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Why hello there neighbor, I'm 0Aced0 and this is my first FAQ. This FAQ is going to give descriptions, prices, and locations of all those secret treausures found in the world of Resident Evil 4. On to the FAQ. /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\___________________________/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ | || | Treasures | || | \__________/\__________/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\__________/\__________/ These are going to be in alphabetical order. Name: Value: Location: Combination: And that's the format for the whole FAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================ Name: Amber Ring Value: 10,000 Location: Waterfall Combination: N/A A ring with a red jewel. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Antique Pipe Value: 10,000 Location: Swamp Combination: N/A A pipe of fine craftsmanship. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Beerstein Value: 3,000 Location: Farm Combination: Beerstein w/ Green 10,000 Beerstein w/ Red 10,000 Beerstein w/ Yellow 10,000 Beerstein w/ Green, Red 15,000 Beerstein w/ Green, Yellow 15,000 Beerstein w/ Red, Yellow 15,000 Beerstein w/ Green, Yellow, Red 20,000 A beer stein with three indentaions where gems can be set, increasing the value of the whole tremendoesly. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Butterfly Lamp Value: 4,500 Location: Sewer, Ballroom Combination: Butterfly Lamp w/ Green 6,500 Butterfly Lamp w/ Red 7,000 Butterfly Lamp w/ Blue 8,500 Butterfly Lamp w/ Green, Red 11,000 Butterfly Lamp w/ Green, Blue 13,000 Butterfly Lamp w/ Red, Blue 15,000 Butterfly Lamp w/ Green, Blue, Red 32,000 A lamp with three notches where Green Eye, Red Eye, and Blue Eye gems can be set (one of each only), increasing the value of the combined piece greatly. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Blue Eye Value: 3,000 Location: Dropped by Novistadores Combination: N/A A small gem dropped by defeated Novistador enemies as well as the Novistador hive in the Castle's Ballroom. It can be inserted into a Blind Butterfly Lamp to increase the value. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Blue Stone of Treason Value: 3,500 Location: Campground Combination: N/A A catseye gem that can be fit into the Golden Lynx statue for a greater value. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Brass Pocket Watch Value: 10,000 Location: Village Chief's House, Stairwell Corridor Combination: N/A An antique worth some value. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Crown Jewel Value: 11,000 Location: Abandoned Irrigation Station (Verdugo) Combination: N/A A jewel removed from a crown. Can be returned to the crown to add greater value. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Crown Value: 9,000 Location: Traitor's Pit Combination: Crown w/ Jewel 6,500 Crown w/ Insignia 7,000 Salazar Family Crown 8,500 A crown with two portions missing. When the two pieces are fitted back into the crown, the object is restored to its former glory and value. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Dirty Brass Pocket Watch Value: 1,000 Location: Village Chief's House Combination: N/A A Brass Pocket Watch that fell into filthy water - virtually worthless. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Dirty Pearl Pendant Value: 1,000 Location: Farm Combination: N/A A Pearl Pendant that has been dropped into filthy water - practically worthless. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Elegant Chessboard Value: 13,000 Location: Weapon Exhibition Room Combination: N/A A chessboard suitable for a king's game. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Elegant Headdress Value: 10,000 Location: Tunnel, Throne Room Combination: N/A A beautiful adornment for women's hair. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Elegant Mask Value: 3,000 Location: Stronghold, Observation Hall Combination: Elegant Mask w/ Red 10,000 Elegant Mask w/ Green 10,000 Elegant Mask w/ Purple 10,000 Elegant Mask w/ Green, Red 15,000 Elegant Mask w/ Red, Purple 15,000 Elegant Mask w/ Green, Purple 15,000 Elegant Mask w/ Green, Red, Purple 20,000 A mask with three divots where gems can be set, increasing the value of the whole. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Elegant Perfume Bottle Value: 10,000 Location: Externam Wall Area Combination: N/A A perfume bottle fit for a queen. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Emerald Value: 3,000 Location: Numerous Areas Combination: N/A A small gem of great value. Found frequently on the Island. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Gold Bangle Value: 8,500 Location: Battlement Area, Hall of Water, Servant Quarters, External Wall Area, Clock Tower Exterior Combination: N/A A bracelet that can be sold for substantial gain. Found in several locations in the Castle. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Gold Bangle With Pearls Value: 10,000 Location: Lake Combination: N/A An armlet fitted with pearls. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Golden Lynx Value: 15,000 Location: Fortification Cliffs Combination: Golden Lynx w/ Red 20,000 Golden Lynx w/ Green 20,000 Golden Lynx w/ Blue 20,000 Golden Lynx w/ Green, Red 25,000 Golden Lynx w/ Red, Blue 25,000 Golden Lynx w/ Green, Blue 25,000 Golden Lynx w/ Green, Red, Blue 35,000 A golden cat idol with three indentaions in the face where gems can be set, increasing the value of both the idol and the gems. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Green Catseye Value: 3,000 Location: Graveyard Combination: N/A Can be fitted into the Beerstein to increase the value. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Green Eye Value: 1,000 Location: Dropped by Novistadores Combination: N/A A small gem dropped by defeated Novistador enemies as well as the Novistador hive in the Castle's Ballroom. It can be inserted into a Blind Butterfly Lamp to increase the value. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Green Gem Value: 3,000 Location: Lake Cave, Audience Hall Combination: N/A A gem that fits into the Elegant Mask, raising the value of the whole piece. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Green Stone of Judgement Value: 3,500 Location: Mess Hall Combination: N/A A catseye gem that can be fit into the Golden Lynx statue for a greater value. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Hourglass with Gold Decor Value: 12,000 Location: Last Supper Corridor Combination: N/A An hourglass of fine craftsmanship. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Illuminados Pendant Value: 12,000 Location: Observation Hall, Dragon Room Combination: N/A A grotesque symbol of an evil gult. Said to corrupt those who hold it. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Mirror with Pearls and Rubies Value: 12,000 Location: Bedroom Combination: N/A A mirror set with pearls and rubies. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Pearl Pendant Value: 10,000 Location: Farm, Temple Catacombs Combination: N/A A necklace of some worth. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Purple Gem Value: 3,000 Location: Left Passage, Annex Main Coridor Combination: N/A A gem that fits into the Elegant Mask, raising the value of the whole piece. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Red Catseye Value: 3,000 Location: Homestead Ruins Combination: N/A Can be fitted into the Beerstein to increase the value. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Red Eye Value: 1,500 Location: Dropped by Novistadores Combination: N/A A small gem dropped by defeated Novistador enemies as well as the Novistador hive in the Castle's Ballroom. It can be inserted into a Blind Butterfly Lamp to increase the value. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Red Gem Value: 3,000 Location: barrier Station, Courtyard Combination: N/A A gem that fits into the Elegant Mask, raising the value of the whole piece. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Red Stone of Faith Value: 3,500 Location: Monitor Station Combination: N/A A catseye gem that can be fit into the Golden Lynx statue for a greater value. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Royal Insignia Value: 13,000 Location: Abyss Combination: N/A A crest removed from a crown. Can be returned to the crown to add greater value. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Ruby Value: 10,000 Location: Dropped by Chainsaw Maniacs Combination: N/A Dropped by certain chainsaw-wielding villagers. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Spinel Value: 2,000 Location: Numerous Areas Combination: N/A A small ore of value. Found frequently in all stages. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Staff of Royalty Value: 20,000 Location: Underground Ruins Entrance Combination: N/A A staff once held by a king. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Velvet Blue Value: 2,500 Location: Numerous Areas Combination: N/A A small crystal of some value. Found frequently in the Castle. ================================================ ================================================ Name: Yellow Catseye Value: 3,000 Location: Gondola Combination: N/A Can be fitted into the Beerstein to increase the value. ================================================ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\___________________________/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ | || | Thanks/Credits | || | \__________/\__________/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\__________/\__________/ I'd like to give thanks to: CJayC: for this very site. Me: For making this FAQ. You: For reading it.