SENGOKU MUSOU MOUSHOUDEN STAGE FLOWCHART FAQ (v1.0, 9-30-04) by Edward Chang ( v1.0 (9-30-04) First version. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Stage Flowcharts --Sanada Yukimura --Maeda Keiji --Oda Nobunaga --Akechi Mitsuhide --Ishikawa Goemon --Uesugi Kenshin --Oichi --Okuni --Kunoichi --Saika Magoichi --Takeda Shingen --Date Masamune --Nouhime --Hattori Hanzou --Mori Ranmaru --Hashiba Hideyoshi --Imagawa Yoshimoto --Honda Tadakatsu --Inahime --Edit Character 3. Credits 1. INTRODUCTION This is an FAQ for Koei's action game Sengoku Musou Moushouden, the expansion to their previous Sengoku Musou (Samurai Warriors). This FAQ deals with the Musou Enbu 無双演武 mode, which acts like a story mode for each general. Each mode has potential branch points and multiple endings which can be triggered via different actions and conditions - hence this FAQ. This FAQ makes use of SJIS encoding in order to display Japanese characters. I included this feature so that if you do not know Japanese, you can easily match up the characters on your TV screen to the characters in this guide. You will need to have support for viewing Japanese characters on your computer, however. Certain versions of Windows should have it built in; otherwise, you'll either need to get a program like NJStar Communicator, or you'll need to get Japanese character support for Internet Explorer (free from Microsoft) and open this file in IE instead of Notepad/Wordpad. 2. STAGE FLOWCHARTS Here is a list of each characters stages and branch points, along with which conditions need to be triggered for each stage. The characters are arranged in the order in which they appear on the character select screen. Each character has at least two endings, a rendered movie ending, and an ending using the in-game models (like the endings in Dynasty Warriors). Generally each different branch point will have a different ending. After viewing an ending, you can review it at any time by going to the museum. An interesting trick to try is once you've unlocked the 2P models (by purchasing their costume for 2000 points), go to the select character screen, change over to the 2P costume with triangle, then cancel out and go to the Museum. If you select any in-game model ending, they will now have their 2P costume. I've arranged the flowcharts vertically for easier reading. The path to the right will always correspond to the upper path in the stage select screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SANADA YUKIMURA Battle of Kawanakajima 川中島の戦 | | Battle of Mikatagahara 三方ヶ原の戦い / \ / \ Battle of Nagashino Battle of Nagashino 長篠の戦い 長篠の戦い | | | | Attack on Azuchi Castle Defense of Ueda Castle 安土城攻略戦 上田城防衛戦 | | | | Battle of Yamazaki Summer Campaign of Osaka 山崎の戦い 大坂夏の陣 Branchpoint: Stage 2, Battle of Mikatagahara 三方ヶ原の戦い. After clearing Takeda Shingen's Musou Enbu mode, while replaying this stage you will receive a mission where you learn about Hattori Hanzou's plans to assassinate Takeda Shingen. Letting Hattori Hanzou assassinate him takes you to the upper route, or finishing the stage before the mission triggers. Preventing the assassination takes you to the lower route. Clearing Summer Campaign of Osaka normally gets you Sanada's movie ending, whereas clearing the Battle of Yamazaki unintuitively gives you Takeda Shingen's movie ending. To get Sanada's in-game model ending, play the Summer Campaign of Osaka, succeed in the first two missions (leading the two generals to the front of the castle and destroying the cannons), but fail in the third and fourth (don't return to home base and let an enemy general invade the east part of the castle, and don't stop Date Masamune from invading). Then defeat all enemy generals and head for the enemy main camp. Tokugawa will run away, but Hanzou will remain. Defeat him for the ending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAEDA KEIJI Massacre of Ise Nagashima 伊勢長島殲-ナ戦 | | Battle of Nagashino 長篠の戦い | | Dance of the Capital 京-撃フ舞 | | Invasion of Odawara Castle 小田原城潜入 | | Test of Kawanakajima 川中島腕試し Branchpoint: None really, but to proceed to stage 5 do the following (not doing so makes his Musou Enbu mode end after stage 4): --During the Massacre of Ise Nagashima 伊勢長島殲滅戦, succeed at the mission that tells you to prevent the peasants from surrendering by defeating Saika Magoichi and the ally priest 証恵. --During the Battle of Nagashino 長篠の戦い, succeed at the mission to defeat Sanada Yukimura. You might have to take the roundabout way and enter the camp from the south to avoid spoiling the other missions. --During the Dance of the Capital 京-撃フ舞, once you are given the defeat 100 enemies in 5 minutes, do so. Then defeat both Ishikawa Goemon and Okuni. --In the Invasion of Odawara Castle 小田原城潜入, defeat Date Masamune's sub-generals first when given that mission on the third floor, then defeat Date Masamune himself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ODA NOBUNAGA Battle of Okehazama 桶狭間の戦い | | Battle of Ise Nagashima 伊勢長島の戦い / \ / \ Battle of Nagashino Battle of Nagashino 長篠の戦い 長篠の戦い | | | | Defense of Gifu Castle Revolt at Honnouji 岐阜城防衛戦 本能寺の変 | | | | Battle of Yamazaki Recovery of Azuchi Castle 山崎の戦い 安土城奪還戦 Branchpoint: Stage 2, Battle of Ise Nagashima 伊勢長島の戦い. You must finish all four of the following missions to proceed to the upper route: defeating at least two of the guardians (this mission shows up as soon as you start the stage); protecting Hideyoshi on his fire attack plan (triggers as soon as you finish the first mission); defeating the enemy commander in four minutes (triggers once the fire attack begins); and finally, defeating all of the remaining forces, not letting a single one escape (triggers once the enemy commander is defeated). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AKECHI MITSUHIDE Defense of Mount Inaba Castle 稲葉山城防衛線 | | Massacre of Ise Nagashima 伊勢長島殲滅戦 | | Revolt at Honnouji 本能寺の変 / \ / \ Defense of Azuchi Castle Battle of Yamazaki 安土城防衛戦 山崎の戦い | | | | Battle of Yamazaki Invasion of Gifu Castle 山崎の戦い 岐阜城潜入 Branchpoint: Stage 3, Revolt at Honnouji 本能寺の変. The point of the stage is to kill Nobunaga and not let him escape. Successfully doing so takes you to the upper route. Failing to do so takes you to the lower route. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ISHIKAWA GOEMON Infiltration of Gifu Castle 岐阜城-ウ断進入 | | Dance of the Capital 京-撃フ舞 / \ / \ Dance of Osaka Crossing of Iga 大坂の舞 神君伊賀越え | | | | Dance of Ise Nagashima Infiltration of Osaka Castle 伊勢長島の舞 大坂城無断進入 | | | | Dance of Azuchi Castle Goemon's Rampage 安土城の舞 五右衛門大暴れ Branchpoints: Stage 2, Dance of the Capital 京-撃フ舞. Defeating Maeda Keiji takes you to the upper path, whereas defeating Nobunaga's armies takes you down the bottom path. The upper path has a chance of cutting short after stage 4; defeating Hattori Hanzou quietly (without using your cannon) ends Musou Enbu mode there, whereas using your cannon will make you proceed to stage 5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UESUGI KENSHIN Battle of Kawanakajima 川中島の戦い | | Invasion of Odawara Castle 小田原城潜入 | | Attack on Ueda Castle 上田城攻略戦 | | Attack on Gifu Castle 岐阜城攻略戦 / \ / \ Battle of Anegawa Mortal Enemy Battle of Kawanakajima 姉川の戦い 川中島宿敵戦 Branchpoint: Stage 4, Attack on Gifu Castle 岐阜城攻略戦. Whether or not you're able to fulfill the victory conditions before Takeda Shingen himself arrives determines which pathway you will take. Succeeding will take you to the upper path. Note that this is a two part battle (field and castle); the castle part has to be done quickly to prevent Takeda Shigen from showing up. There are four floors in the castle and subsequently four missions (clear first floor quickly within 4 min. 30 sec., clear second floor in 4 min. 30 sec., clear third floor in 3 min., and finally defeat Nobunaga quickly). Completing at least three of these missions successfully takes you to the upper path. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OICHI Battle of Okehazama 桶狭間の戦い | | Attack on Mount Inaba Castle 稲葉山城攻略戦 | | Battle of Anegawa 姉川の戦い / \ / \ Attack on Azuchi Castle Invasion of Azuchi Castle 安土城攻略戦 安土城潜入 | | | | Battle of Honnouji Revolt at Honnouji 本能寺の戦い 本能寺の変 Branchpoint: Stage 3, Battle of Anegawa 姉川の戦い. Chances are you will get the bottom route when first attempting this. Follow the missions that appear: first defeat Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康, then defeat Maeda Keiji. A mission will show up to talk to Nouhime, but she isn't anywhere on the map. Proceed to the area south of the river in the southeast corner of the map and she'll appear; defeat her. Reinforcements will arrive for Nobunaga soon after the Asai army charges; defeat all three of the reinforcement generals. Finally a message will come up to defeat Nobunaga quickly. Defeat him within 3 minutes and you'll go along the upper branch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OKUNI Dance of the Capital 京-撃フ舞 | | Dance of Osaka 大坂の舞 | | Dance of Ise Nagashima 伊勢長島の舞 | | Dance of Kawanakajima 川中島の舞 | | Dance of Azuchi Castle 安土城の舞 Branchpoints: None, but Okuni has a LOT of endings, some of which will cut Musou Enbu mode short. DANCE OF OSAKA 大坂の舞 Magoichi Ending Go to Nouhime before Oichi, then defeat all enemy generals without having lost a guard post. Nouhime Ending Go to Nouhime before Oichi, then defeat all generals while having lost one or more guard posts. You'll notice that the victory conditions have changed. Nobunaga Ending Let a guard post be lost, then defeat all enemy generals outside. When Oichi charges, defeat her. Visit Nobunaga before visitng Nouhime, then defeat Nouhime. You'll notice that the victory conditions have changed. DANCE OF ISE NAGASHIMA 伊勢長島の舞 Ranmaru Ending Either 1) Defeat Ranmaru and Mitsuhide but not Hanzou, 2) Defeat Ranmaru and Hanzou but not Mitsuhide, or 3) Defeat Ranmaru but not Mitsuhide or Hanzou, and reach the escape point. You'll get a message to defeat all enemies except Ranmaru - simply defeat everybody in Ranmaru's squad. Mitsuhide Ending Defeat Mitsuhide but not Ranmaru and Hanzou, or defeat Mitsuhide and Hanzou but not Ranmaru, and reach the escape point. You'll get a message to defeat all enemies except Mitsuhide - simply defeat everybody in Mitsuhide's squad. Hanzou Ending Defeat Hanzou but not Ranmaru or Mitsuhide, and reach the escape point. You'll get a message to defeat all enemies except Hanzou - simply defeat everybody in Hanzou's squad. DANCE OF KAWANAKAJIMA 川中島の舞 Kenshin Ending After dancing on Chausuyama, meet Kenshin, then follow the mission to defeat Shingen's generals and then all generals except Kenshin. Shingen Ending After dancing on Chausuyama, meet Shingen, then follow the mission to defeat Kenshin's generals and then all generals except Shingen. Yukimura Ending After dancing on Chausuyama, meet Yukimura without meeting either Kenshin or Shingen, then run to the outpost towards the east during that mission, then defeat Kunoichi. Defeat all generals except Yukimura. DANCE OF AZUCHI CASTLE 安土城の舞 Goemon Ending Protect Goemon from Keiji. Keiji Ending Let Goemon be defeated by Keiji. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KUNOICHI Battle of Kawanakajima 川中島の戦い | | Battle of Mikatagahara 三方?原の戦い | | Invasion of Gifu Castle 岐阜城潜入 | | Rescue of Ueda Castle 上田城救出戦 / \ / \ Invasion of Odawara Castle Summer Campaign of Osaka 小田原城潜入 大坂夏の陣 Branchpoint: Stage 4, Rescue from Ueda Castle 上田城救出戦. Whether or not Sanada Yukimura suffers heavy injuries determines which stage you get. (If he is reduced to about half health while fighting Hattori Hanzou, he will withdraw; you'll still win the stage, but he will be severely injured, and you'll take the lower path.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAIKA MAGOICHI Massacre of Ise Nagashima 伊勢長島殲-ナ戦 | | Gun Battle of Yamazaki 山崎銃撃戦 | | Defense of Echizen 越前防衛戦 | | Resistance at the Capital 京洛抵抗戦 | | Invasion of Azuchi Castle 安土城潜入 Branchpoint: None, but if you don't do anything his Musou Enbu mode will end after stage 4. To unlock stage 5, succeed at every sniper mission you are given, then prevent the fire attack plan during stage 4. There is one sniper mission each in the first four stages. In the first one, all you have to do is get close to Nobunaga when prompted. In stage 2, the mission to snipe Nobunaga will be given almost immediately after the stage begins. Loop around to his location from the north and snipe him (use your R1 projectile, in other words). In stage 3 you'll have to first snipe Mitsuhide from the east when prompted, and then hide from Hattori Hanzou when Mitsuhide sends him out. Once Nobunaga's main army arrives, snipe Nobunaga from the west, then head to the escape point. In stage 4 seal the enemy gates to the south as directed, then head to the north to stop the fire plan. Some of your allies will turn. Head back the same way you came and snipe Nobunaga from the indicated balcony, then finish the stage. Accomplishing all of this will allow you to proceed to stage 5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TAKEDA SHINGEN Kawanakajima no Tatakai 川中島の戦い | | Invasion of Odawara Castle 小田原城潜入 | | Battle of Nagashino 長篠の戦い | | Attack on Azuchi Castle 安土城攻略戦 / \ / \ Mortal Enemy Battle of Kawanakajima Battle of Yamazaki 川中島宿敵戦 山崎の戦い Branchpoint: Stage 4, Attack on Azuchi Castle 安土城攻略戦. First prevent the fire attack by defeating Mitsuhide; once he joins you, continue to guard him. Uesugi Kenshin will show up and join in the battle (he'll be yellow). Avoid harming his forces and go for Nobunaga; defeating him before any of your ally generals are defeated takes you to the upper path. Failing to fulfill any of these conditions brings the lower path. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE MASAMUNE Intrusion of Kawanakajima 川中島乱入 | | Intrusion of Okehazama 桶狭間乱入 | | Intrusion of Ise Nagashima 伊勢長島乱入 | | Intrustion of Nagashino 長篠乱入 / \ / \ Intrusion of Odawara Castle Intrusion of Honnouji 小田原城乱入 本能寺乱入 Branchpoint: Stage 4, Intrusion of Nagashino 長篠-嵩? After defeating all of their generals, both Nobunaga and Takeda Shingen will try to escape into their respective corner exit points. If you succeed in stopping them both from escaping, you'll take the upper route. Otherwise you'll take the lower route. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOUHIME Battle of Okehazama 桶狭間の戦い | | Attack on Mount Inaba Castle 稲葉山城攻略戦 | | Battle of Anegawa 姉川の戦い / \ / \ Revolt at Honnouji Revolt at Honnouji -{能寺の変 -{能寺の変 | | | | Invasion of Azuchi Castle Invasion of Gifu Castle 安土城潜入 岐阜城潜入 Branchpoint: Stage 3, Battle of Anegawa 姉川の戦い. Whether or not you defeat Oichi determines your route. Once Nobunaga gives you the choice as to whether to defeat Oichi or not, if you defeat her and then finish the stage you'll be taken to the lower path; otherwise you'll take the upper path instead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HATTORI HANZOU Battle of Okehazama 桶狭間の戦い | | Battle of Mikatagahara 三方ヶ原の戦い | | Crossing of Iga 神君伊賀越え | | Invasion of Ueda Castle 上田城潜入 / \ / \ Invasion of Osaka Castle Summer Campaign of Osaka 大坂城潜入 大坂夏の陣 Branchpoint: Stage 4, Infiltration of Ueda Castle 上田城潜入. Whether or not you successfully retrieve the secret notes determines which branchpoint you take. Simply follow all of the missions successfully (gathering information) to get the notes. Succeed and you'll follow the upper path. In order to eavesdrop, just walk up the door and pause. If no conversation begins, feel free to break the door and continue exploring. Hanzou will say something when you get close, but the room is not always right next to you when he says something. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MORI RANMARU Defense of Mount Inaba Castle 稲葉山城防衛戦 | | Massacre of Ise Nagashima 伊勢長島殲滅戦 | | Revolt at Honnouji 本能寺の変 | | Battle of Anegawa 姉川の戦い / \ / \ Defense of Azuchi Castle Invasion of Gifu Castle 安土城防衛戦 岐阜城潜入 Branchpoint: Stage 4, Battle of Anegawa 姉川の戦い. Succeed in the successive missions given to you (rendezvousing with Niwa Nagahide 丹羽長秀, defeating Date Masamune, defeating Maeda Keiji, and defeating Saika Magoichi); then defeat Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康 and Akechi Mitsuhide to get to the upper path. Otherwise, you'll be taken to the lower path. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HASHIBA HIDEYOSHI Attack on Mount Inaba Castle 稲葉山城攻略戦 | | Retreat at Kanegasaki 金ヶ崎撤退戦 | | Battle with Saika 雑賀掃討戦 / \ / \ Revolt at Honnouji Battle of Yamazaki 本能寺の変 山崎の戦い | | | | Attack on Azuchi Castle Battle of Komaki Nagakute 安土城攻略戦 小牧長久手の戦い Hashiba Hideyoshi's branchpoint is the third battle. To proceed along the upper route, succeed in the mission to eliminate all of the Saika generals; then succeed in finding Magoichi and defeat him once that mission comes up. Afterwards, finish the stage and you'll be taken to the Battle of Yamazaki; otherwise you'll proceed along the lower route. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMAGAWA YOSHIMOTO Battle of Okehazama 桶狭間の戦い | | Invasion of Odawara Castle 小田原城潜入 | | Battle of Kawanakajima 川中島の戦い / \ / \ Attack of Ueda Castle Battle of Komaki Nagakute 上田城攻略戦 小牧長久手の戦い | | | | Dare at Honnouji Ball Game at the Capital 本能寺肝試し 京洛蹴鞠会 Yoshimoto's branchpoint is the third stage, Battle of Kawanakajima. You start the battle fighting for Takeda Shingen, but as you progress you'll eventually get the choice to side with Shingen (by defeating Date Masamune) or with Uesugi Kenshin (by defeating Sanada Yukimura). Siding with Shingen takes you along the upper route, while siding with Kenshin will take you to the lower route. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HONDA TADAKATSU Battle of Okehazama 桶狭間の戦い | | Retreat at Kanegasaki 金ヶ崎の戦い | | Battle of Mikatagahara 三方ヶ原の戦い / \ / \ Battle of Kawanakajima Crossing of Iga 川中島の戦い 神君伊賀越え | | | | Battle of Yamazaki Battle of Komaki Nagakute 山崎の戦い 小牧長久手の戦い Honda Tadakatsu's branchpoint is the third stage, Battle of Mikatagahara. By fulfilling missions normally, you'll eventually get a mission to help the Tokugawa army retreat to the northeast gate. If until this point none of your generals have died, and you succeed in getting every single general to retreat, you'll be taken to the lower route. Otherwise, you'll proceed along the upper route. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INAHIME Retreat at Kanegasaki 金ヶ崎撤退戦 | | Battle of Mikatagahara 三方ヶ原の戦い | | Crossing of Iga 神君伊賀越え / \ / \ Battle of Yamazaki Battle of Komaki Nagakute 山崎の戦い 小牧長久手の戦い | | | | Attack of Osaka Castle Defense of Ueda Castle 大阪城攻略戦 上田城防衛戦 Inahime's branchpoint is the third stage, crossing of Iga. If you succeed in getting all of your ally generals to the harbor safely, you'll proceed along the upper route. However, if one of your generals dies, or if you defeat Akechi Mitsuhide, you'll go along the lower route. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDIT CHARACTER Battle of Okehazama 桶狭間の戦い | | Battle of Kawanakajima 川中島の戦い | | Battle of Nagashino 長篠の戦い | | Attack on Ueda Castle 上田城攻略戦 / \ / \ Summer Campaign of Osaka Summer Campaign of Osaka (Tokugawa Army) (Toyotomi Army) 大坂夏の陣 大坂夏の陣 Branchpoint: Stage 4, Battle of Ueda Castle 上田城の戦い. At the end you'll find Hattori Hanzou and Sanada Yukimura fighting; which one you defeat determines which path you will take. Defeating Hanzou takes you to the upper path, defeating Yukimura takes you to the lower path. 3. CREDITS Thanks go to: Koei and Omega Force for the incredibly addictive game. This FAQ Copyright 2004 to Edward Chang. Redistribution in any form, including reprinting in electronic or print media, without express permission of the author is strictly forbidden.