RPG Maker 2 Fu-ma Guide By Gnarled Specter CONTENTS 1. WALKTHROUGH 1.1 Introduction 1.2 San Moreek 1.3 Sankerest Castle 1.4 Prahidel 1.5 North Cemetery 1.6 Grand Shrine 1.7 Seapool 1.8 Tower of Flame I 1.9 Tower of Flame II (The Sun Tear) 1.10 Hezan 1.11 Coral Cave (The Ocean Tear) 1.12 Village of Ages (The Earth Tear) 1.13 Giant's Cave 1.14 Grand Shrine II 1.15 Seramus's House 1.16 Evil's Palace 1.17 Ending 2. EXTRAS 2.1 Wooden Doll Locations 2.2 Robot Doll Locations 2.3 Dragon Doll Locations This FAQ is a guide to Fu-ma, the RPG Maker 2 sample game. If you notice any typo's or anything that seems unclear or incomplete, I'd be happy to accept questions, comments, corrections, etc. You can either post on the message boards here at GameFAQ's or email me at gnarledspecter@hotmail.com. =============== 1. WALKTHROUGH =============== 1.1 Introduction This is a basic walkthrough of Fu-ma. I'm not going to go in-depth into anything like weapons, equipment, or battle strategies. The only items I'm going to mention are the ones needed to unlock the optional characters or beat the game, and if you're having trouble winning a certain battle, about all I can recommend is that you level up your characters some more. I would be more than happy to accept help from and give full credit to anyone who feels like contributing these sections... but I'm mainly writing this guide about where to go and what to do to beat the game. The way Fu-ma was designed, you're sent off on a quest with basically no clues whatsoever as to where you're supposed to go, and you'll probably spend half the game wandering around a world map chock-full of random encounters trying to find the next event. If you're expecting something with mile-deep characters and a killer plot, don't even bother playing this game. However, if you'd just like to see an example of a complete game that shows you the things you can do with RPG Maker 2, this game is probably worth playing. With this walkthrough, you should be able to work your way through the game. I'm writing this guide assuming everyone can figure out how to walk, or use items, or fight a battle, so I'm not going to cover really basic stuff here. Only a few things I think are worth mentioning: - You don't have to bring up the main menu with X and select "Talk" just to talk to someone; just hit the triangle button. The same goes for looking at stuff. - In order to SAVE your game, just go into any church and examine the red book in the upper right corner. - And just to clear up a common misconception, you do NOT have to beat Fu-ma in order to get the code to edit it. The code is on the last page of the instruction manual. =============== 1.2 San Moreek After choosing a name and watching the little conversation that begins the game, you'll have to head to the hill behind town and find 20 mushrooms. You can explore the little village of San Moreek first, buy items or save your game, but when you're ready just head north. Your childhood friend Cocona will join you and it's mushroom picking time. Just go in every cave entrance on the hill, examine mushrooms to pick them up, and it's almost impossible to fail at this one. And, if by some reason you can't find 20, just leave the hill and come back, the mushrooms regenerate. Anyway, once you've gotten your 20 mushrooms, head back to the inn. After a bit more talking, you'll actually get to run the inn... Customers will come in and ask you for a room. It doesn't matter if you say yes or no to them, but saying yes gets it over with quicker. The last two guys to stay are a couple of thieves who stole a vase from a castle. After they run out of the inn, follow them outside and watch another little event. Next, head back inside; you'll probably notice Bilton standing in the room where the thieves stayed. Talking to him reveals that they left the vase behind, and it might be stolen from the castle. Now you have to take it back to Sankerest Castle. Sort of bizarre, it follows you there like another character. Anyway, leave San Moreek and head east, following the bright yellow path, and you'll hit Sankerest. ===================== 1.3 Sankerest Castle Once in the castle, just head straight up one of the staircases on the back wall and through the door to talk to the king. All you'll find out is that the vase doesn't belong to the castle, though. You'll have to head back to San Moreek. Back at the inn, you'll find Cocona and Anessa talking upstairs. Talk to them, and when you try to leave, Cocona will join you. When you head back downstairs, Cocona's granfather will be there, and talking to him reveals a bit more about the vase: it may have come from the Grand Shrine. You'll have to go talk to a priest in a town called Prahidel to find out whether it did or not. Leave San Moreek and follow the yellow path east, past Sankerest Castle. You'll eventually come to a sort of gateway. You'll be able to pass through it now (guards would have stopped you before). Follow the path north until it ends, then continue northeast through the desert-like area until you reach a brownish dirt ramp up onto a cliff. Follow along the top of the cliff like a path, and when you get to the end of it you should see a city. ============= 1.4 Prahidel When you first enter the city, you'll get to watch a little event involving the two thieves. Afterwards, you're free to explore the city, buy weapons, whatever. (Check out the baby in the item shop... I think it's really creepy.) In order to move the plot along, though, you'll have to go talk to the mayor. His house is the huge one in the northwestern corner of the map. Talking to the mayor will reveal that the priest you're looking for went to a place called North Cemetery. The mayor also mentions that the ghost of his great-great-grandfather, who is believed to be somewhere in his house, knows more about the city that was once built on the site of this cemetery. You can enter the mayor's house through the door on the left and continue up to the attic to talk to the ghost, but it isn't necessary to move the plot along. Leave Prahidel and head due north, through a patch of trees, and you'll see a cross-shaped gravestone. This is North Cemetery. ==================== 1.5. North Cemetery Enter the cemetery and climb the stairs, and you'll see the priest, Loian, standing by one of the gravestones. Talking to him will trigger an event where he and the dog Po-Chi both fall through a hole. Loian asks you to go tell the mayor of Prahidel about this, and that's what you've gotta go do. Just retrace your steps back to Prahidel and talk to the mayor again. He'll tell you to head back to the cemetery, that he'll find the key to the underground city and catch up with you. So, return to the cemetery. When you try to go through the doors to the underground city, the mayor will show up to let you in. He won't actually accompany you into the underground city, though. Go through the double doors. They will slam behind you (the mayor doesn't want to let monsters out, or something) but you'll still be able to leave if you want to. Straight ahead you'll see Loian and Po-Chi trapped in a room where the door has been blocked by rubbel, and Loian can't move it by himeslf. You'll have to find a way into that room. Go ahead and explore the dungeon, look for treasure and so on if you want, but here's what you have to do to free Loian: follow the yellow path toward the back wall and onto the ledge with the statues of the big heads, then climb the staircase to the right. You'll end up in a sort of maze of white marble hallways with a few gaping holes in the floor. You'll have to fall through one of these holes and into the room that contains Loian. To get to the hole you want, first head west, then turn south, then east, then south, then west and you should see two holes in the floor. The one you want is the one on the left. Anyway, go ahead and fall through this hole and you'll end up in the room with Loian. In another little event, you'll help Loian move the rubble that's blocking the door, and Loian leaves. Follow after him and you'll end up back in Prahidel, in the mayor's house. In this next little event, the conversation switches back to that old vase that's been following you around. Loian says it's really important, can change the world's future, and so on. You have to go show it to the Great Shinto Priest in the Grand Shrine just to make sure, though. After this conversation, Loian will join the party. ================= 1.6 Grand Shrine In order to reach the Grand Shrine, head straight east from Prahidel. You'll eventually come to a little red and white building in the middle of nowhere. This is an inn, good for some rest if you've been fighting random battles the whole way here. From the inn, head north through a sort of valley of cliffs, and eventually you'll hit the ocean. Don't follow right along the coast, though, because you'll end up in a dead end. Instead, head southeast through another valley the first chance you get. If you just follow along through the valley, you'll eventually see the Grand Shrine. Once in the Grand Shrine, enter the building on the far right. Head straight down the hallway and through the door, and you'll end up in the room with the Great Shinto Priest. In the conversation that follows, you'll find out that the vase that's been following you around is actually the Vase of the Seal, and that Jadece, the king of demons, is imprisoned inside. The seal must be renewed, and you'll need to find the three tears of power in order to accomplish this. The Great Shinto Priest doesn't bother to tell you where to find any of them, though. ============ 1.7 Seapool The first place you should head after the Grand Shrine is Seapool, the port town in the south you've probably heard NPC's talking about. From the Grand Shrine, head due south and you'll see a palm tree on a patch of sand. This is actually a beach, touch it to enter it like any other location on the map. At this beach you'll get to see a little event where three demons are terrorizing a sea turtle, and Loian saves the day by boring everyone to sleep with his preaching. The turtle tells you of a shiny thing in the water east of San Moreek, grateful to you for saving it. (The turtle is referring to the Giant's Hammer, which you can't get until you obtain the boat.) You don't have to bother with this in order to move the plot along, but it might come in handy later. Anyway, head east / northeast from Turtle Beach and you'll see a ramp onto a dirt path. Climb onto it, turn south, and continue following the dirt path south until you get to another ramp leading off it. Continue south, through the desert-like area, and up another ramp at the southwest corner of this desert area. Follow this ramp / dirt path south (you should see a city to your left as you go), climb down when you reach another ramp, then head north to Seapool. When you enter Seapool, head to the left to reach the docks. You'll get to see another event involving the two thieves-- Gaspa and Cominco steal a decrepit old ship that was about to be destroyed anyway. After watching this event, head north along the docks and enter the large brick building. Talk to the guy on the pier, Shuban, who asks you to join his pirate crew. If you say yes, Loian will say the group can't, and Shuban will leave. Leave the building and head back up the ramp into town, past the church, and down another ramp. You'll see a plain, squarish white building... this is Shuban's house. Go inside, and when you try to go into the back room, an event will start where two brothers are arguing. Shuban wants to be a pirate, his brother Raban doesn't want him to, etc. etc. etc. They make a bet that, if Raban can bring back the Pirate King's hat from the Tower of Flame, Shuban won't become a pirate. Raban joins the party and enlists your help in accomplishing this. ===================== 1.8 Tower of Flame I From Seapool, head south along the coast until you see a tower on a peninsula. This is the Tower of Flame. When you enter, you'll get to see a short event where the double doors open because of the fact that Raban is with you. He's a direct descendant of the Pirate King, you know. Anyway, head around the lake to the staircase in the back and climb up. After this are three successive floors; each is basically just a roundish platform surrounded by water. About the only place to go is up, so just keep climbing the stairs until you reach the top floor. The topmost floor contains a LOT of pillars, so you'll know when you get there. Just walk around the perimeter (left or right, it doesn't matter) to the front where two chests are waiting. One of these contains an item called "Captain's Hat," which is what you've been looking for. With your loot in hand, head back down through the tower the way you came, exit to the World Map, and head back to Seapool. Back in Seapool, head back to the brick building on the docks and head for the pier where you talked to Shuban before. When you get to the pier, an event will start. Since Raban brought back the Pirate King's hat, Shuban agrees to give up on his dream of becoming a pirate. He gives his ship to Raban, and Raban leaves the party forever. After this event, talk to Raban, and he'll give his new ship to you. Walk onto the ship and watch a nice little event where it sails out to the open sea. ===================================== 1.9 Tower of Flame II (The Sun Tear) Once on the boat, sail south from Seapool, following along the coast. Sail around the peninsula with the Tower of Flame and you'll eventually come to a white cave. Sail into this and you'll end up in an underground passageway beneath the tower. Get off your boat (press the O button to do this, if you haven't already figured that out) and head through the passageway until you come to a set of stairs leading up. You'll end up in the Tower of Flame again, except this time you'll have access to a new set of areas. Once again, you'll have to keep going up, although at least this time the floors are a bit more than plain roundish platforms. 1st Floor-- Okay, this one is just a plain roundish platform. Climb the stairs, that's all. 2nd Floor-- Head east, then south and around to reach another set of stairs. 3rd Floor-- Go south, selecting the hallway / passageway on the right, and through a doorway (that you can only see if you rotate the camera) in order to reach the stairs. 4th Floor-- Go south and through the double doors to reach the stairs, but talk to the dying Shinto Priest first, he gives you the world map. 5th Floor-- Just another floor, lots of pillars here. The stairs are easily visible, enough said. 6th Floor-- More pillars. There's a staircase in each corner; just go up either of the ones on the right side (the northeast or the southeast stairs), either of the stairs on the left are blocked on the next floor. 7th Floor-- The Sun Tear is on a platform in the very center. Just examine it to pick it up. Once you have the Sun Tear, head back down through the tower the way you came, get on your boat, and leave the underground cave. =========== 1.10 Hezan At this point in the game, there isn't much reason to visit Hezan, but it's sort of on the way to where you want to go next. Plus, you can obtain a nice little item called Thief Key... which makes it worth a visit. To reach Hezan, sail east from the Tower of Flame, following along the coast, until you reach a pier. Get off your boat, climb the dirt ramp to the north, and follow along the dirt path until you see a city. (You can also walk here from Seapool, but I find it easier to sail, since you're probably on your boat anyway.) In the northeast corner of the city, you'll see a brick wall surrounding a staircase leading down. Climb down the stairs and you'll find yourself in a little prison with three cells. The prisoner in the cell at the far right asks to be released if you talk to him, and also mentions that two other thieves (Gaspa and Cominco, obviously) broke out of their cells earlier. He also mentions that one of them dropped something. In the middle cell, examine the bed to find the Thief Key (you have to be standing on the bed, in the very corner, in order to find it). With this key, not only can you free the prisoner, you also gain the ability to open a number of other doors throughout the game. With the Thief Key in hand, there isn't much reason to stay in this little town. Leave town and get back on your boat; it's time to find the next tear of power. ================================= 1.11 Coral Cave (The Ocean Tear) From Hezan, sail north along the coast, but it's pretty far to Coral Cave. You'll sail around a little island connected to the mainland by a bridge; from this island you can either sail directly northwest or continue following along the coast. Either way, you'll eventually see another white cave like the one you entered the Tower of Flame through. Sail into this cave. The double doors you see when you enter are locked, and talking to the nearby priest reveals that you have to find something called the "Coral Key" in order to open it. Get back on your boat and sail around to the left. There are two entrances-- one you can sail through, another that you have to get off your boat and walk through. Start by sailing through the larger entrance at the right. You'll end up in a narrow hall or canal containing a pier. Get off your boat at the pier and climb the ladder, go through the doorway at the top, past the bookshelf, and out through another door. You'll see a switch in the form of a water wheel, but don't touch it for now. Instead, cross the canal on top of the wall / floodgate and walk through another door. You'll see a chest when you enter, so walk around and open it-- it contains an item called "Water Ball," which you'll need. Go back the way you came. Now it's time to mess with that wheel you saw. Examine it to turn it, and the wall / floodgate you crossed the canal on will sink, and the water level will rise. Go back through the room with the bookshelf and get back on your boat. Sail north down the canal and through the large passageway at the end. You'll end up in a room with several waterfalls; sail through the passageway between the two waterfalls. Sail to the right and get off your boat at the platform, then head north and follow along the walkway until you see a black circle / hollow area on the wall. Examine it to fit the Water Ball you found into it. The waterfall to your left will dry up. Get back on your boat and sail to the left, then toward the back wall, and you'll see a new passageway that had been blocked by the waterfall. Sail through this. You'll end up in a room with three passageways to choose from. Sail through the one on the left (the right and center passageways will send you over waterfalls in that first room with the waterfalls) and you'll end up back in the canal you started in, except now you'll be on the south side of the floodgate. Sail south back through the entrance and you'll end up in the room you started in. Sail to the left, get off your boat, and go through the doorway. Climb the stairs and exit through another doorway, and you'll see that there's now a raised floodgate to walk across. Cross the canal and go through yet another doorway. Open the chest to find the Coral key. Backtrack to the first room and get back on your boat. Now it's time to go through the double doors you saw when you first entered the cave. Go through these doors and you'll see two big squids. Talk to them and you'll have to fight a boss battle, but it's the only way past them. After you've defeated Squid and Blood Squid, go through the double doors they had been blocking. Two treasure chests await, one of which contains the Ocean Tear. With your treasure clutched in your cold, clammy hands, there's no reason to stay in this cave. Get back on your boat and leave; it's time to go find the last tear of power. ====================================== 1.12 Village of Ages (The Earth Tear) From Coral Cave, sail directly east and you should see a pier. If you're looking at the world map, you should be heading for the land in the upper left corner. Anyway, when you finally reach this pier, get off your boat and head straight east, and you'll see a city on a hill. This is Ages. (On a side note, you don't necessarily have to come here before going to pick up the next item, but I think it was meant to be played out this way, so that's how I'm going to write it.) Ages is set up as sort of a hill with lots of doorways. There's all the normal stuff, an inn, a church, a weapon shop, and so on, though I think they could've done a better job labeling it all. Anyway, the doorway you're looking for is the highest one in the city. Through this door is the village elder (who sits at a table in the room at the left), who tells you that the Earth Tear is locked away in the Sacred Cave here in Ages. However, the key to the chest it's in has been split in two. To protect it. Half the key is being kept in Ages, but a villager wandered off with the other half. "He is somewhere out there in the world" is the only clue you get as to his whereabouts. ================== 1.13 Giant's Cave The other half of the key is located in Giant's Cave. If you haven't already done so, you'll need to pick up the Giant Hammer, the shiny thing in the water the turtle at Turtle Beach was talking about. Sail directly east from San Moreek, and you should see a flashing object in the water, sort of between two islands. Examine it to pick it up. You may have already visited Giant's Cave; it's located on a peninsula that you can reach walking along the coast northwest of the Grand Shrine. You can also sail to it-- sail east from Ages, following along the coast, and you'll eventually come to a pier. You'll have to backtrack west a little (along the coast) once you get off your boat at this pier, and what you're looking for is a white cave. As I mentioned before, you could come straight here to pick up the half of the key before even heading to Ages. It might be easier that way. Anyway, after you enter the cave, use the Giant Hammer and turn into a giant. You'll be able to walk across the gap in the floor and climb down the big staircase. On the next floor, walk a bit to the right and cross more gaps in the floor to get to another big staircase in the very back. Climb down this and you'll end up in a room with a giant table, giant chest, and a giant bookcase. Stand on either side of the giant bookcase and push it out of the way, revealing a large passageway hidden behind it. Through this passageway is a chest containing the other half of the key. Once you've picked it up, head back to Ages. Back in Ages, talk to the village elder again, and you'll put the two pieces of the key back together to form the Ages Key. In the northeast corner of town, there's a doorway facing east with a guy blocking it. Talk to him, and he'll get out of your way now that you have the Ages Key. Walk through the doorway and open the chest to receive the Earth Tear. ===================== 1.14 Grand Shrine II With the three tears of power, return to the Grand Shrine and talk to the Great Shinto Priest once again. After the little conversation, follow him into the chapel-- the large temple building in the center-- and through the heavy doors on the back wall that you couldn't open before. You'll then get to watch a nice event where the Demon King's servants show up and steal the vase before the seal on it can be renewed. Afterwards, follow the Great Shinto Priest back to his room in the building on the far right. Talk to him and he'll ask you to go visit the sage that fought the Demon King the last time around. ===================== 1.15 Seramus's House The sage's house is located north of Hezan, on an island connected to the mainland by a bridge. However, the door is locked, so head to Hezan first. Talk to the mayor (his house is to the left and up a few earthen ramps after you enter town) and he'll tell you Seramus left something behind that's to be given to a messenger from the Grand Shrine; it's being kept by the guy across the street. So, head to the house on the other side of town (to the right and up a ramp after entering town) and talk to the man behind the table. He'll give you an item called "Sage's Key." (He wouldn't have given it to you if you hadn't talked to the mayor first.) Now you can go to the sage's house north of Hezan; you'll be able to open the door now. Inside you'll see three bookshelves. The one in the middle can be pushed aside to reveal a door, but the door is locked. In order to open it, examine the middle (pushable) bookshelf and you'll find Seramus's diary. Just read it, and the locked door behind the shelf will open. Go through the door and down the stairs. The gates on the next screen should open no problem, so go through them and down another staircase. You'll end up in a room with three colored blocks and ten digits on the floor. The simple answer is: move the yellow block to the number seven; the red block to the number two; and the blue block to the number zero. If you'd like to know where this came from, keep reading; if you don't care, just skip to the next paragraph. The clue to this puzzle is given by an old woman in Hezan, who says that Seramus had three cats that he watched over like children. When he died, they stayed in the village for a while, but then wandered off / disappeared. These cats (in an odd way) tell you the answer to the colored block-pushing puzzle. The cat with the yellow collar is near the docks in Seapool; it meows seven times. The cat with the red collar is on the roof of Sankerest Castle; it meows twice. The cat with the blue collar is in a house in Ages, and it doesn't meow at all (it says "..."). Anyway, after you've solved the colored block-pushing puzzle, the late sage Seramus will appear, talk a bit, and disappear, leaving a treasure chest for you to open. This contains the Light Bracer. When you leave the Sage's house, you'll get to watch an event where the sky goes black and Jadece casts some evil magic on the Grand Shrine. After this event, head back to the Grand Shrine as per the instructions of your party members. You'll find that everyone's been turned to stone with the exception of the Great Shinto Priest, who's behind the table in his room as always. Talk to him and he'll give you the Sacred Tear before turning to stone himself. With the Sacred Tear, you'll finally be able to go confront the Demon King. =================== 1.16 Evil's Palace If you sail directly west from Seapool, you'll hit another small continent / island. There is a pier located on the south side of this continent, in the center. A bit north from this pier is a white cave. Go in, and you'll see purple flames blocking the only entrance forward... but now that you have the Sacred Tear, the flames will disappear after you examine them. Go through the double doors. (This is actually a cave leading through the mountains to Evil's Palace. The following is a quick rundown of how to find your way through it.) 1st Screen-- Head through the doorway on the far north side of the map (ignore the stairs leading down, they go nowhere). 2nd Screen-- Take the stairs down or fall through a hole. 3rd Screen-- Head down another staircase at the south end of the map. 4th Screen-- Follow the walkways over lava to stairs leading up on the south end of the map. 5th Screen-- Head south and around to the stairs leading up, which you can see when you enter the map. 6th Screen-- Walk a few steps to the left to another staircase leading up. 7th Screen-- Walk to the left and fall through a hole. 8th screen-- Climb the stairs at the northwest corner of the map. 9th Screen-- Walk right past the pillars and down another staircase. 10th Screen-- The stairs are surrounded by a tile pattern; head north through a doorway and you should end up back on the world map. Now you should see Evil's Palace, the purple castle only steps from where you come out of the cave. Once inside, go up the ramp and through the double doors; you'll end up in a hall with a red carpet. Go through another set of double doors and you'll end up in another hallway. When you take a few steps from the door, the door behind you will lock. When you get a few steps away from the next door, an event will start where the entire party faints, and you'll hear the demon king talking. You'll wake up in Sankerest Castle. You won't be able to leave through the front doors, since the king ordered them to remain shut since there are such terrible monsters outside now. Behind the king and queen's throne, there is a secret passageway (as you might well already know). Just examine the diamond-shaped pattern and a section of the wall will disappear. Go through this entrance, down a staircase, past the room with the sleeping guy, through the dirt passageway, and up another staircase. You'll end up back in Evil's Palace. If you've been talking to everyone in the castle, you've probably noticed that they've been saying things that were either just plain bizarre or oddly out of place... well, that's because it wasn't really Sankerest Castle... just one of the Demon King's illusions. There are demons walking around now, and they will fight you if you talk to them... but you don't have to talk to them if you don't want to. Anyway, head through the double doors again, then through the next set of doors; this time you won't faint. In the next hallway, go down the stairs straight ahead and you'll see our old pals Gaspa and Cominco in a prison cell. After the event where they notice you, touch the doors to open them. The two thieves will give you a bit of advice (that the demon king is somewhere in this building) and then run away. Go back up the stairs you just came down, and then up one of the large staircases at either end of the hallway. Pass the movable block and the two chests, and the rows of gargoyles, and go up another staircase. Then up another a few steps to the left. You'll en up in a room with a large and (I think) very cool imported picture on the wall. There are two blocks in this room that you can push; you can push them into the corners and climb the stairs to go through the doorways, but that'll lead you nowhere. It's just another diversion. Instead, push one of the blocks in front of the center of that cool painting / imported picture. Touch it, and you'll actually walk right into the picture. You'll end up in front of a pair of large, dark double doors. Go through these and down the hall, then just stand in the center of the yellow circle to warp. Climb the long staircase and prepare to fight the final battle. Just talk to Jadece to get it going. The final battle is actually three battles. First you'll have to fight Jadece, then you have to fight Jadece again, then you have to fight his servant Liavo. The first is probably the toughest of the three, and if you're at about level 20 or so you should do okay. ============ 1.17 Ending Instead of getting to sit back and watch a cutscene / event after the final battle, you'll have to actually play through the ending. It's pretty straightforward, though. After winning the final battle, you'll warp out of Evil's Palace and eventually end up in Sankerest Castle. Go upstairs to the throne room and talk to the king. The scene switches to the banquet hall, and you'll need to talk to everyone there (including the servants in the adjacent room). When you've finished, talk to the king again and the credits will roll. ========== 2. EXTRAS ========== 2.1 Wooden Doll Locations In the underground city at North Cemetery, there is a treasure chest containing a Wooden Doll. It is located in one of the rooms on the first floor. In order to get to it, follow the yellow path towards the back wall, and take a left when you reach the well. From there, just follow along the wall of the room until you get to a gap in the wall. Go through this in order to get to the chest. From the inn east of Prahidel (that one in the middle of nowhere), head north through a sort of valley of cliffs until you reach the ocean. From there, head east along the coast, and eventually you'll see a Wooden Doll sitting there on a tree stump. Just examine it to pick it up. The last one can be found in the Tower of Flame (accessible only by entering through the underground tunnel, after you've gotten the ship). On the fourth floor-- the floor where the dying Shinto Priest gave you the World Map-- there are two chests at the upper right. One of them contains the Wooden Doll. Once you have all three Wooden Dolls, you can obtain the optional character Dex. In order to unlock Dex, you'll have to go to his temple. It's easiest to sail to it-- follow along the coast, heading south from San Moreek. You'll eventually get to a pier from which you can easily see the temple. Inside the temple, place the three Wooden Dolls on the platforms, and Dex, who had appeared to be petrified, will come to life. Talk to him and he will join the party. 2.2 Robot Doll Locations The first one can be found at the gateway on the way from Sankerest Castle to Prahidel. You can see it outside the building behind a couple of barrels, but you can't get around the barrels without warping back to the world map. In order to get it, just go through the building and turn right (before you warp), then walk around the building and pick it up. A Robot Doll is located in Giant's Cave, one floor down. You must have the Giant Hammer in order to reach it (the Giant Hammer is the flashing object in the water directly east of San Moreek). You have to use to Giant Hammer to become a giant, then climb down the big staircase on the first floor. The doll is in a large chest located in the upper left corner of the map, behind a row of giant boulders. As a giant, just walk through these boulders to crush them / make them disappear and you'll reach the chest. There is an easily visible Robot Doll on the northwest corner of the roof of the church in Prahidel, but in order to get it, you'll also need the Giant Hammer. Use the hammer to grow large, then examine the doll to pick it up. Another Robot Doll is located in the hidden passageway in Sankerest Castle. Behind the King and Queen's throne, examine the diamond-shaped pattern and a section of the wall will disappear. In the room with the bed, there are two chests, one of which contains the Robot Doll. (The Thief Key is needed to open the door to this room; it can be found in the middle cell of the prison in the northeast corner of Hezan.) There is a Robot Doll located in the Sage Seramus's house on the second floor (to get to it, you'll have to read his diary on the middle bookshelf, and then push the shelf out of the way and climb the staircase). The Robot Doll is on the bed, easily visible. Examine it to pick it up. Once you've acquired all five Robot Dolls, you can obtain the optional character Bulgil. In order to unlock Bulgil, you'll have to go to his temple. Walk east from Prahidel and you'll soon see a desert-like area to the north of you, with a temple in the center. Inside, examine the pedestals to place the robot dolls on them and the once-petrified Bulgil will come to life. Talk to him and he'll join the party. 2.3 Dragon Doll Locations A Dragon Doll can be found in Hezan. Examine the well in the center of town to climb down it. At the bottom of the well, in the bottom left corner, a Dragon Doll is easliy visible. Examine it to pick it up. A Dragon Doll is located in Coral Cave (the place where you found the Ocean Tear). After you enter the cave from the world map, take a right the first chance you get. There is a chest at the end of a short hallway which contains the Dragon Doll. In Seapool, you'll probably notice a clown / jester who offers to sell you a doll for 30,000 G. If you're near the end of the game, you should have enough to buy it; if you don't, just fight more battles or something. Anyway, once you fork out all that money, you'll be disappointed to find that it's only a Penguin Doll. Go talk to Aria in Sankerest Castle, in the upper left corner of the King and Queen's throne room. Answer yes when she asks if you have something pretty, and answer yes again to trade the Penguin Doll for her Dragon Doll. You'll need the Giant Hammer for this one... walking south from the Grand Shrine (or west from Turtle Beach) you'll come to a dirt ramp. Climb the ramp and follow the dirt ramp heading west and you'll see a dragon doll on the cliff / mountain. Use the Giant Hammer to grow large and examine the doll to pick it up. Another Dragon Doll is located in the Village of Ages, in the weapon shop. (The weapon shop is located on the lowest level, near the northwest corner of town, with the entrance facing west.) In the room to the left of the counter, there is a chest in the upper left corner which contains the Dragon Doll. After the event where all the priests are petrified, go to the Great Shinto Priest's room and try to talk to him across the table. He won't answer, of course (he's petrified) but you'll see something shiny on the desk. Pick up the Priest's Key and use it to open the chest to the right of the table, which contains a Dragon Doll. In Evil's Palace, after you walk through / into the imported painting, in the room with the yellow warp circle on the floor, there is a Dragon Doll. Take a right after you enter the aforementioned room and head through the doorway on your left. The hall eventually leads to a room with a chest that contains the last Dragon Doll. Once you've gotten all seven Dragon Dolls, you can obtain the optional character Draig. In order to unlock Draig, you'll have to go to his temple. The easiest way to find it is to sail south from the pier near Hezan; you'll soon come to a small island with a temple. Inside, examine the pedestals to place the dragon dolls on them, and a large dragon that had appeared to be petrified will come to life. Talk to it, and Draig will join the party. ========== Legal Crap ========== This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of a copyright. If you see this guide anywhere but GameFAQs.com, please email me at gnarledspecter@hotmail.com to let me know. Copyright 2004 S.B. Panno