____ _ _ | _ \ ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ __ _ | || | | |_) / _ \ '__/ __|/ _ \| '_ \ / _` | | || |_ | __/ __/ | \__ \ (_) | | | | (_| | |__ _| |_| \___|_| |___/\___/|_| |_|\__,_| |_| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERSION Chie FAQ/Walkthrough By: PeTeRL90 Copyright: 2009 Date Started: January 1, 2009 Date Finished: January 21, 2009 Latest Update: January 25, 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =================== Table of Contents =================== 1.) Introduction 2.) Legal Stuff 3.) Walkthrough a.) April -----------> [P4APR] b.) May -------------> [P4MAY] c.) June ------------> [P4JUN] d.) July ------------> [P4JUL] e.) August ----------> [P4AUG] f.) September -------> [P4SEP] g.) October ---------> [P4OCT] h.) November --------> [P4NOV] i.) December --------> [P4DEC] j.) March -----------> [P4MAR] 4.) Bosses 5.) Enemy List 6.) Weapons 7.) Armor 8.) Shop List 9.) Persona List Arcanas ------- a.) Fool -----------> [P4A] b.) Magician -------> [P4B] c.) Priestess ------> [P4C] d.) Empress --------> [P4D] e.) Emperor --------> [P4E] f.) Hierophant -----> [P4F] g.) Lovers ---------> [P4G] h.) Chariot --------> [P4H] i.) Justice --------> [P4I] j.) Hermit ---------> [P4J] k.) Fortune --------> [P4K] l.) Strength -------> [P4L] m.) Hanged Man -----> [P4M] n.) Death ----------> [P4N] o.) Temperance -----> [P4O] p.) Devil ----------> [P4P] q.) Tower ----------> [P4Q] r.) Star -----------> [P4R] s.) Moon -----------> [P4S] t.) Sun ------------> [P4T] u.) Judgment -------> [P4U] v.) World ----------> [P4V] Characters ---------- a.) Yosuke ---------> [0YOS] b.) Chie -----------> [0CHI] c.) Yukiko ---------> [0YUK] d.) Kanji ----------> [0KAN] e.) Rise -----------> [0RIS] f.) Teddie ---------> [0TED] g.) Naoto ----------> [0NAO] 10.) Social Links 11.) Credit/Thanks 12.) Version History =================== 1.) Introduction =================== Howdy and welcome to my guide for Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4. Persona 4 was a game that I've been on the lookout for for awhile now and when I finally heard that it was going to have a US Release, I knew I had to pick it up. I thought Persona 3 was a pretty solid game and was excited to see what differences they made with P3 and P4. Needless to say, I was happy with most of the changes they made and it made for one great experience. So now I'm here to write for it because one, I'm itching to do some writing since I haven't really done anything since March of last year and two, I'd love to cover this game as I did for P3. =================== 2.) Legal Stuff =================== This FAQ will always be updated on GameFAQs.com first. This FAQ is copyrighted by me, and may be used for personal use. This FAQ may NOT be used for any kind of profit, or be put in any kind of magazine. I write these on my spare time for free, and you shouldn't be able to get money from ripping this, claiming it as your own, and selling it off. You may NOT use this on your website. You may NOT copy and paste part of any part of my work, as that is still plagiarising. I am no longer allowing any more sites to use any of my present or future FAQs any longer. The only sites that are allowed to use my present and future FAQs are the sites listed below. ALLOWED SITES TO USE THIS FAQ AND FUTURE FAQS: http://www.neoseeker.com http://faqs.ign.com http://www.supercheats.com http://www.gamerhelp.com http://www.honestgamers.com =================== 3.) Walkthrough =================== NOTE: This walkthrough will be spoiler free for the most part. However, this guide will cover the true ending for the game, so there is going to be one part in which I have to spoil if you can't figure out that part on your own. I'll make sure to put a spoiler warning ahead of time for that part. One last thing, I'll only cover dates in which something significant happens or when you can raise one of your stats. It'd look really ugly if I just kept putting "Nothing to do today" day after day during long stretches. Also, you can check what the weather will be like at the Dojima Residence too. April ----- [P4APR] O--------------------------------------------O | M | T | W | Th | F | Sa | Su | O--------------------------------------------O | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | O--------------------------------------------O | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | O--------------------------------------------O | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | - | O--------------------------------------------O Important Dates: 11 - Game begins. 12 - Chance to raise Courage. 14 - Quiz in class; Chance to raise Understanding. 15 - First battle and boss fight. 16 - Magician Social Link is established. 17 - Freely able to explore the TV World from here on out. 18 - Quiz in class. 19 - Sports Clubs are now open. 20 - Quiz in class. 23 - Part time Jobs are now available ; Quiz in class. 25 - Cultural Clubs are now open ; Quiz in class. 26 - Quiz in class. 29 - Last day to save Yukiko. 30 - Quiz in class. April 11 -------- This is where the game begins. You'll be prompted to enter your name after the first couple of scenes. Like in Persona 3, you put in your LAST name then your first name. You could name your character things such as Peter Rules, Peter is awesome, but I'll leave the name up to you. Once everything is all settled down, you'll have control over the main character. Save your game with the calender and head upstairs and examine the Futon in your room to sleep. April 12 -------- Watch the scenes and you'll get a chance to make a choice. To raise your Courage, pick "...You calling me a loser?" April 14 -------- You'll be asked a question in class. Answer "Before Jesus was Born" to raise your Knowledge. One thing to note, your Knowledge won't always go up if you answer a question correctly. Sometimes your Expression will go up if one of your friends asks you for the answer. After the next set of scenes, you'll be given another list of choices to pick from. Choose "Are you guys okay?" to boost your Understanding. April 15 -------- You'll get into your first battle today, as well as your first boss fight which isn't terribly hard. If you're somehow having trouble with it, refer to the boss section. April 16 -------- You'll establish the Magician Social Link with Yosuke today. April 17 -------- You'll be able to enter the first dungeon in the TV World. Head for the second floor to encounter the second boss of the game. Refer to the boss section to find out how to deal with it. NOTE: You only have a couple of weeks to finish each dungeon. Therefore since you can finish a dungeon any day you wish to before the deadline, it would be hard for me to put a boss in on a certain date so I'll be putting all the boss information in the boss section for easy referral. April 18 -------- You'll be picked on in class again. Go figure. The answer is "The". April 19 -------- You can now join either the soccer or basketball team. Both end up being the Strength Social Link though. The only difference is that there's a different story line for each team. Both teams will raise your Diligence as well. In order to find out how to join one, go visit the Faculty Office on the first floor and then after that scene, just go straight and take the exit you come across. April 20 -------- Yosuke will ask you for your help with a question. The answer is "Millennium". If a classmate needs your help answering a question and you answer it right, your Expression will get an increase rather than your Knowledge AND that person will gain some points for their Social Link with you. April 23 -------- You can now get a Part Time job to earn Yen and raise certain statistics. You can find out which jobs are available by going to the North end of the Shopping District and examine the bulletin board near the restaurant there. Yosuke needs your help again on a question... again. The answer is "They were by the Riverside." April 25 -------- The Cultural Clubs are now open. Both raise your Expression and just like with the sports teams, each has a different storyline but the same Social Link Arcana, which is the Sun. You'll be asked a question this time instead of having everyone beg to cheat off your paper. The answer is "8 AM". April 26 -------- This time, Chie needs your help and not Yosuke. Hooray! The answer is "It's a perfect number." April 29 -------- THIS IS THE LAST DAY TO SAVE YUKIKO. I figured the all caps would get your attention. If you don't save her, she 'asplodes (well, dies, but you get the point) and the game is over and you'll be a real ass for not saving her. When you do save her, pick "Let's call it a day" to raise your Understanding. The bosses for Yukiko's Castle can be found in the boss section. April 30 -------- Again, you'll be quizzed. No, really. Why can't they pick anyone else in the class? The answer is "Mt. Olympus". -----------------------------------P4------------------------------------------ May --- [P4MAY] O--------------------------------------------O | M | T | W | Th | F | Sa | Su | O--------------------------------------------O | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1 | O--------------------------------------------O | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | O--------------------------------------------O | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | O--------------------------------------------O | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | O--------------------------------------------O | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | O--------------------------------------------O | 30 | 31 | - | - | - | - | - | O--------------------------------------------O Important Dates: 1 - Yukiko joins the party. 3 - Justice Social Link forms. 5 - Hermit Social Link forms. 6 - Hierophant Social Link forms. 7 - Quiz in class. 9-12 - Mid-Terms 15 - Chance to raise your Courage. 17 - Priestess Social Link forms. 18 - Unlocking Kanji's dungeon is now available. 19 - Test results are posted. 25 - New job openings are available. 26 - Quiz in class. May 1 ----- Yukiko will join the party here. There's also an optional boss for you to fight at the top of her dungeon but you have to start from Floor 1 again to get there. Also, if you do happen to drop by the TV world, head for the Shopping District, where you fought Yosuke's Shadow and examine around inside of it to find a weapon for Yosuke. May 3 ----- The Justice Social Link [Nanako's] will form. May 5 ----- You'll be given a choice of where you want to go today. Choose to go to the shrine in the shopping district to form the Hermit Social Link. It's a good idea to focus on the Hermit S. Link every now and then. You'll see why soon enough. May 6 ----- If you talk to Dojima, you can start the Hierophant Social Link. May 7 ----- You'll be quizzed yet again. The answer is "Ionize". May 9 ----- The first day of Mid-Terms start today. The answers are as follows: "8 AM" "Before Christ" May 10 ------ "6" "Millennium" May 11 ------ "Rene Descartes" "Mt. Olympus" May 12 ------ Today is the final day of Mid-Terms. Depending on how many answers you got correct and the current level of your Knowledge, you'll either get the best score, a Top 10 score or a "God you're dumb" score. I believe you need to have at least a Level 3 Knowledge to actually have a chance at the top score. May 15 ------ Yosuke is going to ask you a question about who'd you rather bang. Choose "Neither" for an increase in Courage. May 17 ------ The Priestess Social Link will form today. Also, a scene will play out on the Midnight Channel which is rather... interesting. May 18 ------ Today is the day you can start to unlock Kanji's dungeon to rescue him and I recommend that you start on it today and don't waste any time. Do the following things: 1.) Go to the Textile Shop and talk with Kanji's mom. 2.) Go to Junes and talk to the woman near the elevators. Come back tomorrow. 3.) Talk to the boy with the police hat on and you'll be able to search for Kanji the next time you're in the TV World. May 19 ------ The test results are posted today from Mid-Terms. If you got the top score or ranked in the Top 10, make sure to speak to Dojima and Nanako when you can for Yen and an item respectively. May 25 ------ A couple of new jobs are available. Both are Social Link opportunities. May 26 ------ Yosuke is going to ask for your help yet again. Feel free to bash his head in or cut him if you want. The answer is "Sacred Carvings". -----------------------------------P3------------------------------------------ June ---- [P4JUN] O--------------------------------------------O | M | T | W | Th | F | Sa | Su | O--------------------------------------------O | - | - | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | O--------------------------------------------O | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | O--------------------------------------------O | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | O--------------------------------------------O | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | O--------------------------------------------O | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | - | - | - | O--------------------------------------------O Important Dates: 4 - Last day to rescue Kanji. 6 - Kanji joins the party. 8 - Quiz in class. 13 - Quiz in class. 15 - Quiz in class. 17-18 - Class Campout. 20 - Quiz in class. 24 - Star Social Link is forms ; Unlocking Rise's Dungeon is now available. 27 - Quiz in class. 30 - Quiz in class. June 4 ------ TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO RESCUE KANJI. If you don't rescue him it's Game Over for you. June 6 ------ Kanji joins the party today. June 8 ------ Yukiko is apparently curious. No, not in that way you silly gooses. The answer is "From the play, Hamlet". You'll be introduced to Saki Konishi's brother today. Have him help you clean up. You'll be able to form a Social Link with him once you get your Understanding to the minimum level required. June 13 ------- You know, if you damn teachers don't stop picking on me... The answer is "Anaerobics." June 15 ------- Goddammit Yosuke. Go away already. The answer is "To hang". June 17 ------- The campout starts today. You'll be given a set of three choices after you're given your dinner. Unfortunately one of them isn't faking your own death. Choose "Eat it" to raise your Social Link status with Chie, Yosuke, and Yukiko. I believe this requires a certain amount of Courage to actually do. Later that night when Kanji is present, choose "Don't do this" to raise your Expression. June 18 ------- The second day of the campout. Honestly, I only put this here because this is my birthday. Hooray! June 20 ------- Must resist urge to inflict near lethal harm on Yosuke... The answer is "Socrates." June 24 ------- The Star Social Link [Teddie's] forms today. This is one of 3 automatic ones so don't worry about having to spend quality time with Teddie. Today is also the day in which you can unlock Rise's dungeon to complete. Again, I recommend you unlock it as soon as possible. Follow these directions: 1.) Go to the school and head to 2nd Floor in the Practice Building. Go talk to the fatass student hanging around in the hallway. 2.) Next, head to the Shopping District and talk with Rise's grandmother. 3.) Head for the Samegawa Flood Plain and go west until you see a man standing in front of a tree. Talk to him [The name that appears in the dialogue box should be "Kind Man"]. Wait until tomorrow. 4.) Return to the Samegawa Flood Plain and talk to the Photographer this time. Choose to trade information and pick either the first or second option to unlock Rise's Dungeon. June 27 ------- Yet again you'll be quizzed. The answer is "Hatred and Jealousy." June 30 ------- Picking on the transfer student is the easy way out. The answer is "Pis Pis River". -----------------------------------P4------------------------------------------ July ---- [P4JUL] O--------------------------------------------O | M | T | W | Th | F | Sa | Su | O--------------------------------------------O | - | - | - | - | 1 | 2 | 3 | O--------------------------------------------O | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | O--------------------------------------------O | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | O--------------------------------------------O | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | O--------------------------------------------O | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | O--------------------------------------------O Important Dates: 4 - Quiz in class. 7 - Quiz in class. 9 - Last day to rescue Rise. 10 - New party members ; Chance to raise Courage and Understanding 13 - Quiz in class. 14 - Quiz in class. 15 - Quiz in class. 16 - Quiz in class. 19-23 - Finals ; Chance to raise Expression. 25 - Test results are posted. 27 - Unlocking Mitsuo's dungeon is now available. July 4 ------ Dammit Yosuke. The answer is "Inductive Reasoning." July 7 ------ Yet another damn quiz. I guess they're really prepping us for Finals. The answer is "Kakinomoto no Hitomaro". July 9 ------ TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO RESCUE RISE. If you don't it's Game Over and you're a bad person. July 10 ------- Teddie and Rise join the party today. Teddie will join the front line while Rise will take over Teddie's old job. When prompted, pick "Leave it to me" to raise your Courage. When prompted, pick "I'm here with you" to raise your Understanding. New fusions are also available today so you can now fuse 4 or more Personas. July 13 ------- Ready for a series of questions? The answer is "It takes time." July 14 ------- The answer is "Civil Dawn". July 15 ------- The answer is "No, it's not possible." July 16 ------- We're totally nerding it up. The answer is "Insect Repellent". July 19 ------- Finals begin and then it's time for summer vacation! Hoozah! The answers are as follows: "To hang" "From the play, Hamlet" July 20 ------- "Man-yoshu" "Socrates" July 21 ------- "Insect Repellent" "Jealousy of the Superior" July 22 ------- "Melons" "Nautical Dawn is brightest" July 23 ------- Today is the last day of finals. Like before, depending on your level of Knowledge and how many questions you answered right, you'll get a certain score. After the test, select "Just you wait and see" to raise your Expression. Later, choose "I'll show you around" to start the Lovers Social Link. When prompted later, choose "I'll protect you" to slightly raise your Social Link status with Nanako. July 25 ------- Test results are posted today. Remember to talk with Dojima and Nanako to get Yen and an item later when they're available. July 27 ------- Today you can start unlocking Mitsuo's dungeon which I highly recommend you do. Follow these steps: 1.) Go to the Samegawa Flood Plain and go to the Riverbed. Talk to Kanji. 2.) Head to the Shopping District and talk with Dojima. Wait until tomorrow. 3.) Go to Junes and talk with Adachi near the window. When prompted, pick "I'll tell Dojima" to make him spill the beans like a frightened little 3rd grader. 4.) Go back to the Shopping District but head to the northern part of it. Right after the diner, examine the restaurant next to it titled the Souzai Daigaku. Wait until tomorrow. 5.) Head back to the Shopping District and talk to the person standing in front of the Tofu shop. You can now rescue Mitsuo. -----------------------------------P4------------------------------------------ August ------ [P4AUG] O--------------------------------------------O | M | T | W | Th | F | Sa | Su | O--------------------------------------------O | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | O--------------------------------------------O | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | O--------------------------------------------O | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | O--------------------------------------------O | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | O--------------------------------------------O | 29 | 30 | 31 | - | - | - | - | O--------------------------------------------O Important Dates: 12 - Last day to save Mitsuo. 15-19 - Working at Junes. 20 - Summer Festival. 23 - Chance to help Nanako with her summer homework. August 12 --------- TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO SAVE MITSUO. I know I know, you won't be all that bad if you don't save him but come on... at least be half decent. August 15-19 ------------ You'll be working at Junes from today until the 19th. You'll earn some Yen from it so it's worth your while. August 20 --------- Tonight is the Summer Festival. A choice will pop up that involves Chie, Yukiko, and Rise. Whichever one you compliment, that Social Link will get some points added to it. Teddie's also a sneaky bastard. August 23 --------- You can help out Nanako with her homework if you want. Doing so will occupy your evenings though until she finishes so it's up to you. -----------------------------------P4------------------------------------------ September --------- [P4SEP] O--------------------------------------------O | M | T | W | Th | F | Sa | Su | O--------------------------------------------O | - | - | - | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | O--------------------------------------------O | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | O--------------------------------------------O | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | O--------------------------------------------O | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | O--------------------------------------------O | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | - | - | O--------------------------------------------O Important Dates: 1 - Quiz in class. 5 - Quiz in class. 8-10 - Class Trip. 16 - Unlocking Naoto's dungeon is now available. 17 - Quiz in class. 20 - Quiz in class. 28 - Quiz in class. September 1 ----------- Back in school and you're already quizzed. I'm sure you miss Summer Vacation already. The answer is "1900". September 5 ----------- You'll be quizzed today. The answer is "Sardine." September 8 ----------- Today is the first day of your class trip. I'm quite confident that people that have played Persona 3 will recognize that high school and the Student Council President. September 9 ----------- When you get your chance to pick what someone else will do, your answer will raise the Social Link status of the character that you choose. If I remember correctly: 1.) Rise 2.) Chie 3.) Yukiko 4.) Yosuke September 10 ------------ Today is the last day of the Class Trip. Teddie sure makes a lasting impression, though. September 16 ------------ Today is the first day you can start unlocking Naoto's dungeon. I'm sure I don't have to tell you by now that you should do it as quickly as possible. Follow these steps: 1.) Talk to the female students on Classroom Floor 1-1 until someone mentions a girl in the Practive Building. 2.) Talk to the girl in the Practice Building. 3.) Head for the Shopping District, north part, and talk with the Policeman. 4.) Go to the Samegawa Flood Plain and head for the Riverbank. Talk to Chie. 5.) Go back to the northern part of the Shopping District and talk with the Policeman again. Come back tomorrow. 6.) Go to the Shopping District again but this time, stay on the south side and talk to the Policeman here. When given the chance, answer that Naoto had an obessesion with the case and he was treated like a child. Naoto's dungeon is now unlocked. September 17 ------------ You'll be quizzed today. The answer is "To make profit from spices." September 20 ------------ Another quiz. The answer is "Centenarians". September 28 ------------ The quizzes will end soon. Just hold out a bit longer. The answer is "Hyperbole". -----------------------------------P4------------------------------------------ October ------- [P4OCT] O--------------------------------------------O | M | T | W | Th | F | Sa | Su | O--------------------------------------------O | - | - | - | - | - | 1 | 2 | O--------------------------------------------O | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | O--------------------------------------------O | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | O--------------------------------------------O | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | O--------------------------------------------O | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | O--------------------------------------------O | 31 | - | - | - | - | - | - | O--------------------------------------------O Important Dates: 4 - Quiz in class. 5 - Quiz in class ; Last day to save Naoto. 6 - Naoto joins the party. 8 - Quiz in class. 11 - Quiz in class. 12 - Quiz in class. 13 - Quiz in class. 14-15, 17-20 - Mid-Terms 24 - Test results are posted. 27 - Chance to raise Expression. 29-30 - Culture Festival October 4 --------- Man... enough with the damn questions already. The answer is "0.5 Liters". October 5 --------- TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO SAVE NAOTO. You better do it, otherwise I'll find you myself and shove your disc somewhere that isn't pleasant. %&@#!*. The answer is "The green pigment ages". October 6 --------- Naoto joins the party today thus filling out your party. A couple of neat things about Naoto's Persona: -It has no weaknesses and is strong against both Hama and Mudo attacks. -It starts off with an Almighty based attack. -It starts off with both Hamaon and Mudoon. October 8 --------- Quizzed yet again. The answer is "Teacher". October 11 ---------- I'm sure you know the drill by now. The answer is "His height". October 12 ---------- Yet again. The answer is "Two Yen". October 13 ---------- Sigh... the answer is "It speeds up their growth". October 14 ---------- Mid-Terms start today. The answers are: "Hyberbole" "The growth speeds up" October 15 ---------- "Ferdinand Magellan" "1900" October 16 ---------- It's Sunday and Yosuke will invite you to a study group with everyone. Going will increase your Social Links slightly with your party members. October 17 ---------- "All of the above" "Teacher" October 18 ---------- "Two Yen" "The Sun King" October 19 ---------- "Sardine" "Shellfish Pigment" October 20 ---------- Today is the last day of Mid-Terms. Like always, your score is dependant on your current level of Knowledge and how many questions you answered right. October 24 ---------- Test results are posted. I don't really need to see again how you can obtain the highest score. October 27 ---------- When given the choice, choose "Enter the pageant, dammit" for an Expression boost. October 29 ---------- The first day of the Culture Festival is today. Several of your Social Links will get some points added to them today. October 30 ---------- The second day of the Culture Festival is today. At night, when prompted, pick the choice "Hold the line". It really doesn't do anything but the response gave me a quick laugh. -----------------------------------P4------------------------------------------ November -------- [P4NOV] O--------------------------------------------O | M | T | W | Th | F | Sa | Su | O--------------------------------------------O | - | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | O--------------------------------------------O | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | O--------------------------------------------O | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | O--------------------------------------------O | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | O--------------------------------------------O | 28 | 29 | 30 | - | - | - | - | O--------------------------------------------O Important Dates: 1 - Quiz in class. 4 - Quiz in class. 6 - "Her" dungeon is now unlocked. 7 - Quiz in class. 11 - Quiz in class. 17 - Quiz in class. 20 - Last day to save "her". 22 - Quiz in class. 24 - Quiz in class. 25 - Quiz in class. 26 - Quiz in class. 28 - Finals start. November 1 ---------- The answer is "Your back to your shoulders". November 4 ---------- I'm pretty sure they pick Yosuke so he can bug the living hell out of me for the answer. The answer is "It excretes toxins". November 6 ---------- "Her" dungeon is now unlocked. November 7 ---------- The answer is "The South Pole". Do keep in mind what temperature he gives after you give the answer. November 11 ----------- The answer is "Koch". November 17 ----------- The answer is "Gamble". I always thought it meant Game Over but what do I know. November 20 ----------- TODAY IS THE LAST DAY YOU CAN SAVE "HER". You better damn well save her too. November 22 ----------- The answer is "The Patagonian Ice Field". November 24 ----------- Ugh... too many quizzes this month. The answer is "Six". November 25 ----------- The answer is "It's the last chance". November 26 ----------- Come on... give the new guy a break will you? The answer is "X'mas". November 28 ----------- Finals start today. The answers are: "Oct" "The back to the shoulder" November 29 ----------- "It excretes toxins" "Chile and Argentina" November 30 ----------- "A gamble" "William Shakespeare" -----------------------------------P4------------------------------------------ December -------- [P4DEC] O--------------------------------------------O | M | T | W | Th | F | Sa | Su | O--------------------------------------------O | - | - | - | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | O--------------------------------------------O | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | O--------------------------------------------O | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | O--------------------------------------------O | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | O--------------------------------------------O Important Dates: 1-2 - Finals continue. 3 - Last day of Finals ; Chance to end the game or continue on. 5 - Gather information and select the true culprit. 6 - Teddie's Persona evolves. 8 - Test results are posted ; "His" dungeon is now unlocked. 9 - Quiz in class. 10 - Quiz in class. 24 - Last day to fight "him" ; Christmas Eve event. December 1 ---------- "The South Pole ; 30 Degrees" "1,000,000 dollars" December 2 ---------- "Discovered Tuberculosis" "French" December 3 ---------- Today is the last day of finals and the last set of finals for the game, so it's time to break out the booze! Later at the hospital, you can now either achieve the bad ending, or continue with the game. YOU MUST PICK THESE CHOICES IF YOU WISH TO ADVANCE THE GAME: "Wait a second here..." "We're missing something." "Namatame's true feelings." "Something's bothering me." "We're missing something..." "Calm the hell down!" You'll know you did this correctly if the Fool Social Link maxes out and the Judgment Social Link forms. If you picked a wrong choice, the game will skip to March 20. December 5 ---------- You have to go around town and ask people about the murders now. First, go to the Shopping District North and talk to the Shopping Woman (she's near the shrine). Upon doing so, a new option will appear when you talk with people. Talk with everyone in the Shopping District, both North and South and ask each question. The same goes for Junes and the Samegawa Flood Plain. Upon entering Junes, talk to the student in the bottom right corner and ask her the same two questions. When you select the second question, she'll mention her friend might know something. Head to the Shopping District South again and talk to the very first female student you see and pick the second question. Once you talk to everyone and ask both questions, the game will advance. =============================================================================== WARNING!!!! In order to advance the game even further, you must pick the correct person out of a list you're given and you only have three chances. DO NOT READ PAST THIS PART IF YOU HAVE YET TO REACH THIS PART OF THE GAME OR HAVE NOT PLAYED THE GAME YET IF YOU DON'T WANT IT SPOILED FOR YOU. The true culprit is... THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO SCROLL AWAY IF YOU'VE YET TO GET TO THIS PART. THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING. Adachi. =============================================================================== December 6 ---------- The Star Social Link will max out today and Teddie's Persona will evolve. December 8 ---------- Your test results are posted today. You know the routine by now. Adachi's dungeon is now unlocked as well. This place is excellent for experience if you feel you're lacking in levels. You get about 2000-3000 on average per battle. NOTE: If you complete Adachi's dungeon BEFORE the final date, the game will automatically skip to the 24th so make sure to wait until the last couple of days before finishing it so you can max any lingering Social Links. December 9 ---------- You might have to stop a complete psycho but you still have you study, dammit. The answer is "Insects". December 10 ----------- The answer is "The 'big' toe". December 24 ----------- Today is the last day to defeat Adachi. Also, you'll get a small event with one of your girlfriends here or if you only have one, then your girlfriend. If you have more than one like me because you're awesome, then just reject the calls you get until you get the one you want. -----------------------------------P4------------------------------------------ March ----- [P4MAR] O--------------------------------------------O | M | T | W | Th | F | Sa | Su | O--------------------------------------------O | 20 | - | - | - | - | - | - | O--------------------------------------------O 20 - Final day of the game. March 20 -------- Today is either the day you can get either the Normal Ending or the True Ending. As I pointed out before, we're going for the True Ending. First things first, though, we need to find all the Social Links we maxed out and we have to talk to each person. You can find each person at the following places: -Lovers: Shopping District [South] -Priestess: Amagi Inn. Use the bus stop in the Shopping District. -Tower: Shopping District [South] -Hermit: Shrine in the Shopping District. -Chariot: Shopping District [South] -Devil: The Hospital you worked at. Use the bus stop. -Strength: In the diner that you can eat at to raise your stats. -Hanged Man: Shopping District [North] -Temperance: Visit the Day Care center you worked at. -Justice: Select the Dojima Residence off of the city map. -Hierophant: Select the Dojima Residence off of the city map. Only do this after talking to everyone. -Death: Samegawa Flood Plain [Riverbed] -Moon: Enter the school and check around the first floor. -Star: Junes Food Court. -Magician: Junes Food Court. -Fortune: Enter the school and check around the first floor. -Sun: Depending on which club you chose, visit either the Music or Drama room at the school. After doing this, you'll be asked if you want to go home to get ready to leave tomorrow. Select "No". Next, go to the Food Court in Junes and select "No". Examine the elevator again and choose "I'm not finished yet". After stopping by the Food Court, go visit Dojima at the Riverbed in the Samegawa Flood Plain and talk with him. Afterwards, go to the Velvet Room. Finally, head to the Shopping District [South] and talk to the gas attendant at the very south end of the area. Select the following: "Isn't this where I first...?" "Do you know Adachi?" [Talk to her again after this] "Did those two come here?" [Talk to her again after this] "Did you do anything to them?" "What did you do to me?" "Did you give me the power?" And voila. The final dungeon of the game, Yomotsu Hirasaka is now unlocked. Be warned though, YOU CANNOT LEAVE THE TV WORLD ONCE YOU ENTER IT. You can only go to the weapon and item shops from inside the TV World but that's it. Once you beat the final boss [Remember to check the boss section for information], sit back and watch the ending. Congratulations! You've beaten Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4. I hope my guide was able to help you out. =================== 4.) Bosses =================== NOTE: Chances are I'm missing some attacks the bosses have. I wrote down what they used on me so if you find any attacks that I'm missing from my lists, please do send them to me. Shopping District ----------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+ | Shadow Yosuke | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Wind of Oblivion | Power Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ NOTE: Since I couldn't use all the elements on this boss, I'll just assume everything else would've worked normally. As for the words up there: Nrm = Normal damage on the enemy. Wk = This is the enemys weakness. Nul = This won't work on the enemy. Rpl = The enemy will repel certain magic. Drn = The enemy will absorb certain magic and be healed. For the first boss, this guy isn't that hard. On his first turn, and he WILL go first, he'll use Wind of Oblivion to knock you down and then follow that up with a Power Charge on his extra turn. When you get back up, use Zio on him to get a bit of damage in and then Guard on your next turn to reduce the amount of damage from his attack. From there on out it's pretty much a repeated pattern so Guard when he's about to use Wind of Oblivion and keep using Zio on him and he'll go down in no time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yukiko's Castle --------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+---------+ | Shadow Chie | Floor 2 | +-----------------+---------+------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Green Wall | Mazio | +----------------------------------------------+ Again this fight isn't too difficult. You'll get the first turn this time. Have Yosuke use Garu to knock her down and use an All Out Attack to get some more damage in. On her first turn, she'll use Green Wall which will make her strong to Garu based attacks instead of being weak to them. When this happens, start using physical attacks with Yosuke by using either his Personas physical attacks or using your own weapons. After a few turns she'll indicate that she's staring at Yosuke. When this happens, guard with Yosuke as on her next turn she'll use Mazio. Yosuke is weak to Zio based attacks so as long as he's guarding, he won't be knocked down. From here on out she'll just mainly stick to normal physical attacks so just start using Garu on her again when the Green Wall is gone to take her down quickly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+---------+ | Avenger Knight | Floor 5 | +-----------------+---------+------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Skewer | Poison Skewer | +----------------------------------------------+ This guy might pose a few problems depending on your levels. If your levels are a bit low (which is quite possible if you avoid any Shadows along the way) then there's a good possibility that he can kill a character in one hit if they're not guarding. Yosuke is going to be your main healer in this fight so have him ready at all times. If you have a Persona with the skill Tarunda, use it immediately to lessen the impact of his attacks then switch over to a Persona with an elemental skill and start using it. It's a simple procedure but because of his attacks, you'll have to be wary on when to attack and heal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+---------+ | Shadow Yukiko | Floor 8 | +-----------------+---------+------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agi | Summon | +----------------------------------------------+ | White Wall | Double Fangs | +----------------------------------------------+ | Burn to Ashes | | +----------------------------------------------+ Yikes. Considering how the first two Shadow bosses were cupcakes, this one is going to be a massive pain in the ass. Before coming into this battle, I HIGHLY recommend making an Orobas with the skill Red Wall. In order to do this, have Slime learn Red Wall then fuse it with an Apsaras. You have to be at least Level 8 or 9 though to actually make it. If you do this, the battle should go a bit smoother but it'll still be a bit difficult at some points. Once the battle starts, whip out Orobas and cast Red Wall on Chie immediately and keep recasting it whenever it wears out. We don't need this boss getting in any more attacks than normal. She'll start out the battle using simple attacks such as Agi and Double Fangs. Once you do enough damage, she'll summon a Prince to aide her. This thing isn't really threatening but it'll cast Diarama on her ONCE and only once during the battle. She'll then cast White Wall on it, wasting her turn. Once you do enough damage to her, she'll use a devastating fire attack called Burn to Ashes which does heavy damage. This is why you should use Red Wall on Chie. After she uses Burn to Ashes, it's a matter of keeping your health at full and attacking with Chie and the main character. If you have Rakunda it would be a massive help but it's not necessary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+------------+ | Contrarian King | Bonus Boss | +-----------------+------------+---------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Nul | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Red Wall | Kill Rush | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rampage | Matarunda | +----------------------------------------------+ This guy will catch you off guard if you're not expecting what he has in store for you. The battle starts off simple enough. On his first turn he'll use Red Wall. This is just a waste of a turn since he already absorbs Agi based attacks so use anything that isn't Agi or Garu based to damage him. Using Rakunda will go a long way in this fight as he has well over 1000 HP. Make sure to have Tarunda for this fight and use it before he loses about 3/4's of his health. Once he starts getting low on health, he'll use Rampage which does a crapload of damage and can/will kill off the main character or anyone else instantly so have Revival Beads and a healer or healing items on hand. He'll use Rampage again if you survived a few turns later so recast Tarunda on him and get back to full health. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steamy Bathhouse ---------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+---------+ | Daring Gigas | Floor 7 | +-----------------+---------+------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge | Rebellion | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tarukaja | Single Shot | +----------------------------------------------+ Thankfully this guy isn't a big pain like the Avenger Knight was considering you have a lot more HP now. Hopefully. On his first two turns, the Daring Gigas will use Power Charge then Rebellion and then use either a normal attack or use Single Shot which should do just less than 100 damage if you're at a decent level. Heal immediately and just use whatever you want on him since he has no strengths and weaknesses. Rakunda and Tarunda will help in the long run for this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+----------+ | Shadow Kanji | Floor 11 | +-----------------+----------+-----------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge | Swift Strike | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fatal End | Fanatical Spark | +----------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+------+ | Nice Guy | Aide | +-----------------+------+---------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Heat Riser | | +----------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+------+ | Tough Guy | Aide | +-----------------+------+---------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Drn | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rampage | Kill Rush | +----------------------------------------------+ Compared to Shadow Yukiko, this fight isn't all that difficult but because he comes with two helpers, it'll take a bit longer than expected. Your first priority should be to take care of the Nice Guy since he'll use Heat Riser. Until the Nice Guy is dead, have Yosuke use Dekaja every turn. That way the Nice Guy will just keep using Heat Riser over and over again while you try to kill him. Avoid using Bufu based skills on him and you should be fine. Tough Guy isn't really a threat. He only uses Rampage and Kill Rush but his attacks don't do any significant damage so you can either focus on Shadow Kanji after killing the Nice Guy or you can take out the Tough Guy. It's your call. As for Shadow Kanji, he starts off simple enough. He'll use Power Charge and then either Swift Strike or Fatal End and will keep following this pattern until you knock off most of his health. After you do, he'll start using Fanatical Spark which is Zio based. When he starts using this, he'll use it every turn from there on out so it's in your best interest to have Yosuke guard every turn while Yukiko acts as your healer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+--------------+------------+ | Intolerant Officer | Bonus Boss | +----------------------+------------+----------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufula | Garula | +----------------------------------------------+ | Single Shot | | +----------------------------------------------+ This guy is just plain evil. He might look like he's a dumbass at first glance but once he starts attacking, he's far from it. DO NOT BRING IN A PERSONA THAT HAS A WEAKNESS TO GARU OR BUFU BASED SKILLS. The Intolerant Officer WILL focus on a character specifically with one of those two skills. He tends to pick on Yukiko a lot and will keep hitting her with Bufula until she's dead and then he'll make haste to target another character with an elemental weakness. So how do you counter this? He's weak to Zio so have a Persona that can use Zio, or even better, Zionga, and use All Out Attacks on him. He's got decent defense to boot so use Rakunda on him to ease things up a bit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marukyu Striptease ------------------ ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+---------+ | Amorous Snake | Floor 7 | +-----------------+---------+------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Stagnant Air | Virus Wave | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Slice | | +----------------------------------------------+ This fight isn't too bad since he has a weakness, not something a lot of the previous bosses can say. Just have Yukiko use Agi/Agilao on him while you use your own Agi skills and use All Out Attacks on him. The only thing that makes him dangerous is that he can poison your party with Virus Wave or confuse you with Mind Slice after using Stagnant Air. As long as you can cure those you'll be set with this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+----------+ | Shadow Rise | Floor 11 | +-----------------+----------+-----------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fire Break | Mind Slice | +----------------------------------------------+ | Spirit Drain | Agi | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragi | Mabufu | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mazio | Supreme Insight | +----------------------------------------------+ Shadow Rise isn't really that hard so that's a good thing. If you have Yukiko in your party or any Persona with an immunity to fire, or a Strength to it, Shadow Rise will use Fire Break on her first turn to negate that resistance. After that it's just a mix of using Mind Slice, Maragi, Mabufu, and Mazio. She rarely uses Spirit Drain but when she does it takes off about 30 SP from the character it hits but don't bother restoring it. After you take off about 3/4's of her health, she'll use Supreme Insight which makes her dodge your attacks. Just Guard for the next three turns and the battle will end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+----------+ | Shadow Teddie | Floor 11 | +-----------------+----------+-----------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Foolish Whisper | Mind Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufula | Marakunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Nullity Guidance | Heat Wave | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekunda | Ultra Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ | Nihil Hand | | +----------------------------------------------+ You'll be automatically healed when this fight starts so don't worry about having to heal at the beginning of the battle. The one thing you'll want to do is avoid bringing a Persona with a weakness to ice and avoid using Bufu based attacks as he'll only absorb them. Shadow Teddie tends to use Foolish Whisper on his first turn which has a chance to silence your party so if anyone is silenced, especially Yukiko, heal it right away as you'll want your Personas for this fight. Using Rakunda will go a long way in this fight as he has plenty of HP to knock off. When he starts using Mind Charge, make sure to guard on your next turn as he'll use Mabufula and it'll do a decent amount of damage. When you knock off a certain amount of his HP, he'll use Ultra Charge. On his next turn after using it, he'll waste a turn charging up more so make sure to guard after that. On his next turn, he'll use Nihil Hand which will knock down your party members if you're not guarding. One last nasty trick he has up his sleeve is that he can use an attack called Nullity Guidance that will knock down a character AND make them dizzy and it gives him an extra turn. Once you can learn his attacks and what they do and know when to guard, it shouldn't be that difficult. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+-----------+------------+ | Momentary Child | Bonus Boss | +-------------------+------------+-------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tarukaja | Deathbound | +----------------------------------------------+ | Herculean Strike | Rebellion | +----------------------------------------------+ Thankfully this optional boss isn't really that hard. Bringing in a Persona with Bufula will be a big help and bringing in Teddie isn't a bad idea either considering he has both Bufula AND Mediarama which will go a long way in this fight. The Momentary Child sticks to use Physical Attacks so if you can, use Dekaja on him after he uses Tarukaja to lighten the blow of Deathbound and Herculean Strike. If you can do that, you can easily survive his attacks to use Mediarama afterwards. Just use Bufu/Bufula and use All Out Attacks and you'll win in no time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Void Quest ---------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+---------+ | Killing Hand | Floor 7 | +-----------------+---------+------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Summon | Deathbound | +----------------------------------------------+ This boss really isn't a threat to you at all since you can knock off his 800+ HP in a matter of minutes. On his first turn he'll summon a little buddy to help him out. Use Garu on him to either make him Dizzy or to kill it. Afterwards the Killing Hand will stick to using Deathbound which isn't all that strong so just use whatever you want to kill it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+-----------+------+ | Mitsuo the Hero | Aide | +-------------------+------+-------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fight | Item | +----------------------------------------------+ | Skill | | +----------------------------------------------+ ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+----------+ | Shadow Mitsuo | Floor 10 | +-----------------+----------+-----------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekaja | White Wall | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufula | Stagnant Air | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evil Touch | Evil Smile | +----------------------------------------------+ | Green Wall | Magarula | +----------------------------------------------+ | Whisper | Chant | +----------------------------------------------+ The thing that makes this fight annoying is that in order to actually hurt Shadow Mitsuo, you have to go through his 8-bit shield. The meatshield has only three attacks: 'Fight', 'Item', and 'Spell'. Fight is just a standard physical attack on one character. Item causes Exhaustion on a character and spell hits all characters for non-elemental damage. But that's not all. He can attack twice in a turn so make sure to cure Exhaustion immediately if a character is inflicted with it as you don't want to lose your SP at all due to it. After defeating the meatshield, Shadow Mitsuo will fall to the ground leaving him open for an All Out Attack. Don't bother casting any offensive stat boosts as Shadow Mitsuo will use one of his turns casting Dekaja. Now you can tell which element Shadow Mitsuo will use depending on which wall he uses. For example, if he uses White Wall, he'll use Mabufula until it wears off so having Yukiko guard at certain times will help. He too can attack twice as well so make sure to stay ontop of healing and heal any status effects he throws on you. After you do enough damage he'll start trying to restore his meatshield so start using your best attacks on him. If you do enough damage, the soldier will disappear and you'll get a chance for another All Out Attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+--------------+------------+ | Escapist Soldier | Bonus Boss | +----------------------+------------+----------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Foul Breath | Mudoon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Slice | | +----------------------------------------------+ As you can see, you'll want to bring in a Persona that can either Repel or completly negate Mudo based attacks as this boss will use it every so often. Thankfully this boss doesn't seem to have a nasty habit of casting elemental skills over and over again on a specific character. Rather he'll try to either instantly kill you with Mudoon or try to confuse you with Mind Slice after using Foul Breath on you. As long as you have a Persona that can withstand Mudo based attacks and something to heal Confusion, it's not that hard of a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Laboratory ----------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+--------------+-----+ | Dominating Machine | B4F | +----------------------+-----+-----------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge | Herculean Strike | +----------------------------------------------+ | Last Resort | | +----------------------------------------------+ Check it out! It's Voltron! As you can tell by his attack list, the Dominating Machine (sounds like a BDSM movie) has a very simple attack pattern which consists of injecting itself with steroids with Power Charge and then having 'roid rage by using Herculean Strike. Needless to say, either Yukiko or Teddie is a must have for this fight. Because of this attack pattern, the fight is a simple "Hit and heal" type of deal that really doesn't take much planning. However do be warned that when he gets low on health, he'll start building up to blow himself up using Last Resort to take you all down. You'll know when he's going to do this when he just uses "Stand By" as one of his turns. Thankfully he does this when he has so little HP left that you can take him out in a single round. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+-----+ | Shadow Naoto | B9F | +-----------------+-----+----------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Brave Blade | Element Zero | +----------------------------------------------+ | Galgalim Eyes | Heat Riser | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufudyne | Mabufudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Maragidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Maziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garudyne | Magarudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ Maybe Naoto isn't so frail after all. If you come completely unprepared for this fight, there's a good chance that you're going to die here. The first thing you'll probably notice from her attack list is that she has access to all of the elemental spells AND she often targets a characters specific weakness so it's in your best interest to bring in a Persona that has no elemental weakness such as Black Frost. However that won't mean you're invincible in this fight as Shadow Naoto is able to wipe away all elemental resistances that you have with Element Zero. Another dangerous thing about Shadow Naoto is an attack called Galiglim Eyes which brings a characters HP down to 1 and causes Enerveration on that character so you'll want to cure and heal that character immediately. Once you take off enough of Shadow Naoto's health, she'll start focusing on a single characters weakness by either using a Ma-dyne or just a regular -dyne spell. If that character does get hit and is knocked down, Shadow Naoto will use Heat Riser on her next turn so having Dekaja is a good idea for this fight. All in all, this fight is more annoying than anything. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+----------+------------+ | Extreme Vessel | Bonus Boss | +------------------+------------+--------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | God's Hand | Mind Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maziodyne | Maragidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufudyne | Magarudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rebellion | | +----------------------------------------------+ While this boss may have access to the Ma-elemental-dyne spells, it's not as smart as Shadow Naoto and often just blindly attacks with a random element. Having a Persona with Garudyne will help out a lot as it's weak to wind meaning Yosuke will be a big help here if you've been using him. There's not much to this fight really. If he uses Mind Charge, just make sure to guard on your next turn as his magic can pack quite a punch, especially if he strikes a characters weakness. His physical attacks just as strong so just have Yukiko or Teddie keep up by using Mediarama or if you have it, Mediarahan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heaven ------ ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+---------+ | World Balance | Floor 7 | +-----------------+---------+------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge | Agidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufudyne | Garudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | | +----------------------------------------------+ Instead of using annoying things like status effects and stat boosting skills, this boss is more interested in pounding your ass into the ground. On its first turn it will use Mind Charge followed by any of the elemental-Dyne skills and that's it. Thankfully it's not all that smart and usually doesn't target a characters specific weakness but even still if your Main Character is at a low enough level or has a Persona with an elemental weakness on it, you may be in a bit of trouble unless your party members can take damage in your place. This fight is just about healing and countering. Not too much strategy to it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+----------+ | Kunino-sagiri | Floor 10 | +-----------------+----------+-----------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekaja | Agidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragidyne | Bufudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufudyne | Garudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magarudyne | Ziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maziodyne | Quad Converge | +----------------------------------------------+ | Unerring Justice | Control | +----------------------------------------------+ This boss is just nasty beyond all belief. The battle starts off normal enough as he'll just throw out elemental-Dyne spells so make sure to have a Persona that doesn't have an elemental weakness at all or has a skill to Null out their weakness. He seems to only use Dekaja when he knocks a character down but DO NOT USE MATARUKAJA UNTIL NEAR THE END OF THE FIGHT. Once you do enough damage, he'll use Quad Converge which will strengthen one of his elemental spells but it also lowers his defense to it. You'll know which skill will be the most effective as he'll be casting that one as well. For example, let's say that he uses Quad Converge and he starts using Garudyne. This means he'll be strong against all elements except for Garudyne, which will do nearly triple the damage to him. Just keep using the appropriate elemental skill for this part of the fight. The hard part of the fight comes after you knock off about half of his health. He'll control one of your characters. The character he chooses is completely random and the character that turns against you retains any status boosts they received which is why I told you not to use Matarukaja yet. The controlled character will either use one of the 8 skills they have or will just normally attack you. Just keep guarding until the character regains their senses. After doing a bit more damage, the boss will control all 3 of your party members so take off any Personas that have an element weakness that your party members use and for the love of god use guard. Use a healing item when needed. On the third turn your party will snap out of it and return to your side of the fight. After this, he'll just keep using Unerring Justice so just have someone use Mediarama/Mediarahan until he dies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+--------------+------------+ | Lost Okina | Bonus Boss | +----------------------+------------+----------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nul | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Stagnant Air | Seal Bomb | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mustard Bomb | Navas Nebula | +----------------------------------------------+ | Masukunda | | +----------------------------------------------+ This boss is pretty much all about status effects. On his first turn he'll use Stagnant Air and then either Seal Bomb to Silence you or Mustard Bomb. Either way don't use Bufu based attacks on this boss as you'll only heal him meaning you should leave Teddie out of this fight and let Yukiko do the healing unless Teddie is already your healer. Overall this fight doesn't really take a lot of planning or strategy as all you really need to do is attack him and cure any status effects he inflicts on you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magatsu Inaba/Mandala --------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+---------+ | Chaos Fuzz | World 3 | +-----------------+---------+------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Summon | | +----------------------------------------------+ It's good to see that the game is having pity on you after that last boss fight because this "boss" is pretty simple. All he does is summon another Chaos Fuzz onto the field or a random enemy from the area and then attacks you. You have to take them out all at once or they'll just keep summoning. They only have 600 HP either so a few well placed Ma-elemental-Dynes will do the trick. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+---------+ | Envious Giant | World 6 | +-----------------+---------+------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Str | Drn | Str | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidolaon | Tentarafoo | +----------------------------------------------+ | High Counter | | +----------------------------------------------+ As you can tell from the stats above, he's pretty much strong against all magic attacks so you'll want to stick to Physical attacks. Problem is, he has High Counter so there's a good chance he'll bitchslap your attacks back at you. Because of this, dedicate one of your characters that has no Physical Attack skills [Yukiko or Teddie] to healing duties as you use skills such as Primal Force or Vile Assault. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+ | Adachi | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Heat Riser | Ziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Vorpal Blade | Magarudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maziodyne | Mudoon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evil Smile | | +----------------------------------------------+ Unfortunately Adachi is a let down of a boss after all of the work of having to actually get to him. His worst attack byfar is Mudoon but even then you can either revive a character hit with it or block it out entirely by using a Persona that has an immune to Mudo based attacks. Since he has no strengths, feel free to use whatever attacks you want. It wouldn't be a bad idea to use Rakunda on him but since Vorpal Blade might do a decent amount of damage, Tarunda and/or Sukunda might come in handy as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+ | Ameno-sagiri | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garudyne | God's Judgment | +----------------------------------------------+ | Nebula Oculus | Maziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Masukunda | Bewildering Fog | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge | Sukukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tarukaja | Megidola | +----------------------------------------------+ | Quake | Dekaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekunda | Galgalim Eyes | +----------------------------------------------+ I'll admit that this guy is a step up from Adachi but with the correct Personas he isn't all that dangerous. A Persona that has Dekaja and one that has no elemental weakness is recommended for this fight as Ameno has a nasty habit of casting stat buffing skills before his big attack. The first thing you'll notice about this fight is that he can attack twice per turn, sometimes 3 if he decides to hit a character with ane elemental weakness. The battle starts off timid enough. One of this attacks, Nebula Oculus, hits your entire party for about 150-200 damage so make sure to have Yukiko or Teddie ready to heal your party up. After you do enough damage to him, he'll use Bewildering Fog to make himself invincible for the next few turns so don't bother wasting your HP or SP on him and heal up if needed. He'll then use Mind Charge and then Tarukaja and Sukukaja on his next turn afterwards so make sure to guard after he does this. On his next turn, he'll use Nebula Oculus which will hit your party for really heavy damage, possibly killing you off if you're not guarding. Immediately use Dekaja on your next turn and continue with your assault. On occassion he'll use God's Judgment which halves a characters HP but it's easily countered with a well placed Mediarahan. Other than that, there's nothing too special about his other attacks. The only one you might not have seen is Quake but that only hits you and knocks down your characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yomotsu Hirasaka ---------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+---------+ | Neo Minotaur | Floor 3 | +-----------------+---------+------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rampage | | +----------------------------------------------+ This guy isn't that difficult. All you really need to do is either cast Tarunda on him or cast Marakukaja on yourself as all he does is Rampage. It hurts for quite a bit so if you can't debuff him, just heal up and use Rakunda on him before assaulting him with whatever attacks. It's pretty much an all out slugfest here so there's no real strategy to it other than debuff him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+---------+ | Sleeping Table | Floor 6 | +-----------------+---------+------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragidyne | Megidolaon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahamaon | Evil Smile | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ghastly Wail | | +----------------------------------------------+ This guy is all about trying to kill you in one hit so bringing in a Persona such as Byakko or Horus that can negate Hama based attacks is a good idea. Another nasty habit he has is casting Evil Smile followed by Ghastly Wail which kills any character inflicted with the Fear status. Because of his instant kill nature, he doesn't have as much HP as the previous sub bosses so use Rakunda on him and it shouldn't take too long to take him out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+---------+ | Izanami | Floor 9 | +-----------------+---------+------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maziodyne | Hamaon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidolaon | Stagnant Air | +----------------------------------------------+ | Foolish Whisper | Maragidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | God's Judgment | | +----------------------------------------------+ This fight isn't all that difficult but the one attack you'll want to watch out for is obviously Hamaon as that'll kill you instantly as you know by now but she hardly ever uses it so it shouldn't be that much of a threat. God's Judgment still takes off half of a characters health so make sure to heal right away. The only other nasty attack that she can do is Foolish Whisper which will silence your party and Megidolaon. After you take off all of her health, the battle will end in a few turns so either keep guarding or attacking. It's up to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+----------+---------+ | Izanami-no-Okami | Floor 9 | +------------------+---------+-----------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge | Marakunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maziodyne | Dekaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Galgalim Eyes | Megidolaon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fury of Yasogami | Kuro Ikazuchi | +----------------------------------------------+ | Oho Ikazuchi | Masukunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Debilitate | Summons to Yomi | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Stagnant Air | +----------------------------------------------+ | World's End | Thousand Curses | +----------------------------------------------+ As you can tell, the final boss has a buttload of attacks for you to deal with, some of them you've never seen before. Usually on her first turn, Izanami-no- Okami will use Mind Charge on her first turn followed by an elemental spell or Megidolaon so make sure to heal up right away. As the battle progresses, she'll start debuffing you with Masukunda, Marakunda, and Debilitate. Unlike in Digital Devil Saga, Debilitate only hits one character this time instead of your entire party so make sure to Dekunda it right away. Once you do enough damage, Izanami-no-Okami will start using Fury of Yasogami which will do about 100-150 damage to your entire party. She'll also start using Summons to Yomi which instantly kills any character it hits but it seems to only work if that character is inflicted with Fear or any kind of status effect so make sure to pay attention to your well being. When you get to the halfway point of the fight, she'll mix it up by debuffing you and then try to knock your characters down and follow it up with Fury of Yasogami usually so make sure to stay ontop of healing. Near the end of the fight is where it starts to get nasty. She'll use an attack called World's End which will hit you for a decent amount of damage AND inflict a random status effect on all of your characters. After this attack she usually uses Summons to Yomi which will kill any character inflicted with Fear as indicated above so you're going to have to get lucky here and hope that the main character isn't inflicted with it or you can equip an accessory that negates Fear. After taking out all of her life, she'll start using Thousand Curses which will kill off your characters one by one as they knock you out of the way of it. Don't worry, this is supposed to happen. After all of your maxed Social Links try to get your ass up, you'll get Izanagi-no-Okami. After a few attacks from Izanami-no-Okami, you'll get a chance to attack. Choose skill and choose the only attack available to end the battle. Congratulations! You've beaten Persona 4. I hope my guide was able to help you out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Bosses -------------- ______ / BOSS \ +-------+---------+----------------------+ | The Reaper | 2nd Playthrough Only | +-----------------+----------------------+-----+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge | Bufudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufudyne | Garudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magarudyne | Ziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maziodyne | Agidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragidyne | Mudoon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mamudoon | Hamaon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahamaon | Vile Assault | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fire Break | Ice Break | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidola | Megidolaon | +----------------------------------------------+ In order to fight the Reaper, you must be on your second playthrough. If you find a chest that gives you a message if you want to open it, the Reaper is inside of it. The Reaper is really nasty and I suggest fighting him at around Level 70 when you can. The first thing you want to do is debuff him by using Rakunda and Sukunda at least to lower his accuracy and make your attacks do at least decent damage. Have someone use Matarukaja as well and you're ready to get started. The Reaper will use Mind Charge once the battle starts and then use either an elemental-Dyne spell or Megidola/Megidolaon so make sure you're at full health and you have enough HP to survive it. If not you'll want to go level. As the battle wears on the Reaper will use a mix of Mudo/Hama based attacks which seem to have really deadly accuracy. It's either that or my luck was just really crappy. Along with those he'll often Vile Assault and then start throwing elemental skills back in the mix. Since he doesn't have a set pattern and doesn't have any nasty attacks when he gets low on health, it shouldn't be that difficult to stay on top of healing. Just make sure to have Recarm or Revival Beads or anything that can revive if your healer dies in the fight. Also make sure to always, ALWAYS recast Sukunda and Rakunda when they wear off as you'll want him to miss as much as possible and you'll want to do as much damage as much as possible. =================== 5.) Enemy List =================== A few terms to know first off: Nrm = This will do normal damage to an enemy. Nul = It has no affect on the enemy. Drn = The enemy restores health with this attack. Rpl = The enemy will repel the skill back at you. Str = The enemy takes less damage from the attack. Also, I'm pretty sure I don't have every enemy listed so if someone would be so kind as to help me with the enemies that I never ran into, it would be much appreciated. If you do send me enemy info, please send me the following: The enemy's name. Their HP/SP total. What they're strong against, Repel, Null, or Drain. Their attacks. Yukiko's Castle --------------- +-----------------+--------+--------+ | Lying Hablerie | HP: 73 | SP: 51 | +-----------------+--------+--------+----------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Str | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | -------------------------------------------- | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+--------+--------+ | Calm Pesce | HP: 82 | SP: 23 | +-----------------+--------+--------+----------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | -------------------------------------------- | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+--------+--------+ | Trance Twins | HP: 70 | SP: 22 | +-----------------+--------+--------+----------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nul | Wk | Nul | Nul | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufu | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Black Raven | HP: 108 | SP: 25 | +------+----------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tarukaja | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Magic Hand | HP: 130 | SP: 10 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agi | Blue Wall | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Positive King | HP: 160 | SP: 43 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Wk | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Summon | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Bronze Dice | HP: 130 | SP: 34 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Last Resort | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Burning Beetle | HP: 132 | SP: 51 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Rpl | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bash | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Heat Balance | HP: 140 | SP: 136 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agi | Bufu | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Magical Magus | HP: 180 | SP: 135 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragi | Mabufu | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mazio | Magaru | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge | Dia | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Avenger Knight | HP: 180 | SP: 87 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Phantom Mage | HP: 120 | SP: 152 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evil Touch | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+--------+---------+ | Laughing Table | HP: 20 | SP: 154 | +-----------------+--------+---------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nul | Nul | Nul | Nul | Wk | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mazio | | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steamy Bathhouse ---------------- +------------------+---------+--------+ | Autonomic Basalt | HP: 161 | SP: 13 | +------------------+---------+--------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | -------------------------------------------- | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Bribed Fuzz | HP: 152 | SP: 88 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Single Shot | | +----------------------------------------------+ +--------------------+---------+--------+ | Monopolizing Cupid | HP: 100 | SP: 88 | +--------------------+---------+--------+------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Pulinpa | Recarmdra | +----------------------------------------------+ | Green Wall | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Wealth Hand | HP: 300 | SP: 130 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Str | Str | Wk | Str | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agilao | Maragi | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garula | Magaru | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Iron Dice | HP: 178 | SP: 44 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Last Resort | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Daring Gigas | HP: 225 | SP: 46 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Sonic Punch | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Nizam Beast | HP: 288 | SP: 57 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Double Fangs | Rampage | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Pursuing Pesce | HP: 125 | SP: 85 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evil Touch | Summon | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Killer Twins | HP: 160 | SP: 48 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Wk | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Red Wall | Heat Wave | +----------------------------------------------+ | Brain Shake | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Vicious Raven | HP: 105 | SP: 98 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Dancing Hand | HP: 135 | SP: 121 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Str | Str | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rebellion | Blue Wall | +----------------------------------------------+ | Stagnant Air | Balzac | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Selfish Basalt | HP: 168 | SP: 80 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Wk | Wk | Wk | Wk | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Zionga | Null Dizzy | +----------------------------------------------+ +------------------+---------+---------+ | Egotistical King | HP: 206 | SP: 105 | +------------------+---------+---------+-------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Rpl | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mazio | Twin Shot | +----------------------------------------------+ | Summon | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Tranquil Idol | HP: 185 | SP: 165 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Marakunda | Bufu | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufu | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Grave Beetle | HP: 155 | SP: 67 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Str | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mamudo | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Crying Table | HP: 139 | SP: 177 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Wk | Str | Str | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Marakunda | Matarukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magaru | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Wondrous Magus | HP: 165 | SP: 269 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragi | Agilao | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mazio | Zionga | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marukyu Striptease ------------------ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Treasure Hand | HP: 400 | SP: 171 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | -------------------------------------------- | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Death Seeker | HP: 225 | SP: 339 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Zionga | Mind Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Miss Gene | HP: 163 | SP: 180 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja | Marakunda | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Soul Dancer | HP: 209 | SP: 129 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agilao | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Idle Basalt | HP: 195 | SP: 27 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Wk | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | -------------------------------------------- | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Persistent Fuzz | HP: 239 | SP: 100 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | -------------------------------------------- | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Creation Relic | HP: 159 | SP: 205 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Old One | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Enslaved Beast | HP: 228 | SP: 91 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Assault Dive | Swift Strike | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Sonic Raven | HP: 239 | SP: 84 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Drn | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | -------------------------------------------- | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Liberating Idol | HP: 210 | SP: 232 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Balzac | Valiant Dance | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Venus Eagle | HP: 216 | SP: 140 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hama | | +----------------------------------------------+ +---------------------+---------+---------+ | Forgotten Heblerie | HP: 250 | SP: 133 | +---------------------+---------+---------+----+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agilao | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Killing Hand | HP: 208 | SP: 179 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Wk | Str | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rebellion | Red Wall | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tetrakarn | Balzac | +----------------------------------------------+ | Recarmdra | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Adamant Beetle | HP: 140 | SP: 116 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bash | Swift Strike | +----------------------------------------------+ | Stagnant Air | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Silver Dice | HP: 250 | SP: 83 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Last Resort | | +----------------------------------------------+ +--------------------+---------+---------+ | Blooming Bambino | HP: 260 | SP: 194 | +--------------------+---------+---------+-----+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufula | Bufula | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Large Basalt | HP: 200 | SP: 29 | +-----------------+---------+--------+-- ------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Foul Breath | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Champion Knight | HP: 265 | SP: 116 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Sky Balance | HP: 245 | SP: 440 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Rpl | Rpl | Wk | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garula | Zionga | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Arcane Turret | HP: 546 | SP: 264 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge | Bufudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Mighty Cyclops | HP: 220 | SP: 330 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragion | | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Void Quest ---------- +------------------+---------+--------+ | Dependent Basalt | HP: 162 | SP: 23 | +------------------+---------+--------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | -------------------------------------------- | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Corrupt Tower | HP: 325 | SP: 209 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Balzac | Diarama | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mazionga | Summon | +----------------------------------------------+ +--------------------+---------+---------+ | Whimsical Papillon | HP: 254 | SP: 334 | +--------------------+---------+---------+-----+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tarukaja | Sukukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rakukaja | Matarukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Masukukaja | Matarunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Masukunda | Marakunda | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Anguish Basalt | HP: 122 | SP: 19 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | -------------------------------------------- | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Justice Sword | HP: 205 | SP: 76 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Slash | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Mad Cyclops | HP: 134 | SP: 245 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Zionga | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Supreme Hand | HP: 500 | SP: 200 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nul | Nul | Nul | Nul | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | -------------------------------------------- | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Lustful Snake | HP: 255 | SP: 157 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Stagnant Air | Foolish Whisper | +----------------------------------------------+ | Makajam | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Blind Cupid | HP: 210 | SP: 184 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Diarama | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Amenti Raven | HP: 155 | SP: 117 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Fate Seeker | HP: 200 | SP: 333 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agilao | Maragion | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Spurious Book | HP: 142 | SP: 242 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Makarakarn | Zionga | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Almighty Hand | HP: 284 | SP: 238 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Diarama | Patra | +----------------------------------------------+ | Posumudi | Mutudi | +----------------------------------------------+ | Nervundi | Re Patra | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Blue Sigil | HP: 339 | SP: 329 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megido | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Strength Beetle | HP: 180 | SP: 164 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garudyne | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Ardent Dancer | HP: 163 | SP: 231 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garula | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Avarice Bambino | HP: 172 | SP: 167 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Slice | Life Drain | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Monomaniac Fuzz | HP: 196 | SP: 105 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fatal End | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Leading Idol | HP: 327 | SP: 322 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Summon | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Beastly Gigas | HP: 234 | SP: 94 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | -------------------------------------------- | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Scarlet Turret | HP: 355 | SP: 246 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge | Agidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Dizzy | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Protective Rexy | HP: 153 | SP: 451 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tetrakarn | Makarakarn | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Laboratory ----------------- +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Inviting Nyogo | HP: 358 | SP: 174 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Rpl | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tentarafoo | Makajam | +----------------------------------------------+ | Twin Shot | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Royal Dancer | HP: 282 | SP: 210 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragion | Heat Wave | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Constancy Relic | HP: 240 | SP: 246 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Rpl | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garudyne | Anima Freeze | +----------------------------------------------+ | Re Patra | | +----------------------------------------------+ +---------------------+---------+---------+ | Flattering Hablerie | HP: 324 | SP: 199 | +---------------------+---------+---------+----+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Str | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Re Patra | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Source Basalt | HP: 170 | SP: 44 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Valiant Dance | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | World Balance | HP: 210 | SP: 576 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Str | Str | Str | Str | Wk | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Order Giant | HP: 470 | SP: 87 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Wk | Nul | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mighty Swing | Hamaon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Herculean Strike | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Red Sigil | HP: 247 | SP: 405 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Wk | Drn | Str | Str | Nul | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agilao | Maragion | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dodge Ice | Balzac | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Furious Gigas | HP: 318 | SP: 117 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rebellion | Akasha Arts | +----------------------------------------------+ | Gigantic Fist | High Counter | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Shallow Okina | HP: 267 | SP: 322 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Rpl | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magarula | Garula | +----------------------------------------------+ | Old One | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Dogmatic Tower | HP: 259 | SP: 339 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Blue Wall | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Mist | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Dismayed Panzer | HP: 320 | SP: 164 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge | Aeon Rain | +----------------------------------------------+ | Torrent Shot | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Flowing Sand | HP: 274 | SP: 351 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Valiant Dance | Agidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evil Smile | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Opulent Hand | HP: 430 | SP: 236 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Garudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufudyne | Ziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Wild Drive | HP: 270 | SP: 120 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja | Kill Rush | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Skewer | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Fail Gene | HP: 263 | SP: 315 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tentarafoo | Poison Mist | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rampage | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Mighty Beast | HP: 364 | SP: 127 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Rpl | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Crazy Chain | Fatal End | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Immoral Snake | HP: 269 | SP: 148 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Life Leech | Spirit Drain | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Mist | Stagnant Air | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Mach Wheel | HP: 240 | SP: 151 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Black Spot | Herculean Strike | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Chaos Fuzz | HP: 341 | SP: 133 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Foolish Whisper | Rampage | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Mind Dice | HP: 312 | SP: 155 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Str | Str | Str | Wk | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Bufudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garudyne | Ziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Last Resort | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Truth Pesce | HP: 212 | SP: 138 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fatal End | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Hell Knight | HP: 520 | SP: 153 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mudoon | Heat Wave | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Jotun of Power | HP: 321 | SP: 203 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Rpl | Drn | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | God's Hand | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Elegant Mother | HP: 250 | SP: 455 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magarula | Mabufula | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garula | Evil Smile | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Power Castle | HP: 299 | SP: 385 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Rpl | Nrm | Str | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Zionga | Garula | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufula | Agilao | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge | | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heaven ------ +------------------+---------+---------+ | Finicky Papillon | HP: 187 | SP: 331 | +------------------+---------+---------+-------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja | Masukukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Marakukaja | Matarunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Marakunda | Stagnant Air | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Arrow | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Prime Magus | HP: 364 | SP: 472 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Str | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Maragidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Intrepid Knight | HP: 562 | SP: 140 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Gigantic Fist | Virus Wave | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge | Null Dizzy | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Perpetual Sand | HP: 161 | SP: 263 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Old One | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Dark Eagle | HP: 312 | SP: 197 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahamaon | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Mythical Gigas | HP: 344 | SP: 94 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Gigantic Fist | Counter | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Rash Panzer | HP: 284 | SP: 113 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Seal Bomb | Power Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Brave Wheel | HP: 368 | SP: 173 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja | Gigantic Fist | +----------------------------------------------+ | Heat Wave | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Growth Relic | HP: 126 | SP: 282 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Anima Freeze | Life Drain | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Apostate Tower | HP: 286 | SP: 327 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mazionga | Ziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Carnal Snake | HP: 234 | SP: 137 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Stagnant Air | Poison Mist | +----------------------------------------------+ | Life Leech | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Cursed Dice | HP: 400 | SP: 271 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Wk | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Last Resort | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Regal Mother | HP: 228 | SP: 386 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragion | Diarama | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Luxury Hand | HP: 200 | SP: 200 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nul | Nul | Nul | Nul | Nul | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | -------------------------------------------- | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Killer Drive | HP: 389 | SP: 95 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja | Vile Assault | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Maniacal Book | HP: 383 | SP: 411 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tetrakarn | Makarakarn | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garudyne | Magarudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Light Balance | HP: 333 | SP: 363 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hamaon | Mudoon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tetrakarn | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Dry Dixie | HP: 265 | SP: 439 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Drn | Str | Str | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tetrakarn | Makarakarn | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hamaon | Mudoon | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Phantom Lord | HP: 279 | SP: 469 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Wk | Drn | Wk | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufula | Mudoon | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Reckless Okina | HP: 322 | SP: 354 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magarula | Garudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garula | Old One | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Devoted Cupid | HP: 297 | SP: 274 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Vile Assault | Agidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Red Wall | Blue Wall | +----------------------------------------------+ | Green Wall | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Blossom Nyogo | HP: 205 | SP: 188 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Makarakarn | Power Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mighty Swing | Counter | +----------------------------------------------+ +------------------+---------+---------+ | Revelation Pesce | HP: 256 | SP: 149 | +------------------+---------+---------+-------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Diarama | Mind Slice | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Green Sigil | HP: 444 | SP: 424 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Wk | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidolaon | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Stasis Giant | HP: 456 | SP: 96 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Vicious Strike | Counter | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Dizzy | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Chaos Cyclops | HP: 587 | SP: 318 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Maziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Angry Table | HP: 345 | SP: 270 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragion | Mabufula | +----------------------------------------------+ | Auto-Mataru | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Jotun of Blood | HP: 394 | SP: 158 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragion | Megidola | +----------------------------------------------+ | Blue Wall | Green Wall | +----------------------------------------------+ +------------------+---------+---------+ | Conviction Sword | HP: 320 | SP: 125 | +------------------+---------+---------+-------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rainy Death | Matarukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Natural Dancer | HP: 325 | SP: 230 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Navas Nebula | Marakunda | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Hallowed Turret | HP: 776 | SP: 146 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Rpl | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Auto-Mataru | Seal Bomb | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Dizzy | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Minotaur IV | HP: 424 | SP: 143 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufudyne | Mind Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magatsu Inaba/Mandala --------------------- +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Vehement Idol | HP: 301 | SP: 487 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufudyne | Mabufudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Diarama | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Infinite Sand | HP: 196 | SP: 197 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Valiant Dance | Rage Boost | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Fickle Papillon | HP: 280 | SP: 100 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Matarukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Mist | Foolish Whisper | +----------------------------------------------+ +--------------------+---------+---------+ | Agitating Hablerie | HP: 238 | SP: 280 | +--------------------+---------+---------+-----+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Maziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Jupiter Eagle | HP: 296 | SP: 229 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragion | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Fanatic Tower | HP: 325 | SP: 422 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magarudyne | Foolish Whisper | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja | Mabufudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | King Castle | HP: 350 | SP: 243 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rainy Death | Myriad Arrows | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Nemean Beast | HP: 362 | SP: 155 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Cruel Attack | Crazy Chain | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Glorious Hand | HP: 999 | SP: 288 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | -------------------------------------------- | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Battle Wheel | HP: 278 | SP: 194 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Deathbound | Brave Blade | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | Sleeping Table | HP: 255 | SP: 60 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Rpl | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidola | Anima Freeze | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Valuing Nyogo | HP: 288 | SP: 206 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hysterical Slap | High Counter | +----------------------------------------------+ | Valiant Dance | Regenerate 3 | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rage Boost | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Amorous Snake | HP: 268 | SP: 183 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Mist | Stagnant Air | +----------------------------------------------+ | Life Leech | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Silent Book | HP: 307 | SP: 421 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garudyne | Magarudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Recarmdra | Evil Smile | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tarukaja | Blue Wall | +----------------------------------------------+ | Wind Boost | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Jotun of Evil | HP: 560 | SP: 344 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Rpl | Nul | Rpl | Nul | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufudyne | Bufudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ice Boost | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Judgment Sword | HP: 388 | SP: 139 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Death Dice | HP: 322 | SP: 215 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Last Resort | Mind Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dodge Ice | Regenerate 3 | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Reformed Okina | HP: 472 | SP: 519 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Rpl | Wk | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Maziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge | Old One | +----------------------------------------------+ | Enervate Boost | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Change Relic | HP: 279 | SP: 485 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maziodyne | Old One | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Enervate Boost | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Phantom King | HP: 600 | SP: 122 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragidyne | Agidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mudoon | Megidolaon | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Harem Dancer | HP: 368 | SP: 294 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Deathbound | +----------------------------------------------+ | Apt Pupil | Fire Boost | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Immortal Gigas | HP: 333 | SP: 129 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Akasha Arts | God's Hand | +----------------------------------------------+ | Revolution | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Happy Gene | HP: 193 | SP: 354 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Galgalim Eyes | Valiant Dance | +----------------------------------------------+ | Amrita | Rage Boost | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Harmony Giant | HP: 305 | SP: 128 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | High Counter | Golden Right | +----------------------------------------------+ | Blight | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-------------------+---------+---------+ | Brilliant Cyclops | HP: 324 | SP: 285 | +-------------------+---------+---------+------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Primal Force | Dodge Elec | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Earnest Carothy | HP: 420 | SP: 629 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evil Smile | Megido | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ghastly Wail | Foolish Whisper | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Minotaur III | HP: 290 | SP: 234 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Sukukaja | Valiant Dance | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rakunda | Marakukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ +------------------+---------+---------+ | Conceited Panzer | HP: 270 | SP: 254 | +------------------+---------+---------+-------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Maziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Blue Wall | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Spastic Turret | HP: 330 | SP: 429 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Mustard Bomb | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Noble Seeker | HP: 238 | SP: 634 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nul | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Maziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evil Smile | Elec Boost | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Slaughter Drive | HP: 311 | SP: 150 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Deathbound | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Minotaur I | HP: 357 | SP: 310 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Minotaur II | HP: 451 | SP: 583 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Rpl | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Mind Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garudyne | Bufudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yomotsu Hirasaka ---------------- +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Crazy Twins | HP: 444 | SP: 169 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Drn | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Heat Wave | Seal Bomb | +----------------------------------------------+ | Crazy Chain | Null Dizzy | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Pure Papillon | HP: 305 | SP: 511 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja | Marukukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Divine Mother | HP: 415 | SP: 400 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufudyne | Maziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Media | Null Dizzy | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Eternal Sand | HP: 342 | SP: 243 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Stagnant Air | Anima Freeze | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Rampage Drive | HP: 385 | SP: 169 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Slice | High Counter | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Silent Nyogo | HP: 430 | SP: 179 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Vicious Strike | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Emperor Beetle | HP: 274 | SP: 231 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Gigantic Fist | Power Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Primitive Idol | HP: 338 | SP: 523 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megido | Megidola | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidolaon | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Phantom Hero | HP: 325 | SP: 438 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hamaon | Mahamaon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mudoon | Mamudoon | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Mistress Pot | HP: 385 | SP: 218 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Rpl | Wk | Wk | Wk | Wk | Rpl | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Life Leech | Spirit Leech | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Grand Magus | HP: 401 | SP: 644 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Wk | Str | Str | Wk | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Maragidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Maziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Grudge Tower | HP: 358 | SP: 475 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragidyne | Agidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | White Wall | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Gracious Cupid | HP: 262 | SP: 252 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Arrow | Matarunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Marakunda | Amrita | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Mute | Null Dizzy | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Doom Sword | HP: 437 | SP: 149 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tempest Slash | Blade of Fury | +----------------------------------------------+ | Counter | Power Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Jotun of Grief | HP: 505 | SP: 298 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Wk | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garudyne | Magarudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Life Leech | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Eternal Eagle | HP: 395 | SP: 262 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidola | Counterstrike | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Next Gene | HP: 625 | SP: 339 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Wk | Drn | Drn | Drn | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Stagnant Air | Foolish Whisper | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Mute | Null Dizzy | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Moon Okina | HP: 345 | SP: 383 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Rpl | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Old One | Galgalim Eyes | +----------------------------------------------+ +-------------------+---------+---------+ | Heartless Machine | HP: 100 | SP: 133 | +-------------------+---------+---------+------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Str | Str | Str | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge | Primal Force | +----------------------------------------------+ | Auto-Tarukaja | Auto-Rakukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Sharp Student | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Berserk Turret | HP: 854 | SP: 174 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufula | Mabufula | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge | Null Mute | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Dizzy | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Stoic Snake | HP: 345 | SP: 259 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Anima Freeze | Life Leech | +----------------------------------------------+ +------------------+---------+---------+ | Ptarmigan Panzer | HP: 521 | SP: 120 | +------------------+---------+---------+-------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Vicious Strike | Vile Assault | +----------------------------------------------+ | Counterstrike | Null Dizzy | +----------------------------------------------+ +--------------------+---------+---------+ | Rebellious Cyclops | HP: 308 | SP: 428 | +--------------------+---------+---------+-----+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Maziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Brilliant King | HP: 246 | SP: 256 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Judgment | Summon | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Void Giant | HP: 822 | SP: 133 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Nul | Nul | Nul | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Balzac | Null Dizzy | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Reckoning Dice | HP: 500 | SP: 189 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Last Resort | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+--------+ | El Dorado Beast | HP: 408 | SP: 94 | +-----------------+---------+--------+---------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge | God's Hand | +----------------------------------------------+ | Counterstrike | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-------------------+---------+---------+ | Successful Junshi | HP: 307 | SP: 300 | +-------------------+---------+---------+------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Drn | Drn | Wk | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tetrakarn | Marakarn | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja | Marakukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Skull Cracker | Null Dizzy | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+---------+---------+ | Neo Minotaur | HP: 999 | SP: 379 | +-----------------+---------+---------+--------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Akasha Arts | Vile Assault | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Dizzy | | +----------------------------------------------+ =================== 6.) Weapons =================== NOTE: I'm pretty sure I don't have all the weapons listed here as I probably missed a couple from some chests in the dungeons or never got some available in the shops. Please do let me know if I'm missing any by sending me: -Name -Attack/Hit -Effects Main Character -------------- +----------------------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+ | Name | Atk | Hit | Effects | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Imitation Katana | 53 | 92 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Long Sword | 60 | 92 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5-Iron | 71 | 95 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Bastard Sword | 88 | 92 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Zweihander | 108 | 95 | +1 Endurance | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Gothic Sword | 133 | 94 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Type-98 Gunto | 145 | 98 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Edge | 152 | 92 | +3 Strength | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kage-Dachi | 172 | 92 | +20 Hit Points | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Anglaise | 180 | 94 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Gaia Sword | 200 | 88 | +All Ailments [Low] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kakitsubata | 218 | 94 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Gardenia Sword | 220 | 92 | +Silence [Low] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Krieg | 230 | 95 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Number One | 240 | 94 | +1 Luck | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Downpour Sword | 248 | 50 | Crit Rate Up [High] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kenka | 248 | 90 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kijintou | 252 | 98 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | El Caliente | 302 | 98 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Shichisei-Ken | 310 | 95 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Yahiro Sword | 320 | 96 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tajikaro Sword | 345 | 85 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Blade of Totsuka | 408 | 96 | Crit Rate Up [High] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Yosuke ------ +----------------------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+ | Name | Atk | Hit | Effects | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hunting Nata | 48 | 96 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kunai | 55 | 95 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Reign Skinner | 80 | 98 | +All Ailments [High] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Santou | 95 | 92 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kozuka | 122 | 93 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Throwing Kunai | 138 | 98 | +2 Agility | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kris Naga | 146 | 94 | +30 SP | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kaiken | 153 | 93 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Yoshioori Dagger | 158 | 88 | +Confuse [Low] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Thief Dagger | 170 | 74 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | En-Giri | 188 | 96 | +Fear [Low] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fearful Kunai | 203 | 92 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ohorinomikoto | 238 | 96 | Reduce Fire Dmg 20% | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Basho | 252 | 95 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fuuma Kotaro | 280 | 98 | +5 Magic | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Militia Dagger | 294 | 96 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hattori | 311 | 98 | +3 to all stats | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ogre Tooth | 336 | 95 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Rappa | 350 | 96 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Chie ---- +----------------------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+ | Name | Atk | Hit | Effects | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Platform Sneaks | 45 | 98 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Shield Boots | 62 | 92 | +2 Endurance | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Nanman Gusoku | 75 | 92 | +1 Agility | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Punk Shoes | 92 | 92 | +Rage [Low] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hard Boots | 108 | 90 | +2 Strength | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kintabi Gusoku | 125 | 70 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Skill Greaves | 133 | 90 | +1 to all stats | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Cowboy Boots | 150 | 92 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Heavy Heels | 167 | 94 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Bishamonten | 182 | 92 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Furinkazan | 193 | 98 | +Enervate [High] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Bucking Broncos | 205 | 92 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sleipnir | 218 | 92 | +5 Agility | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Vampire Shoes | 243 | 94 | +Fear [Medium] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mjolinir Boots | 253 | 92 | Crit Rate Up [Medium] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Vidar's Boots | 264 | 94 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Demon Boots | 296 | 96 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hero Legs | 300 | 92 | +4 Luck | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kehaya | 310 | 94 | +3 Magic | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Peerless Heels | 338 | 92 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Judgment Boots | 349 | 94 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Yukiko ------ +----------------------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+ | Name | Atk | Hit | Effects | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Noh Fan | 74 | 95 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Silk Fan | 85 | 92 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Arazuyu Fan | 89 | 96 | +Resist Silence | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tesseb | 108 | 94 | +4 Strength | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hanachirusato | 123 | 94 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Masquerade | 134 | 92 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Harlot's Mercy | 140 | 60 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Madam's Charm | 145 | 92 | +Confuse [Medium] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mogari-Bue | 170 | 98 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fickle Madam | 173 | 95 | +Rage [Low] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Akisame Fan | 180 | 50 | +10 Luck | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ganar | 186 | 98 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Courtesia | 208 | 95 | +10 SP | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Adoracion | 218 | 94 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Suzumushi | 235 | 95 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Noblesse Oblige | 260 | 94 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hototogisu | 272 | 92 | +10 Magic | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kacho Fugetsu | 293 | 95 | +Enervate [Medium] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Pieta | 300 | 97 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Boundless Sea | 395 | 98 | +Exhaustion [High] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Kanji ----- +----------------------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+ | Name | Atk | Hit | Effects | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Yasogami Desk | 92 | 90 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Steel Plate | 142 | 90 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Photon Plate | 158 | 90 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hard Board | 162 | 92 | +Reduce Fire Dmg 20% | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Power Plate | 180 | 90 | +3 Strength | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Gorgon Plate | 205 | 94 | +Resist Fear | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Barbarian Shield | 235 | 94 | +30 Hit Points | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Demon Shield | 252 | 92 | +4 Endurance | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Death Scudetto | 260 | 50 | +2 Luck | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Phalanx | 322 | 94 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Asturias | 332 | 96 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Aegis Shield | 337 | 94 | +10 Endurance | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dullahan | 368 | 94 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Christ Mirror | 382 | 94 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Perun Plate | 432 | 92 | +25% Elec Damage | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Teddie ------ +----------------------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+ | Name | Atk | Hit | Effects | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mewling Claw | 154 | 86 | +4 Agility | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Drunken Fist | 172 | 98 | +Exhaust [Medium] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Air Break | 205 | 95 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Poison Claw | 218 | 84 | +Poison [High] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mail Duster | 232 | 92 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Chain Glove | 271 | 87 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Platinum Glove | 358 | 96 | +3 Endurance | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The Ripper | 365 | 92 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Seireiga | 406 | 94 | +Reduce Spell Dmg 30% | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Naoto ----- +----------------------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+ | Name | Atk | Hit | Effects | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Nambu 2 | 80 | 95 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Peacemaker | 180 | 98 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Raging Bull | 220 | 88 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Crimson Dirge | 240 | 94 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | .44 Anaconda | 246 | 94 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Chrome Heart | 275 | 95 | +Silence [Medium] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Unlimited | 301 | 95 | +3 Luck | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Camel Red | 310 | 98 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | From Zero | 325 | 96 | Crit Rate Up [Low] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Athena Kiss R | 342 | 95 | +Confuse [Medium] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Judge of Hell | 360 | 96 | ------------------- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ =================== 7.) Armor =================== NOTE: I'm pretty sure I don't have all the armors listed here as I probably missed a couple from some chests in the dungeons or never got some available in the shops. Please do let me know if I'm missing any by sending me: -Name -Defense/Evasion -Effects Males ----- +-------------------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+ | Name | Def | Eva | Effects | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Chain Mail | 34 | 8 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kevlar Vest | 58 | 10 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Gentleman's Tux | 60 | 24 | +50 Hit Points | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Survival Guard | 62 | 12 | +1 Endurance | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Jingi Fundashi | 72 | 23 | +10 Hit Points | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Lion Happi | 78 | 16 | +1 Strength | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Knifeproof Coat | 86 | 8 | +2 Endurance | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Doumaru | 94 | 12 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Desperate Plate | 114 | 4 | +Resist Rage | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Purple Suit | 116 | 23 | Counter Physcal [Low] | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Black Stone Mail | 132 | 11 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hard Armor | 156 | 16 | +Reduce Phys Dmg 10% | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Plate Mail | 161 | 3 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Paladin Armor | 166 | 4 | +Evade Physical [Low] | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Passion Sweats | 190 | 18 | +Auto-Tarukaja | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kuroito-odoshi | 206 | 4 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Talisman Cape | 210 | 3 | +Evade Spell [Low] | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Red Battlesuit | 216 | 26 | +Reduce Phys Dmg 20% | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hurricane Coat | 228 | 14 | +Reduce Wind Dmg 20% | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dragon Scale | 245 | 11 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Oracle Gown | 270 | 17 | +40 Hit Points | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1000-Stud Coat | 287 | 4 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Komaryo Uchinugi | 302 | 11 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mikagura Vest | 308 | 14 | +Resist Enervation | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Surcoat | 315 | 12 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Opera Coat | 325 | 19 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Lorica Hamata | 340 | 11 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Godly Robe | 375 | 15 | +10 to all stats | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Females ------- +-------------------------------+-----+-----+-----------------------+ | Name | Def | Eva | Effects | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Chain Mail | 34 | 8 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kevlar Vest | 58 | 10 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Miori Shirt | 60 | 40 | +Auto-Sukukaja | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Survival Guard | 62 | 12 | +1 Endurance | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Steel Panier | 75 | 22 | +20 SP | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Charm Robe | 78 | 18 | +1 Magic | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Battle Camisole | 84 | 15 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hard Bolero | 115 | 12 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Wolf Tunic | 130 | 14 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Action Vest | 144 | 5 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hard Armor | 156 | 16 | +Reduce Phys Dmg 10% | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Starry Robe | 160 | 11 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Charm Drape | 167 | 24 | +5 Endurance | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Divine Blouse | 204 | 8 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Talisman Cape | 210 | 3 | +Evade Spell [Low] | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Peach Battlesuit | 211 | 4 | +Evade Physical [Low] | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Invincible Mini | 232 | 8 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mythos Robe | 240 | 16 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Lan Ling Wang | 255 | 12 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Elint Duffle | 274 | 8 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Shinra Robe | 304 | 13 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kotodama Cape | 310 | 19 | +Resist Poison | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Uzume Robe | 310 | 33 | +100 Hit Points | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mizuha Armor | 314 | 12 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Yomi Sleeves | 324 | 18 | ------------------- | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Godly Robe | 375 | 15 | +10 to all stats | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ =================== 8.) Shop List =================== Weapons ------- Main Character -------------- +--------------------+--------+ | Name | Cost | +--------------------+--------+ | Imitation Katana | 4800 | +-----------------------------+ | Long Sword | 10,000 | +-----------------------------+ | 5-Iron | 12,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Bastard Sword | 14,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Zweihander | 18,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Gothic Sword | 20,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Type-98 Gunto | 24,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Edge | 27,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Downpour Sword | 28,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Kage-Daichi | 30,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Anglaise | 31,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Kakitsubata | 37,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Gardenia Sword | 38,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Krieg | 40,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Kenka | 42,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Number One | 42,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Kijintou | 43,600 | +-----------------------------+ | El Caliente | 50,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Shichisei-Ken | 52,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Yahiro Sword | 54,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Tajikaro Sword | 58,000 | +-----------------------------+ Yosuke ------ +--------------------+--------+ | Name | Cost | +--------------------+--------+ | Hunting Nata | 4000 | +-----------------------------+ | Kunai | 11,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Reign Skinner | 18,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Santou | 19,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Kozuka | 22,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Throwing Kunai | 24,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Kris Naga | 25,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Kaiken | 26,400 | +-----------------------------+ | Yashioori Dagger | 26,900 | +-----------------------------+ | En-Giri | 32,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Fearful Kunai | 34,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Ohorinomikoto | 40,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Basho | 43,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Fuuma Kotaro | 48,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Militia Dagger | 50,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Hattori | 52,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Ogre Tooth | 57,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Rappa | 59,600 | +-----------------------------+ Chie ---- +--------------------+--------+ | Name | Cost | +--------------------+--------+ | Platform Sneaks | 7600 | +-----------------------------+ | Shield Boots | 11,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Nanman Gusoku | 13,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Punk Shoes | 20,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Hard Boots | 21,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Skill Greaves | 25,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Cowboy Boots | 26,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Heavy Heels | 28,400 | +-----------------------------+ | Bishamonten | 31,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Furinkazan | 33,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Bucking Broncos | 35,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Sleipnir | 37,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Vampire Shoes | 41,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Mjolinir Boots | 43,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Vidar's Boots | 45,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Demon Boots | 50,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Hero Legs | 51,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Kehaya | 52,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Peerless Heels | 57,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Judgment Boots | 59,000 | +-----------------------------+ Yukiko ------ +--------------------+--------+ | Name | Cost | +--------------------+--------+ | Noh Fan | 11,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Silk Fan | 12,400 | +-----------------------------+ | Arazuyu Fan | 13,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Tesseb | 19,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Hanachirusato | 21,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Masquerade | 23,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Akisame Fan | 25,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Madam's Charm | 25,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Mogari-Bue | 29,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Ganar | 32,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Fickle Madam | 32,400 | +-----------------------------+ | Courtesia | 36,400 | +-----------------------------+ | Adoracion | 37,400 | +-----------------------------+ | Suzumushi | 40,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Noblesse Oblige | 44,400 | +-----------------------------+ | Hototogisu | 46,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Kacho Fugetsu | 50,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Pieta | 51,200 | +-----------------------------+ Kanji ----- +--------------------+--------+ | Name | Cost | +--------------------+--------+ | Yasogami Desk | 16,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Steel Plate | 24,400 | +-----------------------------+ | Photon Plate | 28,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Hard Board | 28,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Power Plate | 31,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Gorgon Plate | 35,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Barbarian Shield | 40,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Demon Shield | 43,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Phalanx | 54,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Asturias | 56,400 | +-----------------------------+ | Aegis Shield | 60,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Dullahan | 62,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Christ Mirror | 64,000 | +-----------------------------+ Teddie ------ +--------------------+--------+ | Name | Cost | +--------------------+--------+ | Mewling Claw | 26,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Drunken Fist | 30,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Air Break | 36,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Poison Claw | 37,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Mail Duster | 40,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Chain Glove | 46,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Platinum Glove | 60,000 | +-----------------------------+ | The Ripper | 62,000 | +-----------------------------+ Naoto ----- +--------------------+--------+ | Name | Cost | +--------------------+--------+ | Peacemaker | 32,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Raging Bull | 38,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Crimson Dirge | 42,000 | +-----------------------------+ | .44 Anaconda | 43,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Chrome Heart | 46,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Unlimited | 50,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Camel Red | 52,800 | +-----------------------------+ | From Zero | 56,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Athena Kiss R | 58,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Judge of Hell | 62,800 | +-----------------------------+ Armor ----- Males ----- +--------------------+--------+ | Name | Cost | +--------------------+--------+ | Chain Mail | 3000 | +-----------------------------+ | Kevlar Vest | 6800 | +-----------------------------+ | Survival Guard | 7200 | +-----------------------------+ | Lion Happi | 14,400 | +-----------------------------+ | Knifeproof Coat | 16,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Doumaru | 17,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Desperate Plate | 21,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Black Stone Mail | 24,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Hard Armor | 28,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Plate Mail | 29,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Passion Sweats | 34,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Kuroito-odoshi | 36,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Hurricane Coat | 40,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Talisman Cape | 42,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Dragon Scale | 42,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Oracle Gown | 47,200 | +-----------------------------+ | 1000-Stud Coat | 49,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Komaryo Uchinugi | 52,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Mikagura Vest | 53,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Surcoat | 54,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Opera Coat | 56,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Lorica Hamata | 58,000 | +-----------------------------+ Females ------- +--------------------+--------+ | Name | Cost | +--------------------+--------+ | Chain Mail | 3000 | +-----------------------------+ | Kevlar Vest | 6800 | +-----------------------------+ | Survival Guard | 7200 | +-----------------------------+ | Charm Robe | 15,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Battle Camisole | 15,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Hard Bolero | 21,200 | +-----------------------------+ | Miori Shirt | 22,400 | +-----------------------------+ | Wolf Tunic | 24,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Action Vest | 26,400 | +-----------------------------+ | Hard Armor | 28,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Starry Robe | 28,400 | +-----------------------------+ | Divine Blouse | 35,600 | +-----------------------------+ | Invincible Mini | 40,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Mythos Robe | 42,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Talisman Cape | 42,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Lan Ling Wang | 44,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Elint Duffle | 48,000 | +-----------------------------+ | Shinra Robe | 52,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Kotodama Cape | 54,400 | +-----------------------------+ | Mizuha Armor | 54,800 | +-----------------------------+ | Yomi Sleeves | 56,800 | +-----------------------------+ Items ----- NOTE: Left prices are normal prices while the prices on the right indicate discount prices. +--------------------+------------+ | Name | Cost | +--------------------+------------+ | Medicine | 850/680 | +---------------------------------+ | Ointment | 1600/1280 | +---------------------------------+ | Antibiotic Gel | 2900/2320 | +---------------------------------+ | Value Medicine | 1900/1520 | +---------------------------------+ | Medical Kit | 3400/2720 | +---------------------------------+ | Macca Leaf | 6400/5120 | +---------------------------------+ | Revival Bead | 1950/1560 | +---------------------------------+ | Balm of Life | 4850/3880 | +---------------------------------+ | Royal Jelly | 450/360 | +---------------------------------+ | Dokudami Tea | 450/360 | +---------------------------------+ | Mouthwash | 450/360 | +---------------------------------+ | Sedative | 450/360 | +---------------------------------+ | Stimulant | 450/360 | +---------------------------------+ | Goho-M | 950/760 | +---------------------------------+ | Vanish Ball | 950/760 | +---------------------------------+ =================== 9.) Persona List =================== This section will list the Personas of the game. If there's a number next to a skill, that means the Persona will learn that skill at that level. Fool ---- [P4A] +-----------------+ | Izanagi | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Wk | Nrm | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Zio | Cleave | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rakukaja [3] | Rakunda [4] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tarukaja [5] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Yomotsu-Shikome | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poisma | Skewer | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evil Touch | Sukunda [9] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mudo [10] | Ghastly Wail [11] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Obariyon | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Sonic Punch | Tarukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekaja | Muzzle Shot [14] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Silence Boost [15] | Resist Physical [17] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Single Shot [18] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Legion | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Str | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tentarafoo | Mudo | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evil Smile | Rampage [23] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Confuse Boost [24] | Foul Breath [25] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Survive Light [26] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Ose | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Slash | Atom Smasher | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge | Poison Mist [33] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Boost [34] | Auto-Sukukaja [35] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Survive Light [36] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Black Frost | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragion | Bufula | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ice Boost | Mind Charge [40] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Masukunda [41] | Fire Amp [42] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne [43] | Mudoon [44] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Decarabia | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Str | Nul | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Matarunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tetrakarn | Evade Physical [48] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidola [50] | Fire Amp [51] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Physical [52] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Shiki-Ouji | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Nul | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Navas Nebula | Matarunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Revolution | Apt Pupil [58] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Growth 2 [59] | Null Physical [61] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Loki | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufudyne | Rakukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Sharp Student | Ice Amp [66] | +----------------------------------------------+ | High Counter [67] | Mabufudyne [68] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Fire [69] | Niflheim [70] | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magician -------- [P4B] +-----------------+ | Pixie | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dia | Patra | +----------------------------------------------+ | Zio [3] | Me Patra [4] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Trafuri [8] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Orobas | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agi | Hysterical Slap | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekaja | Dodge Ice [10] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Dizzy [11] | Sharp Student [12] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Jack Frost | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufu | Ice Break | +----------------------------------------------+ | Me Patra | Ice Boost [18] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufula [19] | Dodge Fire [20] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge [25] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Hua Po | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agilao | Rakukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Re Patra | Fire Break [26] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Makajam [27] | Dodge Ice [29] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fire Boost [30] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Pyro Jack | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agilao | Tarunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Marakukaja [34] | Maragion [36] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Auto-Rakukaja [37] | Resist Ice [38] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Dis | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragion | Diarama | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekunda | Dodge Ice [41] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Masukunda [42] | Agidyne [43] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge [45] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Rangda | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Rpl | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragion | Tentarafoo | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne [49] | Dodge Ice [50] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mustard Bomb [51] | Repel Physical [55] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Jinn | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Foolish Whisper | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Physical [65] | Fire Boost [66] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Physical [67] | Valiant Dance [68] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Surt | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Rpl | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Deathbound | +----------------------------------------------+ | High Counter | Maragidyne [71] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ragnarok [74] | Fire Amp [75] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Ice [76] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Mada | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Fire Boost | +----------------------------------------------+ | Foolish Whisper | Maragidyne [81] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evade Ice [82] | Ailment Boost [83] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fire Amp [84] | | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Priestess --------- [P4C] +-----------------+ | Saki Mitama | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dia | Bufu | +----------------------------------------------+ | Sukunda | Alertness [13] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Media [14] | Null Rage [16] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Sarasvati | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Media | Mabufu | +----------------------------------------------+ | Patra | Invigorate 2 [19] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Rage [20] | Dekaja [21] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Wind [23] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | High Pixie | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mazio | Sukukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Me Patra | Zionga [24] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Invigorate 1 [25] | Dodge Fire [26] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Trafuri [27] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +------------------+ | Ganga | +------------------+---------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufula | Diarama | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekaja | Mind Slice [31] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Confuse Boost [32] | Mediarama [33] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evade Fire [35] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Parvati | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Diarama | Nervundi | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mediarama [39] | Masukukaja [40] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dodge Elec [41] | Divine Grace [43] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Kikuri-Hime | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mediarama | Posumdi | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agilao | Samarecarm [50] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Diarahan [52] | Resist Dark [53] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Divine Grace [54] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Hariti | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Wk | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Diarahan | Bufudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Marakukaja | Mediarahan [61] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Arrow Rain [62] | Samarecarm [64] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Tzitzimitl | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Wk | Nrm | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Virus Wave | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mustard Bomb | Silence Boost [71] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekaja [72] | Regenerate 3 [73] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Repel Elec [77] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Scathach | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufudyne | Garudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Amrita [81] | Magarudyne [82] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ice Amp [83] | Wind Amp [84] | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Empress ------- [P4D] +-----------------+ | Senri | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dia | Makajam | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agi | Dekunda [10] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Media [11] | Trafuri [14] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Yaksini | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufu | Arm Chopper | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rakunda | Swift Strike [20] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ice Boost [21] | Bufula [22] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Auto-Tarukaka [23] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Titania | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Diarama | Magaru | +----------------------------------------------+ | Red Wall [27] | Garula [29] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Regenerate 2 [31] | Mind Charge [32] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Gorgon | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufula | Me Patra | +----------------------------------------------+ | Crazy Chain [35] | Null Confuse [36] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufula [38] | Ice Boost [39] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Gabriel | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Drn | Nul | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufula | Mediarama | +----------------------------------------------+ | Energy Shower [45] | Survive Dark [47] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Heat Wave [48] | Divine Grace [50] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Skadi | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufula | Aeon Rain | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufudyne [54] | Ice Amp [56] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Repel Ice [57] | Repel Fire [59] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Spell Master [60] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Mother Harlot | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Rpl | Wk | Wk | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maziodyne | Mamudoon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mudo Boost [62] | Foolish Whisper [63] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Fire [64] | Ailment Boost [65] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Alilat | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Makarakarn | Mabufudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Regenerate 3 [72] | Evade Physical [73] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Growth 2 [74] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Isis | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mediarahan | Bufudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tetrakarn | Cool Breeze [80] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Absorb Ice [82] | Mabufudyne [83] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Salvation [85] | Null Elec [86] | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emperor ------- [P4E] +-----------------+ | Oberon | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Zio | Arm Cracker | +----------------------------------------------+ | Makajam [13] | Media [14] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Elec Boost [15] | Mazio [16] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dodge Wind [17] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | King Frost | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufula | Mabufu | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ice Break | Rakukaja [23] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dodge Fire [24] | Ice Boost [26] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Fire [27] | Anima Freeze [28] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Setanta | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fatal End | Zionga | +----------------------------------------------+ | Sharp Student | Counterstrike [36] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge [38] | Auto-Maraku [39] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Fire [40] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Oukuninushi | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Zionga | Blade of Fury | +----------------------------------------------+ | Counterstrike [43] | Mazionga [44] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Apt Pupil [45] | Elec Boost [46] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Wind [47] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Thoth | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Rpl | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mazionga | Mahama | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megido | Mediarama [47] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Growth 2 [48] | Null Silence [49] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne [51] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Pabilsag | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Blight | Foolish Whisper | +----------------------------------------------+ | Stagnant Air [53] | Silence Boost [54] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mudoon [55] | Arrow Rain [56] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Barong | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Poison Mist | +----------------------------------------------+ | Me Patra | Marakukaja [67] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Invigorate 2 [69] | High Counter [71] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maziodyne [72] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Odin | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Magarudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Wind Amp [76] | Regenerate 3 [77] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maziodyne [78] | Mind Charge [80] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Phanta Rhei [81] | | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hierophant ---------- [P4F] +-----------------+ | Omoikane | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Zio | Sukunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tarunda | Poison Mist [8] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Wind [9] | Dodge Ice [10] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Poison [11] | Resist Elec [12] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Anzu | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Str | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garu | Balzac | +----------------------------------------------+ | Alertness | Magaru [17] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Red Wall [18] | Mahama [19] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Auto-Sukukaja [20] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Shiisaa | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mazio | Balzac | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rakukaja [22] | Zionga [23] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Silence Boost [24] | Resist Fire [25] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Rage [26] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Unicorn | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Zionga | Mahama | +----------------------------------------------+ | Nervundi | Dekunda [31] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Trafuri [32] | Recarm [33] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mazionga [34] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Flauros | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fatal End | Tarukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agilao | Herculean Strike [38]| +----------------------------------------------+ | Apt Pupil [39] | Dodge Ice [40] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Crazy Chain [41] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Hokuto Seikun | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Zionga | Elec Boost | +----------------------------------------------+ | Navas Nebula | Blade of Fury [47] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Exhaust [48] | Ziodyne [51] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Cerberus | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Gigantic Fist | +----------------------------------------------+ | Vicious Strike [53] | Maragidyne [54] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Regenerate 2 [55] | Fire Amp [57] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Auto-Sukukaja [58] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Daisoujou | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hamaon | Diarahan | +----------------------------------------------+ | Makarakarn | Endure Dark [63] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahamaon [64] | Hama Boost [65] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Samsara [67] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Hachiman | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maziodyne | Makarakarn | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja | Elec Break [72] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekunda [74] | Revolution [75] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Kohryu | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Mediarahan | +----------------------------------------------+ | Samarecarm | Maziodyne [78] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge [79] | Elec Amp [80] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Spell Master [82] | | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lovers ------ [P4G] +-----------------+ | Queen Mab | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Zionga | Tentarafoo | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekunda | Recarm [26] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dodge Wind [27] | Mazionga [29] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Confuse [30] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Undine | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Diarama | Bufula | +----------------------------------------------+ | Posmudi | Mabufula [34] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mediarama [36] | Ice Boost [37] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Leanan Sidhe | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mediarama | Me Patra | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tentarafoo [43] | Confuse Boost [44] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Energy Shower [45] | Samarecarm [46] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Divine Grace [47] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Raphael | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Diarahan | Megidola | +----------------------------------------------+ | Masukukaja [55] | Amrita [56] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Dizzy [57] | Mediarahan [59] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Cybele | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Str | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mediarama | Vicious Strike | +----------------------------------------------+ | Recarm | Myriad Arrows [67] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Samarecarm [68] | Mediarahan [70] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Ishtar | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mediarahan | Samarecarm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mutudi | Maziodyne [72] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Amrita [75] | Spell Master [76] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Absorb Wind [77] | Salvation [78] | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chariot ------- [P4H] +-----------------+ | Slime | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bash | Evil Touch | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tarunda [3] | Red Wall [4] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fear Boost [5] | Resist Physical [7] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Nata Taishi | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bash | Rakunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekunda | Sonic Punch [7] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dodge Ice [8] | Resist Dizzy [9] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Soul Break [10] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Eligor | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Str | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Skewer | Agi | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragi [13] | Arm Cracker [14] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fire Boost [15] | Soul Break [16] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Exhaust [17] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Ara Mitama | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Assault Dive | Rakunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tarukaja [20] | Sharp Student [21] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Blue Wall [22] | Dodge Elc [23] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Ares | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Gale Slash | Counter | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dodge Wind [27] | Rampage [28] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekaja [29] | Power Charge [30] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Triglav | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Heat Wave | Counterstrike | +----------------------------------------------+ | Marakukaja [45] | Mustard Bomb [46] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Dizzy [47] | Blue Wall [48] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge [49] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Kin-ki | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Vile Assault | High Counter | +----------------------------------------------+ | Gigantic Fist [56] | Seal Bomb [57] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Revolution [59] | Power Charge [60] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Thor | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Deathbound | +----------------------------------------------+ | High Counter | Arms Master [67] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maziodyne [68] | Null Physical [69] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Thunder Reign [70] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Atavaka | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahamaon | Diarahan | +----------------------------------------------+ | Amrita | Brave Blade [74] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidolaon [75] | Mind Charge [76] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Arms Master [79] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Futsunushi | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Primal Force | Power Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja | Apt Pupil [82] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Dizzy [83] | Ali Dance [84] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Arms Master [85] | Firm Stance [86] | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Justice ------- [P4I] +-----------------+ | Angel | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Str | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garu | Patra | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hama [5] | Sukukaja [6] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Regenerate 1 [8] | Hama Boost [9] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Archangel | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hama | Double Fangs | +----------------------------------------------+ | Patra | Media [12] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Muzzle Shot [13] | Sharp Student [14] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Survive Dark [15] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Principality | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hama | Twin Shot | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahama [21] | Media [22] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Confuse [23] | Survive Dark [24] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tetraja [25] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Power | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Wk | Nul | Nul | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hama | Tentarafoo | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahama | Zionga [29] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Slash [30] | Hama Boost [31] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Survive Dark [32] | Null Confuse [33] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Virtue | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nul | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Old One | Mahama | +----------------------------------------------+ | Posmudi | Fatal End [35] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Blue Wall [37] | Hama Boost [38] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Dark [39] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Dominion | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Rpl | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hamaon | Zionga | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hama Boost [40] | Resist Exhaust [41] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mazionga [42] | Survive Dark [43] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Dark [44] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Throne | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hamaon | Agidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hama Boost | Mind Charge [51] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Regenerate 2 [53] | Resist Dark [54] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Endure Dark [55] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Uriel | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragion | Hamaon | +----------------------------------------------+ | High Counter [60] | Agidyne [61] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Endure Dark [62] | Fire Amp [63] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Dark [64] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Melchizedek | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mediarahan | Hamaon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Akasha Arts | Matarukaja [68] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahamaon [69] | God's Hand [72] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Sraosha | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Rpl | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahamaon | Brave Blade | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge | Ziodyne [76] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hama Boost [78] | Megidolaon [80] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Angelic Grace [81] | | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hermit ------ [P4J] +-----------------+ | Forneus | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufu | Skewer | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tarukaja | Rakunda [7] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poisma [8] | Dodge Elec [10] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Ippon-Datara | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mudo | Maragi | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mamudo [19] | Agilao [20] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rampage [21] | Mudo Boost [22] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Lamia | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Mist | Agilao | +----------------------------------------------+ | Nervundi | Poison Boost [28] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Poison [29] | Soul Break [30] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragion [32] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Mothman | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Str | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Zionga | Valiant Dance | +----------------------------------------------+ | Foul Breath [35] | Elec Break [36] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mazionga [37] | Rage Boost [38] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Hitokoto-Nushi | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Foolish Whisper | Auto-Sukukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Arrow | Zionga [43] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Fire [45] | Elec Boost [46] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Auto-Masaku [47] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Kurama Tengu | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Wk | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garula | Masukunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Vicious Strike | Growth 2 [50] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Wind Boost [51] | Red Wall [52] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Elec [53] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Niddhoggr | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mamudoon | Evil Smile | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ghastly Wail [57] | Bufudyne [58] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Stagnant Air [59] | Resist Physical [60] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ice Boost [61] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Nebiros | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Wk | Str | Wk | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mamudoon | Agidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekaja | Mind Charge [65] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mudo Boost [67] | Null Light [69] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Spell Master [70] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Arahabaki | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Rpl | Wk | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Vicious Strike | Auto-Maraku | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Fear | Alertness [74] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tetrakarn [76] | Repel Physical [80] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Ongyo-ki | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Drn | Wk | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Foolish Whisper | Ziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Masukukaja | Ailment Boost [84] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Elec Amp [85] | Revolution [86] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Firm Stance [87] | | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fortune ------- [P4K] +-----------------+ | Fortuna | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garula | Rakukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dodge Elec [37] | Magarula [38] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Auto-Sukukaja [39] | Wind Boost [40] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Clotho | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magarula | Mutudi | +----------------------------------------------+ | Navas Nebula [45] | Makarakarn [47] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Wind Boost [48] | Garudyne [49] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Old One [50] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Lachesis | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garudyne | Masukukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Recarm [53] | Makara Break [54] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Absorb Wind [55] | Red Wall [56] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Exhaust [57] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Ananta | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Drn | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufula | White Wall | +----------------------------------------------+ | Marakukaja [59] | Bufudyne [61] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Green Wall [62] | Invigorate 3 [63] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Exhaust [64] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Atropos | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garudyne | Wind Boost | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge [67] | Magarudyne [68] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evade Fire [69] | Wind Amp [70] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Norn | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Wk | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magarudyne | Garudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Diarahan | Auto-Masuku [74] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Invigorate 3 [75] | Wind Amp [76] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Instant Heal [77] | Debilitate [79] | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strength -------- [P4L] +-----------------+ | Sandman | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garu | Pulinpa | +----------------------------------------------+ | Skull Cracker [6] | Confuse Boost [7] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekaja [8] | Traesto [11] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Valkyrie | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufu | Cleave | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rakunda | Media [10] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Arm Chopper [11] | Mabufu [12] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Titan | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mazio | Skull Cracker | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekunda | Dodge Ice [16] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Kill Rush [18] | Resist Fear [19] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Rakshasa | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Kill Rush | Brain Shake | +----------------------------------------------+ | Counter | Gale Slash [25] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Auto-Tarukaja [26] | Dodge Physical [27] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge [28] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Kusi Mitama | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garula | Zionga | +----------------------------------------------+ | Soul Break | Survive Light [31] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Survive Dark [32] | Traesto [33] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Exhaust Boost [34] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Oni | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fatal End | Counter | +----------------------------------------------+ | Cruel Attack | Atom Smasher [32] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Physical [33] | Endure [34] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge [35] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Hanuman | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nul | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mighty Swing | Rakunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Recarm | Blade of Fury [44] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dodge Wind [46] | Endure [47] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge [48] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Kali | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufudyne | Mudoon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Deathbound [52] | Revolution [53] | +----------------------------------------------+ | High Counter [54] | Power Charge [55] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Siegfried | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nul | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Akasha Arts | Power Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ | Masukukaja | High Counter [65] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Regenerate 3 [66] | Rainy Death [68] | +----------------------------------------------+ | God's Hand [70] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Zaou-Gongen | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragidyne | Power Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ | God's Hand | Anima Freeze [92] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evade Physical [93] | Enduring Soul [94] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fire Amp [95] | Vorpal Blade [96] | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hanged Man ---------- [P4M] +-----------------+ | Berith | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Single Shot | Mudo | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragi [16] | Mudo Boost [17] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Green Wall [18] | Brain Shake [19] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Confuse [20] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Yomotsu-Ikusa | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Cell Breaker | Mabufu | +----------------------------------------------+ | Enervate Boost [24] | Foul Breath [25] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Mist [26] | Poison Boost [27] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Makami | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Str | Wk | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agilao | Sukunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Auto-Sukukaja [29] | Diarama [30] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Silence [31] | Dodge Physical [32] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Ice [33] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Orthrus | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agilao | Black Spot | +----------------------------------------------+ | Marakukaja [41] | Fire Boost [42] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragion [44] | Null Ice [45] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Yatsufusa | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Rpl | Nul | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Masukukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fire Boost | Heat Wave [51] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge [52] | Dodge Physical [53] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragidyne [54] | Mind Charge [55] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Taown | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Wk | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Aeon Rain | Dekaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja | Null Enervate [58] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge [60] | Evade Physical [61] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Absorb Fire [62] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Hell Biker | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Aeon Rain | +----------------------------------------------+ | Endure [68] | Mudoon [69] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragidyne [70] | Absorb Fire [71] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fire Amp [73] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Vasuki | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hamaon | Virus Wave | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Poison [73] | High Counter [74] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evade Wind [75] | Mahamaon [76] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne [77] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Attis | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Amrita | +----------------------------------------------+ | Marakukaja | Enduring Soul [84] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Samarecarm [86] | Mamudoon [88] | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death ----- [P4N] +-----------------+ | Ghoul | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bash | Poisma | +----------------------------------------------+ | Sukukaja [10] | Enervation [11] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Skewer [12] | Rakunda [13] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Boost [14] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Mokoi | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Sonic Punch | Hysterical Slap | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekaja | Valiant Dance [15] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rage Boost [16] | Soul Break [18] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Exhaust Boost [19] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Matador | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mamudo | Swift Strike | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekunda | Mudo Boost [26] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rampage [27] | Auto-Sukukaja [29] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Survive Light [30] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Samael | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mudoon | Matarunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Mist | Dekunda [38] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megido [39] | Mudo Boost [40] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Survive Light [41] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Mot | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mudoon | Evil Smile | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tentarafoo | Survive Light [48] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ghastly Wail [49] | Mudo Boost [50] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | White Rider | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mudoon | Hamaon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne [60] | Evade Ice [62] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahamaon [63] | Mamudoon [65] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hama Boost [66] | Mudo Boost [67] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Alice | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mamudoon | Mudo Boost | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekunda | Endure Light [75] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidola [76] | Mind Charge [77] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Die for Me! [79] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Mahakala | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Myriad Arrows | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge | Mind Charge [80] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragidyne [82] | Mamudoon [83] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fire Amp [84] | Mudo Boost [85] | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Temperance ---------- [P4O] +-----------------+ | Apsaras | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Patra | Dia | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rakunda [5] | Me Patra [6] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufu [7] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Slyph | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garu | Sukukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Me Patra | Regenerate 1 [12] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Media [13] | Magaru [14] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Xiezhai | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Zio | Mazio | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rakunda | Makajam [17] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Silence Boost [18] | Rampage [19] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Elec Boost [21] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Nigi Mitama | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Diarama | Me Patra | +----------------------------------------------+ | Re Patra | Recarm [25] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Invigorate 2 [26] | Garula [28] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Enervate [29] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Mithra | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahama | Seal Bomb | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tetra Break [33] | Hamaon [34] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dodge Elec [35] | Hama Boost [36] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Silence [37] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Genbu | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufula | Marakukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Regenerate 2 [42] | Makara Break [43] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Blue Wall [44] | Resist Physical [45] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evade Elec [46] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Seiryu | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mazionga | Matarunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne [49] | Poison Mist [50] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Elec Break [51] | Elec Boost [52] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Exhaust [53] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Suzaku | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragion | Energy Shower | +----------------------------------------------+ | Masukukaja [55] | Resist Ice [58] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fire Amp [59] | Auto-Masuku [60] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Byakko | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufudyne | Deatbound | +----------------------------------------------+ | High Counter | Auto-Sukukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Amrita [66] | Ice Amp [67] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufudyne [68] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Yurlungur | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Virus Wave | Bufudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Growth 3 [71] | Mediarahan [72] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Samarecarm [74] | Repel Light [75] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Vishnu | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidolaon | Akasha Arts | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufudyne | Regenerate 3 [75] | +----------------------------------------------+ | God's Hand [76] | Power Charge [78] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Angelic Grace [79] | | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devil ----- [P4P] +-----------------+ | Ukobach | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agi | Sukunda | +----------------------------------------------+ | Pulinpa [4] | Confuse Boost [5] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Fire [6] | Fire Break [7] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Lilim | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Str | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Zio | Mudo | +----------------------------------------------+ | Enervation | Enervate Boost [12] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Sukukaja [13] | Mamudo [15] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Vetala | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Str | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Foolish Whisper | Evil Touch | +----------------------------------------------+ | Life Drain [20] | Foul Breath [21] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Brain Shake [22] | Ghastly Wail [23] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fear Boost [24] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Incubus | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agilao | Evil Smile | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Slice | Stagnant Air [30] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Spirit Drain [32] | Ghastly Wail [33] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Pazuzu | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mudoon | Rakukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufula | Stagnant Air [39] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ailment Boost [40] | Navas Nebula [41] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Cool Breeze [42] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Succubus | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agilao | Mudoon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragion [46] | Mudo Boost [47] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Spirit Drain [48] | Resist Light [49] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Invigorate 3 [50] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Lilith | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Wk | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Makarakarn | +----------------------------------------------+ | Old One [54] | Maziodyne [55] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Elec Break [56] | Ailment Boost [57] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Belphegor | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Wk | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maziodyne | Evil Smile | +----------------------------------------------+ | Marakunda [63] | Fear Boost [64] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Old One [65] | Enervate Boost [66] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Elec Amp [67] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Belial | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mudoon | Myriad Arrows | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne [69] | Endure Light [71] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fire Amp [72] | Maragidyne [73] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Beelzebub | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Drn | Rpl | Nrm | Wk | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Mabufudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge | Primal Force [83] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mamudoon [84] | Endure Light [85] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mudo Boost [86] | Megidolaon [87] | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tower ----- [P4Q] +-----------------+ | Taotie | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megido | Mind Slice | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekunda | Confuse Boost [37] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge [38] | Null Enervate [40] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Torrent Shot [41] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Cu Chulainn | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magarula | Deathbound | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja [47] | Mind Charge [48] | +----------------------------------------------+ | White Wall [49] | Endure Dark [50] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garudyne [51] | Wind Amp [53] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Abaddon | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Old One | Mudoon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Arrow Rain | Agidyne [56] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Endure Light [57] | Tetra Break [60] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Physical [62] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Mara | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Str | Wk | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Blight | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge [63] | Makarakarn [64] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Absorb Physical [66] | Fire Amp [67] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Masakado | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nul | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahamaon | Tempest Slash | +----------------------------------------------+ | Myriad Arrows [71] | Hama Boost [73] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Arms Master [74] | Enduring Soul [76] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Yoshitsune | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nul | Nrm | Str | Rpl | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Brave Blade | Power Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Heat Riser [77] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Repel Elec [78] | Elec Amp [79] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hassou Tobi [83] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Shiva | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Magarudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Enduring Soul | Maziodyne [82] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Spell Master [83] | Megidolaon [84] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Pralaya [87] | | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star ---- [P4R] +-----------------+ | Kaiwan | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tetrakarn | Cell Breaker | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mamudo | Stagnant Air [26] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Light [27] | Life Drain [28] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Spirit Drain [29] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Neko Shogun | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Wk | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Zionga | Elec Boost | +----------------------------------------------+ | Black Spot | Mediarama [34] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja [35] | Evade Wind [36] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Divine Grace [37] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Fuu-ki | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garula | Torrent Shot | +----------------------------------------------+ | Counterstrike | Evade Fire [45] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Apt Pupil [46] | Wind Boost [47] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Exhaust [49] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Ganesha | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garudyne | Mustard Bomb | +----------------------------------------------+ | Makarakarn | Power Charge [52] | +----------------------------------------------+ | High Counter [54] | Endure [55] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magarudyne [56] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Garuda | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Rpl | Rpl | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Diarama | Garudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Arrow Rain | Amrita [60] | +----------------------------------------------+ | High Counter [61] | Repel Wind [62] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Auto-Sukukaja [63] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Kartikeya | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maziodyne | Auto-Mataru | +----------------------------------------------+ | High Counter [68] | Myriad Arrows [69] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Growth 2 [70] | Primal Force [75] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Saturnus | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Drn | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne | Maragidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fire Amp | Evade Ice [77] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Growth 3 [79] | Spell Master [81] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Helel | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidolaon | Maragidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | God's Hand | Salvation [88] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Instant Heal [90] | Repel Wind [91] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Arms Master [92] | Morning Star [94] | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moon ---- [P4S] +-----------------+ | Andras | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Media | Mazio | +----------------------------------------------+ | Sukukaja | Blue Wall [22] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Regenerate 2 [23] | Zionga [24] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dodge Wind [25] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Nozuchi | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Mist | Enervation | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ailment Boost | Zionga [29] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rakukaja [30] | Null Poison [31] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Enervate [32] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +------------------+ | Yamata-no-Orochi | +------------------+---------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Wk | Nul | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufula | Garula | +----------------------------------------------+ | Red Wall | Green Wall [36] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Resist Enervate [38] | Ice Boost [39] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Alraune | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Str | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mediarama | Energy Shower | +----------------------------------------------+ | Old One | Makarakarn [43] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Green Wall [44] | Null Enervate [45] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Enervate Boost [46] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Girimehkala | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge | Mighty Swing | +----------------------------------------------+ | Poison Mist | Mamudoon [50] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Blight [51] | Tetraja [52] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Endure Light [53] | Repel Physical [56] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Sui-ki | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Rpl | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufudyne | Power Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ | Vicious Strike | Regenerate 2 [59] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tetra Break [60] | Enduring Soul [62] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Seth | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magarudyne | Garudyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Wind Break [71] | Null Light [72] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Wind Amp [73] | Evade Elec [74] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Baal Zebul | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufudyne | Mamudoon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Old One | Tentarafoo [78] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maziodyne [79] | Mudo Boost [80] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Stagnant Air [82] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Sandalphon | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Rpl | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahamaon | Samarecarm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Amrita | Angelic Grace [87] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agneyastra [88] | Endure Dark [89] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Repel Dark [90] | | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun --- [P4T] +-----------------+ | Cu Sith | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garu | Pulinpa | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rakukaja | Growth 1 [11] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magaru [13] | White Wall [14] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Traesto [15] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Phoenix | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garula | Maragi | +----------------------------------------------+ | Twin Shot [22] | Growth 1 [23] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dodge Ice [25] | Fire Boost [26] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragion [27] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Gdon | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agilao | Maragi | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fire Break | Growth 2 [33] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragion [34] | Fire Boost [35] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evade Ice [36] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Yatagarasu | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Nul | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Masukukaja | Nervundi | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agilao | Null Fear [43] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Growth 2 [44] | Diarahan [45] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Cool Breeze [46] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Narasimha | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hamaon | Tempest Slash | +----------------------------------------------+ | Counterstrike [48] | Evade Wind [49] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahamaon [51] | Auto-Mataru [53] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Tam-Lin | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Str | Nul | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne | Deathbound | +----------------------------------------------+ | High Counter | Auto-Maraku [54] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge [55] | Elec Amp [56] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evade Physical [58] | Enduring Soul [59] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Jatayu | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garudyne | Null Confuse | +----------------------------------------------+ | Amrita [62] | Growth 3 [64] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Repel Elec [65] | Magarudyne [66] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Horus | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Diarahan | Mahamaon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magarudyne | Wind Amp [70] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja [71] | Absorb Wind [73] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Suparna | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Drn | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garudyne | Makajam | +----------------------------------------------+ | Evade Ice [79] | Wind Amp [80] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magarudyne [81] | Evade Fire [82] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Elec Amp [83] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Asura | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Nul | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragidyne | Primal Force | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahamaon [88] | High Counter [89] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Spell Master [90] | Unshaken Will [92] | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Judgment -------- [P4U] +-----------------+ | Anubis | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hamaon | Makarakarn | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mudoon | Poison Arrow [60] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mustard Bomb [61] | Megidola [62] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahamaon [64] | Hama Boost [65] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Trumpeter | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Drn | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Rpl | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidola | Ziodyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Elec Amp | Marakukaja [68] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Cool Breeze [69] | Megidolaon [70] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Debilitate [73] | Heat Riser [74] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Michael | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Vorpal Blade | Megidola | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hamaon | Megidolaon [74] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahamaon [75] | Repel Dark [76] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Heaven's Blade [79] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Satan | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Rpl | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidolaon | Maragidyne | +----------------------------------------------+ | Regenerate 3 [77] | Invigorate 3 [78] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Endure Light [80] | Black Viper [81] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Wind [82] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Metatron | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Rpl | Wk | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahamaon | Heaven's Blade | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidolaon [86] | Repel Ice [87] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Repel Elec [88] | Repel Fire [89] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Ardha | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nul | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Primal Force | God's Hand | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Dizzy [92] | Auto-Rakukaja [93] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mediarahan [94] | Angelic Grace [95] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Null Physical [96] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Lucifer | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufudyne | Brave Blade | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mind Charge | Ice Amp [94] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Spell Master [95] | Repel Light [96] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Absorb Elec [98] | Victory Cry [99] | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- World ----- [P4V] +------------------+ | Izanagi-no-Okami | +------------------+---------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Str | Str | Str | Str | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidolaon | Victory Cry | +----------------------------------------------+ | Angelic Grace | Mind Charge | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne [92] | Bufudyne [93] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne [94] | Garudyne [95] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fire Amp [96] | Ice Amp [97] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Elec Amp [98] | Wind Amp [99] | +----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O--------------------O | Character Personas | O--------------------O NOTE: I'll list the skill set for each Persona for the first Persona for each character. Yosuke ------ [0YOS] +-----------------+ | Jiraiya | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Wk | Str | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garu | Bash | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dia | Sukukaja [6] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dekaja [10] | Sonic Punch [14] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magaru [18] | Tentarafoo [23] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Garula [29] | Diarama [34] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Magarula [40] | Wind Boost [44] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Wind Break [49] | Garudyne [53] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Masukukaja [60] | Magarudyne [64] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Brave Blade [69] | Wind Amp [73] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Susano-O | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ Chie ---- [0CHI] +-----------------+ | Tomoe | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Skewer | Tarukaja | +----------------------------------------------+ | Bufu [7] | Skull Cracker [11] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufu [14] | Rampage [20] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Assault Dive [22] | Counter [24] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Gale Slash [29] | Bufula [33] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ice Boost [36] | Black Spot [38] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Counterstrike [43] | Heat Wave [46] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Power Charge [52] | High Counter [61] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rainy Death [67] | God's Hand [70] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agneyastra [74] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Suzuka Gongen | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ Yukiko ------ [0YUK] +-----------------+ | Konohana Sakura | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Dia | Agi | +----------------------------------------------+ | Me Patra | Maragi | +----------------------------------------------+ | Media [16] | Agilao [21] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Recarm [26] | Fire Break [30] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Diarama [33] | Maragion [39] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mediarama [43] | Fire Boost [45] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Agidyne [51] | Diarahan [55] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Samarecarm [59] | Mediarahan [65] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Maragidyne [68] | Salvation [74] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Fire Amp [76] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Amateratsu | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Wk | Nul | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ Kanji ----- [0KAN] +-----------------+ | Take-Mikazuchi | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mazio | Zionga | +----------------------------------------------+ | Rakukaja | Kill Rush | +----------------------------------------------+ | Elec Boost [27] | Fatal End [34] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Cruel Attack [38] | Mazionga [40] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mighty Swing [44] | Elec Break [48] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ziodyne [54] | Vile Assault [58] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja [60] | Maziodyne [67] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Primal Force [73] | Elec Amp [75] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Rokuten Maoh | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ Rise ---- [0RIS] NOTE: SL# means you learn this skill by raising your Socail Link with Rise. The number next to SL means you have to be at that level on the Social Link to learn that skill. +-----------------+ | Himiko | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Full Analysis | Third Eye [43] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Healing Wave [63] | Certain Escape [72] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Relaxing Wave [77] | Treasure Radar [SL3] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Enemy Radar [SL6] | Weakness Scan [SL10] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Kanzeon | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ Teddie ------ [0TED] +-----------------+ | Kintoki-Douji | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Wk | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mediarama | Bufula | +----------------------------------------------+ | Energy Shower | Traesto [36] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mabufula [38] | Ice Boost [40] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Matarukaja [42] | Ice Break [44] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Diarahan [49] | Bufudyne [54] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Marakukaja [58] | Amrita [61] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Samarecarm [63] | Mabufudyne [67] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mediarahan [70] | Ice Amp [72] | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Kamui | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nul | Nrm | Wk | Str | Nrm | Str | +----------------------------------------------+ Naoto ----- [0NAO] +-----------------+ | Sukuna-Hikona | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Str | +----------------------------------------------+ | Attacks | +----------------------------------------------+ | Tempest Slash | Mudoon | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hamaon | Megidola | +----------------------------------------------+ | Deathbound | Mind Charge [56] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Blight [58] | Mudo Boost [64] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Hama Boost [66] | Mamudoon [68] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Mahamaon [70] | Vorpal Blade [73] | +----------------------------------------------+ | Megidolaon [75] | | +----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | Yamato-Takeru | +-----------------+----------------------------+ | Phys | Bufu | Agi | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo | +------+------+-----+-----+------+------+------+ | Nrm | Nrm | Str | Nrm | Nrm | Nul | Nul | +----------------------------------------------+ =================== 10.) Social Links =================== Here's a quick overview of how to start up your social links and when each person is available. Fool ---- -This one is automatic so there's no need to get into details about it. Magician -------- -Who: Yosuke -How: This one starts up automatically. -When: Yosuke is available on Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. -Where: He's on the second floor of the classroom buildings. On Sundays he's at Junes. Priestess --------- -Who: Yukiko -How: This one starts up automatically. -When: Yukiko is available Monday through Thursday and on Sunday. -Where: She's on the first floor of the classroom buildings. On Sundays she's at the shopping district but sometimes she won't appear there. Empress ------- -Who: Margaret -How: When you get your Knowledge to Level 3, visit the Velvet Room and you'll be able to start the Social Link with Margaret. In order you level this up, you'll need to bring her certain Personas with certain skills. -When: She's available every day of the week. -Where: The Velvet Room. Here's a list of Persona and she wants and how to achieve them: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 2 ------- Ippon-Datara with Sukukaja. Persona 1: Sylph (Make sure it has Sukukaja). + Persona 2: Archangel. Level 3 ------- Matador with Mahama. Persona 1: Anzu (Make sure to it has Mahama). + Persona 2: Berith. Level 4 ------- Gdon with Rampage. Persona 1: Ares. + Persona 2: Shiisaa. Level 5 ------- Neko Shogun with Bufula. This one is actually a multi step one. This is the best path that I was able to take: 1.) Fuse a King Frost with a Hua Po to make a Kusi Mitama with Bufula. 2.) Use the special fusion that lets you fuse 4 Personas at once and make the Neko Shogun. Level 6 ------- Black Frost with Auto-Sukukaja. Again, this is another multistep one: 1.) Fuse Anzu with Sylph to get a Jack Frost. Make sure it learns Auto-Sukukaja before making it. 2.) Make Black Frost from the appropriate special fusion. Level 7 ------- Yatagarusu with Megido. 1.) Fuse Taotie and Cu Sith so that you get an Ares with Megido. 2.) Fuse Ares with a Black Frost. Level 8 ------- Yatsufusa with Mediarama. 1.) Get Thoth to Level 47 so it learns Mediarama. 2.) Use the special fusion that lets you make Yatsufusa and make it when you get the appropriate Personas, which are Thoth, Orthrus, Makami, Narasimha, and Mothman. Level 9 ------- Ganesta with Tetrakarn. Fuse Decarabia with a Cu Chulainn. Level 10 -------- Trumpeter with Mind Charge. 1.) Level Taotie until it learns Mind Charge at Level 38. 2.) Use the special fusion that Trumpeter is under and fuse all the Personas required to make it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emperor ------- -Who: Kanji. -How: When Kanji is in your party, talk to the girl near the stairs leading to the first and third floors near your classroom on the days Kanji is available. Afterwards go to the first floor of the Practice Building and talk with Kanji. -When: Kanji is available Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. -Where: First floor of the Practice Building. On Sundays he's in front of the Textile Shop. Hierophant ---------- -Who: Dojima. -How: Starting on May 6th, talk to him as he's reading the paper. This is only available at night. -When: Whenever Dojima is at the house. It seems that whenever you beat a dungeon, Dojima is home more often. -Where: In the living room of your house. Lovers ------ -Who: Rise. -How: Automatic. -When: Rise is available Friday through Sunday. -Where: She's on the first floor of the classroom buildings. On Sundays she's at the shopping district. Chariot ------- -Who: Chie. -How: Automatic. -When: Chie is available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and sometimes Sunday. -Where: She's on the roof of the school. On Sundays she's at the shopping district. Justice ------- -Who: Nanako. -How: Automatic. [YOU MUST HAVE CERTAIN LEVEL OF EXPRESSIONS AS YOU GAIN MORE LEVELS IN THIS SOCIAL LINK.] -When: It's usually randomized. If Dojima is home, you won't be able to work on your social link with her. I'm not sure if it's also based on if you've completed the current dungeon you're on or not. -Where: At the Dojima Residence. Hermit ------ -Who: Fox. -How: On May 5th, choose to visit the Shrine and the Fox will appear. -When: The Fox is available every day of the week, including rainy days. In order to raise your social link, you have to do 9 requests, one for each level. Here's how to do them: 1.) After you get this request, talk to the girl on the first floor of the classrooms near the doors. Afterwards, she'll be outside your classroom door after school so talk to her each day after that until the request is fulfilled. 2.) Go to the Shopping District South and look for a girl in the middle of the street near the item shop. Talk with her and then talk to Chie. After getting an item from Chie, talk to the girl again to complete the request. 3.) This one is another multiday process. First go to the Flood Plain and go to the Riverbed and talk with the dog. The next day you can find him at the Shopping District North. Choose to talk to it gently. The next day go back to the Riverbed and talk with the dog again and choose to talk to it gently again. Return the next day and go to the Flood Plain and go straight past the Riverbed until you find the dog. Talk with him. Eventually you'll have an option of giving him food. Give him a Steak Skewer which can be bought in the North part of the Shopping District. NOTE: You can't find the dog when it's raining. 4.) Go to the Flood Plain. Near the billboard at the entrance, talk to the small boy. Say you don't want his money. You'll now need a Prize Sticker which can only be gotten from Tanaka's shopping show on Sundays. Give him a sticker and talk to him the next day. Now talk with Nanako and she'll give you a new sticker (make sure to tell her "Thank You") and then talk with the boy again. Finally, talk to him the next day to fulfill the request. 5.) After getting this request and exit the shrine, go north until you see a man standing in the middle of the road. If he's not there, you'll have to re-enter the screen. Agree to help make a model for him. From there, you'll have to make it at your house. It takes 4-5 nights to complete the model, which can be constructed on your table in your room. Once it's completed, give it to the man and go visit the Fox. 6.) Once you get this request, go to the roof of the school and talk to the girl near the fence that's the closest to Chie. Pick the first options when you get the chance to. You need certain levels of Expression and Courage for this request. Everyday just keep talking with her everyday, picking the first option until the request is fulfilled. 7.) In order to start on this one, you need to finish the quest "Feed The Cat" which can be done by talking to the man near the bookstore. Once you can get started, go to the Flood Plain and talk to the man near the trees. Now go to the Dojima Residence and the cat should be near your house. Talk with it. You may have to talk to it twice since the first time, it'll give you an option of spending the day with it. Return to the man you spoke with and tell him to follow you. Go back the next day and talk with the man and repeat this process daily until he asks for a fish. He wants a Red Goldfish. Give it to him and the next day, talk to him to fulfill the request. 8.) This time you'll need to play hero and find a wallet. First go to the Flood Plain and look for a woman near a trashcan or something that looks like it. Talk with her and head to the Riverbed. Examine around the bushes to find a Wallet. If it's not in the Riverbed then check the Flood Plain itself. Talk with her and then head for the Shopping District. Go to the northern part and examine the bushes near the shrine to find another wallet. Return to the woman and talk with her to finish the request. 9.) This one is the biggest pain of them all. To activate it, you first need to catch a Huge Fish. Once you get one, talk to the old man at the Riverbed, the one that trades you items for fish, and he'll give you a new fishing set to catch a Guardian. You can only catch it on rainy days or late into December. Here are a few things to remember: -The vibration of the controller determines the size of the fish you'll get. You'll know you're going to get the Guardian if your controller vibrates heavily and there's a 2-3 second pause between each vibration. If you don't get this, pull in your reel and recast until you get it. This can take between either 1 recast to 100 recasts. You need a lot of patience for this one. -Once your line is tugged on, you need to reel it in immediately, otherwise it will eat your bait, laugh at you and swim away. This part is the most frustrating. After getting the fish, the old man will crap his pants. Go visit the Fox. NOTE: In order to max out the Fox's Social Link, you must visit him once more after completing the last request. Fortune ------- -Who: Naoto. -How: On October 21, talk with Naoto in the first floor classroom buildings then head for the shopping district. Go to the northern part of it and talk to the man near Aiya. Select the first option then talk with Naoto. You must have your Courage maxed out in order to start this Social Link. -When: Naoto is available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. -Where: On the first floor of the classroom building. Strength -------- -Who: Daisuke and Kou. -How: When the sporting clubs are looking for people, go to the Faculty Office and then visit the sports teams and pick one. -When: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. -Where: Talk to Kou or Daisuke who are right outside of your classroom. Hanged Man ---------- -Who: Naoki Konishi. -How: After being "introduced" to Naoki for the first time, he'll be hanging around the first floor of the classroom buildings. Talk with him once and then come back and talk to him again the next day. Keep doing this until his social link activates. -When: Naoki is available Monday through Thursday. -Where: Shopping District North near the liquor store. Death ----- -Who: Hisano. -How: You need to have the Devil Social Link up to Level 3 or 4 in order to do this. -When: Hisano is available on Sundays or on any Holiday. -Where: Riverbed. Temperance ---------- -Who: Eri. -How: When you hear of job openings, go visit the bulletin board in the shopping district and choose the Daycare job. Now go to your job when you can and the social link will eventually form. -When: Monday, Friday, and Saturday. -Where: At your job. Just take the bus to it. Devil ----- -Who: Sayoko. -How: When the second batch of job openings are posted, pick the Hospital one. -When: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. -Where: At your job. It's a night job so you have to leave from your house. Tower ----- -Who: Shu. -How: When the second batch of job openings are posted, pick the Tutor one. You need to have max Understanding for it. -When: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. -Where: At your job. It's a night job so you have to leave from your house. Star ---- -Who: Teddie. -How: This one is automatic. -When: Again, it's automatic. -Where: It's automatic, dammit. Moon ---- -Who: Ai. -How: Once the Strength Social Link reaches Level 4, she'll become available. Talk with her near the exit doors on the first floor. You need at least Level 3 Courage to start the Social Link with her. One day she'll pull you aside to cut class. That's when the Link will form. -When: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. -Where: First floor of the classroom buildings, near the exit doors. Sun --- -Who: Ayane or Yumi. -How: When the culture clubs start taking members, visit either the Drama Club [Yumi] or the band [Ayane]. -When: Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. This Social Link IS available when it's raining. -Where: Right outside your classroom and near the stairs going to the first and third floors, Yumi or Ayane will be there. Judgment -------- -Who: Your party. -How: Automatic. -When: Automatic. -Where: Automatic. =================== 11.) Credit/Thanks =================== GameFAQs and the other hosting sites: For putting up with my guides for nearly 5 years now. Atlus: For this wonderful game. I've been a fan of them for the longest time now. forweg: For giving me an enemy I missed in Yukiko's Castle. http://www.rootsecure.net/?p=ascii_generator: For the ASCII. FAQ Contributor Boards: You guys are still a bunch of crazy nutcases but I love you all the same. And of course a major thank you to you, the readers. It's been said over and over again but without any of you, I wouldn't be doing this for 5 years now. If it helps at least one person then I've done my job correctly. ==================== 12.) Version History ==================== January 1, 2009 - Started on the guide. Finished up to about Mid-April. [V0.1] January 3, 2009 - Finished up to starting July. [V0.02] January 7, 2009 - Finished up to the middle of October. [V0.03] January 13, 2009 - Finished up to near the end of December, meaning the main portion of the walkthrough is almost done. I also started on the Enemy List. Right now it's up to Magatsu Inaba/Mandala. [V0.04] January 17, 2009 - Finished up the enemy list, or at least most of it. I'm also 99% done with the main walkthrough. All I need to add to it is the final boss. I also started on the Weapons section. [V0.05] January 18, 2009 - Finished up the weapons and armor list as well as the Shop List. [V0.06] January 19, 2009 - Started on the Persona list and finished up to the Lovers Arcana. [V0.07] January 20, 2009 - Finally, FINALLY finished the Persona section. I also started on the Social Link section. It's not exactly indepth but it gives you an idea of how to start a social link and where to find them on certain days. [V0.08] January 21, 2009 - Finally finished the guide. There are probably a few things missing but for the most part, it's complete. [V1.0] January 22, 2009 - Added in a missed enemy and fixed a few typos. [V1.1] January 25, 2009 - Fixed a couple of typos.