The Shadow of the Colossus Lizard and Fruit Tree location FAQ v1.7 by Nation (nation12 at g_ m_ a_ i_ Copyright me, not to be reproduced without permission. I'm open to suggestions and corrections, just contact me at the above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents : 1. Intro 2. About White-tailed lizards and fruit trees 3. Tips, tricks, and glitches 4. Listing of locations by row then column 5. Totals 6. Forbidden Fruit 7. Version Updates 8. Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Intro ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So why do we need a FAQ for the fruit tree and white-tailed lizard locations? Well, because you can't get the map and locator stone until you beat the game on the given difficulty level you're on. And even then, the lizard locator is hardly pin-point, making it difficult to find those suckers sometimes. So here's a guide to their exact location, along with the number of fruit on each fruit tree, just to make that searching go a little easier too. There are no real spoilers here, just a location for one of the colossi. But if you go on this quest, you'll find lots of the colossi locations anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. About White-tailed lizards and fruit trees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's so great about these lizards and fruits? If you kill a white-tailed lizard, then eat the little glowing tail that's left over, your stamina (the big pink circle) will increase in size. And every fruit you eat increases your life gauge. The life gauge will increase in size until it reaches the other side of the screen. I haven't yet hit the limit on stamina, but it's a lot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Tips, tricks, and glitches ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. How to kill white-tailed lizards. Bow - The method you'll be using the most. If the lizard is on a wall, shooting an arrow near it will make it fall and it will be stunned for a short time. That gives you the opportunity to skewer it with another arrow. You'll be able to tell you got a direct hit when the arrow sticks in the lizard and doesn't rebound. Use the R2 button to zoom in to give yourself a better shot as well- this helps a lot! Sword - If the lizard is running on the ground, the easiest way to kill it is with the sword. Just slash at it until it dies. Exploding Arrows - These are fun, especially when the lizard is on the top of a save temple running around. One problem though - they can make the lizard invincible! At least until you leave and come back. Also, it may be difficult to find the tail afterwards. Agro - You can run over lizards on the ground to kill them too. It's not particularly easy to do, and not many lizards are on the ground to start with though. It actually works best if you slow Agro to a walk- running faster doesn't seem to work well. Also, if Agro is standing still (whether you're on him or not) and the lizard runs into him, it'll die! Hard mode weapons: Harpoon of Thunder - Basically the same as the bow, although I think it's harder aim and definitely slower. But it seems to be better at hitting the lizards when they're on the ground or sideways than the bow. Sword of the Sun - Same as the normal sword. And in case you're wondering, aiming at the lizards with the light beam doesn't kill them. Queen's Sword - Also the same as the normal sword. 2. How to get fruit: Just find one hanging in the tree and shoot it with an arrow! 3. Tips a) Some save temples have 2 or 3 lizards. These are noted below. To get all the lizards, kill one, then go a little ways away and come back and a new one will be there. b) If you ever shoot a lizard and can't get to the tail, or can't find a fruit after it drops, just leave the area and come back, and it might be back. I can't guarantee it, as I've had lizard tails disappear on me and I can't seem to get them again. c) Some lizards seem to have a trigger area where you need to go before they come out of hiding. So if you don't see one in the area where I say there should be one, try climbing around a bit to see if the lizard appears. For example, if I say the lizard is on a wall or mound, try climbing up it to see if he pops out. d) The easiest way to kill most lizards is to get off Agro while you're still far away, then aim with the bow using R2 and shoot. Usually the lizard won't be moving if you're far enough away, making for an easy shot. If the lizard is on the ground however, you're better off just running up and slashing with the sword. e) It is possible to cut off the lizard's tail without killing it. In this case, the lizard detection stone will still show a live lizard, and if you eat the tail and leave, then come back, the lizard will still be there, only tailless. Once you kill him, the detector stone won't show him anymore. 3. Glitches a) If you shoot a lizard with an exploding arrow, you might make it invincible. In this case, you can't kill it, and it usually ignores you. Just walk a little ways away and come back and it'll be back to normal. b) The ground detection for fruit isn't great. Often they will almost completely disappear into the ground. Keep an eye out for the arrow sticking out of the ground, and watch where the fruit falls. You can still eat it, even if you can't see it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Listing of locations by row then column ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below are the locations for the fruit trees and lizards for each grid cell. Positions are relative to the cell you are in, so when I say "center," I mean the center of that cell. The same goes for western/eastern/etc. edges. Fruit trees are listed first if they are there, since they are easy to see generally, and often the lizard locations are referenced against a nearby fruit tree location. So it's best to read where everything is in a cell before going to look for stuff. Also, fruit trees are usually in groups of two main trees with smaller surrounding trees. The fruit map shows two distinct trees in many of these cases, but I'll be treating them as a single location. NOTE: These locations are exactly the same in both normal and hard difficulty. NOTE 2: Some areas can't be reached as far as I know, and others are all ocean. These are marked accordingly. Column I is not listed, as I don't think any of it may be reached. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Row 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B1: Can’t reach. C1: Fruit tree 1: South of the center, right next to the save temple. 4 on the main tree. Fruit tree 2: East of the center, just northeast of the save temple. 3 on the main tree. Lizard: In the center, on the save temple. D1: Nothing here. E1: Lizard: West of the center. He’s on the save temple. F1: Fruit tree: Southwest of the center. 3 on the main tree, 1 on the southern small tree. Lizard: South of the center. Due east of the fruit tree, on the east side of the bridge, there is a small rock chimney. The lizard is on and around that. G1: Lizard 1: Southwest of the center. He’s near the save temple. Lizard 2: Just west of the center. Go up the ramp to the castle entrance, but don’t go in. Jump onto the wall on the north (the one you face going up the ramp). The lizard is on the circular tower to the west, or on the outer wall. H1: Can’t reach. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Row 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B2: Can’t reach. C2: Nothing here. D2: Lizard 1: West of the center. There are several paths in this area. One of them comes from the east (at the center of the cell) and tees into a north and south path. Towards the northern path (going to the save temple), there is a small stand of dead trees, and behind them there is a small alcove in the rock wall. That’s where the lizard is. You can also go to the save temple (see Lizard 2), then follow the path south. You'll go through an arch, and the lizard will be on your right immediately after the arch. Lizard 2: North of the center. On the save temple. E2: Nothing here. F2: Lizard 1: South of the center. On the east side of the bridge, there is a rock chimney. The lizard is crawling on the northern side. Lizard 2: Just northwest of the center. He’s on the save temple to the west of the bridge. G2: Lizard: South of the center. He’s on the ground by the save temple. H2: Can’t reach. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Row 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B3: Lizard: Southeast of the center. On the northern rock wall, near one of the low rock mounds. C3: This is where the fish lake is, if you’re wondering... Fruit tree: Just south of the center. 4 on the main tree. Lizard: Halfway between the center and the southern edge. Just south of the fruit tree. There is an overhanging rock cliff with two rocks under it, one leaning on the other. The lizard is on those. D3: Nothing here. E3: Fruit tree 1: On the eastern edge midpoint. 3 on the main tree, 1 on the southwestern small tree. Fruit tree 2: Slightly west of the eastern edge midpoint. 4 on the main tree. Lizard 1: Southern edge, near the western corner. He’s on the save temple. Lizard 2 (x2): Northwest of the middle. Two lizards on the save temple here. F3: Nothing here. G3: Lizard (x3): West of the center. Three lizards on the temple, right above the save idol. H3: Can’t reach. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Row 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B4: Lizard 1: Eastern edge, north of the midpoint. He’s on the save temple. Lizard 2 (x3): Southwestern corner. Three lizards on the save temple. C4: Fruit Tree : Right in the center. 3 on the northern main tree (the smaller one). 2 on the southern main tree (the bigger one) and 1 on the southeastern small tree. Lizard 1: Northeastern corner. On the save temple. Lizard 2: Right next to the fruit tree. He’s just to the east, crawling on the ground by the canyon edge. Lizard 3: Just north of the center. He’s on the western rock wall, due northwest of the fruit tree. D4: Fruit tree 1: Just west of the center. 5 on the main tree, 1 fruit on the southern small tree. Fruit tree 2: On the western edge, near the northern corner. 3 on the main tree. Lizard 1: Right next to Fruit Tree 1, on the west side. He’s on the first rock shelf, crawling on the small mound. Lizard 2: Right next to Fruit Tree 2, on the west side. He’s on the ground or wall of the rock mound. E4: Lizard 1: Just southeast of the center. On the save temple or on the ground nearby. Lizard 2: To the southwest of the center. He’s just running around in the open on the grass near the canyon edge. You can see him a mile away. Lizard 3: On the northern edge, west of the midpoint. There is a rocky hill south-by-southeast of the save temple in E3. He’s crawling on it. F4: Lizard 1: In the main temple. He’s crawling around on or near the hole that Dormin speaks from on the ceiling. Shoot him down with an arrow (explosive arrows make this easier!). Lizard 2: Middle of the western edge. There is a rocky hill right on the edge of the canyon due west of the temple. He’s crawling around the back side, by the canyon. Walk along the ledge through the brush to get there. You may need to jump over the tree to spook him out. G4: Fruit tree: Northeast of the center. 6 fruit on the main tree, 2 on the eastern small tree, and 2 on the northern small tree. Lizard: East of the center. He’s on the save temple. H4: Nothing here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Row 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B5: Fruit Tree: Middle of the eastern side. 2 on the southern main tree (the bigger one) and 1 on the southernmost small tree. 3 on the northern (smaller) main tree. Lizard (x3): East of the middle. Three lizards on the ground by the save temple. C5: Fruit Tree: Southern edge, to the east. 2 on the main tree. Lizards (x3): Eastern edge, south of the midpoint. Three lizards near the save temple. D5: Lizard 1: South-by-southeast of the center. South of the cliff face, and south-by-southwest of the save temple, there are two smallish rocks by themselves in the middle of the plain. The lizard is on those. It is directly east of a larger pile of rocks. NOTE: IGNORE the lizard detection stone if you have it. It is VERY far off for this lizard! Lizard 2: East of the center. He’s on the save temple. E5: Fruit tree 1: Middle eastern edge, across plain from main temple. 4 on main tree, 2 on small southwestern tree. Fruit tree 2: South of the center. This tree is on the cliff edge above the water, and the fruit will drop all the way down to the water. There are 2 fruit, both on the main tree. Note that the water is not deep, so jumping off the cliff is not recommended (although it won’t necessarily kill you). You can climb back up using grass on the cliff face, or just walk around (Agro will find you down there). Fruit tree 3: West of the center. This tree is in the shallow lake below Fruit tree 2. 2 fruit are on the main tree. Lizard 1 (x3): Just northeast of the middle. There are three lizards on the temple here. Lizard 2: South of the center. He’s crawling around under Fruit tree 2. Kill him before getting the fruit. F5: Fruit tree: Northern edge, midpoint. Due south of the main temple. 1 fruit on the main tree. G5: Nothing here. H5: Can’t reach. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Row 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B6: Can’t reach. C6: Fruit tree: Northern edge. In the far northwestern corner. 4 on the southeastern main tree (the bigger one). 3 on the northwestern (smaller) main tree. Lizard: Northern edge. Just west of the fruit trees. Just follow the cliff wall towards the canyon edge. He is climbing on the wall and ground in the corner. D6: Fruit tree: Northeast of the middle. 3 on the northern (larger) main tree. 3 on the southern (smaller) main tree. Lizard 1: Near the northern edge midpoint. When right in front of the large temple front, there is a rock mound to the left. The lizard is on that mound. You may have to climb to the top of the mound to find him. Lizard 2: Northeast of the middle. Right next to the larger main fruit tree, there is a rock mound. He’s on that, right by the fruit tree. E6: Nothing here. F6: Fruit trees: Near the eastern edge, slightly south of the middle. 4 on the eastern (larger) main tree. 3 on western (smaller) main tree. Lizard: Southeast of the center, just north and west of the fruit trees. Go to the little finger of rock on the west side of the fruit trees, then head straight north. The lizard is on the wall, fairly high up. Once you can see him, shoot at him to knock him down. Be sure not to actually hit him, just aim close enough that he falls. Do this a few times until he’s on the ground, then kill him. An easier way may be to go north from the fruit trees to the small ridge that sticks out from the cliff. You can climb the side of this ridge and work your way higher and further to the west. Eventually you will come out on a ledge where the lizard is crawling. Do this if you can't see the lizard from the ground. G6: Fruit tree: Middle eastern edge, 5 fruit on main tree, 1 on small southern tree. Lizard 1: Southern edge, near the western corner. There is a group of three rocks, one on top of the other two, right by the large bluff line. He’s on those rocks. Lizard 2: Western edge, near northern corner. On the ground by the save temple. H6: Fruit tree: Just east of the center. 3 on the northern (larger) main tree. 3 on the southern (smaller) main tree, and 2 on the small tree to the west of that. Lizard 1: Just north of the southern edge midpoint. There is a large bay cut into the ocean cliff. Just north of this is a flat area, with a rock wall to the north. The lizard is on the wall. Lizard 2: In the center. He’s on the save temple. Lizard 3: Just east of the center. On the ocean side of the larger, northern main fruit tree, there is a small ledge where the lizard is. He will also crawl up to the level of the trees (which is preferable). If you jump down to the ledge, you’ll have to jump to the north to the lower area there (which is risky). Lizard 4: Northern edge, near the eastern corner. Go as far north and east as you can, out onto a point. There are lots of regular lizards here, but the easternmost one should have a white tail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Row 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B7: Ocean. C7: Ocean. D7: Fruit trees: Northwestern corner. 6 on the southern (larger) main tree. 1 on the eastern small tree (south group), and 1 on the southern small tree (southern group). 1 on the northern (smaller) main tree. Lizard 1: Middle of the area. He’s climbing on the rock wall to the south (bordering the ocean cliff). It’s the largest piece of wall between the path to the save temple and an opening to see the ocean. Lizard 2: South of the middle. On the save temple. He tends to be near the top. E7: This region is especially rocky, with lots of hills and cliffs, making it especially difficult to find lizards, even with the detection stone. Fruit trees: West of the middle. 4 on the western (larger) main tree. 3 on the eastern (smaller) main tree, and 1 on the southwestern small tree. Lizard 1: Midpoint of the southern edge. Due southeast of the fruit trees, there is a rocky hill standing by itself. Climb up a couple levels of the rock on the northwestern side to find the lizard. Lizard 2: West of the center. Due northwest of the fruit trees there is a small rock shelf. The lizard is on the southern end of the shelf, on the ground right by where you can walk up to the top. Lizard 3: Southeast of the middle. East by southeast of the fruit trees, there is a hill with two rock chimneys on top of it. The lizard is on the western (larger) chimney. F7: Lizard 1: West of the middle. He’s on the ground by the save temple. Lizard 2: Between the northwestern corner and the middle. He’s on the cliff side, and may be hiding behind a small rounded boulder at the foot of the cliff. On the map, it is right at the point where the cliff starts to turn north. Lizard 3: Just northwest of the center. Go east until you can get on top of the cliff, then follow the edge west until it dead-ends into a shadowed recess. The lizard is on the wall in the recess. Lizard 4: Due north of the center. As you come up around the eastern cliff edge (the same as for lizard 3), look north to the mountain. There is a small V-shape formed by shadows in the rock face. Head straight towards that V to find a small area behind the rock front. The lizard is there. Lizard 5: East of the center, three-quarters of the way to the eastern edge. There is a small rock hill on a grassy hill that the lizard is crawling on. There are three rocky hills in the immediate region, this one is the northwestern-most one. G7: Lizard 1: Southern edge, by the eastern corner. He’s on the save temple. Lizard 2: Southern edge, west of the midpoint. There is a Stonehenge-like structure of two stones on top of four others out in the middle of the plain. The lizard is on that. Lizard 3: North by northeast of the middle. Go north to the cliff face and look for a shadowed crevice you can walk into, where you’ll find the lizard. Lizard 4: Northeast of the middle. Go east and north around the cliff until you can climb on top of it. Then follow the edge to the southeastern point. There is a small alcove there where the lizard is. H7: Lizard 1: West of the center. There is a plateau that can be climbed at one spot on the west. Follow the plateau to the southeast; the lizard is at the end. There are several such plateaus in the area- go to the one just south of the tall rock spire with a smaller one in front of it (looking from the west to the east). Lizard 2: Northwest of the center. There is a plateau on the north side of the large rock spire with a small spire in front of it. There are lots of regular lizards here, but the white-tailed one is on a small wall that is the farthest north on the plateau. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Row 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B8: Ocean. C8: Ocean. D8: Ocean. E8: Lizard: Just east of the middle, close to the northern edge. In this region, there is only one spot where there is a break in the rock wall bordering the ocean. There is a hill in the break, right at the edge of the cliff. The lizard is on top of the hill. There is lichen to help get to the top. F8: Lizard 1: Northern edge, halfway between the midpoint and the northwestern corner. He’s on a flat section of the rock cliff, just east of where the cliff jogs slightly south, and should be fairly easy to see. Lizard 2 (x3): Just north of the middle. You can’t get here until you have to fight the 16th colossus. When you do, the three lizards are on the ground by the temple. G8: Fruit trees: Northeastern corner (just south of the G7 save temple). 3 on the western (larger) main tree, 1 on the small tree south of the western main tree. 6 on the eastern (smaller) main tree. Lizard: Northwest of the center. Just before the southern rock cliff ends on the east side, there is an arch that leads to an ocean cliff. The lizard is in the area to the right (the west) when you get through the arch. H8: Ocean. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Totals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a total of 128 individual (normal) fruit that can be eaten, and a total of 77 white-tailed lizards in the game. Below is the breakdown total for each cell, with the number of fruit then the number of lizards. Regions that are inaccessible have dashes. ----------------------------------------------- | | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | ----------------------------------------------- | 1 | --- | 7,1 | 0,0 | 0,1 | 4,1 | 0,2 | --- | ----------------------------------------------- | 2 | --- | 0,0 | 0,2 | 0,0 | 0,2 | 0,1 | --- | ----------------------------------------------- | 3 | 0,1 | 4,1 | 0,0 | 8,3 | 0,0 | 0,3 | --- | ----------------------------------------------- | 4 | 0,4 | 6,3 | 9,2 | 0,3 | 0,2 |10,1 | --- | ----------------------------------------------- | 5 | 6,3 | 2,3 | 0,2 |10,4 | 1,0 | 0,0 | --- | ----------------------------------------------- | 6 | --- | 7,1 | 6,2 | 0,0 | 7,1 | 6,2 | 8,4 | ----------------------------------------------- | 7 | --- | --- | 9,2 | 8,3 | 0,5 | 0,4 | 0,2 | ----------------------------------------------- | 8 | --- | --- | --- | 0,1 | 0,4 |10,1 | --- | ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Forbidden Fruit (SPOILER ALERT!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition to the normal fruit you can find in the game, there is another kind you can find, although it's a little harder. There is a garden inside the main temple (above the normal area) that can be reached with some creative climbing and a fairly large stamina gauge. I won't go into the details of how to get there, you can find that information elsewhere. Anyway, in the garden you'll find quite a bit of fruit on the trees there. It's been termed "forbidden fruit" because it has the interesting effect of significantly decreasing the size of both your life gauge and your stamina gauge. There are a total of 48 fruit in the garden by my count, although that could be low. Many of the fruit are very hard to see. If you eat all of these with a full life gauge (all the way across the screen), your life bar will be reduced to just over the level you start at in the game. Your stamina gauge will also be lowered a large amount, although I wasn't maxed in stamina when I ate the fruit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Version Updates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.7 : - Minor corrections. 1.6 : - Minor corrections. - Corrected total number of lizards. - Added a thanks section :). 1.5 : - Minor corrections. 1.4 : - Minor corrections. 1.3 : - Minor corrections and clarifications. - Added Hard Mode time trial weapons. - Added a section on the forbidden fruit. 1.2 : - Added a method for getting to the F6 lizard. - Mention that lizards may need to be "triggered." - Corrected the location of the third lizard in C4. He was listed under D4. - Added totals for the entire game and for each cell - Verified that the locations are the same for hard mode. 1.1 : - Fixed the edge from western to eastern for the E3 fruit trees. - Added Agro as a lizard killer (forgot in the first version) 1.0 : - First version! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to the people who have emailed me to point out errors and possible additions (sorry if I missed anyone): ReverendTed - Suggested adding forbidden fruit wertle - Typo in F1 lizard number Reverb.shock - Directional error in G3 Howard Brackett - Adding error and missing H6 and H7 sums Mark Kahn - Directional fix in C1 fruit tree I appreciate the feedback! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------