戦国無双 猛将伝 Sengoku Musou Moushouden Level 6 Weapon Unlocking Guide Version 1.00 (9.25.04) Written by 無二 忍 Muni Shinobu (muni_shinobu@yahoo.com) * To view this guide properly, choose "View" from the toolbar at the top of the computer screen, then select "Character Set", and either "Japanese (Shift-JIS)" or "Japanese (Auto Select)". General Requirements: * Character must have already cleared 無双演武 Musou Enbu Story Mode once. * Must be playing on 地獄 Hell Difficulty or higher when unlocking weapon. * Can be playing on 難しい Hard Difficulty or higher after obtaining 最強武器難度低下 Strongest Weapon Difficulty Lowered. * Must be playing in 無双演武 Story Mode. * For original characters' weapons, the original 戦国無双 Sengoku Musou game disk is required. ------------------------------------- [羽柴秀吉 Hashiba Hideyoshi] Weapon : 三界闘戦文殊 Attack : +55 Element : 閃光 Flash Light Status : 防御力 Defense +68 間接防御力 Arrow Defense +56 移動力 Speed +50 無双増加量 Musou Increase +62 Stage : 小牧長久手の戦い Battle of Komaki Nagakute (Top 5th Stage) Method : Succeed in the following missions: - 小牧山城前線部隊を撃破 Defeat Komakiyama Front Line Troops. - 本多忠勝を撃破 Defeat Honda Tadakatsu. - 大久保忠世、大久保忠佐を撃破 Defeat Ookubo Tadayo and Ookubo Tadasuke. - 服部半蔵を撃破 Defeat Hattori Hanzou. Supply troop appears from the entry point to the left of the 小牧山城 Komakiyama Castle, passing through 小牧山城 Komakiyama Castle, moving towards map right second entry point from the bottom. Muni Comment : Make sure to defeat 井伊直政 Ii Naomasa before 池田恒興 Ikeda Tsuneoki is defeated. [今川義元 Imagawa Yoshimoto] Weapon : 鳳眼光明遍照 Attack : +57 Element : 夜叉 Night Demon Status : 無双 Musou +49 防御力 Defense +69 無双増加量 Musou Increase +75 攻撃範囲 Attack Radius +68 Stage : 小牧長久手の戦い Battle of Komaki Nagakute (Top 4th Stage) Method : With all ally generals alive, do the following: 1. Fail the 鳥居元忠を撃破 Defeat Torii Mototada mission. 2. Succeed the 徳川軍武将の本陣侵入を防げ Prevent Tokugawa Troop From Entering Ally Base mission by defeating 本多忠勝 Honda Tadakatsu last. 3. Defeat 稲姫 Inahime. Supply troop appears from the map top left entry point, moving Eastward. [本多忠勝 Honda Tadakatsu] Weapon : 烈鎗降閻魔 Attack : +60 Element : 紅蓮 Red Lotus Status : 攻撃力 Attack +72 防御力 Defense +75 間接防御力 Arrow Defense +71 攻撃範囲 Attack Radius +59 Stage : 小牧長久手の戦い Battle of Komaki Nagakute (Top 5th Stage) Method : Not even one enemy enters the 小牧山城 Komakiyama Castle in between the success of the following two missions: - 小牧山城に迫る敵部隊を撃破 Defeat Enemy Troops Approaching the Komakiyama Castle. - 敵を本陣に侵入させるな Don't Let Enemies Enter Ally Base. Supply troop appears from the map bottom right entry point. Muni Comment : Before the 1st mission is ordered, eliminate the two enemy entry points near the area. After the 1st mission is succeeded, clean the area of enemy soldiers before leaving for the ally base for the 2nd mission. [稲姫 Inahime] Weapon : 清麗天弓愛染 Attack : +56 Element : 凍牙 Frozen Tooth Status : 無双 Musou +47 攻撃力 Attack +63 間接攻撃力 Arrow Attack +72 攻撃範囲 Attack Radius +61 Stage : 山崎の戦い Battle of Yamasaki (Bottom 4th Stage) Method : Succeed in the following missions in order: 1. 明智軍の天王山進入阻止 Prevent Akechi Troop From Entering Tennou Mountain. 2. 明智光秀撃破 Defeat Akechi Mitsuhide. 3. 羽柴軍の天王山進入阻止 Prevent Hashiba Troop From Entering Tennou Mountain. Supply troop appears inside the enemy base. Muni Comment : After you succeed the 1st mission, and you start battle with 明智光秀 Akechi Mitsuhide, the 羽柴軍 Hashiba Troop will arrive at the battlefield. The 羽柴軍 Hashiba Troop will enter 天王山 Tennou Mountain very quickly, so the most important thing and the hardest thing here is defeating 明智光秀 Akechi Mitsuhide in time. Make use of the mid-game save at this point. If after a few tries, you still can't defeat 明智光秀 Akechi Mitsuhide in time, make use of the mid-game save even more. Meaning if an attack of yours hits 明智光秀 Akechi Mitsuhide, save. If an attack gets blocked by 明智光秀 Akechi Mitsuhide, quit and reload the saved game. What I suggested may sound troublesome and cheap, but if you find yourself really in trouble at this point, this method does work. [真田幸村 Sanada Yukimura] Weapon : 煉鎗赫羅漢 Attack : +57 Element : 紅蓮 Red Lotus Status : 体力 HP +50 攻撃力 Attack +65 騎乗攻撃力 Ride Attack +67 無双増加量 Musou Increase +65 Stage : 山崎の戦い Battle of Yamasaki (Bottom 5th Stage) Method : Succeed in the following missions: - 柴田勝家、丹羽長秀を撃破 Defeat Shibata Katsuie and Niwa Nagahide. - 前田慶次の天王山侵入阻止 Prevent Maeda Keiji from entering Tennou Mountain. - 羽柴秀吉の本陣侵入阻止 Prevent Hashiba Hideyoshi from entering ally base. Defeat 滝川一益 Takikawa Kazumasu and 竹中半兵衛 Takenaka Hanbee in between the first mission and the third mission. Supply troop appears from entry point to the left of the caves. [服部半蔵 Hattori Hanzou] Weapon : 冥穿摩利支天 Attack : +56 Element : 夜叉 Night Demon Status : 攻撃力 Attack +74 間接攻撃力 Arrow Attack +69 移動力 Speed +48 攻撃範囲 Attack Radius +68 Stage : 神君伊賀越え Lord's Passing Through Iga (3rd Stage) Method : Defeat all the 一揆衆法師 Ikkishyuu Monks after they appear. Do not let the 一揆衆法師 Ikkishyuu Monks meet with 徳川家康 Tokugawa Ieyasu. 徳川家康 Tokugawa Ieyasu joins with 榊原康政 Sakakibara Yasumasa after all the 一揆衆法師 Ikkishyuu Monks are defeated. Supply troop appears inside the starting point fort. Muni Comment : In the starting point fort there are two paths to choose from. Choose the right path leading to the center fort. 一揆衆法師 Ikkishyuu Monks will appear along this path, for you to defeat. After 徳川家康 Tokugawa Ieyasu reaches the center fort, 一揆衆法師 Ikkishyuu Monks will appear again. Defeat all of them and advance with the stage normally and the weapon will be unlocked. [お市 Oichi] Weapon : 瑠璃弁天・菊 Attack : +55 Element : 閃光 Flash Light Status : 防御力 Defense +67 間接防御力 Arrow Defense +69 移動力 Speed +45 無双増加量 Musou Increase +68 Stage : 本能寺の変 Rebellion at Honnouji (Top 5th Stage) Method : 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga, 森蘭丸 Mori Ranmaru, and 濃姫 Nouhime escape from the Southeast escape point. Supply troop appears from the map top left entry point, moving towards the map top right entry point. Muni Comment : Succeed in the 火計阻止 Prevent Fire Attack mission at the start of the battle, then meet with 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga, then meet with 濃姫 Nouhime, and they will start to retreat from the battlefield. To ensure the three allies retreat safely, defeat all enemy generals except 明智光秀 Akechi Mitsuhide and eliminate all enemy entry points. Then make your stand in front of the enemy entry point that can not be eliminated and stop all the never-ending incoming enemy soldiers there, leaving your three allies free to retreat and escape. The supply troop will escape pretty quickly, it is better not to chase it from the left, but instead go from the right and meet it head on. [上杉謙信 Uesugi Kenshin] Weapon : 焔光毘沙門天 Attack : +58 Element : 凍牙 Frozen Tooth Status : 体力 HP +50 攻撃力 Attack +69 騎乗攻撃力 Ride Attack +72 攻撃範囲 Attack Radius +62 Stage : 岐阜城攻略戦 Attack of Gifu Castle (4th Stage) Method : During the in-castle battle: 1F to 3F - Defeat all enemy generals and succeed in all missions. 4F - Precious Item Report. [明智光秀 Akechi Mitsuhide] Weapon : 羅刹刃金狼 Attack : +57 Element : 閃光 Flash Light Status : 体力 HP +45 防御力 Defense +69 移動力 Speed +47 攻撃範囲 Attack Radius +73 Stage : 山崎の戦い Battle of Yamasaki (Bottom 5th Stage) Method : With all ally generals alive, defeat all enemy generals and succeed in all missions. Supply troop appears from map bottom right entry point, moving towards enemy base. Muni Comment : Succeed the missions in the following order for an easier time: 1. 東門、西門を守る Guard East Gate and West Gate. Defeat 柴田勝家 Shibata Katsuie. Defeat 丹羽長秀 Niwa Nagahide. Defeat 前田利家 Maeda Toshiie. Defeat 佐久間信盛 Sakuma Nobumori. Defeat 織田信忠 Oda Nobutada. 3. 羽柴秀吉から東門を守る Guard East Gate from Hashiba Hideyoshi. 4. 森蘭丸の攻撃に耐える Withstand Mori Ranmaru's Attack. 5. 洞窟内の隠れた敵を倒す Defeat the Enemies Hidden in the Caves. [雑賀孫市 Saiga Magoichi] Weapon : 白陽ヤタガラス Attack : +57 Element : 紅蓮 Red Lotus Status : 体力 HP +43 防御力 Defense +68 間接攻撃力 Arrow Attack +75 攻撃範囲 Attack Radius +59 Stage : 山崎銃撃戦 Yamasaki Pistol Battle (2nd Stage) Method : Succeed in the following missions: - 織田軍先鋒隊を撃破 Defeat Oda Troop First Wave Troops. - 織田信長を狙撃 Sharpshoot Oda Nobunaga. - 織田軍第二陣を撃破 Defeat Oda Troop Second Wave Troops. Supply troop appears from the map bottom right entry point, moving towards ally base. [武田信玄 Takeda Shingen] Weapon : 是大神咒 Attack : +59 Element : 紅蓮 Red Lotus Status : 体力 HP +46 防御力 Defense +75 無双増加量 Musou Increase +57 攻撃範囲 Attack Radius +75 Stage : 山崎の戦い Battle of Yamasaki (Top 5th Stage) Method : Succeed in the following missions in order: 1. 柴田勝家, 丹羽長秀を撃破 Defeat Shibata Katsuie and Niwa Nagahide. 2. 前田慶次の天王山侵入を阻め Stop Maeda Keiji From Entering Tennou Mountain. 3. 羽柴秀吉の本陣侵入を阻止 Prevent Hashiba Hideyoshi From Entering Ally Base. Fail the following mission: - 霧が晴れる前に円明寺川を突破 Break Through Enmyouji River Before Fog Clears. Succeed in the following mission: - 上杉謙信を救援 Rescue Uesugi Kenshin. Supply troop appears from the cave top right entry point, moving towards the 織田 Oda base. [伊達政宗 Date Masamune] Weapon : 双龍阿修羅 Attack : +56 Element : 凍牙 Frozen Tooth Status : 体力 HP +40 防御力 Defense +67 騎乗攻撃力 Ride Attack +70 攻撃範囲 Attack Radius +71 Stage : 長篠乱入 Interrupting Nagashino (4th Stage) Method : With all ally generals alive, defeat all enemy generals and sub-generals except 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga. Supply troop appears from map right middle entry point, moving North towards 長篠 Nagashino. Muni Comment : If 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga reaches 茶臼山 Chyausu Mountain, he will escape. 武田信玄 Takeda Shingen will start to retreat after the 武田騎馬軍団 Takeda Horse Troop is completely annihilated. [くのいち Kunoichi] Weapon : 壊閃黒闇天女 Attack : +55 Element : 凍牙 Frozen Tooth Status : 体力 HP +44 防御力 Defense +66 跳躍力 Jump +42 無双増加量 Musou Increase +71 Stage : 大坂夏の陣 Summer Battle of Osaka (Top 5th Stage) Method : With all ally generals alive, succeed in all missions up to the 兵糧庫制圧 Takeover Food Storage mission. Supply troop appears from entry point North of the food storage. Muni Comment : Keeping all ally generals alive in this battle is difficult to say the least. Equipping the 陣太鼓 Morale Drum is highly recommended. 薄田兼相 Susukida Kanesuke and 塙団右衛門 Bandan Emon will be the most easily defeated, so be mindful of their situations and conditions. Speed is key. [森蘭丸 Mori Ranmaru] Weapon : 鬼迅護法天童 Attack : +58 Element : 凍牙 Frozen Tooth Status : 無双 Musou +46 攻撃力 Attack +69 移動力 Speed +47 無双増加量 Musou Increase +70 Stage : 姉川の戦い Battle of Anegawa (4th Stage) Method : Defeat all enemy generals and sub-generals while succeeding in the following missions: - 丹羽長秀との連携を回復 Recover Connection with Niwa Nagahide. - 前田軍を助け敵の突破を防げ Rescue Maeda Troops and Prevent Enemy Breakthrough. - 雑賀孫市の狙撃を阻止 Prevent Saiga Magoichi's Sharpshooting Attempt. - 柴田軍を助け伊達軍を撃破 Rescue Shibata Troops Defeat Date Troops. - 徳川家康隊を撃破 Defeat Tokugawa Ieyasu. Supply troop appears from map bottom second entry point from the right, moving towards the right. Muni Comment : If you cross the center big bridge before the 徳川家康隊撃破 Defeat Tokugawa Ieyasu mission is ordered, the mission will be ordered prematurely, and the weapon will be lost. When you encounter with 徳川家康 Tokugawa Ieyasu, 明智光秀 Akechi Mitsuhide and 服部半蔵 Hattori Hanzou will appear as his sub-generals. Even though defeating all enemy sub-generals is a requirement, it is not necessary to defeat these two. [前田慶次 Maeda Keiji] Weapon : 剛鋒仁王尊 Attack : +60 Element : 閃光 Flash Light Status : 体力 HP +50 無双 Musou +30 攻撃力 Attack +75 防御力 Defense +56 Stage : 京洛の舞 Dance of Kyouraku (3rd Stage) Method : Achieve 2000 KO Count. Supply troop appears from map left middle entry point, moving towards map left top entry point. [濃姫 Nouhime] Weapon : 蝮蛇 Attack : +56 Element : 夜叉 Night Demon Status : 無双 Musou +49 攻撃力 Attack +61 無双増加量 Musou Increase +65 攻撃範囲 Attack Radius +73 Stage : 姉川の戦い Battle of Anegawa (3rd Stage) Method : With all ally generals alive, defeat all enemy generals and sub-generals and succeed in all missions. Supply Troop appears from the map right middle entry point. Muni Comment : Defeat 朝倉景健 Asakura Kagetake and his sub-general immediately after battle starts. Do not defeat 朝倉義景 Asakura Yoshikage until the mission is ordered for you to defeat him. With the above two things in mind, succeed in the following missions in order: 1. 明智光秀を救援 Rescue Akechi Mitsuhide. 2. 援軍到着まで前田慶次を援護 Support Maeda Keiji Until Back-up Troops Arrive (success 10 minutes after ordered). 3. 援軍到着まで南東詰所を死守 Guard Southeast Entry Point Until Back-up Troops Arrive (success 10 minutes after ordered). 4. 徳川軍の迂回作戦を援護 Support Tokugawa Troop's Turnaround Tactic. 5. 朝倉義景を撃破 Defeat Asakura Yoshikage. [阿国 Okuni] Weapon : 宝蔵吉祥天 Attack : +56 Element : 紅蓮 Red Lotus Status : 体力 HP +47 間接防御力 Arrow Defense +72 跳躍力 Jump +50 攻撃範囲 Attack Radius +66 Stage : 川中島の舞 Dance of Kawanakajima (4th Stage) Method : Defeat all enemy generals and sub-generals except 武田信玄 Takeda Shingen and 上杉謙信 Uesugi Kenshin. Supply troop appears from the entry point where 阿国 Okuni did her dance, moving towards 武田 Takeda base. Muni Comment : After succeeding in the dance mission at the start of the battle, don't go to meet 武田信玄 Takeda Shingen or 上杉謙信 Uesugi Kenshin, instead start defeating all their generals and sub-generals on the battlefield. Enemy generals and sub-generals must be defeated by 阿国 Okuni personally. If one is defeated by the opposing side, the weapon is lost. 武田信繁 Takeda Nobushige (武田軍 Takeda side) and 斎藤朝信 Saitou Tomonobu (上杉軍 Uesugi side) will be the most easily defeated by their opposing side, so take care of them earlier on. Here's a suggestion of the order of enemies to defeat: 1. 武田義信 Takeda Yoshinobu (will appear at the dance location). 2. 本庄繁長 Honjyou Shigenaga. 3. 武田信繁 Takeda Nobushige, 村上義清 Murakami Yoshikiyo. 4. 山本勘助 Yamamoto Kansuke, 原昌胤 Hara Masatane, 柿崎景家 Kakizaki Kageie, 甘粕景継 Amakasu Kagetsugu. 5. 斎藤朝信 Saitou Tomonobu, くのいち Kunoichi, 真田幸村 Sanada Yukimura. 6. 鬼小島弥太郎 Onikojima Yotarou. 7. 色部勝長 Irobe Katsunaga, 直江景綱 Naoe Kagetsuna, 内藤昌豊 Naitou Masatoyo, 馬場信房 Baba Nobufusa. 8. 武田信廉 Takeda Nobukado, 高坂昌信 Kousaka Masanobu. [石川五右衛門 Ishikawa Goemon] Weapon : 砕城舞獅子 Attack : +59 Element : 閃光 Flash Light Status : 体力 HP +49 攻撃力 Attack +73 移動力 Speed +50 攻撃範囲 Attack Radius +55 Stage : 岐阜城無断侵入 Breaking into Gifu Castle (1st Stage) Method : From 1F to 3F pick up all items and weapons, then on 4F defeat 森長可 Mori Nagayoshi. 森長可 Mori Nagayoshi will drop the weapon. Muni Comment : I recommend equipping the 陰陽手燭 Onmyou Hand Candle (show complete castle map) and the 案内人形 Guide Doll (show all treasures on map). On 4F, defeat くのいち Kunoichi, 佐々成政 Sassa Narimasa, 佐久間信盛 Sakuma Nobumori, and 堀秀政 Hori Hidemasa. Then 森長可 Mori Nagayoshi will appear. Be careful not to defeat 明智光秀 Akechi Mitsuhide before defeating 森長可 Mori Nagayoshi. [織田信長 Oda Nobunaga] Weapon : 神滅第六天 Attack : +58 Element : 夜叉 Night Demon Status : 無双 Musou +50 攻撃力 Attack +67 間接防御力 Arrow Attack +66 無双増加量 Musou Increase +64 Stage : 本能寺の変 Rebellion at Honnouji (Top 4th Stage) Method : With お市 Oichi and 森蘭丸 Mori Ranmaru alive, defeat all enemy generals and sub-generals (including 濃姫 Nouhime) except 明智光秀 Akechi Mitsuhide. Supply troop appears from bottom right entry point. [新武将・刀 Edit Character・Sword] Weapon : 三日月宗近 Attack : +56 Element : 紅蓮 Red Lotus Status : 体力 HP +49 攻撃力 Attack +70 移動力 Speed +47 攻撃範囲 Attack Radius +60 Stage : 上田城攻略戦 Attack of Ueda Castle (4th Stage) Method : During the in-castle battle, defeat くのいち Kunoichi 7 times. She will drop the weapon. Muni Comment : くのいち Kunoichi appearances: 1F = 2 times. 2F = 2 times. 3F = 1 time. 4F = 2 times. [新武将・槍 Edit Character・Spear] Weapon : 御手杵 Attack : +58 Element : 閃光 Flash Light Status : 無双 Musou +50 攻撃力 Attack +70 騎乗攻撃力 Ride Attack +75 無双増加量 Musou Increase +65 Stage : 川中島の戦い Battle of Kawanakajima (2nd Stage) Method : With all ally generals alive, succeed in the following mission: - 真田幸村の妻女山下山を援護 Support Sanada Yukimura Coming Down the Saijyo Mountain. Supply troop appears from the entry point in the base on 妻女山 Saijyo Mountain, moving East. [新武将・薙刀 Edit Character・Falchion] Weapon : 護良真守薙刀 Attack : +57 Element : 夜叉 Night Demon Status : 防御力 Defense +68 間接防御力 Arrow Defense +75 騎乗防御力 Ride Defense +73 無双増加量 Musou Increase +70 Stage : 大阪夏の陣 Summer Battle of Osaka (Bottom 5th Stage) Method : Succeed in the following missions: 1. 真田丸の砲撃停止 Stop The Sanadamaru Cannons. 2. 真田幸村の砦侵入阻止 Prevent Sanada Yukimura From Entering the Fort. After 真田幸村 Sanada Yukimura reappears, the 真田幸村の本陣侵入阻止 Prevent Sanada Yukimura From Entering Ally Base mission will be ordered. Wait for 真田幸村 Sanada Yukimura to achieve 200 KO Count and defeats 大久保忠世 Ookubo Tadayo. Defeat 真田幸村 Sanada Yukimura before he enters 徳川 Tokugawa Base. Supply troop appearance. Muni Comment : 真田幸村 Sanada Yukimura's reappearance location is quite far away from 大久保忠世 Ookubo Tadayo. Instead of waiting for 真田幸村 Sanada Yukimura to get to 大久保忠世 Ookubo Tadayo on his own, it is better to lure him so he'll reach 大久保忠世 Ookubo Tadayo faster. Once the two are together, you can leave the area and go help out other ally generals. 真田幸村 Sanada Yukimura will achieve 200 KO Count and defeat 大久保忠世 Ookubo Tadayo on his own. Once 真田幸村 Sanada Yukimura achieves 200 KO Count, he will become super strong, so do not underestimate him. Also, when you meet 真田幸村 Sanada Yukimura again later during the in-castle battle, he will still be super strong, so be prepared. ------------------------------------- This guide is written based on the Japanese version of the game "戦国無双 猛将伝" - "Sengoku Musou Moushouden". Sengoku Musou Moushouden official website: http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/sengokum Sengoku Musou official website: http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/sengoku This Guide can also be found at Muni Shinobu's FAQ Page: http://www.geocities.com/muni_shinobu/faq/index.html And at Muni Shinobu's Sengoku Musou Guide: http://www.geocities.com/muni_shinobu/sengoku/index.html This Document Copyright 2004 無二 忍 "Muni Shinobu"