Samurai Warriors 2 Mitsunari Ishida FAQ Made by LordofWei Version 1.00 ********** Contents ********** 1. Introduction 2. Biography of Mitsunari Ishida 3. Unlocking Mitsunari Ishida 4. Move List 5. How to use Mitsunari effectively 6. Mitsunari's Tale Chapter 1: Battle of Yamazaki Chapter 2: Battle of Shizukatage Chapter 3: Battle of Komaki-Nagakute Chapter 4: Siege of Odawara Castle (West) Chapter 5: Battle of Kusegawa Chpater 6: Battle of Sekigahara Mitsunari's Dream: Edo Campaign 7. Weapons 8. Obtaining 4th Weapon 9. Stats 10. Final Words -------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction -------------------------------------------- This FAQ is dedicated to Mitsunari Ishida, a new character introduced in SW2. Mitsunari is not one of my favorite characters, but I like to play as him often. Maybe that's because I like to hear his quotes, I don't know >_>. What makes Mitsunari as interesting character, is that he is loved and hated by many. I believe this is because some of us love his arrogance (like me) while some of us just can't stand it. But even more important factor is, of course, his moveset. Like I mentioned earlier, Mitsunari is arrogant person and doesn't really care about others. Despite that he respects Hideyoshi and his decisions, Mitsunari can't tolerate Hideyoshi's wife, Nene (play Nene's Story mode and you'll understand) and he's always fightning with Kiyomasa Kato and Masanori Fukushima, who eventually decide to destroy Mitsunari by joining with Eastern Army after Hideyoshi's death. However, later Mitsunari becomes friends with Kanetsugu Naoe, Yukimura Sanada and Sakon Shima. Thanks to these three, Mitsunari learns that in order to win against Ieyasu, he's going to need the help and respect of the people. Mitsunari uses a fan called tessen as his weapon. It's short and small, but can deal damage and block attacks because it's made of steel. Mitsunari's moveset is tricky to use. He probably has the slowest attacks in the game and some of his attacks are useless, but when used right he can be quite effective character. Just proceed to 'How to use Mitsunari effectively' section if you want to find out more. Version/Update History: 01/14/07 - I started writing this FAQ 01/22/07 - Version 1.00 finally finished. It took some time because I was busy with my other projects and I didn't want to publish this FAQ before I was done with all sections. Enjoy! -------------------------------------------- 2. Biography of Mitsunari Ishida -------------------------------------------- Ishida Mitsunari was born in 1560 and was the son of Ishida Masatsugu. He was one of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's Five Administrators (Gobugyou). The other 4 were Asano Nagamasa, Maeda Gen-I, Natsuka Masaie and Mashita Nagamori. Most importantly though, Mitsunari was the leader of the Western army during the Sekigahara campaign. Ishida Mitsunari skills in performing the Japanese tea ceremony was what first attracted him to Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Soon after, in 1578, Hideyoshi recruited Mitsunari into his army. For the most part, Mitsunari was far more talented at handling civil affairs than commanding troops. Although Mitsunari would participate in some of Hideyoshi's campaigns, such as at Shizugatake, he was more often employed to do administrative duty. During the Korean Campaign, Ishida Mitsunari was fielded as a troops inspector, rather than an officer. Outside of war, Mitsunari assisted Hideyoshi in governing Japan. For his services, he was given Sawayama Castle in his home province and a fief worth 200,000 koku. Ishida's brother, Masazumi, would help Mitsunari govern Sawayama until Kobayakawa Hideaki overran the castle in AD 1600. When Hideyoshi died while the second Korean campaign was underway, Mitsunari was one of the most powerful men in Japan. Deciding that Tokugawa Ieyasu was a threat and might ambitiously try to wrest power from Hideyoshi's son Hideyori, Ishida recklessly attempted to assassinate Ieyasu in 1599. Although Mitsunari failed, he managed to survive and, following this incident, Mitsunari assembled a coalition to fight against the Tokugawa clan. His plan in the campaign against the Tokugawa was initially to have his allies in the East, the Uesugi clan led by Kagekatsu, try to attack territories near Ieyasu's capital of Edo. Meanwhile the Western Army could move forward on other fronts and pincer Ieyasu. Naoe Kanetsugu, an Uesugi general, did manage to capture a few castles of the Tokugawa, but was held up by the Date and Mogami clans, allies of the Tokugawa, in the East. Because the Date and Mogami were able to defeat the Uesugi at Hasedo, Ishida's initial scheme had failed. The greatest mistake that Mitsunari made before marching out to confront Ieyasu was with the handling of hostages. Mitsunari had tried to make the wives and families of various Tokugawa loyalists hostage, but his schemes were upset by the wife of Hosokawa Tadaoki, a Christian woman named Donna Gracia. Gracia, rather than be placed under arrest, had a servant kill her. Her suicide caused such a buzz in Osaka Castle that Mitsunari decided to place only minimal troops to guard the hostages he had taken earlier. As a result, many of the hostages he had taken succeeded in escaping. Ishida Mitsunari's first military move against Ieyasu was to march against Fushimi Castle. The defenders of the fortress, the Torii clan, were brave and stalwart samurai, and Mitsunari soon realized that the castle would be difficult to take down. After 10 days, Mitsunari threatened the family of one of the Torii's retainers with death by crucifixion. The vassal who Mitsunari threatened turned traitor against the Torii and burned down one of the towers of Fushimi Castle. Eventually the whole castle was up in smoke, which allowed Mitsunari to seize it. Mitsunari afterwards ordered Tachibana Muneshige and Mori Motoyasu to take Otsu Castle from the Kyogoku, while a Western army commanded by Onoki Shigekatsu besieged Hosokawa Yusai, another Tokugawa loyalist, in Tanabe Castle. Sometime before these sieges, the Western general Mori Hidemoto had managed to conquer Annotsu Castle from Fukuda Nobutaka. Tokugawa victories in the sieges of Gifu and Kiyosu would somewhat weaken Mitsunari's position, and in the end Mitsunari decided to move his army from his headquarters in Ogaki Castle to the nearby village of Sekigahara. He left 7,500 men behind him to defend Ogaki. Since much of the Eastern army was guarding Ieyasu's headquarters, the positioning of the Western army troops at Sekigahara was actually superior. In the battle itself, the Eastern forces would charge against the Western Army but would be driven back by cannonades ordered by Ishida Mitsunari. Anthony J. Bryant, the author of the book 'Sekigahara 1600,' states that Mitsunari's men "must have fought surprisingly well to have held their position so strongly." Mitsunari would later attempt a counter-attack against the Tokugawa, but would lack support from several Western commanders (including Shimazu Yoshihiro). Though Ishida Mitsunari pleaded with his supposed ally, Kobayakawa Hideaki, to charge from his position and attack the Eastern forces, Kobayakawa merely held his position on Mount Matsuo and kept a neutral stance. The Shimazu, the Kikkawa and numerous other clans that had allegedly allied with the West, all did very little to help the Western Army forces at Sekigahara, yet Western Army forces led by Konishi Yukinaga, Otani Yoshitsugu and Ukita Hideie fought so well that a stalemate developed between the armies of Mitsunari and Ieyasu. The tide of the battle ultimately turned when Tokugawa Ieyasu ordered gunmen to shoot at Hideaki's unit, which then defected over to the Tokugawa camp. When Kobayakawa defected it shattered the morale of Ishida's forces and the Western Army forces fell apart. In the aftermath of the battle, Mitsunari was taken prisoner and sent to the Rokujôgahara execution grounds. When offered a last meal, Mitsunari declined on the grounds that it would give him bad digestion. Konishi Yukinaga warned Mitsunari that this should be the least of his worries, but Mitsunari wittily replied, "On the contrary: No matter what the situation, you never know how things are going to end up." Things ended up bad for Mitsunari unfortunately, as just a few hours later he and several of his comrades were beheaded (a legend states that Mitsunari was buried up to his head in sand and beheaded with a blunt blade, although it is unclear if this is true or not). Written by SlickSlicer (, link is currently unavailable) ------------------------------------------- 3. Unlocking Mitsunari Ishida ------------------------------------------- You don't need to unlock Mitsunari, because he's one of the initial characters in game. But when you complete his Story Mode, you unlock Hideyoshi Toyotomi and Sakon Shima. ------------------------------------------ 4. Move List ------------------------------------------ Type: Special The main development is found in the increase of Special Move strength. S = Square T = Triangle FC = Fan is closed FO = Fan is open Normal attacks: SSS(FO): Mitsunari strikes vertically to his left side, then horizontally to right side and again vertically to left side. SSS+SSSSS(FC): Mitsunari strikes vertically to his left side, then horizontally to right side and again vertically to left side, then he starts spinning with his fan vertically and holds it above him. Finally, he turns around and does a wide horizontal strike to left side. X+S(FO): Mitsunari throws his fan downwards. Dash+S(FC): Mitsunari does a wide strike to his right side. Charge attacks: T(T): Mitsunari shoots a small white cloud, which stays on the air for a while and is quickly followed by laser beam. S+T(T): Mitsunari throws his fan upwards and if the attack connects, he jumps up and throws his fan downwards, which damages all enemies below him. SS+T(T): Mitsunari turns around while doing a vertical strike downward. Then he opens his fan and releases a small explosion around him. SSS+T(T): Mitsunari throws his fan and it goes around him two times. X+T: Mitsunari opens his fan and slams it on the ground damaging all enemies near him. Special attacks: Special 1 (R1+S[SS]) Description: Place a mine on the ground. R1+S: Mitsunari is able to place two mines on the ground. R1+SS: Mitsunari is able to place four mines on the ground. R1+SSS: Mitsunari is able to place six mines on the ground. Special 2 (R1+T[TT]) Description: Explode mines previously set. (Breaks the guard of enemies) R1+T: Mitsunari blows up 1st mine. R1+TT: Mitsunari blows up 2nd and 3rd mines. This explosion has Fire element and throws enemies into air. R1+TTT: Mitsunari blows up 4th, 5th and 6th mines. This explosion has Lightning element and tosses enemies away. Mounted attacks: SSS+SSSSS: Mitsunari does quick strikes to his right side and in the end spins his fan in his right hand. S+T: Mitsunari opens his fan and does upward slash to his right side, lifting enemies into air. SS+T: Mitsunari throws a smoke bomb, which stuns enemies around him. SSS+T: Mitsunari throws his fan around the horse one time. Musou attacks: Level 1: Mitsunari's fan is open and he throws it back and forth in front of him. Level 2: Stronger attack and better reach. Level 3: Numerous mines explode around Mitsunari while he keeps throwing his fan back and forth. True Musou: When your life is at critical or you have Awakening 2, you are able to perform True Musou. Fire element is added to your attacks and Mitsunari does his S,S and SSS+T attacks in the end. Double Musou: This is performed when you and your bodyguard or 2nd player have Musou bar full. Double Musou is just like True Musou, except Lightning element is added to your attacks. Ultimate Musou: The most powerful Musou attack in game. Can only be used with level 3 Awakening skill. Your attacks have Demon element. Other attacks: Deadlock: Mitsunari stabs his closed fan into opponent, spins it vertically and does a wide horizontal strike to his left side with his fan open. ------------------------------------------ 5. How to use Mitsunari effectively ------------------------------------------ Mitsunari's true strenght lies in his Charge attacks and strong S string. Despite that they are really slow, the damage they deal is pretty high. However, if you use the wrong moves in wrong situations, you'll be in big trouble sooner than you think. His Musou attack is great help when you want to deal with bigger enemy crowds and level 3 Musou gets the job done faster. S+T(T), SS+T(T) and SSS+T(T) are also useful against crowds, but T(T) should be saved for enemy officers. S string is good against both crowds and officers, but you mainly want to stick with his Charge attacks. If you get into tight situation with Mitsunari, one of the best things to do is to rely on your horse. His S string is extremely fast, Charge attacks take out bigger enemy troops and attack range is long. Always stay near your horse. So what sucks in Mitsunari? I mentioned it above: "Strong, but SLOW S string and Charge attacks." I'm not kidding here, they indeed are really slow. This makes Mitsunari as one of the worst one-on-one fighters in game. To make things worse, Koei didn't bother to give him anything to help in that area, except his T(T) and level 3 Musou attack, which you are going to use often. Musou attack does help you a little, but if enemy officer manages to block it, you're just going to waste it. How about his Special attack? Err... no. You place a mine, officer hits you. You blow up the mine and officer probably manages to hit you again. And even if it hits, the damage it deals is really low. You can't even use juggling as your advantage, because Mitsunari's slow S string doesn't allow you to keep enemis long time in the air. SSS+T(T) is easily guarded by officers, SS+T(T) works sometimes (when your levels are 40-50) and have fun with his S+T(T). So if you ever are forced to face two or more hyper generals at the same time (such as Tadakatsu and Ina), good luck, you're going to need it. Only attacks which actually can help you are his T and level 3 Musou attacks. The white cloud floats in the air for a while and officer often tries to block this, which isn't possible because T(T) attack always breaks the guard and if they roll, their guard is open from behind. Use this moment as your advantage to get some extra hits to opponent. Then there's your level 3 Musou too, which is great. The mines that explode around you don't toss officers away and since your S string is faster with Musou attack, you can actually juggle them. Excellent attack with Awakening 3. Overall, Mitsunari is a character who has decent crowd clearing moveset, but poor Special attack and is really bad in one-on-one fights. He's not one of the best characters in game, but not one of the worst either. Also, he's tricky character to use and requires some practice, so those looking for challenge should like playing as him, at least I do. ------------------------------------------ 6. Mitsunari's Tale ------------------------------------------ NOTE: No spoilers here, just a walkthrough for each stage. Chapter 1: Battle of Yamazaki Hashiba Army vs. Akechi Army Victory Conditions: Defeat Mitsuhide. Defeat Conditions: Hideyoshi or Hidenaga is defeated. Strategy: When the battle begins, head to east where Kaneaki Mimaki is and defeat him. Secure the gate in the south and approach Shoryuji in the east. You get a mission to seize Shoryuji but don't do it just yet. Head to north where Akechi officers Yasuie Namikawa and Masachika Matsuda are (secure the gate along the way). Defeat them and go capture Mt. Tennoh. After you have captured Mt. Tennoh, Sakon Shima appears in the south as reinforcements and Hideyoshi orders Kiyomasa Kato to send his troops to Mt. Tennoh. Approach Kiyomasa and you unlock the mission to escort him. Just clear the enemy troops out of his way and he'll be fine. Get back to Shoryuji and help Masanori Fukushima to seize it. Mitsuhide soon launches an ambush party in the south and Mt. Tennoh. Defeat Nobuharu Tsuda in the south first and then go defend Mt. Tennoh by defeating Kunitsuga Yasuda and Sadaoki Ise. The last ambush party led by Toshimitsu Saito and Katsusade Shibata should have appeared in the north of Shoryuji already. Meet up with those two and you get your last mission, which is to defeat them. Secure the remaining gates and take out remaining officers. If Kiyomasa still hasn't reached to Mt. Tennoh, help him and finally defeat Mitsuhide. Congrats, you have finished Mitsunari's first stage! Chapter 2: Battle of Shizukatage Hashiba Army vs. Shibata Army Victory Conditions: Defeat Katsuei. Defeat Conditions: Hideyoshi is defeated. Strategy: Your first goal is to seize more garrison than Masanori Fukushima and Kiyomasa Kato. There are four garrisons, so try to seize at least three of them. Defeat Yasumasa Sakuma right in front of you and advance to the garrison in the east. Defeat Hideaki Tokuyama there. Kanetsugu should have appeared by now, but don't mind him. Proceed to the garrison in the northwest and annihilate Katsumitsu Fuwa there. Seize the 3rd garrison in the northeast by defeating Nagayori Hara. Now you have seized enought garrisons. Hideyoshi wants you to go to talk Toshiie, but it's not necessary. Instead, go after Morimasa Sakuma who is attacking to your main camp. Defeat Morimasa Sakuma and Shogen Yamaji, who defected to Shibata Army and defend your main camp. You probably noticed that Katsuei ordered Toshiie to advance and Hideyoshi tells you to face him. Approach Toshiie, who is attacking from the west side of your main camp and you get the mission to defeat the Maeda army. Complete the mission by defeating Toshiie and Toshinaga Maeda. However, Kanetsugu, who appeared soon after the battle started, has already begun his advance towards your main camp. If you think you don't have enought time to defeat Maeda army before Kanetsugu reaches your main camp, leave them be and go get Kanetsugu. Go defeat Katsumasa Shibata who is advancing from his garrison and the Maeda army, if you still didn't finish them off. Only Katsuei and few of his officers remain anymore. Defeat them and you have cleared Mitsunari's Chapter 2. Chpater 3: Battle of Komaki-Nagakute Hashiba Army vs. Tokugawa Army Victory Conditions: Defeat Ieyasu. Defeat Conditions: Hideyoshi is defeated. Strategy: Hope you have a good horse, because you have to be pretty fast in this battle. Take out Nobumasa Okudaira who is the first officer you should encounter. Soon, a soldier reports that Ikeda and his buddies are being attacked near Iwasaki Castle (located in southeast). Hideyoshi tells Hidemasa to go help them, but he never makes it in time because he's too slow so it's best that you go there yourself. You should go aid them ASAP. The detached unit rarely even lasts one minute before they are defeated. Anyways, rescue them by defeating Naomasa Ii and Ujishige Niwa. Now, Hideyoshi tells you to capture Iwasaki Castle, but instead return to frontlines and deal with the remaining enemy officers there (Tadayo Okubo, Masanobu Honda and Tadatsugu Sakai). Proceed to southwest and you'll find Kazumasa Ishikawa and Tadasuke Okubo guarding the gates. Defeat them as well and retun back to Iwasaki Castle. Seize it by defeating Yasumasa Sakakibara. Ieyasu relocates his main camp and Tadakatsu attacks to Iwasaki with Ina. However, ignore them both for now and head back to North Rampart (the place where you started). Hanzo appears there and tries to assasinate Hideyoshi, so your mission is to prevent him from entering to your main camp. You can go back to Iwasaki Castle and complete the mission there by defeating Tadakatsu and Ina. They are formidable pair though, so be prepared. If you think they're too much for you, just advance to southwest, defeat Moritsuna Watanabe and Nobukatsu Oda and finally Ieyasu to end the battle. Chapter 4: Siege of Odawara Castle (West) Toyotomi Army vs. Hojo Army Victory Conditions: Defeat Ujimasa. Defeat Conditions: Hideyoshi is defeated, or Main Camp is captured. Strategy: Now then, how to defeat the big bad Hojo who are hiding in their huge castle? By using siege ramps of course! Start by seizing the north garrison, defeat Hiroteru Minagawa to succeed in this. Exit from east gate of the garrison and siege ramp appears. Best way is to ride around it and keep enemies away with your horse Musou. Once siege ramp is placed at the wall, defeat Naohide and Yasusato Matsuda. Gates to Odawara Castle are now open, but first go to south and defeat three officers there (Ujinaga Narita, Naoshige Chiba and Yasuhiro Ogasawara). Enter to Odawara Castle from the center enterance, advance to south and defeat Naosada Hojo along the way. Enter to the storehouse where Ujitada Hojo is and seize it by defeating him. When Hideyoshi enters to the courtyard of Odawara Castle, Hojo reinforcements appear outside the castle and head to your main camp. At the same time, Kotaro ambushes Hideyoshi. You should first help Hideyoshi, because Kotaro is in hyper mode and his morale is higher than Hideyoshi's. Don't worry about your main camp, there are few officers defending it, who buy enought time for you. After you have taken care of Kotaro, defeat all enemy officers near your main camp (Ujinao, Ujitaka and Ujifusa Hojo). Head back to castle and defeat all remaining Hojo officers. Once you have done that, head to the top of Odawara Castle where Ujimasa Hojo is. Be careful though, because Kotaro appears again once you have reached the top and he's pretty strong. Defeat him and Ujimasa so that Japan can belong to Hideyoshi. Chapter 5: Battle of Kusegawa Western Army vs. Eastern Army Victory Conditions: Defeat all enemy officers. Defeat Conditions: Any allied officer is defeated. Strategy: Cross the bridge and proceed north. Defeat the first officer you encounter, Kazuhide Nakamura. Yoshimasa Tanaka appears soon in the southeast and tries to secure an escape point for Eastern Army. Ride there immediately and prevent him from doing this. Defeat Yoshimasa Tanaka and Kojiro Sasaki who appeared as reinforcements. Now you have cut off Eastern Army's escape route and they have no choice but to attack. Enter to the garrison in the west and defeat Kazutada Nakamura there. More Eastern Army reinforcements appear soon. Naomasa Ii and Moritsuna Watanabe are right next to you, so take care of them first. If you are fast enought, you might make it in time to prevent Tadakatsu from reaching your main camp. He's super strong and with Tadatomo Honda, so you probably want to Interim save before facing him. Go back to north and help Sakon by defeating Hanzo Hattori and Tanomo Noisshiki. Ina and few Eastern Army officers are still left. Defeat them in the north with the help of Yoshihiro and prepare for the final showdown at Sekigahara. Chapter 6: Battle of Sekigahara Western Army vs. Eastern Army Victory Conditions: Defeat Ieyasu. Defeat Conditions: Main Camp is captured. Strategy: The battle which decides the fate of Toyotomi clan is about to begin. From your main camp, ride to the center of the battlefield and immediately defeat Nagamasa Kuroda and Sadatsugu Tsutsui. Next step is to capture Eastern Army cannons before they begin to fire. Go to northeast and capture the first cannon (defeat Defense Captain). Proceed to northwest and capture the second cannon. Now you may have time to defeat only one officer, because soon Magobei Fuse appears with his rifle units and heads to Mt Matsuo. Go after him immediately, otherwise he starts shooting Kobayakawa and you don't want that to happen. Defeat Magobei and Kobayakawa is safe, for now. Ieyasu refuses to give up and sends Hanzo after him from the northeast. Head to the garrison in the northeast where Ekei Ankokuji is being assaulted by Tokugawa officers. Take the western route and Interim save. If you get too close to garrison, Kikkawa and Mori will defect. To avoid this, lure Tokugawa officers and approaching Hanzo away from the garrison. Defeat all of them with the help of Ekei and your bodyguard. There are still some Tokugawa officers in the center, but there's also Ina in the northwest corner. Defeat as many Tokugawa generals in the center as you can, but go after Ina when she is fightning at the stronghold next to Yoshihiro Shimazu to prevent her from reaching your main camp. Get back to center and take out remaining Tokugawa officers. Ginchiyo should still be fightning against Tadaoki Hosokawa in the northwest, so go help her. From there, head to Ieyasu's garrison, which gates are guarded by Tadakatsu. Defeat him with the help of your allies and destroy Ieyasu to bring peace back to the land. Congrats, you have completed Mitsunari's Story Mode! Only his Dream stage remains and if you still haven't played as Kanetsugu, you unfortunetly can't play it yet. Mitsunari's Dream: Edo Campaign How to unlock: Complete Mitsunari's and Kanetsugu's Story Mode. Western Army vs. Eastern Army Victory Conditions: Defeat Ieyasu. Defeat Conditions: Hideyori or Mitsunari is defeated. Strategy: If you need help with this stage, proceed to "Obtaining 4th weapon" section. ------------------------------------------ 7. Weapons ------------------------------------------ 1st: Folding Fang Base Attack: 20 Element: Random Stats: Random 2nd: Fuji's Grace Base Attack: 29 Element: Random Stats: Random 3rd: Open Valor Base Attack: 37 Element: Random Stats: Random 4th: Golden Frill Base Attack: 45 Element: Ice Stats: Musou +36, Defense +38, Musou Charge +33 and Range +37 My thoughts about Golden Frill: The base attack is good and so are the attributes and element, but you can immediately note that this is defensive weapon. If you are not that great player with Mitsunari, this weapon suits you well. Range and Defense boosts with Ice element make fightning against officers easier, while MuCha and Musou boosts allow you to use your Musou longer and more often. But if you're player who prefers offence over defense, you don't want to use this weapon. ------------------------------------------ 8. Obtaining 4th Weapon ------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT: You must play on Hard or Chaos in order to obtain Mitsunari's 4th weapon. Stage: Edo Campaign (Mitsunari's Dream) Requirements: Succeed in 'Rescue Hideie Ukita', 'Open Edo Castle's east gate', 'Defeat the traitors quickly', 'Defeat all enemies within the castle', 'Protect Ekei Ankokuji' and 'Prevent Kotaro Fuma from entering the main camp' missions. Finally, enter to Edo Castle from the north enterance. Valuable item report: On the bridge, which connects the inner and main keep of Edo Castle. Method: Unlike with other characters, Mitsunari's Dream happens to be his 7th stage, so you might find this stage a bit harder than other Dream stages. When playing on Hard, you should be at least on level 35, because Mitsunari isn't one of the strongest or fastest characters in game. But let's get started then, shall we? You start from the northeast corner. Head to north gate of Edo Castle first and defeat Naotaka Ii. Hideie Ukita is lured to castle and ambushed by Masamune's rifle units. Wait until you get the mission to rescue him and defeat Shigenaga Katakura. Go to northwest corner of the castle courtyard, secure the stronghold and defeat Masanobu Honda there. Exit from the north gate and head to east side of Edo Castle. Your next mission is to open east gate of Edo Castle, which is guarded by Yoshiaki Mogami. When the gate opens, Kobayakawa (surprise, surprise), Mori and Kikkawa defect to Eastern Army and you find out Ekei Ankokuji was captured (you need to recue him later). Your mission is to defeat these three before your allies lose hope. Take out Kobayakawa who is right next to you, go south and defeat Hidemoto Mori, along with Nagachika Kanamori. Only Hiroie Kikkawa remains, who is at west gate with Terumasa Ikeda. When you have punished all traitors, return back to east gate of Edo Castle (because Ieyasu locked all other gates) and before you enter to courtyard, make sure you have secured all the strongholds outside. Once you have entered to courtyard, your mission is to destroy all officers within that area. Mitsunari also comments that Ekei is held somewhere inside the castle. But first, head to north and you find Yasumasa Sakakibara. Defeat him and secure the stronghold. Open the northern inner gate by defeating Defense Captain. Head back to south and defeat Ietsugu Sakai. Cross the bridge and you'll find Takatora Todo, defeat him as well. There's Defense Captain close to you. You'll find Ekei Ankokuji from the gate behind him and he needs to be escorted back to Toyotomi main camp. Ieyasu's ninja officer Toranosuke Aoyama appears. Defeat him to protect Ekei. Open Edo Castle's south gate, defeat Shigezane Date and Ekei should be able to reach the main camp by himself. Proceed to the west side of courtyard, open the western gate, secure the stronghold and annihilate Naomasa Ii. Kotaro appears in north and heads toward Hideyori (did you really think he was defeated in Odawara?). Exit from Edo Castle's west gate and when you approach Kotaro you need to prevent him from reaching your main camp. Complete this last mission and finally it's time to head inside the Edo Castle. Now pay attention: YOU MUST ENTER TO EDO CASTLE FROM NORTH ENTERANCE and keep going until a fence blocks your path. Soon Ekei says: "If I remember correctly, the main keep is connected to another keep, smaller keep." After this quote, you get the valuable item report. It's on the bridge, which connects inner and main keep. Destroy Hideyasu Yuki and Hidetada Tokugawa before you head to smaller keep. Now all you need to do is to defeat remaining enemy officers (Hidemune Date, Masamune and Tadakatsu) and collect your valuable item (you can't miss it) before killing Ieyasu Tokugawa. NOTE: 1) Keep in mind that only the missions matter. It's ok if your allies or bodyguard kill enemy officers. 2) You must enter to Edo Castle from the north enterance first. If you use south enterance first, you enter to smaller keep and Ekei doesn't mention about it when you use north enterance. ------------------------------------------ 9. Stats ------------------------------------------ Level 1: Life: 115 Musou: 92 Attack: 89 Defense: 89 Ride: 92 Speed: 106 Dexterity: 100 Luck: 87 Level 50: Life: 289 Musou: 276 Attack: 183 Defense 183 Ride: 181 Speed: 171 Dexterity: 165 Luck: 183 ------------------------------------------ 11. Final Words ------------------------------------------ This FAQ is Copyright2006 LordofWei. Only GameFAQs ( is allowed to use this FAQ and not any other site. If anyone else wants to use this FAQ, suggest or ask something you can contact me in: I would like to say thanks to: - Koei and Omega Force for creating one of the best games ever. - GameFAQs and its members for helping me numerous times with different games. - SlickSlicer for giving me permission to use his Mitsunari Ishida bio. - KoeiWarriors (, which is the best site about Koei and hack'n slash games.