STAR OCEAN TILL THE END OF TIME PRIVATE ACTION FAQ (v2.5, 4-25-04) by Edward Chang (chang dot 459 at osu dot edu) ****************************************************************************** IMPORTANT! THIS FAQ IS BASED ON THE ORIGINAL JAPANESE RELEASE OF STAR OCEAN 3. THE NORTH AMERICAN RELEASE IS BASED ON THE DIRECTOR'S CUT VERSION OF STAR OCEAN 3. IF YOU ARE PLAYING THE NORTH AMERICAN RELEASE, REFER TO MY FAQS IN THE DIRECTOR'S CUT SECTION OF GAMEFAQS. ANY EMAILS ASKING WHY MY FAQS LEAVE OUT THINGS ADDED TO THE DIRECTOR'S CUT WILL BE SUMMARILY IGNORED. ****************************************************************************** Version History v2.5 (4-25-04) Update pertaining to the US release of the game. v2.0 (7-17-03) Added PAs, reorganized layout. v1.0 (5-30-03) First version. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Private Actions 3. Ending Paths 4. Credits 1. INTRODUCTION This is a Private Action FAQ for the latest tri-Ace RPG, Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, AKA Star Ocean 3. Private Actions are the mini-scenarios you can see between your characters throughout the course of the game. As in previous SO games, Private Actions affect the relationships your characters have with each other, and thus they affect what endings you will get. Please note that the US release of Star Ocean 3, currently scheduled for late Summer '04, is actually the Director's Cut version of the game that was released in Japan in early 2004. Thus, if you are playing the US version, please look at my FAQ/Walkthrough for the Director's Cut instead. There are several major differences between previous SO games and SO3 in regards to Private Actions. First, you no longer have to press a button outside of a town to initiate Private Actions; your characters will automatically split up in town, and all you have to do is find them in order to initiate the PA. The game calls this sytem "Auto Private Actions". Second, the number of possible endings has been reduced greatly. The possible endings in SO3 involve pairing the main character (Fate) with one other character. Thus relationship values involving people other than Fate do not matter that much throughout the course of the game. Occasionally you will have to choose out of several options during a PA, and depending on what you pick, the impact on your characters' relationships will be different. This FAQ will list those choices and how they differ. This FAQ makes use of SJIS encoding in order to display Japanese characters. I included this feature so that if you do not know Japanese, you can easily match up the characters on your TV screen to the characters in this guide. You will need to have support for viewing Japanese characters on your computer, however. Certain versions of Windows should have it built in; otherwise, you'll either need to get a program like NJStar Communicator, or you'll need to get Japanese character support for Internet Explorer (free from Microsoft) and open this file in IE instead of Notepad/Wordpad. 2. PRIVATE ACTIONS Private Actions are, in general, limited in time. This means that they'll only be available for a certain window. In some cases they may involve backtracking to places you normally wouldn't go to. This list of Private Actions is in chronological order, meaning that you can simply go through the list as you go through the game. Because of this, there are some spoilers involving events when describing certain time windows for PAs. Each Private Action listing will indicate how to trigger it, what choices you have (if any), and how that PA affects your relationship with other characters. Although some PAs may affect relationships not involving Fate, Fate's relationship with the other characters is the most important when determining endings. In order to be paired with a particular character during the ending, there are three requirements. First, that character must be in your party at the end of the game. Thus, Fate can't be paired with Nel if you didn't go back to recruit Nel when she was available. Second, Fate's feelings for that character have to exceed 21, and that character's feelings for Fate have to exceed 50. Finally, those two relationship values also have to be the highest out of any of the characters. Because I am lazy, I am not going to type out the exact values of how each private action changes your character's relationship values. The initial values all start somewhere around 15-20 or so. If you're aiming for a particular ending, I'd suggest just looking at the "Ending Paths" section. Finally note that even though she is not a playable character, you can still pair Fate with Mirage for an ending. See the Ending Paths section for more detail. And now for the list: 1. Searching the Trash Location: Grand Tear Hotel Time Window: Until using the fight simulator. How to activate: Check the trash basket in room 105. Effect: This lowers everybody's reaction towards Fate except Roger. 2. Fate's Parents Location: Grand Tear Hotel Time Window: Until using the fight simulator. How to activate: Speak to Sophia before talking to Fate's parents, on the Private Beach. Effect: This makes Sophia like Fate more, but it makes Fate like Sophia less. Maria also likes Fate more. 3. Girl on the Beach Location: Grand Tear Hotel Time Window: Until using the fight simulator. How to activate: Go to the beach and talk to one of the girls there. She will attempt to hit on you, but then Sophia shows up. The girl will ask if Sophia is your sister or something. You will have three choices. The first says "Yeah, something like that". The second says "No, I've never seen her before". The third says "Isn't she cute? She's my girlfriend". Effect: 1 and 2 will lower Fate and Sophia's reactions for each other. 3 will raise them. 1 also makes the male characters like Fate more. 4. Making Up Location: Grand Tear Hotel Time Window: Immediate after #3 How to activate: Pick either 1 or 2 for PA#3, then head back to the transporter room. Fate and Sophia will make up. Effect: This will make Fate like Sophia more. Sophia's reaction stays neutral. 5. Souffle Rosetti Location: Grand Tear Hotel Time Window: Automatic How to activate: Enter the Rousetti Troupe room to the northeast of the Grand Tear's large floor. Sophia will make the claim that eventually her autograph will be worth so much that you could buy an entire planet with it. You'll have two choices. The first says you believe her. The second says "Isn't that a little exaggerated?" Effect: 1 will make most characters like Fate more, especially Souffle. 2 2 will make some characters like Fate more and some less, but Souffle will definitely like Fate less. 6. Entry Prohibited Location: Grand Tear Hotel Time Window: After PA#5 but before going to the Fight Simulator How to activate: In the Rousetti Troupe room, approach the door that is barred off. Souffle will tell you that you can't enter. Effect: This will make Sophia and Souffle like Fate less. Roger will like Fate more. 7. Fight Simulator Location: Grand Tear Hotel Time Window: After PA#5. How to activate: Enter the lounge and check the console. Effect: Two choices will pop up. For the first choice, pick the first option to try and convince Sophia to join you. She'll be hesitant, and another choice will pop up. The first one says "It's okay, I'll protect you". The second says "Oh, you don't like being with me." Effect: The first one will generally raise everybody's feelings towards Fate, but especially Sophia's. The second makes everybody dislike Fate. 8. Fight Simulator Part Two Location: Grand Tear Hotel Time Window: After PA#7. How to activate: Automatic. A tutorial menu will pop up with several choices when you enter the Fight Simulator. The very last choice is "begin the battle". This PA differentiates between if you pick some other choice first, or if you pick begin the battle right away. Effect: Cliff, Arbel, Roger, and Souffle will like you more if you start the battle right away. Maria, Nel, and Mirage like you more if you take your time. Sophia likes you more either way. 9. Fight Simulator Part Three Location: Grand Tear Hotel Time Window: After PA#8. How to activate: Win the first battle. This will then bring up another choice. The first choice makes you continue to use the fight simulator. The second choice says that's enough for the day. Effect: The first choice makes Cliff, Arbel, Roger, and Mirage like you more but the other characters like you less. The second choice makes Maria like you more and the other characters not mentioned above stay neutral about you. 10. Fight Simulator Part Four Location: Grand Tear Hotel Time Window: After PA#9. How to activate: Choose the first option for PA#9, then win the second battle as well. Again you will get the choose whether to continue (first one) or quit (second one). Effect: This time, choosing to continue will make Arbel like you more but everybody else like you less. Choosing the second option makes everybody except Arbel like you more. 11. Fight Simulator Alternate Location: Grand Tear Hotel Time Window: While using the Fight Simulator How to activate: During any of the Fight Simulator battles, either lose or run away. Effect: Losing makes Sophia and Mirage like you more but most others like you less. Running away makes Souffle like you more but most others like you less. 12. Retreat, Rosetti Troupe Location: Grand Tear Hotel Time Window: After Bandein attack, before transporting to shelter. How to activate: Head to the Rosetti Troupe room and talk to Souffle. You will tell her that she and the troupe should evacuate. Effect: This makes Sophia, Nel, and Souffle like you more. However Maria and Arbel will like you less. 13. Fate, Souffle, Regrets Location: Emergency Shelter Time Window: After talking to the Rosetti Troupe, before putting Sophia to bed. How to activate: Approach the east stairwell and find Souffle there. She'll ask you if she did a bad thing earlier at the shelter. You have two choices. The first says that no, she didn't. The second says yes, you did something annoying. Effect: The first choice makes everybody like Fate more. The second makes everybody like Fate less. 14. Bloodtyping Location: Herle Time Window: After Bandein attack, before going to the escape pods. How to activate: Talk to one of the officers on the bridge. He'll ask you what your bloodtype is. Effect: Answering A makes Maria and Nel like you more. Answering B makes Roger and Mirage like you more. Answering O makes Sophia and Arbel like you more. Answering AB makes Cliff and Souffle like you more. 15. Escape, Rosetti Troupe Location: Herle Time Window: After Bandein attack, before going to the escape pods. How to activate: Talk to one of the Rosetti Troupe members. You will tell them they should leave quickly. Effect: This will make everybody except Arbel like Fate more. 16. Prime Directive? Location: Escape Pod Time Window: Automatic. How to activate: You will be able to choose whether to review the Prime Directive (first option) or skip it (second). Effect: Checking it makes everybody except Arbel and Roger like you more. Skipping it makes Arbel and Roger like you more. 17. Cliff's Thoughts Location: Airyglyph Time Window: After staying the night in Cirlsour, before defeating Shelby. How to activate: Talk to Cliff, who's hanging around near the entrance to the Underground Waterway. You'll have two choices. The first says "You're worried about Mirage, aren't you." The second says "I didn't think this would happen...". Effect: The first one makes almost everybody like you more. The second makes everybody like you less. 18. Reason for Helping Location: Cirlsour Time Window: After saving Nel, before reporting to Claire How to activate: Talk to Nel on the second floor of the Inn in Cirlsour. Nel will ask you why you went back to save her. You have three choices. The first says "Well, I kinda...". The second says "I was just returning the favor". The third says "We couldn't have left you behind!" Effect: Choice one makes Nel like you a lot less. Choice 2 makes Arbel like you a lot more. Choice 3 makes most characters, including Nel, like you more. 19. Tsukikage Location: Peterny Time Window: After arriving in Peterny, before resting at the Inn. How to activate: Go to the east side of town and talk to one of the men in the bar. He'll ask you if you know about Tsukikage. The first choice says "Yeah, I've heard of them". The second choice says you haven't. Effect: The first choice makes Arbel and Roger like you a lot more. The second makes Sophia and Souffle like you more. Nel likes you less either way. 20. The Fairy Location: Douglas Forest Time Window: While searching for the water for the fairy How to activate: This event occurs automatically. You'll run across a fairy in the Douglas Forest and you'll have to find some water for her. You're supposed to bring her water from the glittering spring. However if you bring her water from an hot spring or other spring, you'll trigger this PA. Effect: Everybody likes you less. Don't tease the fairy, eh? 21. Roger Location: Douglas Forest Time Window: While searching for Amina How to activate: Approach the Tsukikage Hideout. Roger will be inside, and there will be a short battle with some Tsukikage members. Afterwards you can choose to have Roger help you (first) or refuse (second). Effect: Accepting makes Sophia, Nel, Roger, and Souffle like you more. Refusing makes Maria, Cliff, Arbel, and Mirage like you more. 22. Ladel and Lumina Location: Peterny Time Window: After saving Amina, before the war begins How to activate: Get near Lumina in the Inn at Peterny. You'll overhear that they're trying to get to Cirlsour, but they're lost. She'll ask you where to go. You'll have four choices, north, south, east, and west. Effect: Choosing "South" (the correct answer) makes everybody like you more. Giving the wrong answer makes everybody like you less. 23. Ladel and Lumina, Part Two Location: Alias Time Window: After PA#22, before the war begins How to activate: Answer #22 correctly. Get near Lumina in the Inn at Alias. Again they'll be lost and they'll ask you which way to go. This time your choices are the northwest gate, southwest gate, or the east gate. Effect: Either Northwest or Southwest are correct answers; Northwest makes everybody like you more, but Souuthwest makes everybody except Nel and Arbel like you more. Answering incorrectly (East) makes everybody dislike you. 24. Ladel and Lumina, Part Three Location: Airyglyph Time Window: After PA#23, before the war begins How to activate: Answer #23 correctly. Get near Lumina in the Inn at Airyglyph. Again they are lost. This time you have two choices when they ask you where to go; you can say "You already passed it" (first option) or "It's just a little further" (second option). Effect: The correct answer is "You already passed it". This makes everybody like you more. Answering incorrectly makes everybody like you less. 25. Roger Again Location: Sir Felious Time Window: After saving Amina, before defeating Crosel How to activate: Approach the lower section of Sir Felious. Roger will be there. After a conversation, you can choose to help Roger (first) or refuse (second). Effect: Accepting makes Sophia, Roger, Souffle, and Mirage like you more. Refusing makes Maria, Cliff, Arbel, and Souffle like you more. 26. Suspicious Guest Location: Sealand Time Window: Automatic How to activate: Before heading to the castle, speak to the nervous guy living a few houses right of the food store. Then once you finish your audience with the queen, he'll show up again. Effect: Makes Nel like Fate less, but makes Fate like Nel more. 27. No Exploring, 1st Floor Location: Sealand Time Window: Automatic How to activate: Upon entering Sealand castle, Nel will guide you. To activate this PA, don't follow her around and begin searching the floor. When you do reach Nel she'll get angry at you. Effect: Makes all characters like you less. 28. No Exploring, 2nd Floor Location: Sealand Time Window: Automatic How to activate: Same as PA#22, just on the second floor. Effect: Again, makes all characters like you less. 29. Worrying Fate Location: Peterny Time Window: After deciding to get the copper, before actually getting it. How to activate: Talk to Cliff in the north end of town. Fate will end up worrying about things. Effect: Makes everybody like Fate less. 30. The Passionate Old Man Location: Alias Time Window: After deciding to get the copper, before actually getting it. How to activate: Talk to the "Passionate Old Man" near the east entrance of Alias. You will have three choices. The first says you'll try your best. The second says leave it to me. The third asks the old man if war is hard. Effect: Nel likes Fate more by option 1. 1 also makes Mirage like you more. 2 and 3 will make Nel like you more but by not as much. 31. Passionate Old Man, Again Location: Alias Time Window: Same as #26 How to activate: Pick 3 for #26, then talk to the old man again. He'll reveal how he feels about Nel and Claire. Effect: This makes everybody like Nel more. 32. Claire's Worries Location: Alias Time Window: After beating the troops in front of Becquerel mine, before getting the copper. How to activate: Return to Alias and talk to Claire. She'll ask you if Nel's helping out. First option says that she's a big help. The second option says not really. Effect: The first option makes most characters like you more. The second makes most characters like you less, especially Nel. 33. Teasing Farin? Location: Alias Time Window: After optaining the copper, before returning to Sealand How to activate: Go to headquarters and check up on Farin. You'll wonder whether to tease her or not while she's sleeping. The first option says "Better not." The second option makes you tickle her cheek. The third makes you rub her nose. Effect: 1 makes Nel like you more. 2 or 3 makes most characters like you less, but Roger will like you more. 34. Prepared for War Location: Alias Time Window: Automatic How to activate: Once you reach Alias in preparation for the war, speaking to Claire will prompt her to ask you if you're prepared yet. The first answer is "no" and will let you shop around; the second answer is "yes" and begins the whole operation. This PA activates only the first time you talk to Claire, so if you say "no" and then "yes" when talking to Claire again, you only get the effect of the "no" answer. Effect: Saying "No" first leaves everybody neutral. Saying "Yes" makes Sophia, Maria, Nel, and Mirage like you more; everybody else likes you less, so if you don't want it, just say No first and then yes later. 35. Coming of Age Location: Cirlsour Time Window: After the war. How to activate: Talk to the "dreamer girl" in one of the houses in Alias. She'll ask you whether it's true that the Seahartz army blew itself up to get rid of the Airyglyph army. The first choice says it's true. The second says it's not. Effect: The first choice makes everybody like you less, especially Nel. The second makes everybody like you more, especially Nel. 36. Controlling Power Location: Alias Time Window: After the war. How to activate: Talk to Maria. She'll ask you about your power. You'll have three choices. The first says "You have a strange power too, don't you?" The second says "No! I'm a normal person." The third says "That's true, but...". Effect: The first option makes Maria like you some more but everybody else like you less. The second option makes everybody like you less. The third option makes everybody like you more, especially Maria. 37. More Wandering Location: Airyglyph Time window: After the conference, automatic. How to activate: Upon arriving at Airyglyph Castle, Walter will guide you. To activate this, you can ignore Walter and wander around. Effect: Wandering around makes everybody like you less. Telling Walter to hurry up makes most characters like you less, but Arbel will like you more. 38. Rude to Walter Location: Airyglyph Time window: Automatic. How to activate: While Walter is guiding you, you'll notice that he walks slowly. However, if you talk to him twice, he'll hurry up just for you. Effect: Everybody will like you less. 39. The King's Request Location: Airyglyph Time window: After the conference, before defeating Crosel. How to activate: Talk to the king in his room on the 2F of Airyglyph Castle. He'll ask you to deliver a letter. You can accept (the first) or refuse (the second). If you accept, you will have to do some other things if you want to activate PA#57 (See PA#57 for details). Effect: Acceping makes Sophia, Roger, and Souffle like you more. Refusing makes Maria, Cliff, Nel, and Mirage like you more. 40. The King's Request, Part Two Location: Sealand Time window: After #39, before defeating Crosel. How to activate: Talk to Elena in her room at Sealand. You'll deliver the letter. She'll ask you to respond to the King, so return to Airyglyph and talk to him again. It has no important feeling changes but it's important for later PAs. Effect: None at the moment. 41. Nel's Father Location: Cirlsour Time window: After picking up Arbel, before defeating Crosel. How to activate: Visit Walter in Cirlsour and head towards his room on the 2F of his mansion. You will overlook a scene between Walter and Nel. You will also get a new weapon for Nel. Effect: This will make Nel like you slightly less, but will make you like Nel more. 42. Why Airyglyph Lost Location: Peterny Time window: After picking up Arbel, before defeating Crosel. How to activate: Speak to Arbel in the west of Peterny. He will ask you why Airyglyph lost the war. The first choice says that it's because of the people's will. The second choice says it was luck. The third says that the country's determination was not enough. Effect: 1 makes Souffle like you a lot more. 2 makes Cliff like you a lot more. 3 makes most characters like you less but makes Arbel like you a lot more. 43. Arbel in the Night Location: Peterny Time window: After picking up Arbel, before defeating Crosel. How to activate: Sleep at the Inn in Peterny. Arbel will ask you if you hate him. Pick option 1 to say you do; 2 says you don't. Effect: 1 makes Cliff and Nel like you more. 2 makes Arbel, Roger, Souffle, and Sophia like you more. Answering 2 will also trigger Arbel's appearance after the 2nd Cirlsour Ruins event which will make him join your party later on. 44. The King's Request, Part Three Location: Sealand Time Window: After defeating Crosel How to activate: Finish PA#40, then visit Elena's Room again. You'll overhear a conversation between King Arzei and Elena. This PA has no feeling changes but is important for later. Effect: None at the moment. 45. Sophia and the Research Location: Aquaelie Time window: After speaking to Vescom, before resting How to activate: Talk to Sophia. She'll ask you if Aunt Ryouko knew about the research. The first says that she probably did. The second says she probably didn't. Effect: Option 2 makes Arbel and Mirage like you more. The second option makes everybody like you more, especially Sophia. 46. Vescom Location: Aquaelie Time window: After speaking to Vescom, before resting How to activate: Talk to Cliff. He'll tell you a little about Vescom. Effect: Maria and Arbel will like you a little more, Souffle will like you less. 47. The Next Day... Location: Aquaelie Time window: After Vescom wakes you up, before going to the bridget How to activate: Talk to one of the crew members in the same wing as your bedroom. He'll ask you if you slept well. You can answer yes (first) or no (second). Effect: Saying yes will make Cliff, Nel, Arbel, Roger, Souffle, and Mirage like you more. Saying no will make Sophia and Maria like you more. 48. Souffle's Persuasion Location: Moonbase Time window: While Souffle is part of your party How to activate: Go to the bar in the Moonbase. Souffle will negotiate with the bar owner for supplies. Effect: This will open up the bar's stock room. It will also make Fate like Souffle more. 49. Raising Hopes Location: Aquaelie Time window: After returning from Moonbase, before resting How to activate: Talk to Sophia. Effect: This will raise levels all around, but Fate and Sophia will like each other more especially. 50. Arbel and the FD People Location: Recorder Time window: After entering the Eternal Sphere, before going to Sphere Corporation How to activate: Talk to Arbel towards the North of the city. He'll get angry and you can try to calm him. The first option says "If you understand, that's OK." The second says "That's not true!" Effect: The first makes Arbel and Maria like you more. The second makes Arbel like you less but most others like you more. 51. The Light Location: Sealand Time window: After entering the Eternal Sphere, before going to Sphere Corporation How to activate: Go to Sealand Castle and talk to the bookworm in the library. He'll ask you what that light was. You have three possible explanations. Effect: The first one makes Nel, Arbel, and Roger like you more. The second makes everybody like you less. The third makes everybody except Nel like you more. 52. Roger's Girlfriend? Location: Cirlsour Time window: After entering the Eternal Sphere, before going to Sphere Corporation How to activate: With Roger in your party, talk to him on the 2F of the weapon store. Effect: Most characters will like Fate less. 53. Arbel's Training Location: Urza Lava Cave Time window: After entering the Eternal Sphere How to activate: Do not have Arbel in your party at this point. Talk to Walter in Cirlsour to learn that Arbel went to Urza Lava Cave, then head there. There are four possible options once Arbel challenges you to fight: 1. Losing against Arbel; 2. Winning against Arbel and allowing him into your party; 3. Winning against Arbel and refusing him from your party; 4. Winning against Arbel with an already-full party. 54. Falling Snow Location: Airyglyph Time window: After entering the Eternal Sphere, before going to Sphere Corporation How to activate: Go to the tower in Airyglyph castle and talk to Sophia. She'll talk a little about the snow, and then worry about the future. You have three choices. 1 tells her not to think about it too much. 2 tells her that everything is fate. The 3rd tells her she should have a little more courage. Effect: 1 makes Arbel like you a lot more. 2 makes Sophia like you a lot more. 3 makes Nel like you a lot more. 55. Libel's Rival? Location: Diplo Time window: On the Diplo the second time How to activate: Approach Marietta. She'll tell you about the Diplo's possible love triangle. Effect: This will make Maria like Fate a little less. 56. Crimson Hate Location: Airyglyph Time window: After teleporting in from the Diplo How to activate: You must have had Arbel join you after the second Cirlsour Ruins event. Approach the king in Airyglyph Castle. Effect: Everybody will like Arbel more. You will also get a sword for Arbel. 57. The Marriage Location: Sealand Time window: After teleporting in from the Diplo How to activate: Accept the king's request in PA#39. Then deliver the letter to Elena and return to the king before defeating Crosel. After defeating Crosel, go to Elena's room in Sealand and see the two talking. Then after teleporting in from the Diplo, go to Airyglyph castle and talk to the old maid on the 2F; she'll tell you a rumor that the King is about to get married. Finally head to the chapel in Sealand Castle and approach Nel. You'll have three choices here. 1 gives your blessing. 2 says "Isn't that a political marriage?" 3 asks "What about Elena?" Effect: 1 makes most people like you more, especially Nel. 2 makes Nel dislike you a LOT, but Arbel likes you more. 3 makes Arbel like you more. 58. Fate and Sophia Location: Sealand Time window: After setting out from Sealand How to activate: Talk to Sophia on the balcony. They'll have some talk and then you can choose between 3 options. The first asks Sophia, "Am I not worthy enough, Princess?" The second says "I guess Princesses don't exist.". The third says "Are you an idiot?" Effect: The first option has two possible outcomes. If Sophia likes you, she'll respond well; this is designated as "1" in the chart below and will raise her feelings for you significantly. If she doesn't like you, she'll only laugh; this is designated as "2", and other characters will feel more sympathetic. The second option, designated as "3", will make Roger and Souffle like you more, but everybody else like you less. The last option makes Maria, Arbel, and Mirage like you more, but others like you less. 59. Team Name Location: Gemity Time window: Anytime after reaching Gemity How to activate: Simply participate in the Ranking Battle at Gemity. You'll be asked to select a name for your team from 8 possible choices. Your team name will have a small effect on everybody's feelings towards you. Effect: Each character appears to have a "favorite" name. Sophia likes 8 best; Maria likes 1; Cliff likes 2; Nel likes 4; Arbel likes 5; Roger likes 3; Souffle likes 7. Mirage doesn't like any one in particular, but 1, 5, and 6 raise her feelings towards you slightly, whereas 7 lowers them slightly. 3. ENDING PATHS This section will list how you should trigger PAs and what you should answer in order to get each ending. Please note I have not explicitly tested each one, however these were published in the Official Guide for SO3 in Japan and are thus assumed to be correct. This section is split up by character. Under each character there will be a listing of PAs. Under "Option", a O means that there are no choices involved in the PA, and that you should simply trigger the PA. A number refers to the choice you should pick in that PA. A - means that it doesn't matter whether or not you trigger the PA. If a PA is not listed at all, you should avoid triggering it. If you fulfill none of the conditions for any of the characters, you will get the basic "everybody splits up" ending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOPHIA ESTEED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PA OPTION 2 O 3 3 5 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 11 1 12 O 13 1 14 3 15 O 16 O 17 1 18 3 19 2 21 1 22 1 23 1 24 1 25 1 26 - 32 1 33 1 34 2 35 2 36 3 39 1 40 O 41 - 42 1 43 2 44 O 45 2 46 - 47 2 48 - 49 O 50 2 51 3 53 3 54 2 55 - 56 - 57 1 58 1 59 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MARIA TRAITOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PA OPTION 2 O 5 1 6 - 7 1 8 1 9 2 11 1 13 1 14 1 15 O 16 - 17 1 18 3 19 1 21 2 22 1 23 1 24 1 25 2 26 - 32 1 34 2 35 2 36 3 39 1 40 O 41 - 42 2 43 1 44 O 45 2 46 O 47 2 48 - 49 O 50 1 51 3 52 - 54 3 56 - 57 1 58 4 59 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIFF FITTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PA OPTION 5 2 6 - 7 1 8 2 9 1 10 2 12 - 13 1 14 4 15 O 16 1 17 1 18 3 19 1 21 2 22 1 23 1 24 1 26 - 29 O 30 1 32 1 33 - 34 1 35 2 36 3 39 2 41 - 42 2 43 1 45 2 46 O 47 1 48 - 49 O 50 2 51 3 52 - 54 2 55 - 56 - 58 2 59 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEL ZEPHYR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PA OPTION 3 3 5 1 6 - 7 1 8 1 9 1 12 O 13 1 14 1 15 O 16 1 17 1 18 3 21 1 22 1 23 1 24 1 25 1 26 O 30 3 31 O 32 1 33 1 34 2 35 2 36 3 39 1 40 O 41 O 42 1 43 1 44 O 45 2 46 - 47 1 48 - 49 O 50 2 51 1 54 3 55 - 56 - 57 1 58 2 59 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARBEL NOX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PA OPTION 2 O 5 2 6 - 7 1 8 2 9 1 10 2 13 1 14 3 16 2 18 2 19 1 21 2 22 1 23 1 24 1 26 - 30 2 32 2 34 1 35 2 36 3 37 2 38 O 39 1 40 O 41 - 42 3 43 2 44 O 45 2 46 O 47 1 48 - 49 O 50 1 51 1 53 2 54 1 55 - 56 O 57 3 58 4 59 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROGER S. HUXLEY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PA OPTION 1 O 2 - 3 1 4 O 5 1 6 O 7 1 8 2 9 1 10 2 12 - 13 1 14 2 15 O 16 2 17 1 18 3 19 1 21 1 22 1 23 1 24 1 25 1 26 - 30 2 32 1 33 3 34 1 35 2 36 3 39 1 40 O 42 3 43 2 44 O 45 2 46 - 47 1 48 - 49 O 50 2 51 1 53 3 54 2 55 - 56 - 57 1 58 2 59 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUFFLE ROSETTI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PA OPTION 3 3 5 1 7 1 8 2 9 2 11 2 12 O 13 1 14 4 15 O 16 1 17 1 18 3 19 2 21 1 22 1 23 1 24 1 25 2 26 - 30 3 31 - 32 1 33 2 34 1 35 2 36 3 39 1 40 O 41 - 42 1 43 2 44 O 45 2 47 1 48 O 49 O 50 2 51 3 53 2 54 2 55 - 56 - 57 1 58 3 59 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MIRAGE COAST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PA OPTION 3 3 5 1 6 - 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 2 12 - 13 1 14 2 15 O 16 2 17 1 18 3 19 2 21 2 22 1 23 1 24 1 25 1 26 - 30 1 32 1 33 1 34 2 35 2 36 3 39 1 40 O 41 - 42 1 43 - 44 O 45 2 46 - 47 1 48 - 49 O 50 2 51 3 54 3 55 - 56 - 57 3 58 4 59 1 4. CREDITS Thanks go to: Square-Enix for publishing the Star Ocean 3 Official Guide Book Final Edition (ISBN 4-7575-0932-4) Dengeki Playstation for publishing the Star Ocean 3 Master Guide (ISBN 4-8402-2288-6) tri-Ace and Enix for the best RPG I have ever played. This FAQ Copyright 2003 to Edward Chang. Redistribution in any form, including reprinting in electronic or print media, without express permission of the author is strictly forbidden.