-- Shadow Hearts: From The New World -- -- FAQ/Walkthrough -- -- By Ken "Kouli/Ice" Zhao (kenzhao99@yahoo.com) -- -- Version 0.4 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~What Is It This FAQ/Walkthrough is based on the Japanese version of "Shadow Hearts: From The New World" that is released on July 28th, 2005. The game itself is made by Nautilus and published by Aruze. If there is an US version and you are playing it, read this FAQ/Walkthrough at your own risk. However, do not whine to me about this and that being different, as comparing to the US version. This is still based on the Japanese version solely, localized version will always/mostly share different names, and you should have an understanding on such simple concept. Ultimately, it is your choice that you pick the US version over the Japanese version, so it is not my concern, thus don't whine to me about difference you see. ~What Will Be Covered This FAQ/Walkthrough in general, will only cover the main game, thus just from the beginning to the end. Optional and secret are often not included. However, sometimes I will talk about it vaguely or in point form. If you are playing a Japanese version game, I would take it that you at least know some Japanese "kouryaku" sites or just use 2ch. Some sites are often as COMPLETE as it gets and 2ch usually have real nice info. Thus, you should know where to look for sites that have coverage on the particular game. This is essentially a speedy main walkthrough guide, so the format/layout will be simple, nothing fancy. Also, this is likely depend on my first playthrough, it might lacks detail for parts, or those usual things that you won't see/ easily missed on your first time. A first time is never perfect, right? Unless you have some sort of COMPLETE guide to hold your hands. ~Why Not Complete The reason that I do not make this a COMPLETE FAQ/Walkthrough(that covers everything, including lists, data, optional and secret things...etc) is because I lack time. The market for Japanese RPG genre is very active and I have a great taste/interest with the genre, hence, I will try to buy and play all these RPGs ASAP. Since making a COMPLETE FAQ/Walkthrough will take a while, and if I do that for each RPG I buy and play, that will slow me down a lot. So, it would make sense that I only make a FAQ/Walkthrough that covers the main game only. I write my FAQ/Walkthrough in real time, as in playing the game and write at the same time. Unless there is an RPG rush, otherwise, this main game FAQ/ Walkthrough should be done shortly after the Japanese release. I tend to get things done FAST and move on to another RPG, of course, write another one. The cycle goes on and on. I am busy and can get very busy, so please try to have an understanding on the fact that I don't usually write COMPLETE FAQ/ Walkthrough. I am more than willing to put in effort, but just not to one or two FAQ/Walkthrough. Instead, I aim for as many PS2 RPGs as possible. As said above, COMPLETE FAQ/Walkthrough takes quite some time, even for some sites. Because we have to figure things out on our own, and you guessed it, there is no Official COMPLETE Strategy Guide or the sort by the Japanese release. Those often come out months later. This is how it works in Japan. We don't have the time because we are the ones created the games. Often, the strategy guide writers are against the time. However, for US version, due to the fact that Americans have to go through the localization period, that means US strategy guide writters have plenty of time to write a COMPLETE guide. Thus, lots of dedicated FAQ writers that play US version games can easily pull off a COMPLETE FAQ/Walkthrough with the help of the COMPLETE guide that's released around the US release of the particular game. As compared to JP gamers, we often figure things out or check sites, instead of having a COMPLETE guide by our hand. This is the difference. So in the future, don't be surprised that US Contributors can pull off a COMPLETE FAQ/Walkthrough fast, because chances are, they are getting lots of help from the Official COMPLETE Guide, where as for JP Contributors, pulling out a main walkthrough FAQ/Walkthrough fast is more than enough. ~Hosting This FAQ/Walkthrough & E-Mails In general, just IGN.com and GameFAQs/Gamespot. If you are from Cheatcc, then don't bother. And I warn you Cheatcc people, mainly Dave, DO NOT host ANY of my stuff on your site. I have been saying this for nth time, and if you still don't listen, face the consequences! Anyway, if you are another general site, probably not but do ask, I might, depending on the site. If you are a fan site of this specific game/series, do ask and I will mostly give you the permission. As to E-Mail me, do have a clear title. If it's about the game's story or game play stuff, make your question clear as well. Do remember, if you are the type that can't even read kana, please refrain from asking, with questions due to the fact that you can't read kana. I WILL ignore you. Another thing I want is that you play the Japanese version and ask questions around the JP release date. If you ask me stuff on a game, like 3 months after the release, chances are, I won't remember and probably not going to bother. I move on from games to games fast, so keep yourself updated. Finally, NEVER EVER rush me. I am writting this as I play the game(literally the same time), there is no FASTER than that. If you are seeing no update or big gap between updates, chances are, this game was among a RPG rush, and I am probably playing something else. And just one more thing, if you see this at Cheatcc.com, please do inform me. ~Your Prerequisite Playing a Japanese version game, especially RPG genre, means you at least know all kana. Knowing how to read katakana and hiragana help a lot with gameplay related things, especially with katakana which is foreign to begin with. Hiragana, you can take your time to understand, same with grammar, particle and of course, our beloved kanji. If you playing a Japanese version, I will assume you at least know the basic of the basic, such as reading kana. I don't mind if you use a game to learn more of the language even though that's not a good way. My point is, you should be between getting the hang of the language to around half fluent. If you are fluent, this paragraph is not for you. If you are just a beginner, I don't mind to help you if you got questions. However, you MUST know how to read kana. If you are the type that can't even read kana, then why bother? No matter how eager you are, I seriously don't know why you bother with a game, esepcially the RPG genre, without being able to read kana. That is just absurd, period. Learn some kana, please! For the Chinese, please don't act like you know all or OWN kanji just because you know Chinese. They can be very similar but they are still different. Lots of readings and meanings are quite different. I can easily pull off dozen examples, and if you apply your Chinese there, I can tell you, you will be wrong. So, please, for some of you, don't act so arrogant and think you OWN kanji. You merely have a slight edge on kanji than others, you are FAR FAR FAR from owning kanji. "I know Chinese so I know kanji" is the typical annoying & ignorant thing to say. Also, this is quite the common sense. Don't even hope that a Japanese version game, especially the RPG genre, would have English related things. Yes, there are some Japanese version games that have that, such as the Devil May Cry series will always feature English voices in both JP and US version. However, rest assured that this is never going to happen with the RPG genre, aka the text heavy genre, 99% of the time. The 1% is for those one million to one examples, such as Koudelka. But, whether that 1% has English related or not are often known before the game comes out in Japan, so there is your homework. Thus, in the future, refrain from asking such question, because chances are, a 'NO' for 99% of the time. It's VERY UNLIKELY to happen with the RPG genre. For other genre games, unless the previous games in the series often have English related, otherwise, probably not. All of these things, they are nothing but common sense. You can re-think a bit and ask yourself: Why would a Japanese version game that is meant for the Japanese have English related things? ~My General Goal GameFAQs has something called "Most Wanted FAQs" and "FAQ Bounty Contest", my goal is to take off as many PS2(this generation at this point) RPGs off those lists as possible. I am not looking for the money in "FAQ Bounty Contest" however. Some people are probably going to say I am "Quantity Over Quality", but, I rather cover on as many PS2 RPGs as possible than just spending lots of time on just few FAQ/Walkthrough. Given, I am not the only Contributor, there are others and their works. If you don't like my style that much, refrain from reading my stuff. My stuff are usually for the JP versions anyway, and there are next to no Contributor that write things for Japanese versions frequently, so in the end, most of you will get the US version, play it and write your own FAQ/Walkthrough based on the US version. That's good and remember, you guys are the majority, ones for JP versions are really the minority, so I want to do my part for them, as an Importer/Japanese gamer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \July 29, 2005/ - Version 0.1, beginning to write the full walkthrough \July 30~August 02, 2005/ - Version 0.2, continue on the walkthrough \August 02~03, 2005/ - Version 0.3, wrapping up on the walkthrough \August 03~04, 2005/ - Version 0.4, getting back to optional quests. Sadly enough, Grandia 3 awaits me so I have to play that. Then there is Summon Night ET. This FAQ is on hold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will gain control of Johnny Garland just outside the room. There is a Save Point near, of course, save your game. Enter back the near room. There are two item boxes here on the first floor. After, go up stairs and check near the guitar for another item. You can also sleep on the bed that's near. Now exit out the room. Check the bottle that's faced opposite of the Save Point for another item. Once you are done, go down the stairs to exit out. Check the car that's near for another item. After, just speak around for info. Besure to speak with a kid to the left then exit out. "Times Square" should be available. Walk up a bit and see the ad standee(one you can see the word "Times")? Behind that, there is another item. Then just continue on for a scene. You will get "Point Card" and "Cancer Stellar Chart". There is an item box here just under the word "Geppetto". It contains another item. After, you can speak around and besure to speak with the man named Hassel that's walking from north. You can also shop from Gerard. Afterward, exit out and Chelsea should be available. Behind the near car, there is another item. As usual, you can speak around. But besure to talk with McCoy before the theater. There is a Save Point near, use it and then enter the theater. ~1F Entrance You can use the map here, by using R1. Starting, go right and go down first to find another item. After, go up. Soon, you will enter your first battle of the game. Enemies: Chinpira, Gurotsuki Comment: You will be promt to view the explaination(Battle Basic) or not. If you do so, the AI will do the battle automatically and explain each bit. Just pay attention and learn. After, go up the stairs to 2F. ~2F Passage After another scene, go right a bit and your second battle. Enemies: Chinpira, Gurotsuki Comment: You will be promt to view the explaination(Stock Gauge&Double) or not. If you do so, the AI will do the battle automatically and explain each bit. Just pay attention and learn. After, you will get the "Cure Stellar". Another promt here to view explaination on Stellar Chart or not. Do so. After, don't go up stairs yet. Go right, and enter the door to the Guest Seating Area. There, go right for another fight. Enemies: Chinpira, Gurotsuki Comment: No more tutorial, you are on your own. This shouldn't be too hard. Use Attack or Stellar Magic. Use Double if you have Stock. If you need to Heal, use the Stellar Magic - Cure or just use item. After, get the "Aqua Edge Stellar" from the item box. Also, you might as well equip that. Anyway, back track out to the passage and continue to the right. Go down the stairs for another fight. Enemies: Chinpira*2, Gurotsuki Comment: Use Attack or Stellar Magic. Use Double if you have Stock. If you need to Heal, use the Stellar Magic - Cure or just use item. After, examine the end boxes for another item. Now, back track all the way to the place where you got the "Aqua Edge Stellar"(just by the stairs to go up). Still, don't go up stairs yet, go north from here. There is another item box at the end, and enter the near door. Get near the guy and yet another fight. Enemies: Chinpira*2, Gurotsuki Comment: Use Attack or Stellar Magic. Use Double if you have Stock. If you need to Heal, use the Stellar Magic - Cure or just use item. After, check the item box and back track out. It's time to take the stairs to go up. ~3F Passage Go right a bit and up for another battle. Enemies: Chinpira*2, Gurotsuki Comment: Use Attack or Stellar Magic. Use Double if you have Stock. If you need to Heal, use the Stellar Magic - Cure or just use item. After, use the Save Point and back track. Continue to the right. Enter the near door to the Guest Seating Area. There is another item box to the right. After, exit out and continue to the right. There is yet another item at the right end and take the near north path up. Another battle here. Enemies: Chinpira, Gurotsuki Comment: Use Attack or Stellar Magic. Use Double if you have Stock. If you need to Heal, use the Stellar Magic - Cure or just use item. After, enter another door to the right section of the Guest Seating Area. There is a scene here with Tom, and yet another battle. Enemies: Chinpira*2, Gurotsuki Comment: Use Attack or Stellar Magic. Use Double if you have Stock. If you need to Heal, use the Stellar Magic - Cure or just use item. After, return to 2F. ~2F Passage As you come down the stairs, another scene. Nancy and Tom will run off, and let us get back to 3F. ~3F Passage Go to the Save Point. To the left of that, there is this door. Save your game then enter that door. ~Emergency Staircase Here, continue on and up the stairs. Once you are ready, open that door for the boss fight. Boss: Deep One Comment: You control as Thunder Bird(Shania). Just use Attack and use Double when you have Stock. I prefer Attack & Defend for Double. Repeat til you beat it. Afterward, Shania and Natan will join the party. Save your game and exit out. Upon exiting out, another scene. You will get "Lottery Ticket" and depends on where you land on, you get different item. If it's not the one you want, reload your game. After, exit out. A new location called "Arkham University" should be available, below New York. Continue up for another scene. After, check the central pillar for an item. Now go left to another area. Search the lower left corner for "Mirage Stellar". After, back to the first area. This time, go right. Foley will give you the "Pedometer". You can get items depending on your number of steps(within places with enemies). Just make sure you equip it. After, go back to the previous area and time to go north. Before you enter the door, there is an item box to the left. Within, take the left door first. A bookshelve at north has "Cure Stellar". Exit out and take the right door. A shelf at north got another item. Now back out. Now take the stairs to 2F. Take the left door. There is an item box at the right corner. You can speak around and just besure to speak with Harris. After, exit out and take the right door. Check the desk(teacher's side) for another item. Now, exit out this place and back track out. Back to the first area of this place(area with the central pillar), go left. Check the locked door here. Now go back inside the University. Go to the right door at 2F. Speak with that Jefferson. Now go to the right door at 1F. Check the north edge of the teacher's desk for the "Kandelaar". Again, exit out this place and out the University. There should be another scene as you walk down a bit. You will be promt to view a tutorial. Do view this explaination on the customizing of Metal Carving. After, go right. Check the door here and with the Kandelaar, the place will be lit up. ~Passage Continue on and you should get into another battle. Enemies: Gagu*3 Comment: You will be promt with yet another tutorial. Do view the explaination on Combo if you wish. The AI will take care of 1. The other two, you can just mess around on your own with the new "Combo" option. After, continue on to the left. Enter the door at the end. After the scene, go left. Continue on and check the lever. After, go on to the next area. Check the cage with monsters behind it. Anyway, you will end up battling those monsters. Enemies: Gagu*3 Comment: Same as before, just make good use of Combo. After, go down a bit for another lever. Pull it for more monsters. Enemies: Gagu*3 Comment: Same as before, just make good use of Combo. After, take the path where the monsters came from. Check the item box and pull anothe lever. Now, make your way to lower left. Do pull the lever for more monsters. Enemies: Gagu*3 Comment: Same as before, just make good use of Combo. After, do check out an item box in the cage you just opened up. Now make your way toward upper left. There should be another lever, pull it. Again, same old monsters. Enemies: Gagu*3 Comment: Same as before, just make good use of Combo. After, there is another Stellar within the item box in the cage you just opened up. Now, make a save then enter the near door. After another scene, more fight. Enemies: Gagu*3 Comment: Same as before, just make good use of Combo. After, Frank Goldfinger will join the party. You will be outside the room, but do enter back. There is an item box at lower right. Now, back to that locked door. If you don't know where that is, check the map. The door is represented by a red dash. After, enter that door. Continue on and after you take the stairs, check the barrels for another Stellar. Go up and save your game again. Go up the near stairs. Within the room, check the item box under the table then take the door to the left. You will end up fighting another boss. Boss: Igor Narc Comment: He's weak against Light, so Frank's Ninja Skill works. But, Frank's only Ninja Skill so far is for in air enemy, which leads you to use characters like Natan or Shania to do High Angle, then chain up the combo, and have Frank to use his Ninja Skill. Frank also has something called Holy Edge, apply it on other characters, so they can attack with the Light element. Also, try to avoid using Darkness related attacks. Don't get so caught up in attacking, besure to heal more often. After, you will be back to the World Map with only one location that's selectable. After, exit out and more scene. You will get a Ring Fragment. After, go left and just after you turned, you should spot the Ring Spirit. In the end, you would get "Attack Frequency Increase". You will be promt with yet another tutorial but do view it. After, head out and there should be a new location. After the event, head right and check out the upper grass. You should get an item. Now continue on to the next area. At the next area, within the near left tent, check the jars to the left for another item. Now exit out this tent and check this tent's right side for an item box. Now go check the right tent. You can speak with Navoch here. You will obtain the "Ngada Pottery" and also "Honey", "Grapefruits", "Wild Rabbit", "Morpho Butterfly Scales", "Maiden's Black Hair", "Gold Ore", then "Fly Paper". Anyway, exit out and check the back of this tent, for another item. Now, as you can see, you can shop here and do some Customizing of Metal Carving. To the left, or the right of this big tent, there is a cactus, check it for another event and Frank gets another 'weapon'. Now, go into the big tent at left. There is another item box then speak with Zonta here. You will get 2 Stellar and the "Eagle Sculpture". Also, do view the explaination on Soul Charge. After, exit out and you may go north. ~First Valley Continue on and pay attention to some grass to the right. If not, just walk by the right and keep pressing circle to check. But anyway, some grass got another Ring Fragment. Moving on, there will be another scene. After, go left to get to an item box. Notice the picture carved in the rock? Check that. Now go back to those poles. They will ask you a question and the answer for me is 4. After you answer it right, move on to the next area. ~Second Valley Continue on and there is an item box to the left. You will come to another scene. Continue on and more scene with the poles. This time, go right. You can check out quite a few pictures. Near the pictures with One Sheep and One Human, there is another item box that contains another Stellar. And by the pictures with 2 Sheeps, there is another item box. After, back to the poles and answer their question. Again, the answer is 4 for me. After, move on to the next area. ~Third Valley Continue on and more scene. Do save your game. Now go left and continue to the left at the intersection. Check the picture and go on to the left. By the cliff edge, check around for an item. Now go down for another picture and another item box. Now back to the intersection, and go up. Then head left for another item box that contains another Stellar. From there, go right. An icon should appear and this is where you hunt your first UMA. Do put down the "Honey". You will end up fighting a strong enemy. Enemy: Sasquatch Comment: It's pretty heavy with its attacks. Defend and build up til you can do Double Combo. Heal rapidly if you need to. It's weak against Water, so if you got any Stellar Magic that's water based, use it. After you beat it, you will get the "Swan Sculpture". Now head back and save your game, then go answer the poles. My answer is "The one that swims the sea". Once you are prepared, move on. ~The Earth Holy Ground Take few steps up and more scene. This trial is only for Shania. Boss: Tatanka Comment: Not using fusion here. Just Hard Hit and heal with Medy Leaf if you need to. If you have Double, use those together if you are low on HPs. If you have enough HPs, change Medy Leaf to Defend. Repeat til you kill it After, you will be back in Garland Detective Office. Exit out and go check out where the Ring Spirit was, since you do have a Ring Fragment. Again, you get "Attack Frequency Increase". Afterward, exit out this place. A new location should now be available. After scenes, exit out this place and return to the Garland Detective Office. Within, there will be a scene with Rene Curtis. The answer is A=5 and B=9. In the end, Johnny will get the Handy Tool "Suitoll". Now, before moving on, let's get few items: - Head back to Chelsea. Head to the place where Thunder Bird/Shania fought with Deep One. There is an item there with another Stellar - Go back to the Arkham University. At the first area, go left and take the previously locked door to the room where you fought with Igor Narc. A desk there has a Lottery Ticket - Go back to the Arkham University and head inside the University. Go into the left room on 2F. You can get another item at lower left corner - Report back to Navoch in Grand Canyon to get Gun-Fu "Rapid Shot" for Natan Now, time to move on. Go south a bit and save your game. Go south further from the Save Point and speak with the first man. He's another Lottery Member. Besure to land on Red because that's a Stellar Chart. Anyway, to the left of this Lottery Member, there are that Gerard and Baigen, if you need them. Also, there is the place called "Prospect Of Whitby". Before you enter there, check the light directly south of it for another item. And go directly left from here for another item. Now, enter "Prospect Of Whitby". Within, go right to the bar section and go down a bit to check for an item. Now exit out this place and go north from the Save Point. There will be an event with Masatoshi. There is an item box just a bit north of him. Check it for another Ring Fragment. Speak with Masatoshi again and you can trade in your Snap Cards. You can mostly meet the first and second condition so far. First one gives you 2 Stellar and the second one gives you another Stellar. Instead of going into "Four Deuces", let's head back to the first area. From the Save Point, go west. In the next area, go upper left for another item box. Now go down to south for a fight. Enemies: Petty Mafia*2, Huth Mafia*2 Comment: Nothing hard, they just have more HPs. Use Combo/Double/D Combo when you can. After, go down for another item box. Now head into this right door that's near. You can get another item by the barrels. Now, it is time to go into "Four Deuces". Take the right stairs up and speak with the guy. After few pretty long scenes, check out the item box behind Mao's sofa. Then exit out. There is another item here. It's located a bit south from the stage, by a table near the center. Now, back to the area with the Save Point. You can find Natan standing a bit NW from the Save Point. Then go west again. Go down a bit and take the door to the right. Speak with Frank here. Now go back to Mao & say good night. After few scenes, you will be at the World Map with a new location. Before you advance, might as well go to speak with the Ring Spirit since you do have a Ring Fragment. Continue on and go up. Save your game. Check the door for a scene. Continue on and open another door. At the next area, go down and at the corner, check for an item. Moving on. Eventually, you will fight some guards. Enemies: Prison Guard*5 Comment: Lots of them but they are very easy to defeat. After, check out the first prison door to the left, for another item. Continue on and another fight. Enemies: Prison Guard*6 Comment: Similar to above, very easy to defeat them one by one. After, go check out another item at lower left then take the near door. After some scene, Mao will join the party. You can view about the Adjustment with Battle Member and Team. After, do head back into the room and save your game. And just SW of the Save Point, there is anothe item. Now, exit out and advance from the left. Open the door and more enemies. Enemies: Byakhee Comment: Nothing hard, just slightly more HPs than the previous enemies After, you will be at a big area. There is a cell with a man named Smith within, just a bit north from where you are. Now, to get the items. Go left all the way then north. Check the end cell for an item. Back to the central path and there should be another scene. After, go toward Smith. Now, time to check the second floor of this place. It's divided into 2 sections, left or right. Take the right stairs up first then go left. Check the end for another item. Now go to the left, take the left stairs up. Go right and check the end for another item. There is one more item here, it's near/under the left stairs. After, go south into another room. Go south a bit and there is another item in this stand. After, go right and check the shiny object at north. This gets you the "Jailbreak Spoon". Just to the right of that, there is another item. Now go back to Smith. After, go check the center door. Go up, then turn right. There is an item near, just under the stairs. Continue to the right, ignore the stairs and check the right corner for another item. Now go down to find Baigen and Gerard. Then take the stairs up. Go right to get to a man named Murdoch. Afterward, go back down and go left all the way. Ignore the stairs and go down. At the end, there is anothe item. Time, time to take the center north door to another area Check the right room, there should be another item within a shelve. Exit out and if you go right then down, you can get to two item boxes. Now back track and go north. There is another scene. After, check the item just a bit left of where you are. Save your game and back to the right room in this area. Check the buttons on the wall. One solution to this puzzle is as following: D-D-D-U-U-U U-D-D-D-D-U D-D-D-U-D-U U=Up(On) D=Down(Off) After, go save your game and enter the door for the boss fight. Boss: Lomwe Comment: Besure to heal a lot here, and keep Johnny's HPs high. If you need to, use few support Stellar Magic. He uses Fire Magic and can deal some good damage, especially with Double Attack. If you want to attack, have someone to use Aqua Edge first. Use Johnny's Suitoll from time to time, when his Stock is high. After, you will be back to the World Map. You can only select one place. After, check the bookshelve at the left. Exit out this place for more scene. There should be a new location on the World Map. After, Mao will get "Cat Touch". Exit out. You can head to "Roswell" now. But, let's get an item first. - Go back to Alcatraz Prison and head to where you fought Lomwe. There is a Ring Fragment at NW. Of course, head to Upper West Side to speak with that Ring Spirit After, check the sign to the right of the Save Point for another scene. Frank will get a new 'weapon'. There is a taller sign at right, check the back of it for an item. Check the upper left corner of the house for another item. The person to the left most is another Lottery Member. Now go inside the house, check the right for another item and you can shop at the northern object. Then exit out and go right. Walk up for another scene and back to the first area. Check with the oldman to the right of the Lottery Member. After, back to the right and more scene with the guards. Check the north/northeast spot for another Stellar. After, take the door that's near. Save your game. You will get the "Card Key No.1". Check the NE object for another item. Then take the left door. After some scene, you will get to name this oldman. Doesn't matter. He's named as Roger Bacon. Anway, Hildegard Valentine, or Hilda, will join the party. Set up your party and more scene. Anyway, there is another item at NW, within this room. Take the door at north. Go right and at the end, there is another item and take the door that's near. Speak with the people within for "Card Key No.2". Check SE corner for another item here. Then take the north door at this room. At the hallway, the NE corner here got another item. Now back track to the room and to the previous hallway with the intersection. Go left this time. After, enter another door for more scene. She will give you the "Secret Message". After, check the middle tube for another item. The upper right corner is the "Card Key No.3". Then take the near door. Lower left of this room got another item box. Take the upper right door here. Open up the map, and back track to this place at lower left. In this room, check north/northwest object for more scene. Frank will learn a new skill in the end. After, check the item box at SW. And for the central crates, check from the north for another item. Now, open up the map again and go to the area at NE. Go in the left room. Check the item box at lower left. Gerard and Baigen are at north, if you need them. At upper right, go around to the right for a Ring Fragment. After, take the stairs up at the center. At this floor, go SW for another item box and check the right upper empty chair that's near for another item. Now, to advance, check a chair or monitor to the left side on this floor for more scene. The password is Ha, Ma, Chi. Again, if you can't even read kana, I DO NOT know why you are bothering! Anyway, back track out and go take the elevator. Save your game and move on to north. You will end up in a battle. Boss: Procyon Comment: Don't use Physical here, so, that leaves to Special/Magic attacks. Use Sage, especially on Hilda. For Shania, you can have her transform into Tatanka. The boss's weak against Earth, so use Earth based magic. The other two can heal or support around. After, you will back to the World Map. After, the game will explain about Hilda's forms: Glamour and Slim Hilda, as well as a Pink Bat. This depends on her "Calorie Meter" which is depended on using Calorie Drain on various enemies. There are also extreme cases, where she will wear a Mask in either Glamour or Slim Hilda form. You will also get the "Weekly Arts First Issue" that teaches Hilda "Grand Slam". This is how Hilda learns Magical Arts. Afterward, go out for another scene. Check with the Ring Spirit first, since you do have a Ring Fragment. Now exit out and don't advance yet, there is something to do: - Go to Arkham University. Head back to the place where you fought with Igor Narc. Speak with the person here for a scene. After, you can fight tasks he got for you. There are 4 tasks you can take and some can be quite tough After some scenes and just pick a character. I picked Hilda. Anne Lafite will ask Hilda all sorts of questions, just pick the first choice for all. Go left and check the item box. Close to the item box, there is a small rock, about NE from it, check it for another Stellar. Save your game. Go south and behind the barrel, there is another item. Now back track to the Save Point area. Go up and enter the small house at north. There is an item box to the left. Exit out, go right and check that steering wheel for another item. Continue to north. More scene and back track. Now head toward the ship on lower right for another scene. After, go check out the barrel at south again. Then go toward north all the way for yet another scene. You then take the boat to move on. Save your game. Take the door to the right to the deck. Go left first, there is an item box and a fish you can check for a scene. Of course, Frank will use that as a weapon. Go right for more scene and after, check the center object to go down. Down there, check SE for another Stellar. Then go left. You can get another item at NW. Now, go right. Continue to the right. Of course, no surpise that Baigen and Gerard are around, they JUST have to show up at the oddest places. Anyway, continue to the right. There will be a scene. Check just right of you for another item then check NW in this same room for another item. Then take the path at upper left. Go up the ramp and check the near floor for the "Deck Brush". Here, you can also get an item at the shelf to the left. Now go back up to the deck and check the object at the right. Cross and enter the near door. There is an item at lower right. Then go out at south. Take the stairs up. Check the steering wheel. As you can see, the path is now conencted. Now, back track to the deck of the ship for more scene and a fight. Enemies: Heinz*3 Comment: Fairy easy to take care of. They are weak against Earth. After, go down to the ship and go right all the way. Once you are out, save your game and get near that door. Again, this is Shania's battle. Boss: Rashiren Comment: Transform into Thunder Bird, then Defend. Just be sure to heal more often and you should be fine. This is nothing hard. After, you will back to the World Map with one new location. Before you move on, there are few things to do: - Go to Grand Canyon. Speak with Navoch for new UMA info - Carib Pirate Fortress. There is a person at upper right where you can trade in your Snap Cards for items. It's different from the ones in Chicago - Carib Pirate Fortress. You can now check the lower right ship. Check south on the deck for an item. Go right up for another item. The person by the door is another Lottery Member. Anyway, within the Captain's room, you can get 3 items, from NW, NE and SW - Head to the Sunken Ship. At the deck, go to the room to the right. Within this room, head to the NE corner, then there should be an icon here. Use "Grapefruits" here. You will fight Tiholzody. It's not hard, just besure to poison it and you will have an easy time - Report back to Navoch and he will power up "Slug Shell" - Since you do have a Ring Fragment, go speak with the Ring Spirit Go up the stairs and check the left tree near the entrance. Go right to find another item box. Now enter the place. Within, check the piano to the lower left for a Lottery Ticket. Then toward the left elevator. After, go take the right door. In the new area, you could find Gerard and Baigen. There are two item boxes here, one at SE corner and the other one at SW corner. After, take the room at upper right. Continue on and there will be another scene. Check the upper right room. Of course, a battle. Enemies: Petty Gang*3, Hutt Gang*2 Comment: Nothing hard, take them out one by one or use Stellar Magic that can decrease their physical attack power After, you get the "Key Of Room 818". After more scenes, exit out the room and back to the elevator. Then go left, fight more enemies, then take the lower right room. Within, check the bed for more item. Now exit out and make your way to the right. Another scene and more enemies. After, go right a bit and go in Room 812. Here, there is another Lottery Memeber. After, exit out and go on to the right. There is another room at the right end, ignore it for now. Instead, go up and check the upper left room. Upon entering that room, more enemies. After, get the "Key Of Room 807". This Room 807 is the right one at SW part of this floor. Within that room, you can get another item. Now, once you are ready, go to that room the lower right end. Afterward, Ricardo Gomes joins the team. You will get into another battle. After, you get another item and this is a Roots Item, for Ricardo's Serenata. Anyway, do pick up that "Key Of Room 422". Exit out and more scene. You will get into another battle. Now go take the elevator to 4F. Continue to the right for a scene then another battle. After, continue on and near the right sign at the center, there is an item box. At the uppper right area, there are 3 rooms to enter. The lower right one leads to another battle. The left room leads to another fight and an item at lower left. As for the right room, it has an item box that contains the "Key Of Room 903". There is also the Room 416, check that out for another item by the desk to the right of the bed. Back to the elevator and get to 9F. Check the lower left room. Finish the enemies, get "Key Of Room 4??" from the desk to the right of the bed. Back track to 4F. Head into the room to the left. In there, you get another Stellar from the item box. Now back to 9F. The upper right room leads to another fight. The lower right room leads to a fight and you can get the "Key Of Room 1004". Now, back to the elevator and go to 10F. Save your game. Go left to get another item box. Check the room to the right of the Save Point. Within, you can get another Stellar from the plant at NW. Now, go right for another fight. After, once you are ready, take the right door for the boss. Boss: Malice Edna Comment: Equip Acc that can prevent "Mental Break". It's weak against Fire, so use Fire based Stellar Magic. It has los of HPs, so this will take some time. Don't hesitate to cast support magic frequently, same with healing ones. If you can, use Gale to increase everyone's speed. After, you will be back to the World Map. Chichen Itza will available again. But, there are few things to do: - Since you do have a Ring Fragment, do check with the Ring Spirit - Head inside the Garland Detective Office. There will be another event. Go to Times Square. Speak with the man at upper left area. This is where your quick mental math comes in. Win it and you can now go to Halem - In Halem, go up and there will be another scene. Again, your mental math and win this will get you the "Panorama Lens" for Johnny - Do explore Halem since there are items you can get: From where you took that test, go up further, check behind the pole for a Lottery Ticket. Now back track down, walk to the right a bit and see the air coming up from the duct? Check it for a Stellar. Then, go on, and check behind the 'Stop' sign for another Stellar. Lastly, at the end of the path, there is an item box - Back to Las Vegas. Go up stairs and head to the right for a scene. Spot the real one and you will get a new skill for Frank - Go to speak with Navoch for new UMA info Walk up a bit for another scene. After, go up to head inside. Save your game. Check the lower right pole for another item. Go left, and another scene. Just step on the first one then quickily run to the item box. You get the "Sinner's Skull". There is also an item box to the right. Now, back track and take the path to the right. Of course, Baigen and Gerard once again. Now, time to take the center door. Next area, continue to the right, then go up. By the upper right corner, there should be an icon over Johnny's head. Ignore it. Continue on. Check the lower right pole for another item. Activate the mechanism and get the item box. Back track, take the path to north, then go down from the left. Activate it then quickily back track and toward north. Check the item box for another item. Now take the upper left path to move on. Go right to continue on. Behind the middle right pole, there is another item. You get another UMA hunting icon at the upper left pole, again, ignore it. Also, check the item box at lower left. Now, activate a mechanism to get the door at upper right. Get the "Warrior's Skull". Then activate another mechanism to get the door to north, that has another Stellar. Now move on from the upper left door. Continue on and just before you go to the next area, check the left corner for another Lottery Ticket. Go up to the right first. Activate an mechanism to get the item box at upper right. Then do the same for the item box at lower left. Now see these 8 poles (south part of the map)? They are positioned like this: 0-1-2-3-4 5-6-7-8-9 Use "Wild Rabbit" by 1 to fight Chupacabra. It's pretty strong, besure to put up some Shielf on characters. Its weakness is Light so you know what to do. After, go upper left, save your game. To the right of the Save Point, there is another item box. Anyway, to open up the door at north, you need to activate 2 mechanism: first one is the one to the left of the Save Point, and the other one is to the right. After, rush to that door at north. You get the "Royal Family's Skull" from the item box. Save your game and advance from upper left. Of course, it's boss time Boss: Shub Niggurath Comment: Equip Acc that go against "Seal". Similar with Chupacabra above, do put up Shield on characters, or just use Arc Shield. Its weakness is Darkness, so aim for that. In fact, this will be a long battle, so take your time and cast all sorts of support magic. Healing is also a big part, but if you got Arc Cure, that makes things easier. If anyone is low on SP, do recover SPs for them After, you will be back to the World Map. Only one place is selectable. Save your game. To the right of the Save Point, there is another Stellar. Check the flowers to the left for another item. By the fountain, Arshes can quiz you all sorts of questions. This can be quite tough if you don't know the answers. Or you could just go through this numerous times and memorize each one, then you can go through each answer within the time limit. Anyway, once you beat it, you get the "Alarm". Check the light pole that's NW from the fountain. That gets you another Lottery Ticket. And speaking of that, there is a Member just a bit to the left. And see the red truck to upper left? Check the front for a Ring Fragment. At upper right corner, there is another item box. If you speak with the man within the red truck, you can trade your Snap Cards here as well. Now go north to head inside the town. Go up and check the near barrel to the left. As you can see, Baigen and Gerard are here as well. Go left and check the barrel at upper left, just behind the two person. Speak with Frank that's near. Anyway, to the right of Baigen, check the can for another item. Head into the soccer filed at north, and check the lower left corner for another item. Now back track at south. Another scene and everyone will be back. Head toward the house at left. After, get back inside the newspaper place. Check the bookshelf at left, the trash can at upper left, locker to the upper right and lower right for items. Speak with the oldman here and another scene. Now back to the soccer field, and check the object at north for a new 'weapon' for Frank. After, exit out this town and before you advance, there are few things to do: - Since you do have Ring Fragment, go to speak with the Ring Spirit - Arkham University. There are 4 new lessons from Professor Lovecraft - Report back to Navoch for a power up on one of Natan's skills - Head to Chicago. Go into Four Deuces. Speak with the oldwoman just a bit to the left of the counter. Now, back to the chief within the newspaper place in Rio De Janeiro. Ricardo will get another Roots Item - Rio De Janeiro. At the first area, the man is located at north part, a bit to the right of the entrance to the second/northern area. You need Hilda to be as a Pink Bat. She will get a new skill Before moving on, check lower left for another item. Then get to upper left for an item box. Go right to enter the ruin. Go up for another scene. Go hit the right switch. Next area, go to the left for another scene. You will get the Golden Mask. After, check the yellow switch and get the item in the right room. Now hit the blue switch. Advance from the left room. You will be outside again. Head to the right for an item and check the herbs near the Save Point for another Stellar. Don't go down the stairs yet, instead, go the left. Hear, check around for a Ring Fragment. Continue to the left for another item box. You can ignore this entrance. Now, back track and take the stairs down. Lower right is another item box. Baigen and Gerard are here, and check the left of them for another Lottery Ticket. Then, take the path at south. Within, to the left and press the green switch. Go down. Press the red switch and back track up. Now go west. Go down a bit then go east for another item box. Back track. Now go to lower 1right and press the purple switch. This should open up the door at north with 3 item boxes. Get the items now, go to lower left and hit the yellow switch. Now, back track to the area at NE. Press red switch and green switch again. Then yellow then purple. Basically, get "Purple-Yellow", then you can back track out this place at NE. Once you are outside, take the entrace at upper left. Hit the blue switch here. Finally, go down to press the yellow switch. You should have "Yellow-Blue", and you can now get a move on from NW. Anyway, go south and get the item then take the path at north. Save your game. Continue to north and there will be a scene. After, go left a bit and hit the red switch. Make your way to NE part of the map. There is an item box here. Now return to the center part of the map. Go directly right and hit the blue switch. Now go to the west part of the map for another item. Then, go SW for the green switch. Now, for the third item box, go to the lower right to get it. You can go to the north now. Do save your game before you do so. In the next area, just continue on and there will be another scene. You will enter a battle. After, Shania will leave and another battle. Finish the enemies, then check lower left for another item. Go north. Next area, go along the path and by the intersection, go right for another item and go left to move on. Save your game and go down for the boss fight. Boss: Cherufe Comment: Again, use Arc Shield or Shield one by one, Arc Barrier or Barrier as well. It's weak against Earth, so use that weakness. It can poison your party, but can be easily cured by using Arc Heal. If you have Arc Gale, the battle will go faster. Basically, similar to the fight with Shub Niggurath. Support and heal, eventually, you will take down all its HPs After, you will be back to the World Map. Before you advance, take a quick visit to the Ring Spirit. From where you are, move to upper right for an item box. If you go right and you should spot Baigen and Gerard. Anyway, head inside the near house. Check the right shelf for another item. If you have Slim Hilda, speak to the girl at right, Hilda will get a new skill. Check left part of this house for another item. The girl at lower left here can take your Snap Cards. Now exit out and head to the left area of this village. Before the statue, there is another item box. Continue to the left. Don't enter the house yet, go around to the left for another item box. Then go right from Loloma, check the torch for another item. Enter the house for more scene. After, enter back. Check upper right for a Lottery Ticket. Exit out and as for the Lottery Member, it's the person to the left. If you have Glamour Hilda, speak to an oldman at the left part of the village. Hilda will learn another skill. Once you are ready, exit out. Check behind the lower right pole for an item. Now head to the center to go down. Continue on and head inside. After some scene, move up. Open up the map, and see the red dots? Go to each of them and examine the object there. As for the two items, one is at upper right and the other one is at lower left. After, take the center platform up. Go left a bit and get the Lottery Ticket. Continue to the right, by the intersection, go up and check behind for a Ring Fragment. The rest is just go along the path, all the way to northwest. Pretty big room here. Get the item at NW then take the red elevator. Move up a bit and another scene. Go up and check that object. Back up a bit and make your way to the right. By the intersection, go down to get to another item box. Go up to advance. Just up a bit, go left and hit the object. Continue up after. Ignore the green elevator for now, and continue to the left. There is another item at the end. Now go back to take the green elevator. Go NW first. There is another item box at the end. Now, time to go south. Go left for another item then continue on from the right. Take the purple elevator at the end. Next floor, head to the left to spot another item, and head to NW for another scene. Cross the bridge, head to upper left corner for another item then go along to the right. Eventually, you get to that object. Back track. From the gold elevator, go right then up for another item. Now, take the gold elevator up. Go south and then to the right up, to the final object. Then take the purple elevator. Go south for another item then go up. From the glyph, go right and there is another scene. Save your game and take that platform. Of course, it's fight time. Bosses: Killer, Daoloth Comment: This is a bit trciky since there are two bosses here. Put up Shield or Arc Shield. Daoloth can cast all sorts of support magic, so let's go after it first. Heal at least once per turn. If you need to, put up Arc Barrier. If you got Arc Gale, use it. Sooner or later, Daoloth will use that anyway. Daoloth is weak against Fire, and Killer is weak against Water, so use those weaknesses. Once you took out Daoloth, Killer alone isn't all that powerful. If you can, use Johnny's Suitoll to such out his Stock from time to time. Killer using Double Attack can still be pretty deadly. However, they are Fire based, and there is the "Heat Resist" Stellar Magic to reduce damage from Fire After, you will be back to the World Map. Only Moana Village is selectable. Head into the most left house. After scenes, the "Ito Cave" is available. But, as usual, there are things can be done: - You can find Britney in Moana Village. Speak with her for a scene - Moana Village. Within the Chief's House, speak with Loloma for a new Stellar Chart - Since you do have a Ring Fragment, go check with the Ring Spirit - Times Square. There is a Lottery Memeber, to the right of the black car - Garland Detective Office. After the scene, head to Times Square. Just walk up a bit and speak with Leon here. Back track a bit and speak with this person just right of the entrance. Now go to speak with the person to the left of Baigen and Gerard. Now go to Chelsea. Speak with the lady with pink skirt. She's located at the middle of the road. Next, go to Halem. Speak with the person by the bus stop and then speak with a person in the alley. Now, time to go back to Garland Detective Office. Speak around with Rene and there should be a short scene. Back to Times Square and speak with Leon. Go back to Garland Detective Office. Select the second choice, then the 1st, 2nd and finally, the 3rd. Now, go back to Halem. Head in the Alley and speak with Taffy. Then go back to Garland Detective Office for your reward: "Call Phone" skill for Johnny Enter the cave. Save your game. Move up for another scene. You will fight two Kaplakan. After, check out the picture on the wall. As you can see, there is an item box behind the right pole. Move on to the next area. Continue on to north. Go along the path, to the right cave. Pick up the Ring Fragment. Take the upper right path now. Continue on and get another item from the left torch. Move up a bit and spot another item box. Now back track and take the lower right path. In the next area, continue on and by the intersection, go up. There should be another scene. Continue on, at the next intersection, go up. Next intersection, go right for another item. Now back track to the previous intersection, go left all the way this time. Just SW from the Save Point, there is another item. Save your game and move on from north. By the next intersection, go left then left again. You will have to fight your way through. There are 3 groups of Kaplakan enemies to fight. After, get the item at the end. Now back track and go right. Continue to the right, and by the intersection, go south. Go SW to spot that Jimmy. Go left to take the red warp point, to a location with another item. Sadly, you are going to walk back to where you were. So anyway, back to the interesection and move on to the right. At the right corner, you can get another item. Then after, move on to the next area from north. Take the red warp point and continue on to the north. Save your game and to the left of the Save Point, there is another item box at the end. Of course, move on at north once you are ready for a boss fight. Boss: Delget Comment: He is just brutal with damage. Even you put up all sorts of Barrier or Shield, he can still inflict so much damage. He has lots of HPs and the weakness is Wind. Most deadly of all, is his Petrify move that attacks the whole party. That means a chance of instant Game Over if you don't have Acc that guards that. Don't be surprised that you are constantly healing and reviving, because it is going to happen. When he uses Energy Charge, Defend. Keep up with the healing/reviving, have some one to cast support magic and others can do Wind magic. Keep this up til he dies After, you will be back to the World Map. Head to Grand Canyon. Check with Navoch for new UMA info. Now, go toward the big tent to the left. After the scene, exit out this place and there should be a new location. Again, don't go on yet, there are things to do: - Since you have Ring Fragment, go speak with the Ring Spirit - Arkham University. Head inside the University, and get into the right room on 1F. The person at lower right is another Lottery Member - Arkham University. There are 4 new lessons from Professor Lovecraft - Moana Village. To the left of the statue, check the object for another new 'weapon' for Frank - Ito Cave. Back to where you fought Delget. Check the area right of the right pillar - Ito Cave. Assuming you only spot one Ninja(Jimmy) before, there should be 2 more. Bruce is within the wall just a bit to the left of the final save point (one before the boss). As for the last guy, check the SE room. Examine the right red statue. After you got all 3, you will get a new skill for Frank - Ito Cave. There is a new UMA here. There are four locations to put things: 1/ Center of the map, the right blue statue. Use Morpho Butterfly Scales 2/ Most NW area of the map, behind the upper left statue. Use Maiden's Black Hair 3/ NW of 1 and SE of 2 above, so between 1 and 2. It's the area with the red warp point. Check the right red statue. Use Grapefruits 4/ This must the last one. The room where you fought Delget. Check the center north pillar. Use Gold Ore and you will fight "Rogothumuhere". - Report back to Navoch after you got the above UMA. One of Natan's skills will get another power up After, head up for more scene. Go back out, and go to the right a bit and you can spot another item near by. Now go back inside. Check lower right for another item box. There are Baigen and Gerard here. To the left of them, there is another item box. Once you are ready, take the left door. Walk the long passage. Second floor, go right for a scene. Move on and hit the second crystal. Move on to the left, get the item box and hit the crystal near by. Continue on and hit another crystal. Continue to the left and hit the crystal below the door. Just as you arrive at the passage, check your left for another item. Third floor, hit the crystals at both right and left. Cross to north. Go right for another item box. Then go left and hit that crystal to go down. Once you are below, just go south a bit and search for another item. Go north for a white crystal and then go right from there for an item box. Now back track, hit the red crystal to the left of the red stones. Doing so, not only you get the path to the door, but there is a new red crystal to the right. Check it to ride it up. Advance from the door at north. Again, another long passage. But before the door to 4F, check the near corner for another item. Next floor, save your game. Go left to another crystal. Then go right. Check the crystal by the corner to go down. Go left a bit for a yellowish crystal. After, go right for an item. Now go left again and this time, check the middle crystal and you can go north now. Continue to NW, then check the right corner for another item. Then go up from the near south crystal. Now, go to the east all the way, you can get a Ring Fragment. Then back track and hit the crystal at left. You can now make it to white crystal at NW, of course, you can also advance after that. However, there is one more thing to be done here. It's a new weapon for Frank, if you are not interested, you may skip this and move on. Anyway, take the crystal at right to go down again. You are going to mess with the 3 crystals to the left. First, the right one, then the middle one. Then you can go to north/center, take the green crystal at left to go up. Now, you can reach the crystal at NE. Use that to go down, check the near object for the weapon. After, check the near red crystal, then take the green crystal at left to go up. Then check the near red crystal to the left. You can then get to the north door from the right. Next floor, nothing special. Just move along the path and get the item box. And before you take that door, check the corner spot to the right of the door. You get another Stellar. After, take the door and another long passage. Now, the next floor. Go up and a scene. As you can see, there are 5 switches on the floor, positioned like this: ---1---2--- -3-------4- -----5----- Check 2 then 1. That opens the door. But not yet, check the north crystal to reset it. Then go 5, 4 then 3. This will open the right door. Now, a bit left of 5, there is another Stellar you can find. Then take the left door first. You will get to another item box. Now back track and go take the right door. Save your game and take the near door for the boss fight. Boss: Killer Comment: He's still strong with physical attacks and fire based magic. The good thing is, it's only him this time. Put up Shield and Barrier, as well as Gale. Two characters can heal and support, the other two can just attack. This time, Killer has tons of HPs but still weak against water based magic. If you can't put up some healings each time, you are not going to last long. This is nothing tricky. It's just this will take a while. Double Attack from Killer is a still a problem, if you can, use Johnny's Suitoll or Hilda's Grand Slam. After, Johnny will be in a 'dream'. Exit out from the right. Save your game. Just a bit below the Save Point, near the right door, there is another Lottery Ticket you can find. Enter the north door. Check around the window for another item and then check the center table for another item. Exit out. Afterward, exit out the place. Since you do have Ring Fragment, speak with the Ring Spirit then exit out to the World Map. There should be a new location. Don't advance yet, there are things can be done: - Halem. There is a Lottery Member to the right - Halem. Speak with a man at the right part of the map with Slim Hilda. Hilda will get a new skill - Chicago. Head to the north area(with Four Deuces), and speak to a man to the left with Glamour Hilda. Hilda will get a new skill - Arkham University. Head inside the University and go into the right room on 2F. You can take another quiz. Win it to get a new Stellar Chart - Moana Village. Head to the left and speak with 2 villagers for scenes. After, go to Arkham University, go left and speak with the person before the room to Professor Lovecraft. Now, to Alcatraz Prison. Back to the big prison area and get to the northern area. Take the left stairs up to 2F and speak with an oldman at the left side. Now back to the villagers in Moana Village then finally, back to the oldman in Alcatraz Prison. Ricardo will get another Roots Item - Uyuni Salt Lake. Back to where you fought Killer. Check the left for another item Save your game and enter. Within, check the left for an item. Go up a bit for a battle. After, continue up for a scene by that red seal. Ignore the red seal and take the right stairs. At the end of that, there is another Stellar. Now go to save your game, then enter through Seal One. After, take the near door to the next area. In the Statue Room, take the right door. At the hallway, take the near right door again. Go through Seal Five. Now, go south to another item box then go through Seal Four. After, check the left for another item. Now back to the wallway by taking the near door. Continue to the left and go through Seal Two. Go down a bit and take the near left door. Check the north corner for an item. Then go down and through Seal Eight. Check the near right for another item. Take the right door to get back to the hallway. Then take the near right door and go through Seal Six. Now, take the north door again, then take the near/ north door. Go through Seal Three. Take the near door to the left. Check north for an item and lower left for another. Back track and continue down to north. After going through Seal Nine, all the seals will now be broken off. Take the north door. Within the room, go right to save your game. To the right of the Save Point, check for a Ring Fragment. Now, check the seal here at north for more scene. Now back track to the Statue Room. There is a new path down. Go down and save your game again. Press the switch to turn on the light. To the left of the Save Point, check for another item. Once you are ready, enter the door for the boss fight. Boss: Tamaris Comment: This guy's attacks are just absurd, both physical and magical. As usual, cast Barrier, Shield and Gale. But, I really don't think those help much. You characters just get killed and you will revive. You are going to repeat this for a long time because Tamris has tons of HPs. As for the weakness, it's Darkness. Tamaris will cast lots of support and you might as well do the same. If Tamaris uses Panic, use an Arc Heal to counter it. Also, to prevent him using Double Attack, besure to use Johnny's Suitoll or Hilda's Grand Slam from time to time After scenes, exit out the office. Check with the Ring Spirit since you do have Ring Fragment. Before you move on, go back to Garland Mansion. Back to the area where you fought Tamaris. Go left and check around the left of the left tube. Now, to move on, get to Roswell. Head side the house and speak with Roger at north. And again, back to where you fought Tamaris. Speak with Roger there. After scenes, go back to the Garland Detective Office. Speak with everyone then speak with Natan again. Exit out to the World Map and you can now go to Brooklyn. After some scene, head to the right and around NE(before you exit out), check the floor for another item. Then back to Garland Detective Office. After the short scene with Rene, go to Roswell. Head toward the airship to the right. Speak with Roger and you can take it toward The Gate. BTW, Johnny now has the "Liberate" command, which allows him to release out his Malice and take in a form knowned as "Awaker". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (After entering The Gate) After you have entered The Gate, you can return back and can do TONS of things: - Rio De Janeiro. After getting all Weekly Arts/Skills for Hilda, head to "Chinese Sushi"(right part of the map) for a scene. After, enter "Chinese Sushi once you are ready. You will enter a 3 On 3 battle. After killing the 3 "Cucumber Rolls", you will fight 3 "Tuna Rolls", then 3 "Fermented Soybean Rolls", then Slim Hilda VS "High Class Shrimp Nigiri", Glamour Hilda VS "Richly Conger Eel Nigiri". Just keep it in mind that these are consecutive battles. After, Equip Acc on Natan that prevents "Death". You might as well using that warp point to go back then save your game. Anyway, go up and Natan fights "Nature's Salmon Nigiri". Next, Shania fights "Sticky Octopus Nigiri". After, Ricardo fights "Imitated Tawara Onigiri". Next, Frank fights "Pink Gully Nigiri". Mao then fights "Stylish Floating Trolley Nigiri", then Johnny and finally, Hilda VS Great Q(Joachim). Afterward, speak with the Silver Bat (Keith) and he is actually the head of the Lotttery Group. The Red Price is an armor for Hilda - Back to Navoch in Grand Canyon. You will get new UMA info. Now go to Uyuni Salt Lake. Head to 6F. Be at the center of the 5 switches and use "Morpho Butterfly Scales". Now head to the top floor where you fought Killer previously. Move toward the altar and mid way, there should be another icon showing up. Use "Fly Paper" to fight "Sky Fish". After, report back to Navoch for yet another power up. Speak with Navoch again and move on with the quest just below - Arkham University. Outside Professor Lovecraft's room, speak with this lady then go inside the University. Take the left door on 1F to get to the Library. Speak with the person at around the middle of the room. Now, check the north part of the room. On the right shelf, check for a file. You will obtain new UMA info. Exit out to the World Map and you can get to "Guiana Highlands" now. - Rio De Janeiro. At the second/north area, speak with Britney at the left once Frank has learned all his skills. After, exit out to the World Map and you can go to "Ninja Village" now. - Chicago. Speak with Al after Ricardo has obtained 3 Roots Items. Exit out to the World Map and you can go to "Doll House" now. - Moana Village. Speak with the Village Chief after you got all Shania's Fetishes be at Level 5. Exit out to the World Map and you can now get to the "Galvoy's Valley". - Chicago. Have 115 kinds of Snap Cards, then speak with Masatoshi for an item and exit out the World Map for "Purgatory" to show up. - Roswell. Speak with Roger within the house. Head to Alcatraz Prison. Get to the big prison area. Go into the south house and speak with the man at SW. After, back to Roger and you will get the "Cherry Bowie" - Garland Detective Office. Speak with Rene for the "Liberty Ghost" - Carib Pirate Fortress. Speak with Anne for a quiz. Win it to get Niggvast - Chicago. Left part of the town. Speak with the man to the left. Then head in from the near right door. Check the man hiding to the right. You will get a weapon for Mao - Las Vegas. Head to Room 904. Speak with the person there and pass over 20 Nyan Coin of all kinds to obtain "Cat Olympics Gold Medal" - Grand Canyon. Speak with Zonta. You will obtain the "Missing 51" - Roswell. The north room, where Gerard and Baigen are. On the second floor, speak with a man to the right. You will get the "Phoenix Bird Costume" - Chelsea. Speak with the man to the right, just by the entrace. After, head inside the Erick Theater. Continue along and you will meet a Black Bat who is Hilda's grandfather. Once you are ready, fight it. After, you will get the "Demon Key Hilding" - Moana Village. Loloma is another Lottery Member, within the Chief House to the left part of the village - Roswell. The machine above Roger sells "Hit Area Expansion" and "Strike Expansion" - Halem. There is someone in the alley that can take/trade your Snap Cards - Arkham University. There are new lessons from Professor Lovecraft - Arkham University. Go to the right and speak with Foley here after you have got over 10,000 steps. You will obtain the "Charro Passion" - I haven't been using Mao at all, so, Mao doesn't really get anything, but let's get back to her skills. Basically, you have to use her "Cat Touch" skill to finish off an enemy then you might get some coins: - Nyaramont Film Studio. After getting 5 Mackerel - Boss: Nyaaminator - Nyaramont Film Studio. After getting 5 Mackerel, 10 Octopus - Boss: Samonyan - Nyaramont Film Studio. After getting 5 Mackerel, 5 Octopus, 15 Scallop - Boss: Kyatto Morita - Nyaramont Film Studio. After getting 5 Octopus, 10 Scallop, 20 Shrimp - Boss: Nyawara-Chan - Nyaramont Film Studio. After getting 5 Mackerel, 5 Octopus, 5 Scallop, 5 Shrimp, 25 Snapper - Boss: Bruce Nyaa Guiana Highlands, Ninja Village, Doll House, Galvoy's Valley, Purgatory, all these locations are up to you to explore. Also, there are other little things to be done, but you are going to work them out yourself. I am running out of time and 2 new RPGs(Grandia 3 and Summon Night Ex Thesis: Yoake No Tsubasa) await me. If you are too lazy to bother on your own and want some good Japanese sites that cover these things, try: http://www4.atwiki.jp/shn_wiki/ http://www.geocities.jp/breanoheya/ If you can't read those sites because you don't know Japanese, again, I DO NOT know why you are bothering with a Japanese version RPG, seriously. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check behind Roger for an item. Once you are ready, save your game and go north for more scene. You will end up in a battle. Boss: Malice Killer Comment: Equip Acc that prevent Death and Seal. As usual, Barrier, Shield and Gale. He has 4200 HPs now and still weak against Water. Cast all sorts of support, heal each turn and suck his Stock with Johnny's Suitoll or Glamour Hilda's Grand Slam. This is not hard, just another long battle and a bit longer than previous battles. Double Attack from him is yet again, dangerous. Thus, Grand Slam and Suitoll can be very helpful. And to deal more damage with water based magic, cast Arc Sage After, back to where you fought Malice Killer. Check the shiny object on the floor for another Stellar. Then get a move on to north. Next area, save your game. Move on and by the intersection, go left. Then go south and north for item boxes. Back track and move on to north for more scene. Back track a bit and go right. Check the item box a bit toward south. Then go south down for another. Back track a bit and continue your way down from north. You will get to another boss. Boss: Malice Soaker Comment: Put up Barrier and Gale. Do not attack it with magic, just go with physical attacks. Putting up Rage helps to deal more physical damage, so cast that as well. Also, equip Acc that blocks "Mental Break". For Hilda, she can use Energy Charge and that can deal lots of damage. This battle shouldn't take as nearly long as the previous one After, back track and make your way to north. However, before you go through that, check the right stones for another item. Continue to north. Go left for an item and go right to move on. Eventually, you get another scene and yet another boss. Boss: Malice Gilbert Comment: Put up Gale, Barrier and Shield. Malice Gilbert has more HPs than that Malice Killer, and his weakness is Light. Equip Acc that prevents "Panic". The battle is similar to previous one, so, same old healing, reviving, support magic and attack with light based magic. It will take a while After, check the near shiny object on the floor for another Stellar. Then check the near stones to the left for another item. Move on to north. By the next intersection, go left first. Get the item box on the way and continue to the right. You will be back up and check the near right for another item box. Now make your way to the left. Pick up the item box on the way and continue to the north. Save your game here. Head to the right, then go south for an item and go north for a fight with another Malice Soaker. After, back track to the Save Point. Go left this time. Continue to the left and go up a bit to pick up another item box. Continue down from the left and go right for another item box. Continue your way down to south from here, you will eventually get to another Malice Soaker. After, back track and go right. Pick up another item by the intersection, go down from the right for another Malice Soaker. After, back to the Save Point and you can now go north. At the final area, move north from the Save Point to get another item and then go save your game. Once you are ready, go north to confront the last battle. Last Bosses: Lady(Grace Garland), Malice Umbral Comment: This is it, the last battle of the game and also the hardest of all. Equip Acc that prevents all bad Ring status. Don't bother putting up Shield, Barrier, Gale, as well as other support magic. As for healing, Arc Cure isn't going to do much, unless you have everyone to do it. Instead, we will depend on Glamour Hilda's "Full Plume" skill, or magic such as Cure Plus. And remember, you can always use items to heal. As for the bosses here, as you can see, Malice Umbral and Lady. However, you only need to attack Malice Umbral to end the fight. Lady herself doesn't have much HPs, but you can't seem to be able to damage her. Malice Umbral on the other hand, got loads of HPs. Both of them are Non-Elemental, so no weakness and you can just use anything to attack Malice Umbral. Here are their attacks: - Lost Progress: This negates all status up you have so don't cast support magic. This will be activated as soon as you use any of those status up magics - Ring Abnormality: This puts various bad status to your Judgement Ring, but if you got the Acc that blocks this, Lady will basically waste this turn since it will MISS - Crimson Raid: Single target, around 350 damage. Use Cure Plus to heal - Bex Gust: Central area attack, around 250 damage. Have two person use Arc Cure or use Glamour Hilda's "Full Plume" - Entrance: Increase Special Attack damage by 125%, for next turn - Calamity Gaze: Attacks all characters, around 300 damage. This can be instant Game Over if Entrance was used before this - Zeal Steal: Absorbs Stock from a character - Cure: Heals around 800 HPs to Malice Umbral - Malice Dash: Seems to be just used in Double Attack, this causes lots of damage as well. BTW, you should have seem this move from Malice Killer from before Again, this is another long fight and if you are low on SPs, cure with items or use Tatanka's "Howling". This hard isn't all THAT hard as long as you are prepared. If you barely beat Malice Killer and Malice Gilbert, you might want to level up a bit. You can always exit out The Gate and do some optional quests to get various items, to prepare yourself. After you beat Malice Umbral, Lady will use "Malice Dash" as a Final Attack. Then Johnny will make the final blow to end this battle. After, sit back and enjoy the ending. There are two endings. One ending is depended on Shania's Fusion Soul "Tiwara". Have that Fetishes' Levels be at Level 5. In the end, do make the Clear Data save. You will also unlock "Theater" at the Title Menu. If you load the Clear Data save, you can start the game again from the beginning. You get to keep various things from the previous playthrough: - Snap Cards - Stellars - Stellar Charts (However, they are back to the default) - Fusion Souls - Soul Energies - Fetishes - Library - Johnny's "Liberate" command and "Ez Purge" skill - Options - One new "Help" will be added ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Me - CJayC - Nautilus/Aruze ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document is copyrighted by Ken Zhao/Kouli. All Rights Reserved. It is for private and personal use only. It can not be reprinted, reproduced in parts or in its entirety in any form or shape. Since it is intended to be free, you can not sell it, you can not give it away as prize, bonus or promotion. It can not be used for profitable, commericial or promotional purposes. Further, this FAQ can not be altered, referenced or distributed by any individual, web site, organization, group, company, magazine, strategy guide author without my absolute permission. This is protected by International Copyright Law, break or violate any of these rules may resulted in severe civil and criminal penalties. Lastly, people from Cheatcc.com and Dave, you are under heavy warning. Any more violation, I will take legal actions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------