+ +++ ++++ ++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++++ +++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++ ++++ +++++++ ++++ +++ +++ ++++ +++ + ++ ++++ ++++ ++ ++++ +++++++ +++ +++++++ +++ +++++++ +++ +++ ++ _________________________________________________ ++++++++ +++++++++++ Translations FAQ +++++ +++ ++++++++++ + +++ +++++ ++++ Authors: Jack White / Daniel Valles ++ +++++ +++ Translators: Daniel Valles / DECAF + +++++ ++ +++++ + + +++ + + ++ + _________________________________________________ + + + ++ +++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents: 1. Version History - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (S01) 2. Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(S02) 3. Dictation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (S03) 4. Curses/Swear Words - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(S04) 5. Random Phrases and Words - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(S05) i) Los Ganados - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(SB51) ii) Los Illuminados / Zealots - - - - - - - - (SB52) iii) Soldiers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (SB53) 6. Cutscene Translations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (S06) i) Main Game - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(SB61) ii) Separate Ways - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (SB62) 7. Enemy Names - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (S07) 8. Bottlecaps - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(S08) 9. Random Information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(S09) 10. Final Words - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(S10) 11. Credits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(S11) 12. Contact Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (S12) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Version History (S01) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =Version 1.0 (5/January/2006)= Posted the guide on GameFAQs for the first time. =Version 2.0 (11/March/2006)= Long overdue update. Added the Version History section, fixed several mistakes, misstypes and over simplified translations. Added a few missing quotes, and further explained others. We also have DECAF helping with the translations now. =Version 3.0 (8/July/2007)= Fixed several translations to make it easier to understand, added the Separate Ways section, added Cutscene indexes to make them easier to find on the movie browser. =Version 3.1 (28/November/2007)= Minor update. Fixed the ASCII art at the top that was double spaced for some reason, made a couple of corrections to some phrases, and added an extra item in the Random Information section. I also updated the Version History apparently. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Introduction (S02) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I often wondered what the Monks as I killed them were saying when they spoke Spanish, but now I know. As a Resident Evil 4 fan I found this very interesting and rather disturbing knowing what all the people in the game were calling me. So, without further ado I now hope you enjoy this FAQ. Jack White. The purpose of this FAQ was to help those who want to know what the enemies in this game say. You'd be surprised at the language in this game, it really adds to the atmosphere of hate and murder that the villagers produce. If you don't know what an enemy says, or what it means, you can definitely find it here. Daniel Valles. From the first 15 minutes of my playing the PS2 version of RE4, which I own, I hoped and looked forward to post my comments and suggestions for translations to the Spanish words and phrases used in the game in a FAQ like this. I have experience translating and interpreting professionally, and I believe that the fans deserved the most complete and accurate information available to enhance their experience playing their favorite games. I am glad to be a part of this project. DECAF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Dictation (S03) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It's important to note some differences between the English and Spanish language with regard to writing to ease reading for non-Spanish speakers. Firstly, many of these phrases require the use of a diacritical sign called "tílde" which goes above a vowel in certain words to specify in which syllable the word is emphasized when pronounced. There's also the letter "Ñ" which goes between N and O in the Spanish alphabet, and lastly the exclamation points and question marks; in Spanish, you have to use one at the start of the phrase and one at the end (¡! and ¿?) instead of just one at the end like we have in english. These are small differences between the languages that I thought I should mention for those who don't know anything about Spanish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Curses/Swear Words (S04) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Curse words are tough to translate because they can be easily mistaken with similar words and their translation changes drastically depending on the context they're used in. Keeping that in mind, these are all the different curse words used throughout the game and their respective translation according to how they are used in the game: * "Coño" literally means lady privates, but it is also used when expressing frustration or rage, which is how it's used in the game. * "Madre" means mother, but it's used the same way as "damn". * "Mierda" means S***. * "Cabrón" means buck or he-goat, but it's used as an insult. You could say it is as bad as saying "bastard" or "f***er", but it doesn't mean the same thing. * "Hijo de puta" literally means "son of a whore", but it's used the same way as the more common phrase: "son of a b****". * "Joder" means "to f***". * "Carajo" is slang that is used as an interjection of frustration or annoyance, similar to saying "damn" or "f***" when you're mad at something. * And "imbécil" means imbecile. These are all the different curse words I heard them use. But keep in mind that these insults are slang, so the severity of each insult varies from region to region and the context they are used in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Random Phrases and Words (S05) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These do not include phrases used in the cutscenes. === Legend =================================================================== All the phrases are going to be organized like this: * Phrase in Spanish * * Translation * * (Note if required) * Any small note that is added is going to be in parentheses. ============================================================================== Now for the interesting part: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i) Los Ganados (SB51) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ¡Ahí está! There he is! --- ¡Os voy a romper a pedazos! I'm gonna tear you to pieces! --- ¡Detrás de tí, imbécil! Behind you, you imbecile! --- ¡Un forastero! An outsider! --- ¡Mierda! S***! (Note: Sorry, I can't use that word.) --- ¡Maldita sea! Damn it! --- ¡Hey, acá! Hey, over here! (Note: Many people keep saying that this phrase, which the enemies use when you arrive to the village, is "hey, vaca" which means "hey, cow", but I am 100% sure he says "acá", not "vaca".) --- ¡Agárrenlo! Get him! --- ¡So cerdo! F***ing pig! (Note: "So" is a word used to augment the intensity of the word that is to follow, by a lot. It doesn't translate to "f***ing" directly, but you get the idea.) --- ¡Basta, hijo de puta! Enough, you son of a b****! --- ¡Ah, por el...! Ah, for the...! (Note: The phrase is finished as if he is about to say a curse word, but nothing else is said.) (Note 2: Please do not confuse this with "A por él", which is used by other enemies in other situations. This phrase is only heard while Leon spies on the villagers unnoticed, as soon as they are alerted of his presence, you never hear this phrase again.) --- ¿Dónde está? Where is he? --- ¡Está en la trampa! He's in the trap! --- ¡Te voy a matar! I'm going to kill you! --- ¡Por ahí! Over there! --- ¡No dejes que se escape! Don't let him escape! --- ¡No dejen que se escape! Don't let him escape (Note: The phrase is not repeated, the only difference between this one and the other are the words "dejes" and "dejen". "Dejes" is directed at a single person and "dejen" is directed at two or more people, which is translated the same way.) --- ¡Bloquéale el paso! Block his path! --- ¡Te cogí! I got you! --- Puedes correr, pero no te puedes esconder You can run, but you can't hide --- ¡Cógelo! Get him! --- ¡Te voy a hacer picadillo! I'm going to make you mincemeat! --- ¡Empieza a rezar! Start praying! --- ¡Lo encontré! I found him! --- ¡Míralo, je je, está herido! (they make a cheap laugh between the phrase) Look at him, hee hee, he's hurt! --- ¡Dale! Hit him! (Note: It literally means "give him", but given the context and emphasis on the word, it means something more along the lines of causing harm to someone, or "hitting" someone.) --- ¡Cabrón! You bastard! (Note: Though not the same thing, I believe they're equally insulting) --- ¡Ah! Que madre Ah! Damn it (Note: Again, not the same thing, but it's pretty close.) --- ¡Quiero su cabeza! I want his head! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ii) Los Illuminados / Zealots (SB52) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Only new phrases are included since they also use some that are already in the other section. --- Morir es vivir To die is to live --- Cogedlo, cogedlo, cogedlo... Get him, get him, get him... --- ¡Sí, quiero matar! Yes, I want to kill! --- ¡Mátalo! Kill him! --- Muere, muere, muere, muere... Die, die, die, die... --- Cerebros, cerebros, cerebros, cerebros... Brains, brains, brains, brains... (Note: Quite possibly in homage to one of the greatest cult horror movies of the 80s - The Return of The Living Dead!) --- ¡Ahí están! There they are! --- ¡No dejes que escape de la isla vivo! Don't let him escape from the island alive! --- ¡Es hora de aplastar! It's time to smash! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iii) Soldiers (SB53) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Only new phrases are included since they also use some that are already in the other sections. --- ¡Muérete! Die! (Note: The extra letters "te" in "muere" indicate he is talking in the You pronoun. A way of simplifying words, similar to saying "I'll" instead of "I will") --- ¡Allí! There! (Note: "Ahí" and "allí" mean the same thing) --- ¡Ve por él! Go after him! --- ¡Empieza a rezar! Start to pray! --- ¡Te voy a matar! I'm going to kill you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Cutscene Translations (S06) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ === Legend =================================================================== All these translations will be in the following order: --- [Movie Browser index to help you find the movie you want to see] * Cutscene number) Small explanation of what cutscene I'm translating from: * Phrase in Spanish * * Translation * * (Note if required or explanation of what comes next on the same cutscene if there are more phrases to translate) * The number of the cutscene doesn't take in consideration every cutscene in the game, only the ones where you hear people speaking Spanish. ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i) Main Game (SB61) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- [Chapter 1, Movie 2] 1) While Leon is riding in the back of the car, the first thing one of the cops says: ¡Coño! Damn! --- [Not in Movie Browser] 2) If you try to shoot the car from the driver's side, the police officer at the beginning says: No estés jodiendo, get this over with, will you? Stop screwing around, get this over with, will you? (Note: I'm not sure if he really says "jodiendo" because that part was horribly acted by a non-native speaker and he might have meant to say something else, but we believe the intention was to say "stop screwing around" so we'll leave it at that.) --- [Chapter 1, Movie 3] 3) What the first enemy in the game says: ¿Qué carajo estás haciendo aquí? ¡Lárgate, cabrón! What the f*** are you doing here? Get the hell out, you bastard! (Note: "Lárgate" is a meaner way of telling someone to get out. That and the emphasis on the word "carajo" is what makes this phrase so strong and insulting.) --- [Not in Movie Browser] 4) This one only happens if it's your first time through the game (it's not an actual cutscene, but I thought it would fit here). After crossing the first bridge you see three guys up on the cliff standing up and saying: ¡Un forastero! An outsider! ¡Ahí está! There he is! ¡A avisar a los demás! Let's warn the others! --- [Chapter 1, Movie 6] 5) If you go to the house that has a shotgun in the second floor and Dr. Salvador (chainsaw enemy) appears: ¡Por ahí! Over there! ¡No dejen que se escape! Don't let him escape! ¡Bloquéale el paso! Block his path! ¡Agárrenlo! Get him! ¡Vayan por detrás! Go from behind! ¡Ponle una trampa! Set him a trap! ¡Te voy a matar! I'm going to kill you! ¡Te cogí! I got you! They also say some other phrases already in the Random Phrases and Words section. --- [Chapter 1, Movie 7] 6) When the bell tolls... La campana The bell Es hora de rezar It's time to pray Tenemos que irnos We've got to go --- [Chapter 1, Movie 9] 7) During the talk with Luis Sera (while you're both tied together), he says a few words in Spanish: Americano, ¿sí? American, yes? Amigo Friend Policía Police Me llamo Luis Serra My name is Luis Serra (Then an enemy with an axe comes in and says...) ¡Te voy a matar! I'm going to kill you! --- [Chapter 1, Movie 11] 8) When you arrive in the village chief's house you hear some guys mumbling: Guy 1: Hay un rumor de que hay un extranjero entre nosotros. There's a rumor that there is a foreigner among us. Guy 2: Nuestro jefe se cuidará de la rata. Our boss will take care of the rat. Guy 1: Su "la plaga" es mucho mejor que la nuestra. His "la plaga" is a lot better than ours. Guy 2: Tienes razón, es un hombre. You're right, he's a man. (Note: The last statement simply implies that Méndez is a "man among men" and nothing else. I heard this on the Separate Ways cutscene and now I'm sure these phrases are correct. I thank everyone who e-mailed me about it.) --- [Chapter 1, Movie 13] 9) When you reach the lake you see two guys dropping a body... Guy 1: ¡Vámonos! Lets go! Guy 2: OK Guy 1: ¡Andale! Come on! --- [Chapter 2, Movie 2] 10) While the villagers are realeasing El Gigante: ¡Rápido! Quick! ¡Usa los músculos! Use your muscles! ¡Por acá! Over there! ¡Por aquí! Over here! (When they can no longer control El Gigante...) ¡Mierda! S***! ¡Apúrense! Hurry up! ¡Se vuelve loco! He's going crazy! --- [Chapter 2, Movie 6] 11) When you reach the cabin where Luis helps you fight off multiple enemies: ¡Agárrenlo! Get him! ¡No dejen que se escape! Don't let him escape! --- [Chapter 2, Movie 7] 12) When they give up attacking you at the cabin and start leaving... ¡Vámonos! Let's go! --- [Chapter 2, Movie 8] 13) What Leon says when he's about to shoot the barrel of gas in the fight with Méndez: Hasta luego See you later (or "until later" if you want to be more precise) --- [Chapter 2, Movie 9] 14) When Leon and Ashley run towards the castle while being chased by enemies: ¡Lo encontré! I found him! (After lifting the bridge from inside the castle...) ¡Maldita sea, mierda! Damn it, s***! --- [Chapter 3, Movie 2] 15) Meeting Salazar in the castle... Me llamo Ramón Salazar My name is Ramon Salazar (Note: "Me llamo" literally means "I'm called", but it's changed to "My name is" for usage purposes) --- [Chapter 3, Movie 4] 16) When Salazar sends a bunch of enemies after you in the room with the hidden machine gun in the middle, the zealot's say a few lines as they approach you: Morir es vivir To die is to live Cogedlo, cogedlo, cogedlo... Get him, get him, get him... Muere, muere, muere... Die, die, die... --- [Chapter 5, Movie 2] 17) In the island, when the guards in Ashley's cell notice the camera: ¡Allí! There! --- [Chapter 5, Movie 14] 18) When you arrive to the open area after the fight with Krauser, where the helicopter helps you shoot the enemies: Verifica la presión de esa válvula Verify the pressure of that valve ¡Ve tú! You go! ¡Hey, aquí! Hey, over here! ¿Viste algo? Did you see something? No hay problema There's no problem (When the helicopter appears and all the enemies prepare to fight...) ¡Ahí está! There he is! ¡Mira! Look! ¡Llénalos de pólvora! (They're filling up barrels of explosives) Get them full of gunpowder! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ii) Separate Ways (SB62) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- [Separate Ways, Movie 1] 1) During the first cutscene, after the satellite zooms into the village... Vamos, vamos Go, go ¡Ah! Que madre Ah! Damn it ¡Hey! (No need to translate this) ¡Hey, acá! Hey, over here! ¡Te cogí! I got you! (When Leon appears and starts fighting against the villagers...) ¡Forastero! Outider! ¡Te cogí! I got you! ¡Os voy a romper a pedazos! I'm gonna tear you into pieces! --- [Separate Ways, Movie 2] 2) When the bell tolls... La campana The bell Es hora de rezar It's time to pray Tenemos que irnos We've got to go --- [Separate Ways, Movie 4] 3) As the villagers carry the unconscious bodies of Leon and Luis out of the house... ¡Rápido! Quickly! ¡Maldita sea! Damn it! Muy pesado Very heavy --- [Separate Ways, Movie 5] 4) As Méndez and his lackeys walk towards Méndez's house... ¡Maldito seas! Damn you! --- [Separate Ways, Movie 6] 5) When you arrive in the village chief's house you hear some guys talking behind the door: Guy 1: Hay un rumor de que hay un extranjero entre nosotros. There's a rumor that there is a foreigner among us. Guy 2: Nuestro jefe se cuidará de la rata. Our boss will take care of the rat. Guy 1: Su "la plaga" es mucho mejor que la nuestra. His "la plaga" is a lot better than ours. Guy 2: Tienes razón, es un hombre. You're right, he's a man. (Note: The last statement simply implies that Méndez is a "man among men" and nothing else. I heard this on the Separate Ways cutscene and now I'm sure these phrases are correct. I thank everyone who e-mailed me about it.) --- [Separate Ways, Movie 7] 6) As you speak with Luis outside the cabin he uses a word in Spanish... Señorita Miss ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Enemy Names (S07) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ease reference to the reader, these next translations are in alphabetical order. All of these names are what I believe to be their official names. === Legend =================================================================== Same as before but with small differences: --- * Name of the character [Small description if you don't know who he is] * * Translation or correction of the name * * (Note if required) * ============================================================================== --- Armadura [Armor suits that come alive] Armor --- Colmillo [Dogs] Fang --- Del Lago [Big fish, first boss fight] Of The Lake (Note: "Del" is a conjunction of the words "de" and "el", which mean "of" and "the" respectively; "lago" means "lake") --- El Gigante [Big ogre] The Giant --- Garrador [Enemies with steel claws] Clawer (Note: "Garrador" is wordplay. The suffix "or" in Spanish is used the same way as the suffix "er" in English. For example, you can call someone who kills "killer". Although this suffix can't be applied to every word and it's use with the word claw isn't grammatically correct in either language. But that's what they wanted to call him. Thanks again to everyone who e-mailed me, sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one.) --- Las Plagas (Los Parásitos) [The parasites that take control of their hosts] The Plague (The Parasites) (Note: "La plaga" would mean "the plague", but they add an "s" to make it plural even though it already is a plural word, which would translate to "the plagues". Either way, the whole term is wrong, a more precise translation of "The Parasites", the term Salazar uses as a translation, is "Los Parásitos".) --- Los Ganados [Villagers] The Cattle (Note: "Ganado" means "cattle", a plural word. Then they added an "s", meaning they made it plural yet again, so it translates as "The Cattles". But it's a group name, so it doesn't have to be grammatically correct.) --- Los Illuminados (Iluminados) [Zealots] The Enlightened (Note: They may have come up with the name from The Illuminati which is sometimes used synonymously with New World Order, but the term used is a mistake since the name translated to Spanish is "Los Iluminados", with one L, not two.) --- Novistador [The sewer insects that become invisible] Not sightable (or "not able to see") (Note: This one is wordplay. If you separate the word, you get "no" and "vistador"; eventhough "vistador" is not an actual word, it derives from the word "vista" which means "sight", so you can translate the name to "not sightable".) --- Verdugo [Sub-boss that attacks you in the sewers] Executioner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Bottlecaps (S08) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some of the bottlecaps say phrases in Spanish, these are their respective translations. === Legend =================================================================== The order is simple, here's an example: * Name of character * -------------------- * What he says in Spanish * * Translation * ============================================================================== ---Definition of "Don"--- Don: Title for a gentleman, equivalent to Mr. or Esq. in English, but used only before christian names, as Don Juan, Don Alfonso. ------------------------- Don José -------- ¡Detrás de tí, imbécil! Behind you, you imbecile! Don Diego --------- ¡Basta, hijo de puta! Enough, you son of a b****! Don Esteban ----------- ¡Un forastero! An outsider! Don Manuel ---------- ¡Allí está! There he is! Zealot w/ scythe ---------------- ¡Sí, quiero matar! Yes, I want to kill! Zealot w/ shield ---------------- Muere, muere, muere... Die, die, die... Leader Zealot ------------- ¡Ahí está! There he is! Soldier w/ dynamite ------------------- ¡Cógelo! Get him! Soldier w/ stun-rod ------------------- ¡Te cogí! I Got you! Soldier w/ hammer ----------------- ¡Muérete! Die! Isabel ------ ¿Dónde está? Where is he? María ----- ¡Está en la trampa! He's in the trap! J.J. ---- ¡Te voy a matar! I'm going to kill you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Random Information (S09) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is some info that I couldn't include in any of the other sections: > The chainsaw enemy with a bag on his head is Dr. Salvador, which means "Doctor Savior". Although Salvador is an actual name, it's obvious that Capcom gave him that name as a joke. > Your good friend Luis Sera pronounces his name different to how it's written, his actual name according to his pronunciation is Luis Serra, with two R's. > The chainsaw wielding sisters share the last name Bella, which means "beautiful" in Spanish, an actual last name given to them as a joke. > The sign you stumble upon at the beggining of the game reads "Pueblo", which means "town", but it's used to refer to small towns or villages. > You'll notice that the back of the guys that take you to the village says "Policía", well, as you may have guessed, that means "Police". > All you find out about the place where the whole game happens in is that it's somewhere in Europe where they use Pesetas as their currency and have Spanish as their language. The only country in Europe where they use pesetas and speak Spanish is Spain, although as of February 28th 2002, Spain changed it's currency to the Euro which suggests that the village is not in Spain, but keep in mind that the developers probably didn't have enough time to research a lot about Spain so mistakes like this can happen. Spain is the only country to have ever used pesetas as their currency and have Spanish as their language, plus Ada Wong refers to Méndez as "the Spaniard" in one of her reports, so there's no doubt Resident Evil 4 took place in a remote village of Spain. > Now that we've established that RE4 takes place in Spain, there's another point to be made about it pertaining the villagers. Throughout the game many villagers and other characters speak Spanish in a very inconsistent way by varying the types of accents they use, at one moment they speak Spanish with a thick accent common in Spain, and at another moment they speak in a very soft accent more common in other countries where people also speak Spanish. The developers made a good effort to keep true to the region they were portraying, which is why it seems weird that they made a glaring mistake like this one. Imagine an Australian or an English person lending their voice to a character who's supposed to be from the US and you'll understand why it is so noticeable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Final Words (S10) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It's not easy to translate even if you know both languages well, it takes a lot of training to translate as professionals do; not that I am one tough, I had more time to pick my words carefully. I Hope you enjoyed this guide, it took a lot of work to finish. Sincerely, Daniel Valles. I compiled the FAQ but to be honest, pretty much all of the work was already done, it was just a case of gluing it together. Sincerely, Jack White. I am actually pretty satisfied with how the FAQ is looking so far. It's a testament to the e-mail teamwork done, and the many hours of carefully listening to what's being said in the game to provide the best translation available to all the RE4 fans out there. 7/5/2007 Update. Daniel has done a hell of a job at keeping in touch with me and answering comments and feedback from the community. Big kudos to him, and a big thank you to all our readers for your input. Best regards, DECAF. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Credits (S11) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to: Daniel Valles - For translating most of the stuff on this FAQ. Jack White - For helping compile all the mixed translations and putting together the whole FAQ, aside of making the awesome ASCII art at the beginning of the guide. DECAF - For helping to translate and fix several phrases, a great help considering the amount of work. PSOfreak1 - For attempting to help and getting us to start the FAQ. Capcom - For such a great game. And thanks to everyone who sent e-mail messages, it really helped make this FAQ a whole lot better. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Contact Info (S12) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If a mistake has been made or you have something that you want us to add to the FAQ or you have a phrase that you think we have missed, you can send an e-mail to Daniel Valles at: hotmailcankissmyass@hotmail.com Do your best on writting the phrase or, if possible, send a sound file of the phrase being said. If you want this FAQ on your site, ask any of the authors for permission.