Shinkigen Gensou Spectral Souls Hidden Character Guide and Secrets FAQ Version 1.0 - 12/4/2004 This FAQ is meant as a reference for getting every hidden character in the game a long with a few tips and tricks. This will not be a full, comprehensive guide. I am going to assume anyone who is playing this has a decent grasp of Japanese and an understanding of the game systems such as Charge and Compounding. There will be JP text contained here, which you will of course need some way to view. I am going to list everything in Japanese, except for character names, to avoid translation confusion. The most important advice I will give first. After every story dungeon, visit every town that is open to you. Go to every area until that area doesn't yield an event. There is a ton of character interaction here, along with tons of items and event flags to get. I. Learning skills The skill system is a bit different from other SRPGs. A lot of weapons come with skills attached to them. When compounding, you can transfer these skills to weapons with open slots. As characters kill enemies, they will gain EP. Gain enough EP, and the skills on their weapons can be extracted into a consumable item. A good way to exploit this is to give characters like Hiro, Akira or others who get a lot of kills, skills for mages or other support characters. This will allow them to learn skills easier, opening up their original skills faster. The most important skill in the game is Power Charge (パワーチャージ). The only weapon that you can get this skill from is the Crash Sword (クラッシュソード). Hoard these whenever you get them. II. Hidden Characters Kyou After seeing the initial events with Niva in 丞,?s市ニヴァ, go back to アルエット瀦∽枌efore going continuing the Niva events. Kyou will be lost and looking for the way to the inn. Tell her the correct way, 右. This event is very easy to miss, so be sure to see it. After finishing in the city ,?"Nトリア will open up on the map. Go to アルハイ瀦∽柞n that map for another event. Choose 衰1氏?嘯メ?in the conversation to get Kyou. Helene Head to 盾湛・怨*焉亦V秤 in ?"Nトリア to see events. When given the chance, choose m!=???藪 Afterwards, head to ミドルストリート and hear about monsters in the city. This will open up a new location, 「ベクトリア金,x. Go there, win the battle, and Helene will join. Frederica First, recruit Kyou. During the storyline battle in マスタッシュv醜, use Kyou to speak to Frederica. She will join on the spot. Galahad After the events in the town of リト, return to ?"Nトリア. See all the events in 頼(a俣t and 盾湛・怨*焉亦V秤. Return to the world map, and a new area will be open. サクソンv醜. During the battle there, use Niva to speak to Galahad. Shuu After clearing ゼルギムv仙ェ once again head to ?"Nトリア. At ミドルストリート, you will hear about monsters. On the world map, this will open ウォレスv仙ャ Speak to Shuu with Galahad during the battle there. Raoul During the battle in ゲーネン試糾ェ speak to Raoul with Figo. Kuuya and Yen-o After recruiting Figo and Raoul, return to ?"Nトリア. See the events in 怨*焉亦V秤. ブラキゥム神殿 will open up on the map. During the battle there, speak to both characters with Shuu. This battle is very annoying because of the bats and the 100 turn time limit. Try and get Shuus' agility up a few points before coming here to make recruiting both characters and getting all the items easier. Shell Shell requires beating retry dungeons in a specific order. She will not join if not done in this order: 1. マスタッシュv醜, 2. ゼルギムv仙ェ 3. ブラキゥム神殿. Generally, retry dungeons are beatable after clearing the story dungeon that comes after it. I recommend doing them at that time to make sure Shell joins. Runelba In 誤!哩Xオルル, go to ヴェスト瀦∽ャ You will see an event with Runelba and other characters. Ren Walt and Horn join afterwards. Next, go to 中碓ょ枅or another event with Runelba. During the battle in ピージリチ忽ェ use Myuu to speak with Meive. Bck in 誤!哩Xオルル, first go to 中碓ょェ then to ヴェスト瀦∽杪nd she will join. Arguably the best character in the game. Shekiru After recruiting Shuu, go to ?"Nトリア to see an automatic event involving Meive and a shadow. Next, during the battle at ピージリチ忽ェ speak to Meive with Myuu. Return to 誤!哩Xオルル. After seeing the event with Runelba in 中碓ょェ enter that area again quickly before recruiting her. Another event with Shekiru will activate. Recruit Runelba, then return to this area one last time for another event. Finally, during the final battle in アルト山, use Runelba and Myuu to speak to Meive. Meive will join in battle, but will later be revealed as Shekiru. She will join if you speak to her with either Myuu or Runelba, but speaking with both are required to recruit Hiro later on. Radeuy(?) After clearing the アルト山, head over to 中央誤? in ベクトリア. He will join. There may be a required flag involving Myuu, so make sure you keep up seeing events in between storyline dungeons. Scarface He can be very tricky. You will first run into him during the middle fight at ゼルギムv仙ャ During this battle, he has to attack Akira. You can trigger this by simply attacking him with Akira. He will counter attack, triggering the needed event. Finish the battle without killing him. Next, you will see him at ブラキゥム神殿. During this battle, use Akira to speak to him. Again finish without killing him. You can recruit him at ピエーデ鯛創 in the 2nd fight. Use Myuu to speak to him. This will give you every character, allowing you to go after..... Hiro Over the course of the game, you will see a few events discussing the Neverland Great Wars. One of them discusses Hiro and her role. Make sure you see this. Next, recruit all other characters. After clearing ピエーデ代1n, head to ローレンボフ. Enter 郊外 to see an event with Hiro. Afterwards, 永久凍土 will open on the map. You will fight Hiro 1 on 1 with Runelba. It isn't very hard, but equip some fire protection to be safe. Hiro rocks, as she does in every game. III. Retry dungeons and the Door to Another World These are the main places to level up characters and hoard items for compounding. Retry dungeons are basically harder versions of the story dungeons, with varying sets of enemies. You can access them after clearing the story there. Clearing each retry dungeon nets you a title, lots of items, and good experience. Tackle them all repeatedly. The Door to Another world is a 100 level bonus dungeon. Progressing in sets of 5, the first 4 floors simply need you to get to the exit, the 5th requiring the slaughter of all enemies on the stage. The first 50 floors are available during the main story, the final 50 become unlocked after beating the game. If you die in either of these, it isn't game over, but you lose all unequipped items in your inventory. IV. Clear mode. After beating the main story, you get the chance to save. Load from this file, and you will be back on the world map. From here, you get a slew of challenges to tackle. Floors 50-100 in the Door to Another World. The difficulty ramps up steadily, and from 80 on up, you will face a major boss every 5 floors. There are tons upon tons of great items to be found and stolen here, so bring Kyou and her skill that steals rare items with a 100% rate. It should be noted that from 51-89 the only way out of here is to use a スカラベ item, so be absolutely sure that you give one to one of your party members. Also, the skill Escape (エスケープ) is a godsend in here, so either use a character who can learn it, or put it on a weapon. Other important skills in here are Search Eye (サーチ・アイ) and Trap Clear (トラップクリア), to reveal items and get rid of the brutal traps, respectively. Each floor is brimming with the worst traps in the game, such as the one that makes you PERMANENTLY forget a skill, and the one that PERMANENTLY steals an item from you. Floors 90-100 have to be taken consecutively, with no way out, and 95-100 require slaying every enemy on each floor, so be prepared for a long haul. The Doppelgangers. These are jacked up versions of the main storyline villians. The main difficulty I found doesn't really lie in the doppelganger themself, but in swarms of tropps that appear with them. At the beginning of each fight, there will be the doppelganger, then 2 sets of 4 troops. After beating all 4 from one set, another class will appear, until a total of 5 sets have been killed. Compounding difficulty, at 100 turns, 4 "General" type troops will spawn, meaning you can have up to 13 very difficult enemies surrounding you at once. My advice is to have Runelba, Helene, and Hiro in your party for this. Give Hiro the skills Maximum Charge (マキシムチャージ) and Energy Cut (エナジーカット). ASAP, use Maximum Charge, set a charged Energy Cut on the doppelganer (make sure one of your characters follows Hiros' turn, so this doesn't get interrupted.) Set off Hiros' attack, which with a properly pumped up weapon, will do 30,000 damage or more, clearing full MP from the Doppelganger. This will make them much easier to deal with. To deal with the hoards, have Runelba spam her 雪+似事P破 skill. Have Helene use 応援 to keep Runelbas' SP up. The Doppelgangers' are located here: Hyudor -> ゼルギムv仙 Meive -> プラキゥム神殿 Cassius -> アルト山 Kundry -> ブローフィリv醜 Beating these 4 unlocks Doppelganger Cringzole in 魔v醜. Also, the items you get from the titles associated with beating them can be compounded to make the SOC sword, the best weapon for Akira. The item from Cringzoles' title is an ingredient for the best weapon for Myuu. Defeat Cringzole to open up the final boss battle, vs. 天魔奄枴n ディグニダー丞M You can also start a new game from your clear save, but I don't know the advantages. From what I gather, all items from your initial clear, and everything you get from the next playthrough will be combined on the following clear play. V. Titles Accomplishing various goals in the game will get you a title. Choose the 叙傑 from the main menu to see if you have earned any. You get them for recruiting hidden characters, completing retry dungeons, defeating XXX number of enemies, specific bosses, among other things. Eventually I will include a list of all titles and their requirements. Titles are an easy way to get some very rare items. VI. Disclaimers, revisions and thanks This FAQ was created by me, Jae Church. Do not post it, reproduce it, or steal bits of it without permission. Odds are if you ask, I will so yes, so have some manners. Revision 1.0- Started the FAQ, completed sections I, II, III, IV, V, and VI. Thank you to: Idea Factory for creating the entire Neverland world and it's series of games. Gamefaqs for posting this New Wind of Kotaro The fine folks over at the Supara Spectral board for answering my questions