Robot Alchemic Drive Walkthrough This guide is a comprehensive walkthrough of the game Robot Alchemic Drive. It is intended to help players who are trying to get all the game's secrets, and is 100% spoiler free. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction A. Disclaimer B. Version History C. About This Guide II. Miscellaneous Info A. Controls B. Characters C. History D. Terms you might need to know E. The Meganites III. Battle Tips and shops IV.Walkthrough V. Extras VI. Credits I. Introduction A. Disclaimer This guide is copyright Jace Alcon, 2003. It may not be used for any purposes beyond simple reference without his express permission. Prohibited uses of this document include, but are not limited to, the following: editing it; altering it; translating it; offering it (or access to it) as part of an agreement, be it private or public; hosting it; claiming credit for it, where no such credit is due; including it, or part of it, within another page, as a frame or otherwise; and any uses deemed illegal by the Federal Government of the United States of America. B. Version History \Version 1.0 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ v0.1 - Completed Introduction section - Finished Walkthrough - Completed Extra section C. About this Guide This is a guide to the game Robot Alchemic Drive (RAD). In this guide, I'll tell you how to get the different endings, what to do when your stuck, and strategies for fighting the bosses. If I miss something, put down some wrong information, or if you have any comments, please contact me at Looking forward to your comments! II. Miscellaneous Info A. Controls: In the game Robot Alchemic Drive (RAD) there are two modes of control. They are "Easy" and "Normal." "Easy" is, obviously, the easier to control of the two choices. Here's a run down of the two when you are controlling the meganite: LA = Left Analog Stick RA = Right Analog Stick D-(blank) = D-Pad & Direction ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Normal: Easy: Triangle: Energy Blast Triangle: Energy Blast Square: Transform Square: Transform O: Missile O: Missle X: First Person View (use D-pad) X: FPV (Using D-pad) L1: Move left leg L1: Grand Charge L2: Use with R2 to crouch L2: Crouch L3: Alternate Left Weapon L3: Alternate Left Weapon R1: Move right leg R1: Grand Charge R2: Use with L2 to crouch R2: Crouch R3: Alternate Right weapon R3: Alternate Right weapon LA: Swing left arm LA: Swing Left arm RA: Swing right arm RA: Swing right arm Start: Pause & Map Start: Pause & Map Select: Switch Hero/Meganite Select: Swtich Hero/Meganite D-up: Turn torso up D-up: Move forward D-down: Bend at waist D-down: Move backward D-Right: Turn torso right D-right: Turn right D-Left: Turn torso left D-left: Turn left B. Characters: Let's make sure that you're aquinated with the characters in the game. Any and all important characters are listed here: Naoto Tsukioka: Quote: “If I don’t do it, who will?” A seventeen-year old junior in the public Senjo High School and the sole heir of the distinguished Tsukioka clan. However, his cheerful demeanor and strong sense of justice belie his prestigious background. He harbors emotions close to hatred toward the Trillennium Committee and the Meganites that heblames for his father’s death and the fall of the Tsukioka clan. He finds himself torn between the desire to protect his loved ones and the need to control the Meganites. [I prefer to call him ‘Ace.’ It just seems to fit better. This character is your generic hero with issues. The only thing I can say for certain about him is that his Gravity Boost Energy Gauge does not refill all the way after it’s initial use.] Ryo Tsukioka: Quote: “The grownups seem to think we exist to heed their wishes” A seventeen-year old junior in the public Senjo High School. He is a cool and reserved young man with the best marks in his grade. He tends to be aloof and emotionally distant. Despite his appearance, he is shockingly agile. He is known in other schools as Senjo High’s toughest fighter. He recognizes that the Tsukioka clan’s collapse resulted from out-of-control business spending, but still feels conflicting emotions over the Meganites. He also feels stifled in his position as the supposedly interim Chairman of the Civilization Preservation Foundation (Trillennium Committee). [Calm, cool and collected hero. I like to refer to him as Seal, after an… interesting Anime character. Same problem as above.] Yui Tsukioka: Quote: “I think I’ve been waiting all this time for someone like you.” A junior in the public Senjo High School. Attractive and compassionate, she is adored by the male students. Her outlandish pink attire stems from her infatuation with super robot anime and live action shows that were at the height of popularity in the mid 1970’s. Unwilling to accept the that the Meganites’ development costs drove the Tsukioka family into bankruptcy, she dismisses them as antiquated junk metal. [Ditsy sort of hero. I refer to her as Asuka, because she reminds me of Asuka of Evangelion fame.] Nanao: Motto: Quote: "I don't like sunsets. They remind me of that day." A seventeen-year old junior who also attends Senjo High. She looks younger than her years, and come acrose as a timid little sister type. She leads a modest and simple life with her grandmother. She had been classmates with Tsukioka since junior high. With Naoto and Ryo, she tends to act like an older sister, but she can also act childishly in front of them. The reasons behind her haunted downcast atmosphere graduallay become apparent. [I hate Nanao. I've yet to meet anyone who actually likes this annoying girl. Most of the plot revolves around her, at least not the part with the big robots.] Dr. Hourai: Quote: "What purpose does the Meganite serve?" A Brilliant but completely mad scientist who developed the Meganites. Now 62, he was classified as a threat to society for his research paper on the "successors of humankind." In spite of his eccentricity, his scientific reasoning is impeccable. He correctly predicted the arrival of the Volgara. In thought and in deed, he is an enigma. [This guy doesn't play a major part in the storyline. He'll show up a few times, but that's it.] Dr. Herman Wiltz: Quote: "The Meganites were never intended to be weapons." A 36-year old scientist who developed the Alchemic Drive. He had been developing the next-generation energy system in his native Germany, but had to suspend research because of financial woes. He arrived in Japan and join the Trillennium Committee after the organization stepped in as his sponsor. When the Committeee's government funding was terminated, he alone remained in Senjo at the research lab to nurse the Meganites to completion. He later assumes a commanding role in the war against the Volgara. [Worst. Accent. Ever. An important character who basically is your tutor through the entire game. He'll give you advice and objectives at the start of, and during, the missions.] Keiko Konan: Quote: "Alchemic Drive runaway... it's out of control!" The Trillennium Commitee's 22-year old communication operator. While overly sensitive to person hygiene she is popular among the Committee's maintenance crew for her mature but cheerful attitude. She has recently moved into a new condominium building which becomes a source of great concern as the Volgara and Meganite battles rage in the city. [Another very low key character, she'll show up here and there, but that's it.] Saki Kyono: Quote: "It makes the world go 'round, money." The Civilization Preservation Foundation's acid-tongued 28-year old financial manager. She is a highly capable accountant who left a promising career in the Ministry of Finance to join Tsukioka Industries and support the Foundation's ideals. She predicted that the astronomical sums being spent on the developing and operating the Meganites would drive Tsukioka, then one of Japan's biggest conglomerates, into financial dissolution. However, moved by the late Tsukioka owner's desire to protect the earth's peace over saving his own company, she dedicated her life to the re-establishment of the Trillennium Committee. [She's cool, but she's also the source of many many headaches. However, she is the one that allows you to get money in the game, so it's tolerable.] Ellen Bulnose: Quote: "I'm not going to be a puppet for my parents." The 18-year old daughter and heir to Bulnose, France's leading weapons manufacturer . She is an intelligent young woman who is conversant in French, English and Japanese. Rebelling against her parents as "merchants of death," she volunteered for the Emergency Guidance Group so that she could help people. In the past, when there had been talks of merging Bulnose and Tsukuoka's businesses, she had been engaged to Tsukioka's male heir. The engagement dissolved after Tsukioka crashed in financial ruin. This incident scarred her deeply. [The best female character in the game. She is just so much better than Nanao. Just... ugh. Then again, a swift blow to the head is better than Nanao.] Masaru Misaki: Quote: "I'm MHI's Heri. I can't run off and hide by myself." The heir of Misaki Heavy Industries, the arms manufacturer that vaulted to the top of the Japanese military weapons market in the wake of Tsukioka's downfall. Despite being just 17, he recognizes his importance as the heir, and involves himself in the administration of the conglomerate. He is already viewed as the next in line to succeed the family business. He has been chosen to marry Ellen Bulnose to affect a merger between the French and Japanese military manufacturers. He tries hard to become a man worthy of Ellen, but... [I like this guy. He's the kind of guy that you really want to hate, and you do, but after a while you realize he really is a good guy.] Tomoe Kawasaki: Quote: "We've got a live feed from the disaster scene." The top newscaster on BNN, Japan's biggest TV network. Now 34, the ravishingly beautiful newscaster is an overwhelming viewer favorite. She is also known for a series of scandalous affairs with celebrities. However, because she projects and image of purity and innocence, she has legions of fans both inside and outside the network. She is considered to be the perfect newscaster by aspiring female news people, including Mika Banhara. [She tells you how badly you messed up. Other than that she has about two different positions in game and the second worst voice actor in the game. I just wish that you could skip over her dialogue.] Mika Banhara: Quote: "I don't want to be an on-the-scene reporter forever." A 25-year old making her debut as a BNN field reporter. She is convinced that ceaseless effort will be rewarded by success, but her career so far hasn't been quite what she envisioned. She had originally been stationed in Tokyo, but was largely relegated to the role of assistant. She never got the opportunity to appear on TV while at BNN Tokyo before being shunted off to the out-of-the-way Senjo. Before the reality of the de facto emotion (author: anyone care to tell me what that means?) could set in, however, she gets the opportunity of a lifetime in the Volgara invasion. She seizes the chance to become a major news figure y getting as close to the action as possible with little regard for her own safety. She learns that the Meganites' controller is a mere teenager, so she decides to get closer. [Annoying. She's constantly in your way and the only good thing about her is that you can kill her in one mission with no reprocussions :P] Souya: Quote: "He controls the Meganites with knowledge of their power... He's dangerous..." A mysterious man who appears before the hero. What motivates this figure clas in black leather? [Anything I could tell you would be a spoiler. If you really want to know about him, read the rest of the FAQ.] C. History: 1969: Humankind's first lunar expedition. Humans set foot on the moon. However, the entire lunar crew dies mysteriously on the return flight. 1975: Humankind's first manned space station is constructed. 1976: The space station's crew all die. 1980: Next Radiance is discovered. Nectar Radiance is found to be drifting throughout space. It is invariably lethal to any organic life form. It penetrates any substance. Nothing can provide protection from it. So long as Nectar Radiance exists, it is impossible for life forms to travel into space. Organic life forms can survive only on earth with its protective atmosphere. Nectar Radiance Imprisons life forms on earth. Humankind christens it 'The Nectar Barrier*.' 1981: All space exploration projects are indefinately postponed. Humankind cannot advance to the stars. Alien life forms cannot come to earth from space. Humankind continues its solitary existence. However... *Nectar Barrier: Taken from the title of a research paper authored by Dr. Hourai. In it, Dr. Hourai hypothesizes that a highly toxic radiant energy field drifts in space beyond the earth's atmosphere, and that its effects render impossible any extended space travel by humans. How this research prompted world powers into a new arms race has not been disclosed by the authorities. D. Terms you might need to know Meganite: The robots you control. The three different meganites are: Vavel, Gllang, and Laguiole. Volgara: Enemy robots. The different Volgara are: Laborer, Dantarion, Asmodeus, Robot Alchemic Drive/Gigantic Drive: The thing they never elaborate on that powers the meganites. Can anyone recomend any more terms? E. The Meganites Vavel: The one "Complete" meganite. I won't tell you what that means, but it's the only one. It's the most well balanced of all the Meganites, but only one feature that really makes it stand out: Volcanic Mode. (It's other mode doesn't count) Official Data: Seraphim-class close combat war mech Vertical Fortress Vavel. Agility: 3/5 Power: 3/5 Armaments: 3/5 A combat Meganite possessing the highest abilities of the powerful Seraphim-class bipedal war mechs. Standing over 130 feet tall, this menacing robot is rumored to have been named after the Tower of Babel. Its power can be temporarily boosted using Volcanic Mode overdrive system. However, while the Volcanic Mode generates several times the normal power level, the generators are driven close to the point of uncontrollable critical mass. As such, unleashing the Volcanic Mode is fraught with danger. Vavel's main means of attack are pummeling blows delivered by its massive fists. Laguiole: Hands down the best meganite. It has the best L3 weapon, it's the fastest, and after its armor is upgraded it can take hits just as well as either of the other two meganites. Plus, planes are cool. Offical Data: Charubim-class air superiority defense mech Airborne Dominator Laguiole Agility: 5/5 Power: 2/5 Armaments: 2/5 A silver Meganite of the Cherubim-class air defense robots. It is outfitted with powerful beam weapons. It can be transformed into a high-speed flying fortress for protecting cities from above. While its lightweight construction means its punches have relatively little impact, it is compensated by outsanding mobility. Laguiole's main assets are its long reach and strong beam attacks. Gllang: Very probably the worst Meganite. While it does do good damage per hit, and it has a lot of guns, using something fast that also has good long range, like Laguiole, will just dominate it. If you like big hulking slow things (like football players) your in luck. Offical Data: Thrones-class ground domination mech Gllang the Castlekeep Agility: 1/5 Power: 4/5 Armaments: 4/5 A heavy Meganite of the high-powered Thrones class that is equipped with an impressive array of projectile weapons. It can be transformed into a self-propelled fortress to travel at high speeds. Its thickly armored body makes it the heaviest of the three Meganites. Its sheer weight makes it sluggish and difficult to handle, but also gives devastating impact to its punches. Gllang's basic armaments are ordinance weapons. III. Battle tips and shops ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laboratory: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal Shield: 4,000,000,000 Perfect Shield: 8,000,000,000 Nova Shield: 12,000,000,000 Gravity Booster: 5,000,000,000 Perfect Booster: 10,000,000,000 Nova Booster: 15,000,000,000 Gravity Drive: 3,500,000,000 Perfect Drive: 9,500,000,000 Nova Drive: 15,500,000,000 Hand Grenade: 12,000,000,000 Power Grenade: 15,000,000,000 Nova Grenade: 18,000,000,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hanger: =============================================================================== Vavel: =============================================================================== Weapons: Gravity Zero: 9,000,000,000 - This is a throw move initiated from a crouching position. Blast Hook: 11,000,000,000 - Energy is stored in the knuckles for launching powerful hooks. Gigantic Booster: 22,000,000,000 - This is a fire-element booster pack attached to the back of the Meganite. It enables high-speed movement. Dual Knuckles: 10,000,000,000 - This will launch both fists simutaneously. Consider it a double-power Assault Knuckle. Meteor Dive: 25,000,000,000 - This is a diving kick with extreme destructive force. Divine Uppercut: 14,000,000,000 - This is a powerful punch launched from a crouching position. Angelic Fall: 50,000,000,000 - This is the most powerful diving kick launched at the maximum power level. Armor: 1/5: 5,000,000,000 2/5: 10,000,000,000 3/5: 15,000,000,000 4/5: 20,000,000,000 5/5: 25,000,000,000 Capacity: Vavel Missile: 1/5: 5,000,000,000 2/5: 5,500,000,000 3/5: 6,000,000,000 4/5: 6,500,000,000 5/5: 7,000,000,000 Pyro Burner: 1/5: 5,000,000,000 2/5: 5,500,000,000 3/5: 6,000,000,000 4/5: 6,500,000,000 5/5: 7,000,000,000 =============================================================================== Laguiole: =============================================================================== Weapons: Divine Laser: 30,000,000,000 - This is a Nova Laser that is maximally amplified. Gigantic Boomerang: 18,000,000,000 - This is a huge boomerang. Its effects are limited, but it consumes little energy and can be used repeatedly. Gravity Zero: 9,000,000,000 - This is a throw move initiated from a crouch position. Armor: 1/5: 5,000,000,000 2/5: 10,000,000,000 3/5: 15,000,000,000 4/5: 20,000,000,000 5/5: 25,000,000,000 Capacity: Sky Torpedo: 1/5: 5,000,000,000 2/5: 5,500,000,000 3/5: 6,000,000,000 4/5: 6,500,000,000 5/5: 7,000,000,000 Aerial Missle: 1/5: 5,000,000,000 2/5: 5,500,000,000 3/5: 6,000,000,000 4/5: 6,500,000,000 5/5: 7,000,000,000 =============================================================================== Gllang: =============================================================================== Weapons: 40mm Rapid Cannon: 7,500,000,000 - The rapid-fire cannon is swapped for a larger caliber cannon. 50mm Rapid Cannot: 15,000,000,000 - Larger Caliber of last upgrade. Fire All Ordnance: 28,000,000,000 - Gllang's ultimate attack, which simutaneously fires all its weapons. Gaia Ax: 16,000,000,000 - A huge ax is fired for crushing enemies. Gravity Zero: 9,000,000,000 - This is a throw move initiated from a crouching position. Armor: 1/5: 5,000,000,000 2/5: 10,000,000,000 3/5: 15,000,000,000 4/5: 20,000,000,000 5/5: 25,000,000,000 Capacity: Rapid Cannon: 1/5: 3,000,000,000 Detonator: 1/5: 5,000,000,000 Shoulder Missile: 1/5: 5,000,000,000 Leg Missile: 1/5: 6,000,000,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tips: 1) Our First tip comes to us from BiggieY2Killer. He advises that you should jump onto Mika's helicopter, onto a car, a person, anything that moves. It will make for a much more interesting mission. 2) Armor is the best upgrade. The weapon upgrades can be useful, but normally they're hard to pull off or a normal attack will suffice just as well. 3) Make sure to upgrade your heros abilites. Especially the booster and drive. The grenades, while helpful, are not really that important. 4) When a Volgara is attacking a building, use light energy attacks, such as the triangle button, to either force the Volgara to phantom away from the buildings or, if it hits, the Volgara will turn around and try to attack you. When this is not the case, try doing hooks away from the building you're trying to protect. It will force them away from it. 5) When you need to get somewhere fast, use Fortress mode. You go so much faster when you do. Be sure to buy the Gigantic Booster for Vavel so he can move just as fast as the other two. If you have any suggestions on tips then please contact me at my provided email. IV. Walkthrough This is going to be the shortest walkthrough ever. Most of the missions are very straight forward and are just "DESTROY!!" So I'm going to do the best I can. Hope this helps! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission 1: Meganite Awakening Volgara: Laborer Reward: 0 Conditions: Ah, the very first mission. Excited? I know you are. The first thing you need to do is find Nanao. See that big building in front of you? Run toward it and Hero will point out the stairs on the left. Climb or fly up them to meet Nanao (grrrr...) at the top. You'll talk, blah blah blah blah. Eventually the train will appear and at the same moment the great Trillenium Committee will page you. Soon after a giant robot appears!!! Yeah, I'm scared too. Anyway, run around for a minute or two until Nanao remembers that she's not the only person on the planet and her grandma is in danger. She'll talk you into trying to save her grandparent and then you get to run to her grandmothers house marked in red on the map. You can't save her, don't bother. The Volgara will blow up the house and then you get to talk with Dr. Hourai. He gets blowed up too. After this head toward the Foundation, keep in mind that until the other two above events happen, you cannot enter the committee, and your Meganite will appear. If you picked either Laguiole or Gllang as your meganite in the beginning, they will appear in fortress mode. So destroy it to finish the mission and continue on to mission #2. =============================================================================== Mission 2: Capital Crisis-1 Volgara: N/A Reward: 0 Conditions: Great job! Way to go! I knew you had it in you! Ready for mission 2? The first step (if you have Gllang or Laguiole) is to physically get on top of the meganite. Using the gravity booster of course. With Vavel the easiest thing to do, while you don't have to, is to get on top of Vavel's shoulders. Next, smile! You're on candid camera, as the news station appears to film you. Fly around for a while and just have fun. You'll be told to make way to Tokyo and the good Doctor will show you the correct direction to go, so take it. For those of you who missed it, just move forward. Gllang and Laguiole will just take you there, and Vavel you need to load up on a transport. That's it, end of part one. Continue on to part two. Mission 3: Capital Crisis-2 Volgara: Laborer Conditions: Very straight forward mission. Just attack the Volgara using the tips in section III and destroy it. The Doctor will tell you when it's Phantom System is no longer operational. When that happens, blast it. =============================================================================== Mission 4: Drill-1 Volgara: N/A Reward: 0 Conditions: Follow the leader. After talking with Keiko you'll need to head toward a red dot that will appear on the map. When you get there Keiko will welcome you into the Trillenium base. It's commonly referred to simply as the "Foundation." You'll learn about a new weapon!! Yay! Take the lecture if you feel you need the practice, it's really easy so I'm not going to go through that. Don't take the lecture and end this part of the mission. Tough huh? =============================================================================== Mission 5: Drill-2 Volgara: Drill Laborer Reward: 0 Conditions: Nanao wants to go home. She'll gladly take you there, if you know the secret. Instead of just rushing toward the destination, jump on her head and she'll actually carry you there. It's very funny to see Nanao wander all around the town carrying a person on her head. It is a little tricky to get on top of her however. Anyway, one you get to the Pandera Bakery (Nanao changes her mind on where to go) the next Volgara will appear! Not a good thing. Run around until Keiko contacts you. Then you will be able to launch the Meganite at your discretion. Due to the large distance between the Bakery and the launch point of your Meganite, it's sort of hard to tell where your meganite is. Just locate it and maneuver it to fight. Be sure to test out any and all tricks you might have or want to try, just to get used to them. After that, just destroy it and the mission is over. Oh, watch out for the Crypt Drill. Ouch. =============================================================================== Mission 6: Waterfront Showdown Volgara: Drill Laborer Reward: 0 Conditions: First thing to do is make sure you know the layout. Just glance around and make sure you know where everything is. After a short time a tank will appear. Head over to the tank to progress in the plot. Ah, wonderful. Now the Volgara appears. Try and avoid the lighthouse, it helps a little later in the plot. Interestingly enough, the Volgara seems to have a lot of problems activating the Phantom System in water. Use this to your advantage! =============================================================================== Mission 7: Phantom System Volgara: Harrier Reward: 0 Conditions: Very easy, straight-foward mission. Just destroy the Volgara, not much else to do. Interesting note: this was the fight in the OPM demo disc. =============================================================================== Mission 8: Volgara: Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: Money makes the world go round. At this point, you will start to be paid for destroying the volgara, and with this money you can purchase upgrades to yourself and the meganites. Check section III for tips about what to buy and what does what. After they tell you about the plan to get paid, you'll be thrust into a battle with the volgara. In a minute. First is a little tutorial on what buildings you should try and protect. Pay attention to what buildings you should protect, saving them will give you extra money, and the more you save the better rewards you get. From the Senjo Peace Award (10,000,000,000) and the construction award (5,000,000,000). Anyway, just run around where they tell you until the volgara shows up. After they show you where the Hospital is, and tell you all about the Redwing Cross Award, turn around and head back to the tennis court that you started at. This is where your Meganite will be launched and if you're far away from it when the Volgara shows up, it will make it much harder if you don't. Just use standard tactics on it until it dies. The best tip I can give you is that, due to the fact that it will immediately attack the Hospital, use hooks to knock it away from the building. Also, if you manage to hit it with a laser or a rocket, it will turn around and forget about about the hospital. =============================================================================== Mission 9: Volgara: Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: And guess what? Nanao shows up! Right in your way, as always. She tries and talks you into getting her grandmothers pendant. Since you're a nice person, then yeah, get her pendant in the light tower. Run up to the door and hit square. Run all the way around to the back from the elevator and you'll find the pendant. Run back down and activate the meganite. Nanao will stop running toward the lighthouse after a while, however the volgara will continue to advance. In order to progress in the plot, head towards the tanks that appear. After some time you'll be able to launch the meganite. When this happens get it over to the volgara as quickly as possible. Standard tactics, and you're good. This is one of the few missions you can beat it without destroying any buildings. =============================================================================== Mission 10: Blast Furnace Volgara: Fire Laborer Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: OOoo... Shiny new Volgara! This one is actually pretty cool, with the fire attacks and all. Those are really the only things you need to watch out for when fighting this enemy. The first thing you need to do is head towards those tanks that show up. This is just to kill time. Keiko will tell you when you're able to launch the Meganite. Try picking up the tanks and launching them at the volgara. Just for fun. Best advice I can give you is to BLOCK WHEN HE USES THE THERMAL CANNON. Otherwise you will fry my old motherboard did. =============================================================================== Mission 11: First Memory Volgara: Cyclone Harrier Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: You'll learn to hate these. They keep showing up, they don't fit that well and are just plain boring. But the rest of the game is good! I swear! Come back! ...please? Uh... anyway, when you first gain control of your Hero, go straight forward until you're teleported to Nanao. Except that it's a very young Nanao with the same, 17-year old Nanao sprite. Blah blah blah, you'll talk until Nanao runs off. Run around for a while until you're again teleported, this time just outside of bullnose industries. After telling you about Ellen for a while, you're again teleported to the Foundation where we learn a little more background you already knew. I'm getting tired of this. Here's a quick walkthrough: run around whenever you can and walk toward any people you see. You don't actually have to talk to these people... Stupid daydreamer! A Volgara is attacking you and you're just standing there! Turn. And. Run. All the way to the other end of the map, until you're able to summon the meganite. When this is possible I suggest using every long range attack in your arsenal until you're out of energy or ammo. It doesn't have much life. If it's still alive after all that, then try doing a chop to knock it down, and then it's yours. =============================================================================== Mission 12: Volgara: N/A Reward: 0 Conditions: Head towards the red dot on the map which is the E.G.G. headquarters. Captain Hayakawa is very cute. Bad voice actor (surprise). Anyway, go back to the red dot and on the way you'll run into Ellen. After your conversation summon the meganite, destroy the mock-up in the middle of the city and finish the mission. Interesting note: This is the last mission where you can destroy whatever you want, in a human city, with no bad side effects. So take it upon yourself to create a volgara mission (you're welcome BiggieY2Killer) and destroy! =============================================================================== Mission 13: E.G.G. Volgara: Harrier Mark 2 Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: Head towards the red dot, or the E.G.G. HQ. When you get close the Good Ole' Doc will contact you. Surprise! A volgara has appeared. Run towards the new red dot on the map, and after a number of cut scenes you can summon the Meganite to kill the volgara. Not hard. =============================================================================== Mission 14: Inferno Volgara: Fire Laborer Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: Basic mission is to destroy volgara and save the mayor. I usually don't put out the fire, I just go after the volgara and everythings cool. So just be sure to kill it fast and block a lot. Easy. Good tactic, start off by using the beam weapon until the Volgara phantoms behind you. Turn around and Eliminate it. If you want to put out the fire, get to the mayors office as quick as possible and hit L3. Your alternate weapons has been replaced by an extinguisher. Aim for the three little fires and after some time they'll go out. =============================================================================== Mission 15: The Mobile Fortress Volgara: Laborer Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: That's right, your normal meganite is having an overhaul. For those of you who don't know, an overhaul is basically a tune up. This means that you're going to have to use another meganite. If you're playing Laguiole or Vavel, you'll have to play as Gllang. If you're playing as Gllang you'll be replaced with Laguiole, yay!! Anyway, this means you're going to have to figure out a few more tricks when using your new meganite. Refer to section III for tips and tricks. In this mission (assuming you picked either Vavel or Laguiole in the beginning) you'll start off on top of Gllang in Fortress mode. When you're able to move, switch to meganite and move forward. You'll go through a brief tutorial, "Press triangle to fire..." kind of thing. Eventually you'll be able to transform. Just attack and kill. With Gllang, I'm willing to bet that you're going to do a lot of damage to the city. I hate Gllang. =============================================================================== Mission 16: Ellen and Nanao Volgara: Harrier Mark 2 Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: The instant you can move go straight forward. You'll eventually decide to visit Nanao at her work place. Just head toward the red dot and go to the front door. Now, after that little cut scene a volgara will appear. Basically you have to run around and just wait until you can summon the meganite. If you have grenades, then by all means, use them. Summon your favorite meganite and get it away from the Pandera Bakery. Unless you're trying to get one of the special endings of course. =============================================================================== Mission 17: A Family Rival Volgara: Laborer Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: Start off by selecting which meganite you wish. After that head straight toward the MHI HQ building because this particular volgara is programmed to take it out. Get it away from the building by shooting it with some light attacks to draw its attention, and then hook it away. Keep in mind that this volgara CANNOT teleprot. =============================================================================== Mission 18: The complete - 1 Volgara: Centurion Reward: 0 Conditions: Select your meganite. Move as fast as you can toward the upper left hand corner of the map. Shoot at the volgara with a light weapon to get it to teleport a little closer to you. See section III for tips on fighting the centurion. You can't beat it, but you can hit it for a while. Afer it attacks with a Vavel like missile fist, and you run away with your tail tucked between your legs. =============================================================================== Mission 19: The complete - 2 Volgara: Centurion Reward: 15,000,000,000 Conditions: This is the mission where you either get Vavel or, if you're already playing Vavel, the genesis mode. You have 30 seconds from the beginning of this mission until Vavel launches, so just position yourself for a while. After you can summon Vavel, do so and fight until you are told to activate the volcanic mode. Check section III for battle tips. Once you're in volcanic mode it makes it much easier to kill the volgara. =============================================================================== Mission 20: A day at school Volgara: Cyclone Harrier (2) Reward: 20,000,000,000 Conditions: You bad person you! You overslept! Anyway, as you can tell from the title you'll need to head to the school. This is supposed to be the "touching" mission where you're supposed to start caring about Nanao. Don't count on it. Anyway, when you get to the school the volgara will appear. Run toward the volgara until Keiko contacts you to tell you to summon the meganite of your choice. After you accomplish this, use standard tactics to kill the volgara. It's not hard. The only problem... another volgara shows up. If you're good you'll have the first volgara smoking and near death by the time it shows up. Just finish off the wounded one and continue on. The second volgara seems to have less life than the first. I smacked it a few times and shot it with Laguioles L3 weapon and it just blew up. Not hard. =============================================================================== Mission 21: Nanao's Water Soup Volgara: Drill Laborer Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: "I dice bread, fry it in oil, then boil it in water. It's a proper meal. It's called bread and water soup." Ok, I'm not a heartless monster. That is pretty sad. I still don't like her though. But you, you're so thoughtful. Nanao needs proper food so you, heroically, volunteer to do to the japanese equivalent of a 7-11 and pick her up something. If you go to the convience store anywhere on the map, you will then you need to go to the grocery store at the top of the map. Going to the grocery store and then Nanao's will cause the volgara to appear. Fight it off when Keiko says its ok, and here's the twist, but when you knock it down another volgara will attack! *Gasp* Don't worry. Just finish off this volgara. =============================================================================== Mission 22: Meganite Memories Volgara: Harrier Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: A lot of talking until the volgara shows up. When it does use your pre-selected meganite to bash it in. Just watch out for Ellen. =============================================================================== Mission 23: Bus stop Volgara: Laborer Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: This is the first mission where you will need to use the grab ability to complete a mission. In case you don't know you grab something by crouching (hit L2 & R2) and then tip one of the analog sticks forward. If your hand comes in contact with a person, or vehicle, then you will pick it up. This is what you need to do with the bus. Just race ahead and grab it, turn around and set it down somewhere safe. Then work at hammering the volgara to death. =============================================================================== Mission 24: The dark one Volgara: Laborer (2) Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: Ominous title. This battle is a 2-on-1 for a while. Until you get some help that is. Remember that meganite you saw earlier? It's back. Best tactic here is to go after one of the volgara until Valdor shows up. Then just watch out for his wild attacks, he can hit you with them. Oh, and Valdor cannot be killed, trust me, I've tried. =============================================================================== Mission 25: Ellen Bulnose Volgara: Centurion Reward: 15,000,000,000 Conditions: Another "search for the red dot-ober" part. Yeah, I know. I'm hilarious. ANYway, go to the convenience store marked by the dot on the map. After a brief conversation with Ellen, you'll get a small chance to move. Doesn't matter. A volgara will appear right on top of you. It WILL land on you for that matter. After that just run away as fast as you can, the volgara seems to be designed to attack you. This makes it hard to maneuver and get your Meganite moving. So run as far away from the meganite as you can (to avoid building damage) and physically get on the volgara. Switch to meganite and move it over to where you are. Jump off the volgara and smack it with the meganite. Then the ball is in your court. Exterminate the volgara the best way you know how. =============================================================================== Mission 26: Volgara Mystery Volgara: Harrier Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: Humanoid Alien? Woah! Talk about your plot twists. Anyway, just head towards any and all red dots that appear, and talk to Masaru when you find him. After you're finished with your little conversation, turn around and there is the humanoid robot. Get close to it and it will speak again. It's funny, that thing probably has the best voice actor in the game. Anyway, it will attack you so dodge using the L1 & L2 buttons to strafe. Use the triangle button to use your grenades. I don't know what happens if you haven't bought any grenades. After you've hit it, a cut scene will happen wherein you get shot. This is where Souya shows up for the first time. Head to the center of the stadium, where the now known "Satellite Machine" has teleported. It'll attack you again so just hit it with the grenades again. Once more, I have no idea what happens if you do not have the grenades. It again will teleport. This time however, a volgara will appear. Move forward and Souya will talk to you and, annoying, teleport you back to the center of the stadium. Souya claims he'll take care of the satellite machines. He's such a liar. You'll have to run around and get them, preferably before you summon the meganite. After they're all dead, summon your meganite and the rest is easy. It can't dodge any of your attacks. =============================================================================== Mission 27: Fortress Volgara: Laborer Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: Gllang mission. I feel so dirty. At any rate, try to use Gllang in fortress mode to physically push the volgara out of the way of any buildings. You are unable to transform out of verticle mode. One word of advice: use the gaia cannon a lot. The volgara will not use it's phantom system if you manage to hit it while it is in the middle of an action. After some time Souya will show up. Now that your meganite is completely out of energy, it's worthless. So your only option is to use these grenades. Presumibly if you don't have your own grenades by this point Soya gives you the weakest kind. I really don't have any advice for you on this, just run around and hope. A possible strategy is to stay on Gllang while you throw grenades. =============================================================================== Mission 28: Voices Unheard Volgara: Laborer Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: The only real problem in this mission is the fact that you can't control your meganite for quite some time. The volgara are jamming your control with some machines. So your objective is to destroy those machines. They're marked as red dots on the map. Find them, destroy them, and then kill the volgara using standard tactics in section III. =============================================================================== Mission 29: Close Combat Volgara: Siren Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: Sadly I beat this one far too fast and nothing happened. If I remember correctly the volgara is emitting those same kind of radio-wave jamming... thing. But luckily the doctor installed a... thing... in the meganite that makes sure that it can always be controlled within a certain range. So get on the meganites head and battle normally. This volgara does not seem to be able to teleport. =============================================================================== Mission 30: Rat Race Volgara: Fire Laborer Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: Another jammer? Drat. Oh well, at least you can stand on the meganite and have it carry you to the building that will soon be marked as a red dot on your map. Go there and around to the side of the building for another little cut scene. Now you get to chase this car all around the city. It will stop at one point and that means you need to get up close to it. He'll refuse and then run away again. Run him down and fire off a grenade at the truck to destroy the jamming device. Then you can wreak some havoc. =============================================================================== Mission 31: Defend & Destroy Volgara: Centurion Reward: 15,000,000,000 Conditions: Go to the red dot. This is Nanao's second job. It's interesting that she tells the person who controls a giant robot that these two places are giving her troubles. Think she had a plan? So yeah, again you need to go to the red dot on the map. It's volgara time! (It's hammer time? Yeah, I didn't think it was funny either) Wait until Keiko tells you that you can summon the meganite and do so. Before that see if you can destroy the building behind you, if you like Nanao. Or if you like blowing buildings up, whatever. Then go after the volgara. It doesn't seem able to teleport. =============================================================================== Mission 32: Yaoya Imperiled Volgara: Drill Laborer Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: I feel like a hired hitman. Nanao now points out the evil corporate grocery store AND the evil corporate real estate agency. Destroy them just for the heck of it, when you get a chance (do not destroy them before the volgara appears). Luckily the launch gate now seems to be located right by the grocery store where you can easily crush it... by accident. Do the same to the building across the city and the volgara will teleport to your location. Now just kill the volgara and end the mission. =============================================================================== Mission 33: Mt. Chihaya Storming Volgara: Harrier (3) Reward: 30,000,000,000 Conditions: I love this mission. Three against one. You versus three deadly metal giants and you still have to protect the power plant! This mission will truly test your skill. The best thing you can do is get to the Trio as fast as possible and physically knock them away from the plant. They tend to stay generally in a group. When you have a chance concentrate all of your firepower on one, while keeping an eye on the other two. =============================================================================== Mission 34: Second Memory Volgara: N/A Reward: 0 Conditions: Talk to Nanao... I don't get this. This is well in the past, when Nanao was a little girl (look at her character sprite), yet they're talking about how her house got wrecked and her grandmother was killed. But that happened when Nanao was 17! Oh well, don't play this game for story line people. You'll get a headache trying to figure it out. Anyway, you're teleported away, so talk to Ellen as she appears in fornt of you. Later, talk with Masaru... After that you're teleport to the committee, more talking and then you're at your house (hating this yet? I told you you would). Yes, Hero's mother killed herself. Sad, but then they blame it on the robot which saved them from the evil aliens... odd. And that's the mission. =============================================================================== Mission 35: The Black Meganite Volgara: N/A Reward: 0 Conditions: Vavel mission. In this mission you are supported to be fighting a volgara, however Souya takes care of it by the time you get there. Souya, wants a duel. So what are you waiting for? Attack! Valdor has all of the abilities of Vavel and appears to be fully upgraded. The best techniques you can do in this fight is to crouch every time Valdor even looks like he might be thinking about using his Rocket Punch (Assault Knuckle). Start off by charging your energy by repeatedly tapping the L1 or R1 button until your energy is full. Then try shooting all missiles and energy attacks (including Lava Stream) you have at Valdor. It'll take a lot of damage and not be able to hit you for some time. After the Initial Lava Stream (it should be your first move) it will go into volcanic mode. After some time Valdor will go into Genesis mode. That's bad. Keep attacking, using Assault Knuckles, the drill, missiles, energy attacks, everything, and he'll eventually lose. That's when things go bad... Vavel activates its own Genesis mode. Also known as Human Genocide Mode. It's invincible, so don't even try to take it out with grenades. Follow it around for a while and eventually the mission will end. =============================================================================== Mission 36: The Hero alone Volgara: Centurion Reward: 0 Conditions: Guess what you can't do? That's right, use Vavel to kill the Volgara. Remember those grenades you have? Use them as much as you can on the Centurion. It will help... sort of. After a while you'll do your stupid little death scream "Kiiiyyyyaaaaahhhhh!!" and the mission is over. =============================================================================== Mission 37: Third Memory Volgara: Centurion Reward: 0 Conditions: Hero has such great timing. While the city is being attacked by a giant alien menace you can do nothing to stop, you reminisce! At least it helps this time. Whenever you get teleported to a new place and see someone, just run up to them to talk to them. Eventually Vavel will show up, in full genesis mode. Wait even longer and the Centurion will show up. Hit it with all of the grenades you can, until the next cutscene, after that the mission ends. I swear they seperated all of these into different missions just to add numbers. Anyway, that's it. =============================================================================== Mission 38: Genesis Volgara: Centurion Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: Ok, this is pretty cool. I'm not going to spoil it, but the entire concept of what goes on here just strikes me as cool. Anyway, you have three minutes, using Vavel, to destroy the Centurion. Make your time count. It's easy pickings. =============================================================================== Mission 39: Dantarion Volgara: Dantarion Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: It's japan. Bad voice acting. Giant mecha. They had to throw in a Godzilla-type enemy. Before you say anything, it IS a volgara. They even say that is does have alien origins. I'm not talking about the news flash that reads "suspected alien origin" either. Anyway, summon the meganite of your choice when you're able, and then use standard tactics to kill Dantarion. =============================================================================== Mission 40: Valhalla Dawning Volgara: Guardian Reward: 15,000,000,000 Conditions: Easily the second most important mission in the game. This is the mission where you get your ultimate attack. The genesis cry/howl for Vavel, the Demon Sword Descrator for Laguile, and the _____________ for Gllang. Very, very powerful. The guardian is completely invincible for the first part of the mission. Don't worry about any buildings, don't worry about trying to knock it down, just worry about killing time. After some set number of seconds, Ellen will show up, hurt. Run, fly or walk to her location as indicated by the red dot on the map. You'll talk briefly and she'll be fine. Keep on fighting and you'll be told to, "Disengage!" Or leave the fight. Ignore him and keep on fighting. When your meganite gets damaged enough, it will acitivates it's ultimate mode. Use it to kill the volgara quickly. Seriously, less than a minute with any of the meganites is all you need. Genesis Cry will kill it one hit. Save after this fight. It's been a long battle. =============================================================================== Mission 41: Four Warlords Volgara: Baron Reward: 20,000,000,000 Conditions: Many people consider this the hardest of all of the warlords. Frankly, I don't think he's that's tough. Whenever he does that knee attack, and he does it quite often, make sure you're blocking. It's very helpful to use a meganite that is very fast, so it can turn around and smack it good after it misses an attack. This thing can teleport, to don't use any long range attacks against it. Use whatever means you feel you need to. =============================================================================== Mission 42: Spectral Visitation Volgara: Specter Reward: 20,000,000,000 Conditions: This is probably the easiest of all the volgara, and yet at the same time the hardest. See, it's impossible to hit this volgara. It's phantom system activates everytime you attack it. With long range or punching it. It can do this because it has some six different satellite machines that you need to run around and destroy. Physically attack the volgara few times to progress in the plot. Head towards the senjo high school which is marked with a red dot on the map.Destroy it and try to hit the volgara again. What!? You missed?! That's unpossible! I know I watch too much Simpsons, oh well. ANYway, now you'll have to run around kill all of these other satellite machines that pop up. Or you can use your grenades to kill the volgara, whatever works for you. After all of the satellite machines are dead, it can't teleport at all. Oh, and if you get it to smoking with just your grenades, you can still finish it off without killing the satellite machines. ============================================================================== Mission 43: Bird's eye news Volgara: Centurion Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: Mika is in the way, surprise. If the helicopter she's in ever blows up, you lose. And she positions the helicopter in the worst places possible. So just do the best you can, using the tactics in Section III, to destroy this volgara. Just move around to make sure you dodge her helicopter. =============================================================================== Mission 44: Live Action News Volgara: Harrier Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: More Mika trouble! You need to avoid crushing that car while you fight. Easier said than done. The volgara itself isn't that hard, the only problem is that the car is constantly underfoot. So try to get around behind the volgara before you start fighting, and the rest is easy. Periodically use the Map to see where the car is. That's it. =============================================================================== Mission 45: Off the Air Volgara: Laborer Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: More Mika trouble! ...again. This time she slept through the volgara alarm and didn't leave the city. So you have two options here: 1) do what they tell you and lose the ability to use the gravity boost the rest of the mission, or 2) Kill the volgara as quickly as possible. It's not hard, refer to section III. =============================================================================== Mission 46: Chemical Warfare Volgara: Laborer Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: Repton gas is poisonous to people. What did they say the volgara are made out of? Reptonite or something? Anyway, this battle isn't hard as long as you stay up high. Land on your meganties head/shoulder, a building etc. Be very careful, there is a building that you need to protect. ============================================================================== Mission 47: Windborne Darkness Volgara: Toxinator Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: Another mission about the repton gas. But this time you need to worry about the gas, AND protect the Senjo Hospital. Don't worry, it's not that hard. This volgara is the third of the Warlords. He actually gives off Repton gas. Destroy him, and the repton gas disappears. =============================================================================== Mission 48: Lifesaver Express Volgara: Fire Laborer(2) Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: Mankinds only hope against the repton gas: the antidote. The problem: two volgara decide they want to destroy the shipment. In order to ensure the future of all mankind, protect the hospital and the railway. =============================================================================== Mission 49: Higher Ground - 1 Volgara: Harrier Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: The first volgara city. Ouch. Anyway, a ship is on its way to this city. You need to grab it. When the mission starts head straight left as fast as you can and move up until you're within a reasonable range with the ship. Crouch down and when it comes near, tip one of the analog sticks up to grab it. Then stand up and set it down somewhere out of the way. By this time the volgara will have shown up. Defeat it to win the mission. =============================================================================== Mission 50: Higher Ground - 2 Volgara: Banisher Reward: 0 Conditions: I recomend using Laguiole for this mission. It's helpful to be able to destroy the things while flying. After you've destroyed the city for a while, the last warlord will show up. Hopefully, by now, you've gotten a big empty area you can fight around in. Knock it down, make it hurt. It's payback time. Or should I say... Back Pay! Oh wait no... I meant payback. =============================================================================== Mission 51: The fall of Senjo Volgara: Harrier Reward: 10,000,000,000 Conditions: Run forward into the station, past the wicket and up the stairs to meet all of your friends. You'll talk, you'll laugh, you'll cry (at the voice acting) and then a volgara shows up. Summon the meganite of your choice, run over to it and then defeat it. It really doesn't matter how much damage you do to the city in these last few missions, you're almost done and should pretty much have all of the upgrades you need. =============================================================================== Mission 52: Mt. Chichaya Showdown Volgara: Laborer (4) Reward: 0 Conditions: You're attacking the volgara city again. This time in a two-on-one battle. Try and keep an eye on both of them, don't worry about the buildings in your way and make sure you keep them both within your vision. Other than that... you're good to go. I trust you. Some quick advice: get down to level ground before you start seriously fighting them. Once they're gone more volgara will appear. Two Laborers. After they're down, the mission is over. Sweet! Wait... what's that giant lumberin- oh. The last Volgara. It looks mad. =============================================================================== Mission 53: Meganite Future Volgara: Asmodeus Reward: 0 Conditions: There are two ways to go about beating this mission. 1) Just attack and pray. Crouch and block. (Yes, I will go into more detail in a minute) Or 2) Don't use your meganite and just blast the sucka with grenades. Both stragies work. If you choose #2... well, that's pretty self-explanitory. For #1 the first thing you need to realize is that the Ether Cannon isn't nearly as deadly as they lead you to believe. If it hits it will do very decent damage. However, it's not crippling. Not all that impressive looking either. Second, keep an eye on Asmodeus. When an aura starts to flare around him, crouch down and the shot will miss you completely. Hiding behind a building works well too. One of the truly annoying features of this battle is that fact that halfway through you'll be stopped, repositioned and someone will come out to talk to you. The person is dependant on what buildings you do and don't destroy throughout the game. But I digress, whenever the camera focuses on Asmodeus, BLOCK. He's probably going to launch some missiles. If you knock Asmodeus down enough, This odd cone of energy will envelope Asmodeus. Misaki and Bulnose Industry built a laser satellite. Cool. Soon, you will have defeated the strongest of all Volgaras. Congratulations. You have beaten the game. Well, the walkthrough ends here. Enjoy your ending! Just remember: If you hear voices, it's not you. It's a giant metal robot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Extras The first part of our Extra section comes from our good friend, Spenze. He has created an excellent list that shows how points work with getting different endings. Using the below list, you can actually plot out different endings. In theory. Here you go: KF - keiko finance (poorer) NF - Nanao's finance (poorer) NL - Nanao's love EL - Nanao's love MF - Misaki Finance (poorer) each of the following actions gains you one point unless specificed: destroy keiko's home - KF destroy Nanao's workplace - NF destroy Misaki HQ - MF destroy Misaki plant - MF find nanao's charm - NL save ellen - EL+2 save nanao - NL talk to nanao's twice b4 school - NL get to school on time - NL talk to ellen 4x during evacuation - EL-1 grab the bus - EL destroy nanao's home - NF destroy otawara enterprise - NL destroy supermarket - NF-1 destroy yaoya grocery store - NF+1 Endings: Nanao's love if NL => 4, and EL <= 3 Ellen's love if EL => 3, and NL <= 6 Souya Event - if hero is Yui Tsukioka and neither of the above is met. Thank you Spenze! Great work! Our next extra comes from KainBloodOmen, who shows us how to get one of the possible endings. You get it this way: Here's what to do in order to get 100 billion yen and for Nanao to commit suicide: --------------- 100 Billion Yen You must: Destroy Nanao's Panda Bakery Job during these missions: Ep.05 Ep.10 Ep.11 Ep.16 Ep.20 After you've succesfully destroyed the workplace during these missions, Masaru Misaki will pay you a visit at the Civilization Preservation Foundation, directly after mission 20. He will donate to you 100 Billion yen for customizing your Meganites and Hero's equipment. ------------- Nanao Suicide (1st part) You must: Destroy Panda Bakery during these missions Ep.05 Ep.10 Ep.11 Ep.16 Ep.20 Ep.21 Ep.22 Ep.24 Ep.25 Ep.27 Ep.28 Ep.30 Destroy the Bakery during all these missions, and you will have succesfully completed the first part of her suicide. ----------------- Nanao Suicide (2nd part) You must: Destroy Panda Bakery and Baron Cafe' during this mission: Ep.31 You have now succesfully completed the 2nd part of her suicide. ---------------- Nanao Suicide (Part 3) You must destroy Yaoya Grocery Store during these missions: Ep.32 Ep.36 Ep.38 Ep.42 Ep.45 Ep.46 Good work, you've completed part 3 of 4 of Nanao's suicide. Now to the final part. --------------- Nanao Suicide (Part 4) Now, you've finally destroyed all of Nanao's workplaces everytime, but first, there are certain things you must AVOID doing. Do not go to Nanao when she is at a location and in trouble. Do not get Nanao's Grandmother's charm. Do not destroy either the supermarket or Otarawa during the missions she complains about them. Doing these three things work against her feelings for the main character, and also the dropping of her finances. Next, some things you MUST do. Save Ellen EVERY time she needs helped, even the mission where Senjo City hall is on fire. Also, destroy Nanao's house(When she isn't in it.) If you follow all these instructions, the main character will mention Nanao's suicide. Congratulations! If you simply follow the Nanao Suicide path, you can get the 100 billion yen still. You don't have to do the suicide path, but if you do, you can still get the 100 billion, Nanao dead, and Ellen as your girlfriend. For people who DON'T want to kill Nanao, Follow the 100 billion yen path. Make your choice wisely. NOTE:Ellen doesn't show up in Yui Tsukioka's ending, Souya will instead. Many thanks KainBloodOmen! Great Work! If anyone else has any advice on any and all extras, please don't hesitate to email me. V. Credits -- I would like to thank all of the following for making this FAQ possible: Enix and Sandlot; for allowing such a great game to be made. BiggieY2Killer; for your advice Spenze; for your wonderful point reference chart KainBloodOmen; for the ending Everyone at the R.A.D Message board; you guys know you rock CJayC; for making and running such an excellent site And to you, the player; for giving money and numbers to this game so that they just might make a sequel.