-- Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2 -- -- FAQ/Walkthrough -- -- By Ken "Kouli/Ice" Zhao (kenzhao99@yahoo.com) -- -- Version 0.7 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ/Walkthrough is based on the Japanese version of "Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2" that is released on January 27th, 2005. The game is made and published by Atlus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \April 11~18th, 2005/ - Version 0.1, starting up this document \June 29th, October 1st, 2005/ - Version 0.2, finally got time to continue this. Fixed some errors, added in few things, changed things around and mostly continue on the walkthrough \October 2nd, 2005/ - Version 0.3, continue on the walkthrough. Done up to last dungeon \October 3rd~4th, 2005/ - Version 0.4, continue on the last dungeon \October 5th~6th, 2005/ - Version 0.5, finishing up the last dungeon \October 6th~8th, 2005/ - Version 0.6, further on more optional bosses \October 9th, 2005/ - Version 0.7, bit more on Satan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ |Control | On Field | In Battle | |-----------|---------------------|------------| |D-Pad Up | Move forward | Move cursor| |D-Pad Down | Move backward | Move cursor| |D-Pad Left | Move to the left | Move cursor| |D-Pad Right| Move to the right | Move cursor| |Left Stick | Move, same as D-Pad | Move cursor| |Right Stick| Change/Rotate view | Not used | |L1 Button | Rotate to the left | Not used | |R1 Button | Rotate to the right | Not used | |L2 Button | Not used | Not used | |R1 Button | Not used | Not used | |Start(*) | Not used | Not used | |Select | Not used | Skill Help | |Circle | Talk/Confirm/Check | Confirm | |X | Front View | Cancel | |Triangle | Auto Map | Auto Battle| |Square | Command Menu | Toggle Turn| ------------------------------------------------ (*You can skip some scene/movie with this) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The game's field divides into 2 types: Area Map and Dungeon. -------- Area Map -------- Exist out each area would lead to this general World Map. Here you can pick the next location you wish to go to at the left side of the screen. Above that, you can also view the Solar Noise. The help window at lower right will tell you what you have selected/highlighted and if you wish to go to that place, press Circle to confirm. The Solar Noise is the degree of interference from the Black Sun. It affects all demons including you, as well as having you in Rasetsu Mode at times. -------------- 3D Dungeon Map -------------- Move your character from an area to a dungeon would result in this big and can be somewhat complex dungeon. On these dungeons, there are points and objects you can check out by pressing Circle. Among that, there is Item Box, Corpse, where you can get usable item, key item...etc There is also 'Mysterious Object' where you can get bullet, plant, karma ring...etc However, there are traps among these, 4 types of traps in general: ---------------------------------------------------------------- |Trap |Effect | |------------|-------------------------------------------------| |Battle |Battle with enemies to get the item, can't escape| |Damage |Suffer 50% of current HPs damage | |Damage+Ache |Suffer 10% of current HPs damage+'Ache' status | |Damage+Close|Suffer 10% of current HPs damage+'Close' status | ---------------------------------------------------------------- Usually, you would see the Solar Noise at the top left corner. A semi 'Circle to investigate' note would be around the center of the screen if you are near checkable objects, points, things, people...etc At lower right, there you would have the Simple Map for you. It would help you locate where you are and such. On top right corner, there you would usually have the near object's name and if you have any bad status, it would also show up to warn you. Also, there are specific areas on dungeons that allow you to play a mini game called 'Field Hunt'. You can move Serph in his Atma/Demon Form then hunt these blue lights using Square button. Within the time limit, if you can hunt all, there will be 'Mitama' for you to fight. Through moving these dungeons, there is also a map to help you along. The Auto Mapping function works as you advance and you can check the map by using the Triangle button. You can use Left Stick or D-Pad to move the map, then toggle between floors using R1 and L1. Each symbol means different thing on the Auto Map: -------------------------------------------------------------- |Symbol |Meaning | |--------------------------------|---------------------------| |Little triangle&Camera view |Your location and direction| |Up arrow above a dash |Leads to upper level | |Down arrow above a dash |Leads to lower level | |'E' with upside down brackets |Elevator | |Exclamation mark |Important point/object | |Mouth mark |Field Hunt Area | |'Exit' |Leads out the dungeon | |Big red circle shaped thingy |Great Karma Terminal | |Small red circle shaped thingy |Small Karma Terminal | |Small green circle shaped thingy|Recovery Terminal | |Bullet |'Mad Mart' shop | -------------------------------------------------------------- More on exploration, there are all sort of doors in the game. Normal in and out type, the cautious type that warns you about enemies, there is one with lock, where you either require a key or unlock it from one/other side. There are trap holes in the game where you will drop to another floor. As you fell in that once, the game will mark that trap with '!' mark so you should avoid that next time. Then there is elevator, lift or moving platform, basically take it and select the floor if applicable. The elevator then slowly take you to that floor. There is occasion where you can skip that waiting by using X button. The risky areas, Dark Zone and Damage Zone. Within a Dark Zone, all your random encounter is surprised attack, meaning you will be in human form to begin with. To avoid this, use a Lightma Stone to light up the room. The effect lasts for about 6 sections of the Solar Noise. The damage zone, upon touching it, you'll lose 10% to 30% HPs. Make sure to use a Core Shield to protect yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To open it up, simply press Square. Skill: Use Magic Skill that has been set up previously. This mostly apply to healing magic Item: - Use: Use items that are in the inventory - Load Bullet: Equip bullet for human form characters' guns - Equip Karma Ring: Equip Karma Ring to increase parameter and others - Strengthen Karma Ring: Use gems to increase the parameter of the rings - View Key Items: View the key items you have Set: Equip or unequip skills you have learned. You have a total of 8 Skill Slots in the end, and you will need to level up before you can have that amount. Before equipping a Skill, through the window help, you can view what that skill does and such. Skills are separated into 4 categories: - Physical Skill: Skills that depend on HPs, usually have Hunt Skills that you can get more APs - Magic Skill: Skills that depend on MPs, usually have offensive, supportive and recovery skills - Wait Skill: Skills vary from Break, Reflect or Drain type, usually to render the enemies' attacks useless - Auto Effect Skill: Skills that once equipped, it will work automatically. No need to be casted in battle Linkage: A list of combo of skills from characters. Once you discovered them in battle, they will be added to the list automatically Status: View the character's followings - Character Name: Selected character's name - Status Abnormality Icon: Shows any bad effect or not - Freeze: Can't move and will get critical damage. It cures by itself - Close: Can't use MP based skills. Cure with Dis-Close - Ache: Stomach ache, can't gain AP. Cure with Dis-Ache - Palyze: Numbness, accuracy and defense lower. Cure with Dis-Palyze - Curse: Receive the same damage as the enemy after action. Cure with Dis-Curse - Bind: Can't move and easier to get critical damage - Bat: Changes to a bat, all stats lower. - Shock: Can't move and will get critical, cures by itself - Sleep: Can't move and easier to get critical, cures with Panacea - Panic: In confusion, cure with Panacea - Poison: Poisoned, receive damage after turn in battle and damage on the field as well. Cure with Dis-Poison - Charm: Charmed, will support enemies or attack allies, cure with Panacea - Stone: Can't move, shatters upon damage, cure with Panacea - Current Level: Current level of the character - Next Karma: The karma needed for next level up - HP: Shows current HP / max HP - MP: Shows current HP / max HP - Loaded Bullet: Shows the equipped bullet - Equipped Karma Ring: Shows the equipped ring - Ability Parameter: Shows the followings: - Power: Affects attack power - Vitality: Affects physical defense and max HP - Magic: Affects magic offense and max MP - Speed: Affects accuracy and evasion - Luck: Affects various things - Equipped Skills: Shows the equipped skills - Atma/Demon Form Affinity: Affinity for each attribute attacks - Mantra Status: Use the D-Pad Right&Left to view this Party: Adjust the member(s) that will involve in battles Config: Adjust the configurations Recover: Use the best suitable skill to heal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantra is the battle technique factor to strengthen the Atma/Demon form of a character. Each Mantra will offer skills for you and you learn them using AP til you master it, then you would get the skills. You can download a Mantra at a Karma Terminal. For each Mantra, you would need to get AP from battles to increase that bar and once it reaches max, you would learn the skills within. For AP in battle, you can also use Hunt Skill to gather lots of those. Once you master a Mantra, you must get to a Karma Terminal and download a new one for more skills. The Mantra system lays out like a bee's nest, or lots of little hexagons combined together. You can only get a Mantra that's near the one you are at or the ones you already mastered, and of course you will need to buy them with dollar. For some Mantra, you will need to meet the conditions before you can learn them. The Mantra Hexa Drive system expands as you learn, so do not think it's small. It can be pretty big at the end. And you have pretty much all the freedom there is to create the type of character you want. Hunt Skills are one of the best ways to quickly master a Mantra. With Hunt Skills, you can basically eat the enemies for APs. However, you might get Ache from that and that prevents you from gaining APs. Think of the Mantra as an essence of a demon and that essence is the various skills you can get with each Mantra. Each Mantra has a difficulty rating, the more stars it has, the harder for you to master it. However, the harder it is, the better skills you can get. In general, it's best for you to expand the Mantra Hexa Drive system as soon as you can, so you can see what are some Mantra around that are good and should be taken as top priority. There is also unique concrete Mantra in the system. They aren't for you to master or bought since they are basically stats raising Mantra. To get that stats raise, you would need to get the Mantra around it in order to activate that stat raising. In terms of growth, and how you want it, you have total control. The idea is to spread your characters out, so you have one is good with physical, one is good with magic or a particular element, some one else good with recovery, then another one that's good with support magic. When you do put these people into one group, it can be quite effective. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is still turn based battle. However, the Press Turn Battle allows you to exploit the enemy's weakness to get more turns to act. The key to win a battle often comes from a strategy that involves the knowledge of the enemies' weaknesses. In a battle, you can also view the Solar Noise at top left corner and the Press Turn Icons at top right corner, and whether Auto Battle is on or not just shown near it. To the lower left, there is your command you can do with your three allies, and of course your characters' avatars to the right of that. The order of your characters' movement is from left to the right, if you wish to adjust that, you would have to get to the game menu outside the battle, then select party to do so. Battles are encounted randomly. Normally, you would be in Atma/Demon form to fight the enemies. If it's a surprise attack, you will be in human forms. If the Solar Noise is close to Max or Max, then there is a chance of Rasetsu Mode happening. Normally, your characters are in Atma/Demon Forms, each of them has her/his strength and weakness: -------------------------------------------------------------------- |Character/Atma Form |Atma Symbol |Strength |Weakness | |--------------------|-------------|-----------|-------------------| |Serph/Varna |Water Crown |Freeze |Blaze | |Argilla/Prithivi |Seismic Wave |Calamity |Impact | |Gale/Vayu |Twister |Impact |Electricity | |Cielo/Dyaus |Rainbow Arch |Electricity|Charm, Panic, Nerve| |Roald/Indra |Lighting Bolt|Electricity|Calamity | |Sera/Varnani |Water Crown |Freeze |Blaze | |Heat/Agni |Fire Ball |Blaze |Freeze | |Seraph/Alder(*) |Clarion |NONE |NONE | -------------------------------------------------------------------- (*Alder is short for Aldernalisuvara) Human Forms can not use Magic Skills and can often attack with guns only. Here is each character's gun's stats: ----------------------------------------------------------------- |Character|Gun |Atk |Accuracy%|Critical%|Target |Hit #| |---------|--------------|----|---------|---------|-------|-----| |Serph |Handgun |20 |97 |30 |Single |1 | |Argilla |Rifle |15 |98 |75 |Single |1 | |Gale |Assault Rifle |8 |96 |5 |Multi |2~4 | |Cielo |Submachine Gun|6 |96 |5 |Multi |4~6 | |Roald |Shotgun |10 |95 |5 |All |1 | |Sera |Handgun |20 |97 |30 |Single |1 | |Heat |Grenade Gun |9 |95 |5 |All |1 | |Seraph |Prana Shot |22 |95 |30 |Single |1 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- Rasetsu Mode is a half demon half human form. It is basically where your character can not control the urge and have part of his or her body demonized. If you are in Atma/Demon form, you can transform back to Human form if you wish and vice versa. But if you are in Rasetsu Mode, there isn't much you can do. In Rasetsu mode, you would get Critical Hit at high chance by using Hunt or other physical skills. Although your attack powers increase a lot, but your defense drops and also receive lots of damage. You can not use Magic Skills just like Human form, but you can not use Linkage as well. You can however, use items. Also, one of the best things being in Rasetsu Mode is, you can always escape the battle since it will never failed. That comes in handy in Hard Mode. The 3 major points to Press Turn battles are: Weakness, Block and Critical. If you can find the weakness of the enemy, and attack it, you can get 1/2 Press Turn reduced as well as more damage. As for Block, there is those Break type skills for you to equip and use them as shield, once the enemy casts the same type of attack that shield will protect, you can get Block, they lose 2 Icons and waste that attack since that attack won't hit you. Critical is more luck based and often with that, you can deal greater damage to the enemy and get 1/2 Press Turn reduced as well. The in battle commands, there are generally 5 of them: ----------------------------------------------------------------- |Command |Function | |--------|------------------------------------------------------| |Fight |Hunt&Toggle basically, more as you equip more skills | |Linkage |Combo between characters, must have required skills | |Item |Use battle usable items from the inventory | |Member |Dis-Transform/Transform, Call Out/Back Down other ally| |Escape |Flee from the battle | ----------------------------------------------------------------- There is also Auto Battle, which basically automatically repeat your last actions for one turn, or if you wish, have that go on and on by turning 'Auto Repeat' on. To activate Auto Battle, simply press Triangle. To cancel, simply press the X button. Finally, a battle ends once you finish off all enemies, and you will be taken to the result screen where you can view the obtained Karma and AP, as well as any item dropped from the enemies. If all 3 of your characters' HPs reduced to zero, then that's Game Over. If all 3 of your characters are turned to Stone, that's also Game Over. Upon leveling up, in this game, Serph will get 3 points where you put it to the 5 stats however you want. Also, upon the level up, your character may recover him/herself as well. Sometimes, there is also 1 bonus point in one of the 5 stats, furthermore, there is also bonus item you can get. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here, I will talk about some of the establishment in the game: -------------------------------------------------------------- |Establishment |Function | |--------------------|---------------------------------------| |Great Karma Terminal|Save, Get Mantra, Recover, Transfer | |Small Karma Terminal|Save, Get Mantra, One-Way Transfer | |Recovery Terminal |Only can Recover | |Mad Mart |Buy Items/Bullets/Karma Rings & Sell(*)| -------------------------------------------------------------- (*The more you buy and sell, the higher points you can get. Those points represent your Customer Rank. The higher the ranking, the more stuff 'Mad Mart' will offer you) For recovery, you need to use dollar to do so: ------------------------------------ |Status |Cost | |-------|--------------------------| |HP |(Lost HP)*1.8 | |MP |(Lost MP)*(5+(Lost MP)/40)| |Curse |100 | |Palyze |50 | |Poison |100 | |Ache |100 | |Close |100 | ------------------------------------ There is also Heal Spot, where you just press Circle near it to completely heal your HP, MP and bad status. It is completely free, but they are rare. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The top left corner clock like system is called the Solar Noise. It increases and decreases as you walk, vary from a total of 9 different section: MAX Noise /|\ 7/8 | 6/8 | 5/8 | HALF Noise | 3/8 | 2/8 | 1/8 | MIN Noise \|/ From MIN to MAX, then from MAX to MIN, the cycle will repeast forever. Here is what it does to you: --------------------------------------------------------------------- |Solar Noise |Effect | |-------------------|-----------------------------------------------| |MIN Noise |50% of auto-recovery on bad status | |6/8, 7/8, MAX Noise|Increases of atk. MAX Noise is the highest(*) | |6 sections |Ends Core Shield and Lightma Stone's effect | |MIN Noise |Ends Estoma Spray and Riverama Flute's effect | |7/8 |20% of Rasetsu Mode | |MAX Noise |80% of Rasetsu Mode | |MAX<->MIN Noise |Easier to escape with MAX, harder with MIN | |MAX Noise&Not |Item from Mysterious Box(**) differ(***) | |5 laps |To re-challenge a Field Hunt | --------------------------------------------------------------------- (*No effect for compulsive battle with healing, hama skills...etc) (**From the Mad Mart shop) (***Item differs between MAX Noise and other than MAX Noise) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A shop is obviously a place where you can buy or sell stuff. Aside from the one called Mad Mart at Underground Street, there is also Mad Mart Express through out the dungeons of the game. They are all the same, in terms of what usable item, bullet and karma ring they sell, as well as Point and Rank. Each 100 dollar you spend at the shop, you get 1 point in return, the higher the point, the higher your rank. The higher your rank, the better stuff you can buy. Once you can buy Crimson Box, Pure Box and Golden Box. What's in that can be quite complex. Basically, each of those 3 boxes, has 2 or 3 tables of items they can offer. From that table of items, you can only get up to 3 items. Getting 2 items is only happened at about 20%, getting 3 is only about 6%. Which table the game picks depends on the Solar Noise is max or not. Then the items you get depend on their ratio which describes out by letter. A is the highest and D is the lowest. Even with that said, there is still quite some random elements. Here are the tables of items for each of the box: ------------- |Crimson Box| |-------------------------------------- | |Timing |Selective % | | |---------------|------------| |Table 1 |Aside MAX Noise|High | | |MAX Noise |Low | |-------------------------------------| |Item Candidate |Appearance % | |---------------|---------------------| |Chakra Chip |B | |Fire Starter |A | |Gaboat Bomb |C | |Ice Ball |A | |Blizaton Bomb |C | |Thunder Rod |A | |Candeon Bomb |C | |Sonic Stone |A | |Cyclone Bomb |C | |Quake Arms |A | |Magnas Bomb |C | |Angel Arrow |A | |Dark Fiber |A | |Wild Card |C | |Rich Ring |D | |-------------------------------------| | |Timing |Selective % | | |---------------|------------| |Table 2 |Aside MAX Noise|Low | | |MAX Noise |High | |-------------------------------------| |Item Candidate |Appearance % | |---------------|---------------------| |Chakra Chip |A | |Fire Starter |C | |Gaboat Bomb |B | |Ice Ball |C | |Blizaton Bomb |B | |Thunder Rod |C | |Candeon Bomb |B | |Sonic Stone |C | |Cyclone Bomb |B | |Quake Arms |C | |Magnas Bomb |B | |Angel Arrow |B | |Dark Fiber |B | |Wild Card |B | |Wild Bomb |C | |Rich Ring |C | --------------------------------------- ---------- |Pure Box| |--------|----------------------------- | |Timing |Selective % | | |---------------|------------| |Table 1 |Aside MAX Noise|High | | |MAX Noise |Low | |-------------------------------------| |Item Candidate |Appearance % | |---------------|---------------------| |Hero's Ration |C | |Medical Tool |C | |Chakra Box |C | |Wild Bomb |C | |Fire Wall |A | |Freeze Wall |A | |Thunder Wall |A | |Wind Wall |B | |Grand Wall |B | |Blue Diamond |C | |Ruby |C | |Gamble Ring |D | |-------------------------------------| | |Timing |Selective % | | |---------------|------------| |Table 2 |Aside MAX Noise|High | | |MAX Noise |Low | |-------------------------------------| |Item Candidate |Appearance % | |---------------|---------------------| |Hero's Ration |C | |Medical Tool |C | |Chakra Box |C | |Wild Bomb |C | |Fire Wall |B | |Freeze Wall |B | |Thunder Wall |B | |Wind Wall |A | |Grand Wall |A | |Pearl |C | |Sapphire |C | |Gamble Ring |D | |-------------------------------------| | |Timing |Selective % | | |---------------|------------| |Table 3 |Aside MAX Noise|Low | | |MAX Noise |High | |-------------------------------------| |Item Candidate |Appearance % | |---------------|---------------------| |Hero's Ration |C | |Medical Tool |C | |Magic Mirror |A | |Physical Mirror|A | |Fire Wall |A | |Freeze Wall |A | |Thunder Wall |A | |Wind Wall |A | |Grand Wall |A | |Cat's Eye |C | |Citrine |C | |Gamble Ring |B | --------------------------------------- ------------ |Golden Box| |-------------------------------------- | |Timing |Selective % | | |---------------|------------| |Table 1 |Aside MAX Noise|High | | |MAX Noise |Low | |-------------------------------------| |Item Candidate |Appearance % | |---------------|---------------------| |Medical Gear |A | |Great Chakra |A | |Soma Drop |A | |Soma |B | |Magic Mirror |A | |Physical Miror |A | |Dekaja Stone |A | |Variable Ring |B | |-------------------------------------| | |Timing |Selective % | | |---------------|------------| |Table 2 |Aside MAX Noise|Low | | |MAX Noise |Low | |-------------------------------------| |Item Candidate |Appearance % | |---------------|---------------------| |HP Noise |D | |MP Noise |D | |Tiger's Eye |A | |Marachite |B | |Red Diamond |A | |Hope Diamond |B | |Red Crystal |A | |Amethyst |B | |Blood Ruby |A | |Star Ruby |B | |Red Pearl |A | |Black Pearl |B | |Pink Sapphire |A | |Star Sapphire |B | |Variable Ring |C | |-------------------------------------| | |Timing |Selective % | | |---------------|------------| |Table 3 |Aside MAX Noise|Low | | |MAX Noise |High | |-------------------------------------| |Item Candidate |Appearance % | |---------------|---------------------| |Soma Drop |B | |Power Noise |A | |Vital Noise |A | |Magic Noise |A | |Quick Noise |A | |Luck Noise |A | |HP Noise |A | |MP Noise |A | --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting Started---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you got to the title screen, press any button to get the 3 options: --------- Load Game New Game Config --------- Load Game: It allows you to open up a previously saved data and continue your game from there New Game: It allows you to start a new game from the beginning. You are also given the choice to load DDS: AT data or not Config: It allows you to adjust the followings - Vibration: To set the vibration on or off during event and battle - Cursor Location Memory: To either memorize the cursor's previously selected location or not during a battle - Auto Repeat: To continue on 'Auto Battle' with previous actions - Camera Mode: To set the camera's control method to normal or reverse at a field - Confirm: To finalize your choices with the above 4 options and back to the title screen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Loading In DDS: AT Saved Data> If you decide to load your DDS: AT saved data, the bonus you get will depends on that DDS: AT saved data. If that DDS: AT data contains multiple playthroughs of the game, it would be depends your most recent/last playthrough. The details of how this whole thing works are: ---------------- Tag Ring's Value ---------------- This depends on the amount of Makka you have on that DDS: AT saved data. ------------------------------------ 0~9,999 Makka = 10,000 Dollar 10,000~999,999 Makka = 12,000 Dollar 1,000,000 Makka~ = 20,000 Dollar ------------------------------------ For example, If you have 1,000,000 Makka on that DDS: AT saved data you loaded in, your Tag Ring can sell for 20,000 Dollar in DDS: AT2. ------------------ Unique Karma Rings ------------------ This depends on if you have defeated the specific enemies on that DDS: AT saved data or not. The specific enemies in DDS: AT you can beat are the followings: --------------------- ~King Frost ~Metatron ~Beelzebub (Fly Form) ~Kouryuu ~Hitoshura --------------------- You don't get the Karma Rings right away, you still have to beat these fixed battles through out the game to obtain Hiho Ring, Divine Ring, Skull Ring, Dragon Ring and Amara Ring (respectively to the order above). These battles will be covered in the walkthrough. ----------- Unique Item ----------- This depends on whether you've heard George Black's request or not on that DDS: AT saved data. As for George Black himself, here is the steps to meet him in DDS: AT. The time window is after defeating Ravana, which means all leaders died and Embryon is the remaining tribe. As you enter Sahasrara, head to the second area(before entering the temple), here you would see your allies usually: Argilla, Heat, Cielo and Gale. Heat and Argilla stand on the right, Cielo and Gale stand on the left. To the left, there is also a former Solid Member, he is known as George Black. Hear his request and accept it with the first option. He would disappear. And that's all you need to do. The rest is in DDS: AT2 and will be covered in the walkthrough. BTW, you can't miss George Black in DDS: AT since he is always there at that time window. If he's not there, that means you already did this or it's not the time yet. Take your time, you could get to the last part of the game of DDS: AT and still able to come back to do this mini side quest. You can not miss it, so do not worry. This isn't much of a worthy side quest in DDS: AT2. You would get the "Lotus Flower's Petal" and in the end, you will get a Soma. That's it. ---------------------- Parameter Bonus Points ---------------------- This depends on what Mantra each of your character has mastered in that DDS: AT saved data. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 'God of Destruction' Mantra mastered = Power+2, Speed+1 'Demon King' Mantra mastered = Magic+2, Luck+1 'Demon God' Mantra mastered = Vitality+2, Speed+1, Luck+1 'Divine Spirit' Mantra mastered = All parameter+1 'One And Only God' Mantra mastered = All parameter+1 Every Mantra mastered = All parameter+1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ For example, if your charaters mastered all Mantra in DDS: AT, then the characters in DDS: AT2 should get a total of 5 bonus points in each area to start off. That is 5*5=25 bonus points for each. To elaborate a bit more on this, here is more examples with the early members in the game: --------------------------------------------- (Initial Parameter With The Bonus Points) ~Name ~Power ~Vitality ~Magic ~Speed ~Luck ~Serph ~9 ~8 ~9 ~9 ~8 ~Argilla ~8 ~8 ~10 ~8 ~9 ~Gale ~10 ~9 ~8 ~8 ~8 --------------------------------------------- (Initial Parameter Without The Bonus Points) ~Name ~Power ~Vitality ~Magic ~Speed ~Luck ~Serph ~4 ~3 ~4 ~4 ~3 ~Argilla ~3 ~3 ~5 ~3 ~4 ~Gale ~5 ~4 ~3 ~3 ~3 --------------------------------------------- -------------------- Difficulty Selection -------------------- Just merely loading a DDS: AT clear data would get you the Hard Mode in the game of DDS: AT2. Normally, you would need to beat DDS: AT2 Normal Mode once to unlock Hard Mode. What about Hard Mode? (Comparing with Normal Mode) ~There is one optional/strongest boss(Satan) you can fight only in Hard Mode ~It is harder to escape a battle. The ratio is 3/10 of Normal Mode's ~Enemies hit you harder/1.5 times more damage to you from them ~Enemies' critical rate is 1.5 times higher ~You get 2 times more damage to the enemies when you attack their weaknesses ----------------------------------- Gale's Unique Skill 'Pyriphlegeton' ----------------------------------- This depends on that DDS: AT saved data you loaded in is a game clear data or not. If you wish to get this unique skill for Gale, beat DDS: AT and load that data into DDS: AT2. You would get 'Pyriphlegeton' by the final dungeon of the game of DDS: AT2. ------------------------------------------------------------- Argilla's Unique Skill 'Seraphic Lore' + Getting Heat To Join ------------------------------------------------------------- This depends on the choices you made in the game of DDS: AT in that DDS: AT data you loaded in. A reminder, if that DDS: AT data contains multiple playthroughs of the game of DDS: AT, it would be depends your most recent/ last playthrough, so only those choices you made in that last playhthrough matter. If you ever messed the choices up, you will need to make the right choices in your next playthrough. Let's review the occasions in DDS: AT that promt you with choices: ---------------------------------------------------- 1/ Initial Karma Church meeting 2/ Embryon Base after returning from Karma Church 3/ Embryon Base after returning from Karma Church #2 4/ Point 136, top level 5/ Point 136, top level #2 6/ Point 136, after fighting Mick 7/ Ruins of the Great Ship, after fighting Bat 8/ Brutish Camp, after fighting Varon Omega ---------------------------------------------------- If you want Argilla's Unique Skill 'Seraphic Lore', you will need to pick the _first_ choice of occasion 3. You will also obtain this skill by the final dungeon of DDS: AT2. If you want Heat to join the party in the final dungeon of the game of DDS: AT2, you'll need to pick the _first_ choices of occasions 4&8. However, this is not all you need to do. There are two more choices you need to pick in DDS: AT2, I will cover those in the walkthrough. Except for occasion 3, 4 and 8, all the choices you make don't matter in this area. You can pick whatever you want. Keep this in mind: If you make the correct choices in DDS: AT and DDS: AT2, then get Heat by the final dungeon of DDS: AT2, you would not be able to play as Roald. Roald is a playable character in DDS: AT2 til certain point, as for Heat, he is normally playable for one fight. Whether whom should join you will depends on the choices as said. If you want Heat, make correct choices in DDS: AT and DDS: AT2; If you want Roald, do the opposite. Since the choices to get Heat include choices from both games, that means if you got the correct choices in DDS: AT to get Heat, you can still mess up the other two choices in DDS: AT2 so you can get Roald. What about Heat VS Roald? ~Stats growth wise, they are the same - Power max at 75 - Vitality max at 73 - Magic max at 46 - Speed max at 59 - Luck max at 59 ~They use different guns and Roald's is stronger by 1 atk ~They are two different person, obviously enough. They have differnt Atma Forms (Demon Forms), also different Rasetsu Forms(Half Human Half Demon Forms), as well as different Atma Symbols at different parts of their bodies ~They share different 'avatar' in the game menu screen. Roald's is for you to find out. Heat's is different from the one in DDS: AT. He will turn his head so you can only see a tiny portion of his face ~They have different strengths and weaknesses. Heat is good with Blaze and his weakness is Freeze. Roald is good with Electricity but weak against Calamity ~As for Linkage, since Heat has 3(Blaze Spirit Magic Bullet, Blaze Illusion Magic Bullet and Blaze God Magic Bullet) and Roald also has 3(Thuder Spirit Magic Bullet Revised, Thunder Illusion Magic Bullet Revised and Thunder God Magic Bullet Revised), both characters are needed in order to complete the Linkage list. It's best to loaded in the DDS: AT data with the first two right choices to get Heat, then do the remain two right to get Heat then for Roald's 3 Linkage, you will work on that in the second playthrough. Do know, this can not be done in one playthrough. Although Heat joins you for one fight in the game, but no Linkage can be learned in that battle. Also, do remember the fact that no Linkage gets carried over to your second(or on) playthrough if you pick Hard Mode instead of Normal Mode for your second(or on) playthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Occupied Underground Street ~ Amaravati> ~Main Street After some scenes, Fred will promt you with a choice. What you choose doesn't matter. You will then gain control of Serph, our protagonist once again. Take the door and go out to the hall. Continue down a bit and turn to get into a room to get 3 Chakra Chip. If you are wondering, ignore the message, the Karma Soldiers will come to you later. Take the door at the end of the hall to get out the house. In the big open area outside, take the ladder at lower right. ~Inner Alley Head north and soon a mini scene with Fred. After, check the Great Karma Terminal to the right. Save your game and continue down the ally. Another small scene and your first battle in the game, against 2 Flying Tribe - Andras. Just attack using Bufu with Serph, Hunt with Argilla and Muscle Bomber with Gale. If you need to heal, you can use Argilla's Dia. Serph will mostly level up, and I spend all 3 points on Power. After, take the door at the end of the path. Take the next door then you should be warned of enemies behind the door. You will battle with 2 Beast Tribe - Chin. Have Serph to use Bufu to hit Chin's weakness and that's enough to finish the battle. If you wish, have Argilla and Gale to transform back to Human form then attack with guns since Chin is also weak against bullet attacks. After, there is a recovery point here if you need any healing. Since Gale should master his 'Sky Dragon' Mantra so do equip the skill 'Zan' and 'Impact Break'. Take the near door to advance. Take couple steps and more enemies. This time is against Beast Tribe - Kelpie and Ogre Tribe - Buccaboo. Have Serph to attack with Hunt, Argilla can do the same or heal with Dia. Gale can attack with Zan on Buccaboo since that's its weakness. Buccaboo is good with Freeze, so don't use Bufu on it and use Freeze Break to block its freeze attacks. After, take the another door to advance. At the intersection, go right toward the item box for more enemies. You will fight with Buccaboo again but this time with Demon Tribe - Kahaku. Zan still works on Buccaboo so use that advantage. Argilla will mostly heal or Hunt. Serph will use Bufu on Kahaku if it does not have Freeze Break on. After, check the item box for 2 Lancia Beads. Then head to the door at the other side. In this room, there is a Small Karma Terminal, use it and save your game. Take the other door to the next area. Couple more steps and enemies again. This time, you are to fight with Human - Karma Soldier. Once you reduce his HP enough, he will be transforming into Beast Tribe - Papilsag. It's weak against Calamity, so if your Argilla has mastered 'Earth Spirit' Mantra, she can equip and use Tera against Papilsaga. If not, just use Bufu and Zan, then heal with Dia. After, take the door at the end of the path to advance. You will see a Karma Soldier runs to the right, don't go after him yet. Go left and head into a room that has an item box that contains 3 Ration, also one of the shelves has 2 more Ration. Now chase toward that Karma Soldier from before. In the room, speak with the woman on the floor. Then more enemies. You will be fighting with two more Buccaboo. They use Freeze attacks, so put up Freeze Break with Serph. Zan is their weakness, so use that with Gale. Argilla can use Dia to heal. After, take the near door to the next area. Then take the door at the other side first to get 2 Chakra Chip. Then take the upper path to advance. Here, there is a recovery point if you need healing. If you take the door to the left, you will eventually go up to the surface. There isn't much to see. Once you are ready to go on, take the right door from the recovery point. In the next area, go up a bit for a little scene, then go right into a room. Check the yellow strange object to get Shot Shell. Equip this bullet on someone, such as on Serph. Then check the one of the shelves here for 1 Medical Kit. Now head out the room, and head toward upper left for another message then head into the room by the end door. In here, there is a Small Karma Terminal if you need to save your game. Advance a bit and you will see a human struggling with a demon over the fence. Take the upper right door for another fight against Ogre Tribe - Yomotsuikusa. Serph can use Hunt, Argilla can use Dia to heal, then finally Gale can attack its weakness with Zan. After, take the other door to advance. Then take the door at north to the next area. Here, go right first to a room with a recovery point and an item box that got 2 Ice Ball. Then head out and take the other door for another fight. This time, you are fighting Andras and Buccaboo. Serph can use Hunt, Argilla uses Tera on Andras and Gale should use Zan on that Buccaboo. Once you finish them, another enemy comes out. That is Dragon Tribe - Tarask. It shares the same weakness as Andras, so use Tera on it. After, take the other door to the next area. Take the door at the opposite first to get 2 Lancia Beads from an item box. After, head out the room and go north. At the intersection, go right first to get in a room with 1 Medical Kit. After, go left at the intersection to another door to advance. Ignore the ladder at the opposite and take the right path first. There is one Soma Drop from an item box. Once you are done, go take that ladder up. ~Main Street There is a Small Karma Terminal here, also one door to the right and one door to the left. Take the left door first then a room that got two items boxes that contain 1 Lancia Jewel and 2 Sonic Stone. Once you are done, save your game and take the right door for the boss fight. It's Vetara with 2 Andras. Take out the 2 Andras with Argilla's Tera. Attack Vetara using Gale's Zan if it doesn't have Impact Break protected. If anyone is low on HP, have Argilla to use Dia. If Vetara uses Mind Charge, it's likely to use "Earth's Crust Blasting" in the next turn. Do have Argilla to put up Calamity Break. After the battle, more scenes. After, go north to the Undergroud City. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Underground Street ~ Underground City> To the left, there is a recovery point and a Small Karma Terminal, also the shop 'Mad Mart' but it's not ready yet. After, go right to another area. Go on to the right and enter the house. Speak with Roald and pick the second choice. After more scenes, you will get 'Hacking Tool'. With this, you can access to the new 'Mantra Hexa Drive' system. Also, you will obtain 2 Medical Kit and Liquid Nitrogen Bullet. To advance, you will need to speak with the Lokapala Member by the elevator. But before that, you will need to head to Mad Mart. As you enter Mad Mart. You will sell your Tag Ring, the dollar you get from it depends. The details are already explain in the above <Loading In DDS: AT Saved Data> section, go check that out. Also, you should make sure to check out the new Mantra Hexa Drive system. Change to a different Mantra if you need to. Once you are done whatever you wish to do, head back to the Lokapala Member by the elevator. Then take the elevator to Undersea Cable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Undersea Cable ~ Road To Sodom> Once you are down, exit out and enter the Undersea Cable from the entrance. ~B1F Go up and to the left for an item. Then continue from the right path. Continue on and ignore the right entrance for now. At the end, another item. Then take that previous entrance to move on. Continue down and go left for an item. Back track and go right to get to the ladder. ~1F Hit the switch. Then take the near door to exit out. More scene then take the near north item box. Continue to the right door. (*If you loaded in DDS: AT file with King Frost defeated) As you get near that door, a short scene then beyond is the fixed battle you need to clear before you get the Hiho Ring. After, Karma Ring is now available. You can't take the ladder down yet. So go back to the repair man near the previous switch. Now you can advance and take that ladder down. ~B1F Continue on to a small karma terminal. Go right to get to an object. Then to advance, go left from the karma terminal. Continue north for an item. There are two ladders to take: one at lower right and the other one at upper right. Take the upper right one and then hit that switch. Go down and take the lower right ladder. ~1F Get the item and hit another switch. Take the near door. Save your game at that small karma terminal. Once you are ready, take the right door. Get the right item first. There are two ladders here: one to the right and one to the left. Take the left one to lead you to an item and an object. To get a move on, take the right ladder. ~B1F Continue on and go right for an object. Continue on to the end for a ladder. ~1F Exit out the door and grab the item. There is also a small karma terminal here. Then take the door to the lower left for a fight. There is a recovery point here and after, back track to the repair man. On the way, you should get into another fight. After, move back to the previous broken switch. Check the broken switch and the repair man will fix it. Hit the switch. Get the object and take the ladder down to move on. ~B1F Continue on to another ladder. ~1F Hit both switches. As you can see, there is another switch to the other side that's yet to be put on. So back track to the previous broken switch. Hit it again and you can go take the right ladder down. Follow that, and you will get to that switch. After you put that switch on, that gate will open and you can move on. So back track to that gate. Besure to save your game at that small karma terminal. Take the ladder up for the boss fight. You will fight against Hekatoncheir. It's weak again Calamity, so Argilla is the key here. As for your other characters, either heal or attack with magic. If you attack physically, it will counter. After, you can now strengthen your Karma Rings. Continue on and grab the two things. Exit out for more scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Asylum ~ Meeeeaaaat! Processing Plant> Both Cielo and Roald will join. Go up and head left for an item. Then go up to the surface. Enter the Asylum. ~1F To the left, recovery point and small karma terminal. Attempt to move on and there is a shop. Continue on and a fight. Continue on, go left for an item then continue to north. Before you take the door, go left for another item. Take the right path first that lead to an object. Then take the left path. Move on and to the left a bit for another item. Head to the end to get another item then go right. Before you take the door, go right for another object. Continue along the path for another door. Next, 3 doors: one to the right, one to upper right and one to upper left. Upper left is the Field Hunt, right one leads to items(also a Mysterious Machine where you will need to come back later so besure to keep this place in mind) and to advance, take the upper right door to do so. Continue on through doors. In the big room, there is another Mysterious Machine here, and it should connect to the previous one. Anyway, save your game at the great karma terminal. After, take the near door. Take the stairs down. ~B1F You will enter a scripted fight against Quanda. With his "Rope Of Delusion", he will capture you. Someone will come to help you as well as telling you the Question&Answer. The answer is "Awful Solar Noise" for this floor. Once you got out, you can see Quanda around. Walking or chasing after you. You need to run away from him. To get to the south, you need a key. Open up the map with Triangle. The cell room you are looking for is the lowest one of the east side. It's Room 1E-05. Give the correct answer before Quanda gets to you. You will get the "Electronic Key Lv 1". ~B2F The cell room is the lowest one to the west, Room 2W-01. This is a bit tricky here, because there are fences around that can result you to run to dead ends. What you can do is, lure Quanda to upper left, then you can run to that cell. The answer here is Deluxe Can. You will get the "Electronic Key Lv 2" as well as the "Can Lable". Once you get out, you will notice that cheap Quanda will just stand near the gate and there are circles around the map that can hold you down. Get near him and time things right with the circles, then lure him to come. Go the other way from him and toward the gate. I used the upper right section to pass him. Once you make it to the northern gate, examine it to open it then down to the next floor. ~B3F The gate is at south and the cell room is the cloest left room of the gate. It is Room 3S-03, where you get the "Devil's Corpse" and "Electronic Key Lv 3". As you exit out that room, Quanda will be next to you, blocked by some fence. Of course, he's is doing the cheap "stand at the gate" routine again. The path to that gate and Quanda is one way, so you need to get close enough in order to lure him. Don't forget to time it with those circles. This can be pretty hard, but redo this couple times and you would be fine. ~B4F Quanda isn't around, so don't worry. Get the object at left and item at upper right. There is also a great karma terminal to the west. Once you are ready, go to the north room. You will get the Control Room Key. Get the object then exit out the room for a fight. Use the great karma terminal here to transfer to the previous great karma terminal. ~1F You can now enter that Control Room. Within, get the item and hit the switch. Now exit out and put the Devil's Corpse into the near Meat Process/Mysterious Machine. It will come out at the other end, so, go to the other Meat Process/ Mysterious Machine to get the "Corrupt Meat Can". Now go back to the Commander Room in B4F. ~B4F Once you are ready, put down the "Corrupt Meat Can". Then exit out. Watch up a bit and a scene. You will end up fighting Quanda. Both Cielo and Roald here are useful, since Quanda is weak against Electricity. With a bit of healing, you should take him down with ease. After, you will be outside. Check the right fence and exit out. Before you move on, head back to the Underground City. Speak with that Girl/ Fred's Ally, and pick the 2nd&1st choices. You will get a Medical Gear. Now, to move on, head to the Administrative District. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Karma Organization HQ ~ Tower Of Reunion> Before you enter, speak with the man at upper right. He will asks you on what name to pick. ~Pick Serph to get Pink Sapphire (*Any+4) ~Pick Heat to get Tiger's Eye Stone (*Power+3) ~Pick Gale to get Red Crystal (*Magic+3) ~Pick Cielo to get Blood Ruby (*Speed+3) (*These are all items used to strengthen Karma Rings) Once you are ready, enter. ~1F Go up for a short scene then take the elevator. Head to 6F. ~6F Continue on and you will get to a great karma terminal. Save your game. Move on and take another elevator. Head to 10F. ~10F Continue on, go right to a room with an item. Then continue down to another door. Continue on and you will find enemies. Pick the 2nd choice to get the pre-emptive strike. In this room, there is an item around. Then take the lower left path. Out on the hallway, go left to a room with an object. To move on, take the right door. Continue on through another door. You will get to a small karma terminal. Continue on to another door. Take the item at the upper left corner and take the door to the right. Continue on, and pass the hallway. You will get to another room with a recovery point. Go to the left to get another item. (*If you loaded in DDS: AT file with Metatron defeated) As you get move a bit more, a short scene then a fixed battle you need to clear before you get the Divine Ring. Get the other item at the corner and use the recovery point if you need to. Attempt to advance and a scene. It doesn't matter what you pick here. You will get into another fight. Take the near door after. Continue on through doors, before you go up the stairs, take the right door for another item. Back out and go up the stairs then take the door. ~11F Continue on, and you will get to 3 doors: lower right, upper right and the end door. The end door takes you to a Field Hunt. The upper right leads to another small karma terminal. To move on, take the lower right path. Go left to another item and right to move on. Continue on and you will end up at the hallway again. Head to the end to get an item then take the right door to another object. To move on, take the left door. Then go right corner to move on. Continue on and another small karma terminal. Save your game and take the near door. Take the near right door first to get to 2 rooms with 2 items. Then take the far north door(it's not a great karma terminal, just a trap). Of course, a fight awaits you. Continue on and you will get to the shop and the next elevator. Once you are ready, take the elevator to 20F. ~20F There is another small karma terminal. Save your game and take the near door for the boss fight. You will fight The 3 Human Officier. They are Heaven, Earth and Spirit, 3 of them. Focus on one and once you reduce the HPs low enough, they will transform. Karsee's weakness is Blaze, Uberli's weakness is Impact and Ganga's weakness is Calamity. Take out Karsee and Ganga then finally Uberli(don't use physical on it). As long as you use the weaknesses, you should be fine here. After, take the left path since the right path is a dead end. Continue on and ignore the left and head to the end door to get to another object. Now go left and take that elevator to 31F. ~31F Go to the near left door to another item. Then take the right path to move on. Another item to the right and the door to the left. Continue on and go right door to another object. Back track and take the left path. A great karma terminal and another door to the left. Continue on to the end room for another object and then take the left path to move on. You will go up another stairs. ~32F Take the near door. Continue to another door. You will get to another elevator. This one leads to 44F with 2 items and 1 object. To move on, take the other path pass the elevator. Continue on and take the right room for another item. Then continue down the path to another door. You will get to a recovery point. Continue on after. Take the near right room for 2 more items, then continue down the path. Eventually, another small karma terminal. Save your game and take the near door. Another boss fight with those 3 from before. This time, they all transformed already. Same strategy applies here. They just got more HPs and got one deadly Linkage: Immeasurable Thunder. If you got any Electricity Break/Drain/Reflect, use it before they use that Linkage. Just besure to focus on one so once you take that one out, the Linkage is useless. After, take the elevator to 44F. ~44F Continue on to another small karma terminal. Continue on and you will get more scene. The game will promt you another choice. Pick the second choice if you want an extra skill called "Rebirth Cycle Of The 3 Realms" for some character upon entering the last dungeon. Anyway, you will end up in a boss fight. Starts off with 4 Karma Soldiers, they are nothing. Take them out then Agni (Heat) will come with 2 Dun. They are all weak against Freeze, so use that to help you. If you are using Serph, besure to put up Blaze Break/Drain. Just beware when those Dun cast up Freeze Break. You should just wait and use physical on those Dun. As for Agni, don't use physical since he can counter pretty well, so use magic. Soon he will flee. After, take the near door. There is a recovery point after. Go up the stairs. ~45F Continue on to another elevator. Take it to 55F. ~55F Continue on to another fight. After, move along the path for more scene. Afterward, you will be at the Laboratory Dome. Exit out and go back to the Underground City. Here, you can buy "Demon Stone Of Coercion" from Jack Lantern for $50000. It gives your 4 Flashing Press Turn in battle. You can only buy one at a time. Once you used it, you can come back and buy another. That means you can only hold one of these at a time. If you speak with the Girl/Fred's Ally, you can play a Shooting Game. Just obtain high scores and you can get 2 Star Sapphire. (*If you loaded in DDS: AT file where you've heard from George Black) Head to the Sala Park. Speak with the female(Ameria) at the upper part. You'll get a "Lotus Flower's Petal" in the end. Now, get a move on to the Laboratory Dome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Egg Facility ~ Egg Of The Universe> (First Time) Enter the Egg Facility. ~1F There is a shop at upper left. After, take the elevator to B5F. ~B5F A fight and then check the right corpse for an item. You will get to a great karma terminal. Continue along the path. Take the stairs down. ~B6F You will come to a locked door, a small karma terminal and two doors on the two sides. (*If you loaded in DDS: AT file with Beelzebub/Fly Form defeated) The right door leads to a short scene then a fixed battle. You need to clear it before you get the Skull Ring. Anyway, check the corpse within the right door for an item. The locked door is now opened. The left door leads to an object. Once you are ready, pass through the newly opened door. Ignore the end room since it leads to nothing. Go right to the elevator. Take it to B10F. ~B10F Ignore the right room and continue down the path. There are two locked doors, a small karma terminal and two more doors at far. One room contains an item and the other room got the researcher with the key you need. With the Security Card 01, go to the locked door that's marked as 01. You can get pass. Eventually, you will come to an intersection. Take the right room and check the corpse for item. Then go north to take the stairs down. ~B11F There are 3 doors with a small karma terminal. Left doors leads nowhere. As for the right and north door, they are connected. They lead to 3 rooms and 2 of them got items. Then take the room at the end. There are researchers around, ask them for Security Card 02. With that, back track up to B10F. ~B10F The previous 02 locked door leads to an object. Continue to back track and you will get back to the first 02 locked door. Pass it to get a move on. ~B11F Continue on. Then take the right far room to an object. Then back to the main hallway. Take the left room and check the corpse for another item. Back out and take the door the end. Continue on, and you will get to the 03 locked door, a small karma terminal, one door to the left and 2 to the right. Left door leads to 2 items, the far right door leads to 1 item and 1 corpse with another item, as well as a small fight. You will get the Security Card 03 after and don't forget that object. Head back and go check the 03 locked door. The password is 11771409. Take the stairs down. ~B12F Continue on a bit and check the far right room for another item. Then move on. Check the left room for another item, then take the door at the end. You will come to a recovery point, 04 lock door, one door to the left and two to the right. Ignore the left door. Check the lower right door. It leads to a corpse with the Security Card 04. And the far right door leads to a Field Hunt. Once you are ready, back to the 04 locked door. The password is 40051918. Take the stairs down. ~B13F There is the 05 locked door. There is a near door and another door at far end. Ignore the far end door since it leads to nothing. Take the near door. That leads to 3 objects and 1 corpse/item, as well as a fight that gets you the Security Card 05. There is also a small karma terminal around. Afterward, back to that 05 locked door. The password is 12251919. Take end door. You get to a small karma terminal, a left door and a door to the right. Take the left door to an item. Then take the right door for the boss fight. It's no longer 3 of them physically, since one ate the other two. Anyway, you will fight Abadon. Its initial Affinity should be the same as Uberli's. So avoid using physical and use Impact based magic. It gets 3 turns, and besure to keep your HPs high. Keep attacking with Impact based magic, then it will turn to Karsee's affinity. Well, Blaze based magic. The thing is, Abadon uses Asobis' Hole which will eat up one ally. You will need to keep attacking then it will spill that ally out. It will repeat this again and thus, changing its affinity. If it's Ganga's, use Calamity based magic. After, you get the Master Key. *Serph Is Leaving* Might as well go back and save your game. Serph will leave the party soon and come back later. Anything you want to do with Serph and don't want to wait til later, do it now. Continue on and head in the elevator to get to B30F. ~B30F Continue down and use the Master Key at the end door. Decision time, this is one of the two choices in this game that has to do with getting Heat. Pick the first choice. "Ally...That's why.", indeed. If you don't want Heat, pick the second choice. Exit out and head to the Power Plant Dome. *Calamity Ring* You should check out the Undersea Cable B1F. Speak with a Lokapala member there to get this Calamity Ring. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Power Plant ~ Rest In Peace, My Friend> Enter through gates. ~1F Continue on and a short scene. Check the near left room for an item. Then there is a small karma terminal in the right room. There is also the shop here. Pass that door is another fight. After, check the broken switch. More scene then through the end door. Next, we got another gate. Take the right door for the switch. Then go through that gate to move on. Continue on, another gate and a small karma terminal. Take the left door. Move on to get to the other switch and there is also a recovery point. Back track and through the gate. Left and right rooms got items, then take the end door. Another gate and two doors at the two sides. The left door leads to small karma terminals, objects, item and the switch. There is also a gate and upon pressing that switch, that gate will open. Beyond that, a fight. Just use Electricity and you should have an easy time. After that, there is the switch you want. Now back track to that big gate. Take the right door. This one leads to gates and switch. There are also small karma terminals, object, recovery point, items and switches. Unlock all the possible gates and you will end up at where you started. For the double gates, use the switch to have it so the front gate is closed which means the back gate is opened. Then you can go left again and back track to the back gate. Beyond that back gate is another fight. Same, Electricity based magic. After that is another switch. And you are set, back to the big gate. Pass that, check the left room for an item and right room for recovery point. After that, more enemies. Same, Electricity based magic. The minor problem here is that Gate Core, that will count down to a pretty powerful attack. After, continue on. The next near left room leads to a small karma terminal. *Argilla and Roald Are Leaving* Might as well save your game here. Argilla will leave the party soon and not coming back til the last dungeon. As for Roald, he can come back at the last dungeon as well. But if you pick choices to get Heat, this is it for Roald. He won't be back. Anything you want to do with Argilla&Roald and don't want to wait til last dungeon, do it now. Continue on, more switch and gate. After more scene and a fight. Enemies are weak against Blaze. If all characters got decent Blaze magics, this battle can end in no time. After, Roald leaves the party. Continue on. Check the near right room for an item, then the next right room for an object. Then head to the end door. Don't turn to the exit yet, instead, to the end room. Argilla will leave the party and Sera joins. Exit out and walk up a bit for a fight. After, go to the Exit. *Sera's Growth* As you should notice already, Sera is pretty much Serph. She inherits his Mantra/Skill, plus stats. Serph will come back at later part of the next area, but before that, you have control over Sera's Mantra. Afterward, exit out. *Shooting Game* If you still want to play it, do it now. By the end of the next dungeon, you won't be able to. Go to the Laboratory Dome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Egg Facility ~ Five Years Before> (Second Time) You been here before, not much to say. However, this time, the area is dark, so buy some Lightma Stone, as well as Core Shield. Take the elevator to B5F. ~B5F Yup, it's all dark. Use a Lightma Stone. Continue on. ~B6F Take the left door from the small karma terminal. That leads to a room with an item. Back track. Continue on and you will get in a fight. After, take the end room to get to an item then move onto the elevator. ~B10F At least, this area has been somewhat altered. There are Warp Holes around, so beware. Starting up, check the right room for an item. Then continue down the hallway for the Warp Hole 1. Exit out the room, go left. Ignore the left Warp Hole and take the north Warp Hole 2. Grab the item in the room then exit out. There is a small karma terminal here, stairs to south and room to north. Ignore the right door. Take the north door. Take the Warp Hole 4 here then enter the near room for an object and an item. Warp back and take the southern stairs to move on. ~B10F Continue on, an intersection. Warp Hole 5 to north, Warp Hole 6 to right and Warp Hole 7 in the left room. Use the Warp Hole 5 to get more object. Once you are ready to move on, take the Warp Hole 7. Use a Core Shield then go to the south. Continue on, a small karma terminal. Warp Hole 8 at north, ignore the left door and head to the right. Two doors, ignore the end door and turn to the right door. We got Warp Hole 9 here. Then take the stairs down. ~B11F Ignore the near Warp Hole 10 and go right. Left door got an item and take the right door. (*If you loaded in DDS: AT file with Kouryuu defeated) Upon entering the door, a fixed battle which you need to clear before you get the Dragon Ring. Anyway, we got Warp Hole 11 here. Take the near door to Warp Hole 12. Use Core Shield then move up. There are a small karma terminal, Warp Hole 12 to north, Warp Hole 13 to the right and the left door. Ignore both Warp Holes, and take the left door for a fight. There are 3 doors here, ignore the near left door since it's got Warp Hole 13. Take the top left door to 2 objects. Then take the upper right door to the Warp Hole 14. Exit out and take the near door. Moving on. There are 3 doors, right one leads to Warp Hole 13, north one leads to Warp Hole 14. So ignore both, and take the left one to Warp Hole 15. Take the near stairs down. ~B12F Ignore the near Warp Hole 16, anad go right. Take the left room for an item, then the end room for Warp Hole 17. Use a Core Shield and go south to a room with an item. Now back track and go up. You will get to a recovery point, Warp Hole 17 to the right, Warp Hole 18 to the north and Warp Hole 19 in the left room. Warp Hole 18 leads to an object and the Field Hunt. To move on, take the Warp Hole 19. After, take the stairs down. ~B13F Ignore the 2 near Warp Hole 20. Take the left door. A small karma terminal here and 2 Warp Holes. Ignore Warp Hole 21 to the left, and take Warp Hole 22 to the right. Ignore Warp Hole 21 in the left room, and take the Warp Hole 23 in the right room. Next, same here. Ignore Warp Hole 22 in the left room, and take the Warp Hole 24 in the right room. But you have a fight before you can take that Warp Hole 24. After, the near left room got Warp Hole 25 that leads to an object and an item. Otherwise, to advance, take the end door. Next, there is a small karma terminal if you need to save. You can go left or right. The right door leads to an item and to advance, take the left door that's got Warp Hole 26. Ignore the Warp Hole 27 to the left and move along the hallway. Beyond the boss is the boss fight. It's against that huge Vritra/Heat. Don't bother with those Tentacles, focus on Vritra. It's weak against Electricity, so use that. If you have Electricity based magic that attacks all, that's great because you can attack the Tentacles as well. But, if you want the bonus Press Turn for hitting its weakness, use strong single-target Electricity based magic. Reapeat til it dies. After, behold the come back of Serph!!! You will enter another fight. Serph and Real Agni/Heat against Real Varna and Fake Varna. Pretty simple fight here, just have Real Agni/Heat to heal. Real Agni/Heat is the key to win this battle. Serph can heal or attack, Real Agni/Heat can attack with Agidain. The thing to watch out are their Black Surge and White Surge. Other than that, focus on one then the other. Afterward, decision time once again. This is the last of the two choices in this game that has to do with getting Heat. Pick the first choice: "Yeah...". If you don't want Heat, pick the second choice. In the end, you will control only Serph. Continue along the path. Take the elevator to B27F. ~B27F Contine down and enter the end room. You will get anothe choice but it doesn't matter. Afterward, Serph joins back. *Serph's Growth* Now that Serph is back, you gain control over his Mantra and Stats Growth once again. This time, have Serph to learn Mantra that Sera doesn't have. Also, get Serph to raise the stats/areas that Sera isn't good with/lack off. Now that you have beaten Vritra, the Warp Holes are gone. That should give you an easy time if you want to go back to that area and regain some whatever items you have missed. * Now, whatever you want to do, do them now. By the end of the next area, you won't be able to come back and stuck in the last dungeon til the end. You probably want to finish up with the Hiho Quiz, meaing get 100 correct answers so Jack Frost will give you the Certificate * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Optional Bosses> (Part 1) Most importantly, there are 4 optional bosses you can fight right now and if you don't, you WILL lose the chance by the end of the next dungeon. Go to the Laboratory Dome. At 1F, speak with the researcher at upper right. Gale will beging this Reversal Trial. Start with the 2nd choice and here are the choices you need to pick: ~First set: 1st, 2nd, 1st, 3rd, 2nd ~Second set: 1st, 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 2nd ~Third set: 1st, 1st, 1st After, speak with him again and pick the 1st choice. Now the 4 Optinal Bosses, aka the 4 Arch Angels, will appear in different areas of the game. - Arch Angel Uriel - Egg Facility, Laboratory Dome. Head to B13F, the Cuvier Syndrome Laboratoy. This is where you fought with Abadon from before. If you open up the Map, check on B13F. The spot is the room just north of the left karma terminal. Uriel is weak against Freeze, so use that advantange. Have someone to wear the Divine Ring, and put up Blaze Break/Drain. Equip Freeze Booster/High Booster if you can. - Arch Angel Raphael - Asylum, Food Plant Dome. It's at 1F. Remember the Meat Process/Mysterious Machine where you got the "Corrupt Meat Can" from before? If not, open up the Map and check 1F. From the entrance of the Asylum, it's the first exclamation mark you get to. It should be at middle part of the map. Raphael is weak against Electricity, so use that advantange. Have someone to wear the Divine Ring, and put up Electricity Break/Drain. Equip Electricity Booster/High Booster if you can. - Arch Angel Gabriel - Karma Organization HQ, Administrative District. It's at 20F where you fought with those 3 Human Officier, Heaven, Earth and Spirit. Go to the first Great Karma Terminal and transfer to the Great Karma Terminal 2. You should be at 31F and open up the Map. See that elevator at south? Take that to get to 20F. Once you are at 20F, open up the Map. The spot is the middle open area on the Map. Gabriel is weak against Impact, so use that advantange. Have someone to wear the Skull Ring, and heal every turn. Equip Impact Booster/High Booster if you can. - Arch Angel Michael - Occupied Underground Street, Underground City. It's at the Back Street. First, get to a near small karma terminal and transfer to the Great Karma Terminal. You will be at the Back Street. Now, open up the Map. As you can see, there are 3 recovery points on the Map. Check the one at the middle part of the Map. Go there and take that near stairs to get up to the Surface. Yup, Michael is at the Surface. This is sort of tricky, because you have to fight Uriel, Raphael and Gabriel again and consecutively. That means one after another, no break. Worse yet, Michael will show up right after Gabriel, no break as well. The first 3 are easy, Michael, however, isn't. He has no weakness so everything goes here. Might wanna heal frequently. Put up -Kaja and -Nda to 2 levels only. If you raise them to 3 levels/Max, he will go crazy on you with All-Purpose based magic. You seriously don't want to risk that. Attack and heal, then once you reduce his HPs low enough, he will use this move called "Evil Crushing Light Edge". It's a strong multiple-target physical attack. If you got anything to against Physical, use it. If you are really in risk, don't forget to use "Demon Stone Of Coercion" then heal yourself. After, head to a karma terminal. You get the "Dragon Conquer" Mantra. Now, get a move on. Go to the Airport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Airport Facility ~ One-Way Stairs> This IS one way, just beware of that. By the end of this dungeon, you won't be able to come back and stuck in the last dungeon til the end of the game. If you haven't done all that you want to do, especially the 4 Arch Angels, DO THEM NOW or else, try again next playthrough. Once you are ready, enter. ~1F Save your game at the small karma terminal. Next, take the right side door to an item. Then back track and move on at the main path. A scene with choices, doesn't matter which one. Take the stairs up. ~2F Take the left path down that leads to an item. Back track and take the other path. Eventually, a fight. Then take the stairs down. ~1F Continue on. Go through the fence at the left opening, ignore the main path and take the right door. Go right for an item, then take the left door to move on. Continue on and turn right to a small karma terminal. Then an intersection, go left for a fight. Grab the 2 items around then go up. ~2F There is a great karma terminal near. The left leads to an item and an object. To move on, go right. Go right and at the end, there is an item then go through that entrance. Take the main path down to an item. Back track and take the side door. Continue on and take the stairs down. ~1F Continue on, go left to a room with an object then move on at right. Continue on, ignore the right and go left. (*If you loaded in DDS: AT file with Hitoshura defeated) As you get to the corner, a short scene then the fixed battle you need to clear before you get the Amara Ring. Continue on, ignore both end doors and take the stairs up. ~2F Save your game at the small karma terminal then take the near door for another fight. After, continue on. Take the distant stairs that leads to an object then take the near stairs to move on. ~1F Continue on, take the main path to another item then the side door to move on. Continue on and go to the end room for an object and then move on, take the middle path. Continue on, go right to another room with an item then move on to the near small karma terminal. After, take the near door. Once you are ready, continue on for the boss fight. You are against Cernoboge. He will create shadows of yourselves. You need to kill these shadows before you can attack Cernoboge. The shadows can use the same attack skills you have set, also, they share the same weakness as you. Take them out and then attack Cernoboge with Blaze based magic. After, shop if you need to since there is a shop around. Besure to buy some Lightma Stone. Continue on and you will get to another small karma terminal at the left. Save your game and move on. Take the stairs down. ~B1F A dark zone, use Lightma Stone. Continue on, go left to a room with another item. Moving on from right, ignore the left room and continue on to north. Eventually, another fight. Go right to a room with an object. To move on, go left. Ignore the south room and continue up. Moving on, ignore the left room and continue to the right. You will get to a small karma terminal. Continue on after that. Take the left room for an object. Continue on at right. Yet another intersection. The right stairs lead to the Field Hunt. To move on, go left. Take the left turn to the room with an item then move on. Continue on and ignore the first right turn. At the end, before the stairs, go turn to the near room for an item. Then take the stairs up. ~1F Continue on, take the near room for the recovery point. Then move on, and you will get to a small karma terminal. Beyond that is the boss. It's Karttikeya. The weakness is Bullet Attack, so you might want to have some to transform to the Human Form. Karttikeya got mostly Impact and Electricity magic, so prepare those Impact/Electricity Break/Drain/Reflect. I'd recomend the Impact/Electricity Reflect. It has a move called "Richly Colorred Gale" which reduces your accuracy to 20%. If that happens, put up Impact/Electricity Reflect to have Karttikeya to damage itself. Afterward, this is it. Go back and save your game. Once you are ready to move to the last dungeon, speak with Gale. *Gale And Cielo Are Leaving* They are leaving the party shortly, but don't worry, they will quickly join back at the beginning of the last dungeon. After, more scene. Gale leaves the party. Then continue along the path and you will make it to the Jet. Examine the jet and ride it for more scene. Cielo will leave the party. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <HAARP Facility> Enter and sit back to enjoy some nice scenes, between Serph and Sera. Behold the perfect human being, Seraph!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <The Sun ~ Nirvana> Argilla, Cielo, Gale and Roald(or Heat) will join you. Seraph gets a new skill called "Rebirth Cycle Of The 3 Realms", Gale gets "Pyriphlegeton" and Argilla gets "Seraphic Lore". Now you lost both Serph and Sera, but you got their combination in return. The two combined their Stats and Mantra to result you, Seraph. This is why I wanted you to grow both characters differently. As explained already, if you got the choices correct in DDS: AT1 and DDS: AT2, then Heat will join instead of Roald. ~Solar Convection Layer Speak with David's Info at the near left for an item. Take the warp point to the right. Speak with Madam Margo's Info at the right for another item. Take another warp point. Another small warp point and you will get to the shop and the Great Info Core. Great Info Core is the same as Great Karma Terminal and besure to buy some Core Shield from the shop. Once you are ready, take the north warp point and then take the red one to go down. ~Solar 2nd Layer You will get into a mini fight. ~1F At near left, there is Jack Lantern's Info that can also sell you "Demon Stone Of Coercion". Anyway, the left path leads to 2 lotus with 2 items but you need the Core Shield to avoid the damage zone. To move on, take the right path. Continue down and ignore the damage zone. At the end, don't take that warp yet. Instead, turn and continue your way down to another lotus with another item. After, take the warp. ~2F You will come to an intersection, go left a bit for a lotus then back track. Both north and right connect, but take the right path. Then you will get to yet another intersection. Ignore the right warp and go through the damage zone at the left. Besure to use Core Shield. At the end, turn right for another warp point. ~3F Continue on and turn. An intersection, the left leads to recovery point and a lotus. To move on, take the right warp. ~4F To the left end, there is a Small Info Core. To move on, you need to go through the damage zone so use Core Shield. At the end, an intersection. North hole leads to an object but you have to walk back here after. As for the left hole, ignore it. To move on, take the right door. Continue on. ~5F Once you are ready, go through the door to fight Hayagriva. Of course, we did beat him back in the first game, but we will do it again. He is weak against Freeze, so Freeze based magic. Use Freeze Booster/High Booster if you can. As for defense, put up Blaze Break or Drain. DO NOT use Blaze Reflect, because if you do so, it will just end up healing him. After, grab the object and take the platform up. ~Solar 3rd Layer ~1F Take the near left door. Take the yellow path to north. Get the lotus and there is the Great Info Core of this layer. Then take the near warp. ~2F Through the door and we got a big area here. If you want to advance, make your way around to the north. *If you make your way to the right, you can fight Jack Frost. However, you DO NEED a Certificate(100 correct answers of the Hiho Quiz)* Moving on, you will get to an intersection. Go right a bit for the Small Info Core. Both doors lead to another lotus and another warp. ~3F Continue on, yet another big area. It can lead to 3 paths. The near right leads to 2 lotus, lower left got an object and to move on, take the upper left path. You will get to a recovery point and a Small Info Core. Save your game. Get a move on. There is another warp at the end. ~4F Continue on and eventually, another red door. Pass it when you are ready. It's against Camazotz this time. He is weak against Electricity, so Electricity based magic. Use Electricity Booster/High Booster if you can. He's got a move called "Wind Of The Demon World", besure to put up Impact Break/Drain/Reflect. One thing to watch out from him is "Zotzilaha's Curse" which your character changes to a Bat, thus stats are lower. One major weakness for Bat is Impact, so if you got anyone got changed to a Bat, put up Impact Break/Drain/Reflect til that character chance back. If you got "Regeneration Accelerator" equipped for that Bat character, that would be better. If he decides to go into defensive mode, use Calamity based magic. The last part of this fight can be tricky, since he will change all of you then go into denfensive. Then next, that "Wind Of The Demon World" move. Make sure you cast Impact Break/Drain/Reflect. If you got Auto-Effect Skill like Impact Stronger for all characters, that would be helpful to a degree. After, grab the lotus and take the platform up. ~Solar 4th Layer ~1F Go right to a lotus then take the left door. Then there is the Great Info Core of this layer. After, take the near platform to get across. Enter the lotus. Continue on by riding through these lotus, then enter another lotus. ~2F Continue on and take more platforms, then anther lotus to go in. ~3F This time, you can take the right lotus or left lotus. Take the right lotus that leads to 12 lotus/items(lots of these lotus lead to fights though and some are just traps). Anyway, to move on, take the left lotus. You will get into another fight. After, moving on. ~4F Another choice here, take the upper north one that leads to a lotus and another objhect. To move on, take the left lotus. Then enter through another lotus. Check out the end Small Info Core first then take that right door. Take the near platform to a lotus, then continue on. Ignore the right door and take the next platform. Continue on to another door. At the end, take the platform to go up. ~5F Enter through the lotus. Cotinue on, another fight. ~6F Yet another choice. The upper north one leads to a lotus/item and an object. To move on, take the left one. Moving on, take a platform down. ~5F Enter through the lotus. Continue on, another fight. ~6F Continue on and take another platform up. ~7F Move on and through another lotus. Take the platform up. ~8F Use the near Small Info Core to save your game. Ente through the left lotus. Continue on and there is the red door. Once you are ready, enter it to fight Rahu. As you should know already, it has two parts: head and body. Now, Gale's new skill, Pyriphlegeton should come in handy here against the body since the body is weak against Blaze. As for the head, it's weak against Impact. Have Blaze and Impact Booster/High Booster if you can. Also, have Electricity Break/Drain/Reflect, but most importantly, the Calamity Break/Drain/Reflect. That's for his "Dragon Quake" attack. If the head captures an ally, focus on attacking the head so it would release that ally. He's got Hyper Counter, so you probably want to attack with magic. Once they are separated, use Pyriphlegeton on the body if applicable. Once you take out the body, the head is easy as long as you put up Electricity Break/ Drain/Reflect. After, get the object and take the platform up. ~Solar 5th Layer ~1F Well, there is George Black's Info. If you have spoke with Ameria previously and got the Lotus Flower's Petal, George Black will give you a Soma. That's it for this quest. Continue from the left door. There is the Great Info Core of this layer. As for the Seal here, well, beyond that, your Atma is sealed and you will ONLY battle in Human Form. I would suggest you just flee all the battles. Equip the "Mega Quick Ring" and "Escape Accelerator" skill if applicable. So, go through the first Seal. An intersection here, 2 doors at each side and 2 more doors at the end of the north path. The right door leads to 2 lotus, and to go on, take the left door. As for the two doors to north, only the right one leads to an object. The other one is a dead end. Moving on with the left door. The near door leads to an object. Moving on and around the place for a lotus then take the other door. Continue on, go left a bit for another lotus. There are 2 doors here, left one leads to another lotus and to move on, the right door. Eventually, you will be out of the Seal. Take the near warp. ~2F Continue on and a Small Info Core. Take the near door. More seals. This time, you have one less Press Icon when you are within the seals. Same here, escape when you can. Ignore the left and north seals. Start with the right seal and it leads to two lotus. Move on and go through another hole. Go straight. At the end, there is another hole to the right and if you go left, that leads to another hole. The near right hole leads to a lotus. To move on, take that left hole. Continue on, go right and take the hole at the end of the path. Then go left and you will get to another lotus. Then take the hole at the end. Continue down and take the hole at the end of the path. Continue on and turn left at the end. Go through the door, exit out the seal and take that warp. ~3F Continue on. Another lotus and a Small Info Core. Take the near door. The right door here CAN'T be opened til you beat both Vishnu and Shiva(Optional Bosses near the end of the Solar 6th Layer). So, ignore that door and take that red door at the end. You will fight Ravana this time. To start things up, have Electricity & Impact Break/Drain/Reflect skills, as well as having something against Physical. As for attacking, don't bother with Physical, go with magic. Use Freeze, Blaze, Calamity, Impact and Electricity based magic, and if you got Booster or High Booster along with those magic, even better. Gale's Pyriphlegeton can also do decent damage here, especially if you got Blaze Booster or High Booster. If he uses Magic Reflect, use All Purpose, such as Seraph's Rebirth Cycle Of The 3 Realms. After, check the object and take the platform up. ~Solar 6th Layer (FINAL) ~1F Take the left door and continue on. Take the warp at the end. *Items Needed To Fight Vishnu And Shiva* On this layer, you can encount rare enemies, Narasimha and Parvati. Narasimha can rare drop Nandaka and Parvati can drop Pinaka. Besure to fight them and get those items from them if you want to fight Vishnu And Shiva. Besure to equip the "Item Getter" skill to increase the dropping rate. ~2F Go left to the Great Info Core. Now go right a bit. Go right again for another lotus, then continue on from the left. Nexu up, go right around to an object (it's a trap though) then back down to the left for a warp. First up, two warps. Before you pick a warp, take the door behind you, to an object(another trap) and a lotus. Ignore the left warp. Right warp leads to sections with 1 object and 3 lotus, also another warp. Next, 2 more warps. Take the door behind you first. That leads to 2 more lotus. Ignore the right warp and take the left one. Continue to another object(trap) and a lotus. Moving on, two more lotus and another warp to the south. Again, 2 more warps. The door behind you leads to a fight. Anyway, ignore the right warp and take the left warp. You will get to another lotus and another warp at the end. Of course, two more warps. Check the door behind for a Small Info Core. Ignore the right warp and take the left one. Continue on. Go left for another object then go right. Go right a bit for another warp. Don't take it yet, instead, take the end door that leads to an object and a lotus. Then go back to take that warp. Yet again, two more warps. Check the door behind you for another Small Info Core. Ignore the right warp and take the left one. Continue on and take yet another warp. Yup, 2 more warps again. Check the door behind for a lotus. Again, ignore the right warp and take the left warp. Continue on and take the warp up. ~3F Continue on, and you will get to the last recovery point of the game, as well as yet another Small Info Core. There is also a lotus near. Aside from that red door, there are also enter-able lotus on both sides. The lotus closer to the recovery point leads to Shiva and the lotus closer to the Small Info Core leads to Vishnu. *Nandaka And Pinaka* Well, as I mentioned above, you need both items if you want to fight both Shiva and Vishnu. For Shiva, you need the Pinaka and as for Vishnu, you need the Nandaka. *For fighting Shiva and Vishnu, check <Optional Bosses> (Part 2) below* Anyway, moving on. Beyond the red door, you will fight Meghnada. It has two states, Physical State(Closed) and Magical State(Open). When it's closed, hit it with Blaze, Freeze, Impact, Calamity and All Purpose. I would recommend Gale's Pyriphlegeton while having Gale to equip Blaze Booster or High Booster. If it opens up, attack it with Physical, Bullet or All Purpose. It has around 9000 HPs, so it might take a while. It's probably one of the harder fights of the game. Now, for defense. Start with the Physical Form, mostly physical attacks. If you got anything against Physical, eqiup it. However, there is an All Purpose physical attack, called Village's Sword. It can be pretty damaging especially after Black Bhakti. When it decides to use Thunder Incident Moksha, it will change to the other state. For the Magical State, it's more deadly with magic. Have something like Electricity Break or Drain, to defend against his Mail's Lightning Fire. Other than that, it's got bad status magic like Mudoon(Curse Kill), Tentarafuu(Panic) and Unequalled Flesh(Charm), as well as other support magic. You might wanna cancel his support, raise yours and attack with magic like Lost World. Keep this up and heal more frequently during its Physical State. Eventually, you would beat it. Afterward, there is the last Small Info Core, so besure to save your game. Take the platform up. Go left and check that big lotus for the final battles of the game. ~Final Boss: Brahma-Deva Brahman First up, the 1st Phase. Just don't use Blaze and put up Blaze Break/Drain. Use Makakaja and Mind Charge, then use Lost World. If you got skills against Hama, equip it since it's got Hamaon and Zanadu. Next, 2nd Phase. Don't use Impact this time and put up Impact Break/Drain. It's got 1 Physical move, so if you got skills against that as well, equip it. Aside from that, it can also cause Charm. Equip something against that too. Other than that, use Makakaja, Mind Charge then Lost World. For Gale, equip Blaze Booster or High Booster, then use Pyriphlegeton. Continue on, 3rd Phase. This time, don't use Calamity based and put up Calamity Break or Drain, as well as something against Curse Kill. The thing to watch out here is Eternal Zero, use Dekunda and Dekaja after. If you got Randomizer, use it. Similar thing here, use Makakaja, Mind Charge then Lost World. For Gale, equip Blaze Booster or High Booster, then use Pyriphlegeton. Moving along, 4th Phase. Don't use Electricity and put up Electricity Break or Drain, as well as something against Nerve. Other than that, there is still the possible Eternal Zero. Besure to prepare Dekunda and Dekaja. Same deal here, use Makakaja, Mind Charge then Lost World. For Gale, equip Blaze Booster or High Booster, then use Pyriphlegeton. Lastly, the Final Phase. This time, don't use Freeze and put up Freeze Break or Drain, as well as something against Close. He's got one All Purpose move called Brahma Sutra, it can cause deadly damage. Other that that, he's got Returner & Maha Returner that turn you back to Human Form(s). Most deadly of all, he can use Eternal Zero here frequently and it ain't pretty, especially if he decides use Brahma Sutra right after. Use Dekunda, Dekaja, then Randomizer, as well as the Linkage, Beacon Of Assault. Same thing here, use Makakaja, Mind Charge then Lost World. For Gale, equip Blaze Booster or High Booster, then use Pyriphlegeton. Heal frequently, keep it up and you would beat it eventually. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Second Playthrough And On> At the end, the game will ask you to make a Clear Data. Do so and might as well have it at a different slot. You will start the game from the beginning, but you get few things: Time, Hard Mode(if you didn't load in DDS: AT1 data), "Human Form Keeper" Skill, Rasetsu Ring(you will get it after the same fight where you get the Hiho Ring at the Undersea Cable) and the bonuses if you loaded in DDS: AT1 data. Now, between Normal Mode and Hard Mode for your second playthrough and on, you ONLY get to keep the Mantra/Skill, Karma Ring and Linkage if you select Normal Mode. Meaning, if you select Hard Mode, you get to keep none of those. You MUST select Normal Mode this time around if you want to keep the Mantra/Skill, Karma Ring and Linkage from your previous playthrough. Lastly, getting all Karma Rings is now possible. Once you got all other Karma Rings(don't need the bonus Karma Rings from loading the DDS: AT1), speak with the Karma Ring Researcher at 1F of the Solar 2nd Layer. He will give you the Master Ring. It invalids all attacks except All Purpose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Optional Bosses> (Part 2) - Shiva - Let's get prepared first. Character Levels should be around 75, and ones to use here are Seraph, Gale and Argilla. Equip Seraph with the best Freeze & Impact magic, best Impact and Calamity for Gale, as for Argilla, best Freeze and Calamity magic. These magic can be just the single target ones since we are only fighting against Shiva. Why all these? Because Shiva changes Affinity, so we need those. So, that's 2 slots for each character. Next, Critical Canceller and Physical Stronger for each character. This is because Shiva got strong physical attacks. That's 2 more slots. Next, healing of course. Mediarahan for everyone. That's the 5th slot. Moving on, Shiva got Mahamudoon, surely, have CurseKill Destroyer otherwise Shiva can potentially wipe you out in one turn. That's the 6th. For the 7th, you need the BS Destroyer for dealing with bad status. As for the 8th, your choice here. You can go with HP Mega Booster. As for Karma Rings, Seraph can equip Follow Ring, Gale can equip Synchro Ring and Argilla can go with Mega Magic Ring to further power up her magic. Time to start it. First up, her Affinity at each turn and what you should use: ~Turn 1: Attack with Blaze or Freeze ~Turn 2: Attack with Blaze or Freeze ~Turn 3: Attack with Freeze or Electricity ~Turn 4: Attack with Electricity or Impact ~Turn 5: Attack with Impact or Calamity ~Turn 6: Attack with Calamity ~Turn 7: Attack with Blaze, Freeze, Electricity, Impact or Calamity Now, YOU MUST memorize and know which turn you are on. Once Turn 7 ends, it will goes back to Turn 2. Get a pen and write it down, or anything that works with you. If anything goes wrong, prepare yourself cuz Shiva will use Third Eye. DO NOT use All Purpose here as well, Shiva WILL ALSO use Third Eye. Follow the above and you would have an easy time with Shiva. Still, keep your HPs high, cuz Shiva can still use Third Eye sometimes. If you want anything to spice up this battle, use -nda or -kaja skills. But, do remember don't use a -nda or -kaja skill 3 times(Max Level), otherwise, Shiva WILL throw in deadly combo on you. It's wise that you keep -nda or -kaja skill ONLY at 2 times(Level 2). Anyway, best of all, don't use them at all. This is really somewhat risky and I don't recommend it. After you beat Shiva, get that object which is the Press Ring. If you go to an Info Core, you can get the "Idle" Mantra. - Vishnu - Let's get prepared again. Character Levels should be around 75, and ones to use here are Seraph, Gale and Cielo. Keep the Follow Ring and Synchro Ring on Seraph and Gale. Have Cielo to equip the new Press Ring. As for Skills, BS Destroyer, Critical Canceller and Mediarahan for each member. So, that's 3 slots. Equip the best Blaze and Impact magic on each character. So that's 2 more slots, 5 in total. Those magic can also just be the single target ones since we are only against Vishnu. For the 6th and 7th slot, Seraph can equip Rakukaja and Electricity Drain. As for Gale, Psycho Breath and Freeze Drain. Lastly, for Cielo, equip Rakukaja and Psycho Breath. For the last slot, it's up to you. Again, it's good to equip HP Mega Booster. Or, you could have Dekaja. Time to do this. This battle can be a bit harder than Shiva and Vishnu's also got Affinities. But, Vishnu's Affinities work differently. Here are Vishnu's different Affinities and what you should use: ~Normal State: Attack with Blaze, Freeze, Electricity, Impact, Calamity or Bullet ~Physical State: Attack with Blaze, Freeze, Electricity, Impact or Calamity ~Blaze State: Attack with Electricity, Impact, Calamity or Bullet ~Freeze State: Attack with Electricity, Impact, Calamity or Bullet ~Electricity State: Attack with Blaze, Freeze, Calamity or Bullet ~Impact State: Attack with Blaze, Freeze, Electricity or Bullet ~Calamity State: Attack with Blaze, Freeze, Impact or Bullet Now, Vishnu's Affinity changes after you made the attack. DON'T use All Purpose or else Vishnu will use Caturupja til you die. You DO NOT want to mess with that move called Caturupja, let alone a chain of them. Still, keep your HPs high since Vishnu can still use Caturupja sometimes. Now, this is how Vishnu changes Affinity: ~Attack Vishnu with Blaze, Vishnu will use Mahabufudain, thus Vishnu is now in Freeze State ~Attack Vishnu with Freeze, Vishnu will use Maharagidain, thus Vishnu is now in Blaze State ~Attack Vishnu with Electricity, Vishnu will use Mahateradain, thus Vishnu is now in Calamity State ~Attack Vishnu with Impact, Vishnu will use Mahajiodain, thus Vishnu is now in Electricity State ~Attack Vishnu with Calamity, Vishnu will use Mahazandain, thus Vishnu is now in Impact State ~If Vishnu uses Hunt, Kill God, Smother or Apocalypse, then Vishnu is now in Physical State Now, what to do and what Wait Skill: ~If you use Blaze, have someone to use Freeze Drain ~If you use Freeze, have someone to use Blaze Drain ~If you use Electricity, have someone to use Calamity Drain ~If you use Impact, have someone to use Electricity Drain ~If you use Calamity, have someone to use Impact Drain Since I only got you to have Blaze and Impact, thus, you only need to cast Freeze or Electricity Drain. So, attack with Blaze and cast Freeze Drain. Or, attack with Impact and cast Electricity Drain. Just know which characters got Freeze Drain and Electricity Drain. One note here, DON'T USE Blaze then Blaze again, or Impact and Impact again, use DIFFERENT magic EACH time. If you do that, the battle should go smoothly. If that isn't clear enough, just use Blaze magic 3 times and besure to have Gale to use Freeze Drain. Then next, use Impact magic 3 times and besure to have Seraph to cast Electricity Drain. Then repeat with Blaze magic. Each Drain will heal you so you don't need much healings. If Vishnu uses that Caturupja, use Mediarahan. If you got spare time, use Rakukaja and Psycho Breath. Once you reduce half of Vishnu's HPs, Caturupja can be used more frequently and this ain't good. Caturupja is the reason that Vishnu is harder than Shiva. You probably do want to use Rakukaja more. If Vishnu try to use -Kaja, besure to throw in some Dekaja Stone or use the Dekaja magic. Aside from using Rakukaja, you can also use Psycho Breath. With both Rakukaja and Psycho Breath, keep your HPs, you will endure out all these crazy Caturupja. With a bit of luck to survive the Caturupja, you would beat Vishnu eventually. After you beat Vishnu, get that object which is the Aura Ring. If you go to an Info Core, you can get the "Light God" Mantra. - Seth - Once you defeated Shiva and Vishnu, you can now get to Seth. Remember that locked door at 3F of the Solar 5th Layer? You can go through that door now. Transfer yourself to Solar 6th Layer's Great Info Core. You can back track to 3F of the Solar 5th Layer easily. Through the door, you get to another seal. Beyond this seal, you take damage rapidly. Don't bother with Core Shield cuz that won't work. Just let it since you can't do much. Use Estoma Spray as well, then after you pass the seal, be sure to heal. ~Solar 5th Layer ~4F Eventually, you will get to a Small Info Core, as well as a lotus. You bet that Seth is beyond the lotus. So, save your game. Time to get prepared again. Character Levels should be around 85, and ones to use here are Seraph, Gale and Cielo. Equip Seraph with the Ten Thousand Demon Bullet since Seth is weak against Bullet. As for Karma Rings, Seraph can have Dual Ring, Gale can have Synchro Ring and for Cielo, equip Press Ring. Next, your HPs need to be high here. If you don't want to waste slots to equip HP Booster, HP High Booster or HP Mega Booster, then you need to get high HPs through the use of HP Noise. The enemy Girimekara drops that or try with the Golden Box in the shop. As for skills, equip Physical Absorber, Full Destroyer, BS Destroyer, CurseKill Destroy and Critical Canceller on everyone. That's 5 slots taken. However, take out Physical Absorber on Seraph and replace it with Power Counter. For Seraph, equip Hyper Counter, MIN Critical and Lineup Essential Point. For Gale, equip Pyriphlegeton with Blaze High Booster, and Mind Charge. As for that Cielo, equip Jiodain, Electricity High Booster and Tarunda(or Rakukaja). Yes, there is no healing, but we will do that with items. As for Linkage here, with Mind Charge and Tarunda, you can have L Randomizer. With Mind Charge with Rakukaja, you can have Beacon Of Assault. Both of these are helpful, so if you can have both, that's better. Now, go start the battle in MIN Solar Noise. Seth has one weakness, that's the Bullet. Have Seraph to transform back to Human Form then attack with Prana Shot. Normally, Seraph can attack twice with Prana Shot, plus the Weakness or Critical Press Turn bonus. As for that Gale, he's got the Synchro Ring, so it's good to have him to do the Linkage Beacon Of Assult or L Randomizer. As for Cielo, attack with Jiodain. A note here, don't use Calamity on Seth. Also, Blaze, Freeze, Electricity, Impact and All Purpose can do a bit more damage than Physical. Seth got one move called Against Pain, can do good damage and critical on you. That's why you need Critical Canceller. Beacon Of Assult and/or L Randomizer are important here, make sure you use them again after the effect has been erased. Seth got another move called Jealousy Suppression, it gets stronger and stronger as you decrease Seth's HPs. So you need to at least use L Randomizer. The other annoying move is Sand Of The Desert which just reduce that target's HPs to 150 and have that target to be out of the party. If that happens, besure to call that character back. Seth can use lots of Physical Attack and Seraph can Hyper Counter it back. This can net you good damage from time to time. That's about it, use Beacon Of Assult and/or L Randomizer, Seraph to attack 2 times with Prana Shot, Gale to attack with Pyriphlegeton and Cielo can attack with Jiodain. It's also important that you heal enough with items. And for that annoying Sand Of The Desert attack, just call back the ally and heal. However, when Seth is down to low HPs. The battle just a bit harder. But keep up with more HPs, Beacon Of Assult and/or L Randomizer, then eventually, you would beat it. After, you get the Avoid Ring. Now go to an Info Core, you can get the "Bad God" Mantra. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Satan - (Ultimate Boss) With Seth beaten, you can now get to Satan. You can take the lotus platform from where Seth was, ride along and continue the path. Eventually, you would get to another Small Info Core, as well as another lotus. Yes, Satan is beyond that lotus. Satan is on par with Hitoshura from DDS: AT1. Some may find Satan easier, some find him harder. Anyway, let's disect Satan first: Name: Satan Level: 99 HP: 30000 MP: Infinite Money: 1500000 Karma: 50000 AP(Normal): 200000 AP(Hunt): 0 Item: Soma(100%) Press Icon: 5 Skills: Thou Clothes Are Powerless (All Purpose Magic) Fruit Of Temptation (All Purpose Magic) God's Judgement God's Breath (All Purpose Magic) Agidain (Blaze) Maharagidain (Blaze) Explode (Blaze) Bufudain (Freeze) Mahabufudain(Freeze) Great Cold Wave(Freeze) Jiodain (Electricity) Mahajiodain (Electricity) Jupiter's Wrath (Electricity) Zandain (Impact) Mahazadain (Impact) Tornado Hell (Impact) Teradain (Calamity) Mahateradain (Calamity) Heavy Rock (Calamity) Megidoraon (All Purpose Magic) Mahanmaon (Hama) Mahamudoon (Curse Kill) Matter Is Void (All Purpose Magic) Diarahan Dekunda Tarukaja Sukukaja Rakukaja Makakaja Dekaja Randomizer Like Shiva and Vishnu, Satan also got Affinities and what you should use: Affinity A: - Reflect Physical, Bullet, Hama, CurseKill - Invalid Charm, Poison, Close, Panic, Palyze, Hunt - Attack with Blaze, Freeze, Electricity, Impact, Calamity - Attack with All Purpose (weaker than the ones above though) Affinity B: - Reflect Blaze, Freeze, Electricity, Hama, CurseKill - Invalid Charm, Poison, Close, Panic, Palyze, Hunt - Attack with Physical, Bullet, Impact, Calamity - Attack with All Purpose (weaker than the ones above though) Affinity C: - Reflect Freeze, Electricity, Impact, Hama, CurseKill - Invalid Charm, Poison, Close, Panic, Palyze, Hunt - Attack with Physical, Bullet, Blaze, Calamity - Attack with All Purpose (weaker than the ones above though) Affinity D: - Reflect Electricity, Impact, Calamity, Hama, CurseKill - Invalid Charm, Poison, Close, Panic, Palyze, Hunt - Attack with Physical, Bullet, Blaze, Freeze - Attack with All Purpose (weaker than the ones above though) Satan changes his Affinity from turn to turn and the general formula are these: Affinity A = Turn (1 + 4*n) Affinity B = Turn (2 + 4*n) Affinity C = Turn (3 + 4*n) Affinity D = Turn (4 + 4*n) That means, n is 0 at first. After Turn 4, n becomes 1. Another loop, and that n becomes 2...etc You really should get a pen to write down the turn numbers since this is quite a long battle. So, Affinity A, to B, to C to D then back to A. Repeat til he dies. As for what skills he chooses to use IN GENERAL, that divides up to sections: First Move: Thou Clothes Are Powerless HP30000~HP15000: All ~dain, Mahanmaon, Mahamudoon, Matter Is Void, Randomizer, Megidoraon, ~kaja HP15000~HP7500: Explode, Great Cold Wave, Jupiter's Wrath, Tornado Hell, Heavy Rock, Megidoraon, Mahanmaon, Mahamudoon, Matter Is Void, Randomizer, ~kaja HP7500~HP0: All Maha~dain, Megidoraon, Mahanmaon, Mahamudoon, Matter Is Void, Randomizer, ~kaja Turn (4 + 4*n): God's Breath or Dekaja HP Below 15000, Turn (1 + 4*n): Fruit Of Temptation HP Below 7500, Turn (2 + 4*n), Turn (3 + 4*n): God's Judgement HP Below 1500: Diarahan Next, let's get clear on some of Satan's cheap moves: ~Thou Clothes Are Powerless, it erazes off the effects of ~Stronger, ~Destroyer and Physical Absorber, as well as Hiho Ring, Divine Ring, Skull Ring and the Master Ring. Put it short, you can't be cheap. Anyone who fought with Hitoshura in DDS: AT1 should be familiar with this idea ~God's Breath, 9999 All Purpose fixed damage to all characters. This can't be avoided except maybe if you are asleep and got Avoid Sleeper on, or got that Death Canceller on. To prevent this, you must use ALL ~kaja up to 3 Level/Max, then Satan won't use God's Breath. Instead, Satan will use Dekaja. The way to do this time is the Linkage "Beacon Of Assault" ~Fruit Of Temptation, an All Purpose move that will Charm all characters for sure. This can be dealt by using Charm Break or BS Break ~God's Judgement, an All Purpose move that will Instant Kill one character for sure. The target is the one with the lowest Magic stat. If all characters got the same Magic stat, then it's random ~Diarahan, it's fixed that Satan will use this healing magic when his HP is below 1500. DO NOT let him use it, otherwise, he will heal himself FULLY. To avoid this, when him got around 1500 HPs, use a Demon Stone Of Coercion and use your best moves to do more than 1500 HPs in ONE TURN to finish him off Within the battle, you still can't be cheap. You only going to die much faster if you use things like Magic Reflect, Magic Mirror...etc Well, time to get prepared. Character Levels should be 99, no doubt about it. Ones to use here are Seraph, Cielo and Gale. If you want to raise your stats to max, get the items from these enemies: HP Noise, Girimekara (Solar 2nd, 3rd, 6th Layer) Magic Noise, Horus (Solar 2nd, 3rd, 6th Layer) Luck Noise, Lilith (Solar 3rd, 6th Layer) Quick Noise, Baron (Solar 4th, 5th, 6th Layer) Power Noise, Surt (Solar 5th, 6th Layer) MP Noise, Mada (Solar 3rd, 6th Layer) Vital Noise, Arahabaki (Solar 6th Layer) Now for Karma Rings, Seraph can have Avoid Ring, Cielo can have Synchro Ring and for Gale, he can have Press Ring. As for Skills, Seraph can have MAX Critical, Risky Resolution, Regeneration Accelerator and Avoid Sleeper. That's 4 slots. You can fill up the rest, with likes of HP Booster, HP High Booster and HP Mega Booster...etc Just beware that Seraph will be fighting in Human Form. Lastly, make sure Seraph equips with Ten Thousand Demon Bullet. For Gale, he can have Pyriphlegeton with Blaze High Booster, as well as that Mind Charge. More, he can have CurseKill Break, Charm or BS Break, Messiah Riser, Regeneration Accelerator and finally, Randomizer. For Cielo, have "Evil Crushing Light Edge", Power Charge, CurseKill Break, BS or Charm Break, Regeneration Accelerator, Dekunda, Sukukaja & Messiah Riser. Also, place the characters in this order: Gale, Cielo, Seraph. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Actual Battle Against Satan> (2 Demons + 1 Human) Once you are ready, start the battle in MAX Solar Noise. I will detail out my battle for around 20 turns and please observe it: *Get a calculator to add the damage you have done. It would be nice to write those EXACT damage numbers down in case you want to double check. Also write down what you did to get that damage. This is VERY useful, to tell when Satan is actually near what amount of HPs, especially 1500 HPs* ~Satan's Turn 1, Thou Clothes Are Powerless ~My Turn 1, Gale uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault; Cielo uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault; Seraph passes and Gales uses CurseKill Break ~Satan's Turn 2, few ~dain, Sukukaja, Matter Is Void that got Cielo poisoned ~My Turn 2, Gale uses CurseKill Break; Cielo uses Evil Crushing Light Edge; Seraph changes to Human Form; Gale uses Messiah Riser ~Satan's Turn 3, few ~dain, Megidoraon but Missed Gale, Matter Is Void that got Seraph Panic ~My Turn 3, Gale uses Messiah Riser; Cielo uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault; Seraph passes and Gale uses CurseKill Break; Cielo uses Power Charge ~Satan's Turn 4, Dekaja, Mahamudoon that got Blocked ~My Turn 4, Gale uses CurseKill Break; Cielo uses Evil Crushing Light Edge and got a Critical; Seraph uses Prana Shot and also got a Critical; Gale uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault; Cielo uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault ~Satan's Turn 5, Mahamudoon that got Blocked ~My Turn 5, Gale uses CurseKill Break; Cielo uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault; Seraph passes and Gale uses Mind Charge; Cielo uses Power Charge ~Satan's Turn 6, Randomizer, few ~dain, Matter Is Void, Mahamudoon that got Blocked ~My Turn 6, Gale uses CurseKill Break; Cielo uses Evil Crushing Light Edge; Seraph passes and Gale uses Messiah Riser; Cielo uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault ~Satan's Turn 7, Mahanmaon that Blocked by Seraph but damaged Cielo ~My Turn 7, Gale uses CurseKill Break; Cielo uses Messiah Riser; Seraph uses Prana Shot and got a Critical; Gale uses Pyriphlegeton; Cielo passes and Seraph uses Prana Shot and got another Critical ~Satan's Turn 8, Dekaja, Matter Is Void, few ~dain ~My Turn 8, Gale uses CurseKill Break; Cielo uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault; Seraph uses Prana Shot; Gale uses Mind Charge ~Satan's Turn 9, Mahanmaon that Blocked by Seraph but damaged Gale ~My Turn 9, Gale uses Pyriphlegeton; Cielo uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault; Seraph uses Medical Gear; Gale uses CurseKill Break ~Satan's Turn 10, Mahamudoon that got Blocked ~My Turn 10, Gale uses CurseKill Break; Cielo uses Power Charge; Seraph uses Prana Shot and got a Critical; Gale uses Mind Charge; Cielo uses Evil Crushing Light Edge and also got a Critical; Seraph uses Prana Shot and got a Critical as well ~Satan's Turn 11, few ~dain, Mahanmaon that Blocked by Seraph but damaged Cielo ~My Turn 11, Gale uses CurseKill Break, Cielo uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault; Seraph uses Medical Gear; Gale uses Pyriphlegeton ~Satan's Turn 12, Dekaja, few ~dain but Missed some ~My Turn 12, Gale uses CurseKill Break; Cielo uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault; Seraph passes and Gale uses Mind Charge; Cielo uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault ~Satan's Turn 13, few ~dain but Missed Seraph ~My Turn 13, Gale uses CurseKill Break; Cielo uses Power Charge; Seraph uses Prana Shot (<---Mistake, I should have knew that Satan reflects Physical at this turn) ~Satan's Turn 14, few ~dain but Missed some ~My Turn 14, Gale uses CurseKill Break; Cielo uses Evil Crushing Light Edge; Seraph uses Prana Shot; Gale uses Messiah Riser ~Satan's Turn 15, few ~dain but Missed some, Mahamudoon that got Blocked ~My Turn 15, Gale uses CurseKill Break; Cielo uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault; Seraph uses Prana Shot; Gale uses Pyriphlegeton *I have done over 15000 damage now and that means Satan can use Fruit Of Temptation at Turn (1 + 4*n)/Affinity A. Thus, the next turn should be Turn 17 where he will first use Fruit Of Temptation* ~Satan's Turn 16, Dekaja, Mahamudoon that got Blocked ~My Turn 16, Gale uses BS or Charm Break; Cielo uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault; Seraph uses Prana Shot; Gale uses Mind Charge ~Satan's Turn 17, Fruit Of Temptation, few Maha~dain, Makakaja ~My Turn 17, Gale uses CurseKill Break; Cielo uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault; Seraph uses Soma; Gale uses Randomizer ~Satan's Turn 18, one Maha~dain but Missed all ~My Turn 18, Gale uses CurseKill Break; Cielo uses Power Charge; Seraph uses Prana Shot and got a Critical; Gale uses Randomizer; Cielo uses Evil Crushing Light Edge ~Satan's Turn 19, Mahamudoon that got Blocked ~My Turn 19, Gale uses CurseKill Break; Cielo uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault; Seraph uses Prana Shot and got a Critical; Gale uses Pyriphlegeton; Cielo uses Power Charge ~Satan's Turn 20, Dekaja, few Maha~dain that Missed Seraph ~My Turn 20, Gale uses BS Break; Cielo uses the Linkage Beacon Of Assault; Seraph uses Medical Gear; Gale uses... Then, it goes on and on... Overview: Starts out, you just need to use Beacon Of Assault 3 times within 4 turns, just before Affinity D, so Satan will use Dekaja instead of God's Breath. CurseKill for each turn is just to take out the chance that Satan can wipe you out in a turn. With Avoid Ring and a Human Form, Mahanmaon will at least miss Seraph and thus wipping out Satan's turn. When you got time, uses Randomizer 2 times. As for most attacks, mainly from Pyriphlegeton(Mind Charged) and Evil Crushing Light Edge(Power Charged). This will last til you take out 15000 HPs from that Satan. Aside from Affinity D's God's Breath/Dekaja to worry about, Satan can also put your whole party in Charm, with Fruit Of Temptation from Affinity A. Still somewhat manageable. Just use BS or Charm Break before that, BUT don't use another Break after, it will override the previous BS or Charm Break. So, from 15000 HPs to 7500 HPs, you got to worry about both Affinity A and D. Next, you got it: Affinity B and C become troubles as well. Each will use the God's Judgement. If that happens, you probably want to reduce as many HPs from Satan as possible in a short time, but save his HPs above 1500 HPs. The final touches all depend how much damage you can do, along with the help of the Demon Stone Of Coercion. If you can do 8000 or more, good. That way, you can get to 8000 HPs, before Affinity B and C become troubles, then wipe out Satan all together. If you can't do that, at least get Satan to half of that or even 2000 HPs. If you want to beat Satan and prevent him from healing himself fully, you MUST be able to deal more than 1500 HPs in ONE TURN, along with the help of the Demon Stone Of Coercion. It's wise to use Mind Charge and Power Charge before you give out your best along with the Demon Stone Of Coercion. To test your abilities, you can always have few trials for the beginnig of the battle with Satan. Save your game, then start the battle. Give out all you got and see how much damage you can do in ONE TURN with the help of the Demon Stone Of Coercion. You can always Power Charge and Mind Charge, then do your best at the NEXT turn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <3 Demons Against Satan> Ever notice I had one character in Human Form above? I mean, that isn't all that required. If you really want to, turn that character back to the Demon Form, and give that character similar skills that you have on the others. Have them in this order: Seraph, Cielo and Gale. For Karma Rings, same. Avoid Ring for Seraph, Cielo can have Synchro and Gale to have Press Ring. As for the Bullets, that doesn't matter since we all fighting in Demon Forms. For Skills, Gale can have the same. So, Pyriphlegeton with Blaze High Booster, as well as that Mind Charge. More, he can have CurseKill Break, Charm or BS Break, Messiah Riser, Regeneration Accelerator and Randomizer. For Cielo, same for most skills. Power Charge, CurseKill Break, BS or Charm Break, Regeneration Accelerator, Dekunda, Sukukaja, Messiah Riser and Kill God. For Seraph, Power Charge, CurseKill Break, BS or Charm Break, Regeneration Accelerator, Randomizer, Sukukaja, Messiah Riser and Kill God. Then start the battle. The method is still similar to above, so I won't say more. Kill God gets you super extra large physical damage, Super High critical rate but the accuracy is rather low. To improvise, cast Randomizer 2 times on Satan, and if possible, after the 3 Beacon Of Assault. You can also cast Power Charge before this. In the end, you can do VERY HIGH damage as well as getting a Critical. Just make sure you don't use it on Satan's Affinity A. Without a character in Human Form, you can't wipe out Satan's turn when he uses Mahanmaon. But, it isn't that big of a deal. You got another Demon Form member, so you can support and heal, as well as attack. With not much trouble, you probably CAN finish this rather quickily. The Kill God move, with Power Charge and Critical, Max stats for that members, 3 times that Beacon Of Assault and 2 times Randomizer, you can probably do 3000 damage with that. This can help you to go through the crazy state when Satan's HPs went down below 7500 HPs. The main focus of the battle is to endure, take as much time as you can from 30000 HPs to 7500 HPs. Below 7500 HPs, with Affinity A using that Fruit Of Temptation, Affinity B and C using God's Judgement, as well as Affinity D using God's Breath/Dekaja, this should be gone through real fast. With Satan using that God's Judgement for every 2 turns of a loop, Maxing out ALL characters with Beacon Of Assault before Affinity D is very hard. When a character dies, you need to re-cast Beacon Of Assault. Thus, knowing when to using Demon Stone Of Coercion is the major part to defeat Satan. Other than calculating the damage to tell you how much HPs Satan has currently, you can somewhat tell he's below 7500 HPs once the damage number is shown in red. That of course means he's near death. If you end up in between 7500 HPs and 1500 HPs, then you probably have to get at least 1 God's Judgement from Satan. After that, go all out and do your best to take out Satan's remaining HPs. If you are around Affinity A or B, you probably just ignore about using 3 Beacon Of Coercion. Set your goal to kill Satan before you get to Affinity D. If you are around Affinity B, you still got another turn, so at least cast CurseKill Break. It's also important that you time and order things right. You WOULD want to work toward this at the end: ~Have Satan's HP just above 7500 ~If you can't do more than 7500 damage, then make sure you ONLY take 6000 damage at MAX. You want to have him just got or above 1500 HPs ~Be on the turn with Affinity C Satan ~2 Randomizer already on Satan ~3 Beacon Of Assault already on your party ~Power Charge for Seraph and Cielo ~Mind Charge for Gale ~CurseKill Break has been casted ~Both Seraph and Cielo can work toward 6000 damage with Kill God ~Gale can either use Pyriphlegeton or if you think you can pull off 1500 more damage, well, this is the time to use Demon Stone Of Coercion And that's about it. I got nothing more to say about Satan. Good Luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Credits> - Me - CJayC - Atlus, Famitsu, EnterBrain - Digital Devil Saga Avatar Tuner 2 Official Guide Book For Explorers - Digital Devil Saga Avatar Tuner 2 Official Guide Book For Investigater - Apollon, for pointing out the correct currency - hotsoup, for pointing out getting those Linkage that require Heat is not possible during that one battle with Heat - Zeruel, for pointing out the page number(77) on the "Official Guide Book For Explorers" where it explains about Hard Mode's difference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Legal Words> This document is copyrighted by Ken Zhao/Kouli. All Rights Reserved. It is for private and personal use only. It can not be reprinted, reproduced in parts or in its entirety in any form or shape. Since it is intended to be free, you can not sell it, you can not give it away as prize, bonus or promotion. It can not be used for profitable, commericial or promotional purposes. Further, this FAQ can not be altered, referenced or distributed by any individual, web site, organization, group, company, magazine, strategy guide author without my absolute permission. This is protected by International Copyright Law, break or violate any of these rules may resulted in severe civil and criminal penalties. This game, Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2 is a copyright of Atlus. This game itself is a spin off of Megami Tensei which is another copyright of Atlus. Lastly, people from Cheatcc.com and Dave, you are under heavy warning. Any more violation, I will take legal actions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------