=============================================================================== Shadow of the Colossus PlayStation2 Developed By: SCEI Published By: SCEA FAQ By: TheEternalVenomX =============================================================================== 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Story 4. Controls 4.1. Basics 4.2. Horse-Riding 4.3. HUD 4.4. Weapons 5. Walkthrough 5.2. First Colossus 5.2. Second Colossus 5.3. Third Colossus 5.4. Fourth Colossus 5.5. Fifth Colossus 5.6. Sixth Colossus 5.7. Seventh Colossus 5.8. Eighth Colossus 5.9. Ninth Colossus 5.10. Tenth Colossus 5.11. Eleventh Colossus 5.12. Twelfth Colossus 5.13. Thirteenth Colossus 5.14. Fourteenth Colossus 5.15. Fifteenth Colossus 5.16. Sixteenth Colossus 6. Legal Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I only played Ico once, I rented it and thought it was a pretty damn entertaining game. Not once did I consider it "revolutionary" but an enjoyable game for different reasons. It had an absolutely phenominal sense of scale and a true epic feel to it. The non-linear gameplay took some getting used to but overall it was an enjoyable experience. Shadow of the Colossus comes to us from the same developer who once again tries something unique. In this game, you play a lone Wanderer who ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- November 7, 2005 Version 1.00 ---------------- Submitted to GameFAQs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow of the Colossus tells the tale of a lone horserider who brings a deceased girl to a Shrine. He brings her to this Shrine in the hopes of bringing her back from the dead. But, he is told that the only way to do this is to find and destroy the 16 Colossi that roam the land. Armed with only a sword, bow and his trusty stead Agro...the lone horserider sets off on his quest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 4.1. Controller =*=*=*=*=*=*=*= X - Whistle (calls Agro and gets attention of Colossus) Square - Prepare/Fire Arrow and swings/stabs Sword Triangle - Jump Circle - Hold Weapon up Start - Open Map Select - Set Camera to Eye Level L1 - Lock Camera onto Colossus R1 - Grab L2 - Reset Camera R2 - Zoom Camera Left Analog Stick - Move Character Right Analog Stick - Move Camera Left/Right D-Pad - Scroll through Weapons R1 + Triangle - Roll =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 4.2. Horse-Riding =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Left Analog Stick - Steer Agro Triangle - Mount/Dismount X - Ride Faster R1 - Crouch Square - Attack R1 + Left Analog Stick Up - Stand Up To Find Colossus - Hold the Sword up when you are bathed with sunlight, a beam will emit. Position the sword so the beam is focussed in the direction you need to go =*=*=*=* 4.3. HUD =*=*=*=* Pink Circle - Grip Meter, this depletes as you grab a hold of anything. When you are not grabbing onto anything it recharges Red Health Bar - Your current health, replentishes itself when not flashing Weapon Circle - Currently equiped weapon Green Colossus Health Bar - When fighting a Colossus this will appear, shows the total health of the Colossus. =*=*=*=*=*=* 4.4. Weapons =*=*=*=*=*=* Hand - Nothing equipped, nothing really to be done Sword - Used to find Colossi and to stab them in their glowing weakness Bow - Fires arrows to attract Colossi or to hit critical weaknesses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Directions in this walkthrough will be of the North, South, West and East variety. Press Start to look at your map; North is up, South is down, West is left and East is right. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 5.1. First Colossus =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= When you begin, run back to your horse, Arco. Jump on up onto him and ride him to the right of the altar. Keep riding to the South, eventually you'll see a "gap" in the cliff ahead with stairs leading up to it. Approach it and a brief cutscene will start. To begin your ascent, dismount from Arco. Go to the end of this gap, jump onto the grassy wall on the right and climb up with R1. Press Triangle at the top to reach the ledge. Turn left and head to the gap in the middle, jump it and climb up the ledge at the end. Turn right, go across the bridge and dive roll under the log. Climb up the ledge at the end and turn left. Jump up and grab the small ledge that juts out from the column here. Shimmey to the other side. Once there, hold Triangle at the end and pull down on the left Analog Stick. Then release Triangle while still holding R1 to grab the opposite ledge. Climb up and proceed to the end of the path to begin a cutscene that displays your first Colossus. ---------------- |First Colossus| ---------------- Run up to him and approach his left knee from behind. Dodge his hammer and foot when he slams either down. Be careful as even getting caught in the shockwave of either will damage you. Grab onto the hair on the back of his leg and stab this area with your sword. He'll drop to his knees, allowing you to jump up and grab the hair on his backside. Climb up this hair and move to the left a bit. Jump up and grab the ledge that juts out from his waist. Shimmey to the right and climb up onto the platform. Approach his back and jump and grab the ledge here. Shimmey to either platform on either side of his lower back. Climb up to the platform then jump and grab his back hair. Climb this hair all the way to his skull which is glowing blue and white. Position your character so he is right above that glowing part. Hold down the Square button to bring your sword up. Continue holding it while the Dual Shock rumbles to indicate it is charging. Release it to let loose a deadly stab into the Colossus' skull. His health meter on the upper-left side of the screen indicates his status. Continue to whittle down his health with stabs to beat this Colossus. Afterwards, your character passes and and you are given an option to save your game. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 5.2. Second Colossus =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* From the altar, again mount your horse and go down the steps to the right of said altar. Now, turn immediately right as you face outwards from the Shrine. Then go around the corner and head North from the Shrine. Ahead you will see three rock monuments with paths between the gaps between them.. Take the path that leads north and ride over the rock bridge that goes across the gorge. When you reach the other side, take the right path down (a cutscene is activated as you do). Take the pathway all the way down and turn right as you face outwards into the gorge. As you approach the stone blockade on the right: a Colossus breaks out. ----------------- |Second Colossus| ----------------- Dismount Argo and pull out your Bow. This Colossus is pretty passive and won't actively attack you. Just watch out for those hooves otherwise you could get crushed pretty easily. Approach this Colossus from the back while on foot. Mount an arrow and point it at the Colossus' back left hoof. Hit the glowing bottom of it to get it to drop down. Then approach that leg from the side and jump up. Grab the hair on the leg and climb all the way up to it's back. Once you reach the back stand up. Jump and grab the stone "rib" on it's back, pull yourself up and drop down the other end. Run to the other rib and climb up, then drop down the other side. From here on, the Colossus will try to shake you off it's front. From here on, getting thrown off is a real danger. If the Colossus goes to shake: grab a hold of the hair. When he isn't shaking, let go to allow your Grip Meter to build back up. Go to the very top of it's head to find another glowing section. Grab a hold of the hair and hold Square to charge the sword. Release it to stab the glowing section. When the Colossus' health reaches half, the glowing section disappears. What you need to do is to all the way to the Colossus' backside. Backtrack to where you arrive on the Colossus' back. In other words: climb back across the ribs and grab a hold of some hair. While holding onto the hair, climb to it's backside to see the glowing section. Deliver more stabbing blows to finish this Colossus off. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 5.3. Third Colossus =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= From the altar, again leave down the right stairs and turn west upon leaving. Head north still and you'll see those three rock monuments you observed from the previous Colossus. Take the path west that is situated between the two western-most monuments. Once over the bridge, turn north and follow the edge of the Gorge north. Head north all the way to the large cliff, then turn east and follow the cliff in that direction. Around the corner you'll see a pathway that leads east through a canyon. Go through it until you trigger a cutscene. Dismount Argo and swim through the pond, go up the ramp that was observed in the cutscene. When you get to the top of the ramp, jump to the pillar and grab the ledge. Shimmey to the right side and jump to the circular platform. Grab the edge and climb up. Turn right and follow the path until you see some grass on the edge you can climb up. Do so to face your next Colossus. ---------------- |Third Colossus| ---------------- This guy is pretty damn tricky to take down, he wields a large club-like stone on one hand. His attacks include bringing that club down in a vertical strike and stomping down on the ground with his foot. However, one attack should be of notice: he will bring the club down in a horizontal motion allowing you to walk up it. But before you can do that, you have to shatter the bracelet on his wrist to make it possible to climb up him. See that large stone circle in the centre of this grassy island? Run onto it and place it between you and the Colossus. When he strikes his club down, he'll hit the stone circle and shatter his bracelet. If you get enough distance between you and the stone circle (keeping him on the other side) he'll attack with this diagonal strikes I mentioned. When he does, jump to dodge the shockwave from the impact then run up the length of the club. Grab the hair on his arm and climb up until you reach the shoulder. Move onto his back and climb up until you reach the top of his skull. The glowing section is atop: stab it with charged sword attacks until his health is drained 50%. When that is done, the glowing section moves to his belly. Climb back down his back and go to his shoulder, rest your grip meter by standing on his shoulder for a bit (be prepared to hit R1 if he tries to shake you off). Climb down his arm until you are past the bracelet, then move to the left just a tad. You should be able to grab and climb up his bracelet. When you do, run the length of it carefully (be sure to hit R1 if he shakes). Then jump the length to the hair around his waist. Grab the hair and move to the front of his belly, you'll see the glowing section. Just stab it to remove the last of his health. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 5.4. Fourth Colossus =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Head south from the Shrine of Worship and then turn east. You should see an opening in the east cliff. Not the one immediately east of the First Colossus gate but the next easy one. Head through there and down the path, when you get to the end you'll be in a grassy field with a gateway ahead. This gate leads down into an underground chamber. This chamber is linked to four more surface gates arranged in a square formation. Note this gate network because it becomes crucial in the Colossus battle. Anyways, head down the grassy path to your left to the field. Walk forward, inspect the cave network, then keep moving to meet the Colossus. ----------------- |Fourth Colossus| ----------------- This four-legged thing doesn't have any weapons to attack with but will stomp you if you get close. What you need to do is lure it towards you, then duck into one of those caves. Make sure it sees you go into that cave, as it will attack the entrance trying to flush you out. Head down the stairs from the cave entrance and head out the opposite entrance (and only the opposite). After you exit, if the Colossus is still attacking the previous gate, then he hasn't spotted you yet. If he starts walking towards you: you've been spotted and have to repeat the whole thing again. The key is to wait, out of sight, until he drops his head down to "look" in the cave. When he does, his tail plate drops to ground level. Run to his back and grab the tail plate, jump and climb up from there until you reach his back hair. Climb the back hair until you get to his head. Run across the stone "crown" on his head and grab a hold of his skull hair. You'll see the glowing section indicating his weakness is here. Stab this part repeatedly until he goes down. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 5.5. Fifth Colossus =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Head out the south entrance of the shrine, then turn east. As you face east you will see the path you took to the Fourth Colossus. To the left of it is another path: take it. This path is bordered by a cliff on one side and a gorge on the other. Follow this path until you reach a grassy field. There is a Save Shrine here as well, if you need it. Just east of the Save Shrine is another pathway. It leads to some ruins in the middle of a lake. Jump into the lake and swim towards to underwater archway. Jump straight up and as you plunge back down push the Control Stick forward. You are now under the archway, swim ahead. When in the next pool, swim towards the center column and climb up the ledges to the top. Continue forwards, up the stairs to start a cutscene showing a flying Colossus. ---------------- |Fifth Colossus| ---------------- See that hole in the corner of this platform? Drop down it to end up in the lake. Turn to the right just a bit and swim forward, you should see three platforms sitting atop the water. Swim to the centre one and jump up onto it. Fire a few arrows at the Colossus to get his attention. Then wait until he attempts to divebomb you. When he does, jump to either shoulder of his and grab the hair. Now, I can pretty much guarentee you will fall off at some point. This is due to his constant pitching while in flight in addition to his frequent shaking. The limited grip meter doesn't help either. If you do fall off, return to that centre floating platform and repeat the arrow attack. Then grab back on when he dive-bombs. Anyways, while on his shoulder make your way to the tip of his left wing. You will have to run across the stone patch on the way to the tip. Wait until he is flying parallel, then run quickly to the end. Grab the hair and stab the glowing section until it disappears (it usually does after one stab). The next glowing section is on the tip of his right wing now. Return to the hair on his back, rest your grip if you can then make the attempt to the right tip. Run over the stone section on his wing then grab the hair on the tip. Stab the glowing section again. Now, the final glowing section is on the very tip of his tail. Return to his back and make the climb to his tail. Remember to rest your grip every now-and-then when it runs low. When you do reach the tip of his tail, grab the hair then stab the glowing section to bring him down. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 5.6. Sixth Colossus =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= From the south side of the Shrine, head southwest. There should be a path that leads into a forest-like area as you head in this direction. Head due west in this forest and out the west exit. You are now in a large grassy plain so head southwest again. You should see a large stone-like structure built into the cliff face here. There are some steps leading down that are placed in front of this structure. Head down these and to the end of the tunnel into a large room. Approach the edge of this platform, holding R1, to drop down a grab the ledge. Release R1 and press it again to grab the ledges of this wall to control your decent. When you reach the bottom you face you sixth colossus. ---------------- |Sixth Colossus| ---------------- Head to the opposite wall and wait for the Colossus to charge you and smash this section. Run through the ruined wall to the next one, have the Colossus smash this one and then proceed to the end. You'll see a structure with stories to it (it has columns on each story as well). Run into the bottom section of this structure and hide. When the Colossus goes to peek inside run up to him and grab his beard. Climb up it to the top of his back, rest here to recover Grip. Then climb to the top of his head and stab the glowing section. When his health is about half-drained the glowing section moves to the lower part of his back. Rest your grip again on the top of his back, then climb down to the lower-left section of his back. Stab this section repeatedly but make sure to rest your grip at the top of his back if you need. Once he is down you return to the Shrine to begin the next Colossus hunt. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 5.7. Seventh Colossus =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Exit the castle, then head north. Take the northern bridge over the gorge (the same one you took to get to the Second Colossus). Except take a left after crossing to head out onto a plain. Keep heading north until you get to a cliff face at the very end. Then turn west and keep going, head up a hill to meet a lake with a bridge leading over it. Take the bridge to the end, then dismount Agro and walk the rest to the column. Take the spiral path on the column down into the lake to meet your next Colossus. ------------------ |Seventh Colossus| ------------------ This one is an electric eel that swims around in the lake, surfacing occassinally. If you attempt to swim close to this eel, he will approach you and try to surface under you (to attack you with his electric spines). Dodge these spines, then grab a hold of his tail when it surfaces above the water. Hold on tight, then when he surfaces head straight for the back of his first electric spine and give the glowing section a stab. Now, this is a tip that will help you avoid getting his with electric shocks. The electric spines have a radius, marked by the change of hair color at the front and back of the spines. If you can't stab the spines fast enough, hide on this hair to avoid getting zapped. After stabbing that glowing section once, the spine will die meaning no more shocks from it. Remember to rest your grip as this Colossus will dive for extended periods of time. Run to the second spine and repeat the same process: being aware of when the Colossus is ready to dive (he'll only shock you when he does). After that, run to the third spine, near the head and repeat the process one more time. No more shocks at all from this Colossus now. The final glowing section is at the top of his head. Grab ahold of the hair near there and do powerful stabs to take him down. Be aware of his diving though, because you have little warning now that you are so close to his head. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 5.8. Eighth Colossus =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Head south from the Shrine of Worship. The path you need to take is the one in the south cliff. It's between the paths that lead to the First and Fourth Colossus. It leads directly south as well. Go through it, when you get to the junction head west. You should see a cave inside of the cliff straight ahead of you as you leave this path. Head through it, dismount Agro and follow the pathway right. Head around the corner at the end to come to a large pool. Swim across to the ruins ahead and head through the front doorway. Take the stairs down until you get to a large chamber. On the right is a column with grabbable ledge. Jump and grab the ledges to get to the very top, then shimmey to the opposite side. Jump off to the catwalk up here. Follow the catwalk down into another tunnel. Jump and grab the blocks to pass through then go down the stairs at the end to meet your next Colossus. ----------------- |Eighth Colossus| ----------------- This Colossus has two main attacks, a tail swipe (very damaging) and an electric projectile. Either should be completely avoidable if you follow the instructions below. Turn left and follow the path until you get to a stairwell. Take the stairs down all the way to the ground level to the second level. Go to one of the windows here and fire a couple arrows at the Colossus to get his attention. When he begins to climb up walk to an opposite window and aim your bow. Fire two arrows at two different legs to get him to fall. Then return to the staircase and quickly run down. Grab a hold of the Colossus' belly hair and find the glowing section. Stab it with power to take him down quickly. When he gets back up repeat the above strategy to take him down. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 5.9. Ninth Colossus =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= From the Shrine, head north and take the western bridge that lead you to the Second Colossus. It leads over a gorge and has two rock monuments on either side of the entrance. After passing over, head northwest to the cliffs on the north side and follow them west. You'll come across a large gorge with a bridge that leads over it to the south. Once over it you are in a large dry lake bed with active geysers. A cave on the north cliff wall has the next Colossus: enter to fight him. ---------------- |Ninth Colossus| ---------------- Lead him out of the cave on Agro, and ride to a geyser on the lake bed. Position yourself so the geyser is between you and the Colossus. This Colossus has two attacks. He'll fire four simultaneous electric shocks that deal massive damage to you. Riding away from Agro seems to be the best option to dodge them. The next attack is he'll rear up and slam his feet on the ground, time it and jump the second before his feet hit the ground. To defeat him, lure him over a geyser so his body comes into contact with the water. These geysers turn on and off frequently. If one turns off while you are trying to lead him over it, just wait and it'll flare back up. When the hot water comes into contact with his underbelly he'll fall onto one side. Whip out the Bow and fire arrows at the bottoms of his two feet that are in contact with the ground. They should have green panels on the bottom, indicating which ones are the weak points. After firing two charged arrows at the bottoms he'll fall completely on his side. RUN up to his belly and climb up to his belly hair. If you approach directly to his belly you'll see ledges below his belly hair that you can use to climb up. Once you are on the belly hair, climb all the way up to the ledges on top of his belly hair. When you reach these, the Colossus will begin to upright himself. Be careful and time your movements so you reach the top of his back as he turns over. When you are on the very top of his back, quickly run to his head. Grab a hold of the hair on his skull and stab the glowing section here multiple times to defeat him. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 5.10. Tenth Colossus =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* From the Shrine of Worship, head north of the building. Take the bridge that leads west over the gorge. Continue heading west, follow the edge of the gorge for reference. Keep heading straight west until you come to a Save Shrine at the far west cliff. Save here then head into the cave to the immediate south, follow it into a chamber with the next Colossus. Head to the northern area of the cave to trigger it. ---------------- |Tenth Colossus| ---------------- This particular Colossus is a sandworm-like version of the giants you've been facing. Keep on Agro and start pressing X to get some speed, then switch to your bow and ready an arrow. Agro will keep the pace up as long as you've got your bow out and ready to fire. Keep aiming at the approaching Colossus as he chases you. When you see his eyes (they are giant, orange circles...you can't miss them) fire an arrow into either one. He'll then lose control and crash into a wall. Dismount Agro then, climb up onto his head and run and jump up to his belly hair. Run along the belly to make it to the glowing section quickly, grab ahold when he starts shaking violently. The glowing section is in the middle of his belly, grab ahold and start stabbing. When his health is depleted in half he'll upright himself. Repeat the same process of shooting an arrow into his eye while riding Agro to have him crash again. Then climb back onto his head; run and jump to his belly and climb the hair to the back end. The glowing section is here now so get to stabbing to finish him off. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 5.11. Eleventh Colossus =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Head north from the Shrine of Worship and take the bridge that leads north. Follow the massive stone bridge structure north, keeping on the west side of it. You'll come across a Save Shrine, furthur north you'll see a massive gorge that goes under this massive stone bridge and a bit to the east side. Head to the eastern edge of this gorge, by a rock monument on the eastern edge is a pathway leading down. Take the winding path down to the bottom of the gorge. Drop into the pool and swim to the opposite end. Take the right ramp up and head straight when you reach the top. On the left you'll see a large stone gate. Head through, turn left and jump the gap to the platform to meet your next Colossus. ------------------- |Eleventh Colossus| ------------------- This guy has two attacks, a powerful charge and a paw swipe. He can attack you while you are lying on the ground so be aware of that. He'll use the charge from a distance and the paw swipe when up close. What you need to do is approach one of the flame braziers from the side and climb up as the Colossus is charging you. He'll ram headfirst into the brazier knocking down a flaming stick. Drop back down and walk over the stick to pick it up then climb back up the flame brazier. Swing the stick into the fire to light it then drop back down. Press O to hold it high in the air, the Colossus will back off as he is scared of fire. Position yourself so the Colossus backs off the cliff at the far end. When he does, he'll shatter his back armor in the fall. From there, drop down the cliff and onto the Colossus' back. If you miss then you'll have to run after him trying to jump atop of him (if you're quick you won't get hurt). Grab a hold of his back hair and stab the sword into the glowing section. He'll try to buck and shake you off, by far the most violent and consistent bucking/shaking yet. Keep your cool and keep stabbing that one glowing section every chance you get to finish him off. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 5.12. Twelfth Colossus =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Head north from the Shrine of Worship and take the north bridge across the gorge. Take the left path upon leaving it and then take an immediate eastern turn. Keep riding in a eastern direction and you'll come to a bridge that leads northeast. At the end of the bridge, head into the secluded forest and turn around. Beside the entrance you arrived in is the exit, head through and turn left. Follow the path until you arrive at a Save Shrine. Go past it, up the stairs and cling the the ledge on the right column. Then shimmey to the opposite side of the column and let go. Run down the path and jump into the water at the end. Swim through the large gateway ahead and onto the small island to start the next Colossus battle. ------------------ |Twelfth Colossus| ------------------ This Colossus has only one attack and that's a powerful electric blast it shoots from its horns. You'll see these stone towers in the lake with you, swim to them and climb up to the lower level. Get the attention of the Colossus and he'll approach the tower. Crouch behind the centre column to dodge his electrical blasts. He'll eventually lose interest and start to go around the tower. When his back becomes visible, swim to it. Once at his back, climb up his back hair and continue upwards all the way to the top of his head. Now, at the top you'll notice that there are three sets of stones here. One on the left side of his head, one on the front and one on the right. Hitting either one of these stones will cause the Colossus to go in that direction. What you need to do is guide him to one of the stone tower islands. When you get close enough, jump to the island and hide behind the column to dodge his electric blast. Eventually he'll rear up and try to attack you directly. When he does his belly is completely vulnerable. Jump to his belly and grab a hold of his chest hairs, stab the glowing section as hard as you can. Once he drops back down you'll have to repeat the process of climbing his back, navigating to a stone tower island (he'll destroy the one you previously used) and jump on his chest hairs when they are exposed. Do this and you'll slay your Twelfth Colossus. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 5.13. Thirteenth Colossus =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Head southwest from the Shrine and head through the southwest path (it'll lead you into a secluded forest). Exit the forest from the west end and you'll be on a rock bridge over a gorge. Head over the bridge, into a cave then out to arrive in a desert. Head south from the cave towards the circular rock monument ahead. Step on the center platform here to meet the next Colossus. --------------------- |Thirteenth Colossus| --------------------- This Colossus will fly around the desert without attacking you, just another passive one. Those large, white sacs on it's underbelly are a weak point so mount Agro and fire arrows at them. When one is punctured it'll shrivel up and turn black. You'll want to stay on Agro all the time (except when you are mounting him in a second) since this boss flies pretty fast. When all of his sacs are punctured he'll drop his front fins and drag them along the ground. Here comes the hard part as you have to climb up those fins. Ride Agro towards them and position him so you are riding parallel to the fins. Make it so you are practically touching them. Then jump off towards the fin and press R1 and you'll hopefully cling on. At this point the Colossus will do one of two things. He'll either raise his fin up into a horizontal position at which point you can run across to his body (he'll flip them vertically when he's doing this, so keep your finger above R1). His second varient is he'll continue dragging the fin on the ground. In that case just jump up with Triangle to get the the top of the fin. Either way, you'll need to jump onto his body and grab some hair. This Colossus will either try to shake you off or do a barrel roll. Cling onto the hair if he tries either. Run to the frontmost vertical fins on his back to find the glowing section just behind it. Stab this until a third of his health is gone. It'll disappear and the Colossus will decend into the ground. You'll be back at the beginning shooting the white sacs, riding to the fin, climbing up the fin and finding the next glowing section. This time it will be one vertical fin back on his back, stab it and he'll descend again. Repeat the whole process one last time to finish him off for good. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 5.14. Fourteenth Colossus =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Head to the north end of the Shrine and head across the west bridge. After entering the other side, turn northwest immediately. Keep going in a northwestern direction until you get to a pathway in the cliffs. A Save Shrine is right beside the entrance to the pathway if you need indications. Head through this path all the way to the end, at the junction turn left over the stone embankment. Then immediately turn right and follow the pathway. A little ways down, some totems start to line the path to indicate you are on course. Head into the cave at the end and dismount Agro. Swim through the water to the end and follow the tunnels to the cave exit. After the brief cutscene drop down to the lower platform. Turn left and head down the stairs on this side to a small platform. Grapple the edge of the platform, let go and grip again to gradually drop yourself down. If you face opposite from this wall on the left is a small opening. Go through and head down the stairs. On the left side is a large column on its side that you can climb on top of. Climb up to the path and walk to the end. --------------------- |Fourteenth Colossus| --------------------- You'll see another column at the end of the path on the left side. Climb to the top of it and head to the end. Jump to the archway and climb up to the top. Run across and jump to the wall, climb up. Run to the end (press R1 if the Colossus charges it to avoid getting knocked off) and drop down to the smaller wall on the right. Run to the end of this wall, jump to the tower at the end and climb to the top. Fire arrows at the Colossus to draw his attention and have him knock the tower over. From where you land, run ahead and jump over the gap then climb atop the tower that was just knocked over. Jump up to the wall and run to the end, jump to the lower wall opposite. Turn right and cling onto the tower. Jump to the top of it. Have the Colossus ram it twice to toppel it (shoot arrows at him to get him to ram it). When the tower toppels you will fall off, just climb atop of the fallen tower. Then jump to the next standing tower and repeat the process to have it knocked over. Jump atop this fallen tower and jump to the next tower, climb it with jump grapples. Once you get this tower knocked over, climb up the fallen column and leap to the next archway. Follow it until the end and leap to the tower. Again climb it and have the Colossus toppel it with charges. Climb atop the fallen tower and run to the end, leap onto the archway then onto the structure. Climb up to the top, shimmey to the side and jump up a ledge. Shimmey to the back of the structure and climb to the back platform. From the back platform jump to the tower and again have it toppeled. This will send you back into the area you started from. From the recently toppled tower, head opposite it and jump up the ledge wall to the top. Go to the platform that stands above this area and lure the Colossus with arrows. He'll charge the columns supporting this platform causing a ton of rubble to smash his armor. Now his vulnerable hide is exposed. You'll also be back on the ground as you fell along with the rubble. Climb atop on of the toppeled towers and wait until the Colossus goes to charge. Jump the second he starts running and you'll dodge the shock of the impact. The Colossus will be a bit dazed from the ramming so jump onto his back and grab ahold. Stab his glowing section on the back as much as you can with powerful stabs. He'll try to buck you off by running around, if you fall off then just climb atop one of the toppeled towers and repeat the process. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 5.15. Fifteenth Colossus =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Head north from the Shrine and over the northern bridge across the gorge. Take the left path upon leaving and continue way to the north. At the very northern part of the land, take an eastern turn and head east. There will be a Save Shrine coming up as well. From the Save Shrine, head to the east of it and look north. You will see a small ramp leading up into the building here. Take it and follow the pathway into the structure. Dismount Agro and approach the tipped-over column that blocks the path. Climb up the ledge on either side and walk past it. Drop down and head up the stairs, climb up the ledges on the top wall. Climb the stairs ahead and head onto the large field. Head to the end to trigger the Colossus. -------------------- |Fifteenth Colossus| -------------------- This guy has two attacks, a stomp and a club swipe. He'll do the former when you are on the ground while the latter is for when you are on the platforms. Turn around and look to the right. You will see some platforms slightly elevated above the ground, jump on them. Lure the Colossus over and he'll stomp one of them. This will tilt the platform up a bit, allowing you to run onto it and jump up to reach the upper level. Run up the stairs after reaching this upper level and run to the stone blocks lining the pathway. Lure the Colossus over and he'll whack this level with his club. The impact will cause a block to drop on top of one of the blocks already there. Jump up and use those two stacked blocks to reach the next level. Once up there, head to the stairs near the entrance to this field and head up the stairs. At the top, head to the middle bridge which should be the ruined one. It lines the field connecting one side to the other. You want to avoid the full bridges as the Colossus will knock these down. Lure the Colossus over to the ruined bridge you are on with whistles or arrows. When he gets close, leap off and cling onto his hair. The glowing section is on the top of his head. He shakes a LOT during this encounter so mash Square to get your powerful stabs in as quick as possible. When he health is down to about 10% the glowing section disappears. Head to his right arm (the one that holds the club) and climb down the hair to his elbow. There is a small weakness spot here with black mist swirling around it. Stab it once to get the Colossus to drop his club. You'll drop back down to the ground as well. The Colossus' new attack is a ground pound with his right fist. Avoid the pound and climb onto his palm hair. Stab the glowing section on his palm to finish him off. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 5.16. Sixteenth Colossus =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Head southeast of the Shrine and take the southeast path through the south cliffs. Midway down will be a junction, take a right and follow the path into an open plain. You need to head to the very south of the land, so head in a straight southern direction. You'll come to some cliffs midway down but a path around lies to the west. At the very southern edge of the land are two massive cliffs with a gate between them. Ride to the gate, dismount Agro and stand in the sunlight in front. Raise your sword with the Circle button and place the reflected beam on the glowing circle on the gate. Mount Agro again and ride through the now-open gate. At the end there is a Save Shrine and a series of stairs leading up. Save at the Shrine, then ride up the stairs with Agro. At the top, run straight for the bridge while on Agro. He'll jump to it and then you must ride across it. After the cutscene, head straight and climb up the ledges on the wall. Pull yourself up to the platform above and climb the blocks on the right. At the top, climb on the grass that's on the wall here. At the very top, climb over to the platform and let go to drop onto it. Climb and jump across the remaining blocks until you reach a large platform. Go through the doorway on the wall and up the stairs. You'll reach an outside ledge at the top. Climb up the pillars that line the ledge up to an upper platform to meet the next Colossus. -------------------- |Sixteenth Colossus| -------------------- This guy is incredibly hard for one reason: those energy bolts of his HURT. He'll be off in the distance letting these things off everytime he spots you. They are also released in quick succession so you have to time everything right here. Go up the stairs and hide behind the large tower, everytime you move out into the open DO IT IMMEDIATELY AFTER HE SHOOTS. So, run immediately right and hide behind the fallen pillar. When he fires on it run to the hold in the ground on the right. Drop down and follow the tunnel to the end. When you reach the end you'll have to be careful because he can shoot down from this area. Climb up the block at the end and hide behind one of the walls. Move from wall to wall after he fires a shot. Drop down into the hole at the end and follow the tunnel out. Once outside, hug the cliff to avoid his shots and head to the circular platform. Cling to the above ledge and shimmey around jumping to the platform at the end. Follow this platform to a large open area but wait. RUN into the area and quickly into the cave. At the end, carefully go up the blocks to the field with the Colossus. Hide behind the wall and run to the next after he shoots. The final wall is really tricky because of the distance. What I like to do is poke out, wait until he fires then walk back to the previous wall. Then I let the bolt hit then RUN to the next wall before he can attack again. Drop into the hole and follow the tunnel until you arrive under the Colossus. See that metal wall dead ahead? Climb up the ledges on it then jump up to the top platform. Turn left and jump to the next platform, grab the ledge and pull yourself up. Turn left and head to the column, jump to the ledges on it and climb up. Once up there, continue left jumping from platform to platform until you reach the end. Climb up the ledges again, going straight up. Shimmey at the top to any platform and pull yourself up. Climb up the ledges to the top again and follow the paths to the front of the boss. Climb up the ledges again to reach the very top. To defeat this Colossus, first run around to his back. Leap onto the hair and grab ahold and stab the weakness symbol. He'll bring his right hand back to the area, leap off and grab ahold of his hand hair. You'll need to move onto the back of his hand, just keep holding on and move to the back. Stab the back of his hand with your sword to level it out for a bit. Stand up, run up his arm and jump to his upper arm. Grab ahold of the hair here and stab the weakness here as well. He'll bring his left hand to the area, jump off the hair to his left hand. Grab ahold of the hair and once again climb to the back of his hand. If you fall off of the Colossus, don't panic: just press R1 and maneover over to one of the ledges you climbed up. Once you cling onto the ledge you'll have to backtrack. Anyways, stab the back of his left hand to stabilize it then select the Bow. Fire an arrow at his right shoulder (where the hair is) and grab a hold of the hand hair. He'll bring his left hand to his shoulder, climb atop of the hand and jump to the shoulder. From the shoulder, run to his neck and jump to the top of his head. He will begin to violently shake so grab ahold of something if he does. When at the top of his head stab the glowing section on his skull. Keep going at it and you will beat the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Legal Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow of the Colossus is a trademark of SCEA, this guide is intended to assist gamers through their experience playing Shadow of the Colossus, the author is not making a profit off it. This guide copyright 2005 TheEternalVenomX. This guide may not be copied, altered, distributed or sold without the author's consent and permission. Right now, I only give permission for GameFAQs to host this FAQ. I mean no offense to any other sites, but I just feel most comfortable with what I have going on right here.