RPG Maker 2 Music Creation Guide v3.0 In-Depth FAQ Contact Information: Obliviondragon@rpgmmag.com v2.1 Contents 1. Update Information 2. Music Creation Forum 3. Music Creation Staff 4. General Information 5. Treble Clef>RPGM2 Transposition 6. Timing to Create Songs 7. Using your music in the game. 8. Tips for the Musician 9. Questions and Answers 10. My Sample Tunes 11. Sample Tunes Submitted by Others. 12. What to expect in the next update. 13. Thanks 14. Copyright Information ***---------------------------------------------------------*** *** Update Information *** ***---------------------------------------------------------*** v3.0 HEY! Im finally back. It has been a while (MY PS2 has been in the shop for repairs.) but im here, and right back into music creation for RPGM2. As far as the update goes, I have added 4(!) new sections since the last release. The first Is a short section called "Music Creation Forum" The next Is a section crediting the newly formed "Music Creation Staff" The third is a section titled "Tips for the Musician" which, as the name states, gives helpful tips. Lastly, I have a question and answer section in which I address frequently asked questions that I recieve. v2.0 A new section for fan-submitted custom music has been added complete with an original composition by Jugem. If you would like to have your creations posted in my guide, send them to OblivionDragon@rpgmmag.com v1.3 Added the New sections for Using music IN your game, and sample tunes. Good deal of information added. v1.21/v1.22 Made minor changes to timing information. The information already listed would make the notes generally too long. v1.2 Added Quite a bit on timing. Just about all information that may be needed to create great sounding music is now in the guide. v1.1: A great deal more information on octaves and notation. A section on timing has been added as well. Transposition charts completly recomposed to include lower octaves. v1.0: Base guide, details on transposition and "flute" notation. ***---------------------------------------------------------*** *** Music Creation Forum *** ***---------------------------------------------------------*** You heard me right! The RPG Maker Magazine has set up a special forum just for Music Creation related discussion. This is a much quicker way of getting your questions answered than sending me an email because the entire Music Creation Staff usually checks the forum daily. Be free to use the forum to ask a question or post your newest masterpiece. The special Music Creation forum can be found at: http://pub45.ezboard.com/frpgmakermagazinefrm83 ***---------------------------------------------------------*** *** Music Creation Staff *** ***---------------------------------------------------------*** The Music Creation guide, as well as the general concept of music creation on RPGM2 has grown from just a tiny seed into something extraordinary. Many faces have become well known, and the rush for new information on music creation has led me to hire some help. Starting with the next issue, this guide will be co-authored by the following people, each adding their own unique touch. OblivionDragon-Me-Head FAQer/Scripter SGT SARGE-Second in command. Jugem-Master Musician/Scripter LordIxzion-er...we will figure something out :p !!!Attention: We are still in need of staff memebers, if you would like to become a staff memeber, please contact me at: obliviondragon@rpgmmag.com!!! ***----------------------------**---------------------------*** *** General Information *** ***----------------------------**---------------------------*** Treble Clef: --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------o------------------------ --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- The note on the above music staff is a "B Natural" No matter what instrument is being played, the note is called the same, and the above note will always be B natural. The often misunderstood concept is that although it is the same note on any instrument, it will not sound alike. This is because the instruments are in different keys. Here's a handy transposition chart. I have given each note a "classification #", so finding the same number in each scale will give you the exact same pitch. Concert Pitch (Flute, all mallets, oboe, all keyboards, C-tin whistle, C-Trumpet) -------------------------------- C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C -------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 -------------------------------- B-FLAT INSTRUMENTS: (Bb Clarinet, Bb Trumpet, Soprano Sax, Tenor Sax, Baritone (T.C) --------------------------------- D D# E E# F# G G# A A# B B# C# D --------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 --------------------------------- E-FLAT INSTRUMENTS: (Alto Clarinet, Alto Sax, Eb Horn, Baritone Sax, Eb Tuba (T.C.) ---------------------------------- A A# B B# C# D D# E E# F# G G# A ---------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ---------------------------------- F-INSTRUMENTS: French Horn -------------------------------- G G# A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G -------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 -------------------------------- By comparing the numbers of each note, you can now easily transpose between these instruments. EX: A classification # of 1 for F-Instruments is G A classification # of 1 for E-Flat Instruments is A The pithes of these two notes will be the same because they have the same classification #. ***------------------------***--------------------------------*** *** Treble Clef>RPGM2 *** ***------------------------***--------------------------------*** Alright! This is where the fun begins! In this section Im going to show you how you can transfer notes from the treble clef into notes on RPGM2. Basically, what this means, is if you know how to read music, you can program a lot of pretty cool music. If you have sheet music, you can most likely create the music in RPGM2. First, a quick intro before we get down to buisness. Looking back to the charts above, you will notice that there are notes numbered from 1-13. Each of these notes has a counter-note on RPGM2. This is managed by manipulating the pre-recorded RPGM2 Instrument sound effects. By varying the pitch of the notes from -12 to 12 in RPGM2, a great variety of songs can be created. You must be aware though, that there are certain limitations on this type of music creation. For example, only a few instrument sounds are avaliable, but most people should be able to make due with this. The music will still sound good, but just not orchastra quality. Alright, on to the stuff you actually want to hear about :p You will probably recognize the table below. The second row is the upper-octave pitch in RPGM2 that is equal to the concert pitch. The third row represents the lower-octave pitch in RPGM2 that is equal to the concert pitch. Let me explain octaves really fast for you non-music people. Both the pitches 0 and -12 are the note "C" but they are one octave apart. Both of the notes sound the same in terms of pitch, but the -12 pitch is an octave lower. The Following chart is true for all of RPGM2 preloaded instrument sfx. How to use the chart: Look above the the charts where I first gave the classification numbers. Find the specific note you want to play, and in which key, and then match it up with its classification number. Return to this chart and find the same classification number. Under this number is the pitch you will need to use in RPGM2 to get the same tone. -------------------------------------------------- Classification #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 -------------------------------------------------- RPGM2 Upper-Octave: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -------------------------------------------------- Lower octave: -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 -------------------------------------------------- ***------------------------------------------------------------*** *** Timing operations for Creating Songs *** ***------------------------------------------------------------*** One cannot simply just string notes together carelessly and hope to have created an outstanding piece of music to rival Peer Gynt. You have to understand the basics of music the be able to program a nice sounding melody in RPGM2. Music is composed of a huge variety of Notes and Rests, each lasting a certain amount of time, depending on the speed of the music. For Example: If a piece of music is in 4/4 time, that means that there are 4 beats a measure. A whole note takes up 4 beats. A half note takes 2 beats, A Quarter Note takes 1 Beat. An Eighth Note takes 1/2 of a beat. A Sixteenth note takes 1/4 of a beat, and so forth. For each of the notes I described, there is also a rest. During the period of a rest, nothing occurs but silence. The exact oposite of a note, but counted in the same way. Each note in RPGM2 can have a set length, or tempo. This is one way to vary the length of notes, but is very limited. For optimal sound, always set the tempo of the note as low as it will go, and use the following procedure. To implement the right length that the notes and rests should be, you must use a wait command in RPGM2. An average whole note would be about a 80F wait time in RPGM2, as would a whole rest. To create a whole note/rest: When you get into scripting, select the sound you want to use by selecting the sound effect and setting the pitch. After you insert the sound effect into the switch, select Other>Wait and then select 48F. This will make your note wait the appropriate amount of time. A rest is done in the same way, BUT the wait will not follow a note, you script a wait time of 80F and nothing more. The same process can be used to create Half-Notes,Quarter-Notes,Eighth Notes etc. but the wait time you program will vary. For example, use the above process but substitute the following wait times: Dotted Half Note/Rest (3 counts): 36F Half Note/Rest (2 Counts): 24F Dotted Quarter Note/Rest (1 1/2 Counts): 18F Quarter Note/Rest (1 Count): 12F Eighth Note/Rest (1/2 Count): 6F Sixteenth Note/Rest (1/4 Count):3F Now just one more thing. To get the optimal effect, the tempo for these notes should be very low, and right after the "wait" you should use the "stop" script under the "music" heading. This will ensure that your notes will not run into each other and clash in a very ugly way. You should be able to use this data, and your new knowledge of the notes that can be used in RPGM2 to create some pretty interesting stuff. I am going to see what I can come up with and you can bet I will have loads of sample tunes in the Next Update! ***------------------------------------------------------------*** *** Using the music you create! *** ***------------------------------------------------------------*** This is probably just me, but I think some of you may actually want to use the music you create IN your game :p. After you get the scripting set up, this is the really easy part. Just create an event using the Music script you made, and say for example you want to use this music as your BGM, just set the event to auto start and you are set. Place this event in the exact same way as you would any other event. If you decide to use your music as BGM, be sure that you change the type of script from Content to Action. This will allow the event to be executed, playing your music, and you to walk around and do whatever at the same time. :) Edit: The Scripts by Jugem and I are very good examples on how to use your music in the system itself. You might want to take a close look at them. ***------------------------------------------------------------*** *** Tips for the Musician *** ***------------------------------------------------------------*** * The timing that I have listed in the guide is an ESTIMATE. There are very many styles of music and tempos to go along with them, and you may have to vary the timing operations slightly to get just the perfect length you want. * For legato style music, follow the procedure that I have already stated above Yep, ^ Up there ^ Easy enough? :) * For very stacatto style music, you may also wish to place short wait commands after the stops you place. For Example: Play**** , wait 5f , stop music , WAIT 2f , play**** This will give a short pause in the middle of the two notes. * The beginner to Music Creation will probably want to stay to single scored pieces. (Only one instrument is playing one melody. There is no counter-melody or percussion.) * For beginners using Single Scored pieces, to get a better sound you may like to try copying the script you create, and then changing the sound volume and maybe even the instrument. When all the scripts are activated together, the same general melody will play, but it will sound more full, as if an ensemble is playing the piece instead of a bad solo. :) ***------------------------------------------------------------*** *** Questions and Answers *** ***------------------------------------------------------------*** Q. How do create music? A. This is the most common question I get, and if you have to ask this question, do not feel embarrased. It takes A LOT of time to learn the scripting system of RPGM2, and you must do that before you have a chance of creating any good music. Just remember, this is not a guide for beginers of RPGM2. I strongly suggest that you figure out the basics before you start trying to create music, then, reading this guide over again will be sure to help you out. Q. How do I access the Music Creation Editor? A. The sad, simple answer is, there is not a Editor in itself. If there was an editor, things would be much easier. Instead, as pointed out in this guide, you must use RPGM2's Scripting System to create music. While this guide is not necessarily for beginners, I may decide in the future to include a brief section outlining the basics of RPGM2 Q. What can I do to Help the Music Creation guide? A. Thanks so much for asking! I am looking for dedicated staff to help me maintain this wonderful guide. Write to obliviondragon@rpgmmag.com with the subject of "Music Staff" and Im sure we can find something for you! Q. When is the next update coming out? A. I never know when I am going to feel like sitting down and working on the guide so, there is never really a tight schedule. Although, I do usually try to inform readers about a week in advance of a new update on the RPGM2 board at Gamefaqs. (http://www.gamefaqs.com) Q. I made a great piece of music that I would like in the guide, how can I get it there? A. Great! We would love to have sample music of any kind to help readers learn how to create their own masterpieces. You can send an email to obliviondragon@rpgmmag.com with the subject "music submission." Rest assured that you will be fully credited for your creation. Keep those questions coming! ***------------------------------------------------------------*** *** My Sample Tunes! *** ***------------------------------------------------------------*** Coming NEXT UPDATE (I promise :p) You and Me (Jazz) Do not Go Gentle Into That Good Night La Forza del Destino ***------------------------------------------------------------*** *** Sample Tunes Submitted by others! *** ***------------------------------------------------------------*** "Untitled" by Jugem: Instrument Script 1 (Content): Other: Wait 144F Sound: SFX [Snare] Volume = 50 Pitch = 0 Tempo = 100 wait 16F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 wait 8F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 wait 8F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 wait 4F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 wait 4F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 wait 4F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 wait 148F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 16F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 8F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 8F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 4F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 4F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 4F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 4F Drum2: v = 40, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 24F Drum2: v = 40, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 16f Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 8F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 16F Drum2: v = 40, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 80F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 16F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 8F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 8F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 4F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 4F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 4F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 4F Drum2: v = 40, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 24F Drum2: v = 40, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 16F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 8F Snare: v = 50, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 16F Drum2: v = 40, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 128F Instrument Script 2 (Content): Voice Male: v = 60, p = -7, t = 300 Wait: 48F Voice Male: v = 60, p = -5, t = 300 Wait 48F Voice Male: v = 60, p = -4, t = 300 Wait 48F Apply Together Voice Male: v = 20, p = -8, t = 300 Voice Male: v = 60, p = -2, t = 300 Wait 48F Apply In Order Apply Together Voice Women: v = 20, p = -12, t = 320 Voice Male: v = 60, p = -7, t = 300 Wait 48F Apply In Order Apply Together Voice Women: v = 20, p = -10, t = 320 Voice Male: v = 60, p = -5, t = 300 Wait 48F Apply In Order Apply Together Voice Women: v = 20, p = -9, t = 320 Voice Male: v = 60, p = -4, t = 300 Wait 48F Apply In Order Apply Together Voice Women: v = 20, p = -7, t = 320 Voice Male: v = 60, p = -2, t = 300 Wait 48F Apply In Order Apply Together Voice Women: v = 20, p = -12, t = 320 Voice Women: v = 35, p = -7, t = 350 Voice Male: v = 60, p = -7, t = 300 Wait 48F Apply In Order Apply Together Voice Women: v = 20, p = -10, t = 320 Voice Women: v = 35, p = -7, t = 350 Voice Male: v = 60, p = -5, t = 300 Wait 48F Apply In Order Apply Together Voice Women: v = 20, p = -9, t = 320 Voice Women: v = 35, p = -7, t = 350 Voice Male: v = 60, p = -4, t = 300 Wait 48F Apply In Order Apply Together Voice Women: v = 20, p = -7, t = 320 Voice Women: v = 35, p = -7, t = 350 Voice Male: v = 60, p = -2, t = 300 Wait 48F Apply In Order Apply Together Voice Women: v = 20, p = -12, t = 320 Voice Women: v = 35, p = -7, t = 350 Voice Male: v = 60, p = -7, t = 300 Wait 48F Apply In Order Apply Together Voice Women: v = 20, p = -10, t = 320 Voice Women: v = 35, p = -7, t = 350 Voice Male: v = 60, p = -5, t = 300 Wait 48F Apply In Order Apply Together Voice Male: v = 60, p = -5, t = 450 Piano: v = 100, p = -5, t = 100 Wait 32F Apply In Order Apply Together Voice Male: v = 60, p = -7, t = 800 Piano: v = 100, p = -11, t = 100 Wait 16F Apply In Order Apply Together Voice Male: v = 60, p = -8, t = 300 Piano: v = 100, p = -12, t = 100 Wait 48F Apply In Order Instrument Script 3 (Content): Wait 384F Piano: v = 100, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 16F Piano: v = 100, p = +3, t = 100 Wait 8F Piano: v = 100, p = +2, t = 100 Wait 8F Piano: v = 100, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 8F Piano: v = 100, p = +2, t = 100 Wait 8F Piano: v = 100, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 16F Piano: v = 100, p = -5, t = 100 Wait 32F Piano: v = 100, p = +8, t = 100 Wait 16F Piano: v = 100, p = +10, t = 100 Wait 8F Piano: v = 100, p = +8, t = 100 Wait 8F Piano: v = 100, p = +7, t = 100 Wait 8F Piano: v = 100, p = +5, t = 100 Wait 8F Piano: v = 100, p = +4, t = 100 Wait 16F Piano: v = 100, p = +5, t = 100 Wait 32F Piano: v = 100, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 16F Piano: v = 100, p = +3, t = 100 Wait 8F Piano: v = 100, p = +2, t = 100 Wait 8F Piano: v = 100, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 8F Piano: v = 100, p = +2, t = 100 Wait 8F Piano: v = 100, p = 0, t = 100 Wait 16F Piano: v = 100, p = -5, t = 100 Wait 16F Piano: v = 100, p = +11, t = 100 Piano: v = 100, p = + 7, t = 100 Wait 16F Piano: v = 100, p = +12, t = 100 Piano: v = 100, p = +4, t = 100 Wait 96F Music Script (Action): Script Branch: Repeat: Flag [Off (Fixed)] Off Apply Together Script: Call [InstrumentScript1] Script: Call [InstrumentScript2] Script: Call [InstrumentScript3] Apply In Order Script: Branch End ***------------------------------------------------------------*** *** What to expect in the next update. *** ***------------------------------------------------------------*** More sample tunes! Aren't you excited?! Maybe a little info on my SECRET PROJECT! This SECRET PROJECT will make music creation much more simple. ***------------------------***--------------------------------*** *** Thanks *** ***------------------------***--------------------------------*** A HUGE THANKS to Gamefaqs.com for being the first host of my Music Creation Guide! Lord Ixzion and the RPG Maker Magazine: http://www.rpgmmag.com The RPG Maker Pavilion http://www.rpgmpavilion.com For help with transposition charts and explinations: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Marble/9607/transpose.htm For musical Scores: David Cadle and Jody Dunn, Crestview High Big Red Machine The entire Music Creation Staff team! Also, thanks to enterbrain for such a great game and Agetec for localizing RPGM2 ***------------------------------------------------------*** *** Copyright Information *** ***------------------------------------------------------*** Copyright 2003 Justin Stephens. This guide may only be posted on the following sites: Gamefaqs RPG Maker Pavilion RPG Maker Magazine IGN TrinitySoft If this guide is seen on any other site without my permission, please contact me at obliviondragon@rpgmmag.com All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.