<> Suikoden IV <> <> Character Rune Affinity FAQ <> <> By OmegaDL50 / David Layfield {RanmaDL50 AT yahoo DOT com} <> <> Version 1.3 <> <> Based on the North American Release of Suikoden IV <> =============================================================================== Disclaimer : This document is copyrighted 2005 (C) by David Layfield aka OmegaDL50 and is not to be used without expressed permission by the author. This guide must be distributed freely and may not be used for profit or reproducted either electronical or printed in any way. If copied in part or whole, proper credit must be given to the original creator of this FAQ. Remember, Plagiarism is a crime. If I find out my FAQ was stolen you will be sued. Suikoden(C) is copyright 1996-2005 by Konami Computer Entertainment. =============================================================================== Version History v1.0 - January 15th 2005 - Initial Release V1.1 - Fixed formating of the FAQ, corrected numerous errors, made the guide nicer looking. Added Elemental Rune list. The Guide is technically done, unless I decide to add onto it and expand it further like how to recruit the 108 Stars, other then that this is pretty much complete. v1.2 - Added Elemental Rune Combination Spells and a listing of contents containg a easy to find search index for easier navigation for the FAQ. V1.3 - Reformated the Character Rune Affinity List and also corrected even more errors I found. _______________________________________________________________________________ <> CONTENTS <> 1) Introduction - NTRO 2) Character Rune Affinity List - CRAF 3) List of Elemental Runes - LOER 4) Elemental Rune Combination Spells - ERCS 5) Credits - CRTS Note : How to use the quick search index. If you wanted to look for the "Character Rune Affinity List" simply press Ctrl+F and type "CRAF" without the quotes and it should directly send you to the top of the portion of the FAQ you searched for. _______________________________________________________________________________ NTRO <> INTRODUCTION <> The purpose of this FAQ is to provide information on the various Runes and the affinity of each character to the respective rune. Each character has thier own inherent skill with each of the 5 elemental rune properties found in Suikoden IV which is not reflected on the characters in-game MAG statistic. Also this inherent compatibility is not visible on any character statistic screen, it is a hidden statistic. The inherent combatibility is based on 4 levels. 1 to 4 stars from here on referenced by a "*" symbol to represent each level of affinity. * - bad ** - average *** - good **** - excellent For example: this is based on both characters have an identical MAG stat and equipped with the same elemental rune Snowe who has a Lightning Rune Elemental Affinity of * and Jeane who has a Lightning Rune Elemental Affinity of **** In the circumstances of both Jeane and Snowe both equiped with a Lightning Rune having both an identical MAG in the same battle both casting the same spells. Jeane will always do more damage because her Affinity with Lightning is higher then Snowe with a rating of **** and thus Jeane is better suited for using Lightning Magic then Snowe simply because the affinity is naturally higher. The point of this is if you are going to equip a elemental magic rune on a character, thier MAG stat has some consideration on the power of the spell but it would not be worthwhile to equip a Earth rune on a character with * affinity with Earth, when he/she has **** affinity for Fire. Then again multiple Rune slots are for diversity ofcourse. Also not only does a higher affinity increase the attack/healing power of the spell, with a higher affinity spells are more likely to be casted quicker without any delay before any enemy attackers get the chance to strike first. I tested this extensively by a cheat device and providing my characters with a infinite supply of "Stone of Magic" items, to alter thier statistics accordingly to make it so they all have identical MAG stats. Then used various Runes in same situations to provide concise evidence that a Affinity is present and has a factor on effects of the spells. Most of the time characters with level * Affinity compared to a level **** Affinity would do cast thier spells slower and doing considerably less damage then the character with a **** rank. _______________________________________________________________________________ CRAF <> Character Rune Affinity List <> Here is a complete alphabetical list of the battle characters of the 108 stars and thier respective elemental affinities for elemental rune magic. _______________________________________________________________________________ |-------------------------------------------------------| | Hero (The main character) | Akaghi | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - *** | | WATER - *** | WATER - ** | | WIND - ** | WIND - ** | | EARTH - ** | EARTH - ** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Aldo | Ameria | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - *** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - * | LIGHTNING - ** | | WATER - *** | WATER - ** | | WIND - *** | WIND - **** | | EARTH - *** | EARTH - ** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Axel | Bartholomew | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - ** | | WATER - ** | WATER - ** | | WIND - **** | WIND - ** | | EARTH - ** | EARTH - ** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Champo | Charlemagne | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - *** | LIGHTNING - ** | | WATER - * | WATER - ** | | WIND - ** | WIND - ** | | EARTH - ** | EARTH - *** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Chiepoo | Dario | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - ** | | WATER - * | WATER - ** | | WIND - ** | WIND - ** | | EARTH - *** | EARTH - **** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Eugene | Flare | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - *** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - *** | | WATER - ** | WATER - * | | WIND - ** | WIND - *** | | EARTH - ** | EARTH - ** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Fredrica | Gau | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - * | | LIGHTNING - *** | LIGHTNING - * | | WATER - ** | WATER - * | | WIND - *** | WIND - * | | EARTH - ** | EARTH - *** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Gretchen | Helga | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - *** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - ** | | WATER - *** | WATER - ** | | WIND - ** | WIND - ** | | EARTH - ** | EARTH - ** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Helmut | Hervey | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - **** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - *** | | WATER - * | WATER - ** | | WIND - **** | WIND - * | | EARTH - *** | EARTH - ** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Izak | Jeane | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - **** | | WATER - ** | WATER - *** | | WIND - ** | WIND - *** | | EARTH - **** | EARTH - ** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Jeremy | Jewel | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - *** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - *** | LIGHTNING - ** | | WATER - ** | WATER - *** | | WIND - ** | WIND - ** | | EARTH - ** | EARTH - ** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Karl | Katarina | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - **** | | LIGHTNING - *** | LIGHTNING - ** | | WATER - * | WATER - *** | | WIND - * | WIND - *** | | EARTH - * | EARTH - ** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Kate | Keneth | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - *** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - *** | | WATER - ** | WATER - ** | | WIND - ** | WIND - ** | | EARTH - ** | EARTH - ** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Kika | Konrad | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - **** | | LIGHTNING - **** | LIGHTNING - *** | | WATER - ** | WATER - *** | | WIND - ** | WIND - *** | | EARTH - * | EARTH - *** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Lino En Kuldes | Lo Fong | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - *** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - ** | | WATER - ** | WATER - **** | | WIND - ** | WIND - ** | | EARTH - *** | EARTH - **** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Lo Hak | Lo Seng | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - **** | FIRE - *** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - *** | | WATER - ** | WATER - **** | | WIND - ** | WIND - ** | | EARTH - *** | EARTH - *** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Maxine | Millay | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - *** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - *** | LIGHTNING - ** | | WATER - *** | WATER - *** | | WIND - **** | WIND - *** | | EARTH - *** | EARTH - ** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Mitsuba | Mizuki | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - *** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - ** | | WATER - * | WATER - *** | | WIND - *** | WIND - ** | | EARTH - ** | EARTH - ** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Nalkul | Ornan | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - *** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - ** | | WATER - * | WATER - ** | | WIND - ** | WIND - ** | | EARTH - ** | EARTH - *** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Pablo | Paula | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - *** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - ** | | WATER - ** | WATER - ** | | WIND - ** | WIND - *** | | EARTH - *** | EARTH - ** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Rachel | Reinbach III | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - *** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - ** | | WATER - ** | WATER - ** | | WIND - **** | WIND - *** | | EARTH - ** | EARTH - ** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Reinhold | Rita | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - *** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - *** | | WATER - ** | WATER - ** | | WIND - ** | WIND - ** | | EARTH - ** | EARTH - ** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Selma | Shiramine | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - ** | | WATER - **** | WATER - *** | | WIND - *** | WIND - ** | | EARTH - *** | EARTH - *** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Sigurd | Snowe | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - * | | LIGHTNING - * | LIGHTNING - * | | WATER - **** | WATER - ** | | WIND - *** | WIND - ** | | EARTH - ** | EARTH - * | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Tal | Ted | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - *** | | LIGHTNING - * | LIGHTNING - *** | | WATER - * | WATER - *** | | WIND - * | WIND - *** | | EARTH - *** | EARTH - *** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Travis | Trishtan | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - ** | LIGHTNING - ** | | WATER - * | WATER - *** | | WIND - ** | WIND - ** | | EARTH - ** | EARTH - ** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Ugetsu | Viki | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - ** | FIRE - *** | | LIGHTNING - *** | LIGHTNING - *** | | WATER - **** | WATER - *** | | WIND - ** | WIND - *** | | EARTH - *** | EARTH - *** | | | | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | Warlock | Wendel | |---------------------------+---------------------------| | | | | FIRE - *** | FIRE - ** | | LIGHTNING - *** | LIGHTNING - *** | | WATER - *** | WATER - ** | | WIND - *** | WIND - *** | | EARTH - **** | EARTH - ** | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------| ____________________________________________________________ LOER <> List of Elemental Runes <> |----------------------------------------------------------| | FIRE | EFFECT | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | | | | LV1 - Flaming Arrows | 100 Damage to 1 enemy | | LV2 - Dancing Flames | 150 Damage to all enemies | | LV3 - Blazing Wall | 300 Damage to all enemies | | LV4 - Explosion | 500 Damage to all enemies | | | | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | LIGHTNING | EFFECT | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | | | | LV1 - Berserk Blow | 100 Damage to all enemies | | LV2 - Thunder Runner | 300 Damage to 1 enemy | | LV3 - Soaring Bolt | 600 Damage to 1 enemy | | LV4 - Furious Blow | 900 Damage to 1 enemy | | | | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | WATER | EFFECT | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | | | | LV1 - Kindness Drops | Cure HP and Status of 1 Ally | | LV2 - Breath of Ice | 100 Damage to all enemies | | LV3 - Kindess Rain | Cure HP and Status of Party | | LV4 - Silent Lake | Cancel Magic for 3 turns | | | | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | WIND | EFFECT | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | | | | LV1 - Wind of Sleep | Puts enemies to sleep | | LV2 - Healing Wind | Cure HP and Status of 1 Ally | | LV3 - The Shredding | 300 Damage to all Enemies | | LV4 - Funeral Wind |300 Damage to enemy, 25% K.O. | | | | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | EARTH | EFFECT | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | | | | LV1 - Clay Guardian | Increase Party Phys/Mag Def | | | by 20% for 3 turns | | LV2 - Vengeful Child |Negate Mag Damage for Ally for| | | 1 Attack Spell | | LV3 - Guardian Earth |Cures Party of Negative Status| | LV4 - Earthquake |800 Damage to all Enemies on | | | the ground | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | RAGE | EFFECT | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | | | | LV1 - Dancing Flames | 150 Damage to all enemies | | LV2 - Blazing Wall | 300 Damage to all enemies | | LV3 - Explosion | 500 Damage to all enemies | | LV4 - Final Flame | 700 Damage to all enemies | | | | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | THUNDER | EFFECT | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | | | | LV1 - Thunder Runner | 300 Damage to 1 enemy | | LV2 - Soaring Bolt | 600 Damage to 1 enemy | | LV3 - Furious Blow | 900 Damage to 1 enemy | | LV4 - Heavenly Thunder | 1500 Damage to 1 enemy | | | | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | FLOWING | EFFECT | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | | | | LV1 - Breath of Ice | 100 Damage to all enemies | | LV2 - Kindess Rain | Cure HP and Status of Party | | LV3 - Silent Lake | Cancel Magic for 3 turns | | LV4 - Mother Ocean | Fully Restore HP and Status | | | and Revive Ally from K.O | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | CYCLONE | EFFECT | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | | | | LV1 - Healing Wind | Cure HP and Status of 1 Ally | | LV2 - The Shredding | 300 Damage to all Enemies | | LV3 - Funeral Wind |300 Damage to enemy, 25% K.O. | | LV4 - Shining Wind |500 Damage to Enemies, Cure | | | 300 HP on Party | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | MOTHER EARTH | EFFECT | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | | | | LV1 - Vengeful Child |Negate Mag Damage for Ally for| | | 1 Attack Spell | | LV2 - Guardian Earth |Cures Party of Negative Status| | LV3 - Earthquake |800 Damage to all Enemies on | | | the ground | | LV4 - Canopy Defense | Negate Mag Damage for Party | | | for 1 Attack Spell | |----------------------------------------------------------| ____________________________________________________________ ERCS <> Elemental Rune Combination Spells <> In the event when two or more party members in battle have level 4 Elemental Magic Runes equipped and level 4 spell MP available. Depending on the Runes, Combination Spells can becasted. There are 5 elemental combination spells in all with two effects per spell. Some doing damage to enemies and healing the entire party simultaneously. Here is a list of all 5 Elemental combination spells and thier effects. Note that the required magic is listed in order to create the combination spell to be casted in Battle. |---------------------------+------------------------------| | SCORCHED EARTH | EFFECT | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | | | | FIRE + EARTH | 1500 Damage to all enemies | | | | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | FLAME ARRAY | EFFECT | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | | 2000 Damage to single enemy | | FIRE + LIGHTNING | and 1000 Damage on remaining | | | enemies | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | THUNDER GOD | EFFECT | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | | | | LIGHTNING + WATER | 1500 Damage to single enemy | | | and fully restores party | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | FIERCE WIND FANGS | EFFECT | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | | | | WIND + EARTH | 1500 Damage to all enemies | | | | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | WATER DREAM | EFFECT | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | | | | WATER + WIND | 900 Damage to all enemies | | | and fully restores party | |----------------------------------------------------------| ____________________________________________________________ CRTS <> CREDITS <> CJayC and GameFAQ's - For hosting my FAQ and being the best site for information and FAQs on every game in existence. Konami - For making the Suikoden games and giving me a reason for creating this FAQ. BradyGames - For partial information on character names and some of the character elemental affinities. Blue Moon - For being a prominent figure in contributing a great deal to the Suikoden community and by providing some corrections for my FAQ. Putingrad - For giving me his valuble opinion and insight on my guide. Suikosource (www.suikosource.com) and Suikox (www.suikox.com) For being the best Suikoden websites on the net. RPGElite (www.RPGElite.org) - For being there always and letting me know why I have been a gamer for 17 years and fan of RPGs in general.