and get the green herb. Run down the steps at the end of the hall, then quarter turn right and run over to the room at the right side of the house. Open the cabinet near the book shelf for money, and break the glass above the other cabinet to get the incendiary grenade. Run into the kitchen and open the oven to collect the brown chicken egg. Before leaving, you can enter the bathroom at the side of the steps, but apart from one startled ganado there is nothing else in there. Exit the house. PATH TO VILLAGE --------------- Equip the shotgun, as there is a chainsaw ganado around the corner here that can kill Leon in one hit. Shoot all of the enemies on the path and collect the ruby that is dropped from the chainsaw ganado. Shoot the two enemies near the shed, then enter the shed and get the red herb from the crate. Exit the shed and shoot the bird's nest in the tree on the right for a spinel, and the bird's nest on the left for TMP ammo (50). Shoot the crowd of enemies that run down the path toward Leon, then unbar the door end of the path. Open the door. VILLAGE ------- Enter the hut on the left and half turn to face the doorway. Lots of ganados will come in through this door, so just wait here and shoot them all until no more appear. Exit the hut and run down the path on the left, then turn right and run past the fire to the mysterious door which the ganados entered when the bell rang earlier on. Try to open the door, and use the insignia key to unlock it. Open the door to exit the village. TUNNEL ------ Get the crate item and handgun ammo (10) from the shelf. Save at the typewriter and open the door. Break the barrel for TMP ammo (50) and shoot the light on the ceiling for a spinel. Open the hatch and jump down into the tunnel below. Run down the tunnel to the slightly larger area with a puddle on the floor. Break the crate in the alcove, then shoot the light. Shoot the three glowing items for two spinels and an elegant headdress. Continue down the tunnel and stop at the merchant. You can sell the brass pocket watch, elegant headdress, spinels and ruby, but you don't need to buy any new weapons yet. Open the door and run down the next section of tunnel to climb up the ladder at the end. GRAVEYARD --------- Exit the building and shoot the nest directly above Leon for a hand grenade. Shoot the nest near the top of the path for rifle ammo (5), and then continue forward to see a small cutscene of the graveyard. Walk toward the hut on the right and shoot the ganado inside. Destroy both crates and get the handgun ammo (10) on the table. Exit the hut and shoot the blue medallion (8/15) on the first tree on the right. Run up the path and shoot the blue medallion (9/15) on the tree on the left. Near the top of the path, look left and shoot the blue medallion (10/15) on the tree branch. You can now either return to the merchant in the tunnel for the new free gun, or wait to collect a more powerful version of it from him later after shooting all fifteen medallions. Run through the gateway and shoot the nest on the tree branch in front for an incendiary grenade. Quarter turn left, continue forward and shoot the blue medallion (11/15) on the tree near the fence. Half turn and run down the path nearest the side of the church to shoot the two ganados. Run through the arch and shoot the blue medallion (12/15) above the pedestal. Use the pedestal and move the dial in four increments eight times and then in three increments five times. Get the green catseye from the pedestal. Run back along the path of the church and this time take the path leading down to the left to receive a call from Hunnigan. Continue down the path to arrive on the bridge. Shoot the enemies, then jump over the first gap and shoot the blue medallion (13/15) on the beam in front of the hut. Half turn and shoot the blue medallion (14/15) below the gap. Enter the hut and get the closure of the church file from the table. Don't open the box on the table, as it contains a snake that will attack Leon. Exit the hut and continue down the bridge to the second gap. Before jumping the gap, look down to the right and shoot the blue medallion (15/15). Continue down the bridge and shoot the enemy before opening the door. CLEARING -------- Break the barrel on the right, then run along the left side of the area to grab the spinel from the cart. Enter the first hut and get the handgun ammo (10) and spinel from the table. Enter the third hut and get the handgun ammo (10). Exit the hut and turn right. Break the two barrels before the door for random items. Run down the steps on the right and open the blue door. MERCHANT'S AREA --------------- Run down the path and jump down the ladder at the end. Get the handgun ammo (10) on top of the crate at the corner. Turn left before the typewriter and follow the path along to a barrel. Run back to the typewriter to save the game, and then approach the merchant. Acquire the free Punisher weapon, which will have a firepower upgrade if all fifteen medallions were found. If only ten were found, then the weapon will still be free, but at the lowest firepower. Sell the handgun and spinels, and tune up the Punisher. Climb back up the ladder, open the door at the end, then open the door on the right. SWAMP ----- Enter the hut on the right and get the handgun ammo (10) from the table. Break the barrel in the corner for a random item. Exit the hut and run down the path on the right. As before, repeatedly tap X to sprint away from the boulder and then press the displayed button combination at the end to jump out of the way. Look up to the right and shoot the spinel on the cliff. Continue down the path to arrive at the swamp. Shoot the first enemy and then walk toward the wire. If the other enemy hasn't come out of the hut in front yet, fire a shot. When he exits the hut, back away and he will walk into the wire explosive. Run forward to the junction on the bridge and enter the hut on the left. Break the barrel for TMP ammo (50) and the left crate for shotgun shells (5). The right crate contains a snake. Jump down into the water and run left to find a hand grenade at the corner of the swamp. Run back past the hut and turn right. Shoot the wire on the left, run through the gap and follow the path around to the slope leading up to the walkway. Grab the incendiary grenade on the bench and half turn to shoot the bird's nest in the tree. Run back to the water and get the antique pipe that fell from the bird's nest. Run back up the slope to exit the water and follow the walkway to the right. Shoot the explosive and enter the hut on the left at the end of the walkway. Collect the handgun ammo (10) from the table, but leave the crate as it contains a snake. Exit the hut and follow the path left to the doors at the end. Open the doors to enter the lake area. LAKE ---- Run up the path and go left at the junction. Watch the cutscene where Del Lago appears, and then get the red herb by the tree on the left. Run back down the path and go left at the junction. Shoot the nest in the tree on the left to get the gold bangle w/ pearls. Enter the hut on the right to get the handgun ammo (10) from the table and yellow herb from the crate. Enter the next hut at the end of the path for a green herb and barrel item. Save at the typewriter, then exit the hut and turn right to run down to the lake. Get on the boat and push up on the left analog stick. Keep moving across the lake to find Del Lago. BOSS BATTLE: DEL LAGO --------------------- The battle starts with Del Lago pulling Leon across the water in the boat. Hold R1 and press X to shoot the harpoon at the monster. When he dives underwater, quickly turn the boat to the side to avoid him when he emerges again. Hit him a few more times with the harpoon, and Del Lago will dive again. This time, Leon will automatically hold the harpoon. Wait until the music starts and the arrow points in the direction of the enemy, then quickly turn and shoot him with the harpoon when he gets near. Shoot a few more harpoons at Del Lago to defeat him. In the cutscene, repeatedly press X when prompted to cut the rope. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4. Chapter 2-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAKE ---- Get the anonymous letter on the bed, the handgun ammo (10) on the table, the flash grenade on the shelf and the crate item from the other table. Exit the building and turn left to board the boat near the dock. Ride forward to the blue lights in the distance to enter the merchant's cave. MERCHANT'S CAVE --------------- Run up the steps and push the crate on the left. Run right and break the two barrels before climbing up the ladder at the corner. Push both crates out of the way, and break the three barrels for money and a green gem. Shoot the light on the same level as this platform, and a spinel will drop down. Jump down the hole and get the rifle ammo (10) from the merchant's table. Climb back up the ladder, run around the top walkway and jump down the next ladder. Run around the bottom walkway to collect the spinel. Talk to the merchant and sell the spinels, antique pipe and gold bangle w/ pearls. Board the boat. LAKE ---- Ride to the dock at the north-west corner of the lake to find handgun ammo (10) on the table. Save at the typewriter, then board the boat and return to the dock at the south-east corner of the lake where the chapter started. Open the doors at the corner of the area to enter the waterfall area. WATERFALL --------- Run down the path to see the new parasite enemy, a ganado that has grown a strange tentacle monster from its head. These new enemies can be difficult to defeat, as once the ganado has been killed, the parasite takes over. Shooting the ganado will do nothing, and the only way of defeating the enemy is to shoot the parasite, which is tricky as they are quite small. Not all enemies will grow these parasites, but they will appear occasionally from here on. Shoot both enemies on this path and collect the 5000 ptas. dropped by the parasite ganado. Run up the steps at the end of the path and jump over both of the gaps. Follow the path down to the next two gaps, but don't jump them yet. Instead, follow the path around the sharp corner on the right to collect the hand grenade from the barrel. Run back, jump the two gaps and follow the path to the rope at the end. Climb down the rope to and shoot the axe ganado on the platform on the right. Climb up the ladder to this platform and break the barrel for an incendiary grenade. Grab the handgun ammo (10) on the side and then jump back down to the path below. Follow the path right to the broken bridge at the end. Shoot the large crate above the water and it will float down to the rail, allowing Leon to jump over it to the next section of bridge. Follow the bridge right and shoot the amber ring on the beam just in front of the waterfall. Collect the ring, climb up the nearby ladder and break the barrel for a green herb. Look up and left on this platform and shoot the crate on the spinning on the chain above. Jump back down the ladder and shoot the next crate on the right. Return to the broken bridge and jump over the two crates in the water. Run up the path and break the barrel behind the ladder, and then climb up the ladder. Operate the lever and select yes to pull it, which will reveal a cave behind the waterfall. Jump down the ladder and then jump over the two crates in the water to see a mass of enemies enter the area. Hop back over the two crates and wait for the ganados to jump over to this path before shooting them. When the ganados have gone, jump over the two crates and run to the newly revealed cave. Check the hole at the end of the cave and get the round insignia to open the door. Continue down the tunnel and open the next door. Shoot the torch for a spinel, break the barrels for items and then use the boat. MERCHANT'S CAVE --------------- Nothing new to buy from the merchant here, but you can sell the spinel and amber ring to him. Make sure that the shotgun is tuned up as well. Climb up the ladder and then open the doors at the top of the slope to exit the cave. Break both barrels and then run into the area on the left to start the boss battle. BOSS BATTLE: EL GIGANTE ----------------------- Start by backing away from this giant and throwing a flash grenade at him. While he is stunned, shoot him with the shotgun. The wolf that Leon rescued earlier will appear after El Gigante has been hit a few times. While the wolf provides a distraction, El Gigante will still focus on Leon. Just try and stay as far away as you can, by running from one side of the area, shooting him a few times, and then running back to the other side. Soon a large parasite will burst out of the giant's back. Run toward him and press X to climb him, then repeatedly press X or square to cut the parasite. If you don't manage to cut the parasite quickly enough, El Gigante will start picking up various objects to throw at Leon. Just keep watching him as he picks up an object, then run to the side as he raises his arm to avoid it. El Gigante will also charge toward Leon at this stage, so quickly press the required buttons when the prompt is displayed to dodge him. Continue shooting him until he falls again, then repeatedly cut the parasite again to defeat El Gigante. After the battle, pick up the various items from the huts and the 15000 ptas. from the body of El Gigante. Get the red herb and handgun ammo (10) from the shack at the side of the area, and the yellow herb from the cart on the right. Run through the gateway on the other side of the area and break the barrel on the left. Open the door to exit the area. GRAVEYARD --------- Run up the bridge, jump the gap and enter the hut on the right for two crate items. Exit the hut and jump over the next gap in the bridge. After the bridge, a group of three Colmillos stare down the path toward Leon. Equip the shotgun and shoot them, as they will attack Leon if he gets near. Run up the steps on the right and look at the round hole on the front door of the church. Use the round insignia on the hole and then open the door to enter the church. CHURCH ------ Get the money on top of the cabinet at the back of the church. Run up the path at the right side of the room and break the barrel for a flash grenade. Run up the left path and climb up the ladder. Face the chandelier at the right side of the path and jump onto it. Jump again to land on the path at the other side of the room. Run right and hit the barrels at the end of the room for money and an incendiary grenade. Run back to the corner and operate the panel. Move the red disc twice, the green disc three times and the blue disc once. Combine the colours to form the symbol and open the gates. Run down the path and open the door at the side of the path to meet Ashley. Break all six barrels in this room for a green herb, handgun ammo (10) and money. Exit the room and jump down the ladder at the end of the path. Press X after landing to catch Ashley. Continue forward and watch the cutscene to complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5. Chapter 2-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAVEYARD --------- Break the four barrels for a red herb and handgun ammo (10). Unlock the door and open it to return to the graveyard. Run forward to the top of the path and shoot the wagon to defeat the enemies on the path. Enter the hut at the bottom of the path and break both crates for money. Exit the hut and follow the path left. Shoot the bird's nest above the doorway for money, then run through the doorway and climb down the ladder to enter the merchant's tunnel. MERCHANT'S TUNNEL ----------------- Open the door and talk to the merchant. Sell the punisher and spinels. Buy the Red9 and tune it. Exit the merchant, run up the steps at the end of the tunnel and climb up the ladder. Break the barrel at the corner, then open the door and enter the save room. Break the crate in the corner. Save at the typewriter and then open the door to enter the village. VILLAGE ------- Run to the path on the right to hear the familar sound of an angry ganado. Shoot the bear trap on the ground near the start of the path and then shoot the ganados walking down the path. Break the crate in the hut on the left for money. Continue up the path, knifing the bear traps along the way so that Ashley doesn't get caught in one. Open the doors at the end of the path. FARM ---- Run to the bin on the right and press R2 to tell Ashley to hide in it. Enter the hut on the left and get the Sera and the 3rd Party file from the table. Break the barrel and save at the typewriter. Exit the hut, shoot the ganado in the barn on the left, then back out of the barn and look to the house on the right. Shoot both ganados on the bridge, then enter the house below the bridge and knife the bear traps on the floor. Break the barrels in the corner and then open the cabinet for a green herb. Climb up the ladder and open the cabinet for handgun ammo (10). Jump out the window, run left along the bridge and jump off the end. Break the crate on the table, and the crate and barrel in the hut under the ladder. Exit the hut and knife all of the bear traps on the floor, then call Ashley by pressing R2. Wait for her to arrive at the end of the bridge. Walk to the bottom of the ladder and press X to catch her, then approach the door and piggyback by pressing X to open it. BRIDGE ------ Run down the path and and cross the bridge to hear from Hunnigan. On the other side of the bridge, a group of ganados appear and Leon and Ashley run into a cabin. Inside, they meet Luis, and a battle against the ganados begins. Get the shotgun shells (5) on the table, the yellow herb from the shelf and the red herb on the chair. Push the wardrobes in front of the windows, and then make your way up the steps. Get the green herb, incendiary grenade, hand grenade and flash grenade. Run to the top of the steps and shoot all of the enemies that appear. After a while, enemies will break in to the top floor of the house. From here on, just concentrate on pushing all of the ladders on the windows and shooting any ganados that get near. After a while, a cutscene will be shown where the ganados leave, and the chapter will end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.6. Chapter 2-3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRIDGE ------ Run up to the top of the steps and collect any items you may have missed. Run back down the steps and open the door to exit the house. Turn left and grab the TMP ammo (50) from the corner, and the handgun ammo (10) on the logs on the left. The merchant has nothing new on offer, but you can enter the hut on the left for the Two Routes file and a typewriter. Exit the hut, turn left and run to the doorway between the two doors. Check the lever and move it either left or right to open one of the doors. Run down the tunnel and open the door. LEFT ROUTE ---------- Shoot the first ganado that appears and then tell Ashley to hide in the bin. Save the shotgun for now and equip the Red9 or Punisher. Wait for a group of ganados to advance toward Leon, and then shoot the barrels on the wagon to defeat them. Run around the corner on the right and follow the path to the ladder at the end. Shoot the ganado lurking on the right, break the barrel and climb up the ladder to the walkway. Turn left at the top and shoot all of the ganados on the walkway. At the bin, follow the walkway right, break the barrel for a green herb and shoot the ganado. When all of the enemies on the walkway are gone, equip the shotgun and jump down to the central area. Leon is greeted by two chainsaw ganados as soon as he lands, as well as some normal ganados. Start by equipping the shotgun and running around the area in circles until both of the chainsaw ganados are following Leon. Run across to the other side of the area, half turn and then shoot them with the shotgun. They are much tougher than the normal ganados, so just continue to stand and shoot until they have been defeated. When the music has stopped, get the hand grenade, ruby, money and camp key. Call Ashley by pressing R2. Catch her when she arrives on the walkway, then use the camp key on the door. Break the crate at the right side of the path for handgun ammo (10). Run to the end of the path and tell Ashley to hide in the bin. This can be a difficult battle here as there are so many ganados. Use the shotgun to shoot all of the enemies, then press R2 to call Ashley. Run toward the red door and get the handgun ammo (10) from the crate on the left and a random item from the barrel on the right. Unbar the red door and open it to enter the merchant's area. RIGHT ROUTE ----------- Run down the path and El Gigante will appear. There is a boulder up on the left that can be shot down so that it lands on El Gigante, but this will reduce the amount of space you have to run away from him. If you have any flash grenades, throw one of them at El Gigante to stun him and then shoot him with the shotgun until he drops to his knees. Run toward him and press X to climb up, then keep on pressing the required button to cut the parasite. Repeat this method twice to defeat El Gigante. Collect the 15000 ptas. and continue down the path. Enter the first hut and get the money, TMP ammo (50), handgun ammo (10), spinel and incendiary grenade from the table. Exit the hut and break the crate on the left. Enter the second hut and get the old key from the floor and the shotgun shells (5), 2 * money, 2 * handgun ammo (10) and spinel from the table. Exit the hut and grab the handgun ammo (10) from the wood on the left. Kick the door at the end of the area to open it, then use the old key on the green door at the end of the path to enter the merchant's area. MERCHANT'S AREA --------------- Following either the left or the right route will lead to this area. If you chose the left route, follow the path around to the right and take the next steps on the right to find the merchant. If you chose the right route, run up the steps on the left. Talk to the merchant and sell the spinels. Exit the merchant, run down the steps and get the handgun ammo (10) on the bins at the side of the hut. Enter the hut and get the Village's Last Defense file on the locker at the back. Open the right locker and get the rifle ammo (10). Save at the typewriter and then exit the hut. Follow the path to find a green door at the top of the slope which can't be opened yet. Continue following the path and run up the steps at the end. Break the barrel at the right corner and then step onto the moving platform. Using the handgun, shoot the ganados on the moving platforms on the right. Also watch out for ganados on the stationary platforms on the left, as they will jump onto Leon's platform if he doesn't shoot them first. Leon and Ashley will automatically step off the platform at the factory. Follow the path and open the door on the left. Open the lockers for handgun ammo (10) and a flash grenade. Exit the room and run down the steps. Tell Ashley to wait. Take the left path and shoot the ganado holding the explosive. After it explodes, jump over the sandbags and climb up the ladder. Follow the tunnel around the corner and shoot the parasite ganado. Open the chest at the end of the path and get the yellow catseye, then exit the tunnel and tell Ashley to follow. Run down the steps to find another merchant. Get the handgun ammo (10), TMP ammo (50) and shotgun shells (10) from the crate. Save at the typewriter and then open the door at the end of the path. BOSS BATTLE: BITORES MENDEZ --------------------------- Follow the path down to the warehouse to meet Bitores, who locks the doors behind Leon and tries to grab him. When this happens, quickly enter the correct button combination at the prompt to dodge out of the way. Bitores will start walking toward Leon, so equip the shotgun or rifle and keep shooting at the spine. There is also a red barrel near the ladder at the left side of the room that will explode when hit. If you climb up to the top floor and can get Bitores close enough, hit the barrel. In the second part of the battle, just the upper half of Bitores will attack. Shoot Bitores when he hangs from the beams, and continue to shoot him when he drops to the floor to defeat him. Get the 30000 ptas., false eye, green herb, shotgun shells (5), handgun ammo (10), TMP ammo (50) and incendiary grenade from the bottom floor, and the red herb, hand grenade, handgun ammo (10), yellow herb and green herb from the top floor. Exit through the window at the side of the house. After teaming up with Ashley, run up the path and open the door to return to the merchant's area. MERCHANT'S AREA --------------- Save at the typewriter and follow the path. Run up both sets of steps and then follow the path around to the other side of the factory. Step onto one of the moving platform to return to the top section of the factory. Run down the steps and use the false eye on the door at the left side of the path. Open the door. CASTLE EXTERIOR --------------- Equip the rifle but don't shoot the three ganados at the top of the path. Walk up the path and a truck will start to drive down it. Quickly use the rifle to shoot the driver, and the truck will crash into the wall. Run up the path and take the money from the truck. Move past the truck and then half turn to shoot the group of ganados that exit it. Run up to the top of the path and break the two barrels on the left for the velvet blue. Keep following the path along toward the castle to complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7. Chapter 3-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASTLE EXTERIOR --------------- Run through the arch to arrive in the merchant's area. Break the barrels and crate for a green herb, spinel, shotgun shells (5) and money. Open the chest at the back of the merchant's hut for 5000 ptas. Enter the merchan't hut and take the green herb on the table. Open the inventory, select Keys Treausres and combine the three catseyes with the beerstein. Talk to the merchant and sell the rifle, spinel, velvet blue and beerstein w/ (G,R,Y). Keep the Red9, but sell any other handguns you have. Buy the Attache Case L and rifle (semi-auto). Tune up the Red9, shotgun and rifle (semi-auto). Exit the merchant's hut, run up the steps and open the door at the end of the path. Equip the semi-auto rifle and run around the corner to see a zoomed out view of this massive area. Grab the rifle ammo (5) on top of the crate, then shoot the two robed figures on the bridge. Run forward and go up the steps on the right to see an enemy with a goat-head launch fireballs toward Leon. Stand still to avoid the first two fireballs, then quickly run down the path and go left at the junction. Cross the bridge to enter the cannon tower and break the barrels for an incendiary grenade, velvet blue and shotgun shells. Exit the tower. Run up the steps and go through the arch on the left. Run up the next set of steps and turn right before the top to see a gap in the wall. Look through the gap and shoot the red barrel to defeat the first catapult enemy. Run to the top of the steps, turn right and shoot the enemy in the hut on the other side of the bridge. Look up to the right and shoot the red barrel to defeat the second catapult enemy. Run across the bridge and enter the hut. Look out of the big window and shoot the red barrel to defeat the third catapult enemy. Break the crates for a velvet blue and money, and open the chest for a yellow herb. Exit the hut and run across the next bridge to the tower on the other side. Look out the side window and shoot the fourth and final catapult enemy in the area. Exit the tower and operate the lever to raise the cannon, then fire it to destroy the big red doors on the other side of the bridge. Cross the first bridge and open the treasure chest at the left side of the hut to collect a gold bangle. Cross the second bridge and run through the big doorway. Run past the merchant and open the door to enter the castle. CASTLE INTERIOR --------------- After the call from Hunnigan, open the cabinet on the right for money and check the table for shotgun shells (5). Check the wall and get the platinum sword. Run up the steps and quickly shoot the robed ganados up here. Soon after, a large group of robed ganados will burst through the door, and quite a few of them have a new larger form of parasite that Leon must contend with as well. With the initial two enemies shot, run into a corner on the top floor away from the steps and shoot any of the enemies that appear. Don't let them get too near, as chances are they may have a parasite that will attack. With all of the enemies defeated, break the crates for a spinel and open the cabinet for a red herb. Get the golden sword from the wall, then check the wall and use the platinum sword on it. Run down the steps and use the golden sword on the wall. Run back up to the top floor and open the newly revealed door at the corner. CASTLE EXTERIOR --------------- On easy difficulty, run across the bridge and open the big door. On normal and professional difficulty, open the door in front and shoot the ganado before he runs around the corner. Take the first right and enter the room on the left to shoot all of the ganados inside. Break both barrels for a green herb, open the cabinet for money and get the handgun ammo (10) on the table. Exit the room by the other door and shoot the crossbow ganado on the bridge up on the right. Run through the arch and use the rifle to shoot the two shield ganados. Open the next door and get the green herb from the shelf, velvet blue from the barrel and castle gate key from the chest. A group of ganados will enter the room, so quickly shoot the red barrel near the entrance and then shoot any other ganados that remain. Exit the room, run left through the arch and open the door in front. Run to the big door on the left and unlock it with the castle gate key. Open the door. CASTLE INTERIOR --------------- Approach the steps to meet Salazar. After he leaves, run up the steps and break the pots for a velvet blue and random items. Save at the typewriter and then open the door at the corner to exit the room. Break the barrels on the left for an incendiary grenade. Check the portrait at the right side of the hall to get 5000 ptas. Break the pot on the left, then continue down the hall and break the barrels to get a yellow herb. Get the Capture Luis Sera file on the wall. Run through the doorway on the left to see two horse statues blowing fire. Check the portrait on the right to get the prison key, then run back to the blue door at the start of the hall and unlock it using the key. Open the door and run down the steps. Tell Ashley to wait at the bottom of the steps, and then get the green herb from the left corner near the bell. Approach the cell to see the El Garrador enemy. Open the cell door and enter it to see El Garrador break out of his chains. Quickly half turn and run out of the cell, then start walking over to the other side of the room. El Garrador can't see Leon, but will be able to follow him if he runs. The aim in this battle is to shoot the parasite on El Garrador's back. You can shoot the bell to make him walk toward them, but make sure you shoot the parasite before he gets to the bell or he will destroy it. Grab the 15000 ptas. after he has been defeated, then enter the cell and pull the lever. Run up the steps to exit the prison. Turn left in the hall and shoot the ganados that appear. Run around the corner and shoot the ganados behind the horse statues. Run through the doorway and shoot the enemies on the left, then grab the handgun ammo (10) between the pillars and open the big doors ant the end of the hall. Enemies with shields greet Leon and Ashley in this area. Equip the rifle and aim for the head of the enemy behind the shield to defeat them in one shot. Shoot all of the enemies that appear and then run down to the middle of the hall. Get the money from the table on the right, break the pots on the left for a green herb and money, and break the pots on the right for an incendiary grenade. Run forward to the top of the steps and shoot the ganado at the bottom. Run down the steps and open the door to enter a room with two yellow platforms. Get the green herb from the table and the shotgun shells (5) from the chair. Walk onto one of the yellow platforms and tell Ashley to wait. Have Leon walk onto the other platform to raise a panel in the hall. Tell Ashley to follow. Quickly exit the room and run up the steps to defeat all of the ganados that appear. Check the panel and operate it with either character to lower the steps. Run up the steps and follow the path around to the door on the left. Enter the room and break the pot for shotgun shells. Exit the room and run around to the door on the right. Enter the room and break the pot for a first aid spray. Run to the middle of the hall and Ashley will see a crank. Break both of the pots for rifle ammo (10) and shotgun shells (10). Run toward one of the murals and select piggyback to help Ashley up to the next floor. Run to the fountain in the middle of the room, equip the rifle and shoot any of the enemies that get near Ashley. Enemies will also appear on Leon's floor as well, so be sure to lower the rifle and check around occasionally. After Ashley raises the first platform, she will cross over to the other side of the room. Protect her again here, and when the second platform raises, approach the mural and catch her. Jump across both platforms and open the doors to exit the hall. MERCHANT'S ROOM --------------- Get the handgun ammo (10) from the shelf. Break the three pots at the top-left corner for money and a green herb. Open the cabinet at the right side of the room for shotgun shells (5), break the glass at the top-right corner of the room and open the chest for a hand grenade. Shoot the head of the statue and get the spinel. The door at the left side of the merchant leads to the shooting range, where bottle caps can be won for shooting the targets that appear. Read the Target Practice file on the table in the shooting range entrance room for more information. Outside the shooting range, sell the spinel, velvet blues and gold bangle to the merchant. Tune up the Red9 and semi-auto rifle. Exit the merchant and follow the hall to complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.8. Chapter 3-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASTLE INTERIOR --------------- Half turn and enter the door at the left side of the room. Break the barrels for money and a flash grenade, then jump down the ladder to enter the sewer. SEWER ----- Run down the tunnel to hear a door open and the sound of running feet. This is the sound of the novistador, massive insects that Salazar released into the sewers. There are plenty to contend with in this sewer, and they all have the power to become nearly invisible. Run around the first corner but don't go any further just yet. Equip the snifle and zoom in on the second corner to see a very faint outline of a novistador. Shoot it, and collect the item that it drops. Run around the next corner to see a rail at the side with water down below. Look over the rail and shoot the novistador (easy difficulty) or three novistadors (normal and professional difficulty) in the corner of the water. Jump down the ladder and collect the velvet blue, handgun ammo (10), green eye and TMP ammo (50). Climb up the next ladder and open the door on the left. Walk forward and kill the first novistador that appears. A second will burst out of the cell on the left, so shoot that one as well. Open the far-right cell and get the yellow herb. Open the left cells for shotgun shells (5), Luis' Memo and an incendiary grenade. Run down the hall at the side of the room. On normal and professional difficulties there will be a novistador here, so quickly shoot it. Go through the destroyed cell. Turn the corner and open the door on the left to enter the water control room. Destroy the crates for a green herb and shotgun shells (5), and open the chest for the butterfly lamp. Check the drainage valve and select yes to drain the water. Exit the room, turn the corner and shoot the novistadors. Run back through the destroyed cell to return to the main part of the room. On normal and professional difficulties, shoot the novistador in the cell, and the novistador that drops down from the hole in the ceiling. Jump down the ladder on the left into the water and kick open the gate in front. Quickly half turn and shoot the novistador that appears behind Leon. Collect the green eye, then half turn again and run up the steps. Break the barrels on the left for a green herb. Run up the next set of steps and open the door. Dodge the four pendulums in this room and get the velvet blue on the right. Open the door and climb up the ladder. Break the barrels on the left for a spinel and then open the door to exit the sewer. CASTLE INTERIOR --------------- Leon arrives in a room with a group of ganados performing a ritual. Run right to the gap in the balcony and throw a hand grenade down to the middle of the group. Jump onto the chandelier and jump off at the other side. Turn left and break the pots for a velvet blue. Run to the other end of the floor and jump to the chandelier on the right. Jump off at the other side and pull the lever to open the gates. Break the glass on the left and open the chest for the elegant mask. Jump back onto the chandelier and jump again to land on the floor below. Get the spinels dropped from the ganados and the illuminados pendant dropped by the leader. Run up the steps and open the red doors near the merchant. Get the red herb on the table and then run up the steps to the next room. Get the handgun ammo (10) on the chair and the Castellan Memo from the table. Open the door to the next room and quickly run left to the window. Shoot the two ganados down on the right, and use the rifle to shoot the two ganados with crossbows on the top floor. Jump through the window and open the next door. Half turn and shoot all of the enemies that enter the room. Break both barrels and shoot the ganados standing at the top of the steps. Run up the steps and open the door on the left. Get the rifle ammo (5) on the table around the left corner, then run around the balcony to the metal door at the end. Shoot the red barrel down on the left, then jump down to this area to see a red ganado run away. Quickly follow him and shoot him, as if he makes it to the bottom floor he will start firing at Leon from behind a gatling gun. If this does happen, open the door at the top of the steps and look around the edge of the doorway to see the gatling gun. Don't look too far, or he will be able to shoot Leon. Quickly equip the rifle and shoot the ganado to stop him firing. Defeat any of the ganados in the room, and then collect the gallery key. With all of the ganados gone, the room can now be explored. Break all of the vases on the bottom floor for a velvet blue, shotgun shells and a green herb. On the top floor, run down the steps to the corner and get the money and the shotgun shells (5). Run through the doorway and unlock the door using the gallery key. Open the door and break the pots, then use the panel and enter the combination 1, 2, 3, 4 and OK to reveal a door. Open the door. After talking to Salazar, quickly open the door on the right and shoot any of the ganados that enter from the bottom floor. After the cutscene shows more enemies entering the room, shoot enemies that enter from the top floor. After no more appear, get the yellow herb and open the top door. Look through the gaps in the wall and shoot the crossbow ganado with the rifle. When they are all gone, break all of the pots on the bottom floor for money. Get the spinel from the chair on the top floor and the handgun ammo (10) from the shelf. Check the red button near the door at the left side of the room and deactivate it. Get the green herb on the table at the south side of the floor. Open the door and break the pot. Press the switch to extend a bridge over to the platform in the middle of the floor. Cross the bridge and open the chest to collect the goat ornament. Enter the door near the switch on the top floor and save at the typewriter. Run down to the room at the end of the hall and get the handgun ammo (10) on the table. Open the left door and shoot the spinel on the wall above the next door. Collect the spinel and open the next door. CASTLE EXTERIOR --------------- Follow the path around the corner and get the two velvet blues and spinel from the fountain. Continue following the path and break all of the barrels for an incendiary grenade and money. Open the double doors at the end of the path, run down the steps to see the garden maze. If you are playing on easy difficulty, go through the doorway on the right to complete the chapter, as there will be no steps leading down to the hedge maze. On normal and professional difficulty, the door will be locked so we have to enter the hedge maze. Run to the end of the path and go down the steps on the left. CASTLE HEDGE MAZE ----------------- Open the gate. Break both barrels on the left for a velvet blue. Run forward and shoot the colmillos on the left. Run to the right side of the platform and open the gate on the right. Turn left at the junction and shoot the colmillos in the cage. Break the barrel at the side of the cage, then turn left and take the second left. Open the chest for a first aid spray. Run back and take the first right. Follow the path under the bridge and shoot the colmillos that jumps out of the hedge. Go around the corner and take the first left to find a chest containing the red gem. Run back, turn left and take the first right. Run up the steps and get the moonstone (right half) from the fountain. Jump down from the fountain and go south. Take the first left and shoot the two colmillos in the cage. Continue on down the path and take the second left to find a chest containing shotgun shells (5). Run back and take the first right to go up the steps. Run down at the other side and follow the path around to the right to collect the moonstone (left half) from the corner fountain. Run back to the steps, shooting the colmillos that jump onto the path along the way. Jump down off the left side of the platform at the top of the steps and open the gate in front. Turn right and run up the steps to the door at the top. Open the keys and treasures section of the inventory and combine the moonstone (left half) with the moonstone (right half) to make the blue moonstone. Use the blue moonstone on the door and then enter the room to complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.9. Chapter 3-3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASTLE INTERIOR --------------- Break the pots for an incendiary grenade and a spinel. Run through the doorway into the merchant's room and open the middle cabinet to collect the mirror w/ pearls & rubies. Break the pot for money, and get the Female Intruder file on the table. Exit the merchant's room and run left to open the door at the end of the room. Run down the hall and break the pot at the end for shotgun shells (5). Get the green herb on the near table and handgun ammo (10) from the other table. Turn right at the corner and follow the thin hall down to the door at the end. Break the pots for money and then open the door. Break the first two pots for money and a red gem, but watch out for the right pot as it contains a snake. Break crates for shotgun shells (5), and break the barrels for a spinel. Kick the door with the lock open, but don't go through it, as it leads back to a hall that Leon ran down earlier. Open the door at the other end of the room to return to the previous hall. Run back up the thin hall and turn right at the top to see a desk with a bell on it. Ring the bell and shoot the wine bottle on the portrait that appears. Run through the door that opened, and a cage will drop down to trap Leon. A group of enemies enter the room and an El Garrador drops down into the cage. Remember, if Leon walks, El Garrador won't know where he is. Quickly equip the shotgun and shoot the lock on either door of the cage until it breaks off. Open the door and run around the outside of the cage to shoot the ganados that are surrounding it. After they are gone, resume walking to avoid being traced by El Garrador. As before, equip the sniper rifle and shoot the parasite on his back to defeat him. Collect the 15000 ptas. that he drops, and open the chest in the cage for the hourglass w/ gold decor. Break the glass on the cabinet and get the flash grenade, then open the door at the corner to exit the room. Run down the hall and break the pot for rifle ammo (5). Jump down to the room below and break the pots. Operate the lever to raise a bridge to the top floor. Climb up the ladder and shoot all of the ganados that appear. Cross the bridge and open the door on the other side. Run up the steps and break the pots at the top for money and a spinel. Talk to the merchant and sell the spinels, velvet blues, Illuminados Pendant, Mirror w/ Pearls and Rubies and the Hourglass w/ Gold Decor. Buy the Attache Case XL and exit the merchant. Run down the steps at the end of the hall and open the door to return to the bridge. Run down the steps on the right. Get the money on the table and jump down to the floor below. Break the glass and get the incendiary grenade, rifle ammo (3), rocket launcher, shotgun shells (5), flash grenade and handgun ammo (10). Run up the steps and kick open the locked door at the top. Run across the bridge and open the door to return to the merchant's room. Open the door opposite the merchant and watch the cutscene to complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.10. Chapter 3-4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASTLE INTERIOR (LEON) ---------------------- Collect the handgun ammo (10), and check the portrait at the south side of the room for 5000 ptas. Break the pots for a spinel, flash grenade, rifle ammo (10) and money. Run down the steps to the platform in the middle of the room and use the rifle to shoot the three restraints holding Ashley. A group of ganados will enter the room with the intention of taking Ashley away, so shoot any that get near to her. She will run to the locked door and more ganados will enter. Shoot all of them, and Ashley will collect the key from where the red robed ganado fell. She unlocks the door and continues through the castle on her own. CASTLE INTERIOR (ASHLEY) ------------------------ Ashley has no weapons, so her only defense against enemies in this section is to either run from them, or to throw lamps that she finds at them. Get the spinel at the right side of the cabinet and the yellow herb from the corner of the room. Save at the typewriter and then run down the hall to see a ganado. Run right after entering the room and throw the lamp at him. Get the green herb on the table, and then throw the lamp at the corner of the room at him. Operate the lever to open the gate and run under the arch to enter the next room. Open the drawer and get the spinel, then throw the lamp at the nearby ganado. Wait until he stands, then throw the second lamp near the left crank at him. Open the cabinet near the bed and get the money, then wind both of the cranks to open the gates. Run down the arch and get the red herb on the cabinet, then continue down to the end of the hall and open the door at the end. Get the green herb from the desk at the corner, and crawl under the table near the entrance. Press the switch and run through the gateway to press the next switch. Get the stone tablet from the fireplace and run through the gateway. Push the cabinet and press the switch to raise a gate, then run through both gateways. Open the cabinet for money, get the velvet blue and open the door. Run down this dark hall to the room at the end. Check the pedestal and move the left tile, bottom-left tile, bottom tile, bottom-right, right, top-right, top, top-left, left, bottom-left, bottom and then bottom-right tile to complete the puzzle. Check the pedestal and use the stone tablet in the gap. Run through the doorway and get the gold bangle from the chest and spinel from the cupboard. Get the Salazar family insignia from the statue at the end of the room and open the chest to get the serpent ornament. After this happens, the Armadura that were standing still in the dark hall will start to move. Some of the knights will stomp into the room where Ashley is standing. Stand behind the table and watch the knights. When they start to walk around the table, exit the room and run down the hall. Other knights will attack Ashley on the way, so be sure to quickly press the displayed button combination to avoid being hit. Open the door at the end of the hall and quickly press the switch on the other side of the gate to close it. Run to the door at the corner of the room and dodge the final knight. Open the door, then open the blue door in front. Open the drawer on the right for a velvet blue, get the spinel on top of the cabinet at the corner, the handgun ammo (15) from the drawer near the pedestal and the Butler's Memo from the cabinet near the pedestal. Look at the dais and use the Salazar family insignia on it. Turn the dais and then climb up the ladder. Turn right at the top and collect the money from the table, then unlock and open the door at the other end of the hall to complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.11. Chapter 4-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASTLE INTERIOR --------------- Transfer the items from Ashley's inventory to Leon's attache case. Open the door near Lois and run down the steps at the other end of the merchant's hall to open the next door. Run across the bridge and open the door at the end of the hall. Shoot all of the ganados in the cage, then run through the doorway at the bottom-right corner of the room and collect the magnum ammo (3) below the shelf with the bell. Return to the cage room and go through the doorway to the dining area. Shoot the two ganados at the other end of the room. Run down the thin hall on the left and open the door. Open the door at the corner of the room, the door on the right and the door in front. CASTLE EXTERIOR --------------- Run around the corner and approach the door near the fountain. Try to open it, then walk to the left side of the door and select the piggyback option to have Ashley unlock the door. Open it, and then open all of the chests for money, a red herb, the broken butterfly and the elegant perfume bottle. Exit the room and run right around the corner to open the double doors at the end of the path. Run down the steps and enter the room at the end of the path. Open the door near the typewriter to return to the castle. CASTLE INTERIOR --------------- Run down the hall and run through the doorway to return to the cage room. Open the door at the corner and run back across the bridge to open the next door. Run up the steps and open the door opposite the merchant to return to the room where this chapter started. Turn left and run down the hall to open the big door at the end. Get the handgun ammo (10) from the shelf on the right, and break the pot near the typewriter for a velvet blue. Get on the platform near the typewriter and open the door after arriving at the other side of the room. Equip the rifle and run to the top of the steps. Quickly shoot the ganado that appears on the back of the dragon statue. Open the treasure chest at the bottom of the steps and get the 5000 ptas. Run up the next set of steps and jump into the rotating cage. Jump out the other side, then quickly run down the path and hide behind the right wall at the end to avoid the flames from the other dragon statues. Half turn and shoot the ganados on the path. To defeat the gandos on the left dragon, wait until it breathes fire and then quickly run away from it. Before it can turn, shoot the ganado with the rifle. To defeat the ganado on the dragon behind the wall, stand at the left side of the left wall and wait for the dragon to breathe fire. When it does, quickly run to the right side of the right wall and shoot the ganado. Run up the steps and open the chest for the lion ornament. Run down the steps and open the chest at the left side of the path for the illuminados pendant. Run up the steps and jump back through the cage, then open the door at the top of the steps. Get on the platform to return to Ashley. Run down the steps and board the cart. Break both pots at the other side of the tracks for shotgun shells (5) and a spinel, then unlock and open the door to exit the room. Look at the decoration on the left and insert the lion, goat and serpent ornaments to reveal a new path. Run forward and go up the steps on the right. Break the pot at the top for a hand grenade, and then check the portrait behind Leon for 5000 ptas. Continue down the hall and shoot the purple gem on the wall. Run back down the steps and collect the purple gem from the room. Half turn and run up the new path to open the door at the end. Jump over the rails and break the pots for a random item and a spinel. Board the cart to travel down to the tracks to the next area. Break the pots for a velvet blue and handgun ammo (10), then go through the door. KING'S GRAIL ------------ Turn right and follow the hall to the end to get the yellow herb and the Sample Retrieved file on the table. Open the cabinet for a flash grenade, then open the double doors. Get the handgun ammo (15) from the lion statue and continue down the hall, dodging the attacks of two Armaduras on the way. Run right at the next lion statue to enter a circular room. Get the shotgun shells (5) and green herb from the side of the room, then get the King's grail from the table. A group of Armaduras will attack. Start by running around the edge of the room until all of the Armaduras are following Leon. Turn toward them and either throw a hand grenade at them or shoot them with the shotgun. When the parasite appears, shoot it to defeat the Armadura. When the first set of Armaduras have been defeated, another three will appear. Defeat them in the same way to open the door leading out of the room. QUEEN'S GRAIL ------------- Exit the room and run back down the hall to open the double doors. Open the yellow door to enter a room with four yellow platforms. Push the statues onto two of the platforms, have Ashley wait on the third platform and then move Leon onto the fourth platform to open the door. Run through the newly opened doorway to meet Salazar, who starts lowering the ceiling. Quickly shoot all four of the red objects on the ceiling to stop it from dropping. Collect the handgun ammo (10) from the corner and then exit the room. Run down the hall and a gate will close behind Leon, trapping Ashley in the room with a vehicle that breaks through the wall. Equip the rifle and shoot the ganados on the vehicle. After Ashley enters the room with Leon, collect the rifle ammo (5) on the chair, break the crates for a spinel and handgun ammo (10), break the barrels for money and a velvet blue, and open the cupboard to collect the elegant chessboard. Open the chest for the queen's grail. CASTLE INTERIOR --------------- Kick the lock off the door on the right and open it. Run through into the room with the four platforms and open the door at the corner to return to the hall. Turn left and get the flash grenade on the chair. Continue down the hall and shoot all of the ganados at the end of the room. Shoot the glowing items on the four statues for a spinel, green gem, velvet blue and spinel. Check the left statue near the door at the end of the room and use the queen's grail on it. Open the green doors to enter the next hall. Break the pots on the left for money and the right pot on the right for a velvet blue. The left pot at the right side contains a snake. Run down the hall and open the two cabinets for money. Break the pot for shotgun shells (5), then jump out the window. Get the red herb on the right. Climb up the ladder and run around the path to the chest at the end for the butterfly lamp. Walk to the nearby window and keep shooting the large hive until it drops off the ceiling. Jump down to the room below and catch Ashley. Run to the middle of the room and shoot the novistadors that fly down. You can use any gun here as the flying novistadors are weak, but the shotgun is recommended as it can shoot more than one enemy if they are close. Use the lever at the side of the room and then shoot the start of both chains holding the bridge to lower it. Run across the bridge and open the door on the other side. MERCHANT'S ROOM --------------- Open the key and treasures section of the inventory and combine the green, red and blue eye with the butterfly lamp. Combine the green, purple and red gems with the elegant mask. Talk to the merchant and sell the spinels, velvet blues, butterfly lamp w/ (R,G,B), elegant mask w/ (R,G,P), gold bangle, illuminados pendant, elegant chessboard and elegant perfume bottle. Tune up the red9, the broken butterfly and the rifle. Don't upgrade the shotgun. Get the handgun ammo (10) on the chair and then run down the hall to open the door at the end. CLOCK TOWER EXTERIOR -------------------- Break the barrels on the left for a velvet blue. Run down the slope to receive a transmission from Salazar. If playing on easy difficulty, cross the bridge and turn left on the other side to collect the red herb from the corner. Run down the path past the bridge and use the lever at the side of the typewriter to turn the bridge. Cross the bridge and open the door on the other side. Skip to the castle interior section to continue the walkthrough. If playing on normal or professional difficulties, turn left on the other side of the bridge and half turn at the corner to shoot the catapult operators with the rifle. Run up the steps and shoot the ganados. Turn right and follow the path around the corner to collect the rifle ammo (5) and random item. Run around the next corner and open the door on the left to enter the clock tower. CLOCK TOWER INTERIOR -------------------- Look up and shoot the yellow block in the gears of the clock. Climb up the ladder on the right and run right to get the shotgun shells (5) in the crate. Run past the next ladder to collect the handgun ammo (10) on the crates. Run back to the ladder and shoot the yellow block in the gears above. Climb up the ladder, then run up the steps on the right to get the Ritual Preparation file and green herb from the table. Approach the lever and shoot the yellow block on the right. Operate the lever to start the gears of the clock. Climb back down the ladder and shoot the crossbow ganado. Jump down the next ladder and shoot the crossbow ganados. Jump down the next ladder and stand still to avoid the dynamite thrown by the ganado. Run down the steps and shoot the crossbow ganado behind the crate. Turn left and shoot all of the ganados, then half turn and break the small crates for a hand grenade. Run around to the other side of the floor and break the small crate. Half turn and open the double doors. CLOCK TOWER EXTERIOR -------------------- Equip the rifle and shoot the three shield ganados on the bridge. Start to cross over the bridge and a group of ganados will appear. Run back to the other end of the bridge and shoot all of the ganados with the rifle. Start using the shotgun if they get too near. With all of the enemies defeated in this area, run to the other side of the bridge and open the door to enter the castle. CASTLE INTERIOR --------------- Shoot the two ganados and then walk to one side to avoid the El Garrador (in easy difficulty) or two El Garradors (in normal and professional difficulty) that rushes toward Leon. Equip the sniper rifle and shoot the parasite on his back three times to defeat him. As with the first El Garrador fight, you can shoot the bells at the side of the room to make him walk toward them. Get the green herb from the corner and the money that the El Garrador dropped. Run up the steps and break the pots for an incendiary grenade and hand grenade. Run through the hall on the left and shoot the ganado, then run up the steps and break the pot near the bell for shotgun shells (10). Open the door. SEWER ----- Get the two spinels from the statues near the bottom of the hall, then run up the blue steps and open the door. In the cutscene, quickly press the required buttons when Leon is falling to land safely in the room with the spikes. Get the velvet blue near the spikes and the yellow herb, TMP ammo (50) and magnum ammo (5) near the merchant. Get the incendiary grenade near the typewriter and then run past the ladder on the right to get the crown from the body. Talk to the merchant and sell the spinels and velvet blues. Sell the shotgun and buy the striker. Tune it up, and then exit the merchant. Climb up the ladder. Run down the path and check the first pipe on the left for a velvet blue. Get the red herb on the right, and continue down the path to see a small cutscene. Get the spinel from the pipe on the left and then open the door at the end of the path. Run down this next path and shortly after passing the red tank, quickly press the required buttons to dodge the enemy that drops from the ceiling. Run through the doorway and pull the lever at the top-right corner to turn the power on. Run to the corner of the room and get the green herb, then approach the entrance door and try to open the shutter. After the enemy drops into the room, press the required buttons to dodge out of the way. BOSS BATTLE: VERDUGO -------------------- Run to the corner of the room and push over the red tank to freeze the enemy. If you still have the rocket launcher from the glass case in the castle, now would be a great time to use it as it finishes Verdugo in one shot. If not, shoot it with the striker until it unfreezes. Get the shotgun shells (15) on the nearby panel and then keep running around the room and dodging the enemy until the shutter opens. When it does, quickly run through it. Wait for the enemy to get close, then knock over the red tank at the right side of the hall to freeze it. Shoot it with the striker again, then run down the first path on the right and open the door at the end. Push over the tank to freeze the enemy and shoot it again. Exit this room and enter the elevator room on the left near the end of the hall. Push over the barrel and shoot the enemy a final few times to defeat it. Collect the handgun ammo (15) and first aid spray on the table, then use the panel in the elevator to complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.12. Chapter 4-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MERCHANT'S ROOM --------------- Exit the elevator and collect the green herb from the corner at the top of the steps. Run down the steps and break the three barrels at the right side of the merchant for a hand grenade and a spinel. Run past the merchant and get Luis' Memo 2 on the bags near the typewriter. Collect the handgun ammo (10) on the table, and then enter the blue target practice door for the new C game. Exit the tearget practice room, save at the typewriter on the table and then open the blue double doors to exit the merchant's room. MINE ---- Run down the tunnel to the wider area and check the first bin on the right for a velvet blue. Break both of the barrels for handgun ammo (10) and money, then continue down the tunnel to the mine. There are lots of ganados here, so after Leon makes himself known, wait at the top of the ladder and shoot them all as they climb up. Jump down the ladder and equip the rifle to shoot both ganados standing near the back of the mine, and then shoot any other ganados that move toward Leon. When the mine has been cleared of enemies, run to the right side of the cage and check the old trolley for a velvet blue. Continue forward and operate the lever to move the trolley. Run back and turn left before the ladder to explore the area behind the crates. Collect the shotgun shells (5) on the back crates and the money from the crates near the steps. Run up the steps and follow the path around to the circuit breaker at the top. Operate the circuit breaker to turn on the power. Check behind the circuit breaker for money, then run back to the trolley lever at the other side of the area and operate it. Shoot the new ganados that drop into the area, and then run behind the cage to get the dynamite from the trolley. Run back to the trolley lever and check the boulder at the right side of it to use the dynamite. Back away until the dynamite explodes, then run down the new path and break the barrels near the door for magnum ammo (5). Open the door. FURNACE ------- Collect the shotgun shells (10), first aid spray, flash grenade from the side of the room before running over to the blue double doors. Before Leon can get there, two of the El Gigante enemies walk on through. Quickly run over to the ladder at the bottom-right corner of the room and climb up. Turn left at the top and slide down the zipline to land near a switch. Use the switch and wait for one El Gigante to walk onto the platform in the middle of the room before operating it. He should fall through into the fire below, but if you missed, the platform can be reopened again shortly. After only one El Gigante is left in the room, follow the usual method of throwing a flash grenade at him, shooting him with the striker or magnum and then climbing up him to cut the parasite. Dodge out of the way when El Gigante falls and then collect the 15000 ptas. that he drops. Run through the doorway that opens and break both barrels on the left for an incendiary grenade and shotgun shells (5). Open the next door to exit the furnace room. CAVE ---- Run down the tunnel to enter a cavern full of novistadors. Start by turning right and shooting the first group with the striker. Collect the green herb from the corner of the room and then run up the path, shooting the novistadors when they appear. Turn right at the junction and go down to the small cave on the left. Get the green herb from the corner, then check the switch and press it. Novistadors will swarm into the cave, so be prepared to stand here a while and shoot them all with the shotgun. Exit the small cave and turn right to get the shotgun shells (5) on the floor near the path leading up. Run up the sloped path and get the red herb at the left side of the door with the symbol on it. Run across the bridge and shoot the next set of novistadors that fly out of the small cave on the other side. Collect the handgun ammo (10) at the right side of the cave entrance, then run into the small cave and get the green herb on the left. Press the switch to open the door in the main cave. Shoot the group of novistadors, then exit the small cave and run across the bridge to press the switch on the gate on the other side. Run down the tunnel and pull the lever on the left after the first two falling blocks. Avoid the next two blocks, and continue down the tunnel to the room at the end. Get the royal insignia from the plaque and then check the plaque to complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.13. Chapter 4-3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SURFACE RUINS ------------- Run through the arch and break both barrels for a green herb and handgun ammo (10). Get the Letter from Ada outside the merchant's hut. Open the keys and treasures section of the inventory and combine the green, red and blue eye with the butterfly lamp. Combine the crown jewel with the royal crown, and also the royal insignia with the crown. Exit the inventory and talk to the merchant to sell the spinels, velvet blues, green eyes, red eyes, butterfly lamp w/ (R,G,B) and the Salazar family crown. Tune the firepower of the red9, broken butterfly, striker and semi-auto rifle and spend the remainder of the money tuning up the capacity of these guns. Exit the merchant's shop. Run down the path at the side of the wall to see a small cutscene of a castle in the background. Continue down the path to enter the ruins. Immediately turn right and shoot the ganado at the corner, then the ganado in front. Collect the money from the table at the left side of the area, and break the barrel on the same side for money. Check the table where the first ganado was standing at the right side of the area for a spinel. Run out of this ruined building and climb up the ladder on the left to view a group of ganados standing around a fire. Throw a grenade down into the middle of the group, and use the red9 on any of the ganados that survive. Climb down from the ladder and run toward the fire. Collect all of the items that were dropped from the ganados. Check the ruined building nearby for some money behind a table. Climb up the nearby ladder and break the barrel at the top for more money. Jump down from the platform and run through the gap between the buildings behind the fire. Break the barrel for a flash grenade. Jump through the window into the building nearby, and break the crate for money. Check the lever at the other side of the building and keep pressing X to open the hatch. Climb down the ladder. UNDERGROUND RUINS ----------------- Run down the tunnel and break the crate in the alcove on the left for a velvet blue, and the crate on the right near the end of the tunnel for a random item. Turn right at the end of the tunnel and run over to the corner of the room. Equip the rifle and shoot the two ganados in the room. A chainsaw ganado will then become visible in the structure with the windows at the side of the room. Shoot him through the window with the rifle until the sound of the chainsaw stops. Run down the steps and continue forward to collect the velvet blue at the end of the short path. Run back up the steps. Turn right at the top of the steps and run to the other side of the room to go down the next steps. Turn right and collect the velvet blue from the blocks on the right. Go through the nearby gap and run down the next set of steps. Shoot the ganado in the room and then open the sarcophagus for the staff of royalty. Run back up the steps and knife the bear traps on the way to the structure with the windows where the chainsaw ganado was shot. Climb up the ladder and get the key to the mine on the table in the middle of the room. Turn around to face the ladder and shoot or throw a hand grenade at the ganados that climb up it. When all of the ganados have been defeated, break the barrel in the room and get the yellow herb. Run down the steps and break the crate for a hand grenade and the barrels for money. Open the door and run up the steps at the back of the room. Turn left at the top and collect the red herb, then half turn and use the key to the mine on the door on the left to unlock it. MINE ---- Run down the tunnel and break the crate in the alcove on the left. Open the door at the end of the tunnel and shoot the two parasites in the room. Open the box at the right side of the room and get the money. Collect the handgun ammo (10) from the corner of the room and then run through the doorway. Go down the steps and break the three barrels for a velvet blue and money. Check the areas where the sand is falling for two spinels. Open the doors. Break both barrels on the right for money and shotgun shells (5). Collect the green herb near the platform, then run onto the platform and jump down to the mine cart. MINE CART --------- Jump into the middle cart and shoot the lever on the left to start the cart moving. Jump into the back cart and equip the shotgun to shoot the ganados that drop down from the platforms. In the next tunnel, either shoot or press the buttons to dodge the board. A ganado will pull a lever, and the cart will stop in an area where lots of ganados, including a chainsaw ganado, jump down into the cart. Shoot them all and collect the items that they drop, especially the 10000 ptas. dropped by the chainsaw ganado. Jump into the front cart and get the shotgun shells (10) on the left. Shoot the lever to make the cart move. Jump into the back cart again and shoot the ganados that drop down from the platforms. Dodge the board and shoot the next set of ganados, including another chainsaw ganado. Another group of ganados will drop down, so be sure to stay in the back cart to avoid them. Collect the 10000 ptas. from the chainsaw ganado, and wait in the cart as it picks up speed down the spiral section of track. Press the displayed buttons at the end to jump over the pit, and then keep on pressing X to pull up to the platform. Run down the tunnel and open the door, then get the stone of sacrifice from the block. Run down the new tunnel and climb up the ladder to return to the surface. SURFACE RUINS ------------- Check the door at the top-right corner and use the stone of sacrifice on it. Enter the elevator and operate the panel to complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.14. Chapter 4-4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASTLE ------ Run down the hall and get the handgun ammo (10) on the desk at the right side of the typewriter. Continue down to the end of the hall and break the pots on the right for a velvet blue. Run down the steps to see a giant statue of Salazar. Turn left at the bottom of the steps and run across the bridge to be stopped by the ganados. Equip the striker and shoot the ganados that run down toward Leon. Run up the left steps and shoot the ganado behind the gate, then half turn and run up the next set of steps in front. Climb up the ladder on the left and shoot the ganado at the corner of the floor. Look toward the statue and use the rifle to shoot the group of ganados on the hands of the statue and the platform. When the ganados have been shot, use the handgun to shoot the lever on the front of the statue. This will change the hand that the statue lowers and raises. Jump onto the left hand of the statue and half turn to jump to the top floor. Shoot the ganado and break both pots for a spinel, then operate the lever to raise one of the platforms of the bridge. Half turn and shoot all of the new ganados that appear on the hands of the statue. Jump onto the left hand, wait for it to lower and then jump across to the platform. Shoot the lever on front of the statue and jump over to the right hand. Wait for it to raise, then jump to the top floor. Break the pot at the corner, then turn right and run along the path behind the statue to find a small pot. Operate the lever behind the statue and both hands will start moving at the same time. Jump onto the right hand and then jump over to the middle floor. Break both pots, then jump down the ladder and break the pot. Operate the switch to raise the second part of the bridge in the water and then shoot all of the ganados that enter the room. Climb back up the ladder and jump down to the bottom floor. Run across the bridge and the huge Salazar statue will start moving toward Leon. Keep pressing X to sprint, and press L1, R1 and then L1 + R1 to dodge the three pillars that fall. Kick the door at the other end of the bridge to open it and Leon will arrive outside with the statue still following. Keep sprinting away from the statue, and press L1 + R1 when prompted to jump over to the ledge at the other side of the bridge. Keep pressing X when Leon is hanging on to the edge to pull up onto the remaining part of the bridge. Open the door to enter the tower. TOWER ----- After Leon throws the knife at Salazar, quickly press the displayed buttons to dodge when his guard throws it back. Run left and collect the handgun ammo (10) on the crate, and run down the left side of the gate that Salazar entered to find a yellow herb in the treasure chest. Return to the main floor and start to run up the steps until some ganados pull a lever. Barrels will now roll down the steps. They can be avoided either by stepping into the wider areas at the side of the path, shot twice with the handgun or once with the striker. Run left at the first path up the steps and shoot the ganado with the scythe. Equip the rifle and shoot the two ganados at the top of the ladder. Follow the walkway and break the barrel, then climb up the ladder to see more ganados enter the tower. Start by turning right and using the lever to send a barrel down the steps. Turn right again and use the rifle to shoot the dynamite ganado up on the other side of the tower. Continue up to the top of the steps and get the green herb, then return to the lever and pull it again. Turn slightly right from the lever and run across the floor. Break the barrel for shotgun shells (5), then walk onto the elevator and push both crates off the side. Operate the switch to make the elevator move up. Shoot the various ganados that drop down onto the elevator. Exit the elevator at the top and run outside to follow the path. Break the barrel for TMP ammo (50), then continue down the path and jump over the gap. Break both barrels on the left for handgun ammo (15) and shotgun shells (10). Check around the corner on the left for a red herb, then follow the path to the next elevator and operate the controls. Run up the steps to see the familiar blue lights of the merchant's shop. Get the magnum ammo (5), TMP ammo (50), rifle ammo (5) and first aid spray. Talk to the merchant and sell the spinels, velvet blues and the staff of royalty. Tune up the red9, striker and rifle. Save at the typewriter and then open the double doors. Run into the room to start the battle against Salazar. BOSS BATTLE: SALAZAR -------------------- Turn right at the start of the battle and run to the end of the floor to get the shotgun shells (10). Leon will be safe in this location from the main attacks of the monster, but will still have the press the buttons when prompted to avoid the tentacle attacks. Equip the rifle and shoot the yellow eye of the monster twice to make its shell open. When this happens, zoom in on the shell and shoot Salazar as many times as possible. Repeat this method of shooting the eye to make the shell open and then shooting Salazar to defeat the monster. TOWER ----- Explore the top floor of the room for a green herb and handgun ammo (15), and break the bottom floor barrels for an incendiary grenade, rifle ammo (10), green herb, TMP ammo (100), flash grenade and shotgun shells (10). Climb up the ladder in the middle of the room and collect the 50000 ptas. Open the double doors to arrive outside. Break both barrels on the left for a green herb. Run along the path and climb down the rope to the area below. Break both barrels, but watch out for the snake that jumps out of one of them. Enter the elevator and operate the controls to descend to the merchant's room. Collect the shotgun shells (5), rifle ammo (3) and handgun ammo (10) from the table. Break the crate for a spinel and get the flash grenade on the box. Break the barrel near the typewriter and then talk to the merchant. Sell the spinel and tune up the firepower of the striker. If you have enough money left over, buy the exclusive upgrade for the red9. Exit the merchan't shop, save at the typewriter and then open the door. Run down the hall to complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.15. Chapter 5-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISLAND ------ Run down the path and jump down at the drop. Jump over the gap in front and continue along the path to see a small bridge on the right. Ignore the bridge for now and jump up the two ledges at the end of the path. Break both crates for money and an emerald. Jump back down the ledges and run across the bridge. Follow the path on the other side to see Ashley being carried into the island base. Jump over the gap to see the island ganados run toward Leon. Equip the shotgun and shoot the ganados, including a new type that carries a stun rod. Get the handgun ammo (10) on the green crate. Run around the left side of the wall to see a ganado with a gatling gun drop down. Back up behind the wall, equip the rifle and use the gap in the wall to shoot the ganado until he drops. Run around the wall and collect the 10000 ptas. Shoot the rest of the ganados that drop into the area with the striker. Enter the building on the left and get the green herb. Enter the building at the top- left corner of the area and get the TMP ammo (50). Run up the steps at the back of the area and check the sensor window at the right side of the door to start emitting a beam. Climb up the ladder behind the building at the top-left corner of the area and rotate the reflector to face the reflector on the next roof. Jump down and enter the building near the bottom-right corner of the area. Climb up the ladder and rotate the second reflector so that it faces the sensor window at the right side of the door. After the door opens, collect the magnum ammo (3) on the roof and then jump down. Run up the steps at the back of the area and go through the doorway. Follow the path down to the tunnel entrance and press the buttons at the prompt to avoid the boulder that is pushed by the ganados. Run into the tunnel and break the two barrels on the right for a green herb and a random item. Cross the bridge into the next section of tunnel and shoot both of the ganados. Climb up the ladder. Walk forward to shoot the ganado behind the bags on the left. Half turn and jump over the gap, then jump over the window on the right and shoot all of the ganados in the cave. Collect the rifle ammo (5) on the table near the entrance, and the red herb from the back of the cave. Half turn and shoot the red barrel to destroy the rocks. Run into the new section of the cave, climb up the ledge and open the chest for the golden lynx. Exit the cave and equip the rifle. Walk behind the boxes on the right and shoot the ganado with the crossbow. Also shoot the red barrel up on the bridge. Equip the striker and run around the rock to the left to shoot the ganado with the dynamite. Run around the rock to the right and shoot the next crossbow ganado. Run up the tunnel on the left and shoot the ganado on the way. Cross the bridge and collect the shotgun shells (5) and green herb from the small cave at the end. Run back onto the bridge and shoot the wagon down on the right to kill the ganados on the slope. Jump down from the bridge and run up the slope to press the switch at the right side of the door. Run through the doorway and go down the tunnel to see the merchant's shop on the left. Talk to the merchant and tune up the red9 to the exclusive upgrade. Tune up the striker as well, but don't go for the exclusive upgrade yet. Save at the typewriter and then continue down the tunnel to see a crossbow ganado on the platform in the distance. Equip the rifle and shoot the crossbow ganado and the other gandos that walk down the path. Run to the end of the path and open the door on the left to enter the island base. ISLAND BASE ----------- Open the locker on the left and collect the money. Run down the hall and open the bin around the corner for an incendiary grenade. Open the door at the end of the hall and shoot the ganado lurking behind the shelves on the left. Run into the area with the shelves and get the green herb near the bottom of the left shelf. Open the case on the left for shotgun shells (10). Run through the doorway into the kitchen, then go around the corner and keep moving forward to see a ganado burst out of the oven. He will fall over after attacking Leon, so either ignore the ganado or shoot him with the red9. Check the sink on the left for a hand grenade, then go through the doorway on the right and open the door. Run around both corners of the hall to see a huge ganado with an axe. Shoot him, then open the door on the right. Collect the handgun ammo (10) on the box and run further into the room to see Ashley on the monitor. After viewing the destination on the map, exit the map and open the locker at the bottom-right corner of the room for 5000 ptas. Exit the room, and run down the steps on the right to shoot the crossgun ganado and another huge ganado. Be careful of the parasites that actually separate from the ganado to attack Leon. Turn around after shooting both ganados to kill more of the ganados coming down the steps. With the room clear of enemies, open the case for the red stone of faith. Run to the top-right corner of the room and break both barrels for a random item and a yellow herb. Run back up the steps and open the door on the left, then open the door at the back of the room. Run left up the hall and go through the doorway on the right to see the merchant. Talk to him and tune up the striker as much as possible. Run back into the hall and stop before the corner to hear the sound of a door opening and dynamite being thrown. Wait for the dynamite to explode, then look around the corner and shoot the ganados on the other side of the door. Walk toward the door and it will remain closed. Half turn and walk away from the door for it to open, then quickly half turn and shoot the ganados with the striker. Repeat this method for the two sets two dynamite ganados and one set of three crossbow ganados. When the door remains open, collect the emerald from the drawer on the left and then run through the doorway to shoot the ganado that was in charge of opening and closing the door. Open the red cabinet for TMP ammo (50), collect the red herb from behind the wall and then open the door. Run over to the corner on the left and collect the green herb. Unlock the door in front, then half turn and go through the doorway on the left. Break the crate for a brass pocket watch and save at the typewriter. Exit the small room and follow the hall around to the left. Turn left at the junction and open the red cabinet for an incendiary grenade. Break the crate on the left shelf down the hall for magnum ammo (3). Run down the hall and open the door at the end. Run through the doorway and run right to see a small cutscene showing a regenerator. Check the door's security system and operate it. Press the red panel three times, the green panel once and the blue panel two times. Run through the doorway into the operating room. Read Luis' Memo 3 on the table on the left to read about the regenerators. Collect the TMP ammo (25) from the corner and the freezer card key from the body at the back of the room. Exit the operating room to see a regenerator come out of the door in front. A regenerator will be moving toward Leon, so quickly run past the left side of it and follow the hall to open the door at the end. Run down the hall and shoot the leg of the next regenerator around the second corner. Quickly run past him and kick open the gate, then use the freezer card key on the door around the corner. Enter the freezer. Get the rifle ammo (5) on the left and the green herb in the glass cabinet at the top-left corner of the room, then go through the doorway on the right to use the card key rewriter. Use the freezer card key on it to collect the waste disposal card key. Operate the controls to open the door at the corner. Run through the doorway at the top-right corner of the room and equip the rifle. Get the infrared scope and combine it with the rifle. Run quickly out of this small room and focus on the regenerator to see bright red spots on its body, which show where the parasites are hiding. Shoot all of the parasite locations to kill the regenerator, and then collect the 5000 ptas. that it drops. Open the double doors and run straight forward into the dead end, then half turn to see a regenerator walking down the hall. Get the rifle out and use the infrared scope to shoot the red areas on the regenerator. Do the same thing for the second regenerator that appears, then run down the left hall and use the waste disposal card key on the locked door. Open the door. Run down the hall and collect the TMP ammo (25) from the box at the corner. Open the door on the right and collect the hand grenade on the floor. Operate the levers. Move the crane to the two ganados in the middle and operate it to throw them off the edge of the floor. Repeat this method once more for one of the other ganados. The ones that were not picked up will run up the steps and open the doors, so get ready to shoot them as they come through. Open the right door jump down the ladder. Collect the green herb from behind the dumpster, then half turn and collect the emerald from the next dumpster. Open the door at the end of the room and run up the steps to get the yellow herb from the control room. Open the door to hear Ashley. Run down the hall and open the red cabinet on the right for handgun ammo (10). Ignore Ashley for now and open the door in front. Go down the hall and open the next door to enter the x-ray room. Shoot all of the ganados and then take the flash grenade from the right table. Go down the steps and check the lockers on the right for shotgun shells (5). Open the door at the corner and run up the steps to open the door at the end of the hall. Collect the green herb from the table and then save at the typewriter. Exit the small room and open the door on the right to enter the laboratory. Open the door on the right to see a modified version of the regenerator enter the room, known as an iron maiden. To save on rifle ammo, run through the doorway and turn right just before the iron maiden to run up the hall. Half turn at the end and wait for the iron maiden to get near. When it does, shoot the fire extinguisher to stun it before targeting its parasites with the rifle. Collect the storage room card key that the iron maiden drops, then run down the hall and open the case for rifle ammo (3). Collect the rifle ammo (3) on the table at the top-right corner of the room, and break the glass cabinet in the same area for TMP ammo (25). Go through the doorway and jump over the window. Break the glass on the left for a red herb and a green herb, and operate the wheel at the corner of the room for rifle ammo (3). Check the locker to the right of the wheel for shotgun shells (10). Run through the doorway and open the door in front to arrive outside. RADIO TOWER ----------- Shoot the six crows and then run across the bridge to see the merchant. Break the three barrels nearby for a yellow herb and two incendiary grenades. Talk to the merchant and sell the emeralds and the brass pocket watch. There's nothing new to buy, so exit the merchant's shop and operate the elevator controls at the end of the bridge. Get the green herb on the left, then run around to the other side of the walkway and open the door to the tower. Run into the tower and Leon will use the radio to try and request backup. Get the shotgun shells (5) on the table, then return to the elevator and use the controls. Run back across the bridge and open the door to return to the base. ISLAND BASE ----------- Turn right and run through both doorways. Open the door on the left and then the door in front. Turn right and open the door at the end of the hall to return to the x-ray room. Shoot all of the ganados at the top of the steps, then run up the steps and open the door. Run up the next set of steps and open the door on the left. Shoot the two huge ganados on the left and then unlock the door in front using the storage room card key. Open the door and run around to the back of the room to find Ashley and complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.16. Chapter 5-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISLAND BASE ----------- Get the shotgun shells (10) on the table and run left to see a paper airplane fly through the window. Get the paper airplane to read a short message from Ada. Open the door in front and run around the corner to shoot the ganados. Continue down the hall and open the door at the end. Turn right and shoot the ganados, then walk forward into the room and shoot the ganado at the security switch. Press the security switch and then quickly half turn to shoot the group of ganados that enter. Run through the doorway at the bottom-right corner of the room and open the door at the end of the hall to enter the crane room. Run to the edge of the ledge to jump down into the waste below. Operate the lever after landing, then quickly run around the corner to the right and tell Ashley to hide in the dumpster. Wait for the iron maiden to get near before shooting the red barrel in front. Equip the rifle and shoot the parasites on the iron maiden, including the one on its back. Collect the 20000 ptas. that it drops. Grab the rifle ammo (5) from the corner and then call Ashley. Push the red crate into the water and cross over it to hear the breathing of an iron maiden. Cross back over the red crate and look through the fence on the right to see the iron maiden. Equip the rifle and shoot the parasite on its back, then return to the red crate. Shoot the reamining parasites on the iron maiden and collect the 20000 ptas. that it drops. Cross over the red crate again and collect the rifle ammo (5) and green herb from the back of the room. Cross over the bridge and push the red crate forward. Run through the gap and open the door on the left to enter a ruined hall. Tell Ashley to wait and shoot the ganados near the start of the hall with the striker. Run down the hall and collect the shotgun shells (10) and green herb. Tell Ashley to follow and then open the gate at the end of the hall. Run up the steps and jump down to the wrecking ball room. Shoot the group of ganados in room and then run to the control booth at the corner to collect the handgun ammo (10) and red herb. Check the control panel and operate it with Ashley. Keep on shooting the enemies that enter the booth until the ball hits the wall for the third time. Run to the new door that is revealed and open it. Go down the hall on the right and open the door. Open the cage on the right for an incendiary grenade, and open the cabinet at the bottom-left corner of the room for rifle ammo (3). Open the door to return to the hall and pull the lever near the door on the right. Half turn and run back up the hall on the left to the door on the left. Half turn again and shoot the regenerator that appears from the right. Collect the 5000 ptas. and run down the hall on the right to shoot the next regenerator. Get the 5000 ptas. and run down the hall on the left to open the door at the end. Get the green herb from the corner and then press the switch the activate the auxiliary power. Open the locker for shotgun shells (5) and then exit the room. Turn left and check the shutter at the end of the hall. Send Ashley under it and she will open the shutter from the other side. Continue down the hall and collect the yellow herb, then open the door on the right to enter the merchant's room. Open the locker for a red herb and then save at the typewriter. Exit the room and run down to the big blue door. Have Ashley wait at the switch at one side of the door, and have Leon check the next switch to get ready to use both switches at the same time. When the light in the middle of the display is illuminated, operate both switches to unlock the door. Open the door. Collect the rifle ammo (5) from the left side of the room, then hit the crates at the right side of the room for shotgun shells (5). Get on the bulldozer. BULLDOZER --------- Run toward Ashley, then half turn and face toward the back of the bulldozer. Equip the striker and shoot all of the ganados as they jump onto the platform. You can shoot them before this, but it means that you won't be able to collect the items that they drop. When the truck appears in the tunnel, shoot the front of it and it will explode. Shoot the truck a second time when it starts moving again. When the bulldozer stops on the platform at the end, jump down to the floor below and climb up the ladder on the left. Shoot the ganados and follow the path around to the left. Shoot the ganados down on the bulldozer, then half turn and pull the lever to raise the elevator. Climb back down th eladder and get on the bulldozer to ride to the top floor. Face the back of the bulldozer and shoot all of the ganados that drop down. When you hear the truck horn, face toward Ashley and shoot the truck in front to enter the building. ISLAND BASE ----------- Open the door on the left to enter the merchant's room. Open the cabinet on the left and get the 5000 ptas. Get the shotgun shells (3) at the left side of the typewriter. Open the cabinet at the right side of the room for an incendiary grenade and then open the case near the merchant to collect the green stone of judgement. Open the double doors to complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.17. Chapter 5-3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISLAND BASE ----------- Run behind the left side of the steps and collect the 5000 ptas. Run up the steps and get the Our Plan file from the table. Run left and open the door to see a cutscene with Ada and Krauser. Run down the steps and follow the walkway to collect the shotgun shells (3) at the end. Run back along the walkway and go down the steps on the right. Collect the green herb, then open the door and shoot the ganados in the boiler room on the other side. Open the door at the bottom-left corner of the room and collect the flash grenade on the box and money from the back of the room. Return to the boiler room and enter the room at the top of the steps. Open the locker for shotgun shells (2). Run back down the steps and open the door in front. Run down the hall and open the next door. Continue forward and collect the money near the fence, then half turn and operate the controls in the elevator on the left. Run down the walkway onto the platform to meet Krauser. The long fight sequence with Krauser consists of various button combinations that must be pressed at the correct time. L1 + R1 and X + square are the main combinations that are used, so be sure to press those quickly when the prompt is displayed. Near the end of the battle, repeatedly press either square or X when the Krauser is pushing the knife toward Leon to end the battle. After Saddler's transmission, jump down the ladder and open the door on the right. Run through the next doorway to enter the laser hall. Wait for the middle laser to raise up and the side lasers to move out before running through the first set of lasers. Wait for the side laser to move to one side, the vertically moving laser to move up and the middle lasers to form two vertical lines before running through the second set. Dodge the third set of lasers, then run forward and press two button combinations to dodge the next set of lasers. Run to the end of the hall and operate the button at the right side of the door. Dodge the next set of lasers and then run into the throne room. Run through the doorway behind the throne and operate the lever to descend to the merchant's tunnel. MERCHANT'S TUNNEL ----------------- Run down the steps, then check below them for a green herb and emerald. Follow the tunnel down to the opening on the right and then kick open the door behind the merchant for a red herb. Get Luis' Memo 4 from the box at the side of the merchant. Talk to the merchant and sell the red9. Tune up the striker to the exclusive upgrade if you haven't already for a 100 shell capacity. With money left over, tune up the firepower of the broken butterfly and the semi-auto rifle. Exit the merchant and open the doors at the end of the tunnel. CAGE AREA --------- Run down the path and go through the gap in the fence to get the yellow herb. Exit the gap and cross over the bridge on the left to go through the tunnel. After the cutscene shows the three cages, continue following the path to meet the boss of the area. Leon jumps into the cage and the battle starts. FIRST CAGE ---------- Equip the striker and shoot U3 until it jumps away. U3 will drop down and attack at certain points throughout the battle, so be ready to shoot him with the shotgun or press the displayed button combinations if he does. Run forward and turn right at the junction to collect shotgun shells (5). Half turn and run left at the corner, then shoot the green button at the side of the shutter to open it. Run forward and press the emergency switch on the panel. Half turn, run around the corner and go right at both junctions to collect a green herb. Half turn and shoot the green button at the side of the door. Run through the doorway and follow the path around to the left to operate the emergency switch. When the timer appears, half turn and open the door to enter the second cage. SECOND CAGE ----------- Quarter turn right and collect the incendiary grenade at the corner. Half turn, follow the corner around to the right and then go left at the junction to see U3 drop down. Shoot him with the shotgun until he jumps away again, then run around the corner and operate the emergency switch. Half turn and run around both corners. Shoot U3 until the shutter opens, then run through it and turn right to collect the TMP ammo (25) at the corner. Half turn and run up the path to press the emergency switch at the end. Quickly half turn and run back to the corner, then turn right and open the door to enter the third cage. THIRD CAGE ---------- Turn slightly right and press the emergency switch. Shoot U3 when it drops down again, then run into the passage that was opened by using the emergency switch. Turn left on the other side and run around both corners on the left. Shoot the green button on the other side of the gate to open the shutter on the other side. Run back through the passage and follow the corners around to the right to press the second emergency switch. Quickly run back through the passage and follow the path left to open the red door. Exit the cage and jump to the hook. CAGE AREA --------- After jumping out of the third cage, collect the magnum ammo (5), green herb, TMP ammo (50) and shotgun shells (5) on the floor. Run toward the gate to see U3 run up the cliff. Leon jumps through the gateway and the battle starts. BOSS BATTLE: U3 --------------- Equip the broken butterfly and run to the levers at the side of the right gate. Open it and run through, then quickly press the next lever to keep U3 on the other side for a while. Quickly turn toward U3 and shoot the red barrel near the rock, then keep shooting it with the broken butterfly. If you run out of bullets, start using the striker to defeat it. CAGE AREA --------- Open the gate again after the battle and get the red herb from around the rock and the 50000 ptas. that U3 dropped. Open the right gate again and collect the handgun ammo (10). Run through the gateway that Leon jumped through at the start of the battle and open the door on the right. Run down the tunnel and get the green herb below the steps at the other side. Run up the steps and then half turn right to climb up both ladders. Open the cabinet for a hand grenade. Open the door to arrive in the camp. CAMP ---- Run toward the fence and break the barrel for a random item, then walk to the top of the ladder to see a group of ganados in the camp below. Shoot both of the red barrels, then look down from the top of the ladder to shoot the ganado. Climb down the ladder and break both barrels for TMP ammo (25). Run around the left side of the tent and collect the various items that were dropped from the ganados. Also collect the green herb from the crates in the tent and the yellow herb a little further up the path. Run into the big tent and break both crates for money, then jump down the ladder. MERCHANT'S ROOM --------------- Break the barrel and enter the small gap at the right side of the tracks for the blue stone of treason. Continue down the tracks and enter the gap on the left. Break both crates for 5000 ptas. Return to the tracks and run left to see the merchant. Break the barrel for handgun ammo (10) and get Krauser's Note on the table. Open the keys and treasures section of the inventory and combine the red stone of faith, green stone of judgment and blue stone of treason with the golden lynx. Talk to the merchant and sell the emerald and golden lynx w/ (G,R,B). Tune up the semi-auto rifle and spend the remaining money on the broken butterfly. Exit the merchant's shop and climb up the ladder. FORTRESS -------- Break the barrel behind the ladder for money. Open the double doors and run down the path to break the barrel on the left for a green herb. Continue down the path and jump down from the end. Run down the path between the pillars in the fortress to meet Krauser. Wait behind the wall, then run up the steps when Krauser stops shooting and open the door at the top. Collect the green herb, and break the crate for magnum ammo (3). Climb up the ladder and Krauser will appear. He is extremely fast, so the best weapon to use against him is the knife. Keep on attacking him, and he will eventually throw a flash grenade. Get the flash grenade on the roof and break the barrel for TMP ammo (25). Jump down the ladder and open the left door. Press the displayed buttons to dodge Krauser when he attacks. Get the shotgun shells (5) on the left. Run down the steps and turn right to run across the bridge, dodging the grenades that are thrown by Krauser along the way. Shoot him once with the shotgun when he drops down, then continue to attack him with the knife. Jump over the window into the building and break the barrels for shotgun shells (10) and a first aid spray. Climb up the ladder and get the hand grenade on the wall at the corner. Jump down off the side of the building and run up the path on the left to find a green herb from the rubble at the bottom of the steps. Run up the steps to get the panther piece. Collect the red herb, then shoot or knife Krauser until he throws another flash grenade. A statue will appear at this point. Push it past both walls on the left, quarter turn left and push it past the right wall, then quarter turn left and then push it onto the square platform to reveal two levers in the fortress. Operate the lever in this area, then run down the steps and return to the bridge to pull the lever on the right. Jump down the ladder. Shoot the two spider robots on the left, and get the TMP ammo (25) and green herb from the corner. Run around the corner and shoot the next robot. Continue down the path to the next corner and shoot the robot in the air. Run past the blocks and enter the tunnel on the right to shoot two more robots. Exit the tunnel and shoot the next set of robots after talking to Krauser. Collect the yellow herb in the tower and run up the steps to climb the ladder. Run through the gap on the right and follow the walkway around to collect the eagle piece. Run back through the gap and dodge Krauser when he attacks. Keep pressing X to climb back up to the tower, and the three minute countdown will start. Equip the magnum and keep shooting Krauser in the legs, then the head when he drops to his knee. Get the serpent piece that he drops, as well as the magnum ammo (3) and green herb from the back of the area. Jump back down the ladder and run across the bridge. Jump down and collect the handgun ammo (10) from the hole in the wall. Turn right and look at the panel on the wall. Use the panther, eagle and serpent pieces on it. Open the door to complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.18. Chapter 5-4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISLAND ------ Get the green herb and run down the path to see a helicopter fly into the area. After the pilot introduces himself as Mike, continue down the path until the ganado with the machine gun starts shooting, then quickly back up and run behind the crate on the right until Mike destroys the ganado. Run down the steps and enter the structure on the right. A group of ganados will start walking toward Leon. Shoot the first set and wait for Mike to shoot the next set. Exit the structure and run right. Climb up the ladder on the left to get the hand grenade, then jump down the ladder and run left to the locked gate. Shoot the lock on the gate with the shotgun until it falls off. Kick open the gate and run into the tunnel. Wait until Mike shoots the machine gun ganado. Run through the tunnel and climb up the ladder. Get the flash grenade at the side of the building, then enter the building and get the green herb and handgun ammo (10). Check the door to open it, and run through to the next area to see another machine gun ganado. Shoot him with the semi-auto rifle. Run up the next set of steps and slide down the zipline. Collect the 15000 ptas. from the body of the ganado and the hand grenade from the corner. Jump down to the platform below and operate the lever on the left to open the gate. Jump down to the floor and run into the next area. Quickly run into the tunnel on the left and break the barrel near the ladder. Climb up the ladder and shoot the shield ganado. Wait for the machine gun to stop shooting, then quickly run down the path and into the gap on the right. Break the barrel. Equip the rifle and slowly exit the gap. Quickly shoot the ganado behind the gatling gun down on the right. Continue down the path on the right and run into the next gap on the right. Break the barrel behind the building and carry on running down the path. Kick down the gate at the end and operate the lever. Jump down to the main area and collect the green herb from the building at the bottom-left corner of the area. Climb up the ladder at the left side of the building and run right down the walkway to operate the lever at the end. Drop down to the main area and get the first aid spray behind the gatling gun. Open the green double doors to enter the next area. Run up the steps and Mike will shoot all of the ganados that appear. Shoot the emerald down from the pillar at the top of the steps. Break the barrel between the walls in the middle of the area for a green herb. Exit the gap and run left to shoot the emerald down from the pillar. Run down the path And open the door at the end. Run down the slope and jump down the ladder. Half turn and collect the pearl pendant behind the ladder. Run through the doorway. PRISON ------ Open the door and run down the path to open the next door on the left. Collect the flash grenade on the bench, magnum ammo (3) from the drawer and shotgun shells (5) from the green box on the wall. Run through the doorway near the green box and collect the yellow herb on the bench. Run out of the room and go down the hall on the right to collect the red herb. Quickly half turn and run back up to the room at the top of the hall, then half turn again and use the rifle to shoot the parasites on the regenerator. Collect the 5000 ptas. that he drops. Open the first cell on the right and collect the rifle ammo (5) from the corner. Climb up to the ledge at the end of the hall and open the door. YARD ---- Run down the steps and turn right to break the crate in the corner. Collect the green herb, then go down the hall and shoot three of the ganados at the top of the steps with the rifle. Equip the shotgun and run up the steps to shoot both red barrels and any surviving ganados. When the machine gun ganado appears, run to the other side of the area and jump over the sandbags. Collect the green herb and money, then climb up the ladder and stay in the room at the top until the chainsaw machine gun ganado enters. Shoot him and collect the 15000 ptas. that he drops. Get the flash grenade on the table and then operate the button. Exit the room and shoot all of the ganados that drop down onto the walkway. Get the emergency lock card key from one of the bodies, then climb up the ladder and enter the building in front. Open the locker for the TMP ammo (25). Break the crate on the table and exit the building. Run left and open the case on the table for 5000 ptas. Check the shelves for rifle ammo (3) and break the barrels at the corner. Check the card reader and use the emergency lock card key on it. Jump down from the ladder in this room and collect the red herb on the left. Kick open the gate and break the three barrels in front for handgun ammo (10), then climb up the ladder at the other side of the area. Operate the lock in this room. Run along the walkway and enter the room on the right to operate the next lock. Drop down from the platform and go through the doorway at the top- left corner of the area. Run down the steps and open the door, then turn left and shoot the two shield ganados. Half turn and open the cage behind Leon for shotgun shells (5). Run down the hall and open the door on the left. MERCHANT'S AREA --------------- Open the blue doors on the left to enter the merchant's area. Run right and break both barrels for 10000 ptas. Talk to the merchant. Sell the emeralds and pearl pendant and tune up any weapons that are available. Get the green herb at the right side of the fence and Luis' Memo 5 on the rocks. Open the door. LABORATORY ---------- Run down the steps and shoot the four ganados. Run down the hall and open the door to complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.19. Final Chapter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LABORATORY ---------- Exit the room and run up the steps to collect the yellow herb, shotgun shells (5) and the Our Mission file at the top. Open the door and get the green herb on the left. Break both crates for an incendiary grenade and TMP ammo (50), then save at the typewriter and go down the steps. BOSS BATTLE: SADDLER -------------------- The easiest method of defeating Saddler is to throw a grenade at him, then run toward him and climb up to attack his eye. If you don't have enough hand grenades, shoot the eyes on his legs until he falls, then climb up him again. There are some shotgun shells (10) near a red barrel near the right bridge, and a hand grenade on the platform on the other side of the bridge. Be careful when exploring the area as Saddler will start to throw items. While up on the top platform, you can climb up a small ladder at one side and operate a switch. Wait until Leon gets close, and then press the switch to hit Saddler with a big metal bar. There is another switch at the other side of the area where this can be repeated, and after each time Saddler will fall and you can climb up to attack him. Keep on attacking his eye this until Ada throws a special rocket launcher down. Run over the collapsing bridge near the top-left corner of the area and get the rocket launcher. Equip it and shoot Saddler to defeat him. ESCAPING THE ISLAND ------------------- Run toward the body of Saddler and collect the 100000 ptas. Cross the bridge and follow the corner around to the left to use the elevator. Run down the tunnel, jump down the ladder and catch Ashley. Continue down the tunnel and get on the jet-ski. Use the jet-ski key to ride away. Ride through the right, left and right arches, then ride over the rock to avoid the pipe. Accelerate when prompted and stay at the left side of the tunnel to avoid the first two sets of rocks. Jump the ramps over the next set of rocks, then dodge left or right to avoid the rocks in the final section of the tunnel to complete the game. =============================================================================== 3. Separate Ways =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1. Chapter 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VILLAGE ------- Ada starts her mission in the village at the same time as Leon. Shoot the first group of ganados that walk toward her, remembering to either fan kick or back kick them after shooting them to save ammo. Go through the first doorway on the right and climb up the ladder. Get the shotgun shells (5) from the table, then jump back down the ladder and exit the tower. Run up the path at the side of the tower and enter the first hut on the left to break the crate. Run into the next hut on the left for a chicken egg, and then the house on the right for handgun ammo (10). Run to the end of the path for a spinel on the left wall. Run back down to the bottom of the path and enter the house on the right to get the handgun ammo from the shelf at the back of the bottom floor. Break both barrels below the steps, then run up the steps and get the handgun ammo from the shelf, money from the table and shotgun shells (5) on the bed. Jump out the right window to exit the house. Run right around the walkway and collect the spinel from the roof on the other side of the house. Jump down from the house and then run behind it to collect the red herb from the crate in the shed. Jump through the window into the next house and break the crates on the table for an incendiary grenade. Get the handgun ammo (10) from the shelf. Break the barrel and then open the door to exit the house. Run down the path toward the door at the left side of the village and get the shotgun shells (10) and the spinel. Run back down the path and enter the hut at the bottom-left corner of the area. Break both crates for a flash grenade, then exit the house and turn right to collect a green herb near the logs. Run back down the path and go through the cow barn on the right. Hit the crate on the other side for a yellow herb. Turn left and get the red herb from the wagon near the building, then run around to the other side of the building at the bottom-right corner of the area for a green herb. Enter the building and get the hand grenade on the floor and chicken egg from the bowl on the table. Break the barrel below the table for handgun ammo (15). Kick the locked door open to enter the bedroom. Collect the elegant mask on the bed, shotgun shells (5) from the crate on the table and random item from the barrel. Exit the building and run to the right side of the fire in the middle of the area to use the grappling gun. Get the insignia key on the roof of the house. Jump down from the roof of the house and use the insignia key to unlock the door at the right side of the village. Open the door. MERCHANT'S ROOM --------------- Break the crate at the corner of the room and quickly back away to shoot the snake that jumps out. Get the egg that it drops and get the handgun ammo (10) on the shelf. Talk to the merchant to sell the spinels and buy the attache case M. Save at the typewriter. Open the door to exit the room and break the barrel for a green herb. Open the hatch and jump down to the tunnel below. TUNNEL ------ Run forward to the steps in the tunnel, then half turn and shoot both of the ganados that drop down the ladder. Run down the steps and get the handgun ammo (10) from the alcove on the right. Get the shotgun shells (5) from the left alcove at the bottom of the steps, and the TMP ammo (25) and money from the area with the puddle. Break the crate in the alcove for a green gem, then run down the tunnel on the right. Wait in the small area near the door to see two more ganados open the door. Shoot them, then half turn and shoot both ganados walking down the tunnel. Open the door and climb up the ladder. GRAVEYARD --------- Shoot the first ganado, then run up the path and shoot all of the ganados in the graveyard. Enter the hut at the bottom-left corner and get the handgun ammo (10) on the table and yellow herb from the crate on the shelf. Exit the hut and enter the graveyard to get the red gem from the middle grave. Run up the path at the right side of the area and shoot the ganados in front of the entrance to the church. Run down the right path at the right side of the church and cross the bridge. Shoot the ganados and jump over the first gap. Ignore the shed on the left as it only contains a snake in a crate. Continue down the bridge to shoot the chainsaw ganado at the end. Get the green catseye, then run back up the bridge toward the graveyard and go up the path at the right side of the church. Use the pedestal and move the dial in four increments five times and then in three increments eight times. Get the round insignia and shoot the ganados that enter the area. Use the green catseye on the pedestal to keep the gate open. Run to the front of the church and shoot the new group of ganados. Use the round insignia on the door. Open the door to enter the church. CHURCH ------ Shoot the ganados at the back of the church. Get the handgun ammo (10) on the table and the purple gem at the corner, then climb up the ladder in the hall at the left side of the church and run around the corner to shoot the ganados. Run to the end of the path and break both barrels, then run back around the corner and operate the panel. Move the red disc three times, the green disc once and the blue disc twice. Combine the colours to form the symbol and ring the bell. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2. Chapter 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSE ----- Open the drawer to collect the handgun ammo (10), get the chicken egg from the box on the table and open the wardrobe for money. Run through the doorway near the merchant and follow the path to the well at the end. Shoot the stick to close the lid of the well, then shoot the brass pocket watch above the well and collect it. Enter the hut and break the barrel for TMP ammo (25) and the crate for a spinel. Return to the house and talk to the merchant. Sell the brass pocket watch and spinel, and buy the TMP. Open the door to exit the room. Open the cabinet on the left to get money, then run down the steps. Run to the back of the house and shoot the ganado near the books. Open the cabinet for money, then break the glass case for a hand grenade. Open the oven in the kitchen at the front of the house and get the gold chicken egg. Open the front door of the house and throw the hand grenade toward the group of ganados. Shoot the chainsaw ganado and collect the ruby that he drops. Exit the house. PATH TO VILLAGE --------------- Run down the path and shoot the two ganados, then enter the hut on the left and break the crate for a red herb. Exit the hut and shoot the bird's nest in the tree on the right for handgun ammo (10) and the bird's nest on the left for TMP ammo (30). Continue down the path and open the doors to return to the village. VILLAGE ------- Open the door at the top-right corner of the area to enter the farm. FARM ---- Run into the first hut on the left and break the barrel. Use the typewriter to save the game, then exit the hut and run around the side of it to see a well. Shoot the stick to close the lid of the well, then shoot the spinel above it. Collect the spinel and quickly half turn to shoot the group of ganados. Run to the bottom-right corner of the cow barn and use the grappling gun to collect the spinel on the ledge above. Jump down and run through the cow barn. Turn right and go through the gap in the fence to shoot the ganado. Run into the house on the right and open the cabinets for handgun ammo (10) and money. Break the crate on the shelf and the three barrels in the corner. Climb up the ladder and open the cabinet for rifle ammo (5). Jump out the window to land on the walkway. Run left and drop down at the end. Run into the small hut on the left and break the crate and barrel. Exit the hut and break the crate on the table for a hand grenade. Climb back up the ladder, run to the end of the walkway and jump off at the left side to land in a small area. Break the crate for the gold bangle. Run through the doorway and push the shelf out of the way. Jump over the fence on the right and open the door. PATH OUTSIDE FARM ----------------- Use the grapple gun at the right side of the path just before the tunnel to land on the bridge. Shoot both ganados on the bridge, then break the barrels for handgun ammo (15) and a beerstein. Jump down from the bridge and go through the tunnel. Shoot the dynamite ganados and other ganados after arriving on the other side. Run into the house on the left and break both crates for handgun ammo (10). Run around to the front of the house near the bottom-left corner of the area and shoot the ganados. Jump through the window and get the money and handgun ammo (10) from the corner. Run through into the next room to see Leon and Luis being carried away by a group of ganados. Exit the house and shoot the bird's nest up in the tree on the left for a spinel. Open the door of the house in front and shoot the ganado inside. Get the handgun ammo (10) from the table. Run down the hall to the middle room of the house and open the cabinet for TMP ammo (30). Run through the right doorway to the room at the top-right corner of the house and shoot the next ganado. Get the incendiary grenade on the chair and then exit the house. Run all the way back down the path at the left side of the area, shooting all of the ganados along the way, and open the door at the end of the path to return to the farm. FARM ---- Get the shotgun shells (10) on the floor near the cow barn, and the spinel and handgun ammo (10) from the side of the path at the left side of the area. Run down the path and open the door to return to the village. VILLAGE ------- Shoot the two ganados and the run down the path to the middle of the village to see a cutscene showing a group of ganados. Throw a hand grenade into the middle of the group and collect the various items that are dropped. Run down the path at the bottom-left corner of the area and shoot the next group of ganados. Open the door at the end of the path and run forward to view a cutscene. Continue following the path toward the house to view another cutscene. CAVE ---- After Ada wakes up, quickly press the displayed buttons to avoid the ganados when they attack. Shoot the first three ganados, then run to the back of the cave and open the chest for the green catseye. Run down the cave and shoot the ganado at the top of the ladder. Jump down the ladder and shoot the dynamite ganado standing near the bags. Jump over the bags and exit the cave. MERCHANT'S AREA --------------- Shoot the ganado, then run up the steps and follow the walkway to collect the handgun ammo (10) on the box. Run back around the corner and jump through the window on the left. Get the iron key on the table, then open the lockers near the merchant for a yellow herb and shotgun shells (10). Open the door to exit the room and run down both sets of steps. Get the rifle ammo (5) at the right side of the typewriter. Open the door at the end of the path with the iron key. HOUSE ----- Run down the path and get the yellow herb and red catseye at the right side of the house. Open the door to enter the house, then back out when the chainsaw ganado appears and return to the right side of the house. Equip the shotgun and shoot the chainsaw ganado, as well as all the other ganados that come down the path. Get the lift activation key that the chainsaw ganado dropped, then run back up the path and open the door to return to the merchant's area. MERCHANT'S AREA --------------- Run down the path and shoot the group of ganados near the typewriter. Run up both sets of steps and open the door to enter the merchant's room at the top. Operate the controls and use the lift activation key. Exit the room and follow the walkway around the corner to get on the moving platform. Run around the corner and break the barrel for a flash grenade. Go down the steps and get the spinel near the wagon. Continue down the path and enter the hut on the left to get the shotgun shells (2) from the locker at the corner and money near the bin. Exit the hut and run behind for the TMP ammo (25) on the logs. Run up the steps at the top-left corner and break the barrel near the merchant for money. Run back down the steps and use the grappling gun near the door on the right. RIGHT ROUTE ----------- This is the end of the right route that Leon travelled down in chapter 2-3. Get the handgun ammo (10) on the beam, spinel on the floor, handgun ammo (10) and shotgun shells (5) from the first hut, and an incendiary grenade and TMP ammo (50) from the second hut. Run through the doorway and get the red herb. Run forward and El Gigante will drop down into the area. BOSS BATTLE: EL GIGANTE ----------------------- Throw a flash grenade at El Gigante, then equip the TMP and shoot him in the head with it until he drops to one knee. Run toward him and press X to climb him, then repeatedly press X or square to cut the parasite. Repeat this method twice to defeat El Gigante. Collect the 10000 ptas. that he drops. Run down the path to the north corner of the area and get the green herb. Open the door and run forward in the next area to complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3. Chapter 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASTLE GARDEN MAZE ------------------ Get the bowgun arrows (3) from the fountain. Talk to the merchant and sell the spinels, ruby, brass pocket watch, gold bangle and bowgun arrows. Buy the rifle (semi-auto) and then exit the merchant's shop. Run around the corner to see two ganados run down the steps. Use the rifle on the shield ganado and the normal ganado, then use the TMP on the parasite that appears. Run up the steps and use the rifle to shoot the crossbow ganado at the corner, the red ganado down on the left, and the ganado behind Ada on the left. Run down the steps and go left at the junction to get the shotgun shells (5) from the chest at the end. Return to the junction and go straight on. Get the shotgun shells (5) from the crates on the left, then continue down the path to the gate at the end to collect the yellow herb. Run back to the previous junction and go left. Run up the steps and get the gold bangle w/ pearls from the statue. Jump down off the right side of the platform and break both barrels in front. Open the gate and run up the steps to exit the garden maze. Enter the bedroom on the left and break the pots for rifle ammo (5) and handgun ammo (10). Exit the bedroom and run left up the path to open the double doors at the end. CASTLE EXTERIOR --------------- Equip the rifle and shoot the shield ganado and crossbow ganado on the path. Look around the corner by the fountain and shoot the second crossbow ganado, then walk around the corner on the left and shoot the third crossbow ganado. Look through the window in front and shoot the ganado standing by the chest. Try to open the door, then turn left and use the grappling gun to enter the room. Open the chests for a hand grenade, yellow herb, hourglass w/ gold decor and shotgun shells (5). Use the grappling gun to exit the room. Follow the path past the fountain and shoot the crossbow ganado at the corner. Open the door at the end of the path and shoot the masked ganado on the other side. Run down the steps and open the door in front. Break the pot on the table for handgun ammo (10), then open the door on the left to enter the merchant's room. MERCHANT'S ROOM --------------- Break both barrels on the left, the three pots and the crate for random items. Get the green herb on the table and then talk to the merchant to sell the gold bangle w/ pearls. Exit the merchant's shop and open the top-right door. CASTLE INTERIOR --------------- Shoot the masked ganado standing in the hall, and the crossbow ganado in the dining room at the end of the hall. Break the two pots, then run down the hall and shoot the remaining ganados in the dining room. Get the handgun ammo (10) and green herbs on the tables, and break the pot at the corner for shotgun shells (5). Run into the room at the top-right corner of the area and a cage will drop down to trap Ada. An El Garrador will also drop down into the cage. Equip a hand grenade and throw it toward either of the locked doors, then kick down the door and walk out of the cage. Remember that if you walk, El Garrador will not be able to hear where you are. Shoot all of the ganados outside the cage, then equip the rifle and shoot the parasite on El Garrador's back. Get the flash grenade behind the glass at the corner of the area corner and the ruby that he drops. Return to the cage and check the chest to use the hourglass w/ gold decor on it. Open the door at the top-right corner of the room. Run down the hall to see Leon shooting ganados in the next room. Break the pot on the left for rifle ammo (5), then jump off the side of the bridge. Get the elegant chessboard behind the pillar at the back of the room, then shoot all of the ganados that drop down to the floor. Break the pots on the tables for shotgun shells (5) and a green herb, then climb up the ladder and run across the bridge to open the door. Run up the steps and shoot the shield ganado and crossbow ganado. Open the door and run left to complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4. Chapter 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISLAND ------ Run forward and shoot the group of ganados that appear from the path on the left. Run down this path and shoot the ganado at the end. Break the barrel for a hand grenade. Walk to the crates on the left and use the grappling gun to ride up to the platform above. Break the barrel for handgun ammo (10). Jump down and use the grappling gun on the next platform. Break the barrel for rifle ammo (5). Jump down and run back through the tunnel. Turn left at the end and shoot the red barrel in front to kill the group of ganados. Run into the area and open the door on the left. Get the shotgun shells (5) on top of the box on the right and then shoot all of the ganados in the area. Get the green herb from the crate, break the barrel at the corner for a flash grenade, and get the TMP ammo (25) on top of the wheels. Open the door and turn right to use the grappling gun. Run through the vent and shoot the huge ganado. Drop down the hole at the end and get the yellow herb from the small room. Open the door and run through to get the golden lynx from the crate. Climb up to the wreckage on the right and get the bowgun bolts (3). Jump down on the other side and get the velvet blue on the floor. Shoot the crossbow ganado up on the walkway, then run down to the end of the room and use the grappling gun. Open the door at the end of the walkway. DOCK ---- Run down the walkway and get the TMP ammo (25) on the box. Break the barrel on the right and continue down the walkway to run down the steps at the end. Run past the gun battery and get the hand grenade on the barrel before running down the steps on the left. Half turn as soon as the ganados appear and run back up to the top of the steps to hide behind the wall at the corner. Shoot all of the ganados as they arrive at the top of the steps. When the gun stops shooting, run down the steps and get the handgun ammo (10) on the barrel, the first aid spray on the left, the flash grenade on the right and the activation key (blue) on the crate. Run to the end of the path for bowgun bolts (3) and a barrel. Return to the gun battery at the top of the steps and use the activation key (blue) on it. Keep shooting at the gun turrets on the other side of the area until Ada leaves the gun battery. Run back down the steps and climb up the ladder at the other side of the area. Get the red herb on the table at the left side of the floor, and the velvet blue, green herb and shotgun shells (5) from the back of the area. Half turn and get on the elevator to ride over to the ship. Turn right and break the crate, then half turn and shoot all of the ganados that drop down onto the ship. Get the handgun ammo (10) on the crate and then half turn to shoot the crossbow ganado on the floor high above. Half turn again and run down the floor to get the green herb at the end. Climb up the ladder on the right and shoot the ganados on the right. Run up the steps and break the crate at the top for bowgun bolts (3). Jump the gap and shoot the ganado on the other side, then check the pipes on the left for shotgun shells (10) and handgun ammo (10). Climb up the ladder and shoot the shield ganado and dynamite ganado at the top, then break the crate on the right for a red herb. A cutscene will show five new gun turrets appearing on the battleship. Quickly turn right and use the grappling gun to ride up to the next floor. Get the activation key (red) and then use the grappling hook at the right side of the walkway to travel over to the other side of the area. Run forward to the gun battery and use the activation key (red) on it. Keep shooting at all of the gun turrets until Ada leaves her gun turret. Jump down to the floor below and get on the elevator to ride back to the battleship. Avoid the ganados and climb up the ladder at the back of the first floor. Run up the steps, jump over the gap and climb up the ladder. Shoot the dynamite ganado and then open the door. Run forward and the battleship will explode. Get the handgun ammo (10), rifle ammo (5) and shotgun shells (10) from the crate. Open the chest for bowgun bolts (5). Run up the steps and follow the walkway around the corner to talk to the merchant. Sell the velvet blues, ruby, gold bangle w/ pearls and the elegant chessboard. Open the door. ISLAND ------ Get the green herb in front and then run up the steps to get the rifle ammo (5) on the left. Shoot the ganado, then equip the rifle and go around the corner to shoot the shield ganado. Jump down the ladder at the end of the path, and then run forward to get the shotgun shells (5) on the right. Shoot the two normal ganados and then equip the shotgun to shoot the crossbow ganado at the corner. Jump down off the right side of the walkway and use the rifle to shoot the red barrel on the right. Shoot the remaining ganados on the floor, and shoot the ganados on the walkway using the rifle. Run to the other side of the area and get the velvet blue on the box before using the grappling gun to ride up to the bridge. Climb up the ladder on the left. Run left and a group of ganados will burst through the door. Quickly half turn and run past the red barrel to the steps at the end for the green stone of judgment. Half turn and shoot the red barrel when the ganados are near. Open the gate at the other end of the floor and use the rifle to shoot the ganado on the floor above. Run down the steps in front, but turn left before the bottom of the steps to get the red herb. Run up the steps in front, then down the steps on the left to break the barrel in the small building at the end. Exit the building and follow the walkway around to the right. Jump down at the end of the walkway and shoot the two shield ganados that appear from the right. Get the yellow herb and the flash grenade, then follow the path around the corner and shoot the ganado. Climb up the ladder on the right to exit the area. ISLAND BASE ----------- Open the double doors on the left and get the red herb on the table, red stone of faith from the case, bowgun bolts (3) from the left cabinet and a hand grenade from the right cabinet. Open the door and get the yellow herb from the corner of the next room. Open the previous two doors and run up the steps at the back of the room. Open the door on the left. Run down the steps and go to the end of the walkway to get the shotgun shells (5). Run down the next set of steps and shoot both shield ganados and the stun rod ganado. Get the green herb and open the door on the left to enter the boiler room. Open the door at the bottom-left corner of the room and get the flash grenade and handgun ammo (10). Run up the steps at the top-right corner of the room and get the money from the locker. Run down the steps and open the door in front. Run down the hall and open the next door to arrive outside. The sounds of Leon and Krauser fighting can be heard nearby. Run forward and use the grappling gun to land on the walkway above. Watch the fight, and press the required buttons when Krauser is pushing the knife toward Leon to complete the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5. Chapter 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISLAND ------ Get the rifle ammo (5), then run up the path and shoot the ganado standing near the entrance to the camp. Further into the camp, a machine gun ganado will drop down into the area. Keep shooting him with the bowgun to defeat him. Enter the left tent for a hand grenade. Exit the tent and check around the building on the left for a velvet blue and TMP ammo (25). Use the grappling gun at the front of the building and get the bowgun bolts (3) from the right side of the walkway, and a blue eye from the barrel. Jump down from the walkway and follow the path around to the left to shoot the group of ganados. Use the rifle to shoot the crossbow ganado on the path and the dynamite ganado up on the left. Continue down the path and get the yellow herb near the bridge. Climb up the ladder on the left and then turn left to shoot the ganado. Get the red herb and then run back to the top of the ladder to shoot the red barrel near the building on the other side of the bridge. Run across the bridge and enter the building. Get the green herb and shotgun shells (5) from the side of the room, then keep shooting all of the ganados until the door opens. Run through the doorway and use the rifle to shoot the red barrel near the two ganados, and also the crossbow ganado on the left. Run down the steps on the left and break the barrel for TMP ammo (30). Jump down to the area below and enter the tents for a red herb and velvet blue. Exit the tent and run into the small tunnel for handgun ammo (10) and a yellow herb. Climb back up the ladder and turn left at the top of the steps. Run up the next set of steps and then slide down the zipline. Get the hand grenade on the left, then jump down to the ledge below and press the operate the switch. Jump off the ledge and run into the next area. Quickly shoot the red barrel in front after the gate closes, then equip the rifle and shoot the crossbow ganados in front and up on the left. Run into the tunnel and climb the ladder. Follow the walkway around, and quickly move behind the wall when the machine gun ganado starts shooting. Equip the shotgun to shoot him, then go through the gate and operate the right lever. Run back and jump off the right side of the walkway. Run to the bottom-left corner of the and climb up the ladder. Run around the walkway and get ready to shoot the machine gun ganado with the rifle when he appears. Get the bowgun bolts (2) and green herb, then open the gate and operate the lever at the end of the path. Jump off the walkway and open the door at the top-left corner of the area. RUINS ----- Run up the steps and shoot the crossbow ganado. Shoot the rocket launcher ganado near the helicopter wreckage and get the green herb. Break the barrel in the gap between the walls for a yellow herb. Exit the gap and run left down the path to shoot the two crossbow gunados. Open the door. Get the shotgun shells (5) and handgun ammo (10) on the rock before jumping down the ladder. PRISON ------ Get the bowgun bolts (3) behind the ladder. Run through the doorway to view a cutscene. Open the door at the end of the path to enter the merchant's room, then go through the doorway nearest to the typewriter and get the yellow herb. Exit the small room and turn right to shoot the crossbow gunado. Shoot the other three ganados that appear. Run through the doorway and enter the first cell on the right for rifle ammo (5) and the second cell on the right for a green eye. Get the red herb at the bottom of the steps, then climb up the ledge on the left and open the door. Run down the steps and get the handgun ammo (10) and TMP ammo (50). Run right to see Krauser. BOSS BATTLE: KRAUSER -------------------- Equip the TMP and keep shooting Krauser in the legs, remembering to dodge his attacks by pressing the required buttons. Shoot him in the head when he drops to one knee until he throws a flash grenade. Repeat the method for the entire battle, collecting the items on the three towers on the way. Get the green herb, bowgun bolts (2) and shotgun shells (10) on the second tower. On the third tower, get the handgun ammo (10), rifle ammo (5) and a first aid spray. ISLAND ------ Run left after the defeating Krauser and get the butterfly lamp. Half turn and jump over the fence at the other end of the path to see the merchant. Break both barrels on the right for shotgun shells (5), get the green herb on the floor and the TMP ammo (50) below the window. Talk to the merchant and buy the bowgun. Walk back to the window and use the grappling gun. BOSS BATTLE: SADDLER -------------------- Equip the bowgun and shoot Saddler from a distance. He walks slowly to begin with, but will attack by using his tentacles (which can be dodged by pressing the required buttons, or by moving to one side depending on the attack. When he is close, keep shooting him with the TMP, and then run away from him to use the bowgun again. Whenever the prompt is displayed, quickly run toward Saddler and press X to attack his eyeball. ISLAND ------ After the cutscene, get the first aid spray and then use the grappling gun to start the timer. Run down the path, either avoiding or shooting the various ganados along the way. Jump down from the platform at the end and then get the special rocket launcher on the crate to complete the mini-game. =============================================================================== 4. Assignment Ada =============================================================================== ISLAND ------ Follow the path and drop down the ledge. Jump over the gap in the next path and shoot the two ganados on the other side. To save ammo, shoot enemies in either the head or legs before kicking them. Continue following the path, ignoring the bridge on the right for now. Shoot the ganado in front, then half turn to face the bridge and shoot the next two ganados. Half turn again and climb up both ledges at the end of the path. Break the crates by shooting them once and get the yellow herb and hand grenade. Jump down from both both of the ledges and run across the bridge to see the camp at the end of the path. Jump over the gap and get the handgun ammo (10) from the crate. Look through the window of the building and shoot the ganado, then jump through the window and stand near the ladder to shoot all of the ganados that enter the building. Climb up the ladder and equip the rifle to shoot the two crossbow ganados near the door. Get the first aid spray from the crate and run to the back of the roof to see a machine gun ganado enter the area. Equip the rifle and quickly shoot him and the crossbow ganado near the door. Equip the TMP and stay at the top of the ladder to shoot the group of ganados that climb up to the roof. When no more ganados climb up the ladder, jump down off the edge of the roof and quarter turn right to collect a green herb near the crates. Enter the small building nearby for TMP ammo (25). Enter the building at the top-left corner of the area for handgun ammo (10). Climb up the ladder behind the building and get the rifle ammo (5) on the crate. Jump down from the building and run forward to get the green herb at the left side of the steps. Run up the steps and follow the path right. Equip the rifle to shoot the crossbow ganado and the shield ganado on the other side of the bridge. Cross the bridge and shoot the ganado. Continue down the tunnel and get the red herb from the corner. Climb up the ladder. Run left at the top and break both barrels for rifle ammo (5) and a green herb. Half turn to jump over the gap and shoot the ganados on the other side. Jump over the window into the cave and get the handgun ammo (10) on the table. Run down the cave and shoot the red barrel at the end to destroy the rock. Run into the next area and open the chest at the top of the ledge for a hand grenade. Run back up the cave and follow the path around to the left to collect a yellow herb. Exit the cave. Follow the path and shoot both ganados. Run behind the crates and use the rifle to shoot the dynamite ganado on the cliff and the red barrel on the bridge. Run out from behind the crates and run up the steep path in the cave on the left. Cross the bridge and get the red herb from the cave at the end, then run back to the bridge and jump off the right side. Shoot the ganados after landing and then go through the doorway at the top of the slope. Run down the path and get the green herb from the table on the left. Get the rifle ammo (5) on the crate further down the tunnel, then use the rifle to shoot the two crossbow ganados. Climb up the ladder on the left and go through the vent to enter the base. FIRST SAMPLE ------------ Turn left and run down the steps. Shoot the ganado and enter the small room on the right for TMP ammo (25). Exit the store room and run back up the steps to collect the green herb at the far corner. Run left and open the red cabinet for handgun ammo (10), then continue down the hall and shoot the crate on the left shelf for rifle ammo (5). Shoot the ganado and open the blue doors at the end of the hall to enter the operating room. Run through the door and shoot both of the ganados through the glass. Collect the TMP ammo (25) on the left desk. Enter the small room around the corner on the left and break the glass for a yellow herb. Exit the room and go through the doorway in front. Shoot the ganado, then run around the corner to collect the first sample from the body. SECOND SAMPLE ------------- Half turn and shoot the group of ganados that enter the room. Exit the room and run back through the hall to open the blue doors. Run around both corners in the hall and kick open the gate. Run to the junction and shoot the crossbow ganado on the left. Open the case at the end of the hall for TMP ammo (25), then half turn and shoot the ganado with the stun rod. Run through the gateway in front and open the double doors to enter the freezer. Get the green herb on the crate at the left side of the room, then break the glass at the back of the room for a hand grenade. Enter the small room at the bottom-right corner and collect the rifle ammo (5) on the desk. Return to the main room and enter the small room at the top-right corner. Open the door for the second sample. THIRD SAMPLE ------------ Exit the freezer and open the cabinet on the right for a red herb. Turn right and run down the hall to open the door at the end. Collect the handgun ammo (10) on the box at the end of the hall, then open the door on the right and shoot both ganados in the room on the other side. Get the rifle ammo (5) on the desk at the corner of the room. Open the right door and walk toward the top of the ladder to see a group of ganados in the waste disposal area. Throw a hand grenade down into the middle of the group and then use the rifle to shoot the machine gun ganado and crossbow ganado. Jump down the ladder and run around the dumpster on the right to collect the red herb. Open the door and get the green herb on the box, then run up the steps and shoot the stun rod ganado. Shoot both ganados in the room, and operate the control panel at the left side of the room to unlock the door. Shoot the group of ganados that enters the room, then open the unlocked door and run down the hall. Collect the yellow herb on the right at the first corner, and open the red cabinet for a hand grenade. Follow the hall around to the right and shoot the ganado through the bars in the door. Open the door and enter the room to collect the handgun ammo (10) on the table. Run right around the corner and shoot the stun rod ganado, then collect the TMP ammo (25) from the box on the left. Turn right and open the case for the third sample. FOURTH SAMPLE ------------- Exit the room and open the next door on the right. Run down the steps on the right and open the door at the end of the hall. Get the TMP ammo (25) on the table and use the TMP to shoot the five enemies in this room. Get the TMP ammo (25) from the top floor, and the handgun ammo (10) and red herb from the bottom floor. Try and open the door on the bottom floor to see a group of enemies enter on the top floor. Equip the rifle and shoot the machine gun ganado and shield ganados, then use the punisher on the remaining ganados. Open the bottom door and shoot the ganados on the other side. Open the door on the left and run up the steps. Be ready to shoot two dynamite ganados when they open the door at the end of the hall. Open the door in front and collect the TMP ammo (25) and yellow herb on the table. Exit the small room and open the door on the right. Open the door in front and shoot the ganado. Get the green herb from the table and run into the next room to shoot the ganado. Turn right and open the case for handgun ammo (10). Half turn and follow the corner around to the right to go through the next doorway. Get the TMP ammo (25) on the box and follow the hall to the doors at the end. Go through the door on the right and shoot the ganado in the room. Get the green, yellow and red herb on the shelf near the door. Get the TMP ammo (25) from the top-left corner of the room, and break the cases at the side of the room for rifle ammo (10), TMP ammo (50) and handgun ammo (20). Break the middle glass case in the middle of the room and get the fourth sample. FIFTH SAMPLE ------------ Run to the bottom-left corner of the room and shoot all of the ganados that enter the room. Jump through the window into the next room and turn left to operate the security control panel. Jump back through the window and shoot the group of ganados that enter the room. Go through the door at the bottom-right corner of the room and then open the door in front. Run across the bridge and shoot the three barrels on the right from a distance. As you move toward the items, Krauser will burst out of the base and run toward Ada. Quickly turn toward Krauser and throw a hand grenade at him. When he drops down to one knee, shoot him with the rifle and then run across to the other side of the bridge. Hand grenades will be harder to use against Krauser from this point on as he moves so fast, but if you have any left, still try and throw them at him to stun him. If you run out of grenades, shoot Krauser's feet with the TMP. Use either method until he drops down to one knee, then keep shooting him with the TMP until he throws a flash grenade. Collect the fifth plaga sample that he drops. Use the panel in the elevator and run right around the walkway to open the door. Operate the control panel to complete the mini-game. =============================================================================== 5. The Mercenaries =============================================================================== The goal of the The Mercenaries mini-game is to run through a chosen location and shoot as many enemies as possible before the time runs out. Various items are strewn about the areas, including time vials that extend the time, and bonus time vials which give more points per kill in a thirty second time limit. The points are totalled at the end of every round, and a star rank is given. Initially there is only one character (Leon) to choose from and four locations. If you manage to achieve over 30,000 points (four stars) in a location, a new character can be chosen from the character selection screen. Score over 60,000 points (five stars) in each location with all five of the characters to unlock the extremely powerful handcannon weapon to use in the main game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1. Village ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run behind the tower at the top-right corner of the map and collect the 90 sec. time vial. Ignore the ganados for now, as at this early stage there won't be too many to worry about. Run out of this area behind the tower and continue past the insignia door to the barn at the bottom-right corner, which contains a 30 sec. time vial and a red herb in a barrel. Exit the barn and jump through the window in front to land in a room with a 90 sec. time vial and a chest. Don't open the chest yet. Break the barrel for a green herb and wait in this room until enemies start to enter. When they do, now is the time to open the chest for the 30 sec. bonus vial. Quickly shoot as many of the enemies that have entered the room as possible. Open the door to the next room and shoot the enemies in here as well. When the time limit expires, get ammo from the barrel on the floor and then open the next door to exit the house. Turn slightly right and run back to the tower at the top-right corner, but this time climb up the ladder and get the green herb and hand grenade at the top. Jump back down the ladder and turn right after exiting the tower. Try and avoid the ganados and enter the first house on the right. Break the two barrels under the steps for a flash grenade and ammo. Run back to the front door of the house and kill any ganados that may have entered. Using that hand grenade found at the top of the tower works well if there is a large group of ganados there. Now run up to the top floor of the house and collect the hand grenade from the glass case and the green herb on the bed. There is nothing else to collect in this house, so jump over the window near the steps. Turn right on the platform outside the house and follow it around to the barrel at the corner, which contains a hand grenade. Half turn and run back to the corner of the platform, jumping down to land in front of a chest. Wait until a group of enemies are near before opening the chest for a bonus vial. There is a red barrel nearby, so lure the enemies toward it and then shoot the barrel once to kill them all. With the time still counting down, shoot as many enemies as possible before the time expires to get more points. Jump through the window opposite the chest to enter a big house. Break both crates on the table for ammo and a green herb. Also break the barrel for ammo. Exit the house through the door that has not been used yet. Around about this time, the sound of a chainsaw may echo through the village. This is the sound of the chainsaw ganado, and there are two of them. If they hit your character even once with the chainsaw then it's game over. They move quickly, so try not to get caught in a dead end. The best place in the level to face them is in the house at the top-left corner of the map. Collect the 90 sec. time vial in here and then climb up the ladder to see a red chest on the right, which as usual contains a bonus vial and shouldn't be opened until a group of enemies have appeared. Back to the chainsaw ganados, which should by now have entered the house and started climbing up the ladder. Just walk to the top of the ladder and knock it down it to make them fall off. Depending on how high you want your score to be in the end, you can simply stay at the top of the ladder and push the ladder or shoot the various enemies that enter the house, or you can choose to continue exploring the level. I've found that often so many enemies will enter the house that it's not necessary to even leave the house, and provided enough time is left you can achieve a five-star ranking just by remaining safe up on the platform and shooting. And other times not enough enemies will enter the house, so more exploring has to be done first in order to gain some more time and ammunition before returning to the house. Assuming that the second scenario has happened, finish off the chainsaw ganados and any other enemies down below, then jump down and exit the house. Run straight forward after leaving the top-left house and go up the long path toward the hut at the bottom-left corner of the map. Here you can find two crates on a table that contain a red herb and ammo. Exit this hut and turn slightly right to run down the next path at the side of the fence. Get the 30 sec. bonus vial near the wagon, and break the crate on the left for some ammo. Run right from the crate and enter the cow barn through the entrance at the front to find a barrel that contains ammo at the back. A very useful red barrel can be found in this cow barn, so if you have any chainsaw ganados or groups of normal ganados after you, shoot the barrel when they are near. With more items and a few more seconds added to the time, run out of the cow barn into the main part of the village and shoot any ganados that are there. When you hear the familiar sound of a chainsaw, run back to the house at the top-left corner of the map and climb back up the ladder. With all items and vials found in the level, the best thing to do now is to stay safe up on this platform and just shoot the enemies down below. Remember to open the red chest up here for a bonus vial if you haven't already collected it. From here on, just keep shooting at the enemies that enter the house until the level ends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2. Castle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlike all of the other levels the castle only has one start point, which is in a tower at the bottom of the level. Half turn and break both barrels for ammo and a green herb. Exit the tower and run up the steps to see a group of ganados on either side. Turn right and stay close to the wall at the left side of the ganados to avoid them. They may reach out, but as long as you keep running they will miss. Collect the 50 sec. time vial, and break both barrels for a flash grenade and ammo. Half turn to see that the two groups of ganados are steadily making the way toward our character. Run past all of them by staying left, then run up the steps on the right and collect the 90 sec. time vial at the top. Hit the three barrels for an incendiary grenade, ammo and a green herb. If you have managed to complete the above paragraph quickly, then you should be able to run back down the steps and open the door in front without any bother. If you were slow by a few seconds however, then the group of ganados that were down there will have already started walking up the steps. Either shoot all of the ganados, or lure them toward the red barrel at the bottom of the steps and then shoot it to kill many of them. The red barrel can come in very handy when dealing with the El Garrador later in the level though, so you may not want to shoot it unless you are playing as a character like Krauser. Either way, open the door near the bottom of the steps to continue the level. Run up the steps inside the castle and half turn left at the top. Break the two barrels at the corner of the room for ammo and a hand grenade. Turn right and get the green herb on the table, then run out the doorway to exit the building. Run across the bridge to the tower on the other side. If you got to this point fast enough, the crossbow ganados will not appear along the way. Enter the tower for a 90 sec. time vial and a red chest that contains a bonus vial. If your character has a rifle then open this chest and zoom in to shoot enemies as they appear in the distance. If not, open the chest anyway and run back into the castle. If you didn't shoot the group of ganados earlier on, they will be making their way up the steps so you can shoot them now for bonus points. Collect the green herb on the table if you missed it earlier and then run up the next set of steps to the room at the top. Get the green herb in front, the 50 sec. time vial in the middle of the room and the ammo from the barrel at the corner of the room. There is also another red chest here, but you may want to wait for a group of enemies to enter the room before opening it. Open the door when ready to continue and get the red herb on the ground near the wall. There is a gap in the wall on the right that you can use to jump down, but it only leads back to an earlier section of the level so there's no need to use it. If you missed the 90 sec. bonus vial from earlier though, the gap is the quickest way back down there to collect it. When ready, open the double doors. Collect the 50 sec. time vial in front and then break the barrel for ammo. Run right to see a small cutscene where scythe ganados appear from a large door. Go down the right steps first of all to collect a green herb near the wall. Shoot the barrel at the end for a hand grenade, then run around to the left to stand in front of the large door. Many enemies will appear at this point, so keep on shooting all of them, stopping only to turn around to make sure that no enemies are behind. Make sure that the red barrels are not touched, as these can be very effective to use against the El Garrador when he appears. Now the large door that the group of scythe ganados came out of can be entered, but there is one big disadvantage in that it makes an El Garrador appear. The advantages are a first aid spray, a time vial, a bonus vial, ammo, a green herb. So it depends on how high your health is and how much time is remaining whether you should go in there or not. If your health is fine and the time is still high, El Garrador may still appear, but at least you can spend this time getting as many points as possible by shooting all of the enemies. Remember to shoot the crossbow ganados that may have appeared over by the tower. El Garrador behaves exactly as he does in the main game, by being able to hear a character when they run, but not able to track them when they stand still or walk. Unfortunately there are so many other enemies attacking that it can be very difficult to just walk around. Leon will have the most trouble here with only a shotgun as his most powerful weapon. Remember that the parasite on the back of El Garrador has to be hit, so he must be stunned first. This can be done by throwing a grenade or shooting a red barrel when he is near. From here either shoot the parasite with a shotgun or throw a hand grenade. Other characters are slightly better off against the El Garrador, with Ada having a rifle which can be used on the parasite, and Hunk having a TMP which can be used to clear all of the other enemies out the way quickly. Hunk also starts with three grenades, which can all be used to great effect against the El Garrador. Wesker has things even easier with not only a semi-auto rifle but also a Killer7. Wesker's Killer7 is twice as powerful as his semi-auto rifle, so this is definitely the recommended weapon to use against the El Garrador. And finally there is Krauser. His arm attack is so powerful that it can kill an El Garrador as well as any other enemies that stand in the way in one hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3. Base ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With random start points, start by running over to the doors at the bottom-left corner of the level. They won't open, but it gives a good location to start the walkthrough. Break the first crate on the right for ammo, then turn left and climb up the ladder in front of the building. Run into the hut at the top of the ladder and break the barrel for a red herb. It is a good idea to wait in this hut and shoot any of the enemies that appear at the doorway. When all is quiet, exit the hut and run around to the left to find a 30 sec. time vial. Break the crate on the left for ammo, then run to the left side of the platform and climb up the next ladder. Break the barrel for a first aid spray. Run over the bridge and collect the 30 sec. time vial on the other side. Half turn and run to the bottom-right corner of the platform for another 30 sec. time vial. Climb up the nearby ladder to arrive on the highest section of the platform. Open the red chest for a bonus vial, which can come in very useful here as you may have a mass of ganados after you at this point. Be sure to also shoot the enemies that are climbing up the ladders. Collect the 30 sec. time vial on the other side of the bridge and then break the nearby crate for a green herb. With all of the items and vials found on the three platforms, drop back down the ladders to return to the start point. Around this time, the machine gun ganado will appear. Run left toward the red barrel and check to see if he is there. If he is, then he will start shooting for a few seconds. After he stops shooting, he will walk toward our character. Lure him toward the red barrel and then shoot it when he gets near. He will not be killed by this, so throw any grenades you have and use your most powerful weapons against him. Krauser can finish him off in one move by using his arm attack. After he has been defeated, collect the 30 sec. time vial and return once again to the start of the level. This time, enter the building. Go through the other doorway to exit the building and then break the barrel on the left for a green herb. Half turn and collect the 30 sec. time vial, then continue forward and run down the tunnel, breaking the barrel on the way for a green herb. Collect the 30 sec. time vial after exiting the tunnel and then run up the steps. Collect the 30 sec. time vial on the platform, then half turn and break the barrel on the other side of this small area for ammo. Break the crate at the right side of the chest for a green herb. Wait for a group of enemies to arrive in this area before opening the red chest. As soon as you do this the bonus vial time will start, so kill as many enemies as possible here. When the bonus time has expired, drop down the ladder near the chest and break the barrel in front for ammo. Collect the 30 sec. time vial, then run down the tunnel on the left and break the barrel for a green herb. Climb up the ladder straight in front, then the next ladder on the right. Break the barrel here for a first aid spray, and collect the 30 sec. time vial. This is a good place to shoot all the enemies that were following as they climb up the ladder. The machine gun ganado can also be shot at from this location. Jump back down both ladders when ready to continue, then run back through the tunnel in front and climb up the ladder at the end of the path. Half turn right and run toward the barrel at the bottom of the long set of steps and break it for ammo. Run up the first small section of the steps and follow the path along to a barrel that contains a hand grenade. Run back to the steps and this time take the steps up on the left. Get the 30 sec. time vial at the top and then use the zipline to land in a small area with a chest. Open the chest and then drop down off the ledge to collect a 30 sec. time vial. Wait until a group of ganados has gathered near the red barrel down on the right before shooting the barrel. Keep shooting any remaining enemies in the area below from this location until the bonus time has expired. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4. Island ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The island has a few restart points, although for the purpose of this section the one that we want is on the small platform near the ladder. The sound of a chainsaw can be heard from down below. Start by climbing up the ladder and collecting the 30 sec. time vial on the highest platform. Break the barrel for a hand grenade, then run to the bottom-right corner of this platform and face toward the ladder. A massive ganado known as Dr. Salvador will jump up onto the platform. Fast and very strong, this is a new enemy not encountered in the main game. He will follow a character throughout the entire level. If playing as Leon or Ada, that hand grenade that you found in the barrel on this platform should be thrown at Dr. Salvador very quickly. This should stun him long enough to able Leon to use the shotgun, or Ada to use the rifle. Aim for the head when shooting Dr. Salvador, and before long he will be defeated. Hunk and Wesker have an easier time as they already start equipped with hand grenades, so you can throw a few at Dr. Salvador. Remember not to throw one when he is stunned though, as it will have no effect. As usual, Krauser has the easiest time out of anyone and can kill Dr. Salvador in one arm attack. Jump off the east side of the platform when ready to continue, then the west side of the next platform to land on a platform with a 30 sec. time vial. Jump off the west side of this lowest platform to land on the floor. Run forward to collect the 30 sec. time vial. Break the barrel in front for ammo, then go through the door on the right and collect the green herb, flash grenade, red herb and 30 sec. time vial from this room. There is also a red barrel to fire at in this room if a large group of ganados is following. Open the door to exit the room and collect the 30 sec. time vial outside. Get the green herb in front and then continue forward to find a first aid spray on top of a crate. Turn right and run to the middle of the area for another 30 sec. time vial. Turn right and get the ammo on top of the crate, green herb a little further on and 30 sec. time vial at the end of the path. There is also a red barrel and a red chest containing a bonus vial in this area. Run up the steps at the top-right corner of the area near to where the first aid spray was found, and break the crate for a red herb. Also collect the ammo on the shelf on the right. Open the door to enter a room with a red chest that contains a bonus vial. A 30 sec. time vial can also be found in this room. Jump out of the window on the right for another 30 sec. time vial. Run through the doorway on the left and break the barrel on the left for a hand grenade. Half turn and collect the green herb on the boxes. Continue forward to the end of the next room to find a flash grenade and ammo. Run through the doorway to exit this room and break the barrel on the left for a green herb. Run up the steps to find a 30 sec. time vial on the platform. Quarter turn left and jump down from the platform, then quarter turn left again and climb up the ladder onto the roof of the building. Run along the roof to find a 60 sec. time vial and a barrel that contains a green herb. Ammo sits on the last post on the left before the zipline. If Dr. Salvador appears at this point, then you can stand under the zipline and shoot him until gets near. If he gets too close, then just slide down the zipline. After landing on the roof of the next building, characters that have rifles can attempt to shoot Salvador from his position on the previous roof. While he can still be hit from a distance with normal weapons, other characters may be best waiting on this roof until he appears. Before he does, collect the ammo, first aid spray from the barrel and the 60 sec. time vial. When Dr. Salvador does appear on the roof, wait until he gets near the red barrel before shooting it. Throw a hand grenade soon after he becomes stunned so it hits him after he starts moving again. From here just use normal weapons to defeat him. =============================================================================== 6. Key Item List =============================================================================== BLUE MOONSTONE Made by combining the moonstone (left half) with the moonstone (right half). It is used on the door in the hedge maze area of the castle. CAMP KEY Found by defeating the chainsaw ganado when taking the left route in chapter 2-3. It is used to open the door in the camp. CASTLE GATE KEY Found in the chest in the castle in chapter 3-1. It is used on the gate in the castle. DYNAMITE Found in the mine cart in chapter 4-2, after using the lever to lower the cart in the mine. It is used on the rock in the mine. EMBLEM (LEFT HALF) Found at the top of the hill in the camp in chapter 1-2. It is combined with the emblem (right half) to make the hexagonal emblem. EMBLEM (RIGHT HALF) Found on the roof of the hut in the camp in chapter 1-2. It is combined with the emblem (left half) to make the hexagonal emblem. EMERGENCY LOCK CARD KEY Found in the security station on the island in chapter 5-4. It is used on the card reader in the security station. FALSE EYE Found by defeating Bitores Mendez in chapter 2-3. It is used on the locked door at the top of the area with the moving platforms. FREEZER CARD KEY Found in the operating room on the island in chapter 5-1. It is used on the door in the hall outside the operating room. It is also used on the card key rewriter in the island base to change it into the waste disposal card key. GALLERY KEY Found by shooting the red ganado in the castle in chapter 3-2. It is used to open the locked door in the same area. GOAT ORNAMENT Found in the blue box in the gallery of the castle in chapter 3-2. It is one of three items used on the decoration in the main hall of the castle. GOLDEN SWORD Found on the wall in the bottom floor of the castle foyer in chapter 3-1. It is used on the platinum sword panel on the top floor of the foyer. HEXAGONAL EMBLEM Made by combining the emblem (left half) with the emblem (right half). It is used to open the door in the camp in chapter 1-2. INSIGNIA KEY (MAIN GAME) Found in the chief's house at the end of chapter 1-2. It is used to unlock the door in the village. INSIGNIA KEY (SEPARATE WAYS) Found on the roof of the house near the fire in the village in chapter 1. It is used to unlock the door in the village. IRON KEY (SEPARATE WAYS) Found on the table in the merchant's area before the house in chapter 2. It is used to open the door at the end of the path. JET-SKI KEY Found after defeating Saddler in the final chapter. It is used on the jet-ski in the tunnel when Leon and Ashley are escaping the island. KEY TO THE MINE Found on the top floor of the structure in the underground ruins in chapter 4-3. It is used on the locked door in the underground ruins. KING'S GRAIL On normal and professional difficulties, the King's grail is found on the pedestal in the room with the Armaduras in chapter 4-1. It is used on the hands of the statue at the end of the hall in the castle. LIFT ACTIVATION KEY (SEPARATE WAYS) Found by shooting the chainsaw ganado outside the house in chapter 2. It is used on the controls in the area with the moving platforms. LION ORNAMENT In the area with the stone dragons that breathe fire in chapter 4-1, the lion ornament is found in the chest that appears after shooting the dragon operator at the back of the area. It is one of three items used on the decoration in the main hall of the castle. MOONSTONE (LEFT HALF) Found in the castle garden maze in chapter 3-2. It is combined with the moonstone (right half) to make the blue moonstone. MOONSTONE (RIGHT HALF) Found in the castle garden maze in chapter 3-2. It is combined with the moonstone (left half) to make the blue moonstone. OLD KEY Found in a hut in the El Gigante area in chapter 2-3 if the right route is chosen. It is used on the door at the end of the area. PIECE OF THE HOLY BEAST, EAGLE Found in the fortress in chapter 5-3. It is one of three items used on the panel in the wall in the fortress. PIECE OF THE HOLY BEAST, PANTHER Found in the fortress in chapter 5-3. It is one of three items used on the panel in the wall in the fortress. PIECE OF THE HOLY BEAST, SERPENT Found in the fortress in chapter 5-3. It is one of three items used on the panel in the wall in the fortress. PLATINUM SWORD Found on the wall in the top floor of the castle foyer in chapter 3-1. It is used on the golden sword panel on the bottom floor of the foyer. PRISON KEY Found by looking at the portrait in the hall with the stone dragons in chapter 3-1. It is used on the locked door in the hall. QUEEN'S GRAIL Found in the chest in the area after the drill vehicle in chapter 4-1. It is used on the hands of the statue at the end of the hall in the castle. ROUND INSIGNIA (MAIN GAME) Found in the cave behind the waterfall in chapter 2-1. It is used on the church door in the graveyard. ROUND INSIGNIA (SEPARATE WAYS) Found by solving the pedestal puzzle behind the church in chapter 1. It is used on the church door in the graveyard. SALAZAR FAMILY INSIGNIA While playing as Ashley, the insignia is found in the chest at the end of the dark hall in chapter 3-4. It is used on the dais in the butler's room. SERPENT ORNAMENT While playing as Ashley, the serpent ornament is found in the chest after getting the Salazar family insignia. It is one of three items used on the decoration in the main hall of the castle. STONE OF SARCRIFICE Found on the block at the end of the mine cart ride in chapter 4-3. It is used on the locked door in the surface ruins/ STONE TABLET While playing as Ashley, the stone tablet is found on the fireplace before the dark hall in chapter 3-4. It is used on the pedestal in the dark hall after completing the tile puzzle. STORAGE ROOM CARD KEY Found after defeating the iron maiden in the island base in chapter 5-1. It is used to unlock the door to Ashley's room in the island base. WASTE DISPOSAL CARD KEY Found by using the freezer card key on the card key rewriter in chapter 5-1. It is used to open the door to waste disposal room in the island base. =============================================================================== 7. Weapon List =============================================================================== KNIFE ----- Available at the start of the game, the knife is actually a very good weapon that can save on using a lot of ammo. Shoot an enemy like a ganado in the leg and they will fall to the floor. Although you can finish them off by shooting them while on the floor, aim down and keep attacking with the knife. They may start to stand up, but keep on attacking and more often than not they will drop down. If they do stand all the way up, just back away until they have a chance to attack and then attack normally with the handgun or knife again. Aside from attacking enemies, the knife is also useful when it comes to opening crates. Sure you can shoot crates to open them, but a single strike with the knife does just as good a job. Some crates contain snakes which jump out and bite Leon after a few seconds, and a knife is very effective in killing these pesky creatures before they strike. Bear traps which appear in certain areas of the game can also be triggered safely by using the knife. HANDGUN ------- Available at the start of the game, the handgun is useful against individual enemies that appear up to the castle section, but is not so good against groups of enemies and is not recommended to use against bosses. The typical enemy in the first few chapters is the ganado, and sometimes you may find yourself having to fight against groups of them with the handgun. When groups appear, shoot the first one in the leg and then quickly walk up to him until the kick command is displayed. As soon as you press X at the kick command, the attacks of the other enemies will miss Leon (The same thing also happens when Leon climbs up and down ladders), and Leon will also kick any ganados that were near out of the way. This should give enough time to back up and shoot them all, or repeat the kick command again. FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 1.0 0.47 1.73 10 LEVEL 2 1.2 (7000) 0.40 (5000) 1.47 (4000) 13 (4000) LEVEL 3 1.4 (10000) 0.33 (12000) 0.87 (10000) 16 (6000) LEVEL 4 1.6 (15000) ---- ---- 19 (8000) LEVEL 5 1.8 (18000) ---- ---- 22 (10000) LEVEL 6 2.0 (20000) ---- ---- 25 (12000) EXCLUSIVE Increases the chance of critical headshots by 5 times. (57000) RED9 ---- Available from the merchant in chapter 2-2. This is the most powerful handgun in the game, with an exclusive upgrade that is more powerful than the shotgun at level 4 firepower. This does mean that other statistics are slightly worse than other handguns however, as the firing speed and reload speed is higher and the gun also holds less ammo. As long as the red9 is kept reloaded, its power makes this one of the best handguns to use in the castle and on the island. FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 1.6 0.53 2.37 8 LEVEL 2 1.8 (15000) 0.47 (10000) 2.20 (6000) 10 (6000) LEVEL 3 2.1 (20000) 0.40 (15000) 1.67 (10000) 12 (8000) LEVEL 4 2.5 (24000) ---- ---- 15 (12000) LEVEL 5 3.0 (28000) ---- ---- 18 (16000) LEVEL 6 3.7 (45000) ---- ---- 22 (22000) EXCLUSIVE Increases the firepower to 6.5. (80000) PUNISHER -------- The Punisher can be found for free by talking to the merchant in chapter 1-3 after ten blue medallions have been found. If all fifteen blue medallions are found, then the Punisher comes with a free level 2 firepower upgrade. The gun can also be bought normally from the merchant in chapter 2-3. Apart from a slightly lower reload speed the Punisher actually has worse firepower than the handgun. It's worth buying from the merchant just to sell, but remember to get the upgrade first (fifteen medallions) as it can be sold for more money. FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 0.9 0.47 1.70 10 LEVEL 2 1.1 (10000) 0.40 (10000) 1.47 (8000) 13 (8000) LEVEL 3 1.3 (15000) 0.33 (20000) 0.83 (18000) 16 (10000) LEVEL 4 1.5 (20000) ---- ---- 20 (15000) LEVEL 5 1.7 (25000) ---- ---- 24 (18000) LEVEL 6 1.9 (35000) ---- ---- 28 (24000) EXCLUSIVE This ammo will penetrate up to 5 bodies. (40000) BLACKTAIL --------- Available from the merchant in chapter 3-1. This is a reasonable handgun that has a high ammo capacity. At level 3, it also has the quickest firing speed out of all other handguns. The reload speed is average, but the firepower is high and is beaten only by the Red9 in this statistic. The Blacktail and the Red9 are the two recommended handguns to use in the game, but which one is used depends on whether you want power (Red9) or speed (Blacktail). FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 1.6 0.47 1.70 15 LEVEL 2 1.8 (15000) 0.40 (10000) 1.47 (8000) 18 (8000) LEVEL 3 2.0 (18000) 0.27 (20000) 0.83 (15000) 21 (10000) LEVEL 4 2.3 (24000) ---- ---- 25 (15000) LEVEL 5 2.7 (30000) ---- ---- 30 (20000) LEVEL 6 3.2 (40000) ---- ---- 35 (25000) EXCLUSIVE Increases the firepower to 4.5. (80000) MATILDA ------- Available from the merchant at the start of a new round. With less firepower than the Blacktail and Red9, a below-average firing speed and an average reload speed, the only strong point about this gun is its ammo capacity. Despite being able to hold 100 bullets when upgraded to exclusive, this special handgun is still easily beaten in all other aspects by the Blactail and the Red9. FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 1.5 0.47 1.73 15 LEVEL 2 1.7 (15000) ---- 1.47 (6000) 18 (17000) LEVEL 3 1.9 (17000) ---- 0.87 (15000) 21 (10000) LEVEL 4 2.1 (20000) ---- ---- 24 (12000) LEVEL 5 2.3 (25000) ---- ---- 27 (16000) LEVEL 6 2.5 (35000) ---- ---- 30 (20000) EXCLUSIVE Increases the ammo capacity to 100. (35000) BROKEN BUTTERFLY ---------------- Although the Broken Butterfly can be bought as early as chapter 3-1, it is best to wait until chapter 4-1 as this weapon can be found for free. The immense firepower of this weapon means that is best used against bosses. It can be used on normal enemies to great effect, but due to the limited ammo available for the gun it is probably best to save it only for boss battles. When fully upgraded, it is the second most powerful gun in the game. FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 13.0 0.70 3.67 6 LEVEL 2 15.0 (25000) ---- 3.00 (15000) 8 (15000) LEVEL 3 17.0 (30000) ---- 2.33 (20000) 10 (20000) LEVEL 4 20.0 (35000) ---- ---- 12 (25000) LEVEL 5 24.0 (50000) ---- ---- ---- LEVEL 6 28.0 (70000) ---- ---- ---- EXCLUSIVE Increases the firepower to 50.0. (150000) KILLER7 ------- Available from the merchant in chapter 5-1, this weapon is unique in that it has no exclusive upgrade. The firepower, capacity and reload speed is initially better than that of the Broken Butterfly, although the firepower on the Broken Butterfly can eventually be upgraded beyond the extent of the Killer7. With both weapons upgraded fully, the reload speed on the Killer7 remains over one second faster than the Broken Butterfly and holds two more bullets. FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 25.0 0.70 1.83 7 LEVEL 2 30.0 (62000) ---- 1.53 (20000) 10 (30000) LEVEL 3 35.0 (78000) ---- 0.93 (30000) 14 (40000) LEVEL 4 ---- ---- ---- ---- LEVEL 5 ---- ---- ---- ---- LEVEL 6 ---- ---- ---- ---- EXCLUSIVE ---- HANDCANNON ---------- Unlocked by gaining five stars with all four characters on all four levels in The Mercenaries mode. This is the most powerful weapon in the game by far, but is also the most expensive to upgrade. To start with the weapon only holds three bullets, but even then at its minimum level the gun is more powerful than all but two other guns at their maximum level. Initially best used occasionally due to the rarity of the ammo, the Handcannon becomes more useful after 790000 ptas. have been spent upgrading to exclusive, giving it infinite ammo. FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 30.0 1.17 3.67 3 LEVEL 2 35.0 (40000) ---- 2.87 (25000) 4 (15000) LEVEL 3 40.0 (50000) ---- 1.83 (50000) 5 (20000) LEVEL 4 45.0 (70000) ---- ---- 6 (25000) LEVEL 5 50.0 (90000) ---- ---- 8 (35000) LEVEL 6 60.0 (120000) ---- ---- 10 (50000) EXCLUSIVE Fires infinite ammo and increases the firepower to 99.9. (200000) SHOTGUN ------- Available at the start of the game (on easy difficulty) or on the top floor of the building near the tower in the village in chapter 1-1 (on normal and pro difficulty). The shotgun is a powerful weapon that will be very handy in dealing with groups of enemies before the castle section. It can be easy to run out of ammo however, so be sure to save the shotgun for groups of enemies and bosses only, and use the handgun for individual enemies. FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 4.0 1.53 3.03 6 LEVEL 2 4.5 (15000) ---- 2.43 (7000) 8 (8000) LEVEL 3 5.0 (20000) ---- 1.67 (15000) 10 (10000) LEVEL 4 6.0 (25000) ---- ---- 12 (12000) LEVEL 5 7.0 (30000) ---- ---- 15 (15000) LEVEL 6 8.0 (40000) ---- ---- 18 (20000) EXCLUSIVE Significantly increases the destructive power of the weapon for long distance targets! (40000) RIOT GUN -------- Available from the merchant in chapter 3-1, the Riot Gun is an average weapon that is only slightly more powerful than the Shotgun. It is best to keep the upgraded Shotgun instead of buying the Riot Gun, as the Striker can be bought later on in the game and is far more useful. The firing speed and reload speed is exactly the same as the Shotgun. The capacity is initially better, but at the level 6 upgrade ends up one round lower than the Shotgun. FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 5.0 1.53 3.03 7 LEVEL 2 5.5 (20000) ---- 2.43 (7000) 9 (10000) LEVEL 3 6.0 (24000) ---- 1.67 (20000) 11 (12000) LEVEL 4 6.5 (28000) ---- ---- 13 (15000) LEVEL 5 7.0 (32000) ---- ---- 15 (20000) LEVEL 6 8.0 (50000) ---- ---- 17 (25000) EXCLUSIVE Increases the firepower to 10.0. (120000) STRIKER ------- Available from the merchant in chapter 4-1, sell any other shotguns you may have at this point and stay with the Striker for the rest of the game. The firepower, firing speed, reload speed and capacity are initially better than the two other shotguns. As the weapon is upgraded, the firepower becomes much higher (4.0 better than the Riot Gun), the firing speed is faster, the reload speed is average but the capacity is the main advantage here. Upgrade to exclusive near the end of the game for a 100 ammo round capacity. Combined with the other statistics, this is clearly the most powerful shotgun and is one of the best weapons to use toward the end of the game. FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 6.0 1.10 3.00 12 LEVEL 2 7.0 (25000) ---- 2.40 (8000) 14 (10000) LEVEL 3 8.0 (28000) ---- 1.67 (15000) 16 (12000) LEVEL 4 9.0 (32000) ---- ---- 20 (16000) LEVEL 5 10.0 (40000) ---- ---- 24 (18000) LEVEL 6 12.0 (60000) ---- ---- 28 (25000) EXCLUSIVE Increases the ammo capacity to 100. (60000) RIFLE ----- Available from the merchant in chapter 1-2, the rifle is not worth buying in the first few chapters of the game as there are very few places where long distance shooting is required. By the time you reach the castle chapters, the semi-auto rifle is available and is much more useful. The rifle's does have one advantage over the semi-auto rifle in that when both are upgrades to exclusive, the rifle is two times more powerful that the semi-auto. But the slow firing speed and reload speed make the semi-auto a better rifle. FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 4.0 2.73 4.00 5 LEVEL 2 5.0 (10000) ---- 3.23 (8000) 7 (6000) LEVEL 3 6.0 (12000) ---- 2.33 (18000) 9 (8000) LEVEL 4 8.0 (20000) ---- ---- 12 (12000) LEVEL 5 10.0 (25000) ---- ---- 15 (18000) LEVEL 6 12.0 (35000) ---- ---- 18 (25000) EXCLUSIVE Increases the firepower to 30.0. (80000) RIFLE (SEMI-AUTO) ----------------- Available from the merchant in chapter 3-1, the semi-auto rifle is a useful gun for the castle areas and becomes even more useful against regenerators in the island base. The semi-auto exceeds the rifle in all aspects apart from firepower, which at exclusive is only half as powerful as the standard rifle. But the firing speed (less than a second at exclusive), reload speed and capacity of this gun are all better. FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 7.0 1.83 2.33 10 LEVEL 2 8.0 (15000) ---- 1.90 (9000) 12 (10000) LEVEL 3 9.0 (18000) ---- 1.33 (18000) 14 (12000) LEVEL 4 11.0 (24000) ---- ---- 17 (15000) LEVEL 5 13.0 (30000) ---- ---- 20 (20000) LEVEL 6 15.0 (40000) ---- ---- 24 (25000) EXCLUSIVE Increases the firing speed to 0.80. (80000) TMP --- Available from the merchant in chapter 1-2, the TMP has the lowest firepower out of any gun in the game. But it has an extremely quick firing speed, and this combined with the slow firepower makes a gun that can be used effectively against crowds of enemies, even if it does take a while to defeat them all. The exclusive upgrade gives a firepower equal to that of the level 5 Handgun, although even when upgraded there are many better guns to use than the TMP. FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 0.4 0.10 2.37 30 LEVEL 2 0.5 (7000) ---- 1.93 (5000) 50 (7000) LEVEL 3 0.6 (14000) ---- 1.17 (15000) 100 (15000) LEVEL 4 0.8 (18000) ---- ---- 150 (20000) LEVEL 5 1.0 (24000) ---- ---- 200 (25000) LEVEL 6 1.2 (35000) ---- ---- 250 (35000) EXCLUSIVE Increases the firepower to 1.8 (100000). CUSTOM TMP ---------- Available only as Hunk in The Mercenaries mode, this custom TMP has a firepower equal to a level 5 TMP, standard firing speed, a reload speed equal to a level 3 TMP and a capacity equal to a level 3 TMP. Best used against groups of enemies, the ammo runs out quickly so be sure to reload often. FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 1.0 0.10 1.17 100 LEVEL 2 ---- ---- ---- ---- LEVEL 3 ---- ---- ---- ---- LEVEL 4 ---- ---- ---- ---- LEVEL 5 ---- ---- ---- ---- LEVEL 6 ---- ---- ---- ---- EXCLUSIVE ---- MINE THROWER ------------ Available from the merchant in chapter 3-1, this gun fires mines that attach to objects and detonate after a few seconds. The mines can attach to surfaces and even onto enemies, so be careful when firing them at fast moving enemies like the Colmillos as they may run toward Leon with the mine attaches. Slower moving ememies like ganados are good targets for the mine thrower, especially when they appear in groups. The exclusive upgrade adds homing, so you can even fire to the side of an enemy and the mine will still attach to them. FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 2.0 1.33 3.43 5 LEVEL 2 4.0 (25000) ---- 2.57 (18000) 7 (25000) LEVEL 3 6.0 (45000) ---- ---- 10 (40000) LEVEL 4 ---- ---- ---- ---- LEVEL 5 ---- ---- ---- ---- LEVEL 6 ---- ---- ---- ---- EXCLUSIVE Adds "homing" to the Mine-Darts and signifcantly increases their blast radius. (30000) CHICAGO TYPEWRITER ------------------ Available in a cleared game after completing Separate Ways, this weapon cannot be upgraded, but when you look at the statistics it really doesn't need to be. As fast as a TMP, with more firepower than a fully upgraded Shotgun, and with infinite ammo, the Chicago Typewriter ranks up there with the Handcannon as being one of the best special weapons available in the game. FIREPOWER FIRING SPEED RELOAD SPEED CAPACITY LEVEL 1 10.0 0.10 2.83 Infinite LEVEL 2 ---- ---- ---- ---- LEVEL 3 ---- ---- ---- ---- LEVEL 4 ---- ---- ---- ---- LEVEL 5 ---- ---- ---- ---- LEVEL 6 ---- ---- ---- ---- EXCLUSIVE ---- ROCKET LAUNCHER --------------- Available from all merchants, the standard rocket launcher is a weapon that can only be used once before it has to be purchased again. It is extremely powerful and can defeat most bosses with only one hit, although is expensive and takes up a lot of inventory space. This powerful weapon does not have to be purchased as all of the bosses can be defeated by using only the normal weapons, although one can be found for free in a glass case shortly before the Verdugo battle. INFINITE LAUNCHER ----------------- Available from the merchant at the start of a new round, the infinite launcher is a rocket launcher with infinite ammo. Immensely powerful, normal enemies and most bosses can be defeated in only one hit. Be sure to fire this weapon from a distance as the blast can harm Leon if he is too near. P.R.L. 412 ---------- Available by completing the main game on Professional difficulty, this weapon is a small reward for finishing such a difficult task. The gun is charged by holding R1 and the X button. When not charged, the weapon fires a thin laser that temporarily stuns enemies. Charged, the laser is still thin but is far more powerful and usually kills any enemy it hits. The disadvantages are that the gun takes such a long time to charge, and the laser is so thin that it can only be used against individual enemies or bosses. One advantage is that slow moving enemies like the Regenerators are very easy to defeat. KRAUSER'S ARM ------------- Available while playing as Krauser in The Mercenaries mode, Krauser dashes forward when his arm is used and kills anything in his path. This includes the powerful enemies like the El Garradors and Dr. Salvadors. When used, the arm takes over 45 seconds to charge up before it can be used again. KRAUSER'S BOW ------------- Available while playing as Krauser in The Mercenaries mode, the bow is a strong weapon that can kill enemies like the ganados in one hit. It may take a while to get used to aiming as the bow feels different to many other weapons, but the power and quick firing speed make this a good weapon. FLASH GRENADE ------------- This blue grenade creates a bright flash of light when thrown, which stuns any nearby enemies for a few seconds. Used against ganados, Leon can use the time when they are stunned to walk up and kick them. They are also very useful in some boss battles, especially against El Gigante. INCENDIARY GRENADE ------------------ This red grenade bursts into flames when thrown. Best used against groups of enemies, wait a few seconds after throwing as the flames can injure Leon. HAND GRENADE ------------ This green grenade creates a powerful explosion when thrown. Useful against all enemies, especially against groups and in boss battles. =============================================================================== 8. Enemy List =============================================================================== This section lists the eight normal enemies found in the game. Strategies for the boss battles are found in the walkthrough. ARMADURA -------- The Armadura are walking suits of armour that appear in Ashley's section of the castle in chapter 3-4, and in the king's grail section on chapter 4-1. Initially they only stand still, buy after Ashley finds the serpent ornament, one of them enters the room and walks towards her. As Ashley has no weapons, the only defense against the enemy is to run. Other Armadura's attack in the hall, and these can be avoided by pressing the buttons at the prompt. When they attack Leon, an incendiary or hand grenade works best against them. COLMILLOS --------- First found in the graveyard in chapter 2-1, the Colmillos are wild dogs that appear in a group of three. Use a rifle from a distance to shoot the leader at the front of the group, then the shotgun to shoot the remaining two Colmillos. In normal and professional difficulty modes, the Colmillos also appear in the castle hedge maze. These quickly jump out from around corners, so be sure to have the shotgun equipped and loaded ready to deal with them. EL GARRADOR ----------- El Garradors are tall and extremely fast enemies that make a small number of appearances in the castle chapters. They are blind, but have very good hearing, and can track Leon if he shoots or runs. Strange as it may seem, walking slowly away from this enemy is the best way of avoiding him. To defeat him, target the parasite on his back and shoot it before walking out of the way to shoot it again. Some locations with this enemy have bells which can be shot so that El Garrador faces toward them, making it easier to shoot the parasite. GANADO ------ The first and most frequently seen enemy in the game, the ganado is a village, castle or island inhabitant that has been infected by a parasite. They can be armed with a variety of weapons, including dynamite, crossbows and knives, as well as defensive items such as shields and masks. Shooting ganados in the leg or head usually makes them stumble, and they can then be kicked by approaching them and pressing X, something that definitely helps save on ammunition. LAS PLAGAS ---------- First seen in chapter 2-1, the las plagas are parasites that emerge from the heads of some ganados after they have been killed. The parasite takes over when it appears, so shooting the body of the ganado will do no damage. Aim at the parasite and keep shooting to defeat it. In later chapters the parasite can separate from the ganado, although this happens rarely. Stand back when the las plagas appears, as due to their small size they can be difficult to hit. NOVISTADOR ---------- First seen in the sewers of the castle in chapter 3-2, Novistadors are huge insects that have the ability to turn invisible. They can be identified from a distance by a very faint outline, so shoot them with the rifle if you can. In later chapters, Novistadors remain visble but have the ability to fly. As they appear in groups, a shotgun is the best weapon to use against them. REGENERATOR ----------- First seen on the island base in chapter 5-1, regenerators have the ability to grow back parts of their body after they have been shot off. They can have up to four parasites inside them, and the only way to see the parasites is to use the infrared scope of the rifle. Shooting all of the parasites is the only way to kill a regenerator. There is a spiked version of the Regenerator named the Iron Maiden, which causes far more damage when it attacks. Both versions may have a parasite on the back of their body as well as the front of it. =============================================================================== 9. File List =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.1. Village Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAYING MANUAL 1 ---------------- Available at the start of the game. ____ * Control configuration changes are not reflected here. Please pay careful attention to button functions. 1. Shooting - Hold down the R1 button then use the left analog stick to aim the laser sight. 2. Combat Knife - Press and hold the L1 button to ready your knife then press the X button to swing the weapon. 3. Action Button - You'll be able to perform various actions by pressing the appropriate buttons that appear on the screen. 4. Camera - You can change the camera angle using the right analog stick. INFO ON ASHLEY -------------- Available at the start of the game. ____ Name: Ashley Graham Age: 20 Daughter of the United States President. She was kidnapped by an unidentified group while on her way home from her university. The kidnapper's motives are still unknown. Although there's reliable information that the perpetrator is an insider. Only a handful of people know about this kidnapping. It's been kept under wraps mostly due to the fact that we can't determine who the traitor is. The guys in intelligence say they have reliable information that Ashley's been sighted somewhere in Europe. But until we find out who the insider is, I don't know what to believe. It could be a ploy. We have very few leads as to the whereabouts of Ashley. But members of the Secret Service and anyone else related to Ashley are being questioned by an investigative team. Even active agents are being investigated for information. It's just a matter of time before the kidnapper is exposed. PLAYING MANUAL 2 ---------------- Found in chapter 1-1 after entering the village. ____ * Control configuration changes are not reflected here. Please pay careful attention to button functions. 1. Reloading - Press square button or the circle button while holding down the R1 button to reload your firearm. 2. Kicks - Approaching enemies that are either stunned or on their knees will allow Leon to perform kicks as prompted by the action button. 3. Changing Inventory Screens - Use the L1 button and R1 button to switch back and forth between the Weapons/Recovery and the Keys/Treasure screens. ALERT ORDER ----------- Found in the village in chapter 1-1, in the hut near the entrance to the farm. ____ Recently there has been information that a United States government agent is here investigating the village. Do not let this American agent get in contact with the prisoner. For those of you not yet informed, the prisoner is being held in an old house beyond the farm. We will transfer the prisoner to a more secure location in the valley when we are ready. The prisoner is to stay there until further notice. Meanwhile, do not let the American agent near the prisoner. We do not know how the American government found out about our village. But we are investigating. However, I feel that this intrusion at this particular time is not just a coincidence. I sense a third party other than the United States government involved here. My fellow men, stay alert! - Chief, Bitores Mendez ABOUT THE BLUE MEDALLIONS ------------------------- Found on the tree in the farm in chapter 1-1. ____ 15 blue medallions... 7 in the farm... 8 in the cemetery... For those of you who destroy 10 or more will be rewarded... (The rest is illegible.) CHIEF'S NOTE ------------ Found on the bed in the chief's house at the end of chapter 1-1. ____ As instructed by Lord Saddler, I have the agent in confinement, alive. Why keep him alive? I do not fully understand what the Lord's intentions are. I would, however, think he'd keep them separate; not confine them together as he has been ordered. I don't expect Luis would trust a stranger but if by chance they did cooperate, the situation could get a bit more complicated. If for some reason, an unknown third party is involved, I don't think they'd let a chance like this slip by. But maybe it's all Lord Saddler's ploy - leaving us vulnerable so that this third party will surface, if they even exist that is... It's an unlikely possibility, but if a prowler is already amongst us, then our plans could be ruined. I guess the Lord thinks it's worth the risk, if we're able to stop whatever conspiracy is at work. Any any rate, it's the Lord's call. We will trust his judgement as always. CLOSURE OF THE CHURCH --------------------- Found in the hut at the end of the path near the church in chapter 1-3. ____ Regarding the two fugitives, the apprehension of Luis is our top priority; the American agent a distant second. What Luis stole from us is far more important than the girl. Unless we get it back, the girl will become useless to us. We must get it back to execute our plan to the end. If it gets in the wrong hands, the world would become a totally different place than what Lord Saddler has envisioned. At all costs, we mustn't let that happen. Nevertheless, we're not letting go of the girl. To ensure that the agent does not get to her, I have locked the church door where the girl is being held. Anyone who needs access to the church must first get approval by Lord Saddler. There is a key beyond the lake but it should be safe now that the "Del Lago" has been awakened by our Lord. No one will get across the lake alive. Plus, our same blood courses through the agent's veins. It'll be just a matter of time before he joins us. Once he does, there will be nobody else left that will come looking for the girl. ANONYMOUS LETTER ---------------- Found on the bed in the house at the start of chapter 2-1. ____ There's an important item hidden in the falls. If you are able to get it, you might be able to get Ashley out of the church. But I'll warn you, the route to the church isn't a walk in the park by any means. They've deployed what's called an "El Gigante", so God bless. About what's going on in your body... If I could help you, I would. But unfortunately it's beyond my power. PLAYING MANUAL 3 ---------------- Found in the church after rescuing Ashley near the end of chapter 2-1. ____ * Control configuration changes are not reflected here. Please pay careful attention to button functions. 1. Commands - Leon can give commands to Ashley to either "WAIT" or "FOLLOW" by pressing the R2 button. 2. Ashley and the Action Button - Depending on the situation, Leon and Ashley can cooperate to get past various obstacles. 3. Ashley's Health - You can use recovery items not only on Leon but on Ashley as well. 4. Ashley and Game Over - Leon has failed his mission if Ashley is either killed or carried away by the enemy. SERA AND THE 3RD PARTY ---------------------- Found in the hut in the farm in chapter 2-2. ____ The whereabouts of Sera are still unknown. Most likely he's using an old secret passage taught to him by his grandfather who used to hunt in this region long ago. I'm pretty certain that he's hiding our property somewhere in the forest. If his grandfather was still alive, I would have used him to find Sera... But how did he find out about the egg injected into his body? -And the fact that he was able to remove it before it hatched is concerning. Another fact that concerns me is that Sera escaped with our property just before the American agent arrived. I don't believe that was just a coincidence. There has to be another player involved in this. In order to settle the whole situation, we have to capture Sera and wait for the effects of the drug to wear off before we inject him with another egg. Once this is done, whoever is behind all of this will surface. Nobody shall interfere with our plans. Those who do shall suffer severe consequences. TWO ROUTES ---------- Found in the hut with the typewriter at the start of chapter 2-3. ____ Just a while ago, I was informed by Lord Saddler that our men had shot down a United States military helicopter. There shouldn't be any more outside interference for a while now. Unless the United States government determines who the traitor is, they can only initiate very small covert operations. We must use this time to our advantage and recapture the girl. The two Americans can only get our of our territory by using one of two routes. This is where we will stop them. We shall make use of our forces to the greatest degree. We will deploy a large number of Ganados in one of the routes to ensure that they do not slip by us. For the other route we shall leave the task to El Gigante. Whichever route they take, the agent will never leave here alive. Not with the girl at least. VILLAGE'S LAST DEFENSE ---------------------- Found on the locker in the area with the moving platforms in chapter 2-3. ____ I clearly underestimated the American agent's capability. He's still alive. I thought that we could wait until the egg hatches, but at this rate, he could destroy the whole village before it does. We must take care of this nuisance. We shall change our priorities - for the time being, we will cease our hunt for Luis and ambush the two Americans. There is a building used to enlighten betrayers just beyond the point where you get off the lift. It's a perfect place for ambushing them. If all else fails, they still would need to face me in order to get past the last gate that leads out of the village. For only before my sight will the gate open. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.2. Castle Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPTURE LUIS SERA ----------------- Found on the wall in the hall with the stone dragons in chapter 3-1. ____ I have confirmation that Sera has entered the castle. Why he would return during his escape leaves me to question his motives. But we must sieze this moment and capture him. We will get the other two Americans after we apprehend Sera It appears he took some vaccines when he stole our "sample". The vaccines we can do without but we must retrieve the "sample" for it is our life blood. I feel there is somebody else or some other group involved in this affair. If the "sample" were to get into hands of that other entity, the world which we seek to create will not come. We must apprehend Sera as quickly as possible. TARGET PRACTICE --------------- Found on the table in the merchant's room in chapter 3-1. ____ - Game Rules - 1. Receive prizes by scoring above 1,000 points. 2. Bonus points will be awarded for headshots. 3. A high-scoring Salazar target may appear with successive hits. 4. Shooting an Ashley target will deduct points. - Prizes - 1. 1 bottle cap will be awarded for every 1,000 points scored. 2. Special bottle caps will be awarded by either shooting all the wooden targets except Ashley or scoring above 3,500 points. 3. There are 24 bottle caps in all. Each time you enter a new Shooting Range, 6 new bottle caps will become available. - Special Bonuses - 1. Each time you complete a row on the collector's base, you'll earn bonus points! 2. There are a total of 4 rows. You have 4 bonus chances! Note: Bottle cap collections can be viewed in the Key/Treasures screen. LUIS' MEMO ---------- Found in a cell in the sewer in chapter 3-2. ____ There are some parasites that have the ability to control their hosts. It's basic knowledge among biologists but not much is known as to how the parasites do it. Studying these parasites specifically might reveal some clues as to how the powers of the Las Plagas work. And perhaps provide more insight on the victims of the Las Plagas, the Los Ganados. Here is a list of some parasites that have the ability to manipulate the behavioral patterns of their host. Dicrocoelium Once the larvae of this parasite migrates to the ant's esophagus, it alters the behavior of the ant. When the temperature drops in the evening, the infected ant climbs to the top of a plant and clamps onto a leaf using its mandible. It stays there immobile until the next morning, placing the ant where it's most vulnerable to be eaten by a browsing herbivore such as sheep. One could conclude that the parasite is manipulating the host's behavior to make its way into the body of its definitive host. Galactosomum The larvae of this parasite makes its home inside the brain of a fish such as the yellowtail and the parrot bass. Once infected, the fish make their way up to the water's surface where they'll swim until eaten by seabirds. Once again, this peculiar behavior can only be explained by the parasite's desire to get into the bodies of the seabirds. Leucochloridium This parasite's sporocysts develop in the snail's tentacles. The sporocysts are vivid in color and pulsate continually somewhat like a worm. Surprisingly the infected snail makes its way to the top of a plant where it is more visible to the eyes of birds, therefore more likely to be eaten. Once eaten by a bird, the parasite will complete its metamorphosis into an adult. CASTELLAN MEMO -------------- Found on the table before the gatling gun room in chapter 3-2. ____ For many years the Salazar family has served as the castellans of this castle. However, not everything is bright, for my ancestry has a dark past. Long ago there once was a religious group that had deep roots in this region called the Los Illuminados. Unjustly however, the first castellan of the castle took away their rights and powers. As a follower of this religion and as the 8th Castellan, I felt that it was my duty as well as my responsibility to atone for that sin. I knew the best way to atone for the sin was to give power back to those who we once took it away from, the Los Illuminados. As expected it took a little time, but we were able to rejuvenate the once sealed Las Plagas. With this success I was one step closer to the revival of the Los Illuminados. The reason why I released the Las Plagas from deep under this castle and gave them to Lord Saddler was not only to repay for the sins of my ancestors but I felt certain that the Lord would make better use of this power to help save the world. To save those that have sinned with the power of the Las Plagas and to cleane their souls creating a world without sinners. The way it was meant to be. Once cleansed, they would become one of the many Ganados where they will find their reason to live. And after the Lord has succeeded in creating the world in which he has envisioned, then the sins of my Salazar family will be atoned for. FEMALE INTRUDER --------------- Found on the table at the start of chapter 3-3. ____ There seems to be a female intruder among us. We believe she's connected with Sera. We also believe that she was the one who removed the egg injected into Sera before it hatched. She may have had him retrieve the "sample" before the American agent's arrival. It's obvious that her objective is the "sample". We must get to her before she is able to reestablish contact with Sera. There's also reason to believe that she's working for somebody. We need her alive for interrogation. The female should be able to answer all our questions. After we have captured her, Sera will no longer be of any concern. As long as we retrieve the "sample", you may dispose of him as you see fit. BUTLER'S MEMO ------------- Found in the butler's room while playing as Ashley near the end of chapter 3-4. ____ Knowing that Sr. Ramon Salazar had no family, Lord Saddler must have used his strong faith in the Los Illuminados to his advantage to talk Sr. Salazar into undoing the seal of the Las Plagas once done by his ancestor. Sr. Salazar would never do such a thing unless he was in some way being used unknowingly. I should have sensed the Lord's dirty scheme sooner. I feel I'm partly responsible for all of this. I have no idea as to what the Lord is planning, but Sr. Salazar was just being used. It is too late now however, Sr. Salazar has already taken the Plaga into his body. There is no turning back once the Plaga has turned into an adult in the body. The Plaga parasite will not die unless the host dies. There's no cure. Perhaps, Sr. Salazar may have been vaguely aware of the Lord's plan all along. But it's hard to tell. Nevertheless, there's nothing I can do about it now. I have served the Salazar family for generations. I am prepared to continue my services until the very end. LUIS' MEMO 2 ------------ Found near the typewriter in the merchant's room at the start of chapter 4-2. ____ The first castellan buried the Las Plagas deep underground below the castle to hide their very existence. But when Salazar released the Las Plagas, no one thought he could bring them back to life. Because when Salazar found them they were all just fossilized remains. Everyone knew that the parasitic organisms could not survive withour hosts. That they couldn't sustain life on their own. But when Salazar and his men excavated the remains, it almost appeared as if the Las Plagas were just waiting to be discovered so that they could resurrect. Several years later, unexplainable convulsions started occurring among the villagers who helped with the excavation of the Las Plagas. Then one day, all of a sudden, these villagers turned into violent savages. They later found out it was caused by the Las Plagas. Although they appeared fossilized, they were able to survive the long years by lying in a dormant state at the cellular level remaining in a spore-like form. Apparently, during the excavation, the villagers inhaled the spores and within their bodies the parasites became active again. This is how the Las Plagas were resurrected. Even as I'm writing, the excavation of the Las Plagas continues. God only knows how many of these Plagas have been resurrected. Not to mention the countless number of Ganados that have been created. Their inhumane activity must be put to an end. If they are not stopped, people around the world could turn into victims of this crazy cult organization. SAMPLE RETRIEVED ---------------- Found on a table in the hall leading to the King's Grail in chapter 4-1. ____ As you may have heard, Luis Sera has been disposed of by Lord Saddler. The "sample" is back where it belongs. I had hoped that the whole matter could be resolved without troubling the Lord. However, as long as the "sample" is safe we can all rejoice, for our time is nearly at hand. Now that the "sample" is back in our safe hands, it'll be a bit more difficult for that troublesome woman to get it. In light of all this, it's unfortunate that Sera had to go. Like us, he would have had a bright future if only he had shown more faith in our beliefs. As for the other two Americans, the Lord has left the matter in our hands. We must not disappoint the Lord. We shall capture Ashley and take her to the Lord and dispose of the American agent. RITUAL PREPARATION ------------------ Found in the clock tower in chapter 4-1. ____ Thanks to the efforts of the "Novistadors", we have been able to recapture Ashley. We shall prepare for the sacred ritual as quickly as possible and make Ashley an official member of the Los Illuminados. While we prepare for the ritual, those of you who feel inclined can attend to our American friend. We should be able to hold off our friend at least a little while by jamming the gears in the clock tower with something. I think if we jam the gears in 3 places, it should give us enough time to prepare everything for the ritual. Now go and entertain our American tourist. LETTER FROM ADA --------------- Found outside the merchant's hut at the start of chapter 4-3. ____ Once a Plaga egg hatches, it's nearly impossible to remove it from the body. But if it's before it hatches, then it can be neutralized by medication. If it does hatch you might be able to get it out by surgery before it turns into an adult. But it won't be easy. There's a high chance you won't survive the operation. As far as I know the girl was injected with the egg before you. Her time is ticking. You should prepare yourself for the worst case scenario. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.3. Island Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUIS' MEMO 3 ------------ Found on the table just before the first regenerator appears in chapter 5-1. ____ The hideous creatures such as the El Gigante and the Novistadors are merely by-products of the diabolical and inhumane experiments conducted on the specimens that were once human. But there's one type of creature that clearly distinguishes itself from the rest. These creatures are called Regenerators. Regenerators have a superior metabolism that allows them to regenerate their lost body parts at an incredible speed. I've never seen anything like it... It is this characteristic that makes them almost invincible to conventional weapons. But like any living creature, there's a way to kill it. Apparently there are Plagas that live in its body; somewhat like leeches. They can't be seen with the naked eye. They can only be located through thermal imaging. To stop its regeneration process, these leech-like Plagas must be located and then destroyed. As far as I know, most of the Regenerators host a number of these leech-like Plagas. To kill the Regenerators, each one of these leech-like Plagas must be killed. PAPER AIRPLANE -------------- Found in the room at the start of chapter 5-2. ____ Perhaps you have it figured out already, but you might be able to get out of here by using the waste disposal vent. OUR PLAN -------- Found on the table at the start of chapter 5-3. ____ Because of that agent we lost Chief Mendez and Ramon. Nevertheless, everything will proceed according to plan. I must admit however, the loss of my loyal men is a bit disheartening. But I will deal with it. Replacing that loss will not come easy. I must choose wisely; for the Plaga reflects the conscience of their hosts. If chosen poorly, they could betray me. I need men who will swear their allegiance to me. I've learned my lesson when Sera betrayed me. I will not make the same mistake again. In this important hour, I cannot and will not have anyone stand in my way. LUIS' MEMO 4 ------------ Found near the merchant before the cage area in chapter 5-3. ____ I'll report my findings about the Plagas here. The Plagas have 3 distinct characteristics. 1. As mentioned previously, the Plagas have the ability to manipulate the behavioral patterns of their hosts. 2. The Plagas are social organisms. By this I mean that instead of living individually, they live in perfect social harmony. It is believed that they have a collective intelligence. This type of behavior can be seen among insects such as bees and ants. However this kind of social behavior is rarely seen among parasitic organisms. Perhaps it was a learned behavior by the Plagas. I'm finding out if this has any relationship with their first characteristic. 3. The Plagas have exceptional adaptation skills. They are able to live off many kinds of organisms by creating a symbiotic environment quickly. This ability, when combined with their social behaviors, allows them to interact intelligently between hosts regardless of the host organism. I am ashamed to admit that my pure fascination with the Plagas, in hindsight, has blinded me to the true research objectives of the Los Illuminados. Even with the knowledge that Saddler was going to abuse the results of these experiments, I could not pull myself away from my research. As a result, I am just as responsible for this whole mess as he is. I see now that I was wrong, but can I stop their evil plans alone...? KRAUSER'S NOTE -------------- Found on the table in the merchant's room before the fortress in chapter 5-3. ____ It turns out that old man Saddler wasn't buying me from the start. Even though I succeeded in kidnapping Ashley, I sort of sensed this when Saddler didn't completely let me in the loop. Under the circumstances, I had no other alternative but to call for her assistance. Perhaps she knew this was the way it was going to turn out all along... My guess is that her ultimate goal might be different from Wesker's and mine. This is just the perfect opportunity to find out. And after I get rid of Leon and retrieve the sample, I'll put her in a bodybag along with Leon and send them both to Wesker. LUIS' MEMO 5 ------------ Found on the rocks in the merchant's area near the end of chapter 5-4. ____ From the initial stages of the research, we have been searching for a safe and practical removal procedure of the Plaga. Ironically, it turns out that the real objective of this research was not to find a way to remove the Plagas from the infected persons but to find a way so that the Plaga could not be removed from the body easily. In the end, we were able to find out that the Plagas could be removed only by exposing them to a special radiation. The only drawback with this method is that it is a very painful procedure. Since the Plaga attaches itself to the nerves, there is a possibility that it may impair the consciousness of the host. Another fact that must be mentioned is that once the Plaga grows into an adult, the removal procedure could kill the host. But perhaps death isn't so bad when you think about the alternative. OUR MISSION ----------- Found at the top of the steps at the start of the final chapter. ____ The real power of the United States lies in three areas. The Justice Department, the Administrative bodies, and the Military. In order to take control of these areas, we must influence the minds of the people who advise the President. After this is done, the rest of the departments will quickly fall under our sway. If by chance the United States were to figure out our plan, the damage caused should be minimal. We will still be able to conquer the country as planned using our backup plan. Once we control the country, we will use their international influence to our advantage. The rest of the world will fall swiftly. As already stated, if our first plan doesn't go as smoothly as expected, we'll proceed with our secondary plan. By sending in our "special" forces we will infiltrate the country from within. Fear and chaos will spread through the nation like a virus. It'll only be a matter of time before the country loses its stability. At that time, when they're most vulnerable, we will strike. Rejoice my brethren; the world shall soon be cleansed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.4. Separate Ways Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1 -------- Found by completing chapter 1 of Separate Ways. ____ The only reason I've taken on this mission is to get closer to my own objective. No matter what happens, I can't let anyone figure that out. Of course, hiding in the shadows isn't my style. I'll have to reveal myself to him and offer advice once in a while. Here's what I know so far. Osmund Saddler's cult is known as Los Illuminados. They've resurrected some sort of parasitic organism they call Las Plagas. That's all my organization knows for sure, though Saddler's occult activities seem worthy of investigation. The Salazar family, castellans for generations, possess the ability to control Las Plagas. The organization's hypothesis is that a unique frequency of sonic wave sensed only by the parasites is used to control them. The same principle used in dog whistles. This was inferred through the analysis of a tissue sample we retrieved. The tissue contained an organ presumably used for sensing sound waves. I've seen cult members carrying ceremonial rods and I wonder if they emit these sounds. Of course, this is purely theoretical. The organization needs samples of the parasite to confirm or disprove these theories. That is the main objective of my mission and the only way to prove my loyalty to the organization. The opening moves in this chess game have been played. There's no turning back now. REPORT 2 -------- Found by completing chapter 2 of Separate Ways. ____ Among all the people involved in this, Luis Sera has the least entanglements. He works for no organization, preferring to move on his own. I'm the one who told the organization of his importance. I did it because I like him. His history betrays an enthusiasm I once shared. It was a stroke of luck that I happened to intercept his e-mail for help. It seems he can't trust the police, so he sent the e-mail to an old friend from college. He must have thought his friend was still alive. At any rate, that's how I managed to find him. Apparently, he'd been conducting his own investigation of the cult while doing research on Las Plagas. A brilliant scientist. He's accumulated a pile of data and pieced it all together. Must be why Saddler hired him. Too bad Sera's snooping has aroused his suspicion. When I told him who I was, he practically begged to be taken into custody. He needed protection. He said "I have no love for Las Plagas or this stupid cult. I want out. I just want peace and quiet again." I ordered him to bring me a master Plaga specimen - a sample - for evidence. Looks like he's one of the few people whom Saddler actually trusts. Tracking him down and getting my hands on the sample shouldn't be difficult. I doubt the cult will take kindly to his escape, though. I'll have to guide this along if I want it to go smoothly. REPORT 3 -------- Found by completing chapter 3 of Separate Ways. ____ Jack Krauser has been the subject of extensive study and research by the organization. His skills and personality have been tested both on and off the battlefield. If he weren't the best, he would become a liability that would jeopardize the rest of us. My conclusion? He's a great soldier. No more. No less. As long as he's well compensated, he shouldn't cause any problems for us. If he does start to get restless, I can take care of him. I've studied his combat style and can deal with that arm of his if necessary. Krauser answers directly to Wesker, and it was Wesker who decided that Krauser should be sent to spy on the cult. He also decided to send me along. I wonder if it wasn't to keep an eye on Krauser. No doubt Krauser has already fallen to the temptation of Las Plagas and the power they represent. This could have dire consequences for the organization. On some level, however, this may be a necessary development, as his role is to disrupt this farce of a play. That said, the stage and its players will ultimately come crashing down in the end. Bad luck for him, but he'll play the patsy in the end and take the fall for all of us. That's why I need to make sure things keep going exactly as they are. REPORT 4 -------- Found by completing chapter 4 of Separate Ways. ____ Leon S. Kennedy... Perhaps the most essential part of this mission. This story wouldn't be complete without him and his formidable survival skills. He has what it takes to survive against overwhelming odds. I've seen him do it before. And he's improved since then. Practically a genius, he has smarts and he knows how to use them. On top of that, his service as a government agent has toughened him up. I'll work behind the scenes to make him think he's the primary player here, though it may be naive of me to think that'll be easy. Considering the involvement of both Saddler and Krauser, the possibility of unforeseen problems is there, but I need him in the supporting role for me to achieve my goals. I'll do whatever it takes to keep him in his place and make this all go smoothly. Of course, his role didn't exist at all until a few months ago. Back then, my role was much simpler, too. But that was before the President's daughter was abducted and Leon was dispatched alone to find her. Talk about a major script revision. I don't think I need to worry. Leon's been through worse and always comes up smelling like roses. His consistent luck is part of the reason why I have absolute and unshakable faith in my vision of what's in store for him. REPORT 5 -------- Found by completing chapter 5 of Separate Ways. ____ It wasn't easy, but I'd say the mission has been a success. Getting my hands on the sample was my initial objective after all. But I've sent Wesker a different present, just as the organization ordered. Pretending to work with him was entertaining. Albert Wesker... I wonder where he's headed next. Something tells me this whole affair was just a taste of what he's got in store. To him, Umbrella represented power. He used it to hide behind while he made plans of his own. And now the umbrella's been folded. With the sanctuary of their old umbrella ruined, those in power struggle to erect a new one. They are aware of their own crookedness and deceit as they engage in their personal war of light and darkness. That's why Wesker will stop at nothing in opening his new umbrella. The giant pharmaceutical corporation S maintains medical and drug facilities the world over. We know for certain that Wesker has been in contact with them following Umbrella's demise. There's no doubt we'll next hear from him there. The organization must remain vigilant. But Wesker's not stupid. He knows exactly what the organization is thinking. He and I still have time to continue our little game of cat and mouse before the next move is played. The mission may be over, but the battle is just beginning. =============================================================================== 10. Copyright Information =============================================================================== This file is Copyright 2005-2008 Tom Hayes. As it can be difficult to keep track of websites that haven't posted the latest version of this file, please do not distribute it without my permission. Send an e-mail to me if you would like to post this file on your website and you will likely receive a positive response. If you do post the file, please keep it in its original form with all of the sections intact and credit the author (Tom Hayes) as the writer of the file. The latest version of the file can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.