Earth! ...Fire! ...Wind! Water! Heart! Your powers combined, this is the _m. _W@@` ,_s____ _ ,_ _8@b___________gm@@m@@WmmW@@@@@@@@@@@A**! ]@@mmm____________gmmmm@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A********f~` ]@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@**~` '` ]@@@@@@@@A******~~~~~~~~~@@@@P~A` '@@*f~` Y@@P` ` !@@ .___ _____ .__ .__ __ | | ____ _/ ____\ |__| ____ |__| _/ |_ ____ | | / \ \ __\ | | / \ | | \ __\ _/ __ \ | | | | \ | | | | | | \ | | | | \ ___/ |___| |___| / |__| |__| |___| / |__| |__| \___ > \/ \/ \/ __________ __ __ \______ \ ____ ____ | | __ ____ _/ |_ | _/ / _ \ _/ ___\ | |/ / _/ __ \ \ __\ | | \ ( <_> ) \ \___ | < \ ___/ | | |____|_ / \____/ \___ > |__|_ \ \___ > |__| \/ \/ \/ \/ .__ .__ | | _____ __ __ ____ ____ | |__ ____ _______ | | \__ \ | | \ / \ _/ ___\ | | \ _/ __ \ \_ __ \ | |__ / __ \_ | | / | | \ \ \___ | Y \ \ ___/ | | \/ |____/ (____ / |____/ |___| / \___ > |___| / \___ > |__| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ___________ _____ ________ \_ _____/ / _ \ \_____ \ | __) / /_\ \ / / \ \ | \ / | \ / \_/. \ \___ / \____|__ / \_____\ \_/ \/ \/ \__> _m. _W@@` ,_s____ _ ,_ _8@b___________gm@@m@@WmmW@@@@@@@@@@@A**! ]@@mmm____________gmmmm@@@@@@c@@@@@@@@@@@@@p@@@@@@@t@@@A********f~` ]@@@@A@@@c@@@c@@@@e@@@p@@@t@@@@@@@e@@@@@@@@**~` '` ]@@@@@@@@A******~~~~~~~~~@@@@P~A` '@@*f~` Y@@P` ` !@@ I.R.L.F.! It's our hero! Gonna take ganados down to zero! It's the finest of the three, way to suck Handcannon and CT! I.R.L.F.! It's our hero! Gonna take ganados down to zero! Ganados will throw in the towel, and you will make them loosen bowels! God help me if I'm going to mock the Planeteers part, so make up something witty and sing it in your head. /|VERSION HISTORY|\ 1.0 - Release of the BEST RE4 BASED IRL FAQ TO DATE 1.1 - Credited Midwarrior, created highlights, fixed the HandCannon comparison. Apparently, the IRL is even better than the HandCannon than I thought. /|INTRODUCTION|\ From the mind of the insane Do you know what I hear all the time on the Resident Evil 4 message boards? One person will always say something like "I'm trying to save up for the IRL, will somebody please give me some tips?" then another person would always say "TEH IRL SUXX0rZ, GET THE CT INSTEDE". And yes, some of them say instede. I did not make that up. But I saw through the IRL's adversities and I saw something beautiful. Something you couldn't put in a FAQ. However, I implemented the feeling into a FAQ. As such, the quality of the FAQ goes down. However, I stay up; late nights writing this at 2:45 AM. I'm burning the midnight oil; however, it ran out an hour ago. So, anyway, yeah. The IRL deserves a FAQ as much as the HandCannon does. In fact, it deserves a FAQ more. Children, be enlightened, and see through the eyes of Roll EXE! As time goes on, you'll realize just how incredible the IRL is. Think about it, what was the most powerful weapon on the first round? The Rocket Launcher! The only problem with it was the fact that it only lasted once. Lo and behold, your dreams come true! The most powerful weapon in the game, again and again! The Infinite Rocket Launcher also utilizes novelty and usefulness better than any other weapon in the game. I've done many IRL runs, and it's still funny as hell when I see an enemy blow up. Almost everything would die simply by the splash damage of a rocket. WEEEEE! Also, it also provides the most damage of any other weapon in the game, and I can prove it. Let's analyze the three unlockable weapons in the game. HandCannon: ~85.385 damage every 1.14 second. Chicago Typewriter: 10.0 damage every .10 second. Rocket Launcher: 350 damage every ~2.5 seconds. This does not include the splash damage it will do to all surrounding enemies, which is 166 damage. Enough to kill many bosses and all regular enemies that aren't J.J. (Still haven't quite figured that one out). Therefore, the Chicago Typewriter will do 100 damage in one second, ~14.615 damage more than the HandCannon per second, but none of them can compare to the Infinite Rocket Launcher's insane might. /|FUNDING|\ Get yo ass some bling! Ah...the Infinite Rocket Launcher. Infinite amounts of rockets for the price of 33 Rocket Launchers and 1 First Aid Spray. I would say 33 1/3 Rocket Launchers, but that damned Merchant is holding out on that 1/3 of a Rocket Launcher. Bastard! I never had a problem with funding, but I can see how some people can. I ended my first pro round with 1.5 million Pesetas, an unupgraded handgun, an upgraded striker, an unupgraded broken butterfly, an unupgraded bolt-action rifle, and an unupgraded mine thrower. I'm not a real fan of upgrading (one more reason I wrote an IRL FAQ). Well, if you have unlocked the Infinite Rocket Launcher, you have completed the game at least once. As such, you should be set as far as weapons go. I also suspect that you bought all the treasure maps; if not, buy them all as quickly as possible. Get every treasure. Don't buy or upgrade anything. Trust me; you will get 1,000,000 pesetas before you know it. After you defy my suggestion and buy the Chicago Typewriter, you'll have to make 500,000 more pesetas, and then sell the Chicago Typewriter after realizing it's the ultimate pig in a poke. Pop the champaigne and pass the bong, you have the IRL in your inventory, ready for action! If anyone cares, it takes as much space as a normal Rocket Launcher, which is 2x8 boxes. /|SPECIALTIES AND FEATURES|\ You want the truth? You can't HANDLE the truth! Firstly, the Infinite Rocket Launcher can zoom in and out, making it ideal in many situations. You might not think that's too amazing, but you'll most likely find yourself using the zoom feature more than you might think. This feature is yet another addition that the other two major unlockable weapons, the HC and the CT, don't have. The zoom option also destroys the need for a rifle, but just to be fair, I recommend having a Semi-Auto rifle and an Infrared Scope in your inventory, even after your purchase of an IRL. Because I'm just fair like that. And let us not forget the fact that the IRL blows people up. When I first went through the game, I thought the weapon that was the most fun was the Mine Thrower. Why? Because if it landed anywhere on your body, it would blow you up. That, my friend, is entertainment. Now, we have the ability to blow people up throughout the entire game. Yeee! As afore mentioned, I have completed many IRL runs, and for whatever reason I still find exploding ganados funny. There are a few exceptions to the explosions, however, and I shall list them. Ashley will not explode with a rocket. However, I felt compelled to test this several times, and this has been confirmed. She'll just fly back and land on the ground, stone dead. Also, if you hit some merchants with a rocket, they will not explode. However, other merchants will explode. I have yet to find what causes the merchants not to explode, but I believe they explode more often as time goes on. Merchants also die very easily with rocket fire; so be warned. Any ganado that you face before you get to the main village will not explode. In fact, they will not disinegrate, which is the reason that they will not explode. Also, any enemy that does not normally disinegrate will not explode. This includes, but is not limited to, sub-bosses such as Garradors and JJs. Also, no boss will explode (unless you count the Verdugo frozen death scene exploding). This includes, but is not limited to, El Gigante on the path whose direction is the right when you must choose the two routes. I'd say the right path, but that doesn't seem correct, y'know? Also; the explosion discussion leads us into another discussion; the splash damage. The splash damage should kill just about every enemy, save for a few sub-bosses. I will list those sub- bosses in a later section of the FAQ. Also, you may practice with the IRL as much you'd like, because there are no reprocutions to firing a rocket. Any rocket that you fire will not count towards your hit percentage. Any rocket that you fire will not count towards your hit percentage. Any rocket that you fire will not count towards your hit percentage. Now, think of the signifigance of a rocket not counting towards your hit percentage. That means that any rocket that you'll fire will kill countless enemies, and it will not count as a shot. For those of you who still don't understand at this point, let me give you an example. Say at the beginning of the game you shoot a single handgun round, and it hits the honest woodcutter in the torso, in his face, or in his legs. Then, you take out the IRL and shoot Mr. I'm so honest, but I'm trying to kill you. After that, you use the IRL until the chapter ends. At the end of the chapter, since the one round you fired hit that one ganado once, your hit percentage is 100%. Now, say during the second chapter, you use nothing except for the IRL. At the end of the chapter, it will say your average for the chapter is 0%. However, it will still say 100% around the total game hit percentage. This means that if you use nothing but the Infinite Rocket Launcher for the rest of the game, at the end your hit percentage will be 100%. It's definitely worth a screenshot. And yes, I just gave away a huge secret here. Please note that it will still be 100% if you use other weapons and fire other bullets, but I would suggest keeping that to a minimum, seeing how a single miss will lead to the truncation of 100% accuracy. Also, you can use this trick to get 0% accuracy as I have, but... that's less prestigious. Or more prestigious, seeing how it will leave people that didn't read this FAQ in confusion. Because you're evil like that. /|COMBAT STRATEGIES|\ - GENERAL Now you know! It's rather hard to produce just combat strategies without the entire walkthrough, because it's very broad. When you just look at it in one huge chunk, it really is as dull as people say it is. What you must remember is that the only place that the Infinite Rocket Launcher can be used is in the main game, which has limited amounts of scenarios and places, each with a different strategy. That being said, here are the basics that you'll need to know. 1. The Direct Shot I'd like to start off with the shot that everyone first thinks of doing; the direct shot. This is when you hit a ganado by aiming at it. This will kill the basic enemy and all the enemies around it. However, remember to watch how close the enemy is. This shot is perfect at long distances, but watch out during short distance shots. You'll need to play around a bit to determine how close you can be to an explosion without getting hurt. YOU HAVE NOT BEEN DAMAGED IF LEON PUTS HIS HANDS IN FRONT OF HIS FACE DURING THE EXPLOSION. You only take damage if Leon is knocked to the ground. Also, many enemies have melee weapons. If you see an enemy about to attack you, the direct shot is not your best bet; it will only be a threat to yourself. 2. The Indirect Shot Man, didn't see that coming, did you? This shot is when you don't hit an enemy with a rocket, but rather either a floor, or any material object such as a house or a wall. This relies on splash damage; and you should experiment to see what distances will effect you and what distances won't effect you. Again, YOU HAVE NOT BEEN DAMAGED IF LEON PUTS HIS HANDS IN FRONT OF HIS FACE DURING THE EXPLOSION. You only take damage if Leon is knocked to the ground. This shot is normally used when an enemy is very close to you, and you would take damage if you shot the enemy. It's also used in closed areas, such as the cage fight that takes place after the garden. 3. The Quick Shot This is the shot where you just hold R and keep pressing A until you shoot. Intended for times where you don't have any time to aim the Infinite Rocket Launcher. You'll have to play around and figure out how the rocket is going to fire when you just shoot a rocket. There aren't many times where this is going to be required, but is wholly necessary to master the IRL. 4. The Point Blank Shot The Point Blank Shot is when you see no other option than to launch a rocket at an enemy right in front of you. This will kill Ashley if she's with you, but as for Leon, if your health is in the green you will live. That's the beauty of IRL; it even comes with a desperation shot. This is the only shot that I wouldn't recommend; and there is no situation that this is required. It's just a shot I felt I must include. 5. The Snipe Shot This is rather self-explanatory; it's where you use the Infinite Rocket Launcher's scope like you would a regular rifle. Only thing is, you don't have to be quite as accurate. Also, after doing so, other enemies around this enemy will most likely die as well. This makes the IRL very versatile. You don't really need the rifle if you use this to this extent. 6. The Kicker This is effective if someone is getting close in a closed space, or if someone grabs you. If someone grabs you from the front, just get out of it. When they're on the ground, blast their ass. If someone grabs you from behind, get out of it, about-face and waste them. However, if someone is getting close and you can't pull off an indirect shot, dodge their attack a knife their face. When the kick prompt appears, kick them and desecrate their body. It's very fun, and it's a personal favorite. It's useful in stressful situations. That's what you'll need to know to survive in this crazy mixed-up world of RE4. Saying you won't need to use these is an understatement, because most anything you can do with the Infinite Rocket Launcher fits into one of these categories. You're welcome. /|PLACES I WOULDN'T SUGGEST USING THE IRL|\ ... /|COMBAT STRATEGIES|\ PART DEUX - ENEMIES And knowing is half the battle! Keep in mind that these are very general, because there are many different situations and in there is the proper strategy. This will be the most broad part of this entire FAQ. You will do good to remember that. I have implemented a difficulty factor and a fun factor, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, along with commentary. REGULAR GANADOS "UN FORASTERO!" Any combat strategy would be good for the ganados, and the usefulness of the skills depends on the situation. All I can think about is don't get hit by the projectiles, and avoid shooting them accident. Most of them will try to hit you with melee weapons, so try killing them before they get to you. Also, with the IRL you will not have to worry about those pesky Las Plagas popping up. Difficulty: 2.5 They're pawns in our game...AHAHAHAHA!!! Fun: 8 UN FORES*BOOM* DR. SALVADOR "VROOOOOOOM! VROOM VROOM VROOOOOOM!" Sure, usually he has plenty of help...but with the Infinite Rocket Launcher, you can kill him with splash damage. Also, the chainsaw makes him pretty slow, but kill him as soon as you see him. Difficulty: 2 Not really enough of them to make an impact on you. Fun: 8.5 Revenge! You one hit killed me, I'll return the favor *****! NORMAL ZEALOTS "Muere, muere, muere..." No major difference from the ganados. However, the ones with arrows should be taken out with a distanced shot. Otherwise...nothing changed, I'm afraid. Difficulty: 2 Way to suck. Fun: 6 We've seen it before. But you still explode. <3 SHIELDED ZEALOTS "LOL look at my shield" Like normal zealots, but much slower. Any blast will kill them. YAWN. Difficulty: 1.5 Slow. Very slow, no match for a rocket's awesome might. Fun: 7 Does your shield help you at all? No? Well, Mr. 'I'm screwed', you're screwed. NOVISTADORS "Pitter patter pitter patter pitter patter CLANK" Now, once you remember the respawn points, these won't be any kind of problem. just blast the place they are or where you think they are, and they will die on touch. Press A if it says kick, and after that just desecrate it's body. Difficulty: 6 It's likely you can accidently blow yourself up, quite a few times. If you're surrounded, you'll be under constant attack and may need to pull off a point blank shot. Even that will take several tries. Fun: 3 It's something I'd rather not think about. Not very fun. They don't explode. DOGS "BARK! BAAAARK! The best tactic for the dogs would be the indirect shots. During the hedge maze, it's best to shoot the hedges when you think you hear the dogs. They will die in this way. Difficulty: 4 Not the hardest, but they are agile to the point that they'll mess you up. They mess you up good. Fun: 1 I...don't like killing dogs. End of story. ARMORED KNIGHTS "Clang, clang, clang, clang" There is one point where you're going to fight these guys. When you grab the King's grail, go to the place in the room that just got sealed of. Put your back to it. When they get close, shoot a rocket at the place the King's Grail was. All of the knights should die. Simply repeat as the next round of knights come in. If any of them aren't dead, fire another rocket in the same place. Difficulty: 1.5 With my technique, you won't have a problem. Fun: 4 It's nothing more than a necessary fight. SOLDIERS "Bzzt!" No difference to the Zealots. Difficulty: 2 n00bs Fun: 6 Wow, more generic enemies. But, y'know, they explode! J.J. "AAAAAAAAAA!" He has an odd truncation, so it will take two shots to kill him. It doesn't matter if they're indirect or direct shots. Other than that, make sure you keep him at a distance. Also, strike him before he strikes you. Also, HE'S FAT! Difficulty: 4 Rather easy if you know what you're doing. Fun: 5 Won't explode? That takes away some of the point...sigh... REGENERATORS/IRON MAIDENS "Exhale...inhale...exhale...inhale..." I'll admit, I was waiting to get to this point. The Regenerators are said to be the scariest and hardest enemies in the game, but it's the opposite when it comes to the Infinite Rocket Launcher. Regenerators move very slowly, and a single rocket is enough to kill them. Indirect and direct. How the mighty have fallen. Difficulty: 1 Slowest enemies, one hit kill. 1, damn you, 1!!! Fun: 10 Ah, sweet revenge. Very fun death sequence as well. THE REGENERATORS AND IRON MAIDENS GET THE ROLL EXE SEAL OF APPROVAL. -BOSSES- DEL LAGO "Chomp" Beyond the IRL's control. DAAAAMN! FIRST EL GIGANTE "AOOAAAOOAAO!" As soon as the fight starts, shoot him. Dead in one shot, won't even trigger the plagas coming out scene. Difficulty: 1 A simple Quick Shot should kill him. Not difficult. Fun: 6 Doesn't matter if you can lift a tree or not when you have a rocket launcher in yo face! DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN! El GIGANTE RIGHT PATH "AOOAAAOOAAO!" Run to the gate. When the cutscene starts, you should be able to shoot him. I wouldn't worry about the boulder that's there. You might have to take two shots in case you miss the first shot, but other than that there isn't much going on here. Difficulty: 3 If you miss the first shot, shoot again. You miss that shot, you'll have to shoot El Gigante in a way that you don't kill Ashley. The situation shouldn't evolve from there. Fun: 5 There's nothing wrong with this guy, but nothing stands out. Tragic. MENDEZ "You carry the same blood as us..." For this fight, it's entirely opportunity. After the cutscene, Mendez is at a reasonable distance, and you can just blast him or blast the ground near him. This triggers another scene where he's lost his legs. However, a single shot will still kill him. First shoot him when he's right in front of you. If you miss this shot, run forward and about face. He should be on the ceiling; shoot him. If you miss this one, run towards the ladder, run forward a little and about face. When he gets close enough, blast him. You should be able to get him here even if you couldn't get him in the other places. Difficulty: 3 It takes little understanding to realize his attack maneuvers. Once you figure them out, the battle is easy. Fun: 5 Reasonably fun, but pretty pointless the way 'fun' goes. 1ST GARRADOR "RAWR" This should be easy for...anyone. Kick down the cage door, take a few steps forward. As soon as you see him react, walk backwards and fire a rocket. HE IS DEADz0rrz. Difficulty: 1 If you have a problem with the Garrador, seek professional help. Fun: 8 He's so pathetic it's somewhat funny. CAGED GARRADOR "RAWR" This is subsequent with the cage fight. Basically, when the Garrador drops down, shoot the lock. This will kill the Garrador and everybody in the entire cage region. From there, you can choose to leave the room, or simply clean up the reinforcements. Difficulty: 3 For me, this fight is routine. If you don't know what you're doing, though, you might have some difficulty. Fun: 6 As I said, routine. It's lost it's touch for me. DOS GARRADORS "RAWR" "Indeed, RAWR" There are a few zealots around, but I don't see anything difficult. When you enter the room, don't even move. Shoot one of the garradors. No matter which one you shoot, the unarmored one will die, and the armored one will live. Then, shoot both of the zealots. After they're dead, shoot the armored garrador, who should have been stunned up to that point. After that's, it's a matter of killing the remaining fodder and collecting the loot. Difficulty: 5 Definitely easier the more you practice. Again, if you don't know what you're doing, it's easy to die here. Fun: 7 After completing this room, you get a feeling of empowerment. Especially if you're a chronic...herb user. VERDUGO "So THAT'S why there were nitrogen tanks!" Watch out for the action prompts before the actual fighting process. I would suggest camping out roughly 45 seconds near the liquid nitrogen tank after you do the power switch. This will cause Verdugo to come, and when he's near just knock over the tank and blast him. I just LOVE the death animation when he's frozen. Difficulty: 4 Once more, very easy if you know what you're doing, but a single mistake can take the fight to another level. Fun: 8 All because of the frozen death animation. It's a combination of him shattering and exploding...and afterward, you get the crown jewels! Win-win! DOS GIGANTES "Wanna catch lunch?" "Around 2 sound good?" The best strategy would be to quickly go to the ladder. Climb up the ladder, and as soon as it starts shaking just slide down. From here, shoot one of them with a direct hit. It should die. Then shoot the other with a direct hit. Very much easy. Difficulty: 2 Shouldn't be that difficult. Neither of them do that much damage, and there are plenty of oppurtunities. Fun: 7 Pretty fun, for no real reason. SALAZAR "I think you've lived long enough, Mr. Kennedy" Actually, quite simple. I will give two way to defeat him; the easy way and the hard way. And take 'hard' with a grain of salt. HARD: Stand in the middle and keep blasting his eye. For whatever reason, it will take several shots to get him to reveal his body. Until then, dodge all the prompts and stray away from his one-hit kill. When he reveals his body, just shoot him with a direct hit. This should be enough to kill him. EASY: Run the the far right, until you are on the absolute left on Salazar. Shoot his tentacle. Salazar's only option here will be to do his one hit kill, but it will be in the middle, and miss you completely. As he's doing this, his body will be revealed. Hit him with a direct shot and he's down for the count. Difficulty: 2 Even inexperienced people should be able to handle these guys. I wouldn't really worry about it. Fun: 8 I give this an 8 because on my first playthrough, this guy was a MAJOR *****. After killing him so easily, I feel as though I got my due revenge. U3 PART ONE "****ing rope" This is, in my opinion, the hardest boss fight. Easy all the same, but, since almost any weapon could do the same thing as the Infinite Rocket Launcher, it makes little difference. Also, tight spaces, also not ideal. You have to learn to use these to your advantage. I would recommend just pulling off a quick shot at the start of each of the three stages. Pay attention to the dodge prompts. If you see it after that, use your good judgment to discern whether you should shoot a rocket at him or just run. The battle will be over soon. Difficulty: 7 One of the more difficult parts of the game with the IRL. This is, of course, comparison. You might find it easy. Fun: 7 Sure, difficult, but after I jump the rope, I only think one thing. "You're the best! Around! Nothing's gonna ever keep you down! You're the best! Arooooound! Nothing's gonna ever keep you down!" U3 PART TWO "PRIMAL SCREAM" Ironically, much easier than about-face. You shouldn't have a problem. Do an about-face and run towards the two items on the ground. Grab them and keep running. Once you get to the end of a straight line, about-face. When you see U3 come towards you, shoot him. This urges it into it's next form. Once it's done with it's spasm, shoot it again. This will kill U3. This will kill him dead. Difficulty: 2 Not at all difficult. If you fail anything above, just keep running and try again. Fun: 6 It's alright, just not difficult. More systematic than anything else. KRAUSER PART ONE "It's been a long time...comrade" Having already completed the game, you should pretty much know all about Krauser. Also, as Pro-Infinite Rocket Launcher as I am, I can find no strategy that's better than the traditional knife. Also, using the knife on Krauser has always been fun. For the interest of the FAQ, however, just shoot him with a rocket after the dodging sequence, or when he draws back. There are too few encounters for anything to get more complicated than that. Difficulty: 4 After the first run through, you'll hardly ever have difficulty with Krauser. Fun: 8 I just love the whole thing with Krauser. Fun times. KRAUSER PART TWO "Prepare for your death, Leon" After doing it with the Infinite Rocket Launcher, I'm telling you that there is no better strategy than using a knife. However, for the purpose of the FAQ, I will explain that process. The thing is, Krauser's arm, when in front of him, nullifies the damage from the IRL. Also, you almost never have enough time for a direct shot. Therefore, to use the IRL, you should knife him when he's too close and won't go away. After he dodges, shoot an indirect shot right behind him, which his arm doesn't protect against. Keep shooting; and if he comes close to attacking, you can just lather, rinse, and repeat. My recommendation stays with the knife strategy, though. Difficulty: 7 Very difficult with the IRL. I said it once, and I'll say it again; knife knife knife knife knife. Fun: 9 Hooray for Krauser! Alright, Krauser! Woohoo! LORD SADDLER "The 'American' prevailing is only something that happens in your 'Hollywood Movies'" Very easy fight. I would suggest running forward a little bit past Saddler and then do an about-face. Launch a rocket; it will do the same thing as a grenade, and bring him down. After that, you can knife him in the eye and repeat the process, or you can just send another rocket to quicken the process. This will trigger the cutscene where Ada throws a special rocket. Grab the special rocket, either to use it to kill off Saddler or have to sell the next round. Or just ignore it completely. Anyway, just latter, rinse, and repeat, and he should be dead. Then, you shall complete the game. You will see a scene where Ada attempts to kill herself, but is saved by a convenient flying helicopter. Then, the island will blow up. Difficulty: 4 He's not the easiest boss in the game, but you should be able to win unscathed. Fun: 6 Pretty fun, but it's not something I'm going to just go and do again for the hell of it. That is all, I'm afraid. If I left anything out, please inform me. You can look up my information quite easily. If you can't figure out how to access my information, don't even bother informing me. /|WALKTHROUGH|\ CRAAAAAWLING IIIIIN MY SKIIIIIIIIIIIIIN At first, a walkthrough seemed like a ridiculously good idea, seeing as how every situation is different. This would be the heart of the FAQ. However, it was here that I realized how insane a walkthrough was. Think about it; the average amount of kills per round is about 1000. What I've been doing is making at least one or two sentences per death. I realized that despite how much I'd want to, it'd take a long ass time. I may do it in the future, but I'm listing the highlights here. Ashley in chains- Get as close to the bottom as you can. This may take some experimenting, but aim right under the chandelier, an inch below where the colors compliment. If she dies, you're too low. If two bars come off, carefully aim another inch lower. For whatever reason, her head never takes damage. Ashley behind bars- When the two monks driving the pimpmomotor show up, aim through the bars. VEEERY EASY, all I'm saying is that it's possible. 1st U3 fight, third part- I felt as though I had to include this. When the red switch is on the right, and activating it will make U3 appear. go to the left. You can shoot the door, and it'll open, allowing a shortcut. You can then activate the switch that is there. Go back and get the other switch to make U3 appear, and then just head to the last door. LOOPHOLE! /|CREDITS|\ Mdiddy: For motivating me and attempting to seduce me. Claims to be a good person at heart. The n00B Avenger: For giving the unlisted damage for the Rocket Launcher, warning me about Mdiddy attempting to seduce me, and giving me support, saying that an IRL FAQ would be "almost as bad of an idea as the HandCannon FAQ". Midwarrior: For claiming that he came up with the idea of the fun factor whilst I was inebriated. That's it. The rest of you reading this FAQ are a bunch of freeloaders. If you feel like you should be credited, be sure to contact me. Also, if I forgot anything, remember to contact me as well. /|AFTERTHOUGHTS|\ Keep your opinion. Go ahead and think the Infinite Rocket Launcher sucks, I don't care. However, the IRL should go down in Resident Evil history as the best weapon. If you don't agree, shove it. ... ... ...Ta-da!