RPG Maker II Help Guide By: ZeldaLinK Table of Contents I. About Walkthrough II. Version History III. Random Useful Information and Tips IV. Basic Menu Functions 1. Game 2. Enemies 3. Scripts 4. Graphics 5. Sound V. Script Examples 1. Adding Items 2. Adjusting Character Model Permanently 3.How to create a Special Item VI. Credit and Aknowledgement VII. Contact *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* ^ ^ * I.About Walkthrough * ^ ^ *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* RPG Maker II is a wonderful creation made by Agetec to allow users to do what just about everyone wants to do, create their own game. Whats great about this game is that, even though It's called RPG Maker, you can also make such games as Myst. In fact the first game I created had no fighting what so ever. I decided not to involve myself in that, just so that I could get used to the other aspects of RPG Maker II's system. I made this walkthrough because it really isn't easy to create a great game with this program. It's difficult because not everyone has had a few programming classes. This endevour was much easier for me because I do have programming background. Now there are a lot of holes in this walkthrough. If you do have information on the places where I do have holes, please e-mail me at Offspring131313@yahoo.com with the information and I will add you to the Credits and Aknowledgement section for helping me. If you want to go to a certain section quickly, highlight the the section name from the table of contents press ctrl+c, then press ctrl+f, and press ctrl+v to input the sections name into the find prompt. And press find next. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ ^ * * II. Version History ^ ^ * *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ V0.4 - First Version(Incomplete) v0.5 - Added to Random Useful Info and Script Examples *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ ^ * * III. Random Useful Information and Tips ^ ^ * *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ 1. When you first start making a game, first thing you should do is start a new file in beginner mode. Then go to preferences and change it to hard. By doing this you get all the preset data. 2. Here is a list of the numbers for what certain aspects of the game require. -Variables: --85:Party Dir: & 70:Event Dir East - 0 SE - 1 South - 2 Sw - 3 West - 4 NW - 5 North - 6 NE - 7 --User Button D-Pad Up - 0 D-Pad Down - 1 D-Pad Left - 2 D-Pad Right - 3 Triangle - 4 Circle - 5 Square - 6 X Button - 7 Start - 8 Select - 9 L1 - 10 L2 - 11 L3 - 12 R1 - 13 R2 - 14 R3 - 15 3. Remember when creating your game, if there's something you want to do, there's probably a way to do it. Where there's a will there's a way. You can make up just about anything for this game. You are confined only to what your imagination will allow. You can even make up a name for a weapon property. Such as maybe you would name it "Yazanda". This means absolutely NOTHING. But because your creating the game, you can make up this property to mean, specific about certain weapons in your game. Maybe it does extra damage to certain types of enemies. Remember always, there is no limit to what you can do. 4. Try to make the game possible. Dont do something that is nearly impossible to figure out. Not only does it reduce the quality of your game, but it also kind of makes your users angry. This resulting in them not wanting to test your games anymore. So don't make a player try to find an event hidden in a random spot in the wall, unless you put something on the wall to make it stand out. Do this for your users sake. 5. Create cinematic scenes. Not only are they fun to do, but you get a huge swelling of pride when you have a nice mini-movie in your game. If it looks cool, then why not. And as before, there is no limit to what you can make the "movie" do. Using a combination of Camera manipulation and Visual effects, you could do infinite amount of things. 6. Take pride in what your doing. This game is not for people without a lot of patience. This game takes a LOT of trial and error. You need to be able to sit down and be able to play for 3 to 4 hours at a time without getting bored. Try playing music while you play. And if your making a game, that you think sucks, then just stop. Start over and make a game that you like. This game is made by you, so what matters is that YOU like it. 7. The hardest part about making your own "RPG" is knowing what to do next. First thing you should ever do before starting to create your game is to come up with a concept for the game. Sit down and map out what you want to happen. By doing this, things will come much easier later in the game. 8. When creating events, the page that will be executed first is page 0. It will check the conditions, and if the conditions are not met, it will move on to page 1 and so on, until it finds a page with the conditions that are met. If however, all of the page's conditions are NOT met, it will just be a blank event with no script attatched. 9. Never forget to add the event placement/unit placement/object placement in the world organization. 10. One thing you should always keep in mind. The event changes and member effects will not be saved. As soon as the game loads another map, these changes are erased. 11. One of the hardest concepts for people who do not program to understand is flags. Flags are nothing more than an on/off switch. One of the best examples I can come up with would be a treasure chest. The player enters a cave for the first time. All the chests inside this dungeon should be closed and waiting to be opened by the player. Now lets say you have flag "261:Flag 261" set to off. Now the player walks up to the chest and opens it. Now you should change the flag to on, Now when the player checks the chest again, they won't be able to recieve the item again. For more information on this go towards the bottom where Script Examples are. This is a very broad explanation. A more elaborate example has been created at the bottom. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* ^ ^ * IV.Basic Menu Functions * ^ ^ *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* ********** * * * Game * * * ********** ------------------- | | | Game Settings | | | ------------------- -Basic Game Name: This will be the name of your game. Designer: Put your name in the spot, basically states the author. -Custom --Windows Use these settings to change what the windows will look like in game for any users that happen to "play" your game. --Camera Use this to change the permanent camera angle in game. --SFX These are some SFX that will most often occur in game. Collision: When user walks into a wall. Confirm: User selects an option, or opens a menu. Cancel: User cancels a selection, or closes menu. Cursor: When user moves pointer. Text: This SFX will occur when a text message is finished printing on screen. --Password Allows you to set a password. Used when someone atempts to load your data so that they can edit the game. --Menu Text These are the names of all the in game commands, options, and descriptions that users will see in game. --Sex You can change the names of these to resemble tribes, rank, or anything else you can imagine. These are used as another way to describe the characters in your game. --Prop W Weapon Properties are things such as how a sword might have sharp, or how if you want to have werewolves in your game, you might make one of the properties UV Enhanced. To make this work, you also have to create the monsters weak to that certain weapon property. You can also have skeletons strong against pierce, because they don't have skin. A piercing weapon might just go right through the bones without damaging it. --Prop M This is the same as weapon property, only instead this is Magic Property. Use these to make up properties for you magic spells. Such as Holy, fire, or even make up your own. Remember, when your making your game, it can be ANYTHING you want the game to be. --Flag, Variable, Input Use this menu to rename your flags, variables, and inputs. Doing this may make things much easier latter in the creation process. -Adv --Settings(These I'm not even clear on. This is just what I have gathered) System: Place a script here for the different Error Messages. World Death: Place script for when all characters die on the world map. Dead: Place script for when all characters have been killed. You can have it end game, or you can warp them to heaven. As always it's up to you. Enter Map: A script set for when someone enters a new map. One thing that I did, was at the begining of my game, had the user choose their character. So while using variables, I was able to have this change thier model to that character every time they go to a new map. Exit Map: Use this to determine how you want the screen to transition to the next map. As the others this is a script. Death Indirect: This is an indirect effect. Use this to tell the user that the character is dead. Also as a status. Square Button: Bind a script to this slot. And what is written within the script will happen when someone presses the square button. --Camera In here you can change the camera angle for the world map and for the Battle screen. You can also change the distance on both. One special thing for battle only is the height. You can also change how high the the camera is when looking at the enemies. --User Menu This section allows for anything that you want the users to be able to do at any time, to be able to do it. This will be commands that you create in a script, then attach to an event. When you create a user menu, it can be accessed by the user in the setup menu when the user presses X. This can be used to allow a user to save at any time, or to quit the game at any time. --Battle 1 All these are pretty much self-explanatory. Input scripts into these for when a player is entering into a battle. --Battle 2 Same as Battle 1, these are self-explanatory. These are for scipts that deal with what happens while in a player is in a fight. --Action Not sure about this one, but I do know that it is used in the Enemy Editor under Adv/Status Set. --Condition, Magic, Skill These are for you to customize the status names. Poison and Blind are some good basic examples. ---------------------- | | | General Settings | | | ---------------------- -Basic You can use this to set the starting party, gold, and starting point. -Custom --Bag All this does is enable the bag to be used in the game. --Items These are the items that will initially be inside the bag. --Battle Screen Effect: The screen trainsition between the map and the battle are controlled with this. BGM: Music played for a battle. World Sounds: Sounds such as rain fall or birds chirping. These would be played during the battle. Encounter: The encounter rate is controlled here. This is the percentage of chance that the player will encounter a fight after each step. -Advanced --Font Font size, color, and style for in game text is changed here. --Encounter This is the same as in Game Settings/Custom/Battle, except you can change the rate after X amount of steps. --Flag, Variable, Input Here you can set the default settings for the flags and such. ------------------- | | | Party Members | | | ------------------- Here you can create your character Data. Only characters here can be manipulated in the "Members" section of the script menu. -Basic Name and Model are chosen here. -Custom --Detail Change the "Sex", class, origin, bio, and weapon property here. --Stats Set the level 1 statistics and level up upgrades. --Start lvl Self-Explanatory, set the level of the character here. --Exp Curve Change how long it takes for a character to level up. --Abilities Set here what magic spells and abilities the character will learn, by setting the level that the character will learn it. By leaving the level at 0, it is left unlearned. --Items These are the default items that the character will come into the party with. --Equip After you set what items the character comes with, you can equip these items. --Titles This is where you will input what class the character is, and also what rank he is within that class. --Resist W This is weapon resistance. These are used to reduce the damage the character will take from certain enemies with specific weapon properties. --Resist M Same as above, but for magic instead. -Advanced --Traits Not sure about this one --Combat Attack(No Weapon): This is the default for a character if he/she/it attacks with no weapon equiped. Defend: Self Explanatory =) --Directing Dont know =( sorry --Condition Default condition for a character when he enters your group. --Model Set Here you will input what a character will look like at any given time. The Priority 999 is generally reserved for a dead character. I believe 500 is the default. You can use this to possibly make a character look drowzy if his health is below a certain point. --Flag, Variable, Input Not too sure about this either... ------------------ | | | Class Editor | | | ------------------ -Basic Name the Class for the characters here. -Custom --Detail This will be the in game description for users to read. or you can also Conceal it and leave the description for yourself. --Promote This is where you can name the ranks of a certain class at. Also put how long it takes for a character to upgrade to each rank. --Evolve You can set here requirements that must be met in another class to be able to "evolve" and be part of another fighting class. --Ability These are abilities that can be learned if the character is of this class. --Stats Here you can adjust the statistics of a character if they become this certain class. This is done by percentage. Example: Bob has default 60 Max Hp, and you make him of the "Dragoon" class. The Dragoon Class has 120 percent Max Hp. Now his health will be 72 instead. -Advance Class Indirect Effect: This is an indirect effect that stays apart of the member of the class. Class Start: An event that happens when the character starts being of this class. Class End: An event that occurs when the character drops out of the class. Battle Victory: An Event that occurs when the character has a victorious victory. ------------ | | | Traits | | | ------------ I'm just as confused as you are on this one =( ----------- | | | Items | | | ----------- Items are created here, but to actually have them do certain effects you'll need to create direct effects and events attatched to them. -Basic Name of item here -Custom --Detail Here you can put an in game description, buy/sell price. Also place if the item can be purged or sold. Key items should have the boxes "Can not Sell" and "Can Not Discard" checked. --Type Select whether the item is equipable or not. If it is equipable make sure you check the option for the body part that you want it to equip to. --Used Here is where you will put what happens when the item is used. This is controlled by a direct effect or an indirect effect. --Equipped Put here what happens when the item is equipped. Agility might be subtracted if the equipped item is really heavy. --Members If the equip box is checked, that means the item can be equiped by the Character. If the Remove box is checked, then the item can not be removed as soon as it's equiped. --Classes Same as above. --Attack You can place the Weapon properties here. And also you will need a direct effect property if you want the weapon to hit. -Advance You can set events for when the item is equiped, sold, or discarded. --------------- | | | Abilities | | | --------------- -Basic Same as always, you can name your abilities here. -Custom Type: Magic or Skill, do I need to go further? Usable: You can set where the ability can be used. Property: Set the ability property here. Cost: How much Mp is lost after you use the ability Direct Effect/Indirect Effect: Events that occur when the ability is used Description: In game description of the ability. -Advance Dont know =( -------------------- | | | Direct Effects | | | -------------------- This is an essential part of the creation process. You will need this to create items and magic spells. Also to make abilities. When you can understand how to utalize this part of the editor, you can expand what you can do to almost unlimited options. -Basic Name and Note -Custom --Settings Change the type of the effect to an offensive effect or defensive. Use other for items such as potions, or an emerald that you need to recover. If item is offensive: Rate = Damage Success = Hit percentage. Otherwise you can think of these two numbers as Effect rates. --Target This sets who the item or ability will target. --Directing Set scripts for the item/ability. For when it is used or when it fails. -Advance --Flow 1 Turn Start: If the item/abilities effect occurs before any attacking is happens, place the script here. A good example is, if a character is poisoned, you might place a script here to make the character lose 4 percent of the characters Max HP. Turn End: Same concept as above. Check Start: This is used to do a check if the character meets certain requirements to do an attack or use an item. Check Fail: If the above is not met, then this is what will happen. Effect Start: This will call an event to occur when the effect begins Counterattack: If you want the effect to trigger a counterattack the script is called from here. Consume: Use this to take away the appropriate MP or Hp for a certain effect. Check the button "Death Check Before" if you want to check to see if the character is dead before consuming the Hp/Mp or whatever else has been inserted into Consume. --Flow 2 First Effect: This is what happens to the first of multiple targets. After Effect: What happens to the additional targets. Success Check: Determines whether the effect is successful. --Result Success: Here is where the event you may put what happens after an attack succeeds. Or you can place an event that tells the user how long they've been playing if they "use" a watch. Critical: Content placed here occurs when a special hit is performed Custom: This event would occur after the "Success" script happens. Fail: DUH!!! Dodge: Happens if the success check occurs but the target dodges the effect. --------------------- | | | Indirect Effect | | | --------------------- These are effects that occur over time, these will be things such as Death or poison. -Basic I'm just going to stop putting this here, you should know by now... -Custom --Settings Text: This will be displayed on the in-game menu if the indirect effect has taken effect. Symbol: This will be the symbol that would be displayed next to a characters name. Priority: The higher this setting is, means that if two or more indirect effects have taken place, then the one with the higher priority will take place. Rate: This determines how effective the Effect is. --Length Steps: How many steps must be taken before the effect wears off. 0 means, it will not wear off. Ratio: What percentage chance the effect will wear off per step. Targeted: Means how many times the character needs to be targeted by a friend or foe before the effect wears off. Turns: How many turns must pass before the effect wears off. --Resist W/M Place here what percentage you want certain properties to be reduced or enhanced. Maybe you might create a fire barrier for a character. Well place here +50 percent next to fire, and now all fire damage will be reduced to one half of normal damage. -Advance --Modify Type: Action = afflicted character can not do anything. Condition = Any effects that reduce or enhance abilities, such as poison, or fire barrier like above. Magic/Skill = Disables the character from performing magic or skills Custom = Anything not covered by the other four. A priority match allows you to choose what happens when 2 or more indirect effects with the same priority take place. --Flow 1 New Success: An event that occurs when the effect initially applied. Combined Success: This is what occurs when 2 or more indirect effects takes place. Fail: This is when the indirect effect fails. Forced End: This occurs when an indirect effect is forcibly ended, such as when an incapacitated ally is revived. Natural End: This is what happens when the effect wears off on it's on accord. Fail: What happens when a cure atempt fails. Such as, maybe a revival might not work, and you want a script to say so. --Flow 2 Usable: You can determine where the effect is applied. Each Result: Apply a script here to decide what happens to the afflicted character every time he/she/it takes a step on the world map. For instance you may have a character that revives 2 hp after each step, or the character may have poison and loses 5 hp per step. Turn Start: Anything applied here will occur before each round of fighting Character End: This will cause an effect to occur after each time the character's turn ends. Turn End: Occurs at the end of each round of fighting. Reflected: This is what happens when the effect is reflected back to the attacker. Check Start: ...I dunno =( After Result: Occurs immediatly after the indirect effect is applied. ************* * * * Enemies * * * ************* *****To Come In A Later Version***** ************* * * * Scripts * * * ************* Wow, if you can't figure this out, just drop the controller and give up. You NEED to be able to create scripts. If you can't create a script, you can NOT create a game either. ----------- | | | Party | | | ----------- -Possessions Here you can adjust the Amount of Money, or Item thats inside the bag. Using the command "Empty Bag" Completely empties the bag. The command "Use Bag" will change the ability to be able to use the bag to on. -Members Using these will allow you to manipulate the members who are IN the party. You can change the formation, add/remove a member, and change who the leader is. -Movement Here you can move around the entire group as a whole. -Display Party This will be where you change how the group will be shown on a map. If If you only want the leader to be shown, or the entire group. -Float This will change the height of the party. It's only the perceived height Characters are technically still on the ground, but the user will see the characters "Floating" in the air. -Teleport Warp: By using this you can move the party to another map. Warp to Saved: This will warp the group to the last place they saved. Teleport: Use this to let the party teleport to set locations that you will place with the Set Teleport script command below. Set Teleport: This allows you to set the location where the teleport will place the party. Delete Teleport: Allows you to delete a set Teleport location. Escape/Set Escape/Delete Escape: Basically the same concept as Teleport. ------------- | | | Members | | | ------------- -Attributes Change the basic attributes of a specified member here. Hp/Mp can be set 999, but they will not be higher than what the Max Hp/Mp are. You can use this for something like a "Tent" and change all party members Hp/Mp to 999 and each character will be full hp and mp. -Basic Info Change a specific member's name/origin/Bio/"Sex"/weapon Property/and so on -Equip and Abilities Equipment Settings: Sets whether or not the character can or can not unequip certain items from their body. Equip: Equip a certain Item to a specific member, as long as the item is in the inventory. Remove Equipment: Remove a specific piece of armor or weapon. Ability: Allows you to give a specific ability or remove it from a members "knowledge". -Status Action Status: Here you can make a member have an abnormal status. Such as sleep or death. You can also confirm whether the abnormal status is true. These are conditions that will prevent a character from doing any actions. Condition Status: Same as Action Status, but instead these are conditions that you can have, but still be able to perform actions like attack or magic. These would be conditions such as poison or regeneration. Magic Status: These are conditions that will prevent a member from performing magic. Skill Status: Conditions that will prevent a member from performing Skills -Movement These are commands that will move a specified member to certain locations. You would most likely use this if you wanted to create a cinematic scene. -Effects These would be used to change the way a character looks, or to make visual effects around the character. If you change the way a member looks, it will not be permanent. If you would like to know how to make the change permanent, go down below this section of my FAQ's. ------------ | | | Events | | | ------------ -Control Start: This will enable or disable the event from being allowed to start. Temporary Removal: This will delete the event under control from the map until the map is reloaded. Duplicate: Allows you to create an event at a specified location. This will not be there when the player returns to the map. Change: When you use this command, you change the event that your controlling. You can use this to move around a different event. Event Info Load/Save: Loads or Saves the current data of the even under control into the appropriate flags/variables/inputs. -Event Action These can only be used if the script type is "Action" Makes the event under control move around in a specific pattern for a specified number of steps. -Movement/Effects These are the same as for Members, only it takes effect on the event under control. -------------------- | | | Input Creation | | | -------------------- -Multiple Choice Here you can set a menu where the user will pick one of up to eight choices. This can be as simple as a yes or no, or you can have them pick between different things to say to an NPC. If you check the box "Enable Auto Conditions" it will set up script conditions for each choice. Put inside there what you want to happen depending on the users choice. This option directs the variable called "User Choice". -Numbers This puts a number input window for the user. You can set a maximum and a minimum for what the user can choose. You should place a script condition after this to make something occur if they pick a certain number. This option directs the variable called "User Input". -Text Here you can have the use input text. This controls the input called "Input", or just to avoid confusion "003:Input". -Buttons This will wait for x frames or until the user presses a button until the event continues. These are inputed into the variable "Input Button" -Display Member List This makes a window with the party members names in a list. This will change the variable "User Choice". -Merchant List Here you can specify up to seven items that can be bought from a merchant. -Display Buy List This will display the Merchant List that you should've specified above. -Display Who List Allows the player to choose who they want to recieve the purchased item. -Display Sell List Displays the users items so that they may sell certain items within their inventory. -Display Class Info: Displays information about a specific class. -Class Change List Displays a class list so that a character may change his/her/it's class. -Inn Displays an Inn script at a specific "Room Rate" -------------------- | | | Screen Display | | | -------------------- -Text --Message This will display a message to a user. This is something you will most likely use for an NPC talking to the user. --Close Message Window Closes the Message window... --Screen This will create text at a specific location on the screen. Maybe you could use this to make a Game Over screen or a Title Screen. --Text Box This is like Message except that these can be placed anywhere on the screen, and take priority over Message. Also you can only make one page. --Close Text Box ...Do I really have to type this up? --Display Money This will create a small box, showing how much money the user has. If the option is on. The box will be in the upper right corner. --Clear Message This Clears the text entered in a message box. I'm not sure what the difference is between this and Close message window. --Font Change the Font style --Color and Size Change the font Color and Size...go figure. -Content Items chosen from here are displayed in a message window. -Screen Effects With these you can change the effects of the screen, and how long it will transition from the current screen effect to the next. --Mask This creates a box that covers a specific part of the screen at a specific color. --Color Changes the color of the screen. --Shake Shakes the screen at a specific strength and length of time. --Linger This can be tough to describe. So instead of describing it, I will give an example of when you would use it. Maybe you would like your character to be drunk or dizzy. --Weather You can change the weather of the map with this... --Time You can change the time of day to dawn/noon/dusk/night. --Default Change the screen effects back to default -Camera These are not permanent. If you want to make these permanent go to bottom. --Rotate Remember, when using this it rotates the position of the camera around the leader until it is looking in the specified direction. --Custom Rotate Limits what direction the user can rotate the camera to. --Distance Changes the distance of the camera from the user. --Viewpoint Angle Changes how the angle at which the camera is looking down on the Leader. --Horizontal Angle This will rotate the camera around away from the leader. --Height Changes the height of the camera. --Viewpoint Height Changes the viewpoint of the camera away from the leader. --Viewpoint Target Used in Battle only, Changes the Viewpoint to the target of attack. --Default Camera goes back to focus on the leader. -Effects This will display certain Visual effects where specified. Location: This will place designated effects on a designated location on the map, you can also decide how many times the effect will occur. Party: This will cause the visual effect to occur over your leader or the whole party as a whole. Member: You can use this to specify a certain member as the target of a visual effect. Event: Same thing, but for an event. Target: This is used in battle, causes the target of an effect for a certain enemy. Viewpoint: You can cause an effect to occur at the viewpoint of the camera in battle. Set wipe: This will set up the wipe transition that you will decide to use with apply wipe. This will change the transition from the world map to a battle screen. Apply Wipe: Applies the wipe that you would have set up in the set wipe script command. Image: This will load a screenshot for use later. Clear all Effects: this should be obvious. -Map This will Display or Remove the map from being displayed on the screen. -Sea Level Changes the visual height of the water. Fortunately or unfortunately you can still walk through the water. This is just a visual height. ------------ | | | Sounds | | | ------------ -BGM Plays a specified "song" at a specified volume/pitch/speed(Tempo). -World Sounds World Sounds are things like rain drops, or crickets, or birds chirping. -SFX Plays a specific Sound Effect. -Sound Control Allows you to fade in or out of the BGM. -Stop Stops the musice -Temporary Save Temporarily saves the BGM currently being played. -Replay Saved Starts the saved BGM. -Battle Music Will play battle music for the BGM, along with any world sounds set at Game/General Setting/Custom/Battle. -Map Music Plays the current Map Music set in World Organization. ---------- | | | Data | | | ---------- -Flags/Variable/Input Allows you to change the status of a specific Flag/Variable/Input. -Game Info You can load or save the current Game data. This loads certain data such as current party location. -Member Info This will load or save current member data. these numbers and inputs are retrieved from the variable "086:Member Number". You can load information into this variable with the "Use Member Order" command. This command goes by the member order in Variable "053:Member Order". -Target Here you can change specific targets information. Used for Direct effects. -Load Item Info uses the variables "134:Item Number", "085:Member Number", "088:Class number". Loads the specific items information. -Load Direct Effect Info Uses variable "163:Direct Effect Number" and loads information specific to the direct effect. -Load Indirect Info Same as above but for indirect effects, uses "172:Indirect Number" -Load Ability Info Loads information from "155:Ability Number" -System This will come later ------------------- | | | Script Branch | | | ------------------- -Condition This is similar to an "if" this "then" this command. If you've ever dealt with Visual Basic, then this should be easy. If the condition set is met, then everything between the condition and "Script: Condition End" will then be executed. If the condition is not met, then everything between them will not be executed and will not even exist to the user. -Repeat Same as Condition, except the script command will go back up to the start of the repeat command at the "Script: Branch End". It should keep going back up as long as the repeat condition is met. -Sort Uh...dunno lol -Apply If Dont know this one either =( -No Application How annoying that I dont know this one either -To End Moves the script command to the end of a Repeat. -To Top Moves the script command to right before a repeat. ------------ | | | Script | | | ------------ -Call Script This will call upon another script to execute. -Wait for Script End This will force the current script to wait until all call scripts are complete, then and only then will the current script continue. -Apply in Order Causes the Script Command to execute the script lines in order -Apply Together Causes the script command to execute all scripts between "Apply Together" and "Apply in Order" to execute at the same time. -Force Script End Causes the script to automatically end. ------------ | | | Battle | | | ------------ I haven't had too much experience using this area of the script editor. Information will be added when it is made available. ----------- | | | Other | | | ----------- -Event Battle Starts a battle with a specific enemy. -Vehicle Set as vehicle: Makes attatched event a vehicle. Ride Vehicle: Allows player to ride vehicle, and specifies what kind of vehicle it is. Deploy Vehicle: Choose the model and location of vehicle(I think, haven't tested). Control Vehicle: Gives control of vehicle to player. Exit Vehicle: Allows user to exit the vehicle Call Vehicle: Specify the location of the vehicle Got no idea what the number thing does... -Controller Vibration Causes the controller to vibrate at a specified Strength for a specified number of frames. -Show Save Window Displays a window for the user to save their game. -Start New Game File I have no idea... -Wait Makes the script wait a specified number of frames before executing the next line of code. -None I have no idea why this was made. It does NOTHING!!! -Finish Game This ends the game, used for Game Over or The End. -Note This allows you to comment your scripts for easy reference. Many programmers use this, good tool. ------------ | | | Events | | | ------------ -Type Normal: Used for most of the events you will create. System: This will be used to call a script. Used for direct effects and many other parts of contruction process. -Condition Type Condition: Allows you to choose what is required for the event to work. Script: Hold on, I'll find this out. -Display Type: Character/Object/Building. Direction: Choose which way the model will be facing. Model: Choose what model you want the event to look like. -Motion Choose how you want the event to move around. -Start Use this to decide how the event will start, not sure what the script call would be used for. -Apply This is where you will put what script is called by the event when start has been executed. --------------------- | | | Event Placement | | | --------------------- This will be where you decide where to place an event. You must choose a map for the event placement though. Never forget to place the Event Placement in the specific World organization for the map your making the events for. ************** * * * Graphics * * * ************** ----------------------------------- | | | Character/Object/Enemy Models | | | ----------------------------------- Here you can create different models by manipulating the colors and size. ---------------------------------- | | | Building/Dungeon/Map Editors | | | ---------------------------------- This is where you will create the world surrounding the characters. You can make a map of just about anything you can imagine. ---------------------- | | | Object Placement | | | ---------------------- This is where you can place the objects on a map. Remember though, these objects can NOT be moved, manipulated, or changed in any way. ------------------------ | | | World Organization | | | ------------------------ This is required for any map you create. Here is where you will input the objects, enemy units, events, music, and world sounds that will be played on the specific map that your controlling. No events will work unless you put the event placement here. Same for objects and enemy units. -------------------- | | | Visual Effects | | | -------------------- With this editor you can make effects that are...well visual. Here you can make effects such as fire for a candle, or an explosion. These effects can be made for battle or for on the regular map. This section will be more thouroughly(eek, definately don't know how to spell that) covered in a later version. ----------- | | | Image | | | ----------- This is used in conjunction with a digital camera, or you can create in game screen shots by pressing L3 and R3 at the same time. Not sure how to use these just yet. *********** * * * Sound * * * *********** This is here so you can test the different sounds of the game *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ ^ * * V. Script Examples ^ ^ * *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ If there is something you wish to know how to do e-mail me and I will see what I can do. If it seems to be a popular request, I will add it to the Script Examples section. --------------------- | | | 1. Adding Items | | | --------------------- Party -> Possessions -> Item Here you will decide which item will be given or taken away. You can also overwrite how many of the item the player has. Items input here will go into the party's bag. Members -> Basic Info -> Item This allows you to give a certain item to a specific member of the group. ---------------------------------------------- | | | 2. Adjusting Character Model Permanently | | | ---------------------------------------------- Let's say you wanted to adjust a characters model, but you still wanted to use the same Party Member information. For instance, you want to allow the player to choose their new model after completing a quest. Unfortunately there is no way to change the model of a character permanently, so what we have to do, is change the model of the party member EVERY time a map is loaded. Here is the Example. Create New Data 400: Script 0400 000 Text: Message 'Choose your style of Warrior' 001 Input: Mulitple Choice 4(24, 0) 'Adventurer'Magician'Theif'Priest' 002 Script Branch: Condition: Variable =+1 *If user chooses Adventurer* 003 Data: Variable: = <0 (Fixed)> + (+1) 004 Script: Condition End 005 Script Branch: Condition: Variable =+2 *If User Chooses Magician* 006 Data: Variable: = <0 (Fixed)> + (+2) 007 Script: Condition End 008 Script Branch: Condition: Variable =+3 *If User Chooses Thief* 009 Data: Variable: = <0 (Fixed)> + (+3) 010 Script: Condition End 011 Script Branch: Condition: Variable =+4 *If User Chooses Priest* 012 Data: Variable: = <0 (Fixed)> + (+4) 013 Script: Condition End 014 Text: Message 'Thank you for choosing, now continue on your game' 015 Teleport: Warp (131, 133, +=0) Now go to this script and adjust starting at 000 3: To Map/Facing 000: Script Branch: Condition: Variable =+1 001: Member Effect: Model Change 002: Script: Condition End 003: Script Branch: Condition: Variable =+2 004: Member Effect: Model Change 005: Script: Condition End 006: Script Branch: Condition: Variable =+3 007: Member Effect: Model Change 008: Script: Condition End 009: Script Branch: Condition: Variable =+4 010: Member Effect: Model Change 011: Script: Condition End Now the rest of the Script will continue. The purpose for doing this, is to cause the character model to change before the map fades in. If you know of a better or more efficient way to do this, please e-mail me. ------------------------------------ | | | 3.How to create a Special Item | | | ------------------------------------ When I say special item I am refering to an item that you don't equip, and an item that doesn't really do anything. It doesn't heal, it doesn't do damage. It does absolutely nothing. The purpose for these types of items might be for the storyline. Such things might be a special potion you need to bring to the princess before she dies. First thing you need is your script, and this has been taken straight from my own working game, so I KNOW this works =) This is a Sceptar that needs to be put into a hole in the ground to open a door. 65: Ruby.S Sceptar Content 000: Data: Game Info: Load 001: Script Branch: Condition: Variable =+6 002: Script Branch: Condition: Variable =+6 003: Script Branch: COndition: Input = "Ruby.S Rm3-4" (All of the above is to ensure the user is in the right spot) 004: Text: Message 'Put Sceptar in the hole?' 005: Input: Mulitple Choice 2(10,12) 'Yes'No' 006: Script Branch: Condition: Variable =+1 007: Party: Direction Change(Leader)N 0F 008: Party: Direction Move S 1Step(s) Facing=Fixed Speed=Normal 009: Event Control: Change the Target to 010: Data: Flag: On 011: Event Control: Temporary Removal 012: Event Control: Duplicate Coordinates(+6,+6,+16) (All of above to make the sceptar in the ground appear) 013: Member Info: - 014: Event Control: Change the Target to Rm5>(Door) 015: Event Effects: Single Action=Action A Speed=100(Open Door) 016: Event Control: Temporary Removal 017: Event Control: DuplicateRm5>Coordinates(+9,+3,+16) (This to make the door swing open and let player through) 018: Script Control: Force Script End 019: Script: Condition End 020: Script Branch: Condition: Variable =+2 021: Script Control: Force Script End 022: Script: Condition End 023: Script: Condition End 024: Script: Condition End 025: Script: Condition End 026: Text: Message 'Nothing Happened' (In case they use the item but are not in correct spot) Now the next thing thats needed is the Event. The event we need to place into the Direct Effect. Event 69: Ruby.S Sceptar Type: System Apply: Ruby.S Sceptar Next Important thing is to go to Direct Effects and create a very simple set up Direct Effect 3: Ruby.S Sceptar Custom/Settings Type: Other Rate: 100 Success: 100 Custom/Target Disable Target Menu Custom/Directing Success: Ruby.S Sceptar(This is the Event) And last thing required to do, is to make the Item itself, this will be what is shown in the users inventory. Item 3: Sceptar Custom/Detail Can Not Sell Can Not Discard Custom/Type Other Custom/Used Direct Effect: Ruby.S Sceptar This is a bit of a pain in the but to do things like this. But in the end as long as you love what you did, you shouldn't have any regrets. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ ^ * * VI. Credits and Aknowledgement ^ ^ * *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ So far...I can only aknowledge myself...but I do hope to get help from the people on the GameFAQ's board. *^*^*^*^*^*^* ^ ^ * Contact * ^ ^ *^*^*^*^*^*^* Contact me at Offspring131313@yahoo.com. Please message me anything that doesn't happen to be in this FAQ's. Thank you for checking this document out. Copyright 2004 Robin D Reigstad Jr