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STRATEGIES 3.1 KNIFE STRATEGIES 3.2 ENEMY STRATEGIES 3.3 HEALTH STRATEGIES 3.4 GENERAL TACTICS 4. WALKTHROUGH 5. BOSS STRATEGIES 6. FAQ 7. CREDITS ========================================================================== | 0: VERSION HISTORY | ========================================================================== VERSION 1.10: AUGUST 25th 2005: when updated, something went a little awry and as a result some of the guide was formatted incorrectlty - this simply means that several blocks of text were seperated from each other and this update was all about solving that particular problem. VERSION 1.02: AUGUST 3RD 2005: Update by Foxhound. Corrected a few grammatical errors, a few missing words, an item commonly missed in the first chapter, and a strategy for the gulp worm. VERSION 1.01: AUGUST 1ST 2005: A brief update by Foxhound. Fixed a couple of grammatical mistakes. VERSION 1.00: JULY 28TH 2005: Welcome to the first installment of our Knife Only Walkthrough. You will find that the Walkthrough Section has been completed, so you are all set if you want to take on this challenge. Every other section we wanted in the guide is also completed so this will be a rare occassion when a guide has been submitted almost fully complete. Mistakes in this guide will probably happen and We expect to come back now and then to amend and add anything we need to. Have Fun, and Good Luck with the challenge. ========================================================================== | 1: INTRODUCTION | ========================================================================== Knife Only? You mean the little tooth pick that goes in my item box every play through? Yeah you heard the title right. Whilst it sounds like a suicide mission in a game riddled with ultra hard bosses and aeons of enemies, we have composed this walkthrough to help you achieve this challenge. The key to this is practice, perseverence, patience and a little bit of luck. Don't even consider attempting this challenge unless you have played the game several times or if you haven't mastered the controls; this is not for novices. Be assured, however, that this challenge is entirely possible; in fact, Foxhound has completed it quite recently. Once you understand how the knife works, you will be amazed at how easily you can breeze through the game, with the exception of bosses. The objective is simple: Complete the game using only the knife. Under no circumstances must firearms be used no matter how many times the doctor zombie in the prison gets you. This guide is not about getting an A rank either. Taking your time is also key, and there are no prizes for not saving often. You will need to save a lot and replay certain sections. Forward planning is also very important and the walkthrough has been divided into sections designed for this and we have detailed room specific strategies to help you out. It is also preferable to avoid many enemies because after all, this is a challenge of endurance and survival not about killing every enemy. Before you begin this challenge, please read the strategy section which details everything you need to know to be fully prepared. We hope you enjoy this monstrous challenge. ========================================================================== | 2: DISCLAIMER & E-MAIL POLICY | ========================================================================== Millers C and Foxhound 3857's Resident Evil Code: Veronica X Knife Only Walkthrough, all rights reserved including the right of reproduction for profit in part or in any form (2005-). This strategy guide is for viewing purposes only. It is present on GameFAQs on the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise, be Published, sold, circulated or exhibited in any magazine, shop or Web-site without our expressed written consent and approval. GameFAQs.com is the only website which may use this guide. If you Would like this guide to appear on your website, contact myself at Cremonese65@hotmail.com and Foxhound 3857 at Tgutie5136@aol.com. 'Resident Evil' is a trademark of Capcom Computer Entertainment Limited, all rights reserved. Also, Capcom does not authorise or approve this guide, and have no association with either author or Gamefaqs.com. We disclaim any copyright in the Resident Evil trademark, or in the texts, dialogue, storyline, puzzles or characters mentioned within this guide. - E-MAIL POLICY - Any help, hints, info or strategies you would like to submit, use the above address also, whilst clearly marking the subject matter. Comments on our guide are also always welcome, but no spam please. If you wish to contact Foxhound 3857 on AIM, you can reach him at ZeekyHBomb482. Granted, he's not always on, so be patient. Thank You for reading. ========================================================================== | 3: STRATEGIES | ========================================================================== We have detailed three distinct strategy sections here designed to prepare you for the rigours of the knife only walkthrough. We implore you to read these as we feel they are intergal to know before starting the challenge. **************** 3.1 The Blade **************** Before you can tackle the game, you need to be fully accustomed to the knife's new properties. It is a much better weapon then in previous RE games, but if you still don't know how to use it, it is worthless. This knife must be used to kill all mandatory bosses, so you need to learn about all of it's strengths and weaknesses. To begin, take a few slashes with it. Don't aim, just slash a few times. Get a feel for the recovery time with each slash. It's not as bad as previous RE games, but it's not good either. This was one of the reasons we recommended avoiding training with Wesker, his speed with a knife is a multiple of Claire's (And Chris's as well.). This will help you to understand your range with the knife as well (And Wesker has a shorter range due to his wide arc). Understanding the range is important. Gone are the days when a zombie had to be next to you to commence biting. They now like to lunge at you whenever your close enough (I.E Slash range.), so don't get too close. Take a few more slashes, but let go of the R1 button when you do so. See how Claire takes a step back? She is leaving defensive mode, and this little step may help her avoid a zombie lunge, but don't try. This will help you when you need to run. Speaking of running, remember the days of Resident Evil 3, where you had to use the stab/turnaround combo on zombies? That was a good tactic, eh? You never got bitten. Well, erase all that from your head. Knife range is shortened in this game, and there is a body hit detection system. This means that an attack made to different body parts will do different things. A shotgun, for one, can take a zombies head clean off if you aim for it. In the knifes case, if you aim at a zombies legs, you can make them fall face first with 1 or 2 slashes, and once their down, you can commence backstabbing until they're dead. But you can't use the stab/turnaround combo anymore. When you start slashing a zombie, your too close to run away, so your only hope is to make it drop before it bites you. Except for 2 battles later, where you ned to be able to slash and run, ignore this combo. An interesting tactic I learned is to run at a zombie. Yes, run. If you run at it, and it grabs you, it takes a split second before it bites you. This means that if you mash the buttons fast enough, you can shake it off and suffer no damage. This also means it will be on the floor, free for the kill. Something to note when your backstabbing zombies. ALWAYS GO FOR THE MULTI-HIT! A multi-hit is where the knife rakes across the most flesh, and this signifys a whole multitude of blade slashes, and a large gushing of blood. Unlike previous RE"s, one slash does not equal one hit in Code Veronica. This makes the knife a dangerous weapon in the right hands. But back to the zombies, MAKE SURE YOU GO FOR MULTI-HITS! If your ever caught slashing a zombie when it gets back to its feet, it will bite you every single time. To reduce this, NEVER backstab multiple zombies at once. The damage will be spread out and neither will die. Try using the up slash now. Aim up and slash, and your slash will be aimed at a 45 degree angle upwards. This is only useful in one fight later on, but it helps to know it now. This slash has the worst range of the 3, which means less multi-hits, so refrain from using it at all costs. Now try your most useful slash, the down slash. This slash is aimed at a 45 degree angle downward, has the best range, the best arc (For multi-hits), and has other practical uses against the monsters as well. For zombies, if you slash down and hit their legs, you can drop them face first, which is how we are going to go through the game. One thing to practice when facing multiple zombies is the angled slash. This type of slash is like what I told you to avoid, backstabbing two zombies at once. Your thinking "but i'll get bitten!", right? Well, slicing a zombies knees works a little different. In some cases, it only takes ONE slash (And you don't even need a multi-hit!) to drop a zombie to his face, and the arc of the knife makes it easy to hit two, or even 3 zombies. It's not always easy to pull off, but it's there if you want to take the risk. So the rule of thumb is: Knee-slashing multiple zombies = good. Backstabbing multiple zombies = bad. Well, I guess its time to move on. ********************** 3.2 Enemy Strategies ********************** Strategies for enemies are often very specific, so it would be a wise move to have a good luck at this section so you know how to deal with each enemy beforehand. ********* Zombies ********* The trademark of the resident evil series, zombies come in many forms and attributes. These ex-humans were infected with the T virus indirectly, and now only have basic instincts. Feeding. This isn't hard. Wait for a zombie to approach, and aim down and slash as soon as it comes into range. Keep slashing until it falls face first, then continue to stab it in the back until dead. Make sure you get those multihits, because if it gets back up, you'll probably get bitten. If one does happen to grab you, mash the buttons like crazy. The damage is according to how many bites you take. If you press them fast enough, you should only take one bite (or maybe none). If you get a fast zombie, your in trouble. This type of zombie seemingly runs at you, and thereby gives you almost no time to counterattack. Stick to the plan though, aim for the knees and hopefully the one slash will drop it. Keep slashing until dead. You could also flee if he gets right on you. There are several types of zombies. Graveyard zombies are the easiest. They are already somewhat decomposed so they only need a couple of slashes. Prisoner, Soldier, Police, and Worker zombies are pretty much the same. None of them are particularly strong and can easily be disposed of. Wesker zombies (His men.) are a bit different. Their bite is more dangerous then others, does a lot of damage and often move fast. You can tell a Wesker subordinate by it's outfit. Their eyes also glow, similar to Wesker's eyes. There are also some wesker subordinates which have the official name of "Explosion boy". This Zombie has an explosive charged straped to his back. The bad news is that you can't detonate it with a knife, so no multi-killings with any explosions. The good news is that you don't want to. Being near the blasting zone is hazardous to your health. Just treat these like any other zombie. ************ Zombie Dog ************ As was with RE3, they are still a joke. Slash once to put it on the floor, then run up and slash it to death. Multi-hits will make it fast, incase there is another one in the vacinity. Just don't get caught while slashing one, because it may knock you away, giving the current target time to recover. ****** Bats ****** Oh no, anything but minor damage! Thankfully, Claire has the lighter at the start of the game, so until you give it up, keep the lighter equipped in bat-infested areas. They won't bother you. Once you give up the lighter, just run past them. You will get bitten, but it's nothing to worry about. *************** Baby Albinoid *************** Actually, you only see these in the experimenting room in the Military Training Facility. They're too low to the ground, so you can't stab them and it's better to run away. You will probably get zapped, but like the bats it's nothing serious. ************** Bandersnatch ************** A Bandersnatch is what you get when you try to mass-produce the Tyrant. It's like a melted human-ape with one arm melted off, and a long arm that drops down to the floor. When you are a distance away, it will try and smack you with the long arm, which stretches really far. At a moderate distance, it will latch on to your head in an attempt to break your neck. Mash the buttons to get free. If you get close, it will backhand you with it's arm. Oh sorry, we still need to kill this thing. This is all about timing. Run up to the Bandersnatch, dodging it's attacks, until your right in front of it. Get ready to stab down, and do so JUST BEFORE it backhands you. If you did it right, you will swipe it's legs, and it's arm will pass through you harmlessly. Keep this up until it dies (It only takes a few slashes). If you try this against several bandersnatches, your going to lose a lot of health. Guarenteed. We have written this guide so that we will only bother fighting one Bandersnatch, but is certainly useful to know how to deal with them. ************* Black Widow ************* My worst enemy, but not too bad to fight. Other then their poisonous attacks, their damage is on the low side. Aim low and just keep slashing. It takes quite a few slashes (Spiders are durable) but you should be fine. Should two of them come in, you may want to run. Bite-lock is not fun. ************* Baby Spider ************* Just ignore tiem. Their too low to slash, and you can kill them by stepping on them. They only appear once you beat the giant black widow. ******** Hunter ******** Here we go. Raptor legs make for crazy speed, but one heck of a bad balance. Hunters are pretty much the worst enemies your going to see. Their claws can take you from fine to danger in a heartbeat, and being low to the ground makes then a hard target. There really isn't a strategy for this speed demon. AIm low and slash as much as you can. It only takes a few slashes, but if you waste time, or get hung up by another hunter, your going to get torn apart. When they start running at you, aim low and slash just as they enter range. It rarely works, but you might slash their legs out from under them and trip them. Then you can stab them to death and suffer no damage. However, once they start attacking, the window expires. Their back is exposed and their legs are protected, so your stuck trading blows. All in all, these aren't the nightmares that they used to be, but they will deplete healing supply if you are stupid. We have made sure that we only ever have to fight about two Hunters during the game. ********* Sweeper ********* And you thought the hunter was bad? Terminate these colored versions of the hunter with EXTREME prejuduice, Their claws are poisoned and will make you throw stuff at your TV. Luckily, they're not that common, but when you do see one, use the same strategy. Aim low and keep slashing until one of you dies. ****** Moth ****** Bloody annoying. Once activated, moths will fly around, leaving a trail of poisonous powder (Theres a blue herb potter nearby), and try to latch on to your back. When successful, if not shaken off quickly, they will lay an egg on Claire's back. Ignore them the best you can. It's more trouble to fight them then it is to run. *********** Hatchling *********** The moth egg will hatch eventually. Quickly mash the buttons to peel it off. If you don't do so, it will bite you, causing damage and poison. ********** Parasite ********** When you let a Hatchling grow a little longer, this is what you get. These will jump out of an infected Zombie, bite you, and hang on to your back for a while. It will come off eventually, and fortunately it doesn't inflict poison. ***** Ant ***** These ants have wings! I see them in my back yard sometimes (Big black ants with wings, Scary!) . They're more of an annoyance then dangerous. The bites add up, but just run by them, they're only in one area. ************* 3.3 Healing ************* This is the tricky part of the game. There are a large supply of healing items in the game, but if you don't conserve, your going to be in big trouble later. There are two types of healing items: First aid sprays, and herbs. First aid sprays -otherwise known as "full-health in a can" -are very simple. You use one, you get fully healed. There are three different kinds of herbs, Green, Red, and Blue. Green herbs heal your vitality by 25%. Red herbs do nothing by themselves, but can be mixed with a green herb to multiply it's effect. Blue herbs cure poison. Different herbal mixtures do different things. A two green herb mixture, for example, will restore 50% vitality. A three green herb mixture will fully replenish your vitality. A red/green herb mixture will fully replenish your vitality. A green/blue mixture will restore 25% vitality, and cure poison. Here is the table of mixtures. ---------------------------------------------- I Green (G) I Red (R) I Blue (B) I ---------------------------------------------- G = 25% health restore. G + G = 50% health restore. G + G + G = 100% health restore. G + R = 100% health restore. G + B = 25% health restore and cure poison. G + G + B = 50% health restore and cure poison. G + R + B = 100% health restore and cure poison. Tip: Always keep a few green herbs in your stash, in case you come across some red herbs. When your traveling through the game, it's a good idea to have one minor, and one major healing item at all times. A minor one is one that only heals a little, for a strong hit. A green herb is great. The major item should heal you fully. First Aid Sprays are the recommended item. There are more than enough First Aid Sprays and Herbs in the game to enable completion with just the Knife. We have written this walkthrough in such a way that you won't be using many healing items. ****************** 3.4 Miscellaneous ****************** - Train. Like we've mentioned, it is best if you have completed the game - and have the battle game available. You can train against various enemies in this mode (Use Claire or Chris as Wesker's technique is much different to theirs) to get used to the knife and how to deal with the enemies you will encounter. Preperation is key. You can battle against Zombies, Bandersnatches and Hunters in the first few rooms of Battle Mode. If you do not have this mode, you could train in the beginning of the game. - There are no prizes for killing every enemy; it is far better to run away when outnumbered or to simply avoid enemies and it is possible. We have detailed which strategy is best in each particular room. - We've written this guide in such a way that saving the game is integral, and we will advise restarting the game at certain points. Saving is such an often occurance in this guide, you'll be saving at practically every oppurtunity - but we will be directing you at when to do this to help you out. - Conserve your healing items. You will need to use as little healing items as possible during the main game in order to save them for the boss battles. We will make sure you know where each healing item is, and also make sure you make good use of the healing section above so you know what type of herb does what. Also, since we direct towards restarting if you use too many healing items, you should do this automatically. - Stay Patient and Good Luck! ========================================================================== | 4: WALKTHROUGH | ========================================================================== Before you begin, we reccommend reading the strategy sections which deal with the basics of the knife, the enemies we encounter and by what mentality we are using to take on this challenge. It is highly recommened to train in the battle game and to learn how to fight Zombies, Banders and Hunters (They appear in the first few rooms). Learning when best to strike at a zombie for a multi hit for example is an invaluable trick to learn. When you feel prepared - and I mean mentally as well you can begin the challenge. The walkthrough itself is divided into four chapters, Rockfort Island, Antarctica, Rockfort Island 1 and Antarctica 2, and each of these are divided up into objective specific sub sections to make it easier to follow. And these are divided up even further still to cater for constant saving. This walkthrough is designed to achieve completion of Resident Evil Code: Veronica X with just the knife and as such we have advised on saving at particular points. This is by no means set in stone but is highly recommended especially if you are following the guide from the beginning. We have also incorporated a small tutorial section within the first few sections of the walkthrough designed to inform and hint at how we are going to tackle the challenge. People following the guide from the start should find this particularly useful. We hope you enjoy this walkthrough and this challenge. Good Luck. ************************************************************************* | CHAPTER A: ROCKFORT ISLAND | ************************************************************************* ----------Part 1: Get The Hawk Emblem And Escape From The Prison.--------- Equip the lighter. Once the cutscene is finished, head into Claire's cell and pocket the Green Herb and then take the Combat Knife from Rodrigo's desk. Enter your inventory. See the red book? Read it and then file it. ======ORGANIZING YOUR INVENTORY============================================= You should now have just the Combat Knife and the Green Herb in your inventory. When you are progressing through the game, your inventory should look similar to this: |-----|-----| |KNIFE| MAJ.| MAJ. = Major Healing Item (First Aid Spray). |_____|_____| MINOR. = Minor Healing Item (Green Herb). |-----|-----| ITEM. = Key storyline item (IE Gold Key). |MINOR| ITEM| |_____|_____| |-----|-----| |ITEM | ITEM| |_____|_____| |-----|-----| |ITEM | ITEM| |_____|_____| This is by no means mandatory its only to give you a feel for how you should organize your inventory. Its wise to take healing items with you at all times just in case. But by the format this guide is written, you shouldn't use healing items on anything other than boss fights. Make sure that when you go to an item box you arrange your inventory in this fashion to ensure a healthy supply inside the box for use later. ========================================================================== Once you have finished, exit using the door. Save your game using the typewriter on your right. ======SAVE GAME AND REPLAY POLICY========================================== We have written this guide in such a way that saving the game and restarting to ensure a flawless passage through the game is absolutely critical to your success. We have insisted on constant saving - at every oppurtunity in fact - in between sections and have directed people to restart from their last save point if they get into trouble (IE They go down to the caution vitality). But the guide has also been written like this so that if you do need to replay you will never have to replay large chunks of the game. This is done to ensure that we save our healing items for the bosses. The next section for instance includes several tussles with some zombies and you should not use a single herb in this section, but if you do we would reccommend a replay. You'll only be replaying small straightforward sections which are clearly mapped out in this guide. Remember if a Zombie begins grappling with you, mash all the buttons repeatedly in order to shake him off quickly. You can do this three times from perfect vitality before Claire enters caution mode. We will try to advise as best we can under what circumstances a replay would be nessecary, but it is better for you to use your own judegement to decide when this applies. The best way to restart is simply to allow yourself to be killed and continue or load your last save from the main menu, as this game does not have a soft reset function. ========================================================================== Proceed up the steps. Head to the centre of the graveyard and you'll see a cutscene. Equip the knife and mutter in your best psuedo cuban accent 'Say hello to my little friend!'. You'll be attacked by 3 zombies from behind. Ignore them for the time being and approach the two zombies coming at you from the front. Slash them down with the knife. Aim low and you should get them down in a single slash. Stab them repeatedly until they are dead and leave, ignoring the other 3. Hopefully you will have practiced and the battle game and will have been prepared for that. You'll meet Steve in another cutscene and will have the Handgun in our inventory. Trash can (Item Box) for that. Head through the east door in this courtyard. There is little to do in here except grab the green herb from the catwalk, then head around the cabin and through the door. In this section are 2 initial zombies. Kill them. Head around towards the shutter. There is a third zombie hiding behind the camera angle to the right. Lure him towards you and slash him down. Hopefully you will have not been bitten by a zombie yet. If you have (Your vitality is in caution), restart. If not head on into the security room through the door. You know the drill, put all your metal items in the security box. Follow the coridoor round and activate the machinery in the main room and get the first aid spray. Use the only door in here to recieve another cutscene. Take the emblem from the desk drawer and then save the game again. Note: Make sure that you combine the Green Herbs you get in this section to free up space for story items, as it is a little while before we get to our first item box. In this next section, we have to make our way back to the graveyard again but this route is infested with zombies. Again, restart if you lose a lot of health. We can't afford to use up all our health items so early on, but if you know how to deal with these zombies its a piece of cake. Pull the lever near the blocked door and exit the Obs. Room and head back to the shutter hallway. You can now access the shutter, but when you do, four zombies launch a surprise attack. Immediately run back to the security hall, and then go straight back to the shutter hallway. You'll find the room reset with all the zombies in new positions. Take them down one by one ALL of them (We have just saved the game, so replaying would be acceptable) and pick up the Padlock Key from the guillotine. Grab the Fire Extinguisher and exit to the East Passage. As you walk around the cabin, 3 ravenous dogs will attack. Make your way up the wooden catwalk where we found a Green Herb earlier. Turn around and slash each dog as he attempts to get you. Once you've taken them out, go back down the steps and turn around and exit to the courtyard. There are 3 zombies here. Fortunately, 2 of them are busy feasting on a comrade. The two busy zombies are easily avoidable but the third is loitering right next to the door that leads to the graveyard. If you hug the wall as you approach he won't get near you and you can pass through without fuss. You'll find the zombies you left behind earlier are still here. Unfortunately you have to kill all of them to get to the wrecked vehicle. Several of the remaining zombies are naked zombies and are easy enough to kill. Approach them and take them down one by one. The final zombie is the driver of the truck. He takes a little longer to defeat, but you shouldn't have a problem here. If you do it right you'll leave in perfect condition. With the route clear, use the fire extinguisher on the burning vehicle to find the briefcase in the rubble, which upon closer examination gives you the special alloy. We now need to head back to the security office, so pass through the courtyard again. The zombies here are in different locations now but we are in a wide open area and they are easily avoided. Once you are back in the cabin passageway, turn immediately to your right and use the recently acquired padlock key to enable swift access to the door that leads to the shutter hall - this means you will no longer have to fight the dogs here. Once in the security office, we are going to do a spot of cheating. As you know in a while three zombies will burst through the windows here and attack while your trusty Knife is inside the security box. What we need to do is pass through to the area with the duplicator. Grab the ink ribbon you put in the box earlier and set off the metal detector. Now, duplicate the Hawk Emblem on the machine using the alloy and the emblem and the zombies can't break through the glass. Go to the office and save the game. We are know going to make our way to the palace, hopefully unscathed. There are a few tricky sections on the way but again it can be done flawless. So remember to restart if things go awry. Return to the hall and turn off the metal detector and head back to the Courtyard, avoiding the zombies once more. Use the Hawk Emblem on the huge gray gates here and open them. Head down the steps and run along the bridge. Grab the two green herbs in this area and push the crates together to climb over the fire and head up the staircase. ---------Part 2: Access The Airport and Retrieve The Biohazard Card--------- We are now in the L shaped hallway which leads to the Palace and the Military Training Facility, and it is guarded by three zombies. You must deal with them now as we will be back in this area again soon. Get the immediate two near the ladder, and then proceed towards the palace. The final two should have their backs to you. Get close enough to lure them towards you and slash them one by one. If they get you, it is possible to throw them off the balcony. When you are done, ascend the steps. We now have to exterminate three nasty dogs and this time we must fight them, but it is really easy. Simply run to the palace entrance steps and climb them. You should be able to avoid the dogs as you do this. Now, stand facing the steps and the dogs should try jumping up after you one by one. As each dog does this, repeatedly slash at them. If one dog manages to get up there with you, back your way into a corner and take them out one by one. You should get through this without a scratch if you've done it right. You can now enter the palace. Head upstairs and enter the door to the right of the landing and then save the game. ========ABOUT DEALING WITH AND MANAGING HEALING ITEMS======================= As this is our first real oppurtunity we have to arrange our inventory, we thought it would be best to have a small tutorial on your usage and management of herbs and first aid sprays, as we should have quite a collection right about now. Conserving Herbs and First Aid Sprays for the bosses is absolutely crucial, and you'll find the infortmation on how to get the best combinations of herbs here. First aid sprays restore your vitality by 100%. Green herbs heal your vitality by 25%. Red herbs do nothing by themselves, but can be mixed with a green herb to multiply it's effect. Blue herbs cure poison. To help you decide on how best to manage the different herbs we have in our possession, the table below will help you out. ---------------------------------------------- I Green (G) I Red (R) I Blue (B) I ---------------------------------------------- G = 25% health restore. G + G = 50% health restore. G + G + G = 100% health restore. G + R = 100% health restore. G + B = 25% health restore and cure poison. G + G + B = 50% health restore and cure poison. G + R + B = 100% health restore and cure poison. Mixing the herbs is a good idea, but you should keep two or three solitary green herbs in your item box and one in your inventory if you need to heal quickly. Its no use wasting a Good Mixture when you still have 50% Vitality. But we will have to leave it to you to decide on how best to use the herbs you acquire. That is the end of our tutorial section and we can now continue with the game. ========================================================================== You can now return downstairs. Access the computer and use the code NTC0394 to unlock the door. This next section involves a lot of running around, but only three, yet testing zombie encounters. Since you've saved recently it is in our best interests to restart if you are in a bad condition. Before you proceed through the door which has been unlocked, head through the blue door to your right. Equip the lighter and take the First Aid Spray and then enter the door behind the computer. Inside are four zombies; the first two are easy to take down. Let them come to you. The third zombie wanders around behind the other two and can be avoided. Move forwards and learn his movements before running by him. At the end of the coridoor we need to enter the door facing us. To your left is a zombie hiding around the camera angle. Hit the aim button to aim in his direction. Lure him out and kill him and enter the door. Flick the switch under the dragonfly and once the cutscene is finished and the secret compartment is revealed, grab the steering wheel and leave this room. Avoid the remaining zombie and try to leave the palace. You'll get another cutscene. Head back to the lounge where we got the Steering Wheel. Operate the panel and make the two guns light up to release Steve. Now head back to the main hall, avoiding the zombie on your way in and out of this area. You'll get ANOTHER cutscene. Once this one is over, leave the palace and go down the steps. Go straight on and grab the Navy Proof. Do a 180 and turn left and head down the steps. Use the Steering Wheel to raise the sub and take the sub to the airport. Ascend the ladder in the sub and follow the hallway around to enter the airport. In this room are three zombies. There are two on the left guarding the room where we place the proofs. But since we have no business in there yet, ignore them and slash the zomie on the right who is impeding your progess and enter the shutter. Cross the bridge to enter the crane control room and use the elevator to access the second floor. Operate the panel and position the crane over the crate to reveal a panel. Go back downstairs and operate the panel to bring up the cargo elevator. 5 Zombies emerge from the elevator and must be dealt with if you are to get the biohazard card which is on the crate on the elevator. Run to the narrow pathway between the wall and the lift. Drop one zombie here to block the others, then hack it up while its on the ground. Keep doing this until they're all dead, then just slash the crawlers. Remember to mash the buttons if they grab you - it is unrealistic not to think this will happen here as it is a tricky spot, but remember to restart if you go down to caution. Beware of the zombies who fall to the floor without dropping to its knees - It's a crawler, and if you stay there, it will bite your ankle. With the path cleared take the Biohazard Card. --Part 3: Infiltrate The Military Training Facility And Get The Gold Lugers- We are know going to visit the Military Training Facility, and on our way we are going to save again at the palace. After this we only have one section with enemies before we save again, so just stay sharp. We shouldn't use a healing item now, so restart if you get into trouble in the L Shaped Passage which leads to the Military Training Facility. Exit the cargo elevator room and cross over the bridge. Ignore the zombies in the office and return to the Palace Courtyard using the sub. Enter the Palace and return upstairs and save the game. Take this time to do any Herb Management and Inventory Management and then return to the Palace Courtyard. Enter the door on the left. There will still be zombies here, so make sure you avoid them or at the very least come out unscathed. Head left avoiding the other zombies here and enter the large doors. Cutscene. Enter the Military Training Facility by using the double doors. In here, you'll find a Red Herb on the floor on the right hand side next to the wall. Now, head up the steps on your Right and enter the lab using the door at the end of the coridoor. Grab the Bowgun and have a look at the panel near the door and the window. You'll get a cutscene. Return to the first floor hall and use the Biohazard card on the shutter and enter the door which was behind it. Cutscene. Avoid Alfred's Rifle shots and run up the steps. Go right and enter the door here. Follow the hallway around and enter the white door and save the game in here. Collect the various herbs and the hemostatic medicine and place them in your item box. Arrange your inventory. Now, we are about to fight our first and, if you play your cards right, only Bandersnatch in the game. We have saved right here, right next door so if the fight goes badly we can always replay from here. You will get it right eventually and if you are lucky and skilfull enough you might just win that battle unscathed. Re-enter the hallway and attempt entry to the brown door and you'll recieve a cutscene. Enter the door and head left to find a pair of Sub Machine Guns. As you attempt to leave, you'll be attacked by a Bander. The best strategy is to run straight at him and slash him at the ankles when you hear him roar. If you time it right his swipe will pass by overhead harmlessly. Read the bandersnatch enemy section above for some more hints. After 2 or 3 multi hits the battle will be over and you can head downstairs and through the door where you will recieve another cutscene. -----------Part 4: Get The Eagle Plate And Return To The Palace------------ You'll now be in control of Steve. We're not in the habit of cheating at this point by blowing the Zombies away with the Sub Machine Guns, but it is entirely up to you what you do here. Simply pass through the door here and then run through the boiler room, up the steps and through the door. Run through the sewer for another cutscene. When you regain control of Claire, you will already be on the second floor. Now, follow Steve and enter the door in this coridoor and then follow the catwalk around for another cutscene. When this is finished you should use the door on Steve's left. There are 2 Zombies in here. One is inside the alcove leading to the elevator and is easily avoided. The second is further down the hall. Approach and wait for him to walk near to a wall and then pass him by. If this doesn't work you'll have to fight him. Either way, use the door behind the zombie. Grab the Ink Ribbon and the Eagle Plate from the wall and return to the garage where we left Steve, avoiding or fighting the zombies if nessecary. You'll now need to go through the doors in front of Steve. Immediately run to the right and through the doors as several dogs will attack. Ignore the Worm here and go back to the L shaped Passage which leads to the palace. As you approach the Palace Courtyard steps, two Bandersnatches leap over the balcony but you'll easily be able to evade them. Enter the Palace through the front doors. You'll discover that the Palace Hall is infested with Zombies (I Think that is the first time we have encountered enemies in a main hall in a Resident Evil game...and I don't count the Lickers in the Police Station in RE2!). There are two on the ground floor here, but this is a wide open area and they are easily avoidable. The two on the landing are also easy to avoid, but because we are passing through this section quite a lot, we should do ourselves a favour and take them both out now. It doesn't take a lot to kill them either. Try slashing them as they climb the stairs here. Enter the Receptionists Office, save the game and re-arrange your inventory. -------------------Part 5: Get The Silver Key------------------------------ There is a fair bit of bandersnatch action coming up, and it is fair to say you'll get hit. But once you know how to avoid a Bander, they should be easy to deal with. This is a relatively short and straight forward section before the next save, and therefore if you lose a bit of health here you should restart. Grab the Green Herb which is sitting near the Gold Luger door. Use The Gold Lugers on the door to access Alfred's Office. Head on over to the computer and enter the password '1971' to reveal a secret passage. Push right to leave and you'll get a cutscene where a Bandersnatch leaps through the window. Whilst watching this cutscene, hold Circle and push Northeast on the D-Pad so that when the cutscene is over you can start running immediately. If you've done this right, he can't get you. Head through the secret passage and through the door. Cross the bridge and use the steps at the end. You'll find two more Bandersnatches in the courtyard here. To avoid them, run at them and pass them by on their left. Climb the stairs and enter the Private Residence before they can resume their attack. Once inside, equip the lighter to ward off the bats and climb the stairs. You'll find a First Aid Spray on the landing here which you should claim before you enter the 2F hallway when you'll get a cutscene. Go through the door on the right and you'll hear that lovely tune again. Its shortlived however, as you'll want to stop the music box which reveals the Silver Key. Take it and return to the coridoor, but before you leave make sure you grab the herb in here. ---------Part 6: Return To The Palace And Get The Eagle Plate-------------- Exit the Private Residence. As soon as you can, run left, straight at the first Bandersnatch and at the last moment veer right and he should miss you. When you go downstairs, repeat the process for his comrade. Head down the steps again and over the bridge to re-enter Alfred's office. Head through the secret passage and back into the actual office. Hug the wall as you approach the exit door. If your fast enough, the Bandersnatch won't be able to get to you. Once back in the Save room, save the game once more. We are going to go downstairs, but first we should use the Silver Key we recently acquired to unlock, but not enter, the door on the oppositte side of the landing to the Save Room. Go downstairs and enter the hallway behind the computer. Use and then discard the Silver Key. Now, this next room is tough because there are two Bandersnatches in here guarding the eagle plate. We'll try to get you through relatively unscathed but it is acceptable to take damage here. If you go down to danger however, repeat. We did just save upstairs a moment ago. As soon as you enter, run left around the table and circle round to enter the centre. You'll take your damage as you bend down to take the eagle plate. There is no real trick to this, its simply a case of damage limitation. Leave the room and take the Red Herb which is near the right hand wall. ------------Part 7: Return To The Prison And Get The Piano Roll------------- After that tricky spot is over, you can return upstairs and save the game. We now have to return back to the prison and there are a couple of Bandersnatches and Zombies to contend with on our way. Once you have saved the game return to the Palace Courtyard and return to the L-Shaped Hall. The Pair of Bandersnatches are still patrolling this area and you should simply run by them and head down the stairs. Cross back over the bridge to return to the courtyard. Head left, back accross to the passage with the Cabin - there are three zombies in here but they are easily avoidable in such an open area. Use the open padlocked gate to return to the area with the Shutter. You'll find two zombies in here who should be disposed of swiftly. Use the Eagle Plate on the gate near the guillotine and two zombies will attack as it opens. Exit back to the Passage with the cabin and then return back here to reset the room. You'll now find both zombies in different and easily avoidable positions, pass by the zombies and enter the door which you just unlocked with the Eagle Plate. Take out the two zombies and enter the door at the end of this coridoor. Head through the door here to return to the security room. Take the First Aid Spray and Ink Ribbon we left in the security box with you and save the game once more. We are about to face a very irritating and dangerous sub boss, make sure you have a full healing item with you. Return back to the area with the item box and deposit any items you don't need here and make sure you take the Biohazard Card and Eagle plate with you. Exit this room and follow the coridoor as it veers right. Grab the Green Herb and enter the door here to access the Infirmary. Check the cabinet near where you came in for a First Aid Spray, then head through the infirmary to the other door. In here, concentrate on the Zombie to the right of you. Watch his movements and when there is space, run by him on his right and grab the Red Herb. Run back to the door and leave, you should be able to do this before the flaming zombie gets you. You can get this right with a little bit of practice. Once back in the infirmary you'll recieve a small cutscene and the doctor zombie attacks. Leave. Return here and the room will be reset. The second Zombie, The Patient, will attack first. Take him down quickly and then focus on the doctor. The doctor ALWAYS runs at you, and is immune to knee slashes, so your just going to have to hit him until he dies. Bring at LEAST two full healing items into the battle. He's going to chew into you no matter what, and his bites do a LOT of damage (15-20% each). The only way to fight him is to keep slashing, get bit, knock him back (He won't EVER fall down), keep slashing, get bit, knock him back, keep slashing....this will go on for a while. If you are lucky you will make it out losing just one full healing item. Once he is dead, you can pocket the Glass Eye he dropped and use it on the human anatomy model in the office to reveal a secret passage. Descend the stairs here and equip your lighter to evade the bats in here. Collect the Green Herb as you progress through and use the door to enter the torture chamber. There are three zombies in here. Thankfully, you are in a narrow entrance way and you can slash each zombie as he gets close. As one falls, it will stop the next one from getting close. This tactic should ensure a safe passage here. You can now proceed to the main section, head left and descend the steps and enter the door. Pick up the Rusted Sword and gas will enter the room. Push the Centre statue around anti-clockwise to around 3 o'clock and the gas will stop. Put the sword back in the statue which has just rotated around. Press action and the doors will spring open and a zombie will attack. Before this can happen, make sure you do a 180 and lure the zombie around the center statue. When there is enough distance between the two of you, grab the Piano Roll and leave the Basement. ---Part 8: Return To The Military Training Facility And Get The Gold Key--- Leave the Torture Chamber, return to the infirmary and leave. Evade the zombies in this coridoor and make sue you have the Biohazard Card and the Eagle Plate in your inventory. Make your way through the shutter hall and avoid the zombies in here. Return to the Courtyard, avoiding more zombies and head back over the bridge and up the staircase and through to the Military Training Facility Courtyard. Evade the worm and enter the Facility through the main doors. Unlock the shutter using the Biohazard Card and enter the door once it is revealed. Run by the dogs in here and head up the steps. Use the Eagle Plate in the panel on the balcony here to get the Emblem Card. Head into the hall using the door on the right and unlock the shutter using the biohazard card. Go inside the White Door and save the game and re-arrange your inventory again. Decide whether a replay is nessecary, keep the Biohazard Card and Emblem Card in your inventory and then continue. Return to the courtyard and head into the caged section at the bottom. Go down the Ladder and use your card in here to raise the bars. From your vantage point here you can pick off the advancing zombies at your leisure. Once the coast is clear, go down and go left and up the steps and through the door. Use the elevator here to get to the second floor. Unlock the shutter. Head into the surveillance room and claim the herbs. Take the Army Proof from the computer and use the camera to zoom in on the skeleton picture. The ventilation of this room is now complete and we must head back there to get that picture. Turn around and two zombies will rise to attack. They are easy to evade though, so just unlock and leave through the brown door. Go down the steps avoiding the dogs in the courtyard and head into the main hall of the Training Facility. Unlock the shutter leading to the lab and go up the stairs, down the hall and enter the door here. Enter the code, 1126, on the panel to access the lab. Pick up the Skeleton Picture and several albinoids attack. Ignore them and make a hasty retreat. Return to the 1F, follow the coridoor and exit to the courtyard. Outrun the dogs and get to the courtyard landing. Enter the brown door. As soon as the screen loads, run straight up the steps. Lure the Zombies up here - it takes time but they will come. Hide behind the console here. Don't let them get too close or they will run at you. Once both zombies are in the open space of this section, see your opening and run back down the stairs and descend the elevator to the first floor. Run forwards slightly to the left and then hug the left hand wall as you travel to the right along the coridoor. If done right you can evade the two zombies in this coridoor. Enter the door behind the second zombie and use the Skeleton Picture on the blank space on the wall. Take the Gold Key once it is revealed to you and exit. You can avoid these two zombies much easier now. Use the last door on the right. ------------Part 9: Return To The Palace And Get The Ant Objects------------ Use the double doors on your left and then the door on your right to return to the courtyard. Go through the large doors to get to the L-Shaped Coridoor which leads to the palace. Run to the palace, carefully avoiding the banders. Go and get the Piano Roll from the item box and return to the First Floor of the palace. Enter the coridoor behind the computer and unlock the final door in this coridoor using the Gold Key. Go to the elevated platform and read the file. Press the switches under the following portraits in this order: Single Woman, Man With Twins, Single Man, Man With Earthenware Plate, Man Holding A Book, Man With Candlestick, Large Portrait On Elevated Platform. When this is done correctly, you can take the Earthenware Pot. When it is examined, you'll find the Queen Ant Object. Go back to the second floor landing and use the left hand door you unlocked earlier with the Silver Key. Use the Piano Roll on the Piano and you will be able to get the King Ant Object from the slot machine. Make sure you bring the two green herbs in here with you when you exit. Go to the save room and save the game. -------Part 10: Get The Air Force Proof And Return To The Airport-------- This next section coming up is extremely difficult - we face several zombies and bandersnatches in a short space of time and we really need to look toward restarting - we have saved right here - if things go badly for is in the next few rooms. We would recommend restarting if you go down to danger or go down to caution twice in this next section. It is relatively small as well so you won't replay much. Make sure you have both Ant Objects in your inventory and enter Alfred's office. Run to the left - you WILL get hit by the Bandersnatch here, but twice is too much - and get to the bridge using the secret passageway. This bridge is very hard now, as 5 zombies are on patrol. Unlike previous ambushes, you have nothing to run to and/or hide behind, so just get in there and start kneecap slashing. You WILL take some bites here, but if you get the zombies into a domino effect with pushing, you can hack them up on the ground and have a lot less trouble. Consider restarting if things go badly here. When you return to the courtyard, the two Banders have gone walkabout but return as you go up to the door. They can't get you if your fast enough, so just head on into the Private Residence through its main doors. Immediately run to the right and pick your best route to the stairs to avoid the two zombies on the ground floor. There are two more waiting to ambush you on the landing. You'll need to take both of them out as it is too cramped for you to avoid them here. Get the first one as he approaches and you may just be able to get the second as he comes down the stairs to get you. Enter the hall at the end of the landing. There are 4 more zombies in here. Go right and kill the two zombies as they approach. The camera angle is very forgiving here and you will easily be able to judge when to go for a multi hit. Now go left and repeat the processs on the other two zombies in this coridoor, and return to the right hand wing of the hall and enter the bedroom. That was a very tough section - Using herbs to get from Caution to Fine mode is acceptable. Anything more than that is just not good enough and you will need to replay from the Palace. Use the King Ant Object on the music box to get the Music Plate. Go back to the coridoor and enter the bedroom on the other side. Unlock the music box using the queen ant object and use the music plate here to reveal a ladder. Go up the ladder, get off the carousel and find the Dragonfly near the wall. There is also a Green Herb here which you should take. Use the Dragonfly on the dragonfly mural to reveal another ladder which you should climb. Push the block next to the book case to finally get your hands on the Air Force Proof. Save the game here and return to the bedroom. You'll get a cutscene. Follow Alexia and examine the wig and you'll see another cutscene. We now must make it back to the palace before we save again. As you go back you must make sure you are in fine mode, and that it remains that way on your journey back to the palace. You have just saved, so if that happens you will need to go back. Leave Alfred's Bedroom and go to the landing. Head downstairs. Its difficult to know exactly what the zombies at the bottom will do. If you are lucky they may be on either side of the staircase meaning avoidance is simple. If they are waiting at the foot of the stairs, they may only vomit rather than grab you. Make sure you avoid them either way and leave the Private Residence. Remember when we left the Private Residence last time and how we dealt with the pair of Bandersnatche's here? We'll use the same tactics. When the game loads up again, run immediately left straight at the Bandersnatch and veer right at the last moment and you should avoid him. Do the same for the Bandersnatch waiting at the courtyard below and use the steps to return to the bridge. There are no zombie related surprises here this time, so you simply need to cross the bridge and return to Alfred's office using the secret passage. Hug the wall near the door as you escape here. If you are fast enough you'll make it out without getting hit by the Bandersnatch. You're back in the save room. Consider whether a replay is nessecary and go ahead and save the game. Make sure you have the Army, Air Force and Navy Proofs in your possession and leave the Palace. Turn right and get to the marina. Use the Sub to get back to the airport. Once back at the airport office, you should be able to easily avoid the two zombies on the left as you enter the door here. Activate the control panel at the top of the screen to power up the elevator and use each proof to activate it. Take the elevator to the plane. Once inside, go up the steps for a cutscene. Take the Control Lever and save the game on the typewriter in here. -----------Part 11: Raise The Bridge And Return To The Airport------------ Saving here is insurance for not getting hurt in the airport office when you go back there in a moment. Exit the plane and use the elevator to get back to the maintenance area. Enter the door to return to the office. Move slowly forwards to get the zombies attention. When there is enough space, run by them. Go to the right of the desk. You'll need to take this zombie down, so slash him repeatedly and remember that if you mess up you'll need to replay. Enter the shutter behind this zombie, cross the bridge overlooking the plane and enter the next shutter. Go back to the second floor using the elevator in here, head past the crane controls and use the door in the back here. Use the Control Lever we found in the plane to raise the bridge, and head accross it and use the door here. Grab the Airport Key near the zombies and return to the crane room. Go back to the first floor using the elevator and use the Airport Key to unlock the turnstile which is bariccading this shutter. Go through and take the two herbs and move the blocks out of the way of the elevator. We know who is waiting to ambush us back upstairs, so its time to save the game but don't bother to arrange your inventory with as many healing items as possible - we won't need them. Once you have saved the game use the cargo elevator to get to the Military Training Facility Courtyard, and go behind it to enter the L-Shaped Hall. As you go towards the Palace you will get a cutscene. \/\/\/\/\/\ Tyrant 1 /\/\/\/\/\/ This will be your hardest fight thus far, so if you get through this, you are going to survive this challenge. First off, you have a time limit here. NOT the self destruct timer, the fact that Tyrant is closing in on you. Your back is pinned to the fire, and if he knocks you in it, it's an instant game over, so you must be fast. It only takes 4 punches to knock you in. Run up to the tyrant and get ready to downslash. Do so JUST BEFORE HE ATTACKS, ala Bandersnatch. The timing is much harder then with a bandersnatch, so you'll be doing this one over and over. If you do it properly, you will slash his legs, and his swipe will pass harmlessly overhead. Don't wait for him to do it again like a bandersnatch, KEEP SLASHING! After 3 or 4 slashes he should drop to his knees. Back up a little bit and keep slashing. He takes damage even when he's grounded, but if you get too close he'll club you back. After he gets back up, you need to repeat the strategy again. This is the hard part. By now, your very close to the fire, so if you mess up, it's all over. And it's VERY EASY to screw up here. Hopefully you'll get the timing right again, and a few more slashes should make him drop. Keep slashing and he should fall face first on his second drop. Now it's safe to run past him. Congratulations. You just beat the hardest knife boss-fight in the game. When you are back at the palace courtyard, you should head back to the sub and use the steering wheel to call it back. Take it to the airport and run past the two remaining zombies in the office. Use the door here to get back to the elevator and the plane and you will recieve another cutscene. Save the game once more and arrange your inventory with 3 or 4 full healing items. You should still have a stockpile if you were careful enough so the Tyrant 2 shouldn't pose too much difficulty. When you are ready, head through to the rear of the plane. \/\/\/\/\/\ Tyrant 2 /\/\/\/\/\/ This isn't as bad, but you need 3-4 full healing items here, so stock up. We can't knife him this time, he rushes at you for a lot of damage when you get close, so we have to use the crate. Fear not, the crate damages him every time it's used. Not that much, but it's appreciable. Once the battle is underway, immediately turn and press the blue button. This not only damages him, but pushes him back, giving you room to start the dodge strategy. Once he;s back, you need to start running ovals around him. Wait until he starts approaching (Stay as close to the left or right wall as you can.), then when hes about to enter rush range, run to the opposite wall and start juking past him. Usually he'll rush you you at this point, and it may or may not hit, so count your blessings if it misses (Or if he decides not to use it.). You have to do this for about a minute, after which the catapult will have reset, so run and press the blue button again. You need to repeat this strategy for a while. Watch out for his attacks though. The first one is a bum rush that knocks you ass first on the floor. It does moderate damage, so if you end up in orange caution, you should heal immediately (It only takes 5 hits to kill you at full health.). The point of this attack, however, is to stall you so he can use his second attack. Those blades on his arm aren't just for show. If he knocks you down, he will bring his arm around, wait a split second, then bring them down in a hammerblow type attack. This attack is MERCILESS, so do everything you can to dodge it. As soon as you get up, run to the side (This won't work if your in danger.) to avoid the blow. Never, NEVER get caught with him rushing you straight to the back. Claire is not wearing a parachute, and if she gets knocked out of the hatch, it's game over. Study Tyrant's condition. After some hits he'll leave some blood in his footsteps, indicating that he's hurt. Once he starts leaving large piles of blood, as well as begins limping, he's ready to be launched out. Press the blue button once more, and the crate will shoot out of the plane, taking him with it. No more Tyrant will be bothering claire. Well, that was the toughest section in the game. If you've made it this far, you have a great chance of completing this challenge. Now that it is over, you can re-enter the cockpit where you will see several cutscenes. When you are prompted to save the game, do so. You'll see another cutscene and then its back to work. ************************************************************************* | CHAPTER B: ANTARCTICA | ************************************************************************* ----------------Part 1: Restore Power To The Facility---------------------- Go down the ladder and follow the walkway and enter the last door on the left before you reach the staircase. Go around to the bunks and take the First Aid Spray from inside the open locker. Go back to the walkway and descend the stairs. In this room are the 3 moths. These are the most irritating enemies in the history of Resident Evil. They hover around and leave a trail of poison in the air, and latch eggs onto Claire's back. It is far too difficult to kill them with the knife, so your just going to have to make a run for it each time. You'll get hit from time to time, but make sure you replay if this happens provided you have saved just before. You should go left at the bottom of the stairs and enter the door on the right. You can use the Blue Herbs which are growing before you enter if you were poisoned. You are now in the warehouse, which is infested with zombies. Run to your left. Now watch the first zombie here. When there is enough room to get by him, do it and head on up the steps to the first door on the left. Once at the top of the stairs, do a 180 and position yourself in the center of the platform as close to the stairs as possible. Wait patiently as each zombie walks up the stairs and repeatedly slash even when they are not within your range yet. After a few slashes each zombie will fall down. Its cheap, but effective. Once that encounter is over, go down the steps and go around the sorter. You'll find a door here with 'Weapons' written on it. Go inside and pocket the mining room key and then return to the door on the platform where we just took out the platoon of zombies. Use the mining room key to get inside and enter the door on your left. In a very cramped and dark environment, you must take on three dogs. When you enter the room, run straight and wait for the first dog. The camera angle is bad here, so don't worry if you get bit. Once it's down, slash it to death, then keep running straight until you hit a wall. The alcove next to you has another dog, and a couple green herbs. Slash him while he's still laying down, then run around the path to the generator. The third dog should be coming up on you through the winding path, so slash him to death and turn on the generator. It's ok if you get bit once or twice in this room, there are a grand total of FIVE green herbs in here, so you can afford the damage. You'll also be able to find the Green Herbs in here a lot easier if you use your lighter. Make sure you collect all five before you leave. Go back to the c-shaped structure on your map and restore power using the switchboard. ------------Part 2: Get The Gas Mask And The Machine Room Key-------------- Return to the moth hall and save the game using the first room on the left. If a Moth laid an egg on you, head inside and save the game and then reset. Once you load the game the egg will be gone. Now, in this next section it is easy to lose a bit of health. Hopefully, you performed well in the first section. Take the herb near the cabinet and push the bookcase in the back here. Approach the locker, read the letter and push the switch once you have seen the cutscene. Enter the secret room for a cutscene and take the plant pot, which upon closer examination, reveals the Machine Room Key. You'll need to return to the warehouse now, and on your way try not to get hurt by the moths. If you do, restart and try again until you are lucky enough to avoid them. When you are back in the warehouse, you need to enter the door which is on the left after the Mining Room. There are 3 spiders in here. Enter the main section of the room and avoid the spiders. We are heading straight from where we entered this room to some crates in the back where there is a bar code sticker. Use the columns as cover and run by the spiders, claim the sticker and exit. This is fairly difficult, but you should be able to manoeuver your way past the spiders safely. Return to the warehouse and head to the centre of the sorting device and use the barcode sticker on the crate near the panel. Access the lever on the right hand side of your current position and then operate the control panel which is in front of the sorter. Return to the BOW room where you encountered the spiders and get the gasmask which is right to the left of the door. The spiders will not get near you at this point. Once you have it, you can return to the office save room in the moth hall. Save the game once more and arrange your inventory and make sure that you have the Machine Room Key and Gas Mask in your possession. Go back to moth hall and head up the stairs here. ------------Part 3: Access The Machine Room And Turn Off The Gas------------- Follow the walkway and enter the set of double doors in an alcove which is right before the ladder. Take the catwalk to the left and use the only door here using the machine room key. Enter the room in the back and collect the valve handle and return to the mining room where you will find Steve waiting for you. Cutscene. Although we would much rather use that knife on Steve right about now, we must instead focus our energies on altering the valve handle. Head around the catwalk and use the door on the right hand side. Use the Valve Handle on the machinery in the back of the room to get the Octa Valve Handle. We must now return to the warehouse. You should save the game also at the office and arrange your inventory with at least three full healing items and make sure that you have the Gas Mask and Octa Valve Handle with you. If you are planning to battle the Gulp Worm as Chris, make sure that you leave at least one full healing item in the item box for him to use later, otherwise you can ignore this part. After all, you don't have to fight it! Enter the warehouse; if you were poisoned or hurt by the moths, replay. When you re-enter the warehouse, you'll find it infested with zombies again. You simply need to run to the left to avoid the zombies. Watch them closely to judge when you can avoid them and head up the steps. Don't bother slashing them, just head into the Mining Room. Again, if this section went badly and we were attacked by a zombie, restart this small section again. Once in the mining room, go up the steps and use the Octa Valve Handle on the hole near the pipes and you will get another cutscene. Grab the Sniper Rifle to recieve several more cutscenes, and you'll find yourself on the heliport (How does Claire keep warm?). Make sure you get the first aid spray here and in order to progress, attempt to go down the ladder. Once you have seen this next cutscene, you'll have to duel it out with Nosferatu. \/\/\/\/\/\ Nosferatu /\/\/\/\/\/ Your worst nightmare. This will be your hardest fight yet. You should bring at least two full healing items with you if you want to be on the safe side, but 2 should be enough. You get an extra First Aid Spray on the helipad, which makes 3. Okay, what you want to do is get your back to the edge (ALWAYS!), then get in his face and slash upwards. That's right, for this battle forget everything we told you about slashing downwards. His weak spot is his heart, and you can't hit that if you aim down. ^__^ Actually, hitting the weak spot is pretty tough with the knife. You have to be in just the right position to do so. If you do pull a hit off, he will stagger back, open for another slash. Be careful when slashing though, gas emanates from his wounds, so you most likely won't be able to score a lot of hits. When he sets the gas vents, just run around them. He puts them in a 180 fashion, so if you go around them, they will be useless to him. Beware though, he can also set them behind him if your there. His long arm is dangerous. It does a lot of damage, and can sweep you right off the heliport. The reason you want your back to the edge, though, is so t he grab won't automatically kill you. If he grabs you, he will throw you WAY behind him, usually off the edge. If your back is to the edge, he will throw you the other way, possibly saving Claire from her doom. Keep slashing him upwards and staying backed to an edge. It takes a LOT of slashes, and is hard to understand at first, but with practice you'll see what we mean. It took me 100 tries to get it right. Be patient too. This is a long battle, and you will only die if you rush into it. Now that Nosferatu is dispatched, you can enjoy a couple of cutscenes before we get to the next chapter. ************************************************************************* | CHAPTER C: ROCKFORT ISLAND: PART II | ************************************************************************* ----------Part 1: Access B1 And Obtain The Door Knob And Clement---------- You are facing the toughest section of the game. Not only will Chris have to deal with more tougher and agile zombies, but the hunters which certainly live up to their reputation in this game. Agile and damaging, they are a force to be reckoned with. Nevertheless, with constant saving and a bit of luck, we should be able to complete this chapter using only a couple of healing items. Collect the Green Herb you find here and go forwards to find Rodrigo. There is a Typewriter and Item Box around the corner, and you should use this to save your game. Deposit some useless items in here - including the herb and enter the door here. Quickly pick up the two herbs which are clearly visible here before the worm gets you and then run to the elevator which you should access. You now need to run around this cave until the elevator arrives. Make sure you don't go down to caution mode while running past the worm, or you will need to retry. If you don't go down to caution, head on into the elevator. For you non-pansys who want to take the worm on, read the next section. Otherwise skip it. \/\/\/\/\/\ Gulp Worm /\/\/\/\/\/ Before the fight, bring two full healing items. You may or may not need them. This is a tricky battle. You need to be careful of it's lunges and dives, but you also need some way to damage it, and the key is it's pause time on a certain attack. Dodge the gulp worm until it surfaces. If it rears (And screeches.), IMMEDIATELY run to it's side and start down slashing. You'll probably only get 1-2 hits in, and when he dives down, you'll take some damage. This is the only way though. It takes about 15-20 slashes. Don't ever try to attack him during any other opportunity. You will miss every single time. Keep an eye on your health. If you sink to orange caution, you need to heal. If you don't, gulp worm will try a short lunge again, and if it connects, he will swallow you whole and end the game. Stay above orange caution at all costs. All in all, this isn't such a hard battle. It's annoying if the worm decides not to rear up, but it's not hard to kill/outlive him. You've had worse. Once he is defeated, you can ascend the elevator. You'll remember this garage from earlier. You should easily be able to avoid several zombies who are in this garage. Simply run straight through the double doors. Go round to the back of the tank and hit the switch and descend the elevator when it is revealed. Once you have descended this elevator, run around the coridoor and enter the door on the left here. Once inside, save the game or replay if you didn't perform well since your last save. Arrange your inventory and return to the coridoor. Go left and pick up the Battery Pack. Cutscene. Two Spiders attack. Run past the first one on his side and repeat the tactic on his partner. Replay if you got hurt here and use the elevator to return to the driveway with the tank. Re-enter the garage using the door near the front of the tank. Run towards the elevator and go to the right. You'll need to kill this zombie. When this is done, use the Battery Pack on the new elevator here and then take it to the second floor of the garage. On your left is a file and a Chemical Storage Key. Take them and use the door on your right. Walk forwards and you will witness another twisted twins cutscene. Go to the elevator in this hallway and watch out as the zombies in here rise to attack. Take the elevator to B1. You should go down the staircase and get the ink ribbon which is near the door. Grab the Shotgun and cross over the waterway where you find two Red Herbs. Remember, 1 Red Herb + 1 Green Herb = 100 % health restore. Use the manhole here. You'll find yourself back in the spider hallway with the save room. Save the game once more in the save room, and deposit the two Red Herbs. Make sure, you still have at least four spots free in your inventory and that you have the Shotgun and Ink Ribbon in your inventory and return to B1 using the manhole. On your return, you will discover the zombie which was in the waterway on patrol in here. Simply lure him to the railing and slash him through this. Return to the other side of the waterway and replace the Shotgun before you head through the door here. In this lab, get the Green Herb near the staircase and go up the stairs. Use the door at the end of the coridoor. Go forwards and use the door on the left to enter the chemical lab BEFORE you get the Door Knob. Go through the two automatic doors and get the Red and Blue Herbs from the back room. Use the Chemical Storage Key on the refrigerator and enter the temperature 12.8 to get the Clement. Leave the Chemical Lab and head over to the turntable and get the Door Knob. When you have picked up the Door Knob, two hunters will attack. We're not going to take them on, so do a 180 and leave the room using the gray doors in the back. You should be able to make it out with just two scratches - and that is just a taster of what is to come with these Hunters! -------------------Part 2: Get The Turn Table Key-------------------------- Go back down the stairs and leave through the door in the first floor. Go back up the staircase and enter the elevator, taking it to the second floor where you find two zombies lying in wait. Back up to the elevator and slash each one as they approach, then go right in the hall and use the brown door on your left. You'll find yourself back in the Military Training Facility courtyard where you'll find the Eagle Plate floating into the sewer. Go past the wrecked area where the Eagle Plate was and enter the door here. Inside we will find a Spotter, which can easily be avoided but take very careful at this part. You will find a Side Pack in the center of the room on a table, and equipping this will enable you to carry two more items. Enter the only room available in here and use the door knob in this coridoor on the door on your left. Enter this door and take the Tank Object from the left of your current position and return to the wrecked coridoor where you should avoid the spotter (Get spotted if you like, we aren't returning here) and exit to the courtyard and then use the brown door here. Access the elevator and take it to the first floor. Go right and avoid the spotter (Learn its movements, its a tricky one to judge) and then enter the door behind it. Use the Tank Object on the space on the diarama and take the Turntable Key from behind the painting. Before you leave, save the game at the typewriter here (remember we advised you to keep the Ink Ribbon from the Sewer? That's why). That save is insurance for the Hunter encounters we are about to face - in fact, the hardest part of the game is coming up soon. Anyway, you really shouldn't have taken much damage in that section so replay if you ever went down to danger level. Make your exit from the gallery. ----------------------Part 3: Access The Airport--------------------------- Return to B1 using the elevator and go back down the ladder. Make sure that you also leave the Shotgun behind and head back into the Lab. Once you get to the second floor, you'll get a cutscene. When it is over, you should immediately run at the Bandersnatch and then veer to the left as you pass it and if you did it right, you'll get by unscathed and enter the door behind it. Bizarrely, the two Hunters who attacked you inside this room earlier are gone. This makes things a lot easier; all you have to do is return to the Turn Table near where you acquired the Door Knob last time you were in here and use the Turn Table Key on the panel here. You'll find yourself on the First Floor, main hall of the Military Training Facility. There is little to do here now, so just exit the elevator and go to the right and enter the door. In the courtyard of the Military Training Facility, where we earlier encountered the Gulp Worm, are two Hunters. As the game loads up when you enter here, have your fingers held on North West of the D-Pad and Circle. This should give you a head start on the two Hunters as all you need to do then is just go right and enter the Cargo Elevator. It is more than possible to do this part without getting a scratch. Once the Cargo Elevator has returned to the Airport, go over to the Typewriter and save the game, and use this time to arrange your inventory. -----------Part 4: Get The Proofs And Return To The Cargo Elevator--------- We mentioned earlier that the toughest part of the game was coming up; well now we are here. We are about to pass through several rooms, twice, containg Hunters and Zombies and maintaining your health through this section is crucial. It is a short section, one that you will more than likely replay over and over to get the best result. We really should only use two Green Herbs at this point in the game. You'd want to consider restarting if we are forced to use more than that, especially if you go down to danger. One mistake is enough to ruin this section, so you will need your wits about you here. When you are ready, enter the shutter. As the screen loads, have your fingers pressed firmly on Northwest on the D-Pad and Circle and you should make it to the elevator on the left in time before the Hunter in here gets near you. Don't even think about trying to slash him through the railing. The Hunter is faster and smarter than that and will attack you from the front. Just go to the second floor using the elevator and use the door in the back section behind the Crane Controls. Go over the bridge and enter the Control Room. Access the Control Panel and enter the following sequence: 3, 3, 3, 5, 10, 3, & 5 to restore pressure to the bridge (There is another combination, 3, 3, 5, 10, 3, 3, 1 which also works). Head back to the Bridge Controls next to the door and Lower the bridge. Return to the crane room, head down the elevator and run to the shutter on the left and you should be able to avoid the Hunter once more. This is the tricky one. There is a Hunter guarding this bridge, and you need to cross this bridge twice. Running by him will cause considerable damage as he'll rain blows on you as you run away. You are going to have to take this Hunter out now. Stay in your current position and let him approach. When he leaps towards you, try to run away and avoid him. Then just repeatedly slash him with the Combat Knife. You should be able to defeat him before we get to Orange Caution Mode and certainly before Red Danger. Now enter the door behind the Hunter to get to the Airport Office. Relentless, isn't it? 3 more Zombies in here, although we need only deal with the first one who is impeding your path. Focus on him and slash him down but be careful, he takes more hits than usual. Remember, if he bites mash all the buttons to shake him off. Head around the table and you'll easily be able to avoid the two other zombies in here - just watch their movements closely and pick the best route by them. Enter the door behind them. You'll now get an interesting and very bizarre encounter - A Hunter who is not interested in attacking you! You'll see him straight away, walking around to your left. Simply pass him by as far to his right as possible and walk onto, repeat onto the elevator with the three proofs and allow yourself to get shocked. During this time, the Hunter will have turned around and resumed his patrol in the oppositte direction - he can't get you if he can't see you. Turn around and operate the controls to turn off the power to the elevator and grab the Army, Navy and Air Force Proofs quickly and leave the room. Leave as close to the right hand (Your right as you leave) wall as quickly as possible and you'll easily avoid this Hunter. The two Zombies from earlier are still here. Go to your left and lure both Zombies to this side, clearing a path for you to pass them by on their right. Return to the bridge, cross it and enter the Crane Room. Run forwards immediately - have your fingers held down on Circle and the D-Pad as the screen loads - and enter the shutter. You should be able to avoid that Hunter again. Phew. That was a tough section. Consider whether we used to much healing items and then congratulate yourself. It doesn't get harder than that in the main game (Minus Bosses, Of Course). Go ahead and save the game at the Typewriter and arrange your inventory. Make sure you have at least one full healing item and 1 Ink Ribbon with you before you ascend the Cargo Elevator again. --Part 5: Return To The Military Training Facility And Get The Eagle Plate-- Once you exit the Cargo Elevator, the two Hunters from earlier are replaced by their more fearsome cousin, the Sweeper. Try and run between them and enter the Military Training Facility through its main doors. You'll be hit - at least twice - but it needn't matter. Just make sure you weren't poisoned. If you were, try again. When inside, enter the first door on your right. Because it is likely we take damage from Hunters, we need to make sure that we make it through the Zombie rooms flawless. In this room there are three Zombies, but its the first who problems as he is right on you as you enter. Quickly slash him and go for a multi-hit. Don't worry about killing him, we are not returning here we just need to make a safe passage through this part. You can run by the other two zombies as they are encountered in an open space. Go through into the coridoor and enter the door to the right here. Your are now back in the courtyard. There is a Zombie playing possum on the floor here. Does he think we are stupid? Punish him for his ignorance by slashing him from behind and then enter the Caged Off Area. Go down the stairs and use the lever to activate the ventilation system to clear the air of gas. Run to the edge of the platform and slash each Zombie as they come from a safe distance - they vomit - and go down. Enter the door on the right. Immediately run forwards to the door in here and you may just be able to avoid the Hunter. Go around and pick up the Clement off the shelf in the back and return to the room with the Hunter. He'll have his back to you so you don't need to worry. Go back to the Boiler Room and use the oppositte door, and beware of any Zombies. If there are only one or two, try to lure them into the open section of the room and then run by them. When you enter the door, you'll find yourself back in the Sewer. Enter the elevator and take it to the First Floor. Turn right and re-enter the gallery. If you have the Ink Ribbon We advised you bring with you when you left the Cargo Elevator after acquiring the Proofs, save the game here and then proceed to use the Three Proofs - Army, Navy and Air Force - on the panel where we found the Turn Table Key to reveal a switch. Press it to reveal a ladder underneath the Diarama. You'll find a Green Herb here which you should take with you before you descend the ladder. There are Two Spiders in here, and you should be able to avoid them but if you do get hurt here, replay becuase we just saved in the room above a moment ago. Continue through this passage and take the Green Herb near the end and descend another ladder. As you move forwards, you will find some more Herbs here which you should combine. With the Herbs we recently found we should easily have enough to face the Albinoid. There is no trick here, just head to the centre of the pool, go inside grab the Eagle Plate and leave; just try to make sure we don't go down to danger mode in here as we have only just saved the game. Replay if nessecary. ----------------------Part 6: Escape Rockfort Island----------------------- Return to the underground passage with the Spiders and make sure that you avoid them again. Return to the Gallery and exit to the coridoor outside and use the elevator to return to B1. Go down the staircase and take the Shotgun. Go over the waterway again and ascend the ladder through the manhole to emerge near the save room in the hall with the Spiders. Enter the Save room. Go to your item box and get the two Clements and enter your inventory. Combine the two Clements, and then combine that new Clement with the Eagle Plate. This will dissolve the metal alloy on the plate and you will recieve the Halberd. Go ahead and save the game and leave the save room here. Inside the coridoor, you should go to your left where you need to use the Halberd on the silver double doors. Doing so will award you a cutscene and a chance to get our breath back after a long section. ************************************************************************* | CHAPTER D: ANTARCTICA: PART II | ************************************************************************* ----------Part 1: Get The Octa Valve Handle And Restore Power To B5---------- Once control is resumed, you can follow the catwalk along until you find the only unlockable door in the hangar. You'll find yourself in the area where Claire's plane landed earlier. Unfortunately, two tentacles will be here impeding your progress. You'll need to slash each of them quite a few times before they are defeated. As we swipe, we move forwards which means every time we slash at a tentacle, we move closer towards their range. Just make sure you slash about three times before you step back. Repeat the process a few times and you'll be able to progress. Just make sure that if you are hurt here and go down to Caution Mode, you restart. With the path clear, go down the ladder and go down the staircase at the far end of the catwalk. Don't bother going to your left to enter the warehouse - its blocked and there are some Zombies here (Fortunately those Moths have gone, and good riddance too!). Just enter the Save Room and Save the Game. Use the Halberd on the cabinet to acquire the Paperweight and a File. You can now return upstairs to the area with the tentacles. This time, enter the double doors in the alcove just before the ladder. Follow the catwalk around to the left and enter the door to get to the Mining Room. Head onto the Ice and go to towards the Pipes and you will find the Octa Valve Handle in the same place Claire left it. As you go to leave, several Zombies will break through the Ice and attack. As soon as you regain control of Chris, run forwards past the first Zombie and pick your best path past the other Zombies. This is a risky strategy and a tricky section, so if you make it out without a scratch consider yourself lucky. Watch out as some of the Zombies may throw a parasite at you and remember to hammer every button to shake a Zombie off if he grabs you. VERY cheap Capcom, By the way. When you can leave, make your exit. You should follow the catwalk around to the right this time. When the Catwalk breaks, go onto the Ice and climb back up to the other broken portion. Enter this door and you'll be spotted by a spotter. Again, very cheap Capcom. Its too cramped really in here to bother fighting the Hunter, so simply run by him to the end of the coridoor and enter the Elevator. You'll find yourself in a Courtyard on B5. The splashing sounds you can hear are from a Hunter. There is no need to fight him just now, so just use the door which is right in front you and then the first door on your left in this coridoor. Go to the back of the room and use your Octa Valve Handle on the machinery and then use the Switchboard on the left of your current position to restore power to the B5 floor. -----------------Part 2: Infiltrate B5 And Get The Crane Key----------------- Collect all the herbs and items in the save room then go ahead and save the game. We are going to do a spot of enemy elmination now which entails a few more saves in here in order to ensure we don't use too much healing items, and besides you should have plenty of Ink Ribbbons left, so why not use them? The first thing we are going to do is we are going to take out the Hunter who we heard splashing around in the courtyard once we got off the elevator, so you need to return to the hall out of this room and then turn right and enter the door here. You will hear him splashing around again - its light in here now - just slash him repeatedly as soon as he gets into your range and you should defeat him fairly easily. be sure to situate Chris towards the centre of this cramped hall otherwise your knife will hit the wall leaving you prone to attack. Now return to the hall where we restored the power a minute or two ago. Return to the save room and save the game. Make sure, however, that we didn't go down to danger mode in our recent Hunter encounter. If so, replay from here. Either way, proceed to save your game and then return to this hallway. Walk to the right a little way and you will hear Zombies. There are a total of 7 zombies in this small hallway, and you constantly risk colliding your knife into a wall here. Let them come to you and kneecap slash them (These ones seem a bit resistant to kneecap slashes, so be warned) to death. The last 4 zombies are hiding around the corner and are bunched together, so push them for a domino effect and downslash them to death. If any of them get back up, get some distance and keep kneecap slashing, but if they get a little too close for comfort, you can always leave the room and take them on again with little fuss. Once a path has been cleared, take all the herbs in this coridoor and then you can return to the Save Room, get the Octa Valve Handle and Paperweight and Save the game. Go back to the frozen hall and use the door which the Zombies were intent on guarding. Looks familiar, eh? Head to the Red tiled section and follow it around until you find the Tiger Statue. Take the left jewel to find a Socket and then replace the Jewel. Combine the Socket with the Octa Valve Handle and do a 180 degree turn and access the elevator. Once the elevator has reached its destination, you'll see a cutscene. Take the Wing Object which is right in front of you and go to the left. Don't worry about the Ants here; they are harmless. Find the Green Herb here. Inside the door here are a couple of Herbs and several Zombies; get them if you wish and then go to the right hand door. You'll find another Green Herb which you should pocket before you enter the door here. Run to the back of Alexia's Lab and go up the steps. On your right is a device which you should examine. Punch in the following sequence: AA, Crown, Heart and Spade. Place the Paperweight in the space provided and Get the Alfred's Ring from Alfred once his body emerges from the capsule. Examine it to get the Alfred's Jewel. There is little to do in this section now, so you need to leave and go back down the elevator and return to the Frozen Hallway. Go to the Save room and save the game again because we are about to duel it out with another Hunter in a minute. Although there are little enemies coming up in this section we will still need to do our best to conserve our healing items. Make sure you have the Valve Handle With Socket and a Blue Herb in your possession (You found one in the Frozen Hallway, remember?) and leave. Go right and enter the door and then take the elevator which is right in front of you back to the upper floor. The Hunter which was here earlier is back. Remember the Hunter in the area where we found the Proofs in the Airport? Hunters cannot attack if they can't see you and this Hunter in particular is pacing the other end of the coridoor, so run as fast as you can and enter the Brown door on the right. Go to the back of this room and ascend the Elevator. Use the Valve Handle on the pipes near the Acquarium and you'll drain it. Head inside using the ladder and pick up the Crane Key - as you do a Sweeper attacks after smashing through the glass. Go up the ladder and descend the elevator. You are just going to have to run by him as he attacks, and he will get you - just make sure its not too many times. You can use the Blue Herb we ordered you bring with you just for this purpose. Leave the room. The Hunter is now on the other end of the hallway, which is handy as we are going the other way. Use the door on your right. Follow the catwalk around to the right and enter the Crane Control Cab and use the Crane Key in here for a cutscene. Avoid the Spider and go onto the Ice to find the Alexander's Pierce to the left of Nosferatu. Closer examination of the Pierce gives you the Alexander's Jewel. Go back to the Catwalk and re-enter the door we came into this area in. -------------------------Part 3: Rescue Claire----------------------------- Enter the elevator at the end of this hallway (The Hunter has disappeared now) to return to B5. Go to the Cold Hallway Save Room and save the game. Its now time for us to re-arrange our inventory. Ensure that there is at least One full healing item in your item box, and make sure that you have several yourself. Also, make sure you have the Wing Object in your inventory Plus the Alfred's Jewel and Alexander's Jewel. Leave the Save Room and go right. You are now in the area where we fought a Hunter earlier. Enter the main section of the Courtyard here and take the two Wing Objects - one is by the pool of water, to get the other one you'll need to wade inside and collect it from an ornament. You will also find Two Green Herbs on either side of the door here. Get back to dry land and enter the large wooden double doors here. This looks a little too familar as well. Go round the back of the staircase to find Claire. Try to slash her with the knife to get a cutscene. If Claire was poisoned during the Nosferatu Battle, you need to go back to the room with the Acquarium and the Sweeper where we found the Crane Key. Go down the elevator and you will find it on a shelf. There are some Zombies here also who you will need to kill. Make sure that you save your game once before you go up the elevator and once more before you return to the Main Hall here to Claire. Either way, some more cutscenes will take over. -------------------------Part 4: Rescue Steve----------------------------- You'll be controlling Claire again. You'll also find your health is probably in danger - it depends on your condition when you defeated Nosferatu - but you can find a Red and Green Herb on your right which will restore full health. Collect all the items you wish to take and go over to the Item Box and take One Full Healing Item with you and leave this room using the only door. As you proceed through this coridoor, two tentacles will burst through the wall - make sure that you kill both of them before (Use a similar strategy to the one you used on your arrival of Chris in Antarctica) you use the door at the end of the coridoor. Ignore the Zombies in here and head up the steps in the back on the left. Activate the cannon and get the File and the Crystal. Carefully place the Crystal under the wrecking device and run away as it is crushed. Take the Security Card from the debris. If you took to long to do this, a Zombie could have made his way up the stairs. If this is the case, Either slash him as he comes up the stairs or push your way past him. It doesn't matter as long as you don't use a healing item here. Go to the door on the left of the Prison here and use the Security Card on the reader to raise the bars. Run to the end of this coridoor and you will receive a cutscene. You know the drill here - turn around and run all the way back to the shutter. Just one hit from the Axe will take you from Fine to Orange Caution. When this happens, use your full healing item. You should be able to get to the shutter before he hits you three times. You'll now get to see several cutscenes which result in you resuming control of Chris as he faces Alexia. \/\/\/\/\/\ Alexia 1 /\/\/\/\/\/ Yeah, I know, most of you are starting to cream your pants. HOW DO I FIGHT ALEXIA!? SHE KILLS ME AS SOON AS I TRY TO TALK TO HER! WHAT DO I DO!? Don't worry, this is easy. You start 2 steps away from her. Get into the combat stance and slash AS SOON AS SHE ENTERS RANGE! Don't run away yet. Slash again. The second slash should be a multi-hit, and she should stagger back. NOW run! Her blood will catch fire 2 second after it hits the floor (The blood from her wounds, not what she throws at you), so pick another spot close to her and repeat the process. Then do it again. And again. It will take about 15-20 slashes to drop her. If the fire gets too intense, run away from it and start at a clean spot (Stay close to her), but never get in her face. She will lift you off the floor and barbecue you, which is game over. After several staggers and multi-hits she will drop. Pat yourself on the back. You have done the impossible! --------------------Part 5: Retrieve The Red And Blue Jewels------------- You can collect The Alexia's Choker beside the stairs on the left. Examine it to find The Alexia's Jewel. Now, do a 180 and head back to the Garden area where we found the Wing Objects. Enter the door oppositte the elevator to return to the Freezing Hallway and enter the Save Room. Save the Game. Now, we must preserve our healing items, so in the next few Zombie encounters we really should replay from this point if we lose considerable health. Now, power down the Switchboard and make sure you have the Alfred, Alexander and Alexia Jewels with you and return to the Mansion main hall where we fought Alexia. Head on up the stairs and you can use the Alfred, Alexander and Alexia Jewels on the painting to reveal a secret door, which you should enter. There are seevral Zombies roaming around in this coridoor. Take out the initial two, and then head to the left and enter the first door on the left here. Get the Ink Ribbon and save the game - insurance for that latest Zombie encounter and take the Sterile Room Key from inside the drawer. Return to the hallway where we found the Zombies and return to the Main Hall of the Mansion. Go down the staircase and use the Sterile Room Key to enter the door on the left at the bottom. You will find yourself back in the Tiger Statue hallway. Go to the Tiger Statue and take the Red and Blue Jewels and return to the Main Hall of the Mansion using the door you came in through. Go back up the staircase and enter the hallway. ---------------Part 6: Get The Dragonfly Key And Rescue Claire------------ There are yet more Zombies in here. Take out the initial few who attack and then go to the left. You will find another Zombie to the left around the corner hiding behind the camera angle. Lure him out and slash him. You will find a Green Herb as well which you should take with you before you enter the room the Zombie was guarding. If your vitality got low during that Zombie encounter, consider restarting. Use the Blue Jewel on the Music Box and use the relief to access Alfred's Bedroom. Stop the Music Box, re-open it using the Red Jewel and take the Music Plate. Return to Alexia's Bedroom and place the Music Plate inside the Music Box and a Ladder will be revealed. Ascend the Ladder and grab the Ink Ribbon from the shelf and the Dragonfly from inside the Bucket on the Table. Return to Alexia's Bedroom and return to the coridoor. Enter the Save Room in here, which should be the first room on the right as you leave Alexia's Bedroom. Save the game again and leave. Go left and left again. Use the door which is to the right of the door which leads back to the main hall of the Mansion. Go down the lift in the back and access the Control Panel to reveal the fourth and final Wing Object. Combine the Wing Objects with the Dragonfly to get the Dragonfly Key. Go back up the lift and up the steps and unlock the door. Head right and use the door here. It is time to arrange your inventory. Make sure that you just have the Combat Knife, Dragonfly Key and every other slot but one containing as many full healing items as possible. --------------------Part 7: Activate The Self Destruct------------------- Return to the coridoor here and enter the door at the end and you will receive a cutscene. Once this is over, you will automatically receive a File. Examine it to find a Security Card. Head up the steps at the other end of this section. Use the Dragonfly Key on the identation provided. In here are two Zombies; it doesn't matter if you lose health as there are two Green Herbs in here, but try to take them out. Go up the Ladder and use the Security Card on the Computer. Before you enter the Password, if you still have Healing Items in your Item Box, now is the time to collect them. Enter the Password - Veronica - of course and the Self Destruct sequence will be activated, and Chris has just 5 minutes to escape. Leave the room and you will see another cutscene, which brings us to the final boss of Resident Evil Code: Veronica X. As soon as the cutscene is finished, you'll find Alexia blocking Claire's path. Run in and Slash Alexia with the Knife before she can attack Claire and you'll receive another cutscene. \/\/\/\/\/\ Alexia 2 /\/\/\/\/\/ Oh. Gross. You are going to need those 5-6 full healing items here, hopefully one or two of them can cure poison. Go to one side of Alexia and start slashing at one of the stumps (The things next to her hatches). She will of course spawn hatchlings to bother you, but keep slashing. If they overwhelm you, run to the other side and keep slashing. If she uses her tentacle, you may wish to absorb the blow. If it's a downward smash, she may kill some of the offspring and lighten your load (But watch out, It can do a lot of damage). Be careful of her poisonous spray as well, nothing sucks more than being poisoned and not having any blue herbs on hard. It will take a LONG time, but eventually she will give it up and go to... \/\/\/\/\/\ Alexia 3 /\/\/\/\/\/ Oh goodie. The linear launcher is finished charging, so snap it up and equip it. No. Do not use your Knife. There is no way you can reach her with it. Aim with the Linear Launcher, and fire a little bit to the left of her. She usually dodges the shot, but sometimes she'll fly right into it. It only takes one hit from this brutal weapon to end her reign of terror. Pick a different spot from time to time, she uses her flammable blood still, and if your caught in it, it will throw your aim off. You've just completed the most difficult challenge that this game can throw at you. Go outside! Congratulations, you have just beaten Resident Evil Code: Veronica X using just the Knife, a feat which is by no means easy. Well Done, and Enjoy the End Cut Scenes! ========================================================================== | 5: BOSS STRATEGIES | ========================================================================== You can find Strategies for every boss, seperate from the walkthrough, in this section. You will also find strategies for the three optional bosses, for those of you who want an extra challenge. \/\/\/\/\/\ Tyrant 1 /\/\/\/\/\/ This will be your hardest fight thus far, so if you get through this, you are going to survive this challenge. First off, you have a time limit here. NOT the self destruct timer, the fact that Tyrant is closing in on you. Your back is pinned to the fire, and if he knocks you in it, it's an instant game over, so you must be fast. It only takes 4 punches to knock you in. Run up to the tyrant and get ready to downslash. Do so JUST BEFORE HE ATTACKS, ala Bandersnatch. The timing is much harder then with a bandersnatch, so you'll be doing this one over and over. If you do it properly, you will slash his legs, and his swipe will pass harmlessly overhead. Don't wait for him to do it again like a bandersnatch, KEEP SLASHING! After 3 or 4 slashes he should drop to his knees. Back up a little bit and keep slashing. He takes damage even when he's grounded, but if you get too close he'll club you back. After he gets back up, you need to repeat the strategy again. This is the hard part. By now, your very close to the fire, so if you mess up, it's all over. And it's VERY EASY to screw up here. Hopefully you'll get the timing right again, and a few more slashes should make him drop. Keep slashing and he should fall face first on his second drop. Now it's safe to run past him. \/\/\/\/\/\ Tyrant 2 /\/\/\/\/\/ This isn't as bad, but you need 3-4 full healing items here, so stock up. We can't knife him this time, he rushes at you for a lot of damage when you get close, so we have to use the crate. Fear not, the crate damages him every time it's used. Not that much, but it's appreciable. Once the battle is underway, immediately turn and press the blue button. This not only damages him, but pushes him back, giving you room to start the dodge strategy. Once he's back, you need to start running ovals around him. Wait until he starts approaching (Stay as close to the left or right wall as you can.), then when hes about to enter rush range, run to the opposite wall and start juking past him. Usually he'll rush you you at this point, and it may or may not hit, so count your blessings if it misses (Or if he decides not to use it.). You have to do this for about a minute, after which the catapult will have reset, so run and press the blue button again. You need to repeat this strategy for a while. Watch out for his attacks though. The first one is a bum rush that knocks you ass first on the floor. It does moderate damage, so if you end up in orange caution, you should heal immediately (It only takes 5 hits to kill you at full health.). The point of this attack, however, is to stall you so he can use his second attack. Those blades on his arm aren't just for show. If he knocks you down, he will bring his arm around, wait a split second, then bring them down in a hammerblow type attack. This attack is MERCILESS, so do everything you can to dodge it. As soon as you get up, run to the side (This won't work if your in danger.) to avoid the blow. Never, NEVER get caught with him rushing you straight to the back. Claire is not wearing a parachute, and if she gets knocked out of the hatch, it's game over. Study Tyrant's condition. After some hits he'll leave some blood in his footsteps, indicating that he's hurt. Once he starts leaving large piles of blood, as well as begins limping, he's ready to be launched out. Press the blue button once more, and the crate will shoot out of the plane, taking him with it. \/\/\/\/\/\ Nosferatu /\/\/\/\/\/ Your worst nightmare. This will be your hardest fight yet. You should bring at least two full healing items with you if you want to be on the safe side, but 2 should be enough. You get an extra First Aid Spray on the helipad, which makes 3. Okay, what you want to do is get your back to the edge (ALWAYS!), then get in his face and slash upwards. That's right, for this battle forget everything we told you about slashing downwards. His weak spot is his heart, and you can't hit that if you aim down. ^__^ Actually, hitting the weak spot is pretty tough with the knife. You have to be in just the right position to do so. If you do pull a hit off, he will stagger back, open for another slash. Be careful when slashing though, gas emanates from his wounds, so you most likely won't be able to score a lot of hits. When he sets the gas vents, just run around them. He puts them in a 180 fashion, so if you go around them, they will be useless to him. Beware though, he can also set them behind him if your there. His long arm is dangerous. It does a lot of damage, and can sweep you right off the heliport. The reason you want your back to the edge, though, is so t he grab won't automatically kill you. If he grabs you, he will throw you WAY behind him, usually off the edge. If your back is to the edge, he will throw you the other way, possibly saving Claire from her doom. Keep slashing him upwards and staying backed to an edge. It takes a LOT of slashes, and is hard to understand at first, but with practice you'll see what we mean. It took me 100 tries to get it right. Be patient too. This is a long battle, and you will only die if you rush into it. \/\/\/\/\/\ Gulp Worm /\/\/\/\/\/ Before the fight, bring two full healing items. You may or may not need them. This is a tricky battle. You need to be careful of it's lunges and dives, but you also need some way to damage it, and the key is it's pause time on a certain attack. Dodge the gulp worm until it surfaces. If it rears and screeches - IMMEDIATELY run to it's side and start down slashing. You'll probably only get 1-2 hits in, and when he dives down, you'll take some damage. This is the only way though. It takes about 15-20 slashes. Don't ever try to attack him during any other opportunity. You will miss every single time. Keep an eye on your health. If you sink to orange caution, you need to heal. If you don't, gulp worm will try a short lunge again, and if it connects, he will swallow you whole and end the game. Stay above orange caution at all costs. All in all, this isn't such a hard battle. It's annoying if the worm decides not to rear up, but it's not hard to kill/outlive him. You've had worse. \/\/\/\/\/\ Albinoid /\/\/\/\/\/ Wait for him to discharge electricity, jump in the pool, run to the eagle plate, pick it up, and get out as fast as you can. That's it. You can't fight him with the knife, the electricity and headbutts do too much damage (As well as knock you around), and you can't hit him unless your in the water. That's right, its impossible, you'll Just have toskip this fight altogether. \/\/\/\/\/\/\ Giant Spider /\/\/\/\/\/\/ After you lift Alexander from the ice, Black widow comes up without Chris's knowing it. She crushes the booth with her weight alone. Actually, we recommend that you just get the jewel and get out. It's more trouble then it's worth to kill her, since this is the last time you will be visiting this room. However, for the brave... Get the black widow to try walking through the crane. She will eventually come down to the floor, which is what you need. Now get in front of her and slash like no tomorrow. It won't take that many slashes, but if you dilly-dally, she will eat you alive. You are better off ignoring this battle. \/\/\/\/\/\ Alexia 1 /\/\/\/\/\/ Yeah, I know, most of you are starting to cream your pants. HOW DO I FIGHT ALEXIA!? SHE KILLS ME AS SOON AS I TRY TO TALK TO HER! WHAT DO I DO!? Don't worry, this is easy. You start 2 steps away from her. Get into the combat stance and slash AS SOON AS SHE ENTERS RANGE! Don't run away yet. Slash again. The second slash should be a multi-hit, and she should stagger back. NOW run! Her blood will catch fire 2 second after it hits the floor (The blood from her wounds, not what she throws at you), so pick another spot close to her and repeat the process. Then do it again. And again. It will take about 15-20 slashes to drop her. If the fire gets too intense, run away from it and start at a clean spot (Stay close to her), but never get in her face. She will lift you off the floor and barbecue you, which is game over. After several staggers and multi-hits she will drop. \/\/\/\/\/\ Alexia 2 /\/\/\/\/\/ Oh. Gross. You are going to need those 5-6 full healing items here, hopefully one or two of them can cure poison. Go to one side of Alexia and start slashing at one of the stumps (The things next to her hatches). She will of course spawn hatchlings to bother you, but keep slashing. If they overwhelm you, run to the other side and keep slashing. If she uses her tentacle, you may wish to absorb the blow. If it's a downward smash, she may kill some of the offspring and lighten your load (But watch out, It can do a lot of damage). Be careful of her poisonous spray as well, nothing sucks more than being poisoned and not having any blue herbs on hard. It will take a LONG time, but eventually she will give it up. \/\/\/\/\/\ Alexia 3 /\/\/\/\/\/ Oh goodie. The linear launcher is finished charging, so snap it up and equip it. No. Do not use your Knife. There is no way you can reach her with it. Aim with the Linear Launcher, and fire a little bit to the left of her. She usually dodges the shot, but sometimes she'll fly right into it. It only takes one hit from this brutal weapon to end her reign of terror. Pick a different spot from time to time, she uses her flammable blood still, and if your caught in it, it will throw your aim off. ========================================================================== | 6: FAQ | ========================================================================== Anything you won't find elsewhere, you'll find here. Q: So, what is the knife challenge? A: It is the atrocious task of fighting every enemy (Bosses included.) with your knife. Except for steve, who only has submachine guns at his disposal (And that's only an optio.), everything else must be killed with your toothpick. Q: Is this like the RE3 knife FAQ where you must get a 100% kill rating? A: No. The point of this challenge is not to destroy, but to live. You do not have to fight every enemy, but the more you kill, the better the bragging rights and everything. This is designed for completion with just the knife, and we have directed you to avoid most enemies. Q: This task is impossible. Stop writing you lying sack of ****! A: No, we assure you, this challenge is entirely possible. I myself have accomplished it, and several others that I know (Such as Da Dood.), have done so as well. Q: Can you really beat Alexia 1 with the knife? A: Yes, and it's rather easy too. Q: What about optional boss fights? Can we skip them? A: Yes, they are unnecessary. If you want better bragging rights, you may attempt to fight them. We recommend avoiding the Albinoid!). ========================================================================== | 7: CREDITS | ========================================================================== We would like to thank the following people: CJayC for creating such an awesome site. Da Dood for giving Foxhound the confidence to attempt this challenge. Capcom for creating a fabulous series of games. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF DOCUMENT. COPYRIGHT MILLERS C AND FOXHOUND 3857 2005 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------