~---------------------------------------------------------------------- Samurai Warriors Character FAQ Magoichi Saika/Saika Magoichi Version 0.6 June 4th, 2004 By Matthew Hage AKA The Mattykins (The Mattykins@aol.com) ~---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Table Of Contents: 1. Disclaimer/Updates 2. The Real Saika/Saiga Magoichi 3. Saika Magoichi In Samurai Warriors 4. Weapons 5. Opening 6. Missions 7. Endings 8. Titles 9. Skills, Etc. 10. Dialogue/Quotes 11. References 12. ~Fin~ --------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 1. Disclaimer/Updates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING (except for my Playstation 2 and the copy of this game, Samurai Warriors, in which I played to do this FAQ >:[ ) And except for this FAQ, of course. This FAQ IS mine. Unlike... you know, the characters, rights to the characters, rights to the game, so on and so forth. So, yeah... you can take all those, but then you'll have Koei and such on you. But if you take the FAQ, I'm going to take your knee-caps, capisce? >:[ But, I kid, I kid. Everything but the FAQ is copyright of their own respectful owners, etc. Magoichi Saika FAQ Copyright 2004 Matthew Hage AKA The Mattykins This may not be reproduced under any circumstances, blah blah blah, unless you're using it for your own use to help you through the game and such (which are its intentions). If I see it on any web site that I have not submitted to, I'll be taking knee-caps. If I see it on any web site where I am not credited, I'll be taking knee-caps and thumbs. If I see it on any web site where I am not credited and someone else is claiming ownership and writing of it, I'll be taking knee-caps and thumbs and will proceed to make a Jimmy Hoffa out of you. I'm glad we could have this little chat. Now that that's out of the way... 6/08/04 - Added Initial Stats (FINALLY) 06/07/04 - Added Opening ("The Wild Ones") Script Added Cut-Scene Ending ("Farewell To Arms") Script Added Real Ending ("Way Of The Gun") Script Added Skill Requirements and Skill Points Needed For Each Level Added Army Reinforcements List Added Mission Map Out Finished Titles Version 0.6 Complete 06/06/04 - Redid 'The Battle Of Ise' Walkthrough Edited Disclaimer 06/05/04 - Version 0.4 Complete (Walkthrough 65% Complete, Titles 55% Complete, Skills 60% Complete, Weapons 80% Complete) 06/04/04 - FAQ Started To Do List: Fifth Weapon Method On Getting Fifth Weapon Dialogue Attack Details Quotes Note: If you read anything that is incorrect or spot some terrible, mind-numbingly horrific spelling/grammar error, please feel free to message me or e-mail me (all info is at the end of the FAQ). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. The Real Magoichi Saika/Saiga ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Besides his appearance in Samurai Warriors, one might also remember the character Saiga Magoichi who appeared in both Onimusha 2 (along with a character portrayal of Oichi and Nobunanga, both of which are in Samurai Warriors as well) and Onimusha Tactics. Bits and pieces are strewn around and I honestly have yet to make a clear-cut picture of the real Magoichi. So far all that I have been able to find is that it is recorded he led a rebellion of a Buddhist sect in the Sengoku era. Saiga Magoichi was also the name of the captain of the riflemen of one of the most powerful leaders of the country around the year 1598, Ishida Mitsunari. It's said one of the leaders, Tokugawa Ieyasu, had left a man by the name of Torii Mototada in command of 1,800 samurai to guard Fushimi Momoyama Castle after Mitsunari formed a rebellion against him, having grown wary and suspicious of Ieyasu. With an army of 40,000, Mitsunari demanded Mototada flee, but when he refused, a battle ensued. Almost two weeks afterwards, still fighting, the building was set aflame by orders of Mitsunari, the end result of battle and fire leaving Mototada with around 380 men. Reportedly, it was then that Magoichi charged and penetrated the keep and encountered Mototada and, after being taunted to take his head as a trophy, Magoichi proceeded to do exactly such. The samurai under Mototada's command proceeded to commit seppuku. (http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?nn20010626k3.htm) "Saiga Magoichi was born to the family of Suzuki and was head of the Kishu Saiga Ninja Group. A master of Tsuda Ryu Kaijutsu, explosives and firearms methods as well as Saiga Ryu Ninjutsu. He based his headquarters on the Saiga Cape. There he recruited men from the Jizamurai (local samurai) from the vicinity of Saiga Castle. He was involved in the Battle of Naniwa Kanzakigawa Gassen in which Oda Nobunaga took part. Saiga employed the tactic of Shakino jutsu " flag discarding" to win the battle. The Saiga group left their own battle flags behind and moved into prosition carrying copies of the flags of their enemy. Nobunaga who saw his own flags and thought them his allies (Hayes). As late as 1759 ninjas were seen on the battlefield when troops lost the battle of Tensho Iga No Ran against massive ninja clans." (Quote: http://www.konigunninjutsu.com/History.htm) Also of note is the 1970 Japanese Romance-Adventure movie called The Magoichi Saga, which tells the tale of the feuding of Japanese Lords and the tale of a hero (Magoichi Saika) and his group of three-thousand gunmen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Magoichi Saika In Samurai Warriors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magoichi is unlocked by beating Story Mode once with any character. "A member of the Saikashu, a sect of Buddhists in the Kii Peninsula. When Nobunaga led an attack against an uprising at Ise Nagashima, the Saikashu supported the rebellion. Saika organized a gun battalion and drove back Nobunaga's army. At the Battle of Ishiyama, Shigehide Suzuki led a gun battalion of 100 men and inflicted great pain on Nobunaga's troops. While serving as liaison to Honganji Temple, Saika fought in the Battle of Yamazaki, and later played a role in the capture of Hideyoshi Toyotomi at Kishu." (http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop09.htm) His initial costume is a olive green coat with silver-white decour and a high-collar, several brown leather belts strapped about his waist/abdomen. Crossing diagonally over his chest is a row of ammunition and dirt-brown pants tucked into black boots that are reinforced with steel. Under the coat is a crimson red shirt with long dirty white sleeves. His hair is slicked back and long, tied up against the back of his head, a few short strands of hair hanging down in his face. For Magoichi's second costume, he loses the top and the coat leaving him with just the pants, boots, and the row of ammunition over his chest. He also now wears his hair down and is left a bit more messy than in his initial costume. There is a tattoo on his left arm, up closer to the shoulder (seems to be some type of flower), and he also wears a bead necklace. Now, for the most important quest. Why? Why Magoichi? Well, that's quite simple. He is the only main warrior that has the testicular fortitude to use a rifle against warriors with swords and spears and naginatas and has no problem with it. Not to mention he uses it to fight melee, as well. That and his general demeanor, attitude, way of thinking and, of course, appearance. Also I find his missions to be much more challenging and entertaining than all of the other characters' missions (albeit he only has five even though some have as many as six or eight). Also, his story is a bit more interesting. He's not vastly known and he didn't really play many important roles, if any. Not to mention as far as the game goes, you'll note in the story opening of the Azuchi Infiltration (fifth stage), it is said Magoichi disappeared from the pages of history (meaning he up and left, disappeared) and later made an assault on Azuchi. That, I find, admirable. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Weapons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |---------------------------------------] | S A K A I M U S K E T |---------------------------------------] Initial Attack: 14 Description: A musket made in the city of Sakai Behind The Name: Sakai was best known for being a rather historically busy city, and one of the two major trading ports with the west. |---------------------------------------] | T A N E G A S H I M A |---------------------------------------] Initial Attack: 24 Description: A musket made in the island of Tanegashima Behind The Name: Tanegashima is an island south of Kyushu, and was the landing place of Mendez Pinto when he found his way into Japan in the year 1543. With him, he brought firearms and for a while the firearms were referred to as "Tanega-shima". |---------------------------------------] | K U N I T O M O |---------------------------------------] Initial Attack: 31 Description: A musket hand-crafted by the master gunsmith Kunitomo Behind The Name: During the Sengoku era, the city Kunitomo (later renamed Nagahama) was widely known for manufacturing guns; among the people they were involved with were Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu. There is currently a Museum located in Kunitomo. |---------------------------------------] | G O K U R A K U |---------------------------------------] Initial Attack: 42 Description: A musket said to be blessed by the gods. Behind The Name: Gokuraku seems to be a Japanese term for something similiar to Heaven, or the English concept of "Utopia". Also used for "God". Any further information on this would be appreciated. Fifth Weapon: (Coming Soon) Initial Attack: (Coming Soon) Description: (Coming Soon) Behind The Name: (Coming Soon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Opening ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "THE WILD ONES" ~We see Magoichi wandering along in the middle of a small city, children playing. Magoichi: (yawn) When is this war gonna start? I'm getting... bored! ~Magoichi kicks a rock and sends it sailing and turns to enter into a tent. Woman: Oww! Woman: Hey you! What's the big idea? Magoichi: Hey hey, just calm down, all... right? ~Magoichi turns and seems taken aback, stepping away as he blinks several times. We see a beautiful young woman, stars sparkling around around. Magoichi: I'm really sorry about that. Please don't be so mad. Magoichi: It ruins your beautiful face. I'll send your pain straight to Nobunaga. Magoichi: I'm Magoichi, and I vow to protect you from the Demon Lord... ~Magoichi leads the woman into the tent as he speaks and shortly after entering... *SMACK*! ~We see Magoichi here, sitting on the ground eating small rice-balls off a stick, his left cheek reddened. Magoichi: Heh... No luck with women, either... ~An ominous shadow looms over Magoichi as he looks up and we see a hoove of a warhorse strike down in front of him. The camera pans up to show Keiji sitting upon his horse, the sun shining around him. Magoichi: Whoa... Keiji: Hey, nice weapon you got there. ~Magoichi pauses. Magoichi: Huh? Keiji: Hmm, looks like you've got the skills, and strong eyes, too... Keiji: Hopefully we'll meet in battle real soon... ~Keiji sprawls out over the back of his warhorse as it trots off. Magoichi quickly gets to his feet to watch Keiji's departure. Magoichi: If he's going that way, he must be with the Oda... ~Magoichi flicks his wrist, tossing one of the small rice-balls off the stick into the air and catches it in his mouth. Magoichi: Looks like it could get wild... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Missions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~MISSION MAP OUT~~~ THE BATTLE OF ISE || \/ YAMASAKI CROSSFIRE || \/ THE BATTLE OF ECHIZEN || \/ SKIRKMISH AT KYOTO || \/ AZUCHI INFILTRATION _________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ~ ~ ~ T H E B A T T L E O F I S E ~ ~ ~ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |---------------------------------| ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ S T O R Y ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ "After the victory over the Imagawa at Okehazama, Nobunaga Oda's influence grew immensely, and he eventually seized power in the capital city of kyoto. He then sought to rid the land of the rebellious Ikko Buddhist Sect, and dispatched his forces to their home bas in Ise. However, with the aid of the Saika Mercenaries, the Ikko Sect routed the Oda forces and protected their territory. Enraged by the defeat, Nobunaga himself marched towards Ise, vowing to obliterate the Ikko Sect once and for all. Magoichi Saika stood along side the Ikko forces and waited to engage the Oda Army..." ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ T I M E ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ 3 0 ' 0 0 ' 0 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ V I C T O R Y C O N D I T I O N ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nobunaga Oda Is Defeated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ D E F E A T C O N D I T I O N ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shoukei Is Defeated OR Magoichi Saika Is Defeated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ H O N G A N J I A R M Y ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shoukei Magoichi Saika Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ O D A A R M Y ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nobunaga Oda - Hideyoshi Kashiba - Nagahide Niwa - Nobutada Oda Keiji Maeda Mitsuhide Akechi Ranmaru Mori Kazumasu Takigawa Yoshitaka Kuki Bokuzen Ujie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ H O N G A N J I R E I N F O R C E M E N T S ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ None ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ O D A R E I N F O R C E M E N T S ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Katsuie Shibata (Appears During OBJECTIVE 3) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 1A: Defeat The Enemy Cannon Unit! Trigger: Start How To: From the start you're going to head straight in the direction that you are facing. You'll see two fence-railings, one along each side of the path, with short wooden posts spread apart. You're going to follow along the left one, just run along it while ignoring any enemies you come across until you get to where you'll actually be able to turn left (note through the path there are going to be several parts that curve in into a dead end, but you should be able to see these). After you turn left you'll should see a small bridge again to your left. Cross the bridge (which will be leading you up on the map) and when you get off the bridge turn right and run along. Here is where you'll see Yoshitaka Kuki; he is the leader of the cannon unit, so concentrate on him. After he's down, then you can take out the others. You have five minutes to do this mission; after that the cannon will start firing and you'll be given another mission which is the same (see OBJECTIVE 1B). ~EVENT~ Enemy Cannon Unit Thwarted! (If OBJECTIVE 1A is a Success) ~EVENT~ Enemy Cannon Attack Has Begun! (If OBJECTIVE 1A is a Failure) ~EVENT~ Peasant Troops Are Forced To Flee! (If OBJECTIVE 1A is a Failure) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 1B: Defeat The Enemy Cannon Unit! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 1A Failure How To: Although it really shouldn't get to this point unless you want it to, this is the same as OBJECTIVE 1 only now you have cannons being fired. You still just need to defeat the unit leader, Yoshitaka Kuki, to complete this mission. ~EVENT~ Enemy Cannon Unit Has Ceased Fire! (If OBJECTIVE 1B is a Success) ~EVENT~ Peasant Troops Are Returning To The Fortress! (If OBJECTIVE 1B is a Success) ~EVENT~ Oda Army has set fire to Ikko Fortress! (A While After Either OBJECTIVE 1A or 1B are Completed) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 2: Escort Shoukei To The Oda Main Camp! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 1A or 1B Success How To: After you finish either OBJECTIVE 1B or 1A, you should head up; your goal is to reach the upper right area where you can see a small swarm of enemy troops. Going through this path will be part of OBJECTIVE 2, escorting Shoukei. However, if there are troops around when you bring him through, he will stop to fight them. He rarely gets hurt in this mission, but it's more of an annoyance than anything and considering that you should have time between the end of OBJECTIVE 1 and when Nobunaga has the fire set and OBJECTIVE 2 starts, you should use this time to go through and clear out as many of the enemies as you can. Mainly go for the one Reserve Captain in the area, and Nagahide Niwa near the closed gates of the Oda main camp. The path from where you brought down Yoshitaka Kuki and up to the main camp is a very straight forward path and very simple to follow, no tricky turns or such (which you will find in Magoichi's later chapters). ~EVENT~ Nobunaga Oda has executed Shoukei! (If OBJECTIVE 2 is a Success) ~EVENT~ Ranmaru has sealed of peasants' escape route! (If OBJECTIVE 2 is a Success) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 3: Defeat Ranmaru And Secure An Escape Route! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 2 Success How To: If you haven't gotten a horse and there's on nearby, take it. You're going to start away from the Oda main camp and keep along this path until you can make a right turn (it's going to cause you to be moving left on the map) and after you turn, you'll seen cross over a bridge. After crossing the bridge, make a left turn and after just a moment, you should see a gate to your right (it will be moving left on the map, again). Go through the gate and head straight through the small camp. After a moment or two you'll see a gate to the left (leading down on the map) that you can go through, so follow this, which will lead into a path that heads straight south. When you get towards the end of the path you'll find yourself inside of another small camp and there will be gates to the left and right. You'll want to take the right path (which will actually show you moving left on te map). Stay along this path (which will curve up and back down), and you'll run right into Ranmaru. Get rid of the little gnat as quickly as possible. ~EVENT~ Enemy assault team spotted! (approx. 2 minutes after mission start) ~EVENT~ Escape route secured! (If OBJECTIVE 3 is a Success) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 4: Guide Civilian Troops To Escape Route! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 3 Success How To: For this mission, you only need to make sure at least one of the units survives. As long as one does, you're in the clear. Up to five blue dots will appear on the map, signifying the five units. Note the path I'll suggest is one to go through and hit every unit and a rather smooth flowing path. And note some may movie due to being in battle but they should all be relatively close to where I mention them. All you have to do is run by the leader of the unit (labeled Pilgrim) and they will head in the direction of the escape route. First, after defeating Ranmaru you'll want to take the path leading north on the map (from here there's only the path you came from and the one you're supposed to take). Stay along this path until you can make a turn to the right into a small camp and then continue towards the right (on the map) end and turn left (moving back north on the map) and head through that gate. Follow this path, as it turns right, and continue along. You'll soon get to a high wooden fence and a bit to the right (south on the map) is a gate to enter through into another camp. Go through the camp, and head across to the next gate, right across from the one you entered in. Once outside the gate, turn left and you'll see a small bridge to your right (this place should look familiar to you, part of the way where you lead Shoukei through to the Oda main camp). You're going to turn right and follow the winding path here (heading south on the map). As you move south, you'll find yourself going through another small camp (exiting through the gate straight across from where you entered) and a short moment after getting out of this camp, another bridge right on your path to cross. After this bridge, you'll turn right (now moving left on the path), and you'll find yourself going over another bridge and almost right after through another camp (the exit being, once more, right across from the gate you entered through). You should be on the path that you went through when you were going to defeat Ranmaru to clear the escape route ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 5: Get Closer And Snipe Nobunaga Oda! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 3 Success, Begin OBJECTIVE 4 How To: Perhaps the easiest task to do throughout Magoichi's tale, all you have to do is make it all the way back up to the Oda main camp (where you guided Shoukei earlier in OBJECTIVE 2). After you get there, a cut-scene will automatically take place (in which we get to see one of Magoichi's more brain-dead moments ;P). After the scene, the mission will be completed. However if you want to stick around and get rid of the rest of the Oda Army, I suggest doing it before you do this mission, as after this is completed, Nobunaga will be after you and it'll be easier to get rid of everyone without that (and you may even accidentally take him out while trying to beat others, which can be an annoyance). ~EVENT~ Peasant militia has retreated! (If OBJECTIVE 4 is a Success) ~EVENT~ You have succeeded in sniping Nobunaga! (If OBJECTIVE 5 is a Success) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 6A: Proceed To The Escape Point And Retreat From Battle! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 5 Success How To: My preferred way is to knock Nobunaga off his horse and quickly steal it and ride it all the way down to the escape point (where you had defeated Ranmaru Mori). However if you had defeated Keiji along the way and taken his horse, use that because it is much faster than the other horses you'll find. In any case, this task is just as easy as the last, so you shouldn't have trouble with this. ------------------------------------------------------ H O N G A N J I A R M Y V I C T O R I O U S ------------------------------------------------------ ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 6B: Defeat Nobunaga Oda! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 5 Success How To: This is completely optional and running to the escape point might just be easier. But, however, the mission will end in a win if you decide to stay behind and beat Nobunaga. Just keep using combos on him and use your Musou whenever you can. Don't leave him be to fight off lesser enemies for too long or else he will try to charge and regain health. ~EVENT~ Nobunaga Oda Has Successfully Been Eliminated! ~EVENT~ Nobunaga Oda Has Withdrawn! ------------------------------------------------------ H O N G A N J I A R M Y V I C T O R I O U S ------------------------------------------------------ ___________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ~ ~ ~ Y A M A S A K I C R O S S F I R E ~ ~ ~ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |-----------------------------------| ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ S T O R Y ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ "Ise-Nagashima fell to the Oda Army. Magoichi somehow escaped danger and reported back to Kennyo, who immediately mobilized to stop Nobunaga's march to Osaka. The two armes would collide at Yamasaki..." ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ T I M E ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ 4 5 ' 0 0 ' 0 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ V I C T O R Y C O N D I T I O N ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nobunaga Oda Is Defeated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ D E F E A T C O N D I T I O N ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kennyo Honganji Is Defeated OR Nobunaga Oda Reaches Clear Point ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ H O N G A N J I A R M Y ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kennyo Honganji Magoichi Saika ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ O D A A R M Y ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nobunaga Oda - Oichi - Noh - Nobutada Oda Keiji Maeda Mitsuhide Akechi - Yoritaka Hachiya - Shigemasa Nakagawa Kazumasu Takigawa Katsuie Shibata Nagahide Niwa Nobumari Sakuma Toshie Maeda Narimasa Sassa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ H O N G A N J I R E I N F O R C E M E N T S ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ None ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ O D A R E I N F O R C E M E N T S ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hideyoshi Hashiba (Appears On OBJECTIVE 4) ~EVENT~ The Oda Advance Force Is Advancing! ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 1: Defeat The Oda Advance Force! Trigger: Start How To: The moment this map starts, run forward (there should be a horse in front of you; take it if you need it/want it) (Your arrow will be moving to the right on the map). You don't need to wait for the mission to actually start to do this; go until you run into the lead officer Kazumasu Takigawa; he's the first target. Take him out as quickly as possible. The moment you do, turn around and go back to the fourway intersection you started near and take the lowpath (which will be leading your arrow down on the map. Don't worry about the guy above, the Honganji should be able to hold him and his army off long enough for you to do what needs to be done). The next target will be Nagahide Niwa and you'll encounter him far south. Get rid of him, as soon as you can and turn back around and quickly move up. When you get back to the four-way you'll take the highpath (leading your arrow up). This is where you'll encounter Katsuie Shibata (this is also the area you'll hear Magoichi call the North Cave and the basis of OBJECTIVE 2). Hurry, and get rid of him. ~EVENT~ Oda's Troops Are Mobilizing! ~EVENT~ Oda's Troops Have Led A Furious Assault! ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 2: Snipe Nobunaga Oda From Afar! Trigger: Begin OBJECTIVE 1 How To: Do this after defeating Katsuie Shibata in the North Cave; the moment you do, turn and run through the cave (so your arrow icon will be moving right across the map). Now you can take the higher path on the map or run right across on the lower path, though on the lower path there is a decline you can go down but only if you're on foot (you cannot take a horse through it). So if you insist on riding a horse to the Sniping Point, take the higher path from the get-go to save time. However if you're reasonable fast on foot, don't worry about a horse and run straight across. Along the way do NOT stop to fight any of the enemies. Just blow right past them and leave 'em in the dust (though if you're on a horse and took the higher path, feel free to attack as it won't slow you down any and might take out a few of them). When you get closer to the green dot (Nobunaga), you'll notice a part where there's a slab of dark wood on the ground of the cave (you may notice this when you first entered the cave, to show the cave's entry); this is where you stop and hold R1 to go into first-person. Aim the target (the white circle) at Nobunaga (it should almost automatically lock on to him) and hit the square (attack). Note: During the time from when this starts you may notice that if you take too long (or if you had decided to go for the lower leader first, and then go to the North Cave) Nobunaga might start to move and get closer and closer to the camp. He will stop once more. You will hear Oichi ask him what is wrong (both before he advances and after he advances some, when you get a chance at a second shot); this is the cue to hurry and get that shot in. If you're fast enough, however, you should have no trouble getting to Nobunaga before he moves on. Note: If you get too close, Nobunaga will see you and the mission will be shot; make sure that does not happen. You should get a message telling you not to get too close if you come too close and can still save yourself by heading back a bit. ~EVENT~ Oda Army's First Wave Continues Its March! (If OBJECTIVE 1 is a Failure) ~EVENT~ Oda's Second Wave Is Advancing! (After OBJECTIVE 1 Success or Failure) ~EVENT~ You Have Succeeded In Sniping Nobunaga! (If OBJECTIVE 2 is a Success) ~EVENT~ The Assassination Attempt On Nobunaga Has Failed! (If OBJECTIVE 2 is a Failure) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 3: Defeat Oda's Second Advance! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 1 Success OR 2 Minutes After OBJECTIVE 1 Failure How To: If you have defeated all three leaders of the first Advance Force, then this will probably pop up shortly before you snipe Nobunaga but hurry and snipe Nobunaga before dealing with these (you should be fine). You'll notice two of the leaders are in the North Cave vacinity (note: The area they are near is the second sniping point, just for further note), almost right next to each other (making this all the easier). The third is down towards the south-west corner, where Niwa was in the first wave. Your first target will be right back across through the foot-path of the North Cave. First, you'll hit Narimasa Sassa. Concentrate on him and him only and take him down as quickly as possible and then turn and lead your arrow icon down, to the next leader (who should be very close). This will be Toshie Maeda. Make quick work of him and you can cut your path left (it will be left on the map that is) and you'll head through a gate and go straight down until you run into Nobumari Sakuma, the last of the second wave. Note, if you were good, this will be around when you'll get a note saying that Nobunaga's troops have reached Mt. Ten-oh. So you know what that means; we're on a time budget here. Turn Sakuma into sushi. ~EVENT~ Nobunaga's Army Has Reached Mt. Ten-oh Summit! ~EVENT~ Hideyoshi Hashiba's Unit Has Appeared! (After OBJECTIVE 3 Success or Failure) ~EVENT~ Hideyoshi's Unit Is Heading Towards The Honganji Camp! (After OBJECTIVE 3 Success or Failure) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 4: Eliminate Hideyoshi Hashiba, And Stop The Advance! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 3 Success or Failure How To: It will take a moment for Hideyoshi to show up, and I have had him show up in two areas; once where I had just finished Objective 3 (south of the main camp and clear point) and the second time was north, near the entrance of the North Cave. Try to stay stationary a little south of the main camp so you're about an even distance away from both areas. The moment you find him, quickly knock him off his horse because as long as he's mounted he can actually be a danger. Once you got him off his high-horse (yeah, I know, bad pun), he should fall quickly. On a plus side, after you've beaten him you can take the little monkey's horse. ~EVENT~ Hideyoshi Hashiba's Unit Is Retreating! (If OBJECTIVE 4 is a Success) ~EVENT~ Mitsuhide's Unit Is Heading Towards The Honganji Camp! (If OBJECTIVE 4 is a Success) ~EVENT~ Keiji's Unit Is Heading Towards The Honganji Camp! (If OBJECTIVE 4 is a Success) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 5: Eliminate Mitsuhide Akechi, And Stop The Advance! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 4 Success How To: This starts shortly after you beat Hideyoshi; Mitsuhide will appear a bit more south along the path where you should have finished the part of both assault teams (and perhaps Hideyoshi) and to the right, so hurry and take the path down to meet Mitsuhide. Like Hideyoshi and everyone, he is dangerous on his horse so get him down as quick as possible and let loose on him. Do not be afraid to use any Musou because it's getting down to the wire here and Nobunaga and his crew are most likely wearing down the other troops. After you beat Mitsuhide either get back into the horse you stole from Hideyoshi or Mitsuhide's, or if you think you're faster on foot then hike it. ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 6: Eliminate Keiji Maeda, And Stop The Advance! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 4 Success How To: Do this after beating Mitsuhide. Go back to the main camp fourway and cut to the right; if you have any luck this should distract Nobunaga temporarily from the other fighters and turn his attention to you, giving you more time. If you continue right, blowing past Oichi and Noh (and if he's alive, Nobutada Oda, but by this time my allies wiped him out), and you'll run into Keiji. After a short cutscene, do the same as you did with Mitsuhide; knock him off the horse and just start wailing on him. Don't worry about the lesser enemies. Note, it won't be uncommon or rare for you to lose any of your bodyguards and be brought pretty low on health. If you're lucky you can walk away from Keiji with all four bodyguards in tact and a decent amount of health (and, even better, a full Musou gauge). ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 7: Defeat Nobunaga Oda! Trigger: This Can Be Done Any Time How To: At any time during this stage you can go right to Nobunaga Oda and beat him down. The moment you beat Nobunaga, the stage is over and it's a win for Honganji. Though if you want to play through the full extent of the stage save it until after you defeat Keiji Maeda. There will be no message popping up telling you to defeat Nobunaga, so don't bother waiting. Beating Oichi, Noh and if he's still alive Nobutada are all optional. If you're low on health and don't have any of your bodyguards, I wouldn't bother, but that's up to you really. On the plus side, if you play all the way through to beating Keiji, you will see how nicely all of the Oda Army names are blacked out. ;) That's certainly a nice feeling. ------------------------------------------------------ H O N G A N J I A R M Y V I C T O R I O U S ------------------------------------------------------ _________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ~ ~ ~ T H E B A T T L E O F E C H I Z E N ~ ~ ~ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |-----------------------------------------| ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ S T O R Y ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ "After the fierce battle Magoichi succeeded in routing the Oda Army. However, this battle was a mere diversion devised by Nobunaga to hide his true goal of invading Echizen, the home base of the Ikko Sect. Magoichi rushed to Echizen and awaited the Oda Army..." ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ T I M E ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ 4 5 ' 0 0 ' 0 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ V I C T O R Y C O N D I T I O N ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mitsuhide Akechi Is Defeated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ D E F E A T C O N D I T I O N ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magoichi Saika Is Defeated OR All Pilgrims Are Defeated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ H O N G A N J I A R M Y ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magoichi Saika Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ O D A A R M Y ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mitsuhide Akechi - Oichi - Ujisato Gamo - Hanzo Hattori Keiji Maeda Ranmaru Mori Tsunecki Ikeda - Nagachia Kanamori Katsuie Shibata Nobumari Sakuma ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ H O N G A N J I R E I N F O R C E M E N T S ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ None ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ O D A R E I N F O R C E M E N T S ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Toshie Maeda (Appears After OBJECTIVE 1) Narimasa Sass (Appears After OBJECTIVE 1) Nagahide Niwa (Appears On OBJECTIVE 5) Nobunaga Oda (Appears on OBJECTIVE 5) ~NOTE~ This I found to be one of the more difficult missions if only probably because I tried too hard to keep all the Pilgrims alive. However just so long as at least one of them is alive, you'll be fine. However if you want to get Magoichi's 5th Weapon (which I, personally, have yet to get though I'll update when I do get it), you'll have to make sure that all Pilgrims stay alive. However you should probably worry more about getting through the mission rather than keeping everyone alive; you can always come back for the 5th weapon. ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 1: Eliminate Katsuie Shibata and Nobumari Sakuma! Trigger: Start How To: This one is fairly easy, though if you're aiming to keep all your Pilgrims alive, best get to work. Don't wait for the message to pop up, as usual, and just have Magoichi cut right (the arrow icon will be moving left on the map, as you start from the top) and slip out that-side exit of the home base. You should run right into your first target, Katsuie Shibata. Once again, as usual, concentrate on him and him only (though if you want to use a Musou to hit him as well as surrounding lesser enemies go right on ahead, but the main concern is Katsuie). After you make quick work of him continue heading in that direction, and you should have somewhere along the line passed a rather hefty little bridge (leading down on the map). A short way after that is another smaller bridge. Head down and cross it and you'll cut it back to the right (going left on the map) and from here you should be able to easily track your way over to the second blue dot, Sakuma. Sock it to 'im. ~EVENT~ Katsuie And Nobumari Have Been Eliminated! ~EVENT~ Oda Reinforcements Have Appeared! ~EVENT~ The Ikko Rebels Have Retreated! ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 2: Snipe Mitsuhide Akechi From Afar! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 1 Success How To: Note that you have what seems to be as much time as you would please to do this, so if you're going for Magoichi's 5th weapon now's the time to get busy and go about and eliminating as many enemies as possible; concentrate on all and any generals, sub-generals, etc. and if they're about any Reserve Leaders. However do NOT get near either Ranmaru Mori, Keiji Maeda or Mitsuhide Akechi. If they or any of their armies spot you, you're done for in this mission and they'll probably waste the Pilgrims very quickly. This one is a bit more tricky than sniping Nobunaga as if any of Akechi's one specific army spot you, your cover is blown and the mission is shot. So when you actually go ater Akechi you've got to be quick (becase whether or not you killed all the generals or not there are probably still enemies strewn about and you never know what can happen) and you've got to be stealthy, though if you take the right path, it's cake. You're going to take the large bridge and go follow it down, away from where you started. When you get off the bridge, cut immediately to the left (your icon will be going right on the map) and follow for a moment and then turn again to cross a smaller bridge (icon moves up). After crossing the bridge, you'll turn right (icon moving right). Follow this path but stay towards the top, away from the river, or else you will be detected. Go until you get to the end and turn (so the icon is moving down the map), and eventually you'll hit near the east end of the river. It should be easy to follow to get to the sniping point from here, just turn (so the icon goes right) and move with the stream and start moving down again. When you get to the sniping point you'll have to turn (so the icon moves left) and you'll see Mitsuhide below you with a bamboo railing in front of you. Do the same as you did for Nobunaga and go into first person (hold R1). Unfortunately, it won't auto-aim this time, though it's rather hard to miss (I have yet to do so even when I thought I would hit the railing). The moment you see Akechi get thrown off his horse, haul it back the way you came; follow the path exactly how you came and stay as far away from the main force (all the red on the map) around Mitsuhide. ~EVENT~ Mitsuhide Akechi Has Been Shot! The Oda Army Is In Disarray! (If OBJECTIVE 2 is a Success) ~EVENT~ Mitsuhide's Army Has Located Magoichi Saika! (If OBJECTIVE 2 is a Failure) (Note: Go to OBJECTIVE 4C) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 3: Aid The Ikko Rebels' Withdraw! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 2 Success How To: If you've wiped out most of the troops before you went to snipe Mitsuhide this should be a walk in the park (providing that you're only aiming to get at least one out, just enough to succeed). If not this might be a bit difficult, considering you'll soon have to deal with a rather annoying OBJECTIVE 4 though at the same time can be rather easy. Until OBJECTIVE 4 clicks in to play, just run about and take down as many more troops as you can to give the Pilgrims a clear-cut path back to the escape point (which is through the main base, where you started). Just remember, all you need is at least one of the Pilgrims to escape for this to be considered a success (although, ethically, yeah you should probably want to save all five ;P But not like you can't do it again). ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 4A: Hide From Hanzo Hattori! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 2 Success How To: This can be very tedious if there are still a lot of troops left and none of the Pilgrims have escaped yet. You'll see another blue dot moving from the bottom after Mitsuhide tells Hanzo to look for Magoichi so the task is simple enough; stay as far away from that dot as you can manage. His moves are a bit erratic, as in the dot will be still for a moment and then will suddenly appear a little bit in a certain direction. Though overall, if you've got at least one Pilgrim to escape then don't even worry about the others and worry about hiding from Hanzo. To save yourself a bit of trouble, you can now head towards the southwest area. Follow along the small sliver of land on the west side that runs all the way down with another small piece of land turning, going to the right, as if you successfully hide from Hanzo, this is where you'll need to be for your next mission. ~EVENT~ Hanzo Hattori Has Located Magoichi Saika! (If OBJECTIVE 4A is a Failure) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 4B: Eliminate Hanzo Hattori Quickly! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 4A Failure How To: If by chance you get spotted, then quickly make work of Hanzo after the cut-scene. Just so long as you keep engaging him and make sure you don't leave him be or he gets away from you, you'll be fine. I, personally, have yet to have him try and run once I've actually initiated battle with him though you shouldn't take the chance and just get rid of him quickly. The north-west most part of the map is where he'll escape to and where he'll disappear if you don't kill him in time. ~EVENT~ Hanzo Hattori Has Been Eliminated! (If OBJECTIVE 4B is a Success) ~EVENT~ You Were Unable To Eliminate Hanzo Hattori! (If OBJECTIVE 4B is a Failure) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 4C: Eliminate The Entire Oda Army! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 2 Failure OR OBJECTIVE 4B Failure How To: If you had even worse luck and Hanzo somehow evaded you and escaped, Mitsuhide will be informed of your presence. This means two things. One, the last mission here will be a BIT harder than the other ways as now you HAVE to go through and eliminate all of the Oda generals. And as if that weren't enough, Nobunaga will not come out yet, meaning you missed your chance to snipe him (also meaning that you cannot get to the fifth stage unless you do it over). Though some of you might find this to be a bit more fun as now you can just go around and put all of the army to rest and there's no real strategy to this besides the fact that unless you want to try and rack up some nice combos and a high number of Musou kills, try and keep handle one army at a time. Though some times, no matter how hard you try, some will end up molding together and gang up on you. If it gets a bit too tricky for you to handle and you get into critical condition (red health), just run around until your Musou gauge is full and use it to try and take down as many as you can, making sure to hit any general in range as well. But becareful of riflemen, as those can easily by the death of you, True Musou or not. Note, if you messed up the Mitsuhide assassination attempt, you will not be able to use the escape route to end and must defeat Nobunaga. Also note that after you finish this, although Nobunaga Oda appears and stays stationary in the same place as if you were to snipe him in OBJECTIVE 5, and you can surely go and shoot him, it will NOT be counted as a successful snipe. ~EVENT~ The Entire Oda Army Has Been Eliminated! (If OBJECTIVE 4C is a Success) (Note: Go To OBJECTIVE 6A/6B) ~EVENT~ Hanzo Hattori Was Unable To Locate Magoichi Saika! (If OBJECTIVE 4A is a Success) ~EVENT~ Nobunaga Oda Has Arrived To Reinforce The Oda Army! (If OBJECTIVE 4A or 4B is a Success) ~EVENT~ Oda Army Reinforcements Have Appeared! (If OBJECTIVE 4A or 4B is a Success or If OBJECTIVE 4B is a Failure) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 5: Snipe Nobunaga From Afar! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 4 Success How To: Now if you listen to what was said, this will be cake as you're right where you need to be to take the shot right away at Nobunaga. Do just like you did to snipe him the first time and Mitsuhide not too long ago. As soon as you hit him you can start on your way back. The only way to fail this mission is if you let too much time pass, then Nobunaga will leave and even then you'll have the same mission to do (only 6A however, not 6B). If you hadn't gotten to that point or if you were discovered by Hanzo and had to kill him then high-tail it there (it's a relatively straight-forward route, see OBJECTIVE 4A if you need to know where to look). ~EVENT~ You Succeeded In Sniping Nobunaga Oda! (If OBJECTIVE 5 is a Success) ~EVENT~ Nobunaga Oda Has Withdrawn From The Front Line! (If OBJECTIVE 5 is a Failure) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 6A: Hurry To The Escape Point! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 5 Success or Failure OR Objecitve 4C Success How To: Pretty much the same as the first stage, just blow past all the enemies (or stay and fight some if you want) and make your way up to the blue X. There's no real strategy to this as no matter where you go you should be able to get past enemies just by running and jumping, or if you want some rolls. Note, you can NOT use the Escape Route if you were caught before being able to snipe Mitsuhide as, if you were, you would have no chance to help the Pilgrims there, thus it does not exist. ~EVENT~ Escape Point Has Been Reached! (If Objection 6A is a Success) ------------------------------------------------------ H O N G A N J I A R M Y V I C T O R I O U S ------------------------------------------------------ ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 6B: Defeat Nobunaga Oda! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 4C Success OR OBJECTIVE 5 Success How To: You can do this after sniping him as opposed to going to the escape point. It will end it all the same, just like in the first stage. When you fight him just do whatever you think will win you. When he's down you can go at any crowds of smaller enemies that are giving you problems and don't forget, use Musou whenever you get it and never leave Nobunaga be or else he might try to heal himself (though as it goes he seems to get stupider and charge you as opposed to healing). However, note, that if you were spotted before you got to snipe Mitsuhide, defeating Nobunaga is a MUST to end the stage. ------------------------------------------------------ H O N G A N J I A R M Y V I C T O R I O U S ------------------------------------------------------ _________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ~ ~ ~ S K I R M I S H A T K Y O T O ~ ~ ~ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |---------------------------------| ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ S T O R Y ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ "Magoichi succeeded in driving the Oda forces out of Echizen. However, the Oda Army had gained tremendous power over the years and the Ikko Sect was now the only power capable of stopping Nobunaga..." ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ T I M E ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ 4 5 ' 0 0 ' 0 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ V I C T O R Y C O N D I T I O N ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nobunaga Oda Is Defeated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ D E F E A T C O N D I T I O N ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kennyo Honganji Is Defeated OR Magoichi Saika Is Defeated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ H O N G A N J I A R M Y ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kennyo Honganji Magoichi Saika - Yushimasa Oka - Morishige Tsuchihashi Rairen Shimazuma Chuukou Shimazuma Rairyu Shimazuma Yorichika Shichiri ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ O D A A R M Y ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nobunaga Oda - Murashige Araki - Nobutada Oda - Toshie Maeda Mitsuhide Akechi - Nobumori Sakuma Ranmaru Mori - Nagahide Niwa Noh - Kazumasu Takigawa Oichi - Katsuie Shibata ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ H O N G A N J I R E I N F O R C E M E N T S ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ujiyoshi Horiuchi (Appears Before OBJECTIVE 3) Shigetomo Suzuki (Appears Before OBJECTIVE 3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ O D A R E I N F O R C E M E N T S ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keiji Maeda (Appears On OBJECTIVE 2) Rairen Shimazuma (Appears After OBJECTIVE 2) Chuukou Shimazuma (Appears After OBJECTIVE 2) Rairyu Shimazuma (Appears After OBJECTIVE 2) Yorichika Shichiri (Appears After OBJECTIVE 2) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 1: Occupy All Enemy Strongholds In The South! Trigger: Start How To: From the start of the level you're going to head straight forward (the icon will be moving down on the map) and you'll encounter the first Reserve Captain, as well as a general. The general is optional, but take care of the Reserve Captain as he is your main target. Once he's down turn and head down the next path (so you'll be moving on the first possible right on the map where you are, it should be right across from where the Reserve Captain comes out from). When you come to the t-section, head right first (so you'll be going down on the map). At the end of this path you'll meet the next Reserve Captain; make quick work of him and turn around and continue straight and taking the upwards path this time. Shortly after passing the path you came from (which should be on the left) you'll see a right turn; take it. Follow along to this path and head into the little area off to the right to fight the last Reserve Captain. After you defeat him, head back a little bit and continue up along the path (still heading up on the map), as you'll need to go this way for the next mission. ~EVENT~ Oda Fire Attack Unit Sighted! ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 2: Thwart The Oda Army Fire Attack! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 1 Success How To: If you listened to me and kept along the path you should no problem with time. Along the way however you will indefinitely encounter Keiji. Though until you deal with this, you should just knock him down and steal his horse to ensure quicker meeting with the fire attack unit. You might encounter Oichi as well, but ignore her, too. Your target should be the one labeled Spy Leader. You have to kill him, and quickly, because unlike Hanzo in the last Stage he will take every chance he gets to run away from you and complete his mission, so put everything you have into him until he goes down. ~EVENT~ Something Is Afoot In The Honganji Ranks! ~EVENT~ Keiji Maeda Has Arrived To Reinforce The Oda Army! ~EVENT~ The Oda Fire Attack Unite Has Been Eliminated! (If OBJECTIVE 2 is a Success) ~EVENT~ Honganji Officers Are Surrendering To The Oda Army! ~EVENT~ Kennyo Honganji Is Moving Towards Oda Main Camp! ~EVENT~ Saika Reinforcements Have Arrived! (Note: If all of the Saika Reinforcements are killed, it is defeat for you) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 3: Snipe Nobunaga From Afar! Trigger: OBJECTIVE 2 Compete How To: Note, failure to do this will be both Nobunga seeing you and Kennyo reaching the Oda main camp, so make sure neither happens. As long as you follow this path, you should be alright. To get a heads up on this mission, after you defeat the Spy Leader, you should keep following along the path you are on until it cuts left, follow it and continue when it turns right to be leading down, but NOT at the North Gate that will open! As your allies will start to surrender and a lot of gates will be opening at this point! However DO watch the map as the gates open up as you'll want to go in through the West Gate (watch the map and look for where the flashing white dot appears when the message that the west gates are opening appears to know where you'll be entering). After getting through the gate, you'll be heading down. Follow the turn that'll show you turning right on the map. Follow this path to the end where there will only be a left turn (leading up on the map). Shortly after this will be a right turn, followed by another right turn that'll lead you down on the map and through a gate. After you pass through this gate you should see another gate right in view, slightly forward and to the right (down-left on the map). Head through this and you'll make a right coming out of the gate (will be moving left on the map). Follow along until you can only turn to the left (going down on the map). After you're on this path you'll find another path to the left before another large wooden fence-barricade. Take this path. This path zig-zags a bit but is straight forward and on your right (which will technically be south on the map) you'll see a short building. There is also a lowered platform you can jump up on; do so, and then jump on to the identical platform that'll be in front of you, and finally on to the roof top. Here is the sniping spot; from here go into first-person and aim at Nobunaga. Here, it won't auto-aim, but it shouldn't matter, you've got a clear shot, so take it. If you had started on your way right after beating the Spy Leader, you should have no trouble. ~EVENT~ You Have Succeeded In Sniping Nobunaga! (If Objection 3 is a Success) ~ ~ OBJECTIVE 4: Eliminate Nobunaga Oda! Trigger: Objection 3 Success OR Objection 3 Failure How To: Note, that if you failed by Kennyo reaching Nobunaga, this will not occur. Nobunaga seems to have improved in this battle, so you'll have to give him everything you've got. Go all-out on any combos, if you have the third weapon, Kunitomo, abuse the Square, Triangle (repeated) combo (the end shot will also clear out guys around you if you pull it off). And remember, Musou like crazy. Everytime you hear or see your gauge hit top, use it right away and make sure that Nobunaga takes the blunt of the hits. And as always, never, EVER let him be. He WILL heal this battle, and he WILL heal often, any chance he gets (At least he always does with me... but better safe than sorry :P). ~EVENT~ Nobunaga Oda Has Successfully Been Eliminated! ------------------------------------------------------ H O N G A N J I A R M Y V I C T O R I O U S ------------------------------------------------------ _____________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ~ ~ ~ A Z U C H I I N F I L T R A T I O N ~ ~ ~ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |-------------------------------------| ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ S T O R Y ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ "The Ikko Sect surrendered to the Oda Army. This accord officially marked an end to the years of hostility between the two forces. Magoichi himself disappeared rom the pages of history. But a few months later, a lone figure would attempt a daring assault on Nobunaga's home base of Azuchi..." ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ T I M E ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ 4 5 ' 0 0 ' 0 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ V I C T O R Y C O N D I T I O N ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nobunaga Oda Is Defeated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ D E F E A T C O N D I T I O N ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magoichi Saika Is Defeated Note: This is one of many Castle Levels throughout the game. For now, I will give directions based on the way you should turn solely, as if the camera were to Magoichi's back. It may be difficult but please, try to remember, if you get side-tracked and start to fight, to remember which way you were facing (a good way is taking note of where the map stops, unless you have the item to show the whole map... in that case, you wouldn't even need this, probably :P). Also note, to get to this fifth stage you must have successfully sniped Nobunaga Oda in the past four stages (as far as I know, you must do it straight through; so if you miss one, you must go back and go through the first level again. This may be incorrect, however; that is just how it has been working with me. Though you can try simply doing the stage you missed up on onwards or just that stage, then stage four once more. Only thing I know is doing the stage, alone, does not open up stage five.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ F I R S T F L O O R ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just for note, ignore all enemies unless necessary. Now that that's said and done, you're going to head to the left and go through the door way, leading into the paneled-floor area. As you get in, there will be a trap door so jump off and to the only turn, left, and go up the first short set of stairs. There's another trap door on the floor here; jump off to avoid it and head up the second set of stairs and turn left (not entering the doorway you see). Along this path you'll come across a trap; three sets of swinging blades, each set coming from both top and bottom. A lot of times these seem to be easily avoided by pressing against the left wall and running along that wall and just keep running, not stopping. After the last one, keep going forward and cut down the door to your right. In this room you'll encounter a Defense Captain along with some troops; concentrate on the Defense Captain and bring him down quickly, though if the gunmen are a real problem, cut them down quickly. Once the Defense Captain is defeated, a door will open up for you to go through. Head straight (to the left is just a tiny off section, a dead-end). You'll notice the same trap as before with the swinging blades, so get by them the same way as the first, only jump as in between each of the blades this time is a bit trap. If you get lucky, you'll get through unscathed, but even if you get injured, it'll be minor. It's around this time you'll hear Magoichi talk about a strong presence, Nobunaga, and he says he'll give his usual greeting, of sniping. Keep this in mind. Once through the blades, turn left and cut down the door there and enter into a small room, exit through the open doorway on the left. It is here that you'll got the notification of Nobunaga being in sight. After passing through the door way, turn right, the only way you can and move along only a stop or two as Nobunaga is in this room and if he sees you, your mission is shot. Get into first-person and take a shot at him. Don't worry if you miss and hit one of his guards, it's almost guaranteed to happen. Just keep the target on him and keep firing; he won't run away, and you'll hit him easily. After you get the message that you have succeeded in sniping Nobunaga, follow along the right wall of the room until you get to a door you can cut down; do so and in this room you'll notice two more ways you can go out; to the left and straight. Take the straight path, cutting down the door; you'll know this is the right way if you see to the right of the path you're following a trap on the floor (looks like a bronze rectangle with two black lines through them. Those of you who have encountered this will know them for having blades come up and running along the black lines inside when you step on them). You won't be going near this, thankfully (so make sure it stays on your right, so you know you're going the correct way). Along the path will be another trap door so be ready to jump out (it's located right after the blade trap leaves your view). You'll follow along until the room expands, and move to the left until you come to another closed door to cut down in your path near the upper left corner. In this room will be two more ways to go; left and right. Go right and you'll see a door in front of you, but ignore it. Instead, make the turn right but be careful as there's another trap door here. Jump out and get to the next door and cut it down and go through. Head right and the stair case to the second floor is right in front of you, so high-tail it. If you're doing good on time and no enemies are near you, stop to charge up your Musou gauge if it isn't full. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ S E C O N D F L O O R ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you start this floor, the moment you gain control you'll be pitted up against Hanzo Hattori and two of his ninja buddies. If you stopped to fill up your Musou, or it was already full, good; is it on Hanzo right away (don't worry about his buddies yet). Concentrate on Hanzo and when you're finally done with him (and view his death scene), take out the other ninja. Note, through this level you will be encountering a lot of ninja coming from the ceiling, so tread carefully. Then cut down the one door and go through. You'll be back into the wooden-paneled rooms; follow the path and follow the right turn. On that corner is a trap door and along the far wall (left well after you turn) is a trap that'll make a buzz saw come out if you get too close. Go through the only door here, on the right and in the next room go straight. Ignore the right (another small dead-end) and head a bit to the left and follow along the straight path. Keep on the path; you'll go down a short staircase and you'll see a closed door soon in front of you with another floor-blade trap to the right; cut down this door and go through. You'll see this room is large with an inner wall, missing a few doors and pieces. Head straight across and there will be another door to go through. As soon as you get out there will be a spear trap on the floor; turn left, avoiding it. Keep along the left wall, right after the spear trap is a trap door and you'll be able to see another spear-trap a bit forward towards the right. Thankfully, if you stay along the left wall, the spear trap can be avoided and you can just jump out of the trap door. Go through the door that'll be on your left and in the next room continue straight. This next room is thin and wide, with the floor-blade trap spanning the whole area. Easily avoided; just run along it between the black lines where the blades come up over to the other side and get through the door. In this room, take the right door and go to the right again (a very short zig-zag path, but the door is right in view). After you get through there, the stair case to the third floor is straight. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~T H I R D F L O O R ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head straight through until you get to a larger room with enemies in front of you and several gunmen to the side. Cut across the floor-blade trap (you should be able to get onto it and jump across it without being hit by it, but be careful of the gunmen) and get through the door that will be on your left (the only door in the room). Also note, one of the barrels in the corner has a Speed Up item. Head straight through the next small room and you'll see Oichi in the distance here standing over a floor-blade trap. Whatever you do, do NOT defeat her. You can hit her and knock her down, but if she loses all her health, you lose. So it's best to run. and just keep away from her. Avoid her by going through the door on the right, then you'll be in a room that extends longways towards the right; follow it and get through that door and head left out of there into the left path; you'll see another buzz saw trap on the far left wall here. Avoid it while taking the path. This short path will turn right and there will be a door to go through right on the left; get through it. Go straight through this small room and into the next, then turn right. Run along the path, ignoring the first door on your right and get to the end, where there's another door. Cut this one down and go through. In this smaller room, go left and once through, go right (the only way). The path will turn off to the left, so follow it. Go through the one door way at the end and you'll be stopped, as the game shows a cutscene of this strange room with a spiraling staircase. You know what to do; hike it all the way up the staircase, but be careful as ninja will constantly be dropping down, so I would suggest rolling through the straight-ways, nonstop and just running up the stairs. When you get to the end, you'll have to go left and make another quick left off the staircase and head left through the room to the door way, and straight on to the stair case to the fourth floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ F O U R T H F L O O R ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head straight out of the first door way, right in front of you, and then right out the next and only door way. Once through here, go right until you see a door on the right wall; cut it down and go through, then head straight across and cut down the next door. In this next room you'll encounter Keiji Maeda, whom you have to fight. Get rid of him as quickly as possible, using the same methods as you would any other leader. Though be warned because now Keiji will actually use the healing, although it's still a bit uncommon. Once he's put out of commission, use the door that is right across from where you got into this room. In this next room, you'll head straight across and into the next path; follow it, up the short set of stairs and jump out of the trap door right after and continue straight into the next room. In here you'll encounter Nobutada Oda, but beating him is optional. Go straight through the room if you want to just avoid them and through the door. In this next path, go left and jump out of the trap door that'll be activated. There's also a spear trap to the right of the trap door and on the far wall you can see a buzz saw trap. You'll make a right, passing the buzz saw trap (with it on your left) and you'll be able to make another right almost immediately after. From here it's a straight-forward path all the way to the stair case leading up to the fifth floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ F I F T H F L O O R ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the start, head straight out the first door way and cut down the door straight across (ignoring the one on the right). In this room, go to the right and cut down that door and head on through. This is where you'll run into Lady Noh. Like the floor with Oichi, you must NOT lower Lady Noh's health bar all the way. You can hit her, knock her out of the way, but if her health bar depletes all the way, it's game over. So, I suggest blowing right past her and getting through the door behind her (straight across from where you entered). This will lead into a longer path. Ignore everything on the sides and head straight all the way until you come to a door. Cut it down and go through and in this next smaller room, take the right door and head right a bit. You should notice another small set of stairs. Go up those and head into the area, where you can go left or right; go left (the path this path will have more spore traps on the floor but they're all off to the sides so getting by them is easy by just running between them). From here it's another straight on path through a couple more doorways that leads into the stair case that leads up to the sixth floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ S I X T H F L O O R ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is it, the battle to end all battles. After a short cut-scene, you'll be pitted up against Nobunaga and five goons. This time, I suggest taking out the goons first so they don't get in the way. After they're gone, it should be cake to deal with Nobunaga. Just keep using combos on him the moment he gets up, but if you see him blocking, stop in the middle of the combo and start right back up to try and break his defenses. Note that two of the barrels in the area hold healing items if you really need them. There's nothing after this so don't worry about trying to save any Musou. Just let loose on him. ---------------------------------------------------------- M A G O I C H I V I C T O R I O U S ---------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Endings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "FAREWELL TO ARMS" (Cut-Scene Ending) ~We see Kennyo Honganji and the Ikko rebels bowed here before Nobunaga Oda. The view switches to rising over Nobunaga as raven feathers fly about. Magoichi: So that's it... ~The view changes to show Magoichi, from behind, riding away on a horse. Magoichi: I'm sorry I couldn't even score for you... Magoichi: Well, I'm what you call a free spirit... I'll just live day to day... "WAY OF THE GUN" (Real Ending) ~The camera moves up over Nobunaga Oda, laying face down, feathers all about in the air. We get a worm's-eye view of Magoichi standing over him as he aims the barrel of his rifle at Nobunaga's head. Nobunaga opens his eyes and smirks, chuckling softly as Magoichi gasps. Nobunaga: What is it you desire? What will change after you shoot? Nobunaga: (chuckling) Nothing, nothing will change. The turmoil, the sorrow, it will continue. Will you shoot? Can you? ~We can see the gun starting to shake in Magoichi's hand. Nobunaga: Are you ready to shoulder the burden that I have -- ~Nobunaga is cut off in mid-sentence as Magoichi pulls the trigger. Nobunaga's head drops. The view now shows Magoichi again, his back to Nobunaga's body. Magoichi: That's enough out of you. Magoichi: Nobunaga, you were a powerful man. Magoichi: But you know, everyone... everyone carries a burden in life... that's just how it is. Magoichi: Your burden was no heavier and no lighter than anyone else's. ~Without another word and without hesitation, Magoichi slowly walks away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. Titles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level 1: Loner Level 2: Mercenary Level 3: Mercenary Level 4: Mercenary Level 5: Musketeer Level 6: Musketeer Level 7: Musketeer Level 8: Marksman Level 9: Marksman Level 10: Marksman Level 11: Sharpshooter Level 12: Sharpshooter Level 13: Sharpshooter Level 14: Sniper Level 15: Sniper Level 16: Sniper Level 17: Master Sniper Level 18: Master Sniper Level 19: Master Sniper Level 20: Perfect Shot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9. Skills, Etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~SKILLS~~~ MIGHT: Vitality ==> Guts Rage ==> Reach ==> Resist Pressure ==> Precision Frenzy ==> Vigor PROWESS: Drive ==> Acclaim ==> Mastery Cavalier ==> Parry Pierce Rally ==> Potence GUARD: Focus ==> Block Counter ==> Fortitude ==> Grace Fitness ==> Resilience Discern ==> Celerity ELEMENTAL: Kesa-giri Ward Elemental Shot Blast Flurry Snipe Shock Flurry Up-Slash Domino ~~~SKILLS DESCRIPTION~~~ MIGHT: Vitality: Life Max Increases Easier Requirements - Life: 153 Attack: 65 Level 1: 150 Skill Points Level 2: 200 Skill Points Level 3: 300 Skill Points Guts: No Staggering After Receiving Ranged Hits Requirements - Life: 170 Attack: 160 Level 1: 1000 Skill Points Rage: Musou Gauge Fills Up Faster Requirements - Life: 162 Attack: 120 Level 1: 250 Skill Points Level 2: 350 Skill Points Level 3: 450 Skill Points Reach: Attack Range Increases Requirements - Life: 166 Attack: 140 Level 1: 150 Skill Points Level 2: 200 Skill Points Level 3: 300 Skill Points Resist: No Staggering After Receiving Enemy Attacks Requirements - Life: 170 Attack: 160 Level 1: 1000 Skill Points Pressure: Deadlock Bonus Attack Power Increases Requirements - Life: 159 Attack: 100 Level 1: 150 Skill Points Level 2: 200 Skill Points Level 3: 250 Skill Points Precision: Counter Attack Power Increases Requirements - Life: 170 Attack: 160 Level 1: 1000 Skill Points Frenzy: Attack May Double When Near Death Requirements - Life: 150 Attack: 50 Level 1: 150 Skill Points Level 2: 250 Skill Points Level 3: 350 Skill Points Vigor: Deadlocks Can Be Won Easier Requirements - Life: 156 Attack: 80 Level 1: 100 Skill Points Level 2: 150 Skill Points Level 3: 250 Skill Points PROWESS: Drive: Charge Attack Power Increases Requirements - Musou: 177 Defense: 110 Level 1: 150 Skill Points Level 2: 250 Skill Points Level 3: 350 Skill Points Acclaim: Better EXP And Ratings After Clearing Stage Requirements - Musou: 185 Defense: 150 Level 1: 250 Skill Points Level 2: 300 Skill Points Level 3: 400 Skill Points Mastery: True Musou Attack Is Always Available Requirements - Musou: 190 Defense: 170 Level 1: 1000 Skill Points Cavalier: Mounted Attack Power Increases Requirements - Musou: 177 Defense: 110 Level 1: 100 Skill Points Level 2: 150 Skill Points Level 3: 250 Skill Points Parry: Automatic Guarding During Movement Requirements - Musou: 190 Defense: 170 Level 1: 1000 Skill Points Pierce: Ranged Attacks Pierce Enemies Requirements - Musou: 190 Defense: 170 Level 1: 1000 Skill Points Rally: Assisting An Ally Increases Ally's Morale Requirements - Musou: 173 Defense: 90 Level 1: 100 Skill Points Level 2: 150 Skill Points Level 3: 250 Skill Points Potence: Musou Attack Power Increases Requirements - Musou: 181 Defense: 130 Level 1: 250 Skill Points Level 2: 300 Skill Points Level 3: 400 Skill Points GUARD: Focus: Musou Max Increases Easier Requirements - Musou: 181 Speed: 140 Level 1: 150 Skill Points Level 2: 200 Skill Points Level 3: 300 Skill Points Block: Guard Cannot Be Broken Requirements - Musou: 190 Speed: 160 Level 1: 1000 Skill Points Counter: Counter Attack May Occur Randomly Requirements - Musou: 165 Speed: 100 Level 1: 300 Skill Points Level 2: 350 Skill Points Level 3: 400 Skill Points Fortitude: Defense May Double When Near Death Requirements - Musou: 173 Speed: 120 Level 1: 150 Skill Points Level 2: 250 Skill Points Level 3: 350 Skill Points Grace: Automatic Somersault Requirements - Musou: 190 Speed: 160 Level 1: 1000 Skill Points Fitness: Healing Items Have More Effect Requirements - Musou: 169 Speed: 110 Level 1: 150 Skill Points Level 2: 200 Skill Points Level 3: 300 Skill Points Resilience: No Disorientation After Any Attack Requirements - Musou: 190 Speed: 160 Level 1: 1000 Skill Points Discern: Better Items Can Be Found Requirements - Musou: 177 Speed: 130 Level 1: 250 Skill Points Level 2: 300 Skill Points Level 3: 350 Skill Points Celerity: Speed May Double When Near Death Requirements - Musou: 185 Speed: 150 Level 1: 150 Skill Points Level 2: 200 Skill Points Level 3: 300 Skill Points NOTE: All Elementals Follow This - Level 1: 200 Skill Points Level 2: 300 Skill Points Level 3: 400 Skill Points ~~~STATS~~~ INITIAL: Weapon Attack: 50 Weapon Defense: 56 Ranged Attack: 72 Ranged Defense: 70 Horse Attack: 56 Horse Defense: 60 Speed: 90 Jump: 125 Agility: 120 MAX: Weapon Attack: 170 Weapon Defense: 190 Ranged Attack: 200 Ranged Defense: 200 Horse Attack: 170 Horse Defense: 190 Speed: 170 Jump: 165 Agility: 170 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10. Dialogue/Quotes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coming Soon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11. References ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Magoichi Saga: http://movies2.nytimes.com/gst/movies/movie.html?v_id=100957 Sakai: http://tanutech.com/japan/sakai.html Tanegashima: Thanks: http://www.fact-index.com/t/ta/tanegashima.html Kunitomo: http://www.yamasa.org/japan/english/destinations/shiga/nagahama.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12. ~Fin~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, that's the end of the FAQ. Hope you enjoyed it and that it was of some use to you. Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Flames? Or Just See Something Wrong? Drop Me A Line. E-Mail: TheMattykins@aol.com MSN Messenger: TheMattykins@aol.com AOL Instant Messenger: WitchHuntr Amon mIRC: Dynastynet Server; Nicks: Jian, Ruin, Liryl, Liam, Lucovares, Zaijirou Channels: #Ilindith, #MountainVilla Quakenet Server; Nicks: Amon_Sena, ArkAnjil, Amon Channels: #boards.jp