RPG Maker 2 Advanced FAQ By George Ward (AKA Dungeon Warden) Scripts typed by RPG Learner Version 0.8 ********************************************************************* This is an early version of my FAQ. In a future edition I'll explain what each script does and which events use them. I'll add a few new scripts to allow you to do things that are not in the presets, and I'll explain some of the more obscure commands and what they can be used for. ********************************************************************* In Version 0.8: The FAQ includes detailed notes about the Variables, Flags, and Inputs (including many corrections and omissions from the RPG Maker 2 help files), details about the Direct Effects and Indirect effects, and the typed scripts. ********************************************************************* Variables and Flags Notes for Variables and Flags: [C] = customize: these are flags or variables that can be changed with the Data command [B] = Battle only: These flags/variables can only affect the Default Battle System [W] = World Map Only: These flags/variables affect the world map in some way. [E] = Errata: the help files give incorrect or incomplete information on this topic Instigator = the combatant (enemy or party member) who's turn it is in combat Target = the combatant that the instigator is currently focused on. Current Active Character = the last character to perform an action. This includes the instigator while performing an action or the target if currently active (by use of the Make Active Character command) Var = Variable Merchant script : the Merchant list command has a special script that is used to sell the selected items. Display Sell list, Display Buy List and Display Who List will only work in these scripts. Flag 3, Flag 4, Var6, Var7 and Var54 are used with these commands. System Flags: These are flags used internally by RPG Maker 2's processing programs. It is unknown what these flags keep track of. Flags Flag 0: Off (fixed) _ This flag is always off, it can't be switched to on. This flag is useful when you need a flag, but you don't want to switch it on. The Script Branch : Repeat command is where you would most likely use this flag in order to create a repeat that never ends. [B] Flag 1: Battle - turns On if the party is in combat (DBS only) [B] Flag 2: Event Battle - On if the current battle is an event battle (used the Event Battle command) Flag 3: Bag Shop Select _ Only used in a merchant script. If the player chooses the bag in the sell menu (Display Sell List command) this flag turns on. Flag 4: Sell Equipped _ Only used in a merchant script. If the player tries to sell an equipped item, this flag will turn on. Flag 5: Hide Class Info _ If the Display Class Info command is used and the class has the Conceal Class Info box checked, this flag will turn on. Flags 6-9 are System flags. [C] Flag 10: No Menus _ If this flag is turned on, the X button will no longer open the default menu. [C] Flag 11: Cancel Menu _ When this flag is turned on, the player can press O to exit Input Creation windows (Multiple Choice, Display Member List, etc.) and cause Variable 2: User Choice to equal zero. [C][W] Flag 12: Hide Stats World _ If turned on, the world map party info window will not appear. [C][B] Flag 13: Hide Stats Battle - When On, the status menu will not appear in battle [C][B] Flag 14: Constant Win - The battle system will jump from start battle to end battle without the party actually having to fight. I assume this is here to allow the designer to test the level up scripts without having to fight a lot of battles to do it. It can also be used to end the battle with the player's party as the victor. [C][W] Flag 15: No Encounters - Random encounters will not occur while this flag is on. Could be used in your own CBS to allow players to avoid encounters with some creative scripting. [C] Flag 16: No Movement _ If this flag is turned on, the direction buttons are disabled and the player can no longer move the party around the screen. Flags 17-19 are system flags. [C][E] Flag 20: Cursor Shortcut _ If turned on, the cursor will keep the same position in a series of list commands. If Cancel Menu is on (Flag 11) and the player presses O, the cursor will be reset to the first position of the next list. If one list is longer than another and a selection is made that is greater than the number of choices on a subsequent list, the cursor will be set to the first choice. Flags 21-29 are system flags. [W] Flag 30: Vehicle Travel _ When the party enters a vehicle, this flag turns on. [C] Flag 31: Party Dead - On if the party is dead. Note that turning this flag On will not kill the party. True party death is handled internally by the game system. Flag 32: Escape Set _ Turns on when the Set Escape command is used, indicating that the player can use and item or ability with the Escape command to transport the party to the set point. Flag 33: Teleport Set _ This flag turns on the first time the Set Teleport command is used. As long as at least one teleport point exists, the flag will stay on. Flag 34: Item Bag _ If the item bag in turned on (in Game Settings or using Party : possessions : Item Bag command) then this flag will be on. Note that this flag can't turn back off as the item bag can't be un-removed. Flags 35-39 are system flags. Flag 40: Member Present _ If the Data : System : Member in Party command is used, after setting the member number to the data base number of the character (Data : Variable : Variable 86: Member Number), this flag will turn on if the member is in the party. Flag 41: Max Items _ This flag will turn on if you use Member Info: Load on a character who has 12 items. Note that Member Info: Load works on the character whose database number is in Variable 86: Member Number. Flags 42-49 are system flags. [C][E] Flag 50: Event Condition _ This flag's condition (on or off) can be saves with Event: Info save and viewed with Event: Info Load. Every event (even the same event placed more than once on the same map) has a separate flag with this same flag number. This can be used for whatever purpose you desire. The help file indicates this flag keeps track of something, but it doesn't do anything at all. Note that then the party moves to a new map, this flag is set to Off for all events. Flags 51-59 are system flags. [C] Flag 60: Satisfy Page _ used in a page condition of an event. Turn this flag on if the page condition is met and turn it off if it isn't. Note that you must set the flag on or off each time so that the flag can be used in other page conditions. [C] Flag 61: Satisfy Execute _ used in an execute condition of an event (see script 220 and event 206 for an example). Turn on the flag if the condition is met and off if it isn't. Like the previous flag, this flag should be turned off in the first script command before checking if the condition is met in case another event might have turned it on. Flags 62-69 are system flags. [C] Flag 70: Side - Used to keep track of who's battle turn it is. On = enemy's turn, Off = Party's turn [B] Flag 71: Apply Side - Off is the instigator is taking an action, On if the Target is taking an action [B] Flag 72: Instigator's side - Used to keep track of who's side the current instigator is on. On = enemy's side, Off = Party's Side [B] Flag 73: Target's Side - Used to keep track of who's side the current target is on. On = enemy's side, Off = Party's Side [B][E] Flag 74: Leader Targeted - If the party leader is the target, this flag turns on. The help file was not translated into English Flags 74-79 are system flags. [B][E] Flag 80: Action side - If a party member is taking an action, the flag is Off, if an enemy, it is On. The help file was not translated into English. [C] Flag 81: Stat Check Type _ If this flag is turned on before performing a Member Info: Load command, then any member stats that are effected by equipment and/or class are adjusted to reflect these effects. If this flag is off, then only Attack and Armor will be adjusted for equipment. The stats affected are Str, Def, Int, Agi, Luck, Attack, Armor, Max Hit Points, and Max Magic Points. If this flag is on when Member Info: Save is used, the adjusted stats will be saved. [B][E] Flag 82: Traits - The help file was not translated into English. Trait scripts run twice each turn of combat, once before any actions are taken (Flag = Off), and once during the subject of the trait's turn (Flag = On). Flags 83-89 are system flags [C] Flag 90: Ambush - On if an ambush is to occur (first turn only). [C] Flag 91: Ambush Side - Off if the party is doing the ambushing, and On if the enemy is. [C] Flag 92: No Flee - If On, the party can't flee the battle [C] Flag 93: No Insig Action - Used in Game : Direct Effect : Adv : Flow1 after Check Start. If On, then the Check Fail script is run; otherwise, Effect Start is run. In battle, this is used to determine if an ability can be used (ex. do you have the MP to cast the selected spell?) [C] Flag 94: Insig Success _ Used in Game : Direct Effect : Adv : Flow2 after Success Check. If On, then the Success script is run; otherwise, Fail is run. In battle, used to determine is an attack/ ability effects the target. [C] Flag 95: Insig Critical _ Used in Game : Direct Effect : Adv : Flow2 after Success Check. If On, then the Critical script is run instead of the Success one. In battle, used to determine is an attack/ ability does extra damage. [C] Flag 96: Target Dodge _ Used in Game : Direct Effect : Adv : Flow2 after Check Start. If On, then the Dodge script is run. In battle, used to determine is an attack/ ability is avoided by the target. [B][E] Flag 97: Target Counter _ the help file suggests that you can turn this flag on "when you want to skip the target's response to a direct effect just applied." Since you can't change this flag, it doesn't seem useful for anything. [C][E] Flag 98: Target Reaction _ if this flag is on, the target can react to an indirect effect (Indirect Effect / Adv / Flow2 / Reflected) or a direct effect (Direct Effect / Adv / Flow1 / Counter attack). This is determined by Flag 99: Target Reflect. [C][E] Flag 99: Target Reflect _ On if the target can Reflect the instigator's indirect effect. Off if the target can Counter Attack the instigator's direct effect. Flag 98: Target Reaction determines if the reaction was successful. [C][B] Flag 100: No Reward - If On, the party will not receive items for the current battle. Flags 101-109 are system flags. [B] Flag 110: Member Check - On if Check Who Goes Next is used and there are no party members left to check. Flag 111: Has Item _ if Confirm Member Item is used and the current character (database number in Variable 86: Member Number) has the specified item (set with Data : Variable : Variable 134: Item number), then this flag will turn on. Flag 112: Has Magic _ if Confirm Member Ability is used and the current character (database number in Variable 86: Member Number) has the specified ability (set with Data : Variable : Variable 155: Ability Number), then this flag will turn on. [B] Flag 113: Call Same Enemy - On if the enemy can use Call Same Enemy. Use Enable Call Same Enemy to turn this flag on. [B] Flag 114: Call Other Enemy - On if the enemy can call another enemy. Use Enable Call Other Enemy to turn this flag on. Flag 115: Level Up _ if Check Level Up is used and the current character (database number in Variable 86: Member Number) has enough experience to level up, this flag will turn on. Flag 116: Lvl up/ Ability _ if Check Level Up and Ability is used and the current character (database number in Variable 86: Member Number) will learn a new ability when he goes up a level and has the experience to do so, this flag will turn on. Flag 117: Class Level up _ if Check Class Level Up is used and the current character (database number in Variable 86: Member Number) can gain a new class level (met both the experience and battle conditions), then this flag will turn on. Flag 118: Class Lvl Up/ Ability - _ if Check Class Level Up and Ability is used and the current character (database number in Variable 86: Member Number) will learn a new ability when he goes up a level in a class and has the experience and battles to do so, this flag will turn on. [B] Flag 119: Get Item - On when the party will recieve an item for winning a battle. Controlled by the Enemy : Reward : item percentage you set for that enemy [B] Flag 120: Get Rare Item - Same as above but for the enemy's rare item percentage. Flag 121: On when the Data : Member Info : Load command is used and the member has an action status effecting them. Flags 122-129 are system flags Flag 130: Hide Item Info _ if Load Item Info is used on an item (Database number in Variable 134: Item Number) that has the Conceal Item Information box checked, this flag will turn on. Flag 131: Unsellable Item - if Load Item Info is used on an item (Database number in Variable 134: Item Number) that has the Can't Sell box checked, this flag will turn on. Flag 132: No Destroy Item _ if Load Item Info is used on an item (Database number in Variable 134: Item Number) that has the Can't Destroy box checked, this flag will turn on. Flag 133: MemberNo Equip _ if Load Item Info is used on an item (Database number in Variable 134: Item Number) that has the member Can't Equip box checked for the current character (database number in Variable 86: Member Number), this flag will turn on. Flag 134: Member No Remove _ if Load Item Info is used on an item (Database number in Variable 134: Item Number) that has the member Can't Remove box checked for the current character (database number in Variable 86: Member Number), this flag will turn on. Flag 135: Class No Equip _ if Load Item Info is used on an item (Database number in Variable 134: Item Number) that has the Class Can't Equip box checked for the current character's (database number in Variable 86: Member Number) current class, this flag will turn on. Flag 136: Class no Remove Equip _ if Load Item Info is used on an item (Database number in Variable 134: Item Number) that has the Class Can't Remove box checked for the current character's (database number in Variable 86: Member Number) current class, this flag will turn on. Flags 137-139 are system flags. Flag 140: No Remove Weapon _ if Member Info: Load is used and the current character (database number in Variable 86: Member Number) can't remove the equipped weapon (the Can't Remove box is checked for the character or his current class), then this flag will turn on. Flag 141: No Remove Helmet _ if Member Info: Load is used and the current character (database number in Variable 86: Member Number) can't remove the equipped helmet (the Can't Remove box is checked for the character or his current class), then this flag will turn on. Flag 142: No Remove Armor _ if Member Info: Load is used and the current character (database number in Variable 86: Member Number) can't remove the equipped armor (the Can't Remove box is checked for the character or his current class), then this flag will turn on. Flag 143: No Remove Shield _ if Member Info: Load is used and the current character (database number in Variable 86: Member Number) can't remove the equipped shield (the Can't Remove box is checked for the character or his current class), then this flag will turn on. Flag 144: No Remove Accessory _ if Member Info: Load is used and the current character (database number in Variable 86: Member Number) can't remove the equipped Accessory (the Can't Remove box is checked for the character or his current class), then this flag will turn on. Flags 145-149 are system flags. Flag 150: Ability Type - Triggered by the Load Ability Info command for the current ability (database number is in Variable 155: Ability Number). If On, the ability is a skill, if Off, the ability is a spell. Flag 151: Hide Ability Info - Triggered by the Load Ability Info command for the current ability (database number is in Variable 155: Ability Number). If the Don't Display Info box is checked, the flag will turn on. Flags 152-159 are system flags. Flag 160: Dir Death Check - On when you used Load Direct Effect Info and Check Death Before is selected. Flags 161-169 are system flags. Flag 170: Indirect Effect - When Using Data : Target : Status : Confirm, this flag turns On if the target has an abnormal status effecting them. Flag 171: Indirect Success - When checking Data : Target : Status : Apply, this flag turns On if the status effect was successfully applied. Flag 172: Indirect End - When Using Data : Target : Status : Remove, the flag turns On if the status effect was successfully removed. Flag 173: Indirect End Condition - When the Game : Indirect Effect : Adv : Modify : Priority Match conditions are met, so that indirect effects can be combined, this flag turns On. Flags 174-179 are system flags. [C] Flags 180-189: Normal Flags - Every character and Enemy has these. Substitute Attribute for Variable can be used to load the current active character or enemy's Normal Flags. Substitute Variable for Attribute can be used to save any changes to these flags. For Characters, Member Info: Load and Member Info: Save will do the same thing. [C][E] Flags 190-199: Battle Flags - Same as above. Note that the help file says you can't use normal flags and Battle flags at the same time, but in testing this isn't true. Battle Flag 0 is used by the preset system to keep track of who is defending in battle. [C] Flags 200-260 are Sample flags. These can be used like any other unused flag (flags 261-899) except some are used in the preset data. The following are the uses sample flags: Flag 210: Sample Flag 10 _ keeps track of the member in Member Order 0's (the leader) numb state in battle so that the state will continue after battle is finished. Flag 211: Sample Flag 11 _ keeps track of the member in Member Order 1's numb state in battle so that the state will continue after battle is finished. Flag 212: Sample Flag 12 _ keeps track of the member in Member Order 2's numb state in battle so that the state will continue after battle is finished. Flag 213: Sample Flag 13 _ keeps track of the member in Member Order 3's numb state in battle so that the state will continue after battle is finished. Flag 250: Sample Flag 50 _ in the item chest script (#253), this flag keeps track of whether the item was taken or not. When the item is taken, the flag is turned on. Each chest you make will need a different flag to keep track of the item in that particular chest. Flag 251: Sample Flag 51 _ in the money chest script (#254), this flag keeps track of if the money was removed from the chest. This flag turns on when the money is taken. Flag 252: Sample Flag 52 _ used in several scripts, this flag keeps track of when the world map can be displayed. This is used with the world map item to prevent the player using the item when not standing on the world map. Flag 253: Sample Flag 53 _ this flag is used to keep track of whether the party can use a vehicle on the current map. If the flag is on, the party can use a vehicle here (as long as all other conditions are met). Flag 254: Sample Flag 54 _ this flag is used with the boat vehicle to prevent the party leaving the boat anywhere but at a dock. Script 267: On boat turns this flag off when the party touches a dock so the party can exit. Flag 255: Sample Flag 55 _ if all conditions for using a vehicle are met, this flag is turned on Flag 256: Sample Flag 56 _ this flag controls the escape command (found in the smoke bomb item of the preset data) so that the party can only use escape when in a dungeon. If it is on, then the party can use escape. Note that you will need to turn this flag on in any dungeons you create so that the smoke bomb item can be used. Also remember to turn the flag off when they leave. Flag 257: Sample Flag 57 _ used in Game Start 1 (Script 270) and Game Start 2 (Script 271) to prevent these scripts from repeating once the game has begun. A page condition checks if this flag is on in both Game Start 1 and 2. The flag is turned on in game stat 1's script. Flag 258: Sample Flag 58 _ keeps track of when the teleport spell is used. This is used in the Deploy script to bring any vehicles to the town the party teleports to. Read the notes in script 274: Deploy for information on how to use this ability in your own games. Flag 259: Sample Flag 59 _ this flag is turned on when you are in the air (the balloon vehicle) or at sea (the boat) so that the map will appear when you are in these vehicles. Play the preset game to see this feature in action. Flag 260: Sample Flag 60 _ also used with the item chest (script 253), this flag keeps track of if the chest is open o not and is used in a page condition. Since it is possible to open the chest but not take the item, this flag makes it possible to close the chest and open it later when you are ready to take the item. Since this flag is turned off each time the script runs, you can use this flag with all your item chests. [C] Flags 261-989 - unused flags that you can use in any way you wish. [C] Flags 990-999 - temporary flags. These flags are used to temporarily keep track of information. Several scripts use these flags, but you can use them as well since the information is not kept beyond the current script. Note that old information from past scripts can carry over, so it is a good idea to set the temp flags you use to off at the beginning of the script they are used in. ********************************************************************* Variables System Variables are used by the game system and can't be used by the game designer. General variables: Var0: 0 (fixed) _ this variable will always equal zero no matter what. Use it whenever you need to use a variable that equals 0. This is the default variable in the Data : Variable command and lets you make one variable equal another variable or a number without doing any mathematical equations. Var1: System Generate _ a number is placed in this variable when something occurs within the system. This number is used in Script 0: Error Messages to display a message on the screen to tell the player or game designer what has occurred. Note that an error does not need to occur for this to function. For example, changing the message speed will trigger this variable and the error message script. [C] Var2: User Choice _ whenever the player makes a choice in game through an input creation command (multiple choice, member list, etc.), this variable stores that choice. If Flag 11: Cancel menu is on, this variable will store a zero when the menu is canceled. Changing this Variable to -1 will prevent lists from reusing the last stored variable (useful when imbedding multiple choice commands - see game manual for more information). Var3: User Input _ when the Input : Number command is used, the number entered in the display is stored in this variable. [E] Var4: User Button _ when the Input : Button command is used, the code for the button pressed is stored in this variable. The button codes are: -1 no button was pressed during the commands execution (used when a wait time is used with the command), 0 up, 1 down, 2 left, 3 right, 4 triangle, 5 circle [Help incorrectly says X], 6 square, 7 X [Help incorrectly says circle], 8 start button, 9 select button, 10 L1, 11 L2, 12 L3, 13 R1, 14 R2, 15 R3 [E] Var5: Teleport Location _ used with direct effect/ custom/ target/ teleport selection. When the target is teleport, a menu will appear displaying the possible teleport locations (created with the set teleport command). The variable stores the list number (i.e. the first location is number 0, second = 1, etc.) of the location chosen. When the Teleport command is used, this number will determine what teleport point the party goes to. Note: If the Teleport command is used without the teleport menu, the party will teleport to the last location selected or the first location, if the menu was never opened. If no teleport points were set, an error message will be displayed instead. Var6: Item Quality _ used in merchant list scripts. When Display Buy List or Display Sell list are used, the quality of the item bought or sold is stored in this variable. Var7: Item Price _ used in merchant list scripts. When Display Buy List or Display Sell list are used, the cost of the item bought or sold is stored in this variable. [C] Var8: Bank Balance _ this variable keeps track of how much money is currently in the party's bank account. See Script 248: Bank for an example of this variable in use. [C] Var9: Inn Room Rate _ the Inn command normally sets this rate and uses the number in an Inn Script. See Script 245: Inn for an example on an inn script. Note that the Inn command is used in Script 244: Inn Greeting to call the Inn script. Var10: # input min _ if an Input : Number command has a minimum number set, that number is stored here. Var11: # input max _ if an Input : Number command has a maximum number set, that number is stored here. Var12-Var14: System Variables [C] Var15: Encounter Ratio - This number is multiplied by the encounter rate set in Game Settings : Battle : Encounter. Normally equals 100 (i.e. 100 percent). If set to zero, no encounters will occur. Can be used to temporary change the encounter rate. Var16: Screen Effect _ this variable stores the code of the screen wipe used in the Apply Wipe command. -1 = no wipe, 0 = shatter, 1 = Melt [B][E] Var17: Battle Result - stores the result of the last battle. 0 = Lose turn count exceeded, 1 = victory, 2 = Defeat, 3 = Escape, 4 = Cancel (cancel happens when all the enemy run away) [B] Var18: Participate Member - the number of party members that participated in battle [B] Var19: Participate Enemy - the number of enemies that were encountered at the start of battle. [B] Var20: Experience Received - amount of experience each member receives at the end of battle [B] Var21: Money Received - the amount of money the party received from the battle. [C][B][E] Var22: Battle Turns - This is how many times a direct effect will repeat in one battle turn. Use in Direct Effect : Adv : Flow 1 : Turn End slot. Allows an enemy or character to attack more than once per turn. See the Direct Effect "Angelic Spear" for an example of how this is used. The help file is not very clear on how this variable works. [C][B][E] Var23: Lose Turn Count - Number of turns until the battle ends and the party loses. If set to zero (the default), battles have no set length. Note that this does not kill the party (although Party Dead will equal ON), but simply ends the battle early. However, Script 28: Battle Exit only runs if Party Dead is Off. Use Var17 (which will equal 0) to check if the battle ended due to this variable and to reset the screen color and Sound. [B] Var24: B Member Target - This is the total number of participants in the battle (Var18 + Var19) [B] Var25: Unit Number - Contains the Battle Unit's Database Number. Var26-28: System Variables [C] Var29: Target Resist W - The target's resistance to the instigator's weapon property (stored in Var37). Goes from -100 (weapon has no effect) to +100 (weapon does double damage) [C] Var30: Target Resist M - The target's resistance to the instigator's magic property (stored in Var36). Goes from -100 (ability has no effect) to +100 (ability does double damage) Var31-32: System Variables [C][B] Var33: Damage Rate A - Stores the A value of the battle formula: Damage total = (A/100) - B [C][B] Var34: Damage Rate B - Stores the B value of the above formula. [C][B] Var35: Damage Total - the result of the above calulation. [B] Var36: Insti Property M - The Magic Property Number (from 0-99) of the instigator's ability that is currently being used. (See Magic Properties) [B] Var37: Insti Property W - The Weapon Property Number (from 0-99) of the instigator's equipped weapon. (See Weapon Properties) Var38-40: System Variables [C][B] Var41: Insti Success# - The instigator's chance of success ratio (the weapon's direct effect : success%) [C][B] Var42: Insti Critical# - The instigator's critical hit success ratio (the weapon's direct effect : rate) [C][B][E] Var43: Target Dodge# - the target's successful dodge ratio. Dodge is calculated in a formula in the preset battle formula and this value is not used. I'm not sure where this value comes from or what it can be used for. [C] Var44: Shared Damage# - Ratio of damage shared with others. 0 = no damage is shared, 50 = target takes half and others that half, 100 = others take all damage and target takes none. Var45-47: System Variables [B] Var48: Insti Member - The database number of the instigator if a party member. [B] Var49: Insti Enemy - The enemy's Battle Order Number, if an enemy is the instigator. [B] Var50: Target Member - The database number of the target if a party member. [B] Var51: Target Enemy - The enemy's Battle Order Number, if an enemy is the target. Var52: System Variable [C] Var53: Member Order - The position of the character in the party. Data : Member Info : Use Battle Order can be used with this variable to find what member is in what position (loads the database number into Var86: Member Number). 0 = leader, 1 = second spot (behind leader), 2 = third spot, 3 = back of party [C] Var54: Member Menu Order _ used in merchant list scripts. When selecting a member in a Input : Display Who List command, the database number of that character is stored here. [C][B] Var55: Enemy Battle Order - the order the enemy line up in. 0 = left most position, 1 = right of the first enemy, etc. up to 99 (far right). Note if new enemies are called into battle, they will get higher battle numbers, but may appear anywhere on the screen. (for example, if there are four enemies, the first one dies, and then a fifth enemy is called. The new enemy will appear in the first enemies place, but will have an order number of four.) Var56-57: System Variables [C] Var58: Trait Number _ this number is used by the Screen Display : Content : Description : Trait command to display the description of the trait with this database number. You need to use Data : Variable : Variable 58: Trait Number to specify the trait you want described on the screen. Note that this message is displayed in a message window. [B] Var59: Action: Instigator _ used by a trait script to keep track of the battle order (enemy) or database number (party member) that the trait applies to. [B][C] Var60: Action: Action _ This is the code for the type of action taken in battle. 0: offensive, 1: defense, 2: Magic, 3: Skill, 4: item [B][C] Var61: Action: Itm/abty _ This is the database number of the item or ability used by the instigator in battle. [B] [C] Var62: Action: B Member - The number of the character (var86: Member Number) or enemy (Var55: Enemy Battle Order) when the target is on the instigator's side (Flag 70: Side) (ex. when healing a party member) [B] [C] Var63: Action: Enemy - the number of the enemy (Var55: Enemy Battle Order) or character (var86: Member Number) when target is on opposite side (Flag 70: Side). [B] [C] Var65: Action: Rand/Abty - If the ability is not random, the value is -1, otherwise the number of the ability that was randomly chosen is stored here. Var66: System Variable Event Info: Var67: Event X _ this is the X coordinate (North-South) of the current event. This variable is loaded by the Event Info Load command. Var68: Event Y _ this is the Y coordinate (East-West) of the current event. This variable is loaded by the Event Info Load command. Var69: Event Z _ this is the Z coordinate (Height) of the current event. This variable is loaded by the Event Info Load command. Var70: Event Direction _ this is the code for the direction the current event is facing. This variable is loaded by the Event Info Load command. Code: 0 = E, 1 = SE, 2 = S, 3 = SW, 4 = W, 5 = NW, 6 = N, 7 = NE [E] Var71: Event Number _ contrary to the help message, this variable actually contains no data; however, every event (event duplicate events) can store a different value in this variable. Use Event Info Save to save this number once changed (using the Data : Variable command). You can use Event Info Load to check what value you gave to the current event. This is useful for keeping track of duplicate events on the same map. Note: all values are set back to zero when the party moves to a new map. Var72-74: System Variables Party Info: Var75: Member Total _ when Game Info : Load is used, this variable stores the total number of members in the party. Var76: System Variable [C] Var77: Total Money _ when Game Info : Load is used, this variable stores the total money carried by the party. Var78: Total Party Items _ when Game Info : Load is used, this variable stores the total number of items the party members are carrying. Var79: Total Bag Items _ when Game Info : Load is used, this variable stores the total number of items in the party's bag. Var80: Total Items _ when Game Info : Load is used, this variable stores the total number of items (party members plus bag) that party has. [E] Var81: Map Number _ when Game Info : Load is used, this variable loads the database number of the map the party is on. The World Organization database number is used. Var82: Party X _ when Game Info : Load is used, this variable loads the north/south coordinate value of the party leader. Var83: Party Y _ when Game Info : Load is used, this variable loads the east/west coordinate value of the party leader. Var84: Party Z _ when Game Info : Load is used, this variable loads the height value of the party leader. Var85: Party Direction _ this is the code for the direction the party leader is facing. This variable is loaded by the Game Info : Load command. Code: 0 = E, 1 = SE, 2 = S, 3 = SW, 4 = W, 5 = NW, 6 = N, 7 = NE Characters: [C] Var86: Member Number _ this variable stores the database number of the last character to perform an action (ex. Equipped an item, attacked in battle, was targeted in battle, took poison damage, etc.). Out of battle, this is usually the party leader since moving counts as an action for the leader. This variable can also be used to load information about a character using Member Info : Load. Load Item Info can also use this variable when determining information related to the character (see Flags 131 to 134) [C] Var87: Total Member Item _ using Member info : load will store the total quantity of items the character specified in Var86: Member Number is carrying. [C] Var88: Class Number _ using Member info : load will store the class database number of the current class of the character specified in Var86: Member Number. [C] Var89: Ex-class _ using Member info : load will store the class database number of the last class the character specified in Var86: Member Number had before switching to his current class. [C] Var90: Class Rank _ using Member info : load will store the class Rank number of the current class of the character specified in Var86: Member Number. [C] Var91: Level _ using Member info : load will store the level of the character specified in Var86: Member Number. Var92: Exp to Level _ using Member info : load will store the amount of experience the character specified in Var86: Member Number needs to go up to the next level. Var93: Exp to Class Level - using Member info : load will store the amount of experience needed to level up in the current class of the character specified in Var86: Member Number. Var94: Victories to Level _ using Member info : load will store the number of victories needed to level up in the current class of the character specified in Var86: Member Number. [C] Var95: Experience _ using Member info : load will store the amount of experience the character specified in Var86: Member Number currently has. [C] Var96: Attack Order _ using Substitute Target Attribute for Variable will store the battle order (usually the same as Agility but can be altered in battle) of the character specified in Var86: Member Number or the enemy specified in Var55: Enemy Battle Order. This variable determines what order the characters and enemies will be allowed to take their actions. The highest value goes first and the lowest goes last. Attack Order can be changed in the Turn Start option of Direct Effect/ Adv/ Flow1 or Indirect Effect/ Adv/ Flow1. This variable can be changed (use Substitute Variable for Target Attribute to save the change) or the commands Always Goes First or Always Goes Last can be used. Attributes (Variables 97-107): The following stats can be loaded into memory using either Member Info : Load (for characters), Substitute Attribute for Variable, or Substitute Target Attribute for Variable (for both characters and enemies). Using Member Info : Save (for characters), Substitute Variable for Attribute, or Substitute Variable for Target Attribute (for both characters and enemies) will save any changes you made. Stat changes in battle are not saved after battle ends. Use Data: Target: attributes to permanently change stats in battle. If Flag 81: Stat Check Type is on, then the effect of equipped items on the stats will also be reflected in the numbers. If the info was loaded with Flag 81 on, the info can't be saved. This is a safety feature to prevent the altered stats being saved as the default stats. Note that the attribute names can be changed and they can be used in you game in any way you wish. How the preset data uses the stats are mentioned with each attribute. Note that Agility is always used for Battle Order and that Attack and Armor are calculated using a build in formula. [C] Var97: Hit Points _ the current hit points of the character or enemy selected. [C] Var98: Magic Points _ the current magic points of the character or enemy selected. [C] Var99: Strength _ the strength of the character or enemy selected. Used to increase damage done in the presets. [C] Var100: Defend _ the defense rating of the character or enemy selected. Used to determine damage received in the presets. [C] Var101: Intelligence _ the Intelligence of the character or enemy selected. Used to increase damage done by spells in the presets. [C] Var102: Agility _ the agility of the character or enemy selected. Used for Battle Order. Also used in the presets to determine if the party can flee battle and whether the party or enemy can ambush each other. [C] Var103: Luck _ the Luck of the character or enemy selected. Used with agility to determine if the party can flee battle in the presets. [C] Var104: Attack _ the attack strength of the character or enemy selected. This is set to Strength plus Weapon rank (item/ custom/ equip). If Flag 81: Stat Check Type is on then the effects of other equipped item's are also reflected in the stat. Note that this attribute is calculated each time it is loaded and can't be permanently changed directly. [C] Var105: Armor _ the defense strength of the character or enemy selected. This is set to Defense plus Armor rank (item/ custom/ equip). If Flag 81: Stat Check Type is on then the effects of other equipped item's are also reflected in the stat. Note that this attribute is calculated each time it is loaded and can't be permanently changed directly. [C] Var106: Max Hit Points _ the maximum hit points of the character or enemy selected. [C] Var107: Max Magic Points _ the maximum magic points of the character or enemy selected. Var108: Target X _ when Member Info : Load is used, this variable loads the north/south coordinate value of the character specified in Var86: Member Number. Var109 Target Y _ when Member Info : Load is used, this variable loads the east/west coordinate value of the character specified in Var86: Member Number. Var110: Target Z _ when Member Info : Load is used, this variable loads the height value of the character specified in Var86: Member Number. Var111: Target Direction _ when Member Info : Load is used, the code for the direction the member specified in Var86: Member Number is facing is loaded. Code: 0 = E, 1 = SE, 2 = S, 3 = SW, 4 = W, 5 = NW, 6 = N, 7 = NE Var112: Class Experience _ using Member info : load will store the class experience of the current class of the character specified in Var86: Member Number. Var113: Class Victories _ using Member info : load will store the number of victories won with the current class of the character specified in Var86: Member Number. Var114: Indirect Rate _ using Member info : load will store the rate of the indirect effect (condition) that is effecting the character specified in Var86: Member Number (if any). Var115: Indirect Length _ using Member info : load will store the length of time left until an indirect effect (condition) on the character specified in Var86: Member Number ends. If there is no indirect effect or the effect is permanent until removed, the value will be zero. Var116: System Variable Var117: Item number 1 _ using Member info : load will store the database number of the item held in the first position of the inventory of the character specified in Var86: Member Number. If there is no item, the value will be -1. Var118-128: Item Number 2-12 _ these variables are similar to var117, but contain the second through to the last item the member is carrying. When an item is removed, all the items move up the list so that the last spot will always be empty if the character has fewer than 12 items. You can use Var87: Total Member Items along with these variables to determine what items the character has. Note that if an item has a value of -1 then that slot is empty and there is no need to check the higher valued slots. Var129: Weapon Equipment _ using Member info : load will store the database number of the weapon the character specified in Var86: Member Number has equipped. If the value is -1, then no weapon is currently equipped. Var130: Helmet Equipment _ using Member info : load will store the database number of the helmet the character specified in Var86: Member Number has equipped. If the value is -1, then no helmet is currently equipped. Var131: Armor Equipment _ using Member info : load will store the database number of the armor the character specified in Var86: Member Number has equipped. If the value is -1, then no armor is currently equipped. Var132: Shield Equipment _ using Member info : load will store the database number of the shield the character specified in Var86: Member Number has equipped. If the value is -1, then no shield is currently equipped. Var133: Access Equipment _ using Member info : load will store the database number of the accessory the character specified in Var86: Member Number has equipped. If the value is -1, then no accessory is currently equipped. Items: [C] Var134: Item Number _ the database number of the current item (if an item is being used). You can also set this variable to the number of an item you wish to learn about using Load Item Info. Variables 135-152 contain this items info when loaded. Var135: Item: Type _ using Load Item Info will store the type code for the item specified in Var134: Item Number. 0: Weapon; 1: Armor; 2: Helmet; 3: Shield; 4: Accessory; 5: other Var136: Item: Buy Price _ using Load Item Info will store the buying price of the item specified in Var134: Item Number. This value is set when the item is created. Var137: Item: Sell Price _ using Load Item Info will store the selling price of the item specified in Var134: Item Number. If no price was specified, the default price (normally set at 50% of the buying price) will be used. Var138: Item: Property W _ using Load Item Info will store the weapon property value of the item specified in Var134: Item Number. Enemies can be set up to have weaker or stronger defenses against certain types of weapons. (See Weapon Properties) Var139: Item: Use Direct _ using Load Item Info will store the direct effect database number of any direct effect that occurs when the item specified in Var134: Item Number is used. Note that weapons use Var151: Atk Direct when used in battle. Var140: Item: Use Indirect _ using Load Item Info will store the indirect effect database number of any indirect effect that occurs when the item specified in Var134: Item Number is used. Note that weapons use Var152: Atk Indirect when used in battle. Var141: Item: Equip HP _ using Load Item Info will store the amount hit points changes when the item specified in Var134: Item Number is equipped. Var142: Item: Equip MP _ using Load Item Info will store the amount magic points changes when the item specified in Var134: Item Number is equipped. Var143: Item: Equip Str _ using Load Item Info will store the amount strength changes when the item specified in Var134: Item Number is equipped. Var144: Item: Equip Def _ using Load Item Info will store the amount defend changes when the item specified in Var134: Item Number is equipped. Var145: Item: Equip Int _ using Load Item Info will store the amount intelligence changes when the item specified in Var134: Item Number is equipped. Var146: Item: Equip Agi _ using Load Item Info will store the amount agility changes when the item specified in Var134: Item Number is equipped. Var147: Item: Equip Luck _ using Load Item Info will store the amount luck changes when the item specified in Var134: Item Number is equipped. Var148-149: System Variables Var150: Item: Equip Indirect _ using Load Item Info will store the indirect effect database number of the indirect effect (if any) that effects the character when he equips the item specified in Var134: Item Number. This effect is set in Item Editor/ Custom/ Equipped along with the attributes. Var151: Item: Atk Direct _ using Load Item Info will store the direct effect database number of the direct effect that occurs when the weapon specified in Var134: Item Number is used in battle. This effect is needed to do damage with the weapon. Var152: Item: Atk Indirect _ using Load Item Info will store the indirect effect database number of any indirect effect that occurs when the weapon specified in Var134: Item Number is used in battle. Var153-154: System Variables Abilities: [C] Var155: Ability Number _ the database number of any ability that is being used. You can use Load Ability Info with this number to learn more about the ability. This info is stored in Var156-160. Var156: Ability: Cost _ the cost of the ability specified in Var155: Ability Number. This can be MP, HP, or any other loss as specified in the direct effect scripts of the ability. Var157: Ability: Direct _ the direct effect database number of the effect that occurs when the ability specified in Var155: Ability Number is used. Var158: Ability: Indirect _ the indirect effect database number of the effect (if any) that occurs along with the direct effect when the ability specified in Var155: Ability Number is used. Var159: Ability: Usable _ the code for the area that the ability specified in Var155: Ability Number can be used in. 0 = world, 1 = battle, 2 = both Var160: Ability: Random _ the code for the randomness of the ability specified in Var155: Ability Number. 0 = random ability, 1 = random effect, 2 = not random Var161: Random Ability _ this variable stores the number of a random ability when a ability with the random condition is used. The number will also be placed in Var155: Ability Number. If the last ability used was a normal ability (no random effect) then -1 will be stored here. Var162: System Variable Direct Effects: [C] Var163: Direct Effect _ the database number of the direct effect that is being used. You can use Load Direct effect Info with this number to learn more about the ability. This info is stored in Var164-169. Var164: Direct: Rate _ this is the rate number for the Direct Effect specified in Var163: Direct Effect. This rate can be used as a value (damage) or a percentage (change to hit). Note that for weapons, rate is the percent chance of the weapon getting a critical hit in the presets. Var165: Direct: Success # _ this is the percent chance that the Direct effect specified in Var163: Direct Effect will be successful. Normally used in the Success Check formula. Var166: Direct: Type _ this is the code for the type of the direct effect specified in Var163: Direct Effect. 0 = offence; 1 = defense; 2 = other. These types are reflected in the battle menus when you pick a skill or spell to use in combat. [E] Var167: Direct: Target _ this is the menu type of the direct effect specified in Var163: Direct Effect. 0 = no menu; 1 = target menu; 2 = location menu. Note that this variable (as well as the two following) has been incorrectly named. [E] Var168: Direct: Menu _ this is the range code of the direct effect specified in Var163: Direct Effect. 0 = single target; 1 = single random target; 2 = group; 3 = random group; 4 = all targets. Note that this variable (as well as the one above and below) has been incorrectly named. [E] Var169: Direct: Range _ this is the target type of the direct effect specified in Var163: Direct Effect. 0 = friend; 1 = enemy; 2 = both. Note that this variable (as well as the two above) has been incorrectly named. Var170-171: System Variables Indirect Effects: [C] Var172: Indirect Effect _ this is the indirect effect database number of the indirect effect in use or that you wish to learn more about. Variables 173-177 contain the variables stored when Load Indirect Effect Info is used. Var173: Indirect: Resist W _ this is how much weapon resistance (-100 to +100) that the indirect effect specified in Var172: Indirect Effect will give the target against the weapon property specified in Var37: Insti Property W (See Weapon Properties). Resistance to various weapon types is specified in Indirect Effects/ Custom/ Resist W. Note that this value is only useful during combat when a weapon targets the character affected by the indirect effect. A value of -100 will cause the target to take double damage, a value of 0 is normal damage, and a value of +100 is no damage. Any other value is the percentage of the damage gained/ loss (ex. +50 causes half damage). Var174: Indirect: Resist M _ this is how much magic resistance (-100 to +100) that the indirect effect specified in Var172: Indirect Effect will give the target against the magic property specified in Var36: Insti Property M (See Magic Properties). Resistance to various ability types is specified in Indirect Effects/ Custom/ Resist M. Note that this value is only useful during combat when an ability targets the character affected by the indirect effect. A value of -100 will cause the target to take double damage, a value of 0 is normal damage, and a value of +100 is no damage. Any other value is the percentage of the damage gained/ loss (ex. +50 causes half damage). Var175: Indirect: Priority _ this is the priority level of the condition that the indirect effect specified in Var172: Indirect Effect causes to the character. This value is set in Indirect Effect/ Custom/ Settings. Different effects can be applied to the character depending on the priority level. The higher number always takes priority over a lower number. For Example, if a character is both poisoned (priority 500, and turned to stone (priority 750) the effects for turning to stone will be displayed and not the effects for poison. See Character/ Custom/ priority for more information. Var176: Indirect: Rate _ this is the rate value of the indirect effect specified in Var172: Indirect Effect. This rate can be used to store any value you want associated with the effect. (Ex. Amount of damage poison does each step) Var177: Indirect: Type _ this is the code for the status condition that the indirect effect specified in Var172: Indirect Effect will inflict on the target of the effect. 0 = action status; 1 = condition status; 2 = magic status; 3 = skill status; 4 = custom status Var178-179: System Variables [C] Var180 - 189: Normal Variables 0-9 - Every character and Enemy has these. Substitute Attribute for Variable can be used to load the current active character or enemy's Normal Variables. Substitute Variable for Attribute can be used to save any changes to these variables. For Characters, Member Info: Load and Member Info: Save will do the same thing. [C][E] Var190-199: Battle Variables 0 -9 - Same as above. Note that the help file says you can't use normal Variables and Battle Variables at the same time, but in testing this isn't true. Warning: For some reason Normal Variable 0 and Battle Variable 0 for Member 0 will reset to zero whenever they are changed. For all other members, these variables work fine. [C] Var200-260: Sample Variables _ these variables are not used by the preset data and are free to be used like any other unnamed variable. [C] Var261-989: Variables _ these are variables you can use in your game. [C] Var990-999: Temp Variables _ these Variables are used to temporarily keep track of information. Several scripts use these variables, but you can use them as well since the information is not kept beyond the current script. Note that old information from past scripts can carry over, so it is a good idea to set the temp variables you use to zero or some other specific value at the beginning of the script they are used in. Inputs: Inputs hold text strings and are used to store names and other important text.Input 0: Empty _ this is a null text string. Input 1: Common Name _ this is the most used Input since the name of a database item is loaded into this text variable whenever a load command is used. Member info: load will load the name of the character specified in Var86: Member number, Load Item Info will load the name of the item specified in Var134: Item Number, Load Direct Effect Info will load the name of the direct effect specified in Var163: Direct Effect, Load Ability Info will load the name of the ability specified in Var155: Ability Number, Substitute Attribute for Variable and Substitute Target Attribute for Variable will load the name of the member specified in Var86: Member number or the enemy specified in Var55: Enemy Battle Order depending on the side (specified in Flag 71: Apply Side) at the time the command is used. Input 2: Leader Name _ this Input always contains the name of the party's leader. Input 3: Input _ this Input is used with the Input : Text command. You can use this to pass the text on to another text string. For example, you can use the Name command to change the name of a character to the name entered by the player into this Input. Input 4: Current Map _ this Input always contains the name of the current map. [C][E] Input 5: Event _ this Input is empty when an event appears on a map (this includes every time the party leaves and returns to the map). Event IInfo Save can be used to save a text string for the current event and Event Info Load can be used to retrieve the text. Note that the help file says that this Input contains the name of the event. This is not true; the Input is always empty unless you store a text string here. Remember, if the party leaves the map, the string will become null again. Input 6: Origin _ this will contain the origin text of the character specified in Var86: Member number when Member Info : Load is used. Input 7: Sex _ this will contain the sex of the character specified in Var86: Member number when Member Info : Load is used. Input 8-17: System Inputs [C] 18: Normal Input _ Member info load and Substitute Attribute for Variable will load the text given to the character specified in Var86: Member Number. This Input has no specific use and can be used in any way you wish. Member info save and Substitute Variable for Attribute will save this info. [C] 19: Battle Input _ Member info load, Substitute Attribute for Variable, and Substitute Target Attribute for Variable will load the text given to the character specified in Var86: Member Number. This Input has no specific use and can be used in any way you wish. Member info save, Substitute Variable for Attribute, and Substitute Variable for Target Attribute will save this info. Enemies can also have a Battle Input (use the substitute commands to load and save the input for the enemy specified in Var55: Enemy Battle Order when Flag 71: Apply Side = On [enemy]). [C] Input 20 _ 89: Inputs _ these are blank Inputs you can use to store text strings in your game. [C] Input 90-99: Temp Inputs _ you can use these Inputs to temporarily store text. Useful when using Input 1: Common Name to temporarily store a name before loading in another. ********************************************************************* Direct Effects Direct effects are used for any action in the game that can be directed at a target and are instantaneous. This includes magic, skills, weapon attacks, and item use. All slots in the direct effects editor are filled with system events that contain content scripts. In the notes I refer to entering scripts in the slots because it is the scripts that need to be written to get the direct effect to work. The system event is just there to connect the script to the direct effect. A note about flags: Direct effects used specific flags to determine which scripts are run. If these flags are not present, then the effect will run as if the effect was successful. The following slots will not function unless the specified flags are used: Check Fail _ requires Flag 93: No Insig Action to be on. Counter _ requires Flag 97: counter to be on. Critical _ requires Flag 94: Insig Success and Flag 95: Critical Success to be on. Fail _ requires Flag 94: Insig Success to be off Dodge _ requires Flag 96: Dodge to be on. Basic information Name _ this is the name of the direct effect. Setting _ if the effect is in an ability (magic or skill), then this category will place the ability in the proper list. Offence _ attack abilities, Defense _ protective abilities, Other _ anything that doesn't fit into the other two categories. Rate _ this can be a number or a percentage. In the presets this number is used for amount healed, ability adjustment, spell damage, or percent chance of a critical hit (weapons add to the attack stat for damage). Success _ this is the percent chance the direct effect will be successful. The script used in the Success Check slot normally uses this value to determine success. Target _ choose the target of the attack. There are three options: 1) Disable target menu - this will remove the option to pick a target. This is used if the user is the target or if the direct effect doesn't need a target (for example Flee, which targets the battle field (battle ends if it is successful)). 2) Target - You can choose a single target; single random target, group, random group, or all targets. You can also choose to target the party, the enemy, or both. 3) Teleport - this is used if the target is a teleport point. A display of all set teleport points will appear for the player to choose from. This is only useful for a teleport item or ability. Directing _ The scripts in these slots will occur based on what happens in result below. The presets use these slots for visual effects and sound effects. Group _ if the effect targets a group (make sure any visual effect in this script uses the Viewpoint command instead of Target), Success _ if the direct effect is successful (see Success), Critical _ if the effect is a critical success (see Critical), Custom _ if a custom result occurs (see Custom), and/or Fail _ if the effect fails (see Fail). Flow 1 Turn Start - This script runs when the battle turn begins. This is most useful for affecting Attack Order (Var96) since this is calculated at the beginning of each turn. Turn End - This script runs after all actions are completed for the turn but before the turn ends. Check Start _ this script runs when the effect begins. No script is needed, but if there is a chance that the effect may not work (requires an item, magic points, hit points, or anything else) then a script here can determine if the effect can be used. Flag 93: No Insig Action is used in the direct effect to determine if the script in Check Fail (Flag 93 = On) or Effect Start (Flag 93 = Off) is run. If Flag93 is off but Flag 97: Target Counter is on, then Counter is run instead. Check Fail _ if Flag 93: No Instig Action is on, then the script in this slot is run. Here is where you normally explain why the effect failed, although this is not required. The effect will end when this script does. Effect Start _ this script runs if the effect can be used (Flag 93: No Instig Action = off). In the presets, a message explaining that the effect was successfully used will appear here. Although no script is required in this slot, the presets usually put one so that the player knows what is happening. Counter _ this script runs if Flag 93: No Instig Action and Flag 99: Target Reflect are off but Flag 98: Target reaction is on. A message can appear here explaining that the target countered the effect so that it affects the instigator. Make Active Character should be used to switch the instigator and target around causing the rest of the effect to switch them as well. Consume _ anything in this script will happen between the time the effect was successfully used but before the target is checked. No script is needed, and consumption is not required in this script, but this slot is normally used to remove something (MP, an item, etc.) that is used up when the effect is used. Check Death _ This is the first point at which the target is looked at. At this point, select if the target will be checked for the death condition before Flow 2 or after. Before is useful when dealing damage or trying to heal a dead character. After is useful if trying to remove the death condition. There may be other times you want to choose one over the other. Flow 2 Multiple targets First Effect and After Effect are only used if the target is Group or All. Rate is used in the Success script to determine how effective the effect was (see Rate). By using a variable in the following scripts, you can use that variable to affect Rate and therefore cause the effect to be different for the first target then for the others. Note that you are not limited to changing Rate. Any battle friendly commands can be used to affect the first target differently then the rest. First Effect _ If the first target in a multi-target attack is affected differently then the others, the affect goes here. The example in the help file is of a boomerang that causes Rate - 0 damage to the first target. After Effect _ this is when secondary targets receive a different effect then the first target. For example, the script might use Data : Variable : Var = Var - 1 to reduce the rate of damage by one for each target hit (use this variable in the Success script). Success Check _ Here is where you check if the target was affected by the direct effect. Three flags are used: Flag 94: Insig. Success, Flag 95: Insig. Critical, and Flag 96: Dodge. If Flag 94 is on, Success is run. If Flag 94 and Flag 95 are on, Critical is run. If Flag 94 is off, Fail is run. If Flag 96 is on, the other flags are ignored, and Dodge is run. Result Success _ Flag 94 is on and Flag 95 is off. This is what happens if the direct effect is successful. Note: this is the only slot you need to use. You can make a direct effect with all slots empty except this one and it will work fine. Critical _ Flag 94 and Flag 95 are on. What happens when the success is a critical one. Custom _ Flag 94 is on. Any extra scripting that occurs on a success (critical or otherwise). Useful when you want to change targets. The preset example is Absorb HP. This spell damages the target (success) and heals the instigator (custom). Fail _ Flag 94 is off. This is what happens if the direct effect fails. Dodge _ Flag 96 is on. Flag 94 is ignored. What happens when the target dodges the attack. ********************************************************************* Indirect Effects Indirect effects occur over time and are sometimes referred to as a status effect. This includes poison, numb, sleep, blind, silence, etc. The presets have several indirect effects that cover a wide range of status effects. There are several types of status effects, which are discussed under Modify / Type. Basic Information Name _ the name of the indirect effect Description _ this is a description of the status effect the indirect effect causes. Text _ this is the name that is used in game to describe the status effect. Symbol _ this is the symbol that will appear in the character's stat window when they are inflicted with this status effect. Priority _ this is the level of priority that this status effect gets over other status effects that the target can be inflicted with. You can set up the priority of each character and enemy to react to status effects based on the priority level (adv / status set). Death gets the highest priority (999) since you can't react if you're dead. The preset effects in order of priority are Death, Flee (once a battle is over, no other battle effects matter), poison, sleep, and agility up. All other effects have a one priority. Rate _ if the indirect effect can change an attribute (cause damage, increase/ decrease a stat, etc.) that rate can be used to keep track of how much the attribute changes. For example, Poison has a rate of 1 since it causes one point of damage per step or battle turn. Length _ set how long the status effect lasts on the world map and/or in battle. There are four slots here: World Steps (how many steps until the effect ends), World End (the percent chance the effect will end), Battle Turns/ targets (how many turns or times targeted until the effect ends), and Battle End (the percent chance the effect will end). If all values are set to zero, the effect won't end until cured (removed). You can select whether a battle effect lasts for a number of turns or number of times targeted. The latter is useful if the effect is something like a magic shield that is destroyed after a specific number of attacks. Resist W _ you can set up the indirect effect to increase/ decrease the targets ability to resist the effects of different types of weapons. These types are set up in Weapon Properties (see Weapon Properties). Resist M _ you can set up the indirect effect to increase/ decrease the targets ability to resist the effects of different types of magic. These types are set up in Magic Properties (see Magic Properties). Modify Type There are five types of status effects an indirect effect can produce: Action Status - this affects the target's ability to act. There are two types of action status effects: 1) Defeat - the target is considered to be defeated for battle purposes (ex. death, stone, numb) 2) Incapacitate _ the target is not defeated but loses all actions until the effect ends (ex. sleep, bind) Condition Status _ this affects the targets attributes. Each status type has it's own name so that the type can be cured (removed) as a group. Ex. Poison type statuses can be removed by antidote and blind type statuses require eye drops. Condition status effects can be helpful (agility up) as well as harmful (armor down). Up to 10 different types can be made. The preset conditions are: Poison, blind, seal attack, seal magic, armor up, attack up, agility up, armor down, attack down. Conditions of the same type can be combined, so that several effects can infect the target at the same time. You can choose to combine rates (so more damage is done or more points are lost/ gained) or combine lengths (so that the effect will last longer). Conditions can also be over written, so that the new effect will remove the old one. Magic _ this status effect affects the ability to use magic. There is only one preset magic status effect, Seal Magic, which stops all magic from being used. There are ten types possible. Skill _ this status effect affects the ability to use a skill. There is only one preset skill status effect, Seal Skill, which stops all skills from being used. There are ten types possible. Note that neither the Indirect Effect for Magic nor the one for Skill have any scripts to control what they do. That is because their effects are applied in the magic and skill formulas themselves. For example the Start Seal script (script 62) is used in skills that don't require a cost and checks to see if Skills has been sealed before allowing the ability to be used. Magic and Skill status effects are similar to condition status effects and basically give you 30 types of conditions you can create. Custom - these status effects are special and are useful for creating special status effects that are part of equipment or unique to a character. You can set characters to start with a custom condition if that character, for example, has a special ability other characters don't have. Custom conditions can only be added and removed individually through items or when characters are created. There is no command that will remove a custom effect; however, they can be given a time limit like any other condition. Flow 1 Note: In the presets, all Flow 1 scripts display messages explaining the event that triggered the script. For example, Script 101: New Poison explains that the target's "veins flow with poison." Result New Success - When the indirect effect first appears on the target, the script in this slot is run. Combined Success - if two conditions combine, the script in this slot will run. Fail - if a new condition fails to take effect, the script in this slot will run. End Forced End - If a status effect is removed by a cure or an item, then the script in this slot will run. Natural End - If a status effect ends due to the length condition being met (see Length), then this script will run. Fail - if the status effect fails to be removed, this script will run. Flow 2 Usable - where can the indirect effect be used? Battle, World, or both. World Result - If the effect can occur on the world map, what does the effect do? Battle - If the effects occurs in battle, what happens? Battle slots are broken into six types depending on what point in battle the effect occurs. 1) Turn Start - this script runs at the beginning of every turn. 2) Character End - this script runs each time the target ends his turn. 3) Turn End - this script runs at the end of every turn. 4) Reflected - this script runs if Flag 99: Target reflect is on. 5) Check Start - this script runs when the effect is first applied (before Flow 1). 6) After Result - this script runs right after the status effect is applied (after Flow 1). ********************************************************************* Weapon Properties: The preset data uses the following weapon properties: Hit, Slash, Pierce, Chop, Smash, Blunt, Impale, Lash, Stab, Bow, and Dragon. There is room for up to 100 weapon properties. ********************************************************************* Magic Properties: The preset data uses the following magic properties: fire, ice, thunder, water, wind, earth, dark, holy, death, poison, numb, sleep, blind, defend down, silence, bind, charm, aggressive, stone, suicide, counterattack, attack up, speed up, dodge up, armor up, critical up, recover HP, recover MP, revive, meld, cure, status up, status invalid, status recovery, absorb HP, absorb MP, attack down, speed down, dodge down, armor down, critical down, condition, attack reaction, magic reaction, attack half, magic half, no atk dam, no mag dmg, forced flee, support, search, peace, steal, explosion, transform, banish, seal skill, summon, no property, other. You can use up to 100 magic properties. ******************************************************************** SCRIPTS Script 00: Error Messages [This script is too long to copy and is available in all three modes so there is no point copying it here. This script contains all the messages that appear when you make an error as well as the message that appears when you change the text speed or turn on vibrate. The main reason you would want to edit this script is to change the message that appears when you select in the X menu talk or look and there is no event to talk to or search.] Script 01: World Wipeout 000- Other Wait 3F 001- Text: Message 'The Party Has Perished' 002- Input Buttons: Constant Wait 003- Text: Close Message Window Script 2: Wipeout Recover 000- Screen Effect: Color= Black Trans=0% 30F 001- Data: Flag (Stat check Type) On 002- Data: Variable: (Member Order)=(0 fixed)+(0 fixed) 003- Data: Member Info: Change to Member order 004- Target Data: HP=999 005- Target Data: MP=999 006- Target Data: Action Status Remove 007- Target Data: Condition Status Remove (Poison) 008- Data: Flag (Stat check Type) Off 010- Data: Flag (Sample Flag 52) Off 012- Data: Flag (Sample Flag 53) Off 014- Data: Flag (Sample Flag 54) Off 016- Data: Flag (Sample Flag 56) Off 018- Data: Flag (Sample Flag 57) Off 019- Data: Game Info: Load 020- Data: Variable: (Total Money)=(Total Money) divided by (+2) 021- Data: Game Info: Save 022- Teleport: Warp to Saved Script 3: To Map/Facing 000- Screen Effect: Color= Black Trans= 0% 0F 001- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Party:Dir)=(0 fixed) 002- Party: Direction Change (Party) E 1F 003- Script Condition End 004- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Party:Dir)= +1 005- Party: Direction Change (Party) SE 1F 006- Script Condition End 007- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Party:Dir)= +2 008- Party: Direction Change (Party) S 1F 009- Script Condition End 010- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Party:Dir)= +3 011- Party: Direction Change (Party) SW 1F 012- Script Condition End 013- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Party:Dir)= +4 014- Party: Direction Change (Party) W 1F 015- Script Condition End 016- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Party:Dir)= +5 017- Party: Direction Change (Party) NW 1F 018- Script Condition End 019- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Party:Dir)= +6 020- Party: Direction Change (Party) N 1F 021- Script Condition End 022- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Party:Dir)= +7 023- Party: Direction Change (Party) NE 1F 024- Script Condition End 025- Screen Effect: Linger Amount = 0 0F 026- Sound: Map Music 027- *Treatment when teleporting to a map 028- Script: Call (Deploy) 029- *Treatment when party has wipedout under 030- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Party Dead) Off 031- Screen Effect: Color= Black= 100% 30F 032- Script: Condition End Script 4: Exit Map 000- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 58) On 001- Screen Effect: Color= Black Trans=0% 30F 002- Script Control: Force Script End 003- Script: Condition End 004- * treatment of teleport with no sound effects 005- Map: Remove 006- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Party Dead) Off 007- Screen Effect: Color=Black Trans=100% 0F 008- Script Control: Apply Together 009- Sound: SFX (Sweeping) Volume=90 Pitch=-2 Tempo=300 010- Sound: SFX (Sweeping) Volume=99 Pitch=-7 Tempo=300 011- Screen Effect: Color=Black Trans=0% 30F 012- Other: Wait 17F 013- Sound: SFX (Sweeping) Volume=90 Pitch=-2 Tempo=300 014- Sound: SFX (Sweeping) Volume=99 Pitch=-7 Tempo=300 015- Other: Wait 13F 016- Data: Game Info Load 017- Script: Condition End 018- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Party Dead) On 019- Screen Effect: Color=Black Trans=0% 30F 020- Data: Flag: (Party Dead) Off 021- Script: Condition End 022- * treatment of wipeout with no sound effects Script 15: Battle Enter 000- Sound: Tempoary Save 001- Sound: BGM (-None-) Volume=100 Pitch=+0 Tempo=100 002- Script Control: Apply Together 003- Sound: Battle Music 004- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 59) On 005- Map: Remove 006- Script: Condition End 007- Script Branch: Condition: Variable: (Screen Effect)=-1 008- Screen Effects: Mask(256,221)~(256,221) Color=Black 30F 009- Script: Condition End 010- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Screen Effect)=/-1 011- Screen Effect: Color=black Trans=100% 0F 012- Screen Effect: Color=black Trans=0% 40F 013- Script Control: Apply in order 014- Effect: Apply wipe 015- Script: Condition End Script 16: Battle Opening 000- Camera Default 0F 001- Screen Effect: Default (Mask) 0F 002- Screen Effect: Color= Black Trans=0% 0F 003- Screen Effect: Color= Black Trans=100% 30F 004- Text Message Script 18: Ambush 000- Battle: Check Who Goes First 001- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag (Member Check) Off 002- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Instigator Side) Off 003- Script Branch: To End 004- Script: Condition End 005- Battle: Check Who Goes Next 006- Script: Branch End 007- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute For Variable 008- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable0)=(Luck)+(Agility) 009- Battle: Check Who Goes First 010- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag (Member Check) Off 011- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Instigator Side) On 012- Script Branch: To End 013- Script: Condition End 014- Battle: Check Who Goes Next 015- Script: Branch End 016- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute For Variable 017- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable0)=(Luck)+(Agility) 018- Data: Variable (Temp Variable0)=(TempVariable0)-(TempVariable1) 019- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable0)<+5 020- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable0)=(0 fixed)+(+5) 021- Script: Condition End 022- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable0)<+20 023- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable0)=(0 fixed)+(+20) 024- Script: Condition End 025- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable1)=(+0)?(+100) 026- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable1)< (Temp Variable0) 027- Data: Flag: (Ambush) On 028- Data: Flag: (Ambush Side) Off 029- Script: Condition End 030- Script Branch Condition Flag: (Ambush) Off 031- Battle: Check Who Goes First 032- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag (Member Check) Off 033- Script Branch: Condition Flag (Instigator Side) Off 034- Script Branch: To End 035- Script: Condition end 036- Battle: Check Who Goes Next037- Script: Branch End 038- Battle: Substitute Target attribute for Variable 039- Data: Variable: (TempVariable1)=(Luck)+(Agility) 040- Battle: Check Who Goes First 041- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag (Member Check) On 042- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Instigator Side) On 043- Script Branch: To end 044- Script: Condition end 045- Battle: Check Who goes Next 046- Script: Branch End 047- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 048- Data: Variable: (TempVariable1)=(Luck)+(Agility) 049- Data: Variable: (TempVariable0)=(TempVariable0)-(TempVariable1) 050- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable0)<+5 051- Data: Variable: (TempVariable0)=(0 fixed)+(+5) 052- Script: Condition End 053- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Temp Variable 0) >+20 054- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable0)=(0 fixed) +(+20) 055- Script: Condition End 056- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable1)=(+0)?(+100) 057- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable1) < (TempVariable0) 058- Data: Flag (Ambush) On 059- Data: Flag (Ambush Side) On 060- Script: Condition End 061- Script: Condition End 062- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Ambush) On 063- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Ambush Side) Off 064- Text: Message 'they have not spotted us... 065- Script: Condition End 066- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Ambush Side) On 067- Text: Message 'We've been ambushed!!! 068- Script: Condition End 069- Other: Wait 10F 070- Text: Close Message Window 071- Other Wait 10F 072- Script: Condition End Script 19: Flee Check 000- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Event Battle) On 001- Data: Flag: (No Flee) On 002- Script: Condition End 003- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Event Battle) Off 004- Data: Flag: (No Flee) On 005- Battle: Check who goes first 006- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag (Member Check) Off 007- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Instigator Side) Off 008- Script Branch: End 009- Script: Condition End 010- Battle: Check who goes next 011- Script: Branch end 012- Battle: substitute Target attribute for variable 013- Data: Variable: (TempVariable0)=(Luck)+(Agility) 014- Battle: Check who goes first 015- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag (Member Check) Off 016- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Instigator Side) On 017- Script: Branch: To End 018- Script: condition end 019- Battle: Check who goes next 020- Script: Branch End 021- Battle: substitute Target attribute for variable 022- Data: Variable: (TempVariable1)=(Luck)+(Agility) 023- Data: Variable: (TempVariable0)=(TempVariable0)-(TempVariable1) 024- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable0)<+0 025- Data: Variable: (TempVariable0)=(0 fixed)+(0 fixed) 026- Script: condition end 027- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable0)>+100 028- Data: Variable: (TempVariable0)=(0 fixed)+(+100) 029- Script: Condition End 030- Data: Variable: (TempVariable1)=(+0) ? (+100) 031- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable1)< (TempVariable0) 032- Data: Flag: (No Flee) Off 033- Script: Condition End 034- Script: Condition End Script 20: Party Flee 000- Sound: Stop 001- Sound: Replay Saved 002- Text Content: Input Display (Leader Name) 003- Script Branch: Condition Variable (ParticipateMemb)=/ +1 004- Text Message 's party has' 005- Script: Condition End 006- Text: Message 'successfully fled' 007- Input: Buttons: Constant Wait 008- Text: Close Message Window Script 21: Enemy Flee 000- Sound: Stop 001- Sound: Replay Saved 002- Text Message 'your enemy appears to be weak' 003- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (ParticipateEnemy)=/ +1 004- Text Message 'They are no match for your party...' 005- Script: Condition End 006- Text Message 'The enemy has fled' 007- Input: Buttons: Constant Wait 008- Text Close Message Window 009- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 59) = On 010- Map Display (326,286)~(486,426) Trans= 50% 30F 011- Script Condition End Script 22: Party Defeated 000- Sound: Stop 001- Sound: BGM (death music) 002- Other: Wait 3F 003- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 59) On 004- Data: Flag: (Sample Flag 59) On 005- Script: Condition End 006- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 54) Off 007- Data: Flag: (Sample Flag 54) Off 008- Script: Condition End 009- Data: Flag: (Party Dead) On 010- Data: Flag: (Temp Flag 0) Off 011- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Lose Turn count)=-1 012- Data: Flag: (Temp Flag 0) On 013- Script: Condition End 014- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Participate Memb)=/+1 015- Data: Flag: (Temp Flag 0) On 016- Script: Condition End 017- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Temp Flag 0) On 018- Text: Clear Message 019- Text Context: Input: Display (Leader Name) 020- Text: Message 's party has been defeated... 021- Script: Condition End 022- Input Buttons: Constant Wait 023- Text: Close Message Window Script 23: Enemy Defeated 000- Sound: Stop 001- Sound: Replay Saved 002- Other: Wait 3F 003- Text: Clear Message 004- Text: Message 'Victory!!!' 005- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (ParticipateEnem)=/ +1 006- Text Message 'The enemies have been defeated!' 007- Script: Condition End 008- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (ParticipateEnem) +1 009- Text: Message 'The Enemy has been defeated! 010- Script: Condition End 011- Script Branch Condition: Variable (EXP Received)=+1 012- Text Content: Variable: Display (EXP Received) Digits not fixed 013- Text Message 'point of' 014- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Experience) 015- Text Message: 'Received' 016- Script: Condition End 017- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (EXP Received)=> +2 018- Text Content: Variable: Display (EXP Received) Digits not fixed 019- Text Message 'points of' 020- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Experience) 021- Text Message: 'Received' 022- Script: Condition End 023- Data: Variable: (Random Ability)=(+0) + (-1) 024- Script: Call (Victory Numb) 025- Data: Variable: (Sample Variable 05)=(EnemyBattleOrder)+(0 Fixed) Script 24: Victory Numb 000- Data: Variable (Member Order)=(0 fixed)+(0 fixed) 001- Data: Member Info: Change to Member Order 002- Script Branch: Repeat: Variable (Member Number) =/-1 003- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 004- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 005- Target Data: Action status Confirm (Numb) 006- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 007- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Member Order)=+0 008- Data: (Sample Flag 10) On 009- Script: Condition End 010- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Member Order)=+1 011- Data: (Sample Flag 11) On 012- Script: Condition End 013- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Member Order)=+2 014- Data: (Sample Flag 12) On 015- Script: Condition End 016- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Member Order)=+3 017- Data: (Sample Flag 13) On 018- Script: Condition End 019- Script: Condition End 020- Target Data: Action Status Remove 021- Script: Condition End 022- Data: Variable: (Member Order)=(Member Order)+(+1) 023- Data: Member Info: Change to Member Order 024- Script: Branch End Script 25: Battle Success 000- Script: Call (Numb End) 001- Text: Message 002- Text Content: Variable: Display (Money received) Digits not fixed 003- Text: Message 004- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (G) 005- Text: Message 'obtained' 006- Battle: Give Money 007- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Get Item) On 008- Text: Message 009- Battle: Give Items 010- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Get Rare Item) On 011- Text: Message 'Sweet!!!! 012- Script: Condition End 013- Data: Variable: (EnmyBattleOrder)=(SampleVariable05)+(0 fixed) 014- Data: Get Item Name 015- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 016- Text: Message 'found on 017- Data: Get Enemy Name 018- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 019- Text: Message ! 020- Script: Condition End 021- Input: Buttons: Constant Wait 022- Text: Close Message Window 023- Sound: Replay Saved Script 26: Numb End 000- Data: Variable: (Member Order)=(0 fixed)+(0 fixed) 001- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Sample Flaf 10) On 002- Data: Variable: (Member Order)=(+0)+(+0) 003- Data: Member Info: Change to Member Order 004- Target Data: Action Status Apply (Numb) 005- Data: Flag: (Sample Flag 10) Off 006- Script: Condition End 007- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 11) On 008- Data: Variable: (Member Order)=(+0)+(+1) 009- Data: Member Info: Change to Member Order 010- Target Data: Action Status Apply (Numb) 011- Data: Flag: (Sample Flag 11) Off 012- Script: Condition End 013- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 12) On 014- Data: Variable: (Member Order)=(+0)+(+2) 015- Data: Member Info: Change to Member Order 016- Target Data: Action Status Apply (Numb) 017- Data: Flag: (Sample Flag 12) Off 018- Script: Condition End 019- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 13) On 020- Data: Variable: (Member Order)=(+0)+(+3) 021- Data: Member Info: Change to Member Order 022- Target Data: Action Status Apply (Numb) 023- Data: Flag: (Sample Flag 13) Off 024- Script: Condition End Script 27: Battle Fade 000- Screen Effect: Color=Black Trans=100% 0F 001- Screen Effect: Color=Black Trans= 0% 30F Script 28: Battle Exit 000- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Party Dead) Off 001- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 59) On 002- Map Display (326,286)~(486,426) Trans=50% 30F 003- Script: Condition End 004- Screen Effect: Color=Black=100% 30F 005- Script: Condition End Script 29: Battle Victory [This script is used to check for a class level increase] 000- Data: Member Info Load 001- Battle: Check Class Level Up 002- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Class Lv Up) On 003- Text Message ''( 004- Data: Get Member Name 005- Text Content: Input Display (Common Name) 006- Text Message 'Is promoted to' 007- Data: Get Class Title Name 008- Text Content: Input Display (Common Name) 009- Text Message !!! 010- Battle: Check Class Level Up & Ability 011- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag (ClassLvlUP/Abty) On 012- Text Message '' 013- Data: Get Ability Name 014- Text Content: Input Display (Common Name) 015- Text Message Ability Learned 016- Battle: Check Class Level UP & Ability 017- Script: Branch End 018- Script: Condition End Script 30: Member Start (It's an Empty Script. Used when each character enters the battle. Similar to Script 38: Enemy Appear) Script 31: Battle Victory [This Battle Victory is used in the character Battle End slot] 000- Data Flag (Temp Flag 0) Off 001- Script: Call (Level UP) Script 32: Level UP 000- Data Flag (Temp Flag 1) Off 001- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Temp Flag 1) Off 002- Battle: Give Exp 003- Script Condition End 004- Battle: Check Level Up 005- Data Variable: (TempVariable9)=(0 fixed)+(0 fixed) 006- Script Branch:Repeat: Flag (Level UP) On 007- Data: Flag (Temp Flag 1)On 008- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Temp Flag 0)Off 009- Text Message: '' 010- Data Flag: (Temp Flag 0)On 011- Script Condition End 012- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Temp Flag 0)On 013- Script Condition End 014- Sound SFX (Item Obtained) Volume=100 Pitch+0 Tempo=100 015- Data Get Member Name 016- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 017- Text: Message 'gained a 018- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Level) 019- Text Message: ! 020- Script Branch Condition: Variable (Strength)>(0 Fixed) 021- Text Content: Menu Text: Display(STR) 022- Text Message '+' 023- Text Content: Variable: Display (Strength)Digits not fixed 024- Text: Message '.' 025- Script Condition End 026- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Strength)< (0 fixed) 027- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Strength) 028- Text Message: . 029- Text Content: Variable: Display (Strength)Digits Not Fixed 030- Text Message '.' 031- Script Condition End 032- *Strength attribute treatment*(Note) 033- Script Branch Condition: Variable (Defence)>(0 Fixed) 034- Text Content: Menu Text: Display(DEF) 035- Text Message '+' 036- Text Content: Variable: Display (Defence)Digits not fixed 037- Text: Message '.' 038- Script Condition End 039- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Defence)< (0 fixed) 040- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Defence) 041- Text Message: . 042- Text Content: Variable: Display (Defence)Digits Not Fixed 043- Text Message '.' 044- Script Condition End 045- *Defence attribute treatment*(Note) 046- Script Branch Condition: Variable (Intelligence)>(0 Fixed) 047- Text Content: Menu Text: Display(INT) 048- Text Message '+' 049- Text Content: Variable: Display (Intelligence)Digits not fixed 050- Text: Message '.' 051- Script Condition End 052- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Intelligence)< (0 fixed) 053- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Intelligence) 054- Text Message: . 055- Text Content: Variable: Display (Intelligence)Digits Not Fixed 056- Text Message '.' 057- Script Condition End 058- * Intelligence attribute treatment*(Note) 059- Script Branch Condition: Variable (Agility)>(0 Fixed) 060- Text Content: Menu Text: Display(AGI) 061- Text Message '+' 062- Text Content: Variable: Display (Agility) Digits not fixed 063- Text: Message '.' 064- Script Condition End 065- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Agility)< (0 fixed) 067- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Agility) 068- Text Message: . 069- Text Content: Variable: Display (Agility) Digits Not Fixed 070- Text Message '.' 071- Script Condition End 072- * Agility attribute treatment*(Note) 073- Script Branch Condition: Variable (Luck)>(0 Fixed) 074- Text Content: Menu Text: Display(LUCK) 075- Text Message '+' 076- Text Content: Variable: Display (Luck)Digits not fixed 077- Text: Message '.' 078- Script Condition End 079- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Luck)< (0 fixed) 080- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Luck) 081- Text Message: . 082- Text Content: Variable: Display (Luck)Digits Not Fixed 083- Text Message '.' 084- Script Condition End 085- * Luck attribute treatment*(Note) 086- Script Branch Condition: Variable (Max HP)>(0 Fixed) 087- Text Content: Menu Text: Display(Max HP) 088- Text Message '+' 089- Text Content: Variable: Display (Max HP)Digits not fixed 090- Text: Message '.' 091- Script Condition End 092- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Max HP)< (0 fixed) 093- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Max HP) 094- Text Message: . 095- Text Content: Variable: Display (Max HP)Digits Not Fixed 096- Text Message '.' 097- Script Condition End 098- * Max HP attribute treatment*(Note) 099- Script Branch Condition: Variable (Max MP)>(0 Fixed) 100- Text Content: Menu Text: Display(Max MP) 101- Text Message '+' 102- Text Content: Variable: Display (Max MP)Digits not fixed 103- Text: Message '.' 104- Script Condition End 105- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Max MP)< (0 fixed) 106- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Max MP) 107- Text Message: . 108- Text Content: Variable: Display (Max MP)Digits Not Fixed 109- Text Message '.' 110- Script Condition End 111- Battle: Check Level UP & Ability 112- Script Branch Condition: Flag (LvlUp/Ability)On 113- Data Flag: (Temp Flag 1)Off 114- Script Condition End 115- Script Branch Repeat: Flag (LvlUp/Ability)On 116- Text Message '' 117- Data Get Ability Name 118- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 119- Text Message 'Ability Learned' 120- Battle: Check Level UP & Ability 121- Script Branch End 122- Battle: Check Level Up 123- Script Branch End 124- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Temp Flag 1)On 125- Script Condition End Script 33: Normal Damage 000- Sound SFX (Damage) Volume=100 Pitch=+0 Tempo=100 001- Screen Effect: Shake (Windows) Rate=10 0F 002- Other: Wait 10F 003- Screen Effect: Shake (Windows) Rate=0 0F Script 34: Critical Damage 000- Sound SFX (Critical) Volume=100 Pitch=+0 Tempo=100 001- Screen Effect: Shake (Windows) Rate=20 0F 002- Other: Wait 10F 003- Screen Effect: Shake (Windows) Rate=0 0F Script 35: Recovery 000- Sound SFX (Sound 11) Volume=100 Pitch=+12 Tempo=130 001- Other Wait 3F 002- Sound SFX (Sound 11) Volume=60 Pitch+12 Tempo=130 003- Other Wait 3F 004- Sound SFX (Sound 11) Volume 30 Pitch+12 Tempo=130 Script 36: Custom 000- Sound SFX (Sound 13) Volume=100 Pitch=+0 Tempo=110 001- Other Wait 3F 002- Sound SFX (Sound 13) Volume=60 Pitch+2 Tempo=110 003- Other Wait 3F 004- Sound SFX (Sound 13) Volume 30 Pitch+4 Tempo=110 Script 37: Dodge [There is no special sound for dodging although you can create one and put it here] Script 38: Enemy Appear 000- Data Get Enemy Name 001- Text Consent: Input: Display (Common Name) 002- Text Message 'is ready to attack' 003- (Note- this command is used for the ability attack trait) 004- Data Variable (Sample Variable22)=(-1)+(0 fixed) Script 39: Enemy Death 000- Other Wait 10F 001- Text: Clear Message 002- Battle: Enemy Action (Death)Apply 003- Text Clear Message Script 40: Damage Enemy 000- Battle Enemy Action (Damage) Apply 001- Battle: Default Enemy Action Script 41: Critical 000- Battle Enemy Action (Damage) Apply 001- Battle: Default Enemy Action Script 42: Recovery 000- Data Variable: (TempVariable9)=(0 fixed)+(+3) 001- Script Branch: Repeat Variable (TempVariable9)=/(0 fixed) 002- Screen Effect: Color (Greenish Blue or something?) Trans=50% 0F 003- Other Wait 2F 004- Screen Effect: Default (Shake,Color,Linger,Mask) 0F 005- Other Wait 3F 006- Data Variable (TempVariable9)=(TempVariable9)-(+1) 007- Script Branch End Script 43: Custom Use if the enemy can react to a customized attack (see Direct Effect / result) Script 44: Dodge Used for reaction of enemy if dodges attack (see Direct Effect / result) Script 49: Attack Failure 000- Sound: SFX (Sound 21) Volume 100 Pitch +0 Tempo 100 001- Text: Clear Message 002- Text: Message Missed 003- Other: Wait 10 F Script 45: Attack Start 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Text: Message 002- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 003- Text: Message 'Starts to attack' 004- Other: Wait 3F 005- Sound: SFX (Sound 1) Volume 100 Pitch=+0 Tempo=100 006- Other: Wait 7F Script 46: Attack Counter 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Text: Message 002- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 003- Text: Message ' counter attacks!' 004- Other: Wait 3F 005- Sound: SFX (Sound 1) Volume 100 Pitch=+0 Tempo=100 006- Other: Wait 7F Script 47: Attack Success 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Battle: Make active character 002- Script: Call (Reduce HP) 003- Battle: Make active character 004- Script: Call (Target Name) 005- Text: Message 'was hurt for' 006- Text Content: Variable: Display (Damage Total) Digits not fixed 007- Script Branch: Condition Variable (damage total)=+1 008- Text: Message 009- Script Condition End 010- Script Branch: Condition Variable (Damage Total)=/1 011- Text Message 012- Script Condition End Script 48: Attack Critical 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Battle: Make Active Character 002- Script: Call (Reduce HP) 003- Battle Make active character 004- Script Branch: Condition Flag (Target Side) Off 005- Text: Message 'Critical Hit!' 006- Script condition End 007- Script Branch: Condition Flag (Target Side) On 008- Text: Message 'Nice Hit!' 009- Script Condition End 010- Other: Wait 10F 011- Script: Call (Target Name) 012- Text: Message ' Loses ' 013- Text Content: Variable: Display (Damage Total) Digits not fixed 014- Text Message Script 50: Attack Dodge 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Target Name) 002- Text: 'Dodges' Script 51: Heal (Enemy Only) 000- Data: Set Battle Action (Attack) 001- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 002- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Magic Points)=> +2 003- *check member Max HP- HP > =30 004- Battle: Check who goes first 005- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag: (Member Check) Off 006- Script Branch: Condition: Flag: (Instigator Side) On 007- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 008- Data: Variable: (TempVariable0)=(Max hit points)-(hit points) 009- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable0)=> +30 010- Data: Set Battle Action (Use Skill) 011- Data: Variable: (Action B Member)=(Insti Enemy)+(0 fixed) 012- Data: Substitute Database Number for Variable 013- Script Branch: To End 014- Script: Condition End 015- Script: Condition End 016- Battle: Check who goes next 017- Script: Branch End 018- Script: Condition End 019- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 52: Cure Poison (Enemy Only) 000- *Cure poison 001- Data: Set Battle Action (Attack) 002- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 003- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Magic Points)=> +4 004- Target Data: Condition Status confirm (Poison) 005- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 006- Data: Set Battle Action (Use Skill) 007- Data: Variable: (Action B Member)=(Insti Enemy)+(0 fixed) 008- Data: Substitute Database Number for Variable 009- Script: Condition End 010- Script: Condition End Script 53: Sleep (Enemy Only) 000- Data: Set Battle Action (Attack) 001- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 002- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Magic Points)=> +8 003- Battle: Check who goes first 004- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag: (Member Check) Off 005- Script Branch: Condition: Flag: (Instigator Side) Off 006- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Sleep) 007- Script Branch: Condition: Flag: (Indirect Effect) Off 008- Data: Set Battle Action (Use Magic) 009- Data: Variable: (Action: Enemy)=(Insti Member)+(0 fixed) 010- Data: Substitute Database Number for Variable 011- Script Branch: To End 012- Script: Condition End 013- Script: Condition End 014- Battle: Check who goes next 015- Script: Branch End 016- Script: Condition End 017- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 54: Revive (Enemy Only) 000- Data: Set Battle Action (Attack) 001- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 002- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Magic Points)=> +20 003- Battle: Check who goes first 004- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag: (Member Check) Off 005- Script Branch: Condition: Flag: (Instigator Side) On 006- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 007- Script Branch: Condition: Flag: (Indirect Effect) On 008- Data: Set Battle Action (Use Magic) 009- Data: Variable: (Action B Member)=(Insti Enemy)+(0 fixed) 010- Data: Substitute Database Number for Variable 011- Script Branch: To End 012- Script: Condition End 013- Script: Condition End 014- Battle: Check who goes next 015- Script: Branch End 016- Script: Condition End 017- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 55: Observe/Suicide (Enemy Only) 000- Script: Call (HP Ratio) 001- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Temp Variable0)< +30 002- *when HP is < 30% 003- Data: Set Battle Action (Use Skill) 004- Data: Substitute Database Number for Variable 005- Script: Condition end 006- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Temp Variable0)=> +30 007- *when HP is > = 30% 008- Data: Set Battle Action (Use Skill) 009- Data: Substitute Database Number for Variable 010- Script: condition End. Script 56: Flee (Enemy Only) 000- Data: Set Battle Action (Attack) 001- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 002- *check enemy level > 20 003- Battle: Check who goes first 004- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag (Member Check) Off 005- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Instigator Side) Off 006- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 007- Data: Member Info: Load 008- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Level) > +20 009- Data: Set Battle Action (Use Skill) 010- Data: Substitute Database Number for Variable 011- Script Branch: To end 012- Script: Condition End 013- Script: Condition End 014- Battle: Check who goes next 015- Script Branch End 016- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 57: Charge (Enemy Only) 003- Data: Substitute Attribute for Variable 004- Script Branch: Sort: Variable (BattleVariable5) 005- Script Branch: Apply if Number is +0 006- Data: Variable: (TempVariable9)=(+51) ? (+100) 007- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable9)<= +50 008- Data: Set Battle Action (Attack) 009- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Traits) On 010- Data: Variable: (BattleVariable5)=(-1)+(0 fixed) 011- Script: Condition End 012- Script: Condition End 013- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable9) >+50 014- Data: Set Battle Action (Use Skill) 015- Data: Substitute Database Number for Variable 016- Script: Condition End 017- Script: Eondition End 018- Script Branch: Apply if Number is +1 019- Data: Set Battle Action (Use Skill) 020- Data: Substitute Database Number for Variable 021- Script Branch: to end 022- Script Branch: Apply if Number is +2 023- Data: Set Battle Action (Use Skill) 024- Data: Substitute Database Number for Variable 025- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Traits) On 026- Data: Variable: (BattleVariable5)=(-1)+(0 fixed) 027- Script: Condition End 028- Script Branch: To End 029- Script: Branch End 030- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Traits) On 031- Data: Variable: (BattleVariable5)=(BattleVariable5)+(+1) 032- Script: condition End 033- Data: Substitute Variable for Attribute Script 58: Ability 000- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Traits) On 001- *this is a special trait 002- *two condition: 003- * 1 attack target 004- Script Branch: Condition Variable (SampleVariabl22)=/ -1 005- Battle Check Who Goes First 006- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag (Member Check) Off 007- Script Branch: Condition Flag (Instigator Side) Off 008- Script Branch: Condition Variable (SampleVariabl22)= (Insti Member) 009- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 010- Script Branch: Condition Flag (Instigator Side) Off 011- Data: Set Battle Action (Use Magic) 012- Data: Substitute Database Number for Variable 013- Data: Variable: (Action Enemy)=(InstiMember)+(0 fixed) 014- Script: Condition End 015- Script Branch: Condition Flag (Indirect Effect) On 016- Data: Variable: (SampleVaribl22)=(-1)+(0 fixed) 017- Script: Condition End 018- Script Branch: To End 019- Script: Condition End 020- Script: Condition End 021- Battle: Check Who Goes Next 022- Script: Branch End 023- Script: Condition End 024- * 2 Aim at target 025- Script Branch: Condition Variable (SampleVariabl22) = -1 026- 2a Get living enemy info 027- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable0)=(0 fixed)+(0 fixed) 028- Battle: Check Who Goes First 029- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag (Member Check) Off 030- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Instigator Side) Off 031- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 032- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 033- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 0)=(Temp Variable 0)+(+1) 034- Script Condition end 035- Script Condition end 036- Battle: Check Who Goes Next 037- Script: Branch End 038- *2b Check living enemies 039- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable0)=(Temp Variable0) =(+1) 040- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable0)=(+0)? (Temp Variable0) 041- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable1)=(0 fixed)+(0 fixed) 042- Battle: Check who goes First 043- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag (Member Check) Off044- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Instigator Side) Off 045- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 046- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 047- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 0)=(Temp Variable 1) 048- *make randomly selected enemy your target 049- Data: Set Battle Action (Use Skill) 050- Data: Substitute Database Number for Variable 051- Data: Variable: (Action: Enemy)=(Insti Member)+(0 fixed) 052- Data: Variable: (Sample Variable22)=(Temp Variable1)+(+1) 053- Script Branch: To End 054- Script: Condition end 055- Data: Variable:(TempVariable1)=(TempVariable1)+(+1) 056- Script: Condition End 057- Script: Condition End 058- Battle: Check who goes Next 059- Script: Branch End 060- Script: Condition End 061- Battle: Change Back Active Character 062- Script: Condition End Script 59: Heal 000- Data: Set Battle Action (Attack) 001- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 002- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Magic Points) => +2 003- *check member Max HP -HP > =30 004- Battle: Check who goes first 005- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag (Member Check) Off 006- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Instigator Side) Off 007- Data: Flag: (Stat Check Type) On 008- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 009- Data: Variable: (TempVariable0)=(Max Hit points)-(Hit points) 010- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable0)=>+30 011- Data: Set Battle Action (Use Skill) 012- Data: Variable: (Action B Member)=(Insti Member)+(O Fixed) 013- Data: Substitute Database Number for Variable 014- Script Branch: to End 015- Script: Condition End 016- Script: Condition End 017- Battle: Check who goes next 018- Script Branch: to End 019- Script: Condition End 020- Battle: Change Back Active Character 021- Data: Flag: (Stat Check Type) On Script 60: Start MP 000- Data: Flag (No Instg Action) Off 001- Data: Load ability Info 002- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 003- *substitute instigator attribute for variable 004- Data: Variable (TempVariable0)=(MagicPoints)-(Ability Cost) 005- *subtract consumed MP Cost 006- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Temp Variable0)< (0 fixed) 007- *when not enough Mp 008- Data: Flag (No Instg Action) On 009- *failed 010- Script: Condition End 011- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Ability Type) Off 012- *when ability is a magic 013- Target Data: Magic Status Confirm (Silence) 014- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 015- * Magic Sealed 016- Data: Flag (No Instg Action) On 017- * failed 018- Script: Condition End 019- Script: Condition End 020- * check if the ability is a skill 021- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Ability Type) On 022- *when ability is a skill 023- Target Data: Skill Status Confirm (Seal) 024- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 025- *skill sealed 026- Data: Flag (No Instg Action) On 027- *failed 028- Script: Condition End 029- Script: Condition End Script 61: Start HP 000- Data: Flag (No Instg Action) Off 001- Data: Load ability Info 002- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 003- *substitute instigator attribute for variable 004- Data: Variable (TempVariable0)=(HitPoints)-(Ability Cost) 005- *subtract consumed MP Cost 006- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Temp Variable0)<= (0 fixed) 007- *when not enough HP 008- Data: Flag (No Instg Action) On 009- *failed 010- Script: Condition End 011- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Ability Type) Off 012- *when ability is a magic 013- Target Data: Magic Status Confirm (Silence) 014- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 015- * Magic Sealed 016- Data: Flag (No Instg Action) On 017- * failed 018- Script: Condition End 019- Script: Condition End 020- * check if the ability is a skill 021- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Ability Type) On 022- *when ability is a skill 023- Target Data: Skill Status Confirm (Seal) 024- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 025- *skill sealed 026- Data: Flag (No Instg Action) On 027- *failed 028- Script: Condition End 029- Script: Condition End Script 62: Start Seal 000- Data Flag (No Instg Action)Off 001- Data Load Ability Info 002- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Ability Type)On 003- *When ability is a skill 004- Target Data: Skill Status Confirm (Seal) 005- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect)On 006- *Skill Sealed 007- Data Flag (No Instg Action)On 008- *Failed 009- Script Condition End 010- Script Condition End Script 63: Start Vehicle 000- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Vehicle Travel) On 001- Data: Flag: (No Instg Action)On 002- Script Condition end Script 64: Start If Battle 000- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Battle) Off 001- Data: Flag: (No Instg Action)On 002- Script Condition end Script 65: Check Cast MP 000- *deny conditions 001- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 0) (-1) + ( 0 fixed) 002- *Confirm MP 003- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 0)=(Magic Points)-(Ability: Cost) 004- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Temp Variable0)< ( 0 Fixed) 005- *insufficient MP 006- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 0)=(+1)+(0 fixed) 007- *temp variable: substitute 1 for 0 008- Script: Condition end 009- *Confirm magic sealed 010- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Ability Type) Off 011- *when ability is a magic 012- Target Data: Magic Status Confirm (Silence) 013- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 014- *magic sealed 015- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 0)=(0 fixed)+(0 fixed) 016- *temp variable: substitute 0for 0 017- Script: Condition End 018- Script: Condition End 019- *confirm skill sealed 020- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Ability Type) On 021- *when ability is a skill 022- Target Data: Skill Status Confirm (Seal) 023- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 024- * skill sealed 025- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 0)=(+2)(0 fixed) 026- *temporary variable: substitute 2 for 0 027- Script: Condition End 028- Script: Condition End 029- *Script Branch Conditions 030- Text: Clear Message 031- Script Branch: Sort: Variable (Temp Variable0) 032- Script Branch: Apply if Number is +0 033- Text: Clear Message 034- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 035- Text: Message 'begins casting 036- Data: Get Ability Name 037- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 038- Text Message: '...' 039- Other Wait 10F 040- Text: Clear Message 041- Text Message 'but...' 042- Text Content: Input: Display (Ability) 043- Text: Message 'is sealed' 044- Script Branch: To End 045- Script Branch: Apply if Number is +1 046- Text: Clear Message 047- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 048- Text: Message 'begins casting 049- Data: Get Ability Name 050- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 051- Text: Message: '...' 052- Other Wait 10F 053- Text: Clear Message 054- Text: Message 'but' 055- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 056- Text: Message 'does not have enough 057- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (MP) 058- Text Message '!' 059- Script Branch: To End 060- Script Branch: Apply if Number is +2 061- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 062- Text: Message 's' 063- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Skill) 064- Text: Message 's are sealed! 065- Script Branch: To End 066- Script Branch: No Application 067- Text: Clear Message 068- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 069- Text: Message 'is not unable to use 070- Data: Get Ability Name 071- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 072- Text: Message 'ability' 073- Script: Branch End 074- Other: Wait 10F Script 66: Check Cast HP 000- *deny conditions 001- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 0) (-1) + ( 0 fixed) 002- *Confirm HP 003- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 0)=(Hit Points)-(Ability: Cost) 004- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Temp Variable0)<= ( 0 Fixed) 005- *insufficient HP 006- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 0)=(+1)+(0 fixed) 007- *temp variable: substitute 1 for 0 008- Script: Condition end 009- *Confirm magic sealed 010- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Ability Type) Off 011- *when ability is a magic 012- Target Data: Magic Status Confirm (Silence) 013- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 014- *magic sealed 015- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 0)=(0 fixed)+(0 fixed) 016- *temp variable: substitute 0for 0 017- Script: Condition End 018- Script: Condition End 019- *confirm skill sealed 020- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Ability Type) On 021- *when ability is a skill 022- Target Data: Skill Status Confirm (Seal) 023- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 024- * skill sealed 025- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 0)=(+2)(0 fixed) 026- *temporary variable: substitute 2 for 0 027- Script: Condition End 028- Script: Condition End 029- *Script Branch Conditions 030- Text: Clear Message 031- Script Branch: Sort: Variable (Temp Variable0) 032- Script Branch: Apply if Number is +0 033- Text: Clear Message 034- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 035- Text: Message 'begins casting 036- Data: Get Ability Name 037- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 038- Text Message: '...' 039- Other Wait 10F 040- Text: Clear Message 041- Text Message 'but...' 042- Text Content: Input: Display (Ability) 043- Text: Message 'is sealed' 044- Script Branch: To End 045- Script Branch: Apply if Number is +1 046- Text: Clear Message 047- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 048- Text: Message 'begins casting 049- Data: Get Ability Name 050- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 051- Text: Message: '...' 052- Other Wait 10F 053- Text: Clear Message 054- Text: Message 'but' 055- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 056- Text: Message 'does not have enough 057- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (HP) 058- Text Message '!' 059- Script Branch: To End 060- Script Branch: Apply if Number is +2 061- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 062- Text: Message 's' 063- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Skill) 064- Text: Message 's are sealed! 065- Script Branch: To End 066- Script Branch: No Application 067- Text: Clear Message 068- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 069- Text: Message 'is not unable to use 070- Data: Get Ability Name 071- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 072- Text: Message 'ability' 073- Script: Branch End 074- Other: Wait 10F Script 67: Deny in Vehicle 000- Text Clear Message 001- Text Message 'You can not use while in a vehicle' Script 68: No Display 000- Data: Flag (Sample Flag 55) Off 001- Script Branch: condition: Flag (Battle) On 002- Text: Clear Message 003- Text: Message 'you don't have time for that! 004- Data: Flag (Sample Flag 55) On 005- Script: Condition End 006- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 54) On 007- Script Branch: condition: Flag (Sample Flag 55) Off 008- Text: Message 'you may not use that here! 009- Data: Flag (Sample Flag 53) Off 010- Script: Condition End 011- Script: Condition End 012- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 53) Off 013- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 55) Off 014- Text: Message 'you may not use that here! 015- Script: Condition End 016- Script: Condition End Script 69: Battle Only 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Data: Get Item Name 002- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 003- Text: Message 'Can only be used in battle' 004- Other: Wait 10F Script 070: Consume MP 1 000- Data: Load Ability Info 001- Battle: Subsitute Target Attribute for Variable 002- Data: Variable: (MP)=(MP)-(Ability:Cost) (MP=Magic points). 003- Battle: Subsitute Variable for Target Attribute. Script 071: Consume MP 2 000- Data: load ability info 001- Battle: Subsititute Target Attribute for Variable 002- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable5)=(MP)+(0 Fixed) 003- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable6)=(MP)+(0 Fixed) 004- Data: Vartable: (Magic Points)=(0 Fixed)+(0 Fixed) 005- Battle: Subsitute Variable for Target Attribute Script 072: Consume HP 1 000- Data: Load Ability Info 001- Battle: Subsitute Target Attribute for Variable 002- Data: Variable: (HP)=(HP)-(Ability:Cost) (HP=Hit points). 003- Battle: Subsitute Variable for Target Attribute. Script 73: Consume HP 2 000- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 001- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 5)=(HP)+(0 Fixed) 002- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 6)=(HP)+(0 Fixed) 003- Data: Variable: (Hit Points)=(0 Fixed)+(0 Fixed) 004- Data: Flag (Sample 48) On 005- Data: Get Member Name 006- Data: Input (Sample Input)=(Common Name) 007- Battle: Substitute Variable for Target Attribute Script 74: Consume Item 1 000- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Instigator Side) off 001- Data: Item (Use) 002- Script Condition End Script 75: Consume Item 2 000- Script Branch Condition Flag (Instigator Side) off 001- Data Variable (Temp Variable3)=(+1) ? +100 002- Script Branch Condition Variable Temp Variable3 <= 25 003- Data Item (Use) 004- Data Get Item Name 005- Text Clear Message 006- Text Content Input Display Common Name 007- Text Message 'Can be sed more than once' 008- Other Wait 10F 009- Script Condition End 010- Script Condition End Script 76: Magic Formula 1 001- Data Flag Stat Check Type On 003- Battle Make Active Character 004- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 005- Data Flag Temp Flag 0 Off 007- Script Branch Condition Flag Battle Flag 0 On 008- Data Flag Temp Flag 0 Off 009- Script Condition End 010- Battle Make Active Character 011- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 012- Data Variable (TempVariable2)=(0 fixed)+(Intelligence) 014- Data Flag Instg Success Off 016- Data Load Direct Effect Info 018- Data Variable (TempVariable4)=(0 fixed)+(Direct Success) 019- Data Variable (TempVariable5)=(0 fixed)+(Direct Rate) 021- Data Variable (TempVariable3)=(0 fixed)?(+100) 023- Script Branch Condition Variable(TempVariable3)<= (TempVariable4) 025- Data Flag Instg Success On 030- *Text Content:Variable:Display(Insti Property M)Digits Not Fixed 032- *Text Content:Variable:Display(Target Resist M)Digits Not Fixed 034- *Text Content:Variable:Display(Intelligence)Digits Not Fixed 038- Data Variable (TempVariable1)=(+100)-(Target Resist M) 040- Script Branch Condition Variable(TempVariable1)< (+0) 042- Data Variable (TempVariable1)=(+0)+(0 fixed) 044- Script Condition End 046- Script Branch Condition Variable(TempVariable1)> (+200) 048- Data Variable (TempVariable1)=(+200)+(0 fixed) 050- Script Condition End 051- Data Variable: (TempVariable5)=(TempVariable5)x(TempVariable1) *055- Text Context: Variable: Display (TempVariable5) Digits not fixed 059- Data Variable: (TempVariable2)=(TempVariable2)+(1000) 061- Data Variable: (TempVariable5)=(TempVariable5)x(TempVariable2) *065- Text Context: Variable: Display (TempVariable5) Digits not fixed 069- Data Variable: (TempVariable5)=(TempVariable5)divided by(1000) *073- Text Context: Variable: Display (TempVariable5) Digits not fixed 077- Data Variable: (TempVariable9)=(TempVariable5)+(0 fixed) 079- Data Variable: (TempVariable9)=(TempVariable9)divided by(+10) 081- Data Variable: (TempVariable0)=(TempVariable9)x(-1) *085- Text Context: Variable: Display (TempVariable9) Digits not fixed *087- Text Context: Variable: Display (TempVariable0) Digits not fixed 091- Data Variable: (TempVariable9)=(TempVariable0)?(TempVariable9) 093- Data Variable: (TempVariable5)=(TempVariable5)+(TempVariable9) *097- Text Context: Variable: Display (TempVariable9) Digits not fixed *099- Text Context: Variable: Display (TempVariable5) Digits not fixed 103- Script Branch: Condition Flag (Temp Flag 0) On 105- Data Variable: (TempVariable5)=(TempVariable5)divided by(+2) *109- Text Context: Variable: Display (TempVariable5) Digits not fixed 113- Script Condition End 114- Data Variable: (TempVariable5)=(TempVariable5)divided by(+100) 116- Script Branch: Condition Variable (TempVariable5)<= (0 fixed) 118- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 120- Script Condition End 121- Data Variable: (Damage Total)=(TempVariable5)+(0 fixed) 123- Script Condition End 125- Data: Flag: (Stat Check Type) Off [* Means they are greyed out. These commands are here to test the formula to make sure it works. Useful if you want to change the formula and test the changes.] Script 77: Magic Formula 2 001- Data: Flag: (Stat Check Type) On 003- Battle: Make Active Character 004- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 005- Data: Flag: (Temp flag 0) Off 007- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Battle Flag 0) On 008- Data: Flag: (Temp flag 0) On 009- Script: Condition end 010- Battle: Make Active Character 011- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 012- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable2)=(0 fixed)+(Intelligence) 014- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 016- Data: Load Direct Info 018- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable4)=(0 fixed)+(Direct Success#) 020- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable3)=(0 fixed)?(+100) 022- Script Branch: Condition: Variable: (TempVariable3)<= (TempVariable4) 024- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 026- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable1)=(+100)-(Target Resist M) 028- Script Branch: Condition: Variable: (TempVariable1)> (+200) 030- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable1)=(+0)+(0 fixed) 032- Script: Condition End 034- Script Branch: Condition: Variable: (TempVariable1)> (+200) 036- Data: Variable: (TempVariable1)= (+200)+(0 fixed) 038- Script: Condition end *042- Text Content: Variable: Display (Instill Property M) Digits Not Fixed *044- Text Content: Variable: Display (Target Resist M) Digits Not Fixed *046- Text Content: Variable: Display (Intelligence) Digits Not Fixed *048- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 5) Digits Not Fixed 052- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 5)=(Temp Variable5)x(TempVariable1) 054- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 5)=(Temp Variable5)x(+3) *058- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp Variable 5) Digits not fixed 062- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 5) divided (+100) 064- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 2) + (+1000) 066- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 5) x (TempVariable 2) *070- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 5) Digits Not Fixed 074- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 5)=(Temp Variable5) divided by (+1000) *078- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 5) Digits Not Fixed 082- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable9)=(TempVariable5)+(0 fixed) 084- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable9)=(TempVariable9)divided by (+10) 086-Data: Variable: (Temp Variable0)=(TempVariable9)x((-1) *090- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 9) Digits Not Fixed *092- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 0) Digits Not Fixed 096- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable9)=(TempVariable0)?(Temp Variable9) 098- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable5)=(TempVariable5)?(Temp Variable9) *102- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 9) Digits Not Fixed 104- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 5) Digits Not Fixed 108- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Temp flag 0) On 110- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 5)=(Temp Variable5) divided (+2) 114- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable5) Digits not fixed 118- Script: Condition End 119- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable5)<=(0 fixed) 121- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 123- Script: Condition end 124- Data: Variable: (Damage Total)=(TempVariable5)+(0 fixed) 126- Script: Condition End 128- Data: Variable: (TempVariable5)=(TempVariable6)+(0 fixed) 130- Data: Flag: (Stat Check Type) Off Script 78: Magic Formula 3 001- Data: Flag: (Stat Check Type) On 003- Battle: Make Active Character 004- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 005- Battle: Make Active Character 006- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 008- Data: Load Direct Effect Info *010- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 4)=(0 fixed) + (Direct Success) 012- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 1)=(+100) -(Target Resist M) 014- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable1) < +0 016- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 1)=(+0) -(0 Fixed) 018- Script: Condition End 020- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable1) > +100 022- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 1)=(+200) -(0 fixed) 024- Script: Condition End 025- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 5)=(TempVariable4) x (TempVariable1) 027- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 3)=(0 fixed) ?(+10000) *031- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp Variable 4) Digits Not Fixed *033- Text Content: Variable: Display (Insti Property M) Digits Not Fixed *035- Text Content: Variable: Display (Target Resist M) Digits Not Fixed *037- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp Variable 5) Digits Not Fixed *039- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp Variable 3) Digits Not Fixed 043- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Temp Variable 3) <= (Temp Variable 5) 045- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 047- Script: Condition End 048- Data: Flag: (Stat Check Type) Off Script 79: Magic Formula 4 (Absorb HP Property) 001- Data: Flag: (Stat Check Type) On 003- Battle: Make Active Character 004- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 005- Data: Variable (TempVariable 3)=(Max Hit Points)+(0 fixed) 006- Data: Flag: (Temp flag 0) Off 008- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Battle Flag 0) On 009- Data: Flag: (Temp flag 0) On 010- Script: Condition end 011- Battle: Make Active Character 012- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 013- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable2)=(0 fixed)+(Intelligence) 015- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 017- Data: Load Direct Info 019- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable4)=(0 fixed)+(Direct Success) 020- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable5)+(Direct: Rate) 022- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable5)=(Tempvariable3)x(Direct: Rate) 023- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable5)=(Tempvariable5)divided by (+100) 025- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable3)=(0 fixed)? (+100) 027- Script Branch: Condition: Variable: (TempVariable3)<= (TempVariable4) 029- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On *034- Text Content: Variable: Display (Instill Property M) Digits Not Fixed *036- Text Content: Variable: Display (Target Resist M) Digits Not Fixed *038- Text Content: Variable: Display (Intelligence) Digits Not Fixed 042- Data: Variable: (TempVariable1)=(+100)-(Target Resist M) 044- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable1)<+0 046- Data: Variable: (TempVariable1)=(+0)-(0 fixed) 048- Script: Condition End 050- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable1)>+200 052- Data: Variable: (TempVariable1)=(+200)+(0 fixed) 054- Script: Condition End 055- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 5)=(Temp Variable5)x(TempVariable1) 059- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp Variable 5) Digits not fixed 063- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 2)= (Temp Variable 2)=+(+1000) 065- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 5)=(Temp Variable 5) x (Temp Variable 2) *069- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 5) Digits Not Fixed 073- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 5)=(Temp Variable5) divided by (+1000) *077- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 5) Digits Not Fixed 081- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable9)=(TempVariable5)+(0 fixed) 083- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable9)=(TempVariable9)divided by (+10) 085- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable0)=(TempVariable9)x(-1) *089- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 9) Digits Not Fixed *091- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 0) Digits Not Fixed 095- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable9)=(TempVariable0)?(Temp Variable9) 097- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable5)=(TempVariable5)+(Temp Variable9) *101- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 9) Digits Not Fixed 103- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 5) Digits Not Fixed 107- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Temp flag 0) On 109- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 5)=(Temp Variable5) divided (+2) *113- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable5) Digits not fixed 117- Script: Condition End 118 Data: Variable: (TempVariable5)=(TempVariable5) divided by (+2) 120- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable5)<=(0 fixed) 122- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 124- Script: Condition end 125- Data: Variable: (Damage Total)=(TempVariable5)+(0 fixed) 127- Script: Condition End 129- Data: Flag: (Stat Check Type) Off Script 79: Magic Formula 4 (Absorb MP Property) 001- Data: Flag: (Stat Check Type) On 003- Battle: Make Active Character 004- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 005- Data: Variable (TempVariable 3)=(Max Magic Points)+(0 fixed) 006- Data: Flag: (Temp flag 0) Off 008- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Battle Flag 0) On 009- Data: Flag: (Temp flag 0) On 010- Script: Condition end 011- Battle: Make Active Character 012- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 013- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable2)=(0 fixed)+(Intelligence) 015- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 017- Data: Load Direct Info 019- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable4)=(0 fixed)+(Direct Success) 020- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable5)+(Direct: Rate) 022- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable5)=(Tempvariable3) x(Direct: Rate) 023- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable5)=(Tempvariable5) divided by (+100) 025- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable3)=(0 fixed)? (+100) 027- Script Branch: Condition: Variable: (TempVariable3)<= (TempVariable4) 029- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On *034- Text Content: Variable: Display (Instill Property M) Digits Not Fixed *036- Text Content: Variable: Display (Target Resist M) Digits Not Fixed *038- Text Content: Variable: Display (Intelligence) Digits Not Fixed 042- Data: Variable: (TempVariable1)=(+100)-(Target Resist M) 044- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable1)<+0 046- Data: Variable: (TempVariable1)=(+0)-(0 fixed) 048- Script: Condition End 050- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable1)>+200 052- Data: Variable: (TempVariable1)=(+200)+(0 fixed) 054- Script: Condition End 055- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 5)=(Temp Variable5)x(TempVariable1) 059- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp Variable 5) Digits not fixed063- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 2)= (Temp Variable 2)=+(+1000) 065- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 5)=(Temp Variable 5) x (Temp Variable 2) *069- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 5) Digits Not Fixed 073- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 5)=(Temp Variable5) divided by (+1000) *077- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 5) Digits Not Fixed 081- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable9)=(TempVariable5)+(0 fixed) 083- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable9)=(TempVariable9)divided by (+10) 085- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable0)=(TempVariable9)x(-1) *089- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 9) Digits Not Fixed *091- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 0) Digits Not Fixed 095- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable9)=(TempVariable0)?(Temp Variable9) 097- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable5)=(TempVariable5)+(Temp Variable9) *101- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 9) Digits Not Fixed *103- Text Content: Variable: Display (Temp variable 5) Digits Not Fixed 107- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Temp flag 0) On 109- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 5)=(Temp Variable5) divided (+2) *113- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable5) Digits not fixed 117- Script: Condition End 118 Data: Variable: (TempVariable5)=(TempVariable5) divided by (+2) 120- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable5)<=(0 fixed) 122- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 124- Script: Condition end 125- Data: Variable: (Damage Total)=(TempVariable5)+(0 fixed) 127- Script: Condition End 129- Data: Flag: (Stat Check Type) Off Script 81: Skill Formula 000- Data: Flag (Stat Check Type On) 002- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 2)=(0 fixed)+(Strenghth) 004- Battle: Make Active Character 005- Data: Flag: (Temp Flag 0) Off 007- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Battle Flag 0) On 008- Data: Flag: (Temp Flag 0) Off 009- Script: Condition End 010- Battle: Make Active Character 011- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 013- Data: Load Direct Effect Info 015- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 4)=(0 fixed)+(Direct Success) 016- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 5)=(0 fixed)+(Direct Rate) 018- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 3)=(0 fixed)?(+100) 020- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Temp Variable 3) <=(Temp Variable 4) 022- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On *027- Text Content: Variable: Display (Insti Property M) Digits Not fixed *029- Text Content: Variable: Display (Target Resist M) Digits Not fixed *031- Text Content: Variable: Display (Strenghth) Digits Not fixed 035- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 1)=(+100)-(Target Resist M) 037- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Temp Variable 1)< (+0) 039- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 1)=(+0)+(0 fixed) 041- Script: Condition End 043- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Temp Variable 1)> (+200) 045- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 1)=(+200)+(0 fixed) 047- Script: Condition End 048- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 5)=(TempVariable 5)x(TempVariable 1) *052- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable5) Digits Not fixed 056- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 2)=(TempVariable 2)+(1000) 058- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 5)=(TempVariable 5)x(TempVariable 2) *062- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable5) Digits Not fixed 066- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 5)=(TempVariable 5)divided by (+1000) 070- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable5) Digits Not fixed 074- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 9)=(TempVariable 5)divided by (+1000) 076- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 9)=(TempVariable 9)divided by (+10) 078- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 0)=(TempVariable 9)x(-1) *082- Text Content Variable Display (TempVariable 9) Digits not fixed *084- Text Content Variable Display (TempVariable 0) Digits not fixed 088- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 9)=(TempVariable 0)?(Temp Variable 9) 090- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 5)=(TempVariable 5)+(Temp Variable 9) 094- Text Content Variable Display (TempVariable 9) Digits not fixed 096- Text Content Variable Display (TempVariable 5) Digits not fixed 100- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Temp Flag 0) On 102- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 5)=(TempVariable 5)divided by (+2) 106- Text Content Variable Display (TempVariable 5) Digits not fixed 110- Script Condition End 111- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 5)=(TempVariable 5)<= (0 fixed) 113- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Temp Variable 5)<=(0 fixed) 115- Data: Flag: (Instg Success On) 117- Script: Condition End 118- Data: Variable: (Damage Total)=(TempVariable5)+(0 fixed) 120- Script: Condition End 122- Data: Flag: (Start Check Type) Off Script 82: Ability Fail 1 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Target Name) 002- Text: Message 'Failed' Script 83: Ability Fail 2 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Text: Message 'Nothing Happened' 002- Other: Wait 10F Script 84: Ability Fail 3 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Text: Message 'but...' 002- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 003- Text: Message was not affected 004- Other: Wait 10F Script 85: Ability Fail 4 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Battle: Make Active Character 002- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 003- Text: Message 'was not affected' 004- Battle: Make Active Character 005- Other: Wait 10F Script 86: Map Fail 000- Script Branch Condition Flag (Battle) Off 001- Text Message 'Map is useless here!' 002- Script Condition End 003- Script Branch Condition Flag (Battle) On 004- Text Clear Message 005- Text Message 'You don't have time for that! 006- Script Condition End Script 87: Cast Magic 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text: Message 'begins casting' 003- Data: Get Ability Name 004- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 005- Text Message '!' 006- Other: Wait 10F Script 88: Discharge 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text: Message 'creates a ' (note: remove the return and ? in this message) 003- Data: Get Ability Name 004- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 005- Text Message '!' 006- Other: Wait 10F Script 89: Exhale 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text: Message 'breathes ' 003- Data: Get Ability Name 004- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 005- Text Message '!' 006- Other: Wait 10F Script 90: Dance 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text: Message 'begins a dance!' 003- Other: Wait 10F Script 91: Summon 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text: Message 'begins to summon!' 003- Other: Wait 10F Script 92: Slash 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text: Message 'performs ' 003- Data: Get Item Name 004- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 005- Text Message '!' 006- Other: Wait 10F Script 93: Sing 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text: Message ' sings ' 003- Data: Get Ability Name 004- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 005- Text Message '!' 006- Other: Wait 10F Script 94: Pray 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text: Message 'chants ' 003- Data: Get Ability Name 004- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 005- Text Message '!' 006- Other: Wait 10F Script 95: Use 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Text: Message 002- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 003- Text Message 'Uses the' 004- Data: Get Item Name 005- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 006- Text: Message '.' 007- Other: Wait 10F Script 96: Pulls Out 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text: Message 'pulls out ' 003- Data: Get Item Name 004- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 005- Text Message '!' 006- Other: Wait 10F Script 97: Script Defend 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text: Message 'assumes a defensive stance.' Script 98: Flee 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text: Message 'runs away' 003- Target Data: Action Status Apply (Flee) 004- Sound: SFX (Creak) Volume=100 Pitch=+8 Tempo=700 005- Other: Wait 3F 006- Sound: SFX (Creak) Volume=100 Pitch=+10 Tempo=700 007- Other: Wait 4F 008- Sound: SFX (Creak) Volume=100 Pitch=+8 Tempo=700 009- Other: Wait 3F 010- Sound: SFX (Creak) Volume=100 Pitch=+10 Tempo=700 011- Other: Wait 4F 012- Sound: SFX (Creak) Volume=100 Pitch=+8 Tempo=700 013- Other: Wait 3F 014- Sound: SFX (Creak) Volume=100 Pitch=+10 Tempo=700 015- Other: Wait 3F 016- Sound: SFX (Creak) Volume=50 Pitch=+10 Tempo=700 Script 99: Recover Ability 000- Sound: SFX (Sound 5) Volume=100 Pitch=+2 Tempo=105 001- Other: Wait 3F 002- Sound: SFX (Sound 5) Volume=50 Pitch+2 Tempo=105 003- Other Wait 20F Script 100: New Death 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Current Side) 002- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Temp Flag 0) Off 003- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 48) Off 004- Script: Call (Current Name) 005- Script: Condition End 006- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 48) On 007- Text Content: Input: Display (Sample Input) 008- Data: Flag: (Sample Flag 48) Off 009- Script: Condition End 010- Text: Message 'has been slain! 011- Script: Condition End 012- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Temp flag 0) On 013- Script: Call (Current Name) 014- Text: Message 'is dead! 015- Script: Condition End Script 101: New Poison 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script Call (Current Name) 002- Text Message ''s veins flow with poison 003- Other Wait 10F Script 102: New Numb 000- Script Branch Condition Flag (Sample Flag 10)Off 001- Script Branch Condition Flag (Sample Flag 11)Off 002- Script Branch Condition Flag (Sample Flag 12)Off 003- Script Branch Condition Flag (Sample Flag 13)Off 004- Text Clear Message 005- Script Call (Current Name) 006- Text: Message 's body goes completely numb! 007- Other Wait 10F 008- Script Condition End Script 103: New Sleep 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script Call (Current Name) 002- Text Message 'falls into a deep sleep' 003- Other Wait 10F Script 104: New Blind 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script Call (Current Name) 002- Text Message ''s vision is shourded by blackness! 003- Other Wait 10F Script 105: New Silence 000- Script call (Current Name) 001- Text message 's' 002- Text Content: Menu Text:Display (Magic) 003- Text Message 'abilities have been sealed! 004- Other Wait 10F Script 106: New Skill 000- Script call (Current Name) 001- Text message 's' 002- Text Content: Menu Text:Display (Skill) 003- Text Message 's have been sealed! 004- Other Wait 10F Script 107: New Bind 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script Call (Current Name) 002- Text Message ' is bound to the ground.' 003- Other Wait 10F Script 109: New Attack Down 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script Call (Current Name) 002- Text Message 's' 003- Text: Content: Menu Text: Display (Weapon Attack) 004- Text: Message "has been lowered" Script 108: New Attack Up 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script Call (Current Name) 002- Text Message 's' 003- Text: Content: Menu Text: Display (Weapon Attack) 004- Text: Message has been increased Script 110: New Defend UP 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Indirect Rate)> +100 002- Text Message 'Nothing Happened' 003- Script Condition End 004- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Indirect Rate) --<+100 005- Script: Call (Current Name) 006- Text Message 's' 007- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Armor) 008- Text Message 'Increased By' 009- Data: Load Direct Effect Info 010- Text Content: Variable: Display (Direct Rate) Digits Not Fixed 011- Text Message '%' 012- Script Condition End Script 111: New Defend Down 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Current Name) 002- Script Branch Condition Variable (Indirect Rate)> +100 003- Text Message 'was not affected' 004- Script Condition End 005- Script Branch Condition Variable (Indirect Rate)<= +100 006- Text Message 's' 007- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Armor) 008- Text Message '' 009- Data: Load Direct Effect Info 010- Text Content Variable Display (Direct Rate)Digits Not Fixed 011- Test Message '% 012- Script Condition End Script 112: New Counter 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text Message 'Counterattacks' 003- Other Wait 10F Script 113: New Resist W Up 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text Message 'is more resistant to weapons' 003- Other Wait 10F Script 114: New Resist M Up 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text Message 'is more resistant to magic'003- Other Wait 10F Script 115: New Agility Up 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Current Name) 002- Text Message 'feel quicker' 003- Other Wait 10F Script 116: End Poison 000- Text Clear Message 001- Target Data Condition Status Remove (Poison) 002- Script Call (Current Name) 003- Text Message 'is no longer poisoned' 004- Other Wait 10F Script 117: End Numb 000- Text Clear Message 001- Data Get Member Name 002- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 003- Text Message 'regains feeling in thier body!!' 004- Target Data: Action Status Remove 005- Other Wait 10F Script 118: End Sleep 000- Text Clear Message 001- Target Data: Action Status Remove 002- Script Call (Current Name0 003- Text Message 'suddenly wakes up! 004- Other Wait 10F Script 119: End Blind 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script Call (Current Name) 002- Text Message 'Can now see' 003- Battle Make Active Character 004- Target Data: Condition Status Remove (Blind) 005- Battle Change Back Active Character 006- Other Wait 10F Script 120: End Silence 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script Call (Current Name) 002- Text Message 'Can Now Speak' 003- Battle: Make Active Character 004- Target Data: Magic Status Remove (Silence) 005- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 121: End Skill 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script Call (Current Name) 002- Text Message 'Can now use skills again' 003- Battle: Make Active Character 004- Target Data: Skill Status Remove (Seal) 005- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 122: End Bind 000- Text Clear Message 001- Target Data: Action Status Remove 002- Script Call (Current Name) 003- Text Message 'can now move freely' 004- Other Wait 10F Script 123: End Attack Up 000- Text Clear Message 001- Data Get Member Name 002- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 003- Text Message 's 004- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Attack) 005- Text Message: 'Strength Fades' 006- Target: Data: Condition Status Remove (Attack+50) 007- Target: Data: Condition Status Remove (Attack+100) 008- Other Wait 10F Script 124: End Attack Down 000- Text Clear Message 001- Data Get Member Name 002- Text: Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 003- Text Message 's 004- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Attack) 005- Text Message 'returns to normal! 006- Target Data: Condition Status Remove (Reduce Attack) 007- Other Wait 10F Script 125: End Defend UP 000- Text Clear Message 001- Data: Get Member Name 002- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 003- Text Message 's' 004- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Armor) 005- Text Message 'strength fades...' 006- Target Data: Condition Status Remove (Armor +5) 007- Target Data: Condition Status Remove (Armor +10) 008- Target Data: Condition Status Remove (Armor +30) 009- Target Data: Condition Status Remove (Armor +99) 010- Other: Wait 10F Script 126: End Defend Down 000- Text Clear Message 001- Data Get Member Name 002- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 003- Text Message 's' 004- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Armor) 005- Text Message 'strength returns to normal' 006- Target Data: Condition Status Remove (Decrease Armor) 007- Other Wait 10F Script 127: End Agility Up 000- Text Clear Message 001- Data: Get Member Name 002- Text: Content: Input: Displat (Common Name) 003- Text Message 'quickness fades' 004- Target Data: Condition Status Remove (Agility Up) 005- Other: Wait 10F Script 128: Turn Attack Up 000- Data: Load Indirect Effect Info 001- Data: Variable: (DamageRateA)=(DamageRateA) - (Indirect:Rate) Script 129: Turn Attack Down 000- Data: Load Indirect Effect Info 001- Data: Variable: (DamageRateA)=(DamageRateA) - (Indirect:Rate) Script 130: Turn Defend UP 000- Data Flag (Stat Check Type) = Off 001- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 002- Data Variable (Temp Variable1)=(Attack)+(0 fixed) 003- Data Flag (Stat Check Type) = On 004- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 005- Data: Variable (Temp Variable2)=(Armor)+(0 fixed) 006- Data Flag (Start Check Type) = Off 007- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 008- Data Variable (TempVariable0)=(Indirect Rate)+(0 fixed) 009- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable0)->+100 010- Data Variable: (TempVariable0)=(+100)+(0 fixed) 011- Script Condition End 012- Data Variable: (TempVariable0)=(TempVariable2) x (TempVariable0) 013- Data Variable:(Armor)=(TempVariable0) divided by (+100) 014- Data Variable: (Attack)=(TempVariable1)+(0 fixed) 015- Data: Flag (Stat Check Type) Off 016- Battle: Substitute Variable for Target Attribute Script 131: Turn Def Down 000- Data: Flag (Stat Check Type) Off 001- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 002- Data Variable (TempVariable1)=(Attack)+(0 fixed) 003- Data Flag (Stat Check Type) On 004- Battle Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 005- Data Variable (TempVariable2)=(Armor)+(0 fixed) 006- Data Flag (Stat Check Type) Off 007- Battle Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 008- Data Variable (TempVariable0)=(IndirectRate)+(0 fixed) 009- Script Branch Condition Variable (TempVariable0)=>+100 010- Data Variable (TempVariable0)=(100)+(0 fixed) 011- Script Condition End 012- Data Variable (TempVariable0)=(TempVariable2)x(TempVariable0) 013- Data Variable (TempVariable9)=(TempVariable0)divides(+100) 014- Data Variable (TempVariable9)=(TempVariable9)x(-1) 015- Data Variable (Armor)=(Armor)+(TempVariable9) 016- Data Variable (Attack)=(TempVariable1) 017- Data Flag (Stat Check Type) Off 018- Battle Substitute Variable for Target Attribute Script 132: Turn Speed Up 000- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 001- Data: Variable (AttackOrder) = (+99999999)+(0 fixed) 002- Battle: Substitute Variable for Target Attribute Script 133: Turn Speed Down 000- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 001- Data: Variable (AttackOrder)= (-99999999)+(0 fixed) 002- Battle: Substitute Variable for Target Attribute Script 134: Turn Agility Up 000- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 001- Data: Load Indirect Effect Info 002- Data Variable: (AttackOrder)=(AttackOrder)+(IndirectRate) 003- Battle: Substitute Variable for Target Attribute Script 135: Turn Defend 000- Data: Flag: (Stat Check Type) On 001- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute For Variable 002- Data Flag: (Battle Flag 0) On 003- Battle: Substitute Variable for Target Attribute 004- Data Flag (Stat Check Type) Off Script 136: Turn Numb 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text Message 'is numb...' 003- Wait 10F Script 137: Turn Sleep 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text Message 'is sleeping... 003- Wait 10F Script 138: Turn Bind 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text Message 'can't move... 003- Wait 10F Script 139: Turn Poison 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text Message 'is stil poisoned... 003- Data: Load Indirect Effect Info 004- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 005- Data Variable (Hitpoints)=(Hitpoints)-(IndirectRate) 006- Battle Substitute Variable for Target Attribute Script 140: Turn HP Recover 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text Message 's' 003- Text Content: Menu Text: Display HP 004- Text: Message 'regenerates' 005- Data: Load Indirect Effect Info 006- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 007- Data Variable: (Hit Points)=(Hit Points)+(Indirect:Rate) 008- Battle: Substitute Variable for Target Attribute Script 141: Turn MP Recover 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text Message 's' 003- Text Content: Menu Text: Display MP 004- Text: Message 'regenerates' 005- Data: Load Indirect Effect Info 006- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 007- Data Variable: (Magic Points) = (Magic Points) + (Indirect:Rate) 008- Battle: Substitute Variable for Target Attribute Script 142: Force Unequip 000- Data: Variable: (Encounter Ratio) = (+100)+(0 fixed) [Used with the Indirect Effect (Flow 1: Forced End) called Peace that sets the encounter rate to zero] Script 143: Step Poison 000- Screen Effect: Color= Bright Red? Trans=70% 1F 001- Sound: SFX (Chomp)Volume=100 Pitch+0 Tempo=100 002- Screen Effect: Default (Color) 1F 003- Target Data: HP-1 Script 144: No Encounters 000- Data Variable: (Encounter Ratio)=(+0)+ (0 fixed) Script 145: Step HP Recover 000- Data: Member Info Load 001- Data: Load Indirect Effect Info 002- Data Variable: (HP)=(HP)+(Indirect Rate) 003- Data: Member Info: Save Script 146: Step Exp Up 000- Data: Member Info Load 001- Data: Load Indirect Effect Info 002- Data Variable:(Experience)=(Experience)+(Indirect Rate) 003- Data: Member Info: Save 004- Data: Flag: (Temp Flag0)On 005- Script: Call (Level Up) Script 147: Add Resist 000- Data: Load Indirect Effect Info 001- Data: Variable: (Target Resist W)=(Target Resist W)+(Indirect Resist W) 002- Data: Variable: (Target Resist M)=(Target Resist M)+(Indirect Resist M) Script 148: Magic Reaction 000- Data Flag (Target Dodge) On 001- Data Flag (Target Reaction) On 002- Data Flag (Target Reflect) On Script 149: MP Absorb 000- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Apply Side) On 001- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Action: Action)=+2 002- Data: Load Ability Info 003- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Ability: Usable)=(0 fixed) 004- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 005- Data: Variable: (Magic Points)=(Magic Points)+(Ability: Cost) 006- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 007- Text: Clear Message 008- Script: Call (Current Name) 009- Text: Message 'absorbs' 010- Text Content: Variable: Display (Ability: cost) Digits not fixed 011- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (MP) 012- Text: Message '!' 013- Script: Condition End 014- Script: Condition End 015- Script: Condition End Script 150: Revive 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Battle: Make Active Character 002- Data: Substitute attribute for Variable 003- Data: Load Direct Effect Info 004- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 9)= (Max Hit Points) X (Direct: Rate) 005- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 9)= (Temp Variable 9) divided (+100) 006- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Temp Variable9)= (0 fixed) 007- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable9) (+1) + (0 fixed) 008- Script: Condition End 009- Data: Variable: (Hit points)=(Hit points)+(TempVariable9) 010- Target Data: Action Status Remove 011- Target Data: Condition Status Remove 012- Target Data: Magic Status Remove 013- Target Data: Skill Status Remove 014- Data: Substitute Variable for Attribute 015- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 016- Text: Message 's soul return to their body! 017- Battle: Change Back active character 018- Other: wait 10F Script 151: Healing 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle Make Active Character 002- Script Call (Instigator Name) 003- Text Message 'feels better' 004- Data Load Direct Effect Info 005- Data Substitute Attribute for Variable 006- Data Variable: (Hit points)=(Hit Points) 007- Data: Substitute Variable for Attribute 008- Battle Change Back Active Character 009- Other Wait 10F Script 152: Recovery Status 000- Battle: Make Active Character 001- *numb? 002- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Numb) 003- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 004- Target Data: Action Status Remove 005- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 006- Text: Message 'is no longer numb' 007- Other: Wait 10F 008- Script: Condition End 009- *sleep? 010- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Sleep) 011- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 012- Target Data: Action Status Remove 013- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 014- Text: Message 'is no longer asleep' 015- Other: Wait 10F 016- Script: Condition End 017- *bind? 018- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Bind) 019- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 020- Target Data: Action Status Remove 021- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 022- Text: Message 'is no longer bound' 023- Other: Wait 10F 024- Script: Condition End 025- *poison? 026- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Poison) 027- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 028- Target Data: Action Status Remove 029- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 030- Text: Message 'is no longer poisoned' 031- Other: Wait 10F 032- Script: Condition End 033- *blind? 034- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Blind) 035- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 036- Target Data: Action Status Remove 037- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 038- Text: Message 'is no longer blind' 039- Other: Wait 10F 040- Script: Condition End 041- *silence? 042- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Silence) 043- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 044- Target Data: Action Status Remove 045- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 046- Text: Message 'is no longer silenced' 047- Other: Wait 10F 048- Script: Condition End 049- Battle: Make Active Character Script 153: Tidal Wave 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script: call (Target Name) 002- Text Message 'was swallowed by a tidal wave! 003- Other Wait 10F 004- Battle Make Active Character 005- Target Data: Action Status Apply (Death) 006- Target Data HP=0 007- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 154: Choke 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script: call (Target Name) 002- Text Message 'begins to choke!' 003- Other Wait 10F 004- Battle Make Active Character 005- Target Data: Action Status Apply (Death) 006- Target Data HP=0 007- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 155: Silence 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle: Make Active Character 002- Target Data: Magic Status Apply (Silence) 003- Battle Change Back Active Character Script 156: Seal Skill 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle: Make Active Character 002- Target Data: Skill Status Apply (Seal) 003- Battle Change Back Active Character Script 157: Death Whisper 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script: call (Target Name) 002- Text Message 'was summoned!' 003- Other Wait 10F 004- Battle Make Active Character 005- Target Data: Action Status Apply (Death) 006- Target Data HP=0 007- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 158: Blind 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle: Make Active Character 002- Target Data: Condition Status Apply (Blind) 003- Battle Change Back Active Character Script 159: Sleep 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle: Make Active Character 002- Target Data: Action Status Apply (Sleep) 003- Battle Change Back Active Character Script 160: Numb 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle: Make Active Character 002- Target Data: Action Status Apply (Numb) 003- Battle Change Back Active Character Script 161: Death 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Script Call (Target Name) 002- Text: Message 's body falls lifeless to the ground...! 003- Other Wait 10F 004- Battle: Make Active Character 005- Target Data: Action Status Apply (Death) 006- Target Data: HP=0 007- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 162: Poison 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle: Make Active Character 002- Target Data: Condition Status Apply (Poison) 003- Battle Change Back Active Character Script 163: Seal Weapon 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle: Make Active Character 002- Target Data: Condition Status Apply (Resist Weapon) 003- Battle Change Back Active Character Script 164: Seal Ability 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle: Make Active Character 002- Target Data: Condition Status Apply (Resist Magic A) 003- Battle Change Back Active Character Script 165: Teleport 000- Data: Game Info: Load 001- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Teleport Set) Off 002- Text: Clear Message 003- Text: Message 'there is nowhere to go! 004- Script: Condition End 005- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Teleport Set) On 006- Script Control: Apply Together 007- Sound: SFX (Move Object 2) Volume=100 Pitch=+0 Tempo=300 008- Screen Effect: Linger Amount=50 10F 009- Camera: Distance=200 10F 010- Camera: Viewpoint Height=-100 10F 011- Party: Vertical Move (Party) Change Height +500 12F 012- Data: Flag: (Sample Flag 58) On 013- Data: Flag: (Sample flag 54) Off 014- Party: Direction Change (Party) S 1F 015- Other: Wait 1F 016- Teleport 017- Script: Condition End Script 166: Escape 000- Data Flag [Sample56] = off [Used to keep track of whether the party is in a dungeon. On = in a dungeon; off = Not in one.] 001- Teleport Escape [takes the party out of the dungeon to a preset escape point.] [This script is used in Direct Effect/Result/Success of the item "Smoke Bomb"] Script 167: Curse 000- Battle: Make Active character 001- Data: Member Info: Load 002- * checking for equipment 003- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (No Remove Weapon) On 004- Data: Variable: (Item Number)=(Weapon equipped)+(0 Fixed) 005- Data: Get item Named 006- Text: Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 007- Text: Message 'is no longer cursed 008- Target Data: (Weapon) remove 009- Data: item (sell) 010- * If weapon, use script above 011- Script: condition end 012- *treatment of removing weapon 013- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (No Remove Shield) On 014- Data: Variable: (Item Number)=(Shield equipped)+(0 Fixed) 015- Data: Get item Named 016- Text: Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 017- Text: Message 'is no longer cursed 018- Target Data: (Shield) remove 019- Data: item (sell) 020- * If Shield, use script above 021- Script: condition end 022- *treatment of removing Shield 023- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (No Remove Armor) On 024- Data: Variable: (Item Number)=(Armor equipped)+(0 Fixed) 025- Data: Get item Named 026- Text: Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 027- Text: Message 'is no longer cursed 028- Target Data: (Armor) remove 029- Data: item (sell) 030- * If Armor, use script above 031- Script: condition end 032- *treatment of removing Armor 033- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (No Remove Helmet) On 034- Data: Variable: (Item Number)=( Helmet equipped)+(0 Fixed) 035- Data: Get item Named 036- Text: Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 037- Text: Message 'is no longer cursed 038- Target Data: (Helmet) remove 039- Data: item (sell) 040- * If Helmet, use script above 041- Script: condition end 042- *treatment of removing Helmet 043- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (No Remove Access) On 044- Data: Variable: (Item Number)=(Access equipped)+(0 Fixed) 045- Data: Get item Named 046- Text: Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 047- Text: Message 'is no longer cursed 048- Target Data: (Access) remove 049- Data: item (sell) 050- * If Accessory, use script above 051- Script: condition end 052- *treatment of removing Accessory 053 Battle: Make Active Character Script 168: HP & MP Recover 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Battle: Make Active Character 002- Script: Call (Instigator Name) 003- Text: Message 's wounds and 004- Text Content: Menu text: Display (TP) 005- Text: Message 'begin to recover! 006- Data: Load Direct Effect Info 007- Data: Substitute Attribute for Variable 008- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 3)=+(10)?(+20) 009- Data: Variable: (Hit points)=(Hit points)+(Temp Variable 3) 010- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable 3)=+(10)?(+20) 011- Data: Variable: (Magic points)=(Magic points)+(Temp Variable 3) 012- Data: Substitute Variable for Attribute 013- Battle: change Back Active Character 014- Other: Wait 10F Script 169: Attack Up 1 000- Battle: Make Active Character 001- Target Data: Condition Status Apply (Attack+50) 002- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 170: Attack Up 2 000- Battle: Make Active Character 001- Target Data: Condition Status Apply (Attack+100) 002- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 171: Attack Down 000- Battle: Make Active Character 001- Target Data: Condition Status Apply (Reduce Attack) 002- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 172: Defend+5 000- Battle: Make Active Character 001- Target Data: Condition Status Apply (Armor+5) 002- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 173: Defend+10 000- Battle: Make Active Character 001- Target Data: Condition Status Apply (Armor+10) 002- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 174: Defend+30 000- Battle: Make Active Character 001- Target Data: Condition Status Apply (Armor+30) 002- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 175: Defend+99 000- Battle: Make Active Character 001- Target Data: Condition Status Apply (Armor+99) 002- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 176: Defend Down 000- Battle: Make Active Character 001- Target Data: Condition Status Apply (Decrease Armor) 002- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 177: Recover _Status 000- Battle Make Active Character 001- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 002- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 003- Script control: Force Script End 004- Script Condition End 005- Target Data Condition Status Remove (Reduce Attack) 006- Target Data Condition Status Remove (Decrease Armor) 007- Battle Make Active Character Script 178: Agility Up 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle Make Active character 002- Target Data: Condition Status Apply (Agility UP) 003- Battle Change Back Active Character Script 179: Vehicle [Cloud Voyager] 000- Party Gather Speed=Normal 001- Other Vehicle:Deploy Vehicle Model [Cloud]Type=Low,Sky Speed 2x, Current location +0,+0,+0 002- Script Control: Apply Together 003- Camera: Vertical Angle=+55 30F 004- Camera: Distance=380 30F 005- Party: Vertical Move(Party)Change Height+16 30F 006- Other Vehicle: Control Vehicle 007- Camera: Default 30F 008- Party: Landing (Party) 30F 009- Other Vehicle Exit Vehicle Script 180: Map 000- Screen Effect: Mask(0,0)~(0,448)Color=Black 10F 001- Map: Display (108,68)~(408,376)Trans=0% 15F 002- Input Buttons Constant Wait 003- Map: Remove 004- Screen Effect: Default(Shake,color,Linger,Mask)3F Script 181: Recover HP 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle Make Active Character 002- Script Call (Instigator Name) 003- Text: Message 's wounds begin to heal! 004- Data Load Direct Effect Info 005- Data Substitute Attribute for Variable 006- Data Variable (HP)=(HP)+(Direct:Rate) 007- Data Substitute Variable for Attribute 008- Battle Change Back Active Character 009- Other: Wait 10F Script 182: Recover MP 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle Make Active Character 002- Script Call (Instigator Name) 003- Data Load Direct Effect Info 004- Text Message 'begins to recover 005- Text Content: Menu Text Display (MP)006- Text Message! 007- Data Substitute Attribute for Variable 008- Data Variable (MP)=(MP)+(Direct:Rate) 009- Data Substitute Variable for Attribute 010- Battle Change Back Active Character 011- Other Wait 10F Script 183: Recover HP & MP 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle Make Active Character 002- Script Call (Instigator Name) 003- Text Message 's wounds and 004- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (MP) 005- Text Message Begin to improve! 006- Data Load Direct Effect Info 007- Data Substitute Attribute for Variable 008- Data Variable: (HP)=(HP)+(Direct:Rate) 009- Data Variable: (MP)=(MP)+(Direct:Rate) 010- Data Substitute Variable for Attribute 011- Battle: Change Back Active Character 012- Other Wait 10F Script 184: Recover Poison 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle Make Active Character 002- Script Call (Instigator Name) 003- Text Message 's poison is gone 004- Target Data: Condition Status Remove (Poison) 005- Battle: Change Back Active Character 006- Other Wait 10F Script 185: Recover Numb 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle Make Active Character 002- Script Call (Instigator Name) 003- Text Message 's numbness is removed! 004- Target Data: Action Status Remove 005- Battle: Change Back Active Character 006- Other Wait 10F Script 186: Recover Silence 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle Make Active Character 002- Script Call (Instigator Name) 003- Text Message "is no longer silenced! 004- Target Data: Condition Status Remove (Silence) 005- Battle: Change Back Active Character 006- Other Wait 10F Script 187: Recover Blind 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle Make Active Character 002- Script Call (Instigator Name) 003- Text Message "is no longer blind! 004- Target Data: Condition Status Remove (Blind) 005- Battle: Change Back Active Character 006- Other Wait 10F Script 188: Power UP 000- Text Clear Message 001- Battle Make Active Character 002- Script Call (Instigator Name) 003- Text Message 's 004- Text Content: Menu Text (Strength) 005- Text Message 'increased! 006- Data: Load Direct Effect Info 007- Data Substitute Attribute for Variable 008- Data Variable: (Strength)=(Strength)+(Direct:Rate) 009- Data: Substitute Variable for Attribute 010- Battle: Change Back Active Character 011- Other Wait 10F Script 189: MP Attack 000- Text: Clear Message 001- Battle: Make Active Character 002- Script: Call (Reduce MP) 003- Battle: Make Active Character 004- Script: Call (Target Name) 005- Text: Message 'lost' 006- Text Content: Variable: Display (Damage Total) Digits Not Fixed 007- Text: Content: Menu Text: Display (MP) 008- Text Message '!' 009- Other: Wait 10 F Script 190: Absorb HP 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name 002- Text Message ' feels full of life!' 003- Data Substitute Attribute For Variable 004- Data Variable:(HP)=(HP)+(Damage Total) 005- Data Substitute Variable for Attribute 006- Other Wait 10F Script 191: Absorb MP 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script: Call (Instigator Name 002- Text Message ''s energy is revived!' 003- Data Substitute Attribute For Variable 004- Data Variable:(MP)=(MP)+(Damage Total) 005- Data Substitute Variable for Attribute 006- Other Wait 10F Script 192: Death 5% 000- Data Variable (TempVariable3)=(+1)?(+100) 001- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable3)<= +5 002- Battle: Make Active Character 003- Target Data: Action Status Apply (Death) 004- Battle: Change Back Active Character 005- Script Condition End Script 193: Numb 10% 000- Data Variable (TempVariable3)=(+1)?(+100) 001- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable3)<= +10 002- Battle: Make Active Character 003- Target Data: Action Status Apply (Numb) 004- Battle: Change Back Active Character 005- Script Condition End Script 194: Blind 25% 000- Data Variable (TempVariable3)=(+1)?(+100) 001- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable3)<= +25 002- Battle: Make Active Character 003- Target Data: Action Status Apply (Blind) 004- Battle: Change Back Active Character 005- Script Condition End Script 195: Poison 50% 000- Data Variable (TempVariable3)=(+1)?(+100) 001- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable3)<= +50 002- Battle: Make Active Character 003- Target Data: Action Status Apply (Poison) 004- Battle: Change Back Active Character 005- Script Condition End Script 196: Add Thunder 000- Script: Call (Thunder 1) 001- Script: Call (Magic Formula 1) 002- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Instg Success) = On 003- Script Call (Attack Success) 004- Battle: Make Active Character 005- Battle: Enemy Action (Damage) Apply 006- Battle: Default Enemy Action 007- Battle: Make Active Character 008- Other Wait 10F 009- Script Condition End 010- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Instg Success) Off 011- Script: Call (Ability Fail 1) 012- Script Condition End Script 197: Self Damage 000- Data Variable: (Damage Total)=(Damage Total)divided(+5) 001- Sound SFX (Damage) Volume=100 Pitch=+0 Tempo=100 002- Screen Effect: Shake (Windows) Rate=10F 0F 003- Other Wait 10F 004- Screen Effect: Shake (Windows) Rate=0 0F 005- Text Clear Message 006- Script Call (Reduce HP) 007- Script Call (Instigator Name) 008- Text Message 'was inflicted with' 009- Text Content: Variable Display (Damage Total) Digits not fixed 010- Text Message 'damage' Script 198: Check Death 000- Battle: Make Active Character 001- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 002- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect)Off 003- Data Flag: (Instg Success)Off 004- Script Condition End 005- Script Branch: Condition Flag (Indirect Effect)On 006- Data Flag:(Instg Success)On 007- Script Condition End 008- Battle: Make Active Character Script 199: Check Poison 000- Battle: Make Active character 001- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 002- * Check if dead or alive 003- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect effect) On 004- *when Dead 005- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 006- Script: Condition End 007- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect effect) off 008- *when alive 009- Target Data: Condition Status Confirm (Poison) 010- *Check if poisoned or not 011- Script Branch; Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 012- *when not poisoned 013- Data: Flag: (Instg success) off014- Script; condition End 015- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect effect) On 016- *when poisoned 017- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 018- Script: Condition End 019- Script: Condition End 020- Battle: Make Active Character Script 200: Check Numb 000- Battle: Make Active character 001- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 002- * Check if dead or alive 003- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect effect) On 004- *when Dead 005- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 006- Script: Condition End 007- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect effect) off 008- *when alive 009- Target Data: Condition Status Confirm (Numb) 010- *Check if Numbed or not 011- Script Branch; Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 012- *when not numbed 013- Data: Flag: (Instg success) off 014- Script; condition End 015- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect effect) On 016- *when numbed 017- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 018- Script: Condition End 019- Script: Condition End 020- Battle: Make Active Character Script 201: Check Silence 000- Battle: Make Active character 001- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 002- * Check if dead or alive 003- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect effect) On 004- *when Dead 005- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 006- Script: Condition End 007- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect effect) off 008- *when alive 009- Target Data: Condition Status Confirm (Silence) 010- *Check if Silenced or not 011- Script Branch; Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 012- *when not Silenced 013- Data: Flag: (Instg success) off 014- Script; condition End 015- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect effect) On 016- *when Silenced 017- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 018- Script: Condition End 019- Script: Condition End 020- Battle: Make Active Character Script 202: Check Blind 000- Battle: Make Active character 001- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 002- * Check if dead or alive 003- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect effect) On 004- *when Dead 005- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 006- Script: Condition End 007- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect effect) off 008- *when alive 009- Target Data: Condition Status Confirm (Blind) 010- *Check if Blinded or not 011- Script Branch; Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 012- *when not Blinded 013- Data: Flag: (Instg success) off 014- Script; condition End 015- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect effect) On 016- *when Blinded 017- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 018- Script: Condition End 019- Script: Condition End 020- Battle: Make Active Character Script 203: Check Power Up 000- Battle: Make Active Character 001- Data: Substitiute attribute for variable 002- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Strength) => +999 003- Data: Flag (Instg Success) Off 004- Script: Condition End 005- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Strength) < +999 006- Data: Flag (Instg Success) On 007- Script: Condition End 008- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 009- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 010- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 011- Script condition end 012- Battle: Make Active Character Script 204: Check Heal 000- Battle: Make Active Character 001- Target Data Action Status Confirm (Death) 002- Script Branch Condition Flag (Indirect Effect)Off 003- Data Flag (Instg Success)On 004- Script Condition End 005- Script Branch Condition Flag (Indirect Effect)On 006- Data Flag (Instg Success)Off 007- Script Condition End 008- Battle: Make Active Character Script 205: Check HP 000- Battle: Make Active Character 001- Data Flag: (Stat Check Type)On 002- Data: Substitute Attribute for Variable 003- Script Branch Condition:Variable(HP)=>(MaxHP) 004- Data Flag: (Instg Success)Off 005- Script Condition End 006- Script Branch Condition:Variable(HP)<(MaxHP) 007- Data Flag: (Instg Success)On 008- Script Condition End 009- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 010- Script Branch Condition:Flag (Indirect Effect)On 011- Data Flag: (Instg Success)Off 012- Script Condition End 013- Data: Flag:(Stat Check Type)Off 014- Battle: Make Active Character Script 207: Check Status 000- Battle: Make Active Character 001- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 002- *when dead 003- Target: Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 004- *when alive 005- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 006- *Numb 007- Target: Data: Action Status Confirm (Numb) 008- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 009- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 010- Script: Condition End 011- *Sleeping 012- Target: Data: Action Status Confirm (Sleep) 013- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 014- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 015- Script: Condition End 016- *bound? 017- Target: Data: Action Status Confirm (Bind) 018- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 019- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 020- Script: Condition End 021- *poisoned? 022- Target: Data: Action Status Confirm (Poison) 023- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 024- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 025- Script: Condition End 026- *blind? 027- Target: Data: Action Status Confirm (Blind) 028- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 029- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 030- Script: Condition End 031- *silence? 032- Target: Data: Action Status Confirm (Silence) 033- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 034- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 035- Script: Condition End 036- Script: Condition End 037- Battle: Make Active Character Script 208: Check Status 000- Battle: Make Active Character 001- Data Flag (Instg Success)Off 002- Target Data Condition Status Confirm (Decrease Armor) 003- Script Branch Condition Flag (Indirect Effect)On 004- Data Flag (Instg Success)On 005- Script Condition End 006- Target Data Condition Status Confirm (Reduce Attack) 007- Script Branch Condition Flag (Indirect Effect)On 008- Data Flag (Instg Success)On 009- Script Condition End 010- Battle: Make Active Character Script 209: Check Teleport 000- Data Flag (Instg Success)Off 001- Script Branch Condition Flag (Sample Flag 56)Off 002- Data: Flag (Instg Success)On 003- Script Condition End 004- Script Branch Condition Flag (Sample Flag 56)On 005- Data: Flag (Instg Success)Off 006- Script Condition End 007- Script Branch Condition Flag (Battle)On 008- Data: Flag (Instg Success)Off 009- Script Condition End Script 210: Check Escape 000- Data Flag (Instg Success)Off 001- Script Branch Condition Flag (Sample Flag 56)Off 002- Data: Flag (Instg Success)Off 003- Script Condition End 004- Script Branch Condition Flag (Sample Flag 56)On 005- Data: Flag (Instg Success)On 006- Script Condition End 007- Script Branch Condition Flag (Battle)On 008- Data: Flag (Instg Success)Off 009- Script Condition End Script 211: Check Curse 000- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 001- Battle: Make Active Character 002- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 003- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 004- *when dead 005- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 006- Script: Condition End 007- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 008- * when alive 009- Data: Member Info: Load 010- *clear data and equipment info 011- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Weapon Equipped) =/ -1 012- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (NoRemoveWeapon)On 013- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 014- Script: Condition End 015-Script: Condition End 016- *weapon decision 017- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (helmet Equipped) =/ -1 018- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (NoRemovehelm)On 019- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 020- Script: Condition End 021-Script: Condition End 022- *helmet decision 023- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Armor Equipped) =/ -1 024- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (NoRemoveArmor)On 025- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 026- Script: Condition End 027-Script: Condition End 028- *armor decision 029- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Shield Equipped) =/ -1 030- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (NoRemoveShield)On 031- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 032- Script: Condition End 033-Script: Condition End 034- *Shield decision 035- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Accessory Equipped) =/ -1 036- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (NoRemoveAccess)On 037- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) On 038- Script: Condition End 039-Script: Condition End 040- *Accessory decision 041- Script: Condition End 042- Battle: Make Active Character Script 212: Check Vehicle 000- Script Branch Condition Flag (Sample Flag 52)Off 001- Data Flag (Instg Success)Off 002- Script Condition End 003- Script Branch Condition Flag (Sample Flag 52)On 004- Data Flag (Instg Success)On 005- Script Condition End 006- Script Branch Condition Flag (Battle)On 007- Data Flag (Instg Success)Off 008- Script Condition End 009- Script Branch Condition Flag (Sample Flag 54)On 010- Data Flag (Instg Success)Off 011- Script Condition End Script 213: Check Attack 1 000- Data Flag: (Instg Success)Off 001- Target Data Condition Status Confirm (Attack+50) 002- Script Branch Condition Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 003- Data Flag (Instg Sucess)On 004- Script Condition End 005- Target Data Condition Status Confirm (Attack+100) 006- Script Branch Condition Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 007- Data Flag (Instg Success) On 008- Script Condition end Script 214: Check Attack 2 000- Data Flag (Instg Success) Off 001- Target Data Condition Status Confirm (Attack+100) 002- Script Branch Condition Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 003- Data Flag (Instg Success) On 004- Script Condition End Script 215: Check Map 000- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Sample Flag52)Off 001- Data Flag:(Instg Success)Off 002- Script Condition End 003- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Sample Flag52)On 004- Data Flag:(Instg Success)On 005- Script Condition End 006- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Battle)On 007- Data Flag (Instg Success)Off 008- Script Condition End Script 216: Battle Formula 003- Data: Flag: (Stat Check Type) On 005- Battle: Make Active Character 006- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 007- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable0)=(0 fixed)+(Agility) 009- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable6)=(0 fixed)+(Armor) 011- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable6)=(TempVariable6)divided by (+2) 013- Data: Flag: (Temp Flag 0) Off 015- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Battle Flag 0) On 016- Data: Flag: (Temp Flag 0) On 017- Script Condition End 018- Battle: Make Active Character 019- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute fpr Variable 020- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable1)=(0 fixed)+(Agility) 022- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable7)=(0 fixed)+(Attack) 025- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable2)=(TempVariable0)-(TempVariable1) 027- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable2)=(TempVariable2)x(+10) 029- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable2)<+100 031- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable2)=(0 fixed)+(+100) 033- Script: Condition End 034- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable2)=> (+5000) 036- Data: Variable: (Temp Variable2)=(0 fixed)+(+5000) 038- Script: Condition End 039- Data: Variable: (TempVariable3)=(0 fixed) ? (+10000) 041- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable3)<= (TempVariable2) 043- Data: Flag: (Target Dodge) On 050- Script: Condition End 051- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 053- Data: Load Direct Effect Info 055- Data: Variable: (TempVariable4)=(0 fixed)+(Direct Success) 056- Data: Variable: (TempVariable5)=(0 fixed)+(Direct: Rate) 058- Data: Variable: (TempVariable4)=(TempVariable4)x(+100) 060- Data: Variable: (TempVariable3)=(0 fixed)+(+10000) 062- Target Data: Condition Status Confirm (Blind) 064- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 066- Data: Variable: (TempVariable4)=(TempVariable4) divided (+2) 068- Script: Condition End 069- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable3)<=(TempVariable4) 071- Data: Flag (Instg Success) On 078- Data: Variable: (TempVariable3)=(0 fixed)?(+100) 080- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable3)<=(TempVariable5) 082- Data: Flag (Instg Crtical) On 089- Data: Variable: (TempVariable6)=(TempVariable6)divided by(+5) 091- Script: Condition End *094- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable0) Digits Not Fixed *096- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable1) Digits Not Fixed *098- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable2) Digits Not Fixed *100- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable4) Digits Not Fixed *102- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable5) Digits Not Fixed *104- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable6) Digits Not Fixed *106- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable7) Digits Not Fixed 110- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 8)=(TempVariable 7)-(TempVariable6) 112- Data: Variable: (TempVariable 1)=(+100)-(Target Resist W) 114- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable1)< +0 116- Data: Variable: (TempVariable1)=(+0)+(0 fixed) 118- Script: Condition End 120- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable1)>+200 122- Data: Variable: (TempVariable1)=(+200)+(0 fixed) 124- Script: Condition End *127- Text Content: Variable: Display (Insti Property W) Digits Not Fixed *129- Text Content: Variable: Display (Target Resist W) Digits Not Fixed *131- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable 1) Digits Not Fixed *133- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable 8) Digits Not Fixed 137- Data: Variable: (TempVariable8)=(TempVariable8)x(TempVariable 1) 139- Data: Variable: (TempVariable8)=(TempVariable8)x(Damage Rate A) 141- Data: Variable: (TempVariable8)=(TempVariable8)divided by (+100) *145- Text Content: Variable: Display (Tempvariable8) Digits not fixed 149- 137- Data: Variable: (TempVariable9)=(TempVariable8)+(0 fixed) 151- Data: Variable: (TempVariable9)=(TempVariable9) divided by (+10) 153- 137- Data: Variable: (TempVariable9)=(TempVariable9)x(-1) *157 Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable9) Digits not fixed *159 Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable0) Digits not fixed 163- Data: Variable: (TempVariable9)=(TempVariable0)?(TempVariable 9) 165- Data: Variable: (TempVariable8)=(TempVariable8)+(TempVariable 9) *169- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable9) Digits not fixed 171- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable8) Digits not fixed 175- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Temp Flag 0) On 177- Data: Variable: TempVariable8=(TempVariable8) Divided by (+2) *181- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable8)Digits not fixed 185- Script: Condition End 186- Data: Variable: (TempVariable8)=(TempVariable8)divided by(+100) 188- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable8) <=(0 fixed) 190- Data: Variable: (TempVariable3)=(0 fixed) ? (+1) *194- Text Content: Variable: Display (TempVariable3)Digits not fixed 197- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable3) =(0 fixed) 199- Data: Flag: (Instg Success) Off 201- Script: Condition End 202- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (TempVariable3) =(+1) 209- Data: Variable: (TempVariable8)=(0 fixed)+(+1) 211- Script: Condition End 212- Script: Condition End 213- Data: Variable: (Damage Total)=(TempVariable8)+(0 fixed) 215- Script: Condition End 217- Data: Flag: (Stat Check Type) Off *221 Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Instg Success) Off *223- Script: Condition End Script 217: Act x2 000- Data Variable: (BattleTurns)= (0 fixed) +2 Script 218: Register Ride 0 (ship) 000- Other: Set as Vehicle (0) 001- Event Move: Bypass Members=No Script 219: Control Boat 000- Other: Vehicle: Ride Vehicle Type=Sea Speed=2x 001- Party: Display: Hide Party 002- Map Display (326,286)~(486,426) Trans 50% 30F 003- Data Flag: (Sample Flag 59) On 004- Data Flag: (Sample Flag 54) On 005- Sound: BGM (Mellow 2) Volume=100 Pitch+0 Tempo=100 006- Other: Vehicle: Control Vehicle 007- Party: Display: Show Party 008- Map: Remove 009- Sound: Map Music 010- Data Flag (Sample Flag 59) Off 011- Other: Vehicle: Exit Vehicle Script 220: Double Vehicle 000- Data Flag (Satisfy Execute) On 001- Script Branch: Condition Flag (Vehicle Travel) On 002- Data Flag (Satisfy Execute) Off 003- Script Condition End Script 221: Register Ride 1 (Horse) 000- Other: Set as Vehicle (1) 001- Event Move: Bypass Members= Yes Script 222: Control Horse 000- Sound: BGM (Town 3) Volume=100 Pitch+0 Tempo=100 001- Other: Vehicle:Ride Vehicle Type= Land Speed=Normal 002- Party Display: Hide Party 003- Data Flag (No Encounters) On 004- Other Vehicle: Control Vibration 005- Sound Map Music 006- Party: Display: Show Party 007- Other: Vehicle: Exit Vehicle 008- Data: Flag: (No Encounters) Off Script 223: Register Ride 2 (Balloon) 000- Other: Set as Vehicle (3) 001- Event Move Bypass Members= Yes Script 224: Control Balloon 000- Other: Vehicle: Ride Vehicle Type=High Sky speed=2x 001- Script: Control: Apply Together 002- Sound: BGM (Theme 9) Volume=100 Pitch=+0 Tempo=100 003- Camera: Vertical Angle=+60 30F 004- Camera: Distance= 450 30F 005- Party: Vertical Move (Party) Set Height +100 30F 006- Map: Display (326,286)~(486,426) Trans=50% 007- Data: Flag: (Sample Flag 59) On 008- Other: Vehicle: control Vehicle 009- Camera: Distance= 350 30F 010- Camera: Vertical Angle= +45 30F 011- Party: Landing (Party) 30F 012- Sound: Map Music 013- Map: Remove 014- Data: Flag: (Sample flag 59) Off 015- Other: Vehicle: Exit Vehicle Script 225: World > Town 000- Data Flag (Sample Flag 53) Off 002- Data Flag (Sample Flag 52) Off 003- Teleport: Warp (Preset World) (114,123,+32) Script 226: Town > World 000- Same as Script 225 Only turn Sample Flags On 003- Teleport: Warp (Preset World) (131,132,+22) Script 239: Wait Common (Action Script) 000- Event Effects: Motion Change=Wait Speed=100 Script 240: Sign 000- Text Content: Input: display (Leader Name) 001- Text: Message 'reads the sign' 002- Data: Game Info Load 003- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Party: Dir)=(0 fixed) 004- Text: Message 'BEWARE: Monsters... keep away! 005- Script: Condition end 006- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Party Dir)=> +4 007- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Party Dir)<=+7 008- Text: Message 'BEWARE: Monsters... keep away! 009- Script: condition End 010- Script: condition End 011--Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Party Dir)=> +1 012- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Party Dir)<=+3 013- Text: Message 'Back of the sign appears illegible! 014- Script: Condition End 015- Script; condition end Script 241: Time Change (Action) 000- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag (Off fixed) 001- Other wait 400F 002- Screen Effect: Time (Dusk) 100F 003- Wait 100F 004- Screen Effect: Time (Night) 200F 005- Wait 300F 006- Screen Effect: Time (Dawn) 100F 007- Wait 100F 008- Screen Effect: Time (Noon) 100F 009- Script Branch End Script 242: Merchant List 000- Data Flag: (Cancel Menu) On 001- * turn shopkeeper toward leader002- Event Control: Change the target to (Shopkeeper) 003- Event Move: Change Direction Leader 1F 004- Event Effects: Single Action=Special Speed=100 005- Text: Welcome to my shop. How may i help you. 006- Input: Merchant List 7 Items Script 243: Merchant 000- Text: Display Money On 001- Input: Multiple Choice 3 (23,4) 'Buy'Sell'Leave' 002- Script Branch: Repeat: Variable (User Choice)=/(0 fixed 003- *leaving 004- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (User Choice)=3 005- Script Branch: To End 006- Script: Condition End 007- Script Branch: Sort: Variable (User Choice) 008- *buying 009- Script Branch: Apply If Number is +1 010- Script Branch: Repeat: Variable (User Choice)=/(0 fixed 011- Text: Clear Message 012- Text: Message 'What would you like to buy? 013- Other Wait 8F 014- Input: Display Buy list 015- Script Branch: Sort: Variable (User Choice) 016- *cancel 017- Script Branch: Apply If Number is +0 018- Text: clear Message 019- Text: Message 'May i help you with anything else? 020- Script Branch: To End 021- *Select Merchandise 022- Script Branch: No Application 023- Text: Clear Message 024- Data: Get Item Name 025- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 026- Text: Message .you say? Very Well. 027- Other Wait 8F 028- Input; Display Who list 029- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (User Choice)=+0 030- Text: Clear Message 031- Text: Message 'May i help you with anything else? 032- Script: Condition end 033- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (User Choice)=+0 034- Text: Clear Message 035- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Bag Shop Select) Off 036- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 037- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 038- Text Content: Input: Display (Leader Name) 039- Text: Message 'gave the 040- Data: Get Item Name 041- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 042- Text: Message to 043- Data: Get Member Name 044- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 045- Text: Message '.' 046- Script: Condition end 047- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 048- Text: Message 'Here you go 049- Data: Get Member Name 050- Text Content: Input Display (Common Name) 051- Text: Message'. enjoy. 052- Script: Condition End 053- Script: Condition End 054- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Bag Shop Select) On 055- Text: Message 'Let me see your 056- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Bag) 057- Text: Message 'I'll put your 058- Data: Get Item Name 059- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 060- Text: Message 'in it.' 061- Script: Condition End 062- Data: Item (Buy) 063- Script: Condition End 064- Script: Condition End 065- Script: Branch End 066- Script: Branch End 067- Script: Branch End 068- *selling 069- Script Branch: Apply If: Number is +2 070- Script Branch: Repeat: Variable (User Choice)=/(0 fixed 071- Text: Clear Message 072- Text: Message 'What do you wish to sell? 073- Other: Wait 8F 074- Input: Display Sell List 075- Script Branch: Sort: Variable (User Choice) 076- Script Branch: Apply If: Number is +0 077- Text: Clear Message 078- Text: Message 'May i help you with anything else? 079- Script Branch: To End 080- Script Branch: No Application 081- Data: Get Item Name 082- Text: Clear Message 083- Text Context: Input: Display (Common Name) 084- Text: Message '?' 085- Text Context: Variable: Display (Item price) Digits not fixed 086- Text: Message '.' 087- Text Context: Menu Text: Display ($) 088- Text: Message '. okay? 089- Other Wait 8F 090- Input: Multiple Choice 2 (25,4) 'Yes'No' 091- Script Branch: Sort: Variable (User Choice) 092- Script Branch: Sort: Variable (User Choice) 093- Text: Clear Message 094- Text: Message 'Thank You! 095- Data: Item (Sell) 096- Scrpt Branch: To End 097- Script Branch: Apply If: Number is +2 098- Text: Clear Message 099- Script Branch: To end 100- Script Branch: No Application 101- Text: Clear Message 102- Text: Message 'May i help you with anything else? 103- Script: Branch End 104- Script: Branch End 105- Script: Branch End 106- Script: Branch: To End 107- Script: Branch End 108- Input: Multiple Choice 3 (23,4) 'Buy'sell'Leave' 109- Script: Branch end 110- Text: Display money Off 111- Text: Clear Message 112- Text: Message 'Come Back Soon! Script 244: Inn Keeper 000- Data Flag: (Cancel Menu) On 001- * turn innkeeper toward leader 002- Event Control: Change the target to (Innkeeper) 003- Event Move: Change Direction Leader 1F 004- Event Effects: Single Action=Special Speed=100 005- Text: Greetings welcome to our inn. 006- Input: Inn Room rate 10 Script 245: Inn 000- Text: Message 'One night is 001- Text Content: Variable: Display (Inn Room Ratio) 002- Text: Message 003- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (G) 004- Text: Message '.' 005- Text: Display Money On 006- Input: Multiple Choice 2 (25,4) 'Yes'No' 007- Text: Display Money Off 008- Script Branch: Sort: Variable (User Choice) 009- Script Branch: Apply If: Number is +1 010- Data: Game Info: Load 011- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Inn Room Rate)<= (Total Money) 012- Text: Clear Message 013- Text: Message 'Thank You!' 014- Sound: Tempoary Save 015- Screen Effect: Color= Black 100% 0F 016- Screen Effect: Color= Black 0% 30F 017- Text: Close Message Window 018- Sound: Sound Control BGM On=0F Off=30F Pitch=0F Tempo=0F 019- Sound: BGM (-None-) Volume=0 Pitch+0 Tempo=100 020- Other: Wait 32F 021- Data: Variable: (Total Money)=(Total Money)-(Inn Room Rate) 022- Data: Game Info: Save 023- Data: Variable (Member Order)=(0 fixed)+(0 fixed) 024- Data: Member Info: Change to Member Order 025- Script Branch: Repeat: Variable (Member Number) =/ -1 026- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 027- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 028- Data: Flag: (Stat Check Type) On 029- Data: Member Info: Load 030- Data: Variable (Hit Points)=(Hit points)+ (+99999999) 031- Data: Variable (Magic Points)=(Magic points)+ (+99999999) 032- Data: Member Info: Save 033- Data Flag: (Stat Check Type) Off 034- Script: Condition End 035- Data Variable: (Member Order)=(Member Order)+(+1) 036- Data: Member Info: Change to Member Order 037- Script: Branch End 038- Sound: BGM (None) Volume=100 Pitch +0 Tempo=120 039- Sound: SFX (Good Night) Volume=100 Pitch +0 Tempo=120 040- Other: Wait 90F 041- Sound: Sound Control BGM On=30F Off= 0F Pitch=30F Tempo=0F 042- Sound: Replay Saved 043- Screen Effect: Color=Black Trans=100% 30F 044- Text: Message 'Good Morning!' 045- Script Branch: To End 046- Script: Condition End 047- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Inn Room Rate)>(Total Money) 048- Text: Clear Message 049- Text: Message 'I don't run a shelter! No money no room! 050- Script: Condition End 051- Script Branch: To End 052- Script Branch: No Application 053- Text: Clear Message 054- Text: Message 'Take Care.' 055- Script Branch: To End 056- Script: Branch End Script 246: Church Options 000- Data: Flag: (Cancel Menu) On 001- *turn priest towards leader 002- Event Control: Change the Target to (Church) 003- Event Move: Change Direction Leader 1F 004- Text: Message 'Welcome to our temple Do you need my assistance? 005- Text: Display Money On 006- Input: Multiple Choice 6 (21,4) 'Confess'Revive'Seek Knowledge'Purify'Bless'Leave' 007- Script Branch: Repeat: Variable (User Choice)=/(0 fixed) 008- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (User Choice)+6 009- Script Branch: To End 010- Script: Condition End 011- Script Branch: Sort: Variable (User Choice) 012- Script Branch: Apply If Number is +1 013- Other: Show Save Window 014- Script Branch: To End 015- Script Branch: Apply If Number is +2 016- Text: Clear Message 017- Text: Message 'Who is dead?' 018- Input: Display Member List (23,4) 019- Script Branch: Repeat: Variable (User Choice)=/(0 fixed) 020- Text: Clear Message 021- Data: Get Member Name 022- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 023- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 024- Text: Message 'Stop messing around. 025- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 026- Text: Message 'is not dead! 027- Script: Condition End 028- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 029- Sound: SFX (Item Obtained) Volume 100 Pitch=+0 Tempo=100 030- Other Wait 100F 031- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 032- Text: Message 'is resurrected' 033- Target Data: Action Status Remove 034- Target Data: Condition Status Remove 035- Target Data: HP=999 036- Script: Condition End 037- Script: Condition End 038- Script Branch: To End 039- Script Branch: Apply If Number is +3 040- Data: Variable: (Member Order)=(0 fixed)+(0 fixed) 041- Data: Member Info: Change to Member Order 042- Text: Clear Message 043- Text: Message 'A voice booms forth... 044- Script Branch: Repeat: Variable (Member Number =/-1 045- Script: Call (Church)046- Data:Variable: (Member Order)=(Member Order)+(+1) 047- Data: Member Info: Change to Member Order 048- Script: Branch End 049- Script Branch: To End 050- Script Branch: apply if number +4 051- Text: Clear Message 052- Text: Message 'who is poisoned? 053- Input: Display Member List (23,4) 054- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (User Choice)=/ +0 055- Text: Clear Message 056- Data: Get Member Name 057- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 058- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 059- Data: Flag: (Temp flag 0) Off 060- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 061- Data: Flag: (Temp flag 0) On 062- Script: Condition End 063- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Temp Flag 0)) Off 064- Target Data: Condition Status Confirm (Poison) 065- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 066- Text: Message 'is not poisoned 067- Script: Condition End 068- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 069- Text: Message 'Has been cleansed. 070- Target Data: Condition Status Remove (Poison) 071- Script: Condition End 072- Script: Condition End 073- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Temp Flag 0)) On 074- Text: Message 'is not living 075- Script: Condition End 076- Script: Condition End 077- Script Branch: To End 078- Script Branch: Apply if Number is +5 079- Text: Clear Message 080- Text: Message 'Who is cursed? 081- Input: Display Member List (23,4) 082- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (User Choice)=/ (0 fixed) 083- Text: Clear Message 084- Data: Member Info: Load 085- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 086- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 087- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (No Remove Weapon) On 088- Data: Variable: (Item Number)=(Weapon Equipped)+(0 fixed) 089- Data: Get Member Name 090- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 091- Text: Message 's cursed 092- Data: Get Item Name 093- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 094- Text: Message 095- Target Data: (Weapon) (Remove) 096- Data: Item (Sell) 097- *If weapon use script above 098- Script: Condition End 099- *treatment of removing weapon 100- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (No Remove helm) On 101- Data: Variable: (Item Number)=(Helm Equipped)+(0 fixed) 102- Data: Get Member Name 103- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 104- Text: Message 's cursed 105- Data: Get Item Name 106- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 107- Text: Message 108- Target Data: (Helmet) (Remove) 109- Data: Item (Sell) 110- *If helmet use script above 111- Script: Condition End 112- *treatment of removing helmet 113- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (No Remove Armor) On 114- Data: Variable: (Item Number)=(Armor Equipped)+(0 fixed) 115- Data: Get Member Name 116- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 117- Text: Message 's cursed 118- Data: Get Item Name 119- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 120- Text: Message 121- Target Data: (Armor) (Remove) 122- Data: Item (Sell) 123- *If armor use script above 124- Script: Condition End 125- *treatment of removing armor 126- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (No Remove Shield) On 127- Data: Variable: (Item Number)=(Shield Equipped)+(0 fixed) 128- Data: Get Member Name 129- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 130- Text: Message 's cursed 131- Data: Get Item Name 132- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 133- Text: Message 134- Target Data: (Shield) (Remove) 135- Data: Item (Sell) 136- *If shield use script above 137- Script: Condition End 138- *treatment of removing shield 139- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (No Remove Accessory) On 140- Data: Variable: (Item Number)=(Accessory Equipped)+(0 fixed) 141- Data: Get Member Name 142- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 143- Text: Message 's cursed 144- Data: Get Item Name 145- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 146- Text: Message 147- Target Data: (Accessory) (Remove) 148- Data: Item (Sell) 149- *If accessory use script above 150- Script: Condition End 151- *treatment of removing accessory 152- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (No Remove Weapon) Off 153- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (No Remove Helmet) Off 154- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (No Remove Armor) Off 155- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (No Remove Shield) Off 156- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (No Remove Access) Off 157- Data: Get Member Name 158- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 159- Text: Message 'is not cursed 160- Script: Condition End 161- Script: Condition End 162- Script: Condition End 163- Script: Condition End 164- Script: Condition End 165- Script: Condition End 166- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 167- Data: Get Member Name 168- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 169- Text: Message 'is dead! 170- Other: Wait 10F 171- Script: Condition End 172- Script: Condition End 173- Script Branch: To End 174- Script: Branch End 175- Text: Clear Message 176- Text: Message 'How else may i help you? 177- Input: Multiple Choice 6 (21,4)'Confess'Revive'Seek Knowledge'Purify'Bless'Leave178- Script: Branch End 179- Text: Display Money Off 180- Text: Clear Message 181- Text: Message 'Be Well.... Script 247: Church 000- Data: Member info Load 001- Text: Clear Message 002- Script Branch: condition: Variable (Level)=+99 003- Data: Get Member Name 004- Text: Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 005- Text: Message 'has done well 006- Script: Condition End 007- Script Branch: condition: Variable (Level)=/99 008- Data: Get Member Name 009- Text: Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 010- Text: Message 'you need 011- Text: Content: Variable: Display (Exp to lvl) digits not fixed 012- Text: message 'more 013- Text: Content: Menu Text: display (Experience) 014- Text: Message 'points to 015- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Level) 016- Text: Message '.' 017- Script Condition end Script 248: Bank 000- Data: Flag: (Cancel Menu) On 001- *turn banker towards leader 002- Event Control: Change target to (Banker) 003- Event Move: Change Direction Leader 1F 004- Event Effects: Single Action=Special Speed=100 005- Text: Message 'Welcome to My bank! 006- Text Context: Input: Display (Leader Name) 007- Text: Message '. right? 008- Text Content: Variable: Display (Bank Balance) Digits not fixed 009- Text: Message 010- Text Context: Menu Text: Display ($) 011- Text: Message'.' 012- Text: Display Money On 013- Input: Multiple Choice 3(23,4) 'Deposit'Withdrawal'Leave' 014- Script Branch: Repeat: Variable (User Choice) =/ (0 (fixed) 015- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (User Choice) =+3 016- Script Branch: To End 017- Script: Condition end 018- Data: Game Info Load 019- Script Branch: Sort: Variable (User Choice) 020- Script Branch: Apply If: Number is +1 021-Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Total Money) = (0 fixed) 022- Text: Clear Message 023- Text: Message 'it looks like you have no money... 024- Script: Condition End 025- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Total Money) /= (0 fixed) 026- Text: Clear Message 027- Text: Message 'How much do you want to deposit? 028- Input: Input Number +0~ +999999 (20,4) 029- Script Branch: Repeat: Variable (User Choice) =/ (0 (fixed) 030- Data: Game Info Load 031- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Total Money) < (User Input) 032- Text: Clear Message 033- Text: Message Uhh... you don't have that much money. 034- Script: Condition End 035- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Total Money) => (User Input) 036- Event Effects: Look=Happy 037- Text: Clear Message 038- Text Content: Variable: Display (User Input) Digits not Fixed 039- Text: Message 040- Text: Context: Menu Text: Display ($) 041- Text: Message 'is deposited in your account your money is safe here. 042- Event Effects: Look=Normal 043- Data: Variable: (Bank Balance)=(Bank Balance)+(User Input)044- Data: Variable: (Total money)=(Total Money)-(User Input) 045- Data: Game Info Save 046- Script: Condition End 047- Script: Condition End 048- Script: Condition End 049- Script Branch: End 050- Script Branch: Apply if Number is +2 051- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Bank Balance)=(0 fixed) 052- Text: Clear Message 053- Text: Message 'Hmmm... It seems there's no 054- Text Context: Menu Text: Display ($) 055- Text: Message 'in your account. 056- Script: Condition End 057- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Bank Balance) /=(0 fixed) 058- Text: Clear Message 059- Text: Message 'Currently. 060- Text Context: Variable: Display (Bank Balance) Digits not Fixed 061- Text: Message 062- Text Context: Menu Text: Display ($) 063- Text: Message 'is your account How much would you like? 064- Input: Input Number +0~ +999999 (20,4) 065- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (User Choice) /=(0 fixed) 066- Data: Game Info: Load 067- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Bank Balance) < (User Input)068- Text: Clear Message 069- Text: Message 'you don't have that much! 070- Script: Condition End 071- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Bank Balance) /> (User Input) 072- Text: Clear Message 073- Event Effects: Look=Happy 074- Text Content: Variable Display (User Input) Digits not fixed 075- Text: Message 076- Text Content: Menu Text: Display ($) 077- Text Message '?' 078- Event Effects: Look=Normal 079- Data: Variable: (Total Money)=(Total Money)+(User Input) 080- Data: Variable: (Bank Balance)=(Bank Balance)+(User Input) 081- Data: Game Info: Save 082- Script: Content End 083- Script: Content End 084- Script: Content End 085- Script: Branch: To End 086- Script: Branch End 087- Other: Wait 8F 088- Text: Clear Message 089- Text: Message 'Can i help you with anything else? 090- Input: Multiple Choice 3 (23,4) 'Deposit'Withdrawal'Leave' 091- Script: Branch End 092- Text: Display Money Off 093- Text: Clear Message 094- Text: Message 'Remember we are open 24 hours a day Thanks for using my bank! Script 249: Class Shop 000- Data: Flag: (Cancel Menu) On 001- Data: Flag: (Temp Flag 0) Off 002- Event Move: Change Direction Leader 1F 003- Text: Message 'this is a class changing agency. Do you want to select a new class?' 004- Input: Multiple Choice 2 (22,13) 'Sure' 'No thank you' 005- Script Branch: Sort: Variable (User Choice) 006- Script Branch: Apply if number is +1 007- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag (Temp Flag 0) Off 008- *when changing a class 009- Text: Clear Message 010- Text: Message 'Who would like to change classes?' 011- Input: Display Member List (10,10) 012- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 013- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) Off 014- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (User Choice) =/ (0 fixed) 015- Text: Clear Message 016- Data: Get Member Name 017- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 018- Text: Message ' would like to become which classes?' 019- Input: Class Change List 020- Script Branch: Condition: Variable(User Choice) =/ (0 fixed) 021- Text: Clear Message 022- Data: Get Member Name 023- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Class Number)=-1 024- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 025- Text: Message 'change classes 026- Script: Condition End 027- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (Class Number)=/-1 028- Sound: Temporary Save 029- Sound: BGM (-None-) Volume=0 Pitch=+0 Tempo=100 030 -Sound: SFX (Add Member) Volume=100 Pitch=+5 Tempo=150 031- Other: Wait 80F 032- Sound: Replay Saved 033- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 034- Text: Message 'is now a' 035- Data: Get Class Name 036- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 037- Text: Message ! 038- Target Data: (5 slots) 039- Text: Message 'since' 040- Data: Get Member Name 041- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 042- Text: Message 'changed careers, all equipment is removed.' 043- Script: Condition End 044- Script: Condition End 045- Script: Condition End 046- Script: Condition End 047- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Indirect Effect) On 048- *when class changing member is dead 049- Script Branch: Condition: Variable (User Choice)=/ ( 0 fixed) 050- Text: Clear Message 051- Data: Get Member Name 052- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 053- Text: Message 'is dead and can't change class!' 054- Script: Condition End 055- Script: Condition End 056- Text: Clear Message 057- Text: Message 'Anyone else want to change their class today?' 058- Input: Multiple Choice 2 (23,13) 'Yes' 'No' 059- Script Branch: Sort: Variable (User Choice) 060- Script Branch: Apply if Number is +1 061- *when continue to change class 062- Script Branch: To End 063- Script Branch: No Application 064- * when completing class change 065- Data: Flag (Temp Flag 0) On 066- Script Branch: To End 067- Script: Branch End 068- *loop end 069- Script: Branch End 070- Script Branch: No Application 071-*when not changing class 072- Text: Clear Message 073- Text: Message 'Anytime you need to change class, just stop on by.' 074- Script Branch: To End 075- Script: Branch End Script 250: Class Info 000- Data: Flag (Cancel Menu) On 001- Event Move: Change Direction Leader 0F 002- Text Message: Hi, I am the class information clerk which class would you like to know about? 003- Input: Display Class info (1,2) 004- Script Branch: Repeat: Variable (User Choice)=/ (0 fixed) 005- Text: Clear Message 006- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Hide Class Info) Off 007- Text: Content: Display Description Class (when called0 008- Script condition end 009- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Hide Class Info) On 010- Text: Message: Nothing is known about that class 011- Script condition end 012- Text Message 013- Text: Clear Message 014- Text: Message: Any other class you want to know about? 015- Input: Display Class info (1,2) 016- Script: Branch End 017- Text: Clear Message 018- Text Message: 'I'm here all day.' Treasure Chests Scripts: Script 251: Chest Closed (Action) 000- Event Effects: Motion Change= Wait Speed=0 001- Event Effects: Single Action = Wait Speed=0 Script 252: Chest Opening (action) 000- 000- Event Effects: Single Action= Wait Speed=999 Script 253: Chest Item 000- Text Content: Input: display Leader Name 001- Text Message 'looks in the chest... 002- Sound SFX (Shutter) Volume=100 Pitch=-10 Tempo=100 003- Data: Flag: Sample Flag 60 On 004- Event Effects: Single Action =Wait speed=100 005- Data: Substitute Database Number for variable 006- * conditions for gaining items 007- Data Flag: Temp Flag8 Off 008- Data Variable Member Order=(0 fixed)+(0 fixed) 009- Data Member Info Change to Member Order 010- Data Flag: Temp Flag9 On 011- Script Branch: Repeat: Flag Temp Flag 9 On 012- Data Member Info Load 013- Script Branch Condition: Variable (Total Member Item)/= 12 014- Target data Item +Fresh Herb 015- Data: Flag Temp flag8 On 016- Data: Flag Temp flag9 Off 017- Script Branch: to End 018- Script Condition End 019- Data Variable Member Order= Member Order + (+1) 020- Data Member Info: Change To Member Order 021- Script Branch: Condition Variable (Member Number)=-1 022- Data: Flag Temp flag9 Off 023- Script Condition End 024- Script Branch End 025- Script Branch Condition: Flag Tempflag8 Off 026- Script Branch condition Flag (Item bag) Off 027- Data: Flag (Sample Flag 60) Off 028- Script Condition End 029- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Item Bag) On 030- Data: Game Info: load 031- Script Branch Condition: Variable Total Items=+99 032- Data: Flag (Sample Flag 60) Off 033- Script: Condition End 034- Script Branch Condition: Variable Total items /= +99 035- Party Bag Fresh Herb +1 036- Script Condition End 037- Script Condition End 038- Script Condition End 039- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Sample Flag) Off 040- Data: Get item Name 041- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 042- Text: Message 'was found but... your inventory is full you must leave it here 043- Sound SFX (Shutter) Volume=100 Pitch=-10 Tempo=100 044- Script Control: Apply Together 045- Event Effects: Single Action= Action A Speed 0 046- Script Control: Apply in Order 047- Script: Condition End 048- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 60) On 049- Data Flag (Sample Flag 50) On 050- Data: Get Item Name 051- Text Context: Input Display (Common Name) 052- Text: Message 'obtained!' 053- Script Condition End Script 254: Chest Money 000- Text Content: Input: Display Leader Name 001- Text Message 'looks in the chest 002- Sound SFX (Shutter) Volume=100 Pitch-10 Tempo=100 003- Event Effects: single Action= Wait Speed=100 004- Text: Message '1000' 005- Text Message 006- Text Content: Menu Text: Display (Gold) 007- Text Message 'Obtained!' 008- Party: Money +1000 009- Data: Flag: Sample Flag 51 On Script 255: Chest Recheck 000- Text Content: Input: Display (Leader Name) 001- Text: Message 'looks in the chest... 002- Text Message ...It is empty. Script 256: Dresser 000- Text Content: Input: Display (Leader Name) 001- Text: Message 'rummages through the dresser... 002- Sound: SFX (Machine) Volume=100 Pitch=-8 Tempo=190 003- Script Control: Apply Together 004- Event Effects: Single Action=Wait Speed=150 005- Other: wait 12F 006- Sound: SFX (Machine) Volume=100 Pitch=-8 Tempo=190 007- Script Control: Apply in Order 008- Other: Wait 6F 009- Text: Message 'nothing but dust.' 010- Event Effects: Motion change=Wait speed= 0 011- Sound: SFX (Thump) Volume=100 Pitch=-6 Tempo=160 Script 257: Barrel 000- Text Content: Input Display (Leader Name) 001- Text: Message 'peeks into the barrel... 002- Text: Message '...There is nothing inside.' Script 258: Well 000- Text Content: Input Display (Leader Name) 001- Text: Message almost fell deep down the well... 002- .... it is very deep. Script 259: Wander (Action Script) 000- Event Action: Random Move Facing=Movement 32F Script 267: On Boat 000-*If used deployed vehicle on boat you can not get off This treatment avoids that happening 001-[Important]Make sure to place this script at every docking location (only if you have deployable vehicles available) 002- Data: Flag (Sample Flag54)Off Script 270: Game Start 1 000- Screen Effect: Color=(Dark) Trans=0% 001- Sound Map Music 002- Party Direction Change (Party) S 1F [this is the preset direct. Change to the direction your party will be facing at the beginning of your game] 003- Teleport: Set (Preset World) Location (Preset World)(131,132,22) [set this to equal the starting location. Note: if you are starting on a different map, you will need to move the event Game Start 1 to the Enter Map slot of World Organization for that map.] 004- Screen Effect: Color=(Black) Trans=100% 30F 005- Data: Flag: (Sample Flag 57) = On [Switches the page on the event Game Start 1, so that this script will only run once and script 3: To Map/Facing will run in its place.] 006- Screen Effect: Default (Color) 0F Script 271: Game Start 2 000- Data: Game Info Load [this is used in the Event: Game Start 2, which is in the Exit Map slot of the world Organization of the starting map. It is used to determine what direction the party is facing when they leave the map. This replaces the normal exit map script the first time the party leaves the map.] Script 272: Cursed 000- Sound SFX (Bad Event) Volume=100 Pitch+0 Tempo=150 001- Other Wait 60F 002- Data Get Member Name 003- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) 004- Text Message 'has been cursed!' Script 273: World Check (Page Condition) 000- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 53) On 001- Data Flag: (Satisfy Page)On 002- Script Condition End Script 274: Deploy *Note if i skip a number it means there's a note in there.* 000- Data: Game Info Load 001- Script Branch: Condition Variable (Map Number)= (0 fixed) 003- Script Branch: Condition: Flag (Sample Flag 58) On 005- Data: Flag: (Sample Flag 58) Off 007- Script Branch: Condition Variable (Party: X)= +131 008- Script Branch: Condition Variable (Party: Y)= +132 011- Data: Flag (Sample Flag 52) On 013- Data: Flag (Sample Flag 53) On 015- Data: Flag (Sample Flag 54) On 017- Data: Flag (Sample Flag 56) On 019- Data: Flag (Sample Flag 59) On 020- Other Vehicle: Call Vehicle (0) (Preset World) (118, 125, +8) 022- Other Vehicle: Call Vehicle (1) (Preset World) (129, 134, +21) 024- Other Vehicle: Call Vehicle (3) (Preset World) (134, 130, +19) 026- Script: Condition End 027- Script: Condition End 029- Script: Condition End 030- Script: Condition End Script 275: Reduce HP 000- Battle: Subsitute Target Attribute for variable 001- Data: Variable: (HP)=(HP)-(damage total) 002- Battle: Subsitute Variable for Target Attribute Script 276: Reduce MP 000- Battle: Subsitute Target Attribute for variable 001- Data: Variable: (MP)=(MP)-(damage total) 002- Battle: Subsitute Variable for Target Attribute Script 277: Current Side 000- Script Branch Condition Flag (Side) Off 001- Data Flag (Temp Flag 0)Off 002- Script: Condition End 003- Script Branch Condition Flag (Side)On 004- Data Flag (Temp Flag 0)On 005- Script: Condition End Script 278: Current Name 000- Script Branch Condition Flag (Side)Off 001- Data Get Member Name 002- Script Condition End 003- Script Branch Condition Flag (Side)On 004- Data Get Enemy Name 005- Script Condition End 006- Text Content: Input: Display (Common Name) Script 279: Instigator Name 000- Script Branch Condition Flag (Instigator Side) Off 001- Data Variable (Member Number) = (Instigator Member) + 0 fixed 002- Data Get Member Name 003- Script Condition End 004- Script Branch Condition Flag (Instigator Side) On 005- Data Variable (Enemy Battle Order) = (Instigator Enemy) + 0 fixed 006- Data Get Enemy Name 007- Script Condition End 008- Text Content Input Display Common Name Script 280: Target Name 000- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Target Side)Off 001- Data Variable:(Member Number)=(Targeted Member)+(0 fixed) 002- Data Get Member Name 003- Script Condition End 004- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Target Side)On 005- Data Variable:(EnmyBattleOrder)=(TargetedEnemy)+(O fixed) 006- Data Get Enemy Name 007- Script Condition End 008- Text Content: Input Display (Common Name) Script 282: Charge 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text Message 'is charging' 003- Text Content: Menu Text: Display STR 004- Text Message: '!' 005- Other Wait 10F Script 283: Release 000- Text Clear Message 001- 001- Script Call (Instigator Name) 002- Text Message 'releases the' 003- Text Content: Menu Text: Display STR 004- Text Message: '!' 005- Data: Variable:(Damage Rate A)=(Damage Rate A)x(+2) Script 284: Aim 000- Text Clear Message 001- Script Call:(Instigator Name) 002- Text Message: 'takes aim at) 003- Script Call (Target Name) 004- Text Message '!' Script 285: Call 000- Battle: Enable Call Same Enemy 001- Script Branch Condition: Flag (CallSameEnemy)On 002- Battle: Call Same Enemy 003- Script Condition End Script 286: Summon 000- Battle: Enemy (Imp) Enable Call 001- Script Branch Condition: Flag (CallOtherEnemy)On 002- Battle: Enemy (Imp) Call 003- Script Condition End Script 287: HP Ratio 000- *Substitute temp variable for HP/ MaxHP 001- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 002- Data: Variable (Temp Variable0)=(HP)x(+100) 003- Data: Variable (Temp Variable0)=(TempVariable0)divided(MaxHP) Script 288: MP Ratio 000- *Substitute temp variable for MP/ MaxMP 001- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 002- Data: Variable (Temp Variable0)=(MP)x(+100) 003- Data: Variable (Temp Variable0)=(TempVariable0)divided(MaxMP) Script 289: Enemy Amount 000- Data Variable:(TempVariable0)=(+0)+(O fixed) 001- Battle: Check Who Goes First 002- Script Branch Repeat:Flag (Member Check)Off 003- Script Branch Condition: Flag(Instigator Side)On 004- Target Data: Action Status Confirm (Death) 005- Script Branch Condition Flag (Indirect Effect)Off 006- Data Variable:(TempVariable0)=(TempVariable0)+(+1) 007- Script Condition End 008- Script Condition End 009- Battle: Check Who Goes Next 010- Script Branch End Script 290: Death Count 000- Data Variable [TempVariable0]=(+0)+(0 Fixed) 001- Battle: Check Who Goes First 002- Script Branch Repeat Flag (Member Check)Off 003- Script Branch Condition Flag (Instigator Side)Off 004- Target Data Action Status Confirm (Death) 005- Script Branch Condition Flag (Indirect Effect)On 006- Data Variable (TempVariable0)=(TempVariable0)+(+1) 007- Script Condition End 008- Script Condition End 009- Battle: Check Who Goes Next 010- Script Branch End 011- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 291: HP Ratio Check 000- Data Variable (Temp Variable 0)=(+0)+(0 fixed) 001- Battle: Check Who Goes First 002- Script Branch Repeat Flag (Member Check)Off 003- Script Branch Condition Flag(Instigator Side)Off 004- Battle: Substitute Target Attribute for Variable 005- Script Call (Check Numb) *This should be: Call (HP ratio) * 006- Script Branch Condition Variable (TempVariable0)<=+30 007- Data Variable (Temp Variable1)=(TempVariable1)+(+1) 008- Script Condition End 009- Script Condition End 010- Battle: Check Who Goes Next 011- Script Branch End 012- Battle: Change Back Active Character 013- Data Variable (TempVariable0)=(TempVariable1)+(0 fixed) Script 292: Poison Count [Note this was miss named. It is actually a numb counter] 000- Data Variable (TempVariable0)=(+0)+(0 Fixed) 001- Battle: Check Who Goes First 002- Script Branch Repeat Flag (Member Check)Off 003- Script Branch Condition Flag (Instigator Side) 004- Target Data Condition Status Confirm (Numb) 005- Script Branch Condition Flag (Indirect Effect)On 006- Data Variable: (TempVariable0)=(TempVariable0)+(+1) 007- Script Condition End 008- Script Condition End 009- Battle: Check Who Goes Next 010- Script Branch End 011- Battle: Change Back Active Character Script 293: Normal Attack 000- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Instigator Side) Off 001- Effect (Normal 1) Target 002- Script Condition End 003- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Instigator Side) Off 004- Battle: Enemy Action (Attack A) Apply 005- Battle: Default Enemy Action 006- Script Condition End Script 294: Normal Attack 2 000- Effect (Normal 2) Target [For scripts 294-347) Copy and change the effect to whatever you want] *Note some animations such as the boomerang 2 are Viewpoint because they hit multiple targets.* Script 348: Fire 1a 000- Script Branch Condition: Flag (Instigator Side) = On 001- Battle: Enemy Action (Attack A) Apply 002- Battle: Default Enemy Action 003- Script Condition End 004- Effect (Fire 1a) Target [For Scripts 348-397 are the visual effect scripts for the weapons and spells in the game. You can change these or add your own effects by copy and pasting the excising Scripts.] [If the visual effect is meant to hit several targets at one time, use viewpoint instead of target.]