Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Music FAQ Composed by: MarcelLionheart ( Version: 0.99 (Last Updated:September 15, 2004) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction 2. Frequently Asked Questions 3. Spoiler-Free Tracklisting 4. Spoiler-Full Tracklisting 5. Conclusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1: Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide is here to eliminate the always inevitable questions: "Where does X track play?", or "What was the name of the song that played when?" Actually, it's an excuse to polish my writing skills in time for school and listen to the Star Ocean 3 Soundtrack again and it benefits humanity at the same time! Well...maybe not. I'll be doing most of this from memory, so if I've got something wrong or you have something to add, please e-mail me. You'll be fully credited, I assure you. Now, many people are afraid of big monsters that we like to call "spoilers." I'll say it now: section 3 is relatively spoiler-free. That is to say, it describes the track in terms of the situation it plays in. For example, the main battle theme for Star Ocean 3 is the "Cutting Edge of Notion." So, in the list, next to "The Cutting Edge of Notion" is, in brackets, (Battle Theme). The Spoiler-Full tracklisting, will, eventually, have descriptions of when every song plays. Thus, SECTION 4 IS FULL OF SPOILERS. It would be best not to read that section until you have finished the game. Unless you want to know what happens in the end. Oh, and I'm basing this off of the US version of Star Ocean 3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version History ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.50 September 8, 2004 Started and mostly finished in one night's sitting. Awesome. 0.98 September 10, 2004 Thanks to contributions, this is now mostly complete. Only a couple of songs missing now! 0.99 Thanks to Solstice for providing the track info for The Future of Blood-Stained Blade. You rawk. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 2: Frequently Asked Question ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually no one has asked these questions yet, but it's inevitable that some people will, and so, in order to (possibly?) avoid some people flooding my inbox, I will ask them now for the benefit of a few. Question: I have useful information to submit or your FAQ is wrong in such and such a manner. Can I tell you how? Can I laugh at you? Answer: Please e-mail me if something is wrong in the FAQ. I'm simply a semi-casual gamer with an obsession with Motoi Sakuraba writing his first FAQ. Incomplete information and general newbieness will be, thus rampant in this FAQ. Please feel free to laugh at me on the messageboards that I will never read. Question: Can you send me teh MP3s of 'Motoio Sakruba' on MSN/ICQ/AIM/E-Mail? Answer: No. Firstly, I don't want to spend the time to rip all of the four discs of the original soundtrack simply to send them to you. I have other things in life that I have obligations towards like school, a job, a girlfriend, playing games. Note: priorities not necessarily in that order. heh. Secondly, I would ask that you support Motoi Sakuraba by purchasing the albums themselves. Question: Alright, so where can I buy them. Answer: The most reliable places to buy them are: (Support the International Game Music Store!) (Cheap, but damn is the shipping expensive!) (Not bad, but kinda expensive) (I've never ordered anything from them, but people swear by them). Question: I bought the Star Ocean soundtracks off of Ebay and they say "SonMay/Everanime/Insert Taiwanese Company here." Did I buy a Bootleg? Answer: It is a sad reality that most of the people selling Game Music on Ebay are selling pirated copies. All of the Star Ocean 3 soundtracks have been pubished by "Team Entertainment." If it does not say "Team Entertainment" your CD is a bootleg. Another great way to tell, in general, if your Game Music CD is a bootleg is to look for the logo of the company that created the game. Bootleggers never use that on their discs. Question: Can you help me with (insert Gameplay aspect here) Star Ocean 3??? Answer: No. Why? Cause, to be honest, I suck at the game. I mean, I still haven't finished Sphere 211 on Galaxy. There are some hardcore nuts out there. Ask on the message board or read the (currently 2) FAQs on Star Ocean. I just like music. Question: What Star Ocean 3 albums have been released? Answer: They are as follows: Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Original Soundtrack Volume 1 Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Original Soundtrack Volume 2 Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Arrange Album Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Voice Mix Arrange Album Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Director's Cut ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 3: Spoiler-Free Tracklisting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that this is relatively spoiler free. It will tell you which tracks are battle tracks, which are town tracks, etc. If you consider this a spoiler, I don't see why you're reading this anyway. Other than that, I've tried to keep this section pretty clean. Oh, and the tracklisting is from the music CDs themselves as I've yet to collect enough Battle Trophies to unlock the music test. See the above part where I mention how much I suck. Here we go. Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Original Soundtrack Volume 1 1. The Dawn of Wisdom Plays During: The neat intro movie. 2. Into the Undiscovery Ocean Plays During: The start up Menu 3. Fly by Contact Plays During: When you look at the battle collections or the load up screen. 4. Starless Wavelets Plays During: Cutscenes. 5. Imbalance Plays During: Cutscenes. 6. Misted Moon Plays During: Cutscenes 7. Lakes and Marshes With Doubt Plays During: Cutscenes. 8. Fallen Leaves (Flute Version) Plays During: 9. Chrysanthemum in Winter Plays During: Forest 10. The Desolate Smell of Earth Plays During: Town Theme 11. Dreams Plays During: Sleep Theme 12. Till the End of Time Plays During: Cutscenes 13. Sail Against the Wind Plays During: Cutscenes 14. Take off from Home Plays During: Cutscenes 15. Into a Storm not Memorized Plays During: Town Theme 16. The Outbreak of War Plays During: Castle Theme 17. March for Glory Plays During: Cutscene/'Path' 18. Requiem for a Saint Plays During: Town and some cutscenes 19. Stafflower in the Castletown Plays During: Cutscenes 20. Collapse of Frailty Plays During: Cutscenes 21. Lively Step Plays During: Town Theme 22. Ice Crystal Plays During: Cutscenes 23. The Future of Blood-Stained Blade Plays During: Cutscene 24. Calm Mind Reflected in the Pupil Plays During: Town 25. Reflected Moon Plays During: Castle Theme 26. Manifestation Plays During: Cutscenes 27. So Alone, Be Sorrow (Piano Version) Plays During: Cutscenes 28. Imperial Garden Plays During: Dungeon 29. So Alone, Be Sorrow Plays During: Cutscenes 30. Influence of Truth Appearance Plays During: Special Boss Battles 31. Brass Wings Plays During: Cutscene 32. Like Squashing Grape Plays During: Cutscene 33. Interval of Frozen Time Plays During: 'Dungeon' 34. Fallen Leaves Plays During: ? 35. Dark Flare Plays During: Dungeon 36. Divine Indignation Plays During: Cutscene 37. Despair Road Plays During: Ending 38. Brilliant Future Plays During: : Ending 39. Brass Wings (Another Version) Plays During: Doesn't. Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Original Soundtrack Volume 2 1. Cutting Edge of Notion Plays During: Normal Battle Theme 2. Victory Bell Plays During: Victory of Battle 3. Expiration Plays During: Various Dungeons 4. Malicious Fingers Plays During: Boss Battles 5. Fly Away in the Violet Sky Plays During: Various Dungeons 6. Frightened Eyes Plays During: Boss Battles 7. The Divine Spirit of Language Plays During: Special Boss Battles 8. Pert Girl on the Sandy Beach Plays During: 'Town' Theme 9. Gaiety Company Plays During: Cutscenes 10. Evil Shade Crept Plays During: Dungeons and some Cutscenes 11. Rust Color Plays During: Town Theme 12. Brazing Forest Wind Plays During: Invention Menu 13. Let's Creation!! Plays During: Item Creation 14. Bird's Eye View Plays During: 'Roads' and cutscenes 15. What's Up? Plays During: Cutscenes 16. Adventurous Spirit Plays During: Roads 17. I am the No. 1! Plays During: Bunny Races and character theme 18. Around in the Wilderness Plays During: Roads and Paths and such. 19. Robe Under the Cover of Darkness Plays During: Various Caves 20. So Alone, Be Sorrow (Rhythm Version) Plays During: Cutscenes 21. Preemptive Attack Plays During: Spaceships! 22. Moon Base Plays During: Moon Base. Duh. 23. Twisted Base Plays During: Town Theme 24. People Inside a Fence Plays During: Town Theme 25. Air Harmony Plays During: Town Theme 26. Bitter Dance Plays During: Special Boss Battles (I kid you not) 27. Powerbroker Plays During: Special Boss Battles 28. The Virtual Image Plays During: Dungeon 29. Mission to the Empty Space Plays During: Final Dungeon 30. Do Evil Plays During: Special Boss Battles 31. Moody Goddess Plays During: Final Boss (Form 1) 32. Highbrow Plays During: Final Boss (Form 2) 33. Star Ocean Forever (Jazz Version) Plays During: Credits 34. Mission to the Deep Space Plays During: Bonus Dungeons 35. The Incarnation of Devil Plays During: Special Boss Battle 36. Confidence in the Domination Plays During: Special Boss Battle 37. The True Nature of All Plays During: Special Boss Battle 38. Moody Goddess (Another Version) Plays During: Doesn't. To all those who can help me fill these holes: please help. My memory is good, but I wasn't paying attention to the music during all the cutscenes (especially since it's so hard to hear the voices sometimes). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 4: Spoiler-Full Tracklisting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A warning now: there are some huge, larger than life, jen-yew-ine SPOILERS! This is my (as of yet incomplete) listing of where and when each song plays in Star Ocean 3. Again, help me fill in the holes. E-mail me. You will get credit Okay? REALLY BIG SPOILERS Okay. Let's get this show on the road. Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Original Soudntrack Volume 1. 1. The Dawn of Wisdom Comments: This song plays during the really spiffy intro movie that's only present on Disc 1. I was impressed at how well they choreographed the movie with the music (or vice versa). The movie has no purpose, but it is really spiffy. Plus, it gets bonus points to appealing to the history Specialist in me. 2. Into the Undiscovery Ocean Comments: This plays during the "New Game, Continue, Battle Trophies" screen. It's a shorter version of the Dawn of Wisdom and most people skip it by. It's still a very good track, though. 3. Fly by Contact. Comments: Ah, the menu music. Has that kinda 'Crystal feeling' that Uematsu used in his "Prelude." 4. Starless Wavelets Comments: This song plays when the Vendeeni attack the ship you're on that's heading towards the Federation Base in the beginning of the game. It's also played in the end of disc 1 and in disc 2. Generally, it's played when the Vendeeni are attacking you. Stupid 'bagheads.' 5. Imbalance Comments: This plays in a few movie scenes. The most memorable is the one after Fayt blows up the Vendeeni ships using his Symbology. Now that I think of it, I wonder why they never developed his purpose to the full extent they did Sophia's and Maria's. It also plays when you discover Nel has gone on her little suicide mission to save Tynave and Farleen. Why oh why couldn't you have left Farleen behind?? 6. Misted Moon Comments: I believe this plays when you're on the various transport ships in between worlds. It's a nice piece in any case. Really calm. Shoulda been a forest theme. 7. Lakes and Marshes with Doubt. Comments: For a song that would go so well in a place with, well, lakes and marshes, this song mostly plays during cutscenes. It also plays in the Evacuation shelter and when you're controlling Maria in the flash back. Finally, it plays when you're given the decision to recruit Peppita on Moon Base. 8. Fallen Leaves - Flute Version Comments: I can't remember which cutscene this plays during, so if you can tell me, please e-mail me. 9. Chrysanthemum in Winter Comments: This plays in a few 'path' areas. It plays in Pesotto Forest, and, I believe, the Traum Mountains as well. 10. The Desolate Smell of Earth Comments: Whipple isn't a very good name for a town. Who wants to live in a place called Whipple? 11. Dreams Comments: Inns are useful. 12. Till the End of Time Comments: The title track is played only twice. Once during the scene with Fayt and Nicholas in Whipple when he's asking about his music box. It plays again near the end of disc 1 as I recall. 13. Sail Against the Wind Comments: This one plays in a lot of Cutscenes as well as a couple of paths. 14. Take off From Home Comments: This one plays in a few cutscenes in disc 1 as well as during the Bunny Races and the 2P select screen in Versus Mode. 15. Into a Storm not Memorized Comments: This is the song that plays in cold, frigid Ariglyph. If you ask me, the developers didn't spend enough time fleshing out Elicoor 3 for the amount of time you spend on the goddamn planet. 16. The Outbreak of War Comments: This plays in Ariglyph castle after Aquios and Ariglyph become allies in the fight against the Vendeeni. It also plays in Count Woltar's Mansion after that point. 17. March for Glory Comments: This song, alas, only plays twice and that's when you're on the battlefield right before the *big* cutscene as well as during the Ariglyph Conference scene in the beginning of the game when Cliff and Fayt have been sent to prison. It's a pity, cause this is a great song. 18. Requiem for a Saint Comments: This one plays in Arias and, to be honest, is too loud to hear any dialogue during. Apparently switching to Dolby Pro Logic II helps. I did so after and had no problems. 19. Stafflower in the Castle Town Comments: It plays when you first meet Claire in Arias. 20. Collapse of Frailty Comments: Plays during the 'Inspirational Moments' during various cutscenes. It is fairly apt to doing so as well. 21. Lively Step Comments: This one plays in Pterney. Stupid and pointless Ameena... 22. Ice Crystal Comments: This plays during two cutscenes and they're both the heartwrenching scenes when Ameena is sick. Despite her pointlessness, these scenes do move one. *sniffle* 23. The Future of Blood-Stained Blade Comments: This is one of my favourite tracks on the OST. This is played during one of the cooler cutscenes in the game (probably why I missed it). When the captain of the Aquaelie decides to sacrifice himself to save Fayt and the crew, this song provides the background. It also plays on Square-Enix's official website for the game. 24. Calm Mind Reflected in the Pupil Comments: This song plays in Aquios, the town. This along with the great graphics really bring the town to life, in my opinion. 25. Reflected Moon Comments: Aquios Castle is, perhaps, the only thing that looks nicer than the town itself. Really shows off some the detailed background that the developers put a lot of time and effort into. 26. Manifestation Comments: This plays during the *big* cutscene near the end of disc one when Fayt decides to go medieval on the Vendeeni. 27. So Alone, Be Sorrow (Piano Version) Comments: This one plays in a few cutscenes. The one I specifically remember is the one right after Dion's and Ameena's death. It also plays, I think, when you're watching your father's recording on Moonbase as well as some scenes with Maria during her flashback. 28. Imperial Garden Comments: This one plays when you're in the Shrine of Kaddan. That dungeon annoyed me. 29. So Alone, Be Sorrow Comments: Another cutscene one. This one gets used a couple of times as well. 30. Influence of Truth Appearance Comments: Damn, this song is good! Too bad it only plays during two bosses: when you fight against Proclaimer in Moonbase and when you fight Proclaimer and Enforcer on the Planet Styx. It's a pity the battles are so short, since this song makes one's fighting spirit come alive! 31. Brass Wings Comments: Plays once: during the cutscene with Crossel at the end of Disc 1. I still don't think those dragons had a chance against the Battleship... 32. Like Squashing Grape Comments: This plays in a few cutscenes. Specific ones elude me. 33. Interval of Freezed Time Comments: The planet Styx scares me. 34. Fallen Leaves Comments: Again, cutscenes. If you remember which ones, please e-mail me. 35. Dark Flare Comments: This plays when you're in the Sphere Corporation for the *first* time. 36. Divine Indignation Comments: I believe this one plays during the scene in between Luther's forms. I don't think they developed his character very well. 37. Despair Road Comments: Great remix of The Dawn of Wisdom. Plays when you find out what happens to the rest of your characters in the ending. 38. Brilliant Future Comments: Also plays during the ending. 39. Brass Wings (Another Version) Comments: Just a bonus track people. Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Original Soundtrack Disc 2 1. Cutting Edge of Notion Comments: One of my favourite Sakuraba songs ever (at least the live version is). This one plays during every normal battle in the game and at least it's a good one since I clocked 901 battles by the time I beat Luther and have gone through 400 more just to get to Gabriel Celeste. Try to hear the live version or see the live DVD of Sakuraba playing it. It is so cool. 2. Victory Bell Comments: I preferred Valkyrie Profile's and Star Ocean 2's high energy victory themes, but oh well. 3. Expiration Comments: Plays the Ruins of Coffir for one, in between Arena matches in Gemity, the Kirsla training facility, and when you're on those bloody haulers that should die a horrible horrible death. Awesome guitar track. 4. Malicious Fingers Comments: The standard boss track. At least one of the standard boss tracks. This game actually has a ton of boss tracks and almost all of them are good. This one's not my favourite, but it'll do in a pinch. 5. Fly Away in the Violet Sky Comments: Great dungeon theme. This song was done one better by the version on the "arrange" album. Plays in the Ariglyph Aqueducts, the Sealed Cavern, the Ancient Ruins of Mosel, and the ruins of Barr. 6. Frightened Eyes Comments: The second kinda-standard boss track. Not bad...I like the ominous beginning of the version on the arrange album better, though. 7. The Divine Spirit of Language Comments: This song is the sh!t. Plays during the battle with Crossel and, apparently, when you fight Albel (if you want to). I say, apparently, because he was my fifth character. Filthy maggots. I still say they should have used this song at least one more time. My girlfriend's pretty good at the guitar and she says that the solo in the middle would be almost impossible to play. Kudos to the performers. 8. Pert Girl on the Sandy Beach Comments: Stupid Hyda IV. The game starts off pretty slowly, but I'm glad I stuck with it even through some of the boredom of the beginning. 9. Gaity Company Comments: I hate brats saving the world. Plays when you first meet Peppita on Hyda IV and when you meet the little dragon cub in the Barr Mountains. 10. Evil Shade Crept Comments: Plays in a the Urssa Lava Caves, the Calnus Tranport, and in a few cutscenes. 11. Rust Color Comments: Plays in Kirsla, the mining town. Haven of those who attempt the Cave Of Trials (I hate Maze of Tribulations). 12. Bracing Forest Wind Comments: That invention lady is so damned annoying. 13. Let's Creation. Comments: X, X, X, X, X, X, X, Oh Crap, I just skipped '12!' 14. Bird's Eye View Comments: Plays in the Palmira Plains and the Irisa Fields. It also comes out in a few cutscenes as another inspirational piece. Specifically, when you're on Crossel's back after whipping him good. 15. What's Up? Comments: Plays in silly cutscenes like the one with Roger in the forest and with Puffy in the Cave of Trials. 16. Adventurous Spirit Comments: It plays in the Bequerel Mountain Path. 17. I am the No. 1! Comments: Anyone who is the No. 1! at the Bunny Races must have sold their soul to Satan. Oh, and it's Roger's theme. Stupid little brat. 18. Around in the Wilderness Comments: Plays in the Aire/Kirlsa hills. I wonder why it has two names? Also plays in the Granah Hills, Mosel Dunes, and the Barr Mountains. 19. Robe Under Cover of Darkness Comments: During all the dark cave sequences, this is the song that plays. Radar kinda ruins these places, though. The dark cave sequences are the Kirsla Caverns, the Bequerel Mines, Barr Cave, and the Passage From Parch to Plenty. 20. So Alone, Be Sorrow (Rhythm Version) Comments: Plays in a few cutscenes. One of which, I believe, is when Maria shows up on Elicoor II for the first time. 21. Preemptive Attack Comments: Plays in the various spaceships you're on like the Aquaelie and the Diplo. 22. Moonbase Comments: Plays everywhere but at Moonbase. =p 23. Twisted Base Comments: This is played in Arkives, the first town you are in when you go into 4 Dimensional Space. Damn that was a stupid plot twist. 24. People Inside a Fence Comments: Plays in Vanilla's House in Arkives. 25. Air Harmony Comments: OMG Fun City all over again. Oh, and it plays in Surferio, the town of faeires and other weird people. 26. Bitter Dance Comments: It's not that I dislike this song, but I think it's played at the wrong times. It's played during a lot of the serious battles and this song kinda ruins that feeling. Oh well. I'll have the lyrics up shortly as well. 27. Powerbroker Comments: Another 'Big' Boss theme. 28. The Virtual Image Comments: This song perfectly fits Firewall which reminds me of the dungeons from .hack 29. Mission to the Empty Space Comments: What a great song! The Voice Mix Arrange version with the guy laughing in the beginning is even better! Mostly because it loops. But the voices are cool too. It plays in the Spiral Tower, the final dungeon. 30. Do Evil Comments: During the main story, this plays but once and that is at Pseudo Blair. It's a shame, because I beat that boss in under ten seconds. Again, if you like this track, check out the version on the Voice Mix Arrange album. Great stuff. HAHAHAHAHAHA! 31. Moody Goddess Comments: I'm not very fond of Sakuraba's jazz stuff, but this one is half decent. It plays during the first form of Luther which means, it'll be one for about 10-20 seconds. =p 32. Highbrow Comments: This song is incredible. A prog-rock epic clocking in at over 10 minutes long. It's a shame you can defeat Luther in under a minute if you're at all skilled. One of Sakuraba's best. 33. Star Ocean Forever (Jazz Version) Comments: I hate this song. This plays during the credits if you complete the game on Universe or 4D difficulty. What a reward... 34. Mission to the Deep Space Comments: A tri-ace staple now, Mission to the Deep Space plays in all of the recent tri-ace bonus dungeons. That is to say, the Cave of Trials in SO2, the Seraphic Gate in Valkyrie Profile, and the Maze of Tribulations and the Sphere Corporation in this game. Great guitar version! 35. The Incarnation of Devil Comments: I haven't reached the boss this plays at. 36. Confidence in the Domination Comments: This song plays during the battle with Lenneth. It was originally the standard boss track in Valkyrie Profile. It has been arranged and spiffied up for this game considerably. 37. The True Nature of All Comments: Plays during the fight with Freya. This was originally the last boss theme from Valkryie Profile if I recall correctly. It's been a good three years since I last played that game...maybe it's time for a replay... 38. Moody Goddess (Another Version) Comments: Just a bonus track, folks, nothing to see here. Extra Tracks: 1. A Little Bird Who Forgot How to Fly (Star Ocean Version) Comments: Plays in the beginning with Sophia and in the credits 2. A Little Bird Who Forgot How to Fly (Instrumental) Comments: Plays in various cutscenes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 5: Conclusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What you can conclude from this FAQ is two things: 1. Motoi Sakuraba is a musical genius. 2. I can't write FAQs to save my life. No, seriously. I've forgotten so much and it shows. Please help me by contributing to my FAQ. lol Save me! If it wasn't already obvious, this is my first FAQ and probably one of my last unless people actually like this one. Next Update: The Director's Cut Soundtrack! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal Crap ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide is copyrighted to Me, Marcel Thach, 2004 If you wish to use this guide elsewhere, please ask me first. I will likely say yes unless you are affiliated with EB. I hate you then. =p This guide was written for and can also appear on cause they asked. *shrug* All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. That is all. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to CjayC who should be rich man for creating this site. Unfortunately, that is not the case, so what he gets is my thanks. I must deeply thank Chris Kern, Solstice, and Yam Goatse. For the sake of readability I am not posting their individual contributions because they were so great in number and quality that giving them due credit would probably interfere with the FAQ. Thus, I thank them here. You rock! Thanks goes to my girlfriend, Shelbie, who actually tolerated me playing 50 hours of Star Ocean 3 in one week. Of course, I took two days off to go see her in her ill state. =p Doubt she'll ever read this, though. Thanks goes to tri-ace for making cool games. Valkyrie Profile's still my \ fav, though. =p Thanks goes to Motoi Sakuraba for the musical inspiration. I have spent many a day listening to his work. Thanks to CD Japan and cocoebiz for providing me with the Star Ocean 3 soundtracks. Of course, I had to pay for them, but still... Thanks for reading.