Suikoden IV Comment Box List Last Update: Friday, December 15, 2006 Version: 1.00 Written By: Don Louey, III (dragonmasterdon1) Email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction Thanks for taking a look at my list of comments from the Suikoden IV Comment Box! This is my first contribution to GameFAQs, and though it is small, I am hoping that it will be of some use (even if it only serves as reading material for someone with nothing better to do, which I'm often all too familiar with). The Comment Box has been a feature of several games in the Suikoden series, starting with Suikoden II. Suikoden IV's Comment Box is very much the same as it's predecessors; during the course of gameplay, various characters will leave notes in a box just outside the Hero's room inside Headquarters that you will be free to read at your leisure. At this point the list should be pretty much complete; I garnered almost all of these on my own but after some time of more or less forgetting the project, I've come to use the guide posted on to add the final few quotes of the "puzzle" for the sake of being complete. So there it is, with a little bit of help of course. In any case, I have tried whenever possible to type them as they appear in my save file, in the order that appears on the "Already read" list. Obviously, (Hero) stands for the name you have chosen for the main character; likewise, (Ship) and (Army) are for the names chosen for the ... Ship/HQ, and your Army. In any case, as final notes, I would prefer to be contacted by my listed email address above before using this work elsewhere. The characters and comments included were all created and translated by various people at Konami. I've merely assembled the list, but just the same would appreciate it if this document were treated as my own work -- it has taken some time to assemble. Special thanks go to Konami, the Suikoden series itself for enthralling me as long as it has, to those involved with GameFAQs, and to Suikosource for providing the final few pieces I simply have not gotten around to adding. Feel free to email me with comments or suggestions or whatnot, and I will try to respond whenever I can. On to the list! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LINO EN KULDES 1. Good luck being in charge! I know it seems like I ended up pushing this onto you, but you're this ship's leader now. We're counting on you. 2. Anyway, smile! Sorry this sounds like I'm lecturing you, but here's a piece of advice: A leader should always maintain a smile, even when it gets tough. Otherwise, no one will follow your lead. That's what I've learned, at least. 3. Setsu... What do you think of Setsu's gut? I think it seems to be sticking out again recently... ELENOR 1. The comment box is a good idea, but... Take the opinions in moderation. Don't get carried away by them. You have to be firm in your purpose. That's the duty of a leader. 2. Eat well and sleep well. When you get some time, it's a good idea to rest. With an alert mind, you'll be able to make better decisions. 3. You've been good to me. Thanks for everything. I wasn't able to do much for you. I'm sorry. TED 1. Don't mind me. If you've got no business, don't come approach me. Please. 2. Aldo... What's with that Aldo guy? He looks kind of familiar... I just want to be left alone. When you see him, tell him to just mind his own business. 3. Fish I never really cared much for fish, but that tuna I had earlier was good... TAL 1. Greetings Yo! How's it going? I heard about this comment box thing, and I just wanted to give it a try... Okay, later. 2. I love the fish! The fish in Razril was good, too, but fish caught fresh on this ship sure tastes extra delicious! Oooooh!! I can't get enough of it! 3.Mr. Shiramine sure is amazing! I cast a net and fished with Mr. Shiramine, but his skills with a net were amazing!! I'm hoping he can teach me to be as good as him someday. IZAK 1. Hello Um... My name is Izak. Ummm... Bye. 2. I miss the smell of grass... I heard there was a room where people were cultivating plants, so I paid a visit. Those two... Who in the world are they? 3.Axel He is quite a promising youth. He might look good in a mustache. AXEL 1. Looking forward to working with you. Well, since I'm working under you now, I just wanted to post a greeting. I look forward to working with you. 2. Elves Since coming on board, I've talked to all sorts of people, and maybe elves aren't so bad. It's just a little thought I had. Just a little one. 3. Marks in Na-Nal In Na-Nal, a person's role in the village is determined by the mark on their foreheads! For example, a blue triangle pointed upwards like mine means... ... Um...sorry. I'll ask my father next time. SELMA 1. Well... I will be in your care for a while. I hope things will work out. I will try my best to help. 2. Ship This was my first time getting on a ship, and I am pleased to say it is quite a comfortable experience. 3. About Paula It seems her late mother once lived in our village... She must have been banished, just as I was. I wonder if Paula has any desire to return to that village... ALDO 1. Hello Having so many people around makes me a bit nervous. It's been a long time since I've talked to people, so I've been feeling tense. 2. Ted Have you noticed that Ted avoids people like the plague? I hope I can do what I can to be his confidant. 3. Ted... Ted spoke to me just a little about his Rune. REINBACH 1. How are you? My dear friend, do your best for everyone, but don't overwork yourself. 2. Friendship Journal My friend, you may find this surprising, but Sir Charlemagne and I have been getting along quite well... He is a wonderful gentleman. 3. Micky It seems he is writing for the newspaper. I hope everyone gets a chance to read it. I am sure it will make him quite pleased. CHIEPOO 1. How are you? Um, um....I just wanted to say I'm a little hungry. Okay, see ya! 2. My dream You know, I still dream of becoming a famous merchant someday. When we head out, I'm gonna take detailed notes of everything being sold. 3. Those guys Nalkul and Champo are saying I'm some kind of hero! Isn't that cool? I wonder if those rumors started after I snuck off Nay Island... PAULA 1. Hello This is Paula. Well, please do your best. 2. The other knights I wonder if they are safe... It worries me. 3. Racial barrier For as long as I have known, there has been much tension between humans and elves. I have lived among humans for years, but I have yet to find the answer to how we might settle our differences. KIKA 1. Hi I have my own ship, too, so I don't intend to stay on this ship too long. 2. The Obel king Lino is an interesting king, I've worked with him before. It was just to subdue some punks, though. But I can't help wonder what the people of Obel think of a king who deals with pirates... 3. Rune of Punishment Long ago, when the Rune of Punishment passed to Brandeau, he changed. What about you? Has anything changed with you? KENETH 1. How are things? Hey, I'm the same as always. How are you doing? I know there are a lot of things what we don't understand about that Rune on your left hand, but that aside, I hope I can help you out as much as possible. 2. I'm worried about Razril, but... Is it all right for us to think only of the Knights and their safety? No, right? 3. Recently I talk often with the other Knights, and everyone's saying you've matured quite a bit. I think so, too. Let's try our best to get through this together. RAMADA 1. A favor Please take care of Mr. Akaghi and Ms. Mizuki. Ms. Mizuki seems strong, but she has a soft side. Please keep an eye on her. 2. A favor Please take care of Mr. Akaghi and Ms. Mizuki. Mr. Akaghi can be fairly careless, so please keep an eye on him. 3. A favor There may be times when I am gone, but please do not worry about me. I am just out on little errands. I will not betray you. You have my word. TRAVIS 1. Hi I hope we work well together. Later. 2. It's a little noisy! This ship has too many people... Isn't there anywhere I can be alone? 3. Nay-Kobolds I'm jealous of them. They're so fluffy... SNOWE 1. To (Hero) It seems you are adored by everyone quite a bit. That's all. Later. 2. The Knights I still dream about the days when we were trainees. Oh, the memories... I miss those days. 3. My father I probably won't be able to see my father again... I think I can now understand a little of how you feel, not having a father. RACHEL 1. If you have a problem You lent someone money, but you can't get it back. Do you have a problem like that? If you do, give me a call! I'll collect it in a snap, even if they try to run away! Just leave it to me! 2. Cedric Somehow, when I'm looking at him, it makes me want to pick on him... I just can't explain it... 3. Eugene You know, if only Eugene had a little more guts... It's not that I'm taking sides because he's a spear-user like me, but I think he's got potential. HELGA 1. The ship If the ship is damaged, I just need to tell Mr. Tov, correct? 2. I'm sorry! I was surprised when Mr. Lo Hak told me I was cute! I jumped a little in my surprise, and it resulted in a hole in the floor! I'm sorry! 3. Mr. Karl Mr. Karl is so impressive. When bad monsters approach, all I hear is bam, crack, crunch, and they're gone! I intend to imitate him next time! CEDRIC 1. Money I guess you need money when you eat outside. They all say, "Want to have a bit?" so I did, but... 2. My feet It seems I had something called the True Holy Rune soon after I was born. I thought it was pointless to have such a thing, but I hope you can make good use of it. 3. Ms. Rachel is... I don't have any more debt, but Ms. Rachel keeps coming after me. It's scary. KEEN 1. Oh, lost ones Are there any who are sinful? Oh, lost ones, come to the confession room. Please tell everyone that. 2. The confession room is... The confession room is not a room for ratting people out. I cannot do anything when people tattle on someone else. Really, young people these days! 3. Once in a while Sir (Hero), you should come to the confession room, as well. Let us judge together! GAU 1. Ugaa! U G A !! 2. Ugagaaa!! Uga Uga 3. Uga! Uga! Hello! GRETCHEN 1. I will be indebted to you. Joining the (Army) was my ultimate wish. I am grateful to be accepted as part of your group. 2. Everyone is strong. Until now, I had thought there was no one who was a better swordsman than I, but everyday now, I learn that that is hardly the case. 3. The sea breeze... It was a mistake to board the ship with a chain mail... I wash it daily, but it is always on the verge of rusting! KONRAD 1. I look forward to working with you. Around the time when you were a trainee in Gaien, I had already retired. I don't know how far an old man like myself can go, but I will do my best. 2. Old Story Long ago, I was a magic instructor for the Knights of Gaien. I even instructed Katarina, who is now Vice Commander. 3. Please take care of Katarina Katarina must be having a tough time with Commander Glen gone. Katarina is... No, she should tell you about her and Commander Glen. Pardon. JEWEL 1. How are you? Hanging in there? I'm doing all right, I guess. I'm a little worried about Razril, though. 2. Na-Nal is... It's my homeland, but... Oh, I'm sure you knew. It's a hard place to live. The Island Chief is an awfully pesky old man. That's why I left as fast as I could and came to Gaien to join the Knights. 3. Well... Isn't it great that Snowe was all right? After all, we were friends, you know? KATARINA 1. Thank you For letting me on board the (ship). 2. Knights I'd like to do my best to try and reinstate the Knights in some form or another. Even if we no longer swear loyalty to Gaien... 3. Master Konrad I never thought Master Konrad would be joining us on board. After all, he is a master from back when I was a trainee... LO SENG 1. Yeah! The (army) is awesome! The bar I stopped by gave me wine for free when I said, "I'm a member of the (army)"! 2. I got scolded I heard that there was a lot of wine in Ms. Elenor's room, but when I went there to get some, a yappy girl yelled at me for some reason. It was just one bottle... 3. Are we landing soon? Being on a ship is nice and all, but nothing beats living on land! SHIRAMINE 1. Net fishing Won't you come to cast a net? I think it will be a good diversion. 2. I was surprised. I have been a fisherman all my life, but never have I caught a mermaid before! It was unbelievable! 3. Ugetsu He is a wonderful fisherman. I've heard all sorts of stories about him, and many people think he's a genius. LO FONG 1. How boring Please let me know if we visit any ports. I want to go shopping and stuff. 2. These are my rankings 3rd place? Mr. Gunter He's pretty cool. 2nd place? Mr. Konrad Gorgeous! 1st place? That's gotta be Mr. Izak! Oh, definitely! 3. The people on this ship They're all working so hard. Why? Does that mean we siblings should work a little more seriously, too? UGETSU 1. My apologies I've never been on such a big ship, so I still get lost every now and then. Once in awhile, I end up in your room by mistake. I'm sorry. 2. Shiramine I fished Shiramine up... I've done a terrible thing... 3. Join me, Mr. (Hero)! Please come fish with me! After all, the more fishing friends you have, the more fun it is! LO HAK 1. Hey, hey I've gone to the trouble of gracing the (army) with my presence, so you gotta use me more! 2. If it were my choice... Ms. Katarina Ms. Maxine Ms. Helga I think they could totally be put in charge of the Beauty Attack. Don't you think so? 3. Steamed buns I've recently gotten addicted to Ms. Pam's steamed buns. Yum! RAKGI 1. Hello! My mother told me to try writing a letter, so I did. How are you? Please take care, okay? 2. Nalleo is amazing I eat often with Nalleo. Nalleo wants to become a pirate when he grows up. Isn't that awesome? 3. My mother I would like to become someone who can protect my mother when I grow up. RIKIE 1. I am in your debt I hope Rakgi has not been a bother. He is still a child, so if he does any mischief, please scold him. 2. The Rune of Punishment Does it trouble your soul? Please do not push yourself too hard. 3. Mr. Dario Mr. Dario is an interesting person. Rakgi seems to be a big fan of Mr. Dario. JANGO 1. The ship is mine now!! Yeah, right. Hahaha!!! Don't worry, I'm just kidding. 2. You know... You show quite a bit of promise. You should just take the plunge and become a pirate, like me! 3. Brec... He gets pretty wild when he's pissed off. Unlike me, he's no gentleman. Just letting you know... BREC 1. Call me if you get into a naval battle I'll be sleeping until then. Later!! 2. Food The food here is great! Bring me some more! 3. Hey! I got less food than everyone today! What the hell's the meaning of this?! FLARE 1. Mr. Setsu's gut... I feel like it's really starting to stick out lately... I should tell him to exercise. 2. Music box My mother's memento, the music box... It has a very nice melody. Would you like to listen to it with me next time? 3. My mother She's gone now, but at one time, my mother possessed the Rune of Punishment, just like you, (Hero). I wonder how she felt about having that Rune... TANYA 1. Space to put books I'm happy that there's more space to put books than I expected. Perhaps we could even turn my room into one big bookshelf. 2. Hello I wanted Lady Elenor to teach me all sorts of things, but she always seems so busy...So, I will be patient for now. 3. Ms. Agnes Why is Ms. Agnes always by Lady Elenor's side? It's not fair! JEREMY 1. Yo Hope we get along! I'm not too good at writing, but I look forward to working with you! 2. That Mitsuba She's apparently mouthing off about beating me or something. Heh, she only wishes! 3. Mr. Reinhold It seems like Mitsuba knows about his weakness. Poor guy. GARETH 1. I will make an engraving. Since I am here, I would like to make an engraving on board the ship and put it on display. 2. Model for the engraving I will select a model for the engraving myself. You have no need to worry. 3. Place for the engraving I have asked Ms. Louise for permission to display it in the saloon. JEANE 1. Hello I am here to serve you. It will be a pleasure working with you. 2. Rune Shop I have opened my own shop. Thank you very much. Please drop by when you get a chance. 3. Bath Thank you very much for the pleasant bath. I always use it with great care. LILON 1. Hello My name is Lilon. 2. My younger sisters They cannot write much. They seem to have no desire to learn no matter how I teach them. 3. Our room There is water at our feet, so our feet never become dry. It is a great room. GARY 1. Introductions My name is Gary and fate has brought me here to accompany you. I am happy to have made your acquaintance. 2. Evil deeds are unforgivable! The Kooluk's evil deeds are unforgivable! I will be praying that you will be victorious! 3. My dream I would like to someday live a quiet life with my wife. I suppose that dream would only be possible after we reclaim peace in this land. EMA 1. I look forward to working with you. My husband and I will be in your debt. Thank you. 2. The food It is quite delicious. However, I am a bit envious that it seems to suit my husband's palette more than my cooking. I have therefore decided to learn how to make these dishes myself. 3. Please do your best Someone such as myself can only cheer you on, but...Please at least take my sentiments with you. SIGURD 1. I look forward to working with you. Lady Kika has told me to come over here for a while. I look forward to working with you. 2. We may be pirates, but... Not all pirates are bad people. 3. Keen... There was once a time when I belonged to the fleet of Middleport. The lord of Middleport wants to get rid of people like me who know the secrets of the fleet. That's why Keen is... HERVEY 1. Pirates! Now you got pirates on your side! Pretty cool, huh? 2. Lady Kika We said we'd work with you guys, but the deal's off if something bad happens to Lady Kika! 3. Dario How long is that Dario bastard going to act like he's our senior?! Well, he is our senior, but... MICKY 1. Caring for young Master I am worried that young Master will get carried away and become injured. Please watch over him. 2. I am writing a novel in the newspaper. I asked Mr. Perrault to allow me to write a novel in the newspaper. Please let me know what you think. 3. Young Master Young Master is suffering from seasickness. Is there any good way to cure seasickness? NABOKOV 1. Appraising Mr. (Hero), please take a look at the names of the items you have. Are there any that have "?" in the name? If so, please bring them to me. I will appraise them for you right away! 2. Treasures of the sea I hear that if you cast a net, you can sometimes haul up treasure as well as fish. Have you tried it? 3. I say appraise, but... The other day, Lilin brought a seashell and told me to appraise it. I had trouble because she wasn't satisfied when I told her that a seashell is just a seashell. You know, appraising is about investigating what something is worth, not assigning new value to it. FREDERICA 1. Hmm... So, this is the comment box. I understand. I will try using it every so often. 2. I see... I'm glad I got on board this ship. I've obtained various information, too. It seems there are a lot of people who hate Cray after all. 3. Kingdom of Obel It was my first time on Obel, but that was a beautiful island. I've taken a liking to it. MAO 1. Please be good to them The precious mushrooms that I worked hard to grow... Please be good to them. Hehe. 2. Mint... The mint... The mint... It disturbs the sacred ground of mushrooms... Please help, please help, Sir (Hero)... 3. Need mushrooms? If it's just a little, I won't mind sharing some. I won't give any to greedy people. BARTHOLOMEW 1. At your service I doubt my pursuers will chase me on board this ship, but I will try not to be too conspicuous. I don't want to cause any trouble. 2. Hobby It isn't much of a hobby, but... I've recently gotten some spare wood from Mr. Tov and I am carving birds and animals. They're pretty small, so you can hold them in your hands. 3. Sir Gareth I spoke to him on various matters concerning carvings. Specialists of the trade certainly are different. I've learned a lot, but I still intend to keep carving wood my own way. HELMUT 1. Let's make a promise I'll help you end this war quickly. If you think I'm about to betray you, then kill me. 2. Why? How can people on this ship be kind to someone such as me? I cannot comprehend. 3. Colton... So, you captured him. He will likely not work with you. But if possible, would you wait a bit before disposing of him? PABLO 1. A favor Please increase the number of Rune Cannons. Please. 2. Master Warlock I am asking Master Warlock about various things concerning Rune Cannons. 3. Master Warlock... No matter what I ask Master Warlock, he will not tell me anything. Could it be that he hates me? I will try persisting a while longer. BANG 1. Hi I was right to move to this ship, after all. The itchiness in my nose is gone, too. 2. The secret to good luck Try equipping a Lottery Ticket. Good things'll happen... Probably. 3. That person... That person at the Rune shop... Ms. Jeane, was it? Doesn't she catch colds, dressed like that? I feel like I'll catch a cold just looking at her. Sheesh. LILOON 1. Werds Hard 2. Letter Riting is hard werk 3. No way Cant rite werds LILEN 1. I will be staying here I hope we get along 2. Bad humans Please catch them soon 3. Want to swim When the bad humans are gone, I'll swim lots in the ocean. YU 1. Ship's hygiene It will be terrible if a contagious disease develops on board. Please wash hands and gargle on a daily basis. 2. I am impressed The other day, I saw Mr. Champo capture a rat with incredible speed. I think it's a good thing, considering the hygiene of this ship. 3. Mr. Trishtan I think he may become bedridden with shock if he learns that the medicine he is taking is just flour. So please, do not tell Mr. Trishtan the truth, for his sake. CARRIE 1. Hello I'm Carrie. I'm Dr. Yu's assistant. Best of luck to you! 2. Doctor neglecting his own health... Dr. Yu won't rest at all. At this rate, he'll eventually collapse. Please, warn him for me as well. 3. The people in the saloon It is nice that there are so many fun people. I come to chat every so often. DARIO 1. I'll introduce myself! Hey! I'm Lady Kika's number one man, Dario! No one messes with me! 2. If I die Well, since I'm a pirate, there's no knowing when I might die. When I do, take care of Nalleo for me! Got it? 3. Long ago... That Louise put little Nalleo in my care and disappeared. She said "Don't ask." "Don't ask," my butt! Well, that's a long time ago, so I'm not gonna gripe about it. But Nalleo's my son! I ain't handin' him over to anyone now!! MILLAY 1. On this occasion Thank you very much for allowing me to accompany you. I had no idea that you were such an incredible person. 2. Standing guard Sir (Hero), we will take turns standing guard in front of your room. Please rest at ease. 3. Mr. Reinbach It seems he is not such a bad person, after all. REINHOLD 1. Train everyday I had this room made for everyone to train in. I shall instruct you from beginning to end. No need to stand on ceremony. 2. Ms. Mitsuba Ms. Mitsuba is a good sparring partner. That is all. 3. Training... The usage of the training hall is rather poor. This is a grave matter! WARLOCK 1. ... By way of a greeting... 2. Pablo Tell Pablo not to take an interest in Rune Cannons. 3. Rune Cannons It would be better not to get too close to the muzzle of a Rune Cannon. AKAGHI 1. I am in your debt I look forward to working with you. I'm sure it'll only be for a short while, though. 2. Mr. Ramada He seems to have a lot of troubles. I think his superiors were always on his case, and he had a rough time with it. And well...we didn't cut him any slack, either. We pretty much said what we wanted to say. 3. Mizuki Mizuki tends to be pretty secretive, so I doubt you'll get a letter from her. Too bad for you! ORNAN 1. I look forward to working with you It seems this ship is on a tremendous journey. I'll help out if there's anything I can do. 2. Missing person I'm looking for an old acquaintance -- a woman who left me many years ago. 3. Ms. Louise I feel like she resembles the woman I knew long ago -- especially the way her eyes look. MANU 1. Elevator How is it? Is the ride comfortable? It not only goes down, but goes up properly, too, right? Hehe... 2. Oh... The elevator is not a playground. I am troubled by people who ride it up and down for no reason at all. If they get dizzy doing it, I will not be held responsible. 3. In the end The elevator is rather dull compared to Ms. Viki's teleportation... But it's okay... Because it's fun, isn't it? Up, down, up, down... RENE 1. Greetings My name is Rene. I look forward to working with you. 2. Treasure maps If you find a map, please bring it to me. I'll analyze it... Oh, for free, of course! 3. Treasure hunting Do you have any maps that have already been analyzed? If you do, let's go treasure hunting! I will tag along on my own, so please don't worry about me! AMERIA 1. What's a comment box? Do I just write something and put it in the box? 2. Today's schedule 50 sit-ups Eat Take a bath 30 push-ups Sword maintenance 3. Order Lipstick: 1 Cream: 1 Powder: 2 Eye shadow: 2 A total of 6 items. That's what I'm planning to order. I've been saving up for this! NICO 1. Well... My name is Nico. Please don't say anything like, "I don't remember letting you on board." I stand guard over this ship under His Majesty's orders. I look forward to working with you. 2. Crow's nest When I'm up in the crow's nest, I sometimes get a strange feeling. The wind and the waves somehow sound like they're talking... It's true. 3. Wendel is... Well, he's not a bad guy, but he just keeps following me, even though I said I don't need any apprentices... WENDEL 1. All right!! I'm on board! On this ship!!! Woohoo!!!!! 2. Nico I've decided that I'm going to become a great lookout when I grow up! So I'm going to learn all sorts of things from Nico! Don't get in my way! Got it?! 3. Damn it! I'll never be a match for Nico's sense of sight... Isn't there any kind of magic that will make me see better? TOV 1. Ahh... So, this is the comment box. No comment. 2. This ship Previously, in the Kingdom of Obel, there was a contest for shipwrights. I came in second, but for some reason, I was entrusted with the designing of this ship. I thank His Majesty for that. 3. Forbidden Room Mushrooms and mint and... I was certain there was no room there when I designed it... Where did it come from? PHIL 1. I look forward to working with you. Hello, I will be relying on your hospitality for a while. I have decided to share Mr. Tov's room, so I look forward to working with you. 2. Making clothes I can make clothes that are not sold in stores. If you are interested, please bring me materials. 3. Materials for clothes Cloth is one thing, but gathering the supplementary material is likely to prove more difficult. I will do my best to make clothes of the utmost quality. EUGENE 1. Hello... This is Eugene. Don't worry about me. I won't disappoint you! 2. Mr. Jango and company Mr. Jango and his friend often come to the bridge... Those two couldn't be planning to take over this ship, could they? 3. Lord Lino I want to become a spear-user like Lord Lino... I better work hard. MITSUBA 1. Hiya! How you doing? I'm doing great! 2. Jeremy Do you know him? He's so pathetically weak! You might be better off not taking him. 3. Training, training! Have you been training! Go visit Mr. Reinhold's training hall once in a while, okay? He seemed a little lonely. LILAN 1. I is surprised I is swimming and suddenly a net came along and I is catched I is surprised 2. My older sister My older sister is nice Lilan is happy 3. Hello How are you Then please do your best NATALY 1. Windows There are many kinds of windows. Please come see me whenever you feel like changing the mood of the room. 2. Town of Iluya I was hired to do a window job by someone in Iluya, but then... know. It's so sad. I hope they can recover soon. 3. Premonition I had a feeling that you would come today to have some windows changed. I wonder if I'll be right. NAO 1. About me... Don't...forget... Hehe... 2. About mint... Darling mint... Please give them... lots of care... 3. Mushrooms... Mushroom Army... The Mushroom Army is invading... Oh... Ohhh... Sir (Hero)... ETIENNE 1. Pleased to meet you I will perform to the best of my abilities to soothe everyone's souls. Please come listen anytime. 2. Lord Reinbach He seems to be suffering from severe seasickness...It worries me. If my performance would lighten his suffering even just a little... 3. Repertoire The number of pieces I can play for you have gradually increased. I shall be waiting in the saloon, so please feel free to come call on my services at anytime. VIKI 1. Hello Please call me if you have any problems. I may be able to help you. I may not. Yours truly, Viki 2. Nay-Kobold I gave him a fresh fish, and he got mad at me! I guess Nay-Kobolds aren't the same as kitty cats. From, Viki 3. Ghost Ship That ghost ship... I feel like I've seen it before, though I don't remember where... From, Viki KATE 1. Let's get this straight. I plan to stay out of your way. Later. 2. Akaghi and company So, Akaghi and Mizuki were alive. I had thought everyone from my homeland was dead... 3. Homeland Mizuki and I used to serve the same person, but when that family died away, our homeland was eradicated, too. Now we have no home... CHARLEMAGNE 1. Greetings This ship is more wonderful than I had imagined. I feel very honored to have been allowed to join your company. 2. Lord Reinbach I am humbled that Lord Reinbach would actually speak to me! I feel as though I have just spent an entire life's worth of good fortune. 3. Ah... The bath is splendid! It is as if the day's fatique just melts away in the water. I am grateful to Master Taisuke... RITA 1. I won't lose! Let's play again! I'll practice until then. No more losing for me! 2. Ritapon! I'm thinking of calling my game "Ritapon!" Well, what do you think? Isn't it a nifty name? 3. I can't lose! I played Noah's game. I ended up with 10 wins, 11 losses... I absolutely can't lose next time!! OLEG 1. King of Obel He was not impressed by my camera technique, but I believe that he does appreciate the person that I am. 2. In the bath A certain person asked me to place a camera in the bath, but I will do no such thing! Really! 3. Next goal Someday... I'd like to make a camera that can record everyone's memories. I don't want to forget the experiences I've had on this journey. PERRAULT 1. Newspaper Are you reading the wall newspaper? I'm also looking for people to submit scoops. I'm counting on you! 2. Newspaper Novel Mr. Micky insisted, "Please let me write it," so I'm passing the baton! I'll concentrate on reporting news, so let me know if you get a scoop! 3. Hey, hey Bartholomew's that wanted guy, right? Are you sure it's okay to let a guy like that join up? Well if anything happens, I won't hesitate to write about it. That's okay, right? DEBORAH 1. On this ship There are lots of people with interesting futures. Was it you that drew them here? 2. Oskar darling Oskar isn't a real name. That child has lots of other secrets, too. But don't ask, okay? 3. It's not that I can see the future I can sometimes see other people related to that person. And that just happens to be people they'll meet in the future sometimes. Everyone says it's uncanny, but this is normal for me. AGNES 1. Lady Elenor If you have business with Lady Elenor, please come to me first. Lady Elenor is extremely busy. I appreciate your cooperation. 2. Ms. Tanya She came up to me and asked me to trade jobs with her... Unbelievable! What nerve! 3. I am studying, but... I know that I still have a long way to go. I must work harder. Mr. (Hero), I know we are on separate paths, but let us both work hard. TRISHTAN 1. My condition... I used to be able to do more before, but ever since I became ill, my condition has never truly recovered. But I will do my best, so I look forward to working with you. 2. Ms. Carrie's medicine I bought some medicine from Ms. Carrie because Dr. Yu was out, but it doesn't seem to be working at all. How can she keep selling fake stuff like this? 3. Diet I'm on a low carb diet, but honestly, I'm getting tired of it. Do you know any good, healthy recipes? NOAH 1. Whew! This ship has a lot of food to eat! I ate a ton! Thanks for all the food!! 2. Play my game I'll be in the saloon, so come by to play once in a while! 3. Rene Rene isn't very good at the game, because every time we play, I end up winning! ADRIENNE 1. Please come anytime I'll temper your weapons anytime! 2. Combining If there's anything you don't understand about combining armor, come to me. I'll tell you about it! 3. Levelling up weapons Are you doing it properly? Maintaining your weapons is important! SETSU 1. Please take care of His Majesty Do not allow His Majesty to go anywhere dangerous! If things get chaotic, let His Majesty escape before anyone else! Do you understand? 2. Bath Baths are quite nice... I am writing this note in the bath to convey my appreciation. If the paper is a little wet, please pardon me. 3. His Majesty's whims I am always troubled by His Majesty's whims. But I suppose building this ship was the right thing to do. NALKUL 1. Allowing us on the ship Thanks, for bringing us aboard! Now it's our turn to work hard for you Mr. (Hero)! 2. Golden Seal I apologise about the Golden Seal. I won't do anything like that again, I promise. 3. We'll make it big We're gonna be famous! I don't know how yet, but I'm planning on asking Mr. Chiepoo next chance I get! CHAMPO 1. Hello Letters are hard 2. Fish Fish are tasty 3. Bath I hate baths FUNGHI 1. Hey! (Hero), how's it going? It's nice here with so many people. I'll do my best to keep everyone's stomach's happy, so you do your best, too. 2. Steamed buns I received a steamed bun from Mr. Kevin. It was delicious. 3. Various flavors They're all fish dishes but I had no idea how different the flavoring is depending on the locale. There are people from various islands on the ship, so it's very educational. PECOLA 1. Hello I came on board this ship thinking there would be a lot of rooms, but it seems everyone is so busy with their daily lives. I shall keep the room where I study interior decorating to one room. Well, please come visit anytime. 2. About Rooms Similarly themed furniture should be placed in the same room. That way, each room will have a more settled look. Please give it a try. 3. Guests I am happy that there are so many guests on board the ship. Oh yes, when you are here, I return the contents to the way it was, so please do not worry. MAXINE 1. I have time, so maybe a letter I was just bored, so I thought I'd drop you a line or two. Okay, that's all. 2. Hmm... Writer's block... 3. Guess I'll write something Today... I had salad this morning. It was good. The end. BASIL 1. Let's play once in awhile I heard. You're really working hard, huh? Take it easy once in a while, and drop by for a game or two. 2. Razril It's still just getting started! When you get back to Razril, what do you want to do, (Hero)? 3. Mr. Funghi's Cooking I had Mr. Funghi's cooking for the first time since getting on the (Ship), and I can't believe it! Were the Knights really eating stuff like this everyday? I'm going to eat like this everyday now! IGOR 1. Hi I can't fight, but you need people like me, too, don't you? 2. Won't you come to play? You need to take a break once in a while. Seriously. I'll be waiting in the saloon 3. My earnings Hmm, I made the mistake of comparing my day's earnings with Mr. Gunter's You really shouldn' talk about what you earn with other people. I feel like crying. LILIN 1. Letter Hard 2. Hello Come play once in awhile 3. Accessories Come make accessories once in awhile KARL 1. Everyone They say I never laugh, but that is absolutely not true. I just do not have time to laugh because I'm always training hard! 2. Body Your body is your greatest armor! Are you diligently building up your muscles, (Hero)? 3. If you need me I will always be training on the deck. If you need me, please come up to the deck. GUNTER 1. This ship is nice Everyone has such fun playing... Thanks to that, I'm making a killing. Hehehe. 2. Hmm... I have travelled through various towns doing business in the past, but... Maybe settling down in one spot like here isn't a bad idea. It's actually pretty profitable. 3. Personal grooming The sea breeze smell gets on you right away when you're on the top deck. I like to smell nice, so I take baths every chance I get. DESMOND 1. Reporting! I noticed that Mr. Ornan tends to stare at Ms. Louise quite often. Should we say something to him? 2. Ms. Louise It seems like hard work, managing such a large saloon all by herself. If she would take me, I would be happy to give her a hand... Would that not work? 3. Lady Flare Please take care of Lady Flare. After all, she is Obel's princess. LOUISE 1. Good grief Dario... Who'd have thought we'd run into each other here of all places? I'll just say it now -- there's nothing between him and me. 2. Nalleo Nalleo is looking for his mother? I wonder if that Dario said something... Well I'm a failure as a mother. Please tell Nalleo that his mother died. That's how it should be. 3. Nalleo's father His father's dead. That's for real. Good grief... now it's come back to me. That was such a long time ago... KEVIN 1. Hello Please come have some steamed buns once in a while. Goodbye. 2. Iluya Island I would like to reopen the cafe on Iluya Island with my wife. Please visit us when we do. 3. Mr. Funghi Mr. Funghi shared a bit of his cooking with us. It was delicious! I cannot allow myself to be beaten. I'll work hard so I can make even tastier steamed buns! PAM 1. Greetings My husband and I have been making steamed buns forever on Iluya Island. From now on, we will make our special steamed bons on this ship. I look forward to your patronage. 2. The trick to steamed buns The dough of a steamed bun is made by mixing several kinds of flour and then kneading it while adding boiling water. But you must remember to knead it until it as a soft as your earlobe! Don't forget... About as soft as a human earlobe. A human one. 3. Always I always carry dough and a steaming basket with me. If you take me with you, I can make steamed buns outside as well. TAISUKE 1. Yo! Baths are nice! I've always got a fresh bath ready! You can take a dip as often as you want in the day! 2. The bath walls If you want a different kind of bath, just let me know. You can get a fresh feel just by changing murals! 3. Plants and things Mr. (Hero), you can place anything you want on the satnd in the bath room! NALLEO 1. Hello!! I am here, imposing on your hospitality along with my father. My name is Nalleo! I look forward to working with you!! 2. My mother? Every so often, I hear stories about something my mother did. Does someone know who she is? I wonder if she's alive. If she is alive, I'd like to meet her once. 3. Pirates My dream is to become a great pirate, just like my father! Would you like to join us, as well Mr. (Hero)? HARUTO 1. Charts I know the seas in this area well from the charts. I've got it all in my head, so just leave it up to me. 2. Taking the helm Umm... Actually, I've been told to take the helm of this ship. But it hurts my arm, so... I'm sorry 3. Ms. Tanya It seems Ms. Tanya wants more space to put away her books. She's always eyeing my area. It's kind of scary. OSKAR 1. Deborah darling Deborah is my close friend, but I also owe my life to her. If it weren't for her. I'd probably be just a... No, no, enough about this. Anyway, I look forward to working with you. 2. Tea There are trading posts at various towns, but there's no tea on the market? How disappointing... 3. Hello I had a bit of free time, so I'll try sending out a letter. How are you? Are you well? please come visit once in a while. CHADLI 1. Greetings Hi, this is Chadli. What do you think of the selection at my shop? It's certainly no worse than other shops, right? 2. Helmet Everyone just keeps talking about the helmet I'm wearing... Is it that weird? It's my favorite though. This color's pretty neat, you know? 3. In the future I'll save up money and buy a new helmet! That's my dream right now. What's your dream, Mr. (Hero)? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------