You must think for yourself, without blindly accepting everything you hear. If you don't, how will you ever tell what is true and what is a lie? - Somewhat Realistic Girl, Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time ----------------- |LOOT ITEM GUIDE| ----------------- version 1.1 Last Modified: 23/8/2005 Author: Christopher Wong (aka emeraldweapon) Comments, suggestions and corrections for errors and such may be emailed to: emeraldmeteorswarm(at)gmail(dot)com Please put the words "SO3 Loot Item" in the subject title, or I'll ignore it. Probably. CONTENTS....................................................................... Purpose.......................................[A] Notes before starting [B] How to learn Loot Item [C] How Loot Item Works...........................[D] Character list [D.1] Looting in the air [D.2] Non-Target Glitch..........................[D.3] Advanced Loot Item Techniques [E] Hitting Airborne [E.1] Maria's Gravity Bullet.....................[E.2] Nel's Whirlwind [E.3] Levelling Loot Item [F] General....................................[F.1] Nel [F.2] Enemies and Items worth Looting [G] Enraged Crosell - Valorous Gauntlets......[G.01] Shadow Dragon - Heavenly Spirit [G.02] Vengeful Shelby - Death Bringers [G.03] Frenzied Biwig - Fangs of the Wicked......[G.04] Green Mojara - Hybrid Helm [G.05] Arch Demon - Dragoon Laser [G.06] Angry Azazer - Valorous Gauntlets.........[G.07] Furious Berial - Angelic Cape [G.08] Super Blair – Levantine [G.09] Lenneth - Valkyrie Garb...................[G.10] Freya [G.11] Other Enemies and Items [H] Glossary......................................[I] Version History [J] Thanks and Credits [K] Legal Disclaimer..............................[L] PURPOSE.....................................................................[A] Stealing items it a time honoured tradition in many RPG's, and Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time is no exception. Once again, we have our select band of heroes mercilessly thieving their way across the land and the pockets of their foes, usually before brutally smacking them. Or not. Unlike most RPG's with stealing in them, looting in SO3 isn't such a big deal. Actually, it's useful for only 2 or so fights in the entire game, and most players will be fine ignoring it altogether. And anyway, in SO3, Loot requires that you steal while you are brutally smacking them, not before. Still, for those who cannot contain their rampant kleptomania and want everything they can get their mitts on, Looting exists. And this guide exists to aid those who want just that. It covers how looting works, how to improve it, tricks with looting, and every enemy that could possibly be worth looting, with methods on how to do it in those cases. NOTES BEFORE STARTING.......................................................[B] This guide was made based on the PAL (European countries, Australia, New Zealand, and others) version of the game. Although there are known minor gameplay differences between PAL and NTSC (North America, Japan and some others), none are believed to affect how Loot Item works, so this guide should be applicable to all versions. HOW TO LEARN LOOT ITEM......................................................[C] For a character to learn Loot Item, you first need the item "Dated Tome". You can make it using Item Creation. Once you get one, use it on the character(s) you want to steal with, any character can learn it. Some are more effective than others though. Too bad for you that every skill book, including the Dated Tome, has a base cost of 1500 Fol. You're going to need a bit of luck to get it. Of course, the other books are useful for their skills anyway. You only need one book, as there's no practical reason for more than one character dedicated to looting, but if you are a perfectionist and want everyone to have it, you can get more by buying them after you patient them (which I assume you will do before you use it!). Then, just keep making more the same way you made the first. You can hope that another inventor makes them for you, and just buy them right away, but this is not reliable, it may take a very long time (the other inventors are pretty unreliable, but it's free!). Unless you hired them, in which case it's your money. It's better you make the Dated Tome yourself. HOW LOOT ITEM WORKS.........................................................[D] Right, so you've read your little book, and now you have a looting education. But theory is no good without practice, so what to do? Equipping the skill is a good start, but items aren't going to appear from nowhere because of that alone. Loot Item is a passive Battle Skill. It adds an effect to your normal attacks, rather than give you a different looking-skill activated by holding the button. Because it's passive, it costs no HP or MP to use, and it's always active. Loot Item requires 2 CP to set. It's easy to know in advance what items you can get by looting by simply scanning your enemy. The items they drop are always the same as what they have to loot. Which is the main reason why loot is generally a rather pointless ability, since you can always just fight enemies until they drop the item instead, a much easier task. There are a few bosses that have stuff worth stealing and appear only once, these are the only ones worth the effort stealing from. First thing to know is that the probability of actually stealing anything at all when you try is VERY LOW. It's estimated to be about 3% at level 1. Which is VERY LOW. It's going to take quite a few tries before you have success. Second things is that the probability will increase as you increase your mastery of the skill. Unfortunately, your mastery of the skill only increases when you successfully loot, so it's a bit of a catch-22 situation. You'll have trouble looting unless you increases your mastery, but you can't increase your mastery unless you loot. The only thing you can do is beat the odds by trying a large number of times until luck goes your way and you loot. Once you get for Loot Item skill level up a bit, it won't be so bad. You still fail quite a bit more than you hit, but it becomes acceptable. The ability to loot seems to vary with the enemy, with stronger enemies harder to loot. The amount of points needed to level up Loot Item is shown in the following table: Current Total Mastery Points for Level so far next level 1 0 9 2 9 20 3 29 30 4 59 40 5 99 50 6 149 60 7 209 70 8 279 80 9 359 100 10 459 - As you can see, Loot Item doesn't require much to master compared to the majority of skills, but due to the problems in actually gaining mastery, it probably won't ever go past level 1 unless you specifically work on it. There is no limit to the number of times you can loot an enemy, but there is a limit to the number of items you can get of them. Each enemy can only drop at most 2 extra items. When you add the item they could possibly drop, that's 3 items total from one enemy. Any other chests above the first two the enemy drop vanish into the void or something cliche like that. Keep in mind that to actually keep the items, you have to win the battle, so don't be a coward and try to run (unless you don't care about the item and just want the mastery points, in which case go right ahead). Not a very important point, since you wouldn't want to be looting if you weren't strong enough to win, and the battles that have good items are all boss ones, so you can't escape anyway. Once you enter battle, you have to knock the enemy down with your loot attack so that they hit the ground (see section D.3 for more on this, as well as exciting test results!). If the enemy is hit by your loot attack, but doesn't fall over, then you cannot steal. For this reason it's is important that you place Loot Item into a slot which you can knock the enemy down with. Here is a list of the basic attacks of each character that can knock down, and thus loot by themselves. That is, they don't need to be set up in any way by another attack. Character List: [D.1] **Fayt** Short X (Anti-Air) Short O (Anti-Air) Long O Fayt is a fairly decent character to loot with. High defence allows him to try looting often without worry about the damage other characters would be taking. Long O launches reasonably well, and there aren't many other skills that you want to put in that spot except for the blade enhancements. On the downside, you have to keep running back and forth to loot, which makes it riskier than characters who can stand in place and launch, not to mention and more annoying/longer. And if you have FAM on, you'll have to turn it off. **Sophia** Very Short X Not a good choice. Her attack requires her to get REALLY close to the enemy, probably not her preferred distance. Better to leave her to the things she is good at, like chaining symbology. **Maria** Long X (Anti-Air) Well, that can't be good, you need the enemy to be in the air first. Note that, as with all anti-air attacks, Maria only uses the attack if the enemy is in the air higher than they normally should be. If the enemy flies or hovers above the ground normally, then she won't use this attack unless they go higher than standard height. Maria can use a trick to get around this problem, described later in E.2 using Gravity Bullet. However, she's still not a very good character for this sort of thing. I would advise you pick someone else. **Cliff** Very Short O Short X (Anti-Air) Long X Long O I have previously said Nel to be the best person to use Loot Item with, but now I say Cliff. Very Short O is a good quick attack for knocking the enemy about without wasting time, and also for hitting those knocked into the air with Homing AAA. There's the problem that you can no longer use Short O for skills, but you can live with it. If there's anyone person I would choose, it's Cliff. Or Mirage. But probably Cliff. **Nel** Very Short X Surrounded Short X Surrounded Short X is a very fast way to level it if used properly, but requires 3 or more enemies, and may be dangerous if they are strong. Very Short X is only effective on enemies that are reasonably tall. Runts (Roger-sized and even normal human sized sometimes) will avoid the last hit, which is what knocks down, making it ineffective against them. She can't use this attack if surrounded by 3 or more enemies, as the other attack will override it. I have previously suggested that Nel be selected for looting because of her Whirlwind trick, but I no longer do, as the results really aren't any better than just having Cliff punch over and over. **Albel** Short O (Anti-Air) Long O He's okay. With Albel, stand back, use Long O, and plough through your enemies. If you aim at the one at the rear, you can hit launch more than one enemy at a time, which helps a bit with levelling, but due to a glitch (see D.3), you can't get any items except from the one at the back that you targeted. The zigzagging motion slows him down a bit, which I don't like personally when I am repeatedly looting. **Roger** none Uh Oh... looks like Roger got the short stick again... **Peppita** Short O Counter X Counter is nice, as you are invincible during the animation. Not particularly fast so be careful if you use her, but I'm sure you're aware of that already. I'd pick her and her Counter X for Green Mojara if anyone though. **Adray** Mid-Short O Like Sophia, he should probably be not doing this, and stick to other things like assisting and battle skills from a reasonable distance. **Mirage** Very Short O Short X (anti-Air) Long X Long O Same as Cliff, what a surprise. They do have differences, just not in Loot Item set-ups. Heck, whenever I say "Cliff" in this FAQ, you might as well subconsciously substitute "Mirage" for all the difference it makes to looting. Unless you’re looting Freya (why?!) without FAM, in which case you should definitely pick Mirage over Cliff. But you can't set as nice a skillset around her Short O in my opinion. And by that, I sort of mean duel long-range Max Shockwave. Last thing to note is that if the enemy is afflicted with a status condition that prevents them from flinching (petrify, paralyse, freeze), then you cannot loot them. Should You Juggle?: [D.2] So, perhaps you've wondered "why does the enemy have to hit the ground? Why can't I just keep hitting them in the air over and over with loot attacks?" Or maybe you haven't. But I have been told by people that the enemy doesn't have to hit the ground. Instead, you can hit them into the air with a loot attack, hit again while they are in the air, and the chest will pop out of them in the air. I have to disagree with these people. But merely disagreeing isn't enough, when there's evidence! If you don't care for evidence, then I'll save you this section and just give you the conclusion. If you want to loot efficiently time-wise, you want the enemy to hit the ground as many times as possible. And as for the tests themselves, I used Fayt, with Loot Item attached to both Long O and Short O. Using the Long O, Short Anti-Air O juggle, a test was performed to see whether any chests appeared when the enemy hit the ground, and when the Anti-Air O hit the enemy (thus, from the juggle in the air). A really short experiment of waiting for the first 7 chests to appear, 0 came from the air hit. If we assume that: 1. The effectiveness of Fayt's Long O at looting is the same as Fayt's Short O (anti-air) 2. The probability of looting in the middle of a juggle (if possible) is the same as the probability of looting when an enemy hits the ground. I feel that these are reasonable assumptions to make, but they are still assumptions. After a string of 7 chests (7 seems like a really small number for a test like this, and I suppose it is, but it will do), it was found at all of them came from the enemy hitting the "ground", and none from the juggle hit of Short O (anti-air). Based on assumption 1, we can calculate the probability of this happening through random chance as ~0.78%. Thus, it is reasonable to suggest that you can't get a chest from an enemy in the middle of a juggle, but instead they must hit the ground. Even if the assumptions I made are false, it suggests that the probability of a ground loot is much higher than a juggle one, so you should concentrate your efforts there anyway. Now, you may be wondering why I had "ground" in quotation marks. This is because "ground" doesn't necessarily mean the actual rock ground, it can mean things that are equally hard that the enemy can try and recover from. My first clear example was witnessing the chest pop out after the enemy landed on Maria's head. I witnessed the same regarding other party members and enemies as well. This still involves the enemy hitting the ground, and trying to get up, which is why the chest can appear, rather than a juggle hit, where the enemy is knocked directly back into the falling animation. So there you go. My opinion on what other people have claimed to seeing regarding chests appearing in the air is that the enemy probably hit another character or something before they hit the ground, which is fine. But trying to get chests faster by juggling them won't work, you have to let them drop onto something. Non-Target Glitch: [D.3] There is an unfortunate glitch which affects Loot Item. If you attempt to Loot an enemy, and hit another enemy (whom you are not currently targeting) over while you do so, the enemy can drop a chest, but you cannot get an item out of it. You still earn mastery points out of it though. Practically, it doesn't mean much at all. All the important targets for looting are bosses that appear alone, making it impossible for the glitch to occur against them. ADVANCED LOOT ITEM TECHNIQUES...............................................[E] Hitting airborne: [E.1] Instead of going to the trouble of finding a move that knocks the enemy over, you could just launch them with whatever move you like, then hit them on the way down with your Loot Item linked attack. Slightly more complicated, as it requires a bit of manual 2-player coordination on your part, but nothing overly difficult to use. Many characters have special versions of their normal attacks they can only do on airborne opponents, these all tend to be suited to knocking enemies down. Some of these seem designed to follow their own launch attacks, such as Cliff/Mirage's Short O to Short X (Anti-Air). Homing AAA is a nice way to get enemies in the air, and you should have a good chance to attack the enemy on the way down. Maria's Gravity Bullet: [E.2] Using Maria's Gravity Bullet, it is possible to loot items. Since Gravity Bullet has a very high chance of knocking down due to the high number of hits, it's a good way of ensuring that you won't be wasting time hitting an enemy that doesn't fall over. But remember "very high" isn't the same as "always"! General Set-Up: Short X: Loot Item Long X: Loot Item Short O: Gravity Bullet Gravity Bullet is set to strong so that you can avoid having it AAA'd. Move Maria into short range and fire Gravity Bullet. Now, while Gravity Bullet is still on the screen, attack with X. I placed Loot Item in both the long and short range slots so that you do not have to worry about range when pressing X. Any hits of Gravity Bullet that occur after Maria attacks with X will take the ability to Loot Item. It's not that you are hitting an airborne opponent, but rather, Gravity Bullet itself will be the skill looting. I recommend generally that you use Gravity Bullet at the edge of short/long range, so that after the skill is fired, you are in long range, since Maria's long X is faster than her short X, giving you more looting attempts with Gravity Bullet. Gravity Bullet doesn't last that long, so speed is important. Another point is that Gravity Bullet uses a lot of Fury (esp. if you have Berserk off). Your Fury cannot refill until Gravity Bullet has disappeared, so before you use it, make sure you have enough Fury left over for the X attack as well. Note that the X attack doesn't actually have to hit the enemy for this to work. Just attacking is enough to transfer the Loot Item property to Gravity Bullet. Obviously, once the Gravity Bullet has disappeared, you will have to start the process over, and new Gravity Bullets you fire will not have the Loot Item ability unless you go through the process again. In general, this trick is nice, but I wouldn't actually bother looting this way. It's too impractical and Gravity Bullet does too much damage when you are trying to keep the enemy alive to loot them. It also leaves Maria with a poor skillset after you finish looting and want to kill the enemy. Bonus: Loot Item isn't the only ability you can transfer to Gravity Bullet. You can add Increased HP/MP damage, Drain, Stun and other passive abilities that are made for altering your normal attacks. Nel's Whirlwind: [E.3] I once said this was the most useful way of looting bosses, but I no longer believe that. It works perfectly fine, but it does have downsides. It is usually quite safe for Nel to loot this way. But you'll have to level Whirlwind and Loot Item a bit, and Whirlwind has the nasty side effect of, well, killing stuff (who'd 'ave thunk?). Also, you actually need to recruit Nel, whom you may or may not want. But if you do have Nel, Whirlwind is a better method than Gravity Bullet. Mechanically, it works the same way as looting with Maria's Gravity Bullet, but Whirlwind is a much better skill to do it with. It lasts longer and Nel can run around with it, giving you much better control. The general set-up will look something like this: Short X: Loot Item Long X: Loot Item Long O: Whirlwind Activate Whirlwind, then attack with X before the Whirlwind disappears. Whirlwind will now start looting, just like Gravity Bullet can. As it gains mastery points from usage, the period of time that Whirlwind last increases. It only works while Nel is actually in the attack animation, so the best timing would involve the Whirlwind finishing, but still juggling, before the attack animation has finished it's recovery. Pretty tight timing really. Actually, you could keep do Whirlwind for longer, provided you weren't hitting the enemy at the time. Alternatively, mash X, and hope you don't end up too vulnerable afterwards. {You may want to look at levelling Whirlwind up a bit, as the extra time it lasts with increase in level is very handy, especially against bosses if you intend to loot them with this method.} Usually, assuming the enemy is dangerous, and you don't have support of allies to keep the enemy occupied, you want to bait the enemy into attack, so that you can AAA them or move out range and start up the Whirlwind safely (which is why I suggest you place it on Long O). I have and you can use this to loot bosses, and previously I had this as my preferred method. But abusing the NMG (no-movement glitch, see the glossary) has made me decide that Cliff is probably a better character when you can. Note that Whirlwind is a wind-elemental attack. Obviously. Bonus: Like Gravity Bullet, you can add lots of effects to Whirlwind such as Drain, not just Loot Item. LEVELING LOOT ITEM..........................................................[F] To level Loot-Item is a very time consuming practice. It should be noted that you may be better served by simply not levelling loot item, but instead just using that time in the boss fights going for the items that you want. Be prepared to spend quite a few hours on it if you choose to do it. I wouldn't, but for the purpose of this guide, I did. General: [F.1] You'll want to pick your enemies to level it up on. First, they should probably be smallish, since smaller enemies are in general easier to knock down. Also, you should have good armour, so that you can't be hurt (or take little damage preferably aided with No Guard in such a case), but a bad or no weapon, so that you do little (but more than 0) damage to them. Pick enemies that come in groups, so that it's more efficient. Just because you can't get more than 2 copies of an item by looting doesn't mean you should stop after looting an enemy twice. You still get those precious mastery points for each successful attempt, whether you get to keep the item or not. You computer can level it up for you slowly as you go through the game, if, for instance, to stick it on something it's likely to use. For example, place loot on Fayt's long O, and eventually the AI will be lucky enough to both use long O and successfully loot with it. But it's fairly pointless to do this, as it's too slow, and you have to go without the CP and a proper skill in that place. So don't bother. If you want to level Loot Item, it's better to do it yourself. Nel: [F.2] This describes my own method of levelling up Loot Item for Nel. It's much faster than most characters, because of Nel's ability to attempt many loots quite quickly. Head to a Traum Mountains. Assuming you are far enough into the game, near the entrance to Airyglyph, you will find porcupine looking enemies (called Porcupine, surprise!). You are looking for groups of four of them. Put everyone onto manual mode, and take off Nel's weapon, so she's as weak as possible (but not her armour, you want her to be taking 0 damage). If you are just really close to 0 damage, you can use No Guard and First Aid, and it's just as good, you aren't going to die. Stick Loot Item onto Nel short X slot. Enter the battle. Get the enemies to crowd around Nel, and use your short X attack. If 3 or more enemies surround Nel, she will attack with a small bomb that does HP and MP damage (described above in the section D). It's pretty much guaranteed to knock all enemies down, and thus has a chance of looting them all. Once the enemies pick themselves up, just do it again. Because the attack is very fast, if you keep attacking as soon as they get up, you can be attempting loots at a rate of about 4 per 2 seconds or so (not including time to enter and leave battle). If you kill enough so that there are only two left, you won't be able to use this attack anymore. It's better to run away now, then re-enter the battle. This ensures that you will fight 4 enemies again, rather than take your chances with a new group of enemies that might have less. This is the fastest method I know of currently to level the skill up. At level 6, I've managed 4 loots at once, and at level 7, I was able to loot 6 times in the space of 20 seconds. Of course, that would be considered a lucky time, and the Loot Item attempts usually succeed a lot less than that, but it point remains that it's quite fast. In general, by level 6 or so I would leave battles having looted at least once more often than not. It will still take several (estimate 7-12 hours) hours to max Loot Item this way however, just less than the others. Ugh. Be aware that if you level (your base EXP, not your Loot Item proficiency) too high before trying this you may have problems. This is because at higher levels (more specifically, high EVD) you'll start parrying the attacks instead of just taking 0 damage, so the enemy can often stun-lock you with a constant series of attacks. This slows down your loot rate by quite a bit. If you can't block, but take 0 damage, then there's no problem. I personally did my levelling on 4D mode, but on the lower difficulties, you can look for Porcupines and other enemies elsewhere if you want stronger versions of them. The Mountains of Barr, Maze of Tribulations and Sphere 211 have them, but you can also use similar enemies for much the same effect. Just be sure they have something to loot before you start. It's important that you find the enemies strong enough, else they die too quickly, and you find yourself entering and exiting battle a lot, slowing your practice down. I found the Traum Mountains a good spot in 4D mode levelling it as I was moving through Sphere 211's post-game levels, which is typically where Loot Item becomes important. Bonus: if you aren't taking 0 damage, you'll find you can also level-up support skills like First-Aid and Lucky Star really fast. Another possibility is too just use the Whirlwind method described above for both levelling and looting proper. This is a slower method, but has the advantage that you'll also be levelling Whirlwind with Loot Item as you go. You'll want Whirlwind to be at a pretty decent level (at least 5) if you're going to take it into boss battles with you, so a bit of this method couldn't hurt you. Just note that the Porcupine enemies are weak to wind, so tend to die rather fast from it. Other enemies, both here in the Traum mountains if you don't want to bother leaving, and also elsewhere in general are good targets for it, it doesn't make that much difference, provided that you follow the general looting practice guidelines. ENEMIES AND ITEMS WORTH LOOTING.............................................[G] There are only a few enemies in the entire game it's worth looting. Even then, you might decide it's not worth it. Generally, any item you can get any other way besides looting is better obtained that other way. For a few cases, namely each characters ultimate weapon (except Sophia) and the Valkyrie Garb, looting becomes the only way to get more than one of these. You can probably get by just fine with one copy of these, but there are advantages to having copies of some of them, especially the weapons that can be turned into big money makers. And more than one copy of the Valkyrie Garb may helpful if you have more than one of the girls that can use it in the party regularly (even if there isn't much in the way of enemies to use it against by that time). With the Ultimate Weapons, the factor you want to look out for is "Enemy ATK +30% (2)". This can be found on Roger's Hybrid Helm, Fayt's Levantine, and twice on Maria's Dragoon Laser. When refined, it can disappear, good for a useful weapon, or it can be refined 3 times, eventually getting you a good money factor "Enemy ATK +100% & Fol x10". But due to the attack boosts it gives the enemy, not very useful for an ultimate weapon. So more than one copy of these weapons is often desired so the character can have both a good ultimate weapon and also a money maker. Because the factor "Enemy ATK +100% & Fol x10" can be stacked twice for a total fol bonus of x20, I would probably go for the Dragoon Laser, since it already has 2 copies of the factor. But if you have an extra Hybrid Helm already, then not really worth the extra effort, as x10 Fol is fast enough for money purposes. Before you go out with your loot set-up and steal the goodies, you should probably fight normally first and figure out how you are going to win the battle afterwards. Those nice items aren't going to help you if you die, and you since stealing takes time, it'll be a big waste (and off-putting) if fail in the fight proper. In general, the easiest way is just to have someone stay at the back lines while you other character do the looting, and then the fighting, in this way there's very little chance you actually getting a gameover provided your supplies last. I would recommend Sophia for that role as she can still provide support from across the field instead of doing nothing as most other characters would. **Enraged Crosell** [G.01] Floor 115 of Sphere 211 Boss (one-time only) Item to loot: Valorous Gauntlets Properties of Valorous Gauntlets: ATK: 2600 DEF: 0 INT: 0 HIT: 48 EVD: 0 Factors: Gives an uneasy feeling (1) Max HP -30% (1) -50% EXP acquisition (2) 5% probability of breaking (1) 1/2 Defence (2) ATK +1,000 (1) Equip: Cliff, Mirage (weapon) You're already going to get another of these anyway later on from Angry Azazer, but if you want more than those two, then you want to steal from Enraged Crosell now, and not wait till the later fight. Enraged Crosell is much easier to fight and loot from than Angry Azazer. Despite being 50 times your size, Enraged Crosell isn't very hard to knock over, and you shouldn't have any trouble getting loot attempts in, regardless of the method you are using to do it. In fact the biggest "danger" here (and for the first few bosses of Sphere) is that you will kill them with your loot attempts before you actually succeed in looting them, particularly if your Loot Item mastery level is low. There isn't really much you can do other than equipping a weak weapon (which will probably mean losing uberness if you have it), but even then at times, I've killed him before getting the loot to work. If you going to be using NMG to your advantage, and using Cliff, get as close as possible and just keep uppercutting him (Very Short O). If you are close enough, his swipe attack will miss, and on higher difficulties, keeping your Fury away from full will prevent him from trying to trample you. As a result, you can have Cliff fight him solo quite safely. After he's launched, run up and do it again for a guaranteed launch, although this may be difficult to do properly without FAM. Properly timed, Enraged Crosell will hit the ground, but you will still launch him. You can do this about 4 or 5 times (unless you run him into a wall first) until he's hit too far away to continue. **Shadow Dragon** [G.02] Floor 126 of Sphere 211 Boss (one-time only) Item to Loot: Heavenly Spirit Properties of Heavenly Spirit: ATK: 2000 DEF: 0 INT: 500 HIT: 50 EVD: 0 Factors: Gives a cursed feeling (1) Gives an uneasy feeling (1) Gives a cursed feeling (1) -1MP at certain intervals during battle (1) Gives a cursed feeling (1) ATK +1,000 (1) Equip: Adray (weapon) The Heavenly Spirit is Adray's ultimate weapon. Since Adray can be made effective with either physical or magical attacks, you may want a weapon each for both. It's certainly his best weapon for a physical attacking Adray, but technically the Demon Slayer is better for INT-boosting, since it has 30 base INT without any forced factors (yeah, a whole 30... why can’t the designers make any good INT weapons without having to use IC?). But if you don't mind the small drop in INT for a much larger boost in ATK, the Heavenly Spirit can serve as a decent magical-based weapon. Not much to say really, looting him is the same as normal. Bait his attack, hit with the loot attempt in the recovery frames (or the stun frames of the AAA, which you'll probably use more), run back and try again. He can cast symbology (Laser Beams), so you'll need to keep an eye out for you other allies as well, but that shouldn't be any trouble. Using the NMG against him is somewhat similar to Enraged Crosell. He's more dangerous than Enraged Crosell close, so run in and out to see when he's vulnerable, then uppercut (Cliff again). It's probably better to not try this solo, just use characters with MP convert and MP regen, so they won't die (or whatever method you like in keeping your characters who aren't fighting alive). You should have time to AAA his yell. You can uppercut repeatedly like Enraged Crosell, but harder as he's not as big, so you can only run up 3 times at most. **Vengeful Shelby** [G.03] Floor 137 of Sphere 211 Boss (one-time only) Item to Loot: Death Bringers Properties of Death Bringers: ATK: 2200 DEF: 0 INT: 0 HIT: 60 EVD: 0 Factors: Gives a cursed feeling (1) Gives an uneasy feeling (1) Fury use changes...but how!? (1) 20% probability of breaking (1) 20% probability of breaking (1) ATK +1,000 (1) Equip: Nel (weapon) Nel's ultimate weapon, there isn't anything special about it. But since Nel's other good weapons tend to have drawbacks, it couldn't hurt to have another of these if you want her to have different factors on them for different situations. Again, the same for looting as previous bosses. Vengeful Shelby isn't very dangerous, but he's somehow very resistant to being launched or knocked over. Sometimes, even a full set of Whirlwind hits to the face won't be enough. Must be all that armour I guess. Just keep at it, and you'll be successful. **Frenzied Biwig** [G.04] Floor 147 of Sphere 211 Boss (one-time only) Item to Loot: Fangs of the Wicked Properties of Fangs of the Wicked: ATK: 2200 DEF: 0 INT: 0 HIT: 56 EVD: 0 Factors: 20% probability of breaking (1) 20% probability of breaking (1) 20% probability of breaking (1) 20% probability of breaking (1) 20% probability of breaking (1) ATK +1,000 (1) Equip: Albel (weapon) Albel's ultimate weapon, it'll break the first time you use it unless you fix it first. Like Vengeful Shelby, Frenzied Biwig isn't that dangerous either, but a lot more annoying to try an get loot attempts in on since his gun has range. Which means baiting his attacks with a single character doesn't always get you the opening you want, depending on how you are looting. You'll need more patience than previous bosses. If we are again using Cliff (and maybe NMG), then to loot it's pretty much just run around to dodge his attack, then Very Short O. Let him attack again, (on higher difficulties, it'll probably be a weak attack) then uppercut. After you do enough damage to him, he starts using Illusion rifle which isn't an attack in itself, and basically translates as "here's 5 free shots at uppercutting me!" I love it when he doesn't this repeatedly... Have a healer in a corner somewhere, in case you get hit a few times, but other than that, it's all smooth sailing. Looting. Whatever. **Green Mojara** [G.05] Floor 159 of Sphere 211 Boss (one-time only) Item to loot: Hybrid Helm Properties of Hybrid Helm: ATK: 2500 DEF: 0 INT: 0 HIT: 50 EVD: 0 Factors: Max HP -30% (1) -1 MP at certain intervals during battle Enemy ATK +30% (2) 30% probability of breaking (2) 1/2 Attack (2) ATK +1000 (1) Equip: Roger (weapon) Roger's ultimate, and your first shot at a weapon that could rake in the cash for you (with a bit of work). If you don't have Roger, then there's no need to bother getting another copy of his ultimate weapon, just modify the one he drops. Having x10 Fol instead of x20 isn't going to slow you down enough to cause problems or annoyance in money making terms. If you do have Roger, you could go for it, but you might as well just hang on for another 11 floors and reach Arch Demon. Green Mojara is significantly stronger (and thus harder to loot from) than the previous bosses. His giant-spinning whirlwind and Ice Beam attacks have a lot of range and are also quite dangerous to the non-uber, even if you aren't trying to loot. An uber-character would work of course, but it's unlikely that you've got the money or stats to make an uber-character yet. An alternative method for you is to send in Peppita if you have her, and knock him over with her Counter X. Properly timed, it should keep you safe from his attacks. **Arch Demon** [G.06] Floor 170 of Sphere 211 Boss (one-time only) Item to loot: Dragoon Laser Properties of Dragoon Laser: ATK: 1800 DEF: 0 INT: 0 HIT: 48 AGL: 0 Factors: Enemy DEF x5 (1) Enemy DEF x5 (1) Enemy ATK +30% (2) Enemy ATK +30% (2) -50% EXP acquisition (2) ATK +1000 (1) Equip: Maria (weapon) The Dragoon Laser is Maria's ultimate weapon, and comes with 2 copies of the factor "Enemy ATK +30% (2)", making it a good choice for synthing elsewhere to make money. But the Dragoon Laser is really only worth getting if you have Roger recruited. If you don't, just give up the Hybrid helm for the factor, x10 Fol is fast enough. So, how too loot? First, learn Arch Demon's attack pattern. Fortunately, Arch Demon has a pathetic AI, which you should ruthlessly exploit. He always attacks the nearest opponent, unless using his teleport attack (Flashing Sword), or he cannot aim at the nearest target due to NMG. The most important thing is being able to differentiate between his attacks quickly. If you have an Uber-character, you can just keep trying until you get it, you can't lose unless you smack yourself against his AAA. Nel can Whirlwind him easily. Make Nel the one standing closest, and your other 2 far away on manual doing nothing. When he attacks, stand still and stun him if it's weak, move away and wait if it's strong (purple aura means strong remember). His strong attack has quite a large radius, so be careful of it. While he recovers from either the stun or his attack, activate Whirlwind, then use X to attack with Loot Item and move yourself in range for the Whirlwind. Stand next to him with the Whirlwind till he falls down. Then run away, ready to start the process again. I recommend you equip the Bunny Shoes or refined Haste Ring to improve your movement speed. This will get you more Whirlwind hits if you need them, since he won't always fall down right away. It's also makes it easier to dodge his attacks, which have deceptively large range. If he starts teleporting around the place, stand still, it's a weak attack so you can AAA it. However, there is a good chance that he'll AAA himself on a different character, so you'll have to change and move them away so that he keeps his focus on Nel. Eventually, he'll start using Sword of Darkness after enough damage. This attack is annoying, because it goes for quite a while, and is very dangerous if you are caught in it. To avoid it, you run around Arch Demon in a circular pattern, but slower characters may need a speed boost to do it. Also, be aware that since the attack goes so far out, that you don't accidentally make him aim it such that it goes past you and towards one of your other party members. It's annoying to have to move them too. Be careful not to attack Arch Demon with melee attacks while he's using Sword of Darkness. Although he looks vulnerable in the back, he's not, and attempts to get close result in you getting smacked for it. Just wait as you would with his other attacks until he's finished. Alternatively, if we are using Cliff (and perhaps the NMG), the best time to strike would be during Arch Demon's unnamed strong attack, which you can bait by standing with full fury. Arch Demon will typically respond to you doing nothing with either his basic strong attack, or with Crimson sword (on the higher difficulty levels). During the start up of the basic attack, you have enough time to uppercut him, and then run out of range without getting hit. You'll probably want to equip Bunny Shoes or some equivalent speed boost to give yourself more leeway on the timing. Should Crimson Sword come out instead, run around behind him and await another chance. **Angry Azazer** [G.07] Floor 181 of Sphere 211 Boss (one-time only), appears with Raging Belzeber Item to loot: Valorous Gauntlets Properties of Valorous Gauntlets: ATK: 2600 DEF: 0 INT: 0 HIT: 48 EVD: 0 Factors: Gives an uneasy feeling (1) Max HP -30% (1) -50% EXP acquisition (2) 5% probability of breaking (1) 1/2 Defence (2) ATK +1,000 (1) Equip: Cliff, Mirage (weapon) Obviously, these are exactly the same as the pair(s) that you got from Enraged Crosell. So you don't really need them, and if you did, I suggest you get the from Enraged Crosell, not here. Angry Azazer's HP and MP is pathetic, there's no practical chance you'll get the loot before he croaks (though it is technically possible). But his attacks are quite dangerous regardless. The biggest problem however, is that he's not alone, he's got Raging Belzeber to back him up. Raging Belzeber is no slouch in the attack department either, but has the advantage to having a much larger bucket-load of HP and MP, so even the possibility of attempting to kill him before looting Angry Azazer is impractical. You'll probably kill Angry Azazer by accident first if you try. And there's the problem that if you have your allies on manual while you try to loot, you won't be able to keep all your characters safe at the same time if you have two enemies going after separate allies. But put their AI back on, and they'll probably flatten Angry Azazer before you get your chance to try looting him. It's pretty much a lose/lose situation here. Only a uber-character should even be trying to loot here, since pretty much the only way you get loot chances by being able to ignore their attacks and your allies well-being. But like I said, it's a much better idea to fight Enraged Crosell for them. Here, this just isn't worth the effort. **Furious Berial** [G.08] Floor 192 of Sphere 211 Boss (one-time only) Item to loot: Angelic Cape Properties of Angelic Cape: ATK: 3200 DEF: 0 INT: 0 HIT: 58 EVD: 0 Factors: Emits balls of light when attacking Shoot powerful balls of light when defending Raises normal attack decision by 2 Equip: Peppita (weapon) Peppita's ultimate is the only one that doesn't have ATK +1,000 (1), (though it's compensated by the sky-high ATK stat) and one of only two (the other being Sophia's) that doesn't have any negative factors to start with. Looting this guy is mostly about taking advantage of his AI. You should be taking advantage of the AI on higher difficulties levels by controlling the level of Fury that you have. Using Cliff, use a Very Short O attack. Berial will dash back and prepare a few rockets for you. Don't run straight at him, but instead make a semi-circle motion to his side, and uppercut him. If properly time, one of two things will happen. Either he'll get knocked into the air for the loot attempt, or he'll take the hit without flinching. If the second case occurs, and you timed the loot attempt correctly. Furious Berial will get hit, but still dash back so he can fire more rockets. So you effectively end up in the same situation of making another semi-circle dash to him to try again. In this way, you get loot attempts quite easily. **Super Blair** [G.09] Floor 200 of Sphere 211 Boss (one-time only) Item to loot: Levantine Properties of Levantine: ATK: 2200 DEF: 0 INT: 0 HIT: 0 AGL: 0 Factors: 30% probability of breaking (2) Enemy DEF x5 (1) Enemy ATK +30% (2) -90% EXP acquisition (1) 30% Movement Rate reduction (1) Battle skill use will...? (1) -1 MP at certain intervals during battle (1) ATK +1000 (1) Equip: Fayt (weapon) If you're only doing this for the money, then don't bother. That's far easier done with the Dragoon Laser or the Hybrid Helm, not to mention you get them earlier. By now, you might as well just go all the way with what you have. Of course, Uber-Fayt still has no risk in trying to get the sword. Otherwise it's going to be a pain, which you really shouldn't be putting yourself through. Super Blair is significantly stronger than the previous bosses, and has a fair bit of range on her attacks, so baiting openings for Loot Item will be a bit riskier than before if you are uber. Again, you will want the movement boost if you try. If you prefer to do this via Cliff's Short O (which is what I do), then again it is a matter of being able to react quickly to Blair's actions, and taking advantage of the NMG if you can. You'll probably want a full team set on manual, Cliff being near Blair, and the other two far away. The other members will be absorbing spells from Super Blair, so MP regenerating, Convert-damaging characters is the easiest way around, or absorbing the elemental spells. Super Blair knows Southern Cross, which is non-elemental, but that's short range, so your other characters wouldn't have to worry anyway. For the benefit of Cliff, you'll probably want a movement boost, and I actually found the Reflection spell somewhat useful for once. It depends somewhat on the range of values Cliff takes damage in compared to his max HP/MP as too whether you find the same. Southern Cross is going to be annoying, but remember that it comes in a cross-pattern, so it's easier to dodge by running away between the points of the cross. The points of the cross are arranged such that one point is in the direction that Super Blair (or whoever is casting it) facing, and the others at 90 and 180 degrees to that. Her physicals you should be able to dodge by running, Eddy of Light you'll want to dodge by sidestepping twice through the attacks. What you want her to do is to aim symbology at your other members if you can, because then you get some time to uppercut her. But you don't want her to actually move over to your other characters, because it's hard to keep two/three manual characters from being damaged except through overwhelming Super Blair with attacks, which is not what we are doing when looting. If we have the NMG working, it is useful to abuse it in combination with Super Blair's ability to cast spells in the same way that I will suggest with Lenneth. In this way, you should get good chances to launch her. See Lenneth's section, next, for more details on it. **Lenneth** [G.10] Floor 210 of Sphere 211 Boss (one-time only) Item to loot: Valkyrie Garb Properties of Valkyrie Garb: ATK: 0 DEF: 600 INT: 0 HIT: 0 AGL: 0 Factors: +5 Battle Bonus Gauge Increase +30% EXP acquisition +30% Max HP increase +30% Max MP increase Equip: Maria, Nel, Peppita, Mirage (armour) The main event in the looting calendar. The Valkyrie Garb is the best armour for the four of your characters. Lenneth will always drop one, but if you want more so you can have two or three of those characters in the same battle with the optimum equipment, you're going to have the loot the others off her. It's not possible to get 4, but you can't have 4 people in battle anyway, so just swap it around when you need to. But Lenneth isn't going to just let you take them, so what to do? Easiest method is probably just to Uber-Fayt, stick loot on Long O, and just keep trying it. Heal yourself if you get hurt by her spells obviously, but otherwise a pretty risk free method. If you are trying the higher difficulties and Uber-Fayt isn't an option, then you'll need to try some other method. Lenneth's attack power is 3500 on Galaxy, so you need that much defence to be Uber against her. Nel's Whirlwind works decently, and I was easily able to loot her twice on 4D difficulty. I'd say I was more stressed after looting her, hoping I wouldn't die and waste all that time. The battle will take a fair bit of time if you decide to loot. The skill set-up is the same as described above in the advanced Looting Techniques section. The basic strategy is similar to that used against Arch Demon. Move next to her with Nel. Lenneth will attack whoever is closest, unless she casts a spell (in which case it can be anyone), or cannot target them due to the No-Movement-Glitch. You want her to target Nel, so don't use that glitch. You other characters, assuming they are alive (and they probably should be for safety's sake), are ideally placed out of harms way in the corners somewhere. I recommend Sophia (as I normally do) for one of them, so that you have a character that can revive without using your items, and can also attack well after you finish looting. The other can be anyone you like, though Adray probably isn't a good idea if you already have Sophia. Just pick whoever you think will be best for killing Lenneth afterwards. With everyone in manual AI mode, control Nel and move close to Lenneth so that Nel is targeted. Keep your Fury full and pay attention to what Lenneth does. If it's a weak attack, stand still and use your AAA to stun her. Now, activate Whirlwind, then attack with X. Nel will run towards Lenneth and attack. Just keep Nel next to her, so that Whirlwind hits Lenneth, until she's knocked over. If you’re juggling her with Whirlwind, it would be a good time to attack again to ensure that the last hit Lenneth takes is one that has Loot Item attached to it. Then run back, and restart the process. If Lenneth is using a strong attack instead (remember to look for the purple aura signifying a strong attack), then run out of range of her attack. While she is whiffing the air, activate Whirlwind. Then, when it's safe, use your X attack to charge in with the loot attack. Again, have Whirlwind knock her over, then move a little away to repeat the process when it ends. Using Cliff instead, you should use a method fairly similar to the one against Super Blair, if you tried against her. Have Cliff nearby Lenneth on one side of the map, and your allies (who are set-up to absorb symbology damage without your help) on manual. Dodge her physicals until you get a chance to try looting, which will normally be when she casts symbology. Lenneth only knows Stone Rain and Lightning Strike. If you have it, the NMG will help you here. By running, you can force Lenneth to target one of the other allies. If she uses symbology, she won't move, so here is the best time to get your loot attempts in. If she starts to move towards them, stop running. Lenneth will suddenly realise that you (Cliff) exist, and change her target to you. If she casts symbology, you can probably get a hit in before it comes out, but it's better to dodge the spell, then run over to her and attack after the spell has come out while Lenneth is standing there in the "I am casting spell" stance. This means you want a bit of space if she casts at you, since Stone Rain has a large Area of Effect. Lightning Strike is dodged by sidestepping at the correct moment. You'll be hit once, but free to run around, and symbology in this game is underpowered (boo!) so don't worry about it. When hitting, it's probably a good idea to ensure that you uppercut her away from your allies, lest you and Lenneth eventually move over so close that you have to move them. If you knock off too much HP off her (half of what she has) before you finish looting, she'll start using Nibelung Valesti, in which case I really suggest you just start over, because most likely she'll be blowing up half the field, and trying to loot with this going on will probably result in your whole team killed, except for the uber characters. Eventually, you'll loot the Valkyrie Garbs, and since Lenneth is the last enemy worth looting, you'll never have to do it again. Rejoice! Now just don't stuff-up and die before you win and save the game! **Freya** [G.11] Urssa Lava Cave Boss, final room (infinitely repeatable) Item to loot: Sacred Ether Properties of Sacred Ether: ATK: 2700 DEF: 0 INT: 1000 HIT: 60 AGL: 0 Factors: ATK +1000 (1) Equip: Sophia (weapon) The Sacred Ether is both the best and worst weapon in the game. Best because you can get an unlimited supply of them, and comes with no bad factors, so you can synth it’s ATK +1000 (1) factor onto other weapons to your heart’s content. It also has the highest base attack power (when you account for Peppita’s having 3 forced slots used compared to the Sacred Ether’s one), while still having a very high INT score. And it’s the worst weapon because you can already beat the “hardest” boss when you get it (though I would argue certain combinations of Urssa Cave Temple’s final boss to be more difficult), the massive ATK is on a character who is probably never going to really use it that much (although Sophia’s Short O is freaking powerful), Sophia has a better weapon to use when focusing on INT (Adept Staff) that you’ve probably already had for quite a while and synthing ATK +1000 (1) is now inferior to ATK/DEF +30%. In general, despite its stats, the Sacred Ether is quite useless. With regards to actually looting it, if you don’t have FAM, then looting with Cliff is EXTREMELY annoying. He tends to run to just the wrong distance (too close), and his arms whiffs Freya completely most of the time for no good reason. If you do have FAM, then you can control your distance to make it work (stand slightly further back). Oddly, Mirage using her short O has no problems at all hitting Freya, with or without FAM. Even more oddly, this problem doesn’t occur when fighting the equally petite Lenneth. Those game designers sure are wacky, huh? The strategy is pretty much the same as Lenneth, only Freya’s normal attacks have better range, hit harder, recover faster and are just plain more dangerous to work around. And as we all know, Freya has her Ether Strike from the beginning, so I hope you have a lot of bombs! I’m sure none of you will ever actually bother to do this (since you can just repeat the fight to get more, as if the first useless Sacred Ether wasn’t enough), but I’d wager you could actually get two copies of the weapon faster by just fighting her twice compared to looting her. OTHER ENEMIES AND ITEMS.....................................................[H] This is a rather long list of all the enemies that have items to loot. Not all enemies have items, in which case there is an empty space instead of an item listed. You can also find out this information by scanning the enemy, an ability that all characters learn (though some characters earlier than others). Most items are more easily obtained by methods other than looting, usually just fighting until they drop the item is easier. Also, some of the enemies here you will not be able to loot, because you cannot learn Loot Item before the last time you meet them. So no extra Decrepit Tomes for you. For most of these, using normal Loot methods will be fine most of the time. Of course, if you decide to loot Luther for a tri-Emblem or something, then that might get you killed (but why are you looting a tri-Emblem when you can buy it?). You should be able to recognise any of the enemies other than those listed above that might be dangerous, but none of them carry anything that you couldn't get another way if you had to, unlike the bosses listed in the previous section. Anyway, it should be pretty easy to read, it's just enemy name, the items, and where you can find them. Since enemies can have two different items, then in this case the items are listed one under the other. So if you see a line with an item but no enemy, it means the item belongs to the enemy listed above it, not the one below. Lastly, remember that many enemies in this game share their names with others, (that also look the same). But they do carry different items, and have different stats, so don't get them confused. Just scan before you start trying to get items off an enemy that might not actually have anything, and it'll be fine. Name Item Location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4D Security Soldier Jewel of Refuge Sphere 211 Machinery Materials 4D Security Soldier Gemity Arena Adray Rabbit's Foot Urssa Cave Temple, B3 Acid Gel Urssa Cave Temple Acid Gel Urssa Cave Temple Adept Necromancer Gemity Arena Airyglyph Soldier Airyglyph Castle, B1 Airyglyph Soldier Warrior's Bracelet Airyglyph Castle, B1 Crafting Materials Airyglyph Soldier Bequerel Mountain Path Airyglyph Soldier Warrior's Bracelet Bequerel Mountain Path Cooking Ingredients Akulab Eldrich Fire Stone Sphere 211, 122F-131F Albel Urssa Cave Temple, F1 Albel Tri-Emblum Urssa Cave Temple, F2 Albel Rabbit's Foot Urssa Cave Temple, F3 Albel 1 War God's Symbol Bequerel Mountain Path Albel 2 Demon's Symbol Urssa Lava Cave Albel 3 Philosopher's Symbol Urssa Lava Cave Albel 4 Boots of Prowess Urssa Lava Cave Alei Maze of Tribulations, B5 Altar Guardian Celestial Pixie Urssa Cave Temple Altar Guardian Urssa Cave Temple Amoeba Giant Writing Materials Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B1 Ancient Bat Urssa Cave Temple Ancient Bat Urssa Cave Temple Angry Azazer Valorous Gauntlets Sphere 211, 181F Animated Armor Alchemy Materials Kirlsa Training Facility Aqua Wisp Eldrich Fire Stone Gemity Arena Aquamarine Devil Symbol of Courage Sphere 211, 172F-181F Aquaregia Jewel of Refuge Mosel Dunes Crafting Materials Aquaregia Water Charm Ruins of Barr Machinery Materials Aquaregia Jewel of Alertness Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B1 Crafting Materials Aquaregia Water Charm Urssa Cave Temple, B1 Aquaregia Water Charm Urssa Cave Temple, B2-3 Water Pixie Aquaregia Scholar's Bracelet Sphere 211, 112F-121F Aquaregia Jewel of Refuge Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B2 Arch Demon Dragoon Laser Sphere 211, 170F Attack Bot Machinery Materials Firewall Aurora Monster Synthesis Materials Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B1 Axe Beak Cooking Ingredients Sanmite Steppes Azazer Charm of Tranquillity Sphere 211, 1F Basilisk Compounding Elixirs Sanmite Steppes Basilisk King Maze of Tribulations, B3 Battle Cock Jewel of Avarice Sphere 211, 202F-206F Battlecopter Machinery Materials Fire Wall Belzeber Sphere 211, 5F Belial Scholar's Bracelet Sphere 211, 5F Berserker Alchemy Materials Ancient Ruins of Mosel Berserker King Gemity Arena Berserker Lord Jewel of Alertness Sphere 211, 122F - 131F Bestial Aquatic Garden, Surferio Biochimera Compounding Elixirs Spiral Tower, 10F Biwig Ring of Vigour Kirlsa Training Facility Black Brigade Soldier Jewel of Refuge Granah Hills Smithy Materials Black Brigade Soldier Smithy Materials Bequerel Mountain Path Black Monster Sphere 211, 182F-191F Black Pearl Statue Jewel of Avarice Maze of Tribulations, B5 Blade Master Fire Crystal Traum Mountains Smithy Materials Blaze Hunter Jewel of Alertness Sphere 211, 132F-141F Blood Bat Eldrich Fire Stone Bequerel Mine Smithy Materials Blood Monster Regeneration Symbol Palmira Plains Alchemy Materials Bloody Knight Gemity Arena Blue Dragon Zombie Pulse Gun Mountains of Barr Blue Golem Gemity Arena Blue Slime Regeneration Symbol Duggus Forest Alchemy Materials Bogle Leader Compounding Elixirs Airyglyph Aqueducts Bogle Leader Smithy Materials Traum Mountains Bogle Leader Cooking Ingredients Kirlsa Training Facility Bogle Leader Alchemy Materials Duggus Forest Bogle Leader Gemity Arena Bogle Leader Eldrich Fire Stone Maze of Tribulations, B4 Bogle Leader Gemity Arena Bogle Leader Gemity Arena Bogle Soldier Wind Charm Traum Mountains Cooking Ingredients Bogle Soldier Jewel of Refuge Airyglyph Aqueducts Cooking Ingredients Bogle Soldier Jewel of Avarice Aire/Kirlsa Hills Compounding Elixirs Bogle Soldier Crafting Materials Duggus Forest Bogle Soldier Gemity Arena Bogle Soldier Gemity Arena Bogle Soldier Fire Crystal Maze of Tribulations, B4 Bogle Soldier Gemity Arena Bomb Zombie Fire Charm Maze of Tribulations, B3 Botanic Savage Blueberries Urssa Cave Temple Botanic Savage Blueberries Urssa Cave Temple Brass Dragon Fire Crystal Bequerel Mine Alchemy Materials Brass Dragon Mist Charm Bequerel Mine Sage Brass Dragon Eldrich Fire Stone Bequerel Mine Smithy Materials Brass Dragon Jewel of Avarice Mountains of Barr Breeze Hunter Wind Charm Urssa Cave Temple Breeze Hunter Wind Charm Urssa Cave Temple Wind Pixie Bronze Brute Regeneration Symbol Sealed Cavern Brother Sootie Jewel of Alertness Sphere 211, 192F-210F Brutish Beast Gemity Arena Bullfrog Beast Jewel of Refuge Sphere 211, 182F-191F Buster Ruins of Coffir Carnivorous Plant Duggus Forest Cave Spider Charm of Insight Kirlsa Caverns Alchemy Materials Cerberus Gemity Arena Chameleon Jewel of Avarice Duggus Forest Compounding Elixirs Chameleon King Cooking Ingredients Mosel Dunes Chimera War God's Symbol Mosel Dunes Cooking Ingredients Chimera Devil Sphere 211, 162F-171F Chimera Hawk Spiral Tower, 2F Cleaver Knight Gemity Arena Cliff Rabbit's Foot Urssa Cave Temple Cockatrice Synthesis Materials Bequerel Mine Convictor Machinery Materials Styx Convictor Jewel of Refuge Styx Convictor Jewel of Alertness Palmira Plains Smithy Materials Convictor Jewel of Refuge Sanmite Steppes Crafting Materials Convictor Sphere 211, 162F-171F Core Wisp Fresh Sage Urssa Cave Temple Core Wisp Fresh Sage Urssa Cave Temple Crosell Urssa Lava Cave Crosell Ring of Vigour Urssa Lava Cave Crystal Cerberus Shrine of Kaddan Crystal Dragon Gemity Arena Crystal Statue Shrine of Kaddan Crystal Statue Compounding Elixirs Shrine of Kaddan Current Rider Jewel of Avarice Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B1 Cooking Ingredients Current Rider Jewel of Refuge Maze of Tribulations, B1 Dark Hunter Smithy Materials Passage from Parch to Plenty Death Mantis Sphere 211, 172F-181F Death Master Regeneration Symbol Mosel Dunes Writing Materials Death Monster Spiral Tower, 2F Death Noble Gold Idol Maze of Tribulations, B2 Cooking Ingredients Demetrio Synthesis Materials Bequerel Mountain Path Demon Beast Jewel of Refuge Gemity Arena Demon Imp Crafting Materials Ancient Ruins of Mosel, 1F Demon Lord Gemity Arena Demon Prince Sphere 211, 202F-210F Demonic Hound Compounding Elixirs Ancient Ruins of Mosel, 1F Destroyer Machinery Materials Moonbase Devil Child Gemity Arena Dire Tarantula Fire Crystal Kirlsa Caverns Smithy Materials Dire Wolf Alchemy Materials Bequerel Mountain Path Dirna Hamilton Spirit of Lilith Gemity Arena Disaster Eye Eldrich Fire Stone Maze of Tribulations, B2 Dorado Jewel of Alertness Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B1 Cooking Ingredients Dragon Brigade Cooking Ingredients Aire/Kirlsa Hills Dragon Brigade Soldier Crafting Materials Traum Mountains Dragon Brigade Soldier Compounding Elixirs Aire/Kirlsa Hills Dragon Corpse Jewel of Avarice Gemity Arena Dragon Tooth Gemity Arena Dragon Viper Maze of Tribulations, B7 Dragon Zombie Compounding Elixirs Mosel Dunes Dragonfly Grantier Resort Hotel Dragoon Gemity Arena Dragoon Knight Gemity Arena Dark Armor Shrine of Kaddan Dark Eye Shrine of Kaddan Dark Rider Shrine of Kaddan Earth Dragon Maze of Tribulations, B4 Earth Smasher Decrepit Tome Kirlsa Caverns Elder Eye Jewel of Avarice Firewall Writing Materials Elder Shrieker Charm of Insight Granah Hills Cooking Ingredients Elder Viper Eldrich Fire Stone Maze of Tribulations, B4 Enforcer Crafting Materials Styx Enforcer Jewel of Refuge Styx Crafting Materials Enforcer Crafting Materials Shrine of Kaddan Enraged Crosell Valorous Gauntlets Sphere 211, 115F Ethereal Queen Spirit of Lilith Sphere 211, 211F Farbnil Urssa Cave Temple, F1 Farbnil Urssa Cave Temple, F2 Fayt Urssa Cave Temple, F3 Fayt Urssa Cave Temple, F3 Feral Dragon Crafting Materials Beqeural Mine Feral Dragon Writing Materials Mountains of Barr Fighter Gemity Arena Fire Zombie Wind Charm Urssa Lava Cave Crafting Materials Flame Wisp Regeneration Symbol Sphere 211, 132F-141F Flaming Zombie Fire Charm Sealed Cavern Smithy Materials Flying Armor Smithy Materials Sealed Cavern Flying Dark Armor Gemity Arena Flying Gold Armor Crafting Materials Shrine of Kaddan Flying Knight Smithy Materials Shrine of Kaddan Flying Red Armor Sphere 211, 123F-131F Forager Gemity Arena Frenzied Biwig Fangs of the Wicked Sphere 211, 147F Freya Sacred Ether Urssa Lava Cave Furious Berial Angelic Cape Sphere 211, 192F Gabriel Celesta Spirit of Lilith Maze of Tribulations, B8 Garian Zombie Jewel of Avarice Sphere 211, 152F-161F Gas Dragon Zombie Eldrich Fire Stone Mosel Dunes Cooking Ingredients Geonite Statue Sphere 211, 162F-171F Ghostly Hag Writing Materials Urssa Lava Caves Ghostly Hag Gemity Arena Ghostly Hag Gemity Arena Giant Bat Cooking Ingredients Kirlsa Caverns Giant Crab Airyglyph Aqueducts Giant Fly Crafting Materials Maze of Tribulations, B7 Giant Mantis Compounding Elixirs Mosel Dunes Giant Moth Cooking Ingredients Irisa Fields Giant Viper Smithy Materials Passage from Parch to Plenty Glaive Beak Charm of Insight Sphere 211, 112F-121F Gold Armor Mist Charm Shrine of Kaddan Alchemy Materials Gold Knight Jewel of Avarice Sphere 211, 132F-141F Gold Monster Mist Charm Maze of Tribulations, B3 Alchemy Materials Golem SUS303 Gemity Arena Grand Shrieker Earth Charm Urssa Cave Temple Grand Shrieker Earth Charm Urssa Cave Temple Grapebind Jewel of Refuge Duggus Forest Sage Graphias Fire Crystal Sanmite Steppes Smithy Ingredients Greater Demon Symbol of Courage Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B2 Compounding Elixirs Green Mojara Hybrid Helm Sphere 211, 159F Guardian Haunt Charm of Insight Maze of Tribulations, B8 Halberdier Gemity Arena Harpy Sage Bequerel Mine Heat Haze Gemity Arena Hedditch Dragon Sphere 211, 142F-151F Highlander Compounding Elixirs Barr Caves Hodge Podge Urssa Cave Temple Hodge Podge Urssa Cave Temple Horned Tortoise Sphere 211, 101F-111F Horned Turtle Alchemy Materials Palmira Plains Horned Wolf Cooking Ingredients Kirlsa Training Facility Hornet Wind Charm Kirlsa Caverns Crafting Materials Huge Chimera Gemity Arena Huge Spider Crafting Materials Kirlsa Caverns Hyper Nobleman Silver Idol Kirlsa Training Facility Cooking Ingredients Immortal Lord Gemity Arena Incapacitator Machinery Materials Moonbase Incapacitator 4 Jewel of Alertness Sphere 211, 1F-100F Machinery Materials Incapacitator 5 Machinery Materials Sphere 211, 142F-151F Incapacitator VRSS Emergency Shelter Inquisitor Airyglyph Castle, B1 Intellectual Silver Idol Aquatic Garden, Surferio Jemat Mist Charm Sphere 211, 182F-191F Kid Sootie Sphere 211, 191F-210F Killer Moth Jewel of Alertness Irisa Fields Alchemy Materials Killer Tarantula Sphere 211, 172F-181F Killer Treant Jewel of Refuge Bequerel Mountain Path Compounding Elixirs Killer Wasp Jewel of Avarice Traum Mountains Cooking Ingredients Kish Bat Charm of Insight Maze of Tribulations, B3 Kobold Fire Crystal Duggus Forest Cooking Ingredients Kobold Knight Charm of Insight Traum Mountains Smithy Materials Kobold Lord Sphere 211, 152F-161F L100 Ravitch Scholar's Bracelet Shrine of Kaddan Writing Materials L15 Mage Scholar's Bracelet Shrine of Kaddan Alchemy Materials L16 Ravitch Scholar's Bracelet Irisa Fields Alchemy Materials L2 Battlecopter Machinery Materials Sphere 211, 132F-141F L2 Stinger Fire Crystal Moonbase Machinery Materials L3 Stinger Charm of Insight Sphere 211, 122F-131F Machinery Materials L30 Mage Scholar's Bracelet Passage from Parch to Plenty Crafting Materials L31 Ravitch Scholar's Bracelet Passage from Parch to Plenty Alchemy Materials L55 Mage Gemity Arena L58 Ravitch Jewel of Avarice Sphere 211, 152F-161F L80 Fighter Gemity Arena L99 Thieving Scumbag Scumbag Slayer Sphere 211, 152F-161F Lady Beast Compounding Elixirs Sanmite Steppes Land Prawn Jewel of Avarice Maze of Tribulations, B2 Legion Dragon Crafting Materials Bequerel Mountain Path Legion Dragon Jewel of Refuge Bequerel Mountain Path Lenneth Valkyrie Garb Sphere 211, 211F Lesser Eye Synthesis Materials Sealed Cavern Lesser Demon Alchemy Materials Ancient Ruins of Mosel, 1F Lesser Devil Jewel of Avarice Maze of Tribulations, B5 Lility Gemity Arena Lizard Man Symbol of Courage Kirlsa Training Facility Compounding Elixirs Lizard Thug Jewel of Avarice Palmira Plains Lizard Warrior Fire Crystal Sanmite Steppes Compounding Elixirs Lonely Bat Grantier Resort Hotel Lum Knight Aire/Kirlsa Hills Lum Knight Gemity Arena Lum Knight Gemity Arena Luther Spiral Tower Luther Spiral Tower Luther Tri-Emblem Urssa Cave Temple, F3 LV2 Robo Gunner Laser Weapon Styx Ablative Shield LV3 Robo Gunner Jewel of Avarice Sphere 211, 1F-110F LV4 Robo Gunner Machinery Materials Firewall LV5 Robo Gunner Jewel of Refuge Sphere 211, 152F-161F Machinery Materials Mage Fire Crystal Sealed Cavern Alchemy Materials Magma Man Alchemy Materials Urssa Lava Cave Magnetic Beast Wind Charm Maze of Tribulations, B7 Makafy Beat-Up Textbook Ruins of Coffir Man Trap Jewel of Alertness Irisa Fields Alchemy Materials Maria Rabbit's Foot Urssa Cave Temple, F3 Masque Symbol of Courage Firewall Alchemy Materials Masque King Fire Crystal Sphere 211, 132F-141F Masque Looter Gemity Arena Master Demon Gemity Arena Master Ridiculer Gemity Arena Mecha Scumbag Charm of Insight Gemity Arena Mechafly XP Machinery Materials Kirlsa Training Facility Medusa Beast Eldrich Fire Stone Gemity Arena Mighty Vox 1/1 Scale Bunny Maze of Tribulations, B6 Minidragon Compounding Elixirs Mountains of Barr Minifly Machinery Materials Moonbase Minifly SX Jewel of Avarice Sphere 211, 101F-11F Machinery Materials Mirage Rabbit's Foot Urssa Cave Temple, F3 Miriam Gemity Arena Moa Grantier Resort Hotel Monstrous Beast Gemity Arena Moonshadow Clan Chief Duggus Forest Moonshadow Clan Member Duggus Forest Moonshadow Clan Member Winking Sage Cider Sanmite Steppes Machinery Materials Mother Sootie Sphere 211, 192F-210F Mudman Synthesis Materials Duggus Forest Myconid Cooking Ingredients Sanmite Steppes Mythril Brute Regeneration Symbol Grantier Resort Hotel Necromancer Scholar's Bracelet Passage from Parch to Plenty Alchemy Materials Nel Urssa Cave Temple, F1 Nel Tri-Emblum Urssa Cave Temple, F2 Nel Rabbit's Foot Urssa Cave Temple, F3 Nighteye Snake Maze of Tribulations, B6F Noble Tear Sphere 211, 182F-191F Nobleman Copper Idol Pesotto Forest Cooking Ingredients Norton Decrepit Tome Norton's Hideout Norton Redux Spirit of Lilith Sphere 211, 101F Nova Blaze Jewel of Avarice Urssa Lava Cave Smithy Materials Nova Blaze Fire Charm Urssa Cave Temple Nova Blaze Charm of Insight Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B2 Crafting Materials Nova Blaze Fire Charm Urssa Cave Temple Fire Pixie Nova Blaze Fire Charm Gemity Arena Nova Blaze Fire Charm Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B2 Nova Blaze Jewel of Refuge Sphere 211, 122F-131F Obsidian Brute Mist Charm Sphere 211, 101F-111F Ochre Jelly Jewel of Alertness Traum Mountains Smithy Materials Peppita Urssa Cave Temple, F1 Peppita Tri-Emblum Urssa Cave Temple, F2 Peppita Rabbit's Foot Urssa Cave Temple, F3 Petro Slime Jewel of Refuge Maze of Tribulations, B3 Phantom Striker Regeneration Symbol Maze of Tribulations, B2 Alchemy Materials Pino Mist Charm Sphere 211, 112F-121F Pit Tarantula Jewel of Alertness Traum Mountains Writing Materials Plains Spider Wind Charm Palmira Plains Compounding Elixirs Poisonous Beetle Grantier Resort Hotel Poisonous Lobster Regeneration Symbol Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B1 Cooking Ingredients Poisonous Wasp Jewel of Refuge Granah Hills Compounding Elixirs Polyhedron Compounding Elixirs Shrine of Kaddan Polyhedron Compounding Elixirs Shrine of Kaddan Polyhedron Compounding Elixirs Shrine of Kaddan Polyhedron Shrine of Kaddan Polyhedron Maze of Tribulations, B5 Porcupine Jewel of Alertness Traum Mountains Cooking Ingredients Porcupine Wind Charm Mountains of Barr Cooking Ingredients Porcupine Jewel of Refuge Maze of Tribulations, B5 Porcupine Jewel of Avarice Sphere 211, 112F-121F Proclaimer Jewel of Alertness Irisa Fields Proclaimer Machinery Materials Mosel Dunes Proclaimer Sphere 211, 162F-171F Proclaimer Alchemy Materials Styx Proclaimer Styx Pseudo Blair Spiral Tower 2F Puppet Golem Jewel of Avarice Duggus Forest Smithy Materials Raging Belzeber Sphere 211, 181F Rainbow Core Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B1 Ram Guardian Symbol of Courage Spiral Tower, 3F-9F Smithy Materials Ravitch Scholar's Bracelet Duggus Forest Crafting Materials Red Beast Wind Charm Ruins of Barr Cooking Ingredients Red Cockatrice Writing Materials Passage from Parch to Plenty Red Dragon Sphere 211, 201F-210F Red Slime Charm of Insight Ancient Ruins of Mosel, 1F Alchemy Materials Render Maze of Tribulations, B6 Render Tyrant Gemity Arena Ridiculer Gemity Arena Robin Wind Synthesis Materials Ruins of Barr Robin Wind Gemity Arena Robin Wind Gemity Arena Robin Wind Gemity Arena Rock Fish Sphere 211, 172F-181F Roger Urssa Cave Temple, F1 Roger Tri-Emblum Urssa Cave Temple, F2 Roger Rabbit's Foot Urssa Cave Temple, F3 Romero Urssa Cave Temple, F1 Romero Urssa Cave Temple, F2 Romper Bat Jewel of Avarice Bequerel Mine Alchemy Materials Romper Bat Jewel of Refuge Irisa Fields Smithy Materials Ruktogias Spiral Tower, 2F Scarlet Armor Gemity Arena Scarlet Knight Gemity Arena Schweimer Sanmite Steppes Scorpion Fire Crystal Palmira Plains Smithy Materials Sculpture Guard Aquatic Garden, Surferio Sculpture Lord Aquatic Gardens, Surferio Security Service Arkives Security Soldier Machinery Materials Sphere 211, 1F-3F Shadow Dragon Heavenly Spirit Sphere 211, 126F Shadow Savant Charm of Insight Maze of Tribulations, B8 Shadow Savant Clone Generator Urssa Cave Temple Shadow Savant Scholar's Bracelet Spiral Tower, 3F-9F Alchemy Materials Shadow Savant Synthesis Materials Urssa Cave Temple, F3 Shadow Savant Sphere 211, 162F-171F Sharow Gemity Arena Shelby Kirlsa Training Facility Shining Wisp Alchemy Materials Shrine of Kaddan Shrieker Cooking Ingredients Ruins of Coffir Sister Sootie Sphere 211, 192F-210F Skeleton Knight Jewel of Alertness Kirlsa Caverns Alchemy Materials Skeleton Leader Jewel of Refuge Kirlsa Training Facility Crafting Materials Skeleton Soldier Regeneration Symbol Kirlsa Training Facility Skeleton Warrior Jewel of Refuge Norton's Hideout Compounding Elixirs Skittering Beast Mist Charm Sphere 211, 142F-151F Slime Cooking Ingredients Airyglyph Aqueducts Soldier Compounding Elixirs Kirlsa Training Facility Solon Solute Gemity Arena Sootie Maze of Tribulations, B7 Sophia Rabbit's Foot Urssa Cave Temple, F3 Springer Maze of Tribulations, B5 Soul Master Jewel of Alertness Sphere 211, 142F-151F Scholar's Bracelet Spawn Jewel of Avarice Ruins of Barr Cooking Ingredients Spawn Sphere 211, 182F-191F Stag Beetle Fire Crystal Bequerel Mountain Path Cooking Ingredients Stalker Jewel of Alertness Firewall Machinery Materials Stalker Shrine of Kaddan Stalker II Jewel of Refuge Sphere 211, 112F-121F Machinery Materials Stinger Jewel of Alertness Kirlsa Training Facility Machinery Materials Stirge Sphere 211, 101F-111F Stone Golem Synthesis Materials Ancient Ruins of Mosel, 1 Storm Brigade Alchemy Materials Aire/Kirlsa Hills Succubus Jewel of Alertness Maze of Tribulations, B2 Super Blair Levantine Sphere 211, 200F Super Nobleman Bronze Idol Bequerel Mountain Path Cooking Ingredients Supreme Eye Sphere 211, 202F-206F Swordsman Gemity Arena Tarantula Jewel of Refuge Kirlsa Caverns Compounding Elixirs Tepeki Jewel of Avarice Ruins of Coffir Thieving Scumbag Crafting Materials Ruins of Coffir Toad Beast Compounding Elixirs Airyglyph Aqueducts Toad Fighter Jewel of Alertness Kirlsa Training Facility Cooking Ingredients Toadpole Cooking Ingredients Ruins of Barr Toadpole Gemity Arena Tongue Beast Regeneration Symbol Maze of Tribulations, B7 Tornado Gemity Arena Trichimera Maze of Tribulations, B8 Unholy Terror Scholar's Bracelet Gemity Arena Cooking Ingredients Unholy Terror Gemity Arena Unholy Terror Gemity Arena Unholy Terror Shrine of Kaddan Vendeeni Soldier Machinery Materials Shrine of Kaddan Vendeeni Soldier Machinery Materials Shrine of Kaddan Vendeeni Soldier Machinery Materials Kirlsa Training Facility Vendeeni Soldier Jewel of Avarice Shrine of Kaddan Vengeful Shelby Death Bringers Sphere 211, 137F Venomous Pine Writing Materials Traum Mountains Vile Chimera Jewel of Alertness Maze of Tribulations, B8 Vile Lizard Gemity Arena Voracious Eater Regeneration Symbol Sphere 211, 101F-11F Vox Aire/Kirlsa Hills War Chameleon Jewel of Avarice Irisa Fields Crafting Materials War Vulture Gemity Arena Water Reaper Jewel of Avarice Kirlsa Caverns Cooking Ingredients Water Reaper Cooking Ingredients Airyglyph Aqueducts Water Strider Eldrich Fire Stone Sanmite Steppes Cooking Ingredients Will O' The Wisp Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B1 Winged Mantis Symbol of Courage Gemity Arena Yellow Reaper Wind Charm Gemity Arena Yellow Wisp Smithy Materials Ancient Ruins of Mosel, B2 Young Mojara Sphere 211, 207F-210F Young Porcupine Writing Materials Mountains of Barr Young Shrieker Jewel of Alertness Ruins of Coffir Young Shrieker Charm of Insight Granah Hills Cooking Ingredients Young Slime Blueberries Pesotto Forest Yuan-ti Writing Materials Irisa Fields Yuan-ti Jewel of Avarice Styx Smithy Materials Yuan-ti Gemity Arena Yuan-ti Charm of Insight Sphere 211, 142F-151F Zebra Wasp Gemity Arena Zorto Urssa Cave Temple, F1 Zorto Urssa Cave Temple, F2 GLOSSARY....................................................................[I] AAA - Anti-Attack Aura. Barrier that protects and has other effects if an enemy attack with a weak attack while you have 100% Fury. For the purpose of looting, a stunning aura (i.e. Normal) is preferred if you want to use a launching attack, but Homing is probably more useful, since enemies hit are guaranteed to be in the air. FAM - Full Action Mode, earned by starting a New Game after collecting 95% (285) battle trophies. Allows you to activate skills without running to a pre-defined distance. With regards to looting, there's no reason to not use it unless you method is Fayt's long O. Loot Item - passive Battle Skill, the point of this guide. NMG - No-Movement Glitch. The next entry, if you follow the English alphabet. No-Movement Glitch - Glitch in battle, handy for various looting strategies, amongst others. Occurs due to programming error, where AI (either side) cannot target opponent already moving or using (chained) battle skills. If AI makes a target, then starting movement/skill will not activate the glitch. It only works on the higher difficulty levels. Abusing this "glitch" (personally, I think it was intentional...) makes looting certain enemies much easier. Some people don't like to abuse glitches, but we're dealing with Loot Item, so I don't think anyone will think the less of you for taking advantage here. SO3 - abbreviation for Star Ocean 3, which is Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. And yes, it's actually the 4th game, but Blue Sphere was only a side game anyway. Or at least I'm going to say that. Uber-Fayt - Fayt with 5000+ defence. If a character has defence higher than the enemies attack, then they can't be hurt by physical attacks. Anyone, not just Fayt, can be Uber, but only Fayt, Mirage and Cliff can possibly be Uber against everything, and that's only for Galaxy difficulty (or Universe if Protection is cast on them). Symbology-damage can't be stopped by stats alone, so isn't included in the definition of Uberness. VERSION HISTORY.............................................................[J] 0.99 - (23/08/2004) The first, basic version of the FAQ. 1.1 - (05/05/2007) this, the second iteration of the FAQ. Improvements since the previous version include Maria and Adray's weapons having their factors listed more fully, section on the Non-Target Glitch, and specific information on using the abusing the NMG with Cliff to make Looting certain bosses a lot less painful. Added Freya to the list. And I know I skipped 1.00, which seems a bit weird. It only took 3 years too! THANKS AND CREDITS..........................................................[K] tri-Ace for making this game. Square-Enix, for publishing this game. GameFAQs, for a great site and for hosting this FAQ. I hope. All the posters at the GameFAQ's Star Ocean: Till the End of Time message board. A I e x, for letting use the information from his guide regarding monster drops. Lhssh99 for the factors to Adray's and Maria's weapons. I hope I put them in the correct order. MetalGearSolidBoy and "Glenn" bringing my attention to a glitch regarding looting non-targeted enemies. masterstraat for picking up a typo. The powers that be, whoever they are. Looting is annoying, but at least it's better than bunny races. LEGAL DISCLAIMER............................................................[L] Star Ocean: Till the End of Time and all characters within, etc. are property of tri-Ace and Square-Enix. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This document is Copyright 2005 by Christopher Wong (aka emeraldweapon) This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This is my first FAQ, hope you like it!