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Other Moves 6. CHARACTER-SPECIFIC STRATEGIES a. Haohmaru b. Genjuro c. Earthquake d. Hanzo e. Nicotine -=*=-- INTRODUCTION -=*=- I've written this little FAQ since I've seen so many character-specific FAQ's, and I've yet to see one dedicated to Cham Cham, the lovable wild child from Samurai Shodown II. She's one of my favorite characters in the aforementioned game. One of my crowning a chievements was to destroy Haohmaru with her in only 20 seconds. -=*=- THANKS -=*=- Thanks to: SNK: for making such excelent games. The Smaurai Shodown 2 TAPFAQ: The origin of the move list included in this FAQ, as well as some extensive info on Samurai Shodown 2. Chock-full of good stuff! GameFAQs: for their huge archive of helpful FAQ's. -=*=- UPDATE HISTORY -=*=- V.1.0: The first release of the Cham Cham FAQ. It only contained the Move Strategies section. v.2.333:I've been able to play SS2 constantly during the week, so I've added Character Specific Strategies for some opponents. Also, since a FAQ should be as informative as it can be, I added a move list. Finally, this section was added. -=*=- MOVE LIST -=*=- ******************************************************************** ***Courtesy of the Samurai Shodown 2 TAPFAQ. ©1994, Shawn Holmes*** ******************************************************************** Standing Far Standing Close A -- Paw Swipe A -- Double Elbow B -- Side Slash AB -- Short Boomerang Toss # AB -- Upward Slash C/D -- Side Kick CD -- Spinning High Kick Crouching Far Crouching Close A -- Paw Swipe A -- Double Elbow B -- Side Slash * AB -- Short Boomerang Toss * AB -- Upward Slash C/D -- Crouch Kick CD -- Slide Jumping Forward Jumping Other A -- Paw Swipe B -- Side Slash AB -- Upward Slash C -- Knee Drop C -- Side Kick D -- Butt Drop D -- Spin Kick @ CD -- Somersault CD -- Spin Kick @ When jumping back, Cham Cham will do a Side Kick instead. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boomerang Gut Buster | Throws boomerang in a horizontal motion (Boomerang Nage) | to hit for weapon damage. | \ -O + Slash | Note: will go through other projectiles O O *! | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boomerang Beheader | Throws boomerang in a upward horizontal (Boomerang Nage) | arc to hit for weapon damage. | / O- + Slash | O O *! | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flying Lure Snag | Leaps at opponent, latching on and clawing (Tobi Hikkaki) | at face to strike for multiple hits of | \ -O + Kick | damage. O O * | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "Paku Paku" attacks -O \ | / O- + ... O O O Moora PakuPaku : Use C *L | Twirls on fingers into opponent. Ahow PakuPaku : Use D * | Throws skull at opponent. Paku Gaburu : Use CD ** | Leaps, spitting rising dragon fireball ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throws: B/AB/D/CD Back scratcher ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Deformed Transformation: -O \ | / O- -O \ | / O- + C O O O O O O ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power Special: Metamolie Animal Attack | Doubles in size and rushes forward -O O- / | \ -O + A | to slam into opponent for breaking damage. O O O * | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=*=- MOVE STRATEGIES -=*=- -=- REGULAR MOVES -=- Cham Cham's regular moves are what defines her as a great warrior in the game, especially her slash moves. The most invaluable tool for the Cham Cham player is the long distance AB slash. It's got really long distance, and when executed well, strikes twice for major damage. It's best used when an opponent launched a special move and you successfully blocked it. Some special moves have some sort of delay after being launched (more on this later), and this is the perfect moment of vulnerability to strike with the AB slash. It also works when the opponent is jumping towards you, but not right on top of you. Timed well, It'l l knock 'em off their feet. Another one of Cham Cham's excellent moves include the crouching long distance AB slash. It's identical to the standing AB, but the opponent must block low. The third move that should be reckognized is the close range crouching AB. Since Cham Cham lacks an uppercut move, this could be your last resort to fight an opponent who's jumping right on top of you. Besides those three moves, the regular Cham Cham player must concentrate on the B slashes, since they have excellent range. -=- SPECIAL MOVES -=- Cham cham's special moves can be a help or a hindrance to the player. You must develop your skills on these moves in order to make them work for you. - Boomerang throw - The boomerang throw can be your best friend or your worst enemy. They are divided into forward throws and diagonal throws. For the forward and diagonal throws, your best bet is the A throw. It's range is less than the other throws, but the recovery time is a lot faster. the B throw has longer range and should be used for really far away attacks that don't pose a risk (i.e. trying to take off that last pixel of energy). Avoid the AB throw at all costs. It's incredibly easy to dodge from long range, and will leave you vunerable for a long period of time. - Paku Paku moves - Cham Cham's little monkey, Paku Paku, can do some pretty mean moves. For long range, the best is the "Moora PakuPaku". Its only flaw is that Cham Cham is paralyzed while the monkey makes it to his target. If you can time it right, it's useful as the opponent lands from a jump. Another good move is the "Paku Gaburu". Excellent against a cornered opponent, or a jumping opponent. The "Ahow PakuPaku" is pretty useless, since it's very slow, and if there's a window of opportunity for a projectile, Cham Cham's boomerang should be it. -=- THROWS -=- Cham Cham's throw move is not as effective as her other moves, especially since it takes such a close range to pull it off. - Flying Lure Snag - Cham Cham's "Flying Lure Snag" is possibly the most useful special move the player has. It's very versatile, and if it connects, it's a spectacle to remember. It's extremey effective when the opponent launches a projectile at the right range. Cham Cham would leap over the projectile and catch the opponent while he's vulnerable. Remember, however, that you must give yourself enough space to leap over the projectile. It's most effective when you predict the launch. Catching an opponent in midair with the "Flying Lure Snag" is a skill to be mastered. It's very effective as long as you follow these guidelines: -The arcs of your jump and the opponent's jump coincide. This is pretty obvious. Cham Cham cannot fly, so unless the arcs coincide, Cham Cham will fall flat on her face. -The opponent has already launched a jumping attack. This eliminates any chance that theopponent will hit you in mid-air. -=- THE METAMOLIE ATTACK-=- Cham Cham's Power Special, the Metamolie Attack, is one of the best super moves in the game. The time it takes to execute is very little, and the coverage is excellent. It's very effective against landing opponents and after successfully blocking a blow. However, don't use the Metamolie Attack too liberally. A blocking opponent can attack you while you revert back to normal Cham Cham, causing major damage. Also, pole-using opponents (Kyoshiro, Nicotine, etc.) are known to attack with a long range slash and take you out of super mode. Projectiles can also hit you very easily. Nothing like rushing right into a tornado... -=- OTHER MOVES -=- - Wall jump - The wall jump is very useful against opponents who like to corner you, like Gen-an. Also, if you're landing right on top of the opponent, follow with an AB slash. Avoid heading towards an opponent that can uppercut (Haohmaru, Genjuro, etc.). Need I say more? -=*=- CHARACTER-SPECIFIC STRATEGIES -=*=- -=- HAOHMARU -=- Keep that blocking move handy. Haohmaru is one of those characters that reels back severely whenever he misses a slash. Once a strong slash is blocked, he reels back for about 1 second, which is plenty of time to counterattack. One treacherous tactic is to intentionally make him block a "Flying Lure Snag", because he often executes his uppercut while you're still in the air. Then catch him while he falls. Another reason to block often is to avoid his Power Special, since at first it looks exactly like an AB slash. Once it cools down, pound him. -=- GENJURO -=- If Genjuro catches you with his triple slash, keep trying to block. Even if the first two connect, the third one will be blocked, and you can hit back with an AB slash. Be extra careful when jumping in, since he'll take you down faster than you can say "what?". Keep your distance when fighting Genjuro by occasionally doing a standing or crouching AB slash. It's very difficult to avoid his Power Special, since he launches it so quickly. -=- EARTHQUAKE -=- Such a big target is prone to any sort of attack. Good way to take a little energy off is to jump in with a butt drop (D), then let him have it with an AB slash. One thing to remember: don't do a "Flying Lure Snag" throw while he's waiting for you; most likely he'll disappear and fall from the sky. Wait until he attacks you with a strong slash or if he jumps towards you. If you corner him, do the Paku Gaburu. Finally, if he tries to attack you with his Power Special (his hand will turn blue), repel him using an AB slash. -=- HANZO -=- Hanzo is easy to beat with Cham Cham. Remember to keep that "Flying Lure Snag" move ready, since Hanzo is very prone to it. Moments of incredible vulnerability: When he launches a Fire Snake (do a "Flying Lure Snag"); When he launches an air Shuri ken (ditto); When he does the Ninja Multiplier (95% of the time, he's the one closest to you; do an AB slash); When he does the Ninja Teleport (as soon as he falls from the sky, block and instantly do an AB slash). Keep an eye out on the ground for his Power Special. Once a fiery circle appears on the floor, step back as soon as possible. -=- NICOTINE -=- There's a little treat whenever Cham Cham fights Nicotine: his Lightning Bird projectile flies over a still Cham Cham. However, don't slash while the bird is above you (or you'll get a little shock therapy). Also remember that even though Cham Cham is a lit tle girl on her normal fighting stance, you must block low whenever Nicotine sends a lit tle Fire Demon. If Nicotine uses his Curse of Crunch card, Keep pressing Up-Forward to stay blocking low until it shakes off. His Power Special is easy to avoid, but only if you are alert. ---===More Characters to come soon===--- c. 1998 Observer.