@@-<-----<-----<-----<-----<-----<< ROMANCING SAGA: MINSTREL SONG @@-<-----<-----<-----<-----<-----<< Square-Enix, Copyright 2005 FAQ copyright Blitzgal 2005 Contact: xencall@yahoo.com *FAQ may be posted at the following sites: Gamespot GameFAQs Supercheats Please email me for permission before posting my FAQs at any other location. ==================== Table of Contents: ==================== 1. Game Overview a. Introduction b. The World c. Stat Explanation d. Combat e. Inns/Pubs f. Training/Proficiencies 2. The Heroes/Initial Stats 3. Brief Character by Character Walkthrough a. Albert b. Aisha c. Gray d. Claudia e. Jamil f. Sif g. Hawke h. Barbara 4. Items List a. Armor b. Weapons c. Tempering Materials d. Healing/Status 5. Spell List 6. Proficiencies List 7. Attack Combo List 8. Class List @@-<-----<-----<-----<-----<-----<< =============== Update History =============== 12/13/2005 - First posting of guide. Need to complete opening walkthroughs for the rest of the characters. All listings are currently incomplete as I play through the game. 12/16/05 - Completed Jamil's walkthrough. Added some new items to the lists, as well as combo attacks and new locations on the world map. Added some new information in the Training and Proficiencies section. @@-<-----<-----<-----<-----<-----<< ============= Introduction ============= Romancing Saga is an open RPG in which you, as the hero, travel the world and improve your class and skill level as you take on various quests and favors for the people that you meet. I've read a lot of complaints about the style of the game--that there isn't enough "story" involved in the random traveling and therefore that this game isn't as superior as other RPGs, such as Final Fantasy. I say this game just has a different style, period. If you prefer games in which you are forced to take certain actions at certain times in order to make "the big story" move forward, then this probably isn't the game for you. Neither style is inherently superior than the other, it's just a matter of what you prefer as a gameplayer. To me, this game takes RPG back to its pre-videogame roots. Have you ever sat around a table playing Dungeons and Dragons with your friends? Was there an overarching "big story" to your adventures, or were you simply traveling the countryside, taking on various enemies and solving problems for people according to your skills? At any rate, this game obviously isn't for everyone, but that's okay. That's not to say that there aren't some frustrating aspects to it, but that's true of any video game, frankly. It can be difficult to take the proper steps in order to generate a new quest, and at times you may find yourself in the midst of a quest only to discover that you needed a particular skill in order to complete it. But this all goes back to the fact that the creators of this game intended it to be a multiple playthrough game. You'll need to get through it more than once in order to uncover everything. But the fact that you're able to choose from eight different characters who all have their own perspective and starting point will make you want to play this game more than once. This guide is not meant to be a comprehensive walkthough. It is a guide for beginners to the game to get their bearings and figure out the rough basics of gameplay. I'll go through the first few events for each character to give you an idea of how to get started with them. Please also note that this is my second FAQ ever, and my first for a large scale RPG such as this. I am taking great care in how I approach this guide, but I may not be the best at this. Feel free to let me know if there is information that needs to be added, if corrections need to be made, etc. My only request is that you are polite when you do. I won't be responding to anyone who writes only to insult me. But if you have information or questions, please feel free to write; it's what I'm here for. =========== The World =========== There are ten kingdoms in the world of Romancing Saga. Each of the eight characters will start their journey in one of the following lands. I've also included the names of the locations that I've unlocked in each kingdom, along with the name of the hero who starts in that kingdom. Obviously, this list is subject to change as I play through more of the game. Bafal Empire (Claudia) = Aurefont Bayre Plateau Bruelle Loban Mazewood Melvir Coral Sea Dry Lands (Aisha) = Kaklim Desert North Point Steppes of Galessa Frontier (Barbara) = New Road Saoki Saoki Cavern Vampire's Den Weston Yassi Yassi Cavern Kjaraht (Jamil) = Assassin Guild Hideout Lake Malar South Estamir Tarmitta Knights Dominion = Abandoned Keep Eugenstadt Kidnapper's Cave Mirsaburg Weiserheim Ligau Isle (Gray) = Jelton Mt. Tomae Plains Rosalia (Albert) = Altours Crystal City Crystal Lake Isthmus Keep Mt. Scurve North Estamir Yeoville Valhalland (Sif) = Gato's Village Shiverland Walon Isle = Godongo Jungle ============== Stat Overview ============== The numbers and codes can be confusing at first. So here is a handy little overview of what each code means, and how your gameplay is affected. HP = Hit Points. Similar to other RPGs, you lose them when attacked. LP = Life Points. You have a set amount, like HP, and lose them under particular circumstances. You'll lose a life point each time you are struck unconscious (HP reduced to 0). You lose LP each time you are additionally attacked while unconscious. LP is further reduced when you run from an enemy, when you fall prey to a trap, when you are hit with certain attacks, or when you use certain weapons and magic. You can restore your LP by resting at an Inn. Keep an eye on this stat - it's just as important as HP. BP = Battle Points. These are pretty much a merging of the "skill point" and "magic point" system that you find in other games. In order to perform certain special moves in battle, you must expend battle points to do so. However, your BP will increase a specific amount with each turn. So if your character shows a BP of 3/10 +2, that means that at the start of battle he has 3 BP but will gain 2 BP with each turn, up to the maximum of 10. With experience, your BP will rise. You'll be notified when this happens at the end of battle. Be aware that some weapon-based special attacks will also use DP, not just BP. DP = Durability Points. Your weapons have a set amount of damage they can take. DP goes down as you use your weapon in battle, particularly when you use them to perform special attacks. They can be restored by resting at an Inn, but only if you haven't tempered your weapon at a blacksmith. Once you've tempered your weapon, you have to go back to the blacksmith and use that material again in order to restore your weapon. In addition to the above stats are several other personal stats, most of which will be familiar to RPG players. The following stats can be raised or reduced depending on class, skill, and even the weapon equipped. For example, warriors who rely on weapons will have higher strength, and magic users really depend on intelligence. Wearing certain gloves will lower your dexterity, while certain boots will lower agility. STR = Strength VIT = Vitality DEX = Dexterity AGI = Agility INT = Intelligence WIL = Will COM = Compassion CHA = Charm ======= Combat ======= Combat is pretty standard as RPGs are concerned. You've got basic turn based combat similar to the Final Fantasy series. You choose the action to take for each character, then sit back and watch that turn take place. My first advice is to go ahead and equip the First Aid kit to your strongest character. You'll find your weakest character getting KO'd at times, but as long as the strongest character is able to heal that person on the next turn, you can minimize the full damage. Those nasty monsters won't leave someone alone just because they are unconscious. And you will lose even more LP each time you are hit while knocked out. Some recruitable characters come with a Balm already equipped, which is nice. Also, have a few characters able to use Hydrology and learn the Healing Water spell. This spell will restore more HP than the First Aid Kit. Secondly, utilize battle position option to serve your team's best abilities. For example, with my party: Gray fights with a foil sword, so he is in front. Galahad has a spear, and he works best in the middle. Claudia and her bow work best from the rear. Both Barbara and Sif use swords, and need to be in the front. You can tell which position is best for your character by using the up and down directional buttons to toggle your person from the front, middle, and back. On the right hand side of the screen, check out how many stars your person's commonly used weapon has in each position. Attack and Speed are granted anywhere from no stars to three stars each. While you're out in the field, you'll be able to see your enemies wandering around. Sometimes they can be avoided, but often they will see you and charge right at you. If you're able to sneak up on them and come into contact with them before they notice you, you can get initiative in the battle. You'll know when the monster notices you because an exclamation point will appear over its head and it will turn yellow, then orange as it gets closer to you. When you make contact, battle is initiated. At the start of battle you'll get the option of choosing each team member's action for the first turn. You only start off with the minimum amount of BP, so in general you won't be able to use your best special attacks until the second turn, at least at the beginning of the game. When you choose the action each character will take, hit X or O to start the battle. When you get to the second turn, you may have characters on the brink of death. Make sure someone is there to heal if necessary. Otherwise you may decide to start unleashing your stronger attacks now that your BP has risen a bit. Just keep in mind what the cost of each special attack is. Some weapon-based attacks will use not only BP but DP. So don't go crazy with these attacks just to find yourself with a useless weapon that's been reduced to 0 DP. Magic based attacks generally only use BP. You can also use Martial Arts to attack your enemies and learn new skills. Many of the heroes will run across very advanced enemies early in the game, and you should try your best to avoid them. You can't win, and if you have to run from a battle you lose a life point. For example, Gray will come up against large dinosaurs right away. These beasts will ignore you if you keep your distance, but if you get too close they will try to fight. And Aisha starts out all alone with extremely weak stats. Any fight right off the bat will take her out pretty quick. The best part is, your HP will automatically restore itself after the fight. So you won't have to waste a lot of healing items during the game. It's more important to use these items in the course of battle to keep your characters conscious. However, your DP and LP do NOT restore themselves after battle. These can only be restored by staying at the appropriate level Inn. And remember, if you've tempered your weapon, the Inn will no longer restore its DP. ========== Inns/Pubs ========== Most towns and cities that you visit will have a pub and a place to rest. There are a few exceptions, so keep track of these as you find them to make sure you're never caught in a weakened condition with no change to restore. Pubs are noted with a pink sign. These are great places to find recruitable characters and to speak with the Minstrel. The Minstrel is able to remove people from your party if you have the full five members but you want to add someone else. He'll give them the boot for you. Also, there are times when the Minstrel will help move the story forward or even join your party. Whenever he asks if you want to hear a story or a song, say yes. I think he likes the attention, because after a few new encounters with him, you normally will get some sort of help from him. But note that if you have the Minstrel in your party and you re-enter any pub in any town, you will lose him. He'll be standing inside the pub when you enter and you have to recruit him all over again. You may also find some random characters who are willing to join your party. Normally these folks are simply named according to their class, like "Amazon" or "Sorceress." They have different skills and come equipped with their own weapons and armor. You can use these folks to round out your party if you have some slots open. They can be kicked out at any time by speaking to the Minstrel. There are some characters who are not one of the eight main heroes but who actually have personalized names (like Galahad and Myriam, who start the game with Gray). These folks generally have better stats than the generic people, so hang on to them when you get them in your party. The generic folks with 3 or 4 LP are only filler to be used as a last resort when you're starting out and don't have many team members yet. Inns are not as straightforward as they are in other games. First, you can find an innkeeper in different locations. Sometimes they are standing right in front of the pub. At other times they have their own storefront. You have many different levels to choose from when you rest at an inn, and each one is more expensive than the last. And then of course after your rest you are prompted to save your game. So if you just want to save and don't want to use the Quicksave feature (which places an additional save on your memory card), you can just "Rest in Lobby" in order to save your game and not pay to rest. Rest in Lobby (Free) = Restore proficiencies Standard Room = Restore prof. + LP Superior Room = Restore prof. + LP + Equipped weapons Deluxe Room = Restore prof. + LP + All Weapons + 10 to First Aid Kit Luxury Room = All above + 20 to First Aid Kit Suite = All above + 30 to First Aid Kit ======================= Training/Proficiencies ======================= Okay, now we get to one of the most complex aspects of the game. Similar to previous editions of Final Fantasy, in Romancing Saga you are able to choose and train in certain "classes" to achieve higher skills. You spend jewels to learn new skills, and when you have the appropriate skill level you can then choose to assign a particular class to your character. It's important to keep track of your skills, because they affect what weapons you are able to use as well as which proficiencies you can utilize out in the field. For example, you can learn Find Treasure but if you don't have the requisite level of Gathering skill then you can't use it. Particular quests will require certain proficiencies, so make sure you have both the proficiency that you need as well as the skill required to perform it. Also, remember that some proficiencies work in pairs. For example, you can have the Find Herb proficiency activiated on your list, but if you don't have the Harvest proficiency activated as well, then you can find the herbs, but you can't take them! Other paired profs are Find Ore and Mine, Find Treasure and Excavate, and Find Traps and Disarm Traps. The only "Find" skill that does not require a paired prof is Find Chests. You can open those yourself, but note that any chest you may find could have a trap. You may find yourself having to go through dungeons more than once in order to completely obtain all available items. In certain mines there may be herbs as well as ore to harvest. A good tip is to keep "Climb," "Jump," and "Find Chests" on your prof list at all times, then switch out the rest of the open slots as needed. Once any of your team members reaches level three of a certain class (which normally costs around 325 jewels, depending on how many skills are involved in the class), the mentor will then unlock the ability to level up individual skills. So if you are short on jewels and want to quick level up your character's skill level on his or her weapon of choice, you can simply choose that individual weapon skill and level it up. I also used this strategy to level up all of my characters in the Hydrology skill so that they all can cast a decent Healing Water spell without having to pay for any of the full classes that have Hydrology attached to them. Note that once you do this, the cost of leveling him up for his class will go down if that weapon happens to be part of the skill list for his class. Also, the individual skills available at each mentor is representative of the skills in the classes available there. For example, you need to go to South Estamir in Kjaraht if you want to raise a person's "Katana" or "Scimitar" skill, because those skills are listed under the Estamirian Rebel and Kjar Sentinel classes. If none of the classes available at that mentor contain a particular weapon skill that you need, then that skill won't be listed individually at the bottom. I have a listing of the proficiencies and classes at the bottom of this guide. @@-<-----<-----<-----<-----<-----<< The Heroes/Initial Stats ------------------------ 1. Albert - Young Nobleman (M) HP: 60 LP: 12 STR: 4 VIT: 5 DEX: 3 AGI: 3 INT: 2 WIL: 6 COM: 3 CHA: 5 Albert starts the game at Isthmus Keep in the country of Rosalia. He is the son of Lord Rudolph and Lady Mariah, who run the keep for the Rosalian kingdom. The neighboring land, the Bafal Empire, is in constant struggle with Rosalia over control of the keep. Albert is soon joined by his sister Diana and two soldiers. 2. Aisha - Young Nomad (F) HP: 45 LP: 10 STR: 2 VIT: 3 DEX: 5 AGI: 4 INT: 3 WIL: 4 COM: 8 CHA: 5 Poor Aisha is the weakest character and also starts the game all alone. I can't say her adventure really drew me in all that much. She starts out at the Steppes of Galessa. You might be better off starting with a stronger team like Gray's, because you are able to recruit Aisha in the pub at Tarmitta while playing Gray's game. 3. Gray - Adventurer (M) HP: 100 LP: 11 STR: 11 VIT: 9 DEX: 9 AGI: 9 INT: 8 WIL: 10 COM: 8 CHA: 9 Gray is introduced as a mysterious wanderer as the game begins. He starts his journey on Ligau Isle, in the town of Jelton. He is accompanied by two more adventurers, named Galahad and Myriam. Galahad is a Rosalian officer, and Myriam a magic-user. Obviously Gray starts out with some pretty decent stats in comparison to other characters. He also has access to a lot of the world, and will be recruiting other heroes pretty quickly. 4. Claudia - Ranger (F) HP: 65 LP: 17 STR: 7 VIT: 4 DEX: 7 AGI: 8 INT: 5 WIL: 6 COM: 6 CHA: 6 Claudia is a young woman who's been raised by an old crone in the Mazewood. The Mazewood is a mysterious forest in which many people who enter find themselves hopelessly lost. She is soon joined by two animals, a bear and a wolf, who the old woman call upon to help her on her journey. Her stats may not be extraordinary overall, but she does have that sweet LP of 17, which is much higher than all of the other characters. Play Gray's game to recruit her early on. She will grow into quite a good Ranger with great bow skills, but it's tough to get into her own game because she's so weak. 5. Jamil - Thief (M) HP: 65 LP: 12 STR: 3 VIT: 2 DEX: 13 AGI: 9 INT: 7 WIL: 4 COM: 2 CHA: 8 Jamil is a thief in South Estamir at the game's beginning. He has some great money making potential right at first in the game, and also good recruiting possibilities. He also is fairly decent when it comes to fighting, and starts the game with a Rapier. It's one of the better starting weapons you'll have for any of the characters. Either Jamil or Gray are your best bets for getting through in the long haul, in my opinion. Jamil can recruit Gray a little further into his game. 6. Sif - Barbarian (F) HP: 150 LP: 12 STR: 11 VIT: 14 DEx: 8 AGI: 7 INT: 7 WIL: 5 COM: 7 CHA: 9 A large, muscular woman wearing a horned helmet, Sif looks like she belongs in a Conan the Barbarian movie. She starts the game in Valhalland near the Shiverlands. You'll have to recruit a few people to help at first but she'll have access to Albert rather quickly in the game. Play Gray's game and you'll be able to recruit Sif early on. 7. Hawke - Pirate (M) HP: 125 LP: 14 STR: 9 VIT: 9 DEX: 13 AGI: 12 INT: 9 WIL: 5 COM: 6 CHA: 7 Hawke can be recruited by Gray in the "pub" at Uso, in the Dry Lands. 8. Barbara - Traveling Dancer (F) HP: 95 LP: 12 STR: 5 VIT: 8 DEX: 5 AGI: 7 INT: 4 WIL: 2 COM: 6 CHA: 10 Another weak character at game start. You can recruit her when you play Gray's game and she'll grow to a formidable fighter, however in her own game she starts out so weak it's almost not worth playing. She is joined by her traveling pal Helmet. She is also rather unique among the other heroes, because the Minstrel bestows one of the fatestones to her right off the bat. If you recruit her as one of the other heroes, she's still wearing the Amethyst fatestone, so you don't have to play her game to get it. Barbara starts at the end of the New Road, in the Frontier. @@-<-----<-----<-----<-----<-----<< ==================================== Character by Character Walk-Through ==================================== I'm not going to write out the entire game for each character here. This section will simply serve to start you out with each of the heroes and give you a rough sketch of what needs to be done to move forward. Believe me, even though the game seems really complicated with the LP & DP stats, classes, skills, and proficiencies, once you get the hang of things it's really not that hard. So without further ado, here are the opening scenes for each of the eight heroes: ---------- a. Albert ---------- Albert starts the game in his bedroom in Isthmus Keep. It seems his family recently acquired control of the keep from the Bafal Empire. The keep is found right along the border of Rosalia and the Bafal Empire, and control of the keep is very important to both kingdoms. Albert's father, Lord Rudolph and Lady Mariah, are in charge of the keep. Albert's sister Diana is a Rose Knight. Diana enters the room and tells Albert to equip himself and then go downstairs. This is good advice; while Albert has a Dress Sword, Buckler, Leather Jerkin, Leather Gloves, and Leather Boots in his possession, he isn't wearing any of them. Hit the square button to access the menu and choose "Status" to see Albert's individual stats and equip everything. The gloves cause his dexterity to fall by one point. Notice that he starts the game with 500 G. Nice! Too bad you won't have anywhere to spend it for awhile. Make sure you also equip Albert's only proficiency, "Find Chests." You'll be using it soon. Heading out of Albert's bedroom, you'll see two other doors in the hallway. These are Diana and Rudolph's rooms, but they're locked. Head toward the stairwell and go down one floor. You have a choice of two staircases here. The one on the left goes outside, while the one on the right goes down to the throne room. Go right. In the throne room, speak to either Diana or Albert's father to get a scene in which Rudolph explains that there are monsters in the eastern caverns. Whoop, first quest already! Diana joins the party, as do Soldier A and Soldier B. Poor guys, they don't even warrant names! Well, you'll notice this happens a lot for the lesser characters. Stats for your new additions: Diana - Rose Knight (F) HP: 140 Weapon: Queen of Swords (+5 CHA) Armor: Leather Jerkin Abilities: Short Sword (Lv1), Pole Arm (Lv1), Bow (Lv1). Soldier A (M) HP: 110 Weapon: Gothic Sword Armor: Parade Helm (Darkness Immune), Gothic Armor Abilities: Foil (Lv1), Long Sword (Lv1), Two-Handed Sword (Lv1), Shield (Lv1). Soldier B (M) HP: 100 Weapon: Gothic Sword Armor: Parade Helm (Darkness Immune), Gothic Armor Abilities: Foil (Lv1), Long Sword (Lv1), Two-Handed Sword (Lv1), Shield (Lv1). Okay, so obviously Albert is the weakling on this team. But now you're ready to face Isthmus Cavern. Head back up one floor and now take the other stairs going down. You end up outside of the keep. Use the compass to head east. Basically just follow the path, since there isn't really anywhere else to go right now anyway. There are no enemies here. Soon you'll reach the mouth of the cavern. Inside, you'll finally get to fight. None of the enemies here are particularly worrisome, because your partners are such strong fighters. This is good, because there was nowhere for you to learn any skills. The cavern is totally straightforward. There aren't very many different tunnels to go into. In fact, there is just one branch heading off to the left as you approach the area with a natural bridge. Head over there for a treasure chest and a few fights. By this point Albert has probably learned a new skill. By using his dress sword, he has become familiar with the weapon and has gotten a "glimmer" of a new move he can perform. The first new attack he learns is Impact Thrust. Whew, now he can hit harder than 20HP! But don't overuse it right away, you'll need it for the boss coming up. Impact Thrust takes both BP and DP. Cross the bridge (you can't fall off the edge) and you'll come into a room. There are a few little enemies to clear out before you reach your very first boss. If you have the First Aid Kit on Diana, go ahead and put it on one of the soldiers instead. You'll need her attack power in the coming battle. Boss 1: Demon Scout HP: 600+ Attack: Triple Maul (Hits one for 90+ damage) Disturb Gravity (Hits all for 60+ damage) Okay, this guy is kind of tough so soon in the game! You go from a bunch of enemies with around 60 HP to this dude. And you had no option to improve your characters, add spells, or anything. I lost count of his full HP after he knocked a few of my characters out. Albert can't use his Impact Thrust until the second turn because it takes 4 BP. He may have learned his second new attack, Paralyzing Strike. This one only takes 3 BP, so go ahead and use it if you have it. Use Diana's special, and have the soldiers use their basic sword attack. Those three will each hit Demon Scout around 100 HP. Demon Scout starts out with a Gravity attack that hits all of your characters for at least 60 HP. The next turns will generally be a Triple Maul against one character. This attack is comprised of three hits, each of which hits around 33 HP. He liked to target Diana when I fought him, but he did go after everyone at least once. Have the soldiers use their Balms when necessary, and make sure you also use the First Aid Kit whenever necessary. I was tempted to have the First Aid Kit on Albert because he doesn't hit very hard anyway, but he ended up being struck unconscious anyway, along with Diana. Use one of the soldiers to heal, and have the other attack along with Diana and Albert. Eventually you'll defeat him. I received a Worthless Club, worth 350 G when you finally get the chance to get to a shop, and a Blue Herb. You have completed your first quest! But what's with the red seal? Oh well, no bother. Make sure you take a stroll around the room before you leave, there is a hidden treasure chest with some cash in it on the left hand side of the room. Return to the keep and go to the throne room. You'll receive 104 jewels from Albert's father as a reward. That gives you more than 200 jewels that you can't spend yet. Heh. New scene with Prince Neidhart, the leader of Rosalia. He wants to marry Diana and make Albert a knight! Celebration time. Cutscene. Oh, I guess that red seal must have been important after all. When you gain control of Albert (in his room again), head back down to the throne room. Rudolph and Diana's rooms are still locked. Time for your second quest. You must travel to Crystal City to ask the Prince for help defending the keep. Take the rear exit out of the throne room, stopping to snag 2000 G out of the treasure chest. Note: I had yet to be hit with any traps when opening any of the chests. Another cutscene. Aw, poor Diana! Go through the motions in the fight with Red Dragon. This isn't a boss fight, because you don't have any chance in winning. Albert wakes up at a woman named Monica's house, in the town of Loban. Monica warns him about soldiers in town...it seems we are now in enemy territory, the Bafal Empire. To get back to Rosalia Albert must take a boat from Bruelle to Yeoville. After getting a world map from Monica, depart. Our first town. Finally, Albert can learn some skills, buy proficiencies, and upgrade a bit. There is also a recruitable character at the pub, but there isn't much point to getting her right now because you don't get to keep her and you don't need her to fight at all. The Minstrel will now tell you the story of the great war between Saruin and his siblings. Saruin..Sauron? I'm just saying. Okay, you know that rule of RPGs where you have to speak to everyone? Forget about that here. DO NOT get close to the helmeted soldiers milling around. If anyone starts shouting "Stand clear," try getting out of the way. When you are recognized as a Rosalian, you get thrown into the dungeon. Note: if you mistakenly get caught, don't worry. There is a secret passageway in the corner of the room. Just wait until you are prompted to Action, then you'll open up the wall. In the passageway, you'll hear a scary voice cursing someone. But there is little you can do about that now, so just keep going. You'll emerge into a house near Loban's front gates. So, we won't do that again. Check out the shops. You may want to take it easy with spending money, because there are two more towns coming up. To leave Loban, head for the south exit. The north exit is guarded. You can now click over to Bruelle on the World Map. Another town, not too much to set it apart from the last one. The Minstrel will ask if you want to hear a song when you visit him in this pub. Say yes and he'll join your party. But you don't keep him, so don't get excited. There are a few weapon/armor shops, another mentor to upgrade skills and learn proficiencies, so make sure to check those out but keep some funds for the next town. The ship to Yeoville costs 20 G. I should note, once you get on the ship you're going to see the same cutscene no matter which of the three cities you choose to travel to. So do yourself a favor and just pay the 20 G rather than wasting your money. Cutscene. Hmm, I think we better find out what that sailor had in the box if we can, shouldn't we? Wake up at Gato's house in Valhalland. Now you're even further south than before! Will we ever get to Crystal City? Anybody you recruited is now gone. Told you. Oh, but here's Sif, one of the eight heroes! That makes up for it. Tell her you'll help her clear the monsters out of the caves and she joins your party, plus you get your third quest. Though you haven't finished the second one yet. You can also recruit a "Valhallan" at the pub, which is a good idea. We have some tougher enemies coming up. Sif (F) HP: 156 LP: 12 Weapon: Zweihander, Hand Axe, Hunting Bow Armor: Light Helm (Darkness immune), Fur Vest, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots Abilities: Hand Axe (Lv1), Two-Handed Sword (Lv1) Valhallan Warrior (M) HP: 125 LP: 4 Weapon: Gothic Axe, Hunting Bow Armor: Fur Vest, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots Abilities: Hand Axe (Lv1), Two-Handed Sword (Lv1) The enemies in the upcoming area are tougher than the ones in Isthmus Cave. You may find it necessary to strengthen your characters with some fights, then retreat back to the inn before coming back to move forward. By now you're a good three hours or so into Albert's adventure, and you should have a good idea of what to do with him. You'll notice that Albert's adventure so far has been much more linear than some of the other characters, without as many options to go off in a different direction. That will change; just stick with it. --------- b. Aisha --------- More coming soon. Aisha starts the game entirely alone and with only 45 HP. She can't handle any enemies she goes up against. I would recommend playing Gray's game, as he is able to recruit her in the pub at Tarmitta. And Jamil will find her in the course of his very first quest of the game. Her story will still unfold even if you are playing as someone else and she has been recruited. -------- c. Gray -------- Gray is described by the Minstrel as "enigmatic," so I'm assuming there will be some interesting story developments with his game. He starts out in the town of Jelton, on Ligau Isle. He's in search of treasure with his two companions, Galahad and Myriam. Galahad (M) HP: 170 LP: 18 Weapon: Single Sword Armor: Great Shield, Gothic Armor Abilities: Long Sword (Lv1), Club (Lv1), Lance (Lv1) and Shield (Lv1). Myriam (F) HP: 75 LP: 13 Weapon: Novice staff Armor: Mage's Robe, Socks Abilities: Staff (Lv1) Spells: Hellfire You start the game with 350G and 100 jewels. Certainly not a fortune, especially in light of the fact that you need several proficiencies in order to get through the caves on this island. Start by chatting up the locals, who soon give you an idea that there may be treasure in the dinosaur burrows in the plains. This isn't a quest, you're only getting rumors here. You can stick around and build up some strength by visiting the plains if you like. It will help you when you go on to your next location and get a real quest. I chose to train Gray in the Pirate and Thief classes. This gives him some essential skills for proficiency use. You're limited in how much you can do right now, so don't bother wasting any jewels on Galahad or Myriam. You'll need to use the Find Chest, Find Treasure, and Find Ore skills in the dinosaur burrows, but you can't learn all of the necessary skills through the mentor at Jelton. So there isn't too much you can do by entering the dinosaur caves right now. You'll be wandering around a lot and dodging the charging dinosaurs. DO NOT try fighting these guys, they will kill your entire party. The camera angle in the caves is frustrating as well, because when you turn around the camera faces you, and you can no longer see what's coming ahead in the cave. You'll run smack into a dinosaur before you know it. At any rate, obviously there is much more to do in the plains, but you need to get some quests and experience under your belt before you can do much here. After you've been wandering the Plains a bit, visit the pub once more to find a woman in red being hassled by a group of guys. She warns the drunkards to leave her alone, and they finally do. When you try talking to her, she'll merely warn you to leave her alone as well. You can't do anything more with her here, and she is gone the next time you go to the pub once you leave town. But she appears in your notes, so I know there will be more with her at a later time. Go back to the dock and choose to board the ship for Melvir. When you do so, you'll get a cutscene in which you can choose to go with Galahad to Crystal City, to Estamir with Myriam, or to go on alone. For the purposes of this guide, we will go with Galahad. You'll first port in Melvir. There are two quests to get right off the bat here, so let's stick around. Head out to the central area of Melvir, with the big staircase going to the second floor. When you're there, a character named Gian will find you. Cutscene. Ooh, Claudia! And money! Mazewood is now available, but don't go running off there. As soon as you leave the Inn on the first floor of Melvir, a man will approach you and say, "Hey, you've got a girl named Claudia with you, don't you?" Hey, Gian didn't tell us there were assassins gunning for her! Time to fight. This guy isn't too bad, although he does hit pretty hard. He has around 300 HP, strikes with Impact Thrust and at times with Lightning Illusion. Notice if you go back into the Inn (and get chased out by some guy crying about his daughter), the assassin will reappear in the square again! You can fight him several times this way. It's a nice little boost, so you might as well. Just keep everyone alive. Next to the Inn there are two doors set back beyond the stairs. The building with a sign above it is the police station. Go inside. Talk to the head of the police to get your first quest. There are "suspicious" things happening in town, and he wants you to get to the bottom of it. Don't leave yet. At the back of the police station a man is standing alone. Talk to him to get the "Bafal Fighter" to join your party. You're going to need him. Now we can head back out. You may get a third assassin at this time. Eventually they stopped showing up for me. Go upstairs to the second floor. In the pub, check the post at the southern end of the room for a note written by a man named Colombo. His daughter is missing. Ah, the innkeeper downstairs! If you want, you can recruit the Minstrel at this time. Just agree to listen to two songs and he'll join. He will soon learn a rather useful attack. You can head downstairs at this point or check out the shops to upgrade. When you visit the man running a storefront past the library, he'll mention that one of the shopkeepers has been killed. You'll need to visit him again later. Now head back downstairs to take care of a few things. First, talk to Colombo at the first floor Inn and agree to investigate his daughter's disappearance. Then, head across the square to the three storefronts near the exit to the port. Talk to the woman running the store on the far right. She will tell you that her father Buck was killed recently. After some discussion she decides that his competitor Ward must have done it. Hmm, think the guy upstairs has anything to do with this? Don't go running up there just yet. If you talk to Ward now, you'll get a cutscene that will temporarily make all of the town's services unavailable. Make sure you've done everything you can to upgrade, and also visit the "residential area," found next to the exit to the port area. You can visit the mentor for some new skills here. If you played around in the Plains for a bit, you likely have a few jewels to bump Gray up to level one in some new classes. Okay, when you're all set, go back upstairs to talk to the shopkeeper Ward. He tells you that about some weird guys hanging out in the sewers. Cutscene. Time to head into the sewers! Follow the robed man down several corridors (stopping to get the treasure chest to the left of the second intersection). When he goes down a staircase and through a door, you can follow him if you're ready for a boss fight. The Minstrel and Claudia should have learned a few new moves with their weapons, notably Rapid Volley for Claudia and Artful Slash for the Minstrel. If they haven't, you might want to use your map (from the treasure chest) and go through the sewers a bit to kill off a few baddies. When you're ready, head through the door for a cutscene. Hmm, Saruin cult members are ready to sacrifice a woman. I wonder who she could be! Boss 1: Priest of Saruin + 4 Saruin Cultists HP: Priest: 350-375; Cultists: 100-120 Attack: Wracking (Hits one 60-90 HP; may stun) You can get attacked five times per turn with this fight, so take out the cultists. If Claudia has Rapid Volley and Minstrel has Artful Slash, they will clean up. Keep your folks alive. You can use Gray and Galahad for a combo attack if Gray does Impact Slash and Galahad does Cutting Lunge. Or Claudia and Galahad can do a combo with Rapid Volley plus Cutting Lunge. Pick them off one by one, keep healing when necessary, and this fight isn't very hard. I wonder if Colombo's daughter is really so pure, after all the bad things he said about her reputation? I bet that priest's spell wouldn't have worked, after all! Anyway, you found the girl AND solved the suspicious dealings! Two quests for the price of one! Cutscene in palace. Choose from Weapon, Armor, or Money for your reward. I got a Silver Fleuret (Foil) when choosing weapon. Minstrel automatically leaves your party at this time. Make sure you head down to the first floor inn to get your reward from Colombo. 1000G and 120 jewels. Now you're set to move on if you want. Going out to the World Map, you see that Gray has access to several towns. The whole world is open to you, so head out to new adventures! Note that you will be able to get to Crystal City by shipping out of Yeoville. That was Galahad's inclination, after all. But there are still several towns in the Bafal Empire that you can investigate. ----------- d. Claudia ----------- More coming soon. Play Gray's game to recruit Claudia. When Gray goes to Melvir, a man named Gian will approach him in the center square and pay him 1000G to protect her. Apparently she has assassins after her for a reason that you'll learn later...if you recruit her while playing Gray's game you'll still get the appropriate cutscenes to learn information about her backstory. Just a hint: never choose to "let her go." Just go along with her whenever she needs to get somewhere specific. Jamil can also recruit Claudia. Both she and Gray will appear in the pub at Aurefont in Bafal Empire once you get into the game a bit. They weren't there the first time I showed up, but when I was eight or nine hours into Jamil's game, they were there. You don't have to recruit them both at the same time, you can choose one or the other if you want. --------- e. Jamil --------- Jamil starts in South Estamir in Kjaraht. His game is unique in that you get an animated cutscene right off the bat. Why don't the other characters get their own movies? Anyway, he also receives Silver Bracers in the opening. After the cutscene is finished, you'll find that you have 200G & 100 jewels. Jamil has access to some good money early on in the game, though. Jamil is joined by his partner in crime, Dowd. Dowd (M) HP: 60 LP: 17 Weapon: Hunting Bow, Fleuret Armor: Buckler, Cap, Shirt, Leather Gloves, Socks Abilities: None! Ugh, things don't look so good. We've got some very weak people. But Jamil's game isn't all that bad, because he does turn out to be a pretty decent fighter once you improve him. Jamil is a level one Thief with the Find Chests and Pick Locks profs. These are good enough for now, don't worry about spending money on anything else right away. Head South down the stairs and across the open area to talk to the brown-haired woman in a yellow skirt. This is Farah. You'll have the option to give her your new silver bracers. It doesn't hurt anything to give them to her, and she'll become important fairly soon in the game. Head up the stairs to the right to find the pub and blacksmith. In the pub, talk to the blonde woman behind the bar and she tells you there's a job for you if you talk to the guy standing nearby. Your first quest of the game is to find the women being kept by Wuhan, the potentate of Kjaraht. Now head back out of the pub. In South Estamir, you are constantly accosted by beggars, children, and ruffians. The children ask you for money. You can choose to "give them a little," which they will just scoff at, or you can choose the middle option. That gives them a big chunk of your money, and they tell you information about the tunnels under the city. But the thing is, you don't need them to tell you this to find your way underground. So, just don't give them any money. They'll swear at you, but it's no big deal. They are mostly an annoyance. When the blue haired ruffians approach you they also ask for money. Just choose to fight them. Jamil and Dowd are pretty agile and will often attack before the ruffian even gets a single attack. The best thing is, if you enter and leave the blacksmith across from the pub, you can fight the ruffian outside over and over again for a bit of extra money and a personal boost. If you have the patience to do this until Jamil and Dowd get some extra HP, it's pretty helpful. Once you're sick of this, head back to Farah's house (up the stairs where she was standing earlier). You learn from her friend that she's been abducted by slave traders. It's all part of Wuhan's quest in your notes, so the two are connected. If you chose to give the beggar kids money, they mention that slave traders are working under the city. But you don't need them to tell you this, so don't worry if you were stingy. And if you go back into the pub, you'll see some drunk guys pestering a woman in red. This scene appears for every single character, and I've not yet learned who she is or what her deal is. She won't talk to you now, just tells you to leave her alone. Talk to the Minstrel and agree to hear him play songs until he joins your party. Boost Jamil to level 2 Thief. You can use the Disarm Traps prof if you want to spend 150G. The entrance to the sewers is on the north end of town, but there's no point in going down there now. We need to stop at the slave trader's house nearby. That building appears as a large red square on your map of the city. Enter slave trader's house and speak to him to learn that Wuhan has Farah, then fight! Easy fight, and you get practically nothing for it. Wuhan's women are in the temple of Amut in North Estamir, but only women can enter. Funny cutscene as Jamil solves that problem. You can travel to North Estamir by the small ferry boat at the north end of town. It costs 10G. At North Estamir, talk to the Youth Brigade member on the middle platform level to get a map. The temple of Amut is on the northwest end of town. Inside the temple, climb onto the dais and then head down the stairs to the right. You get into Wuhan's secret room. Wha? Aisha?! What the heck is she doing here? Anyway, recruit her before you talk to Farah. After your discussion, you'll be fighting some guards. They only have around 75 HP, so they're easy. Jamil and Minstrel normally take them out before they even attack. Now you have a choice. You can let Wuhan go, or you can kill him. If you kill him, you'll be attacked by guards every time you enter North Estamir. But they aren't that difficult. Not killing him merely gives up around 120G and 10 jewels. Shrug. I killed him anyway. He has around 225-250 HP. So far all of the enemies in Jamil's game have been so much easier than in other games. It will stay like that for awhile. Back in South Estamir, go back to Farah's house and she'll give you 112 jewels. But you're not done. Talk to the man who hired you in the pub for 2500G. Nice! Because you went back into the pub, you lost the Minstrel. Recruit him again if you wish. And, Barbara is in the pub. Recruit her to open up a bunch of new towns. Before you leave the pub, take all equipment off Dowd! As soon as you try going through the door to leave, he will stop you and beg you to leave him behind. He doesn't want to leave Estamir. He's not that great anyway, so let him go. Good tip whenever you recruit people...take anything you can remove off them before you let them go. You can keep the stuff for yourself or sell it. Now it's time to hit the Estamir tunnels, past the slave trader's house. Inside, take the first path right and walk to a central room to find a treasure chest with the map of the tunnels. Now head back to where you entered the tunnels. Head north and take the second tunnel right for a treasure chest with 100G and 16 jewels. You need to be level 3 in the Gathering skill to fully access the second chest here, so don't waste your time. Now head to the north stairs down to the next section. The door all the way to the south is the thieves guild. There will be a quest later on that features this guild, but there is nothing you can do here now. The door all the way to the east goes to a mysterious temple. There is nothing to do there now, either. The path to the northeast leads to a room filled with undead. You can handle these; take them out for a boost in experience. By this point Jamil had learned a few special attacks, namely Paralyzing Thrust and Cutting Lunge. His Cutting Lunge takes no DP, so you can use it as much as you want. There is a hidden treasure chest on the right hand side of the room. It holds a Silver Fleuret. Now head all the way back up to B1 where you found the map of the tunnels. The first tunnel to the left heads down to the catacombs. You'll be down there in a bit, but there is nothing to do there now. Keep going and head south, to the right-hand side of the tunnel. The first door on the right leads to a small room with a hidden chest and studded gloves. The southmost door leads to the slave market. There's nothing to do there, either. Head all the way north and up the stairs to the exit. Now you're in North Estamir. The guards here will attack you, but they aren't that difficult. Myriam from Gray's story is in the pub here. You can recruit her to steal her items if you want. I didn't keep her very long after this because there are other recruitments to make. I wouldn't bother with the blue-haired Amazon who is also here in the pub, she's even weaker than Myriam. Talk to the man standing near the door of the pub (inside) for a quest to see the catacombs. We know where those are, so this one is super easy. Take him down there for a cutscene, then enjoy your 1500G and 60 jewels prize. You'll later see this guy trying to sell his mummy on the streets of Altours. Funny scene, but nothing much happens otherwise. A few notes about recruitments you can make: - You'll find Sif in the pub at Crystal City. - You can find Gray and Claudia in the pub at Aurefont. If they are not there the first time you show up, go again after completing a few more quests. I found them around eight or nine hours into Jamil's game. So along with Jamil my party ended up being Aisha, Barbara, Gray and Sif. Gray opens up Melvir and Ligau Island. Barbara gets you into the Frontier, Sif is Valhalland, and Aisha opens up the Dry Lands. You should be all set to get going on your journey. My next course of action for Jamil was to head down to Shiverland to do the first cave clearing quest for Gato, and then to the Knight's Dominion. Talk to everyone in Eugenstadt and Mirsaburg and hopefully open up the "Abandoned Keep." The lord of Eugenstadt and his knight Raphael are there and need help clearing the place out. Make sure you have the jump skill before you attempt both this quest and the Shiverland one. ------- f. Sif ------- Sif is a Norse-looking warrior from Valhalland. She starts the game in Gato's Village near Shiverland. She has a pitiable 100G with her 100 jewels. She also starts with a Find Chest prof. that she can't use until she learns the Search skill, so make sure you do that before you take off out of town. Speak to the man standing near the pub to learn that Gato is looking for you. Gato's house is at the opposite end of town. Go past the two shops sitting side by side at the end of town, and walk up the path and enter the last house. Speak to Gato for a cutscene. You have your first quest: clear the Shiverland caves of monsters. First we need to deal with some skill issues. The mentor is standing along the right side of the path near the town gate. Learn Hunter to gain Search skill. You will also need the jump skill to access all of the treasure in the caves, but...you can't learn it in this village! D'oh. Go to the pub to recruit the Valhallan Warrior. His LP is atrocious but you'll need all the help you can get. Valhallan Warrior (M) HP: 140 LP: 4 Weapon: Gothic Axe, Hunting Bow Armor: Fur Vest, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots Abilities: Hand Axe (Lv1), Two-Handed Sword (Lv1). If you agree to listen to the Minstrel's song, he'll also join your party. Take him along; you'll need the help. Minstrel (M) Bard HP: 140 LP: 16 Weapon: Minstrel's Sword Armor: Cloth Armor Abilities: Foil (Lv1), Long Sword (Lv1). Proficiencies: Trade Note: When you have the Minstrel in your party, every time you re-enter a pub in any town, you lose him and have to recruit him all over again. Keep this in mind in the future. Head out to the Shiverlands. Travel up the path to arrive in a large open area with several enemies to defeat. With your extra party members they aren't too difficult, and you want your people to start learning special attacks, so go ahead and fight them. I start Sif with the Bow and then switch to the Zwiehander once she learned the excellent attack "Rapid Volley" on the bow. There are some great two-handed sword attacks, so I just stuck with the Zwiehander after Sif learned two special bow attacks. Using the Map (start button), head towards the Western Cave first. This area is confusing with all the exits. On the west side of the area there are two main exits seen on the map. The southernmost exit goes to the World Map. When you have access to other cities on the World Map, you will always have to walk through Shiverland to get back to Gato's village, you can't simply go to the World Map and choose Gato's village. It will become a little irritating later on, believe me. The other exit to the west is the entrance to the Western Cave. Let's go there first. In the cave, take the first tunnel branch to the left and up to find the map of the cave. The Minstrel is generally faster than any of the enemies here so assign him to take out irritating enemies like the Ripper birds, who otherwise will attack you before Sif and Valhallan Warrior can take their turn. There are a couple of areas that you can't get to because you do not have access to the jump skill. Grr. Travel all the way to the back to the Southeast tunnel of the cave to find the "boss" of the cave standing on a little ice bridge. It's an Illusion Bug and two Magic Bugs. They're extremely easy. You'll have two treasure chests to plunder. A third chest on the other side of the bridge can only be accessed with the jump skill, and once you leave the cave after destroying the monster, it disappears. Annoying. In the easternmost tunnel of the cave, there is another chest. This one has 300G and a Hand Axe. By this point Valhallan Warrior has probably learned special attack "Cut Timber," and Sif learned "Rapid Volley" on the bow. Unless you are in dire need of an Inn, you can head straight across to the Eastern Cave. The eastern cave is the top path on the eastern side of the map. This one is a small cavern with just the one "Boss." This one is tougher so let's give him special treatment: Boss: Walking Corpse, Stray Wolf, and Zombie. Attacks: Rabbit Punch (Hits one 65-75 HP) HP: 400+ for Walking Corpse First turn have Sif use Rapid Volley, Valhallan use Cut Timber, and have the Minstrel use Impact Thrust to wipe out Stray Wolf and Zombie. The second turn should be spent healing. Then on the third turn use special attacks against the Walking Corpse. That should do it. You probably need to visit an Inn by now. Definitely do so before you tackle the Southern Cave, because that one is a toughie. But if you wish you can visit the Frozen Lake at this time. The path immediately south of the Eastern Cave is the path to the Frozen Lake. You'll see lightly colored circles on the ice. You can slide across the ice to these circles and that's how you get across the lake. Watch out though, the monsters are also sliding around so you'll run across a few on your journey. In light of the comments of the villagers regarding how warm it is, and a frozen castle in the middle of the lake, it seems that at some later point the lake will be thawing out and you'll have some work to do here. But for now there's not much to accomplish. Okay, go back to town and rest up, maybe upgrade a bit. In general, it's best to avoid wasting money on "throwaway" characters, like the Valhallan Warrior. Later on you'll have other heroes in your party, and those are the ones you'll want to improve. I ended up getting the Valhallan Warrior killed at one point anyway, because he only has four life points. The Minstrel will keep whatever you give him, so even if he leaves your party, you can get him back later and he'll have all the improvements you gave him. But first focus on Sif. Now it's time to get to the Southern Cave. This area is much larger than any of the others. First you'll travel up two screens of path, both with monsters to defeat. On the second screen you'll reach an intersection. Travel left and enter the new area. There are a bunch of monsters here, but when you get a chance to stop and take a breather you'll find a treasure chest with a map of the area. Notice that this is called "Stage 1" of the Southern Cave. Yeah, you're coming back here again later! The enemies are getting tougher now. Make your way around the circular area. Hopefully Sif has learned "Double Vertical" and "Blunt Strike" on the Zwiehander. If you switch to the bow for awhile she can also learn "Shadow Weave," but I haven't found this one to be all that useful. Boss: Peggy Chief + 2 Valhallan Peggys HP: Peggy Chief (325-340 HP); Valhallan Peggys (100-125 HP) You can do this in two turns. Use Rapid Volley, and special attacks on each of the Valhallan Peggys to take them out on the first turn. Second turn, use Double Vertical and special attacks on Chief Peggy. Now there are two treasure chests revealed. Left one has Wing Amulet, right one has 300G and 12 jewels. If you're able to handle it, go back to the intersection and head straight across to the next section. This area has two branches, one to the north and one to the south. North branch has a chest with 150G and Hand Axe. There is also a hidden item that we don't have the skill to find yet. South branch has an herb, but we can't harvest it yet. If you haven't gone back to the Inn after the Peggys, you'll want to now. The top path at the intersection has the toughest enemies you've faced thus far. The north branch has one chest with Long Boots inside, and if you don't feel the need to go through with it, you'll still complete this quest. There are also two hidden items up here that you'll need skills to find. You'll start to notice some combo attacks now that you're using your special attacks more often. Sif will likely learn "Smash" with Zwiehander. At this point I stuck with the sword and didn't use the bow unless I needed one of its specials. The Minstrel may learn Sonic Slash and Cutting Lunge around here. Sonic Slash doesn't use DP! If you traveled up the north path you're finding that a lot of these fights are chained--meaning that you fight one round of enemies and then immediately go into the next fight, keeping your same HP and BP as you had at the end of the last fight. These can get tough. When you've made it all the way back, go see Gato to complete the quest. You get 200G and 134 jewels as a reward. If you head back out and talk to the little kid near Gato's house, you'll learn that there was a shipwreck. Leave the village and travel down the right hand path to trigger a cutscene. Albert! Now talk to Gato for another cutscene. Monsters have re-infested the caves. (Sigh) New quest, but now Albert is here to help. Basically, you do the same thing all over again for the second cave quest. There are a few differences. Most notably, the enemies are tougher. Also, the south cave is now "Stage 2." When you head over to that circular area where you fought the Peggys, there are now open pathways at each spoke of the "wheel" formed by the circular path. You need the jump skill to get through two of the paths. The middle path goes across to the path to Frozen Lake, however now there are great big snowballs rolling down the hill. Get caught up in one and you are smashed against the rocks at the bottom of the hill to lose one LP. You can usually avoid them by squeezing up against the left wall of the pathway. There is treasure at the bottom of the hill, but it's just 100G and 12 jewels, so don't worry about skipping this part. If you head over to where the boss was last time, fighting your way through a multitude of enemies, you'll find another pathway where the old boss was standing. Use Find Chest skill to find a chest here. It has a trap on it that explodes and takes at least two LP away from you. Watch out, because Valhallan Warrior can easily bite it with his lowly 4 LP. Boss: Chief Peggy + Valhallan Peggys You can do this in one turn. If Albert has learned Paralyzing Thrust, use that and Rapid Volley for a combo. Have Minstrel use Sonic Slash on Chief Peggy. Done! Reward for this fight was 1600G and a Quarterstaff. Sif will learn Running Slash soon. Doesn't use DP, so now both she and the Minstrel have specials that don't wreck their weapon. Similar to before, the western cave has a few chests, and the eastern cave has one boss monster. Finish up, then go back to Gato to get your reward of 200G & 146 jewels. Gato also gives you a special relic related to Sif's parents. Apparently Sif isn't from Gato's Village, and she needs to restore her warrior heritage to fulfill her long-term quest. Now it's time to leave the Shiverland at last, and help Albert get home. Finally. Albert has some disturbing news to learn in Crystal City. With him in your party you are able to enter the palace here, unlike the other characters. This should get you going with Sif. --------- g. Hawke --------- More coming soon. If you play Gray's game, you can recruit Hawke in the open air pub in the town of Uso, which is in the Dry Lands. ----------- h. Barbara ----------- More coming soon. Barbara starts out very weak, with her traveling partner Helmet, who is also weak. Play Gray's game to recruit Barabara, who can be found in a pub as you're traveling through the Frontier. When you recruit her, she'll be wearing the Amethyst fatestone that the Minstrel bestows upon her in the beginning of her game. When she is with a strong team like Gray's, she soon grows into quite an accomplished swordswoman. Her HP increases exponentially, and with a lightweight sword she performs a lot of surges and reverses, and is pretty adept at deflecting attacks. But I really couldn't get into her game simply due to the fact that the opening enemies in her game are already far too tough for her and Helmet to take on. Jamil can also recruit Barbara in the South Estamir pub after completing his first quest. She is a welcome addition to any party, once you take the time to level her up. @@-<-----<-----<-----<-----<-----<< =========== Item Lists =========== Please note this list is not complete. I'm adding items, weapons, and armor as I find them in the game. Note that the prices I've listed for each are rough estimates, as you will find that different stores charge you different prices for items. Sometimes two stores in the same town will have vastly different prices for the same item. Also, your "clout" level, which is raised the more you buy and sell, will affect how you are charged for items, what items you're able to buy, etc. Finally, many items may be obtained by fighting, especially any tempering materials, which are actually parts of monsters that you use to imbue your weapon with power. I'm also noting any stats that I have for each item, such as power (Pwr), weight (Wt), blocking (Bl), and Defense (Def). Please note that generally in regard to armor, magic defense is the same number as regular defense in items that have not been tempered in any way. Also regarding shops, when you start out you will see items that are not yet available to you with a note that they may some day be for sale at that shop. These items are available when your clout level is high enough. Or you'll find items are "sold out." If you leave the shop and return moments later you may find that the item is then available, or if you back out of a store to doublecheck your stats before buying a particular item, you may find that item is sold out when you go back to the store to buy it. A little frustrating, but the shops are refreshed pretty frequently. --------- a. Armor --------- Armor = Alligator Vest (DEF: 20, Wt: 6, Strong to blunt att., 1980G) Bone Breastplate (DEF: 13, Wt: 4, Weak to projectile) Chain Mail (DEF: 29, Wt: 16, Weak to elec & projectile, 3960G) Cloth Armor (DEF: 9, Wt: 4) Firebeast Hide (DEF: 9, Wt: 2) Fur Vest (DEF: 7, Wt: 3, Strong to cold) Gothic Armor (DEF: 18, Wt: 10) Leather Jerkin (DEF: 13, Wt: 5, Strong to blunt attack) Mage's Robe (DEF: 8, Wt: 3, INT & WIL up, Strong to cold) Pelt (DEF: 8, Wt: 4) Rigid Leather (DEF: 24, Wt: 8, 3520G) Sage's Robe (DEF: 10, Wt: 3, INT & WIL up, Strong to cold) Shirt (DEF: 4, Wt: 1) Stone Brigandine (DEF: 24, Wt: 12) Boots = Chiral Clogs (DEF: 3, Wt: 1, AGI & WIL up, Snare resist) Leather Boots (DEF: 4, Wt: 2, Strong to cold) Leg Mail (DEF: 14, Wt: 6, AGI down, 2900G) Long Boots (DEF: 7, Wt: 2, Strong to cold, 456G) Metal Greaves (DEF: 10, Wt: 5, AGI down, 990G) Rubber Soles (DEF: 3, Wt: 1, AGI up, Strong to electricity) Vernie Shoes (DEF: 8, Mag DEF: 15, Wt: 6, AGI down, 2590G) Gloves = Conqueror Gloves (DEF: 13, Wt: 5, Dex down, 3300G) Flameproof Gloves (DEF: 1, Wt: 2, Strong fire, Dex down) Leather Gloves (DEF: 3, Wt: 2, Dex down) Harmonia Bracer (DEF: 1, Wt: 1, CHA up, Sonic wave immune) Silver Bracers (CHA up, 475G) Silver Snake (DEF: 5, Wt: 1, COM & CHA up, 10000G) Steel Gauntlets (DEF: 6, Wt: 4, Dex down, 418G) Studded Gloves (DEF: 4, Wt: 2, Dex down, 80G) Vambraces (DEF: 9, Wt: 5, Dex down, 1155G) Helms = Bird Helm (DEF: 9, Wt: 5, Darkness immune, 1000G) Enamel Bicorn Hat (DEF: 5, Wt: 1, CHA up, 2205G) Eule's Hat (DEF: 4, Wt: 1, Darkness immune, WIL up) Fashionable Helm (DEF: 14, Wt: 4, Darkness immune, 3960G) Headband (DEF: 1, Wt: 0, WIL up, 95G) Light Helm (DEF: 3, Wt: 4, Darkness immune) Parade Helm (DEF: 5, Wt: 5, Darkness immune) Silver Mask (DEF: 7, Wt: 5, Poison immune) Necklace = Fang Amulet (DEF: 1, Wt: 0, STR up, 475G) Silver Chain (CHA up) Wing Amulet (AGI up) Rings = Dragon's Eye (DEF: 3, Wt: 0, VIT up) Glamorous Ring (DEF: 1, Wt: 0, 525G) Pocket Dragon (DEF: 1, Wt: 0, STR/VIT up, Strong fire/cold/elec) Ring of Protection (DEF: 5, Wt: 0, 1000G) Shields = Buckler (Bl: 15, Wt: 3, 132G) Great Shield (Bl: 10, Wt: 8, 275G) Knight Shield (Bl: 14, Wt: 8, 1312G) Rondache (Bl: 25, Wt: 4, 950G) Targe (Bl: 20, Wt: 3, 350G) Tower Shield (Bl: 22, Wt: 9, 3727G) ----------- b. Weapons ----------- Axes = Broad Axe (Two-Hand; PWR: 19, Wt: 10, 1235G) Gothic Axe (PWR: 17, Wt: 6, 660G) Hand Axe (PWR: 10, Wt: 5, 88G) Bows = Battle Bow (PWR: 34, Wt: 9, 8580G) Composite Bow (PWR: 24, Wt: 13) Hunting Bow (PWR: 10, Wt: 7, 190G) Longbow (PWR: 19, Wt: 9, 931G) Reinforced Bow (PWR: 28, Wt: 9, 3500G) Clubs = Mace (PWR: 16, Wt: 3, 855G) Warhammer (PWR: 20, Wt: 3, 1600G) Worthless Club Spears = Crowbar (Pole Arm; PWR: 14, Wt: 7) Harpoon (PWR: 17, Wt: 5) Military Fork (Lance; PWR: 32, Wt: 7, 7260G) Pike (PWR: 24, Wt: 7, 2612G) Spear (PWR: 26, Wt: 6, 3960G) Staves = Eule's Staff (PWR: 10, Wt: 10, Consumes LP, INT & WIL up) Holy Staff (PWR: 12, Wt: 6, WIL up, 840G) Novice's Staff (PWR: 6, Wt: 6, INT up) Quarterstaff (PWR: 24, Wt: 5, 2400G) Swords = Back Sword (Long Sword; PWR: 19, Wt: 4, 1522G) Bastard Sword (Great Sword; PWR: 17, Wt: 5, 1000G) Cutlass (Short Sword; PWR: 13, Wt: 2, 495G) Dress Sword (Foil; PWR: 12, Wt: 2) Fleuret (Foil; PWR: 6, Wt: 2, 55G) Gladius (Short Sword; PWR: 20, Wt: 2, 1600G) Gothic Sword (Two-Hand; PWR: 18, Wt: 8) Hanger (Short Sword; PWR: 25, Wt: 2, 3410G) Ice Sword (Two-Hand; PWR: 35, Wt: 15, Consumes LP, 20K) Minstrel Sword (PWR: 18, Wt: 6) Morglay (Two-Hand; PWR: 34, Wt: 8, 7800G) Queen of Swords (Short Sword; PWR: 12, Wt: 1, CHA up) Rapier (Foil; PWR: 21, Wt: 2, 2100G) Rosalian Saber (Great Sword; PWR: 24, Wt: 5, 2940G) Samurai Sword (Katana; PWR: 17, Wt: 7, 1425G) Schiavona (Long Sword; PWR: 34, Wt: 4, 9000G) Silver Fleuret (Foil; PWR: 17, Wt: 2) Steelsong (Scimitar; PWR: 25, Wt: 4, 5115G) Town Sword (PWR: 26, Wt: 4, 3465G) Walloon Sword (Long Sword; PWR: 12, Wt: 4) ----------------------- c. Tempering Materials ----------------------- *I'm noting where I obtained the rarer tempering materials whenever I can. Beast Fang Bismuth Blancazure Demonstone Electrum Elemental Core Meteoric Iron Mullock Peggy Crystal - Chief Peggy when clearing Shiverland Pure Gold - Gold dragon when Aurefont mines are overtaken by monsters Steel Thread Sticky String Tortoise Shell Vermillion ------------------ d. Healing/Status ------------------ Altours 56 - AGI up Altours 75 - VIT up Balm - Small HP restore (200G) Beserker's Brew - Turn into beserker, but magic disabled (800G) Bitter Medicine - HP restore & ailment heal, but poisons Blue Herb - Take to apothecary to make potions First Aid Kit Fruit - Small HP restore (270G) Fruit of Luck - HP + attack reduce (27000G) Green Herb - Take to apothecary to make potions Indigo Herb - Take to apothecary to make potions Panacea - Restore HP + status, but attributes down (1000G) Quality Balm - Fair HP restore (840G) Red Herb - Take to apothecary to make potions Stamina Drink - VIT up (420G) Talent Blaster - Fill BP with no side effects (1200G) Talent Booster - BP restore, but renders unconscious Ultra Balm - Great HP restore (2400G) Verdant Herb - Take to apothecary to make potions Warrior's Elixir - Battle skills temporarily up (1200G) Yellow Herb - Take to apothecary to make potions @@-<-----<-----<-----<-----<-----<< ============ Spell Lists ============ Note: this is not yet a complete list. Aerology = Blades of Wind - Wind attack (200G) Strengthen Pull - Bow damage up (300G) Blood Curdle (700G) Summon Elemental - Wind (1000G) Missile Shield - Null projectile 1 turn (1440G) Snowstorm - Offensive (4320G) Bewitchery = Way of Defense - VIT up (600G) Way of Strength - STR up (600G) Way of Life - Offensive (1200G) Way of Focus - HP + Status (1200G) Cosmology = Sunray - Offensive (200G) Moonbeam - Restore HP + WIL ailments (800G) Starlight - Absorb attacks (1200G) Bind to Earth - Earth attack/May paralyze (1600G) Starbeam - Offensive (2880G) Cosmic Tide - Offensive (3840G) Demonology = Energy Bolt - Offensive (200G) Weapon Blessing - Give weapon power (400G) Armor Blessing - Enhance defense (400G) Enhance Spells - INT up (400G) Shock Wave - Offensive (2400G) Mind Blast - Offensive, WIL down (3200G) Hydrology = Healing Water - Heal (240G) Water Blast - Offensive (360G) Holy Water - Clear status ailments (600G) Summon Elemental - Water attack (1200G) Fold Time - End Turn (2160G) Freeze Time - Status changes end? (3840G) Illusion = Fire Illusion - Fire attack (300G) Ice Illusion - Ice attack (300G) Lightning Illusion - Lightning attack (300G) Break Illusions - Awaken from illusory sleep (500G) Hypnotism - Sleep attack (1800G) Pyrology = Hellfire - Fire attack (200G) Flame of Life - Gradual HP restore (300G) Self-Immolation - Magic shield (500G) Summon Elemental - Fire attack (1000G) @@-<-----<-----<-----<-----<-----<< =================== Proficiencies List =================== Note: this is not a complete list. Here are the names of the profs. including the skill necessary to perform each one. Ambush = Covert Climb = Survival Disarm Traps = Strategy Excavate = Gathering Find Chests = Search Find Herbs = Search Find Ore = Search Find Traps = Search Find Treasure = Search Harvest = Gathering Jump = Survival Lurk = Covert Mine = Gathering Move Silently = Covert Pick Locks = Strategy Trade = Trading Vigilance = Survival @@-<-----<-----<-----<-----<-----<< ================== Attack Combo List ================== The following is a list of attack combos I've been able to determine through gameplay. Combos: Artful Slash + Charge Artful Slash + Double Vertical Charge + Cutting Lunge Cutting Lunge + Impact Slash Cutting Lunge + Hellfire Double Stab + Power Shot Good Timing + Power Shot Rapid Volley + Artful Slash Rapid Volley + Artful Slash + Charge Rapid Volley + Cutting Lunge Rapid Volley + Dragon's Tail Rapid Volley + Paralyzing Thrust Rapid Volley + Running Slash Rapid Volley + Smash Running Slash + Double Stab Throw + Good Timing Running Slash + Paralyzing Thrust Smash + Sonic Slash There are various forms of combos, which can be determined not only by which special attack is being used but also the location of the people who are performing the attack. More combo effects as described in the game manual: Fulcrums: Overall attack power is increased as is the possiblity of more combos. Surges: One or more members of your combo team might perform a surge during the course of the combo. You will notice the attack has a new name and is even more powerful than a regular combo. Reverses: One or more members of your combo team might perform a reverse during the course of the combo. Again, the name of the combo will change and it will be even more powerful. Vortexes: Combatants in certain positions are able to perform special, sustained combos. (For example: If your combo team is positioned in 1st & 3rd, 2nd & 4th, or 3rd & 5th place, these two people can perform an attack called "The Scissors," in which they attack the enemy from either side) @@-<-----<-----<-----<-----<-----<< =========== Class List =========== Again, this list is incomplete. More to be added as I travel around and take note of the classes. I'm also listing the skills associated with each class. Ascetic = Martial Arts, Staff, Terrology Castle Knight = Long Sword, Great Sword, 2-Hand Sword, Pole Arm, Shield Craftsman = Short Sword, Cosmology, Strategy Entertainer = Martial Arts, Long Sword, Covert Estamirian Rebel = Martial Arts, Scimitar, Katana, Illusion, Search Frontier Guard = Foil, Long Sword, Shield Herbalist = Terrology, Survival, Gathering Hunter = Scimitar, Hand Axe, Bow, Terrology, Search Kjar Sentinel = Lance, Bow, Hydrology, Demonology, Covert Pioneer = Hand Axe, Club, Gathering Pirate = Foil, Hand Axe, Hydrology Rosalian Lancer = Short Sword, Pole Arm, Bow, Bewitchery, Search Rosalian Mage = Club, Staff, Hydrology, Demonology, Bewitchery Rosalian Officer = Long Sword, Club, Lance, Shield, Bewitchery Swordsman = Long Sword, Foil, 2-Hand Sword Thief = Foil, Strategy, Search Trader = Survival, Strategy, Trading Wizard = Staff, Pyrology, Aerology, Demonology, Cosmology