RERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERE RERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERERE RERE RERE RERE R E S I D E N T E V I L RERE RERE (A Summary Plot Analysis) RERE RERE______________________________________________________________________RERE RERERERE| Once again you stepped up in the world of survival horror |ERERERERE RERERERER|______________________Good Luck!!_______________________ |RERERERERE Written by: Marleone Type of FAQ; plot analysis E-mail: Friendster: YM ID: st_babyneko Format: MS Word, Wordpad Font: Courier New, Regular Font Size: 10 Char: 78 lines Date started: 06/10/05 Resident Evil is copyrighted to CAPCOM ENTERTAINMENT All characters are copyrighted to CAPCOM All rights reserved to CAPCOM. |rererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererere| |er Disclaimer er| |rererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererere| This collection of plots and summaries took almost a month to be completed and still on progress so...this FAQ should NOT appear in any print media such as Game Magazines, Game guide book unless authorized. However, you can put this link to your homepage, provided you ASK permission first to the writers and it should appear as it was posted. And one thing, time has been spent here and did not gain profit so, a little recognition wouldn't hurt to put. And also one thing, I don't mind if you give comments either positive or negative since this is one hell of a papework but I DO MIND if you plan on plagarizing its contents and seeing it on other websites without my permission. I'll definitely sue you, if it's the last thing I could do :) Enjoy reading |rererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererere| |er Table of Contents er| |rererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererere| 0.a Version Update History 0. Introduction 1. Storyline 1.1 Spencer Estate Incident (Before RE0 and RE1) 1.2 Resident Evil 0 1.3 Resident Evil 1 1.4 Countdown to Ground Zero (Events after RE1 and before RE2/RE3) 1.5 Resident Evil: Outbreak 1.6 Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1st Scenario) 1.7 Resident Evil 2 1.7.1 Difference between Leon A/Claire B and Claire B/Leon A 1.8 Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (2nd Scenario) 1.9 Aftermath and Epilogues (After Raccoon City Bombing) 1.10 Resident Evil: Gun Survivor 1.11 Resident Evil: Code Veronica (Claire Scenario) 1.12 Resident Evil: Code Veronica (Chris Scenario) 1.13 Resident Evil: Dead Aim ///under construction/// 1.14 Resident Evil 4 ///under construction/// 1.15 Unaccounted Mission: Resident Evil: Gaiden 2. Characters 3. Viruses (Evolution) 4. Hope for Mankind: Vaccines for the T-Virus 5. Files 5.1 Resident Evil 0 5.2 Resident Evil 1 5.3 Resident Evil 2 5.4 Resident Evil 3 5.5 Resident Evil: Code Veronica 5.6 Resident Evil: Outbreak 5.7 Resident Evil: Outbreak File 2 ///under const/// 5.8 Resident Evil: Dead Aim 5.9 Resident Evil 4 6. Wesker's Files 6.1 First Report 6.1.1 Some mistakes on Wesker's part and assumptions 6.2 2nd report 6.2.1 Woman Specimen Project 6.2.1 Alexia 6.2.1 Alexia II 6.2.1 Nemesis 6.2.1 G-Virus 7. Ada's Report 8. Frequently Asked Questions 9. About the Author 10. E-Mail Regulations 11. Shameful 'Credits', Acknowledgements, Plug-ins |rererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererere| |er 0.a Version Update History er| |rererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererere| ver 1 update Corrected some typographical mistakes I've seen, which lessens the badly typed sentences that don't make sense. Pardon me for those who had seen a lot of errors in my grammar composition. It's just that I'm rushing these faq to be uploaded, otherwise it would take me a long time again to remember that I need to upload what I've done so far. And for those who were asking if I need an editor for my work...well..I have an editor. It's just that she's still too busy too but she's on to it and I hope she finshed editing this faq as soon as possible...that's all for now Added some comments on the quick synopsis of each game. 07-03-05 Started typing the Resident Evil Files which would take an ample of time. 07-23-05 Finished typing Resident Evil Zero and Resident Evil 1 files. There's still more and I pray to God that I'll make it. 07-29-05 Finished with RE2 files. 08-18-05 Finished with RE3 files 08-26-05 Finished with Resident Evil Code Veronica files 09-16-05 Finished with the RE:Outbreak files Added the Vaccines for the T-Virus To those who were asking about any future updates and sites where this fact is being hosted...well, it's on gamefaqs and neoseeker and about an update on the rest of the Resident Evil games that I haven't put in this fact...well, I'm afraid that would take some time because as of now I'm really having a hard time catching up. Although I have played Outbreak 2 and Dead Aim, I would need an ample amount of time to make a plot analysis on them and patch information on the series. And oh yeah! to those who emailed me for remarks, either be positive and negative..thanks for the comments. It really helped a lot and I'll do my best to update this faq every now and then. ver 2a update 11-02-05 Typed in and included Wesker's Files 11-12-05 Fixed an erratum sent in by _____________, The bartender's name in Jack's Bar at Resident Evil: Outbreak is Will, not Mark Added Ada's report 11-17-05 Added Dead Aim Files and Resident Evil 4 Files. Added Difference between Leon A/Claire B and Claire B/Leon A in RE2 11-30-05 Starting to construct Resident Evil 4 plot. For those who were complaining about my guide being in the Resident Evil 4 section... my apologies. I haven't got the time to construct the plot since it's waaaay too long for a game and with Ada's "Separate Ways" mission, I'm still integrating Ada's and Leon's storyline. 12-19-05 Continuing RE4 plot. for those who would wonder why I did the RE4 first before the RE: Outbreak File 2 and RE: Dead Aim, well, RE4 connects more throught the storyline but I'll try to catch up with the remaining RE games as soon as I finished it. And one more thing, I know that there's a written bestselling novel about RE. I had just started reading it recently and I just need some time to segregate info coming from that series and the game itself. ________________________ ***************************| MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD |*************************** * Dates indicated in the timeline specifies the span of time till * * the next event, not the exact date that it happened) * ***************************| MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD |*************************** ------------------------ |rererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererere| |er 0. Introduction er| |rererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererere| Capcom's Survival Horror masterpiece did start a trend to survival horror that most gamers did follow and had been thrilled to the edge of their seats. Ever since the first Resident Evil game came out, gamers all over the world came to follow its plot and the second installation had been much awaited at that time. Now, as Capcom had released different versions of their different scenarios in the storyline, up till now, some gamers have a hard time tracking down the story since Resident Evil series had been installed in different consoles. Although Capcom had made different versions in the same scenario installations, they had either omitted or added up some special CG sequences that gamers really don't want to miss up. Seems like having a feeling of throwing your old console to the trash bin?? Well, we'll wrap it up for the readers on what's been happening on our fave survival horror game. |rererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererere| |er 1. Storyline er| |rererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererere| _________________ ******************************| N O T I C E |******************************* * Dates indicated in the timeline specifiy the span of time till * * the next event, not the exact date that it happened) * ****************************************************************************** Resident Evil took place in the mid-western part of the United States, in Raccoon City. A city controlled mostly by a renowned international pharmaceuticals called Umbrella Incorporated. Besides their business in the pharmaceuticals, little that everyone knew about its true agenda, and that is conducting reseach in the field of bio genetics to create Bio Organic Weapons for warfare development. Their theory was conducted first by the two founders of Umbrella Inc. namely Ozwell E. Spencer and Alexander Ashford in the middle of the 20th century (1950s)Their breakthrough had opened up to the possibility of using pharmacy, combined with bio genetics in the field of military purposes, and so Umbrella Inc. was founded to cover up their research, since it was stated in the "Biological Weapons Prohibition Pact" that it was illegal to study viruses as weapons. Many firms under Umbrella have begun to develop different kinds of viruses, based from Ashford and Ozwell's first research and succeeded in improving their first research. More than that, they helped in the construction of Raccoon City, to settle their base of operations there, by giving them donations and man power in the construction of buildings and railways. Little the mayor knew about Umbrella's true intentions and continued to accept their good faith and intentions for the city. Umbrella also spreads their influence over the city by hiring people, and letting their people work for establishments there. Over the years of Umbrella's progress in their field of research, they had been successful but both to their ideal of mass producing the perfect B.O.W. Until the start of the Spencer incident that started the countdown of Raccoon City in the end of Septmenber 1998 |==================================== | 1.0 Spencer Estate Incident \\ | (Before RE0 and RE1) \\ | \\ ============================================================================== May 11 (Monday) The first major T-Virus outbreak happens inside the Spencer Estate (and in RE0, it was revealed that James Marcus was the one responsible for the spread of the virus). The researchers implemented precautionary measures immediately and ordered everyone to wear biohazard suits. Medical examinations were also conducted to know who's positive or not. Everything inside the mansion goes haywire and different creatures began to emerge, from sharks (Neptune) to the giant plant (Plant 42) not to mention their guinea pigs who now roams around the mansion. The residents of the mansion decides to flee but Umbrella stopped them to, in fear of squealing their accident that would eventually lead to their exposure to the public. Those who attempted were shot dead on the spot. Communications outside the mansion were cut, and slowly they succumbed to the virus' effects. One by one, the residents of the Spencer mansion died, soon to wake up as zombie eating creatures. (From: Nicholai's Report, RE Gun Survivor) May 14 (Thursday) Due to the number of guinea pigs that the researchers were conducting their experiments with, Umbrella's disposal system in their Dead Factory inside Raccoon City has been installed. Using a special kind of gas, it can decompress the cells of the guinea pigs that they finished experimenting with. But by the manager's report, it isn't 100% efficient. (From: Manager's Diary, RE3) May 20 (Wednesday) Mutilated remains of a female hiker were found by the banks of the river in Arklay Mountains, by by-passers. Raccoon Police assumed it to be an animal atatck since the victim were found with supposed to be teeth marks and mutilated arms. (From: Raccoon Times, RE1) May 27 (Wednesday) One week later, Raccoon Times published the attack that happened by the Marble River. The people of Raccoon City heard the first case of one of the bizzare murder case that's happening in the outsirts of the city. (From: Raccoon Times, RE1) June 3 (Thursday) Researchers who survived some of the cullings in Spencer estate locked themselves in their quarters, hoping that they would be safe inside. But some of them, who realized that it was inevitable to hide forever and since they were infected, some of them chose to end their life rather than to turn to zombies. Some of them had written their final words and wills to their love ones, hoping that their letters would be found by their love ones and expose the incident that happened to them to the public. With their creations roaming around, they've got no chance to escape and the mansion soon turned into a haunted one. No one escaped alive to report the incident to the police, thanks to the strict implementation of blackout inside. (From: Researcher's Will and Researcher's Letter, RE1) June 7 (Sunday) Due to Umbrella Dead Factory's inefficient System Disposal, the number of dead guinea pigs in the Dead Factory began to increase, that the manager of the factory cannot cope up with the number of bodies to be disposed. The manager tried to consult with the laboratory staff about his opinions but he was ignored. (From: Manager's Diary, RE3) June 8 (Monday) John, one of the head researchers on Spencer Estate write his final will to his girlfriend Ada Wong, and to make the incident that happened to them, be known to the public. Ada Wong haven't got the chance to read his letter. (From: Researcher's Letter, RE1) June 15 (Monday) The Secretary of Chief Brian Irons, accidentally stumbled on her boss' hideous secrets. Chief Irons, head of the Raccoon Police Department, had been taking bribes from Umbrella and supposably where he gets his money to buy exotic and expensive paintings that teh secretary sees inside his office. Realizing what she had discovered, she thought her life would be in danger if Chief Irons would ever find out about her, snooping into Iron's affairs. (From: Secretary's Diary B, RE2) June 16 (Tuesday) The Raccoon Weekly magazine published an article pertaining to the mysterious attackers that probably causing the bizzare incidents, happen ing in the outskirts of the city. Based from by-passers and those who have seen it, doglike creatures with ferocious attitude that attacks in groups may probably be tha cause of this. (From: Raccoon Times, RE1) July 9 (Thursday) The Raccoon Times reported that the RPD would be closing down the road to the Arklay Forest due to the bizzare incidents that's consecutively happening there and to prevent the people from going there. RPD conducted a thorough investigation team to search the area for clues. But since the area was too big for the police to handle, they enlisted RPD's special team S.T.A.R.S. to help them in their investigation. Meanwhile, some of the townspeople reported to RPD some creatures lurking around Raccoon City. (From: 'Raccoon Times' RE1) 2nd week of July Due to the Spencer Incident, The Special Committee on Disasters of Umbrella's Raccoon Special Research Department sends a notice to Umbrella's Sanitation Department. (From: Fax, RE Remake) July 14 (Tuesday) Umbrella investigates the abandoned Arklay Mountains Laboratory. (From: Passenger's Diary, RE0) July 16 (Thursday) Umbrella's Dead Factory can't cope up with the number of bodies to be disposed in the past few days and predicted that the Disposal System's efficiency would gradually drop, till they can't process the dead bodies anymore, which would cause infection to them. Umbrella suspended B.O.W. Type -Y139's test production and pulled out its staff to conduct the investigation of the abandoned Arklay Mountains laboratory. (From: Passenger's Diary, RE0) July 19 (Sunday) Media had become aware of the bizzare accidents happening in the outsirts of the city. The Raccoon City newspapers and TV stations were full of reports about it. At this point, the city's became alarmed with the continuous strange attacks that the police can't seems to solve and began to question their own safety in the city. (From: Passenger's Diary, RE0) July 22 (Wednesday; 2:13 am) Captain Albert Wesker, head of the RPD S.T.A.R.S and also affiliated with Umbrella, receives orders from 'White Umbrella' about the lab's destruction, wiping off all the evidence, collecting sample specimen of their research there, and luring of S.T.A.R.S. inside the Spencer estate to combat Tyrant and obtain combat data from it. (From: Orders in RE1). Wesker, pitched in S.T.A.R.S.'s Bravo team first to investigate the Arklay mountains.. the start of Resident Evil 0 (RE0) 1.2 ______________________________ / ============================ \ / R E S I D E N T E V I L 0 \ __/ ============================ \_____________________________________ | \ | Developed by: Capcom Entertainment | | Release Date: 2002 | | Console : Nintendo Gamecube | | | | A prequel to the first ever released Resident Evil, it | | introduces the character switching in simultaneous events. Now you | | don't have to select a character and finish the story and play again | | as the other character to know the story based on that character's | | experience. Also the Item box had been removed, but the game | | introduces the new dropping system. You can drop off items if | | you're inventory is full and may come by to pick your items if | | you need them. | | | ============================================================================= _________________ ******************************| N O T I C E |****************************** * Taken from the scenes in Resident Evil 0, as Rebecca and Billy * * * ***************************************************************************** July 23 (Thursday) -Twilight- As the Bravo team flies over the Arkalay mountains, the chopper experienced an engine failure. They were forced to go for an emergency landing in the forest. Meanwhile, leeches began to attack a passing MP vehicle in the Arklay mountains, killing all of the police there. Billy Coen, an ex-convict, being transported for his execution escaped and made it to a train nearby. Bravo team somehow succesfully made a rough landing despite the case and made it in one piece. Bravo team quickly emerged from the chopper. Rebecca gave a "thumbs-up" salute to the pilot Kevin before going. Kevin responded with a salute and shut the door. As Enrico ordered them to search for clues, Rebecca found an overturned Military Police vehicle. As they illuminate their flashlights towards the truck, they were surprised to see dead bodies of soldiers lying around. Oozing slime slips through the truck. Rebecca found a file from an open case and learned that a prisoner, named ex-Lt. Billy Coen presumably the one who killed all of these soldiers. They've also learned that this guy is being transported for execution. Realizing their current situation, they continued their search. Just then Rebecca hears a loud thud behind her. She turns around to see a still train. Believing the sound could came from there, Rebecca searched the train. Just then voices start to get louder as she moves nearer. Unsure whether there are people in there, Rebecca spoke and introduced herself. Just then she reaized that the man in the chair was already dead and the voices that she heard was coming off from a radio beside him. As she was picking up the radio, the man in the chair rose and tried to reach her. Fear-strucked, Rebecca fled, just to see the dead people, now as zombies, moving towards her, blocking her way. Just as she was clearing her way through the situation, Billy Coen appeared, pointing his gun at Rebecca. She presumed he was the prisoner whom they've learned earlier. Billy, knowing she was with S.T.A.R.S. holster his gun and left. Rebecca tried to arrest her but Billy just showed her his left hand with a broken handcuff and left, leaving Rebecca. Just then, Edward crashed himself through the window, gravely wounded. He warned Rebecca the forest swarming with zombies and eventually died in her arms. Just then dogs came crashing though the window. Rebecca managed to bet them somehow. Enrico contacted her on the radio and explained to her about the fugitive, killing 23 people and institutionalized. Realizing her situation, she went on to pretend she didnt know, when Billy showed up. He asked for her cooperation to escape since they are in the same tight situation. Rebecca, who just heard Enrico's message, became nervous and declined Billy's offer, saying that she can take care of herself and demand to treat her with respect. Billy, provoking her told her to move ahead and see what she can do up ahead. Rebecca ascend the stairs and saw a possible survivor, an old man sitting in the car. She approached him to see if he's alright. She shook his shoulders and the man turned his head...well..until it rolls off his head and drops on the floor. To much of her surprise, the man's body collapse as if it were made of slime, well, it was and leeches began to pour from the slime. It reassembled itself to form a human like figure and started to attack Rebecca. She somehow managed to kill it and leeches poured and began attacking her, covering her entire body. She falls to the floor, shaking off the leeches. Billy who was approaching them, wiped out the leeches on the floor but some of them escaped. Rebecca, still catching up her breath gave him a thumbs up. Just then a voice singing can be heard. Outside, they saw the leeches were gathering on a man in cloak. Then the train just came to life. To investigate about it, Billy asked Rebecca to go to the first engine car to see who had started off the train. Finally, Rebecca decided to accept Billy's offer to cooperate. Later did they know that is was the soldiers that was sent by Umbrella that started the train. They went on top of the train to fix the lights in the dining car. As soon as they were finished, a masss of slime oozed beneath the wire and jumped out to Billy. They avoided its attack but they fell down below. Later did tehy know that they were trapped inside. with no other choice, they investigated the place, to get to the control room. Meanwhile, Wesker, who was in command of the soldiers of Umbrella, gave orders to those who were on the train to destroy it and leave no evidence regarding the leakage that happened in the mansion. Birkins, who was with him, still wonders how the virus have leaked in the mansion, and as well as the train since it was miles away. Before Wesker confirmed their position, the soldier was attacked from behind by the leeches, covering up his entire body. He fought in agony and submachine gun rounds were the only sound Wesker heard. Another soldier also came out of the control room but he was overwhelmed by the leeches. As Rebecca and Billy reaches them, the train engine was severely damaged and they need to apply on the brakes. As Rebecca was going to the rear end to activate the control system for the brakes, she was flushed to see Edward, now one of the zombies that she has to kill. They managed to put on the brakes of the train, but there's a near dead end barricade up ahead. The brake somehow slows the train for a bit but still it wasn't enough. The train derailed from its tracks and crashed its side into the tunnel ahead. Billy and Rebecca, somehow, managed to survive the crash but barely injured. They went their way, only to stumble into Umbrella's Research Center at the end of the tunnel. Little they know that Birkins and Wesker, were watching and observing them by surveilance cameras. Rebecca saw a portrait of Umbrella's first general manager, Dr. James Marcus. Just then, they were startled to hear a loud voice in the hallway. Rebecca and Billy tried to find its source. It was Dr. Marcus. Wesker and Birkins, who also heard the voice, suddenly were surprise to see in their monitor, a picture of the cloaked man. He said that he was the one responsible for the spread of the virus in the mansion and on the train in revenge to Umbrella. Wesker and Birkins still cannot believe what they just heard. As the cloaked man sang, the leeches, as if responding to his voice, formed a man that Rebecca saw on the train. Birkins, recognizing that it was Dr. Marcus, the cloaked man accused them of murdering Dr. Marcus ten years ago. Wesker was furious as the man laughs hysterically. At this point, Billy and Rebecca were going along and beginning to cooperate with each other. At the same time, the cloaked man, whom they heard earlier, were also monitoring them on his screen. Birkins, realized that if the cloaked man was indeed Dr. Marcus, then the conspiracy between Dr. MArcus and Spencer would eventually bring up Umbrella's downfall, losing their jobs in the process. Wesker, on the other hand stuck to the plan of luring members of the S.T.A.R.S. to the mansion and let them fight Tyrant and the monsters crawling tehre to acquire combat data from it. He also would like to make preparations for his farewell incident to Umbrella. Birkins, who refuse to abandon his work said he would need ample of time to complete his work on the new prototype of T-Virus, the G-Virus. Wesker did'nt change his mind and Birkins set off to activate the research center's self-destruct system. As Rebecca went into the torture room, she was attacked by an infected primate. The struggel continues until the floor gave away and she fell into the chasm. She managed to grabbed on but she can't hold on much longer. As soon as she lost her grip, Billy quickly reached out to her hand, and pulled her up. Just then, Enrico contacted her, asking her if she had found Billy yet. From the turn of events, and with Billy's cooperation, she can't turn him in and lied that she haven't seen him. Frustrated to herself for disobeying her first filed misson, Rebecca, out to know the truth, asked Billy about the truth of the murder of 23 people. Billy explained a long story about the time he was on a mission in Africa to assist in a civil war. They were asked to infiltrate a guerilla hideout in the thick forest, only to find out that there is no hideout and their informant screwed, not to mention that only 4 of them survived in the jungle. But their leader, who could not accept to go home, empty handed, ordered them to attack an innocent village. He apparently refused but he was knocked off as he saw the villagers being murdered. Rebecca, after hearing the story, asked him if he really killed them. Billy can't answer and said it doesn't matter. But Rebecca, who lied to her comrades insisted that it matters to her and put her trust to him. She presumed that it was the zombie dogs that attacked the MP van and not Billy. But Billy just shrugged off the idea and stated his situation, either as a fugitive, or as a criminal on the death row. As they went on, they stumbled on Dr. Marcus' photo album, and from the looks of the pictues, they assumed that Dr. Marcus is somewhat relative to the cloaked man they saw. Eventually, they found an air cable car, which they can use to escape. They decided to regroup and head over to power the electronic cable car. As they were boarding, they were attacked by a primate zombie. With it's agility, it sent Billy to the cliff below. Hoping that he could see her. Rebecca went over the edge of the cliff. Later then she knows that a leech monster was sneaking behind her and was finds herself face to face with the monster. As she confronts the monster, the power of the train had been cut off. Rebecca went to the power supply room and found out that leeches had detached some parts. Upon reassemble, Rebecca boarded the cable car and eventually lead her to a factory. She found her way underneath it, to find another Umbrella laboratory. Just then, another elevtor stopped at her floor and Enrico emerged. As he turned, he pointed his gun at Rebecca. Rebecca, surprised, halted him. Enrico, coming to awareness, lowers down his weapon and was relieved to see her alive. Rebecca asked him if he knows where their comrades are but to Enrico's surprise, said that they should have beat him there. Enrico suggested for them to head on, but Rebecca, who still was worried on Billy, insisted that she stay and find Billy. To Enrico's surprise and Rebecca's plea, he agreed and walked away. As Rebecca waits for the elevator, Tyrant ambushed her from the top. She rolled behind it to dodge it claws. As she looks for a way to escape, the elevator door closes, trapping her inside with Tyrant. She engaged it and somehow, defeated the monster, just in time for the elevator to come back again. She ended up outside and a bridge up ahead and above a strong current river. There she saw Billy hanging on a rock in the river. As she called to him, a mass of black shadow approached Billy and throws him in the river. The string current drove Billy far away into a tunnel. Rebecca followed him through the tunnel. She restored power to the dam and ended up near a drainage where she found Billy. As Billy was regaining consciousness, he noticed the pile of skeletons beside them. They assumed them to be guinea pigs that Dr. Marcus have used for his research. Billy was having flashbacks of the murder incident way back in their mission. As sson as they regain posture, they went on their way. Litle did they know that the cloaked man was still observing them in his monitor. As they went to the stagnant pool, Tyrant, who was still alive, climed up and attacked them. They managed to put it out somehow. They called on the gondola and headed for escape. As they reached the incinerator room, they were surprised to see the cloaked man, who was waiting for them. The cloaked man, who was Dr. James Marcus himself, told him of his assassination 10 years ago by Wesker and Birkin. Now, seeking revenge, he wants Umbrella's downfall and the world. Rebecca and Billy finally put an end to him. Their worries were far from over as they went up the elevetor, they saw the queen leech coming at them below just the time for the self-destruct system was activated by Birkins. Still wondering who had triggered it, the queen continues to ascend and eventually caught up with them. Rebecca and Billy were thrown out and onto the floor. The Queen leech smashed the lift above her and faces the two. Just then, sunlight were peeeping in the roof and the monster, caught up in the sunlight, began to screeech in pain. Realizing that it was prone to sunlight, they worked on a plan. While Billy distracts the queen, Rebecca was to open the windows. They succeeded, and the queen began to deteriorate. But it still managed to knock them both. Rebecca, seeing a gun, picks it up and tosses it to Billy. Billy caught it and pounded on the queen. They escaped, just in time for the facility to blow up and made their way to a cliff. As they were catching their breaths, Billy removes the broken handcuff and throws it to the cliff. Rebecca sees an old mansion and presumed the one Enrico told her about. She leaned to Billy and took his dogtag and placed it around her neck, saying Lt. Billy Coen is dead. Billy agreed.They give their goodbyes and gratitude and Billy, gave a thumbs up to her before turning and leaving. Rebecca looks on the mansion and headed her way there. She arrived, much to her surprise, it was the same adventure that she had a while ago. Birkins escaped and head his way to his laboratory in Raccoon City, Wesker returned to RPD to execute his plan; prepare Alpha team to be geared and dispatched. July 24 (Friday) Meanwhile, S.T.A.R.S. lost contact with the now dispersed Bravo team. Fearing what they may had expected, Alpha team was dispatched to know why Bravo team lost contact with them and rescue possible survivors. Headed by Albert Wesker, the team comprises of Chris Redfied, Jill Valentine, Barry Burton, and Joseph Forst. ....the start of Resident Evil 1 1.3 ______________________________ / ============================ \ / R E S I D E N T E V I L 1 \ __/ ============================ \_____________________________________ | \ | | | Developed by : Capcom Entertainment | | Release Dates: Spring 1996 (in Japan as Biohazard)(PS1) | | 1996 (International as Resident Evil)(PS1) | | 1997 (Director's Cut)(PS1) | | 1998 (Director's Cut, Dual Shock) (PS1) | | 2002 (REmake) (Gamecube) | | Console : Sony Playstation | | : Sega Saturn | | : Nintendo Gamecube | | : PC | | | | The first ever Resident Evil game released, it had begun a trend | | for survival horror games. The game was so good in Japanese that it | | earned to be released in the US, with actors to play some scenes | | especially the intro (which earned new levels of overexcitedness! | | boy! what a load of lameness). With its 3D-graphic gameplay it's a | | marvel to video gamers at that time and the rumored sequel to it | | had been fully awaited the next year. Its release of the 'Director's | | Cut' later comes in with a demo disc of the sequel Resident Evil 2. | | and also introduced the auto aim for beginners. | | Although it now sucks, that Capcom decided to make a remake of it in | | Nintendo Gamecube (Resident Evil: Remake), it had always been a | | memorable game to most veteran players since it became their | | training grounds in 3D games, plus the tension of being chased and | | firepower and all, it will always be a success in its time. | | | |___________________________________________________________________________| ============================================================================= _________________ ******************************| N O T I C E |******************************* * Taken from the scenes in Resident Evil 1, as Jill and Chris * * * ****************************************************************************** - Nightfall - Alpha team's investigation had led them to a wreckage site of a chopper, in Raccoon forest, which seems to have been from the lost Bravo team. As they were investigating the site, Joseph came across of what seems to be human. Hesitantly, he checked it out to see if it's still alive, and found its hand holding a gun ...well...the least that remains is just the hand. Then a ferocious dog leaped and attacked Joseph and much surprise to the rest, it was feasting on human flesh. Later did they know that they were surrounded. Panicly stricken, the team ran away, leaving Joseph behind, who had been feasted by the skinless mongrels. Brad Vickens, the pilot of their chopper, on the other hand, felt cold feet and lifted off, leaving his comrades behind, Without anywhere to run into, the survivors had stumbled in an old mansion and decided to seek shelter there for a while. With something unusual about the mansion, they decided to explore and investigate about it. Later did the team find out what happened to the Bravo team. Jill found Kenneth dead and being eaten by a zombie, Forest was pecked to death by crows. Richard was still alive when Jill found him. He was bitten by a Giant Snake roaming in the mansion and was poisoned. Then Chris stumbled to one of surviving members of the Bravo team, Rebecca Chambers and have known what really happened to the Bravo team. Brad Vickens still tries to contact them via the radio but it seems Brad can't hear their response. With the help of Barry, Jill eventually found Enrico wounded in the underground tunnels of the mansion. Just as he was to tell Jill about Umbrella behind everything, he was shot by an unknown person (turns out to be Wesker, as stated in the Wesker's files). They followed the culprit till they reached the underground lab beneath the mansion. Chris and Rebecca also made their way to the underground lab with the help from Jill's notes. Sooner or later, from the files and diaries of the workers there they'd gotten, they had discovered the real deal about the mansion and Umbrella, who had started all of this mayhem. It's secret biochemical weapon called the "T-Virus" said to turn any living being to animated zombies had already caused an outbreak in the mansion. They decided to put a stop to this madness. Barry finally caught up with Jill and head their way, only to be ambushed by, now turned to them, Wesker and eventually found out that Wesker, was working for Umbrella all along and had many "plans" for them. (or so it seems...In Wesker's files, he revealed about this "plans" of his and his motives and that he's working with an "Opposing Company" for Umbrella and wishes to bring combat data from Tyrant to them). On top of that, Barry Burton, one of their comrades, had been working for Wesker all this time to help him destroy the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members. (which proved to be Umbrella's true intention but Wesker on the other hand wishes for the remaining survivors of the S.T.A.R.S. to combat Tyrant to obtain combat data from it). And so to ensure that Barry won't turn trator to Wesker, he arranged to kidnap Barry's family so that he would do Wesker's bidding without hesitation. Barry brought up a sample specimen, Wesker ordered to be brought to him. The sample contains a prototype virus from WIlliam Birkins. But in the end, Hearing that Wesker was not working for Umbrella but to his advantage, Barry switched sides and helped them. (which also had been proven wrong because Wesker was really working with Umbrella and he wishes to defect to them, in order to work for Umbrella's "opposing company". Since he will be switching sides, he gave Umbrella the idea that he died in the mansion). Then Wesker showed them Umbrella's ultimate bio-organic weapon called Tyrant [model T-002)and unleashed it. It turned out to be uncontrollable and attacked Wesker on the spot. Barry, out of saving Jill had been impaled by the monstrous Tyrant. Jill and Chris defeated Tyrant. Rebecca activated the self destruct device of the mansion to destroy evidences and they went on to the Heliport to escape. 3 minutes before the mansion was about to explode, monsters began to pour on and chased after them. They went their way to the heliport and sent out the flare signal. Brad Vickens saw the signal and soared the chopper to rescue the survivors. Just as things were getting too smooth, Tyrant emerged in a now more powerful form, with oversized claws at its left hand and attacked them. The remaining S.T.A.R.S. put the "Tyrant" out of commision permanently with a rocket launcher that Brad dropped from the helicopter. The survivors, Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Rebecca Chambers and Barry Burton finally had been saved, just in time for the timer to go off and set the mansion ablaze. Never did they know that Wesker survived the explosion. He injected the virus he had acquired from Birkins, before releasing Tyrant. He's in temporary death state, awaiting to rise with new superhuman powers. ================================================= | 1.4 Countdown to Ground Zero \\ | (Events after RE1 and before RE2/ RE3) \\ | \\ ============================================================================== July 26 (Sunday) After recuperating from injuries and tensions from near death experience, Chris made his reports to Chief Irons about the events that happened to them; the death of the other S.T.A.R.S. members, the similarity of the zombie attacks in the mansion and in the city, Umbrella's involvement in this case and Wesker's betrayal. Chris requested for a formal investigation regarding Umbrella, since they had destroyed the mansion and the evidence of a laboratory being there, with the B.O.W. Little did he know the Chief, who were working also with Umbrella refused his request and now Umbrella knows that the remaining survivor of S.T.A.R.S knows about their B.O.W. research, courtesy of Chief Irons. From: Chris' Report, EX files, RE2 in N64) Following the incident, Rebecca passed her report about Billy Coen being dead, mutilated beyond recognition by unidentified animals. She recommended that they should declare the case to be close until further notice. (From: Rebecca's Report, EX files, RE2 in N64) July 29 (Tuesday) Umbrella's Dead Factory were now infected by the T-Virus and the System Disposal's efficiency were decreasing. However, the number of the bodies that they have to dispose were not decreasing, probably the cause of the outbreak inside the dead factory. The antibodies they were using were now no match to the rapid mutation of the T-Virus and the workers there began to decrease, soon to wake up among the dead. (From: Manager's Diary, RE3) August 7 (Friday) Jill had finally recovered from her injuries due to the Spencer Estate investigation. However, the memories of her comrade's deaths still haunts her. (From: Jill's Diary, RE3) August 8 (Saturday) Chris tried to convince again Chief Irons about conducting Umbrella's investigation to prove that Umbrella did ran an underground laboratory in Spencer Mansion to conduct experiments regarding T-Virus research. But Chief Irons keep ignoring Chris' formal request. Chris tried to gain evidences from the people in town but no one would dare speak about the incident and some don't believe their statements, since most of the townsfolk in Raccoon City were employed to Umbrella. (From: Chris Diary, RE2) August 9 (Sunday) Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service (UBCS) Sgt. Nicholai Ginovaef reported to Umbrella about the outbreak that happened in Spencer Estate. (From: Nicholai's Report, RE Gun Survivor) August 13 (Thursday) Jill, who now continues her office in RPD, been wondering about Chris sudden attitude change. Chris, now irritated by the continuous refusal began to smell conspiracy. (From: Jill's Diary, RE3) August 15 (Sunday) -past midnight- Jill responded to Chris' call (who has been on a leave of absence for a "vacation") and went to his apartment. Chris showed Jill all of his findings about Umbrella's G-virus research report, telling Jill that "The nightmare still continues. It's not over yet." Jill realizes that Chris had been pursuing this all by himself without rest, alone. (From: Jill's Diary, RE3) August 16 (Monday) Jill passed her report to Chief Irons along with some evidences of the slides she got from the previous Aklay Laboratory. But still, Chief Irons refuses to entertain this matter, as requested by Umbrella. (From: Jill's Report, EX files, RE2 in N64) August 17 (Tuesday) RPD began to receive reports from the locale about strange creatures appearing at random throughout the city. Chris suspects Umbrella behind this and continued to pursue his investigation. Running out of options, Chris decides to seek help to the U.S. Federal Police Department about this matter. (From: Chris' Diary, RE2) August 20 (Friday) Umbrella had been kidnapping children ages 13-20 and brought them in their base in Sheena Island. An account of a teenager boy in Congo says he was kidnapped. Sheena Island, like Raccoon City, controlled by Umbrella, holds its factory that mass produce Tyrant-002 (which Claire and Leon had encountered in RPD later on) (From: Prisoner's Diary RE Survivor) Umbrella sends a dismissal report of Morpheus D. Duvall, a member of their Research and Development Department, accusing him to be responsible for the Spencer incident that leaked out the T-Virus. Duvall, swore to get even with Umbrella. (From: Restructuring Notice, RE Dead Aim) August 21 (Saturday) Due to the police and media's interferance with the case, the police (assumed to be non RPD police) began to investigate the city for clues regarding Umbrella's affair. Since his Underground Laboraoty is accessible via the sewers, William Birkins assumed that even the sewers will be investigated. So he ordered suspension of the sewer facility operations, till the investigation comes to a conclusion, but the sewer will still serve as their passageway to their Underground Laboratory, since it was the only route. (From: Sewer Manager's Diary, RE2) August 24 (Tuesday) With the help from Jill valentine and Barry Burton, Chris acquired more valuable information to their case and had confirmed about Umbrella's new "G-Virus" research, a new prototype of the previous "T-Virus". The surviving members decides to put an end to this madness and plans to infiltrate Umbrella's main HQ in Europe. Chris went on ahead and left the town (assuming Rebecca accompanied him) without telling her sister Claire. Barry decided to send his family to Canada first and follow Chris there. Jill insisted to stay first to gain more information in the research facility 'rumor' she had heard and promised them that she will join them after a month. (From: Chris Diary, RE2 and Jill's Diary, RE3) August 30 (Monday) Raccoon University, who were also aware of the T-Virus by some ex-head researcher in Umbella named Greg, had already begun the creation of a reagent that can counter the effects of the T-Virus, and it is already in its final stage. Naming it 'Daylight', it was created by Peter Jankins, along with Greg and the name goes with the analogy with Umbrella; not needing an Umbrella in the'Daylight' (From: Peter's Diary, RE Outbreak) September 1st (Tuesday) [32 days till Raccoon's D-day] A account on a previous member of Umbrella's militia says that he was supposed to be executed without reason. But Umbrella called off his execution and gave him a chance. Never did he know that he will be assigned to the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service. (From: Mercenary's Diary, RE3) September 5th (Saturday) [27 days till Ground Zero] In Sheena Island, the boy who was kidnapped in Congo have learned about the fate that's awaiting for them and the fact that almost all people living on Sheena Island worked for Umbrella. Children like him were being used as test subjects and those who were taken never came back. (From: Prisoner's Diary, RE Gun Survivor) September 6th (Sunday) [26 days till Ground Zero] A new elite member of Umbrella was sent in to be the Commander of Sheena Island, Vincent Goldman and another employee from Umbrella. But Vincent killed the other one, therefore defaulting him to be the new Commander of Umbrella's Base there. Andy Holland, the sewer maintenance caretaker, noted about Vincent but he doesn't care about it. (From: Andy's Diary, RE Gun Survivor) September 10th (Saturday) [21 days till Ground Zero] Raccoon Hospital, accounted the several patients, admitted to them, to be suffering from similar disease, based from the similar symptoms; mind deterioration, gangrene, congestion of their own blood and in the end, becomes flesh eating zombies. Raccoon Hospital now has an idea of a possible epidemia that could occur if these people wouldn't be cured. (From: Mechanic's Memo, RE3) On Sheena Island, the prisoner boy from Congo becomes suspicious that their food is being drugged. (From: Prisoner's Diary, RE Gun Survivor) Lott Klein, the son of an Umbrella employee had learned from Vincent and his dad about the 'good deed' that they are doing to the children being brought in the island. (From: Lott's Diary, RE Gun Survivor) September 15th (Tuesday) [15 days till Ground Zero] Jill resigns from RPD and continues to find clues about Umbrella. Assuming that she now understands the feeling of Chris while pursuing about their case, she took a low profile (From: Backcover, RE3) Umbrella had assembled its UBCS, comprising of one group to combat corporate terrorism and V.I.P. and another group to handle 'illegal products' and the problems that they cause, during the night. At this point, Umbrella keeps its sleeve rolling for their precious combat data which they presume will be given to them by the UBCS's supervisors. (From: Mercenary's Diary, RE3) Joel Allman, Vice President of Umbrella U.S. Branch sends a request to William Birkins for chemicals (AP-14) because the Umbrella Antartic base were experiencing shortage of it. He had already sends a request to several other Umbrella laboratories in the U.S. since it was their base in the South Pole that were mainly responsible for the said shortage. And he reassures the Ashford's irrepairable reputaion since Birkins has a longtime grudge againsts the curretnt masters of the Ashfords, mainly Alexia. (From: Umbrella, Memo, EX Files, RE2 in N64) William Birkins had come across information regarding Umbrella HQ sending spies to recover his research on the G-virus. He ordered Chief Irons to search the city thoroughly for any suspicious individuals and arrest and detain them by whatever means possible. Chief Iron's still up to the task. (From: Mail to the Chief, RE2) In Raccoon University, Peter Jenkins received a sample of T-Virus from Greg, which is one of the main ingrediends of 'Daylight'. But now Peter's having doubts where Greg get the sample. All he knows is a 'friend' slipped the sample and he concluded that Greg's being chased by Umbrella. He decides not to interfere to any of it (From: Peter's Diary, RE Outbreak) September 18th (Thursday) [14 days till Ground Zero] Raccoon Hospital admitted another similar case patient. The patient is showing symptoms of the first stages of the disease at this point. The director of the Hospital now wishes to conduct a research on how to find a cure for these patients, never knowing that it could put his life in danger. (From: Mechanic's Memo, RE3) September 19th (Friday) [13 days till Ground Zero] Peter finds out about Greg's plans and how he executed it from the start. But he plans to play along and not let Greg knew that he knew about it. (From: Peter's Diary, RE Outbreak) September 20th (Saturday) [12 days till Ground Zero] -21:30- Sgt Neil Carlson of the RPD located a suspicious individual skulking around the sewers in the outskirts of Raccoon City, but he ran away before he was able to question him. Items were recovered including a small amount of C4, detonator, handgun bullets and a broken infrared scope. (From: Patrol Report, RE2) September 21th (Sunday) [11 days till Ground Zero] On Sheena Island, the prisoner boy from Congo discovered that his friends that were taken from their cells, were brought to the 'factory on the mountain' which is the Umbrella's Tyrant factory. He heard the fact that they were being used as test subjects for some 'horific' experiments, which proves the extraction of Pure Beta Hertero Nonseratonin that Umbrella need in the creation of Tyrant. He and his friends plans to make their jail breakout and escape the island (From: Prisoner's Diary, RE Gun Survivor) September 22nd (Monday) [10 days till Ground Zero] Orders from the French Division of Umbrella's Research and Development, Christine Henri to Umbrella's special agent 'Hunk' and his team were to retrieve a sample of the G-Virus from William Birkins and deliver it to them at Loire Village. Hunk's men moved out to carry this operation and went to the Underground Laboratory in Raccoon City where William Birkins work. (From: Operantion Instruction, EX Files, RE2 in N64) Just as William Birkins was praising his life's work, Hunk and his men confronted him to give them the G-Virus. Birkins, who suspected it all along, pointed his gun at them, but as he was distracted, Hunk fired at him, leaving Birkin's soaking in his own blood. They took the case full of vial of G-Virus and took off. Anette arrived on late and found Birkins fatally wounded. While she went over to look for help, Birkin on the other hand has a vial of G-Virus on his hand. He injected the G-virus on his hand, transforming him in the process. While Hunk's team were going down the sewers, they heard a bizzare scream. Didn't they know that Birkins, now a mere creation of his own G-Virus caught up with them and slaughtered them one by one. The case spilled, scattering all the vials of G-Virus. Birkins smashed some of the vials and gulped some of the vials. More of Hunk's men came back to the rescue but they were no match for the new Burkins. The vials that were smashed were devoured by rats in the sewers, the rats scattered and infected also the citizens of Raccoon City .. beginning RE Outbreak. (From: RE2, Birkin's cutscene, RE Outbreak, Opening Scenario: Outbreak) In the Underground Lab, Birkins who now in his monster form, had set free some of his creations (Hunters) unknowingly to his subordunates, creating also a bloodbath in his own laboratory. Some of the researchers experienced first hand the terror of their own creations. (From: Researcher's Will, RE Outbreak) Anette, who now realizes that it was her husband who's lurking around the laboratory, decided to flee for the sewers. She contacted her daughter Sherry, who's at home to go to the police station for safety. 1.5 ______________________________ / ============================ \ / RESIDENT EVIL OUTBREAK \ __/ ============================ \_____________________________________ | \ | Developed by : Capcom Entertainment | | Release Dates: 2002 | | Console : Sony Playstation 2 | | | | The first fully interactive online game, Resident Evil: Outbreak | | features now full interactive gameplay, no time stasis, you can play | | with your friends via the internet and no game over, except that | | when you die, you'll turn into a zombie and gets the chance to drag | | your friends along with your mishap. Although the story never ends | | in the network mode, your stats are being recorded on every scenario | | that you survived, via server. Also introduces item exchange among | | players, use of improvised weapons (which was really logical), | | carrying other characters when they are in danger, virus infection | | and growth rate, new 'Anti-Virus' item, and swimming (hahaha!) | | | |___________________________________________________________________________| ============================================================================= _________________ ******************************| N O T I C E |******************************* * Taken from the scenes in Resident: Outbreak, Outbreak scenario * * * ****************************************************************************** -Nightfall- It was a typical night at Jack's Bar. Regular customers like Mark Wilkins, a Security Guard were driking with his colleague Bob. Cindy wears her bright smile and serves the customers as a waitress there. A student named Yoko Suzuki went to the girl's washroom to cut her hair. As Cindy walks past Mark, a rat unexpectedly surpised her and drops her stuff. Mark, turns to his colleague Bob, but Bob just turned to him with blurry eyes. Mark asked him if he's ok. Just then, an unexpected customer shows up at the front door. Will, the bartender thought the customer to be weird so he personally welcomes him. But the customer, who was out if his mind, began to attack Mark and bit him in his shoulders. He pushed the customer away, who in turn was just succumbed to the T-Virus. And more zombies were now lured in front of J-Bar. Some of the survivors managed to escape via the back room and to the rooftop. But Mark's best buddy, Bob ended his life by blasting his brains with his gun. The remaining survivors managed to jump across the other building and make it outside where some of the police were just in time to close the area with barricades. September 23rd (Tuesday) [9 days till Ground Zero) Chief Irons heard about Birkin's assault in his lab and the probability of the spread of the T-Virus, based from Anette. Feeling betrayed by Umbrella, he thought of closing all the exits and killing everyone in town, if he turns out to be infected as well. (From: Chief's Diary, RE2) In the Underground Lab, Birkins who now in his monster form, had set free some of his creations, unknowingly to his subordunates, creating also a bloodbath in his own laboratory. Some of the researchers experienced first hand the terror of their own creations. (From: Researcher's Will, RE Outbreak) Anette, who now realizes that it was her husband who's lurking around the laboratory, decided to flee for the sewers. She contacted her daughter Sherry, who's at home to go to the police station for safety. September 24th (Wednesday) [8 days till Ground Zero] The City is now in state of mayhem. It's every man for himself, a fight for survival and escape. People everywhere has the similar goal; to get out of the town alive. The zombies were increasing and the ratio of the living and the dead had widen, in favor of the infected ones. With the catastrophic situation of the city, mayor Michael Warren placed the whole city under Martial Law. Communications outside were cut off. Militia has begun to build blockades around the city to keep people from escaping and spreading the disease. (From: Reporter's Memo, RE3) Chief Irons ordered for the relocation of RPD's weapons and ammunition supply, bringing confusion to the chain of command in the precint and delaying them from executing their operations to help the citizens outside. He makes sure that the precint were inaccessible from the inside, trapping most of the police forces, despite the other police outside the city who had gone ahead to help in the fight againsts the zombies. With the sabotage in the police's efforts, it had been difficult for the police to cope up with the situation. (From: Chief's Diary, RE2) September 25 (Thursday) [one week till Ground Zero] The city's still in an unconditional state of panic, despite the implementation of police authority. Civilians, who now wants to get out of the city were prohibited to exit, as orders from the goverment oficials as to not spread the disease. Some of the unlucky ones were swarmed to death by zombies, who now walks the streets of Raccoon City. (From: Reporter's Memo, RE3) September 26 (Friday) [six days till Ground Zero] The zombies had broken inside RPD. The police didn't expect the attack, and caught still unprepared, some of them ended up injured and killed. Their communications equipment was destroyed from the attack. Despite all that happened, the remaining forces pursue their operation and rescue possible survivors outside. The decided to find and secure weapons and ammunitions first in the weapon storage at the basement. However, the person who has the card key went missing and the card key were nowhere to be found. On top of that, one of the circuit breakers broke down and the electronically locked doors became inaccessible. It had been top priority to them to restore power, secure locks and access the weapon storage. (From: Operation Report 1, RE2) RPD force really had a hard time surviving themselves. One of the police, Officer David Ford was saved by his co-officer and one of RPD's best marksmen, Officer Meyer. But the fate switched sides and when Meyers was in danger, Officer Ford panicked and left Meyers alone to be devoured by the zombies. It now struck his conscience and felt guilt for leaving his comrade (From: David's Memo, RE3) At the same time, Umbrella pitched in UBCS in the 'stage', full force to help down control the situation and rescue also possible survivors in the city. But their forces were greatly diminished on a short notice and it turned to be a fight for survival, since it was hopeless and late now to help out the city. They already used their provisions of antibodies but some of them still succumed to the infection. (From: Mercenary's Pocketbook, RE3) Raccoon Hospital wasn't safe either. Some of the patients, doctors and the medical staff were killed by the infesting zombies. With their working crew, the remaining survivors cannot maintain the hospital anymore and the director of the hospital decides to shut down the hospital, due of the infection. Even the director was infected and showing symptoms, "I am beginning to feel that same itchy and hungry desire that all of my patients felt. It's too late for me..." (From: Mechanic's Memo RE3) Chief Irons suddenly had a gush of dementia and hunts down the remaining survivors inside the precint instead of just killing them, loving the fact of slow death. The mayor's daughter was still inside the precint, trying to tend to the survivors, never knowing what fate awaits him. (From: Chief's Diary, RE2) In Birkin's Underground Laboratory, the remaining researchers hid themselves. One of them at the low control room destroyed the laboratory controls and the whole lab drops down to zero degrees and froze some of the Hunters on their tracks, also freezing to death some of the researchers who remained there. (From: Researcher's Will, RE Outbreak) September 27 (Saturday) [five days till Ground Zero] -1:00 PM- West barricade finally was pregnated through, after the police had fallen there. Some of the remaining officers there retreated to RPD and sheltered the wounded. But since it was not safe inside the precint, the remaining officers begun building barricades around the precint and casualties still increased. But some of them fell victim to 'Lickers' whom just penetrated them inside the precint. (From: Operation Report, RE2) Outside RPD, the streets are now crawling with zombies, the battle between the living and the dead is now set onstage. Several Police from the RPD and the S.W.A.T. now barricades itself, using everything, including their own cars, getting ready for the fight of their lives. They pushed forward and morale steems very high. Hopes are clinging to the chance of the trigger of their own armaments. Press are now on standby for the biggest scoop that they can handle. Once security had been established on the other side, open fire had been initiated and soon it was raining bullets on the nonstop flow of zombies. But there was no stopping them and the nonstop flowing of advancing armada of zombies had penetrated to their barricade and savored on those whom they swarmed. While some of the unlucky who served as baits for the others accidentally, thinking it was hopeless, retreated to the police station. Some recuperated to safety, scattered and fought back in vein and eventually, after twilight, the whole barricade of the combined forces of the police, UBCS and the SWAT were overrun by the zombies. (From: Photo A, Opening scenario, RE3) Inside RPD, ramaining police still fight for survival, even though the flow of zombies inside the precint somehow diminished. Ammunitions are running low and they had to fight their own comrades who had risen to join the ranks of the zombies. Sanity's lapsing, some of them preferred to shoot themselves, hoping that they won't return again to this world. (From: David's Memo, RE3) -Night time- Thinking it was hopeless, some of the UBCS abandoned their mission and concentrated on getting to the clock tower themselves, hoping for the rescue chopper to come by and pick them up. Out of desperation, some of the surviving members of UBCS stole their wounded comrade's weapon and used the surviving citizens as decoys. (From: Mercenary's Pocketbook, RE3) September 28 (Sunday) [four days till Ground Zero] -2:30 AM- Another major breakout in the RPD caused by the zombies, despite the barricades that they had set. They overan the operations room and lost some of the remaining offcers, including David (who had shot himself) It had caused the police force to greatly diminished. Failing to gather enough ammunitions and weapons and without any options, the remaining police survivors decided to escape through the sewers since the station was hopeless now. Still unsure if the sewers were safe, the remaining survivors took the chance to escape there (From: Operations Report 2, RE2) Surviving members of the UBCS, Sgt Nicholai Givoneaf, Lt. Mikhail Viktor and Corporal Carlos Oliveira decide to settle on a train near the minicipal hall. Mikhail is badly injured (probably from zombie attacks) and his men were completely wiped out. Their surviving comrades Tyrell Patrick and Murphy Seeker also survived and sheltered themselves for the time being. -Daylight- The zombies had already overtaken the city. It was at this time Jill made her way to escape the city..the start of her "Last Escape". 1.6 ______________________________ / ============================ \ _________________ / R E S I D E N T E V I L 3 \ / \ __/ (Last Escape / Nemesis) \_______________/___1ST SCENARIO____\_ | ============================ \ | | | Developed by : Capcom Entertainment | | Release Dates: Winter 1999 (in Japan as Biohazard 3: Last Escape) | | Summer 2000 (International as RE3: Nemesis) | | Console : Sony Playstation 2 | | : Sega Dreamcast | | : PC | | | | Jill makes a comeback to this prequel of the previous Resident | | Evil, Resident Evil 3 takes place 24 hours before Resident Evil 2 | | and 24 hours after it. It also adds some new twist to the story | | and backtracking some of the characters in its epilogue. It also | | introduced two playable characters in a single gametime, played | | sequentially. It also features the Gunpowder mixing, which didn't | | make it to the other games that followed it. New items such as | | First Aid Box (can carry up to 3 First Aid Sprays in one inventory | | space)debuted. Also, it introduces the 'Live Selection', in which | | you can choose from two options that will affect the story's pace | | and ending. Characters now has the ability to dodge and fire back | | at the enemy as soon as it strikes (pretty cool). The Item box now | | has a color marker on the side, to know your item box's contents, | | green for the healing items, red for the weapons and ammo and | | yellow for other key items and blue for gun powders. A really | | convenient way to save time searching for some of your items in | | item box. Also, new weapons like the Mine Thrower (which in its | | case didn't became a fave for some players since it's very hard to | | to use) debuted. | |___________________________________________________________________________| ============================================================================= _________________ ******************************| N O T I C E |******************************* * Taken from the 1st part of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis * * * ****************************************************************************** She stayed at a safe place, together with a frustrated novelist Dario Russo, who wished to see her daughter. He hid himself in a cargo hold and locked himself up. Jill convinced him to pursue escape but Dario made up his mind. As Jill was heading the back alleyway, he saw S.T.A.R.S. chopper pilot Brad Vickens running away from the zombies. Jill eventually caught up with Brad in Black Jack restaurant, being attacked by zombies. She rescued him and Brad exhausted, told Jill that the police force was now decimated and a new threat, a special type of Tyrant called Nemesis is after S.T.A.R.S. members. Brad went on ahead and Jill eventually stumbled upon him in RPD building entrance. Brad was heavily wounded and before he could say anything, the monster Nemesis appeared and caught Brad. He was carrying an old fashioned Rocket Lancher. Pleading for help, Brad's face was decimated by Nemesis, instantly killing him., leaving Jill pacified of what happened to her comrade, Jill leaves for now and went inside RPD to secure weapons and means to escape. RPD had relocated the spare key for S.T.A.R.S. on that day due to the zombie attack and to prevent seizure in case. Jill presses on the S.T.A.R.S. office and received a blurred radio message from a UBCS, Carlos through their communications. As Jill was going outside the precint, Nemesis runs into her again and confronted her. Jill hurriedly went outside the station, leaving Nemesis behind. Jill eventually saw someone fighting the zombies and heading for a nearby reastaurant. Jill caught up with him and had known to be Carlos Oliveira, a surviving member of UBCF. She was surprised to know he belongs to Umbrella's army. Just then Nemesis appeared again. Jill, together with Carlos lost Nemesis. Then Jill interrogated Carlos about their true intentions, despite the fact that Carlos belongs to Umbrella's Army. Carlos, as to the extent of his knowledge, said that they were sent out by Umbrella to rescue possible surviving civilians, but Jill did not believe the story. Carlos left him behind, saying that Jill should help them in their mission. As Jill went on to the Municipal Hall, he met Nickolai and Mikhail on a still train, near Lonsdale Yard. Jill recognized them to be Carlos' comrades. Mikhail was fatally wounded, barely conscious possibly caused by zombie's attacks. Carlos, who was also on the train suggested that Jill help them on their mission. However, Nickolai don't trust her. With some persuasion from Carlos, Nickolai hesitantly gives them out their mission to reach St. Michael's clock tower since it was the agreed designated rescue place. But since the place was too far on foot and dangerous, Nickolai ordered them to find means to get the train moving. Just as they were completing the task, zombie began to pour again and followed them at the car repair shop. Carlos volunteered to hold on the zombies, just in time for the place to blow up. Luckily, they survived the explosion and Carlos continued to secure equipment while Jill make preparations to get the train moving. Jill caught up with Mikhail fighting with the zombies outside the train. Jill helped the gravely injured Mikhail and shared sentiments with him. She insisted that Mikhail get some rest, not to blame himself too much. Jill eventually heard some scream and tried to find it, he found out Nickolai, shot Tyrell Patrick dead. He explained that it was going to turn into a zombie eventually so he shoot it. Sooner or later, zombie started to attack inside. Unknown to Jill, Nicholai escaped and she claered her way outside. She heads for the train. All was complete and they were ready to go. Jill and Carlos, thinking Nicholai to be dead went on without him. Things were going as planned, till Nemesis showed up. Jill tried to engage it but Mikhail covered for Jill and told her to escape to the control car. Mikhail, alone fought Nemesis till the last of his ammo. Thinking to get even, Mikhail blows himself up with a grenade, throwing Nemesis out of the car and blowing the rear end of the train. Just as everyone's luck runs out, the brakes of the train were out. The train crashed at the foot of the clock tower. Luckily, Jill and Carlos escaped the crash and were separated. They'd met inside the Clock Tower. Just then Carlos began to murmur share his doubts about the evacuation plan, thinking if the rescue team would really pick them up and all that they're doing is pointless. Jill slapped some sense to him and Carlos recovered his will to continue. They must ring the clock tower bell to signal the rescue team that was supposed to get them. Jill succeeded in ringing the bell and went in front of the Clock Tower. The chopper came and Jill waved to signal that there are still survivors. Just as things went so smoothly, Nemesis appeared and shoot the chopper off the air. It crashed to the Clock Tower, together with their hope of escaping. Nemesis infected Jill with the virus. Just then Carlos came and tagged to help, only to be beaten. Carlos aimed for Nemesis' rocket launcher and successfully destroyed it. Jill confronted Nemesis and put and end to it. As Nemesis walks away, he finnaly went down and burned himself to nearby flames. Jill went on to see if Carlos was alright, only to see blackness. She fainted out. As Jill stays in a coma ..... Claie and Leon head their way to Raccoon City, the start of Resident Evil 2 September 29 (Monday) [three days till Ground Zero] Wesker sends in Ada Wong as an undercover, whom had recenly been working under him to look for the sample of the G-Virus and retrieve it. (From: Wesker's Files, RE 5th Anniversary Collection) 1.7 ______________________________ / ============================ \ / R E S I D E N T E V I L 2 \ __/ ============================ \_____________________________________ | \ | | | Developed by : Capcom Entertainment | | Release Dates: 1997 (in Japan as Biohazard 2)(PS1) | | 1997 (International as Resident Evil 2) (PS1) | | 1998 (Dual Shock Version)(PS1) | | Console : Sony Playstation | | : Sega Dreamcast | | : Nintendo 64 | | : PC | | | | The much awaited sequel of the first Resident Evil, it comes | | in two CDs, one CD for each playable character and connected by the | | same story, with a little twist of their own version of experience. | | It also introduced replayable game and bonus items which you will | | get when you finish the game in a short span of time. Then you can | | play again the scenario, using your bonus items. Also, they | | first introduced the mini games that started mostly on the preceeding | | games. (Hunk, the 4th survivor). The item box screen is more wider | | than the previous one (and can really kill your eyes just looking | | at it while you toggle it). Also, the concept of barely walking while | | in danger first appeared here (which makes Chris and Jill very | | immortal and almighty) so herbs are really needed in order for your | | characters to stand up straight. Checking of items are not movable | | anymore (which can really save some time) and puzzles that needed | | checking of items (3D rotation| were kinda omitted. A slot for the | | special item, which you cannot discard were placed. Combining items | | can be done automatically when you picked up an item that you already | | have in your inventory (which really saves time and you don't have | | to return to the item box just to throw off some items and pick the | | same ones you haven't picked). Also, it started the side pack item | | in which an extra two slot is added to your inventory. Zombies had | | become more intelligent and can go for a dive and grab you on | | your feet. Zombies now have different attires (unlike in RE1 that | | has the same zombie clothing). Female zombies first debuted here, | | although they had the same clothing (sleeveless and shorts, yum!) | | In the dual shock version, they started the non-linear mini game | | which were more at random ( need to memorize where to go next) | | and the quick turn which is a more comfy and quick way to turn | | around (So need to let the characters do some stable | | moonwalking while turning :D) | | | | | |___________________________________________________________________________| ============================================================================= _________________ ******************************| N O T I C E |******************************* * This is based on the Scenario 1 as Leon and Scenario 2 as Claire * * (which was the realarangement of the disc, presented by Capcom) * * but since based on Wesker's Report I, he mentioned some points and * * events that also happened in Leon Scenario 1 and Claire Scenario 2 * * Either way, there are some accounts that will be considered and vice * * versa * ****************************************************************************** Claire Redfield, Chris' little sister paid a little visit to his brother at Raccoon City..or what's left of it. At the same time, Leon Scott Kennedy, a newcomer at the Raccoon Police Department drives his way to the city. Claire stopped by to a fastfood stop to ask directions but to her surprise, no one was there. Later then she found out that zombie like creatures started to invade the fastfood. She started to run in the exit and luckily, stumbled to Leon, who, in turn was still confused with what's happening to the town. Panicly stricken, they had fled to safety with a stray police mobile car they've least for now. A zombie that has been hiding in the back seat of the car attacked them from the rear, causing them to hit a neaby post. Just as they though their worries are over they were ambushed by a ten-wheeler truck being driven by a zombie going towards them. The impact caused a huge explosion, setting the place on fire, separating them in the process. They made their way to RPD station on separate routes. Leon learned from a surviving police officer Marvin Branagh about the current situation of the city. Claire witnessed about the chopper crash at the rooftop of the Police Station. As she was entering the station grounds, Umbrella had dropped an "unknown" type of monster, a new modification of Tyrant, programmed to kill anything in its sight as long as its moving. Umbrella wishes to cover its involvement on what happened to the city by eliminating survivors there, preferrably Leon and Claire. Tyrant first saw Claire and it had been on her tail ever since. Leon and Claire eventually had met up in the S.T.A.R.S. office. From Chris' diary, they'd gotten a lead on Chris' intentions and whereabaouts. They've decided to split up and look for survivors. Claire eventually bumped into a 12 year old girl named Sherry but lost her every now and then. Leon met Ada Wong on his way, who had been looking for a certain reporter named Ben Burcolucci. She heard Ben was locked up in RPD and wishes to interrogate him because she knew that this reporter told the media about the real deal between Umbrella and the current situation of the city. They found him locked up in the basement prison. Ada asked him about his boyfriend John, an Umbrella employee who was transferred from Umbrella in Chicago to Raccoon City 6 months ago. But Ben won't give them any answer and insits to stay in there. But at least they've learned from him about a ferocious monster lurking every now and then in the station, which proved to be William Burkins in his, now monstrous form. He also told Leon about getting out of RPD to the sewers through a manhole in the kennel area. At the same time, Claire met up with the RPD chief, Brian Irons. Although a little bit strange, she learned about the death of the mayor's daughter. She then caught up with Sherry who told her about the monster Leon had learned from Ben. Leon lost Ada on the way while investigating the escape route, thereby finding an alternative way to catch up with him. Sooner or later, Ben was attacked by William Burkins and implanted him an embryo of the G-Virus, called the G-Imago. By the time Leon and Ada arrived to collect Ben, he was torn apart by the creature which had grown inside him. Leon informed Claire about their escape route and headed their separate ways Eventually Claire met up with Irons who had really lost his mind and pointed his gun at Claire. Irons confessed everything, him behind the murder of the mayor's daughter, about William Birkins being Sherry's father, what he did to RPD the day they were attacked by zombies, his connection to Umbrella and about the G-Virus, despite Irons' unstable mental stability. Before Irons could tell anything more, he was dragged down and killed by William Burkins below. Claire confronted William Burkins and succeded in driving him away. Claire and Sherry made their way to the sewers and saw Tyrant, looking for them. Hoping that it would'nt see them, when they'd gotten the chance, they'd run to safety. As they were ecuperating, Sherry was drained in a floodgate when it opened. As Leon and Ada head on to the sewers, they've stumbled into Anette Burkins, escaping, Ada followed but Anette shoots her when she got the chance. Leon jumped to her rescue, hitting him in the process. Unable to continue, Ada left Leon to go after Anette. It was at this time Claire caught up with Leon resting and told her to find Ada. Ada, on the other hand, caught up with Anette but Anette successfuly disarmed her, leaving Ada defenseless. Anette recognized Ada when she asked for her name and explained what had happened to John (in case of reference, a diary of John can be found in Resident Evil 1 hat explains what trully happened to John) She also told about the monster that lurks in the RPD as his husband and the reason behind the holocaust that infested the city. Anette tried to shoot Ada but her gun was already empty. Not missing a chance, Ada confronted Anette, pushing her into the railing, knocking her down the sewer. At the same time, Claire stumbled on Anette who had just fallen. From Anette's babbling, she realized that she was Anette and Sherry's mom. When Anette heard about Sherry being here in the sewers, she merely fainted, telling Claire that Sherry has the only sample left of the G-Virus. Leon and Ada reunited and head their way to the factory via an electornic train. Claire also reunited with Sherry, asked her about the sample but Sherry does not know about it. Claire and Sherry headed their way to the factory. After reaching the factory, Leon and Ada took the elevator car down to the underground laboratory, Just then, William Birkins appeared and attacked them from the inside hurting Ada gravely on the process. Leon fights back, pounding some injuries to William himself. When they arrived at the Umbrella laboratory, Leon was forced to leave Ada on a Security room and go look for treatment. At this time, Claire and Sherry had reached the factory. Claire met up with Tyrant again while trying to get the control panel key to call for the elevator car. Claire called for the elevator car. William Birkins, sensing that another one called for the elevator car appeared again and attacked Claire. With the injuries that he had attained with his fight with Leon, his cells began to mutate again in a more powerful form. But eventually Claire defeated him. The elevator car stopped at the middle and so Claire decided to look upon it. Just as she was going out of a nearby chute, the elevator moved down again, separating Claire and Sherry. Unknown to Leon, Ada already left the security room. Claire eventually bumped into Anette, who asked her about Sherry. Anette located Sherry on the monitor and found her being confronted by Tyrant. Anette told Claire that the sample G-Virus is in Sherry's pendant and went over to rescue Sherry. Claire made it in time and told Sherry that Tyrant was after her pendant. Sherry throws it to Claire and escape to a chute. Clare provoked Tyrant and throws the pendant on the iron smelting pool. Tyrant followed it there and fell to the pool. Little did Claire know that Tyrant, who had fallen with the pendant on the pool began to mutate itself together with the G-Virus. Meanwhile, Anette met up with Leon and confronted her about Ada being a spy to gain information about Umbrella's secret weapon, the G-Virus. Leon didn't believe him at first ... not until Ada confronted him, just after he had gotten the sample from Anette, whom in turn had been knocked out by a sudden earthquake a while back. Ada threatened him to hand her over the G-Virus sample, Leon hesitated. The conversation became more intense and as Ada was to shoot Leon, she hesitated. Then she was shot in the back by Anette with her last ounce of strength and fainted. Ada almost fell to the railing but Leon grabbed her hand. With their sweet goodbyes and resentment, Ada slipped her hand, and fell down intentively. Feeling enraged with guilt and remorse, Leon threw the G-Virus in the depths of the lab. Little did Leon know that Ada was saved by Wesker. Wesker ordered his men to retrieve the sample that Leon threw but Hunk, a surviving member of Umbrella's assault team beat them to it and was eventually been rescued by Umbrella. (From: Wesker's Files I: Resident Evil 5th Anniversary Collection) Meanwhile Claire caught up with Sherry who had been crying for her mother. Anette gave her last words to Sherry and died. Leon continued to make his way to the emergency platform, the same time Claire and Sherry made their way to the train. Just 5 minutes before detonation, Leon was attacked by William Birkins and Claire who had just powered up the train met up with Mr. X, now in it's more grotesque and powerful form. Leon put William Birkins out of commission for good, Claire defeated the "unknown" creature for good, with the help of an unknown survivor, which happened to be Ada Wong, who had tossed her the rocket launcher, just in time for the power to came back after being cut for a short while. Claire started the train moving. Just as the laboratory began to explode, Leon met up with Claire at the railway and jumped inside the train. Leon, Claire and Sherry happily escaped. And to think their worries are over, William Burkins, whom had recovered himself from the fight earlier showed up on the train, now in a more powerfully mutated form than before, tried to seize up the train. As Claire went to investigate it, the train automatically triggered its self destructing device due to the presense of Birkins as a biohazard material. Leon and Sherry were locked up the the control car while Claire faced the train car size Birkins and defeated him. Claire went back to the control car where Leon and Sherry is but the door still won't open and Birkins is starting to mutate itself and recuperate. WIth nowhere else to go to, Claire climbed up the roof of the train. Birkins crashed the door open to Leon and seeing Leon, began to attack him. Just then Sherry crawled to the chute towards the main controls. With nowhere else to go, Leon climbed down the hatch on the train and shimmy himself under the train. Just as Sherry's figuring out what swich to push, Claire came from the hatch on the roof and told Sherry to push the emergency button. Sherry obeyed and the train came to a stop, just in time for Leon was about to give up, since he can't hold on much longer himself under the train. They reunited, just a few seconds away before the timer goes off. They ran into the edge of the tunnel and William Burkins, caught up in the explosion, was finally out of existence. They escaped in the morning of the 30th of September. 1.7.1 Difference between Leon A/Claire B and Claire B/Leon A ========================================================================= Claire A/Leon B Leon A/Claire B | ========================================================================= -Claire would enter in front of RPD - Leon will be the one who will while Leon will enter via the rooftop. enter the front door of RPD while Leon will witness the chopper crashing Claire enters on the rooftop. She scene. will witness the chopper crash scene - Sherry would be the one who - Ada would be the one who would get the Club Key via the would get the Club Key via the basement dead end vent after gaining access to the sewerage. - Chief Irons would be the one who - Ben would be the one who will will be implanted by Birkins (that be implanted by Birkins and the wouls soon rip him apart). And Ben chief would be the one who will would be the one who will be killed be killed by Birkins. by Birkins - Sherry would lose her pendant - Sherry would not lose the and Ada would be the one who would pendant all throughout the game pick it up, never knowing that the and Mr. X will keep tracking her G-Virus she's looking for is inside. until they reach the Power room And the reason why Mr. X is always wherein Claire will take care of on her tail. the pendant and toss it on the smelting pool area -Leon would fight the G-Type monster - Claire would fight the G-type and Claire will confront Birkins monster and Leon will confront while escaping RPD via the Chief's Birkins while escaping RPD via office the back of the parking lot. - After being knocked out by Ada, - After Ada chases her to the and falling down the railing, Claire sewage maintenance area, Anette will find Anette and she will tell will ambush her and told her Claire about the G-Virus, the assas about the G-Virus, the murder sination of her husband, the reason of her husband and the reason of on how the city had been infected. the city's infecstation. Anette and how her husband become a grotesque tried to shoot her but Ada, with monster that had been lurking the her quick and agile skills, she area.She also told Claire that a managed to overthrow Anette. sample of the G-Virus lies inside Sherry's pendant. - Leon would learn from Anette that - Leon learned from Ada herself Ada was a spy, sent to infiltrate that she was after the G-Virus Umbrella. At first Leon cannot believe all along when she ambushed him what she said but when she confonted at the left wing of the circuit her in the power room, Ada told him breaker room. Ada coercred Leon everything before she died. Leon gave to hand her over the G-Virus, or her a farewell, deep passionate else, she'll shoot him. But her kiss before she closed her eyes feelings towards Leon made her hesitate. Just at her back, the barely breathing Anette shot her at the back. Ada almost fall on the railing, if it not for Leon who grabbed her. But Ada, who apologized to Leon, and feeling guilty lose grip and fell. (which according to Wesker's report is the real account) - Mr. X will confront Leon and - Sherry, who had been hiding follows him inside the Power Room. to Mr. X will be confronted by As he is cornered, Ada would show up it in the power room. Claire, behind and pound off all her seeing from the Monitor Room bullets to distract it from coming with Anette, Claire managed to to Leon. She managed to, but she got there just in time. She asked runs out of ammo. Quickly she She asked Sherry to toss her over. reloads but Mr. X quickly grabbed She obeyed and hurriedly crawled her. As she finishes reloading, her way to a nearby vent. Claire, she pounds off bullets to Mr. X face who knows what Mr. X was after at point black range. Taking in the lured Mr. X and tossed the pendant pain, Mr. X slams Ada badly on the down the smelting pool. Mr. X, on control panel (breaking her vertebrae) on the other hand, followed it and and blindly swirls around until fell on the hot, steaming smelting it reaches the edge of the platform pool. and fell into the smelting pool below. leon hurriedly rushed to Ada who is gravely injured and barely breathing. - Anette will be attacked by William - Anette, who confronted Leon Birkins himself, just as Anette was about Ada, being a spy, would be accusing Claire of killing her husband knocked out cold by a falling (and what the hell was she trying large pipe after a sudden, to point out, Birkins is out of his strong quake. mind, barely even human, for crying out loud). Well, too late for regrets, before she died and after William fled, she wants to save Sherry from being infected, so she gave Claire vivid instructions on making an antidote that may save Sherry (the Devil vaccine) - Sherry would be infected by - Sherry would not be infected William with the G-Virus while but Claire would lose her every on the sewer. Claire informed Anette now and then. Then Claire would about it and she requested Claire to found Sherry being confronted by save Sherry and gave her instructions Mr. X. She would finally caught on preparing the antidote. Leon would up with her, next to her mom, have to come back for Sherry as he who's just having her last hurried to the emergency train. moments with Sherry. - Leon would get the Master Key from - Claire would get the Master the dying Ada on the power room Key from the dying Anette - The G-Virus from Sherry's pendant - The G-Virus sample from will be with Ada till the end, as Sherry's pendant will be tossed Leon leaves her inside the Power Room by Claire in the smelting pool. There's never been a sample that came Anette however also has another from Anette. sample and will be acquired by Leon. But Ada would force him to give her the sample. Ada would then be shot from behind by the half breathing Anette and Ada will fall down. Out of despair and grief, Leon threw the G-Virus sample away. ========================================================================= September 30 (Tuesday) [2 days till Ground Zero] Claire, who now has a lead on his brother's whereabouts has decided to follow him in Europe. But she was hesitant to go since Leon was still injured and Sherry was all alone. But Leon persuaded her to go and said that they'll be fine. Swallowing up all her hesitation, she leaves Leon and Sherry to start finding her brother Chris. (From: Claire's Epilogue, RE3) Leon met up with an individual claiming to be an agent of the US government and tried to persuade him in joining their group that would oppose to the Umbrella Inc. Leon, hesitating, asked to leave Sherry out of this matter, but the agent just said, that Sherry knows too much about this. Clearing up all his doubts, Leon declined the offer and headed his way. (From: Leon's Epilogue, RE3) Wesker ordered his men to go to the explosion site where Birkins was killed in order to obtain sample specimen from his now dead body. (From: Wesker's Files RE 5th Anniversary collection) The Pentagon decided to act upon this matter and ordered to quarantine the whole city. The U.S. Army had set up barricades in the perimeters of the city, preventing any zombies to cross outside. Possible that they had executed evacuation plans for still possible survivors. Pentagon released an order that Raccoon City to be nuked by daybreak the next day. (From: Outbreak End Scenario, RE Outbreak) -night time- Hunk, who barely recovered now and successful in his mission to bring a sample of the G-Virus, finds his way outside from the sewers to the RPD rooftop. He managed to survive, despite the low supply of ammunition and low provisions he had. He signals the Umbrella chopper and he was picked up. The chopper flew off, bringing hope to Umbrella as he clings to the only one sample of the G-Virus. (From: 4th Survivor, RE2) 1.8 ______________________________ / ============================ \ _________________ / R E S I D E N T E V I L 3 \ / \ __/ (Last Escape / Nemesis) \_______________/___2ND SCENARIO____\_ | ============================ \ | | | | |___________________________________________________________________________| ============================================================================= _________________ ******************************| N O T I C E |******************************* * Taken from the second part of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis * * * ****************************************************************************** October 1st-2nd [a day remains before Ground Zero] -Nighttime- Jill finally regained and found herself inside the Clock Tower's chapel. Carlos had been attending to her for 2 days. Although Jill had woken up, she's not feeling well and she assumed that she had been infected as well. Carlos promised to get some means of saving Jill and went on his way, he passed through the back room and led him to a nearly hospital. In there he heard gunshots and screams. He investigated and was surprised to see Nicholai, whom they assumed to be dead. When he asked what happened, Nicholai pointed his gun at him, saying that all he has to know is that Nicholai's a supervisor. Just then their comrade, Murphy Seeker turned out to be alive and barely conscious. He ignited a grenade to blow himself up. Just in time for Nicholai and Carlos to escape but Carlos lose track of Nicholai, who escaped from a nearby window. From Medical instructions there, he synthesized himself a vaccine. Just as he was getting out of the hospital, he discovered a time bomb has been planted and was set to blow in a short span of time. With some seconds remaining, he rushed outside and just in time for the bomb to go off and completely collapsed the Hospital. Carlos went back to Clock Tower to give teh Vaccine to Jill, when Nemesis, who had returned from the dead, now in a more hazardous form ambushed Carlos from the roof. Carlos evaded and continued inside the Chapel and finally gave Jill a shot of the vaccine. Carlos told her that Nicholai's alive and roams around. Then he went off ahead to take care of him. Jill on the otehr hand, was found by Nemesis and ambushed her. Jill left nemesis behind and went on the back of the Clock Tower that led her outside. With the Hospital now blocked, Jill chose the route to the Park, from a note from a UBCF supervisor there, Jill discovered a UBCF base, settling near the Raccoon Park Cemetery. Based from memos and fax, she learend that the US Army planned to nuke up the entire Raccoon city and Umbrella, knowing that the US Government would act upon this matter, aborted UBCF's mission and ordered their supervisors to pull out their men. Just as she was about to get out when Nicholai caught her red handed, snooping around. Jill then finnaly learned why Umbrella sent them in the first place. They were distracted by quakes, Nicholai disappeared again, leaving Jill to confront the monster. She succeeded and made her way to the rear end of the park. Just then Nemesis appeared on the hanging bridge and Jill, somehow managed to leave him behind, only to find out she's in an Umbrella Laboratory. There he met with Carlos, who told him the terrifying news about the US Army, bombing the entire Raccoon City as soon as daybreaks. They must find a means to escape the city before sunrise or they'll be included in the eradication of the city. As Jill went on with her investigations, she ran into Nicholai who intends now to kill her. Just as they were enjoying their loudmouthing, Nicholai was attacked from behind by Nemesis. As Jill made her way to the disposal facility. Nemesis, now more grotesque that ever, attacked again. Jill confronted him and succeeded in holding it off. Then as she exited the room, the laboratory declared a missile attack was confirmed. Just then Nicholai appeared in a chopper outside and attacked them and left. Jill tried to stop them but it was hopeless. Minutes till ground zero, Jill encounters Nemesis, now in a more big, and hideous form adn attacked her, with no means to kill it, Jill used the rail gun in the room to shread off Nemesis and weakened him. Jill then put and end to Nemesis, leaving the words "You want S.T.A.R.S., I'll give you S.T.A.R.S. Finally Nemesis defeated, Jill and Carlos headed their way to the hangar outside, never knowing that Barry Burton, Jill's comrade would end up there , saving them. The chopper lifted off and a few seconds later, the nuke was dropped and Raccoon City was wiped off the map. Headcount of approximately 100,000 casualties were reported. It was publicized in the public and radioactivity was reported to be the cause. ================================================= | 1.9 Aftermath and Epilogues \\ | (Events after Raccoon Cuty Bombing) \\ | (Before RE: Code Veronica) \\ ============================================================================= 1st week of October After recovering from her wounds, Jill leaved U.S. towards Europe to join Chris and possibly the rest of the S.T.A.R.S in Europe. Barry who was now spending his final quality time with his familiy in Canada bid her sentiments and farewell to his family. When Jill arrived on supposd to be Chris' hideout there, all he found is Chris knife. She immediately left to search for Chris (From: Jill and Barry Epilogue, RE3) Due to Raccoon's bombing, several Ex-Umbrella employees and former RPD S.T.A.R.S. members joined forces to form an underground organization to monitor Umbrella and stop its activities before another city dies due to their Biological Weapons. October 4 (Sunday) A restaurant owner that serves the employees of Umbrella on Sheena Island, had known about the fate of Raccoon City and heard Umbrella was responsible for it. (From: Restaurant Owner's Diary, RE Gun Survivor) October 6 (Tuesday) Umbrella's staff was gathered by Commander Vincetn Goldman and discussed the terrible tragedy on Raccoon City. He blamed the head researcher there William Burkins responsible for the Ourbreak and warns the staff about their possible betrayal to Umbrella. (From: RE Gun Survivor) Sgt. Niholai Ginovaef presented his collected combat data from his experience inside Raccoon City to Umbrella. He gave credit to the Nemesis, who had killed a lot of the sent UBCS and wishes that his presentation would help in the advance progress of creating B.O.W.s (From: RE Gun Survivor) October 8 (Thursday) The restaurant owner in Sheena Island heard from an Umbrella employee that the T-Virus was indeed now on the island. Panicking, he plans to get out of the island as soon as possible (From: RE Gun Survivor) The prisoner boy from Congo and his friends are making their plans to escape the island, since the security is being lax due to collection of information regarding teh T-Virus outbreak in Raccoon City. They plan on getting armaments and bringing everyone out to escape together on the island. (From: RE Gun Survivor) October 9 (Friday) The prisoner children began executing their plan. But they were spotted and probably shot down by Vincent himself. 20 children were dead. (From: Prisoner Chief's Diary, RE Gun Survivor) October 10 (Saturday) After the failed attempt to escape, Vincent, who now worries about Umbrella's reaction when they've learned that he shot all of the children who attemped escape, and the possibility of staining his reputation as Commander of the Umbrella base there, ordered the prison warden to make a report that it was mass suicide that caused the deaths of over 20 children. Andy Holland also heard the news. (From: Vincen't Diary, RE Gun Survivor) October 15 (Thursday) The son of the Umbrella employee, Lott Klein had heard of Vincent's wicked slaughter of the 20 childen and begins to doubt about Vincent and his dad's intentions to the children being brought on their island (From: Lott's Diary, RE Gun Survivor) October 20 (Tuesday) Umbrella responded to the Prison Chief's report concerning the 'mass suicide' and promised to bring in a new fresh batch of children for their 'resources'. Feeling guilty and now afarid, he now realizes what Vincent is capable of and is willing to kill without hesitation. (From: Prisoner Chief's Diary, RE Gun Survivor) November 9 (Monday) Leon S. Kennedy, now a member of the US Stratcom sends in one of his close friends Ark Thompson to Sheena Island as an undercover agent to know Umbrella's activities there. Ark arrived and met Andy Holland, who took a picture of him. Ark, being an agent disapproved and Andy mistook him for Commander Goldman. Little did they know that Lott Klein was hiding there and told the true Commander Vincent about having a spy in the island. November 10 (Tuesday) Vincent Goldman hears a rumor about the citizens' rebellion and the accounted 'spy' he has heard from Lott be inolved in the people's rebellious acts. (From: Vincent's Diary: RE Gun Survivor) November 19 (Thursday) Vincent found out about the people's plans of selling him out to the Umbrella representatives when they arrive next week with the new guinea pigs. HE plans to get back at them for defying him as Commander of the island. (From Vincent's Diary, RE Gun Survivor) November 22 (Sunday) Vincent spreads the T-Virus to the entire Sheena Island (which is still unknown how he did it) and disguises it to be an accident. Before he leaves, he planned to confront the 'spy' that e hears about. (From Vincent's Diary, RE Gun Survivor) November 23 (Monday) Several of the Umbrella employees there fell victim to the T-Virus and bean to roam the city. Lott Klein and his sister Lily were attacked by those whom they know were nice to them but now, only a reanimated zombie (From Lott's Diary: RE Gun Survivor) November 24 (Tuesday) Lott and Lily Klein's parents fell victim to the zombies. Now being orphans, Lott swears to protect his sister Lily and plans to escape the island together with his sister Lily. (which would seem impossible, but what the heck, he got guts to mark his word) (From Lott's Diary: RE Gun Survivor) November 28 (Sunday) With the city now a holocaust and the security of Umbrella being laxed, Ark decided to act on infiltrating the Umbrella facility and Vincent's office to prove some of the rumors he heard about him and confirmation of the report that Leon had received from US Stratcom. However, Vincent hasn't left the premises yet and caught him in his now burned office. There was a fierce struggle and Ark escaped his way at the Heliport on the rooftop. Vincent followed Ark, who was taking off with the chopper. Without wasting time, Vincent jumped to its landers and shimmey himself up. There was a fight and they ended up crashing nearby. The start of Resident Evil: Gun Survivor 1.10 ______________________________ / ============================ \ / RESIDENT EVIL: GUN SURVIVOR \ __/ ============================ \_____________________________________ | \ | | | Developed by : Capcom Entertainment, Eidos | | Release Dates: 2001 | | Console : Sony Playstation 1 | | | | Developed once again for Playstation 1, RE: Gun Survivor is the | | first RE game that is 1st person view mode. It happened after | | Raccoon Bombing and before RE: Code Veronica. Although it didn't | | make in the ranks of the best games, since the control sucks and | | needs a gun to be enjoyed, it didn't make its appeal to the gamers. | | | | | |___________________________________________________________________________| ============================================================================= _________________ ******************************| N O T I C E |******************************* * Taken from the scenes in Resident Evil: Gun Survivor * * * ****************************************************************************** Ark srvived the crash, but due to the impact, had caused his memories to be blocked. He had no idea who he was at what he was doing there. The only thing he had is his gun. As he finds Vincent nearby, holding "his" pendant, etched as "Ark Thomson", he was attacked by a zombie. He went his way to search for clues to fill in his questions. Soon he passed through a ringing phone and attempt to answer it. But it already hanged up. The second time, he heard someone from the other side of the line, calling Vincent, a murderer. The Umbrella dropped off their prototype militia, mutated with the help of their "G-Virus" to cleansweep kill anyone still breathing on the island. Thinking that maybe it was him who was known as Vincent, he went his way until he eventually stumbled upon Andy Holland's diary, who was the maintenance head of the plant there. He can't believe that he really was Vincent when he found his picture there and learning from Andy's diary that he took Vincent's picture recently. He then met up with a child named Lot. From the looks of it, he does not like Ark, so he ran away. Tyrant showed up and chased him every now and then. Sooner or later, Ark stumbled on Umbrella building, now abandoned, till he reached Vincent's office. There he was having flashbacks of his fight with the original Vincent. Then he stumbled upon a girl, who happened to be Lot's younger sister, Lily, listening to a tape conversation between Vincent and her mother. As Ark tried to convince her, Lily screamed and Lot, who sneaked out behind Ark tried to hit him with his bat. Lily escaped ahead and Lot leaved the confused Ark. Ark followed them to their house. There he found Lily hiding in a closet. Lily, crying, asked Ark to help them escape the city. Ark conforted her and told her to stay while he finds his brother. He made his way to the factory via the road train. Then he heard a distant scream. Assuming it was Lot, he hurriedly went over where the screams were coming from. he learend that this plant was responsible for creating Tyrants. He finally caught up with Lot, who was being attacked by a Hunter. The Hunter dived to him, making them both fall in the railing. Lot, however, managed to grabhold of the railing. Ark helped him to get up, Then Lotexplained to him all that had happened and who trully he was adn asked for his forgiveness for he was the one who told Vincent about him. Now regaining his memories, Ark now searches for information and find a way to escape the island. Just some moments when the self destruct system for the island had been activated. As he stumbled upon the Tyrant room, he had learned everything Umbrella's operation on creating Tyrants. Researchers were using children age 13-20 to extract a hormone in the pituitary gland by cutting their skulls without anesthetics. Beta Hertero Nonseratoninm, as it is called, is needed in the production of Umbrella's B.O.W. Tyrant. He had also learned that Umbrella was behind of all the kidnapping of children all around the world to be used as guinea pigs. Ark hurriedly escapethrough the train, where Lot and Lily, who made their way were waiting for him. As they reached the heliport, Tyrant appeared again, now in a more powerful form. Ark however put him out and went to pilot the chopper. Just as they were taking off, persistent Tyrant, whow just barely reganined consciousness, jumped to their tail and reached their landers. With Tyrant hanging, Ark lauched the choppers' missile, carrying Tyrant and lauched the second one, aimed at Tyrant, finally putting it out of commision, just a few seconds before the island exploded. December 17 (Friday) Leon, now working under US Stratcom once again teamed up with Claire and infiltrated Umbrella's main HQ in Paris. They were unable to contact any of the S.T.A.R.S. members there, mainly Chris. They were successful to get in the vicinity but they were discovered inside the facility and the chase was on between Claire and the on duty guards. Leon got separated and Claire now runs to lose the guards behind her. She runs to the corridor, being shot down by the guards. As she reach the end, a chopper had been waiting for her and aims to shoot her with its gatling guns. (In the Dreamcast version, it can be seen that Nicholai, or a guy looking like him were poiloting the chopper). She quickly docked to the right alley, just in time for the guns to roll, killing all the guards who were behind her. She got up on her feet and ran. Even though she's not seen by the chopper, its infrared sensors cannot hide Claire from the side walls of the building. Claire runs for her life as the chopper nails the wall with its guns. Eventually, Claire lost the chopper at the end of the alley and ended on a platoon of Umbrella guards, who were waiting for her. Without any further choice, she held her hands up in the air. Just then, she saw some of explosive canisters behind them. She intendly dropped her gun and when the Umbrella army though it was safe, she intentionally fell down, to get her gun and shoot the canister behind them. The canister exploded, caught all the Umbrella army in the explosion (what a slick move there!). Just as she was regaining her posture, Rodrigo Juan Raval, came in quietly from behind. Just as Claire sensed that someone is behind her, she turned back and pointed her gun at Rodrigo, who in turn, also had his gun pointed at Claire. With guns both pointed at each other, Claire, who was still on the ground was caught. Ten days she will be sent out to Rockfort island...The start of Resident Evil: Code Veronica 1.11 ______________________________ / ============================ \ _________________ / RESIDENT EVIL: CODE VERONICA \ / \ __/ ============================ \______________/__CLAIRE SCENARIO__\__ | \ | | | Developed by : Capcom Entertainment | | Release Dates: Spring 2002 (in Japan as RE Code Veronica)(Dreamcast) | | 2003 as RE: Code Veronica X) (PS2) | | Console : Sega Dreamcast | | : Sony Playstation | | | | The awaited sequel of RE2, it had been branded RE3, till the | | proclaimed RE3 was released. It first came on Sega Dreamcast and | | soon made its way to the PS2 with new added sequences. The longest | | RE game that was made, takes almost 12 hours to complete in average. | | Lighter can now be equipped and, well.. can be used to scare bats. | | And also, combat knives here can now be dependable pals and can | | really fillet zombies with a couple of swipes, a revolutionary | | way to go commando with your guns as reserves. Crossbows were | | upgraded by mixing gunpowder to them and new weapons, particularly | | the sniper gun (used by Alexander Ashford) were added which can be | | used to snipe and zoom in, although it has only 2 bullets when | | you get it. | |___________________________________________________________________________| ============================================================================= _________________ ******************************| N O T I C E |******************************* * Taken from the scenes in Resident Evil- Code Veronica, as Claire * * * ****************************************************************************** December 27 (Monday) Claire arrived on Rockfort Island where prisoners of Umbrella were being detained and imprisoned. After giving her her verdicts and serial number, she was hit by a guard in the back with a rifle butt that stunned her outcold. Little did she know how much time had passed and when she woke up, she finds herself inside a prison cell. Screams and gunshots can be heard outside. Then Juan Rodrigo, who just came inside latched out the door to her cell and sitted to his desk. He reached for his hemostat but it already run out. He told Claire to get out of that place and escape. Claire, still confused and aware that he needs hemostat, went out of the prison block and ended up in a graveyard. She made her way outside, till he was ambushed by an outpost, firing still machine guns at her. She immediately sheltered and found a handgun next o a dead man. She picked it up and fired back at the lights of the outpost. Steve Burnside, who was controlling the machine guns stopped firing and put his hands in the air. he immediately came down and relieved to see a living person still alive. But Claire didn't put her gun down. Steve apologized and introduced himself, who was also a prisoner of Umbrella. Steve didn't want to tag in Claire and went his way to find a rumored escape airport. She then stumbled to him again, looking on Chris' profile on an online desktop computer. Steve now realizing that they were siblings, suggested the he should go rescue her. Claire though of it as a good idea and used the computer to send an email to Leon about her wehereabouts, since she can't directly contact Chris. Steve, who meant it as a joke to suggest about their rescue, hastes off furiously. Claire made her way to the training complex and eventually to the Ashford's mansion. There, she saw a video of two children, playing with a dragonfly. They detached its wings and fed it to the ants. As she was leaving the mansion, she heard Steve screaming. Worried, she hurried to the place where she watched the video, to find Steve locked. She imediately released the lock and relieved to see Steve fine. But Steve has the Lugers, which she failed to get a while ago. She needs them as she figured out to be keys to open up the door upstairs, so she asked him to give it to her. But Steve wants something in return, something fully automatic that he can use. Steve laft her, still confused. As she was making her way outside, Alfred Ashford, the current master of the palace, sniped her. She duct her way to safety, as Alfred babbled about Claire, being the promotor of the incident that happened in the island. he also mentioned about his family, who originally founded Umbrella. He left, saying if they ever stumbled again, he would kill her. Unshaken, Claire activate a submarine and went on her way. She find herslf in an Underground Military Airport. She makes her way to the military facility, hoping to find the keys to unlock the bridge to get to the seaplane. As she heads upstairs, she saw someone, banging on the transparent glass, pleading for help. But it was too late and a monster from behind smashed his head on the wall, The emergency system has been activated and door shutters begin to fall. Claire made her way to slide down and escaped from being trapped. There again, she was ambushed by Alfred, but apparently, he wasn't lucky and Claire managed to evade. Knwoing it would be dangerous to confront Claire, he hurriedly escaped. Claire followed him but Alfred outsmarted her and shut the door behind her. Alfred, who had already prepared something for her, provoked Claire on a monitor nearby. Claire, who thought of herself falling into a trap, has no choice but to push through, As she descends, a yellow monster with elastic hands, called Bandersnatch attaked her. She managed to put it out. Then another one appeared again. Just then Steve made his grand entrance and shot the monster out dead with the Lugers. Claire traded in the Ingram fully automatic pistols, which she found a while ago, to Steve with his Lugers. Alfred lowers the platform, where Steve and Claire were till they reached the basement. Steve, now armed with his new toys, impressed Claire as he went off ahead to fight zombies blocking the way. Claire, instead of being impressed, asked him about his family. Feeling a littlediscomfort, Steve rushes to the balcony. Claire followed him but the platform they were standing broke, sending them down. Just as they were regaining consciousness, Claire finds her feet stuck. A zombie was headed their way. As Steve was about to shoot it, he was struck to his feet and realized it was his father. Still pacified, Claire yelled at him. Now the zombie got Claire's attention, instead head towards Claire, just then Steve snapped out of it and shoot at the zombie, shouting "Father!!", till the last bullet of his gun. Claire realized it was his father. Steve told him about his father, working for Umbrella and was leaking information outside. But Umbrella caught him and killed off his wife. He was sent to prison, never knowing that his father was now dead. Claire left, leaving Steve mourning for his dad. Now having the Lugers, she went her way again to the mansion to unlock the door with her Lugers. She made her way to the secluded Ashford place. As she went upstairs she heared a conversation between Alfred and her sister Alexia, who happened to sense someone outside. Feeling that someone's listenng to them, Alfred, who happened to be in Alexia's clothing escaped. Claire followed him but it seems that he managed to escape. She stumbled on Alexia's room and realized she has to figure out the music box there, being the key to a passageway. Claire made her way again to the palace, hoping to find a means to open the music box. While she's at it, she made his way to Rodrigo and give him the hemostat she found in the medical room, just before Alfred trapped her in. Rodrigo gave his lockpick in return. Claire leaved her lighter for Rodrigo and headed her way. On her way to the mansion, Claire was ambushed by a familiar figure; Albert Wesker. Full of rage and hatred towards Chris, he attacke Claire and was about to kill her when he received a call. He halted his assault and jumped his way out. Claire went in to solve the music box. Just then, Alexia was waiting for her to get out. She shoots Claire but this time, Steve comes in and shot Alexia. wounded, Alexia escaped through a wall door. Claire and Steve followed her and landed on Alfred's room. But all they found is Alexia's clothing on the bed and her 'blonde hair?' on the music box. Just then, Alfred, who was hiding on top of his bed attacked them from above. They were surprised to see Alfred with make up on and realized that there was really no Alexia but Alfred, dressing as a woman. Alfred, fear-stricken, run off crying and activated the self destruct device of the island. Claire and Steve went to the underground military airport via the submarine and now having the keys, went their way inside the seaplane. But the drawbridge was blocking their way. Claire volunteered to raise the drawbridge as Steve makes preparations in the plane. Claire succesfully raised the drawbridge but she has to find a way to return to the plane. She ended up in an elevator and fixed it to go up. Just then Alfred released a tyrant monster to chase after them. Claire made her way up, to end up outside the trainign facility complex. As she heads her way to the mansion, she was ambushed by Tyrant. She managed to put it out and hurriedly went over to the submarine. She met up with Steve, who was woried she would not come back. They took off just before the island was caught off in a blast. Just as they though their worries are over, they were alarmed to experience a shock at the back. Claire went to investigate and much to her surprise, Tyrant had hitched itself a ride and was back. Claire took care of it for good as she catapults some cargo along with Tyrant outside. Tyrant exploded in teh air and went on their way. Just then, the military facility was still intact and Alfred, managed to survive the explosion. He went to an underground hangar via a secret lift under the tank and lifted off with one of the Harrier jets. Meanwhile, Steve noticed the plane's out of control and soon realized they were on autopilot mode. Alfred sends them out a signal, saying that he's controlling them. Without any choice, Claire and Steve just waited for the plane to land. Alfred intended to bring them on their base somewhere in the Antartic. Just as they wake up. Steve tried to kiss Claire, due to circumstances but failed. Soon they realized they were in Antartic. Seeing some of the facilities there, they presumed it to be one of Umbrella's base. The plane crashed landed inside the base. Claire and Steve got off and went separate ways to investigate. Claire had known about a monster "Nosferatu" enclosed in this base. She had proven this true, when she found the monster, just beneath an office where she was, tied up and blocked by a huge axe. Just then, she met Steve along and asked him to move in the drill bulldozer. But Steve, who wasn't paying attention and looking at Claire, lost his concentration and bumped one of the gas tanks with the crane, causing an all out gas leak. Claire manage to close the gas valve somehow and prevented the gas leak. Just as they were going to escape, Alfred, still laughing like a girl, shoots down Claire. Just then Steve comes in and shoot Alfred first. Alfred fell down the deep cliff. Meanwhile "Nosferatu" still in its chambers began to move and broke free. Claire and Steve rode the big drill and dug their way outside. As they reached the heliport above the base, Nosferatu was on their way and knocked off Steve. Steve almost fell but he managed to grab on the roof. Claire fought off Nosferatu and managed to kill it somehow. Then Claire came back to pull up Steve. They went on their way and used a snowmobile they've found to head for the Australian base. Meanwhile, Alfred, who somehow, managed to survive the fall, nearly dying, went to wake her sister Alexia, who was in cryogenic state for a long time. Alfred died from blood loss. Meanwhile, Claire and Steve were happily heading their way north when they were attacked by massive tentacle that caused them to topple down and crash. 1.12 ______________________________ / ============================ \ _________________ / RESIDENT EVIL: CODE VERONICA \ / \ __/ ============================ \______________/__CHRIS SCENARIO___\__ | \ | | |___________________________________________________________________________| ============================================================================= _________________ ******************************| N O T I C E |******************************* * Taken from the scenes in Resident Evil- Code Veronica, as Chris * * * ******************************| N O T I C E |******************************* ----------------- Meanwhile, Chris came to Rockfort Island as soon as he heard the news from Leon. He was climbing the crevice and lost his backpack full of supplies and ammo. There he met up with Rodrigo. After learning that Claire was indeed on this island, a giant worm appeared and swallowed Rodrigo. Chris followed it and managed to kill it, and regurgitate Rodrigo. He managed to give Chris his lighter that he got from Claire before he dies (actually it was Chris' lighter and Claire somehow got it from him). Chris heads his way to the facility complex via the elevator. He saw from the monitor screen, Alexia, singing with Alfred, now dead on her lap. Wesker, who was in the down in the port where Claire and Steve took off, also saw Alexia and was not happy that she was revived, but suddenly changed his mood when he learned that Chris is on the island as he saw Chris on the other monitor. He immediately send out Hunters to kill him. As Chris went on, he saw the Eagle plate, which Claire used recently, fall in the crevice and realized it to be important. He eventually met Wesker and told Chris that Claire is now on an Umbrella Base in Antartic. Just then Alexia appeared on a nearby monitor, laughing. Frustrated, Wesker left Chris with a yellow monster with elastic arms. Chris defeated it and went on his way. Chris managed to get in Alfred's secret passage and in his private residence to get the plate that was on his private pool. But an Albinoid, which Claire had accidentally let loose was lurking around the pool. Chris managed to get in the plate, but he needs only the halberd in the plate. Chris found a way to extract the halberd from the eagle plate and went on to find the necessarary chemicals. He managed to get teh halberd and unlocked the hangar where another Harrier jet was waiting. He took off and flew towards the Antartic. As he arrives at the hangar bay. Chris got off and searched for clues. with now the basement completely frozen, he managed to get to a mansion, that looked like the Spencer estate. There he was finally reunited with Claire, whom she found plastered on a wall. Claire told him about another survivor named Steve and decided to save him. Just as they were catching up, Alexia assaulter them with her tentacles. Chris fell down the balcony and Claire managed to stay upstairs. Chris, barely walking due to his injuries on his foot and knees, told Claire to leave and rescue Steve who was in danger. Claire, hesitantly agreed and left. Later then she found Steve, now imprisoned in the same room where he found Nosferatu. Steve told her that Alexia had performed the same experiment as what she did to her father. Steve, now in a more grotesque form began to mutate. Beginning to lose his will to think, he attacks Claire with his life size axe. Claire hurriedly run to the exit, but since Alexia ocked it up, she was cornered. Just as things are getting worse, Alexia's tentacles grabbed onto Claire. Now with nowhere to go, Claire just await her fate to be killed by Steve. However, at some point, Steve's humanity drove him and cut the tentacle that's holding Claire, instead. Anguishing in pain, it strikes back at Steve, throwing Steve violently on the wall. Claire, now crying, hurriedly went over to the dying Steve. Steve apologized to her for not keeping his promise. He died in Claire's arms, saying that he loved her. Meanwhile, while Chris was hiding among the pillars and boulders, Wesker met up with Alexia and told her to come with him. Wesker intend to bring Alexia along because she had the new prototype, T-Veronica Virus, injected into her and they wished to study her. Alexia, being intimidated, showed Wesker the full effect of her creation and began to transform herself into her ultimate form. Wesker started his attack but he was no match for Alexia's strength. Barely defending, Wesker jumps from wall to wall to avoid Alexia's flames. But accidentally, the flame went in and caught up with Chris, who were watching them all this time. Chris forcefully showed himself up to avoid Alexia's flame and Wesker saw him from behind. Seeing a probable way of eliminating Chris and means to escape, he left off and left Chris deal with Alexia. Somehow, Chris managed to hold off Alexia and made his way to where Claire was. But the door was electronically locked that even Claire can't open it from inside. Claire suggested to activate the self destruct system of the mansion to release the locks and slipped him a key card. Chris managed to activate it and as soon as they were heading towards the emergency elevator. Alexia showed up in a more powerful form. Chris and Claire released the lock for the Plasma rifle. Then he bought Claire time to escape and confronted Alexia, who now mutates into an even more bigger monster. Chris managed to hold off Alexia, until the ants beneath her, started attacking her. Forcefully, Alexxia detached her upper torso, spread her wings ang flew towards Chris. Chris quickly grabbed the now released Plasma rifle and finally put an end to Alexia. Chris made his way to escape, just to see Wesker had caught Claire. Wesker shrugged off Claire and escaped. Chris followed him, passing a bunch of zombies until they reached outside. There Wesker was waiting for them, telling them that hey're taking in Steve's body for their experimental research. Chris let her sister Claire escape ahead and confronted Wesker later on. With Wesker's inhuman powers, Chris was no match for his punches. Chris greatly wounded and out of energy, he sees an opportunity. When Wesker was at the right place, he quickly dived for the chain and released tons of beams falling into Wesker. Chris, rest for a while, just moments when Wesker rose from the pile of beams. Now also barely able to walk, they swore to continue this fight if ever they crossed paths again. Chris went inside the mansion to the emergency elevator, just in time for the mansion to explode. Chris barely caught up in the blast jumps and landed straight right into the Harrier's spout where Claire was waiting. They took off just seconds before the whole base was completely caught up in the explosion. They apologized for leaving each other, and headed to take down Umbrella themselves. unaccounted 4 years Due to the Raccoon Day bombing, which had been an international issue, the US Government had put actions of investigations and with the help of the Secret Service, it was later found out that indeed Umbrella was behind everything (just as Marvin Branagh said). The US government issued an indefinite suspension of business decree to Umbrella. And soon, the almighty Umbrella, whom had been reigning in the field of pharmaceuticals was no more...or so it seems.. 4 years after, another tale will be told that involes the presence of the T-Virus, but in another different set of characters.... 2002 September 18 (Wednesday) Ex-Umbrella employee Morpheus Duval, who was charged earlier on with accusations from Umbrella of being responsible for the Spencer Estate incident, now makes a comeback and went to Umbrella HQ in Paris to infiltrate it, together with 3 of his followers. They intend to steal 3 samples of vuruses, including the newest prototype of T-Virus, the T-G virus (ver 0.9.1). They suceeded however and Morpheus plans to auction it on the ship called 'Spencer Rain' September 22 (Sunday) Morpheus spreads the T-Virus over the Spencer Rain ship. The start of Resident Evil: Dead Aim 1.13 ______________________________ / ============================ \ / RESIDENT EVIL: DEAD AIM \ __/ ============================ \_____________________________________ | \ | | | Developed by : Capcom Entertainment, Eidos | | Release Dates: 2004 | | Console : Sony Playstation 2 | | | |___________________________________________________________________________| ============================================================================= 2004 After six years since the Raccoon City incident, Leon S. Kennedy, who had been in the Secret Service, undergo military training of survival skills and made his way to the ranks of the US Government and eventually became an agent for them. He then undergo special training via a secret organization working under the direct control of the President himself and was later assigned to protect the President's family. It was right before he took the job of when the President's daughter was abducted. Ashley Graham, the President's daughter had mysteriously disappeaed just as she was on her way home from her University. No one had any leads on her whereabouts and investigations were conducted. Members of the Secret Service and relatives of Ashley had been questioned. To keep the issue in public, a few knows about the President's daughter's abduction. Although they had reliable info that it was an inside job, they can't pinpoint who the traitor is amongst them. Until they had got from their intelligence that Ashley, or someone who looked like her, had been spotted somewhere in Europe, particularly in a small rural village in Spain. Apparently she is withheld by an anonymous ] group of people. In respond, an investigation party was assembled composed of agents. They had arranged with the Madrid Cops to investigate on the site. Leon, on the other hand would be dispatched on the site where Ashley was last seen, investigate on the matters and bring her back by any means possible. 1.14 ______________________________ / ============================ \ / RESIDENT EVIL 4 \ __/ ============================ \_____________________________________ | \ | | | Developed by : Capcom Entertainment | | Release Dates: 2004 (in Nintendo gamecube) | | Fall 2005 (in PS2) | | Console : Nintendo Gamecube | | Sony Playstation 2 | | | |___________________________________________________________________________| ============================================================================= ******************************| N O T I C E |******************************* * Taken from the scenes in Resident Evil 4 as Leon and Ada * * * ******************************| N O T I C E |******************************* ----------------- As Leon is being carried on by Madrid cops to the site where Ashley was last seen, he keeps thinking of his mission while the cops were trying to cheer him up. As they arrived on the village, Leon got out and head his way. He encountered an old house and decided to ask around. Luckilly, he found someone to ask inside, an old man near his fire place. The old man responded grumpilly that Leon decided not to bother him anymore. But as soon as he turned back and stepped away, the old man picked up a bardiche nearby and tried to hack Leon. Luckilly, Leon saw it was coming and dodged back. He warned the old man but he was melancholly going after him, like a zombie. The incident brought him back, the time he escaped Raccoon City and encountered flesh eating zombies. Without any much choice, he shoots down the old man, wondering if his nightmares were returning again. he was surprised to see that the old man was no zombie at all. Then loud crashes were heard outside Leon heard the car started, then gunshots and tire sreeeching followed and soon a splash in the water. He realized that the car must've fallen in the river. Some people can be heared outside, he hurried to the front door but the people were blocking it. He went inside, passed the fireplace and came to a stairs. Before descending, he saw a plie of rotting bones underneath the staircase, wondering what they were accomplishing and hoped Ashley's not one of these bones. He hurried upstairs and with no other means to escape, he jumped out of the window. The people blocking the door hurried towards him and began attacking. He took them one by one and hurried to the car. His thoughts were confirmed as he saw the jeep down the cliff. He was saddened, if only the cops came with him. He decided to hurry along and took a path leading to the village. Little by little, he was feeling uneasy on what's going on in the village. Even females were brutally slain without consideration. As he reached the village, he saw in his scope one of the Madrid cops, being burned by the townsfolk at the center of the village. As he went in, he was confron ted by the townspeople, armed with pitchforks, hatchets and knives. he hurried inside one of the nearby houses and blocked the door. As he take a glimpse outside, the people were all somewhat, calling for arms. then he heard chainsaw being started. without any choice, he played commando and killed most of the people reaching for him. As Leon was playing heroic at this time, Ada, who had arrived in the village saw Leon being mobbed by the villagers and she, as well, was ambushed. Wesker gave her a tip through her cellphone that the villagers would calm down if they heard the bell from the church. As Ada's mind was made up, she headed for the church to ring the bell. As she fought along with Leon, (although they did not bump into each other), soon, she found the Insignia Key that wouldopen the door to the passageway to the church. She made her way to the church and rang the bell (on a more detailed story, she managed to getthe Round Insignia and switched the Green Catseye to solve the trap). When the bell rang, the villagers soon stopped attacking, dropped their weapons and all went to the door which Ada entered to get to the church. Leon, who had no idea what happened, was left alone in an empty village. She contacted Hunnigan and she advised him to take the road beside the tower. Leon agreed and ended up in a barn like area. Before he proceed, he stumbled upon a note that tells him, he's been expected by these "villagers" and knows about his purpose of being here. Leon, now aware of his situation, he proceeds to continue with his mission. Ada, on the other hand, head his way to the chief's house to gather more information about her mission. She was reading some books (to be more precise, it's the pages that's shown on the rolling credits at the end of the game) when Wesker called her and informed her that their 'implanted' agent was recently discovered and is held captive in an old abandoned house. Wesker oredered her to rescue this 'agent' whom is very important to them until they've retrieved a 'sample'. Ada headed her way. As Leon passed by the narrow trail with the suspended bridge perpendicular to it, which he took earlier, Ganados, (whom we will refer to the villagers from now on) tried to flatten our hero by dropping a huge boulder from the top cliff. With Leon's superb athletisism and quick thinking, he dodged the boulder just in the nick of time. As he proceed, he ended up in an old abandoned house. As he plunged in more deeper, he heard some thumping noise at the back. He checked it out and found a cupboard, where the sound was coming from. he pulled out his gun and reluctantly opened the door from one side. A man tied and gagged stumbled upon him. He realized that he was not like one of those people who he encountered earlier and sets him free. Just as they were getting friendly to each other, some of the Ganados arrived and this time, they have someone whom the man Leon rescued referred to as the "big cheese" (which is the chief of this village; Bitorres Mendez). Being in a tight situation, Leon lauched a roundhouse kick towards mendez but he easilly caught Leon's foot and with superhuman strength, he smashes Leon on the table, thus, making Leon unconscious. Ada, who happened to arrive late, hid herself in a nearby cabin and saw Ganados come out of the old abandoned house, carrying Leon and the one Leon found in the cupboard (which from this point, you know that Ada meant to rescue that guy). Ada followed them but got sidetracked by attacking Ganados. Whether Leon didn't know or he slightly glimpse a vision, he saw a purple robed man, saying to him 'giving them a gift with intoxicating powers". The purple robed man, holding a syringe, containing a purple liquid, injected its contents to Leon's neck. Leon regained consciousness and found himself in a cabin, tied up, together with the 'agent' whom he rescued earlier. He also lost his jacket (which a Ganado took to himself. Ada will run to this chap who took Leon's jacket in the village sooner as she went back to the chief's house) He shook him up to wake him up and asked him if he saw a girl and showed the picture to the 'agent'. The agent responded whether he's a cop but Leon didn't gave him a concrete answer. Leon was surprised when the agent guessed right that the girl in the pic was the U.S. President's daughter and confronted him to confess. The 'agent' took his joke back and said that he just have heared it from the villagers. He introduced himself as Luis Sera, a former cop, who quit the force since he feels he wasn't appreciated that much. Leon, on the other hand also told him his experience as a 'one-day-cop' and mentioned about the incident in Raccoon City. Just as Luis was just blabbering about a sample of the T-virus in their lab, a Ganado, who had found out his way inside the cabin was coming at them, dragging a man sized axe. Again, in a tight situation, Luis provoked Leon to do something, Leon back at him. Instantly, they come up with aiming the attack right directly into the rope that's been heldin their hands tied. Luckilly, the axe went perfect and they were both free. As Leon was just gaining his posture, the Ganado atatcked him again. With a snap desicion, Leon throws the Ganado in mid air with his foot (more like a roll throw, it's that Leon used only his foot. The Ganado lauched himself in the air and landed on his neck, instantly killing him. Unknown to Leon, Luis Sera had already fled, leaving Leon alone to confront the Ganado. Leon made his way outside and found himself going commando again, thanks to his guns, which, by the way, the Ganado's didn't strip from him while he was unconscious (Maybe he's hiding it somewhere in his body, hahaha!!). Ada, on the other had decided to go back to the chief's house to look for more clues. As he passed by the village, he was attacked by more Ganados, and was surprised that one of them was wearing Leon's jacket. She took care of them and tells to herself to lift her hopes up that Leon isn't dead yet. Meanwhile, Leon made his way through and ended up in the chief's house. While he was inside investicating, Mendez came behind him. On the other hand, Ada, who just arrived in front of the chief's house heard some conversations inside and decided not to take the front door. Back to Leon, Mendez grasped him by the neck, Leon tried to struggle but to no avail. Just when Mendez, saw Leon's eyes, he dropped him to the ground. He told Leon that he carries the same blood as them. But he warns him if he acts suspicious to them, he will suffer severe consequences. He left Leon, barely catching up his breath. As Leon intended to follow him, Ada, made her way to the roof by her own dependable grapple gun. Leon went back inside the mster's bedroom. Mendez, who was waiting for him inside, ambushed him and knocked him to the floor. Again, on another tight situation, Mendez was crushing his chest with his boots when two silenced bullets hit Mendez from behind. Mendez looked behind and saw a glimpse of his attacker, Ada, who was just in time, was hanging himself in the window with her grappling gun. Mendez lauched himself to the window to attack Ada, but Ada just retracted her grappling gun, and Mendez fell crushing to the window. Ada, then bailed herself to escape. Leon //still under construction// 1.15 Unaccounted Events There is an unaccounted event that happened after the destruction of Raccoon City but still no accounts tell when exactly did it happen. It's not even clear if it happened before or after RE: Code Veronica but it featured previous survivors of Umbrella's stitched nightmares, Leon S. Kennedy of the former RPD and Barry Burton of the former RPD S.T.A.R.S -two years ago- Lucia, a girl from an ordinary orphanage was adopted. She does not know but her ears were ringing, after she was adopted. Her senses also got kind of sharpened and her wounds tend to heal abnormally fast unlike ordinary childen. Because of her gifts, children were making fun of her and she didn't earn much friends. Perhaps it had gotten so bad, her adoptive parents decided to send her to their relatives in Europe. Probably happened somewhere around before Raccoon City was decimated. On a non specified night Leon S. Kennedy was sent on a mission on board to a luxurious ship called 'Starlight' to keep track on another of Umbrella's secret B.O.W. (Bio Organic Weapon). He met on the ship a girl, named Lucia, who in turn became friends with him. She told Leon all of her aggravations because of her Just then a presumed B.O.W. had appeared in the ship and intent to blow itself up and sink the ship. Leon lost contact with his firm and eventaully unaccounted, he lost consciousness, - 2:30 - Barry Burton was summoned to the headquarters of this underground firm by its chief (which is also unspecified, ala Charlie's Angel :D) to its home base somewhere in North America. The chief explained to Barry its mission. A new type of B.O.W. had escaped (which was highly doubted) from Umbrella and is now heard to be lurking on board to a luxurious ship called 'Starlight'. The ship is said to be taking a cruise towards Europe but now is wandering in the vastness of Atlantic. They have sent in Leon but they have lost contact with him and the last message that they have received was 24 hours ago. Barry's mission was to find Leon on board the Starlight, and to put the newest B.O.W. out of commission that has terrorized the ship. Barry, whom swore never to see any of Umbrella's creatures, geared up and headed to the abandoned ship 'Starlight' on a chopper...The start of Resident Evil: Gaiden (a sidestory) ______________________________ / ============================ \ / RESIDENT EVIL: GAIDEN \ __/ ============================ \_____________________________________ | \ | | | Developed by : Capcom Entertainment | | Release Dates: 2004 | | Console : Gameboy Color | | | | First ever resident Evil game that had been released in | | Nintendo Gameboy Color, it's the first RE game that is based on | | ATB and will be a different way to combat zombies. Strolling is | | done on a two dimensional environment but the battle will be on | | a first person view and a meter below depicts your aim (like in | | NBA games when you need to shoot for a free throw). It's a whole | | new system that combined the ol'Metal Gear with a poor graphic | | house of the dead. | |___________________________________________________________________________| ============================================================================= -Daylight- As Barry drops himself on the ship, unnatural silence had aboard the ship has greeted him, proof that the ship had been really abandoned. As the chopper flew away, Barry begins to investigate. He went to the lobby and saw creatures that he expected to show up; zombies. He easliy out maneuvers them as he reach the perpendicular alley. A call from the HQ suggested to him to use the security cameras on the 4th deck. He finds his way to the elevator, in a fight againsts zombies again. The elevator stopped at the 3rd deck. SInce there's no way to go on, he emerged from the elevator and finds the stairs. As he passed down the bridge, he took a rope with him, for emegency cases and soon finds his way inside the security room. As he search for Leon in the security cameras, he saw a vague figure on one of the monitors, apparently not one of the zombies but definitely not Leon. He tried to call on the figure, and much to his surprise, answers to his call, as a girl's voice. Barry, now kinda relieved to see some survivors on the ship, asked the girl if she knew Leon. The girl introduced herself as Lucia and responded that Leon went ahead to find teh monster responsible for turning everyone into zombies. But it had really taken a long time and Leon hasn't come back for her yet. Then a loud bang on Lucia's door stopped their chat. Terrified, she told Barry that a monster maybe is on the other side of the door. Barry told her to calm down and tell im her exact location. She said she's on the Sun deck and Barry hastilly hurried to save Lucia. As he follows Lucia's screams, he reached the Sun deck and surprised to see a large monster chasing after Lucia. Without hesitation, Barry puts the monster outcold. As the monster comes in a closer image, he was astounded to see it as a large, white-humanoid monster. Thinking it to be the B.O.W. that he was searching for, he thought that he cound finish the mission early and go home. But as he spoke his hopes too soon, the monster erected some tentacles on its belly and reached for Lucia. he pounded it off until the monster dissolved into an amoeba like form and disappered in the shadows. Barry hurriedly tend to the terrified Lucia to see if she's ok. To his surprise, Lucia seems to be unscratched from the tangling. Barry told her to stay up close to him in case the omnster is still nearby. But Lucia told him that the monster was already gone. Wondering in amazement, Barry uttered silence and Lucia continued to explain that in some way... she knew that the monster is now gone. Barry and Lucia pressed on to find Leon. barry received a call from HQ to check up on him. Barry told them about the new B.O.W that he recently encountered. The HQ told Barry about the last message that they received from Leon and told him that he's in the 1st class cabin area. Barry and Lucia hurried down and took the elevator. As they reached the 1st class, the door was locked. Luckilly, Lucia happens to have a key to the 2nd class cabin. Without any much choice, they went to the 2nd class cabin and much to their surprise, they found a way to the 1st class cabin. Just as they were to unlock the door to the 1st class cabin, Lucia told Barry that the monster is nearby, however, she can't pinpoint its exact location. Then the walls behind them collapsed, to see the B.O.W. attacking at them. Barry managed to send off the monster away to retreat. Barry, now convinced that there's something Lucia isn't telling him about her. As he confronted her, the monster, who was still nearby suddenly grabs Lucia and disappears in the shadows, without replying to Barry's questions. Now alone again, Barry still wonders about Lucia's strange He continued his search to Leon and eventually found him in a hole to a room at the end of the corridor. He used his rope to go down and confirms it is Leon. Leon on the other hand just regained consciousness. Surprised to see Barry, he asked him what he's doing on the ship. Barry explained someone send him when Leon wasn't able to contact with HQ. Leon then suddenly remembers about Lucia. Barry told him taht he met the girl but he eventually lost her when she was captured by the monster lurking in the ship. He also added about Lucia's peculiarity and concluded to himself that she's maybe the B.O.W. that they are looking for. Leon disagrees to him and replied that the amoeba like monster can be their target B.O.W. and he intends to find any possible survivors inside the ship. Barry agreed and suggested that they go over to the 4th floor deck to use the security cameras there to look for Lucia. Upon reaching the monitor room, they saw on one of the monitors, the B.O.W. they were looking for, carrying Lucia in its arms, going for the upper deck. Barry, still confused why doesn't the monster kill Lucia yet, the way it did on everyone onboard. Furious about what he heard, Leon told him to quit on his accusations and if Lucia was indeed the B.O.W. then she should be helping with the creature. To convince Barry, Leon told him about their little chat before the monster came to the ship. Barry wasn't convinced at all but Leon suggested to hold her accusations until Lucia was guilty. They agreed and headed for the upper deck to save Lucia. They confronted the monster and saved Lucia. But the monster quickly recovered and had at them. The three run and hid on a nearby corridor. Just as the things get to quiet down, something exploded that shook the whole ship. Leon suspected that if the flame would reach the engine room, it may blow the whole ship. Barry called for help in HQ and requested to send in a chopper to pick them up. But the storm's making it hard for the HQ to send in some evacuation, but they promised that they would send in immediately when the sky clears. Also, Barry learned that the B.O.W. that they were finding has green blood. Realizing earlier that Lucia has red blood and not green, he admit he was wrong about his accusations. He then suggested to Leon and Lucia to look for something that can hold on the flames till the chopper comes. When Leon asked Barry what's he gonna do, Barry just told Leon to trust him. Leon and Lucia went on ahead to activate the sprinkler system of the ship. They found a fire extinguisher that should suppress the flames. As they access the data control room, they succeeded in activating the sprinkler system. As Leon and Lucia reached the security room, they saw Barry on one of the screens. Barry seems to be contacting someone over the radio. Leon and Lucia took time to listen to Barry's conversation. They were surprised to hear that Barry says that he has the girl, and he wants an answer. The voice on the other end tells Barry to proceed as planned, but must not get any strange ideas, as "they" have eyes watching his every move. From the looks of things Leon caught the idea that Barry maybe was selling them out to Umbrella or someone who intends to get Lucia. But Lucia didn't believe and said that Leon is Barry's partner. Leon, who still doubted Barry, wants to know behind the conversation, so he decided to find him and ask about it. When the found Barry, Leon asked first what was all about the talking. But Barry responded him with his gun, pointing at Leon, saying he should give the girl to him. Leon hesitated but he has no other choice. The three of them went to the upper deck, just in time for a submarine to emerge. Barry ordered Lucia to climb down the rope ladder to the submarine. Leon confirmed that it was Umbrella's sub. He attempted to get onboard the ship but the guards yeleld at him to go back. When Leon asked if they would shoot him if he did not turn back, the guards shoot at him, entered the sub and submerge, leaving Leon to the ship. Still wondering why the guards shoot at him, another explosion cracks up and this time he was certain it came from the engine room. HQ contacted him and informed him about a power build up in the engine room. Just as Leon suspected, he immediately hurried there to put a stop to whatever causes the power build up. He arrives on the boiler room and saw the B.O.W. gnashing the fuel converter, which could start up the explosion and second now. Leaving no options, Leon tried to get the monster's attention. The monster turned to him and Leon took it with all he has and finally defeated the monster. But, still the damage done by the creature was enough for the ship to blow. Leon was trapped and with seconds just away, he sits back and waited for what's instore for him. On the Umbrella submarine, its captain was happy to know Barry had come to give them Lucia. Just then Barry pointed his gun at Lucia and told them he's backing out from the deal. The captain told his men to hold fire and now realizes that Barry just pretended to help them in order to hijack their submarine. Barry didn't deny the captain's presumptions but he also asked him what does Umbrella need with Lucia, as Barry knows, the amoeba-like white humanoid monster was their B.O.W. he also. The captain was still confused about Barry's state ments. Barry told him that the B.O.W. is supposed to have green blood, unlike Lucia that has nornally red blood. The captain now realizes and told Barry that the B.O.W. he was pertaining to is inside Lucia's body. Not actually a virus but a parasite that will awaken after 10 days. After hearing this, Lucia was terrified to her awaiting fate and Barry, forced the captain to lend in their best surgeon to extract the parasite out of Lucia. Although the captain warned him about the complications and risks that he's forcing the girl, Barry insisted to go on with the operation. While doing the process of extracting the parasite out of Lucia's body, Barry keeps his gun pointed at the captain's head. The operation was a success and the parasite that was inside Lucia was extracted through her mouth. As Barry and Lucia looked into the parasite, now enclosed in a bottle, the parasite begins to move and breaks free inside the bottle and attacked the captain. Barry shoots down the captain, now a mindless zombie and he notices that the B.O.W. were attacking everything in its sight. He grabbed Lucia and hurried to escape the submarine and remembered to rescue Leon onboard the Starlight. As they reached the upper deck, they realized that the B.O.W. had killed almost all the crew on the submarine and the B.O.W. from its victims, continuously grew rapidly in a short time. Judging from the appearance of the creature, Barry remembers the creatures that he once encountered in the Arklay mountains, the Hunters. Barry and Lucia managed to escape the creature and reach the control room. Barry turned the submarine back to the Starlight's location. He said his apologies to Lucia for what he had done a while ago. Lucia accepted and told him it was the right thing to do. Barry felt the same, probably because he had a daughter the same age as Lucia, he says. And as a promise, Barry offered Lucia to live with them, his family if they escaped through all of this. Lucia, without any doubts accepted Barry's promise. As they reached the Starlight, the B.O.W. in the sub forced its way out of the sub and before Barry could ever shoot it, the B.O.W. disappeared on the side of the ship. They hurriedly went their way to the ship and caught up with Leon on the boiler room. Barry was surprised that Leon was not surprised that they had come back. Lucia then told Barry that he's not the rela Leon. The Leon infornt of them began to morph into its original form. Barry gave it all that he got, but the B.O.W was persistent as it was. Barry and Lucia escaped through the engine room and finally saw Leon, sitting on a corner. Barry ordered him to stay where he was, but Leon furiously disagreed. With Leon's reaction, Barry was convinced that he was indeed Leon. The three of them hurriedly went to the submarine. Before they reached the upper deck, the B.O.W. smashed thru the wall and attacked them. With little space for a fight, they somehow managed to defeat the creature, now oozing with green blood. They reached the upper deck. Just then the B.O.W. came out of the shadows and grabbed Lucia and jumped to the sea. Barry followed it, leaving Leon on the ship. Barry managed to get Lucia and Leon pulled them back to the ship. Just as they were cathing their breaths, Leon was surprised to see behind Barry another Lucia. With two Lucia onboard the ship, Barry, still confused pointed back and forth at the two Lucias. The real Lucia then cuts her own hand with a knife to prove who's the real one. The other one began to transform into a more powerful B.O.W. with spikes on its back. While Leon and Lucia distracts the monster. Barry loads up the rocket launcher they found earlier while escaping the ship and fires at the B.O.W. eliminating it permanently. They went to the submarine and watched the Starlight sink into the sea from the sub's deck. Barry, who notices that Lucia's hand is still bleeding reminded Lucia of his promise. Leon contacts HQ, saying their mission is complete and on their way home. Nobody notices Leon's cut in his neck, which was bleeding lightly, with 'green' blood. |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| |re 2. Characters re| |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| ******************************| N O T I C E |******************************* * Taken from all the Resident Evil games that Capcom had released so far in * * different consoles; arranged in Alphabetical order, prior to their surname * * * ****************************************************************************** Richard Aiken - Bravo Team's communication officer and probably S.T.A.R.S.' radio and communication asset, he came with Bravo team to investigate the strange cullings in the Arklay Mountains. But they were dispersed and had lost some of their men. He was later found by Alpha's team, killed by poison. He was bitten by the large snake in the mansion. (First Seen in RE1) Alyssa Ashcroft - a newspaper journalist working for the Raccoon Press, she's eager to know teh cause of this great outbreak. Very pushy and very strong personality, you won't boss this girl around and has a unsatisfied appetite for a new scoop. Probably due to her work that she learned lockpicking. (First Seen in RE Outbreak) Alfred Ashford - twin brother of Alexia and the curent master of the Ashford family, he's the commander of Umbrella's base in Rockfort Island. With their family in serious competition against other firms in controlling Umbrella, he intend to regain control of Umbrella and bring back the glory of the Ashfords by improving their newly created "T-Veronica" Virus. He has a deep sense of obsession with his sister and deep hatred for his father. He became the master of their family at a young age and together with his sister Alexia, they suceeded in the propagation of the T-Veronica virus. He died by internal hemmorhage, he probably got when he fell on the cliff in Antartic, as he ended up up in Alexia's arms, whom had awaken from her coldsleep. (First Seen in RE Code Veronica) Alexander Ashford - father of Alexia and Alfred, and Edward's successor as the master of Ashford family, he studied in bio genetics and got involved in his father's research. However, his research went to a difficult phase and with his father's death, their family went to a crisis of disadvantage on being overthrown by other researchers of Umbrella. Desperate to regain their family's glory, he established the Antartic facility to continue his confidential project named, Veronica, after their great ancestor. He genetically altered also the birth of his twins, Alfred and Alexia. Alexia came successfully with superhuman intellect. He was later turned into "Nosferatu" when Alexia and Alfred subjected him to their experiments. (First Seen in RE Code Veronica as Nosferatu) Alexia Ashford - Alfred's twin brother, she was the promising one who will revive the glory of the Ashfords. Genetically altered to have superhuman intellect, in fact, she graduated from a prestigious university at the age of 10, she was offered a position in Umbrella as one of its head researchers. Together with Alfred, they developed the T'Veronica virus, out of T-Virus. They injected it first to their father, but it was a total failure. then Alexia used it on herself and to ensure that she will survive the genetic implant that the virus will do to her body, she put herself in a coldsleep and predicted herself to fully awake with superhuman powers after 15 years. She disappeared for 15 years, as Alfred runs Umbrella's base in Rockfort. She woke up in time Alfred breathe his last and she continued what Alfred had left to do. She was killed eventually by Chris, when she transformed into her ultimate form. (First Seen in RE Code Veronica) Edward Ashford - The son of Arthur Ashford, with his great achievements he brought glory to the Ashfords in his time. He was the one who discovered the first prototype "Mother Virus" together with Spencer and co-founded with him Umbrella Inc. They established Umbrella to caumoflage their research which they intend for military use. (First Mentioned in RE Code Veronica) Anette Birkins - The wife of William and Sherry's mother, She's the one who give the G-Virus sample to Leon. When they were attacked by Umbrella's Assault team, she was late to arrive and found her husband William, fatally wounded. She's also one of the researhcers of Umbrella there and possible that she's the one who deviced the vaccine for G-Virus; codenamed "Devil". She died inside the underground base, apologizing to Sherry for not being around her. (First Seen in RE2) William Birkins - Wife of Anette and Sherry's father, he's the researcher for Umbrella who had made a breakthrough in the field of Bio Organic Weapon with his creation of the G-Virus. A long time colleague of Albert Wesker, it seems they have been together for a long time, the time Wesker was still a researcher under Umbrella. They had been employed since under Dr. James Marcus, guidance and involved in bio genetics. They were also responsible for Dr. Marcus' assassination and stole his research. Birkins had played a long, significant role in Umbrella's development of B.O.W. and evolved his research several times. He was not in good terms with Alexia Ashford whom had been his competitor in his field of Bio genetic research. In times of his research, reaching a dead end, he became frustrated with the other reseach firms who had progressed under Umbrella. He's the one who theorized about the "Tyrant" plan, but this research had many flaws to be patched up. He tried using other DNAs to patch up his theory but to no avail. Until he discovered something that he accidentally did, out the theory of the Nemesis parasite, he was able to device the theory of the new "T-Virus", the "G-Virus" plan, with the help of their longtime experimental guinea pig, Lisa Trevor. As he completed it, Umbrella, who was very eager to get hold of it, sent out an Assault team to get it from him. But he refused to give it to them. He was shot on the spot, leving him wounded. With little hope and determined to get even and save his life, he injected himself his own "G-Virus" creation, that transformed him into a G-Type monster. But Leon and Claire put an end to him permanently when they blowed him up in a train taht Leon and Claire used to escape the laboratory. He maybe dead but Wesker's men had collected specimens form his body, hopefully to use for experiments and it remains to be seen if he is trully dead. (First Seen in RE2) Sherry Birkins - the daughter of William, she made her way to the Police Station and eventually met up with Claire. She carries a pendant, which unknown to her, is where his father hid a sample of his research. She escaped Raccoon City with the help of Claire and Leon, who took care of her. Currently, she's been under Wesker's care. Hoping that Wesker might uncover some "secrets' probably left by Birkins. (First Seen in RE2) Marvin Branagh - One of the few surviving officers in RPD when the zombies attacked them, he gave Leon the key card that enables it to access all the electronically locked doors in the precint. Later on, he succumbed to his death and was brought back to life as one of the zombies. (First Seen in RE2) Steve Burnside - A fellow prisoner of Claire in Rockfort Island, he cooperated with Claire in getting out of the island. He was a son of an Umbrella Employee who had been leaking out information and sells them to the black market. His father was caught, his mother killed and he was sent on the island as a prisoner. As they escaped the island by a seaplane. Alfred controlled their plane and went instead to Antartic. They were eventually captured and Alexia made experiments on him. Claire found him imprisoned and weakened. Just then as his body began to mutate, he attacked Claire, but his humanity and feelings for her bested him and he saved Claire when Alexia's tentacles constricted her. He died, telling her feelings for Claire. His body had been acquired by Wesker's men, for their own research. (First Seen in RE Code Veronica) Ben Burtolucci - a journalist, who knows the whole reason why Raccoon was into a catastrophic situation and Chief Irons' connection with Umbrella. Leon found him inside one of the cells in RPD and forced him to come with him. But Ben, insisted to stay. He was eventually found by William Birkins, who implanted him with its embryo. Leon found him barely conscious and told him about Irons' anomally. Then the parasite inside him, tore him apart and killed him. (First Seen in RE2) Barry Burton - former member of the U.S. Air Force and S.W.A.T, he was the first one to be recruited by Wesker, when he created S.T.A.R.S. With his connections from his previous work, Barry had been a great asset in S.T.A.R.S. when it comes to customizing weapons and ammunition. He is dedicated to his work and attached to his family as well. But at some point when he decided to help his comrades to bring down Umbrella, he hesitantly left his family in Canada and joined into battle, hoping that it would bring peace to them and no one will threathen his family anymore. (First Seen in RE1) Rebecca Chambers - Also one of the few survivors of the Spencer incident and the only surviving member of S.T.A.R.S.' Bravo team, she was recently recruited by Wesker, one month after the Spencer incident. Graduated early and had finished her degree at the age of 19, she was immediately referred to join RPD with her skills. She serves as S.T.A.R.S. medic and has an ample knowledge in nursing and pharmacy. She is currently missing in action after the Spencer mansion incident, probably accompanied Chris when S.T.A.R.S decided to go to Umbrella's main HQ in Europe. (First Seen in RE1) Billy Coen - ex-lieutenant, stripped off his military rank and subjected to execution by the Marine court marshall, he was imprisoned for suspicion of killing 23 people..well...barely in their mission in Africa, when their commander ordered them to attack an innocent village, in frustration of going home empty handed. When he objected to this, he was knocked out and he saw the massacre that happened. He has a strong sense of justice and surprisingly, knows how to play the piano. When he was being transported to teh base for his execution, they were attacked by the zombie dogs. He sees this opportunity and broke his handcuffs to escape. He met Rebecca on the train and teamed up with her to escape the place. Together they had adventures and somehow managed to escape Umbrella's facility. As they were saying goodbye, Rebecca took his dogtag and he bid farewell, hoping that he would never get involved with Umbrella again. (First Seen in RE0) Jim Chapman - A subway employee in Raccoon City, he easily panics when things get serious. So imagine him being stuck in Raccoon City's stage of survival. He can be very noisy and cheerful at times but has a sense of intuition. (First Seen in RE Outbreak) Edward Dewey - Flight navigator of S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team, he also died with Kevin inside the chopper. Except that he's also the helicopter mechanic, he's been killed by the zombie dogs. (First Seen in RE0) Kevin Dooley - pilot of S.T.A.R.S.' Bravo team, he's also knowledgable in maintenance and a mechanic wizard. He came from the entertainment industry as a stunt pilot and had a variety of achievements there. As he worked for RPD, he had been a great help in reaching out dense forest and rescuing people there. Too bad his death was as swift as his skills, as he was probably attacked by dog zombies during their mission in the Arklay Mountains. (First Seen in RE0) Joseph Frost - member of S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team, he was the first one to fall in the jaws of those zombie dogs. Nothing is known about him. The fact that he was a former seasoned commando trained in the navy S.E.A.L.S. and was sent to Gulf War Operation Desert Storm. Probably he's the S.T.A.R.S. mechanic and vehicle specialist. (First Seen in RE1) Nicholai Givoneaf - One of the supervisors of the UBCF, he's the one who's leading their mission on Raccoon city. Unknown to his comrades, he knows Umbrella's true intention and he's gathering combat data while their comrades are being killed one by one. Until Jill discovered his true intentions, he was going around recovering combat data from his fallen comrades. He beat Jill and Carlos into the only chopper in the base and went ahead escaping. He can be seen in RECV's opening sequence in Dreamcast as the pilot of the chopper that attacked Claire. He also done some file reports on Sheena Island (First Seen in RE3) Vincent Goldman - Umbrella's supreme commander in their Tyrant manufactu ring factory on Sheena Island, he has been sent by Umbrella recently to facilitate in its activities there. Rumored to be ruthlesss and cold hearted, he even killed those who were his competitors in being promoted to get his current status in Umbrella. When he was on the verge of being kicked out of his office due to his murder incident, when he shot 10 children on the spot when they attempted to escape, he spread the T-Virus all over the island, turning it to the same place as Raccoon city. He intercepted Ark, when he was infiltrating the Umbrella building. He eventually died in the hands of a Tyrant, when he confronted Ark later on. (First Seen in RE Gun Survivor) George Hamilton - A first class surgeon at the Raccoon General Hospital, he was contacted by his colleage at Raccoon University, Peter Jenkins, who had been making a vaccine that can supress the T-Virus and can cure those infected with it. Not the type to lead a group but his spirit can compensate the situaion he's in. (First Seen in RE Outbreak Scott Herman - The Ashford's butler in Alfred's generation, he had been loyal to the Ashfords and very supportive in them. Probably he knows about Umbrella but doesn't know about the research his masters were conducting and the inhumanity that it shows, since Alfred and Alexia had been keen to his every movements, not to stumble on their recent activities. Very concern and understanding, he only thinks the welfare of his masters, even after Alfred became the master of the Ashfords at an early age. It is unaccounted if he's alive or not since only his letters came into cameo but that remains to be seen. (First Mentioned in RE Code Veronica) Hunk - the only surviving member of Umbrella's Assault team and the 4th survivor in the Raccoon Outbreak, he was sent in with his team to collect the G-Virus Sample from William Birkins. However, William refused to give it to them so they shot him on the spot. Little did they know that William injected himself with his own creation, transforming himself in the process. As they were escaping the sewers, Birkins followed and slaughtered them one by one. He managed to survive till the outbreakin the sewers. He eventually got the G-Virus that Leon threw in the depth and been rescued by a chopper waiting on the rooftop of RPD. Nothing is known about him, except that he trained on Rockfort Island and was assigned on different missions by Umbrella. (First Seen in RE2) Brian Irons - The chief of RPD, he's the reason the police force was dominated by the zombies when it attacked RPD. He had been working with Umbrella for a long time and had been receiving bribes from William Birkins for covering up their underground research facility. He spends this by buying stuffed animals, taxidermy and exotic and morbid paintings. Ill tempered and Mentally unstable that infact in his prime days as a student, he was accused twice of rape but his case was dismissed since he was a very important asset to their University. He made the confusion of relocating RPD's weapons, shutting down possible exits, and murdering the mayor's daughter. Then he reconsider about killing all the people there. He met his fate when Willaim Birkins, now a monster, killed him. (First Seen in RE2) John ----- - a researcher from Umbrella based in Chicago, he was later then transferred to Raccoon city to assist Birkins in their research. Very straight and humane, he became Birkin's successor and chief researcher with his skills and talents. But as soon as he was going deeper in Umbrella's ranks, he bagan to unveil more of its illegal work and began to question about the "inhumanity" of their work. He became friends with Ada Wong, who was secretly working as an undercover agent to spy on Umbrella and sooner or later fell in love with her. He used their names as passwords to access electronically locked doors in the laboratory in the Spencer Estate. Probably he died in the lab and eventually turned in one of those zombies wandering around, since he had known he was positive to the virus, and probably he was in the lab when the first Outbreak happened inside the lab (otherwise, where could he get the virus?). He had a final will to Ada to uncover Umbrella's research and let the public know of the accident that happened in their lab. Ada never came there and learned about his death though one of his colleagues, Anette Burkins (First Mentioned in RE1) Robert Kendo - he's the weapon dealer that Leon met when he arrived at Raccoon City, the one who was eaten alive by the zombies when they barraged right through his window. He owns the Kendo shop, where Leon will need to pass to get to RPD station. He's in good terms with Barry (go figure) and together with his brother Joe, they designed the "Samurai Edge" for the S.T.A.R.S. (First Seen in RE2) Leon Scott Kennedy - A newly re-assigned police in the RPD, he arrived in Raccoon City, only to be trapped inside it. He met Claire along the way and cooperated to escape the city. He also met Ada Wong, whom he really got involved with. But he was betrayed when he learned that Ada was an agent sent in to spy on Umbrella. He escaped the city with Claire and Sherry. He was then recruited by US Stratcom, with his experience in survival and dealing with Umbrella's creations and eventually work for the U.S. Government. Leon and Claire infiltrated Umbrella's facility in France but they were spotted. Claire was captured but Leon, somehow managed to escape. In the following six years, he joined the Secret Service to oppose Umbrella's activities. He became an government agent and went on several accasions and training. Later on, he became the bodyguard of the first family in the U.S. When the president's daughter was kidnapped, he was sent in to rescue her, as his first ever mission as a government spy. (First Seen in RE2) David King - A regular plumber caught in a bad place during the Outbreak in Raccoon City, at least his skills proved to be useful for his survival. Very meek and keeps to himself, he can be helpful in improvising weapons, that he used in beating these zombies. (First Seen in RE Outbreak) Cindy Lennox - A waitress at J's Bar, she's very popular there due to her aura of happiness a nd never fails to wear her bright smile. Although she won't be wearing that, when they were attacked by the zombies outside. (First Seen in RE Outbreak) Lucia ------ - A child, Barry found while he was on a mission to the ship "Starlight". Umbrella had been into another one of their research and this time, they're using children from the orphanages to host their new parasite B.O.W. and Lucia has been infected with it. With profound powers like, detecting another B.O.W., keen senses, and heal woulds much quicker than human, she had been the laughing stock of other children. They've learned it while Barry was hijacking an Umbrella submarine ship. He ordered the captain to extract the parasite from her by their surgeon and the operation were a success. Lucia is now living together with Barry and his family as a normal girl. (First Seen in RE Gaiden) Enrico Marcini - He's the ex-o of S.T.A.R.S., second to Wesker and the leader of S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team, probably earning it in his years of experience in the RPD. He led Bravo team as they investigate the Arklay mountains. He were able to get out of Umbrella's facility and made his way to Spencer Estate. However, he wasn't lucky and he was found by Jill and Barry fatally wounded. He uncovered mostly Umbrella's secrets, otherwise, Wesker wouldn't spent his time to kill him off, unless he knows somthing that Wesker wouldn't be proud of and would ruin his plan, but that remains to be seen. (First Seen in RE1) Dr. James Marcus - the first head of Umbrella's Management Training facility, Spencer entrusted him to continue their research on the "Mother Virus" that Spencer and Edward Ashford had started before. Until he made a breakthrough in improving the virus, by combining genetic cells from leeches. He named his work "Progenitor" Virus, and was soon obsessed with his creations. Fearing that he would keep to himself his findings, Umbrella ordered Wesker and Birkins to assassinate him. He made his comeback 10 years later to get revenge on Umbrella, mainly Wesker and Birkins for what tehy've done. But Rebecca and Billy put him out of commision permanently, but that remains to be seen (after all, he returned, after 10 years. Perhaps he can do it again) (First Seen in RE0) Cpl Carlos Oliveira - a surviving member of UBCF, he met Jill while encountering Nemesis and fought alongside her. He's the one who saved Jill when she was heavilly wounded and prepared the vaccine when Jill was infected by the G-Virus. Together, they escaped the city, just moments before the city was nuked. A southern lad, since he has southern accent, he's in charge in his team's weapons. But he didin't know the real deal why Umbrella sent them in and all he knows is that they need to rescue possible survivors and bring them to St. Michael's Clock Tower. (First Seen in RE3) Rodrigo Juan Raval - An Umbrella military figure, he captured Claire while he was in France and brought her to Rockfort island. however, with the turn of events and the island's situation, he let Claire go. with nothing more to wish than to go home to his family, he met up with Chris. But I guess he vindicated himself of his past actions as one of Umbrella's dogs and freed Claire. He was swallowed by a giant worm and eventually died, after Chris saved him from being digested inside. (First Seen in RE Code Veronica) Claire Redfield - Younger sister of Chris, Claire got involved in Umbrella when she visited her brother in Raccoon City..only was bad timing. Later she found out that she's trapped in Umbrella's stage of mayhem. She met Leon along the way and the daughter of William Birkins, Sherry. She learned that her brother went after Umbrella in Europe. They barely escaped the city and now, being involved with Umbrella, she decided to follow Chris, leaving Leon and Sherry behind. Later on, she teamed up with Leon, who's now a member of the US Stratcom to infiltrate Umbrella's facility in France. But she was captured and was thrown off in Rockfort Island. But Wesker attacked the island and Claire has to go agin with the nightmare she had last at Raccoon city. She eventuallly met with with a fellow prisoner, named Steve. Togetther they escaped the island, only to be pursued by Alfred Ashford, who controlled their plane and headed them in the Antartic. She eventually met up with Chris and together, they escaped Umbrella's base to go and destroy Umbrella once and for all. (First Seen in RE2) Chris Redfield - one of the survivors in the Spencer incident and a member of S.T.A.R.S.' Alpha team, he was recruited into joining S.T.A.R.S. by Barry. After the Spencer incident, he grabbed all of his efforts to bring Umbrella's issue to be known in public. After seeing his efforts to be pointless, he and the other surviving S.T.A.R.S members decided to fly to Umbrella's main HQ in Europe to put an end in Umbrella. He is Claire's older brother and when he heard from Leon that Claire was imprisoned on Rockfort Island, he packed his things to go and rescue her there. After another battle with Umbrella, Chris, reunited with Claire, decided to continue their plan to destroy Umbrella. (First Seen in RE1) Kevin Ryman - a member of the RPD force, possibly was one of the few surviving members of the police when they executed their operation to stop the zombies from pressing forward. He failed to pass the S.T.A.R.S. twice. (First Seen in RE Outbreak) Ozwell K. Spencer - co-founding member of Umbrella Inc, he's the owner of the Spencer Estate, the old mansion in the outskirts of the city. A very respected figure in Umbrella, he created Umbrella with his colleague, Edward Ashford to conceal their true intentions of using bio genetics in warfare development. One of the first researchers who discovered the "Mother Virus" along with Edward Ashford, they had made a breakthrough in studying bio genetics and wished to use them in military purposes. Although it is still unclear what his true intentions are, still his legacy remains on those who continues his work under the name Umbrella, who he founded. (First Mentioned in RE2, N64) Forest Speyer - Also one of S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team members, nothing is known to him, except that you'll see remains of him in the balcony outside the mansion, pecked to death by crows. Wonder how he ended up like that, since you'll get beside him, Jill's bazooka. But any case, he's as good as dead. (First Seen in RE1) Kenneth Sullivan - Another member of S.T.A.R.S.' Bravo team. Nothing is documented of this man, except for the first zombie scenario, ripping off his head and eating his throat. (First Seen in RE1) Yoko Suzuki - A Raccoon University student, she, somehow has a connection to Umbrella since she had a Lab Card, probably working there as an employee. Nothing is known about her, the fact that she knows a certain Umbrella researcher named Monica, whom she barely recognized when they met in the train. Nobody knows for sure but I think she'll play a role in this story. But that remains to be seen. (First Seen in RE Outbreak) Ark Thompson - a friend of Leon, he was sent under US stratcom, as an undercover agent to gather evidence about Umbrella's manufacturing factory on Sheena island. He arrived there, in time that the people re planning to put Vincent out of his office. As the outbreak of the virus, he decided to infiltrate the Umbrella building. However, he was anticipated by Vincent. He escaped but Vincent caught up with him and as they fly in the air, the chopper crash landed and he suffered an amnesia from the crash. He can't remember anything but with the help of a child named Lot, he regained his memory and together, they escaped Sheena Island. His current activities after that are still unknown. (First Seen in RE Gun Survivor) George Trevor - the designer of the Spencer estate and probably the Ashford's Antartic base, he was assigned by Spencer to design the mansion that took 5 years to be completed. He also design the system and traps in the mansion, the tiger's eyes, the Crest things, the medals, everything. But as Spencer created Umbrella and used the mansion for conducting their research, Trevor began to wonder about Spencer's activities. Little did he know that he fell into Spencer's trap and he was imprisoned. Still figuring things out, he got out of his room, only to experience the nightmare of being hunted inside the mansion. He went crazy being far from his family and the uncertainty of their safetiness atht he forgot his own. Probably he died os starvation and dehydration from finding his way out and mental illness from missing his family so much. And Umbrella still tried his body for experiments (First Mentioned in RE1 Remake) Jessica Trevor - George's wife and Lisa's mother, she had also been concealed by Umbrella to be test subjects together with her daughter Lisa. However, she didn't prove to be useful to Umbrella since she died from the results of experiments done to her. Lisa Trevor - Umbrella's long time guinea pig, she hed been concealed by Umbrella, never to be seen in public, due to numerous research that were done to her over the past 14 years. Ever since Umbrella began its major experiments in 1967, she was there, long time before Wesker and Birkins and had served Umbrella's researchers as their guinea pig. The daughter of George and Jessica Trevor, she's playing the piano and her specialty is playing the "Moonlight Sonata" (probably, why Trevor added it to his traps in the mansion, where Jill and Rebecca has to play the piano to open a wall}. She became a catalyst in Birkin's breakthrough of the "G-Virus", when Birkins injected the "Nemesis-Parasite" to her. Somehow, her body adapted to the mutation of the virus and the virus mutated itself to resist existence in her body. The result is Burkin's masterpiece' the "G-Virus". (First Seen in RE1 Remake) Jill Valentine - Also one of the survivors in the Spencer incident and a member of S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team, She's a master in lockpicking and can open anything locked without a key in a short time. After the Spencer incident, she took a rest in Raccoon City and joined with Chris' cause of destroying Umbrella. While Chris went off ahead in Europe, she decided to stay to uncover evidences about an Underground laboratory in Raccoon City. She made her "Last Escape" when Raccoon City was totally infested by zombies. When she arrived at Chris hideout, all that she found is Chris' knife. She is now searching for Chris' whereabouts to continue their quest to destroy Umbrella. She's one of the favorite characters in Resident Evil, that in fact, she made her way in Capcom's crossover game "Marvel vs Capcom 2" (First Seen in RE1) Brad Vickers - the pilot of S.T.A.R.S.' Alpha team, he fled and escaped when his comrades were being attacked by dog zombies. He retreated but didn't left and hoping to hear from them, he tried to contact them over the radio but it seems he can't hear them. After hours of waiting, he saw a flare in the sky and went over, to find the remaining S.T.A.R.S. safe, till Tyrant reemerged. He helped them dispose of Tyrant by tossing over the Rocket Launcher and lifted them off just minute before the explosion. After the incident, during Raccoon's outbreak, Jill bumped to him and warned her about Nemesis. It seems that he should have been more careful. Nemesis found him and ended his life. He has a cameo in RE2 as a secret zombie for a special outfit key. (First Cameo in RE1, First Seen in RE2 as zombie, First Seen in RE3) Lt. Mikhail Viktor - Also one of the UBCFs, he was severely injured in their mission, when Jill found him. Dedicated to the welfare of his men, he blames himself for losing them and wants to get even. Even at his worse condition, he has the will to fight. He was killed by Nemesis in the train, where they were taking refuge, while the train was moving to St. Michael's Clock Tower. He bombed himself, hopefully to destroy Nemesis but I guess that was all for vain. At least he bought time for Carlos and Jill to recuperate and regroup, before Nemesis tracked them down again. (First Seen in RE3) Michael Warren - The mayor of Raccoon City, he had been its mayor for over 21 years (if I maybe correct). He came to the city 14 years before he was elected mayor and from that time, he made contributions in the installation of the cable car and the electric systems as an engineer. He had been awared through his great achievements in the city like rebuilding the minicipal hall and the construction of an hospital. It is knot known when he began receiving donation from Umbrella or if it really are donations (after all, politics are dirty) but he says he'd used them in the cause of Raccoon City. (First Mentioned in RE3) Albert Wesker - founder of S.T.A.R.S., he joined RPD somewhere in 1995 (based on the 2nd Wesker's report) and made it in their ranks. He had been assigned into intelligence division and used all of his contacts to gain information. A longtime colleague of Birkins, they had been in good terms, especially in their activities, back when Wesker was still one of the researchers working for Umbrella. But his view towards Spencer made him switch professions and be contented in the military field. While Birkins made his breakthrough in the propagation of the G-Virus, Wesker, however, became too passive with Umbrella's system in regards to orders being implemented. While Birkins were on the verge of his frustration of his research, he had been curious to the infection capability of the T-Virus that they're working. And he found out that all organisms are susceptible to the virus effects, although muchly different in any ways possible. He had been working Under Umbrella, until an opportunity calls for him to switch sides. He lured his S.T.A.R.S. members into the mansion, as ordered by Umbrella for them to combat Tyrant and obtain combat data from it, but he intends to keep it to himself and sell it however to the opposing company, defecting from Umbrella. Since he'll be changing sides, he wants Umbrella to believe that he was dead and consumed by the explosion that Umbrella set in the mansion. His plan worked and before executing all of this, he injected himself with the virus that Birkins told him, that would put his body into a "death state", soon to wake up with superhuman powers (just like Alexia's theory). It's the right idea for him to make believe S.T.A.R.S. that he was killed by Tyrant ad so he did. He survived the explosion and knowing what S.T.A.R.S. had done to ruin his plan, he swore revenge against them, mainly Chris. He works now on an opposing corporation for Umbrella and joined hands with Ada Wong to obtain the G-Virus sample from Birkins. However, he miscalulated the humanity of Ada Wong, who began to have affections to Leon Kennedy, who happened to acquire the G-Virus and their plan was ruined. He didn'y show up, till the Rockfort Island outbreak, where he confronted the siblings, Claire and Chris to get revenge on him. Now with superhuman powers, he was able to make their match uneven. however, he miscalculated again Alexia's revival, who in turn have awakened from her coldsleep, also with superhuman powers, quite superior to his. His parameters were recently added, to capture Alexia, since she was the sole living being who has the "T-Veronica" virus. But Chris destroyed Alexia. And so, they settled themselves to the failed experiment on Steve and took his body for research on the T-Veronica virus. Wesker and Chris finally were able to settle their hatred, but in the end, had to cancel their fight (since it will be a draw....aww!! after Wesker had been through and still he cannot win) but swore to meet next time and it will be till death. (First Seen in RE1) Mark Wilkins - He's a retired soldier and a Vietnam War veteran, he currently works as a security guard in an establishment in Raccoon City. He was at Jack's Bar, having a good time with his colleague when the zombies attacked them. (First Seen in RE Outbreak) Ada Wong - She's an undercover agent, probably sent in by opposing companies of Umbrella to spy on Umbrella. She met one of Umbrella's top research by the name of John and eventually made him fall in love with her. They had been corresponding a year before the outbreak in Raccoon city, till John was transferred to Chicago 6 months before the outbtreak. She tracked him and eventually learned that John was sent to Raccoon city. She joined with Wesker and went to Raccoon city to search for Sherry and get the G-Virus. Also, she want's to learn from a certain journalist named Ben about John's whereabouts. She then learned from Anette that John's dead. She then confronts Leon when he obtained the sample of G-Virus. However, due to his affection towards him, she failed to get the sample and she was shot behind by Anette. Ada fell in the depths of the laboratory and was eventually saved by Wesker. Unknown to Leon who assumed her dead, Ada was the one who helped Claire dispose of the Tyrant monster when she tossed over the rocket launcher. It is still unknown where she worked for but probably the same with Wesker. She presumed that the name "Ada Wong" is dead and now is getting ready for her next mission. (First Seen in RE2) |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| |re 3. Virus (Evolution) re| |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| Over the course of Umbrella's continuous resarch regarding Bio Organic Weapons, they never stopped in their progress, due to the fact of different firms involved in the research and a little competition from the researchers themselves to get their own power and influence in the ranks of Umbrella Inc. Below are some of the Virus taht had been noted throughout the game. 3.1 Mother Virus Discovered by Ozwell E. Spencer in the 50s, this was the first breakthrough and the slate that gave way to development of the other prototype and the famous T-Virus, hence the name "Starter Virus". Nothing is accounted to it and the fact that it also portrays the basic infection and the same effects that kills people and reanimates them to zombies. (First mentioned in EX Files, RE2) 3.2 Progenitor Virus Created by Dr. James Marcus and finished its development in December 4, 1975, it was a modification of the Mother Virus. The way how Marcus created and cultivated the virus is still unknown, but when Spencer knew about it, he thought of making a profit of it and Marcus became furious about him and started to make developments about it. It didn't make an impact but the T-Virus was based from it. (First Appeared in RE0) 3.3 T-Virus Mixing Progenitor Virus with leech DNA and a new prototype T-Virus is created. Also developed by Dr. James Marcus, it was named T as in 'Tyrant', he first tested it on rodents but he didn't made any progress with it. He thought of using humans now as guinea pigs. But when unknown infiltration came into his lab, he thought someone's breaking into his experiments and suspected Spencer's men were responsible. He hesitates about bringing up T-Virus in the next Umbrella's board of Director's meeting. But eventually his T-Virus had been recognized by Umbrella and many of the other preceding Virus were derived from the prototype T-Virus. Birkins made a progress out of it and started the idea of making a 'Living Biological Weapon' not that it only reanimates those it kills (the 'Zombie' virus) and later derived the late James Marcus term Tyrant for their ultimate biological weapon. Project MA121 (Hunters) were derived from the T-Virus. But its main drawback was the deterioration of the brain just as the previous viruses. While Birkins want the infected to be alive and be controlled, he tried to patch up this problem but to no avail. Another factor is the capability of its infection since the modified T-Virus would not turn every people infected into their 'ideal' Tyrants. One in a million has the required genetic make-up to become a Tyrant and the rest would just turn to failure zombies. Birkins reached a dead end to this but later on continued his research when accidentally discovered G-Virus out of the T-Virus. (First Appeared in RE1) 3.4 T-Veronica Virus Created by the twin Ashfords, Alexia and Alfred and finished it last March 3, 1983, T-Veronica Virus was created by implanting a Queen Ant's gene into the T-Virus. Named in commemoration of the Ashfords Family's legendary 'Veronica Ashford', it was first tested on Alexander Ashford by his two twin siblings Alfred and Alexia. However, the experiment failed and they accidentally created whom they call 'Nosferatu'. Alexia saw the mistake he had done to his father, she injected the virus to herself and put herself in a low-temperature 'coldsleep' to supress the activity of the T-Veronica Virus, allowing her cells to adapt to the virus slowly and eventually co-exist with the virus. She woke up after 15 years of confinement, possessing new inhuman powers as the sole product of her own T-Veronica Virus. It has the capability to control flame. But it will be still questionable since the T-Veronica Virus was also injected to Steve Burnside and Wesker has his body kept for future reference. Although its full potential is not accounted yet, Steve turned back to human form when he was in near death. I guess T-Veronica can be supressed in the mind since Steve managed to revert back to human form before he died. Whether the conditions of this is unintentional or not, however, with some strong will, t-Veronica Virus proved to be weak in infesting the mind of its host. (First appeared in RE: Code Veronica) 3.5 Nemesis-Parasite Created in an Umbrella branch somwhere in Europe, by manipulating genes, they have simulated and created a 'living parasite'. It can latch itself into its host's brain, totally taking control of the host completely, combined with a destructive body suitable for battle, it was its secret in becomeing a Biological Weapon. Without deteriorating its brain, it oculd function as an 'Ideal' Tyrant. But its major drawback is its instability. It can hold onto its host for 5 minutes before the host's body dies. However, Umbrella somehow managed to find a suitable host for the parasite and it became one of Umbrella's greatest Biological Weapon. Nemesis B.O.W. were invulnerable, even from decapitating its head and flame and mutates to every hazards it may encounter. Also it can store information on designated target, just as Nemesis in RE3 were chasing after surviving S.T.A.R.S. members. (First appeared in RE3, mentioned in Wesker's Report II) 3.6 G-Virus The latest of the Virus that come before Raccoon's destruction, it has been perfected by William Birkins in the late 1998. It started out when William Birkins injected the 'Nemesis Parasite' into Lisa Trevor's body. When Lisa took hold of the nemesis Parasite for too long, which is a special case (see Nemesis parasite) it intrigued him, behind the reason Lisa was not still dead yet. He had known that the 'Nemesis Parasite' had somewhat asimilated into her own body and the deviation of the T-Virus that was recently injected to her somehow reacted with the'Nemesis parasite' and accidentally formed a new type of virus, the G-Virus as they called it. Birkins spend the next years figuring out what happened tehre and deviced a process that could copy the same process that happened into Lisa's body. He retracted the sample of G-Virus to Lisa's body and started to cultivate one himself. G-Virus,somehow made a breakthrough in defying all of the failures of the other previous virus, except still the total deterioration of the brain. But it can transform those it infects into a more powerful creature, capable of logical thinking and voice retention for a short period of time in its initial stage of development. Afar from that, it can create an embryo that can infest other host as well. the failure of it is that when the host does not accept the embryo that is growing inside the host, It will tear apart the host from the inside when it's mature enough to supplement on its own and when the host rejects its continual infestation (like what happened to Ben and the Chief in RE2). Byproduct of its failure is the one that either Leon or Claire encountered that vomits out bugs and centipedes and crawls. However, its success infestation would then be pointed to Birkins as a perfect example. Its success in infection rate also depends on the bloodline, so if one of yourrelative sin blood be successfully infested by the G-Virus, there's a big possibility that you won't reject it. Adding up to its potential, it mutates everytime it encounters hazards that could put it to rest and never stops, until its body is scattered (like Leon and Claire did to Birkins on the train). (First Appeared in RE2) 3.7 Las Plagas After Umbrella's rumored downfall, it was predicted that the threat of the T-Virus were no more. Howerver, it was proveen wrong for until there are people who still continues to support what Spencer had started. Oneexample is the parasite 'Las Plagas'. No accounts said when it was startedbut it made its debut in the grounds of Spain. Probably from the name that it came from Spain also, this parasite works inside its host and unlike the previous 'Nemesis Parasite', it does not kill its prey. And it's moreadaptable in any other conditions unlike the 'Nemesis'. It controls the host body and continues to grow inside. When decapitating its host, it has the tendency to make its way out to the host's head and attack alone, leaving its host. (First Appeared in RE4) 3.8 NE-T type Virus First mentioned in an order sheet in RE3, nothing had been accounted of this virus. (First mentioned in RE3) 3.9 T-G virus (version 0.9.1) One of the viruses that Morpheus Duvall had stolen from Umbrella HQ in Europe. It is said to have electrical properties. (First mentioned in RE: Dead Aim) 3.10 B.O.W. Parasite First seen in Resident Evil: Gaiden, nothing is known about the origin of the parasite. But Umberlla used them at orphanages by inplanting the children with parasites which would take 2 years to mature and eventually strong enough to eat its host. While inside the host, the host would experience some changes in him/her. Ears starting to ring, senses began to be more accurate and acute and an abnornal, fast, healing capability. Umbrella really took time to add factors that could protect the parasite inside by making the host less vulnerable. Other than that, the host could sense other B.O.W. which in turn the B.O.W. would not hurt the host, as if sensing each other's presence. When the parasite is extracted into the host body, it will grow rapidly in a short span of time and becomes more powerful and cunning. Also, it can morph or change shape at will and imitate someone it desires and mimic also its voice. |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| |re 4. Hope for Mankind: Vaccines for the T-Virus re| |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| Of course, when there's an epidemia, tehre's always a balance of cure. Unfortunately for Resident Evil, these cures never had been given to those poor, infected ones. But the story's about death and being animated, so I guess these vaccines are antagonists to this storyline. But anyway, here are some of fairly mentioned hope for mankind againsts the deadly T-Virus. Vaccine Codenamed: Devil This was the one used in saving Sherry when he was infected by the G-Virus by his dad. Can only be triggered in Claire's 1st scenario, she got the instructions for creating the Devil Vaccine from Anette. Possible that Umbrella intend to keep a last ace when push comes to shove, they had developed it for emergency purposes. Possible that the vaccine is only created at the Raccoon City Underground Lab, since it was not mentioned in the other RE games. The only vaccine that had been created by Umbrella, I'd say it has the strongest effects since Sherry did manage to survive and it was the G-Virus that had infected her. Although it was a means for countering the Virus' effect, it hadn't played a major role in RE (and the fact that it was created by Umbrella), I guess it's not meant to be a big deal, since Capcom just pitched in this vaccine in Claire's 1st scenario only. (First Appeared in RE2, Claire's 1st scenario) Unknown Vaccine: Developed outside of Umbrella Inc. this vaccine was the one who saved Jill when he was infected with the Nemesis Parasite by Nemesis himself. Carlos, who was with Jill, had stumbled into it and consider it as Jill's last hope to be cured. Developed possibly by the staff of Raccon Hospital (since there was a vaccine machine that can create it), under the instruc tions of a Douglas Rover, who had written the Medical Instruction Manual for synthesizing the vaccine, it can prove that Raccoon City had an ace on its side...only that it was too late for the city to be saved when it was fully completed. From the span of time when the mysterious attacks first was reported to the complete devastation of the city, I'd say that they have created a fairly decent vaccine in a short span of time; a complete achievement (although no account tells who had developed the said vaccine), since you need to study the behavior of the T-Virus and make researches for possible effects. (First Appeared in RE3) Reagent Daylight: Possibly developed by the Raccoon University, with the help of a former Umbrella employee that goes by the name Greg, the reagent 'Daylight' was also created outside of Umbrella...well...with a help from a former Umbrella employee. Possible that it's an anticipation for Umbrella's T-Virus and planned on ahead before Umbrella's worst nightmare, this reagent was created and developed earlier on since it was in its final stages in the last week of August and the mysterious incidents weren't that big a deal until the middle of I guess someone's planning to thwart off Umbrella from the start. As recorded by Peter the reagent needs three ingredients; the P-Base which they specially generate. Said to dissolve when in contact with air so it is sealed in an air-tight case. Another is the V-Poison which is cultured from bee stings and the last is a blood sample infected by the T-Virus. |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| |re 5. Files re| |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| 5.1 _____________________________ / ============================ \ / R E S I D E N T E V I L 0 \ __/ ============================ \______________________________________ | | |====================================== | | Player Manual 1 | |====================================== | | | | -Note that buttons may differ depending on the controller type selected. | | | | View status screen: | | Press Y button during play. | | -You should view the screen in the following circumstances: | | -During event movies. | | -When taking damage. | | -When weapon is readied. | | | | The following functions are available on the screen: | | - Equip weapon | | - Use item | | - View map | | - View file | | | | | | - Leave item | | - View map | | | | Select the map item on the status screen... | | (You should also press the Z button during play.) | | | | - If you do not have a map for the area, you will only see locations | | already visited. | | | | Reading the map: | | - Blue Room: Your current location. | | - Green Room: Visited locations. | | - No Color: Locations not yet visited. | | - Red Door: Locked door. | | - Yellow Door: Unlocked door. | | | | While viewing the map, you can view the item list by pressing the | | A button. | | | | The following information is available on the item List: | | - Left items. | | - Locations of the left items. | | | | Pushing objects: | | Some "objects" can be moved in the certain directions. Use the | | control stick to push these "objects". (You also can use the control | | pad). | | | | Climbing (Dismounting from raised platforms): | | - Press the A button to climb onto waist-high surfaces. (You can also | | climb onto movable objects.) | | | | Equipping weapons: | | - Choose your weapon from the items on the Status screen and select | | the "Equip" command. (You can only use a weapon if it is equipped.) | | | | Attack Stance: | | - Press the R button. (You turn toward the nearest enemy with the | | currently equipped weapon.) | | | | Attacking: | | While in Attack Stance, press the A button. (You can attack with | | the currently equipped weapon.) | | | | Quick Turn: | | Press the B button while Pressing Down on the control stick or | | on the control Pad. | | | | Check item details: | | Choose the item at the status screen and select "Examine" command. | | | |====================================== | | Player Manual 2 | |====================================== | | | | - Note that button names may differ depending on the controller | | type selected. | | | | Character Switching: | | - A system that enables you to control the two lead characters, | | Rebecca and Billy and use their different abilities to progress | | through the game. | | - The character you are controlling is called the "Main Character". | | - The character you do not control is called the "Partner Character". | | | | Controlling the Partner Character: | | - The Partner character generally moves independently. (You can use | | the C stick to control the Partner Character.) | | - Selecting the "Partner" on the status screen allows you to assign | | instructions to the character. | | | | Solo: Both characters move independently. | | - Team: Partner moves with the main character. | | - Attack: Partner attacks automatically · | | - Idle: Partner will not attack. | | | | You can also press the START/PAUSE button to switch between independent | | and Co-operative Action. | | | | Switching characters: | | - Press the X button at the Status screen to switch between the | | characters, To overcome the obstacles, you will need to evaluate the | | circumstances and switch characters as needed. | | | | Exchanging items: | | - When your partner character is nearby, you can exchange items on the | | Status Screen. | | - Choose the item from the active character's item box and select the | | "Exchange" command. | | | | Character Attributes: Rebecca | | - Rebecca, a member of S.T.A.R.S has the following attributes: | | - Can combine herbs-related items. | | - Is weak defensively. | | - Can use a mixing set to combine chemicals. | | | | Character Attributes: Billy | | - Billy, a former marine, has the following attributes: | | - Cannot combine herbs-related items. | | - Is strong in combat. | | - Can push large objects. | | | | If your partner is attacked.. | | - Both the main and partner characters will die if they take too much | | damage. You should always keep an eye on their condition. A partner | | being attacked in a different room will call for help over the radio. | | If your partner does call, go and help as quickly as possible. | | | | Co-operating with your partner: | | - Some puzzles cannot be solved by one character. When you are stuck, | | try to see if using your partner will help. | | | |====================================== | | Court Order For Transportation | |====================================== | | | | Prisoner name: Billy Coen | | ID number: D -1036 | | Former Second Lieutenant, Marine Corps | | Age: 26 | | Height: 5ft 9in | | Weight: 163 lbs | | Transfer destination: Regarthon Base | | | | Convicted of first degree murder. Court Marshaled and sentence to | | death by the 0705rd Military Tribunal. Sentence to be carried out | | upon arrival. | | | | Samual Regan, | | Commander, Donell Marine Base | | | |====================================== | | Hookshot Operator's Manual | |====================================== | | | | -Warning- | | | | This device should only be used when inspecting difficult to access | | car roofs, or when connecting special trains. Return to its proper | | location after use. | | | | Instructions: | | 1. Where to use: | | - There is a ladder outside the small window by the first floor section | | door of the third carriage. Fire the device so that it hooks high on | | the ladder. | | | | 2. Using the winch to climb. | | - After securing the hook, use the winch to lift yourself up. | | | | - This grappling hook can only lift one person at a time. Be aware that | | the unit may be damaged if lifting more than 80kg. | | | |====================================== | | Investicgation Order | |====================================== | | | | (Stained with blood. Some sections are illegible.) | | | | 8 miles north of Raccoon City, in the Arklay Mountains, lies our | | comp_ny's Managment Training facility. It was shut down years ag_. | | Now, w_ are conductin_ a preliminary tudy into the re-opening of the | | faci_ities. First Investigation Unit is alre dy onsite and opening th_ | | investi_ation, I want yo_r team to provide suppo_t. The following | | orders _re Will__ m Bark___ and 1s i|ves__gat_o_ Un_t. | | | | ..... (The rest is torn and unreadable.) | | | |====================================== | | Notice To All Supervisors | |====================================== | | | | When closing the dining car, supervisors are asked to switch off | | the automatic doors after ensuring all the staff have vacated the car. | | The main automatic door power switch is located on the roof of the fifth | | car, Inspections will take place when the train is garaged. After | | inspections is completed, use the ladder at the rear of the second of | | the dining car. | | | | Umberella Corp | | Maintenace Department | | | |====================================== | | Passenger's Diary | |====================================== | | | | July 14th | | Orders came from boss today. Looks like we're in charge of investi- | | gating the remains of the Arklay Mountains laboratory. We're moving in | | two groups, with us as the intial group, assigned to stand checking | | what's left of the abandoned experiment. | | | | July 16th | | Unfortunately,the test production of the B.O.W. (Type -Y139) had to | | be suspended because of this investigation. It's the same with the | | Type -Y139. There's still so much we don't know about responses to the | | crustacean virus. There's a lot of interesting research left...Depending | | on the species and nurturing conditions, only minute doses of "T" bring | | about remarkable changes in solidity, size, multiplication of internal | | toxins and brain development. If these effects can be controlled, a | | weapon could be produced. But the sudden development of the shell results | | in corresponding fragility. Certain areas become exceedingly weak. | | Problematically, one of these areas is the head carapace. This lab we | | are going to... Were they pursuing the same research? It would certainly | | help to find data and samples that help us in our research. | | | | July 19th | | The day is finally apporaching.. I am growing more anxious. The | | Raccoon City newspapers and TV stations are full of reports about bizzare | | murders in the suburbs. It can't be the virus, can it? If it is... | | No, I can't think of that now. I have to concentrate on this | | investigation and make sure it runs smoothly. | | | |====================================== | | Brake Operation Manual | |====================================== | | | | Using the Brake control, the following steps are neccessary to operate | | the brakes: | | | | Step 1: Activate the controls | | - Brake controls are loacted in the following locations: | | | | First car Driver's compartment | | - Rear deck of the fifth car. To activate the system,you must insert | | the magnetic card into the device in the fifth car. This will supply | | power to both sets of controls. | | | | Step 2: Enter Rear Deck code Enter the rear deck unit to release the | | lock. After this, the Driver's compartment code can be input. | | | | Step 3: Enter Driver's compartment code | | - Enter the code for the Driver's compartment unit to remove the lock. | | Upon completion of these steps, the manual brakes will be available | | for use. | | | |====================================== | | Note From The Conductor | |====================================== | | | | The keycard for the driver's compartment is in my bag as always. But | | I need the other guys key too often to open the damn thing. But it looks | | like I've lost it somewhere. If it was a normal key, someone is sure to | | turn it in, but the key is different. I'll look for it too, but it you | | happen to find it, please hand it in. | | Thanks in advance. | | | |====================================== | | Regulations For The Trainees | |====================================== | | | | Training Facility Mission: | | - This training facility will raise a new generation of model employees | | to serve the future of Umberella Corp. Applying the strictest and most | | rigorous training standards, this facility will, without regard of | | gender, race or creed, produce only the best candidates to be global | | future leaders of Umberella Coporation. We look forward to the | | development of your leadership qualities. | | | | Training facility Guidelines: | | | | Discipline, Obedience, Unity. | | These three words are the basic principles which govern Umberella | | Corporation employees, and are to be considered the Law of this | | facility. Keep these words in mind at all times. Delicate yourselves | | to the training, and bring honour to yourself and the corporation. | | | | James Marcus, | | Director, | | Umberella Coporation, | | Managment Training facility. | | | |====================================== | | Notice To All Staff | |====================================== | | | | (This document is very old. Much of the writing is illegible.) | | | | Regular meetings of the Vaccine Records Research and Infectious Agents | | teams will be held. Both meetings are Security Level 5, and will be | | held in the following locations: | | | | - 1F W operations control room. | | - 2F SE meeting room. | | | | The entry code shall be: | | | | "8:15" | | | | Thank you. | | | |====================================== | | Marcus' Diary 1 | |====================================== | | | | December 4th | | We finally did it....the new virus! We have called it the | | "Progenitor". I want to carry it back and start detailed invesgations | | immediately. | | | | March 23th | | Spencer says he's going to start a company. Well, I don't care, | | as long as I can continue my research into "Progenitor". He can do what | | he likes.. | | | | August 19th | | Spencer keeps asking me to be the director of his new training | | facility. Maybe it is because of the business but he is becoming | | intolerably pushy. But maybe I can turn this to my advantage. I need a | | special facility to properly to explore all this virus' secrets. A place | | where no one will get in the way... | | | | November 30th | | Damn that Spencer! He came to complain to me again today. He thinks | | of "Progenitor" as noting more than a money-spinning tool. Fool! But | | his influence continues to grow, it can only be bad for my research. If | | I'm to properly develop "Progenitor", I must strengthen my own position, | | too. | | | | September 19th | | At last.. | | I've discovered a way to build a new virus type with "Progenitor" as | | a base. Mixing it with leech DNA was a breakthrough I needed.. I call | | this new virus "T", for "Tyrant". | | | | October 23rd | | It's no good! I can't hope for real progress experimenting on | | mere rodents. Only humans can be a proper mammlian subject for the | | experiments. Otherwise, I will never get any real progress... | | | | November 15th | | Someone seems to suspect something about my experiments...But, | | perhaps it's just my imagination. Well, if anyone does get too close, | | they may find themselves unexpectedly "assisting" in my research! | | | | January 13th | | At last, they are ready. My wonderful leeches! Those of low | | intellgence, they will never have the privilege of tasting this sense | | of joy and satisfaction! Now, finally, I can move against Spencer. Soon, | | I will control everything... | | | | January 31st | | The devices I set to protect my work have been disturbed, it appears | | someone came looking for "T" and the leeches. Fool. No doubt it's | | Spencer's group. | | | | February 11th | | Today, I again found evidence of tampering around the entrance to | | the labs. If that is what they're after, I must find a suitable way to | | deal with them. Perhaps I should have William and Albert smoke out the | | pest.. | | Those two are the only ones I trust. Apart from the beloved leeches, | | of course, But Spencer.. It wouldn't end there.. Would it? I will | | announce "T" at the next directors meeting and collect my just rewards.. | | | |====================================== | | Assistant Directors's Diary | |====================================== | | | | September 2nd | | A useless bunch of trainees, as always. Where does headquarters find | | these idiots? We did get a couple of decent ones, though, so can't | | complain I guess, William and Albert, they might have a future. | | | | September 25th | | Scholar Will, Pratical Al, They really are opposites. And they are | | always competitive in everything they do. There is something useless | | and cruel about them both.. | | | | October 7th | | Got a sudden call from the director, it was to tell me to encourage a | | rival between those two! It's the first time since this training facility | | was built that Director Marcus has ever shown interest in anything other | | than his research. Well, whatever, orders are orders. I'm going to have | | them tearing at each other's throats. | | | |====================================== | | About Power Regulator | |====================================== | | | | Due to the recent lightning strike, the power regulator continues | | to be inoperative. I wouldn't really matter about the power, except for | | the fact that the boiler room equipment is on the same grid. The | | equipment is so run down, I'll probably have to have it fixed up all | | the time. If you wish to exit rapidly, set the indicator to 70. Check | | first though that everything is connected to the chain. | | | |====================================== | | A Verse Of Poetry | |====================================== | | | | The Moon bows to the Earth, | | The Earth swears loyalty to the Sun, | | And the great Law of the Sun Governs all things, | | This itself is the keystone, | | The pointer of glory, | | All our hands cannot open the door to heaven. | | | |====================================== | | Management Trainee's Diary | |====================================== | | | | What is that Director Marcus is researching all the time? And | | what's with his weird interest in leeches? Interest? Seems more like | | love at times.. Rumor has it that there's something dangerous about | | those leeches. It is true that when Dennis just touched one, he got | | ill with a fever. | | | | Again today.. There were those horrible moans. Beyond that door, | | "let sleeping dogs..." No way I'll go near them. Even if the Director | | tells me, I no way want to end up like Dennis. That poor bastard. | | Scratching and scratching. Makes me itch just watching him. | | | | Must maybe go | | | | IF can but how? | | | | Dennis gone, I go | | | | Hungry.. | | | | Help.. | | | | Mom. | | | |====================================== | | Microfilm Image | |====================================== | | | | An image resulting from overlaying microfilms A and B. | | Numbers appear on the seats of the Conference Room. | | | |====================================== | | Inmates List | |====================================== | | | | Correctional Institute Inmates List: | | | | - Mathews, K. | | Deceased, Disposal Complete. | | - Midge, D. | | Deceased, Disposal Complete. | | - Keith, W. | | Preserved as specimen. | | - Savage, C. | | Transported to research facilities. | | - Royce, M. | | Transported to research facilities. | | - Davids, A. | | Preserved as specimen. | | - Clarke, A. | | Transported to research facilities. | | - Ellens, J. | | Transported to research facilities. | | - Terrence, O. | | Deceased, Disposal Complete. | | - Kait, A. | | Transported to Arklay laboratory. | | - Gerry, O. | | Deceased, Disposal Complete. | | - Scott, S. | | Transported to research facilities. | | - Mitchel, F. | | Transported to Arklay laboratory. | | - Kerry, T. | | Transported to Arklay laboratory. | | - Roberts, A. | | Transported to Arklay laboratory. | | | | (Transported individuals to be deleted from the records). | | | |====================================== | | First Investigation Unit Notes | |====================================== | | | | We are searching the facilities, and it looks like a lot of | | chemicals survived. Fortunately, the storage tanks are still full. We | | have just started and there is still a lot we don't know, but it appears | | that the chemicals can be mixed to produce new substances. The chemicals | | are scattered all about. Not because of the accident, more a result | | of a plain investigation. When we reopen the facilities, we have to | | develop a system for dealing with these chemicals. | | | | (Something is scrawled on the back of the note.) | | | | - Red + Blue = Sulfuric Acid | | - Green + Red = Stripping Agent | | | |====================================== | | Marcus' Diary 2 | |====================================== | | | | (This page has been torn out.) | | | | Trouble is unlikely, but I closed my babies up in the special | | capsule. But it won't be safe if I hold it onto myself. I'll hide it | | in that place. "To hide a leaf, put it in a forest"... To open the | | capsule, the special stripping agent is necessary. No way Spencer's | | lackeys could figure how to make it.. | | | |====================================== | | Old Photograph | |====================================== | | | | (There's something written on the back of the photograph). | | | | To James, | | To commemorate your graduation, 1939. | | | |====================================== | | Investigator's Report | |====================================== | | | | Dr. Marcus, Co-founder, with President Spencer, of the Umberella | | Corporation, disappeared 20 years ago. The results of his research have | | been kept under wraps for all that time. The reason became clear here | | at the Training Facility run by Dr. Marcus.. Well, not here exactly, but | | underground. When we ventured below, we understood.. | | | | There we found evidence of Dr. Marcus' research into the T-Virus | | prototype called "Progenitor". The evidence of years of hideous | | experiments that used company employees as guinea pigs. We cannot know | | how many were forced to become subjects, but based on the evidence, | | no less than twenty individuals were involved; some of them taken | | deliberately to keep the corporation's secret safe. Where the Doctor is | | now I don't know, but considering the recent rapid growth of the Umbrella | | Corporation, | | I can't imagine the research is continuing. No..his experiment | | lives and continues to grow in the dark. Those things, the "fruit" of | | his research, they fill this facility. | | | | (The rest of the notebook pages are missing). | | | |====================================== | | Leech Growth Records | |====================================== | | | | February 3rd, 1978. | | - Administrated "T" into 4 leeches. Their will to survive leads them | | first to parasitism and predation, then they breed and mulitply. Such | | single minded biology makes them attractive candidates for bioweapons | | research. Afterwards, no major changes observed. | | | | February 10th, 1978. | | - 7 days since the adminstration of the "T". Rapid growth to double | | former size, signs of tranformation emerging. Spawning successful, they | | double their numbers in an hour, but their ravenous appetites lead them | | to cannibalism. Hastened to incease food supply, but lost 2. | | | | March 7th, 1978. | | - Provided them with live feed, but lost half when the live food | | fought back. However, the leeches are learning from experience, and | | are beginning to exhibit group attack behavior. They are also ceasing | | cannibalism. Their evolution is exceeding expectations. | | | | April 22nd, 1978. | | - The leeches no longer exhibit individual behavior, even when not | | feeding, they move asa collective. They consume everything I offer | | with remarkable efficiency. | | | | April 30th, 1978. | | - An employee has stumbled onto my experiments. Can a human be a | | food source? How will the leeches respond? | | | | June 3rd, 1978 | | - A day worthy of commemoration. Today they began to mimic me! Surely | | they recognize their father.. Wonderful children, No one will take | | you away.. | | | |====================================== | | Laboratory Manager's Diary | |====================================== | | | | Today, under Director Marcus' orders, I changed the platform | | entry code. Later I asked him what the source of the entry code was. He | | told me it was based on something significant in his childrens growth. | | But, the Director is a loner, he isn't married and he sure doesn't have | | any children.. | | | | What could he mean? | | | |====================================== | | B.O.W. Report | |====================================== | | | | Research to date has shown that when the Progenitor virus is | | administrated to living organisms, violent celluar changes cause a | | breakdown in the system, Furthermore, no satisfactory method has been | | found to control the organisms for use as weapons. Clearly, greater | | co-ordination at the cellular level is essential to enable further | | growth. I conducted a number of experiments in an effort to find a | | breakthrough. This is my report: | | | | Insecta | | - Perhaps because of these ancient animals have been genetically stable | | for millenia, when administered with the progenitor virus they exhibited | | only explosive high-energy growth and increased aggressivness. It is | | extremely difficult to envision using them as a B.O.W. | | | | Amphibia | | - Injecting a frog with the virus resulted in an increase in leaping | | power and abnormal tongue growth. However, no change in mental ability | | is observed. Furthermore, an abnormal resulted in the test subject | | randomly attacking all moving objects. Usefulness for BOW is | | limited. | | | | Mammalia | | - The progenitor virus was merged with the monkey's cellular DNA, | | resulting in an increasein fertility. The resulting young exhibited | | improved aggressiveness and some increased mental capacity. (As a side | | effect, the visual power was lost, but this offset by an improvment in | | hearing ability). However, they were unsatisfactory as weapons. It does | | seem that no progress can be made without making humans as the base | | organism. | | | |====================================== | | About Battery Fluid | |====================================== | | | | Battery Fluid | | - The fluid used in batteries is a diluted solution of mixed water and | | sulfuric acid. Both must be of high purity. When fully charged, battery | | fluid should have specific gravity of 1,280 + 0.010 at 20 degrees. | | | | Battery Acid Purity | | - Take care that dilute sulfuric acid solution is of sufficient purity. | | | |====================================== | | Investigator's Report 2 | |====================================== | | | | We should have finished with this dump long ago. When this is | | all started, did anyone expect that there would be guns blazing away | | like this? We weren't told a thing about creatures attacking us at the | | briefing.. Guess they were a surprise to the head honchos too. The | | things in the woods.. just starting attacking people. That had to be | | planned. | | Someone deliberately scattered that virus, no doubt about it. | | But the guards, our fellow soldiers, they must be still around.. Well, | | whatever. Don't have to worry about that anymore. What I've got to worry | | about whether to use the last bullet on myself, or on a friend.. | | | | That's the only decision I have to make. | | | |====================================== | | Treatment Plant Manager's Diary | |====================================== | | | | 5/10. | | - Damn it! Why is normal industrial waste being delivered here? This is | | an Umberella Coporation facility. We can't deal with this volume of | | material. Plus they're sending us contaminated materials that we can't | | process. What are we supposed to do with it? | | | | 7/24. | | - Well, looks like they're closing it down. Not surprising, using it | | like they did. Had to be done, but.. It was pretty sudden. It's not like | | they cared until now. Anyway, as long as I get out of here, I don't care | | what they do. | | | |====================================== | | Gate Operation Manual | |====================================== | | | | To open the heliport in case of an emergency, follow the procedures | | below: | | | | Removing the lock: | | - There are four locking mechanisms in the room which must be activated | | in this order: | | | | - 1. Southwest Side. | | - 2. Northwest Side. | | - 3. Southeast Side. | | - 4. West Side. | | | | Turn each of the mechanism's handles to unlock the gate. | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| 5.2 _____________________________ / ============================ \ / R E S I D E N T E V I L 1 \ __/ ============================ \______________________________________ | | | | |====================================== | | S.T.A.R.S. Manual | |====================================== | | | | If you have changed your controller type to Type-B or to Type-C, | | please keep in mind that the contents explained here correlates with | | controller Type-A. | | | | How to view your Status Screen | | | | Press the Y Button during the game. | | (You will not be able to view the Status Screen during Cut-Scenes | | or while being attacked.) | | | | In the Status Screen you'll be able to do the following things. | | - Equip Weapons | | - Use items | | - View maps | | - Read files | | | | How to View Map | | | | In the Status Screen select MAP from the menu bar, or simply push | | the Z Button during the game. If you have not obtained a map, only the | | places you have explored will be displayed. | | | | How to Read Maps | | | | Uncolored room(s): Unexplored room(s). | | Orange room(s): Room(s) with still items left. | | Green room(s): Explored room(s) without any items left. | | Red door: Locked door. | | White door: Unlocked door. | | Blue door: Door you've been through. | | | | How to Push Objects | | | | When there is a movable object, face the object in the direction | | you want to push it and press the Control Stick (+ Control Pad) in the | | direction you are facing. | | | | Climbing on & Climbing Down | | | | Walk up to an object that's waist high of the character, and then | | press the A Button. (You can climb on movable objects as well.) | | To Climb Down from an object, press the A Button while standing | | on the edge of the object. | | | | How to Equip Weapons | | | | In the STatus Screen select the "weapon" you want armed, then | | select the "Equip" command. (Even if you have a weapon you must equip | | it in order for you to attack.) | | | | Attacking Stance | | | | Hold down the R Button. (The player will take an attacking stance | | towards the closest enemy.) | | | | How to Attack | | | | While holding down the R Button, press the A Button. (You can | | attack the enemy with the weapon you have equipped.) | | | | 180 Degree Turn | | While pressing down the Control Stick (or the + Control Pad) | | press the B Button. (This can also be done using the C Stick alone.) | | | | Examine an Item | | | | From the Status Screen select an item and then select the Examine | | command. (The details of the item will be displayed.) | | | | Emergency Evade | | | | Using Defense Items such as Daggers, will allow you to escape | | momentarily when grabbed by an enemy. (However, you will not be able to | | escape when the enemy grabs you from behind.) | | | | To equip a Defense Item, go to the Status Screen, and then select | | an item from the Defense Item menu. Then select the Equip command. | | | | If your Defense Item mode is set to Manual in the Controller | | Settings, you must press the L Button to use the Defense Item. | | | |====================================== | | Kenneth's Film | |====================================== | | | | It's the film that belonged to Kenneth. I need a video player to | | see what's recorded on it. | | | |====================================== | | Book of Curse | |====================================== | | | | The four masks, | | a mask that speaks no evil... | | a mask that smells no evil... | | a mask that sees no evil... | | a mask that cannot speak, smell, or see evil... | | | | When all four fall into place, | | evil will awaken | | | |====================================== | | Trevor's Diary | |====================================== | | | | Nov. 24, 1967 | | Eleven days have past since arriving on this estate. How did I | | end up like this? A guy in a lab coat came with a plate of skimpy meal | | and said to me, "Sorry to put you through this, but it's for security | | reasons." That's when it hit me. It all makes sense now. | | | | There are only two people that know the secret of this mansion, | | Sir Spencer and myself. If they kill me, Sir Spencer will be the only | | person that knows the secret. | | | | But for what purpose? It doesn't matter now. It's too dangerous | | here. My family... I hope they are all right. | | | | I've decided to escape... Jessica, Lisa, I pray you are safe. | | | | Nov. 26, 1967 | | How could I be so careless? I lost my favorite lighter -- the | | one Jessica gave me for my birthday. Now it's going to be that much | | harder to get out this dark place. | | | | Nov. 13th, the date when my fate was sealed. My aunt was hospita- | | lized just three days before that. Jessica and Lisa said that they | | were going to visit her. I wish I could be there with them. | | | | But wait, even as I'm writing my memory is coming back to me more | | vividly. Just before I passed out, I remember the men in the lab coats | | said something like, "Most likely your family is already..." I pray for | | their safety. | | | | Nov. 27, 1967 | | Somehow I managed to get out that room. But getting out of this | | mansion won't be as easy. I have to get past all the booby-traps. | | Tiger eyes, Gold Emblem... I have to try and remember for my own sake. | | | | Nov. 29, 1967 | | I can't get out. I have tried every possible way to escape but | | only to be faced with the reality that I'm trapped. | | I've been everywhere. The laboratory with the large glass tubes | | filled with formaldehyde and those dark, wet and eerie caves... | | What can I do? | | At first I didn't want to believe my eyes. But that familiar | | high-heeled shoe in the corridor... It was like reflex. One name came | | to my mind, Jessica! | | I don't want to believe they share the same fate as me. | | No! I can't give up hope. I have to hope they're alive. | | | | Nov. 30, 1967 | | I haven't had anything to eat or drink for the past few days. | | I feel like I'm going crazy. | | Why is this happening to me? Why do I have to die like this? | | I was too obsessed with designing this ghastly mansion. I should have | | known better. | | | | Nov. 31, 1967 | | It was a dark and damp underground tunnel. And another dead end. | | But even in the darkness something caught my eye. | | Carefully, I lit the last match, I had to see what it was. | | A grave! But deeply engraved into the stone was my name! | | "George Trevor" | | At that instant, it all became clear to me. Those bastards knew | | from the beginning that I'd die here and I fell right into their trap. | | But it's too late now. I'm losing it. Everything is becoming so | | far away. Jessica... Lisa... Forgive me. | | Because of my ego, I got both of you involved in this whole damn | | conspiracy. | | Forgive me. May god justify my death in exchange for your safety. | | | | | | George Trevor | | | | | | (There's something handwritten. It's not dated) | | | | Nothing's changed. | | I never thought that this room I designed as an experiment would | | pay off like this. | | I can hide here safely for a while, because nobody knows about the | | secret behind this painting. Not even Sir Spencer. | | | | Painting of a mansion... In the back of the art room. | | | |====================================== | | Crumpled Memo | |====================================== | | | | Today Sir Spencer told me to hide something where no one could | | find it. | | Well, I had this idea. I figured if I could somehow have it | | protected by a dangerous animal like the vicious canine that lives here, | | no one would be able to get near it! | | As far as I can tell, the mutt is always hanging around the second | | floor balcony on the west side of the terrace, and he ought to come | | running at the sound of a dog whistle. | | This is where you come in. The thing is, I reckon you're the only | | person that can get near that damn dog without risking a serious mauling. | | Which means only you can put this collar on him. The object that Sir | | Spencer wants hidden is concealed inside. | | You're the only person I can trust with this. Of course, you'll | | get something out of it as well. Remember that certain item that you've | | always wanted to get hold of? | | Well, in exchange for your services, I just might be able to get it | | for you. This could work out well for both of us... | | | | | | Jon Toleman | | | | | |====================================== | | Botany Book | |====================================== | | | | Botany | | Uses of Medicinal Herbs | | | | It is a well-known fact that there exist many plants that are | | credited with medicinal healing powers. Since ancient times, mankind | | has been healing wounds and diseases using various plants. | | | | In this book, we will sample three herbs that are a native of | | the Arklay Mountains and briefly outline each of their medicinal | | qualities. Each herb has a distinct color and a distinct medicinal | | quality. | | | | The green herb recovers physical strength. The blue herb | | neutralizes natural toxins. However, the red herb has no real effect | | by itself. We have foundthat mixing green and red herbs results in | | a magnified effect. | | We will outline the effects of red herbs when mixed with other | | herbs when we have more data. Meanwhile feel free to experiment on | | your own, for true knowledge is best acquired through own experience. | | | | | |====================================== | | Body Disposal | |====================================== | | | | Special instructions when disposing dead bodies. | | | | We have new information regarding those "beings". They may appear | | to be dead but in fact they are able to come back to life. However, | | there are ways to prevent them from becoming active again. | | | | Currently there are two known methods to cease their resurrection. | | | | 1. INCINERATION | | 2. DESTRUCTION OF THE HEAD | | | | If further methods are discovered, they will be notified immediately. | | Meanwhile to those of you who still have the will to live, oil | | has been placed on the first floor of the mansion. Take as much as | | you need. | | You'll need something to light it with, which you'll need to find | | by yourself. | | | | | |====================================== | | Keeper's Diary | |====================================== | | | | May 9, 1998 | | | | Played poker tonight with Scott and Alias from Security, and | | Steve fromResearch. Steve was the big winner, but I think he was | | cheating. Scumbag. | | | | May 10, 1998 | | | | One of the higher-ups assigned me to take care of a new creature. | | It looks like a skinned gorilla. Feeding instructions were to give it | | live animals. | | | | When I threw in a pig, the creature seemed to play with it... | | tearing off the pig's legs and pulling out the guts before it actually | | started eating. | | | | May 11, 1998 | | | | At around 5 A.M., Scott woke me up. Scared the shit out me, too. | | He was wearing a protective suit. He handed me another one and told | | me to put it on. Said there'd been an accident in the basement lab. | | I just knew something like this would happen. Those bastards in | | Research never sleep, even on holiday. | | | | May 12, 1998 | | | | I've been wearing the damn space suit since yesterday. My skin's | | getting grimy and feels itchy all over. The goddamn dogs have been | | looking at me funny, so I decided not to feed them today. Screw 'em. | | | | May 13, 1998 | | | | Went to the Infirmary because my back is all swollen and feels | | itchy. They put a big bandage on it and told me I didn't need to wear | | the suit anymore. All I wanna do is sleep. | | | | May 14, 1998 | | | | Found another big blister on my foot this morning. I ended up | | dragging my foot all the way to the dog's pen. They were quiet all day, | | which is weird. | | | | Then I realized some of them had escaped. Maybe this is their way | | of gettingback at me for not feeding them the last three days. If | | anybody finds out, I'll have my head handed to me. | | | | May 16, 1998 | | | | Rumours going around that a researcher who tried to escape the | | estate last night was shot. My entire body feels hot and itchy and I'm | | sweating all the time now. | | | | I scratched the swelling on my arm and a piece of rotten flesh just | | dropped off. What the hell's happening to me? | | | | May 19, 1998 | | | | Fever gone but itchy. Today hungry and eat doggie food. | | | | May 21, 1998 | | Itchy itchy Scott came ugly face so killed him. Tasty. | | | | 4 / / Itchy. Tasty. | | | | | |====================================== | | Researcher's Will | |====================================== | | | | (There is a letter.) | | | | June 3, 1998 | | My dearest Alma. | | | | Let me first apologize for not being able to call you. A man | | wearing sunglasses didn't permit any phone calls. Sorry Alma. | | | | I sit here trying to think of where to begin, of how to explain | | in a few simple words all that's happened in my life since we last | | spoke, and already I fail. | | | | I hope this letter finds you well, and that you'll forgive the | | tangents of my pen; this isn't easy for me. | | | | Even as I write, I can feel the simplest of concepts slipping away, | | lost to feelings of despair and confusion -- but I have to tell you | | what's in my heart before I can rest. Alma, please believe that what | | I'm telling you is the truth. | | | | The entire story would take hours for me to tell you, and time is | | short, so accept these things as fact: last month there was an accident | | in the lab and the virus we were studying leaked. | | | | All my colleagues who were infected are dead or dying, and the | | nature of the disease is such that those still living have lost their | | senses. This virus robs its victims of their humanity, forcing them in | | their sickness to seek out and destroy life. | | | | Even as I write these words, I can hear them, pressing against my | | door like mindless, hungry animals. | | | | Alma, I have tried to survive only to see you again. But my efforts | | only delayed the inevitable; I am infected, and there is no cure for | | what will follow -- except to end my life before I lose the only thing | | that separates me from them. | | | | My love for you. | | | | In an hour I'll have entered my eternal sleep where there is peace. | | Please understand. Please know that I'm sorry. | | | | | | | | Martin Crackhorn | | | | | |====================================== | | Mail from the Chief of Security | |====================================== | | | | CONFIDENTIAL | | Attn: Chief of Security | | Date: July 22, 1998 2:13 | | | | X Day is drawing up on us. Execute the following procedures within | | one week. Prompt actions are demanded. | | | | 1. Lure S.T.A.R.S. to the estate, and obtain B.O.W.'s raw combat data | | against S.T.A.R.S. | | | | 2. Collect two embryos of each mutated specimens as samples, excluding | | the Tyrant. Dispose of the Tyrant. | | | | 3. Ensure complete disposal of the Arklay Laboratory including all | | personnel and test animals. Disguise their deaths as an accident. | | When the above procedures are executed, report to headquarters for | | further instructions. | | | | If for some reason you are unable to execute the procedure by the | | deadline, report immediately. In case of emergency situations, report | | directly to the extension number 5691. | | | | Good luck. | | | | | | Umbrella Headquarters. | | Umbrella Inc. | | | |====================================== | | Suicide Note | |====================================== | | | | June 22, 1998 | | | | I had to do it. We ran from those things -- helping each other to | | survive. But Robert started to show the symptoms. I had to do it. | | Those damn things are pure evil. | | | | There was no other way. He would have done the same if it were | | the other way around. After I put him out of his misery I had to just | | leave him in the bathroom. Now I'm probably the last one... | | | | How could this happen? I'll never forgive myself for being part of | | this project. Eventually I'll get what's coming to me, though. There's | | no way to escape from this nut house. It's just a matter of time now. | | | | Everything is set. All I need is a little courage to get it done. | | Knowing that I'll leave many things undone is regret beyond words. | | | | But, this is better than just waiting to turn into one of them. | | Please understand and at least let me end my life as a person. | | | | (There's a message on the back.) | | | | Linda, please forgive me... | | | |====================================== | | Plant 42 Reort | |====================================== | | | | Four days have passed since the accident. The plant at Point 42 | | is growing at an amazing rate. | | | | Although there are many unknown aspects about this plant, we know | | that incomparison with the other group of plants, the T-Virus has had a | | substantially stronger affect on this one. | | | | The T-Virus has drastically morphed its host's anatomy as well as | | its size. Looking at its current state, it's difficult to imagine its | | original appearance. Nowhere on Earth will you find anything like it. | | | | We've also found that PLANT 42 has two main sources of acquiring | | its necessary nutrients. One source is through its root. Somehow it | | has rooted itself down into the basement. | | | | Immediately after the accident, a scientist went mad and destroyed | | the Aqua Ring. Ever since, the basement has been like a pool. There | | is a high possibility that it's one of the chemicals in the water that's | | promoting the PLANT 42's rapid growth. | | | | However, we have yet to determine the specific chemical. | | | | A bulb-like body of the PLANT 42 has been sighted hanging from the | | ceiling of the first floor. We are sure that it used the air ducts to | | reach the first floor. Numerous long tentacle-like vines are protruding | | from the bulb. | | | | We believe the vines are the second means of acquiring its nutrients. | | When the PLANT 42 sense prey, it uses the tentacle-like vines to capture | | its prey. After doing so, suckers on the vine drain the prey of its | | blood. | | | | We've also noticed that it has some intelligence. When it captures | | its prey or when it's inactive, the vines twine around the door to stop | | possible intruders. | | | | Unfortunately, several of our scientists have already fallen victim | | to this PLANT 42. When we heard the stories from the survivors, they | | all observed one thing in common: | | | | When the uniform petal-like flaps open and reveal its vital | | internals, it has a tendency to become more aggressive. | | | | One witness reported that it was as if it was trying to protect | | itself. Why it behaves the way it does is still unknown. | | | | | | May 21, 1998 | | Henry Sarton | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Organic Chemistry Lab Experiment | |====================================== | | | | The similarities in the cellular characteristics of the rapidly | | growing plant infected by the Tyrant Virus have been reported in | | previous papers. However, while repeating these experiments, an | | interesting new fact became clear. | | | | We learned that a chemical in the UMB family, UMB No. 20, contains | | a compound that is toxic to the cells of the plant. | | | | We have given UMB No. 20 a new name: V-JOLT. If calculations prove | | correct, when V-JOLT is applied directly to the root of the plant, the | | entire plant should be dead within 5 seconds. | | | | The V-JOLT can be made by simply mixing the VP and UMB chemicals in | | a specific ratio. However, extra care must be taken when handling these | | UMB chemicals. They have been known to generate toxic gases if | | mishandled. | | | | The characteristics of each UMB chemical are as follows: | | | | UMB No. 3 red | | Yellow-6 yellow | | UMB No. 7 green | | UMB No. 10 orange | | VP-017 blue | | V-JOLT dark brown | | | | | |====================================== | | Family Picture & Notes | |====================================== | | | | (There's something written on the back.) | | | | Nov. 10, 1967 | | - Progenitor virus administered | | | | -Jessica | | Administered virus: Type-A | | Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation | | Virus fusion: Negative | | Action: Disposed | | | | -Lisa | | Administered virus: Type-B | | Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation | | Virus fusion: Positive but delayed fusion. | | Body modification: Observed constant results. | | Status: Continue protective observation. | | | | -George | | Action: Terminated (Nov. 30, 1967) | | | | (There's a journal left by someone.) | | | | Nov. 14, 1967 | | | | I feel dizzy after that shot they gave me. I don't see Mom. | | Where did they take her? She promised that we would escape together. | | Did she escape alone and leave me behind? | | | | Nov. 15, 1967 | | | | I found Mom. We ate together. I was very happy. | | | | But she was a fake. Not my real Mom. Same face but different | | inside. | | | | Have to find Mom. Have to give face back to mother. | | | | I got Mom's face back. | | | | Nobody can have my Mom except me. I attach her face to me so | | she doesn't go away. Because Mom sad when I meet her without her face. | | | | Nov. 17, 19*7 | | | | from inside box, scent of mommy. maybe true mother there. | | stone box hard. It hurt. steel rope in the way. | | can't see mother becuz 4 stones. | | | | 19 | | | | dadddy atached first | | momm atached scond | | | | iNside reD and sLimy | | whiTe and haRd | | | | not true moM wheRe | | | | dunno dadd | | found mum again | | | | whne atachd momMy | | she moved no more | | she screaming | | | | why? | | Jst want to b with her | | | | 4 | | | | mom | | where? | | | | I mis yuo | | | | | |====================================== | | Barry's Photograph | |====================================== | | | | This is the photograph that fell out of Barry's shirt right before | | he fell into the pit. | | | | (There is something written on the back.) | | | | We love you daddy!! | | | | From your sweet daughters, | | Moira and Polly | | | | | |====================================== | | Letter of a Researcher | |====================================== | | | | June 8th, 1998 | | My dearest Ada. | | | | By the time you read this letter, I will no longer be the person | | you once knew. The results of my test came out today, and as I suspected, | | it came out positive. | | | | I feel like I am teetering on the edge of reason just thinking | | about my impending doom. I would give anything not to have to become | | one of them. | | | | As far as I know, you are not infected. I sincerely hope things | | do not reach such a desperate pass, but if it has turned out that you | | are now the last person remaining alive, I want you to get the material | | from the Visual Data Room. | | | | Then, activate the Self-Destruct System in the Power Room, and | | escape from here. Please do everything in your power to make this whole | | accident public. | | | | If everything is still running normally, you should be able to | | release all the locks using the Security System. | | | | I have set up the terminal in the small security room so that you | | can log in to the system using my name and your name as the password. | | | | You will need another password to release the lock of the door in | | Basement Level Two where the Visual Data Room is located. | | | | As a safety measure I have coded that password into an X-ray | | picture; a roentgenogram. I know you, and I'm sure you will be able to | | work it out without any trouble. | | | | There is just one more thing... and it is my last request. I hope | | you never have to lay eyes on me in this state, but if you do happen to | | run into me in my hideous form, I beg you to put me out of my misery. | | I hope you understand. | | | | | | Thank you, Ada. | | Yours truly. | | | | | | John | | | | | |====================================== | | V-ACT | |====================================== | | | | There is now evidence that when the host loses consciousness, the | | body goes into a dormant state. During this time the virus becomes | | active and rapidly transforms and reconstructs the basic composition | | of the body. | | | | The host eventually mutated into a humanoid creature. (We call | | them V-ACTs) | | | | Its speed and amazing muscular development are particularly | | noteworthy. After transformation, it becomes more agile and aggressive. | | | | Already four of our researchers have died from trying to feed it, | | turning the place into an instant blood bath. (Ever since this tragic | | and barbaric accident, we have decided to call its kind "Crimson Heads") | | | | That dangerous and precious prototype specimen can't be left there. | | We have to figure out a way to deal with it. Termination is definitely | | not an option. | | | | We finally decided to freeze the specimen and confine the body | | inside the basement of the backyard cemetery. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | FAX | |====================================== | | | | To: Sanitation Division | | Attn: Manager of Sanitation | | From: Racoon Disaster Contingency Committee | | | | The contents of this fax are confidential and intended for the | | named addressee only. Any copying, or disclosure of the contents of | | this fax to any third party is strictly forbidden by the sender. | | | | After reading the contents of this fax, must be destroyed immediately. | | | | We expect significant increase in the damage done by the recent | | T-Virus' outbreak than initially estimated. There are several concerns. | | | | First concern | | | | More than half of the researchers have been infected by the T-Virus | | and died. It has also been reported that almost all of the survivors | | of this accident are starting to show symptoms of the T-Virus infection. | | | | Second concern | | | | Our Secret Security Patrol Team has also been completely eradicated. | | Therefore, our most secret research is in danger of public disclosure. | | Quick actions are demanded to prevent mass media coverage. | | | | Third concern | | | | There is a high possibility that most of the specimens are running | | loose inside the compound. We expect many casualties to follow. | | | | However yet unfortunate, these casualties underscore the success | | of our research results. Actions must be taken to prevent our research | | results from being made public. | | | | We suspect the first official intervention will come from the | | State Police and S.T.A.R.S. We strongly recommend taking measures | | against them first. | | | | | |====================================== | | Security Protocols | |====================================== | | | | LEVEL ONE | | | | Heliport/ For executive use only. This restriction does not apply | | in the event of an emergency. | | | | BASEMENT LEVEL ONE | | | | Passage to Heliport/ Entry is prohibited unless accompanied by a | | Consultant Researcher or the Chief of Security. Unauthorized persons | | entering the heliport will be shot on site. | | | | Elevator/ The elevator stops during emergencies. | | | | BASEMENT LEVEL TWO | | | | Visual Data Room/ For use by the Special Research Division only. | | All other access to the Visual Data Room must be cleared with Keith | | Arving. Room Manager. | | | | BASEMENT LEVEL THREE | | | | Prison/ Sanitation Division controls the use of the prison. At | | least one Consultant Researcher (E. Smith, S. Ross, A. Wesker) must be | | present if viral use is authorized. | | | | Triple Lock Door/ Entry into the room is limited to the sole | | person who deactivates the lock with all of the Pass Codes. Accessing | | the exclusive Output Terminals located in each section of the Senior | | Researchers deactivates the lock. | | | | Power Room/ In this room nitro compound is used as the primary fuel | | source of power. Access is limited to Headquarters Supervisors. This | | restriction may not apply to Consultant Researchers with special | | authorization. | | | | Pass Code Output Terminals/ Use and access of the Output Terminals is | | limited to authorized Senior Researchers. | | | | BASEMENT LEVEL FOUR | | | | Regarding the progress of "Tyrant" after the administration | | of T-Virus... | | | | | | (Illegible hereafter...) | | | | | |====================================== | | Observation Note | |====================================== | | | | The discovery of the G-Virus was in fact 21 years after the | | administration of the primogenitor virus. | | | | The "Prototype Parasite" which we had delivered from a laboratory | | in France was administered to the sample specimen. The sample specimen | | took in the parasite without showing any signs of adverse reaction. | | | | The lack of any reaction was an unsolved mystery. But now | | everything is clear to me now. | | | | The "Prototype Parasite" was incubating in the sample specimen's | | body for 21 years. Then from that incubating state the prototype | | suddenly mutated. ("Evolved" may be a more appropriate word to | | describe it.) | | | | This observation gave me more insight in my research. Through | | further modification and testing, I was able to derive a method to | | create the "G" that surpasses the performance of the "T". | | | | This was the breakthrough that would change the future of the | | B.O.W.'s history. | | | | I can't wait to see the look on Alexia's annoying face when I | | finally announce my research. But unfortunately I'll have to wait a | | few more years to completely verify my findings. | | | | | | William Birkin | | | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| 5.3 _____________________________ / ============================ \ / R E S I D E N T E V I L 2 \ __/ ============================ \______________________________________ | | |====================================== | | POLICE MEMORANDUM | |====================================== | | | | This letter is just to inform everyone about the recent move of | | equipment that has happened during the precinct's rearrangements. The | | safe with four digit lock has been moved from the S.T.A.R.S. office | | on the second floor, to the eastern office on the first floor. | | | | 2 2 3 6 | | | | Raccoon Police Liaison Dept | | | | | |====================================== | | PATROL REPORT | |====================================== | | | | September 20th 9:30pm Reported: Sgt. Neil Carlsen | | | | We received a report of a suspicious individual skulking around | | the sewer in the outskirts of Raccoon City. I searched the area and | | located the individual, but he ran away before I had a chance to | | question him. I recover the following items: | | | | - A small amount of C4 plastic explosives | | - An electronic detonator | | - 9x19 parabellieum rounds | | - Infrared scope (broken) | | | | End of report. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | OPERATION REPORT 1 | |====================================== | | | | -Operation Report- | | | | September 26th | | | | The Raccoon Police Dept was unexpectedly attacked by zombies. | | Many have been injured. Even more were killed. During the attack, our | | communications we have decided to carry out an operation with the | | intent of rescuing any possible survivors as well as to prevent this | | disaster from spreading beyond Raccoon City. | | | | The details of the operation are as follows: Security of armaments | | and ammunition Chief Irons has voiced concern regarding the issue of | | recent unresolved incidents. On the very day of the zombies' attack, | | he made the decision to relocate all weapons to scattered intervals | | throughout the building as a temporary measure to prevent their possible | | seizure. Unfortunately, this decision has made it extremely difficult | | for us to locate all ammunition caches. It has become our top priority | | to recover these scattered ammunitions. | | | | To unlock the weapons storage. As stated earlier, it will be | | extremely difficult to secure all ammunition. However, a considerable | | supply still remains in the underground weapon storage. Unfortunately, | | the person in charge of the key card used to access the weapon storage | | is missing and we have been unable to locate the key. One of the | | breaker's went down during the battle and the electronic locks are of | | functioning in certain areas. It has become a top priority to restore | | the power in the power room and secure those locks. | | | | Recorder: David Ford September 27th 1:00pm. | | | | The west barricade has been broken through and another exchange | | ensued. We sheltered the injured in the confiscation room on the first | | floor temporarily. Twelve more people were injured in the battle. | | | | Reporter : David Ford | | | | | | -Additional Report- | | | | Three additional people were killed following the sudden appearance | | of an as yet unknown creature. This creature is identified by missing | | patches of skin and razor-like claws. However, its most distinguishing | | characteristic is its lance-like tongue capable of piercing a human torso | | in an instant. Their numbers as well as their location remaining unknown. | | We have tentatively named this creature the "Licker" and are currently | | in the process of developing countermeasure to deal with this new threat. | | | | | |====================================== | | OPERATION REPORT 2 | |====================================== | | | | -Operation Report- | | | | September 28th Early Morning 2:30am. | | | | Zombies overran the operation room and another battle broke out. | | We lost four more people, including David. We're down to four people, | | including myself. We failed to secure the weapons cache and hope for | | our survival continue to diminish. We won't last much longer...We agreed | | upon a plan to escape through the sewer. There's a path leading from | | the precinct underground to the sewage disposal plant. We should be | | able to access the sewers through there. The only drawback is that there | | is no guarantee the sewage disposal plant is free of any possible | | danger. We know our chances in the sewers are slim, but anything is | | better than simply waiting here to die. In order to buy more time, we | | locked the only door leading to the underground, which is located in | | the eastern office. We left the key behind in the eastern office since | | it's unlikely that any of those creatures have the intelligence to | | find it and unlock the door. I pray that this operation report will be | | helpful to whoever may find it. | | | | Recorder : Elliot Edward | | | | | | | | | |====================================== | | CHRIS'S DIARY | |====================================== | | | | August 8th | | | | I talked to the chief today once again, but he refused to listen | | to me. I know for certain that Umbrella conducted T-virus research | | in that mansion. Anyone infected turns into a zombie. But the entire | | mansion went up in the explosion; along with any incriminating evidence. | | Since Umbrella employs so many people in town, no one is willing to | | talk about the incident. It looks like I'm running out of options. | | | | August 17th | | | | We've been receiving a lot of local reports about the strange | | creatures appearing at random throughout the city. This must be the | | work of Umbrella. | | | | August 24th | | | | With the help of Jill and Barry, I finally obtained information | | vital to this case. Umbrella has begun research on the new G-virus, a | | variation of the original T-virus. Haven't they done enough damage | | already? We talked it over, and have decided to fly to the main | | Umbrella HQ in Europe. I won't tell my sister about this trip because | | doing so will put her in danger. Please forgive me Claire. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | MAIL TO CHRIS | |====================================== | | | | Mr. Chris Redfield | | Raccoon City Police Dept | | S.T.A.R.S. Division | | | | As per your request, we have conducted our internal investigation | | and discovered the following information: | | | | 1) Regarding the G-virus currently under development by Umbrella Inc. | | So far it is unconfirmed that the G-virus even exists. We're | | continuing with our investigation. | | | | 2) Regarding Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon Police Dept. | | Mr. Irons has allegedly received a large sum of funds in bribes from | | Umbrella Inc. over the last five years. He has apparently involved | | involved in the cover up of the mansion case along with several | | other incidents in which Umbrella appears to have direct involvement. | | Mr. Irons had been arrested under psychiatric evaluation as a result | | of the charges but released due to circumstantial evidence as well | | as his phenomenal academic standing. As such extreme cautions advised | | when dealed with him. | | | | | | Jack Hamilton | | Section Chief Internal Investigation | | United States Federal Police Department | | | | | | | |====================================== | | CHIEF'S DIARY | |====================================== | | | | September 23rd | | It's all over. Those imbeciles from Umbrella have finally done it... | | Despite all their promises, they've ruined my town. Soon the streets | | will be infested with zombies. I'm beginning to think that I may be | | infected myself. I'll kill everyone in town if this turns out to | | be true!!! | | | | September 24th | | | | I was successful in spreading confusion among the police as planned. | | I've made sure that no one from the outside will come to help. With | | the delays in police station, no one will have the chance to escape my | | city alive. I've seen to it personally that all escape routes from | | inside the precinct have been cut off as well. There are several | | survivors still attempting to escape through the lower levels, but | | I'll make sure no one gets out. | | | | September 26th | | | | I've had a change of heart about the remaining survivors inside | | the precinct. I've decided to hunt then down myself. I shot Ed in the | | back through the heart less than an hour ago. I watched him writhe in | | pain upon the floor in a pool of his own blood. The expression on his | | face was positively exquisite. He died with his eyes wide open, staring | | up at me. It was beautiful. I wonder if the mayor's daughter is still | | alive? I let her escape so I could enjoy hunting her down later...I'm | | going to enjoy my new trophy. Yes, frozen forever in the pose I choose | | to give her. | | | | | |====================================== | | INVESTIGATE REPORT ON P-EPSILON GAS | |====================================== | | | | This report demands immediately attention. The P-Epsilon gas has | | been proven capable of incapacitating all know B.O.W.s. As such, it has | | been designated for emergency usage in the event of a B.O.W. escape. | | Report based on data collected during the prior incidents indicate the | | potential for negative side effects. The P-Eplison has proven to weaken | | the B.O.W.s cellular functions. | | | | However, prolonged exposures will result in the creation of | | adaptive antibodies to the agent. Furthermore some species have been | | observed to absorb the P-Eplison gas as a source of nutrition and use | | the toxins extracted against anything that is a threat. Use of P-Eplison | | gas should be severally limited to extreme cases only. We strongly | | request the authority to re-evaluate the P-Eplison gas development | | system. We would like this re-evaluation take place immediately. | | | | | | 2nd R&D Room/Security Team | | | | | |====================================== | | SECRETARY'S DIARY A | |====================================== | | | | April 6th | | | | I accidentally moved one of the stone statues on the second floor | | when I leaned against it. When the chief found out about it, he was | | furious. I swear the guy nearly bit my head off, screaming at me never | | to touch the statue again. If it's that importantly, maybe they shouldn't | | have put it out in the open like that... | | | | April 7th | | | | I heard that all the art pieces from the chief's collection are | | rare items, literally worth hundreds of thousand of dollars. I don't | | know which is the bigger mystery: where he finds these tacky things, or | | where he's getting the money to pay for them. | | | | May 10th | | | | I wasn't surprised to see the chief come in today with yet another | | large picture frame in his hands. This time it was a really disturbing | | painting depicting a nude person being hanged. I was appalled by the | | expression on the chief's face as he leered at that painting. Why anyone | | would consider something like that to be a work of art is beyond my | | comprehension. | | | | | |====================================== | | SECRETARY'S DIARY B | |====================================== | | | | June 8th | | | | As I was straightening up the chief's room, he burst through the | | door with a furious look on his face. It's only been 2 months since I've | | started working here, but that was the second time I've seen him like | | this. The last time was when I bumped into that statue, only this time | | he looked even more agitated than ever. I serious thought for a moment | | that he was going to hurt me. | | | | June 15th | | I finally discovered that the chief has been hiding all along... | | If he finds out that I know, my life will be in serious danger. It's | | getting late already. I'm just going to have to take this a day at | | a time... | | | | | |====================================== | | MAIL TO CHIEF | |====================================== | | | | To: Mr. Brian Irons, | | Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept | | | | We have lost the mansion lab facility due to the renegade | | operative, Albert Wesker. Fortunately, his interference will no lasting | | effect upon our continued virus research. Our only present concern is | | the presence of the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members: Redfield, Valentine, | | Burton, Champer and Vickers. It comes to light that S.T.A.R.S. have any | | evidence to the activities of our research, dispose of them in a way | | that would like purely accidental. Continue to monitor their progress | | and make certain their knowledge does not go public. Annette will | | continue to be your contact throughout this affair. | | | | William Birkin | | | | To: Mr. Brian Irons, | | Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept | | | | I have deposited the amount of $10000 to the account for your | | services this term as per agreement. The development of the G-virus | | scheduled to replace the T-virus, is near completion. Once completed, | | I am certain that I will be appointed to be a member of the Executive | | board for Umbrella Inc. It is imperative that we proceed with caution. | | Redfield and the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members are still attempting to | | uncover information on the project. Continue to monitor their activities | | and block all attempts to investigate the underground research | | facilities. | | | | William Birkin | | | | To: Mr. Brian Irons, | | Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept | | | | We have a problem. I have received information informing me that | | Umbrella HQ has sent spies to recover my research on the G-virus. There | | are a number of unknown agents involved. They must not be allowed to | | take this project away from me as it represents my entire life work. | | Search the city thoroughly for any suspicious persons. Detain any such | | individuals by whatever means possible and contact me immediately | | through Annette. With these precautions, any possible threat should be | | eliminated. I will not allow anyone to steal my work on the G-virus. | | Not even Umbrella... | | | | William Birkin | | | | | |====================================== | | WATCHMAN'S DIARY | |====================================== | | | | August 11th | | | | I finally had the chance to see blue skies for the first time in | | ages, but did a little to lift my spirit. I was reprimanded by the | | chief for neglecting my duties while I was up on the clock tower. | | There's only one thing I still don't understand: the chief seemed more | | concerned about the fact that I was up on the tower rather than that | | I was neglecting my duties. Why was access to the tower prohibited in | | the first place anyway ? | | | | September 5th | | | | I recently talked to the old man who works in the scrap yard out | | back. His name is Thomas. He's a quiet man and really seems to enjoy | | chess. He even went so far as to design a special key and lock engraved | | with chess pieces on them for one of the doors in the disposal yard. | | We made plans to play chess tomorrow night. I can't help but wonder | | how good he is. One thing that's been bothering me about him is the way | | that he's always scratching himself...Does he have some sort of skin | | disease or is he rude? | | | | September 9th | | | | Thomas is a much better player than I has imagined. I used to | | think of myself as a fairly decent player, but he did a pretty good | | job of humbling me. About the only thing I imagine that could match his | | skills in chess is his appetite. All the guy did was talk about food | | throughout the entire game. He sounded fairly healthy, but he didn't | | look quiet right...I wonder if he's okay. | | | | September 12th | | | | I was supposed to play another game of chess with Thomas, but we | | had to cancel because he hasn't been feeling too well. He stopped by | | to see me, but I told him to go back and rest since he literally looked | | like the walking dead. He insisted he was just fine, but I could tell | | he was really having problems. Come to think of it, I haven't been | | feeling too good myself lately... | | | | | |====================================== | | SEWER MANAGER FAX | |====================================== | | | | User List of the Connecting Facility On the first and third | | Wednesday of the month, Angelica Margaret, chief of maintenance, will | | make use of the facilities. Be sure to reduce the moisture levels in | | the facility by activating the fan, as the equipment she will be using | | in susceptible to the effects or water vapours. On the 28th of every | | month, the chemical transporter Don Weller will use the facility. The | | chemicals he will be transporting are extremely volatile. Extreme | | caution should be observed throughout their transport. On the 6th and | | 16th of every month, police chief Brian Irons will visit the facility | | to attend the regular meeting that take place in the lab. On the 4th | | Friday of every other month, William Birkin will use the facility to | | conduct a training seminar for the Chicago branch of Umbrela Inc. as | | the probability of an attack upon William Birkin will be high, take | | every measure conceivable to guard his life. You will be informed | | of all other potential visitors and times they will arrive as needed. | | Guide these individuals to their destination safely. We expect nothing | | but the best for you. | | | | Charles Coleman | | Secretary Chief | | Umbrella Headquarters | | | | | |====================================== | | SEWER MANAGER'S DIARY | |====================================== | | | | June 28th | | | | It's been a while, but I saw Don today and we talked after | | completing our work. He told me he had been sick in bed until yesterday. | | It really doesn't come as much of a surprise given how long he's been | | working here. He was sweating like a horse and kept scratching his body | | while we were talking. I asked if he was hot, but he just looked at me | | funny. What's wrong with him anyway? | | | | July 7th | | | | Chief Irons has been visiting the lab quite often lately. I don't | | know what he's doing over there but he always looks grim. The expression | | on his face has been even more unsettling than usual... My guess is that | | it's because of Dr. Birkin's impossible requests. The chief has my | | sympathies though. After all he's done for the town, he doesn't deserve | | this. | | | | July 21st | | | | I rarely drink because I'm on the graveyard shift, but I don't | | suppose I have much to complain about it since this is how I make my | | living. August 16th Chief Irons came in late today, looking grimmer | | than his usual self. I tried to joke with him to cheer him up but he | | wasn't amused. He pulled his gun and threatened to shoot me! I was able | | to calm him down, but that guy must have some serious problems. He knows | | he can't enter the lab without my help and my medal. This is what it | | means for the chief "to serve and protect" !? | | | | August 21st | | | | William informed me that the police and media have begun their | | investigation on Umbrella's affair. He said that the investigation will | | be citywide and that there is a possible they'll even search through | | the sewer. He asked me to suspend all Umbrella sewer facility operations | | until the investigation has concluded. The sewer will still be used for | | passage, but he stressed that I have to be extremely cautions and that | | I'd lose my job if anyone finds out about this operation. | | | | | |====================================== | | LABORATORY SECURITY MANUAL | |====================================== | | | | -Security measure in case of an emergency- | | | | In the instance of an uncontainable biohazardous breakout, all | | security measures will be directed toward the underground transport | | facility. In the instance that any abnormalities are detected among | | cargo it transit, designated high-speed train. At which point, all | | materials will be isolated and disposed of without delay. In the instance | | of a Class 1 emergency, the entire train will be purged and disposed | | of without delay. In the instance that the lab itself becomes | | contaminated, the northern most route currently used to transport | | materials to and from the facility will be designated as | | an emergency escape route. This route will secure passage to the | | relay point outside the city limits. Disclosure about any information | | regarding research conducted here, or the existence of this facility, | | is strictly prohibited. Since it is top priority to keep all research | | classified, escape access may be denied under certain extenuating | | circumstances. | | | | | |====================================== | | USER REGISTRATION | |====================================== | | | | Temporary User Registration for the Culture Experiment Room. | | | | User Name: "GUEST" | | Password: None | | Valid for 24 hours. | | | | | |====================================== | | INSTRUCTION FOR SYNTHESIS OF THE | | G-VIRUS ANTIGEN : G-VACCINE CODE | | NAMED "DEVIL." | |====================================== | | | | Any beings infected by the G-virus will reproduce through the | | impregnation of an embryo within another living being. Unless rejected | | by the host, the embryo will undertake a process of gradual cellular | | invasion, infecting the host's cells on a molecular level as it rewrites | | their DNA. Once the metamorphosis is complete, the host will be capable | | of continuing this cycle of self-replication. The duration of time for | | the process to run its course will vary from subject to subject. In the | | early stages of cellular invasion, it is possible to hart progression of | | the metamorphosis through the administration of the G-vaccine antigen. | | The following procedure details its synthesis. The vaccine creation | | requires the base vaccine. | | | | This can be arranged by the activator VAM. First set the empty | | cartridge to the VAM and activate it. After the several moments the | | process will be complete and the white-color base vaccine will be set | | in the cartridge automatically. Then confirm the green light is on, | | remove the cartridge and proceed to the next step. Once the base vaccine | | has been prepared, set it in the vaccine synthesis machine located in | | the P-4 level experiment room. The machine is fully automated and only | | requires the user to push the sequence start switch. At this point, the | | program will run automatically and synthesis will be complete within | | approximately 10 seconds. As the synthesis of DEVIL is an extremely | | delicate process, the quality will vary with slight shocks or changes | | in temperature. Careful handling is required for the proper results. | | | | | | | | | | ==================================================================== | | E X - F I L E S (Exclusive to N64) | | ==================================================================== | | | | | |====================================== | | Brad's Note | |====================================== | | | | No!! It's that monster in the black suit again! Why does that | | thing keep chasing me?! What did I do? This must be someone's sick | | idea of a joke. If I knew things were going to end up like this, I | | would have left the S.T.A.R.S. team a long time ago. But whining won't | | help me now. I know I'm finished... | | | | Oh... In my hometown Delucia, I bet the flowers are in bloom. | | If I could only see them once more before I die... | | | | | | Brad Vickers | | | | | |====================================== | | Chris' Report | |====================================== | | | | Dear Chief, | | | | Below is my account of what led up to the explosion of the mansion: | | | | On July 23rd, S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team, led by Captain Marini, went | | to investigate the bizarre homicides that occurred in the Arklay | | Mountains. After contact with team's chopper was lost, S.T.A.R.S. | | Alpha team, lead by Captain Wesker went in. | | | | We found the remains of Bravo team's helicopter on the ground. | | After landing we were immediately attacked by bloodthirsty dogs. We | | later discovered that these dogs were actually zombie dogs as they did | | not even feel our gunfire. After Joseph Frost was killed, we were forced | | to retreat to a nearby mansion. After further investigating the | | mansion, we learned that it was actually a secret laboratory of | | Umbrella Inc.. All researchers were turned into zombies by some type | | of unknown virus. We also discovered that Umbrella was using that lab | | has a testing area for new Bio Organic Weapons. | | | | We found the dead bodies of some of the Bravo team members | | including Enrico Marini, Kenneth Sullivan, Forest Speyer, and Richard | | Aiken. We believe that those Bio Organic Weapons caused their deaths. | | After that we discovered that Captain Wesker was actually working with | | Umbrella and that both Alpha and Bravo teams were being used as live | | test subjects for the Bio Organic Weapons. Wesker had betrayed us! We | | barely managed to survive that nightmare. However, since the mansion | | exploded, there is no evidence to support our claims of Umbrella's | | secret lab or the Bio Organic Weapons. | | | | The zombie phenomenon that has been occurring in the city is | | extremely similar to the zombies we saw at the mansion. We suspect | | that Umbrella is somehow linked to all this. In order to solve this | | mystery and put an end to the zombies that are roaming the city, I | | propose we launch a formal investigation into Umbrella. Thank you for | | your attention to this extremely important matter. | | | | | | Chris Redfield | | S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Dario's Memo (Originally from RE3) | |====================================== | | | | I can't help but wonder if anyone will read these words, but | | writing them will help me maintain my sanity if nothing else. After | | I've become a meal for those undead monsters, will the G.I.s responsible | | for sealing off the town laugh upon discovering my corpse? So is | | this how it's supposed to end? I don't want to die. I'm just not | | ready... | | | | My wife, daughter, mother... My entire family has been killed. | | But none of that matters anymore. Right now, my life is the only | | important thing. That's all that matters. I never would have pictures | | my end to be like this. I had so much left to do. Rather than becoming | | a salesman, I should have tried my hand at being a novelist. It's what | | I've always wanted, but my mother would only tell me you have a long | | way to go. | | | | Why did I ever listen to her? But this looks like the end for the | | great Dario Rosso, novelist extraordinaire. Cut down before his prime... | | | | | | | |====================================== | | David's Memo (Originally from RE3) | |====================================== | | | | My sanity is at its end... I still can't believe this is happening. | | We lost another man yesterday. Meyer; one of our better marksmen. | | He saw me panic once we were overrun by the zombies but he came back | | to save me. But when the time to return the debt, I ran. I can | | still hear him calling out my name. I can still hear the screams | | coming from behind. The sound of his flesh being stripped from its | | bones. I was afraid... terrified... It's the 27th. The fight to stay | | alive continues. I took out several zombies who managed to break | | through the barricades. Now I'm cutting through the chill with | | whisky, unloading my Mossberg on anything undead. That shotguns become | | a close friend of mine. I've blasted many a zombie into fertilizer | | with it. | | | | We've lost 13 men as of yesterday. In 3 hours, we'll bicker | | over trivial things in the meeting room. It's a total waste of time. | | When I finish this bottle, my old friend Mossberg will be turning | | one last body into fertilizer. | | | | Peace at last. | | | | I can hardly wait... | | | | | |====================================== | | Jill's Note | |====================================== | | | | It all began as an ordinary day in September. An ordinary day in | | Raccoon City. A city controlled by Umbrella. No one dared to oppose | | them. That and the lack of strength would ultimately lead to their | | destruction. I suppose they had to suffer the consequences of their | | actions, but there would be no forgiveness. If only they had had the | | courage to fight... | | | | But it's true that once the wheels of justice began to turn, | | nothing could stop them. Nothing! | | | | It was Raccoon City's last chance... | | | | And my last chance, my last escape... | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Jill's Report | |====================================== | | | | July 24th, 1998 | | Raccoon Forest: The following documents were obtained at a sanitarium | | owned by Umbrella Corp.: | | | | "Umbrella Bio Organic Weapon Publicity Material" Div. | | | | Code: MA-39 Cerberus Dev. | | Code: MA-121 Hunter Dev. | | Code: FI-3 Neptune Dev. | | Code: T-002 Tyrant | | | | In addition to the above, it is believed that several other B.O.W. | | were created by means of accidental infection. During the course of | | the tests. It was discovered that the contagion is not limited to | | human beings, and may pose a hazardous risk to plant and animal life | | forms. Effective means of controlling this contagion have yet to | | be found. | | | | | | Raccoon City Police Department | | S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team | | Jill Valentine | | | | | | | |====================================== | | MA121 Progress Report | |====================================== | | | | As a result of the scheduled product improvement plans for the | | MA120, productions of the latest multi Purpose B.O.W. MA121-Hunter | | has been completed. Although the Hunter has demonstrated high | | performance exceeding expectations as a B.O.W., in the interest of | | producing improved products with higher levels of usability and | | enhanced power, Hunter-R and additional enhanced B.O.W.s are currently | | under development. There should be no shortage of practical | | applications for current products under development. | | | | | | William Birkin | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Mercenary Log (Originally from RE3) | |====================================== | | | | September 1st, | | | | Following six months of intensive training, my body's edge had | | returned. I was a good soldier, but they ordered my execution with no | | reason given. I was tortured and forced to give a false confession. But | | on the morning of my execution, a miracle happened. The company had | | helped me out, giving me a second lease on life. | | | | September 15th, | | | | I ended my vacation short and returned to the HQ office. It looks | | like my IBCS unit's been called into action. Umbrella maintains its | | own paramilitary unit to counter corporate terrorism and V.I.P. | | abduction. In addition, they have nightmen who specialize in handling | | problems cause by illegal products. I'm currently a member of the latter. | | | | September 28th, | | | | Dawn's here, but we're still slogging through this nightmare. There | | are no provisions of any kind here. The undead walk the streets | | feeding upon the flesh of the living. Given the choice again, I would | | rather have been executed. Death row was a heavenly asylum compared to | | this place. I've chosen to pull the trigger myself, in the hope that | | my dead body won't come back to life. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Mother Virus Report | |====================================== | | | | The Mother Virus was first discovered by Ozwell E. Spencer. And | | it was him, who founded Umbrella Inc. As time passed, Spencer's research | | was succeeded to Dr. J. Marcus. However, Dr. Marcus abused his power | | and had to be fired. Following Dr. Marcus came Dr. William Birkin. | | Dr. Birkin's experiments delivered many outstanding results including | | the T-virus. It is presumed that that he will be finishing work on the | | more powerful G-virus in the near future. Currently, research on the | | Mother Virus takes place at our laboratories all over the world. In | | the near future, we hope to discover many new viruses. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Operation Instructions | |====================================== | | | | | | Orders for Special Agent HUNK are as follows: | | | | Penetrate Umbrella research facility located outside of Raccoon City. | | | | Recover G-virus sample from Mr. William Birkin. You are authorized | | to use any means necessary to secure this sample. | | | | Upon recovery, sample is to be delivered to Loire Village. | | Failure on this mission is not an option. | | | | | | French Division | | R&D Facility Head Manager | | Christine Henri | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Raccoon Pamphlet | |====================================== | | | | Hello and welcome to Raccoon City! As you will notice, our city | | is a clean and private town dedicated to families. Raccoon City has | | partnered with our friends at Umbrella Inc., in order to generate | | unprecedented growth and stability. Umbrella Inc. is a highly regarded | | and well funded corporation that cares aboutits employees. They have | | helped to create many public facilities to make this city a better | | place for everyone. As we look to the future, I will continue to | | support Umbrella Inc. in terms of new business developments. | | | | Please enjoy your stay in my lovely city. | | | | Thank you!! | | | | Michael Warren | | Raccoon City Mayor | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Rebecca's Report | |====================================== | | | | On July 23rd, an MP vehicle was found inside the Arklay Mountains. | | Corpses of MP members and an unidentified body were found near the | | vehicle. According to the information from military authorities, the | | unidentified body was identified as former ensign Billy [Coen], who | | was sentenced the death penalty following a court-martial on July 22nd. | | | | While [Coen] was on transfer via Navy MP escort, they must have | | experienced some kind of accident. The corpses were severely mauled, | | apparently torn apart by unidentified wild animals. The following day | | we returned to the location to recover the bodies but they were nowhere | | to be found. Military authorities haverequested that we turn over | | [Coen]'s body as proof of his death, but due to the circumstances | | described above, it will be a difficult task to recover the corpse. | | I am requesting that this case be temporarily closed until further | | notice. | | | | | | Raccoon City Police Department | | S.T.A.R.S. [Alpha] Team | | Rebecca Chambers | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Reporter's Memo | |====================================== | | | | As I write this, my hands shake with anger and fear. The civilians | | of this town have been blockaded by the military. And though I sigh | | for the survivors of the town, I still feel that it's the best decision. | | They cannot take the chance of the disease spreading any further. | | I am going to make it my top priority to discover what has caused | | this incredibly dangerous incident. So far, I have only found out that | | the disease is not airborne. | | | | | |====================================== | | Robert's Note | |====================================== | | | | How could this have happened, Barry? The town's been overrun by | | zombies and has literally become a nightmare on Earth. As you know, | | my concern for the town is as great as your own. I have waited for | | your arrival on the assumption you were still in the area, but the | | threat of my shop being overwhelmed by zombies has become too great. | | I've already distributed the majority of weapons and ammo to the | | town's survivors including the Raging Bull you specially ordered. | | I hope you understand, given the circumstances. At any rate, I have | | no intention of pointlessly sacrificing my life and will be retreating | | to Stoneville. If you get this message, meet me there. We'll go | | fishing... | | | | | | Robert Kendo | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Umbrella Memo | |====================================== | | | | Dear Dr. Birkin, | | | | It has come to my attention that we are currently experiencing | | a shortage of APL-14. To counteract this problem I am asking you and | | several other labs to donate five cases of APL-14 to our facility | | immediately. For your information, we have discovered, that our base | | in the South Pole is primarily responsible for this shortage. We are | | currently taking steps to prevent this from happening in the future. | | And don't worry, the Ashford's reputation is now irreparably tarnished. | | Your quick response is greatly appreciated. | | | | | | Regards, | | | | Joel Allman | | Vice President | | USA Branch | | September 15 | | | | | |====================================== | | Wanted Ad | |====================================== | | | | NEW POSITIONS AVAILABLE!! | | Umbrella Inc. Raccoon Branch FULL TIME (Includes benefits). | | | | WHO ARE WE? | | As the number one pharmaceutical corporation in the world, we | | are constantly reaching for new ways to expand and grow. | | | | WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? | | We're looking for healthy, dedicated, and single individuals of | | any race, religion, or sex. | | | | POSITIONS AVAILABLE: | | Sales, Service, Production, etc. Requirements: No Experience | | needed, but you must have a clean bill of health. | | | | Overseas positions are also available! | | (Please note this on your application.) | | | | | | ==================================================================== | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| 5.4 ______________________________ / ============================ \ / R E S I D E N T E V I L 3 \ __/ (Last Escape / Nemesis) \______________________________________ | ============================ \ | | |====================================== | | Game Instructions A | |====================================== | | | | We hope to improve your chances to survive! | | | | Shooting Objects: | | | | You may get different reactions from shooting objects, such as | | oil drums and bombs. | | * Press the R2 button to aim directly at these objects. | | | | Quick Turn: | | | | You can perform quick 180 degrees turns. | | * Press the Run button while retreating. | | | | Emergency Escape: | | | | When you're trapped by enemies, you can push them away to escape. | | * Press the Directional buttons, Action button, Cancel button, Run | | button, R1, R2 and L1 buttons rapidly. | | | | Emergency Dodging: | | | | Just before an enemy attacks, you can perform a dodge move to evade it! | | * Press the R1 or R2 buttons. | | * Press the Action button while aiming. | | | | Getting on/off an Object: | | | | You can get on or off certain objects that appear in the game. | | * Press the Action button while you are moving forward to the edge | | of an object that you wish to get on or off. | | | | Map: | | | | Press the L2 button to view the map. | | * You can zoom in or out of the map by pressing the Action button. | | * While the map is zoomed in, use the Directional buttons to move | | the screen. | | * Press the Select button to switch between maps. | | | | Live Selection: | | | | At certain points in the game, the screen fades into B&W. | | At these points, you will be prompted to choose between two different | | options. | | * Use the Directional buttons to move between the options and use | | the Action button to make your decision. | | | | Event Cancel: | | | | It is possible to skip certain scenes. | | * Press the Select button to skip these scenes. | | | | | |====================================== | | Game Instructions B | |====================================== | | | | Ammunition Creation System: | | | | To create various ammunition, you need to use the "Reloading Tool" | | and "Gun Powder." | | | | Reloading Tool: | | | | This is a necessary item if you want to create different types of | | ammunition. By combining the Gun Powder and Reloading Tool, various | | type of ammunition will be created. | | | | Gun Powder: | | | | Mix materials to create various types of amunition. There are | | three type of basic Gun Powders : A, B and C. Please note that | | Gun Powder C is created by mixing A and B types. | | | | How to Mix Gun Powders: | | | | You can create various kinds of bullets by mixing the different | | Gun Powders. There are 13 different kinds of Gun Powders in all. | | | | Example: | | A: Hand Gun Bullets | | B: Shotgun Shells | | C: Grenade Rounds | | A + C: Grenade Flame Rounds | | B + C: Grenade Acid Rounds | | C + C: Grenade Freeze Rounds | | C + C + C: Magnum Bullets | | | | Mixing Gun Powder with Grenade Rounds: | | | | If you combine a certain type of Gun Powder with Grenade Rounds, | | special types of Grenade Rounds will be created. | | | | Mixing Level Improvement: | | | | If you repeatedly create the same kind of ammunition, your skill | | will be improved, and you will be able to create more powerful | | ammunition. | | | | | |====================================== | | Clock Tower Postcard | |====================================== | | | | A picture postcard of a clock tower. | | | | The following explanation is printed on the backside: | | | | "A landmark spot: Saint Michael Clock Tower." | | | | | |====================================== | | Photo A | |====================================== | | | | The policeman are pressing forward. | | | | It's dated "September 27. | | | | | |====================================== | | Marvin's Report | |====================================== | | | | "Report" | | | | September 24th, | | | | There are reports of a theft in the municipal building before | | dawn. A jewel decorated clock at the main gate was damaged. Two of | | twelve gems that are installed on the face of the clock are missing. | | Due to lack of available officers at this time, I have no choice | | but to suspend the research of this case. | | | | | | Signed, | | | | Marvin Branagh | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | "Report" | | September 26th, | | | | Based upon an autopsy report of a 42 year old restaurant owner, | | I have discovered that he has one of the missing gems. He apparently | | took shelter in the police department at about 10 am, where he was | | shot to death within 10 minutes of having developed the symptoms. | | Since the city is currently under martial law, we are forced to | | suspend this case. At this time, we'll keep the gem as evidence. | | | | | | Signed, | | | | Marvin Branagh | | | | | |====================================== | | David's Memo | |====================================== | | | | My sanity is at its end... I still can't believe this is happening. | | We lost another man yesterday. Meyer; one of our better marksmen. | | He saw me panic once we were overrun by the zombies but he came back | | to save me. But when the time to return the debt, I ran. I can | | still hear him calling out my name. I can still hear the screams | | coming from behind. The sound of his flesh being stripped from its | | bones. I was afraid... terrified... It's the 27th. The fight to stay | | alive continues. I took out several zombies who managed to break | | through the barricades. Now I'm cutting through the chill with | | whisky, unloading my Mossberg on anything undead. That shotguns become | | a close friend of mine. I've blasted many a zombie into fertilizer | | with it. | | | | We've lost 13 men as of yesterday. In 3 hours, we'll bicker | | over trivial things in the meeting room. It's a total waste of time. | | When I finish this bottle, my old friend Mossberg will be turning | | one last body into fertilizer. | | | | Peace at last. | | | | I can hardly wait... | | | | | |====================================== | | Fax from Kendo Gun Shop | |====================================== | | | | To the boys of S.T.A.R.S., | | | | I have some good news for you from my brother Joe. He has finalized | | the new hand-gun for official use. It's the M92F S.T.A.R.S. Special, | | but he call it the "Samurai Edge." It's the most balanced of the | | Kendo custom guns. Joe said, if you miss the targets with this, you | | should carry a teething ring instead of a gun in your holster.goods | | will be delivered along with their proper documentation. I'm sure | | you'll be surprised when you see what kind of excellent parts are | | used for the M92F. I know that you'll want to thank the good people | | who developed it. | | | | | | Sincerely, | | | | Robert Kendo | | Kendo Gun Shop | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Mercenaries Diary | |====================================== | | | | September 1st, | | | | Following six months of intensive training, my body's edge had | | returned. I was a good soldier, but they ordered my execution with no | | reason given. I was tortured and forced to give a false confession. But | | on the morning of my execution, a miracle happened. The company had | | helped me out, giving me a second lease on life. | | | | September 15th, | | | | I ended my vacation short and returned to the HQ office. It looks | | like my IBCS unit's been called into action. Umbrella maintains its | | own paramilitary unit to counter corporate terrorism and V.I.P. | | abduction. In addition, they have nightmen who specialize in handling | | problems cause by illegal products. I'm currently a member of the latter. | | | | September 28th, | | | | Dawn's here, but we're still slogging through this nightmare. There | | are no provisions of any kind here. The undead walk the streets | | feeding upon the flesh of the living. Given the choice again, I would | | rather have been executed. Death row was a heavenly asylum compared to | | this place. I've chosen to pull the trigger myself, in the hope that | | my dead body won't come back to life. | | | | | |====================================== | | City Guide | |====================================== | | | | City Guide | | The Tracks of Our City | | | | Dear citizens, | | | | Thanks to kind and generous people of Umbrella Inc., this is a | | peaceful and friendly city. The vast donations from Umbrella Inc., have | | been used for welfare work, the constructions of public utilities, and | | to help maintain public peace. | | | | In 1992, it was my fifth year as mayor of our beautiful city. | | It was then that through many donations and hard work our city was able | | to rebuild the municipal building, create a state of the art hospital. | | | | In honor of these fine accomplishments, I was awardded with a grand | | statue that same year. The statue rests in the municipal building. | | | | I came to this city as an engineer more than 35 years ago. I made | | contributions to the electric systems, and to the installation of the | | cable car. I pledge to follow the tradition of this fine city and will | | devote my life to it's prosperity. | | | | | | The mayor of the city, | | Michael Warren | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Photo B | |====================================== | | | | A close-up shot of a zombie. | | | | It says, "SCOOP!" on the backside. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Photo C | |====================================== | | | | The police have been destroyed. | | | | (That's the photo) | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Reporter's Memo | |====================================== | | | | At last I have found the evidence I need to prove that the | | "cannibal disease" is indeed happening in this city. One man actually | | ate people to death. He was like a savage animal tearing away a new | | flesh. It was completely disgusting. I have heard rumors that many | | people are also suffering from this disease now. However, the causes | | of the disease is not yet known. Is this another mystery of the | | present disease? I will have to check on it... | | | | They have placed Raccoon City under martial law because of the | | cannibal disease. I have lost contact with the media outside of the | | city, but I won't keep my eyes shut and walk away. I have a duty to | | the people and my profession. I don't think the disease has spread | | nationwide yet. I believe that this city holds the key to its creation | | and cure. In fact, I'm sure of it. | | | | The military has setup blockades around the city to keep people | | from escaping and spreading the disease. Most of the citizens have | | either died or have come in contact with the disease. I know that it | | is the right decision to quarantine the city, but I can't help but | | pity myself. If I am infected or eaten, it doesn't matter. My fate | | is already sealed. All I have left is my journalism. | | | | I won't give up until I solve the mystery of this deadly disease. | | I have just discovered that the disease is not spread through the air, | | but by some other means. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Mechanic's Memo | |====================================== | | | | I know that you're intimidated by your new job Kevin, so let me | | tell you how to make sure that you and your trains get along just fine. | | You see, these carriages were made in 1968, and then imported from | | Europe. Sometimes they get rickety, but they still work because they | | are simple, stubborn, and strong. We can always depend on them. If | | they have a bad day and are malfunctioning, you'll need to take a good | | look at their circuits for any trouble. Once you discover what's wrong, | | you'll be able to fix it easily. | | | | I'm sure that you'll be able to avoid those nasty little | | malfunctions if you check the parts every day. These old trains will | | surely have problem if you don't remember to check them out. Just | | remember that if you need to replace anything, you have to choose a | | suitable part. When I say suitable, I mean that even if you can't find | | another original part, you'd better find something that works good | | enough. Even with regard to oil, you must always prepare good quality | | oil for these trains. Never forget kevin that a man may betray others, | | but a machine won't. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Manager's Report | |====================================== | | | | Before you begin your new position, please allow me to give you | | some advice. | | | | Some of the medicine in the storage room are unstable and their | | quality will deteriorate under changing temperatures or humidity. | | Therefore, you must remember to keep the temperature the same in the | | storage room at all times. You should personally check it everyday. | | Although the computer checks it around the clock, a machine is not | | perfect. Try and remeber that a machine is no more than a tool to be | | used by people. | | | | You must check all personnel coming and going to the storage room. | | Many dangerous drugs are stored there, f any of them are missing you | | have a serious problem on your hands. The door to the storage room | | is always locked, but when you let personnel into it, you will beed | | to have them hand in their documents. And above all else, remember | | that if you find anything suspicious, contact your boss immediately. | | | | If you forget the password to lock the door, try and remember that | | it is a word that everyone is familiar with. Don't forget that once a | | new product is shipped, the password will be updated again. You can | | always enter the password from the terminal of the PC for administration. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Business Fax | |====================================== | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | "Order Sheet" | | | | The liquid medicine named VT-J98 is suitable to culticate the | | NE-T type virus. Therefore, we will need to order additional | | quantities of it. | | | | | | U.E. Sixth Laboroatory | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Dario's Memo | |====================================== | | | | I can't help but wonder if anyone will read these words, but | | writing them will help me maintain my sanity if nothing else. After | | I've become a meal for those undead monsters, will the G.I.s responsible | | for sealing off the town laugh upon discovering my corpse? So is | | this how it's supposed to end? I don't want to die. I'm just not | | ready... | | | | My wife, daughter, mother... My entire family has been killed. | | But none of that matters anymore. Right now, my life is the only | | important thing. That's all that matters. I never would have pictures | | my end to be like this. I had so much left to do. Rather than becoming | | a salesman, I should have tried my hand at being a novelist. It's what | | I've always wanted, but my mother would only tell me you have a long | | way to go. | | | | Why did I ever listen to her? But this looks like the end for the | | great Dario Rosso, novelist extraordinaire. Cut down before his prime... | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Operation Instruction | |====================================== | | | | Order for UBCS Echo Team : | | | | Wipe out the downtown area of the infestation and then evacuate | | the remaining citizens to the clock tower. Among the civilians, remember | | to give priority to the employees of Umbrella's affiliates. Remember to | | stay alert because the infected have a high endurance rate and will | | strike without hesitation. | | | | Evacuation Procedure : | | | | 1. Once the mission is complete, or when it becomes too impossible to | | accomplish, evacuate immediately. | | | | 2. We'll deploy a helicopter that is waiting in the suburbs, to the | | yard in front of the clock tower. | | | | 3. When you are ready for evacuation, ring the bell of the clock tower | | to signal the helicopter. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Art Picture Postcard | |====================================== | | | | A picture of antique clocks. | | | | The following verse is printed. "Give your soul to the goddess. | | Put your hands together to pray before her." | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Mercenary's Pocketbook | |====================================== | | | | September 26th, | | | | It's only been there hours since the mission started, but the | | team is down to me and Campbell. The number of the zombies is far | | greater than we expected. There is no hope left for this city. We have | | already injected the antibody for the virus, but I'm not sure that it | | will work. I don't know if I will survive... | | | | September 27th, | | | | We managed to reach the clock tower. Out of desperation we robbed | | some wounded members of their weapons and used the surviving citizens | | as decoys. We were taught to do this in order to survive in the battle | | field, but I never enjoyed it. However, a girl showed up at the clock | | tower before me. She is one of the survivors. She looks just like my | | sister before she starved to death... | | | | September 28th, | | | | I wanted to evacuate as soon as possible, but the girl didn't. | | Her father insisted that he wouldn't leave the city. Where his beloved | | wife rests in peace. I really wanted to save the girl, but Campbell | | said, "All I care about is our lives." That's how I felt before, but | | now... The clock tower has become a dangerous place and I don't want | | to make anymore mistakes... | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Director's Diary | |====================================== | | | | September 10th, | | | | These patients suffer from gangrene and congestion of their blood | | at first. Then their mind slowly deteriorates. In the end, there is | | nothing left on their mind. When that happens even mercy killing seems | | pointless. After all, they are already dead... This desease is unlike | | anything I have ever witnessed. Once the patient's mind is gone, they | | become flesh hunger monsters and act like wild animals who are on some | | type of bloodlust. | | | | September 18th, | | | | Another patient has been admitted to the hospital. He is showing | | symptoms of the first stages of the disease at this point, but... | | I haven't been able to sleep at all these past few days. I refuse to | | let these patients become "zombies." I am not just an ordinary citizen. | | I am a doctor. Even if I die, my clinical charts will contribute to | | finding a cure. | | | | September 26th, | | | | We lost most of the doctors and staff during the battle against | | the "zombie" patients. It's impossible to maintain the hospital under | | these conditions. And, I know that it's too late for me. I am beggining | | to feel that same itchy and hungry desire that all of my patients felt. | | It's too late for me... | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Photo D | |====================================== | | | | The zombies are walking. | | | | It says, "The effect of the T-virus" on the backside. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Medical Instruction Manual | |====================================== | | | | Umbrella Medical Service | | North America Division | | Douglas Rover | | | | In order to activate the synthesizer to cultivate the vaccine, | | please follow the procedure as detailed below: | | | | 1. Supply enough energy to the system. | | | | 2. Set the medium vase to the device. | | | | When the device is ready, you can start mixing the vaccine medium. | | To mix the vaccine, you will need to control the five levers. This | | will cause the two gauges to increase or decrease. If you adjust the | | two gauges so that they stop at the center, the vaccine medium will | | then be produced automatically. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Photo E | |====================================== | | | | The zombies are attacking. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Written Order | |====================================== | | | | Mission Requirements : Bravo 16 | | | | 1. Obtain and secure sample of all the information pertaining to | | this case. Observe and record combat data on the UBCS. | | | | 2. Destroy all the evidence including the medical facility that has | | the medical treatment data. | | | | 3. Check the guinea pig's ability to accomplish the mission. | | | | Once your mission is complete, evacuate the area. Remember that | | you must not help anyone who is not a supervisor, nor bring anything | | back that might be traced to where it belongs. | | | | | |====================================== | | Supervisor's Report | |====================================== | | | | The endurance ability of the contaminated guinea pigs is truly | | incredible. Even when shot in a vital area, they can sometimes survive | | for several days without taking care of the wound. However, after | | prolonged exposure to the virus, the guinea pigs' intelligence level | | decreases to that of an insect. Even though reviving the dead seems to | | disgusting, the virus may still be of use. If we inject the virus into | | our POWs and release them, they would return to their units and then | | turns into zombies. This plan may work well for us in the future. | | | | In certain areas, the virus seems to have caused the mutation | | of animals and plants. It may be difficult, but it'll make a good sample | | for the bio weapon development. I've heard that there is a giant | | alligator, but I have only encountered a giant creature moving under | | ground. I don't even want to imagine what creature spawned that monster. | | | | I encountered "NEMESIS." If I didn't know about it, I'd have been | | contaminated and would have become one of them by now. If it is still | | walking around the city, its mission is not yet over. S.T.A.R.S. members | | must be very tough, since they have survived until this point. However, | | they cannot hold out forever. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Fax from the H.Q. | |====================================== | | | | Attention. The Raccoon City project has veen abandoned. Our political | | maneuvering in the senate to delay their plans are now futile. All | | supervisors should evacuate immediately. The US army is going to | | execute their plan tomorrow morning. The city will be obliterated at | | daybreak for sure. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Manager's Diary | |====================================== | | | | April 25th, | | | | Today is my 30th birthday. I was transferred to this facility | | today. I am very happy because the work environment is very different | | from life in the university. | | | | May 14th. | | | | The disposal system has been completed. Using a special kind of | | gas, it can decompose the cells of the guinea pigs. We have to try | | this out before beginning practical usage of the system, since it is | | not 100% stable yet. | | | | May 20th, | | | | While I was checking the treatment room, the door shut, and I | | was locked inside. I couldn't get out for one hour. I guess even if | | you have the key card, it's useless when you are locked inside. | | | | June 7th. | | | | The guinea pigs we have to dispose of are increasing. The system | | is not working smoothly. The laboratory staff doesn't listen to my | | opinions and I am getting extremely frustrated. | | | | July 16th, | | | | We can't dispose of all the bodies and the quality of the liquid | | medicine is not good enough, either... | | | | July 29th. | | | | Though the function of the system decreases, the number of the | | bodies we have to dispose doesn't. The infection level has increased | | and the antibodies we are using is no match for the new mutation of | | the virus. Some of the workers have been infected by the disease. | | I have continued to work, but I always keep a gun with me. I must | | remember to save one bullet for me. I want to weep. I don't want to | | die here. I swear that I'll lose my mind if I imagine how painful | | the death will be... | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Security Manual | |====================================== | | | | "Security of the Plant" | | | | Since this plan is a facility under the disguise of a deserted | | factory, civilians will sometimes enter. If this should occur, do not | | hesitate to shoot them. If they choos to surrender, arrest and then | | transfer them to the laboratory as a guinea pigs. You will be rewarded. | | | | "Maintain of the Device" | | | | This entire plant is controlled by an epidemic prevention system. | | When contamination is detected in the treatment room or decomposed | | specimen pool, the plant will automatically be locked down for | | isolation. In that case, you must follow the manual to unlock it. | | If the contamination is over the limit, the whole system will | | automatically lockdown. Then, you must remain in the plant and wait | | for subsequent orders. Those who leave the facility without permission | | will suffer extreme consequences. | | | | | |====================================== | | Incinerator Manual | |====================================== | | | | The incinerator plant is one of the facilities that burns the | | disposable items which are sent from the laboratory. The incinerator | | burns the waste materials that cannot be decomposed at the treatment | | room. It also supplies electricity to the facility by a thermal power | | electricity generator. Part of the electricity is stored in the big | | battery installed in the facility's underground area. The electricity | | is used as an auxiliary power source. The auxiliary power circuit will | | be activated once the three "auxiliary circuit units" are properly | | placed in their sockets. In case the circuits are not connected | | automatically, a person can connect them manually to activate the | | system. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Classified Photo File | |====================================== | | | | In my opinion, I feel that it's too early to use this, "Paracelsus' | | Sword" in actual fighting. However, in order to acquire the G-Virus | | that Umbrella has developed, it will be a great help to us. | | | | The power of the "Rail Cannon" is satisfactory, but please note | | that it is still having a few remaining problem. | | | | | | | | Technology Division Colonel, | | | | Franklin Hart | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Jill's Diary | |====================================== | | | | August 7th, | | | | Two weeks have passed since that day. My wounds have been healed, | | but I just can't forget it. For most people, it's history now. But | | for me, whenever I close my eyes, it all comes back clearly. Zombies | | eating peoples flesh and the screams of my teammates dying. No, the | | wounds in my heart are not healed yet... | | | | August 13th. | | | | Chris has been causing a lot of trouble recently. What's with him? | | He seldom talks to the other police members and is constantly irritated. | | The other day, he punched Elran of the Boy's Crime department just for | | accidentally splashing Chris' face with coffee. I immediately stopped | | Chris, but when he saw me he just gave me a wink and walk away. I | | wonder what happened to him... | | | | August 15th, | | | | Midnight. Chris, who has been on a leave of absence for a | | "vacation," called me so I visited his apartment. As soon as I walked | | into his room, he showed me a couple of pieces of paper. They were part | | of a virus research report entitled as simply as "G". Then Chris told | | me that "The nightmare still continues." He went on to say that "It's | | not over yet." Ever since that day, he has been fighting all by himself | | without rest, without even telling me. | | | | August 24th, | | | | Chris left the town today to go to Europe. Barry told me that he | | would send his family to Canade and then he would follow Chris. I | | decided to remain in Raccoon City for a while because I know that the | | research facility in this city will be very important to this entire | | case. In a month or so, I'll be joining with then somewhere in Europe. | | That's when my real battle begins... | | | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| 5.5 ______________________________ / ============================ \ / RESIDENT EVIL: CODE VERONICA \ __/ ============================ \______________________________________ | \ | | |====================================== | | PLAYING MANUAL | |====================================== | | | | CHECK ALL ITEMS | | When you obtain a new item, always remember to look at it with the | | "Check" command on the status screen. Remember, it's always best to | | rotate the item so you can check it from different angles. | | | | TRY TO PUSH OBJECTS | | If you face an object and press and hold up on the directional | | button, sometimes you will be able to push it. You may find hidden | | rooms and items this way. | | | | USE THE QUICK TURN | | You can turn 180 degrees instantly by pressing the Cancel button | | while holding the directional button down. This is a very effective | | move when you attack an enemy and then want to turn around and run. | | | | USE THE MAP SCREEN | | When you are lost or are unsure of what to do, check the map screen. | | You can easily tell where you've been and can see which doors you have | | unlocked. | | | | CLIMB/DESCEND | | You can climb/descend some objects. To do this, face the object and | | then push the Action button. | | | | SECURITY BOXES | | The items you store in a Security Box in the prison cannot be | | accessed through an Item Box. Make sure you remove all important | | items from a Security Box before exiting a room. | | | | I CAN'T TAKE THE GOLD LUGERS FROM THE PROJECTION ROOM | | You cannot release the trap by yourself. After certain events occur, | | you will be able to release the trap and obtain the Gold Lugers. | | | | I CAN'T ENTER THE BIO-EXPERIMENT ROOM | | Once the shutter near the bio-experiment room shuts, you can't | | open it until the ventilation process completes due to the in-room air | | pollution problems. | | | | I CAN'T CLIMB THE LADDER IN THE BEDROOM | | You will need to place a pair of items onto the two music boxes. | | Then you will have to... | | | | I CAN'T SEND LOADS PROPERLY WITH THE SORTER | | The sorter judges which room each load will be sent to by an | | item that is posted on the load. You should check an already sorted | | load in the room you would like to send your load to and then... | | | | | | | |======================================== | | FAX ON THE FACILITY ACCESS APPLICATION | |======================================== | | | | Be sure to verify the content of the following facility access | | application form, and add the applicants' name to the expected | | visitor's list. | | | | Chief Prison Guard Room | | Paul Steiner | | | | I hereby apply for access permission for Prison Area D. | | | | Details follow, | | Visitor's name: Carl Grisham | | Purpose of Entry: Carrying in the following materials; | | | | 1. New product sample from Metal Industries Co: "TG-01". | | 2. Various daily commodities ordered by the prison. | | | | Note: | | 1. Will use a transportation truck. | | 2. "TG-01" sample will be stored in a designated briefcase. | | | | | |====================================== | | "TG-01" PRODUCT DESCRIPTION | |====================================== | | | | Thank you for your continued support and for our products. This | | time we have gathered our most advanced technologies, and have | | succeeded increating the unique anti-metal detection alloy "TG-01". | | | | -TG-01 features? | | 1. Cannot be detected by any metal detectors. | | 2. Cannot be pictured by roentgenography at the immigration check. | | 3. Lightweight, yet durable. We plan to develop various weapons | | utilizing this innovative new alloy. We enclosed a sample for | | you to review. We look forward to hearing from you regarding | | possible business opportunities. | | | | Metal Industries Co. | | Chief, Development Planning | | Carl Redhill | | | | | |====================================== | | USER'S MANUAL | |====================================== | | | | 3-D Duplicator User's Manual Our new product, the "3-D Duplicator" | | consists of two parts. | | | | 3-D Scanner Portion | | | | This portion scans the 3D object. Simply place the material that | | you want to have scanned onto the tray of the scanner. The scanned | | object will be processed into 3D data, which will be transferred to the | | duplicator portion. | | | | Duplicator Portion | | If you place the material you wish to have converted on the | | machine, you can begin conversion based on the 3-D data that was | | scanned portion. The conversion will be executed with complete data | | accuracy. The result will be an object precisely true to the original. | | | | | |====================================== | | MEMO ON THE PASS NUMBER | |====================================== | | | | The emergency lock system in the biology experiment room can be | | released with the four digit pass number. I hope you haven't forgotten | | about it already. I have just received an order from the system | | administrator requesting us to change the pass number periodically. | | What bothers me is that you often lose important memos, pass numbers, | | or even chemicals... So, in an attempt to solve that problem, I came up | | with an idea. | | | | You know the red human skeleton picture at the back of the biology | | experiment room? I have decided to use the number signed on the picture | | as the pass number. If you happen to lose the memo just use the | | picture. Well, I don't think you would ever need to use the emergency | | pass number anyway. But just in case, now you know. | | Take it easy Mr. Careless! | | | | | |====================================== | | MESSAGE TO THE NEW FAMILY | |====================================== | | | | Sir Alfred, | | | | Congratulations on your succession as master as the Ashford family. | | I hereby present you with an earthenware vase, according to the | | Ashford family tradition. As you may know, this tradition first began | | when a butler presented a golden teacup as a commemorative to Veronica. | | As founder of the Ashford family, her intelligence and beauty are | | legendary. | | | | The second and third, masters, Stanley and his son Thomas were also | | presented with similar teacups. It was their hope to achieve glory as | | Veronica did before them. The position as family master then shifted | | to Sir Thomas to his twin brother Sir Arthur. It then went to Sir | | Edward, your grandfather. That was when the Ashford family enjoyed it's | | golden age. It was also Sir Edward's achievement that established the | | large chemical enterprise, Umbrella Inc. | | | | However, when Sir Edward passed away, and your father Sir Alexander | | succeeded the position, the glorious Ashford family gradually began to | | sink... I sincerely hope that the Ashford family regains it's glory | | with your guidence, just as this vase continues to shine eternally. | | | | | | Ashford Family Butler, | | Scott Harman | | | | | |====================================== | | REPORT: ENHANCED ANTI-DECAY ALLOY | |====================================== | | | | Although we planned to utilize the enhanced anti-decay alloy | | called "Duploid" to create the storage capsule of the new B.O.W., we | | have had to cancel the plan. This is primarily based upon the fact that | | despite it's excellent resistance to all kinds of liquid including | | strong acid, it easily dissolves when soaked with a mixture of the two | | chemicals, "Clement a" and "Clement E". | | | | Due to the lethal nature of the new B.O.W., we cannot be too careful | | in choosing the material for their storage capsule. We have instead | | decided to use Duploid to create the plate portion of the "Eagle | | Plate", which shines in indigo-blue. | | | | CLEMENT INFORMATION | | | | The "a" type is used for gun maintenance and possesses no | | conspicuous characteristics. However, the E type will change its color | | to blue at a certain temperature. (It is an odd coincidence that the | | temperature is exactly the same as the date of completion of this | | training facility.) Based upon our analysis of the E type, we believe | | that Clement possesses more features. | | | | As new information is learned, we will update this file. | | | | | |====================================== | | PRISONER'S DIARY | |====================================== | | | | May 13th | | | | This room stinks of death. Based upon the information I've found, | | I believe that I'm far south of the equator. Lucky for me that Bob | | in the bunk below me, is one of those interesting types of guys... | | | | May 16th | | | | Today Bob told some crazy story of why he was put this place with | | me. Bob said that he used to be an attendant of the head of this place. | | This "boss" named Alfred supposedly placed him in here because of a | | tiny little mistake. What does that mean? What's going to happen to me? | | | | May 20th | | | | Without warning, a group of military men took Bob to the building | | behind the guillotine stand. At midnight, I'll sneak out of here to | | see him. I've been hearing that anyone taken to that building never | | comes back. On top of that, there are these REALLY large plastic bags | | being constantly being removed from that place. I'd better pray | | for Bob... | | | | May 21st | | | | I was wrong. I shouldn't have gone there. What is going on it | | there?! All I could here was some insanely creepy laughter and the | | sound of Bob screaming. I don't know what to do. I can't sto thinking | | about it... Is that going to happen to me?! I can't let it... | | I just can't... | | | | May 27th | | Since my last entry, all of my fellow inmates have been taken to | | that building! I know that I am next...It's obvious that we are all | | here to be used as Alfred's guinea pigs. There's no way out! What am | | I going to do?!... | | | | | |====================================== | | ANATOMIST'S NOTE | |====================================== | | | | There is a demon in my mind. I can't control the fierce impluses | | that the demon sometimes drives me to act upon. It is a brutal ceremony. | | With the demon next to me, I enjoy watching agonize in pain, screaming | | and convulsing repeatedly as they die... | | | | But, Sir Alfred was kind enough to acknowledge me, and has given | | me the facilities, the chemicals, and the "equipment" necessary to | | study everything. I must never betray Sir Alfred's kindness. It is | | especially critical that no one discovers the sacred place that only | | he and I know about. | | | | I swear the basement of this medical building will be kept secret. | | Of course, I keep the key to the sacred place with me at all times. | | Even if an outsider sees it, they will never be able to tell that it | | is the key. I must remember that my life ends when I lose Sir Alfred's | | trust. | | | | | |====================================== | | SECRETARY'S NOTE | |====================================== | | | | Four years have passed since I began serving Sir Alfred. He doesn't | | trust anyone! Even though I am his attendant, I am still strictly | | prohibited from entering his private house! What is his problem anyway?! | | They say he lives with his twin sister, Alexia in his private house | | on the hill. | | | | Occasionally, I've seen someone standing by the window of the | | house. It might have been Alexia, whose extreme beauty is often talked | | about. I once asked Sir Alfred about this, but it only enraged him. | | Even though I am his attendant. He will not show me any lenience. If | | I ask about her again, I could put my life at risk. After all, it is a | | mystery why he so desperately tries to keep his private life with | | Alexia a secret. | | | | Robert Dorson | | | | | |====================================== | | NEWSPAPER CLIP | |====================================== | | | | A 10 year old girl genius graduated at the top of her class, from | | a prestigious university. The international corporation, Umbrella | | Chemical Inc., offered the position of head researcher. | | | | | |====================================== | | MESSAGE CARD | |====================================== | | | | My dear brother, I firmly believe that the glory of the Ashford | | family will be revived through your courage and strength as an honored | | soldier. | | | | Yours faithfully, | | Alexia Ashford | | | | | |====================================== | | HUNK'S REPORT | |====================================== | | | | Attn: Mr. Alfred Ashford, head of the facility | | | | Today at 16:32, I arrived successfully from the Umbrella | | transport base with the large-scale B.O.W. capsule. Extreme care was | | taken during transport, and all 108 check points were confirmed | | condition "green" in accordance with standard procedures. It is | | currently being stored in a freezer. | | | | There's one thing that I don't understand. We are normally | | assigned to special missions. Why were we ordered to transport a | | frozen capsule this time? I understand that this may be classified as | | top-secret, but without knowledge of the contents, our safety could be | | at risk during this transport. This is especially important if the | | contents are potentially harmful. We would like to ask you provide us | | with more information, should we be assigned similar missions in the | | future? | | | | I still remember the good old days in the military training center. | | Nothing has changed since then. We will gear up for the next mission | | today at 23:00. | | | | Umbrella Special Forces Unit | | HUNK | | | | | |====================================== | | WORKER'S DIARY | |====================================== | | | | October 30th | | | | When I joined Umbrella Inc., I thought that I would be able to | | live care free for the rest of my life, being employed by this huge | | corporation. It's a joke that I ended up being a driver at a place | | like this. I asked for a position change, but they completely ignored | | me. It feels more like a prison! Work is extremely demanding, and | | there's nothing fun about it. I'd rather be dead! | | | | November 3rd | | | | My hard-earned vacation was canceled suddenly. I heard they | | failed to secure enough manpower due to a mistake made by the facility | | head, Alfred. That fool doesn't deserved forgiveness. He doesn't even | | treat us like human beings! | | | | November 5th | | | | I heard an interesting story from a guy who's been working here | | for 8 years. He must be awfully patient... He says that there is a | | man who has been confined for over 10 years, locked deep below here. | | People call him "Nosferatu" and are deathly afraid of him. What an | | absurd story! | | | | November 10th | | | | At midnight I woke up to an ominous growling sound that seemed to | | be coming from deep under ground...I'm so pathetic to have been | | frightened by such a foolish story. Then again, I suppose anyone would | | have a hard time maintaining their sanity if they were confined in a | | place like this! | | | | | |====================================== | | ALEXANDER'S MEMO | |====================================== | | | | My father, Edward, discovered the mother virus in cooperation with | | Lord Spencer, who was also a nobleman. They studied it for the purpose | | of military use. Eventually their study took shape. They named a | | variation of the mother virus, the "T-virus". To camouflage their | | research, they established Umbrella Chemical, Inc. I majored in bio | | genetics and have been involved with a top-secret project, supporting | | my father's research. | | | | However, my research went through a difficult phase, and my father | | died in the middle of the project. We are now at a major disadvantage | | against the other researchers, as there is great competition in the | | field of T-virus research. I have disgraced the honorable name of the | | Ashford family that out great ancestor Veronica established. If nothing | | is done, Umbrella will be taken over by Spencer. | | | | I must expedite the project to its fullest, without being detected | | by Spencer. After much thought, I decided to establish a large-scale | | advanced research facility. It will be located in the transport terminal | | that I created by using the abandoned mine in the Antarctic. Within | | the facility, I'll have a room built. It will be similar to the design | | of my mansion, the legacy of the late Trevor. | | | | I will be able to cherish my sweet memories there... For security | | purposes, this confidential project will be given a code name. It is | | the same name if the beautiful ancestor of the Ashford family, | | "Veronica" whom I wish to revive so badly. I am confident that the | | result of my research will be as glorious as her name, and that honor | | will be restored to the Ashford family again. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | BUTLER'S LETTER | |====================================== | | | | Sir Alfred, | | | | Please forgive me, as I must tell you of my abrupt departure by | | leaving this letter. I first served your father, Lord Alexander, and | | have for so long shared in the joys and sorrows of the Ashford family. | | Lord Alexander disappeared unexpectedly 15 years ago, then an accident | | during an experiment took the life of our dear Alexia. | | | | You were forced to become the master of the family at a very young | | age, and nearly lost your sanity from the sorrow of having lost all of | | your family members at once. There was nothing I could do, and I felt | | powerless. I first though that I should kill myself to apologize. I | | then realized that it would be an insult to our dear Lord Alexander | | and Alexia, in the other world... | | | | | | Scott Harman | | Butler, Ashford family | | | | | | | |====================================== | | CONFESSION LETTER | |====================================== | | | | Alexia, my sister, is a genius and possesses unmatched beauty. | | She is everything to me. I would overcome any obstacle and be willing | | to risk my life for her. For Alexia, I must revive the glorious Ashford | | Family which fell during the era of my father, Alexander. Together, we | | will restore our family name. Once that has been achieved, I'll build | | a palace where only nobles may gather. | | | | I cannot allow the unwashed to see my dear Alexia, to whom my | | life is devoted. She reigns the world as queen, with I as her servant. | | That is my dream, and how sweet it will be. Those accomplishments will | | be proof of my love toward Alexia. It is the purpose of my existence. | | All other people are meaningless, and they shall prostrate themselves | | before Alexia and I. | | | | | | | | Devoted to my beloved Alexia, | | Alfred Ashford | | | | | | | |====================================== | | SECRET PASSAGE NOTE | |====================================== | | | | The underground passage, which leads to the mansion where Alexia | | and I live, has been badly damaged. Although I can never allow the | | unwashed to see Alexia, I cannot go on using the underground waterway | | that those local people made, either. | | | | Oh yes...I think I'll have those prisoners build a bridge. It | | must be a gorgeous bridge that benefits the perfection that is Alexia. | | Of course, I must kill everyone who's involved in the construction of | | the bridge after it is done, so that no one will know about the | | existence of our mansion. | | | | But that is okay, as I have no problems executing such matters. | | Once the bridge is completed, I'll seal the mansion entrance door at | | the end of the underground waterway. The entrance of the waterway is | | locked by the diorama trick, ensuring the secrecy of our mansion. | | | | | | Alfred Ashford | | | | | | | |====================================== | | ALFRED'S DIARY | |====================================== | | | | January 30th | | | | There's a sealed room in the hallway located inside of the | | Antarctic facility. I don't know what is hidden there, but I do not | | know how to get in. I can use the three jewels that each one of our | | three members wear as proof of being legitimate descendant of the | | Ashford family. The only problem is, I do not know how I can gain | | possession of my father's proof. | | | | February 17th | | | | I finally succeeded in entering that sealed room. I never could | | have imagined that such an insane secret existed regarding the birth | | of both Alexia and myself... I hate my father. That fool, Alexander... | | Now it is obvious that we were merely created in an attempt to cover | | my father's blunder. I can never trust him again. I must regain the | | glory of the Ashford family with my sister. I have nothing to be | | afraid of, as long as Alexia is with me. | | | | March 3rd | | | | Alexia carried out the experiment on the human body that we've | | been talking about. Our useless father must be happy now, since he can | | finally contribute to the Ashford family. The only thing we should be | | careful about is that the butler, Harman, does not become wise to our | | activities. | | | | April 22nd | | | | The experiment resulted in failure. Our father was useless after | | all. Even worse, he turned into a dangerous monster that is completely | | out of control. We tied him down and locked him up in an underground | | prison cell. However, Alexia seems to be close to a solution. Beyond | | all my expectations, she now says that she wishes to conduct the | | experiment on her own body. On top of that, she feels she must be kept | | asleep for 15 years in order to accomplish the experiment. Thanks to | | that idiot, I can't see my dear Alexia for as long as 15 years. Alexia | | is going to sleep, with all of her trust relying upon me. Now, I am | | the only one who can protect Alexia. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | QUEEN ANT REPORT | |====================================== | | | | After discovering the remains of an ancient virus within the | | genes of a queen ant, I have been concentrating on the research of | | ants. The ecosystem of the ants seems truly ideal to me. There is one | | queen ant in each anthill, and the soldier and worker ants are the | | queen's slaves. They dedicate their lives to the queen. The death of | | the queen ant means the doom of the entire anthill. | | | | However, the soldier and worker ants can be easily replaced as | | long as the queen ant is alive. This is exactly the same relationship | | between myself and other ignorant masses. I have succeeded in creating | | an ideal virus by implanting the queen ant's gene into the mother | | virus that Spencer found. | | | | I used my otherwise useless father as a test subject. However, | | as I expected, the virus caused a rapid change in his cells, | | triggering the complete destruction of his brain cells and body flesh. | | Furthermore, a special type of poison gas was generated inside his body, | | that the blue herb had no effect against. | | | | Because of this, I created an antidote in case of an emergency, | | and stored it inside of the weapon/chemical warehouse on the B2 floor. | | I have decided to name this virus with unimaginable potential, the | | "T-Veronica" virus. When I find out how I can fully utilize the power | | of wonderful virus, my great research will finally be complete. | | | | | | Alexia Ashford | | | | | | | |====================================== | | VIRUS RESEARCH REPORT | |====================================== | | | | Work continues on the "T-Veronica" virus , which I extracted | | from the queen ant. The more research I conduct on it, the more I am | | impressed by how much potential it has. I have finally implanted the | | virus into my own body, and discovered how to fully utilize its power. | | | | I will avoid making the mistake that I made on my father. I will | | suppress the activity of the virus at an ultra-low temperature, so that | | my cells will change slowly. My calculations indicate that it will take | | 15 years before my body will gain immunity, and become able to coexist | | with the virus. Until then, I have no choice but to trust the capsule | | that I will be in, to that inept but loyal soldier ant who is my | | brother. | | | | For me to obtain unlimited power, some risks need to be taken. | | When I awaken, I will be the queen... And the "T-Veronica" virus will | | be unleashed upon the entire world by my children. Every last creature | | on earth will exist to serve me. At that time, the world will achieve | | the perfect ecosystem, just like an anthill, but on a much grander | | scale. | | | | | | Alexia Ashford | | | | | | | |====================================== | | D.I.J. DIARY (CVX VERSION) | |====================================== | | | | During a heavy squall, a girl in a red outfit was brought to this | | island of Rockfort. What could she have possibly done? | | | | I've been living here quite some time now, but many who are | | brought to this island seldom leave alive. | | | | Through the sounds of gun and fire, soldiers appeared. There was | | something going on. I went to the prison, but the girl in red was | | nowhere in sight. I hurried to the military training facility. The | | "man" of Rockfort was attacking her relentlessly. How stupid of me. | | | | I got too close and almost got myself smashed by the shutters. | | But, thanks to my natural agility, I was able to get out of the | | situation and get outside. | | | | Anyone other than me would not have been so lucky. | | | | Again, I was able to find the girl in red. | | | | There she was; in front of the residence. Then from behind her | | appeared a man with blonde hair. As he called her, he approached her | | in a friendly manner and started saying something to her... and it | | happened abruptly. | | | | The man in blonde hair started to hurt the girl in red. | | | | "I must save her." | | | | I thought to myself. But the man in blonde hair went away. Who | | was that blonde haired man? What did he want from the girl in red? | | | | The self-destruct announcement and emergency siren warned the | | end of Rockfort Island. I hurried to the hangar of the transport. | | The transport we were on took off as everything exploded into flames. | | | | With my neck risking effort, the girl kin red slammed the monster | | out into the open sky. Sure enough, she was a Valkyrie, a goddess of | | destruction. | | | | I couldn't believe it. The transport landed in Antarctica. And | | to top it all, the transport that landed before us spilled tons of | | the T-Virus and everything alive had already turned into zombies. | | | | If I stayed, there was no way I could stay alive. I had to find | | a way to get out of there, quickly. I parted with the girl in red. | | I started searching the base to see if there was anything I could use. | | | | As I was resting in the dark, someone was coming. Whatever it was, | | it was right there. The door suddenly closed and there was no escape. | | I kept slamming the doors. Then the door opened. I exploded out of | | there. But I was no chicken. I stopped to turn around and there she | | was, the girl in red, standing there looking at me. | | | | Where was this place? I was stuck in a room with an elevator and | | old cannon. Where was I supposed to go? I was stranded. I felt endless | | despair. | | Then that blonde man with the sunglasses appeared. He had the girl | | in an arm lock. Then a man in a black vest came running after them. | | The man in the black vest followed them. | | | | I also hurried to chase after them. It was a grueling fight. | | Was the man who also knew that girl a monster? The fight looked like | | it could last forever. | | | | Then suddenly there was an explosion, which interfered the fight. | | That was my last chance. I had to get out of there. I snuck through | | the hatch of the sub as it was about to close. | | | | Finally, I was released from the world of death and I was able | | to come back to a world where desire and power ruled. | | | | | | D.I.J. | | | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| 5.6 ______________________________ / ============================ \ / RESIDENT EVIL OUTBREAK \ __/ ============================ \_____________________________________ | \ | | | ==================================================================== | | O U T B R E A K | | ==================================================================== | | | | | |====================================== | | Newspaper | |====================================== | | | | 1/6 | | DAYLIGHT SLAYING? CLOUDS LOOM OVER RACCOON CITY | | R.P.D. announced it will set up a special joint investigation | | HQ for a serial murder case in which over 30 murders have already | | occured. | | | | 2/6 | | While there is no connection between suspects, the methods in | | which the victims were slain are all similar. | | | | 3/6 | | Ordering a joint investigation into the serial murders was the | | rational thing to do. The scale and the detail of the investigation | | has not yet been made public. | | | | 4/6 | | The authorities have been avoiding announcing any details of | | the cases. They are sticking with that stance to prevent any copycat | | crimes from occuring. | | | | 5/6 | | Rumor has it that a certain member of the press has obtained | | some information: | | | | The suspect was temporarily insane at the time of the incident. | | | | 6/6 | | Authorities continued to take a "no comment" stance on the | | factuality of these rumors. The case seems quite problematic. | | | | | |====================================== | | Diary of Bar's Staff | |====================================== | | | | 1/5 | | I hate the kids living in the next apartment. They sneak into | | this building via an accessway on the roof almost every day and cause | | so much trouble! | | | | 2/5 | | The day before yesterday, they closed the shutter on the 3rd | | floor while I wasn't looking. Because of that, I couldn't go to the | | roof to get a package I needed. | | | | 3/5 | | Then I get a good scolding from Jack. How ridiculous! It's not | | even my fault! | | | | 4/5 | | I can't remember how many times they broke the lock that holds | | the sign to the chain-link fence. However, I have welded it so that | | they will never be able to enter. | | | | 5/5 | | If they should break it, I will sue them for damaging my property. | | You better watch your butts, kids! | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Jack's Memo | |====================================== | | | | 1/3 | | To Cindy: | | Please bring the package from Robert's store to my room. I'm | | having lots of dangerous customers lately so I asked him to fix-up | | my gun. | | | | 2/3 | | I've had enough! Those muscle bound punks have shown up almost | | every night for a week. Tonight, I'll threaten them with my gun and | | turn them away. | | | | 3/3 | | P.S. | | There may be no space in my room for the package. If that's the | | case put it in the Drawing Room. | | | | | |====================================== | | Playing Manual 1 | |====================================== | | | | 1/13 | | *CAUTION!* Status Screen | | Other PCs and enemies do not pause while this screen is being | | accessed. Note: the screen will revert back to normal gameplay in the | | instance you are attacked. | | | | 2/13 | | *Note: Each button function will vary if you have altered the | | controller settings from their defaults. | | | | 3/13 | | [MOVE] | | Move your character with the directional buttons or the left | | analog stick. The D-pad maintains your character's direction. | | | | 4/13 | | [MOVE 2] | | When you use the left analog stick, your character turns and | | changes his/her direction. | | | | 5/13 | | [Aiming and attacking] | | Hold down the R1 button to aim. Press the X button while aiming | | to fire. Change firing directions by pressing any direction while | | aiming. Switch targets with the L1 button. | | | | 6/13 | | [Reloading part 1] | | You can reload your weapon either by combining your grun with | | the corresponding bullets in the status screen or by pushing the L1 | | button while your weapon is equipped. | | | | 7/13 | | [Reloading part 2] | | Reloading takes more time depending on the amount of bullets | | reloaded. There is an item which enables you to fully reload your | | weapon with one press of the L1 button. | | | | 8/13 | | [Special actions] | | In addition to standard actions such as walking and running, | | players can move over obstacles & climb ladders. Press the X button | | near various obstacles/ladders to climb them. | | | | 9/13 | | [Giving items] | | You can give an item to another player by choosing an item in | | the status screen and then choosing the "Present" command. | | | | 10/13 | | [Requesting items] | | You can request an item from another player by choosing another | | player's item from the status screen and then choosing the "Request" | | command. | | | | 11/13 | | ["Shouldering an injured teammate] | | Press the X button near an injured PC to lend him/her your | | shoulder as a crutch. Push the O Button to stop shouldering them. | | You can help dying PCs by shouldering them up as well. | | | | 12/13 | | [Ad-Lib Chat System] | | By pushing the [Square] button, the PC will speak a random | | line of dialogue based on the situation. THeir casual dialogue may | | give you a clue about what to do to clear the scenario. | | | | 13/13 | | [Fixed Chat Commands] | | You can communicate with other PCs by using the right analog | | stick. Use this feature to inform other PCs that you plan to assist | | them or if you need to call for their help. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Playing Manual 2 | |====================================== | | | | 1/13 | | [Character status] | | Check damage status via the ECG (Electrocardiogram) | | FINE ... Normal | | CAUTION ... Slightly wounded | | CAUTION ... Moderate wounds | | DANGER ... Seriously wounded | | | | 2/13 | | [Poison] | | If you get poisoned, your vitality gradually decreases as time | | passes. The electrocardiogram (ECG) will display the word | | while you are poisoned. | | | | 3/13 | | [Blood loss] | | If you get attacked and lose lots of blood, your movement speed | | slows, and your vitality decreases as you move. The ECG displays the | | word while you are losing blood. | | | | 4/13 | | [Virus gauge] | | The ivrus gauge on the status screen shows the player's virus | | infection rate. If it reaches 100%, the player dies regardless of | | his/her remaining vitality. | | | | 5/13 | | [Crawling part 1] | | If you receive too much damage, your player will start crawling | | on the floor. While you are crawling, you can't enter certain rooms | | and perform certain tasks. | | | | 6/13 | | [Crawling part 2] | | While you are crawling, your virus gauge increases at a much | | quicker rate than normal. To avoid having to crawl, you must a | | recovery item or have other PCs "shoulder" you up. | | | | 7/13 | | [Map part 1] | | View basic room information for any previously visited room by | | pressing the [Triangle] button to access the map. If you obtain a mpa, | | info on unentered rooms on that map is displayed. | | | | 8/13 | | Green Room-Rooms you've been to. | | Red Room-Currently occupied room. | | Yellow Door-Unexplored doors. | | Blue Door-Opened doors. | | Red Door-Unopened doors. | | | | 9/13 | | [Herbs part 1] | | Recover status ailments with herbs. | | Green Herb-Recovers your vitality. | | Blue Herb-Cures Poison. | | Red Herb-Amplifies the potency of a herb. | | | | 10/13 | | [Herbs part 2] | | Herbs can be mixed together. | | Ex: Green + Red = Mixed Herb | | There are many other ways to mix herbs so you can create herbs | | that have various new effects. | | | | 11/13 | | [Checking other PC's status] | | If you are in the same room with other PCs, you can check their | | virus gauge, items, etc. on the status screen. | | | | 12/13 | | [Exchanging items with a dead PC] | | Even if another PC dies, you can still exchange items with | | him/her by opening status screen in the room he/she died in. | | | | 13/13 | | [Temporary Save] | | You can temporarily save the game by accessing the typewriters | | found within each scenario. Note: previous game data disappears when | | you load a temporary save game. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Play Single Player Mode | |====================================== | | | | 1/13 | | The main feature of Single Player mode is the "Partner AI." This | | is a character /several characters that assist the PC and are CPU | | controlled. Gameplay will change depending on Partner AI interaction. | | | | 2/13 | | Your AI Partner perfroms actions just like the character you | | control. He/she can move, attack, use items, chat, help other, etc. | | Of course, when they run out of vitality they will die like any | | other character... | | | | 3/13 | | You must decide how to interact with your AI Partners. Will you | | help your AI Partner battle against some enemies. Or will you let | | them take on for the team and cover you while your run away. | | | | 4/13 | | AI partner Actions and Commands | | Each AI Partner has their own personality. Sometimes he/she follows | | you and sometimes they do not. Their actions change according to the | | progress of a scenario and their current conditions. | | | | 5/13 | | You can make a request of your AI Partners by using the "Appeal A" | | function (Press the right analog stick). Note that they may not always | | answer your request because they have their own personalities. | | | | 6/13 | | When your request is rejected by your AI Partner then wait for a | | moment and try again. Note: if you are too far from your AI Parnter, | | your request won't reach them. | | | | 7/13 | | When making a request, the nearest AI Partner will react. To | | make a direct request to a specific AI Parnter, use the "Appeal B" | | function (press the L2 button and right analog stick together). | | | | 8/13 | | AI Partner Items | | AI Partners can have items just like you can. They can also | | take, exchange, combine items via their own accord. | | | | 9/13 | | AI Partners have their own personalities. They find items, use | | them, and fight the enemy. Some Partners use items but others save | | them up. The way a character acts depends on his personality. | | | | 10/13 | | You can exchange items with your Partners. To offer an item use | | the 'give' command. To ask for an item use the 'request' command. | | | | 11/13 | | Normally, you will give an item to the closest AI Parnter. | | However if you designate a specific partner using the Appeal command | | you can give items to specific parnters. | | | | 12/13 | | While your AI Partners are separated from you, he/she may acquire | | or use items. When you meet up with your AI Partners again, check | | his/her status screen. They may have picked up some important items. | | | | 13/13 | | Choosing the correct items is key for your survival. Do you carry | | the good items and put your AI Partner at risk or do you try to keep | | your back up alive to support you against big enemies? | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Raccoon Today | |====================================== | | | | 1/6 | | AN EERIE VOICE FROM UNDERGROUND | | Recently there is spooky talk around South Campbell street. | | It is said that groans can be hard from the drainage system at night. | | | | 2/6 | | It is easy to dismiss it as a ghost story that middle schoool | | students love to talk about on camping nights. But the amount of | | missing people has increased rapidly at this locale for the past month. | | | | 3/6 | | 8 people have gone missing. Strangely, the missing people have | | a lot in common: | | | | They are all single white females aged 18 to 23 with beautiful | | blonde hair. | | | | 4/6 | | The street was wrapped in a dense fog the day after they went | | missing. From the sewer drain, which runs north-south along the | | street, a woman's constrained voice could be heard for several hours. | | | | 5/6 | | Of course, the drainage sewers have been thoroughly investigated. | | But neither the missing person nor any traces have been found. | | | | 6/6 | | The Police Department has so far denied the relationship with | | the bizarre incidents that have rapidly increased after the mansion | | incident. However, the events must be related. | | | | | | | | ==================================================================== | | B E L O W F R E E Z I N G P O I N T | | ==================================================================== | | | | | |====================================== | | Top-Secret Memo | |====================================== | | | | 1/3 | | The sample currently stored in the lab. is a parasite that was | | rejected by it's host due to incompatibility. As it is extremely | | unstable, you have to be extremely careful when handling it. | | | | 2/3 | | When transfering the sample, use a portable capsule manufactured | | by the MI corp. Also, chemicals in the capsule get contaminated every | | few hours so they must be changed. | | | | 3/3 | | Any failure to do so, could result in the subject awakening. | | Please be sure to handle with extreme caution. | | | | R&D #1 | | Martin Walcott | | | | | |====================================== | | Researcher's Will | |====================================== | | | | 1/6 | | Oh... I can't believe this... | | | | 2/6 | | Three days have passed since a couple of subjects (MA-125R) who | | escaped from B area began a killing spree in the laboratory... I think | | at least 10 of my colleagues have been killed by them. | | | | 3/6 | | However, I got to experience the horror, first hand, as one of | | their giant, sharp claws ripped through my body! The bleeding from | | the wound just won't stop... | | | | 4/6 | | Why... | | Why did we create such terrible things? We have no right to | | play god. | | | | 5/6 | | The only thing left for me to do now is to destroy the laboratory | | controls... | | | | 6/6 | | When the temperature drops down to about zero degrees, they would | | be frozen in their tracks...hopefully. That is about the only thing | | I can do now. Damn my foolishness! | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Staff Memo | |====================================== | | | | 1/1 | | September 11th, 13:30, # of guests: 4 | | #Checking ofr other possible additional guest users: | | #Entry Name: "GUEST" | | #Password: None | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Interoffice Memo | |====================================== | | | | 1/5 | | Due to severeal misplaced material incidents. We have decided to | | introduce a pass code system. | | | | 2/5 | | With his new system implemented we will be able to check and log | | each time the cabinet doors have been opened or closed. This increase | | in security should cut down on material mishandling. | | | | 3/5 | | At the same time, we are currently organizing the chemical cabinet. | | This task should be finished by early next week. | | | | 4/5 | | Finally, please note that this information is confidential. | | It should be understood that our company will prosecute all offenders | | to the extent of the law. | | | | 5/5 | | Passcode: WXYZ | | | | Head of Administration Div. | | Walter Ryan | | | | | |====================================== | | Laboratory Memo | |====================================== | | | | 1/1 | | UMB No.20->UMB No.3 + VP-017 | | | | #Changes color to auburn when mixed. | | #A very potent weed pesticide. Very effective against plants. Careful | | handling is required. | | | | | |====================================== | | Monthly Passcode | |====================================== | | | | 1/5 | | As of the 1st day of this month, the pass code settings have | | been changed. | | | | 2/5 | | Please be advised that last month's code will become invalid at | | 12:00AM on the day the new pass code is initiated. | | | | 3/5 | | B5F Computer Room: ABCD | | B4F East Area Passage: WXYZ | | | | 4/5 | | In the meantime, as you are well aware, you can unlock the | | electronic locks for doors with a security level of 4 and lower via | | these codes. Caution should be taken by all system managers | | | | 5/5 | | When handling these codes so they are not leaked to outside | | sources. | | | | Administration Division, Senior | | Staff Member Walter Ryan | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Custodian's Diary | |====================================== | | | | | | 1/7 | | I had such a sh*tty day today! I accidentally lost the "turn table | | key" that Rick in admin gave me. I'm sure I look like absolute crap! | | If management finds out I lost the key, getting fired will be the | | | | 2/7 | | least of my worries. There's even a rumor "screw-ups" could even be | | used as bait for some creepy test "subject" the company is working on. | | | | 3/7 | | Thank god! Roy from security found the key in the bathroom and | | brought it to the admin. Although I found out about this through my | | boss who looks like he is about ready to chew me a new one. | | | | 4/7 | | Man, I've haven't been ripped such a big one since I was a snot- | | nosed brat in Junior High School! | | | | 5/7 | | Shesh! Like it even fuckin' matters. You can't do anything with | | the key if you don't know the code in the first place! | | | | 6/7 | | Man, when I quit this company I'm gonna use that key and the code | | and make those elevators my own personal private ride! Even I wouldn't | | forget a code as easy to remember as the word "Hope." | | | | 7/7 | | Yep, my own personal elevator... | | Kinda like the sound of that! | | | | | | | | ==================================================================== | | T H E H I V E | | ==================================================================== | | | |====================================== | | Male Nurse's Diary | |====================================== | | | | 1/5 | | We should have disposed of that nasty crap much earlier. It got | | Robert's body as well, even though I made sure to seal up the body in | | an air-tight bag. | | | | 2/5 | | The ammo in the spare gun we keep here for security, ran out. | | Hell, bullets didn't even dent it! What in the hell am I gonna do now? | | | | 3/5 | | The bite wound from that thing just won't clot. I've lost so much | | blood that I feel nauseous and dizzy. Wherever I go or hide, that d_mn | | thing is always on my heels. | | | | 4/5 | | It just moves so incredibly fast. Come to think of it, in the | | beginning it was a lot slower... It's a predator... and I think the | | smell of blood is exciting it. | | | | 5/5 | | I'm... done.. for... | | I'll... | | be.. the... next... | | | | | |====================================== | | Repair Work Memo | |====================================== | | | | 1/1 | | Repair plan: A/C unit, Switch panel | | #Main Entrance | | #3F->4F Landing space | | #Room 403 | | #B2F Channel -> Drainage | | (AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY) | | | | | |====================================== | | Setting Manual | |====================================== | | | | 1/2 | | Elevator floors of operation: | | | | NORMAL ........ 3F - B1F | | LEVEL 1 .......... B2F | | LEVEL 2 ......... B3F, 4F | | | | 2/2 | | Administrator is in charge of deciding the security settings for | | the various areas. A switch to security level 1 requires a 4 digit code. | | Whereas a change to level 2 requires a voice code authorization. | | | | | |====================================== | | Piece of Memo | |====================================== | | | | 1/1 | | #Cabinet B-6 | | #Red chemical code number | | + LLLL | | | | | |====================================== | | Chemical Code Message | |====================================== | | | | 1/2 | | Here are the reagents for today. As usual, I put tentative names on | | the label. Please replace the names with the correct codes and keep | | them in the cabinet labeled B-6. | | | | 2/2 | | Name (tentative): Code | | Cerulean: C-4041 | | Emerald: E-1160 | | Turquoise: T-7221 | | Carmine: K-1210 | | Ivy: I-2005 | | | | | |====================================== | | Researcher's Diary | |====================================== | | | | 1/3 | | D_mn Umbrella... I understand the need to choose a location few | | people would investigate, but why the h*ll choose the sewers! Burkin | | and that pig of a chief! I am a normal man. | | | | 2/3 | | I don't wanna trudge through such filth. Not even for 5 minutes. | | I won't go to the laboratory until they provide me with a boat. | | | | 3/3 | | I finally got a boat. But it doesn't handle so well in narrow | | channels. Oh well through... it's much better than walking. | | | | | |====================================== | | Investigation Request | |====================================== | | | | 1/3 | | Can you investigate the leeches captured around the sewers? They | | seem to be different from these previously logged in our records. I | | assume they are a variant of the virus but we can't verify it here. | | | | 2/3 | | They seem different from the leeches Mr. Marcus was involved with. | | There is a gigantic one that they failed to capture. It is estimated | | to be more than 1 meter long. | | | | 3/3 | | They discovered that the leeches are vulnerable to high heat. | | Please be careful when examining the leeches. | | | | | |====================================== | | Card Memo | |====================================== | | | | 1/1 | | Due to a change in staff, card keys are now managed by senior | | staff member Dr. Scott Jones. Obtain permission before using them. | | Contact -> doctors' box on 1st floor or nurses' desk on 3rd floor. | | | | | |====================================== | | Security Guard Guide | |====================================== | | | | 1/3 | | Physical strength and technique are not the only skills you need | | as a security guard. You also need to know about your surroundings and | | be able to act on snap decisions based on those surroundings. | | | | 2/3 | | Make sure to check the map often to grasp the situation you're in | | and have the guts and gumption to act on your decisions. Actually, | | One of the skills you need as a security guard can be performed by | | | | 3/3 | | pushing the X button while "Aiming"... | | | | (The rest of the file is illegible due to blood stains.) | | | | | | ==================================================================== | | H E L L F I R E | | ==================================================================== | | | |====================================== | | Guest Memo 1 | |====================================== | | | | 1/4 | | Dad told me to keep a diary whenever I join a new school. So today | | I am testing it out. | | | | 2/4 | | Dad is always so busy. He is a university teacher. He left early | | in the morning today to have a meeting with some bigwig. | | | | 3/4 | | I have to get ready to change schools, but I have to watch over | | the hotel room until dad gets back. Man, there is nothing to do here. | | I've already searched all over the room for something fun to do... | | | | 4/4 | | There was this weird picture...I touched the switch next to the | | picture a couple of times but nothing happened. I'm so bored. I'm | | getting hungry, too. I hope dad gets back soon so we can eat. | | | | | |====================================== | | Guest Memo 2 | |====================================== | | | | 1/3 | | Louise, | | | | Thanks a lot for your offer, but I have decided to go with Ed | | instead. I just don't think I could get away from all my sad memories | | if I stayed here. | | | | 2/3 | | While I was looking at the picture of that old castle in my room, | | I started thinking about Manchester where we were raised. I'll never | | forget those fun times that mom and the 2 of us had before the accident. | | | | 3/3 | | But I just don't want to think about that. Anyways, I'm sure you'll | | be okay without me. | | | | I'm sorry... good bye. | | | | Amy | | | | | |====================================== | | Guest Memo 3 | |====================================== | | | | 1/3 | | September 23rd | | It's true I'm the one who specificially requested to stay in | | this room since it was where my late wife and I used to stay. It used | | to be a peaceful place where | | | | 2/3 | | I could do some writing while remembering my lovely wife. However | | there is a new hotel owner and he put some strange map up as a | | decoration. The cursed thing is flickering on and off and keeping me | | | | 3/3 | | from concentrating. I was hesitant to complain since they gave me | | a big discount to stay, but my patience has worn out. I am going to | | leave and find a more appropriate hotel in the morning. | | | | | |====================================== | | Janitor's Repair Memo | |====================================== | | | | 1/1 | | Repair locations: | | #Switchboard disconnection | | #General piping in the boiler room | | #Wall cracks in room 304 and 305. | | #Ventilator at the front lobby. | | # Guest room repairs take priority. | | | | | |====================================== | | Guard's Notebook | |====================================== | | | | 1/2 | | Routine patrol on the roof: | | Starts this Saturday. | | | | Switchboard repair request: | | Kevin. | | | | 2/2 | | Change pass code in the security room: ABCD | | | | Sandra's school admission present: | | Tomorrow. | | | | | |====================================== | | Emergency Manual | |====================================== | | | | 1/3 | | How to use escape ladder: | | The ladder installed at the hall on the 2nd floor in the center of | | the lobby is compactly stored except for emergencies. It extends | | whenever the smoke detector goes off. | | | | 2/3 | | To avoid power problems like power outages, the device is connected | | to a special emergency power supply. During normal operation, please | | be sure to switch over to the emergency power supply in order | | | | 3/3 | | operate the unit. | | The emergency power supply is controlled via the switchboard in the | | north end of the first floor. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Janitor's Daily Report | |====================================== | | | | 1/4 | | September 17th - I was told to check the alarm device every week from | | now on but I used to only do it twice a year! The new owner seems to | | be a bit of a worry wart. Who would wanna break in here? | | | | 2/4 | | September 21st - I had a drink with Todd, the security guard. He was | | grumbling about the new type of card key installed in the rooms. That | | number lock on the south door should be enough. What a pain. | | | | 3/4 | | September 22nd - Todd left a card key in the bathroom and I brought | | it to him. When I told him to keep it together with his daughter's | | photo, he seemed embarrassed. He sure can be a jerk. | | | | 4/4 | | September 23rd - That strange noise in the boiler room just keeps | | getting louder and louder. I doubt retightening the bolts on the pipes | | will help. I'll tell the owner next week. No reason to come in Sunday. | | | | | |====================================== | | Guest List Copy | |====================================== | | | | 1/3 | | #Security Box No. Duplicate | | | | Mr. Andrew Evans JIA | | | | Ms. Anna Lowell BAE | | | | 2/3 | | Mr. Dario Losso FBH | | | | Mr. John O'Donnell IIB | | | | Mr. Joseph Wilson DCH | | | | 3/3 | | Mr. Louis Sullivan CJF | | | | Mr. Toby Whitman GGF | | | | | |====================================== | | Guest List Copy | |====================================== | | | | 1/1 | | Room service | | Afternoon tea | | Laundry | | Service charge | | Total: $12 | | (Variable) | | | | | | | | ==================================================================== | | D E C I S I O N S , D E C I S I O N S | | ==================================================================== | | | | | |====================================== | | Geneology Facts | |====================================== | | | | 1/2 | | Common in cats and dogs but sometimes displayed in humans, there | | is a genetic mutation known as 'odd eye' in which a person's right eye | | will be a different color from their left. | | | | 2/2 | | Another extremely rare case occured in a moose discovered in 1981 | | on a Columbia mountian in Canada. The case states that the moose had | | a shining red eye and a blue eye that sparked like jewels. | | | | 1/2 | | George | | I'm a dead man... | | Hurry and create a reagent. | | Then get the h*ll out of Raccoon. | | | | | | | | 2/2 | | There's a reagent incubator in the lab. | | Collect the t3 key ingredients, set them in the incubator and... | | | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Reagent Generation Memo | |====================================== | | | | 1/5 | | Reagent components: | | 1. P-base | | 2. V-poison | | 3. T-blood | | Synthesize the components in the incubator located in the lab. | | | | 2/5 | | #The machine will automatically mix the components. It will take some | | time to totally mix them. | | #Once it is generated, you can make a copy of setting it in the high | | speed incubator. | | | | 3/5 | | 1. P-base | | Generated 2500ml for the reagent. Since storage device in the lab | | is out of order, sample is being stored in basement tank. Keep sample | | in air-tight case or it will dissolve. | | | | 4/5 | | 2. V-poison | | Generated from bee poison as a culture catalyst. It is kept in | | the lab. Gathering usable amounts of V-poison is very labor intensive. | | Handle it with care. | | | | 5/5 | | 3. T-blood | | Blood from a creature infected with the "T" virus. | | #A sample from Greg should be arriving. | | | | | |====================================== | | Section of a Diary | |====================================== | | | | 1/2 | | September 17th - We don't have enough V-poison for the compound. | | I vaguely remember there being a wasp's nest in the emission tower, | | but I shouldn't just recklessly wander over there... | | | | 2/2 | | Granted that, I'm stuck without the necessary components... I guess | | I'll head there after I get equipped with some protective gear. | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Cable Repair Request | |====================================== | | | | 1/3 | | To Roger, | | That power cable on the celiing is decaying. If we leave it as it | | is, those pesky rats will gnaw it in two. | | | | 2/3 | | As you know, a powerful generator is used at this University | | since they use so many high output lab devices. If the cable is cut, | | someone could get electrocuted. | | | | 3/3 | | Please call a repair person and have him fix it. I'll be on business | | and won't return for a while. The generator is located on the northwest | | side of the 1st floor hall. | | | | Be sure it's done, | | | | Patrick. | | | | | |====================================== | | Torn Memo | |====================================== | | | | 1/1 | | Changed elevator code | | 4... | | | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Part of Torn Memo | |====================================== | | | | 1/1 | | ...### | | | | | | | |====================================== | | Orders | |====================================== | | | | 1/3 | | 1. Battle Plan: | | Emperor's mushroom | | 2. Area of Operation: | | Within 4 blocks of Raccoon U. | | 3. Time: | | 60 minutes, starting at 5:35 AM. | | | | 2/3 | | 4. Arms | | Basic armament: C-2 + Extractor | | 5. Purpose | | To gather T's blood (Code name: T-blood) -or- to kill | | T and retrieve its body. | | | | 3/3 | | Supplementary Information: | | Biggest priority of the operation is to gather T-blood and erase | | all of T's traces. If the body is deemed too difficult to recover, | | destroy it and the general area. | | | | | |====================================== | | Peter's Diary | |====================================== | | | | 1/9 | | August 30th - Reagent creation is at its final stage. When it is | | completed we will finally have a means to stop that wretched T-virus. | | | | 2/9 | | I heard aabout Umbrella's heinous dealings from an ex-head researcher | | named Greg. Iwouldn't have been able to create this reagent without | | his expertise and assistance. Using viral research for personal gain | | is | | | | 3/9 | | unforgiveable. We named this reagent Daylight. You don't need an | | Umbrella in the daylight. I find the name quite suits the reagent, | | considering its main purpose. | | | | 4/9 | | September 15th - I've received the T sample from Greg and tested | | Daylight on it. It's still not at all stable but it is managing to | | suppress the growth of the 'T' viral cell. Victory is nigh! | | | | 5/9 | | Come to think of it... How did Greg obtain the "T" sample? He told me | | a friend secretly got him a sample but he thinks he's being chased by | | Umbrella. Is he hiding something from me? Well, I shouldn't snoop... | | | | 6/9 | | | | | | 7/9 | | September 19th - It seems I've been totally mistaken. How could Greg | | do such terrible things?! It seems this has all been a ruse. He planned | | everything from the start! | | | | 8/9 | | There must be a reason why he rushed me to complete "Daylight." Am I'm | | the only one who, other than Greg, that knows how to create the | | compound? Is my life in danger? I should just play dumb for awhile. | | | | 9/9 | | #Discarded T sample. | | #Hide compound instructions. | | #Contact George. | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| 5.7 _______________________________ / ============================= \ / RESIDENT EVIL OUTBREAK: FILE 2 \ __/ ============================== \_____________________________________ | \ | | | ============================= | | UNDER CONSTRUCTION | | ============================= | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| 5.8 _______________________________ / ============================= \ / RESIDENT EVIL: DEAM AIM \ __/ ============================== \_____________________________________ | \ | | | ================================== | | Intelligence Operation's Manual | | ================================== | | | | Good morning, Bruce: | | | | This time, your target is a former executive of Umbrella | | named Morpheus. This man has stolen the "t-virus" and hijacked | | Umbrella's cruiser. Your mission is to infiltrate the cruiser and | | report the status immediately to the Base of Strategic Forces. | | We've prepared some equipment for you to review. Good luck. | | | | Items: | | | | Your standard equipment consists of a handgun and some recovery | | items forfirst-aid. However, you will find other useful items during | | the mission. Some of them are essential items you will need to proceed | | like keys for locked doors and special tools. Also, by using the | | Sneak Move, you will be able to locate items more easily. | | | | Vitality: | | | | Every time you receive damage, your status will vary as follows: | | | | Fine ==> Caution ==> Danger | | | | View the Status Screen (Press the START button) and keep your | | status at Fine with the recovery items. | | | | Position: | | | | If you fight against two or more enemies at close range, you | | will almost certainly be damaged. Therefore, if you are surrounded | | by enemies, move quickly to keep enough distance between you and | | them and then target them. In case you are cornered, use the "Escape | | button" to evade. | | | | Shooting: | | Your amount of ammo is limited. Therefore, do not shoot more | | than is necessary and always aim for the enemy's fatal spot.Although | | the number of bullets you can cary is limited, you can re-supply | | indefinitely. | | | | | | =================================== | | Emergency Fax from Paris Branch | | =================================== | | | | Date: Sep. 18, 2002 | | To: Int'l Sales Division | | | | ATTN: Roberto | | | | Today three "t-virus" samples have been stolen from this | | Paris lab. Our prime suspect is Morpheus D. Duvall, who belonged | | to the R&D division of HQ. | | | | His motiviation appears to be based upon retaliation against | | our company. Therefore, we are sending out this general warning to | | all divisions. | | | | Anyone who obtains any information regarding this matter should | | contact HQ immediately. | | | | | | | | Regards, | | | | Umbrella Corporation, Paris | | | | | | ========================= | | Regular Report No. 1162 | | ========================= | | | | | | To: HQ Int'l Investigation Dept. | | | | ATTN: O'Neal | | | | This will be my final report on Morpheus for a while since | | it appears that he is starting to suspect something. Until further | | notice from me, please refrain from contacting me, so that I can | | devote myself to doing my "Regular" job as his aid. | | | | After robbing the lab in Paris, Morpheus appears to be preparing | | to board "The cruiser" to auction the items. His obsession with | | "The beauty" keeps escalating. And just recently he has undergone | | plastic surgery to retain his youthful looks. | | | | He often says questionable phrases like, "I will eliminate the | | ugly things in the world and create my kingdom filled with beauty". | | We need to take action against him before it becomes too late, since | | he's currently in negotiations with several countries including the | | United States. | | | | | | P.T. | | | | | | ======================== | | Admin Report 9/16/2002 | | ======================== | | | | We will begin the facility improvements today. | | | | The handle to open and close the hatch for pool drain on 1F | | is quite rusty and should be replaced. We'll keep the current one | | in the storage of 1F just in case. | | | | | | ================= | | Waiter's Letter | | ================= | | | | | | Sep. 14, 2002 | | | | Brother, | | | | How's Everything? My life has taken a turn for the better | | because I'm on a luxury cruiser...Well actually, I work as a waiter | | on a cruiser. | | | | Most passengers are well known and I've seen them before on TV. | | My colleague told me that they came from various countries to discuss | | business and that a world famous drug company owns this cruiser. | | | | | | Anyway, I'm doing fine. Take care of mother for me. | | | | Love to all, | | | | | | | | Joseph Carter | | | | | | | | ============================ | | Freight Crewman's Diary | | ============================ | | | | | | Aug. 27 (Tue), 2002 | | | | Yes! Today is my 100th day anniversary since coming aboard. | | But that's all I can write about since this place is so boring! | | I expected a lot because this is a "Luxury cruiser", but I've learned | | that there is almost no difference from working on a cargo vessel... | | | | Sep.4 (Wed), 2002 | | | | I finally have something to write about. Today large cargo | | was carried into the Presentation room, which is beyond the Boiler | | room. Recently, many people have been going in and out of that room. | | | | I wonder what's taking place there? I'm curious because the | | crew doesn't have access to that room... | | | | Sep.6 (Fri), 2002 | | | | I saw a red mark through a break in the sheet of one of the | | cargo crates today. I think it's a symbol for biological and chemical | | weapons. | | | | Somehow passengers are still going in and out of that room. | | Maybe there is a hidden door in that room, but I'm not sure where it | | would lead... | | | | | | Sep.7 (Sat), 2002 | | | | My boss yelled at me today for not paying enough attention to | | my job. What a jerk! But, I'd better be more careful since I really | | need to keep this job... | | | | | | | | ========================= | | Research report #220329 | | ========================= | | | | | | This special "Elite" version has been modified for presentation. | | It is faster and more powerful than a standard Hunter. | | | | This sample was created with a newly developed virus. It | | attacks objects with its huge arms. While its agility and striking | | power are outstanding, it currently has a fatal flaw because an | | essential organ is exposed. However, this will be rectified in | | future models. | | | | [WARNING] | | | | STRICT SECURITY: ACCESS RESTRICTED. | | | | We have succeeded in fusing the "t-virus" and the "G- virus" | | so that it has electrical properties. | | | | However, after observing the prototype known as [T-091], we | | have to concede that there is much room for improvement. | | | | In this newest version (ver.0.9.2), we have finally been able | | to achieve a high voltage current, which was our initial goal. Its | | electromagnetic barrier should make it near invulnerable. | | | | Now we require a human test subject that matches the conditions | | to experiment on and observe. | | | | | | =================== | | Dismissal Notice | | =================== | | | | Date: August 20, 1998 | | To: R&D Division | | | | ATTN: Mr. Morpheus D. Duvall | | | | Upon investigation, we have concluded that you are responsible | | for the incident in Raccoon City on May 11,1998. Your services with | | this company are hereby terminated. | | | | However, your nondisclosure agreement shall remain in effect. | | Finally, your final paycheck will be fulfilled in accordance with the | | "Dismissal Procedure" portion of your agreement. | | | | | | Regards, | | | | | | Umbrella Corporation. | | Personnel Division | | | | | | =============== | | Ship's Log | | =============== | | | | | | September 20th, 2002 (Friday) | | | | It will be four months tommorrow since the Spencer Rain left | | port. I'm proud that we have been having a safe voyage so far. A | | representative from Umbrella, the owner of the cruiser, spoke words | | of appreciation to me. | | | | September 21st ,2002 (Saturday) | | | | Something is strange. Although the crew reports "nothing | | special", I am concerned that "The ones" may be breaking free. I will | | make sure to always have my Magnum pistol with me. | | | | | | September 22nd, 2002 (Sunday) | | | | I can't send a signal for rescue. What should I do? The | | passengers and crew are all dead now... All I can do is accept what | | has been happening on my ship as my destiny. | | | | | | | | ======================= | | Operator's Notebook | | ======================= | | | | | | June 16th, 1997 | | | | One month has passed since I was dispatched here. I am astounded | | at the sloppy supervision of this Umbrella waste disposal facility. | | It's not surprising that this accident happened. | | | | I know that if I must die, I want to die as a human... | | | | June 24th, 1997 | | | | The supervisor here called Morpheus, is so annoying. He drives | | me nuts. He must pay more attention to worker health management and | | biological weapons that anyone I have ever met. This facility | | belongs to Umbrella, but he obviously doesn't think so... | | | | I have no idea how long I've been here. I don't wanna stay in | | this facility, But I can't move. My body won't move... | | | | | | | | ====================== | | Biological Report | | ====================== | | | | This is a survey report on the changes to the B.O.W.s which have | | been considered failures and disposed of in this facility. | | | | April 7th | | | | The unknown water creatures are increasing rapidly, primarily | | in the drainage ditch. Since their body fluid contains strong acids, | | they are extremely dangerous to touch. I named them "Torpedo Kids", | | since they swim like torpedoes. | | | | April 9th | | | | I have learned that there is a mother that spawns all of the | | "Torpedo Kids". If I can find this mother and kill her, I will | | be able to exterminate all creatures in this area. | | | | April 16th | | | | I decided to try and exterminate the "Torpedo Kids", and so I | | explored the drainage ditch in order to destroy their mother. | | However, the "Torpedo Kids" appeared to try and protect their | | mother and badly injured me. Now they've extended their territory | | to my place, so I must find a way to get rid of them... | | | | | | ========================= | | Biological Report 2 | | ========================= | | | | | | This is a survey report on the changes to the B.O.W.s which | | have been considered failures and been disposed of in this facility. | | | | May 18th | | | | Today I will relocate the observation area to be underground. | | This area is low on power and so most areas are very dark. I assume | | creatures fond of dark places must inhabit this area. | | | | May 19th | | | | We saw red shining objects. They look like the eyes of some | | creature but we have not confirmed the entity yet. It moves extremely | | quickly and runs away as soon as we approach. I named this creature | | "Glimmer", for its glimmering eyes. | | | | May 20th | | | | In order to collect samples, I had some workers go and try to | | capture a "Glimmer". However, the plan did not work out and instead, | | the target attacked them and two people are now dead. | | | | May 22nd | | | | I increased the number of workers in order to try and capture a | | "Glimmer". This time they succeeded in shooting down one of them. | | According to workers, the "Glimmer" will open itself up just before | | it goes to attack. Although it is dead, I have gained valuable | | samples. | | | | June 1st | | | | I have been examining the collected samples but I don't have | | any idea as to how the "Glimmer" evolved and transformed into this | | figure. It seems it is a subspecies of "Hunter". I, however, | | need to research this further... | | | | | | ========================== | | Experiment Alpha Log | | ========================== | | | | | | September 26th, 1996 | | | | Today we will begin the experiment. The subject is a condemned | | criminal called "Alpha". It has been one month since the subject | | was transported to this facility. He is not exactly aware of what | | is going to happen to him. However, he seems to be very frightened... | | | | Day 1: Commence Experiment | | | | We hammered a metal rod into the subject's frontal lobe in | | order to alleviate some of the pain. This was done only for | | humanitarian reasons. | | | | Day 4: Removal of Eyeballs | | | | We have removed the eyeballs in order to observe its reactions | | to external stimulation. | | | | Day 14: Dose of Muscle Booster | | | | After administering the muscle booster, we confirmed the | | unusual development of the muscles. It gained a drastic amount of | | weight before the treatment. In the future we will consider using | | hampering items... | | | | Day 36: Sharpened Hearing | | | | An effect of the eyeball removal procedure has been an enhanced | | sense of hearing. It recognizes precisely where a sound originates | | and its distance from that sound. | | | | Day 41: Experiment Suspended | | | | The experiment has been suspended due to the fact that the | | subject has escaped. Even without its vision, the subject is quite | | dangerous. | | | | We should use extreme care not to make sounds when we try to | | capture it. | | | | | | =================== | | Architect's Memo | | =================== | | | | | | We have completed construction on the missle base. I assume | | that HQ doesn't know that this facility is operating and is under | | Morpheus's control. Furthermore, even though I am only an architect, | | I'm concerned about how this faciliy will be used. Morpheus tends | | to go too far after the Raccoon incident. | | | | | | ========================= | | Research Report #220120 | | ========================= | | | | A being that has an external skeleton of a horeshoe crab and | | the survival power of a cockroach. We have confirmed that its | | ecology is similar to ants and/or bees, which have been known to | | work in groups. | | | | | | ======================== | | Orders from Morpheus | | ======================== | | | | I have arrived and have begun the plan. I need you to make sure | | all the instrument panels work properly. The facility is on strict | | alert and you will need to input my voice to the voice recognition | | panel at the entrance of the clean room in order to enter the | | Research Area and check the instrument panels. | | | | I've sent an e-mail containing my voice. You can recieve it | | on a terminal in the residence area. Be sure to delete the e-mail | | after your work is complete and remember to keep this confidential. | | | | | | Morpheus | | | | | | | | ======================================== | | Charged Particle Rifle User's Manual | | ======================================== | | | | A charged particle rifle that was developed to cope with any | | biohazard that was caused by the "T-virus". | | | | It is based on a particle acceleration device, which virus | | researchers use for gene manipulation and decomposing molecules. | | By hitting accelerated particles, it induces physical destruction | | on the molecuar level. | | | | The weapon can penetrate barriers of electric discharge and | | give damage to the target. Currently we have confirmed this on animal | | experiments only. However, we are confident that this weapon can | | damage "tG" charged beings. Remember that this weapon has limited | | usage because it requires a lot of power. Make sure that you | | properly charge it before you decide to use it. | | | | | | ======================= | | Morpheus's Journal | | ======================= | | | | The symbol of power is in Africa... | | | | The symbol of knowledge is here | | in the Bio-Sphere... | | | | The symbol of beauty is mine... | | | | The beauty controls everything | | and I shall dominate it... | | | | Establishing a kingdom | | where beauty has absolute authority is the dream, | | which I must make a reality. | | | | I was disappointed by Umbrella's betrayal, but that's fine, | | I'll just use them in return. | | | | If I secure enough funds, | | | | I will materialize the construction of my kingdom deep in Africa. | | | | | | | | Morpheus D. Duvall | | | | | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| 5.9 _______________________________ / ============================= \ / R E S I D E N T E V I L 4 \ __/ ============================== \_____________________________________ | \ | | | ==================== | | Playing Manual 1 | | ==================== | | | | 1. Shooting = Hold down the R button then use the control stick | | to aim the laser sight. | | 2. Combat Knife = Press and hold the L button to ready your knife | | and press the A button to swing the weapon. | | 3. Action Button = You'll be able to perform various actions by | | pressing the appropriate button that appears on the screen. | | | | | | ================== | | Info on Ashley | | ================== | | | | Name = Ashley Graham | | Age = 20 | | Daughter of the President of United States. | | | | She was kidnapped by an unidentified group while on her way | | home from her university. The kidnappers motive's are still unknown. | | Although there's reliable information that the perpetrator is an | | insider. Only a handful of people know about this kidnapping. Its | | been kept under the wraps mostly due to the fact that we cant | | determine who the traitor is. | | | | The guy's in intelligence say that they have reliable infor | | mation that Ashley's been sighted somewhere in Europe. But until we | | find out who the insider is, I dont want to believe. It could be | | a ploy. We have very few leads as to the where abouts of Ashley. | | But members of the secret service and anyone related to Ashley | | are being questioned by an investigative team. | | | | Even active agents are being investigated for some information. | | Its just a matter before the kidnapper is exposed. | | | | | | ===================== | | Playing Manual 2 | | ===================== | | | | 1. Reloading - Press the B button while holding down the firearm | | to reload your weapon. | | 2. Kicks - Approaching enemies that are either stunned or on their | | knees will allow Leon to perform kicks as prompted by | | the action button. | | 3. Changing Inventory Screens - Use the L R buttons to switch back | | and forth between the weapon/recovery and the keys/treasure | | screens. | | | | | | =============== | | Alert Order | | =============== | | | | Recently there has been information that a United States | | government agent is here investigating the village. Do not let this | | American agent get in contact with the prisoner. For those of you | | not yet informed, the prisoner is being held in an old house beyond | | the farm. We will transfer the prisoner to a more secure location | | in the valley when we are ready. The prisoner is to stay here until | | further notice. Meanwhile do not let the American agent near the | | prisoner. | | | | We do not know how the American government found out about our | | village. But we are investigating. I sense a third party other | | than the United States government involved here. My fellow men stay | | alert. | | | | | | - Chief, Bitores Mendez. | | | | | | ============================= | | About the Blue Medallions | | ============================= | | | | 15 Blue Medallions. | | 7 in the farm.. 8 in the cemetery. | | For those of you who destroy more then 10 medallions, you will be | | awarded. (The rest is illegible). | | | | | | =============== | | Chief's Note | | =============== | | | | As instructed by Lord Saddler, I have the agent in confinement, | | alive. Why keep him alive ?! I do not fully understand what the | | lord's intentions are. I would however think he'd keep them separate. | | Not confinethem together as has been ordered. I do not believe Luis | | will trust a stranger but by chance they did cooperate the situation | | could get a bit more complicated. | | | | If for some reason, an unknwon third party is involved, I don't | | think they'd let a chance like this slip by. But maybe its all Lord | | Saddler's ploy. Leaving us vulnerable so this third party will | | surface, if they even exit that is... | | | | It is an unlikely possibilaty, but if a prowler is already | | amongst us then our plans could be ruined. I guess the lord thinks | | its worth the risk, if we're able to stop whatever conspiracy is | | at work. At any rate its the Lord's call, we will trust his judgement | | as always. | | | | | | ======================= | | Closure of the Church | | ======================= | | | | Reguarding the two fugitives, the apprehension of Luis is our | | top priority. The american agent a distant second. What Luis stole | | from us is far more important then the girl. Unless we get it back | | the girl will become useless to us. We must get it back to execute | | our plan to the end. If it gets in the wrong hands the world would | | become a totally different place then what Lord Saddler has | | envisioned. | | | | At all costs we mustn't let that happen. Never the less, | | we're not letting go of the girl, to ensure that the agent does not | | get to her. I have locked the church door where the girl is being | | held. Anyone who needs access to the church must first get approval | | from Lord Saddler. There is a key beyond the lake but it should be | | safe now that the Del Lago has been awakened by our lord. No one | | will get across the lake alive. | | | | Plus, our same blood courses through the agent's veins. It'll | | be just a matter of time before he joins us. Once he does, there | | will be nobody else left that will come looking for the girl. | | | | | | ==================== | | Anonymous Letter | | ==================== | | | | There is an important item hidden in the falls, if you are | | able to get it you might be able to get Ashely out of the church. | | But I'll warn you, the route to the church isnt a walk in the | | park by any means. They've developed whats called an "El Gigante" | | so God bless. | | | | About whats been going on in your body, if I could help you, | | I would. But unfortunately its beyond my power. | | | | | | ==================== | | Playing Manual 3 | | ==================== | | | | 1. Commands = Leon can give commands to Ashley to either Wait or | | Follow by pressing the X button. | | | | 2. Ashley and action buttons = Depending on the situation Leon and | | Ashley can cooperate to get past various obstacles. | | | | 3. Ashley's health = You can use recovery items not only on Leon but | | on Ashley as well. | | | | 4. Ashley and game over = Leon has failed his mission if Ashley is | | either killed or carried away by enemies. | | | | | | ============================ | | Sera and the Third Party | | ============================ | | | | Where abouts of Sera are still unknown. Most likely he's using | | an old secret passage taught to him by his grand father who used to | | hunt in this region long ago. Im pretty certain that he's hiding | | our property somewhere in the forest. | | | | If his grand father was stil alive, i would have used him to | | find Sera. But HOW did he find out about the egg injected into his | | body? And the fact that he was able to remove it before it hatched | | is concering. Another factor taht concerns me is that Sera escaped | | with our property just before the American agent arrived. I don't | | believe that was just a coincidence. | | | | There has to be another player involved in this. In order to | | settle this whole situation, we have to capture Sera and wait for | | the effects of the drug to wear off before we inject him with another | | egg. Once this is done, whoever is behind all of this will surface. | | Nobody shall interfere with our plans. Those who do shall suffer the | | consequences. | | | | | | ============== | | Two Routes | | ============== | | | | Just a while ago, I was informed by Lord Saddler that our men | | had shot down a United States military helicopter. There shouldn't | | be any more outside interference for a while now. Unless the United | | States government determines who the traitor is, they can only | | initiate very small covert operations. We must use this time to our | | advantage and recapture the girl. | | | | The two Americans can only get out of our terrotiry by using | | one of two routes. This is where we'll stop them. We shall make use | | of our forces to the greatest degree. | | | | We will deploy a large number of Ganados in one of the routes | | to ensure that they do not slip by us. for the other route we shall | | leave the task to El gigante. Which ever route they take, the agent | | will never leave here alive. Not with the girl atleast. | | | | | | ========================= | | Village's last Defense | | ========================= | | | | I clearly underestimated the American agent's capabilaty. | | He's still alive. i thought that we could wait until the egg hatched, | | but at this rate he could destroy the entire village before it does. | | We must take care of this nuisance. | | | | We shall change our priorities, for the time being we will | | cease our hunt for Luis and ambush the two Americans. There is a | | building used to enlighten betrayers just beyond the point where you | | get off the lift. Its a perfect place for ambushing them. If all else | | fails, they still would need to face me in order o get past the last | | gate that leads out of the village. For only before my sight will | | the gate open. | | | | | | ===================== | | Capture Luis Sera | | ===================== | | | | I have confirmation that Sera has entered the castle. Why would | | he return during his escape leaves me to question his motives. But | | we must seize this moment to capture him. We will get the other two | | Americans after we apprehent Sera. It appears he took some vaccines | | when he stole our "Sample". The vaccines we can do without but we | | must retrieve the sample for it is our life blood. | | | | I feel there is somebody else or soem other group involved in | | this whole affair. if the sample were to get into the hands of that | | other entity, the world which we seek to create will not come. We | | must apprehent Sera as quickly as possible. | | | | | | =============== | | Luis' Memo | | =============== | | | | There are some parasites that have the ability to control their | | hosts. It's basic knowledge among biologists but not much is known | | as to how the parasites do it. Studying these parasites specifically | | might reveal some clues to as to how the powers of the Las Plagas | | work. And perhaps provide more insight on the victimes of the Las | | Plagas, the Los Ganados. Here is a list of some of the parasites | | that have the ability to manipulate the behavioral patterns of | | their host. | | | | Dicrocoelium = Once the larvae of this parasite migrates to the | | ant's esophagus, it alters the behavior of the ant. When the | | temperature drops in the evening, the infected any climbs to the | | top of a plant and clamps onto a leaf using its mandible. | | | | It stays there immobile until the next morning, placing the ant | | where it's most vulnerable to be eaten by a browsing herbivore such | | as sheep. One could conclude that the parasite is manipulating the | | host's behavior to its way into the body of its definitive host. | | | | Galactosomum = The larvae of this parasite makes its home inside | | the brain of a fish such as the yellowtail and the parrot bass. | | Once infected, the fish make their way up to the water's surface | | where they'll swim until eaten by seabirds. Once again, the peculiar | | behavior can only be explained by the parasite's desire to get into | | the bodies of the seabirds. | | | | Leucochlordium = This parasite's sporcysts develop in the snail's | | tentacles. The sporocysts are vivid in color and pulsate continually | | somewhat like a worm. Surprisingly the infected snail makes its | | way to the top of a plant where it is most visible to the eyes of | | birds, therefore more likely to be eaten. Once eaten by a bird, | | the parasite will complete its metamorphosis into an adult. | | | | | | =================== | | Castellan Memo | | =================== | | | | For many years the Salazar family has served as the castellans | | of this castle. However, not everything is bright, for my ancestry | | has a dark past. Long ago there once was a religious group that | | had deep roots in this region called the Los Illuminados. Unjustly | | however, the first castellan of the castle took away their rights | | and powers. As a follower of this religion and as the 8th Castellan, | | I felt that it was my duty as well as my responsibility to atone for | | that sin. I knew the best way to atone for that sin was to give | | power back to those who we once took it away from, the Los | | Illunimados. | | | | As expected it took a little time, but we were able to | | rejuvenate the once sealed Las Plagas. With this success I was one | | step closer to the revival of the Los Illuminados. The reason why | | I released the Las Plagas from deep under the castle and gave | | them to Lord Saddler was not only to repay for the sins of my | | ancestors but I felt certain that the Lord would make better use | | of this power to help save the world. To save those that have | | sinned with the power of the Las Plagas and to cleanse the their | | souls creating a world without sinners. The way it was meant to | | be. Once cleansed, they would become one of the many Ganados | | where they will find their reason to live. And after the Lord | | has succeeded in creating the world in which he has envisioned, | | then the sins of my Salazar family will be atoned for. | | | | | | =================== | | Female Intruder | | =================== | | | | There seems to be a female intruder among us. We believe she's | | connected with Sera. We also believe that she was the one who | | removed the egg injected into Sera before it hatched. She may have | | had him retirve the "sample" before the American agent's arrival. | | It's obvious that her objective is the "sample". We must get to her | | before she is able to reestablish contact with Sera. | | | | There's also reason to believe that she's working for somebody. | | We need her alive for interrogation. The female should be able to | | answer all our questions. After we have captured her, Sera will | | no longer be of any concern. As long as we retrieve the | | "sample", you may dispose of him as you see fit. | | | | | | ================= | | Butler's Memo | | ================= | | | | Knowing that Sr. Ramon Salazar has no family, Lord Saddler must | | have used his strong faith in the Los Illuminados to his advantage | | to talk Sr. Salazar into undoing the seal of the Las Plagas once | | done by his ancestor. Sr. Salazar would never do such a thing | | unless he was in some way being used unknowingly. I should have | | sensed the Lord's dirty scheme sooner. I feel I'm partly responsible | | for all of this. I have no idea as to what the Lord is planning | | but Sr. Salazar was just being used. | | | | It is too late now however, Sr. Salazar has already taken the | | Plaga into his body. There is no turning back once the Plaga has | | turned into an adult in the body. The Plaga parasite will not die | | unless the host dies. There's no cure. Perhaps, Sr. Salazar may | | have been vaguely aware of the Lord's plan all along. But it's so | | hard to tell. Nevertheless, there's nothing I can do about it now. | | I have served the Salazar family for generations. I am prepared | | to continue my services until the very end. | | | | | | =================== | | SAMPLE RETRIEVED | | =================== | | | | As you may have heard, Luis Sera has been disposed of by Lord | | Saddler. The "sample" is back where it belongs. I had hoped that | | the whole matter could be resolved without troubling the Lord. | | However, as long as the "sample" is safe we can all rejoice, for | | our time is nearly at hand. Now that the "sample" is back in our | | safe hands, it'll be a bit more difficult for that troublesome woman | | to get it. In light of all this, it's unfortunate that Sera had | | to go. Like us, he would have had a bright future if only he had | | shown more fiath in our beliefs. | | | | As for the other two Americans, the Lord has left the matter | | in our hands. We must not disappoint the Lord. We shall capture | | Ashley and take her to the Lord and dispose of the American agent. | | | | | | ====================== | | Ritual Preparations | | ====================== | | | | Thanks to the efforts of the "Novistadors," we have been able | | to recapture Ashley. We shall prepare for the sacred ritual as | | quickly as possible and make Ashley an official member of the Los | | Illuminados. While we prepare for the ritual, those of you who | | feel inclined can attend to our American friend. We should be able | | to hold off our friend for at least a little while by jamming the | | gears in the clock tower with something. | | | | I think if we jam the gears in 3 places, it should give us | | enough time to prepare everything for the ritual. Now go and | | entertain those American tourist. | | | | | | ================= | | Luis' Memo 2 | | ================= | | | | The first Castellan buried the Las Plagas deep underground | | below the castle to hide their very existence. But when Salazar | | released the Las Plagas, no one thought he could bring them back | | to life. Because when Salazar found them they were all just | | fossilized remains. Everyone knew that the parasitic organisms | | could not survive without their hosts. That they couldn't sustain | | life on their own. But when Salazar and his men excavated the | | remains, it almost appeared as if the Las Plagas were just | | waiting to be discovered so that they could resurrect. Several years | | later, unexplainable convulsions started occurring among the | | villagers who helped with the excavation of the Las Plagas. | | Then one day, all of a sudden, these villagers turned into violent | | savages. | | | | They later found out it was caused by the Las Plagas. Although | | they appeared fossilized, they were able to survive the long years | | by lying in a dormant state at the cellular level remaining in a | | spore-like form.Apparently during the excavation, the villagers | | inhaled the spores and within their bodies the parasites became | | active again. This is how the Las Plagas were resurrected. Even as | | I'm writing, the excavation of the Las Plagas continues. God only | | knows how many of these Plagas have been resurrected. Not to mention | | the countless number of Ganados that have been created. Their | | inhumane activity must be put to an end. If they are not stopped, | | people around the world could turn into victims of this crazy cult | | organization. | | | | | | =================== | | Letter from Ada | | =================== | | | | Once a Plaga egg hatches, it's nearly impossible to remove it | | from the body. But if it's before it hatches, then it can be | | nautralized by medication. If it does hatch you might be able to | | get it out by surgery before it turns to an adult. But it won't | | be easy. There's a high chance you won't survive the operation. | | As far as I know the girl was injected with the egg before you. | | Her time is ticking. You should prepare yourself for the worst | | case scenario. | | | | | | =============== | | Luis Memo 3 | | =============== | | | | The hideous creates such as the El Gigante and the Novistadors | | are merely by-products of the diabolical and inhumane experiments | | conducted on the specimens that were once human. But there's one | | type of creature that clearly distinguishes itself from the rest. | | These creatures are called Regenerators. Regeneratoes have a | | superior metabolism that allows them to regenerate their lost body | | parts at incredible speeds. I've never seen anything like it... | | | | It is this characteristic that makes them almost invincible | | to conventional weapons. But like any living creature, there's a | | way to kill it. Apparently there are Plagas that live in its body | | somewhat like leeches. To stop its regeneration process, these | | leech-like Plagas must be located and then destroyed. But they | | can't be seen with the naked eye. They can only be located through | | thermal imaging. As far as I know, most of the Regererators most | | a number of these leech like Plagas. The kill the Regenerators, | | each one of these leech like Plagas must be killed. | | | | | | ============ | | Our Plan | | ============ | | | | Because of that agent we lost Chief Mendez and Ramon. Never | | the less, everything will proceed according to plan. I must admit | | however, the loss of my loyal men is a bit disheartening. But I | | will deal with it. Replacing that loss will not come easy. I must | | choose wisely; for the Plaga reflects the conscience of their hosts. | | | | If chosen poorly, they could betray me. I need men who will | | swear their allegiance to me. I've learned my lesson when Sera | | betrayed me. I will not make the same mistake again. In this important | | hour, I cannot and will not have anyone stand in my way. | | | | | | =============== | | Luis' Memo 4 | | =============== | | | | I'll report my findings about the Plagas here. The Plagas have | | 3 distinct characteristics. | | | | 1. As mentioned previously, the Plagas have the ability to manipulate | | the behavioral patterns of their hosts. | | | | 2. The Plagas are social organisms. By this I mean that instead of | | living individually, they live in perfect social harmony. | | It is believed that they have a collective intelligence. | | This type of behavior can be seen among insects such as bees | | and ants. However this kind of social behavior is rarely seen | | among parasitic organisms. | | Perhaps it was a learned behavior by the Plagas. I'm | | finding out if this has any relationship with their first | | characteristic. | | | | 3. The Plagas have exceptional adaptation skills. They are able to | | live off many kinds of organisms by creating a symbiotic | | environment quickly. This ability, when combined with their | | social behaviors, allows them to interact intelligently | | between hosts regardless of the host organism. | | | | I am ashamed to admit that my pure fascination with the Plagas, | | in hindsight, has blinded me to the true research objectives of the | | Los Illuminados. Even with the knowledge that Saddler was going | | to abuse the results of these experiments, I could not pull myself | | away from my research. As a result, I am just as responsible for | | this whole mess as he is. I see now that I was wrong, but can I | | stop their evil plans alone...? | | | | | | ================= | | Krauser's Notes | | ================= | | | | It turns out that old man Saddler wasn't buying me from the | | start. Even though I succeeded in kidnapping Ashley, I sort of sensed | | this when Saddler didn't completely let me in the loop. Under the | | circumstances, I had no other alternative bu to call for her | | assistance. Perhaps she knew this was the way it was going to turn | | out all along... | | | | My guess is that her ultimate goal might be different from | | Wesker's and mine. This is just the perfect opoporunity to find out. | | And after I get rid of Leon and retrieve the sample, I'll put her | | in a bodybag along with Leon and send them both to Wesker. | | | | | | =============== | | Luis' Memo 5 | | =============== | | | | From the initial stages of the research, we have been searching | | for a safe and practical removal of the Plaga. Ironically, it turns | | out that the real objective of this research was not to find a way | | to remove the Plagas from the infected persons but to find a way | | so that the Plaga could not be removed from the body easily. In the | | end, we were able to find out that the Plagas could be removed only | | by exposing them to a special radiation. | | | | The only drawback with this method is that is is a very painful | | procedure. Since the Plaga attaches itself to the nerves, there | | is a possibility that it may impair the consciousness of the host. | | Another fact that must be mentioned is that once the Plaga grows | | into an adult, the removal procedure could kill the host. But perhaps | | death isn't so bad when you think about the alternative. | | | | | | =============== | | Our Mission | | =============== | | | | The real power of the United States lies in three areas. The | | Justice Department, the Administrative bodies, and the Military. | | In order to take control of these areas, we must influence the | | minds of the people who advise the President. After this is done, | | the rest of the departments will quickly fall under our sway. If | | by chance the United States were to figure out our plan, the damage | | caused should be minimal. We will still be able to conquer the | | country as planned using our backup plan. Once we control the country, | | we will use their international influence to our advantage. | | The rest of the world will fall swiftly. | | | | As already stated, if our first plan doesn't go as smoothly as | | expected, we'll proceed with out secondary plan. By sending in our | | "special" forces we will infiltrate the country from within. Fear | | and chaos will spread through the nation like a virus. It'll only | | be a matter of time before the country loses its stability. At that | | time, when they're most vulnerable, we will strike. Rejoice my | | brethren; the world shall soon be cleansed. | | | | | | =================== | | Target Practice | | =================== | | | | -Game Rules- | | 1) Receive prizes by scoring above 3000 Points. | | 2) Bonus Points will be awarded for headshots | | 3) A High-Scoring salazar target will appear with 5 consecutive | | hits. | | 4)Shooting an Ashley target will deduct points | | | | -Prizes- | | 1) Normally one bottle cap will be awarded as a prize. | | 2) Special bottle caps will be awarded by either shooting as | | all the wooden targets except Ashley or scoring above | | 4,000 points. | | 3) There are 24 bottlecaps in all. Each time you enter a new | | target range, 6 new bottle caps will become available. | | | | -Special Bonuses- | | 1) Each time you complete a row on the collector's base, | | you'll earn bonus points. | | 2) There are a total of 4 Rows. You have 4 bonus chances! | | | | -Note- | | Bottle cap collections can be viewed in the key/treasures | | screen. | | | | | | ================= | | PAPER AIRPLANE | | ================= | | | | Perhaps you have it figured out already, but you might be | | able to get out of here by using the waste disposal vent. | | | | | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| |re 6. Wesker's Files re| |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| Included in the 5th Anniversary Edition package of Resident Evil: Code Veronica, it is jumpacked with lots of information and answers to some hanging questions that Capcom "unmistakably" seen in their plots. Prepared and narrated by the former S.T.A.R.S. captain, Albert Wesker, it covers from RE1 to RE3 and laso what happened to him, since we last saw him in action in RE1 when he was "intentionally" stabbed by Tyrant? Impossible? just read on.. And in my opinion, I think Capcom made this to fill in some loopholes and tie up events so that they won't tangle because they're giving the fans definitely a lot of confusion. And putting too much effort to fit Wesker in the story?? Capcom's really doesn't want Wesker to be forgotten that easilly or that they may have big plans for the big guy, on.. 6.1 First Report: Introduction: "My name is Albert Wesker. I aspired to become a leading researcher at Umbrella, Incorporated, a pharmaceutical enterprise who covertly coonducted bio-organic weapons better known as B.O.W. for development. But at the leader development training ground situated in Raccoon City, I met a brilliant and talented researcher who made me decide to take a different path.. William Birkin." "In time, I shifted my position to S.T.A.R.S. , a special forces unit of the Raccoon Police Department. Umbrella, for crisis management reasons of their illegal bio-organic weapons development, had many of its people working in the police department. I became the leader of S.T.A.R.S. and conducted all sorts of intelligence activities for Umbrella." "As I continued to serve, I devised my own plans and waited for the right moment to execute them. Then at last, opportunity knocked..." 1998 July 24th (7.24) "The freak murder incident that occured in a forest near the mansion started it all. The mansion was Umbrella's secret B.O.W. laboratory and it was clear that the indevelopment, T-Virus, was the cause of the murder. Initially Umbrella instructed me secretly to keep S.T.A.R.S. out of the case. But, with the heightened emotions of the citizens, S.T.A.R.S. had no choice but to move in." "That's when my next order was given. Dispatch S.T.A.R.S. to the mansion, dispose of them, then report the situation to headquarters so that their combat with the B.O.W. could be used for data analysis, allowing Umbrella a comprehensive portrait of the B.O.W.'s combat abilities." "From the two S.T.A.R.S. teams, I first pitched in the Bravo team. As expected, the top elite of S.T.A.R.S. gave all they had and became useful sample data. Then following, I geared up the Alpha team to search and rescue the lost Bravo team. The members of the Alpha team also proved their worth and as expected, many died." "There were five survivors from the initial eleven S.T.A.R.S. members. From the Alpha team were Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, and Barry Burton. And from the Bravo team were Rebecca Chambers and Enrico Marini." "It was time to begin executing my plans. In the midst of the whole affair I could take Umbrella's ultimate bio-organic weapon, The Tyrant, and join forces with an opposing corporation of Umbrella. To buy into that opposing corporation, I would need the actual combat data of the Tyrant." "The surviving privileged members of S.T.A.R.S. were just the perfect bait. I decided to have one of them play the Judas and draw them to the Tyrant. That Judas was Barry. Barry was the strong truth and justice kind and cherished his family more than anything. His type is easy to manipulate. I simply took that most important thing away from him." "My only miscalculation was the high potential of Chris and Jill. But with the family man Barry playing Judas, the scene went as planned. Then the winds turned unexpectedly. I had to eliminate Enrico, who had found out what was behind it all. I used Barry to get to him. After I had successfully gotten rid of that nuisance, I awaited the sample specimen that Barry would bring to me in the Tyrant's room. *Note* Taken from the scenes of RE 1 as Jill Valentine Jill: Wesker! Wesker: You did a fine job, Barry. Jill: Just as I thought. Why do you have to destroy S.T.A.R.S.? Wesker: That's Umbrella's intention. This laboratory has been engaging in dangerous experiments and recently an accident has occured. Anyway, this disaster cannot be made public. Jill: That's why having S.T.A.R.S. know anything is so inconvenient. So, you're a slave of Umbrella now, along with these virus monsters. Wesker: Barry, go up on the ground and wait there. Jill: Barry! Wesker: I just used him for my...personal purposes. Though both you and Barry seem to think I was just following orders from Umbrella. Jill: So you're planning something else ? Wesker: If you succeeded in producing the world's most powerful biological weapon, what would you do? What if you were in charge? Jill: So, you're going to steal all the research? Wesker: Better yet, I'm going to show you the Tyrant. "I injected the virus I obtained from Birkin in advance. If I made Umbrella believe I was dead, it made it far more convenient to sell myself to the opposing corporation." "According to Birkin, the virus had profound effects. It would put my body in a state of temporary 'death'. It would then bring me back to life with super human powers. Therefore, I unleashed an awesome Tyrant from its slumber and let it attack me." "As my consiousness faded away I was certain that the whole scheme would end in success. " "Never did I imagine that S.T.A.R.S. could slay the evil creation. I lost the Tyrant and that plan that I devised which had cost me my humanity ended in failure. Now anyone or anything that stood in my way would be terminated." "It has been that way for a long time and it always will be. At all costs, I had to make S.T.A.R.S. pay." September "Two months have passed since the mansion incident. To regain all that I had lost in my new organization, I joined hands with Ada Wong, a female agent who's also sent to spy on Umbrella." "I knew in my bones that the key developer was William Birkin, but what he didn't know was that Umbrella did not play games with anyone. Eventually, Birkin would be assassinated and the G-Virus would be in the hands of Umbrella." "But the salvage team led by Hunk was ahead of us. By the time they got to Birkin, he had already injected himself with the G-Virus. He became his own creation and decimated them." "Soon after, the T-Virus carried by rats spread throughout Raccoon City and Umbrella faced its worst scenario." 28th of September (9.28) "The good citizens became zombies and the city had headed for its devastating fate. Humans were no match against zombies." "In the chaos, Umbrella Europe applied a new type B.O.W. called Nemesis. The Nemesis would hunt down and destroy the surviving member of S.T.A.R.S., Jill." "It became imperative that our organization also obtain the Nemesis data." 29th of September (9.29) "To cover up the whole affair, Umbrella jettisoned a Tyrant to take care of Leon and Claire, who were trying to unveil their secrets." "Then, a new revelation. Birkin used to hide the findings in his daughter Sherry's pendant. It was very possible the G-Virus was there, while Umbrella was busy with their cover up, we had to capture Sherry before they did. I sent Ada undercover to seek the location of Sherry. I, the 'dead man' on the other hand, had to work in the shadows." "A spy's obligation and priorities in the mission: to carry out the mission like a machine without any emotional interference. But through her interaction and involvement with Leon S. Kennedy, There had been an affection growing inside her. My instincts sensed danger. Something had to be done quickly." "My instincts did not disappoint me. Even though Ada almost had her hands on the G-Virus, which Leon had acquired from Sherry, that affection of hers drove her to her death. But she was still of some use, I had to save her life." "My people hurried to retrieve the G-Virus that Leon threw away. But Hunk, the only survivor of Umbrella's salvage team, was there before us." 30th of September (9.30) "Our only option left was to bring back Birkin, the monster, as the sample specimen and have him finish off Leon and Claire in order to obtain his combat data. Although Birkin lost the battle with Leon and Claire, we succeeded in gathering samples of the G-Virus from his dead body." 1st of October (10.1) "In the morning, the government bombed Raccoon City in an attempt to stop viral outbreak. This was of course their famed reason." "Later Claire left to Europe to find her lost brother. Chris and Leon joined forces with an underground anti-Umbrella organization. Sherry is safe in our hands; I would never underestimate Birkin." "There's something about this little girl..." 6.1.1 Some mistakes and assumptions on Wesker's part - Wesker's Report clearly states that Jill had been the one who confronted Wesker in the secret lab and Chris, on the other hand, who fought the Tyrant upstairs. Well, there's a combination of events and in Jill's scenario when she had to face tyrant, Wesker would be the one who will unleash Tyrant, provided that you didn't save Barry in the game. But Barry had been in the script during the confrontation of Jill and Wesker all along. In RE1, if you save Barry, then Wesker would be knocked down by him and he would release Tyrant out of curiosity. In any case, the footage was a mistake, just to show that Wesker, really let Tyrant attack him. - On Leon's scene, Wesker states that Leon acquired the G-Virus from Sherry. However, when you look at Leon's scenario, Anette confronted him on the right wing, just in front of the room where you can create the "Devil" vaccine. A sudden quake had occured, and Annete was knocked out cold. Before she fainted, he gave Leon a sample of the G-Virus. Therefore he got his own sample of Virus from Anette, not from Sherry. The G-Virus that Sherry had all along in her pendant had been thrown by Claire into the smelting pool area, to distract Mr X from attacking Sherry. No one had acquired the G-Virus from Sherry's pendant escept Ada, but she didn't knew it all along. Same goes with Sherry and Claire, who tossed it down the smelting pool. - Wesker said that they had to bring back Birkins in order to take care of leon and Claire. The footage was a mistake since the one on the footage was Mr X, not Birkins, whom Leon is battling with. - Wesker assumed that Umbrella jettisoned Mr. X to take care of Leon and Claire, who were trying to unveil their secrets. At the time that Mr. X was dropped, Leon and Claire was just perplexed and still tying up ends together on what's happening to the city. Umbrella couldn't have just received that information in a short notice and Leon and Claire haven't had the slightest idea at that time that Umbrella was behind everything, not until Leon talked to Marvin, who told him the gist of everything. 6.2 2nd Report These files from Wesker was sent to Ada Wong (in jap it's e-da won) who now, working with Wesker and had been a part of their 'firm' all along. It contains all of Wesker's historic affliation with Umbrella, even before the Spencer Incident and his connection with Birkins (RE0 would have some scenes that they were working together and to think that he was also once a scientist before he turned to a carreer in militia. Sometime before the 'case' in 'Resident Evil 1' was brought to light, Wesker had written a 5-part report on the events of the 20 year leading up to that fateful day... The report was addressed to Aida Wong, but we have no details of this person. We present the record in its entirely. -Warning!- This report contains some clues for the mysteries in 'Resident Evil' 1, 2, 3, and Veronica. 6.2.1 Woman Sopecimen Subject 1/10 31th of July, 1978 (Monday) It was summer, 20 years ago and I was 18 years old when I visited there for the first time. I can still smell the stench of the air stirred up by the helicopter's rotor blades. The mansion looked perfectly ordinary from the sky, but on the ground, I sensed something that made me fear to tread. Birkins, who was two years younger than me, was interested in nothing but the research paper he was reading. We had only been assigned to that place two days previously, the same day they decided to close down the executive training cetre we belong to. This looked either carefully planned or pure coincidence, only Spencer knows. Here, Arklay laboratory, was the very place where Spencer himself had a base for 'T-Virus' research. 2/10 As we got off the helicopter, we saw the Laboratory Manager was waiting for us at the lift. I can't even remember the guy's name. No matter what his offcial title, the laboratory belonged to Birkin and I from that day. We were given full authority as chief research engineers. This was of course, Spencer's intention. We had been chosen. We completely ignored the Laboratory manager and got into the lift as the previous day I had memorized a map of the building. As for Birkins, he didn't mean any offense but he never had time for others. Being in our company for more than five seconds would have made most people angy. The laboratory manager, however, showed no response. 3/10 As I was egoistic young man those days, I did not take any notice of his lack of reaction. After all, while I was there, I was merely dancing to Spencer's tune and the Lab Manager knew his intention better than I did and acted accordingly. While we were in the lift. Birkins was concentrating on the papers, which contained detailed records on Ebola, a Filovirus, which had been discovered in Africa two years ago. Even know, many people across the world are still studying the virus in order to save lives, while others have more sinister reasons. 4/10 90% of those infected with the Ebola virus will die. Once infected, body tissues is destroyed within ten days. There is no vaccination and no cure. If used as a weapon, it is incredibly frightening. Of course, the treaty of Prohibition of Use of Biological Weapons had been in effect long before that so it was illegal to conduct research on it to prevent its spreading, if it was used by someone else as a weapon. It is only a thin line between the two researhcers - in fact, there is particularly no difference between the two. As you must investigate how it can be used as a weapon in order to know how it can be stopped. This means it is possible to prtend that research is for the purpose of prevention and cure while your true aim is the opposite. 5/10 However, Birkins was interested in neither of these routes as the virus had too many imperfections. Firstly, it dies easily when in contact with direct sunlight and can only survive outside the body for a few days. Secondly, the virus does not have enough time to move onto the next host as it kills its initial host too quickly. Lastly, the virus is transmitted in body fluids and secretions, which can be easily prevented. However, consider this: 6/10 What if the person infected with the virus, could stand up and walk? And it, subconciously, they sought direct physical contact with Uninfected people? The Ebola gene is an RNA gene. RNA genes can mutate a human's genes and that mutation would allow the human to have monster-like semi immortality? This creature would be a "Human Biological Weapon" to all intents and purposes dead as a human being but still infecting other humans as long as it is alive. It was lucky for us that Ebola did not exhibit such charac teristics. We could keep the Ebola with that particular capacity just for ourselves. 7/10 The Organization, which was established around Spencer, was for the manufacture of this 'living weapon'. Officially, it was a pharmaceutical company specializing in a cure for the virus, but it was a factory producing biological weapons. The discovery of the 'Founder Virus' which can modify genes seemed to be the genesis of this whole business. In order to manufacture the 'Human Biological Weapon' from the 'Founder Virus', it was necessary to develop a variant with that particular peculiarity enhanced. That was the T-Virus project. 8/10 The 'Founder Virus' is an RNA virus. RNA viruses are known to have a tendency to mutate. That tendency enables us to manipulate them, strengthening their certain peculiarities. Birkins wondered if he could combine the Ebola gene with the mutated 'Founder Virus' to enhance its peculiarity. The sample of Ebola virus had already arrived to this laboratory. After switching from lift to lift, we eventually reached the top security unit of the laboratory. Even Birkins took his eyes off the report when we met 'her' for the first time. 9/10 We knew nothing about her. She was the biggest secret at the laboratory and her data was never removed from the premises. The records showed that she had been there ever since the institute was established. She was 25 years old. No one knew who she was or why she was there. She was a human specimen to develop the 'T-Virus' on. The experiment started on the 10th of November 1967. She had been receiving injections of viruses for 11 years. 10/10 Birkins mumbled something - Was it to curse? Or to Praise? We realized that there was no turning back. Were we to lead the research to a successful conclusion or rot away like her? Of course we had no choice. The sight of her bound to a shabby hospital bed moved something in our conscience. Was it a part of Spencer's plan? (Record continues three years later) 6.2.2 Alexia 1/10 27th July 1981 (Saturday) (Three years after the previous report) Today, a 10 year old girl was appointed as senior researcher at the South Pole Laboratory. Her name was Alexia AShford. I was 21 years old and Birkins was 19. Irritatingly, the rumour about Alexia of the South pole monopolized discussions amongst Arklay's researchers. The Ashford name was legendary to the old staff who had been at Umbrella long enough to remember. 2/10 Whenever the research came to a standstill, they always say 'If only Dr. Ashford were still alive' Certainly, Dr. Ashford was a great scientist, one of the original research team who discovered the 'Founder Virus', and the originator of the 'T-Virus' Project. However, he died soon after Umbrell was established. 13 years had passed since his death. What was the point of expecting anything from the Ashfords? In fact, the South Pole Laboratory, which was founded after Dr. Edward's death by his son, had so far yielded no results. So, not much can be expected from the granddaughter, Alexia! 3/10 However, from that day, our dotard subordunates started saying 'If only Ms Alexia were here' It seemed like there was no potential for future development in this lab, as long as we had staff like those bunch of idiots, who could only judge people by their genealogy, instead of using their own sense of values. Those fools could never take initiative and would remain as minor researchers even though they had one foot in the grave. But I was different. I had good judgement. 4/10 If I, as the chief researcher, had become emotional, the development of the 'T-Virus' would have been delayed even further. To achieve results, one must stay clam and make sensible decisions whatever the circumstances. An idea came to me - The success of the research relied on how to handle those ancient gentlemen. As they could drop dead at any moment, wouldn't they be most useful if we were to use them for the most dangerous experiments. The art of management is to utilize everyone beneath you. However, Birkins was becoming a nuisance. His reaction towards the Alexia rumours was so pathetic. 5/10 Although he never said it, he took pride in becoming the youngest ever chief researcher at the age of 16. But this 10 year old girl had smashed this figurative trophy to pieces. It must have been the first time he had felt defeated. He could never approve of someone who was younger, with breeding, and a woman. It was unimaginable that he was being affected by a personnel reshuffle in such a far away place, where there had been no achievements for so long. After all, he was still a kid. Immature as he was, I needed him to pull himself together. Over the last three years, our research had reached the second stage. 6/10 By then, the 'T-Virus' was becoming stable enough to be used to create 'Living Biological Weapons' better known as zombies. However, the virus would never be able to modify the human gene 100% - there are compatibilities between the virus and the genes because no one person's genes are exactly alike. 10% of humans would make a lucky escape and not develop the disease, even though a zombie infected them with the virus. There was nothing we could do about this, no matter how hard we tired. If I had a 90% success rate, then it was good enough to use as a biological weapon. But Spencer didn't seem to be satisfied. Our boss wanted a 'stand-alone' weapon which could wipe out an entire population. But, what for? 7/10 Essentially, the virtue of biological weapons was the low development costs. But our 'Living Biological Weapon' was becoming extremely expensive. Spencer would never have chosen this path if he was looking for financiala rewards. if manufactured for use in conjunction with an orthodox weapon. it would have made a handsome profit. But to keep the research going to make a stand-alone, exterminatory weapon did not make business sense. Why did he continue ignoring the cost? If his iam was to monopolize the entire war industry by changing the very concepts of war, perhaps I could agree a little bit. I still didn't know what his true intention was. 8/10 Apart from Spencer's intention, Birkins was engineering a living biological weapon with an increased emphasis on its ability to fight. He was trying to create it not only through mutatng human genes with the 'T-Virus' but also by adding another creature's genetic information. The fighting living biological weapon would kill all human beings, including those wearing body armour, or equipped with biological warfare suits and those humans who escaped from death through infection. It was later called 'The Hunter'. But we had to suspend the experiment for a while - to protect the specimens from Birkins. 9/10 Birkins, who had this meaningless anger directed at Alexia, started acting abnormally. He worked through the night at the lab time after time and repeated disorganized experiments one after another. Me and my staff collected biopsy samples as quickly as possible before the specimens could die, but we couldn't keep up with his speed. The Manager of the laboratory supplied the new specimens as if nothing had happened, but they didn't survive long. It was Hell. But she, the female specimen survived the hell. 10/10 She was 28 years old by then and had spent 14 years in this lab. The numerous injections of the 'founder' Virus she had received over the past 14 years would have left her bereft of any logical reasoning, but if she still had any mind left, death would have been the one and only thing she wanted. But she has continued to live. Why was she, the only one to survive? The experiment data did not highlight any difference between her and the other specimens. We needed much more time to find out the answer to that question. (Record continued to 2 years later) 6.2.3 Alexia II 1/10 31st December, 1983 (two years after the previous record) My 6th Winter at Arklay Laboratory. Two almost stagnant years had passed without much achievement, but the turning point has finally arrived. The catalyst was a report we received that morning Alexia had died at the Soth Pole institue. it was said that Alexia was accidentally infected by the T-Veronica Virus which she herself had developed. At that time, Alexia was 12 years old, and she was too young to continue this kind of dangerous research. 2/10 A rumour began to circulate that Alexia had deliberately infected herself with the virus, but that seemed very unlikely. More likely, she had not got over the death of her father a year earlier and had made an error. At the Soth Pole institute, ALexia's research was then taken over by her twin brother, her only blood relative. But no one expected any worthwhile results from him. The Ashford family line semmed to have alomost died out without producing anything of note. As i suspected, the legend surrounding this family was no more than that. 3/10 Alexia's death changed Birkins - or should I say it transformed Birkins back to the person he once was. It played a major factor in Birkins' psychological well-being as his researchers started showing him more respect. With Alexia dead, there was no longer anyone who exhibited greater potential than him. However, talking about Alexia in front of him was still taboo. Birkins strongly disagreed when I tried to get hold of a T-Veronica sample. I had to bide my time to find a better opportunity to find aout teh truth about Alexia's research. In spite of teh fact that Birkins was in much stronger position, he still never grew up. However, in those days, I had much bigger issues to contend with. 4/10 The Arklay laboratory was situated in the centre of a mountaineous region, itself surrounded by a deep forest. I oftenwent out for walks during my time there, but I never came across anyone else. Helicopter was the only means of reaching the laboratory, making it inaccesible to outsiders. The remoteness of the area and lack of people is an important facter when choosing a site for an institute like this, in order to minimize a potential disaster if the virus escaped. However, biological weapons were not as simple as that. The viruses would not just infect human beings. 5/10 No virus chooses just one type or carries. For example, apart from humans, the influenza virus can infect birds, pigs, horses and even sea lions. It complicates the matter further when you know that not all the species of the same family can be infected. For instance, ducks and chickens might become infected, but other species of birds are spared. More over, the same virus may take different carriers, depending on its variants. It is impossible to know all the carriers for even just one virus. The biggest problem is the high adaptability of the 'T-Virus'. 6/10 While Birkins was not contributing much, I had been studying the possibility of secondary infection from the 'T-Virus'. What I discovered was that the 'T-Virus' has carriers in almost every single species. Not only animals, but also plants, insects, fish, almost all teh species have a potential to multiply and spread the 'T-Virus' When I was strolling through the woods, I always though - Why did Spencer choose this location? 7/10 There were so many species that co-existed in the forest. What would happen if the virus escaped and came into contact with a creature capable of being a carrier? If I were some insects, then they would not pose a big threat of secondary infection due to their size. But insects can multiply to enormous numbers. In that case, how far could the virus be spread? Suppose it was some plants. It may appear at first the possibility of widespread infection would be small as plants cannot move. But what about their pollen? 8/10 This location was too dangerous. Come to think of it, it made perfect sense for the Ashfords to choose the South Pole as a site for their laboratory. In contrast, this location, it seems, was selected in order to spread the virus. But that couldn't be true, could it? What did Spencer want us to do? 9/10 These thoughts were too important to share with anybody else in the laboratory. The only person I could possibly ask was Birkins. But it was obvious there was no point in talking to him about it. What I needed was more information. Around this time, I started to feel the limitations of my situation. In order to find out Spencer's true intention, I needed to be in a position which would give me access to the information I required. I had no hesitation in giving up my present position for this purpose. But, I did not want to be too hasty because if Spencer had any suspicions about my real motives, then the game would me up. 10/10 I concentrated on my research with Birkins so that my real thoughts would not betray me. While we were keeping ourselves busy, the female specimen was almost forgotten about. A failure, with no use, but still she lives one. We called her a failure because we could not get any valid data from her. Until taht experiment took place, five years. later (Record continues five years later) 6.2.4 Project Nemesis 1/10 1st of July, 1988 (Friday) (Five years after the last record) It was our 11th summer since we arived at the Arklay laboratory. I was 28 years old. Birkins was then a father with a two year old girl. His partner was also a researcher at Arklay. It was hard to believe that anyone could marry and bring up a child while both of them worked there. On the other hand, because he was different he could continue his research at Arklay. Only the mad could succeed there. 2/10 In those years, our research finally reached the third stage. A highly sophisticated 'Fighting Biological Weapon' with intelligence, which would obey programmed orders and act as a soldier. That was the monster we tried to create and we called it 'The Tyrant' But from the beginning, there was one huge obstacle- it was almost impossible to obtain a living subject on which we could base the Tyrant. the supply of genetically adaptable human beings for the Tyrant was extremely limited. 3/10 This is due to the nature of the 'T-Virus' The 'T-Virus' variant which was ideal to create the zombies and the Hunters was suitable for most humans, but it had a fault of making the carrier's brain cells decline. To transform teh carrier into a Tyrant, we needed to keep teh carrier's intelligence at a certain level. In order to overcome this issue, Birkins had been working on extarcting a variant whcih would cause the least damage to the brain when it was adapted perfectly to the carrier. However, humans with a genetic match to this variant were extremely rare. The genetic Analytic team's simulation report told us that only one in ten million would be infected and transform into a Tyrant with the remainder becoming zombies. It might have been possible to develop a more progressive strain of the T-Virus which could make transform more humans into Tyrants. However, to push the research further, first of all we required human subjects with a perfect genetic match to the new variant. There was little possibility that such a specimen would be supplied to us, because even if we scoured the whole USA, we would only be able to find 50 or so of them. In fact, at that time, even with the utmost effort, we only amnaged to collect a few specimens with a close match. Even from the outset, our research was at a standstill. 5/10 But one day, we heard a rumour that a European laboratory were working on a project to create a third generation Living Biological Weapon. It was called the 'Nemesis Project'. I acted quickly to obtain a sample from the project so that I could use it to our advantage. Of course, Birkins was against this idea, but this time I somehow managed to persuade him. He had no choice but to admit that our research wouldn't go any further unless we found the matching specimen 6/10 A few days later, in the middle of the night, a parcel arrived from Europe via various transit points. It arrived to our heliport in a small box. "Nemesis Prototype" We had to pull many strings to obtain it from the French laboratory where it had been developed, but it could not have happened without the support of Spencer. Birkins showed no interest at all, but he accepted the importance of the experiment. The sample had been developed with a brand new design in mind. 7/10 A parasitic living body, created by genetical modification - that was Nemesis. A living body with intelligence, which was unable to do anything on its own. However, once it parasitised, the brain of another living being, it would take full control of the body and demonstrate its highly developed aptitude for combat. The project was to provide the intelligence and the biological body for combat separately and then combine them in order to create one living biological weapon. If it was successful, we no longer needed to worry about the problems we ahd previously encountered. But there was a new problem in that it did not always settle in the carrier in the same manner as we desired. 8/10 On the report attached to the sample, we saw nothing but a long list of deaths. The carriers lasted for only five minutes after nemesis took control of thair brains. But, we already knew that an incomplete prototype would be extremely dangerous. If we succeeded in prolonging the carriers' survival, than we could hope to take the lead in the Nemesis project. This was my aim. Naturally, I was planning to use the female specimen. With her unusual ability to survive, she could endure the Nemesis prototype for a long time. Even if we failed, we would lose nothing. 9/10 However, our experiments took an unexpected turn. Nemesis vanished when it tried to enter her brain. At first we could not understand what happened. We never thought that she would take over the parasite That was the beginning. Until then, she was barely alive but somthing was about to awake her. We had to start examining her afresh. 10/10 Over the last 10 years, she had been checked down to the minutest details, but we decided to ignore the past data and start anew. Now, for the first time in her 21 years of being there, something no one had seen was about to be revealed. After much examination, only Birkins noticed it. Something definitely exixted in her. This, however, went beyond the original 'T'Virus' project and led us in a totally new and diferent direction. That was the beginning of the'G-Virus' project, which changed all our destinies. (Record continues seven years later) 6.2.5 G-Virus 1/1 31st July 1995 (Monday) It was summer again and 17 years from the time I first visited the place. Whenever I went there, I always remember the smell of the winds from that day. Nothing has changed since then, even the buildings and surroundings. I could see Birkins, who had already arrived, standing on the heliport. I had not seen him for a long time. Four years have passed since I left Arklay Laboratory. 2/10 At that time, when Birkins' 'G-Virus' project was approved, I applied for my transfer to the Information Bureau and was readily accepted. It must have looked natural for everyone that I was giving up my career as a researcher and seekign a change. Actually, the 'G-Virus' project was beyond my abilities. Even if I did not have any reason to find out Spencer's true intention, it was true taht I felt my faculties as a researcher had reached their limits. 3/10 In spite of the downdraft caused by the helicopter, Birkins took his eyes off the research papers. Although it semmed he still visited Arklay regularly, he was no longer a researcher at that facility. Sometime ago, he had been transferred to a huge underground laboratory in Raccoon City, which was his base for the G-Virus project headed up by himself. Quite honestly, four years ago, I never thought that Spencer would approved the 'G-Virus' project because it was founded on an unknown belief and deviated from the original concept of a biological weapon. 4/10 The distinct difference between the 'G-Virus' and the T-Virus was that the organism infected by the 'G-Virus' continued to mutate by itself. Because a virus is an unprotected form of a gene, it can easily mutate. This mutation can happen when a virus is left on its own, but once a virus is in other program, it is a different story. A gene in an organism's body hardly mutates even through its structure was modified by a virus, unless some external influences, such as exposure to radiation, takes place. However, an organism infected with the 'G-Virus' keeps mutating itself without any external influence until it dies. 5/10 Similar characteristics did exist in the 'T-Virus' When we placed the 'Living Biological Weapon' under certain circumstances, we recorded some genetic recombination caused by an activated virus in its body. However, in the case of the T-Virus, it always needed some external influences to trigger teh recombination and teh results were always close to what we predicted. 6/10 Seven Years ago, Birkins found signs of this effect in the female specimen. On the surface she had not changed at all, but internally, she cahnged continuously and remained alive by merging and co existing with all the experimental viruses she was administered. And the 21 years of internal mutation evolved her enough to accept the parasitic organism Nemesis. The'G-Virus' project was trying to push this abnormally to the ultimate limit. But, the end result of this project could be either the evolution of the ultimate organism or total destruction. Can we call this a weapon? 7/10 What made Spencer approve this project? Even though I had been in the Information Bureau for four years by this time. I could still not understand his motives. And now, Spencer does not even come to Arklay. It is as if he has forseen something was about to happen there. The image of Spencer was fading away from me like a mirage in the desert. But, an opportunity must present itself sometime. If I can survive until then. 8/10 the lift was carrying both Birkins and me to the highest security level, to teh place where we saw her for the first time. Teh new chief researher, John, Birkins' successor, was waiting for us there. He was transferred from the Chicago laboratory and was said to be an excellent scientist, but he seemed to be too normal to work for this laboratory. He had doubts about the cruelty of the research and reported to his superior to correct the situation. That caused a big enough stir even in the Information Bureau. It was everyone's opinion that if any information was leaked, it had to come from him. 9/10 We ignored John and started to give her the final treatment. To kill her. She has regained a little intelligence after taking in nemesis. But, it resulted in nothing more than making her behave strangely. The odd behaviour continued to escalate. Nowadays, she peels off other womens's faces and wears them over her own. The records show that she behaved in the same manner when she was first given the 'Founder Virus'. We were never sure what made her react in such a way, but her termination was decided after three researchers had become her victims. Now, the study of the 'G-Virus' was on the track she lost her status as a valuable specimen. 10/10 The termination of her vital signs was checked and confirmed repeatedly for the next three days. Then, the body was taken away to some location at the instruction of the Laboratory Manager. Even now, I still do not know who she was and why she was brought here. Of course it was exactly the same for other specimens. However, if she had not been there, the G-Project might never have existed and if that was the case, then Birkins and I would be in a very different situations. As I left Arklay laboratory, I was thinking things over. Just how calculating is Spencer? (The "Case began three years after this report) |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| |re 7. Ada's Report re| |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| These are Ada's direct opinions and reports directly to the 'organization' she was working under. It can only be accessed in the release of Resident Evil 4 in PS2. Although it's a bit shabby, at least it gives some good info about what's happening on the side of the bad guys. And some revelations on activities and their schemes on one another (well, that's how bad guys deal with each other). Report #1 Here's what I know so far. Osmund Saddler's cult is known as Los Illuminados. They've resurrected some sort of parasitic organism they call Las Plagas. That's all my organization knows for sure, though Saddler's occult activities seems worthy of investigation. The Salazar family, castellans for generations, possess the ability to control Las Plagas. The Organization's hypothesis is that a unique frequency of sonic wave sensed only by the parasites is used to control them. The same principle used in dog whistles. This was inferred through the analysis of a tissue sample we retrieved. The tissue contained an organ presumably used for sensing sound waves. I've seen cilt members carrying ceremonial rods and I wonder if they emit these sounds. Of course this is purely hypothetical. The organization needs samples of the parasite to confirm or disprove these theories. That is the main objective of my mission and the only way to prove my loyalty to the organization. The opening moves in thischess game have been played. There's no turning back now. Report #2 Among all the people involved in this, Luis Sera has the least entanglements. He works for no organization, preferring to move on his own. I'm the one who told the organization of his importance. I did it because I like him. His history betrays an enthusiasm I once shared. It was a stroke of luck that I happened to intercept his e-mail for help. It seems he can't trust the police, so he sent the e-mail to an old friend in college. He must have thought his friend was still alive. At any rate, that's how I managed to find him. Curretnly, he'd been conducting his own investigation of the cult while doing research on Las Plagas: a brilliant scientist. He's accumulated a pile of dataand pieced it all together. Must be why Saddler hired him. Too bad Sera's snooping has aroused his suspicion. When I told him who I was, he practically begged to be taken into custody. He needed protection. He said "I have no love for "Las Plagas" or this stupid cult. I want Out. I just want peace and quiet again." I ordered him to bring me a Master Plaga specimen--a sample-- for evedence. Looks like he's one of the few people whom Saddler actually trusts. Tracking him down and getting my hands on the sample shouldn't be difficult. I doubt the cult would take kindly to his escape, though. I'll have to guide this along if I want it to go smoothly. Report #3 Jack Krauser has been the subject of extensive study and research by the organization. His skills and personality have been tested both on and off the battlefield. If he weren't the best, he would become a liability that would jeopardize the rest of us. My conclusion? He's a great soldier. No more. No Less. As long as he's well compensated, he shouldn't cause any problems for us. If he does start to get restless, I can take care of him. I've studied his combat style and can deal with that arm of his if neccessary. Krauser answers directly to Wesker, and it was Wesker who decided that Krauser should be sent to spy on the cult. He also decided to send me along. I wonder if it wasn't to keep an eye on Krauser. No Doubt, Krauser has already fallen to the temptation of the Las Plagas and the power they represent. Thsi coild have dire consequences for the organization. On some level, however, this may be a necessary development, as his role to disrupt this farce of a play. That said, the stage and its players were ultimately come crashing down in the end.Bad luck for him, but he'll play that patsy in the end and take the fall for all of us. That's why I need to make sure things keep going exactly as they are. Report #4 Leon S Kennedy....Perhaps the most essential part of this mission. This story wouldn't be complete without him and his formidable survival skills. He has what it takes to survive against overwhelming odds. I've seen him do it before. And he's improved since then. Practically a genius, he has smarts and he knows how to use them. On top of that, his service as a government agent has toughened him up. I'll work behind the scenes to make him think he's the primary player here, though it may be naive of me to think that it'll be easy. Considering the involvement of both Saddler and Krauser, the possibility of unforseen problems is there, but I need him in the supporting role for me to achieve my goals. I'll do whatever it takes to keep him inhis place and make these all go smoothly. Of course, his role didn't exist at all until a few months ago. Back then,my role was much simpler too. But that was before the President's daughter was abducted and Leon was dispatched along to find her. Talk about a major script revision. I don't think I need to worry. Leon's been through worse and always comes upsmelling like roses. His consistent luck is part of the reason why I have absolute and unshakable faith in my vision of what's in store for him. Report #5 It wasn't easy, but I'd say the mission has been a success. Getting my hands on the sample was my initial objective after all. But I've sent Wesker a different present, just as the organization ordered. Pretending to work with him was entertaining. Albert Wesker... I wonder where he's headed next. Something tells me this whole affair was just a taste of what he's got instore. To him, Umbrella represented power. He used it to hide behind while he made plans of his own. And now the Umbrella's been folded. With the sanctuary of their Old Umbrella ruined, those in power struggle to erect a new one. They are aware of their own crookedness and deceit as they engaged in their personal war of light and darkness. That's why Wesker will stop at nothing in opening his new Umbrella. The giant Pharmaceutical Corporation "S" maintains medical and drug facilities the world over. We know for certain that Wesker has been in contact with them following Umbrella's demise. There's no doubt we'll next hear from him there. The organization must remain vigilant. But Wesker's not stupid. He knows exactlt what the organization is thinking. He and I still have time to continue our little game of cat and mouse before the next move is played. This mission maybe over but the battle is just beginning. |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| |re 8. Frequently Asked Questions re| |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| Resident Evil had amused us with its plotline that had been nurtured and played with the player's imagination that makes this game a big success, excluding the fact of it's remarkable pioneering gameplay. However, as Capcom reveals its cards one by one, some cards tends to close and ideas now intertwine with one another, hence, making loopholes in the story. However, by using logical analysis and creative reason ing, we can device some answers to these "loopholes", at some point, closer to reality. This section would refer to some "unresolved" points in the resident evil plotline. Any other ideas would be gladly accepted as long as it doesn't concern with the gameplay. Objections are gladly accepted as long as evident and official documentaions are presented, not just that it was heard from message boards and the almighty "I have my sources at Capcom". So then... (Note: These are just speculations, based on evidences and logical integration of reasons so no need to say it's the truth. It is not the truth but the best answers that we can draw is brought here) Q. Why doesn't your character ever catch one of the viruses? hmmm...I daresay that this topic is foul to the gameplay's dogma and structure, but anyway, I'll give my point. Since you control the characters, I'd say, if you were good enough not to be hit by your enemies, you can get out of every scenario and finish the game without being hurt. And so, you can finally say that your characters didn't catch the viruses, since no enemy had lay down a finger on your character. Impossible? In our perspective, yes. But can it be done, YES. So no need to reason out why your characters didn't caught the virus since it can be a possibility that you can finish the game unscathed. And besides, except Nemesis' implantation to Jill, in which you can't do anything to it since it's a sequence, Resident Evil games didn't have any sequences that had made your character be bitten by the enemies. And the only sequence where Jill gets implanted by Nemesis, Capcom didn't give the idea that Jill miraculously survived, but Jill, being limited as a human, can be infected as well. from: Q: In the FAQ you mention that capcom never forces players to be bitten with the exception of the scene with Nemesis (which wasn't really a bite but you know what I mean). This is however not true. In Resident Evil 0 while Billy and Rebecca are under the Mansion-like building they encounter Ape creatures infected with the T-Virus, the first one that appears lands on Rebecca's back and starts attacking (Blood is clearly seen though she appears to be unharmed afterwards. I am far to lazy to make a screenshot. But if you really want one as proof maybe I could see what I can do... Hello, sorry for the late response. Due to my laziness and havinga tight sched. Anyway, I've confirmed your statement and I sincerely agreed with it. But let's look at Capcom's page instore for Rebecca. As of Jill being infected or, much to be more precise, been implanted with the Nemesis parasite Virus (As we can see in the sequence in RE3) Capcom really intended for Jill to be infected from the start. In case of Rebecca, well, there was contact and somehow she could have the virus or not but we can't say for sure. After all, she was missing in action, after RE1 but she managed to pass on a report on her experience. Who knows, maybe that's the reason why she's M.I.A. on all of the following accounts. Rebecca was attacked but she wasn't that gravely injured and still, she managed to continue with his mission. On Jill's account however, after her battle with Nemesis, she passed out, probably of fatigue and the effect of the Nemesis parasite. I'm not saying that Rebecca's not infected, but as far as the game's going, your characters don't catch the virus, or if they ever catch them, it's still on progress on infecting your character, After all, RE3 is the only game that took a timespan of 3 days, the rest was just a whole night adventure. Who knows.. Leon and Claire may also had been affected, Ada could have been too. But Capcom did not show it. Only Jill, because it's in the story. (And that's very unfair) Q. [RE3] If Wesker was hiding in Raccoon City this whole time, why didn't he try to kill Jill prior to Resident Evil 3 Hmmm...good point. But ,maybe we should consider first; How long was Wesker had been in the city. Maybe Ada Wong being saved by Wesker himself can be one proof that he definitely was in Raccoon City. (no other human can pull that stunt up. Wesker's the best choice fo the job). But he may have come till September 29 since that incident happened almost the 30th already since Ada's fall was almost at the end. And if he's corresponding with Ada (which explains why Ada leave Leon so often), he may have been with Ada on Raccoon City. But no account says that he's on Raccoon City during the outbreak. So this proof can be too loose. And from the looks of Wesker's statements "I, the 'dead man' on the other hand, had to work in the shadows", Wesker doesn't want to risk to be seen by anybody. With the stupid stunt that he pulled off at Spencer's Estate, he limits the people who knows that he's alive. I think even William Burkin didn't know that he used the sample he had given Wesker. So, possible that he's roaming the city, prior to RE3 but not before the outbreak, probably, during outbreak, when he can observe from afar what will Umbrella do to its worse case scenario As of why he didn't kill Jill in the first place, In Wesker's report, he cared enough to include everything. In his non-dated log of September, he even cared to include William Burkin, Hunk's assault to him, but he didn't mention Jill till the 28th. So, from the flow of the situation, he doesn't know where the other surviving S.T.A.R.S were, particularly Jill, until Jill finally came in the "stage", when Nemesis chased after her, after killing Brad. From the looks of things, Nemesis, chasing after Jill would be a perfect opportunity to gather combat data and kill Jill at the same time. As he said in his report "It became imperative that our organization also obtain the Nemesis data.", he's also interested in Nemesis combat data. I think Wesker may have learned recently that Jill's still inside the city when he was tracking down Nemesis. And Wesker after seeing Jill being chased by Nemesis might thought Nemesis will take care of her and if she survives, well, "tough luck" but we'll have some combat data. Either way, Wesker benefits the situation, so no need to kill her. Let Nemesis do his dirty job. It's a one day max job and he'll never break a sweat for it. And as Jill in a coma, Wesker's too busy monitoring Ada's mission to get the sample of G-Virus. He didn't even mention Jill, whom have encountered Nemesis and was infected, and I highly doubt if Wesker knows that Jill's been infected and was still alive till he mentioned Raccoon to be bombed. His last known info about Jill is she's being chased by Nemesis inside Raccoon City. Maybe he thought of Jill being dead either way. Q. [RE2]If Raccoon City was being overrun by zombies, how did both Leon and Claire manage to avoid hearing anything about it? Was the government keeping everything that quiet, and if so, why did they let Leon and Claire into town in the first place? Hmmm .... I myself tried to pull out the answers based from the presentation of the story and countless watching of RE2's opening but answers just tend to pull out questions again and again that it keeps going in circles. So, well break the situations one by one. First and foremost, where can possibly Leon and Claire might hear the story about Raccoon City? Probably to people? But no one dare made it alive to get out of the city and communications inside the city were cut off, so if someone drives inside, he seals his own trap, just like what happened to Leon and Claire. Unless Leon and Claire drove out of the city, they don't know the real sutuation of the city. But they escaped by going inside the city, thinking that the police station is much safer. Based from it, they don't know what's in store inside the city. It's like they've walked in an impomptu act on a stage, accidentally set up by Umbrella. So, they don't know the city's real situation until they figured it out when they met inside the precint. So we'll cross of the people as their possible source. But what about media? Media and Press can't let a story just pass them away. The news about the continuous attacks at Raccoon City may have reached to Claire and Leon and they may have some insights but they never expected that the whole town would be infected? Plus the fact the media's limits, they don't know what caused the mayhem in Raccoon City. Plus the fact that Umbrella were really serious in covering up their tracks and became more frustrated to face their worse case scenario, media would never had the chance to get to the bottom of it. Not all media would report this case 24 hours on their daily program. Probably Leon and Claire may have missed it and from the looks of it, they're not eager and anticipating to hear what happened to Raccoon City since they have already their own insights. And about the government, well I think they acted almost late but fully aware of the situation. And it's not the government that let them walk inside. If they had walked inside without being informed, then the said government fails to secure all places. And we can see in the opening sequence of Leon and Claire in RE2 that they entered Raccoon City peace fully and the city surroundings didn't gave away enough suspicion for them to walk away, until they were inside and noticed. Until they realized the situation, it was too late to go back. Q. [RE2] If there was a military blockade in place around Raccoon City, how did both Claire and Leon manage to drive right into town? (It's entirely possible that the quarantine was lifted on the 29th due to the imminent bombing, but even then, there should have been police, military, and press stacked three deep in every direction around Raccoon.) Since RE2 was the first one to be released before any of the preceding RE games stated that the militia had barricaded the perimeter of Raccoon City, so it would be a mistake from Capcom to say that the militia had already build up blockades in the 29th, when Claire and Leon had entered Raccoon City by twilight to nightfall of the 29th. As we can see in the ending scenes on RE: Outbreak, the military blockades were said to be 10 miles far from Raccoon City. That's one of the possibilities of the location of one of the blockades and it will be reasonable to have blockades around the city if it would be nuked to prevent people from entering ground zero. However, we can see in the opening scenarios of Leon and Claire in RE2 that they have peacefully entered Raccoon City. From the looks of it, Leon and Claire took different routes, Leon took a right turn and Claire taking the main highway, (can be seen in the opening scenario) and ended up on the same area (with the fastfood, which Claire first entered to ask questions) I'd say that the area which they entered has low zombie activity, unlike in the center of Raccoon City which has all the action inside. And about the militia, well from the opening scenario of RE3 and RE2, I think they weren't there. All that can be seen fighting the zombies were the RPD, along with the S.W.A.T. and Umbrella's UBCS, no US Army were present, even the press. So I'll say the implementation of blockades were at 29th but before they had established blockades, Claire and Leon had already made their way to the city limits of Raccoon City. After all, the barricades that these US Army had established were 10 miles (and if Leon and Claire were to take a different route, aside from the main road starting from the 10 mile radius, they would definitely miss the barricade, on the main highway) Maybe some of the poeple would say that the blockades were all around the city, but the fact that they haven't confirmed it, since Leon and Claire had gotten through Raccoon City, and take note also the truck driver at the gasoline station who had also entered Raccoon City. If he entered Raccoon City without any suspicion about what Raccoon City had been, then the area which they have stumbled were not that trashed and it would seem, peaceful, with peculiar quietness. Apart from that, no sign of barricades were present, even tumbled ones, so I'd say there were not. Although it wasn't confirmed whether the police and militia really covered the entire Raccoon City, in any case Leon and Claire managed to enter Raccoon City (also the gas truck driver) without any signs that can give them any suspicions. It was until they were at Raccoon City that Claire notices the still quietness and Leon, seeing a person lying on the road that aroused his curiosity. Q. [RE2] How did Anette knew that Ada was a spy for Umbrella? Annete Birkins had stated in RE2 about Ada being a spy for Umbrella and the fact that she states some speculations that Ada had made one of their head researchers that only goes by the name John, fall in love with her, to infiltrate inside Umbrella; a perfect and old way of undercovering if I may say. (Annete's statement can be found when you played Claire A/Leon B) Whether Anette's statement be true or not, she didn't knew from the start. She just figured it out when he stated in RE2, when she disarmed Ada on the sewers. She said "Ada! Where did I heard that name before. Oh yeah I remem ber. One of our head researchers used the name of his girlfriend as a password..." (Well..most likely). From this statement, we can extract the fact that Ada's name had been popular on resear chers in the Spencer Estate, but the researchers haven't seen this Ada yet. As a proof, Ada said to Ben that he's looking for his boyfriend John, who disappeared from Umbrella office based in Chicago 6 months ago. And then Anette Birkins would stumble upon this Ada she keeps remembering everytime she opens the doors in Spencer Estate. No wonder she'll say "where did I remember that name before.." Plus the fact that Umbrella had been hearing spies lurking around, Anette probably had thought Ada as a candi date for being a spy and formulated these thoughts that Ada fits in the perfect place to be a spy. Q. [RE2] Who does Ada work for? (Umbrella, as it may seem is out of the options) Well...Ada's integrity is a little misleading and most commonly, Ada is confused in working under Umbrella. Anette accuses Ada to be a spy, Anette works for Umbrella, therefore Ada, definitely 'does not' work for Umbrella and in fact, the other way around. But whom does she work? Anette somehow had stated in RE2 about Ada, working for a certain 'agency', Anette stressed out her point but too vague and unprofound, since she too wasn't sure where. So it's a dead end. Another is the Wesker's files. Considering the fact that in Wesker's Report I, Wesker clearly stated that "I joined forces with Ada Wong..", it somehow states that Wesker, pertains Ada to be working on another company, and he, who also works for another company, joined forces with her since they almost have the same goal, to infiltrate Umbrella. But his later statement "I sent Ada undercover to seek the location of Sherry.." Wesker clear ly stated that she has sent Ada, not just a request but to clari- fy this, as an "order". (Or Ada may have objected but Wesker threathens her to do his bidding, can be a good point). From Wesker's statement that he sent Ada Wong, would mean that Ada had been taking orders from Wesker, thus concluding that Ada and Wesker works for the same company, a company that had been opposing Umbrella, but at the same time, its competitor. To prove this, Ada wouldn't just take orders from someone who's not higher than him or if she was threathened, I think Wesker wouldn't risk of threathening her since Ada has no relatives to be accounted for, like what Wesker did to poor Barry, and if Ada reported to his company about Wesker, Wesker, as far as his statements goes in his report, must not be seen by anybody. Few people must know that he's still alive. So..if you put the picture of Ada, working for Wesker and not that Wesker had joined hands with perfectly fits. Ada has no objections on the mission that Wesker gave her. Wesker, saving Ada when she fell down and Wesker, letting Ada gave the rocker launcher to Leon in his final battle with Mr.X. In some cases that Ada may not be working in the same company Wesker is at, maybe Ada and Wesker's company, two different companies but has the same goal, that is to overthrow Umbrella, as a leading pharmaceuticals involved in biological warfare. as of 11-05-2005 After six years of working in the shadows, she revealed in her reports some hints about her, working in an "organization" alongside with Wesker, although they don't have the same motives but they have a little show for us. About the tip on the "organization"? She just mentioned about another Pharmaceutical Enterprise called "S". (could be her employee, we don't know for sure) Q. [RE2] Who's the suspicious individual that was accounted in the "Patrol Report" Hmmm.... a sidestory but can fit into different plotholes. The report, as written by Sgt. Neil Carlsen says "We received a report of a suspicious individual skulking around the sewer in the outskirts of Raccoon City". Who can this be? To sum up the possibilities, let's read on..."I searched the area and located the individual, but he ran away before I had a chance to question him.". Definitely a man, and this means any girl and a child would not fit. So here are possible suspects.. Ada Wong - hmmm...a girl it might be. She has the mission of locating Sherry and the place to start is the Underground Lab and where could she gain access to it? In the sewers, right? If what Sgt. Neil Carlsen says "located" means he saw a silhouette or a glimpse of the suspect or actually saw the face but has no idea; it can mean different situa tions. And remember that Ada has a boy's cut hairdo, thus, if what Sgt. Neil Carlsen saw is a silhouette, Ada would have passed as a candidate. But Ada's outfit would be a giveaway if she was the, we'll cross her out, unless she's the type of spy who changes clothes which is also a possibility. But her buttocks and breast would be obvious giveaways too. And if she ever hides them, why would she?? Ben Burtolucci - hmm... a possibility, since a reporter always lurks around areas where they would get any scoop. But why would he have C4s? And C4s are issued only in the army, not sold commercially. So definitely, it's not Ben. Hunk's members - possible... The report says it was noted September 20. And from Nicolai's report that Burkins was attacked on the 22nd. Maybe Hunk sends in scouts to scout ahead around the sewers to make plans for their infiltration. But one thing, they're Umbrella's army. If the police ever saw them, they would be recognized. Unless Hunk's team were as exclusive to be used often, the police may have information about them, otherwise, if they just barge in, the police may have confronted it. But the fact that the suspect ran is a giveaway. If the suspect indeed was one of Hunk's men, he don't need to run. If I was Hunk, I'll standby my men for possible outbreak if push comes to shove that someone may see them. But the suspect left before the sentry had questioned him. So there's still a 50-50 possibility Wesker - hmmm... possible. He can disguise himself. If someone sees him, he has his reason to flee, instead of confronting the sentry, since one of his priorities is not to be seen and he must work in the 'shadows.' He has intentions of planning to raid Birkin's in his lab to get the G-Virus, and the only possible route there is via the sewers. All possibility and valid reasons fit Wesker in the stage. My best bet is him. And also, if this is proven, then we can finally say that Wesker, was 'indeed' in Raccoon city. The report seems to be vague and does not connect with any possible suspects that we've known. It can just be a sidestory of another character in the near future, a possible survivor? Another tale of survival. Whatever the case, it will be an open page for Capcom. Q. [RE2] How did Mr. X know to go after the pendant? (Could it smell the G-Virus or something? Was it simply smarter than it looked?) Maybe we must first determine the intellect and the system creation of the T-002 aka "Mr X". While Nemesis was implanted with the combat data from S.T.A.R.S., we can say that it's a possibility that it can happen to Mr X too, Otherwise why would Umbrella send Mr.X to retrieve the G-Virus if it can't recognize it. And the Mr X that had been threathening Sherry, was dropped at random by the Umbrella chopper, since we can see that the chopper holds more than one canister that probably contains other T-002 as well. So, Mr X have something that drives him to get the pendant badly. He maybe smarter than he looks, probably he has infrafed visions of virus detector like the parasite in RE Gaiden. For me, I think Mr X is just created with no reasoning but to seek and destroy all living organisms it sees in its way, unless given vivid orders, which it can fully comprehend. Another funny reason, maybe Mr X didn't really know about the pendant, Sherry tossed it over and Claire caught it and Mr X fol lowed. If Sherry were to toss her shoe instead of the pendant and Claire caught it and provoked him, would Mr. X follow? Basic ally yes, if his intellectual capability is that of a dog or much lower. So, in respond to its instinct, when Sherry threw her pen dant, it followed it at when Claire caught it and throwed it again, instinct follows and he didn't know that he will fall in the smelting pool. It's just a funny fact but it's proven in reality. But Capcom really intend for Mr X to follow the pendant and the previous conver sations of Anette and Claire would clarify that Mr X is really after the pendant. Why? There's something that Mr X has that drove him to chase after the pendant. It is indeed smarter than it looks. Q. [RE2] What was the true purpose of Mr. X? In Wesker's Report, Wesker stated that Umbrella jettisoned Mr. X to cover up their scheme and to take care of Leon and Claire who were trying to unveil their secrets. If that's the case, then why did it always follow Sherry's pendant. Claire was there, then why did she not attack her instead of going after the pendant. hmmm...Wesker indeed stated in his report that Umbrella dispatched Mr. X to take care of Leon and Claire who just happened to enter RPD. Seems possible, then we'll assume that Umbrella has many eyes that watch over the city and destroy possibel evidences or survivors that has the possibility to squeal them in public if they survived. I guess, Mr. X mission was to make sure that no surviving living being may escape. Since Umbrella intend to hide this in public, they're making sure that no one dare to make it alive. As for Mr. X in the paracelsus cannon [RE3], I think they had a fight with the US army, who, also dipped their hand on this event (about their motives? it's still unknown) Since the US government was trying to uncover the truth, Umbrella had no choice but to defend and they dispatched Mr. Xs to fight the US Army. Q. [RE2] How did the hell Hunk survived and accomplish his mission and be called the 4th survivor? These questions are too vague that Capcom's presentation of Hunk's story said that Hunk survived, got the vial of G-Virus, headed towards the sewers and escaped? Well, too bad Capcom! It isn't just as simple as that to say since you've implied in your games that Raccoon City is a city of survival. However, the story that we formulated on Hunk's survival before goes like this... ***Hunk survived like Marvin and almost got drowned in the sewers and got the vial of G-Virus from the sample that was spilled when they were attacked by Birkins (which would seem logical since the case spilled still contains some vials that were not yet broken) and got to the rendezvous point just before Leon and Claire stepped in the precint. (it's illogical for him to stay in the sewers till the 30th if he got the virus already).*** End It was until Wesker's Report screwed it up by Wesker's statement. "My people hurried to retrieve the G-Virus that Leon threw away. But Hunk, the only survivor of Umbrella's salvage team, was there before us." ..which will defy the latter story. And this produced more questions than it can answer. So.. to miraculously answer these questions, we'll need to dissect the questions from the start of the assault on Birkins till Hunk's escape. Q.1 How did Hunk survive William Birkin's assault in the sewers. Well, there are things in war that veterans are good at, hiding and retreating when things get worse. It may be possible that Hunk wasn't there but he's the leader of the team so it wasn't the fact that he wasn't there. It may be possible that Birkins attacked them before they managed to regroup and get out, since they expect only minor obstacles. And when those who had encountered Birkins called for back-up, reinforcements came in too late. Hunk realizes this when he lost two men in a split second, just in time for back up to be slaughtered again. He attempted to call for regroup but it was too late and he realizes that they can't take Birkins down. (And also, no one knows that the monster was William, except Anette). He decides to retreat. (How the hell he did that, I don't know, unless Hunk was ahead of them while getting out. That could be a possibi lity, and the fact in the gameplay that he has a limited supply of ammo that he probably didn't use). But one thing, he's not the one holding the samples since the one holding were shown slaughtered and the case containing the samples were spilled. We can conclude that he was ahead, to clear the path for the sample to be safe. But their rear were left unguarded, so they came back but they're too late. He retreats without hesitation. No need to play hero to an enemy you know you have no chance against... Q.2 How did Hunk got the vial of G-Virus? And Wesker said that it's the same vial that Leon threw? It will be more tougher to answer this from here on. And I'm not convinced with my answers either, but let's continue with Hunk's adventure. ....But their mission was not accomplished, and Hunk knew that failure is not an option to Umbrella. He decides to hide and wait for a chance to recover the samples that they have dropped but probably, Birkins gulped it all. Although it was seen to be ingested by rats, it can be possible that Birkins beat the hell out of the rats, and gulped the remaining vial of G-virus to himself. (which explains why there were no mutated rats in the sewers, no vial was found when Leon and Claire passed there and why Hunk wasn't able to recover even a single vial of G-Virus there). So Hunk, hid himself from the roaming Birkins and since Birkins were roaming around the precint, Hunk would just slip away freely in the factory and headed for the lab. Since he can't find any sample anymore, the lab would be the best possible place to get a sample of G-Virus. He went in the underground lab, hoping to get a sample of the G-Virus. But he failed. Just then Claire and Anette were already there (that means he spend his entire 5 days finding a sample of the G-Virus in the lab and perhaps studying the virus making machine, and if Wesker was there, he's lucky not to bump at Wesker) and maybe he overheard about a last survi ving sample of the G-Virus. He went near the power room where Mr. X confronted Claire to get a chance to get the pendant. When Claire threw it to the smelting pool, he may have a bad angle and went down to see if the sample survived and if not, he'll lick the remains, just to get a sample. (maybe there's something that we don't know about the vial; it has super human rigidity that 100,000 kN of force won't smash it :D). But it wasn't there. Just in time Leon and Ada were having their sentiments, Leon threw the sample, out of despair in losing Ada and Hunk, who was on the 7th basement had stumbled on the umsmashed vial. He took it before Wesker's men could get there. Otherwise, Wesker's men would have killed him. (If Wesker really have subordunates there, which is still doubtful). Mission Accomplished. He made his way to the factory and the sewers but eventually collapsed on dehydration and low energy without sleep and sex. And that's where we see him lying his face on the muddy water in the sewers when we take control of him in the mini game of 4th survivor. Pretty lame. Q.3 If William Birkin's assault were on the 22nd, and Hunk escaped in the 30th, what the hell did he do in his 8 days of M.I.A. in RE?? Wow!.. Another impossible question. (This story never really runs out of loopholes) but I'll try to keep it realistic as much as possible. Well, for me, if he didn't get the vial from the dozens of vials that they took from Birkin's lab, and in the end, he got a vial for himself to be brought to Umbrella, then I'd say, where else could he get a sample? From Birkin's lab, where else? I assume he went there and hopes to find remaining sample of the G-Virus but there was none. Possible that he went around, looking for clues where he can obtain a sample. Possible that he studied the appara tuses on how to cultivate the G-Virus but only Birkins and Anette knows how to do it. Besides from recuperating from Birkin's assault on them and hiding and perhaps collecting ammo from his dead comrades, he went to the underground lab. Funny though he didn't bump on one of the characters in RE Outbreak there and Wesker too. (some lucky ass he got there) Q.4 So when did Hunk exactly escaped Raccoon City? Based from Wesker's report and the arrangement of events, the early morning of the 30th 29th is impossible if Wesker claims that Hunk beat them in getting the sample that Leon threw. October 1st is impossible since Raccon City's a big crater by that time and since it was still dark, the 30th's the only option. Q.5 Why don't any of Hunk's men became zombies? (William slaughtered them real good and we can see in the opening scenario of RE Outbreak that the rats had eaten one of them) Good point. The fact that Birkins killed them and he has the G-Virus, would mean that he can infect those whom he killed. Another foul loophole. We can say that the developers at Capcom haven't thought of making Hunk like zombies (that would be cool, especially with guns, but that would be much of a hassle to the player, wouldn't it) But here we are, to make it believable. The fact that Umbrella were making sam ples of the G-Virus, they were also making research about its cure, as their last hope, if ever they got infected. The Vaccine; codenamed "Devil" can cure someone infected by the G-Virus. In Claire A, you got the chance to mix this vaccine to save Sherry from turning into G-Type. If a vaccine exist, it would be possible that it was shared in Umbrella's emplo yees (And that explains why won't any of them be infected; i.e. Anette, Hunk, Nicholai etc and possibly Jill) Or if that's not reasonable, think how Birkins oversized claws ripped off Hunk's men. Perhaps the cadaverous laceration could have prevented their resurrection, damage beyond repair. Whatever the case, Capcom just said that Hunk survived and that's magical and must never be questioned since they would just let the fans conclude for themselves. Q. [RE2] If Wesker had been resurrected all along, thanks to his plans and the virus that Birkins gave him, why didn't he save Birkins in the first place when Birkins was attacked by Hunk's team? After all that they've been through, they're best buddies and Wesker might need Birkins for continuous development of the G-Virus. Well, that means Wesker plans to ditch out Birkins in the first place. In Wesker's report, he clearly stated that "But the salvage team led by Hunk was ahead of us.". Wesker intends to get also a sample of the G-Virus, thanks to Ada who would put his hopes up when she accomplished her mission. But that's not the way it goes. Ada had to fell for Leon badly. I think it says here that Wesker initial plans was to get a sample of the G-Virus, either by confronting him or getting it by force (after all, he's got superhuman strength) But due to his reasons, he really doesn't want to take the risk to be seen, and in this case, even his long time colleague Birkins. And Umbrella's up to it and he doesn't want to give Umbrella the idea that there's also someone who's after Birkin's G-Virus. Ada was just plan B of his unexecuted plan A. Or maybe Ada was plan A all along to infiltrate Umbrella. But Hunk's team beat them up to it. As far as the story goes, no need for Wesker to rescue Birkins since all he cares is the G-Virus. Q. [RE3] What was UBCS's real mission?? Supervisors were to acquire combat data from zombies, They can get data every time they want if they tried different tactics to slay their creation somewhere else. So why go for the hard way?? And the UBCS were summoned prior to the outbreak. Therefore, Umbrella knows that Raccoon city will be infested in the first place? If Umbrella were covering up their mess by sending out the UBCS, why the logo of Umbrella on the back of the uniform of the UBCS? It's an obvious giveaway. And why would they rescue survivors? Didn't Umbrella anticipated that it's possible that if they rescue survivors, they would take the risk of rescuing people inside the city who might know Umbrella's involvelent in the mess? Yeah, Umbrella were planning on ahead to assemble the UBCS, for 'precautionary' measures, if push comes to shove. We all know that the T-Virus had been spreading around Raccoon City for the past 4 months since the Spencer incident. Whether Umbrella knows what caused the Spencer Incident, it doesn't matter, since some members of the UBCS had been training for the past 6 months. It certainly proves that Umbrella also has its militia and the UBCS member's were just drafted in the middle of September, a week before Birkin's assault, as a plan in case Umbrella would face its worse case scenario, and that is total infestation of the city. Birkin's assault however, with the spilling of the G-Virus and being carried by the rats were just formalities and somehow, with the help of the G-Virus, the T-Virus' infection rate had increased. So, in short, Raccoon City is doomed from the start and would eventually be totally infested, and Umbrella knows this. They may have predicted that William Birkins would refuse to hand over his creation; that's why they send in Hunk's men, fully armed, to retrieve the G-Virus by force. Umbrella also assumed that the G-Virus, as the latest B.O.W. would not affect the coming end of Raccoon City. They miscalculated that Birkins would use his own creation to himself and miscalculated that Hunk's team would fail to get the G-Virus. But things get screwy and Umbrella had faced its worse case scenario. UBCS's mission, initially I think was one; to help out the citizens, that's one of their primary objectives, by fighting and slaying their own creations, which Umbrella assumed that UBCS would survive. And the suit the UBCS wearing with the Umbrella logo, if the outbreak didn't happen, then the T-Virus would slowly infect the city, but Umbrella has the situation under control in their palms. They'll send the UBCS to help RPD, they'll stand victorious and get the chance to get a good impression to the citizens and the officials of Raccoon city and at the same time, with the help of RPD, they can get their precious combat data for their research. But that's not the case, Raccoon's totally infested with zombies, a situation that Umbrella hoped they would never encounter. Without any choice, since the situation became more hasty, they were forced to send in the UBCS earlier in their calendar, full force to help out since they don't want Raccoon City to be lost to them. They had laboraories there and would lost a large sum of investment if Raccoon City will perish. (After all, they can't make another Raccoon City in the next 10 years, Raccoon City's the perfect place for them to develop their research, and with their influence. They will start to square one again to build up their influence, if ever). And so order for the UBCS is to help the police, rescue the civilians and for the supervisors, to gather combat data, unknown to the non-supervisors, since Carlos said to Jill "We're mercenaries, hired hands". And Carlos said that he's not affiliated with Umbrella. UBCS was meant to slay Umbrella's creations, in a 'stage' that Umbrella's has accidentally set up; Raccoon City. If the Spencer incident wouldn't have happened, maybe UBCF will combat their creations in a more secluded place, where Umbrella wouldn't worry about their activities being exposed to the public. Then as a product of their mission, their combat data is produced. About getting combat data the hard way, let's say that there's the dif ference between the simulation and the real deal combat situations. Q. [RE1] Who set up the self destruction device in Spencer Estate? Well, the first Resident Evil, had some confusions since it's a mix up of Chris and Jill's scenario. I'll base my speculations on the PSX. In Chris scenario, Rebecca set up the bomb to destroy evidences in the mansion. In Jill's scenario, Barry said that Wesker, might had set it off. Well, if we mix Chris and Jill scenario Wesker can't set off the bomb and be stabbed by Tyrant at the same time. Unless Wesker can multiply himself (for those Wesker clone fanatics, this could be a scoop), but Wesker stated in his first report that he let Tyrant stabbed him (and what a job he pulled at that time, wondering if Wesker was stabbed the way Brad was stabbed by Nemesis, that would really put an end to him). And also, if Wesker would trigger the self destruct device, that would spoil his plan, he would be included in the explosion. So, I'll go for Chris' scenario. Makes more sense if Rebecca would set up the bomb as he said to Chris, there are too many evidence that should be left there. About Barry's switching sides, Yeah it's still credible but maybe Barry didn't knock Wesker off with his gun. That would defy the fact that Wesker was the one who unleashed Tyrant, since in Jill's scenario, it was Barry who accidentally released Tyrant. Maybe something happened that Barry switched sides without Wesker being unconscious. Q. Wesker came back from the dead with superhuman powers, thanks to the virus which he got from Birkins. Birkins confirmed that the virus has profound effects. If he said that, then he knows the virus, efficiency. In that case, why didn't Birkins reproduced the virus that he gave to Wesker. It was indeed a success and Wesker's a living proof, so that puts the ideal B.O.W. that Umbrella aims to have. Did he know that his virus was a success and did he know that Wesker's alive. So why don't we see some of the superhuman B.O.W. like Wesker if the virus was a certified success? hmmm...very profound idea. I think Capcom just want to leave this fact as a blank page, where they can fit in some answers or raise other facts as well. start with, Wesker did gain superhuman powers and didn't lose much of his humanity. (unlike those infected ones that lost their will to think). And Birkins gave him the magic vial of virus, Birkins confirmed to him about the virus' profound effects. That means he had tested the virus and has gained results. A scientist never relies on hypothetical results. So, if Wesker was a success, then he's the ideal Tyrant that Umbrella wishes to pro duce. So that proves that Birkins didn't inform nor give a sample of the virus that he gave to Wesker, to Umbrella and he intends to keep the results of his virus to himself. Or it could be possible that he still have some unresolved side effects of the virus that he didn't told Wesker in the first place. Or he didn't expect that Wesker would use the virus and be successful. After all, Birkins didn't know that Wesker's still alive till his death. If he does know, why would Wesker make an attempt to get the finished G-Virus from him without his consent? So it's logical to assume that Birkins does not know Wesker's still alive, since Wesker was last seen at the Spencer incident, and probably Birkins knew Wesker was dead. Maybe Birkins was aware of the possibility that Wesker used the virus but since Wesker didn't made contact with him, as Wesker stated in his report that he didn't want anyone to know he's alive, Birkins doesn't know Wesker's alive. And if he did use the virus, Birkins assumed that it was a failure, maybe due to the inconsistency of the results, that made him thought of it as a failure. And he abandoned the idea of it, never knowing that the virus was a success to Wesker. Whatever the case, it's a mix of event but didn't get the chance to meet at both ends. And the fact that he still continued the G-Virus project, well, G-Virus project was started in 1988, when they accidentally discovered it. So technically, the G-Virus was on its way to development. And I think Wesker's virus was derived from them. Q. After Jill was infected, Carlos brought her to the secluded chapel and promised Jill that he would be back and he would just take care of something. So.. what did Carlos did to leave Jill for some time, (almost two days, to be exact since he can be seen with Jill at the 2nd half of RE3, who knows if he was taking care of Jill for some time, we don't know for sure) and what did he do, to have lately figured out to find a cure for Jill? And from Jill's condition to be infected, wouldn't it be that she have turned into a zomble after 2 days? Hmmm... a very hard question. If I would put myself with Carlos' situation, I'd never would have left Jill, just like everybody would say. But let's not judge Carlos the way he acted. At least he helped out Jill recover. From the looks of it, Carlos have some unfinished business that he had to take care of. But why wait for 2 days before having thought of getting a vaccine. Well, maybe Carlos were looking and I think that what he had to take care of is a way to escape the city. Since the last chopper that they hope would be carrying them to safety was shot down by Nemesis himself, he figured out that they won't make it outside the city if they make their way out. Low ammo and no means of escape, he may have tried scavenging ammos, radios from his comrades to contact HQ if possible that he can call for evacuation. It can be possible since he knows that they would not survive in the middle of the city. When he finally gave up, he went back to Jill who was still in a coma and took care of her, until Jill regained consciousness and say if he was infected. About Jill, not turning into a zombie yet...well.. that proves that the Nemesis Parasite, which Nemesis were created out of, has a slow capability to infect, if did not turn Jill into a zombie until she accepted the vaccine. Q. In RE3, Jill destroyed the full grown Nemesis with a weapon of the US special forces, called the "Paracelsus' Sword" (the rail cannon). And a "Classified photo file" said that the firm who owns the rail cannon would want to get hold of the G-Virus. (which would put the US government as primary candidate, since the army found together with the slain Mr. Xs were from the US Special forces) So... what did the US want for in the G-Virus? Why would they sent in an army to get the G-Virus? (hmmmm..mmm) A very intriguing question, but Capcom really hadn't given any information about the affliation of the US government about this matter. Except the fact that the Pentagon had placed the whole city under quarantine and the US Government has sent in reinforcements to help control the situation, nothing had been accounted about the US involvement. Also, the senate had passed verdict on the hopeless Raccoon City to be nuked first thing to destroy the T-Virus and prevent it from spreading outside Raccoon City. And the press' reports said that the cause of the mayhem in Raccoon city which the Pentagon was forced to quearantine it is because of radioactivity, not the true fact that zombies roam inside the city. So..the truth was intended never to be revealed in public, as what the press had stated. And also, the US has sent in a special force (if it was acted alone, without the knowledge of the US Government is still unknown) to recover a sample of the G-Virus as stated in the "Classified Photo File", some one from the higher government wants the G-Virus sample. Motives are still unknown, and dead US troops were seen in the power room of the Dead factory. It clearly proves the US involvement within this matter. From: Ken lee: ( Q: From: Resident Evil : Gaiden. "Leon contacts HQ, saying their mission is complete and on their way home. Nobody notices Leon's cut in his neck, which was bleeding lightly, with 'green' blood." Actually what does that mean...? Leon was infected...? (Lol.. I was a fan of Leon, wanna know what exactly happened to him) hmmm... well.. I can't say Leon was infected indeed but if he's the original Leon... then we're in for a really big surprise of what's in store for him and another angle maybe how come he escaped when Claire and him invaded the main Umbrella Headquarters in Paris. I don't vouch that he's a fake since he had been missing since the start of the, we'll take a wild guess that Capcom definitely has some big plans for our hero..when will we know that? It's up to them when to spill it. |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| |re 9. About the writer re| |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| Im a Filipino, 25 yr old artist, who finished Electronics and Communications Engineering and an avid fan of Role Playing Games. The first one I've played was in my kiddies and one of my friends had lend me one of their NES cartridges; "Wizardry, Proving Grounds to the Mad Overlord" (which was in Japanese at that time but I kinda figured out what it says, for the sake to play it) and I really enjoyed it. Among my faves that time were Front Mission, Cosmic Wars, Castlevania series, and Dragonquest. This is my first Plot Analysis guide. |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| |re 10. E-mail Regulations re| |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| I've included in this section so that I won't be filled with worthless mails, spams, stuff and questions in my mail. So...I won't entertain mails.. - without a title of 'Resident Evil', so please put a title in the title bar that would indicate you'll be writing to me regarding RE. With so many e-mails, I would ignore it if I don't know who's it from and without a letter header of 'Resident Evil' - Typographical errors. I know I'm not good in English. - with spams, or not related to Resident Evil, even the movie (which by the way, is waaaaay too far to the plot of the game. Maybe I'll do reruns but for now... hold your questions. - with personal violent reactions. I know most of the stuff here are all in the game and you may contradict with what I have assumed. But there's no need for foulmouthings, and stuff. We're civilized people and perhaps maybe we can go on a friendly discussion on what seems wrong with the flow of the plot. - Questions that pertains to the graphics and gameplay of the system like.... Why the police station had a puzzle to unlock this door? How com Claire knows how to use a grenade launcher? Why did this wall became fixed when in a previous game it was broken? Why did the thing is removed when it was in the other gameplay? So questions that questions the gameplay itself will not be entertained. C'mon, that's self explanatory and the developers at Capcom had given us the thrill and enjoyed the game. What they didn't give us is some explanations on what happened to what happened and it's no joke to pull out answers forcefully to fit in the scenario, just to have a reason. - Questions that would make me repeat what I've written above. If that happens, I'll refer him/her above and would not entertain anymore questions from him/ her again So. other questions, preferrably related to the storyline would be appreciated, so we derive an answer and it might help answer all of our questions. Answers will be posted here and the sender would receive an e-mail of the answer. |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| |re 11. Shameful 'Credits', Acknowledgements, Plug-ins re| |erererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererererer| (not to be read by everyone, since it's all boundless crap) Words of my gratitude goes To CAPCOM Entertaiment for making this terrific storyline. To my brother, Vice President Treill Hearmiton ( who help me sort out some things and play some of the games to clarify some things and staying all night to pull out questions to answer some of the loopholes in Resident Evil. You can check out his faq at at the final fantasy section, character set-up. To my colleague, Master Erwin, for his Sega Dreamcast and Gamecube (since I don't own one, I owe you one) and teaching me how to run my PS1 games to my PS2 (shameful one) and oh yeah!! Congratulations and Best Wishes for Star To my high school classmate, Michael Patrick for lending me his brother's 5th Anniv collection of RE. (And I know you didn't ask permission to him, thanks man) no. 5438 To my script references at gamefaqs Clark Gibson ( for RE0 Script el_tercer_poder ( for the RE: Survivor Script Dave Schmidt for the RE Script ... and others whom i haven't mentioned, thanks for the scripts and the convenience not to play RE over and over to get the scripts To my friends who don't know I'm writing this stuff, I'll give them my gratitude. To my one and only 'blackseraph', who had been my source of infinite will and doesn't know she's credited here. I love you!! To the Lord Almighty who had given me the talent to express and write And of course, to you, who had read all this way ... Mabuhay (long lived) Resident Evil!! --(End of Document)--