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M MMMMM MM 88' `88 Y8ooooo. 88 88 88 88ooood888' `88 M MMMMM MM 88 88 88 88.88b.88' 88. ...88 M MMMMM MM dP dP `88888P' 8888P Y8P `88888P'dP MMMMMMMMMMMM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Written by _Ultimate_Sora_ Copyright 2008 Version: 1.00 Last Update: 09/14/08 Email: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Don't bother sending me an email for permition, I'll always say no. O=====================================================================O | [Table of Contents] | O=====================================================================O Contacting.......................................................[0.00] Updates..........................................................[0.01] Intro............................................................[0.02] Missing Features.................................................[0.03] The Beginning....................................................[0.04] Boss: Metis......................................................[0.05] Malebolge........................................................[0.06] Boss: Immortal Gigas/Visceral Maya...............................[0.07] Malegolge (2)....................................................[0.08] Cocytus..........................................................[0.09] Boss: Bright Cyclops/Soul Dancer.................................[0.10] Cocytus (2)......................................................[0.11] Training Time!...................................................[0.12] Caina............................................................[0.13] Boss: Death Castle/El Dorado Beasts..............................[0.14] Caina (2)........................................................[0.15] Boss: Harem Dancer/Merciless Maya................................[0.16] Caina(3).........................................................[0.17] Training Time!...................................................[0.18] Antenora.........................................................[0.19] Boss: Brave Wheel/Judgement Sword/Ice Raven......................[0.20] Antenora (2).....................................................[0.21] Boss: Shouting Tiara/Primitive Idol/Wrathful Book................[0.22] Antenora (3).....................................................[0.23] Training Time!...................................................[0.24] Ptolomea.........................................................[0.25] Boss: Crying Table, Cowardly Maya, Wondrous Magus................[0.26] Ptolomea (2).....................................................[0.27] Boss: Neo Minotaur...............................................[0.28] Ptolomea (3).....................................................[0.29] Judecca..........................................................[0.30] Boss: Spastic Turret/Slaughter Drive.............................[0.31] Judecca (2)......................................................[0.32] Boss: Conceited Maya/Jotun of Blood..............................[0.33] Judecca (3)......................................................[0.34] Empyrean.........................................................[0.35] Boss: Rebellious Cyclops/Acheron Seeker..........................[0.36] Training Time!...................................................[0.37] Empyrean (2).....................................................[0.38] Boss: Tenjin/Kaiden/Onnen Musha..................................[0.39] Training Time!...................................................[0.40] Empyrean (3).....................................................[0.41] Boss: ????.......................................................[0.42] Boss: Akihiko and Ken............................................[0.43] Boss: Junpei and Koromaru........................................[0.44] Boss: Yukari and Mitsuru.........................................[0.45] Training Time!...................................................[0.46] Final Boss: Erebus...............................................[0.47] Special Things...................................................[0.48] Thanks...........................................................[0.49] Special Thanks...................................................[0.50] O=====================================================================O | [Contacting] [0.00] | O=====================================================================O Only contact me to ask questions, to tell me of a typo, or to suggest a battle strategy for a boss fight. When messaging me be sure to... Put the subject as: "Persona 3: FES Question/suggestion" and include your GameGAQS Username, if you have any. If that's not the subject I will probably just delete yeah > -> if you can't find my email on this thing...look closer. *NOTE: IF I do accept your suggestion its because it was detailed enough for someone to know what to do. so make sure they are DETAILED enough. I will NOT edit what you sent me in anyway. I'm just simply gonna copy and paste it on the proper spot and its done. O=====================================================================O | [Updates] [0.01] | O=====================================================================O [08/08/2008] <--- Haha! Started Guide Got to the 2nd boss [08/09/2008] Got to the 5th boss Reread everything. Submited to GameFAQS [08/10/2008] Failed at the Brave Wheel/Judgement Sword/Ice Raven boss fight [08/11/2008] Defeated Shouting Tiara/Idol/Book boss Updated guide on GameFAQS [08/23/08] Got to the Crying Table/maya/magus boss and beat it. [08/24/08] Got to the Conceited Maya/Jotun boss. Still trying to beat it D= [08/25/2008] Beat the Conceited Maya/Jotun of Blood Boss. [09/05/2008] Beat the Rebellious Cyclops/Acheron Seeker Boss. Updated guide on GameFAQS [09/13/2008] Got up to the Musha bosses [09/14/2008] Finished the game and the guide! =D Updated final version on GameFAQS O=====================================================================O | [Intro] [0.02] | O=====================================================================O Congrats to those of you who finished "The Journey". If you thought that was hard The Answer is even harder. Way harder. So be ready! Anyways, I just recently finished The Journey and started the Answer and only found one guide that has a decent walkthrough for The Answer and that is Misfit119. And I used his/her guide to get through it so many thanks for the guide ^^. I hope this guide will help you reach the answer to Persona 3 =D and make it a little less hellish. Thanks for reading! *IMPORTANT! Read EVERYTHING before starting a boss fight or going into a new place. This will save you a lot of time...that way you don't make any mistakes or end up doing the wrong thing. O=====================================================================O | [Missing Features] [0.03] | O=====================================================================O The Answer is missing some things from the Journey. Here's the list. +Social Links are gone. +Social Stats are fixed. +Fatigue. +Fusion Spells. +Compendium. +Elizabeth's Requests. +3,5 and 6 persona fusions. O=====================================================================O | [The Beginning] [0.04] | O=====================================================================O The Answer starts off with a short cutsceen. After that a lot of talking then after that, your first boss fight! O=====================================================================O | [Boss: Metis] [0.05] | O=====================================================================O Skills: Strike Attack Weaknesses: none ------------------------------- Exp: 11003 ------------------------------- The easiest boss on The Answer. Pretty much just attack her with either a normal attack or kill rush Couple of hits should kill her. DO NOT use any items. If you get low on HP don't worry because Metis will start to hesitate as soon as your HP is low. She doesn't want to kill you, that's why this fight is so easy. O=====================================================================O | [Malebolge] [0.06] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Ken, and Metis Floors: Seven(7) Difficulty: One(1) Head down to the 6th floor while fighting shadows. Try to collect as many Persona as you can because Orpheus alone isn't good enough. try to get Fortuna and Narcissus for the boss battle coming up. Also try to level Narcissus to 21 so it learns Sexy Dance, You'll need it. When you get to the 6th floor SAVE! you will die a lot. No doubt. So SAVE! The place to save looks exactly like the one in Tartarus. After saving make sure your party is ready for a difficult boss battle O=====================================================================O | [Boss: Immortal Gigas/Visceral Maya] [0.07] | O=====================================================================O Recomended Level: 25 Recomended Party: Yukari, Ken, and Metis Recomnded Persona: Orpheus, Fortuna, and Narcissus Number of times I died: 3 ------------------------------- Set Ken to Heal/Support Yukari to Assign Target(Gigas) Metis to Knock Down ------------------------------- Immortal Gigas- Skills: Gale Slash(party), Fatal End(1), Counter, and Dodge Wind. Weaknesses: Wind ------------------------------- Visceral Maya- Skills: Cleave(1), Double Fangs(1), Counter, and Dodge Fire. Weaknesses: Fire ------------------------------- Now this is where the bosses get hard > -< Make sure to scan the shadows so your party doesn't mess up and accidently heal them instead of hurting them. Scan Maya then Gigas. Use Agi for the Visceral Mayas and Garu for the Gigas First focus on the Mayas if you're lucky you can hit all Mayas and knock them down, After hitting them all you can switch off to Narcissus and use Sexy Dance to Charm the enemies, hopefully you'll charm the Gigas and stop it from attacking you and also charming a Maya would help. Charming them helps a lot since they won't attack you but attack each other =D Keep knocking down the Mayas while Yukari handles the Gigas If the Gigas ever recovers try to charm it if you want or you could just knock down the maya and attack the gigas to speed up the process If all goes well you should have this fight covered. =D IF you get lucky this should be the turn order You>Maya>Maya>Metis>Junpei>Yukari If you don't get lucky then just keep knocking down the Mayas and have your party focus on a single beast that way they only make one stand up and leave one down. After the fight go in the door which takes you back to the Desert of Doors. You now have a door that takes you to the 8th floor. Save in the Lounge. Go back to the 8th floor via the new door. O=====================================================================O | [Malebolge (2)] [0.08] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Ken, and Metis. Floors: Seven(7) Difficulty: Two(2) Take your rewards and head down to the 9th floor. Again try to collect as many Persona as possible. As you reach the end. Open the huge door for a cutsceen. You now have access to Paulownia Mall! =D ------------------------------- Although you might be too poor to afford most of the weapons you can still buy Medical Powders and such which you will need. Selling the Steel Right Arm you got from the Gigas will get you 50,000Yen. After buying everything you need exit via the huge door. SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! After saving go back to the Desert of Doors and enter the new door. O=====================================================================O | [Cocytus] [0.09] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Metis. Floors: Nine(9) Difficulty: Four(4) Again try to collect as many Persona here as you can especially Take-Mikazuchi! That way you should have at least every elemental skill. Make your way down to the 8th floor for another save point. Same as last time. make sure your party is healed. SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! Once you are ready, jump down to the 9th floor. O=====================================================================O | [Boss: Brilliant Cyclops/Soul Dancer] [0.10] | O=====================================================================O Recomnded Level: 30 Recomended Party: Junpei, Yukari, and Metis Recomnded Persona: Narcissus, and Fortuna Number of times I died: 8 ------------------------------- Exp: 5031 Item: Broken Wheel x1, Homonculus x2, Bead Chain x2. ------------------------------- Set Yukari to Heal/Support Set Junpei to Assign Target(Cyclops) Set Metis to Assign Target(Cyclops) when summoned. ------------------------------- Bright Cyclops- Skills: Slash Attack(1), Bufula(1), Mabufula(party), and Bufudyne(1), Kill Rush(1), and Summon(Soul Dancer) Weaknesses: None Drains: Wind? I think... ------------------------------- Soul Dancer x2- Skills: Agidyne(1), and Diarama(1). Weaknesses: Ice ------------------------------- Big Shadow! Start off with Narcissus since she has a strong resistance against ice. use a normal attack on the cyclops so you dont waste HP or SP. When a soul Dancer is summoned switch to Fortuna and knock it down with Bufu and pray that it doesn't miss, if it does there's a chance that it'll atack you with Agidyne which means game over > -< Once you knock down the Soul Dancers you can attack the cyclops with a normal attack to help speed up the process. *IMPORTANT: KNOCK DOWN THE SOUL DANCERS BEFORE DOING ANYTHING ELSE Any -Dyne attack will kill you so one hit from those and bye bye~. One thing I found helpful is this little switch~ Use Bufu with Fortuna on both Soul Dancer then switch to Narcissus. After switching attack the cyclops or do anything else that you need to do. When its your turn again switch back to Fortuna and repeat...ofcourse you can only do this once every two moves but its a little helpful don't ya think? ^^, ------------------------------- If all goes well the Cyclops will be down and all that is left are the Soul Dancers. Assign Junpei and Metis to attack the weakest of the two Soul Dancers and knock them down with bufu, once they are down DO NOT use an All-Out-Attack, instead heal your party or something, just don't make them stand up again. IF you get lucky this will be the order of attacks You>Soul>Soul>Metis>Junpei>Yukari If that's so then use bufu on them, once they are down call off the All-Out-Attack and let Junpei and Metis finish them off for a nice and easy win =D If you don't get lucky then just keep knocking down the mayas and have your party focus on a single beast that way they only make one stand up and leave one down. After the fight collect your rewards and go in the door. Go back to the Lounge and SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! O=====================================================================O | [Cocytus(2)] [0.11] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Metis Floors: Four(4) Difficulty: Five(5) Go back into Cocytus via the second door. Avoid the hard monsters and go for the weak ones, if you get into a fight you know you can't win escape as fast as you can. You should be able to find some weak spawns around there that give decent EXP with some wands. Make your way to the 15th floor for yet another huge door. Where will this one lead to? =o Go open the door and find out! After the cutsceen save again~ You now have Mitsuru as a team mate as well =D O=====================================================================O | [Training Time!] [0.12] | O=====================================================================O Now would be a good time to fuse some's a nice combo that I Made: Titan+Empusa+Rakshasa=Yatagarasu which has Diarama and Garula. Pretty good shadow if ya ask me especially for some persona we dont even use. You WILL use this persona later in battle so I suggest you make it. ------------------------------- Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Akihiko Time to level up! Good places to level would be... The first floors of Cocytus and the first floor of Malebolge Keep fighting weak spawns until everyone reaches level 35...It takes a while but it'll help a lot for the next up coming fights Here's a list of Persona you want to level: Orpheus: At 26 he learns Agilo which would help out a lot Hua Po: At 25 so she learns all of her skills Take-Mikazuchi: At 25 it learns Zionga which means you have 3 mid-level attacks now! all you need is ice. After all that fighting and leveling up here's what you should end up with Yukari- level 35 Junpei- level 35 Akihiko- around 33-35 ------------------------------- Orpheus- level 26 atleast so it learns Agilao Narcissus- lvl 23 atleast so it knows all of the skills Fortuna- lvl 24 atleast so it knows all of the skills Hua Po- lvl 25 atleast so it knows all of the skills Take-Mikazuchi- lvl 25 at least so it learns Zionga and if you got any others try and get them to learn all of their skills as well, the more the better =D Now you can level up more than 35 if you want~ 35 is just the minimum. Also...if you got lucky enough to get a High Pixie getting that to level 25 will grant you trafuri and Bufula which means you have all mid-level elemental attacks! You can get a High Pixie from getting Double Up! in Cocytus that's where I got it atleast... O=====================================================================O | [Caina] [0.13] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukaru, Junpei, and Mitsuru Floors: six(6) Difficulty: Four(4) This place isn't as hard as the others...just watch out for the red glowing shadows and you should be okay. Make your way down to the 6th floor and SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! Make sure your party has full HP and full SP. If they're missing a lot of SP go back to the desert of doors and run the whole thing again without getting into fights ^^. After you're ready jump down to the 7th floor for yet another boss fight... O=====================================================================O | [Boss: Death Castle/El Dorado Beast] [0.14] | O=====================================================================O Recomended level: 35 Party: Yukari, Junpei, Mitsuru Recomended Persona: High Pixie/Fortuna, and Yatagarasu Number of times I died: NONE <---- Super lucky. ------------------------------- EXP: 6553 Item: Shining Beard x2, Magic Mirror x2, Bead Chain x2 ------------------------------- Set Yukari to Heal/Support Junpei to Assign Target(Castle) Mitsuru to Assign Target(Castle) ------------------------------- Death Castle: Skills: Fire Break(1), Mazionga(party), and Mediarama(all foes) Weaknesses: None Drains: Ice ------------------------------- El Dorado Beast x2: Skills: Strike Attack(1), Swift Strike(party), Kill Rush(1), and Dodge Ice Weaknesses: Ice ------------------------------- Man what a tough looking fight huh? The castle heals, so the first thing you wanna do is get rid of it while knocking down the beasts with bufu skills While they're taking care of the castle you use bufu on the El Dorado Beasts DO NOT USE MABUFU OR MABUFULA, that will just end up healing the castle and you don't want that now do you? After knocking down the Beasts use a normal attack on the castle This is just like the last fight really ^^ After taking down the Castle its time to focus on the El Dorado Beasts IF you get lucky once more this should be the turn count You>Beast>Beast>Mitsuru>Junpei>Yukari IF the order is like that then you won this fight with ease! just knock down the beasts with bufula or bufu or mabufu, which ever you like then call off the All-Out-Attack and wait for them to stand up, then have the rest just attack them with all they have and they should be down in no time! If you don't get lucky then just keep freezing the beasts and have your party focus on a single beast that way they only make one stand up and leave one down. Collect your rewards and head to Paulownia and buy Dis-Poisons and Dis-Charms, 15 of each should be more than enough :3 Return to the Lounge and SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! head back to Caina via the second door. O=====================================================================O | [Caina (2)] [0.15] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Mitsuru Floors: six(6) Difficulty: Five(5) Make your way down to the 13th floor for another save point SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! Make sure your party has SP and HP full for this fight =D Once you're ready jump down to the 14th floor for yet another boss fight! O=====================================================================O | [Boss: Harem Dancer/Merciless Maya] [0.16] | O=====================================================================O Recomended Level: 37 Party: Yukari, Junpei, Akihiko Recomended Persona: Fortuna/Yatagarasu, and Hua Po Number of Times I died: 3 ------------------------------- EXP: 7585 Item: Ebon Heart, Precious Egg, Attack Mirror x2 ------------------------------- Set Junpei and Mitsuru to Assign Target(Dancer) Set Yukari to Heal/Support ------------------------------- Harem Dancer: Skills: Heat Wave(party), Marin Karin(1), Poison Mist(party), and Maragion(party) Weaknesses: None Null: Pierce, Drains: Wind, and Ice ------------------------------- Merciless Maya x2: Skills: Dodge Wind, Agilao(1), Virus Breath(all), and Eerie Sound(party) Weaknesses: Wind Null: None ------------------------------- Another fight that is just like the rest... For this one you can use Fortuna or Yatagarasu but Fortuna has a weakness to fire which the shadows use every once in a while so if you get a hit from a fire attack its game over for you...that's what Yatagarasu is better =D Use Garu on the Maya while the others attack the dancer This will make the fight much easier. DO NOT USE MAGARU, the Harem will drain wind attacks so avoid using it. If the dancer uses Marin Karin on anyone switch to Narcissus and use Charmdi to uncharm them, or just use a Dis-Charm...which ever you like. If anyone gets poisoned use a Dis-Poison on them. A good thing to do in this fight is... Use Garu with Fortuna/Yatagarasu to knock down the maya then switch to Hua Po who Nulls Fire attacks and you should be safe from any attacks for one full turn =D. Once you have the Harem out of the way follow the same order from the last fights~ Knock down the maya and call off the All-Out-Attack and let the rest of your party handle them. You should have this fight covered as soon as the Harem is down ^^, I got pretty lucky on this one because Junpei did a critical chain on the Harem three times in a yeah =D lucky me. -------------------------------------- After the fight go back to the Lounge via the new door and... SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! After saving go to Paulownia and sell the Ebon Heart and buy some stuff that you need. Head back into Caina via the 3rd door O=====================================================================O | [Caina (3)] [0.17] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Junpei, Akihiko Floors: five(5) I think...I forgot to count > -< sorry. I'll have my test buddy tell me later ^^ Difficulty: Five(5) Keep fighting the weak spawns here to level up a bit...I couldn't really find a lot of them but there are some...avoid the hard ones and you should be okay! Make your way to the bottom for yet another big door and someone elses past! O=====================================================================O | [Leveling Time!] [0.18] | O=====================================================================O This time you need to get everyone to atleast level 40 ._. Might take a while but its worth it ^^ the stronger the better after all! right? Train anywhere you want, again I recomened Caina...although it might be hard to train Orthrus there its still the best place =D. Collect some new Persona if you want, or some old ones that we used to fuse yatagarasu Look out for King Frost and Orthrus!!! They are one of the best persona you can get! Why? because they have the skill to dodge their own weakness! King Frost looks like a big white blob at the center of the card and Orthrus looks like a lion with 2 heads. This way you have some idea of what they look like ^^. By the end this is how you should end up Aigis- Level 42 Akihiko- Level 38, learns Diarama Yukari- Level 41 Junpei- Level 42 Mitsuru- Level 40 -------------------------------------- Queen Mab- Level 28. It learns Recarm by this level which can revive a fallen party member! VERY helpful. It also knows Posumudi which unpoisons someone! yet another helpful skill. You can find Queen Mab on the first floors of Caina King Frost- Level 33. It learns Growth 1 and Mabufula! Orthrus- atleast level 30. It learns Dodge Ice and Fire Boost! =D O=====================================================================O | [Antenora] [0.19] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Mitsuru Floors: Difficulty: In this place you can get a nice ring called "Eye of Thunder" Which raises the chance of dodging electric attacks! this is VERY useful for Yukari since her weakness is electric so if you can score this one you are set for the next fight. You can find this ring on rare chests around this area. If you can't find this ring then I don't know how good you'll do in the next boss fight > -< There is also a "Eye of Flame" which is the exact same thing as the "Eye of Thunder" but meant to dodge fire. If you can snag both of these they'll be super helpful in the next boss fight. So best of luck! Black Frost is a nice find on this one too because it has both Agilao and Bufula, Nulls ice and is strong against fire! =D so yeah, try and get him if you can. Anyways, make your way down to the 9th floor for another save point. After saving make sure you're ready for another boss fight. A very hard boss fight. O=====================================================================O | [Boss: Brave Wheel/Judgement Sword/Ice Raven] [0.20] | O=====================================================================O Recomended Level: 42 Recomended Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Mitsuru Recomended Persona: Yatagarasu, and Black Forst Number of times I died: 9(Before I saw ZermousX's video ------------------------------- EXP: 9081 Items: Ice Element, Thunder Element, Fire Element, Precious Egg x2, Bead Chain x3 ------------------------------- Set Junpei to Knock Down Set Mitsuru to Knock Down Set Yukari to Heal/Support And yourself to knock down all of them as soon as possible ------------------------------- Brave Wheel: Skills: Eavade Ice, Maragion(party), strike attack(1), Matarunda(party), Counter(1), Agilao(1) Weakness: Ice Drains: Fire ------------------------------- Judgement Sword: Skills: Evade Wind, Zionga(1), Fire Break(1), Mazionga(party), Counter(1) Weakness: Wind Drains: Electric ------------------------------- Ice Raven: Skills: Evade Fire, Mabufula(party), Fire Break(1), Bufula(1), Tantarafoo(party), and Counter(1) Weakness: Fire Drains: Ice ------------------------------- The trick to this fight is pretty much just to knock them all down on your turn and perform an All-Out-Attack. Use Black Frost to knock down the Wheel and the Raven and use Yatagarasu to knock down the sword, once they're all down perform an all out attack on them. After the attack everyone else should knock them back down with their own attacks for example... Mitsuru will most likely use Bufula on the wheel Junpei will use Agilao on the raven and Yukari will use Garula on the sword BUT it only happens after you have scanned the shadows so remember to scan each one of them every turn! You should have this fight down in no time if you do this right. If you still can't beat this you can check ZermousX's video on youtube to see a better demonstration. On his video he uses Ken and Metis. But this fight is still possible with Yukari, Junpei, and Mitsuru ^^(That's how I did it). After the fight go collect your reward and head back to the lounge to... SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! After saving head back to Antenora via the second door. O=====================================================================O | [Antenora (2)] [0.21] | O=====================================================================O Party: Junpei, Yukari, and Akihiko Floors: nine(9) Difficulty: Five(5) Make your way down to the 19th floor while avoiding any fights so you don't waste SP. Once at the 19th floor... SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! Once you're ready hop down to the 20th floor for the next boss fight! O=====================================================================O | [Boss: Shouting Tiara/Primitive Idol/Wrathful Book] [0.22] | O=====================================================================O Recomended Level: 43 Recomended Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Mitsuru Recomended Persona: Black Frost and Take-Mikazuchi. Number of times I died: 5 ------------------------------- EXP: 10351 Items: Throne of Ruin, Soma, Traesto Gem x2 ------------------------------- Shouting Tiara Skills: Evade Ice, Ice Break(1), Tetrakarn(foes), and Media(foes) Weaknesses: Ice ------------------------------- Primitive Idol Skills: Evade Elec, Bufudyne(1), Mind Charge, Megido(party), and Mabufula(party) Mabufudyne(all) Weaknesses: Elec ------------------------------- Wrathful Book Skills: Evade Fire, Stagnant Air(all), Masukuaja(foes), and Enfuriate(party) Weaknesses: Fire ------------------------------- Set Yukari to Heal/Support Set Akihiko to Knock Down Set Junpei to Knock Down Set yourself to knock down too ;3 ------------------------------- This is similar to the last fight, knock them down and do as many All-Out-Attacks as you can. Remember to scan every shadow though. Use Black Frost to knock down the Book and Tiara and Take-Mikazuchi to knock dowh the Idol, once down use an All-Out-Attack! For me this fight was actually quite easier than the one before their attacks are less deadly and they usually only target a single person, so you should be okay as long as you can endure their attacks. With a couple All-Out-Attacks you should have these 3 begging for their life in no time! ^^ -------------------------------------- Another less risky way of doing this is by pretty much ignoring the Idol and just going for the other two while Mitsuru and Junpei do normal attacks on the Idol AFTER they knock down the other shadows. Once both of them are gone you can finish off the Idol with normal attacks or Agilao. I used this one because Take-Mikazuchi is weak against Ice which the Idol seems to use a lot and since Black Frost nulls Ice he's the best one for this fight =D. Both methods work for sure's more riskier than the other -------------------------------------- After the fight head back to the lounge via the new door and... Buy some equips...items...anything you need from Paulownia then... SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! After saving head back into Antenora via the 3rd door. O=====================================================================O | [Antenora (3)] [0.23] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Mitsuru Floors: Five(5) Difficulty: Four(4) Make yor way down to the 25th floor while killing some shadows and collecting some more persona if possible D= we're gonna have to get to level 50 for the next boss fight so might as well start training now! Once you get to the 25th floor open the big door for someone else's past. After watching the video SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! Stock up on any items that you're low on, if any. If you want to fuse Narcissus, Black Frost and another persona whose name I forgot for Ose which we will use to make Surt once you get to level 52 =D. You'll need him...big time =D O=====================================================================O | [Training Time!] [0.24] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Mitsuru This time you want to get everyone to at least level 50, higher if possible. I suggest training at Antenora 2 or 3 would be a good place. I went on 3. Keep leveling and getting new persona. The more the better :3 This is what you wanna end up with in the end. Aigis: Level 52 Yukari: Level 51 Mitsuru: Level 51 Junpei: Level 52 ------------------------------- Ose: To the point where he learns all of his skills for surt Vasuki: Any Surt: After making him he should be at 52 Quetzalcoatl: Another good fusion, not really needed but very helpful. ------------------------------- Once you're done leveling SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! After saving head into the new door, Ptolomea. O=====================================================================O | [Ptolomea] [0.25] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Mitsuru Floors: Seven(7) Difficulty: Four(4) Make your way to the 7th floor while avoiding all of the shadows so you don't waste any SP. Once you make it to the 7th floor make sure your party has full HP and at least 98% of their SP. SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! When you're ready hop down to the 8th floor for a boss fight! O=====================================================================O | [Boss: Crying Table, Cowardly Maya, Wondrous Magus] [0.26] | O=====================================================================O Recomended Party: Yukari, Junpei and Mitsuru Recomended Level: 52 Recomended Persona: Surt, and King Frost Number of times I died: 1 ------------------------------- EXP: 12081 Items: Burning Grail, Balm of Life x2, Homunculus x2 ------------------------------- Crying Table: Skills: Agidyne(1), Avoid Ice, Makarakarn(foes), Evil Smile(party), and Maragion(1), Weaknesses: Ice Drains: Fire ------------------------------- Cowardly Maya: Skills: Bufula(1), Fire Break(1), Twin Shot(1), Avoid Fire, Ghastly Wail(1 hit kill if scared) Weaknesses: Fire Drains: Ice ------------------------------- Wondrous Magus: Skills: Garudyne(1), Agidyne(1), Mind Charge(self), Avoid Fire, and Maziodyne(party) Weaknesses: Fire Drains: Wind ------------------------------- Set Junpei to Knock Down Set Mitsuru to Knock Down Set Yukaru to Heal/Support and Yourself as knock down ------------------------------- This is a fairly easy fight compared to the last one! =D Start by scanning the Maya, then the Table and lastly the Magus. Use Surt to knock down Maya and the Magus and King Frost to knock down the Table. If you think your party can take their attacks next turn then go for an All-Out-Attack, if you're a little scared then just heal yourself or a party member and wait for them to stand up. If the table uses Makarakarn use maragion to hit them all and since surt drains fire you'll take the reflect off of them and you'll get a nice heal! ------------------------------- Try to get rid of the Maya first since it uses Ghastly Wail, the one hit kill attack you wanna get rid of it as soon as possible, keep knocking it down with Agidyne and you should be okay, as long as you keep it from attacking you're safe! but also make sure you don't get scared. ------------------------------- Once the Maya is down focus on the Magus. Try knocking both of them down and and deal out as many All-Out-Attacks as you can, you should be able to take on both of their attacks by now. If you don't want to do All-Out-Attacks just keep knocking them down and healing yourself or a party memeber when you have nothing else to do on your turn, or just wait. You should kill them both off in 1 or 2 All-Out-Attacks. If all goes well you should have this fight down in no time! ------------------------------- After the fight head back to the Lounge and Stock up on any items you need, sell the grail then...SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! Once you're ready, eneter Ptolomea via the second door. O=====================================================================O | [Ptolomea (2)] [0.27] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Metis, and Akihiko Floors: Eight(8) Difficulty: Six(6) Why such a weird party? The next boss is hard...and the only attacks that seem to have an effect on it are strike attacks. That's why we're bringing Metis and Akihiko along. Try to level them up as much as you can... Try and get akihiko to at least level 50 and Metis to at least 48 in a way this is a small training session. Also, Try to get an Ubelluris, he'll be helpful for the next fight. Akihiko learns Fist Master at level 50 which boosts up his strike attack! very helpful for the next boss fight. Try to get surt to level 58 so it learns Ragnarok and try to get yourself to at least level 55. Once you're ready for the boss make your way down to the 16th floor for another save point. SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! once you save and you're ready, jump down to the 17th floor for another boss! O=====================================================================O | [Boss: Neo Minotaur] [0.28] | O=====================================================================O Recomended Party: Yukari, Metis, and Akihiko Recomended level: 55 Recomended Persona: Surt, Quetzalcoatle and Yatagarasu Number of times I died: 2 ------------------------------- EXP: 13407 Items: Scarlet Choker, Soma, Magic Mirror x2 ------------------------------- Neo Minotaur: Skills: Akasha Arts(all), Magarudyne(party), Spirit Drain(1), Revolution(all), Mind Charge(self), Garudyne(1), Marakunda(party), Wind Break(1), Viciuos Strike(party), and Marakunda(self) Weaknesses: None. Drains: Fire, Wind, Ice, Elec. ------------------------------- Set Metis to Knock Down Set Akihiko to Knock Down Set Yukari to Heal/Support and you just do as much damage as you can and heal ------------------------------- This is one hell of a hard fight, Expect to die a couple of times =D Pretty much all you can do in this fight is heal and attack strike attacks are the only ones that seem to have any effect on this gigantic beast but your pierce attack works just fine. Hope that you get critical hits on this thing from metis and yourself since you can pull All-Out-Attacks on it and take out a nice chunk of its HP. ------------------------------- This guy pretty much spams Magarudyne all the time along with some other physical attacks, havnig an attack mirror would come in handy for this fight just do it ends up hitting itself instead of all of you =D. ------------------------------- having Quetzalcoatle helps in this fight because wind attacks don't hurt him as much and has nice defense buffs for your party and debuff skills for the minotaur which help out quite a bit! Without the defense buffs Akihiko and Metis would be dying in one hit ^^' ------------------------------- That's pretty much all the help I can give out...just beat it to death and hope to get some crits...Use an attack mirror just in case it uses Akasha Arts cuz that's a pretty deadly attack :X If all goes well you should win~ My turn order was Me>Metis>Yukari>Minotaur>Akihiko Check ZeromousX's video on youtube again for more of an idea of how he did this fight. O=====================================================================O | [Ptolomea (3)] [0.29] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Mitsuru, and Junpei Floors: Eight(8) Difficulty:Five(5) Make your way down to the 25th floor while taking care of some shadows. Once there open the big door to see someone else's past~ After seeing the video... SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! O=====================================================================O | [Judecca] [0.30] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Mitsuru, and Akihiko Floors: Seven(7) Difficulty: Five(5) Train a bit here and get to level 60, the stronger the better right? shouldn't take that long ^^. Try to level Surt as well Maragidyne will be very helpful. Also, try and get Titania, she's pretty helpful and you'll need her for a fusion later on. Once you have Titania all you need is a Throne, which should be found at the same place where you got Titania. Once you have both of them head down to the Velvet room and fuse them together to make Thor. He will be VERY helpful in the next fight. Once you've done all that Get down to the 7th floor for another save pointand... SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! Make sure your party has full HP and SP. If you're ready jump down to the 8th floor for the next boss fight! O=====================================================================O | [Boss: Spastic Turret/Slaughter Drive] [0.31] | O=====================================================================O Recomended Party: Yukari, Mitsuru and Akihiko Recomended Level: 60 Recomended Persona: Thor Number of times I died: 3 ------------------------------- EXP: 15492 Items: Infernal Armor, Attack Mirror x2, Precious Egg ------------------------------- Spastic Turret: Skills: Vile Assault(1), Maragidyne(party), Agidyne(1), Mind Charge(self), Summon(Summons a new Drive) Weaknesses: Ice Drains: Fire ------------------------------- Slaughter Drive: Skills: Deathbound(party), Torrent Shot(1), Evade Elec, Slash Attack(1), Last Resort(party), and Makarakarn(foes) Weaknesses: Electric Drains: Ice ------------------------------- Set Yukari to Heal/Support Set Mitsuru to Heal/Support Set Junpei to Assign Target(Either of the Drives) and yourself to the same Drive as Junpei ------------------------------- This one isn't as hard as the one before but it's still pretty difficult. Start by scaning the Drive then the Turret. You'll want to knocl down both Drives with lightning attacks first. Once they're down use a normal attack or switch off and use a bufu attack on the turret to knock it down, your choice. If All goes well and you dont miss you should have the Drives down in no time! ------------------------------- Once you have both Drives down its time to focus on the Turret, which is way easier ^^' Now its time to focus on the Drive, Switch to any Ice Persona you have like Black Frost and use Bufula to knock it down, then use an All-Out-Attack to finish it off! With both you and Mitsuru knocking it down to do All-Out-Attacks you should kill it in about 1 or 2. Be quick about killing it don't want it summoning yet another drive ._. ------------------------------- IF he does summon another one focus on the Turret and ignore the Drive. The turret will keep on summoning more Drives if there aren't any on the field with it. Once the Turret is gone repeat the same thing you did with the other drives and you should finish the fight pretty quickly ------------------------------- Once you're done go and collect your rewards =D Head back to the lounge via the new door ^^. Stock up on anything that you're missing then... SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! When you're ready head into Judecca via the second door! O=====================================================================O | [Judecca (2)] [0.32] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Junpei and Metis Floors: Eight(8) Difficulty: Six(6) Since Metis is such a low level you'll have to train her. Get her up to at least level 58 so she learns Garydyne. You should be level 65 by the time metis gets to that level so you'll be a bit stronger ;3. Make your way down to the 16th floor while fighthing shadows and collecting more persona. Once there make sure your party has full HP and SP and then... SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! Once you're ready jump down to the 17th floor for the next boss! O=====================================================================O | [Boss: Conceited Maya/Jotun of Blood] [0.33] | O=====================================================================O Recomended Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Metis Recomended Level: 65 Recomended Persona: Surt, and Thor Number of times I died: 8 ------------------------------- EXP: 16935 Items: Bloody Horse, Precious Egg, Soma ------------------------------- Set Yukari to Heal/Support Metis to Assign Target(Maya) and once the maya summons his minions set Junpei to Attack one of them. and yourself to kicking the maya's butt and healing =D ------------------------------- Coneceited Maya: Skills: Agi(1), Cruel Attack(1), Summon(Summons Juton), Matarakukaja(party) Marakunda(all), and Masukunda(party), Weaknesses: None Nulls: Any Physical Attack ------------------------------- Jotun of Blood: Skills: Bufudyne(1), Mediola(party), Ziodyne(v), Garudyne(1), Mabufudyne(party), Maziodyne(party), Maragidyne(party) Weaknesses: None Nulls: Any Magic Attack ------------------------------- Start off by scanning the maya. When the Maya summons a Jotun Scan it. Use any -dyne/Ragnorok attacks on the Maya to start off. When the Maya reaches about 3/4 HP it'll summon a Jotun. It will summon a second Jotun on the next turn. When both Jutons are summoned the Maya will try to Debuff your party so try to get it down before it can actually do this > -< ------------------------------- Keep Attacking the Maya while Junpei keeps attacking the Jutons if you keep it up you should have the maya down pretty quick. ------------------------------- Once the Maya is down its time to focus on the Jotuns! The Jutons are a pain... They'll exploit everyone's weakness then use Megidola which pretty much one hit kills who ever was hit in the first place > -< so getting them down is important. Put metis into Orgia Mode once the Maya is down and she'll beat the living daylights out of the two Jotuns, with the help of everyone else of course =D. ------------------------------- Here's how I actually did it. Put Junpei and Metis to attack the first jotun that is summoned. Yukari healed. I kept attacking the Maya with Agydine from the help of Succubus since she doesn't have any weaknesses. Jotun died by Metis and Junpei thanks to two crits. Maya died after about 5 turns from the death of the first Jotun. Put Metis into Orgia Mode. She crited it on her first turn. Did and All-Out Attack. Win. This was all LUCK > -> My whole party died at one point, and it was tough. I managed to revive Yukari which the Jotun had some weird attraction to... he would always attack her with Garudyne for some weird reason...that helped a lot...haha...tought tough tough fight... Good Luck to you all...> -< sorry if I wasn't much help on this one > -<' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- redwing42's strategy: The party should be Ken, Koromaru, and Metis. These three have no elemental weaknesses. I then used Mekizeldek as Aigis' Persona, as it also has no elemental weakness and has Mediarahan. Any other healer with no elemental weaknesses should work also. I used Aigis as the healer, and set the other 3 to target the Maya. When I played, the Maya actually summoned a Jotun in rounds 2 and 3, rather than according to HP. By keeping up with healing and occasionally using a Balm of Life when needed, I was able to keep the Jotuns from using Megidola during the entire battle, because they only seem to use it once they hit a character's weakness. After the Maya (and its buff/debuff spells) was finished, it wasn't hard to take out the Jotuns. Keep up the good work, your FAQs have been both informative and entertaining. O=====================================================================O | [Judecca (3)] [0.34] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Mitsuru Floors: Eight(8) Difficulty: Four(4) Try to level up atleast once here...just for the sake of leveling. Make your way down to the 25th floor. while fighting shadows and getting new persona if any. Once you're at the ___ floor. lol > -> open the big door for yet another look into the past. O=====================================================================O | [Empyrean] [0.35] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Mitsuru Floors: Eight(8) Difficulty: Six(6) Try to get yourself and Yukari to level 68. Yukari learns Samarecarm which is a very helpful skill. :3 Make your way down to the 8th floor and make sure your party has full HP and SP. If so, SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE!!! Once you're ready hop down to the 9th floor for the next boss fight! O=====================================================================O | [Rebellious Cyclops/Acheron Seeker] [0.36] | O=====================================================================O Recomended Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Mitsuru Recomended Level: 68 Recomended Persona: Surt, and Hariti Number of Times I died: 6 ------------------------------- EXP: 19135 Items: All-Seeing Eye x2, Soma, Precious Egg x2 ------------------------------- Rebellious Cyclops: Skills: Poison Arrow(1), Primal Force(1), God's Hand(1), High Counter, Brave Blade(1), Brave Wheel(1), Evade Any Physical Attack, Vorpal Blade(party), Power Charge, and Arrow Rain(party) Weaknesses: None Drains: Wind, and Ice ------------------------------- Acheron Seeker: Skills: Agidyne(1), Evade Fire, Tentarafoo(party), Mind Charge, Magarudyne(party), Maragidyne(party), Mabufudyne(party), Evil Smile(party), and Megidola(party) Weaknesses: Fire Repel: Wind, Ice ------------------------------- Set Yukari to Heal/Support Mitsuru to Heal/Support as well Junpei to Knock Down ------------------------------- This is one hell of a tough battle...So be ready D= The Seekers in this fight are weak against Fire, but like all previous shadows they have the ability to dodge it(big surprise) Start off by scanning a Seeker so your party avoids healing them or doing a dumb attack. ------------------------------- Use Surt to try and knock down the Seekers as much as you can, if you ever get them down attack the Cyclops with agidyne or which ever attack you wanna use or just heal up your party~ which ever works for you. ------------------------------- Once the Seekers are down its time to focus on the big Cyclops. Don't be scared if you have to use a Soma around this time... my party had almost no SP and low HP when I used it so it turned out well for me ^^. Only Fire Attacks really work on this guy as just keep on using Agidyne or Ragnarok to finish it off. Keep Mitsuru and Yukari to Heal so your party has enough HP to endure his attacks > -< I actually ended up using an Attack Mirror when he used Power Charge! He ended up attacking himself x4 and killed himself. hehe. Nice Move? xDDD ------------------------------- That's pretty much all the help I can give out...The rest pretty much depends on how well you can controll the fight and how lucky you get > -< Good Luck! ------------------------------- If all goes well, you've won the match and you're one step closer to finishing this game from hell ;~; Exit Empyrean via the new door. Head to the mall and restock, buy things, ect. SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! O=====================================================================O | [Leveling Time!] [0.37] | O=====================================================================O Try and get a Hariti from the 1st Empyrean door and get it to level 63 so it learns Recarmdra and Medirahan. Once you get it to that level you will be using her in a fusion! Fuse Hariti+Daisoujou+Black Frost to make... Thunder God ODIN! He will be VERY usefull in the upcomming fights! So now we have two elemental gods: Odin and Surt :3 ------------------------------- After fusing Odin try leveling him up so he learns Thunder Reign. And if you got lucky like me...Odin is holding something! :o ------------------------------- Try and recover Hariti again since she has the best healing skills. You will have to level her back up again sadly ;~; ------------------------------- You should end up with this by the end of the training~ Aigis: Level 72 Junpei: Level 71 Yukari: Level 72 Mitsuru: Level 70 Odin: Level 63 Hariti: Level 63 ------------------------------- Once you're ready head into the the second door of Empyrean! O=====================================================================O | [Empyrean (2)] [0.38] | O=====================================================================O Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Mitsuru Floors: Nine(9) Difficulty: 7 Before the next boss you have to fuse together Scathach+Hariti+Yatagarasu to make Arahabaki. Arahabaki learns tetrakarn at level 64! which is really helpful for the next fight, so I strongly suggest you get it. Level Arahabaki so it learns Tetrakarn~. After making Arahabaki get yourself down to the 18th floor. Check if your party's SP and HP are full if not make it full. SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! Once you're ready jump down to the 19th floor for the last boss! O=====================================================================O | [Boss: Tenjin/Kaiden/Onnen Musha] [0.39] | O=====================================================================O Recomended Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Mitsuru Recomended Level: 73 Recomended Persona: Odin, Arahabaki and Hariti Number of times I died: 2 ------------------------------- EXP: 19659 Items: White Quillon, Red Quillon, Black Quillon, Soma x2, Balm of Life x5 ------------------------------- Set Yukari to Heal/Support Set Junpei/Mitsuru to Assign Target(Tejin) ------------------------------- Tejin Musha: Skills: Revolution(All), Mahamaon(party), Matarakuja(foes), Marakunda(party), Vorpal Blade(party), Slash Attack(1), Makarakarn(foes), Mediarama(foes), and Premonition Weaknesses: None ------------------------------- Kaiden Musha: Skills: Tempest Slash(1), Life Drain(1), Mahamaon(party), and Vorpal Blade(party) Weaknesses: None Nulls: Physical Attacks ------------------------------- Onnen Musha: Skills: Life Drain(1), Poison Arrow(1), Mamudoon(all), Power Up!(self), Weaknesses: None Drains: Any Magic ------------------------------- Alright! Last boss! Start by scanning the Tejin, then Kaiden, and lastlt Onnen. You'll wanna take down the Tejin first because it knows Mediarama and will just end up healing your party, you don't want that now do you? ^^ Use Arahabaki's Tetrakarn so your party reflects attacks. This way they'll be attacking themselfs instead of your party. Use Odin's Thunder Reign. Odin should know Spell Master which makes all spells use up half the SP they usually use, pretty helpful :3 After 3 or 4 turns the Tenjin should die. -------------------------------- Once you have Tenjin out of the way focus on Kaiden. Keep using tetrakarn every turn and let Mitsuru and Junpei deal with Kaiden. He shouldn't be too much of a pain this way :3 -------------------------------- After Kaiden focus on Onnen. This one's a little tougher than the others since it doesnt have a weakness and has a strong resistance against physical attacks. Keep Keep using Tetrakarn every turn and let Mitsuru and Junpei deal with Onnen. After using Tetrakarn to protect your party use Rebellion to raise the chance of your party hitting a crit. on him and him hitting a crit on one of your party memebers but really hurting himself ;3. IF you do manage to get a crit. on Onnen this fight is pretty much yours. -------------------------------- If all goes well this fight should've been pretty easy thanks to Arahabaki :3 After the fight go get your rewards and head back to the lounge via the new door. Buy anything you need from the mall, sell the quills. SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! O=====================================================================O | [Training Time!] [0.40] | O=====================================================================O Party: Metis The point of this training is to level metis. Get her to at least level 70... I know it long...but you'll need her to be strong. Why just you two? Less people=more exp right? :3 This is also the time where you pretty much wanna train any persona that you need to train, do it. O=====================================================================O | [Empyrean (3)] [0.41] | O=====================================================================O Try and recreat Surt. You'll need him again. Also, get him to learn Ragnarok again too~ Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Mitsuru Floors: Six(6) Difficulty: five(5) you see I tried getting you guys to think that was the last boss D= but it didn't work did it? o .o;; you could've just read the index thingy and known that it wasn't the last boss...but oh well :3 Anyways, make your way down to the 26th floor. Same deal as always. Take off any equips that help your party dodge attacks or that help them in any way...You'll know why I have you do this later :3 SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! Once you're ready hop down for an interesting boss fight. O=====================================================================O | [Boss: ????] [0.42] | O=====================================================================O Never thought you'd see him again did you? lol This is a fairly simple fight compared to the ones you've tooken on before so relax a bit on this one :3 Recomended Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Mitsuru Recomended Level: 75 Recomended Persona: Odin, Surt, and Hariti Number of times I died: ------------------------------- EXP: 8178 Item: Key of time ------------------------------- Athena: Skills: God's Hand(1) ------------------------------- Isis: Skills: Pantha Rhei(1), Magarudyne(party), and Garudyne(1) Nulls: Wind ------------------------------- Trismegistos: Skills: Vorpal Blade(party), and Deathbound(party) Nulls: Fire ------------------------------- Artemisia: Skills: Niflheim(1), Marin Karin(1), Nulls: Ice ------------------------------- Set Junpei and Mitsuru to Knock Down Set Yukari to Heal/Support And you work as Knock Down as well ------------------------------- Start off by scanning him. Use Thunder Reign to start off If you get lucky Junpei or Mitsuru will end up Criting him, do an All-Out-Attack if this happens. Use Thunder Reign throughout this whole fight and you should finish it off in 8-10 turns, quicker if you get any All-Out-Attakcs going. If all goes well you should beat him with ease. ------------------------------- After the fight you get to watch a pretty scary cutsceen. Then, a bunch of talking. SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! Buy ANYTHING you need to stock up on, better equips, items, cards, anything. You should be pretty rich by now, I have almost 9mil. Get the latests equips for Metis and yourself. Go back and give all the items you bought to metis. Reason why I had you take off any equips that helped your party before the fight is cuz it'll just end up helping them in the last fights...instead of helping you. SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! Once you're ready, go downstairs. O=====================================================================O | [Boss: Akihiko and Ken] [0.43] | O=====================================================================O I just love the battle song during these fights. It's so nice~ Recomended Level: 77 Recomended Persona: Hariti, Odin, Surt and Arahabaki Number of times I died: 1 ------------------------------- Exp: 9980 ------------------------------- Akihiko: Skills: Masukunda(party), Gigantic Fist(1), Mind Charge(self), Ziodyne(1), Weaknesses: None Nulls: Electric ------------------------------- Ken: Skills: Hamaon(1), Elec. Break(1), Rebellion(all), Premonition, Vile Assault(1), Ziodyne(1), Weaknesses: Nulls: Electric ------------------------------- Set Metis to Heal/Support ------------------------------- Well, First fight. Use Arahabaki or odin to take down Ken first. Bufudyne and Tetrakarn will be of great help in this fight. Thunder Reign will make things with Ken even faster. After Ken is down its time to focus on Akihiko ------------------------------- For Akihiko you'll want to use Ragnarok to finish him off faster or you can use Bufudyne, Which ever you want. Don't be afraid to use a Precious Egg if you need it, or a snuff soul. ------------------------------- After the fight, watch the cutsceen. Once you're back at the lobby SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! Stock up on stuff, anything you need. When ready, head back into the arena. O=====================================================================O | [Boss: Junpei and Koromaru] [0.44] | O=====================================================================O Recomended Level: 77 Recomended Persona: Odin and Hariti Number of times I died: 1 ------------------------------- EXP: 9981 ------------------------------- Junpei: Skills: Agidyne(1), Rakukaja(self), Vorpal Blade(party), Maragidyne(party), Slash Attack(1), Tempest Slash(1), Power Charge(self), and Tentarafoo(party) Weaknesses: None Nulls: Fire, Light, and Dark ------------------------------- Koromaru: Skills: Stagnant Air(all), Evil Smile(Party), Brave Wheel(1), Slash Attack(1), Mamudoon(party), Agidyne(1), Mudoon(1), Brave Blade(1), Life Drain(1), and Ghastly Wail(1 hit kill if in fear) Weaknesses: None Nulls: Fire, Light, and Dark ------------------------------- Set Metis to Heal/Support ------------------------------- You'll wanna start off by targeting Koromaru. Using Thunder Reign with oding and Hariti to heal yourself when needed is probably the easiest way to finish him off. Metis can probably give out a few criticals since Koromaru will most likely be paralyzed after using Thunder Reign on him, so that'll be pretty helpful. Once Junpei is down its time to focus on Junpei. ------------------------------- Same deal as always pretty much, use Thunder Reign, Heal when needed Pretty easy fight now ^^. Using Arahabaki's tetrakarn when Junpei Powers up will just help you finish him off faster. He'll try to put you into a panic with Tentarafoo once his HP is pretty low which gets kinda annoying but you can easily get around that ^^. ------------------------------- After the fight watch yet another cutsceen. After it you return to the lobby. SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! Restock whatever you need, when you're ready head back into the arena. O=====================================================================O | [Boss: Yukari and Mitsuru] [0.45] | O=====================================================================O Equip an Omega Drive on Metis if you can, if not put a Frenzy Bead. Equip an something that helps you avoide Icew attacks for yourself, that way you can dodge some of Mitsuru's attacks or buy a Agi Bracer to boost your fire attack to knock down Yukari faster. Recomended Level: 77 Recomended Persona: Surt and Hariti Number of times I died: 2 ------------------------------- EXP: 9981 Item: True Key ------------------------------- Yukari: Skills: Angelic Grace, Magarudyne(party), Myrad Arrows(party), and Tarukaja(foe) Weaknesses: None Nulls: Wind, Light, and Dark ------------------------------- Mitsuru: Skills: Tentarafoo(party), Vorpal Blade(Party), Sexy Dance(party), Angelic Grace, Mabufudyne(party), Weaknsses: Nulls: Ice, Light, and Dark ------------------------------- Start off with Yukari, since she can knock you down when you have Odin out and can pretty much stop you from attacking, use Tetrakarn when you can since Mitsuru tends to use Vorpal Blade quite a bit ^^;; Use Ragnarok to take down Yukari faster. You can also put Metis into Orgia Mode if you wanna finish this off even faster. Heal When necessary. After Yukari is down, its time to focus on Mitsuru. ------------------------------- Use Thunder Reign to hit Mitsuru, since she uses Angelic Grace Thunder Reign won't always hit her, but when it does she takes A LOT of damage which ends this fight even sooner. Use Tetrakarn when needed too. Heal when needed. Rez Metis if she dies too. If all goes well this fight should be yours! ^^ ------------------------------- After the fight watch the sad cutsceen. After it go to the velvet room. Fuse Quetzalcoatl, Loki, and Kali to make Anubis. Anubis is pretty godly. It learns Null Ice and Elec. It learns Makarakarn which is just like Tetrakarn but with elemental attacks. Train it until it learns all of its skills. O=====================================================================O | [Training Time!] [0.46] | O=====================================================================O Train at Empyrean 3. Get Anubis to level 66. Aigis to 80. Mitsuru to 76. Junpei to 75. yukari to 76. Once you're done training to make Card for personas that way you can boost up their magic or something, buy items you need, anything you find usefull. Make sure everyone is ready for the final fight, good equips. SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE! Once you're ready head into the final door. Watch the cutsceen, videos and get ready for the toughest battle in the game! O=====================================================================O | [Final Boss: Erebus] [0.47] | O=====================================================================O Recomended Party: Yukari, Junpei, and Mitsuru Recomended level: 80 Recomended Persona: Odin, Arahabaki, Surt, Anubis and Hariti Number of times I died: 1 ------------------------------ Erebus: Skills: Maziodyne(party), Ziodyne(1), Agidyne(1), Maragidyne(party), Poison Mist(party), Deathbound(party), Almighty Attack(party), Mamudoon(party), Garudyne(1), Magarudyne(party), Bufudyne(1), Mabufudyne(party), Evil Smile(party), Virus Breath(1), ------------------------------- Dark Embrace: The scariest attack Erebus has. When he uses it a small red and black orb will float infront of him. This orb is charging up power, once it's done charging it'll unleash all that power with an instead death to you in your party. How do you stop it? Kick it's ass. Use Thunder Reign as always. Everyone else will most likely end up using their respective -dyne skills. Once you mess up it's Dark Embrace it'll be down for 4 turns. During these turns its VERY vulnerable and you end up doing a lot more damage to it. Take this oppertuniy to do as much damage as you can! ------------------------------- Weaknesses: None Nulls: Light and Dark ------------------------------- Set Yukari to Heal/Support Set Junpei and Mitsuru to Full Assault ------------------------------- Wow. Huge scary looking thing huh? Well LETS DO THIS! Start off by scanning it. Use Thunder Reign to hit it since it uses less SP Use Makarakarn also so it hits itself. With Makarakarn it ends up hitting it 4 times, which adds up to a little over 400. This is basicly the only thing you do throught out the whole battle... except for when it uses Dark Embrace. You should finish this fight if all goes well ^^. ------------------------------- After the fight watch the amazing ending to the whole P3 story! wooo :3 Grats on finishing The Answer! It was a challange but you did it~ Now give yourself a pat on the back or something? lol. ^^, O=====================================================================O | [Special Things] [0.48] | O=====================================================================O SP Drinks: If you go upstairs to the vending machines and buy drinks, they can replenish your SP by 5 pts a can. It is monotonous as you have to buy them one at a time, but until you can get items to replenish your SP it is an option. O=====================================================================O | [Thanks!] [0.49] | O=====================================================================O Thank you for reading my guide! I hope that this helped you finish this game from hell without much trouble ^^. Look out for my next guide for Persona 4 ;3 Once it's out in America at least. Later~ ^^, O=====================================================================O | [Special Thanks] [0.50] | O=====================================================================O Thanks to Misfit119 for the boss strategies and the missing features in The Answer! ^^ Thanks to ZermousX from youtube for posting a video on how he beat the bosses. it helped out a lot =D. Thanks to redwing42 for a different strategy for finishing the Conceited Maya/Jotun of Blood Boss. Thanks to thowze for finding the SP Drinks!