------------------------ Shadow Of The Colossus ----------------------- --------------------------- FAQ/Walkthrough --------------------------- ---------------------------- Version 1.35 ----------------------------- ------------------------ Author: Zenithwillrule ----------------------- ------------------------- AKA David DeGregorio ------------------------ --------------------- Email: Invertedd@gmail.com ---------------------- Table of Contents 1) About me: Description of the author of this guide. 2) Spoilers: My view on spoilers and why I never use them in my guides. 3) Getting started: Some details about the game. 4) Getting used to the controls: Control details. 5) Walkthrough: The walkthrough. a) Colossus number one b) Colossus number two c) Colossus number three d) Colossus number four e) Colossus number five f) Colossus number six g) Colossus number seven h) Colossus number eight i) Colossus number nine j) Colossus number ten k) Colossus number eleven l) Colossus number twelve m) Colossus number thirteen n) Colossus number fourteen o) Colossus number fifteen p) Colossus number sixteen 6) Version History: history of this FAQ. 7) Legal Information: Copyright info. =-=-=-=-= About me: =-=-=-=-= Hello, everyone. My name is David DeGregorio and I am currently a sophomore in College. I wrote this guide because Shadow of the Colossus is an amazing game and I felt like playing it again. This is the first FAQ that I've ever submitted so I spent a lot of time making sure there are no errors. If you find any errors in this FAQ just email me at the above address. I look forward to writing more FAQ's in the future. Anyway, enough about me. Let's get this FAQ started. =-=-=-=-= Spoilers: =-=-=-=-= I will refrain from spoilers in my FAQ's. The game is for you to experience and this guide is supposed to add to the experience, rather than ruin it for you. This is easy for Shadow of the Colossus, though. The only real plot development comes at the end and I will not spoil that for you because it is quite shocking. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Getting Started: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- First, you will need a copy of the game. I'd assume you have one already if you are reading this FAQ. Ok, now pop that disc into your PS2/PS3. (I'm assuming you have a system to play the game on. Also, if you have a PS3 I'm assuming it's backwards compatible.) If you are using a PS3, then you can go into the setting menu. Under "game settings" is the option to turn on PS/PS2 smoothing which improves the quality of the graphics, if only slightly. Once the disc is loaded, you will be treated to an opening cut scene featuring a young man (Wander) riding a horse across a truly gigantic bridge. (Seriously, it's about as long as the sword you use to defeat Ares in God of War) The bridge leads to a temple of sorts. After descending a bunch of stairs, the young hero stops in front of an altar. He lays an unconscious woman down upon the altar. (Apparently she had been riding on the horse too. It's kind of hard to see in the intro cut scene.) Now you're finally in control of your character. Your mission, in order to revive the girl that you love, is to destroy the 16 Colossi. As the name suggests, these creatures are enormous and won't be easy to kill. It's a lot like fighting 16 bosses, albeit with an insanely awesome twist: you scale these monstrosities, personally delivering the finishing blows. You get an insanely exhilarating feeling when you topple a monster larger than a skyscraper. Anyway, I'm getting off track again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Getting used to the controls: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Now that the mysterious creature (Dormin) is finished talking about your quest, you can get used to the controls. Button ~ Function -------------------------------------- Left Analog Stick ~ Move Character Right Analog Stick ~ Rotate Camera Triangle ~ Jump Square ~ Slash with your sword Square w/ bow ~ Shoot arrow Square (hold) w/ bow ~ Charge arrow shot Circle (In sunlit area) ~ Focus light on sword to find Colossus D-pad (left or right) ~ Switch between your sword and bow R2 ~ Zoom in the camera L2 ~ Turn camera the direction you're facing X ~ Call Agro to you Triangle (next to Agro) ~ Mount Agro X (while riding) ~ Speed up Agro L Analog Stick (riding) ~ Slow down Agro (pull back LAS) Square (riding) ~ Focus light Circle (riding) ~ Focus light Square (riding w/ bow) ~ Shoot arrows Triangle (riding) ~ Dismount Agro =-=-=-=-=-=- Walkthrough: =-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Colossus number one: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now let's beat up those monsters, eh. Exit the temple and mount Agro. Focus the light with your sword. The light will direct you to a cliff almost directly across from the temple. Ride to it. You will see two short sets of stairs and a cut scene will occur, showing you a path up the cliff. Jump off of your horse and walk towards the mossy wall to your right. Here's where things get interesting. Press triangle to jump, when you're next to the mossy walls, and hold R1 to grab on to the moss. Use the left analog stick to continue climbing until you reach the top. You can also jump while climbing by holding triangle and releasing, making sure to hold R1 so you don't fall back down. When you reach the top, press triangle to jump onto the pathway above you. While you're climbing, notice the pink circle at the bottom right of your screen. That's your fatigue meter and let's you know how long you can hold on to an object without falling. Get used to climbing because that's a huge aspect of this game. ********************************************************************* Another note: if you press start you can pull up your map. This shows you where you are and also where you've just come from (There's a yellow dotted line that indicates the direct path you've just traveled). ********************************************************************* The red meter on the bottom right indicates your health. Watch it carefully during colossus fights. The picture indicates your current weapon: sword, bow, or bare hands. Now continue along the path to your left. Jump the short gap and look up. You will see a ledge above you. Jump up, grab the ledge, and pull yourself up. Turn right and continue walking. Go across the makeshift wooden bridge and jump the next small gap. Dive roll under the log by pressing R1 and triangle at the same time. Continue walking right and jump up to the next ledge. Continue right again until you can't go any further. Above you is another ledge. Jump up to it and look to your left. There should be a pillar with a small rim in the middle. Jump up and grab it. Hold the grab button and sidle left using the analog stick. When you can't sidle any further, hold the analog stick towards the ledge to your left and jump. Grab the ledge and pull yourself up. Keep going to the left and you will see a cut scene. You finally get to see a colossus and trust me you'll wish you hadn't because you are about one eighth it's size. Make your way to this crazy creature regardless. It doesn't notice you at first, which is good because you need all the help you can get. At this point I would recommend pausing the game and reading this next section. Did you pause it? Well, anyway. It's important to know what you are doing because if you don't you can die easily. OK, so these Colossi aren't as invincible as they look. They all have a weak spot on their bodies somewhere. The trick is to find it. (Note: some Colossi have multiple weak spots.) In order to find a weak spot, you usually have to scale them and, while holding on to their fur, hold up your sword and reflect the light. It will reveal the weak spot. There are different ways to find the weak spots of different Colossi. You can figure it out on your own if you wish but then you are reading this guide I will detail exactly how to topple each Colossus. You can un-pause your game now. Hold up your sword and reflect the light on the Colossus. It reveals that there's a weak spot on its head and another on its left leg. Run towards the boss as the music changes dramatically. When you get close to it, the Colossus will start to attack. It has two different attacks. Either it tries to step on you, which does some serious damage, or it will try to smash you with its giant club (this is almost certain death if you are hit). ******************************************************************* Note: if you die during this battle, you will start back at the cut scene where the Colossus enters. ******************************************************************* Your goal right now is to get behind the Colossus, near the weak point on its left leg. Look at the leg with the weak point. See how it's all hairy? That means you can climb on it. Jump up, grab onto it, and, when its leg stops shaking, hold the square button and stab it. Stab it a second time and the beast will fall down. Quickly jump back onto the hairy leg (when it falls it is likely that u will be thrown off), and start climbing. You need to hop up two small ledges and continue climbing up its back until you reach the first platform. At this point you probably should rest on the first platform. Hold R1 to crouch on the platform and do your best to stay in the center. Wait until your meter is full and continue climbing to the second platform (you can go on either side). You can rest if you want but at this point it doesn't matter much. There's not much more this Colossus can do. When you're ready, climb up to his head, hold square and then release to stab it. Wait until blood starts gushing out of the wound and then stab again. If it starts to shake too much you can take refuge on the platforms or on its shoulders. Stab one or two more times and he goes down in a satisfying cut scene. Save your game if you wish (though I recommend saving every chance you get. You never know when you're going to need that save file. Time for Colossus number two. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Colossus number two: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I'll try to make this less long-winded. After the statue blows up, it's time to find the next Colossus. Use your sword to find the next location. (Basically, leave the temple, turn around, and cross the narrow bridge behind it.) If you keep going the right way, a small scene will direct you to the path on the right that slopes downward. Continue down it and head towards the cave underneath the path you just came down. If you're having trouble finding it, just remember that it's underneath the giant bridge from the intro scene and to the right. If you continue forward, the Colossus' hp bar will appear and it will break out of the cave. Time for another fight. This Colossus is quite different from the last. It has four, very powerful, feet which it uses to try to smash you into oblivion. Don't let it do this. Back away to a safe distance and use your sword to search for weak points. There are weak points on the bottom of all four feet as well as the head and the tail end. Now, remember the bow that you have but didn't use before? We're going to use that now. Equip your bow, get off the horse (you can do it on horseback but it's harder to aim), and run in front of the Colossus. DO NOT GET CRUSHED. ^^ Slowly back away from it as it advances towards you. Eventually it will rear back on its hind legs. The weak spot on its legs are now vulnerable, so take careful aim, and fire. If you hit it right, it'll fall faster than a sack of bricks. Now, quickly run to the right side of the beast and climb up the leg closest to u. Take a quick breather once you get to the shoulder blade, letting your fatigue recharge. When you're ready, grab the beast's fur and continue right until you reach the tail end. Stab the weak spot until about 50 percent of its health is left. Now for the other weak point. Go around the other side of the beast, jumping over the bone on its back. When it starts to shake, hold on tightly. Make your way to the other weak point and stab until you can't stab any more. Watch the cut scene after you kill it. Now it's time for Colossus number three! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Colossus number three: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Time to take down the third monstrosity. After the second statue is destroyed and you regain control of your character, head down the stairs next to the altar. Turn left from here and follow your sword further left, around the temple, under the gigantic bridge, and near the stone bridge you crossed to get to the second Colossus. Take the stone bridge (not the one to the North, according to the map, but the one to the west which is the direction you're facing now). ********************************************************************** Note: On the way to Colossus number three, you will pass by additional save altars (similar to the one in front of Dormin's temple). On these save altars, you will see white-tailed lizards crawling about. Some alters have one while others have many. What is so special about these lizards? If you eat their tail, you're stamina meter will increase. ********************************************************************** Shoot a lizard off of an altar with an arrow and it will be stunned. Shoot it again and you can eat its tail. You will find these save altars all over the map. For a detailed map of each lizard location, look in the maps and charts section on the previous webpage. After crossing the bridge, hug the right side of the area which is next to the ravine. Keep hugging to the right side until the path curves north and a cliff appears on your left. Keep following that line of cliffs and eventually there will be an opening to the northwest. *********************************************************************** Note: If you ignore this opening and travel to the right a bit, you will see a couple of fruit trees. If you shoot down the fruit and eat it, you will increase your health bar. The more fruit you eat, the more health you get. There are lots of fruit trees across the map, so you can get a lot of health this way. For a detailed map of the fruit tree locations, look in the maps and charts section on the previous webpage. *********************************************************************** Go through the opening in the cliffs and follow the path. At the end there will be a cut scene showing the surrounding area. You have arrived at a gigantic lake with a huge structure in the middle. There is a path in the middle as well, curving upwards to the right. Dismount Agro, swim to this path, and follow it to the end. Jump diagonally onto the small ledge on the square block, hanging on for dear life (trust me; you do not want to fall from that height). Shimmy to the right. While holding onto the ledge, hold the jump button and push the analog stick away from the ledge you are holding. When you do this, Wander will arch his back and start to reach for the next platform. Let go of the jump button and, before reaching the other platform, press and hold R1 to grab it. (This is a charged jump and allows you to reach ledges that are further away.) Thanks to Shawn Roach and Google for finding this out. Pull yourself up onto the platform. Take this path to the left, jump over the small gap, and run up the stairs. Enter the giant circular platform to see the third Colossus rise from the ground. Another battle awaits. This is a pretty cool boss if you know what you're doing. At the very beginning of the fight, walk to the center of the platform. There's a stone circle platform here that is crucial. Stand in the center of this circle and wait for the boss to come to you. It will take a pause and then swing down its sword. When the Colossus is about halfway through its swing, run like hell away from there. The reason for this is simple. On its sword arm, the boss has a giant ring of stone that you can't climb over. When it strikes the stone platform with its sword, its bracelet brakes which allows you to progress further. Now wait for it to swing it sword down again. The Colossus has two different attacks. The first is when it plunges its sword into the ground vertically. Avoid this and ignore it. The second attack is when it swings the sword down horizontally. When this second attack happens, immediately run up the blade and grab onto the now-exposed fur on its arm. Climb onto the broken bracelet and rest a bit. Now continue climbing up its back and onto its head. Stab until the rune disappears and the boss is at 50 percent health. Climb down from the head until you reach plate around its back. Here you need to drop down to the level directly below this (its middle/stomach). Two things can happen here. Either you grab hold of the fur around its middle or you fall onto the ledge directly below that. It's unlikely that you will fall off. Anyway, climb around to the front of the Colossus and stab the other point on its belly. It will try to shake you off but hang in there and it'll go down in no time. Now for Colossus number four. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Colossus number four: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= When the statue explodes, go down the temple stairs, head left again, and continue going east. It's pretty straight-forward if you follow your sword. As you head east, the two walls of mountains will rise on either side and you will be in a dark, trench-like passage. Keep going forward and follow the grassy area around, hugging the mountain on your right. You will arrive in a wide, open, grassy area. If you keep going straight, past the two bunkers, you will see the Colossus in front of you. Time to fight. This starts as a difficult fight but once you know the boss' pattern it's not that bad. The first thing to do is run back to the bunkers. (Those little hills with holes on one side. They're all connected underground.) Immediately run into the bunker and wait until all the attacks have ceased. Go to the opposite side of the bunker and carefully watch the Colossus. If it doesn't see you, then in a little bit it will resume its attacks on the bunker entrance. Quickly sneak around behind it. It will look into the open bunker door and its tail will lower. You will know the right time to run and grab hold of its tail when the health bar disappears for a bit. Grab hold of the tail and make your way to the boss' neck. There is a place you can stab once to lower the boss' neck. Run to its head and stab repeatedly. This is the only critical zone, so just repeat, repeat, repeat. If you fall off, you'll have to repeat the pattern again by going in a bunker. The boss is very smart so it may take a few tries to get back on again. Once you finish him off, it's time to deal with, Colossus number five. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alternate Strategy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is another way to climb to the top of this Colossus, although it's more difficult. When the Colossus peeks into the bunker, looking for your character, the two long tassels will drop in front of the bunker opening. You can climb either of these to reach the top of the beast. Thanks to Shawn Roach for pointing this out. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Colossus number five: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the statue breaks, mount Agro, and head out of the temple. Following your sword, head east but not to where you fought the last Colossus. Instead, travel more northeast. Soon, you will get to a point where the cliffs rise up on your right and a ravine is on your left. Follow the path as it gets narrower and curves around the cliffs. Soon, the path will open to a field. At the other end is a path between two cliffs. Take this and follow it until you reach a lake with a structure in the middle. Jump into the lake and swim up to the structure. It looks like you can't go any further but we know better don't we. Press R1 to submerge under the water. There is an archway submerged under the middle of the obstruction. Head underneath and you will be in a small enclosure. On all sides are walls and in the middle is a tower. Swim to the tower. On one side, there are ledges you can climb. Climb to the top and get ready to fight your first non-traditional Colossus. At the top of the tower, walk forward to the fence and you will see a cut scene showing you the Colossus. This is one of my favorites, especially because it's a flying type. Later on in the game is the best flying Colossus but we can't kill that yet, so settle for this one. After the scene, look at the fence in front of you. There is a hole in the fence, so jump down into the water around the Colossus. There are a lot of structures in the water but not many you can reach. Swim towards the boss. (If you want to know its location, just press x. The x button focuses on a boss when you're in the water.) To the Colossus' right is a structure with a small archway. Swim there and turn around. You will be standing on solid ground so now you can actually use a weapon. Target the Colossus and shoot it with the bow. Now the boss notices you. Turn around and go through archway. At the other end are three small platforms floating in the water. Climb onto either the right or left platform. Target the Colossus by pressing L1 and shoot until you hit it. The beast will turn around, fly above you, turn around again, and then swoop directly at you. It will try to knock you off the platform but we have different plans. As it charges towards you, notice that on either side of its head is a patch of fur. When it gets close enough, jump and grab onto the fur and hold on tight. The boss will do everything in its power to knock you off at first, so hold on until it finally stops. Now it's time to do some actual damage. This Colossus has weak points on both wings, which account for 50 percent of its health (25% plus 25%), as well as a weak point on its tail. Let's go for the wings first because they're harder to reach. Wait until the boss stops flapping its wings completely. Now run to either the right or left wing quickly (there's no fur on the middle of the wing) and grab hold of the fur on the wing tip. When you're ready, stab the symbol once. Quickly grab hold of the fur as the boss will fly upside down. This will deplete your fatigue quickly but you should be able to hang on until it flies right side up again. Stab it again, hold on again, and the symbol will disappear. Repeat the process with the second wing. Now it's just a simple process of walking down its tail to the symbol and stabbing as much as you want. It doesn't even fly upside down again. If at any point you fall off the boss, just look around closely. The platforms should be close by. I never got dropped far away anyway. Watch as the Colossus falls. Now for Colossus number six. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Colossus number six: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When the statue explodes, leave the temple and follow your sword. It'll lead you slightly right of where you beat the first Colossus. Keep following your sword and you'll arrive at a path in between two cliffs again. Follow it, through a forest, making sure to stay on the right side of the forest. Keep trekking and you should see an opening to your right. Follow that, over the stone bridge, through the cave, and out into a giant field. Keep following your sword and you will see a temple jutting against a cliff. Dismount Agro and go to the entrance. There is a lot of debris blocking the entrance but there's a hole big enough for you to enter. Enter the building, follow the hallway to the right, jump over the debris, turn left, jump over the debris, descend the stairs, and you will see a scene. You are very high up at this point, so slowly descent the ledges on the cliff in front of you. Once you reach the bottom, half of the wall you just climbed down will descend into the ground, revealing the next Colossus. Get ready to fight. Ok, now this isn't a terribly difficult fight but you have to know what you're doing. Turn around and run from the Colossus. In front of you is a short wall. There are three walls you must get over in this area. There are two ways to do this. You could either climb over them using the little ledges (although the boss might catch up to you and start the pain) or you can use the boss to take out the walls (I don't really recommend this. I'd rather risk the boss catching up to you than being cornered between a wall and the beast.) The choice is yours. When you reach the other en of the room there is a small area where the boss can't reach you. Hide here and the boss will crouch down to try to find you. Run up to it and climb up its exposed beard. It will try to shake you off but it shouldn't be too hard to climb up. I got up pretty fast by jumping in short bursts which doesn't lower your fatigue that much. If you need to, you can rest a bit on its shoulders but it's much harder than any other boss. When you're ready, run to its head and stab. Now old on because it jerks its head like crazy and it's better to save your fatigue. A few more stabs and the symbol disappears. The boss refuses to die though, so we must find the next symbol. Climb down its back until you see the symbol on the lower left part. This is the last one, so stab as much as you can. It doesn't matter if you fall off. You can just climb its beard again. Now it's time for Colossus number seven. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Colossus number seven: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This one's a little tricky to find so I'll do the best I can. Do you remember where you fought the third Colossus, atop the gigantic coliseum? Return to that place. You can use your map to return there or you can follow these directions. After the statue is destroyed, leave the temple, turn right and follow your sword to the stone bridge going west. Cross it, hug the right side of the field next to the drop-off, and turn north once you reach the cliffs. Hug to the cliffs on you left and follow the path until the opening on your left appears. Take this and you will emerge at the lake you fought the third Colossus. From here, go around the edge of the lake until you see an opening on your left. Follow the dark ravine, making sure to watch the right side of the path. There will be a right turn eventually. Take it. Continue to follow the path until you reach another field. Follow your sword to the left and go forward until you see a stone archway. Dismount Agro and walk forward across the castle-like structure. Jump down from the stone block and jump onto the spiral slide that resembles a snake. Run to the bottom and jump in the water. Now its time to fight another fun, non-traditional Colossus. Essentially you're fighting a giant, electric, water snake. This is a fun fight and it may seem difficult but it's not that bad. The only real way this boss can hurt u is with the electric spikes on its back. They can only hurt you while it's underwater though (when it's above water they are dormant). Jump into the water and press x to find it. You should see electricity in the water, indicating the boss is around. Follow it and wait until it comes at you. Swim to the left to avoid the bursts of electricity and then swim back so you are directly over it. Hold R1 and you will grab onto its tail as it slithers past. Now that you're on the boss it's time to bust it up. This is the easy part. Wait until it surfaces, then run forward a bit and grab on again as it goes under the water. You don't really need to worry about oxygen as you resurface frequently. Continue running forward in bits until you reach a different colored patch of fur. DO NOT RUN ONTO IT YET. You see, the area directly around the spike is colored differently for a reason. This is the range of the electricity. Wait until you resurface and quickly stab the weak point near the spike. Now it can't hurt you. Run forward and repeat this for the second spike. At this point, the boss will most likely dive underwater and won't resurface for a while. Let go, surface, and look for the boss. Get on it again with the previous method. Once you're on, run forward again, remembering to grab on when it dives. Take out the third spike. Finally, the weak point is revealed. Go to the beast's head and stab. After a few stabs, the beast should be destroyed. Now for Colossus number eight. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Colossus number eight: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mount Agro, ride out of the temple and follow your sword yet again. This time it leads you to the southeast and through another path between cliffs. The path will open up a bit. Follow it to the left. In front of you is a cave-like opening. Dismount Agro, go inside, and head around the path. It curves around to the right. Keep following it, over the stone bridge and into the clearing. In the middle of the pond is a house-like structure. Go inside, down the stairs and you will be in a small room. There are pillars on either side. Look at these. They have ledges you can climb on. Climb as far as you can go and shimmy to the other side. Jump over to the path and go to the next small room. Climb the rubble and you will see a cut scene revealing the boss. Get ready for a fight. This is possibly one of the hardest bosses in the game. It is the hardest boss to date anyway. It is a lizard-type creature with powerful attacks. This boss can actually kill you real quickly so pay attention. Don't try to climb on its back. The electricity will kill you. It spits out electric projectiles that hurt initially and cause clouds of harmful gas to appear. Run if you get hit because you need all your health for this. Don't get too close to it or you will be kicked. Now, first thing, roll (R1 + triangle) through the bars of a window and try to grab each ledge you fall past to lower the damage you receive. Rest a bit. Now whistle and get the boss' attention. It will notice you now. Immediately turn around and run through one of the four doors. Run up the stairs to the second floor. On the second floor are three opening where the windows have been blasted off. Make note of which side each opening is on. Go to one of these and shoot an arrow at him. It will then climb onto the walls. Go to a different opening and take aim. It all depends on how good you are at aiming (I suck at it but I'm getting better) at this point. It's better if the Colossus is next to you because you can target and hit it faster. Ok, so see those glowing things on its legs? Those are small weak points. While it's on the wall, you need to target and hit two of them. It will then fall and be, very temporarily, vulnerable. Once you shoot it down, quickly switch to your sword and drop into the center of the arena. Don't worry about your health; you're going to deliver far worse damage to the enemy. Run to the downed enemy and climb onto its stomach via the tail. There are two main weak points here. One is near its stomach, the other near its heart. Go to one of these and stab it around three times until it disappears. At this point the boss will roll over and resume the fight. Just repeat this method and it should be down again soon. This is a hard fight for most so don't worry if it takes a few tries to master the pattern. Just remember that being quick is very good in this fight. Once you deal the final blow it's time for Colossus number nine. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Colossus number nine: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ok, this is both a difficult boss to fight and a difficult boss to find. I will do my best to explain and if you have any questions just email me. Mount your horse, leave the temple and turn right. Follow your sword and it will lead you north and then west across the stone bridge you took for Colossus number 3. Continue west for a while. The sword wants you to go northwest to your destination but you can't because of the giant ravine. Instead, head directly west, past the mountain on your right. When you pass the mountain, turn right and head behind it. You are in a dark land that is very barren. Continue forward, crossing a brown land bridge to the land that is encircled by a ravine. The boss is in the northern part where trees are beginning to grow. Get ready to fight it. This isn't easy but compared to the last boss it's not so bad. The boss has two types of attacks. One is where it tries to crush you underfoot and a shockwave incurs damage. Not too hard to avoid, just jump. Next, it has projectiles that do massive damage. Run, jump, roll; do anything you can to avoid them. Now to damage it. This is the hard part. It can't be damaged yet, due to its thick coating. There is a way, though (otherwise this game would have no point). You need to lure the boss over to one of the geysers, using Agro's speed to run away from the blasts. When the Colossus is over the geyser, stay close to it. If you are close, then it won't fire projectiles. It will only do the stomp attack which isn't that hard to avoid (just jump over the shockwave). If the Colossus is caught in the geyser blast then it will be lifted up and two of its fee will be flailing in the air. What I thought at first was to shoot the flailing feet but that's wrong. Shoot the symbols at the bottom of the feet that looks exposed. Do this enough times and this will cause the boss to flip over. Quickly run to the bosses belly side and you will see ledges. Climb them, grab onto the fur on its belly and climb to the top. Wait here and the Colossus will turn back over. Climb to the top of this giant turtle. Follow the path left (or right depending on what side you climbed up) to reach the tail end. From here, follow the linear path up its spine and to the fur on its head. It will try to stop you from reaching the head by shaking and there is nothing to hold onto so be careful. Once you reach the symbol stab like there's no tomorrow. It can't hurt you any more. Time for Colossus number ten. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Colossus number ten: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To reach the next Colossus, mount Agro (make sure you do this. He is essential for the fight.), and head to the stone bridge you used to get to the last boss. Cross the field, continuing west as far as you can go. Eventually you will reach a line of cliffs to the southwest. Turn north, following the cliff wall, and a path will appear to your left. Follow it and take a left into a cave. The cave is filled with sand and this is where the Colossus appears. Get ready. This Colossus is a giant sand snake. What you will need to do is ride Agro around until the boss spots you. Wile riding, take out your bow and shoot the oncoming Colossus in the eye. This is hard but you will get it with practice. It's really all about managing multiple tasks at once. Now, ride to the downed boss and stab the first weak spot as much as you can. Repeat the riding and shooting and it will eventually crash into the cave wall. Climb the tail until you reach the second symbol. Stab it until the Colossus is defeated. Time for Colossus number eleven. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Colossus number eleven: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This Colossus is quite easy to find. Leave the temple and head north, using the stone bridge you crossed for Colossus number two. This time, instead of going down the right path, take the upper path and head north. Follow the gigantic bridge until you reach the giant ravine. Head east, under the bridge, and follow the ravine until you see a path leading down. Dismount Agro and take the path into the ravine. Follow the path west and turn left into a temple. Turn left and jump over the gap. Get ready for a fight. This Colossus is different from any you have faced before. It is small and quick and VERY annoying. Its main attack is to ram you with its horns and send you flying. It takes an insane amount of time to get up from this and the boss has a nasty habit of ramming you just as you get up. The first thing you need to do, as soon as the cut scene is over, is head diagonally to your left and hide in between the wall and an altar with a fire on top. You are safe here from its attacks but there's another reason for this. Climb on top of the altar via the ledges on the side. The boss will ram the altar and a stick will fall down. Wait until the boss rams the ledge again, jump down, and pick up the stick with R1. Run back to the altar and climb up. Swing the stick with square and it will catch on fire. This is the turning point of the battle. The boss is afraid of fire, so jump down and walk towards it slowly. It will back away from you. What you are trying to do is have the boss back off the cliff at the other end of the room (not the one you came in). Walk slowly or the boss will attack you. Don't swing the stick or the fire will go out and the boss will ram you to pieces. Once, the stick went out on me when I wasn't swinging it but I'm pretty sure that was because I took too long to back the boss off the cliff. If this happens, use the altar closer to the cliff. Once you back the boss off of the cliff it will fall and the armor on its back will crack off. It hits the very bottom and is stunned for the next minute. Immediately switch to your sword by pressing left on the d-pad. Jump down and you should be directly over the boss. Ok, here's the tricky part (for me at least). You need to jump on top of the boss before it starts moving again. There is a perfect spot on the cliff to jump from but it's very hard to describe and you have to jump just far enough. This is particularly tricky. If you landed on the Colossus, charge up two stabs and that's enough to finish it while it's stunned. If it wakes up, just wait a bit and you should be able to finish it off with a few quick stabs. If you missed the boss, (I did, every time) then you have a couple of options. First of all, go directly behind it and jump. Your goal is to jump high enough to grab onto its back. Keep pressing R1 after each jump so that you can grab onto the fur on its back. Again, it's hard to say exactly where, so keep jumping until you get on or the boss stops being stunned. If it wakes up and starts trying to ram you, roll behind it and continue trying to jump onto it. If your life bar is big enough, you don't really have to worry about the attacks of this Colossus. Just keep trying to jump on. If none of this works, let the boss kill you and knock it off of the cliff again. Instead of jumping off of the cliff, turn around and go to the edge of the platform. Wait here and the Colossus will return. It is easier to jump on the Colossus from here. Thanks to Shawn Roach for all of his strategic tips and input on this Colossus. When it's dead, it's time for Colossus number twelve. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Colossus number twelve: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This one isn't hard to find. Mount Agro and leave the temple. Head northeast, crossing the stone bridge between two pillars. Continue north across the field until you come to another bridge on your right. Cross it and you will be in a dark forest. Hug the right side of the forest and turn right as soon as you can. Essentially, you will be making a u-turn. When you emerge out of the forest again, head left, following the path around the cliffs. At the end of the path, you'll see a circular pillar to your right. Jump and grab on to this. Shimmy to the right and jump onto the land on the other side. Continue to follow the path until you reach a dead end. Jump into the water and swim forward, under the archway, and climb onto the structure in the middle of the lake. Get ready for a fight. At first, this Colossus seems difficult. A lot of FAQ's I read mentioned that this boss was hard. However, there are a couple of tricks you can use to bypass a lot of the difficulty. I'll list all of methods here. You can do what you want. The boss only has one attack: electric projectiles again. You can easily avoid these by diving underwater. Semi-Hard Method: This method makes half of the battle easier although the second half remains just as difficult. Start by swimming behind the Colossus. DO NOT SWIM UNDERNEATH or the camera will go haywire. There is a gap between the Colossus' legs and its body. Swim to the gap and you will see its tail. The tail is actually a grass-covered ladder. Climb it and you will reach the top of the Colossus. Thanks to Shawn Roach for pointing this out. You will see three sets of teeth on its head. Hitting the teeth will turn the Colossus in a specific direction. The left set turns it left, the right set turns it right, and the middle set will make it go forward. Direct the Colossus towards one of the buildings. Jump from the Colossus to the building. Other methods: Swim to one of the buildings in the area, avoiding the electricity. Crouch behind the circle inside the structure and wait for the boss to get close. Switch to your bow. Now, shoot the boss' facemask or the glowing teeth on its face. It will lower its head. Grab hold and climb onto the facemask. Hard method: Climb its face to the top of its head and rest a bit. Hold on when it shakes. Now, see those tooth-like objects on its head? These control which way the boss turns. If you hit the front teeth with your sword it goes forward. If you hit left it turns left. If you hit right it turns right. Direct the boss close to a structure and jump off on top of it. Easy method: I find it hard to jump from the beast's head to the building so I found a way easier method. When you first climb onto the facemask, hold on and pull yourself onto the small ledge. The boss will lift its face up and down but it's not too difficult to stand. Now, when the boss raises its head again, jump over to the top of the structure and hang on. It's far easier to do this and you don't have to mess with directing the boss. Now, however you got onto the top of the building, hide behind the large circle and wait. The boss will raise its arms and try to get at you. This is a bad idea on its part. When it does this, the boss' belly is finally exposed. Switch to your sword and you will see the symbol on the green hair on its belly. This is the only symbol. Jump onto its mossy fur and stab. I had enough time to stab four times, which greatly depletes its health. Either way, you can't kill it one go. Repeat the above process and you will kill the boss without much frustration. Now it's time for Colossus number thirteen. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Colossus number thirteen: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is my favorite Colossus besides the last one. Not only is it fun to kill, it's quite easy to find which makes it high on my list of favorite bosses. Mount Agro (he is essential once again), and head southwest, through the path in the mountains, and through the forest. This is the same path as the Colossus you fought underground in the temple. Take the right path out of the forest again, across the stone bridge, through the cave, and out into the field again. Head left from here, following the sword, and towards the small structure in the side of the desert. Dismount Agro and enter the ring. This amazing Colossus will burst out of the sand. Get ready to fight. This Colossus is the biggest you have seen so far. It is a giant, flying, snake-like monster. To begin this fight, mount Agro, and hold L1 to find where the boss is. Throughout this fight, you want to hold L1 because the boss moves fast and you have to task manage again. Take out your bow and target the sacks of air on the bottom of the boss. There are three of them. Shoot them carefully. Take your time, the boss isn't going anywhere. When you shoot a sack, it will emit a dark gas, indicating it's destroyed. Once all three are destroyed, the boss can't fly high anymore, so now it's time to get on. Ride to the front of the boss. It isn't too hard, although the boss will keep changing direction. Once you reach the front, you will see two pairs of wings. Since the sacks have been destroyed, the wings are trailing in the sand and guess what: there are small ridges on the wings you can climb up. So what you need to do is, ride close to the wings, as close as you can, and jump close enough to grab the ridges. Quickly jump up to the middle, so you don't get thrown off by the sand, and take a small rest. Now, climb to the top and jump onto the monster. Switch to your sword. Now, run to the flap on its back that's raised up a bit. Underneath this is the first symbol. Stab a few times and it will disappear. Run further down to the second flap but watch out. The boss will flip over at one point and you need to hang on. Get to the second flap and you should be able to stab it once before the flap closes. Now, the boss will dive into the sand and wait a bit before resurfacing. When it does, simply repeat the process of shooting the sacks and climbing onto the boss. You have to do this process about three times (once per flap) and then the boss goes down. Now it's time for Colossus number fourteen. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Colossus number fourteen: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= To find this next boss, exit the temple and head northwest, over the bridge that you took for Colossus number three. Continue northwest, through a path between cliffs. Eventually you will reach a small open area a few trees. Head slightly left, then immediately north as you reach the next path. Follow it north, paying close attention to the left side of the path. Eventually, the path will curve left. Follow it then turn left when you can't go any further. There will be stone poles coming out of the ground all around you. Keep going forward and to your left will be a cave. Inside the cave, there's a pond and an island. Dismount Agro, cross the pond and continue following the path. You will reach a huge city underground. Head to the left and descend to the next level. Go forward and there will be a wall in front of you. There is a small opening here. Go through it, down the stairs, and to your left is a fallen pillar. Climb it, follow the trench forward, and climb the stairs. The boss will reveal itself. Get ready for a different type of battle. This fight isn't so much a fight as it is a process. You have to navigate through the city to get to a point where you can find a way to defeat the boss. From the very beginning, look to your left and spot a fallen pillar. Climb onto it and run to the end. Look left and there is a stone pathway above u. Jump, grab onto the edge, and pull your self up. Run to the end of the path and you will see another one in front of you. Climb onto that one. Turn left and run to the end of the pathway. Look to your right. There is another path on a slightly lower level. Jump over onto it. In front of you is a pillar. Climb onto it and climb the ledges to the top. Take out your bow. Shoot the Colossus and it will ram the pillar and knock it over. You will be knock off but don't worry. Climb onto the pillar you just knocked over. In front of you is another stone path. Jump up to it. Turn right, run to the end of the path, jump to the next one in front of you, and run to the end. There is another path above you. Jump up to it. Turn right and go near the end. If you turn left you will see a stone pathway. Jump onto that and run to the end. To your right is a pillar. Climb it, shoot the boss, and, before it rams the pillar, grab on the edge so you don't fall off. Do this again with the pillar in front of you and the third pillar. To your left is another stone pathway. Jump onto it and run to the end. Climb the pillar and shoot the boss again. After the pillar falls, look right and jump onto the stone pathway. Now, to your left is a building with ridges on the side. Jump over, climb the ledges as far as you can go. Shimmy to the right, and continue climbing on the right side. To your right is a pillar. You need to climb to the ledge that is near the pillar. Now jump over onto the pillar and shoot the boss. The pillar smashes through the wall and the second part of the battle begins. Before you do anything else, run forward to the series of ledges in front of you. Climb them and rest a bit. Shoot the boss and it will ram into a new pillar. This cause a bunch a stone blocks to fall down on top of it. Its armor crumbles off. After a short while, the Colossus will run off. Go back into the city and find it. Climb onto a fallen pillar. Shoot the boss with an arrow and it will ram the pillar. The boss will be momentarily stunned, so jump on top and stab. If you fall off, just climb on another pillar and repeat. That's one more Colossus down. Time for Colossus number fifteen. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Colossus number fifteen: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This isn't too hard to find as long as you don't pay attention to your sword. Exit the temple, turn around, and head north. Cross the stone bridge and head northeast, under the giant bridge. Turn completely north and keep going until there is a wall on your east side. Follow this wall, turning northeast, until you see a building. The entrance is to the west, above the archways. Enter the building and follow the linear path around and up the stairs. Run to the end of this giant arena and the Colossus will reveal itself. Get ready to fight. This Colossus isn't that bad but he is hard to figure out. What you want to do is head to the east side of the room and you'll see a small ledge that you can't quite climb up to. Instead, wait for the boss to step on the tile you're standing on, so that the tile angle's up and you can reach the next level. Hey, thanks man. Walk down the hallway and wait here. Attack the Colossus with arrows until it attacks and makes boulders fall from the ceiling. Now you have a path to climb up. Jump onto the boulders, climb up the ledges on the wall, and pull yourself up to the next level. Go to the other end of the room, run up the stairs, and make your way onto the giant bridge. Don't go into the middle as the Colossus will destroy the middle of the bridge in a moment. Wait here and shoot arrows some more. The boss will walk over to you and destroy the middle of the bridge. Then it will walk closer. Make sure that its close enough to you and jump on top of its head. Take out your sword and stab until 75 percent of its health is gone. Now you must find the other symbol. Crawl down its right arm and you will see a weak spot. Stab it and it will drop its weapon and you will fall off. Now, wait until it gets ready to punch you and dash forward. This way it won't hit you. Now, quickly grab hold of its hand and you will see the last weak point. Stab until it's dead. Now, its time for the final Colossus! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=--=- Colossus number sixteen: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is the final Colossus! Mount Agro and leave the temple. The sword is trying to lead you south near the first Colossus but that's not where you need to go. Instead, he southeast, through the path in the cliffs, and turn right when you can. From here, just head as south as you can. You will eventually arrive at a building with a giant door. The door has a light shining out of it. Dismount Agro and reflect light back into the circle on the door. It will then open. Mount Agro again and head through the doors. Ride up the stairs on your left and cross the floating bridge. After the scene, continue forward. Climb the ledges to the top. Head right and climb the stones. Climb the mossy wall and head left. Follow the path, jumping over gaps and climbing, and head right into the stone hallway. Follow the hallway, up the stairs and around and up the next staircase. It looks like you've hit a dead end but that's not true. Turn right or left and you will see pillars with ledges you can climb. When you reach the top you will see the Colossus. Get ready for a crazy battle. This Colossus is more than twice as big as any other before it and it has crazy attacks. In fact, it's a task just to get near the boss. Follow these instructions carefully. Head up the ramp in front of you and quickly duck behind the fallen pillar. This will prevent you from being obliterated by the attack. Look to your right and you will see a hole in the ground. Jump inside and follow the path to the end. Jump onto the small block and wait a few seconds. On the ground above is a stone block. Climb up and hide behind it. There are a line of these to your right. Wait until the boss attacks and then roll to the next one. Continue this until you reach the end of the row. To your right is another hole. Jump inside and head to the end of the tunnel. You will end up on a ledge to the side of the Colossus. It can't hurt you here because of the cliff walls. Head right and shimmy along the ledge. Jump to the next path. Head right, slightly past the cliff. In front of you, you should see the entrance to another tunnel. Immediately duck inside. Run down the path and climb the ledges up. Turn around and you will see a ramp. In front of that is another stone block. Hide behind it. There is another line of these so progress to your right slowly. There is another hole here to your right. Jump inside and the tunnel will take you directly underneath the Colossus. Get ready to fight. Start to climb up the ledges of its armor. There's no real path to follow. You can climb wherever you feel like until you reach its waist. When you get here, you need to make your way to its back. Climb onto the fur of its back and stab the small weak point. It will bring its hand back to figure out what's causing the pain. Jump onto its hand. Hang there for a moment and it will bring its palm up. Make your way over the ledges on its arm and hit the weak point under its bracelet. It will now bring its other hand to the place you just stabbed. Jump onto it. Stab anywhere on the back of its hand and it will raise the back of its hand to see what's going on. It will be flat so you can stand on it. Take out your bow shoot its left shoulder (to your right). Grab on again as it raises its hand to its shoulder in pain. Climb onto its shoulder and rest on the back of its head. When you're ready, go up to its head and stab. It won't be easy because it thrashes like crazy but you will eventually kill it. If you start to get low on fatigue then just climb to the platform on the back of its head again. Congratulations! You have beaten the game. Enjoy the shocking ending sequence. At this point, you can choose to continue the game to play hard or time attack modes. There's not too much difference in these modes, except you get new weapons. Note that once you beat the game, the Ico symbol can be seen on Agro's forehead. Nice, huh. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version History: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 0.25 11/17/08: Started FAQ. Wrote about me section, spoiler section, getting started section, and control basics section. Also wrote walkthrough for Colossus numbers one through four. Version 0.75 11/18/08: Wrote walkthrough for Colossus numbers five through eleven. Version 1.00 11/19/08: Wrote walkthrough for Colossus numbers twelve through sixteen. Version 1.01 11/19/08: Wrote in version history and legal information. Version 1.11 11/20/08: Separated sections using a different format to make guide more user-friendly. Sections should now be easier to find. Version 1.21 12/11/08: Wrote in alternative strategy to beating Colossus number four. Version 1.35 12/15/08: Modernized the controls section so that it is simple and easy to follow. Shortened the width of the entire document to meet site requirements (the first version of this guide was too wide). Added credits section. Added info on charged jump when reaching Colossus 3. Added info on white-tailed lizards and fruit trees. Separated note sections from walkthrough with asterisks. Wrote in more strategies on defeating Colossus eleven. Wrote in an additional way to defeat Colossus twelve. Changed wording in one section of Colossus fourteen to make it clearer. Version 1.40 12/23/09: Updated email address. Fixed a few minor errors. ******** Credits: ******** Thanks to Shawn Roach for his suggestions and input on Colossus numbers 3, 4, 11, 12, and 14. Also thanks for information on the white-tailed lizards and fruit trees. Thanks to GameFAQs for hosting this strategy guide. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Legal information: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This guide is copyright (c) 2008 by David DeGregorio AKA Zenithwillrule. This game guide is only allowed to air on GameFAQs.com. If you wish to use this guide on your sight, email me and I will tell you my terms of use. Thank you. Thanks for reading this guide. I will be making more in the future.