______________________________________________ | Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 | | By: JaggedJim | | Date: April 27, 2006 | | Version: Argilla | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This is my walkthrough for Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2. You can always find the latest version of this guide at: http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.geocities.com/jagged_jim/FAQ ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||E-mail Notice||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— If you have any questions, comments, or you have something you want added to this guide then feel free to email me at “jagged_jim@yahoo.com” (without the quotation marks, of course...) Some things to note before you email me: -Make sure you put “DDS2” somewhere in the subject line. If you don’t I will likely think that the email is junk and delete it. -Please read the guide before emailing me, it is quite annoying having to answer a question that I have already answered in this guide. (...of course if you’re not reading the guide then what are the chances that are going to read this warning?) -I am notoriously bad at checking email. (...and even worse at answering it) So if you are trying to contact me then you will just have to be patient. -Do not, not, not, not, NOT send me ANY attachments with your email. I don’t care what the attachment is, I won’t look at it and I will likely delete the email immediately. (Also I will NEVER send any attachments with my emails, so if you receive something from my email address and it has an attachment on it, delete it, immediately.) -Please use proper spelling and grammar in your email, it’s just common courtesy. I don’t care if it’s perfect, as long as you make the effort. Emails with “si teh awsome” in it, however, will likely be ignored. -A pet peeve of mine is when people replace “you” with “u.” It’s only two extra key strokes people, jeez. _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Table of Contents||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Version History [#001] Introduction [#002] Basics [#003] Characters [#004] Mantras and Hunting [#005] Hints and Tips [#006] Walkthrough [#007] -Welcome to the Real World [#007.1] -Soylent Green is PEOPLE! [#007.2] -Desperately Seeking Sera [#007.3] -Power Down [#007.4] -Scrambled EGG [#007.5] -Stairway to Heaven [#007.6] -Black Hole Sun [#007.7] Side Quests [#008] -Jack Frost’s Kwazy Kwiz! [#008.1] Appendix [#009] -Karma Rings [#009.1] -Shop List [#009.2] Frequently Asked Questions [#010] Contributors [#011] ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Version History [#001]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 0.1 – 10/18/05 Argilla (1.0) – 04/27/06 – Well, here I am with my trademark speed and efficiency with another update. The walkthrough is complete. (about damn time, I know) I just want to take a quick moment to thank everyone who emailed me about this guide, even those who just said “Where the hell’s my update, you lazy bastard!” ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Introduction [#002]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Digital Devil Saga 2 is the second and final game in the two-part Digital Devil Saga series. ________________________Last Time on Digital Devil Saga________________________ Once upon a time there was a place called the Junkyard where six tribes were embroiled in an endless war for supremacy of the Junkyard. One day the Embryon, one the tribes fighting for control of the Junkyard finds a strange object. This object suddenly explodes, showering all of them with a strange light which gives them Atma that allows them to transform into demons. Inside the crater that was left by the object they find a mysterious (and very naked) black haired woman. After taking the Woman back to their headquarters the Embryon are called to the Karma Temple where an entity known only as “Angel” tells them to use their new powers to defeat the other tribes and then bring Sera, the black haired woman back to the Karma Temple. After a series of wacky hijinks the Embryon finally manage to defeat the other five tribes. They then climbed up the Karma Temple and at the top they confronted Angel. As a result of this confrontation the Junkyard is destroyed and the Embryon are separated and thrown into a strange new world... ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Basics [#003]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Controls -------- -Directional Buttons/Left Analog Stick – Moves that silver-haired dude on the screen around, and it moves the menu cursor around too. Amazing! -Right analog Stick/L1+R1 Buttons – Rotates the camera. Note that the shoulder buttons moves the camera around a bit faster than the analog stick. -X Button – This button lets you talk to people, open doors, and make menu selections. In other words, it’s the all-purpose “Action” button that all RPGs have. -Circle Button – This button cancels selections. -Triangle Button – This button brings up the map and turns on/off Auto-Battle. -Square Button – Opens the menu. Hooray! Facilities ---------- -Karma Terminal – These come in two varieties, Large and Small. All Karma Terminals regardless of size allow you to save your game and purchase Mantras. You can also use them to teleport to any Large Karma terminal in a dungeon. Finally, you can restore your HP and MP at Large Karma Terminals, but it will cost money to do so. -Life Terminal – These allow you restore your HP and MP. -Mad Mart – You can buy and sell items here. -Rejuvenating Light – These Rejuvenating Lights will completely restore your party, and unlike Large Karma Terminals and Life Terminals they are completely free to use. Solar Data ---------- If you look in the upper left you will see a black circle with a number inside it. This number represents the current amount of Solar Data there is. Solar Data works kind of like Kagutsuchi did in Nocturne, where there are eight (well technically there are nine, since we are including zero here) levels of Solar Data and is represented by the current level of Solar Data over eight. After about every 15-18 steps you take, the amount of Solar Data will advance. Solar Data starts at MIN (0/8) and the amount of Solar Data will steadily increase until it reaches MAX, (8/8) at which point it will steadily decrease until reaches MIN again, and then it will cycle back around towards Max again, and so on and so on. Truth be told, you shouldn’t worry too much about Solar Data too much, because it doesn’t really affect the game all that much. Solar Data also affects certain skills like MIN Critical and MAX Critical, and the effects of the Estoma Spray and Magic Reed will only last until the next MIN Solar Noise. If a character is suffering from an ailment there is a 50% chance of that ailment being cured at MIN Solar Data. Finally, If Solar Data is at 7/8 or MAX there is a chance that you will fight the battle in Berserk Mode. Hard Mode --------- New to the game is the Hard Mode. Hard Mode is unlocked either by completing the game and then loading the Clear Data or by Importing Digital Devil Saga 1 Clear Data. The Hard Mode of Digital Devil Saga 2 is, well, harder than the normal game, not only do enemies hit much harder than they do normally, (being critical-ed or having your weak point hit is especially painful in Hard Mode) but it is also much more difficult to escape a battle. In Hard Mode you only have about a thirty percent chance of successfully escaping. Finally, there is a secret boss that can only be fought on Hard Mode. Karma Rings ----------- Karma Rings are another new addition to the game. Every character can equip one Karma ring, and they function sort of like the accessories of other RPGs, raising your stats or giving your characters special abilities. Karma Rings can be augmented by attaching gems to them. Attaching a Gem to a ring will raise the stats of the ring when equipped. ============= ================================|Battle System|================================ ============= Digital Devil Saga 2 uses a unique battle system called the Press Turn System. If you have played Nocturne before you already have a good idea on how the battle system works, because DDS uses the same battle system as Nocturne with a few minor tweaks. Battles in DDS are turn based, with one side acting first, and then the other side gets to act, and so on until one side is defeated. If you look in the upper right hand corner you will see a number of hexagonal shaped icons. Each of these icons ostensibly represents the number of actions you can do, but depending on the result of those actions you can either end up with additional or fewer actions. The total number of icons that each side gets for their turn is equal to the number of living characters that side has. (Although this is not always the case, as some random enemies along with most bosses will get 2-5 icons per turn, and some enemies can use Rage/Psycho Rage to boost the number of icons the have by two or four flashing icons respectively. Nobody ever said life was fair.) Normally whenever you attack or use a skill or an item then it will consume one icon. If that attack or skill is a Critical or hits the target’s weakness, however, it will cause one icon to start flashing. The next action will then consume this flashing icon, basically giving that side an extra action. If you already have one or more flashing icons and the next action is another critical/weakness it won’t consume that flashing icon, it will instead cause the next icon to start flashing too. This will continue until all the icons are flashing, at which point every action will consume one flashing icon regardless of whether it was a critical/weakness or not. Watch out though, if an attack fails or is blocked then two icons are consumed, and if it is repelled or drained then ALL remaining icons are consumed and it becomes the other side’s turn. -Note: For skills that have a probability of working (like Hama or Mudo) there is a difference between a failed attack and one that just didn’t work. If it didn’t work then it will only consume one icon, but if the attack fails then you will lose two icons. Finally, If you decide to Pass a character’s turn and there are no flashing icons then it cause an icon to flash, but if there are already flashing icons then it will always consume a flashing icon. ____________________________________Ailments___________________________________ As you go through the game you will inflict and be inflicted with a variety of status ailments. The following section lists all the ailments in the game, along with how to prevent them from happening and how to cure the ailment if you are affected. Some ailments will only last until the end of the current battle, while some are permanent, they will last until they are healed by an Item or a Life Terminal. Ailments that are not permanent may also end at the start of a turn, depending on the afflicted character’s Luck stat. Also, a character can only be affected by one ailment at a time; if another ailment is inflicted then the first ailment is cancelled. -Note: If you use a physical attack skill that has a chance of causing an ailment and that attack gets Blocked/Repelled/Drained than the ailment will have no chance of affecting the target. Stone ----- Permanent? – Kinda. You won’t recover from this mid-battle, but it does wear off after the battle is over. Prevent – Anything that protects you from Death Cure – Dis-Stone, Petradi When a character is turned to Stone they will not be able to act and will automatically lose their turn. If a character that has been turned to Stone is hit with a physical attack there is a very high chance that they will shatter and be killed. Despite what it may look like, a shattered character is treated like a dead character and can be revived with a Revival Gem or something like that. Curse ----- Permanent? – Yes Prevent – Anything that protects you from Death Cure – Dis-Curse, Cursedi When a Cursed character attacks they will receive the same amount of damage as they inflicted. If the target is killed then the cursed character will receive no damage. If a Cursed character doesn’t attack then nothing happens. Poison ------ Permanent? – Yes Prevent – Void Poison, Null Poison Cure – Dis-Poison, Posmudi When a character is poisoned they will take damage after every action they make. A poisoned character outside of battle will also lose a few HP every few steps Serph takes. Mute ---- Permanent? – Yes Prevent – Void Mute, Null Mute Cure – Dis-Mute, Closedi A character with the Mute ailment will be unable to use any skill that costs MP to use. It is kinda fun to inflict Mute on a magic-heavy enemy and watch them fruitlessly try to cast their spells. Charm ----- Permanent? - No Prevent – Void Charm, Null Charm Cure – Panacea, Patra, Me Patra A charmed character will automatically do one of the following actions: do nothing and lose a turn, attack their own party members, or heal the enemy. This is a pretty nasty status ailment to be hit with; you definitely want to heal this as soon as possible. Panic ----- Permanent? - No Prevent – Void Panic, Null Panic Cure – Panacea, Patra, Me Patra A panicked character might do what you tell them to do... Or they could randomly use one of their skills, Revert to human form or withdraw from battle completely, or they just do nothing and lose a turn. Unfortunately, you will also sometimes drop money too. Sleep ----- Permanent? – No Prevent – Void Nerve, Null Nerve Cure – Panacea, Patra, Me Patra A sleeping character will automatically lose their turn, and when they are physically attacked there is a high chance of a critical hit. Sleeping characters will also regain some HP and MP when it is their turn. Stun ---- Permanent? – Yes Prevent – Void Nerve, Null Nerve Cure – Dis-Stun, Paraladi When a stunned character attacks they have a much higher chance of the attack failing. When they are attacked they also have a much higher chance of being hit with a critical. Ache ---- Permanent? - Yes Prevent – Iron Stomach, not using Hunt skills Cure – Dis-Ache, Achedi This ailment is a bit different than the others, as the ache status is a direct result of using Hunt skills. A character with a stomachache will randomly lose their turn. Also, they will NOT gain any AP after the battle. Freeze ------ Permanent? – No Prevent – Anything that protects against Ice attacks Cure – N/A Whenever an Ice attack is used there is a chance that the target will be frozen. Any physical attack against a frozen target will automatically be a critical. A frozen target will also lose any Null, Repel, and Drain protections they had. Frozen status will last only until the next turn. Also Hunt skills are much less effective against frozen enemies. (I guess demons don’t like frozen food...) Shock ----- Permanent? - No Prevent – Anything that prevents against Elec Attacks Cure – N/A Whenever an Elec attack is used there is a chance that the target will be shocked. This status ailment is more or less just like Freeze, except shocked targets don’t lose their protections like they do when they’re frozen. Frightened ---------- Permanent? – No Prevent – N/A Cure – N/A The frightened status ailment can only affect enemies. An enemy that has been frightened will take triple damage from damaging Hunt skills, and instant death Hunt skills are guaranteed to work. Enemies will only remain frightened until their next turn. Bind ---- Permanent? – No Prevent – Nothing Cure – Wait a few turns When a Character is bound they will unable to do anything. Also if the enemy physically attacks a bound character they will automatically be Critical-ed. Bat --- Permanent? - No Prevent – Nothing Cure – Wait a few turns Your character has been transformed into a bat. A character that has transformed will have their stats lowered to next to nothing, and they will also become weak to Force attacks. You only have to deal with this ailment during a single battle. ============================================= ================|Importing Save Data from Digital Devil Saga 1|================ ============================================= If you play through the first Digital Devil Saga and have a New Cycle Save (a save made after beating the final boss of DDS 1) you can Import this save into DDS 2 and get some nice little bonuses. -Note: If you a importing a DDS 1 save with multiple playthroughs on it then only the choices made on the most recent play through of the game will count. So if you messed up something on your first play through but got it right on a replay you will get the bonus. Conversely, if you get it right the first time and mess it up on the second then you won’t get the bonus. -If you import any DDS 1 save then Hard Mode will be automatically unlocked. -A character will get a bonus to their stats depending on how many Mantras they mastered in DDS 1. The maximum Bonus is +5 to all stats. -When Serph sells his Tag Ring he may get more money depending on how much Macca you had at the end of DDS 1. If you had a one million or more Macca in DDS 1 then you will get $20000 instead of $10000. -If you import any DDS 1 save then Gale will learn the unique “Pyriphlegethon” skill when you reach the final Dungeon. -In DDS 1 after going through Svadhisthana you are given a Dialog choice, answer “We will help them without betrayal” and Argilla will get the Seraph Lore skill when you reach the final dungeon. -If you agreed to deliver a message for the Ex-Solids outside the Karma Temple to Amelia you will find her in Sala Park halfway through the game. She will give you a Lotus Flower which you can then trade for a Soma in the final dungeon. -If you defeated certain optional bosses in DDS 1 you will be able to acquire Special Karma Rings. These Rings are acquired during the course of the game, you can’t miss them. The list of the bosses and what rings the give are as follows: -King Frost: Hee-Ho Ring -Metatron: Divine Ring -Beelzebub: Skull Ring -Huang Long: Dragon Ring -Demi-Fiend: Amala Ring Getting Heat ------------ Although he is AWOL for most of the game, you can still get Heat to join in the final dungeon. To do this, however you need to make several dialog choices over both games. First, you need to make the following dialog choices in DDS 1: -In Coordinate 136 when Heat challenges you, answer “No, I can’t...” -In Ajna after defeating Ravana answer “It doesn’t matter.” Of course this is only the first step, you then have to import into DDS 2 and make two more dialog choices over the course of the game. If you select all four correct dialog choices then Heat will take over for Roland when you reach the final dungeon. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Characters [#004]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Coming soon, I hope... ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— |||||||||||||||||||||||||||Mantras and Hunting [#005]|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Nothing here... ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Hints and Tips [#006]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— -Explore every place thoroughly and use your map to look for places you might have missed. -Save often. Although you are not one Mudo spell away from a game over like you were in Nocturne, battles can still go south on you pretty quickly if you aren’t careful. -Know thy enemy. As you go through the game try to keep track of things like what the enemy’s Resistances are and what skills they use. Knowing how to best attack the enemy and defend yourself from attacks is a key part of being successful in combat. -On a similar note, you should always try to exploit an enemy’s weakness. Doing more damage and getting extra turns is always a good thing, right? -Don’t be afraid to retreat. If the battle starts to go against you it’s usually better to just run away and regroup instead of trying to stick it out. This is especially important when fighting in Berserk Mode, as things can go downhill on you VERY quickly, and retreating is guaranteed to work during Berserk Mode. (Even during Hard Mode.) -Hunt skills don’t count as physical attacks and will work even on Physical immune monsters. Just thought you’d like to know. -Do NOT ignore Agility and Luck when you are raising Serph’s (and later Seraph’s) stats at level up. Although they don’t have immediately noticeable effects like Strength, Vitality, or Magic does, Agility and Luck does play an important part in how effective Serph is. (Without Agility Serph will hardly ever hit anything or get to attack first in battle, and Luck effects how often you critical, what items that your enemies drop, and a bunch of other things.) -Make sure that you use the Elemental Boost and Amp skills. These skills can significantly enhance the damage of elemental magic and makes them the most effective attacks in the game, but watch out for resistances. (Getting an Amped Mazandyne bounced back in your face is not fun...) -The elemental Resist skills will override a character’s weakness to that element. For that reason you want to try to get each character to the end of the Elemental path that corresponds to their weakness as soon as you can. -Remember that the various shield skills will only last one turn and you can only have one of them up at a time. If you already have a Shield skill active and you use a second one then the effect of the first shield is cancelled. -Don’t underestimate the value of the various –Kaja and –Kunda skills. Very few enemies in this game carry Dekaja or Dekunda, and when they do they hardly ever use it. If you are having problems in a battle try spending a few turns applying Tarunda/Makanda and/or Rakukaja, it will make a big difference in helping you stay alive. (although oddly enough these skills will only stack three times in DDS 2 instead of four times like they did in DDS 1) -Try to fight in demon form as often as you can. Although there are demons out there that are weak to Guns, it’s usually a waste of time to spend a turn reverting back to take advantage of the weakness. You also can’t use any skills while you are in human form, either. -A character’s human form has different resistances than their demon form. They take normal damage from all elements but have a weakness to Guns and are immune to Expel attacks. -You won’t gain any AP when you kill a Human enemy. (You also can’t use Hunt skills on them either.) The only way to get AP from a human enemy is to wait until they transform. -Remember that most of your money should be put into purchasing Mantras, not buying worthless crap at the Mad Mart. Try to limit your purchases to Healing Items and even then only if you are about to run out of that Item. -Never EVER buy ammo from the Mad Mart. Like I said before, you will hardly ever do any fighting in human form, and the Ammo found in the field should be more than enough when you do. -Try to raise your Shop Rank to Level 2 as soon as you can. When you do save your game then buy Crimson Boxes until you get the Rich Ring. (Remember that you have a better chance of getting the Rich Ring at MAX Solar Data, and if you run out of money just reload and try again) The Rich Ring increases the amount of money you get after a battle, so getting it as soon as possible is a big help. -To Raise your shop Rank quickly try buying a lot of an item and then immediately selling back what you bought. You will get points for both transactions, and you will get back some money from selling what you bought. -The effects of an Estoma Spray or a Magic Reed will only last until the next MIN Solar Noise. To get the most out of these items, use them while Solar Noise is at MIN and it will last until the next MIN Solar Noise. -Make sure that you save before attempting a Field Hunt, and if you mess up during the Mitama battle, (you get a Stomachache, or a Mitama runs away) reload and try again. -Remember that there is a Rejuvenating Light in the Underground City that will completely heal your party for free. If you need healing it’s often better in the long run to leave the dungeon you are in and heal yourself at the Underground City instead. -It’s a good idea to use one of your inactive characters as a mobile Life Terminal, have them set a Dia- spell and any ailment-curing skills as they know. After battle if anyone is injured or suffering from an ailment have the inactive character heal them. -Did you know that the cover of the DDS 2 game box is reversible? Well, it is. ******************************************************************************* ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Walkthrough [#007]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— For the most part this walkthrough will not hold your hand through the dungeons, as I will assume that you have explored each area thoroughly and therefore I will only point out the important spots. I have included a listing of the Items you can find in each area. The Items in parenthesis indicate items that are found in the Yellow chests. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ SPOILER NOTE: Although this walkthrough is more or less spoiler-free, it is NOT totally free of spoilers. So if you are trying to avoid spoilers, don’t read ahead of the spot you need help in. You have been warned. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ================================== ======================|Welcome to the Real World [#007.1]|===================== ================================== ________________________________Occupied Sector________________________________ Items: Chakra Drop x 3 Revival Bead x 2 Panacea x 3 Ration x 3 Ration x 2 Chakra Drop x 2 (Shot Shell) Medical Kit Ice Blast x 2 Revival Bead x 2 Medical Kit Soma Drop Revival Gem Sonic Stone x 2 At the start of the game exit the apartment and then climb down the ladder. As you are walking Fred will take the time to point out the nearby Large Karma Terminal. Unfortunately you won’t be able to purchase any Mantra yet, nor do have any money to buy it with anyway, (Your Macca is no good here) so just save your game if you wish and continue on. Pretty soon you end up in the first battle of the game, against a pair of Andras. Have Serph use Bufu while the other two attack and they should go down quickly. Don’t bother trying to go back to get healing from the Large Karma Terminal, as you still don’t have any money to pay for it and there is a place where you can heal yourself for free coming up anyway. Continue on and you will soon be attacked by two Zhen, Not only are they weak to Ice, but they have so little HP that they will go down with a single Bufu. Gale will master the Dragon Mantra he had equipped after the battle, so be sure to set Zan immediately. Examine the Rejuvenating Light along the north wall to heal your party and leave the room. When you do you will be attacked by a Bugaboo and a Kelpie. Both enemies are weak to Force, so have Gale use Zan on them to take them both out quickly. The Bugaboo likes casting Mabufu/Bufu, so you might want to have Serph set up a Void Ice shield, but it isn’t necessary. After they are dead continue on to the north. In the next area you will see a treasure chest at the end of an alley, but when you approach the chest you will be attacked by a Bugaboo and a Hua Po. The Hua Po is weak to Ice and is so weak that she will probably fall to a single Bufu from Serph. After the Hua Po is dead take out the Bugaboo, grab the treasure, and continue on. Save you game at the Small Karma Terminal and continue on. You will run into a lone Karma Soldier that apparently decides he doesn’t need to transform to kill you and attacks. Hit him a few times and he will transform into a Pabilsag. Watch out because not only do his attacks hurt, but he can also poison you. Keep your HP up or you could be in trouble. He is weak to Earth, so if Argilla has managed to learn Tera by this time this battle will be a little easier. In the next area you will see a Karma Soldier running up ahead. Follow him and talk to the wounded woman in the next room and you will be attacked by two Bugaboos. Have Serph cast Void Ice while the other two attack and use Zan. Continue on to the north and you will come to a room with a Rejuvenating Light. You can climb up the stairs here up to the surface if you want, but there isn’t anything to do up there. (Make a note of the area, though, as one of the optional bosses can be found up there later in the game.) In the next area you hear a Karma Soldier threatening you, continue to the north and you will see an Ikusa holding a captive. Enter the room and the Ikusa will attack. He’s weak to Force, so have Gale use Zan and he should go down quickly. After the Ikusa is dead exit through the northern door and continue on. By now Argilla should have mastered the Earth Spirit Mantra, when she does have her set Tera. In the next area take the east fork to find a Rejuvenating Light. Go back and take the west fork and you will be attacked by an Andras and a Bugaboo. You should be well-versed in fighting these guys by now, but when you beat them a Tarrasque will show up as reinforcements. About the only thing that will really hurt this guy is Earth, which he is weak to. Have Argilla hit him with Tera and you should be able kill him before he slaughters you with Mad Rushes. Continue on and you will eventually reach a ladder. Climb up the ladder and save your game at the Small Karma Terminal here, as you are about to run into the first boss of the game. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Yaksa Vetala -Null: Earth/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Force -Recommended Level: 7 -Minion: Andras x 2 Make sure that Argilla has Void Earth set for this fight. Vetala is weak to Force, but his Andras flunkies do a good job of keeping up a Void Force shield, so the first thing you should do is get rid of them. Andras are weak to Earth, so have Argilla use Tera on them to make them die quicker. After they are gone Vetala isn’t all that threatening by himself. The only thing you have to watch out for is when he uses his turn to cast Magic Charge. When he does this have Argilla use Void Earth, because on the next turn Vetala unleashes “the fury of his body” in the form of Terra Burst. This attack is painful, but a Void Earth shield will cancel it out. As long as you neutralize his Terra Burst he should go down easily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Vetala is defeated and the post-battle cut scenes head north and enter the Underground City. ________________________________Underground City_______________________________ Use the Rejuvenating Light and the Small Karma Terminal here then cross over the bridge to the east and enter the building there and talk to Roland. After a lengthy cut scene you will be given the Hacking Disk, along with two Medical Kits and a Frigid Shot. The Hacking Disk will finally allow you to purchase Mantras. Unfortunately, you are still flat broke. To rectify this situation enter the newly reopened Mad Mart next to the Small Karma Terminal and you will automatically pawn your Tag Ring for $10,000. ------------------------------Digital Devil Saga 1----------------------------- If you imported from DDS1 you might be able to get a little bit more from this transaction. If you had 10,000 to 999,999 Macca when you imported she will give you $12,000 for the Tag Ring, and if you had one million or more Macca then you will get $20,000. It’s not much, but every little bit helps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that you have some money burning a hole in your pocket why don’t you spend some of it learning some new Mantra. When you are done here go back across the bridge and enter the building. Talk to the guy standing in front the elevator and he will let you ride said elevator down to the Underwater Cable. ================================= ======================|Soylent Green is PEOPLE! [#007.2]|====================== ================================= Pe-e-e-e-ople-e-e-e! *is shot* ________________________________Underwater Cable_______________________________ Items: Dis-Poison x 3 Dis-Curse x 3 Revival Bead x 2 Dis-Stun x 2 (Clover) Ration x 3 Fire Wall x 3 Quick Data (Charge Shot) (Vital Ring) Land Mine x 2 (Luck Ring) Revival Gem HP Data (Narcissus) Great Chakra There are no enemies in the first part of this dungeon. Take advantage of this and search around thoroughly for goodies. Make your way through the tunnels and climb up the ladder. Activate the switch here to open the gate and continue on. You will soon run into a pair of Ghouls. At the start of the battle the Ghoul on the right will announce that he is wearing a ring that raises his Strength, and he’s right: the one on the right does hit a little harder than the one on the left. They are both weak to Ice, however, so just have Serph Bufu them into oblivion. After the battle you will get the Power Ring, your first Karma Ring. ------------------------------Digital Devil Saga 1----------------------------- If you managed to beat King Frost in DDS 1, however, The Ghoul will announce that he is wearing the Hee-Ho Ring instead. This will make him immune to Ice. It doesn’t really make this fight any more challenging; you just have to remember to refrain from using Bufu on the Ghoul on the right. After the battle is over you will get the Hee-Ho Ring along with the Power Ring. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Note: If you are on your second playthrough you will also get a Berserker Ring here. After the battle retrace your steps and talk to the Repairman that is standing back at where you activated the switch. (Gale won’t let you proceed until you do) After you do this return to the room where you fought the Ghouls and you will be able to climb the ladder down and continue on. In this area there are two ladders up. Climb up the southern ladder first and activate the switch there. Go back and climb up the northern ladder and active the switch here to open the door. Continue on past the Small Karma Terminal until you reach an area with two ladders. The northern ladder will just lead to some treasure; the southern ladder is the one you need to take to proceed. Past the Small Karma Terminal you will be attacked by a Mizuchi and a Pabilsag. Use Force on the Mizuchi and Earth on the Pabilsag. After the battle you will realize the wires connecting the switch have been severed, rendering the switch useless. The switch needs to be repaired before you can continue on. Don’t bother with the Northern ladder as it will lead to a dead end, but do take advantage of the Life Terminal here. Retrace your steps until you find the Repairman’s Brother being menaced by three Karma Soldiers. A battle will break out between a Kaiwan and two Shadows. Use Force on the Shadows and Fire on the Kaiwan. With the Repairman’s Brother in tow return to the damaged switch and he will repair the wires. Activate the newly repaired switch to open the south door and close the north switch. Go down the southern ladder and go forward until you reach another locked door. Activate the two switches here and they will open... the door on the other end of the room. Retrace your steps back to the previous switch and activate it to reopen the north door. Climb down the ladder and follow the path to the end and you will see that the door you just opened will allow you activate a switch that will open the door you need to continue on. Make your way back to the door you just opened, save your game, climb the ladder, and fight a boss. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Yaksa Hecatoncheires (...just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?) -Null: Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Earth -Recommended Level: 12 Hopefully Argilla has Media by now, and it wouldn’t hurt to have Serph and/or Gale learn and set Tera too. Hecatoncheires will use nothing but Physical attacks against you. Fortunately, almost all of his attacks are rather feeble, doing at most 20-25 HP worth of damage. His only attack that you really have to worry about is an attack called Hundred Fist; it hits all your characters and gets more powerful every time he uses it. (The first time he uses it does 20 damage, the second time it does 40, then 60, then 80. It might go even higher than this, but I never found out because I was dead by this time.) The key to this battle is to finish him off quickly, before his Hundred Fist grows too powerful. Hecatoncheires does counter physical attacks, so stick with elemental magic. He is weak to earth so pound him with Earth spells if you have them and you should be able come out on top here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle you get a Yellow Crystal along with the ability to attach gems to your Karma Rings. Go south through the door for some cut scenes and both Cielo and Roland will join the party. After that is done climb up the stairs to reach the Internment Facility. ______________________________Internment Facility______________________________ -Items: Dis-Mute x 3 Revival Bead x 2 (Phantom Ring) Blue Diamond Dis-Stun x 3 (Narcissus) Medical Kit (Battle: Orobas x 2) (Amaryllis) Blue Diamond (Trick Ring) Revival Gem Enter the Facility and use the Small Karma and Life Terminals here and sell off any plants you have at the nearby Mad Mart Express, and then make you way north. You will get into a battle with two Nues, if Roland is not in your active party at this time he will force himself into your party, replacing whoever was in your third slot. The Nues are weak to Fire, so have Roland use Agi on them. After they are dead make you way through the maze and continue on to the north, past a Field Hunt until you reach a Large Karma Terminal. Take the nearby stairs down to B1F. On B1F you are immediately confronted by Kumbhanda. This really isn’t a proper fight, because he uses Black Bind in the first turn to capture the entire party. You will be thrown into a cell, but a member of Lokapala will come and let you out. To get down to the next level you will need to talk to the prisoner in Cell number 1E-05, he will ask you a question, answer “Unbearable solar noise” and he will give you a key card that will open the door that leads to the next level. Complicating matters is the fact that Kumbhanda is still roaming around the level, and if he catches you he will throw you back into prison. Try to draw him to the other end of the level before talking to the prisoner. He walks around slowly, but if he gets a clear path to you he will start running, making it more difficult to avoid him and get to where you need to go. On B2F Kumbhanda will follow you down here. Some of the paths on this level are blocked off by fences, so make sure that you keep an eye on the map so you don’t inadvertently run into a dead end and corner yourself. Go to cell number 2W-01, the prisoner will ask another question, answer “canned surprise” and he will give you a Label and the key to the next level. Kumbhanda will now change tactics, he’ll set several traps throughout the level and guard the stairs down. If you run into a trap you will be paralyzed for a couple of seconds but are not otherwise harmful. To get to the next level you will have to get close enough for him to start chasing you, then circle around and make a break for the now unguarded stairs. If you get caught in a trap don’t panic, it should wear off before Kumbhanda can catch up with you, just keep going and you should make it. On B3F you will still have to deal with those paralyzing traps. Make your way to cell 3S-03, you won’t have to answer anything this time and you will get a Demon Corpse along with the key to the next level. Kumbhanda has now returned to guarding the stairs down. Draw him away to one of the far corners, then make a break for the door and hope you have enough of head start to make it. It may take a few tries but you’ll get it eventually. Thanks to Arcane Ether who sent in this awesome ASCII map and strategy for getting around Kumbhanda: ^ to B2 | | __________________| |____________________ | | | > > > > > > 4 > > | | ^ V | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | | | ^ | | | | V | | | | | | | | | | | | ^ | | | | 3 | | | | | | | | | | |_________| ^ |_________| |_________| V | | * | | ^ * < < < < V | | * V | |***|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ^ |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | | | | | V | | | | | | ^ | | | | | | | | | | V | | | | | | ^ | | | | | | |_________| |_________| V |_________|***| | ^ | | < < < < < < < < < 2 | | > > > > > | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|***|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| V | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | V | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | V | | |_________| |_________| |_________| | | * V | | * 1 < < < < < < < | | * V | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | V to B4 The Jailer starts Point 1, marked on the ASCII map, however, he will not move until you step foot on Point 2. The split second you enter the intersection of Point 2, he’ll start running after you. The trick is to get as close as you can to Point 2 without actually trigger his approach. Wait for the traps to fade, then just briefly step onto Point 2 and turn tail running along the pathway marked on the map. When you reach Point 3, stop running for just a second and let the Jailer catch up to Point 4. If you don’t let him run to Point 4, he’ll go down on the map to Point 5 and catch you at the intersection just below Point 3. By letting him catch up, you can get ahead of him and continue safely along the marked path all the way to the door. As you’re running along the pathway, if you should get caught in a trap, simply hold the direction pad until the trap frees you. There really is no way to judge the timing on these traps, so just follow the pathway carefully, and make sure you don’t take a wrong turn anywhere. The split second you reach the door at the end of the path, jam the X button to use the Keycard before the Jailer grabs you. (**ASCII Map, courtesy of Arcane Ether**) When you reach B4F you won’t have to avoid Kumbhanda anymore. (yay!) Enter the Command Center and grab the Control Room Key. When you leave the Command Center you will be attacked by two Orobas and a Nekomata. Use Ice on the Orobas and Elec on the Nekomata. Use the Large Karma Terminal to teleport back to 1F and use the Control Room Key to unlock the door there to enter the Control Room. Switch on the power there, and then put the Demon Corpse into the machine outside the Large Karma Terminal. Follow the conveyer belt with the Demon Corpse on it to the other end of the machine and pick up the Canned Meat at the end. Head back down to B4F and place the Canned Meat in the Command Center. As you leave the Command Center you can finally get some revenge on Kumbhanda for chasing you all over the damn Internment Facility. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Yaksa Kumbhanda -Null: Force/Expel/Death/Ailments Weak: Elec -Recommended Level: 16 Have everyone set Zio (Along with Elec Boost, if they have it) for this battle. Be sure that that someone sets Void Force too, because he uses both Zanma and Mazanma regularly. He can still use Black Bind, but it is nowhere near as effective as it was before. He can also use an attack called Gorge, Which will drain about 50 HP and give them to Kumbhanda. Overall this is a pretty easy battle; just pound him with Zio, set up a Void Force Shield, and Heal as you need it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle there are more cut scenes. After they are through, exit through the gate to get to the map. ================================= ======================|Desperately Seeking Sera [#007.3]|====================== ================================= You can enter the Urban Area or Sala Park if you want, but there’s nothing going on in either place. Instead go back to the Underground City and talk to the girl standing near the Small Karma Terminal. Choose the second, and then the first answers and she will give you a Medical Gear. Go to the Administrative District, but before you go inside the Tower talk to the guy near the entrance. He will ask you for suggestions on the name of his newborn son. Depending on the name you choose he will give you a different reward: Serph - Pink Sapphire Heat - Tiger’s Eye Gale - Pink Crystal Cielo - Blood Ruby Enter the Tower when you are ready. ______________________________Karma Society Tower______________________________ -Items: Shock Bomb x 2 Dis-Mute x 3 (Daisy) Dark Veil x 2 Ruby Frost Bomb x 2 Earth Wall x 2 Fire Bomb x 2 Medical Tool (Demon Ring) Yellow Crystal Power Data (Tranq Shot) Dis-Sun x 3 Medical Tool x 2 (Battle: Archangel x 2) (Daisy) Soma Drop Brave Ration (Rage Ring) Magic Data Cat’s Eye Dis-Curse x 3 When you first enter the Tower there won’t be any fights until you reach 10F. On 10F you will be attacked by two Karma Soldiers, you have the opportunity to attack them while they are still talking and you will get to go first in the battle, but if you don’t take advantage of this then the Karma Soldiers will go first. After they are dead continue on. You will eventually be attacked by a pair of Eligor. Use Elec on them. ------------------------------Digital Devil Saga 1----------------------------- If you defeated Metatron in DDS 1 they will tell you that they have the Divine Ring, which allows them to repel Expel attacks. (Wouldn’t it be wiser to not announce that you repel Expel and let the enemy find that out on their own?) You will get this ring after the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle you can try pump one of the wounded Karma Soldiers for information, but a pair of Atavaka will show up and put an end to your interrogation. They can use Counterstrike, so use Earth instead to get rid of them quickly. Climb up the stairs to 11F. There is a Field Hunt here near the Small Karma Terminal. A little bit later you will see what looks like the entrance to a Large Karma Terminal, but when you go through it you will be attacked by four Titans. (two will start the battle and then the other two will show up as reinforcements) This can be a rough battle, as they hit hard and can counterattack. Keep your HP up and use your best non-Earth (they nullify it) spells to avoid being counterattacked. After they are dead continue on and you will find a Mad Mart Express and the elevator up to 20F. Save your game at the Small Karma Terminal and then go through the door for a boss fight. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Human Tribhvana: Air, Human Tribhvana: Earth, Human Tribhvana: Heaven --------------------------------------------------------------------- -(all)Null: Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Gun -Recommended Level: 21 This can be a rough battle unless you have the proper skills set. Have everyone set Agi(lao), Zan(ma), and Tera(zi) for this fight. It is also a good idea to be able to use a Dekaja combo here. (-Kunda skill + -Kunda skill) At the start of the battle just pick a Tribhvana and attack them with normal attacks, soon enough they will transform into... Yaksa Cu Sith, Yaksa Ubelluris, Yaksa Ganga ------------------------------------------- -(Cu Sith) Null: Ice/Force/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Fire -(Ubelluris) Null: Phys/Earth/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Force -(Ganga) Null: Fire/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Earth Now that they’ve transformed the battle starts for real. Cu Sith will mostly set up Void (Element) Shields, but will also occasionally slip in a Tarukaja or Makakaja. Ubelluris will attack you physically, but it’s Ganga that you want to watch out for. She will pound you –Dyne level elemental spells which hurt, a lot. (especially if she hits one of your character’s weak points) Obviously your first target should Ganga. Hit her with Earth spells and keep your HP up as best you can. After she is down this battle becomes a whole lot easier. Concentrate on Cu Sith next, If he uses a –Kaja skill immediately counter it with Dekaja and pound him with Fire Spells and he should go down quickly. With Ubelluris alone he shouldn’t cause you very many problems; just remember that he is immune to physical, so use Force spells on him instead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After they are defeated press on and take the elevator up to 31F. There you will find a welcome Large Karma Terminal. Heal up and continue on up the stairs to 32F. The first elevator you come to just leads to some treasure, grab it and continue on. Save your game at the Small Karma Terminal, as you are about to run into the Tribhvana again and they want a rematch. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Yaksa Cu Sith, Yaksa Ubelluris, Yaksa Ganga (Round 2) -(Cu Sith) Null: Ice/Force/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Fire -(Ubelluris) Null: Phys/Earth/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Force -(Ganga) Null: Fire/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Earth -Recommended Level: 25 MAKE SURE THAT SOMEONE HAS VOID ELEC SET FOR THIS BATTLE! Other than that just use the same skill setup as you did the last time you faced them and you should be okay. For the most part they fight just like they did during your first battle with them. This time they start out already transformed, and Ganga is VERY good at hitting your characters weaknesses this time around. They’ve also acquired a really nasty combo attack called Bolt Rain, an Elec attack that hits everyone. (...and if Gale is in your party and he gets hit with this it’s pretty much game over for you.) To counter this keep up a Void Elec shield at all times. Again, you want to concentrate on Ganga first. Hit her with your best Earth spells while keeping your HP up. When she is down the battle is a whole lot easier, as not only have you taken out their biggest damage dealer, but they can no longer use Bolt Rain anymore either. Now it’s just a matter of finishing off Cu Sith and Ubelluris; just do what you did last time and you should come out on top. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take the elevator up to 44F. Enter the Medical Room and a long cut scene will start. During this cut scene there is a dialog choice, answer “We’d never join you” and you will be able to learn a special skill later in the game. Anyway, after the cut scenes are over you are thrown into a boss battle. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Human Karma Soldier x 4 ----------------------- -Null: Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Gun -Recommended Level: 27 Feh, you shouldn’t even break a sweat with these guys. When you beat them you know who shows up as reinforcements... Asura Agni ---------- -Null: Fire/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Ice -Minion: Gdon x 2 Make sure that you have Void Fire set for this fight, because Serph can expect to have a steady stream of Agidynes thrown at him over the course of this fight. Also be sure to have Bufu(la) + Ice Boost set, as every one of your enemies has a weakness to it, and every one of them can counter physical attacks too. The Gdon will cast Ice Drain, so you will likely have to either use physical attacks and risk being counter-attacked, or use a different elemental spell. (It should be obvious just by looking at them, but don’t use Fire against them.) Get rid of the Gdon first and things will be a whole lot easier. Agni alone shouldn’t give you too many problems, he does hit rather hard, but he will waste quite a few turns casting Agidyne, so as long as you keep up a Void Fire shield he shouldn’t give you many problems. Pound him with Ice and after taking off enough of his HP he will run off, ending the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will come up to a Life Terminal shortly, but don’t use it unless you are half-dead, as you are almost done here. Climb up the Stairs to 45F, and then take the elevator up to 55F. When you arrive you find an unexpected sight awaiting you. In the next room you will have to face a Rakshasa and a Berith, use Earth on the Rakshasa and Force on the Berith. This turns out to be the last true fight of this dungeon, as although you will be attacked the Karma Soldiers you encounter will just talk to you briefly before escaping. (Why did they bother attacking you then?) Continue on and at the end there will be more scenes and you will automatically end up in the Laboratory Dome, your next destination. Before you go inside the EGG Installation, however, leave the Laboratory Dome and go back to the Underground City and talk to the Pyro Frost that is now outside the Mad Mart and he will say that he’s found a strange stone and is willing to sell it to you... for $50,000! The stone he’s selling is called an Impel Stone, and it will add four flashing turn icons when used in battle. (Basically it’s just like casting Psycho Rage.) You can only have one Impel Stone at a time, (If you try to buy another Impel Stone when you already have one he will tell you that he doesn’t have any) but after you use it you can go back to the Pyro Frost to buy a replacement Impel Stone at any time. It’s handy to have if you get into trouble and need a few extra turns for healing or for squeezing in that final attack. It’s probably a bit outside your price range right now, but I would highly recommend coming back later when you have the money and buying it. There is also a girl nearby who will let you play with a game she found. The game turns out to be a nifty little vertical shooter game starring everyone’s favorite Pseudo-Jamaican, Cielo. Unfortunately I suck at this game, so I’m not sure if there’s any prize for winning or not. ------------------------------Digital Devil Saga 1----------------------------- If you agreed to deliver a message for the Ex-Solids that was standing outside the Karma Temple you will now be able find Amelia in Sala Park. Talk to her and deliver the message and she will give you a Lotus Flower as thanks. You can either hang on to it for a Soma later in the game, or you could be a callous, insensitive jerk and sell it for money. Your choice. -Note: Apparently you can sell the Lotus Flower and still get the Soma later. It still makes you a jerk, though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you are done head back to the Laboratory Dome and enter the EGG Installation. ________________________________EGG Installation_______________________________ -Items: Hero Ration Dis-Ache x 2 (Daisy) Vital Data Dis-Poison x 3 Medical Tool x 2 Attack Mirror x 2 (Rose) (Curse Shot) Sapphire Quick Data x 2 Tiger’s Eye Muscle Drink Chakra Pot x 2 (Speedy Ring) Scarlet Pearl Impact Bomb x 2 (Change Ring) (Rose) (Battle: Taown x 3) Medical Kit Great Chakra There’s nothing to do on 1F except stop by the Mad Mart Express and take the elevator down to B5. When you step out of the Elevator you are immediately attacked by three Gdon, use Ice on them. -Note: While you are inside the EGG Installation, get in the habit of searching every dead body you come across, as most of the treasure in this dungeon is found on them and not in treasure chests. Save your game at the Large Karma Terminal and take the stairs down to B6. There is a locked Security Door in your path, so take a look around. In one of the rooms you will find a pair of Sati menacing a Researcher. They will attack you, use Ice on them. ------------------------------Digital Devil Saga 1----------------------------- If you defeated Beelzebub’s Fly form in DDS 1 then one of the Sati will have the Skull Ring that repels Death. You will get the Skull Ring after the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle the Researcher will run off. Leave the room and you will see the Researcher unlock the Security Door before running ahead. Cool. Take the Elevator down to B10. You will find another two Security Doors here. Inside one of the rooms you will find the Researcher and he will give Security Card 01 to you when you talk to him. Use the Security Card 01 to unlock the Level One Security Door. Go past another Level Two Security Door and take the stairs down to B11. Go inside the Demon Lab and talk to the Researchers there. Ask one of them for the security card and they will give Security Card 02 to you. Go back to the EGG Installation B Small Karma Terminal and unlock the nearby Level Two Security Door. (The other Level Two Security Door on this level just leads to some treasure.) Take the stairs down to B11. Soon you will come across a Wounded Karma Soldier. He will tell you that the next Security Card has been stolen. Take a look around and you will find a pair of Baphomet hiding out in one of the rooms. Put up a Void Death shield throughout the battle and kill them with physical attacks. You will get Security Card 03 after the battle. When you try to use it, however you will find out that you will need a password before you can open the door. So now what? Go back the wounded Karma Soldier who told you about the Security Card and he will tell you that the password should be written on the Security Card itself. (...doesn’t sound like a very effective security measure to me, but what do I know?) Go into the Item menu and look at the description of Security Card 03. It will say that it is labeled “11771409,” which just so happens to be the password for the Level Three Security Door. Go down the stairs to B12. There really isn’t much happening on this level. There is an elevator here that leads to a Field Hunt on B7. You can find Security Card 04 on the body of a dead Researcher here. The password for this door is “40051918,” Input the password and climb down to B13. You’re going to have to find another Security Card for this level. You will need to fight two Scathach and a Pazuzu for Security Card 05. Use Elec on the Pazuzu and any non-earth Elemental spells on the Scathach. Look at the Security Card in the Item Menu and you will that the password for this Security Door is... “ABYSS?” Okay... Well, let’s head to the Security Door and see what we can find out. There is a dead Researcher near the Security Door and you will find a note on his body that will tell you how to decode the password for the Security Door. (Okay, seriously, whoever designed the security for this place should be punched. In the face.) Anyway, when you decode the password you get “12251919,” so input the password and continue on. Save your game at the Small Karma Terminal and get ready, as there is a Boss battle coming up. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Yaksa Abaddon -Variable Resistances (See below) -Recommended Level: 30 Ugh... This guy is UGLY! I hope somebody in your party knows Mediarama by now, because plain old Media simply won’t cut it in this battle. Cielo will also force his way into the party for this battle so I hope you’ve been keeping up with him or you could be in for a rough time. As long as he has Zionga with Elec Boost set and have his levels are in the low to mid-twenties he should do alright. Oddly enough, although he does not have a weakness to it, he takes a lot of damage from Elec spells. One last Note about skills, -Kaja and –Kunda skills are your friends here. (Rakukaja is very good to have here if you can manage it, but Tarunda/Makanda can work too) This guy is a bit different than the previous bosses you’ve fought, he has 3 different phases, and each phase has different attacks and even resistances. He starts out with a weakness to Force, and he nullifies Physical and Earth. He mainly uses powerful physical attacks like Body Rush and Power Wave. After a few turns he will use Bellow, which signifies that he has switched to his next phase. His second phase is weak to Earth, and he nullifies fire. This is the form that is likely give you the most problems, as he loves using -Dyne level elemental magic against you. You can try to reduce the damage with Makanda and/or Tarukaja or protect yourself with a shield skill, but unfortunately there is not much you can do if he decides to shoot off six straight Maragidynes here. After a few turns he will Bellow and go into his next phase. The third form is Weak to fire and Nullifies Ice and Force. This phase is almost restful, as the only real threatening attack he has is Zandyne and he only uses it rarely. (It still hurts though, especially if he nails Argilla with it.) He mainly uses the various –Kaja and –Kunda skills, as long as you can use Dekaja and Dekunda he shouldn’t cause too many problems. After a few turns he will Bellow and go back to his first phase. So, to summarize: -1st Phase: -Null: Phys/Earth/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Force Uses Physical attacks. -2nd Phase: -Null: Fire/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Earth Uses Elemental Magic -3rd Phase: -Null: Ice/Force/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Fire Uses –Kaja and –Kunda skills. All three forms do have some common attacks. His worst skill is Gate to Abyss, where he will actually swallow one of your characters whole, effectively taking them out of the battle. When he does this have your uneaten characters hit Abaddon as hard as you can to get him to Regurgitate the eaten character. He can also use Noxious Cloud, which has a chance poisoning your characters. The way I usually fight this battle is have Serph and Argilla set Zanma and Terazi with Force and Earth Boost and have Cielo set Zionga with Elec Boost. When the battle start I go for an all-out attack, pounding him with Zanma and Zionga, only letting up the attack if someone is desperately in need of healing. Doing this way I was able to get him down in the red zone by the time he first uses Bellow and then continuing the pounding with Terazi/Zionga, and he was dead in one or two more turns. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Abaddon is defeated you will get the Master Key. Continue on and take the elevator down to B30. Use the Master Key to open the door at the end of the long hallway and... whoa... ------------------------------Digital Devil Saga 1----------------------------- Here is the first of the two dialog choices that determines whether you will have Roland or Heat in the final dungeon. Answer “We’re Comrades” for Heat or “I won’t let you... have Sera” for Roland. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =================== =============================|Power Down [#007.4]|============================= =================== Well... things sure have gone to pot, haven’t they? Serph is out of the party, but there’s no time for tears as you are going to have to press on and go to the Power Plant without him. For this section of the game you will be controlling Gale. But first, go back to the Underground City and enter the Underwater Cable again. In the first area talk to a Lokapala member and he will give you a Calamity Ring. __________________________________Power Plant__________________________________ -Items: Pink Crystal Magic Mirror x 2 Revival Gem (Sakura) (Mute Shot) Red Diamond (Battle: Alilat) Dekaja Rock x 2 Chakra Pot MP Data x 2 Medical Tool x 2 Power Data (Sakura) Go to the Power Plant Dome and enter the Power Plant proper. Roland will ask you if you are ready to storm the Plant. -Note: Once you enter the Power Plant you won’t be able to leave until you complete it. Also, once you have completed the Power Plant you will not be able to return here. In other words, Make the most of your time here. There is a Mad Mart Express in the first hallway, along with a Small Karma Terminal in a side room to the east. In the next room you will be attacked by two Naga, use Fire on them. The Partition is shut, but if you examine the Console here Roland will HaX0r it and open the Partition for you. There is another Partition in the next room, and the console to open this one is in the room off to the east. In the next room is ANOTHER Partition. Go down the western corridor to find the Console needed to open the partition. (and take advantage of the Rejuvenating Light while you are here) Continue North until you reach yet another Partition, for this one you need to active two Consoles to open it. To start take the Western Corridor and you will run into a Partition (*grumble*) that you will have to open before you can get to the console for the first Partition. Go south and take the stairs down and follow the corridor past a Small Karma Terminal until you reach the Basement. Go through the basement and you will find the console and another Small Karma Terminal. Retrace your steps back and go through the Partition you just opened, and you will run into a Security System. It will try to scare you off, but don’t listen to it and you will be attacked by two Laser Cannons. They can be a bit annoying as they can use Revert Pulse to revert your characters back to Human form. They are weak to Elec, so use Bolt Flare (or Mazionga, if you have it) to destroy them quickly. After they are destroyed you will find the first of the two Consoles you need to operate to open that Partition. Go back to the center Partition and this time take the Eastern Corridor. There is another Partition here, but when you use the Console to open the partition it will close another partition further in. Go through the door that’s behind the first Partition down the stairs and past a Small Karma Terminal and a Life Terminal until you reach the Basement. There’s another Small Karma Terminal down here, use it if you have a pressing need to save your game in the 5 minutes since the last Small Karma Terminal and continue on and climb two flights of stairs to a Partition and the corresponding Console. Open the Partition and you will end up back at the start of this area. After Argilla’s little outburst operate the Console again to open the second partition and close the first. Now go back the way you just came and circle around all the way to that door that was behind the first partition. You can then go through the now-opened second partition. You will find another Security System waiting for you. This one brings out a pair of 20mm Machineguns. These guys have an attack called Sharpshot which has a very high chance of causing a critical, and they can inflict random ailments with Fire. Still, they are weak to Elec just like the Laser Cannons were and should go down to a sustained Bolt Storm/ Mazionga assault pretty quickly. After they are destroyed you will find the second console you need to open the center Partition you need to continue on. Just beyond the center Partition you will run into another Security System. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Device 20mm Machineguns, Device Gate Core, Device Laser Cannon -(All) Null: Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Elec -Recommended Level: 34 Every one of the enemies are weak to Elec in this fight, so have everybody Bolt Storm (or Mazionga, if you can manage it) along with Elec Boost. Be sure to set Void Fire too. Both the 20mm Machinegun and Laser Cannon are the same as the last time, just with more HP. They do tend to complement each other rather nicely though. Try to get rid of both of these guys with Bolt Storm/Mazionga as quickly as possible. At the start of the battle the Gate Core will be closed. While it is closed it’s almost impossible to damage it, as it’s immune to physical and strong to everything else while closed. At the start of the battle it will start counting down from five. After five turns the Gate Core will open. When it is open it will use Flare Cannon, a rather strong Fire attack that hits all characters. This is also the only time you can really damage it, as it loses its protection and becomes weak to Elec while it is open. After it uses Flare Cannon it will close again and start a new countdown. When both the Machinegun and Cannon are destroyed the Gate Core will go into “Genocide Mode,” where it will do Flare Cannon every turn. Be sure to keep a Void Fire shield whenever the Gate Core is open and you should do fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Core Device is destroyed continue north, past a Small Karma Terminal to reach another Partition (The last one of these, thank goodness) and the Console is right there. Operate the Console and... ACK! --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Dragon Naga x 3 -Null: Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Fire/Earth -Recommended Level: 35 These guys are pretty much the same as the Naga you’ve been fighting through out the Power Plant, except that they have a bit more HP, and they can (and will) use Void Fire. When all three are dead Raja Naga and two more Naga will show up as Reinforcements. Yaksa Raja Naga -Repel: Elec, Null: Earth/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Fire -Minion: Naga x 2 Make sure you have a good supply of Dis-Mutes for this battle. (I suppose having everyone set Closedi will work in a pinch, too) It’s also a good idea to have Elec Repel/Drain set for this fight. (especially if you have Gale in your party.) Other than that it’s just the generic advice of setting your best Fire attack along with Fire Boost, Mediarama and any –Kaja and –Kunda sills you have. Everyone here is weak to Fire, so that should be your weapon of choice. Unfortunately the Naga goons do a good job of keeping up a Void Fire Shield. You can get rid of them if you want, but Raja Naga will just summon more. I would recommend just ignoring the Naga and concentrate on Raja Naga, as the fight will end when he falls. These guys love to try to mute you. Raja Naga uses Mute Blow a lot and his flunkies also use Makajam and Makajamon. Normally this would just be an annoyance, but these guys have a combo attack called Conviction that not only hits you for pretty good damage, but will also instantly kill anyone suffering from Mute status. For this reason you want to immediately cure anyone who suffering from Mute. Raja Naga has Maziodyne and his Naga goons can use Mazionga, so keeping up an Anti-Elec shield is a good idea. As long as you can get rid the Mute status before Raja Naga can use Conviction and you keep up an Anti-Elec Shield at all times this should be a simple fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle Roland will leave the party and the Partition will close behind you, sealing you off from the first part of the Power Plant. You won’t be able to open the Partition from this side, so we’ll just have to press on. Continue on until you reach the Control Room. Once there Argilla will leave party and Sera will leave the ranks of NPC and join as a full blown card-carrying party member with all perks and privileges contained therein. After the cut scenes are over leave the Control Room, you will soon be attacked by a pair of Efreet, use Ice to get rid of them quickly, then go north and exit through the door to finish this dungeon. ====================== ============================|Scrambled EGG [#007.5]|=========================== ====================== After that emotional gut-punch of a dungeon is over you end up in Sala Park. There’s nothing new happening around town, so just go back to the Laboratory Dome and re-enter the EGG Installation. ___________________________EGG Installation Revisited__________________________ -Items: Soma Drop Magic Mirror Magni Bomb Blood Ruby (Neutron Shot) HP Data x 2 (Jasmine) Tiger’s Eye (Follow-Up Ring) (Battle: Hresvelgr) Medical Gear x 2 Dekaja Rock x 2 (Ether Ring) Revival Gem (Jasmine) Malachite If the new music, the gibbering Researcher in the lobby, or the fact that your auto-map has reset haven’t clued you in, going through the EGG this time isn’t going to be the same as the last. The Mad Mart Express also has two new items for sale, Light Balls and Core Shields, both of which you will need to make it through the EGG this time. (...well, that’s not entirely true, you can get through here without them, but they will save you quite a bit of trouble) Make sure to buy five of each before taking the elevator down to B5. When you reach B5 you will find that the lights are off. This area hasn’t changed layout-wise since the last time you were here, but there are new stronger enemies waiting for you, and there are also new treasure chests that have popped up throughout the EGG since the last time you were here as well, so it is worth the time to re-explore the area thoroughly. Be sure to use a Light Ball here, however, as without it you can only see the immediate area on your automap and every battle you fight will be an ambush. (as in, you start the battle in Human Form) Make you way down to B6 and you will be attacked by a pair of Pisaca when you reach the Level 1 Security Door. Use Fire against them and take the elevator down to B10. They’ve... redecorated since the last time you were here. Not only does this area have a gruesome new décor, but several Vortexes have popped up as well. When you get too close to these Vortexes it will warp you to a different area of the EGG. This area can be a bit annoying, as you are going to have to navigate these Vortexes in order to reach the end of this dungeon. For this reason this part of the walkthrough will be a bit more hand-holding than I usually do. Be warned that I’m only going to show you how to get through this area as quickly as possible, and not how get any of the new treasures that has popped up. From the elevator, go north as far as you can and then turn west to see your first Vortex. It will warp you to a room on B11. Leave the room and go straight north until you come to another Vortex. You will be warped to another room on B11. Leave the room and save your game at the Small Karma Terminal. Go south and climb the stairs up to B10. Follow the corridor west to the intersection, and go through the southern door and go into the Vortex there. You are warped to a corridor, use a Core Shield here to protect yourself from the arcing electricity and follow the corridor southwest until you reach a door. Go through that and you will come to an intersection with a Small Karma Terminal. Go west and then turn north and go through the door and enter the Vortex in the room. From there take the stairs down to B11. Hang a right and follow the corridor east and enter the room at the end of the corridor. When you enter the room you will be attacked by two Hanuman. They are immune to Earth and they will High Counter physical, so stick with non-Earth elemental magic against them. ------------------------------Digital Devil Saga 1----------------------------- If you defeated Huang Long in DDS 1 one of the Hanuman has the Dragon Ring, which you will get at the end of battle. *gives ATLUS’ localization team a reproachful look* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the Hanuman are dead enter the Vortex to be warped to the next area. Go west through the door to find another Vortex. You are warped to an area with more arcing electricity. Use a Core Shield and follow the corridor northwest and go through the door to reach a Small Karma Terminal. Save your game and go through the door to the south and you will be attacked by a pair of Chimera. Use Earth to kill them and afterwards go west at the intersection and follow the corridor to a room with a Vortex in it. Enter the Vortex, leave the room you are warped to and go north through the door. At the next intersection go west and enter the Vortex inside the room. You are warped to the stairs down to B12. On B12 go west, then south and enter the room on the far south and enter the Vortex there. You are warped to an area with arcing electricity, so use a Core Shield and go northeast. In the next room you will find a Life Terminal, heal up and go west through the door. There is a Vortex in here which will warp you down to B13. On B13 go south and then turn east and go through a door. Save your game at the Small Karma Terminal and then go south through a Vortex. Go north and then east and enter the room to come to a room with a Vortex. Enter the Vortex and go south then west and you will come to a door. When you go through you are attacked by a pair of Legion, use Elec on them and after they are dead go into the Vortex in this room. Go west through the door, save your game at the Small Karma Terminal, then go through southern door to find another Vortex. Enter it and you will be warped to B30. From here go south and go through the door at the end of the corridor for a boss. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Yaksa Vritra, Yaksa Tentacle x 2 -Drain: Fire, Repel: Ice, Null: Earth/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Elec -Recommended Level: 40 Whew! This is a pretty rough battle. First off, despite what you might be thinking, he is NOT weak to Ice. (...and you’re in for a nasty surprise if you try it on him) He has a Weakness to Elec, but whenever you try to attack Vritra one of his tentacles will block the attack, causing damage to the Tentacle instead of Vritra himself. Have everyone set Zionga (or Ziodyne if you can manage it) along with Elec Boost for this fight. You also want to have an all-target attack as well. (I prefer Mazionga, because it will benefit from the Elec Boost, but you can also use a physical attack like Power Wave or Chi Blast if you prefer.) Make sure that you are able to use Dekunda (-Kaja + -Kaja combo) as he uses a lot of –Kunda skills against you. Vritra also doesn’t have Dekaja or Dekunda, so taking the time to apply Rakukaja and/or Makanda three times can really improve your chances in this battle. Have someone set both Void Fire and Ice Drain/Repel. If you have the Hee-Ho ring you should have someone wear it just in case. His big attack is called Gelid Torrent, which does a good amount of Ice damage and has an uncomfortably chance of freezing your characters, at which point Vritra will happily critical any and all frozen characters to death. He also has Agidyne, which is painful, (especially if it hits Sera) but he doesn’t use it often nor does he specifically target Sera with it, so it’s far less threatening than Gelid Torrent. For this reason you want to keep up an Ice Drain shield at all times. Your first priority in this battle is to get rid of both those Tentacles ASAP. To do this use your all-target skill, both Tentacles will block and take damage. Fortunately the tentacles don’t have a lot of HP so you should be able to take them out fairly quickly. When both Tentacles are destroyed you can finally damage Vritra himself, so hit him with Zionga. He also stops using Gelid Torrent when both Tentacles are destroyed, instead switching to an all-target attack called Inferno Roar (which despite the name is a Physical, not Fire attack.) Be sure to set up a Void Fire shield too, because he can still use Agidyne. He will Regenerate his Tentacles after a couple of turns, but if you’re quick you should be able to finish him off before he can do it. (If not you will have to destroy both Tentacles again before renewing your assault on Vritra) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you beat Vritra you get a bunch of revealing cut scenes (he... speaks! O_O) and afterwards you are thrown right into another boss fight. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Yaksa Real Varna, Yaksa Fake Varna -(Both) Null: Expel/Death/Ailments -Recommended Level: Whatever Jeez, it’s suddenly turned into a Serphapalooza hasn’t it? Anyway, Serph returns and is joined by Heat for this battle. (If you haven’t imported save data from DDS 1, enjoy it while it lasts, because this is the only time you’ll get to see him in action) Serph is at the same level and has the same skills set as he did when he left, but it doesn’t really matter all that much as Heat can take care of both of these jokers single-handed. This battle should be really easy, just have Heat continually cast Agidyne because it is your most damaging attack by far, (although neither of your opponents is weak to Fire, oddly enough) While Serph heals when necessary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, THAT was interesting... ------------------------------Digital Devil Saga 1----------------------------- Coming up is the second Dialog choice that determines whether or not you will have Heat join in the final dungeon. Answer “I do...” if you want Heat or “...” if you don’t. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are briefly given control of Serph again. Just follow the corridor north then east to reach an elevator. Ride it up to B27 and enter the Main Control Room and that’s all I’m going to say. =========================== =========================|Stairway to Heaven [#007.6]|========================= =========================== Serph’s back! Hooray! Other than that, there’s not a lot new going on, the vortexes that were in the EGG have disappeared, so if you missed something you can go back and get it without a lot of fuss. You can fight with the Four Angels if you want; check the side quests section for more on them. The girl in the Underground City that let you play the Dyaus Shooter mini game has vanished, so you will be unable to play it anymore. ____________________________________Airport____________________________________ -Items: (Jasmine) Pink Crystal Great Chakra Medical Gear Dis Curse x 3 Wind Wall x 2 Revival Gem (Dual Ring) Luck Data x 2 (Charm Shot) (Manjusaka) Attack Mirror (Battle: Flauros x 2) Vital Data x 2 Soma Drop (Block Ring) (Manjusaka) Light Ball x 2 Red Diamond There aren’t any enemies when you first enter here. Go east and climb the escalator up to the second floor. You will be attacked by two Gurr, use Elec to kill them and go down the other escalator. Continue to the east and you will soon run into Kali, who attacks. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Yaksa Kali -Repel: Fire/Ice/Elec/Force/Earth, Null: Expel/Death/Ailments -Recommended Level: 42 -Minion: Dakini Make sure you have Void Death set for this fight, as it will save you quite a bit of frustration during the course of the fight. Set your strongest Physical attack you have, along with Critical. (...and MIN/MAX Critical if you can manage it.) It’s also a good idea to set a strong single target Elemental spell in case Dakini uses Phys Repel. Be sure that can use Dekaja here too. As you can see, Kali repels all elemental magic, so Physical is the way to go here. Unfortunately, the Dakini accompanying Kali loves casting Phys Repel, she also uses Diarama, various –Kaja skills, and generally makes a nuisance of herself. Concentrate on Dakini, using your best physical attacks, but if she puts up a Repel Phys shield use Elemental magic instead. When Dakini is gone pound on Kali with you best Physical attacks. Kali mainly uses Chi Blast, but she will throw in the occasional Gate of Hell or Blood Curse. Try to keep up a Void Death shield, just in case. After a few turns Kali will use Reinforcements to summon a new Dakini. Get rid of that Dakini as quickly as you can before renewing your assault on Kali. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Kali is dead climb up the escalator and save and restore at the Large Karma Terminal. Go east from the Large Karma Terminal and continue on until you reach a set of stairs. Go down the stairs and you will soon be attacked by a pair of Flauros. They have High Counter, so stick with elemental magic. They also have Spell Gloom, so have Dekunda handy too. There is a door here that you can unlock in the next area that will open a shortcut back to the Large Karma Terminal. Climb up the stairs and save at the Small karma Terminal. As you go through the door you will be attacked by a Flauros and a Rangda. You’ve faced these two before, use Elec on Rangda and your strongest Elemental spell on Flauros. When they are dead a Nidhoggr will show up as Reinforcements. He nullifies Physical, so use Elemental magic instead. (don’t use Ice, though, as he drains it) He can Poison you with Poison Rain, so make sure you have a good supply of Dis-Poisons with you. He does use both Tarukaja and Makakaja, so have Dekaja ready as well. After that is over go south. Take the first escalator down to the first floor, then keep on going due south until you reach a Small Karma Terminal. Enter the Hanger that’s just ahead and you will be attacked by Chernobog. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Yaksa Chernobog -Null: Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Fire -Recommended Level: 45 For this fight you will need a rather specialized skill setup. To start out have all your characters clear out all of their skill slots. Then have everyone place their strongest single-target Fire attack in the first slot, followed by Fire Boost in the second. (and Fire Amp in the third, if you have it) Next have one (or two) characters set Mediarama in their next skill slot, and have a different character put Void Death in that slot. Every character should still have four or five empty skill slots, fill the rest of the slots with your weakest elemental attacks. (Bufu, Zan, Tera and their all-targeted variants) Depending on how paranoid you are you might also want to set an Anti-Fire shield, but it isn’t required. At the start of the battle he will use Calamity twice to summon two Shadows of your party members. These Shadows not only have the exact same resistances as your character but also use the same skills as your character too. When a Shadow attacks they will use a random attack skill. (they apparently never use support (i.e. Shield or Heal) skills though) So if you loaded your skill slots with weak elemental spells there is a high chance that they will those instead of anything real damaging. (feel free to set up an Anti-Fire shield if you want some extra security) After summoning two Shadows he will use Dark Slumber to hide in his sword. While he is hiding you will not be able to damage him. (Watch out though, he can still be targeted, and any attack targeting him will automatically fail, costing you two turn icons.) When both shadows are gone he will finally stop hiding, and you will be finally able to damage him. He does use Death Blow, Gate of Hell, and Wicked Curse so make sure you keep up a Void Death shield at all times. He’s weak to Fire, so pound him with Agilao/Agidyne and you’ll do all right. Try to be Quick, because after a few turns he will summon two more Shadows and Dark Slumber again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a Mad Mart Express inside the hanger, (What, was he just sitting there watching the Chernobog fight?) replenish your supply of Light Balls (5 should be plenty) and continue on. Save your game at the Small Karma Terminal and go down the stairs. It’s dark down here, so use a Light Ball before doing anything. Continue on and you will run into a pair of Karma Soldiers that were trying to ambush you in the darkness, but since you had a Light Ball in effect (you did use a Light Ball, didn’t you?) their little ambush will fail miserably. Either way you will have to fight a pair of Ganesha. They aren’t too difficult, but they are strong against physical attacks, so use elemental spells instead. After they are dead continue on, you will eventually reach a staircase, but that just leads to an area with a Field Hunt and a door that you can unlock to open a shortcut back to the Large Karma Terminal. Ignore that staircase and continue on until you reach another staircase. Go up that staircase and be sure to heal at the Life Terminal and save at the Small Karma Terminal because there is another boss coming up. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Yaksa Kartikeya -Null: Earth/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Gun -Recommended Level: 48 Be sure to have someone set both Elec Repel and Force Repel for this fight, and be sure that you can use both Dekaja and Dekunda too. There really aren’t any other special skills that you need here, other than your best attacks and of course Mediarama. He does have a weakness to guns, but it’s up to you if you want to have one of your characters Revert to human form to try to take advantage of this. This fight is probably more annoying than anything else. What makes him really annoying is a skill called Vivid Gust. What makes it so annoying is that while Vivid Gust is in effect he is nearly impossible to hit, as all attacks directed at him will have an 80% chance of failing. (and therefore eating two press turns) Fortunately the effect of Vivid Gust is cancelled if you land a hit on him. (...actually nailing him though is another story...) An easy way to get around this is to use a Repel shield to bounce one of his attacks back at him, as it will automatically hit him and nullify his Vivid Gust. At the start of the battle he uses both Mazionga and Mazanma along with Chi Blast. As he starts taking damage, however, he’ll start using Jupiter’s Fury and Tempest then finally Maziodyne and Mazandyne and a strong physical attack called Myriad Spears. He also uses Taunt, but this is actually good news for you because he doesn’t use Dekaja, essentially giving you two Tarukajas for free. (just don’t forget to Dekunda off the Rakunda effect) I’ve noticed that he seems to have a certain rhythm to his attacks. He will usually start out with Vivid Gust, then Taunt, (or rarely Tarukaja/Makakaja) then a Force skill followed by an Elec Skill, then a Phys attack before using Vivid Gust again. If you can anticipate his next move and put up the proper shield he becomes laughably easy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Peacock-Boy is dead go back to the Small Karma Terminal and save your game. Talk to Gale and he will ask if you are ready to continue. -WARNING: Make sure that you really are ready before you tell him you are, as you are about to start a chain of events that will take you directly to the final dungeon and you will NOT be able to leave from there once you enter it. Wow... Anyway, keep moving forward until you reach another hanger, enter the Fighter Jet and after the greatest cutscene EVAR you will arrive at the HAARP Facility. Simply enter the HAARP and you will be taken directly to the final dungeon. ======================= ===========================|Black Hole Sun [#007.7]|=========================== ======================= Okay, a whole lot has just happened all at once. First off, both Serph and Sera are gone, and have been replaced by Seraph. Roland and Argilla have returned to the party. (Yay!) If you answered correctly in the Karma Tower Seraph will learn Reincarnate, a powerful (and expensive) Almighty attack. ------------------------------Digital Devil Saga 1----------------------------- And if you imported from DDS 1 even more stuff will happen. To start with, Gale will learn the Pyriphlegethon skill, and if you answered correctly in DDS 1 Argilla will learn the Seraph Lore skill. Finally if you answered all four dialog choices over both games correctly Heat will take over for Roland now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________Surface of the Sun______________________________ After all the cut scenes are over be sure to go and reform your party, as currently Seraph is the only active party member, after that talk to David’s Solar Data for a Purple Crystal. Step into the light to warp to the next island and talk to Cuvier’s Solar Data for a Hope Diamond. Keep on going until you reach an island with a Large Data Node (the Sun’s version of a Large Karma Terminal) and a Mad Mart Express, Sun Branch. Buy some Core Shields, (don’t bother with Light Balls) and continue on to the next Island. Stand in the center of the island and take the Platform down to the Second Layer of the Sun. ___________________________________2nd Layer___________________________________ -Items: Quick Data x 2 Soma Purple Crystal Ice Wall x 2 Chakra Pot (Manjusaka) (Manjusaka) You are attacked by a Kingu before you can even step off the platform. He isn’t that difficult, (as long as you remembered to reform your party and are fighting with more than just Seraph) but he likes to use Vanity which can be quite annoying. After he is dead you can find the Solar Data of the Pyro Frost that sells Impel Stones, so you can still purchase Impel Stones if you need them. You will also find the Karma Ring Creator here, normally if you talk to him he will just bemoan his death, however, if you managed to find all the Karma Rings in the game he will give you the Master Ring, which functions exactly like the Null Attack skill did in DDS 1. The Second Layer of the sun is a maze of one way doors of pitfalls that you have to navigate. In areas that are filled with red smoke you will take damage unless you have a Core Shield in effect. I should mention that the treasure chests on the sun are different than their earthbound equivalents. Normal treasure chests on the Sun are glowing flowers, while the special chests look similar to their cousins but with a few minor esthetic differences. From the platform go through the western door, keep going straight and ride the elevator at the end of the hallway up to 2F. Use a Core Shield and cross the Damaging Area to the northwest and take the elevator up to 3F. From the elevator take the first right and go through the western door, and then take the northern elevator up to 4F. Take a slight detour and save at the Small Data node, then use a Core Shield if necessary (if you hurry the one you used back on 2F might still be in effect) and cross the Damaging Area. Go through the southern door and keep going until you reach the elevator up to 5F. Ride the Elevator up, you will soon come to a red door. Get ready, as once you go through it you will be thrown into a boss fight. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Asura Hayagriva -Drain: Fire, Null: Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Ice -Recommended Level: 50 Bwahahaha! This is so easy! Every one of his attacks is Fire element, so if you use Fire Drain every turn he won’t be able to hurt you. Use Bufudyne (be careful, he does use Ice Drain a lot) with Ice Amp + Ice Boost or Physical attacks with Critical and MIN/MAX Critical to put this demented zebra out of his misery once and for all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Hayagriva is dead ride the platform up to the Third Layer of the Sun. ___________________________________3rd Layer___________________________________ -Items: Revival Gem Magic Data x 2 (Murder Rock) Magic Mirror x 2 Hero Ration x 2 Soma You can talk to Real Argilla’s Solar Data here if you wish, then go north. In the next area there is what looks like an infinite expanse, there is an invisible path that you can use to cross to the other side. (Why Seraph needs a path is beyond me though) In the next room there is a Large Data Node, use it and take the Elevator up to 2F. Go south and you come to more invisible pathways, maneuver your way to the southern exit (The exit to the west just leads to the Jack Frost fight) to continue on. Save your game at the Small Data Node and continue on until you reach the elevator up to 3F. Ride the elevator and go north to reach another invisible pathway area. Make your way to the northwestern exit. There is a Small Data Node and a Restoration Node (same thing as a Life Terminal) here, make use of them and then keep on going and use the elevator up to 4F. Follow the hallway and you will soon come to a red door and a boss waiting behind it. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Asura Camazotz -Null: Earth/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Elec -Recommended Level: 54 I bet you’re happy to see this guy again, huh? He’s somehow become weak to Elec since DDS 1, so Ziodyne with Elec Amp and Elec Boost is the preferred weapon here. Have everyone set Teradyne. (but don’t bother with Earth Amp or Boost) Make sure that someone has Force Repel/Drain set that as well. He can’t use Dekaja or Dekunda, so be sure to take advantage of this. Camazotz is more or less just like the final time you fought him in DDS 1. He can turn your characters into bats with his Zotzilaha Bane. (The goggles! They do nothing!) Characters that have been turned into bats will have their stats reduced to next to nothing and they will have a weakness to Force as well. This is annoying, especially since Camazotz will usually cast Psycho Rage and then use Zotzilaha Bane three times to turn your entire party into bats. Characters that have been turned into bats are next to useless, as when they attack they will miss most of the time and do almost no damage when they do hit. (...not to mention that their severely reduced HP and defense makes them very easy to kill) If any of your characters have been transformed into bats be sure to keep their HP at maximum and put up an Anti-Force Shield to protect them from his Winds of Hell. He will also go into Guard Stance occasionally. When he does this he will take almost no damage from everything except Earth. When he is in his Guard stance just hit him with Teradyne until he comes out of it. This shouldn’t cause too many problems if you are prepared. I just spent a few Turns casting Makakaja and Rakunda then steamrolled him with Ziodyne. He never even had a chance to use Zotzilaha Bane. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight ride the platform up to the Fourth Layer. ___________________________________4th Layer___________________________________ -Items: Hope Diamond MP Data x 2 Star Sapphire Olive Branch Damage Trap Soma Battle: Kingu Battle: Barong x 2, Girimehkala Battle: Mithra, Girimehkala Damage Trap Damage Trap Dead End Battle: Pallas Athena x 2, Thor Power Data x 2 (Olive Branch) Malachite Earth Wall x 2 (Forged Shot) (Olive Branch) You can catch up with the HipHop brothers here if you really want to, then go north and use the Large Data Node. After that ride the platform to the other side of the pit and flower-looking thing at the end of the hall. Keep riding platforms until you reach 3F. Here you will have a choice of two platforms; the east one will take to a room that has a LOT of treasure chests in them, (Watch out though, several of them are traps that will reduce your current HP by half while several more will initiate a battle) while the west will lead to a battle with two Pallas Athena. These two can be quite annoying, as they love to inflict Charm on your party, and they use Mediarahan when they’re low on HP. When the Pallas Athena are dead ride on the platform they were on. You will have another choice of platforms; the west platform just leads to some treasure, while you need to take the south platform to continue on. Save your game at the Small Data Node and go through the southern door. There are two platforms in this room, the eastern one just leads to a treasure chest while the southwestern one leads to a second platform that will open a path to the platform up to 5F. Go through the Flower Door and ride the platform. You will be attacked by a pair of Girimehkala. They repel physical, so stick with elemental magic. Ride the platform up to 6F and you are given another choice of two platforms. The northern platform leads to more treasure, so take the western platform to continue on. Go through the door and ride the platform back down to 5F. Go through the door and ride the platform. You will be attacked by a Samael, Keep up a Void Death shield while using Fire or Ice against him. (he’s also weak to Expel, for what it’s worth...) Keep riding platforms until you reach 8F, save your game at the Small Data Node and get ready, because there is another Boss fight coming up. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Asura Rahu (Body), Asura Rahu (Head) -(Body) Null: Ice/Force/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Fire (Head) Null: Elec/Fire/Expel/Death/Ailments, Weak: Force -Recommended Level: 58 You want to have both Agidyne and Zandyne set for this battle, along with Fire and Force Amp. (Fire Boost and Force Boost are nice, but you likely won’t have enough space to squeeze them in on everyone.) Having Earth Repel/Drain on a couple of characters is a wise idea as well. This guy is actually two separate demons in one, each with different attacks and resistances. The body uses Dragon Earth, a powerful earth attack, and has High Counter, so stick with Agidyne and be sure to use Earth Repel/Drain every turn. The head will use Dragon Thrash, Which will capture one of your characters and drain HP from them. To get the head to release a captured party member you can either concentrate your attacks on the head until he releases your party member or kill of the body, as the head will release anyone he has captured when that happens. When the body is killed the head will stop using Dragon Trash and attack with Physical attacks and Ziodyne occasionally augmented by Power Charge and Magic Charge. You should concentrate on the Body first, hitting him with Agidyne while keeping up an Anti-Earth Shield. When the body is down the head shouldn’t give you too many problems as the only really threatening attack he has is Ziodyne. You should be able to take him down with Zandyne without too many problems. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ride the Platform up to the Fifth Layer. ___________________________________5th Layer___________________________________ -Items: Medical Tool x 2 Wild Bomb x 3 (Shield Ring) (Olive Branch) Wind Wall x 2 HP Data x 2 Great Chakra Bolt Wall x 2 Luck Data x 2 Chakra Pot Medical Gear x 2 Magic Mirror x 2 (Lotus Seed) Ugh, this is my least favorite area of the entire game. ------------------------------Digital Devil Saga 1----------------------------- But before we get into that, if you talked to Amelia in Sala Park you will find the Solar Data of the Ex-Solids that asked you to deliver the message. He will give you a Soma as thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go north to find a Large Data Node and a seal. As Schrodinger explains when you first get here you will be stuck in human form whenever you are in battle when you go through the seal. This area is hell, especially if you run into a Girimehkala or Mithra, since they are immune to guns. I would recommend setting Quick Escape on a character and just run from every battle while you are here. To get through this area as quickly as possible go north through the seal, then go west from the first intersection and go through the door. Continue west then go south and then west again and go through the door you come to. Keep going north and then go through the northeastern door. From there go east and continue on and go through the door. You will soon reach the seal that marks the end of the Human area. Ride the Elevator up to 2F and save your game at the upcoming Small Data Node. In the next area you will find another seal area, this time you will have to make do with one less turn icon when you are in battle. (minimum one icon, of course) This area is not quite as bad as the previous seal area, but it’s still pretty damn annoying. Make sure to keep that Impel Stone handy in case you need it. (Or you could just Quick escape from every battle here too...) Go through the southern seal then turn east and go through the door at the end of the hall. Go south and go through the door at the southern end of the hallway. Go east at the intersection then follow the hallway south and back west and go through the door you come through. Keep going west and through the western door. Go north and then west and go through the door you come to find the seal that marks the end of this area. Ride the elevator up to 3F and save your game at the Small Data Node. Keep going and you will find a door to the west that you can’t open yet, so don’t worry about it and go south to run into another boss. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Asura Ravana -Null: Expel/Death/Ailments, Strong: Phys -Recommended Level: 62 There isn’t really any special skill setup needed for this battle, just set your best Elemental magic (don’t bother with physical) along with the appropriate Amp and Boost skills. Have Gale set Pyriphlegethon if he has it along Fire Amp + Fire Boost, as it will be your strongest attack. (If you do have Gale in your party have him set Elec Resist, as Ravana will use Jupiter’s Fury and Maziodyne occasionally) Having Force Repel/Drain is a wise idea. Ravana has been neutered since DDS 1. Not only do you skip his first form entirely and go straight to his second form, but he can’t use Hunger Wave to inflict the Mad status either. That doesn’t mean that he’s a weak opponent, though, as he can and will use a variety of strong attacks like Genocide or Skull Cleave against you. After you knock off some of his HP he will start using an attack called Infinite Wind, a powerful Force attack, so be sure to keep up an Anti-Force shield at all times. After he takes some more damage he’ll start using Magic Repel. When he does this either switch over to Almighty or you will just have to wait until the next turn to attack. (well, you could use Physical too, but it’s not very effective against Ravana.) This is a pretty simple battle strategy-wise, just start by applying any –Kaja and –Kunda skills you have then attacking him with your best Elemental magic and keeping up an Anti-Force Shield at all times. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ride the Platform up to the Sixth Layer. ___________________________________6th Layer___________________________________ -Items: Hero Ration (Mute Trap) Dekaja Rock x 2 (Ache Trap) (Synchro Ring) Wild Bomb x 2 Soma Drop Vital Data Chakra Pot Purple Crystal (Damage Trap) Black Pearl Great Chakra Ice Wall x 2 Star Ruby (Lotus Seed) Malachite (Lotus Seed) Medical Gear Soma There’s not much happening on 1F of the Sixth (and final) Layer. You will find a Large Data Node soon after reaching 2F. Search the area until you find a column of light rising out of the floor. Enter this column and you will be warped to a small triangular room. There is a door behind you that leads to a room with some goodies, (and a trap) and ahead of you are two more columns of light. Take the right column to be taken to a new area. (The other one takes you back to the first area.) Search this area to find another column of light. This will take you to another room with two more column of light. Take the left column to a new area. Search the area for, you guessed it, another column of light. This column warps to yet another triangular room with two Columns of light. If you go through the door behind you here you will be attacked by an incoherent Arahabaki. *Kicks ATLUS’ localization team* This guy can be a problem, as the only way to damage it is with Ice (which it is weak to) and Almighty. It also uses strong attacks like Last Word and if its HP are low it will use Death March, a very nasty kamikaze attack. Make sure that everyone has set their strongest Ice attack they have along with Ice Boost (and Ice Amp, if they have it) and try to kill it in one turn. Take the left column to reach a new area. You know the drill; search the area, find the column of light, warp to a triangular room with two more Columns of light. There is a Small Data Node in the backroom of this area, so save your game then take the left column to warp to a new area. Find the next Column and warp to the next room, there is another Small Data Node in the back room. (What is with these uneven terminal placements in the DDS series anyway?) Take the left column to warp to a new area. Find the Column, Warp to a triangular room, take the left column, and do the Hokey Pokey! (Sorry, too much sun...) Ahem... You’ve finally made it through those Warps so continue on until you reach the elevator up to 3F. Keep going until you reach a Small Data Node and a Restoration Node. You will two Flower Doors branching off to the west and east of this room, but if you try to go through either door you will get yelled at by a disembodied voice and kicked out of the room. (Those two doors just lead to optional bosses, so don’t worry too much about them for now) Make sure you take advantage of both Nodes, because there’s a boss coming up, and this one is a doozy... --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- Yaksa Meganada -(Closed) Drain: Elec, Null: Phys/Expel/Death/Ailments (Open) Drain: Elec, Null: Fire/Ice/Force/Earth/Expel/Death/Ailments -Recommended Level: 67 HAVE EVERYONE SET ELEC DRAIN! You will need this to stand a chance in this fight. It is also a good idea to set Resist Phys and/or Void Phys on anyone who has it. You want to set your strongest non-Elec elemental magic (with the appropriate Amp and Boost skills, of course) along with their best physical attack as well. Have Gale set Pyriphlegethon (with Fire Amp and Fire Boost) if he has it, as it will likely be the strongest attack you have. Make sure that everyone has the Elemental Resist that corresponds to their weakness. Have everyone set Null Charm and/or Null Panic, to. Have someone set Mind Charge so you can use Charge (-Kaja skill + Magic Charge) combo and Debilitate (either the skill or the -Kunda skill + Mind Charge combo) and give them the Synchro Ring. I hope that someone has Mediarahan too. Meganada has two forms, one where his shell is closed and another where his shell is opened. When the shell is closed he uses normal physical attacks and Mad Rush. The problem is that his physical attacks will cause an absurd amount of damage to you. His normal attack can chop off over 200 HP, and Mad Rush can wipe out your entire party if you are particularly unlucky. He is also immune to Physical and can only be hurt by non-Elec elemental magic when his shell is closed. When the shell is open he mainly uses –Dyne level elemental magic against you. I should also mention that for some reason that when his shell is closed he will have two turn icons, but when it is open he has four turn icons. The thing you want to watch out for when you fight him is when he uses a skill called Black Bhakti, as when he does this he is charging up for a super attack on the next turn. If the shell is closed his super attack will be Viraj Blade, a nasty, but survivable almighty attack. If the shell is open however, he will use Meru Thunder, an attack that will more than likely wipe out your entire party. Fortunately Meru Thunder is an Elec attack, so an Elec Drain shield will not only protect you but also fully heal you to boot1. When his HP starts to dip into the red zone be careful, as he will start to be able to cast Black Bhakti and Viraj Blade/Meru Thunder in the same turn. If he is almost out of HP and his shell is open he will cast Makakaja twice, then Black Bhakti, and finally unleashes a Meru Thunder. (If you don’t have an Elec Drain shield up when he does this you _will_ die!) Be sure to keep up an Elec Drain Shield at all times when Meganada’s HP gets low. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fight save your game at the Small Data Node (or you could... you know... use the Small Data Node and Restoration Node in the previous room too...) and ride the platform up. You can talk to Schrodinger if you want, then jump into the giant Lotus Flower to face the final boss of the game. --------------------------------------Boss------------------------------------- God Brahman ----------- -Recommended Level: 68 Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) Brahman continues the tradition the tradition of rather disappointing final bosses in the Digital Devil Saga series. If you can take Meganada, there’s no reason why you should lose to this guy. He has a total of five forms, but each form is almost exactly like each other. He will also throws pretty much everything but the kitchen sink at you over the course of the fight. Oh, one final thing, all of his forms gets five turn icons, but if you eat all those turn icons with a drain shield it won’t really make a difference. For your skills you want to have Fire Drain, Ice Drain, Elec Drain, Force Drain and Earth Drain spread out over your characters. For offense you want to have your best single target attacks. (Godslayer or Executioner with Critical and MIN/MAX Critical, or –Dyne level elemental spells with Amp and Boost.) If you have multiple characters using elemental magic then make sure that each character uses a different element type. Make sure that you can cast both Dekaja and Dekunda as well. God Brahman One --------------- -Drain: Fire, Null: Expel/Death/Ailments The first form uses Trisagion and Agidyne along with Hamaon and Xanadu. Set up a Fire Drain shield and maybe have someone revert to human form to protect you from Expel. After damaging him enough he’ll go into his next form. God Brahman Two --------------- -Drain: Force, Null: Expel/Death/Ailments This form uses Vayaviya and Zandyne along with Fatal Charm. Set up a Force Drain shield and have a Panacea handy in case someone gets Charmed. God Brahman Three ----------------- -Drain: Earth, Null: Expel/Death/Ailments This form uses Titanomachia and Teradyne along with Wicked Curse. Make sure you keep up an Earth Drain Shield at all times. Also from here on out he will start using a skill called Eternal Zero, a skill that basically fully –Kajas him AND fully –Kundas you. (Meaning it gives him the equivalent of 3x Tarukaja, Makakaja, Sukukaja, and Rakukaja, while giving you 3x Tarunda, Makanda, Sukunda, and Rakunda) After he does this make sure to immediately use both Dekaja and Dekunda. God Brahman Four ---------------- -Drain: Elec, Null: Expel/Death/Ailments This form uses Narukami and Ziodyne along with Neural Shock. Keep up an Elec Drain shield at all times. God Brahman Final ----------------- -Drain: Ice, Null: Expel/Death/Ailments Almost there... The final form will use Nilfheim and Bufudyne along with Silent Howl. He does have a new skill called Brahma Sutra, a pretty nasty Almighty attack. (especially if he hits you with Eternal Zero beforehand.) Fortunately he doesn’t use it all that often. Other than that, he really isn’t that different from his previous forms, so just keep up what you’ve been doing and you should be able to finish him off. You’d think they would’ve made God be a little more of an exiting opponent, wouldn’t they? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, that’s it. Once Brahman Final is defeated you are treated to the ending cinema. It’s been an incredible ride, but now it’s over. -----------------------------------New Cycle----------------------------------- Hold on a minute, it’s not quite over, because just like in DDS 1 you can make a “New Cycle” save after the credits. A new cycle save will allow you to replay the game with a few things carrying over from your last game. -Hard Mode will be unlocked if hasn’t already. -Any bonuses that you acquired by importing a DDS 1 save (Stat bonuses, rings, Heat ect.) are still valid during a replay. -All mastered, purchased, and unlocked Mantra will carry over into the new cycle. All of your skills will carry over. Serph will inherit Seraph’s Mantra Grid, and Roland will get Heat’s (If you unlocked him) Mantra Grid. -You will keep all your Karma Rings along with any gems that you put in them. -Your combo list and Time Played will carry over. -All characters will automatically learn the “Human Form” skill. When you set this skill you will always start battles in human form. (um... yay?) -Your character’s Levels, Stats, Macca, and Items will NOT carry over into the New Cycle. -Your shop Rank resets, so you will have to raise your Shop Rank again. -You will automatically get the Berserker Ring in the Underwater Cable. Hard Mode New Cycle ------------------- Restarting your game in Hard Mode, however, is slightly different than normal mode. The big change is that you will NOT keep Mantra/skills or Karma Rings when you restart in Hard Mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shan-ti, Shan-ti ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Side Quests [#008]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ================================= ======================|Jack Frost’s Kwazy Kwiz! [#008.1]|====================== ================================= As you are going through the game you will rarely (very rarely) encounter a lone Jack Frost. He doesn’t want to fight; instead he will ask you a few trivia questions. For every Question you get right he will give you an item, anything from a Ration to a Magic Data. He will keep asking questions until you either answer a question incorrectly or you answer 20 questions in a row. If you are looking for a list of questions and what rewards Check out Redstar’s excellent Jack Frost FAQ at: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/digital_devil_saga_2_jack_frost.txt ******************************************************************************* ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Appendix [#009]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ==================== =============================|Karma Rings [#009.1]|============================ ==================== Power Ring ---------- Where: Won from a Ghoul in the Underwater Cable Slots: 3 Stats: St +3 Effect: Raises Strength Vital Ring ---------- Where: Inside a yellow treasure chest in the Underwater Cable Slots: 3 Stats: Vi +3 Effect: Raises Vitality Magic Ring ---------- Where: Sold for $3000 at the Mad Mart Slots: 3 Stats: Ma +3 Effect: Raises Magic Quick Ring ---------- Where: Sold for $3000 at the Mad Mart Slots: 3 Stats: Ag +3 Effect: Raises Agility Luck Ring --------- Where: Inside a yellow treasure chest in the Underwater Cable Slots: 3 Stats: Lu +3 Effect: Raises Luck Rich Ring --------- Where: Won from the Crimson Box Slots: 2 Stats: Lu +1 Effect: You will get more Money from every battle. Trick Ring ---------- Where: Inside a yellow treasure chest in the Internment Facility Slots: 4 Stats: Ag +1, Lu +1 Effect: Starts battle with Sukukaja and Tarunda on wearer Phantom Ring ------------ Where: Inside a yellow treasure chest in the Internment Facility Slots: 4 Stats: Ma +1, Ag +1 Effect: Increases Agility while in Human Form Demon Ring ---------- Where: Inside a Yellow Treasure Chest in the Karma Society Tower Slots: 4 Stats: St +1, Ma +1 Effect: Attack command does more damage when cursed Protect Ring ------------ Where: Sold for $5000 from the Mad Mart Slots: 4 Stats: Vi +2 Effect: Increases effect while in Human Form Berserker Ring -------------- Where: Won from a Ghoul in the Underwater Cable (2nd play through only) Slots: 4 Stats: N/A Effect: Always fight normal battles in Berserk Mode. ________________________Digital Devil Saga 1 Bonus Rings_______________________ Hee-Ho Ring ----------- Where: Won from a Ghoul in the Underwater Cable (King Frost Defeated) Slots: 2 Stats: Vi +1 Effect: Nullifies Ice Attacks Divine Ring ----------- Where: Won from an Eligor in the Karma Society Tower (Metatron Defeated) Slots: 4 Stats: Vi +1 Effect: Repels Expel Attacks ================== ==============================|Shop List [#009.2]|============================= ================== Like most of the conventions of this series, the shops of Digital Devil Saga 2 work a little differently than they did in the Junkyard. There are only two places in the game where you can buy items, the main branch of the Mad Mart which can be found in the Underground City, and the Mad Mart Express which can ONLY be found in your current dungeon. (If you go back to a previous dungeon he won’t be there.) As you buy and sell items at the Mad Mart you will shop points. For every $100 you spend (or receive, in the case of selling) you will get one shop point. (note that buying boxes won’t give you any shop points) Getting a certain amount of shop points will increase your shop rank. A higher shop rank will not only increase the selection of items for sale, but will also allow you to sell stuff at a higher price. A good way to quickly gain shop points is to buy as many items as you can, then immediately sell the items you just purchased right back again. You will get shop points for both transactions, and save a little money in the process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rank 1 -Points needed: 0 -New Items: Ration 100 Revival Bead 500 Dis-Poison 200 Dis-Ache 150 Dis-Mute 150 Dis-Stun 100 Dis-Stone 300 Dis-Curse 200 Panacea 150 -New Ammo: Shot Shell 1500 Charge Shot 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rank 2 -Points needed: 100 -New Items: Crimson Box 1000 -New Ammo: Frigid Shot 5000 -New Karma Rings: Magic Ring 3000 Quick Ring 3000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rank 3 -Points needed: 300 -New Items: Brave Ration 500 Chakra Drop 3000 Muscle Drink 2000 Spyglass 5000 -New Ammo: Panic Shell 8000 Metal Jacket 9000 -New Karma Rings: Protect Ring 5000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rank 4 -Points needed: 800 -New Items: Graven Shard 50000 Medical Kit 5000 -New Ammo: Tranq Shot 10000 Hollow Point 12000 -New Karma Rings: Hi-Vital Ring 10000 Hi-Quick Ring 10000 Hi-Luck Ring 10000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rank 5 -Points needed: 2300 -New Items: Hero Ration 2000 Medical Tool 30000 Chakra Pot 10000 Revival Gem 10000 Estoma Spray 3000 Magic Reed 3000 White Box 10000 -New Ammo: Nerve Shot 20000 Curse Shot 20000 Mute Shot 30000 Iron Shot 40000 -New Karma Rings: Hi-Power Ring 10000 Hi-Magic Ring 10000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rank 6 -Points needed: 6000 -New Items: Graven Image 150000 Chakra Elixir 200000 Al Azif 100000 -New Ammo: Neutron Shot 50000 Silver Shot 70000 Charm Shot 100000 -New Karma Rings: SP Vital Ring 40000 SP Quick Ring 40000 SP Luck Ring 40000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rank 7 -Points needed: 15000 -New Items: Revival Orb 600000 Golden Box 100000 -New Ammo: Dead End 200000 Forged Shot 400000 -New Karma Rings: SP Power Ring 40000 SP Magic Ring 40000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— |||||||||||||||||||||||Frequently Asked Questions [#010]||||||||||||||||||||||| ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— -Q: How do I get past that Jailer in the Internment Facility? He keeps catching up to me. A: Unfortunately there isn’t any real trick to getting past the Jailer, other than speed and a little luck. The only real advice I can give is to ignore the traps and run all out. If you get caught in a trap then keep holding down the directional button so you can get moving the instant the trap releases you. -Q: Will I be able to return to Karma City after I enter the Final Dungeon? A: No. Once you reach the Final Dungeon you will not be able to leave it. -Q: How do I get Jack Frost/Omoikanes/Narasimha/Parvati to appear more often? A: Unfortunately, There is no way to increase the appearance rate of these demons. (...well, that’s not entirely true. Using a Magic Reed will increase your general encounter rate, and more encounters mean more chances to encounter one of these guys.) -Q: Do I need to play the first Digital Devil Saga to understand what is going on in the story? A: Not necessarily. For the most part you should be able to figure out what is going on without playing DDS 1. Still, I would recommend tracking it down and playing it (and SMT: Nocturne too) if you get the chance, as it’s still a great game in it’s own right and it gives some nifty bonuses in DDS 2. -Q: How hard is Hard Mode? A: It’s... well... hard. If you don’t know what you’re doing you can get wiped out pretty quickly. -Q: Can I still get Heat to join if I didn’t import a save from DDS 1/answered a dialog choice incorrectly? A: No. To get Heat you must import from DDS 1 and answer every one of the corresponding dialog choices correctly. -Q: Is there any way to bring the skills I learned in DDS 1 over to DDS 2? A: NO! There is absolutely no way to import skills into DDS 2. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Contributors [#011]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— -Many thanks to Arcane Ether for sending in an ASCII map and a Kumbhanda avoiding strategy along with a few other additions. _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Why didn’t the Karma Society just stock up on Dis-Stones instead? Please don’t put this walkthrough up on any website without my permission. This document is Copyright 2005-2006 James “JaggedJim” Ramsey. In loving memory Mae Vanek: 1930-2002