***************************************** * Saint Seiya - Chapter Sanctuary (PS2) * ***************************************** Here's a little faq for Saint Seiya - Chapter Sanctuary (Juunikyuu Hen) for PlayStation 2. You'll find in it a few sections. One for the Character Moves List (from the original instruction booklet, even if the specials aren't in it as well as somes hidden characters), one for the Bonus Mode, one for the Hidden Characters and another one for the Secrets (somes characters are probably missing, but I just put the ones I got). Maybe somes others will be add later. This faq is my first, and English isn't my native langage, so sorry if the faq isn't perfect. I just made it cuz no one seems interested to write one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Version 2.1 : - Final version of this faq. My Playstation recently got lens problems with somes games, and day after day, more problem coming. I don't feel like buying another like it's not as it as I used it everyday so it there won't be another version of this faq. - I completed the Toys Pics section, I known which one I was missing since a lot of time but I was thinking it didn't worth to update the faq just for a pic. But a few people e-mailing me yet for this, so here it go, it's completed now. - To the peoples who ask me yet how to have the extra temple, I didn't try to get it myself so just looks in the message board of the game, a topic named "% completion" (or a thing like that) explain how to have it, so go read the explanations there. - I finished to say what I wanted to, thanks to the people who wrote me about this faq, and I hope it help you a lot. * Version 2.0 : - Finally, the version 2.0 of the faq won't be the last, I'll complete it step by step, it'll be easier for me. - Added description of Games Mode. - Added description of Mu's tutorial in the Story Mode with dialogs translations (not complete yet). - I changed my e-mail adress so if you want to contact me, go see my new e-mail adress at the end of this faq. * Version 1.9 : - Completed the Voices Section, Thanks a lot to Oswaldo Lopez Garc? for his help again. - So, all Bonus Sections are now complete except one Toys Pic missing, if someone know what the pic is, feel free to write me an e-mail. - Completed the Toys Pics Section, only one missing now. Thanks a lot to Oswaldo Lopez Garc? for his help. The last version of the faq will be the 2.0 (so the next one). * Version 1.8 : - Fixed the % of the Galaxian Wars, which is 90% of course (keyboard mistake ^^) - I answer here to all people who ask me how to get the last temple in story mode: I didn't put how to have it cuz I didn't get it, I just translate the title from a video I saw. Check the "% Completion" topic on the message board. Anyway, for people who want to know the dialogs of this video, I put a translation in english (made from a french one done by Naoki Haga, website : www.cyna.net), bad english of course cuz it's mine ^^ You'll find it at the end of this faq. - Another thing ;-; If I didn't put something, it's that : 1) I don't know the thing, or 2) I didn't verify it so I didn't wanted to put it on this faq. Sorry for the few I didn't answer by e-mail, thoses lines are your answers ^^; * Version 1.7 : - Added way to have three new Secrets Characters, Clothless Cygnus, Clothless Andromeda & Clothless Phoenix. - Added somes others translations in the Genro Maoken section. - Added somes Toys Pics. - Added Voices section (Incomplete) - Added way to have a new battle stage, the Galaxian Wars stage. As I can't do much without screenshots, like I said in the Genrou Maouken section, and that the FAQ is near complete except that, the next update will probably not be done until the PAL version of the game will be released. When I'll get it, I'll try to make a last update with all I didn't put, like full translation of Genrou Maouken options, and if I find some times, full translations of all story mode movies (It'll be a lot faster for me to make French => American translations than Japanese => American). * Version 1.6 : - Add a code to unlock all the characters in the Genro Maoken Mode. - Completed the Characters Cards Description. - Added a Genro Maoken section (Incomplete) - Added a request at the end of this faq so thanks to read it (maybe you'll be able to help this faq) * Version 1.5 : - Added Cardass section (Complete). - Completed Story section (Complete). - Added way to have Marin Cloth Ushio (had should be in the v1.3 but forget to put it). - Added way to have Clothless Shiryu (same problem like with Ushio, see upper). - Added way to have Land Sky Daichi and his Basic & Special Moves. * Version 1.4 : - Corrected the name of the new mode (real name). - Added list of websites authorized to publish this faq. * Version 1.3 : - Added way to have two new Secrets Characters, Clothless Shiryu and Marin Cloth Ushio. - Added Basic & Special Moves of Marin Cloth Ushio. - Corrected errors in the three Combo Chain of Sky Cloth Ushio. * Version 1.2 : - Changed the word "Blocking" by "Rapidly hitting" cause somes people had problem to understand what I wanted to say with the word "Blocking". * Version 1.1 : - Added Basic Moves for Libra Doko, Saggitarius Seiya, Eagle Marin, Ophiuchus Shaina, Lizard Misty & Sky Cloth Sho. - Added Special Moves for all characters of the faq. - Added Basic Commands : Grapple, "Explode Cosmos" & "Lock ennemis during Bonus Stage" - Corrected the way to get the "Kyoko's Genkmaken" Mode. - Started the Bonus Mode Section. * Version 1.0 : - Characters Moves List and Hidden Characters Sections done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************** * Games Mode * ************** (Note: Choice between [] is default choice, # = Nothing, {} are default buttons) 1) 12 Golds Palace (Experience intense battles between Bronze and Gold Saints) Original Story: --------------- - The Decisive Battle of the 12 Temples! - The Gold Taurus! Aldebaran! - Gemini! The endless labyrinth! - Conflict between Master and Disciple! - Between Life and Death! - Wake up, Aiolia! - The Ressurrection of the Phoenix! - The Sword of Libra! - Scarlet Needle! The last Antares! - The Will of Aioros! - The Forbidden Rozan Ko Ryu Ha! - Absolute's Zero Battle! - Explode! Nebula Stream! - I am a God! The two faces of Saga! Alternative Stories: -------------------- - Oddly Connection! Mu vs DeathMask! - Phoenix waiting before Leo's Temple! - The thing inherited from Libra! - The Challenge of Aioros! - Appearance of a new Temple! Mu's Tutorial : --------------- [Watch Tutorial] - Don't Watch Tutorial TUTORIAL 1 : ------------ Mu : Very well. Golds Saints are even more powerful than you realize! Mu : Gold Saints fight at a level that goes well beyond what you're used to in battle. Mu : All right, time to start your training! Are you ready? Mu : First, I'll explain the basics of fighting, or ordinary attacks. Mu : Ordinary attacks include: {WEAK} "Weak Attack" and {STRONG} "Strong Attack", as well as {GUARD} + {WEAK} or {STRONG} "Throw". Mu : There is also the powerful {SPECIAL} "Special Attack" which burns your "Cosmo". Mu : Next I'd like to talk about the continued attack known as the "Combination". Mu : If you hit {WEAK} or {STRONG} in a special order, you can let loose a Combination Attack. Mu : All right, it's time to find out how well you understood what I've taught you. Mu : Try the {WEAK} {WEAK} {WEAK} {WEAK} {WEAK} combination on me. TUTORIAL 2 : ------------ Mu : Nice work! Different Saints have different Combination Attacks. Mu : Open the "Command List" from the "Pause Menu" to see what you can do. Mu : Now let's continue with your training. It's time to learn about defense. Mu : There are two majors defense methods, "dodging" and "blocking". Mu : Use {DASH} to dodge, or continue with a {D} to the front to witch a "Hower", which lets you narrow the distance in a single instant. Mu : Also, if you are knocked into the air, enter a {D} just before hitting the ground to take on a defensive pose. Use {GUARD} to receive. Mu : You can also draw in the ennemy's attack up, until the last moment and enter {GUARD} at the moment it hits, in order to execute a "Saint's Guard". Mu : This is the strongest form of defense - knowing when to abandon a move... Mu : Now, let us try you out in an actual fight. Mu : Use {GUARD} to block all my Combination Attacks! * This section will be completed later * 2) 1000-DayWar (Take on a friend or the computer in Challenge Mode) - 1P VS 2P - 1P VS COM - COM VS 2P - COM VS COM * List of characters available at the beginning of the game : [Pegasus Seiya] - Dragon Shiryu - Swan Hyoga - Andromeda Shun - Phoenix Ikki * List of stages available at the beginning of the game : [Aries Palace] - Taurus Palace - Gemini Palace - Cancer Palace - Leo Palace - Virgo Palace - Libra Palace - Scorpio Palace - Sagittarius Palace - Capricorn Palace - Aquarius Palace - Pisces Palace - Master of Sanctuary's Room - Random - During battle options (PAUSE) * Continue Game * Command List * New Character * Go to Main Menu 3) Zodiac Holiday (Enjoy the characters, toys, and others items you're gathered) * See Bonus Mode Section * 4) ? ? ? (This mode is not available yet) * See Genro Maoken Mode Section * 5) Options (Change game settings, and save or load games) - Options (Change game settings) * Difficulty: Easy - [Normal] - Hard - Very hard (Change the difficulty) * Time: 30 - 45 - 60 - [90] - Infinite (Change the duration of the battle) * Exit (Return to the option menu) - Save/Load (Save or load game date) * Save: Yes - [No] (Save the game data) * Load: [Yes] - No (Load game data) * Exit (Return to the option menu) - Controller (Change button settings on the controller) * Controller 1 & 2: Weak - Strong - Special - Dash - Guard - # - Focus - # To the left [Vibration ON], at the bottom : Default - Exit (Change settings) * Exit (Return to the option menu) - Sound (Change sound settings) * Speakers: [Sterero] - Mono (Change speakers settings) * Music: [Maximum] (Change the volume of music) * Sound FX: [Maximum] (Change the volume of sounds effects) * Voice: [Maximum] (Change the volume of voices) * Voice Selection: [French] - Japanese (Select voices language) <= {PAL only} - Exit (Return to the main menu) ************************ * Character Moves List * ************************ -------------- Basic Commands -------------- [L] : Square Button (Low) [H] : Cross Button (High) [S] : Circle Button (Special) [G] : R1 (Guard) (Running) : [FORWARD] + [Triangle Button] [Grapple] : [G] + [H] [Explode Cosmos] : After you load a power bar, [L] + [H] [Lock ennemies during Bonus Stage] : L1 ------------- Pegasus Seiya ------------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] [H] Pegasus Shock B : [S] Pegasus Sonic Nakkle : (RUNNING) + [S] Pegasus Air Shoot : [FORWARD] + [S] Pegasus Ryusei Ken : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Pegasus Ryusei Ken) : One Power Gauge Special 2 (Pegasus Rolling Clash) : Two Power Gauges Special 3 (Pegasus Suisei Ken) : Three Power Gauges -------------- Dragon Shiryu -------------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] Rozan Ryu Gekisho : [S] Rozan Ryu Hisho : (Running) + [S] Rozan Geki Rinsho : [S] (Rapidly Hitting) Rozan Sho Ryu Ha : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Rozan Sho Ryu Ha) : One Power Gauge Special 2 (Rozan Ryu Hisho) : Two Power Gauges Special 3 (Rozan Ko Ryu Ha) : Three Power Gauges ------------- Cygnus Hyoga ------------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] [H] Koriso : [S] Swan Slide : (Running) + [S] Freezing Pilar : [FORWARD] + [S] Aurora Thunder Attack : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Diamond Dust) : One Power Gauge Special 2 (Aurora Thunder Attack) : Two Power Gauges Special 3 (Aurora Execution) : Three Power Gauges -------------- Andromeda Shun -------------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] Nebula Chain : [S] Thunder Wave : (Running) + [S] Grand Chain : [FORWARD] + [S] Rolling Defense : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Nebula Chain) : One Power Gauge Special 2 (Thunder Wave) : Two Power Gauges Special 3 (Nebula Stream) : Three Power Gauges ------------ Phoenix Ikki ------------ Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] Ennetsu Ken : [S] Phoenix Kenshin Geki : (Running) + [S] Ennetsu Ten Sho : [FORWARD] + [S] Ho Yoku Ten Sho : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Phoenix Genma Ken) : One Power Gauge Special 2 (Ho Yoku Ten Sho) : Two Power Gauges -------- Aries Mu -------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] [H] Stardust Laser : [S] Stardust Revolution : [S] (Rapidly Hitting) Crystal Wall : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Crystal Wall) : One Power Gauge Special 2 (Stardust Revolution) : Two Power Gauges Special 3 (Starlight Extinction) : Three Power Gauges ---------------- Taurus Aldebaran ---------------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [H] [H] [H] [H] Bull Pressure : [S] Bull Shoulder : (Running) + [S] Massive Bull Pressure : S (Rapidly Hitting) Great Horn : [G] + [S] (When undergoing an attack) Special 1 (Great Horn) : One Power Gauge ---------- Gemini ??? ---------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] [H] Grand Breaker : [S] Dark Swing : (Running) + [S] Galaxy Boom : [FORWARD] + [S] Another Dimension : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Another Dimension) : One Power Gauge ----------------- Cancer Death Mask ----------------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] Praesepe Poison : [S] Cancer Claw : (Running) + [S] Seikishiki Sho Kyoku Ka : S (Rapidly Hitting) Seikishiki Meikai Ha : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Seikishiki Meika Ha) : One Power Gauge ---------- Leo Aiolia ---------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] Lightning Bolt : [S] Lightining Spark : (Running) + [S] Shi Shihokou : [FORWARD] + [S] Lightning Plasma : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Lightning Plasma) : One Power Gauge Special 2 (Lightning Bolt) : Two Power Gauges ----------- Virgo Shaka ----------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] Ohm : [S] In Ka Ou Hou : [FORWARD] + [S] (When undergoing an attack) Tenku Ha Ja Chi Mi Mo Ryo : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Tenma Kofuku) : One Power Gauge Special 2 (Rikudo Rinne) : Two Power Gauges Special 3 (Tenbu Horin) : Three Power Gauges ------------- Scorpio Milo ------------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] Shocking Finger : [S] Piercing Charge : (Running) + [S] Restriction : [FORWARD] + [S] Scarlet Needle : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Restriction) : One Power Gauge Special 2 (Scarlet Needle) : Two Power Gauges Special 3 (Scarlet Needle Antares) : Three Power Gauges --------------- Capricorn Shura --------------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] Sonic Blade : [S] Dashing Blade : (Running) + [S] Grand Smasher : [FORWARD] + [S] Excalibur : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Jumping Clash) : One Power Gauge Special 2 (Seiken Excalibur) : Two Power Gauges -------------- Aquarius Camus -------------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] [H] Koriso : [S] Glacial Lance : (Running) + [S] Freezing Coffin : [FORWARD] + [S] Aurora Execution : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Diamond Dust) : One Power Gauge Special 2 (Freezing Coffin) : Two Power Gauges Special 3 (Aurora Execution) : Three Power Gauges ---------------- Pisces Aphrodite ---------------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] [H] Piranhian Rose : [S] Rosy Trasher : (Running) + [S] Royal Demon Rose : [FORWARD] + [S] Bloody Rose : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Royal Demon Rose) : One Power Gauge Special 2 (Piranhian Rose) : Two Power Gauges Special 3 (Bloody Rose) : Three Power Gauges ----------- Gemini Saga ----------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] [H] Grand Breaker : [S] Dark Swing : (Running) + [S] Galaxy Boom : [FORWARD] + [S] Galaxian Explosion : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Another Dimension) : One Power Gauge Special 2 (Galaxian Explosion) : Two Power Gauges ----------- Libra Doko ----------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] Rozan Ryu Gekisho : [S] Rozan Ryu Hisho : (Running) [FORWARD] + [S] Rozan Geki Rinsho : [S] (Rapidly Hitting) Rozan Hyaku Ryu Ha : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Rozan Sho Ryu Ha) : One Power Gauge Special 2 (Rozan Ryu Hisho) : Two Power Gauges Special 3 (Rozan Hyaku Ryu Ha) : Three Power Gauges ----------------- Saggitarius Seiya ----------------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] [H] Pegasus Shock B : [S] Pegasus Sonic Nakkle : (RUNNING) + [S] Pegasus Air Shoot : [FORWARD] + [S] Pegasus Ryusei Ken : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Pegasus Ryusei Ken) : One Power Gauge Special 2 (Pegasus Rolling Clash) : Two Power Gauges Special 3 (Pegasus Suisei Ken) : Three Power Gauges ----------- Eagle Marin ----------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] [H] Shock Wave : [S] Sonic Nackle : (Running) + [S] Ryusei Ken : [S] (Rapidly Hitting) Eagle Flash : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Ryusei Ken) : One Power Gauge Special 2 (Eagle Flash) : Two Power Gauges ---------------- Ophiuchus Shaina ---------------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] [H] Snake Driver : [S] Nick Knuckle (?) : (Running) + [S] Serpent Hallo (?) : [FORWARD] + [S] Thunder Claw : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Thunder Claw) : One Power Gauge ------------ Lizard Misty ------------ Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] [H] Air Hole : [S] Lizard Up Flash (?) : (Running) + [S] Mavrou Tripa [Black Hole] : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Mavrou Tripa [Black Hole]) : One Power Gauge ------------- Sky Cloth Sho ------------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] Shock Wave : [S] Dashing Up (?) : (Running) + [S] Steel Hurricane : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Steel Hurricane) : One Power Gauge ----------------- Marin Cloth Ushio ----------------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] Shock Wave : [S] Dashing Up (?) : (Running) + [S] Steel Hurricane : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Steel Hurricane) : One Power Gauge ----------------- Land Cloth Daichi ----------------- Combo Chain A : [L] [L] [L] [L] Combo Chain B : [L] [L] [H] [H] Combo Chain C : [H] [H] [H] [H] Shock Wave : [S] Dashing Up (?) : (Running) + [S] Steel Hurricane : [G] + [S] Special 1 (Steel Hurricane) : One Power Gauge ************** * Bonus Mode * ************** 1) Collection A) Characters Cards Description (Complete) - Pegasus Seiya - Dragon Shiryu - Cygnus Hoga - Andromeda Shun - Phoenix Ikki - Bear Geki - Hydra Ichi - Lionet Ban - Wolf Nachi - Unicorn Jabu - Chameleon June - Black Phoenix - Black Pegasus - Black Dragon - Black Cygnus - Black Andromeda - Lizard Misty - Whale Moses - Hound Asterion - Centaurus Babel - Eagle Marin - Ophiuchus Shaina - Crow Jamian - Medusa Argol - Cerberus Dante - Auriga Capella - Horse Algeti - Musca Dio - Great Dog Sirius - Sagitta Tremy - Cepheus Albior - Aries Mu - Taurus Aldebaran - Gemini Saga - Cancer Death Mask - Leo Aiolia - Virgo Shaka - Scorpion Milo - Sagittarius Aioros - Capricorn Shura - Aquarius Camus - Pisces Aphrodite - Libra Doko - Sky Cloth Sho - Land Cloth Daichi - Marin Cloth Ushio - Eagle Marin - Ophiuchus Shaina - Kido Saori (Athena) - Libra Roshi - Tatsumi - Kido Mitsumasa - Cassios - Miho - Natasha (Hyoga's Mother) - Shunrei - Apprentice (Kiki) B) Toys Pics [Complete] - First Model - Pegasus Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Pegasus Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Dragon Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Dragon Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Cygnus Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Cygnus Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Andromeda Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Andromeda Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Phoenix Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Phoenix Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Premium Saggitarius Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Aries Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Aries Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Taurus Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Taurus Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Gemini Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Gemini Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Cancer Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Cancer Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Leo Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Leo Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Virgo Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Virgo Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Libra Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Libra Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Scorpion Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Scorpion Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Saggitarius Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Saggitarius Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Capricorn Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Capricorn Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Aquarius Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Aquarius Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Pisces Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Pisces Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Sky Saint Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Sky Saint Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Land Saint Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Land Saint Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Marin Saint Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Marin Saint Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Kyoko (Sanctuary's Master/Pope/Saga, etc... ^^) - Second Model - Pegasus Cloth (With Character) - Second Model - Pegasus Cloth (Armor Only) - Second Model - Dragon Cloth (With Character) - Second Model - Dragon Cloth (Armor Only) - Second Model - Cygnus Cloth (With Character) - Second Model - Cygnus Cloth (Armor Only) - Second Model - Andromeda Cloth (With Character) - Second Model - Andromeda Cloth (Armor Only) - Second Model - Phoenix Cloth (With Character) - Second Model - Phoenix Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Premium Saggitarius Cloth (Armor Only) - First Model - Eagle Cloth (With Character) - First Model - Eagle Cloth (Armor Only) - Heavy Metal Cloth - Pegasus (With Character) - Heavy Metal Cloth - Dragon (With Character) - Heavy Metal Cloth - Cygnus (With Character) - First Model - Black Cloth (With Characters) - Second Model - Blach Cloth (Armors Only) C) Cardass Pics [Complete] - Cardass-20 PART 1 00 - Cardass-20 PART 1 01 - Cardass-20 PART 1 02 - Cardass-20 PART 1 03 - Cardass-20 PART 1 04 - Cardass-20 PART 1 05 - Cardass-20 PART 1 06 - Cardass-20 PART 1 07 - Cardass-20 PART 1 08 - Cardass-20 PART 1 09 - Cardass-20 PART 1 10 - Cardass-20 PART 1 11 - Cardass-20 PART 1 12 - Cardass-20 PART 1 13 - Cardass-20 PART 1 14 - Cardass-20 PART 1 15 - Cardass-20 PART 1 16 - Cardass-20 PART 1 17 - Cardass-20 PART 1 18 - Cardass-20 PART 1 19 - Cardass-20 PART 1 20 - Cardass-20 PART 1 21 - Cardass-20 PART 1 22 - Cardass-20 PART 1 23 - Cardass-20 PART 1 24 - Cardass-20 PART 1 25 - Cardass-20 PART 1 26 - Cardass-20 PART 1 27 - Cardass-20 PART 1 28 - Cardass-20 PART 1 29 - Cardass-20 PART 1 30 - Cardass-20 PART 1 31 - Cardass-20 PART 1 32 - Cardass-20 PART 1 33 - Cardass-20 PART 1 34 - Cardass-20 PART 1 35 - Cardass-20 PART 1 36 - Cardass-20 PART 1 37 - Cardass-20 PART 1 38 - Cardass-20 PART 1 39 - Cardass-20 PART 1 40 - Cardass-20 PART 1 41 - Cardass-20 PART 2 00 - Cardass-20 PART 2 01 - Cardass-20 PART 2 02 - Cardass-20 PART 2 03 - Cardass-20 PART 2 04 - Cardass-20 PART 2 05 - Cardass-20 PART 2 06 - Cardass-20 PART 2 07 - Cardass-20 PART 2 08 - Cardass-20 PART 2 09 - Cardass-20 PART 2 10 - Cardass-20 PART 2 11 - Cardass-20 PART 2 12 - Cardass-20 PART 2 13 - Cardass-20 PART 2 14 - Cardass-20 PART 2 15 - Cardass-20 PART 2 16 - Cardass-20 PART 2 17 - Cardass-20 PART 2 18 - Cardass-20 PART 2 19 - Cardass-20 PART 2 20 - Cardass-20 PART 2 21 - Cardass-20 PART 2 22 - Cardass-20 PART 2 23 - Cardass-20 PART 2 24 - Cardass-20 PART 2 25 - Cardass-20 PART 2 26 - Cardass-20 PART 2 27 - Cardass-20 PART 2 28 - Cardass-20 PART 2 29 - Cardass-20 PART 2 30 - Cardass-20 PART 2 31 - Cardass-20 PART 2 32 - Cardass-20 PART 2 33 - Cardass-20 PART 2 34 - Cardass-20 PART 2 35 - Cardass-20 PART 2 36 - Cardass-20 PART 2 37 - Cardass-20 PART 2 38 - Cardass-20 PART 2 39 - Cardass-20 PART 2 40 - Cardass-20 PART 2 41 - Cardass-20 PART 3 00 - Cardass-20 PART 3 01 - Cardass-20 PART 3 02 - Cardass-20 PART 3 03 - Cardass-20 PART 3 04 - Cardass-20 PART 3 05 - Cardass-20 PART 3 06 - Cardass-20 PART 3 07 - Cardass-20 PART 3 08 - Cardass-20 PART 3 09 - Cardass-20 PART 3 10 - Cardass-20 PART 3 11 - Cardass-20 PART 3 12 - Cardass-20 PART 3 13 - Cardass-20 PART 3 14 - Cardass-20 PART 3 15 - Cardass-20 PART 3 16 - Cardass-20 PART 3 17 - Cardass-20 PART 3 18 - Cardass-20 PART 3 19 - Cardass-20 PART 3 20 - Cardass-20 PART 3 21 - Cardass-20 PART 3 22 - Cardass-20 PART 3 23 - Cardass-20 PART 3 24 - Cardass-20 PART 3 25 - Cardass-20 PART 3 26 - Cardass-20 PART 3 27 - Cardass-20 PART 3 28 - Cardass-20 PART 3 29 - Cardass-20 PART 3 30 - Cardass-20 PART 3 31 - Cardass-20 PART 3 32 - Cardass-20 PART 3 33 - Cardass-20 PART 3 34 - Cardass-20 PART 3 35 - Cardass-20 PART 3 36 - Cardass-20 PART 3 37 - Cardass-20 PART 3 38 - Cardass-20 PART 3 39 - Cardass-20 PART 3 40 - Cardass-20 PART 3 41 2) Story [Complete] - Opening - Ouverture - The Decisive Battle of the 12 Temples! (Start) - The Decisive Battle of the 12 Temples! (End) - The Gold Taurus! Aldebaran! (Start) - The Gold Taurus! Aldebaran! (End) - Gemini! The endless labyrinth! (Start) - Gemini! The endless labyrinth! (End) - Conflict between Master and Disciple! (Start) - Conflict between Master and Disciple! (End) - Between Life and Death! (Start) - Between Life and Death! (End) - Wake up, Aiolia! (Start) - Wake up, Aiolia! (End) - The Ressurrection of the Phoenix! (Start) - The Ressurrection of the Phoenix! (End) - The Sword of Libra! - Scarlet Needle! The last Antares! (Start) - Scarlet Needle! The last Antares! (End) - The Will of Aioros! - The Forbidden Rozan Ko Ryu Ha! (Start) - The Forbidden Rozan Ko Ryu Ha! (End) - Absolute's Zero Battle! (Start) - Absolute's Zero Battle! (End) - Explode! Nebula Stream! (Start) - Explode! Nebula Stream! (End) - I am a God! The two faces of Saga! (Start) - I am a God! The two faces of Saga! (End) - Ending - Oddly Connection! Mu vs DeathMask! (Start) - Oddly Connection! Mu vs DeathMask! (End) - Phoenix waiting before Leo's Temple! (Start) - Phoenix waiting before Leo's Temple! (End) - The thing inherited from Libra! (Start) - The thing inherited from Libra! (End) - The Challenge of Aioros! (Start) - The Challenge of Aioros! (End) - Appearance of a new Temple! (Start) - Appearance of a new Temple! (End) 3) Sound A) BGM (Complete) - BGM 01 - BGM 02 - BGM 03 - BGM 04 - BGM 05 - BGM 06 - BGM 07 - BGM 08 - BGM 09 - BGM 10 - BGM 11 - BGM 12 - BGM 13 - BGM 14 - BGM 15 - BGM 16 - BGM 17 - BGM 18 - BGM 19 - BGM 20 - BGM 21 - BGM 22 - BGM 23 - BGM 24 - BGM 25 - BGM 26 - BGM 27 - BGM 28 - BGM 29 - BGM 30 - BGM 31 - BGM 32 - BGM 33 - BGM 34 - BGM 35 - BGM 36 - BGM 37 - BGM 38 - BGM 39 - BGM 40 - BGM 41 - BGM 42 - BGM 43 B) Voices [Complete] - Seiya (10) - Shiryu (10) - Hyoga (10) - Shun (10) - Ikki (10) - Mu (10) - Aldebaran (10) - Saga (10) - DeathMask (10) - Aiolia (10) - Shakka (10) - Doko (10) - Milo (10) - Shura (10) - Camus (10) - Aphrodite (10) - Marin (10) - Shaina (10) - Misty (10) - Sky Saint (10) - Land Saint (10) - Marin Saint (10) - Kyoko (3) - Saori (10) - Cassios (8) - Shunrei (3) ********************* * Hidden Characters * ********************* 01) Aries Mu : After you've done the tutorial in the story mode (first choice : Make Tutorial, second choice : Skip Tutorial). 02) Taurus Aldebaran : After you beat him in the story mode. 03) Gemini ??? : After you beat him in the story mode. 04) Cancer Death Mask : After you beat him in the story mode. 05) Leo Aiolia : After you beat him in the story mode. 06) Virgo Shaka : After you beat him in the story mode. 07) Scorpion Milo : After you beat him in the story mode. 08) Capricorn Shura : After you beat him in the story mode. 09) Aquarius Camus : After you beat him in the story mode. 10) Pisces Aphrodite : After you beat him in the story mode. 11) Gemini Saga : After you beat him in the story mode (so after you have finished the game). 12) Marin : After you finished the game once, start again the story mode and choose the second choice after Mu's Temple. You'll get Marin after you will have beaten Cancer DeathMask with Aries Mu. 13) Misty : After you finished the game once, start again the story mode and choose the second choice after Cancer's Temple. You'll get Misty after you will have beaten Phoenix Ikki with Pegasus Seiya. 14) Shaina : After you finished the game once, start again the story mode and choose the first choice at Leo's temple. You'll get Shaina after you will have beaten Leo Aiolia. 15) Doko : After you finished the game once, start again the story mode and choose the second choice after Libra's Temple. You'll get Doko after you will have beaten him with Dragon Shiryu. 16) Saggitarius Seiya : After you finished the game once, start again the story mode and choose the second choice after Scorpion's Temple. You'll get Sagittarius Seiya after you will have beaten a clone of Saggitarius Seiya vs Saggitarius Seiya. 17) Clothless Seiya : After you finished the game (Hold Start on Seiya then push Circle to choose it). 18) Clothless Shiryu : After you beat him in the "Genrou Maouken" Mode. (Hold Start on Shiryu then push Circle to choose it). 18) Clothless Hyoga : After you got 50% of Bonus Unlocked. (Hold Start on Shiryu then push Circle to choose it). 18) Clothless Shun : After you got 75% of Bonus Unlocked. (Hold Start on Shiryu then push Circle to choose it). 18) Clothless Ikki : After you got 90% of Bonus Unlocked. (Hold Start on Shiryu then push Circle to choose it). 22) Sky Cloth Sho : After you finished the game twice times with good scores. 23) Marin Cloth Ushio : Win 10 battle in Versus Mode without lose a battle between them (like 10-0). 24) Land Cloth Daichi : After you finished the "Genro Maoken" Mode (once you beat the 5 Bronze Saints). *********** * Secrets * *********** 01) Get a new mode "Genro Maoken" (Where Gold Saints have to beat the 5 Bronzes Saints before they reach the Kyoko's (Sanctuary Master) Palace) : Finish the game once then start the alternatives scenes in the story mode to get it. 02) Unlock all the characters in "Genro Maoken" Mode : At the Start/Continue screen of the mode, press : Down, Left, Up, Up, Down, Up then press Triangle while holding Square. You should hear a sound effect if you correctly did the code. 03) Unlock a new battle stage, the Galaxian Wars Stage : After you got 90% of Bonus Unlocked, the stage can be selected (use Left/Right Arrow to find it). ********************* * Genro Maoken Mode * ********************* To read this part correctly, you need a web browser with Japanese enabled. You need Japanese enabled cuz I put the options in japanese to translate them (if not, you won't be able to see what is what) cuz for example, the God Effects order is random (and depend of the character you choose). Your web browser won't probably ask you automatically cuz this faq is a .txt file so if you already have Japanese Support installed, just choose it after you load this page. If you don't have it installed yet, just go to a japanese webpage (like http://www.google.co.jp for example) and your web browser will ask you. God Effects [Gエフェクト] : [ライフ] : Life [パワー] : Power [アーマー] : Armor [ハイパーライフ] : Hyper Life [ハイパーパワー] : Hyper Power [ハイパーアーマー] : Hyper Armor [オートガード] : Auto Guard [ハイパーガード] : Hyper Guard [XPギフト] : XP Gift [7Sブースタ] : 7S Booster [コスモハーフ] : Cosmos Half [オーラスパイク] : Aura Spike [ラピッドファイア] : Rapid Fire [りインカネーション] : Reincarnation [クイックチャーシャー] : Quick Charge ***************************************************** * Translations Scenes of Appearance of a New Temple * ***************************************************** This translation isn't a 100% literal translation, plus my english sux. So, read it or not, it's only your choice ! Title : Appearence of a New Temple ! Seiya : - What the hell is that ? - How a new temple could appeared like that, before us ?! - What should we do, Shiryu ? Shiryu : - Who cares about where does he came from... ? - The only thing to do is to go ahead. - Be careful. - If a new temple appeared... - There is necessarily a new Gold Saint waiting for us. - Look, Seiya ! - Like I thought... A Gold Saint is blocking the way. Seiya : - But... I know this person ! - No... It's impossible ! Shaina : - Seiya... I was sure that you would come. Seiya : - Sha... Shaina-san ?! - What are you doing here ?! Shaina : - Do I really have to explain ? - There's only one reason about my presence here. Seiya : - Wh... What ?! - I feel a powerful cosmo coming from Shaina ! - Damn... ! I'm sure it's a trick of Kyoko's again ! (Kyoko = Sanctuary's Master/Pope/Saga, etc... ^^) - He used his Genro Maoken on Shaina-san too ! Shaina : - Don't misunderstand... - You see my armor ? (Don't find a good sentence here, see after, bleh -.-) (She said that her armor shining with the same color of a Gold one). - You didn't understand yet ? - Shiryu... Let me handle it ! Shiryu : - As you want. - I take Shun with me and I following my way. Seiya : - Sha... Shaina-san ! - But what are you doing ? You're a woman Saint. (I kept Saint and not Knight) Shaina : - You know the law of our status... - If a man would saw our face... - We would only have two choices. - Kill him, or love this opponent during our whole life. - Seiya... You're looking my face right now. Seiya : - Shaina-san... - Shaina-san... - I don't know what I should answer... - But, I can cleary say something. - You won't stop me for leaving this place ! Shaina : - I like your response, Seiya. - Yeah, it really fit you very well. Seiya : - What a sad Cosmo... - Shaina-san... ? Shaina : - If you want to follow your way, come to fight ! - Go, Seiya ! - Thunder Claw ! [Battle : Seiya vs Shaina] Seiya : - Sha... Shaina-san ! - Are you alright, Shaina-san ? Shaina : - I will say you something interesting... [not sure] - Do you believe you can change things of your own ? [not sure] Seiya : - Forgive me... ! But I cannot do it otherwise ! Shaina : - You dont have to be sorry, Seiya... - I understand. - Your an Athena's Saint... - You choose the good away... (or "The Way of the sacrifice/To sacrifice yourself...) Seiya : - Sha... Shaina-san ! Don't force yourself just to talking ! (=\) Shaina : - Don't make this head... ! (literal, I'm tired plus I sux in "french => us way", plus my english sux too, bleh =\) - It isn't visible ? (see the note upper, lol) - I did a poor performance for a Gold Saint... - But it's not suprising... cause at the moment when the battle began... - His result was already decided. Seiya : - What... ? Shaina : - Go, now... - I'm not here anymore to stop you. - Sei... ya... Seiya : - Shaina-san ! - Shaina-san ! - Shaina-saaaaan ! Original Japanese to French translation done by Naoki Haga (www.cyna.net) Crappy French to American translation made by... me ;-; ************** * Copyrights * ************** If I made an error somewhere (I wrote most of the faq only with what I remember), feel free to notice it at : cpt-tsubasa.net@tiscali.fr with the subject : "saint seiya ps2 faq". I receive lots of virus in my e-mail so if the subject isn't the one I said, your e-mail could be deleted by error, so don't wonder why you didn't get an answer if you didn't use the subject I said. Thanks to "Allen Borges" for his few corrections about my writing, to Oswaldo Lopez Garc? for his help on the Toys Pics Section, and to the peoples who helped me with somes bonus names I didn't get. Thanks to the one (he'll recognize himself if he read thoses lines) who provide me the PAL Release of the game to help me to complete and finish this faq. Websites which got the permission to publish this faq : - Gamefaqs.com - Neoseeker.com