=============================================================================== ________________________ | | | FROG LOG | | | | Version 1.04 | | | | by | | | | MakoSipper | | (makosipper@gmail.com) | |________________________| ============== Contents ============== 1. Introduction [xintx] 2.a Jaster's Main Weapons [xjamx] 2.b Jaster's Sub Weapons [xjasx] 3.a Kisala's Main Weapons [xkimx] 3.b Kisala's Sub Weapons [xkisx] 4.a Simon's Main Weapons [xsimx] 4.b Simon's Sub Weapons [xsisx] 5.a Steve's Main Weapons [xstmx] 5.b Steve's Sub Weapons [xstsx] 6.a Deego's Main Weapons [xdemx] 6.b Deego's Sub Weapons [xdesx] 7.a Jupis's Main Weapons [xjumx] 7.b Jupis's Sub Weapons [xjusx] 8.a Lilika's Main Weapons [xlimx] 8.b Lilika's Sub Weapons [xlisx] 9.a Zegram's Main Weapons [xzemx] 9.b Zegram's Sub Weapons [xzesx] 10. FAQs [xfaqx] ============= History ============= 2007.10.22 - 1.02 - Finished Frog Log Completion FAQ. FAQs section updated. Added a small info on Toady's brother. 2008.02.19 - 1.03 - History section added. FAQs section updated. Corrected some typos and small irrelevant errors. 2008.12.08 - 1.04 - Added the planets' names next to the shoppers' names. Corrected small irrelevant errors. ============================ 1. Introduction [xintx] ============================ This FAQ main objective is to help you complete Toady's Frog Log. Though it's not absolutely necessary, since you only need to analyze 100 weapons and make 50 different combinations to get Zegram's Midnight Cloak, you may use this FAQ to reach this goal. It will provide you information on the complete Frog Log, helping you in case you want to complete it. For that, I have maxed and analyzed every single weapon, and I also made all combinations listed on the Frog Log. I used MaloFresk's Weapon Guide as a checklist, which was really helpful. Analyzing and combining weapons may get a little boring, especially when you have to travel around the galaxy to buy new weapons. To make this a little bit easier, I counted the total number of weapons of each kind you need to buy to complete the Frog Log and put it after each section. I didn't deduce the weapons you find through the game from that total amount. When you need a weapon which you don't have, which you won't obtain by making one of the Frog Log combinations and which can't be bought, I referred to JungleJim's Optimal Weapon Combos FAQ, which I strongly recommend you refer to, too. I will not include Jaster's Seven-Star Swords or his special weapons, like Libra King's Sword, since they aren't part of the Frog Log, and I won't include Kisala's Beach Sandals either. Besides the weapon shop counting, I will include after each section a list of the weapons which aren't part of the Frog Log, and a list of the weapons that can't be acquired neither from a Frog Log combination, a shop, a chest or any kind of prize. You can only analyze or combine weapons that have been maxed, but you don't need to master them. Note that you need to analyze a weapon before combining it with another one if you want it to get registered on the Frog Log. Toady may say different things, which I will explain: Analyzing: - "I can't analyze anythin' you haven't used much. There's not enought data." It means you have analyzed a weapon that you haven't maxed yet. - "But that's just my opinion, ya know?" : it means it's the first time you have analyzed that weapon, and it will be included on the Frog Log. - "Course, I already told you that, but..." : it means you have already analyzed that weapon before, but you didn't make the proper combination yet. - "I mean, you know this better than me, but..." : it means you already have analyzed that weapon, and you also made the combination Toady recommended. - "Hmm... This sucker's pretty strong already. I can't think of anything to combine it with." : Toady says this when you try to analyze either a very strong weapon (mostly a weapon that requires level 46 or more) or a special weapon, like Jaster's Seven-Star Swords. These weapons won't be added to the Frog Log. - "Hmm, nothin' special comes to mind. Try whatever you like." : Toady says this when you analyze either Monography Shot, Freeze Shot or Barrier Break Shot. He didn't say this to me in any other ocasion. Those weapons will not be included on the Frog Log, either. Combining: - "Blech! Gimme a break! Weapons that ain't seasoned by well-use taste horrible! I'm not gonna eat that!" : It means you have tried to combine a weapon that you haven't maxed yet. - "Now that's what I call a masterpiece!" : Toady will say this when you make a combination that is listed on the Frog Log, either if it's the first time you do it or not. It will be recorded on the Frog Log in case you still haven't made it. - "Voila! It's been fused!" : he will say this when you make a combination that is not listed on the Frog Log, so it won't be added to the list. However, you will come across this if you intend to complete the Frog Log. - "Blech! Too rich for my blood! Maybe my big brother could handle it..." : Toady says this when you try to combine either Monography Shot, Freeze Shot or Barrier Break Shot. He won't combine them, so don't expect to see them on the Frog Log. By the way, you'll never meet his big brother again, since you killed him right after Toady joins your party... - "Huh? I dunno about mixing these two... It's not gonna be that good. You sure you wanna go ahead with this?" : he'll say this if you try to combine a strong weapon, like Jaster's Absolution Halo(EX). - "Huh? If you fuse these two together, the weapon's gonna go down in rank. You sure you wanna do this?" : this one is self-explaining. But sometimes making the weapon go down in rank is the easiest way of making it. - "These two just ain't fir for combinin' with each other." : Toady will say this if you try to combine two unique weapons like the Seven-Star Swords. Toady may say other things, like warn you that a combining will result in a weapon you can't equip at current level, but I didn't find any other relevant to the Frog Log. I strongly recommend you only start doing it on chapter 13, or at least after you reach Mariglenn, but you'll have trouble with Murakumo Type-S, Demolition Pod and maybe some other weapon. I also strongly recommend that you analyze the weapons in the order that MaloFresk sorted them on his Weapon Guide, since he sorted them by level and kind/model. Very useful. If you find any wrong information here, or if you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me, but try not to ask what's already written here. The list will be like the example below: [Analyzed weapon] + [Other Weapon] = [New Weapon] Note #1: the order you combine the weapons won't change the result. Besides, the combinations made by following the Frog Log aren't always the easiest way to make that weapon, so refer, as I said, to JungleJim's Optimal Weapon Combos FAQ to make the weapons you will need for the combining. Note #2: On the list of the weapons you need to buy, I include the weapons you will need to make combinations to make other weapons. You can trust this list. Note #3: On the list of the weapons you need to combine to make other weapons, refer to JungleJim's Optimal Weapon Combos FAQ to see what weapons you will combine together. Note #4 (IMPORTANT!!!): If you find a weapon, start with a weapon, you may deduce it from the shop list, or from the extra combining list (which you'll see further). If you remove a weapon from the extra combining list, be sure to remove also the two weapons that take to make it from the shop list. Refer to JungleJim's Optimal Weapon Combos FAQ to know what weapons you must remove from the shop list. ======================================= 2.a Jaster's Main Weapons [xjamx] ======================================= Total entries: 60 01. Plain Edge + Star Edge = Shining Horn 02. Grand Edge + Rock Crusher = Volcano Crusher 03. Wild Edge + Plain Edge = Star Edge(EX) 04. Star Edge + Grand Edge = Shining Horn 05. Star Edge(EX) + Grand Edge = Shining Spine 06. Rock Crusher + Wild Edge = Volcano Crusher 07. Ridge Crusher + Rock Crusher = Gaea Crusher 08. Volcano Crusher + Wild Edge = Gaea Crusher(EX) 09. Gaea Crusher + Ridge Crusher = Shining Bravo 10. Gaea Crusher(EX) + Shining Horn = Crimson Fever 11. Shining Horn + Star Edge(EX) = Rising Soul 12. Shining Spine + Volcano Crusher = Shining Bravo(EX) 13. Shining Blazon + Volcano Crusher = Metal Breaker 14. Shining Bravo + Gaea Crusher = Solar Sword(EX) 15. Shining Bravo(EX) + Shining Horn = Full Breaker 16. Rising Sun + Star Edge(EX) = Metal Breaker 17. Rising Soul + Volcano Crusher = Core Breaker 18. Crimson Fever + Gaea Crusher = Full Breaker 19. Solar Sword + Shining Spine = Murakumo Type-X 20. Solar Sword(EX) + Shining Blazon = Alexander 21. Metal Breaker + Gaea Crusher(EX) = Murakumo Type-X 22. Core Breaker + Gaea Crusher = Sparo Breaker(EX) 23. Full Breaker + Rising Sun = Alex Impulse 24. Sparo Breaker + Shining Bravo = Alex Decider 25. Sparo Breaker(EX) + Shining Bravo(EX) = Glacier Edge 26. Murakumo Type-0 + Crimson Fever = Murakumo Type-EX(EX) 27. Murakumo Type-X + Metal Breaker = Olympias 28. Murakumo Type-S + Crimson Fever = Glacier Edge 29. Murakumo Type-EX + Metal Breaker = Saba Luga 30. Murakumo Type-EX(EX) + Core Breaker = Saba Garuda 31. Alexander + Rising Sun = Olympias(EX) 32. Alex Impulse + Murakumo Type-0 = Diamond Freezer(EX) 33. Alex Decider + Full Breaker = Phantom Slayer 34. Olympias + Solar Sword = Phantom Slayer 35. Olympias(EX) + Sparo Breaker = Zelega Zenega(EX) 36. Blizzard Edge + Solar Sword(EX) = Dom Zolga 37. Glacier Edge + Murakumo Type-0 = Zelega Zenega 38. Icicle Edge + Full Breaker = Zelega Zenega(EX) 39. Diamond Freezer + Murakumo Type-X = Gustbringer 40. Diamond Freezer(EX) + Murakumo Type-0 = Grand Calibur 41. Saba Luga + Solar Sword(EX) = Arc Calibur 42. Saba Garuda + Sparo Breaker = Grand Calibur 43. Dom Zolga + Murakumo Type-S = Galeblazer 44. Zelega Zenega + Alexander = Gundarion 45. Zelega Zenega(EX) + Murakumo Type-EX(EX) = Gundarion(EX) 46. Phantom Slayer + Murakumo Type-X = Grand Calibur(EX) 47. Spirit Calibur + Sparo Breaker(EX) = Demon Rouser 48. Arc Calibur + Murakumo Type-EX = Gundarion(EX) 49. Grand Calibur + Blizzard Edge = Judgment Halo 50. Grand Calibur(EX) + Glacier Edge = Dazzling Halo 51. Gustbringer + Alex Impulse = Judgment Halo 52. Gustraiser + Alex Decider = Lucifer's Adamon 53. Galeblazer + Olympias = Dazzling Halo 54. Gundarion + Olympias(EX) = Majestic Halo 55. Gundarion(EX) + Saba Luga = Absolution Halo 56. Demon Rouser + Icicle Edge = Lucifer's Adamon(EX) 57. Demon Medium + Diamon Freezer = Majestic Halo 58. Adamon Raiser + Diamond Freezer(EX) = Absolution Halo 59. Lucife's Adamon + Saba Garuda = Absolution Halo(EX) 60. Judgment Halo + Arc Calibur = Absolution Halo(EX) ----------------------------------------- Weapons that aren't part of the Frog Log: - Lucifer's Adamon(EX) - Dazzling Halo - Majestic Halo - Absolution Halo - Absolution Halo(EX) Weapons that can't be obtained by Frog Log/Chest/Shop/Prize: - Solar Sword - Sparo Breaker - Murakumo Type-EX - Icicle Edge - Diamond Freezer Shop List: Shilhawa (Rosa) - Grand Edge x 3 Mohandis (Rosa) - Plain Edge x 12 Mohandis (Rosa) - Wild Edge x 4 Mohandis (Rosa) - Alex Decider x 3 Mokka (Juraika) - Rock Crusher x 7 Wanboko (Juraika) - Shining Horn x 1 Wanboko (Juraika) - Grand Calibur x 1 Limaka (Juraika) - Rising Sun x 4 Kattaro (Juraika) - Saba Luga x 1 Ulgenie (Zerard) - Ridge Crusher x 2 Rant (Zerard) - Murakumo Type-0 x 12 Rant (Zerard) - Alexander x 12 Alice (Zerard) - Star Edge x 8 Alice (Zerard) - Shining Blazon x 10 Alice (Zerard) - Metal Breaker x 5 Utoll (Zerard) - Crimson Fever x 3 Kayo (Vedan) - Gaea Crusher x 7 Kayo (Vedan) - Murakumo Type-S x 4 Kayo (Vedan) - Blizzard Edge x 2 Kayo (Vedan) - Spirit Calibur x 2 Narcissus (Mariglenn) - Adamon Raiser x 1 Extra combining you'll need to make: - Star Edge(EX) x 2 - Volcano Crusher x 2 - Gaea Crusher(EX) x 1 - Shining Spine x 1 - Shining Bravo x 2 - Shining Bravo(EX) x 1 - Solar Sword x 2 - Solar Sword(EX) x 2 - Core Breaker x 1 - Full Breaker x 1 - Sparo Breaker x 4 - Murakumo Type-X x 1 - Murakumo Type-EX x 2 - Murakumo Type-EX(EX) x 1 - Alex Impulse x 1 - Olympias x 1 - Olympias(EX) x 1 - Icicle Edge x 2 - Diamond Freezer x 2 - Diamond Freezer(EX) x 1 - Saba Garuda x 1 - Arc Calibur x 1 - Gustraiser x 1 - Demon Medium x 1 ====================================== 2.b Jaster's Sub Weapons [xjasx] ====================================== Total entries: 35 01. Slungrosse + Burning Blaster = Body Arms(EX) 02. Rumblerosse + Graverosse = Body Arms(EX) 03. Graverosse + Slungrosse = Body Arms(EX) 04. Body Arms + Rumblerosse = Frost Magnum 05. Body Arms(EX) + Body Arms = Binding Frost 06. Burning Blaster + Rumblerosse = Body Arms(EX) 07. Burning Blaster DX + Burning Blaster = Tyrant Blaster 08. Destructo Blaster + Graverosse = Tyrant Blaster(EX) 09. Tyrant Blaster + Destructo Blaster = Lord Shooter 10. Tyrant Blaster(EX) + Frost Magnum = Callisto Shooter 11. Frost Magnum + Burning Blaster DX = Radical Frost 12. Frost Magnum DX + Body Arms(EX) = Radical Frost(EX) 13. Binding Frost + Destructo Blaster = Justice Ray 14. Radical Frost + Frost Magnum = Apollon Shooter(EX) 15. Radical Frost(EX) + King Shooter = Code of Justice 16. King Shooter + Tyrant Blaster = Apollon Shooter 17. Lord Shooter + Frost Magnum DX = Justice Strike 18. Callisto Shooter + Tyrant Blaster(EX) = Chaos Vulture 19. Apollon Shooter + Radical Frost = Code of Justice(EX) 20. Apollon Shooter(EX) + Radical Frost(EX) = [Lord Hades 21. Justice Ray + Binding Frost = Code of Justice(EX) 22. Justice Slash + Tyrant Slasher(EX) = Dark Magaera 23. Justice Strike + Justice Ray = Lord Hades(EX) 24. Code of Justice + Callisto Shooter = Zenon DR-3 25. Code of Justice(EX) + Apollon Shooter = Orion 26. Chaos Vulture + Lord Shooter = Zenon D+ 27. Black Owl + Radical Frost(EX) = Zenon DR-3 28. Dark Magaera + Apollon Shooter(EX) = Zenon Hi-EX 29. Lord Hades + Justice Slash = Vita Orion 30. Lord Hades(EX) + Black Owl = Pleiades 31. Zenon D + Callisto Shooter = Zenon Hi-EX 32. Zenon D+ + Apollon Shooter = Zenon Hi-EX(EX) 33. Zenon DR-3 + Chaos Vulture = Pleiades 34. Zenon Hi-EX + Code of Justice = Arc Scorpion(EX) 35. Orion + Justice Strike = Pleiades ----------------------------------------- Weapons that aren't part of the Frog Log: - Zenon Hi-Ex(EX) - Vita Orion - Pleiades - Arc Scorpion - Arc Scorpion(EX) Weapons that can't be obtained by Frog Log/Chest/Shop/Prize: - Justice Slash - Arc Scorpion Shop List: Mohandis (Rosa) - Slungrosse x 5 Shilhawa (Rosa) - Graverosse x 3 Uttaro (Juraika) - Burning Blaster x 5 Ouki (Zerard) - Binding Frost x 7 Rant (Zerard) - Body Arms x 6 Rant (Zerard) - Tyrant Blaster x 4 Rant (Zerard) - Frost Magnum DX x 2 Rant (Zerard) - King Shooter x 5 Rant (Zerard) - Justice Ray x 9 Alice (Zerard) - Rumblerosse x 5 Alice (Zerard) - Burning Blaster DX x 2 Alice (Zerard) - Zenon D x 1 Kayo (Vedan) - Destructo Blaster x 5 Kayo (Vedan) - Callisto Shooter x 4 Kayo (Vedan) - Chaos Vulture x 3 Extra combining you'll need to make: - Tyrant Blaster(EX) x 2 - Frost Magnum x 2 - Radical Frost x 1 - Radical Frost(EX) x 2 - Lord Shooter x 1 - Apollon Shooter x 2 - Apollon Shooter(EX) x 1 - Justice Slash x 2 - Justice Strike x 1 - Code of Justice x 1 - Black Owl x 2 - Zenon D+ x 1 ======================================= 3.a Kisala's Main Weapons [xkimx] ======================================= Total entries: 45 01. Pirate's Daggers + Aqua Slashers = Cosmo Talismans(EX) 02. Pirate's Ashes + Cosmo Talismans = Sirius' Claws 03. Pirate's Glaives + Pirate's Daggers = Cosmo Talismans(EX) 04. Cosmo Talismans + Pirate's Glaives = Final Blues 05. Cosmo Talismans(EX) + Pirate's Glaives = Final Blues(EX) 06. Aqua Slashers + Pirate's Glaives = Deep Slashers 07. Deep Aquas + Aqua Slashers = Final Blues 08. Deep Slashers + Cosmo Talismans = Siren's Nails 09. Final Blues + Deep Aquas = Cosmo Jades 10. Final Blues(EX) + Sirius' Claws = Sparkling Pixies 11. Sirius' Claws + Aqua Slashers = Luminous Batons 12. Lamia's Fangs + Cosmo Talismans(EX) = Cosmo Jades(EX) 13. Siren's Nails + Deep Slashers = Mist Edges 14. Cosmo Jades + Final Blues(EX) = Lightning Edges 15. Cosmo Jades(EX) + Final Blues(EX) = Ancient Daggers 16. Mist Edges + Luminous Batons = Innocent Fairies(EX) 17. Fairy Edges + Siren's Nails = Devil Forks 18. Lightning Edges + Sparkling Pixies = Rune Breakers(EX) 19. Innocent Fairies + Volt Batons = Belladonna Needles 20. Innocent Fairies(EX) + Fairy Edges = Basilisk Tails(EX) 21. Ancient Daggers + Deep Aquas = Daggers of Life 22. Splendid Daggers + Cosmo Jades = Belladonna Needles 23. Daggers of Life + Mercy Sprites = Basilisk Tails(EX) 24. Rune Breakers + Volt Batons = Basilisk Tails(EX) 25. Rune Breakers(EX) + Sparkling Pixies = Moebius Knives 26. Devil Forks + Luminous Batons = Basilisk Tails(EX) 27. Devil Slingers + Mercy Sprites(EX) = Alterna Goddesses 28. Belladonna Needles + Lightning Edges = Alterna Goddesses(EX) 29. Basilisk Tails + Daggers of Life = Andromedas 30. Basilisk Tails(EX) + Innocent Fairies = Twin Uroboros 31. Moebius Knives + Volt Batons = Andromedas 32. Moebius Blades + Splendid Daggers = Twin Uroboros(EX) 33. Chaining Blades + Devil Forks = Androphantes 34. Twin Uroboros + Despera Tonfas = Snow Queens(EX) 35. Andromedas + Belladonna Needles = Snow Queens 36. Luminous Batons + Final Blues = Mercy Sprites 37. Volt Batons + Final Blues = Mercy Sprites(EX) 38. Sparkling Pixies + Siren's Nails = Innocent Fairies 39. Mercy Sprites + Final Blues = Innocent Fairies 40. Mercy Sprites(EX) + Deep Slashers = Innocent Fairies(EX) 41. Arhat's Tonfas + Cosmo Jades(EX) = Moebius Blades 42. Astro Tonfas + Mist Edges = Alterna Goddesses(EX) 43. Despera Tonfas + Ancient Daggers = Andromedas 44. Alterna Goddesses + Innocent Fairies(EX) = Andromesias 45. Alterna Goddesses(EX) + Devil Slingers = Androphantes ----------------------------------------- Weapons that aren't part of the Frog Log: - Twin Uroboros(EX) - Andromesias - Androphantes - Snow Queens - Snow Queens(EX) Weapons that can't be obtained by Frog Log/Chest/Shop/Prize: - Lamia's Fangs - Volt Batons - Devil Slingers - Basilisk Tails - Astro Tonfas - Chaining Blades (I'm not including Ghost Ship) Shop List: Mohandis (Rosa) - Splendid Daggers x 5 Uttaro (Juraika) - Pirate's Daggers x 8 Mokka (Juraika) - Pirate's Glaives x 9 Wanboko (Juraika) - Deep Aquas x 3 Wanboko (Juraika) - Sirius' Claws x 9 Hanbarney (Zerard) - Pirate's Ashes x 1 Rant (Zerard) - Cosmo Talismans x 13 Rant (Zerard) - Aqua Slashers x 4 Rant (Zerard) - Luminous Batons x 15 Alice (Zerard) - Devil Forks x 3 Alice (Zerard) - Arhat's Tonfas x 1 Kayo (Vedan) - Fairy Edges x 3 Kayo (Vedan) - Ancient Daggers x 1 Kayo (Vedan) - Belladonna Needles x 4 Macros (Alistia) - Deep Slashers x 4 Macros (Alistia) - Rune Breakers x 1 Extra combining you'll need to make: - Final Blues x 2 - Final Blues(EX) x 2 - Lamia's Fangs x 1 - Siren's Nails x 2 - Cosmo Jades x 1 - Cosmo Jades(EX) x 1 - Mist Edges x 1 - Lightning Edges x 1 - Daggers of Life x 1 - Devil Slingers x 2 - Basilisk Tails x 1 - Chaining Blades x 1 - Sparkling Pixies x 3 - Volt Batons x 4 - Mercy Sprites x 2 - Mercy Sprites(EX) x 1 - Astro Tonfas x 1 - Despera Tonfas x 2 ====================================== 3.b Kisala's Sub Weapons [xkisx] ====================================== Total entries: 31 01. Leather Sneakers + Violet Stars = Prime Sneakers(EX) 02. Mode Sneakers + Aerie Sneakers = Prime Sneakers(EX) 03. Aerie Sneakers + Prime Sneakers = Luxurious Stars 04. Prime Sneakers + Mode Sneakers = Mist Boots 05. Prime Sneakers(EX) + Violet Stars = Luxurious Stars(EX) 06. Violet Stars + Mode Sneakers = Prime Sneakers(EX) 07. Wishing Stars + Mode Sneakers = Mist Boots 08. Siren Stars + Prime Sneakers = Winged Boots 09. Luxurious Stars + Wishing Stars = Sprydes 10. Luxurious Stars(EX) + Prime Sneakers(EX) = Glamourous Beats 11. Mist Boots + Violet Stars = Lovely Taps 12. Wild Boots + Prime Sneakers = Sprydes(EX) 13. Winged Boots + Siren Stars = Dancing Charmers 14. Sprydes + Prime Sneakers(EX) = Aurora Shoes 15. Sprydes(EX) + Wild Boots = Artemis Shoes 16. Aura Shoes + Luxurious Stars(EX) = Demon Slippers 17. Aurora Shoes + Sprydes = Rose Pumps 18. Athena Shoes + Glamourous Beats = Sailing Flora 19. Artemis Shoes + Cutie Steps = Enamel Roses 20. Artemis Shoes(EX) + Dancing Charmers = Angelic Roses 21. Rose Pumps + Athena Shoes = Matriarch's Roses 22. Enamel Roses + Aurora Shoes = Matriarch's Roses(EX) 23. Lovely Taps + Wishing Stars = Aura Shoes 24. Cutie Steps + Mist Boots = Dancing Charmers(EX) 25. Glamourous Beats + Luxurious Stars = Angel Slippers 26. Dancing Charmers + Lovely Taps = Artemis Shoes(EX) 27. Dancing Charmers(EX) + Winged Boots = Succubus Slippers 28. Angel Slippers + Sprydes(EX) = Sailing Flora 29. Demon Slippers + Aurora Shoes = Sailing Flora(EX) 30. Succubus Slippers + Aura Shoes = Angelic Roses 31. Sailing Flora + Dancing Charmers(EX) = Matriarch's Roses ----------------------------------------- Weapons that aren't part of the Frog Log: - Sailing Flora(EX) - Angelic Roses - Matriarch's Roses - Matriarch's Roses(EX) (and Beach Sandals) Weapons that can't be obtained by Frog Log/Chest/Shop/Prize: - Cutie Steps Shop List: Uttaro (Juraika) - Leather Sneakers x 3 Wanboko (Juraika) - Violet Stars x 4 Hanbarney (Zerard) - Aerie Sneakers x 7 Hanbarney (Zerard) - Wishing Stars x 4 Rant (Zerard) - Siren Stars x 6 Alice (Zerard) - Mode Sneakers x 4 Alice (Zerard) - Prime Sneakers x 7 Alice (Zerard) - Wild Boots x 4 Alice (Zerard) - Lovely Taps x 18 Extra combining you'll need to make: - Luxurious Stars x 1 - Luxurious Stars(EX) x 1 - Winged Boots x 1 - Sprydes x 1 - Sprydes(EX) x 1 - Cutie Steps x 2 - Glamorous Beats x 1 - Dancing Charmers x 1 - Dancing Charmers(EX) x 1 - Aura Shoes x 1 - Aurora Shoes x 5 - Athena Shoes x 2 ====================================== 4.a Simon's Main Weapons [xsimx] ====================================== Total entries: 45 01. Flamethrower + Cold Spray = Flaming Draken(EX) 02. Flamethrower Lv2 + Flaming Draken = Electro Nozzle 03. Flaming Air + Flamethrower = Flaming Draken(EX) 04. Flaming Draken + Flaming Air = Freeze Duster 05. Flaming Draken(EX) + Flaming Air = Freeze Duster(EX) 06. Cold Spray + Flaming Air = Cool Mist Shower 07. Cold Spray Lv2 + Cold Spray = Freeze Duster 08. Cool Mist Shower + Flaming Draken = Spread Beam 09. Freeze Duster + Cold Spray Lv2 = Thunder Thrower 10. Freeze Duster(EX) + Electro Nozzle = Dual Hurricane 11. Electro Nozzle + Cold Spray = Twin Tornado 12. Electro Nozzle Lv2 + Flaming Draken(EX) = Thunder Thrower(EX) 13. Spread Beam + Cool Mist Shower = Lustrous Breeze 14. Thunder Thrower + Freeze Duster(EX) = Sacred Zephyr 15. Thunder Thrower(EX) + Freeze Duster(EX) = Dragon Breath 16. Twin Tornado + Freeze Duster = Crossing Headwind 17. Double Cyclone + Freeze Duster = Crossing Headwind(EX) 18. Dual Hurricane + Spread Beam = Catharsis Boomer 19. Crossing Headwind + Freeze Duster = Catharsis Boomer 20. Crossing Headwind(EX) + Cool Mist Shower = Catharsis Boomer(EX) 21. Dragon Breath + Cold Spray Lv2 = Scylla Breath 22. Chimera Breath + Thunder Thrower = Dark Infection 23. Scylla Breath + Crossing Headwind = Nocturne Breath(EX) 24. Exedra Breath + Double Cyclone = Nocturne Breath(EX) 25. Exedra Breath(EX) + Dual Hurricane = Vice Buster 26. Dark Breath + Twin Tornado = Nocturne Breath(EX) 27. Dark Hold + Crossing Headwind(EX) = Pandemonium 28. Dark Infection + Sacred Zephyr = Pandemonium(EX) 29. Nocturne Breath + Scylla Breath = Ganymede 30. Nocturne Breath(EX) + Catharsis Boomer = Weeping Nemesis 31. Evil Breath + Thunder Thrower(EX) = Vice Predator 32. Evil Cry + Lustrous Breeze = Pandemonium(EX) 33. Evil Cacophony + Dragon Breath = Ganymede 34. Pandemonium + Catharsis Boomer(EX) = Ganymedelta 35. Pandemonium(EX) + Dark Hold = Ganymedeluxe 36. Ganymede + Dark Infection = Ganymedeon 37. Lustrous Breeze + Twin Tornado = Catharsis Boomer(EX) 38. Aureole Breeze + Spread Beam = Dark Breath 39. Sacred Zephyr + Dual Hurricane = Exedra Breath(EX) 40. Catharsis Boomer + Double Cyclone = Dark Infection 41. Catharsis Boomer(EX) + Aureole Breeze = Nocturne Breath(EX) 42. Vice Buster + Double Cyclone = Ganymede 43. Vice Predator + Chimera Breath = Weeping Nemesis(EX) 44. Guilty Predator + Dark Breath = Ganymedeluxe 45. Weeping Nemesis + Evil Cacophony = Ganymedeon(EX) ----------------------------------------- Weapons that aren't part of the Frog Log: - Weeping Nemesis(EX) - Ganymedelta - Ganymedeluxe - Ganymedeon - Ganymedeon(EX) Weapons that can't be obtained by Frog Log/Chest/Shop/Prize: - Electro Nozzle Lv2 - Double Cyclone - Exedra Breath - Dark Hold - Nocturne Breath - Evil Cry - Guilty Predator Shop List: Shilhawa (Rosa) - Flamethrower x 9 Mohandis (Rosa) - Flamethrower Lv2 x 1 Mohandis (Rosa) - Cold Spray x 6 Mohandis (Rosa) - Dual Hurricane x 7 Fisaal (Rosa) - Chimera Breath x 5 Rant (Zerard) - Flaming Draken x 12 Rant (Zerard) - Twin Tornado x 15 Alice (Zerard) - Flaming Air x 11 Alice (Zerard) - Evil Breath x 1 Utoll (Zerard) - Electro Nozzle x 8 Kayo (Vedan) - Cold Spray Lv2 x 3 Kayo (Vedan) - Aureole Breeze x 5 Kayo (Vedan) - Dark Infection x 4 Extra combining you'll need to make: - Cool Mist Shower x 2 - Freeze Duster x 2 - Freeze Duster(EX) x 2 - Electro Nozzle Lv2 x 1 - Spread Beam x 2 - Thunder Thrower x 2 - Thunder Thrower(EX) x 1 - Double Cyclone x 4 - Crossing Headwind x 2 - Crossing Headwind(EX) x 1 - Lustrous Breeze x 1 - Sacred Zephyr x 1 - Dragon Breath x 1 - Scylla Breath x 1 - Exedra Breath x 1 - Dark Breath x 1 - Dark Hold x 2 - Nocturne Breath x 1 - Evil Cry x 1 - Evil Cacophony x 2 - Guilty Predator x 1 ===================================== 4.b Simon's Sub Weapons [xsisx] ===================================== Total entries: 31 01. Missile Pod I + Ranger Pod I = Missile Pod IV(EX) 02. Missile Pod II + Missile Pod III = Missile Pod IV(EX) 03. Missile Pod III + Missile Pod IV = Quadra Bugaboo 04. Missile Pod IV + Missile Pod II = Combat Freak 05. Missile Pod IV(EX) + Ranger Pod I = Quadra Bugaboo(EX) 06. Ranger Pod I + Missile Pod II = Missile Pod IV(EX) 07. Ranger Pod II + Missile Pod II = Combat Freak 08. Demolition Pod + Missile Pod IV = Combat Master 09. Quadra Bugaboo + Ranger Pod II = Executioner 10. Quadra Bugaboo(EX) + Missile Pod IV(EX) = Shooting Eagle 11. Big Hawk + Ranger Pod II = Gatling Launcher 12. Savage Hawk + Combat Freak = Perfect Hunter(EX) 13. Shooting Eagle + Quadra Bugaboo = Brutal Jaguar 14. Perfect Hunter + Big Hawk = Tragic Lycaon(EX) 15. Perfect Hunter(EX) + Combat Master = Leopard Aim 16. Gatling Launcher + Quadra Bugaboo(EX) = Starving Tiger 17. Lupine Launcher + Executioner = Last Resort 18. Lupine Pulser + Shooting Eagle = Targeted Schneider 19. Tragic Lycaon + Savage Hawk = Heavenly Vision 20. Tragic Lycaon(EX) + Perfect Hunter = Transfantasia 21. Last Resort + Lupine Pulser = Paradise Lost 22. Heavenly Vision + Lupine Launcher = Paradise Lost(EX) 23. Combat Freak + Ranger Pod I = Big Hawk 24. Combat Dexter + Missile Pod IV = Executioner(EX) 25. Combat Master + Demolition Pod = Perfect Hunter 26. Executioner + Missile Pod IV(EX) = Lupine Launcher 27. Executioner(EX) + Combat Dexter = Tragic Lycaon 28. Brutal Jaguar + Executioner(EX) = Targeted Schneider 29. Starving Tiger + Lupine Launcher = Targeted Schneider(EX) 30. Leopard Aim + Gatling Launcher = Transfantasia 31. Targeted Schneider + Perfect Hunter(EX) = Paradise Lost ----------------------------------------- Weapons that aren't part of the Frog Log: - Targeted Schneider(EX) - Transfantasia - Paradise Lost - Paradise Lost(EX) Weapons that can't be obtained by Frog Log/Chest/Shop/Prize: - Combat Dexter - Lupine Pulser Shop List: Shilhawa (Rosa) - Missile Pod I x 3 Mohandis (Rosa) - Missile Pod II x 2 Mohandis (Rosa) - Missile Pod III x 6 Rant (Zerard) - Missile Pod IV x 8 Rant (Zerard) - Combat Freak x 11 Rant (Zerard) - Gatling Launcher x 4 Alice (Zerard) - Ranger Pod II x 3 Utoll (Zerard) - Ranger Pod I x 4 Kayo (Vedan) - Demolition Pod x 3 Botto (Alistia) - Big Hawk x 9 Extra combining you'll need to make: - Quadra Bugaboo x 1 - Quadra Bugaboo(EX) x 1 - Combat Dexter x 2 - Combat Master x 1 - Executioner x 2 - Executioner(EX) x 1 - Savage Hawk x 2 - Shooting Eagle x 1 - Perfect Hunter x 1 - Perfect Hunter(EX) x 1 - Lupine Launcher x 2 - Lupine Pulser x 2 ====================================== 5.a Steve's Main Weapons [xstmx] ====================================== Total entries: 45 01. Great Hands + Greater Hands = Dynamite Hands(EX) 02. Muscle Hands + Dynamite Hands = Steel Hammer Fists 03. Knockout Hands + Great Hands = Dynamite Hands(EX) 04. Dynamite Hands + Knockout Hands = Omega Hands 05. Dynamite Hands(EX) + Knockout Hands = Omega Hands(EX) 06. Greater Hands + Knockout Hands = Giga Hands 07. Geo Hands + Greater Hands = Omega Hands 08. Giga Hands + Dynamite Hands = Rocket Hammer Fists 09. Omega Hands + Geo Hands = Alchemic Meteor Fists 10. Omega Hands(EX) + Steel Hammer Fists = Great Scissors 11. Steel Hammer Fists + Greater Hands = Piercing Hands 12. Alloy Hammer Fists + Dynamite Fists(EX) = Alchemic Meteor Fists(EX) 13. Rocket Hammer Fists + Giga Hands = Deep Drill Fingers 14. Alchemic Meteor Fists + Omega Hands(EX) = Keen Point Fingers 15. Alchemic Meteor Fists(EX) + Omega Hands(EX) = Poison Hands 16. Deep Drill Fingers + Piercing Claws = Iron Splitter Fingers(EX) 17. Wave Impact Fingers + Rocket Hammer Fists = Iron Miner Hands 18. Keen Point Fingers + Great Scissors = Malebolge 200X(EX) 19. Iron Splitter Fingers + Rock Hard Claws = Crackling Bolt Hands 20. Iron Splitter Fingers(EX) + Wave Impact Fingers = Advent Storm Hands(EX) 21. Poison Hands + Geo Hands = Total Inferno Hands 22. Inferno Hands + Alchemic Meteor Hands = Crackling Bolt Hands 23. Total Inferno Hands + Jabbinger Extras = Advent Storm Hands(EX) 24. Malebolge 200X + Rock Hard Claws = Advent Storm Hands(EX) 25. Malebolge 200X(EX) + Great Scissors = Mace Fists 26. Iron Miner Hands + Piercing Claws = Advent Storm Hands(EX) 27. Ethereal Iron Hands + Jabbinger Extras(EX) = Pluto Drivers 28. Crackling Bolt Hands + Keen Point Fingers = Pluto Drivers(EX) 29. Advent Storm Hands + Total Inferno Hands = Magellan Arms 30. Advent Storm Hands(EX) + Iron Splitter Hands = Gigaton Arms 31. Mace Fists + Rock Hard Claws = Magellan Arms 32. Bulldozer Arms + Inferno Hands = Gigaton Arms(EX) 33. Murderous Arms + Iron Miner Hands = Galaxy Arms 34. Gigaton Arms + Phantom Fists = Final Big Bang(EX) 35. Magellan Arms + Crackling Bolt Hands = Final Big Bang 36. Piercing Claws + Omega Hands = Jabbinger Extras 37. Rock Hard Claws + Omega Hands = Jabbinger Extras(EX) 38. Great Scissors + Rocket Hammer Fists = Iron Splitter Fingers 39. Jabbinger Extras + Omega Hands = Iron Splitter Fingers 40. Jabbinger Extras(EX) + Giga Hands = Iron Splitter Hands(EX) 41. Roaring Knuckles + Alchemic Meteor Fists(EX) = Bulldozer Arms 42. Meteor Strikes + Deep Drill Fingers = Pluto Drivers(EX) 43. Phantom Fists + Poison Hands = Magellan Arms 44. Pluto Drivers + Iron Splitter Fingers(EX) = Nebula Arms 45. Pluto Drivers(EX) + Ethereal Iron Hands = Galaxy Arms ----------------------------------------- Weapons that aren't part of the Frog Log: - Gigaton Arms(EX) - Nebula Arms - Galaxy Arms - Final Big Bang - Final Big Bang(EX) Weapons that can't be obtained by Frog Log/Chest/Shop/Prize: - Rock Hard Claws - Wave Impact Fingers - Ethereal Iron Hands - Advent Storm Hands - Meteor Strikes - Phantom Fists Shop List: Shilhawa (Rosa) - Great Hands x 7 Shilhawa (Rosa) - Muscle Hands x 1 Mohandis (Rosa) - Jabbinger Extras x 1 Rant (Zerard) - Knockout Hands x 7 Rant (Zerard) - Giga Hands x 21 Rant (Zerard) - Deep Drill Fingers x 8 Rant (Zerard) - Roaring Knuckles x 3 Bivine (Zerard) - Steel Hammer Fists x 6 Alice (Zerard) - Greater Hands x 6 Alice (Zerard) - Inferno Hands x 5 Alice (Zerard) - Iron Miner Hands x 5 Kayo (Vedan) - Dynamite Hands x 21 Kayo (Vedan) - Geo Hands x 4 Charles (Mariglenn) - Murderous Arms x 1 Extra combining you'll need to make: - Omega Hands x 2 - Omega Hands(EX) x 4 - Alloy Hammer Fists x 1 - Rocket Hammer Fists x 7 - Alchemic Meteor Fists x 1 - Alchemic Meteor Fists(EX) x 1 - Piercing Claws x 3 - Rock Hard Claws x 4 - Great Scissors x 2 - Jabbinger Extras(EX) x 2 - Wave Impact Fingers x 2 - Keen Point Fingers x 1 - Iron Splitter Fingers(EX) x 1 - Poison Hands x 1 - Total Inferno Hands x 1 - Malebolge 200X x 1 - Ethereal Iron Hands x 2 - Advent Storm Hands x 1 - Meteor Strikers x 1 - Phantom Fists x 2 ===================================== 5.b Steve's Sub Weapons [xstsx] ===================================== Total entries: 31 01. Satellite SG + Beam Satellites = Killer Grenades(EX) 02. Satellite MG + Satellite HG-EX = Killer Greandes(EX) 03. Satellite HG-EX + Killer Grenades = Killblood Geminis 04. Killer Grenades + Satellite MG = Crystal Bees 05. Killer Grenades(EX) + Beam Satellites = Killblood Geminis(EX) 06. Beam Satellites + Satellite MG = Killer Grenades(EX) 07. Beam Avengers + Satellite MG = Crystal Bees 08. Genocide Beams + Killer Grenades = Gilded Drones 09. Killblood Geminis + Beam Avengers = Full Metal Punishers 10. Killblood Geminis(EX) + Killer Grenades(EX) = Deep Squid 11. Rapid Squid + Beam Avengers = Blast Daemons 12. Mad Squid + Crystal Bees = High-Tension Cuttle(EX) 13. Deep Squid + Killblood Geminis = Pro Penetrators 14. High-Tension Cuttle + Rapid Squid = Devilish Blasters(EX) 15. High-Tension Cuttle(EX) + Gilded Drones = Osmotic Snipers 16. Blast Daemons + Killblood Geminis(EX) = Geo Penetrators 17. Daemon Menacers + Full Metal Punishers = Dreadnought Cannons 18. Depth Chargers + Deep Squid = Miraculous Duo 19. Devilish Blaster + Mad Squid = Dread Rising 20. Devilish Blaster(EX) + High-Tension Cuttle = Dread Dominion 21. Dreadnought Cannons + Depth Chargers = The Fearless 22. Dread Rising + Daemon Menacers = The Fearless(EX) 23. Crystal Bees + Beam Satellites = Rapid Squid 24. Metal Hornets + Killer Grenades = Full Metal Punishers(EX) 25. Gilded Drones + Genocide Beams = High-Tension Cuttle 26. Full Metal Punishers + Killer Grenades(EX) = Daemon Menacers 27. Full Metal Punishers(EX) + Metal Hornets = Devilish Blaster 28. Pro Penetrators + Full Metal Punishers(EX) = Miraculous Duo 29. Geo Penetrators + Daemon Menacers = Miraculous Duo(EX) 30. Osmotic Snipers + Blast Daemons = Dread Dominion 31. Miraculous Duo + High-Tension Cuttle(EX) = The Fearless ----------------------------------------- Weapons that aren't part of the Frog Log: - Miraculous Duo(EX) - Dread Dominion - The Fearless - The Fearless(EX) Weapons that can't be obtained by Frog Log/Chest/Shop/Prize: - Metal Hornets - Mad Squid Shop List: Mohandis (Rosa) - Rapid Squid x 10 Rant (Zerard) - Satellite SG x 3 Rant (Zerard) - Satellite MG x 4 Rant (Zerard) - Beam Satellites x 4 Alice (Zerard) - Full Metal Punishers x 6 Kayo (Vedan) - Killer Grenades x 8 Kayo (Vedan) - Beam Avengers x 5 Macros (Alistia) - Satellite HG-EX x 6 Macros (Alistia) - Genocide Beams x 7 Botto (Alistia) - Depth Chargers x 2 Extra combining you'll need to make: Killblood Geminis x 1 Killblood Geminis(EX) x 1 Metal Hornets x 2 Gilded Drones x 1 Full Metal Punishers(EX) x 2 Mad Squid x 2 Deep Squid x 1 High-Tension Cuttle x 1 High-Tension Cuttle(EX) x 1 Blast Daemons x 1 Daemon Menacers x 2 ====================================== 6.a Deego's Main Weapons [xdemx] ====================================== Total entries: 45 01. Heavy Axe + Silver Axe = Ex-Soldier(EX) 02. Crushing Axe + Ex-Soldier = Golden Axe 03. Soldier's Axe + Heavy Axe = Ex-Soldier(EX) 04. Ex-Soldier + Soldier's Axe = Silver Commander 05. Ex-Soldier(EX) + Soldier's Axe = Silver Commander(EX) 06. Silver Axe + Soldier's Axe = Knight's Silver 07. Round Silver + Silver Axe = Silver Commander 08. Knight's Silver + Ex-Soldier = General's Gold 09. Silver Commander + Round Silver = Zipangu Axe 10. Silver Commander(EX) + Golden Axe = Fighting Fang 11. Golden Axe + Silver Axe = Great Dane 12. Golden Crest + Ex-Soldier(EX) = Zipangu Axe(EX) 13. General's Gold + Knight's Silver = Watchdog 14. Zipangu Axe + Silver Commander(EX) = Mad Cerberus 15. Zipangu Axe(EX) + Silver Commander(EX) = Limit Breaker 16. Great Dane + Silver Commander = Mars Dane 17. Dark Hound + Silver Commander = Mars Dane(EX) 18. Fighting Fang + General's Gold = Red Tindalos 19. Mars Dane + Silver Commander = Red Tindalos 20. Mars Dane(EX) + Knight's Silver = Red Tindalos(EX) 21. Limit Breaker + Round Silver = Hungry Breaker 22. Limit Avenger + Zipangu Axe = Olympian Treasure 23. Hungry Breaker + Mars Dane = El Dorado(EX) 24. Ill-Bred Rascal + Dark Hound = El Dorado(EX) 25. Ill-Bred Rascal(EX) + Fighting Fang = Titan's Axe 26. Ender's Power + Great Dane = El Dorado(EX) 27. Treasure's Sway + Mars Dane(EX) = Val de Legender 28. Olympian Treasure + Mad Cerberus = Val de Legender(EX) 29. El Dorado + Hungry Breaker = Grandius 30. El Dorado(EX) + Red Tindalos = Gaea's Axe 31. Titan's Axe + Dark Hound = Grandius 32. Chronos' Axe + Limit Avenger = Gaea's Axe(EX) 33. Uranos' Axe + Ender's Power = Ultimate Grandius 34. Gaea's Axe + Courageous Hero = Rasphara Grandius(EX) 35. Grandius + Olympian Treasure = Rasphara Grandius 36. Watchdog + Great Dane = Red Tindalos(EX) 37. Snarling Watchdog + General's Gold = Ender's Power 38. Mad Cerberus + Fighting Fang = Ill-Bred Rascal(EX) 39. Red Tindalos + Dark Hound = Olympian Treasure 40. Red Tindalos(EX) + Snarling Watchdog = El Dorado(EX) 41. Brave Spirit + Zipangu Axe(EX) = Chrono's Axe 42. Brave Testament + Watchdog = Val de Legender(EX) 43. Courageous Hero + Limit Breaker = Grandius 44. Val de Legender + Red Tindalos(EX) = Master Grandius 45. Val de Legender(EX) + Treasures Sway = Ultimate Grandius ----------------------------------------- Weapons that aren't part of the Frog Log: - Gaea's Axe(EX) - Master Grandius - Ultimate Grandius - Rasphara Grandius - Rasphara Grandius(EX) Weapons that can't be obtained by Frog Log/Chest/Shop/Prize: - Golden Crest - Dark Hound - Snarling Watchdog - Ill-Bred Rascal - El Dorado - Brave Testament - Courageous Hero Shop List: Shilhawa (Rosa) - Round Silver x 4 Shilhawa (Rosa) - Limit Breaker x 2 Mohandis (Rosa) - Soldier's Axe x 8 Mohandis (Rosa) - General's Gold x 14 Wanboko (Juraika) - Zipangu Axe x 7 Wanboko (Juraika) - Uranos' Axe x 1 Rant (Zerard) - Ender's Power x 4 Alice (Zerard) - Great Dane x 3 Kayo (Vedan) - Heavy Axe x 5 Kayo (Vedan) - Crushing Axe x 1 Kayo (Vedan) - Silver Axe x 4 Kayo (Vedan) - Golden Axe x 6 Kayo (Vedan) - Mad Cerberus x 4 Kayo (Vedan) - Brave Spirit x 4 Macros (Alistia) - Ex-Soldier x 12 Macros (Alistia) - Round Silver x 4 Extra combining you'll need to make: - Silver Commander x 2 - Silver Commander(EX) x 2 - Golden Crest x 1 - Zipangu Axe(EX) x 1 - Dark Hound x 4 - Fighting Fang x 2 - Mars Dane x 1 - Mars Dane(EX) x 1 - Watchdog x 1 - Snarling Watchdog x 2 - Red Tindalos(EX) x 1 - Limit Avenger x 2 - Hungry Breaker x 1 - Ill-Bred Rascal x 1 - Treasure's Sway x 2 - El Dorado x 1 - Brave Testament x 1 - Courageous Hero x 2 ===================================== 6.b Deego's Sub Weapons [xdesx] ===================================== Total entries: 31 01. Heavy Vulcan + Guardian 44 = Brave Slugger(EX) 02. Assault Vulcan + Heavy Slugger = Brave Slugger(EX) 03. Heavy Slugger + Brave Slugger = Guardian Death 04. Brave Slugger + Assault Vulcan = Hostile Zapper 05. Brave Slugger(EX) + Guardian 44 = Guardian Death(EX) 06. Guardian 44 + Assault Vulcan = Brave Slugger(EX) 07. Guardian Zero-G + Assault Vulcan = Hostile Zapper 08. Guardian Triple-S + Brave Slugger = Carpet Bomber 09. Guardian Death + Guardian Zero-G = Exterminator 10. Guardian Death(EX) + Brave Slugger(EX) = Punishing Xanadu 11. Devastator + Guardian Zero-G = Kaiser Phalanx 12. Pluto Horizon + Hostile Zapper = Devastating Helios(EX) 13. Punishing Xanadu + Guardian Death = Tartaros Maker 14. Devastating Helios + Devastator = Kaiser Bastion(EX) 15. Devastating Helios(EX) + Carpet Bomber = Dead-Eye Tartaros 16. Kaiser Phalanx + Guardian Death(EX) = Tartaros Survivor 17. Kaiser Legion + Exterminator = Galactic Buster 18. Kaiser Havaspri + Punishing Xanadu = Pendragon Force 19. Kaiser Bastion + Pluto Horizon = Galactic Assault 20. Kaiser Bastion(EX) + Devastating Helios = Galactic Boom 21. Galactic Buster + Kaiser Havaspri = Lost Galaxy 22. Galactic Assault + Kaiser Legion = Lost Galaxy(EX) 23. Hostile Zapper + Guardian 44 = Devastator 24. Ballistic Blast + Brave Slugger = Exterminator(EX) 25. Carpet Bomber + Guardian Triple-S = Devastating Helios 26. Exterminator + Brave Slugger(EX) = Kaiser Legion 27. Exterminator(EX) + Ballistic Blast = Kaiser Bastion 28. Tartaros Maker + Exterminator(EX) = Pendragon Force 29. Tartaros Survivor + Kaiser Legion = Pendragon Force(EX) 30. Dead-Eye Tartaros + Kaiser Phalanx = Galactic Boom 31. Pendragon Force + Devastating Helios(EX) = Lost Galaxy ----------------------------------------- Weapons that aren't part of the Frog Log: - Pendragon Force(EX) - Galactic Boom - Lost Galaxy - Lost Galaxy(EX) Weapons that can't be obtained by Frog Log/Chest/Shop/Prize: - Pluto Horizon - Kaiser Havaspri Shop List: Mohandis (Rosa) - Brave Slugger x 7 Mohandis (Rosa) - Guardian 44 x 4 Ulgenie (Zerard) - Devastator x 7 Rant (Zerard) - Ballistic Blast x 3 Alice (Zerard) - Assault Vulcan x 4 Kayo (Vedan) - Heavy Vulcan x 3 Kayo (Vedan) - Guardian Zero-G x 4 Kayo (Vedan) - Kaiser Legion x 5 Macros (Alistia) - Heavy Slugger x 7 Macros (Alistia) - Guardian Triple-S x 5 Macros (Alistia) - Punishing Xanadu x 1 Extra combining you'll need to make: - Guardian Death x 1 - Guardian Death(EX) x 1 - Carpet Bomber x 1 - Exterminator x 1 - Exterminator(EX) x 1 - Pluto Horizon x 2 - Devastating Helios x 1 - Devastating Helios(EX) x 1 - Kaiser Phalanx x 1 - Kaiser Havaspri x 2 ====================================== 7.a Jupis's Main Weapons [xjumx] ====================================== Total entries: 45 01. Maniac Spear + Planet Spear = Martial Spirit(EX) 02. Mirage Spear + Martial Spirit = Holy Javelin 03. Wasp Sting + Maniac Spear = Martial Spirit(EX) 04. Martial Spirit + Wasp Sting = Metamorphose Spear 05. Martial Spirit(EX) + Wasp Sting = Metamorphose Spear(EX) 06. Planet Spear + Wasp Sting = Driving Spear 07. Round Spear + Planet Spear = Metamorphose Spear 08. Driving Spear + Martial Spirit = Holy Catharsis 09. Metamorphose Spear + Round Spear = Sanctuary 10. Metamorphose Spear(EX) + Holy Javelin = Dragonic Core 11. Holy Javelin + Planet Spear = Astral Rod 12. Holy Lance + Martial Spirit(EX) = Sanctuary(EX) 13. Holy Catharsis + Driving Spear = Odin's Spear 14. Sanctuary + Metamorphose Spear(EX) = Bestla's Spear 15. Sanctuary(EX) + Metamorphose Spear(EX) = Sage's Spear 16. Odin's Spear + Astral Rod = Gungnir(EX) 17. Fenrir's Spear + Holy Catharsis = Valiant Wind 18. Bestla's Spear + Dragonic Core = Wise Man's Spear(EX) 19. Gungnir + Meteorite Rod = Valiant Luster 20. Gungnir(EX) + Fenrir's Spear = Ultimate Valiant(EX) 21. Sage's Spear + Round Spear = Battle Spear 22. Warrior's Spear + Sanctuary = Valiant Luster 23. Battle Spear + Stellar Staff = Ultimate Valiant(EX) 24. Wise Man's Spear + Meteorite Rod = Ultimate Valiant(EX) 25. Wise Man's Spear(EX) + Dragonic Core = Saintly March 26. Valiant Wind + Astral Rod = Ultimate Valiant(EX) 27. Rare Valiant + Stellar Staff(EX) = Dynamic Triumph 28. Valiant Luster + Bestla's Spear = Dynamic Triumph(EX) 29. Ultimate Valiant + Battle Spear = Piercing Genius 30. Ultimate Valiant(EX) + Gungnir = Heavenly Oratorio 31. Emperor's Rod + Sanctuary(EX) = Spirit Chorus 32. Emperor's Staff + Odin's Spear = Dynamic Triumph(EX) 33. Imperial Piercer + Sage's Spear = Piercing Genius 34. Dynamic Triumph + Gungnir(EX) = Total Genius 35. Dynamic Triumph(EX) + Rare Valiant = Heavenl Genius 36. Piercing Genius + Valiant Luster = Genius Fusion 37. Astral Rod + Metamorphose Spear = Stellar Staff 38. Meteorite Rod + Metamorphose Spear = Stellar Staff(EX) 39. Dragonic Core + Holy Catharsis = Gungnir 40. Stellar Staff + Metamorphose Spear = Gungnir 41. Stellar Staff(EX) + Driving Spear = Gungnir(EX) 42. Saintly March + Meteorite Rod = Piercing Genius 43. Spirit Chorus + Warrior's Spear = Heavenly Oratorio(EX) 44. Divine Ballad + Valiant Wind = Heavenly Genius 45. Heavenly Oratorio + Imperial Piercer = Genius Fusion(EX) ----------------------------------------- Weapons that aren't part of the Frog Log: - Heavenly Oratorio(EX) - Total Genius - Heavenly Genius - Genius Fusion - Genius Fusion(EX) Weapons that can't be obtained by Frog Log/Chest/Shop/Prize: - Holy Lance - Meteorite Rod - Fenrir's Spear - Warrior's Spear - Wise Man's Spear - Rare Valiant - Ultimate Valiant - Emperor's Staff - Divine Ballad Shop List: Mohandis (Rosa) - Planet Spear x 6 Mohandis (Rosa) - Spirit Chorus x 2 Wanboko (Juraika) - Valiant Wind x 4 Koleiwa (Juraika) - Dragonic Core x 4 Ulgenie (Zerard) - Astral Rod x 10 Rant (Zerard) - Maniac Spear x 10 Rant (Zerard) - Mirage Spear x 1 Rant (Zerard) - Holy Javelin x 4 Alice (Zerard) - Odin's Spear x 5 Selshu (Zerard) - Sage's Spear x 5 Kayo (Vedan) - Wasp Sting x 7 Kayo (Vedan) - Round Spear x 7 Kayo (Vedan) - Emperor's Rod x 4 Macros (Alistia) - Martial Spirit x 11 Macros (Alistia) - Driving Spear x 6 Extra combining you'll need to make: Metamorphose Spear x 2 Metamorphose Spear(EX) x 2 Holy Lance x 1 Holy Catharsis x 2 Sanctuary x 1 Sanctuary(EX) x 1 Meteorite Rod X 4 Stellar Staff x 1 Stellar Staff(EX) x 1 Fenrir's Spear x 2 Bestla's Spear x 1 Warrior's Spear x 2 Battle Spear x 1 Wise Man's Spear x 1 Rare Valiant x 2 Ultimate Valiant x 1 Emperor's Staff x 1 Imperial Piercer x 2 Divine Ballad x 1 ===================================== 7.b Jupis's Sub Weapons [xjusx] ===================================== Total entries: 31 01. Flying Saucer Box + Blaze Saucer Box = Soaring Pleasure(EX) 02. Flying Saucer Max + Flying Bonus Box = Soaring Pleasure(EX) 03. Flying Bonus Box + Soaring Pleasure = Burning Pleasure 04. Soaring Pleasure + Flying Saucer Max = Fun Fun Pouch 05. Soaring Pleasure(EX) + Blaze Saucer Box = Burning Pleasure(EX) 06. Blaze Saucer Box + Flying Saucer Max = Soaring Pleasure(EX) 07. Blaze Saucer Max + Flying Saucer Max = Fun Fun Pouch 08. Blaze Bonus Max + Soaring Pleasure = Trickster Pouch 09. Burning Pleasure + Blaze Saucer Max = Illusionist J 10. Burning Pleasure(EX) + Soaring Pleasure(EX) = Fancy Coin Purse 11. Old Coin Purse + Blaze Saucer Max = Homing Shooter 12. Lucky Coin Purse + Fun Fun Pouch = Pursetastic Dream(EX) 13. Fancy Coin Purse + Burning Pleasure = Majestic Pocket 14. Pursetastic Dream + Old Coin Purse = Ultra Homing(EX) 15. Pursetastic Dream(EX) + Trickster Pouch = Marvelous Universe 16. Homing Shooter + Burning Pleasure(EX) = Universe Pocket 17. Homing Counter + Illusionist J = UFO Attack Set 18. Sonic Homing + Fancy Coin Purse = Dimension Zero 19. Ultra Homing + Lucky Coin Purse = New UFO Attack Set 20. Ultra Homing(EX) + Pursetastic Dream = Thrilling UFO Set 21. UFO Attack Set + Sonic Homing = UFO Squadron P 22. New UFO Attack Set + Homing Counter = UFO Squadron P(EX) 23. Fun Fun Pouch + Blaze Saucer Box = Old Coin Purse 24. Funny Clown Pouch + Soaring Pleasure = Illusionist J(EX) 25. Trickster Pouch + Blaze Bonus Max = Pursetastic Dream 26. Illusionist J + Soaring Pleasure(EX) = Homing Counter 27. Illusionist J(EX) + Funny Clown Pouch = Ultra Homing 28. Majestic Pocket + Illusionist J(EX) = Dimension Zero 29. Universe Pocket + Homing Counter = Dimension Zero(EX) 30. Marvelous Universe + Homing Shooter = Thrilling UFO Set 31. Dimension Zero + Pursetastic Dream(EX) = UFO Squadron P ----------------------------------------- Weapons that aren't part of the Frog Log: - Dimension Zero(EX) - Thrilling UFO Set - UFO Squadron P - UFO Squadron P(EX) Weapons that can't be obtained by Frog Log/Chest/Shop/Prize: - Funny Clown Pouch - Lucky Coin Purse - Sonic Homing Shop List: Shilhawa (Rosa) - Blaze Saucer Box x 4 Fisaal (Rosa) - Blaze Saucer Max x 3 Ulgenie (Zerard) - Flying Saucer Max x 4 Rant (Zerard) - Old Coin Purse x 5 Rant (Zerard) - Homing Shooter x 6 Alice (Zerard) - Flying Saucer Box x 5 Alice (Zerard) - Fun Fun Pouch x 5 Kayo (Vedan) - Flying Bonus Box x 6 Macros (Alistia) - Soaring Pleasure x 9 Macros (Alistia) - Blaze Bonus Max x 8 Extra combining you'll need to make: Burning Pleasure x 1 Burning Pleasure(EX) x 1 Funny Clown Pouch x 2 Trickster Pouch x 2 Illusionist J x 1 Illusionist J(EX) x 1 Lucky Coin Purse x 2 Fancy Coin Purse x 1 Pursetastic Dream x 1 Pursetastic Dream(EX) x 1 Homing Counter x 2 Sonic Homing x 2 ======================================= 8.a Lilika's Main Weapons [xlimx] ======================================= Total entries: 45 01. Wanderlust Bow + Sea Gazer Bow = Earth and Sky Bow(EX) 02. Terra Bow + Earth and Sky Bow = Forest Runner Bow 03. Gaea Bow + Wanderlust Bow = Earth and Sky Bow(EX) 04. Earth and Sky Bow + Gaea Bow = Ocean Explorer Bow 05. Earth and Sky Bow(EX) + Gaea Bow = Ocean Explorer Bow(EX) 06. Sea Gazer Bow + Gaea Bow = Mother Ocean Bow 07. Sea Queller Bow + Sea Gazer Bow = Ocean Explorer Bow 08. Mother Ocean Bow + Earth and Sky Bow = Forest Explorer Bow 09. Ocean Explorer Bow + Sea Queller Bow = Forest Diviner Bow 10. Ocean Explorer Bow(EX) + Forest Runner Bow = Galebracer Bow 11. Forest Runner Bow + Sea Gazer Bow = Windrider Bow 12. Forest Wanderer Bow + Earth and Sky Bow(EX) = Forest Diviner Bow(EX) 13. Forest Explorer Bow + Mother Ocean Bow = Mountainsong Bow 14. Forest Diviner Bow + Ocean Explorer Bow(EX) = Mountain Faerie Bow 15. Forest Diviner Bow(EX) + Ocean Explorer Bow(EX) = Heavenly Guide Bow 16. Mountainsong Bow + Windrider Bow = Mountain Nymph Bow(EX) 17. Mountain Spirit Bow + Forest Explorer Bow = Hapyunes SG 18. Mountain Faerie Bow + Galebracer Bow = Heavenly Respite Bow(EX) 19. Mountain Nymph Bow + Stormbringer Bow = Sphinx MH-P 20. Mountain Nymph Bow(EX) + Mountain Spirit Bow = Siren's Wing 21. Heavenly Guide Bow + Sea Queller Bow = Sacred Wanderer Bow 22. Soaring Heavens Bow + Forest Diviner Bow = Sphinx MH-P 23. Sacred Wanderer Bow + Sacred Wind Bow = Siren's Wing(EX) 24. Heavenly Respite Bow + Stormbringer Bow = Siren's Wing(EX) 25. Heavenly Respite Bow(EX) + Galebracer Bow = Moonlight Bow 26. Stellar Dream Bow + Forest Diviner Bow(EX) = Moonray Bow 27. Stellar Prayer Bow + Mountainsong Bow = Star Crosser Bow(EX) 28. Star Gatherer Bow + Heavenly Guide Bow = Sunstalker Bow 29. Star Crosser Bow + Mountain Nymph Bow(EX) = Sunfighter Bow 30. Star Crosser Bow(EX) + Opinicus EX = Sunbringer Bow 31. Moonlight Bow + Stormbringer Bow = Sunstalker Bow 32. Moonray Bow + Soaring Heavens Bow = Moonbeam Bow(EX) 33. Moonsong Bow + Hapyunes SG = Sunbringer Bow 34. Moonbeam Bow + Star Gatherer Bow = Sunslayer Bow(EX) 35. Sunstalker Bow + Sphinx MH-P = Sunslayer Bow 36. Windrider Bow + Ocean Explorer Bow = Sacred Wind Bow 37. Stormbringer + Ocean Explorer Bow = Sacred Wind Bow(EX) 38. Galebracer Bow + Forest Explorer Bow = Mountain Nymph Bow 39. Sacred Wind Bow + Ocean Explorer Bow = Mountain Nymph Bow 40. Sacred Wind Bow(EX) + Mother Ocean Bow = Mountain Nymph Bow(EX) 41. Hapyunes SG + Windrider Bow = Siren's Wing(EX) 42. Opinicus EX + Sacred Wind Bow(EX) = Star Crosser Bow 43. Sphinx MH-P + Mountain Faerie Bow = Star Crosser Bow(EX) 44. Siren's Wing + Sacred Wanderer Bow = Sunstalker Bow 45. Siren's Wing(EX) + Mountain Nymph Bow = Moonbeam Bow ----------------------------------------- Weapons that aren't part of the Frog Log: - Moonbeam Bow(EX) - Sunfighter Bow - Sunbringer Bow - Sunslayer Bow - Sunslayer Bow(EX) Weapons that can't be obtained by Frog Log/Chest/Shop/Prize: - Forest Wanderer Bow - Mountain Spirit Bow - Soaring Heavens Bow - Heavenly Respite Bow - Siren's Wing - Star Gatherer Bow - Moonsong Bow Shop List: Shilhawa (Rosa) - Mountainsong Bow x 7 Wanboko (Juraika) - Wanderlust Bow x 7 Wanboko (Juraika) - Terra Bow x 1 Wanboko (Juraika) - Heavenly Guide Bow x 7 Wanboko (Juraika) - Stellar Prayer Bow x 1 Hanbarney (Zerard) - Gaea Bow x 8 Rant (Zerard) - Forest Runner Bow x 11 Rant (Zerard) - Hapyunes SG x 4 Alice (Zerard) - Sea Queller Bow x 4 Alice (Zerard) - Stormbringer Bow x 9 Ouki (Zerard) - Earth and Sky Bow x 14 Utoll (Zerard) - Sea Gazer Bow x 6 Selshu (Zerard) - Mountain Nymph Bow x 2 Macros (Alistia) - Mother Ocean Bow x 3 Botto (Alistia) - Stellar Dream Bow x 3 Extra combining you'll need to make: Ocean Explorer Bow x 2 Ocean Explorer Bow(EX) x 2 Forest Wanderer Bow x 1 Forest Explorer Bow x 3 Forest Diviner Bow x 1 Forest Diviner Bow(EX) X 1 Windrider Bow x 2 Galebracer Bow x 2 Sacred Wind Bow x 1 Sacred Wind Bow(EX) x 1 Mountain Spirit Bow x 2 Mountain Faerie Bow x 1 Mountain Nymph Bow(EX) x 1 Soaring Heavens Bow x 2 Sacred Wanderer Bow x 1 Heavenly Respite Bow x 1 Opinicus EX x 2 Siren's Wing x 1 Star Gatherer Bow x 2 Moonsong Bow x 1 ====================================== 8.b Lilika's Sub Weapons [xlisx] ====================================== Total entries: 31 01. Hunter's Hatchet + Triton Hatchet = Hermit's Hatchet(EX) 02. Warrior's Hatchet + Hero's Hatchet = Hermit's Hatchet(EX) 03. Hero's Hatchet + Hermit's Hatchet = Sea Dragon Hatchet 04. Hermit's Hatchet + Warrior's Hatchet = Mud Spider Hatchet 05. Hermit's Hatchet(EX) + Triton Hatchet = Sea Dragon Hatchet(EX) 06. Triton Hatchet + Warrior's Hatchet = Hermit's Hatchet(EX) 07. Mermaid Hatchet + Warrior's Hatchet = Mud Spider Hatchet 08. Shark Hatchet + Hermit's Hatchet = Hellcrawler Hatchet 09. Sea Dragon Hatchet + Mermaid Hatchet = Dark Orochi Hatchet 10. Sea Dragon Hatchet(EX) + Hermit's Hatchet(EX) = Babylon's Hatchet 11. Maneater's Hatchet + Mermaid Hatchet = Spirit Hatchet 12. Ogre's Hatchet + Mud Spider Hatchet = Typhon's Hatchet(EX) 13. Babylon's Hatchet + Sea Dragon Hatchet = Flame Mage Hatchet 14. Typhon's Hatchet + Maneater's Hatchet = Artemis Hatchet(EX) 15. Typhon's Hatchet(EX) + Hellcrawler Hatchet = Ice Wolf Hatchet 16. Spirit Hatchet + Sea Dragon Hatchet(EX) = Spark Dragon Hatchet 17. Hamadryad Hatchet + Dark Orochi Hatchet = Unicorn Hatchet 18. Oread Hatchet + Babylon's Hatchet = Gale Goddess Hatchet 19. Artemis Hatchet + Ogre's Hatchet = Great Beast Hatchet 20. Artemis Hatchet(EX) + Typhon's Hatchet = Beast King Hatchet 21. Unicorn Hatchet + Oread Hatchet = Divine Beast Hatchet 22. Great Beast Hatchet + Hamadryad Hatchet = Divine Beast Hatchet(EX) 23. Mud Spider Hatchet + Triton Hatchet = Maneater's Hatchet 24. Black Widow Hatchet + Hermit's Hatchet = Dark Orochi Hatchet(EX) 25. Hellcrawler Hatchet + Shark Hatchet = Typhon's Hatchet 26. Dark Orochi Hatchet + Hermit's Hatchet(EX) = Hamadryad Hatchet 27. Dark Orochi Hatchet(EX) + Black Widow Hatchet = Artemis Hatchet 28. Flame Mage Hatchet + Dark Orochi Hatchet(EX) = Gale Goddess Hatchet 29. Spark Dragon Hatchet + Hamadryad Hatchet = Gale Goddess Hatchet(EX) 30. Ice Wolf Hatchet + Spirit Hatchet = Beast King Hatchet 31. Gale Goddess Hatchet + Typhon's Hatchet(EX) = Divine Beast Hatchet ----------------------------------------- Weapons that aren't part of the Frog Log: - Gale Goddess Hatchet(EX) - Beast King Hatchet - Divine Beast Hatchet - Divine Beast Hatchet(EX) Weapons that can't be obtained by Frog Log/Chest/Shop/Prize: - Black Widow Hatchet - Ogre's Hatchet - Oread Hatchet Shop List: Wanboko (Juraika) - Hunter's Hatchet x 4 Wanboko (Juraika) - Spirit Hatchet x 6 Limaka (Juraika) - Warrior's Hatchet x 4 Hanbarney (Zerard) - Mermaid Hatchet x 6 Alice (Zerard) - Mud Spider Hatchet x 11 Ouki (Zerard) - Triton Hatchet x 5 Kayo (Vedan) - Hero's Hatchet x 7 Macros (Alistia) - Hermit's Hatchet x 8 Macros (Alistia) - Shark Hatchet x 4 Macros (Alistia) - Babylon's Hatchet x 2 Extra combining you'll need to make: Sea Dragon Hatchet x 1 Sea Dragon Hatchet(EX) x 1 Black Widow Hatchet x 2 Hellcrawler Hatchet x 3 Dark Orochi Hatchet x 2 Dark Orochi Hatchet(EX) x 1 Maneater's Hatchet x 1 Ogre's Hatchet x 2 Typhon's Hatchet x 1 Typhon's Hatchet(EX) x 1 Hamadryad Hatchet x 2 Oread Hatchet x 2 ======================================= 9.a Zegram's Main Weapons [xzemx] ======================================= Total entries: 45 01. Lunar Glint + Iron Demon = Spectral Gleam(EX) 02. Half-Moon Dawn + Spectral Gleam = Blaze Sword 03. Half-Moon Rising + Lunar Glint = Spectral Gleam(EX) 04. Spectral Gleam + Half-Moon Rising = Vajra's Might 05. Spectral Gleam(EX) + Half-Moon Rising = Vajra's Might(EX) 06. Iron Demon + Half-Moon Rising = Demon's Bane 07. Diabolic Shredder + Iron Demon = Vajra's Might 08. Demon's Bane + Spectral Gleam = Crimson Blaze 09. Vajra's Might + Diabolic Shredder = Vermillion Flare 10. Vajra's Might(EX) + Blaze Sword = Azure Frost 11. Blaze Sword + Iron Demon = Frozen Slasher 12. Imp's Flame + Spectral Gleam(EX) = Vermillion Flare(EX) 13. Crimson Blaze + Demon's Bane = Violet Lightning 14. Vermillion Flare + Vajra's Might(EX) = Violaceous Halo 15. Vermillion Flare(EX) + Vajra's Might(EX) = Crescent Moon 16. Violet Lightning + Frozen Slasher = Ultraviolet Saber(EX) 17. Violet Nimbus + Crimson Blaze = Divine Serpent 18. Violaceous Halo + Azure Frost = Moon Shade(EX) 19. Ultraviolet Saber + Ice Demon Fang = Cloudsplitter 20. Ultraviolet Saber(EX) + Violet Nimbus = Dragon's Ascent(EX) 21. Crescent Moon + Diabolic Shredder = Wicked Moon 22. Azure Moon + Vermillion Flare = Cloudsplitter 23. Wicked Moon + Blue Stare = Dragon's Ascent(EX) 24. Moon Shade + Ice Demon Fang = Dragon's Ascent(EX) 25. Moon Shade(EX) + Azure Frost = Phantom Dream 26. Divine Serpent + Frozen Slasher = Dragon's Ascent(EX) 27. Jeweled Dragon + Blue Stare(EX) = Hundred Hells 28. Cloudsplitter + Violaceous Halo = Hundred Hells(EX) 29. Dragon's Ascent + Wicked Moon = Great Demon 30. Dragon's Ascent(EX) + Ultraviolet Saber = Phantasmic Glaive 31. Archfiend's Blade + Vermillion Flare(EX) = Matchless Vision 32. Demonic Karma + Violet Lightning = Hundred Hells(EX) 33. Sword of Purgatory + Crescent Moon = Great Demon 34. Hundred Hells + Ultraviolet Saber(EX) = Enchanting Ogre 35. Hundred Hells(EX) + Jeweled Dragon = Pandemonium Mistress 36. Phantom Dream + Ice Demong Fang = Great Demon 37. Matchless Vision + Azure Moon = Phantasmic Glaive(EX) 38. Rousing Vision + Divine Serpent = Pandemonium Mistress 39. Phantasmic Glaive + Sword of Purgatory = Hades Child(EX) 40. Frozen Slasher + Vajra's Might = Blue Stare 41. Ice Demon Fang + Vajra's Might = Blue Stare(EX) 42. Azure Frost + Crimson Blaze = Ultraviolet Saber 43. Blue Stare + Vajra's Might = Ultraviolet Saber 44. Blue Stare(EX) + Demon's Bane = Ultraviolet Saber(EX) 45. Great Demon + Cloudsplitter = Hades Child ----------------------------------------- Weapons that aren't part of the Frog Log: - Phantasmic Glaive(EX) - Enchanting Ogre - Pandemonium Mistress - Hades Child - Hades Child(EX) Weapons that can't be obtained by Frog Log/Chest/Shop/Prize: - Imp's Flame - Azure Moon - Moon Shade - Jeweled Dragon - Dragon's Ascent - Demonic Karma - Sword of Purgatory - Rousing Vision Shop List: Shilhawa (Rosa) - Divine Serpent x 1 Mohandis (Rosa) - Vermillion Flare x 10 Mohandis (Rosa) - Crescent Moon x 6 Mokka (Juraika) - Half-Moon Rising x 7 Wanboko (Juraika) - Iron Demon x 4 Kattaro (Juraika) - Archfiend's Blade x 7 Alice (Zerard) - Lunar Glint x 5 Alice (Zerard) - Half-Moon Dawn x 1 Alice (Zerard) - Diabolic Shredder x 7 Alice (Zerard) - Ice Demon Fang x 4 Kayo (Vedan) - Spectral Gleam x 14 Kayo (Vedan) - Demon's Bane x 15 Kayo (Vedan) - Violet Nimbus x 7 Extra combining you'll need to make: Vajra's Might x 2 Vajra's Might(EX) x 4 Blaze Sword x 1 Imp's Flame x 1 Crimson Blaze x 2 Vermillion Flare(EX) x 2 Frozen Slasher x 2 Azure Frost x 2 Blue Stare x 1 Blue Stare(EX) x 1 Violet Lightning X 1 Violaceous Halo x 1 Azure Moon x 2 Wicked Moon x 1 Moon Shade x 1 Jeweled Dragon x 2 Dragon's Ascent x 1 Demonic Karma x 1 Sword of Purgatory x 2 Rousing Vision x 1 ====================================== 9.b Zegram's Sub Weapons [xzesx] ====================================== Total entries: 31 01. Shuriken + Bolt Shuriken = Vortex Star(EX) 02. Shuriken Deux + Gust Shuriken = Vortex Star(EX) 03. Gust Shuriken + Vortex Star = Celestial Strike 04. Vortex Star + Shuriken Deux = Flame Shuriken 05. Vortex Star(EX) + Bolt Shuriken = Celestial Strike(EX) 06. Bolt Shuriken + Shuriken Deux = Vortex Star(EX) 07. Bolt Deux + Shuriken Deux = Flame Shuriken 08. White Lightning + Vortex Star = Inferno 09. Celestial Strike + Bolt Deux = Blazing Star 10. Celestial Strike(EX) + Vortex Star(EX) = Winter's Chill 11. Flame Shuriken + Bolt Shuriken = Icy Wheel 12. Flame Deux + Vortex Star = Blazing Star(EX) 13. Inferno + White Lightning = Blizzard 14. Blazing Star + Vortex Star(EX) = Starlight Deux 15. Blazing Star(EX) + Flame Deux = Alcyone 16. Icy Wheel + Bolt Deux = Starlight 17. Icy Wheel Deux + Flame Shuriken = Blizzard(EX) 18. Winter's Chill + Celestial Strike = Famished Wolf 19. Blizzard + Icy Wheel = Alcyone(EX) 20. Blizzard(EX) + Inferno = White Wolf 21. Tengu Cross + Alkaid = Soaring Tengu 22. Tengu Cross DX + Starlight Deux = Soaring Tengu(EX) 23. Starlight + Celestial Strike(EX) = Savage Beast 24. Starlight Deux + Blazing Star = Tengu Cross 25. Alkaid + Winter's Chill = Moon Bay 26. Alcyone + Icy Wheel Deux = Tengu Cross DX 27. Alcyone(EX) + Blizzard = Arachnitengu 28. Famished Wolf + Blazing Star(EX) = Moon Bay 29. Savage Beast + Starlight Deux = Moon Bay(EX) 30. White Wolf + Starlight = Arachnitengu 31. Moon Bay + Blizzard(EX) = Soaring Tengu ----------------------------------------- Weapons that aren't part of the Frog Log: - Moon Bay(EX) - Arachnitengu - Soaring Tengu - Soaring Tengu(EX) Weapons that can't be obtained by Frog Log/Chest/Shop/Prize: - Flame Deux - Icy Wheel Deux Shop List: Mohandis (Rosa) - Blizzard x 1 Uttaro (Juraika) - Shuriken x 3 Mokka (Juraika) - Shuriken Deux x 4 Wanboko (Juraika) - Gust Shuriken x 2 Ulgenie (Zerard) - White Lightning x 9 Ulgenie (Zerard) - Starlight x 4 Rant (Zerard) - Icy Wheel x 9 Alice (Zerard) - Bolt Shuriken x 7 Alice (Zerard) - Flame Shuriken x 4 Macros (Alistia) - Vortex Star x 7 Macros (Alistia) - Bolt Deux x 3 Extra combining you'll need to make: Celestial Strike x 1 Celestial Strike(EX) x 1 Flame Deux x 2 Inferno x 1 Blazing Star x 1 Blazing Star(EX) x 1 Icy Wheel Deux x 2 Winter's Chill x 1 Blizzard(EX) x 1 Starlight Deux x 2 Alkaid x 2 ===================== 10. FAQs [xfaqx] ===================== Q1: Why didn't you list weapons like the Seven-Star Swords or the Zeo Sycros? A1: Because this FAQ main purpose is the completion of the Frog Log and since these weapons are not listed on the log, I didn't list them here either. ------------------------- Q2: I tried to make a Murakumo Type-EX(EX), but I got a Murakumo Type-EX(S) instead. What did I do wrong? A2: Nothing. All the special weapons that have a symbol at the end of their names (like S, X, Sigma, Omega, which are written in yellow) have the same stats AND combining effects, so I named them all with a (EX) in the end, just like the Frog Log itself did. For example, if you make a Murakumo Type-EX(S) (which is described on this FAQ as Murakumo Type-EX(EX)), level it and analyse it, it will be registered on the Frog Log as Murakumo Type-EX(EX). Those weapons are always a little bit stronger than their regular form (which, in this case, would be the Murakumo Type-EX), and you'll have a different outcome if you combine a "X" weapon to a "Y" weapon than if you combined that same "X" weapon to a "Y(EX)" weapon, so keep that in mind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd be grateful if you could send an e-mail reporting a mistake on this FAQ. If you have any doubts, feel free to e-mail me: makosipper@gmail.com =) ===============================================================================